
moreati!flash | ut2004player00:00
zcat[1]just not sure how much I can explain in a 1hr presentation00:00
bradley__LjL: i have but that wont let me use the compiz effects00:00
ubotwout2004player: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:00
Odd-rationalesnypzz: Then move the mouse around00:00
moreati!java | ut2004player00:00
LjLbradley__, what model of card?00:00
ArthurArchnixLjL He wanted help with that page. I am walking him through it step by step. That is step one on that page.00:00
ubotwout2004player: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)00:00
drczcat[1]:  Who is your audience?  That determines how you go about it.00:00
johanas i said...ive been using windows a while..so all i could think of was the applications windows uses as its gnome00:00
DIL_zcat[1]: it depends on your target audience no?00:00
johanits calles explorer.exe :P00:00
beautifulsnowjohan: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Advanced_Desktop_Effects_.28Compiz_Fusion.2900:00
bradley__LjL: a mobility radoen X140000:00
IndyGunFreakArthurArchnix: lmao, thats an important step #100:01
LjLArthurArchnix, ah sorry, i missed the /ATI at the end.00:01
johanok..ill check that out..later guys00:01
zcat[1]target audience is a bunch of 60+ windows users :)00:01
johany'all aware of that im using intel gma 950...no problems with that?00:01
ThaRabbitjohan: the basics - http://compiz.org/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide00:01
DIL_zcat[1]: then kis00:01
drczcat[1]:  Ah...Mother-in-Law audience then Good Luck :(00:01
snypzzOdd--rationale: I have 4 desktops on my pannel00:01
DASPRiDzcat[1], so you need doors :)00:01
miko3kwell ... anyone got an idea how to get /dev/fb* stuff working in gutsy?00:02
johanive got 2 sites to check..wich one will suit my problems first?00:02
Dr_Williszcat[1],  :) also you gotta watch out for the 'task focuesd' people, then the 'tool focused' people :) some people just want to get the job done.. other want to learn a skill.00:02
snypzzOdd--rationale: should I set it to one00:02
Odd-rationalesnypzz: no00:02
bradley__LjL so what do i do?00:02
drczcat[1]:  KRISS  (Keep it REAL Simple Stupid)00:02
ryanakcaCan someone help me figure out why (K)Ubuntu doesn't recognize my CD/DVD drive? see output of cdrecord -scanbus  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58993/ . IDE CD/DVD drive. Running the two commands suggested in the pastebin produce similar results.00:02
zcat[1]Hey DASPRiD any chance of expanding tremstats to do urban terror as well?00:02
DASPRiDshould be possible yes00:02
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Type this in a terminal lspci | grep ATI  does anything show up?00:02
* apo_ growls at resize2fs00:02
apo_Finish! ><00:02
zcat[1]the logfiles are pretty similar00:02
DIL_zcat[1]: see i know you are not stupid00:02
DASPRiDzcat[1] its both quake 3 ;)00:03
bradley__ArthurArchnix: one sec00:03
killowndo anyone known any settings to dnsmasq not erase cache dns when reboot system?00:03
Aval0nhttp://pastebin.org/23014 anyone seen an obvious reason that's breaking?00:03
Aval0nreadonly it :)00:03
zcat[1]DASPRiD: you need to rewrite it to be q3stats and put everything else in the config, then we could use it for trem, urt, WoP ..00:03
johanwtf..now the computer is doing it again...the "minimize, maximize, shutdown" buttons dissppeared:O00:03
DASPRiDzcat[1], afaik it's enough to change the frontend's icons (MOD_*) and change the regex in the parser00:03
LjLbradley__, what that page explains *is* how to install the driver using the Restricted Manager. it also has a section about installing the ati.com driver, but i discourage that.00:04
Linux_Fresherjrib: weblink pasted in classroom00:04
beautifulsnowjohan: on a terminal/command type emerald --replace &00:04
bradley__ArthurArchnix: yes it says 01:00.9 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radoen Mobility X140000:04
beautifulsnowjohan: if that doesnt work install emerald via sudo apt-get install emerald     and johan did you read the guide I sent you?00:04
zcat[1]DASPRiD: beyond my abilities. But if you want to do it there's a bunch of urban terror servers that would use it00:04
DASPRiDzcat[1]: nah, tremstats is too special to simplify it00:04
tomd123is there an applet for word of the day?00:04
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Super. That brings us to pre-requisite step four. Why do you need this driver?00:04
johanim gonna read it now00:05
johanthanks :P brb00:05
bradley__LjL: i know but i need to get the latest one to use Compiz.... well ill just tell u the prob... i just need to run compiz00:05
=== RoAkSoAx is now known as ^4nDr3s
bradley__ArthurArchnix: to run compiz effects00:05
johanwtf...now it dissapperad again..when i typed in here00:05
johani used the "emerald --replace &"00:05
johanmaybe im just retard...00:05
ArthurArchnixbradley__: ok. And the fact that you could get me the lspci output says you have a basic command of the linux terminal. Let's move on as we seem to have met all the pre-requisites.00:05
ThaRabbitjohan: to get back to your normal sustem, use metacity --replace &00:05
=== ^4nDr3s is now known as RoAkSoAx
Dr_Willisjohan,  and did you close the terminal>? and they vanished?00:05
ThaRabbitjohan: do that, then real the guide she sent you ;)00:06
LjLbradley__, if compiz doesn't work with the standard driver, it means it's not supposed by ubuntu with your card. if you really insist on running it, at your own risk (i don't see why you'd *need* to run it), then try asking in #compiz-fusion00:06
DASPRiDwhere is the swap partition in /dev/mapper/ defined?00:06
sinboxOK how do I install the development headers for jack?00:06
ThaRabbitjohan: read*00:06
cwilluif the shutdown and restart buttons disappeared, what did I do?00:06
johando i got to have the terminal open?00:06
dn4iadoes anyone know how to broadcast RTMP out?00:06
beautifulsnowjohan:  you're NOT a retard, you just need to follow the instructions on the guide. If you do nothing, nothing will happen ^_^;;00:06
Dr_Willisjohan,  do NOT NOT NOT use the close button. use the 'exit' command00:06
DASPRiDbeautifulsnow, sounds logical00:06
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Are you using xubuntu, kubuntu, or ubuntu00:06
johanohh..ok...hahah :P whats the exit command?00:06
Dr_Willisjohan,  close button is killing the processes you started with &00:06
bradley__LjL: i dont "need" to... but that is the entire reason for me even getting Ubuntu00:07
ThaRabbitjohan: yes, run "metacity --replace &" in a terminal to return to basic ubuntu00:07
DIL_johan, repeat 3 times fast - "i am sofa king we todd did"  the results will tell00:07
Dr_Willisexit is the proper way to close the terminal. :)00:07
beautifulsnowhaha Dr_Willis I didnt know that :P Now I dont have to keep the terminal open to keep running my stuff ;)00:07
bradley__ArthurArchnix:  ubuntu00:07
DASPRiDdoes NOBODY of the 400 users here know about /dev/mapper? :/00:07
johansry for holding u guys up..and YES i am going to read the site :P00:07
ThaRabbitjohan: then ead the guides :)00:07
beautifulsnowDIL_:  youre so mean >_>00:07
Dr_Willisbeautifulsnow,  BASH basics wins again! :)00:07
cwilluDASPRiD, you presume that even 10% of those 400 people are actually watching :p00:07
DIL_johan, quite juvenile yes00:07
DASPRiDcwillu, i do :>00:07
Dr_Willisif you REALLY want to use the close button, You could use the nohup command.00:07
Dr_Willisi think00:07
DASPRiDcwillu, so, you dont know about it? ^^00:07
johanb4 i go..hats the exit command? :P00:08
cwilluDASPRiD, I think it's to do with lvm00:08
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Ok, so do this in a terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager00:08
ryanakcaCan someone help me figure out why (K)Ubuntu doesn't recognize my CD/DVD drive? see output of cdrecord -scanbus  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58993/ . IDE CD/DVD drive. Running the two commands suggested in the pastebin produce similar results.00:08
bruenigDr_Willis: or screen00:08
DASPRiDcwillu, thats true00:08
cwillugive me a sec though, I'll check00:08
bradley__ArthurArchnix:  okay one sec00:08
Dr_Willisbruenig,  i have some issues with screen at times. :)00:08
DASPRiDand with luks00:08
bruenigwhat issues?00:08
beautifulsnowNo one seems to be at #vbox so I will ask here :P I try to mount a share with vboxsf and mount tells me it doesnt know vboxsf, any clue what the bunny is happening? :P00:08
cwilluDASPRiD, what do you need to know about it?00:08
DASPRiDcwillu, well, i did a ubuntu-server install, with crypted lvm00:09
johan@ someone...do i use feisty? v 7.1?00:09
johani mean..i use 7.1..is that feisty?00:09
DASPRiDbut i dont know if the swap in /dev/mapper is a crypted one or not00:09
IndyGunFreakjohan: why would you do that00:09
cwillujohan, 7.1000:09
komputesjohan: 7.10 is gutsy00:09
LjLDr_Willis, both "exit" and the close buttons will kill & processes unless they were started with nohup/screen...00:09
bradley__ArthurArchnix: can we go to a room, so we dont have to see all the trafic #atidriver00:09
cwillujohan, (i.e., ten, not one zero)00:09
cwillujohan, 7.04 = april of 2007, 7.10 = october of 200700:09
johanhttp://compiz.org/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide it doesnt say anything about gutsy there00:10
cwillujohan, it's already installed00:10
ArthurArchnixbradley__: I'm not that kind of guy/girl. We should stay here in case you have problems I don't know how to solve. Then you don't need to re-explain it.00:10
IndyGunFreakjohan: compiz is installed in gutsy00:10
johanyeah..but why does it get all retarded when i use the sudo compiz command?00:10
DASPRiDcwillu, dont ignore meh :P00:10
mynymli can't move forward/backward in either totem or mplayer with a .mov file. is there a fix?00:11
ThaRabbitbeautifullsnow: you sure you're using the right syntax?00:11
beautifulsnowjohan:  youre not supposed to sudo it00:11
bradley__ArthurArchnix: ok... so when i typed that it tells me that there is nothing in E or something00:11
cwilluDASPRiD, one sec00:11
ArthurArchnixbradley__: That is a non-standard error message.00:11
LjLjohan: you're not supposed to run it manually, for starters. it should be there in System / Preferences / Desktop Effects, if it's supported by your card.00:11
johanok...but..we got that figured that out..ive got gutsy 7.10 apperantly i got compiz...then what?00:11
prince_jammysjohan: compiz --replace   enables compiz. or go to preferences->appearance00:12
Dr_WillisLjL,  ive not seen exit Kill things spawned with &00:12
bradley__ArthurArchnix:  E: Couldnt find pacgx-restricted-modules-generic00:12
johani downloaded something called compizconfig settings manager00:12
IndyGunFreakjohan: are your graphics drivers installed?00:12
beautifulsnowyes johan go to command line and type ccsm &00:12
prince_jammysjohan: you can access that thru preferences->appearance or by typing: ccsm00:12
johancant see anything else called compiz in system preferences00:12
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Did you copy and paste the command I gave you or retype it?00:12
johanwhere do i get drivers for intel gma 950 ?00:12
dj_gibt es jemand auf deutschunterhalten kann ?00:12
ThaRabbitbeautifulsnow: hey00:13
DASPRiDcwillu, how long is a second in your timeframe? :>00:13
beautifulsnowhey ThaRabbit00:13
prince_jammysjohan: it's called "extra desktop effects" or something like that00:13
IndyGunFreakjohan: thats probably your problem, that chipset is flaky under ubuntu czuz its so new.00:13
ThaRabbitbeautifulsnow: it could be that the vboxsf kernell module isn't loaded00:13
LjL!de | dj_00:13
demoshDr_Willis: we have the same buggy behavior then, ill open a bug report00:13
ubotwodj_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de00:13
cwilluDASPRiD, long enough to finish talking to the other guy in another channel :p00:13
bradley__its a diffrent computer so i retyped00:13
beautifulsnowmmmm ThaRabbit let me check that ^_^ thanks00:13
cwilluDASPRiD, 2 minutes :p00:13
snypzzOdd-rationale: you there00:13
Chiefis there a full internet install for bt? so i dont have to use the Live CD?00:13
Dr_Willisdemosh,  go for it. :) heh.. Ive been filing bugs on hardy all week.. but none are imporntant.00:13
ThaRabbitbeautifulsnow: try modprobe vboxsf, then try the mounting again00:13
johani got it all in swedish..so if anyone speaks that language, it might go faster :P00:13
bradley__ArthurArchnix: its a diffrent computer so i retyped00:13
DASPRiDcwillu, tempus fugit00:13
sinboxI get this: "configure: error: Could not find jack/jack.h  Install jack headers to build oddcast" how do I install the jack development headers for my configure to work?00:14
johanwthe chipset is called gma 945 i think ?00:14
CoolBreezehi, need help with NX nightmare, please PM me - thanks and best regards00:14
IndyGunFreakChief: there's ways to install w/o a CD, but i don't know how..00:14
IndyGunFreak!install | Chief00:14
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
ubotwoChief: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:14
LjLsinbox: sudo apt-get install libjack-dev00:14
beautifulsnowThaRabbit:  'fatal vboxsf module not found ;___;' ahaha ill go take care fo it ;) thanks for the tip00:14
PolishOXare there any ubuntu live cds with compiz fusion already installed?00:14
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Ok, well in a terminal press the up key until you see the command you type, then read it over carefully and look for spelling mistakes between what I typed, and what you typed.00:14
sinboxthanks LjL00:14
LjLPolishOX: all of them since Gutsy.00:14
ThaRabbitbeautifulsnow: no problem, I'm working on the same problem right now! :)00:15
PolishOXty LjL00:15
johani think im cracking up...omg...00:15
johanhaha :P00:15
cwilluDASPRiD, I _think_ that whatever shows up in /dev/mapper is the product of whatever lvm does.  if the encryption is internal (plugin or otherwise) to lvm, then I'd expect that those devices are encrypted00:15
Jack_Sparrowbradley__, system...admin... software-sources   and enable all add'l sources       it does have internet access correct?00:15
DASPRiDcwillu, well, root (/) is defined in /etc/crypttab00:16
LjLjohan: not 965, is it?00:16
DASPRiDnormally, swap should be there, too00:16
DASPRiDbut it isnt00:16
johani just want ubuntu to appear nice and clean..like in the youtube movies :( and i also want the cube to work00:16
IndyGunFreakjohan: well, you're gonna have to wait, 965 isn't supported yet.. it works great in Hardy though, at least on an alpha cd it did00:16
LjLcompiz... "nice and clean"... yikes00:16
CoolBreezehi, i'm in a loop from hell in trying to install/unistall NX server....i will paste my problem in a sec....help would be truly appreciated00:16
DASPRiDcwillu, so i need to know where lvm is configured00:17
mynymlpriscila: oi... td bom? o.000:17
whabohello there is there a way to reformat using command line? only?00:17
PolishOXdoes compiz function when in a VM?00:17
CoolBreezedennis@dennis-linux:~$ sudo /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver --install00:17
CoolBreezeNX> 704 ERROR: Cannot add user: nx.00:17
CoolBreezeNX> 704 ERROR: User: nx already exists.00:17
CoolBreezeNX> 704 To fix the problem, you may try to completely uninstall NX00:17
CoolBreezeNX> 704 Server and install it from scratch. If this is not enough,00:17
johanit aing 965 its 94500:17
CoolBreezeNX> 704 please delete the nx user by using the system commands and00:17
FloodBot3CoolBreeze: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
priscilaoi td sim...00:17
LjLwhabo: reformat what?00:17
priscilaestou meia q perdida por aki00:17
IndyGunFreakman, floodbot is on it.00:17
johanim on a laptop and the chipset is intel gma 94500:17
LjL!pt | priscila00:17
ubotwopriscila: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:17
whaboLjL my hard drive4 .. to take it to factory state .. with no OS installed00:17
mynymlpriscila: precisa de ajuda?00:17
LjLwhabo: better to do it from a live CD00:18
PolishOXuse Gparted in another OS or a live cd00:18
DIL_!es | priscila00:18
ubotwopriscila: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:18
CoolBreezesorry about the flood00:18
whabooh thx00:18
mynymlDIL_: its portuguese...00:18
PolishOXgparted is a great linux tool -- one of the best ive ever used00:18
IndyGunFreak!paste | CoolBreeze00:18
ubotwoCoolBreeze: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:18
johani havent seen anyone having problems with gma 945 when i googled it00:18
LjLand it was already given.00:18
ryanakcaCan someone help me figure out why (K)Ubuntu doesn't recognize my CD/DVD drive? see output of cdrecord -scanbus  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58993/ . IDE CD/DVD drive. Running the two commands suggested in the pastebin produce similar results.00:18
priscilapreciso de ajuda sim00:18
LjLIndyGunFreak, no need to give that when the floodbot has given it already00:18
PolishOXhablo un poco espanol quien necesitan ayuda?00:18
ThaRabbitquick question: the nvidia-settings package seems to want to remove nvidia-glx-new?00:18
DIL_geese in port00:19
LjLpriscila: escribe /join #ubuntu-br00:19
IndyGunFreakLjL: oh, didn't know that.. thanks for the info00:19
[Soul]can someone help me with an irq conflict?  i think my usb controller is conflicting w/ my sound card - i only see uhci_hcd:usb1 on the interrupt, but the count goes up whenever i play audio00:19
priscila:o to ficando soida aki rsrsr00:19
mynymlpriscila: gringo hein. quer falar em privado? pq se a gente fica falando ingles aqui ....00:19
ubotwoThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:19
PolishOXestoy un gringo :D00:19
penI have a problem with permission00:19
LjLenglish, please00:19
johanand do i need to download any drivers for my computer?00:19
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789
RedHeronThaRabbit: Progress: got the build to fail, not sure what to do next... not really a programmer.00:19
lostxioncould any one help me update my java on here???00:19
bradley__ArthurArchnix: now it says that the timestamp is too far in the future00:20
IndyGunFreakpen: well, we aren't mind-readers00:20
mynymlrelax guys, i'm trying to get priscila to talk in private or something. lets not refuse someone help just cause they can't speak english or find another channel, alright? just gimme a sec here00:20
RedHeronlostxion: sudo apt-get update00:20
johanu guys got tired of me now? :P00:20
ThaRabbitRedHeron: make probably reported an error why things went wrong?00:20
ThaRabbitjohan: no, lol00:20
IndyGunFreakmynyml: there's channels in her native tongue to help her.00:20
penI'm typing for hte details IndyGunFreak...00:20
IndyGunFreakjohan: yes, i'm tired of you00:20
DIL_you are just trying to link up in Rio00:20
cwillujohan, compiz not workign out of the box?00:20
LjLmynyml, what are you talking about? i've given priscila the right channel repeatedly: it's #ubuntu-br, full of portuguese-speaking people. *this* channel is english-only.00:20
RedHeronThaRabbit: Yes, long and incomprehensible to me.00:20
mynymlIndyGunFreak: maybe. let's help her find it first then. alright?00:20
penwhen I install windows, I accidentally delete one of the partitions and thus when I boot to live cd gparted can't read any partitions00:20
ThaRabbitjohan: I think it's wise for you to post a forum topic on ubuntuforums.com explaining your situation in detail00:21
beautifulsnowmynyml:  what language does she speak? (maybe I can help)00:21
CoolBreezehi, ok I did the pastebin thing, here is the url to my problem with installing NX server http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59080/00:21
johantharabbit...would u mind of taking this in private?00:21
mynymlLjL: i havent seen you link to that channel.00:21
IndyGunFreakmynyml: they did.. wake up00:21
ArthurArchnixbradly__ What says that? What did you do? What did it return?00:21
johanu seem to know this00:21
ThaRabbitjohan: so that people can give you a step by step reply on what to do :)00:21
sinboxok LjL I am now missing lame headers and OggVorbis headers to configure would running the: "sudo apt-get install" with libogg-dev and liblame-dev fix that?00:21
penbut I still can mount the old partitions and copy everything (my root / ) to a backup drive00:21
mynymlbeautifulsnow: port. i'll tell them about the right channel00:21
LjLmynyml: it was given only three times00:21
beautifulsnowBR *is* portuguese lol but there is the #ubuntu-pt as well. (I am portuguese)00:21
johanwell..im going out of town for a couple of weeks...cant wait that long :P00:21
drakodewhat software is best for create website?something like dreamweaver?00:21
mynymlIndyGunFreak: i just got in. i wake up and you relax, alright?00:21
pennow I use gparted to repartition the drive and copy and paste my old / from the backup drive00:21
LjLbeautifulsnow: and that was mentioned by the bot too.00:21
pennow when I boot up00:22
ThaRabbitRedHeron: lol, they can be intimidating yeah. Post it on pastebin or something?00:22
ubotwoPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:22
bradleyArthurArchnix: hey im here00:22
penit says something with read-only00:22
IndyGunFreakmynyml: i'm perfectly relaxed, you're trying to portray yourself as the patron saint of virtue here, and she's been instructed where to go for help, nobody blew her off00:22
penand I can't boot into my desktop00:22
ThaRabbitjohan: no I don't mind... one moment :) switching clients00:22
penso what should I do now?00:22
bradleyArthurArchnix: can u type the comand to Bradley and not Bradley__ now00:22
RedHeronThaRabbit: http://pastebin.ca/93591100:22
penit seems like when I copy and paste the / to the backup drive the permission changed00:22
RedHeronGeez, ThaRabbit ... timing.00:22
penwhat should I do to reverse it?00:22
EchoBinaryHi All! :)   When trying to mount nfs shares, i have to use sudo - how can i pass a username parameter to sudo mount?00:23
penI'm in live CD right now00:23
bradleyArthurArchnix: u there???00:23
Jack_Sparrowbradley__, Now try again         sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager00:23
ArthurArchnixbradley type in a terminal date00:23
ThaRabbitRedHeron: ok, long... reading, one moment :)00:23
lostxionis there a way to run a ipod program on ubuntu???00:23
RedHeronEchoBinary: Probably easier to sudo -i and then just use su from there. :-)00:23
ArthurArchnixbradley then type hwclock00:23
RedHeronThaRabbit: Yep.00:23
mynymlIndyGunFreak: i've seen it happen so often that yea, it does make me nervous. i hadnt seen that you guys had already pointed them to the #ubuntu-br channel. so in this case i guess i was wrong.00:23
ArthurArchnixbradley do the dates and times match?00:23
penIndyGunFreak: do you know the solution?00:23
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, I told him to enable the add'l repos00:23
* drc hands everybody a glass of Brahma and says "Drink Up...Cool Down" :)00:23
priscilaAgora vo sai daqui vo fica no de lá00:23
priscilaObriga pela ajuda00:24
IndyGunFreakmynyml: ok, youve seen it happen so often but bottom line, it dind't happen this time, so who needsd to relax?\00:24
mynymlpriscila: nada00:24
DIL_pen, should you restore a backup rather that copy and paste00:24
drakodewhat program is good to develpod website? something Dreamweaver00:24
EchoBinaryRedHeron: how does that let me pass a username parameter to NFS?00:24
EchoBinaryif i use sudo i am root, if i su to root, i am root00:24
penDIL_, Iwas in a hurry and I now know I'm wrong00:24
johandrakode: I've used homesite+ and dreamweaver00:24
IndyGunFreakpen: i didn't even bother trying to follow your question, to much enter.00:24
DIL_pen, how was your backup made00:24
RedHeronEchoBinary: Sorry, misread the question.00:24
bradleyArthurArchnix: nope00:24
EchoBinarys'all good00:25
bradleyArthurArchnix: one is really off00:25
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: could be a problem. bradley your date, and hwclock don't match?00:25
penDIL_, I just copy and paste everything in the partition00:25
TemptantHey guys is there any way to get flash to effectively work on Ubuntu, I just want to run Ustream on it00:25
pyrakrecommendations for open-source online photo album software?00:25
RedHeronEchoBinary: Honestly, I suck at NFS, still a n00b.00:25
ArthurArchnixbradley Thats one problem.00:25
penDIL_, since I was in the live cd00:25
ThaRabbitRedHeron: that error is past my knowledge00:25
EchoBinaryme too00:25
pyraki'm looking at phpalbum.net00:25
DIL_pen, how was your backup made00:25
RedHeronThaRabbit: Okay.00:25
EchoBinaryill look elsewhere00:25
WorkingOnWiseis there any harm in running a server kernel on a laptop? what would be the drawbacks?00:25
ThaRabbitRedHeron: you might have to forum post that one actually00:25
bradleyArthurArchnix: yeah00:25
DIL_pen, how was your backup made not how was it restored00:25
ThaRabbitRedHeron: never seen it before00:25
johanTharabbit, cant seem to PM you00:25
TemptantWorkingOnWise, Laptops don't usually have as much power as desktops.00:25
penDIL_, I told you I copy and paste the mounted partition to my external drive00:26
IndyGunFreakhmm, you would think00:26
RedHeronThaRabbit: Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks for the help, though!00:26
ThaRabbitRedHeron: alternatively, modprobing the repository driver didn't work :) ?00:26
TemptantHey guys is there any way to get flash to effectively work on Ubuntu, I just want to run Ustream on it00:26
ArthurArchnixbradley well, I'm no expert, but I can share with you what others have done to fix this.00:26
RedHeronThaRabbit: Nope.00:26
WorkingOnWiseTemptant: do u mean processor power?00:26
nickrudWorkingOnWise: If I understand it correctly, the desktop kernels have lower latency than servers, better for interactive work00:26
drakodejohan: how install dreamweaver in linux?00:26
ThaRabbitjohan: I didn't register my nick.. lol, hang on :)00:26
penDIL_, since gparted can't read anything in my hd because the window xp installation messed up00:26
LjLsinbox: most likely00:26
TemptantWorkingOnWise, they tend to 'go' before desktops00:26
ThaRabbitRedHeron: did it give you an error or?00:26
mohamed_hello all, sometime ago there was a problem with ATI cards drivers , this problem still exist or solved ?00:26
RedHeronThaRabbit: No reply.00:26
TemptantWorkingOnWise, I'm sure it would be fine to run on it though00:26
penDIL_, so how was my backup made? I copy and paste00:26
epc2what is workingonwise00:27
RedHeronThaRabbit: NULL return00:27
nickrudmohamed_: ati drivers are still poor00:27
DIL_pen, ok00:27
techi602Can someone tell me which tool use for upload directory recursively to FTP with 1 shell command?00:27
bosanachello people i'm running Linux Operating System and how i can compile file .c to .exe on linux?00:27
ThaRabbitRedHeron: modprobe shouldn't give return00:27
WorkingOnWiseepc2:  what?00:27
ThaRabbitRedHeron: but the result should be visible in dmesg00:27
johandrakode: sry, dont know...i've used it in windows..im new to linux :P00:27
LjL!build-essential > bosanac    (bosanac, see the private message from Ubotu)00:27
DIL_pen, you overwrote a partition00:27
ryanakcaCan someone help me figure out why (K)Ubuntu doesn't recognize my CD/DVD drive? see output of cdrecord -scanbus  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58993/ . IDE CD/DVD drive. Running the two commands suggested in the pastebin produce similar results.00:27
RedHeronThaRabbit: ok00:27
IndyGunFreakbosanac: that made no sense at all.00:27
LjLbosanac: once you have the compiler installed, « gcc filename.c -o name-you-want-for-the-executable » (it doesn't have to end with .exe)00:27
bradley__ArthurArchnix: okay what00:27
lostxionany one know of a page that has guides and forums for ubuntu ???00:27
DIL_pen, you overwrote a partition?00:27
bradley__ArthurArchnix: should i do00:27
mohamed_thx, nickrud , unfortunatly i have ati cards also Motherboard builtin  ati00:27
TemptantHey guys is there any way to get flash to effectively work on Ubuntu, I just want to run Ustream on it00:27
ThaRabbitRedHeron by default "modprobe whatever" doesn't return anything to terminal if it's succesful00:27
penDIL_, what do you mean00:27
penDIL_, I don't think so00:28
bosanacLjL: i dont want to have just name .exe i want to make a windows .exe00:28
epc2does anyone know any good engnerring software00:28
Jack_Sparrowbradley, Two questions.. were the drivers already enabled in your sources?  If not did you enable them and re-run the command he gave you00:28
nickrudmohamed_: I also. The only issue is the fgrlx accelerated driver , it sucks still.00:28
IndyGunFreakTemptant: you mena like flash video?00:28
ArthurArchnixbradley I don't know what these commands do though, so maybe ask someone else if you're concered. Or go have a look around the forums yourself. Anyway, some people say this will fix it. Type "sudo -K", then "sudo hwclock -w" without quotes. Then try the sudo apt-get update command. Then try the sudo apt-get install command. The one that came after && and the same one as Jack_Sparrow gave you above.00:28
DIL_pen, why did you have to restore bear with me00:28
penDIL_, I have a external drive with format ext3 and I create a folder named my ubuntu and copy everything from the disk to it00:28
LjLepc2: bit generic a question, isn't it00:28
ArthurArchnixbradley For your perusal http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-521221.html00:28
RedHeronThaRabbit: PM Spam (6 lines)?00:28
TemptantIndyGunFreak, ustream is for live streaming through a webcam00:28
IndyGunFreakoh ok.00:29
penDIL_, I have to restore because the data are in the external drive00:29
cwillu'I don't know what these commands do' == hours of entertainment :)00:29
IndyGunFreakTemptant: webcams are generally a pain in the rump\00:29
penDIL_, my question now is permission00:29
drakodejohan: i'm not new in linux, further i'm spain speak =( i'm chilean00:29
ThaRabbitRedHeron by default "modprobe whatever" doesn't return anything to terminal if it's succesful00:29
epc2what do mean on a webcam00:29
penDIL_, what should I do to make everything in that partition readable and writable00:29
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: His hardware clock and date don't match, so apt or sudo doesn't work.00:29
johandrakode:  no..i just said I was new to linux :P00:29
mohamed_nickrud, this mean that i have to use vesa drivers, with my ati card or i can download the driver from ati ?00:29
RedHeronThaRabbit: I read that.00:29
bradleyjack_sparrow: no, i dont hink00:29
ThaRabbitRedHeron: okido :)00:29
cwillujohan, get compiz working?00:29
LjL!es | drakode00:29
penDIL_, not just from the root of the live cd00:29
Temptantbut this computer is the only reliable one I have to host that00:29
RedHeronThaRabbit: PM spam of dmesg?00:29
ubotwodrakode: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:29
jribTemptant: when you visit a page that requires flash, firefox should pop up a yellow bar asking you if you want to install it.  Did that not happen?00:29
ubotwoHow should I know?00:30
TemptantNo jrib00:30
johancwillu:  awaiting help from ThaRabbit ...dont know where to begin ;)00:30
ThaRabbitRedHeron: ah, lol... I'm not registered so you can't PM me... try pastebin?00:30
nickrudmohamed_: which ati card do you have? For most, the opensource ati driver will run fine, it just doesn't do 3d acceleration00:30
jribTemptant: install the "flashplugin-nonfree" package00:30
bosanac!mingw > bosanac00:30
LjLbosanac: don't fish the bot please. are you looking for compiling programs for *Windows*?00:30
bradleyArthurArchnix: it just says the timespamp is too far in the future00:30
ryanzechow can i set the default view of folders, i want it to be list not thumbnail?00:30
DIL_pen, chown00:30
TemptantI have gnash00:30
IndyGunFreakgnash is far from perfect00:30
Temptantjrib, wget?00:30
RedHeronThaRabbit: http://pastebin.ca/93592000:30
bosanacLjL: look, i want to compile a ".c" to windows .exe00:30
jribTemptant: apt00:30
penDIL_, what does that do?00:30
bosanacnobody wants to help me00:31
jrib!software > temptant (read the private message from ubotu)00:31
LjLbosanac: « sudo apt-get install mingw32 »00:31
TemptantOkkk yeah I meant that00:31
mohamed_nickrud,  i have one card x600 and onboard x120000:31
ArthurArchnixK bradley i don't know what to do.00:31
drakodeubotwo: respect to devolped website, the usser of ubuntu-es not very good00:31
DIL_!chown | pen00:31
bosanacLjL: i'm installing that and after i install that what to do?00:31
ubotwopen: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:31
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, His response to questions is terrible..  Either he enabled the other repos or he did not.. No I thunk..  isnt adequate.. good luck00:31
LjLdrakode: ubotwo is a robot00:31
bosanacLjL: how to compile it a ?00:31
penDIL_, and I'm in live cd00:31
epc2is there anyway to get x chat for free on a home computer i know its only twenty but i have finacial problems00:31
jribTemptant: you might need to remove gnash00:31
JoelitoHi all: What's the name of the package of gnome that allows you to GUI install deb packages?00:31
johanJag känner en bot...hon heter anna, anna heter hon...00:31
drakodeLjL: oka, Dx i dont know00:31
Dr_Willisepc2,  theres several variants of xchat for windows that are totally free.00:32
penDIL_, I mean i'm in live cd how does that help to change the owner to the root inside the partition00:32
Dr_Willisepc2,  google for 'free windows xchat'00:32
LjLepc2: x-chat is free on linux. install it from Add/Remove Programs in your main menu (or type « sudo apt-get install xchat »)00:32
DIL_pen, can you get to the terminal00:32
nickrudmohamed_: that should be ok for the 600, I think the 1200 requires the fglrx to work00:32
Dr_Willisepc2,  silverx has one variantion Ive been using (i think)00:32
LjLwhy do you assume he's looking for the Windows version?=00:32
bosanacLjL: i'm installing that and after i install that what to do? ( how to compile the file ? )00:32
johanThaRabbit:  any progress? :P00:32
TemptantOmg whats the sudo apt-get command00:32
Dr_Willisepc2,  if you have 2 machines, you can run xchat on the linux box and have it appear on the windows machine with vnc, or xming,00:32
penDIL_, i'm in terminal now00:32
ThaRabbitjohan: try and pm me again ;)00:32
njanbosanac, I've warned you several times now, I'm not going to do it again.00:32
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: He's a bit out of his element I think. Not sure he knows what you mean by repos. And he can't run simple commands like sudo apt-get update, because the timestamps between date and hwclock don't match.00:32
Cpudan80bosanac: njan is here too00:32
njanbosanac, freenode doesn't exist to help you do things which are most likely illegal in your jurisdiction.00:32
mohamed_thx, nickrud then i install fglrx drivers00:32
Jack_Sparrowepc2, You are very close to the line on Piracy.. please do not cross it00:33
bosanaci dont ask for that file DUDE00:33
bosanaci ask for another one00:33
Cpudan80Didn't mean to steal your thunder njan00:33
bosanacand i ask the command00:33
johanPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )00:33
johanThaRabbit: Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )00:33
DIL_cd to relavant files and ls -al00:33
njanbosanac, what is it you're trying to compile now?00:33
jribTemptant: sudo apt-get remove gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'00:33
DIL_pen, cd to relavant files and ls -al00:33
lusepusterHi folks, does anyone know of a lightweight RTF editur for Linux (preferrably Gnome) in the vein of Mac OS X's TextEdit...?00:33
bosanacthe advscan00:33
ThaRabbitjohan: you are not registered with this server, you can't send PMs then :)00:33
johani need to register aswell?00:33
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, np, thanks for trying to help him00:33
ThaRabbitjohan: yes00:33
LjLbosanac: i think « i586-mingw32msvc-gcc filename.c »00:33
johanok...does it take time to register?00:33
Dr_Willisepc2,  silverex recompiled xchat from source for windows for free.. legally..  http://www.silverex.org/news/00:33
LjL!register > johan    (johan, see the private message from Ubotu)00:33
ubotwoBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.00:33
penDIL_: now?00:33
johan!register > Johan00:34
ArthurArchnixbradley what is the output of hwclock?00:34
ArthurArchnixbradley which one is wrong? hwclock or date?00:34
penDIL_: what should I do next?00:34
bosanacLjL: you think or it is?00:34
DIL_pen, should show permissions for files and folders for users, group, owner00:34
penDIL_: yes00:34
penDIL_: I see them00:34
Vad1How can I tell what graphics card have I got from the terminal?00:34
LjLbosanac, sorry, i'm not going to install 80Mb worth of packages to find out.00:34
Alan_MPlease, if a command was used recently, you do not have to repeat it over and over, just look for what ubotwo has mentioned in the room. Thank you.00:34
zcat[1]my head hurts.. I don't think I can explain binary or dotted quads to this audience00:34
beautifulsnowjohan go on the tab that says "Freenode" and ONLY there type /nickserv register johan WhateverPasswordYouWantToUse and then do /nickserv identify WhateverPasswordYouUsed00:34
PriceChildVad1: lspci | grep VGA00:35
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
nedhow do i add a device with netmask gateway to eth0 as a virtual00:35
penDIL_: but how do I set those back to how a ubuntu system should be?00:35
Vad1PriceChild: Thanks man00:35
Max007Can someone tell what's the app that shows system state on the desktop in this screenshot:00:35
Max007Can someone tell what's the app that shows system state on the desktop in this screenshot: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/mnml+dsk?content=7510000:35
ArthurArchnixbradley__: Stop changing your nickname. I'm trying to help you but you seem to be more concerned with changing your nickname.00:35
nickrudbosanac: you probably will find better compiling help on ##c , this isn't a compiling support channel but an ubuntu support one00:35
bosanacohh sorry then00:35
steve176Hi. Trying to get smf working on gutsy, but am a PHP newb. Have installed php5 and libapache2-mod-php5, but rather than running any php pages are downloaded and opened in gedit. Any ideas?00:35
LjLnicks##c doesn't support *compilers*, it supports the language00:35
LjLnickrud: ^00:35
DIL_pen, look for file(s) you want to access and see what permission they have r=read w=write x=execute00:35
nickrudLjL: heh. any port in a storm00:36
Dr_WillisMax007,  hard to tell. it could be 'conky'00:36
penDIL_: I want everything to be rw by anyone so at least I can boot into my ubuntu00:36
ryanakcaCan someone help me figure out why (K)Ubuntu doesn't recognize my CD/DVD drive? see output of cdrecord -scanbus  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/58993/ . IDE CD/DVD drive. Running the two commands suggested in the pastebin produce similar results. Output of 'cdrecord dev=ATA -scanbus' here: http://pastebin.ca/93592600:36
=== bosanac is now known as whah
zcat[1]ned: ifconfig eth0:1 netmask   and you need to add the route separately00:36
penDIL_: how should I achive that?00:36
bluefox83need some help getting a laptop sound card working, i've followed all the howto's and can't figure out where i'm going wrong...00:36
nedzcat[1], how00:36
penDIL_: *achieve00:36
Max007Dr_Willis: ok, i'm trying it right now00:36
IndyGunFreakbluefox83: what card?00:36
bluefox83when i plug my headphones in, my speakers don't turn off00:36
bluefox83erm, holdon00:37
johanim trying to change my name00:37
bradley__ArthurArchnix: no i am using 2 computers, just address me as Bradley... ill find it00:37
=== johan is now known as Fruuctis
DIL_pen, you can use the tar command tar cvf00:37
zcat[1]ned: can't recall .. "  route add default gw  " or something close to that00:37
Dr_WillisMax007,  and conky can take a bit of tweaking to get it done right.00:37
Fruuctisapperantly i figured that out00:37
diegosouzabluefox83, turn off the front00:37
nedzcat[1], alright thanks man00:37
bluefox83IndyGunFreak, Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)00:37
penDIL_: what does that do? tar cvf?00:37
Fruuctisim now called Fruuctis for those who wants to know00:37
bluefox83diegosouza, can't, turns everything off00:37
cwilluFruuctis, == johan00:38
IndyGunFreakbluefox83: i've read about problems w/ that device here before, not sure of  a soution, sorry00:38
EchoBinaryryanakca: did you md5 check the iso? perhaps a bad burn?00:38
PriceChildFruuctis: firstly everyone saw your nick change, secondly if they didn't, you didn't tell us who you were.00:38
bluefox83IndyGunFreak, k, thanks for trying00:38
=== Ashfire_Server is now known as Ashfire908
Fruuctissry price child..didnt mean to take that for granted00:38
joe_I installed opera via sudo apt-get install opera, but I can't seem to find it.00:38
ut2004playerQuestion: if screensavers run really slow full screen, does that mean weak graphics card?00:38
zcat[1]ned: or just define eth0:1 in /etc/networking/interfaces 'iface inet static' with address, netmask and gateway defined one line each below that00:38
diegosouzabluefox83, gnome-volume-control00:38
ryanakcaEchoBinary: I've had this install for the past year and a half.... it only stopped working 4 weeks ago.00:38
bluefox83diegosouza, i already checked there, there is no headphone jack option00:39
EchoBinaryryanakca: perhaps a cable is unseated?00:39
thesaint4444hi guys, does anyone know how I can get my new 8gb ipod nano to work with my ubuntu desktop?.... thanks.00:39
EchoBinaryor perhaps the drive just went bad00:39
subsumeI just f*xed my ubuntu lab internet connectivity. Can only connect via terminal to the server. can someone plz help me debug?00:39
penDIL_: I still have my backup (or copy and paste) in my external, if I were to restore it again to my ubuntu partition how should I do instead of copy and paste?00:39
bluefox83diegosouza, and muting anything there also mutes the headphones00:39
Bruno_thesaint4444: download gtkpod00:39
drakodedo not wise it is like  i don't know???00:40
thesaint4444Bruno_: hi, thanks, have you used it with success?00:40
DIL_pen, after tar cvf "somefile name" it will create an archive in a name you specify - as part of using linuz it is a basic you should learn to use00:40
Jack_Sparrowbluefox83, the fix for that is to recompile alsa...  /join #Alsa for more info00:40
bluefox83i even compiled the latest alsa00:40
drakodeLjL: do not wise it is like  i don't know???00:40
penDIL_, well, that's why I'm asking. I don't think I need that00:40
nickrudthesaint4444: I had to compile a newer libgpod and gtkpod from http://www.gtkpod.org/libgpod.html , the one in ubuntu doesn't support the new ones00:40
Jack_Sparrowbluefox83, version 15 or 1600:40
bluefox83Jack_Sparrow, 1600:40
Bruno_thesaint4444: no, i use amarok but with an ipod touch. maybe you should try amarok as well por you nano00:41
cabrioleurbluefox83, did you try options snd-hda-intel model=laptop or lenovo or acer?00:41
drakodeBruno_: do not wise it is like  i don't know?00:41
Jack_Sparrowbluefox83, you need to use 15  and ask in alsa00:41
LjLdrakode, i don't understand what you're saying00:41
snypzzOdd-rationale: you there00:41
bradley__ArthurArchnix: when i try to install anything or do anything in the terminal nothing happens00:41
DIL_pen, what i am not getting is what happened to the source you copied from00:41
Donkacan anyone tell me why everytime i try to run a mpg, avi, or wmv from a website it wont stream it has to download it everytime ?00:41
bradley__ArthurArchnix: that is why i have talk here00:41
Bruno_drakode: sorry?00:41
bluefox83Jack_Sparrow, I don't know where to find 1500:41
joe_when you install something via sudo apt-get install, does it go to a specific directory?00:41
bluefox83cabrioleur, yes..i did00:41
penDIL_, please let me explain in more detail, this should take sometime typing00:42
thesaint4444Bruno_: yeah I use amarok also and am trying to get my new nano to work with it... but without much success so far...00:42
Jack_Sparrowbluefox83, wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.15rc3.tar.bz2               and like I said see alsa00:42
Asher256How to save battery in a EEE PC with Ubuntu Gutsy ?00:42
cabrioleurbluefox83, and i assume you try messing with index=0 or something as well?00:42
Bruno_thesaint4444: what error does it give you?00:42
thesaint4444nickrud: hi, thanks, and you got it working?00:42
javatexanhow do I find out which volumes are mapped to which devices?00:42
bluefox83cabrioleur, noooo not the index stuff...00:43
thesaint4444Bruno: it won't put the music onto the device...00:43
ellevoroshow can i remove the drivers from my graphic card?00:43
ArthurArchnixbradley__: it will stay that way until you fix the discrepancy between your hardware clock and the system date.00:43
nickrudthesaint4444: yes, I just compiled both with default options. No art work but I do have music. Enough for me00:43
cabrioleurbluefox83, is it on a laptop?00:43
drakodeLjL: "not so wise" equals to "i dont know"???00:43
thesaint4444nickrud: thats all I need... will give it a go now.00:43
bluefox83cabrioleur, yes, Hp pavilion dv600000:43
bradley__ArthurArchnix: it no longer says too far in the future .... nothing happens, how do i fix it00:44
diegosouzabluefox83, ok00:44
ut2004playeris there a way to set resolution to 1024x768 for normal use and make it 800x600 when for screensaver?00:44
LjLdrakode: si quierebas decir "no lo sé", sí00:44
penDIL_, I want to install window and prepare a NTFS partition for it in gparted, but after I proceed into the blue installation screen, windows can't install it because the partition is not a valid windows partition so I use the window installation partition manager to delete the window partition I made in gparted, after that it still can't install windows so I try to boot back to my ubuntu and found out that I can't boot into it anymore00:44
drakodeLjL: ok, thx00:44
cabrioleurbluefox83, "option snd-hda-intel index=0 model=laptop" in alsa-base, and reload the module.00:44
nickrudthesaint4444: be sure to read all the readme's in the source dires00:44
* ut2004player awaits patiently for a response.......00:44
ArthurArchnixbradley__: so, the output of 'date' and 'hwclock' are the same, or really close?00:45
DIL_pen, from terminal type locate grub00:45
penDIL_, so I boot to live cd and found out that gparted can't read any partition in my hd but I can mount the partition in my computer:///00:45
bradley__ArthurArchnix: really close00:45
ArthurArchnixbradley__: What does "sudo apt-get update" do?00:45
bradley__ArthurArchnix: one sec00:45
* kestir tells ut2004player that's the wrong usage of the word await00:45
thesaint4444nickrud: ok, thanks.....00:45
bradley__ArthurArchnix: i just tried a restart00:45
bluefox83cabrioleur, reload the sound module?00:46
DASPRiDcwillu, alright, i read about it, the lvm group is on an ecrypted partition, which contains the root partition and the swap00:46
penDIL_, after that I copy everything from my ubuntu partition to my external, then I delete everything and make new partition table from gparted again00:46
penDIL_, this is all done in live cd00:46
ut2004playerkestir a little help please?00:46
penDIL_, basically, that's the whole story00:46
DIL_pen, from terminal type locate grub00:46
pros9767Can I have someone test this please: http://www.imakmud.com:9090/phpchat00:46
kumarphillywats so great abt phpachat00:47
penDIL_, http://rafb.net/p/vY1u8Y69.html00:47
=== Verichip__ is now known as Verichip
bluefox83cabrioleur, how do i reload it? the module is snd_hda_intel00:47
pianoboy3333I'm trying to rip the audio off of a dvd with mplayer/mencoder can anyone help?00:47
bradley__ok ArthurArchnix: no it reads some packages00:48
cabrioleurbluefox83, sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel00:48
ArthurArchnixbradley__: No it reads some packages.... what does that mean. It doesn't give you any error messages?00:48
ut2004playerKESTIR!!! :(00:49
knubbeanyone who managed to install libgpod 0.6 (or higher) on gutsy? i get: "checking for LIBGPOD... configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old."00:49
jrleciao qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare?00:49
mallockilx I am trying to ssh into my machine my ssh paramaters are correct openoffice responds that i am trying to login to my wan address versus the supplied localhost this is comming from mysql-server how do i fix this?00:49
bradley__ArthurArchnix: whenever i try to install something it tells me that the applications list is out of date, and then it downloads some stuff... then it does the same thing next time..... about the packages....no error messages00:49
penDIL_: any news?00:49
bluefox83cabrioleur, i get ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use00:50
bluefox83it wont let me reload the module :(00:50
ArthurArchnixbradley__: ok, do this, sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update   then don't do anything else till you come back here and tell me about any error messages.00:50
cabrioleurbluefox83, so you will have to restart computer, or kill all of the sound sources and redo the command.00:50
Jack_Sparrowbradley__, Did you EVER try a program called automatix or one called envy?00:51
bluefox83cabrioleur, ok, brb00:51
bradley__Jack_Sparrow: nope i just reinstalled Ubuntu00:51
Jack_Sparrowbradley__, Please do not use those... thanks00:51
tigahi all00:52
cabrioleurbradley__, "sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org", then "sudo hwcloack --systohc", then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"00:52
bradley__Jack_Sparrow: why what are they00:52
ut2004playeranyone know recommended specs to run ubuntu screensavers?00:52
DIL_pen, not good, two things 1- if you want windows boot with xp and do repair at c prompt do "fixmbr" 2 reinstall ubuntu and since you have a backup you should be good to go.00:52
amx109hi. using hardy alpha 6, it seems to mount vfat/ntfs partitions incorrectly, despite me explicitly specifying them in /etc/fstab. a manual sudo umount<dir> && sudo mount <dir> fixes it. am i doing something wrong ref fstab or is there a diff way to handle those fs's now eg with fuse?00:52
ellevoroshow can i remove the drivers from my graphic card?00:52
ellevoroshow can i remove the drivers from my graphic card?00:52
Jack_Sparrowbradley__, Please do not use those... they will break your system trying to get certain features working00:52
mallockilxubuntu is too busy00:52
mallockilx I am trying to ssh into my machine my ssh paramaters are correct openoffice responds that i am trying to login to my wan address versus the supplied localhost this is comming from mysql-server how do i fix this?00:52
zcat[1]alpah 6 is out?00:52
bruenigellevoros: drivers aren't on your graphic card, no need to fear00:52
mallockilxi get access denied from mysql00:52
javatexanhow do I find out which device /tmp was bound to.  I think I put it on a different Hdd so I think it would be a different dev right?00:53
LjL!hardy > zcat[1]    (zcat[1], see the private message from Ubotu)00:53
zcat[1]amx109: #ubuntu+1 btw00:53
cwilluut2004player, many don't really have any required specs;  anything opengl will work better if you have working acceleration00:53
bradley__um cabrioleur. now its not doing anything00:53
amx109thanks zcat[1]00:53
spywareWhat's the best webcamserver for ubuntu? i've tried apt-get install webcam-server but that sucked really hard00:53
drakodeLjL: si "quierebas decir" it is bad in spain, is "si quieres decir"... no is quierebas, is quieres (in spain)00:53
bluefox83cabrioleur, no change...00:53
penDIL_, how about the programs or stuff configuration files?00:53
AmyTekn8 all00:54
mouseboyxque es bas?00:54
LjLdrakode: "querías" quería decir creo :) but let's stick to english here00:54
penDIL_, I have installed rainlendar2 and compiz , and I have made changes to both. btw I have installed icedtea java and IDE00:54
mlLKlavata los manos00:54
lusepusterHi folks, trying again... Do we have something like a Linux equivalent of Apple's TextEdit - that is, a light weight editor that handles RTF files too? OpenOffice and even Abiword seem like overkill for the job...00:54
bradley__im just going to resintall Ubuntu AGAIN00:54
penDIL_: where can I found the configuration files00:54
penDIL_, or how should I restore it after I reinstall ubuntu?00:55
ellevorosbruenig: it does not work effect on desktop and i think the problem is the driver00:55
Agent_bobok. say i want to generate one RSA or DSA key for ssh root acount and apply it network wide on a lan, so that anyone possessing that key could ssh as root into any box on the lan.    what is the best way to achieve this ?00:55
ut2004playercwillu: SpirographX, a screensaver, for example runs EXTREMLEY slow? is it my laptop? (single core 1.86 ghz, 512 ram, 40 gig HD, intel integrated graphics 128mb)00:55
AntiUSAcould anyone recommend a good GUI FTP program?00:55
kestirbradley__: why not learn what's wrong, put some effort into fixing it...and learning the OS00:55
cwilluut2004player, run this in a terminal: glxinfo | grep -i direct00:56
ut2004playerah ok thanks00:56
Agent_bobAntiUSA konqueror :)00:56
bruenig!english | ellevoros00:56
ubotwoellevoros: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:56
DIL_pen, startn fresh my friend logical copying did not bring all files00:56
ubotwoTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:56
tigahi, is there an mIRC-like that is not xchat. I'm not very friendly with this last one00:56
kestirAntiUSA: you're antiusa and you live in the us?00:56
AntiUSAkonquerer goes FTP?00:56
xb3rttiga: irssi00:56
AntiUSAyes I do00:56
ubotwo#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:56
kestirAntiUSA: get a shrink and workout that self loathing00:57
penDIL_, you mean I have to lose all those data?00:57
tigaok i try it thanks00:57
AntiUSAdoes Nautilus got FTP?00:57
FelipeSI'm on Hardy. I just did some updates which required me to reboot my PC. Now my sound device is not detected by Ubuntu. The device does show under lspci however,00:57
CoolBreezeHi, please PM me if you can help me out with the following problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59082/ -much thanks00:57
penDIL_: no way to restore it?00:57
PriceChild!hardy | FelipeS00:57
ubotwoFelipeS: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:57
penDIL_: how about the local share or etc stuff?00:57
Agent_bobAntiUSA personally i like gentoo for ftp work.00:57
AntiUSAkestir, classy. you should work out your living on the super exploitation of the third world00:57
xb3rtWhats the graphical launcher tray called that I see with all the shortcuts to apps00:57
drakodeLjL: oka00:57
drakodeLjL: ok00:57
joe__hey all i have to problems and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them or knew where to point me in the right direction00:57
penDIL_:does copy and paste after I instlal ubuntu works?00:57
PriceChildunderdawg: ubotwo just said it...00:58
joe__the first problem is when i log out of my account it always goes to a white screen where i have to hit alt s to pull up the login screen00:58
AntiUSAgentoo the distribution???00:58
kestirAntiUSA: tell your community college professor tomorrow you did your antius rant for the day00:58
pianoboy3333I'm trying to rip the audio off of a dvd with mplayer/mencoder can anyone help?00:58
Agent_bobAntiUSA sudo apt-get install gentoo00:58
lusepusterkestir, AntiUSA maybe you should take that discussion somewhere else?00:58
kestirAntiUSA: he'll be proud of you...and give you an a on your paper00:58
PriceChild!offtopic | AntiUSA kestir00:58
ubotwoAntiUSA kestir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:58
kestirAntiUSA: and you'll tell all your friends how cool your professor is, cuz he's got a ponytail00:58
AntiUSAhe raised it, not me00:58
ut2004playercwillu: it says Direct Rendering: No OpenGL rendering string: Mesa GLX Indirect00:58
DIL_pen, data is not same a "programs"00:58
kestiryour nick is a troll00:59
LjLAntiUSA: and indeed the factoid was directed at both00:59
bradley__kestir: cause thats what i have been doing for the last 2 days :(00:59
LjLnow quit it00:59
Agent_bobPriceChild i don't think AntiUSA was OT  but others were OT'ing with him.00:59
PriceChildAgent_bob: you are offtopic00:59
sunilonlnhi all -- my computer didn't update for daylight savings today, and i'm haven't been able to fix it. i believe that my hardware clock is on local time because i'm dual booting with windows.00:59
bluefox83cabrioleur, still here?00:59
cwilluut2004player, that's your problem.  what video card do you have?00:59
AntiUSAi'm sorry, this reactionary won't shut up about his anti-academia crap, i only responded to it00:59
lusepusterAntiUSA, kestir Who started it isn't important, it's important you go somewhere else to have your dog fights00:59
DIL_pen, what you want to do is like counting sand particles at the beach just reinstall and next time use dd or tar to make your backups00:59
joe__anyone know why i can't enable desktop screenlets on my wife's name?01:00
joe__i have the manager but when i click them nothing happens01:00
ellevorosbruenig: i can enable the visual effects and i think that the problem is on the drivers!!!01:00
Jack_Sparrowjoe__, I am thinking it is a permissions issue.. does she have admin rights01:00
DIL_pen, data= stuff saved in your home directory came be copied over01:00
ellevorosbruenig: i can enable the visual effects and i think that the problem is on the drivers!!!01:01
penDIL_: how does tar help me?01:01
crabgrassdo i have to turn cron on?01:01
drakodewhat is the code for search in linux from console? to search files?01:01
joe__Jack_Sparrow, I thought I did what is the easiest way to check01:01
crabgrass'cause i just set up a new job, and crontab -l shows it, but its not working01:01
DIL_pen, an archival tool01:01
Dont_Panic_42mdadm keeps telling me my partition has ext2 on it. Has any one had or heard of this kind of problem?01:01
LjLdrakode: "find" searches files. "grep" searches *inside* files.01:01
drakodeLjL: thx01:01
drakodeLjL: how i use?01:01
penDIL_: I know01:01
giorgosanyone can help me with a sound problem i have?01:01
LjLdrakode: which one?01:01
DIL_pen, an archival tool that you can restore from when shtf01:01
mallockilxi get access denied from mysql, it rewrites my address to my wan address this is an ssh tunnel, i know my ssh command is right as if i go on the sister server i can get in without it rewriting my address please help me.01:02
penDIL_: I mean does tar preserve the permission too?01:02
ut2004playercwillu: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 91501:02
penDIL_: and everything>?01:02
drakodeLjL: a file01:02
joe__Jack_Sparrow, yeah she does, under administration-users and groups01:02
beautifulsnowWondering if anyone can help me: This one program HIDES instead of showing on my dekstop. Is there a way to force applications to show on your taskbar?01:02
penDIL_: so if I want to backup my whole system I should use tar right?01:02
DIL_pen, yes and i like dd better because it does a bit for bit copy01:02
cwilluut2004player, gutsy?01:02
giorgosi installed the codecs required for ubuntu to play mp3s but my laptop wont play any sounds.any ideas?01:02
penDIL_: dd? you mean like "dd"01:03
penDIL_: ?01:03
cwillupen, dd is good for making exact images of the harddrive or a partition01:03
DIL_pen, yes tar or dd the whole partition01:03
penDIL_: oh, you mean it creates a image01:03
giorgosnoone no ideas?01:03
cwillupen, tar and similar are better for pretty much everything else01:03
penDIL_: ok thanx01:03
RoadHazardhas ATI gotten its stuff together vis a vis the ati xpress 200?01:04
pencwillu: ok, so it's not wise and it's dumb to use copy and paste01:04
pencwillu: got it01:04
cwillupen, well, depending on what you're backing up01:04
BadSectorHas anyone in here had success running Ubuntu 7.10 with a Geforce 6100 video card?... i've tried suggested restricted drivers and envy, and with both the screen goes crazy after a few mins.. :( ?01:04
ut2004playercwillu: whats gutsy?01:04
pencwillu: I mean like partition01:04
cwilluut2004player, which version of ubuntu do you have?01:04
Jack_SparrowBadSector, 6000's work fine.. using envy.. not a good idea.01:05
penok, I think I will reinstall my ubuntu again....sign01:05
xifHi. How does the Ubuntu wireless network support compare to Airport?01:05
ut2004playercwillu: yes gutsy01:05
penthx for the help anyways01:05
cwilluut2004player, upgrade or fresh install?01:05
ut2004playercwillu: live CD01:05
BadSectorJack_Sparrow: Are you running it with that set up, or have in the past?... my screen will go like "squelched" after a few mins of running01:05
giorgosi installed the codecs required for ubuntu to play mp3s but my laptop wont play any sounds.any ideas?01:05
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
beautifulsnowIs it sort of safe (make backup first ofcourse) to boot from livecd and resize my ubuntu partition so that I can make Windows fit?01:06
Jack_SparrowBadSector, I am on a 6600 right now and never had anything like that01:06
ellevorosbruenig: i can enable the visual effects and i think that the problem is on the drivers!!!can you help me???01:07
BadSectorJack_Sparrow: humm.. yeah but mine is the 6100, so that may be the difference. ..  works fine with my XP install... arrg.. only tried envy cause someone suggested it, but that didn't work either... same effect01:07
giorgossomeone please help...any ideas appreciated01:07
MinusSevenHas anyone else heard the rumour that version 26.04 will be distributed in pill form and get installed in the brain?01:07
cwilluut2004player, probably just a problem with the autodetection then;  this sort of thing is nearly impossible to 'fix' from the cd though, as it generally requires reboots to figure out what exactly is going on01:07
Jack_SparrowBadSector, Want me to post my xorg so you can compare to yours...01:08
LOWLUXi have a veo stingray webcam......the room is too dark.... how do i get to the webcam setting to make it brighter?01:08
BadSectorJack_Sparrow: would you please... any help would be greatly appreciated... i would luv to run ubuntu on this system01:08
buntsgiorgos: run alsaconf01:08
giorgosbunts, how do i do this?01:08
buntsin terminal01:08
crabgrassalright, ill ask again. i added "0,20,40 * * * * xfdesktop -reload >/dev/null 2>&1" as a new cron job, it shows up in crontab -l, but i've passed 40 after and 20 after, and nothing happens. what am i doing wrong? is cron turned on by default, and if not, how do i turn it on?01:09
ut2004playercwillu: so if i reboot will it fix? also is my hardware ok should it be able to run these geometric heavy screensavers?01:09
LOWLUXi have a veo stingray webcam......the room is too dark.... how do i get to the webcam setting to make it brighter?01:09
Jack_SparrowBadSector, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59085/01:09
cwilluut2004player, as long as your on a live cd, it's going to be impossible to actually show you it working, for all intents and purposes01:09
giorgosi get command not found when i type alsaconf01:09
BadSectorJack_Sparrow: thx for the help01:09
cwilluut2004player, but I would be very very surprised if it didn't work in a full install (after at most a few minutes of futsing around)01:10
Jack_SparrowBadSector, I just enabled restricted drivers and such and it all worked01:10
Chipsa964ut2004player, he is correct01:10
drakodebye bye01:10
javatexanhow do you get the mapping from /volumenamehere to the actual device it is on in /dev01:10
giorgosi get command not found when i type alsaconf01:10
dooglushow do I add a new locale to my system?01:10
dooglus"dpkg-reconfigure locales" regenerates them, but the same ones each tiem01:11
Paddy_EIREWould anyone know how to bridge a wireless connection on a laptop to the ethernet connection (xbox360)01:11
cwillugiorgos, probably not installed (which you gathered)01:11
cwillugiorgos, one sec01:11
ut2004playercwillu: thanks alot! :)01:11
giorgossure cwillu01:11
Chipsa964ut2004player, my internal mic and headphones wouldnt work no matter what we did while we were on the livecd...but after i did a full install, everything worked perfectly01:11
pppoe_dudehow can i find out how many modules of RAM i have installed, and if i have any available ones, from CLI01:11
ut2004playerChipsa964: ah i see that makes sense i guess then01:12
LjLpppoe_dude: uhm, i don't think that's visible at the software level actually...01:12
ellevorosgiorgos: are you from greece ?01:12
buntsgiorgos: what audio player u use?01:12
cwillugiorgos, what are you trying to do with alsaconf?01:12
giorgosyes ellevoros01:12
ubotwo#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes01:12
giorgosbunts, BMP and amarok01:12
crabgrassi hate how i never get help in here =(01:12
ubotwoHow should I know?01:13
ubotwoTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf01:13
pppoe_dudeLjL, :(01:13
buntsgiorgos: install xmms and in preferences set up sound card01:13
* cwillu only has ten fingers01:13
SpookyETHas anyone seen the Linix is beautiful story:?
giorgoscwillu, i installed the codecs needed for ubuntu to play mp3 but i get no sound01:13
pppoe_dudeLjL, doesn't BIOS know?01:13
bruenigSpookyET: spam01:13
cwillugiorgos, do you get the splash sound when you log in?01:13
drakodeLjL: i'm already learned how to use it, ex: find / -name file*01:13
LjLpppoe_dude, don't think so, i think it's handled completetly at the hardware level. couldn't you just unscrew the left side of the case, like?01:13
giorgosno cwillu01:13
SpookyETbruenig: vegetarian? Besides that the moron can't spell linux, kde is shaping up to be pretty good looking01:13
LjLdrakode: to find filenames that begin with "file", yes01:14
bruenigkde is non tiling, waste01:14
pppoe_dudeLjL, no screwdriver01:14
ellevorosnai alla den apanta kaneis sto #ubuntu-gr!!!!01:14
cwillugiorgos, laptop?01:14
drakodeLjL: :D01:14
giorgosyes cwillu01:14
Agent_bobcrabgrass if root isn't running xfdesktop how can it reload it ?01:14
Fruuctisi cant seem to pm you01:14
geoffhey i cant get compiz to work witht he new ati 8.3 driver anyone wanna look at my pastebin to help me?01:14
Fruuctisi cant pm you01:15
dooglus!locale is wrong - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf - E: Couldn't find package localeconf01:15
dooglus!info localeconf01:15
ubotwoPackage localeconf does not exist in gutsy01:15
arcticpenguin380why is ext3 a pig?01:15
lambyLjL: That not correct.01:15
ThaRabbityou have to identify yourself with the server01:15
askandIf I use "sudo shutdown +P +$tid" in a bashscript it doesnt work, it complains about wrong timeformat, why?01:15
ThaRabbitdo /msg NICKSERV IDENTIFY yourpassword01:15
cwillugiorgos, in your home directory, there's an examples folder01:15
Fruuctisin freenode?01:15
cwillugiorgos, in there, there's an ubuntu sax.ogg, does that play?01:15
ThaRabbitin the server screen, yes01:16
giorgosno cwillu01:16
cwilluFruuctis, caps don't matter :p01:16
cwillugiorgos, go to System | Prefs | Sound | Devices tab01:16
cwillugiorgos, for 'sound playback', what devices show up?01:17
mauro_rioivhello everyone01:17
drakodeLjL: thx01:17
thesaint4444nickrud: installing that is a monster... quite a few dependencies to meet!01:18
giorgosauto HDA ALSA ESD OSS cwillu01:18
mauro_rioivcan any help me with my wireless connection ?01:18
cwillugiorgos, double click on the volume control, what sliders do you get?01:18
nickrudthesaint4444: try sudo apt-get build-dep gtkpod , that should pull them all in01:19
giorgosmain and PCM01:19
AntiUSAcan I FTP with Nautilus01:19
cwillugiorgos, go to edit|preferences01:19
cwillugiorgos, what tracks do you see?01:19
netopalisHaldo - I have a weird problem with my sound - whenever I press record on Sound Recorder, the program freezes.  Anyone have any suggestions?01:19
giorgosit showes me the 2 sliders and i can choose which to see01:20
Agent_bobAntiUSA you can with firefox01:20
cwillugiorgos, no, in the prefs page01:20
AntiUSAyes but the firefox FTP system sucks01:20
hdevalenceHow do I specify the GTK style of a program on launch from the command line?01:20
cwillugiorgos, is there only the two checkboxes?01:20
AntiUSAit's not like SmartFTP for windows01:20
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Mimi
AntiUSAi'm looking for a good GUI driven FTP program01:21
majkoebacI'm running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and i want to compile xw00t.c to windows .exe file, how i can compill that with i586-mingw32msvc-gcc01:21
MimiAntiUSA:  What features do you need on your ftp program?01:21
ArthurArchnixAnti United Shipping Association... why ftp?01:21
frank23!info gftp01:21
ubotwogftp: X/GTK+ FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.18-16ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 44 kB, installed size 76 kB (Only available for None)01:21
cwillugiorgos, one sec01:21
frank23AntiUSA: ^^01:21
thesaint4444nickrud: winner, thanks.... :-)01:22
MimiAntiUSA: You can usually use "Connect to Server.." from the Places menu to connect via FTP and it has the same features that.. well.. nautilus does, so its just like browsing your ftp site locally :)01:22
majkoebacI'm running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and i want to compile xw00t.c to windows .exe file, how i can compill that with i586-mingw32msvc-gcc? can somebody help me a little?01:22
dooglusthis seemed to do the trick - is there an easier way?  sudo bash -c "echo ca_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 > /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ca && dpkg-reconfigure locales"01:22
cwillugiorgos, in a terminal, run: lspci | grep -i audio01:22
AntiUSAMimi, that's awesome01:22
AntiUSAI didn't know about that01:22
giorgos00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:23
mallockilxi tried to add a new user at my wan account but it still game me access denied01:23
netopalisAnybody able to help me with my sound issues?01:23
mallockilxtrying jdbc now01:23
cwillugiorgos, one sec, looking something up01:23
LjLdooglus: you don't happen to know what the right package would be instead of localeconf, would you?01:24
giorgosok cwillu01:24
mauro_rioivok, i have a ubuntu 6.06 and a HP 2422 with a Broadcom 4311 ... i have installed a ndiswrapper and i install the driver, but when i do iwconfig, no wlan0 aperars ... what can i do ?01:24
cwillugiorgos, what model of laptop?01:25
giorgosan acer one01:25
giorgosaspire 5720g01:25
v3ctorAntiUSA: filezilla?01:25
cwillugiorgos, full install right?01:25
IndyGunFreakgiorgos: i think thats the laptop i ave, hang on01:25
Agent_bobv3ctor pm ?01:25
giorgosyes cwillu  everything i just havent run the updates yet01:25
cwillugiorgos, in a terminal, sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules01:25
v3ctorAgent_bob: yes01:25
Vad1When you enable the broadcom drivers in the restricted drivers manager, does it try and download the needed package from the internet? Or is one available on the CD?01:26
cwillugiorgos, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller, and search for the model, it has exactly what you should need to do01:26
IndyGunFreakgiorgos: hang on, i'll tell you how i got it working.. its actually easier than that fAQ01:26
giorgosi installed those u gave me01:26
giorgosok IndyGunFreak01:27
* netopalis still has sound issues....If you have any experience working with that, please let me know. It's probably just me being a newbie..01:27
MimiHi... I want to use QtParted from the livecd to resize my /home partition from 60GB to 40GB so I can make ANOTHER 20GB partion and install another linux there. But I right click and it doesn't give me the resize option.. I can only resize the sawp partition:( Help?01:27
cwilluIndyGunFreak, the faq explained installing one package and adding one line01:27
Chipsa964it wasnt that hard01:27
Chipsa964i did it in 2 minutes01:27
cwillugiorgos, after installing that, add this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base: options snd-hda-intel model=acer to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base01:28
cwilluoptions snd-hda-intel model=acer01:28
cwilluand then reboot01:28
Tasohey guys, how do I change my updates/installs to unstable like I would in Debian?01:28
TasoI need to download bleeding egde stuff01:28
geo125synaptic doesn't open... what to do...?01:28
Tasoand gutsy is not doing it01:28
TasoI need sshfs 1.9 and it's grabbing 1.701:28
macogwTaso: do you want to upgrade to hardy or just install one package?01:29
cwilluTaso, there's a backports repository you can enable, although it's better to just pick and choose packages from it01:29
ubotwoHow should I know?01:29
ubotwoIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:29
ConstyXIVdoes gedit have some sort of Vi-mode?01:29
Tasocould you tell me how to do both macogw01:29
macogwTaso: to upgrade to hardy, gksu "update-manager -d"01:29
macogwConstyXIV: no. you can use GVim instead01:29
geo125synaptic doesn't open... what to do...?01:29
cwilluTaso, don't upgrade to hardy01:29
bonbonthejon is there a way to set the global HTTP_PROXY variable from a script?01:29
MimiTaso Hardy is ALPHA01:29
cwillumacogw, don't tell people to upgrade to hardy :p01:29
macogwcwillu: he asked!01:29
MimiTaso Hardy is not ready for public release yet, it is in testing mode still01:30
Tasookay, so.... what if I want just one package from hardy ?01:30
apoHm, does anyone here have experience with pam_mount? It mount the home directory, but the owner is set to root:root...01:30
macogwcwillu: and if he's used to Sid, he can handle Hardy01:30
cwillumacogw, no, he asked about bleeding edge packages :p01:30
giorgosbe back after the reboot01:30
Tasookay, so.... what if I want just one package from hardy ?01:30
macogwcwillu: he asked how to change his repos to unstable like with Debian...which would be using Sid01:30
giorgostime will tell cwillu01:30
MimiTaso: Enable Backports in Software Sources01:30
Taso. ?/etc/apt/source.list ?01:30
macogwTaso: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ and download the deb you want01:30
cwilluTaso, backports (what ubotwo went on about) is what you want, they're packages from hardy that are tweaked to work with gutsy01:30
geo125synaptic doesn't open... what to do...?01:30
netopalisHaldo..Every time I press record in sound recorder, the window freezes.  Any ideas why?01:30
MimiHi... I want to use QtParted from the livecd to resize my /home partition from 60GB to 40GB so I can make ANOTHER 20GB partion and install another linux there. But I right click and it doesn't give me the resize option.. I can only resize the sawp partition:( Help?01:30
cwillu(gl giorgos)01:31
Tasowell I need a newer package then gutsy is giving me01:31
Tasohow would I get this?01:31
cwillu!backports | Taso01:31
ubotwoTaso: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:31
IndyGunFreakcwillu: ok.. i think that might have been the same one i found, i thought that was the one to recompile alsa, my bad01:31
mauro_rioivany ?01:31
Tasoyou guys are giving me 12 different answers01:31
orudiehave anyone here installed crsds ?01:31
Tasohave you noticed this?01:31
TasoI still do not have a simple ansewr.01:31
MimiTaso: What you are looking for is Backports.01:31
Chipsa964so do all of them01:31
macogwTaso: backports has a few select packages compiled for gutsy. not all of hardy's though01:32
Chipsa964and figure out which is easier for you01:32
MimiTaso: Backports enable you to install the NEWEST version of software01:32
macogwTaso: if it's there, you can use that. otherwise, you can download the deb from where i linked01:32
Tasoso how do I switch my /etc/apt/source.list ?01:32
geo125synaptic doesn't open... what to do...?01:32
Tasoshould I just change the word "gutsy" to backport/hardy ?01:32
macogwTaso: if you do that, youd upgrae to hardy.  they said i shouldnt tell you to go to hardy.01:32
cwilluIndyGunFreak, ya, it's a bit intimidating actually (it's got about 8 different approaches, but it did have his laptop lsited)01:32
RequinB4geo125 - what does it complain about?01:32
LjLTaso: no01:32
rpj8What in god's name does this mean : http://pastebin.com/m7822ccaa01:32
MimiTaso we are giving you different answers however they do the same thing. We are giving the answer "the way we would do it". You pick one01:32
macogwTaso: i figure if you can handle Sid, you can handle Hardy just fine01:32
LjLTaso: pastebin your current /etc/apt/sources.list01:32
DarkmystereIs there a backport for Compiz-Fusion...?01:32
IndyGunFreakcwillu: yeah, i think i was gonna send him the same FAQ.. i was just doing 4 different things01:33
ubotwoThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:33
cwilluTaso, go to the url that ubotwo linked you, it's the official word :)01:33
Tasois Sid newer then Gutsy?01:33
LjLTaso: yes01:33
TasoI will try that01:33
LjLTaso: Sid is in constant evolution01:33
macogwTaso: Sid is Debian Unstable's name01:33
Tasoah great01:33
TasoI will try that01:33
Darkmysteremacogw, Isnt Hardy about to go stable?01:33
macogwTaso: no....01:33
LjLTaso: Sid has nothing to do with Ubuntu, however01:33
macogwDarkmystere: it's alpha 601:33
LjLDarkmystere, some time in April.01:33
macogwDarkmystere: but yeah, 1 month01:33
Tasothat didn't work01:34
MimiHi... I want to use QtParted from the livecd to resize my /home partition from 60GB to 40GB so I can make ANOTHER 20GB partion and install another linux there. But I right click and it doesn't give me the resize option.. I can only resize the sawp partition:( Help?01:34
RequinB4Can I boot from an Un-burned ISO in virtualbox?01:34
TasoI changed the word gutsy to stable and now it can't find the package01:34
Darkmysteremacogw, Yea isnt that the last alpha...so if i upgrade no0w...do i need to upgrade again to get the stable one or what..01:34
mauro_rioivany can help me with my broadcom 4311 ???01:34
bonbonthejonRequinB4: yes01:34
cwilluRequinB4, #virtualbox, but as far as I know you can01:34
LjLTaso, and who told you that the word "stable" meant anything in the sources.list?01:34
RequinB4sweet, hopefully its simple to do or i'll come back and ask how01:34
geo125RequinB4_: that an other aplication use packages but nothing else do it01:34
RequinB4geo125 - close all instances of synaptic or add/remove or update manager01:35
cwillumauro_rioiv, afaik, alot of broadcom cards still have major issues in the gutsy01:35
Tasowell I have no clue how to do any of this shit01:35
TasoI will just go Google01:35
LjL!language | Taso01:35
ubotwoTaso: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:35
ubotwoTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:35
macogwTaso: Debian Unstable is called Sid.  Ubuntu's current unstable is Hardy.  You can install a package from Hardy without upgrading to it if you don't want to be running unstable (because that can involve lots of hair-pulling if you know what you're doing, and more if you don't). If you want to ride the unstable edge, you can, but it'd be easier to just install the one package.  You might be able to get the package from backports.  If you can't, you can g01:35
Agent_bobljl wouldn't "stable" and "testing" be debian archive descriptors ?01:35
LjLTaso: i asked you to pastebin your current sources.list. if you don't want to, i can't help you.01:35
LjLAgent_bob: they're certainly invalid in Ubuntu.01:36
geo125RequinB4 all are closed but synaptic dont open01:36
orudiehey all chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin && ./hldsupdatetool.bin returns -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory , however its there01:36
macogwDarkmystere: if you upgrade now and then keep up with updates, youll hit the normal stable in 6 weeks01:36
Tasohow can I get a Hardy package macogw01:36
RequinB4geo125 - check in system - admin - system moniter01:36
Mimij #ubuntu+101:36
mouseboyxDoes anyone else want to see this cool ajax thing i made?01:36
ubotwoHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:36
macogwTaso: http://packages.ubuntu.com01:36
macogwTaso: just download from there.  click on hardy, and go the section you want, and download teh deb01:36
Tasoso I download from there?01:36
TasoI don't apt-get ?01:37
MimiYou can do EITHER01:37
eth01mouseboyx: no, thanks.01:37
eth01!topic > mouseboyx01:37
MimiHi... I want to use QtParted from the livecd to resize my /home partition from 60GB to 40GB so I can make ANOTHER 20GB partion and install another linux there. But I right click and it doesn't give me the resize option.. I can only resize the swap partition:( Help?01:37
mouseboyxdarn, sorry i thought i was in offtopic01:37
eth01!topic | mouseboyx01:37
ubotwomouseboyx: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:37
Tasohardy is STILL using sshfs 1.701:37
Tasothis is moot01:37
macogwTaso: yes, you can download a deb and double click it01:37
macogwTaso: umm it is?01:37
LjL!etiquette > taso    (taso, see the private message from Ubotu)01:37
ThaRabbitirc related question, is there a password recovery solution for the nickserv?01:37
macogwTaso: yep, you're right. go compile it if you need that new of one01:38
LjLTaso, there is no guarantee that a Hardy package won't break your system if you try to install it on Gutsy, unless it's a backport.01:38
PriceChildThaRabbit: #freenode please01:38
eth01ThaRabbit, click the invite I send you.01:38
Tasoguess I'm doing that01:38
RequinB4Mimi - not an expert, but obligated to check the basics - check that you have enough space to shrink, check you have the appropriate permissions01:38
Tasothat's pretty pathetic.01:38
macogwTaso: why?01:38
ThaRabbitPriceChild: will do01:38
PriceChild!hardy | Taso01:38
ubotwoTaso: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:38
Tasobecause 1.7 is crazy old?01:38
Agent_bobThaRabbit also your email + lost password question...01:38
Tasoand lacks tons of features.01:38
macogwTaso: hardy is sync'd with whatever's in the current debian unstable repos01:38
PriceChild!bug > Taso01:38
orudiecan anyone please take a look at this... ???  chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin && ./hldsupdatetool.bin returns -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory , however its there01:38
mauro_rioivcwillu -> can i solve this ... and my broadcom works ?01:38
ThaRabbitthanks :)01:38
RequinB4Taso - what is your current version?01:39
geo125RequinB4 what to check there?01:39
TasoI have 1.7 installed01:39
Taso1.9 is the latest version01:39
macogwRequinB4: he wants 1.9 but 1.7 is in hardy01:39
PriceChildTaso: macogw: RequinB4: hardy in #ubuntu+101:39
TasoI can compile it etc, but that's pretty sad.01:39
macogwTaso: if debian has 1.9, just download their deb and hope it works01:39
TtechQuakeNet's Ubuntu Channel --> "Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning "I can't configure Debian"01:39
RequinB4geo125 - stuff running in the background like synapic, add/remove01:39
PriceChildmacogw: please don't suggest that in this channel/01:39
MimiRequinB4:  Well, there is no space, that's why I need to resize it :P01:40
macogwPriceChild: i said "hope"01:40
RequinB4Mimi - i mean make sure your partition isn't full01:40
macogwPriceChild: but ok ill go to PMs01:40
PriceChildmacogw: you're offtopic, you're giving poor advice... not in here please.01:40
RequinB4Taso - .deb is precompiled - and by the way which program are you trying to update01:40
Marfiquick question, whenever i plug in a USB drive or thumb drive, they mount without write permissions. how do i change this?01:40
MimiOh, thanks RequinB4, the partition isn't full, it's half full :D01:40
LjLRequinB4, sshfs01:41
Marfiit works fine on my other computer01:41
macogwTaso: and really, if you dont know how debs work or about compiling, trying to muck with versions is probably a bad idea01:41
RequinB4LjL - ?01:41
LOWLUXi have a veo stingray webcam......the room is too dark.... how do i get to the webcam setting to make it brighter?01:41
orudiecan anyone please take a look at this... ???  chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin && ./hldsupdatetool.bin returns -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory , however its there01:42
LjLRequinB4: that's the package he wants to update01:42
Agent_bobMarfi one way would be to edit /etc/fstab and add a line for the filesystem or the address,  another though would be to write a remount script that you could click to run when you need it to be writable....01:42
towliei went to administration->language support and see the language i want to add but how do i actually add it  ? im on hardy heron01:42
cwillutowlie, -> #ubuntu+101:42
v3ctororudie: head -n1 hldsupdatetool.bin01:43
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Agent_bobMarfi there "may" be a conf file you could edit to change the default behaviour    but that's not something i know about.01:43
=== usser_ is now known as usser
RequinB4LjL Taso - for stabilities sake, it may be prudent to check if the project has a repository you can just add to the sources list, if the ubuntu repos are outdated - installing from .deb isn't very organized and can lead to a lot of clutter on your system01:43
olskolircis kde4 final yet?01:43
MarfiAgent_bob, isn't there a way to make it01:43
usserolskolirc: yea01:43
olskolirccool thanks01:44
MarfiAgent_bob, work like on the other computer? i don't think i did anything special with it01:44
Fruuctiswhat happend to ThaRabbit?01:44
LjLRequinB4, actually, installing from a non-compatible repository can be *much* worse than installing a single .deb01:44
majkoebacHello people i'm running linux ubuntu 7.10 and i Need a Compiler please can somebody help me?01:44
LjL!build-essential > majkoebac    (majkoebac, see the private message from Ubotu)01:44
Marfimajkoebac, what language?01:44
ThaRabbitFruuctis: password trouble :D01:44
ussermajkoebac: compiler for what language?01:44
Fruuctisohh: shiet..01:44
RequinB4LjL - well, depends on the repo, but off topic :P01:44
ThaRabbitFruuctis: I'm still here, just can't remember my password. lolol01:44
olskolircare we able to manipulate the kde4 panel by changing color, adding shortcuts, adding other panels?01:45
LjL!kde4 | olskolirc01:45
ubotwoolskolirc: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:45
Fruuctisjoint the ubuntu+1 channel then?01:45
Fruuctiswell talk there01:45
ThaRabbitFruuctis: problem is, you can't pm me unregistered :D01:46
majkoebacLjL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59087/plain/ <----- here its the error when i type sudo apt-get install build-essential01:46
Fruuctisohh. right.. :P01:46
=== ThaRabbit is now known as StefanW
LjLmajkoebac: that's not an error, it's simply asking you to insert the Ubuntu CD.01:46
Fruuctisi bet its "imisszlataninajax" or something therabbit :P01:46
majkoebacLjL, so what to do?01:47
LjLmajkoebac: well, you could, say, insert the Ubuntu CD01:47
RequinB4majkoebac: either insert the liveCD or go to your software sources and disable updating from the CD01:47
dryroti hate how ipmasq firewalls the crap out of my machine, how do i make ipmasq not firewall anything off ?01:47
RequinB4(you'd need internet connection, then)01:47
majkoebacLjL, ok i have installed  build-essential and how to compile now?01:48
Marfidoes anyone know where the conf file is to edit to set any USB device to mount as writable?01:48
LjLmajkoebac: "gcc filename.c -o executablename"01:48
orudiev3ctor: can i ask in pm ?01:49
v3ctororudie: yes01:49
majkoebacLjL, that dont works01:50
winuxhi all01:50
LjL!doesn't work | majkoebac01:50
ubotwomajkoebac: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:50
RequinB4hello winux01:50
winuxI have the root password, but im trying to recover  my username/password combo in recovery mode, is there a file that will show me the info i need?01:51
spantheris it safe to upgrade from feisty fawn latest updated version to gutsy gibbon by changing repositories inside of sources.list ?01:51
Agent_bobwinux no.  but you could easily reset the users password.01:51
LjLwinux, the password is not anywhere on your system in plaintext, it is encrypted. you can use the "jack" package to attempt to reverse the encryption.01:51
PriceChild!upgrade | spanther01:52
ubotwospanther: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:52
Agent_bobwinux    passwd username01:52
winuxAgent_bob: ah, as root right?01:52
prince_jammys!upgrade > spanther01:52
Agent_bobwinux if you don't know the username you can get that.   and yes as root01:52
winuxAgent_bob: im guessing there is a file with the name list?01:52
winuxi havent booted ubuntu in a few months :s01:53
Agent_bobwinux grep 1000 /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f101:53
LjLwinux: the file is /etc/passwd. /etc/shadow contains the encrypted passwords.01:53
=== Mimi is now known as beautifulsnow
tuttle2anyone install ubuntu on a hp pavilion?01:53
Agent_bobas LjL said.  but no need to even look at the password in shadow.  just reset it.01:54
ubotwoA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:54
=== beautifulsnow is now known as Mimi
anteayawhy is my touch pad inconsistent?  Sometimes when I move my finger on the touch pad, all my minimized apps spring to life on my desktop and my movements on the touchpad fail to move the pointer on the screen while the apps cycle through who is in front.  This is most annoying.  What is going on?01:54
LjL!nickspam > mimi    (mimi, see the private message from Ubotu)01:54
=== Mimi is now known as beau
usseranteaya: its probably compiz, does it look like mac's expose?01:55
beauLJL I'm linking up my nicks, that's all *blush* I always hide join/left messages so I forgot about it :P Thanks for the reminder01:55
winuxLjL: yea i dont have the package so ill reset01:55
estim2My computer's processor is 3.33 GHz, but my motherboard has it set at 2.5 GHz. How can I get it set correctly?01:55
anteayausser: i don't know what mac's expose is01:55
winuxAgent_bob: nice, looks like it work'd :)01:55
LjLestim2, probably from the BIOS.01:56
anteayausser: what is compiz?01:56
jim_beamhi all , I installed e17 and it wants to run enligtenment-start wher can i edit gdm conf01:56
prince_jammys!compiz | anteaya01:56
ubotwoanteaya: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:56
anteayausser: is there a patch to fix this?01:56
spantherokay thank you very much01:56
Agent_bobestim2 that's a bios "pre-boot" thing.01:56
usseranteaya: 3d desktop for linux, it probably happens when you move your pointer to upper right corner doesn't it?01:56
winuxthanks guys01:56
usseranteaya: try any corner for that matter01:56
estim2Agent_bob: so what can I do? My motherboard claims to support the processor.01:57
Agent_bobestim2 find how to access bios    maybe hold down f2   or del at power on...01:57
estim2Agent_bob: yes, i can get into it01:57
JerseyMonkey-LinQuestion: Is it possible to make X-Chat Gnome Frontend go into systray?01:57
anteayausser: usually bottom of the screen01:57
estim2Agent_bob: im just not sure what to change.. the proc bus speed?01:57
Agent_bobestim2 that's where you set it.   if it can be set.01:57
one_matthiashi anybody working with gOS01:58
usseranteaya: yea it's a feature not a bug :)01:58
anteayaubotwo: am looking at link and joined the channel, thank you01:58
Agent_bobestim2 yes bus speed and ram timming can affect cpu freq   iirc01:58
usseranteaya: you can turn it off01:58
RequinB4anteaya - go to system - prefs - advanced desktop effects settings to cutomize compiz01:58
joe_What would be my best option to be able to watch videos on youtube nicely.  I have installed gnash, but it doesn't work very well01:58
anteayausser: okay, how do I modify this feature?01:58
Agent_bobestim2 when in doubt  change only one thing and "trial + error" it to death.01:59
netopalisHow do I run Gedit as sudo?01:59
usseranteaya: hang on 1 sec02:00
RequinB4netopalis - um, "sudo gedit /directory/file"02:00
cwillunetopalis, gksudo gedit02:00
* cwillu slaps RequinB4, 02:00
Agent_bobnetopalis don't.   get in the habbit of using gksudo     gksudo gedit /path/file02:00
RequinB4sorry, cwillu02:00
RequinB4my bad02:00
estim2Agent_bob: would clearing my CMOS help? I am not the original owner of this pc02:00
RequinB4its gksudo02:00
RequinB4hello fevel02:00
=== ePax is now known as EePax
cwillusudo will work, but one day you'll use it to run the wrong command, and then you won't be able to open new windows at all until you reboot02:00
fevelis it possible to logout of gnome and not save the stuff I did?02:00
=== EePax is now known as ePax
cwilluthis is, as they say, a bad thing02:01
fevellike files I just erased02:01
usseranteaya: in terminal type ccsm02:01
cwillufevel, i.e., undelete stufF?02:01
RequinB4fevel - are you sure you erased them or put them in the trash02:01
Agent_bobestim2 it "might" and it "might make it unbootable" in which case you would have to muddle through the settings to find out what isn't configured02:01
fevelI wanted a theme I removed02:01
anteayaRequinB4: thanks am trying that02:01
juank_pradahi, i just installed gnome-do and downloaded some plugins but they doesnt seem to work02:01
RequinB4anteaya: np, that feature sometimes "bugs" me too02:02
Agent_bobestim2 may i sujest a web search for documentation of your bios before you start messing with it02:02
=== regeya_ is now known as regeya
RequinB4fevel - how did you delete the file?  Or did you just remove the theme by selecting a new one?02:02
xb3rtAre their any linux SecondLife users here?02:02
anteayausser: ccsm: command not found02:02
Mimixb3rt: *raises hand*02:03
usseranteaya: sudo apt-get install ccsm02:03
RequinB4!offtopic | xb3rt02:03
ubotwoxb3rt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:03
usseranteaya: then do it again02:03
MimiRequinB4: I think he's looking for support, not start a random chat :p02:03
xb3rtubotwo: why are you always shooting me down02:03
regeyaI suppose it strains the imagination to suppose a question was coming up, eh, RequinB4?02:03
LjLin that case,02:03
ubotwoPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:03
anteayausser: i am hestiant, because i am on dial up and in the middle of about 5 hours of update downloads02:03
regeyaxb3rt: eh, it's nice to see that someone other than me has people acting like total jerks toward him02:04
RequinB4regeya Mimi - ok fine, my bad, but either way you get some kind of !, ask the actual question, not the generic one :P02:04
Agent_bobxb3rt because someone says !something | you   and the bot reacts.02:04
anteayausser: i can try tomorrow though, thanks02:04
ubotwoHow should I know?02:04
usseranteaya: aww anyway when you install ccsm just search there for scale plugin and just turn it off02:04
ubotwoPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:05
Agent_bob/msg ubotwo Bot02:05
Agent_bobsubstitute bot on duty today02:05
LjL!botabuse =~ s/ubotu/ubotwo/02:06
ubotwoI'll remember that LjL02:06
regeyaRequinB4: you highlight a growing problem: people are getting too itchy an "offtopic" finger02:06
anteayausser: thanks have copied instructions and will try when download is finished, graditude02:06
sfears_has anyone ever heard of piix? it's an intel pci accelerator or something02:06
regeyaand too quick to shove people toward the bots, go look at this link, leave us alone, buhbye.02:06
LjLregeya, i'm *so* tempted to do !offtopic | regeya requinb402:06
[Soul]thanks to all who have helped me - i finally got everything set02:06
xb3rtWhy does my sl client make the screen flash black when i click something, and freeze if i try to move02:07
regeyaLjL whatever makes you feel important02:07
darkcrabdoes anyone know of a emerald theme that does not look anything like windows?02:07
combatwombati have a dual monitor setup and i'm running compiz-fusion, on my second monitor i have to open up termial and type "emerald --replace &"  everytime a fresh X session is started...is there some way to automate the process?02:07
zcat[1]regeya: too many questions in here are FAQ though ... the bot has the answer. End of problem.02:07
Mimidarkcrab: gnome-look.org should have lots?02:07
darkcrabyes Mimi?02:07
darkcrabyea, I looked there....02:07
darkcrabI can can try looking again I guess.02:07
xb3rtMimi: can I IM you for a minute02:07
zcat[1]regeya: if they come back and say 'tried that, failed at...' then we help them more02:08
sfears_combatwombat, /etc/rc.local is a script that loads everytime you log on.. mabey add a line into that file02:08
MimiYes go ahead xb3rt02:08
combatwombatthanks sfears!02:08
ePaxHow do i install tk 8.502:08
xb3rtMimi: are you getting my messages?02:09
MimiMmmmmm GParted is taking *looks at watch* 10 minutes to resize my partition  (It's still at 1% kinda haha) ... Should I be concerned? Obviously I won't cancel because it could damage the partition....02:09
zcat[1]I have decided there is no way I can describe the history and archetecture of the internet to housewives and grannies in a 1hr presentation.02:09
snakei have a problem in adept_manager. there is a package that i tried to install before and now everytime i try to install something i get some errors can anyone tell me please how to clear adept_manager so it doesnt try any time to install those packages. thank you in advance02:09
Mimixb3rt:  Guess not :/ I just sent you a "hello"02:09
RequinB4Mimi - no, gparted should take a decent while, so long as you're sure its not hanging02:09
Agent_bobsfears_ umm did i miss something ?   does /etc/rc.local really run each time you logon ?    or only at boot time ?02:09
HaZaRdHas anyone been able to install Gutsy Gibbon onto an Abit IP35 Pro with an nVidia GFX card? o.O02:10
ubotwoA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:10
Marfihow do i set all usb drives to mount as readable / writeable when i plug them in?02:10
sfears_rc.local has something to do with run levels.. i was assuming it was at logon02:10
PriceChildMarfi: that happens by default02:10
Agent_bobsfears_ boot time.02:10
MarfiPriceChild, how do i change it? it doesn't do that on my other computer02:10
sfears_run level 5 which i believe is at the very end of boot02:10
juank_pradai cant make gnome-do plugins to work can somebody help me?02:10
MarfiPriceChild, its also ext2, which i formatted on this computer02:11
Agent_bobsfears_   ubuntu defaults to runlevel 202:11
snakeanyone that can help me please. i am getting mad :S02:11
Mimisnake ask your question xD02:11
zcat[1]Marfi: sudo chmod -R a+rwx /media/mountedusbdrive02:11
HaZaRdI'm totally new to Ubuntu and I'm trying to install it but without success... I just get the black screen of death and a hard reboot is the only way to bring my PC back02:11
daedrahey I want to remove a certain line from a text file - how would I do that with a command?02:11
sfears_is the answer to snake's question dpkg -a clean ish.. something like that02:11
daedraI know the line's row02:11
snakeMimi: i have a problem in adept_manager. there is a package that i tried to install before and now everytime i try to install something i get some errors can anyone tell me please how to clear adept_manager so it doesnt try any time to install those packages. thank you in advance02:11
PriceChildsnake: giving the error would help people help you02:11
Mimixb3rt: I think your nick is not registered + identified, you can't IM me if you're not02:12
RequinB4Hazard - first, where does this occur in the boot sequence?02:12
sfears_i think adding that line to the rc.local file will fix the problem with compiz02:12
Marfizcat[1], do i have to do that each time i mount the drive?02:12
combatwombathey sfears, i tried adding "emerald --replace &" in my /etc/rc.local (without the quotes), i restarted my x but to no avail...02:12
snakePriceChild: i said the error 2 times. sorry for flooding02:12
MimiBunnies, snake, I had that problem once... *digs her memories to find out the solution*02:12
xb3rtMimi: 1 second02:12
PriceChildsnake: the error, not the problem02:12
HaZaRdRequinB4: As soon as I hit "Start Install" or the GFX Safe Install... I get "Loading Kernel" then "Kernel Alive" then black screen02:12
zcat[1]Marfi: or perhaps sudo chmod a+rwsx /media/mountedusbdrive -- that way ann new files will be +rwx as well02:12
sfears_it was a thought combatwombat02:12
snakePriceChild: there is no error. but i want to get rid of those messages that i get every time in adept_manager02:13
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Agent_bobsnake generally speaking, open a terminal and type in# sudo dpkg --configure -a || sudo apt-get install -f || echo "still borked"02:13
zcat[1]Marfi: only once.. it will change permission on the ext2 filesystem on the drive, they'll stay that way until you change them again02:13
Marfizcat[1], i tried to chmod 777 /media/drive02:13
PriceChildsnake: knowing those messages would help...02:13
sfears_maybe add that line to a file.. save as .sh & add it to startup programs? combatwombat02:13
Marfizcat[1], aight, ty!02:13
sfears_snake needs to run dpkg clean02:13
RequinB4HaZaRd - so you don't see an ubuntu logo beforehand?02:13
sfears_i just can't remember the command02:13
ePaxHow do i install tk 8.502:14
sfears_!google install tk 8.502:14
ubotwosfears_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:14
HaZaRdRequinB4: I get the menu, but anything I select gets me to the black screen02:14
Agent_bobsfears_ >>>  snake generally speaking, open a terminal and type in# sudo dpkg --configure -a || sudo apt-get install -f || echo "still borked"02:14
burdicdaanyone in here use uck or reconstructor ?02:14
LjLsfears_: sudo apt-get install tk8.502:14
ePaxLjL: Does not work02:14
LjL!doesn't work | ePax02:14
ubotwoePax: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:14
zcat[1]had a friend try to copy a -very- large number of files onto his 4G usb stick recently.. some things fat32 just wasn't designed for :)02:14
PriceChildAgent_bob: sfears_ he hasn't even told you the error..02:14
EnermaxCan some one help me with customizing ubuntu?02:15
sfears_yeah.. he said earlier PriceChild02:15
Agent_bobPriceChild that should catch it02:15
Marfizcat[1], didn't work =/02:15
ericbanna12hello after uninstalling compiz my minimize maximize buttons are gone what can i do?02:15
zcat[1]Marfi: Hmmm.. should have02:15
ePaxLjL: E: Couldn't find package tk8.502:15
ericbanna12hello after uninstalling compiz my minimize maximize and cross buttons are gone what can i do?02:15
Marfizcat[1], i know. im gonna try to format it again w/ gparted02:15
Mimiericbanna12: metacity --replace &02:15
RequinB4HaZard - easiest things first - try pressing control + alt + f2 at the black screen02:15
usserericbanna12: do you have terminal?02:15
xb3rtMimi: i registerd02:15
LjLePax: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please02:15
sfears_ericbanna12, sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2402:15
snakePriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59090/02:15
Agent_bobPriceChild i have broken dpkg many many times, and; that's the first good steps toward fixing it.02:15
HaZaRdRequinB4: Tried that already; as well as the CTRL + ALT + F102:15
HaZaRdno dice with either02:16
usserericbanna12: type above what mimi said in terminal yea02:16
ericbanna12usse i don't know how to minimize xchat to go to manuu02:16
PriceChildsnake: in a terminal, sudo apt-get -f install02:16
RequinB4HaZaRd - are you trying to install or just boot from the liveCD?  Because I would suggest using the text-only alternative CD to install, then work from there02:16
sfears_ericbanna12, right click on the taskbar "bar at the bottom of screen" and click on minimize02:16
usserericbanna12: alt+f2 see if you can type it there02:16
HaZaRdRequinB4: I'm downloading the Alternate CD right now, but from what I gather on the forum, it might not work02:16
HaZaRdRequinB4: Yeah I'm trying to boot from the liveCD and then hopefully install02:17
ericbanna12usser crl + f2 not responind and no minimize option when i right click at bottom02:17
=== Enermax is now known as Kust3mz
usserericbanna12: alt+f202:17
HaZaRdRequinB4: BTW, is there a formatting utility on the disc? Because the drive I want to install to is currently NTFS02:17
sfears_it's alt+f202:17
MimiHaZaRd:  Good ones: Qtparted, Gparted02:18
ericbanna12ok than yopu got everthing back02:18
cwilluHaZaRd, the install cd can resize an ntfs partition, make new ones, etc, although the root partition currently needs to be ext3 or something similar02:18
snakePriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59091/02:18
RequinB4HaZaRd: what Mimi said, but personally i always think its good to have a GParted liveCD02:18
sfears_alt+f2 opens a run box.. type terminal.. and then "sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24"02:18
ericbanna12special thnaks goes to mimi02:18
thesaint4444nickrud: hi, all seems to have worked but when I try to view the music on the ipod it seems to think there is no music on the device.... strange.02:18
daedrahow would I delete a specific row from a text file?02:18
HaZaRdRequinB4: Well... that totally went over my head :D02:18
LjLdaedra: can't you just use a text editor? (such as gedit)02:18
daedraits a VERY large file02:19
eatatjoes2does anyone know how to get it to minimize stuff to the panel (near the clock) instead of the one at the bottom of the screen?02:19
daedrabut I know the rownumber02:19
Mimiericbanna12:  You might want to go to System>Preferences>Session and add that command I gave you to the start up items, so that you don't have to write that command all the time02:19
HaZaRdAre Qtparted and Gparted on the CD or do I need to get them separately?02:19
RequinB4HaZaRd, sorry, which part :D02:19
sfears_eatatjoes2, i'd have to say that's not a standard option02:19
PriceChildsnake: is 'qmail' a package form the Ubuntu repositories?02:19
snakePriceChild: no02:20
PriceChild!info qmail02:20
ubotwoPackage qmail does not exist in gutsy02:20
ericbanna12Mimi why did compiz slow down my graphics?02:20
eatatjoes2sfears_,  because earlier it was putting pidgin and xchat up there but now its not02:20
PriceChildsnake: contact whoever built that package, its broken.02:20
ePaxLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59092/02:20
HaZaRdRequinB4: I'm just unsure of how/where to format the partition... it's already blank, just NTFS not ext302:20
snakePriceChild: thanks . i'll try it now02:20
sfears_ohhh.. into the task tray02:20
Kust3mzCan some one help me with customizing ubuntu?02:20
daedraany help?02:20
Mimiericbanna12:  Mmmm compiz can be really tough on your computer ;) It can use a looooot of resources02:20
daedraI reckon its "cat" or "sed" but I don't know enough about them02:20
DavidVectorIs there a good channel to ask questions about dovecot/postfix auth problems?02:21
Agent_bobsnake  sudo dpkg -P --force-all qmail ;sudo apt-get install -f02:21
sfears_you have to click on the X to close the window eatatjoes2.. but it doesn't close the application.. just minimize to the task tray.. not all programs do that02:21
PriceChildAgent_bob: the packaging is broken, and its 3rd party.02:21
LjLdaedra: sed -i.bak "#d" filename               where # is the line number02:21
Agent_bobPriceChild i read the pastebin02:21
Heygab1What's the smallest version of Ubuntu? I mean, low footprint wise?02:21
daedraLjL: YOU'RE AWESOME02:21
ericbanna12Mimi how do i install auto matrix 2?02:21
Kust3mzWere do i go about downloading a program to fix up ubuntu02:22
RequinB4HaZard - Gparted is a program that will do it for you.  If your GUI is not working, then you can either a) install ubuntu and boot recovery mode, b) boot a text only boot option of a common liveCD linux distro, or c) use the GParted liveCD, which you can download02:22
sfears_heygab.. i would download the credit card version of debian.. it's not ubuntu, but it's close02:22
usser!automatix | ericbanna1202:22
ubotwoericbanna12: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »02:22
DavidVector Is there a good channel to ask questions about dovecot/postfix auth problems?02:22
=== Jack_71 is now known as boyakk
sfears_does anyone here have a sound card with fiber optic out?02:23
sfears_miniTOSlink fiber optic out?02:23
snakeAgent_bob: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove qmail which isn't installed.02:23
thesaint4444DavidVector: there is a #dovecot channel and a #postfix channel but make sure you have read the documentation first or you won't to much help :-)02:23
ericbanna12usser then how do i install wine02:24
Agent_bobsnake if that's all it said, you are fixed.02:24
CoolBreezehey guys, question: does FreeNx generate a log file detailing who/when connections to the server were made? If yes, where is this log?02:24
HaZaRdRequinB4: So I boot the Gparted liveCD and format the partition as ext3? Then try installing with the alternate 7.10 liveCD?02:24
usserericbanna12: follow the instuctions on winehq.com02:24
TemptantGuys when I run USTREAM.TV flash application, the flash works fine, but it keeps saying in the thing 'Gateway unreachable" any fix?02:24
eatatjoes2sfears_,  i figured it out, its the "notification area"02:25
Kust3mzCan some one help me with customizing ubuntu?02:25
RequinB4HaZarD - that's how i'd do it, but be sure to read/have in front of you good documentation when using GParted, you can REALLY screw up your hard drive if you mess up.02:25
MarfiHaZaRd, or you could use the regular cd, and wipe that partition. basically, you just need the space02:25
sfears_have you tried using a different web broswer Temptant to see if it's a browser issue?02:25
TemptantI will02:25
Agent_bobsnake may i sujest that you make sure that you only have "ubutnu" repositories in your sources.list    and try to use what's there or build it your self.02:25
sfears_yup.. it's a good first step02:25
RequinB4Marfi - he can't boot the regular CD02:25
HaZaRdRequinB4: I've got a laptop here so I can do that... Marfi: I can't get the GUI at all, so I need something else02:25
bthorntonI've got a Pentium D machine running 32-bit Gutsy whose memory I just recently upgraded to 4GB. Will I be able to use that full amount of memory by upgrading just the kernel to the 64-bit version, or will I have to change the whole OS to 64-bit?02:25
sfears_why doesn't the regular cd boot?02:26
eatatjoes2does anyone know how to get all the buttons on the logitech mx700 to work?02:26
MarfiRequinB4, HaZaRd gotcha. < 256?02:26
snakeAgent_bob: i have only ubuntu repos. this problem occured since the time i tried to install something else. i removed those repos but the problem remained02:26
Temptantsfears_ no, thanks. I will try epiphany02:26
sfears_alright Temptant02:26
RequinB4sfears_: not sure at this point, i'm thinking either moniter or driver, both of which are only fixable post install02:26
HaZaRdsfears_: If I knew, I wouldn't be here :) But from what I've heard, it's an incompatibility with either my southbridge (ICH9R) or my gfx card (8800GT)02:26
ChrisbsterI have today's challenge: I am attempting to network a Linux machine to an my XP laptop (I am using a crossover cable). The laptop is picking up the wireless network, and I am trying to share the connection with the Linux machine, but something is wrong...and I don't know what it is...Help?02:26
HaZaRdMarfi: If you mean RAM, I've got 4GB :P02:27
Agent_bobsnake yeah.  did you check synaptic now and see if it's all solved ?02:27
sfears_bthornton, i think your a bit confused about what 64 bit is02:27
Kust3mzCan someone please tell me were to go to download a program to fix up ubuntu?02:27
MarfiHaZaRd, in a laptop? damn son02:27
sfears_HaZaRd, have you tried booting with the noapic options?02:27
HaZaRdMarfi: HAHAHA No man... I'm on my laptop right now trying to install GG on my desktop02:27
bthorntonsfears_: Unconfuse me.02:27
HaZaRdsfears_: No idea how to do that... I'm a total Linux novice02:27
MarfiHaZaRd, ah, ok. GIMME GIMME!  =)02:28
Kust3mzCan someone please tell me were to go to download a program to fix up ubuntu?02:28
CoolBreezeany FreeNx gurus here?02:28
RequinB4HaZaRd - look at the bottom of the origional ubuntu CD screen, should be boot options or more options, something to that nature - press that button and enter 'noapic' at the end02:28
PriceChildKust3mz: what do you 'really' want to do?02:28
sfears_64 bit compared to 32 bit has to do with how it processes information.. doesn't have anything to do with the size of your harddrive.. i'm not 100% on the whole thing but i know it doesn't make a difference about a 4gb hard drive402:28
RequinB4HaZaRd - but i doubt i'tll work, considering your gfs probably causes it - 8800GT02:29
HaZaRdSo right now I'm grabbing the Gparted LiveCD and I've got the AltCD and the straight up GG liveCD... where do I go from here?>02:29
sfears_Kust3mz, i think you need to be a little more specific than that02:29
HaZaRdRequinB4: Yeah that's what I've heard =(02:29
ussersfears_: I think he meant memory not disk space02:29
Paddy_EIREKust3mz, err.. its kinda like asking for a metal thing for a car O_o02:29
Lurpalright, i guess i'll just ask away. When trying to boot from a CD to do a reinstall, i get I/O and HDD errors, when booting the live CD image from a separate partition, i get MORE I/O errors, and i have no idea how to fix this.02:29
bthorntonsfears_: You're correct that the hard drive size doesn't come into it, but it was my memory/RAM that I upgraded to 4GB. :)02:29
PriceChild!pm | Kust3mz02:30
sfears_ha.. my bad02:30
bthorntonCurrently, Linux is only recognizing 3.2GB of it.02:30
PriceChildKust3mz: try gnome-look.org02:30
ubotwoKust3mz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:30
snakeAgent_bob: i did something else. i added the repository that had qmail. i removed qmail and some other packages that were there and i removed the repository again. now everything is ok. thank you02:30
darkcrabhave you tried burning a new CD lurp?02:30
snakePriceChild: thank you. i solved the problem02:30
Kust3mzWell im new to ubuntu and really have no ideal what im talking about but, I mean like a program for themes and stuff02:30
Agent_bobsnake welcome.02:30
fxefWill 32 bit apps install on 64 bit Ubuntu?02:30
spork969just to let everybody know, i love ubuntu02:30
usserfxef: yes sure02:30
darkcrablol spork02:30
usserfxef: some of them with some quirks but they will02:31
sfears_i think your looking for compiz-fusion Kust3mz.. doens't always work 100% out of the box.. but it's cool once you get it working02:31
RequinB4HaZard - what we're doing now is ENABLING you to get into a position you can fix it.  Also, note that if the GParted liveCD won't boot (It didn't for my desktop), plan b is to download DSL or Knoppix and boot from the CD with just a text prompt - they contain a text version of gparted :)02:31
iceswordhmm,i disabled all internet repos,and insert hardy cd iso,now it began automatically upgrade,now at setting software channels ,hope nothing is wrong02:31
* darkcrab loves compiz-fusion02:31
Paddy_EIREKust3mz, Google can be quite handy http://www.google.ie/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=ubuntu+themes&btnG=Google+Search&meta=02:31
ChrisbsterI am attempting to network a Linux machine to an my XP laptop (I am using a crossover cable). The laptop is picking up the wireless network, and I am trying to share the connection with the Linux machine, but something is wrong...and I don't know what it is...Help?02:31
TemptantGuys when I run USTREAM.TV flash application, the flash works fine, but it keeps saying in the thing 'Gateway unreachable" any fix?02:32
sfears_yeah.. compiz is nice when it works right02:32
TemptantYes I've tried  more than one browser02:32
Kust3mzWhat about KDE for ubuntu?02:32
Lurpdarkcrab: would, but i can't. my burner isn't operational in ubuntu for some reason. I had accidentally upgraded to Hardy (don't ask how, somehow the repository got added to my sources.list)02:32
sfears_i guess you had the same error with a different web browser Temptant?02:32
Lurpbut i think it may have to do with my attempt at installing KDE402:32
TemptantI tried Firefox and Epiphany02:32
Agent_bobChrisbster may need to tell the linux box what the gateway ip is02:32
ryanzechow do i change the defaul tview type for folder globally, i want it to be a list02:32
Paddy_EIREKust3mz, also refer to google and read there.. we are reserved for real technical support here02:32
Kust3mzOk sorry all02:33
darkcrabyup, that would be it Lurp02:33
RB2Has anyone else had any trouble running Nexuiz on Ubuntu when downloading it directly from the Nexuiz site?02:33
ChrisbsterAgent Bob: It says it's connected to the network02:33
sfears_i havn't bee overly impressed with KDE4.. i like compiz for gnome02:33
Paddy_EIRE!offtopic | sfears_02:33
ubotwosfears_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:33
RequinB4hello chris__02:33
chris__i got Nexuiz off of te repositories and it was fine02:33
darkcrabcompiz-fusion is amazing.02:33
Agent_bobChrisbster no not just the network.  the gateway.    i.e. the box that it will have to access to reach the world.02:33
Lurpdarkcrab: DAMN kde4. well like i said, i've tried booting from a separate partition, and i get errors from that and from the CD. Any ideas on how to do a reinstall?02:33
darkcrabLurp, can you access the internet?02:34
TemptantHey guys: I keep getting "gateway unreachable" when I try to open ustream.tv live broudcast (flash).  It all looks fine, except i'm getting this error in the little console they give you02:34
chris__is anyone else a GNU Screen user?02:34
spork969anybody here use firestarter?02:34
TemptantI've tried Firefox and Epiphany for browsers02:34
darkcraboh wait, you can burn anything.02:34
Lurpdarkcrab: Haha yeah, i'm on my messed up system right now02:34
ChrisbsterAgent Bob: How do I do this?02:34
RB2chris__, yeah, I initially downloaded 2.3 from their site and had a problem with the FPS dropping and losing sound part of the way through the game. I downloaded the version from the repos and there were no problems. Now, with 2.4, it's not in the repos yet and the direct download does the same thing that 2.3 did.02:34
sfears_hello bashir02:34
Mimi !ask needs to be put in topic ;p02:35
bashirwhat a really good and accurate cpu temperature monitor02:35
ubotwoMimi: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:35
Agent_bobChrisbster assuming ip=   sudo route add default gw          but i think that gnome has a gui way to get there.02:35
darkcrabDo you have a friend with a CD burner?02:35
HaZaRdRequinB4: Hmm... alrighty thanks I'm gonna go give GParted and the AltCD a shot right now02:35
bashiri need to make sure this new system i built isnt going to melt on me02:35
ericbanna12hello when i am trying to run a file with wine it's saying "a channel that is needed for this project was not found in the installation path :..."02:35
chris__Oh, I havent tried it recently. I had FPS problems too, but im on Intel Integrated graphic and I figured that was my problem. My computer is pretty slow02:35
HaZaRdbashir: CoreTemp02:35
sfears_mabey a usb drive & USB compatible BIOS02:35
Lurpdarkcrab: yeah, should i try burning the alternate CD and see if that works?02:35
TemptantHey guys: I keep getting "gateway unreachable" when I try to open ustream.tv live broudcast (flash).  It all looks fine, except i'm getting this error in the little console they give you02:35
TemptantI've tried Firefox and Epiphany for browsers02:35
RequinB4HaZaRd - good luck!  I had to figure out a similar problem on my own, i'm happy to try and get that working -.-02:35
darkcrabwell, also what you can do is download a free partitioner that lets you boot from CD02:36
sfears_that might be an issue on the server end Temptant02:36
darkcraband the format your drive.02:36
RB2chris__, it's some kind of bug that only shows up in the non-repo version.. not sure why02:36
[dcr]GParted = FTW :D02:36
Lurpdarkcrab:such as?02:36
Agent_bobChrisbster network manager   maybe.  i really have no idea what it is in gnome.  i don't like nor use gnome.    i don't normally use any gui.02:36
darkcrabI dont know off hand, but you can google it.02:36
chris__RB2: Oh ok. Im not sure then02:36
Temptantsfears_, maybe, but my friend's got it working finer02:36
HaZaRdRequinB4: Whoa man... GParted is massively confusing... mind lending a hand? :$02:36
sfears_have you turned off all your firewalls or set up correct port forwarding?02:36
[dcr]Does anyone know if (and if so where) theres a plugin for Compiz that allows you to zoom out on your cube?02:37
Lurphmm:well i tried using gparted, made a separate partition, loaded the ISO onto that via ubuntu.com instructions, and i still get errors.02:37
MimiI have a install of Ubuntu Studio and I am installing Kubuntu on ANOTHER partition on the same hard drive. Will the new grub recognize Studio and add it to the grub list?02:37
Temptantsfears_, how?02:37
bashircoretemp is not in the repos...02:37
ryanzechow do i change the defaul tview type for folder globally, i want it to be a list02:37
Paddy_EIREMimi, yes02:37
ghindoMimi:  it should02:37
MimiThanks ^_^02:37
RequinB4HaZaRd - To be honest, no :(, but i'd say be conservative and cautius with that thing - google for the manual02:37
Temptantsfears_, do you think this thing needs to be pf'd?02:37
bashircoretemp website only has windblows02:37
sfears_not sure what the correct settings are Temptant.. first make sure any firewalls are turned off.. i'm not sure what they would be called02:37
HaZaRdbashir: HAHA oops... CoreTemp is for Windows... I dunno about for Ubuntu02:37
darkcrabLurp, try this, start up your CD, and then click install, but instead of installing, click "check CD for errors"02:38
TemptantI just donno how to turn the firewalls off02:38
darkcrabif it says its fine, then you know its probably your drive.02:38
Lurpdarkcrab: already tried that, reported no errors02:38
sfears_i don't even know what it is your working with Temptant.. but an unreachable gateway sounds like some kind of TCP/IP issue02:38
TemptantIn the router?02:38
bashirthats ok hazard thanks anyway02:38
Paddy_EIRE!package lm-sensors | bashir02:38
ubotwoPaddy_EIRE: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:38
sfears_and TCP/IP issue is usually firewall'ish related02:38
Tor33[dcr], do you have the plugin to zoom in your desktop installed?02:38
Agent_bobPaddy_EIRE substitute bot today.  not as smart.02:39
oboy03is there a GUI diagnostic tool for hardisks?02:39
Lurpbut i don't understand how both my drives can get effed up from ubuntu/KDE402:39
darkcrabwell, you could also try Knoppix. I know Knoppix has a lot of tools to help in these cases.02:39
ericbanna12is tehre any other program that works better than wine?02:39
Lurpthat's true02:39
[dcr]Tor33: I dont, I am now curious if thats the plugin I need...02:39
bashirbtw hazard is coretemp really accurate in windows?  more than other apps? becasue once i tried in windows and different apps gave me different reads02:39
HorizonXPhey, I need a good VoIP application to chat with my GF. I'm on Ubuntu Gutsy, she's on WinXP. Any suggestions?02:39
sfears_i doubt there's a better one for free ericbanna1202:39
Mimiericbanna12:  Better than wine? What application are you trying to run?02:39
darkcrabwelll, could have created tons of bad sectors and stuff I guess.02:39
_Oz___hello all, I just got done building out a new system...  it's a core 2 extreme (qx9650) w/ 780i mobo, 4gb RAM, and dual nVidia GeForce 8800GTXs02:39
Paddy_EIREAgent_bob, ah.. I see02:39
HaZaRdbashir: yeah for me CoreTemp is the most accurate I've encountered using both AMD and Intel chips02:39
_Oz___can I use this with ubuntu?02:39
Tor33[dcr], do you have the compizconfig settings manager?02:39
ericbanna12Mimi a game02:39
fxefcpu temp use conky02:39
Paddy_EIREbashir, 1 sec I'll get you the wiki02:39
[dcr]Tor33: i do02:40
ChrisbsterAgent Bob: That didn't help...any other ideas?02:40
Housefly7kHorizonXP:  skype?02:40
darkcrabit is kinda hard to believe though, but I am pretty sure it has to be ubuntu that did it.02:40
darkcrabsince your compute rwas fine beforehand.02:40
xb3rtWhat do i type to see my distro info02:40
Tor33[dcr], do you know how to use it?02:40
abortddo i have to boot up the live cd to edit the partition linux is on?02:40
bashirthanks hazard, i was using one developed by intel once and it said 71 degrees c when core temp said 4202:40
[dcr]Tor33: for the most part yes.02:40
bashiri am glad core temp was rigth02:40
RequinB4_Oz___: Your vid card is going to cause trouble come install time, but probably not fatally02:40
_Oz___RequinB4: it's dual cards02:40
hiker13526I'm having trouble with my wireless card: lshw -C network lists the card's name as wmaster0. I'm used to having it called eth1... When I try configuring it using NetworkManager I get nowhere (it doesn't even seem to edit anything in iwconfig). When setting it with iwconfig, it doesn't like me using wmaster0, so I try wlan0. But when I try getting an IP through dhcpclient it doesn't get anything.02:40
darkcrabLurp, do you have a copy of Windows?02:40
Paddy_EIREbashir, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278002:40
Housefly7k_Oz___: why not try the livecd, then you will know02:40
CoolBreezeguys, i have installed freenx (ssh tunnel) and have forwarded port 22 on my router. Do you think there is any danger in leaving it set to port 22? i hear that that is one of the most targeted ports when it comes to attacks.02:40
Lurpdarkcrab: yeah, that kinda bites. The problem isn't my HDD's though, it's my optical drives. I can't boot from ANY disks. I tried a mandriva disk, didn't work.02:40
Tor33[dcr], just use it when you're rotating the cube. works for me...02:40
bashirthanks paddy02:40
yaserhow can i install Compiz Fusion 0.7.2 from ubuntu official repos?02:40
HorizonXPHousefly7k: that's what we're using now, except skype keeps crashing on me02:40
_Oz___I have an amd 2.2ghz 3500+ asus board machine to run ubuntu on exclusively but I would like to dual boot that qx9650 machine02:40
Lurpdarkcrab: Unfortunately no, not a legal one.02:41
crdlbyaser: it will be in hardy02:41
_Oz___Housefly7k: because I don't have the machine yet, I just built it out online02:41
darkcrabAh you cant boot from CD?02:41
HorizonXPHousefly7k: and calls keep dropping02:41
HaZaRdbashir: Was it the Intel Thermal Analysis Tool?02:41
darkcrabthen what that tells me is your Bios is damaged.02:41
HaZaRd'Cuz for me they both read the same02:41
nedwhat version of ubuntu shold i use for a vmware version to develop personally django, and not deploy flat out on an intel core 2 duo02:41
darkcrabor something is messed up in your bios02:41
=== chris__ is now known as bowsercake
ned7.10 amd 64?02:41
yasercrdlb, any way i can install them in gutsy?02:41
crdlbyaser: nothing officially supported02:41
oboy03bashir: are you from topaz inc?02:41
_Oz___ned: 7.1002:41
darkcrabCan you access your Bios Lurp?02:41
Lurpdarkcrab: I thought the same thing, reset my bios to the defaults, still had the same problems.02:41
Housefly7kHorizonXP: sorry, dont do alot of Voip calling myself.02:41
nedthat's gutsy right?02:42
GarethMarsh1985Does anyone have experience installing grub natively?02:42
fxefxb3rt: uname -a02:42
darkcrabI hope your master boot record is not damaged.02:42
ned_Oz___, and can a core 2 duo run the amd64 file name?02:42
sfears_lowlevel format!02:42
yasercrdlb, but those packages are supposed to work in gutsy isnt?02:42
darkcrabCan you see if the windows disk will boot?02:42
HorizonXPhey, I need a good VoIP application to chat with my GF. I'm on Ubuntu Gutsy, she's on WinXP. Any suggestions? Other than Skype?02:42
[dcr]Tor33: You mean the regular and not the "Enhanced Zoom Desktop" right?02:42
darkcrabdont install it.02:42
_Oz___ned: I believe so02:42
Agent_bobGarethMarsh1985 many.   what seems to be the problem ?02:42
Lurpdarkcrab: It's a possibility, i get grub errors semi-frequently02:42
darkcrabjust see if it will boot.02:42
Housefly7kHorizonXP: but there was a program called "Ekiga softphone" I was looking at  that should be able to connect you with an msn user02:42
Lurpalright i'll find the disk then be right back.02:42
Tor33[dcr], the enhanced works for me02:42
darkcrabI am trying to see if its a linux only problem02:42
hiker13526What happened to the ipw3945 driver? Is it no longer going to be supported in Hardy?02:43
crdlbyaser: you've lost me02:43
oboy03if master boot record is damaged... does it mean there is a physical damage on the hard dive itself?02:43
Marfihey yall...i still can't write to my usb drive unless im root. how do i change it? ive tried to chmod 777 /media/drive02:43
darkcrabno oboy02:43
Marfioboy03, no02:43
ChrisbsterI am attempting to network a Linux machine to an my XP laptop (I am using a crossover cable). The laptop is picking up the wireless network, and I am trying to share the connection with the Linux machine, but something is wrong...and I don't know what it is...Help?02:43
darkcrabit means that a sector of the drive that has information related to vital system operation has been wiped out.02:43
[dcr]Tor33: it seems to be as zoomed out as far back as it can be though, thats the only issue :(02:43
HorizonXPHousefly7k: how does it connect you to MSN users?02:43
sfears_Chrisbster, you have to set up a separte subnet02:43
Tor33[dcr], sorry, you want to zoom out not in....02:44
oboy03coz im having problems like when installing ubuntu, then grub failed to install02:44
bowsercakelater guys02:44
seanhello is this where i come to get help with ubuntu?02:44
Chrisbstersfears: how?02:44
ghindoAll of the icons in OpenOffice have disappeared - does anyone know how to get them back?02:44
oboy03so i have to boot and install again02:44
ghindosean:  yes02:44
darkcrabmmmmm...just because grub fails to install doesnt necesarily mean your master boot record is bad.02:44
Chrisbstersfears: and how do I fix it?02:44
sfears_i'm assuming your connected to the net wirelessly?02:44
darkcrabgrub can fail to install for many reasons.02:44
seanhey my system crashed when it went to hibernate and it said i cud get help on IRC02:44
darkcrabcould be your system configuration.02:45
Chrisbstersfears: the lap is wireless02:45
darkcrabwhat linux version are you trying to install oboy?02:45
ghindoSean:  have you been able to replicate the problem, or did it only happen that one time02:45
darkcrabwhat type of computer do you have oboy?02:45
Chrisbstersfears: the machine is connected to the lap with a CAT502:45
seanone time, this is my 3rd day with linux and it just crashed a minute ago02:45
Chrisbsteror CAT602:45
oboy03athlon 1.5ghz02:45
Marfiim trying to set up an external usb hard drive so i can write to it, i have formatted it w/ gparted, but it won't do it for some reason. it works fine on my laptop...any ideas?02:46
[dcr]Tor33: yeah x.x;02:46
Paddy_EIREsean, has this been the first time you put it in to hibernate?02:46
darkcrabare you using the live CD to install oboy?02:46
sfears_hardcode IP's into the network cards range with subnet masks range Chrisbster02:46
HaZaRdRequinB4: Hey hey hey :) I've got GParted formatting my blank partition =D02:46
HaZaRdRequinB4: Should I try the liveCD now?02:47
RelaedAnyone got any news about how to WINE office 2007 ?02:47
MarfiHaZaRd, yup. and set it to install on the free space02:47
Chrisbstersfears: so how do I fix it though?02:47
sfears_restart your network and configure samba & file&print sharing.. should work02:47
seanare u guys like whispering me? im new to IRC too... should i be talking in the main window?02:47
Marfiim trying to set up an external usb hard drive so i can write to it, i have formatted it w/ gparted, but it won't do it for some reason. it works fine on my laptop...any ideas?02:47
darkcrabyou are talking int he main window now sean02:47
Chrisbstersfears: I have already tried restarting the network02:47
HaZaRdWait... should I use the AltCD or the regular liveCD?02:47
kjozHey Guys, just installed Wine through the package manager, everything working fine but for some reason sound isnt working anymore02:47
RequinB4HaZaRd:  And not killing windows in the process?  great, that cd wouldn't even boot on my desktop.  Booting the liveCD would probably be pointless at this piont, unless you beleive in miracles, so go ahead and try to install with the alt CD :P02:47
darkcrabtypically the liveCD hazard, the altCD is usually if you h ave problems02:48
dryrotwhat crazy voodoo do i need to do to be able to drag windows from my laptop display to an attached LCD monitor ?02:48
Marfisean, talking in the main windows is better. someone else may have your problem also. =)02:48
Chrisbstersfears: the problem is the Linux machine won't see the XP machine02:48
Paddy_EIREsean, some laptops do have issues with hibernation in linux.. it is known although may also not be your problem.. you can try looking at the ubuntu laptop testing team wiki to see what it has to say about your laptop02:48
kjozall the drivers seem to be installed and everything is set on high volume, but no sounds is working02:48
seanok im on a desktop though02:48
HaZaRdRequinB4: I've got it all backed up anyway ;)02:48
darkcrabthankfully my laptop does hybernate.02:48
HaZaRddarkcrab: I'm having massive problems :P02:48
pumpituphow do i remove the system bell sound every time i press the wrong key or hold the delete button for too long in the applications ?02:48
darkcrabwhats up Hazard?02:48
Chrisbstersfears: if I directly connect it to the network hub, it works, but I don't want to run a cable accross the house and upstairs and I don't have a spare network bridge02:48
Marfipumpitup, system > prefferences > sounds02:48
Paddy_EIREsean, lol02:48
Paddy_EIREsean, sorry about that..02:49
sfears_system/administration/network.. in your ethernet card properties hardcode IP with subnet mask on your windows machine right click properties on your lan connection.. tcp/ip properties hardcode IP address subnet mask make sure file&print sharing are configured with shared permissions on your folders.. enable samba on your linux box & reboot.. should work Chrisbster02:49
seanno problem... same type of fix right?02:49
HaZaRddarkcrab: liveCD refuses to get past the first menu :)02:49
Paddy_EIREerr... not really02:49
Paddy_EIRE!tab | sean02:49
ubotwosean: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:49
bashirhmm lmsensors didnt detect my cpu sensor02:49
darkcrabok, can you give me your computer specs Hazard?02:49
Chrisbstersfears: thanxs, I'll go try02:49
sfears_good luck02:49
bashirit is a new cpu though, the penryn c2d 3.0 ghz02:49
bashire8400 is the model02:50
riddleboxcan anyone help me setup vncserver on my system?02:50
RequinB4darkcrab - its his 8800GT vid card, he's alt istalling so we can get drivers02:50
HaZaRdThat's it LOL02:50
oboy03darkcrab: yes i used the live cd02:50
darkcraboh ok02:50
HaZaRdalright I've got altCD up and looks to be the start of the installer :)02:50
oboy03darkcrad: is it known to have that bug?02:50
seanso i take it desktops dont typically crash while hibernating?02:50
RequinB4HaZaRd - great, now just answer the questions and read everything put in front of you, and don't choose the wrong partition to install to :P02:50
sfears_is there a linux repsository for drivers?02:51
subsume_How to tell my ubuntu version from the command line?02:51
sfears_or some kind of one stop shop for compatible hardware drivers02:51
darkcraboboy, go ahead and give the alternate installer CD a try and see if that helps.02:51
darkcrabif it doesnt, come back.02:51
HaZaRdRequinB4: HAHA Yup that's the plan :)02:51
HaZaRdif it gets pooched, I'll just boot from my Ghost Recovery CD anyway :)02:51
paul---hi, im want to rate limit/monitor an ubuntu box by IP02:52
darkcrabFYI, to everyone here. if you use windows to burn a copy of linux, remember that windows is not a great operating system to burn CD's. Make sure before you install your system that your CD is not bad.02:52
darkcrabThat can cause errors in installation.02:52
subsume_How to tell my ubuntu version from the command line?02:52
HaZaRdscanning CD-Rom right now... loading additional components... detecting network hardware... configure the network... seems to be working something :)02:52
oboy03darkcrab: actually i finished installing but i guess out of 10 install there are 3 that fail on grub02:52
paul---i.e -> i want its own mrtg graph and ability to rate limit ... but the issue is i have 5 ips on the one interface02:52
Frijoliei've always wondered, after installing from tarball is it ok to remove the source directory (the directory where you extracted to and ran the ./configure and make commands from)02:52
Frijolieor does that delete the install files?02:53
RequinB4HaZaRd: If i'm right, the alt CD should give you no trouble02:53
HaZaRdHmmmm... seems like it can't grab the DHCP settings from my router...02:53
GarethMarsh1985can anyone help me with installing linux using nothing but a hdd02:53
darkcraboboy03, I would give the alt-cd a try.02:53
RequinB4HaZaRd - fixable, move on if you have to02:53
bashirim gonna try ksensors02:53
ubotwoUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.02:53
oboy03will 8.04 be more friendly to laptops with wifi, coz its really hard for laymen to install ubuntu02:53
RequinB4HaZaRd - that probably needs drivers too02:53
kjozanyone experienced in Wine issues here?02:53
HaZaRdso just "Do not configure at this time"?02:53
cwilluanybody know how to get dapper to dist-upgrade to edgy?02:53
sfears_be more specific GarethMarsh1985 i'd like to know the answer to your quesiton02:53
wolferinehow can I check the res. in my ttyl ?02:53
RequinB4HaZaRd - yes02:54
cwilluit seems to be really insistent on hardy, which isn't useful yet02:54
PriceChild!upgrade | cwillu02:54
ubotwocwillu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:54
sfears_you mean install from a hard drive instead of a cd?02:54
darkcrabactually 7.10 is pretty darn friendly for wifi02:54
darkcrabjust depends on your computer.02:54
GarethMarsh1985I do02:54
RequinB4HaZaRd - for future referance, that means you'll have to manually transfer the package from this computer to that one02:54
RequinB4until you get the wireless on02:54
GarethMarsh1985there is a guide on the ubuntu site but you need to use a floppy02:54
oboy03thats right requin02:55
cwilluPriceChild, gksu "update-manager -c" just says everything is up to date, and -c -d wants to go to hardy02:55
Frijoliedarkrab: i acutally had a hard time with this freakin RealTek wifi card..i wound up taking the laptop back in exchange for an Intel 394502:55
sfears_how are you connecting the hdd02:55
GarethMarsh1985I'd like to be able to install using nothing but a hdd and xp02:55
PriceChild!wubi | GarethMarsh198502:55
ubotwoGarethMarsh1985: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://wubi-installer.org/02:55
Chrisbsterhey sfears: is there a tutorial or something on samba...like hwo to use it, or enable it?02:55
AzMooHey, when I press the wrong thing in my terminal it outputs a really loud pc speaker beep. Is there any way to turn the volume on that down, or turn it off entirely?02:55
darkcrabyup, depends on the card Frijolie02:55
GarethMarsh1985I don't just want a solution for ubuntu02:55
oboy03my laptop has bcm94311mcg, i tried 3 ways to make it work and none worked02:55
seanhey so do u recommend looking thru the laptop hibernation problems? im on a dell if that makes a dif.02:55
GarethMarsh1985I plan on running several distros to see which I'm most comfortable with02:55
Frijoliedarkcrab: yes, I wish hardware vendors were more open source friendly. The Intel 3945 worked "out of the box"02:56
darkcraboboy do this...02:56
sfears_ummm.. not sure where to send you Chrisbster.. hit f1 & search for samba.. there's proally some good info in the help file02:56
FrijolieI've seen a lot of problems with the Broadcom wifi cards as well02:56
darkcrabsystem>administration>restricted drivers manager02:56
HaZaRdRequinB4: Alright now I'm at the choose partition screen... I've ID'd the partition... how do I actually tell it to install there? Mount point is "/media/sdb2", bootable flag is on and mount options are at defaults02:56
GarethMarsh1985wubi isn't the kind of solution I'm looking for either02:56
darkcrabyup, my laptop card pretty much works once I download the firmware.02:57
RequinB4HaZaRd - if you're told it which partition to use, it will use that partition - just follow the prompts02:57
oboy03dakcrab: well im not on the laptop right now02:57
GarethMarsh1985I want to install linux to an ext3 partition02:57
DILGarethMarsh1985: then download vmware and get premade vitual machines of the distro you want to try - all from vm site02:57
PriceChildGarethMarsh1985: well for starters, you cant resize a partition in use02:57
GarethMarsh1985Why would I need to resize a partition?02:57
subsume_Why does apt-get dist-upgrade not work in moving my 7.04 system to 7.10?02:57
HaZaRdRequinB4: It tells me "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."02:57
Frijoliedoes the /tmp directory automatically get cleared at each shutdown?02:58
GarethMarsh1985I plan on partitioning the drive beforehand02:58
darkcrabyou know what is great for trying out ubuntu, wubi.02:58
darkcrabbut only for trying it out.02:58
RequinB4HaZaRd - grr, where does this happen?02:58
PriceChildGarethMarsh1985: how are you going to do that with only the hard drive?02:58
Temptantanyone wanna help me install a webcam, i installed the drivers but the program still doesn't recognize my webcam02:58
jrib!upgrade > subsume_ (read the private message from ubotu)02:58
PriceChild!upgrade | subsume_02:58
ubotwosubsume_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:58
darkcrabdont download it for a perminent desktop02:58
GarethMarsh1985I have 2 hdd's02:58
GarethMarsh1985one with xp on02:58
GarethMarsh1985the other is for linux02:58
HaZaRdRequinB4: As soon as I hit "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk"... it goes to a red screen with that message :S02:58
FrijolieTemptant: I still haven't gotten my built-in webcam in this laptop working either..but haven't really tried02:58
GarethMarsh1985I'd like to keep both seperate02:59
RequinB4HaZaRd - go back and doulbe check your partition options02:59
darkcrabshould be straight forward gareth.02:59
HaZaRdRequinB4: Looking for what?02:59
sfears_GarethMarsh1985, if you don't have the hard drive connected directally to the computer it won't detect your hardware properly and will more than likly cause boot problems02:59
OsamaKHello! sometime Ubuntu doesn't show my NSFT partition, Any ideas why?02:59
RequinB4HaZaRd - tell me what options you have02:59
nomad_Are ther any users of DYnamips and GNS3 ??02:59
Mimi*buntu needs to set the volume realllly lower than it does now on a default install. Everytime I log in, if I dont plug in my headset, my whole house is awake and my ears burn :P02:59
GarethMarsh1985hd is connected via sata, that's pretty direct right?02:59
sfears_OsamaK, where does it usually show "i believe you mean NTFS" partitions03:00
RequinB4Mimi - turn the volume down?03:00
darkcrabwierd, it sets my volume rather low03:00
DILdownload vmware and get premade vitual machines of the distro you want to try - all from vm site03:00
ViakenThis is a stupid question, but I couldn't find it anywhere and I don't have a Gnome machine around. How do you change the gtk/Gnome theme?03:00
HaZaRdRequinB4: I've got a whole whack of hard drives on screen... one 250GB one (my music storage drive), one 65GB one (ext3--this is where I want to install GG), one 129.9GB one (my Vista drive) and one 500GB drive for storage... only the 65GB drive is "bootable"03:00
GarethMarsh1985I don't want vm's03:00
darkcrabactually I recommend wubi instead of vmware.03:01
RequinB4Viaken - system - prefs - appearence03:01
Rockersosamak, ubunto don't show you ntfs partition because is corrupted, for example, by a bad windows shutdown03:01
cwilluPriceChild, for future reference, you have to force update-manager to an older version, and then it'll offer to dist-upgrade to 6.1003:01
edugonchHello, I need to record a video of my desktop with compiz, I have an AMD X2, nvidia Gforce 7 series, 1G ram, 512 M in video, I install instanbul, It work very good in my old video card (ATI x1600) but now I can't record with a good quality, Do you know an other software that I can use to record my desktop? thanks ;)03:01
cwillu(i.e., synaptic, downgrade the package)03:01
prince_jammys!info recordmydesktop | edugonch03:01
ubotwoedugonch: recordmydesktop: Captures audio-video data of a linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for None)03:01
bastid_raZorHaZaRd; is the vista drive only 129G because that is all vista will recognize?03:01
oboy03i just got the wifi working on an intel 395403:01
nomad_Are ther any users of DYnamips and GNS3 ??03:01
fevelis there a way to remove icons from gnome drop down menu03:02
OsamaKRockers: Yes, this thing happened. What should I do?03:02
edugonchThanks, I'll try03:02
PriceChildfevel: right click > edit menu03:02
GarethMarsh1985are there any bootloaders out there that will boot an iso from an ext3 partition?03:02
oboy03hope i can do the same with broadcom03:02
RequinB4Hazard - and it doesn't work when you choose the 65GB drive?03:02
HaZaRdbastid_raZor: No, I made it that03:02
MimiRequinB4:  DOH I know, but Im talking about a default install. I cant turn the volume down before BOOTING Kubuntu lol03:02
prince_jammys!info gtkrecordmydesktop | edugonch03:02
ubotwoedugonch: Package gtkrecordmydesktop does not exist in gutsy03:02
fevelPriceChild,  there is no option here03:02
fevelPriceChild, I want to leave only the written entry03:02
prince_jammys!info gtk-recordmydesktop > edugonch03:02
HaZaRdRequinB4: well... I highlight it, hit enter, make it bootable and leave everything else the same (without formatting) and it gives me that error03:02
turgenevi am new comer, hello to all03:03
PriceChildfevel: ah by icons i read entries sorry03:03
sfears_hello turgenev03:03
edugonchyes..... gtk-recordmydesktop does exist ;) thanks again03:03
PriceChildfevel: i'm sure it'll be in gconf somewhere03:03
MonckyHi everyone03:03
RequinB4HaZaRd - how did you set up the blank partition?03:03
HaZaRdRequinB4: I just formatted it with GParted... it was already blank, I just made it an ext3 FS instead of NTFS03:04
OsamaKRockers: ?03:04
RequinB4HaZaRd - no, i mean, how did you form the partition03:04
Monckythere is a command that you can pipe into another command to monitor to monitor that. for example $command | du -f to see the free partition space, any idea what it is?03:05
ok_Kidhey, i been messin around with Ubuntu03:05
Rockerstry to check the ntfs filesystem03:05
hdevalenceWhat is the place to put gtk themes?03:05
ViakenRequinB4: thanks!03:05
RequinB4Viaken - np03:05
Rockersand try to remount03:05
drcfevel:  System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Interface03:05
ok_Kidjust wondered if anyone might be able to help on may laptop, with broadcome wireless.03:05
ok_Kidi bet you get questions like that alot.03:06
seanhello my dell desktop system just crashed when it went into hibernate and it said i could get help on IRC03:06
feveldrc,  youre the man03:06
RequinB4ok_Kid - look at the restricted drivers manager03:06
HaZaRdRequinB4: Umm... well it's been that way since I had XP MCE installed on this machine about... a year and a half ago? I used Acronis to shift the 130/65GB partitions around (they were originally 100 and 95)03:06
Chrisbstersfears: when I browse samba, nothing is there03:06
Lurpdarkcrab, final consensus, windows semi loads, then does nothing03:06
eatatjoes2does anyone know how to get all the buttons on the logitech mx700 to work?03:06
drcfevel:  danke ..opps...np :)03:06
HaZaRdThen I installed Vista, killed my XP install, and wiped the drive clean... it's been sitting that way for a few months now03:06
ok_Kidanyway, i got it to work using fwcutter, and the driver that comes with Ubuntu....yes, i know all about the restricted drivers manager....thanks....theres more03:06
sfears_Chrisbster, make sure your workgroups on both computers are EXACTALLY the same03:07
RequinB4Not in that order, i assume03:07
Chrisbstersnet -hfears: when I browse samba, nothing is there03:07
ok_Kidbut i am wanting to get it working with ndiswrapper also.....and that seems to be a problem.03:07
HaZaRdRequinB4: Pretty much. Why?03:07
drakodehow i can install dreamweaver? what need use?03:07
RequinB4HaZaRd - so you had XP MCE and Vista on the same hard drive but different partitions, then killed XP?03:07
ok_Kidtried some of the tutorials, but to no availe... got the driver installed, but i am not sure what i have to do with "modprobe", andybody know03:08
ok_Kidor does anybody know of a very extensive, and easy tutorial....?03:08
polarbearhey guys, im trying to install a printer, but it keeps asking me for my localhost password, whenever i try to put in mine it just prompts me again, im not sure what im doing wrong03:08
HaZaRdRequinB4: Yeah. I never used XP so I just formatted the whole drive when I upgraded and eventually re-installed Vista, too03:08
sfears_what is the ubuntu equivalent to kcontrol?03:08
HaZaRdRequinB4: I think I actually have to set the "Mount point" as just "/"... that's apparently the root file system... Correct?03:08
ok_Kidone of the reasons i want to use ndiswrapper is because the other arrangements seem to be somewhat intermitten....kind of off and on....and i was wondering about my speed.....if there would be any difference using ndiswrapper, than the other.03:09
RequinB4HaZaRd - one second03:09
HaZaRdRequinB4: Do I really need separate partitions for the swap file and bootloader?03:09
monkeyBoxHi all.  I'm not sure why but all of the sudden compiz won't work any more...   when I run from cmdline it says that "XGL" is not present,  but I have not touched my xorg.conf for a long time..  Any ideas?03:09
Monckyswap needs to be on a seperate partition03:09
ok_Kidi mean is the bcm43xx driver tuned well enough to run it as well as the windows driver, running with ndiswrapper?03:09
Monckythe bootloader is loaded onto the MBR record  IIRC03:10
RequinB4HaZaRd - yes, for bootloader, no, for swap, since you have 4GB of RAM03:10
RequinB4HaZaRd - but it's good to have if you don't need the whole 65GB03:10
Monckyits a good idea to have a seperate /home and /usr partition aswell03:10
HaZaRdRequinB4: So... I should split the partition? I don't really need the whole 65GB, it's just to tinker around with anyway03:11
RequinB4HaZaRd - if you don't need it, i'd do what it suggests, but it is really up to you - you do need the bootloader03:11
HaZaRdRequinB4: I feel like a total n00b in the world of Linux lol... I can do anything I want in Windows lol03:11
jhlxdhi everyone03:11
RequinB4HaZaRd - that's contingent upon learnign something new, i promise linux will be 120% more customizable, its legally bound to give you complete freedom03:12
seanhello my dell desktop system just crashed when it went into hibernate and it said i could get help on IRC03:12
wolferinemy LCD TV can go to 1366X768, but its currently, in Ubuntu, only able to hit 1024X768, how can I allow for more res. ?03:13
sfears_my first guess sean would be some kind of video driver problem03:13
HaZaRdRequinB4: How big should I make the bootloader partition? Is 1GB enough?03:13
Rockerssean, model of the computer03:13
Monckysean: when you say crashed we need more info, what happened? any messages? what could you see on the screen03:13
seansfears_: i just checked my restricted drivers03:13
RequinB4HaZaRd - you may want to look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DrivesAndPartitions - and whatever it suggests is sufficient03:13
ubotwoFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD03:13
sfears_screen resolution is dependant on your video card & drivers wolferine03:13
seanMoncky: black screen that said press shut down to manually turn me off03:13
HaZaRdRequinB4: Thanks... appreciate the help, by the way... I kinda feel like I'm badgering you with questions >_<03:13
sfears_sean.. that's the problem.. restricted drivers have issues with hibernation03:14
IntegrationAnyone know in usenet how do you get rid of "text muted" so that i can see the whole quote03:14
wolferinesfears_, yes, but how do I setup more res. ? just add them manually in xorg.conf ?03:14
seanit said "no restricted drivers needed with hardware"03:14
RequinB4HaZaRd - not at all, i'd have the same questions if i was installing via alt cd for the first time, especially to do with my HDD03:14
busbeyomg that took forever03:14
Rockerswhat video card it's??03:14
sfears_that might work.. if your using nvidia drivers run the command "sudo nvidia-settings" & see if there's extra resolution in there03:14
seani have a radeon 9200 se03:14
seanati that is03:15
Monckyare you using the ATI drivers?03:15
busbeyi am having a problem with 7.10 64 using my 8800 gtx anyone want to help03:15
sfears_sean, uncheck the restricted drivers.. hibernate & see what happens.. if it fixes it not have the restricted drivers enabled then there's your problem.. and it will be hard to find a fix being that the restricted drivers are kind of unsupported03:15
seandriver says ati - ATI Mach8, Mach32 Mach6403:15
Rockersinstall the program "envy"03:15
RequinB4HaZaRd - in case you don't finish installing tonight, i'd like to tell you the basic roadmap of how to try and get your GUI working post install03:16
ubotwoenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:16
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sfears_yeah sean.. that what i think your problem is.. hibernate & restricted video drivers don't play nice with each other03:16
ryanakcaI have a process that has spawned several other processes (a build script). If I renice that build script/spawner, will it in turn affect all the spawned processes?03:16
seano is the ati driver restricted?03:16
Rockersi'm got the same problem03:16
seanoo ok03:16
=== sfears_ is now known as sFEARs
Rockersand envy works03:17
seanyea, earlier i was havuing trouble with compiz03:17
sFEARssean, test it though03:17
seanbut i reinstalled the OS and it works fine now03:17
IndyGunFreakRockers: envy is horrible advice03:17
busbeyive been serching for 3 hours on the 8800gtx issue some one help me03:17
wolferinesfears_, well, I used to use nvidia-settings, but this time I didnt have to, updated to Gutsy... so is that possibly still the best solution, adding them into my xorg.conf manually (or even just using nvidia-settings) ?03:17
fevelmy system halts for a couple of seconds randomly03:17
sFEARssystem/admin/restricted drivers manager.. uncheck, reboot & hibernate.. it will proally work fine.. if it does there's your problem03:17
Rockerscompiz works perfect now03:17
fevelespecially when watching videos03:17
IndyGunFreakRockers: give it time.03:17
feveldoes anyone vave the same problem?03:17
Rockersit not than horrible03:17
IndyGunFreakRockers: just because compiz works, doesn't mean its right.. give it time, you will regret it03:18
Rockershorrible it's to install the driver manually...03:18
sFEARscompiz will break03:18
seanhow do i uncheck the restricted driver?03:18
IndyGunFreakRockers: and yes it is, its horrible03:18
IndyGunFreak!envy | Rockers03:18
ubotwoRockers: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:18
Rockers250 it's my fps a 1280x1024@7503:19
RequinB4HaZaRd - when you boot, go to recovery mode and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", then follow prompts.  Reboot and should hit a "low gfx mode" window - hit configure (or something) and use the TEST function (not OK) to boot with VESA drivers.  Then use restricted devices manager to figure what drivers you need, download them from package.ubuntu.com, use a flashdrive to transfer to that computer, and install.  Reboot, and have03:19
drc /msg ubotu binarydriver03:19
sFEARscompiz is to linux as condoms are to sex.. looks good until it's broken03:19
seanhahaha very true03:19
Rockersit's decent03:19
IndyGunFreakRockers: that only shows your inexperience03:19
sFEARsyeah.. real users don't use gui's03:19
HaZaRdRequinB4: Alright will do... It's actually installing now :D03:20
IndyGunFreaksFEARs: no, i use GUI's for everything03:20
wolferinemy LCD TV can go to 1366X768, but its currently, in Ubuntu, only able to hit 1024X768, how can I allow for more res. ?03:20
xb3rtCan someone help me setup avant window manager03:20
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busbeyim really trying to get into linux but when theres no visable help after looking everywhere for 3 hours its frustrating03:20
kjozdoes anyone know where i can find the Desktop entry file to edit the Desktop menus in Ubuntu03:20
sFEARsi don't know how people still use gui-less systems.. other than for network admin & such03:20
RequinB4HaZaRd - if you do the above and it still doesn't work, then the drivers you need must not exist :P03:20
HaZaRdRequinB4: That's reassuring :P03:21
HaZaRdRequinB4: I'm not using any exotic hardware, though, so somebody should have 'em.03:21
AzMoobusbey: What's your problem?03:21
busbeythank you03:21
busbeyone sec03:21
seanhey how do u bend a corner of a window in with compiz?03:21
=== pclinuxos is now known as hmm
RequinB4HaZaRd - there's bound to be hardware that works better then others03:21
sFEARswolferine, i think we've already figured out the only ways to fix03:21
Alan_Msean, enable wobbly windows.03:21
seanyea but then03:21
seanwat button dop u press03:21
Alan_Mgrab the middle of the window and pull down :)03:22
busbeycan we pm?03:22
phuzionWhats the easiest way to find a file via command line?03:22
kjozwhere can i find the .desktop file to change the entries of the menu's?03:22
meoblast001hello..... i need to know how to switch graphics cards from vesa to intel..... everytime i change them, it just goes back to vesa..... Ubuntu originallly had me using intel.... how do i fix this?03:22
phuzionlike, fast, too03:22
AzMoobusbey: no, ask the question in here, that way if anybody else knows the answer they can help too.03:22
drckjoz:  System -> Preferences -> Main Menu03:22
ryanakcaI have a process that has spawned several other processes (a build script). If I renice that build script/spawner, will it in turn affect all the spawned processes?03:22
seanyea but ive sen on u tube u can bend a corner of the window in, without moving the rest of the windiw03:22
HaZaRdRequinB4: Oh for sure. I don't doubt it, but my hardware should at least *work* :P03:22
seando u need to hold something down?03:22
Alan_M!pm | Everyone03:22
sFEARsmeoblast001, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ??03:22
ubotwoEveryone: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:22
wolferinesFEARs, do tell, please03:22
RequinB4HaZaRd - Linux devs don't have the monopolistic luxury of writing drivers before the hardware comes out :P03:23
sFEARsadd extra resolutions to your xorg.conf file or use nvidia-settings03:23
kjozdrc: Thanks appreciate it03:23
HaZaRdRequinB4: Good call, then again my hardware has been out for a good five months now :)03:23
busbey7.10 64bit alternate install worked so that i get the grub menu but splash doesnt showup03:23
drckjoz:  np03:23
=== [dcr] is now known as `-`
xb3rtIs their a command to get a detailed listing of my hardware and specs03:23
SindaciousWould anyone know what he "Super" button is?03:23
HaZaRdRequinB4: And I've heard nVidia's Linux drivers are pretty good :)03:23
oboy03what are broken packages? in layman03:23
seanwindows key03:23
=== `-` is now known as [dcr]
Alan_MSindacious, windows key :)03:23
sFEARslspci xb3rt03:23
seandoes anyone know wat im talking about as far as "03:24
oboy03how come when i try  to remove broken packages a lot gets removed with i?03:24
RequinB4HaZaRd - one last thing, because this is off topic, but 5 monthis isn't that much time.  and yes, that's because NVIDIA is soon going to be an almost bad monopoly as microsoft w/ merger to ATI - but offtopic03:24
meoblast001sFEARs: do i want kernel framebuffer interface?03:24
xb3rthow do i pipe a command to a txt file03:24
sFEARsthat will list all the hardware connected to your pci bus03:24
sean"bending the corner of a window in without moving it"03:24
busbeymy rig is q6600, 8800gtx03:24
nickrudoboy03: it can be several things, but the most common is the broken package needs packages that haven't been installed03:24
SupaFlyHey there i justin installed LAMP on my ubuntu gutsy box, but i have also installed webmin, but i cant log in, is there a default username password?03:24
sFEARsit will more than likely work meoblast03:24
meoblast001so is that a yes or no?03:24
sFEARsit will more than likely work meoblast00103:24
SindaciousAlan_M: Thanks :)03:24
Alan_Myes sean, we actually answered your question if you were paying attention, but ill repeat.03:24
sFEARsyes.. meoblast00103:24
oboy03so they are like in windows "corrupt downloads?"03:24
Alan_MEnable wobbly windows in desktop effects sean :)03:24
usserSupaFly: I think you'll have to enable root account for that03:24
Alan_MSindacious, your welcome.03:25
SupaFlyah ok03:25
seanyes, but when ever i bend a corner in, the whole window moves03:25
wolferinesFEARs, looks like my xorg.conf has addition res., but not the 1366x768 I wanted.  Added it manually (nvidia-settings just fumbled alot of errors)03:25
HaZaRdRequinB4: nVidia merger with ATI? AMD just bought ATI a little over a year ago and both companies have been floundering ever since...03:25
SupaFlyusser sorry how do i go about that?03:25
Alan_Mthen, it must not be enabled..because if it was, it wouldnt be moving a whole window. lol03:25
nickrudoboy03: why not tell us exactly what's going on with your install, and go from there03:25
sFEARswolferine.. did it work?03:25
busbeyazmoo could i try to explain it to you so u can word it to other ppl?03:26
Alan_Mjust making a window almost collapse in on itself sean.03:26
usserSupaFly: sudo passwd should do, it'll prompt your for your sudo password and a new password for root. after that you shoul restart apache and login to webmin with root credentials03:26
seanok, are the ppl on utube have like rly low friction or something?03:26
fevelmy system keeps halting for seconds when watching videos, Can anyone help me fix thisissue?03:26
oboy03ok i updated important security updates, then it had an error and the rest of the update wont install because of broken package03:26
RequinB4HaZaRd - didn't hear it from me, and /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:26
meoblast001sFEARs: lets see if this works... i mainly went with the defaults03:26
ubotwowebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.03:26
sFEARsyeah.. that's the best way to go meoblast00103:26
Alan_Msean, i have no clue what you just said, can you explain further?03:27
RequinB4HaZaRd - I've got to go now, though - good luck, and don't lose those instructions - need any furthur help just come here03:27
tygercan't play mpeg files as well the other ones but i have all the gstreamer codecs install does someone knows why?03:27
nickrudoboy03: and the packages in particular are? Best way to show is to run   sudo apt-get -f install in a terminal, and put the complete error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:27
ubotwoebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec03:27
sFEARslose the directions.. they're worthless if not commited to memory!!03:27
seanive seen people on youtube bend the corner of their window all the way down to the other side of the app without moving the window, when ever i try to bend a window, the whole window moves with my cursor03:27
oboy03i tried sudo apt-get install -f and still has errors03:27
SupaFlyusser it just said access denied blocked because of too many attempts, i tried sudo as username and passwd as password03:27
SupaFlyusser also tried my user name and root password03:27
meoblast001thanx sFEARs03:27
Alan_MAre they using beryl or compiz-fusion sean?03:28
nickrudsean: that's part of the wobbly windows plugin in compiz-fusion03:28
Alan_Mbecause theres a bit of a difference between those two packages.03:28
usserSupaFly: in terminal type in sudo passwd03:28
Alan_Mnickrud, ive explained that part.03:28
usserSupaFly: did you do that?03:28
SupaFlyah yup just done that now03:28
seanmy windows wobble, but they dont bend03:28
SupaFlysorry i meant you ment in webmin03:28
nickrudAlan_M: ah. Did you talk about setting the friction to some ungodly number?03:28
AzMoobusbey: yo, sorry I got disconnected.03:29
ryanakcaI have a process that has spawned several other processes (a build script). If I renice that build script/spawner, will it in turn affect all the spawned processes? Also, if I set the priority of a process highter, I'm guessing that means it has access to more resources?03:29
usserSupaFly: then sudo /etc/init.d/apache? restart03:29
oboy03how do i use paste bin?.03:29
mage__hey is there a socks proxy in the repositories?03:29
who_wasHi, I installed windows, and now grub isn't recognized, im in the Ubuntu live CD; how would i go about restoring it?03:29
Alan_Mwhat exactly is "friction" i have compiz-fusion enabled and see that nowhere nickrud :/03:29
ubotwopastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:29
Alan_Mthats where im getting lost, your talking about friction. lol03:29
mage__oic dante-client -server instead of just dante03:29
usserSupaFly: and then you should be able to login with username "root" and the password you created for it with sudo passwd03:29
nickrudoboy03: it's a website. You run that command I gave, and copy and paste it there, and when you submit you get a url back. Give me that url03:29
busbeyAzMoo can i please msg you to try and explain my problem, i dont know how to word it03:30
tygerDoes someone knows why i can't play mpeg files even though all the codecs are installed?03:30
SupaFlyusser sweet! it works, thanks heaps dude :)03:30
HaZaRdOh shit... Help? Like... majorly help.03:30
factotumtyger, restart the application? ldconfig? just off the top of my head03:30
AzMoobusbey: no, say it in here mate. All you need to say is what you're trying to do and what's not working.03:30
nickrudAlan_M: friction is on the wobbly windows section of ccsm, it determines how easily the window is moved across the screen03:30
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
HaZaRdI just "finished" installing Ubuntu and now when I boot all I get it "Missing operating system."03:31
sFEARsha HaZaRd03:31
busbeyok, i got the 7.10 6403:31
Alan_MOkiedokie nickrud, i guess ill be doing some searching :)03:31
tygeri did restart the application, and reinstalled gstremer codecs03:31
HaZaRdsFEARs: ?03:31
hmmHaZaRd, hmm.missing operating system,how many os on that machine03:31
sFEARssorry.. i've had errors like that before03:31
nickrudoboy03: ah, you have to close synaptic and/or the update manager first. Then run the command again.03:31
busbeyand my video card the 8800gtx wont do the splash03:31
tygerand also firfox is not playing them either.03:31
HaZaRdhmm: Two (Vista Business 32b and now Ubuntu... maybe)03:32
jimmygoon_How is it that azureus can still NOT work correctly in ubuntu?03:32
nickrudAlan_M: if you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed, you'll find ccsm in the menu as Advanced Desktop Settings03:32
HaZaRdsFEARs: Care to help?03:32
AzMoobusbey: which splash? When  you login, or the loading progress bar before that?03:32
hmmHaZaRd, hmm,ok,seems your partition table is damaged03:32
bazhangtyger: how did you install the codecs please03:32
busbeywhen i pick my os on grub03:32
ubotwoazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo03:32
sFEARsi'm guessing grub is pointing to the wrong /dev/hd103:33
tygeradd/remove programs03:33
AzMoobusbey: OK, what do you see?03:33
HaZaRdSo what to do?03:33
oboy03here nickrud03:33
busbeyi get black screen when i do the first choice03:33
LectusDoes ubuntu 64-bits version have all packages for 64-bit including firefox and flashplugin?03:33
nickrudoboy03: looking03:33
sFEARspastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst.. but i'm not sure you can get to it03:33
bazhangtyger what package or packages did you install --please be precise03:33
dezrikIs there anyway to remove nm-applet03:33
Alan_Mah, ok nickrud, thanks bud!03:34
n8tuserdezrik--> right click and click remove from panel03:34
AzMoobusbey: A black screen only or does it have text?03:34
hmmsomeone help HaZaRd ,plz03:34
HaZaRdSorry I missed any suggestions there... accidentally d/c'd myself...03:34
sFEARspastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst.. but i'm not sure you can get to it03:34
dezrikn8tuser, it doesnt have that option03:34
subsume_Does anyone suppose a dist-upgrade of edubuntu should hang for 15 minutes on squid?03:34
HaZaRdsFEARs: What does that mean? :S03:34
hmmHaZaRd, it is hard to issue it,you need some tools to recreate partition table03:34
Alan_Mhmm...patience is a virtue you must learn in here, we will eventually get to everyone, and if we dont know the answer to a question...we just dont know. :)03:34
nonix4Lectus: Filename: pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9. is what you were asking?03:34
sFEARswhen you boot do you get a menu to choose from?03:34
HaZaRdsFEARs: Nope... just that message >.<03:35
busbeyjust black and ive searched it thur the fourms and i get this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/14762303:35
busbeythat is my exact problem03:35
tygergstreamer ffmpeg video plugin03:35
Lectusnonix4: I just needed to know if it has. Thanks :)03:35
Housefly7kHow to run a program from terminal? But continue using the terminal... so sort of like doing Alt+f2 but from the terminal03:35
nickrudoboy03: You are right, it seems to be a corrupted download. Not common :)    do   sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.8-7ubuntu3.1_all.deb , then run sudo apt-get -f install again. It will re-download the file and try to install again03:35
hmmnickrud, does ubuntu livecd has the funtion to search and recreate partition?03:35
sFEARsHaZaRd, you were the one who just installed using the alternate cd right?03:35
bazhangtyger you installed the packages individually?03:35
hmmno chinese,plz03:35
sFEARsholy china!03:36
oboy03so can i just delete it?03:36
nickrudhmm: not sure what you mean03:36
Alan_M!ch | veni_03:36
nickrud!cn | veni_03:36
bazhangveni_:  /j #ubuntu-cn03:36
ubotwoHow should I know?03:36
ubotwoveni_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:36
tygercorrect i did installed the packages individually03:36
HaZaRdsFEARs: Yup, that was me03:36
hmmnickrud, some guy finished ubuntu install,after reboot,he got missing operating system03:36
veni_Can you see chinese?03:36
sFEARsi'm guessing the easiest way is just to reinstall again.. something didn't take right03:36
prince_jammysbusbey: so the problem is that you get a black screen until the login screen comes up?03:36
bazhangtyger that is your problem; install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:36
Alan_Mand if were wrong on chinese, i can throw a jp in there..but im sure thats chinese characters.03:36
HaZaRdalright I'll give it a shot03:36
sFEARsmake sure none of the install steps had errors & got skipped over03:36
oboy03its working nickrud thanks03:37
AzMoobusbey: well, it seems pretty obvious that it's a known bug with your hardware.03:37
HaZaRdShould I use the altCD or the liveCD?03:37
nickrudveni_: for me, it's coming in bad right now. Other days, it works fine.03:37
Housefly7kHow to run a program from terminal? But continue using the terminal... so sort of like doing Alt+f2 but from the terminal03:37
hmmnickrud, you got me?03:37
oboy03nickrud: maybe it was caused by my internet03:37
sFEARsthey should both do the same thing.. the alt cd is faster i think03:37
nickrudHousefly7k: add a & to the end of the command, like   gedit &03:37
veni_nickrud:Thank you03:37
n8tuserdezrik umm try from gconf-editor and then select apps and maybe netstatus_applet ?03:37
sCOTTohey ppls - i just installed UBUNTU Desktop on my Dell E1705 notebook. But when i try to boot it comes up with an error - kernel panic - not syncing - vfs - unable to moot root fs - on unknown block (0,0) --- Can anyone help me ?03:37
jimmygoon_hmm, who is this?03:37
Housefly7knickrud: thanks03:37
StarnestommyHousefly7k: put an "&" after the command03:37
jimmygoon_sounds like a grub problem, reboot on live disc and reinstall grub?03:37
hmmjimmygoon_, HaZaRd03:37
Housefly7kStarnestommy: thank u too03:37
busbeybut people are gettin g around it by disabling splash03:37
jimmygoon_!grub > HaZaRd03:38
nickrudhmm: not really. But most likely he got the grub install set up wrong.03:38
prince_jammysbusby: yes, this is the usual fix:: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen03:38
jimmygoon_!grub | HaZaRd03:38
Jack_Sparrowbusbey, Do you not know how to disable splash03:38
ubotwoHaZaRd: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:38
sFEARssCOTTo, did you make a dual boot system?03:38
hmmok,messed up mbr03:38
nickrudoboy03: could be. I don't think I've ever seen that one myself03:38
AzMoobusbey: it looks like somebody's got it working as well. 2nd to last comment. Is the problem that you don't know how to do it?03:38
sFEARsusually 0,0 is your windows partition03:38
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, do the recovery one from the live disc and hopefully it will at least pick up the ubuntu install. after that we can get vista on the list03:38
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sCOTTohow do i reinstall Grub on my hdd if im booting from the live cdrom ?03:38
tonyyarussoI'm looking for a bittorrent client that a) will run cli only (headless machine), b) can be scheduled to have limits for certain times of day and days of week, c) allows adding, removing, pausing, and resuming of torrents without totally restarting the client - any suggestions?03:38
jimmygoon_sFEARs, um, only if it's installed first on the disc, which is not a safe assumption03:39
Housefly7kis there a way of loggin in straight into a console, so no GDM? from boot03:39
n8tuserhmm--> i doubt it if the guy really completed the install03:39
jimmygoon_!grub | sCOTTo03:39
ubotwosCOTTo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:39
dezrikThanks n8tuser03:39
sCOTTosFEARs, no i didnt i wiped out windows vista (and it felt OOOHH SOOO GOOOOD!!!)03:39
hmmn8tuser, who knows03:39
jimmygoon_sCOTTo, check that first link03:39
bazhangrtorrent should do that tonyyarusso03:39
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: Thanks, trying that now03:39
n8tuserhmm--> then may as well install it yourselve03:39
tonyyarussobazhang: does it really?  I guess I need to look into rtorrents options more...03:39
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, let us know how it goes, most likely your solution will come from something in/on/within the live disc03:39
Housefly7kIs that what recovery mode is for? i never tried that03:39
bazhangkmandla.wordpress.com has more info and a tutorial on that tonyyarusso03:39
tygeri did but still not working03:39
tonyyarussobazhang: will bookmark03:40
Jack_Sparrowbusbey, From Terminal, type   gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst     Remove splash as needed or per the link you gave, save the fine.. Done03:40
busbeyi tryed in recovery  sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.1st and its a blank file03:40
sFEARsummm... sCOTTo i'm guessing you don't have any menu options? it just boots straight into the error?03:40
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: I've gotta choose the root file system now... I don't know which one it is... I've got 8 bloody options o.O03:40
nickrudbusbey: that's an Lst not Onest03:40
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, it would be w/e the ubuntu install it03:40
prince_jammysbusby menu.lst LST not 1ST03:40
sFEARs8 partitions might be giving the basic partitioner problems.. usually they can only work with 4???03:41
sCOTTosFEARs, yeah it gives me a chance to get a small menu which lets me boot normally, recovery mode <-- which doesnt work or memtest8603:41
HaZaRdthey just say "/dev/sda1-4" and "/dev/sdb1, sdc1, sdd2, sdd2"03:41
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, "If you do not know your boot partition, use find /boot/grub/stage1"03:41
Jack_Sparrowbusbey,   that is an L not a one.. LST03:41
bazhangtyger how did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras please?03:41
nickrudbusbey: doesn't it suck when it's the silly things :)03:41
oboy03sudo rm is remove?03:41
busbeyive wasted hours on that crap03:41
sFEARsdoes the recovery mode give the exact same error as the normal boot?03:41
AzMoobusbey: see, that's why we don't pm ;)03:41
prince_jammysbusbey: check the link i posted for the additional step03:42
busbeyhold up ill try and come back03:42
nickrudoboy03: rm is remove.  sudo is a tool that gives you administrative rights, you need them to work outside of your home directory03:42
xb3rtIm trying to install this theme from http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/SlicknesS?content=71993 but the directions arnt working right03:42
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: I'm actually using the altCD not the liveCD :S03:42
Jack_Sparrowbusbey, you can paste into a terminal  by adding shift to ctrl-v03:42
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, thats fine03:42
nickrud!sudo | oboy0303:42
ubotwooboy03: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.03:42
jimmygoon_run "find /boot/grub/stage1" from the grub prompt03:42
n8tusersCOTTo--> once in liveCD, go to a terminal, mount the partition where you had boot/grub..btw do you have  a separate /boot partition?03:42
oboy03can i copy all apt packages in a CD and use it as an update CD?03:42
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, run "find /boot/grub/stage1" from the grub prompt03:42
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: So where do I enter that command?03:42
busbeyi just cant keep track with all these people typing thats whi i wanted to pm03:42
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, after you "run" grub from the command line03:42
nickrudaptoncd | oboy03 this tool helps with that03:42
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, er, do you have a command line right now? or are you on the first step of the installer?03:43
sCOTTon8tuser, i am not sure i am new at this - how will iknow?03:43
hmmHaZaRd, at the first screen press C03:43
meoblast001has anyone noticed that the Intel graphics modset can have large fonts in the GDM?03:43
oboy03nickrud: so i type it on terminal?03:43
DarkmystereOMG finnaly my screen isnt frozen03:43
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oboy03nickrud and can use it for other ubuntu installations?03:43
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: I honestly don't know... it just started going by itself... I'm trying a full re-install now03:43
Frijoliecan anyone help with file recovery on a botched rsync command? are the files gone for good?03:43
DarkmystereCould Gusty -> Hardy Upgrade freeze my screen..03:43
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n8tusersCOTTo--> well, you can try  fdisk -l  and mount each partition you see individually to find where that /boot is03:43
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, nooooo03:44
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, its easy enough to drop to cmd line to try recovering grub03:44
nickrudoboy03: you would install the package,   system->admin->synaptic   and search (ctlr-f) for it. And yes, that's one of it's uses03:44
tygersudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:44
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, Yes, especially if it was from Ubuntu Ultimate to Hardy03:44
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, and will take a fraction of the time03:44
penI have no sound after I upgrade to Hardy alpha6 but this has never happened to me before03:44
sCOTTon8tuser, i have a 74 GB on here and i just told ubuntu to do it all...03:44
* sFEARs gave HaZaRd bad advice on the ease of reinstallation.. mah bad03:44
penThis is my second time upgarde to hardy03:44
ubotwoHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:44
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, lol..03:44
jimmygoon_!hardy | pen03:44
ubotwopen: please see above03:44
penIt can't detect sound device this time03:45
penit worked before03:45
drewb1Hallo! Is it possible to install ubuntu to an ntfs partition?03:45
n8tusersCOTTo--> that makes it even easier...do  sudo -i   on a terminal;  then  fdisk -l03:45
sFEARsi'm not even sure what rsync is Frijolie03:45
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Why you figure..03:45
penI think it's something else03:45
jimmygoon_pen, take it to #ubuntu+1 please03:45
FloodBot3pen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, *how..03:45
sCOTTon8tuser, i have sda1 = 74gb03:45
FrijoliesFEARs: rsync is a backup utility03:45
sFEARsgot cha03:45
sCOTTosda2 = 3gb03:45
sCOTTosda5 = 3gb swap03:45
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, Lucky guess?03:46
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Hopefully this fixes my Repos...main reason i upgraded i switched it to main Servers anyways..03:46
jimmygoon_er, hey you two trying to figure out your root partition03:46
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jimmygoon_sCOTTo, sFEARs the guide, it says to do "find /boot/grub/stage1" to identify your root device03:46
n8tuserdrewb1--> you tried yet? let us know how it goes03:46
sCOTTon8tuser, the boot is on the 74 gb linux drive03:46
Shadow420hey guys I re-installed ubuntu to fix my errors and something else I have screwed up03:46
sCOTTojimmygoon_, huh ?03:46
ubotwoqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo03:46
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, Once you have installed stuff from outside and or used automatix, it just doesnt matter if you switch them back and try to upgrade...03:47
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, lol...W00t finnaly done with all 1506 Downloads....on to installing them all..03:47
drewb1n8tuser: I have not tried, however I was wondering if anybody had any experience with this?03:47
jimmygoon_sCOTTo, the grub recovery guide tells you how to identify the root device when trying to recover grub03:47
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, I wish you luck..03:47
jimmygoon_automatix = sucks.03:47
sCOTTojimmygoon_, where do i find it ?03:47
ubotwoautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »03:47
drewb1I have a friend who wants to use linux, but he'll only trust his data in NTFS03:47
jimmygoon_!grub | sCOTTo03:47
ubotwosCOTTo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:47
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, i never used those..03:47
nickruddrewb1: very funny03:47
meoblast001has anyone noticed that the Intel graphics modset can have large fonts in the GDM?03:47
drewb1I know, he's crazy.03:47
bastid_raZordrewb1; poor guy must be brainwashed03:47
meoblast001i think its a bug03:47
n8tusersCOTTo--> good so just  chroot / and then  type grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda103:48
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Should i stop using things while it installs the upgrades..03:48
jimmygoon_sCOTTo, check the first link, in the grub console run "find /boot/grub/stage1" it tells you plain as day the root device03:48
Jack_Sparrow:)   Please people.. dont use automatix03:48
Kris07Hi, how do you install themes?03:48
sCOTTook thanks03:48
Shadow420I tried it once and hated it03:48
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: Alright I'm now at the liveCD main menu... where do I go? :S03:48
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, It should not matter, but couldnt hurt to give your system a break and close some stuff down03:48
n8tuserdrewb1--> be braved, be the pioneer, let us know, would not hurt you too much will it?03:48
AzMooKris07: drag them into the theme manager.03:48
prince_jammysKris07: go to Preference->Appearance03:48
iceswordHaZaRd, what is it now03:48
jimmygoon_HaZaRd, hit CTRL+ALT+F2 should take you to a black/white screen w/ cmd prompt?03:48
fyrmedicI am talking to a friend and he is looking over my shoulder and interested in ubuntu. He wants to know if he should dive in or stay with windows.03:48
xb3rtdive in03:49
HaZaRdjimmygoon_: Nope...03:49
prince_jammysstay with windows </joke>03:49
Jack_Sparrowfyrmedic, HAve him play with a livecd03:49
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Shadow420yeah tell him to get it and have a ball03:49
jimmygoonHaZaRd, what did it do?03:49
xb3rtubuntu comes with almost everything you need anyways03:49
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Nothing... didn't even blink :S03:49
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, im only using Firefox and Xchat... before the updates finished downloading ccsm and Distribution Upgrade was only thing open..03:49
n8tuserfyrmedic--> let him try the liveCD  it has the same full capabilities as an installed one,  a bit slow at first but its okay for a beginner to see what is happening03:49
nickrudprince_jammys: keep giving that advice and you're a dead man ;)03:49
jimmygoonHaZaRd, er, try Ctrl+Alt+F3?03:49
axisyswhere can I ask question about hardy?03:49
Starnestommyaxisys: #ubuntu+103:50
nickrudaxisys: #ubuntu+103:50
prince_jammysnickrud: but it's more stable ! </joke>03:50
Kris07After Preference->Appearance?03:50
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Nope, still nothing... same with F103:50
ubotwoHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:50
jimmygoonactually, my ubuntu installs have been loads more stable then windows ever has03:50
fyrmedicHe's in.... thanks.03:50
HaZaRdand my kybd works because I can scroll the menu...03:50
jimmygoonHaZaRd, does the menu give you a chance to enter a recovery mode?03:50
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨03:50
Shadow420fyrmedic make sure he gets xchat03:50
prince_jammysfyrmedic: the live cd is the best - totally noncommittal and runs quite well03:50
sFEARsam i correct in saying it's almost midnight eastern time??03:50
HaZaRdUmm... No... Should it?03:50
jimmygoonCan someone inform me how I can drop from the alternative install to bash?03:50
jimmygoonHaZaRd, give me a sec here to figure out how to get you to a command line, sorry03:51
sFEARsi thought the clocks didn't change until 2am tonight.. but i think it's already midnight03:51
HaZaRdIt's cool03:51
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨03:51
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iceswordjimmygoon, maybe c03:51
jimmygoonsFEARs, last night was DST change03:51
Shadow420fyrmedic so he can come here with ubuntu related questions03:51
iceswordjimmygoon, maybe c button03:51
sFEARsglad i didn't have anything to do today03:51
jimmygoonHaZaRd, um, try hitting 'c'?03:51
drcsFEARs:  LAST night :003:51
jimmygoonsFEARs, just have ubuntu sync w/ internet server03:52
Kris07After downloading a theme from somewhere, how do I install it?03:52
sFEARssomeone asked me about that yesterday.. i told them tonight.. i hope they wern't late for work toady03:52
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed03:52
jimmygoonKris07, drag and drop on appearance manager window03:52
Shadow420ok now to get my building environment back03:52
sFEARsi did sync with the server.. that's the only reason i knew it was midnight.. just had to make sure03:52
iceswordKris07, system>03:52
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Hang on a sec03:52
jimmygoonneo_, don't spam please, I have your same message repeated 3 times on my screen.... someone will help you when they can03:52
fyrmedicShadow420: thanks, I have already explained all of the help options available.  You guys rock as usual03:52
iceswordHaZaRd, where are you now,grub>?03:52
sFEARsneo_ i had an error like that before.. i booted into a different kernel & everything worked fine03:52
abortddo i need to log into the live cd to resize the partition i have linux on?03:53
Kris07What if the file format is invalid?03:53
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Nothing doing there, either03:53
sCOTTothanks guys - it worked out i think03:53
whiteygfordhey everyone03:53
HaZaRdicesword: No, main Ubuntu install menu03:53
Shadow420fyrmedic Your Welcome03:53
neo_sFEARs ::    i think i accidently disabled ¨dbus service¨03:53
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sFEARsneo_, and i believe i actually found out it had to do with the next step in the boot process with cupsys printing services.. i manged to get in there and disable cupsys & was able to boot fine.. it happened to be the rt kernel by the way03:53
jimmygoonHaZaRd, when the cd first loads does it give you a shot at choosing "recovery"  rather than "Install ubuntu"?03:53
whiteygfordI just updated compiz-fusion to the latest version and now I can't access the configuration manager, any ideas?03:53
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Nope03:54
ssorelprintf("Hello, World! \n")03:54
* ssorel is waiting to get kicked.03:54
HaZaRdI'm gonna try a reinstall03:54
jimmygoonHaZaRd, try another holding CTRL+ALT then tap F6-9 and see if any of them work03:54
neo_sFEARs ::    i can´t access my services settings   with same error03:54
iceswordHaZaRd, enter recovery mode03:55
HaZaRdjimmygoon: tried F1-F12 and none worked :S03:55
jimmygoonicesword, he can't...03:55
HaZaRdicesword: No option for it03:55
WhoaItsPhili'm trying to install a new gtk2 theme but nothing changes when i install it...it says it is correctly installed and i press ok and then nothing changes and it doesn't show up anywhere...03:55
sFEARsdo you have any other grub boot options that let you boot into a different kernel.. i think that's how i got back in03:55
HaZaRdon my altCD I've got the option to "Rescue a broken system"03:55
crdlbwhiteygford: #compiz-fusion03:55
jimmygoonHaZaRd, yes! do that03:55
whiteygfordoh ok03:55
jimmygoonHaZaRd, load into that and we can get grub setup03:55
iceswordHaZaRd, hmm,that is it,03:56
HaZaRdYou're gonna have to walk me through here step by step... THIS is totally foreign to me03:56
colinnnhey all, i'm trying to install dvd::rip on ubuntu, but the synaptic version isn't really updated. How do I get the latest? there're no binaries for ubuntu and i've tried compiling the source which failed miserably.03:56
Darkmystereerr....Should Installing all 1506 Packages take long :P03:56
Darkmysterewrong channel..03:56
sFEARswhat did compilation fail colinnn03:56
whiteygfordcrdlb: #compiz-fusion isn't a channel03:57
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: on the themes dialog window, hit the custom button. It should be there03:57
crdlbwhiteygford: yes it is :)03:57
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Can you tell me what Repos are not supported so i can remove them ;)03:57
nickrudlol, whiteygford crdlb lives there :)03:57
colinnnsFEARs: not too good at compiling stuff, but there were  aLOT of errors, and it does say in the documentation that there're alot of prerequisites for compiling it and that we shld try for the binaries instead.03:57
whiteygfordo_O but it doesn't show up T_T03:57
sFEARsgot cha03:57
jason_Hey i setup dial up networking using my cellphone with ubuntu 7.10 and wvdial, Konqueror web browser doesn't seem to notice the connection though, because i can't view any web pages. does anyone know how to fix that?03:57
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neo_is there any administrative way    using terminal to start the dbus service???03:57
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colinnnsFEARs: there're a list of binaries to download for dvd::rip for redhat, opensuse etcetc but none for ubuntu :(03:57
sFEARsare there features in the newest version that you have to have.. the older version in the repos won't work for you colinnn03:57
xb3rtwhats the most friendly screen res for wine03:58
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, I was just leaving to eat dinner, post your sources and someone will look them over03:58
sFEARswas there a debian option.. that might work i think03:58
whiteygfordoops, got it now03:58
Shadow420I love the way ubuntu has alot of software to chose from even some windows software alternatives03:58
iceswordHaZaRd, need your respond03:58
WhoaItsPhilnickrud, there is no custom button...03:58
colinnnsFEARs: yeah exactly. if you wanna know, the stupid GUI for the repo version is too big and i can't see the whole window. pretty dumb. in the newer versions they've added an option to fix that03:58
HaZaRdicesword: still waiting for the recovery console to boot... it seems to be failing to recover a lot of devices...03:58
WhoaItsPhiloh nm..got it03:58
lancerockeHi all. How do i chmod a directory with my username?03:58
Darkmysterelol uh oh...How do i remove automatix if it was installed some way without packages....03:59
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: hm, customize button that is.  system->prefs->appearance , customize button, controls tab in the new window03:59
FrogzooDarkmystere: ask in #automatix03:59
HaZaRdalright... now I've just got a blinking cursor and nothing else03:59
bazhangDarkmystere: best to just reinstall03:59
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iceswordbazhang, time for lunch,:),bye03:59
lancerockeHow do i chmod a directory with my username?04:00
ToastGuyHey guys... I'm reading some installation directions... I'm new to ubuntu.... What does this mean?04:00
ToastGuy./configure [--prefix=...]04:00
HaZaRdicesword =(04:00
fyrmedicI just executed iwconfig and it lists something called "wmaster", everything else is ok and wireless is working. Any ideas what that is?04:00
nickrudlancerocke:   sudo chown username:username <dir>  (first username is owner, second is group)04:00
xb3rtToastGuy it pulls up the configuration for the directory your in i think04:00
HaZaRdjimmygoon: You still here, at least?04:00
jimmygoonHaZaRd, yep04:00
neo_is there any administrative way    using terminal to start the dbus service???04:00
Shadow420lancerocke sudo chmod permissions# folder04:00
bazhangDarkmystere: no telling what Automatix has done to your system--best bet is a full reinstall04:00
HaZaRdokay I'm in the console finally :)04:00
Shadow420lancerocke sudo chmod permissions# foldername04:00
lancerockethanks guys04:00
Darkmysterebazhang, reinstalling over one program....04:00
Darkmysterebazhang, especially after 12 strait hours of downloading 1506 upgrades for hardy...04:00
neo_is there any administrative way    using terminal to start the ¨dbus¨ service???04:01
Darkmysterebazhang, this isnt even my main Ubuntu install so nty04:01
jimmygoonHaZaRd, sweet. do you have the grub recovery guide open?04:01
jadibis there anyway to open DOCX files in open office?04:01
Kris07What if I tried installing a theme, but the file format is invalid?.04:01
bazhangDarkmystere: dont expect support after using automatix04:01
HaZaRdjimmygoon: I don't know... it just told me no CD-ROM drive was detected...04:01
HaZaRdbut... there is one04:01
jimmygoonHaZaRd, oh well, just ignore it for now04:01
nickrudjadib: mine seems to open them, formatting doesn't carry over completely thoug04:01
HaZaRdnow it's asking me to load CD-ROM drivers from a driver floppy04:01
ToastGuyxb3rt: are you getting my PM?04:02
jimmygoonHaZaRd, _ubuntu_ is? thats concerning. just hit ignore or fail or w/e if you cna04:02
Darkmysterebazhang, i havent Used Automatix...it came with the distro.04:02
HaZaRdalright I'm now at the ubuntu instaler main menu04:02
neo_is there any administrative way    using terminal to start the ¨dbus¨ service???04:02
LiKuiD_SiLeNcEanyone wants to trade private invitations for trackers??04:02
nickrudDarkmystere: then you should be on that distro's help channel04:02
colinnnsFEARs: guess i'll just wait for the repos to update it then?04:02
Darkmysterebazhang, i acctually uninstalled everything one by one and reinstalled it.04:02
jimmygoonHaZaRd, wait, what happened to the recovery console :(04:02
nickrudLiKuiD_SiLeNcE: not a topic for here04:02
bazhangDarkmystere: then you are not using ubuntu04:02
jmanuel_coolcan someone help me? i need help with a Ps one gamepad on a paralell port04:02
HaZaRdI don't know :S04:02
HaZaRdshould I restart and try again?04:03
Shadow420Darkmystere I used Automatrix and it screwed a ubuntu image feisty Fawn I beleive04:03
sFEARsmabey find a different repo that has the updated version?04:03
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:03
busbeyit workd04:03
Darkmysterebazhang, it is Ubuntu...just with a bunch of extra sh** added to it.04:03
subsume_I got halfway through a dist-upgrade to 7.10 and got errors and had to exit.04:03
busbeythe L looks like a 104:03
subsume_What should I do?04:03
DarkmystereShadow420, Cant i just install a new kernal..04:03
lancerockedanny@danny-desktop:/usr/share/themes/Aurora Leopard Suite$ sudo chown danny:danny -R "Aurora Leopard"04:03
sFEARsor try to compile the debian source.. if you have the linux headers installed & read the makefile & readme packaged with the sources you might be able to compile04:03
bazhangDarkmystere: sorry that is not ubuntu04:03
nickrudsubsume_: remove any third party sources in your sources.list and try again04:04
Pici!ultimate | Darkmystere04:04
lancerockenickrud: danny@danny-desktop:/usr/share/themes/Aurora Leopard Suite$ sudo chown danny:danny -R "Aurora Leopard"04:04
ubotwoDarkmystere: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate04:04
lancerockenickrud: ?04:04
colinnnsFEARs: thought there was only 1 repo. um. okay i'll try figure that out04:04
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:04
ToastGuyIt says I need OpenSSL what is that?04:04
Shadow420Darkmystere no I don't think so04:04
busbeythanks everone that helped me04:04
nickrudlancerocke: that will change owner and group of aurora lepoard directory, and all the files and directories below it04:04
DarkmystereShadow420, bazhang, Pici, I havent Used Automatix and i have the real deal Ubuntu installed. on my other partion. i barley use this one im just gunna test hardy on it then maybe when stable comes upgrade to hardy on my main one.04:05
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:05
nickrudlancerocke: or better said, inside aurora leopard04:05
lancerockenickrud: i still see an "X" on the folder04:05
jimmygoonHaZaRd, sorry, I don't look unless you include my name (it flashes the window at me), um, yeah try restarting into the recovery console again04:05
busbeynow i have a dumber problim than befor04:05
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Will do that from now on then04:05
busbeywhats my user name and password?04:05
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Alright so "Rescue a broken system", yeah?04:06
nickrudlancerocke: sometimes nautilus doesn't see manual changes like that , try   alt-f2 killall nautilus , it will restart04:06
busbeyi never thought i would sound so stupid04:06
Shadow420Darkmystere Hardy hmm maybe we should suggest to have Automatrix removed from the repos04:06
lancerockenickrud: i even did danny@danny-desktop:/usr/share/themes/Aurora Leopard Suite$ sudo chown danny:danny "Aurora Leopard"04:06
lancerocke and it still says the owner is root04:06
ToastGuyWhat is OpenSSL?04:06
ToastGuy< newbie04:06
elisboaToastGuy: security socket layer04:06
jimmygoonHaZaRd, yes04:06
DarkmystereShadow420, I didnt even know what automatix was till i saw it in this install.04:06
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:07
jack|assIs there a way to make the any devices automatically mounted be mounted "sync?"04:07
HaZaRdDoesn't seem to be failing anything now... which is encouraging on some level04:07
lancerockenickrud: it worked04:07
busbeyusername and password04:07
nickrudlancerocke: ah, you forgot the sudo in my very first line on this. you need that to change permissions outside of your home. But, changing that particular directory to you is a Bad Idea.04:07
DarkmystereYou guys act like ive been using automatix if it comes with the Ubuntu what can i do.04:07
lancerockenickrud: thanks04:07
Shadow420ToastGuy SSL is a high encryption protocal for communications 128-byte encryption to be exact04:08
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:08
darkcrabi saw that leopard theme, but I just dont want my linux distro to look like a man or windows for that matter.04:08
nickrudlancerocke: and, I didn't see the sudo in your line. sorry. Bad Idea, anyway, changing that ownership to you04:08
bazhangDarkmystere: if it comes with ubuntu then it is not ubuntu QED04:08
lancerockenickrud: i want to use the theme04:08
jimmygoonHaZaRd, indeed, at a cmd line yet?04:08
ToastGuyDoes OpenSSL come as a quick install on Ubuntu?04:08
Shadow420Darkmystere yeah bazhange is right04:08
lancerockenickrud: i dont see it in my appearances>themes thing04:08
HaZaRdjimmygoon: Nope, just started failing again. =(04:08
nickrudDarkmystere: it doesn't come with the ubuntu. Didn't you read anything anyone has said?04:09
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lancerockenickrud: so i thought i had to own it04:09
Shadow420ToastGuy yea it should be04:09
jimmygoonHaZaRd, hm, I would check the integrity of the disc from that very first menu, if it is good, try a reinstall.04:09
forzahey guys..im new to ubuntu...tried having a "dual boot" set up with xp04:09
nickrudlancerocke:  customize button at the botttom of the appearance window , then it'll be in the control tab of the new window04:09
jimmygoonHaZaRd, sorry but I'm out of other ideas and I've got to get some homework done and catch some sleep. sorry04:09
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:09
ianwellerhi, i've packaged some software for fedora, and the developer of the upstream has asked me to find a maintainer for ubuntu. is anyone interested and/or where else could i ask04:09
HaZaRdalright jimmygoon04:09
forzabut now it says my hal.dll file is missing or corrupt04:09
forzaany advice?04:09
jimmygoonHaZaRd, good luck04:09
HaZaRdIs there any way I can contact you outside of IRC?04:09
nickrudianweller: #ubuntu-motu04:09
HaZaRdYou're really helpful >.<04:10
forwardoMSG ignore this04:10
ianwellernickrud: thanks04:10
forzai need help..pleasee04:10
lancerockenickrud: i thought it would be, but it isnt04:10
Shadow420forza I can help04:11
forzahave you had any hal.dll issues before?04:11
nickrudlancerocke: you've closed and reopened the appearance window? And, some themes are broken on gnome-look.org04:11
jimmygoonHaZaRd, AIM:jimmygoon EMAIL:jimmygoon@gmail.com04:11
jimmygoonHaZaRd, and I'll try to stay on IRC when I'm at home tomorrow after school04:11
forzai tried partitioning my compute so i could dual boot04:11
Shadow420forza how are you dual-booting ubuntu and XP04:11
travisatirc is not the best place to give out your email :)04:11
travisatyou should of pm'd him04:11
lancerockenickrud: yes i have. do i have to restart "X"?04:11
forzaideally, i wanted to be able to just scroll and pick either windows or ubuntu04:12
jimmygoontravisat, I don't care. Its a near defunct email as it is and its completely separate from my personal email so :S04:12
Shadow420forza to seperate hard drives or Partitioning a hard drive04:12
travisatjimmygoon: ah04:12
nickrudlancerocke: no, it shouldn't require that. Are you sure it was a gtk2 theme?04:12
forzasame harddrive04:12
jimmygoonforza, that is possible with grub's multiboot manager which should have been installed when you installed ubuntu after windows04:12
lancerockenickrud: im sure04:12
subsume_I just tried to dist-upgrade to Gutsy and now my system is f*%cked. Can't even log in to server on startup. Advice?04:12
jimmygoonforza,  otherwise you may need to edit the files for it to get it to recognize windows and put it in that list04:12
travisatlancerocke: do you have a link to the theme?04:13
jimmygoonsubsume_, remote machine?04:13
forzado you know how i would be able to get back my hal.dll file?04:13
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:13
=== Verichip____ is now known as Verichip
bluefox83isi there a way to turn off the tap-to-click feature in xorg.conf? it keeps turning itself back on and turning off scroll04:13
subsume_jimmygoon: no.04:13
subsume_jimmygoon: cannot login at terminal04:13
nickrud!synaptics | bluefox8304:13
ubotwobluefox83: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:13
lancerocketravisat: yes, one sec04:13
forzais there any way you can access your .dll files through ubuntu?04:14
lancerocketravisat: http://fratrip.deviantart.com/art/Aurora-Leopard-Suite-77225475 (Note: I do have Aurora installed)04:14
Shadow420forza yea but its a pain04:14
sCOTTonah it ididnt work :(04:14
RoAkSoAxdoes anyone know who can i talk with about the ubuntu bots?04:14
forzano pain no gain04:14
MasterShrekaccidently repartitioned the wrong hard drive, anyone know how i can get the data back?04:14
travisatlancerocke: good let me try it, I have aurora installed too04:14
forzai dont have my xp CD with me..04:14
jribRoAkSoAx: #ubuntu-ops04:14
forzaso i gotta do what i can now lol04:14
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:14
RoAkSoAxthanks jrib04:14
jribRoAkSoAx: well... what about them?04:14
lancerocketravisat: thanks04:15
neo_when computer starts it    gives    error that ¨hardware abstraction layer could not be enabled ¨   and am unable to access  my network setting          when i try to access it give error¨system configration can´t be loaded¨  help needed04:15
RoAkSoAxjrib, i would like to know if there is a possibility to translate them so that they can be part of other channels such us #ubuntu-es04:15
forzaive tried looking through the file explorer in ubuntu..but it would show me any of my files04:15
jribRoAkSoAx: ah, yeah #ubuntu-ops is the right place then04:15
travisatlancerocke: he packaged it wierd, inside the zip there is a tar ball, extract that then inside that there is a folder called Aurora Leopard, put that in your ~/theme04:15
travisatI meam ~/.themes04:16
jimmygoonneo_, you are spamming again04:16
RoAkSoAxjrib, thanks ;)04:16
travisatlancerocke: it works04:16
lancerocketravisat: i know04:16
lancerocketravisat: i will try again04:16
jimmygoonneo_, first an exact error msg would help04:17
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subsume_No theories eh?04:17
jimmygoonsubsume_, me, no. sorry04:17
subsume_That's why I hate ubuntu. You can never get any good advice unless your graphics card isn't working. Anything about that gets nothing.04:17
subsume_Debian is way different. #debian is full of really knowledgable people who know what they are talking about. This room is a circus of children who half the time are arguing OT.04:18
neo_jimmygoon :::     should i restart my computer04:18
xb3rtwhats the cp command for04:18
jimmygoonneo_, um, sure? What is the exact error message and where are you experiencing it?04:18
travisatsubsume_: so why are you acting like a child04:18
Starnestommyxb3rt: copying files using the terminal04:18
xb3rtim trying to install a GTK theme and the cp -r "ballahaaha" command isnt working04:18
jimmygoonsubsume_, ok, if you don't want help, look somewhere else?04:18
lancerocketravisat: ok i extracted "Aurora Leopard" folder to the desktop and now I am going to sudo cp -r "Aurora Leopard" /usr/share/themes04:18
Shadow420xb3rt thats to copy file from one place to another on your pc04:18
subsume_travisat: Sorry you don't like the critique of the Ubuntu community but, there you have it.04:19
jimmygoonsubsume_, there just doesn't happen to be anyone able, time-willing-able to help you recover from a botched upgrade right now04:19
travisatlancerocke: nah don't put it there put it in ~/.themes04:19
xb3rtShadow420: Its not working though04:19
subsume_jimmygoon: that's *always* the case.04:19
eatatjoes2does anyone know how to stop the file browser from opening when connecting an external drive?04:19
Shadow420xb3rt did you use sudo04:19
subsume_its not just now. Everytime I get into a ubindtu this place is worthless.04:19
xb3rtsure did04:19
travisatlancerocke:  you might have to make the folder .themes first04:19
lancerocketravisat: i have the folder. brb04:20
xb3rtsudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/SlicknesS /usr/share/themes04:20
nickrudlancerocke: an be sure to use the aurora dir inside the aurora dir. The one that's in the same dir as the emerald theme04:20
xb3rtnvm... i didnt catch that space04:20
nickrudsubsume_: so, don't waste your time here. Simple solution to your issue04:20
subsume_nickrud: ubuntards.04:20
Shadow420xb3rt ok first what file or folder you are trying to copy04:20
travisatlancerocke: yah what nickrud said, you got dig deep the guy who made it, did it wierd04:21
Shadow420xb3rt ok04:21
bazhangsubsume_: that seems harsh04:21
=== jimmygoon_ is now known as jimmygoon
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lancerocketravisat: sudo cp -r "Aurora Leopard" ~/.themes04:21
Shadow420!find SSL04:21
ubotwoFound: curl, docbook-dsssl, fetchmail, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev (and 60 others)04:21
travisatlancerocke: read above04:22
Shadow420!find OpenSSL04:22
lancerockenickrud: i know, i did04:22
ubotwoFound: libcurl4-openssl-dev, pyopenssl-doc, python-pyopenssl, python-pyopenssl-dbg, aolserver4-nsopenssl (and 11 others)04:22
lancerocketravisat: i did04:22
nickrudsubsume_: someone who might have missed your original question might have been willing to help on when/if they saw it, but unlikely now. You might want to wait until some new people who haven't been abused show up04:22
subsume_bazhang: I've been using ubuntu for 4 years, its not harsh. I know how defunct the ubuntu project is from any direction you ask. Server? Desktop? Lab? Oh just ask.04:22
travisatlancerocke: it should of worked putting it in /usr/share/themes and you don't need a sudo to copy to ~/.themes04:22
lancerocketravisat: ok04:22
subsume_nickrud: Dude, nobody here is going to answer anything. Nobody here *knows* anything and that's the problem.04:23
snarksterhi can someone compile a driver for me?04:23
lancerockedanny@danny-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo cp -r "Aurora Leopard" /usr/share/themes04:23
bazhangsubsume_: join #suse or #fedora then04:23
travisatsubsume_: nobody here knows what is wrong with your system, you said it didn't work,  there are a lot of things that could go wrong04:23
* n8tuser gives lolipop to subsume_ 04:23
subsume_bazhang: #fedora. haha.04:23
hobbzillaI have an SSH only system. Anyone recommend a good CD/DVD burner?04:23
lancerocketravisat: i know about his directory structure, but its still not working04:23
hobbzillathat is burning software in text mode.04:23
subsume_travisat: I've been advertising my problem in here for the past 6 hours and nobody even bothers to ask beyond 1 question04:24
SupaFlyHey i just installed web min on my lamp gutsy box, and got it up and running, now after trying to start it again, the page wont load :S04:24
travisatlancerocke: that is really wierd is it not showing up in the appearances/customize04:24
subsume_travisat: But today isn't even the point. its _Every_ day.04:24
n8tuserhobbzilla--> i dont think burning dvd or cd is even done in graphics04:24
n8tusersubsume_--> you keep coming back for more?04:24
lancerocketravisat: its jus not. i know his directory structure and how he packaged it04:24
subsume_travisat: Unless you're blabbing about CD burning, this place isn't for you. Its not for any power users. Its for people trying to run Wine badly.04:24
jester7i find that the people in here are usually very helpful04:24
Shadow420subsume_ what is your problem man04:24
lancerocketravisat: i am sure that i am putting the righ tfolder in the right folder04:24
travisatsubsume_: well lets put it this way if I went to a car forum to ask why my car wouldn't start and they asked what is going on and you said I turn the key and it didn't go, you won't get much help04:25
jimmygoonsubsume_, you really don't have to be here. at all04:25
xb3rtI got wine, and secondlife............secondlife, doesnt work04:25
subsume_n8tuser: Sadly this pathetic community is my only recourse. Reading unresponded forums only gets me so far.04:25
nickrudsubsume_: ease up on the attitude.04:25
jester7he's just trolling04:25
hobbzillan8tuser: well most of the guides are all for nerolinux, k3b,cdw/gcdw etc. for a GUI.04:25
snarksterxb3rt: secondlife already has a linux client you dont need wine04:25
xb3rtsnarkster: i have it, and can't get it to work very good04:25
travisatlancerocke: yes ~/.themes and /usr/share/themes are where themes are, the only things I could think of is that you have an extra directory cause the guy packaged it wierd or you don't have aururo installed correctly04:26
ImaginalI don't want to use compiz anymore, but I still want to change workspace by using a scrollwheel. Possible in metacity?04:26
snarksterthen its your video card/video driver04:26
subsume_If anyone here ever had a #debian problem, you'd know that the quality of people there are orders better than in here.04:26
n8tuserhobbzilla--> if you google for wodim or cdrecord04:26
subsume_All you guys are good for are minor hardware quirks.04:26
xb3rtsnarkster: it worked fine on windows04:26
lancerocketravisat: ok thanks04:26
Shadow420subsume_ I also try to be specific on my problem04:26
snarksterok this isnt a windows channel..04:26
lancerockenickrud: thanks04:26
lancerockeim gonna reboot or something.04:26
snarksterso go use windows.04:26
lancerocketalk to u guys later04:26
xb3rtim just stating a point04:27
ToastGuyShadow420, how do I get a PM window?04:27
snarkstercan someone please compile the mach64 driver?04:27
snarksteranyone to compile mach64 driver for me04:28
Shadow420snarkster you have to do that yourself04:28
pakikidi am getting an error from vbox The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..04:28
pakikidVBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE).04:28
travisatsnarkster: no you have to compile against your kernel04:28
snarksterits breaks on mew04:28
snarkstergoing for a smoke and a think04:28
jester7pakikid: you have to add your username to the vboxusers group04:29
n8tuserpakikid--> run it as root via sudo perhaps?04:29
travisatpakikid: sudo adduser [insert your user name] vboxusers04:29
travisatpakikid: logout and back in04:29
Shadow420I am just going to stick with GNOME04:29
[dcr]Is there anyone here who uses VMWare that I can explain why my mouse wont work with it? >.<04:30
towliehas anyone mounted an os x partition in ubuntu04:30
travisattowlie: yes04:30
towlieis it safe to write to an hfs+ partition ?04:30
pakikidsudo VirtualBox OSE04:30
pakikidQt WARNING: VirtualBox: cannot connect to X server04:30
travisattowlie: I think so04:31
jester7sudo won't work either04:31
jester7you HAVE to add your username to the vboxusers group04:31
travisatpakikid: do not run random stuff with sudo, it is dangerous04:31
pakikidsudo: adduser: command not found04:31
nortyDoes anyone know how I create a character matrix in matlab?04:32
jester7pakikid: go to System->Administration->Users and Groups04:32
zcat[1]I'd be using the user tool somewhere off the admin menu04:32
zcat[1]jester7: yeah, that one :)04:32
jester7travisat's way is easier, but maybe you are more comfortable with gui04:33
travisatwait adduser is not on your system?04:33
zcat[1]I deal with technophobes... open a terminal and they freak out...04:33
pakikidjester7 then what04:33
jester7pakikid: then click the "manage groups" button04:34
ToastGuyhello all04:34
jester7pakikid: scroll to the vboxusers group, and click properties, then put a checkmark next to your username04:34
towliedoes anyone here know if hfs+ write support in ubuntu is stable04:35
jester7zcat[1]: lol, i missed that, and i know exactly what you mean04:36
pakikidjester7 i am on suse04:36
nortyDoes anyone know how I create a character matrix in matlab?04:36
travisatnorty: this isn't the matlab channel04:36
bazhangos x only runs on apple computers towlie this channel does not support that04:36
ToastGuycan anyone see my chat?04:37
nortytravisat, i know but no one is answering in the matlab channel04:37
ImaginalI don't want to use compiz anymore, but I still want to change workspace by using a scrollwheel. Possible in metacity?04:37
nickrudToastGuy: sure04:37
bazhangyes ToastGuy04:37
travisattowlie: I don't think the support is complete, but I think it will work but it has a chance of messing stuff up, I haven't looked in a while the support might have changed04:37
jester7pakikid: lmao, well um, i don't know what to to tell you04:37
jester7pakikid: were you planning on running ubuntu inside the vbox?  why would you ask that in an ubuntu chat?04:38
rodrigodid u guys play word war vi?04:38
subsume_In attempting to rescue a broke-down ubuntu server I get the following errors04:38
subsume_dpkg: error processing ldap-auth-config (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error status 25504:38
Falstiuswhat do people suggest for sorting photos?  I'm playing with f-spot, but it isn't really what I want (and really slow)04:38
pakikidjester7 yes i was04:38
subsume_Unknown terminal: bterm04:39
pakikidjester7 so how can i add to suse04:39
snarksterwhy do i have to compile it my self if we are using the same kernel04:39
nickrudsubsume_: put the complete output from sudo apt-get -f install on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:39
Konamhow can I make a ubuntu desktop installation as secure as the server version, at least at what open ports is concerned?04:39
jester7pakikid: i have no idea.  i'm sure that's pretty easy to find in suse documentation04:39
tomlikestorockanyone here have any problems with a dvd-rw, cd-rw drive in an acer with the device id of "TS-L632B"?04:39
nortyDoes anyone know how I create a character matrix in matlab?04:39
tomlikestorockIt won't read dvds at all :(04:39
orudiecan i extract .zip files with tar ?04:40
subsume_nickrud: I am using rescue disk. How to get that to the internet? I can't configure my dhcp for some reason when attempting to start.04:40
oboy03just a question: sources.list tells ubuntu where to download or get repos and updates? and to update it you use sudo apt-get update?04:40
nickrudsubsume_: do you have a wired connection?04:40
jester7orudie: i think you can just use unzip04:40
Falstiusorudie: you can use unzip to unzip files.04:40
tcpdumpgodroot@mike-desktop:/var/log# tar --help |grep zip04:40
tcpdumpgod  -j, --bzip2                filter the archive through bzip204:40
tcpdumpgod  -z, --gzip, --gunzip, --ungzip   filter the archive through gzip04:40
=== lunks is now known as Lunks
tcpdumpgodso no, you cant... you can use unzip though.04:41
jester7pakikid: in suse, go to "Control Center" then "user management"04:41
HaZaRdjimmygoon: You still here?04:41
subsume_nickrud: yep04:41
pakikiddid it04:41
nickrudsubsume_: I'll put up a stanza you can modify for your internet. A sec04:41
pakikidisee my username04:41
jester7pakikid: then it should be pretty close to teh same, look look at the groups, find vboxusers, and add your username to it04:42
Newbuntu2I need help with USB. I think autodetect is overriding my device with something else so I can't use it:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59106/04:42
pakikidjester7 i am looking in groups there are no vbox users there04:42
travisatoboy03: sources.list is where the location of repositories are located for apt-get and the like04:43
jester7pakikid: well, that's unfortunate.  i've never run into that issue04:43
pakikidshoulkd i add vbox users04:43
jester7you can try....it needs to be all one word04:43
jester7pakikid: vboxusers04:43
travisatNewbuntu2: what is the problem, it is detecting you are putting in an xbox controller04:44
nickrudsubsume_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59107/ . The resolv.conf file has OpenDNS servers, they should work for you. The interface file you'll need to modify the ip's to match your network04:44
jester7pakikid: but i doubt it will have the correct security rights for running vbox04:44
darkcrabcan microsoft and linux coexist? one wonders04:45
Newbuntu2travisat: I think so. I'm plugging in my measurement computing device; I don't have an xbox controller. and when I try to use the driver it says device not found...04:45
darkcrab jk jk04:45
jester7darkcrab: yes, in a variety of ways04:45
* bluefox83 wonders if ubuntu could handle a ps3 controller if there was a bluetooth card in the machine...04:45
Charitwodarkcrab: dual boot for one04:45
jester7darkcrab: doh04:45
travisatNewbuntu2: ahh well hmm04:45
* darkcrab is running a dual boot, was just being funny04:45
tyler_dcustomize gnome? program?04:45
bluefox83you can totally hack a xbox and put linux on it :D04:45
Newbuntu2travisat: how can I tell it not to think it's an xbox thingy04:45
Newbuntu2travisat: If that's the problem...04:46
jester7darkcrab: why dual boot?04:46
darkcrabi need windows for some things.04:46
CymorphI am wondering, i downloaded the "ati-driver-installer-8-3-x86.x86_64.run", i have HD 2600XT from Sapphire, and im really new to Ubuntu, and i love it so far, but i got some problems with installing the display-drivers for my ATI-card, can anyone please help me?04:46
jester7i do to..give virtualbox a try04:46
jester7oh, maybe not for games04:46
tyler_dmore specifically, install themes04:47
travisatNewbuntu2: can you rmmod the xbox driver04:47
darkcrabthis laptop is not powerful enough to do a virtual machine.04:47
Newbuntu2travisat: can I do modprobe -r xpad?04:47
tyler_dcannot remember the appname :(04:47
travisatNewbuntu2: or that04:47
ubotwoInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:47
[dcr]Can someone help me understand why my mouse isnt working in the Vista VMWare?04:48
travisatNewbuntu2: what is the name of your device04:48
bluefox83cus vista - crap04:48
bluefox83pardon, s/-/=04:48
=== cwillu_ is now known as cwillu
darkcrabwouldnt that be a vista issue dcr04:48
[dcr]If I had xp discs i would have =/04:48
nickrudToastGuy: what was your question about openssl , anyway04:49
Newbuntu2travisat: USB 1208FS. when I modprobe -r it dergisters but doesn't work, and when I unplug and plug it back it it autodetects it as a xpad again..04:49
[dcr]Yeah but I dont understand, it picks up th driver for my synaptics touchpad04:49
ToastGuynickrud, Shadow420 said you might be able to help04:49
[dcr]But it isnt working with the touchpad, and the usb wireless mouse i have isnt working either.04:49
Prez00anyone running kismet with iwl3945 wifi drivers?04:49
nickrudToastGuy: Like I said, I don't know much about it at all. I don't run servers much, so I haven't read up on it more than cursorily04:49
ToastGuynickrud, ok... no problem. sorry about the pm.04:50
n8tusera nice little practical joke to play to your ubuntu user.... xrandr -o inverted04:50
nickrudToastGuy: as I said, no problem :)04:50
Cymorphcan someone please answear me?04:50
ToastGuyCyberSamurai, sorry i can't help04:51
RoAkSoAxCymorph, ask your question, if someone nows the answer, he or she will help you!!04:51
TrustNoOne!patience | Cymorph04:51
ubotwoCymorph: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:51
ubotwogoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux04:52
HaZaRdhey darkcrab, you haven't by any chance been following my plight?04:52
CymorphOkey, sorry, but as i said, i'm knew and dont know anything at all, so im sorry for my hasty questions04:52
[dcr]use that Cymorph xD04:52
CymorphThanks alot, i will check it out!04:52
darkcrabmust have missed it hazard.04:52
travisatNewbuntu2: hmm I googled a bit and found more places with it not working, but not in your manner04:53
HaZaRdk well... basically my install was screwed entirely... jimmygoon was trying to get me to the repair console and I only now just got there... any ideas how to proceed?04:53
TrustNoOneCymorph, i cant help u with ati drivers, they are not that easy to install, not as easy as nvidia anyway, check ubuntu forums for help on ati cards04:53
Newbuntu2travisat: the source is here: ftp://lx10.tx.ncsu.edu/pub/Linux/drivers/USB/04:53
CymorphTrustNoOne: Ok, i will check it out, thanks!04:53
nickrudCymorph: a good guide (wish it were better written, but) is http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide04:54
Newbuntu2travisat: I did have it working on my laptop at one point, using 7.04 (the machine it's on is 7.10), and I don't remember doing anything fancy, so I do think it's that xpad thingy. Is there a way to kill/maim/hurt it so it will go away?04:54
darkcrabnot really on repairing an existing installation, just dont forget to run apt-get remove04:54
hobbzillaI use DownThemAll! plugg-in for FireFox. Is there a good download manager, or similar that is non-GUI i.e SSH only?04:54
SupaFlyHey um i accidently locked myself out of webmin lol, do i have to reinstall to get back in?04:54
darkcrabi mean apt-get autoremove04:54
SupaFlyits on my machine btw04:55
travisatNewbuntu2: yes you can kill/hurt the xpad.c04:55
Newbuntu2travisat: it still came back after modprobe -r ... is there anything else I should be using?04:56
subsume_nickrud: are you making me paste this for history's sake? The thing chokes at ldap-auth-config. don't trust me or something?04:56
travisatNewbuntu2: you compiled your own kernel right04:56
bluefox83Newbuntu2, try rmmod04:56
TomosLhi,im running ubuntu server 7.10 and I deleted my /etc/bind folder (yes, i know i'm an idiot :P) and now i realised i actually needed it and the stuff in it, reinstalling bind has only given me an rndc.key file, anyway i can all the default files back?04:56
Newbuntu2travisat: just a fresh 7.10 & compiled the new drivers, nothing else.04:56
tyguaikeubuntu have network tv04:57
tyguaikeim use gsopcast no cant04:57
nickrudsubsume_: no, you mentioned that you couldn't go on the internet with your install, because dhcp wasn't working for some reason. Those are static inet setups, so you can get on line and I can help you troubleshoot04:57
bluefox83tyguaike, say what?04:57
Newbuntu2bluefox83: it still comes back when I plug it back in04:57
darkcrabone thing I can say is not to compile from source no matter if you have the tools or not unless you really are a seasoned linux veteran.04:57
travisatNewbuntu2: ok with the xpad driver loaded put up a paste of cat /proc/bus/usb/devices04:57
bluefox83Newbuntu2, what are you trying to do?04:57
Cymorph"You just have to go there (Restricted Drivers Manager) and enable the "ATI accelerated graphics driver"." - Now.. where do i find that? "RDM" ?04:57
darkcrabyou can really screw up your kernel by doing so.04:57
subsume_nickrud: I just don't know all the ins and outs of this network (subnets, IP, etc)04:57
nickrudsubsume_: ok, do you use a router?04:58
[dcr]Okay guys I just wanted to note that I got my Mouse working in VMWare if anyone else has a problem as such just message me >.<04:58
subsume_nickrud: I believe so04:58
subsume_nickrud: I suck when it comes to networks. Yeah, I'm sure a router is involved.04:58
lancerocketravisat: for some reason I cant get my panel to look like his http://fratrip.deviantart.com/art/Aurora-Leopard-Suite-77225475 Mine:04:58
n8tusersubsume_--> and you were using ubuntu for 4 years you said earlier?04:58
tyguaikecan't use gsopcast ?04:58
bluefox83Newbuntu2, are you trying to keep a driver from loading when you plug something in?04:58
subsume_n8tuser: dear god no. I'm not a masochist.04:58
lancerocketravisat: Mine: http://gallery.ny-dev.com/showphoto.php?photo=153204:58
nickrudn8tuser: that is not helpful04:58
tyguaikewho help me04:59
lancerocketravisat: that is the panel BG that the eheme came with04:59
Shadow420drakcrab I have been using linux for awhile and I have no problem compiling programs from source04:59
bluefox83Newbuntu2, if that's the case, add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist as "blacklist <modulename>"04:59
Newbuntu2bluefox83: yes. I have a custom driver I compiled for a USB data acquisition device, and "xpad.c" suddenly found a new calling in life, namely to bug me04:59
nickrudsubsume_: if you can boot your windows box, the numbers can be gotten from it's network setup04:59
TrustNoOneCymorph, go to system > administration > Restricted drivers manager04:59
Shadow420darkcrab I have been using linux for awhile and I have no problem compiling programs from source04:59
lancerocketravisat: how is his shadow so thick and his panel isnt see through either04:59
Newbuntu2travisat: I don't have that file04:59
TrustNoOneCymorph, beware those restricted ati drivers dont always work, but u can give that a shot04:59
darkcrabyup, no reason to worry about it shadow if you know what your doing.04:59
subsume_nickrud: I don't have a windows box.04:59
tyguaikenetwork television ?04:59
nickrudsubsume_: neither do I :)05:00
travisatNewbuntu2: damn forgot udeb just asec05:00
Newbuntu2travisat: but lsusb shows: Bus 002 Device 008: ID 09db:0082 Measurement Computing Corp.05:00
subsume_nickrud: I am speaking via OS X.05:00
CymorphOk, thanks alot guys, will check it out!05:00
nickrudsubsume_: hm. There's bound to be network info in osx , open a terminal and type ifconfig . You should get the info we need05:00
travisatNewbuntu2: lol thanks the id is what I wanted05:00
Shadow420darkcrab I have used it for about less than an a year I have used it under emulation via vmware but I hated it05:01
travisatNewbuntu2: ok i am confused xpad should not be loading05:01
subsume_nickrud: what am I looking for? Found Broadcast but the rest is in 00:1e:bl:ah format05:01
nickrudsubsume_: put it up on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:01
Newbuntu2travisat: I thought so too. I think it has something against me.05:01
Shadow420darkcrab but when I got my own computer I went to work on making a actual install of ubuntu05:01
zcat[1]i has a wikipedia. what i do wif it?05:02
travisatNewbuntu2:  I am looking in xpad.c and in the device id section your id is not listed05:02
darkcrabactual install is much nicer05:02
subsume_nickrud: http://pastebin.com/m1063407805:02
zcat[1]i wonder how long indexing will take05:02
ToastGuyI'm trying to get OpenSSL installed... another application I'm installing needs it.. I need help.05:03
Odd-rationaleCan someone help me on how to sign the Code of Conduct on Lauchpad.net? I can't figure out what is my key id. Thanks!!05:03
bluefox83Newbuntu2, what are you hooking up?05:03
Newbuntu2travisat: blacklisting it worked, but I still get (device) not found05:03
ToastGuyopenssl.org doesn't have any download i can find05:03
zcat[1]ToastGuy: apt-cache search openssl ?05:03
Shadow420darkcrab I wanted to see how my favorite windows apps worked under linux05:03
jimmygoonWhat exactly is one supposed to be able to do is recovery console?05:03
Newbuntu2bluefox83: A USB data acquisition device, USB-1208FS. The source is at ftp://lx10.tx.ncsu.edu/pub/Linux/drivers/USB/05:03
subsume_nickrud: nevermind. I am online. it auto dhcp'd this time05:03
n8tuserrecovery console is equivalent to single user mode05:04
jimmygoonn8tuser, I can't access /usr/sbin/grub , tec05:04
zcat[1]ToastGuy: what are you installing, and why are you not using a package?05:04
rowensivhey guys... im having graphics issues...05:04
bluefox83Newbuntu2, a data acquisition device? what heck does that mean?05:04
nickrudsubsume_: <backspace> heh. Ok, pastebin   sudo apt-get -f install05:04
darkcrabtechnically we are only suppose to discuss support issues here. I got yelled at earlier about it.05:04
n8tuserjimmygoon--> did you happen to have a different partition for /usr ?05:04
travisatNewbuntu2: really hmm ok I am lost I think I know why the xbox driver is loading, but that won't help,  it looks like xpad.c has a catch all for unknown devices, so my only guess is that your driver you installed is somehow not correctly installed or the wrong one05:04
Shadow420darkcrab and I found that I can do video/audio editing and it's great05:04
jimmygoonn8tuser, no05:04
Newbuntu2bluefox83: plug in wires to it, and a program tells me the voltage across it, etc05:04
ToastGuyzcat[1], i don't think i have a package option05:05
bluefox83Newbuntu2, volt-meter?05:05
n8tuserjimmygoon--> your /usr/sbin exist right?05:05
mariamystarhi i'm having some sound troubles in ubuntu studio05:05
darkcrabwhats up maria05:05
n8tuserjimmy but grus is in /sbin  not /usr/sbin  me thinks05:05
mariamystardarkcab: well, i recently reinstalled with stuido. i tried setting my deafult soundcard to my SB! live05:05
zcat[1]ToastGuy: sudo aptitude install openssl   or click the box in synaptic05:05
mariamystardarkcrab: but when i load hydrogen or ardour, sometimes it wont capture or playback sound05:06
Newbuntu2travisat: drat. I just unpacked and did make & make install on the files, didn't get any errors. Would you mind taking a quick look at the readme in ftp://lx10.tx.ncsu.edu/pub/Linux/drivers/USB/  ? I didn't really get what the guy was going on about...05:06
zcat[1]ToastGuy: what's the other program you're installing?05:06
n8tuserjimmygoon--> my mistake, it is indeed in /usr/sbin/05:06
subsume_nickrud: how do I pastebin it from a terminal? mutt it to an email addy? i guess?05:06
travisatNewbuntu2: I am reading it right now05:06
rowensivmy graphics are all screwed up... the resolution cant be changed from 800x600... i have an ati x300 card installed... i tried to download the drivers but it couldnt detect the character decoding... can anyone help?05:06
Newbuntu2bluefox83: sort of... but computer controlled, and a lot more fancy.05:06
nickrudsubsume_: ah, server. That's right.05:06
darkcrabah, try loading the gstreamer plugins maria.05:06
mariamystardarkcrab: today it mysterisouly started working but when i rebooted it stopped working05:06
bazhangsubsume install pastebinit and cat it to there05:06
ToastGuyzcat[1], It's called CreateTorrent05:06
bluefox83Newbuntu2, cool beans, sounds like something the Myth Busters would use :D05:06
mariamystardarkcrab: how do i do that? haha osrry05:07
Newbuntu2travisat: thanks! I'm doing option 3, btw. It's the usb part. Although I have no clue what the difference between usbhid and libhid is; I went ahead and installed both05:07
jester7subsume_: you MIGHT be able to do it with a text browser05:07
n8tuserjimmygoon--> /usr/sbin/grub does not exist?05:07
jester7subsume_: sudo apt-get install elinks05:07
darkcrabok, go into synaptic and look for gstreamer, but you need to know which packages to get.05:07
subsume_What a hassle.05:07
rowensivmy graphics are all screwed up... the resolution cant be changed from 800x600... i have an ati x300 card installed... i tried to download the drivers but it couldnt detect the character decoding... can anyone help?05:07
darkcrablet me see if I can find that page that tells you.05:07
travisatNewbuntu2: ahhh well modprobing it looks like you are trying to do it with hiddev05:07
zcat[1]ToastGuy: you building it from source or precompiled binary?05:07
mariamystardarkcrab: thanks05:07
Newbuntu2bluefox83: I'm using it to record RPM, throttle position, brakes, temperatures, etc in a car, actually05:07
jimmygoonn8tuser, well, or at least I can't execute it via /usr/sbin/grub from the recovery console05:07
nickrudjester7: thanks. subsume_ without accurate error messages, it's pointless05:07
jester7hah, it's like 100k download...it's actually a great thing to have on there anyway05:07
Newbuntu2travisat: as opposed to...?05:07
travisatNewbuntu2: did you download the latest libhid?05:08
subsume_I typed the relevant parts of the error messages *verbatim*.05:08
zcat[1]ToastGuy: if you're building it, you probably want openssl-dev05:08
travisatNewbuntu2: you might have to get it from the source and compile it05:08
rowensivmy graphics are all screwed up... the resolution cant be changed from 800x600... i have an ati x300 card installed... i tried to download the drivers but it couldnt detect the character decoding... can anyone help?05:08
n8tuserjimmygoon--> in recovery mode,  /usr/sbin/grub exist though right?05:08
subsume_"dependancy problems"   -- you can read it here or you can read it in pastebin. what is the difference?05:08
Shadow420zcat[1] that was the file he needed05:08
bluefox83Newbuntu2, are you a mechanic?05:08
chetnickhi guys, i want to full backup of my ubuntu "tar cvf backup.tar /* , but i want to exclude /media/* how do i do that?05:08
jimmygoonn8tuser, heh, I don't know. the "me" in this case is someone else I'm trying to help05:08
jester7subsume_: was it less characters than typing "sudo apt-get install elinks"? :p05:08
Newbuntu2travisat: maybe. :) do I use synaptic? is there a particular package? (I didn't get any compilation errors, at least none I noticed)05:08
n8tuserjimmygoon--> oh..a third person..hehe05:09
subsume_jester7: and then spending an hour figuring out how to copy from a file into that. yes.05:09
nickrudjester7: his issue is he can't apt-get05:09
cirilochetnick: delete /media/* ;)05:09
subsume_nickrud: i can apt-get05:09
travisatNewbuntu2: did you install all the stuff in option 305:09
subsume_meh. I guess I can't apt-get.05:09
zcat[1]ToastGuy: you might need to give it the full path to libopenssl.so if it's not finding it itself05:09
nickrudsubsume_: you can apt-get , but get a dpkg error?05:09
Newbuntu2bluefox83: nope. MD/PhD student. but I race a car for fun... and throw a little geek in and you get an onboard computer recording all sorts of parameters... :)05:09
chetnickcirilo: :) or rm -Rf /05:09
bazhangsubsume install pastebinit cat and pipe that and it gives you a url nothing easier05:09
margasanа по русски гворить05:09
travisatNewbuntu2: might as well try with the one that comes with ubuntu first05:09
ToastGuyzcat[1], how is that?05:10
ubotwoПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:10
bazhangmargasan: /j #ubuntu-ru05:10
rowensivmy graphics are all screwed up... the resolution cant be changed from 800x600... i have an ati x300 card installed... i tried to download the drivers but it couldnt detect the character decoding... can anyone help?05:10
TrustNoOnerowensiv, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:10
bluefox83Newbuntu2, sweet!!!!05:10
rowensivok thanks05:10
jimmygoonn8tuser, should the recovery console have access to grub?05:10
Cain_!ru koks05:10
ubotwoHow should I know?05:10
jester7bazhang: nice! about the pastebinit...good to know05:10
bullgard4In informatics, there are other other repositories than those which Ubuntu and Debian are using for obtaining program packets. How does one call one call the Ubuntu and Debian repositories more precisely in order to differentiate them from e. g. SQL content repositories and others?05:10
jimmygoonn8tuser, I mean have access to "apt-get"?05:10
n8tuserjimmygoon--> am pretty sure it has05:10
Cain_!ru cock?05:10
subsume_bazhang: nice05:10
nickrudsubsume_: yeah, I know the problem in general, but details matter. The post install for thel ldap config is failing. But, I want to be sure nothing else is trying to install, there's more info in the output than just the error itself05:10
n8tuserjimmygoon--> if not apt-get, i'd try dpkg05:10
bazhangjester7: some guy made a ruby script to do the same but pastebinit is in the repos so why not? ;]05:10
cirilochetnick: i'm to new to know.. i can't even get my alpine stmp mail to work05:10
subsume_nickrud: encountered this upon dist-upgrade http://pastebin.com/m6ca4cf6905:11
bazhangCain_: what are you looking for?05:11
Cain_ill shutup now05:11
Cain_dont worry05:11
bazhangCain_: then stop with the bot commands please05:11
Newbuntu2travisat: will do. do you mind explaining what the guy means with libhid vs libusb? I didn't get it...05:11
zcat[1]ToastGuy: somewhere in config there will be an option or switch for specifying the path to openssl, I guess... /usr/lib/libgnutls-openssl.so.1305:11
KeeganHi everyone, I recently installed ubuntu on an external drive.  I have set my bios to boot to usb-hdd, but it always boots to my internal drive.  Are there any tips or tutorials you guys could give me so I could solve this problem?05:11
darkcrabmaria: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/musicvideophotos/C/codecs.html05:12
zcat[1]ToastGuy: no idea, you have to fumble through the createtorrent docs and find out ;)05:12
bazhangKeegan: where was grub installed?05:12
darkcrabis it set to boot before you hdd05:12
travisatNewbuntu2: I am not that certain on that,  and I need to go have a smoke be back in 505:12
nickrudsubsume_: so, this is more serious than I thought.05:12
ToastGuyzcat[1], thanks05:13
Keeganbazhang: I unplugged my internal hard drive, so it installed to the mbr on the external05:13
Keeganbazhang: The problem is though it doesn't even go into grub, I get no grub errors or anything.  It just goes right to the internal hard drive05:13
bazhangKeegan: aha that would likely be the problem then05:13
Newbuntu2travisat: eek! smoking is bad! :)05:13
darkcrabah, well that wasnt a good idea05:13
nickrudsubsume_: the keyboard interrupt at the end, was that you doing control-c?05:13
subsume_I'm not sure.05:14
subsume_i will try again05:14
bazhangKeegan: is the external in your fstab?05:14
subsume_nickrud: didn't happen again05:14
amenadoKeegan-> we established this earlier, you have removed your internal and just attempted to boot from external usb and yet it wont,  so I suggested update to your bios, and still same?05:14
subsume_nickrud: I get E: subprocess /usr/bim/dpkg returned error code (1)05:14
nickrudsubsume_: 'it' being?05:14
subsume_nickrud: I dunno what the keyboard thing was.05:15
Grifte1hey all, how do I determine what directories Synaptic is installing programs to?05:15
subsume_Grifte1: all different directories.05:15
Keeganamenado: Yes I updated my bios and still the same.05:15
snarksteri dont get why there is no mach64 dri driver built05:15
nickrudsubsume_: no problem, just wanted to see. Ok, run   sudo apt-get -f install05:15
darkcrabgriftel, right click in synaptic, properties, and it will tell you.05:15
Keeganbazhang:  I'm not sure, if its not how could I add it to my fstab?05:15
Shadow420!find mach6405:16
ubotwoFile mach64 found in sh:, apt-file:, command, not, found05:16
subsume_nickrud: that _was_ the output of apt-get -f install05:16
darkcrabper program05:16
snarksterShadow420: what does that mean05:16
amenadoKeegan-> if your bios would not boot from usb, umm nothing that I know of can make it happen..05:16
nickrudsubsume_: good. What preceeded it (that is, post install, pre install, pre remove, post remove,) and followed:  /var/lib/cache/apt/<filename>05:16
bazhanghttp://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html Keegan this link may help05:17
darkcrabyou could try updating your bios05:17
subsume_nickrud: ???05:17
ciriloanyone know the best way configure alpine to send mail... using a smtp??05:17
nickrudsubsume_: I need error messages.05:17
subsume_nickrud: What would you like that I haven't given you?05:17
ubotwoHow should I know?05:18
someonehow do i know if hal is running ?05:18
amenadobazhang we tried earlier, remove his internal hd, and just boot off of his usb, and he cant, he said he updated the bios, and still cant.. so my conclusion is now way he can boot from usb lest his bios allows him to05:18
snarkster!find mach6405:18
ubotwoFile mach64 found in sh:, apt-file:, command, not, found05:18
mariamystardarkcrab: that didn't seem to help me. i noticed that in hydrogen if i changed the audio option to "alsa" that it worked, but i need everythign set up to worjk with JACK so i can use Ardour05:18
nickrudsubsume_: dpkg returning error 1 only tells me that dpkg had an error. You mentioned ldap, the pastebin you gave me said it was squid having the problem. What we do depends on what the actual error is.05:18
subsume_nickrud: encountered this upon dist-upgrade http://pastebin.com/m6ca4cf6905:19
subsume_dpkg returns almost nothing new05:19
subsume_pleaseh old05:19
steintrHello... I just upgraded to hardy today, and I must admit the X setup has me baffled.05:19
darkcrabmaria, go to systems>administration>restricted drivers manager and tell me if you see anything there.05:19
Grifte1darkcrab: thanks, I found where the package was located on the file system05:19
darkcrabno problem griftel05:19
steintrdisplayconfig-gtk doesn't seem to write a Driver line to xorg.conf.  Where can I check what it is setting?05:19
travisatNewbuntu2: ok im back05:20
mariamystardarkcrab: "your hardware does not need any restricted drivers"05:20
Frogzoosteintr: hardy in #ubuntu+105:20
steintrFrogzoo: Thanks.05:20
darkcrabwhat is your sound card called maria?05:20
mariamystarSB! Live05:20
Newbuntu2travisat: any ideas on how to trouble shoot this?05:20
subsume_nickrud: dpkg just fails at 'setting up'05:20
subsume_before I get this bterm thing.05:21
darkcrabdo you know the exact number of the card or is it literally sb! live05:21
ToastGuyI checked the configure log... I'm trying to understand what I'm looking at... can someone explain why my SSL is not working... http://pastebin.com/m39b4147805:21
Grifte1darkcrab: btw, the problem I was having with my soundcard had nothing to do with the open source drivers. There was a conflict with the motherboard's embedded audio.05:21
subsume_I am guessing the bterm thing is ubuntu's bash.05:21
travisatNewbuntu2: ok did you download all the stuff from the readme and install it?05:21
s92302can anyone tell me how to make my machine running gutsy automatically connect to my wpa network?05:21
darkcrabahhhh that makes sense griftel05:21
mariamystardarkcrab: i'm not sure, all i know is it is called "SB! Live" or "SB Live!"05:21
Newbuntu2travisat: alnost05:21
drcsubsume_:  you haven't installed http://www.bterm.org/ by chance?05:21
darkcrabk give me a sec. maria.05:21
[dcr]Whats a good screen recorder for Ubuntu? (Something like hypercam?)05:21
nickrudsubsume_: setting up 'package name' 'post installation script' returned error sucha and such. That's more detail that I need05:22
subsume_nickrud: If I knew how to get this information, I certainly would not hide it from you.05:22
travisatNewbuntu2:  I think you also need to install libhid005:22
bazhangKeegan: I would defer to amenado on this as he is way more knowledgeable in ubuntu/linux; your bios may indeed have that limitation05:22
benny_ok.. been a while sense I've been on iRC.  At one point someone told me how to do inline spell checking in chatzilla, but I can't remember.  Anyone know how?05:22
Emilianhow do I limit the memory size for a user on ubuntu server?05:22
subsume_nickrud: when I attempt to dpkg --configure -a I get 'Setting up ldap-auth-config...  then Unknown terminal: bterm and then it dies.05:23
subsume_after much more output.05:23
bullgard4In informatics, there are other repositories than those which Ubuntu and Debian are using for obtaining program packets. How does one call the Ubuntu or Debian repositories more precisely in order to differentiate them from e. g. SQL content repositories, implementation repositories and others?05:23
subsume_it says 'dependancy problemes'05:23
subsume_blah blah blah.05:23
darkcrabHere you go Maria: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16181705:23
bazhangbenny_: not sure about chatzilla but xchat has it by default05:23
mariamystardarkcrab: thanks05:23
nortyI have a string that represents an equation such as '(x+2)*4' and I want to generate a plot of that equation for x ranging from 0 to 10, how do I do this?05:23
benny_bazhang: ah.. maybe that's what I used last time.. oops.05:24
s2ais there an app that turns a pdf file into a bunch of jpegs or png's for me?05:24
Newbuntu2travisat: synaptic doesn't find libswig.. is that important?05:24
travisatEmilian: edit /etc/security/limits.conf05:24
bazhangnorty: is this excel/open office related or just #math ?05:24
travisatNewbuntu2: maybe, I don't know05:24
nortybazhang, its matlab05:25
moppenhallo! gibt es einen deutschen ubuntu channel?05:25
s2abazhang, #math is an irc channel for math help?!?!/ that would help me for skool like the days b4 tests lol :D05:25
=== CR_cwek_Toket_Gd is now known as coJKT_cR_TTm_36B
=== coJKT_cR_TTm_36B is now known as CR_cwek_Toket_Gd
mt330404hey everyone, need some help configuring Adobe Flash for Opera, searched the msg boards to no avail05:26
someonehal-device-manager crashes for me !05:26
bazhangmoppen: /j #ubuntu-de05:26
travisatNewbuntu2: if stuff doesn't work you will have to compile it yourself and install it05:26
darkcrabdid you use adobe flash from the adobe website mt33005:26
Newbuntu2I put everything I can find and it all installed nicely. When I compiled the driver it also behaved nicely...05:27
mt330404yeah, i d/l it and it "installs" but still cant go to any flash-powered site05:27
nickrudsubsume_: the truth of the matter is, I need more info.05:27
darkcrabare you sure you installed it to the correct directory05:27
amenadomt330404-> i have similar luck so far like yours..none..05:28
darkcrabdid you use the tar.gz to install the flashplayer?05:28
mt330404im a little newbie.. idk much about directories or the such05:28
subsume_nickrud: you keep repeating and repeating that but you aren't explaining how I can get you that info05:28
subsume_nickrud: instead of repeating that again, can you please direct me how to get what you would require from my system?05:29
darkcrabim just trying to get an idea of what you did.05:29
darkcrabthats all05:29
TrustNoOnemt330404, are you talking about repositories, or directories05:29
subsume_nickrud: some installation log somewhere? Where? What path?05:29
nickrudsubsume_: pasting the complete error instead of 'blah blah'05:29
subsume_nickrud: I pasted you the complete errors!05:29
darkcrabwe are talking about directories trustnonone05:29
travisatNewbuntu2: you there?05:29
mt330404thats the thing, im not getting a physical error05:29
darkcrabthis was a manual install05:30
mt330404the flash video just shows up as a gray box on the window05:30
darkcrabyou wont mt05:30
mt330404im not being a dirck here05:30
darkcrabif you installed it in the wrong place05:30
mt330404i tried every which possible install05:30
darkcrabdid you use the tar.gz?05:30
nickrudsubsume_: not from the apt-get -f install. The one you gave me earlier is some info, the command I asked for gives me different, complementary info.05:30
subsume_nickrud: for some reason doing 'dpkg --configure -a > dpkg_error.txt' is simply exiting instead of pasting the output into the file05:30
Newbuntu2travisat: yes, still trying to figure this out. still no ideas05:30
[dcr]Bleh, I need some help with VMWare, I cant get it to detect my wireless card(built in),  is there something that I missed when setting it up? :(05:30
subsume_As I said 3 times already!05:30
bazhangcaps subsume05:30
travisatNewbuntu2: well after reading the documentation it should of worked without all these extra stuff with hiddev somehow your device is not being recognized05:31
nickrudsubsume_: it says right in it that it's from dist-upgrade. Line 14.05:31
mt330404i guess i'm one of those borderline adopters of ubuntu, i think linux would have more appeal if it didnt complicate such simple installations as Flash and other plugins, etc05:31
subsume_nickrud: NEIN. PLEASE SEE ABOVE. APT-GET -F INSTALL05:31
travisatNewbuntu2: um are you using the 1208ls?05:32
bazhang!caps | subsume_05:32
ubotwosubsume_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:32
Newbuntu2travisat: the 1208FS. it works in windows with the manufacturers' software, I just tried it05:32
amenadomt330404-> i tried many times myself to make that work but zip results...05:32
mt330404im gonna light ubuntu on fire05:33
nickrud<subsume_> nickrud: when I attempt to dpkg --configure -a I get 'Setting up ldap-auth-config...  then Unknown terminal: bterm and then it dies.<subsume_> after much more output.<subsume_> it says 'dependancy problems <subsume_> blah blah blah. This is not enough05:33
mt330404with a plethora of gas05:33
subsume_nickrud: http:paste.stgraber.org/134405:33
darkcrabit could be opera and ubuntu05:33
[dcr]!pastebin | subsume_05:33
ubotwosubsume_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:33
subsume_[dcr]: gee should have spoke sooner.05:33
[dcr]subsume_: please post your errors and show them exactly so they can help you easier.05:33
darkcrabthe most important thing with installing flash is making sure you install it in the opera home folder05:33
subsume_[dcr]: i have been for an hour. please read up.05:33
mt330404darkcrab, thanks for your help05:34
mt330404how do i exactly do that05:34
Newbuntu2travisat: could it be that the test program is looking in the wrong place? maybe ubuntu puts the USB devices somewhere else?? (I'm only testing it with the test-usb1208fs program)05:34
mkquistwhat happened to ubotu?05:34
mt330404i dont mean to sound do new but the forums make it sounds too confusing05:34
[dcr]subsume_: You know what? I haven't been here I've been busy, now calm down and restate the situation. -.-05:34
subsume_nickrud: I just went through all the steps again with apt-get -f install and pasted it again for your viewing pleasure.05:34
amenadosubsume_-> no you have not pasted the exact errors, you are skipping things, i have been watching your post05:34
nickrudsubsume_:   TERM="xterm" sudo apt-get -f install05:34
mkquisthmm theres two, interesting. nm then05:34
darkcrabdid you install opera from the web or through synaptic?05:34
subsume_!readup [dcr]05:35
ubotwoHow should I know?05:35
xb3rtis their a way to set my terminal to autocopy highlighted textg05:35
darkcrabwell, first thing I would do is check their website, otherwise you might want to look in your directories.05:35
mt330404been to their site, no success05:35
mt330404how do i do directories05:35
[dcr]subsume_: did you post the error and share the pastebin link?05:35
subsume_nickrud: same error except for vterm instead of bterm05:35
amenadomt330404-> what do you  mean do directories?05:36
subsume_[dcr]: only twice now. yes.05:36
subsume_[dcr]: Had to pastebin the same thing because people think I am leaving things out of my problem for some derranged reason05:36
darkcrabits most likely05:36
mt330404i lack the concept of directories, i mean ive read the forums but i dont understand how it works05:36
cirilocan anyone PM me and explain sending mail thru alpine's SMTP settings?05:36
mt330404i checked that directory but never found an /opera even though i know i have the prog, i use it all the time05:36
nickrudsubsume_: sorry, forgot again you were on a server. TERM="linux" apt-get -f install05:37
[dcr]I dont see where you posted the pastebin link subsume_05:37
darkcrabmt, you probably did not install it there when you made the manual install05:37
amenadomt330404-> same concept as a file cabinet, different drawers, witin drawers are folders..within folders perhaps subfolders and so on05:37
subsume_nickrud: hmm..... seemes to have worked05:37
darkcrabwhich is probably part of your problem.05:37
Godzilla2where would i look to find a guide on how to install ubuntu using a large usb device instead of a cd or dvd? or a guide for a net install?05:37
jester7[dcr]: hah, he has, a few times05:37
subsume_[dcr]: dunno what to tell you buddy. I pasted it twice. want it again? http://pastebin.com/m6ca4cf6905:37
[dcr]Ah okay05:37
subsume_that's not it.05:37
nickrudsubsume_: I grepped thru the logs, the first time you pastebined that you didn't use my nick it got lost in the scroll05:38
darkcrabthats why for people new to linux, its best to use synaptic05:38
Newbuntu2travisat: are you still there?05:38
subsume_nickrud: ah. happens05:38
mt330404ok wait, i found the folder05:38
darkcrabbecause it does all the installing for you.05:38
subsume_nickrud: Anyway... strangely that seems to have worked.05:38
[dcr]subsume_:  dunno what to tell you buddy, cept no one will want to help someone giving the people trying to help an attitude.05:38
travisatNewbuntu2: well I am totally at a loss and I don't know if I can do anything more without actually having your device,  as with most things with linux either it works or it doesn't and if it doesn't it could but can be very hard to get to work.  I think your device might actually be blacklisted in the hid-core stuff but I can't find it05:38
mt330404i do synaptic but i dont understand how it works, i kinda got thrown into this whole linux thing wihtout a lot of explanation05:38
nickrudsubsume_: not strangely, I finally got the error ;-)05:38
subsume_[dcr]: !pastebin05:38
mt330404i want to adopt but need a boost05:38
amenadoGodzilla2-> how do you need to install ubuntu into usb ?05:38
subsume_nickrud: restart...?05:38
amenadoGodzilla2-> do you need to install ubuntu into usb ?05:38
darkcrabmt with synaptic, you put a check mark next to what you want, when your done checking all the things you want, you click install05:39
darkcrabits that easy05:39
Godzilla2no, i need to install it to a hdd on an ide cable05:39
nickrudsubsume_: If you like. You said you were in a dist upgrade, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:39
mt330404i searched within synaptic for flash and never could find what i needed05:39
Godzilla2but i wish to use a usb device instead of a cd or dvd05:39
subsume_nickrud: apparently ubuntu doesn't use dist-upgrade.....05:39
darkcrabyou cant get flash with synaptic right now unfortunately.05:39
mt330404theres my proh05:39
darkcrabi mean you can05:39
darkcrabbut its not that stable05:39
amenadoGodzilla2-> ahh good, i have something for you..if you want to try05:40
Godzilla2i read a while back that it was possible with debian, and ubuntu is based on debian from my knowledge05:40
darkcrabI think its called flash-nonfree05:40
darkcrabor something05:40
mt330404all i know is that i love ubuntu right now and i just want to be able to watch flash videos05:40
Godzilla2amenado sure05:40
mt330404please help05:40
Starnestommydarkcrab: flashplugin-nonfree?05:40
subsume_nickrud: meh. same problem. system still won't log me in05:40
darkcrabyea, thats it starnes05:40
amenadoGodzilla2-> okay, do you have a partition that is ext2 and not ext3?05:40
subsume_nickrud: I also notice LDAP doesn't start even though I installed it.05:40
jester7mt330404: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:40
nickrudsubsume_: how did you get in the last time?05:40
darkcrabwho knows, give it a shot mt, maybe it will work for you.05:40
Godzilla2i can set it up if its not05:40
Newbuntu2travisat: do you think this is an issue: "1. Need to be root or have the program run suid unless one configures with /proc/bus/usb/XXX/XXX file with hotplug."05:40
subsume_nickrud: rescue disk05:40
mt330404do i type flash-nonfree  in terminal?05:41
darkcrabno no05:41
jester7mt330404: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:41
jester7in terminal05:41
darkcrabgo system>administration>synaptic05:41
nickrudsubsume_: have you tried the recovery mode boot?05:41
subsume_nickrud: sshd doesn't start either.05:41
subsume_nickrud: .... rescue a broke system, you mean?05:41
travisatNewbuntu2: when you plug in the device it should be recognized correctly and not as an xpad so if dmesg is not saying it is there it isn't there to use05:41
amenadoGodzilla2-> you'll probably asking why ext2? im asking same to ubuntu builders..but somehow i can only copy liveCD iso into an ext2 to boot and not from ext305:41
nickrudsubsume_: no, hit escape when you see starting grub, you'll see a recovery mode option05:42
darkcrabext2 is for older systems.05:42
Frogzoomt330404: flash plugin is called flashplugin-nonfree05:42
darkcrabext3 is for newer systems05:42
Newbuntu2travisat: but /prog/log/messages shows it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59106/05:42
riloext3 is just journaling05:42
amenadoGodzilla2-> can you put my nick as prefix to your response or i will miss totally05:42
Godzilla2i plan to install the latest stable build of ubuntu server05:42
Frogzooext3 should be default for everything pretty much05:42
Godzilla2on hardware thats about 10 years old05:42
ubotwoAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:42
Tu13eshow can I disable my cardbus slot?05:42
darkcrabext3 is a lot faster but more resource intensive05:42
Godzilla2amenado yes05:43
darkcrabext2 is less resource intensive and not as fast.05:43
freemanhey, Guys!05:43
amenadodarkcrab i tried the copied liveCD 7.10 from ext3 and it would not boot..05:43
FrogzooGodzilla2: you'll need 256 meg ram, might be an issue05:43
travisatNewbuntu2: its showing an xpad connecting if you rmmod the xpad you still won't have the correct driver loaded to use your device05:43
ubotwoYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:43
freemandoes anybody use Ktorrent here?05:43
travisatNewbuntu2: when you connect it should load the right driver05:43
Godzilla2darkcrab ill use ext205:43
darkcrabuse the alternate CD amendo05:43
rodrigolol irssi r0x05:43
Godzilla2Frogzoo i have 192 :(05:43
mt330404darkcrab: "no package selected" when i search flash-nonfree05:43
* jester7 agrees about irssi05:43
mt330404in synaptic05:44
amenadodarkcrab i want to use liveCd so next time a new update is available i can just copy to hdd and boot again05:44
travisatNewbuntu2: ok rmmod the xpad then modprobe usb-1208fs05:44
prince_jammysmt330404: flash-plugin-nonfree05:44
darkcrabunless you have a really old system, I highly recommend you use ext305:44
Newbuntu2travisat: so when it says usb1208fs it's just reading what it is, not actually loading it? (I did take care of xpad by blacklisting it)05:44
FrogzooGodzilla2: you might be ok, but you'll probably be swapping a lot05:44
amenadoGodzilla2-> okay now, do you have that ext2 ready? have about 6-8 gigs ready05:44
mt330404prince: didnt work either05:44
subsume_nickrud: gives me more output when i'm starting up but when i attempt to login as root for maintenance, same thing. freezes on login05:44
darkcrabmt330404: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:44
Godzilla2darkcrab 400 mhz, 192 ram, 8 gig hdd05:44
travisatNewbuntu2: lsusb only gives the descripters off the device, not what drivers or anything else that is loaded05:44
subsume_and then says 'login didn't work after 60 seconds'05:44
subsume_also, noticeable, neither SLAPD nor SSHD start05:44
darkcrabah yup, you could definitely utilized it god05:45
nickrudsubsume_: in rescue they don't05:45
Newbuntu2travisat: is doesn't recognize the module "usb-1208fs"05:45
travisatNewbuntu2: but try to modprobe usb-1208fs or usb1208fs05:45
mt330404sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:45
Godzilla2amenado is the ext2 partition going on the usb device or the hdd05:45
mt330404sry nvm05:45
prince_jammysmt330404: that's it05:45
amenadoGodzilla2-> hdd05:45
subsume_nickrud: even in normal boot they aren't05:45
nickrudsubsume_: is this using ldap as the user database?05:45
mt330404not working for me prince, do i have to exit all progs first?05:45
Godzilla2allow me to do so05:45
subsume_nickrud: yes but 'files' is selected first so there's no reason it should ignore that05:45
subsume_nickrud: but that isn't the issue because its not even starting05:46
Godzilla2i have to find a proggy for windows to format to ext205:46
prince_jammysmt330404: exit synaptic. you can't use apt-get and synaptic at the same time. use one or the other05:46
darkcrabamenado, I dont understand, when an update comes up all you have to do is click a button and it updates you.05:46
Newbuntu2travisat: neither is there. nor is "pmd". I think the module is called something else, though... I'm looking through the readmes05:46
mt330404thank you for speaking in such clear terms prince! brb lemme try05:46
darkcrabwhy do you want to do it your way?05:46
Shadow420Godzilla2 the Ubuntu Live CD has a format program in it05:46
nickrudsubsume_: when you said you were using the rescue disk, explain how you were using that05:46
amenadodarkcrab im referring to downloading the entire iso05:46
mt330404prince: got another error msg05:46
amenadodarkcrab and boot it off a hard disk05:46
rodrigomt330404: why dont u just simple download flash player on adobe site?05:47
subsume_nickrud: I was putting the ubuntu disk in and selected 'Rescue a broken system'05:47
oboy03i was updating ubuntu and when it finished it had errors, when i reboot ubuntu wont run anymore. im using live CD how do i fix it?05:47
travisatNewbuntu2: run "sudo updatedb" that will take a bit then you can do locate 1208 and you should find out its name05:47
mt330404flash-plugin-free is already the latest version05:47
linux689438i don't have X11 and I need to add the cdrom to apt's sources for gusty; there is nothing on the web that will help me, can someone here help me?05:47
mt330404tried it rodrigo05:47
subsume_nickrud: then I guess it chrooted me to /05:47
Godzilla2im going to go search the wiki, because this isnt how i did it before05:47
nickrudsubsume_: ok. I certainly hope it did, I haven't used that mode05:47
subsume_nickrud: when I normal boot, those services are missing.05:47
darkcrabah I see05:47
subsume_nickrud: I think it did. I have 3 kernels available in GRUB and the latest one gives me that05:47
prince_jammysmt330404: ok, that means it's already installed05:48
mt330404how to i direct the plugin to the right place?>05:48
nickrudsubsume_: go back into the rescue disk, and confirm what your root is05:48
subsume_I swear its /05:48
Javidanyone know a program that will convert wmv to other video formats without a lot of messing around?05:48
subsume_and by / I mean my normal boot device05:48
linux689438anyone know how to add cdrom to apt's sources.list in gusty without using X?05:49
amenadoGodzilla2-> here is what i did, i created two ext2 partitions, 1 gig for the copy of livecd iso, and 5 gig for the install,05:49
phuzionGuys, what can ssh-scan be used for?05:49
oboy03i was updating ubuntu and when it finished it had errors, when i reboot ubuntu wont run anymore. im using live CD how do i fix it?05:49
darkcrabive never heard of doing that except with vmware amenado05:50
ubotwoHow should I know?05:50
phuzionBecause there's a lot of copies of it running on my server, and I'm not sure if I got hacked or something05:50
prince_jammysmt330404: this is to view flash in a web site, correct?05:50
linux689438phuzion, it finds hosts on the networking running ssh on port 22 i think05:50
jester7hah, ok, i guess not05:50
nickrudsubsume_: of course it's / , but is / the correct partition (and I nearly missed your reply)05:50
linux689438anyone know how to add cdrom to apt's sources.list in gusty without using X?05:50
mt330404prince: yes05:50
subsume_nickrud: yes. its the correct one05:50
amenadodarkcrab, i did not do a dist upgrade, i went from 6.10 to 7.10 nothing in between05:51
phuzionlinux689438, mind explaining why I have about 50-80 processes of it running at once and bringing my server's load to around 100 then?05:51
nickrudsubsume_: ok. su to a user05:51
oboy03can i update my ubuntu installation usong live DC?05:51
prince_jammysmt330404: you can autocomplete my nickname by hitting the tab key after the first few characters (prin<tab>)05:51
linux689438phuzion, maybe each scan is taking a thread?05:51
prince_jammysmt330404: that way your response gets highlighted on my end05:51
mt330404prince_jammys: didnt know that, also new to the IRC chatrooms.. haha. thanks05:51
bazhangoboy03: no05:51
phuzionHmm, how do I count the output of grep?  I'm gonna see how many of these I have going05:51
prince_jammysmt330404: much better :)05:52
darkcrabwhat is usong oboy? can you restate that?05:52
oboy03i was updating ubuntu and when it finished it had errors, when i reboot ubuntu wont run anymore. im using live CD how do i fix it?05:52
darkcraboh using05:52
travisatNewbuntu2: well I am stuck sorry I couldn't help you to get it to work05:52
mt330404prince_jammys: just trying to view flash videos in opera, did all the basic stuff which doesnt seem to work05:52
subsume_nickrud: if the rescue disk even does such a thing, which i am inclined to doubt05:52
oboy03can i still rescue my installed ubuntu?05:53
linux689438anyone know how to add cdrom to apt's sources.list in gusty without using X?05:53
travisatoboy03: how is it not running anymore05:53
nickrudsubsume_: you broke down during a dist-upgrade, right?05:53
Newbuntu2travisat: doesn't find any module... thanks for the help. I'll keep trying@05:53
subsume_nickrud: actually, i can su to a user05:53
prince_jammysmt330404: ok, i'm going to look in the web to see if there's any special requirements for opera. does flash work in firefox?05:53
subsume_nickrud: yes. specifically in installing squid (which i don't even need or know what it does in my network)05:53
oboy03if i reboot it stops at the splash screen05:53
prince_jammysmt330404: if you have firefox installed, see if you can play a flash video in there.05:54
alanbshepard70Anyone know how to force an application to open fullscreen on monitor two of a dual monitor setup? I'm trying to get fceu to open on my TV fullscreen and not my computer monitor.05:54
nickrudsubsume_: ok, sudo apt-get remove --purge squid05:54
oboy03seems to load only 5% and that's it05:54
travisatoboy03: in grub on your kernel selection hit e then e again then go to the end of the line and remove splash hit enter then hit b05:54
mt330404flash doesnt work for firefox05:54
ubotwoThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »05:54
mt330404prince_jammys: flash doesnt work for firefox05:55
subsume_nickrud: did so.05:55
prince_jammysmt330404: ok, and flashplugin-nonfree is installed, correct?05:55
nickrudsubsume_: do the dist-upgrade again05:55
subsume_nickrud: but I didn't think ubuntu used disk-upgrade05:55
nickrudsubsume_: it does05:55
nickrudsubsume_: it's freaking apt ;)05:56
subsume_nickrud: not what install notes say....05:56
amenadolinux689438-> yes you can, modify /etc/apt/sources.list05:56
nickrudsubsume_: and that is ...05:56
subsume_nickrud: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades scroll to Network upgrade for Ubuntu servers05:57
mt330404prince_jammys: yeah it's installed, i dont understand where the disconnect is05:57
nickrudsubsume_: your choice. You can use that, or the dist upgrade . Whatever, complete what you were doing05:58
subsume_nickrud: my gives me 'no new release found'05:58
nickrudsubsume_: do you have gutsy listed in /etc/apt/source.list ?05:59
subsume_nickrud: your way gives me 0 packages to install05:59
crshmanHi all, is there a way to map a folder as a physical device in linux? say.... /home/crshman/data --> /dev/sdb?05:59
mt330404prince_jammys: what browser do you use that works with flash05:59
travisatcrshman: yes05:59
amenadocrshman for what purpose would that be?05:59
subsume_nickrud: yes05:59
travisatcrshman: mount /dev/sdb /home/crshman/data05:59
travisatcrshman: you would have to make the folder data first06:00
crshmani run vmware server on the box and i want to map that "physical device" into a vmware virtual machine06:00
crshmanwill the /dev/sdb show up as a physical device though or just another folder?06:00
lsthim running an aes encrypted install of ubuntu. i had to remove the splash parameter in the line that begins with kernel in the grub conf file because with it ubuntu begins to boot but the screen goes black and hangs there. i want to fix it so i can boot with a gui. can anyone help me with this  ?06:00
nickrudsubsume_: ok, that's cleared up. You don't have an incomplete upgrade. So, that brings us back to server issues.06:00
nickrudsubsume_: so, on to ssh. You said that it's not starting, how are you determining that?06:01
prince_jammysmt330404: firefox. i'm looking around the web to see what could be the problem06:01
subsume_nickrud: on startup i don't see itand i can't ssh in when its up06:01
prince_jammysmt330404: in the meantime, try the following:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonpfree06:02
mt330404prince_jammys: i appreciate the help06:02
ubotwopastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:02
lsthcan anyone help me out06:02
prince_jammysmt330404: paste that command into a terminal and let me know if there's any errors06:02
mt330404e: couldn't find package flashplugin-nonpfree06:02
prince_jammysmt330404: there's a typo, it's  flashplugin-nonfree06:02
nickrudsubsume_: ok, type sudo /etc/init.d/ssh<tab>  start  (don't have the server installed on this machine, don't remember the exact script name)06:03
SupaFlyHey there ive tried to reinstall WebMin on my LAMP gutsy box, ( i locked myself out first time), but im getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59109/ how do i correct this?06:03
mt330404prince_jammys: e: couldn't find package flashplugin-nonpfree06:03
prince_jammysmt330404: tip: you can also use the tab key to autocomplete package names.  i made a typo, there's an extra "p" in the package name. look06:03
subsume_nickrud: from rescue mode i am guessing?06:04
oboy03i still got problem with my ubuntu06:04
nickrudsubsume_: sure.06:04
mt330404prince_jammys, not seeing your typo06:04
prince_jammysmt330404: flashplugin-nonfree (i wrote flashplugin-nonpfree with a "p" before free)06:05
mt330404prince_jammys, oh ok lemme try06:05
nickrudsubsume_: you do have the net back up, right? I'm assuming you're in on line in that, as you said way back when06:05
subsume_nickrud: yes... well hard to tell from normal boot mode but frmo rescue, yes06:05
Frijoliecan I get the "World Clock Applet" from Hardy into Gutsy?06:05
oboy03how can i fix this problem?: i finished updating ubuntu with errors, i tried to check if it were broken package, but not i can't even open terminal or synaptic, when i reboot ubuntu stops until that orange loading bar then nothing happens.06:06
prince_jammysmt330404: just type flashplugin-(tab key) and it will complete it for you06:06
lsthhas anyone installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition06:06
subsume_nickrud: starts normally06:07
J-a-k-eDoes anyone know if it's possible to get higher quality drivers for ubuntu?06:07
nickrudsubsume_: this brings us back to login, then. Are you able to log into ssh remotely?06:08
benny_J-a-k-e: for what?06:08
subsume_nickrud: just attempted. it hasn't refused but its not giving me a promtp06:08
J-a-k-ehaha, ment to say sound drivers06:09
subsume_nickrud: attempting to ssh times out06:09
oboy03how can i fix this problem?: i finished updating ubuntu with errors, i tried to check if it were broken package, but not i can't even open terminal or synaptic, when i reboot ubuntu stops until that orange loading bar then nothing happens.06:09
subsume_nickrud: maybe my ip address isn't the same??06:09
mt330404prince_jammys: still no result although i installed something i evidently didnt have before. does this require a system restart?06:09
benny_J-a-k-e: don't know.. I don't use sound much.06:09
what_ifI need to upgrade the program "dnsmasq" in dapper... but it is not in the repopsitories. packages from other releases have dependency errors. Please help :)06:09
SupaFlyHey there ive tried to reinstall WebMin on my LAMP gutsy box, ( i locked myself out first time), but im getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59109/ how do i correct this?06:09
oboy03is it time for another fresh install?06:10
nickrudsubsume_: ifconfig will tell you show your inet addr06:10
J-a-k-ei've got a creative xtreame audio card and music sounds 1/2 as good compared to windows06:10
prince_jammysmt330404: no, it shouldn't. but you should restart the browsers, if you haven't06:10
mt330404i did06:10
mt330404prince_jammys: i did06:10
nickrudwhat_if: you have the dnsmasq that's in dapper already installed?06:11
prince_jammysmt330404: strange06:11
what_ifnickrud: yes, has a *major* unfiex bug though06:11
prince_jammysmt330404: is this is a new ubuntu install? i mean were you ever able to see flash in ubuntu?06:11
mt330404prince_jammys, no06:11
subsume_nickrud: I can ssh in but it doesn't put me in my home dir06:12
nickrudwhat_if: are you sure the bug hasn't been fixed?  /usr/share/doc/dnsmasq has a changelog. If its not, you'd have to compile it yourself06:12
oboy03how can i fix this problem?: i finished updating ubuntu with errors, i tried to check if it were broken package, but not i can't even open terminal or synaptic, when i reboot ubuntu stops until that orange loading bar then nothing happens.06:12
mt330404prince_jammys, installed ubuntu gutsy about a week ago, no probs til now but never able to see flash06:12
nickrudsubsume_: look at /etc/passwd06:12
oboy03im so clueless, except for another fresh install06:12
what_ifnickrud: has not been fixed yet.06:12
subsume_nickrud: what about it?06:12
nickrudsubsume_: is it ok?06:12
subsume_nickrud: perfectly06:12
mt330404prince_jammys, running a sony vaio laptop VGN-A150 if that matters06:13
bazhangoboy03: have you ever reached the installed desktop?06:13
Newbuntu2travisat: I got it to work..06:13
oboy03bazhang: no06:13
what_ifnickrud: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/4743806:13
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 47438 in dnsmasq "Dnsmasq crashes when renewing non-existent lease" [Medium,New]06:13
oboy03bazhang: only upto the orange loading screen06:13
bazhangoboy03: what video card and driver, what ram and cpu etc06:13
Newbuntu2travisat: I'm running the test program as sudo and it worked... !!06:13
travisatNewbuntu2: lol how06:13
travisatNewbuntu2: hahaha all that work06:13
prince_jammyssomeone here ( nickname mt330404 ) has installed flashplugin-nonfree and is still unable to view flash videos in both opera and firefox. any suggestions?06:13
travisatNewbuntu2: well have fun with it06:13
oboy03fx5500,1gig ddr2 1.5mhz athlon zp06:13
nickrudsubsume_: then I'm inclined to think it's some interaction between your ldap config and authentication. And I don't know ldap in the least.06:14
zcat[1]flashplugin-nonfree is probably broken again...06:14
Newbuntu2travisat: do you know what could be doing that? I don't care running it as root if I have to, though06:14
prince_jammyszcat[1]: how do you mean?06:14
oboy03bazhang: i think the problem was with the updates, but im not sure06:14
bazhangoboy03: this is the livecd correct? you might try with the acpi=off boot parameter or just try the alternate install cd which is text based--is this ubuntu only or a dual boot?06:14
travisatNewbuntu2: no idea, I guess it was one of those things with persmissions to /dev/hiddev?? stuff06:14
subsume_nickrud: recommend removing ldap server?06:15
nickrudsubsume_: I'd try that myself06:15
lsthcan anyone help me out06:15
oboy03bazhang: ubuntu only06:15
oboy03bazhang: i already install ubuntu06:15
Newbuntu2travisat: ah, probably. thanks for the help, anyway!06:15
zcat[1]adobe keep changing the package so the md5sum doesn't match, so ubuntu won't install it 'cos it's might be 'corrupted'06:15
oboy03bazhang: and i already updated the important security updates06:15
bazhangoboy03: then either the acpi=off boot param or using the alternate cd to do it06:15
travisatoboy03: did you try it with splash off,  if splash is off you should be able to see where it stops,  also splash can make a system not boot06:15
ubotwoTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:16
zcat[1]anyone got the workaround for when flash is broken?06:16
oboy03bazhang: im not sure what that means06:16
bazhangmt330404: this is the 32bit ubuntu or the 64bit ubuntu install?06:16
Frijolieguess you cant...06:16
oboy03travistat: i tried it but still it stops at the orange loading screen06:16
mt330404prince_jammys, i38606:17
nathanialwhy is flash so terrible on GG?>06:17
travisatoboy03: what loading screen,  you should see a bunch of text then the login screen06:17
oboy03travistat: before that happend i was updating, then it had errors, tried to open terminal, it said it cant find terminal and also synaptic06:17
nathanialor is it my ati card?06:17
zcat[1]adobe are asshats, why can't they give the linux download version numbers or something and leave the older ones where they are so this doesn't happen..06:17
oboy03travistat: the one with ubuntu logo06:18
bazhangindeed oboy03 you should try travisat's suggestion as well if you dont want to use the alternate cd06:18
prince_jammysbazhang: mt330404 it's 32 bit06:18
oboy03bazhang: so what should this do? will it get to the desktop at least?06:18
bazhangnathanial: no, it's a problem on adobe's end06:18
mt330404prince_jammys, ok never knew that but its good to know now06:18
travisatoboy03: you didn't do what I said, in grub you have to edit the boot options,  in grub you have to do this every time, you can change a file later to make it do it this way all the time, but you hit e, e, delete the splash from the line, then enter and b06:18
bazhangprince_jammys: thanks!06:19
nathanialbazhang: is there any hope for this06:19
abortdi have to use the live cd to edit partitions for the one my linux uses right?06:19
oboy03enter and b at the same time?06:19
abortdsince you cant unmount a partition thats in use06:19
bazhangnathanial: indeed, just need to be patient until someone gets to you06:19
travisatoboy03: no you hit enter then b06:19
lsthcan someone help me out ?06:19
oboy03ok i'll try again06:19
nathanialalso ive been thinking about taking this old emachine and loading ubuntu server on it w/o a monitor is there anyway to manage from another computer on the network?06:20
captinesorry to ask about other software, but is anyone using a blog application for blogger.com?  Am wondering if there is an offline app that will sync etc?06:20
* bazhang wonders if subsume_'s opinion of #ubuntu will change after this marathon of help06:20
* abortd wonders if he will get help with this partition problem today06:21
bazhangcaptine: firefox has an extension called blogfire that is nice; not sure if that has what you are looking for06:21
mrpocketswhats the kill command for a program in utliltles06:21
Javidanyone know a program that will convert wmv to other video formats without a lot of messing around?06:21
bazhangback in a minute06:22
subsume_nickrud: no change with ldap gone.06:22
subsume_nickrud: maybe there is some misconfiguration with pam? doesn't that do the login?06:22
travisatmrpockets: killall?06:22
prince_jammysmrpockets: killall nameofprog06:22
miloszkilling in the name of prog06:23
mrpocketsIT DOESNT WORK :(06:23
prince_jammysmrpockets: what prog?06:23
nickrudsubsume_: yes it does. Also something I'm not familiar with anymore. pam only broke on me once, way back when debian put up a broken package.06:23
abortdcan anyone help me with making my current partition smaller?06:23
mrpocketsim being rick roll'd :(06:23
prince_jammysmrpockets: killall firefox-bin06:23
mrpocketsthank you06:23
=== SeanChiang is now known as SeanChiang_monke
SupaFlyHey there ive tried to reinstall WebMin on my LAMP gutsy box, ( i locked myself out first time), but im getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59109/ how do i correct this?06:24
=== SeanChiang_monke is now known as SeanChiang
prince_jammysone guy can't get flash to play and the other guy is desperately trying to kill a flash vid, heh06:24
mt330404no solutions for flash on Opera in gutsy?06:24
mt330404womp womp06:24
fr500i have a computer with 4 hdds with lvm, I had another hd with the os installed and i used to mount the volume, but the hard disk with the os died, will i be able to recover the data from the lvm disk?06:24
fr500it was running feisty i think06:25
subsume_nickrud: http://kerneltrap.org/node/1838 does the bottom comment on this link make any sense?06:25
fr500abortd: what filesystem06:25
abortdext3 my what my ubuntu sits on06:25
abortdthink its ext306:25
bazhangmrpockets: language please06:25
abortdlet me check06:25
fr500abortd: i think you can make that with a parted live cd or something alike06:26
fr500you can't resize mounted partitions though06:26
abortdfr500, it cant be unmounted while in use so i use live cd right?06:26
darkcrabmt, right click top  or bottom bar, at to bar, search for files06:26
darkcrabtype in opera06:26
abortdand the ubuntu live cd comes with gparted i think06:26
fr500abortd: yes, you should backup your data prevoisly06:26
abortdah nah not too worried this is a fresh install06:27
darkcraband find where opera is06:27
mohamed_hi, i in stall ati driver from ati website and follow instruction in this page " http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide " but at end not working anyone can help me ?06:27
darkcrabthen open the folder06:27
abortdthanks though fr50006:27
fr500abortd: no it doesn't but you can install it on the livecd, just edit your sources.list uncomment repos and apt-get update; apt-get install gparted06:27
darkcraband make sure flash is installed there.06:27
darkcrabif its not, install to that folder06:27
auserpeople : is there any opensource alternative for accounting /inventory Management system  for small enterprizes ?06:27
abortdfr500, well when i installed ubuntu it came with a partition editor06:27
nickrudsubsume_: heck, it can't hurt anything.06:28
abortdand when i tried to install gparted it was the partition editor06:28
fr500abortd: yes but it's not full featured06:28
prince_jammysmt330404: do you have any special personal firefox settings?06:28
fr500oh well maybe i don't remember06:28
fr500i install from the alternate installer most of the time06:28
lsthhas anyone installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition06:28
fr500as i use lvm06:28
mt330404prince_jammys, i dont even use firefox, i use opera, but i guess all firefox settings are default, i never use it06:28
abortdhehe im trying to get windows to run again hehe06:28
abortdi dont think i ever dual booted but once06:29
prince_jammysmt330404: do you have any personal bookmarks in firefox?06:29
fr500i have a computer with 4 hdds with lvm, I had another hd with the os installed and i used to mount the volume, but the hard disk with the os died, will i be able to recover the data from the lvm disk?06:29
mt330404prince_jammys, no06:29
prince_jammysmt330404: last question: do you use mozilla thunderbird?06:29
travisatauser: you might try gnucash06:29
mt330404prince_jammys, no06:30
oboy04travistat: did that, here's what it showed: run init: /sbin/init no such file... kernel panic not syncing attemted to kill init06:30
abortdfr500, the hard drive with the data you want isnt dead right?06:30
fr500abortd: right06:30
abortdthen you will be able to06:30
fr500abortd: but i have never mounted LVM volumes not created in that system06:30
travisatoboy04: your system is borked06:30
prince_jammysmt330404: ok, since we're stuck, try this: first, close firefox if it's open. then, open a terminal and do:  mv .mozilla mozilla-backup06:30
abortdtime to try06:30
fr500i don't remember names and such06:30
abortdwhat system is it?06:31
fr500abortd: yeah maybe with live cd06:31
oboy04travistat: what could have caused it?06:31
fr500abortd: ubuntu of course06:31
abortdyou should be able to with live cd06:31
prince_jammysmt330404: that command will move your personal firefox settings, so firefox won't see them06:31
oboy04travistat: did ubuntu update cause it?06:31
mt330404prince_jammys, firefox hasnt been open in forever but i will do what you say06:31
abortddoes windows recognize ext3?06:31
travisatoboy04: I would guess hard drive failure off hand, did you do a normal update or dist-upgrade06:31
fr500abortd: with some plugin i think it can06:31
prince_jammysmt330404: the folder will be recreated when you start firefox again06:32
oboy04normal update06:32
abortdthat would be your best bet then i think06:32
oboy04travistat: i was using 7.1006:32
fr500abortd: i don't think lvm works in windows06:32
prince_jammysmt330404: note that there is a DOT before mozilla in the first "mozilla" :: mv .mozilla mozilla-backup06:32
oboy04travistat: could it be that the hard disk is faulty?06:32
fr500it's an ex3 partition spanned across 4 120gb drives06:32
nickrudsubsume_: you here? I need to leave, it's late06:32
mt330404prince_jammys, no such file or directory06:33
subsume_nickrud: I am digging around in the entrails of nss and ldap. I'd say this was a good session. I really appreciate your attention.06:33
abortdwhat is lvm :P06:33
travisatoboy04: yah it looks like you got your file system screwed up,  If possible I would try to get access to the drive from a live cd,  if you can backup your home directory to another hard drive,  then on the live cd fsck the hard drive's partitions, if they come out clean reinstall and copy your home back inplace06:33
nickrudsubsume_: ok, good luck on the rest06:33
shashi__I am getting a strange error with NFS in Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64. I have exported a directory through NFS (Ubuntu) , when i try to mount it on any client (any Linux flavor), i am getting an error message "mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: Connection refused" Can anyone help me please what causes this error ?06:33
prince_jammysmt330404: you did it with the dot, right?06:33
Peddycan somebody please help me to compile my own Firefox 3?06:33
bazhangsubsume take care and hope you change your opinion of this channel06:33
oboy04travistat: sigh: that mean i gottat download the updates again, i was gonna make and apt CD but i always get this problem with updates06:34
travisatoboy04: you can ask for more help, and I am not positive that your hard drive is messed up but I would back up no matter what06:34
fr500nah didnt work06:34
ubotwoTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:34
travisatoboy04:  I have never had a normal update mess up on me except on development releases06:35
oboy04thats not a problem it was a fresh install after all and i was just updating06:35
oboy04travistat: oic06:35
oboy04oh well06:35
fr500abortd it allows me to setup all my drives as if it was one big one, and add capacity dinamically06:35
travisatoboy04: ah good,  if it was a fresh install I would of just reinstalled anyway,  that is usually quicker then finding help for really messed up systems06:35
oboy04travistat: yeah seem to me06:36
mt330404prince_jammys, yes06:36
travisatoboy04:  good luck06:36
oboy04travistat: my concern is just the updates06:36
oboy04thanks anyway06:36
oboy04i mean thanks a lot06:36
lsthhas anyone installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition06:36
fr500abortd: it's just plain cool, when i'm running out of capacity i buy another drive plug it and add to the volume06:37
fr500intead of having 1mb free then i have 200gb free or whatever i added on the same drive06:37
abortddamn that is pretty sweet06:38
prince_jammysmt330404: so if you do: ls .mozilla       you get an error?06:38
mt330404prince_jammys, no such file or directory06:39
prince_jammysmt330404: is there a mozilla-backup directory now in your home folder?06:40
lsthhas anyone installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition06:40
mt330404prince_jammys, i dont have mozilla, i untinstalled it a while ago, is it necesssary for flash operation in opera?06:40
prince_jammysmt330404: no, but i wanted to test with mozilla firefox06:41
mt330404prince_jammys, whats the sudo install lingo for that?06:41
Pulpiehey I need help sshing into my server see the ip and the password is whiteman but I cant seem to get the root account to get into it06:41
prince_jammysmt330404: you don't have firefox? i thought you did06:41
prince_jammysmt330404: firefox and mozilla firefox are the same thing06:42
mt330404prince_jammys, i used to, and i thought i reinstalled it a couple days ago but its not showing up in my apps>internet shit06:42
mt330404prince_jammys, i know06:42
Pulpiecan anyone help me?06:42
lancerockeHi all.  I am desperately trying to install Pixel Image Editor: http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/?page_id=4%2F&os=a3fc72f9e89216dc2f7d038a80f4776a&mail= .I downloaded it and tried ./configure, but there is nothing there. I looked for a guide on the forums and found one that was obsolete as the package has changed. Can anyone help me install Pixel?06:42
prince_jammysmt330404: sudo apt-get install firefox06:43
prince_jammysmt330404: let's see if it says that it's already installed06:43
mt330404i just ate six jalapenos and now im sweating on the top of my head06:44
mt330404Please restart any running Firefoxes, or you will experience problems.06:44
mt330404Processing triggers for libc6 ...06:44
mt330404ldconfig deferred processing now taking place06:44
neetodoes anyone have some experience with shorewall?06:45
Pulpieip is root password is whiteman and I can't get into my root account... why not?06:45
mt330404prince_jammys,  no firefox running06:45
gr1ff1nhello $06:46
prince_jammysmt330404: ok in a terminal type: firefox06:46
gr1ff1ncan someone what is CFLAGS please ?06:46
gr1ff1ncan someone explain me06:46
mt330404prince_jammys, interesting, firefox starts06:46
lancerockeCan anyone help me install this?06:47
prince_jammysgr1ff1n: it's an option  you supply when compiling06:47
mt330404prince_jammys, NICE it works in firefox06:47
bazhanghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFLAGS gr1ff1n06:47
prince_jammysmt330404: ok now for opera06:47
mt330404prince_jammys, yes plz06:47
prince_jammysmt330404: now we know the problem is with opera, that helps06:47
lsthhas anyone installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition06:48
mohamed_i try to install ATI drivers following instruction in this site " http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide " but i face some troubles anyone can help ?06:48
legend2440lancerocke:  did u try the debian pkg?06:48
prince_jammysmt330404: by the way, i don't know why firefox doesn't show up in your menu, but that's ok. if you want it there you can look in Preferences->Menu Editor06:48
lsthI installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition. I have to boot with the nosplash argument because if i dont, the boot up seems to hang. can anyone help me figure out how to fix this ?06:49
ubotwoFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:49
mt330404prince_jammys, thanks for the tip06:49
gr1ff1nWhat can I do when I do a : module-assistant auto-install alsa and get CFLAGS was changed.06:49
lancerockelegend2440: there is an x64 .deb package?06:50
mt330404prince_jammys, checked opera and still no flash capabilities06:50
prince_jammysmt330404: yeah i'm looking around for that. it's good to know that it's opera-specific06:51
mt330404prince_jammys, your help is very much appreciated06:51
prince_jammystry the following(just paste in terminal) sudo ln /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins/06:53
lancerockelegend2440: ?06:53
prince_jammyssudo ln /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins/06:53
prince_jammysmt330404: sudo ln /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins/06:53
prince_jammyssorry, people06:53
legend2440lancerocke: the debian pkg doesn't specify 386 or x64 its probably 386 but you could try it06:54
mt330404prince_jammys,  all that in one terminal entry?06:54
prince_jammysmt330404: yes06:54
lancerockelegend2440: i dont see a .deb package on the website06:54
mt330404prince_jammys, "file exists"06:54
prince_jammysmt330404: interesting, so that's not a problem06:54
mt330404prince_jammys, i read in some places that theres a problem betwen linking the firefox and opera plugins, could that be an issue here?06:55
legend2440lancerocke: http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/?page_id=4  9th from top in the downloads box06:55
prince_jammysmt330404: something like that. frankly, i don't understand the problem. i'm searching the internet06:55
gr1ff1nHow can I change the CFLAGS to put it back as it used to be ???06:56
lancerockelegend2440: "QNX"?06:56
legend2440lancerocke:  ???06:57
lancerockelegend2440: "2005"?06:57
lancerockelegend2440: 9th down is a 2005 release for "QNX "06:57
iceswordi installed ubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 to my machine06:58
iceswordit is no good06:58
prince_jammysmt330404: when you play flash in firefox, do you get sound?06:59
legend2440lancerocke: find the one that says Debian/Ubuntu07:00
lancerockelegend2440: that one is i38607:01
lsthI installed ubuntu with an encrypted partition. I have to boot with the nosplash argument because if i dont, the boot up seems to hang. can anyone help me figure out how to fix this ?07:02
darkcrabi have a question about compiz-fusion, it seems that if I run it on the extra's setting, with maybe tweaking a few settings, and emerald, it starts out fine, but then slowly it starts using more and more memory until its using almost all of my memory and I have to restart to get my memory back.07:02
niklasHow do I mount a LVM volume? Am getting this error: "mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'". Trying to mount it to mnt?07:03
prince_jammysmt330404: i found your problem online, but not a solution yet (except for installing the beta version of Opera 9.50)07:03
Maestro470When i use the anaglyph stereo tool, it says "Unable to find right camera image in dataset"07:03
Maestro470for every image. How can I use this tool, or for which images can this tool be used?07:03
lancerockeCan anyone help me install Pixel Image Editor?07:04
darkcrabwhat was the problem prince_jammys?07:04
lancerockeI am desperately trying to install Pixel Image Editor: http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/?page_id=4%2F&os=a3fc72f9e89216dc2f7d038a80f4776a&mail= .I downloaded it and tried ./configure, but there is nothing there. I looked for a guide on the forums and found one that was obsolete as the package has changed. Can anyone help me install Pixel?07:04
prince_jammysmt330404: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2206307:05
Maestro470can anyone help me?07:05
niklasWhat program should I install to get support for LVM volumes?07:05
legend2440lancerocke: instructions for install are here http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/?page_id=1507:06
gr1ff1nI am lost, I dont know how to change the CFLAGS, if anyone has an idea i would be very gratefull07:06
prince_jammysmt330404: someone there claims that installing the newer (but beta version) of opera works. that can be done here http://www.opera.com/download/?ver=9.50b  (keep in mind this is a beta version, so not fully stable but still usable)07:06
lancerockelegend2440: i will check that out07:06
mage__niklas: like apt-get install lvm?07:06
niklasmage__, yes :-)07:06
niklasmage__, But that one did not exist07:07
prince_jammysmt330404: read the whole bug thread, and see if there's any fix there. otherwise you can try the newer opera.  beyond that, i don't know07:07
legend2440lancerocke:  i'm running x386 otherwise i would try to install it07:07
mage__ah, I've used it in fiesty and gutsy07:07
bazhang!info lvm207:07
ubotwolvm2: The Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.02.26-1ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 312 kB, installed size 880 kB (Only available for None)07:07
mage__lvm2 right07:07
lancerockelegend2440: http://pastebin.com/m5e97474f07:08
mage__I did apt-get install lvm<tab><tab> and got confused because theres lvm6 and 10 etc07:08
mage__and i cant message the bot, cute07:09
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abortdyou can07:09
abortdthe bot is like 100% lag07:09
bazhangsure you can just /msg ubotu info lvm207:09
WindowsUserhaha well you have to be registered07:09
WindowsUserand i forgot the password for this username oh well07:09
lancerockelegend2440: u there?07:10
lancerockelegend2440: http://pastebin.com/m5e97474f07:10
darkcrab<darkcrab> i have a question about compiz-fusion, it seems that if I run it on the extra's setting, with maybe tweaking a few settings, and emerald, it starts out fine, but then slowly it starts using more and more memory until its using almost all of my memory and I have to restart to get my memory back.07:11
mt330404prince_jammys,  thanks for all your help, i'll try the beta07:11
niklasWindowsUser, Thanks for the help. Do you know how I now should do to mount a LVM volume?07:11
WindowsUseryou'll have to tell it to scan for volumes I think07:11
prince_jammysmt330404: let me know if it works07:11
WindowsUserniklas: you might need the /etc/lvm2/ directory from the previous install07:12
niklasWindowsUser, aha, lvmdiskscan07:12
legend2440lancerocke: sorry don't know what to tell you. I'm using x386 so i can't try it07:13
ogre hey guys. I was just curious I noticed you could use you own png as gnome panel background. could you use one that has things hanging off of it like fire or something?07:13
lancerockelegend2440: ok ill check back later07:14
legend2440lancerocke: ok gl07:14
prince_jammysogre: you mean use an image that bleeds out of the panel box?07:15
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legend2440lancerocke: doesn't gimp do the same thing?07:15
mt330404prince_jammys, VERY choppy but it finally works07:16
mt330404prince_jammys, i mean VERY VERY VERY choppy07:16
prince_jammysmt330404: heh. looks like you might be stuck using firefox for flash, unless you dig up a solution from that bug page07:16
Seth911fucked my system07:17
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Seth911anyone intrested in helping?07:17
ubotwoPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:17
NeT_DeMoN_oh my| Seth91107:17
darkcrabi can try07:17
NeT_DeMoN_hi | Seth91107:17
mt330404prince_jammys, either way i appreciate your help.. seems to me that if Opera wants to be as badass as they say they are, they need to have better linux support07:17
prince_jammyslet's hear it07:17
Seth911i tried to install a splash screen07:17
NeT_DeMoN_!hi | Seth91107:17
ubotwoSeth911: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:17
darkcrabshould be simple enough07:17
Seth911but it got half way through and errored \07:18
Seth911so when i rebooted i got some error and cant start up07:18
darkcrabone sec.07:18
prince_jammysSeth911: you're talking about the startup splash screen, NOT the gnome splash screen, right?07:18
Seth911ATM i am trying to  fix it with the live CD07:18
tarelerulzHave any of you installed gyachi ?07:19
Seth911i have no idea07:19
prince_jammysSeth911: the one that appears right as you boot07:19
Seth911i got it off gnome-look.org07:19
prince_jammysSeth911: before the login screen07:19
prince_jammys!who | darkcrab07:20
ubotwodarkcrab: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:20
prince_jammyswell, you know ;)07:20
Seth911lol that was the splash screen i was trying to install07:21
Seth911so i screwed it07:21
Seth911how can i fix the error and get it back to normal?07:21
mt330404prince_jammys, yeah man at least youtube now plays, but it is sooooo choppy its not worth watching]07:21
prince_jammysmt330404: even in firefox?07:21
darkcrabyou dont like firefox mt?07:22
Seth911i didn't have usplash07:22
mt330404prince_jammys, firefox is good for flash07:22
Seth911so i can i install a splash screen from the live CD to my hard drive?07:22
mt330404prince_jammys, but opera remains to be seen.. your help has at least made flash in firefox work07:23
niklasIf anyone likes to new, the solution to be able to mount LVM volume is the command "vgchange -ay". Probably is included in the "lvm2" package.07:23
prince_jammysSeth911: you should be able to restore it07:23
mt330404but there is something to reccommend for the next ubuntu, where can i go to tell them that?07:23
prince_jammysSeth911: do you remember what you did?07:23
prince_jammysmt330404: ask bazhang, he has a link07:23
darkcrabwhat is the error your getting seth?07:23
Seth911yeah i downloaded the file07:23
Seth911extracted it07:24
Seth911and run something inside in terminal07:24
Seth911some stuff cam up on the screen07:24
Seth911i closed it07:24
Seth911rebooted eror07:24
mt330404bazhang: can i get a link to send to the ppl who recommend updates for the next ubuntu? flash needs better support in Opera...07:24
Seth911i know i did the dumbest thing ever07:24
darkcrabits all good07:24
Seth911i was pretty sick yesterday07:24
prince_jammysSeth911: so you don't even see the grub menu?07:25
bazhangmt330404: you might go to brainstorm and suggest it there07:25
Seth911i can tell you the eror i get if it helps?07:25
mt330404bazhang: thanks for the referall07:25
darkcrabactually that has more to do with adobe than with ubuntu mt07:25
ubotwoPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!07:25
prince_jammysSeth911: sure, the more details the better07:25
prince_jammysbazhang: that's it, i forgot the name07:25
Seth911one sec07:26
bazhangdarkcrab but cant hurt; you should see some of the ideas there ;]07:26
prince_jammysbazhang: some are pretty comical07:26
bazhangprince_jammys: indeed ;]07:26
darkcrabi have adobe installed in firefox and I dont have any problems.07:26
prince_jammysbazhang: disable need for ANY terminal commands, ever07:27
Seth911' [    18.513209] Kernel panic - not sycing: Attempted to kill init!07:27
marco92302can anyone help me i am running 7.10 and after moving my machine from one room to another received the error "error parsing configuration: not a directory    [   74.934167] Kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!" and it is stuck there07:27
bazhangprince_jammys: dont get me started--I have to go back to #ubuntu-offtopic haha07:27
prince_jammysbazhang: you know to restore grub after major breakage ?07:28
Seth911marco: right now i am getting the same error07:28
uzumakinarutoprince_jammys: you can use the live install cd and reinstall grub07:28
prince_jammysuzumakinaruto: tell Seth91107:29
bazhangprince_jammys: perhaps; depends who is asking though ;]07:29
Seth911but i tried to get a splash screen07:29
marco92302seth911: yea i have no idea what it is07:29
Seth911i failed07:29
Seth911since im new to linux07:29
daavehi all, I have a mobile harddisk of 250GB, and I want to make windows that can be read/write by linux safely? So is FAT32 the best choice? How big can the partition be? 32GB?07:29
prince_jammyshe tried to change the usplash screen, doesn't get to a grub menu, can't boot, gets kernel panic error07:29
darkcrab<darkcrab> i have a question about compiz-fusion, it seems that if I run it on the extra's setting, with maybe tweaking a few settings, and emerald, it starts out fine, but then slowly it starts using more and more memory until its using almost all of my memory and I have to restart to get my memory back.07:29
marco92302to get that error i had to change to nosplash07:29
marco92302before it was just freezing at the splash07:30
Seth911i really don't want to turf it though07:30
prince_jammysSeth911: i don't know the solution, but just so you know when you ask around here: mention that you tried to change "usplash" (not splash) and you don't see grub, get a kernel panic error.07:31
bazhangSeth911: this is a brand new install?07:32
marco92302I get to grub, it is after grub boots that i get the error07:32
Seth911um i installed mabey a month ago07:32
uzumakinarutodaave: hi, even ntfs is supported.07:32
Oliver8hello, is it possible to download packages and then put those packages on drive where ubuntu installed and then install? Because I dont have internet connection on machine where my ubuntu was installed?07:33
Seth911 i don't know what grub is i get the "starting up... loading please wait..." then i get the erroe07:33
uzumakinarutoOliver8: yes it is. but dependencies will be problem i think07:34
ToastGuyI'm trying to access files on my Windows machine using SAMBA, but I'm getting roadblocked with passwords... it doesn't seem like It will work07:34
darkcrabwhat is the error seth?07:34
Seth911' [    18.513209] Kernel panic - not sycing: Attempted to kill init!07:34
ToastGuyIs this even possible?07:34
prince_jammysSeth911: grub is the menu that shows the different OS's to boot into07:34
Seth911i don't have that07:35
darkcrabone sec.07:35
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, yes, it could be, and I think I can provide DIAL-UP connection, and I think I can download packages small size, and big packages I would download somehere else?07:35
Seth911well not that i know of07:35
daaveuzumakinaruto: yeah, but I heard that NTFS write in linux is not very safe, right? Since the data on it is important, so...07:35
ToastGuyI'm trying to do something like   $> myapp  smb://myfile-to-process.txt07:36
uzumakinarutoOliver8: yes, but it is a rather tedious process. dependencies can go on and on. What package are you looking at really?07:36
ubotwoTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE07:36
ToastGuyor more like  $> myapp  smb://MyServer/myfile-to-process.txt07:36
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, I want to install netbeans and eclipse I think07:37
Oliver8and java jdk, jre07:37
bazhanghuge dependencies with those07:37
SkippyXQuestion: Does Gutsy run as a "live" disk? I need to check hardware on this laptop.07:37
Seth911yes skippy07:37
Seth911it does07:37
ubotwoThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.07:38
Oliver8bazhang, and which of those are the biggest packages in size?07:38
SkippyXExcellent. Vista is horrid. Pretty. But horrid.07:38
uzumakinarutoOliver8: yes, huge deps there.. maybe you can just use the downloads from the sun site.07:38
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, yes, and how to install it from Synaptic?07:38
bazhangOliver8: that is not really the issue07:38
SkippyXK. Thank you very much. Now to see if this disk I just burned burned as an ISO or as a data disk.07:38
Oliver8bazhang, with 36 Kbps it is07:39
Seth911thats alright for dial up07:39
uzumakinarutodaave: NTFS has been through a lot of testing. its pretty reliable now. If you dont use files greater than 4 GB, you can use a fat32 instead07:39
Geoffrey2hmm, I'm running Memtest, and it's showing failing memory, several addresses at 861.9MB, several more at 888.6MB, would those likely be on the same memory stick?07:39
bazhangOliver8: that is not really what I meant; the dependencies on those packages are fairly large so the chances of successfully installing them the way you propose are next to nil07:39
daaveuzumakinaruto: I see, thanks.07:40
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, for example, I donwload this: http://mirrors.dk.telia.net/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/n/netbeans5.5/netbeans5.5-platform_5.5.1-2_all.deb , and where to put it and what else I have to do to be able to install from synaptic ?07:40
Oliver8bazhang, nil ?07:40
pyrakcan i restart gnome from the command line?07:40
iceswordbazhang, have you tried 8.04?what is it like07:40
uzumakinarutoOliver8: If all deps are already satisified, you can just double click.07:40
darkcrabseth, all I have been able to find out so far seth is taht your getting the black screen of death, basically a kernel panic that means that the system is having an internal error, but it can be recovered from.07:40
=== Thanatos is now known as cE_blk_ckUla
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that icesword07:41
iceswordpyrak, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start07:41
pyrakwithout like restarting all my programs07:41
bazhangpyrak: ah no then07:41
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, and after that I can see that package INSTALLED in Synaptic?07:41
Seth911hey can i revert back a couple of days before i made the error with the live cd?07:42
ToastGuyis anyone familiar with SAMBA?07:42
darkcrabseems there is a rescue mode on the live CD07:42
iceswordhmm,.kernel panic?07:42
uzumakinarutoOliver8: yes you will.07:42
bazhangSeth911: sure; back up and reinstall07:42
Seth911i really don't want to reinstall07:43
darkcrab<darkcrab> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=717226&highlight=Kernel+panic\07:43
darkcrab<ToastGuy> is anyone familiar with SAMBA?07:43
darkcrab<darkcrab> seems there is a rescue mode on the live CD07:43
darkcrab seth07:43
prince_jammysSeth911: can you paste the link from gnome-look with the directions of what you did?07:43
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, oh, great, and can you tell me...Is it possible to download all multiverse and universe pool, put it on DVD and that add that DVD as repo in ubunut?07:43
bazhangSeth911: you want to revert that is your option; you want to fix this then that is something else07:43
ToastGuydarkcrab, recuse mode?07:43
ToastGuywhat does that mean?07:44
Seth911i didn't follow the directions and thats what i did wrong07:44
darkcrabit means that you can fix your system from the live CD07:44
uzumakinarutoOliver8: yes, it is possible. You can find quite a few web resources about that. But note that universe is about 10-12 GB07:44
bazhangthought it was the alt cd that had rescue mode not the live cd07:44
Seth911i jsut guessed my way through it07:44
ToastGuydarkcrab, my system is okay07:44
prince_jammysToastGuy: "rescue"07:44
ToastGuydarkcrab, I just want to access my windows files from a command line07:44
prince_jammysit's an anagram07:44
darkcrabapparently live CD does too.07:45
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, hmmm...maybe I can put that unuverse pool on hard drive and then add it as repo ?07:45
darkcrabi was talking to seth toastguy07:45
ToastGuyi don't get it...07:45
uzumakinarutoOliver8: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107528, http://www.howtoforge.com/dvd_images_of_ubuntu_repositories07:46
ToastGuyYou included my name when you were talking to seth07:46
darkcrabyou asked me a question, nvm, you got confused.07:46
Geoffrey2hmmm, 66 errors during test 4, 2 during test 507:46
Oliver8uzumakinaruto, thanks a LOT07:46
ToastGuyI'm guessing no one here uses SAMBA07:47
killownhow do I to change "open folders" nautilus to thunar?07:47
uzumakinarutoOliver8: No problem :)07:47
cpk1can you use scp to upload?07:47
bazhangToastGuy: what is the specific question please07:47
uzumakinarutocpk1: what do you mean?07:47
=== Anon3292 is now known as Seth9111
=== Seth9111 is now known as Seth911
=== linuxchild_ is now known as chen
cpk1uzumakinaruto: I am on logged onto host 1 and want to send a dir to host 207:48
cpk1I tried using sftp but it didnt seem to like moving dirs07:48
uzumakinarutocpk1: well, isnt that what scp does? "scp -r dir1/ user@host2:"07:49
ToastGuyI'm trying to do something like  $> myprocessingapp  smb://MyServer/myfile-to-process.txt07:49
legend2440killown: you mean replace nautilus with thunar?07:49
prince_jammysToastGuy: and what happens when you do that?07:49
rockwellgumpis there a server for getting help with hardware?07:49
killownlegend2440 yes07:50
ToastGuyprince, doesn't do anything07:50
ToastGuyprince_jammys, errors out07:50
legend2440killown: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease07:50
killownlegend2440, thank you07:50
legend2440killown:  yw07:50
cpk1uzumakinaruto: thanks it was a syntax error =)07:51
uzumakinarutocpk1: :)07:51
Seth911so how do i recover from this erroe07:51
=== chen is now known as Chen_TT
yo2ki want upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 but the upgrade gui not run correctly, anny suggest ?07:52
bazhangSeth911: you need to provide info on exactly what you did for us to be able to recover from that07:52
yo2k(sorry, my english not good)07:52
[Hardy]TuTUXGyo2k, what's going wrong?07:52
yo2ktha gui download 2 of 2 file07:53
Seth911tried to install usplash screen07:53
bazhangis that update-manager -c or -d I always forget07:53
yo2kno action ...07:53
Seth911kernel panic07:53
FloodBot3Seth911: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGbazhang, -d07:53
bazhang[Hardy]TuTUXG: thanks!07:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGbazhang, ;)07:54
lancerockeHi all. I have an issue that I have posted in pastebin as it is complex. If anyone is willing to help... http://pastebin.com/m75556ae407:54
bazhangSeth911: that is not informative; how did you try to install the files--please be precise07:54
marshallhow do you apply .patch files?07:54
darkcrabSeth, I already told you how to recover.07:54
Seth911sorry i missed it07:55
Seth911can you pm me the info?07:55
darkcrabstart up with the live CD07:55
darkcrabgo into recovery console.07:55
bazhangSeth911: do you have a scroll key?07:55
Seth911recovery console?07:55
yo2k[Hardy]TuTUXG, i change my os... then comeback again...07:56
ToastGuyhow do I give myself sudo access from ubuntu gui?07:56
lancerockeHi all. I have an issue that I have posted in pastebin as it is complex. If anyone is willing to help... http://pastebin.com/m75556ae407:56
bazhanggksudo ToastGuy for gui apps07:57
Seth911where do i select the recovery console?07:57
iceswordhmm,sudo nano /etc/sudoers07:57
Gattondon't you have to use visudo?07:57
Gattonrather than edit the file directly?07:57
prince_jammysyou should07:57
ToastGuybazhang, thanks07:57
darkcrabseth, sorry, rescue mode on the live CD.07:57
bazhangGatton: I believe it is gksudo07:57
iceswordSeth911, at first screen of the cd install,select to enter safe mode07:57
marshallhow do i apply a .patch file?07:58
Gattonbazhang: i'm talking about editing the sudo permission file from the terminal07:58
prince_jammysbazhang: talking about different things - question was misinterpreted to mean "how do i add myself to sudoers?" :P07:58
bazhangGatton: aha I thought he meant gui apps; if not my bad07:58
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
prince_jammyswhich is why it pays to ....07:58
Gattonbazhang: you're right he did. i think either way might work but yea he was talking about gui apps :-)07:58
ubotwoPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:58
Seth911i only have safe graphoc mode?07:59
cool^tomIs AlterneateCD == LiveCD?07:59
lancerockeHi all. I have an issue that I have posted in pastebin as it is complex. If anyone is willing to help... http://pastebin.com/m75556ae407:59
ToastGuybazhang, You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please, check that you typed the location correctly and try again.07:59
bazhangcool^tom: no07:59
legend2440lancerocke: http://www.boundlesssupremacy.com/Cappy/getlibs/getlibs-all.deb07:59
ToastGuybazhang, what next?07:59
Seth911it come up with run live cd, run live cd in safe graphics mode07:59
Seth911, check cd for fauls07:59
gaE4i am looking for a good stable audio player, which one do u use?07:59
cool^tombazhang: 7.10 does not come with a liveCD distro.  Where can I get one?08:00
bazhangcool^tom: just a second08:00
LunksWhat do I have to do to make MPlayer show correctly on Avant Window Navigator?08:00
bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ cool^tom08:00
gaE4cool^tom, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/08:00
ToastGuyokay guys.... what08:01
BeCkYhow is everybody?08:01
ToastGuywhat is the command to WRITE in VIM08:01
Seth911where is the rescue mode thingy?08:01
=== desna is now known as c0_LgE|JuNkHeAdz
prince_jammysToastGuy: what are you trying to do now?08:02
yo2k__i want to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.20 but no action... any suggest (sorry, my english not good...)08:02
cool^tombazhang: The page does not have a LiveCD option.08:02
ToastGuyprince_jammys, since I can't save a file using the GUI08:02
ToastGuyI want to create a file using VIM to test08:02
=== c0_LgE|JuNkHeAdz is now known as c0_Lge_JuNKHeAd
ToastGuyin the directory I want it08:02
bazhanghttp://ubuntu.com/download cool^tom08:02
BeCkYyou guys have a lot of feelings08:02
ToastGuyBeCkY, thanks08:02
prince_jammysToastGuy: you should be able to save your text file in GUI08:02
ol_dude67yo2k__, you have to go to 7.10 first then to 7.20 i would believe. like in order.08:02
lancerockelegend2440: thanks08:02
lancerockelegend2440: danny@danny-desktop:~/Desktop/Pixel$ ./pixel08:03
lancerocke./pixel: error while loading shared libraries: libIlmImf.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:03
lancerockedanny@danny-desktop:~/Desktop/Pixel$ getlibs pixel08:03
lancerockeNo match for libIlmImf.so.408:03
lancerockeNo packages to install08:03
FloodBot3lancerocke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:03
prince_jammysToastGuy: gksudo gedit /path/to/file    and then save08:03
onefunkanyone know anything about how to access a mac formatted external storage device?08:03
ToastGuyprince_jammys, not to /usr/local/bin08:03
BeCkYToastGuy: I like your name =)08:03
yo2k__ol_dude67: i failure to upgrade 7.1008:03
ToastGuyBeCkY, thanks.... i'm the toastmaster, see toastrecipes.com08:03
iceswordyo2k_what is wrong08:03
bazhangBeCkY: this is not a chatty type channel; please go to #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
lancerockelegend2440: http://pastebin.com/m13eecf5f08:03
ol_dude67yo2k_, you will fail to upgrade to 7.2008:03
prince_jammysToastGuy: you should be able to edit a text file to /usr/local/bin  with   gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/nameoffile08:04
yo2k__icesword: after i click upgrade then download 2 files, after that, no action, gui upgrade is close08:04
Seth911i looked it up on the cd...08:04
ToastGuyprince_jammys, I need to create a file08:04
Seth911there is no dedicated rescue mode on it08:04
prince_jammysToastGuy: or just gksudo gedit  if you want to create the file from scratch and then save it08:04
bazhangback in a while08:04
gaE4whic audioplayer do you use guys?08:04
prince_jammysToastGuy: ok, just : gksudo gedit08:04
yo2k__ol_dude67: from 7.04 to 7.1008:04
Lit-ztarHi g|_|yzlal!~!~~!08:05
Seth911but it sats i can use command line or graphical tools provided to do it myself08:05
iceswordyo2k__, i heard it is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:05
Lit-ztarI h4v3 4 prab13m \/\/i|} my apar4tian zyzt3mlal!~!~~!08:05
lancerockeol_dude67: I found the libs http://pastebin.com/m75556ae4 they are on my desktop. I just dont know how to install them08:05
yo2k__icesword: i try that... thank's...08:05
ToastGuyprince_jammys, thanks08:05
onefunki have a mac external storage device,,, anyone know how i can access it from ubuntu?08:05
neo__my vlc player does not install/////08:05
Lit-ztar\/\/h3n3var I baat, I g3t 4n arra' m3zz4g3lal!~!~~!08:06
=== c0_Lge_JuNKHeAd is now known as denny
ubotwo1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.08:06
neo__my vlc player does not install     help needed/////08:06
=== denny is now known as kontol
iceswordonefunk, hfs?08:06
yo2k__icesword: still download evolution...08:07
legend2440lancerocke: http://electronicplaygirl.com/Linux/Pixel/pixel_kubuntu_openEXR32libs.tar.gz08:07
iceswordyo2k__, it will take a long time08:07
Lit-ztarlolwut?!?!?!? I'm j|_|zt trying ta g3t zam3 ga|} |}4mn h31plal!~!~~!08:07
ubotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:07
yo2k__icesword: about 10minutes08:07
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
kamisalamidoes anyone know what h323 is used for (especially in asterisk)08:08
lancerockelegend2440: yeah, i have those http://pastebin.com/m75556ae4 i just dont know what to do with them? how, where do i pu tthem?08:08
gr1ff1nanyone has an idea why its taking ages before my downloads start ??? even with apt-get ???08:08
onefunkicesword: not sure but i think so.08:08
icesword!hfs | onefunk08:09
=== desna is now known as udinnn
Lit-ztarG|_|yz lal!~!~~! P134z3 lal!~!~~! I ni|} zam3 f|_|kking h31p, har3!08:09
ubotwoonefunk: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE08:09
lancerockelegend2440: hHow/Where do I put them? http://pastebin.com/m75556ae408:10
onefunkubotwo: thanks08:10
Lit-ztarI /r3411y/ r3411y r3411y j|_|zt ni|} zam3 h31plal!~!~~!08:10
prince_jammys!1337 > Lit-ztar08:10
oboy03how can i download update w/o installing them? i just want to make an apt cd08:11
legend2440lancerocke: /usr/lib32 perhaps08:11
Lit-ztarPrink3, I |}an't |_|n|}arzt4n|} \/\/h4t ya|_| 4r3 z3n|}ing m3lal!~!~~!08:11
nox-HandHow might one run Ubuntu from a USB external HDD?08:12
prince_jammysLit-ztar: /1g|\|0r3|}08:12
Lit-ztar\/\/hy \/\/a|_|1|} h3 t311 m3 |}4t h3 \/\/4z igna'ing m3lolwut?!?!?!? Iz h3 trying ta m4k3 m3 fi1 b4|}lolwut?!?!?!? \/\/H4T 4 F4G lal!~!~~!08:13
afterstep13when i run mplayer I sometimes get the error  open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p failed: Device or resource busy                    how do i find out which process is using a device or resource ?08:13
legend2440lancerocke: http://www.pixelcommunity.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=139#p619 mentions /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ as place to put them08:13
_ruben!ops | Lit-ztar08:14
ubotwoLit-ztar: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!08:14
ToastGuyprince_jammys or anyone, I'm trying to do something like this: createtorrent -a announce smb://dog/Movies/Thumbs.db mytorrent.torrent08:14
bullgard4Lit-ztar: Stop it.08:14
ToastGuybut it isn't working08:14
ToastGuyany ideas here?08:14
Lit-ztarzam3an3 \/\/4nt ta t311 m3 \/\/hy I'm 4 kh4nn31 3marg3nky lolwut?!?!?!?08:15
prince_jammysToastGuy: right. i don't use samba, so i don't know the proper syntax08:15
ToastGuyprince_jammys, ok08:15
prince_jammysToastGuy: maybe you have to issue a command to connect to samba first08:15
lancerockelegend2440: so what command do i use to copy that? http://pastebin.com/m5332e16e sudo cp -r ~/Desktop/Lib /emul/ia32-linux/lib/?08:15
ToastGuyprince_jammys, ya... that's kinda what I was finding when I read up on it... but I don't understand enough about ubuntu to get a grip on it08:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGis there any advantage to use rt kernel?08:16
ubotwoThe RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Gutsy08:16
ToastGuyprince_jammys, I found this.... but I don't know if I could use a command if I had to do all this...08:17
lancerockelegend2440: so what command do i use to copy that? http://pastebin.com/m5332e16e sudo cp -r ~/Desktop/Lib /emul/ia32-linux/lib/?08:17
ToastGuyit want's me to get into a smb: > shell08:17
KB-KrisMy list of most annoying questions from windozy people:08:18
ToastGuyprince_jammys, are you familiar with other applications that work this way?08:18
KB-Kris * Where's My Computer?  Where's C: drive?08:18
KB-Kris * Why is my floppy disk empty? & why can't I make new files on it?08:18
KB-Kris * Why is my USB thumb drive corrupt now? Windows doesn't make me un-mount it.08:18
KB-Kris * Why don't all my Windows games work on Linux? All my Xbox games work on my PS3.08:18
KB-Kris * I need to disable a device; Where's Device Manager?08:18
FloodBot3KB-Kris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:18
prince_jammysToastGuy: yes, mysql, for example08:18
prince_jammysToastGuy: or ftp08:18
ToastGuyprince_jammys, ya....08:18
ToastGuyI've wored with MYSQL08:18
legend2440lancerocke: yes that should work but may need sudo cp -r08:18
ToastGuyprince_jammys, but... can you execute applications outside of the shell?08:19
lancerockelegend2440: sudo cp -r ~/Desktop/Lib /emul/ia32-linux/lib/?08:19
ToastGuyI need to get this application called "createtorrent" to run... ot08:19
ToastGuyprince_jammys, it's in the /usrl/local/bin directory08:19
prince_jammysToastGuy: i don't know. there has to be a tutorial out there08:20
ToastGuyon samba?08:20
legend2440lancerocke:  is there a dir mamed /emul there already?08:20
lancerockelegend2440: no08:20
ToastGuyprince_jammys, it seems like I would need samba to run the applications if I'm inside it08:20
legend2440lancerocke:  your usibg x64 right?08:21
ToastGuyprince_jammys, or if that's the only way to access the files. right?08:21
lancerockelegend2440: yes08:21
yo2k__icesword: finish... then... ?08:21
prince_jammysToastGuy: the files are on a remote machine, right?08:21
iceswordyo2k__, i am soory?08:21
yo2k__icesword: sorry about ... ?08:22
ToastGuyprince_jammys,  and the application I need to process the files is only available on linux08:22
iceswordyo2k__, i remebered you,but what is your problem08:22
yo2k__i can't upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1008:22
fraggedmhm mplayer hangs with 'GNOME screensaver disabled' until I wait about a minute or hit control + c, any way to fix this?08:22
ToastGuyprince_jammys, I'm going to be setting this up to run as a cron job.08:22
yo2k__icesword: i can't upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1008:23
legend2440lancerocke:  do you have adir names /usr/lib32 anywhere?08:23
rockwellgumpanyone know of a rpg games server?08:23
ToastGuyprince_jammys, so I need to do this all from command line08:23
afterstep13how do i find out what process is using a particular device or file08:23
lancerockelegend2440: yes08:24
iceswordyo2k__, now did you run that command,sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:24
prince_jammysToastGuy: i see. i don't have the know-how with samba. the channel seems a bit thin now, but maybe someone knows. did you check if there is a #samba irc channel ?08:24
legend2440lancerocke:  i would try putting them there08:24
yo2k__IceWewe: after i type that, only upgrade evolution and depend... now finish08:25
lancerockelegend2440: sudo cp -r ~/Desktop/lib /lib3208:25
yo2k__Iceword: after i type that, only upgrade evolution and depend... now finish08:25
prince_jammysToastGuy: there is a channel08:25
ToastGuyoh cool08:25
ToastGuy will do08:25
prince_jammysToastGuy: that might be your ticket: #samba08:25
fraggedmhm mplayer hangs with 'GNOME screensaver disabled' until I wait about a minute or hit control + c, any way to fix this?08:26
legend2440lancerocke: sudo cp -r /usr/lib3208:26
lancerockelegend2440: sudo cp -r ~/Desktop/lib /lib32" wont that copy the folder "lib" and not the contents? how do i copy the contents?08:26
ToastGuyprince_jammys, thanks for your awesome help08:26
afterstep13ns list afterstep1308:26
ToastGuyprince_jammys, it's hard thinking of everything when I'm trying to understand how to do just 1 thing08:27
yo2k__Iceword: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:27
onefunkmy cd drive won't mount. any tips?08:28
prince_jammysToastGuy: yes, i know what you mean. good luck. hopefully they can help you there08:28
legend2440lancerocke: in terminal gksudo nautilus then just do it like you would in gui browser08:28
yo2k__i can't upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, any suggest ... ?08:28
KR-dataI'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'll try anyway, if anyone know a better place, please tell me so08:29
KR-dataI'm searching for a linux-distro which is set up for developmen, so I got the developmenttools preinstalled and so on08:29
mike_anyone know anything about firefox/opera conflicts in gutsy gibbon?08:31
lancerockelegend2440: that worked08:31
lancerockelegend2440: thanks so much08:31
mike_prince_jammys, know anything about firefox/opera conflicts in gutsy gibbon?08:31
legend2440lancerocke: does the app work?08:31
jullei'm having hdd issues when bootingan ext3 hdd. its a primary partition, with only stuff on it. maybe i should have done a logical partition. it gets error and says something about superblocks?08:32
prince_jammysmike_: no, i don't. i'm not sure what you mean by conflicts, but i doubt it.08:32
prince_jammysmike_ are you m33..  who i was talking to earlier?08:33
legend2440lancerocke:  yw08:33
KR-datamike_, what conflicts do you have?08:33
mike_prince_jammys: yeah this is me from earlier. i got flash working in firefox but i am restless til i figure it out in opera because i love opera so much.. you just figure its an opera issue or what?08:34
prince_jammysmike_: my guess is that yes, it's an opera problem08:34
prince_jammysmike_: did you try other things suggested in that bug report?08:35
mwaznyplease help! I ran the update manager and now my wireless network adapter won't show up, and it's not even in the Hardware Drivers menu anymore. I'm running Hardy Heron and have a Broadcomm wireless adapter08:36
onefunkhow to get my cdrom drive to mount08:36
KR-datamike_, I got flash working on my opera on kubuntu, unfortunately I'm not at the box atm, but I can run a search if you want?08:37
mike_prince_jammys: i quit trying after firefox worked08:37
iceswordonefunk, sudo mount -a08:37
prince_jammysmwazny: try the hardy channel : #ubuntu+108:37
mwaznyo ok08:37
mike_KR-data: i appreciate anything you can do08:37
KR-datamike_, tried this page: http://www.opera.com/linux/docs/plugins/install/#flash08:38
prince_jammysKR-data: earlier he installed the beta version of Opera 9.50, but also had opera from before. he couldn't play flash with the old opera, and the new opera is choppy08:38
NeT_DeMoN_anyone here know anything about awn?08:39
KR-dataprince_jammys, I think it's 9.50 I'm running, but as I'm not at the box I can't check08:39
prince_jammysi know nothing of awn08:40
prince_jammyswhat's wrong?08:40
lancerockelegend2440: uve been very helpful. thank you08:40
* NeT_DeMoN_ is dying to have awn08:40
prince_jammysNeT_DeMoN_: and you can't install it?08:40
NeT_DeMoN_i know nothing about it08:41
NeT_DeMoN_ive been trying to ask08:41
NeT_DeMoN_so i dont mess up anything08:41
=== afterstep13 is now known as platinumblack
prince_jammysNeT_DeMoN_: i think you have to add a repository and then apt-get install08:41
NeT_DeMoN_prince_jammys: alright, thanks08:42
prince_jammysNeT_DeMoN_: just google ubuntu gutsy installing avant window navigator08:42
NeT_DeMoN_prince_jammys: alright, thanks08:42
prince_jammysNeT_DeMoN_: there's a how-to08:42
prince_jammysNeT_DeMoN_: this one will likely do: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navigator-awn-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html08:43
nortyQuestion: I want to setup my computer so that I can ssh into it from a remote location (typically from my laptop which is running windows xp). How do i do this? (I am running ubuntu 7.10)08:43
KR-datamike_, I'll get someone over to set up an ssh-server at my box, so I can check the basic setup of my opera, but it might take a little while :)08:43
NeT_DeMoN_prince_jammys: thanks08:44
lesshasteI just did modprobe rt73..how do I start up the wireless networking now?08:45
lesshasteifup wlan0 gives me "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0"08:45
onefunki tried sudo mount -a and still no sign of my cd rom drive08:45
onefunkicesword, i tried sudo mount -a and still no sign of my cd rom drive08:46
nortyQuestion: I want to setup my computer so that I can ssh into it from a remote location (typically from my laptop which is running windows xp). How do i do this? (I am running ubuntu 7.10)08:46
ubotwoSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:46
abhi_where can i find the thunderbird installation directory?08:46
iceswordonefunk, run mount,see where is it08:46
KR-datamike_, it seems that the only thing I've done is to setup flashplugin-nonfree and it seems to just work08:47
macogwnorty: insteall oe...i cant hit backspace... install p...bah...install openssh-server08:47
macogwnorty: sorry, but my terminal (which i use for irc) is currently broken so hitting backspace doesn't work right08:47
Gattonabhi_, Thunderbird program file or where it stores your mail etc?08:47
abhi_Gatton: where it stores my Mail08:48
Gattonabhi_, you should have a .mozilla-thunderbird folder in your home folder. it'll have a folder with a crazy name like 2kvy2985.default etc08:48
abhi_hmmmm... ok08:48
lesshasteI just did modprobe rt73..how do I start up the wireless networking now?08:50
auraxdoes anyone what package i have to install in order to have the file /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions (like in centos/redhat)08:50
nortymacogw, i get an error when trying to install openssh-server, here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59113/08:50
fraggedmhm mplayer hangs with 'GNOME screensaver disabled' until I wait about a minute or hit control + c, any way to fix this?08:50
qlinuxhai abhi08:51
nortyCan someone help me with this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59113/08:51
macogwnorty: that's not openssh-server's fault. that's because you interrupted postgresql's installation.08:51
macogwnorty: you have to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to finish it08:51
macogwnorty: interrupting an installation is a bad idea08:52
nortymacogw, I wasn't trying to install postgresql, i already installed that yesterday08:52
macogwnorty: it looks like you didnt finish the postgres install yesterday08:52
macogwnorty: i mean, the error's complaining about postgresql, not openssh-server08:52
KR-datanorty, try following a setupguide for postgres08:53
macogwnorty: though i'm not sure why it's owned by not-you...08:53
nortymacogw, i understand, but postgresql works and is installed correctly, i deleted a bad version of it right before i installed a new version so that could be the problem but i did  the command and it gives me the same errors08:53
KR-datamacogw, postgres has it's own user for security08:53
nortyKR-data, i did, i followed it step by step and finished the installation08:53
macogwnorty: the "bad version" is still there then08:54
macogwnorty: or its configuration is still there08:54
yo2k__hi... i can't upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, any suggest ... ?08:54
macogwyo2k__: explain08:54
nortymacogw, i bet the config is still there, how do i find it and remove it?08:54
magnetronnorty: you should use the package system to uninstall software, you must not go about and just delete the files08:54
yo2k__macogw: audo apt-get dist-upgrade, do nothing08:55
nortymagnetron, i didnt i did apt-get purge remove.. etc08:55
blankthemuffinOk so I just managed to do the impossible and stuff up my partitions with gparted. Seems I can nolonger get the "used" of my main ntfs partition, and therefore can't resize it. Ideas??08:55
yo2k__macogw: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:55
magnetronyo2k__: do you get any errors? in what way does it not work?08:55
macogwyo2k__: well youd have to change the sources.list first, but dont do that. use the update manager. it has special checks so things dont break08:55
yo2k__i use a main server08:55
macogwyo2k__: gksu "update-manager -c"08:55
macogwyo2k__: that doesnt matter08:55
lesshasteI can't get my wireless to work..is it possible to install a hardy heron kernel to try that?08:55
yo2k__macogw: i try that...08:56
magnetronmacogw: gksu requires gtk08:56
macogwyo2k__: if you do a command line dist-upgrade, you have to change the sources.list to the new version's repos, but it doesnt do any checks08:56
macogwmagnetron: so?08:56
macogwmagnetron: ubuntu includes it...08:56
nortymacogw, regardless of the postgresql error, how do i get openssh-server, i did that command and it didn't install anything08:56
magnetronmacogw: he's on a server08:56
legend2440fragged: do you have "stop xscreensaver" checked in mplayer preferences?08:56
macogwnorty: you cant install anything until you fix the postgresql08:56
macogwmagnetron: oh he is? he didnt say that...08:56
magnetronmacogw: he did08:56
macogwmagnetron: where?08:57
magnetron<yo2k__> i use a main server08:57
macogwmagnetron: uh huh....i think that means the main repo08:57
fraggedlegend2440, yes08:57
macogwmagnetron: because i said he'd have to change his sources.list08:57
magnetronyo2k__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades08:57
nortymacogw, ok how do i fix the postgresql error, i think i didn't delete the config files, where might they be located?08:57
legend2440fragged: does unchecking that help?08:57
macogwnorty: not like that08:58
yo2k__magnetron, i try that... thank's...08:58
macogwnorty: uninstalling does not mean deleting the files08:58
magnetronnorty: deleting files will NOT solve your problem08:58
macogwnorty: thatd be a *bad* idea and maybe break worse08:58
fraggedIt does, but it'd be preferable to have the screensaver disabled while playing the movie and then enabled again afterwards.08:58
nortymacogw, i understand but i have another postgresql installed and its the same version, i dont want to get rid of that...08:58
macogwnorty: to uninstall postgresql and remove all it's configs: "sudo aptitude purge postgresql"08:58
yo2k__i use update manager, after open gui dialog and download 2 file and ... do nothing, the gui is close08:58
chrome-homeHey can anyone recommend a good way to subscribe to an RSS feed of torrents and have the feed automatically download the files?08:58
atlefneed to reinstall, have /boot, /, /usr, /var,/home and swap. Which do i format and which do i keep.08:59
chrome-homelike, uTorrent does, ideally.08:59
legend2440fragged: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer/+bug/15208008:59
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 152080 in mplayer "mplayer doesn't turn off screensaver while playing because of a typo" [Undecided,Fix released]08:59
yo2k__but do not error08:59
macogwatlef: / has to be formatted.  /var's probably good to empty out.  keep home. swap's fine. boot....depends08:59
magnetron!deluge | chrome-home09:00
ubotwochrome-home: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.09:00
macogwatlef: well maybe rephrase. if you want to keep your user files, keep /home. otherwise, format it too09:00
=== LimCore is now known as limcore
chrome-homemagnetron: thanks :)09:00
macogwatlef: i just partition as /, /home, and swap.  on a server i'd add /var because services can fill logs09:00
macogwatlef: keeping /usr might keep your software that's installed...except that if its config is in /etc that wont help09:01
nortymacogw, i tried that command here was the output i got: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59115/ ... wtf is going on??09:01
macogwatlef: and at that point no point in reinstalling :P09:01
yo2k__magnetron: still not work...09:01
macogwnorty: its still trying to finish setting up postgresql...09:01
magnetron!doesn't work > yo2k__09:02
macogwnorty: are you sure "sudo dpkg --configure -a" doesnt help?09:02
atlefmacogw: thx09:02
nortymacogw, yes i did that command09:02
yo2k__magnetron: yes, i follow that screen, but after finish in 'preparing...' then close...09:02
yo2k__magnetron: no error warning or ...09:02
nortymacogw, it gives me the same error about trying to install postgresql 8.109:02
macogwnorty: i have no idea how to undo what you broke.  all i can say is never try to delete files as a makeshift uninstall.09:02
Chen_TTcens0red:So cool09:02
nortymacogw, i didn't i always used apt-get or aptitude..09:03
nortymacogw, can i use synaptic package manager to manually remove them?09:03
yo2k__magnetron: i use in laptop acer aspire 140009:03
macogwnorty: what was this "bad version" thing?09:03
macogwnorty: did you delete the postgresql user?09:04
nortymacogw, i messed up some config files and i couldn't remember how to fix them so i wanted to uninstall and reinstall09:04
nortymacogw, yes and then i made a new one09:04
coincoin169anyone knows about bluetooth and pand ???09:04
macogwnorty: and when you tried to uninstall and reinstall you didnt know that uninstalling doesnt delete config files?09:04
nortymacogw, i guess i knew that but thought reinstalling would overwrite them09:04
lesshasteI just did modprobe rt73..how do I start up the wireless networking now?09:04
macogwnorty: ok in the users & groups thing, try making your postgresql user be # 112 instead of whatever it is now09:04
nortymacogw, how do i set a user id.. ?09:06
macogwnorty: you're on a normal gui system, right?09:06
macogwnorty: not a server with all command line?09:07
macogwnorty: go to system -> administration -> users & groups09:07
macogwnorty: and bear with me because i think the tool is slightly different on my computer since i'm running the development version of ubuntu09:08
macogwnorty: manage groups09:08
macogwnorty: click on postgresql09:08
macogwnorty: then properties09:08
macogwnorty: and set the group id number to 11209:08
macogwnorty: it should at least be *close* to those names for the buttons09:08
Daniel^im running a realvnc server on my vista laptop, but for some reason i cant connect to it from my ubuntu laptop, with krdc, anybody knows why?09:09
Daniel^i have disabled firewalls etc.09:09
jimcooncatDaniel, try telnet laptop-ip-number 5900 and see if you get any kind of vnc message09:10
vallhallacan any see this?09:11
lesshastehow do I install the ati restricted graphics drivers?09:11
prince_jammys!ati | lesshaste09:12
ubotwolesshaste: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:12
nortymacogw, i tried that but everytime i set it and then go back in to look to see if it stayed it goes b ack to its original id which is 100109:12
rosebuntuhi, everybody09:12
dfstefancould please somebody ... give me a hint,,, on why i can't start install of ubuntu for 32 bits procs on an amd turion x64 ?09:12
lesshasteprince_jammys, thanks.. at one point ubuntu offered them to me09:12
lesshasteprince_jammys, but it doesn't anymore09:13
rosebuntuhey guys, where are you from?09:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGdfstefan, dl the i386 livecd and install from it09:13
dfstefani did ...09:13
dfstefanit doesn't start09:13
jimcooncatrosebuntu: there's 1130 users here, that might take a while09:14
dfstefani mean ... i get the screen with start or install ubuntu and rest of options09:14
nortyDoes anyone know how i can change the UID of a user?09:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGdfstefan, then what happened?09:14
dfstefanbut when i hit enter on options .. it starts loading untill a point and then it freeses09:14
macogwnorty: its actually a group ID i think09:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGdfstefan, try the safegraphic mode?09:15
macogwnorty: it doesnt save?09:15
nortymacogw, no09:15
macogwnorty: weird...but it does ask for your password, right?09:15
dfstefani have ordered the cd ... and then downloaded a version09:15
dfstefansame result on both cd's09:15
nortymacogw,  yes, when i click on the postgres user it says UID is 1001 and its grayed out and i can't change it, but when i go to manage groups and click on postgres and i change the group UI it changes but when i close everything and go back it goes back to 1001 not 11209:16
macogwnorty: but the GID stays 112?09:16
macogwnorty: or do both go to 1001?09:17
jimcooncatdfstefan: you may need alternate or mini-iso install09:17
macogwnorty: because 1001 usually means *you*09:17
dfstefanhum ... where can i get those from ?09:17
nortymacogw, the GUI that change goes back to 1001 and the UID of postgres stays 1001 the entire time09:17
prince_jammysnorty: try creating a user with id 11209:18
mactimesHello everyone.  Is there a way I can enable remote desktop to let me access a computer remotely, i.e. through VNC, but at logon screen, not being necessary to logged in and enabling remote desktop from that account?09:19
jimcooncatdfstefan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:19
dfstefanjimcooncat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD this is good ?09:19
prince_jammysnorty: is there currently a user with id 112?09:19
dfstefan:) thank you09:19
insmod<norty>just edit the group file --- done -- 2 secs09:19
nortyprince_jammys, ok i created the user and now it says the group 120 doesn't exist anymore..09:20
insmod<norty>just edit the group file --- done -- 2 secs09:20
jimcooncatdfstefan: yes, it takes a long time, for the actual installation; but less overall than dl the full install then installing.09:20
ukkopekkalittle while after boot my usb suddenly stops working. its annoying to use historical ps2. I've searched solution from forums and lists but havent found any.09:20
prince_jammysnorty: eek09:20
rdsrhey... does anyone know how to use the package mit-scheme-dbg09:20
dfstefani see. thank you09:21
dfstefani will try that09:21
rdsrI have installed it .... but couldn't figure out how to use it09:21
jimcooncatdfstefan: If possible do it at work or school where you'd have a second computer to look up questions or get back here for help09:21
insmod<norty> use your fav editor and edit /etc/group09:21
dfstefandoing that now ... i am at home09:21
dfstefanthank you jimcooncat09:22
rdsrhey... does anyone know how to use the package mit-scheme-dbg09:22
jimcooncatdfstefan: you've already seen there might be something stopping you, so expect a glitch somewhere. yw09:22
prince_jammysnorty: might as well try the install/uninstall you were doing earlier09:22
dfstefanbut ,,, i don't understand why the x64 version worked09:22
nortyinsmod, ok that worked now my error is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59116/09:23
norty.. grr09:23
jimcooncatdfstefan: I can't either. is it hardy, gutsy, or dapper?09:23
jimcooncatdfstefan: no clue, I installed gutsy 32 on an amd64 just fine09:24
insmod<norty> looks like you should just start it manually09:24
jimcooncatdfstefan: maybe some wierdness with the display drivers09:25
dfstefani have an asus f3tc laptop09:25
insmod<norty> if thar=t works move it later in the rc file09:25
dfstefanwith nvidia geforce 7300 video card09:25
nortyinsmod, what?09:25
macogwnorty: it keeps trying to start postgres after it tries to configure it, he suggested starting it so it doesnt try to do it09:26
jimcooncatdfstefan: that sounds reasonable. the install you'll do is more manual, so you'll see more of the error messages that might give you a clue if it binds up09:26
insmod<norty> the rc.d init failed -- no biggy just start it in init.d then redo a good rc file if it works09:27
nortyinsmod, sorry i dont konw what you mean - im a linux newbie09:27
nortymacogw, ok how might i do that?09:27
macogwnorty: i dont know what he's talking about now09:27
legend2440dfstefan: did you try the different boot options by hitting the Fn keys from the livecd menu screen?09:27
dfstefani just gaved it another try ... changed the display to max it allowed me when pressed F409:27
macogwnorty: i thought he was talking about doing "sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start" but maybe not09:27
dfstefanseems it passed the load screen09:28
rouinihi there is there any 3d games for Ubuntu 7.1009:28
dfstefanthe one with horizontal bar09:28
jimcooncatnorty, you got any data worth saving?09:28
dfstefannow ... it's a black screen09:28
insmod<norty>ls /etc/init.d09:28
coincoin169world of padman.com09:28
nortyjimcooncat, now i have everything backped up in a txt file09:28
znlchicaycomment les gars???09:29
dfstefan1 step forward lol09:29
rouinican give me the name of any 3d games09:29
nortyinsmod, this is the error it says in the log file  : 2008-03-10 04:22:27 CDT FATAL:  could not access private key file "server.key": Permission denied09:29
nortyinsmod, ok i did ls /etc/init.d .. what now?09:29
jimcooncatnorty, you should just reinstall then after purging everything. sudo aptitude purge postgresql && sudo aptitude install postgresql09:30
macogwrouini: frets on fire09:30
insmod<macogw> and if it works just redo a new rc file09:30
macogwrouini: its like guitar hero09:30
jullerouini: wow09:30
znlchicayMais personne ne parle fancais ici???09:30
prince_jammys!fr | znlchicay09:30
ubotwoznlchicay: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:30
nortyjimcooncat, i tried purging but im getting this error and its not letting me purge09:30
macogwrouini: i use an Xplorer 360 to play it :)09:30
jimcooncatnorty maybe postgres isn't shutting down?09:30
znlchicayOk merci09:31
macogwrouini: i assume Quake, Doom, and Unreal Tournament are 3D.  they're all linux-native09:31
rouinithank you so much09:31
macogwrouini: you can play some Windows games in Wine too.  I know World of Warcraft is popular among Ubuntu users09:32
prince_jammysrouini: open arena, also09:32
nortyjimcooncat, postgres isn't running09:32
macogwrouini: Tremulus for aliens v. humans09:32
jimcooncatnorty, what's your error please09:32
nortymacogw, any ideas ?09:32
prince_jammysnorty: what about trying to reinstall it and then remove it?09:32
nortyjimcooncat, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59116/09:33
legend2440rouini: http://www.linux.org/apps/all/Entertainment/3D_Games.html09:33
nortyprince_jammys, its already installed09:33
prince_jammysnorty: yes, but the installation is messed up apparently09:33
nortybut for some reason i am getting an error when i try to install other stuff09:33
nortyprince_jammys, if i could just purge and remove everything related to postgres and reinstall that is what i want to do09:33
macogwprince_jammys: it's a permissions problem because of some config files that were changed.  can't purge the config files now though :-/09:33
rosebuntudo you know KLDP?09:33
prince_jammysmacogw: what aaout trying to reinstall the package, and then purge it?09:34
insmod<norty>sudo apt-get -f install09:34
rouinimy computer is amd 64 dual core is my computer support such games09:34
jimcooncatnorty: that's a startup error, not one you'd get from trying to uninstall09:34
macogwprince_jammys: well he's already reinstalled it once...09:34
prince_jammysi thought he reinstalled and then messed with the config files09:35
nortyinsmod, i keep getting the same error when i tried that command09:35
macogwprince_jammys: he said he had a "bad version" (the version where he broke the config) so he uninstalled and reinstalled hoping itd overwrite the broken config09:35
nortyinsmod, it seems to error when its trying to start up, how might i get it from trying to start right away?09:35
erawfish_norty: why do you use insmod?09:35
prince_jammysinsmod is a nickname here09:36
rouiniAMD is the best in games or Intel09:36
HinHinDoes anyone know where does apt-get -d (download only) stores the packages?09:36
insmod<norty>sudo apt-get install postgresql09:36
jimcooncatpermissions must be hosed somewhere, reinstall seems only real recourse. but you have to purge your old setup09:37
erawfish_HinHin: /var/cache/apt/archives/09:37
erawfish_rouini: this is OT09:37
HinHinerawfish_, ;) thanks09:37
nortyinsmod, ok that installed a new version of postgres..09:37
insmod<norty> :)09:37
nortyinsmod, now what? should i try to purge everything now?09:37
jimcooncatrouini: your graphics driver is more important for games than cpu09:38
AranelI bought a new 5 + 1 sound system but It doesnt give sound under Linux. I tried in Windows and it works.09:38
insmod<norty> error should be fixed09:38
AranelHow can I use it with Linux ?09:38
ubotwoUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:38
nortyinsmod, it is not fixed, same error exists09:38
insmod<norty> ? restart then see09:38
ubotwoTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE09:39
swombatis there a script i can install on Xubuntu that will jiggle the mouse every minute if there hasn't been any activity, to keep the sleep mode from kicking in?09:39
ubotwoHow should I know?09:39
rosebuntuhey, i want to get Vista theme for Ubuntu09:39
macogwswombat: why not turn off sleep mode?09:39
rosebuntuwhere can i foind it?09:39
macogwrosebuntu: gnome-look.org09:39
swombatmacogw: tried, spent several hours trying all sorts of things to do that, and failed09:39
insmod<swombat> errr just turn it off09:39
swombat(that was a month ago, don't ask me what i tried)09:39
rosebuntui can't find it in gnome.org09:39
macogwswombat: did you check power settings?09:40
Linux_Fresheri fail to understand the installation program of ubuntu :(09:40
swombatyes yes and yes to the next question too :-)09:40
macogwswombat: oh. re-check power settings09:40
swombatnah, that i won't do, i don't have hours to try all the same things again09:40
onnorokomplz help me09:40
mactimesIs there a way I can enable "Remote Desktop" at GDM logon screen?09:40
macogwLinux_Fresher: why? you mark some checkboxes, stuff downloads and installs, you get on with life09:40
prince_jammysLinux_Fresher: again? did you try to reinstall?09:40
swombathence my question... is there a script i can install on Xubuntu that will jiggle the mouse every minute if there hasn't been any activity, to keep the sleep mode from kicking in?09:40
onnorokomplz help me09:41
insmod<swombat> lol just delete the line from xorg.conf -- done09:41
swombatinsmod: did that before, it didn't work09:41
aditsuhi, I'm trying to start cron on a ubuntu machine, but it says "fail"09:41
onnorokominsmod plz help me09:41
swombatthere's something else somewhere deep inside xubuntu (and no, it's not the BIOS settings) that kicks in sleep mode09:41
onnorokominsmod plz help me09:41
insmod<swombat> and uninstall all screensavers09:41
aditsuwhere can I see the error details?09:41
legend2440rosebuntu: http://gnomestyle.blogspot.com/2007/05/make-ubuntu-look-like-vista.html09:41
Linux_Fresherprince_jammys yesterday i spent around 4 hours on it , but it always tries to overwrite my windows .. i have uploaded some screenshots of it .. i think i will buy a fresh HD and install it on that .. so that nothing is lost :)09:41
macogwLinux_Fresher: wait the thing for installing software in ubuntu or how to install ubuntu itself?09:41
atlef!ask | onnorokom:09:41
ubotwoonnorokom:: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:41
insmod<swombat> you can also shut it off in bios for good -- best way09:42
Linux_Freshermacogw trying to install ubuntu from Live CD to my 80 GB hd09:42
onnorokomsomeone plz give me a site where i can found ubuntu software09:42
macogwLinux_Fresher: it should give you an option to use what's available. if it doesnt your windows stuff is spread too far out leaving no nice large empty chunk.  try defragging09:42
rosebuntuthank you, legend244009:42
nortyinsmod, nope that didn't fix it, the error is still the same09:42
macogwLinux_Fresher: if that *still* doesn't work, use the manual partitioner09:42
swombatinsmod: believe me. I did all these things and they did not work09:42
swombatso is there a script that does what i need?09:42
legend2440rosebuntu: yw09:42
Linux_Freshermacogw its all done, i have 15 gigs free, want to give ubuntu 5 gb of it09:42
insmod<onnorokom>sudo synaptic09:42
nortyinsmod, do you know where i might edit the config file so that it doesn't try to start up, that seems to be where it errors09:42
macogwLinux_Fresher: hit "manual partitioner"09:43
atlef!synnaptic : onnorokom:09:43
ubotwoatlef: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:43
v3ctorswombat: there is obviously something you missed, but if you want such a script you will most likely have to write one09:43
insmodswombat : and get rid of the dot files09:43
Linux_Freshermacogw .. yup .. i get stuck at the step 4 of installation09:43
macogwLinux_Fresher: Linux_Fresher actually, first open a terminal and type "sudo gparted"09:43
insmod<norty> rc09:43
onnorokominsmod i couldn't understand09:43
nortyinsmod, what is rc?09:43
swombatv3ctor: i'm sure there is, but i don't have all the hours going spare to figure out what that is.09:43
swombatinsmod: what . files?09:44
insmod<norty> the rc.0 files in /etc/09:44
Linux_Freshermacogw when i choose /dev/sda1   [ thats my 80 gb sata HD which is fully ntfs and has 15 gb free ] .. it gives a warning/info message saying that i have selected the whole drive .. there i am not sure if its gonna format the whole drive which I dont want to happen09:44
v3ctorswombat: will take you less time than finding a script that doesn't exist ;)09:44
macogwLinux_Fresher: run sudo gparted09:44
swombatif the answer is that the script does not exist, you're right09:44
ctx144khello all09:44
macogwLinux_Fresher: we're going to resize the partition so you have a free chunk for ubuntu09:45
ctx144ki installed ubuntu on my pc09:45
onnorokomwhat is synnaptic insmod?09:45
RabidWeezleany xchat users? I lost my top menu, any hotkey to get it back?09:45
nortyinsmod, rc.local?09:45
Linux_Freshermacogw .. ok .. cool .. right now I am in windoz .. let me reboot to live cd09:45
swombatv3ctor: so that means this laptop is basically useless. oh well.09:45
ctx144ki see, that there are UUIDs in /etc/fstab09:45
onnorokominsmod i couldn't understand09:45
onnorokomwhat is synnaptic insmod?09:45
jimcooncat!synaptic | onnorokom09:45
ubotwoonnorokom: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:45
insmodswombat : any that use a gui or bakend -- i would just del all in your dir and recopy from skel09:45
jimcooncatlittle spelling glitch09:45
ctx144kare they workng too, if ill copy the disk via dd from one hda to sda for example?09:46
swombatinsmod: why would that change anything?09:46
nortyinsmod, ok im in the rc file i dont know what to change.. any ideas?09:46
insmod<onnorokom>: has programs to install09:46
insmodswombat : that is where it loads09:47
oboy03what does -f stand for in sudo apt-get install -f?09:47
swombathmm, iirc the sleep mode kicks in even when at the login screen09:48
swombatbut i guess it's worth a try09:48
* swombat logs out and waits to see if the sleep will still kick in09:48
=== mute is now known as mutesyndrome
insmod<norty> http://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-rc.html09:48
mactimesoboy03: http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get  (fix broken packages)09:48
mactimesoboy03: /s/packages/dependencies09:49
fx|RabBi2hi all! how do i find out what dependencies openssl has? i dont find that on their homepage...09:49
beerdeaapldd `which openssl`09:49
fx|RabBi2beerdeaap: ah very nice thank you, and can you maybe also tell me how to determine what requirements for a non installed version?09:50
fx|RabBi2beerdeaap: speaking in terms of wanting to update from 0.9.8c to 8g?09:51
StiveGis there any chan specific to Hardy?09:52
ubotwoHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:52
StiveGhave some bugs with latest updates...09:52
StiveGok, thanks :)09:52
insmod<norty> try You can also use update-rc.d script as follows (update-rc.d removes any links in the /etc/rcX.d directories to the script /etc/init.d/service):09:53
insmod# update-rc.d -f {SERVICE-NAME} remove09:53
uzumakinarutocan someone help me with using wget to get only a subset of pages from a site?09:53
nortyinsmod, i got it to stop trying to start automatically, it was a file in /etc/postgresql09:53
nortyand that fixed the error09:53
nortynow should i try to purge and remove everything?09:53
insmod<norty>no need once the service stops it should be ok09:54
Byronhi, i just bought a new screen, but i cant put the resolution up 1280x105009:54
Byronand the screen keeps telling me i need to09:54
LaughedHey guys, I was wondering... IF MS's answer to the Itunes app was its own Zune app, what does Linux have???09:55
insmod<Byron>: add the option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:55
nortyinsmod, but everytime i try to use apt-get it tries to setup the postgres installation that isn't complete09:55
Byroncan someone help me out?09:55
rosebuntuByron / you should insatll the driver for your video card09:55
nortyinsmod, i want to get rid of that incomplete installation09:55
insmod<norty>why not just remove it09:55
Byroninsmod: i tried that, but it didnt make any differnce09:55
nortyinsmod, sudo apt-get remove postgresql-8.1 ?09:55
Byronrosebuntu: im using  the nvidia-glx09:55
rosebuntuall right09:56
insmodsudo apt-get remove postgresql09:56
rosebuntuByron / you should the driver for nvidia09:56
Linux_Fresherback soz it took longer than expected .. please see this link -->http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotyz2.png09:56
nortyinsmod, but its only the 8.1 version i want to remove, not the 8.3 version, what will postgresql do? remove them both?09:56
hindihi there, i have a problem using ice0.4 in ubuntu, can somebody help ?09:56
Byron rosebuntu: what do you mean? is the one ubuntu provided not correct?09:56
v3ctorfx|RabBi2: the requirments should be in the INSTALL file09:57
Linux_Fresheri got stuck here because it says all current partitions will be removed .. will that make me lose all my data ?09:57
insmod<Byron>: if you added it to defualt it has to09:57
Byroni've enabled the restricted driver09:57
rosebuntuByron / glx is a common for all video card. you should install driver for nvidia09:57
insmod<norty>ya then reinstall the one you need -- or try sudo synaptic09:57
macogwLinux_Fresher: exit the installer and follow these directions09:57
macogwLinux_Fresher: http://pastebin.ca/93631509:57
Linux_Freshermacogw:  kk09:57
Byronrosebuntu is that one i can get from the nvidia site?09:59
macogwByron: did you try the one from the restricted driver manager?09:59
Linux_Freshermacogw:  very very nicely given .. thanks .. btw i have 1 Gig ram, is that Ok for swap file ? so that 4 Gigs remain for ext3 file system ? i cant give anymore space to it .. just freshly learning linux atm09:59
macogwLinux_Fresher: yes, that's fine09:59
Byron macogw: yes09:59
Laugheddoes anyone have the link for the lite iso version of ubuntu10:00
macogwByron: ok if that one doesnt work, then try the one from nvidia.com10:00
rosebuntuByron / yes, you should download it  from nvidia site10:00
hindiwhatever i do when trying to run  ices -c /usr/local/etc/ices.conf.dist i get : Could not find a valid playlist file.10:00
h40anyone here good at html and got a few spare minutes?10:01
Byronrosebuntu: ok im downloading NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12.pkg1.run10:01
macogwh40: whats up? im more used to xhtml these days, but sure10:01
macogwh40: this isnt really the channel for this though :P10:01
h40im trying to formulate a table, for a navbar10:01
macogwh40: O_o hello 1990s10:02
h40if you could point me in the right direction, thatd be great10:02
LaughedMOds: do you guys have the lionk for the lite version of ubuntu10:02
LaughedI cant find it10:02
h40im just used to getting great help here10:02
macogwLaughed: xubuntu?10:02
Laughedno, reg. there was a super lite ISO, I had the link but lost it10:02
fx|RabBi2if i want to install openssl v 0.9.8g but i have already 0.9.8c installed, do i have to remove that before installing?10:02
macogwh40: #html but really you should be separating style from content.  you can use an unordered list and some CSS10:02
Laughedand searches arent pulling up swuat10:02
hindiHere my question about ices again : whatever i do when trying to run  ices -c /usr/local/etc/ices.conf.dist i get : Could not find a valid playlist file.10:02
macogwh40: if you have the css in a separate file, changing just that one file can change the layout of every page on your site10:03
hindiCan somebody help on this ?10:03
h40im so clueless =[10:03
h40got a good website tutorial?10:03
h40for creating CSS10:03
macogwh40: if you'd like a recommendation for a book, Stylin' With CSS by Charles Wyke Smith is very good10:03
macogwh40: for CSS.... w3schools should have it10:04
macogwh40: that's best online reference10:04
h40ok cool10:04
Linux_Freshermacogw: 2 Qs: 1- MiB is same as MB or MegaBytes or its something else ?  2: Free Space Preceding: =?  do i have to keep some preceding space ?10:04
h40ill check it out :-/10:04
prince_jammysh40: this is a good one too: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/Overview.html10:04
iceswordi cannot change my resolution10:04
fx|RabBi2h40:  google for selfhtml imho best webdesign howto ever...10:04
iceswordi only can use 800X60010:04
h40thx alot10:04
Laughednm, guys found it10:04
h40just to give u an idea10:04
iceswordwhen i change to 1024X768,refresh rate turn to 0 hz10:04
macogwLinux_Fresher: 1 MiB is "mebibyte" which is 1024 kilobytes, the old meaning for a megabyte. nowadays, megabyte officially means 1000 kilobytes because hard drive manufacturers like to cheat people out of storage space10:05
macogwLinux_Fresher: #2 no10:05
_rubenLaughed: JeOS is as light as you can get i guess10:05
macogwLinux_Fresher: thats only in case you want to make the partitions out of order10:05
Byronrosebuntu: its telling me to shutdown x before installing how do i do that?10:05
macogwByron: ctrl alt f1 to get to a terminal, then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"10:05
h40this is the image i made, and seperated already for a table10:05
ByronYou appear to be running an X server; please exit X before10:05
blankthemuffinsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:05
LaughedThe miniisntall is 9mb10:06
iceswordi cannot change my resolution,i can only use 800X600.when i change to 1024X768,the refresh rate turn to 0 hz,so that is the thing,how to fix it,:(10:06
LaughedI just found it, ty10:06
nortyQuestion: How do I completely get rid of a user in ubuntu 7.10 ?10:06
macogwh40: you want to use images of text instead of real text?10:06
prince_jammys!ot > h4010:06
Linux_Freshermacogw:  excellent explaination :)10:06
macogwh40: so bad for accessibility....10:06
iceswordi cannot change my resolution,i can only use 800X600.when i change to 1024X768,the refresh rate turn to 0 hz,so that is the thing,how to fix it,:(10:07
macogwprince_jammys: leave 'im be. i'm helping him out and i dont feel like joining #html just to do so10:07
h40accessibility? either way you click a button right?10:07
iceswordsorry,i repeat10:07
macogwh40: if you're blind and you have a screenreader reading the text to you, the screenreader just says "there's an image"10:07
macogwh40: it doesnt tell them what the text on the image says10:07
h40ah ok10:07
iceswordand when i open the monitor settings,it said unknown10:07
macogwh40: yes, blind people use the interwebs :)10:08
h40im just not good enough to do so much10:08
h40trying to keep it simple i guess :-/10:08
=== epifanio_ is now known as epifanio
h40i will relieve this room of html chat though10:08
h40im checking those texts and sites out10:08
h40thx again10:08
iceswordi cannot change my resolution,i can only use 800X600.when i change to 1024X768,the refresh rate turn to 0 hz,so that is the thing,how to fix it,when i open monitor resolutions settings,it said unknown10:08
h40i cant PM u10:09
prince_jammysh40: the texts explain "alt" tags which can go with your images for better accessibility10:09
ZeuGiRDoRHello, I've a question: How can I change the screen resolution of the gnome login screen?10:09
h40macogw: i see, great10:09
macogwh40: are you getting PMs?10:10
h40yeah but i cant send you10:10
macogwh40: oh ok.10:10
macogw!register > h4010:10
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
kadakasEvery time I install something on my Ubuntu 7.10, it breaks: programs will not start and after a reboot the whole system will not start - it just stays loading the start screen (showing only black screen and the mouse pointer). Does anyone know how to fix this?10:14
Linux_Freshermacogw:  wow it seriously takes long time to finish :)10:15
macogwLinux_Fresher: what step is it on?10:15
neville_Is there software for Kubuntu that can find every image on ones hard disk?10:15
Linux_FresherMove /dev/sda1 to the left and shrink it from 74.53 Gib to 69.53 gib10:15
iceswordthank you ,you guys,my problem is fixed,i changed the screen model10:16
iceswordcoz i use virtual machine,compatibility is powerful,hehe10:17
Byroni just tried to install the nvidia driver and it told me i need libc install but apt-get said libc isnt a package10:17
Linux_Freshermacogw:  done .. now making 1024 gb swap  pagefile10:17
macogwLinux_Fresher: 1024mb, you mean ;(10:18
macogwLinux_Fresher: * ;)10:18
fx|RabBi2what would be the oackage name of a development environment? (development libraries  and c header files)10:18
Linux_Freshermacogw: :) lol yup !!10:18
mexle<--geht mal essen und so gelle10:18
ubotwoTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages10:18
WorkingOnWisehow can I male a removable hdd partition always mount to the same folder?10:19
macogwWorkingOnWise: gksu gedit /etc/fstab10:19
insmodhow can I male a removable hdd????10:19
macogwWorkingOnWise: actually...here ill link you to a tutorial i did10:19
blankthemuffinmmm, the wireless on my laptop seems to be dropping out or something well regually. I restart networking and it works again for a while10:19
chillitomkernel updates have caused my graphics to screw up (screen is completely the wrong size and unusable), graphics card is intel 94510:19
macogwWorkingOnWise: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/02/fun-with-etcfstab.html10:19
chillitomhow can I reinstall/reconfigure them?10:20
Linux_Freshermacogw:  it messed up .. it got terminated .. following message came in the terminal from where i had done sudo gparted  :( :(  --> little big .. pasting it to bin10:20
WorkingOnWisemacogw: thanks10:20
ubotwopastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:20
macogwLinux_Fresher: http://pastebin.ca10:20
Linux_Fresherhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59120/      .. i hope there is no data loss again >.<10:21
fx|RabBi2what would be the package name of a development environment? (development libraries  and c header files)10:21
macogwLinux_Fresher: did that happen on gparted or the installer?10:21
fx|RabBi2in other words what do i have to install to geht a development environment?10:21
iceswordfx|RabBi2, that depends,what you are trying to compile10:21
Linux_Freshermacogw:  whatever i am doing is to /dev/sda1 , it has no business with hdb ..     .. no like u said, i closed the installer, and this all is through gparted10:22
fx|RabBi2icesword:  i am trying to compile openssl10:22
nortyQuestion: How do I completely get rid of a user in ubuntu 7.10 ?10:22
macogwLinux_Fresher: ok it probably jsut tried to mount it and wasnt allowed to.  go on to the installer10:22
ks3fx|RabBi2: build-essential is a good start10:22
icesword!headers | fx|RabBi2 ,don't know if it helps10:22
ubotwofx|RabBi2 ,don't know if it helps: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages10:22
Linux_Freshermacogw:  starting .. also starting gparted again to see the status of my disks10:23
macogwLinux_Fresher: dont run 'em both at once. the installer has a partitioner so if anything didnt finish it can finish there.10:23
macogwLinux_Fresher: the installer will want to format / and swap anyway10:23
pajamianfx|RabBi2: I would: apt-get build-dep openssl10:23
fx|RabBi2ks3: icesword: hummkayyy... thanx so far,let me play with that...10:23
Linux_Freshermacogw:  true, just want to make sure it hasned messed up hdb10:24
fx|RabBi2pajamian: aha thanx10:24
co_manieshello i'm eriel10:24
macogwLinux_Fresher: if you didnt tell it to touch hdb, it didnt10:24
macogwLinux_Fresher: it tries to automount everything when it finishes, and since you didnt tell it it could, it coldnt10:24
pajamianfx|RabBi2: you may need to enable the source repositories for that, but then it should install all the dependancies for openssl.10:25
macogwfirefly: wow?10:25
fx|RabBi2pajamian:  its already working, thank you!10:25
pajamianfx|RabBi2: yw10:25
Linux_Freshermacogw:  ok .. starting installer, btw following error appeared when I tried to start gparted again .. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59121/10:25
macogwLinux_Fresher: thats fine.  it's just saying you can *look* at the files on hdb but you're not allowed to do anything to them.  normal10:26
macogwLinux_Fresher: just go on with the install.10:26
Linux_Freshermacogw:  okies, but this error wasnt there before, it started coming AFTER i resized partition on sda1 .. [ so it should have nothing to do with hdb ]10:27
NET||abuseHey guys.. i'm trying to ge tmy ipod to connect up to my laptop here,, but no joy, i have regular need at times to reboot my laptop to get usb devices working again, is there a way to get usb back without rebooting?10:27
macogwLinux_Fresher: it's not really an error. its just letting you know that it's not touching hdb10:27
iceswordmacogw, what is Linux_Fresher doing10:27
Linux_Freshermacogw:  thats cool then10:27
macogwicesword: partitioning10:27
Linux_Freshericesword:  on a quest to install linux on HD through live cd .. trying to learn linux and let go of windows eventually :) .. i am as fresh as they come .. box-packed about linux10:28
NET||abuseat the moment, i plugin the ipod, and it doesn't work, in /var/log/messages if i run "modprobe -i ehci-hcd" it says usb 2.0 started 8 ports (there's only 2 though), device detected ports 2-510:28
NET||abuseeugh,,, driver 10 dec 2004 ??? the what now? how old?10:28
Linux_Freshermacogw:  ok,  i have reached step 4 of installer, so what to choose ? guided  entire disk [ no no] manual ?  go manual ?10:29
macogwNET||abuse: often there are internal usb ports you dont know about.  my friend's webcam thats built in is technically usb10:29
macogwLinux_Fresher: manual, as the directions i gave you say10:29
NET||abusemacogw, ok,, that's a possability,, even still,, i want my ipod to connect,, and it won't, infact nothing usb will work, my usb wireless mouse, an external WD passport II 160GB drive10:30
lancerockeHi.... For some reason I cant open links from my IM client or XChat or even from my file browser (FE: open with Firefox). Any ideas?10:30
iceswordmacogw, so you mean i am here,to waste people's time,and done nothing useful10:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGhow do i change permissions for a dir and its sub-dir?10:30
macogwicesword: huh?10:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGwith command line10:30
macogwicesword: go read your PMs10:30
Linux_Freshermacogw:  ya, but since gparted now keeps crashing,  i am stuck at 06. step of that pastebin instructions10:31
pajamian[Hardy]TuTUXG: chmod -R10:31
prince_jammys[Hardy]TuTUXG: chmod -R 755 the_dir   (755 is whatever you want of course)10:31
macogwLinux_Fresher: ok fine then use the partitioner in the intaller. i just think gparted is nicer10:31
[Hardy]TuTUXGpajamian, prince_jammys , thx10:31
macogwLinux_Fresher: the screenshot you linked before was that you were clicking on sda instead of sda110:31
iceswordmacogw, i thought coz that time i said rm -rf / you are still angry with me.? now i regret,i don't mean it,10:31
chillitomX keeps booting from xorg.conf.failsafe without giving a reason, any ideas?10:32
macogwLinux_Fresher: but you've already resized sda1 so it's fine.  there should be a line that's about free space now10:32
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yup, yesterday one guy told me here that dont touch sda1 , thats what i am doing wrong, that i am supposed to click sda and NOT sda110:32
macogwLinux_Fresher: he was wrong10:32
lancerockeFor some reason I cant open links from my IM client or XChat or even from my file browser (FE: open with Firefox). Any ideas?10:32
dj_Ist hier jemand der deutsch kann?10:33
macogwLinux_Fresher: sda1 is your windows partition.  ive never resized a partition in the current installer. but there should be free space listed now?10:33
macogw!de | dj_10:33
ubotwodj_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:33
dj_Danke schön10:33
Linux_Freshermacogw:  ok, now i am at the step 4 screen , so the partition resizing seems to have gone well, new option 'free space' 5371 MB' has now appeared ..  i have to again split this one into 1024 mb and the rest for ext 3 ?10:33
dj_weil ich viele Iternet ardios nicht hören kann ich benötige hilfe10:34
macogwLinux_Fresher: yes10:34
Itakuhow do i start sshd on ubuntu10:34
chillitomkernel updates have borked my gfx, any command to run to fix them? intel 94510:34
macogwItaku: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart10:34
Linux_Fresherok choosing freespace and click new partition table or click forward ?10:34
macogwdj_: ich sproiken nein deutsch.  --> #ubuntu-de10:34
Itakusudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found10:35
=== icesword_ is now known as icesword
macogwLinux_Fresher: new partition10:35
Linux_Freshermacogw:  primary  or logical ?10:35
macogwLinux_Fresher: whatever takes your fancy10:35
ks3Itaku: have you installed the openssh-server package?10:35
Itakuer i think10:36
Itakuhow do i reinstall it10:36
Linux_Freshermacogw:  currently please dont leave decisions on me .. i have .0001 % of brain about all this as compared to what u have :)10:36
macogwLinux_Fresher: it doesnt matter.  it only matters if you're gonna have like 5 different OSes10:37
macogwLinux_Fresher: just go with primary to be easy10:37
ks3Itaku: apt-get install openssh-server, or apt-get --reinstall install openssh-server10:37
blankthemuffin"No ProbeResp from current AP ...... Assume out of range10:37
Itakuit said it is the latest version, then it reset it =S10:37
Linux_Freshermacogw:  kk,  next is new partition size in mb .. so 1 gb [1000 mb] there for swap file,  location for the new partition: beginning .. use as ext3 .. mount point field is empty10:38
bowen0507Hi, I am having problems with an external monitor on a Asus EEE PC. I am planning to use as a "Kiosk" type system. The problem is that sometimes when the system boots up to a blank screen but appears when the mouse or keyboard is moved or pressed. Also the external monitor (external) stops displaying the correct resolution at the same time. Anyone got any ideas on what I could try?10:38
macogwLinux_Fresher: for swap file, choose use as swap. swap has no mount point10:38
macogwLinux_Fresher: for the other one choose use as ext3. mount point is a /10:38
jsoftHow do I know if ALSA is working properly?10:38
jsoftIm trying to get it working in wine10:39
Linux_Freshermacogw:  kk .. will come back in 2 mins after doing these changes u said10:39
macogwjsoft: if your computer makes noises, it works10:39
macogwjsoft: if it cant make noises, it doesnt10:39
sbaynhamjsoft: What precisely is the problem with alsa?10:40
iceswordit is said alsa is not latest technology10:40
Linux_Freshermacogw:  it worked .. now  'free space' option in main install window is 4367 mb,   it made a new one /dev/sda2 swap 1003 mb .. used:unknown  .. so i choose free space again .. and format it to ext3 ?   [ why do i have a feeling that every thing is going too smooth to be true ? ]10:40
kadakasEvery time I install something on my Ubuntu 7.10, it breaks: programs will not start and after a reboot the whole system will not start - it just stays loading the start screen (showing only black screen and the mouse pointer). Does anyone know how to fix this?10:41
kadakasdmesg shows no errors10:41
iceswordkadakas, if livecd works?and how do you install10:41
macogwLinux_Fresher: because you dont know how to trust computers due to too much time spent using windows10:41
kadakaslivecd works10:41
pajamiankadakas: run memtest10:41
kadakaseverything starts working when i restore /etc10:41
Linux_Freshermacogw:  :)10:42
Linux_Freshermacogw:  so i go ahead and choose 4367 mb free space and click new partition i guess10:42
macogwLinux_Fresher: yep10:42
Linux_Freshermacogw:  first swap one was primary , so this one becomes logical or it can remain as primary too ?10:42
hindii have a problem using ice0.4 in ubuntu .... can somebody help ?Here my question : whatever i do when trying to run  ices -c /usr/local/etc/ices.conf.dist i get : Could not find a valid playlist file.10:44
Linux_Freshermacogw:  and mount point drop list was empty .. so i have put "/" there without quotes10:44
lancerockeFor some reason I cant open links from my IM client or XChat or even from my file browser (FE: open with Firefox). Any ideas?10:44
Linux_Freshermacogw:  will click OK after u reply to both above :)10:44
hrwsomeone know why Dapper default kernels does not boot in virtualbox?10:44
pajamianLinux_Fresher: that drop list never works for me either, you did it right, though.10:45
TooommiWhy does Firefox not delete the cache folder in /home whenever I oder it to do so?10:45
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  and the first option ?  i have selected 1 gb swap partition as primary , so this second 4 gb one becomes logical or it can remain primary too ?10:45
macogwLinux_Fresher: primary too.  yes, that's fine. go ahead10:45
Linux_Freshermacogw:  cool .. soz i thought u went afk10:45
pajamianLinux_Fresher: I usually put my swap partition at the end.10:46
macogwLinux_Fresher: i was helping someone with htm10:46
macogwLinux_Fresher: with html, i mean10:46
bazhangTooommi: you can set it to do so every time you quit firefox, including cookies, history passwords, etc10:46
Tooommibazhang: that's what I'm doing, but the cache is not deleted10:46
Linux_Freshermacogw:  np m8 :) .. clicking  Forward key !!   [ i have butterflies now !! slowly i am sailing away from the sea of viruses malwares spywares and crappy WinDoz Os!! ]10:47
pajamianLinux_Fresher: you can make it primary or logical, it shouldn't matter.  That said, if you might end up with more than 4 partitions total then you need to create an extended partition and have some of them be logical (no more than 3 primary)10:47
bazhangTooommi: you are quitting firefox and a window does not come up?10:47
danandTooommi - Firefox has its cache folder in the ~/.mozilla dir. the ~/.cache folder is used by another app10:47
macogwpajamian: he's only gonna have 3 total10:47
pajamianthen it doesn't matter10:47
timobhi, is it possible to suspend to ram when your root device is on a USB device ?10:47
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  excellent explaination :)10:48
Tooommidanand: okay. I thought it would be the firefox cache since it's in /home/.firefox/cache10:48
Tooommi.mozilla/firefox my bad10:48
bdgrauehello, i want automatic login and startx, how can i do this? i want to run openbox without an login manager10:49
pajamianbdgraue: you don't have to run startx in a default ubuntu install and it's trivial to set it up with an automatic login.10:49
Linux_Freshermacogw: omg .. big list of Migrate Documents and Settings .. its asking me all stuff from my windows installation .. do i need any of these ?10:50
Tooommibazhang: a window does come and the box with 'delete cache' is checked but it does not delete it10:50
bdgrauepajamian: its not an default installation10:50
Linux_Freshermacogw:  i guess not .. going ahead10:50
bdgrauepajamian: in an default ubuntu installation i have an gdm as login manager and i will do it without an login manager10:50
macogwLinux_Fresher: nope10:50
macogwLinux_Fresher: just skip that10:51
swombatright, even at the login screen the laptop disables the screen after a while. So the .-files have nothing to do with it.10:51
Linux_Freshermacogw:  did it !! no hang backs to windowZ !! gonna learn linux as if it was my first OS of life !!10:51
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
lancerockeFor some reason I cant open links from my IM client or XChat or even from my file browser (FE: open with Firefox). Any ideas?10:51
swombatso, does anyone know of a script which would do something like jiggle the mouse every minute, to prevent Xubuntu's sleep mode from kicking in?10:51
pajamianbdgraue: all you have to do in a default install is to go into system menu / administration / security tab and check the box for automatic login and select a user there.10:52
macogwLinux_Fresher: so now you're at the end?10:52
cerneulahello everyone, I'm a linux newbie using Ubuntu 7.10. Can anyone help with a problem with my monitor resolution? Thank you!10:52
bdgrauepajamian: but that uses the gdm10:52
bdgrauepajamian: and it starts the gdm, but gdm need to much RAM10:52
pajamianbdgraue: yes, but the user won't see it, it will go straight in and log the user in.10:52
Linux_Freshermacogw:  was wondering if i can skip the password field in "who are you" screen .. i am the sole user of this pc10:52
bazhangcerneula: what card and what driver; how did you install said driver10:52
bdgrauepajamian: its not about what the user will see ;)10:53
Linux_Freshermacogw:  later on i dont want that OS keeps asking me for my password for every mouse click10:53
bdgraueits about my memory10:53
hindii have a problem using ice0.4 in ubuntu, can somebody help ? Here my question about ices again : whatever i do when trying to run  ices -c /usr/local/etc/ices.conf.dist i get : Could not find a valid playlist file.10:53
macogwLinux_Fresher: no, you cant. you need that password to allow administrative actions. thats what keeps it secure10:53
cerneulaok, thank you for answering, hold on a second10:53
pajamianahhh, ok, well, I'm not sure how else to do it.  You may be able to find a lighter weight login manager.10:53
macogwLinux_Fresher: it wont ask for every mouse click. it's not vista.10:53
Linux_Freshermacogw:  :)10:53
macogwLinux_Fresher: it will only ask to install software and change system configurations10:53
bdgrauepajamian: i am searching for a way without login manager10:53
cerneulaIntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller10:54
Linux_Freshermacogw:  and i guess password can be changed later on ofcourse ?10:54
bdgrauewithout kdm, gdm, xdm or similar10:54
macogwLinux_Fresher: yes, of course10:54
pajamianbdgraue: ok, I would imagine you can do it, but I don't know how.  I wish you luck.10:54
cerneulahow do I look for the driver, though?10:54
blankthemuffinGuh, Any ideas as to why my desktop cube will not spin?10:54
bazhangcerneula: is that an older card? what seems to be the problem?10:54
danandTooommi - Is the cache thats being kept from a recent session ?10:54
macogwLinux_Fresher: leave it to microsoft to steal ideas from unix and not even steal them *properly*10:54
pajamianLinux_Fresher: of course you can change your password whenever you want, and it doesn't prompt for it for every administrative action, if you've approved one recently it remembers the approval and lets you do more without having to type your password.10:55
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yup .. around 3k usd which went to M$ should have gone to linux :( "Ready To Install"  .. checking out the "advanced..." tab10:55
blankthemuffinlol, needed to enable "cube rotate"10:55
cerneulawell, when I log into the system, the system has a 1440x900 which doesn't work properly.10:55
Tooommidanand: What do you mean? If the cache is from a recent session?10:56
bazhangcerneula: what are the symptoms? black screen or what10:56
macogwLinux_Fresher: ignore the advanced tab10:56
macogwLinux_Fresher: just hit ok10:56
Linux_Freshermacogw:  linux guys dont steal data right ? i mean if they are pure, i can click popularity contest  package usage survey10:56
bazhangback in a minute..10:57
macogwLinux_Fresher: sure you can. its just to tell which software to give priority to for bug-fixes10:57
macogwLinux_Fresher: "hmm we have time to fix X number of bugs...what are the X most popular programs?"10:57
cerneulaSymptoms: bad colours, bad screen size10:57
cerneulaI change that in Screen and Graphics, selecting 1280x1024, eveythings works great then, but when I log out an back in again the screen switches back to the previous resolution... every time10:57
danandTooommi - check the date the files in your /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/..../cache folder. are they recent or old?10:58
Linux_Fresherdevice for bootloader installation (hd0)  not touching that one !!10:58
Linux_Fresherits installing !! :) :)10:58
Tooommidanand: well, they are rather new. 2 days old is the maximum10:59
Linux_Freshermacogw:  plz pm me your email id, messenger contact everything !! you are such a great help that if i dont find u in this channel, i can still mail you or something !!10:59
macogwLinux_Fresher: i'm always here11:00
macogwLinux_Fresher: if i'm not here, i'm walking between classrooms11:00
Linux_Freshermacogw:  Fine !! but in few days i will steal your email id for sure !! :P11:01
Linux_Freshermacogw:  lol j/k11:01
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: i've got quite similar problem. my usb works after boot but after few moments all usb suddenly stops working. i've read forums and stuff, but not found solution.11:01
StefanWoh noes, support stalkers!11:01
danandTooommi - hmmm... strange one. Have you tried using the edit -> preferences --> privacy tab and checking the settings under private data box. you can also press clear now and see if that helps11:02
li-plu1I need to get my wifi network card to work11:02
Chinaskiciao a tutti11:02
Linux_Freshermacogw:  so this installation when it finishes its done  or needs a few reboots and some more stuff still needs to be done ?11:02
Tm_TChinaski: please don't11:02
ubotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:02
li-plu1how can i get started?11:02
macogwLinux_Fresher: itll be done, just reboot into it.  there will be about 200 updates waiting for you though11:03
pajamianLinux_Fresher: you will end up with two reboots11:03
Tooommidanand: I've tried that at first, then to delete it when Firefox is closed. Both methods does not work. Well, looks like it can't be helped then11:03
Linux_Fresher thats all cool  2 is much better than 2011:03
Tooommidanand: I can still delete them in the filemanager I guess11:03
Linux_Fresherplus even live cd launches fully operating os in lesser time than windows xp11:04
pajamianLinux_Fresher: you will need to reboot after the initial install and it will come up with your new ubuntu install, then there will be a bunch of updates and since one of them is a kernel update a reboot will be needed after the updates.11:04
AprilisWhat can I download to open .rar files?11:04
bazhangsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel cerneula11:04
Linux_Freshermacogw:  kk .. guide me through that after first reboot11:04
macogwLinux_Fresher: dont need to11:05
macogwLinux_Fresher: itll just tell you there are updates.  you hit apply updates and ignore it for about an hour11:05
danandTooommi - very odd :( - you could always try moving the firefox folder, so that firefox has to create a new one... see if that helps it out11:05
Linux_Freshermacogw:  aww !! dont u shoo me away half way now !! :P11:05
joricjhow do i clear my downloaded debs? sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb gives me "sudo: unable to execute /bin/rm: Argument list too long"11:05
Linux_Freshermacogw:  its that simple ?  man, this linux thing seems too good to be true .. there HAS TO BE some pitfall ..11:06
lancerockeFor some reason I cant open links from my IM client or XChat or even from my file browser (FE: open with Firefox). Any ideas?11:06
AprilisOr rather, what's the Ubuntu equivalent for Winrar?11:06
pajamianAprilis: unrar11:06
Tooommidanand: I think it's not that much of a problem. Then I delete it manually. Thanks for your replies11:06
iceswordjoricj, sudo apt-get clean11:06
AutoMatriXHi folks, I'd like to have compiz running on my machine, it doesn't work with ubuntu but it dos with Mandriva (live)11:06
danandTooommi - np11:06
Aprilispajamian:  Shall I just sudo apt-get unrar?11:06
Tooommianother question: are the .deb packages in /var/cache/apt/archives still needed?11:07
bazhangcerneula: you still there? sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel11:07
joricjicesword: thx11:07
macogwLinux_Fresher: very new ATI graphics cards and Brother printers...and umm...really obscure things like a keychain that's a digital picture frame...11:07
ndlovuI'm looking for a good iax2 client for ubuntu - anyone here tried zoiper?11:07
cerneulaok, thank you, I'll try11:07
pajamianAprilis: yep, though that's a terminal program, there is probably a nice gui one too, but I don't know because I just use the terminal one.11:07
danandAprilis - sudo apt-get install unrar11:07
onefunkanyone know a macdrive equivalent11:07
macogwLinux_Fresher: oh and you cant pay for software for it on the shelf at the store.  you're forced to download it for free ;)11:07
StefanWAutoMatriX: hey, what graphics card do you have :)11:07
Aprilispajamian:  Anything that'll open rar files.  Thanks!11:07
NET||abuseukkopekka, hey, yeh, that's what happens.. usb works for a while,, then just dies, can't get anything back without rebooting.. have you found a way to get usb back at all without a reboot? What model of machine is this happening on for you? I'm on an nx611011:07
bazhangonefunk: what is macdrive11:07
Aprilisdanand:  Oh!  Thanks!11:07
cerneulaI had it already11:07
AutoMatriXStefanW, an nvidia, but pls tell me how to give me more details ?11:08
onefunkbazhang: it is for accessing and using a mac formatted external harddrive11:08
StefanWAutoMatriX: the lspci command in a terminal should give you more information :)11:08
iceswordbazhang, i think he said it is a backup disk of apple11:08
AutoMatriXStefanW, VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34M [GeForce FX Go5200 32M/64M] (rev a1)11:08
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yeah someone here explained me yesterday about software repository thingy .. i was freaked out .. everything just at your fingertips .. i wonder why windoz didnt steal that trick xD11:08
danandcerneula - have you tried setting screen res etc with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?11:08
macogwLinux_Fresher: because you usually have to pay for windows software11:08
joricjicesword: it seems i still have a LOOOT of used space that i can't account for, what would be the best strategy to find out the biggest files on my harddisk ?11:09
macogwLinux_Fresher: and if microsoft did that for the free stuff all the for-pay companies would get angry at them11:09
cerneulayes, but I hhave only made things worse11:09
macogwLinux_Fresher: linux devs dont have to worry about business relations11:09
macogwjoricj: applications -> accessories -> disk usage analyzer11:09
iceswordjoricj, no,you don't need ,usual install will take up 2g,openoffice and gnome is biggest11:09
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yup .. btw are 6 months adequate to be a good user of linux ? so that i will convert my whole netcafe with 30 comps on ubuntu11:10
StefanWAutoMatriX: back11:10
AutoMatriXStefanW, I do believe there's only 32 M of ram on board11:10
bazhangcerneula: could you please install pastebinit? sudo apt-get install pastebinit11:10
StefanWAutoMatriX: I've checked, the restriced driver manager should offer you a driver which will work with compiz11:10
joricjmacogw, icesword: thx11:10
onefunki see my mac formatted external harddrive but can't access it11:10
macogwLinux_Fresher: yeah thats about how long i used it before i was confident enough to start using unstable software (which i dont really recommend you do)11:11
macogwjoricj: np11:11
mjecHi guys, my partition table has died and I have a device-hosted (extended partition) truecrypt volume. I know its location (sector) but I don't know how to mount it. Any ideas?11:11
joricjthe disk user analyzer looks sweeeeet11:11
Linux_Freshermacogw:  so still ubuntu is kind of unstable ?11:11
macogwLinux_Fresher: but i have a book called the Linux Phrasebook to learn commands11:11
macogwLinux_Fresher: no it's stable11:11
bazhangcerneula: then in the terminal cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit and tell us the url it gives you here11:11
pajamianLinux_Fresher: I've seen people convert in less, it depends on how attached to windows you are and what you do.11:11
macogwLinux_Fresher: i use the unstable development branch11:11
blankthemuffinCould anyone recommend a wifi scanner / manager app?11:11
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yup i will get that book too11:12
macogwLinux_Fresher: im using the alpha version right now to try to find the bugs so they can be fixed in time for next month's release11:12
macogwLinux_Fresher: the Official Ubuntu Book is also probably a good choice for starting with11:12
bazhangcerneula: thanks looking now11:12
pajamianLinux_Fresher: thing is, you can always find people to help with any problems in here.11:12
cerneulathank YOU!11:12
macogwLinux_Fresher: the Official Ubuntu Book is about how to use ubuntu.  the linux phrase book is command line stuff...which..honestly isnt all that needed with ubuntu. im just  geek.11:12
Linux_Fresherpajamian:   thats very very true 11:12
danandonefunk - check you have the correct modules loaded in the kernel for accessing a mac formatted drive... not exactly sure what these are ... you'll have to google for the names of the module.11:13
AutoMatriXStefanW, that's already installed11:13
macogwpajamian: well im just talking about if you want to learn teh system inside and out11:13
StefanWAutoMatriX: and you've restarted your system after enabeling the restricted driver?11:13
Linux_Freshermacogw:  well, i knew dos very well, so windows went well for me coz i knew what was happening behind the scene .. thats a good foundation .. i wish similar for linux too11:13
danandonefunk - i remember seeing an option in the kernel config for accessing mac formatted drives ... just can't remember what it is?11:13
=== LollinopiL is now known as PiPPo_Lacoca
AutoMatriXStefanW, off course, it's long time ago that I installed that driver11:14
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg cerneula try this and set it to the resolution you wish see if that helps11:14
StefanWAutoMatriX: then you should be able to enable compiz11:14
macogwLinux_Fresher: probably dont want to follow my method of learning.... poke poke poke poke *break* "oh crap!  whatd i do? uhh....." poke poke poke *break worse* "uh oh" poke poke *fix* "whew...that was close"11:14
lancerockeFor some reason I cant open links from my IM client or XChat or even from my file browser (FE: open with Firefox). Any ideas?11:14
AutoMatriXStefanW, ok, how do I enable it ?11:15
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: I have not found a way to get usb back without reboot. I must use historical ps2 keyboard and mouse :) I'm not at laptop. I've got m32n sli deluxe motherboard.11:15
StefanWAutoMatriX: system -> preferences -> looks -> visual effects tab11:15
=== LollinopiL is now known as PiPPo_Lacoca
macogwlancerocke: system -> preferences -> preferred applications.  make sure firefox is set as your browser11:15
Linux_Freshermacogw:  lol .. dataloss breaking non bootable system viruses, worms, spywares etc are all toffies which a pro-windows user carries in his left and right pockets11:15
pajamianmacogw: LoL, you learn a lot that way11:15
danandmacogw - think thats the way most of us do it :)11:15
lancerockemacogw: thanks11:15
NET||abuseukkopekka, damn, it's annoying.11:15
=== PiPPo_Lacoca is now known as LollinopiL
NET||abuseukkopekka, i'm on laptop, no ps/2 port so if i want to use a mouse rather than touchpad then i have to have usb11:16
macogwdanand: i think thats how just about anyone that knows a lot about computers does it.  the ones who know enough to put "microsoft word, excel, powerpoint" on their resumes and memorize a series of clicks...they dont learn that way11:16
cerneulait didn't return anything, I guess I have to log out and back in to check?11:16
AutoMatriXStefanW, I tried to, but no, it doesn't work11:16
Linux_Freshermacogw: Bug: shift + tab  in pidgin text field doesnt take the text cursor back !! 11:16
chillitomhow can i disable the bell on the console?11:16
macogwLinux_Fresher: not a bug11:16
StefanWAutoMatriX: does it give you an error :) ?11:16
lancerocketest link: www.google.com11:17
Linux_Freshermacogw:  it should take it to left if shift is pressed11:17
bazhangcerneula: it did not do anything at all?11:17
lancerockemacogw: that did it11:17
iceswordchillitom, what bell on the console11:17
macogwLinux_Fresher: thats what backspace is for :P11:17
AutoMatriXStefanW, yes, but it went that fast that I could not note it, the only thing I saw was : impossible to run11:17
macogwlancerocke: good11:17
lancerockemacogw: thanks again11:17
Linux_Fresher93% :)11:18
macogwchillitom: edit -> current provile -> uncheck terminal bell11:18
danandchillitom - System -> preferences -> sound. Select the "system beep" tab and uncheck the box marked "enable system beep"11:18
cerneulawell, I don't know if we understood each other11:18
chillitomicesword: on the text consoles, it beeps the pc speaker whenever I autocomplete anything11:18
StefanWAutoMatriX: in a terminal, please try compiz --replace &11:18
bazhangthen try this cerneula: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:18
iceswordchillitom, did you run ubuntu in virtual machine11:18
StefanWAutoMatriX: and tell me the error output :)11:18
chillitomdanand: can't log into X at the moment11:18
cerneulamy configuration right now is fine, the problem is everytime I log out I have to configure it again, that is why a11:18
macogwdanand: THATS where teh visual bell is!11:19
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: i mean m2n32 sli deluxe. at forums people have this kind of problems but no solution11:19
macogwdanand: ive been trying to remember where i set that for days!11:19
cerneulaI ask you I have to log in again11:19
Linux_Freshercerneula:  that happens in Live CD as nothing is saved .. are u in Live CD ?11:19
danandchillitom - ok... that bell is annoying :)11:19
cerneulano, I'm not11:19
AutoMatriXDetected PCI ID for VGA: 01:00.0 0300: 10de:0328 (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA])11:19
AutoMatriXChecking for texture_from_pixmap: present.11:19
AutoMatriXChecking for non power of two support: present.11:19
AutoMatriXChecking for Composite extension: present.11:19
AutoMatriXComparing resolution (1024x768) to maximum 3D texture size (4096): Passed.11:19
cerneulain a live CD11:19
AutoMatriXChecking for nVidia: present.11:19
FloodBot3AutoMatriX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
bazhangcerneula: okay, well try that command first, then we will have to edit your xorg.conf to include the higher modeline that you want as it is not present now11:19
bluecakehow to edit pdf file? which app?11:19
NET||abuseukkopekka, well, do you ever get the same issue with a windows xp install on that?11:20
Linux_Freshermacogw:  DONE !! restarting !!  brb !!11:20
ubotwopdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)11:20
lancerockewhats the command to re-install something again?11:20
Linux_Fresher:)  :D11:20
NET||abuseukkopekka, or any other OS ?11:20
danandmacogw - visual bell and system bell are under that tab.11:20
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: no.11:20
macogwdanand: yeah i couldnt find that. i thought i did it in comiz11:20
macogwdanand: having the whole screen dim was getting annoying11:20
bazhangpdfedit bluecake11:21
danandlancerocke - sudu apt-get --reinstall install packagename11:21
iceswordlancerocke, usually ./excutable11:21
NET||abuseukkopekka, one thing i have noted is the age of the usb2.0 driver in use in /var/log/messages, when i reinstall the ehci_hcd driver with modprobe, it says december 200411:21
macogwlancerocke: sudo aptitude reinstall <package>11:21
quick_whoi is czech room for ubuntu users please ?11:21
danandlancerocke - *sudo11:21
bluecakebazhang, thx11:21
li-plu1I need help setting up my atheros wireless network car11:21
lancerockethanks guys11:21
Pici!cz | quick_11:21
ubotwoquick_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.11:21
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: tried different keyboards and mice, no effect11:21
AutoMatriXStefanW, got ejected by floodbot, normal :D but I set you the output line per line in private11:21
NET||abuseukkopekka, if you tail /var/log/messages and then in a seperate terminal run "sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd; sudo modprobe -i ehci_hcd;",, watch for the messages and paste bin them would you?11:22
AutoMatriXStefanW, got it ?11:22
=== quick_ is now known as qu|ck
StefanWAutoMatriX: yeap ;)11:22
StefanWAutoMatriX: check the pm ;)11:22
bullgard4English help wanted. What does 'to leverage' mean in linux/Documentation/preempt-locking.txt: "Thankfully, the Linux preemptible kernel model leverages existing SMP locking mechanisms. Thus, the kernel requires explicit additional locking for very few additional situations."?11:22
bazhangbullgard4: uses11:23
bullgard4bazhang: Thank you very much.11:23
Picibullgard4: Try ##linguistics or #ubuntu-offtopic next time around :)11:24
onefunkany musicians?11:24
cerneulaok, done11:24
bazhangcerneula: now reboot11:24
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: same dec 200411:24
cerneulac u in a moment11:24
macogwPici: there's a ##linguistics?11:24
bullgard4Pici: Stop it. My question is Ubuntu related.11:24
NET||abuseukkopekka, that's arse isn't it..11:25
Linux_Fresherthat was pretty fast restart .. i am no more in Live CD , i am in ubuntu proper now !!11:25
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NET||abuseukkopekka, i dunno,, bit pissed off with hardware support just now.. my laptop doesn't even stay in suspend, it turns itself back on after 10 minutes.. how insane is that??11:25
Picimacogw: #linguistics, sorry :)11:25
macogwLinux_Fresher: see the orange rectangle with the white starburst in the middle of it? its in the top right part of the screen?11:25
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: :)11:25
pajamianwb Linux_Fresher and congrats11:26
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yup  .. update manager has started .. it also had another icon about restricted drivers, but that text i could not read .. the update manager text overwrote that window11:26
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  thanks :)11:26
NET||abuseukkopekka, i was trying to just leave some articles open and a OOo write document open while i was going to sleep, so i stuck it into suspend,, turn out lights and lie down, then "whuuuuuuush" fans kick off ten minutes later and keep me awake,, stupid thing turns back on..11:26
macogwLinux_Fresher: when the updates are done, you can look at that. it probably has binary drivers to get 3D on your graphics card11:27
shahrukhI need help regarding updating from Ubuntu 6 > 7, can anyone please please help?11:27
pajamianLinux_Fresher: you'll want to install whatever restricted drivers it recommends, but you can't do it while running the updates.11:27
bazhang!yay | Linux_Fresher11:27
ubotwoLinux_Fresher: Glad you made it! :-)11:27
macogwshahrukh: 6.what to 7.what?11:27
Linux_Fresherbazhang:   :)11:27
NET||abuseukkopekka, need to figure out this usb junk,, and maybe then look at the suspend issues11:27
macogwshahrukh: you can go from 6.10 to 7.04, but you cant skip releases11:27
shahrukhI have ubuntu 6.06 and ubuntu 7.10 CDs11:27
shahrukhBut the 7.10 CD is corrupt or something11:28
NET||abuseor maybe thing will be better if i install a clean install from the next major release yeh?11:28
macogwshahrukh: you need to update one at a time. 6.06 to 6.10 yo 7.04 to 7.1011:28
bazhangshahrukh: how much ram what cpu11:28
Linux_Freshereveryone in this channel including the bot are so cool  lol .. THANK YOU GUYS !! ----<(@11:28
pajamianLinux_Fresher: you'll probably want to install other stuff too depending on what you want to do.  I usually install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package and also add the medibuntu repository and install w32codecs and libdvdcss from there.11:28
shahrukhRAM = 1GB11:28
cerneulahello again11:28
bazhangshahrukh: then you can go for the 7.10 CD11:28
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  yup !! now i want everything !!  first to dl this 250 megs of basic updates i guess11:28
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: http://pastebin.com/m13d591e11:28
bazhangcerneula: how did it go?11:29
cerneulaok, now this is very interesting11:29
macogwLinux_Fresher: its been out for 5 months...there've been a lot of security patches in that time.  thats why we dont get viruses ;) things get patched *fast* and *often*11:29
shahrukhWell, I can't install directly from the CD, it gives an I/O buffer error11:29
cerneulait did not work, BUT... this time I changed something11:29
shahrukhCan I update directly from there?11:29
bazhangcerneula: okay go ahead11:29
macogwshahrukh: do you have 6.06 installed?11:29
NET||abuseukkopekka, yeh, dunno what to make of it..11:29
Oliver8I downloaded multiverse repo from net, and how to burn , I dont know, I mean what dirctory structure should be, shold pool be on root or what?11:29
shahrukhI am currently using that11:29
bazhangshahrukh: the 7.10 cd? sure11:29
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  later on after all basic stuff is done, i am gonna come back here to haunt u with wine !! all games i play are listed as WORKING in appdb of wine, so !!!!!11:30
shahrukhIts right infront of11:30
Linux_Freshermacogw:  yup , i wonder if Big Billy has a good retirement plan  !! xD11:30
shahrukhSo, I just update my packages?11:30
pajamianLinux_Fresher: ahhh, np, I know a thing or two about wine, I will give you some tips to make managing the games, etc a lot easier.11:30
joricjmy sound works! :D next thing i would like to fix is wifi: right now i have to open ndisgtk, remove driver, add driver. wifi then works (for the current boot) but in stdout/stderr it prints: module configuration already contains alias directive11:30
macogwshahrukh: the update manager should have an option for you to upgrade to 6.10 (Edgy)11:30
Linux_Fresherpajamian: :) little offtopic but try warhammer .. it PWNZ .. and wait for starcraft 2 !!11:31
macogwshahrukh: once that update happens you can update from there to 7.04 (feisty) and from there to gutsy (7.10)11:31
cerneulain there is Screen Resolution dialog box, there is a tick box at the bottom, which reads Options -- Use only as default for this machine or something like that in English, I'm using a Spanish interface11:31
macogwshahrukh: alternatively, wait a month and the next LTS release will happen11:31
macogwshahrukh: upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04 (from LTS to LTS) will be a supported upgrade11:31
pajamianLinux_Fresher: LoL, I have a few apps I use with wine, but I try not to get into a new game very often or I won't end up ever getting any work done! LoL11:31
shahrukhThat is nice11:32
joricjanyone knows how i can fix that situation ? my last question regards beagled/trackerd which somehow i installed them maybe or they got installed when i upgraded to 7.1011:32
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  :P11:32
cerneulawhat it did this time, I rebooted twice was ticking that, and the computer started with the wrong configuration, but after logging in it automatically changed after a couple of seconds to the right configuration!11:32
shahrukhI'll just update the required software for now then11:32
macogwjoricj: whats wrong with them?11:32
shahrukhThanks guys11:32
bazhangcerneula: okay good news11:32
macogwjoricj: other than them being silly?11:32
CreationistIs it possible to install KDE 4.1 through apt?11:32
cerneulabut why does it do that??11:32
bazhangCreationist: sure11:32
danandOliver8 - you may want to take a look at the package apt-mirror for help with that11:32
joricjmacogw: i'd like them gone. i don't use them and when i start up they take up 20% of my cpu for about a full minute11:32
shahrukhLater then. Rock on!11:32
shahrukhThanks again.11:32
cerneulahow can you oblige anyway the system to get the right configuration first time always11:33
bazhangCreationist: best to go to #kubuntu-kde4 though ;]11:33
Linux_Freshermacogw:  pajamian bazhang okies i am off till the updates finish .. we still call 256 kbps adsl as NEW MASSIVE BANDWIDTH with Very low rate of disconnection here !! :)11:33
cerneulaand not do what it wants to do11:33
joricj(but i don't know which packages they belong to)11:33
macogwjoricj: beagle was part of 7.04.  tracker is meant to replace it.  you can definitely uninstall beagle11:33
Gattonis KDE 4.1 out already? lol11:33
Frogzoojoricj: yep, uninstall them11:33
Creationistbazhang: Ah... thanks.  DIdn't know that channel existed :)11:33
Linux_Fresherthanks a loads for all your time info and support .. especially macogw .. u r a gem to this channel and community11:33
pajamianLoL, 256k as "new massive bandwidth"?11:34
macogwjoricj: tracker is the name of tracker's11:34
bazhangcerneula: not sure about your question; do you have the correct resolution that you want now? generally on my box there is a slight delay and I get that as well, so not sure what the issue is11:34
judgenhmm i get no sound in Unreal Tournament 2004. Any ideas?11:34
macogwjoricj: if you type "sudo aptitude remove " and then start typing "track" and hit tab twice itll list all packages starting with "track" ditto on starting to type "beagle" so you can see what all's there that's related11:34
onefunki can see my mac formatted drive but can't access it. anyone?11:35
cerneulayes I have the right configuration, but by default it has somethign else, and that I cannot change, weird11:35
joricjmacogw: wow !11:35
macogwjoricj: i <3 bash's tab-autocomplete11:35
cerneulaanyway many thanks indeed for your help and your time, I really appreciate it11:35
* macogw waits for a zsh user to pop up11:36
Linux_Fresherpajamian:   yup .. we are 'developing' !! but we are working on it :) .. okies seriously afk now !! :D11:36
joricjokay, but it says: The following packages will be REMOVED: beagle gnome-user-guide libbeagle0 nautilus nautilus-cd-burner ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-docs yelp11:36
bazhangcerneula: well if you have the right config and it stays that way just thank the lucky stars ;] I'm not sure how to explain how that happens though11:36
joricj(when i tried to delete beagle)11:36
macogwjoricj: wow O_o11:36
macogwjoricj: try apt-get remove, maybe?11:36
cerneuladon't worry I'll keep on investigating, THANK YOU!!11:36
joricjthats what i did11:36
bazhangcerneula no worries ;]11:36
macogwjoricj: hmm ok then...lets just disable them then11:36
cerneulasee you around, you guys are GREAT11:36
iceswordgood night!11:36
VSpikecan anyone tell me how I can get something like a simple database manager or sql console to talk to a MS SQL server via ODBC?11:37
macogwjoricj: system -> preferences -> sessions...make sure they're not listed in startup11:37
joricjo_O OMG11:37
macogwjoricj: never found your startup folder before?11:37
VSpikeThere seem to be two odbc layers available in the repos - iodbc and unixodbc.  I have both installed.  I'm not sure what front-end to use, or how to link up drivers etc.  If there is a specific forum for this, please redirect me :)11:38
joricji just never thought it would be so integrated i figured i would have to dig in .bash_login files etc :D11:38
judgeni get no sound in Unreal Tournament 2004. Any ideas?11:38
eifzonanyone here tried new *ubuntgrurhyhrhrrrhhrhhjhrhn11:40
LollinopiLguys how can i download some photoes with my kodak camera ?11:40
eifzonanyone here tried new ubuntu 8.4?11:40
vistakillerhi i just upgrade to hardy heron in kubuntu and i have strange problem with ugly windows in some programmes11:40
eifzonvistakiller: does it work good11:40
bazhangeifzon: #ubuntu+1 please11:40
LollinopiLhello baaaz !11:40
bazhangvistakiller: same channel #ubuntu+1 please11:41
LollinopiLhey is there a way to see the photoes of my camera in ubuntu's OS11:41
vistakillerok sorry11:41
kadakasplease recommend me a simple 3d drawing program for Ubuntu - i just wanna sketch cars and stuff without learning how to use a CAD in 6 months11:41
bazhangLollinopiL: depends on the camera; try to connect it and see if it works first11:42
LollinopiLok i do it11:42
pajamianVSpike: usually if you want to just manage an MS SQL server I would recommend connecting to the server with rdesktop.  If you want to integrate a program with it via ODBC then it depends on the programming language.11:42
VSpikeLollinopiL: gphoto is normally useful for anything that isn't just a mass-storage camera11:42
bazhangback in a minute..11:42
VSpikepajamian: I don't have rdp access to it11:43
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: my friend doubts that my install is corrupted. I checked the cd, but no mistakes. Actually I could not install ubuntu from my dvd-drive (maybe broken) so I had to use an ancient cd-drive. Also the noapic parameter must be used to boot ubuntu.11:43
VSpikepajamian: it's a hosting co's server, so i can only access by ms sql client or equivalent11:43
pajamianVSpike: then I'm not sure how you'd do it.  I imagine you can with ODBC but I don't know exactly how.11:43
VSpikepajamian: I'd ideally just like a console that i can type sql into :)11:44
muty-bghow can I see the uuid of a given partition?11:44
VSpikepajamian: similar to the one you get with postgres etc11:44
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NET||abuseukkopekka, what's the noapic param do?11:44
pajamianVSpike: yep, I know what you mean, I regularily work with postgresql and mysql.11:44
macogwmuty-bg: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/11:44
GarethAdamsmaybe I don't get these permission things. I can't have a file that's generally non-read/writable, and then have a group of people with read addess and a group of people with read/write access?11:44
muty-bgmacogw: thank you :)11:44
VSpikepajamian: I use sql server management studio express locally to work with it.  I wonder if that would work on wine?11:45
pajamianVSpike: possibly, have you checked the appdb?11:45
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: not sure, but without it kernel panic appears. This is common problem too, but everywhere is adviced to use noapic and nolapic parameters11:46
VSpikepajamian: not yet, only just thought of that.  But not sure right away what I would gain.  ODBC should be do-able and opens a wider range of uses11:46
NET||abuseukkopekka, meh?? have to read up on them i suppose.. see what the heck they are about..11:47
NET||abusenot to worry so.11:47
pajamianVSpike: certainly, I just don't know any solutions for that, but I've never looked.11:47
fstxxGarethAdams: not using standard unix permissions. You need to use ACLs. I googled for linux acl, and got some pages that might help, eg: http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/ACL/linux-acl.html11:48
neryHola me puede echar un cable alguien por favor?? tengo problemas con el wifi de acer aspire 5315 en ubuntu 7.10...11:48
VSpikepajamian: there is tdsodbc in the repos.  " ODBC driver for connecting to MS SQL and Sybase SQL server"11:48
VSpikepajamian: just never used odbc before so shall have to grapple with dsn's etc11:49
GarethAdamsfstxx: thanks, gives me more to learn :)11:49
pajamianVSpike: yes, but I don't know if that provides a terminal shell you can work with or if it's strictly an application driver.11:49
li-plushow do i make my computer start emerald auto11:51
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macogwli-plus: in compizconfig-settings-manager (you have that installed, right? if not, go do so) go to effects -> window decoration and put "emerald --replace" in the command box11:52
nortyQuestion: How do I setup my computer running Ubuntu 7.10 so that I can ssh in from a remote compter (not on the same network, usually running windows xp) ? - I have openssh-server installed..11:53
pajamianVSpike: I think you want unixODBC11:53
pajamianVSpike: it comes with an isql utility, which, if my brief scanning of a few web pages is correct is similar to psql or mysql11:54
FFighterif I have a list [{'key',value},{'key',value}] and I want to iterate only over the values (iterate in a way that the keys don't matter) how to do it?11:54
PiciFFighter: You may want to try asking in a programming channel, ##programming or one specificaly for whatever language you're using :)11:55
FFighterPici: lol, I thought it was the python channel, sorry - ubuntu11:55
nortyQuestion: How do I setup my computer running Ubuntu 7.10 so that I can ssh in from a remote compter (not on the same network, usually running windows xp) ? - I have openssh-server installed..11:55
Tyczekis possible to add password for "windows" in grub?11:56
pajamianFFighter: hehehe, I could answer for perl, but it would be in PM.11:56
Dr_Willisgrub has a lot of features. I think theres some 'enter password to boot' feature. Check the grub homepage.11:56
yogi_norty, use putty for windowsXP11:57
nortyyogi_, what do i put in for the host then?11:57
yogi_norty, the ip or the name<fully qualified domain name>11:58
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: yesterday my usb stopped working also and I looked at syslog what happened (http://pastebin.com/m3a7bc087). at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_APIC_Architecture is something about IRQ7. I think here is the problem or part of it.11:58
fujinI'm looking for a CLI email client that is better than Mutt, mostly for Maildir/ support.11:58
fujinanyone suggest one?11:58
NET||abuseukkopekka, cool,, have some reading there..11:59
bullgard4Synaptic writes: "Tracker is an advanced framework for first class objects with associated metadata and tags." What are 'first class objects'?12:00
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: also tried booting with irqpoll parameter but computer behaviour turned unstable12:00
NET||abuseukkopekka, sounds rough... well,i've not gone to such lengths myself as yet.. and it doesn't sound like your having much success either :( bummer12:00
NET||abuseukkopekka, oh well,, i need some lunch,, back later..12:01
AutoMatriXStefanW, everything is set back to 'normal' thanks for the help12:04
StefanWAutoMatriX: no problem :)12:04
qasimI am using ubuntu gutsy and there is no option available for lock screen on the shut down menu12:05
qasimany idea how to make it enable or get it12:05
ArthurArchnixWhat's the command to see a list of available groups?12:06
NiLoniis there any benchmark app that could test system (cpu & memory & disk) and give result that could be used to compare with other machines? basically similar idea to 3dmark but no need to benchmark 3d features12:07
macogwbullgard4: i think it means files12:07
pajamianArthurArchnix: you mean you want to see all the user groups on your system?12:07
ArthurArchnixpajamian: Yeah... all possible groups12:07
pajamianArthurArchnix: cat /etc/group12:08
goniochromismdoes anyone know a single command to delete a certain partition?12:08
ArthurArchnixpajamian: Perfect. Thanks12:08
goniochromisma command I could put in a script12:08
bullgard4macogw:  "In C, variables are first class objects.  Functions are not."12:08
pajamiangoniochromism: you mean actually delete?  not just unmount it?12:09
Dr_Willisdelete as in 'fdisk deletion' or as in 'zero out the data;' :)12:09
goniochromismyea, bascially I want a script that erases the entire disk12:09
goniochromismfor that I would only need to erase the partition table and the MBR i think12:09
pajamiangoniochromism: you can write out the commands for fdisk to do it in a file, then pass that file as input to fidsk.12:10
goniochromismdon't know how to do it under linux though..12:10
goniochromisminteresting, I'll try that12:10
pajamiangoniochromism: you can also use dd to write to the first block of the disk directly12:10
goniochromismah even nicer - that would cover both, Parttable and MBR right?12:11
goniochromismwhat would that command be?12:11
PodMan99ahey all what kernel do i need for 4GB+12:11
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: I found something about spurious interrupts and problems they may cause, http://www7.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~ksjh/research/cluster/timesync/sprint.html . I keep investigating these spurious interrupts and IRQ7.12:11
pajamiangoniochromism: yes, but I don't know the exact command, you would use if=/dev/zero and need to specify the length to write in some way (and I'm not sure exactly how much data you should write)12:12
goniochromismok i'll fish around, thx12:12
damaltorhello everybody... should i use the LVM when installing ubuntu or shouldnt i? what is the difference?12:12
StefanWPodMan99a: the 32 bit kernel given by ubuntu doesn't support it12:12
StefanWPodMan99a: I think you may have to recompile the kernal manually to enable 4Gb +12:12
pajamiangoniochromism: gimmie a sec, I'll fidn it12:12
pajamiangoniochromism: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/using-dd-to-zero-the-mbr-query.-606489/12:13
Dr_Willisgotta wonder why this needs tobe scriptable. :) how oftenya going to do it.12:13
nguyenphanhow to usb conpiz-fusion 3D in ubuntu 7.1012:14
auraxhow can i change a network interface name (eth10 to eth0) ?12:14
Dr_Willis!compiz | nguyenphan12:14
ubotwonguyenphan: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:14
StefanWPodMan99a: this topic may help :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37585312:14
pajamiandamaltor: if you don't have a specific reason to use LVM then you probably don't need it.12:15
PodMan99aStefanW, thanks... suppose im gonna have to kernel build now... lol....12:15
StefanWPodMan99a: that or use the 64 bit kernell if you have a 64 bit system12:15
auraxany idea?12:16
StefanWPodMan99a: that one should be able to adress 4Gb +12:16
pajamianIt would be nice if they had a pre-built kernel that could access 4gb on 32 bit.12:16
PodMan99aStefanW, its amd 64 processor with 32bit installed ... other than the 4GB issue is it worth running 64bit for a webserver?12:17
void^pajamian: -server kernel?12:18
ArthurArchnixaurax: You might be able to give it an alias in /etc/network/interfaces   I'm not sure though. Try "man interfaces"12:18
StefanWPodMan99a: some packages are not avialable on 64 bit, but you should be ok12:19
bazhangnguyenphan: what video card and what driver and how did you install please12:19
StefanWPodMan99a: also, I believe the server kernel does support 4 Gb + ?12:19
guest8HI, I want to ask if it is possible to have different desktop backgrounds and icons on the different workspaces12:19
bazhangguest8: yes but will take a bit of tinkering12:19
PodMan99aworth a go12:19
guest8bazhang: Is it easy12:20
bazhangguest8: define easy12:20
guest8bazhang: Clickable in a menu or something like that.12:20
bazhangguest8: then no12:20
StefanWPodMan99a: the linux-server kernel does support 4 Gb +12:20
auraxArthurArchnix: nope....12:20
StefanWPodMan99a: and since you're on a server, should be just what you need :)12:21
guest8bazhung: Is it only a config file where I have to set a specific value to "yes"? Then that would be easy too.12:21
bazhangguest8: for the compiz cube? is that what you had in mind?12:21
guest8exactly: I have the cube, and then I want different icons on each side12:21
bazhangguest8 hang on a second12:22
ddwagnzhi, quick question, in ubuntu gusty, how do i change the splash screen!?!12:22
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StefanWguest8: that is possible if you use compiz :)12:22
StefanWguest8: reference - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1735912:22
guest8StefanW: Yes, I do (at least I have the desktop cube)12:22
ubotwoCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »12:23
guest8StefanW: Thanks, is there also the possibility of having different icons on each workspace?12:24
bullgard4Doing tracker-search-tool in a Gnome terminal opens a window 'Tracker Search' but in the left-hand pane there are no categories listed. Some days ago they were yet. There is no error message in the Gnome terminal. How to repair that?12:24
ddwagnzhi, quick question, in ubuntu gusty, how do i change the splash screen....12:24
Pici!usplash | ddwagnz12:24
ubotwoddwagnz: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork12:24
StefanWguest8: I don't think that is possible YET12:24
_fabio|hi, little question: I have my music organized in Music/Artis/Album, inside of every Album folder is a jpg file. i'd like to rename all these .jpgs to cover.jpg. any help how to achive that with a script?12:25
auraxso anyone knows howo to change network interface alias?12:25
guest8StefanW: Ok, thanks. Maybe it'll be available in some future version. But till then I can have different backgrounds. Thanks!12:25
pajamian_fabio|: for x in Music/*/*/*.jpg; do mv $x cover.jpg; done12:26
apo_fabio|: find /folder/to/your/music/ | egrep "\.jpg$" | xargs rename "s/.+/cover.jpg/" should work. But try it first on a test folder :)12:26
legend2440ddwagnz: system>administration>startup manager12:27
StefanWguest8: no problem :)12:27
_fabio|thx will try it right now12:27
pajamian_fabio|: wait12:27
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  back .. still 1 hr to go till updates finish .. btw how do i get that restricted driver warning icon back  without rebooting ? i am interested in reading that tool tip that it popped up12:27
pajamian_fabio|: sorry, that won't work, don't do that12:27
apopajamian: Aw, damn. Why?12:27
pajamianLinux_Fresher: the icon should still be there.12:28
pajamianapo: because I just realized he'll end up with one cover.jpg file in the current directory, not what he wants.12:28
apopajamian: Oh, damn. Spaces? -_-"12:28
apopajamian: Uh, I don't think so.12:28
pajamianapo: you think it'll work?12:28
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  umm .. i clicked it before i clicked updates .. so it asked me for a password .. as I was not sure if i am to install restricted stuff  [ i thought it was a warning like windows xp gives about un-signed drivers ] .. so i clicked cancel !! and the icon is gone :(12:29
pajamianapo: I mean the command I told him, not yours12:29
guest8StefanW: I just lost all my Desktop icons.12:29
apopajamian: Ah, you're right. Mine's broken.12:29
pajamianapo: I was talking about mine, heh12:29
StefanWguest8: O_o12:29
apopajamian: Where's it? I'm blind...12:29
apo _fabio|: for x in Music/*/*/*.jpg; do mv $x cover.jpg; done12:30
apoI don't think so.12:30
pajamianapo: yep12:30
apoWait a minute.12:30
UltraMagnusexcuse me, i have a problem with my wireless, occasionally it will disconnect and refuse to reconnect until i restart.  can anyone tell me what is wrong and how to fix it please?12:30
pajamiancan compensate for spaces easily, just change $x to "$x"12:30
apopajamian: find /folder/to/your/music/ | egrep "\.jpg$" | xargs rename "s/\/.+/\/cover.jpg/"12:30
guest8STefanW: everything works perfectly, except: my icons are gone!12:30
apoHow about that?12:30
apoNo, wait.12:31
pajamianLinux_Fresher: just goto System / Administration / Restricted Drivers manager, then.12:31
StefanWguest8: I don't know about that buddy, they shouldn't disappear O_o12:31
apopajamian: find /folder/to/your/music/ | egrep "\.jpg$" | xargs rename "s/\/[^\/]+\.jpg$/cover.jpg/"!12:31
Linux_Fresherguest8:  are u sure u have not accidentally gone to other desktop ?  linux i think has more than one desktops12:31
majikinshi is there a way to take a user off the sudo list? or not allow a user root rights by just typing sudo and command?12:31
VSpikepajamian: wo0t! It works!12:31
VSpikepajamian: thanks for your help :)12:31
guest8Linux_Fresher: No, I just checked them all.12:31
pajamianVSpike: I forget, what did I tell you?12:32
ddwagnzlegend2440, cant see a menu called startup manager o.O12:32
VSpikepajamian: lol.  np.  odbc/mssql/isql etc.12:32
pajamianVSpike: ahhhh, cool12:32
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: now I disabled my serial port at bios. I found out that this may cause the problem in samo cases because multiple devices try to use irq7 at same time. now I use usb keyboard and mouse. I just have to wait and see if usb freezes, hopefully not :)12:32
_fabio|<apo> pajamian: find /folder/to/your/music/ | egrep "\.jpg$" | xargs rename "s/\/[^\/]+\.jpg$/cover.jpg/" <-- gives me nameofthecoverbeofrecover.jpg in Music/12:32
StefanWguest8: let me try the same thing here.. one moment12:32
pajamian_fabio|: give me a min to come up with one ...12:33
macogwLinux_Fresher: to get the restricted driver manager back, look in the administration menu12:33
_fabio|take all the time you need :)12:33
macogwguest8: what do you mean by your icons are gone?12:33
macogwguest8: which icons?12:33
apo_fabio|: add \/ before cover.jpg :D12:33
legend2440ddwagnz: then you can install it from synaptic or sudo apt-get install startupmanager12:33
guest8macogw: The icons that normally are on my desktop12:33
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macogwguest8: did you put shortcuts on your desktop?12:34
Linux_Freshermacogw: cool .. it talks about nvidia driver .. i got what they are saying .. i will finish updates first then go for proprietary stuff12:34
macogwguest8: or "launchers" as we call them...i still call them the windows name12:34
_fabio|<apo> _fabio|: add \/ before cover.jpg :D <-- that did the trick! thank you very much!12:34
unenoughhow do I LIST the build-deps of a package?12:34
guest8macogw: NO, files and folders (pdfs, ...)12:34
apo_fabio|: You're welcome12:35
StefanWguest: I did the same and guess what... my icons left me too O_o12:35
Piciunenough: I believe its in: apt-cache showsrc packagename12:35
macogwguest8: oh it should still be in your Desktop directory right? like still in the folder if you go places -> directory?12:35
StefanWguest8: let me try and fix that12:35
macogwguest8: there's an option to hide the stuff on the desktop...lemme find it12:35
majikinsis there a way to disallow a user to do sudo <command>? ie i don't want user to be able to install software12:36
UltraMagnusexcuse me, i have a problem with my wireless, occasionally it will disconnect and refuse to reconnect until i restart.  can anyone tell me what is wrong and how to fix it please?12:36
guest8macogw: yes, they're not drawn on the desktop. Oh, and by the way, right click on the desktop doesn'T work any more12:36
Linux_Freshermacogw:  btw, my line is 256 kbps .. so max download speed should be 25.6 kBps .. i wonder why its showing that i am downloading updates at 33.2 kBps12:36
VSpikepajamian: I can now open it up in OOo or anything I like.  Very neat!12:37
apoLinux_Fresher: Uh... 10 bit != 1 byte12:37
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: sorry, parallel port was the port I disabled. anyway...I saw at bios what interrupt parallel and serial port was using. parallel used irq7 so I disabled it and serial used irq5 so left it untouched.12:37
pajamianVSpike: very cool12:37
apoLinux_Fresher: 8 bit = 1 byte, you're able to download 32kB/s12:37
macogwLinux_Fresher: because 256kb != 25.6 kB12:38
pajamianLinux_Fresher: 256/8=3212:38
macogwLinux_Fresher: you divided by 10.  1 byte is 8 bits.  try dividing by 812:38
StefanWguest8: hm, trying to find a sollution12:38
apomacogw, pajamian: I was faster! Hah! :P12:38
macogwapo: yes, you win12:38
Linux_Freshermacogw:   oh .. i thought tcp/ip pkt was 8 bit and start and stop bit so 10 bit !! wasnt knowing that data is only 6 bits lol i always thought it was 8 bit data  ;)12:38
macogwguest8: is nautilus not running?12:38
* apo does the vector-y dance12:38
pajamianapo: cool, btw, to avoid problems with spaces in that use find ... -print0 and xargs -o12:39
pajamianerrr xargs -012:39
macogwLinux_Fresher: its nothing to do with packet size12:39
apopajamian: Yeah, true.12:39
apopajamian: I forgot because I have no spaces in my filenames12:39
* v3ctor gives apo and odd look12:39
macogwLinux_Fresher: its just a very simple matter of there being 8 bits in 1 byte12:39
Linux_Freshermacogw:  true , just easier to calculate if i divide by 10  [ and mess up the final result ]12:39
apov3ctor: I said v3ctor, not vthreector12:39
aantnare the kde 4 packages in gutsy still updated?12:39
ibm-m6hello, i need some help please , I would like to know when i use >> System > Preferences > Remote Desktop (vnc). what is the defualt port of the vnc ?12:39
pajamianapo: yeah, I tend to use -print0 and -0 as a matter of course.12:39
articpenguin380is it possible to use konqueror instead of nautilus?12:40
macogwLinux_Fresher: http://www.google.com/search?q=256kb+in+kB&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a12:40
bazhangarticpenguin380: sure but will install a lot of kde stuff12:40
Linux_Freshermacogw:  :) tx12:40
guest8macogw: If I have a "File Browser" window open, "ps -A | grep nautilus" tells me nautilus is running, if I don't have a "File Browser" window open, it isn't running.12:40
macogwguest8: ok thats the problem then12:40
pajamianLinux_Fresher: nope, 8 bits to a byte, there is some tcp/ip packet overhead, but we don't count that because it's difficult to know exactly how much it affects the transfer speed.12:41
articpenguin380prob wont be an issue with my 2GBS of ram =)12:41
apopajamian: I suppose I could use an alias.12:41
Laughedany one know how to get the splash screen to work on boot up... Im blank pun intended12:41
macogwguest8: nautilus has to be running for you to have a background image, see the icons, and use right click on the desktop12:41
apofi0 and xa0 or something.12:41
LaughedHey Paja/12:41
Linux_Fresherpajamian:  true12:41
guest8macogw: The icons don'T reappear if I start a "File Browser" window12:41
macogwguest8: i missed what happened earlier, but did changing backgrounds involve something that ended in "setbg"12:41
legend2440articpenguin380:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease12:41
articpenguin380i already use amarok instead of ryhtembox12:41
macogwguest8: thats because when you start it from a menu it's calling the window-only mode that doesnt start the background too12:41
guest8macogw: no, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1735912:42
macogwguest8: try running "nautilus" with no arguments from a terminal12:42
pajamianhello Laughed12:42
LaughedIF Zune users use the Zune App, and Ipod users use Itunes, what does linux have as an app12:42
StefanWhe just has draw desktop disabled in gconf12:42
Linux_Freshermacogw:  2 books u said are Linux Phrases and Ubuntu startup guide right ? as exact text strings to search ?12:42
apoLaughed: mv12:42
LaughedPaja: your busy as usually12:42
guest8macogw: A "File Broswe" with my home folder pops up. Icons on the desktop don't reappear.12:42
Laughedapo: Mv???12:42
pajamianLaughed: hehehe12:42
apoLaughed: mv.12:42
apoLaughed: And mount.12:43
macogwguest8: im guessing that when you tell compiz it's in charge of the desktop, nautilus stops running on there and compiz wont let nautilus reclaim your desktop.  compiz cant do the icons and right-click thing, though.  those are specifically nautilus.12:43
macogwLinux_Fresher: no12:43
macogwLinux_Fresher: the Official Ubuntu Book12:43
StefanWguest8: gcof-editor -> reenable show_desktop under apps -> nautilus -> preferences12:43
LaughedAPo: so if I do a search in synaptic ill find mv12:43
Linux_Freshermacogw: kk tx12:43
apoLaughed: It's already installed...12:44
macogwLinux_Fresher: that'll get you started.  the reference book for the commandline is the Linux Phrasebook12:44
StefanWguest8: gconf-editor, sorry...and restart X after :)12:44
apoLaughed: mv just moves files.12:44
guest8StefanW: OH, I'll have to log out for that.12:44
guest8I'll come back in a minute.12:44
StefanWguest8: yep :)12:44
Laughedoh, well what would linux users use to manage their media library12:45
Linux_Freshermacogw:  incidentally, it could be thing with my mind but firefox loads like 2x speed than ie 7 .. or may be i am just mesmerized by ubuntu12:45
Laughedall in one place (like Zune, and Itunes)12:45
macogwLaughed: rhythmbox or banshee or exaile or amarok12:45
cpk1_media as in just music or music video and photo?12:45
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LaughedI would want something to manage all media (pics, music, movies)12:45
apoLaughed: Dunno, there's a bunch of software that can talk to iPods. Rhythmbox, I think.12:46
IndyGunFreakLaughed: if you need Ipod support also, Rhythmbox is good.12:46
guest8StefanW: Now it's as before: One background, icons are drawn, right-click works.12:46
macogwLaughed: gtkpod can dync ipods as well but isnt a media player, and gnomad2 can sync "windows only" players but isnt a media player.  the flash-drive style players and Cowons are drag n drop12:46
macogwLaughed: well those are music players that i named12:46
apoLaughed: Or gpixpod, that seems to be able to handle your photos.12:46
StefanWguest8: yeah... apparantly having seperate desktop images means no icons O_o12:46
macogwLaughed: pics go in f-spot12:46
cpk1Laughed: I dont think there are any suites for linux, you need a seperate app for each media type I think12:46
macogwLaughed: movies....i just keep those in my Videos directory..12:46
apoLaughed: Just do a search for ipod in synaptic and choose what you want.12:47
macogwLaughed: MythTV could probably do it12:47
IndyGunFreakgpixpod?..  never heard of that.12:47
guest8StefanW: Ok, I'll have to wait for a future release untils I enable that feature then.12:47
apoIndyGunFreak: synaptic search -> ipod :P12:47
macogwLaughed: MythTV turns your computer into a Tivo12:47
IndyGunFreakLaughed: gtkpod is the best Ipod manager if you ask me,12:47
StefanWguest8: I think so... I'll google a bit more, perhaps ask on the forums :)12:47
IndyGunFreakapo: hm, guess i never bothered lookin for it.12:47
macogwLaughed: well Tivo & media player12:47
bazhanglaughed caps please12:47
macogwLaughed: no need to shout... not to run it12:47
apoIndyGunFreak: I didn't either, got rockbox on my iPod.12:47
Laughedoh, thank you. Sorry about that. I didnt even see it12:47
macogwLaughed: i run it on my intel chip.  but if you wanted to use the tv stuff and get a line-in...yes, you'd need a tv tuner so you can hook up your cable to your computer12:48
Linux_Fresherbrb .. stupid cat spilled coffee  >.<12:48
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Laughedmaco: but its not dependent on it, is it?12:48
macogwLaughed: i dont have a tv tuner. i just use myth for dvds and music12:48
|Dreams|is there any way in linux to convert a hd movie to wmvhd?12:48
tomaskohi, i have smb guest access to a windows machine that isn't used too much and i'd like to setup an apt mirror on it. is there anyway i can do that?12:49
guest8StefanW: Thanks for your efforts. Maybe I'll come back later.12:49
kalatian|Dreams|: I would guess if it is possible, ffmpeg can do it (or mencoder, pick one)12:49
macogwLaughed: it has a plugin to sync iPods and i think auto-convert the videos to ones that iPods can play12:49
bazhang|Dreams|: what is that? some awful MS wmv DRM?12:49
Laughedk, ill try it. thanks everyone.12:49
IndyGunFreakapo: i didn't like the idea of rockbox....12:49
apoIndyGunFreak: I do.12:49
StefanWguest8: :)12:49
|Dreams|its so i canm play hd moveis through my xbox12:49
guest8 12:50
macogwapo, IndyGunFreak: i went with supporting a company that supports linux instead of letting an unsupportive company (like apple) think it's ok to ignore us12:50
apomacogw: Which would be?12:51
StefanWguest8: there's another option12:51
IndyGunFreakmacogw: i had a Sansa E260, it worked pretty good, then I got an Ipod.12:51
legend2440i am using xchat-gnome and when i leave an irc session and log back in hours later the scrollback text from the last session shows up on top of the MOTD is that normal?12:51
macogwapo: Cowon12:51
apomacogw: Ah, yes.12:51
guest8StefanW: yes...12:51
kalatianlegend2440: yes.12:51
legend2440kalatian: ok ty12:51
guest8StefanW: that is ...12:51
ArthurArchnixhmm... I used to turn my touchpad off automatically with synclient touchpadoff=1 when a mouse was plugged in... but then I discovered that the synaptics driver does a large number of wakeups, reducing my battery life, so I uninstalled it. Now I'm wondering how I can turn off the touchpad... what driver is controlling it in the absence of synaptic?12:52
StefanWguest8: apparantly, a program called wallpapoz12:52
tomaskohi, i have smb guest access to a windows machine that isn't used too much and i'd like to setup an apt mirror on it. is there anyway i can do that?12:52
guest8StefanW: installable with "sudo apt-get install wallpapz"?12:52
tomaskoas far as i know apt requires a web server, but i've heard of all sorts of enhancements like apt-torrent, etc. so i presume it's not completely impossible to setup an apt mirror with smb guest access to a machine (no rdp, etc.)12:52
dgjoneslegend2440, i;m not sure about xchat-gnome, but in xchat, there's an option under Settings -> Preferences -> Chatting -> Logging to display or not display the scrollback from previous session12:52
IndyGunFreakmacogw: what the hell is Cowon?.. never heard of it.12:52
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StefanWguest8: checking12:52
macogwIndyGunFreak: Korean company...someone in #ubuntuforums recommended them to me12:53
kalatianIndyGunFreak: Korean company that makes music/video players12:53
macogwIndyGunFreak: i got my mom to order mine from NewEgg.com12:53
kalatianIndyGunFreak: supposedly pretty good from recommendations12:53
Laughedrythmbox does seem like a quick and qualified answer for my mp3 needs... going to go look at myth12:53
guest8StefanW: "aptitude search wallpapoz" doesn't print anything, so I'll guess not.12:53
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macogwIndyGunFreak: http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/iaudio/7/12:53
legend2440dgjones:  ok i'll check that ty12:53
macogwIndyGunFreak: that's mine12:54
guest8StefanW: But thanks, maybe IÄll google for it later.12:54
tomaskohi, i have smb guest access to a windows machine that isn't used too much and i'd like to setup an apt mirror on it. is there anyway i can do that?12:54
IndyGunFreakmacogw: thanks...12:54
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IndyGunFreakLaughed: Rythmbox is ok for Ipods, but i think GTKPod is better, just opinion of course12:54
StefanWguest8: here you go: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Wallpapoz12:54
guest8Laughed: I use GTKPod12:54
macogwIndyGunFreak: IndyGunFreak the D2's are supposed to be sweet12:55
macogwIndyGunFreak: http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/cowon/d2/12:55
guest8StefanW: Thanks a lot!12:55
LaughedIll keep that in ming thanks Indy, I was actually just using Ipod as an exmaple to Itunes. I dont have an Ipod. =)12:55
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ElTimohi am I allowed to ask for help with a custom kernel here?12:56
IndyGunFreakLaughed: oh ok, well if you don't have an ipod, gtkpod is probabloy a bit lacking compared to others.12:56
wsh1977Anybody here good at helping configure wireless connections?  I am a Linux noob, but I have tried everything in the forums.  Still need help...12:57
kalatian_wsh1977: sure, what's the problem exactly?12:57
cpk1wsh1977: just ask away and find out12:57
Laughedthere is like 20 or more fiels associated to myth, should I install all of them or is there a way to wittle this down12:57
wsh1977Ok, running Ubuntu fine on laptop, just installed LinuxMint on desktop12:58
macogwIndyGunFreak: i got an iaudio because 1) figured the controls would be a bit easier to handle than a touchscreen 2) cheaper 3) the iaudio is barely bigger than a tube of lipstick, so the horribly small pockets in girls jeans accomodate it better than the D212:58
wsh1977Have a WUSB54G on desktop that appears to connect to AP, but can't get internet12:58
ubotwoThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate12:59
kalatian_wsh1977: we can't help you with linux mint; but see above for their help channel :)12:59
ElTimohow about me?12:59
wsh1977k, thanks12:59
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bazhangElTimo: ask and if anyone knows they will answer ;]13:00
ElTimohere goes then13:00
IndyGunFreaki can't really figure out why people use Mint over Ubuntu.13:00
bazhangits much slower13:00
kalatian_supposedly it is easier to install.  the cd never worked for me though13:00
StefanWfancy looks attract the masses13:00
bullgard4Doing tracker-search-tool in a Gnome terminal opens a window 'Tracker Search' but in the left-hand pane there are no categories listed. Some days ago they were, though. There is no error message in the Gnome terminal. How to repair that?13:00
IndyGunFreaki've used it before, i find it no faster/slower... and its as easy to install as Ubuntu13:00
macogwIndyGunFreak: it's blue13:01
bazhanguse it for a while and you will see it is slower13:01
IndyGunFreaki think the bigger sisue, is the codecs being included w/ the default install, no searching for how to play mp3, avi, etc...13:01
thorhey there! I'm using a Proprietary ATI driver for my graphics card.. but when I start heavier graphical programs such as games the fps is very low!   is there any way to fix that?13:01
IndyGunFreakmacogw: lol, better than brown13:01
ElTimoI just recompiled the kernel for EM64T, and while I do have the NVidia proprietary drivers installed and configured, I can't for the life of me get sound or wireless. I have a dell latitude D820 laptop with (I believe) the intel pro 3945 wireless13:01
bazhangthor how did you install the driver13:01
kalatian_thor: what card do you have?13:02
IndyGunFreakElTimo: i'm guessing you have intelhDA sound13:02
IndyGunFreaknot sure how to fix that in 64bit.13:02
StefanWthor: and be sure to disable xgl / compiz before you launch a game ;)13:02
bazhangElTimo: you need the restricted driver for that wireless card13:02
ElTimoI think I compiled it in the process, but I can't find it13:03
thorI have an ATI Radeon X1600XT drivers I don't know13:03
kalatian_thor: run fglrxinfo in a terminal and use the pastebin to show us the output13:03
StefanWthor: as using Xgl (what many people use to get compiz working on ati cards) disabled 3d rendering in applications13:03
tuttle2ubuntu wont install on my hp pavillion dv2500, what gives?13:03
kalatian_and fglrx supports aiglx now, so you shouldn't even need compiz anymore13:04
LaughedI dont know If I am quite ready for myth, it seems like a huge commitment13:04
bazhangtuttle2: need more info than that please13:04
thordisplay: :0.0  screen: 013:04
thorOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.13:04
thorOpenGL renderer string: Radeon X1600 Series13:04
thorOpenGL version string: 2.0.6473 (8.37.6)13:04
IndyGunFreaki never was able to get mythtv to setup right, so i just use VLC to watch live TV13:04
Laughednice, you just reminded to install VLC.13:04
ElTimoo wait13:05
ElTimoI can't13:05
ElTimoI don't have sound >_<13:05
kalatian_thor: if you run glxgears and wait a few secs, what fps do you get there?13:05
_fabio|apo, could you maybe check the private messages i sent you? no hurry, but seems like the command isn't working out like i thought in the first moment :)13:05
kalatian_(should print in the terminal)13:05
izinucsIndyGunFreak: ok   ... I'll bite.. how do you watch live tv with vlc?13:05
IndyGunFreakizinucs: quite easily actually13:05
macogwElTimo: you need the binary daemon and firmware for the intel wireless...dunno where to get that if you roll your own kernel13:05
IndyGunFreakizinucs: 1, you obviously need a TV tuner13:06
thor 2962.256 FPS13:06
macogwElTimo: you could also compile the new iwl3945 driver instead, since that's fully free / open source13:06
ElTimoo sweet where can I get that?13:06
IndyGunFreak2.  then you just file/open/open capture device..13:06
ElTimoactually never mind ill just google it13:06
macogwElTimo: it's what's in use in hardy, and it works well13:06
IndyGunFreakizinucs: do you have a TV tuner?13:06
ElTimohow about sound?13:07
izinucsIndyGunFreak: ah  ok.. nice.. thanks for the expalination..  no tuner here unfortunatly.. unless an old diamond card counts..13:07
macogwElTimo: it's a b****13:07
IndyGunFreakizinucs: hmm, never heard of that one.13:07
IndyGunFreakElTimo: 64bit IntelHDA, not sure how to fix that one.13:07
IndyGunFreak32bit, it would probably be easy13:07
izinucsIndyGunFreak: bout 7+ years old13:07
kalatian_thor:  that's a fairly respectable rate -- what game are you trying to run?13:07
thorWorld of Warcraft13:08
IndyGunFreakizinucs: do you have it working?.. i imagine youc ould get it working w/ TV time or something if you wanted13:08
macogwElTimo: intel hda is a "standard" in use all over the place to which none of the hardware actually complies, making it a huge pain for developers and users13:08
kalatian_thor: so you enter the wonderful world of wine, yes?13:08
macogwElTimo: it's also probably the most common laptop audio chip13:08
thoryep    or at least trying13:08
ElTimoso I've found13:08
kalatian_thor: ok, so it looks to me like your card is working fine with 3d, so the problem is probably with wine13:09
izinucsIndyGunFreak: I should give it a shot.. If I remember correctly it's an old pci card.. Diamond use to make lots of video cards and they were swallowed by someone but can't remember who.13:09
kalatian_thor: I don't knwo much about wine, so I can't help you much more -- but ask again, someone else probably knows :)13:09
IndyGunFreakizinucs: yep, i had a diamond videoo card many many moons ago, 16mb and it was *fast*13:09
NET||abuseukkopekka, hey, sorry, was out for a bite to eat,, so you getting places with the irq7 issue?13:10
YacciCan anyone tell me, why my external HD doesn't work anymore...?13:10
thorStefanW wrote that I should disable xgl/compiz   fusion before I start the game.. could that be the issue?13:10
IndyGunFreakElTimo: what model is your dell again?13:10
izinucsIndyGunFreak: :)13:10
kalatian_Yacci: we need more detail :) does it make a weird clicking sound or something?13:10
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: uptime 42min and no problems13:11
Yacciit does the same it ever did13:11
kalatian_Yacci: what model is it?13:11
apo_fabio|: I did get no private messages. Did you register your nick?13:11
NET||abuseukkopekka, hmm, so explain what you did, you changed over some irq setting?13:11
ArthurArchnixIf I have a mouse and a touchpad, where will these show up in my system? I ask because I want to create a shortcut to unmout the touchpad, or to unload its driver, whichever is simpler and safer.13:11
Yacciit is not recognized in any system anymore13:11
kalatian_Yacci: what company/model is your drive?13:11
YacciSamsung HD401LJ13:11
izinucs!reg > izinucs13:12
StefanWthor: ok, your gears seem to be running good... 2.2k fps is good13:12
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ukkopekkaNET||abuse: look up this channel. there are messages for u13:12
StefanWthor: do you have compiz enabled?13:12
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thoryes, but I don't know how to disable it13:12
_fabio|ah no i don't remember doing that13:12
_fabio|it's working now13:12
ElTimothor: metacity --replace13:12
eth01folks, can we stop on topic.13:12
IndyGunFreakElTimo: any particular reason you installed 64bit?13:12
StefanWthor: in a terminal, use metacity --replace &13:12
_fabio|i found this little app called pyrenamer13:13
StefanWadding the & makes it go background :)13:13
eth01stay, even13:13
apo_fabio|: Also, try this: find /folder/ -name "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -0 rename "s/\/[^\/]+\.jpg/\/cover.jpg/"13:13
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: it's whole buttloads faster13:13
bazhanghaha stop on topic13:13
IndyGunFreakElTimo: ?.. not really13:13
eth01bazhang: typo :)13:13
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ArthurArchnixAll the documentation about the touchpad assumes you're using the synaptics driver, but I've uninstalled that because it causes too many wakeups.13:13
_fabio|thanks for your effort! but pyrenamer did it already, and even with a gui :)13:13
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: maybe its just a placebo effect then13:13
IndyGunFreakElTimo: who told you it was butloads faster?13:13
apo_fabio|: Heh, fair enough.13:13
na033681Can someone please help. Whenever I try to boot Ubuntu, it goes to the screen that says "Starting Up..." and seems to freeze.13:13
NET||abuseukkopekka, god bless /lastlog13:13
thorok i'll try now.. thanks for the help13:14
ElTimoI did13:14
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: long story short. I disabled parallel port13:14
NET||abuseukkopekka, ok, just going through the messages13:14
IndyGunFreakElTimo: lol, have you used 32bit?13:14
NET||abuseukkopekka, yeh, just read it all,, ok, so your parallel being on irq 7, were you able to see if your usb is tied to irq7 also?13:15
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: I don't know why, but it just seemed slow13:15
IndyGunFreakwierd, i noticed, little, if any difference at all., except that 64bit was a pain in the ass on everything.13:15
NET||abuseukkopekka, i'm not sure how to tell what irq devices are on.13:15
ubotwo#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:15
apoHm, claws-mail users here? Is there a way to use a proxy?13:15
IndyGunFreak!take_a_paxil | StefanW13:15
ubotwoHow should I know?13:15
Jack_SparrowNET||abuse, How about dmesg | grep ttyS13:16
StefanWIndyGunFreak: :D13:16
Jack_SparrowNET||abuse, Sorry, just sat down to have coffee, not really awake.13:16
NET||abuseJack_Sparrow, :)13:17
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: and anyway, why only use half your bits? ;)13:17
NET||abuseJack_Sparrow, glad to have a fellow coffee addict... i mean "fan".. in the conversation :P13:17
songhello All13:17
IndyGunFreakElTimo: well... i've got a new corvette, but ive never driven 160mph13:17
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: at BIOS there was choises for parallel and serial ports. some irq7 and some irq5 but I just disabled parallel because don't need it13:17
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: touché13:17
YacciCan anyone tell me, why my external HD (samsung hd401lj) doesn't work anymore? It is not recognized by any os anymore...13:18
NET||abuseukkopekka, I don't think i have a parrallel port on my laptop.. hmmm, i'd have to reboot and dig through the bios i suppose13:18
kalatianYacci: sorry - my X is being funny13:18
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: and now there are no irq7 call except boot13:18
Jack_SparrowElTimo, Use what works best.. mmuch of MS 64bit isnt really 64 bit at all anyhow13:18
na033681Can someone please help. Whenever I try to boot Ubuntu, it goes to the screen that says "Starting Up..." and seems to freeze.13:18
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: although I do actually play ut2004 and quake4 a lot on linux13:18
kalatianYacci: plug the thing in, and then wait 10 seconds, and run dmesg13:18
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Yaccihmmm... ok13:18
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: if u see there something about irq7 try to disable it or at least chance it13:18
NET||abuseukkopekka, ok,, i'll have to investigate this when i get a chance to reboot.. i'll try keep you informed of any results i get from trying a similar approach13:18
kalatianYacci: that'll give the information about what happens when you plug it in13:19
LaughedI installed 3d chess and it doesnt appear in my games scetion. What gives?13:19
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: ok13:19
kalatianif it has problems, we'll find out13:19
IndyGunFreakElTimo: well, i dont play windows games, except pokerstars, which hardly requires major horsepower.13:19
ElTimoLaughed: hit alt+f2 and type 3DC13:19
pajamiangoodnight everyone13:19
kalatianYacci: it used to work in Ubuntu fine though?13:19
Laughednice, ty the tim13:19
ElTimoLaughed: np13:19
ArthurArchnixDo I need to restart for udev rules to come into effect?13:19
Yaccialso in winxp13:19
kalatianYacci: does it still work in XP?13:20
Jack_SparrowLaughed, 3d chess shows up as regular chess and 3d part of it does not work13:20
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: I use the linux-native versions ;)13:20
IndyGunFreakElTimo: oh ok.13:20
kalatianYacci: ok - how long have you had it?13:20
bazhangpajamian cya13:20
ElTimowine=slower than molasses uphill in january13:20
LaughedJack: I thought they were separate apps.13:21
NET||abuseukkopekka, just digging through the syslog13:21
Yaccihalf a year13:21
kalatianYacci: how long has it been broken?13:21
Yaccisince 2 hours13:22
Jack_SparrowLaughed, We see people trying to implement 3d on the other one and it does not work..  If you installed the other try it out13:22
ukkopekkaNET||abuse: http://pastebin.com/m3a7bc087 this is log where my usb crashed13:22
=== IndyGunFreak_ is now known as IndyGunFreak
kalatianYacci: ok. I'd suggest you give it a few hours to rest and relax and do all those things hdds do in their spare time (cool off, too) and see if it works then13:22
kalatianYacci: I knwo that one that I own only works when it isn't hot13:23
kalatian(need to return it on warranty it should work 24/7 if I want it to)13:23
LaughedJack: the gmae that came pre-installed works in 3d. But there is another chess game that has (i think) 3 tiers of chess, (i assume like the chess set seen in star trek NG) anywho, its this game that Ive installed and cannot find13:24
Laughedanother issue is that after 3 games of regular 3d chess, my desktop resets and I have to log back in13:24
ElTimoIndyGunFreak: the reason im using 64 bit is because the processor option for core 2 duo in the kernel config is only available as 64 bit13:24
bear_Am I able to sync my WM6 smartphone's outlook with Evolution?13:24
IndyGunFreakok... to each their own i guess.13:24
Yaccihere's the dmesg-log: http://pastebin.com/m4783247913:25
Jack_SparrowLaughed, I have never seen Star Trek NG so I dont know what it is you are looking for in that regard13:25
foxrayhi, i just upgraded to a new kernel and it changed by grub file back to booting root (hd0,0), my root prtition is root (hd0,2), how do i make ubuntu know this in future kernel upgrades?13:25
ElTimofoxray: easy13:25
IdleOneLaughed, what is the name of the game you installed?13:25
Laughedwel,, thanks for trying jack.13:25
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LaughedIdle: I installed 3d chess from synaptic13:26
na033681Can someone please help. Whenever I try to boot Ubuntu, it goes to the screen that says "Starting Up..." and seems to freeze.13:26
ElTimojust hit alt+f2 and type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and look for the new kernel entry, then edit it from (hd0,0) to (hd0,2)13:26
foxrayElTimo: i did that13:26
foxrayit was hd0,2 before13:26
Jack_SparrowLaughed, Which one causes you to log back in?  the menu pre-installed or the other..13:26
foxraybut when i upgraded to a new kernel it changed it back to hd0,013:26
foxraythats not my root drive13:27
ElTimoI see13:27
ElTimoI can't really help you there13:27
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Are you trying to boot a live cd or a HD install13:27
LaughedJack: not sure what you mean... after 3 games I am logged out to a black screen and it brings me to the log in screen13:27
na033681HD Install13:27
legend2440Yacci: there is a program called smartmontools that checks the health of SMART hard drives13:27
Laughedalso this is the synpatic description of the game I am talking about: 3D chess for X1113:27
Laughed3 dimensional Chess game for X11R6.  There are three boards, stacked13:27
Laughedvertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with13:27
Laughedjust a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move.  The13:27
LaughedAI isn't wonderful, but provides a challenging enough game to all but the13:27
Laughedmost highly skilled players.13:27
FloodBot3Laughed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:27
Jack_SparrowLaughed, 3 games on which version of chess13:27
Laughedwhats the link for the multi line site13:28
legend2440Yacci:  it is in synaptic13:28
Vad1Where can I find documentation on the apt: protocol?13:28
Pici!paste | legend244013:28
ubotwolegend2440: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:28
Picilegend2440: sorry about that Laughed see above13:28
bazhangVad1: the man pages13:28
Vad1bazhang: I mean the firefox apt: thing13:29
ArthurArchnixHi, ok I found that unloading the psmouse was the answer. But simply adding this to a udev rules (rmmod psmouse) doesn't work, because I guess these rules aren't run as root?13:29
Jack_SparrowVad1, in termianl type  man apt13:29
LaughedJack: the reset is created while playing the default chess game installed with uuntu13:29
IdleOneJack_Sparrow, the game is 3 boards played at the same time so the game has been expanded by 2 boards with extra moves added and pieces13:29
LaughedIdle: right on13:29
Vad1Jack_Sparrow: Not apt itself, I need the firefox extension. Like when you type "apt:package" in firefox, it installs that package.13:29
LaughedIdle: do you have it. play it13:29
IdleOneLaughed, I dont sorry. not on ubuntu right now13:30
Jack_SparrowIdleOne, Understood, but my concern was if a poorly written program is causing a reset.  we need to flag it with a bug report13:30
StefanWfoxray: the kernell update edited your grub.conf file13:30
ArthurArchnixAnyone know why udev can't unload a module? This is the line: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ID_CLASS="USB HID v1.10 Mouse", RUN+="rmmod psmouse"13:30
StefanWfoxray: check if the grub menu.lst still matches your disk setup13:30
na033681Jack_Sparrow: HD Drive13:30
shahrukhBackground: I have a Ubuntu 7.10 CD but can't install it because of some I/O buffer error. So, I installed an older version 6.06 LTS. What I want: is to upgrade to 7.10 version. I asked earlier and was told that I must upgrade from 6.06 -> 6.10 -> 7.4 -> 7.10. So I updated all packages. But the version is still 6.06. And I read online about the gksu "update-manager -c" command. But it doesn't seem to work since everything is already updated. Probl13:30
IdleOneJack_Sparrow, he installed the game but cant find it so he hasnt played it yet .. it is the default chess causing the reset13:30
StefanWfoxray: aka if 0,0 still is the bootable drive in /grub/device.map13:31
shahrukhPlease help13:31
Jack_SparrowIdleOne, Noted13:31
ArthurArchnixThat doesn't work. I have to type sudo rmmod psmouse to turn off the touchpad.13:31
foxrayStefanW: i changed it so it matches now, before i upgraded it was at root(hd0,2), after upgraded kernel it changed to root (hd0,0) , i had to changed it back to the correct drive13:31
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Did this install ever work, or is this the first boot after the install13:31
LaughedJack: the resets are not caused by the chess game itself, Ive had other random resets but not nearly as frequent and with out a discernable trigger13:31
StefanWfoxray: which fixed it :) ?13:31
rskshahrukh: run lsb_release -a13:32
foxrayStefanW: (hd0)   /dev/sda <--thats in device map13:32
shahrukhlet me try13:32
na033681Jack_Sparrow: First boot after the install.13:32
kondor101sorry to be a pain as i know this isn't ubuntu specific, but for some reason when I type /server blahblahblah i am getting unknown command, im using pigdgin13:32
foxrayStefanW: now everytime i upgrade to a new kernel i'm gonna have to change grub again13:32
foxrayto match hd0,213:32
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Is this a dual bot system or single13:33
foxrayannoying no?13:33
fabianome  tira uma dúvida chapa13:33
na033681Jack_Sparrow: Dual13:33
mtaylormorning everyone... my system hasn't adjusted for DST... is this a known issue?13:33
shahrukhrsk: nothing happened!!??13:33
StefanWfoxray: well, you can prevent that13:33
rskshahrukh: then you dont have the command13:34
StefanWfoxray: could you pastebin your menu.lst file?13:34
shahrukhrsk: excuse me?13:34
rskshahrukh: you are excused13:34
fabianohelp me stefanw13:34
bazhangfabiano: italian?13:34
bazhangah sorry13:35
Jack_Sparrowna033681, at the grub menu press e to edit the command line e again one the line is selected.. and remove quiet and splash from the command line then boot.. as my first suggestion13:35
shahrukhrsk: I meant what do I do then? Wait for the v8 LTS to LTS upgrade?13:35
foxrayStefanW: http://pastebin.com/m7a34327913:35
fabianohelp me13:35
xphishergood morning all.. happy monday13:35
Jack_Sparrow!helpme | fabiano13:35
bazhangfabiano: you can stay here or /join #ubuntu-br ;]13:35
ubotwofabiano: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:35
foxrayStefanW: is this this line ? --> # groot=(hd0,0) <---it seems to be commented out13:35
Laughedxphiser hey13:36
StefanWfoxray: the way your menu.lst is organized it should be autoupdated on each kernell update13:36
fabianono install ubuntu my notebook  HP13:36
na033681Jack_Sparrow: Ok I will try that.13:36
fabianono loading13:36
shahrukhrsk: oh, well, thanks. Laterz.13:36
StefanWfoxray: no, grub is installed on 0,0 (MBR) by default13:36
LaughedJack: that is only a temp fix. He will have to edit his grub in xconf for it to be perm13:36
foxrayStefanW: i know but that didn't work when i did the update, luckily i'm a linux admin for a living and i kno how to fix grub13:37
Jack_SparrowLaughed, Understood.. if that gets him in I will walk him through editing it13:37
Yacc1how do i use smartctl?13:37
StefanWfoxray: an admin, lol.. I expect there isn't anything I can tell you that you do not know already then :)13:37
JJ1hey there, i created my samba server today, everything is working fine but now im getting "Failed to convert user : /usr/bin/pdbedit failed : add_smbfilepwd_entry: entry with name xxx already exists" in webmin13:37
faileasi need to copy over some packages (specifically, VMware server and its deps) to a ubuntu system with no internet access. I got another net connected system with ubuntu with the same packages already installed... is there any way to get apt to download those files to some location, or retrieve them from somewhere?13:37
foxrayStefanW: live and learn i'm still a young admin out of college13:38
Jack_Sparrowfaileas, They will already be in /var/cache/apt/arechives on that system13:38
StefanWfoxray: the problem is known, but having your menu.lst kernell entries listed between the automagic tags should mean it autoupdates on each kernel update13:38
foxrayyea i dunno its weird13:39
legend2440Yacci: type man smartctl in terminal13:39
foxrayit should have updated but it didn't13:39
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Yacc1and now?13:40
Yacc1my hd is not recognized in the os so it is not in /dev/ .13:41
StefanWfoxray: actually, you where right13:41
StefanWfoxray: where is your linux partition installed... 0,2 ?13:41
ArthurArchnixOk... my first attempt at writing a script failed.13:42
deepHI, how to create a user for postgresql on ubuntu13:43
ElTimoArthur: join the club13:43
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, This isnt a programming channel.. but put it on the pastebin anyhow13:43
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59133/13:44
StefanWfoxray: if the grub boot folder (with the rest of your linux installation) is installed on 0,2 then default grub root device should say 0,2 :)13:44
StefanWfoxray: which, like you said yourself, is indeed listed wrong in your menu.lst file13:45
duckly1does anybody know how to start nautilus as root??13:45
ElTimoduckly1: gksudo nautilus13:45
ElTimounless you mean start it as root by default?13:45
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59134/13:46
ArthurArchnixI have two scripts. The other one is the same, except instead of modprobe psmouse it says rmmod psmouse   those scripts get called from a udev rule that gets run when a usb mouse is detected. They're supposed to shut down the touchpad.13:46
duckly1ElTimo: thanks :)13:46
ElTimonp duckly113:46
Jack_Sparrowduckly1, Use that command with caution13:46
ElTimobe VERY careful with it13:47
duckly1ElTimo well to start nautilus by default in root how do i do?13:47
Parsec300How do you enable remote desktop in xubuntu?13:47
Jack_Sparrowduckly1, You are heading into trouble.. you should NOT need root access that often13:47
xphisherI've been searching for keyboard shortcuts, however, I am unable to locate a terminal shortcut.  Is there a keyboard shortcut that will bring up the terminal?  Does one even exist?13:48
ElTimoI was just going to say that13:48
StefanWAlt + F213:48
StefanWups, sorry.. that's run command13:48
Slartxphisher: there's always alt+ctrl+f1.13:48
LaughedI have no idea how i got by with out Ubunut13:48
Slartxphisher: alt+f7 to get back13:49
Jack_SparrowLaughed, May I have a brief PM with you13:49
ElTimoxphisher: hit alt+f2 and type gconf-editor and go to apps/metacity/keybinding_commands and set one of the commands to gnome-terminal, then go to apps/metacity/global_keybindings and set a hotkey to the command you just set13:50
duckly1Jack_Sparrow: well im on livecd and i dont have r premisson on my hd unless in root and that is annoying...13:50
Laughedbe quick, i need to reset and I dont want you to act like I am ducking you13:50
iarwain1bughunter2: beep!13:50
xphisherthanks slart.  but there isn't a shortcut that brings up the same terminal that is in the application->accessories?  that terminal is a bit too hard core for me at this time.13:50
bughunter2iarwain1: hiya!13:50
bughunter2this is the place, this is where it happens :)13:51
Laughedjack, get me when I come back13:51
LaughedII have to reset13:51
iarwain1bughunter2: i'm so excited!13:51
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ElTimoxphisher: try what I said13:52
apoHm, is there a daemon that can access a pop3 server, get all the mail on it and put it on a local mail account?13:52
olegbapo: fetchmail ?13:54
xphisherEltimo.  thanks.. i missed your previous reply...13:54
md5xI checked on my firewall active connections and I can see that there are too many active connections with ip address which I don't know and the ports I don't use, what should I do?13:54
bughunter2md5x: edit /etc/hosts.deny13:55
ElTimoxphisher: np it happens13:55
apoolegb: Thanks13:55
maro_the terminal has game me this info13:55
na033681Jack_Sparrow: Still nothing13:56
maro_and it seems impossible to run any app13:56
maro_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:56
maro_how can I do that?13:56
maro_plzzzz help?13:56
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Did you see where it was stopping or the error involved?13:56
iarwain1maro_: try running that command that's told to run13:56
Saxonhello.did anyone verify the md5 of Kubuntu?13:56
Jack_Sparrowmaro_, Do what it says.. open a terminal..13:56
LaughedIm in the op channel Jack13:57
ArthurArchnixWoa... sorry to disappear like that Jack... my udev rule that called the scipt, and the script itself, engaged in some kind of battle. ps ax showed nothing but about 1000 processes of udev and modprobe13:57
md5xbughunter2, nothing has changed13:57
bughunter2md5x: you should change something13:57
ArthurArchnixmy hd was grinding!13:57
md5xi did13:57
bughunter2md5x: for example, remove all the contents and make it read "ALL: ALL: DENY"13:57
md5xALL: ip.zebra.lt13:57
na033681Jack_Sparrow: It just stops on the screen that says "Startin up..." with the cursor under it blinking13:57
maro_but I put dpkg --configure -a  and it says: dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege13:57
ElTimothen slap a sudo on the front13:57
duckly1i want to copy files from one mounted partition to an other in nautilus. is it just drag and drop (i want to be saure i dont get symbolic links)?13:58
bughunter2md5x: just deny verything and modify hosts.allow to allow what you want13:58
bughunter2it's easier to allow what you want than to disable everything you don't13:58
legend2440maro_:  sudo dpkg --configure -a13:58
StefanWwhoever asked about starting a terminal with a shortkey13:58
na033681Jack_Sparrow: I tried disconnecting my ext HD to see if that did anything but that didn't help either.13:59
StefanWsystem -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts13:59
techqberthey guys I just "ssh-keygen -t rsa," so I can give a unix admin at my school my key so I can get ssh access.  He gets the pub side right?13:59
bughunter2techqbert: he certainly shouldn't need your private one13:59
scuderiawhat's the best way to connect 2 ubuntu systems? (7.10 and 6.10)13:59
techqbertbughunter2: cool that's what I thought13:59
Chousukescuderia: a crossover cable? :)13:59
ElTimoscuderia: securely :P13:59
Chousukescuderia: you might just connect them both to a switch or a router.14:00
maro_thanks, seems it's working14:00
maro_at least it's showing up something different14:00
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Were you trying to install on an external drive, or was the external drive connected when you installed etc?14:00
scuderiaChousuke: yes, crossover. And it can be an unsecure share14:00
na033681Jack_Sparrow: It was connected when I installed14:01
scuderiaChousuke: cant i just connect them and go places -> Network?14:01
Chousukescuderia: just make sure their they are in the same subnet, and they should be able to communicate14:01
scuderiai tried with smbclient but i wasnt able14:01
man34what do you try to connect?14:01
Chousukescuderia: if you want to share files, you need to set up a file server on either machine.14:02
Chousukewhich is not difficult.14:02
scuderiaChousuke: is better to set manual ips like and with the Gateway
Chousukescuderia: do you have a gateway?14:02
scuderiano, just the 2 pcs here14:02
Chousukethen you don't need to set a gateway.14:02
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Im not sure where to start with that, but I would try installing without the external in place to try and make sure the installer can do its job.14:03
na033681Jack_Sparrow: It worked before with a previous install, but I re-booted a couple time and got the problem I have now so I deleted the partions and started over.14:03
scuderiaah, all right, so is just 192.168.1.x on both with different x?14:03
Chousukeyeah, and the same netmask14:03
Chousukeuse ping to test if the connection works :)14:03
scuderiasure. I tried but wasnt working, is better to disable roaming in gusty?14:03
eth01it'll probably be -> gateway14:04
Chousukeeth01: he just said there's no gateway.14:04
Chousukescuderia: if you want to give the machines names instead of typing ip addresses all the time, edit /etc/hosts14:04
eth01what type of connection is this, cable/adsl?14:04
scuderiacross cable14:04
tam9  how would one find out the temp of my running system?14:04
Chousukeeth01: apparently direct ethernet between two PCs14:04
iarwain1tam9: acpi -V14:04
scuderiaim downloading 7.10 to install on the other pc so i have both with gusty14:05
Jack_Sparrowna033681, Ok so it was working.. at one point, which was my first question..  You were able to boot the hd and get in.... answer is still the same try again without the external14:05
eth01oh, yeah, then probably no gateway - you'll have to set one up with dhcpd/bind14:05
Laughedna... : can you boot up using recovery14:05
tam9iarwain1: ahh no support for thermal :( i'll figure something man. thanks for your help14:05
iarwain1tam9: lmsensors perhaps :)14:05
Chousukeeth01: that might be overkill for this network :)14:05
Laughedna: nm..14:05
iarwain1tam9: or perhaps a aptitude search temperature might do it14:05
legend2440tam9: mine shows temp in bios setup14:06
tam9iarwain1: it's been a long time since i've done anything really nitty gritty, thanks for the help again14:06
iarwain1tam9: np's xD14:06
tam9legend2440: i'd like to see it running with a certain program i am running14:06
Chousukescuderia: can you put the output of ifconfig to pastebin from both machines?14:06
scuderiasure, 2 min. booting other pc14:06
legend2440tam9: oh ok then that won't help14:06
iDNHey there! I'm looking for a Wiki or something of that sort which covers EVERYTHING an Ubuntu  tech supporter needs to know. Basically, I'm looking for a text on the structure of Ubuntu, that sort of things. If anyone can help, please, I'll be thankful.14:08
ubotwoA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training14:08
Chousukescuderia: going to get coffee, highlight me when you're done so I can find your message when I get back :P14:08
Jack_SparrowiDN, that is just the basics..14:08
scuderiasure Chousuke, many thanks14:08
iDNJack_Sparrow: Umm, what I meant is a text which give the reader knowledge of how to solve problems in Ubuntu.14:09
iDNThat's all.14:09
iDNJack_Sparrow: Basically, I'm looking for a text about the different systems in Ubuntu, such as X-Windows, GDM, GRUB etc.14:10
mwansahow to open oppenoffice programs in xterm ? i remeber somthing like office-writer14:10
danixhelo all14:10
Jack_SparrowiDN, I dont know of one source for all of that.14:10
=== linuxchild is now known as PoterMax
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy iDN14:11
iDNJack_Sparrow: Ummm, OK.14:11
LaughedEarlier: I accidently installed some components of myth, at the time it said something like 58 packages were being installed. Right now I am trying to uninstall it completely but it states only 10 packages will be removed. what gives?14:11
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, That is a good place to start..14:11
iDNJack_Sparrow: In this case, can you give me all of the web sites you know which cover these areas?14:11
lunaphyte_i'm running 6.10 on a server - do i use apt-get dist-upgrade to get the various updates to that version, or is there a more ubuntu preferred method?14:11
erUSULlunaphyte_: that's the preferred method after a sudo apt-get update14:12
apex`hi ppl14:12
lunaphyte_ok, thanks.14:12
bazhangJack_Sparrow: thanks; just off the top of my head--also iDN might want to know about psychocats website14:12
Jack_SparrowiDN, No, that would be a huge list and suited more to how I learn.  It is easy enough for you to search and flag what works for you14:12
legend2440mwansa: ooffice -writer14:13
iDNJack_Sparrow: OK, thank you, and bazhang.14:13
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, there are lots.. but yes I link to psycho14:13
lunaphyte_form what i've read, for released versions, an update like that generally consists of only security updates - is that right?14:13
bazhangno worries iDN ;]14:13
iDNbazhang: :)14:13
=== asoi is now known as xoRock
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I've tested the scripts and they work, but I'm going to be calling them from a keyboard shortcut. I have to remove sudo from them. But when I do that, I can't run these scripts as a normal user.14:14
Jack_SparrowiDN, also look at how to privatly work the bot14:14
iDNOh, if I'm already here...14:14
iDNHow can I delete ALL of Kubuntu's packages?14:14
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: buddy thx alot for assistance but its not my luck to use ubuntu rite now hu hu hu neways thx to all of you guys all of you must be paid....14:14
ArthurArchnixAccording to the file permissions, I should be able to run the script: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 161 2008-03-10 16:09 unload_psmouse.sh14:14
Jack_SparrowiDN, I have a link on deleting meta-packages14:14
maro_The problem is because an app called sun-java6-bin, when I reload the software information with sudo apt-get install -f, it shows up a window that says:  SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE JAVA PLATFORM    ▒14:14
maro_ │ TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT. and some other things about configuration (seems), but doesnt let me do anything more, so, can't finish the process, what can I do there? becuse seems till I don't finish that process the problem won't be fixed14:15
FloodBot1maro_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
iDNJack_Sparrow: What do you mean?14:15
iDNI meant, what do you mean by privately work the bot?14:15
bazhangmaro_: pastebin and then tab and enter for that agreement14:15
bazhangiDN: /msg ubotu flash for example14:15
scuderiaChousuke: here14:16
Jack_SparrowiDN, http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_To_Remove_Any_Meta_Package_In_Ubuntu14:16
maro_The problem is because an app called sun-java6-bin, when I reload the software information with sudo apt-get install -f, it shows up a window that says something about configuration (seems), but doesnt let me do anything more, so, can't finish the process, what can I do there? becuse seems till I don't finish that process the problem won't be fixed.14:16
iDNOh, nice one, bazhang. :)14:16
iDNThanks, Jack_Sparrow14:16
Chousukescuderia: okay, so did you get them to pastebin?14:17
Jack_SparrowiDN, Example.. you install Kubuntu-desktop  then want to uninstall it..14:17
scuderianot yet, want ifconfig?14:17
iDNJack_Sparrow: I already uninstalled it using apt-get, but it didn't remove all of the other packages. :(14:17
=== linuxchild is now known as PoterMax
Jack_SparrowiDN the desktop add tons of packages, but when you go to remove it.. it does not get them all..14:17
Chousukescuderia: yeah, that'd help14:17
bazhangmaro_: tab to agree then hit enter14:18
Jack_SparrowiDN, see also using aptitude instead of apt-get.. google that as well for a test14:18
=== linuxchild is now known as PoterMax
alusiajoin #ubuntu-pl14:19
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow:..... must be paid, ubuntu company shall........14:19
maro_hehe, ok, is always easier than I think14:19
maro_thanks bazhang14:19
bazhangno worries maro_ ;]14:19
maro_and excuses to the room, I am pretty new with this14:20
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, Goodmorning14:20
liddokunEscriba el texto aquí....14:20
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: aww gud morning too but still 10:42 pm here in philippines14:21
bazhangliddokun: /j #ubuntu-es por favor14:21
neozen-workhi all... need to dump a list of installed packages to stdout? any ideas?14:21
ubotwoTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate14:21
bazhangneozen-work: pastebinit14:21
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, Did you get your video and effects sorted out14:22
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, That program is cool eh?14:22
bazhangJack_Sparrow: my fave ;]14:23
ubotwoWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:23
scuderiaChousuke: http://pastebin.com/m5e5663e614:23
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: nope not at all i tried a lot but neways thx for all ur effort buddy i'm not lucky at all on ubunto14:23
ubotwoTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate14:23
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit14:24
Chousukescuderia: those don't seem to be configured at all. :o14:24
bazhangJack_Sparrow: hehe14:24
ghostlinesdoes anyone know how to see the transfer rate in nautilus?14:24
neozen-workthx Jack_Sparrow14:24
Picighostlines: Its not currently possible in Gutsy14:24
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, Try again in compiz, but wait around for adamk14:24
Jack_Sparrownp neo14:25
Picighostlines: Next version of Ubuntu/Gnome will have it though14:25
Chousukescuderia: try "sudo ifconfig eth1 inet netmask" on PC1 and then the same on PC2 but with for example.14:25
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: Progress. Thanks for your help thus far. I put the commands you gave me back into the script, placed it in an appropriate path (/usr/local/bin/load_psmouse.sh), ensured it was executable, made sure everyone was allowed to execute it with chmod... now, I can call it from the terminal without running sudo.14:25
xifwhere should the X log be in Ubuntu Gutsy?14:25
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, glad to help14:25
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, Technically off topic, but I was not busy at the moment14:26
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I don't suppose you'd know why I can't run it anywhere else, but the terminal though? For example, calling it through a keyboard shortcut, or even alt+F2 doesn't work.14:26
erUSULxif: /var/log/14:27
scuderiaChousuke: done14:27
Chousukescuderia: try pinging now.14:27
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, it should.  have you tried making a launcher14:27
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: Really? Sorry about that. I felt it was on-topic because I needed the ability to turn off the touchpad without running sudo commands, and I was unwillng to use the synaptic driver because of wakeup/interrupt issues.14:27
sand74Hey, has someone comlpiled v4l-dvb-experimental with 2.6.24 kernel?14:27
xiferUSUL: thanks, found it.14:27
scuderianot pinging. Can it be from having 6.10 and 7.10?14:28
krabadorhey people, in installation of nuovext2 theme at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=66685&forumpage=0  i can't install correctly...14:28
krabadorcan you help me?14:28
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, The busier we are the finer we need to draw that line...14:28
Chousukescuderia: does ifconfig look any different though?14:28
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I understand.14:28
scuderiajust add the ined addr and Bcast and Mask14:29
Chousukescuderia: you may also need to do "sudo ifup eth1" (or ifdown and then ifup)14:29
sand74Hey, has someone compiled v4l-dvb-experimental with 2.6.24 kernel?14:29
Chousukescuderia: okay, so they should be configured properly :/14:29
Chousukehmm :/14:29
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, And we do appreciate you understanding the difference14:29
scuderiaChousuke, im not sure but sometimes my pc doesnt work with both wireless and wired network14:30
iDNJack_Sparrow: I used apt-get to install kubuntu-desktop, therefore the command "sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop" doesn't remove all of the dependies of kubuntu-desktop. What should I do?14:30
scuderiai will shut down wireless and come back a few moments14:30
Chousukescuderia: well it might be routing them wrong.14:30
quboduphi ppl14:30
Jack_SparrowiDN, Did you look at the page I linked earlier on meta-packages14:30
scuderiai be back in 5 min, will try manually14:30
eth01jacekza: ?14:30
Chousukescuderia: I can't remember the routing commands though :/14:31
eth01!spam | jacekza14:31
ubotwojacekza: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...14:31
jacekzasorry mistake14:31
iDNJack_Sparrow: It links to an unavailable blog. :( It was removed from wordpress. :(14:31
qubodupI want to make Ubuntu use the realtime kernel, which I just installed via package manager, where do I find instructions on doing that?14:31
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: But now that I do have this script  ;)   perhaps you could help me figure out why it won't launch.  Running this "/usr/local/bin/unload_psmouse.sh" in a terminal turns off touchpad. But when I put that in a launcher on my panel, or type it in Alt+f2, or via keyboard shortcut, it does not.14:31
Jack_SparrowiDN, one sec14:31
eth01jacekza: k14:31
iDNJack_Sparrow: np14:31
Jack_Sparrowcomes up for me14:32
sand74Hey, has someone compiled v4l-dvb-experimental with 2.6.24 kernel?14:32
Jack_SparrowiDN, I may have grabbed the old link by accident'14:32
liddokuni need a live cd version of ubuntu!!!!!14:32
ubotwoUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:32
iDNJack_Sparrow: Ummm, OK.14:32
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com liddokun14:32
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, HOw are you writing the shortcut  bash unload_psmouse.sh14:34
prashanti hav 2 os wista n ubuntu .i play cs 1.6 in wista now i want to play also in ubuntu what i hav to do14:34
Lartza_i get these errors while compiling: checking boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp usability... no14:34
Lartza_checking boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp presence... no14:34
Lartza_checking for boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp... no14:34
Lartza_configure: error: cannot find boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp14:34
ubotwoHow should I know?14:34
LjL!paste | Lartza_14:34
ubotwoLartza_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:34
prashanti hav 2 os wista n ubuntu .i play cs 1.6 in wista now i want to play also in ubuntu what i hav to do14:34
LjL!botabuse | Lartza_14:34
ubotwoLartza_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotwo Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:34
prashanti hav 2 os wista n ubuntu .i play cs 1.6 in wista now i want to play also in ubuntu what i hav to do14:35
qubodupcan 1 tell me how to switch between installed kernels in 7.1 please?14:35
bazhangprashant check the appdb; you can find more in #winehq14:35
TraceGreenHello, I can not get IP through dhclient, but my Windows can get IP using DHCP!14:35
Lartza_Sorry all :(14:35
UB`Could someone with Hardy Heron installed try to run: gnome-appearance-properties14:35
TraceGreencan anyone help me?14:35
UB`I get a segmentation fault14:35
LjL!hardy > UB`    (UB`, see the private message from Ubotu)14:35
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I just copy and paste the command I typed in the terminal, into the command part of the launcher box.  In the meanwhile, I've put { and } above and below the line, to no effect.14:35
Lartza_configure: error: cannot find boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp14:35
amenadoTraceGreen-> what kind of nic card do you have?14:36
UB`ops sorry14:36
TraceGreenamenado, the driver is tg314:36
sand74Hey, has someone compiled v4l-dvb-experimental with 2.6.24 kernel?14:36
amenadoTraceGreen-> what kind of nic card do you have?14:36
TraceGreenamenado, when i config my eth0 through manual, my network work14:37
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, Just for fun.. make a launcher and for the command use  bash unload_psmouse.sh14:37
amenadoTraceGreen-> what do you mean if you config through eth0? what command did you issue?14:37
lunaphyte_from what i've read, for released versions, apt-get dist-upgrade generally consists of only security updates - is that right?14:37
TraceGreenamenado, ifconfig eth0 netmask; and config route and /etc/resolv.conf14:38
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, no14:38
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: "bash /usr/local/bin/unload_psmouse.sh" doesn't work.14:38
ubotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:38
TraceGreenamenado, but dhclient shows "no dhcpoffer"14:38
amenadoTraceGreen-> okay, can you paste your /etc/network/interface file in pastebin14:38
TraceGreenamenado, I am not in front of that computer now, so i don't know the kind of nic card14:38
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, One of the others or someone in #Bash will know14:39
amenadoTraceGreen-> what I was getting at earlier, was if it was ethernet or wireless14:39
TraceGreenamenado, it is ethernet, and i use ubuntu 7.10 livecd14:39
TraceGreenamenado, and also i tried knoppix livecd, it seems all linux can not get dhcp14:40
amenadoTraceGreen-> liveCd defaults to using dhcp, so you should have been able to acquire an ip address14:40
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: Yeah... I'm thinking it's a scripting error. Thanks for getting me this far. Cheers.14:40
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: i've read that - i didn't see anything regarding my question.  i've read the individual upgrade pages too, but apt-get dist-upgrade isn't for upgrading between versions, is it?14:40
TraceGreenamenado, yes, but actually, i can not get ip address14:40
sand74no one expirience with v4l-dvb-experimental and 2.6.24 kernel14:41
amenadoTraceGreen-> thats why its good to know what kind of nic card you have, to figure out if the nic driver for it is loaded or not14:41
AudioSenseCDsand74: try asking Jack_Sparrow instead14:41
AudioSenseCDsand74: or try amenado14:42
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, yes14:42
sand74you mean he knows about it14:42
TraceGreenamenado, because after i config my net card, I can surf the web, so, I don't think it is the problem of net card14:42
AudioSenseCDsand74: just try askin' if they could help u14:43
sand74so Jack do you know why it is not possible to compile v4l-dvb-experimental with a 2.6.24 Kernel14:43
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: it is?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades says to use some program called do-release-upgrade.14:43
TraceGreenamenado, I mean, i config my card: ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.**, and config route and /etc/resolv.conf, i can surf the web14:43
amenadoTraceGreen-> correct, so why your dhcp server is not offering is an ip address, you have to figure that out14:43
TraceGreenamenado, but windows can14:43
amenadoTraceGreen-> correct, so why your dhcp server is not offering  an ip address, you have to figure that out14:43
TraceGreenamenado, I also install windows XP in my computer14:43
arvindwhen i enable the restricted drivers the screen reolution changes nd i cant change it back again till i disable the drivers14:44
sand74audio thanks by the way14:44
TraceGreenamenado, Windows XP can get IP address through dhcp.14:44
AudioSenseCDamenado: coz he did not login to the protal instead of rediricting14:44
amenadoTraceGreen-> I can not make excuses for ubuntu, if you like to blame, go ahead, but am not going to sit here and say its that ones fault or the other14:44
bullgard4How can I make Midnight commander to call a picture viewing program (eog) if I highlight a .png filename and press Enter?14:44
eth01this is linux, not windows.14:44
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, apt-get dist-upgrade - upgrades the entire system to a newer release.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto    What version are you running now14:44
TraceGreenamenado, thanks very much. I just want to know why14:45
arvindjack::when i enable the restricted drivers the screen reolution changes nd i cant change it back again till i disable the drivers14:45
amenadoTraceGreen-> if you want to solve the problem we can try to assist, to give you reasons why night folllows day...oh well14:46
Jack_Sparrowarvind, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit14:46
amenadoTraceGreen-> assist in figuring out the card you have on your pc..and elaborate on your network setup, whats acting as dchp server?14:46
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: hmm, weird.  i just did apt-get dist-upgrade on a server that's been running 6.10 for close to a year without any updates, and i was surprised to see how little it updated.  running lsb_release -a after doing that still shows edgy/6.1014:47
TraceGreenamenado, thanks. ok14:47
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, It is easier on the newer release14:47
lunaphyte_oh, ok.14:47
amenadoTraceGreen-> come elaborate on your network setup14:48
arvindjack::after tat14:48
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, Did you chage sources to feisty from edgy?14:48
Jack_Sparrowarvind, ?14:48
arvindjack::after doing tat command shud i enable the drivers nw??14:49
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: no, i haven't - i was wondering about that, but nothing i read seemed to indicate i should do that.  i was expecting that maybe do-release-upgrade included that step as part of whatever it does.14:49
Jack_Sparrowarvind, USe tab to complete my nick so it will highlight.  after that command give me the link it gives you14:49
arvindJack_Sparrow, :: http://paste.stgraber.org/137314:50
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, I need to look at the upgrade pages...  gimme a sec..  or 1014:50
iDNJack_Sparrow: Did you find a working link?14:50
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: no worries - much appreciated.14:50
skipityhow can i write to a mac partition14:51
Jack_Sparrowarvind, I dont see a single resolution listed in your xorg...14:52
arvindJack_Sparrow, ::shud i enable the drivers and the follow tat code??14:52
Jack_Sparrowarvind, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg             set up know resolutions14:53
arvindJack_Sparrow, ::wont it be fine if i say gksu instead of sudo??14:53
Jack_Sparrowarvind, I have no idea what you are talking about.. the command I gave is correct  gksudo is for gui apps14:54
arvindJack_Sparrow, :: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration14:54
arvind   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008031020242414:54
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: i'll have to try it once again i have to pc's here i'm running XP now and i'm installing the ubuntu again and this it might lucky as you wish me luck Jack_Sparrow14:56
miloszcurrent Hardy doesn't see any USB devices here, is there any known help?14:56
Picimilosz: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.14:56
miloszi had to manually load the usb-storage module, after that my removable storage devices worked but GNOME still didn't automatically mount them14:56
miloszPici, ok14:56
Angheliksomeone who speaks Spanish14:56
iDNI just removed kubuntu-desktop and restarted X-Windows and BOOM! Ubuntu runs only in low graphics mode. :(14:56
Pici!es | Anghelik14:56
arvind   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008031020242414:57
ubotwoAnghelik: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:57
arvindJack_Sparrow, :: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration14:57
arvind   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008031020242414:57
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade                         is the way I read it for your setup14:57
Jack_Sparrowarvind, that is correct14:57
amenadoiDN-> did you have a saved copy of your xorg.conf?  you can reuse that14:57
arvindJack_Sparrow, ::so wat next now??14:57
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: thanks.14:57
iDNamenado: Yes, I have. :D14:57
iDNWell, no, I don't think it'll work, amenado. :(14:58
Jack_Sparrowamenado, it does create a backup14:58
LaughedI accidently installed 58 myth files. (i need coffee) but it is only letting me uninstall 10 files. What gives?14:58
amenadoiDN just for kicks, compare what the updated one versus your saved one, see what differences there are14:58
iDNJust after I uninstalled, I overwrote the backup. :(14:58
apoHm, weird. postfix isn't putting its stuff into ~/Maildir14:59
Jack_SparrowLaughed, it was a meta-package..  one sec  see also aptitude... instead of apt-get14:59
high-basshey guys... i got a new laptop yesterday.. installed ubuntu 7.10 on it... i installed compiz on it and gnome-compiz-preference.. in gnome-compiz preference... when i enable gl-desktop... none of the effects work... ie the cube rotation effect... what could be the reason for this?14:59
amenadoiDN oh well..14:59
apohigh-bass: Is it turned on?14:59
StefanWhigh-bass: you need to install the appropriate graphics drivers :)14:59
arvindJack_Sparrow, ::so wat next now??15:00
iDNamenado: Is there a command which defaults the x-windows file?15:00
high-bassapo; yes it is15:00
Jack_SparrowLaughed, http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_To_Remove_Any_Meta_Package_In_Ubuntu15:00
Jack_Sparrowarvind, restart x and see if it works15:00
amenadoiDN you can try to recreate a new one..  with that reconfigure command which always escape me, cant remember exact command line15:00
high-bassStefanW: so the one that came with ubuntu are the problem.. ok thanks ill search it up15:00
v3ctorJack_Sparrow: the link at that link is dead15:00
StefanWhigh-bass: you installed the restricted driver?15:00
arvindJack_Sparrow, i havent enabled the drivers yet!!!!15:00
high-bassStefanW: no i didnt!15:00
arvindJack_Sparrow, i did all this without enabling it15:01
StefanWhigh-bass: try the restricted driver manager :) system -> manage -> restricted driver manager15:01
iDNamenado: I'll back in  a second. I'm checking if my backup will help.15:01
LaughedK, tys jack15:01
LaughedIlll look it over15:01
high-bassStefanW: it says your hardware doesnt not need any restricted drivers15:01
StefanWhigh-bass: which grahics card do you have in your laptop :)15:01
regeyaJack_Sparrow: Buried, dead link, blogspam.  Not Dugg.15:01
LaughedOh, jack:  thats the link from earlier... its dead.15:01
Jack_SparrowDarn.. that was a good link too..  gimme a sec to google15:01
high-bassStefanW: i believe its an intel one....15:02
faileasi had a power outage in the middle of installing something... package installer says some other package management software is running after i rebooted.. any way to resolve this?15:02
high-bassStefanW: now im not sure of the exact model.. i forgot what the cmd was to list hardware on the computer...15:03
LjL!aptfix | faileas15:03
ubotwofaileas: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:03
StefanWhigh-bass: in a terminal, try "lspci"15:03
high-bassok thanks tring now!15:03
StefanWfunny how 99% of the questions are "cool desktop" related, lol15:04
high-bass00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)15:04
iDNamenado: Thanks. the backup worked. :)15:05
Laughedjack I did a search for "uninstall meta" at ubuntu and didnt get very good results15:06
iDNSomehow, after I changed the mouse driver to evdev, amenado, X-Windows went wild. :(15:06
StefanWhigh-bass: that graphics chip seems ot be blacklisted15:06
high-bassStefanW: what do you mean?15:06
StefanWhigh-bass: in a terminal, do "compiz --replace &" and show us the output via http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:07
v3ctorLaughed: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome15:07
amenadoiDN am glad it is resolved15:07
high-bassStefanW: so there are no drivers for that graphics card?15:07
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: buddy how do i set to two partition my HDD? i used manual but it says no root how do i do root???15:07
jhancockso if i needed to change my color scheme from 32-bit to 16-bit?15:08
LaughedHey vector: thanks man. I was actually looking for a link back to pyschocats so you killed 2 birds for me15:08
diegosouzahigh-bass, hey man, i have that graphic card15:09
AudioSenseCDamenado: buddy how do i set to two partition my HDD? i used manual but it says no root how do i do root???15:09
* delcoyote hi15:09
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> are you formatting a new hdd?15:09
AudioSenseCDamenado: yes sir15:09
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> which command are you using to format?15:10
high-bassStefanW: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5526/15:10
high-bassdiegosouza: ya did you have any problems with it?\15:10
AudioSenseCDamenado: not know but i'm in installing again the ubuntu CD15:10
=== asoi is now known as xoRock
diegosouzahigh-bass, ubuntu gutsy has know problems about it, u can activate compiz but u probably have troubles playing videos15:10
diegosouzahigh-bass, yes i had15:10
StefanWhigh-bass: ok, please check here how to avoid the blacklist http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58211215:11
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> are you getting that prompt of no root during partitioning?15:11
diegosouzahigh-bass, i run gnome without effects because it15:11
AudioSenseCDamenado: yes sir15:11
Laughedvector: thats such a great link. its answering questions I asked earlier plus some. hopefully Ill be able to wrap my head around this meta uninstall15:11
high-bassdiegosouza; really that sucks! lol..15:11
high-bassStefanW: ok thanks ill give it a read!15:11
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> then you must select one of the partitions and assign it a mount point of  /   "/" is root15:11
AudioSenseCDamenado: do i used guided instead of manual?15:11
StefanWhigh-bass: good luck :)15:11
diegosouzahigh-bass, yes... maybe next ubuntu fix it15:11
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> depends, do you want to use the entire disk or you have to allocate some yourselve?15:12
Jack_SparrowI cant seem to find a good link on meta-package identification and removeal.. will try again later15:12
StefanWdiegosouza: you can still playback video if you use VLC and route it through X1115:12
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AudioSenseCDamenado: i have to repartition it into 2 help me for manual15:12
LaughedJack: Vector tossed up a link from pyschocats. its pretty thorough15:13
kjaokiI am having a problem installing a deb package, it complains about dependencies after I issue: sudo apt-get -f install libstdc++515:13
diegosouzaStefanW, i know... i've done it, but it's really sucks15:13
Jack_SparrowLaughed, Ill scroll back and find it thanks15:13
high-bassStefanW: i took it off the blacklist... lets see if i get any problems in these few days!...15:13
high-bassdiegosouza: that sucks i cant wait for that HEH15:13
kjaokiit needs libc615:13
StefanWhigh-bass: okido :)15:13
v3ctorJack_Sparrow: have you looked at this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61519615:13
kjaokihow do I install that?15:13
StefanWdiegosouza: and yes, X11 playback isn exactly awesome15:13
LaughedJack: though im not sure if its gonna help my meta issue as it seems to focus on x/k ubuntu15:13
diegosouzaStefanW, thanks for the comment, it's always good15:14
StefanWdiegosouza: =)15:14
high-bassStefanW: thanks for your help!15:14
StefanWhigh-bass: happy to :)15:14
kjaokihow can I solve dependencies on an install I get errors after I use: sudo apt-get -f install libstdc++515:14
diegosouzaStefanW, that intel shouldn't be blacklistened next ubuntu version, it's a very common video card15:15
StefanWkjaoki: use synaptic :)15:15
heogenhow can to install ares and yahoo messenger15:15
diegosouzaStefanW, do u have it too?15:15
heogensomebody can help me15:16
ks3i changed my dpi settings, and now the openoffice menu fonts are huge. any ideas?15:16
StefanWkjaoki: by default, libstdc++6 is installed though :)15:16
diegosouzaheogen, ares through wine or wine-doors15:16
StefanWdiegosouza: no, nvidia 6600GT here :)15:16
kjaokisynaptic? is that another install method?15:16
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> okay, select manual and then delete what you dont need, and create new partitions to suit your needs15:16
diegosouzaheogen, why yahoo messenger? why not pidgin?15:16
heogeni will try it15:16
StefanWkjaoki: same thing, but GUI :) system -> manage -> synaptic package manager15:16
skipityhow can i write to a mac partition from ubuntu15:16
heogenyahoo messenger15:16
Jack_SparrowKaja, Chasing dependencies for software you are compiling from sources other than the ubuntu repos, is a never ending task.  make sure you have all official repos enabled and see the people that provided you with the source in the first place15:16
diegosouzaStefanW, aaaahh best graphic card.... i have it in my desktop  :-)15:17
heogenthat i can to inside a chat rooms15:17
prasannahye has anyone been able to change the connection limit (4) for Pan newsreader?15:17
StefanWdiegosouza: good to hear they're fixing the intel card though, I have it in my laptop :)15:17
kjaokithere is no repos from ubuntu, this was made from an rpm15:17
diegosouzaskipity, what problem do u have about it?15:17
prasannamy provider offers 15, would love to change it to 15, instead of 415:17
kjaokiit is TSM for debian15:17
diegosouzaheogen, try other messenger clients... there are a lot of them15:18
seisenheogen, why don't you use pidgin?15:18
heogenhow can I do it15:18
AudioSenseCDamenado: i used now entire HDD as hda15:19
seisen!pidgin | heogen15:19
ubotwoheogen: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete15:19
heogenIm a new user of ubuntu15:19
heogeni dont know what  is pidgin15:19
diegosouzaseisen, cool tht kind of command  :-)15:19
Jack_SparrowWelcome heogen   Pidgin is IM program15:19
heogenohhh, gaim15:19
diegosouzaheogen, ah ok... its the default messenger client15:19
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> thats fine then, go forward15:20
heogenyou dont to inside to a chat rooms15:20
seisen??? diegosouza15:20
Linux_Fresherback .. Ok , after installation, the updates have finished downloading and installing,  it has not asked me for a restart .. so what  comes next please ?15:20
diegosouzaheogen, yes, the old gaim15:20
prasannawhat newsreaders do u guys use?15:20
heogenof yahoo messenger15:20
diegosouzaheogen, but better than before15:20
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> make sure you have a mount point for /  which is hda in your case15:20
heogenbut the new gaim you can do it15:20
kjaokiI tried to use synaptic but system complain about 3 broken packages on the system15:20
AJC_Z0prasanna: slrn15:20
Linux_Freshermacogw: hey m8, u still around ?15:20
diegosouzaseisen, that command !something15:20
AJC_Z0mutt also does NNTP15:20
kjaokiuse broken filter to locate them?15:20
seisenyou can try that kjaoki15:21
prasannaAJc never heard of it, better than pan newsreader?15:21
heogen<diegosouza> with the new one you can to inside to the chat room15:21
kjaokiwhat a broken filter?15:21
seisenor apt-get -f install kjaoki15:21
AJC_Z0If you like bloat, try pan15:21
AudioSenseCDamenado: okies hey BTW it is necesary my other PC installing ubuntu got connected to my network?15:21
Laughedvector / Jack: not sure if you guys posted this but from my initial glance it seems to be the anser I was looking for. THought maybe you guys could use it.: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140920&highlight=uninstall+meta15:21
diegosouzaparadon, i don't15:21
wikzoWhen I have installed Ubuntu home folder on a separate partition and doing a dist. upgrade (formatting /root and keeping /home), what files will be removed and what will not?15:21
diegosouzaprasanna, i dont15:21
AJC_Z0Better is subjective term. Yes, of course it's better because Usenet is a text medium and slrn is designed for it15:22
Linux_FresherI will restart the system and come back15:22
diegosouzaheogen, i dont know, i dont use yahoo network15:22
prasannahmmm let me try it out15:22
* AJC_Z0 says from his X11 IRC client15:22
faileasright, thats fixed, all i need to do is clear out this old hdd that used to have suse and i'm set ^^15:22
diegosouzaparadon, wrong message to u, sorry15:22
v3ctorLaughed: ty, i will check it out15:22
heogen<diegosouza> ok. i like to use yahoo15:22
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> umm, you can have as many   pc's connected to a network15:22
ubotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:23
heogen<diegosouza> and i want to install ares too, how you recommend me to install it15:23
AudioSenseCDamenado: it is necesary?15:23
NattyTuxhow to I view two files at once with 'cat'? I mean I tried 'cat txt && txt2' , but didnt work.15:23
Exalt!search warez15:23
ubotwoFound: warez15:23
mauro_rioivhello everyone ...15:23
Pici!warez | Exalt15:23
ubotwoExalt: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:23
diegosouzaheogen, wine-doors seems to be better to new users  :-)15:23
infblissNattyTux: cat txt1 txt215:23
amenadoAudioSenseCD-> no, it is not dependent on it is it?15:23
infblissNattyTux: should do the job15:23
NattyTuxinfbliss : thanks alot!!!15:24
diegosouzamauro_rioiv, hello15:24
heogen<diegosouza> ok thank you15:24
infblissNattyTux: you are welcome15:24
l815kinda funny talking about piracy in a free world :)15:24
ubotwoThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:24
heogeni just to install and open with wine15:24
ubotwoSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.15:24
heogenand that set15:24
diegosouzaNattyTux, u can append to a temporary file and see it15:24
mauro_rioivi have update my ubutu to 7.10...15:24
mauro_rioivi have my ubuntu at 7.10 ... and my broadcom working ... but inside the 'connection properties' ( left to clock ) only have a eth0 ...15:24
mauro_rioivwhat can i do?15:24
AudioSenseCDamenado: got it buddy15:25
diegosouzainfbliss, u said the better way15:25
infblissmauro_rioiv:are you saying that wireless connection does not appear15:25
diegosouzamauro_rioiv, what do u need if it's runnig fine?15:26
infblissdiegosouza: i think he means that wireless connection does not appear in the list15:26
wikzoNattyTux: :)15:26
mauro_rioivyes ... with iwconfig i see my wireless eth ... but no in connection properties15:26
diegosouzainfbliss, ah ok15:26
murlidhari lost my x-client session i am not able to boot through x-client but only through gnome session. What is the problem?15:26
infblissmauro_rioiv: did you install any broadcom drivers15:27
exoriohello guys15:27
exoriousing gutsy here15:27
diegosouzaexorio, hello15:27
exoriogot this bug said "ata1 is slow to respond"15:27
infblissmauro_rioiv: you can go to menu-> system->preferences->proprietary drivers15:27
exoriohello diego15:27
murlidharany ideas? anyone?15:27
murlidhari lost my x-client session i am not able to boot through x-client but only through gnome session. What is the problem?15:27
anuragi am getting unmet dependencies error for any metapackage i'm trying to install15:27
exoriotried everywhere... kind of desperate here15:27
diegosouzaexorio, i don't know about it15:28
exoriothe bug was appear on dapper15:28
Jack_Sparrowexorio, Are you trying to install a new system?15:28
exorioreported by bunch of people on launchpad15:28
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exorioit's already installed, updated to security patches15:28
Jack_Sparrowexorio, Please provide a good link for reference on the problem15:28
anurageg sudo apt-get install libgnomeui-dev gives error The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:28
anurag  libgnomeui-dev: Depends: libgnomeui-0 (= 2.20.0-0ubuntu1) but is to be installed15:28
anurag                  Depends: libgnome2-dev (>= 2.13.7) but it is not going to be installed15:28
anurag                  Depends: libbonoboui2-dev (>= 2.13.1) but it is not going to be installed15:28
anurag                  Depends: libgnomevfs2-dev (>= 2.8.4-2) but it is not going to be installed15:28
anuragE: Broken packages15:28
mauro_rioivyes... throuth System/Administration/Restricted Drivers Manager15:28
FloodBot3anurag: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
exoriobut I experience occasional lockups15:28
infblissmurlidhar: what would you want to happen15:28
exoriowhen I dmesg15:29
mauro_rioivi dont have a option Proprietary Drivers15:29
murlidharinfbliss, i want to boot using run x-client scrpt session as default session.15:29
exoriothe "ata1 is slow to respond, please wait" appear... which I experience in dapper aswell...15:29
ubotwoI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:29
murlidharinfbliss, it was my default ever since i installed gutsy15:30
infblissmurlidhar: do you have automatic login15:30
infblissmurlidhar: enabled15:30
sounixhola buenos dias15:30
murlidharinfbliss, no i did not enable it.15:30
sounixuna pregunta15:30
diegosouzasounix, english, please15:30
bazhangsounix: /j #ubuntu-es por favor ;]15:30
infblissmurlidhar: are you able to log out and choose sessions15:31
Jack_Sparrowexorio, It sounds like one of your drives is a bit slow..  I would try  all_generic_ide   and or ide=nodma  in your grub boot command line15:31
murlidharinfbliss, yes15:31
anuragwhen i try to install libgnomeui-dev, i'm getting errors about unmet dependencies when they are already in repositories. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59140/15:31
infblissmurlidhar: so you mean to say that X session does not appear in the list of sessions15:31
exorioJack : if I use nodma... that means I would use PIO mode for the ide drive?15:31
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murlidharinfbliss, it does but after entering the password only ubuntu trademark brown screen comes up and nothing happens15:32
Jack_Sparrowexorio, I think that is correct...15:32
exorioit's on a notebook actually15:32
exoriofound couple of solutions on the launchpad15:32
exoriobut no luck :(15:32
exoriolike combined ata mode15:32
infblissmurlidhar: i think that might be the X session you wanted to. since you have no window manager running15:32
exorioand using older driver15:33
infblissmurlidhar: no panel or any other stuff appears15:33
murlidharinfbliss, no nothing appears15:33
infblissmurlidhar: btw, why would you want to log in to plain X15:33
infblissmurlidhar: when you have gnome installed and working15:33
murlidharinfbliss, in that i was able to change themes not in this15:34
exoriowhat if I wanted to use PIO mode for CDRom driver but still using DMA mode for harddrive?15:34
exorioI barely use CDs on ubuntu anyway15:34
infblissmurlidhar: by x-client script session, do you mean XFCE15:34
infblissmurlidhar: i am a bit confused15:34
murlidharinfbliss, no not xfce15:35
infblissinfbliss: actually a plain X session does not allow you to change themes as far as I know15:35
murlidharinfbliss, i am not able to customize the themes . like changing window borders15:35
infblissmurlidhar: yeah I understand. when you log in to GNOME15:36
infblissmurlidhar: do you see something like System->preferences-> Themes15:36
murlidharinfbliss, that's what.15:36
murlidharinfbliss, i can access that but not able to customize a theme.15:37
murlidharinfbliss, i can change a theme but the window border doesn't change . it only changes color.15:38
infblissmurlidhar: but you say you are able to do this when you are in the X-client script session, right?15:38
murlidharalso the panels look a bit weird.15:38
murlidharinfbliss, yes15:38
Jack_Sparrowexorio, Just a thought, but apm acpi ie: power management may be part of that problem as well15:38
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, Are you running effects?15:38
murlidharinfbliss, but i am not so sure . cuz i never changed the default session since i installed15:39
murlidharJack_Sparrow, yes15:39
infblissmurlidhar: i thought ubuntu's default session was GNOME15:39
infblissmurlidhar: right?15:39
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, Kinda thought so.. you may want to /join #Compix for learning hoe to work with themes under effects15:39
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infblissmurlidhar: i think Compiz is creating some problems15:40
infblissmurlidhar: are you able to disable compiz btw15:40
murlidharinfbliss, how to disable that.?15:40
lab_rathey its wired... no script plugin alarmed me about xss danger when i went on www.linuxjournal.com site15:41
bastid_raZormurlidhar; install ccsm to tweak the compiz settings15:41
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, metacity --replace15:41
infblissmurlidhar: I second Jack_Sparrow15:41
heogenhey do you know a program for to learn languages in ubuntu?15:41
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, and install ccsm if not already in place15:41
murlidharbut why suddenly did this happen?15:42
stefano__where can i ask questions about hardy alpha?15:42
heogeninfbliss this program is free?15:42
infblissmurlidhar: compiz is not so mature as the window managers are15:42
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, WIndow decorators are funny things..  try also compiz --replace15:42
infblissheogen: yes15:42
bastid_raZorstefano__; #ubuntu+115:42
heogenthank you guy15:42
Juppafter using my keyboard's mute button, the volume doesn't properly restore to it's pre-muted value (this only happens if I wait a couple of seconds before I unmute)15:43
infblissheogen: you are welcome15:43
UnknownUniverseAny common misstake if PHP doesn't work15:43
infblissUnknownUniverse: can you join #php15:43
Jack_SparrowJupp, Fine tune your sound in #Alsa channel15:43
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ePaxWhere can i download tk8.5 and tcl8.5 deb?15:44
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UnknownUniversesure infbliss15:44
ElTimoim back again15:44
UnknownUniverseBut I thought it had to do with my installation15:44
infblissePax: are you able to do apt-get install tk (or) apt-get install tcl15:44
scuderiaChousuke: i connect the xp with ubuntu via samba15:44
stefano__I've got a problem: every browser (epiphany, firefox2, firefox3) except Midori (webkit) is behaving strangely. all the fonts (even menubars and such) are WAY too big. anybody know what to do about it? (i use 72dpi screen resolution instead of whatever is normal)15:44
murlidharJack_Sparrow, it says it couldn't activate plugin dbus15:44
ElTimoanyone know how to fix wireless on a custom 2.6.22 kernel with iwl3945?15:44
ePaxinfbliss: When i do that i get 8.4 installed15:45
Jack_Sparrowmurlidhar, THen you need to run over to #Compiz15:45
Chousukescuderia: you got the network working between XP and ubuntu, but not ubuntu-ubuntu?15:45
stefano__ElTimo, did you integrate all the required modules properly?15:45
infblissePax: is your program dependent on some particular feature of tcl8.515:45
scuderiayes, thats it. unfortunatly15:45
ElTimoer....probably not15:45
JuppJack_Sparrow, this appears to be a gnome bug. It's listed as "fixed" in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/1269315:45
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 12693 in control-center "Mute Button Shortcut sometimes doesn't restore sound when "unmuted"" [Medium,Fix released]15:45
murlidharJack_Sparrow, infbliss  thanks for helping me15:45
infblissmurlidhar: you are welcome15:45
ePaxinfbliss: Yes. One theme and my amsn depends on 8.515:45
scuderiawell, with samba i may get the network working between ubuntu ubuntu15:45
stefano__ElTimo, i think you will either need to rebuild your kernel with all the proper modules or install a generic kernel15:45
ThRixXxhow do i filter out "has joined" "has quit" "has left" on XCHAT ?15:46
ElTimostefano_: what modules should I use? I'm looking at my config right now and I can't find anything related to the intel 394515:46
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/sys/bus/pnp/devices$ ls -al 00:06; lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-03-10 16:10 00:06 -> ../../../devices/pnp0/00:06" Wie kriege ich heraus, wie die Verzeichnisse heißen, die nur mit 2 Punkten angegeben sind?15:46
Jack_SparrowJupp, that link is 2 years old...  Does not apply although it looks the same...15:47
faileasanyone got a howto on formatting a disk? its non system, so i'm assuming there'd be a fairly simple command for it15:47
Linux_FresherQ: i just installed ubuntu .. then updated it to full latest version - rebooted ,  now i clicked on RESTRICTED driver icon, it downloaded nVidia driver [my card is nvidia] .. rebooted .. and everything now looks 640x480 @ 50 Mz .. how to change it ?15:47
infblissePax: can you look at that15:47
ubotwoThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:47
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, right click the tab and hide them15:47
ePaxinfbliss: Thnx15:47
Chousukescuderia: your first task is to be able to ping between the machines.15:47
JuppJack_Sparrow, that's why I'm confused....15:47
JuppJack_Sparrow, is exactly my problem15:47
Jack_SparrowJupp, Please /join #Alsa15:47
Chousukescuderia: after that, you can set up NFS or samba or whatever you want :)15:47
ThRixXxthe channels tab at the side?15:48
infblissePax: also I have a doubt. if you did apt-get aMSN, then the dependecies should be automatically installed15:48
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, yes, but mine are at the bottom15:48
scuderiaso strange, i cant ping the XP but i can connect to it and transfer files to it15:48
ePaxinfbliss: No they dont insta... As i told you i only get 8.4 installed not 8.515:48
faileasthats cause XP turns off ping by default15:49
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Chousukescuderia: uh.15:49
Linux_Freshermy resolution is stuck at 640 x 480 at 50 Mz .. please help ..  i just installed ubuntu and updated it15:49
Chousukescuderia: maybe it's connecting through your wireless?15:49
ElTimostefano_: ??15:49
ThRixXxwow, how can i check if i have the newst version ?  theres nothing i can select there and i cant make my tabs at bottom like u did, allthough i used to make tabs on bottom in xchat windows15:49
Chousukescuderia: what happens then you ping it?15:49
erUSULLinux_Fresher: System>Admin>Screen and graphics15:49
ElTimostefano__: what modules should I use? I'm looking at my config right now and I can't find anything related to the intel 394515:50
scuderiaChousuke: the point is that they are already connected. the ping gives From icmp_seq=19 Destination Host Unreachable15:50
ThRixXxwhat a lol! i have 0.18!15:50
Chousukescuderia: hmmh :/15:50
Linux_FreshererUSUL:  still there only 2 options  .. 640x480 and 320x240 :(15:50
Chousukescuderia: I don't really know. Everything should work :/15:51
erUSUL!fixres | Linux_Fresher15:51
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, You should be able to right click on any channel and select to hide parts and joins15:51
ubotwoLinux_Fresher: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:51
scuderiai explain, i have here 2 pcs, one with windows messed up that doesnt boot (pc2) in wich i used a live cd. My goal is to from live cd backup the harddrive. I cant burn dvds becaus the drive is running the live cd. So i need to copy files to the PC115:51
infblissLinux_Fresher: what monitor do you have15:51
erUSUL!version | ThRixXx15:51
ubotwoThRixXx: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell15:51
stefano__ElTimo, i don't know15:51
bastid_raZorLinux_Fresher; in terminal run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select higher resolutions in that setup.15:51
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ElTimostefano__: ok thanks15:52
stefano__ElTimo, why don't you just use a normal kernel image from the repo?15:52
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  LG FLATRON 775 FT15:52
andersbrBug report:  Time didn't update automatically.  Had to restart ntp.  Then in re-upped.15:52
bazhangElTimo: how about the iwl394515:52
Jack_SparrowePax, Do you have backports enabled?15:52
ElTimostefano__: too slow for me15:52
ePaxJack_Sparrow: I dont know actually15:52
infblissLinux_Fresher: you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:52
ElTimobazhang: modprobe says it can't find it15:52
Jack_Sparrow!info  tk8.515:52
ubotwoPackage tk8.5 does not exist in gutsy15:53
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  ya .. but if there is an easier way, i want to first go through that .. i am very new, so i have to figure out easier way of doing it before i start typing in bash commands15:53
julleIs PulseAudio like Alsa? a sound driver?15:53
Jack_SparrowePax, http://in.solit.us/archives/show/11397915:53
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  what about a restart ? i did restart the whole pc after "restricted driver download" finished15:53
mauro_rioivhello. anyone can help to setup my wireless network ?15:53
Chousukescuderia: hm :/15:53
LjLJack_Sparrow, it does exist, bot's broken15:53
ePaxJack_Sparrow: I'm downloading files right now from that site :D15:53
heogenhello i was install ares in my laptop with wine and i dont see it15:53
infblissLinux_Fresher: do you mean the resolution is still the same after restarting15:53
heogenwhen a can found it15:54
Jack_SparrowePax, :)15:54
LjLJack_Sparrow: well no, it only exists in backports15:54
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  yes15:54
ePaxShall i enable back ports to be able to download tk8.5?15:54
infblissheogen: what is ares15:54
Chousukescuderia: I don't know what's wrong with your network, sorry. :/15:54
Jack_SparrowePax, yes15:54
scuderiaChousuke: now with samba i cant transfer files because samba doesnt accept put /home/xxx and does accept put xxx15:54
heogenares is a program for download movie and songs15:54
infblissLinux_Fresher: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:54
Chousukescuderia: use a graphical client?15:55
infblissheogen: you could use a native linux application. Just do "sudo apt-get install limewire"15:55
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  when i used live CD it was good , then after installing and restarting it was good , but after that i downloaded and installed the restricted nvidia driver .. restarted .. and it got messed up to 640 x 480  .. reading the link u gave me15:55
infblissheogen: it is as good as ares15:55
Chousukescuderia: like nautilus, just connect to SMB://machine/share15:55
infblissLinux_Fresher: ok. lets hope it helps you15:56
heogeninfbliss but not for the movie15:56
bastid_raZorLinux_Fresher; ahh that means you need to run sudo nvidia-settings in a terminal15:56
heogenfor the movie ares is better15:56
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Often people do not setup their monitor v/h rates and hafve your problem15:56
infblissheogen: limewire is also a p2p program15:56
heogeninfbliss really15:56
ePaxI have one more question15:56
infblissheogen: yes15:56
infblissePax: bring it on15:57
Jack_SparrowePax, Sorry one ? per day15:57
heogenok thank you a will do15:57
heogenthank you15:57
ePaxI just enabled backports and i got like 25 mb of updates... is that hardy upgrades for gutsy or?15:57
ePaxOnly thing i needed is tk 8.5 and tcl 8.5.... shall i turn off backports now? i dont need any more pkgs?15:57
heogeni will like to know if a install a program with wine i can i find it15:58
infblissePax: it does not do any harm15:58
jribePax: yeah, basically hardy packages the backports team has tested and deemed safe for gutsy15:58
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  ok, but in screen and resolution, the refresh rate is fixed at 50 Hz, i cant change it15:58
Jack_SparrowePax, Just get the package you need for now and turn them off15:58
infblissePax: only reason to enable backports was to make sure that you get the latest packages15:58
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  so how do i set the nvidia refresh rate u said ?15:58
heogenbecause i to install a program with wine and i don't know where is it15:58
scuderiamy problem is that i can only use the apps on the live cd15:58
ePaxJack_Sparrow: I do have packages that i need now...15:58
ePaxinfbliss: So they are not any beta packages in backports or?15:59
infblissheogen: wine does not work all the time. so it is better not to rely on it15:59
Salcan someone please check this link and tell me if he gets a flash #2032 error? www.frosinone.tv15:59
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, v/h rates are different than 50 hz you mentioned.. look at the specs for your monitor and for vertrefresh and horizsync15:59
heogeninfbliss ok thank you15:59
infblissePax: http://www.backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php15:59
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  umm .. ok .. i can see it some where in ubuntu or google it ?15:59
Salonly ubuntu users get that error16:00
BakefyDoes anyone know how to change the port Ubuntu Remote desktop uses?16:00
GarethMarsh1985can anyone help me installing grub on an ext3 partition using xp?16:00
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, You would need to google for the specs on your hardware.. there is an auto detect feature, but best to actually find them if you can16:00
sars960I'm having trouble with ubuntu's compiz settings, can someone help me with the rotating cube?16:01
infblisssars960: can you join #compiz16:01
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  is there an easy way to try to "re-detect" the software without using all the commands which i dont understand ?16:01
Linux_Fresherre-detect the hardware i mean**16:01
infblissLinux_Fresher: actually sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does exactly that. since you do not want to do that16:02
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  okies !! i will do it !! :)16:02
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  if the system blows up in my face, its on you !! :P16:02
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/sys/bus/pnp/devices$ ls -al 00:06; lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-03-10 16:10 00:06 -> ../../../devices/pnp0/00:06" What is the full pathname of '../../../devices/pnp0/00:06'?16:02
Salcan someone please tell me if he gets the #2032 error on the app www.frosinone.tv16:02
Salseems that only the ubuntu users get that error16:03
noodlesgcwould it be suicide to install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop all on the same system?16:04
infblissnoodlesgc: why do you think so16:04
infblissnoodlesgc: the system will just take more disk space16:04
noodlesgci dont know, im asking you16:04
infblissnoodlesgc: there is no  other harm16:04
noodlesgcexcellent, ty16:04
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:   ok the command worked but its stuck at the last screen .. the botton <ok> is not clickable16:05
infblissnoodlesgc: anyways is there a special reason16:05
heogenwhat is:  0B de ficheros16:05
stratuswhere's the ubuntu mirror disk space usage page? I couldn't find a wiki article or something related breaking down the bits by disk space required.16:05
infblissLinux_Fresher: does pressing return do any good16:05
noodlesgcno, im just addicted to installing packages :)16:05
heogenthis a error in my terminal16:05
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  nope .. confirmed  again16:05
infblissnoodlesgc: ok16:05
stratusI am interested in hardy mirroring (source, i386 and amd64 all components), if anyone has a mirror setup and could tell me the disk space used, it is fine too16:05
noodlesgci already have 5142 installed16:05
DuckstarIs there a way to rebuild your sources.list ?16:05
heogeninfbliss do you know what is this error  0B de ficheros16:05
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  ok tab worked16:06
infblissLinux_Fresher: ok16:06
infblissheogen: i dont speak that language16:06
Linux_Fresherinfbliss:  its asking me difficult Qs now , card's bus identifier is 3.0.0 .. i dont know if its right16:06
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Use the tab key Luke16:07
heogeninfbliss is it in Spanish16:07
infblissLinux_Fresher: you might want to consult your harware manual for that16:07
bastid_raZorLinux_Fresher; those are auto detected settings .. it would be smart to just accept them and go on16:07
heogenbut i can to translate if you one16:07
infblissheogen: i think so16:07
Linux_Fresherbastid_raZor:  kk16:07
bastid_raZorJack_Sparrow; heh.. a friend of mine tells me things like that all the time..16:07
infblissheogen: yes please16:07
heogenif you want16:07
sinboxhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59147/  if anyone can tell me whetehr that is right or wrong16:07
faileasi have a secondary disk drive which used to have suse installed on it. it dosen't seem to turn up in /dev/ but it shows up on my system. i want to purge the previous contents of that drive, and use it for storage. I DON'T have a cd rom drive, and this box is too old for usb booting, unless i can convince grub tio do it... gparted endlessly scans but dosen't do anything. any ideas?16:07
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, lspci | grep -i vga should show you the right pci port if the default ends up being wrong16:07
ctp_hi folks. anyone has a hint how to get this scenario working: i have to encrypt an ubuntu system running from a cf card. but it's important, that it can only be decrypted on same device. i wanna prevent someone to put the card in any other machine and boot from.16:08
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  ok but to that spci thing we will go later if right now all default settings dont work .. btw plz tell me answer to this -->   Use kernel framebuffer device interface?  .. default is no16:09
infblissheogen: u there?16:09
faileasctp: unless the devices have some form of hardware encryption its not possible16:09
kes0anyone who have any good idea what to eat for dinner ? :)16:09
heogeninfblish the mistake is error in 0b file16:09
sinboxfound my answer on my own :)16:10
AudioSenseCDkes0: an egg and a spread16:10
infblissheogen: thats quite confusing16:10
infblissheogen: when do you get this error16:10
kes0spread ?16:10
Jack_Sparrowinfbliss, Error file is Zero bytes16:11
heogenwhen i was trying to install limewire16:11
ctpfaileas: thought about something like dynamic keys generated from cpuid or any other device specific data.16:11
Jack_Sparrowheogen, use frostwire16:11
heogenwith sudo  apt-get install limewire16:11
FLUXxXxHello! Does anyone know a software or web application that generates graphs or stats about: network usage (how much traffic transffered and what speeds), apache usage (nr of hits, what links got hits etc), cpu and mem usage (how much and WHEN) and so on ?16:11
infblissheogen: ok. can you retry it16:11
bluefox83there are no .exe's in linux16:11
ubotwofrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire16:12
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/sys/bus/pnp/devices$ ls -al 00:06; lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-03-10 16:10 00:06 -> ../../../devices/pnp0/00:06" What is the full pathname of '../../../devices/pnp0/00:06'?16:12
kes0frostwire ?16:12
Linux_Fresherxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration16:12
Linux_Fresher   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080310214222   ..16:12
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, perfect16:12
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  so now to reboot ?16:13
noodlesgcFLUXxXx munin?16:13
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  because still currently its 640 x 48016:13
infblissLinux_Fresher: i think restarting X server would suffice. you can do Ctrl-Alt-Backspace16:13
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, restart x....16:13
exorioa googling for more detailed info seems to give a satisfying answer : http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg435655.html16:13
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  okies16:13
exorioit's about ata1 is slow to respond16:14
Jack_Sparrowinfbliss, I prefer to avoid the three finger salute and have them log out and back in..16:14
infblissJack_Sparrow: ok16:14
exorioseems my cdrom firmware got bug in it TSSTcorpCD/DVD TS-L632D... hope that helps somebody else aswell...16:14
Linux_FresherAMAZING .. KICKAZZ !! :) :)   .. YOU GUYS ROCK BIG16:14
Jack_SparrowNo really16:15
Linux_Fresherman !! this looks sooooo sweet now  :)16:15
Linux_Freshertx tx tx tx tx16:15
infblissLinux_Fresher: you are welcome16:15
Jack_SparrowNice work infbliss16:15
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow & infbliss  thanks a TONZ .. :)16:15
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Have yo ugot effects yet16:15
Linux_Fresherok .. so what now ? i have updated ubuntu, and i have updated the restricted drivers !! what next to download ?16:16
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, install ccsm16:16
ubotwoTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:16
exoriohey I seen a guy playing with icons.... as they are like chain or something on youtube16:16
exoriowhere can I get that effect?16:16
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  okies, i will enable the express effects .. i know where to do that :) .. was playing around with this fresh ubuntu installation in evening16:16
ThRixXxhow can i update xchat ?16:17
niklas_I would like to have libz compression support in kismet. It says it can't find it when I try to compile latest kismet. What package is libz-dev included in?16:17
BadRobothi there16:17
BadRobotdoes someone in here uses Elisa Media Player?16:17
bullgard4ThRixXx: Use Synaptic16:18
AudioSenseCDLinux_Fresher: just ask did you try restart the pc not restarting X??? coz i got same prob bout that16:18
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:   ok .. in Appearance i enabled Extra :)16:19
infblissAudioSenseCD: do you have a problem with X as such16:19
Linux_FresherAudioSenseCD:  no, i restarted just X .. by ctrl alt backspace16:19
AudioSenseCDLinux_Fresher: yeah yea i know but ry restart the system not X it seem goin back to 640x80016:20
patogenCan somebody tell me a nice site that tells you about new and or cool applications?16:20
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager16:20
Linux_FresherAudioSenseCD:  and that funky command that infbliss / Jack_Sparrow gave works .. asks too many questions but nothing much needs to be answered .. btw if mouse click doesnt work on the <ok> menu in terminal, use the TAB key16:20
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  roger that boss !! :)16:20
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit16:21
infblisspatogen: you may want to go here http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:21
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: got damn sata DvdRam thing i got my graphics and video working out16:21
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  heh !! the windows became 'wobbly'  !! i had seen it on you tube .. never thought my rig will have the same lol16:21
Jack_SparrowIt gets better16:22
Linux_Fresherwee !! man this slaps vista hard !!16:22
legend2440niklas_: do you mean zlib compression. it would be zlib1g-dev16:22
coincoin161anyone knows about pand and bluetooth ?16:22
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  ok the command downloaded some stuff, its done now16:22
zulerdongleHello, I have a strange problem. Everytime I select "switch user", when I log back in its as if i had logged out because all of my opened programs are closed. Does anyone know what could be causing this? THanks16:22
patogeninfbliss: I meant something more that presents the applications more in detail and stuff16:22
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: i finish installed ubuntu now what should i do next?16:22
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  too much data in terminal to paste here though16:23
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Do you have a wheel on your mouse16:23
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  yep .. its a button if i press it, and wheel when i rotate it16:23
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, dont need the paaste from you16:23
infblisspatogen: if you have gutsy, it is very much here http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/16:23
Linux_Fresherheh !! it shifts desktops !! xD16:23
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, point to the top bar of open window.. roll the wheel16:23
jhoffawhat should to update hoary?  my /etc/apt/sources.list no longer works16:23
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  aww .. nothing happens, but if i rotate the wheel when mouse is on free space of desktop it changes desktops to right and left :)16:24
BadRobotis there much change from the Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 5 to the Alpha 6?16:24
patogeninfbliss: Nice, thank you16:24
PETERR-hi, i have a problem, i just installed xubuntu, but im stuck at 800x600 resolution, i want to set it to 1024x768 but i just simply cant, and yes 1024x768 is added in xorg.conf but i just cant set it, im 100% sure that is a refresh problem, what can i do, i even know wich values for horizync and vertzync my monitor supports, but if i add them to xorg.conf then the monitor just turns black like if dont support the res at that refresh value. what can i do16:25
PriceChild!hardy | BadRobot16:25
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that BadRobot16:25
ubotwoBadRobot: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:25
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, system  pref  advanced desktop16:25
infblisspatogen: you are welcome16:25
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/sys/bus/pnp/devices$ ls -al 00:06; lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-03-10 16:10 00:06 -> ../../../devices/pnp0/00:06" What is the full pathname of '../../../devices/pnp0/00:06'?16:25
bazhangjhoffa: go here www.ubuntu.com and get a more recent version ;]16:25
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  wow .. big stuff there !!  and i just resized the chat window and it gave some amazing transparancy effects there too !! xD16:25
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, dbl click general options and then desktop size16:25
stefano__will i get a matrox triplehead2go to work with ubuntu? (it acts like a screen with a resolution of e.g. 3840x1200)16:26
Jack_Sparrowset it to 4  1  and 116:26
jhoffabazhang - thanks but that's not an option at the moment as we're running production servers16:26
jugheadWhat methods are available to linux users in the area of filing taxes online?16:26
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  did it .. just that there is no OK button to confirm .. so i take it that just by saying 4 there its done16:26
mauro_rioivcan anyone helpme to setup my wireless ... please16:26
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, ctrl  alt  left mouse button and move mouse16:26
bazhangjhoffa: aha the servers--well you can upgrade..hmm hoary? not sure if that is supported any more methinks not however16:27
infblissjughead: does not www.turbotax.com do it16:27
Jack_Sparrowback out of that screen to main menu16:27
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  ok little funny thing is that i went back and went in again, it automatically changed the 4 to 3 there , tried it 2 times now, it wont stay at 416:27
frank_Juhaz: In canada there are online apps that do taxes that and all you need is a browser16:28
infblissbazhang: are you supported by Canonical16:28
jugheadinfbliss, yeah I filed there last year I think but I can't remember if it worked with FF or not16:28
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  my bad .. it worked .. ok its at 4 1 1 now .. what next ?16:28
infblissjughead: for me it worked16:28
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, See if you can spin the cube16:28
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, ctrl  alt  left mouse button and move mouse16:28
Tyczekhi I've question. My friend on Windows is connecting to my ubuntu by putty... Is there posibble to copy from his windows to my /media/HDD a file or folder?16:28
bazhanginfbliss the #ubuntu channel? haha no ;]16:29
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, see also ctrl-alt and down arrow16:29
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  hmm .. nothing happens but there is one "rotate cube" tab there which is currently unmarked .. enable it ?16:29
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, My bad..  yes on the fist page of menus..16:29
bazhangthis should be fun ;]16:30
infblissTyczek: it should be16:30
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  actually by default only desktop wall , Expo and Viewport Switcher  are enabled .. enable all rest ?16:30
FruuctisHi channel...remember me from yesterday? :P16:30
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, My bad..  yes on the fist page of menus..  desktop cube and rotate cube should be checked16:30
bazhangLinux_Fresher: and scale ;]16:30
Tyczekinfbliss, I tried scp -r C:/www tyczek@ip /media/HDD, but didn't work... perhaps wrong command ;p16:30
Linux_FresherMAN !!  YAY !!16:31
Linux_FresherIT ROTATES !!16:31
infblissTyczek: perhaps you should try #putty16:31
FruuctisHow do i get the cube to work? just reinstalled Ubuntu...using the auto updates right now16:31
Tyczekinfbliss, ok, thanks16:31
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  ok .. what do i need to enable so that scrolling mouse wheel on any window title will do something ?  i think thats the only thing remaining now16:31
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: ques. the software source for the package NVDIA GLX-NEW is not enabled... does it necesary while installing got coneccted to internet?16:32
noodlesgcFruuctis install the compiz-config-settings-manager16:32
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, that should already be enabled..  try one more time. just point to the top bar of windo and scroll wheel16:32
Fruuctiswhere do i get that=?16:32
noodlesgcFruuctis sudo apt-get install compiz-config-settings-manager16:33
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, enable software sources in system  admin16:33
=== gbarberi- is now known as gbarberi
Fruuctisand yeah..i've got the intel GMA 945 chipset..using Ubuntu 7.1016:33
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  nope  nothing .. right now this chat window is called #ubuntu , i am scrolling up and down directions with mouse on the Orange title of this window  .. nothing seems to be happening16:33
=== asoi is now known as xoRock
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  do i have to enable some more icons in that adv graphic settings window ?16:34
Jack_Sparrowinfbliss, Please try using wheel while mouse is on the top bar of open window for me16:34
jhoffaso I guess hoary is no longer supported.16:34
ubotwoEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle16:34
infblissJack_Sparrow: i do not use compiz16:34
DuckstarDoes Acroread exisit anymore ?16:34
infblissJack_Sparrow: sorry16:34
sinboxif I have an application running in a terminal how could I stop it appart from closing the terminal window?16:34
noodlesgcFruuctis i have 965 too16:34
Fruuctisnot 965..94516:34
noodlesgcsinbox ctrl+c16:34
bazhangyes duckstar go to www.medibuntu.org for more info16:35
sinboxthanks noodlesgc16:35
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, not a big effect. it just rolls up like a window shade16:35
noodlesgcFruuctis is the 945 blacklisted?16:35
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: how i'm in the system > admin now?16:35
Fruuctisi dont know:S16:35
Fruuctiswas hoping to get help16:35
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  np  .. i will play around.. bay be its off by default like cube rotation16:35
DJDarkstarHi need help with Xorg16:35
infblissDJDarkstar: yes16:35
=== CDspace is now known as thecodedemon
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  btw i am so happy that i am going for beer !! will be back in 2 hrs !! CHEERS MATE !!16:36
zulerdongleHello, I have a strange problem. Everytime I select "switch user", when I log back in its as if i had logged out because all of my opened programs are closed. Does anyone know what could be causing this? THanks16:36
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Now you will need to /j #Compiz and find out more..     When you have a good backup  try these  http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530316:36
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/sys/bus/pnp/devices$ ls -al 00:06; lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-03-10 16:10 00:06 -> ../../../devices/pnp0/00:06" What is the full pathname of '../../../devices/pnp0/00:06'?16:37
noodlesgcFruuctis ok go to System->Preferences->Appearence16:37
DJDarkstarI just installed mythbuntu ... and i know for a fact that under regular ubuntu my monitor (HannsG HW192D) properly gives me 1440x900 but here it gives me 1400x105016:37
bazhangzulerdongle: when you switch user that means to log you out16:37
Jack_SparrowDJDarkstar, Edit your xorg settings16:37
infblissDJDarkstar: does the 1400x1050 does not show up in the resolution list16:37
=== thecodedemon is now known as CDspace
bazhangDJDarkstar: may need to add that modeline16:38
DJDarkstarinfbliss, I don't want it to be 1400x1050, i need it to be 1440x90016:38
whitekidneyWhat channel can i use toget help with installing games?16:38
bazhangwhitekidney: what games16:38
whitekidneySteam wont install for me.16:38
Jack_SparrowDJDarkstar, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit16:38
infblissDJDarkstar: you may probably need to change xorg settings. Did u try System-> Preferences-> Monitor16:39
bazhangaha whitekidney that would be #winehq then16:39
scorpion032Hello I'm going to install Gutsy on my system now16:39
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: how, i'm in the system > admin now?16:39
illissiusany reason why df would only show my root partition, and not all the rest I have mounted? (they're all in fstab) if I give the path to the other mounts explicitly it works, they just don't show up in the list for plain 'df -h'16:39
DJDarkstarJack_Sparro, i'll try that .... Infbliss yes i did16:39
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, Do you see software sources16:40
JJ1how can I make ubuntu auto mount a HD?16:40
Jack_SparrowDJDarkstar, provide us weith the link it gives you16:40
whitekidneyJack_Sparrow, you dont have some time do ya=?16:40
Jack_SparrowJJ1, Edit fstab16:40
infblissJJ1: you should add settings to /etc/fstab16:40
illissius(using kubuntu gutsy)16:40
bazhangjj1 what file formant16:40
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: yes but the other PC not connected to internet16:40
JJ1i run a samba server and nothing is accessible unless I login and mount the second partition. how can i make it auto mount?16:40
Jack_Sparrowwhitekidney, not for steam games and wine16:40
whitekidneywineHQ is inactive.16:41
Ashfire908Is there a way to check the status of a package (installed or not) without using tools like aptitude or synaptic but from the apt or other commandline tools16:41
bazhangdpkg -l Ashfire90816:41
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, a big part of the problems you have encountered are you dont have that on the internet when we talk.16:41
Ashfire908bazhang: thank you16:41
PriceChildAshfire908: apt-cache info? apt-get madison?16:41
bazhangno worries ;]16:42
whitekidneywinehq is pretty inactive, so ill try here, im trying to use wine to install steam, but it gives me this error : | wine: could not load L"Z:\\home\\christer\\Desktop\\SteamInstall.msi": Bad EXE format for16:42
JJ1jack_sparrow - infbliss - what do i need to add to the file?16:42
infblissJJ1: what file system do you have in the HD16:42
ubotwoThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:42
DRebellion!appdb | whitekidney16:42
ubotwowhitekidney: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org16:42
whitekidneyDrebellion, ive seen there, didnt give much help.16:43
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: it thus, but this time its not i'm using a different pc16:43
JJ1infbliss - ext316:43
DRebellionwhitekidney, really? This isn't the place to ask about app specific questions with wine.16:43
Ashfire908PriceChild: apt-cache only (seems to) have data on packages but not their status16:43
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i am off for that beer !! btw, alt + scroll does that effect !! it changes transparency or color !! its amazing !!16:43
infblissJJ1:u may need to look here http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html16:43
Ashfire908PriceChild: and neither of those opreations exist.16:43
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, enable the sources as I suggested.. and install what you needed..16:43
JJ1infbliss - also, the external drive is asking for sudo password every time i mount it. its a samba folder I just want it to be read/write for all users but it keeps changing back every time i restart16:44
ArmedKingAre there any Parental Controle Options for Ubuntu for my Son's Computer16:44
DRebellionAshfire908, what do you mean by "status"?16:44
PriceChildAshfire908: madison works with one, i forget which :)16:44
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  catch you in 2 hours !! then we can go into WINE and enable my games in linux !! :P  !!  >>> p - 0 - p  >>> gone !!16:44
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, great.. have fun16:44
infblissJJ1: that page has information on how to provide rights16:44
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, You are no longer my frined..16:44
Fruuctisim back16:44
JJ1infbliss - thanks!16:45
Fruuctisplease pm me, cant seem to find you16:45
DJDarkstarAny input on my xorg config?16:45
microwaverHello people, I seem to have sound problems. Strange thing is, if I Wine 'World of Warcraft' I've got sound, but in my desktop environment no sound what so ever16:45
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: weee ha ha16:45
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Just kidding.. I dont do wine, steam or windows games under linus16:45
Ashfire908DRebellion: instaled or not, residual config... I've got the answer from someone else already.16:45
tomaskohi, i have smb guest access to a windows machine that isn't used too much and i'd like to setup an apt mirror on it. is there anyway i can do that?16:45
Jack_Sparrow!sound | microwaver16:46
ubotwomicrowaver: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:46
DRebellionAshfire908, aah i see16:46
ubotwoThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:46
Jack_Sparrowtomasko, Yes, see aptoncd as a place to start or man apt for full info16:46
infblissDJDarkstar: !resolution16:46
tomaskoas far as i know apt requires a web server, but i've heard of all sorts of enhancements like apt-torrent, etc. so i presume it's not completely impossible to setup an apt mirror with smb guest access to a machine (no rdp, etc.)16:47
ZPerteeanyone know of any way to do a batch convert of wav to mp3 in linux.  My uncle is a hard core windoze man and he needs to convert a bunch of files to mp3 but he won't pay a lot of money for a program to do this.  I have assured him that Linux can come to the rescue but what program would I use?16:48
DJDarkstarinfbliss, i saw that part, just don't understand what to do with the values after "1440x900@60" should I add that line16:49
bazhangDJDarkstar: aye16:49
jimcooncattomasko: you can use smbfs for the connection, then use the "file" option in your sources.list.16:49
DRebellionZPertee, i would recommend mencoder for any audio/video transcoding16:49
frank_ZPertee: I don't know of a linux program on the top of my head but I'm sure there are free windows programs for that as well16:50
infblissDJDarkstar: i am not an expert in screen resolution matters. can someone help DJDarkstar?16:50
bulliumI was trying to burn a CD with K3B and it hung...I am unable to kill the wodim process's...the parent process's status is "Uninterruptible" and the child wodim process's status is "Zombie". I cannot seem to kill these process's even using sudo and the -9 argument for kill...any ideas?16:50
Odd-rationaleZPertee: Soundconverter ? (in repos)16:50
jimcooncattomasko: less headaches just to run a web server, though16:50
DJDarkstarinfbliss, thanks for trying tho16:50
JJ1guys stupid question, but how do i discover the device's name? (for a HD)16:51
Odd-rationaleJJ1: Try sudo fdisk -l16:51
bulliumJJ1: fdisk -l16:51
DJDarkstarjj1 you could try gparted also16:51
frank_JJ1: or df  if it's already mounted16:52
bulliumOdd-rationale: lol sorry16:52
Odd-rationalebullium: np16:52
JJ1thanks guys ^_^16:52
mManHello, I can't seem to snyc my palm m130 PDA to my computer running Ubuntu Gutsy16:52
mManDoes anyone know how to do this?16:52
jimcooncatI hope not too offtopic: I want to purchase a specific song, then burn an audio cd with it I can play in my truck. I only use Ubuntu, and don't know anything about where to purchase downloadable songs (inexpensively and legally).16:53
superbobanyone familiar with kvm/qemu? Im trying to get it to not capture all keyboard combinations16:53
infblissmMan: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-533116.html16:53
mManjimcooncat: Amazon music downloads16:53
Odd-rationalejimcooncat: Try magnutunes or jamendo16:53
mManinfbliss:  Thanks, lemme see..16:54
AaackHello! please excuse my poor english.  I'm trying to get rid of a damaged package, (it's "awcommon" converted to deb with alien, part of the Maya suite), I've tried to reinstall it, but no luck, I've also tried to manage it using dpkg, apt-get synaptic and aptitude, and no luck, now I want to delete it by hand but in spite I can track the files installed by that package I don't know how to erase it from the packages database, can anyone help m16:54
jimcooncatmMan, Odd-rationale: then it's easy to burn to an audio CD? What application would I use?16:54
infblissmMan: also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PalmDeviceSetup16:54
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Odd-rationalejimcooncat: serpentine should do16:54
mManjimcooncat:  Gnome baker works for me..16:54
Odd-rationalejimcooncat: links: http://www.magnatunes.com/ http://www.jamendo.com/en/16:54
jimcooncatThanks, I got Gnomebaker already installed16:54
offloadso uh.. yeah I installed 8.04 over the weekend.  Yikes, had to fresh install afterwards.  heh16:55
dallascould someone tell me how to open  a port, im using 8.0416:55
Slartdoes flash in firefox handle sound in a different way than other apps in ubuntu? it seems asoundconf set-default-card doesn't affect flash audio.. anyone know anything about this?16:56
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brobostigon!iptables | dallas16:56
ubotwodallas: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:56
bazhangoffload #ubuntu+1 please thanks16:56
dallasi found this command "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881 -j ACCEPT" but the torrent program im using still says the port is closed16:56
infblissSlart: cant find easily given that Flash is proprietary16:56
Slartinfbliss: mm.. I know.. but gnash just isn't good enough.. thanks for you input though16:57
offloadAnyone have any luck with 7.10 AMD64 and a wusb54gv2 wireless adapter?16:57
infblissSlart: yeah gnash is not good enough. but have to manage with Adobe Flash till then :(16:58
bulliumdallas: are you behind a hardware firewall?16:58
JJ1in the fourth collumb of the fstab file, "auto" will make the HD mount at startup. is that enough for a samba server? I dont want the HD to be accessible only for one type of user16:58
IenorandDoes anybody else get the problems with mounted media permissions not being handled correctly, as described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/198403 and bug#19032916:58
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 198403 in ubuntu "file permissions not working for mounted media" [Undecided,New]16:58
Da_Putzlerhi guys, is their a way I can get nautilus to create JPG thumbnails instead of using PNG ??????????????16:59
IenorandAbove applies to Hardy btw16:59
PiciIenorand: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.16:59
gaE4where to get settings for Monitors which aren't in the list? - System->Administration->Screens & Graphics | Eizo S243116:59
infblissJJ1: can you #samba17:00
ZPerteeinfbliss have you used mpg123?  If the quality is good this would definitely be something I would be interested in.  the project is for our church.  we have a bunch of sermons dating all the way from 1940s to the present in wav that we need to convert to mp3 for space reasons.17:00
infblissZPertee: you could use a GUI based application. is it possible?17:00
supreme_i have a problem with opengl17:00
andxHow iss the command to start wine into the Terminal17:00
supreme_things appeared weird17:00
infblissZPertee: i think totem-xine does a good job so far17:00
Odd-rationaleandx: wine file.exe17:00
supreme_things in top appeared in the bottom17:00
supreme_and things far away appeared in the front17:01
infblisssupreme_:please #opengl17:01
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Odd-rationaleandx: You might also want to use winecfg17:01
andxOdd I've doen it17:01
supreme_infbliss, ok thanks17:01
andxno that was running17:01
andxI want to start a application17:01
Odd-rationaleandx: I got to go eat now. Be back. Try #wine17:01
Da_Putzlerhi guys, is their a way I can get nautilus to create JPG thumbnails instead of using PNG ??????????????17:02
infblissandx: did you try winex17:02
andxOkay thank you17:02
infblissandx: you might want to #wine17:02
andxnope winex17:02
LukeLC!sp Y2J_nino17:02
offloadIs there a wireless adapter that works natively with 7.10 ?17:02
Daniel^hey .. im running a realvnc server on my vista laptop, and i want to connect to it from my linux laptop, but when i try to connect to it with krdc i cant, but if i telnet the server i get a fine respone, shouldnt krdc be able to connect to a realvnc server?17:02
ubotwoHow should I know?17:02
andxIĺl do it moment17:02
Aaackhola _nino17:02
supreme_Y2J_nino, hola17:02
Y2J_ninoque ahi17:02
supreme_yo hablo español17:02
fcnguyis it possible to install xp without formatting the whole drive if i have one or 2 linux already installed?17:02
superbobanyone with qemu experience?17:02
LukeLC!sp | Y2J_nino17:02
Y2J_ninopor fin17:03
bazhangshould be !es17:03
Aaackdolor de cabeza por acá. Je17:03
DRebellion!hcl | offload17:03
ubotwooffload: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:03
Y2J_ninoese k dice17:03
pablohi, i'm new in this thing of irc chat17:03
Jack_Sparrowfcnguy, yes...17:03
infblissfcnguy: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/64593-installing-xp-after-ububtu-help.html17:03
Y2J_ninocuanto ingles17:03
supreme_Aaack, Y2J_nino  tengo un problema con opengl, las cosas de al frente aparecen detras y las cosas de atras aparecen al frente17:03
supreme_en los objetos 3d17:03
Kate_minshello, i need help please, i would like to change user password from the terminal does it possible ?17:03
pablotodos hablan español aca?17:04
infblissKate_mins: passwd <username>17:04
ubotwoSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:04
niki__is it possible to reverse from hardy to gutsy ? the fonts are horribe17:04
supreme_pablo , no17:04
Y2J_ninoyo si17:04
NET||abusehey guys. in .bash_profile the ** if [-d ~/bin]\n PATH=~/bin:"{$PATH}"\n fi ** is there for me, but i can't get my ~/bin dir into PATH,, how do i make sure it is in?17:04
supreme_yo tambien17:04
supreme_hablo todos los idiomas del mundo17:04
fcnguyhow can i reinstall grub17:04
offloadDRebellion, thanks17:04
bazhangniki__: yes with a reinstall17:04
pablomm ok.. pero es permitido hablar español .. no se pregunto porque es la primera vez que entro aki..17:04
hendrixskiIs there a way to export to make smaller pdf's?  I'm exporting a page from openoffice and it's 148 kb, and in order to get past someones mail screener the total message has to be less than 150kb... and I need to be able to write a message too.  So yeah, smaller pdf's anyone?17:04
ubotwogrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:04
liddokunsupreme ur full of shit dude17:04
ubotwoHow should I know?17:04
Y2J_ninoyo ablo solamente ALEMAN17:04
faileashendrixski: see if it compresses ;p17:04
supreme_liddokun, shut... up17:04
niki__reinstall is the least think i want to do17:04
bazhangpablo: /join #ubuntu-es por favor17:05
Y2J_ninoguachi fori fo17:05
ZPerteeinfbliss it wouldn't be a problem to use a gui.  the biggest advantage of using command line is that I can do a batch job easier.  the files are stored in a bunch of different folders so most likely I would have to open up each folder individually and then do a batch job on the files in that folder.  whereas if it was command line I could write a script and have more of it automated.17:05
niki__firefox renders the fonts really bad17:05
hendrixskifaileas, how do I see that?17:05
infblissZPertee: then mpg123 is the way to go17:05
Contact_VoidCan someone help me to install ubuntu 7.10 on a friend's box? It's refusing to boot into X from the live-cd. Please query17:05
hendrixskifaileas, and would some green windows user on the other end still be able to see it?17:05
Aaacksupreme_: Did you covered the basics, like check if ou have the lastest drivers installed, or if the physical RAM of your graphic board is in good condition?17:05
bazhangY2J_nino: /j #ubuntu-es por favor17:05
pablosoy relativamente nuevo en esto de linux... y quiero conocer personas mas experimentadas en este mundo para aprender..17:05
Da_Putzlerhi guys, is their a way I can get nautilus to create JPG thumbnails instead of using PNG ??????????????17:05
Y2J_ninome dicen ode descargarme el sowkave 20717:05
pablook.. bazhang...17:05
JJ1is this ok to automatically mount a HD that will be used for samba server things? (every samba user shou have read/write access automatically)17:06
ZPerteeinfbliss ok thanks for your help17:06
Y2J_ninodecidme pag porfavor17:06
shade052Contact_Void: try installing in the safe mode... if that doesnt work i have no other ideas17:06
supreme_Aaack, yes, actually everything is working fine, but in 3d objects things that should appear in front actually appeared behind all, and viceversa17:06
bazhangliddokun: language please17:06
Y2J_ninoy hablad en español17:06
dgjones!es | Y2J_nino17:06
ubotwoY2J_nino: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:06
Y2J_ninoespeakyn spanis17:07
liddokuni just got pissed17:07
Contact_Voidshade052: I already tried this one. Is there a way to install Ubuntu without X?17:07
Contact_Voidany console-based thing?17:07
bazhangwe all do liddokun; say it dont type it ;]17:07
allassI want to disable networkmanager because it changes resolv.conf. I need to edit resolv.conf manually. But when I disable networkmanager, network stops working. Any suggestions how to deal with this??17:07
dgjones!alternate | Contact_Void17:07
ubotwoContact_Void: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal17:07
faileashendrixski: if its a standard zip file, sure17:07
shade052Contact_Void: :-(17:07
Contact_Voidok, thanks17:07
hendrixskifaileas, ah, zip.  ok17:07
infblissContact_Void: u may want to select in text mode during boot up menu17:07
JJ1is this ok to automatically mount a HD that will be used for samba server things? (every samba user shou have read/write access automatically)17:07
JJ1(02:06:33 PM) Thingus left the room17:07
JJ1/dev/sdb1 /media/DATA auto defaults 0 017:07
Aaackthat's happens with a particular game/program or everything that use openGL behaves like that?17:07
liddokun:) alright17:08
infblissContact_Void: once you insert the CD and boot, there is an option called "Install Ubuntu in text mode"17:08
bazhangY2J_nino: please english17:08
hendrixskifaileas, zipping it only compresses it 2kb.  :-(17:08
jluiseeeeeeeeeee primo17:08
Contact_Voidinfbliss: sec, I'll try it17:08
JJ1bazhang - he is just cursing... ignore?17:08
Y2J_ninono saber ablar17:08
faileashendrixski: er..17:09
jluisyo zyyyyy17:09
liddokunwe all speak more than 2 languages here ...17:09
faileasthen.. i'm not sure17:09
bazhangY2J_nino: /j #ubuntu-es por favor17:09
RoAkSoAxY2J_nino, por favor si deseas soporte en eespanol #ubuntu-es, o otras topics: #ubuntu-es-offtopic17:09
RoAkSoAxjluis, por favor si deseas soporte en eespanol #ubuntu-es, o otras topics: #ubuntu-es-offtopic17:09
Y2J_ninono me entra17:09
faileasliddokun: even then, not all of us speak the same second language ;p17:09
AaackY2J_nino: escribe: "/join #ubuntu-es" sin las comillas y luego enter ahi todos hablan español17:09
jluisel madrid va a gana la liga17:09
bazhangY2J_nino: then prepare yourself17:09
liddokunahah ur right17:10
xeniter_i cant install xlibs-dev17:10
hendrixskifaileas, I guess I have to rewrite it on the devils word processing program and send it as a .doc17:10
bazhangjluis stop17:10
FloodBot3jluis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
Contact_Voidinfbliss: there's only start, start w/ safe graphics, install with driver update and oem install17:10
DRebellionxeniter_, what error are you getting?17:10
liddokunjluis sotop that dude17:10
hendrixskijluis, fuck you17:10
JJ1is this ok to automatically mount a HD that will be used for samba server things? (every samba user shou have read/write access automatically)17:10
JJ1dev/sdb1 /media/DATA auto defaults 0 017:10
xeniter_apt says packet not availabe17:10
xeniter_anyone a idea?17:10
FloodBot3jluis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
dgjones!ops | jluis17:10
bazhang!ops | jluis17:10
ubotwojluis: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!17:10
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hendrixskithanks Amaranth :-)17:11
DRebellion!info xlibs-dev | xeniter_17:11
ubotwoxeniter_: Package xlibs-dev does not exist in gutsy17:11
faileashendrixski: openoffice supports docs... so why not just save it as such then?17:11
bazhangDRebellion: the info command is not working with the bot right now17:11
ArthurArchnixHi... I'm looking for some documentation on creating a group that has sudo access but doesn't require a password to run sudo commands.17:11
hendrixskifaileas, because I tried opening that same .doc in Word and it was all garbled...17:12
steph_hi all17:12
xeniter_i cant install xlibs-dev over apt17:12
DRebellionbazhang, thanks for the heads up, maybe put that in the topic?17:12
xeniter_it says package not available17:12
offloadDRebellion, thanks for the link, however I think my problem is finding a wireless card that's natively supported for AMD64 as well.  As I understand it there isn't 64bit ndiswrapper support17:12
xeniter_i need this package to compile wine17:12
bazhangDRebellion: when I get topic naming rights ;]17:12
steph_is there someone to test my first deb package ? It's Lottanzb, a graphical frontend for Hellanzb17:12
v3ctorArthurArchnix: the group already exists17:12
Pici!xlibs | xeniter_17:12
ubotwoxeniter_: When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev17:12
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xeniter_thx i will try17:13
Xmancan anyone tell me how to open chm files in ubuntu?17:13
ThingusThar we go.17:13
bazhangxeniter why compile wine? it is in the repos17:13
ThingusI found a workaround for xfdesktop crashing. :P17:13
infblissXman: first do "sudo apt-get install xchm"17:13
xeniter_i want test own code17:13
hendrixskifaileas, well.  Thanks.  I'll tinker with it some more.  I'm sure there's a way to get this document sent17:13
infblissXman: and then you can open the CHM files with xCHM17:13
Xmaninfbliss: thanks17:13
xeniter_i have already xorg-dev17:13
v3ctorArthurArchnix: /msg me for instructions17:14
ArthurArchnixI have a script that I want all users to be able to run, but the script needs sudo in it, so basically I need all users to be able to run this one script. I figured I'd create a group called spec_scripts, give it sudo access, don't require a password to execture sudo, then change the group ownership of this script to spec_scripts, and add users to this group. That's about the only way I can think of making this thing work. :)17:14
babocan anyone have a look at my dns set up for me ? I'm trying to resolve a subdomain ...17:15
babodig killer.albumshopper.com17:15
fcnguyhow can i reinstall grub i installed windows after linux and the grub is gone17:15
baboit should work methinks ...17:15
danand!grub > fcnguy17:15
gani installed ubuntu but it is not booting17:15
bazhanggan we need more info ;]17:16
infblissfcnguy: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html17:16
steph_babo, I'm on it17:16
steph_what should I do ?17:16
infblissgan: do you see any messages17:16
hendrixskifaileas, I got it, I'll just post the darned PDF on a webhost and send the dude a link.  Screw him if his mailserver doesn't like attachments17:16
fcnguyinfbliss i got no floppy disks17:16
ganbazhang, it is showing input not supported17:16
babosteph_: figure out why killer.albumshopper.com doesn't resolve to albumshopper.com or at least ... Thanks :-)17:16
steph_nice :D17:16
infblissfcnguy: no need for floppy. just boot from the ubuntu disk17:17
Lartza_ changed to IceWM some time ago and now can't remember how to switch back to metacity.17:17
ganbazhang, yeah it is booting now if i remove the splash  word17:17
bazhangLartza_: in session at the login screen?17:17
TheFuzzballis there a channel that helps with building Computers?17:17
Lartza_No, when I choose gnome ist still uses IceWM in windows, not as panel though17:17
danandArthurArchnix - could you not just have the script owned by root and make it world executable ?17:17
ganbazhang, i want to boot the ubuntu with bootsplash17:17
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infblissTheFuzzball: you mean hardware and software17:18
bazhangTheFuzzball: perhaps ##hardware ?17:18
Lartza_i have changed it somewhere17:18
Lartza_some file17:18
ArthurArchnixdanand: Did that... it works if I call the script from the terminal, but it won't run through gnome (alt+F2, or a launcher, or a keyboard shortcut)17:18
TheFuzzballinfbliss: hardware17:18
ganinfbliss, i am not able to boot with bootsplash why?17:18
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infblissgan: do you get any errors during the boot sequence17:19
Lartza_where I can change my window manager?17:19
infblissTheFuzzball: then #hardware please17:19
bazhangLartza_: how about alt f2 metacity --replace not sure if session does not do it--do you have ubuntu/gnome desktop installed?17:19
brobostigonLartza_: if you have a different one installed, you can change it in your login menu17:20
Lartza_brobostigon:It's more complicated17:20
infbliss!bootsplash > gan17:20
Lartza_bazhang: That works only once17:20
ganinfbliss, no it is showing input not supported17:20
Lartza_i think17:20
brobostigonLartza_: ok17:20
ganinfbliss, ya, i am not getting the bootspash17:20
infblissgan: but do you see any messages scrolling by17:21
bazhangLartza_: you want to go back to gnome fulltime?17:21
Lartza_bazhang: Unable to open X display17:21
infblissgan: you say input is not supported17:21
ganinfbliss, yeah17:21
infblissgan: is that an error message you get17:21
ganinfbliss, i donot think it is from OS ,17:22
Lartza_But I can't remeber what file I changed when I canged to IceWM???17:22
ganinfbliss, i leave sometime it is going to login screen17:22
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infblissgan: yeah i think it is a problem with the monitor17:22
ganinfbliss, the ubuntu image is not coming why17:22
infblissgan: you have to manage with the text mode i think :(17:22
danandArthurArchnix - can you not point the launcher etc to run the script as a child of a terminal ie point launcher to gnome-terminal -e "command"17:23
bazhanghello lisette17:23
lisetteno he podido poner a funcionar mi wireless, tengo un portatil hp de la familia dv200017:23
whitekidneymy sound seems to be muted, how do i turn it on?17:23
lisettey no me reconoce la tarjeta17:23
ganinfbliss, yeah17:23
liddokunwuz up lissete17:23
lisettealguien podría ayudarme?17:23
bazhanglisette espanol?17:23
fabio!es ! lisette17:23
ubotwoHow should I know?17:23
fabio!es | lisette17:23
ubotwolisette: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:23
infblisswhitekidney: can you go to System->preferences-> sound17:23
Lartza_How can I change back to metacity form IceWM?17:23
ganinfbliss, you just see my menu.lst i send u through pastebin.com17:23
whitekidneyinfbliss i get this error : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available17:24
infblissLartza_: can you do metacity --replace17:24
Lartza_Unable to open X display17:24
bazhanghmm odd17:24
Lartza_I have changed the window manager from some file by some tut17:24
ganinfbliss, http://pastebin.com/m4c720805    see this link17:24
bazhanglartza what about installing ubuntu-desktop?17:25
Lartza_It's installed17:25
danandwhitekidney - also check your settings by typing alsamixer in a terminal - check nothing is muted etc. Also if an external amplifier is mentioned and enabled, unless you have one, turn it off17:25
ubotwoHow should I know?17:25
whitekidneydanand : how do i do that? (i just got ubuntu linux)17:25
bazhangthat is strange..17:25
pakikidif i installed windows program throw wine how can i uninstall them?17:25
Lartza_It's simpel if you know the file :S17:25
infblissgan: i think you can add no splash to the arguments17:25
infblissgan: to the boot arguments17:26
infblissgan: I mean17:26
DRebellionpakikid, applications -> wine -> wine uninstaller or sumthing17:26
bradlyAnyway to change what Linux uses to define words? I'd like control-w to only delete upto the previous '/'17:26
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Was it the ~/.xinitrc file?17:26
bazhangquiet iirc17:26
ganinfbliss, where to add17:26
ganinfbliss, in which line17:26
Lartza_In where?17:26
danandwhitekidney - start a terminal by going to applications -> Accesories -> terminal. type alsamixer at the prompt and press return.17:27
ganinfbliss, you please send the line17:27
whitekidneydanand: i did that17:27
infblissgan: replace splash in the line 12517:27
infblissgan: with nosplash17:27
danandwhitekidney - ok, what happened?17:27
Odd-rationaleLartza_: your home directory (~) try "gedit ~/.xinitrc"17:27
ganinfbliss, will it come with bootsplash17:28
whitekidneywhat have happend : My bar is away, the on to close the windows, resize etc, its c ompletly gone.17:28
Lartza_nano said new file and gedit show empty17:28
infblissgan: it disables bootsplash. your monitor seems to be having some problems with bootsplash. so until your monitor is supported you have to manage with the text mode :(17:28
Lartza_missed the c17:28
jaggyin xchat, how do i turn on auto rejoin :s ?17:29
whitekidneyill try to reboot, but first ill get to you danand17:29
whitekidneysome window comes up17:29
Lartza_empty or doesn't exists17:29
whitekidneyAlsaMixer 1. something17:29
ganinfbliss, when i boot it with livecd of ubuntu it is coming17:29
danandwhitekidney - very strange. are17:29
sfearsi'm trying to compile a driver and i get an error that there's no Makefile.conf.. there's a Makefile.conf.in in the directory.. is there a way to make that the Makefile.conf??17:29
Lartza_doesn't exist...17:29
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danandwhitekidney - oops17:29
sfearsor is there a better channel for that type of question?17:29
whitekidneyit says headphones though, i got speakers.17:29
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Do you remeber where the tutorial is?17:30
infblissgan: i am not very sure of this. you might want to report your bug on launchpad.net/ubuntu17:30
Lartza_No, I have searched17:30
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* rootpt alô 17:30
ganinfbliss, can you tell me the path where the bootsplash image is located in the system17:30
Lartza_OR then it was on the channel17:30
jpmaidentengo un problema me podrain ayudar porfavor??17:30
infblissgan: the problem is not with the bootsplash image i suppose17:30
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Did you edit just one file?17:31
fx|RabBitwhat apps do you guys use to convert media formats? like fex avi to mpeg?17:31
Lartza_I think so17:31
chris____hi everyone17:31
ganinfbliss, may be the problem is with the size of image17:31
Odd-rationaleLartza_: What happens if you choose Gnome session from the seesions menu?17:31
Lartza_It opens17:31
infblissgan: ok. /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz17:31
danandwhitekidney - if your running alsamixer you should see a bunch of vertical bars, underneath there are the various settings and channels that the bar above applies to ie master, bass, treble etc Do you see that?17:31
Lartza_I didn't edit one file17:32
Odd-rationaleLartza_: With icewm or metacity?17:32
ganinfbliss, ok17:32
sfearsi'm trying to compile a driver and i get an error that there's no Makefile.conf.. there's a Makefile.conf.in in the directory.. is there a way to make that the Makefile.conf??17:32
Lartza_I editted IceWM config too that it doesn't use IceWM panel17:32
Lartza_That's how I was told17:32
erUSULsfears: ./configure17:32
infblisssfears: is there a configure file in that directory17:32
Lartza_So gnome panels and IceWM windows17:32
infblisssfears: then do ./configure && make17:32
Lartza_no IceWM panel17:32
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Odd-rationaleLartza_: And you want pure gnome?17:33
sfearsis that different than ./configure --params ; make ; make install17:33
Lartza_Pure gnome when I choose it17:33
ganbazhang, why ubuntu is not booting with bootsplash17:33
Odd-rationaleLartza_: So when you choose gnome from the sessions menu you get pure gnome?17:34
bazhanggan not sure there; perhaps try a different splash or do with out for now17:34
whitekidneyOk im back17:34
Lartza_Yes, LIKE that. Now it doens't work17:34
whitekidneydanand : it says headphones, but i have speakers.17:34
fx|RabBitwhat applications do you guys use to convert media formats? like for example avi to mpeg?17:35
erUSUL!info ffmpeg | fx|RabBit17:35
ubotwofx|rabbit: ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 184 kB, installed size 652 kB (Only available for None)17:35
Odd-rationaleLartza_: What happens if you just uninstall icewm ?17:35
ganbazhang, i am having image how to add this17:35
fx|RabBiterUSUL: nice thanx alot17:35
Lartza_I don't know. I wasn't brave enought to try that.17:35
infblisssfears: no "&&" ensures that configure runs successfully before make17:35
whitekidneyHelp, someone, i lost my sound, it seems like nothing is working.17:36
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joomla_userwhitekidney when was the last time you had sound?17:36
sfearsthanks.. will try17:36
iratikbash: java: command not found? which package do i install?17:36
whitekidneyedit: i got it back, but when i start Counter strike 1.6 it dissapears.17:36
whitekidneywine issue i guess17:36
Lartza_So just apt-get remove icewm?17:36
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Yes. try it17:36
infblissiratik: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk17:37
bazhangbe back later17:37
XmanIs there any other program for opening chm files rather than xchm?17:37
fx|RabBitcya bazhang17:37
infblissXman: do you have any problems with that17:37
infblissXman: sudo apt-get install gnochm17:37
Xmaninfbliss: its not showing it correctly17:38
ganbazhang, where should i keep the .xpm.zg file please17:38
Lartza_Now it's removeed17:38
JJ1did someone have a problem with connecting to certain rounters? not the wireless adapter, but one router that doesnt accept the connection. i wanna know if that may be an issue or if i shoudl continue searching for an error. i could connect fine to the other router17:38
Xmaninfbliss: let me try gnochm now17:38
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Try logging into a gnome session ow17:38
Lartza_Log out and back in?17:38
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Yes. Chose gnome from the gdn sessions menu17:39
Lartza_Just want to be sure :D17:39
Odd-rationale*ahh GDM17:39
the_darkside_986i'm having trouble getting X server to work on the live CD of Ubuntu 7.04 (PPC). i tried using "r128" as the driver for my ati rage crap thing but X immediately quits. other configurations result in a blank screen.17:39
sfearswhat directory is the kernel located?17:40
AJC_Z0the_darkside_986: Have you tried starting X with no config?17:40
Jack_Sparrowv3ctor, Did Arthur get that fixed.. I may have the answer17:40
the_darkside_986@AJC_Z0 had no idea that was possible. what is the command for that?17:40
Odd-rationalesfears: /boot i think17:41
brobostigonsfears: normally, /boot17:41
adlisyakirsomebodies can help me to hack using 31337 shell17:41
sfearsthat makes sense17:41
Xmaninfbliss: thanks man17:41
Xmaninfbliss: thanks a lot17:41
infblissXman: does it work now17:41
Xmaninfbliss: gnochm is working good17:42
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AJC_Z0the_darkside_986: I presume "X -config /dev/null" would do the trick17:42
PETERR-how is the command to reconfigure xorg to the default? its something with a -phigh in it17:42
Xmaninfbliss: thank you very much17:42
infblissXman: you are welcome17:42
AJC_Z0"X -configure" will create a default config for your hardware17:42
Lartza_It didn't work the way it was meant to :D17:43
brobostigonPETERR-: sudo dpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:43
Odd-rationaleLartza_: What happens?17:43
Lartza_NOw i have no docks above windows and I can't resize or move them17:43
Parsec300PETERR-, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:43
Lartza_Btw the IceWM logo show after login and before you see the desktop in that thing17:43
Lartza_You know what I mean?17:43
Xmaninfbliss: can you tell me how can i run a song in command line mode17:44
Odd-rationaleLartza_: try alt+f2 and type "metacity --replace"17:44
PETERR-Parsec300, ... u dont read the questions do u?17:44
the_darkside_986i got the "failed to load vesa module does not exist" when i tried to run the new x configuration17:44
Parsec300PETERR-, I just thought I saw a typo17:44
Lartza_Windowing error(<translated): Unable to open X display"17:44
fx|RabBiterUSUL: wow that ffmpeg is incredibly powerful-.-17:45
oc? netinstall17:45
Parsec300PETERR-, in the answer of brobostigon17:45
Odd-rationaleLartza_: You don't remember what file you edited? How recent was it? Could the command be in you bash history?17:45
Lartza_Odd-rationale:No way it could be there17:46
DRebellionXman, first, install a command line media player (i recommend mplayer,  sudo apt-get install mplayer). then: mplayer file.mp317:46
pignuis there an application that supports timed webcam screenshots?17:46
Lartza_What file caontains things that start before you see the desktop17:46
ocis there no ubuntu netinstall cd-image?17:46
PETERR-Parsec300,  its something like dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:46
PETERR-but im not sure if it is -phigh17:46
ubotwoUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:46
Lartza_that starts volume manager, nautilus and the wondow manager17:47
brobostigonPETERR-: you got it right.17:47
DRebellionpignu, 'motion' is very good at this17:47
XmanDRebellion: I saw a person running a mp3 using a command alsa17:47
Jack_SparrowPETERR-, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:47
XmanDRebellion: what is alsa?17:47
Lartza_Tircky problem...17:47
DRebellion!alsa | Xman17:47
ubotwoXman: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:47
Lartza_Very tricky...17:47
geniiPETERR-: Jack_Sparrow is right, no space between dpkg and -configure17:47
erUSULfx|RabBit: all linux tools are the swiss army knife of .... something ;P17:48
Odd-rationaleLartza_: You can always just reinstall icewm and use that...17:48
DRebellionXman, =/ above is not what i wanted. alsa controls audio on some linux systems methinks17:48
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XmanDRebellion: no i m not having any problems. I m just asking to run a song in command line mode using alsa command17:48
PETERR-ok i see :D thx all17:49
sfearserUSUL, i'm getting an error that the kernel sources arn't present.. i have the build-essentil & linux-headers installed.. am i missing something?17:49
Odd-rationaleLartza_: Or how about purging and reinstalling metacity?17:49
Pipepixhi :)17:49
fx|RabBiterUSUL: i agree in many aspects, sometimes unfortunately they are the swiss army patch of... your specially needed purpose hehe17:49
Odd-rationale!hi | Pipepix17:50
ubotwoPipepix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:50
Jack_Sparrowsfears, but are they the right headers for your kerenl17:50
sfearsi just tried to reinstall & said they were already the newest17:50
Jack_Sparrowsfears, they need to match uname -a17:50
pignuDRebellion: hmm, i'll look into it thanks17:51
DorenrabIf you don't mind, I would appreciate some assistance.17:51
sfearsit says it's looking for dir /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-rt/build.. but that directory isn't there17:51
Jack_Sparrowsfears, You'll need to open up Synaptic and using that version number and architecture,  install the matching kernel headers package.  If you have not already done so17:52
the_darkside_986i almost have it working with the fbdev driver. it is now froze up when i tried to kill X. the display looks a bit stretched and distorted. but i'd like to get this old B&W G3 Mac working with the correct ati driver. r128 never would work.17:52
Lartza_Locations_Find files if i choose "contains text" does it search inside files?17:52
Lartza_like from every text file17:52
sfearsJack_Sparrow, i've used apt-get17:52
chemicalcan anyone tell me if there is a chat room for uClinux?17:52
DorenrabAnd I apologize if I worded that badly.  Chatting is not my forte.17:52
Lartza_Locations>Find files in panel17:52
murlidhari am using an 19 inch widescreen lcd monitor and i have smoothened the fonts in ubuntu but i am not able to smoothen it in firefox .17:52
jack_sprattcan someone tell me a command to enable DMA on a drive17:53
murlidharcan anybody guide me17:53
chemicalcan anyone tell me if there is a chat room for embedded  linux?17:53
murlidharchemical, are u using xchat?17:53
chemicalmurlidhar yes i do17:53
Jack_Sparrowsfears, so sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.22-14-rt   is what you did17:53
DorenrabI am looking to install XP alongside Ubuntu, but I can't figure it out.17:54
jack_sprattDMA anyone?17:54
chemicalmurlidhar on ubuntu though17:54
erUSULsfears: it is weird but maybe the configure needs the actual sources and nt just the header you can install linux-source17:54
sfearsyup Jack_Sparrow said it was already the newest17:54
erUSUL!info linux-source | sfears17:54
ubotwosfears: linux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB (Only available for None)17:54
the_darkside_986does anyone run Ubuntu on an old Blue and White G3 Mac? i'd like to see their xorg.conf if they do.17:54
sfearserUSUL, apt-get install linux-source??17:54
erUSULsfears: yup17:54
murlidharchemical, click on the server and select join channel. below there is an option to retrieve channel list.17:54
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sfearswill try17:55
murlidharchemical, there u search embedded linux.17:55
murlidharchemical, simple.17:55
chemicalmurlidhar lol17:55
ThRixXxHEY!! I can't install latest xchat with synaptic packet manager! ! only the gnome one17:55
Parsec300Dorenrab, what is the problem?17:55
murlidharchemical, i do it a lot of times. it is easy to search the keywords.17:55
chemicalmurlidhar ok17:56
Parsec300Dorenrab, it's easier to install XP first and then Ubuntu.17:56
ThRixXxWhen I uninstall my current xchat and try it says it couldent be downloaded17:56
NDPMacBookParsec300: I'm not registered so I can't use private messages on this network17:56
murlidharchemical, trust me . try it.17:56
DorenrabParsec300: So I'm pretty much out of luck?17:56
NDPMacBookParsec300: No, I run it on a Dell laptop.17:56
Parsec300Dorenrab, no, not really, it's just harder to get everything to boot properly.17:57
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, Use what is in the repos.. much safer than compiling your own17:57
Parsec300NDPMacBook, Ok, I just though you were by the look of your nickname17:57
DorenrabIndeed.  I've been trying to get it to boot to my installation disk without success.17:57
murlidharchemical, #ubuntu-mobile  ##embedded   #elinux17:57
ThRixXxthats what i tried, it there and i can mark for instalation but it cant download.17:58
Parsec300Dorenrab, you mean boot from the CD? Then it might be a setting in your BIOS boot-sequence.17:58
murlidharchemical, i searched them for u17:58
NDPMacBookParsec300: I'm pretty sure you can run it on a MacBook, I just don't know why you'd want to though. There are cheaper computers for Linux.17:58
Jack_SparrowDorenrab, at start or install press F6 and remove quiet and splash from the command line then boot17:58
ThRixXxThen I tried refreshing my repo list, but that doesnt work at all... allthough my internet works ;/17:58
chemicalmurlidhar thank you very much17:58
murlidhari am using an 19 inch widescreen lcd monitor and i have smoothened the fonts in ubuntu but i am not able to smoothen it in firefox .17:58
gujahi, i need a terminal command to place my cursor in the lower left corner please17:58
murlidharchemical, mention not :)17:59
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, The very latest resleases will not be in the repos.. but the ones in the repos have been tested and they work17:59
chemicalmurlidhar actually i'm looking info for uClinux for porting an arm processor17:59
murlidharchemical, got no idea. sorry :(18:00
ThRixXxYes but it doesnt wana download, brb...18:00
murlidharchemical, are u sure those channels won't be able to help you?18:00
DorenrabParsec300: actually, I already set it to boot the disk before the hard drive.18:00
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, what command are you using18:00
_Oz___hello all, I just got done building out a new system...  it's a core 2 extreme (qx9650) w/ 780i mobo, 4gb RAM, and dual nVidia GeForce 8800GTXs...  can I run ubuntu on this?  how will ubuntu handle SLI?18:00
Parsec300NDPMacBook, I know. I run it alongside OSX on my MacBookPro. Just for learning linux to install on other ppl's computers.18:01
chemicalmurlidhar will see my friend18:01
ThRixXxJust using synaptic packet manager18:01
Jack_Sparrow_Oz___, YOu will need to get video drivers from nvidia for the 880018:01
ganwhere is the bootsplash image is located in ubuntu18:01
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Parsec300Dorenrab, and it still won't boot? How did you burn it? Did you burn the ISO or did you burn the .iso file as a file on the disk?18:01
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, Are you getting an error or what happens18:01
Adryhi!, I´m trying to install AndroMDA with ArgoUML, but I can´t.18:02
NDPMacBookParsec300: Cool.18:02
ganwhere is the bootsplash image is located in ubuntu18:02
NDPMacBookFor me OS X is my main OS, but I run Linux on the Dell and am learning a lot about it18:02
ubotwoTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork18:02
DorenrabParsec300: I used a CD burning program and had it burn the ISO (not as a file).18:02
murlidhari am using an 19 inch widescreen lcd monitor and i have smoothened the fonts in ubuntu but i am not able to smoothen it in firefox .18:03
murlidharany ideas18:03
TetracommHi. Does anyone know of any CPU termperature or fan speed showing software that will work in Ubuntu?18:03
Jack_SparrowDorenrab, If you dont get to a screen that says start or install you have a bad dl or a bad burn18:03
murlidharTetracomm, unix has this built it in though i don't remember the commands18:03
Jack_SparrowTetracomm, look for sensors in synaptic18:04
Nuke_Tetracomm: i like the gnome panel applets for that18:04
_Oz___Jack_Sparrow: can't I just use that nvidia-settings proprietary driver?18:04
samjsTetracomm: lm-sensors18:04
ameriohey guys18:04
iNeoTetracomm: Try http://www.lm-sensors.org/ or http://healthd.thehousleys.net/ or http://mbm.livewiredev.com/18:05
Jack_Sparrow_Oz___, you can try..  but I see more people fighting that series than any other nvidia18:05
_Oz___oh, great18:05
DorenrabJust to clarify, I'm using 7.10 on a Dell Dimension 2400.18:05
iNeoTetracomm: And take a look at phpsysinfo via source forge18:05
Jack_SparrowDorenrab, Burn the cd at 4x.. dont ask why..  but all my Dells hated anything faster18:05
_Oz___Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks. I have my AMD 3500+ 2.2ghz (single core) machine to run ubuntu on exclusively if needed, I guess.  it has a 7600.18:06
the_darkside_986my screen is totally scrambled when i did startx after using the fbdev driver for X18:06
_mugdoes ubuntu work fine on a thinkpad t41? (ati9000, wlan, sound?)18:06
amerioI was trying to install GTK+2.12, tried to remove the OLD Glib to install a newer version , but by wrong i've removed alot of Glib libraries , now Synpatnic manager and Update manager arent working + alot of softwares have been removed , any idea ?18:06
ZummiG777Question: I'm trying to install the php4-sybase package using apt but each time it installs it lists it as iB .  How can I tell the problem keeping the package broken and is there a way to remedy this state?18:06
DorenrabHm, I'll try that and then I'll get back to you guys (don't have burnable disks handy).18:06
ThRixXxIts says sumting like connection to server timed out18:07
osotogarianyone know how to clear a list of torrents in deluge? my install of deluge keeps crashing on start up?18:07
DorenrabI should probably make a GParted Live disc as well.18:08
zoei just installed kde4 and now my wireless wont work, my wireless network shows up in the network settings box but after i select it i still cant get a connection what should i do?18:08
Jadd76ostotogari: my guess would be to delete ~/.deluge18:08
DorenrabThank you for the assistance.18:08
bowsercakedo you have MAC filtering or a password?18:08
demon_sporkhow do I set  up an NFS share manually in ubuntu, without using the utility?18:09
Jadd76ostotogari: that will delete all your deluge settings18:09
Jack_Sparrowzoe, Ask in #Kubuntu-kde418:09
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zoeok thanks18:09
arekmhello, where is soundcore.ko module in current 2.6.24-12 hardy kernel?18:09
Juppgeras, para español ve a #ubuntu-es18:09
ThRixXx°C Its says sumting like connection to server timed out18:09
Piciarekm: see /topic in #ubuntu+118:09
samjsanyone happen to know where you configure which drives ubuntu/gnome sees as system drives?18:10
samjsfex. I don't want some drives I mount at every boot to show up in the drive mounter applet or nautilus' side pane18:10
osotogari@ Jadd76: ill try that18:10
arekmPici: thanks18:10
ThRixXxJack, it cant make connection to the zza.archies thing18:10
Jadd76ostotogari: that may be ~/.config/deluge18:10
samjsbut I *do* want some drives to show, up. ie. i don't want to disable drives in the side pane completely or anything.18:10
Nigromantesamjs, i think you cant do anything18:10
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Adrywhere can  I find a tutorial to install AndroMDA with ArgoUML?18:11
samjsNigromante: oh, that's too bad.18:11
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, You enables unofficial and possibly dangeropur sources.. not a good idea18:11
noobiCompiz Fusion is the coolest thing since creamcheese18:11
NigromanteI think it takes them from HAL, samjs18:11
osotogari@Jadd76: Your right, its located in .config/deluge18:11
lonejackhi, does somebody know if there are any problem (and if it works) RAID-1 over ABIT KN9 chipset: NVIDIA NF4 Ultra18:11
TetracommThank you.18:11
murlidhari am using an 19 inch widescreen lcd monitor and i have smoothened the fonts in ubuntu but i am not able to smoothen it in firefox .18:12
ThRixXxso they arnt allways online ?18:12
murlidhari actually forgot the link of the tutorial which was given to me.18:12
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, Hopefully they were not added by automatix or envy scripts18:12
ThRixXxHow would you tell me to get latest XCHAT then because I tried compiling one but that didnt work18:13
ThRixXxI use envy yes ;?18:13
samjsNigromante: hmm. for some reason I thought that drives I setup during installation weren't shown on the desktop like removable volumes. my last install (hardy alpha) I didn't set the disks up till after, and now they're shown everywhere.18:13
bowsercakesudo apt-get install irssi18:13
FiskejohnWhat is the command to CD to exemple this folder: /home/admin/Skrivebord/Rod18:13
bowsercakeim using irssi to get on irc right now =]18:13
samjsNigromante: I'll see if I can change how the HAL sees these other disks.18:13
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, bad idea using that.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit18:13
bowsercakedo you have permissions to /home/admin?18:14
Nigromantesamjs one thing is drive mount applet, and another thing is gnome removable drives preferences18:14
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, If you must have the NEWEST release.. do your homework on compiling18:14
Fiskejohnbowsercake, well i just need the command. Then /home/name/Srivebord/rod18:14
the_darkside_986is there a way to allow 24-bit colors in fbdev driver? i tried 16 and 24 and got a distorted ugly display in X18:14
the_darkside_9868 works, but it looks awful18:15
ThRixXxI have! I downloaded the latest source files and have the latest ubuntu...18:15
bowsercakedo change dir you can do 'cd /home/admin' or else do 'nautilus /home/admin'18:15
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, Please also make a backup just in case you mess things up.18:15
Fiskejohnbowsercake, wasnt it something like: cd ~/home/anton/Skrivebord/Rod ?18:16
murlidhari am using an 19 inch widescreen lcd monitor and i have smoothened the fonts in ubuntu but i am not able to smoothen it in firefox .18:16
* murlidhar started sleeping18:16
bowsercakeFiskjhn, if you are user 'anton' and you type 'cd ~' then you will open directory /home/anton18:16
ThRixXxNot sure how to make a back up but its fine, running 2 partitions18:16
Fiskejohnbowsercake, ohh yeah :) Thanks :D18:17
bowsercakeThRixXx use mv file file.bak18:17
Nigromantesamjs, one interesting keyword is "auto" mount option in drives listed in /etc/fstab18:17
bowsercakeor better, cp file file.bak18:17
Jack_SparrowThRixXx, /msg ubuto        for build-essential                    and backup                        and compile18:17
bowsercakei believe samjs wants them to mount, but doesnt want them t show up in the 'mount program'18:17
ThRixXxDo you guys get payed to help me ?18:17
methodsi plug in my usb head phones but hear no sound out of them !18:17
Jack_Sparrow\We wish18:18
samjsNigromante: I don't think HAL pays much attention to fstab.  There is some interesting stuff in /etc/hal but nothing solid yet.18:18
murlidharThRixXx, no body gets paid.18:18
ThRixXxeish man!18:18
bowsercakewell, we might be at work right now getting paid, but we sure arent getting paid to be in the chat haha!18:18
pablohai, how i can't to re-install kdeinit ?? i have problem when i want open windows18:18
ThRixXxId pay you for support but im still a kid D18:18
pablo how i can to re-install kdeinit ?? i have problem when i want open windows18:18
murlidharThRixXx, it an ubuntu community . remember ICE AGE (2002) film. We are like a herd looking out for each other18:19
Nigromantesamjs, investigate the auto mount option (reboot with/without it and see behaviour)18:19
ThRixXxwell im 15 now, and im getting hundreds of people interested in ubuntu18:20
samjsNigromante: thanks, but auto mount in fstab is not what i'm looking for. my fstab is tweaked to perfection. :)18:20
ThRixXxvia videos of compiz and lans.18:20
bowsercakesounds good. ubuntu is fun and all but dont press it on people and act like its the best shit like some MAC users do.18:20
ThRixXxhaha nah i tell them its a fun platform to play around on and would be usefull to get to know because allot of servers use it18:21
_Chadcan anyone answer a question for me?18:22
ThRixXxI still have lots more to learn tho!! it took me years to learn windows18:22
ThRixXxYe sure go ahead chadman18:22
bowsercakewe have to know the question to answer it18:22
jerbeari find the desktop experience to be better than either windows or mac18:22
_Chadcool ty18:22
_mugre. could a normal user do damage to the system except his/her own files/homedir when he types rm -R / ? what would be deleted?18:22
DRebellion_mug, everything he has write permission on methinks18:22
ThRixXxjerbear! compiz-fusion makes it ultimate!18:22
bowsercakemug: not unless that user has permissions18:22
jerbear_mug: as long as you didn't prefix that with sudo18:22
_Chadok.. I'm trying to do a dual boot of Ultimate Edition ubuntu and XP Pro - during the install it told me (xp) no volumes available18:23
bowsercakeeverytime i go into the MAC stores i try a 'rm -rf /' just to see if they are on top of their systems18:23
_mugDRebellion: yeah i know.. are there any important files in standard-install?18:23
jerbearThRixXx: actually, i think compiz is a scurge, but that's just me18:23
_Chadnow thinking I did something wrong, I grabbed a copy (legal) of vista thinking it could be a fluke18:23
_mugjerbear: no18:23
TetracommI don't like lm-sensors, and the feont end isn't working.18:23
_Chadbut I got the same thing18:23
ipe_mug: do not use it18:23
TetracommI have a Pentium III CPU.18:23
TetracommCould someone make other suggestions?18:23
_mugipe: i know what it is, i just wondered IF i would do any damage and i dont want to test it18:24
ThRixXxHelps me organise my desktops. i use the zoom in quite allot ! allso it keeps me busy when i have nothing to do18:24
archmanguys how to see connection duration via terminal?18:24
_mugips maybr ill set up a vm and ubuntu and THEN test ist, but not on my pc18:24
samjsTetracomm: I use lm-sensors and monitor with gkrellm. hope you find a solution you like!18:24
bowsercakei believe it might clean out the users home directory, but all the other directories would not be deleted because the user lacks permissions for them18:24
Picibowsercake: Please dont mention that command in this channel ever.18:24
_Chaddid you get all that thrixxx18:25
jerbeareye candy like compiz is a distraction, the true power is under the hood18:25
bowsercakeim sure more people have broken their systems from changing xorg.conf than from doing an 'rm' command18:25
benhi guys, i want to run avant window navigator and compiz, but my laptop has an ati r250 chip,  can I do this?18:25
_mugbowsercake: hm ok.. i think ill do a little bash-voodoo and write a script that scans the hdd for writeable files/dirs :P18:25
qensebut with using the rm command you break your system for all time18:25
crdlbben: sure18:26
murlidhar_Chad, probly u have messed up ur grub.18:26
Picibowsercake: Breaking your graphics settings is a bit different than deleting all your files without warning.18:26
qensewith messing with xorg.conf you can solve the problems you've caused18:26
benso far all my attempts at running AWN and compiz has failed with error messages18:26
bowsercakePici: true18:26
_Chadat one time I had a dual boot - same hdd with both Linux Mint and Ultimate Edition18:26
crdlbben: please join #compiz-fusion18:26
benrunning compiz.real it says there are no manageable screens found on display :0.018:26
pablosomeone can help me18:26
qenseben: have you installed the fglrx drivers?18:26
bowsercakeben: have you installed the latest drivers?18:26
beni read at one place NOT to install fglrx so no i haven't18:27
_Chadbut then linux mint stopped working18:27
qenseyou need to18:27
murlidhar_Chad, do u have two hard disks?18:27
benok will do now18:27
_Chadlol 618:27
crdlbben: no, you read correctly18:27
crdlbdo _not_ install fglrx18:27
_Chadmy secondary sata II isn't showing18:27
_Chadso I figured it was able to be installed to18:27
benoh ok, will join18:27
murlidhar_Chad, so which hard disk has windows xp18:27
qensecrdlb: why?18:28
QuijoteCual es el canal en español?18:28
dgjones!es | Quicksilva18:28
dgjonessorry that was for Quijote18:28
_ChadI'm trying to dual boot18:28
crdlbqense: because fglrx supports r300 and up18:28
qenseI'm sorry18:28
_Chadso I can play higher end/non linux supported cedega games18:28
qenseI'm not very experienced with ati, I think I forgot to check that18:28
murlidhar_Chad, u mean u do not have any windows os installed right now.?18:29
_ChadI don't18:29
dgjonesQuijote, looks like the bot is lagging, you need to join #ubuntu-es18:29
_ChadI would like to dual boot but I always get this error saying no suitable volumes available even though I formatted that second sata II drive18:29
murlidhar_Chad, it is better to install a windows os and then linux os. i mean it is simpler.18:30
qenseben: maybe this guide can help you: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide18:30
samjs_Chad: sata drive? XP you said, right? do you have drivers for your sata controller?18:30
jerbearmurlidhar: what???! are you nuts?18:30
bowsercakeyeah, installed XP after linux is much more difficult18:30
murlidharjerbear, i heard so18:30
_ChadI have ultimate ubuntu installed dual booted with linux mint atm on the primary18:30
red_onei need to reinstall gutsy - my disk has bad sectors, so i want to keep my existing partition. how do i do this?18:30
red_onethe fat knows about the bad sectors now18:31
_Chadlol murlindhar - I hate windows with a passion since they put vista out.18:31
jerbearred_one: if your disk has bad sectors, do yourself a favor and get a new drive18:31
_ChadI'm only wanting to do this so I can get certain games to play18:31
red_onejerbear, that's nice, but that's not an answer18:31
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jerbearred_one: sure it is... bad sectors means your disk is failing... are you saying you want to save your partition?18:32
_ChadI've tried cedega which I pay for.. for what I'm not sure yet - I've tried wine, win4lin, crossover18:32
murlidhar_chad install xp first . and ubuntu cuz while installation ubuntu will automatically find the path to windows and write the grub into mbr18:32
red_onejerbear, a new disk can wait. i just need to reinstall atm.18:32
_Chadso go and put windows on first?!18:32
jerbearred_one: then reinstall18:32
_Chadthen go and install linux?18:33
red_onejerbear, and lose my fat? the one that knows about the bad sectors?18:33
bowsercakeChad: you should back up your linux file. reinstall windows XP, then reinstall ubuntu, then transfer your saved files.its actually easier18:33
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murlidharis your linux a fresh and new install.?18:33
TetracommThank you.18:33
TetracommIt says that I don't have any sensors. I tried gkrellm.18:33
red_oneor can i get a gutsy installer to do a surface scan first?18:34
_ChadI've been using it for a year18:34
jerbearred_one: knows about your bad sectors? do you realize that marking bad sectors is just a stop gap so that you can possibly save some data... and you're wanting to reinstall.. ha!18:34
bowsercakeTetracomm, have you installed lm-sensors. Also, alot of sensors may not pick up18:34
murlidhar_Chad, ok then we will go the alternative way.18:34
red_onejerbear, thanks for your... help.18:34
steph__I'm looking for a software for stop motion ( a other one than StopMotion) that can be easily used by students. Any ideas?18:34
jerbearred_one: enjoy what's left of your data18:35
murlidhar_Chad, can i PM you. or join #murlidhar18:35
red_onecan i perform a surface scan as part of a gutsy install?18:36
leonanyone here tryed TimeVault18:36
PETERR-hi how can i know the dot-clock freqeuncy?18:38
laughzillaany idea why the auto-sync for the ubuntu clock would be off by 10 minutes?18:40
srikarany good download manager for ubuntu???18:40
jerbearlaughzilla: you could try a different server18:40
bowsercakesrikar: there are a few decent download managers in the repositories. i cant remember te name right now18:41
jerbearsrikar: i enjoy the DownThemAll plugin for firefox18:41
hanophix33im tryuing to download an ebook that requires adobe reader, will this work on ubuntu18:41
jerbearhanophix33: pdf?18:41
NutyHello. I am new to Linucs. I am wondering : How do you make a kernel. ?18:41
hanophix33jerbear: yes18:41
bowsercakehanophix33, you can download adobe reader for linux, or else use another pdf reader like evince18:41
jerbearhanophix33: most likely, it's fine18:41
laughzillajerbear thx18:42
amenadohanophix33-> gnome chm reader is able to read pdf's18:42
srikarjerbear:Is it having a resume featuree??18:42
SmellynoseHi, I did an install of LTS 6.06(?), then did dist-upgrade to gutsy, after chaning my sources file. Now my aptitude is messed up, and no matter what distro I try to upgrade to, I always have unmet dependencies18:42
jerbearsrikar: yes18:42
hanophix33but it uses adobe digital editions18:42
hanophix33its a textbook18:42
hanophix33that costs $100, so they need to make sure i dont sell it18:42
bowsercakeSmellynose: what is listed in your repositories? does the name 'gutsy' appear in the link to the repositories?18:43
froldHowto run a dcr file i mozilla? Im trying to see this site: http://motionsrecepten.dk/motion.html but I cant find the plugin :S18:43
geniiSmellynose: For upgrading between 6.06 and 7.10 you need to go 6.06->6.10->7.04->7.1018:43
SmellynoseI just replaced dapper with gutsy18:43
Smellynosethen updated and upgraded18:43
NutySo wat do I need to include in headers to make a kernel ? iostream and what ?18:43
PETERR-noone helps here god18:43
OiPenguinI'm looking for a "special subscription offer" for Linux Format. £83.90 to Norway is steep for a Linux newbie. Can anyone help?18:43
SmellynoseShould I change my sources back, then update and upgrade, then upgrade in order?18:44
bowsercakePETERR, waht was your question?18:44
ScuniziI'm trying to print a PDF from evince (document viewer). The printer uses the ipp protocol (networked with ip address). Evince prints to this printer using LP. Are there two different printing systems? How do I change Evinces defaults for this?18:44
amenadoSmellynose-> why not just download the 7.10 liveCD iso and just install that?18:44
SmellynoseI don't have any CD's to burn to. I suppose I could repartition and mount it to there?18:45
NutyI have problems guys, I open kate and I press F9 and it will not compile! Help me!18:45
amenadoSmellynose-> do you happen to have another linux working on same pc?18:45
SmellynoseI only have this OS installed.18:46
excalibashello, i just formated an HD to ext3 and is mounting ok but i dont have permitions to write, i can write as root, but cant cjange permitions, anny help please?18:46
amenadoScunizi-> cups supports lpd printing18:46
nooberhi, how do i start vnc server on ubuntu?18:47
jerbearexcalibas: this is correct... if you want to give a specific user access to the drive, you have to create a directory that they can write to18:47
amenadoexcalibas whats the command you have done to mount the subject partition?18:47
Scuniziamenado, yes I know the printer works in other applications like OOo but doesn't work with evince because evince is sending the print stream to LP instead of ipp://
newoneDoes anyone how to use vobsub subtitles in Ogmrip? It is always greyed out for me.18:48
amenadoScunizi lets both look to google and lets see what we can come up with18:48
LordOfThePigsHello! Is there a way I can find out detailed information about a window?18:48
excalibasjerbear: ok, but i cant change the permitions of the directories....18:48
LordOfThePigsLike what its class or name or title or whatever is?18:48
LordOfThePigsthat would be useful to know to properly configure compiz18:48
jerbearexcalibas: do you have root access to the system?18:48
excalibasamenado:  i duno, just rightclick mount18:49
white_eagleis there an irc channel for help for gnu screen, or I could just ask here?18:49
excalibasjerbear:  yes, and i can create forders18:49
excalibasjerbear:  as root18:49
DRebellionwhite_eagle, just ask18:49
AnzaHi, one question: the sound in video files .3gp extension doesn't work, how could I fix that?18:49
amenadoexcalibas being root, you have more control  of how you mount things, if you have not learned mount command yet, its about time to start digging through man pages and/or googling18:50
jerbearexcalibas: cd /mount/point/of/drive; sudo mkdir stuff; chown -R foo:foo stuff18:50
SmellynoseIs there a dist-downgrade option or similar to apt>18:50
jerbearexcalibas: where "stuff" is the directory, and "foo" is the username18:50
amenadojerbear-> lets try to encourage some of these users to kind of pick up the manual and....18:50
PiciSmellynose: No.18:51
Parsec300noober, I'll look it up for you. There is a setting in the settings menu.18:51
AnzaHi, one question: the sound in video files .3gp extension doesn't work, how could I fix that?18:51
jerbearamenado: that's fine, but he's trying to get from point A to B.18:51
Anzaany idea????18:51
nooberParsec300: thanks18:51
amenadojerbear we will be here if he gets completely stucked..18:52
nooberParsec300: i would like to be able to control my pc from my laptop.18:52
excalibasamenado, jerbear: ok, ill try this thanks a lot18:52
Parsec300Which computer is running Ubuntu? Or are they both running Ubuntu?18:52
brobostigonnoober: vnc, telnet, ssh18:53
SmellynoseThe sound in the '3gp extension' is AMR, which is proprietry(sp?) I believe, so you have to build VLC/ffmpeg with support for it#18:53
nooberbrobostigon: >?18:53
jerbearexcalibas: i would definitely encourage you to read the documentation on mount so that you're aware of how it works and the different options18:53
nooberParsec300: main pc running ubuntu laptop xp18:53
brobostigonnoober: you can use(vnc,ssh) ro remote comtrol another computer18:54
Emilianhi, how would I limit the amount of memory a user can take up?18:54
DRebellionEmilian, ram or hdd?18:54
Anzaand how can I build VLC/ffmpeg with support for it?18:54
selycan anyone tell me how to disable SCIM at startup?18:54
nooberbostigon: yeah i know.. but how do i . what command for start server on ubuntu?18:54
EmilianDRebellion, ram18:55
brobostigon!vnc | noober18:55
SmellynoseIf your main computer is ubuntu, you would want the server on your laptop, no?18:55
PiciThe bots are current undergoing maintenance.18:55
SmellynoseAnza: You would have to download the source from SVN and configure it to be built with amr-nb, if you google you should be able to find a tutorial18:55
brobostigonnoober: look on help.ubuntu.com18:56
excalibasjerbear:  i will, but will i have to mout by hand always or is there a way to make the mounting automatic?18:56
nooberbrobostigon: thanks18:56
Anza:( don't understand18:56
kepahehello there?18:56
jerbearexcalibas: this is exactly why you will need to do some reading18:56
amenadoexcalibas  as you will learn from reading about mount you'd come across fstab file, they compliment each other..18:56
DRebellionPici, Wouldn't it be wise to put that in the channel topic?18:57
kepahei got a quick question for whoever can help18:57
PiciDRebellion: No one reads the topic, and its only temporary.18:57
kepahei try to save a skin for amsn18:57
PiciDRebellion: like 20 minutes temporary.18:57
kepahebut my computer keeps saying that i am not the owner18:57
kepahei dont have permisions to do so18:57
excalibasjerbear, amenado: ok, i will read now thanks again.18:57
kepahedoes any body know what to do18:57
froldHowto run a dcr file i mozilla? Im trying to see this site: http://motionsrecepten.dk/motion.html but I cant find the plugin :S18:58
kepaheowner permisions18:58
kepaheanybody know why i am not alow to change them18:58
amenadoexcalibas you're welcome, we'll be here if you really get stucked..18:59
demon_sporkhow do I access an NFS share on the network?18:59
Scuniziamenado, find anything?  There seems to be lots of people with evince issues.. the printer is hooked directly to a router and is accessible by any machine in the lan. Everything from my ubuntu install works except evince.. Evince will, however, print to my usb printer connected directly to my ubuntu box. both printers are lasar. direct=B&W.. ipp=color both Samsung if that makes a diff.18:59
kepahehow do i gain folder permisions18:59
niuqkepahe: sudo chmod -R 755 <folder>18:59
jerbearkepahe: if you don't control the folder in question, then you don't get to change it19:00
Picikepahe: Where are you trying to save the file?19:00
kepahein user/share/amsn19:00
Parsec300kepahe, what folder do you need owner permissions for?19:00
kepahebut comes up with a messange saying i am not the owner19:00
kepaheand so, dont have permisions19:00
Picikepahe: Are you sure you can't save the theme somewhere in ~/.amsn/ ?19:00
kepaheits a new skin that i donwload for amsn19:01
kepahedoesnt allow me to do so19:01
Picikepahe: Then you'd have to use sudo to move the file there.19:01
kepahesorry, but i do i do that?19:01
amenadoScunizi-> its evince you want to print using lpd right?19:02
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Picikepahe: The amsn documentation actually says to install skins in /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.amsn/skins19:02
Picimick_home: The bots are down currently.19:03
Scuniziamenado, evince yes.. lpd no.. i want it to print using ipp which is how the color lasar is setup in cups19:03
geniifrold: perhaps dcraw19:03
rbs-titoIs the Wiki down?19:03
genii!info dcraw | frold19:03
mick_homePici: is there a channel for ubuntu/sparc?19:03
Picimick_home: Not that I'm aware of, but if it did exist it would be #ubuntu-sparc19:03
geniiUhoh bots19:04
kjormick_home: I get "forbidden" when I try to access it, at least.19:04
Parsec300kepahe, type if the command is 'cp' (copy) then put sudo in front of it, like 'sudo cp'.19:04
wx9jcan I simply tar my entire linux part to install on a new hard drive ?19:04
Parsec300This will allow you to execute commands with 'root-user' priviledges.19:04
kepahei am trying to save a new skin in "user/share/amsn19:04
geniifrold: from apt-cache search     dcraw - decode raw digital camera images19:05
mick_homeok, none19:05
kepahei dont have  a folder call amsn in home/user name19:05
hanophix33i just bought a 100 dollar textbook that needs adobe digital editions, can i do this?19:05
pablothere are panamanian's here..19:05
niuq kepahe: would be something like ~/.amsn i think19:05
v3ctormick_home: what are you trying to install on?19:05
brobostigonkepahe: .amsn is a hidden folder, just cd .amsn19:05
kepaheok pasec 30019:05
Picikepahe: Did you get my message?19:05
AnzaSVN is a server?19:05
Picikepahe: Read http://amsn.sourceforge.net/devwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Installing+Plugins+and+Skins19:06
mick_homev3ctor: brand new blades19:06
kepaheso i need to open the terminal and type sudo cp19:06
kepaheand then ...19:06
Picikepahe: No.  Just read the link I just pasted.19:06
v3ctorhaven't tried on blades yet, what issue are you having?19:06
Parsec300kepahe, Pici pasted a link for you to read.19:06
kepahei have19:06
mick_homev3ctor: wanted to know how big the community behind it is19:07
murlidharwhat is the command to see ur partitions in the hard disk?19:07
kjorIs there anything in particular I need to be aware of when installing Ubuntu 7.10 next to an already installed Linux system (which I will move out of the way)? I cannot afford to lose any of the data on my system.19:07
v3ctormick_home: Sun Microsystems is behind it ;)19:07
kjormurlidhar: fdisk -l /dev/hda (or whatever device)19:07
mick_homev3ctor: i'm not happy w/ Solaris19:07
Picikepahe:  The link I pasted says to installs skins into "/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.amsn/skins"19:08
amenadoScunizi-> the printer is a network printer?  can you try to have evince print to a file? and then that file can be printed with an ipp capable app?19:08
mick_homev3ctor: and the blastwave project isn't where i want it to be19:08
v3ctormick_home: lets take this to #ubuntu-sparc19:08
kepaheyea Pici, install the Re-install the skins in /home/user name/>>and creat a foder .amsn/skins??19:08
sfearswhat the command to list what modules are loaded?19:08
mick_homethere is noone there19:08
sfearswhat's *19:08
v3ctori am19:08
kjorsfears: kernel modules? "lsmod"19:08
dabangsfears: lsmod19:08
Picikepahe: Whats your ubuntu user name?19:08
Picikepahe: /home/victor/.amsn/skins/19:09
Picikepahe: put the files in there.  Press ctrl-h in the gnome file browser to see hidden folders like .amsn19:09
mbtIs help.ubuntu.com broken?  I cannot access https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto19:09
illissiusany reason why df would only show my root partition, and not all the rest I have mounted? (they're all in fstab) if I give the path to the other mounts explicitly it works, they just don't show up in the list for plain 'df -h'19:10
illissius(using kubuntu gutsy)19:10
alleni need help with wine19:10
sfearscan you configure an already compiled module? or is that part of what the compilation does?19:10
kjortrying again... Is there anything in particular I need to be aware of when installing Ubuntu 7.10 next to an already installed Linux system (which I will move out of the way)? I cannot afford to lose any of the data on my system.19:10
mandanaCould someone give a tip about using the openvpn server to add a new user to the  openvpn?19:10
Scuniziamenado, it is a networked printer, that's why it's plugged into a router with an ethernet cable and has its own fixed ip address. I view a pdf created by a third party and print it to pdf to create another file. Even this file will not print. If you have any other suggestions I"m all eyes..19:10
lordleemombt: its offline to me also19:10
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xeniter_@allen: connect to irc.freenode.net and go to the channel #winehq19:11
an_tadhdoes any body know how to stop skips in Audacity?19:11
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allenif i install a windows app. it says  Change preferred owner in ~/.wine/system.reg19:11
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wx9j can I simply tar my entire linux part to install on a new hard drive ?19:11
Picixeniter_: allen: this is freenode19:11
mbtlordleemo: Thanks... hopefully will be up/fixed soon, was going to look at that page lol19:11
=== asoi is now known as xoRock
kjorwx9j: mostly, but you will need to reinstall the boot loader on the new drive manually before it will boot. (that's GRUB in Ubuntu, isn't it?) once you do that, if you are careful, it should work. emphasis should.19:12
SpookyETIs it possible to make auto-hiding panels not show at all? it seems 2-3px are still showing. Is there a gconf19:13
wx9jkjor: Thanks, I forgot about the grub loader, thanks for the heads up on that19:13
amenadoScunizi-> what exactly you have done to print a pdf file to said printer? what app or command did you use?19:14
kjorwx9j: I haven't tried it with Ubuntu, but I don't see anything else being needed if you haven't done pretty heavy customizations to the system. say, a very limited custom built kernel might need to be reconfigured for a new system.19:14
Linux_FresherNew linux guy here .. following things done [ and i am IMPRESSED 100% ] .. 1) updated Ubuntu to latest 2) Downloaded 'restricted drivers'  3) Installed compiz    .... okies now guide me further .. what more needs to be done ?19:14
Jack_SparrowSpookyET, gconf editor?19:15
Xmancan anyone tell me, ca we install VGA graphics drivers in ubuntu???19:15
Linux_Fresherteach me about mediubuntu , i can download anything without legal obligations here , so what to run to get mediubuntu please ?19:15
pushpophow do you restart X from console if you are ssh into box?19:15
SpookyETJack_Sparrow: it's a settings editor19:16
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Makje a backup, so in case you do something (Not bright) you can get back to this point with eze19:16
wx9jkjor: no changes, just moving things from one drive to another dual boot drive and using an second drive for common ntfs19:16
bruenigpushpop: kill it, then start it19:16
Scuniziamenado, "tried to print" is the operative phrase.. open pdf with document viewer (evince), File/print pick printer.. print.. cpu goes to 50% and stays there until I kill the lp process in top.19:16
Xmancan anyone tell me, can we install VGA graphics drivers in ubuntu???19:16
Jack_SparrowSpookyET, Yea, I know19:16
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  M8 !! u r there !! yaaay !! am i lucky or God really exist !! xD19:16
kjorwx9j: then just copy and reinstall GRUB should do the trick.19:16
maxwell33My external ntfs hard drive will not mount I get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53068/19:16
Jack_SparrowSpookyET, Yea, I know gconf-editor19:16
Scuniziamenado, lp is chosen by evince as a default for some reason instead of ipp..19:16
kjorwx9j: just be sure to preserve all permissions and special files.19:16
amenadoScunizi-> i meant given a general .pdf doc, can you use OO to open and print it?19:17
pushpopbruenig; you can't start x when beeing sshd into box?19:17
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bruenigpushpop: why not19:17
Scuniziamenado, haven't tried that .. hang on.19:17
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Just got home from walk around the lake.. darn hot today19:17
lordleemombt: try the cached version|lang_en&ie=UTF-8&client=firefox-a19:17
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  u have GOT TO install compiz m8 !! i dun know how u manage without it !! xD  .. after all the world is of showmanship !! and compiz takes it to a whole new level !!19:17
wx9jkjor: copy from where to where  ? I have one drive now that has the dual boot sys, so just go to the /boot dir ?19:17
kepahei try to save the file in a .amsn, but it tells me that already exits altough i cant see the folder anywhere19:17
bruenigkepahe: because it is a hidden directory19:18
kjorwx9j: you wanted to move your current installation to a new drive, right?19:18
Picikepahe: press ctrl-h19:18
sithoidHi all! What's wrong with my Pidgin? I try to connect to ICQ and I get "online" status, but a message "connection reset by peer" appears, and cjntact list doesn't show.19:18
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, I have it and every addon, including fish swimming inside my cube and windows that float off the face of it19:18
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  :)  that would be a GREAT idea !! especially with a hot babe with me ... but considering that its 1 am here, lil difficult to do that atm ;)19:18
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  gimmi the fish !! i am a sailor !!19:18
maxwell33My external ntfs hard drive will not mount I get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53068/ how can i get it to mount?19:18
wx9jkjor: yes taking it off a 160 moving win and linux to a 40 gig, then use the 160 for all data19:18
rinaldi_anyone know of a good upnp media renderer, apart from vlc?19:19
mbtlordleemo: Oh, why did I not think of that, lol19:19
RandomName234how can I resolve this?19:19
RandomName234Errors were encountered while processing:19:19
RandomName234 gnome-volume-manager19:19
RandomName234 nautilus-cd-burner19:19
RandomName234 rhythmbox19:19
RandomName234E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:19
Fougnerhello, I have a external philips-screen connected to my laptop. is there a way to change the resolution specific for that external one? I guess that would be in xorg.conf, but I don't know where. For now, the external screen cuts the bottom-panel, when I'm using 1280x800 @ "internal" laptop-screen =)19:19
pushpopbruenig; you can't start x when beeing sshd into box?19:20
pushpophow do you restart X from console if you are ssh into box?19:20
bruenigpushpop: why not19:20
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  one lil issue beyond my tiny brain .. in my media folder, some icons are of a movie reel and some icons are of movie reel with a little orange lock over them .. whats that all about ? .. can upload a screeny if u order19:20
sithoid What's wrong with my Pidgin? I try to connect to ICQ and I get "online" status, but a message "connection reset by peer" appears, and contact list doesn't show.19:20
pushpopx doesnt start I can't vnc in19:20
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Promise me you will do a full backup.. Just one line in a terminal.. providing you have the room.. and then you can compile more fun stuff  http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530319:20
kjorwx9j: then you should be fine just copying all files from the old drive to the new, reconfigure and re-install GRUB. just keep everything on the old drive until you know the new one works and you can always go back to what you had.19:20
bruenigpushpop: what happens when you try to startx from ssh19:20
wx9jkjor: that was the plan, thanks,19:21
pushpopbruenig server is already active for display 019:21
alex-weeji have grub installed on two different partitions, how do i point the MBR at my preferred boot?19:21
kjorwx9j: you're welcome, hope it goes well.19:21
kjorIs there anything in particular I need to be aware of when installing Ubuntu 7.10 next to an already installed Linux system (which I will move out of the way)? I cannot afford to lose any of the data on my system.19:21
bruenigpushpop: because X is running, you need to kill it first19:21
alex-weejkjor: back up :)19:21
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i cant promise what I cant do .. i cannot do a back up for lack of space or availability of new HD etc etc  but i free you from any liability of my own data loss .. that's a seaman's word  ... else may i rest with the fish19:21
sithoidkjor: watch carefully what to format :)19:21
kjoralex-weej: yes, but besides that? surely there is a way to put ubuntu on an existing ext3 partition withotu reformatting it?19:21
jimcooncatkjor: not really, as long as you're real careful with the partitioner19:22
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Fair enough19:22
Scuniziamenado, oo won't open the pdf..19:22
alex-weejkjor: but who's to say there isn't a stray rm -rf / somewhere in the installer?19:22
kjorjimcooncat: oh, I have formatted the wrong drive once already, don't plan on doing it again :)19:22
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  so what would we be doing now ? mediubuntu and fishes ?19:22
kjoralex-weej: hopefully the QA department ;)19:22
amenadoScunizi-> try installing ghostview19:22
Scuniziamenado, what's that?19:22
jimcooncatkjor: I've been there, done that :-)19:22
* alex-weej same19:22
amenadoScunizi-> i say its a nice doc viewer of different formats including ps and pdf19:23
kjorjust growing tired of the quirks of Gentoo, and want something that just works :)19:23
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  oh and i also have to update synchrony .. erm wait its called something else19:23
Jack_Sparrowkjor, The live cd cannot be installed without formatting at least the root partition, the alternate will let you do more19:23
Linux_FresherSYNAPTIC !!19:23
kepahei got it, Many thanks dudes!19:23
jimcooncatmaybe we should take a poll: how many people have hosed their hard drive before?19:23
sithoidSo can anybody help with Pidgin ICQ or point me to the proper channel? =/19:23
kjorjack_sparrow: good thing you mentioned that, thanks!19:23
Jack_Sparrow~ot | jimcooncat19:23
Jack_Sparrow!ot | jimcooncat19:24
ubot3jimcooncat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:24
ubot3fish: a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.3-2 (gutsy), package size 804 kB, installed size 3608 kB19:24
jimcooncatsorry Jack_Sparrow, got caught up in the moment19:24
Scuniziamenado, it doesn't seem to be available in gutsy using apt-get19:24
RandomName234what is "  subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 13919:24
RandomName234 "?19:24
pushpopbruenig I can only run startx as root19:24
Linux_Fresherhuh ? ubot3 has lost it19:24
pushpopbruenig how can I run it as my user19:24
jimcooncatpushpop, you could run vncserver, though it will give you a new display19:25
ubot3Factoid desktopfish not found19:25
ubot3Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotwo Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:25
pushpophow do you start vncserver19:25
Scuniziamenado, perhaps it's known as gv?19:25
Linux_Fresheru had to do that !! xD19:25
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, gimme a sec to try something...19:25
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  anything u say boss19:25
Odd-rationaleWhat is happening to the bots? Are they all getting viruses?19:26
=== LinuxKid is now known as N3bunel
DRebellionOdd-rationale, maintenance19:26
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  u gotta know if u havent already figured it out that a new linux user is like MASSIVELY obliged here by you .. that would be ... ME !! :D19:26
h4L1mhello guys, i wanted to ask about crossover linux, are there any versions for amd64, because i can't find it anywhere, please help me, i need it for school19:26
amenadoScunizi-> perhaps the shortname is gv19:27
Picih4L1m: Try crossover's website, its a commercial product not affiliated with ubuntu19:27
Fruuctishi..Fruuctis is here :P19:27
jimcooncath4L1m: you may want to install the 32 bit version19:27
pushpopjimcooncat: I get this error when I start x Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server19:27
pushpopXlib: No protocol specified19:27
Linux_FresherFruuctis:  wb19:28
h4L1mjimcooncat, ubuntu does not allow to install i386 packages on amd64, how can i do that?19:28
Pici!chroot | h4L1m19:28
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  till u become free again, scrapping web to find terminal command to get mediubuntu19:28
ubot3h4L1m: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box19:28
Fruuctisanyone who can help me to install some themes? and a skydome19:28
ubot3Factoid mediubuntu not found19:28
jimcooncatpushpop: you're ssh in, right? So if you startx, it won't work, as you don't have access to display :019:29
Odd-rationaleFruuctis: What kind of themes?19:29
pushpopjimcooncat correct19:29
ubot3VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers19:29
pushpopjimcooncat how do I get x to start so I can vnc in19:29
Lifeisfunnywhen using Firefox I'm getting the  website's navigation menus showing up behind the graphical image advertisements19:29
jimcooncatpushpop: if you start vncserver, it will run an xserver inside of it on display :119:29
FruuctisOdd-rationale: themes like that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ19:30
Odd-rationaleFruuctis: Emerald themes or metacity?19:30
bruenigLifeisfunny: flash + bad designs will get you that19:30
Fruuctisi dont know the diff?19:30
pushpopjimcooncat I can figure out how to start vncserver i dont see it init.d19:30
NibblynHi! I'm helping an user who has her menu bars disappeared after login... so she is only able to create a new folder on desktop... any ideas how to fix?19:30
Fruuctisand i want to change the skin of gnome alose19:30
Fruuctisto begin with19:30
Fruuctiscuz its really ugly19:30
Lifeisfunnybruenig, ahh, so it's not on my end?19:30
bruenigLifeisfunny: no19:30
LifeisfunnyI see19:30
jimcooncatpushpop: but then you gotta forward the vnc port with ssh. It's a bit of a setup, but possible.19:30
h4L1mPici, i can't get a source code of it because it's not open source19:30
Odd-rationaleFruuctis: hold on, let me take a look19:30
niuqNibblyn i have the same problem xD, and i just restart x server19:30
Linux_Fresherlooks like Jack_Sparrow went afk .. or is busy .. anyone else knows the official site for mediubuntu ? google doesnt seem to pop up one19:31
h4L1mand i can't find a 64 bit version of crossover19:31
kjorNibblyn: aren't they referred to panels in gnome-speak? maybe you need to add one with the menus?19:31
niuqNibblyn i haven't figured out, what's wrong19:31
Picih4L1m: Then you'd either need to switch architectures, or contact crossover.19:31
tritiumLinux_Fresher: probably because you keep spelling it incorrectly19:31
h4L1mthx a lot19:31
amenadoLinux_Fresher-> try this spelling  mediaubuntu19:31
brobostigonh4l1m: does wine run on amd64??19:31
Nibblynniuq: it seems that it happens after the last update19:31
tritiumamenado, Linux_Fresher: it's "medibuntu"19:31
ubot3medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:32
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, http://aycu28.webshots.com/image/45987/2002766108564705326_rs.jpg           ignore the screen tear from the screenshot app.19:32
buddyleebrobostigon, i'm using wine with no issues on it19:32
Nibblynkjor: all menu bars desappeared. no panels at all19:32
niuqNibblyn: if you use icon for compiz fusion, you can try changing your window manager19:33
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, system  admin  software sources  and enable everything in there.  disable the cd as a source19:33
lesshasteI've just done  sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` and I get Media Change: Please insert the disc labelled19:33
lesshaste ‘Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)’19:33
lesshastein the drive ‘/cdrom/’ and press enter19:33
lesshastewhat one earth is going on??19:33
kjorNibblyn: and no way to add a new one? I'm running Xfce so can't check easily what it's like in GNOME.19:33
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  caught the cowboy !! xD   http://aycu28.webshots.com/image/45987/2002766108564705326_rs.jpg cannot be displayed because it contains erros !! ^^19:33
maxwell33how should I format my external hard drive in order for it to work best with ubuntu NTFS fails all the time on me19:33
Scuniziamenado, nope .. can view and print to local lasar but not the networked.. even after changing what my default printer is. from locally connected to networked.19:33
Nibblynniuq: she has no icons on the destop (no compiz fusion)... she can only create a new folder an from there lauch something19:33
buddyleelesshaste, you have the cdrom in your /etc/apt/sources.list file19:33
jimcooncatpushpop: I don't know why Ubuntu Wiki gave me a hard time with that doc.19:34
jerbearmaxwell33: ext319:34
kjormaxwell33: I'd suggest ext3, or FAT if you need compatibility with Windows.19:34
natbethow do I open an xslx file?19:34
lesshastebuddylee: weird! can I fix it in synaptic?19:34
Xmancan anyone tell me, can we install VGA graphics drivers in ubuntu???19:34
Xmancan anyone tell me,how can we install VGA graphics drivers in ubuntu???19:34
buddyleelesshaste, either comment it out in this file, or use 'c' and press enter when you are prompted19:34
jimcooncatnatbet, gutsy's openoffice will open that spreadsheet19:34
jerbeari still don't understand why someone would use linux+fat19:34
lesshastebuddylee: thanks19:34
=== hyrsch_aw is now known as hyrsch
bruenigfile sharing with windows without silly ntfs-3g19:35
Linux_Fresherhmm .. its medibuntu ..  not mediUbuntu or mediAUbuntu19:35
niuqNibblyn: is the issue creating new folders?, or the dissapearing of the menu bars?19:35
bruenigcreating new directories19:35
Linux_Fresherand it wont let me access the repository19:35
natbetjimcooncat: thanks, I think I was used to Feisty's open office19:35
amenadoScunizi->  can you use lpr  to print to the said cups printer? if its running lpd, can you telnet to it?19:36
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, http://aycu15.webshots.com/image/46534/2000287317936092481_rs.jpg19:36
dgjonesnatbet, there's info on a converter at https://secure-support.novell.com/KanisaPlatform/Publishing/161/3559115_f.SAL_Public.html to enable you to open it in OpenOffice19:36
jimcooncatnatbet: I thought there was a download for Feisty somewhere, but I don't recall now. I moved to gutsy then it wasn't an issue for me.19:36
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i want it !!!!!!!!!  now !! as in right now !! plz plz plz !!19:36
muncci am getting this odd error is there a way of fixing it : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59167/ . i have changed the apt cache size to 33554432 because i was getting a mmap full error19:37
RxDxi have a geforce 6200.. should i have to install NVIDIA-GLX or NVIDIA-GLX-NEW?19:37
amorphousI've got myself into a mental meltdown (and so has the pc :(   - could anyone tell me how to remove cups & all the related packages & drivers - is there an easy way - without (feisty) wanting to remove everything on my system...?19:37
krabadorhey people, someone can help me to install http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/NuoveXT2-Theme?content=6668519:37
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Im still on break, so post your error when I get back or read up a bit19:37
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, I already linked you the page for the addons that you need to compile yourself19:37
Scuniziamenado, I can log into the print server built into the printer using the ip address.. if that's what you mean..19:38
XmanJack_Sparrow: can you tell me,how can I install VGA graphics drivers in ubuntu???19:38
Brandon_Anyone here familiar with ssh-add? I created an ssh key and dragged it to another server and I can ssh from the first server and it asks for the passphrase. I type it in and it connects. But I just want to connect to the second server without the passphrase. When I do ssh-add authorized_keys2 it asks for the passphrase then says it's bad. How is that possible? It's allowing me to ssh with it.19:38
Jack_SparrowXman, Use vesa.. thaey are the generic VGA drivers19:38
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  nope .. i didnt get any link, could u please paste it again ?  incidentally, medibuntu site when i click on repository says 403 forbidden, now i am VERY SURE that its not so in my country19:38
XmanJack_Sparrow: how to do that?19:39
buddyleeBrandon_, check out ssh-agent19:39
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Gimme the link you click19:39
chai__any 64-bit wolfenstein  users out there can help me with installation?19:39
jerbearBrandon_: ssh-add adds keys to ssh-agent, not other machines19:39
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Promise me you will do a full backup.. Just one line in a terminal.. providing you have the room.. and then you can compile more fun stuff  http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530319:39
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, That ring a bell19:39
microwaverHello people, the GUI of my audio controller doesn't work anymore. only way I can change my volume is through terminal using 'alsamixer' any reason why this has happened?19:39
Nibblynniuq: she can cerate new folders (because she can do it from the right mouse click)... so she is able to navigate into the file system (because opening a folder under gnome will open nautilus). The problem is that all! panels disappeared. Do you know a command to fix gnome destop? she is a really newbie...19:40
keishoHi, why is it that I get 403 Forbidden errors when I try to visit any of the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ pages or https://help.ubuntu.com/community ? Can anyone help19:40
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu  is the link thats 40319:40
Scuniziamenado, I've gotta run & do an errand.. thanks for the help.. I may have to end up filing a bug against evince..19:40
Jack_SparrowXman, Use vesa.. they are the generic VGA drivers    select vesa mode and 1024 max res  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg use tab to accept all other defaults19:40
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  ding ding !! yup the forum link u had given !! but the moment it involves forum and reading, usually sailors .... well .. sail away !! :D19:40
Brandon_jerbear, buddylee so why am I looking at ssh-agent? Do I add keys to it? I just want to be able to go from one server to another without passwords.19:41
chai__Nibblyn: i've had some trouble with gnome configuration in the past, if you don't have too much configuration set, just delete the folders .gconf and .gconfd. This will delete all customizations, but it should work next time around19:42
buddyleeBrandon_, when you created a key, you still have it wrapped with a password19:42
kjorBrandon_: you could try public key authentication with passphrase-less keys, but it's not really the best thing to do security-wise.19:42
buddyleeto go passwordless, you need ssh-agent to take care of that your19:42
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, Read this  http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/29/medibuntu-the-only-3rd-party-repo-i-use/19:42
mad_max02hey guys19:42
Brandon_buddylee, yeah. So do I have to remove the password?19:42
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  its safe to run all those terminal / bash commands that the guy says there ?  [ btw are terminal and bash synonimous ?]19:42
mad_max02is there anyone that watches HD movies on linux ?19:42
RxDxi have a geforce 6200.. should i have to install NVIDIA-GLX or NVIDIA-GLX-NEW?19:42
jerbearBrandon_: the basic idea is that the remote machine has to know who you are (man ssh-copy-id), and then you have to add your key to ssh-agent (which requires a single password entry)19:42
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, cli = terminal19:42
mad_max02I downloaded movie with 2 different endings in one mkv file and I cant select the other one.19:43
chai__Linux_Fresher, bash is a shell, terminal is the window that communicates with the shell19:43
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, YEs, I have used that page to compile every addon on that page with ubuntu gutsy...19:43
LgndryhrHey everyone19:43
sylarxhey everyone!!!19:43
DonkeyKong101any1 got an idea how i can get my system sounds back?....19:44
PendetaI have a computer with 4 SATA hard drives configured in a RAID 0+1 software RAID by the motherboard. (I thought I had real hardware RAID, only to learn it was phony after installing lots of software. This RAID configuration is divided into two partitions---one for Windows XP and one for Ubuntu. But it appears that Ubuntu is not going to be compatible with RAID 0+1 (stripped and mirrored). Is this correct?19:44
niuqNibblyn: she could try this sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop, but id suggest a backup for important files19:44
Nibblynchai__: it's a fresh install... some progs were added. will tell her to delete that folders. Some way to reconfigure gnme under a text console (niuq: she can switch to a text console (cntr-alt-f1)?19:44
Jack_Sparrow!sound | DonkeyKong10119:44
ubot3DonkeyKong101: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:44
LgndryhrFor some reason my menu bar at the top isnt loading now. I don't know why. It was fine last night. Any idea why the menu bar at the top isn't loading as well as the bar at the bottom isn't?19:44
candrewsI'm attempting to package a new piece of software - what group do i go to to get some help?19:44
Nibblynniuq: thanks19:44
ubot3The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports19:45
jerbearcandrews: depends on what you're trying to do19:45
microwaverNo'one that can help me?19:45
XmanJack_Sparrow: there are so many options. Which one to select19:45
niuqNibblyn: good luck19:45
jerbearmicrowaver: what is your question?19:45
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  okies, running all those commands in terminal now .. will be back if there is some issue .. btw .. this is just the beginning .. after fish start to swim on the cube, we are going on wine to make my WARHAMMER 40000 work through wine .. so start getting ready for that ;)19:45
DonkeyKong101jack_Sparrow: its all set up correctly....and i can hear the login music...mp3 and movies work fine....but nothing else does...amsn has no sound..pigin has nothing19:45
Brandon_jerbear, how do I add my key to ssh-agent? Is it with the ssh-copy-id19:46
candrewshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/199754 I'm attempting to solve that issue (packaging mod_auth_cas). I have a package made, but when I load the module into apache, I get: Can't locate API module structure `authcas_module' in file /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_cas.so: undefined symbol: authcas_module19:46
NiBu_ /msg ubotu etiquette19:46
ubot3Malone bug 199754 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] mod_auth_cas" [Wishlist,Incomplete]19:46
Jack_SparrowXman, Only two you need to select.. vesa for your video card..  and 1024x768 as your res  use tab or enter to accept all other defaults19:46
xarquidhey vorian19:46
jerbearBrandon_: have you actually read the man pages for ssh-copy-id and ssh-agent?19:46
microwaverjerbear, Well see. i have an additional soundcard witch I use. Mys ound works properly but in the GNOME GUI my sound device is muted, I can only adjust my volume through the command 'alsamixer'19:46
vorianhello xarquid19:46
LgndryhrFor some reason my menu bar at the top isnt loading now. I don't know why. It was fine last night. Any idea why the menu bar at the top isn't loading as well as the bar at the bottom isn't? When i boot. Gnome seems to boot as well as nautilus (sp?). I would like to know how to fix this. Thanks in advance.19:47
PendetaWill Ubuntu work with any hardware RAID card, or are special linux drivers needed for hardware RAID?19:47
Jack_SparrowLaney, If you wer changing effects and things linke that you may have changed it.19:47
linxehPendeta: it depends on the card19:48
iNeoPendeta: Check Hardware compatibility list19:48
jerbearPendeta: all of the raid cards i've dealt with were not dependent on the OS19:48
Jack_SparrowPendeta, True hardware raid should be fine19:48
linxehPendeta: the chances are you don't have a hardware raid card19:48
xarquidPendeta: Check on the hardware compatibility checklist. What card is it? If it is true hardware RAID it should be fine. If it is software based...eh, then you're possibly in for problems.19:48
niuqLgndryhr: it seems last update fucked up with gnome19:49
Jack_SparrowPendeta, If it is built into your MB , it is most likely NOT hardware raid19:49
XmanJack_Sparrow: i mean u gave me a command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and then u said to press tab and it is showing so many options and now i am asking which one to execute?19:49
Jack_Sparrowniuq, Please watcvh the language19:49
linxehPendeta: what card is it? I've had no problems with things like the Dell Perc series cards and IBM equivalents19:49
StefanWLgndryhr: hey19:49
StefanWLgndryhr: panel trouble?19:49
Jack_SparrowXman, what do you see on your screen right now19:49
niuqJack_Sparrow: sorry...19:50
LgndryhrStefanW: Yes19:50
PendetaI have fake raid now.  I'll check the hardware compatibility list for a real hardware raid as you all suggest. Many thanks!19:50
ubot3pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:50
xarquidPendeta: Have a great one :-)19:50
Jack_SparrowPendeta, np good luck19:50
StefanWLgndryhr: let's try to reset your gnome session19:50
StefanWLgndryhr: you are using gnome right?19:51
DevourerDoes Ubuntu automatically compensate for day light savings?19:51
LgndryhrStefanW: yes19:51
ubot3Factoid toprc not found19:51
mad_max02is there anyone that watches HD movies on linux ?19:51
StefanWLgndryhr: ok, open a terminal :)19:51
mad_max02I downloaded movie with 2 different endings in one mkv file and I cant select the other one.19:51
niuqStefanW: you think this would work for reparing that panel trouble? sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop19:51
LgndryhrStefanW: so just do backspace + alt + ctrl19:51
xarquidDevourer: If you have Time Sync turned on (to sync with a time server such a nist.gov)19:51
StefanWLgndryhr: no19:51
LgndryhrStefanW: k19:51
StefanWLgndryhr: open a terminal :)19:51
LgndryhrStefanW: lol k i have one open19:51
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i think i am getting somewhere here in understanding .. i ran the download and validate key command .. i dont have to use the terminal to run rest of the commands, i think they are now available in synaptic19:52
Devourerxarquid, how do I do that?19:52
Brandon_jerbear, Yeah, but I don't see what I'm supposed to do with them to allow for no passwords. I mean my second server has the authorized_keys2 file that contains the public key for my first server. I'm just following tutorials and it's not working.19:52
XmanJack_Sparrow: this is on the terminla now http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59171/19:52
instabinIm thinking about loading ubuntu on my sisters pc she saw it on mine and only does facebook, myspace, email, and music.... Would this be a good idea. Her computer has windows xp right now with 78 infected files19:52
xarquidDevourer: Are you using Gnome and is your Gnome Clock Applet running in a corner? (I am just assuming all of this)...19:52
Jeeves2Jack_Sparrow:  'sup man19:52
Jack_SparrowLgndryhr, If all else fails... http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/19:52
Jeeves2has anyone installed openTracker yet?19:52
Devourerxarquid, yes.19:52
Nibblynniuq: (gnome panels disappeared): do you raccomend "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-destop" or "delete folders .gconf and .gconfd"?19:52
LgndryhrStefanW: what do i type in terminal?19:53
xarquidDevourer: Actually, check this out: http://www.watchingthenet.com/enable-auto-time-synchronization-in-ubuntu-and-kubuntu.html - a good graphical guide for you.19:53
XmanJack_Sparrow: did you saw that link19:53
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StefanWLgndryhr: hang on a sec, trying to do it here so you will not break anything ;)19:53
xarquidDevourer: And then you'll be good to go.19:53
kjorNibblyn: always be careful about deleting, try renaming them first.19:53
LgndryhrStefanW: k thanks man19:54
citybirdhey all. when i plug in my logitec cam i don't get a video driver to pop up in my 64bit os.19:54
Devourerxarquid, thanks.19:54
mad_max02is there anyone that watches HD movies on linux ?19:54
mad_max02I downloaded movie with 2 different endings in one mkv file and I cant select the other one.19:54
Nibblynkjor: hum, of course, thanks19:54
Jack_SparrowXman, It should have breought up a gui.. are you on a server or something19:54
ubot3Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)19:54
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  btw, one Q, i have a HD which has many music videos, now some icons appear as a movie reel, and some appear as the movie reel with a small red orange lock on them .. could u please explain that ?19:54
StefanWLgndryhr: ok buddy19:54
LgndryhrStefanW: k19:54
kjorNibblyn: np. I usually rename candidate directories if something acts up, that way it's easy to restore.19:54
XmanJack_Sparrow: no i am on the ubuntu desktop19:54
jerbearBrandon_: it's never going to be password-free unless you remove the password (which is nuts), you're only going to decrease the amount of times you have to enter it to 1 (using ssh-agent)19:54
Jack_SparrowLinux_Fresher, No idea atm... perhaps no codecs for those?19:55
xarquidDevourer: The above link may also help (the first link). If the one I gave you didn't help, but just keep it in mind. Have a great one and always ask back here if you need any help.19:55
StefanWLgndryhr: go to your home directory19:55
XmanJack_Sparrow: i am using gutsy19:55
LgndryhrStefanW: as in?19:55
StefanWLgndryhr: "cd ~" in a terminal will work19:55
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Jack_SparrowXman, That command in a terminal should ask for your password and bring up a red and blue screen19:55
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i thought the same, but currently if i click either, it gives a window to find / download a codec .. which rules out the non-codec availability issue .. uploading a screenshot to imageshack19:55
Brandon_jerbear, wait if I wanted to type in a password I'd just type in the normal password for the user? What's the point then?19:55
bengalkidhello i am on ubuntu live cd and tried to install xp and it massed up my grub how can i install it again. i found a internet turorial which don't work19:55
LgndryhrStefanW: k there19:56
bengalkidubuntu 7.1019:56
ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:56
kjorStefanW, Lgndryhr: just "cd" will go to one's home directory too.19:56
LgndryhrStefanW: yea i did that19:56
StefanWLgndryhr: now, "rm -r .gnome"19:56
LgndryhrStefanW: k19:57
XmanJack_Sparrow: i have used sudo just a moment before also to install mplayer that why its not asking for password but no red and blue screen man.19:57
StefanWLgndryhr: now, "rm -r .gnome2"19:57
aoupihow do I set the default TERM in gnome-terminal?19:57
jerbearBrandon_: you need to do some homework... ssh keys are (usually) guarded by a password. this is not the same as your login password. anytime you unlock your key (logging in to a machine or adding it to ssh-agent), you have to enter the key's password. using ssh-agent keeps the key loaded so that it can be reused without having to retype the password19:57
LgndryhrStefanW: k19:57
Jack_Sparrowrm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity                  all on one line works too19:57
Brandon_jerbear, actually why when I type ssh-add authorized_keys2 and type in the pass phrase it says it's a bad passphrase?19:57
StefanWor that XD19:57
bengalkidJack_Sparrow it desn't work19:57
amorphouscan I safely stop an upgrade (feisty to gutsy) while downloading?19:57
bengalkidthe link19:57
StefanWLgndryhr: now, "rm -rf .gconf .gconfd .metacity"19:58
ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:58
Jack_Sparrowbengalkid, It should...19:58
xarquidamorphous: Is it just downloading or is it updating the system?19:58
niuqJack_Sparrow: how that works?19:58
bengalkidYou don't have permission to access /community/GrubHowto on this server.19:58
amorphousjust downloading, xarquid19:58
jerbearBrandon_: well, if you were actually doing some reading like i told you to, you would realize that the authorized_keys file is not a key, but a list of public keys that are allowed access to your account19:58
xarquidamorphous: You can cancel it19:59
xarquidamorphous: It will delete the files (they are in a temporary folder/location)19:59
seisen_something is wrong with the community docs bengalkid19:59
LgndryhrStefanW: k19:59
amorphousxarquid, i take it not while upgrading then :?19:59
seisen_the webpages are giving a 403 error19:59
StefanWLgndryhr: please restart gnome, or simply reboot your computer19:59
Jack_Sparrowbengalkid, You need to be specific.. I am usually involved in many conversations... What didnt work19:59
xomphello, I need some help determining if Ubuntu has my wireless installed?19:59
bengalkidseisenso how can i install grub19:59
StefanWLgndryhr: all should be well again :)19:59
bengalkidJack_Sparrow the linik of grub20:00
amorphousxarquid, - you know how long the upgrade will take?20:00
Jack_SparrowTHey must be working the pages over today getting ready for gutsy,.. try to be patient with them20:00
LgndryhrStefanW: I shall try brb and let you know....thanks if it works20:00
bengalkidJack_Sparrow website is down20:00
Brandon_jerbear, wow. So it's impossible to login from 1 server to another without a password securely? I was told it was and have been messing with this stuff for 4 hours20:00
xarquidamorphous: I honestly do not know, I do not think it will revert. Once the upgrade has started (and not just downloading the files -- and the system is ACTIVELY upgrading/updating system files), I would not assume it is safe to stop it. I do not know, honestly, if there are "backups" or anything in place to revert back from an upgrade when stopped.20:00
amorphousxarquid, i know it's speed related, but is the download generally the time consumer (dual core Pentium)20:00
xarquidamorphous: It depends on the system and what you have installed. (Connection speed, installed packages, etc.).20:00
StefanWJack_Sparrow: thanks for the link, I actually didn't know the metacity folder held data that could influence the panels :)20:01
bengalkidwhat type of partition is needed for windows xp installation?20:01
xarquidamorphous: I would say you're looking at about an hour after the download (max).20:01
seisen_bengalkid check this link out: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm20:01
StefanWNTFS or FAT3220:01
jerbearBrandon_: yep, impossible to do it securely.... you can always do it insecurely, but i wouldn't recommend it. it's so easy to use ssh-agent, that's it would be silly not to20:01
Devourerxarquid, lol, ok I set it to sync with the ubuntu ntp server but it still hasn't updated.20:01
Jack_SparrowStefanW, np20:01
xarquidDevourer: Perhaps try a different server?20:02
bengalkidStefanW i have a free space of fat32 but xp says not recognized20:02
thereal2x 20:02
amorphousxarquid, fair play... thanks - don't suppose you'd know.... gutsy claims to not use cups... you know what it uses instead offhand?20:02
Jack_Sparrowbengalkid, http://microdotsagamedev.wordpress.com/2007/06/08/repair-your-grub-loader/20:02
Brandon_jerbear, http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ <-- I keep finding tutorials like this. What are they talking about then?20:02
Devourerxarquid, I tried some others.20:02
LgndryhrStefanW: it worked thanks20:02
jerbearBrandon_: luckily ubuntu has a pam module that you can use that will add your private key to ssh-agent automatically, provided that your key's password is the same as your login password20:02
StefanWLgndryhr: :)20:02
Devourerxarquid, what was that one you said? The ntp.nstc.gov or w/e?20:02
LgndryhrStefanW: any idea why it stopped working randomly20:02
ubot3Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:03
xarquidDevourer: Have a look there on the first link, it lists some20:03
StefanWbengalkid: explain a little more, you mean you made a partition in empty space?20:03
StefanWLgndryhr: did you play around with compiz?20:03
StefanWLgndryhr: or perhaps emeral?20:03
Brandon_jerbear, what does that mean?20:03
LgndryhrStefanW: not lately.....at least not the past few days20:03
Devourerxarquid, what first link?20:03
xompCan someone help with my wireless adapter? I can't find it in Gutsy.20:03
StefanWLgndryhr: main reason for things going wrong it seems20:03
bengalkidStefanW yeap total of 6 + gb more empty20:03
sinboxBrandon_, I know exactly what you mean about those tutorials :(20:03
LgndryhrStefanW: havent had time to be on and do anything but type up a paper20:03
morphirwhat is that site called where you can find deb packages that has not hit the repositories yet?20:04
StefanWLgndryhr: other than that, not of fthe top of my head :)20:04
xarquidDevourer: What ubot said what after me ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime )20:04
bluefox83xomp, fresh gutsy install?20:04
jerbearBrandon_: did you happen to read that page? FTA: "This will start the ssh-agent, add your default identity(prompting you for your passphrase)"20:04
LgndryhrStefanW: k thanks again20:04
xompbluefox83, pretty much, just a bunch of updates too20:04
jerbearBrandon_: note the "prompting for password" part20:04
amorphousxarquid - or am i misunderstanding & it's just gnome-cups-manager that's not in gutsy..?20:04
StefanWbengalkid: fat32 partitions should be recognized by the windows XP installer20:04
xarquidamorphous: It was replaced with system-config-printer20:04
bluefox83xomp, you may need to install drivers20:04
Jack_Sparrowmorphir, I have a name for them.. but it cant be used in channel....  you can try getdeb.net20:04
xompbluefox83, ok, I'm not sure what kind of wireless card this laptop has, is there a way to tell?20:04
Jack_Sparrowxomp, lspci20:05
amorphousxarquid, is that still cups? (or should i just shut up & rtfm :(20:05
xarquidamorphous: I mean -- gnome-cups-manager was replaced with system-config-printer ------> cups wasn't completely replaced. I still use cups. Just the frontend configuration was. You can still use cups if need be on the backend.20:05
StefanWbengalkid: you can always try to make the partition NTFS in stead of FAT32 :)20:05
exneohey any free djing sounds I can use with terminx20:05
xompbluefox83, it's a built-in wireless for a compaq evo n610c20:05
Devourerxarquid, that page is forbidden.20:05
bluefox83xomp, you're in for a pain, wireless is never fun20:05
morphirJack_Sparrow, yeh getdeb was the url, thanks ;)20:05
xarquidamorphous: gnome-cups-manager was just unmaintained so they replaced the package with a newer, better one :)20:05
bengalkidStefanW well i deleted the partition and said raw risk still says not recognizable20:05
jerbearBrandon_: basically, if you set it up correctly, then the only time you have to enter your password is at the login screen20:05
Devourerxarquid, I get a 403 error.20:06
Jack_SparrowI am out of answers for now, I'll be back when I refill the bucket20:06
StefanWbengalkid: ok, hang on... what are you doing20:06
Brandon_jerbear, yeah I followed the article but typeing "ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'" doesn't do anything20:06
jerbearBrandon_: and PAM just passes it on to ssh-agent20:06
FruuctisStefanW..! :D ^ :D20:06
StefanWbengalkid: you are trying to install windows XP to a new partition?20:06
xarquidDevourer: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html try that doc.20:06
sco01Hi. Installed Hardy. Want to reinstall Gutsy. Anyway I can do that without downloading and burning a new DVD?20:06
xompJack_Sparrow, where in this output is my wireless you suppose? http://pastebin.com/m4492588820:06
brobostigonhelp.ubuntu.com doesnt work, (forbidden)20:06
bengalkidStefanW so i resized my big hd to make 6 gb free space for xp with gparted and i assigned it as fat3220:06
jerbearBrandon_: i wouldn't follow those articles word-for-word, there are much easier ways to do it20:07
heidi20weibHI, ich habe hier ein paar Geile Bilder von mir reingestellt, damit du dir besser vorstellen kannst, wie ich aussehe Ich habe auch eine Cam, die ihr euch hier ansehen könnt.----Meine Webcam------> http://www.babsy18.gulli.to20:07
morphiris there a deb for alien arena 2008 around?20:07
xarquidhelp.ubuntu.com is down apparently20:07
amorphousxarquid, i got loads of problems with cups - and advice was to remove cups and drivers -  but couldn't find anything to tell me how :( I tried autoremoving all the cups related packages, but the system wanted to remove Everything (openoffice, amarok - the works!) - you know how I can clean the system of cups & drivers without this happening? - even just a keyword to help me google...20:07
StefanWbengalkid: and the windows installer can't recognize the partition?20:07
RedSiteignore heidi20 . ban and kick20:07
toresnhow can i change the extension on multiple files with the 'find' command?20:07
Brandon_jerbear, this migth be easier if I knew ubuntu more, but I have read a bunch of man pages and I'm getting no where. Can you just tell me the "easier way"20:07
bengalkidStefanW yes in empty partition, yes did not recognize i think it wants me to delete all the partition20:07
Jack_Sparrowxomp, line 1220:07
StefanWbengalkid: you should not have to20:08
seisen_gotta love irc spam20:08
xompJack_Sparrow, thanks, so with it showing up there, would that indicate that my wireless adapter should be installed?20:08
StefanWbengalkid: what you can try it let the windows XP installer create a partition in the empty space20:08
amorphousxarquid, hence the upgrade option... but I'm worried I'll just be in the same boat... and I've hacked the hell out of cups from howto's :(20:08
Jack_Sparrowxomp, Sorry.. I need a break.. be patient, someone will help you20:08
bengalkidStefanW how do i check if my drives are mouted or not?20:08
jerbearBrandon_: first make sure you have "libpam-ssh" installed, then make sure your key's password is the same as your login password, then logout and login. i think the libpam-ssh package should set itself up correctly without doing anything else20:09
Flare183xarquid: yeap20:09
brobostigonbengalkid: df -h20:09
StefanWbengalkid: mounted?... how are you trying to install XP? directly from linux? O_o20:09
Brandon_jerbear, how do I check if I have libpam-ssh installed?20:09
tony_Hi, my sound works in Ubuntu Gutsy, but none of my audio jacks do.  Would anybody be able to guide me to fix this?20:09
jerbearBrandon_: sudo apt-get install libpam-ssh20:10
xarquidamorphous: I'm not sure about the cups problem20:10
bengalkidFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on20:10
bengalkidtmpfs                 506M   16M  491M   3% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile20:10
bengalkidtmpfs                 506M   16M  491M   3% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile20:10
bengalkidvarrun                506M   88K  506M   1% /var/run20:10
bengalkidvarlock               506M     0  506M   0% /var/lock20:10
bengalkidudev                  506M   84K  506M   1% /dev20:10
bengalkiddevshm                506M     0  506M   0% /dev/shm20:10
bengalkidtmpfs                 506M   12K  506M   1% /tmp20:10
xarquidAnyone sure how to remove cups without it removing the decencies (i.e. OpenOffice etc.)?20:10
amorphousok - thanks for the help so far, xarquid - 's good to learn ;)20:10
xarquid!pastebin | bengalkid20:10
ubot3bengalkid: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:10
Jeeves2bengalkid:  DUDE!!!!  no flooding20:10
bengalkidStefanW i am on live cd right now20:10
jerbearxarquid: you can't, that's why they're called dependencies20:10
demon_sporkWhenever I try to access an NFS share on one ubuntu machine with another Ubuntu machine, it always fails with a permission denied error20:11
Linux_Freshe1Jack_Sparrow:  should i download ALL the medibuntu list ?20:11
Ette^is it possiable to connect to a FPT server through termnial?20:11
tony_Ette^: yes20:11
bengalkidbrobostigon so what drives are those20:11
Linux_Freshe1and somehow now its not letting me use my nick as Linux_Fresher .. it replaced the last R with numerical 120:11
RedSiteweget ftp :) .-. thats the hole linux20:11
amorphousjerbear, you mean I can't remove cups & re-install without removing my whole system??!?20:11
tony_Ette^: do man ftp20:11
StefanWbengalkid: then remove the partition you made, leave empty space, reboot the system, boot with the windows XP install cd and let it create a partition inside the empty space20:11
kingweaselwhats ubuntu written in?20:11
=== hyrsch is now known as hyrsch_aw
Ette^tony_: thanks20:12
xompwould anyone want to pick up where Jack_Sparrow left off with me and my wireless? :)20:12
Miles__Prowerkinabalu, in Borg{}20:12
Linux_Freshe1kingweasel:  C or C++ i suppose .. mostly C i would bet20:12
tony_Ette^: np20:12
xarquidjerbear: Apt should not consider Open Office dependent on Cups?20:12
brobostigonkingweasel: what do you mean??20:12
StefanWxomp: what is the problem?20:12
ubot3pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:12
jerbearxarquid: i never said that it did20:12
tony_My sound works in Ubuntu Gutsy, but none of my audio jacks do.  Would anybody be able to guide me to fix this?20:12
xompStefanW, I can't seem to locate my wireless in Gutsy, lspci shows my adapter but I don't know if it's installed or not.20:13
kingweaselprogramming language20:13
amorphousjerbear, if I try to remove all cups related packages, it tries to remove most of the packages on the system :(20:13
Smellynosexomp: what does 'sudo iwconfig' say?20:13
brobostigonxomp: try dmesg20:13
tony_xomp: What kind of wireless card is it20:13
jerbearamorphous: if they are dependent on cups, then, yes, it will remove them20:13
=== seisen_ is now known as seisen
StefanWxomp: in a terminal, please type dmesg20:13
xarquidamorphous: Those packages you listed -- I think they are metapackages.20:13
ubot3nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:13
amorphousjerbear, you know how i can remove it and drivers easily (or a keyword to help me google it?)20:13
=== max` is now known as max
StefanWxomp: and send me the output via pastebin20:13
jerbearamorphous: that's how a system remains sane20:14
XmanJack_Sparrow: after changing mode to vesa from the location "system->administration->screens and graphics" when i run the half life its giving these errors and game is not running. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59179/20:14
Linux_Freshe1kingweasel:  most applications u see must be in C or C++ and kernel and stuff could be in ASM20:14
Brandon_jerbear, hmm. As much as I like connecting to random servers. I just got a bash: apt-get: command not found20:14
Brandon_ from one of them when I tried to install libpam-ssh20:14
xarquidamorphous: Not the actual packages, but I am not sure without seeing the entire list of packages installed...20:14
amorphousxarquid, whats's the diff between a package and a metapackage?20:14
jerbearBrandon_: you don't have apt? you are using ubuntu, right?20:14
xarquidamorphous: Answer me this -- is "ubuntu-desktop" on that list? That would be a meta package and can be safely removed.20:14
Miles__ProwerWill Ubuntu 8.04 include OOo 2.4 with the nifty OpenGL effects?20:15
tony_When is Ubuntu Heron released?20:15
kingweaselapril 200820:15
Brandon_jerbear, I manage tons of servers. The main server is ubuntu... one moment. How do I see the OS of a server?20:15
lukusi think i've done something quite stupid and i need advice20:15
xarquidamorphous: If you're unsure about the others you can always copy and paste the list of packages it's going to remove to a text file and save it *just in case* and then copy and paste to apt-get install CTRL+V ... if it does remove anything?20:15
amorphousxarquid, the list I entered into apt-get autoremove? of the list of dependencies to be removed (no to first - yes (i think) to second)20:15
xomptony_, #20:16
xomp02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VM (KM) Ethernet Controller (rev 42)20:16
xompStefanW, http://pastebin.com/m679a781920:16
StefanWxomp: readong, hang on20:16
lukusi've deleted a load of user accounts i didn't think were needed - most notably dbus... was wondering if there's a way to undo my stupidity20:16
tony_xomp: what?20:16
tony_ah sorry20:16
jerbearBrandon_: if you don't have apt, i doubt you're using ubuntu... you do realize that libpam-ssh should be installed on your ssh clients, not the server, right?20:16
tony_i forgot i asked you something haha20:16
xompyeah took me half an hour to select that dmesg bit lol20:17
Brandon_jerbear, I'm trying to connect to another server20:18
Smellynosexomp: what does 'iwconfig' say?20:18
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* lukus waits in line20:18
xompSmellynose, no connections on lo and eth020:18
jerbearBrandon_: that's fine, as long as your ssh client is ubuntu, then you can do what i'm saying20:18
StefanWxomp: is your wireless card USB or integrated into your laptop?20:18
frank_lukus: lol you would have to add them back with the right uids and put them in the right groups. how many did you delete?20:18
=== ewook_ is now known as ewook
xompStefanW, it's integrated.20:19
StefanWxomp: in a terminal, please do lspci and patebin me the output20:19
lukusfrank - is there a list of standard users anywhere i could use as reference20:19
Brandon_jerbear, I honestly think all of the servers are ubuntu. Not sure why apt-get is behaving funny20:19
Jeeves2Jack_Sparrow:  are you still here?20:19
lukus(i feel like a right doofus)20:19
xompStefanW, http://pastebin.com/m4492588820:19
jerbearBrandon_: does "which apt-get" output anything?20:19
Brandon_jerbear, which: no apt-get in (/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)20:20
Ette^im connected to a FTP server, am i able to run commands like chmod on the machine im connected to?20:20
demon_sporkquick, we need 6 more people in here20:20
demon_spork5 more20:20
demon_sporkalmost there20:20
noodlesgcdemon_spork ? why more people?20:20
demon_spork1337 users20:21
jerbearBrandon_: either something is seriously wrong with your machine, or you are not using ubuntu20:21
StefanWxomp: is there a button on your laptop to enable the wireless card?20:21
xompStefanW, not that I'm aware of20:21
StefanWxomp: what model is your laptop :)?20:21
Brandon_jerbear, one moment let me try this stuff on a 7.10 gutsy server. Like I said there's a lot of servers. I'm gonna tear that one down and redo it I guess then with 7.10 later20:21
xompStefanW, it's a compaq evo N610c20:21
Slartjerbear: what does "lsb_release -a" output?20:22
StefanWxomp: ok, hang on then :)20:22
orgy`hi, im using snd-emu10k1 for my sound card, but i cant change treble or bass preferences?20:22
Linux_Freshe1suddenly , Firefox lost connection .. am i still readable in here ?20:22
Ette^im connected to a FTP server, am i able to run commands like chmod on the machine im connected to?20:22
Slartbrandon: what does "lsb_release -a" output?20:22
xompStefanW, the wireless card is screwed on to the top of the laptop if that makes sense but is not a USB so I figure integrated? lol20:22
frank_lukus: I've never tried to repair that....  If you had the  /etc/passwd and /etc/group   files of a working ubuntu (same release) it 'might' be the same as what you had20:22
Slartsorry, jerbear20:22
jerbearBrandon_: and like i said before... i'm only telling you to install libpam-ssh on your client machines, not servers20:22
lukusfrank_... ok20:22
lukusfrank_ - i'll have a think20:23
Brandon_jerbear, okay20:23
frank_lukus: which users did you remove?20:23
Prefixcan anyone link he to a howto apache?20:23
demon_sporkWhenever I try to mount an NFS share on one ubuntu machine onto another Ubuntu machine, it always fails with a permission denied error, how do I get permission to access this? I have added the specifi IP of the remote host and the entire network as allowed hosts, yet it still says permission is denied20:23
ubot3LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:23
foo25Hey guys, is there and channel specific to x64 Ubuntu?20:23
Linux_Freshe1Jack_Sparrow:   any ideas about this ? download seems to be going well about medibuntu , but somehow  firefox has lost its net20:23
Slartfoo25: not that I know.. I use 64bit20:24
demon_sporkI fail20:24
demon_sporkI didn't realize that I had to include the path from the actual root / of the remote system20:24
demon_sporkrather than the root of the nfs mount20:24
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sfearswhen i close the lid to my laptop it turns off.. anyone know where i find settings to change that?20:24
* xomp takes away +10 internets from demon_spork 20:24
foo25Slart: Ok, I'm just curious, can 32-bit applications run ok in a x64 environment, and would I be right in saying it's really just the drivers that need to be 64-bit equivilents?20:24
=== Linux_Freshe1 is now known as Linux_Fresher
noodlesgcsfears System->Preferences->Power Management20:25
Slartfoo25: 32-bit applications run nicely.. I used to run 32-bit firefox for example..and 32 bit wine.20:25
sfearsi thought i checked in there already.. i'll try again20:25
Slartfoo25: the problem is with libraries and other dependencies.. you'll have to install 32 bit versions of those too20:25
=== Fryda is now known as Fyda
sfearsit says do nothing when laptop lid is closed.. but it turns off20:26
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i downloaded some stuff from medibuntu , am i supposed to download all pkgs from there ?20:26
mojoQUESTION:  Where do I tell Apache2 which interfaces to listen on?  I found where the ports are set up, but I want to restrict it to certain interfaces as well.  Namely, the box in question is going to be a home server / router and I want it to listen on the LAN (br0) not the WAN (eth1).  Any advice/direction appreciated.20:26
Slartmojo: it's in the main httpd.conf file.. or whatever it is called these days.. look for a listen keyword..20:26
noodlesgcsfears there are settings for battery and power outlet20:26
sfearsyeah.. i set them both20:26
Viking667I thought I'd be.... wough! lookit all dose nicks!!!20:26
Jeeves2is there a way to have TOP report what sites are being accessed by an apache thred?20:27
foo25Slart: I see, it's just I ordered a new laptop with pretty high specs, 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo and 4GB RAM etc, and I want to fully utilise it, without having huge compatibility issues. Did you have many problems with drivers, or did you could you use the Windows versions with the likes of ndiswrapper?20:27
noodlesgcsfears did you set the right one?20:27
* Viking667 recovers.20:27
Brandon_okay so which passwords have to be the same20:27
geniimojo: ports.conf in /etc/apache220:27
sfearsyeah.. i set them both20:27
Viking667Now, what console mail packages are on Ubuntu on a fresh install?20:27
mojoSlart, okay... so the same place it has directives to listen on ports can be made to tell it which interfaces as well?  Right now my httpd.conf shows ports only (80 and 443)20:27
Viking667(as in, not evolution or thunderbird)20:27
Linux_Freshergenii:  i wonder if the text i type is going to this chat room .. can u read this ?20:27
Brandon_jerbear okay so which passwords have to be the same20:27
StefanWxomp: ok, back20:27
noodlesgcLinux_Fresher yes20:27
StefanWfrom what I can find, you need the orinico drivers20:28
StefanWxomp: from what I can find, you need the orinico drivers20:28
jerbearBrandon_: on a client machine, the login and ssh key passwords must match20:28
Opus4 l1f3 n1gg420:28
Linux_Freshernoodlesgc:  okies, just wanted to confirm because suddenly Firefox says it cant display a webpage20:28
mojoOOPS - I meant ports.conf20:28
Fat-headwhen using synaptic package manager and i choose " download pacckage file only" where does it download it to ?20:28
JgonickJack_Sparrow:   I really like what I've seen of Ubuntu,  Thinking about making my main computer dual boot.  A few questions.  What size should I make the swap partition?20:28
xompStefanW, ok, any idea how I start that process? lol I'm new to linux :S20:28
noodlesgcFat-head /var/cache/apt/archives20:28
frank_foo25: if you're buying a new laptop and what to run ubuntu on it, it's much easier to choose a laptop known to work well with linux than to make linux run well on a random laptop.20:28
Fat-headkk thnx20:28
Brandon_jerbear, So my main server has to access another cups server. When I generate the keys the passphrase has to be the other computers password?20:28
OpusFuck Y4, W1nd0ws 4 L1f3 B1tch3s20:29
Slartfoo25: I can't say I've had any real problems.. I can list some of the stuff.. flash (adobes non free version), wine, some proprietary electronic id stuff used in sweden to send in tax reports and such.... other than that.. everything has worked20:29
OpusFuck Y4, W1nd0ws 4 L1f3 B1tch3sFuck Y4, W1nd0ws 4 L1f3 B1tch3s20:29
OpusFuck Y4, W1nd0ws 4 L1f3 B1tch3s20:29
blackdiamond_i write also on the italian chat but noone seems to help mẹ. is a strange request... i have to listen a politic meeting in my little citỵ. but using ubuntu there is no way to listen it.. what i have to dỏ20:29
OpusFuck Y4, W1nd0ws 4 L1f3 B1tch3sFuck Y4, W1nd0ws 4 L1f3 B1tch3s20:29
seisen!ohmy | opus20:29
ubot3opus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:29
SmellynoseJgonick: Google: recommended swap size. It is usually double you ram, but it depends on how much RAM you have20:29
blackdiamond_http://www.comune.seveso.mi.it/streaming/Streaming.asp?Player=RP this is the sitẹ.bye from Italy20:29
kumarphillyanyone here wanna know a good webhost20:29
Slartfoo25: I don't know about drivers for wi-fi cards and such as this is a stationary desktop.. I use 32 bit on my laptop20:29
StefanWxomp: oh boy :D let me see if I can find you a guide then, brb20:29
kumarphillythast free20:29
noodlesgcfoo25 dell offers nice laptops with ubuntu preinstalled20:29
Linux_FresherIs there a way to stop the system from asking me my user name and password when i boot ?  though i know its a BAD idea to do that, i am the only one using this pc20:29
dgjones!ops | Opus20:29
ubot3Opus: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!20:29
xompStefanW, lol thanks so much for your help mate :)20:29
noodlesgcLinux_Fresher gksu gdmsetup20:29
foo25frank_: I didn't buy with the sole intention of using Ubuntu, but I've been looking to try it out on something more powerful, and thought my new laptop would be a good start, thanks20:29
_julianhi all20:29
SlartLinux_Fresher: I think there's is a auto-login option somewhere20:29
foo25Slart: That's not a problem, thanks very much20:30
_julianis the firmware for intel ipw2200 wlan adapters included in ubuntu 7.10? or do I have to run the setup through cabled connection and grab it then?20:30
jerbearBrandon_: no20:30
Slartfoo25: you're welcome20:30
faileas_julian: i think it is20:30
frank_foo25: I'm just saying choosing compatible hardware can avoid LOTS of frustration if you want to run linux20:30
seisenthe ipw3945 is so I would assume yes20:30
Linux_FresherSlart:  okies, secondly, do i have to install ALL stuff that comes from medibuntu ?20:30
_julianfaileas: cool, thanks20:31
robdemanhi all - I want to make a little (my forst) bash script that does convert.sh -inputfile input_file -outputfile outputfile .... how do I read $input_file / $output_file from the commandline?20:31
SlartLinux_Fresher: System, administration, Login Window, Security.. there's automatic login20:31
seisenno Linux Fresher you can just install what you want20:31
noodlesgc_julian if you cant get a cabled connection you can go to packages.ubuntu.com and get it20:31
Linux_FresherSlart:  i am a very fresh user, unable to decide for myself or to understand exactly what the pkgs say20:31
microwaverWorldOfWarcraft gamers here?20:31
faileasfoo25: well, you can look it up at tuxmobile. i tend to stick to thinkpads, since they have a great linux resource20:31
SlartLinux_Fresher: huh? well. unless someone is holding a gun to your head I'd say no =)..20:31
_juliannoodlesgc: so it is not included?20:31
foo25noodlesgc: I know, unfortunately they didn't offer it with the model I bought20:31
noodlesgc_julian i dont know20:32
SlartLinux_Fresher: you wanted to use a package from the mediubuntu repository?20:32
foo25frank_: I understand, thanks20:32
ipefoo25: what type is your laptop20:32
JgonickSmellynose: thx,  Also how hard is it to keep Ubuntu updated..  when 7.11 or such comes out?  Is it a complete re-install, or is it just replacing the kernel etc..20:32
foo25faileas: Thanks, I'll check it out20:32
Linux_FresherSlart:  yup20:32
foo25ipe: I just ordered a Vostro 1700, with max specs20:32
frank_foo25: and once you buy a laptop, it's too late ;-)20:32
SmellynoseJgonick: I change my /etc/apt/sources.list to the new version and do: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, but I'm not sure if this is the recommended way to do things20:32
Slartrobdeman: I'm guessing $1, $2 or something like that.. check the bash manual.. "man bash" or google for "bash parameter variable"20:32
Linux_FresherSlart:   basically i want everything to work .. trying to convert to linux from windows20:32
foo25frank_: True =P20:33
md5xwhy firestarter is turning off all the time?20:33
microwaverSome wine experts in the room?20:33
Smellynosecat $1 | sed -e 's/monkey/badger/g'20:33
Linux_FresherSlart:  so downloaded some stuff which i thought 'relevant' from medibuntu .. wanted to know if i need all the stuff that they list there20:33
SlartLinux_Fresher: *from* linux *to* windows? oh boy.. you're in the wrong channel then =)20:33
seisenits been doing that for a while md5x20:33
robdemanSlart: I dont want to use $1 but $the_real_parameter_name20:33
noodlesgcmicrowaver i might be able to help20:33
Slartrobdeman: I don't think it gets any more real than $120:33
Linux_FresherSlart:  O U C H !! the other way round i mean !! :D20:33
md5xseisen, is it a bug?20:33
foo25ipe: That's Dell by the way =P20:33
robdemanSlart ah mmm so convert.sh --inputfile = myfile is not readable as $inputfile or something?20:34
microwavernoodlesgc, do you have any expierience with WoW on wine?20:34
noodlesgcmicrowaver no20:34
seisenI have no idea I know i did it me for a while but what ever settings you have set they will still be there20:34
md5xwhy firestarter is turning off all the time?20:34
noodlesgcmicrowaver your best shot is to ask in #wine20:34
poseidonI'm using windows right now, and I connect to my wireless network named "linksys" (with no password security), but when I try to but up my coputer with ubuntu, it insists that network named "linksys" needs a password20:34
SlartLinux_Fresher: well.. if you enable a repository I think ubuntu will download and install anything it finds there.. if it's newer than the stuff you already have.. if you only need one file you can get the deb-package and install that without enabling the repository.. but then you'll miss out on any updates and such20:34
microwavernoodlesgc, I don't get it. he detects my drivers etc. but still only get 2.5 fps :-)20:34
JgonickSmellynose: thanks for the info.20:34
Slartrobdeman: I don't think so.. there might be some sneaky way to do it but I've never seen it20:35
noodlesgcmd5 it crashes on my system too20:35
poseidonWhen I check in windows, it says that there is another network named "linksys" and it has WEP security.20:35
Brandon_jerbear, it's still asking me for the passphrase every time. Did I skip a step?20:35
Slartrobdeman: but google for bash parameter name howto bla bla bla something.. see what kind of hits you get20:35
microwavernoodlesgc, i'm a total xchat noob20:35
microwavernoodlesgc, is it just /join #wine ?20:35
noodlesgcmicrowaver type /join #wine20:36
robdemanyeah I tried google well I will use $1 $2 :)20:36
poseidonFor somereason I'm picking up the other network, and not the one I want to be picking up20:36
Slartrobdeman: I think there's a channel for bash scripting too.. #bash or something.. might ask there too20:36
=== asoi is now known as xoRock
jerbearBrandon_: you're trying to ssh from one server to another?20:36
microwavernoodlesgc, thank you!20:36
Linux_FresherSlart:  ok .. hold on .. big text coming20:36
Brandon_jerbear, yes from my main server to another cups server. It's asking for the passphrase20:36
Smellynoseposeidon: You can set the bssid using iwconfig20:36
Emilianhi guys, I've been trying to figure out how to limit the memory usage (ram) for a linux user? can anyone point me in the right direction?20:36
=== RT|AFK is now known as Randomtime
SlartLinux_Fresher: don't copy paste big things ehre.. use pastebin½!!!!20:37
Slart!Paste | Linux_Fresher20:37
ubot3Linux_Fresher: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:37
poseidonsmellynose, How do I find the bssid?20:37
=== Randomtime is now known as randomtime
=== randomtime is now known as Randomtime
Smellynoseposeidon: iwlist wlan0 scan20:37
jerbearBrandon_: and why do you think libpam-ssh would help you when you don't have an x session running?20:37
Smellynoseposeidon: If both WAP's have the same ssid and security, then you may be able to get it from your router config20:38
SlartEmilian: hmm.. sounds interesting.. googling for it didn't give you anything?20:38
Brandon_an x-session? What's that?20:38
foo25Slart: Did you notice much better performance with x64?20:38
Linux_FresherSlart:  okies basically one command to get the medibuntu library [ i think ] and second to get the key to validate it ..  most probably it updated stuff in 'synaptic'20:38
nioshi if i want to convert a .doc to pdf what tool to use?20:38
Smellynosedoc2pdf? Does that exist?20:38
ubot3Factoid doctopdf not found20:38
noodlesgcnios openoffice20:38
faileasnios: you could use OOo20:38
Brandon_jerbear, you said libpam-ssh would make everything work :X are you not telling me something critical? They have the same passwords.20:39
Linux_FresherSlart:  atleast now when i 'search' synaptic with string 'medibuntu' .. lots of stuff pkgs turn up there .. i am very inexperienced in linux to find out which i need20:39
Emilianslart, nope I did not find anything..it all deals with the 4 gig ram limit20:39
mojothanks Slart & genii - I found docs on the LISTEN directive at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/bind.html which shows me how to do what I want (I think)20:39
Slartfoo25: my desktop is way fast than my laptop.. yes.. but it has a much faster processor, much more memory etc so it isn't really a fair comparison.. from what I've heard the differences isn't that big.. you'll probably not be able to use all of your memory using the 32 bit version though20:39
AHemlocksLieI think I've got compiz enabled, but I'm not sure. How do I check? Also, how do I disable/reenable it if I need it on/off for a while?20:39
SlartLinux_Fresher: I wouldn't worry about it then.. install the program using synaptic, or apt-get and you'll be fine20:40
noodlesgcAHemlocksLie System->Preferences->Appearence, then visual effects tab20:40
SlartEmilian: yes.. I think that's  what you're looking for20:40
dgjonesnios, just open it in openoffice and select export to pdf20:40
foo25Slart: Yeah, it was the memory concern which was swaying me mostly, thanks20:40
Fat-headcan anyone help me in updateing my system bios ? i have a dell inspiron 6400 ( e1505 in the USA ) i have downloaded what was required but when i type: aptitude install $(bootstrap_firmware -a). i get a load of couldnt find any package whose name or description mathed..... and so on20:40
Linux_FresherSlart:  oh the question is which all i install ? there is a big list there20:40
Linux_FresherSlart:  i can upload a screenshot if u want20:40
AHemlocksLienoodlesgc, it's on "Normal" right now, so I'm guessing I don't have compiz configured or something?20:41
SlartLinux_Fresher: why did you want the mediubuntu repo in the first place? it's not something you read on the milk-carton in the morning =)20:41
Emilianslart, I am looking to limit per user not for the server if that makes sense, so I want to allocate 512 megs for user anne, 1 gig for Joe etc.20:41
Fat-headanyone help me ^ ???20:41
forwardoi think i hate centerim20:41
SlartEmilian: yes.. I understand.. I'm googling myself here.. I'll let you know if I find anything20:41
noodlesgcAHemlocksLie normal means it is enabled.20:41
brobostigonSlart: dont you mean"medibuntu"??20:41
Brandon_jerbear, oh do I have to add a keyfile?20:41
Emilianslart, thanks20:41
Slartmedibuntu, mediubuntutu.. whatever =)20:41
noodlesgc AHemlocksLie set it to "none" to turn it off20:41
Slartbut yes.. that's the one20:41
AHemlocksLienoodlesgc ah, okay, thanks.20:42
brobostigonSlart: it could confuse someone, could mean they dont find the right thing.20:42
Linux_FresherSlart:  i have one hard drive which has many music videos on it .. some files have icon of a movie reel, and some have movie reel with a small orange lock on them .. first i thought it had something to do with the codecs .. but when i click on any of those icons, it says i dont have the codec .. so someone in this channel said i need medibuntu ..   btw i am VERY FRESH in linux .. my first try at it so i cant decide too much for myself20:42
Linux_FresherSlart:  can u explain me why some files have that orange lock icon and some dont have it ?  its not related to codec i think20:43
SlartLinux_Fresher: try installing vlc, it's a media-player that comes with almost everything included.. it plays wmv's, avi's, mpeg's etc etc.. you can install it by running this in a terminal "sudo apt-get install vlc"20:43
Brandon_jerbear, nvm it's one of the default one...20:43
jamey-ukI'm running hardy heron alpha 6, how can i manually set the screen resolution? I need it at 1280 x 800.20:43
SlartLinux_Fresher: the orange lock is probably a permissions thingy.. means you're not allowed to read those files..20:44
noodlesgc!hardy | jamey-uk20:44
ubot3jamey-uk: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:44
Linux_FresherSlart:  but i OWN these hard drives >.<20:44
jamey-uknoodlesgc: thanks20:44
Slartbrobostigon: indeed.. I will take better care in the future.. and go to bed without dessert =)20:44
Linux_FresherSlart:  and these all files work perfectly through windows xp20:44
noodlesgcLinux_Fresher relax, you can change it easily20:44
SlartLinux_Fresher: well.. you have to tell your ubuntu-machine that too =)20:44
danandjamey-uk - you can try running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:44
SlartLinux_Fresher: it's easy to fix..20:45
Linux_Fresherumm ok, but then why only SOME files have that icon ?20:45
salteraHi, could any one give me a pointer to resolving "Mar 10 20:25:00 machinename pptp[15633]: anon log[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:407]: buffering packet 581 (expecting 578, lost or reordered).  I'm getting hundreds of these in the logs when I establish a PPTP connection to an ISA Server 2004.20:45
LgndryhrStefanW: there is another problem now20:45
Linux_Fresherthey are all in same hd and in same folder20:45
SlartLinux_Fresher: that's a bit more difficult to answer.. I would have expected it to be all files or none.. not some20:45
Linux_FresherSlart:  i can upload a screenshot20:45
SlartLinux_Fresher: sure, do that20:46
StefanWLgndryhr: which would be :) ?20:46
SlartLinux_Fresher: or even better.. pastebin the output of this command "ls -l /path/to/the/drive/in/question"20:46
SlartLinux_Fresher: or just use cd to go to the folder with the movies.. and then just do a "ls -l"20:47
LgndryhrStefanW: now my login is different and all of a sudden it lost all my settings for my desktop and such20:47
Linux_FresherSlart:  errr !! weak !! those files which had a default read only attrib in windows when they were downloaded have that lock icon !! lol .. i am real stupid and weak in linux !! :D20:48
LgndryhrStefanW: I know i had to reset everything but now all of it is gone20:48
Linux_FresherSlart:  i think thats the most probable explaination for that icon =)20:48
StefanWLgndryhr: yes, you will have to redo all your settings :)20:48
LgndryhrStefanW: after i had reset the stuff once20:48
SlartLinux_Fresher: ah.. problem solved.. you can right click on the files and see the permissions there.. even change them if you want20:48
xomp_ok, who is knowledged in orinoco driver installs for Gutsy? heh seems I need to install them to get my hoakie wireless working :S20:49
Linux_FresherSlart:  it wont let me do that .. it says i dont own those files .. root owns them ..20:49
Lami recently did a sudo apt-get upgrade on my laptop (it hasn't been upgraded in about 2 months), and now my wireless mouse doesn't work.  the touchpad, however, still works. does anyone have any idea what might be the problem?20:49
LgndryhrStefanW: i know i had to redo the stuff but i already did once we got my stuff working again. I restarted the computer real quick a 2nd time and now all of it is gone.20:49
SlartLinux_Fresher: this drive.. is it a NTFS drive? or FAT32 ?20:49
Linux_FresherSlart:  NTFS20:49
Slart!ntfs | Linux_Fresher20:49
ubot3Linux_Fresher: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE20:49
StefanWLgndryhr: it discards the settings?20:49
Slartcheck those links, Linux_Fresher. Lots of useful info there20:50
LgndryhrStefanW: it did on 2nd restart20:50
Linux_FresherSlart:  no wait .. ubuntu is on NTFS, the music video holder HD is Fat 3220:50
StefanWLgndryhr: hm, that's new to me20:50
Linux_Fresheri mean ubuntu is on hard drive which has one ntfs partition which i resized to give 5 gbs to ubuntu .. the other hd which has music videos is FAT 3220:50
gilster32hey there.20:50
SlartLinux_Fresher: what is the path to this folder? something like /media/disk ? or /media/sda2 or similar20:51
LgndryhrStefanW: yea20:51
Brandon_Anyone know what an x session is? It's not in the man pages. Does is it like a number x? like 1 session?20:51
seisen!x-session | Brandon20:51
ubot3Factoid x-session not found20:51
LgndryhrStefanW: I am doing a quick test by doing a few things then going to restart btw i need help with something else if u dont mind20:51
Linux_FresherSlart: /media/hda5/metalvideos220:51
cpk1so, I just learned never to ls for things you are looking for to rm from a different directory than you are rming from... (goes back to recompiling...)20:51
noodlesgcBrandon_ an x session is basically when you into x20:51
SlartEmilian: here's some info.. http://etbe.coker.com.au/2008/02/07/linux-resource-controls/20:51
StefanWLgndryhr: try making a new user account20:52
StefanWLgndryhr: log in with that, see if that account suffers the same problems :)20:52
danandLam - check your xorg.conf file... that may have been clobbered by a newer version if xorg got updated. however, if that is the case your old config should still be lurking around. check in /etc/X11/ for those files20:52
Brandon_noodlesgc, "you into x" ? Like open a session?20:52
LgndryhrStefanW: k i shall hold on20:52
saltera!x-session | saltera20:52
StefanWLgndryhr: k20:52
gilster32i got a question about audio .cue files. I have one that was made in EAC and i cant get any of my programs such as brasero or k3b to accept this file. any suggestions20:52
cminionsomehow i cannot kill some emacs processes i stopped... nomatter my priviledges... someone know what might be going on?20:52
noodlesgcBrandon_ *log into x20:52
SlartLinux_Fresher: ok.. I'm not sure this is the right way.. but we might as well give it a try.. try running this command in a terminal "sudo chmod -R a+rw /media/hda5/" it will take a while for it to go through all the files on the drive..20:53
danandgilster32 - is this a cue/bin file?20:53
Jeeves2what do I have to add to my sources list to get the latest PHP release?20:53
SlartLinux_Fresher: chmod is a command that changes file persmissions.. a+rw means to give all users read and write permissions.. -R means recursive..20:53
ubot3LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:53
Brandon_noodlesgc, thanks. I kind of figured that's what it meant but it didn't make sense20:54
Lamdanand: i wasn't sure if that was the problem or not, so i did a dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg  and set everything back the way it was.  it still doesn't work :-/20:54
Slartcminion: not even with sudo kill -9 <pid> ?20:54
gilster32danand: it is just a .cue file made from ripping a cd to flac files using EAC20:54
sadaiyappanwhat is the settings manager for compiz fusion called?20:54
Flare183sadaiyappan: ccsm20:54
RubberDucky132I'm trying to coax my Eee PC into running an Ad Hoc network but its having none of it, Network Manager just sits there connecting to 'null' for 30 seconds then falls back, any suggestions?20:54
Linux_FresherSlart:  its alright .. i just wanted to know if the lock is related to codec or something else .. tx for the input though .. btw can u explain me how to get THIS on my cube ?  --> http://aycu15.webshots.com/image/46534/2000287317936092481_rs.jpg20:54
Vanderleiolá tem algum brasileiro aqui?20:54
noodlesgcsadaiyappen compizconfig-settings-manager20:54
Flare183!es | Vanderlei20:55
ubot3Vanderlei: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:55
lordleemosadaiyappan:  compizconfig-settings-manager20:55
b4l74z4ri require x-fi support in hardy heron20:55
Brandon_jerbear, "and why do you think libpam-ssh would help you when you don't have an x session running?" I have an x session running though. I open up a new session and every time I connect to my main server then try and shh into my other cups servers it asks for the passphrase20:55
sadaiyappanokay thanks20:55
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow <-- helped me a loads but went afk .. he told me about this  .. i want it =)20:55
Flare183sadaiyappan: no problem20:55
cpk1cminion: maybe emacs zombified?20:55
danandgilster32 - not sure that this will help then but take a look at the bchunk package... apt-cache show bchunk for info to see if that will help you out20:55
drc!br | Vanderlei20:55
ubot3Vanderlei: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:55
Linux_FresherJack_Sparrow:  i think its part of that medibuntu  .. not sure though20:55
RoCUnrealhow do i update blender 2.44 to blender 2.45... i dont know how to compile stuff......20:56
RubberDucky132Oh and obviously I've installed Ubuntu (Gutsy) on it20:56
seisen!compile RoCUnreal20:56
ubot3seisen: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:56
gilster32danand: i am trying to do exactly that. but there is not bin file20:56
Brandon_jerbear, Thanks for you help today. I'm gonna spend 5 more hours on this tomorrow before I'm gonna have to find another way.20:56
SlartLinux_Fresher: ah.. you've seen the cube.. and now you want it.. =).. use compiz.. install the compiz config settings thingy.. bind a keyboard shortcut for it. and tadaaa!! ( of course it sounds easy now.. there are still lots of things that can go wrong)20:56
Slart!ccsm | Linux_Fresher20:56
ubot3Linux_Fresher: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:56
RoCUnrealseisen, but i  dont know how...20:56
RoCUnrealseisen, is it hard?20:56
seisenit can be20:56
Linux_FresherSlart: i already have the cube .. ccsm is differnt ?20:56
seisendepending on how many dependicies are involved20:57
RoCUnrealseisen, im going to give it a try20:57
cpk1seisen: ist usually broken down like this: 1) untar 2) ./configure 3) make 4) make install20:57
SlartLinux_Fresher: nope..  it's the same cube.. there might be some settings you can change.. but that's it.. so you mean you want the fishes? and the background?20:57
Linux_FresherSlart:  i want those fish !!20:57
seiseninstall "build-essential" RoCUnreal20:57
xomp_can someone help me install this orinoco driver for my wireless? I'm a bit confused :S20:57
Linux_FresherSlart:  yup and the backgrounds !!20:57
danandgilster32 - the info says thats sometimes .cue and .raw rather than bin/cue. do you have any .raw files?20:57
StefanWLinux_Fresher: that is the 3d windows pluging20:57
RoCUnrealbuild essential?20:57
cpk1err not seisen, direct that last comment to RoCUnreal20:58
StefanWinstallable, guide available on the forums :)20:58
Linux_FresherStefanW:  ok .. so how do i get it ?20:58
webikanyone successfuly install pdo_mssql on ubuntu??20:58
Jeeves2anyone?  upgrading to the latest PHP?20:58
subsumeAnyone the least bit familiar with netbooting ubuntu?20:58
SlartLinux_Fresher: the fishes are not a part of the offical package.. here's a thread about it from the forums.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58061320:58
gilster32danand: i got flac files and one cue file. has cd layout - - breaks, pauses, indexes, etc.20:59
cpk1RoCUnreal: you need to keep in mind that apt might not like having packages it doesnt know about installed, you will probably want to make your own debian package and then install it with that and tell apt to hold that version20:59
seisen!info build-essential | RoCUnreal20:59
ubot3rocunreal: build-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB20:59
Linux_FresherSlart:  okies, lets say i figure out how to run commands to install the 3D pakage, later on though, where do i find it to tweak with it ?20:59
SlartLinux_Fresher: I think the fishes part might be called atlantis.. part of a screensaver for ubuntu20:59
RoCUnrealthis all sounds so complexed, for a windows xp user like my self21:00
danandgilster32 - have you tried running that through bchunk ?21:00
redips1Hello all21:00
SlartLinux_Fresher: read the entire thread.. visit the url's they mention.. you can ask more questions about compiz in #compiz-fusion ... that's a channel especially for compiz effects21:00
seisenRoCUnreal it will be installed in Hardy when its releaesed21:00
webikJeeves2: i 've got upgraded form official package21:00
herkyanyone familiar with changing the boot screen from the default brown ubuntu? (version 7.10)21:00
RoCUnrealseisen, you cant like extract and install it?21:01
Jeeves2webik:  I'm working on trying to install 5.2.5.  I need it for Diferior21:01
redips1There is a program within 7.10 that let's you do it. You just have to install it.21:01
gilster32danand: looking at the man for bchunk now. i dont see how to do it without a bin file. will let you know. thanks for the help21:01
Slartherky: which brown.. there are many brown parts in ubuntu.. all fixable though =)21:01
danandgilster32 - hope it works :)21:02
cpk1RoCUnreal: you uncompress it then ideally run just three simple commands from inside the directory you uncompressed ("./configure" "make" "make install")21:02
Jeeves2webik:  right now, I've got 5.1.6 on the box, and I need 5.2.521:02
RoCUnrealcpkl, sounds easy enough21:02
herkythe graphic that is show while booting....21:02
=== asoi is now known as xoRock
cpk1RoCUnreal: but like I said you want to let apt know about the package if you want to do it as right as possible21:02
cpk1checkinstall can do this too I think21:03
redips1Doe anyone know how to upgradr from from ver to another. Does it do it automaticaly or do I have to reinstall?21:03
seisenRoCUnreal you can also find it here but proceed with caution: http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=152721:03
webikJeeves2: in official repo 7.10 are 5.2.321:03
Slartherky: do you mean the splash screen? this one? http://www.ubufied.com/images/ubuntu610_installation/splash_screen.jpg21:03
subsumeSome easy way I can tell if my ubuntu is intel?21:03
herkyyep, that's the one21:03
seisensubsume: lspci21:04
Slart!upgrade | redips121:04
ubot3redips1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:04
ubot3To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:04
[T]an1i am looking for the correct syntax to convert *.m4a to*.mp3. Could anyone assist me?21:04
Jeeves2webik:  well, for some messed up reason, this damn box won't pull the newest one21:04
Slartlook above, herky21:04
cpk1subsume: cat /proc/cpuinfo will give you all sorts of info on your processor21:04
Slartherky: or type !usplash yourself and the bot will help you21:04
sadaiyappanmy wifi is not working21:05
Slartherky: you're welcome21:05
Syntuxany idea how to get Spell check work with Galeon?21:05
Linux_FresherSlart:  btw, i installed many pkgs from medibuntu .. but no new icons have appeared in start menu or places or system .. so where to find what i have installed ?   btw after installing that cmss one icon did appear under system  .. but none after i installed many from medibuntu .. medibuntu has SKYPE .. so shouldnt skype icon be somewhere in start menu after installation? or it doesnt work that way in linux ?21:05
danandsubsume - uname -a will give you a load of output about the system your running - if you have an i686 (or similar) then that pc is based on intel architecture21:06
subsumecpk1: http://paste.stgraber.org/1383 32?21:06
Jeeves2webik:  and when I run "apt-get dist-upgrade" it claims that it's the newest one21:06
RoCUnrealseisen, i extracted blender and clicked on the blender execution file21:06
RoCUnrealan it ran21:06
subsumedenand 686....21:06
SlartLinux_Fresher: perhaps not everything you installed has an icon to start it with.. skype should show up in "Applications, Internet" though21:06
danandsubsume - yes ... intel :)21:06
IceWewequestion: Is there one utility I can use to determine the total free disk space on a device? (ie. total used/free on /dev/hda, regardless of how much is used/free per partition)21:06
SlartIceWewe: df21:07
IceWeweSlart: df will only tell me partition usage...21:07
SlartIceWewe: ah.. sorry.. per *hard drive*..21:07
Jeeves2anyone else want to take a shot @ this PHP issue?21:07
SlartIceWewe: no.. perhaps parted.. or gparted..21:07
IceWeweSlart: ah, ok21:07
ScuniziIceWewe, filelight & disk usage analyzer21:08
cpk1subsume: so you have an amd... 32? 32 what? bit? I dont think the xp chip comes in 64 bit so yes I would imagine 32 bit, not sure what flag cpuinfo uses to say if the cpu supports 64 bit21:08
subsumecpk1: uname -a says i68621:08
Jeeves2IceWewe:  want to take a stab @ this PHP issue?21:08
SlartEmilian: ulimit seems promising.. http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mansec?1+ulimit21:09
subsumeJeeves2: what's the problem?21:09
redips1Thanks for the help. So I'm running 7.10 now..It will ask me to upgrade when the new verson comes out?21:09
Jeeves2subsume:  I can't get apt-get to upgrade to the latest PHP5 version21:09
subsumeJeeves2: says its at latest?21:09
Jeeves2subsume:  it's reporting 5.121:10
subsumeJeeves2: what is latest?21:10
Jeeves2subsume:  I need 5.221:10
subsumeJeeves2: maybe you need to update your sources?21:10
Jeeves2subsume:  if the box was closer, I'd drop kick it21:10
venomeapt-get update ?21:10
SlartJeeves2: ubuntu doesn't come with the absolutely latest versions by default..21:10
IceWeweJeeves2: no, not today ;-)21:10
bengalikidsomthing has gone wrong with my partitions as live there are no drive present/mounted.21:10
Jeeves2done the update, and nothing21:11
redips1What is jeeves2?21:11
venomejeeves2: other updates are working fine for you?21:11
Jeeves2redips1:  Jeeves2 is because someone has allready registered Jeeves21:11
SlartJeeves2: you can install a later version manually if you really really have to have the newer version.. or you can complain to whoever wrote the piece of software you want to use that absolutely must have the latest version21:11
Jeeves2venome:  yes21:11
danandJeeves2 - what does the output of apt-cache show php5 give you for the verion - i have 5.2.3-1ubuntu621:11
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:12
bengalikidwhat is the root password for ubuntu live cd?21:12
Jeeves2Slart:  I have d-loaded the latest package from php, and it failes on the ./configure21:12
=== kurumin is now known as isaquefd
subsumeJeeves2: what version of ubuntu are you using?21:12
Slart!info php521:12
ubot3php5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.3-1ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB21:12
Slartseems like 5.2.3 is available..21:13
subsumeJeeves2: I just got 5.2 just fine21:13
subsumeJeeves2: Maybe you are using 7.0421:13
subsumethat is.21:13
Jeeves2subsume:  it's showing as 5.1.621:13
bengalikidwhat is the root password for ubuntu live cd?21:13
ubot3LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project21:13
subsumeJeeves2: ubuntu version!21:13
SlartJeeves2: what does "lsb_Release -a" print out?21:13
danand!root | bengalikid21:13
ubot3bengalikid: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:13
SlartJeeves2: sorry.. "lsb_release -a"21:13
=== are_yuo is now known as are_you
ExalleRone time I tried Hibernating the computer but it hanged and nothing happened. I forced reboot but now when I'm starting the computer the screen goes black when the login window appears. I hear the beginning sound and I can login (the sound verifies that) But I still can't see anything.. anyone know of any solution?21:13
brobostigonbengalikid: there isnt one21:13
Jeeves2Slart:  6.121:14
redips1Check you vide config.21:14
bengalikidhow can i view hada1 or 2 and all partition from live cd?21:14
Jeeves2Slart:  and when I do a "apt-get dist-upgrade21:14
SlartJeeves2: then you're using an old version of ubuntu.. you'll have to update ubuntu first21:14
Jeeves2Slart:  and when I do a "apt-get dist-upgrade"  it says it's the latest21:14
zdux00tvHi, How can I deactivate the slow-keys alert?  I want to be able to press the shift key for hours without having the dialog box ask me to active slow-keys.21:14
SlartJeeves2: sudo update-manager -c21:15
subsumeJeeves2: there's your problem.21:15
redips1Hello aaatn21:15
Slart!upgrade | Jeeves221:15
ubot3Jeeves2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:15
Jeeves2slart:  This is a remote box that I only have access to through SSH21:15
venomejeeves2: try this: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5_5.2.3-1ubuntu6.2_all.deb21:15
aantner... I'm trying to fix a boot problem on a ppc mac21:15
bengalikidwhen i press "root (hd" it says "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist" what could be wrong?21:15
aantnI suspect that the yaboot configuration has somehow gotten messed up21:15
SlartJeeves2: read the link ubotu gave you.. there's more info there21:15
venomejeeves2: it's the package, but perhaps there are some dependencies that you need to check21:16
aantnI'm getting an error that the 'ramdisk load failed'21:16
Jeeves2one sec21:16
danandbengalikid - you need to mount them - look under the places menu(top task bar) -> computer. that should bring up a window with all your drives. r-click the disk icons and select mount21:16
Linux_FresherHow to increase the microphone gain ?21:16
Jeeves2Slart:  this is for the GUI.  I'm running shell ONLY21:16
aantnmac os still boots fine...21:16
ubot3Factoid microphone not found21:17
ubot3Factoid karaoke not found21:17
venomeanyone, could you please help me with suspend2ram or suspend2disk on a notebook? 've been trying to find a solution, but it seems like there isn't any ...21:17
ubot3Factoid record not found21:17
ubot3Factoid recording not found21:17
DavieyLinux_Fresher: please investtigate with the bot in priv' message21:17
webikanyone install pdo_mssql or pdo_dblib21:17
SlartJeeves2: read the info pages better.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual21:18
Linux_FresherDaviey: how to increase the gain ? i cant seem to find a good setting under volume options  .. windows had one 'gain +20 db' option21:18
Jeeves2Slart:  just found that.  it looks like it's chewing.  I just hope it dosn't kill my server21:18
bengalikiddanand will they start mounted if i restart from the live cd?21:18
venomeLinux_Fresher: have you tried alsamixer?21:18
venome(from console)21:18
Linux_Freshervenome:  nope .. it comes by default ?21:19
SlartJeeves2: the upgrade from edgy to feisty was a bit error prone.. don't do this on a production server unless you have someone there to do some hands on work21:19
venomeit should be there if you are using alsa as the sound driver21:19
danandbengalikid - ? do you need to reinstall grub after installing winXP?21:19
Linux_Freshervenome:  i am not sure  .. how to check that ?21:19
DavieyLinux_Fresher: the volume setting on the mic input = the gain21:19
lukushey, does anyone know what the default /etc/passwd looks like for a clean ubuntu install?21:20
bengalikiddanand well i wasn't able to successfully install xp. but i do need to isntall grub and no drive is ptrsent21:20
danand!grub | bengalikid21:20
ubot3bengalikid: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:20
tygeri can not play mp3,ogg,mpeg or any kind of files even though i have install all the codecs from gstreamer.21:20
Jeeves2Slart:  thanks again.  it looks like I'm going to have this server down for about an hour.  I just hope this fixes stuff.21:20
tygerHelp plz!21:20
SlartJeeves2: you're welcome21:20
zdux00tvHow can I deactivate the slow-keys alert?  I want to be able to press and hold the shift key without being asked to active slow-keys.21:20
brobostigontyger: try xmms or audacious, it already has the codecs installed by default21:21
a1fa_anyway to do a netinstall with ubuntu? my usb flash drive is only 512mb21:21
venomeanyone experienced with suspend2ram / suspend2disk?21:21
Linux_FresherDaviey:  btw, my microphone is connected to the back of pc, front jacks are empty .. i am little confused now21:21
danandbengalikid - have you taken a look at those links yet? if not they may help you out.21:21
tygerHow do i try it?21:21
roukI am trying to run a python app (http://code.google.com/p/pykeynote/downloads/list) with no luck. can someone guide me?21:21
brobostigontyger: sudo apt-get install audacious21:22
Davieyvenome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:22
Slartzdux00tv: it's in something called assistive keyboard technologies or something21:22
bengalikiddanand doesn't help21:22
dhmmhdAll: I have Acer Aspire 5520-5912 laptop with Atheros AR5007EG wireless chipset, Ubuntu 7.10 installed on AMD X2 CPU (running 32 bit generic, due to need to for sound to work), and DLink 524 wireless router with WPS-PSK encryption. I am having a LOT of trouble with getting this configuration to function correctly with encryption (works fine with no encryption). wpa-supplicant has been installed, but it is not clear to me how it is21:22
Slartzdux00tv: run this in a terminal.. gnome-accessibility-keyboard-properties21:22
bengalikiddanand why can't xp recognize a totally free space?21:23
tygerwhat do i do after that?21:23
brobostigontyger: you start audacious21:23
Linux_FresherDaviey:  so i turn off the front mic in options and enable something else u mean ?21:24
zdux00tvSlart: though this GUI I can enable slow-keys or keep it off, but the popup alert is not affected21:24
judgencan ipv6 bring down my NIC?21:24
Slartzdux00tv: it isn't?? how annoying.. ok.. let me look some more21:24
judgensomething keep doing it, and i have to hard reboot every time21:24
DavieyLinux_Fresher: no, the volume setting in the gnome volume mixer for the microphone, or alsamixer = the dB gain21:24
otcif anyone knows much about sound issues plz pm me21:24
danandbengalikid - better ask over a #windows for that one :). Can you not mount your disks? Type sudo fdisk -l and see what output you get. That command should list the disks on your system21:24
brobostigon!tab | tyger21:25
ubot3tyger: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:25
zdux00tvSlart: I found this, but don't understand the direction gconf-editor:21:25
venomeDaviey: venome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ... ? don't think that one would work for me, I've tried some live cd's,older distributions and so ....21:25
zdux00tvSlart: /desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard21:25
danandbengalikid - also where is the free space ?? is it after your ubuntu install?21:25
Slartzdux00tv: even if you disable the keyboard accesibility features altogether? checkbox at the top of the dialog21:25
Davieyvenome: thats not the livecd, but the minimal netinstall cd image using the alternative installer21:25
Linux_FresherDaviey:  erm .. ok .. so i have to download it or its there in ubuntu by default ?21:26
RoCUnrealError : Dependency is not satisfiable : libavcodec0d21:26
zdux00tvSlart: I think it would work, but I would like the keys to repeat21:26
RoCUnrealwhat da heck21:26
DavieyLinux_Fresher: see the speaker icon near the clock?21:26
bengalikiddanand when i press "fdisk -l" no result was returned21:26
mooseman089does anybody know how long it will take the ubuntu repos to update mythtv to the new 0.21?21:26
Yacc1Hi. I'm running hardy and need the (kernel?)module "vmmon" for vmware... (modprobe -n vmmon =>FATAL: Module vmmon not found.)21:26
Slartzdux00tv: start gconf-editor from a terminal.. then it's a folder tree, desktop, gnome etc etc21:26
Linux_FresherDaviey:  yup .. i double clicked it .. opens a mixer like  windows21:26
Davieymooseman089: some time.. use the mythbuntu repo or wait until hardy is stable21:27
gi2k15Hey guys, I'm trying to burn some photos into a CD using Brasero and F-Spot. I was trying to drag the photos from F-Spot to Brasero, but everytime I do this, Brasero crashes. How can I burn the files from F-Spot into a CD in an easy way?21:27
Linux_FresherDaviey:  it says alsa mixer, but there doesnt seem to be any db gain option there21:27
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789
danandbengalikid - you have to run that as root - ie  type sudo fdisk -l  in a terminal21:27
nagappanwhen I try to build a package, I get some error like this "dpkg-source: error: Files field contains invalid filename `foo_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz'"21:27
venomeLinux_Fresher: it should be labeled mic boost21:27
nagappanwhat does this mean ?21:27
DavieyLinux_Fresher: change the device to the microphone and turn the volume up for increased gain21:27
lmghello there. question please: if I try to open a nautilus window >places>FTP it fails, but I can connect just fine if I try via e.g. >places>computer and then click the FTP server. anyone with an idea what's the problem?21:27
geirhaRoCUnreal: are you compiling something? when you get messages about missing libs, you generally need to install that lib's dev-package. Try installing libavcodec-dev21:27
PriitMI got odd question here: Which service is listed after cupsys service in ubuntu 7.04 system->administration->services21:27
zdux00tvSlart: oh, ok I thought gconf was a text editor, I was looking for a file. Thanks!21:28
bengalikiddanand the free space is from resizing21:28
sadaiyappancan someone help me with my wifi21:28
sadaiyappanit's not working21:28
Yacc1Hi. I'm running hardy and need the (kernel?)module "vmmon" for vmware... (modprobe -n vmmon =>FATAL: Module vmmon not found.)21:28
Slart!hardy | Yacc121:28
ubot3Yacc1: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:28
panfistis it possible to playback blu-ray through dvi or hdmi to my TV with an athlon x2 4000+ ?21:28
bengalikiddanand the free space is from resizing, i don't have 2 different disks just one and made many pertition is that the same as having 2 differnt hard drive ?21:28
Yacc1ok thx21:28
uneek1234hello all21:29
cpk1sadaiyappan: in order for someone to help they need way more information than just your wifi isnt working21:29
mooseman089daviey its going to be possible to do a upgrade from gutsy to hardy when it comes out right?21:29
ubot3Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:29
Davieymooseman089: yes21:29
sadaiyappancpkl how do i check to see which wifi card i have?21:29
Jgonick I've got 3 GB of ram  What size should the swap size be? -- double it? (mainly what I found, but wouldn't that be over kill?)21:29
seisenlspci sadaiyappan21:29
judgensadaiyappan, 1,5 times the amount of ram21:29
SlartJgonick: is it a laptop?21:29
Linux_FresherDaviey: ok i changed it but when i use the sound recorder to test, my voice sounds back very low21:29
Davieymooseman089: 0.21 is now stable with mythtv, but won't enter gutsy at all - if you want to use it now - use the mythbuntu repo21:30
JgonickSlart: desktop21:30
judgenJgonick,  1,5 times the amount of ram21:30
sadaiyappancpkl it gives too much info21:30
tyger<brobostigon> but now how i play mpeg?21:30
SlartJgonick: 1.5 times ram is more reasonable.. or even less if you have lots of memory.. but if you want to use suspend to disk I think you have to have at least as much as you have ram21:30
bengalikidis solaris as updated and good as linux?21:30
brobostigontyger: an mpeg video, vlc21:30
danandbengalikid - you need to make sure that the free space you made is on a primary rather than a logical partition. WinXP likes its own primary partition. it does not share partitions with other OS's. can you see your disks if you run the gparted tool on the live CD?21:30
judgenbengalikid, its very different, in 3d its not nearly as good21:30
Linux_FresherDaviey:  btw no hardware fault with microphone , works perfectly under windows .. here when i boost volume slider under microphone to MAX, i hear lot of 'noise'  but my speech is very low volume21:30
chuy_maxhi, I was wondering if older versions of ubuntu are available somewhere21:30
dhmmhdAnyone have info on Atheros AR5007EG wireless card working successfully with WPA-PSK security under 7.10? Any suggesstions?21:31
sadaiyappancpkl this is what it says: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller (rev 01)21:31
judgenbengalikid, also hardware support is alot worse for solaris21:31
Slartchuy_max: I guess they are available from the official ubuntu site.. but why?21:31
otcsup #ubuntu21:31
seisen!broadcom | sadaiyappan21:31
ubot3sadaiyappan: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx21:31
otcso xmms is competing for resources with some unknown program21:31
wxPythondoes python language have header files? if yes - what is their extension?21:31
otcand I'm not sure how to resolve this21:31
sadaiyappancpkl okay thx21:31
tygerso i have to uninstall rythmbox and helix player?21:32
z_is_the_new_aHey People! I would like to try if my notebook (Samsung X20) can boot from a SD-Card. I only have this 256mb SD-Card. Any ideas how to make it bootable? Can I install ubuntu on it?21:32
StarnestommywxPython: it uses modules with the .py extension, not headers21:32
danandbengalikid - you can have as many as four primary partitions i believe, and yes that is like four seperate disks on one disk. logical partitions are slightly different though21:32
lmgis this a problem I caused myself or a known one?21:32
cpk1Jgonick: if you are just running a desktop and have 3gB of ram might not even need a swap21:32
brobostigontyger: to play mpeg vids, all you need is "vlc" thats it.21:32
wxPythonStarnestommy so there is no such thing as a python header file?21:32
* lmg is lost21:32
seisenjgonick i run compiz with 2gigs and I dont think I even use swap21:32
geniiz_is_the_new_a: 256Mb is not enough to install a graphical ubuntu.21:33
bengalikiddanand so is havign a totally allocaed space which i created from gparted21:33
orudiehow would i set a static ip on my lan here ?21:33
StarnestommywxPython: there are modules, but there is no such thing as a "header"21:33
bengalikidbe a xp's own partition?21:33
tygerthank your brobostigon21:33
cpk1orudie: edit /etc/net/interfaces21:33
tygerthank you!21:33
brobostigontyger: welcome21:33
JgonickI don't suspend or hibernate,  I think I'll go for 2 GB.  what do you think?21:33
wxPythonStarnestommy C language has header files... is that because C does not have modules?21:33
[T]an1i screwed up a command and now I have a file named *.mp3 in with a full directory of .mp3 files. How can I delete the *.mp3 file without deleting all of my mp3 files :-(21:33
Linux_FresherDaviey:   hmm .. funny , it worked perfectly  when i tried it under 'skype test call' .. but sound recorder play back has very very less volume .. any fixes ?21:33
z_is_the_new_agenii: im fine with any ubuntu21:33
Slartorudie: check the network manager icon .. right click or leftclick.. select manual21:33
michael_ubuntuhey can someone help me on enabling posix shared memory on ubuntu?21:34
z_is_the_new_agenii: or with anything else that boots.21:34
Slart[T]an1: use nautilus =)21:34
panfistcan you legally playback bluray in ubuntu?21:34
DavieyLinux_Fresher: no idea, sorry21:34
venomejgonick: i've got 900MB ram and am running almost without swap, however, if I run out of RAM and am swapped-off, Ubuntu does weird things21:34
wxPythonStarnestommy C language has header files... is that because C does not have modules?21:34
cpk1panfist: I dont even think you can legally playback dvds21:34
danandbengalikid - you need to create a _primary_ partition for XP. Are you running gparted now?21:34
Linux_FresherDaviey:  well, now after using it in skype  i restarted voice recorder and now it works fine !!   lol i thought windows was the only wierd thingy !! xD21:35
otcsound issues, anyone?21:35
wxPythonokay never mind21:35
LgndryhrStefanW: MY settings stayed but i am hoping that u can perhaps help me with 2 major problems ive been having for some time since i updated to 7.1021:35
panfistcpk1 so is it ok to ask about playing dvds here? is it ok to ask about playing bluray?21:35
Slartpanfist: I would say yes21:35
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:35
bengalikiddanand how can i create a primary partition and i had ran gparted there was no such option to  reate primary partition21:35
Beaver{rRr}need help21:35
wxPythonplease help me get Py (formerly known as PyCrust) for Windows...21:35
StarnestommywxPython: it doesn't have built-in module support like python21:35
panfistslart thanks21:35
salteraI'm having an issue with a PPTP connection to ISA Server 2004.  I can establish a connection but get about 30 gre lost or reordered messages per second in the logs.  Any suggestions?21:35
DarkmystereHey Everyone Can i redeem using the install with auto....you know and en...you know on it i removed it it was a pieace of stuffing..21:36
Beaver{rRr}whats easiest way to set up NAT on my ubuntu?21:36
wxPythonwhere can i get Py (formerly known as PyCrust) for Windows?21:36
danandbengalikid - are you running gparted now?21:36
Lgndryhrwell seems my helper from has left so i hope someone can help me with 2 more problems i am experiencing21:36
Lgndryhr*from earlier21:36
dhmmhdcpk1, can you help with setting up WPA-PSK secured wifi? I am having lots of trouble with nm-applet... any other config suggestions? I am using 7.10 on AMD x2 CPU and Dlink 524 router.21:36
chuy_maxSlart, I programmed this app that works great in feisty, but in gutsy some renderings don't work correctly. I was worried that feisty availability was dropped and I couldn't distribute it anymore without major rewritings21:36
SlartDarkmystere: try explaining again.. what have you done and what do you want to do21:36
Lgndryhrfirst off my newest kernel doesn't recognize my internet settings or anything21:36
michael_ubuntuanybody know how to enable posix shared memory?21:36
chuy_maxSlart, it should be a Qt problem though21:36
bengalikiddanand no i am on ubuntu live cd21:37
wxPythonwhere can i get Py (formerly known as PyCrust) for Windows? please give me the link21:37
Slartchuy_max: ah.. ok.. well I guess they would be available from ubuntu's site.. but I'm not sure21:37
wxPythonplease help me get Py (formerly known as PyCrust) for Windows...21:37
wxPythonwhere can i get Py (formerly known as PyCrust) for Windows? please give me the link21:37
venomemichael_ubuntu:  posix shared memory on ubuntu ... what do you mean by that?21:38
DarkmystereSlart, upgrade to Hardy without internet...and removed a faulty unsupported Ubuntu install..21:38
SlartwxPython: googling for "pycrust" gave me lots of links..21:38
drcwxPython:  maybe there will tell you http://www.wxpython.org/py.php21:38
danandbengalikid - see if you can start up gparted - its on the live cd.21:38
SlartwxPython: and for the love of all that's sacred.. stop spamming21:38
venomevenome: michael_ubuntu:  don't know if there is a difference between the shared memory i know and the posix one21:38
michael_ubuntuvenome: im not really sure...its in the requirements to have 3de apps with my ati x1200 card21:38
bengalikiddanand it is scanning drives forever21:38
SlartDarkmystere: you want to upgrade to hardy on a computer that isn't connected to the internet?21:39
a1fa_anyway to build a minimum install disk???21:39
venomemichael_ubuntu: I guess POSIX is the one that linux has in general21:39
seisen!ubuntu-minimal | a1fa21:39
ubot3a1fa: ubuntu-minimal: Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.79 (gutsy), package size 22 kB, installed size 48 kB21:39
bengalikiddanand but i do see result when i press "sudo fdisk -l"21:39
otcbitches dont know bout my alsa problems21:39
a1fa_minimum install disk21:40
cpk1dhmmhd: I only really have experience with madwifi and hostapd, I dont have any comps that act as a wireless client21:40
michael_ubuntuvenome: any ideas how to enable it...im still a noob21:40
budi_hi would you help me please21:40
a1fa_!ubuntu-minimal-install | a1fa21:40
ubot3a1fa_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:40
mirakI have this error  /etc/init.d/sasc-ng: 36: Syntax error: "(" unexpected       http://pastebin.org/23138   I don't see why I get this error on my script21:40
venomevenome: michael_ubuntu: eg. try running ipcs from console21:40
DarkmystereSlart, yea my other install is messing up and the internet says its connected but apparently its not so...21:40
danandbengalikid - ok, can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l ?21:40
budi_please yum.conf refo21:40
budi_please yum.conf repo21:40
budi_i need it example21:40
SlartDarkmystere: there are dvd images available for gutsy.. I'm not sure if one is available for hardy.. perhaps..21:40
seisenhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD a1fa21:41
venomevenome: michael_ubuntu: i believe there is no need to 'enable' it, it should be on by default, as many other apps use it21:41
DarkmystereSlart, DVD Images? I thought it fitted nicely on a CD-R or -RW21:41
ubot3yum: Advanced front-end for rpm. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.0-3.1 (gutsy), package size 197 kB, installed size 960 kB21:41
angelblade17hi, exist a script for add a list of streams (radio) forRhythmbox  ??21:41
bengalikiddanand http://pastebin.com/m3712681d21:41
DoothNotoany can help me to mount a network sharE?21:41
michael_ubuntuvenome: a bunch of shared memory segments showed up, semaphore arrays, and message quese. ok thanks21:41
danandbengalikid - k ... wait one21:41
SlartDarkmystere: the dvd has more packages on it than the cd.. since you don't have an internet connection21:41
bengalikiddenand so basically i tried to install xp on sda7 in there21:42
DarkmystereSlart, Would you know where i can get DVD Images then..21:42
DarkmystereSlart, Like maybe a torrent site..21:42
wxPythoni want PY21:42
geirhamirak: you're using bash syntax, but the script has #!/bin/sh on the first line ... change it to bash21:42
SlartDarkmystere: there are torrents available... hang on.. I'll see if I can get the url for you21:42
dhmmhdcpk1... any specific web sites that might have more info? I've read EXTENSIVELY on ubuntuforums.org to no avail. Is there a good functional substitute for nm-applet?21:43
wxPythonI CAN'T FIND THE INSTALLER FOR PY (PYCRUST)    give me link21:43
subsumeI am getting TFTP not found errors when attempting to thin-client netboot21:43
mirakgeirha: damn that was that ...21:43
drcwxPython:  did you google yet?21:43
DarkmystereSlart, reason for torrent that old install used so much bandswith downloading the upgrade packages... it was like 5360 packages....21:43
DarkmystereSlart, HUGE ones..21:43
scragarany command line way to see what my ram is? I don't want to be taking my computer apart to check at this time of night21:43
wxPythoni haven't found nothing, nada, zip!21:43
cpk1dhmmhd: I dont know what nm-applet is but I think what you might need is wpa-supplicant21:43
scragar (ram speed, not size)21:43
wxPythonis there any Py installer at all?21:43
gregbradyI cannot seem to get folder sharing to work between two ubuntu machines.21:44
wxPythondoes Py exist at all?21:44
wxPythonjust give me the linki beg you21:44
SlartwxPython: where to start... don't use caps.. apologize if you do it by mistake.. don't use enter as punctuation.. try to find information by yourself before asking the channel... noone will help you if you just ask the same question 5 times without any kind of effort from your side21:44
wxPythonjust please provide me the link to Py (formerly known as PyCrust)  please21:44
SlartwxPython: oh.. and stop with the "pretty pretty please help me.. I beg you" etc etc.. it won't get you answers faster21:44
bengalikiddenand hurry man21:44
wxPythonjust fucking give me the mother-fucking link21:45
a1fa_!usb-install | a1fa21:45
ubot3Factoid usb-install not found21:45
Slart!ops wxPython21:45
ubot3Factoid ops wxpython not found21:45
Slart!ops | wxPython21:45
ubot3wxPython: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!21:45
SlartwxPython: oh.. I forgot.. threaten us.. please do.. that always works21:45
genii!info python-wxtools | wxPython21:45
ubot3wxpython: python-wxtools: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython common files). In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 21 kB, installed size 168 kB21:45
danandbengalikid - is this a new install of ubuntu?21:45
geniiDemanding fellow, that21:46
Slartvery charming21:46
drcand smart too21:46
xphisheri am having video playback flickering problems (along with screensavers)  i am using envy for my ati card.  any suggestions??21:47
PlenumI'm trying to do a network install of 8.04 and am getting the following error "Warning: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz was corrupt"  Anyone have any ideas?21:47
BinaryFuQuick question, anyone know why the iptables wouldn't keep an allowance you try to add? I've tried about a dozen times to add ssh to my iptables, and the ONLY WAY IT WORKS is for me to run firestarter, but I don't want that running, since it's a multi-user box...I want it to just work via iptables...21:47
a1fa_i have a 512mb usb pen drive i would like to install ubuntu21:47
a1fa_anyway to do minimal netinstall21:47
SlartDarkmystere: at the bottom of this page there's links for dvd's.. not sure if there are any for hardy.. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors21:47
DoothNotoany can help me to mount a network share?21:48
LgndryhrI cannot seem to get kernel 2.6.22 to work with my wireless usb internet21:48
SlartDoothNoto: try the places menu.. connect to computer21:48
Lgndryhrso i am having to boot in an older kernel to have internet access21:48
BinaryFuLgndryhr: Have you tried ndiswrapper?21:48
dhmmhdcpk1, nm-applet is program run  under the networking icon on the task-bar. Is there some other front-end I should be using (as nm-applet DOES crash!). I have installed wpa-supplicant... but I don't see it being used. At one point, I ran wpa_supplicant, produced the entries for /etc/interface/network, but this did not work. Using network-admin (same as system | admin | network) produces it's own entries in /etc/interface/network, b21:48
SlartDoothNoto: sorry.. "connect to server"21:48
BinaryFuLgndryhr: Or is it "supported".21:49
LgndryhrBinaryFu: nope nor do i know what that exactly is.....was just starting to read on it21:49
geirhaBinaryFu: iptables are reset on boot. You need to save it with iptables-save when you shut down, then restore it with iptables-restore on boot21:49
LgndryhrBinaryFu: my older kernel recognizes me wireless usb adapter and such21:49
amenadoBinaryFu-> what do you mean you need allowance for ssh?21:49
BinaryFuLgndryhr: Basically, it allows you to use drivers from windoze in Ubuntu.21:49
BinaryFuamenado: I'm trying to cut an opening for port 22 for ssh for external connections.21:49
LgndryhrBinaryFu: kinda odd that 2.6.22 doesnt see it but 2.6.17 does21:50
BinaryFuLgndryhr: Too true.21:50
BinaryFuafk for a bit.21:50
LgndryhrBinaryFu: will i need to install ndiswrapper21:50
LgndryhrBinaryFu: or is there another way21:50
amenadoBinaryFu-> okay you try to insert an opening, what was the rule you added?21:50
LgndryhrBinaryFu: i know my comp can see it plugged in21:50
LgndryhrBinaryFu: as well as the network configuration but for some reason i can't get any internet21:51
LgndryhrBinaryFu: it makes me mad lol21:51
amenadoLgndryhr-> which wifi do you have? which chip is it?21:51
LgndryhrBinaryFu: brb21:51
danandbengalikid - the paritition you created for XP is not a primary partition. If you've tried to install XP to that partition it may well have overwritten stuff in your ubuntu installation. That would explain why your having problems booting after trying to install XP. If possible i would suggest, backing up any data you have on that disk via the live cd and reinstalling. Note - when you reinstall create two primary partitions - one for Windows and one for Ubu21:51
DoothNotois thath the code for mount a network share :21:52
DoothNotomount -t smbfs //smb:// of Warcraft /mnt21:52
phoenix5002can anyone help me squeeze a few extra FPS out of a game running in Wine?21:52
danandbengalikid - short version - XP has killed your system :(21:52
LgndryhrBinaryFu: back21:53
Lgndryhramenado: i am using a linksys wireless usb adapter21:53
ShadowAp3xHey, I'm just testing out the latest 8.04 release and I'm trying to use likewise's domainjoin-cli to connect to active directory but it's not working correctly. Whenever I try to join I get an error that says "Failed to contact DC when trying to synchronize local system clock! None of the domain controllers listed in DNS could be contacted or there are no DCs listed in DNS"21:53
ShadowAp3xany insight?21:53
ubot3Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:53
amenadoLgndryhr-> which chip does that have?21:54
Lgndryhramenado: what do you mean21:54
ShadowAp3xok... Requin... that doesn't really help me. There's not even any information about domainjoin-cli/gui on there21:55
amenadoLgndryhr-> they have chips like the infamous broadcom  bcm43xx which i can not help you with, or atheros, or tx acx chips21:55
DoothNotohelp me21:55
Lgndryhramenado: how can i check?21:55
RequinB4ShadowAp3x - what i meant was, hardy specific discussions should go in #ubuntu+1 :)21:55
ShadowAp3xohhh ok21:56
ShadowAp3xty ^_^21:56
=== c is now known as Charitwo
amenadoLgndryhr-> lsusb, and also try to google for specs of your usb dongle21:56
DoothNotoShadowap3x can you help me?21:56
subsumeAnyone the least bit familiar with netbooting ubuntu?  Anyone at all. Dear god. Please.21:56
DoothNotoANY CAN HELP ME!?21:56
ShadowAp3xDoothNoto: With what..?21:56
gregbradydoothnoto, I'd be interested to see if you can get it working as well.  I've never been able to get two of my machines to share folders either.21:56
Lgndryhramenado: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 13b1:000d Linksys  when i do lsusb i get that21:56
snypzzlooking for  scr331 dvers for linux21:57
DoothNotoi need to mount a network share can you help me step per step?21:57
subsumeDoothNoto: There are tons of tutorials about that step by step online21:57
DoothNotoyes but is not working21:57
DoothNotomount -t smbfs //smb:// of Warcraft /mnt21:57
DoothNotonot working...21:57
ShadowAp3xDoothNoto: Yeah, there's a lot of tutorials. You just need to "sudo apt-get install smbclient"21:57
amenadoLgndryhr-> not enuff info to know21:57
DoothNotosmb client is installed21:57
StarnestommyDoothNoto: try mount -t smbfs //smb://\ of\ Warcraft /mnt21:58
Lgndryhramenado: k am looking through google now21:58
geirhaDoothNoto: try: mount -t cifs "// of Warcraft" /mnt21:58
danandDoothNoto - you'll need to "escape" the spaces in that command ie mount -t smbfs //smb://\ of\ Warcraft /mnt21:58
DarkmystereSmall...thing..How can i make Terminal look like a xterm but normal terminal size?21:58
amenadoDoothNoto-> maybe you can try putting those in quotes "word with spaces"21:58
danandStarnestommy - too slow :)21:58
amenadoDarkmystere-> why not just go ctrl+alt+f1 if you like full screen terminal?21:59
ShadowAp3xDoothNoto: Yeah, exactly as they've said. Try either using backslashed ( \ ) before the spaces or put the names in quotations ( "" )21:59
phoenix5002I used to get "direct rendering: Yes" when running the command "glxinfo | grep rendering" using the drivers Ubuntu gave me upon install.  But then I updated to the ati mobility radeon linux drivers and now I get "direct rendering: No" and this seems to be a common problem for my video card (Radeon IGP 345M).  Is there any way I can get back to my previous drivers, (restoring my xorg.conf file doesn't work!!!  I still have the new driv21:59
Darkmystereamenado, because im downloading something... with GUI.21:59
SeveredCrossAnyone here a PPC Ubuntu user?21:59
poseidonI am trying to connect to the internet on my ubuntu system (and I have before) but for some reason my neighbors reuter is interfering.  Their rueters name is "linksys" just as mine, except theirs has WEP security.  However when I go to scan the connections via the gnome connection manager it only shows one "linksys" the one with WEP "my neighbors", and if I use iwlist wlan0 scan, it shows both linksys.  How do I set my computer up to look fo22:00
poseidonr my linksys network, and not my neighbors22:00
Darkmystereamenado, and it burns my eyes when its dark and then all that brightness comes back when i return to GUI22:00
amenadoDarkmystere-> which app do you use to download with gui?22:00
mlLKwhat does a loop back interface mean?22:00
amenadoDarkmystere-> you can also set background color of terminals22:01
DoothNotoMOUNT: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //blabla/22:01
StarnestommymlLK: it's an internet interface used for sending packets back to the computer they came from22:01
Darkmystereamenado, when i set it to black it doesnt work like xterm...go to terminal and type xterm and i want it black like that.... and then try to turn your terminal black and compare.22:02
DoothNotohelp pls22:02
mlLKStranestommy: how does it affect my ip?22:02
Jgonickposeidon: you could always change the name of your router.. :)22:03
amenadomlLK-> l0 interfaces is for software that do not require to go beyond the periphery of your pc, thats why its called loop back (to itself)22:03
sadaiyappani can't get ndiswrapper installed22:03
sadaiyappanwhen i try to install it it doesn't work..22:03
poseidonjgonick, My parents don't want to, it doesn't effect their computer with windows22:03
Lgndryhramenado: it uses the RT2500 chipset22:03
DoothNotoMOUNT: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //blabla/22:03
amenadoDarkmystere-> i dont follow, anyhow your goal is to download a gui?22:03
mlLKamenado: meaning i go thru a router?22:04
Lgndryhramenado: also from my reading it looks like i will need to install ndiswrapper22:04
amenadoLgndryhr-> okay, do you have the driver for it?22:04
RequinB4!doesn't work | sadaiyappan22:04
ubot3sadaiyappan: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:04
gregbradyeach of my two computers with ubuntu see each other over the network, but I cannot see any shared files on either machine.22:04
Jgonickposeidon: sorry I can't help more.. I'm fairly new to this linux stuff..22:04
geirhaDoothNoto: did you try the line I suggested?22:04
combatmlLK, no it loops your requests directly back to your pc22:04
Lgndryhramenado: i can get it from linksys website since the dongle was given to me without any software22:04
aboo0oodHi guys, i need a help in getting Linux Programmer's manuals.. how can i get them from the repositories ?22:04
poseidonWell does anyone else have any suggestions?22:04
amenadomlLK-> nope, nothing beyond your pc, you can not even see the packets if you put a meter to detect it in your port22:05
Cpudan80aboo0ood: dev-help22:05
DoothNotowell any can help me is not working22:05
Cpudan80aboo0ood: sudo apt-get install dev-help (might not have the -)22:05
Lgndryhramenado: i still have them saved on my windows drive i can just copy them over22:05
subsumeHow to restart DHCP server?22:05
amenadoLgndryhr-> okay go ahead and download the linux driver for it22:05
Lgndryhramenado: i dont think there is a linux driver for it22:05
mlLKamenado: can you guys see my address?22:05
drbrownis it possible to change which network card is identified as eth0?22:05
Darkmystereamenado, huh i got lost..22:05
DoothNotopls help me22:06
mlLKcombat: ?22:06
poseidonaboo0ood, what language?  Thats pretty vague22:06
Lgndryhramenado: i was making reference to the windows driver i still have on my windows hard drive22:06
amenadomlLK yes22:06
aboo0oodposeidon, sorry, c and c++22:06
amenadoLgndryhr-> if you are using the windows drivers, then you need the ndiswrapper22:06
amenadoto help you trhough22:06
poseidonaboo0ood, it's going to be pretty much the same as any other unless you are planning on making a GUI or something specific to linux (or a few other things)22:07
poseidonWhat do you want to make?22:07
danandDoothNoto - try installing the smbfs package - sudo apt-get install smbfs. after that try typing smbmount //server/share /mountpoint -o username=USER22:07
poseidonMost APIs try to be cross-platform22:07
DarkmystereWell my update manager is broken  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 28, in <module>  import gtkImportError: No module named gtk22:07
ubot3grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:07
poseidonaboo0ood, also check out #c++22:08
reduzQuestion! I am the author of a pretty popular, stable music app, however it has never been packaged for debian/ubuntu. How should I to to ask the distro to include it?22:08
DoothNotoi can mount a windows share?22:08
Cpudan80!smbfs | DoothNoto22:08
SeveredCrossreduz: Link?22:08
ubot3doothnoto: smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 520 kB, installed size 1256 kB22:08
poseidonAnyone know how I could trouble shoot my network problem?22:08
danandbengalikid - did you get my previous messages?22:08
reduzSeveredCross, http://www.chibitracker.com22:08
gregbradyit appears as though someone has already submitted a Brainstorm entry for network file shareing! idea #391622:08
erUSULreduz: maybe you can do it yourself... go to the motu channel and ask for advice22:08
SeveredCrossI'd imagine you'd have to post a Launchpad bug about it.22:09
SeveredCrossAnd then go from there.22:09
reduzerUSUL, i don't run ubuntu, but ubuntu usuers ask me constantly why isn't the app in the distro22:09
amx109poseidon, try chaning the channel on which ure wifi router broadcasts. might hav a better chance of distinguishing it from your neighbours22:09
danandDoothNoto - yes - use smbmount - its part of the smbfs package. read my previous message to you :)22:09
ubot3smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 520 kB, installed size 1256 kB22:09
erUSUL!motu | reduz22:09
ubot3reduz: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU22:09
reduzerUSUL, will ask there!22:10
poseidonamx109, I am unable to do that.  (parents are bitches)22:10
erUSULreduz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide22:10
poseidonIt's not my reuter, it's my parents22:10
Lgndryhramenado: there is no linux driver and there usually isnt with linksys products22:10
reportingsjrIs there a program that does the whole remote desktop thing?22:11
amx109poseidon, explain the problem and ask nicely?22:11
erUSUL!info rdesktop | reportingsjr22:11
ubot3reportingsjr: rdesktop: RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.0-2 (gutsy), package size 142 kB, installed size 492 kB22:11
RequinB4poseidon - go to the bottom and choose Connect to Other wireless network - see if you're just not seeing it22:11
amenadoLgndryhr-> what happens when you plugged it in?22:11
aboo0oodposeidon, Cpudan i didn't get it yet.. i installed devhelp but still not getting the files i need22:12
aboo0oodthanx anways22:12
ConstyXIVare there any GTK+ mail clients that support push-IMAP and aren't called thunderbird22:12
gravemindhey guys, I just installed hardy on a spare partition, but it is not in GRUB yet, how do I put it in the grub menu?22:12
erUSUL!hardy | gravemind22:12
ubot3gravemind: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:12
Lgndryhramenado: when i first plugged it in i got nothing in any kernel so booted into windows harddrive and installed driver from linksys site then rebooted in the newest kernel.....no connection.....so booted into next kernel and i had a connection working now22:13
DoothNotoThanks SO MUCH!!!!22:13
Lgndryhramenado: so since then i have had a connection on 2.6.17 but not on 2.6.2222:13
gregbradyok, no worries, I shall try again another day...22:13
graveminderUSUL: i'm not talking about what to do in hardy, I'm talking about what to do in gutsy22:13
danandDoothNoto - i take it you got your share mounted then :)22:13
eth01that worked then22:14
sfearsother than power management where does the system look to power off when the laptop lid is closed?22:14
=== po1ter is now known as polter
oloughlin75Netsplit reconnects everyone doesnt it?22:14
amenadoLgndryhr-> umm is it working now?22:14
sfearsi have power management set to "do nothing" when the lid is closed on both ac & battery power.. but after about 30 seconds of the lid being closed it turns off22:14
ubot3netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:15
xeberdeeHi people, I was wondering if anybody is running a window manager, not a desktop - enlightenment?22:15
bengalikidno usually the users are lost forever22:15
erUSULgravemind: copy a gutsy "stanza" and change the root and kernel image names as apropiate22:15
Lgndryhramenado: yes in windows and 2.6.17 but not in 2.6.2222:15
ks3sfears: maybe in the bios?22:15
Fydanever to be seen again ;)22:15
sfearsohhh??? good call22:15
sfearswill try22:15
graveminderUSUL: cool, thanks! can I show you a pastebin when I'm done?22:15
erUSULgravemind: yes no problem22:16
ScorpKinghow can i add the contents of cell 1A on sheet1-50 in Oo calc? maybe something like =SUM(SHEET(??).A1) ?22:17
amenadoLgndryhr-> here is what you need to do, you find out which driver it uses in 2.6.17 and compare that to 2.6.22 and see if it exist,22:18
Lgndryhramenado: and how do i found out which driver22:18
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:18
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:19
ubot3I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:19
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:19
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:19
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:19
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:19
rihannahttp://tipovidaba.bloger.hr/ WELCOME TO RIHANNA BLOG!22:19
erUSUL!ops | rihanna22:19
ubot3rihanna: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!22:19
xeberdeeWindow manager questions?22:19
amenadoLgndryhr-> try to look around /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/(chip name)22:19
SlartScorpKing: I'm not sure you can do that directly like that.. but you could create an intermediate sheet that gathers all the numbers to add up22:19
ScorpKingSlart: i have a Totals sheet but don't feel like changing =SUM everytime i add or delete a sheet22:21
SlartScorpKing: hang on.. let me check and try some stuff..22:21
xeberdee<Slart> Slartibartfast??22:21
mobuchat en español22:21
DarkmystereCan some one help me im getting this from dist-upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59193/22:21
Lgndryhramenado: they both have rt2561, rt2561s, and rt266122:22
Lgndryhrbut mine is a rt250022:22
graveminderUSUL: where can I find out what kernel to specify for hardy?22:22
Slartxeberdee: yes.. one momentary lack of creativity.. and I'm still suffering the consequences today =)22:22
Sjimmieis the answer to 7x622:22
ScorpKingSlart: thanks. i've looked online through lots of docs but i don't understand most of the advanced stuff.22:22
erUSULgravemind: mount the hardy root partition and do ls /boot/22:23
xeberdeelooks like you dont have python libs22:23
graveminderUSUL: alright22:23
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, See the second line of your post..  and if you are running Hardy you need to ask in that room22:23
Jack_Sparrowdpkg --configure -a22:23
BrightEyes`hello to all.how can i make my ubuntu not do fsck each time i boot up and still have access to my other partitions when i want to?22:24
danandLgndryhr - try modprobe -l | grep rt250022:24
jpbotelhoany1 here have problems with new upgrade of Hardy?? i lost my sound driver of my laptop..22:24
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Im not running hardy.22:25
Jack_SparrowBrightEyes`, What about killing off the checks in general and setting a cron job to do the drive you want when you want22:25
BinaryFujpbotelho: You realize that's beta still, right?22:25
danandLgndryhr - rt2500 is definately supported22:25
Cpudan80jpbotelho: see #ubuntu+122:25
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, It did some upgrades but like 800+ wernt...22:25
Lgndryhrdanand: i get sorry try again22:25
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:25
Jack_Sparrowdpkg --configure -a22:25
Lgndryhrdanand: here is the output22:26
BrightEyes`Jack_Sparrow : em any other way to make my system easier? is it easy to compile from scratch the kernel?22:26
danandLgndryhr - do you want to know the module to use for your rt2500 card?22:26
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, I do that i get the same exact output and also i cant use the GUI Update-manager22:26
Jack_SparrowBrightEyes`, No.. it isnt22:26
ubot3If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:26
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, If you read post line 2-3\22:26
sfearsit wasn't in bios... power management settings for ac & batter set to "do nothing" but 30 sec. after i close the laptop lid the power goes off.. anyone have ideas?22:27
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, it told me to do it and i did and thats where all the output came from.22:27
Jack_Sparrow!aptfix | Darkmystere22:27
ubot3Darkmystere: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:27
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, i did that..22:28
ubot3motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU22:28
=== sinsun__ is now known as sinsun
Lgndryhrdanand: yea 2.6.22 has no folder for the driver22:28
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, got same problem..22:28
phoenix5002does anyone know how I can upgrade my GART driver?22:28
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, We both know your issue stems from Ubuntu ultimate and running automatix..22:28
snypzzhow do I run DOS apps22:29
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, this is a diffrent Install.22:29
neverbluesnypzz, using wine22:29
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, i have Ubuntu 3 times on my computer :/..22:29
bluebananai need a program that will allow me to edit PDFs (actually, just to write in the blanks) AND save my filled in answers back into PDF format.22:29
deadlytuxsnypzz, or using DOSBOX22:29
erUSULsnypzz: you have a few options... dosbox; a virtualizer and dosemu22:29
sinsunhi, does anyone tried gOS? any interesting thing inside?22:29
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit                please provide link it gives you22:29
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, i get this when trying to run update-manager in terminal: Traceback (most recent call last):22:29
Darkmystere  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 28, in <module>22:29
Darkmystere    import gtk22:29
DarkmystereImportError: No module named gtk22:29
david_how do i activate compiz on a fresh installation?22:29
snypzzwhere do i get dosbox???22:29
david_HELP!? how do i activate compiz on a fresh installation?22:29
Lgndryhrdanand: can i just copy and past the folder from 2.6.17 for my chipset to 2.6.22 folder22:29
sfearsit wasn't in bios... power management settings for ac & batter set to "do nothing" but 30 sec. after i close the laptop lid the power goes off.. anyone have ideas?22:29
Odd-rationalesinsun: I've tried it. It is quite good actually.22:30
erUSULsnypzz: Aplications>Add/Remove22:30
graveminderUSUL: how do I find out the UUID of my partitions?22:30
deadlytuxsinsun: gOS, i wouldn't recommend it... it is too easy to use. U can say, isn't that a good thing, but i think it is too easy22:30
filiphyo, I have a problem with my videocard drivers (nvidia 7800GS) i want to install a new driver: 169.12 and now it's done but it doesn't work...22:30
ubot3To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)22:30
deadlytuxsinun: it is not fun anymore22:30
erUSULdavid_: System>Preferences>Appearance Visual effects22:30
danandLgndryhr - that wireless chip is better supported in the 2.6.22 kernel - i have two modules listed with that command rt2500pci.ko and rt2500usb.ko. and _NO_ you cannot use modules from one kernel in another...22:30
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, i cant install nothing remeber update-manager is chunked up..22:30
SlartScorpKing: hmm.. seems there is no way of obtaining the name of a worksheet if you know the number..most annoying22:30
danandLgndryhr - what kernel are you running at the moment?22:31
erUSUL!uuid | gravemind22:31
ubot3gravemind: please see above22:31
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, Then post it manually22:31
SlartScorpKing: I haven't given up just yet though.. still working on it22:31
sinsunOdd-rationale: why do you like it? I think it's for dummy (sorry)22:31
Lgndryhrdanand: to be exact i am running 2.6.17-12-38622:31
david_erUSUL, when i do that i get The Composite Extension is not available22:31
gravemindthanks guys!22:32
erUSULdavid_: what graphic card? did you istaled the apropiate drivers22:32
filiphenny suggestions?22:32
Odd-rationalesinsun: Actaully, I think it makes a good distro for someone like my lil sis. I kind of like the "childish" looks of it....22:32
ScorpKingSlart: indeed annoying. SHEET() gets the total. not sure if there's another function to get names. still looking as well..22:32
Lgndryhrdanand: and i want to be able to run 2.6.22-14-38622:32
reduzerUSUL, Just mailed the MOTU people, how they can package it22:32
reduzer, how/hope22:32
david_erUSUL, im not sure im new to this... i just finished installing the system22:32
SlartScorpKing: seems you can do it using the ooo version of starbasic http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Spreadsheet_common22:32
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, I cant help you.  I wasted a lot of time yesterday only to find you were not running a supported version of Ubuntu.  Today you have unusual problems after asking people how to access the hardy upgrade...  Sorry.  But I cant help you22:32
snypzzgot it...22:33
danandLgndryhr - what ubuntu are you using at the moment? 7.10, 7.04???22:33
filiphand now mee pls...22:33
ScorpKingSlart: ok thanks. taking a look22:33
Lgndryhrdanand: 7.1022:33
poningrudavid: system->preferences->apearence->looks tab22:33
erUSULreduz: there are a few tutorials linked on the wiki page also «/join #ubuntu-motu»22:33
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Why.....22:33
Jack_Sparrowreduz, I didnt see a deb package in your downloads...22:33
SlartScorpKing: here's something similar http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=6308322:33
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59195/22:33
danandLgndryhr - type lsb_release -a to find out22:33
filiphhey everybody, is here anybody who knows how to install the Nvidia 7800GS Video Card drivers version 169? I was trying to install te .run file from the NVidia website, but i get a lot of errors. Please help22:33
reduzerUSUL, I'm not going to try packaging it myself since I don't run ubuntu22:33
poningrudavid: err visual effects tab22:34
neverblueDarkmystere, I think he just explained 'why'22:34
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, Beacuse this is for help with Ubuntu.. not ultimate, not hardy22:34
Lgndryhrdanand: i already said what version22:34
reduzerUSUL, I'm not going to install ubuntu to package my app for it22:34
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, im not using ubuntu ultimate.22:34
BinaryFufiliph: Are you having issues that require you to install those drivers and ignore the built in ones that generally work perfectly?22:34
neverblueDarkmystere, what are you using ?22:34
erUSULreduz: ok22:34
graveminderUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59196/22:34
Lgndryhrdanand: i said version 7.1022:34
reduzJack_Sparrow, nope, since no one packaged it, and I don't run ubuntu22:34
Darkmystereneverblue, Ubuntu 7.10 Installed from the Live CD From the Ubuntu website.22:35
snypzztried to use wine to run guild it did not find the directory GW was in22:35
neverblueDarkmystere, and what is your question ?22:35
filiph<BinaryFu> it doesn't work perfectly...22:35
Darkmystereneverblue, gettin tons of erros from dist-upgrade.22:35
snypzz.drive_c not there or something22:35
Jack_Sparrowreduz, I didnt see easy access to source or a list of dependencies etc..22:35
danandLgndryhr - whoa ... just had a big lag ... sorry22:35
neverblueDarkmystere, from Edgy/Feisty ?22:35
Lgndryhrdanand: its cool lol22:35
filiphi tried the old ones, the version 100, but they don't work like they have to work. I contacted Nvidia and they told me to install the 169 drivers. Now i'm stuck with a .run file22:36
danandLgndryhr - a ton of text just shot up the screen :)22:36
Darkmysterenerverblue, Ubuntu Gusty Gibbion22:36
Lgndryhrdanand: lol fair22:36
Darkmystereneverblue, Ubuntu 7.1022:36
neverblueDarkmystere, your updating from Feisty?22:36
reduzJack_Sparrow, the berlios page has the source code22:36
ogremy conky is stuck over windows and has shadowing how do i fix this?22:36
danandLgndryhr - can you not just use apt-get to install the newer kernel?22:36
reduzJack_Sparrow, and SDL is the only dependency22:37
Lgndryhrdanand: what do u mean22:37
Lgndryhrdanand: i already have it on my computer22:37
Darkmystereneverblue, Updating to the one above Gusty and i have never used fiesty.22:37
erUSULgravemind: seems ok 145 and 146 should be in one line22:37
neverblueDarkmystere, then you know Hardy topics are not discussed here then, correct?22:37
filiphTHX :-@22:37
danandLgndryhr - ok and your using it now?22:37
graveminderUSUL: alright, I'll reboot and give it a shot. Thanks for your help walking through this!22:37
Lgndryhrdanand: no lol. i am on 2.6.1722:38
erUSULgravemind: no problem22:38
Darkmystereneverblue,im still using gusty :p....22:38
Lgndryhrdanand: i am trying to get internet to work on 2.6.2222:38
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, This is the WRONG room for upgrading from gutsy to Hardy..  You also told me before you were using ubuntu.. and after you wasted a lot of my time .. you were not... you were using ultimate.22:38
neverblueDarkmystere, but your updating the distro to Hardy...22:38
neverblue!hardy | Darkmystere22:38
ubot3Darkmystere: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:38
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neverblueDarkmystere, please pay attention to the last line of that post from ubot322:39
deadlytuxhey everybody, is there somebody who knows how to install Basilisk II for Ubuntu? I only get help on their website for Unix and they say i need the "sudo make" command. But that doesn't work unfortunately. There is no make nor a configure file in the folder...22:39
deadlytuxPls hel22:39
subsumeAnyone know why a thin client would hang at 'STarting system log daemon'??22:39
Howioif i install gconf editor on mac x leopard is it shootable ?22:39
nkbreauwhat is the iptables file for ubuntu ? I'm trying to find it to open a port for external access22:39
danandLgndryhr - ok. well you should have wireless drivers for that rt2500 in the 2.6.22 kernel... do you not see them?22:39
ximdoes anyone have a favorite guide to the unix directory structure?22:39
Lgndryhrdanand: thats what i said earlier but i think u missed it......there is no drivers for it in the 2.6.22 kernel22:39
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Take a look at my source.lst22:40
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, I REMOVED Ubuntu Ultimate.22:40
danandLgndryhr - /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00/rt2500pci.ko and /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00/rt2500usb.ko22:40
deadlytuxanyone knows how to install Basislisk II???22:40
amenadoLgndryhr-> once you run your 2.6.22 you should also check same directory  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/drivers/wireless/22:40
mad_max02how can I see all the Sata devices ??22:40
Lgndryhrdanand: i already checked time and time again22:41
Lgndryhrdanand: its not there for some reason22:41
xobiusxim look at this http://www.pathname.com/fhs/22:41
Jack_Sparrowmad_max02, sudo fdisk -l   last letter is L22:41
Lgndryhrdanand: ok i just found it in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00/22:41
sander_mHello. I just installed 7.10 on a new Dell PC and used the "restricted drivers" applet to install drivers for my ATI X1300 card. However, when I boot I get a blank screen. How do I remove that driver again from the commandline (rescue mode)?22:41
ximxobius > sweet thanks this looks great22:42
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, No need to remove the driver.. it just didnt id something correctly.. one sec..22:42
amenadoLgndryhr-> if they are loaded, what do you get when you type  iwconfig ?22:42
danandLgndryhr - cool :D22:43
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, From a terminal  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg           for a start22:43
arteniusI am following a guide for installing ubuntu on a vista machine with dual boot. It says in the guide that during installation, ubuntu's partitioner should detect Vista's bootloader but it's not showing up. I'm afraid to proceed because I don't want to lose my Vista partition/bootloader? Is there a fix for this?22:43
ogremy conky is stuck over windows and has shadowing how do i fix this?22:43
Lgndryhrdanand: but it is not in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless22:43
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, I really didnt know it wasnt supported....so your gunna restrict me from all help because of that what i did by default was the thing of sight well my common sense was if it Looks like a duck smells like a duck and tastes like a duck....what is it well i thought Obviously A DUCK...22:43
danandLgndryhr - you might want to change to the 2.6.22-14-generic kernel ... that may have a lot more modules enabled.22:44
Jack_SparrowDarkmystere, the problems you are having are CLEARLY not common to a clean install of Ubuntu.. yea.. it smells alright22:44
angelbladeHi, any idea for add a list of streams online (Radio) to  Rhythmbox? (i have more 20 streams and  its tedius add each one manually)22:44
Lgndryhrdanand: there is less in my generic one22:44
Lgndryhrdanand: A LOT less22:44
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, Ive had this Ubuntu since i first started asking for help here remeber about 6 months ago..22:45
danandangelblade - use streamtuner22:45
sfearsit wasn't in bios... power management settings for ac & batter set to "do nothing" but 30 sec. after i close the laptop lid the power goes off.. anyone have ideas?22:45
ScorpKingSlart: thanks for the links. i'll take another look tomorrow. bedtime for me22:45
angelbladei will use a try then22:45
Lgndryhrdanand: also it is not there either22:45
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, remeber sound problems..22:45
SlartScorpKing: good night22:45
graveminderUSUL: it said no such partition22:45
amenadoLgndryhr-> if they are loaded, what do you get when you type  iwconfig ?22:45
danandLgndryhr - did you compile that kernel yourself or install using apt?22:45
Lgndryhrdanand: i dont remember to be honest22:45
graveminderUSUL: could I just copy the menu.lst from the hardy partiton, and paste it in the menu.lst of this partition?22:45
ogrehere is a pastebin of my .conkyrc http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59199/22:45
rhssander_m: still have your problem ?22:45
danandLgndryhr - :O22:46
sander_mJack_Sparrow: I did that and picked the fglrx driver. Still a blank screen at boot22:46
sander_mrhs: yes22:46
Lgndryhrdanand: lol is there a way i can uninstall it and reinstall it?22:46
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, how can i redeem my self i really didnt know that distribution wasnt supported...and i didnt think that it comming with automatix and envy matterd because i never used them.22:46
cpk1gravemind: everything would have to be EXACTLY the same22:46
graveminderUSUL: hardy is on /dev/sda922:46
erUSULgravemind: you can copy the estanza from the hardy menu.lst (if any) to the gutsy menu.lst22:46
graveminderUSUL: ok22:47
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, for now pick vesa as your card, 1024x768 max res and use tab or enter to accept all other defaults22:47
rhssander_m: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from fglrx to vesa22:47
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, Just want to get you back into basic gui22:47
sander_mJack_Sparrow & rhs: Okay22:47
erUSULgravemind: the 144 line is wrong... should be just like the others ^root^ (hd0,6)22:47
SarahI'm having trouble installing a crontab. I think. I tried settings the command mplayer ~/alarm.ogg at a certain time and it would fail to launch. I tried this multiple times, each time incrementing the minute at which it should run to no avail. However, then I tried adding >> ~/cronoutput and it would work flawlessly. Can anyone explain this behaviour?22:47
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, sudo nanoi if you want to edit manually22:47
Jack_Sparrowsudo nano22:47
amenadoDarkmystere-> just get yourself a new copy of liveCD iso  and we can install it from a hd.22:47
danandLgndryhr - :) if i was you i would try an install of the standard kernel from ubuntu - sometimes they patch with additional drivers etc. try sudo apt-get -s install linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic and see what output you get22:48
Lgndryhrdanand: is there?22:48
^root^erUSUL: :D22:48
danandLgndryhr - sllllooooowwwww typist :)22:48
Lgndryhrdanand: ack flood of stuff there sorry lol22:48
ShakQwho knows a good firewall for ubuntu 7.10 with network-admin???22:48
Darkmystereamenado, ok...ill never use anything from not ubuntu again...now that i know if they come with certain things...22:48
graveminderUSUL: ah, ok - I Thought that was referring to the partition number -- gutsy is on sda8, and hardy is on sda9, that's why I changed it22:48
gravemindI'll change it to 6 instead22:49
Lgndryhrdanand: i got this22:49
Lgndryhrlinux-image-2.6.22-14-generic is already the newest version.22:49
Lgndryhrlinux-image-2.6.22-14-generic set to manual installed.22:49
Lgndryhr0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.22:49
Tamalecan someone help me figure out how to get VPN options to show up in the context list for network manager?  I don't see anything unless I turn my wireless on.22:49
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, if you looked at my sources.lst youll noticed that ive installed AWN to go with compiz some madwifi things Some fiesty backports and restricted backports in multiverse..22:50
Lgndryhrdanand: i am removing it and going to reinstall it22:50
micadeyeyehi, my new printer icon won't appear each time i try installing a new printer22:50
amenadoDarkmystere-> i didnt even know you were using from some unsupported distro, i know that it seems its been a while that you been asking for assistance, good thing someone recognize the symptoms of unsupported distros to advise you.22:50
erUSUL^root^: :P22:50
graveminderUSUL: what does "hd0,6" mean anyway?22:50
micadeyeyealso i can't add a new workspace22:50
danandLgndryhr - looks like you compiled your current 2.6.22 kernel from source to me.... and yeh thats what i would do22:50
sander_mJack_Sparrow & rhs: I got GUI again. What now? remove the driver and try latest from ATI site? Use Envy?22:50
Darkmystereamenado, yea i only had that unsupported distro for about 1 week..22:50
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, please do not use envy22:50
micadeyeyeit's like i need re-install UBUNTU22:51
rhssander_m: try to install it manually from the ati driver site22:51
Darkmystereamenado, the other help was for my main Ubuntu install22:51
RoAkSoAxgravemind, something like (hd=hard drive) (0 = hd 0 or first harddrive) and (,6 the partition)22:51
micadeyeyebut am afraid, it might wipe out current apps and data22:51
sander_mJack_Sparrow & rhs: I've got a brand new Dell Optiplex with ATI X1300 and a 1440x900 widescreen if that helps :-)22:51
rhssander_m: download the driver22:51
Lgndryhrdanand: brb going to restart to see if it helped22:51
micadeyeyehow can i do so without losing data?22:51
sander_mWill do22:51
amenadoDarkmystere-> oh okay, now back to the good stuff..22:51
micadeyeyeANY HELP!!!!22:51
rhssander_m: I have the same X1300 and I got compiz to work !22:52
erUSULmiguel_: it means the 7nth partition on the first disk22:52
eth01!caps | micadeyeye22:52
ubot3micadeyeye: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:52
ubotwomicadeyeye: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:52
gravemindRoAkSoAx: ok -- well "6" is the partition number of my /home for gutsy, the place where grub is installed -- so is that the number I should use for hardy?22:52
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, what does fglrxinfo show22:52
eth01LjL: ^^ ¬.-22:52
Darkmystereamenado, yea...just a bunch of buddies told me about Ubuntu ultimate and how awesome it was so...i downloaded and tried...you know im curious ive tried about 15 diffrent distros so....22:52
gravemindlol bots22:52
LjLthought i'd told it to leave22:52
amenadoDarkmystere-> thats good too, you get to learn new things and bleeding edge stuff22:53
syskillis there a way of formatting Ubuntu from the command line?22:53
micadeyeyecan i re-install ubuntu without losing my apps and data??22:53
robobobhow do i mount my dvdrw drive22:53
Jack_Sparrowmicadeyeye, not really  but you can clone your install22:53
RoAkSoAxgravemind, you want to install hardy on that partition?22:53
Darkmystereamenado, so tell me all the unsupported distros... i tried federa Ubuntu gusty...using it now  Bought a macbook tried that OS i tried gentoo didnt like it and i  go on for ages :p22:53
sfearsmicadeyeye, if you insalled your home directory to a separate partition you can do that very easily22:53
sander_mJack_Sparrow: It says: XLib extention XFree86-DRI missing from display :0.022:53
rhssander_m: do you read french ?22:53
Jack_Sparrowmicadeyeye, YOu may want to consider having a second partition for /home22:54
sander_mrhs: Only enough to order food and beer in a restaurant :-)22:54
gravemindRoAkSoAx: hardy is already installed on /dev/sda9, I'm just trying to add it to my grub menu. when I tried "root (hd0,9)" it said no such partition22:54
WhoaItsPhilcan anyone give me a hand with my wireless? it was working fine a week ago...but last night i turn my laptop on and it starts searching for the wireless network and never connects...it cycles through 3 or 4 that are in range and can't connect to any..i took all securities off my wireless router and it still won't connect. it is currently connected to one downstairs but it took about 10 minutes to connect to it...any ideas why thi22:54
amenadoDarkmystere-> dont you have a girlfriend to take care off? hehehe22:54
sander_mrhs: What driver should I pick from the website? FireGL?22:54
micadeyeyethen copy current files to the new partition?22:54
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rhssander_m: radeon22:54
RoAkSoAxgravemind, try doing (hd0,8)22:54
micadeyeyehave got apps in opt dir. as well22:54
Darkmystereamenado, she watches me while i play with my labtop its only 80GIGS so you can imagine the wonderful things i do with Gparted :p22:55
sfearsWhoaItsPhil, have you power cycled your modem & wirless router?22:55
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager22:55
Darkmystereamenado, i also use Backtrack lol22:55
sfearshi heogen22:55
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> you installed new aparatus in your building with lots of wires acting as antenna? hehe22:55
rhssander_m: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/ati.run22:55
gravemindRoAkSoAx: ok -- ah yeah, partitions start at zero in that notation?22:55
RoAkSoAxgravemind, for grub, if you have hd0,6, en the filesystem would be known as /dev/sda722:55
heogenhow can I to install yahoo messenger in Ubuntu22:55
RoAkSoAxgravemind, yep22:55
micadeyeyei tried re-isnstalling the printer driver but wont work22:55
sfearsheogen, use the program called pidgin22:55
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, It may say you already have them22:55
amenadoDarkmystere-> alright dude, thats the key, having fun22:55
gravemindRoAkSoAx: ahh, that makes a lot of sense now, thanks :)22:55
Darkmystereamenado, so....what distros to keep away from22:56
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sfearsyup.. heogen pidgin supports yahoo chat22:56
micadeyeyei tried re-isnstalling the printer driver but wont work/22:56
micadeyeyewhat driver or package is responsible for creating workspace????22:56
heogensfears ok22:56
RoAkSoAxgravemind, you will always have to add +1 , when you find hd0,X, so it would be like sda(X+1)22:56
sfearsit might already be installed22:56
heogenthank you22:56
gravemindhere goes!22:56
RoAkSoAxgravemind, welcom ;)22:56
amenadoDarkmystere-> maybe you attempt to build one of your own?  customized live of your choosing22:56
sander_mJack_Sparrow: Both installed and at newest version22:56
syskillis there a way of formatting Ubuntu from the command line if so how?22:56
WhoaItsPhilsfears, i recently turned both off and completely reset the router and changed its name and stuff...since i did that it wont work on ubuntu...works fine for everything else in the apartment22:56
heogensfears how can to install pidgin22:56
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx   just to be sure22:56
danandgravemind - that should be hd0,8 i think22:57
LjLsyskill: "formatting ubuntu"?22:57
Darkmystereamenado, i dont dare may loose support from Ubuntu...because Ubuntu ultimate was a customized Live CD...22:57
syskillhard drive22:57
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, apt-get install xserver-xgl           last but not least22:57
snypzzanyone out there using wine for guild wars??22:57
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: does "iwconfig" show the correct information about what ap you should be connecting to and what not?22:57
sfearsheogen under applications/internet it might already be there.. other wise from a command line type "sudo apt-get install pidgin" without the quotes22:57
LjLsyskill: you really should do it from a live CD if it's the drive you're running ubuntu from22:57
Darkmystereamenado, is it possible to overide the problems with apt so i can install some things..22:57
micadeyeyewhat driver or package is responsible for creating workspace????22:57
micadeyeyei need to re-install it22:57
heogenok let me do it22:57
syskillmy CD's aren't working22:58
heogensfears thank you22:58
sfearsWhoaItsPhil, system/administration/network what do you have in there22:58
sfearswelcome heogen22:58
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WhoaItsPhilit shows that i'm currently connected to one downstairs "linksys" that only has 35% strength22:58
Starnestommymicadeyeye: metacity or compiz-fusion22:58
sander_mJack_Sparrow: fglrx was installed & newest. xserver-glx is installing now.22:58
amenadoDarkmystere-> now try those VIA mobos , almost like a network appliance, car-puter toys thing..22:58
cminionhey, im trying to start my glassfish application server on ubuntu listening to port 80. Something is causing a port conflict though even though no active listening services are running.22:58
sfearsis that not the one you want to be connected to WhoaItsPhil ?22:58
Darkmystereamenado, huh..22:58
Jack_Sparrowsander_m,   sudo depmod -a22:58
amenadoDarkmystere-> yes i believe so, either with apt or dkpg22:59
WhoaItsPhilI have wireless, wired, and modem connection22:59
heogensfears look my mistake  Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:59
WhoaItsPhilmodem is disabled, other 2 are on roaming...i tried last night putting them on manual config and putting in the name of my router, but no success22:59
funkyHatWhat's the best way to get a kernel module to autoload on startup?22:59
sander_mJack_Sparrow: done. Now re-enable fglrx driver in xorg again?22:59
heogenwhen a try to install pidgin22:59
WhoaItsPhilmy router shows up on the list of wireless networks available and even has th strongest strength...but i can't connect to it...it just keeps trying22:59
sfearsheogen, you must have synaptic open22:59
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  &&  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit22:59
sfearsonly one installer program is allowed to run at once.. either apt-get or synaptic or aptitude22:59
amenadoDarkmystere-> oh i was thinking out loud about which mobo i want to install linux on, those nano-itx or pico-itx mobos22:59
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Darkmystereamenado, everytime i try apt it gives me erros about the the dist-uprade and tells me to do dpkg --configure -a23:00
giorgoshello can u help me with a problem with my laptop?i dont have any sound23:00
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, Please provide the number it gives you23:00
Darkmystereamenado, lol i was thinking of making a router into a linux router...23:00
danandanyone else lagging??? just got a lag of 163 :O23:00
bowsercakegiorgos: try running alsamixer and make sure that everythign is up\23:00
Phantom-ExAnyone know the syntax of /etc/inittab ?23:00
Darkmystereamenado, like adding ram HD room and then putting like Ubuntu server on it and using it as a LAMP server?23:00
cminionnobody knows of any native ubuntu apps that might cause conflict with an application server at port 80?23:00
amenadoDarkmystere-> umm there was another guy here having similar issues last nigth..i think nicrud straigthened him out of that predicament23:00
giorgosbowsercake, any help on  that?i am not that experienced23:01
subsumeQuestion attempted 5: Anyone know why a thin client would hang at 'STarting system log daemon'??23:01
sander_mJack_Sparrow: http://paste.stgraber.org/138723:01
Jack_Sparrow!aptfix | amenado23:01
Darkmystereamenado, i dont think nickrud is here23:01
ubot3amenado: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:01
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: so try "iwconfig wlan0 (or whatever your wireless interface is) essid nameofessidhere" and "iwconfig wlan0 channel channelnumberhere"23:01
KiD_ChAoSyesterday my wireless began to not work with KNetworkManager or the gnome network manager either. It simply doesn't show any availible wireless networks. HOWEVER i can do a 'iwlist scanning' and see everything great... HELP me please23:01
DarkmystereJack_Sparrow, i already tried that.23:01
giorgosbowsercake, everything is up yes23:01
zoldarwhile playing music, i can hear strong buzzing at low tone parts; i have ac 97 sound card (thinkpad t41p). This doesn't happen under windows. what may be the cause of this ?23:01
* nickrud surfaces, then sinks back23:01
mcphailcminion: does the app work on a higher, non-priveleged port?23:01
amenadoDarkmystere-> i dont know then, how to resolve that if aptfix havent taken care of those dpkg issues23:02
bowsercakegiorgos: open a terminal and run the command 'alsamixer'. It does the volumes on various devices. See if any are muted, you can press the 'm' key to toggle mute. Also, you can press the up and down arrows to adjust volume and move to different device. Make sure that all devices are not muted and the volume is up. Then try playing music or watching youtube or something.23:02
sfearsKiD_ChAoS, system/administration/network is there anything hardcoded in the properties of your network card?23:02
amenadoDarkmystere-> you may have to rebuild the dpkg database, which i have not done myself yet..23:03
Darkmystereamenado.update-manager depends on python-dbus; however:23:03
Darkmystere  Package python-dbus is not configured yet.23:03
darkcrabi have a question, if I am connected to the internet, it is fine, but if I go offline, and try to shutdown, the system gets hung up trying to shut down eth0 and eth1. Any ideas?23:03
amenadoDarkmystere-> i have not used aptfix yet, ever..23:03
KiD_ChAoSsfears, no im using KDE byt he way, but no it just says roaming there23:03
Jack_Sparrowsander_m,  Please make a copy of your xorg and try this edited one..  http://paste.stgraber.org/138923:04
sfearsturn off roaming mode KiD_ChAoS23:04
sfearsdarkcrab, how do you know that's what it's getting hung up on23:04
Darkmystereamenado, my main problem is that its configuring out of order..and things that depend on packages are trying to get installed first23:04
amenadodarkcrab-> someone here at one time suggested modifying an event script, i can not recall which though.. netxx23:04
zoldarhmm  i think i found the cause - in mixer PCM was set to max; when i lowered it a bit, buzzing gone away even though i turn up main volume23:04
darkcrabthe shutdown screen, the orange with black one, goes into the text, and stops at eth023:04
ubot3You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up23:04
Phantom-ExWhat is the difference between the 2-5 runlevels?23:05
erUSULPhantom-Ex: on ubuntu/debian nothing23:05
amenadoDarkmystere-> yeah thats bad if it cant determine/manage which one should install first..23:05
arteniusI am following a guide for installing ubuntu 7.10 on a vista machine with dual boot. It says in the guide that during installation, ubuntu's partitioner should detect Vista's bootloader but it's not showing up. I'm afraid to proceed because I don't want to lose my Vista partition/bootloader? Is there a fix for this?23:05
darkcrabyou dont have a backup for vista arternius?23:06
WhoaItsPhilcpk1, it says operation not permitted23:06
sfearsartenius, it will instll grub as the boot loader & should allow you to boot into vista fine23:06
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: do both of those using sudo23:06
RequinB4artenius; what sfears said, but to double check which tut are you using?23:07
=== acikers_ is now known as scuko_gost
bowsercakeartenius: see if you can set the partitions manually and make sure not to delete the vista one. grub should find te windows partiton23:07
Darkmystereamenado, trying to get hands on this ISO of Hardy....no luck yet the download is slow i usualy get better peer-peer..23:07
arteniusok, I'll just hope grub sorts it out23:07
gravemind-hardyerUSUL: RoAkSoAx: alright it worked!I'm on hardy23:07
Darkmystereamenado, 9 hrs :p...23:07
RequinB4hello A8623:07
sander_mJack_Sparrow: Reboot? Or just Ctrl+Alt+Backspace for C restart?23:07
Flare183!hi | A8623:07
ubot3A86: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:07
amenadoDarkmystere-> really? thats one busy place..23:07
A86can anyone help? i need to shutdown x to install nvidia23:07
WhoaItsPhilcpk1 i did...it won't connect...it's no different than selecting the network from the list on the drop down menu in the interface23:07
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, Have you enabled the restricted drivers in the menu?23:08
sfearswhy do you need to do that A8623:08
Darkmystereamenado, im trying to get it anyways before main release you know how that day is..23:08
A86im trying to get farcry to run23:08
huxcan any of you guys help me configure tor+vidalia+privoxy pkg w gutsy? it is not working.23:08
KiDLHCsfears, that knocked me off i think but it keeps going back to roaming mode23:08
A86i got a suggestion to update my vid drive23:08
Phantom-ExAfter I create more ttys how would I access them? Same way just with higher Function keys?23:08
amenadoDarkmystere-> okay, good luck..am off for a few..23:08
amitravsunbird crash or freeze. can anyone help ?23:08
RequinB4A86 - Why?  And easiest would be to boot recovery mode if you want to have a shell w/o X.  And most likely what you are trying to do you can do in a terminal just restart X and it will applly23:08
sfearsi don't think you need to shutdown to install nvidia drivers.. you just need to reboot after you enable them23:08
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, I prefer to avoid three finger salute.. log out and in should do it.. remember too sudo dpkg-rec.. you used earlier23:08
sander_mJack_Sparrow: Yes. System >> Administration >> Restricted drivers says that the ATI driver is enabled but not in use23:09
A86installer says i am still running x, and to make sure x is shutdown23:09
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, go for it23:09
WhoaItsPhilcould it possibly be a router problem? something that is preventing ubuntu from connecting? cause this laptop will connect to it just fine when its booted in windows23:09
Jack_Sparrowsfears, I thought you had to shut down x to do that for nvidia23:09
ogremy .conyrc gets stuck over all windows. here is my .conkyrc if anyone knows what to do. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59199/23:09
subsumeHow can I see the problems ran into when ubuntu server starts?23:09
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: wont connect period or wont get an ip?23:09
mustard5A86: what version of Ubuntu are you running?23:09
RequinB4A86 - the windows installer?23:09
WhoaItsPhilwon't connect period23:09
Jack_Sparrowsfears,  hit clt-alt-f2, login. run  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if needed... per nickrud23:10
KiDLHCsfears, it keeps going back to roaming mode23:10
erUSUL!yay | gravemind-hardy23:10
ubot3gravemind-hardy: Glad you made it! :-)23:10
angelbladeany link for optimize Ubuntu ??23:10
Lgndryhrdanand: i dont think it worked23:10
huxtor, vidalia, privoxy, won't install with 7.10? help?23:11
robobobim having issues sorting my dvdrw it errors with this:  mount /dev/hdd23:11
robobobmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd,23:11
robobob       missing codepage or helper program, or other error23:11
RequinB4!paste | robobob, 2 lines is fine, but just for future reference,23:11
ubot3robobob, 2 lines is fine, but just for future reference,: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:11
jack-desktopis there a file for the "Menu Bar" item for docks?23:11
MrGreenhelp, the harddisk in my laptop appears to be broken. I ran "smartctl -A /dev/hda", the output is here: http://pastebin.com/m5c0f6300 ...can someone take a look plz, and tell me what's wrong with my harddisk?23:11
sander_mJack_Sparrow: No luck. Rebooting now and trying to play with reconfiguring xserver-xorg again23:11
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: so after setting the ap and whatnot doing iwconfig doesnt show the settings you want?23:11
robobobmy mistake sorry23:12
darkcrabThere are solutions for laptops that wont shutdown, but mine will shutdown, it just wont shutdown when I am not connected to the internet.23:12
KiDLHCu there23:12
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, WHat did you get after login23:12
elguap02anyone here have any experience setting up custom icons for  nagios running on an ubuntu box using the package provided by  apt23:12
Lgndryhrdanand: it didnt work23:13
sander_mJack_Sparrow: I did logout and got a blank screen. Not even a login window. Ctrl-Alt-F1 didn't even take me to console anymore23:13
ubot3A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:13
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
WhoaItsPhilit never actually connects to the router...it eventually gives up and goes on to the next unsecured network on the list and keeps cycling through...the only one that will work is this linksys one downstairs that i'm on...i dont' get it cause right now i'm just tryng to connect to my router with no password on it...last week it worked fine with a password and everything23:13
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, see if reboot gets you back to gui23:13
rhssander_m: use the latest drivers from the ati website23:13
sander_mrhs: I've been downloading them in the mean time23:14
robobobdvdrw issues : http://pastebin.com/me64aee523:14
elguap0heh...basically i'm trying to set up custom icons on a nagios box running ubuntu server 7.10 and i'm having trouble. I wanted to see if anyone in here has had any success.23:14
lusepusterHi folks... I have a quite odd problem. When I try to put my laptop on Sleep, it shuts down - and when I reboot, the swap partition has lost its partitioning! I can see it as unknown fstype in gparted. Any idea what's up here? It's a Lenovo 3000 n10023:14
darkcrabAlso, gnomtris, if it is in the normal window its fine, but if I maximize it, the controls work for a few minutes, then they stop working and I can no longer control the game.23:14
giorgosbowsercake, alsamix shows that it is not muted.i installed the restricted formats but i still get no sounf23:15
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: if you try to set it using iwconfig i dont think it will try to move on to the next one, it will either work or not...23:15
A86i couldnt install my new nvidia drivers23:15
A86i dont even know if i need them23:15
NattyTuxHow to make 'ls23:15
A86can someone help me run FarCry?23:15
A86install and run23:15
Breakagehi is there a way to check in firefox what font a website is using, im sure its a microsoft font and it looks ugly so i want to replace it with another in fonts.conf.23:16
NattyTuxHow to make 'ls' command to ignore upper/lower case????? (read the manual,but to noa avail)23:16
Jack_SparrowA86, is it in the appdb ?23:16
WhoaItsPhilmy router name has spaces in it...how do i set it with the name and spaces in it with the essid command?23:16
A86i dont know23:16
StarnestommyWhoaItsPhil: put a \ before the space?23:16
A86how to check?23:16
A86i heard people did run it23:16
subsumeQUESTION ATTEMPT TWO: How can I see the problems ran into when ubuntu server starts?23:16
A86im a newbie23:16
ubot3The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org23:16
Starnestommysubsume: with dmesg?23:17
sander_mJack_Sparrow: Still no luck. Stil the same blank screen. I think I'm going to try rhs's suggestion and take ATI's latest drivers for a spin.23:17
prince_jammysNattyTux: you mean ignore case when ordering files?23:17
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, yep23:17
NattyTuxprince_jammys : exactly23:17
darkcrabi have a question, if I am connected to the internet, it is fine, but if I go offline, and try to shutdown, the system gets hung up trying to shut down eth0 and eth1. Any ideas?23:17
sander_mfhs: I presume I'll need to remove the currently installed drivers somehow? What's the package to remove?23:17
Jack_Sparrowrhs, Which card did he have..23:17
prince_jammysNattyTux: try ls | sort -f     though ls may have this feature on its own23:17
rhssander_m: x130023:17
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: try a \ like\ this\ before\ a\ space23:17
rhsJack_Sparrow: X130023:18
WhoaItsPhilcpk1, ok i did it...when i set it to my router and then run iwconfig it says access point: invalid23:18
Jack_Sparrowthanks... just for my own info23:18
NattyTuxprince_jammys : I see, thanks, thought it has the '-i' argumant like grep has23:18
NattyTuxprince_jammys : thanks23:18
WhoaItsPhillink quality 0/10023:18
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: try putting it in quotes then23:18
jack-desktophow do you run a .glade file?23:18
FJSShow come when I try to enable visual effects in the appearance preferences I get an error "desktop effects could not be enabled"?23:18
WhoaItsPhilyeah i did and it works..its the right essid..but it still doesn't connect at all...link quality 0/100, access point: invalid23:19
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: iwconfig wlan0 (or whatever interface) essid youressidhere23:19
giorgosanyone can help me?23:19
geniiemma: If you have some tech support issue, please ask me here and do not PM me23:19
lusepusterFJSS, probably your graphics card isn't compatible23:19
Jack_SparrowFJSS, SOunds like your video card driver is not setup or is not supported23:19
FFEMTcJevolution doesnt support exchange 2007. are there any mail clients which do?23:19
phr334rchyOk im looking for some help as too how to set up a wiireless card on ubuntu desktiop i38623:19
FJSShow can I check?23:19
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: does it show up in iwlist scan? try setting the ap you get from iwlist scan with iwconfig wlan0 ap macaphere23:19
darkcrabso I am guessing nobody has a clue what my problem is.23:19
robobobhttp://pastebin.com/me64aee5  dvd issues23:20
lusepusterdarkcrab, I have the same problem but have no idea what's up and why23:20
giorgosanyone can help me?i have a sound problem23:20
darkcrabk luse23:20
lusepustergiorgos, just ask your question, then we'll know if we can help :-)23:20
KiDLHCYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this.23:21
darkcrabwell thanks anyways guys. :)23:21
mustard5A86: that link seems to say that its not installing in Ubuntu23:21
Jack_SparrowA86, There is your answer23:21
WhoaItsPhilcpk1, yes it shows up in iwlist scan...link quality of 89/10023:21
rhsrobobob: does your drive make some noise ?23:21
NET||abusemorning all.. what program do i use to mount a DVD .img file?23:21
giorgosi installed restricted formats and i runned alsamix nothing is muted.but there is no sound from my laptop23:21
robobobya i can eject it23:21
robobobits just it wont mount the cd as such23:21
lusepusterNET||abuse, I don't know what your timezone is, but it's half past midnight here :-)23:21
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: so use the information from iwlist scan to set up all the variables with iwconfig23:21
cpk1essid, channel and ap should be all needed23:22
rhsrobobob: is the cd old ?23:22
robobobits /dev/hdd23:22
robobobcouple of months23:22
NET||abuselusepuster, que wha who wah?23:22
robobobbut i cant mount /dev/hdd23:22
WhoaItsPhilcpk1, i will try...but why won't it work like it used to? it worked just fine last week by just selecting it from the drop down menu23:22
prince_jammysNattyTux: mmm... i was just trying some tests and seems that "ls" does what you wanted on its own - it wasn't ordering files properly for you?23:22
lusepusterNET||abuse, you said morning all... It's not morning where I am, it's half past midnight :)23:22
amenadodarkcrab i looked at /etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules and there seems none i can gleamed to disables network by force23:22
A86what do i do?23:23
lusepustergiorgos, is your PCM muted? It sometimes do for me...23:23
A86move to gentu?23:23
NET||abuselusepuster, oh, good mornin.. well actually it's 11:30pm here also, so indeed evening, but irc guide lines say when you enter room you always say morning, and leaving room always say gnight23:23
FJSShow can I check if my graphics card is compatible with visual effects? I'm using a sony vaio23:23
rhsrobobob: what do you mean "you can mount /dev/hdd" ?23:23
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: I have no idea, a good place to start would be to go over everything that has changed since when it was working to when it stopped working23:23
giorgosno lusepuster23:23
lusepusterNET||abuse, I see...23:23
rhsrobobob: if you have no problem with other cds then the cd is screwed up23:23
WhoaItsPhilcpk1, only thing that has changed as far as i know is the router...i reset it, took the security off of it and changed the essid...since then it won't connect on linux anymore...works fine on windows though23:24
lusepustergiorgos, sorry, then I have no clue23:24
Jack_SparrowA86, Personally I dual boot with windows as it runs all the games just fine.23:24
lusepustergiorgos, as mentioned it has been my problem eevery now and then23:24
KiDLHCYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this.23:24
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> you can not associate at all?23:24
giorgosmust i install something lusepuster ?like alsa drivers or something?23:24
prince_jammysNattyTux: mkdir a A b B c C ; ls   (and they show up in the right order)23:24
robobobbut its new23:24
robobobcd that is23:24
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: one thing that you might as well change is to take the spaces out of the essid since its easy and you never know23:24
NattyTuxprince_jammys : well , I tried ls with sort ,but there is a problem23:24
WhoaItsPhilnope, it won't connect to it at all now...just skips over it...only one i can get on is this weak signal downstairs on a linksys router23:24
rhsrobobob: then I can't help you23:24
jack-desktopdoes anyone know where the menu bar applet/.glade file is?23:25
lusepustergiorgos, Sorry, that was my only idea...23:25
eatatjoes2i installed XbindKeys (so i could set ctrl+M to open firefox) and it works only if i open xbindkeys config and save and exit everytime after a restart,a nyone know why?23:25
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> are there other clients using same AP? can they connect?23:25
WhoaItsPhilcpk1, i will give that a shot...seems kinda silly if ubuntu can't handle some spaces in an essid?23:25
prince_jammysNattyTux: are you writing a script or just viewing files?23:25
WhoaItsPhilamenado, yes my room mates get on it just fine with windows and this same laptop can connect to it just fine right now with windows23:25
NattyTuxprince_jammys: how you tell it to ignore a case for , lets say : ls -l xorg* | sort -f ? >> wouldnt work23:25
FJSSbtw what is a good torrent program to use on ubuntu? I used Utorrent on vista, is there something similar?23:25
KiDLHCYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this.23:25
sander_mrhs: Shouldn't I remove the flrx packages as well? Or disable the restricted driver in the Restricted Drivers applet?23:25
NattyTuxprince_jammys : just learning ((-:23:26
A86can i run windows in ubuntu?23:26
rhssander_m: yes remove them23:26
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: actually it can handle it, you escape the spaces using quotes not \ for iwconfig23:26
StarnestommyA86: using a virtual machine, you can23:26
sander_mxserver-xorg-video-ati as well?23:26
rhssander_m: use http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/ati.run23:26
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: so "my essid has spaces" is all you would need23:26
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> you have spaces on your essid name?   well now you learned..hehe23:26
KiDLHCYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this.23:26
NattyTuxA86 : have you tried virtual box?23:26
NattyTuxA86: it might have a solution23:26
NattyTuxA86 : read about it first....23:26
rhssander_m: don't bother deleting it23:26
cpk1but better safe then sorry23:26
prince_jammysNattyTux: i'm a bit confused, because like i was saying - ls organizes files alphabetically without any added switches (and disregard lower/uppercase)23:26
WhoaItsPhilamenado, is it that simple? is that why it won't connect?23:26
A86url please23:27
ubot3virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:27
KiDLHCA86 google is23:27
NattyTuxprince_jammys : what I want is actually ls to ignore cases....23:27
KiDLHCYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this23:27
Flare183!vbox > A8623:27
NattyTuxA86 : please read before installing.23:27
Flare183A86: there you go23:27
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> i dont know, have you tried to used quotes to enclose the name?  just like you have a filename with spaces on linux,, it does not like it23:27
A86is it going to be very slow?23:27
prince_jammysNattyTux: you mean you want first the lower case listed, and THEN all the upper case listed?23:27
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: I generally try to avoid spaces because you have to remember to escape with either " or \23:27
A86do you think i can play the game there?23:28
NET||abuseSo how do i mount a .img file ?23:28
rhssander_m: do not run the installer, it won't install them for you, create the packets as shown in the link23:28
WhoaItsPhilyes i have set it with iwconfig and put the name in quotes...thats not the issue...it still doesn't connect when i do that23:28
Flare183A86: you have to hope23:28
KiDLHCYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this23:28
rhssander_m: sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-8-01-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu23:28
sander_mrhs: Okay. I can't understand the doc but I can follow the CLI instructions23:28
=== KiDLHC is now known as KiD_ChAoS
NattyTuxprince_jammys : the order is not imporatand , just I want it to ignore all cases , like : ls xorg ----> catch Xorg, xOrg XORG etc...23:28
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: well try filling out all the info for and see what happens then23:28
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> "  or the '   ?23:28
KiD_ChAoSYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this23:29
prince_jammysNattyTux ahhhhhhhhhhhh23:29
NattyTuxprince_jammys: sorry for the misunderstanding (((-:23:29
JatzyHey, noob question here. Considering getting a video card, wondering if there's a non-invasive way to tell what I can put in my machine (PCI-E, PCI, etc?). I'd just rather save the hassle, as it's kind of busy right now23:29
WhoaItsPhilit set the essid correctly and it showed up right when i do iwconfig but there is no signal strength at all...nothing happening23:29
modem_anyone have any idea why my ubuntu install freezes completely during the disk partitioning?23:29
amenadoWhoaItsPhil-> try using the '   so no shell expansion since you are using bash command line23:29
NattyTuxmodem_ : you are using fdisk?23:29
Flare183!hcl | Jatzy (this might help)23:29
ubot3Jatzy (this might help): For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:29
cpk1WhoaItsPhil: did you tell it the ap mac as well?23:29
KiD_ChAoSYesterday my wireless stopped working with Knetworkmanasger and gnome's network manager. 'Iwlist scanning' shows available wireless networks to choose from but the gui's in KDE and gnome do not. How do i remedy this23:29
RequinB4Jatzy - if you know your machine model number you can google it, assuming that it is not custom made :)23:29
cpk1amenado: iwconfig says to use "23:29
Flare183!repeat | KiD_ChAoS23:30
ubot3KiD_ChAoS: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:30
Jack_SparrowJatzy, Is it dual boot or running wine?23:30
prince_jammysNattyTux: ls {x,X}org23:30
WhoaItsPhilno i havent tried that yet i just set the ssid23:30
JatzyJack_Sparrow, both23:30
TITnetÏðèâåòñòâóþ. Êòî ñìîæåò îòâåòèòü íà îäèí âîïðîñ ïî Óáóíòå 7.10?23:30
amenadocpk1-> but you know, the shell takes precedence,  so it may conflict..23:30
mustard5modem_: is it possible that the live CD has automounted any of your partitions before install?23:30
peter77Has anyone successfully managed to run second life in ubuntu?23:30
RxDxi have a geforce 6200.. should i have to install NVIDIA-GLX or NVIDIA-GLX-NEW?23:30
lusepusterHi, trying again... Hi folks... I have a quite odd problem. When I try to put my laptop on Sleep, it shuts down - and when I reboot, the swap partition has lost its partitioning! I can see it as unknown fstype in gparted. Any idea what's up here? It's a Lenovo 3000 n10023:30
Flare183peter77: yes23:30
NattyTuxprince_jammys : I know that solution, but what about cases where its XORG, xoRG etc? seems like ls is missing a feature here...23:30
KiD_ChAoSpeter77, yes i do23:30
Jack_SparrowJatzy, Everest will identify your hardware.. you would need to google it...  there are free versions of it23:30
Lgndryhrdanand: i cannot get it to work at all23:30
arteniusI'm sitting in the ubuntu live CD right now about to start installation. I tried "mount -s" and it doesn't show anything related to the vista-bootloader, should I be worried?23:31
DevourerIs everything in /etc/cron.daily executed everyday and is merely a ASCII script file?23:31
prince_jammysNattyTux: good point23:31
cpk1amenado: so we can eliminate the whole variable and just change the essid to not have spaces at all =P23:31
Cosmo-santruecrypt.org is down.  anyone know why?23:31
JatzyJack_Sparrow, for linux or xp?23:31
NattyTuxprince_jammys : where can I find its source?23:31
KiD_ChAoSpeter77, there is no install, you unzip the package they provide and run the .bin file23:31
NattyTuxprince_jammys : gonna do it by myself...23:31
peter77cool, I extracted it and had it crash on me (not running copmpiz)23:31
amenadocpk1-> i could not disagree more, but we must convince the other users, oops the name changes, please re-associate :)23:31
danandLgndryhr - sorry ... been making dinner. No joy?23:31
RequinB4artenius - by default the vista partition is not mounted23:31
JatzyJack_Sparrow, well, will it tell me if I have PCI-E?23:31
Lgndryhrdanand: its cool.....yea23:32
Lgndryhrdanand: i uninstalled both then reinstalled both generic and 38623:32
Lgndryhrno luck23:32
arteniussomeone said it would recognize it if I type mount -s23:32
Jack_SparrowJatzy, The version I have does.. yes23:32
danandLgndryhr - still cant find the modules you want?23:32
sander_mrhs: I'm a bit confused about that French doc: I think it tells me to execute the .bin before creating the package. Should I skip that step?23:32
JatzyJack_Sparrow, which version is that? oh, and can I just run it in wine or do I have to boot to xp?23:33
rhssander_m: yes23:33
prince_jammysNattyTux: i don't know, and that feature probably exists (there are extra globbing options too). as you said: ls | grep -i xorg  is a dirty way of doing it23:33
KiD_ChAoSIs there a way i can reset KNetworkManager, it no longer shows available wireless networks but iwlist scan still does so i know it still works23:33
Lgndryhrdanand: nope and its making me angry23:33
FFEMTcJevolution doesnt support exchange 2007. are there any mail clients which do?23:34
jack-desktopDoes anyone know where the .glade file for the gnome menu "menu bar"?23:34
sfearsKiD_ChAoS, sounds like you have something hard coded into your ethernet card maybe?23:34
arteniusso do you think if I continue with installing, I'll lose my Vista bootloader?23:34
danandLgndryhr - at the moment what kernel(s) do you have installed?23:34
DevourerWhat is cron.d for?23:34
arteniusthat would be a problem since I don't have a disc23:34
KiD_ChAoSsfears, why would something hardcoded in eth1 mess with eth0?23:34
Pelojack-desktop, possibly in /home/user/.gnome2 or in ..../.config23:34
Jack_SparrowJatzy, booting to xp gives more detailed info23:34
sfearsit most likly won't mater if you lose your vista boot loader artenius23:34
sfearsit's all part of the network manager KiD_ChAoS23:35
danandDevourer - scheduling of jobs and tasks23:35
NattyTuxprince_jammys : well I'll keep digging, thanks alot!!!23:35
JatzyJack_Sparrow, alright. I found a 2.20 home edition23:35
rhssander_m: skip also the part from "sudo rm /usr/src/fglrx-kernel*.deb" to "sudo depmod -a"23:35
Devourerdanand, but when does it execute?23:35
prince_jammysNattyTux: using find with the -iname option is another way23:35
JatzyI'm a give it a try23:35
Lgndryhrdanand: i have 2.6.17-11-386    2.6.17-12-386          2.6.22-14-386        2.6.22-14-generic23:35
arteniusok I'll give it a go, fingers crossed23:35
sander_mrhs: okay23:35
Jack_SparrowJatzy, http://www.download.com/Everest-Ultimate-Edition/3000-2086_4-10499291.html           version 423:36
KiD_ChAoSsfears, well i have just provided a few more gateways to the routing table nothing more, why would that prevent them from showing available wireless networks?23:36
danandLgndryhr - /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00/rt2500pci.ko and /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00/rt2500usb.ko should be there!23:36
NattyTuxprince_jammys: I think I can use 'shopt' (shell options) to set the nocaseglob value.23:36
prince_jammysNattyTux: there you go23:36
sfearsi'm not sure.. but when i hardcoded IP into eth0 it changed the network manager in the tasktray23:36
rhssander_m: restart after "aticonfig..."23:37
lukusdevourer: was just looking at this ... check directories /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.weekly23:37
Lgndryhrdanand: i dont have the ubuntu folder now since the uninstall and reinstall23:37
sander_mrhs okay23:37
funkyHatWhat's the best way to have kernel modules loaded on startup?23:37
YashyCan someone point me to how to get a multifunction Dell 1125 printer working in ubuntu? Most importantly the scanner? xsane doesn't detect it.23:37
NattyTuxprince_jammys : well im still a newbie...so need to dig alot, using linux for the last couple of weeks.. (((-:23:37
eatatjoes2does anyone know how to put xbindkeys in the .bashrc file so it startsup when ubuntu does?23:37
sfearsfunkyHat, add the module name to /etc/modules23:37
JatzyJack_Sparrow, thanks23:37
funkyHatsfears, thanks :)23:37
prince_jammysNattyTux: check #bash for these kinds of questions23:37
sfearswelcome funkyHat23:37
amenadoKiD_ChAoS-> what do you mean, nothing shows up when you do a  iwlist wlan0 scan ?23:38
Jack_Sparrowrhs, Can you pm me the sequence of command you use to do those cards...  I would appreciate it..23:38
NattyTuxprince_jammys : in this server?23:38
prince_jammysNattyTux: yes23:38
NattyTuxprince_jammys : im on it... thanks!23:38
Devourerlukus, yeah, I saw that. Lol. But is... cron.d for hourly or somethin'?23:38
KiD_ChAoSyes, sfears, it did change the icon all together, as if only ethernet was available... it's weird but i need to hardcode things all the time for my work23:38
danandLgndryhr - as an alternative you could always download the source from ralink direct, and compile the module yourself. i did this on my laptop running debian, and it works just fine. see http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page23:38
rhsJack_Sparrow: which cards ? cards ? I'm french23:38
DevourerCan I make a user account that doesn't have a password?23:38
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sander_mrhs: One more question: I see that I'm going to build stuff. How does this integrate with kernel updates? Will they work and automagically build new versions?23:38
PeloDevourer, for what purpose ?23:39
rhssander_m: yes23:39
KiD_ChAoSamenado, Aps show up fine when i do iwlist scan, just the network manager and Knetwork manager are having prblems23:39
sfearsyeah KiD_ChAoS there somewhere in there to load trusted networks.. i'm looking for it now23:39
FFEMTcJis it possible to make it to where i dont have to enter a password to boot into ubuntu23:39
sander_mrhs: great :-)23:39
DevourerPelo, I would like it so when I switch to this account I wouldn't have to enter in a password every time.23:39
amenadoKiD_ChAoS-> you have it in roaming mode?23:39
KiD_ChAoSyou amenado yes, when i turn it off...it comes right back on all by itself23:39
PeloFFEMTcJ, you can bypass the login screen and autologin to your own account,  check in menu > system > adiin > login window,  3rd trab I thing23:40
PeloDevourer, not sure about that one23:40
sfearsPelo, drink much?23:40
lukusdevourer: i think cron.d is for things which don't fit into the predefined times23:40
xenthroI need some advice: I would like to start a community site where users can post pictures and maintain blogs. anybody know of a good CMS that will allow me to do this?23:40
amenadoKiD_ChAoS-> when you turn it off,  can you see the list similar to iwlist scan?23:40
Pelosfears, keyboard was just a little too far23:40
Devourerlukus, so a cron.etc kind of like I suppose.23:40
sfearsgood excuse... i'll have to remember that one!23:40
rilakhey people23:40
Lgndryhrdanand: just download rt2x00 cvs and compile that?23:40
rilakI have what seems a kernel bug to report23:41
sfearshello rilak23:41
Jatzywow, everest gives me [trial version] for everything23:41
lukusdevourer: reckon so23:41
rilakmust start from here, naturally23:41
KiD_ChAoSno amenado , it doesn't stay off long eneouph for me to check23:41
FFEMTcJPelo: ty.. you dont by chance know about any email clients that work with exchange 2007 do you?23:41
Pelosfears, I haven'T had so much as a drop since the holidays23:41
rilakwell most likely it is a driver bug...23:41
PeloFFEMTcJ, doesn'T evolution do it ? , thunderbird maibe23:41
rhsJack_Sparrow: all is here: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/ati.run would you like me to translate it for the Community ?23:41
rilak2.6.22-14-generic running on Ubuntu 7.10, after sending SIGKILL to a Skype process during video chat, ps and top freeze23:42
FFEMTcJEvolution doesn't support 2007. :-(23:42
rilakodd :)23:42
DevourerIs there a script file that gets execute every time I log into an account, such that I could get it to automatically open a browser window?23:42
KiD_ChAoSthis all started when i made a change in network manager to one of the interfaces, the window came up saying it was enabling the changes, then it hung...i closed it, now im stuck here, i restared several times but nothing changes23:42
PeloFFEMTcJ, try for thunderbird23:42
mamato_hi, is there a 'diff' with colors (but no gui)?23:42
rilakthere is23:42
rilakemacs -nw23:42
Dr_Willismamato_,  ive seen a colordiff command befor.23:42
rilakemacs -nw M-x diff :D23:42
Dr_Willis!find colordiff23:42
ubot3Found: colordiff23:42
rilakokay, I'm off23:42
PeloDevourer, menu > system > prefs > sessions,  open what you want opened, 3rdtab , save23:42
DevourerPelo, lol, wow.23:43
* Pelo 's knowledge of the simple stuff is very impressive to noobs23:43
mamato_if i'm gonna launch emacs, i might as well launch a gtk diff...23:43
sfearsKiD_ChAoS, i'm not sure why you can't get roaming mode to stay off..i would assume roaming mode is more than likely causing some kind of connection issue23:43
Lgndryhrdanand: it says minimal kernel is 2.6.24-rc123:43
Dr_Willis!info colordiff | mamato_23:43
ubot3mamato_: colordiff: tool to colorize 'diff' output. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-2 (gutsy), package size 11 kB, installed size 104 kB23:43
Jeeves2can anyone help me figure out why after a dist upgrade, I'm now getting "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"23:44
danandLgndryhr - yes... think you'll need the kernel headers for the kernel your gonna compile that module for though. check the build instructions in the download23:44
Lgndryhrdanand: i did and the readme says minimal kernel is 2.6.24-rc123:44
rhssander_m: are you still there, I think I made a mistake23:44
PeloJeeves2, some dependency didn't get upgraded maybe ?23:44
sander_mrhs: I'm here23:44
=== darkfire is now known as [darkfire]
KiD_ChAoSsfears, im using KDE, in KNetworkManager, there isn't anything there that says roaming, is this a problem23:45
sander_mrhs: I just finished installing the packages (the dpkg -i steps)23:45
=== [darkfire] is now known as xdarkfirex
emetJeeves2, that may be because you modified the configuration and have a new MySQL23:45
* Pelo wonders if the gnome session manager can be disabled so only the stuff in /home/user/.config/autostart counts 23:45
emetJeeves2, maybe the new mysql you have doesn't like the old mysql configuration23:45
Jeeves2Pelo:  how do I find out?  this is a munit-vhosted server and I'm going to be PISSED if I loose all of that data23:45
sfearsare you connected thru your wireless?23:45
sfearsare you connected thru your wireless? KiD_ChAoS23:45
iceswordgood morning23:45
danandLgndryhr - hmmm .... i downloaded the cvs version ... but that was a while ago now. try and grab a version thats ok for your kernel then. the rt2500 card should be well supported, even by older versions of that code23:45
rhssander_m: I don't know much about kernel updates, but so far, my card works fine through kernel updates, but it may not in the future23:46
aidanrtodays python update breaking apps for anyone?23:46
PeloJeeves2, just run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   , thats should upgrade any packages that haven't been upgraded yet23:46
samadhello all, can anyone recommend a dock program for Ubuntu Gutsy that's similar to RocketDock?23:46
Jeeves2Pelo:  thanks23:46
KiD_ChAoSno sfears im hardlined, no networks are popping up for me to choose from.23:46
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PeloJeeves2, if that doesn't do it , run the keywords from the error msg in the search of www.ubuntuforums.org23:46
emetJeeves2, do a dist-upgrade since it can cull old packages23:46
sander_mrhs: How so? Personally I don't mind the occasional manual update, but this system isn't going to be mine (I run Debian Lenny)23:46
LibertyShadowHey, I am just putting out there that I am really impressed with the turn around time for the sound fix with the latest Hardy Alpha 6 Kernel.23:46
sfearsKiD_ChAoS, if you could get roaming mode to stay off it would proally pick the best network automatically23:46
wdsomerwinamp install for ubuntu 7.123:46
sander_mrhs: So it needs to be a bit n00b proof :-)23:46
Jeeves2Pelo:  if I've lost the tables, then I'm screwed.23:47
LibertyShadowThank you, if anyone here is responsible :D23:47
Pelowdsomer, ask in #winehq23:47
Jeeves2Pelo:  I don't know why they can't make the upgrade SIMPLE23:47
emetJeeves2,  did you do an apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade?23:47
sfearshave you rebooted & tried to disable roaming mode KiD_ChAoS23:47
PeloJeeves2, I'm not familiar with mysql, I was just assuming it might have been a package issue23:47
danandLgndryhr - good luck. i'm off to bed...23:47
PeloJeeves2,  the upgrade was simple for me,  but there are still some issues23:47
tobiasi just installed 4gb ram but Linux only sees 3gb.  what's wrong?23:48
rhssander_m: all I can tell you is that it went fine when I installed a "slightly" new version of the kernel23:48
KiD_ChAoSsfears, in any event i would like to see networks, i think i have played with roaming before going from on to off, but they always still showed me available wireless networks, no i can only find Access Points by going into shell23:48
emettobias, you need the 64-bit version of Ubuntu23:48
kobelobeim am a crip23:48
Peloemet,  32bit limited to 3 gig ?23:48
tobiasemet: really? that will fix it?23:48
ArpaHow can I recompile my Ubuntu kernel Source code and set it to the current kernel (I customized some part of the kernel) !23:48
emetPelo, it's limited to 4gb of *address space*23:48
sander_mrhs: Ah, no problem then. Kernel patches/bugfixes are the one's that show up with automatic updates. IIRC you have to do major kernel upgrades manually.23:48
KiD_ChAoSsfears, yes i tried when you first asked me. I'll play around with it some more then i'll just have to format i guess....i don;t know23:48
Peloemet, ic23:48
emettobias, it should, give the liveCD a try and do a memory check23:48
samadcan anyone recommend a dock program for Ubuntu similar to RocketDock?23:49
kobelobewhere can i find a crip bitch to crip boogie to a gangsta beat23:49
tobiasemet: ok, thanks23:49
emetPelo, video cards, certain hardware, eat address space23:49
sfearsformating won't solve your problem23:49
PeloArpa, just point to it in grub23:49
kobelobeyour nuts are sweaty23:49
Flare183!ops > kobelobe23:49
manchickenkobelobe: You could try asking your mother.  You probably won't find anything of that sort here.23:49
oneforallhi is the mplayer xine etc package compiled againt lame libdvdcss etc23:49
sfearsif  you take out the hardcoded information your available networks will show up again KiD_ChAoS23:49
Arpawhere is the grub?23:49
kobelobewanchicken sorry23:49
sander_mrhs: One more question: after which atoconfig step should I reboot? After --initial? After --overlay? both?23:49
kobelobeim just a crip23:49
hybrid-kernelanyone know if it's possible to split vertically with screen?23:49
=== NSN|Brainstorm is now known as NSN|Admin
Pelomanchicken, don'T feed the troll23:49
kobelobei dont know how to act, nah mean?23:49
sfearsi know you need to have those IPs in there.. but if you format & hardcode them again it will just do the same thing23:49
kobelobefeed a crip cu23:50
der0bheya folks, anyone know the proper way to use find to locate dirs the a [ in the name?23:50
KiD_ChAoSsfears, takeout the hardcoded stuff from my wireless card properties?23:50
kobelobei need upport23:50
kobelobeto hold me pen up23:50
Flare183!coc | kobelobe23:50
ubot3kobelobe: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/23:50
kobelobeis very heavy23:50
kobelobeok sorry my cuzzes23:50
Pelo!ops | kobelobe23:50
rhssander_m: it doesn't seem to matter according to all the french dribble that's all around23:50
ubot3kobelobe: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!23:50
kobelobeil stop23:50
sfearsno.. take out the hard coded stuff from your eth card properties..it's all tied into the same thing23:50
tobiasemet: is it possible to upgrade a 32bot install to a 64bit install?23:50
sander_mrhs: Okay23:50
Flare183Pelo: already done that once23:50
PriceChild!offtopic | kobelobe23:50
ubot3kobelobe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:50
sander_mrhs: I'll to it after the 2nd one then23:50
AFROM4N* se tiver algum brasileiro vem pvt por favor23:51
AFROM4N* se tiver algum brasileiro vem pvt por favor23:51
emettobias, I am not sure actually, never tried it23:51
KiD_ChAoSsfears,  ok but there is not any more i can take out, there both set to DHCP.....that's it23:51
Pelo!opsnack | LjL23:51
ubot3LjL: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!23:51
LjL!br | AFROM4N23:51
ubot3AFROM4N: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:51
sfearsif you have hard coded stuff in your wireless properties then that's why there's no available networks.. if it's hardcoded then that's the only one it will use.. hence the hardcoding23:51
YashyCan someone point me to how to get a multifunction Dell 1125 printer working in ubuntu? Most importantly the scanner? xsane doesn't detect it.23:51
hybrid-kernelanyone know if it's possible to split vertically with screen?23:51
PeloYashy, consider checking in this list and in the forum  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport  www.ubuntuforums.org23:52
emettobias, you might want to read this23:52
=== Flummoxed` is now known as Snoman^
Dr_Willishybrid-kernel,  i dont think it  is. the split-screen feature of screen is so Undocumented at times - it MIGHT be possible - but i doubt it.23:52
emet!64 | tobias23:52
ubot3tobias: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.23:52
wdsomerinstall winamp ?23:52
tobiasemet: thanks23:52
KiD_ChAoSsfears, is there a way i can clear that stuff out?, i tried removing the module with modprobe -r ndisrwapper and then putting it back it but nothing changes23:52
mamato_is there a replacement for less which works with colorized output?23:52
Dr_Willishybrid-kernel,  you man want to check out 'twin' if that is a MUST have feature.23:52
emettobias, there might be a way to switch the repositories around to upgrade all your packages, but it can be risky I'd assume since it probably not a very common thing to do23:53
rhssander_m: if your user will use mplayer, put zoom=yes and vo=x11 in .mplayer/config23:53
hybrid-kernelnot must have, just sort of pointless of splitting horizontally on a wide monitor23:53
hybrid-kernelthnx, i'll try it out23:53
tobiasemet: hm, and inability to run 32bit packages looks bat23:53
emettobias, apt updates occur in real time, and it would be kinda screwy to have a hybrid of 64-bit and 32-bit packages on a system, especially since the 32-bit kernel can't run 64-bit apps23:53
PeloFlare183, why the sad face ?23:54
sfearsndiswrapper is kind of the driver that allows all that information to be sent to the card.. doesn't have anything to do with the settings.. as far as clearing them out you just need to set everything to automatic23:54
Dr_Willishybrid-kernel,  twin is nifty. but its a little weird in ways. with some fonts on the console - it dont look too good. :(23:54
Flare183Pelo: nothing to really do23:54
Flare183Pelo: and I can get depressed when I don't have nothing to do for along time23:54
emettobias, 64-bit ubuntu got very good, the only problems you may have is Flash (no 64-bit version), but there are workarounds23:54
KiD_ChAoSsfears, ok will do, i'll be back in a flash because i might have to reboot23:55
derdui_Hi does anybody know a free version of turboprint? but one were i dont have the dammed banner in my picture23:55
Flare183Pelo: yeap23:55
PeloFlare183, play around with conky , that cheared me up23:55
lukusdoes anyone run ubuntu on an ibm thinkpad?23:55
emettobias, also 64-bit mode eats more memory then 32-bit mode, but the use of 1GB outways that23:55
Dr_Willisderdui_,  the normal cups drivers are the  free ones. :) i think thas how they do it at least.23:55
tobiaslukus: i do23:55
sfearsi see there's no automatic setting23:55
Pelolukus, it,s been done, just ask about your issues23:55
sfearsjust delete any of the IPs & subnet masks.. make sure you have them written down in case you need to put them back in23:55
sander_mrhs: Each on a separate line I presume?23:56
lukustobias: thinking about buying one with nvidia graphics - but i want to run ubuntu... just wondering if it would work23:56
Pelo!hi | Administ1ador23:56
ubot3Administ1ador: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:56
derdui_well Dr_Willis iam working two days to run my printer with original drivers the japanese one, and a ppd-script.... it diesent work, but with turboprint, it does23:56
rhssander_m: yes23:56
sander_mrhs: done23:57
tobiaslukus: i have ATI graphics and cannot use accelerated drivers.  nvidia might be better23:57
sander_mrhs: I just rebooted after the aticonfig stuff and I still have a gui. So far so good :-)23:57
Cosmo-sanhey guys, truecrpt isn't showing up in my package manager and the truecrypt.org site is down, it seems.  any reasons why?23:57
tardysorry to beat a dead horse, anyone hear of using desktop effects with dual graphics cards and dual monitors?23:57
Dr_Willisderdui_,  i think how it works is the cups guys make/sell turboprint drivers.. then after a while (a few months/hear) the drivers seem to get into the free cups system.23:57
Pelolukus, nvidia does not provide an open source driver,  there is a restricted driver for nvidia cards and binairy drivers,  ubuntu might not work right out of the box23:57
Administ1adorwhen it is used footballer and football player? or are they same thing?23:57
Jack_Sparrowtardy, Yes but there is an overall limit to the combined size/res of the displays23:58
derdui_it is a canon ip2200 Dr_Willis and i dont know what i should do now23:58
lukuspelo: not worried about having to play with settings, as long as it's possible... need a card which functions with gl shader... thought nvidia might be best bet23:58
PeloAdminist1ador, this is a support channel for a linux distribution called ubuntu , not a general chat channel23:58
Jeeves2Jack_Sparrow:  hey man.  do you know if when I do a "apt-get install mysql-server" if it'll maintain all of the data that is in the databases, users, etc?23:59
Jack_SparrowJeeves2, No idea..23:59
Administ1adorPelo: and a irc from offtopic? o general irc?23:59
lukustobias: which ati card are you using ... is it a firegl?23:59
Dr_Willisderdui_,  if it works with turboprint, you could buy turboprint.  Canon is very annoying with their linux support.23:59
Flare183I'm pretty much done with my homework so I can now help people23:59
tardyJack_Sparrow, thank you Jack, I'm assuming dual 1680x1050 will be an issue then23:59
SpookyETVim vs Emacs Screenshot: http://www.freeimagehost.eu/image/a3f9e1282330523:59
Jack_Sparrowtardy, yep23:59
PeloAdminist1ador,  try #ubuntu-offtopic, but generaly freenode is more about software and such23:59
tobiaslukus: Radeon Mobility X140023:59

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