
=== bpeterson is now known as gutworth
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Odd_BlokeVerterok: o/00:45
VerterokOdd_Bloke: hey, my ssh connection works again :-)00:55
ubotuNew bug: #200816 in bzr-loom "combine-thread sounds like it merges, but it doesn't" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20081601:32
ubotuNew bug: #200819 in bzr-loom "combine-thread silently drops unmerged changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20081901:35
Odd_Blokejelmer: http://bundlebuggy.vernstok.nl/bzr-gtk//request/%3C1200860579.32181.3.camel@dasch.egmont-kol.dk%3E is giving me a 500 error, traceback at http://paste.pocoo.org/show/32888/01:43
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* mwhudson points people with brain cells to spare at his mailing list post05:03
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husluthe help says that with push target branch will not have its working tree populated, but when i do push all the files get there. what does it mean?05:42
bob2push only updates working copies on the local machine (i.e. file:/// urls)05:43
husluok push does not actually 'push' the files. do i have to use checkout?06:05
bob2it pushes the branch06:06
bob2does the thing you're pushing /to/ have a checkout already?  if so, "bzr up" (or ssh remotehost 'cd /remotepath ; bzr up' or whatever)06:07
Peng(If you really want to update the working copy when pushing, and have a good reason for it, and are using sftp or ssh, get the push-and-update plugin.)06:08
husluno, i am pushing to a place that was empty06:11
bob2"bzr up" should get the files then (and'll need to be run after every push or you need the plugin Peng mentioned).06:12
husluunfortunately i am confused about these commands, and i have read manuals and online help.06:13
bob2which part's got you?06:14
husluright now pulling, pushing, updating. they all sound similar and not exactly sure what they are now meant to do.06:15
bob2ah, ok06:15
huslupush only seems to copy over the .bzr dir06:15
bob2pull and push work on the branch level - they pull/push changes at the internal bzr data level06:16
Peng(Of course, pull also runs update afterwards, making things more confusing.)06:16
bob2"update" updates a working copy, incorporating any changes that have been stored by bzr, but haven't been applied to the workign copy files yet06:16
bob2it does the same as "svn up" would06:18
huslui haven't used svn, so update always makes sure local working tree is up to date with where ever it came from?06:19
bob2though the local working tree might have local uncommited changes06:20
husluso apart from the plugins, is there a way to get the files over to remote side with one local command?06:21
bob2no, that's the point of the plugin - it is transport dependent06:22
bob2er, "being able to do update is transport dependent"06:22
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dokoany reason that we still have the 1.2 release candidate in hardy?07:28
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awilkinsdoko: Don't think it matters, AFAIK, RC was identical to release09:21
awilkinsDead in here, innit. THey're all knackered after the Sprint in London09:22
PengThere was one change in 1.2: "Fix failing test in Launchpad plugin."09:46
ubotuNew bug: #200927 in bzr-svn "crash when generating file id map" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20092710:40
Stavrosis bzr faster than svn?12:16
jamStavros: it sort of depends on what you are doing. For many things bzr can work purely locally, making it a lot faster12:18
jamIf you are using a checkout in bzr, and are on a local lan, and committing changes to a 500MB file, I think svn is faster12:18
Stavrosjam: it seems that for all operations bzr is much faster (svn takes about ten seconds to even begin committing/whatever), but i don't know if it depends on wc siz12:19
jamAnd you don't have the option to pull history locally for svn12:19
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jamSo "initial checkout" can be misleading12:19
Stavrosoh yeah, local diffs are great12:19
Stavroswell, it's worth a slow initial checkout for fast diffs12:19
jamSo yeah, not having to connect to a remote server can give bzr a big speed advantage12:20
Stavrosis there a good bzr gui, by the way?12:20
jambzr-gtk is the standard one, which is evolving a tortoisebzr/nautilusbzr and Olive12:20
jamThere is also qbzr, which I haven't used12:20
Stavrosyes, i tried qbzr, it was nice12:20
Stavrosits diffing was better than bzr-gtk12:20
jamBecause it did side-by-side diffs?12:21
jambzr-gtk could probably grab "meld" to do that12:21
Stavrosrather pretty, too12:21
jambut sure12:21
AfCIs it true that initial checkout of a bzr branch is slower than initial checkout of a Subversion one? I'm sure there are times, where that's true, but in general, bzr is getting faster and faster each release. Subversion has always been pokey.12:22
jamAfC: well, if you have a project with 3GB of history, downloading that is a bit slow12:22
StavrosAfC: well, it has to transfer everything...12:22
jamI would imagine with shallow branches it gets better12:22
jamWe could also do a lightweight checkout, but I don't think we've done a lot of work optimizing that path over the network12:23
AfCjam: yeah12:24
=== FreeNode is now known as herb
=== FreeNode is now known as herb
AfCSo I've got bzr-svn pulling a (large) Subversion repo for the first time. Hooray and all that. Now, obviously I can branch from this locally, work on my branches, push/merge back, etc.12:45
AfCBut what about collaboration? Going through the n-hours it'll take to pull this thing down,12:45
AfCis not an experience I'd like to force on the (mostly Git) users around here. Can I just hand them the bzr branch12:46
AfCor, do I like cp -a / scp -pr the "repo" containing what bzr-svn pulled down, ...?12:46
AfC(around here == a hackfest on that project)12:46
AfC(so if I can use an ethernet cable and two seconds of pushing to move the revisions to a compatriot that would be good, I expect)12:47
LarstiQAfC: you could bzr serve it up I guess, or ship them the repository + branch12:50
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AfCLarstiQ: Thanks. The variation here is that they all too have read/write access to the upstream Subversion repository, so ideally they could likewise use the trunk branch. Not sure if that's the sort of use case that people had in mind12:52
AfCLarstiQ: but you think handing them a tarball of the fetched and init'ed and champagned repo would work?12:52
LarstiQAfC: I'm not entirely clear on what they need to do with it and such. But with the repo and branch they should have all revisions used and a branch handle to it.12:53
LarstiQAfC: if they need to communicate with svn again, they need bzr-svn as well and it might do caching of svn data again12:54
AfCOh, I just thought of one thing that could be a problem: the URL I checked out has my username in it (as it is svn+ssh). That's not going to be very sharable12:54
* LarstiQ has never tried shipping the result12:54
AfCLarstiQ: I'm just trying to avoid them having to do the initial bzr-svn pull. Which is ... lengthy12:54
LarstiQAfC: I suggest testing under a different user if it will need to do the bzr-svn caching again12:55
AfCand makes Bazaar look really bad, unfortunately. And as there is increasing momentum towards Git around here I want to try and compete with that before it is too late12:55
* LarstiQ nods12:55
AfCLarstiQ: good idea12:55
AfCLarstiQ: (I rather suspect it might; that part only took a minute, so that's not so bad)12:56
LarstiQAfC: if it were plain bzr, bzr pull --remember url-without-username will then prompt them for their username later on. Not sure how bzr-svn deals with auth12:56
LarstiQthose are the only things I can think of right now12:56
* LarstiQ does a small test12:56
* AfC supposes he should have used something smaller than GTK+ as his first use of bzr-svn :)12:57
LarstiQmaybe :)12:57
AfCThe trick that someone suggested of doing init && pull rather than branch13:00
AfCto provide resumability seems a good idea13:00
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LarstiQAfC: yes, although qua data it should already be resumable if you use a shared repository, the actual revision objects get shoved into that13:04
AfCLarstiQ: Yes, of course13:04
LarstiQAfC: then the branch is only a pointer to the last revision, remaining problems are that the branch isn't initialised as being one, so you need to remove the directory and branch again13:04
LarstiQso yeah, init and pull is a nicer ui13:05
* LarstiQ got his svn branch, procedes to test with a different user13:05
AfCI'm only using whatever the current release is (0.4.7?) so I'm not sure if this has been addressed, but it sure is a bit lean on progress reporting.13:05
LarstiQAfC: ok, I copied over a repo plus branch, the other user can log/st/diff/ci without having bzr-svn13:07
LarstiQnow to test if they can push up to svn13:07
* AfC is only seeing about 3 revisions per second coming in. This is clearly going to take a while.13:08
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
LarstiQAfC: my suspicion was right, the second user after installing bzr-svn and running bzr push http://svn... gets to also cache the svn information. Which is rather quick I'm happy to say.13:13
LarstiQcommitting fails because of auth, let me check that13:14
Af1did the fact that the thing that was copied had a different URL as its origin cause a problem? Doesn't sound like it13:14
Af1Ah, ok13:14
=== Af1 is now known as AfC
LarstiQAfC: I was using anonymous http at first13:16
LarstiQthere is no svn+ssh running there13:16
AfCNow that I think about it: in bzr context it shouldn't matter at all. You just push to the URL you're pushing to. It just remains to be seen whether the guts of bzr-svn are unable to cope with that usecase13:17
LarstiQok, I'm think I'm shafted on that front13:18
LarstiQsvn python bindings prior to 1.5 don't allow you to do anything with authentication13:18
LarstiQyou can work around it by forcing svn to cache credentials13:18
LarstiQAfC: if you don't require people to push to svn, everything should work nicely13:19
AfCWell, I'll see if I can find a) a small project at that host + b) someone sympathetic to test with13:19
LarstiQif not, there is the bit of authentication I can't test for you atm13:19
LarstiQAfC: cool13:19
* LarstiQ heads of to his appointment13:19
AfCLarstiQ: {shrug} the project is in Subversion. Nothing I can do about that at the moment. And given that some people are using svn, others git-svn, and (I hope more than 0) bzr-svn to get to it, I expect it will remain the common point for some time to come, unfortuantely.13:20
AfCLarstiQ: see ya. Thanks for checking things13:20
jamAfC: I believe there is a bzr-svn cache that you will also need to give the other users13:20
jamwith that and the bzr branch13:20
jamthey shouldn't have to do the 'mega-pull'13:20
AfCjam: based on LarstiQ's experiments just now, not passing the bzr-svn cache across wasn't a show stopper - it just went and "re" did it. The cost of that was about a minute, so no biggie.13:21
jamah, ok13:21
jamI thought that was one of the bigger expenses, but I guess not13:21
AfC(bit harder to tuck into a tarball or whatever, so that worked out well)13:21
AfCjam: I would have thought so too13:21
AfCbut hey13:21
jamAfC: is that for the large project? or a small one13:21
jamthat sounds pretty big :)13:22
AfCThe launchpad import was 15256 revisions and 197929 KB as reported by bzr info -v.13:22
AfCBut I don't want to use that.13:22
jamsure, bzr-svn can be used to collaborate between the two13:23
AfCI (and everyone else here) has write permissions on the upstream project. So it's not a case of export and abandon, it's "want to use bzr to show it off, but unfortunately against a Subversion project"13:24
AfCand so the launchpad import is kinda useless.13:24
awilkinsIf you can get bzr-svn absolutlely ironclad, it's the major reason to use BZR13:45
awilkinsWell, A major reason13:45
awilkinsJustifying things to risk-averse managers is a major decider of project adoptance in the real world13:47
awilkinsOh, can anyone give me feedback about using bzr with WebDAV? Do you just install a standard WebDAV plugin on your Apache instance?13:49
AfCjam: any sense if it is indeed best practise to frequently restart bzr-svn when doing its "mega-pull"?13:54
awilkinsAfC: I wrote a script to do it a few hundred revisions at a time13:55
awilkinsAfC: Otherwise it would just fill all available memory and crap out13:55
awilkinsI define best practice in this case as "it works, so go with it"13:56
ubotuNew bug: #200993 in bzr "AssertionError on revert" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20099313:57
jamAfC: when the svn binding leak, it is definitely recommended to loop over "bzr pull -r XXX" by like 100 or 1000 at a time14:35
jamSince we also have the possibility of getting disconnected, etc, I would also recommend it.14:35
jamI don't know the internals of svn => pack pulling, if it commits anything while it is running or not14:35
jamI can check real quick14:35
jamAfC: it seems that bzr-svn is opening and closing a "write group" for every revision14:45
jamwhich might be part of the performance issue14:45
jambut it does mean that after any pull the data will be in the target14:45
jameven if stopped halfway14:45
awilkinsjam: Yes, it repacks after each revision14:46
LarstiQsounds rather like something spiv and jelmer looked at at the sprint14:46
* awilkins cheers14:46
jamI certainly would recommend doing it every 100 or so14:47
jamThat's what I do in cvsps and some other converters14:47
jamI think Ian has fast-import hooked up to do it every 1000014:47
awilkinsAs far as I can tell, the hardlink support is the only API break that effects bzr-svn, so you can just add a None parameter to the API and run on14:47
awilkinsWould this "not packing every revision" thing be present in a more recent revision?14:48
jamawilkins: well, I have tip, and it seems to be there14:48
jamsorry, it still packs every revision14:48
jamI was unclear14:48
awilkinsjam: tip of 0.4?14:48
awilkinsor trunk?14:49
AfCOh, nice. I left bzr-svn running for the last hour, and it grew to 1.7 GB14:49
jamtrunk, I believe14:49
awilkinsYeah, it does that14:49
AfCof RAM in use.14:49
awilkinsthe RAM use gets bigger than the source repository is :-P14:49
* awilkins waits for his MKS resync to finish14:51
awilkinsAncient VCS programs and hokey operating systems ain't no match for a good blaster at your side....14:52
* awilkins is still waiting for MKS14:56
* awilkins is still waiting for MKS15:00
AfCIs bzr-svn trunk safe to use? (ie, is it recommended, more performant, etc? Or is that branch considered unstable except at releases [I don't know jelmer's release practises])15:01
awilkins"bleeding edge, may break existing imports every now and then"15:03
LarstiQAfC: it is recommended to use releases15:07
* awilkins is still waiting for MKS15:07
LarstiQ15:01:10< nevans> jelmer: I'm up to date with http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/stable/, and I'm getting "using experimental bzr-svn mappings; output may change15:09
LarstiQ15:03:20< jelmer> nevans: you should not be using it for production type data but a release instead15:09
AfCLarstiQ: very well15:10
AfCIncidentally, as I was trying to grab that branch I got15:11
AfCbzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///home/andrew/vcs/launchpad/bzr-svn/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository KnitRepository('http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejelmer/bzr-svn/trunk/.bzr/repository/')15:11
AfCwhich is an error I don't understand15:11
awilkinsMeans the repository formats are not compatible15:12
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awilkinswere you doing a branch inside a repsository folder?15:13
awilkinsOr pulling into a pre-inited repo?15:13
awilkinsIncpompatible repo formats are one of the things about bzr I find discomfiting15:15
* awilkins is still waiting for MKS15:15
LarstiQAfC: yeah, that sucks :(15:19
LarstiQAfC: ties into the 'too many formats in play'15:19
LarstiQdiscussion we had15:19
* awilkins is still waiting for MKS and now wants to wage Jihad on Mortice Kern Systems15:19
awilkinsYou should deprecate some of them, split them out of the codebase and make them plugins, including conversion routines to newer formats. Of course, that needs robust converters.....15:20
AfCawilkins, LarstiQ: originally, yes, but then I got the same error when I tried to pull into a --knits repo.15:20
AfC"1.0". Sure.15:21
awilkinsIt's dirstate-with-trees AFAIK15:21
awilkinsYeah, 1.0 was a bit premature... SVN waited for almost geological time before delcaring 1.015:21
* awilkins is still waiting for MKS15:25
* AfC is trying the 100 revisions at a time approach. It's taking a while.15:27
awilkinsYup, it certainly does15:27
awilkinsIt's not too bad once it's finished.15:27
awilkinsI got the trunk of a 1.5GB repo converted in about 12 hours... then deleted it accidentally :-(15:30
spivjam: yes, bzr-svn does commit a write group for every revision15:34
spivjam: I asked jelmer about it, it's done intentionally so that interrupted imports can be continued.15:34
spivjam: I agree though, I think I'd like to see a less extreme policy like every 100 commits.15:35
LarstiQ15:54:52 <jelmer> nadeel van meerdere revisies per write group is dat je eigenlijk heuristiek nodig hebt om te bepalen hoeveel revisies je per keer wilt15:35
LarstiQ15:55:44 <jelmer> en dat is oa afhankelijk van hoe duur het sluiten/openen van een write group is, en dat is weer repository-specifiek15:36
LarstiQdrawback of multiple revisions per write group is that you need a heuristic to determine how many revisions you want per batch15:36
awilkinsMy Dutch is a leeeetle bit rusty15:36
LarstiQwhich among others depends on how costly it is to open/close a write group, and that again is repository specific15:36
LarstiQawilkins: hey, you saw it was Dutch ;)15:36
LarstiQanyway, that's the translation15:37
awilkinsLarstiQ: Nope, I just know Jelmers NS maps to .nl15:37
LarstiQawilkins: ah.15:37
LarstiQDutch and English really look a lot alike to me15:38
* dato sends glasses in LarstiQ's direction.15:38
spivLarstiQ: well, there already is a heuristic15:38
spivLarstiQ: it's just that it's hard-coded to 1 ;)15:38
LarstiQspiv: I'm just the messenger! ;)15:39
barrydoes anybody know what this error means: 'bzr: ERROR: Files are in different branches' ?15:40
barrymore importantly, how to fix that? :)15:41
spivbarry: what's the command?15:43
barryspiv: bzr branch rocketfuel pristine; cd pristine; bzr diff . ../rocketfuel15:43
LarstiQbarry: bzr diff -r branch:../rocketfuel15:44
barryLarstiQ: thanks, that seems to work.  is that something that's changed since 1.0?15:45
LarstiQbarry: let me look that up, it changes when I wasn't present to object at least15:46
LarstiQbarry: yeah, 1.1rc115:46
LarstiQbarry: oh, the NEWS entry suggests --new15:46
spivThere's bzr diff --old/--new now.15:47
barryLarstiQ: ok, cool, thanks.  yesterday i updated from 1.0 to 1.215:47
LarstiQ* The syntax ``bzr diff branch1 branch2`` is no longer supported.  Use ``bzr diff branch1 --new branch2`` instead. This change has been made to remove the ambiguity where ``branch2`` is in fact a specific file to diff within ``branch1``.15:47
* LarstiQ mourns the passing of `bzr diff branch1 branch2`15:47
* barry does too, but atleast there's a workaround!15:48
barryLarstiQ: thanks!15:48
LarstiQbarry: glad to be of help15:48
* LarstiQ tries the expense form once again15:48
* awilkins has finished waiting for MKS15:53
* awilkins wonders why MKS is still eating a whole CPU when it's claiming to be doing nothing15:54
awilkinsPerhaps it something to do with having 42 threads going.....15:55
ubotuNew bug: #201040 in bzr "Break-lock of a branch bound by another branch causes "infinite" recursion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20104015:57
Stavroscan i version my code automatically? i.e. include a placeholder that bzr will fill in automatically with revision number/version?16:04
asabilStavros: iirc not supported yet16:05
Stavrosah, thanks16:05
LarstiQStavros: you can use `bzr version-info`16:13
StavrosLarstiQ: oh, i see, so i can output a python file with the relevant strings, then?16:20
datoStavros: rather, in any format you want, with --template (I think)16:21
Stavrosyes, thanks, that's a good solution16:22
=== lamont is now known as lamont`
squeI did bzr add on a folder and addded recursively all the files in it, but I needed only the folder. Now how can I remove versioning from files inside this folder without removing them?17:20
itzsidI got this one in project ideas, "Update the PQM with an XMLRPC interface instead of an email based one. So that when 'pqm-submit' is finished, you know the pqm has your data. Also, it would be nice if the pqm could perform quick sanity checks at this time."17:21
itzsidcould some body explain it more clearly ??17:21
LarstiQsque: bzr rm --keep17:25
squeLarstiQ Ty!! :D17:26
james_witzsid: PQM at the moment only works by email, this means that you send an email, and then some time later you either get a confirmation or an error. Adding XMLRPC means that you get an error straight away, rather than having to worry about emails being held up.17:37
james_witzsid: are you interested in doing a bzr SoC project then?17:38
james_whi LarstiQ17:38
itzsidjames_w: may be, i was just looking for ideas17:39
james_witzsid: there are probably more ideas not on the page if you have any you want to suggest.17:41
LarstiQheya james_w17:45
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
itzsidjames_w: do you know if anyone doing that XMLRPC interface ?? I am quite interested17:47
james_witzsid: I think Odd_Bloke was interested in that one.17:49
itzsidjames_w: its ok17:50
spivitzsid: PQM could validate requests earlier than it currently does17:51
spivitzsid: if you send a request with the wrong GPG key, or for a branch you don't have access to, or for a branch that PQM doesn't know about, PQM should be able to report that problem immediately.17:52
spivitzsid: instead, it waits until the request hits the top of the queue before doing even basic checking.17:52
itzsidspiv: ok, Is there any similar idea left, where some work can be done ?17:55
LarstiQsimilar in what sense?17:57
spivitzsid: well, the problem I just mentioned is still waiting for someone to work on it AFAIK :17:57
itzsidspiv: Are you talking about a different idea than james_w ?18:00
itzsidspiv: because he told Odd_Bloke was interested in this one18:00
spivitzsid: yeah, I am.18:02
spivitzsid: the "it would be nice if the pqm could perform quick sanity checks at this time." part.  It's orthogonal to adding an XML-RPC interface in my opinion.18:03
kikospiv, is the fact that you need to break-lock multiple times to free a branch up a known bug?18:03
spivkiko: partly18:03
spivkiko: it seems that there's multiple server-side processes waiting (one per client that attempted to acquire the lock while it was already locked?), so you need to break-lock to clear the backlog.18:04
kikocould the smart server be smarter about that?18:05
spivkiko: although the server-side ought to have a lock wait time of 0 seconds now, IIRC.18:05
spivSo I'm a bit surprised it's still occuring.18:05
spivSo "known bug" in the sense of "known to happen", but not in the sense of "fully understood".18:06
kikoI see.18:06
itzsidspiv: I got it18:07
LarstiQspiv: it is, but I'd think both can be done under one PQM umbrella this summer.18:08
Odd_Bloke(he said, at 6:10pm)18:09
spivLarstiQ: ah right, I came in halfway through and didn't realise we were talking about GSoC projects.18:19
squeI want to push some changes on my branch at lauchpad18:21
squefrom linux it worked with my ssh key18:22
squenow that I am from windows how can I do it?18:22
squejust discovered it18:25
itzsidspiv: I looked at the ideas page but couldn't get it. Do you have any more ideas which could be worked ??18:25
squeLeoNerd: must I create a new ssh key? or can I use it the one created inside linux?18:26
LeoNerdEither will work..18:27
LeoNerdBest practice says you should make a new key per client machine18:27
LeoNerdThe private key ought never to leave the machine it was generated on, see18:27
LarstiQitzsid: what would you like to work one?18:27
squeit is the same machine18:27
itzsidLarstiQ: anything involving XMLRPC18:31
LarstiQitzsid: I don't know that we have much of that. Somewhat related would be SmartServer work.18:32
itzsidLarstiQ: what's SmartServer18:32
LarstiQitzsid: a smart server that implements higher level logic, as opposed to dumb vfs transports18:34
LarstiQitzsid: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Specs/SmartServer and http://bazaar-vcs.org/SmartServer/RemoteObjectHacking18:41
itzsidLarstiQ: is it there for GSoC ?18:43
james_witzsid: you can propose anything you like for GSoc.18:43
itzsidjames_w: I mean, is it in the scope to be done as a GSoC Project18:45
james_witzsid: yeah, if you define what you want to do well enough.18:46
james_wThere is plenty to do on the smart server, so just "work on the smart server" is probably too generic, but "add verbs for this, this, and this to the smart server" may be better.18:46
itzsidjames_w: ok18:47
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=== nevans__ is now known as nevans
=== mw is now known as mw|food
AfCHere's maybe a better question that what I was asking earlier: are the revisions created by Launchpad's vcs-import and by bzr-svn compatible?19:40
jelmerAfC: Nope19:40
AfCie, can I use the vcs import, and then update it with, and push back to, with bzr-svn?19:40
AfCjelmer: I didn't think so. Damn, etc19:40
jelmerAfC: That's actually what you were asking earlier worded differently :-)19:40
AfCjelmer: sorry.19:40
AfCjelmer: (though I have long ago learned that sometimes you need to ask the right question :))19:41
jelmerno worries, it's a fair question19:41
AfCjelmer: LarstiQ was quite helpful with some testing there19:41
jelmerAfC: what sort of testing?19:41
AfCjelmer: someone should tell the launchpad people that their import is pretty difficult to make use of as a result19:41
AfCjelmer: oh, I was exploring what would happen if someone tar'ed up a bzr-svn created branch+repo and scp'd it to another person locally (or over the net for that matter) t19:42
AfCto amortize the cost of constructing the initial bzr-svn branch19:42
jelmerAfC: ah19:43
jelmerAfC: if you have the memory leak fix that's in ubuntu hardy it should be pretty quick I expect19:43
jelmerwhat did you find?19:43
AfCI'm getting about 1 revision every 5 seconds; it will be a non-starter if I try to promote Bazaar to the people championing Git if it takes this long to compose19:43
AfCjelmer: he got most of the way, but couldn't test whether or not pushing back to a different username would work19:43
jelmerAfC: What version are you using exactly?19:44
jelmerI fixed a quite large performance bug in it with spiv during the sprint19:44
AfC(I know; awesome)19:44
AfCthe patched version of subversion 1.4.6 and bzr-svn 0..4.719:44
AfC[where "patched" is "that which was necessary to make it run at all, as defined by bzr-svn"]19:45
AfCAnyway, I'm doing the "pull 100 at a time" thing right now.19:45
jelmerThe memory leak fix may help somewhat there19:46
jelmerthe memory leak also slows it down because of the way the APR memory pools are implemented19:46
AfCI tried building Subversion from source but it didn't go very well19:46
jelmerit only works during a full moon19:47
jelmerand with the exact right version of SWIG, etc19:47
AfCIs the "memory leak fix" something other than "that which was necessary to make it work at all"?19:48
AfC(I mean, my Gentoo ebuild builds it from source fine. I just couldn't quite replicate those conditions by hand very well)19:48
AfCjelmer: ah19:48
jelmerWe fixed the memory leak only a couple of months ago19:48
jelmerthe other patches are over a year old by now I think19:49
AfCMaybe I should do 10 revisions at a time19:49
AfCSure would be nice if the Subversion team would do 1.4..719:49
jelmeror 1.5.0, that would remove the need to do any patches at all19:50
spivjelmer: thinking of making releases, when's the next bzr-svn release? :)19:50
jelmerspiv: 5 minutes from now :-)19:50
jelmerI'm fixing the last 5 tests at the moment19:50
AfCspiv: I dunno. Do you think we can wait that long?19:50
* AfC wonders if the Subversion crew do snapshot releases?19:50
jelmerI think they may do something like that for Subversion 1.519:52
AfCI just poked around on their website, and couldn't find anything in released form19:53
AfCOuch. This is taking 2 minutes per 10 revisions. Only 14,000 to go19:56
AfC[Now I understand why shallow branches are going to be important when they land]19:57
awilkinsjelmer: Want a win32 test log?20:05
jelmerawilkins: Sure20:05
awilkinsjelmer: Hold on... for which bzr version20:06
jelmerawilkins: Please use the 0.4.8 branch20:06
jelmerThat's the one I'm trying to release at the moment20:06
awilkinsRevision 939?20:06
awilkinsOh, it diverged from r 939?20:06
jelmerthat's the 0.4 branch20:06
jelmerwhich will become 0.4.9, not 0.4.820:06
awilkinswell, it's on both branches20:06
awilkins0.4 is on 94520:06
snodo.w 2020:07
* awilkins pulls 0.4.8 again20:07
Zectbumoit looks like the Summer of Code project to integrate bazaar in Visual Studio didn't happen.20:07
jelmerZectbumo: It's up on launchpad20:07
ZectbumoAugust 2007 was supposed to be the code checkin20:07
Zectbumojelmer: oh, where is that?20:07
jelmerZectbumo: yes, where are you looking for it?20:08
Zectbumoaha, perfect, thanks jelmer20:08
awilkinsjelmer: Erm, am I getting this right, http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4.8/ at r 906?20:13
Zectbumojelmer: does the VS plugin work?20:15
mxpxpodI just used bzr-svn to commit something to a project I work on and bzr set some properties on the subversion trunk... is there a way to keep that from happening?20:21
james_wmxpxpod: no, they are necessary for bzr-svn to keep track of what happened.20:29
jelmerawilkins, yep20:29
jelmerZectbumo: not sure, I've never used it myself20:29
james_wmxpxpod: are you using trac by any chance?20:29
jelmerZectbumo: afaik it at least works to some degree20:29
jelmerawilkins: I'll be back in a couple of hours20:30
mxpxpodjames_w: yeah, I am20:30
mxpxpodjames_w: http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/changeset/1303720:30
jelmerawilkins: Thanks for doing this. Kevin Light is also interested in packaging Subversion 1.5 (with the memory leak fix) and bzr-svn 0.4.8 for Windows20:30
jelmerawilkins: So hopefully bzr-svn 0.4.8 will rock on Windows!20:30
james_wmxpxpod: yeah, it's ugly and that's unfortunate. However if you want to make bzr-svn work two way it is necessary, as svn doesn't track the merges itself.20:31
jelmermxpxpod: IIRC there was some option to hide those properties in trac20:31
jelmersvk has the same problem20:31
mxpxpodjames_w: so, I should just specify the files I'm committing explicitly each time?20:31
jelmermxpxpod: it will always set those file properties20:32
james_wjelmer: hi. OOI are you compatible with svk in any way?20:32
mxpxpodjelmer: darn... that's kinda ugly20:32
jelmermxpxpod: it's the way these things work in Subversion20:32
mxpxpoda buddy of mine uses git-svn and it doesn't set props like that...20:33
jelmermxpxpod: yes, but git-svn doesn't allow roundtripping afaik20:33
jelmeryes, working on a svn branch as if it was a native bzr branch20:33
jelmersorry, really have to go now. back in a couple of hours20:34
awilkinsmxpxpod: It looks ugly in Trac, but that's about it ; and I strongly suspect SVN 1.5 implements merge tracking a similar way20:37
awilkinssvk also sets custom props20:37
awilkinsAlthough not *quite* so heavily20:38
mxpxpodawilkins: I'll talk to the dojotoolkit server op and see if we can't get trac to hide those props20:38
mxpxpodawilkins: thank you20:39
awilkinsNot sure theres one for the timeline though20:39
mxpxpodawilkins: what's the timeline?20:40
asabilZectbumo: last time I tried it worked20:40
Zectbumoasabil: tried it as in worked with it? or just played with it?20:41
asabilZectbumo: I just played with it20:42
mxpxpodawilkins: oh, you mean the trac timeline20:42
james_wbeuno: nice work on the podcast, I like it.20:43
mxpxpodawilkins: do you know if that list of properties to hide can be a glob?20:43
beunojames_w, thanks!  I listened to it again, and I would of liked to of explained things a little better20:43
=== mw|food is now known as mw
awilkinsDammit, this laptop really is bogged down with a tonne of pointless IT services crap20:52
awilkinsThe person who invented on-access virus checking should be shot for crimes against computing20:54
mxpxpodok, I have a checkout of an svn repo and it has three bzr: props on it: bzr:revision-id:v3-trunk1, bzr:file-ids, and bzr:revision-info... will those three props be on there whether I use a checkout or a branch?21:06
awilkinsI should think so21:08
awilkinsIt's a checkout of a bzr branch?21:08
mxpxpodno, I did this: bzr checkout svn://blah21:08
mxpxpodthe reason I'm asking is that I want to make sure that I've got all the bzr: props that could show up in the hide_properties list21:09
awilkinsjelmer: http://filebin.ca/ohcutg/log.zip21:10
awilkinsmxpxpod: Do a grep through the source21:10
awilkinsThey're all in mapping.py21:11
mxpxpodawilkins: cool21:11
mxpxpodawilkins: what about those ones that bring in a mapping version... like bzr:ancestry and bzr:revision-id21:12
* mxpxpod wishes trac would allow him to do hide_properties = bzr:*21:12
awilkinsThey all seem to be in one block of constants at the top of mapping.py21:13
alexregi'm trying to use bzr-ssh/sftp on windows, but launchpad seems to be rejecting the key...21:19
alexreg(seems to be authenticating fine in putty however)21:21
awilkinsalexreg: Are you using pageant?21:21
alexregyeah. the key's been added21:22
awilkinsDoes it work with another ssh host?21:22
alexreghaven't tried. is there any simple way to do so?21:23
awilkinsUnless you have a shell account on another box, possibly not :-)21:23
alexregi'm thinking it's unlikely to be a host problem, considering putty auths well21:24
alexregyeah: i suppose i could set one up on ubuntu under a VM, if it's worth it...21:24
awilkinsAre you using plink or the native paramiko support?21:25
alexregnot sure. i ran the standard windows installer, with all options on.,21:26
awilkinsPutty/plink on the path?21:26
alexregi assume paramiko is standard?21:27
alexregyup, just checked that21:27
awilkinsI know plink works with my local SSH server21:28
alexregi should let you know: this is what happens with sftp21:28
alexregPermission denied (publickey).21:28
alexregbzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host bazaar.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation21:28
awilkinsset BZR_SSH=plink21:28
alexregwith bzr-ssh...21:29
alexregbzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "bzr-ssh://alexreg:felagund@bazaar.launchpad.net/~alexreg/windows-ssh-server/de21:29
alexregok i'll try that21:29
james_walexreg: it's "bzr+ssh".21:29
awilkinsDunno Oh, and that21:30
alexregsorry, typo21:30
awilkinsTried Filezilla sftp: ?21:30
awilkins(filezilla uses the putty implementation)21:31
alexregoh right: now i am getting the same error with bzr+ssh. thanks21:31
alexregwill do21:31
awilkinsIf you have pageant running it even uses the keys21:31
alexregsorry for the delay: filezilla is logging in correctly21:37
mxpxpodif I'm using bzr-svn, should I be using checkout or branch to get svn repos?21:37
awilkinsmxpxpod: branch21:37
mxpxpodawilkins: and then to commit, just do a bzr commit; bzr push?21:38
awilkinsmxpxpod: You have to have a bzr branch to work with. You can checkout from that21:38
awilkinsmxpxpod: For the moment, I think it's bzr svn-push (unless jelmer merged it with the std API already)21:38
mxpxpodawilkins: ok21:39
mxpxpodawilkins: and that will merge with trunk?21:39
alexregawilkins: so are you thinking the issue is bzr-specirfic now?21:39
alexregawilkins: yeah, i use sftp21:40
awilkinsalexreg: Dunno, did you try setting BZR_SSH=plink21:40
mxpxpodhrmm... bzr-svn doesn't like svn views21:40
mxpxpodor, rather, svn:externals21:41
alexregBZR_SSH is an env var?21:41
awilkinsalexreg: yes21:41
awilkinsmxpxpod: No, svn:externals not supported21:41
mwhudsonjames_w: hi21:42
mxpxpodawilkins: ok, thanks21:42
james_whi mwhudson21:42
mwhudsonjames_w: thanks for replying to that mail :)21:43
james_wmwhudson: I felt the need to since you asked so nicely :)21:43
mwhudsonjames_w: i was going to try and discuss it here, but actually i think just replying to your mail makes more sense :)21:44
james_wmwhudson: that's up to you.21:45
alexregawilkins: thanks, all seems to be working well now :)21:46
alexregawilkins: out of curiosity, why is plink required?21:46
awilkinsalexreg: I presume because the standard SSH support doesn't work :-)21:47
awilkinsalexreg: I never tried the paramiko support ; I'm a long-time putty user, so plink was a natural choice for me21:47
alexregawilkins: fair enough. putty does seem to be the most stable/reliable package for all ssh things in windows21:48
alexregi appreciate the help...21:49
awilkinsYou're welcome21:49
mwhudsonjames_w: replied, does it make more sense now?21:55
james_wmwhudson: yes, thanks. I replied as well.21:58
james_wmwhudson: people were telling me that you are an ex-Bristol resident, 'tis true?21:58
mwhudsonjames_w: yes, it's true22:00
mwhudsonjames_w: thanks for the reply22:01
james_wmwhudson: that's where I live currently, when did you leave?22:02
mwhudsonjames_w: january22:02
james_wreally? That's a shame.22:02
james_wwell, I guess it's not for you :)22:02
mwhudsonyeah, seems like a missed oppourtunity22:04
mwhudsonwhere do you live?22:04
mwhudsoni was on oakfield road off whiteladies22:04
* mwhudson on phone now22:05
james_wmwhudson: top of St. Michaels Hill.22:07
mwhudsonjames_w: so we were like half a mile apart22:21
mwhudsonoh well22:21
mwhudsonjames_w: do you work in bristol?22:21
=== cpro1 is now known as cprov-ZzZ
mxpxpoddoes "bzr update" work on branches?22:29
Odd_Blokemxpxpod: Yes, but I suspect that isn't the question you're trying to ask. :)  'bzr update' operates on bound branches (i.e. checkouts of other branches), and updates the local branch to be the same as the remote branch.  Running 'bzr update' on an unbound branch (i.e. one created with 'bzr init' or 'bzr branch') will not really do anything.22:31
mxpxpodOdd_Bloke: hmm, ok22:31
Odd_Blokemxpxpod: Does that help?22:32
mxpxpodI think so22:32
mwhudson(well update also updates the tree wrt the information in the branch)22:33
mwhudson(but ignore this for now)22:33
mxpxpodI've got a bunch of bzr branches from svn repos and I'm trying to figure out how to update them22:33
Odd_Blokemxpxpod: How did you create them?22:34
mxpxpodbzr branch http://some-svn-repo.com/trunk22:34
mxpxpoddo I want to update them using bzr merge?22:35
bob2mxpxpod: bzr pull ...22:36
bob2mxpxpod: well, actually, depends what you're doing with them.  if the svn and bzr branches are both being developed on (ie one does not have a subset of revisions of the other), then you want merge.22:37
mxpxpodon some, I'm just tracking upstream22:38
mxpxpodon others, I'm actually doing development22:38
bob2"bzr merge --pull" will pull if possible, merge if needed22:39
Odd_Blokemxpxpod: The standard workflow would be to have a local, pristine mirror of the SVN branches (in which 'bzr pull' is used).  You would then branch off of that pristine mirror to do work (and would 'bzr merge' changes from the mirror branch in).22:40
mwhudson_probably_ what would be sensible is ...22:40
mwhudsonto do what Odd_Bloke just said22:40
mwhudsonjames_w: replied again22:42
mxpxpodOdd_Bloke, bob2, and mwhudson: thanks22:42
Odd_Blokemwhudson: Incidentally, I'd like to have a look at the colouring of revision backgrounds (bug #199571) but won't have time to do so for a week or two (because I went to the sprint rather than doing the work I'm now doing :p).22:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199571 in loggerhead "contents browser could show age of lines by varying shades of a single colour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19957122:42
mwhudsonOdd_Bloke: :)22:42
mwhudsonOdd_Bloke: did you go to the web viewer argument^Wdiscussion session at the sprint?22:43
Odd_BlokeWell, the work I should be doing now but am instead catching up on email and chatting on IRC.22:43
Odd_Blokemwhudson: I don't think so, sorry.22:44
Odd_BlokeOr, if I did, I wasn't paying enough attention to remember that I was there. :p22:44
mwhudsoni am just looking for victims to bounce ideas off22:44
mwhudsoni guess the sydney folk should be awake now...22:44
beunomwhudson, if you're here in 15', I went to that session  :D22:45
mwhudsonbeuno: not going anywhere22:45
beuno(on the hpne)22:45
beunoargh, phone22:45
Odd_BlokeImpressive typo. :p22:45
* jml waves22:46
james_wmwhudson: I just finished my job today, so I guess the answer is "I did..."22:46
Odd_Blokejml: o/22:46
james_whi jml22:46
mwhudsonjames_w: oh right22:47
james_wmwhudson: I don't have anything to reply right now, but I'll read it again tomorrow and see if anything strikes me.23:01
mwhudsonjames_w: thanks23:02
james_wjam: I keep getting bounces from your secondary MX. I think you said you were graylisting. I seem to be graylisted by your primary MX, and my server then retries with the secondary and gets rejected (550 Administrative prohibition)23:04
james_wjam: ah, it seems it's not graylisting that pushes it on to the secondary, but "450 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname"23:07
beunomwhudson, back  :D23:37
beunosorry I haven't answered your thread, I'm still hoping around different places, and don't have much time to answer coherently23:38
beunobut I have a while now  :)23:38
beunomwhudson, one thing that would be cool is to able to expand the history navigation, when looking at a specific commit, what files where touched23:40
beunoalso, I haven't looked at the code, but, how complex would it be to implement a nice interface with CSS and javascript to navigate history. I already have been doing some of that work for a PHP app, and I think it might be useful23:42
* beuno just notices the "files" bit on there, so ignore my first comment23:43
LarstiQZectbumo: if you have any questions on the VS integration, feel free to ask.23:48
LarstiQjames_w: you should probably mention branch.last_revision_info() before branch.revision_history()23:57
LarstiQjames_w: although you are correct for that use case, in a lot of cases people don't need the full mainline history but just the last revision23:58
LarstiQjames_w: and in that case calling revision_history() is a performance killer23:58
james_wLarstiQ: does last_revision_info() return revno as well? Isn't there last_revision() as a shortcut for revision_history()[-1]?23:59

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