
StevenKOkay, I'll sort that out with Praj00:00
StevenKrustyl_: So when is this call happening?00:13
rustyl_StevenK, i don't know00:13
StevenKrustyl_: Is Mauri around there?00:16
rustyl_let me see00:16
rustyl_StevenK, she is not on irc, but she is in the office.... StevenK who was calling the meeting, were you asking for this, what it davidm?00:17
rustyl_s/what it/was it/00:17
StevenKrustyl_: I thought Mauri was calling the meeting, based on the flurry of e-mail I got this morning.00:18
rustyl_StevenK, just talked to Mauri... she basically said... 'Canonical guys are having a hard time getting helix + hw accelerated codecs working, so we were asked to walk them through it'00:22
rustyl_StevenK, and all i will say is: first integrate all the graphics components, and only after that should you expect the codecs to work00:23
rustyl_but... Calvin can not make this time to walk through any issues you have with integrating the graphics components00:24
rustyl_StevenK, do you already have all the 2d/3d/libva all figured out and working?00:24
rustyl_or do we need Calvin?00:24
StevenKrustyl_: Well, sure, but I'm having a hard time reconciling packages to if they are required for 3d, since Hardy includes the 2d driver already00:25
rustyl_i'm not going to be any help getting all the graphics components working... that is all coming from Calvin00:26
StevenKrustyl_: Even a mapping of what package is for what bit if you know would be very helpful.00:27
rustyl_i don't even know what you guys are being handed.00:28
StevenKThe 3d driver from ARMS.00:28
rustyl_for our gutsy based images, i have three different psb-*.deb packages that i install00:28
StevenKWhich also includes the 2d driver, too00:28
rustyl_so then... the packages are no coming in a form that you can just 'install'?00:29
rustyl_because of conflicts in hardy?00:29
StevenKWell, I'd rather not install the 2d driver from the package since hardy already provides it00:30
rustyl_StevenK, ok, so forgetting about unhappiness with the form of the graphics drivers as they are arriving.... if you just install the packages (as is), then are you seeing issues with helix + hardware accelerated codecs?00:34
StevenKrustyl_: If I force everything to be installed, 3d works. I didn't yet have helix in a state where I could test it. Now I do, but I wanted to get the 3d driver sorted out as well00:36
rustyl_ok, i was under the impression that you were running into issues getting the codecs to work, but I could never get an answer from anyone on what the problem was00:37
rustyl_StevenK, btw... do you have the umc_va_player from ARMS? It's a nice way to verify that your libva + 3d driver is really working without using helix (basically remove another variable from the equation)00:38
StevenKrustyl_: No, I don't have that.00:39
rustyl_StevenK, look in your home directory on moblin00:40
rustyl_it's just a stand command line player that spits out a bunch of debug info and doesn't depend on installed codecs or media infrastructure00:41
rustyl_stand along that is00:42
MutantBChave anyone experience  an error when installing the mobile image creator - "Couldn't find package mobile-image-creator"?01:41
MutantBCim using ubuntu 7.10 oem version01:41
StevenKIt's moblin-image-creator01:41
MutantBCyes its still the same "Couldn't find package moblin-image-creator01:42
StevenKDo you have universe enabled?01:43
MutantBCwhere can i find that?01:43
MutantBChow do i check if the universe is enabled?01:43
StevenKSystem->Administration->Software Sources01:43
MutantBCok one moment01:44
MutantBCStevenK do I have to reload? coz the downloading is taking awhile even though the internet connection here is fast01:58
StevenKMutantBC: You should have to, no.01:59
MutantBCStevenK: Ok02:02
MutantBCStevenK: Are the packages that to be downloaded are huge?02:03
StevenKI don't think they are.02:03
MutantBCStevenK: that strange, coz the downloading is slow but the browsing is fast02:06
StevenKPerhaps you need to pick a faster mirror02:07
MutantBCStevenK: How do I do that?02:14
MutantBCStevenK: Can you suggest which mirror is faster?02:15
StevenKMutantBC: Change the "Download from" in Software Sources02:16
MutantBCStevenK: Ok02:31
MutantBCStevenK: but still slow been choosing a lot of mirror sites03:30
StevenKMutantBC: You aren't clear on what is slow. 03:31
MutantBCStevenK: downloading the packages from the Software Sources is taking too long03:35
MutantBCStevenK: I kept swtiching to a better mirror site but still downloading around 600 B/s03:36
StevenKMutantBC: Right. The right forum to ask questions about what to do in that case is #ubuntu03:37
MutantBCStevenK: I just wanted to download the moblin-image-creator but without updating the Software Sources, I can't do anything03:40
MutantBCStevenK: #ubuntu is too crowded, they said its normal to get a slower speed on the mirror servers when updating the packages from the Software Sources03:47
MutantBCStevenK: Can the moblin image create a customize image for a specific device such as 7" similar to eeePC?04:28
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MutantBCCan the moblin image create a customize image for a specific device such as 7" similar to eeePC?05:01
nrpMutantBC: right now it only does mccaslin and menlow stuff, of which the eee is neither05:24
nrpyou could just install ubuntu server on the eee and install the ubuntu-mobile package05:25
MutantBCnrp: so you mean I have to install ubuntu to the eeePC and later install the ubuntu mobile?06:32
MutantBCnrp: can I just install the ubuntu mobile?06:32
MutantBCnrp: can i just install the ubuntu mobile to the eeePC?06:32
nrpitll be infinitely easier for you to just install ubuntu server, and the ubuntu-mobile package06:43
nrpif you want to make it difficult and save a little space, you could use debootstrap and make a really basic install to install ubuntu-mobile onto06:44
nrpdon't expect to get anything usable though. unless you're doing development or are just bored, youre better off going with something else06:47
dholbachgood morning06:47
WcktKlwnwhat kind of devices are supported under ubuntu mobile?06:54
dholbachsee the topic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ06:58
MutantBCnrp: Ok07:17
MutantBCnrp: right now im using VIA VX800 chipset, which i don't think Ubuntu 7.10 is supported on this chipset07:18
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FenarioKevinTW: ping12:16
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davidmDon_Johnson, http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS5429881813.html16:23
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bert_hi, I'm trying to get onto ubuntu mobile (installed the packages) but it doesn't seem to work21:47
bert_do I need some kind of alpha image ?21:47
bert_anyone ?21:49
nrpbert_: what did you install it onto21:55
bert_I just took a clean 32-bit ubuntu 7.1021:56
bert_and then installed ubuntu-mobile and ubuntu-mobile-dev21:56
bert_nrp ???21:59
nrpare you using it with Xephyr?21:59
bert_nrp: what's Xephyr ?22:01
nrplets you run X inside X22:04
nrptheres a guide to using ubuntu-mobile with it somewhere on the ubuntu wiki22:05
bert_I didn't get the information that was on there22:05
bert_(I'm not a native-english speaker22:05
bert_I have to go now22:07
bert_thx for your help22:07
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GrueMasterdavidm ping22:29
davidmHi GrueMaster 22:35
GrueMasterI got a note from Don re USB Client.22:37
GrueMasterI just got the source tree this afternoon (everyone was sending me links but no access - doh).22:37
GrueMasterWhat did you need info on?22:38

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