
gretschthanks for the help00:12
gretschtom here00:12
soundrayWhat does 'mount' say?00:12
gretschMar 10 19:09:11 BigLaptop NetworkManager: <debug> [1205194151.079139] nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part_1_size_4220223488').00:12
gretschwell, i didn't get output when i did the mount | grep cdrom00:12
soundrayWhat kind of CD are you inserting?00:13
soundrayAudio, video, data?00:13
ubotwoFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:14
gretschi burned it myself, and it works if i juset mount the cdrom as sudo from the console00:14
gretschi used Totem00:14
gretschi think i did, anyway00:15
soundraygretsch: in the Removable... dialog, did you enable 'Play Video DVD' on the Multimedia tab?00:15
gretschtotem %m00:16
gretschand the "Mount removable drives when hot-plugged" is checked00:17
gretschas are ALL the boxes in that section00:17
soundraygretsch: so in summary, you have a DVD that won't be mounted or played automatically, but plays when you mount it on the command line00:18
gretschand i have the disk mounter up in the menu bar00:18
gretschand i cannot mount as user00:18
gretschso is it a permissions thing?00:18
gretschbecause when i select the "mount CD..." option from the little "mount disk" icon00:19
soundraygretsch: if you call totem from the terminal, while the DVD is not mounted, and you click Movie - Play Disc -- does that  work?00:19
gretschas user...00:19
gretschit tells me i must be sudo to mount00:19
gretschas user?00:20
gretschas user, it tells me the same00:20
gretsch"cannot mount volume"00:20
soundraygretsch: are you in the cdrom group? Check with 'groups'00:21
gretschmount: must be superuser to mount volume00:21
gretschhmmm.... there *is* no cdrom group!00:21
soundrayThere must be00:21
soundrayCan you run 'sudo adduser $USER cdrom'?00:22
gretschotherwise, no 'cdrom' group00:22
gretschtells me i am already a member of cdrom00:23
gretschbut that group does not show up00:23
soundrayDoes not show up where?00:23
gretschin the groups list00:24
gretschSystem > Admin > Users and Groups00:24
soundray'grep cdrom /etc/group'00:24
soundrayThe dialog  only lists groups where you're not already a member. So that's all fine.00:25
soundrayDo you know your DVD drive device name? /dev/...00:26
gretschit's /dev/cdrom00:26
gretschthat's how i mount it00:26
gretschas ... sudo mount /dev/cdrom00:26
soundraygretsch: what is it *really*? find out with 'ls -l /dev/cdrom'?00:26
gretschall rwx00:27
soundrayWhat does 'ls -l /dev/scd0' say?00:27
soundraySymbolic links are always all-rwx00:27
gretschah ha00:27
gretschthat's the issue00:27
gretschbrw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2008-03-10 06:33 /dev/scd000:28
gretschneed chmod 777?00:28
soundrayno, that's what it should be00:28
gretschwell, i can certainly just mount it as sudo and then use it00:29
gretschand then umount when finished00:29
soundrayYou could add a 'users' option for the fstab entry, then you can 'mount /dev/cdrom' as user00:29
gretschbut i thought there must be an ok00:29
soundraySorry I didn't have a _real_ fix for you00:30
gretschwhat's that file path?00:30
gretschok its open in gedit00:31
gretschas sudo00:31
soundrayMine says00:31
soundray/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       000:31
gretschmine too00:31
soundraySo you should be able to 'mount /media/cdrom0' or 'mount /dev/scd0' as user00:32
soundraybtw, never open gedit with sudo -- use gksudo instead00:32
ubotwoIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:32
gretschi cannot mount as user from the command line00:34
soundrayWhat does it  say?00:34
gretschtom@BigLaptop:~$ mount /dev/cdrom00:34
gretschmount: must be superuser to use mount00:34
soundrayRead me carefully -- you must use mount /dev/scd000:35
soundrayor the mount point, but not the symbolic link00:35
gretschsame answer00:35
soundrayNo typo?00:36
gretschtom@BigLaptop:~$ mount /dev/scd000:36
gretschmount: must be superuser to use mount00:36
soundrayHow about mount /media/cdrom0 ?00:36
soundrayIt's as if mount was ignoring fstab00:38
gretschi am reading that link ubotwo, thanks!00:38
soundrayYou didn't create a fat32 or ext3 filesystem on the CD by any chance?00:38
soundrayThe bot appreciates your gratitude00:39
gretschthe old bot00:39
gretschi *did* make these DVDs on a windows machine00:39
gretschmaybe that's an issue?00:39
soundrayLet's see00:39
gretschprobably fat3200:39
soundrayDo a 'sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 && mount | grep cdrom'00:40
gretschgot a prompt00:40
soundray'mount | grep cdrom' again?00:41
gretschroot@BigLaptop:~# sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 && mount | grep cdrom'00:41
soundrayCtrl-C -- you copied a ' mark by mistake00:41
gretschtom@BigLaptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 && mount | grep cdrom00:42
gretschmount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only00:42
gretsch/dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type udf (ro)00:42
gretschand of course it's mounted00:42
soundrayOkay, that explains why it doesn't autoplay: DVDs are normally iso9660 and not udf00:43
gretschlet me grab another disk and try it00:43
gretschsomething commercially made00:43
soundrayBut it doesn't explain why it won't mount as user00:43
soundrayStill, better than nothing00:44
gretschcannot mount a commercial CD either00:45
gretschtom@BigLaptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 && mount | grep cdrom00:45
gretschmount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only00:45
gretsch/dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro)00:45
gretschiso9660 but still not mountable00:45
gretschas you said00:45
soundrayBut that output says that it does mount00:46
gretschbecause i sudo mounted it00:46
gretschi meant it won't mount as user from the menu icon00:47
soundrayAll right00:47
gretschin other words, i did it from the console00:47
soundrayI'm out of ideas now00:48
gretschwell, i guess i have gotten enough practice mounting from the console line00:48
gretschthanks for the effort!00:48
gretschnice place to hang out, this channel00:49
gretschtalk to you later00:49
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=== Dr`Maison is now known as fraiddo

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