
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== FreeNode is now known as herb
=== FreeNode is now known as herb
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gmbSo, who's chairing the meeting today?15:00
sinzuigmb: statik15:01
salgadoI almost said me, thinking that the meeding had started already15:01
gmbCurse! My trap is foiled.15:02
gmbDoes statik know he's chairing? ;)15:02
sinzuigmb: barry and he discussed it15:03
gmbI'll go round up some of the troops...15:03
=== danilo__ is now known as danilos
gmbHold your horses boys15:05
statiksorry folks15:06
statikfsck runs at the *worst* possible time15:06
MootBotMeeting started at 15:06. The chair is statik.15:06
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:06
statikso, whos here?15:06
gmbschwuk will be late as he's had to step out15:07
statik* Roll call15:07
statik * Next meeting15:07
statik   * Change time to 1400 UTC due to US daylight savings time?15:07
statik * Action items15:07
statik * Queue status15:07
statik * Mentoring update15:07
statik * Review process15:07
statik[TOPIC] Next meeting time15:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Next meeting time15:07
statikshould we change the meeting time?15:08
statik[VOTE] change the meeting time to 1400 UTC15:08
MootBotPlease vote on:  change the meeting time to 1400 UTC.15:08
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:08
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #launchpad-meeting15:08
MootBotAbstention received from statik. 0 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 015:08
MootBot+1 received from jtv. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 115:08
MootBotAbstention received from gmb. 1 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 115:08
MootBot-1 received from bac. 1 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 015:08
MootBot+1 received from BjornT. 2 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 115:08
MootBotAbstention received from allenap. 2 for, 1 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 115:08
MootBot+1 received from sinzui. 3 for, 1 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 215:08
MootBot-1 received from bigjools. 3 for, 2 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 115:08
MootBot+1 received from intellectronica. 4 for, 2 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 215:08
MootBotAbstention received from salgado. 4 for, 2 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 215:08
MootBot+1 received from flacoste. 5 for, 2 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 315:09
statik[AGREED] Change this meeting to 1400UTC going forward15:09
MootBotAGREED received:  Change this meeting to 1400UTC going forward15:09
bigjoolscan I point out that this will be over UK people's lunch hour when the clocks go forwards here15:09
gmbbigjools: No it won't.15:09
gmb14:00 UTC == 15:00 BST15:10
* bigjools is a loser15:10
statik[TOPIC] Action items15:10
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.15:10
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 2 against. 4 abstained. Total: 315:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Action items15:10
statikanyone have action items?15:10
statikubmit to enforce 800 line limit.15:11
statik * gmb to hack review-submit to enforce 800 line limit.15:11
gmbBig fat fail, I'm afraid. Still need to forward my patch to mwh for approval.15:11
gmbLeave it on the agenda; I'll tackle it this week.15:11
* gmb is also a loser15:11
statikthere, there, don't be too hard on yourself. it's a lot of work sending an email15:12
statik[TOPIC] Queue status15:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Queue status15:12
statikI see 9 branches that are colored pink15:13
gmbYeah, there are quite a few > SLA.15:13
statikbut the general queue is empty15:13
flacostedb branches?15:13
statikflacoste: 3 are db branches15:13
gmbAre the on-call reviewers letting people know when they've been assigned branches from the queue?15:13
statikschwuk: need any help with your review?15:14
statikallenap: same question15:14
gmbstatik: schwuk's not here yet15:14
statikthe others over SLA are in the other reviewer meeting15:14
sinzuiI know schwuk started to review navlinks-by-content, but I don't see it in my mail15:14
statiksinzui: are you his mentor?15:14
allenapstatik: No, I'm okay right now, but a bit behind. I have apologised to abel.15:14
sinzuistatik: I am15:14
statiksinzui: can you follow up with schwuk to see if he needs anything?15:15
sinzuiI will15:15
statikallenap: great15:15
statiksinzui: thank you15:15
statik[TOPIC] Mentoring update15:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Mentoring update15:15
statikdoes anyone have some fantastic and insightful comments about mentoring?15:15
gmbNo, but I've agreed to mentor bigjools whilst his mentor is away.15:16
statikdoes anyone want to complain about their mentors?15:16
statikgmb: that is great, thanks for volunteering15:16
statikI noticed you helping him with the lunchtime thing earlier15:16
gmbI shall resist from sticking the boot in further :)15:17
statik[TOPIC] Review process15:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Review process15:17
statikI have a question about the review process15:17
statikthere was talk about releasing the lpreview plugin as open source15:17
statikis anyone following up on that?15:17
gmbstatik: It was mentioned, then kiko mentioned the process that such a release would have to go through, then... nothing after that, I think.15:18
statikis there any reason that we should NOT release it?15:18
sinzuiI think our recent additions would make it less useful for release.15:18
bigjoolssomeone would need to manage submissions15:18
statiksinzui: what additions are those?15:19
sinzuiThe PR block ouput, make lint, 800 line limit,15:19
statikmy thinking is that this plugin might be an interesting base for companies who are considering bazaar. I am not thinking that we will get useful contributions back15:19
gmbstatik: I think that we'd have to have a released branch and an used-by-lpdevs branch really.15:20
gmbFor exactly the reasons that sinzui stated.15:20
statikgmb: that sounds like extra work, which is a good reason not to release15:20
statikok. the floor is open for anyone who wants to talk about our review process15:21
sinzuischwuk asked me how do we review sourcecode changes15:21
statikfantastic question15:21
statikwe submit sourcecode changes via PQM15:21
statikbut typically there are certain people who are more familiar with the code in a particular sourcecode dir15:22
statikfor example, I recently added feedvalidator to sourcecode15:22
statikEdwin fixed a bug, and I reviewed it and submitted it15:22
statikI think for sourcecode changes we have a good idea of what is affected, and will need to individually arrange for reviews based on how significant the change is15:23
statikI don't think sourcecode changes can be assigned to the general review team15:23
statikbut that is just my opinion15:23
statikBjornT: what do you think about review of sourcecode changes? flacoste?15:23
flacostei agree with your explanation15:24
sinzuiI missed the response to my question15:24
flacostebut it also depends of the actual code15:24
statik we submit sourcecode changes via PQM15:24
statik but typically there are certain people who are more familiar with the code in a particular sourcecode dir15:24
statik for example, I recently added feedvalidator to sourcecode15:24
statik Edwin fixed a bug, and I reviewed it and submitted it15:24
statik I think for sourcecode changes we have a good idea of what is affected, and will need to individually arrange for reviews based on how significant the change is15:24
statik I don't think sourcecode changes can be assigned to the general review team15:24
statik but that is just my opinion15:24
flacostefor example, we don't usually commit to zope directly15:24
flacostebut first land upstream and backport the fix15:25
flacostethe idea is to prevent diversion15:25
flacostealthough we currently have one (stub's changes to the testrunner which aren't meaningful for upstream)15:25
sinzuischwuk was review mwhudson's navlinks. to see the changes, he has to run loggerhead15:25
schwuksinzui: for which I got instructions off mwhudson15:26
sinzuischwuk: rock!15:26
statikthat sounds fine, I don't think we have anyone else on the team that is particularly familiar with loggerhead15:26
statikand I will deny ever sending patches upstream for it15:27
schwukbut IMO those instructions should have been included with the review request,or put on the wiki and linked to15:27
schwukfor everyone's benefit15:27
statikschwuk: good point, could you and mwhudson collaborate on getting some instructions on the wiki about running loggerhead?15:28
schwukstatik: sure15:28
statik[AGREED] schwuk to work with mwhudson on getting loggerhead instructions on the wiki15:28
MootBotAGREED received:  schwuk to work with mwhudson on getting loggerhead instructions on the wiki15:28
statikany other topics to discuss?15:28
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:29.15:29
flacostethanks statik!15:29
bacthanks statik15:29
statikthanks everyone!15:29
gmbCheers statik15:29
intellectronicathanks statik15:29
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== Rinchen` is now known as Rinchen
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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