
YokoZarbrainstorm needs a "worst ideas" button00:10
pwnguinif bash is any indicator00:14
pwnguinracist jokes00:14
pwnguinbut i woudln't infer too much from worst ideas; the possible reasons someone might vote an idea down are wide and contradictory00:15
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
* Hobbsee waves00:57
=== ember_ is now known as ember
* Hobbsee dies, looking at excessive email01:26
Hobbseei should actually read this...01:26
pittiGood morning06:23
pittiHobbsee: tzdata> erk; we need to debug this; can you reproduce this? does it happen with install --reinstall the old version, too? (I didn't change any packaging)06:26
dholbachgood morning06:56
* pitti hugs dholbach06:57
* RAOF never gets the hugs :`(06:57
* dholbach hugs RAOF and pitti06:58
* RAOF gives hugs.06:58
pwnguinso when is ff3 supposed to go final?06:58
dholbachafaik the theme was supposed to have changed - it somehow didn't change for me yet06:58
dholbachpwnguin: best to ask asac that06:58
pwnguinthe theme looks like it changed a bit06:58
pwnguinthe icons for left right and the like06:59
pwnguinbut more importantly, google browser sync isn't published yet for ff306:59
dholbachhrm..... seems that alsa is broken for me with 2.6.24-1207:03
pwnguinmaybe it's time to investigate mozilla weave07:04
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
pittidoko_: I guess tzdata's javazic-fixup.patch should actually be applied? I'll add it to debian/patches/series07:27
doko_pitti: it is applied during the build07:28
=== doko_ is now known as doko
pittidoko_: oh, argh, just see it in debian/rules07:29
Ngdholbach: bug 200338 :)07:32
pittidoko: do you plan to introduce the javazic binary to some proper package in Debian?07:32
pittidoko: (I wonder about forwarding this patch to Debian, but the sharutils .uu one is really nasty)07:33
dokopitti: Aurelian already knows. once we have OpenJDK in main, that can go away07:34
pittiah, nice07:34
dholbachthank Ng07:34
Ngdholbach: it's quite impressive, the bug is 10 hours old and has 40 comments and 12 duplicates already ;)07:37
dholbachNg: yeah it is - I guess bdmurray can come up with even more impressive bug reports :)07:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033807:48
slangasekoh, is *that* why sound wasn't working?  I thought it was just because I tried out -12 before lum was available07:52
mdkemorning all07:57
mdkeis about-this-computer going to be implemented by hardy, does anyone know?07:57
mdkeor has it missed feature freeze?07:58
dholbachseb128: did you already see the bug-o-meter on  http://daniel.holba.ch/really-fix-it/ ?08:23
seb128dholbach: ah, nice ;-)08:24
pittihi seb12808:25
seb128hey pitti08:26
seb128pitti: so, I've been looking at login speed a bit again and doing some stracing and graphs about the issue08:26
pittibdmurray: do you plan a new p-lp-bugs upload soon?08:27
seb128pitti: jockey-gtk --check takes 11 seconds there! and it does that at every boot where I don't need it08:27
crevettegood morning08:27
pittibdmurray: once we have that, we should do an SRU for that, to fix the retracers, and scripts people run on gutsy08:27
seb128pitti: is there a way to cache the value? it seems to call a lot apt-cache and modinfo and that's sloooow08:27
pittiseb128: ah, good point08:27
seb128no cookie for mvo neither08:28
dholbachhey thekorn08:28
pittiseb128: I'll think about it08:28
seb128update-notifier call apt-check which takes 7 seconds on my laptop there08:28
pittiit should at least run in parallel with other stuff08:28
pittiseb128: caching should be no problem08:28
seb128pitti: it does, but that and update manager give a 5 seconds impact on a 25 seconds login time there08:28
seb128it adds to the load08:29
pitti25 seconds? lucky you08:29
pittiseb128: right, understood; thanks for pointing out08:29
seb128pitti: could you do a graph of your laptop login?08:29
* dholbach hugs super-seb12808:29
pittiseb128: how do I get a graph of session start?08:29
thekornmorning dholbach et al.08:29
pittihi thekorn, how are you?08:29
thekornpitti, I'm fine thanks08:30
seb128pitti: start a debug xorg session, run "strace -ttt -f -o login.log gnome-session", wait until having the desktop loaded, ctrl-C it, download http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/plot-timeline.py, run plot-timeline.py login.log -o login.png, copy the png somewhere08:31
pittiseb128: debug xorg session -> how?08:33
pittijust X from a VT?08:33
pittiand DISPLAY=:0 gnome-session from another VT?08:33
seb128pitti: it's called xterm session in the gdm login menu or something similar08:34
pittiah, that08:34
seb128just any way you want which doesn't run gnome-session for you work08:34
seb128since you need to run it under strace08:34
* seb128 hugs dholbach too08:36
seb128dholbach: do you have a box where login is slow? want to do a graph on it too? ;-)08:37
pittihm, ctrl-c doesn't work, ctrl+alt+backspace does it :)08:39
seb128pitti: yeah, did the same yesterday, not sure why it doesn't work08:39
pittilogin.log -> 147 MB08:39
seb128strace is verbose ;-)08:40
seb128but that also means we do a lot of access at login08:40
dholbachpitti: my login.log is "just" 77,1MB08:41
pittihm, I don't even have unusual stuff08:42
dholbachseb128: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/login.png08:42
pittito the contrary, I ꫭ08:42
pittialready disabled tracker08:42
* pitti beats scim really hard08:42
pittipython /tmp/plot-timeline.py /tmp/login.log08:43
seb128pitti:  -o login.png08:43
seb128dholbach: thanks08:43
dholbachde rien08:44
pittiseb128: ^ that produces a 1400x34200 pixel graphics whihc is entirely black08:44
pittipython /tmp/plot-timeline.py -o /tmp/desktop-login.png /tmp/login.log08:44
pittiright, I used that08:44
seb128pitti: hum, weird08:44
seb128pitti: it should do something similar to http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/login.png08:44
pittiseb128: hm, I ran it on my desktop; let me re-run it on the laptop itself08:45
seb128dholbach: if you want to do some extra testing you can disable jockey-gtk and update-notifier, reboot and try again to see the difference08:46
seb128hey mvo08:46
mvohey seb12808:47
seb128mvo: so I've been looking at the login speed, update-notifier runs apt-check on login which takes 7 seconds on my laptop, what can you do to make things better there? ;-)08:47
mvoseb128: woah, that is a long time. sure, we can delay the run of apt-check. could gnome-session not run some stuff in parallel? is u-n blocking other stuff from starting?08:48
pittiseb128: same result :/ png in eog is black, and firefox crashes when opening it08:48
seb128pitti: :-(08:48
mvoseb128: with what app do you measure the login speed btw?08:48
dholbachpitti: you have python-cairo installed?08:48
seb128mvo: pitti: start a debug xorg session, run "strace -ttt -f -o login.log gnome-session", wait until having the desktop loaded, ctrl-C it, download http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/plot-timeline.py, run plot-timeline.py login.log -o login.png, copy the png somewhere08:49
pittiseb128: cairo> installed08:49
seb128mvo: that gives graphs similar to http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/login.png08:49
seb128mvo: it's ran it parallele but those add to the load and that doesn't make things better08:49
pittiseb128: shouldn't an strace -ttt -e execve -o login.log give pretty much the same info?08:50
pitti(and -f)08:50
seb128pitti: it should, I didn't try though08:50
* pitti tries08:50
seb128pitti: not sure why the graph things doesn't work for you08:50
dholbacharg.... gnome-session-save.... arg!!!!08:52
dholbachseb128: hum... I disabled jockey and update-notifier but it seems that update-notifier still runs08:52
seb128dholbach: maybe try to move the desktop away from /etc/xdg/autostart, I tried this way yesterday08:53
dholbachat least in the "start programs" thing08:53
seb128but the GUI should work08:53
seb128I'll look at that later08:53
dholbachit's unchecked, but still it ran08:53
funmani notice a strange bug on a live cd session08:54
funmani'd like to get opinions08:54
* dholbach restarts and tries again08:54
funmangetcwd() returns NULL / ENOENT in cvs08:54
pittifunman: cvs, as in the revision control?08:55
funmanbut surrounding the code calling it with the same call to getcwd() (both before and after) shows that getcwd() works08:55
funmani suspected squashfs, but it fails also on ext308:55
pittiseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/login-execve.log08:56
seb128pitti: still no luck with the graph?08:57
pittiseb128: ah, so the script takes the time between execve and SIGCHLD?08:57
pittiseb128: trying with that reduced one08:57
seb128that's slow login08:58
seb12885 seconds!08:58
pittiyeah, as I said08:58
dholbachseb128: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/login2.png (without jockey and update-notifier)08:58
pwnguinmaybe upgrade manager should sleep for five minutes on startup?08:58
pittiseb128: ah, png works08:58
pittiseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/login.png08:59
seb128dholbach: weird, they are still ran apparently there, you have lot of apt-cache and modinfo and dpkg calls08:59
dholbachno idea why *shrug*08:59
seb128pwnguin: 60 seconds would be enough09:00
dholbachI moved away the files and unchecked them in the gnome-session UI09:00
dholbachpitti seems to start a lot of applets and terminals and stuff too09:00
dholbachfirefoxes too09:00
pittiI have two terminals09:00
pittino firefox09:00
pittiand a terminal with mutt inside09:01
dholbachit says that on the .png file09:01
pittiapplets> just deskbar, the rest is standard09:01
pittidholbach: hm, weird; I might have a starter for it, but ffox doesn't start09:01
pittiright, I use multiload, too09:01
seb128pitti: you have a gap of almost 15 seconds after the cpuload applet load09:02
seb128cpufreq I mean09:02
seb128but it's not clear the gap is due to it, since things are ran in a async way you can't say which one is still running there09:02
dholbachcpufreq seems to call modinfo later on too09:02
dholbach(or might be)09:02
seb128another way to get a boot graph is too install bootchart09:02
seb128dholbach: no, that's jockey, things are async09:03
seb128apt-cache and modinfo are jockey09:03
seb128apt-check and dpkg-query are update-notifier09:03
loolpitti: Heya; dunno who accepted elisa and pigment from binary new, but now there's likely a problem: we need pigment-python, and elisa-plugins-{bad,ugly,good} (all new sources)09:03
seb128I see pitti's disk is slow on those take a while09:03
loolpitti: Or should I be talking to whoever is on archive admin duty today (I guess slangasek)?09:03
seb128pitti: another way to get informations is apt-get install bootchart, mv /etc/init.d/stop-bootchart somewhere and run sudo ./stop-bootchart start one logged09:04
pittilool: those were split out?09:04
seb128pitti: this way you get a bootchart until desktop loading09:04
pittiseb128: ah, nice09:04
funmani would say the bug is in glibc, but i can not read that code09:04
loolpitti: pigment-python yes, elisa-plugins-* not really09:04
pittiseb128: I'll enable autologin for that then?09:05
seb128pitti: that gives better informations on what takes how long and do lot if io09:05
loolpitti: elisa gained a plugin architecture and the main UI is in one of the packages (-bad)09:05
seb128pitti: yes09:05
lool(don't laugh)09:05
Tonio_hi there09:05
Tonio_seb128: did you have to change something to network-manager-gnome recently ?09:05
seb128Tonio_: asac updated to a new version if that's the question, he maintains it, as an user no I didn't, why?09:06
loolit's inspired by the gstreamer package names, except you're forced to install -bad -- unless you want to run the elisa server though09:06
Tonio_seb128: knetworkmanager broke with latest updates. It fails to initiate wireless connection. nm-applet works09:06
seb128Tonio_: nm-applet has been updated to a new version too09:06
seb128I guess upstream did whatever is required to have those in sync and working09:06
loolpitti: If you work on accepting the new sources, then if you like we can discuss main promotion as well (if you need to discuss anything)09:07
Tonio_seb128: okay then I suspect I should investigate this with knetworkmanager upstream09:07
Tonio_seb128: libnl is probably the cause somehow09:07
pittilool: I'll accept them to universe first anyway09:07
loolpitti: elisa at least starts for me in the new version now on Intel; didn't try with compiz running though09:07
pittiE: elisa-plugins-bad: not found09:07
pittioh, experimental?09:07
loolpitti: It's uploaded already09:07
loolpitti: It should be in NEW09:07
pittilool: ah, I thought I should sync it09:08
loolI uploaded them manually because the plugins-* are still in Debian NEW09:08
loolBasically the Debian ftpmasters took the same shortcut as Ubuntu's09:08
pwnguinmaybe if you optimized your PATH ;)09:08
pittilool: and python-pigment?09:08
loolpitti: Also09:08
asacTonio_: for me knetworkmanager works09:09
loolIn fact it used to replace python-pigment, but now it doesn't anymore so it's a new source with new binaries09:09
lool(python-pgm is the new name09:09
asacTonio_: though i cannot rule out that it needs an update because of new networkmanager 0.6.609:09
loolpitti: New: pigment-python 0.3.3-1~hardy1 elisa-plugins-good 0.3.4-1~hardy1 elisa-plugins-ugly 0.3.4-1~hardy1 elisa-plugins-bad 0.3.4-1~hardy109:10
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
loolIt's a long chain of build-deps on build-deps now    :-/09:10
lool(elisa-plugins-* need python-elisa from elisa which needs python-pgm from pigment-python which needs libpigment from pigment)09:11
loolAnd naturally the lib changes SONAME frequently   :-/09:11
Tonio_asac: it works ? no issue connecting to any wireless network ?09:12
Tonio_asac: I can't initiate any connection, but it works when used together with nm-applet09:12
Tonio_asac: I'll ask other people, maybe that's just a local issue09:12
asacTonio_: strange ... haven't tested today, but tested before and after the upload09:13
Tonio_asac: hum, do you have nm-applet running when you use it ?09:14
Tonio_asac: if yes, you won't see the issue since they'll start the connection together, and nm-applet finally succeeds09:14
asacTonio_: not when i tested this09:14
asacTonio_: yep i know. i will test  in a few09:14
Tonio_asac: hum........ okay I'll keep investigating then09:14
asac(to be sure)09:15
asaci think i didn't test with 0.6.6 ... just with 0.6.6~rc209:15
asacbut there where no significant changes09:15
Tonio_asac: looked to me more a problem with libnl than with network-manager itself09:15
asacTonio_: point is that nm-applet 0.6.5 still works as well09:15
asacthats why i doubt that knetworkmanager is broken09:15
Tonio_hum yep, well the codebase is completly different09:15
\shhmmm...how stole my sound?09:16
Tonio_maybe the code is simply broken with libnl1 or something....09:16
Tonio_\sh: general issue, looks like09:16
asacTonio_: yes, libnl is a good idea to look at09:16
asacTonio_: though i am not even sure why knetworkmanager needs libnl09:16
asacimo it should just talk to network-manager09:16
\shTonio_: cool :) I was wondering if my company workstation just lost its sound ability09:17
Tonio_asac: as I said, just ideas thrown to the air ;) I need to investigate more09:17
Tonio_also fonts changed recently no ?09:17
Tonio_"sans" of size 8 just looks strange....09:17
asacArneGoetje: hey, did the thai font update ever happen? (just looking at not finished mail threads and found the one from thep i forwarded)09:19
loolpitti: Oh and you might have to wipe your .elisa to get the default set of plugins of the new version enable automatically -- if you already ran an older elisa version before that is09:19
funmanok .. cvs uses some rpl_getcwd() instead of getcwd()09:22
funmansome autotools magic *sigh*09:24
dholbach\sh: <Ng> dholbach: bug 200338 :)09:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033809:35
pittiArneGoetje: WDYT about assinging the scim switch key to a combination that's less likely to be hit accidentally?09:38
pittiArneGoetje: maybe just ctrl+space or left+right ctrl, instead of shift+space?09:39
dholbachI use ctrl-space in liferea :-/09:39
Mithrandirpitti: I think we should use ctrl-alt-shift-f709:40
pittiwell, I guess it should still be *easy* to do, but deliberately09:41
pwnguinmy keyboard doesn't have a right control ^_^09:41
pittilet's map it to 's' then09:42
pittino uer need uch a letter09:42
pwnguinno, c09:42
pwnguineverything kan be spelled without it09:42
pittipwnguin: but only for KDE users!09:42
Mithrandirpwnguin: at least in sensible languages, like Norwegian.09:43
pwnguinhow bout tilda09:43
pwnguinnobody really uses it09:43
pittipwnguin: tilde == home directory09:43
pwnguinpitti: where/09:44
Mithrandirand aptitude search patterns.09:44
Chipzzpwnguin: that was one hell of a clueless remark :P09:44
Chipzznot to mention that tilde is often used in urls09:45
Chipzzfor user-homedirs09:45
pwnguinget rid of the ugly reset X key combo and use that ;)09:46
pwnguinit'll be hilarious trying to convince people that's really the combination09:46
Chipzzoh wait09:47
* Chipzz slaps self for missing sarcasm :P09:47
Chipzzwhat about caps-lock with some key? ctrl-capslock maybe?09:48
Chipzzthen finally that bloody key will have an actual use :P09:48
pwnguincontrl alt \?09:49
* Chipzz is actually surprised that keyboard manufacturers still put caps lock on keyboards these days09:49
pwnguinit's only gonna get worse as compiz gets more popular09:49
pittiChipzz: it's a great Esc key for me :)09:49
pwnguinChipzz: the thing is, everyone wants everyone ELSE'S capslock gone09:49
Chipzzpitti: yea, but you're hardly a normal user ;)09:50
Chipzzpwnguin: even when I do type something all caps, I still use shift09:50
pwnguinplus, i think unreal tournament maps capslock to scoreboard09:50
Chipzzyeah but I mentioned ctrl-caps lock09:51
mvopitti: is scim still enabled for you? the latest upload should have disabled it again for non CJK languages09:51
MithrandirI don't have a caps lock09:51
pittimvo: yes, it has never been disabled again for me09:51
ChipzzMithrandir: hh kayb? :)09:51
loolMithrandir: Put a brick on the shift key; the OS should cope09:51
pittimvo: although I tried to disable it in the configuration dialo09:51
MithrandirChipzz: no, compose key.09:51
pittimvo: but I didn't fiddle with it on my laptop, and it's still enabled there, too09:51
ChipzzMithrandir: ah, sun (UNIX) keyboard?09:52
pittimvo: maybe I need to reset some gconf keys or so?09:52
mvopitti: I guess you did logged out/in again since the package was updated?09:52
MithrandirChipzz: no, thinkpad.09:52
pittimvo: yes, often09:53
mvohrm, not good09:53
mvopitti: as a workaround (for now) you can run gnome-language-selector and disable it there in the checkbox09:54
mvopitti: that is a good test for the code anyway :)09:54
Chipzzanyway, I think caps lock (with or without modifier) makes sense; it's used to "alter" the meaning of keys you press now anyway09:54
pittimvo: btw, it should move from Administration to Preferences09:55
pittimvo: wow, a reboot?09:55
mvopitti: not really, a relogin is enough09:55
pittimvo: not just logout/login09:55
pittimartin   28630  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    09:24   0:00 [scim] <defunct>09:55
pittimvo: btw, I have had this broken process forever09:55
pittiwhat's the deal with it?09:55
pitti(since day 1 when we enabled it)09:56
mvopitti: but strangely for new gdm defaults we need to reboot, it used to work to send it a reload, but that seems to be no longer the case09:56
* pitti reboots, brb09:56
mvopitti: no idea about this one, that must be something in the im-swich package09:56
mvopitti: move to preferences because it does not require gksu anymore to start? what is our policy here, langpack install still requires gksu, so do we consider it something for preferences or more something for admin?09:57
seb128mvo: gksu = admin09:57
mvoseb128: its a bit unfortunate that it currently mixes system-wide stuff (langpacks) with user stuff (im-switch config)09:58
pittimvo: right, but as long as normal users are supposed to use it, it shouldn't have X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true at least10:00
pittisince otherwise non-admins won't see it at all10:00
pittiyay sanity!10:00
pittimvo: disabling scim worked10:00
mvopitti: nice, when ArneGoetje is back, we should look at the root cause of the problem10:01
mvodoko: your python-central fix works, dapper->hardy lts upgrades with ubuntu-desktop work again :)10:04
dholbachpitti: can you please reject the five-a-day upload to Ubuntu I just did?10:07
pittidholbach: is it NEW?10:08
dholbachyes, it should be10:08
pittiargh, my ssh hates me again10:09
* dholbach gives pitti a big hug10:09
pittidholbach: will do as soon as ssh works again or seb128 beats me to it10:09
dholbachthanks a lot, pitti and seb12810:09
seb128dholbach, pitti: done10:11
mvopitti: I would like to upload cupsys with a fix for #156634 (test if /var/run/cups is not available and if not, create it before the chown call. ok with you?10:11
seb128de rien10:11
seb128dholbach: five-a-day 0.17, that was it, right?10:11
pittimvo: sure; please send the debdiff for me for committing into svn10:11
dholbachseb128: exactly10:11
dholbachseb128: I should have directly uploaded to 5-a-day-ppa instead :/10:11
pittimvo: although, nevermind; MoM will mail it to me automatically10:11
seb128ok, upload rejected10:11
dholbachthanks :)10:11
seb128dholbach: ok ;-)10:12
seb128you are welcome10:12
mvopitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5517/10:27
pittimvo: hold on10:28
pittimvo: you forgot a || true10:28
* mvo holds10:28
pittior a proper if..then10:28
mvomeh, right10:29
pitti<nitpick>does not exists -> does not exist</nitpick>10:29
pittimvo: I wonder whether it should just not be chown'ed in that case, though10:30
pittibut it won't harm10:30
mvo_pitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5518 would be the alternative for unnedded chmoding, whatever style you like better10:34
pittimvo_: I think I like the latter one10:35
* pitti hugs mvo, thanks10:35
mvo_pitti: great, thanks for looking over it10:35
* mvo_ hugs pitti back10:35
mvo_pitti: this is something that people asked for a SRU for feisty->gutsy too, how do you feel about it?10:36
pittimvo_: if that's still relevant, ok for me10:37
dokomvo: good to know10:38
\shguys, is lzma now a valid option for creating deb files?10:54
pitti\sh: yes10:55
\shpitti: but it's not default, right?10:55
pitti\sh: right, you need to use dh_builddeb -- -Zlzma10:56
\shpitti: cool :)10:56
ogra_cmpcgrmbl ... gvfs renders my classmate unusable while developing ....10:58
pitti\sh: oh, and Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.14.12ubuntu3)10:59
ogra_cmpcno, dear nautilus, you dont need to open a godammden 15M eating window for *every* mount while i'm working10:59
\shpitti: so in all binary packages we need to add Pre-Depends: ?11:00
ogra_cmpci wonder if the gvfs guys ever worked on systems where you only have 64M freely uable ram11:00
pitti\sh: in all that use lzma, yes11:00
pitti\sh: soyuz will reject built binaries which don't have it11:00
\shpitti: ok..so it's not a good solution when we want to backport pkgs...11:00
pitti\sh: yes, unless you add some runtime tests to debian/rules and use some substvars magic11:00
\shpitti: well, I wonder how much reduction we have when using lzma...are there any stats on it?11:01
pitti\sh: ia32-libs shrunk by more than 50% (41 MB -> 20 MB)11:01
pitti\sh: the entire alternate CD shrinks in the order of 200 MB11:02
\shpitti: wow...11:02
pittibut it entirely depends on the particular package, of course11:02
\shpitti: that sounds promising11:02
pitti\sh: wow indeed :)11:02
YokoZarpitti: Will we then default to lzma for Hardy+1 now that we know we have it?11:04
YokoZarI mean, no more need for pre-depends for Hardy+111:04
pittiYokoZar: hopefully11:04
pittiwe'll still need the Pre-Depends11:05
pittiat least until dapper goes out of support11:05
pitti(for backports, etc.)11:05
pittibut we should find a way to add it automatically11:05
pitti(pkgbinarymangler FTW *cough*)11:05
YokoZarpitti: Ahh, ok.  But we won't expect people to upgrade Dapper->Hardy+111:05
pittibut we might do source backports from intrepid to pre-hardy11:05
YokoZarWould we also move lzma out of universe?11:06
pittiwe did, it's in main of course11:06
YokoZarErr, I meant for Gutsy.  Or does that not make sense since backports can depend on universe packages anyway11:07
pittiYokoZar: we won't build lzma packages for pre-hardy11:10
Riddellhmm, no calc, anyone know what's happening with openoffice.org-l10n-en-us ?11:15
TheMusopitti: Has lzma for live CDs been considered for future releases? Or is there too much of a performance hit?11:36
ogra_cmpcTheMuso, that would mean we'd have to patche the kernel in a way upsytream doesnt like11:37
ryanhaig1im trying to rebuild nautilus without tracker integration on gutsy, i have downloaded the source but I dont know what to change to disable tracker, is it a command line option when using debuild or do i need to change a file?11:38
TheMusoogra_cmpc: oh ok.11:38
ogra_cmpcand lzma has a immensely higher ressource hunger so having a whole squashfs in lzma will be a resource hog11:38
pittiTheMuso: AFAIK there are working plans for lzma squashfs11:39
ogra_cmpcyou trade performance against comression rate11:39
pittiTheMuso: no idea about its status, though11:39
ryanhaig1is this not the right channgel to ask the question?11:39
MacSlowGreetings everybody!11:41
pittihi MacSlow11:43
MacSlowhey pitti11:43
ogra_cmpcpitti, do i miss any kind pof approval for the classmate-tools package ? seems it built fine but the publisher apparently doesnt copy the binary to a.u.c11:46
pittiogra_cmpc: it's in binary NEW (see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/classmate-tools/0.2-0ubuntu1)11:47
Hobbseepitti: i'd changed /etc/timezone myself, to a valid config, iirc, and it barfed.  should be reasonably easy to reproduce11:47
* Hobbsee found a better way to do it, but still11:47
pittiHobbsee: with dpkg-reconfigure tzdata or tzconfig, or manually?11:48
pittiHobbsee: i. e. maybe /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime were out of sync for you?11:49
Hobbseepitti: i think i'd tried tzconfig, but it appaered to do nothing.  they would have been out of sync, yes.11:49
Hobbseedholbach: any chance you can add thta you have to join the 5-a-day LP team to the instructions if you haven't already done so?11:50
dholbachHobbsee: it was there all the time11:51
Hobbseedholbach: oh, so multiple people have missed it?  at least 3?11:51
Hobbsee(another one was asking about it in #lp today)11:51
dholbachdoko and you are all I know about, 110+ made in their successfully :)11:51
dholbachI can make it BOLD if you like11:52
Hobbseeright.  apparently i'm just dumb then.11:52
dholbachthat's not what I said - one point on the list can be missed easily11:52
dholbachI'll make it bold - safe is safe :)11:52
* Hobbsee looks at the page again11:52
dokoslomo_: will you sync gstreamer + plugins again for hardy?11:53
Hobbseedholbach: right, i'm dumb.11:53
dholbachno worries :)11:53
* dholbach goes out for lunch - see you guys later11:53
Hobbseedholbach: i suspect that everyone' slooking at the steps that actually have a code box underneath them11:53
dholbachHobbsee: yeah, that makes sense :)11:54
Hobbseemore <br>'s may help there11:54
Hobbseeoh wow.  i somehow feature on that list11:55
seb128TheMuso: hi, will you do the a11y GNOME updates?12:13
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pittiseb128: what does "time gtk/jockey-gtk  --list" print for you? (real time)12:28
seb128$ time /usr/bin/jockey-gtk --list12:29
pittiseb128: could you replace /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/jockey/detection.py with http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/detection.py and check again?12:29
seb128pitti: do you know how to disable the caching?12:30
pittiit should print the same drivers, but *much* faster12:30
seb128I know you can do it by echoing something somewhere12:30
pittiseb128: which caching?12:30
seb128the disk cache12:30
pittiseb128: the jockey slowness is 95% due to inefficient data structures, and only 5% due to modinfo/apt-cache calls12:30
dokoseb128: will you upload gnome-menus before beta?12:30
pittiseb128: although I already optimized apt-cache show calls12:30
seb128$ time /usr/bin/jockey-gtk --list12:30
seb128doko: yes, GNOME 2.22.0 tarballs flying today12:31
pittiseb128: maybe try to remove the .pyc?12:31
dokook, thanks12:31
seb128pitti: no, that's still the old version, with hot cache12:31
seb128trying the new one now12:31
seb128$ time /usr/bin/jockey-gtk --list12:32
seb128much better ;-)12:32
dokoseb128: deskbar-applet alacarte  as well?12:32
pittihm, here it dropped from 5.5 to 0.9, but still12:32
seb128doko: deskbar-applet yes, alacarte likely but I can do an upload if they don't roll a new tarball12:32
pittiseb128: might be even faster with the .pyc then12:32
seb128doko: do they just need a rebuild?12:33
pittiseb128: ok, thanks; I think I can speed it up even further, but that's already something12:33
dokoseb128: yes, just trying to avoid unnecessary rebuilds12:33
seb128$ time /usr/bin/jockey-gtk --list12:33
seb128pitti: with the pyc12:33
* seb128 hugs pitti12:33
seb128doko: ok, will upload those12:34
seb128pitti: so 5.7s to 1.0, that's good ;-)12:34
pittiseb128: most of the time is spent on modalias pattern matching12:34
pittiseb128: i. e. testing whether a modalias matches any of the globs in /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/modules.alias12:35
seb128pitti: can you cache that?12:35
pittiseb128: I could pickle the entire (huge) data structure12:36
seb128pitti: in fact is there any need to run jockey at all on a configuration which didn't change?12:36
pittiseb128: depends; there might be a new driver available12:36
pittiseb128: later, if we have remote driver DB check, I need to come up with something new12:37
pittiseb128: but for now I could trash the cache if there's a new kernel or new hw12:37
seb128pitti: right12:40
seb128pitti: if the code is hard to optimize we can also try to delay the startup by 60 seconds or something12:40
pittiseb128: that would indeed be better12:40
pittiseb128: eventually, with network lookups, it'd might run a minute12:41
pittiseb128: does gnome-session start jobs in parallel?12:41
pittiok, so it is just slow because it actually takes much CPU/IO12:41
seb128the issue is mostly the number of ios12:41
pittinot because the later session scripts are blocking on the previous one12:42
seb128if you log again with a hot cache it's blasing fast12:42
seb128like 5 seconds instead of 30 seconds on my laptop12:42
lamontseb128: it'd be wonderful if gnome-session allowed me to say "and wait for this to exit before launching anything else"12:42
pittiseb128: hm, can I specify a delay in the .desktop file, or do I need a --sleep n option in jockey?12:43
seb128lamont: would be nice but it's not designed for that right now12:43
seb128pitti: you need a --sleep for now12:43
pittiseb128: ok; that's easy to add12:43
seb128pitti: but we might want to consider for next cycle a way to delay startups and speak with upstream about it12:43
lamontI've been resolving that since warty with a shell script and dpkg-divert12:43
pittiseb128: Exec= is shell, or an actual command?12:44
pittiseb128: i. e. would Exec=sleep 60; jockey-gtk --check work?12:44
seb128pitti: I think it's a command, not sure though12:49
seb128I've to go for lunch now but I'll have a look after that12:49
pittilunch -> me 212:50
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Amaranthmaking gnome-session start compiz first and finish starting it before continuing with everything would probably speed it up quite a lot13:26
seb128Amaranth: why?13:27
Amaranthseb128: because it wouldn't have to deal with copying so many pixmaps into textures right at start time13:27
Amaranthalthough that's something that should be faster (almost free) as drivers get better13:28
PecisDarbsdoes daily livecd still goes in gdm login loop?13:29
AmaranthPecisDarbs: you're an ati mobility user?13:29
PecisDarbswell, yes, but this loop also appeared on non-ATI systems too13:30
PecisDarbsXorg starts succesfully, but when gdm counts secs and tries to login, it fails after some time and starts again13:31
Amaranthok then, not something i need to deal with :)13:31
Amaranthon the ati that'd be your driver crashing Xorg as it tries to start compiz13:31
PecisDarbsbtw, live cd finally launches Xorg for Radeon Mobility successfully, thanks. Before that it screwed up frequencies up.13:32
ryanakcadholbach: can you break your lock on the 5-a-day branch? http://pastebin.ca/93647013:32
dholbachryanakca: done - thanks for letting me know13:33
ryanakcadholbach: cheers :)13:33
dholbachryanakca: I think you could have broken it yourself by just running      bzr break-lock      in the branch13:33
dholbachbut I'm not 100% sure13:33
dholbachthanks in any case :)13:33
pittimvo: hm, according to you https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim/+bug/199030/comments/18 should be wrong?13:40
mvopitti: it used to be a global setting, but after some discussion it was decided it should be per-user13:41
tseliotmvo: have you reviewed EnvyNG?13:44
zulslangasek: pin13:51
zuler ping even13:51
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* jdong kicks scim13:59
jdongI don't know what I'm pressing by accident, but my keyboard randomly switches to arabic13:59
jdongas amusing as that is, it does get a bit irritating13:59
seb128jdong: ctrl-space?14:00
jdstrandhi pitti! how are you?14:01
jdongseb128: ah, that's it14:01
* jdong unbinds the key14:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199030 in scim "Can't close SCIM" [High,Confirmed]14:02
mvotseliot: not yet, sorry14:02
ion_Also shift-space14:03
tseliotmvo: no problem, BenC has to review it too14:03
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pittiseb128: jockey autostart delay of a minute committed14:19
* seb128 hugs pitti, thanks ;-)14:19
* persia comments that ALT+` is a common alternate combination to open the IME for keyboards lacking a sensible 半角/全角 key for Japanese locales, if there is still interest in finding an alternative keystroke combination (shift-space is especially annoying when one has several IME-specific keys)14:29
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ArneGoetjepersia: shift+space was the default key combination in kinput2 for japanese IME14:51
persiaArneGoetje: Yes, I know.  I turned that off too :)14:52
ArneGoetjepersia: I don't linke it either.14:52
ion_Alt+` would be a much nicer default.14:52
persiaStill, when one has a 半角/全角 one ought to be able to use it, and Alt+` seems to be the current standard choice for switching when one doesn't have special keys, for IMEs in common use by the average computer user.14:53
ArneGoetjepersia: and the debian package of scim also doesn't use it... so, I don't know who made the patch and why, but I suggest that it'll be changed. BUt we need to have some comments from japanese users here I huess...14:53
persiaArneGoetje: I suppose it could be raised at the LoCo meeting tomorrow, if there is time...14:54
ArneGoetjepersia: that wold be an idea, yes14:54
pittiglatzor: hi!14:55
pittiglatzor: WDYT about changing p-distutils-extra to not merge po files all the time?14:56
persiaArneGoetje: On another note, I'm still catching up on email backlog, but was it ever determined who could negotiate with IPA to help set an appropriate license?14:56
pittiglatzor: it creates a lot of clutter in VCS, and at least I usually want to run it manually anyway14:56
ArneGoetjepersia: not that I know of. I just made my comment but I don't feel to be in a position to negotiate with them14:59
persiaArneGoetje: Is that something you can escalate, or should I be chasing someone else?15:00
ArneGoetjepersia: I thought Jun Kobayashi has contact with IPA...15:01
ArneGoetjepersia: this is not only a Ubuntu specific issue...15:01
glatzorpitti: servus, you are my prime user :) Feel free to change it. I am mostly using bzr-buildpackage, so I don't get any clutter15:02
pittiglatzor: ah, that avoids it? nice15:02
glatzorpitti: it builds in a different folder15:02
pittiglatzor: ok, thanks; I'll think I'll fix it anyway and introduce a 'setup.py merge-po' command?15:03
persiaHe does, but at the 2008 Spring Tokyo Open Source Convention, he reported that his discussions were left that they would like to discuss with someone representing Ubuntu internationalisation.  Do you feel that it should be delegated to Kobayashi-san, acting on behalf of Ubuntu?15:03
glatzorpitti: got idea15:03
glatzorgood idea15:03
ArneGoetjepersia: I'm not sure... if they want to talk to someone from Canonical, that would indicate that they really want to keep their self crafted license and just adjust it so that we can redistribute it as a partner package or so... but I'm of the opinion, that they should scrap their self-made license and adopt a available open source license... as I have never done such license negotiations before, I'd like to have some comments/advice from so15:07
persiaArneGoetje: Well, I think it is somewhat complicated by the differences in the meaning of copyright in Japan and other places.  Japan is civil law, but not as flexible as many European jurisdictions.  Many standard open-source licenses are technically illegal.15:09
ArneGoetjepersia: see, I have no idea about that... so, I'm definietely not the right person to do the negotiations then... ;)15:10
persia(not in that they violate the law, but in that they indicate actions not explicitly permitted by the law)15:10
persiaArneGoetje: OK.  Maybe there is a licensing contact with whom Kobayashi-san can coordinate?15:10
ArneGoetjepersia: hmm... I don't know who does this kind of things... Business department?15:12
mvopitti: could you name it "setup.py update-po" ? that would be more consistent with the makefiles usually found in po/ ?15:12
persiaArneGoetje: I've no idea at all.  Last person I asked suggested I contact you :)15:12
ArneGoetjepersia: not for licensing though. ;)15:13
* persia suspects it was a reflex CJK-fonts -> ArneGoetje response15:14
ArneGoetjepersia: probably15:14
dholbachI doubt the business department can help with that - the archive admins deal with source code licenses the most15:15
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ArneGoetjedholbach: anyone you can suggest?15:16
persiaAny archive admins feel like coordinating with ubuntu-ja to help convince a Japanese government agency to release fonts in a DFSG manner?15:16
dholbachArneGoetje: anybody on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members might know15:17
pittimvo: sure, I don't particularly mind15:18
geserpitti: Hi, please give-back: packagekit-gnome. Thanks15:35
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wasabiSo is policykit going to slowly supplant gksudo?15:46
Mithrandirgeser: given-back.15:46
Amaranthwasabi: that's the idea15:50
Amaranthat least at first15:50
wasabiI really like it.15:51
wasabiExcept when I logged in just now, it prompted me for my password... to cahnge timezones.15:51
wasabiWith no indication about WHY it wanted to change timezones.15:51
wasabiAnd then the timezone got changed to the wrong one. :)15:51
luisbgdholbach, ping16:28
dholbachluisbg: pong16:30
pittigeser: done16:45
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Diablo-D3hey all17:03
Diablo-D3is it me, or has alsa broken on the newest kernel in hardy?17:03
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released]17:07
_MMA_hahahah. Just started a new install because I thought I miffed something. :P17:08
Diablo-D3thank god I left -11 installed17:08
ion_Nice punctuation! In the bug report, i mean! That is, the one about the sound problem!17:11
* _MMA_ sees it most often from European kids and just doesn't get it.17:13
ArneGoetjeI'm a bit puzzeled with LP bug 199592, as I cannot reproduce it at all. Neither on the current Live CD image (from today), nor on my local system with the latest packages installed... Can anyone else reproduce the reported crash? Aparently it should be a common issue, as there are so many duplicate bug reports for it... :-/17:13
ubotwoArneGoetje: Bug 199592 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/199592 is private17:13
pitticjwatson, TheMuso: any chance you could test the newer b43-fwcutter from Debian? (bug 199994)17:29
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 199994 in b43-fwcutter "Use version of Broadcom's proprietary driver. " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19999417:29
adrian15Hi... Is there any Ubuntu installation - GRUB setup developer round here? Or anyone who can point me to its source code? I want to know if you use device commands to contemplate the Windows chainloading of Ubuntu's grub partition boot sector codes.17:30
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slangasekzul: pong18:06
zulslangasek: hi, a couple of things I notcied that there is samba-2.0.28a in the svn tree I was wondering when its going to be in unstable, and there is a whole bunch of ebox modules that is stuck in new I was wondering if you can get those in the archive18:08
slangasekzul: I don't have an eta for samba 3.0.28a in Debian, I'm leaving that up to Christian; the NEW processing I'm working through this morning, yes18:09
zulslangasek: thanks..18:10
shayais there a problem w/ sound in feisty's kernel?18:14
shayaI mean gutsy's18:14
shayasnd: Unknown symbol unregister_sound_special (and the like)18:15
ion_Yes. A fix is being built.18:15
slangasekyou mean hardy's... :)18:15
Picishaya: see topic in #ubuntu+118:16
shayaah, ok18:16
slomo_doko: yes18:17
dokoslomo_: thanks, last d/b-d on python-xml in main18:17
slomo_doko: don't worry, tomorrow early in the morning :)  did you take a look at my patch? my python is not good and it works but that's all i can say about it ;)18:18
dokoslomo_: I don't care as long as you can still read the docs ;)18:20
ion_themuso: Re: your change in initramfs-tools 0.85eubuntu27, wouldn’t cp -al suffice instead of ln -f || cp -a?18:20
ion_themuso: Sorry, i remembered how -l works incorrectly.18:26
LaserJockanybody know if shipit is going to ship Ubuntu Alternate CDs for hardy?18:30
LaserJockI haven't heard anything yet18:30
* _MMA_ waves at LaserJock but doesn't know the answer.18:33
LaserJockpfft, lotta good you are ;p18:34
_MMA_Yay! I'm useless!18:35
mario_limonciell_MMA_, why?18:39
_MMA_mario_limonciell: Because of my inability to answer Jordan. ;)18:40
mario_limoncielloh I thought you were meaning because of the sound fiasco atm :)18:41
LaserJockmario_limonciell: no, he must have an answer to all of my questions to feel any sense of usefulness ;-)18:41
_MMA_Yes. It's tied to my self-worth.18:43
mario_limonciellwell some people have "mommy issues" or "daddy issues".  you've just got issues with independence.  i guess that's alright18:44
LaserJock"LaserJock issues"18:44
mario_limonciellstep 1 is admitting you've got a problem.  we'll work on it at UDS18:45
_MMA_Or Jordan and I will work on it if I get him to Raleigh. ;)18:45
ar3aclatest update give me troubles with my sound card19:15
_MMA_ar3ac: Known on Hardy. Use old (-11) kernel.19:16
ar3acok thanks19:16
ar3aci'm reading the launchpad now19:17
ar3aceven quicker workaround:19:18
ar3acsudo cp /lib/modules/2.6.24-11-generic/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/kernel/sound/19:18
ar3acsudo depmod -a19:18
ar3acsudo modprobe snd-hda-intel (or whatever you need)19:18
ar3acand sound works again :)19:18
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slangasekogra_cmpc: why does classmate-tools depend on the desktop metapackages?  that seems an odd way to arrange it19:31
ogra_cmpcslangasek, its a tray icon it needs a system tray and an xdg capable desktop19:32
slangasekhuh, ok19:32
mario_limonciellsurely there are saner ways to install xdg compatible desktops?19:33
ogra_cmpcmight be19:33
slangasekmario_limonciell: saner ways to request an xdg-compatible desktop, I would think19:33
slangasekbut no matter19:33
mario_limonciellwell but doing it this way, what if someone was to want to remove say ubuntu-desktop because they were maybe removing evolution since they didn't need it.  wouldn't classmate-tools break then?19:34
slangasekit would uninstall19:35
nxvlis there any ubuntu-drivers channel?19:35
mario_limonciellexactly, so it really should be depending on the packages that provide the system tray, like gnome-panel, pypanel, etc then19:36
cjwatsonnxvl: you mean like the ubuntu-drivers team in Launchpad, or like kernel drivers?19:37
nxvlcjwatson: i mean the irc channel where the people who take care of the driver are, where i can find someone to report the problem with my sound card19:37
nxvlor/and to point me where i can report it19:37
_MMA_nxvl: -12 hardy kernel?19:38
zdzichuBGheh, fedora people also lost sound with latest kernel upgrade ;)19:39
_MMA_nxvl: If so, known issue. Will be fixed. Use -11.19:39
cjwatsonnxvl: #ubuntu-kernel; if it's sound, they're already on it19:40
mario_limonciellnxvl, yeah it's been quite reported.  you can look at http://launchpad.net/bugs/200338 if you'd like to see about it19:40
nxvl_MMA_: yep, that's it, when i upgraded it to -12 problems started :D19:41
nxvlthanks all for his reponses!!19:41
* nxvl HUGS all19:42
LaserJockcjwatson: do you know if Ubuntu Alt will be available on shipit for Edubuntu?19:45
cjwatsonLaserJock: I don't, sorry; I can ask19:50
cjwatsonLaserJock: the relevant people have gone home, though, so send me mail to remind me?19:51
LaserJockcjwatson: k, I just wondered as we had some questions in #edubuntu and I didn't really know what to say19:51
_MMA_Anyone know if samba is not working in Hardy? (might just be me)19:52
candrewshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/199754 I'm attempting to solve that issue (packaging mod_auth_cas). I have a package made, but when I load the module into apache, I get: Can't locate API module structure `authcas_module' in file /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: undefined symbol: authcas_module19:54
candrewsCan someone give me a hand to finish up this package?19:54
slangasek_MMA_: I know I just uploaded it yesterday, what's up?19:56
* lamont wonders if slangasek gets annoyed by sync requests prior to dinstall even running...19:56
_MMA_slangasek: Well trying to browse with "Network" doesnt work. And after installing samba, smbfs and setting up fstab, the mounts dont come up.19:57
slangaseklamont: no, I just sit on them in favor of using my time more wisely :)19:57
slangasek_MMA_: is this a recent behavior change for you?19:58
_MMA_slangasek: Well, because using "Network" previously threw an error, I didn't jump to Hardy. After testing dailies, and saw the error was gone, I did a clean install on my main box thinking all was fine.19:59
_MMA_slangasek: Ive set things up the same way since Warty. Im unsure what's different.20:00
slangasek_MMA_: what's the server that you're trying to mount from?20:00
_MMA_slangasek: Ubuntu-Gutsy running samba.20:01
lamontslangasek: heh. ok20:01
lamontslangasek: it'll be a sync request for bind9 1:9.4.2-5 for hardy.20:01
slangasek_MMA_: oh, curious then.  The smbfs kernel driver is deprecated now in favor of cifs and mount.smbfs is now a thin compat layer on cifs, but that shouldn't normally be a problem for samba<->samba20:02
slangasek_MMA_: are you using credentials files?20:02
_MMA_slangasek: No. I have the user/pass defined in the fstab line.20:02
lamontfeh.  for that matter, it's easier to file the sync request after packages.d.o updates20:03
* lamont adds to tomorrows list20:03
slangasek_MMA_: I think I'd need to see the fstab line (minus the password) to diagnose, then20:03
_MMA_slangasek: Sure. 1 sec in PM.20:04
wasabiI just ran into another app that failed on Ubuntu 64 because of missing winbind nss/pam modules.20:32
wasabi(32 bit app)20:32
* wasabi finds existing bug report from a year ago.20:32
candrewsI'm attempting to package mod_auth_cas, I have everything done, except when I try to load the module into apache, I get this error: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: undefined symbol: authcas_module20:41
candrewsCan someone help?20:41
_MMA_candrews: Packaging help is best in #ubuntu-motu.20:41
candrewsthank you - I'll ask there.20:41
slangasekwasabi: what app, OOI?20:45
TheMusoion_: The idea is to hard link, rather than copy. We only copy if the hard link fails.20:47
ion_themuso: Yes, and i misremembered that cp -l behaved just like that. :-)20:49
ion_themuso: Instead, it just fails if linking fails.20:49
slangasekglatzor: packagekit-gnome: "refreshing the cash"? :)21:10
glatzorslangasek: :)21:12
slangasekglatzor: s/cash/cache/, if that wasn't evident21:12
glatzorslangasek: I am currently uploading new packages to the ppa of the packagekit team.21:13
glatzorslangasek: the packages in universe are quite "rough"21:14
slangasekheh, ok21:15
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TheMusoseb128: Yes, I'm on a11y stuff, which is mostly sponsored uploads.21:55
seb128TheMuso: right, that was not the case when I asked some hours ago ;-)21:56
blueyedDoes somebody know if apt is supposed to resolve the "virtualbox-ose-modules" dependency of virtualbox-ose correctly (bug 188579) or if there's a workaround to give more hints for apt?22:16
blueyedIt's fairly critical, because often wifi fails with the (new) -386 kernel.22:16
sorenblueyed: If I apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules, apt wants to install   virtualbox-ose-modules virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-12-generic virtualbox-ose-modules-generic22:19
sorenblueyed: That looks correct, doesn't it?22:19
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shayathe updated kernel for hardy that fixes sound taints the kernel22:32
shaya snd: no version for "unregister_sound_special" found: kernel tainted.22:32
blueyedsoren: yes, that looks correct. But if you apt-get install virtualbox-ose it's more likely to do not so..22:34
sorenblueyed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59198/22:39
blueyedsoren: are you on amd64 maybe? Do you have virtualbox-ose-modules-386 installable?22:48
sorenblueyed: Ah, good point.22:49
blueyedI've thought about changing order as a (particular) workaround already, but that's not the root cause, so..22:49
alefteriscould someone please point me to the package/code that is setting up the keyboard layouts (depenting on the language selection at boot) in the live cd and also the installed system?22:52
tjaaltonalefteris: xkeyboard-config22:52
blueyedsoren: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59200/22:54
sorenblueyed: Why is virtualbox-ose-modules a real package?22:56
blueyedsoren: For automatic upgrades.. with only virtual packages they weren't upgraded automatically.. also the required(?) Replaces caused problems..22:57
alefteristjaalton, will I be ale to define what layouts are loaded by default when a user selects for ex. Greek during the live cd boot? currentry in alpha 6 no latin layout is loaded, only the greek one. So its difficult to use the live cd or make the installation22:57
cjwatsonalefteris: tjaalton is correct in that that's where the data comes from, but console-setup and xserver-xorg between them are what actually do the work22:57
cody-somervilleThe latest uploads seem to break sound on my laptop :/22:57
blueyedsoren: Maybe depending on a particular kernel image in the meta packages would help?!22:57
tjaaltonalefteris: I'm not that familiar with how it works, so can't answer :/22:57
cjwatsonalefteris: console-setup has a scheme for dealing with that; please file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+filebug and we can deal with it22:57
sorenblueyed: Only for users of -generic kernels :)22:58
alefterisok thanks cjwatson and tjaalton22:58
cjwatsonalefteris: interestingly, it's supposed to be dealt with properly already22:58
cjwatsonalefteris: so there's a deeper bug somewhere and I'd definitely like a report so that we remember to investigate22:59
mamefanthere's an ALSA bugfix that's been in the ALSA source for a while.  How does that get into ubuntu (it's still broken for me in the ubuntu packages)?22:59
cjwatsonalefteris: please attach /etc/default/console-setup and /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the bug you file23:00
amitkmamefan: we are using alsa from upstream. Best way to track your problem is to file a bug in launchpad.net and point to the patch.23:01
sorenblueyed: Maybe I can find a bit of time tomorrow to look into it. Right now, I need some sleep.23:01
blueyedsoren: that would be great. AFAIR it also affects apparmor e.g.23:01
cjwatsonalefteris: ... and /var/log/casper.log while you're at it23:01
mamefanamtik:  forgive my ignorance but I'm not really sure what that means.  I don't know what "patch" to point to.  I simply know that if I donwload the alsa-driver source from alsa and compile it on my machine it works.23:02
alefteriscjwatson, its difficult to issue them, without chaning the default live cd keyboard settings, as Im not able to type in latin, so I would have to add manualy the us layout before issuing those commands. is that ok?23:02
cjwatsonalefteris: if you do it in GNOME, yes, that's fine23:03
cjwatsonalefteris: failing that, a precise description of exactly what you selected at the CD boot menu will probably be enough23:03
alefterisok i will get to it right away, thanks23:04
YokoZa1Does apt URL support multiple package downloads in a single link?23:06
YokoZa1Like can I do something like apt://package1+package2  ?23:06
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cjwatsoncould somebody please provide a French->English translation of bug 199457?23:33
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 199457 in openoffice.org "Impossible de filtrer les enregistrements dans un mailing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19945723:33
LjLi'll try23:33
LjLdone, as well as i could23:41
cjwatsonLjL: thanks!23:43
Riddellpitti, doko: would either of you be able to MIR review bug 200799 before beta freeze?  it's just a widget style23:44
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200799 in kde-style-qtcurve "kde-style-qtcurve inclusion to the main repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20079923:44
alefteriscjwatson, here you are https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/20080323:51
ubotwoalefteris: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out23:51
cjwatsonalefteris: thanks23:52

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