
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Yesterday's New Bugs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/reports/yesterday/ | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad
jjesseyay my 5 a day is done today :)01:51
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jjessedoes that mean i get to go to bed now ?01:54
greg-gahhh, that felt good, marked a bunch of old incomplete bugs invalid04:10
techno_freakah that reminds me to check some bugs which I had marked to be checked later..04:23
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secretlondontoo much bug mail..08:08
secretlondonno hug day today btw?08:09
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* techno_freak wakes up08:37
techno_freakseb128, heya!08:37
techno_freaksecretlondon, heya!08:37
secretlondonhi techno_freak!08:37
pedro_hello Iulian12:23
IulianHi there pedro_!12:33
IulianHow are you?12:33
pedro_I'm good thanks, how about you?12:34
Iulianpedro_: Here too, doing well :)12:36
secretlondonhi bbdebian14:01
secretlondonni hug day today?14:02
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bdmurraysecretlondon: I thought we'd look at yesterday's bugs and try to drive that to 015:18
secretlondonbdmurray: ok :)15:19
bdmurraybut no, I didn't send out an announcement15:19
secretlondonyesterday's bugs = yesterday's bugs that are @new15:20
secretlondonthe bottom 8 are old bugs15:20
bdmurrayIt looks not a the "first reported on" date but on Filed when bit for a task.  So looking at 105545 the linux-source-2.6.22 task was opened ~21 hours ago.15:22
bdmurrayogasawara: alsa drivers are in l-u-m now right?15:25
ogasawarabdmurray: I think so15:27
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QbixAwayCan somebody tell me how bug contact works? I'm listed as bug contact for dosbox, but I can't change imporantance in launchpad. (for a bug against dosbox)15:52
bdmurrayQbixAway: setting importance is restricted to the ubuntu bugcontrol team.  Are you a member of any Ubuntu teams?15:53
blue-frogHi, would like to fill in a bug report (if it's one) but am at a loss as under what name/package I should do that. When copying data to/from USB HDD and my laptop HDD, the system basically comes to a halt and nothing else than copying can occur. to/from laptop HDD is a bit better but still the system is slowed down a lot.15:54
QbixAwaynope. just bug contact. according to the text that appears when hovering15:54
QbixAway(only changable by project... and bug contact)15:54
bdmurrayQbixAway: that message may be wrong.  Is this a dosbox (ubuntu) bug or a dosbox project bug?15:55
QbixAwaythe first https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dosbox/+bug/7471915:56
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 74719 in dosbox "Mouse frozen in lower right corner in edgy version of dosbox" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:56
QbixAwayaccording to https://bugs.launchpad.net/~spiru/+packagebugs I'm a bug contact15:56
QbixAwayso is this just a wrong help text ? or is something else wrong ?15:58
bdmurrayRight, I understand but I think Launchpad's message about who can set importance for the bug is wrong.  I don't think bug contacts can set the importance yet, however in the future package maintainers are supposed to be able to set the importance.15:58
QbixAwayshould I file a bug against launchpad then ?15:59
bdmurrayI think that might be useful.  You'd want to file it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+filebug .16:00
bdmurrayDo you want the importance of that particular bug set?16:00
QbixAwaywell not sure. as I don't know to what I can set it.16:00
bdmurrayThere is some information about importances at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance16:02
bdmurrayblue-frog: that would be a bug about the kernel so the package is dependent on the release of Ubuntu you are running16:03
QbixAwaybdmurray low would fit it as it is (probably) related to dual screen setups only with (according to me) a broken Xorg.conf (if the Xorg.conf is generated by ubuntu stuff then it might be worse)16:11
QbixAwaybut leaving it undecided is fine as well16:11
bdmurrayI still have it open so will set it for you.  If not being able to set importance becomes problematic for you please let me know.16:13
bdmurrayI see there is only 1 bug about dosbox at the moment though. ;)16:14
QbixAwayyeah a total of 1616:14
QbixAwayso it's doing allright ;)16:14
QbixAwaythere were 3 closed in the last days. but there things weren't done by me.16:16
blue-frog_Hi, would like to fill in a bug report (if it's one) but am at a loss as under what name/package I should do that. When copying data to/from USB HDD and my laptop HDD, the system basically comes to a halt and nothing else than copying can occur. to/from laptop HDD is a bit better but still the system is slowed down a lot.16:52
bdmurrayblue-frog: that would be a bug about the kernel so the package is dependent on the release of Ubuntu you are running16:52
blue-frog_bdmurray: ty16:53
bdmurrayblue-frog_: additionally https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies has information about filing kernel bug reports16:53
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secretlondonmore kernel bugs :)17:30
qenseBetter one kernel bug in Malone, than ten unknown. ;)17:42
secretlondonnow totem and rhythmbox17:55
qenseAre there specific files important to include/commands output to ask for when gnome-panel crashes?18:43
james_wqense: ~/.xsession-errors can be important.18:43
seb128qense: use apport to send crashers18:43
seb128qense: otherwise they are useless and will be closed18:44
qenseI'm asking the reporter of bug 201062 for information18:44
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 201062 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel disappears sometimes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20106218:44
qenseis there a way to let him use apport if those panels disappear regulary?18:44
seb128close it using the stock reply asking to use apport18:45
seb128if it crashes it should have a .crash in /var/crash18:45
seb128the stock replies says that18:45
qenseI should use this reply? Missing a crash report or having a .crash attachment18:46
qenseisn't there a way to report a bug from a .crash file with apport under gnome too?18:47
mohbanais icedtea plugin fixed?18:47
seb128qense: the first way described is under GNOME18:47
seb128go to /var/crash using nautilus and click on the crash18:48
seb128you are welcome18:48
seb128thanks for triaging ;-)18:48
james_wcould someone confirm that I'm not being silly in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/201059 please?18:52
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 201059 in samba "conffile prompt on latest upgrade in hardy" [Undecided,New]18:52
james_wI'm the original reporter.18:52
seb128james_w: I didn't update yet today but I'll let you know if I get that too18:53
james_wseb128: I mean that getting a prompt for an unmodified file is a bug.18:54
seb128it is18:54
seb128if the file is really unmodified ;-)18:54
Laneyjames_w: Confirmed18:54
james_wyeah, I don't like disagreeing with people if I'm not positive that I'm right.18:55
bdmurrayjames_w: what does the diff of the two files return?18:55
Laneybdmurray: It showed some changed comments18:55
james_wThere's a few changed lines, some comments, some settings.18:55
seb128james_w: maybe ping slangasek on #ubuntu-devel about it18:55
james_wbut I don't have the base revision to compare with that.18:55
seb128he's one of the samba maintainers18:55
bdmurrayI seem to recall that happening also.18:55
james_wseb128: I could do. I saw that bubulle said that he broke something with the new upload, so he may be on top of it.18:56
james_wI want to do it again, as the diff in the update-manager popup was *horrible* I think. It may be something to do with ucf rather than dpkg prompts.18:57
james_wIt looked like a side by side diff with variable whitespace separating the two columns.18:57
james_wso, if anyone sees this again, can they please check the diff window, and file a bug on update-manager if they see the same please?18:58
seb128doesn't look like the conffile prompt indeed18:58
qenseis bug 201019 a bug in gnome-panel or gnome-applets or even in a completely different package?(GTK?)18:58
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 201019 in gnome-applets "gnome-applets Charpick applet does not support transparency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20101918:58
seb128james_w: what would you expect update-manager to do?18:58
james_wseb128: showing a diff is fine, but the presentation made it absolutely unreadable in this case, so I had no chance of assessing the changes.18:59
asomethingqense: i'd check for a dup18:59
seb128qense: bug #19024119:00
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 190241 in gnome-applets "[wish] 8.04 hardy heron - apply transparence to charpick" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19024119:00
james_wseb128: there is a bug open on u-m to have a proper two/three pane diff like meld.19:00
asomethingthought i'd seen it before19:00
bdmurrayseb128: bug 179492 is fixed in debian and we auto sync with them, what needs to happen next?19:01
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 179492 in exuberant-ctags "exuberant-ctags: python variables starting with "def" are shown as functions" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17949219:01
seb128bdmurray: depends of the situation, either that's something we want for hardy and the debian changes are already, in which case somebody needs to do a sync request19:02
seb128bdmurray: or there is too many debian change and the fix should be backported to haryd19:02
seb128bdmurray: or we don't need to be fixed in hardy and we will wait until next cycle for a sync19:02
bdmurrayseb128: so there'd need to be a second bug to get it sync'ed?19:03
james_wthe sync would just bring in this bug fix, a no change standards update, and a change to debian/copyright19:03
james_wand the maintainer is cjwatson if you want to get his opinion.19:03
seb128bdmurray: yes, or hijack this one to a sync request and update the title19:03
qenseshall I close bug 200958 and point him to brainstorm?19:05
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200958 in gnome-menus "Menu Sub-Categories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20095819:05
qenseMaybe he'd even better post this on GNOMEs or Freedesktops bug tracker19:07
seb128qense: not sure, we have no right way to handle those currently19:08
qenseI've told him to suggest this somehwere else19:09
seb128qense: you can confirm it as a wishlist for now and indicate that a list or forum might be a better media to discuss the change19:09
seb128qense: that's alright19:09
qenseit's quite a major change19:09
qenseI did mark it as invalid19:09
qensebut I can't set the importance since my application for bugcontrol is still under review19:09
seb128no problem, I'll reply if he disagrees19:10
james_wheh :) That's one way to find users from your city, make the panel crash when they set the city as their location in the clock, and then triage the bug report.19:12
qensethere would be a small change to find someone from my own village :)19:16
qensealthough a computer shop in a village nearby sells computers with ubuntu19:16
qensethere are a lot of bugs in the weather applet19:20
joumetalAny ideas to bug 194023?19:20
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 194023 in update-manager-core "LTS to LTS Upgrade 6.06 -> 8.04 error: Can't calculate upgrade, Failed to read Mirror, bzip2 errors" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19402319:20
qenseWe should give the weather-applet its own hug day :) it has a lot of bugs reported against it19:31
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yuriybdmurray: could you please make bug graphs for amarok for hug day?19:35
qensebug 200942 is invalid, isn't it?19:37
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200942 in gnome-media "gnome-media-common wants to remove important packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20094219:37
qensethere are loads of packages that want to remove ubuntu-desktop19:38
qensegnome-audio for example19:38
bdmurrayyuriy: I'll look into it, give me a minute19:39
andrea-bsqense: I can't reproduce the bug on hardy with latest updates19:40
yuriybdmurray: ok, thanks19:40
qenseit's invalid than :)19:40
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yuriybdmurray: for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080313/KDE19:51
bdmurrayyuriy: I'd guessed as much. ;)19:51
qenseI go, bye19:53
bdmurrayyuriy: is there something wrong with http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/amarok/19:54
booxterHello! is there any people who wish to help fixing some bugs in locales/language selector regarding Belarusian language? Thanks is what I can give for this:)20:03
secretlondonbooxter: what help do you need?20:16
booxterthere are some old bugs that need fixing (and there is a fix already) but they aren't. These bugs are regarding new Belarusian Latin translation of Linux software (GNOME 2.22 is ~74% translated, almost official fully translated status). But Ubuntu doesn't support this locale, nor in Language selector, nor in ubuntu 'be' locale file in .../supported/en ...20:20
booxterand for now our users should make a huge effort in Ubuntu to enable our localization. With manually editing configs, generating locales and so on...20:21
secretlondonbooxter: there needs to be a bug on rosetta I think to get the locale included20:22
booxterrosetta is not the problem I mean20:22
booxter(and btw rosetta can't help our efforts because it doesn't support 'language variants' like be@latin or sr@Latn)20:23
booxterbugs are in launchpad20:23
booxterassigned to the proper packages20:23
secretlondonbooxter: it can be made to support your locale20:23
booxterone of them even have a patch attached20:23
booxterbut devs ignore this (that's how it's seen by our l10n team)20:24
secretlondondo you have some bug numbers I can look at?20:24
booxteri'd like to see it's not20:24
booxterwait a minute, i'll write them here20:24
secretlondonit needs to be implemented *above* an individual package level20:25
booxter#146681 (Language selector), #157654 (no be@latin locale generated, with patch), #159402 (obsolete Locations.xml file for be@latin <- though don't know if it is fixed for the next Ubuntu release), and, for completeness, #29800 (no Rosetta support for lang-variants)20:28
booxtersecretlondon, here they are20:28
booxterno reason for thanks. That would be the reason to thank you if you'll help our community to finally make public statements in Belarusian news sources about the first Belarusian OS ever being:)20:30
booxter*Belarusian Latin20:31
secretlondonWikipedia says Belarusian is written in cyrillic. You are http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarusian_Latin_alphabet?20:32
secretlondonbug #2980020:32
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 29800 in rosetta "variant (sr@Latn) support" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2980020:32
booxteryes, there are two scripts and three literature normalizations of our language:)20:33
secretlondonbug #29800 looks stuck20:34
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 29800 in rosetta "variant (sr@Latn) support" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2980020:34
secretlondonbug #15940220:34
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 159402 in language-pack-be "Ubuntu uses old Locations.xml file for gweather panel applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15940220:34
booxterYes, but Rosetta is not the main priority for now for Belarusian Latin community:) Though we'll be happy if lang-variants support would be implemented :)20:35
secretlondonUbuntu translations go through rosetta as far as I know. I'm not exactly sure how it works #launchpad may know more20:35
secretlondonI think actually the root bug may be the rosetta one20:36
booxterthey aren't really... there are be@latin gettext-files installed in Ubuntu with generic Belarusian langpack20:36
booxterwe just don't have the possibility to update them through Rosetta and to translate Ubuntu-specific software20:37
secretlondonbug #14668120:38
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 146681 in language-selector "Belarusian Latin for selector" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14668120:38
secretlondonbug #15765420:39
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 157654 in ubuntu "No Belarusian Latin locale generated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15765420:39
booxteras you can see, the least two bugs already have solutions/fixes/patches so I can't imagine why they are stucked20:41
secretlondonprobably because they all need some overriding approval - however i'm not sure what and from where20:43
secretlondonI think this stuff is generally filed against l10n, I'll see what I can work out20:44
booxterow, tnx! how can I contact you on the issue?20:44
secretlondonI've subscribed to bug #15765420:46
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 157654 in ubuntu "No Belarusian Latin locale generated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15765420:46
booxterok, it's a quickfix I think. Just one more string in supported.d/be file20:46
booxterand Belarusian Latin in Language Selector is one string too20:47
secretlondonI suspect this isn't stuck technically but I'll investigate20:48
booxterother issues are not so serious for today and possibly need more work, so just drop them for this Ubuntu release20:48
secretlondonUbuntu was the first OS to have support for the Kurdish language, so I don't see why we shouldn't support this20:49
booxtersecretlondon, ok, thank you for attention! see you later on launchpad bugzilla.20:49
secretlondonnp :)20:49
booxteryes, level of Kurdish support is what we want for Belarusian Latin:) We've already discussed Kurdish issue in our local i18n community. That's fantastic when 'little' languages have computer software in it, especially for us who can't imagine even generic Belarusian cyrillic support in M$ Windows:)20:52
secretlondonwell with Kurdish you can understand why Microsoft and Apple wouldn't touch it. The Turkish government is hostile and has $$20:54
secretlondonOnly free software can provide minority language communities with software in their own language20:55
booxter...and Belarusian language has no support of any government:)20:55
secretlondonin latin20:55
booxterno, at all20:55
secretlondonDoesn't Belarusian cyrillic have support of the Belarusian government, or is it Russian?20:56
bdmurraycan anybody confirm the minimum time for sleep On AC Power in gnome-power-manager is 11 minutes?20:56
booxteryes, Russian is everywhere. Belarusian is marginalized by our authorities20:57
booxterbdmurray, yes, it is (on Gentoo)20:57
secretlondonbdmurray: same in hardy20:58
secretlondonbdmurray: battery power too20:58
bdmurrayThat's weird, I wonder why eleven and that also seems longer than it used to be.21:00
secretlondon>10 mins to 1 hour?21:01
bdmurrayI've been looking at bug 109338 and it mentions 5 minutes21:01
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 109338 in gnome-power-manager "Computer will suspend while copying file across network" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10933821:01
secretlondonpresumably it was 5 mins at that point?21:02
secretlondoni'll look at change logs21:04
crimsunsecretlondon: as a pointer, audio bugs with a symptom of "low sound", "volume blah blah blah" are linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (gutsy), linux-backports-modules-2.6.22 (gutsy w/ a manual install of l-b-m), or linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (hardy).  It's almost never alsa-driver or alsa-lib.21:04
secretlondoncrimsun: thanks. I think I was using part of the debugging procedures to allocate21:05
crimsunsecretlondon: (alsa-driver ships only configuration files by default.  alsa-lib has nothing to do with volume.)21:05
crimsunthanks again for triaging, BTW :)21:05
secretlondoni'll check the kernel triaging docs in a sec, as they prob need making more clear21:06
crimsundefinitely.  Documentation nearly always succumbs to bitrot most quickly.21:06
bdmurraycrimsun: you mentioned bug 118610 is an upstream bug.  upstream where?21:08
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 118610 in alsa-tools "[alsa-firmware] tascam us428: one file is missing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11861021:08
secretlondonbdmurray: g-p-m faq says "The sliders in gnome-power-preferences are set to start at the value of the session-timout + 1 minute"21:08
crimsunbdmurray: upstream upstream.  www.alsa-project.org21:09
crimsunbdmurray: to clarify, tsmithe has done some work with maintaining it separately; he may have more insight.21:09
tsmithecrimsun, bdmurray, alsa-firmware (which provides that file) is on its way to medibuntu. it will never even be in multiverse, unless the licensing is cleared up21:11
tsmitheso i'm not sure what you wish to do about that kind of bug report21:11
crimsuntsmithe: oh, then that's easy.  Won't fix.21:12
secretlondonbdmurray: http://live.gnome.org/GnomePowerManager/FAQ says timeout in gnome-screensaver-preferences +1 min21:12
bdmurraytsmithe: okay, thanks.  I'll close it then with an explanation.21:13
tsmithecrimsun, bddebian; it's a bit sad really. i was looking into getting a jockey handler written (it's nice when hardware just works...)21:13
bdmurraysecretlondon: wow, thanks for looking into it.  that is not something I would have guessed.21:14
crimsungah, almost train time.  Let's see how many more of these alsa-lib bugs can be triaged.21:15
bdmurraytsmithe: so the loaders are provided by alsa-firmware-loaders but no firmware is included?21:16
secretlondonbdmurray: just confirmed it. set the screensaver timeout to 1 min and the g-p-m slider went down to 2 min :)21:17
tsmitheyes. in fact a recent upload of -loaders patched the package in anticipation of alsa-firmware inclusion. unfortunately, it was fatally rejected (and with good reason)21:17
bdmurraysecretlondon: its funny you can get from the screensaver to g-p-m but not the other way around21:18
* secretlondon nods21:18
bdmurrayisn't some of the firmware gpl though?21:18
tsmithesome is. some claims to be (and provides no sources). and some isn't. most fall into the last two categories, and so the package, if it were to be dfsg-ised would be rendered pretty much useless21:19
secretlondoncrimsun: our docs (in debugging hal) say "Sound problems: If the device appears in /proc/asound/cards, it should be assigned to [WWW] alsa-lib. If it is not even detected by the kernel, it should go to the [WWW] kernel."21:29
secretlondonthat's how that got assigned to alsa-lib21:30
secretlondonas it was on hal21:30
greg-gwhat timezone is WET?21:35
secretlondongmt =121:35
secretlondonwestern european time21:35
greg-ggotcha, I was curious because bdmurray is in western US21:35
secretlondonhe'll be pst (or pdt now I think)21:35
secretlondonpacific timr21:36
greg-gwhich is why I was confused21:36
secretlondonI think the us went to summertime last weekend21:36
greg-gwe did, it was a pain21:36
bdmurraysecretlondon: correct21:36
secretlondonwe go later in the month21:37
greg-gwe used to :)21:37
secretlondonso the gap between london and new york is currently -421:37
bdmurraybug screenshots are so interesting21:40
secretlondonI always try, as it says so much more than a whole para of text21:40
bdmurrayI meant it is interesting to see what people have on their desktop.21:42
secretlondoncomputer names in bug reports can be fun for that21:43
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crimsunsecretlondon: that's wrong22:13
crimsunsecretlondon: "crackling" can go to -lib; everything else needs to go to the appropriate linux* package.22:14
secretlondoncrimsun: I've no idea who wrote that, but that's what we followed on the hal hug day22:14
crimsunsecretlondon: understood.  Just a heads-up.22:15
secretlondoncrimsun: agreed. we need to change it22:15
secretlondoncorrected DebuggingHal22:28
crimsunmany thanks22:29
james_wone problem with the -bugs-announce channel is that the lack of joins/parts leads to just one big wall of bugs, and I find it harder to pick them out.22:49
bdmurrayjames_w: are you looking for something in particular?22:50
james_wbdmurray: no, it was just on this channel my eye used to pick certain things out, and that doesn't seem to work now.22:50
bdmurrayjames_w: it was quite distracting for me since I'd see something I could do with almost every bug22:51
yuriybdmurray: oh! are those up there all the time?23:23
bdmurrayyuriy: yes, they have been.  where have you been finding graph information?  I would have thought it was linked to.23:24
bdmurrayjames_w: I could say bug numbers for you occassionally. ;)23:25
james_wbdmurray: that may work :)23:25
yuriybdmurray: i haven't been finding. this is only the 3rd time i'm making the page. first time you offered to make graphs, second time i didn't bother23:27
bdmurrayyuriy: I do graph a fair number of kubuntu related packages.23:29
yuriymm cool23:29
bdmurrayif there some busy packages missing feel free to let me know23:31
jjessejoin #ubuntu-server23:36

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