
Linux_Fresherjrib: u still around ?00:03
jribLinux_Fresher: you shouldn't be touching sda1 now00:05
Linux_Freshererm ?00:05
jribdid you shrink sda1 already?00:06
Linux_Fresherbut sda1 is the only HD where there is space to install ubuntu .. no havent done anything yet , because i got stuck at the 'Use as:' field .. btw did it confuse you too ?00:06
jribsda1 is a partition on sda00:07
naliothLinux_Fresher: use as ext3 for data or 'swap' for swap00:07
Linux_Fresherthe thing is if i choose /dev/sda and click new partition table, following message appears :   You have selected an entire device to partition. If you proceed with creating a new partition table on the device, then all current partitions will be removed.00:08
Linux_FresherNote that you will be able to undo this operation later if you wish.00:08
Linux_Fresheri dont exactly want to select the entire hd now .. as i said it has windows and games on it00:08
jribnalioth: have you used the manual partition option in the installer to resize an ntfs partition?00:08
Linux_Fresheryup uploading one more screeny now00:09
jribcan't you use the automatic resize option instead of manual Linux_Fresher?00:09
Linux_Freshernaw, i think i will give up for today00:11
Linux_Fresherthanks a loads for your time .. i think i will have to get a linux guy around or so00:11
Linux_Fresherbetter that someone teaches me real time00:11
Linux_Freshercoz one thing is for sure, if i lose data because of mis-interpretation, i wont turn back to linux and i dont want that to happen00:12
naliothjrib: no, i use ntfsresize when doing it manually00:12
jriboh well00:12
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candrewshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/199754 I'm attempting to solve that issue (packaging mod_auth_cas). I have a package made, but when I load the module into apache, I get: Can't locate API module structure `authcas_module' in file /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: undefined symbol: authcas_module19:51
candrewsCan someone give me a hand to finish up this package?19:52
andrea-bscandrews: you should ask on #ubuntu-devel19:52
candrewsthank you!19:54
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