
kikompt, we did a #canonical brainstorm00:07
Hobbseeah yes, i now remember that i was going to write another script for launchpad.00:15
Hobbseeafter last release.00:16
Hobbseepity i never actually did it00:16
kikompt, were you going to give me feedback?00:27
kikompt, also, should I say something about how to disable your own project?00:27
mptkiko, why would you be interested in disabling a project on the *project registration page*?00:38
kikompt, yeah, never mind my nonsense questions. :)00:38
mptkiko, I was going to have a go at condensing the text00:39
kikompt, if you take off my friendly edge I will have a hissy fit!!00:39
mptIf it's short, I think it won't be necessary to put it on a separate page00:39
kikompt, I'm pretty sure it's not going to go on the same page as the form.00:40
mptLaunchpad has too many pages already00:45
kikompt, I'm not going to mess with projects/+new, seriously00:45
kikoif you want to help, help me improve the text on that page00:45
jameshkiko: if a user disables a project they own, what happens to my branches that were categorised under that project?00:48
kikojamesh, they disappear too.00:49
jameshso I lose my code?00:49
kikojamesh, I think we should forbid projects from being disabled if they hold branches, tbh00:49
kikowe could have a way of flagging a project as abandoned -- there's a bug filed00:49
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kgoetzhi all. is there somewhere to look for a description of using tags? or would it be project specific (and i'll have to go look in ubuntus docs)06:13
kgoetzi found some pages in ubuntu's wiki, so i'll assume its per project06:25
Odd_Blokekgoetz: Yeah, tags mean whatever a product wants them to mean. :)06:27
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kikoFujitsu, thanks. doh! :)10:38
Fujitsukiko: What'd I do?10:39
kikoFujitsu, point out to me that cprov's bug was a dupe ;)10:39
Fujitsukiko: Ah, I like to keep things tidy :)10:40
kikoFujitsu, you do indeed! so when does uni start?10:50
FujitsuDoes bug #157342 want a Soyuz task reopened, then, or is Gavin's task the same thing?10:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157342 in launchpad "PPA-created SourcePackageNames appear to exist in Ubuntu too" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157342 - Assigned to Gavin Panella (allenap)10:50
Fujitsukiko: Last week.10:50
ubotuNew bug: #201547 in soyuz "Source package web pages should not traverse to never-published sources (dup-of: 157342)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20154710:56
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Hobbseethumper: cue my whinging, as requested.11:01
FujitsuHobbsee: Haha.11:02
Hobbseethumper: or was i meant to check staging, not edge/11:02
kikoFujitsu, it's the soyuz task on that bug, right11:03
Hobbseedead on staging too.11:03
Fujitsukiko: Which is Invalid.11:03
FujitsuOr was a few minutes ago.11:03
Hobbseeso, cue the whinging.11:03
kikofixed :)11:03
* Hobbsee wonders why one has to go thru a queue to get onto the mailing list beta team, then another one to actually get a mailing list11:04
Hobbseeis there 8any8 team that is on that team, taht 8doesn't8 want a mailing list/11:04
FujitsuHobbsee: X restart time. Yay!11:05
HobbseeFujitsu: yep. once i read the interesting bits of backscroll11:05
HobbseeFujitsu: i'm surprised - i havent' seen this in a while - like, a week.11:05
FujitsuI saw it this morning for the first time in a while :(11:05
* Hobbsee wonders if it was the compiz update or something.11:05
Hobbseeiirc that's what i last updated11:05
ubotuNew bug: #201749 in rosetta "Impossible to mark as needing review strings already transalted or with suggestions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20174911:06
Hobbseenow, how do i delete a whole bunch of emails, with no shift key/11:08
FujitsuCtrl+Alt+Backspace :P11:09
kikoauto-repeat, I guess11:09
HobbseeFujitsu: doesn't work.  idiot.11:16
HobbseeFujitsu: you 8really8 ought to know that.11:16
HobbseeFujitsu: you only had the bug this morning...11:16
FujitsuI have DontZap anyway.11:16
* Hobbsee doesn't know what that is11:17
* Hobbsee finally goes off to restart x.11:19
Hobbseethere we are.  all is good11:21
FujitsuI'm not sure if that's a good thing or a very bad thing.11:23
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ubotuNew bug: #201782 in malone "Forward Bugs Upstream to an Email Address: Record "email sent"" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20178213:21
ubotuNew bug: #201783 in malone "Forward Bugs Upstream to an Email Address: Allow project owners to specify that a product uses an Email Address bug tracker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20178313:21
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Fujitsucprov: Anyway, now that that's fixed...13:33
FujitsuI presume that the give-back didn't clear the build log, nor the finishing time, when it should have?13:34
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cprovFujitsu: let me check13:36
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cprovFujitsu: it seems to me that someone has aborted your job manually13:37
Fujitsucprov: They may well have, given the circumstances.13:38
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ubotuNew bug: #201792 in malone "Forward Bugs Upstream to an Email Address: Only allow bug contact to forward upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20179213:50
ubotuNew bug: #201793 in malone "Forward Bugs Upstream to an Email Address: Prefilled email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20179313:55
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sistpoty|workhi, lp just sent me a mail stating that a member wants to join a team, however with a mail pointing to edge. should I report a bug?15:55
pochuhi there. I've just got a nice spam message from bug 200676, could somebody please look at it? thanks15:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200676 in gnome-system-tools "Swatch Internet Time" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20067615:58
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cody-somervilleWhen building a package in a PPA, will it look for build-depends in the PPA first?16:12
kikocody-somerville, yes.16:17
cody-somervilleThe problem with the chroot where it fails to download the Packages.gz from my PPA is a known issue, right?16:23
bigjoolsit means it's not published your new archive yet16:23
cody-somervilleI activated my PPA eons ago.16:24
cody-somervillebigjools, This is my first upload though16:25
sorencody-somerville: The first time you build something for a given distribution in your ppa, it'll probably fail.16:25
* cody-somerville nods.16:25
bigjoolsah ok16:25
cody-somervilleThats what I thought16:25
sorencody-somerville: YEah. Find the build record, click retry build, and you're all set.16:25
bigjoolswhat he said16:25
sorencody-somerville: Yes, there's a bug open about it.16:26
adnarimI have a short question: Is it possible to stop a service while installing a package? So I'm packaging an app and if this app is installed it needs to stop another service. 16:27
adnarimCan I execute /etc/init.d/whatever stop within the postinst-scripts?16:28
adnarimI tried it but it seems not work...16:28
pochukiko: got a sec to look at this spam? It even has an image o.O https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/200676/comments/416:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200676 in gnome-system-tools "Swatch Internet Time" [Wishlist,Invalid] 16:28
ubotuNew bug: #201853 in launchpad-bazaar "OOPS recorded executing remote command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20185316:30
kikopochu, gross. :-(16:38
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kikopochu, I'm chatting with herb to get it cleaned up. thanks.16:39
pochukiko: thanks for looking into it16:40
pochuI'll let you know if I see it again16:40
ubotuNew bug: #201856 in launchpad-bazaar "OOPS recorded ssh'ing into bazaar.launchpad.net" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20185616:40
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cody-somervilleMy build failed because it couldn't find the package haddock but I see it exists just fine16:45
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ubotuNew bug: #201874 in malone "Need ability to apply tag to a collection of bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20187417:56
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kiko### launchpad meeting in #launchpad-meeting ###18:01
kikobe there or be^218:01
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ubotuNew bug: #201892 in meta-lp-deps "New dependency `devscripts`" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20189218:41
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kikokiko@anthem:~$ HEAD http://feeds.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/latest-bugs.atom18:55
kiko200 OK18:55
kikoCache-Control: max-age=360018:55
kikoDate: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:55:34 GMT18:55
kikoVia: 1.0 arsenic.canonical.com:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE16), 1.0 feeds.launchpad.net, 1.0 cache.async.com.br:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE14)18:55
* kiko high-5s herb18:56
cody-somervillekiko, Can you create the xubuntu-devel team for me please?19:07
cody-somervillekiko, It is currently locked due to an upload.19:07
TomaszDcarlos, hey, could you check jockey for template correctness, etc? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/jockey/+pots/jockey/pl/+translate19:29
TomaszDI have a feeling I've asked about that before, but it's still not using any translations19:30
=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting (all welcome): Thu 20 March 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
Rinchennext mtg date19:30
ubotuNew bug: #201918 in rosetta ""Overview for <language> translation" page isn't useful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20191819:32
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kikocody-somerville, sorry, can you clarify?19:44
dgdfgdare requests for kubuntu is reality free ?19:58
spivdgdfgd: yes, Canonical will send you Kubuntu CDs for free.20:00
dgdfgdyeah ;]20:01
carlosTomaszD: you told me about the jokey vs jockey problem, I did the fix, but you will need to wait until Sunday - Monday to see the fix rolled out as a new language pack20:03
TomaszDcarlos, ok cool :]20:04
Ubulettehow come the 1st email has not been parsed in https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/3.0~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 ? 20:07
cody-somervillekiko, The team was auto-created because of an upload20:08
kikocody-somerville, okay so far. what would you like me to do? :)20:08
cody-somervillekiko, Could you create/activate the team?20:08
kikocody-somerville, you can: https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Exubuntu-devel/+claimteam20:08
cody-somervillekiko, I've tried that.20:09
cody-somervillekiko, And I was unable to create the team myself :)20:09
kikowhy not?20:10
cody-somervillekiko, The e-mail never arrived. I imagine it got caught up in the filter since whatever e-mail it was sent from is not a member of the xubuntu-devel mailing list20:10
Ubulettesame here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xulrunner-1.9/1.9~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu120:11
kikocody-somerville, I can't really help you unless you can receive email at that address20:12
kikocody-somerville, xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com is where we're emailing20:12
kikocody-somerville, check with the mailing list admins?20:12
cody-somervillekiko, https://edge.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/+members20:12
cody-somervillekiko, The ml admin is no longer involved in Xubuntu20:13
kikolet's fix that!20:13
kikocody-somerville, who's the admin for that list?20:14
kikomrpouit at gmail.com, knightlust at ubuntu.com20:15
kikoso they are both MIA, cody-somerville?20:16
cody-somervillekiko, I dunno who knightlust@ubuntu.com is20:16
cody-somervillemrpouit said he is no longer involved in Xubuntu because of political disputes20:17
cody-somervilleHowever, I'm hoping he'll return at a later date20:17
kikocody-somerville, https://edge.launchpad.net/~knightlust20:19
cody-somervillekiko, I have no idea who that is20:19
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kikocody-somerville, so, nobody administers that list? gar20:25
kikocody-somerville, do you want to?20:25
cody-somervillekiko, Alright.20:25
kikocody-somerville, let me file an RT20:25
kikocody-somerville, remind me of your email address?20:26
kikocody-somerville, hang on. can you ask on #canonical-sysadmin first?20:28
kikocody-somerville, and if you can't get it fixed there, just email rt@ubuntu.com20:32
cody-somervillekiko, They asked me to mail rt20:32
kikocody-somerville, once that's done, we can either enable that team, or merge it with ~xubuntu-team -- you decide20:33
cody-somervillekiko, Well, if you see my message to ubuntu-devel20:33
cody-somervilleI was thinking of creating the new team to avoid bug mail for core-devs20:33
kikocody-somerville, well, package maintainership doesn't actually cause you to receive bugmail.20:35
cody-somervillekiko, We have subscribed xubuntu-team to several packages20:35
kikocody-somerville, ah, and you don't want that bugmail to go to xubuntu-devel20:37
cody-somervilleBecause I plan to make ubuntu-core-dev a member20:37
cody-somervilleso that we can have the seeds for Xubuntu owned by that team20:37
cody-somervilleand still allow the core-devs access20:37
cody-somervilleAnd naturally they don't all want xubuntu bugmail :)20:38
kikocody-somerville, gotcha. well, as soon as your RT ticket is sorted ping me (or ask a Question) and I'll help you out20:48
cody-somervillekiko, thanks20:48
LaserJockanybody have any experience with Qt project translations?21:15
LaserJockI've got an upstream that has .ts files and would like to use Launchpad for translations21:16
kikoLaserJock, wow, .ts. can you convert those to gettext?21:24
LaserJockI think so21:24
LaserJockjust found translation-toolkit in the repos21:24
LaserJockgoing to try that out21:25
LaserJocktranslate-toolkit rather21:25
LaserJockok, so I can make a .po out of it21:27
LaserJockhow do I go from a .po to a .pot?21:27
kikoLaserJock, there are gettext tools, I'm sure21:28
mdkecarlos: re our email exchange, would it be easier for me to upload the po files via the rosetta interface? that should perform a merge, right?21:33
mdkecarlos: is it possible for me to get permissions for that?21:33
mdkeLaserJock: I wonder if you can just rename em... I thought they are the same formal... maybe do a search for some basic info on the web21:34
carlosmdke: we found a bug that would make that upload useless21:34
carlosmdke: so I need a fix rolled out first21:35
LaserJockmdke: hmm, that might work yeah21:35
mdkecarlos: ah, ok.21:35
mdkeLaserJock: carlos will know :)21:35
LaserJockcarlos: can a project just rename a .po to .pot and upload that to Rosetta?21:35
carlosLaserJock: a .pot file is a .po file without translations21:35
LaserJockbut will it choke if there's translations there?21:36
LaserJockor should I strip them out21:36
carloshmm, I think it may work, but don't expect to work always, given that is not a documented or planned feature...21:36
mdkeyou can just delete the translations in something like poedit21:37
mdke(I think)21:38
ubotuNew bug: #201953 in launchpad "csv export of the project group +milestone page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20195321:41
TomaszDcarlos, could you check https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/upstart/+imports ? :]21:41
carlosTomaszD: what do you want me to check?21:43
carlosthere are two files that failed to be imported21:43
carlosusually, because the translation was already imported21:44
TomaszDcarlos, yes but rosetta shows the bar as "Newly translated in Launchpad "21:44
TomaszDwhen last edited time is 2007-08-1221:44
TomaszDthe bar should be green if the translation was uploaded successfully yes? 21:45
TomaszDas it indicates "Translation unchanged since last synchronized "21:45
TomaszDso apparently it hasn't been synchronized since it was made21:45
carlosTomaszD: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/20049921:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200499 in rosetta "Imported translation from upstream not correctly importing all strings" [Critical,In progress]  - Assigned to Carlos Perelló Marín (carlos)21:45
TomaszDoh damn firefox got broken 21:46
mdkecarlos: since you're here. I'm asking for an upload of gnome-user-docs and I would like the Ubuntu hardy package to be translateable through rosetta. currently they are blocked, can you unblock them so the pot/po files in the next upload get added?21:48
carlosmdke: are you going to handle manual package updates?21:48
mdkecarlos: yes21:48
mdkecarlos: the idea is to enable translation quite late like this, so all the upstream translation gets used21:49
carlosboth templates?21:49
mdkebut there is one quite important ubuntu-specific string21:49
mdkecarlos: yes please, although probably there should be a third template too?21:50
mdkeI think the pot files are created at build time21:50
carlosmdke: not right now21:51
carlosI can only see two21:51
mdkei'll try and build and see21:51
mdkeanyway, those are the two important ones21:51
carlosmdke: I just unblock those, but please, ping me once the right package is uploaded so we can approve them21:52
mdkecarlos: will do21:52
mdkeshould be tomorrow, dholbach is a machine with that stuff21:52
carlosmdke: I will not be around next week, so ask danilo or jtv to do it if it's not ready tomorrow21:53
mdkesure thing, thanks for the help21:53
carlostime to sleep...21:53
carlosgood night!21:53
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
mdkegood plan21:53
ubotuNew bug: #201963 in launchpad "OpenID identity URL should be shown privately on a users person page" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20196322:00
ubotuNew bug: #201991 in launchpad "Page with stable URL that shows what I have to do for this milestone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20199123:46
ubotuNew bug: #201992 in launchpad "Ubuntu release manager lacks access to freeze the archive" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20199223:46
ubotuNew bug: #201998 in launchpad-bazaar "Typo in merge request review page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20199823:56

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