[00:00] nickrud, dejavu renders the message from ubotu like this: YYYNNYYNY [00:00] \win 415 [00:00] all those show up fine here [00:00] bleh *stabs compose* [00:00] then again i'm using Lucida Grande from OS X :P [00:00] Amaranth: really, what font? [00:00] ah [00:01] That's just ridiculous. [00:01] PriceChild: what, dave? [00:01] ubotu: test [00:01] mhmm [00:01] nalioth: it's muted [00:01] [00:01] anyway yes, right now it works [00:01] how are we supposed to know anythign if it's muted in here? [00:01] but it'll just stop in a quarter hour, wanna bet? [00:02] nalioth, i think it's pretty clear it's not going to come back up properly without the intervention of seveas, without testing very much [00:05] i am trying to help this complete classroom by myself if anyone wants to just take a peek in edubuntu and give some input... [00:16] please? [00:18] sudobash: this channel is for operator/abuse questions. [00:22] Hobbsee: basically wrt hosting I was wondering what pros/cons you'd found and if you had a recommendation. [00:23] tonyyarusso: i'm using linode, and like it. [00:23] tonyyarusso: but tha'ts a VPS, so it's not shared hosting [00:23] Hobbsee: Could you explain the difference between shared, VPS, dedicated, and whatever crazy terms are out there? [00:25] tonyyarusso: shared: no root access, resources shared. vps: own resources in terms of ram, disk space, etc, shared cpu. dedicated: own box in data centre, with only you on it. [00:26] Hobbsee: so VPS is probably VMs I take it? [00:26] tonyyarusso: right, or Xen [00:26] tonyyarusso: xen-based, usually [00:26] How is Xen different? [00:26] tonyyarusso: you get the appearance of being on your own box with root access but the actual physical resources behind it are shared with many others [00:26] * Hobbsee suggests rtfm'ing for those kind of questions [00:26] tonyyarusso: xen's paravirtualization, not virtualization :) [00:27] Hobbsee: fair enough, although I've tried that a bit with limited success, so I thought I might see how others phrased it [00:27] jdong: uh, sure :P [00:27] tonyyarusso: i meant the xen vs the other stuff, adn virtualisation [00:27] tonyyarusso: VM tends to come with the connotation of VMWare/VirtualBox or some other higher-overhead type of setup [00:27] gotcha [00:28] So a VPS presumably should have significantly better performance than a shared environment, right? [00:28] tonyyarusso: no [00:28] it's supposed to have [00:28] in terms of it having more ram, etc, it probably does [00:28] tonyyarusso: the perofrmance of a VPS packed to the same density as a shared host will be identical or worse [00:28] tonyyarusso: but typically VPS'es are backed by much more generous hardware allocation [00:28] jdong: how many people are usually on a shared host box? [00:29] Hobbsee: a Site5 box I've used (acheron) had over 500 sites on it [00:29] Hobbsee: powered by a 4-core Xeon [00:29] Hobbsee: load average was always shot in the 50's [00:29] i've had fucking enough of the complains about floodbots spam (probably amounting to some whopping 0.1% of channel traffic) [00:29] you can go back and stop attacks the old way [00:29] ... [00:29] We group Linodes of the same plan together onto the hosts. A Linode 360 host has no more than 40 Linodes on it. A Linode 540 host has no more than 30. Linode 720 host: 20 Linodes; Linode 1080 host: 15; Linode 1440 host: 10. [00:29] jdong: ouch [00:29] tonyyarusso: shared-hosting has privacy and security concerns, along with the fact that you cannot install software in the same way [00:30] 40 != 500 [00:30] Hobbsee: right [00:30] jdong: wow. i've not seen my load average above ~10 or so, doing some pretty heavy stuff [00:30] jdong: I see, so those are the main points, but it's quite "likely" that performance might be better too? [00:30] usually it's around 0.00 - 0.02 [00:30] tonyyarusso: right [00:31] tonyyarusso: VPS carries the connotation of being a more generous/upscale service :) [00:31] tonyyarusso: with my time on a shared-host, I found that someone else's crappy Perl/PHP script causes everyone to suffer [00:31] Looks like Linode's plans start at double what I'm paying for shared, which I guess is reasonable. [00:31] tonyyarusso: rarely, if ever, will that happen on a VPS. You are in your own little world [00:32] jdong: token's ftw - they get limited. [00:32] I assume on a VPS there would be no restrictions on what you could run as well, correct? As in background processes, IRC bots, etc. [00:32] tonyyarusso: you've got root [00:32] Hobbsee: is yours a 360, or bigger? [00:32] tonyyarusso: 360 [00:32] tonyyarusso: you can do whatever the hell you want. I've known people who used debtakeover to change a Fedora VPS to Debian/Ubuntu [00:32] which is quite interesting :) [00:33] Hobbsee: and is that "plenty", or would you consider something larger? (And for what sort of things running?) [00:33] jdong: lol, never heard of that before... [00:33] * Hobbsee is running bip, an irc server, an instance of ubotu, 2 drupal sites, and probably a couple of other bits i've forgotten [00:33] as in, the ubotu with all the linked bantracker, etc. [00:33] haven't seen it going into swap yet. it's hard to tell how much memory it's actually using, due to caching though [00:33] So it should handle my little sites with no problem. COol. [00:34] * Hobbsee occasionally uses it to compile [00:34] nice fast link there, so it gets the deps quickly. takes a bit longer to compile, but i don't really care. [00:36] Now, one thing that I noticed is the the disk space and bandwidth limits are much smaller than a shared host. For instance, the Linode 360 is 10GB / 200GB, whereas my shared host is 500GB/5TB. Any thoughts on that front, other than pointing out that I have no idea how I would use half a terrabyte anyway? [00:36] tonyyarusso: oh yeah, i knew i forgot something. i'm using it as a backup too. [00:36] Seeker`, i think you should remove the ban in u-uk [00:36] /dev/ubda ext3 9.6G 3.7G 6.0G 39% / [00:36] Hobbsee: and the 10G gives you enough free space for that? [00:36] ah, I see. [00:36] sure. [00:36] it is ineffectual and irrelevant [00:37] Moniker42: It is not a ban, it is a mute [00:37] Seeker`, it has nothing to do with that channel [00:37] seeing as my client is likely to be paying for a lot of the hosting bill (yay), i'm planning to switch to annual, which is 15gb [00:37] Moniker42: Seeing as it was you that did that the first few times, even after I asked you to stop [00:37] tonyyarusso: besides, they'll probably give another free upgrade soon, which should help. [00:37] Moniker42: I think it is reasonable to assume that it was you doing it [00:38] Seeker`, even if you had evidence for that it is still irrelevant to that channel [00:38] # Transfer/Mo 200 GB [00:38] # Incoming: 428 MB [00:38] # Outgoing: 367 MB [00:38] # Total: 794 MB [00:38] ie, 0% of monthly transfer [00:38] Hobbsee: they give free upgrades? [00:38] Moniker42: It may help to get the point across that is a pretty stupid, troll-like thing to do [00:38] and what does that have to do with me being muted in #ubuntu-uk? [00:38] nothing. [00:38] tonyyarusso: http://www.linode.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=16 [00:39] you have no claim to mute me for something that is done in an open channel/with a freenode-wide service [00:40] Seeker`, are you just ignoring me now, or are you afk? [00:40] Moniker42: keep in mind that what you did could be considered a DOS [00:40] Moniker42: Someone was doing their best to annoy a user in the channel [00:41] Hobbsee: Interesting. And in the event that I ever decided to sign up with them, do you get any sort of credit for a referral? [00:41] Moniker42: You did it several tiems - or at least what you said in the channel impled that strongly [00:42] that is not relevant. it is obviously part of the story, but the issue is whether or not you can mute me in that channel for use of a freenode-wide service [00:42] Moniker42: would you rather we take care of it at the network level? [00:42] Moniker42: Seeing as I only have power in that channel, and the relevant offense was commited in that channel, I feel it is justified [00:43] If you want me to talk to some staff about abuse of network-wide service abuse, I will. [00:43] Seeker`: it's too late for that. [00:43] nalioth, i don't see why legitimately carried-out complaints about abuse of powers on this network lead to threats of *more* punishment [00:43] the staff already knows [00:43] Moniker42: perhaps we're not on the same page here [00:44] thanks, the ban has been lifted. [00:44] but i find it coincidental that you show up here at this time [00:45] i'm not here on a crusade, so now that the ban has been lifted, unless anything more needs to be said, i'll be off... [00:51] tonyyarusso: nope [00:51] Hobbsee: 'k. Thanks. === vorian is now known as vorian_ [08:17] ubotu: test [08:23] poor ubotu [08:24] indeed [08:37] only 14 minutes of lag [10:59] quiet morning [11:18] * Pici enjoys the quiet [11:26] * jussi01 walks in, making a huge noise so everyone wakes up :P [11:29] :O [11:30] * Myrtti throws pillows at jussi01 [11:30] let us sleep [11:30] Seeker`, shush, you'll jinx it [11:32] hehe [12:18] !test [12:18] Failed. [12:18] hmmm, is ubotu muted in here? [12:19] yes [12:19] seems to be working fine in #ubuntustudio... [12:26] ubotu and ubot3 are both private messaging users when !factoid > user is used in #ubunt. Can we tell ubotu to go away? [13:16] jrib: kick/ban it? [13:16] Pici: yep, forgot about that :) [13:18] I've banned ubotu for the above reason [13:22] * mneptok meeps [13:22] * jussi01 beeps [13:25] tweet [13:32] smeat [13:43] moo [13:43] * jrib thinks he missed the pattern [13:45] noises i guess... [15:47] sudobash: how can we help you today? [16:25] In #kubuntu, frank_ said: ubot3, aptoncd is APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers. More info at http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ [16:25] !aptoncd [16:25] APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers [16:26] do we need the factoid at all? it's in the repos... [16:27] the link is probably useful [16:27] meh the link is always useful, but it's in the APT description! [16:28] Description: Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT [16:28] APT removable repository creator and package backup tool for Debian based systems. This tool will allow you to create a media (CD or DVD) to use to install software via APT in a non-connected machine, as well upgrade and install the same set of softwares in several machines with no need to re-download the packages again. For more information, visit http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net [16:29] i mean, are we going to duplicate every package as a factoid? hopefully not [16:30] perhaps it would be useful if ubotu grabbed the URL from the APT description [16:30] !info aptoncd [16:30] aptoncd: Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.97-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 135 kB, installed size 1024 kB (Only available for None) [16:51] I see your point. aptoncd as a factoid makes sense since it's often suggested as a way to get networking packages to a non-networked machine. Me, I just like factoids in general ;) [16:56] nickrud: we should just have ! back without needing !info [16:57] hm. if ! added 'see package description for more info' along with the other stuff [17:07] Some regular !info factoids are long, do we want that *and* the package description? [17:19] LjL: can we get ubotwo in #ubuntu-desktop? [17:20] ubotwo: whoami [17:20] PriceChild: I don't recognize you. [17:20] ubotwo: login [17:20] ubotwo: whoami [17:20] PriceChild: I don't recognize you. [17:21] ubotwo: whoami [17:21] Amaranth: I don't recognize you. [17:21] ubotwo: login [17:21] ubotwo: join #ubuntu-desktop [17:21] i thought i had access [17:21] ubotwo: whoami [17:21] Pici: Pici [17:21] Pici: wins [17:30] . ubot3 is available [17:30] nalioth: I heard ubot3 was available. [17:32] nalioth: ubot3 doesnt do !info stuff does it? [17:32] sure it does [17:33] it just doesn't respond in here unless you call it [17:33] oh, sorry, I meant hardy !info [17:34] !info waon hardy [17:34] waon: A Wave-to-Notes transcriber. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 85 kB, installed size 240 kB (Only available for None) [17:34] hrmm, doesnt look like ubotwo does either :( [17:46] ubot3 info waon hardy [17:46] yeah, it wont do it here [17:46] but it will elsewhere [17:48] nalioth: doesn't seem to do it in #k either [17:49] :( [17:49] i've added hardy repos to it some weeks ago [17:49] nor #k-devel [17:49] * nalioth goes to poke the innards [17:49] I think there is a field in there somewhere to add the names of hte distros [17:49] is supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.packagelookup set to true? [17:53] nalioth: looks like it's working now [17:53] stdin: yippee :D [18:26] jussi01: hardy info updated [18:26] at least in ubot3 === pressent1r is now known as pressenter [19:38] PriceChild, you don't "login", you /msg identify pricechild password [19:39] "login" is an ubotu specific feature [19:39] pici, same [19:39] I was hoping FreenodeAuth would work so I wouldn't have to ask you to reset the password 8-) [19:39] sigh [19:39] no i don't have that plugin [19:41] PriceChild: /msg register pricechild newpassword [19:42] LjL: done, sorry and thanks [19:48] ubotwo: whoami [19:48] Amaranth: Amaranth [20:04] nalioth, we had 4 joins in fast succession from here >> student2 (n=student2@mail.lantecctc.com) [20:04] * ompaul is about to pm [20:04] but laggin [20:04] nalioth, no answer to said pm ohh well [20:05] ubotwo: whoami [20:05] Seeker`: I don't recognize you. [20:05] :( [20:06] ubotwo: who i is? [20:06] mneptok, you are who you issss [20:06] i is whats i eats [20:07] * ompaul waves a Frank Zappa LP at mneptok [20:07] and that's basically "anything slower than me at leatime" [20:07] *mealtime" [20:19] Suggestions on dealing with these people discussing virus's in ubuntu.. they crossed the line when discussing howe they might write one [20:20] Jack_Sparrow: #ubuntu ? [20:20] Jack_Sparrow: discussing how to write one is offtopic [20:20] indeed [20:20] But, otherwise, valid topic [20:21] Cann0n: wouldn't be that hard actually.. have a process sit in background, wait for the .sudo_as_admin_successful flag to come up, then ride that to root. [20:21] What part of that belongs in a support room [20:22] Jack_Sparrow: none of it [20:22] tritium, Im wainting [20:22] waiting [20:22] Jack_Sparrow: for? [20:22] What part of that belongs in a support room [20:23] Your in channel supporting that discussing.. so support it [20:23] What part of that belongs in a support room [20:23] none of it - but too late now - should have been acted on [20:23] See above, where I said discussion of writing viruses is offtopic. [20:23] now next time it comes up [20:23] I never supported the discussion. [20:23] move them [20:23] I did [20:23] was there no op watching? .. [20:23] then removed it hoping they would settle down. [20:23] ack [20:23] well that can happen if it grows again it is !ops [20:24] or kill -9 [20:24] cann0n is odd [20:24] Jack_Sparrow: you caught a comment I never saw. [20:24] And I banned one and warned the other [20:24] ompaul: we were watching, but only Jack_Sparrow caught the offending comment [20:24] ack [20:24] i removed it after a minute [20:25] In general, however, I do support the discussion of viruses on ubuntu. It may be a support issue, or it may be an advocacy issue. [20:25] * ompaul was off playing the fire wall is down and there are services on the box that need to be off - quick choose fix firewall or kill services [20:25] killed services [20:26] portmap may have been providing rpcbind and the other nfs stuff may have been off but forgive me if I don't trust any of it [20:27] tritium, You say you never supported the discussion but Cann0n: you're not wrong [20:27] read the log [20:27] Jack_Sparrow: I told you already, I missed his comment that you pasted above. [20:27] ok.. [20:27] I told him he's not wrong that viruses, in general, are not off-topic. [20:27] Jack_Sparrow: Wasn't that in reply to "-20:19:32- :Cann0n : i guess im in the wrong then. sigh... i just recall some people being paranoid about linux viruses. i was just emphasizing on that. [20:28] When it drifts off into a long discussion it really does not belong in the support room... [20:28] I read that as tritium agreeing with Cann0n that he was in the wrong [20:28] Understood, but that conversation needed to be stopped.. agreed. [20:29] yes, I agree that it needed to be stopped [20:30] I agree too. I had strayed far off-topic. [20:30] All for one... one for all... :) [20:30] back to work [20:34] Jack_Sparrow: sorry, I hope you didn't think I was challenging you. He was clearly offtopic. I missed his comment, and was only supporting general discussion. [20:35] No harm no foul.. thanks for understanding my actions [20:35] :) [20:49] that was fun [20:49] not [20:49] ompaul: what wasn't? [20:49] Seeker`, what was my last comment before I left? [20:51] ompaul: something about portmap [21:17] @btlogin [21:17] dang [21:17] hoped that part still worked [21:18] Seeker`, ehh no the quit message [21:18] that was the last one - ok I was on the way out [21:18] "Client Quiet! [21:18] *"Client Quit" [21:18] dang there was a /quit [21:19] okay my network needed to restart [21:19] changes here broke all sorts of stuff [21:19] so I needed to restart the router it got confused [21:19] :( [21:26] !test [21:26] Failed. [21:27] curious ubotwo is not responding in #kubuntu-kde4 [21:43] When are we going to vote on Cannon being a troll or not.. both ub and ub-ot same thing... [21:43] +1 [21:44] some ignorant folks in #ubuntu [21:44] tritium, in +1 too [21:44] ? [21:45] Jack_Sparrow: which channel was that in? [21:45] offtopic [21:46] watching him now in -offtopic? suggesting compiling over packages. I think he's a troll or at least a trollette [21:46] that was actually #ubuntu, you were talking to him there tritium . I was just observing [21:47] taking a break from work, watching others work ;) [21:47] nickrud: was it? I missed it, then. [21:47] Slacker.. [21:47] Jack_Sparrow: ;) [21:47] :) [21:48] nickrud, when do you want to meet in San Juan for a pizza? [21:48] San Jaun? [21:48] Capistrano [21:50] hm. I'm tied up the next two weekends, early march maybe? [21:50] i have a complaint about #ubuntu [21:50] I'll be in Floriday but maybe after that [21:51] Welcome.. please state your complaint.. I will only watch [21:51] fly back via LAX :) [21:53] mc44: ? [21:54] i have a person ask me about apache configuration, i went afk for a bit, next thing i notice, everyone is yelling at me for something i didnt even tell the guy. now im banned becuase no one would drop [21:55] drop it on the topic of conversation. [21:55] ompaul told me to drop it, i complied and he banned me anyway. [21:55] Cann0n: you didn't comply, which was the problem. [21:56] Cann0n, being told to drop it, you kept going [21:56] i did comply. i as telling everyone to drop it. [21:56] you are now gone [21:56] Cann0n, that is not dropping it - that is carrying it on [21:56] it caused more reply's [21:56] replies even [21:56] you had the nerve to go into the off topic chat to taunt me... [21:56] no [21:56] uncalled for guy. [21:57] you had the nerve to do "wow" so you get friendly advice [21:57] and you carry that on [21:57] if you reply to people and always seek the final word you will be sadly disappointed on irc [21:58] do you even know why everyone was saying all that stuff? [21:58] backtracker thought i told him something i didnt. [21:58] yes I understood what was going on [21:58] you could have left it alone [21:58] i simply gave him configuration advice. [21:58] you did not [21:58] and because of him, i am banned due to the lack of knowledge from the ignorance in the chat. [21:58] no [21:58] what did i tell him? [21:59] you are banned not because of what you told him [21:59] agian, you dont listen. [21:59] i said " do you even know why everyone was saying all that stuff?" [21:59] I didnt say, "do you know why i was banned" [21:59] if you are going to be an admin, you need to listen more. [22:00] your agenda to dictate this conversation is not mine - I will do as I have done and advice [22:00] because of that misunderstanding, everyone started on. in normal human reaction, it started a chain reaction. [22:01] you clearly see me tell people to leave me alone. why didnt you ban the others? [22:01] there was no misunderstanding on my part [22:01] that is not the conversation as far I am concerned here [22:02] you banned me for telling people to leave me alone. no warning. nothing. i knew i was going to get banned for being off topic. [22:02] you were warned a couple of times to drop it [22:02] what others did at that time was not what I was interested in [22:03] with regard to your actions [22:03] my last 3 posts : yeah i told ya'll to leave me alone. take it to off-topic if you want to keep bashing me, !ot tsmith [22:03] take it to off-topic if you want to keep bashing me, !ot tsmith [22:03] were beyond what I considered my final warning [22:04] it matters not if you see an @ or not [22:04] btw I had opped myself at that stage [22:04] it should have been very obvious what was about to happen [22:05] but you failed to see that [22:05] it was, i was banned because i had a problem with everyone yelling at me about something stupid. [22:05] for which I have to say you continued on a path [22:05] this conversation is going nowhere [22:06] i know. you did say: Cann0n, btw this is not the place to discuss a ban - that would be #ubuntu-ops [22:06] i was discussing you actions, hoping to find someone other than you in here. [22:07] Im here... [22:07] Nickrud is here [22:08] and others [22:08] so am i, and honestly i don't quite see the need to introduce myself in the conversation when you were being monitored by several ops well before the ban [22:08] i know. i dont like you either jack. u banned me fore the virus topic [22:10] LjL, then you saw the miscommunication between me and backtrack? === ZarroBoogs is now known as Pici [22:10] Pici: you scared me. [22:10] LjL: :) [22:11] Heya Zarr... I mean Pici [22:11] Cann0n: no. i just saw that you were being suspected of trolling about *three* hours ago already [22:11] LjL, what topic? [22:12] yes. I saw a ban not for discussing apache and the merits of compilation vs apt, but for not dropping the subject when asked. You were seeking the last word, and vindication. The ops only wanted no further text on the subject in the channel. You're seeking the last word here, as well. [22:13] im seeking justification. [22:13] nothing but a bunch of dirty cops. can i buy meth form you guys too? [22:14] i think your pushers are pretty good already [22:15] Back to pizza Jack_Sparrow. Fly in via LAX, I'll treat [22:15] Cool... Will see what I can do [22:15] Somehow my /set hostname in irssi got set to 'freenode.net' so... when I tried to reconnect earlier, it wouldnt let me. [22:17] wait ... we sell meth? [22:17] mneptok, got some for me? [22:18] that's what i've been tryin' to TELL you! [22:18] where's MINE?! [22:18] ahh [22:18] i have 3 or 4 pesky remaining teeth i need to teach a lesson [22:18] :) [22:19] My wife can spot a meth user the minute she reclines the "Dental Chair" [22:20] Jack_Sparrow: When your wife is in the dental chair? [22:20] /cs i lilg111111_ [22:20] * Pici scratches his head [22:20] reason [22:20] in -readtopic [22:20] and #ubuntu [22:21] Pici, Her office [22:21] done [22:21] I do hope they cop the invite and I don't remove them [22:21] LjL, ? [22:21] ompaul, forward dodger [22:21] i don't like that [22:21] nor to I === Gary is now known as GazzaK [22:22] GazzaK: now i'll have to spend a month readjusting to your new/old nickname *again*. [22:22] GazzaK: Why the nick change again? [22:22] Seeker`: are you in #ubuntu-offtopic? [22:23] yes [22:23] Why not just fix your hilights? [22:23] Seeker`: read scrollback [22:23] Pici: I could, but :p [22:23] :p [22:23] LjL: didn't you moan last time? [22:23] I'm just seeing if I hate it still, might change back [22:23] GazzaK: i *always* moan when people change nicks. [22:24] I had to change mine, I kept getting hilighted for 'suspicious' [22:24] banned about here [22:24] LjL, banned the host to here [22:24] fair enough [22:24] LjL, they tried three different nicks [22:24] imbecile. [22:24] lilg111111_ was the last one [22:24] well I will will have text for them when they hit here [22:24] i might change the floodbots to hostname bans, there people are really annoying. [22:25] at least *try* to follow the instructions [22:25] well ban both? [22:25] bots are spammy enough already [22:25] Pici, You are STILL suspicious eh [22:26] Pici, please !offtopic at something in #ubuntu [22:26] I just had a minor war [22:26] this guy should show up here in a moment [22:26] LjL, thanks [22:27] whats the betting that is our man from read topic ? anolis (n=anolis@c-98-195-11-173.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu [22:27] you lose [22:27] lilg111111, hi there [22:27] hey [22:28] lilg111111, you were banned from #ubuntu to a channel for a reason [22:28] ljl, why did you boot me [22:28] you skirted around that [22:28] I dont know [22:28] let me help ou [22:28] ok [22:28] you were banned and forwarded to a channel calleed [22:28] lilg111111, i "booted" you for the same reason that had you banned from #ubuntu for the last *month*. [22:28] * Now talking on #ubuntu-read-topic [22:29] lilg111111, now go there [22:29] read the topic [22:29] like is says in the channel name [22:29] and then do what it says there [22:29] and like the bots say on join [22:29] lilg111111, that is how you will be helped [22:29] the url explains everything [22:30] /ctcp lilg111111 dcc send HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [22:30] except why you avoided the ban and did not read the url from the bot or [22:30] oh, OOPS [22:30] ahum [22:30] mneptok, don't know if staff are watching [22:30] ok, let me read this url [22:30] the IIIIIIIIs make a pretty pattern :) [22:30] mneptok: please don't do that [22:30] at least not in a channel [22:30] mneptok: thats how... madpilot got klined :p [22:30] lilg111111: if you don't want idiots like kicking you off IRC with that command, pay attention to those bots. [22:31] mneptok, please that reads badly for you ;-) [22:31] * ompaul runs [22:31] i did the router fix thing [22:32] well then why did you not ask for a test? [22:33] test me [22:33] i dont know who the ops are [22:33] not here, sigh [22:33] look [22:33] the topic in the channel called "#ubuntu-read-topic" says [22:33] Your router is affected by a bug. Please follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to fix it, and then type « test me ». If the automatic test fails, join #ubuntu-ops and ask to be tested by operators [22:34] now, *every* time you join (15 times during the last month), a bot points you to that topic, by saying [22:34] lilg111111_: Hello, You can't « /join #ubuntu » because of a problem with your connection. Please type « /topic » and read the instructions. [22:34] now -- do you have any suggestions as to how we could make that any way clearer than that? === GazzaK is now known as Gary [22:36] oohhh... [22:37] LjL: ascii animation [22:37] sl? [22:38] lilg111111: to answer your privmsg, tpye the words "test me" (no quotes) in #ubuntu-read-topic [22:38] "type," even. [22:38] Hes already done so [22:39] even [22:39] scissors [22:39] lilg111111, care to explain how you got confused with it - we really would like to know how you saw it as so much harder [22:40] That way we can fix it and make it better for the next person. [22:41] i was thinking that i had to private msg an op to test me [22:41] i didnt think to just type "test me" in the channel [22:42] lilg111111, even then, is the mention of #ubuntu-ops unclear? [22:43] yes, i didnt know they were referring to a channel [22:44] ok [22:44] that makes some sense [22:44] you were hard to catch up with as you kept diving out and changing your nick [22:45] eventually I got the forward to here [22:45] LjL, pm [22:48] lilg111111: then what was the issue, you didn't know how to join the channel? [22:48] Hmmm strangeness. [22:50] i didnt know that you needed to join the channel then after you join the channel type "test me" in it [22:50] lilg111111, you didn't have to join anything, you could have just typed "test me" after following the instructions. [22:50] *but* if you thought you needed an operator, you could, as mentioned, join #ubuntu-ops (this channel) [22:51] can you suggest a better way to state that message? [22:51] i didnt know anything about this channel [22:52] except that it was explicitly mentioned in the topic of the *other* channel [22:53] i think the part about joining ubuntu ops to test should be stated at the top not the bottom of the page [22:53] lilg111111, ok we have made a few notes and will adjust the texts [22:53] lilg111111, we don't want people joining here [22:53] they could be here for a long time if all ops are afk [22:53] so the bots do it for us [22:53] :) [22:54] top? bottom? ? [22:54] i'm talking about the *topic* that the bot told you to read [22:54] when you type /topic, as the bot tells you to type, a message comes up [22:54] that is the channel *topic* [22:54] you should always read the channel topic when you join a channel [22:54] now it says [22:54] Your router is affected by a bug. 1) Please follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to FIX it, 2) and then type « test me » in HERE. 3) If the automatic test FAILS, then type « /join #ubuntu-ops » and ask to be tested there by the operators [22:55] so you think that's clearer than before? [22:55] I think it sounds pretty clear now. [22:56] yes thats better, but do you need to be in the ops channel to get tested [22:56] if the part 2) fails [22:56] as said on the part 3) [22:56] no, no no [22:57] then thats perfect [22:57] cool, thanks for the feedback [23:00] lilg111111, now we have one more question for you [23:00] no prob [23:00] k [23:00] is there anything else we can do for you? [23:00] (please note this is not a support channel ;-)) [23:01] lol, nope you have been helpful, i just want to say im new to linux and i dont know very much about [23:02] well now you get the idea - we like to improve things the whole time [23:02] colo [23:02] may the source be with you [23:02] lol [23:02] thanx again [23:03] !lol [23:03] Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [23:03] ;-) [23:03] !idle [23:03] Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [23:03] :) [23:03] lilg111111, thank you [23:03] have a good evening [23:04] hmm [23:04] you to [23:04] lilg111111, can I ask you to read the topic might have been pushing it [23:04] hehe [23:04] I was typing it when they left [23:04] hehe