[09:55] tell me which middle window part is the best: [09:55] http://sinecera.de/gdm_tweak.png [09:59] the middle one I guess [10:00] will gdm have "face browser" by default? [10:00] nope, that was pushed back to hardy+1 [10:00] oh, ok. why? [10:01] gdm 2.22 (not 2.20 that will be used for hardy) comes with face browser by default if I recall correctly [10:01] because it is a major code change (we are going to do a 3D compiz based one [10:24] andreasn: why's 2.20 being used in hardy? http://live.gnome.org/RoadMap - Improvements on the default look of GDM [10:24] do those improvements include some sort of tweaking to face browser code? [10:25] artnay: they rewrote the whole thing and it wasn't ready in time for gnome 2.22 [10:26] didn't know that, thanks for the info [10:26] so it was decided by the gnome release team to use gdm 2.20 [11:07] hi artnay and kwwii [20:52] good thing nobody is around [20:52] kwwii, hmm? ;) [20:53] <_MMA_> haha [20:53] ;-9 [20:54] * kwwii finished up the gdm changes [20:54] :) [20:55] kwwii, In firefox and other apps, I noticed that the lines that used to exist to seperate the widgets no longer exist after that upload that made changes to the .gtkrc of the default theme. [20:55] kwwii, Was that on purpose? [20:56] * _MMA_ scoffs at Ken's attempts to "pretty up" Ubuntu and thinks he should become a professional beer drinker. [20:57] cody-somerville: nope, I think that is a known problem in firefox [20:57] to be honest, i think that we will switch back to ubuntulooks very soon now [20:57] * cody-somerville nods. [20:59] I wonder if I can get an IRC client for my blackberry [20:59] I think that you can on many of them [21:01] <_MMA_> Oh come on kwwii. No fun retort? :P [21:01] _MMA_: just wait till I am done and I ask you to test this for me :-) [21:01] that will be funny enough for me [21:02] <_MMA_> hahahahah [21:02] <_MMA_> I just say it works. ;) [21:02] anyway, my wife is on a business trip so I am home alone with my son...I am too tired to be making jokes [21:03] <_MMA_> Ok. Save 'em for Prague. :) [21:04] :) [21:05] oh, man, that is coming up too [21:11] <_MMA_> Yep. Yay for 11hr flights. I gotta strait shot from Atlanta to Prague. [21:22] at least you don't have to change flights [21:23] i live 2.5 hours away and it will take me like 6 hours to get there [21:43] <_MMA_> kwwii: Well I take a 45min hop to Atlanta from Raleigh. Sit there for an hour then catch the flight to Prague. [21:47] _MMA_: shouldn't be too bad for a free trip to prague :-) [21:56] <_MMA_> Naa... Berlin woulda been better. :P I'm also looking to going to Dublin afterward. [21:58] hehe, Berlin is AMAZING [22:33] oh well, eventually, I will finish gdm and go to bed [22:34] I have an update for the wallpaper (the one I showed you) as well as an update for gtkrc murrine [22:34] gdm will be the biggest change I guess [22:36] <_MMA_> kwwii: Fon. Got a screenshot?