[00:15] does mythtranscode let you cut out the leadin to a clip? [00:17] yup [00:17] hrm [00:20] where does mythtranscode log to?> [00:22] check /var/log? [00:22] probably /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log gets it [00:22] is it on its own or in with the front / backend logs [00:22] o [00:24] 2008-03-10 19:51:05.884 Unknown video codec: [00:25] that does not sound good [00:28] this from firewire? [00:28] yea [00:28] some firewire recordings i havent been able to transcode in the past [00:28] but this was ages ago [00:28] that i did firewire [00:30] i'm gonna see if it works withou the cutlist in place [00:33] Result: 34816, Command was mythtranscode --mpeg2 --honorcutlist -c 2750 -s 2008-03-09T16:30:00 -o /var/lib/mytharchive//work/1/tmp [00:34] could that extra slash in the output param screw that sommand up? [00:34] *command [00:34] not afaik [00:38] i'm seeing a floating point exception right before mythtranscode fails in the mythburn.log file [00:51] staind9383, what cpu? [00:51] a64 x2 3600+ [00:52] when i try to transcode the vid through the frontend, the transcode job errors out also [00:54] failed status 139 in frontend [00:56] are you on the am64 builds? [00:56] yea [00:56] or the 32 bit.. [00:56] hm [00:56] thats really bzr then [00:56] does apport catch the FPE? [00:56] i have the transcode profiles on the defaulst... maybe that is it [00:56] i'm not sure what that means [00:57] floating point exception [00:57] apport is a service that catches crashes [00:57] ahh [00:57] can you look in /var/crash [00:57] and see if a report was made? [00:57] sure [00:58] there are 2 reports [00:58] -rw------- 1 sean sean 6492336 2008-03-10 19:37 _usr_bin_mythtranscode.1000.crash [00:58] -rw------- 1 mythtv mythtv 12815182 2008-03-10 20:45 _usr_bin_mythtranscode.107.crash [00:59] great! [00:59] check and see if you have apport-gtk installed [01:00] ok i installed [01:00] okay reboot [01:00] it starts with your login and there is a boot service for it [01:00] with any luck it will tell you hey i've got some crash reports [01:00] what you want me to do with them [01:02] i didnt get any notification or anything [01:04] okay there is a cmd line tool to force the crash report generation then [01:04] /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c FILE [01:04] should do it.. [01:08] send to developers? [01:11] that's us :) [01:11] it will do a fancy retrace on the crash report [01:12] i see a whole buncha stack traces [01:12] i tried to cat the file before i did the apport thing, ended up with a mess of a terminal screen [01:13] oh yeah. [01:13] so do that on both your crashes [01:13] hopefully in the future it will make those automatically [01:14] but once the retracing service runs on the bug that you submit, we'll see if the trace is any godo [01:14] good even [01:18] i'm going to attach my backend logs and mythburn.log also [01:18] might as well i guess [01:25] bug number 200818 [02:00] superm1: what is the bug retracing service? [02:00] staind9383, it will automatically handle things for your bug [02:00] i see [02:01] btw is 0.21 going to show as an upgrade through the apt-get command? [02:01] staind9383, you're not on 0.21? [02:01] no, .20 [02:02] oh well things may be much better in 0.21 [02:02] it will show up in gutsy-backports within the next 1-2 days [02:02] either that or its available via a weekly build [02:03] to get it before then, just download off of here? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/mythtv/0.21.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1 [02:04] yeah if the binaries have showed up there you can [02:32] nick JoshT76 [02:32] hi === MythbuntuGuest93 is now known as JoshT76 [02:34] got a new pvr-150 with the mce remote, but the commands dont repeat [02:34] like the volume up, if i hold it only one bump up of the volue, it doesn't keep going, any suggestions? [02:38] is there a 0.21 branch for the weekly builds, or is the 0.20 one that is listed on the mythbuntu site the only one? [02:41] staind9383, see /t. it's explained there [02:41] hi superm1 [02:41] see where? [02:41] staind9383, in the topic [02:41] o [02:42] there is a url to gossamer threads [02:42] i explained how things are going to work for it [02:42] hi JoshT76 [02:42] how can i get the commands to repeat from the remote? [02:43] see mythbuntu-lirc-generator --help [02:43] there is a delay and repeat feature [02:43] you can tweak them from there [02:44] ty [02:46] ok, little problem, and I know it's my fault... [02:47] the command: 'nuvexport-xvid --nice 10 --input="%FILE%"' doesn't work [02:48] "Input filename does not match the MythTV recording name format and no matching file could be found in the MythTV database." [02:50] did you install nuvexport? [02:51] rhpot1991: yes [02:52] check your backend log and see what file it is trying to use, then verify it exists [02:52] /var/log/mythtv [02:52] rhpot1991: I don't see any output from nuvexport in that log [04:22] superm1, you ever come up with any idea why my /dev/video0 pulled a houdini? [04:22] tuvook, if your -12 kernel isn't booting, you've got bigger issues to worry about [04:22] IceWewe: ah you are executing that by hand and not a user job right? [04:23] superm1, how so if -11 was working perfectly? Also, I did not say -12 was not booting, but booting without any text that was visible. [04:24] I'd hate to have unrelated issues conflated you know? [04:24] well than ssh into it [04:24] again [04:24] I can't [04:24] why? [04:24] its the only box? [04:24] no windows box or anything ? [04:24] I would have already done so:( [04:25] tuvook, well there was a "newer" -12 kernel today [04:25] there has been 2 of them [04:25] did you try the second yet? [04:26] yes, no change, I was hoping the newer one would have fixed the issue [04:26] I tried the -rt and generic [04:26] well your boots from those kernels should still show up /var/log/syslog [04:26] so you can retrieve information on what was happening... [04:26] right now I'm at a completely different locale, and that box is off, so I can't check on it or ssh into it [04:27] these types of snags are disheartening [04:27] it worked right up until 1500 yesterday [04:27] nothing in dmesg [04:27] only the myth log showed no capture devices [04:27] but no reason why [04:28] well hopefully its nothing major, i mean you are the first (only) person to report these types of issues [04:29] great [04:29] besides the two links I posted earlier [04:29] I had googled those [04:29] from 1.5 yrs ago [04:29] so its not so strange [04:29] but even those post never recieved a reply [04:29] well those aren't necessarily related though [04:29] which is a bad omen [04:29] a LOT has changed on ivtv [04:30] not neccessarily no [04:30] since yesterday that much has changed? [04:30] and the fact that you have other issues going on at the same time [04:30] those were 2006 [04:30] those two links you posted [04:30] kernels not working in ubuntu has not be a rare thing from my experience [04:31] thats why I keep at least two old kernels around [04:31] both the links were 2006, i just double checked [04:31] right [04:31] so nothing should have changed that much in ivtv to have affected me? [04:31] but as for the since "yesterday", the -12 kernel has been in development for some time [04:31] so the changelog is a bit long [04:31] so its not really a "since yesterday" kind of thiing [04:32] its more of a over the last few weeks [04:32] :/ [04:32] just the -12 was /released' yesterday [04:32] and as for kernels not working ubuntu not being a rare thing, do realize that our git tree track's upstream's git tree [04:32] they go hand in hand [04:32] we take a snapshot at the release, and then pull in fixes [04:32] so if anything it should be more feature filled/stable than others [04:40] I have someone turning that box on, going to try to ssh into it from very remote [06:39] hmm, mornng all [06:39] morning [06:49] superm1, I guess the builds ara happening somewhere? [06:49] hi camelreef [06:49] you mean the backports? [06:50] yeah [06:50] an ubuntu1 or ubuntu2 [06:50] for Gutsy [06:50] well they got built, they are considered NEW though [06:50] so they need one more ack from an archive admin before they're let through [06:50] are they still on the PPA or in the real build queues? [06:50] real build queues [06:51] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/mythtv/0.21.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1 [06:51] OK, I'll remove the PPA source and wait for the backports to come in [06:51] should hopefully be today/tomorrow [06:51] cool [06:53] anything was done to tha backend since the PPA? mine died during the night [06:53] only to the frontend for the dvd bug [06:54] ah [06:54] ok [06:54] Mar 11 06:42:07 favia kernel: [44620.299874] mythbackend[16174] general protection rip:2b86aa9a4cb9 rsp:51823df0 error:0 [06:54] ooh yuck [06:54] out of memory? [06:54] or what was the cause? [06:55] don't know [06:55] and did you get an apport crash report out of it? [06:55] I've seen the process grow quite a lot yesterday [06:55] like how much?' [06:55] unusually, unacceptably? [06:55] from 60 to 200 MB [06:55] whew [06:55] that's pretty bad i think [06:55] do you by chance have a lot of other things on your network that speak UPnP? [06:56] there was some other guy on the channel talking about it oo [06:56] I have nothing [06:56] UPnP-wise [06:56] that I know of [06:56] well maybe consider turning off UPnP in /etc/default/mythtv-backend then [06:56] that is what i heard the cause to be [06:56] but you're only the second instance i've heard [06:57] got the .crash file [06:58] want it in a bug ? [07:01] yeah [07:01] file it with apport though [07:01] on your way [07:01] so the retracing service catches it [07:01] ah [07:01] /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c FILE [07:03] Sorry, the program "mythbackend" closed unexpectedly [07:03] Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers. [07:03] well that's not as fun [07:03] I assumed... [07:03] how big is the crash report? [07:03] 32K [07:04] that's it? [07:04] yup [07:04] well i doubt there is anything useful in a 32k crash report. [07:04] the machine must have run out of RAM to even do a proper report [07:04] usually those are 8 megs or bigger [07:05] how do you stop UPnP ? [07:05] edit /etc/default/mythtv-backend [07:05] and you add some switches [07:05] --noupnp [07:06] gets added into the appropriate variable [07:06] in EXTRA-ARGS ? [07:07] that sounds right [07:07] make sure you uncomment it [07:15] camelreef, thanks for sticking up for us in that thread. I'm gonna head to bed. hopefully that UPnP disable helps you [07:22] good nght [07:23] I show appreciation the way I can [08:53] hi im having troubble upgrading to 8.04 I get an error : failed to fetch http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu/pool/universe/d/db4.3/libdb4.3_4.3.29-11_i386.deb Hash Sum mismatch [08:53] any ideas [08:54] ? [09:22] Hello ppl, im getting error "Hash Sum mismatch" when i try to apt-get update, can anyone shed some light? [09:23] Anybody? [10:08] hi all can anyone tell me how long they think it will be until the new version of mythtv which has recently been released will hit the ubuntu 7.10 repo? [10:13] M0nk3Eee, which ubuntu 7.10 repo? [10:13] M0nk3Eee: you can grab trunk from repos now if youre in a rush [10:14] they've proven pretty stable for me [10:14] 0.21.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1 [10:14] PUBLISHED: Gutsy pocket Backports in component multiverse and section graphics [10:14] * Published 12 hours ago [10:24] jduggan, i already have mythtv installed from the universe repo i think its version 0.20.2 and its working fine but i don´t really know how i would go about installing the newer version [10:25] when they replease iet in the universe repo then i guess i will just get an update notification to automate the process [10:26] i do have some experience of installing from source but i wasn´t sure what would happen when i use synaptic to remove my current myth setup, will it remove the sql database as well? [10:28] multiverse, not universe [10:28] and there are five multiverses. gutsy, gutsy-security, gutsy-updates, gutsy-proposed, and gutsy-backports [10:29] 0.21 has already been published in gutsy-backports [10:29] okay, they have always confused a bit [10:30] gutsy is the software which was in the release at time of release, and is immutable. gutsy-security are security fixes. gutsy-updates are updated packages which may break functionality of older versions, but are generaly desireable. gutsy-proposed are updates which haven't yet been deemed worthy of putting into one of the other sections. gutsy-backports are *major* updates to apps that will change behaviour guaranteed [10:30] okay, so i should be able to enable the gutsy-backports in the sources file then run and update [10:30] system/administration/software sources. updates tab, tick the box [10:34] will the update procedure remove my myth first? or simply upgrade the version to the newest ones, I guess it wont mess with my directory structures and settings file, for instance the configs telling it where to store recorded programs and where to look for divx and the like [10:37] Am i right in thinking the .mythtv folder in my home directory contains all the custom configs and this will be enought to configure the new version installed in order to make it seem very similar to my current setup with just with the added features? [10:43] all your settings are stored in the database [10:44] .mythtv serves no real purpose anymore on 0.21 anyway, since backend discovery is automatic [10:54] thanks for you help directhex|work [11:32] directhex|work: how does mytht front end finds the myth back end? [11:33] hugolp, UPnP [11:44] ok [11:57] speaking of upnp, my xbox 360 doesnt find any videos from my mythvideo store (which myth sees fine), and theyre all xvid/divx - does anyone know of any reason why? any bugs etc? [12:02] should work fine. are the files in the mythvideo database, or are you using file browser mode? [12:14] theyre in the database [12:29] hey all [12:32] I have comcast for my tv service. It's not digital so I only get the first 60 channels or so. I was wondering two things. What card should I get if I want to get both HD and the normal stations. I only have about 10 HD stations, it's all my local stuff. And the second thing is, what card has the best quality? I have two pv150's and one pv500. On my 42"LCD it doesn't look as good as when I'm watching tv through just the tv. I adju [12:48] On the site it says that 8.04 Alpha 3 is not compatible with any 0.20.2 distro. Does this then include the backend? [12:49] sebrock: yes. [12:49] sorry it does NOT work with 0.20.2 backends? [12:49] yes, it does not work with 0.20.2 backends [12:49] why? [12:50] Has the backend changed that much? [12:50] yes [12:50] protocol version and the database schema has changed [12:51] any good way to update this on the backend? or is it installation all over again? [12:52] is your backend using gutsy? you can use the mythbuntu trunk repository, although.. i think you can just use the backports repository [12:52] my backend is a manual install on feisty [12:55] update your manuel install then? [12:55] manual* [12:56] hum. [12:56] i just read the link in the topic (the one pointing to the mythtv-users ML). [12:56] mmm,... yeah... will that be seamless? or is it a lot of hassle. I think I tried it once and everything got erased from scratch [12:57] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/321676#321676<- i shouldn't have read it. [12:57] sebrock: um, i don't know. you installed it from source, so youhave to update it :) [12:58] sebrock: maybe you can "make uninstall" first from your old source [12:58] and then compile the new stuff [12:58] mmm what a hassle [12:58] you can even recompile the 0.21 packages on feisty. [12:58] I was just waiting for a new frontend [12:58] Thought it would work fine with my backend [12:59] nope [13:05] shait [13:11] sebrock: remove your manual install and rebuild the packages from hardy i'd say [13:11] and get a backup first, of course [13:16] Yeah, I just wonder what will happen to all my saved settings /MythWeb etc... [13:16] saved settings? they're in the database usually [13:16] not all of them. channel icons etc are not [13:17] sebrock_: the mythtv in hardy is basically a prerelease of 0.21 I think. [13:17] yeah - you said that I have to update the backend in order for this to work [13:17] I got standalone frontend / backend [13:17] 0.20.20070821-1 branches/release-0-20-fixes [13:17] channel icons should be preserved, though. mythtv usually doesn't go around and deletes stuff in ~/.mythtv/ randomly :) [13:17] thats what my backend looks like [13:18] what about the settings in DB on backend? [13:18] the DB is upgraded. get a database backup so you can go back easily [13:18] ok so nothing gets removed? [13:19] usually not, unless something goes wrong [13:19] ok [13:19] so in order to upgrade my backend, how would I proceed? first backup of cause [13:20] maybe wait for a backport for feisty? [13:21] there won't be a backport for feisty, at least not an official one [13:22] oh [13:23] so... [13:26] I'm not very good on this... what would be the best way for me to upgrade to .21 backend from 0.20.2 I have now thats taken from Feisty rep? [13:30] oh, so it's not a mnual install? [13:30] i thought youhad installed from source [13:30] ehm, no I had my thoughts elsewhere sorry [13:30] its from the feisty rep, was a time ago tho [13:31] rebuild the hardy packages or file a bug report, maybe we'll do a feisty backport too.. it's not that hard since it builds just fine, just someone needs to push it to the ppa [13:31] (and i cant do that) [13:32] ok If I decide to rebuild the hardy packages, how is that done... [13:34] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu [13:34] sebrock_: ^^ [13:34] I've got some strange bug with latest 8.04 beta of mythbuntu. All OSD Elements just disappeared. [13:34] tnx will check it out [13:34] sebrock_: report it :) [13:35] laga where to=? [13:35] sorry, i meant swien [13:36] I just wanted to know if its already a known thing. [13:36] sebrock_: although i don't know if it'll be able to backport from hardy easily, you'll have to figure that out [13:37] ok === hitme666 is now known as hitme666|AFK [13:48] laga: well there is nothing to backport yet :/ [13:52] sebrock_: use the drb-src line for the trunk PPA then [13:52] sebrock_: use the deb-src line for the trunk PPA then [13:53] hmmm... [13:55] I wonder if its not time for a dist-upgrade [13:55] but then again... that usually means a lot of hassle with different stuff [13:55] :) [13:55] yup [13:55] my backend is feisty, too :) [13:55] for exactly that reason [13:57] so have you updated? [13:57] i'm building my own packages (whichi can't give you to you because i'm using two not-so-stable patches) [13:57] ok... [13:58] gah [13:58] is there no way to make a permanent solution thats not depending on the dist that much [13:59] it doesn't depend on the distro, you just need to rebuild the packages. or the mythbuntu people cacan do it.. we just didn't think anyone was still using feisty [14:00] perhaps some dependencies are not available in feisty (qt4?) [14:01] no, it builds just fine. [14:01] mythtv does not use qt4 (yet) [14:06] laga, what would you suggest? Maybe it's time for me to learn how to build it myself... [14:06] anyhow, If I build it myself, will that be an upgrade or will it mess with my current settings? [14:10] * laga blinks [14:10] sebrock_: i think you have just asked me those settings for the third time today. both of them. [14:12] mm ok... so they will be fine [14:12] Im just worried, that happened to me once and I spent a few days to get it all back [14:12] had no backups at that point [14:13] about that, i'm building a media center; what do you think is the better way to be up to date: use a packaged version with mythbuntu, use compilation with gentoo, ... ? [14:13] could you point me to where I can get more info on building it myself [14:18] raceme: well this is an ubuntu IRC channel so most people here will tell you ubuntu [14:18] sebrock_: use prevu or pbuilder or debuild if you don't mind installing all those -dev packages on your normal system. i'm sure the process of rebuilding packages is documented at wiki.ubuntu.com [14:18] raceme: http://www.mythbuntu.com/auto-builds has weekly stable and trunk builds [14:18] sebrock_: if you're scared of losing your system, make a backup :) [14:19] should be up to date enough [14:42] laga: pbuilder seems quite straight forward really [14:43] sebrock_: unless you want to build the plugins :) you will need the D70results hook so pbuilder "sees" your mythtv packages you've built [14:44] god dammit, I knew iit... [14:44] D70results? [14:44] it's not hard :) [14:45] sebrock_: see the ubuntu wiki.. [14:45] anyone have experience streaming to xbox 360's here? [14:45] surlyjake: kinda [14:46] have a good link or some solid advice? [14:46] it only does mpeg4/h264/wmv that live in your myth recordings dir [14:46] s/recordings/videos/ [14:46] laga, I cant find anything with that tag.... [14:46] I'm working on an upgrade to mythexport to be able to export your recordings so they will stream to it properly [14:46] so it doesn't "transcode" your media to windows friendly formats? [14:46] nope [14:46] rhpot1991_laptop: thanks i didn't know this builds... i'm at ease with debian / ubuntu so I prefer this way :) [14:46] you need to do that yourself [14:47] so what is the feature called that needs to be enabled? [14:48] surlyjake, in order to do what? [14:48] surlyjake: its not a feature, you either need to do it yourself or wait for me to finish it [14:48] will show up here at some point: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythExport [14:48] sorry... so to stream to an xbox what is the feature called that needs to be enabled? [14:48] surlyjake, UPnP [14:48] ok. thanks. [14:49] surlyjake, it ought to work as standard [14:49] but only as I described it above [14:49] indeed [14:49] press X or Y to switch media source, then pick the mythtv machine [14:49] X [14:49] from the video section of the media blade [14:50] i forget the xbox button naming conventions. i grew up with the SNES [14:50] I remember its X cause thats the blue one [14:50] and I was just messing with it a few days ago [14:53] wait, laga I just want to make the backend package... The frontend I use the one from your site... [14:54] That should imply I dont need to worry about the plugins? [14:58] as long as you don't want mythweb, sure [14:59] how is that? [14:59] oh yeah right thats on the backend [15:00] does that need recompiling aswell? I already have that installed... is that not working either then? [15:07] directhex|work: as long as the protocol matches shouldn't mythweb work? [15:08] rhpot1991_laptop, yep. [15:10] sebrock_: mythweb doesn't need compiling. you probably can just install it from svn manually, but that'll require some manual setup then.. setting up the D70results hook might be less painful [15:10] I could not find anything on D70results [15:11] google gives me 1 hit :P [15:11] sebrock_: (i'm assuming the mythweb package works on feisty) [15:11] yes it works fine now [15:11] the 0.21 packages that is [15:11] googling for D70results gives me 47 hits, with the first one being http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206382 [15:11] um. the 0.21 on feisty? [15:12] strange I had one hit before [15:12] sebrock_: you currently have 0.20 on feisty. you want 0.21. assuming the 0.21 mythweb packages, once backported, work fine on feisty, it'll be less painful than installing it manually [15:12] ok [15:13] well Im gonna perform a backup now and try creating a package from the .dsc package [15:13] if not, just to try to learn [15:14] so setting this D70result hook might then work with the current Mythtweb? [15:15] setting the D70result hook will allow you to build mythplugins 0.21 which contains mythweb [15:15] ok [15:30] Good afternoon from Scotland [15:31] morning camelreef. thanks for speaking up on #mythtv-users :) [15:33] heh [15:33] the guy was complaining al backwards, damn-it! [15:35] * camelreef is happy, he has his Matrix Orbital working without holding an old Feisty lcdproc anymore [15:35] hi all [15:35] I was apparently hit with the UPnP memory leak last night [15:36] even apport could not find enough RAM to do a proper report [15:36] turning UPnP off prevents the backen from exploding in a few hours [15:37] hi MythbuntuGuest46 [15:37] that leak is pretty nasty, what can i do to help [15:37] ? [15:41] camelreef: ouch :/ [15:41] camelreef: do you have any upnp stuff on your network? [15:42] hi [15:45] camelreef: do you know to use valgrind? [15:46] camelreef: what kind of upnp devices do you have on your network? [15:50] camelreef: it'd be most useful if you could do some debugging. [15:50] laga: valgrind --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --log-file=logfile -v -- mythbackend | tee backend.log [15:50] and then post logfile and backend.log [15:50] to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/200761 [15:51] camelreef: adding --show-reachable=yes to the valgrind arguments would be helpful, too [15:51] laga, valgring, hell no! [15:51] valgrind [15:51] I have no UPnP device, so it's not like I really care, in fact [15:52] oh, it happens even without UPnp devices [15:52] camelreef: it'd be most helpful for anyone else who has the problem [15:54] I have seen someone complain about it too yesterday [15:54] is it possible to use mythtv-packages form hardy-tree with gusty? [15:54] camelreef: yes [15:54] waini, a backport is in the pipeline [15:55] when will mythtv 0.21 be availible? (as package in the tree) [15:55] ok [15:55] in a few days [15:55] waini, turn on the backports in synaptic, and wait for a day or 2, the upgrade to 0.21 will come [15:55] thanks [15:55] thanks [15:56] laga, let me see if anyone is using Myth at home, if no one, I'll stop the backend and restart it with valgrind [15:56] will there be a dumped result that I should post anywhere ? [15:57] camelreef: yes, logfile and backend.log [15:57] o [15:57] k [15:57] camelreef: see the valgrind cmdline i posted :) [15:57] seen [15:57] thanks for helping us out here [15:57] i dont see it on my box [15:58] installing valgrind [16:14] laga, valgrind --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --show-reachable=yes --log-file=logfile -v -- /usr/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log --pidfile /var/run/mythtv/mythbackend.pid | tee backend.log [16:14] yeah, looks good [16:17] So, I'm trying to get 0.21, but there's a broken dependency... libmyth-perl: Depends: libnet-upnp-perl which is a virtual package. [16:17] I didn't see it mentioned in the thread or on the forum. [16:18] * laga looks in his crystal ball and sees that Viaken is using ubuntu gutsy [16:18] * Viaken sees laga is right [16:18] Viaken: if you're using the -backports repo, it's possible that it'll take a while before the perl package shows up [16:18] ah ok :) [16:19] i think it was backported ;) [16:19] I'll wait around then. Thanks :) [16:19] laga, memcheck has already eaten beyond a full core [16:20] ah, a bit less than one now [16:20] hungry little beast.... [16:20] camelreef: you can cancel it then.. ifg it's already using a lot of RAM [16:20] ctrl+c [16:20] 237M so far [16:21] 240 [16:21] bah, let it eat as much as it can, the system is idle atm [16:21] maybe it'll be more obvious what the problem is if it eats more [16:22] exactly what I was thinking [16:22] is valgrind's output human readable ? [16:23] i dont know, i've never used it before :) [16:23] ok [16:28] 260M [16:32] 399M [16:32] 339M [16:33] it's starting to seriously eat the disk cache [16:39] camelreef: then ctrl+c it so we can get some logs to the mythtv devs :) [16:39] not close enough to the crashyet ;o) [16:40] you will want a bug to go with that, I guess [16:40] with the valgrind logs [16:41] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/200761 <- i think you can just attach them here. [16:41] hum, would have been even better with the debug symbols, but maybe that's not needed [16:44] I'll have to send it a kill signal, I left the --daemon option on [16:45] heh :) [17:02] 350M [17:05] without UPNP it stays at 88M [17:06] I do have about 44 GB of music, not too many recordings or movies [17:11] laga, is it normal for the backen.log to be empty ? [17:11] backend.log [17:11] camelreef: it's probably not needed.. [17:11] * laga is headed out, ttyl [17:13] why is the 0.21 version here (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mythtv/) available and here not (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mythtv&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all) [17:14] and my synaptics also can not dind the 0.21 version (backports enabled) [17:15] because you are not patient enough ;o) [17:16] things are getting built, mirrored, and all is not complete, synched, etc... [17:16] grab a beer, watch a movie, have fun with your kids, and when you come back, all will be wonderful [17:20] waini: prob still a few depends that aren't done in it [17:21] laga, I've got a problem. Im trying to follow the ubuntu guide you've found for me. And I get this: line 28: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' when trying to do: sudo pbuilder update --override-config. THis is what is in my .pbuilderrc: http://www.pastebin.ca/938428 [17:21] I dont even know what that output means [17:21] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206382 [17:25] waini-whining ? [17:25] too similar for comfort [17:26] * camelreef is going back home, ttyl [17:30] anyone want to tell me if I am retarded or if its something with my network at home, every time I try to view a asx stream from away I get a password prompt that none of my username/passwords work in [17:30] does it work for anyone else? [17:36] nevermind [17:41] hmm. I got 0.21 final from the weekly trunk. Now when the backport are done i get new updates for my frontend and some other stuff? Is that right? [17:45] Like the Frontend: 0.21.0-0ubuntu0mythbuntu1 from weekly trunk and now backport wants to install 0.21.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1 [17:45] maybe the same? [17:51] will there be an upgrade path from 7.10 to 8.04? [17:51] the 'not compatible' warning on the website is... weird... [17:55] Koffa: besides upgrading your OS? [17:56] the problem is a frontend and backend need the same protocol to talk to each other, and 0.21 and 0.20.2 have different protocols [17:56] therefor if you don't upgrade both they wont work together [17:56] of course [17:57] so that's what it means [17:57] so dist-upgrade or update-manager -c should do the trick? [17:57] laga: http://www.pastebin.ca/938482 [17:58] I got cinergy c -- anyone have any experience with that? 7.10's kernel didn't support it and when I used hg I got some channels tuned but some muxes crash it while scanning [18:11] Koffa: you should be able to just upgrade the system the same way you would upgrade ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [18:18] k [18:19] "It is very important to note that this release is not compatible with Mythbuntu 7.10 or any other MythTV 0.20.2 based distribution." [18:19] that's what threw me off... I have front+back on the same comp :) [18:21] thats mythbuntu 7.10 with the 0.20.2 mythtv builds [18:22] nothing about the OS gets in the way, just the mythtv part of it [18:22] I run 0.21 on gutsy with the weekly trunk builds [18:25] I'm not missing anything on 0.20, but I'd like to get that cinergy c to work :) [18:28] Koffa: what is cinergy? [18:29] terratec cinergy c [18:29] pci dvb-c -card [18:30] sorry don't have any idea on that [18:30] should probably try that with the latest alpha before returning it :) [18:32] Koffa: new alpha comes out tonight (or is scheduled to) [18:33] ok, thanks for info :) [18:34] have you tried the forums? that normally works better for hardware support [18:34] easier to find someone who might have that card [18:35] I found out how to get it supported in the first place by googling some forums but the module I compiled wasn't stable [18:35] I'll rather try with newer pre-built kernel than try to tweak it by hand :) [18:35] and 8.04 is right around the corner, right?-) [18:36] a few months I think [18:36] well next month if it's not late [18:36] the alpha runs on top of 8.04 actually [18:36] indeed [18:37] 8.04 is LTS again <3 === hitme666|AFK is now known as hitme === hitme is now known as hitme666 [19:50] I just upgraded my ide dvd rom to a sata dvd rom and now it will not play dvds it says missing plug in? [19:52] myth-newb: mythtv 0.21? [19:53] mythbuntu 7.10 [19:53] not sure what mythtv version it is [19:53] dpkg -l mythtv-backend [19:53] 0.20.2 [19:53] reinstall the DVD plugin maybe [19:54] im an noob [19:54] do you mean the codecs? [19:54] mythdvd if you are 0.20.2 [19:55] your system might be poinging /dev/dvd at the wrong place since you went IDE to SATA [19:55] how do i rectify this [20:01] myth-newb: depends what the problem is, I'd verify /dev/dvd works first [20:01] play a dvd in vlc or something === nico_ is now known as camelreef [20:07] good evening from Scotland [20:07] Hi camelreef. [20:07] the Multirec of .21 rocks [20:08] I have 9 tuners at this point [20:08] Wow. [20:08] and recording a thing on a channel you are already watching does not confuse the system no ends anymore [20:08] 3 virtuals on each physical [20:08] 2x DVB-T and 1x DVB-S [20:09] Nice. [20:09] system here: http://www.youplala.net/linux/home-theater-pc [20:13] :) [20:40] can ubuntu handle blu ray writables? [20:41] w00t [20:42] well that is a reason enough to upgrade to .21 :) [20:42] javatexan: for playback, or writing? [20:42] writing and well playback too [20:42] I believe that nero can write them, and nothing can playback [20:43] not sure how up to date that is though [20:43] okay...just curious..... [20:44] I now have virtualbox running....I am trying to make a dev copy of mythbuntu....can you help me walk through it? I have a virgin install of ubuntu 7.10 right now.... [20:44] does the new installer support things like sw-raid? [20:45] javatexan: mount the cd and boot it? [20:45] no, I got that part....LOL [20:45] Koffa, sudo apt-get install mythbuntu-control-center [20:46] I installed ubuntu already, I just need to add the dev stuff and SVN [20:46] you want to build it ? [20:46] why oh why ? [20:47] ubgrade your VM to Hardy [20:47] you'll get 0.21 [20:47] camelreef? [20:47] I want to write a mythTivo plugin for toGo stuff [20:47] good idea [20:47] ah [20:47] javatexan: is your networking working? [20:47] Koffa ? [20:48] rhpost1991_laptop: yes [20:48] do an install on one disk and then use something to convert it? [20:48] javatexan: not sure what you are trying to do then [20:48] javatexan: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+spec/mythtv-on-the-run [20:49] we have tossed around some ideas for that, but its going to be a lot of work so odds are it wont get done till the next release [20:49] rhpost1991_laptop: I have toGo running via galleon.tv, but it keeps crashing. I would like to add that functionality to mythtv writing some plugins [20:50] I may add something to mythexport to be able to export them to throw on your laptop for the go [20:50] rhpost1991_laptop: I will do the dev...no problem [20:50] rhpost1991_laptop: I have never even made mythtv from SVN, so I am having to learn that at the moment [20:50] ;) [20:51] I tossed around the idea of a detachable frontend, but some other people didn't like the fact that the machine would always have a backend and we can't do any sort of DB other than mysql [20:51] i see that spec as needing a frontend that can download shows to the desktop. Then just play with totem [20:51] tgm4883_laptop: at that point you lose functionality [20:51] if we are losing functionality I think its just as easy to xml+xsl an interface that links to vlc [20:51] then that could work cross platform [20:52] rhpot1991_laptop, well you lose functionality, but you don't have to write 2000 lines of code [20:52] i think stepping away from the frontend for this is a good idea [20:52] rhpost1991_laptop: just add the show details to the mysql [20:52] could just have a client that asks if you want to mark them as read when they export [20:52] or using mythvideo [20:52] javatexan: the frontend doesn't have mysql [20:52] and people would get sad if it was a requirement [20:53] rhpost1991_laptop: I convert to .mp4 and then hold them in video, but I doubt a plugin would fly with that [20:53] I'm really tempted to do an xml version out of mythexport and see what people think about it, cause I need to do a HQ export for the 360 anyways [20:54] oh rhpot1991_laptop i've been meaning to ask you about that [20:54] which part? [20:54] the 360 part :) [20:54] also any idea if there are any mythtv bindings that will run on windows? [20:54] I know we have perl and python [20:55] rhpost1991_laptop: for what [20:55] I haven't tested the Python bindings on Windows (don't have any Windows to test). [20:55] in your tests, did you get the 360 to show the recordings on in the videos part without having to put them in the mythvideo folder? [20:55] I can imagine them not working. [20:55] tgm4883_laptop: nope [20:56] they have to go into videos [20:56] :( [20:56] do we know why? [20:56] I can trick it into getting them int here, but the upnp stuff overwrites that table [20:56] and I lose the data [20:56] ah, thats my question [20:56] ya I talked to the guys, they purposly write over that table to repopulate it and there is no way of putting anything in [20:56] what if we just made a patch for it and had it compiled that way? [20:57] supposidly it will do what we want in 0.22 [20:57] woot, GB mirrors got the ubuntu2 backport [20:57] rhpost1991_laptop: wow...that wasn't nice [20:57] They are working on more UPnP stuff for 0.22 [20:57] javatexan: what? [20:57] rhpost1991_laptop: it wasnt nice that they wrote the tables to act that way [20:57] tgm4883_laptop: I thought superm1 said no go to modifying the code [20:57] ah ok [20:57] thought I said something bad [20:57] maybe fixing the UPnP leak would be good for 0.21 [20:58] rhpot1991_laptop, afaik, he didn't say that [20:58] well they did it on purpose cause recordings are mostly in mpeg2 which it cannot play [20:58] perhaps im wrong though [20:58] i'll ask him when he gets on [20:58] I've got this urgent matter! My mythbuntu 7.10 installation failed after apt-get dist-upgrade. [20:58] tgm4883_laptop: we can look into that, its just as easy to export to recordings then symlink it into a folder in videos [20:58] mythtv: Depends: mythtv-backend (= 0.21.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1) but it is not going to be installed [20:58] which is what I am running with for now [20:59] only problem then is its gonna show up in your mythvideo stuff [20:59] borga2, you have the backports on [20:59] rhpot1991_laptop, does that .....ah [20:59] prob the repo isn't populated yet [20:59] borga2, wait for a while, update %% dist-upgrade [20:59] rhpot1991_laptop, well then ideally getting it to read recordings would be better then right? [20:59] borga2, always check what apt-get says it is going to do when you dist-upgrade [20:59] && [20:59] well that would be nicer [21:00] but its gonna fill your 360 up with a bunch of unusable mpeg2's then as awll [21:00] rhpot1991_laptop, alright, so the current stance is, symlink the stuff, but hope that superm1 lets us modify the code [21:00] hmm [21:00] so you would need to modify the upnp to not show those [21:00] perhaps mark it as advanced use only [21:00] or yea [21:00] that would work too [21:00] rhpost1991_laptop: but dont you have to add all the show info with that....what channe would you use for that...I ran into this adding mpeg2 to recordings ... :) [21:00] and I'm not entirely sure how it works sicne there are other clients [21:01] javatexan: the 360 grabs everything in the upnpmedia database [21:01] which gets populated with everything from your mythvideos [21:01] if we made it do recordings I would expect something near the same [21:01] rhpot1991_laptop, i dont see people keeping both shows if they transcode it [21:01] which is why it doesn't do that [21:01] tgm4883_laptop: what if they don't want to transcode them all? [21:02] rhpost1991_laptop: okay...yep...i thought you were still talking about adding it to the recordings [21:02] so if we let it show both, the only people it will bother is the 360 users that dont transcode [21:02] rhpot1991_laptop, what i'm saying is, if a user transcodes show A, would they still keep the original show A in mpeg format? [21:02] I would [21:02] but I'm not an average user [21:03] perhaps we need a poll [21:03] I'd rather eat HD space than CPU cycles [21:03] rhpost1991_laptop: there might be a better way [21:03] javatexan: go on? [21:03] rhpost1991_laptop: are we assuming backend or not [21:03] javatexan, no backend [21:04] if there was a backend, whats the point [21:04] rhpost1991_laptop: never mind.....this idea needs the backend [21:04] * rhpot1991_laptop is confused [21:04] it would be a regular frontend [21:04] there has to be a backend for the recordings [21:04] rhpot1991_laptop, he's talking about the mythtv-on-the-go [21:04] oh, I thought we were on 360 still [21:04] we are on both [21:04] heh [21:04] you have to keep up ;) [21:04] rhpost1991_laptop: you could, with the backend, teach it to take input from your recordings ....like it does from hauppauge.....then you could add recordings the 'natural' way. [21:05] javatexan: I wanted a detachable backend for the recordings, but got overruled [21:05] rhpost1991_laptop: darn....LOL [21:05] well, i wanted a mesh backend system [21:05] I think if you had a client to sit on the on the go client that listed recordings [21:05] checked them off and said get them [21:05] but that would require quite a lot of rewrite on the backend [21:05] then it pulls them all over in a tar with a web interface to play them [21:06] I think I might be able to reproduce commskipping with vlc [21:06] gonna lose the watched functionality [21:06] yep [21:06] rhpot1991_laptop, i like that idea, except the web interface. But i would be compromising to have it your wy [21:06] thats exactly what I saw when I tried to add tivo files that way too [21:07] i thiink losing watched functionality is ok [21:07] tgm4883_laptop: I say the web interface just to launch vlc [21:07] cause that will work cross platform [21:07] unless there is some good way to tie that into vlc somewhow [21:07] i'm ok with the web interface, i realize that some things have to be compromised with for the forward movement of a app [21:08] rhpost1991_laptop: sounds like we are working on the same problem, you with upnp and me with tivo togo....LOL [21:08] and it is a whole lot better than writing a custom interface for watching, although perhaps it could be integrated with the show grabber [21:08] javatexan, rhpot1991_laptop is working on many problems [21:08] we just assign everything to him :) [21:08] tgm4883_laptop: is there some show grabber existing already? [21:08] I noticed.....LOL...poor guy [21:09] rhpot1991_laptop, no [21:09] him and foxbuntu___ that is [21:09] and laga has been on support duty lately apparently [21:09] rhpot1991_laptop, the thing is, do you want the shows transcoded, or left untouched (for on the go) [21:10] I'd say transcoded [21:10] IMO, transcoded is better, but takes more time [21:10] to xvid or something [21:10] only problem with that is if you are doing that on the fly its going to be SLOWWWW [21:10] true [21:10] i thought you had to have the BE for transcoding [21:10] guess thats another reason to help out the 360 problem :) [21:10] well javatexan you would do it on the backend then xfer to the on the go box [21:11] yea, javatexan ^^ then disconnect for playing later [21:11] ok...i understand yes [21:11] the idea is I am leaving and want to take my laptop with me [21:11] but no recordings on it [21:11] this makes that happen [21:11] tgm4883_laptop: when I get my new box testing this will be a lot easier [21:12] wont have to wait forever for transcodes [21:12] again if you converted the stream to something that the BE understands instead of a pure copy, you would then be able to use the regular BE transcode, right? So we would have to teach BE to take what MPEG2 and PES? [21:12] then take those resulting shows and put on toGo [21:13] javatexan, IIRC, the BE can understand xvid transcodes [21:13] backend already understands mpeg2, thats what most of us have by default [21:13] I think it understands xvid as well [21:13] javatexan, I think you are confusing the two issues we have been discussing here [21:13] prolly [21:14] alright time to head home, cya guys [21:14] 1st, the 360 upnp. The 360 upnp currently shows only xvid (or other supported formats, NOT mpeg2). So we would need to transcode all the shows. Secondly, the recordings folder shows up in the wrong place on the 360, so we have to fix that too [21:15] gotcha [21:16] so are you talking about adding xbox as input, or as a psuedo frontend or two way [21:16] looks like both to me [21:17] 2nd, the mythtv-on-the-go spec. We want to be able to watch our shows on our laptops while we are away on business. This means that we will have no backend available. Shows will have to be physically on the laptop. We also need to be able to tell the shows apart, since the show data is located in the BE db. So renaming the shows is needed, or placing this data into some file on the laptop. If we do the later, we [21:17] need a frontend (read not mythtv frontend) to read this data for each show file. Finally, we also need to conserve space by transcoding the shows. Transcoding the shows takes lots of time, so having the shows always transcoded would be ideal [21:18] the 360 would be a upnp frontend. Capable of playing recorded content, but not live tv [21:18] there is no current way to use the 360 as an input (well, you could use it as an SD input) but why would you want it as an input anyway? [21:19] okay...that makes sense now [21:19] different problem [21:19] thats pretty cool idea [21:20] it is, but requires some work [21:20] there are different ways of achieving each, it's just finding the best one thats the issue [21:20] yep...I know [21:22] for instance, for the mythtv-on-the-go spec, ideally, grabbing the show data and putting it on an SQLLite db would be the best, although we would then have to rewrite portions of the frontend to fallback to this local db if the master backend was unavailable [21:22] If you want to keep all the BE info, you almost need to duplicate or replicate it forward, but now that means that FE needs mysql or at least BDB or embedded....if you don't go that way, you need a good naming convention to save enough of that info so you can figure out what you are watching in a situation like mythvideos....right? [21:22] javatexan, yes, see previous answer [21:22] cool...we are on the same page now [21:23] now IMO, if we did a name like ShowName-Date.avi, that would probably work [21:23] although, ShowName-Date-Time.avi is probably better [21:24] while ShowName-Title-Date-Time.avi is another possibility [21:24] Thats what tivo does for its toGo functionalilty.... Show-Episode-Date.avi [21:24] the last one may be the best one, just because of shows that don't have the title in there, but run multiple episodes in a day [21:24] but they are really hard to read in the Mythvideo interface......font is too big [21:25] perhaps truncate part of it then? [21:25] although that could get confusing [21:25] thats why i think we are leaning toward the webinterface/vlc thing rhpot1991 was talking about [21:25] Just add a line in the mythvideo interface that takes up one line in smaller font all across the screen...that would help [21:26] I thought that was to determine which things to download to the toGo machine [21:27] well that, and playback [21:27] if we can keep the commflagging, that would be great [21:27] scratch that, it would be awesome [21:28] depending on how many shows you want to hold, XML might be the way to go [21:28] exactly [21:28] then you can keep all that stuff [21:28] i think thats what rhpot1991 wants to do [21:28] well we can keep it, we just need to be able to use it is the thing [21:28] i think he is right...or maybe a small embedded DB...like BDB or that apache one [21:29] for using the regular frontend? [21:29] then we have to alter the frontend to use that db, as well as have a program that will switch which db host to use [21:29] * tgm4883_laptop is going to grab a cup of coffee, back in 20 [21:30] sure...they only need to be turned on if and only if you want this functionality....it sure beats writing your own db functionality wrapped around files [21:33] use the embeded dbs as a replicated version of the info...then it shouldnt change much..but the code. Wow...starting to look like a Java, hibernate, multidb problem....LOL [21:33] * javatexan shudders [21:34] well, mythtv is written in C, so any change to the code needs a recompile [21:34] * tgm4883_laptop is really getting coffee this time [21:34] * javatexan me too [21:48] C++ [21:51] the hard part is getting something on clients that doesn't require much work [21:51] if we do xml with vlc all they need is a web browser [21:51] and a vlc installer [21:51] I am already pulling all the needed data in mythexport, so its simple to get that into some xml file [21:52] heck if I assume javascript I can make it function very similar to the actual frontend when selecting shows [21:53] I would say that disconnected frontend use will go into myth at some stage probably using the storage groups functionality. [21:54] * rhpot1991 has a custom written javascript xpath script somewhere [21:54] hads: well ideally that would be the best place to get it [21:54] but I think if we make something thats usable for now thats a good step then it can get built in over time [21:55] it would be cool to be able to have an on-the-go storage group though [21:55] Yeah, I think that's the key, make something that's usable and wait for full support in myth proper. [21:55] I wonder if thats something we can expect the user to be able to setup, or automate somehow [21:56] my method would have to have them queue up some recordings ahead of time [22:03] small pleasures of life... watching a French TV program about the Sea, automatically recorded by MythTV, from a Satellite, after more than 5 years of not being able to watch it [22:04] superm1, ping - anything you can do about this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/200761 [22:08] so I upgraded to .21 and when it got to the mysql section I got this: http://utahawdclub.com/myth21 [22:09] tyce_: No worries :) [22:09] or.. don't be worried. It will work. ;) [22:09] I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database [22:09] but now myth-backend isn't starting [22:10] maybe the password to the db changes when you do that [22:11] check mythbackend.log [22:11] I kept the password the same [22:11] for root [22:11] not for root.. the password to the mysql-user that mythbackend uses [22:11] oh, it asked for root [22:12] thats because you used "sudo" [22:12] check /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log [22:14] k, thanks [22:15] isn't the default username and passwd just mythtv:mythtv ? [22:15] tyce_: do sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common [22:15] not for the database [22:15] I thought that's what my frontends were using when they connect [22:16] hm it should use a password that gets set when installing. you can find your password in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt [22:17] hads, i disagree, i don't think we will see this functionality in MythTV officially [22:17] try the command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common and then try to start your backend [22:17] yeah, it's mythtv:mythtv problem is that when I re-run the mythtv-database, the line to enter username and password is garbled [22:17] The MythTV devs have taken a strong stance against anything that could further illegal use [22:17] tgm4883_laptop: OK [22:18] keeps thinking I'm entering this: Failed to connect to database: Access denied for user 'rothtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at -e line 5, <> line 1. [22:18] obviously rothtv isn't valid ;) [22:19] hehe rothtv? never seen that ;) [22:23] Nikas: I keep getting this: http://utahawdclub.com/myth21-db [22:23] even though I'm giving it the right username and password found in my /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt [22:27] hm [22:28] tyce_: Look at post #3 here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=611899 [22:31] I'm going to have to play with it more when I get home... that post didn't fix issue for me... thanks for your help! [22:58] So.. i will try to ask again. My channel change takes about 10s. Can i speed it up somehow? It's not my nework. The change takes same time on the backend machine [22:59] network [23:25] Nikas: looks like it stopped installing after it hit that snag with the mysql password, so now I have broken/missing package. is there a quick way to remedy this? [23:31] dpkf -f install [23:31] typically [23:31] dpkg, even [23:39] so.. did you solve your problem? [23:40] apt-get install -f works too [23:41] eh.. upgrade i mean [23:42] yeah, I just grabbed the perl package I needed and installed it... but now I'm right back to mysql not liking the user/pass [23:51] check this out... http://utahawdclub.com/myth21-db [23:51] no, how in the world could it possibly still be complaining? [23:51] *now [23:52] Blah...I can't umount /var/lib/mythtv/music. [23:52] smbfs was a bad idea [23:52] tyce, what password is set in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt? [23:53] tyce, what password is set in dpkg-reconfigure -plow mythtv-common? [23:53] Viaken, smbfs was deprecated years ago [23:53] -t cifs wasn't working, so I thought I'd try it. lol [23:56] I think the problem has to do more with the privs on that db then it does with the user/pass... I'm going to drop mythconverg and start fresh [23:58] tyce, you're the boss [23:58] evidently, "Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost'" is highly unlikely to involve user auth [23:59] yeah, now Im getting... Failed to execute SQL: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mythconverg.* TO mythtv@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mythtv'\nAccess denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' to database 'mythconverg' at -e line 8, <> line 1.