
beunohttp://www.ubuntustats.com/ is back up  :D01:31
=== bmk789_ is now known as bmk789_sleep
Mike_FeravoloI was wondering about that PC auction site and if that was a little too much like the Ubuntu mark itself ?11:55
Mike_FeravoloI guess I got my answer from the mail list12:18
jendajuliux: you can't be serious17:15
juliuxjenda, ?17:15
jendajuliux: I have all the best pubs listed on my desktop ;)17:15
jendafor quick referenc17:16
jendanah, just kidding - I don't even need to write that down, I know them by heart.17:16
juliuxi will come on sunday the 18th17:16
juliuxsoo we have some time to test them;)17:16
jendamay, was it?17:16
juliuxthe normal uds time;)17:16
jendaBTW, beuno is in Prague now :)17:16
jendayah, sweet :)17:16
juliuxgreetings to him17:16
jendawill give17:28
juliuxand off again17:28
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux

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