
RAOFessial: Welcome!00:35
essialHello again00:35
essiali've been using linux since the early 90's, and now I think I have enough experience to be a good contributor to Ubuntu, since it seems to be one of the best distros out there00:36
RAOFHave you seen...00:36
ubotwoTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate00:36
essiali've been traversing through it00:37
essialbeen going in circles though :)00:37
RAOFRight :).  Do you have some idea of where you'd like to help?00:37
essialmy main thing is, at work, and most of my experience is with windows, and also with non-dist (aka, os development itself)00:37
essialbut i'm moderately familiar with linux, as it has been my only OS for a few years now, and I've done work with Gtk, LibSDL, and have been practicing writing makefiles both manually and with autotools00:38
RAOFRight.  So, if you're comfortable coding & debugging, taking some of the apport backtraces on Launchpad and figuring out patches would be awesome.00:38
essialI know just about every language (with the exception of perl)... and to answer your question, No specific area00:38
essialsee, thats why I need help, I have 0 experience 'debugging' in linux, I do it all the time in windows00:39
RAOFFailing that, much of the actual writing of _code_ happens upstream.00:39
RAOFAaaah, right.00:39
essialI don't mind doing anything really, I just want to help contribute in the most effective way possible00:39
essialeven if it is not specifically code00:39
essialsince I will need someone to help, if only a little, to get me started, I figure it best not to waste their time putting me in with an overcrowded group00:40
lmr_RAOF: Are you a MOTU already? Sorry for interrupting the conversation00:40
essialno problem lmr_00:40
RAOFHm.  So, I find that the easiest way to contribute is to (1) Use Ubuntu, (2) find something that doesn't work like you'd like it to, (3) fix it ;)00:40
RAOFlmr_: Yup.00:40
essialI work better with lists :) Ubuntu is a large collection of things00:41
lmr_RAOF: essial: I've been trying to find out some time to help, I'd love to start packaging software for ubuntu00:41
fmarierHow does one request a sync (from Debian unstable) for a package which has Ubuntu modifications that need to remain there?00:41
fmarierrequestsync asks for a reason to remove the Ubuntu modifications...00:41
ScottK2fmarier: If the differences need to remain, it's a merge, not a sync00:42
RAOFfmarier: One doesn't.  One instead merges the Ubuntu changes into the new debian revision.00:42
essialRAOF: see things like that throw me off right now, so I need to be eased into the linux way of things :)00:42
RAOFessial: You can pick a package or group of packages that you're interested in and check out the bugs in Launchpad.00:42
essialso I guess step one is to create a user in launchpad, brb00:42
RAOFOr, you can find a specific upstream project that you're interested in, and join up.00:42
ScottK2fmarier: Prepare a debdiff from the new Debian revision to the needed Ubuntu revision attach that to a bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors00:42
fmarierScottK2: ok, I'll do that. thanks00:43
lmr_RAOF: I was thinking, since I work mainly with open source testing and I already contribute with an upstream test project, maybe there's a Ubuntu quality assurance/test team where my skills can be better used00:43
RAOFlmr_: Of course, at the moment what really needs to be done is to fix packages already in Ubuntu.00:43
essialperhaps help make rhythymbox not suck so much, as it seems to be what ubuntu thinks is the replacement for the superior xmms00:44
lmr_RAOF: Sure, that's what I meant, taking maintainership of software that's already packaged (orphaned maybe) would be great00:44
essialeven though once it drops a stream, you have to restart it00:44
RAOFlmr_: I believe there is such a group, but I don't know for sure.  You could also help the iso testing team test the releases (alpha X, etc)00:45
essialand has no support for easy codecs, or whatever its called00:45
RAOFessial: If you're interested in coding, that'd probably be a nice patch to ease your way in :)00:45
RAOFOr were you describing xmms?  It's been some time since I've had to install any codecs :)00:46
essialthe hard part is finding someone over there to help pull me in, well first things first, gotta find the project source page :)00:46
lmr_RAOF: Yeah, we do distro testing (the underlying system, kernel, filesystems, network) and have quite a bit of work on test automation00:46
lmr_RAOF: Which packages you take care as a MOTU? What other groups you're involved with?00:47
RAOFlmr_: I *know* that people do that for Ubuntu.  If you're capable of helping in that, which would be awesome, maybe you should hit the ubuntu-devel mailinglist.00:47
lmr_RAOF: Right, I see00:48
RAOFlmr_: We don't really have maintainers as such in Ubuntu.  I tend to fix up stuff that's broken for me.  I've also been lumbered with the Miro package, kinda by default.00:48
mathiazlmr_: have you checked out the ServerTestingTeam ?00:48
mathiazlmr_: since you've got some experience with automated testing, we'd love to know wheter the latest development version of ubuntu runs on different hardware00:49
lmr_mathiaz: No, I didn't. I suppose this is the page on the ubuntu wiki00:49
mathiazlmr_: as RAOF mentionned, there is the iso testing team00:49
mathiazlmr_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTestingTeam00:50
essialrhythmbox is inside the gnomeSVN00:50
essialthat'd explain why its still 0.11 :)00:50
RAOFYes, but don't worry.  You can use bzr to work with it :)00:50
essialand hasn't had an update since december 21, 200700:51
RAOFReally?  Wow.00:51
mathiazlmr_: you should also get in touch with the Ubuntu QA team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam00:51
RAOFessial: Oh, right.  Hasn't seen a _release_ since the end of last year.  I suppose that is quite a while ago.00:52
RAOFIf you're interested in C# and mono and such, banshee-trunk should be getting a preview release, and is a different media player thing, perhaps a bit more like iTunes.00:52
lmr_mathiaz: I've looked at the page. Do you have any idea where this server hardware comes from?00:53
lmr_mathiaz: Unfortunately the hardware I can't provide00:53
essialso is a seemingly desolate project a good place to start then?00:53
lmr_mathiaz: :D00:53
essialyou talking to me RAOF about banshee00:53
lmr_mathiaz: In my case, all the hardware I use (power machines) comes from my employer00:53
mathiazlmr_: this is hardware that people have access to00:53
mathiazlmr_: most of them are through their employer I guess00:54
lmr_mathiaz: Hmmm, I see00:54
mathiazlmr_: they can probably have access to them for a couple of hours to do some testing00:54
RAOFessial: I don't think rhythmbox is desolate in any way.  And, yes, I was talking to you about banshee.00:54
essialhonestly they look very similar00:55
mathiazlmr_: if you're interested in testing, we run iso tests before we release00:55
essialthough functionality wise, banshee seems to be much further00:55
mathiazlmr_: this is part of the iso testing team.00:55
essialwill ubuntu even include that as a normal player you think?00:55
essialsorry for the questions but i'm starting with no knowledge of whats going on :)00:55
RAOFessial: Part of the thing is that rhythmbox is fairly stable.  It's in no way unmaintained, though; there've been plenty of recent commits :)00:55
lmr_mathiaz: Right, I'm checking where I would fit better00:56
RAOF( See: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/rhythmbox/main/changes for such things )00:56
mathiazlmr_: well - if you want to leverage your testing experience, the QA team is probably eager to hear from you00:56
mathiazlmr_: lars is working on some automated testing of desktop application IIRC00:57
lmr_mathiaz: Sure, I'll be glad to help.00:58
lmr_mathiaz: We don't do much GUI testing, we do more kernel layer/command line user space utilities00:58
essialok here's a good general question. Lets say I want to help develop banshee, so i go to the banshee page, click "developers"00:58
essiali see where to go to grab the source with svn00:59
mathiazlmr_: that works also00:59
mathiazlmr_: the server team would be a good place to start then00:59
mathiazlmr_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam00:59
essialdo i then just click on "all current banshee bugs" and work on them?00:59
essialand what If I want to add new things, where would I post that?00:59
RAOFessial: Aaah, right.  Sorry, it's been a while since I needed to learn this sort of culture :)01:00
lmr_mathiaz: Thank you very much for your patience man ;) I'll get in touch with those guys01:01
RAOFessial: So, things that I would do: I'd subscribe to the banshee mailing list, possibly reading a bit of the archives too.01:01
mathiazlmr_: great - I'm one of those guys - so you should hang out in #ubuntu-server01:01
lmr_mathiaz: Oh really? :) Nice01:01
essialyeah i'm subscribing to their list in a moment01:01
essiali just gotta get used to svn again... starteam made me lazy :)01:02
RAOFessial: You probably don't need to get used to svn if you don't want to.  bzr-svn should work nicely :)01:02
RAOFOf course, that requires you to learn the bzr VCS :)01:02
bddebianHeya gang01:03
lmr_essial: svn is pretty easy to get started with, don't worry01:03
RAOFessial: Then, I'd checkout the list of open bugs, yeah.  Probably starting with a gnome-love (one with a heart next to it) bug would be good.01:03
essialyeah i've read up on gnome-love01:03
bddebianBye the time bzr finishes downloading you could learn svn ;-P01:03
essialshould i use rapidsvn, or just svn01:03
lmr_essial: If you want, I can send you a quick reference that I put on my desk01:03
RAOFlmr_: Yeah.  It's _using_ svn to do non-trivial things that's hard :P01:04
RAOFbddebian: Hush!01:04
RAOFbddebian: bzr is love!01:04
lmr_RAOF: I got your point, but the good thing is that we don't have to do non-trivial things frequently01:04
RAOFessial: There's also a banshee IRC channel.  Popping up in there might be a good idea, too.01:05
essialwee console scrolly01:05
mok0Hmm. Could someone explain how to interpret the "MoM" page? What are the colors? What is "Outstanding" vs. "Updated" merges?01:05
essialdone grabbing svn01:05
essialer banshee01:05
* RAOF has basically given up on any VCS that he can't make local commits in.01:06
essialnow to figure out how to install it01:08
essialer compile it01:08
RAOFYup.  Since we have a banshee package, pulling all the build-dependencies is (mostly) easy: you can run "sudo apt-get build-dep banshee" to install all the packages (our) banshee (package) needs to build.01:09
StevenKRAOF: Which leaves git, bzr and svn?01:09
mathiazmok0: the colors are related to the last time a merge has been done01:09
essialits like i need to install autotools and run autogen01:10
mathiazmok0: Outstanding means that the package hasn't been merge during this release cycle.01:10
RAOFStevenK: Which leaves git, bzr, mercurial.01:10
mok0mathiaz: ah, ok, because they are behind, too01:10
mathiazmok0: Updated means that the package has already been merge at least once during this release cycle01:10
StevenKRAOF: I thought svn could do --local for commits01:10
RAOFOh, maybe it can.01:10
mathiazmok0: we try to merge each package at least once during the release cycle01:11
essialRAOF: were you talking to me about banshee?01:11
RAOFessial: Yes :)01:11
essiali don't want to much up my package tree too bad01:11
essialwhat is build-dep for01:11
* mok0 thinks the key to the colors should be listed on MoM's web page01:11
mok0mathiaz: thanks01:11
RAOFStevenK: If you can, then "svn help commit" doesn't know about it.01:11
StevenKRAOF: I might not be remembering correctly01:12
essiali see the "configure build-dependencies for source packages" but does that mean downloading all .dev's?01:12
essialnice aparently i need 114 new packages :)01:13
mok0essial: you need to create a pbuilder01:14
RAOFmok0: Not for local development.01:14
mok0RAOF: if he want's to avoid installing 114 packages on his own system01:14
essiali don't mind as long as it doesn't bomb my dist01:15
RAOFessial: pbuilder is a tool which creates a clean build environment to build Ubuntu packages in.  If you're doing upstream development, it's probably more hassle than its worth.01:15
essiali have a very fast pc and connection01:15
essiali just don't want to reinstall ubuntu to update my packages :)01:15
RAOFThe only thing that -dev packages use is disc space, which is cheap.01:15
essiali have over 1tb so01:16
essiali'll live01:16
essialaparently its done01:17
essialnice it took mono 4 seconds to crash on me :)01:17
RAOFAlways fun.01:19
essialof course not a damn thing compiles :)01:21
essiali have more luck with C than C#, and thats scary *sighs*01:21
essialcould have something to do with the error: Files in variable ASSEMBLY_CSFILES contains variables which cannot be parsed without path to the configure.in being set. ignoring such files01:22
RAOFPastebinning the full output of autogen is likely to be helpful.01:24
RAOF!pastebin | essial01:24
ubotwoessial: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:24
essialthats most likely the problem, i didn't run autogen, just loaded the project01:25
RAOFessial: Ah, right.  The autotools foo is more likely to be buildable at any one time than the monodevelop project. :)01:28
essialand I hit my usual hurdle with trying to help.. version problems where it requires a version i cannot get without source01:29
essialndesk-dbus must be >= 0.5, i have 0.4.201:29
essialso tell me code gurus, how do I resolve without breaking my package tree01:29
RAOFAaah.  ndesk-dbus 0.6.0 is in Hardy.  You are presumably using Gutsy.01:31
ScottK2essial: Work in a chroot.01:31
essialso what do I need to do in order to compile01:31
mok0essial: you need to create a pbuilder ;-)01:31
RAOFScottK2: That's an excellent idea.01:31
essialso i gotta clone an entire system to compile a project?01:32
mok0essial: it takes about 3 minutes01:32
essialallright, well i'm assuming i will just create a folder and chroot into it01:32
ubotwopbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto01:32
essialreading, thanks!01:33
azeemessial: you've been "using linux since the early 90's", but never compiled a project?01:33
mok0mono is evil01:33
RAOFessial: Such is the way with developmnet code - particularly long-term development branches such as banshee-trunk.01:33
essialazeem: sure have01:33
mok0mono is evil and should be avoided01:33
ScottK2mok0: If you think that, just wait until you see moonlight01:34
essial./configure --prefix = /usr/bin && make && make install works like a charm 99% of the time01:34
mok0moonlight is also evil01:34
RAOFmok0: Mono seems to be the thing most likely to allow me to, in some glorious future, not need to care that there's a C library for what I want but not a $LANGUAGE_OF_CHOICE library.01:34
mok0Imaging when M$ pulls the carpet and we have 1000 mission critical applications....01:34
essialanyway, i'm not frustrated, i'll read the wiki and follow it01:35
RAOFmok0: No one seems to have convincing evidonce that this carpet exists.01:35
mok0It does01:35
mok0They've told us01:35
RAOFThey've said "linux infringes patents" (which I assume is what you're referring to).  This is undobtedly the case.01:36
ScottK2RAOF: At the very least they've announced they have carpets that they won't say what it affects.01:36
RAOFThere's probably a second 'u' in "undoubtedly". :)01:37
essialoh goody here it goes01:37
ScottK2Believing that none of those carpets affect Mono is an exercise in optimism at best.01:37
mok0ScottK2: they are patiently waiting01:37
ScottK2That's my expectation too.01:37
mok0gnome used to be a very nice C based system.01:38
RAOFmok0: Incidentally, http://people.freedesktop.org/~racarr/ms.gif01:38
RAOFBut C is a crap language to write UIs in.01:38
slangasekhaskell FTW01:39
mok0RAOF: :-D01:39
RAOFI'm not saying that C is inherently bad, just that it's good at things which are nearly pointless on the desktop.01:39
essialC is good at starting words for example01:39
essialvery bad at ending them01:39
mok0RAOF: Anyway, Miguel himself seems to have come to the conclusion that it might not have been a very good idea to introduce mono in gnome...01:40
RAOFAs far as I'm aware, the only mono-dependency in Gnome is tomboy?01:41
mok0There's a couple more, can't remember which01:42
RAOFfspot, beagle, banshee, off the top of my head.  None of which are actually a part of Gnome.01:42
mok0ok, yeah those are the ones.01:42
mok0Oh, it's used in serpentine, that I have been merging01:43
RAOFOh, really?  Wow.01:44
mok0or rather, a plugin, which creates a .dll01:44
RAOFYou can write serpentine plugins in CIL?  Wow.01:44
essialshould i do the pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd01:45
RAOFessial: You don't really need the buildd variant.  But something like that, yes.01:45
essiali'm still not quite sure what pbuilder does yet so :)01:46
mok0essial: basically, it creates a tarball of a system01:46
mok0essial: when building, it will unpack the tar ball in a chroot, copy the source package to it, and download the build-depends01:47
RAOFessial: For you, the interesting part is that you'll have a minimal Hardy system in a tarball.01:48
essialis hardy the codename for the dev of ubuntu, or just the name of the next version01:48
mok0essial, the tar ball will be ~80Mb01:49
StevenKessial: Hardy is code name for the next version.01:50
StevenKessial: Unlike Debian, where sid is always in development.01:50
essialok i created the pbuilder environment, and added the hardy sources to the list01:51
essialnow its saying apt-get source bc (which i'm assuming should be apt-get source get banshee)01:51
essialit doesn't say anything about chroot01:51
mok0essial: are you  building your package?01:52
essialI'll have to compile it so I assume so01:52
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StevenKessial: No get, 'apt-get source banshee'01:53
mok0essial: did you do "pbuilder --build <yourpackage.dsc> ?01:53
essialall i've done thus far is pbuilder create ....01:53
essialand added the entry to my deb-src list01:53
mok0essial: it doesn't do the chroot when it creates01:53
essiali did it in my normal environment01:53
essialso i'm assuming i need to chroot before making that mod01:54
mok0essial, pbuilder --login01:54
RAOFmok0: He's not actually building a package.  He's trying to do some upstream banshee development :)01:54
essialand learning everything on the way up01:55
mok0In other words, having fun :-)01:55
essialok i sudo pbuilder --login, it extracted the tarball and i'm assuming now i'm sitting at the chroot i just built01:55
essialso NOW i add that line to the sources and apt-get the source01:55
mok0essial: you might want a --save-after-login switch on there too01:55
essialwhat does that switch mean01:56
essialkeep any file changes i presume01:56
mok0essial: because the normal behaviour is to zap the chroot01:56
mok0essial: yes01:56
essialok so I understand the basics of pbuilder, it lets you compile without fscking up your current system with beta packages01:57
essialsee, i'm learning :)01:57
mok0cool, huh?01:57
essialyeah that makes sense01:57
essialcan you move files in and out of the chroot01:57
essial(into the host environment)01:57
mok0essial: ... and install all the build-depends01:57
mok0(it does that automagically)01:58
RAOFessial: You can, yes.  You can mount /home in your pbuilder chroot.01:58
RAOFI forget quite how to do that, though.  There's some configuration as to what you actually want mounted inside the chroot.01:59
essialchanging packages to hardy01:59
mok0essial: didn't you create the pbuilder from hardy packages?01:59
essiali guess not01:59
essialremember i've never heard of pbuilder until 15 minutes ago01:59
essial--variant=hardy ?02:00
essialor not02:01
mok0essial: yes, yes02:02
* essial sighs.. not working02:02
essialsorry I know i'm being a pain02:02
essialsudo pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --distrobution=hardypbuilder remove02:02
essialer -remove02:03
mok0pbuilder --create --distribution=hardy02:04
mok0pbuilder --update --distribution=hardy --override-config02:04
essialah the = was throwing it off02:06
essialnext question, is it always only one pbuilder environment or do you ever want more than one normally02:06
mok0essial: you can have as many as you want, but you need to set up the .pbuilderrc file to handle it sensibly02:07
protonchrisWhich channel the best place to ask about the ubuntu-release team?02:08
mok0essial: there's also a script called pbuilder-dist that can help you with having several pbuilders02:09
essialok well pbuilder is up and running, gotta find the name of the hyena package now02:09
mok0essiel, there's a bunch of useful stuff in ubuntu-dev-tools02:10
mok0Well, time to go to bed for me. See you later guys!02:11
essialaparently banshee isn't in the normal sources02:12
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essialok i'm getting the hang of it02:16
RAOFessial: Hm.  Banshee is in Universe.  I'm not sure if that's enabled in a default pbuilder setup.02:17
essiali'm testing building gedit since i know that will be simple to do02:17
essialthen i'll add universe02:17
RAOFRight, that might be a good idea :)02:17
essialapt-get build-dep gedit worked :)02:17
essialand apt-get source gedit pulled the sources into home so02:18
essialheres my question RAOF: is the apt-get source getting the latest source dist, NOT the svn dist?02:19
essiali'm assuming so02:19
essialin other words should i only apt-get build-dep gedit, THEN just svn gedit02:19
essialwell i compiled gedit, jsut can't run it for obvious reasons :)02:21
RAOFapt-get source gets the "source package" for the package in the repositories - the upstream tarball that is the code + some metadata about how to build it & such.02:21
essiallast question: i just complied gedit in a pbuilder console02:22
essialhow am I supposed to test it?02:22
essialjust copy it over to a local dir?02:22
essialor is there some way to run a shell X in a window02:22
RAOFYou should be able to get X in the pbuilder environment, but I'm not sure how.02:23
* essial sighs02:23
Hobbseecopying .Xauthority in there, iirc02:23
RAOFSee!  People who know more than me :)02:24
essialso should I just install a hardy live install then?02:24
essialbecause it doesn't even have X or gnome in the chroot02:24
essiali'd have to re-get all of those packages02:24
essialit'd be just as quit to re-install with hardy and have it just work :)02:25
RAOFIf Hobbsee is right, copying the .Xauthority file from your home directory should allow apps to run on your X server.02:25
RAOFOther options include running Hardy in a VM, or having a full hardy install.02:27
superm1or just xhost +, DISPLAY=:0 app02:27
RAOFSorry, it seems that Banshee wasn't such a good starting point!02:28
squentinessial: you can also install the needed libraries in a folder and set some environment variables so it is found02:40
squentinI'm just not sure what env variables, at least PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH02:41
crimsunxauth is generally preferable to xhost.02:41
crimsunor, ssh -Y02:42
emgentheya crimsun :)02:42
crimsunhi emgent :)02:42
superm1but for the purposes of a pbuilder for someone new, it's simplicity02:45
essialhey wouldn't it be just as easy to install a full dist inside of vmware?03:10
RAOFIt might be, yes.03:12
RAOFIf you happen to already have vmware (or some other virtualisation jobby) set up.03:13
essialis there a hardy cd or should i just base install and enable hardy sources03:13
ScottK2You can do either03:13
ScottK2One advantage of the pbuilder approach is you always know you are starting with a clean chroot.  You can do that in a virtual environment, but you do need to rememberto do it.03:14
essiali can just save a copy of the built system03:14
essialbut then x and everything runs out of the box03:14
ScottK2Yes.  You can03:15
essialcool well that will make things much nicer03:15
essialdo you guys run hardy for your main system?03:15
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essialand to answer your question RAOF: yes, I have vmware as I do os development from time to time03:16
ScottK2essial: I've got several machines.  The one that runs Hardy is just for development and testing.03:17
essialtorrents are awsome :) its only pulling 500kb/sec but thats better than the 90 the server was doing03:18
RAOFI do use hardy as my main system.03:19
RAOFIt means that I hit bugs more often, so I'm more motivated to fix them ;)03:20
essialperhaps i should do so too then03:20
RAOFIt'll *certainly* force you to learn about apt ;)03:20
essialthat would allow me to easily develop native right?03:20
essiali know how to use apt-get and such03:20
essiali'm not afraid of the console, believe me03:21
essiali just have to learn the new stuff.. i use to use emerge and friends03:21
RAOFRunning hardy is an exercise in being certain that the packages apt wants to remove won't seriously annoy you.03:21
essialit was always funny getting the base system running, then calling "emerge gnome" and watching it compile like 350 packages03:21
essialwhat do you mean RAOF03:22
emgentFujitsu, ping03:22
RAOFessial: Well, packages don't necessarily build in the right order, so new packages appear with unmet dependencies, which apt will then want to uninstall on dist-upgrade, or suchlike.03:23
essialso can't I just go to package manager and just update individual packages?03:23
essialwith "mark all upgrades"03:24
emgentFujitsu, why you dont use patch system in bug #191488 ?03:25
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 191488 in mplayer "[mplayer] [DSA-1496-1] several buffer overflows" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19148803:25
RAOFIt's just a bit more hit-and miss.03:25
emgentcan i work on this bug for add patches with patch system?03:25
RAOFessial: With sufficient caution and a fair knowledge of the internals Hardy will only be unusable a couple of days in the dev cycle, give or take.03:25
Fujitsuemgent: Only Dapper has a patch system. Feisty and Gutsy are maintained in bzr.03:26
essialRAOF: when the new ubuntu version is completed, do old versions upgrade easily, or must you download and install the new iso03:27
emgentuhm ok Fujitsu03:27
RAOFessial: Upgrades are supported.  See, for example...03:27
RAOF!upgrade > essial03:27
Fujitsuemgent: Do not upload a new debdiff for feisty or gutsy unless you also have a bzr branch with those changes.03:28
emgentFujitsu, sure np03:29
essialthey really should make contributing to linux a lot less painful :)03:29
essiali guess thats one weakness to a package-tree style system03:30
RAOFessial: I'm not sure that it's actually painful, it's just a different culture.03:30
essialwell I guess i need to buy some gloves and grow my chin hair out more03:30
* RAOF suggests white kid gloves.03:30
essiali'll figure it out, i really do want to contribute03:30
essial80% on the cd03:31
essiali'm just going to nuke my install, its no big deal03:31
* essial has three hard drives, one for windows, one for data, and one for linux03:31
essialI must say though, I am impressed with how far wine is progressing03:32
essialI poped in the orange box cd, ran the setup, installed steam and the games, downloaded the updates, and everything ran with 0 problems03:32
LaserJockis there any good tool for tracking memory leaks?04:27
RAOFAs long as it doesn't SIGILL on AMD64 :)04:29
LaserJockhmm, I'm not sure how to find what app to run valgrind on04:29
essialI'm on the beta now, it looks awsome, but now i get "Error: aclocal version 1.9 or better is required to configure banshee" :(04:29
LaserJockmy laptop's just using too much memory04:30
LaserJockbut I can't pinpoint an app that's doing it04:30
RAOFessial: You probably need to install automake?04:31
RAOFLaserJock: Can't top/htop/gnome-system-monitor help there?04:32
LaserJockthey don't seem to04:32
LaserJockit seems like the sum of the apps mem usage doesn't agree with the total used04:32
RAOFDeath by a thousand cuts?04:32
LaserJockI go from 250MB usage at startup to 500MB after a day or two04:33
LaserJockwith no apps open04:33
essiali thought linux was designed to use all of your ram always04:34
essialno sense freeing ram unless you need to04:34
LaserJockwell, that is true04:34
essialthats why apps start up faster after the first time through04:34
LaserJockbut if it's holding on to ram it shouldn't I'd like it to not04:34
essialand I know caching is the vast majority of my ram04:35
essialmy 2gb of ram fills up to 99% within a day or two04:35
essialbut 1.4gb of it is cache04:35
LaserJockoh, I'm not talking about cached memory04:35
essialwell the system monitor should show memory usage04:35
LaserJockI'm talking about used memory04:35
RAOFThere aren't some processes from other users being missed?04:36
essialYAY banshee compiles04:36
LaserJockno other users04:36
LaserJockand I'm looking at all processes04:36
LaserJockI don't know, it's probably not a big deal, it's just annoying that I don't know where it's going04:37
essialholy hell they made some changes to the system monitor04:37
RAOFDrivers could concievably leak memory not accounted for anywhere?04:38
essialgrr DapCore of course refuses to compile04:40
essialeveryting else works though :)04:40
LaserJockok, so if I add up all the processes >=1MB usage I get 312MB and I've got 512MB used04:41
RAOFYou probably can't squirrel away 200MB in tiny processes...04:41
LaserJockand that's with about 1/2 since last reboot04:41
RAOF1/2?  Half a day?  Half a week?04:42
RAOFHm.  Well, my amd64 hardy web/mythtv/pulse/irssi server has been up for 26 days now, and it's at 600MB usage, which seems not unreasonable.04:44
essialwell good news is i could compile banshee04:45
essialthe bad news is MonoDevelop refuses to compile it04:45
RAOFThat's not uncommon.04:46
superm1RAOF, you haven't been seeing any memory leaks in mythbackend have you ?04:46
superm1anything excessive at least...04:46
superm1there was a report of UPnP having fun04:46
RAOFI haven't.  Or, at least, the leaks have been below 10Mb/day or so :)04:47
superm1na, this was like 1200 in a day04:47
RAOFThen again, my mythbackend doesn't see a huge load.04:47
superm1yeah neither did his04:48
superm1it was just UPnP deciding to leak and leak and leak04:48
RAOFThinking of which, any joy making my laptop's Totem an awesome upnp mythtv frontend? :)04:49
superm1yeah its all there except for the UPnP code to find your backend nicely04:50
superm1i've got the package in debian04:50
superm1but i couldnt get the patch to build on totem04:50
superm1or totem to build at all for that matter04:50
RAOFLess wicked.04:50
superm1so at this point if u put the stuff in gconf-editor, it works04:50
superm1but the auto detect stuff isn't there yet04:50
RAOFAgain incidentally, Gloss looks cool.  I'll help you package it for Intrepid if you like :)04:50
RAOFRight.  Which requires me to dig up all that config stuff.04:51
superm1well if it's ready for intrepid04:51
superm1but yeah, help appreciated either way04:51
superm1sometime during interpid time i'm going to revamp all the packaging for myth-*04:51
superm1it's turned into a cobbled complicated mess04:51
superm1so it needs some cdbs loving04:51
ethana2..is firefox3 beta4 on it's way to repos?05:17
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dholbachgood morning06:47
siretarttorkel: can you give me a list of files you had to remove?06:48
* dholbach hugs siretart06:48
* siretart hugs dholbach back! :)06:49
dholbachsiretart: how are you doing?06:49
siretartdholbach: I'm about to leave for the office06:50
dholbachsiretart: have a great day then! :)06:50
siretartcu in about an hour! :)06:53
torkelsiretart: resolv.conf* and mtab* (not sure if you have to remove the last one if you add -n to romountopt)06:56
torkelsiretart: the live kernel is a -11 though. I have no idea if they have changed anything in aufs in -12.06:57
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siretarttorkel: ah, thanks. will try that07:55
siretartdholbach: well, we're more or less finished with the move, but we need to finish the old flat07:56
* dholbach hugs siretart08:03
dholbachsiretart: all the best with that!08:03
siretartI really expect I'll can invest more time into intrepid. The last 6 month haven't been funny for me workwise08:04
siretartI'll tell you when I see you next time08:04
* dholbach hugs siretart :))08:06
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DaveMorriswho can I poke to get my patch for bug #195433 which I uploaded on 25/209:59
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 195433 in opensg "libopensg-core-dev is missing dependices which are called on in the pkg-config file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19543309:59
rexbronjcastro: Hey Jorge, have you had any responces to my request yet?10:02
YokoZardholbach: I have a sponsored upload with my name attached to it now, would reapplying to MOTU now be a good idea?10:03
dholbachYokoZar: your /+packages page still has only four entries - who did the sponsoring? - did you use  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess ?10:21
\shsiretart: what must I do to enable qt-faststart tool in ffmpeg package?10:30
\shdholbach: /me sponsored the last wine upload10:32
YokoZardholbach: \sh did10:52
\shYokoZar: I think what dholbach meant is that your list of packages is still not enough...maybe you should start working on dholbachs "really-fix-it" bug list ;)10:54
YokoZarNo what he means is that my launchpad page still doesn't show Gutsy/Hardy Wine packages10:55
YokoZarAlso I closed a couple of bugs from that list ;)10:55
dholbachyeah that's really weird10:55
dholbachif you did an upload it should show up in that list10:55
YokoZarMaybe it's because he added one of his own changes to mine in the same push10:56
\shregarding -changes scotts name is on it10:56
dholbachmaybe best to ask in #launchpad if anything goes wrong there10:56
\shYokoZar: no...it parses changelog and there is your name10:56
\shYokoZar: I never touched your debian/changelog tag line..and debuild -S -sa -k<my gpg key> doesn't change it magically10:57
\shYokoZar: regarding my +packages list last wine is 0.9.5610:57
Mez\sh, you're the wine expert here right#?10:59
dholbachMez: YokoZar is10:59
\shMez: yokozar is10:59
\shYokoZar: I found the mistake10:59
MezYokoZar / \sh - is it possible to have something installed system wide for wine (not using ~/.wine)10:59
\shYokoZar: please add your ubuntu.com address to LP10:59
YokoZarMez: Not yet.  To do that Wine would need to support registries in multiple places11:00
YokoZar\sh: Oh I might have an old key up there that didn't have the ubuntu address yeah11:00
\shYokoZar: that's why it's not showing up11:00
MezYokoZar, :( I want to set something up so that I can see if I can get a wine install of winrar ...11:01
achadwick\sh: sort of. Wine mostly doesn't care if a file is a symlink if it doesn't have to write to it11:01
Mez(they provide a package, but it'd be nice if you could apt-get it)11:01
YokoZarMez: If the app has no registry entries (ie, a "portable" app), this is much easier11:02
MezYokoZar, how can I tell if it has registry entries?11:02
YokoZardholbach: looks like a dupe launchpad account was made: https://edge.launchpad.net/~scottritchie-ubuntu/+packages  (I'm merging it in now)11:03
YokoZarMez: One way to try is to install it into one .wine, rename .wine, copy the folder over manually, then see if it runs11:03
YokoZarcopy over manually into a new (clean) .wine that is11:04
achadwickSo you can make a WINEROOT (like ~/.wine) for each user with cp -rs, then enumerate what your win32 binary needs to write to, and replace those symlinks with real files11:04
MezYokoZar, what do I copy over - the drive_c?11:06
YokoZarMez: No, just the application you're testing.  Maybe drive_c/program files/winrar or something11:07
MezYokoZar, it was wiped anyways11:08
MezIt does seem to have registrey files, but doesnt seem to need them (except for registering)11:08
YokoZarMez: another possible hack is modifying wine's system.reg file with what you need (all this is used for is the default registry at wineprefixcreate time, ie when making .wine for the first time)11:10
YokoZardholbach: https://edge.launchpad.net/~scottritchie/+packages  is good now :)11:10
MezYokoZar, I just tried running it without registry stuff, and it created that registry stuff.11:13
MezYokoZar, what about installing it to a random directory, and then having it run from there?11:14
Mez(as it creates what it needs, and will just create new stuff when a new user runs it)11:14
YokoZarNice, it's ideal when apps remake the registry stuff they need.  That way you could run them from wherever.11:14
YokoZarSo, yes, it could be packaged fairly straightforwardly then (unless it needs to write to it's own folder)11:15
MezYokoZar, it'd probs need some hacking with the script...11:15
YokoZarWell yeah11:15
Mezseeing as it wants to put everything in ~/.winrar11:15
MezYokoZar, yup11:17
Mez(It's derived from the picasa scripts)11:17
Mezexport WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.winrar11:18
YokoZarPicassa uses its own internal Wine, not the system one11:18
Mezlol - well that makes things nice and easy11:18
YokoZarSo it's running it's own separate wineserver and registry and everything11:18
Mezah, fuck... I didnt notice that11:19
Mezyeah it is11:19
MezYokoZar, which I presume means it'd be a pita to get them to accept?11:22
Mez(though, to be fair, it could mean that I can use a single registry for it11:22
YokoZarMez: eh?  what do you mean accept here?11:22
MezYokoZar, I dont know - my brain isnt working11:22
YokoZarA proper Ubuntu package for any Windows application would use the system Wine, I think.  At least one we supply.  Google ships their own internal one, inefficient as it is, since users so frequently change their system Wine.11:23
MezYokoZar, yeah, but i'm unsure as to whether this'd work with the system wine11:24
YokoZarYou could just try the procedure I gave above with a downloaded winrar installer and see if that breaks anything11:25
YokoZar(namely, if the app can reinstall its registry entries when they're missing or if it relies on the installer to do that)11:25
YokoZarAlso if the app can run from a read-only directory11:26
MezIt has a sort of "in the middle" application that runs/installs winrar11:26
MezIt's kind of strange11:26
YokoZarIs there any place to get statistics on how often particular packages are downloaded / how many users total there are?11:37
YokoZarOther than the "stars of popularity" in gnome-app-install I can't really find anything concrete11:37
\shYokoZar: if then on popcon.ubuntu.com11:38
\shYokoZar: but no real numbers...11:38
YokoZarintresting, 165k wine users11:40
\shYokoZar: it's inaccurate...all people who are not enabled popcon are not matched11:40
YokoZarTrue.  Popcon is a default checkbox at install time, right?11:41
LaneyIt's disabled by default11:41
LaneyAnd hidden under "Advanced" on the last page of the installer, AFAIK11:41
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YokoZarAhh, that changes things a bit.11:41
\shYokoZar: but the impact of the broken wine on a devel release...was enough for me to tell, that people declare wine as important....11:41
\sh(mostly to play CS on linux ;))11:42
YokoZarHaha yeah when Wine was segfaulting on Hardy Alpha 5 we got like 10 duplicate bug reports and 60 people posting in the launchpad thread.  That's a hint right there ;)11:42
\shYokoZar: when I'm tired of wine, I'll file an MainInclusionReport for Wine, so that our colleagues can deal with it *harharhar*11:43
YokoZar\sh: It's been brought up every year (with the expectation that Wine 1.0 would be out within a year) for the past 4 years now.11:43
YokoZarTruthfully though Wine going into Main would be something that would need to happen if we ever wanted to start supporting a package like Mez's winrar11:45
\shYokoZar: well, I was thinking more about e.g. "Picasa" from Google..which has imho more users then Mez's winrar :)11:48
YokoZar\sh: True.  We could easily put Picassa into the partner repo, for instance.11:49
slicerdholbach: About bug 194836, the "logical" to me seems to have the mumble-server-web package conflict with a earlier version of mumble-server, however the debian policy says a Conflicts should "almost never" have an earlier than version clause. Is this one of the rare cases, or should it simply Replaces: it?11:49
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 194836 in mumble "Update to 1.1.3 (bugfixes)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19483611:49
\shYokoZar: correct :)11:49
YokoZarOr any app like it.  Hell, no reason any old application couldn't be packaged this way (provided it worked in Wine).  That was one of the original goals of Lindows click and run, actually - to share revenue selling Windows software.  Wine just didn't work too well back then.11:50
YokoZarFor MOTU purposes, we could package free apps without good linux equivalents (say, eMule)11:51
\shYokoZar: if it compiles from source, sure :)11:51
YokoZar\sh: True.  Getting Visual Studio programs to compile on Linux has been a fantasy of mine for a while.11:52
\shbtw...any reason why we don't have APC (php optimizer/cache) in our archives, but only xcache?11:52
YokoZarThere was some interest in it by one of the scons developers.  I should get back in touch with him.  Basically the idea was to run a visual studio project through some magic python script and then end up with an scons project that we could build in linux with winelib11:53
\shYokoZar: what about the propietary MSVC compiler crap?11:53
YokoZar\sh: Some of that is portable.  The weird patented exception handling, for instance, can be handled with some macros to translate it into GCC stuff.  The windows API header files, on the other hand, are handled by Winelib's reimplementation.11:58
\shYokoZar: well, the latter is not a problem actually..but the former will be a big piece of work to do12:01
* \sh brb12:03
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
dholbachslicer: I'd use the replaces12:07
* dholbach is out for a dogwalk now12:08
dholbachsee you later12:08
mok0It's something they do for geeks now. Give them a dog so they get into the open once in a while :-P12:09
Hobbseeopen?  what's that?12:09
* Hobbsee wonders if that has something to do with the big blue room12:10
mok0Whatever it is, dholbach is heading there...12:10
Hobbseescary.  will he come back?12:10
mok0Hobbsee: ask on the #future channel12:12
YokoZar\sh_away: regarding macros, there are already some in wine's exception.h file12:22
emgentheya people12:24
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shibataCan I list multiverse package in Suggestion/Recommend fields of main/universe package?12:59
persiashibata: As "Suggests:", yes.  As "Recommends:", no.13:00
shibatapersia: thx13:00
slytherinhas anyone tried installing elisa on hardy? Because I am getting broken depends13:22
persiaslytherin: My apt-cache agrees with your experience, and expects elisa to be unable to be installed due to a lack of plugins.  Perhaps there was a FTBFS for elisa plugins, or a missing sync, or perhaps the dependencies are incorrect.13:25
slytherinpersia: qa.ubuntuwire.com is stil not up right?13:27
persiaslytherin: Doesn't resolve for me.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+builds or http://members.ping.de/~mb/buildstatus_hardy/ may help you in the meantime13:28
slytherinpersia: this looks more like missing sync because I can not find any source package for all those plugins13:29
persiaslytherin: Quite possible.  Getting a new package freeze exception for this sort of broken behaviour is usually not too difficult, although it may be worth investigating when the dependency was added.13:30
persiabddebian: Hey (and no, still no attal patch).13:30
slytherinpersia: yes checking same.13:30
bddebianHeya gang13:31
bddebianHi persia13:31
bddebianpersia: NP.  I'm actually trying to build from cvs now but having even worse problems :-(13:31
persiabddebian: You do like to make it difficult for yourself :)  Thank you.13:32
bddebianpersia: :-)13:32
bddebianpersia: What did you ever decide with CTSim?13:32
persiabddebian: To patch it to not build the GUI, but that's on my patch list, and I lost last week, and am still catching up on communications, and haven't done anything yet this week.13:33
bddebianHeh.  Not sick I hope?13:34
persiabddebian: Not anymore :)13:34
bddebianOh :-(13:34
mok0Huh? Why doesn't emacs have a python-mode in hardy? Do I need to install a special package?13:35
slytherinpersia: Looks like lool has just added all the plugin packages about 2 hours ago. Damn, no work left for me to be done. :-(13:37
mok0nope, doesnt13:37
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jussi01could someone give me a quick rundown on the proceedure to add an icon to a package? (or point me somewhere?)13:50
slytherinjussi01: First check if upstream has added any icon recently. if now design one of your own. :-)13:51
jussi01slytherin: yeah, we have the icon, Im more wondering on the proceedure of adding it to the package13:52
slytherinjussi01: which package?13:52
jussi01!info genpo13:52
ubotwoPackage genpo does not exist in gutsy13:52
jussi01!info genpo hardy13:52
jussi01slytherin: its one of our packages included in ubuntu studio, just my skills are a litle rusty13:54
slytherinjussi01: I believe you will have to get source of the package in hardy. then add a change log entry, add icon file. you may need to change .desktop or .desktop.in file. I can not give instructions this way. You have to try it yourself.13:56
jussi01slytherin: ok, great13:57
\shScottK: ping...would you like to review bug #200996 pls? :)13:57
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200996 in ffmpeg "[FFMPEG] missing qt-faststart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20099613:57
\shScottK: siretart is ok with this change and I filed it to debian, too :)13:58
\shgrmpf...wrong window..ffmpeg is main ;) so -devel is better13:59
* Hobbsee adds a few more bugs to the "done" pile14:00
Hobbseejdong: can you check 193784 please?  i've sent it to you guys14:00
slytherin\sh: synaptic still shows me ffmpeg in universe.14:01
\shslytherin: Rejected:14:02
\shSigner is not permitted to upload to the component 'main' of file 'ffmpeg_0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7.dsc'14:02
Iulianjussi01: Also be sure that you add dh_desktop to debian/rules and dh_install debian/<pkg>.desktop /usr/share/applications. The icon needs to be 32x32 or 48x4814:02
Iulianjussi01: You may also have to install the icon to /usr/share/pixmaps14:02
\shslytherin: the ffmpeg bin package is in universe...but we are talking about "source pkg" ;)14:03
slytherin\sh: :-D14:03
Iulianjussi01: That would be something like dh_install debian/<pkg_name>.xpm usr/share/pixmaps in debian/rules14:04
jussi01Iulian: thanks. is it possible to use an svg?14:04
jdongbug 19378414:04
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 193784 in gutsy-backports "Amarok Size Mismatch (gutsy-backports)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19378414:04
Iulianjussi01: I've never used an svg. I don't know.14:05
jdongHobbsee: that seems like an archive issue, I don't think I can do anything about it14:05
jdongother than forward it to pitti14:05
* jdong looks one channel left14:05
Hobbseejdong: yeah, true14:05
slytherinjussi01: sure it is possible to use svg and it is recommended since they are scalable without loss in quality. Check /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/14:07
slytherinjussi01: rather /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/14:08
Hobbseedholbach: iv'e done 6.  can i stop now?  :)14:12
emgentjdstrand, ping14:13
dholbachHobbsee: no... keep working on them! :-)14:13
dholbachhttp://daniel.holba.ch/really-fix-it :)14:13
emgentjdstrand, when you have time please commit debdiff in bug #200987 on -security, Thanks14:13
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200987 in lighttpd "CVE-2008-1270 when mod_userdir is loaded but not configured, the server's whole disk becomes remotely readable" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20098714:13
jdstrandemgent: sure-- thanks!14:21
emgentjdstrand, thanks to you14:21
emgentoh jdstrand14:21
emgentsee also https://edge.launchpad.net/~emgent/+assignedbugs?search=Search&field.status=In+Progress14:21
jdstrandemgent: right, I looked at it yesterday14:22
emgentok thanks :)14:22
jussi01can someone suggest a sample package which has good menu and .desktop files? (for reference)14:36
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LaneyIs there any problem with KDE and gksu?15:11
Laneyalternatively, is there anything else that KDE uses?15:13
mruizhi all15:17
persiaLaney: There are kdesu and su-to-root, but you may need to adjust dependencies to use those.  I don't remember a general solution ever being agreed upon by all.15:17
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sistpoty|workhi folks15:20
RainCThey sistpoty|work15:20
sistpoty|workhi RainCT15:20
Laneypersia: So do you think it's OK for a package to just use gksu then?15:21
persiaLaney: Depends on the package.  If it's a KDE package, better to use kdesu, but lots of non-DE specific packages use either su-to-root or gksu, and many KDE users have one or both of those installed.15:22
persiaIf the "binary" is a wrapper script of any sort, arranging for elevated permissions in the wrapper script allows one to check what is available on the local system, providing some flexibility.15:23
hellboy195persia: ah I see you :) do you remember fail2ban. About the SRU to dapper !?15:23
Laneypersia: Yeah, actually it's ettercap-gtk, so I guess there wouldn't be a problem with gksu in that case.15:24
persiaLaney: No, not for ettercap-gtk :)15:24
persiahellboy195: Yes.  I thought Dapper support ended in June 2011, so we didn't need it because it next was a problem in February 2012, but I'm unsure if the patch allows one to read old log files, in which case many Dapper users might want it to recover their two-week old logs.15:25
LaneyDktrKranz2: Can you review the patch again in that case? ;) re: the recommends: gksu - it already does!15:25
hellboy195persia: yeah. that's the problem. Do you think it's a big problem for people to delete the old log files? Or we have to ask the patch submitter if it's working also with the old log files15:26
DktrKranz2Laney: great! Now I'm unable to do it (Windows has some troubles with apt-get...), I'll check when I'll back home. Thanks :)15:27
persiahellboy195: Better to test locally: the bug submitter already deleted the old log files.  I'm not in favour of a solution that requires deletion of user data, but I suspect most users have already found some workaround at this point.15:28
persiaDktrKranz2: Even with cygwin?  While it may be hard to test, or compile, or anything, at least apt-get ought work.15:28
hellboy195persia: so is it still worth it?15:29
hellboy195DktrKranz2: streamtuner?15:29
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DktrKranz2persia: since it requires X to work, and no time to setup cygwin at work, I prefer to test it on a real Hardy ;)15:30
persiahellboy195: That's a hard question.  You might want to direct it to the motu-sru team, who are more qualified to have an opinion.  Doing nothing often feels safer, but there may be users who want to check the old data.15:30
persiaDktrKranz2: cygwin isn't any good for testing anyway, only for manual package inspection :)15:30
hellboy195persia: I will ask the sru folks. thanks :)15:31
DktrKranz2I've got etch on our servers, but it's not a good idea doing some sponsoring there15:31
persiaheh.  No :)15:31
DktrKranz2hellboy195: which bug? The famous one?15:31
hellboy195DktrKranz2: where I subscribed Hobbsee to help us. You unassigned it from you15:32
DktrKranz2hellboy195: yes, I'm still subscribed, though15:34
hellboy195DktrKranz2: I'm afraid that it will take some time if we can close the bug ^^15:34
DktrKranz2basically I'm just unsure why it was removed. If someone has a clear idea, it's good.15:35
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DktrKranz2that's why i resubscribed u-u-s15:35
hellboy195DktrKranz2: and I subscribed Hobbsee, you know ^^15:36
hellboy195LucidFox: around?15:36
hellboy195LucidFox: so. beagle merge is open since nearly 3 weeks. you and slomo are subscribed. WHAT's going on?15:37
LucidFoxI just forgot about it :(15:37
hellboy195LucidFox: ok ^^ and why (did you) is slomo subscribed?15:37
DktrKranz2hellboy195: daniel subscribed him15:38
hellboy195DktrKranz2: is beagle such "high" priority?15:38
DktrKranz2hellboy195: what about that SRU-related bug persia and you were discussing earlier?15:39
DktrKranz2hellboy195: being replaced by tracker, it's high-prio no more15:39
hellboy195DktrKranz2: yes but why then 3 motu's looked at it ^^15:39
hellboy195DktrKranz2: bug #197348 . Dapper users have problems with their old log files15:40
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 197348 in fail2ban "Please sync fail2ban 0.8.1-5 from Debian(Unstable)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19734815:40
jussi01hmmm, can anyone give me a pointer on the following error when i try to build a package with pbuilder?15:43
jussi01make: *** [clean] Error 12715:43
jussi01dpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 215:43
persiajussi01: typically means that it couldn't run the clean rule.  A frequent cause is an inability to unpatch the sources.  Are your patches reversible?  Are the patched files further modified by the build?15:45
jussi01persia: please ignore me... (i guess it helps to have debhelper installed?) :)15:46
persiajussi01: Well, yes, not having build-dependencies installed can also cause that problem :)15:46
hellboy195persia: how are my chances to get nexuiz 2.4 into hardy? have you some information about that?15:48
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persiahellboy195: I've no information about that at all, although I suspect that given the close integration in the Games team between Debian and Ubuntu, you'd have difficulty getting a freeze exception unless it was already available in Debian.15:49
DktrKranz2hellboy195: correct one is bug #197348, and next "Feb 29th" will be on 2012 (out of Dapper support cycle). If I'm wright, only Hardy (and newer) will be supported on 2012, so there's no need to prepare a SRU (unless my misunderstandings).15:50
persiaIf you really want it, first find a Games team member around, and get them to verify it is all updated and good in Debian.  After that, check with motu-release.15:50
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 197348 in fail2ban "Please sync fail2ban 0.8.1-5 from Debian(Unstable)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19734815:50
hellboy195persia: hmm debian folks are slow. not in sid yet :(15:50
persiaDktrKranz2: The problem is that the current Dapper fail2ban crashes when reading logfiles from 29th February 2008.15:50
QbixAwayCan somebody tell me how bug contact works? I'm listed as bug contact for dosbox, but I can't change imporantance in launchpad.15:50
QbixAway(for a bug)15:50
persiahellboy195: Not slow, just very many packages and only so many active members of the Games team.15:51
DktrKranz2persia: ah... this changes everything, then.15:51
persiaQbixAway: You'd likely get a better answer in #ubuntu-bugs.15:51
QbixAwaypersia. ah thanks. didn't know it existed15:52
hellboy195persia: true. what do you think. How long can I wait until it's clear that it's "too late"15:52
persiaDktrKranz2: Of course, most users have already cleared the broken log entry to get it working again, so the question is how many users would be affected vs. the risk of a stable update.15:52
persiahellboy195: Wednesday night.15:52
hellboy195persia: so. tomorrow in 1 week?15:52
persiahellboy195: Check the release schedule.  I'm tired, so it may be a week, rather than tomorrow (I'm not sure).15:53
persiaAfter BetaFreeze, new upstreams are almost never allowed, except in very special cases.15:53
hellboy195persia: then tomorrow. k thx. and I'll talk to motu sru about fail2ban15:54
sistpoty|workhellboy195: 2.4 is already in the games svn, so I guess either there are problems with it, or Fuddl is waiting for it to get sponsored to debian15:55
* persia notes that a member of motu-sru has been discussing fail2ban :)15:55
persiasistpoty|work: Do you know the current status?  I've still heaps of backlog mail.15:55
hellboy195sistpoty|work: buh 2 days are very few ...15:55
hellboy195persia: uhh. status?15:55
sistpoty|workpersia: of nexuiz? no, not really15:55
persiaSeems not to be a testing block.  Maybe just a final check to be sure SVN is 3.7.3 compliant, and needing another weekend of testing :)15:56
persia(err, that first "testing" referred to lenny)15:57
sistpoty|workoh, and there was just another commit to nexuiz ;)15:58
hellboy195sistpoty|work: I suppose we haven't got enough people to package it on our own?15:58
sistpoty|workhellboy195: it's already maintained by us?15:58
hellboy195sistpoty|work: Isn't it always synced from debian?15:59
DktrKranz2persia: u-u-s is quite populated actually, I'd like to define a strategy to clean it before next deadlines. Do you think we can discuss it on next meeting=15:59
sistpoty|workhellboy195: it's maintained by the debian/ubuntu games team, so yes, it's always synced15:59
persiahellboy195: It's maintained by "Debian Games Team", which has almost as many Ubuntu people as Debian people.15:59
persiaDktrKranz2: Sure (and yes, I'll send out that announcement).15:59
hellboy195sistpoty|work: nice to see a debian-ubuntu collaboration :)16:00
DktrKranz2persia: ok, then. I'll add the point to the agende.16:00
sistpoty|worksure :)16:00
hellboy195persia: what's the opinion of the motu-sru member about fail2ban?16:01
persiahellboy195: I'm not the person to ask :)  See https://launchpad.net/~motu-sru16:01
hellboy195persia: ahh I thought the person talked to you ^^16:02
jdstrandemgent: when preparing your lighttpd update, would you also want to fix CVE-2008-0983?16:02
ubotwoDebian bug 466663 in lighttpd "fdevent.c.171: aborted" [Important,Closed]16:02
hellboy195DktrKranz2: hey, you are in motu-sru ^^16:02
hellboy195persia: btw. When it's the "stop" for merges? also wednesday?16:02
emgentjdstrand, just a moment i go to see this cve16:02
hellboy195DktrKranz2: can you please check the progress?16:03
jdstrandemgent: the debian bug I gave has a patch, but I haven't revied any of it.  just came across it16:03
sistpoty|workhellboy195: btw, as I wrote in the FFe for nexuiz, you'll need a FFe for the quake c compiler as well, so I guess it might be prudent to get that done first ;)16:03
persiahellboy195: Merges can be accepted up until the archive closes, as long as they don't break the freeze rules.  Just be more selective about the merges as we get closer, and make sure the bugs being fixed are more important.16:04
hellboy195sistpoty|work: I read that. I think nexuiz is rather going to hardy-updates than to manage both FFe in the next 2 days16:04
hellboy195persia: I'll keep that in mind :)16:04
sistpoty|workhellboy195: I guess you mean hardy-backports?16:05
persiahellboy195: For the gutsy cycle, I found that after BetaFreeze, I often would merge backwards, incorporating only some of the Debian fixes into a new Ubuntu version.  After RCFreeze, most of my merges were of that type.16:05
hellboy195sistpoty|work: hmm. what's again the difference?16:05
emgentjdstrand, i saw it now16:06
hellboy195persia: :)16:06
emgenthardy too seems vulnerable..16:06
* jdstrand nods16:06
sistpoty|workhellboy195: -updates: a program is quite buggy during release, so an update goes in there. -backports: people who want the latest crack running a stable version16:06
emgentnow plaese commit this, this night i work with new CVE-2008-0983, if it's ok for you16:06
hellboy195sistpoty|work: ah. backports then. true :)16:06
jdstrandemgent: if you want to do it, I recommend updating 20098716:07
jdstrandemgent: add this CVE and update the debdiffs16:07
jdstrandemgent: that way we don't need to do two uploads16:07
emgentok uhm16:07
emgenti work now for it16:07
emgentthanks jdstrand for notice16:07
hellboy195sistpoty|work: but it's a pitty that sid repo can't be used with ubuntu :P16:08
jdstrandemgent: if you don't plan on doing it, I'll get to your debdiffs soon16:08
jdstrandemgent: cool.  thank you! :)16:08
emgentjdstrand, np i working now to it :P16:08
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\shhmmm...can someone explain the role of the "revu coordinator"?16:27
persia\sh: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-February/003362.html16:28
persiaIn summary, watch REVU between archive-open and FeatureFreeze to make sure the process is going smoothly.16:29
persia(and yes, I got the date wrong in that email)16:29
\sh-ENOTFORME ;)16:31
\shmy ubuntu time per week is already counted...:(16:31
persiaIt's a major timesink, but rather enjoyable.16:32
\shpersia: I think it will be a nice job :) but regarding my duties I have (company, family, ubuntu :)) it's really hard to stay on top with a duty as half-sysstud for revu..:( sponsoring takes time and security support takes time too...so :)16:34
hellboy195\sh: time to help me with a FTBFS (merge)?16:35
emgentjdstrand, in hardy it'snt vulnerable16:36
persia\sh: Entirely understood.  On the other hand, if you've an opinion about how it ought be done, stay after the MOTU meeting, and help set the right goals.16:37
* jdstrand nods16:37
\shhellboy195: fire away16:38
\shpersia: I will :)16:38
\shand someone is using my email address for spamming16:38
\shwhich is bad..really16:38
emgentjdstrand, gutsy too.16:38
hellboy195\sh: You are the last uploader so this may help you :)16:38
\shhellboy195: this is no surprise ;)16:39
hellboy195\sh: ^^16:39
\shhellboy195: what is it?16:39
hellboy195\sh: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cernlib16:39
hellboy195\sh: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/c/cernlib/current/changelog16:40
\shhellboy195: and the new version FTBFS (the debian one)16:42
hellboy195\sh: http://pastebin.com/m3610fb1f16:42
hellboy195\sh: first problem. gfortran. I had to set the build dep to the older version (ubuntu hasn't got the new one) but it's still FTBFS16:44
\shhellboy195: yes...because the version is build against new gfortran...(as it says in the changelog)16:45
hellboy195\sh: so this causes the FTBFS and we can't do something?16:45
* persia comments that there was some significant fortran transition underway, and not all sources may be compatible to the old fortran before wandering off16:45
\shhellboy195: it looks like...and this is nothing I want to fix for hardy now...the transition will hit us in ibex16:46
hellboy195\sh: k thx16:46
\shhellboy195: when we don't have the new fortran, don't think about upgrading the package16:46
hellboy195\sh: there is acutally a FFe for a package where gfortran is included but it was set to invalid ...16:46
hellboy195persia: I'm wondering that you are still online ;)16:47
\shhellboy195: well, I think it's not reasonable to introduce a new compiler at this time in hardy release16:47
sistpoty|workactually, I set it back to new, as it looks like we have parts of the gfortran transition already done...16:48
hellboy195\sh: true :)16:48
hellboy195sistpoty|work: parts? dangerous16:48
\shsistpoty|work: hmmm?16:48
sistpoty|workoh, doko: do you know the state of the gfortran transition in universe and should we go for it that late in the cycle?16:49
sistpoty|workbug #19919016:49
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 199190 in libitpp "[FFe] [Sync request] libitpp 4.0.3-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19919016:49
\shsistpoty|work: can you compile a list of packages which are in need of the transition?16:52
\shsistpoty|work: when we started the transition already (I never heard of it) I think it will be a stopper for Hardy when we don't finish it..I agree here with scotts comment on this bug16:53
sistpoty|work\sh: should already be there in the wiki link (see bug report)16:53
emgentjdstrand, this issue was fixed some month ago in all ubuntu version16:54
jdstrandemgent: really?16:54
sistpoty|work\sh: not too sure, hence I asked doko about it. If there are deep gfortran problems, it might also be an option to undo the transitioned packages16:54
emgentjdstrand, yuo can upload my debdiff16:54
emgentjdstrand, yep16:54
emgentjdstrand, i go to rename launchpad bug :P16:55
jdstrandok, cool16:55
emgentjdstrand, i have to go, see you later :)16:57
dokosistpoty|work: I don't care too much about it; you can try, at least it should build with gfortran, maybe you have problems on the port architectures16:57
\shok..time to go home for now :)16:58
\shcu later16:58
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jdstrandemgent: ok bye! thanks for looking into that17:02
jussi01hmmm, I have export DEBFULLNAME='Jussi Schultink' and the DEBEMAIL one in my .bashrc, just wondering what the variable is to add the comment that goes in the middle of the changelog entry is? - in my case (jussi01)17:16
sistpoty|workScottK, Hobbsee, TheMuso: what are your feelings towards getting the gfortran transition done and waiving a general FFe for it? (bug #199190)17:17
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 199190 in libitpp "[FFe] [Sync request] libitpp 4.0.3-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19919017:17
stdinjussi01: comment? you mean so it has " -- Jussi Schultink (jussi01) <your-email> (date)" ?17:19
ScottK2sistpoty|work: Better to try and finish since it's started than give up and leave it half done.17:20
ScottK2\sh_away: What testing of your ffmpeg change have you done?17:20
jussi01stdin: correct17:23
stdinjussi01: can't you just set DEBFULLNAME="Jussi Schultink (jussi01)", I'm pretty sure it will look at the email address for what key to use for signing17:24
jussi01stdin: no, it needs to be exactly correct for signing. Ill try that though :)17:25
ScottK2stdin: Actually it won't.  It looks at the comment too.  He'd need to use -k to sign, but with that it should work fine17:25
ScottK2jussi01: Just feed it your keyid with -k and then it'll work with the expanded comment17:25
stdinI think the way others do it is by putting the comment in the key when creating it17:25
jussi01stdin: yeah, the comment is in the key, i just want it to come when I use things like: dch -i17:26
stdinI've never bothered using the comment part, so I can't really say17:27
jussi01hmmm, seems to have worked just expanding the realname feild, Id be curious to know if there is a correct feild for it though17:29
jussi01and I cant spell field :P17:29
jdstrandFujitsu: fyi-- merged your ubuntu-cve-tracker updates17:29
jdstrandFujitsu: thanks!17:29
RainCTjussi01: the comment should be in DEBFULLNAME17:29
RainCTor at least that's how I've always done it17:30
sistpoty|workblueyed: for etckeeper, did you already contact the debian maintainer with your patch for bzr support?17:30
jussi01RainCT: ok then :)17:30
blueyedsistpoty|work: it's not my patch, but I'll see what submittodebian can do about it (it's not reported on bts yet)17:33
sistpoty|workblueyed: thanks17:34
* sistpoty|work heads home now17:36
hellboy195RainCT: you remember libnxml?17:40
RainCThellboy195: yes17:41
hellboy195RainCT: 2 days ago a new upstream version arrived in sid ^^17:41
hellboy195RainCT: funny :) btw. noticed that only the i386 and lpia builds of ldtp were sucessful?17:43
RainCTah yes17:46
RainCThellboy195: I see.. dependency problems17:47
hellboy195RainCT: our fault or because something else?17:47
tsmitheslomo, you here? would you be prepared to sponsor a (pretty much no-change) upload of my mscore package to debian19:06
tsmithe[since fluid-soundfont is now in]19:07
erle-when do you stop taking packages of debian unstable for ubuntu hardy?19:10
hellboy195erle-: we never stop? but the big wave stopped since we are now in FF and on wednesday Beta freeze starts19:10
hellboy195DktrKranz: buona sera :)19:10
erle-but i think you will not get gcc 4.3 to the repos19:11
hellboy195erle-: no we won't19:11
protonchrisAnybody willing to take a look at bug 190744 and potentially sponsor an upload?19:12
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19074419:12
jdstrandemgent: uploaded lighttpd for #20098719:15
jdstrandbug #20098719:15
emgentjdstrand, thanks :P19:15
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200987 in lighttpd "CVE-2008-1270 when mod_userdir is loaded but not configured, the server's whole disk becomes remotely readable" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20098719:15
emgentwhen you have time see other in progress ehehe :P19:15
jdstrandemgent: re bug #19594919:15
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 195949 in vlc "VLC Arbitrary memory overwrite in the MP4 demuxer" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19594919:15
jdstrandemgent: is there an edgy debdiff available?19:16
emgentuhm not now19:16
jdstrandif not, I'll review what's there and upload19:16
emgenti will work on this, just a moment19:16
jdstrandemgent: ok, np19:16
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tsmitheis it worth filing a sync request for fluid-soundfont, which whilst being new in debian today with a couple of changes (timidity config files supplies), is a very large package?19:19
Meztsmithe, wouldnt it be auto-synced?19:20
tsmitheit will be next cycle, yeah, so that's why i'm thinking it ain't worth the bother19:20
Mezor are the ubuntu changesok to wipe/19:20
Mezdepends on what the changes are19:20
tsmithewiping is fine :)19:21
tsmithe(there are no ubuntu changes; the ubuntu upload was first)19:21
emgentjdstrand, building test..19:35
emgentsorry for idle..19:35
jdstrandhey, thanks for doing it! :)19:36
emgentnp :P19:36
blueyedemgent: bug status "committed" is not right: it has not been uploaded already, has it?19:41
emgentblueyed, about what ?19:41
blueyedemgent: 20098719:42
emgentbug #20098719:42
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200987 in lighttpd "CVE-2008-1270 when mod_userdir is loaded but not configured, the server's whole disk becomes remotely readable" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20098719:42
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emgentblueyed, for hardy committed by \sh19:42
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emgentstatus it's ture.19:42
emgentjdstrand, change in fix committed because he send it to -security19:43
emgentblueyed, don't warry, be happy :P19:43
jdstrandemgent: what are you erferring to?19:44
emgentjdstrand, bug #200987 status.19:44
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200987 in lighttpd "CVE-2008-1270 when mod_userdir is loaded but not configured, the server's whole disk becomes remotely readable" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20098719:44
blueyedemgent: ok, I'm happy.. but I'm still not sure if it's right.. but it does not matter really, unless it would get forgotten.. ;)19:45
* jdstrand wonders emgent is talking about a change that jdstrand made as if jdstrand didn't know about it...19:45
jdstrandwonders why19:45
emgentblueyed, in bug 200987 jdstrand was change status to fix committed19:46
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200987 in lighttpd "CVE-2008-1270 when mod_userdir is loaded but not configured, the server's whole disk becomes remotely readable" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20098719:46
emgentblueyed, see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lighttpd/+bug/200987/+activity19:46
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200987 in lighttpd "CVE-2008-1270 when mod_userdir is loaded but not configured, the server's whole disk becomes remotely readable" [Medium,Fix committed]19:46
emgentubotwo, silent! :P19:46
blueyedjdstrand: so I guess you have uploaded them, right? Sorry for the confusion..19:47
* jdstrand finally understands the context19:47
jdstrandblueyed: yep19:47
emgentheeheh :)19:47
jdstrandblueyed: they are building on dak19:47
blueyedGreat, thank you both.. :)19:48
* blueyed has just checked his lighty conf..19:48
emgentjdstrand, done, debdiff attached19:53
jharrSo I have ircd-hybrid installed, I did some source mods to it (#define config variable), and rebuilt it. Now, 'aptitude dist-upgrade' wants to upgrade my package to its package (of the same version).19:53
jdstrandemgent: ok thanks19:53
emgentjdstrand, builted fine in my box19:53
jharrWhat's the propper way to get that to stop.19:53
emgentnow i have to go, sorry :P19:53
emgentsee you later19:54
emgentthanks for all jdstrand19:55
jdstrandhave a good rest of the day!19:56
jdstrandemgent: ^^19:56
Fujitsujdstrand: Thanks. I'll hopefully be a little more active security-wise from now on.20:05
jdstrandFujitsu: thanks for what you've been doing :)20:06
ScottK2Fujitsu: I hear there's a new python-scipy release tomorrow....20:09
tritiumScottK2: really?20:09
FujitsuScottK2: I was half-way through typing the dput command to make it installable again.20:10
tritiumscipy is what got me interested in python in the first place (along with matplotlib)20:10
ScottK2Fujitsu: I don't know that I would stop uploading something that's ready because who knows20:28
ScottK2Fujitsu and tritium: It was mentioned in a Debian bug.  Let me see if I can find it20:29
tritiumScottK2: only if it's convenient for you20:29
ScottK2I'm glad I looked.  It was numpy anyway.20:31
ScottK2Fujitsu and tritium: New numpy release mentioned in Debian Bug #47029320:32
ubotwoDebian bug 470293 in python-numpy "python-numpy: bug in numpy.histogram" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47029320:32
tritiumThanks, ScottK220:32
FujitsuScottK2: Thanks, will look at it.20:33
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neskiemis anyone free to take a look at a package on revu?21:05
tsmithewhich, and does it have a feature freeze exception? (i don't have time to review anything, however, nor am i a motu)21:06
neskiemttf-lg-aboriginal it's a new package so i guess it wouldn't21:09
ScottK2tsmithe: If he asked me for an FFe, I'd ask him if it's been reviewed/advocated.21:10
ScottK2neskiem: We are close to release, so not taking new packages unless it's particularly urgent.21:10
ScottK2neskiem: There are fonts teams in Debian I think that might sponsor your package there.  If they do it'll get in the next Ubuntu automatically.21:11
neskiemScottK2: thanks for the information i've been in contact with the font people in Debian21:11
ScottK2I'd concentrate on that then.21:12
ScottK2Come see us mid-may if you haven't gotten into Debian by then.21:12
neskiemScottK2: thanks. later.21:12
KasimirGabertI am trying to upload a new package to REVU, but nothing is showing up21:13
KasimirGabertwould somebody be able to help me?21:14
KasimirGabertwould somebody be able to help me?21:14
RainCTis someone with an amd64 around?21:33
KasimirGaberthowever, just a regular user21:34
RainCTKasimirGabert: can you try that and tell me what it says please?    python -c "import os; print os.uname()[4]"21:34
RainCTKasimirGabert: and   python -c "import platform; print platform.machine()"   =21:35
KasimirGabertthe same21:36
RainCTok, thanks21:36
blueyedAny plans to add "grab-merge.sh" to ubuntu-dev-tools, so that it can get fixed?21:37
jdongRainCT: platform.machine() is cross-platform21:37
RainCTjdong: do you know how I can get just i386/amd64/powerpc/etc?21:38
jdongRainCT: what was wrong with platform.machine()?21:39
jdongthat returns x86_64 right?21:39
* RainCT is trying to drop all dependencies on external stuff on pbuilder-dist (new python version), and dpkg-architecture is the only one remaining21:39
RainCTjdong: yes21:39
hellboy195RainCT: because of ldtp?21:39
jdongwell then just replace x86_64 with amd6421:39
jdongRainCT: uname probably is bettter21:40
RainCTjdong: is amd64 always (and only) = x86_64?21:40
jdongRainCT: yes21:40
KasimirGabertwould somebody be able to help me with uploading to REVU? it does not seem to work21:40
jdongRainCT: there's apparently an entire article dedicated to the trademarking/nomenclature but they are interchangeable terms21:40
jdongRainCT: uname -m is probably a better idea too21:41
RainCTjdong: and for i386?21:41
KasimirGabertuname -m returns x86_64 as well21:41
jdongRainCT: you'll get i386, i586, or i68621:41
RainCTallright then, thanks!21:41
jdongsure :)21:41
ScottK2blueyed: We can't add it until after MoM and DaD are merged as currently there are two grab-merge.sh21:41
RainCTjdong: is os.uname[4] the host architecture?22:03
RainCT(like dpkg-architecture which has host architecture and build architecture)22:03
* RainCT really hopes so as using this the script is 4 times faster than with dpkg-architecture22:06
jdongRainCT: yeah this would be host architecture22:09
RainCTjdong: great. thanks22:09
jdongRainCT: dpkg-architecture uses gcc -dumpmachine22:10
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jdong/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture  0.07s user 0.01s system 97% cpu 0.082 total22:10
jdongand you're sure that is going to be a speedup?22:10
RainCTjdong: I get "real 0m0.344s, user 0m0.156s, sys 0m0.028s" here22:12
RainCTand for pbuilder-dist right now "real 0m0.243s, user 0m0.040s, sys 0m0.028s"22:13
RainCT* real 0m0.130s22:14
RainCT240 ms when the .pyc is outdated22:14
RainCT(will get a bit slower as there's still some stuff missing, but in any case it'll be a lot faster than before :))22:15
awen_A freeze exception for a new package... is it correctly understood, that I should have it reviewed in REVU before having a chance?22:25
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RainCTawen_: no, first get the Freeze Exception22:33
awen_RainCT: so subscribe "motu-release" to the bug-report with the files attached (or a link to the package in motu)?22:35
RainCTawen_: yes (with link to the package in REVU). remember that the bug description has to contain a rationale about why you think it's important to get it in now22:37
ScottK2RainCT: Actually he's right22:38
ScottK2awen_ needs a reviewed package for an FFe.22:38
RainCTthat a bit ironic then.. I though most MOTU's only review new packages if they have a FFe22:40
RainCTor did I understand that wrong?22:40
ScottK2It can be kind of tough at this point.22:40
awen_ScottK2: thanks for clearing that up... it's really not written that clearly anywhere (that I could find)22:40
Adri2000blueyed: get grab-merge.sh fixed? how is it broken?22:41
ScottK2awen_: It's pretty unlikely to get accepted at this stage unless there's a real crisis22:41
awen_ScottK2: okay... couldn't really be called a crisis; it's a small package providing a lot of extra import/export formats for inkscape22:43
RainCTScottK2: btw, this doesn't need a FFe, or? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5597/plain/22:43
ScottK2RainCT: Am I going to regret it if I say no?22:44
RainCTScottK2: heh I hope not :)22:44
awen_bug 200730 / http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=uniconvertor ... if a motu is around, that has some spare time; should be pretty straight forward22:45
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200730 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] UniConvertor: universal vector graphics translator (needed by Inkscape for Corel Draw formats support)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20073022:45
ScottK2awen_: I'd suggest that should wait for the next cycle.22:45
ScottK2OTOH, if you can find two motu willing to advocate, then I'd give it a look22:45
ScottK2RainCT: As long as you're tracking bug reports and will make sure it's fixed up before release, I'll say no.22:45
RainCTawen_: changelog has no bug number22:46
awen_ScottK2: suspected that my chances wasn't that good...22:46
RainCTadd (LP: #xxxx) at the end of the "initial release" line22:46
RainCTawen_: why is architecture any if it's a python package?22:46
RainCTah it has c stuff22:47
awen_RainCT: too slow with my answer :)22:47
awen_RainCT: thanks for reminding me about the LP bug number22:48
RainCTawen_: differentiate in debian/copyright about which files are under the GPL and which under LGPL22:48
blueyedAdri2000: grab-merge.sh fails quite miserable when there's nothing to merge. well, only cosmetical, but still.22:49
RainCTawen_: and I'm not sure if it applies (only had a fast look), but the package doesn't follow the python policy22:49
ScottK2Wiping the merge dir clean is suboptimal too I think22:49
awen_RainCT: it doesn't say in the package which are LGPL and which are GPL... what then?22:50
RainCTawen_: oh. and files have no header with the copyright info?22:50
awen_RainCT: they have individual copyright notices... but they don't state LGPL/GPL22:52
awen_RainCT: now i see... seems to be hidden in some extra readme files deep in the source tree22:53
awen_RainCT: i'll have a look at the copyright then22:54
awen_RainCT: what in particular did strike you regarding the python policy?22:55
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RainCTawen_: that the package isn't using pycentral/pysupport to byte-compile22:56
awen_RainCT: it has it's own internal build-script (written in python) which the rules-file uses... this should be a sane approach?22:57
RainCTawen_: what does the script do? create .pyc files (if so were are those installed)?22:58
awen_RainCT: exactly... they are installed in a sub-directory, and the rules-file then uses dh_install to install those files22:59
RainCTawen_: I don't think the policy is happy with this, pyc's should rather be handled by pysupport or pycentral23:01
awen_RainCT: you might be right, I'll change that then... any preference between python-support/pycentral?23:04
* RainCT doesn't mind23:04
awen_RainCT: and there is no general ubuntu-preference?23:04
RainCTnot that I know about23:05
RainCTScottK2 might know better though23:05
james_wawen_: pycentral was written by someone involved in ubuntu development, but there are a huge number of packages using each, so it doesn't really matter.23:08
awen_james_w: thanks... I'll flip a coin then :)23:08
james_wawen_: as good a method as any in my opinion.23:09
awen_RainCT: thanks for the feedback... sorted the copyright issues out also23:10
RainCTawen_: great! you're welcome :)23:10
mok0Funny, I am also working with a python package at the moment. However, the build doesn't create .pyc files. I thought py-central was supposed to do that23:20
sorenmok0: At install time. Not build time.23:22
mok0It's not being done23:23
sorenmok0: Sure?23:24
mok0soren: yep23:25
mok0There's nothing in the installer script doing it23:25
sorenNo call to pycentral?23:26
soren"installer script2?23:26
mok0soren: maintainer script, sorry23:26
sorenNo call to pycentral in postinst?23:26
mok0soren: using cdbs23:26
sorenmok0: Doesn't matter.23:27
sorenIn the resulting postinst, is there no call to pycentral?23:27
mok0soren: using: DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM=pycentral23:27
sorenmok0: When cdbs and debhelper is done fiddling with your postinst, does it contain a call to pycentral?23:28
mok0soren: you mean when building the package?23:29
mok0postinst has a section added by py_central23:29
essialafternoon/morning everyone23:30
sorenAnd what's the problem, exactly?23:30
sorenThe lack of .pyc files in the .deb?23:30
mok0soren: after installation no .pyc files anywhere23:30
mok0soren: and no .pyc files in .deb23:30
sorenmok0: Can I see the package?23:30
sorenThere's not supposed to be any .pyc in the .deb.23:31
mok0soren: hang on, I'll put it somewhere23:31
sorenThey're generated during postinst by pycentral.23:31
essialone of you wouldn't happen to know what "Files in variable 'ASSEMBLY_CSFILES' contain variables which cannot be parsed without path to the configure.in being set" in MONO is caused by would you?23:31
mok0soren: http://www.bioxray.au.dk/~mok/udist_0.5-0ubuntu1.dsc23:33
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sorenmok0: Er... That looks suspicously as a python-support package..23:35
mok0soren: what do you mean?23:35
anon32I see a lot of packages in need of maintenance and I was wondering if I being a MOTU packager requires me to know how to write code?23:35
sorenmok0: The resulting .deb contains python-support paths..23:35
sorenmok0: DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM=pysupport23:36
protonchrisAnybody willing to take a look at bug 190744 and potentially sponsor an upload?23:36
mok0soren: hm. I tried both python-support and python-central23:36
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19074423:36
sorenmok0: Are you sure about that url? :)23:36
ScottK2anon32: It helps, but it's not required23:36
sorenmok0: That one seems to work.23:36
sorenmok0: What's the problem with it?23:36
sorenmok0: I see .pyc files in the expected places just fine.23:37
mok0soren: weird. what's your system?23:37
anon32ScottK2, I see. And how do I join? heh...23:37
sorenmok0: Where are you looking for the .pyc files?23:37
sorenmok0: I'm runing up-to-date hardy (like a real man)23:37
mok0soren: ok, me too23:38
mok0soren: I was looking in pysupport23:38
mok0soren: I guess the bottom line is I don't really understand how the installation works23:39
sorenmok0: I'm looking fir the exact path you're looking at..23:39
sorenmok0: Ok. Here's how it works for python-support:23:39
mok0soren: sorry, this is where I look: /usr/share/pyshared/udist/23:39
sorenTHat's not going to work.23:39
sorenFor python-support here's the magic:23:40
james_wanon32: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted is a good place to start from.23:40
mok0soren: I looked where dpkg -L udist told me23:40
sorenmok0: Your .py files are installed into /usr/share/python-support/$module/23:40
sorenmok0: The postinst calls update-python-modules $module23:41
mok0I might be out of sync with the latest version of the package23:41
sorenmok0: update-python-modules looks as which versions of python you have installed, compiles the .py files for that, and shoves them into /var/lib/python-support/python$pyversion/$module23:41
sorenmok0: ...along with symlinks to the .py files.23:42
mok0soren: so, it works for you?23:42
sorenmok0: Yes.23:42
sorenmok0: The one you sent me a link to is a python-support using package.23:42
soren...which works.23:42
mok0soren: ok, let me check again23:43
sorenHang on, it's easier if I pastebin it..23:43
mok0soren: ok, in my local version I was using pycentral23:47
sorenmok0: I prefer pycentral, so let's get that working :)23:47
mok0soren: I will change back to pysupport23:47
sorenmok0: Let's see it.23:47
mok0soren: ok, hang on23:47
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mok0soren: done. Same url23:48
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sorenmok0: That works fine, too?23:51
awen_when using pycentral the debian rules shouldn't compile .pyc-files right?23:52
sorenawen_: Right.23:52
mok0soren: where are the .pyc files?23:52
soren(same with python-support)23:52
sorenmok0: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/udist/23:52
sorenmok0: Actually, /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/udist/23:53
mok0soren: right23:53
mok0soren: I was execting them to be in /usr/share/pyshared/udist23:53
mok0soren: well, everything is dandy, then23:54
sorenmok0: Seems to be :)23:54
mok0soren: 1000 tak!23:54
sorenmok0: I like helping you. All I need to tell you is that it's already working. :)23:54
mok0soren: does udist work? :-)23:54
sorenDunno. What is it?23:54
sorenOh, you should name it python-udist, by the way.23:55
sorenJust the binary package.23:55
mok0soren: a small application that writes stuff about the distro23:55
mok0soren: a la uname23:55
sorenOh, I see.23:56
mok0soren: works on redhat family of distros too23:57
sorenmok0: Yep, seems to be working.23:57
mok0soren: cool23:57
sorenudist.distro.Distro().__str__() says Ubuntu a lot, so I'm guessing it's doing the right thing :)23:58
mok0soren: heh23:58
awen_soren: and then the package should of course be "arch: any"?23:58
sorenarch: all23:59
awen_of course all ... typo in the question, hehe23:59
sorenarch: all means that the same binary is usable on all architectures. arch: any means that a binary can be built for any archicture.23:59

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