=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [14:20] Anyone available to review/approve a Fridge posting that I've pasted in for Jono? [14:20] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1370 [15:34] mrevell, looking [15:34] beuno: Hey dude. [15:35] hey mrevell, how are you? [15:36] beuno: Hey, I'm not bad thanks. Glad to be in my house where I know the fire alarm is a little more accurate :) How are you? [15:37] muehehehe [15:37] pretty good [15:37] in prague [15:38] just realized I have jenda's keys [15:38] and he can't get into his place [15:38] so I'll approve this and run to his house [15:38] aaaand, it's live [16:03] ha, say hello to jenda for me :)