
[reed]asac: ping?03:08
asac[reed]: yes?08:35
asacdebian bug 47012808:58
ubotuDebian bug 470128 in icedove "xulrunner: FTBFS with libnss3-dev=3.12.0~beta2-1" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47012808:58
asac[reed]: are b4 rc2 builds looking good?10:16
armin76asac: that bug is old10:36
asaci know10:36
asacits just that some guy told me that i should fix that bug id in debian10:37
asacjust wanted to know what bug that is10:37
* asac hates if people just refer to bug ids without including at least a title ;)10:52
asaci really go crazy if i read the bug 17855811:11
asaci mean ... i posted a test package and are there any comments about that recently? no, of course not11:11
asacthose folks don't deserve to get a fix ;)11:11
asacanswer: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9/+bug/178558/comments/3611:17
asachope that is still "nice" enough11:17
asac(in line with the ubuntu etiquette)11:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178558 in xulrunner-1.9 "Firefox 3.0 makes everything annoyingly huge" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17855811:22
asacyeah :) ... thats how things work ;)12:02
cwong1_asac: ping16:07
asaccwong1_: hi16:18
cwong1_asac:  Couple of things I want to discuss with you:16:19
cwong1_asac: 1) Do you have any changes that you want to check in?16:19
asacyes. sorry that i was rather in active in the recent past16:19
asacgot dragged in lots of other things16:19
cwong1_we all do :)16:20
asaccwong1_: i have a hald ported ffox 3 beta3 thing16:20
asacbut maybe we should go directly for beta 4 which is about to be released today or so16:20
asacat least the CVS is tagged already16:20
cwong1_that sounds good to me.  I was going to suggest the same.16:20
cwong1_2)  I want to hold off the switch to Xulrunner16:21
asachold of?16:21
asacthought we wanted to use a mobile specific fork16:21
cwong1_I have a lot of bugs to work on and I dont think I can get to it in the next week or 216:22
cwong1_unless you have the time :) :)16:22
asaci can look16:22
asacmaybe we can spin both binaries from the same source16:22
asac(as we already have all in there)16:22
asacbut lets first do beta416:22
asacis jimmy avail?16:23
cwong1_ok beta4 first16:23
cwong1_he also looking into bugs.16:23
cwong1_btw do you know of a plugin that is equivalent to window media plugin16:23
asacfor that i would need to know what "window media plugin" is :)16:23
asacwhat does it do compared to totem?16:24
cwong1_it plays window media files and totem doesn't16:24
[reed]asac: yep, releasing today16:24
asac[reed]: thanks16:25
asaccwong1_: totem doesn't?16:25
[reed]unless something disastrous happens16:25
[reed]but hopefully not ;)16:25
asaccwong1_: you have a test file?16:25
[reed]asac: can you comment in mozilla bug 418885 about what you think?16:25
asac[reed]: i think i will release the bits in a few hours then :)16:25
asacubotu: wake up16:25
cwong1_asac:  I will send u a test site shortly...16:26
asaccwong1_: i thought it was .wmv files. to play those its just a matter of codec (unless you are talking about DRM)16:26
cwong1_asac: is there a wmv codec for totem?16:26
asacBug 418885 – Firefox 3 shouldn't require GTK+ 2.10 (edit)16:27
asac[reed]: that sounds lame ;)16:27
[reed]I want to WONTFIX it16:27
asac[reed]: reading the title i would say "yes"16:27
asacbut let me read the content in a few more minutes16:27
asaccwong1_: i am not sure if it plays all ... at least i have been watching wmv files happily for quite some time16:28
[reed]we're not changing our minimum (of 2.10), but there is a possibility we'll add some checks to at least allow 2.8 to work somewhat16:28
[reed]even if they can't print16:28
asaccwong1_: other players that might play more files are vlc + mplayer16:28
asaccwong1_: those should ship all the codecs they support out of the box16:28
asaccwong1_: i think to get all available codecs you need to install:16:29
cwong1_asac: I knew about mplyaer, but never heard of vlc. I will give them a try and see.16:29
cwong1_I did install gstreamer0.10*  and still couldn't play some of the files16:30
cwong1_I will find the site and let you know in a few minutes..16:30
asaccwong1_: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg16:31
asacthen i don't know16:31
asaconly thing i can imagine is that those files are DRM enabled ... for which you are unlikely to find a free implementation i guess16:31
asaccwong1_: thanks ... i will be travelling in a few, but will catch up on work later - so probably a better time for you :)16:31
asac[reed]: hmm ... if the patch work ten i don't know why not to take it :) ... it would allow us to provide backports of firefox 3 for dapper for instance16:34
asacwhich is still supported for quite some time16:34
[reed]asac: well, see caillon's comments16:34
[reed]where he plans on backporting Fx3 back to RHEL 2.116:34
asacyes ... just read that16:37
asaci doubt that he will succeed on a gtk 1 port ;)16:37
asac[reed]: http://steelgryphon.com/blog/?p=10116:39
asaci always understood the phrase "Older distros will be able to have build-time support/workarounds as necessary, but Mozilla will not ship or test builds for older platforms. "16:39
asacthat those tweaks should go the mozilla CVS ... though disabled during compile time16:40
asacnote that there is a conflict here: distros are not allowed to ship arbitrary patches without getting review on them first16:40
asachuge patches because of old gtk+ should thus be reviewed in bugzilla16:41
asacwe could keep them unapplied then, but that makes it harder to reuse those.16:41
ubotuMozilla bug 418885 in OS Integration "Firefox 3 shouldn't require GTK+ 2.10" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41888516:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wake up - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:41
asacfor instance caillon will create patches for supporting the old gtk16:41
asacmaybe he submits them to mconnor who either trusts him or tries to get a review16:41
asacfrom someone else16:42
asaci guess it would end up: post a bug and get a review+16:42
asacbut then its hard for other distros to find all the required pieces and all that16:42
asac... so in the end a hard question16:42
asacbut for now i agree, that 2.8 doesn't need to be supported16:42
asacat least not at runtime16:42
asaci am fine with wontfixing this16:43
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
Ubulettewontfix for me too17:59
Ubuletteasac, i didn't add libsqlite3-dev on purpose18:04
Ubuletteit's not used and will not be in hardy anyway18:05
asacright ... but it doesn't hurt. otherwise its not even really optional18:57
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Ubuletteasac, could we stop naming nspr with the gecko version ?19:28
asacUbulette: why?19:29
Ubulettenow, nspr claims #define PR_VERSION  "4.7.1 Beta"19:29
Ubuletteor a last put the full version in front19:30
Ubulettelike 4.7.1~b~1.9~b419:30
asacUbulette: how does the version read atm?19:31
Ubuletteie, it doesn't respect the full nspr version19:31
Ubulettesame for nss19:32
asacUbulette: i have no problem to squeeze in a ~beta~19:34
asaci think the main point was that there was no real version at some point19:34
asacso mike just choose somethign reasonable19:34
asacUbulette: is there a tag that reads liks 4.7.1 beta now?19:35
asaci think the problem was that they didn't tag the version with an nspr'ish version... but just with the firefox release tag19:35
Ubulettedoesn't matter much, we can still fetch it using a gecko tag but name it like we want19:37
asacUbulette: yes ... but it wasn't really clear how to name it at that point19:41
asaci think the error was to use 4.7.1~1.9 ... instead of 4.7.1~~1.919:41
asacso yes ... go for 4.7.1~beta~1.9+... if you have a better feeling about that19:41
Ubulette ** The format of the version string is19:58
Ubulette **     "<major version>.<minor version>[.<patch level>] [<Beta>]"19:58
Ubuletteit's even documented19:58
Ubuletteasac, it still doesn't solve how I can name my snapshots to keep them intertwined with the official releases we do here20:11
Ubulettenspr_4.7.1~beta~~cvs20080310t1054.orig.tar.gz is no good20:12
asacwhy not 4.7.1~beta~1.9b4~cvs... ?20:16
Ubulettehow could mozclient identify 1.9b4 just from nspr sources ?20:17
RainCTasac: hey20:22
asacRainCT: hi20:24
asacRainCT: i have a question :)20:24
asacwhy did you remove the upstrema sources from your branch?20:24
asac(the extension?)20:24
RainCTasac: because I find it easier to work with it that way20:25
asachow easier?20:25
asacwhat steps are easier?20:25
RainCTor is there some problem with that?20:25
asacwell ... i would love to have a single approach for all extensions ... if you really want to keep it that way, then i am fine20:26
asacpoint is that extensions are so tiny that I'd prefer not to have patch system in them20:26
RainCTdunno.. I don't remember the actual reason, but I also find it cleaner and that20:26
asacRainCT: so what do you want?20:27
RainCTshouldn't be a problem to add it again though..20:27
RainCTwell.. help on getting it working :P20:28
asacmaybe consider that. its easier for new contributors to just have the upstream sources in there ... and so on.20:28
asacanyway ...what doesn't work?20:28
RainCTasac: I tried installing it but I don't see it in Firefox 320:28
asachmm ... did you try to use the xpi.mk i introduced recently in mozilla-devscripts?20:29
RainCT(don't know if it works with Firefox 2 as I don't have it installed anymore)20:29
asacthat should automize all20:29
RainCTno, looking at that :)20:29
asacyou just need to specify an extension name + a build command20:29
asac(that expects a .xpi to be produced)20:29
asacRainCT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/Packaging20:29
asacthats the document i used at my extension packaging session20:30
asacit should work for all trees that can produce a proper .xpi20:30
RainCToh, forgot to read that at the end.. :P20:30
RainCTs/that/the packaging season log20:30
RainCTis xpi.mk already in Hardy?20:31
asacyou can look at some other extension20:31
asace.g. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jetsaredim/firefox-extensions/mozgest.ubuntu/annotate/jgreenwa%404lom-20080227214222-fruivuu7tfxwbcka?file_id=rules-20080227041249-6uckd8mo559wu2sf-620:31
Ubuletteasac, you can remove the mention of your ppa, it's no longer needed20:31
Ubulette<asac> RainCT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/Packaging20:31
asacUbulette: its in hardy, right?20:31
Ubulette!info mozilla-devscripts20:32
ubotuPackage mozilla-devscripts does not exist in gutsy20:32
Ubulette!info mozilla-devscripts hardy20:32
ubotumozilla-devscripts (source: mozilla-devscripts): Collection of dev scripts used by Ubuntu Mozilla packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.05 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 108 kB20:32
asacUbulette: ok done20:32
asacbtw ... if all goes well mozilla-devscripts will go into main20:33
asacto produce the translation .xpis20:33
Ubuletteyou can remove the whole line, it's already listed above20:34
asacoh :)20:34
asacok done :) (2nd)20:34
RainCTasac: Vcs-Bzr is accepted now (no XS- necessary)20:38
* RainCT says this because of XPI.TEMPLATE20:39
asacoh :)20:39
RainCTnp :)20:39
RainCTalso, mozilla-devscripts in hardy is version 0.05 but the template says 0.5~20:40
asacRainCT: right .. but thats a lower bound and should be ok20:41
asaci have another great candidate: all-in-one-sidebar20:41
asacits tri-licensed20:41
asacand appears to be 3.0 compatible already20:42
RainCTasac: will xpi.mk autodetect the .xpi if it's created on build time and inside debian/?20:42
asacRainCT: why is it in debian/ ?20:43
RainCToh, there's a BUILD_COMMAND option20:43
asacBUILD_COMMAND ... and you can also explicitly name the .xpi to pack-up20:43
RainCTI've this right now:    perl ./create_xpi.pl debian/adblockplus.xpi20:43
asacyeah ... just use adblockplus.xpi20:44
asacclean will auto delete it form there20:44
RainCTshould I change it to this?    MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = perl ./create_xpi.pl adblockplus.xpi20:44
asacmakes sense imo20:44
asacif you have issues let me know :) ... this xpi.mk certainly doesn't cover all cases yet :)20:44
asacuse :)20:45
asacaeh :=20:45
asacMOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND :perl ./create_xpi.pl ...20:45
asacMOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND := perl ./create_xpi.pl ...20:45
RainCTwill it automatically add the dependencies for unzipping and all that?20:45
asaceverything thats needed by itself will be added20:47
asacif you need anything else because of perl you need to add that20:47
asacoh wait :)20:48
asacno right :) ... oyu confused me ;)20:48
asacall shold be fine ... just add mozilla-devscripts to build-depedns20:48
RainCTok, cool :)20:49
RainCTcreate_xpi.pl needs zip; I've to add this one manually, or?20:49
asacRainCT: yes20:50
asacxpi.mk just needs unzip20:50
RainCTasac: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59182/20:53
asacRainCT: you need to drop your .install files20:55
asacand your .links20:55
asacthat happens automatically now20:55
asacor don't you have any?20:56
RainCToops, right20:56
RainCTasac: adblock-plus should also be compatible with those:   iceweasel (>= 1.5) | seamonkey-browser (>= 1.0) | iceape-browser (>= 1.0) | midbrowser (>= 0.2)21:05
RainCTwhat should I do with them? just remove that from debian/control?21:06
asacno you can add more applications to xpi.mk21:06
asacRainCT: look in xpi.mk file for MOZ_XPI_MOZILLA_DIRS21:07
asacdefault is firefox-addons i guess ... you can add whatever you want21:07
asacso add iceape seamonkey midbrowser iceweasel21:07
asacand firefox + firefox-addons21:07
Ubulettei use it with prism too but it's tricky21:09
Ubuletteas prism doesn't show the red sign21:09
asacRainCT: is midbrowser in upstream install.rdf?21:10
asacthat would be cool ;)21:10
RainCTasac: yes21:10
asacUbulette: how about renaming the mozclient branch?21:20
asacyou think its mature enough to get a real name ;)21:20
asacwill u do?21:21
* Ubulette thinking of a name not too long21:21
Ubulettei'm up since 6am so my mind is blank21:22
asacUbulette: hehe :) ... how about mozilla-devscripts for now?21:23
Ubulettelocally, i will call it mozilla-devscripts.dev21:23
Ubuletteor without .dev is good too21:23
asaccan we cann it that way on launchpad?21:23
asaci think .dev is good for the development branch21:24
Ubulettewe just have one branch so it's okay like that21:25
asaci am fine with that ... but atm we don't even have nont .<something> branches for other things21:25
asacthats ok21:25
asacmaybe we should once again rename the branches for all the packages :-D21:26
asacremove .dev ... rename .head -> .dev21:26
asacand releast branches get .gutsy  and so on21:26
Ubulettemaybe another day later this week21:26
asacbut rather push that forward till hardy+1 :)21:27
Ubuletteor during UDS ;)21:27
asacyeah ;)21:27
asacbranch clean up session :)21:27
UbuletteI have to update my buildbot now.21:34
asac update to what?21:34
Ubulette? no21:34
Ubuletteit uses mozclient21:34
asacjust kidding21:35
asacah ... cool21:35
Ubuletteyou were supposed to comment on my ff3 sdk bug last week21:36
asacthanks for the reminder. completely dropped off of my radar21:39
Ubulettewe should start a "package 5 extensions a day"21:52
asacyeah :)21:53
asacthe problem is the list of viable extensions though21:53
asacso "investigate 5 extensions a day" would be extremely helpful though21:54
asacif we#d had a long list of extensions that are ready (license + compatible) we could initiate an "extension packaging marathon" :)21:55
Ubuletteblog about it on planet22:04
asacur right22:07
RainCTasac: great, adblock-plus works now (after switching to xpi.mk) :D22:15
RainCTasac: what did you say, does it need a FFe?22:16
asacRainCT: no it doesn't just open a bug and refer in it to the general feature freeze exception for ffox extensions22:24
asacsubscribe mozillateam next22:25
asacand once Ubulette or me confirmed you can upload :-D22:25
asac(we agreed to ack those to make universe-release team happy)22:25
RainCTasac: ok. upload to revu or link the branch?22:25
asacRainCT: you have upload rights?22:26
asacjust link the branc22:26
asacUbulette: you get mozillateam subscribed bug mail?22:27
RainCTubotu, bug #19195422:27
asac(e.g. thats != mozilla-bugs)22:27
RainCTubotu: you're slow :/22:27
asachas been dead for me today22:27
Ubulettebug 19195422:28
asacubotu: you there?22:28
asacmost likely a dead-lock :)22:28
RainCTseems like he is ill... yesterday we had an 1 hour lag in #ubuntu-youth lol22:28
RainCT(1 hour, really :))22:28
RainCTasac: ok, subscribed22:32
RainCTasac: btw, what do you want to do with mozilla-firefox-adblock? remove it and add a dummy package to adblock-plus or convert mozilla-firefox-adblock itself into a dummy package, or just remove it?22:33
Ubulettea dummy is needed for the transition22:36
RainCTyes, but were? in adblock-plus, or?22:39
asacyou add dummy packages depending on mozilla-firefox-adblock in there22:40
asacso you get an upgrade22:40
asacand you add conflicts/replaces to adblock main package22:40
asac(verseioned conflicts/replaces)22:40
RainCTokay. a last question, should I add the dummy package now or once mozilla-firefox-adblock has been removed?22:41
asacright from the beginning22:41
asacremoval happens after migration22:41
asacoh ... take care that the version is higher than the on of mere -adblock22:42
asacmaybe you need to add an  epoch for that22:42
asacotherwise -adblock users will not be auto transitioned22:42
RainCTahhh right22:42
asac(as the dummy package version would be lower ... so it couldn't pull in the new package as a dependency)22:42
RainCTthat's evil :)22:43
RainCTah no, it's ok :)22:43
RainCT0.7.5.3-0ubuntu1 (new) VS (old)22:43
Ubuletteasac, "You received this bug notification because you are a member of Mozilla Team, which is a direct subscriber." so i guess it's ok22:44
asacyes great22:47
asacRainCT: yes ... you have luck22:47
Ubuletteand you should stop the sync/merge from debian22:50
Ubuletteif any22:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191954 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Adblock Plus" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19195422:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you're slow :/ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you there? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:52
Ubulettemaybe i should drop my nick and use fta instead23:04
UbuletteRainCT: so you will upload it to debian too ?23:08
RainCTUbulette: is mozilla-devscripts in Debian?23:13
RainCTthen not23:13
Ubuletteand our paths for mozilla products are different too23:13
Ubulettethen you should target hardy in debian/control23:14
RainCTtrue.. :)23:14
Ubuletteand drop iceape-browser23:15
RainCTand iceweasel too?23:15
Ubuletteand iceweasel too23:15
* RainCT had added those as there are some people which use Ubuntu but install the mozilla packages from Debian.. but now that he thinks about it, those aren't probably many :P23:17
Ubuletteyou can rename the branch too then23:17
Ubuletteotherwise, it looks ok to me23:17
UbuletteI like rules files so simple :)23:18
* RainCT too :D23:18
Ubulettethat was the whole purpose of mozilla-devscripts23:19
RainCTUbulette: if you leave an ack on the report I'll upload it tomorrow :)23:30
asacwell .. keeping iceweasel + iceape is sane23:31
asacwe should contribute it to debian at somepoint23:31
asacbut i don't care hard23:31
Ubuletteit's still targeting unstable, i was waiting for at least this commit before giving an ack23:32
RainCTUbulette: yes, my connection is slow :/23:33
RainCTit's up now23:33
asacRainCT: you can use dch -r to prepare changelog for release23:33
asacand please use 0ubuntu1 ... in case you didn't yet23:33
RainCTI did :)23:33
asacstill unstable?23:33
asacunless you are on debian of course :)23:34
RainCTrev 12?23:34
Ubulettegood here23:34
RainCTshould be:   adblock-plus ( hardy; urgency=low23:34
Ubulettethere's a storm here23:35
asacwe had enough storms for this year already23:37
RainCTgood night :)23:45

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