
mooboo1did the window shadows disappear with the update today?00:08
virtualdPici: thx, exactly what i was looking for, cept i cant find the package. :-p00:09
NilbusI'm considering buying a macbook pro to put ubuntu on it.  Anyone have hardware issues with the 4th gen macbook pros?00:10
[Hardy]TuTUXGwhen i boot the rt kernel, usb doesnt work00:10
savvasBug #201643 any idea what causes this?00:10
[Hardy]TuTUXGgive some thing like "usb(2-4) is not accepting address 2"00:11
savvas[Hardy]TuTUXG: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/20164300:11
savvasi think it's something similar00:11
[Hardy]TuTUXGbug 20164300:12
savvasi just gave you the link dude00:12
savvasusb flash disk problems - device descriptor read/64, error -3200:12
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, with the generic kernel everything is fine tho00:12
savvaswell.. ok00:12
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, i know im just lazy ;P00:12
icesword[Hardy]TuTUXG, where do you live00:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, Canada00:13
jester7is it normal during the first set of updates on hardy for it to kill x terminal?00:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, sup00:13
savvasPici: there are more bans to ubotu, %*!*@ubuntu/bot/ubotu00:13
Picisavvas: I see00:14
icesword[Hardy]TuTUXG, sup?what mean,your name is tian chen?looks like a chinese one00:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGdoes the latest xcb fix the java bug?00:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, sup = wats up and yes im chinese but i m in Canada ;P00:15
icesword[Hardy]TuTUXG, great,i am in china now00:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, really? ur Chinese too?00:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, cool00:16
savvaskonichi wa00:16
savvasno wait that's japanese00:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, that's jap00:16
savvashey, i know 5 languages, spare me the criticism :P00:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, that's nice00:16
[Hardy]TuTUXGi only know 2, and not good at neither of them ;P00:16
icesword[Hardy]TuTUXG, so you go to college there?00:17
savvasbut i'm really fond of the chinese, so many symbols for a vocabulary..00:17
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, yes, u of calgary00:17
iceswordcalgary ?i don't know this place00:17
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, ya, not very convenient00:17
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, well the creator of java is from our school XD00:18
rskjava.. yuck00:18
rskhope there's a school shooting00:18
[Hardy]TuTUXGbut im not good at java neither..00:18
[Hardy]TuTUXGrsk, ya, probly not00:19
icesword[Hardy]TuTUXG, what is your major00:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGi thought school shooting only happen in the states, lol00:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, computer science00:19
rskit happends in finland too00:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGrsk, dont hate java, google picks it00:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGrsk, unless u hate google too..00:20
rski dont care who eats poop =)00:20
rski won't eat it, and that's good enough for me00:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGsure, gfu00:21
jester7sound i EXTREMELY low in hardy....known bugs?00:21
rskgoo funds ukrain?00:21
Dr_Willisjester7,  ive heard of others that have had similer issues in here.00:21
mooboo1did the window shadows disappear with the update today?00:23
shirishguys what is the command to see open ports00:24
Dr_Willismooboo1,  you are the 2nd person thats asked about that. :) i havent noticed..00:24
shirishsomething sudo netcat (some flag or something)00:24
mooboo1Dr_Willis, oh00:25
mooboo1Dr_Willis, you still have your shadows?00:25
[Hardy]TuTUXGis java fixed? the xcb_xlib_unlock problem seems got fixed by the latest libxcb update00:25
virtualdshirish: netstat00:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGbug 8794700:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87947 in libxcb "xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8794700:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, there?00:27
virtualdshirish: netstat -l ... to be more precise00:27
savvaswhat's that?00:27
icesword[Hardy]TuTUXG,how to block ping ?00:27
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, turn on firewall?00:27
iceswordhmm,i haven't got a firewall.don't know how to write rules00:28
mooboo1icesword, "sudo ufw enable", "sudo ufw default deny", then edit /etc/ufw/somefile00:28
shirishicesword: in fact with ufw it becomes very easy, it has a nice manual & one can lookup ufw usage via google as well.00:29
Dr_Willismooboo1,  im using kde, and i never noticed them being on or off. :)  i also dont use compiz00:29
[Hardy]TuTUXGsavvas, the libxcb lock that breaks java got fixed? just asking...00:29
mooboo1Dr_Willis, oh well that explain things :)00:29
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, we got built-in firewall00:30
Dr_Willisiptables - is used to make the rules00:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, listen to mooboo ;P00:30
iceswordhmm,yes,i am on win now:(00:30
Dr_Willis :) or some other front ends  to build  the rulesets00:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGicesword, dont know about win...00:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cthulu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:32
[Hardy]TuTUXGanyone on rt kernel?00:34
iceswordDr_Willis, what,i done nothing?00:34
Dr_Willisicesword,  :)  windows = dirty word. heh heh..00:35
mooboo1icesword, we don't use the W-word here00:35
mooboo1</Ned Flanders voice>00:35
mooboo1icesword, you did "sudo ufw enable", "sudo ufw default deny" ?00:36
mooboo1then firewall is on and it blocks all ports00:36
mooboo1icesword: https://answers.launchpad.net/ufw/+question/2658500:38
oxigenwhen i reboot it also start some evolution server, but i don't use evolution, how can i disable this server at startup?00:45
oxigeni mean, i dont mind if some server just quietly lurk there, but this one eat cpu too much!00:46
atlefsystem administration services00:47
kristjan_there is alpha6 kde4-cd available?00:48
TheArthurwhat programs asks me for the LUKS passwork when i plug in an encrypted flash-disc?00:48
oxigenatlef: hmm, thanks, but there i don't see any evolution server..00:50
atlefwhat about session under preferences00:51
oxigenatlef, this, looks more promising indeed!00:51
Dr_WillisWoo Hoo Alien arena2008 has been released. :)00:55
dashuaAnyone have success installing a BroadComm Dell Wireless 1505 n card in Hardy?00:58
frank23Does anyone here use the ath5k driver (fully open source madwifi replacement)?00:59
ethana2Dr_Willis: alien arena code license?00:59
Dr_WillisNot sure. :)   it was on the Linux Game tome site.. but that dont mean its GPL.01:00
burne1fully open madwifi eh?  does it work with the eee pc?01:00
Dr_WillisCOR Entertainment, LLC announces the release of Alien Arena 2008, a freeware, opensourced FPS01:00
ethana2tremulous 1.2?01:01
frank23burne1: only a few devices are reported to work right now. http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath5k  It happens that I have one of them ;-)01:01
* burne1 is partial to nexuiz01:01
Dr_Willistermulous makes me dizzy :)01:01
Dr_Willis'world of padman' is amuseing.. for a while.01:02
ethana2wallwalking is best done with  a gamepad01:02
burne1ever play teewars?  i like it too01:02
Dr_Willishavent heard of teewars01:02
* Dr_Willis downloads teewars01:04
Dr_Willis3.8mb - gotta love it01:04
burne1getdeb? :)01:05
Dr_Willisi just grabbed it from the teewars homepage.01:06
burne1it's multiplayer online... pretty sweet01:06
burne1aww, i got the .deb from getdeb01:06
Dr_Willisheh - it dosent even need to be installed to play from the arcvhive. :)01:09
Dr_Willisok thats an amuseing game..01:09
Dr_WillisHmm.. I dident have sound! egads!01:09
Dr_Willisthat would be a amuzeing game to put on everyones machines at work.01:10
TheArthurim bugzilla how do i mark a bug as affecting hardy as well as feisty (for which it was opened)01:15
Dr_WillisIve seen a few of those bugs also.  affecting more then  1 release. they get marked as 'dupes'01:16
mooboo1i tried create a 'guest' account, but required password01:22
mooboo1i dont want it have password01:22
h3sp4wnso just set a blank one01:27
pwnguinanyone else have a problem with the power button and logout menu?01:48
virtualdanyone know anything about HAL? I'm trying to add an FDI file for my input device, but it doesn't seem to have any effect01:52
vlowtherhaving a user that allows anyone to log in with no password makes the baby Jesus cry.01:52
LeerokTheLacertaThe only thing I have to complain about is that Ubuntu doesn't run well on computers with 350Mhz and 64MB of RAM.02:04
LeerokTheLacertaOh well.02:04
gewi get the **glibc detected** free()invalid error02:38
gewi am afraid to reboot02:38
gewalso i cant start terminal02:39
Jordan_UHow is audacity going to be dealt with with pulseaudio as default?02:40
DanaGHmm, today I was trying to work on a presentation in Impress, and the Slideshow view kept crashing once I let a slide finish transitioning.02:51
Jordan_UHow is audacity going to be dealt with with pulseaudio as default?02:51
DanaGBadly?  (bad joke.)02:51
Jordan_USeriously though, people are going to wonder why Audacity simply doesn't work any more02:52
hydrogenI'm not02:53
hydrogenI'm going to walk over to my mac, and start up logic02:53
hydrogenbut hey, thats just me02:53
Jordan_Uhydrogen, The two applications are not targeted at the same demographic :)02:54
ion1I got a serious issue, latest updates of heron wont boot02:56
taggieso, anybody else brick a PC with the latest libc update? I can't spawn pretty much any new processes02:56
ion1I cannot chroot into my system02:56
taggiei'll take that as a probably :)02:56
ion1root@ubuntu:~# chroot /media/disk-102:56
ion1malloc: unknown:0: assertion botched02:56
ion1free: called with unallocated block argument02:56
ion1last command: (null)02:56
ion1Aborting...Aborted (core dumped)02:56
Jordan_UWonder if audour works by default...02:56
lamalexi was just about to update02:56
ion1am I the only one with this issue?02:56
ion1bricked my box02:56
ion1latest update02:56
ion1DONT UPDATE!02:57
=== ion1 is now known as ionstorm
taggielamalex, i'd have to go with _don't_02:57
ionstormhow can I chroot into heron02:57
ionstormim on a livecd02:57
ionstormit fuqn wont even let me chroot in02:57
taggieI luckily haven't shutdown yet, and i still have nautilus windows open, so in theory, i could still recover, if i can figure out what to undo.02:58
hydrogenwuts a fuqn?02:58
DanaGFind libc6 itself and manually copy.02:58
ionstormHow can I unbrick my system?02:58
DanaGCopy it from the livecd to the chroot.  It's an inelegant hack, but it's worth a try.02:58
taggieDanaG, from another hardy box i assume?02:58
Jordan_Utaggie, easiest thing do do would probably either A: install the old version or B: wait for the new one02:58
DanaGThat'd help.02:59
ionstormwhy cant i even chroot in02:59
DanaGOr find (with dpkg --listfiles) all files that those packages provide, and manually copy them to the chroot.02:59
ionstormany chroot alternative?02:59
Jordan_Utaggie, wait, did you say you can't spawn new processes?03:00
taggieJordan, can't wait for the new one, can't spawn any processes like apt-get or anything. libc is completely busted.03:00
taggieJordan, also completely afraid to shutdown03:00
ionstormi cant boot my system, or even chroot in03:00
Jordan_Utaggie, Your old libc is still on the disk as long as you have any program running03:01
DanaGCopy the old one now!  Copy it somewhere safe.03:01
Amaranththat doesn't work03:02
taggieJordan, right, but no new processes, so the best thing i have going for me is some nautilus windows. but from the looks of it, libc6 is 356 files, in _lots_ of directories03:02
Amaranththe new one is in place in the directory tree03:02
Amaranththe old one is still on disk and accessible to programs currently using it03:02
ionstormcan someone send me the old libc03:03
ionstormso I can copy it over03:03
taggieAmaranth, yeah, but i do have another hardy box that i could copy from, assuming nautilus will mount a flash disk or somesuch.03:03
Jordan_Utaggie, dpkg -L the package and lsof for those files ( or just grab an old package )03:03
ionstormI can mount the drive03:03
taggieis there a procedure to emergency yank things from the apt mirrors? this is going to brick a lot of machines.03:04
ionstormok, I can mount cp/rm files from my hardy box in my livecd, can I dpkg -i libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb the old libc over the new from the live cd?03:06
ionstormhow can I install the old ver over the new one via live cd03:06
ionstormwow this is a serious issue lol03:07
Amaranthionstorm: no because for dpkg to work you have to chroot in03:07
Amaranthso you have to manually copy the old libc.so.603:07
RAOFionstorm: You could extract the contents of the .deb & copy them to your filesystem.03:07
ionstormok good idea RAOF03:07
ionstormi'll try th@ and let u guys know03:07
RAOFionstorm: Incidentally, what is the broken version number?03:08
* RAOF wants to forbid-version it03:08
* Amaranth goes to calm people down on the forums03:08
ionstormrm that03:08
ctwHi! Unfortunately I joined the discussion a bit late, but it sounds like you might be talking about the issue I'm having03:09
ctwI just updated and can't log into my system anymore03:09
ctwis there a work-around?03:09
RAOFctw: Here's where you manually copy files from a livecd.03:10
ctwRAOF: with chroot?03:10
ionstormextract data.tar.gz in libc6-dev_2.7-9ubuntu1_i386.deb and copy the contents to /03:10
ionstormthat may fix03:10
RAOFctw: No, you can't chroot because libc is busted.03:11
RAOFctw: _Manually_ copying files from a livecd.03:11
ctwRAOF: oh thanks03:11
RAOFionstorm: I think you'll find that "dpkg -x" does what you want.03:11
ctwRAOF: so boot up with the live CD, mount the HD and copy the files?03:11
RAOFctw: Yup.03:12
ctwRAOF: thanks03:12
RAOFionstorm: Particularly: "dpkg -x libc_not_broken_ver.deb /path/to/mounted/root" should fly.03:12
ionstormroot@ubuntu:~/Desktop# dpkg -x libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb /media/disk-103:17
ionstormroot@ubuntu:~/Desktop# chroot /media/disk-103:17
ionstormworks nice03:17
M__hey went to update to hardy and my laptop battery died part way through. I can't log in through the gui and I did dpkg --configure -a and now errors were encountered when processing: policykig, hal, gnome-mount, ubuntu-desktop, gnome-session, and more what should i do?03:23
ionstormouch now nvidia is broken03:24
* pwnguin uses nouveau03:24
ionstormi play openarena, I cant use nouveu unfortunately03:24
pwnguinwhich chipset?03:25
ionstormnv 4303:25
ionstorm34 i mean03:25
RAOFWhy can't you use nouveau, then.  That's pretty much the sweet spot for support?03:25
pwnguini saw a video of someone playing on nv43 with open arena03:26
* RAOF has done it himself. Although that was nv4B03:26
RAOFionstorm: There's some nv30 gallium support now.  Also, your card should be reasonably supported 2d.03:27
ionstormhow can I revert to before I updated03:28
pwnguinwithin our purvue of powers is not the ability to fix nvidia's blob. roll back to a previous version, maybe03:28
RAOFAnd by 'reasonably', I mean 'you can reasonably expect as good or better performance than the blob'.03:28
M__can someone point me in the right direction?03:28
ionstormbtw did the latest updates fix sound?03:29
scizzo-M__: tried apt-get -f install?03:29
DanaGOr aptitude.03:29
scizzo-ionstorm: the latest updates fixed my live sound card problems at least03:29
scizzo-ionstorm: works with nvidia-glx-new and alsa now it seems03:30
M__scizzo-, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:30
iobeliskhi guys, i think i have a pretty serious problem. testing hardy, i ran an update today and it stalled mid process because of missing dependencies, then the system hung, i had to manually restart. on normal boot, the system sort of stalls on 'staring system logs daemon', i try recovery boot and when bash asks me for username, i enter it and hit enter, but it fails and asks me for user name again, so i reboot and try recover mode again, th03:30
ionstormcant wait for this libc fix03:30
scizzo-M__: sounds like another process is running03:30
scizzo-M__: sudo apt-get -f install03:30
taggieRAOF, how do you forbid-version?03:30
scizzo-M__: that is what you need to run I guess03:30
scizzo-M__: if that does not help: apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade03:31
scizzo-M__: and see what happens03:31
scizzo-ionstorm: recovery mode should put you in root mode03:32
M__dpkg: error processing ubuntu-desktop (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured: then i get the same errors were encountered while processing: policykit, hal, etc...03:32
scizzo-M__: tried the update and upgrade thingy?03:32
RAOFtaggie: "sudo aptitude forbid-version libc6=2.7-9ubuntu1", for example.03:32
M__scizzo-, yes same error03:32
RAOFtaggie: Note that this will _only_ affect aptitude - it's not going to stop apt-get, or update-manager, or whatever.03:33
DanaGArgh, Virtualbox and SCIM clash quite horribly and violently.03:33
scizzo-M__: dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-desktop03:33
taggieRAOF, thanks03:33
scizzo-M__: is it in rc mode?03:33
M__scizzo-, no it's not should i put it in recovery mode?03:34
M__iU ubuntu-desktop 1.9603:34
scizzo-M__: I mean look at the list...03:34
scizzo-but the laptop has connection to the internet and so on?03:34
AmaranthRAOF: does this look like a good fix for the libc6 problem? cp --parents `dpkg -L libc6 | xargs` /path/to/mounted/partition/03:34
scizzo-M__: what happens with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop03:35
M__rebooted into recovery mode i'll try that in a sec03:35
scizzo-M__: no not recovery03:35
scizzo-M__: use normal mode...03:35
M__oh ok...03:36
ionstormis someone working on the libc fix, what is the bug url03:36
ionstormi stuck in vesa video03:37
scizzo-ionstorm: probably on launchpad03:37
RAOFAmaranth: Is there any particular reason not to "dpkg -x libc6_non_broken_version.deb /path/to/mounted/partition"?03:37
Amaranthionstorm: we're like 4-5 hours away from someone even being awake and alert enough to know there is a problem :)03:37
AmaranthRAOF: I dunno, I just fell back on xargs03:37
RAOFOh, yes of course there is; that requires having a non-broken deb, whereas yours will run from the livecd without an internet connection.03:38
AmaranthRAOF: plus if they need some firmware or custom driver for internet mine is better03:38
Amaranthafter they do mine they should be able to reboot or chroot in and fix the problem for real by installing the old deb03:38
RAOFIf they have a non-broken deb I'd suggest mine; failing that, yours.03:38
M__scizzo-, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: buuntu-desktop is broken or not fully installed03:39
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy in #ubuntu | If you are here to ask questions such as "what repositories do i use?", "is hardy going to break for me?", update without checking what is to be updated, or do not know how to resolve dependencies with apt, DO NOT RUN HARDY | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886
scizzo-M__: hmmmm03:40
AmaranthAnd _this_ is why running hardy on a non-testing machine is bad news :)03:40
scizzo-M__: and sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a did not help?03:40
AmaranthWould have been really bad for me, the only live cd I have handy is gutsy beta :P03:40
M__scizzo-, running that now03:41
scizzo-otherwise it might be the package that is not donwloaded fully03:42
ionstormanyone got the libc6 launchpad page03:42
ionstormthe bug page03:42
scizzo-Amaranth: can't you just add it to the preferences for apt?03:43
=== boomer` is now known as boomer
iobeliskwell, it seems i did upgrade libc6-- now my system crashed and i cannot log back on-- normal boot stalls on starting systems log daemon and recovery mode does not accept my username-- any ideas?03:43
Amaranthionstorm: bug 20167303:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "Hardy: "invalid pointer: 0xb7ef4b70" no program will start." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20167303:44
PriceChildAmaranth: just reading that forum thread, the guy at the bottom, confused why his ubuntu part doesn't show up in /mnt under a livecd session jumps out at me... *shakes head*03:44
Amaranthiobelisk: boot a live cd03:44
virtualdhmm... so then i should probably do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade now for some *real* fun03:44
iobeliskamarnath, i did03:44
AmaranthPriceChild: This is why I always tell people in the hardy forum that they needs to know linux to run dev versions03:44
Amaranthiobelisk: read the forum thread in the topic then03:45
ionstormok synaptic says I got a broken package and wont let me update the rest of my packages, any way to bypass?03:45
Amaranthionstorm: stop now, leave synaptic alone :P03:45
Amaranthcome back in 24 hours03:46
PriceChildAmaranth: and then the people that say 'aren't these tested before releasing them?'03:46
Amaranthuh, no, you're the guinea pigs :)03:46
PriceChildaren't there enough warnings everywhere?!03:46
dasKreechhow do I configure my X ?03:47
Amaranthwas a sync from debian, of course :)03:47
Amaranthfrom debian svn, apparently...03:47
dasKreechsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does nothing that I expect03:47
skwashdwhen trying to run " kvm -hda /srv/kvm/images/fc8.img -boot c -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=02:01:00:00:00:01,model=rtl8139 -net tap,vlan=0,fd=h,ifname=tap0 -m 384 -localtime -vnc :1" i get jibberish on the console whenver there is network activity03:48
ionstormim running 2.6.24-11-generic and this latest update screwed up my nvidia, anyone else have this issue?03:48
skwashdand there is no connectivity between host and guest03:48
skwashdany ideas?03:48
RAOFionstorm: You should probably be running the latest kernel - I'm not sure whether there's a version mismatch between nvidia-glx-new & the -11 kernel.03:48
skwashdit been happening for about a week03:49
skwashdwhen i first tried hardy alpha6 ... and updating daily03:49
pwnguinRAOF: the latest kernel is -1203:49
skwashdusing stock kvm-ifup script ... and i run tunctl to create the tap0 with the right perms03:49
RAOFpwnguin: Yes, I know.  He's running -11.  What part of my statement was unclear? (I actually want to know :))03:50
pwnguinthe part where i didnt read his statement03:51
pwnguinive been having a version conflict with kernel updates and nouveau03:51
pwnguinso i thought perhaps you were unaware03:51
pwnguinat any rate03:51
pwnguini think i just screwed myself03:51
pwnguinlibc ftl03:51
scizzo-dasKreech: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:52
pwnguini wonder if its possible to recover from libc breakage03:52
RAOFscizzo-: Won't do anything interesting.03:53
cmorgani just dist-upgraded, saw libc updated and now i can't login or chroot to that partition from the live cd, how to fix?03:53
scizzo-RAOF: the whole xorg redo thingy?03:53
cmorganpwnguin: you seeing the same issues with malloc assertions?03:53
RAOFpwnguin: I'm _fairly_ sure that there are linux-nouveau-modules-...-12-{generic,rt} in the PPA?03:53
pwnguincmorgan: yes03:53
pwnguinRAOF: it wants to remove nouveau stuff03:54
RAOFscizzo-: Yes.  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will not ask any questions.03:54
scizzo-RAOF: bummer...03:54
Amaranthpwnguin, cmorgan: Does no one read the topic?03:54
scizzo-RAOF: my old habbits are gone... :(03:54
DanaGThat'll stop people from recommending dpkg-reconfigure as a be-all end-all solution.03:54
cmorganAmaranth: damnit03:54
DanaG(I do xorg.conf manually.)03:54
Amaranthcmorgan: the linked forum thread has a 'fix'03:54
cmorganAmaranth: cool.03:55
klaxiani just installed a new libc6 and now most programs won't run. i get the following error: *** glibc detected *** sudo: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7c8cb70 ***03:55
pwnguinAmaranth: it's too long to show anything inportant in my irssi03:55
klaxiani can't rub dpkg to downgrade or anything03:55
Amaranthpwnguin: well, you know what they say about irssi...03:55
klaxianany ideas?03:55
pwnguinAmaranth: and since i never leave thanks to screen, i miss updates03:55
Amaranthklaxian: topic03:55
cmorganAmaranth: the last time i had this issue was an upgrade of suse when they switched from a.out to elf format, i think03:56
klaxianAmaranth: ugh sorry i'll read the thread03:56
Amaranthcmorgan: 2000?03:56
scizzo-RAOF: bulletproof X that is what it was called03:56
pwnguinAmaranth: this is also why i keep a second partition of ubuntu stable installed :)03:56
klaxianAmaranth: ah unfortunately firefox won't run now either03:56
Amaranthklaxian: nothing will, you need to fix this from a hardy live cd03:57
RAOFscizzo-: No; this is xorg hotplug.03:57
Amaranthklaxian: if you don't have a hardy live cd your computer is a paperweight until you get one (and you can't use your computer to get one)03:57
cmorganAmaranth: yeah it was a long time ago. when that happened i just installed caldera i think to try it out since i knew i was screwed03:57
klaxianAmaranth: i was afraid of that...no worries03:57
pwnguincmorgan: well, it's basically that level of massively broken. i guess the libc update changed the library, without recompiling03:57
klaxianAmaranth: i have other computers...i'll burn a cd03:57
Amaranthpwnguin: libc doesn't get ABI bumps03:58
klaxianAmaranth: i don't run hardy on my production machines :)  thanks for the help tho03:58
lamalexhahah caldera?03:58
pwnguinrecompiling the other packages, i mean03:58
cmorganlamalex: it was a long time ago man ;-) i was in college and trying distros out like crazy03:58
Amaranthpwnguin: that would mean ABI bump03:58
RAOFscizzo-: Rather than suggesting people dpkg-reconfigure, you could just suggest they "sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf".  This will have essentially the same effect.03:58
lamalexhahah college days03:58
Amaranthpwnguin: which would mean "oh god kill me now hardy is delayed until december"03:59
lamalex"man i was all whacked out on bsd, I had no idea what I was doing"03:59
pwnguinim guessing ubuntu policy is something along the lines of "no libc abi bumps after alpha1" or something even earlier03:59
Amaranthpwnguin: you _don't_ change the ABI of libc :)03:59
Amaranthpwnguin: libc has been backward compatible for like 7 years now03:59
pwnguinAmaranth: so theres a forum thread but no bug report?04:00
lamalexyeah, that would break pretty much every program ever written04:00
virtualdtheres a LOT of things that break when you change something like libc04:00
Amaranthpwnguin: the forum links to a bug report04:00
pwnguinthere it is04:00
pwnguinfrom 9 minutes ago04:00
Amaranthlibc makes everything that isn't in the kernel go04:00
cmorganthanks for the info guys, have a good evening04:00
virtualdthough, REAL men don't use libraries, they just reinvent the wheel :-p04:01
Amaranthit's kind of important :)04:01
AmaranthI'm going to blame Debian for this one as it was a sync from Debian and blaming them is sure to get me some fresh hatemail04:01
AmaranthI haven't gotten good hatemail since 200504:02
pwnguinblame the guy who commited the sync04:02
AmaranthApparently I'm not doing things right04:02
virtualdso... does anyone have any idea how HAL and xorg are supposed to work together? everywhere I look it *says* that they do, but I can't seem to get the damn thing to load a driver for my touchscreen04:02
Amaranthvirtuald: your touchscreen is USB?04:03
Amaranthbug then, i guess04:03
Amaranthunless a driver for it doesn't exist04:03
virtualdwell, heres the fun part04:03
virtualdI configure xorg.conf, with the evtouch driver, and it works great... until the touchscreen gets turned off04:03
virtualdthen when it comes back up, it doesn't work04:04
virtualdso I was looking at the source, and of course it doesn't support reopening the device file04:04
virtualdso i sent an email to the xorg dev list, and they said you should use HAL to do hotplugging04:04
virtualdwell... the docs really suck04:04
virtualdso im good til i accidently hit the power on the touchscreen, then i have to restart X04:05
virtualdfrom what I've seen, you're supposed to create an FDI file in the hal directory, and tell X to load a driver04:05
RAOFWhy must it be so much effort to build a git X server :(.04:06
virtualdbut.. that apparently doesn't work, or im doing something wrong04:06
virtualdthus.. im looking for someone who might have a better clue than I, before I go bug the xorg mailing list, since they didn't respond to my first request :(04:07
virtuald(about HAL/xorg interaction)04:07
virtualdany good thoughts?04:08
leoneltoo late  i've upgraded :(04:14
lamalexhe's done for04:14
Amaranthread thread04:14
Amaranthboot live cd04:14
setuidSomething just broke Hardy bad.04:14
Amaranthread thread04:14
Amaranthboot live cd04:14
leonelAmaranth: reading ..04:14
setuidAnd since I use an encrypted LVM, I'm toast04:14
Amaranthsetuid: oh, yep, you're done for04:14
setuidDoes the boot CD support reading an encrypted LVM?04:15
Amaranthsetuid: i suppose if you know how to set it up you could mount a partition from an encrypted LVM04:15
tgelterso a few mins ago I ran an upgrade and just now saw the message in the topic *not* to upgrade libc6...what's going to happen when i reboot?04:16
setuidThat's truly going to suck, since I now have to copy 100GB of data over wireless before 6am04:16
virtualdyeah, dont do that04:16
Amaranthtgelter: your machine sure does make a nice paperweight04:16
setuidYep, you just bricked your machine04:16
setuidJust as I did04:16
tgelterAmaranth: funny...:P04:16
Amaranthread topic, boot live cd04:16
TwigmanI just read the title.. anything I can do to fix libc?04:16
Amaranthread thread04:16
TwigmanI *can* access my filesystem from win..04:17
AmaranthTwigman: that's harder than going the live cd way04:17
Twigmanthanks! didn't quite read the entire topic *ahem*04:17
Twigmanyeah, Livecd will do it .. I'll go get me some info..04:17
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy in #ubuntu | If you are here to ask questions such as "what repositories do i use?", "is hardy going to break for me?", update without checking what is to be updated, or do not know how to resolve dependencies with apt, DO NOT RUN HARDY | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6 Workaround: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php
setuidSet an onjoin message04:17
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy in #ubuntu | If you are here to ask questions such as "what repositories do i use?", "is hardy going to break for me?", update without checking what is to be updated, or do not know how to resolve dependencies with apt, DO NOT RUN HARDY | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6; Workaround: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.ph
Amaranthsetuid: no one reads those04:17
crdlbmaybe you should just remove the rest of the topic :)04:18
tgelterso why can't I copy over these files right now as I'm booted in right now with no problems?04:18
Twigmanyeah, I think this particular issue is probably the one everyone joining will be here for..04:18
Amaranthcrdlb: hmm04:18
telexiconsomebody trashed the repo this late?04:19
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6; Workaround: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.ph
Twigmantgelter: From what I saw - 'cp' will likely crash04:19
ionstormtinyurl it04:19
Amaranthoh, my bit got cut off04:19
Amaranthnever even noticed before04:19
telexiconall my apps crash now04:19
telexiconthats unfortunate04:19
TwigmanAmaranth: need a 'p' at the end..04:19
setuidThis is truly going to suck if I can't mount this dm-crypt volume from the boot CD04:19
Amaranthneed more than that04:19
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6; Workaround: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886
lamalexi'll let you guys have fun, I'm going to bd04:19
telexiconAmaranth, too late :(04:20
Twigmantelexicon: welcome - fairly full club you've joined.. hehe04:20
telexiconcan i have static apt please? :)04:20
Amaranthstatically linking libc6 is bad :P04:20
tgelterso, without rebooting, what can I do to test if I'm affected by this breakage?04:21
Amaranthtgelter: try to open a new problem04:21
Amarantherr, program04:21
dasKreechscizzo-: Doesn't do anything04:22
tgelterAmaranth: yet, I'm hosed04:22
dasKreechDanaG: My Good good friend :)04:23
telexiconAmaranth, but isnt there a static dpkg for emergencies?04:23
TwigmanIs there any way we can get the files in a zip or something? I really won't want to have to download the livecd..04:23
AmaranthTwigman: that's lots of extra work, actually04:23
Amaranthyou have to copy over a bunch of files04:23
telexiconTwigman, the debs are just ar archives04:24
Twigmanhmm... telexicon - so I might just be able to grab an old version, un-ar and copy the files?04:24
cwillu_is there any way to punt a user to a different channel?04:25
Amaranthbut you're on your own there04:25
Amaranthcwillu_: yeah, you can ban forward them04:25
Amaranthcwillu_: but it is considered impolite to thrust users on other channels if they are causing you problems04:25
bazhangheh I know the user04:26
DanaGOh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention.04:26
setuidWhere does one obtain the "old" libc6 package?04:26
dasKreechDanaG: Want to help me manually setup my xorg?04:26
ionstormin /var/cache/apt/archives04:26
tgelterso, cp is working for me (just did a simple test) could I just loopback mount (assuming mount works too) the cd and cp from there?04:27
setuidionstorm, That presumes someone didn't run apt-get clean, which I do after every update04:27
ionstormi never do incase of things like this04:27
cwillu_Amaranth, he's not causing me problems, I just ignored him at that point;  however, he said he didn't know how to open a new channel, so it might help to get him somewhere where some people can help him out04:28
FlannelHes just being beliggerent04:28
Amaranthsetuid: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/04:28
* DanaG is irritated that they've essentially BROKEN evdev.04:28
cwillu_DanaG, what did they do?04:28
DanaG"can't init pevdev" -- what the hell's a "pevdev"?04:28
Amaranthyou want 2.6.1-1ubuntu1004:29
DanaG(google that, you'll get something useful.)04:29
Amarantherr, wait04:29
dasKreechis dpkg-reconfigure broken due to buletproof or due to new X ?04:29
Amaranth2.7-5ubuntu2 is the one you want04:29
dasKreechDanaG: Essentially all my sections are one line long04:29
setuidAmaranth, Your instructions are... confusing. How can you run a dpkg -L from a boot cd, and point xargs to the mounted partition location? You'd be running the dpkg binary from the busybox boot, against the libc6 used to boot the boot cd04:30
pwnguinwhats the diff between -i686 and the one wtihout?04:30
Amaranthsetuid: uh, i said live cd04:30
setuidRight, same thing04:30
Flannelpwnguin: Where?04:30
Amaranthsetuid: live cd is full ubuntu environment04:31
Amaranthsetuid: it has regular dpkg, regular libc604:31
setuidThe alternative cd installer (the only one that works), gives you a shell, text-only, no GUI04:31
pwnguinFlannel: on forum there's two libc's to download04:31
pwnguintheres libc and libc-i68604:31
Amaranthright, you're even more screwed with that one04:31
pwnguinheh, dont use a nightly build i guess04:31
M__scizzo-, same thing04:31
Amaranthwell, you can dpkg -x /path/to/libc/on/cd /path/to/mounted/partition04:31
Amaranthaccording to RAOF04:32
setuidI can mount the enc/LVM and chroot to the root directory... but then what? Can I just force an install of libc6 from there with dpkg -i on the older .deb?04:32
setuidAmaranth, No dpkg available from the alternative boot installer04:32
Amaranthyou can't chroot to the root directory or you don't have this problem04:32
setuidSo I have to chroot to get to dpkg04:32
Amaranthif you can chroot you have a completely separate problem04:32
pwnguinif chroot works, you have a new set of binaries to use04:32
pwnguinat which point, DOOM04:32
tgeltersetuid: and if I'm still booted up, could I use dpkg to reinstall and avoid the mess of the liveCD and copying all the files?04:33
setuidWhich version of libc6 is the issue?04:33
Amaranthtgelter: no because dpkg needs libc604:33
Amaranthsetuid: 2.7-9ubuntu104:33
setuidYep, that's the one inside my chroot04:33
Amaranththen you can't chroot04:33
Amaranthor you have a different bug04:33
leonelit's alive  it's alive !04:33
M__hey went to update to hardy and my laptop battery died part way through. I can't log in through the gui and I did dpkg --configure -a and now errors were encountered when processing: policykig, hal, gnome-mount, ubuntu-desktop, gnome-session, and more what should i do?04:33
dasKreechDoes   X 7.3 even use  the config file?04:33
tgelterAmaranth: so, if my copy works, and my mount works, I assume I can just run your copy commands listed in the forums, yes?04:33
DanaGInstead of dpkg, just use cp, perhaps.04:34
setuidAmaranth, The bug I'm seeing is that when I log in as root, it recycles, killing init04:34
DanaGHave somebody else pm you the output of dpkg --listfiles on the relevant package.04:34
Amaranthsetuid: the bug everyone else is seeing is that _no_ program works04:34
Amaranththey all die with glibc errors04:34
setuidLet me try something inside the chroot04:34
telexiconAmaranth, most programs died04:34
telexiconAmaranth, but cp, mv and tar didnt04:34
setuidmc inside the chroot works04:35
Amaranthtelexicon: the only ones that will work are in /sbin/04:35
EruditeHermit hey, I just installed alpha 6 hardy, and I want to enable desktop effects with the ati open source driver but visual effects won't let me. It tries to install the fglrx closed driver if select the desktop effects. Is there a way around this? Also when I am typing the scim pops up and randomly changes the language.04:35
setuidtelexicon, those are static, from /bin/04:35
telexiconAmaranth, ah ok04:35
tgelteramaranth: I can still run (some) commands from gnome-terminal that I had launched before updating...04:35
telexiconbut those dont work anymore04:35
Amaranthtgelter: ones that don't link to libc604:35
tgelteramaranth: nm, I just read what you said04:35
Amaranthif you have tar you can unpack the deb and get the files04:35
Amaranthif you have the deb already, of course04:36
Amaranthif you don't i guarantee wget won't work04:36
tgelterand where was the deb again?04:36
setuidAmaranth, Ok, so let's say I'm chrooted to the encrypted LVM... and I fetch the older glibc .deb from /pool/, and put it on a USB key... can I just chroot to / and dpkg -i that?04:36
tgelterI have firefox up and running04:36
RAOFsetuid: I've successfully chrooted into a crypted LVM from a livecd.  It's not _that_ hard (but is much harder than "sudo mount /dev/foo /media/root") :)04:36
setuidRAOF, Right, but the alternative installer isn't a LiveCD with a GUI04:37
Amaranthsetuid: probably not dpkg -i04:37
Amaranthsetuid: but you could untar it and cp the files04:37
setuidI'll have to use my ipod or something to transfer the files04:37
setuidhrm, I wonder if usb is enabled from this boot cd04:37
tgeltercan someone link me to the x86_64 deb?04:37
tgelterAmaranth: thanks04:38
bazhangheh well at least the ipods work now ;]04:38
RAOFsetuid: That's quite true.  You can do it from a livecd, though; you just need to install lvm2 and the various magic packages.04:38
Amaranthfind the 2.7-5ubuntu2 version04:38
setuidHere goes... from a Windows machine... copying the older .deb to my ipod, and then into the chrooted encrypted LVM on Linux04:39
tgelterlibc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_amd64.deb  yes?04:39
tgelterand since aptitude/apt-*/dpkg won't work, how would I use tar?04:39
Amaranthhere is tip: if libc6 or dpkg or anything else essential like that gets updated, wait 24 hours and see if yet another update is pushed out04:39
Amaranthif not, it is safe04:39
Amaranthif so, repeat04:39
Amaranthtgelter: i dunno, someone said tar still worked :P04:40
tgelterAmaranth: tip noted04:40
setuidThis is going to be a hack04:40
pwnguintgelter: ldd tar04:40
Amaranthtar is in /bin :)04:40
Amarantheverything in /bin and /sbin should work, i think04:40
telexiconthis is fun04:41
Amaranthor maybe just /bin04:41
pwnguinat least for my currently running hardy, /bin/tar is dynamic linked04:41
telexiconnow i completely ruined things04:41
setuidWelcome to pre-release development, kids.04:41
pwnguinthe liveCD may use busybox tar04:41
telexicon /bin/cp: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libc.so.6: file too short04:41
setuidIf you don't know how to fix it, run Gutsy04:41
M__gnome won't boot. I can log in but then nothing happens...04:41
Amaranthor maybe someone broke that standard a long time ago04:41
tgelterso what am I actually trying to accomplish with this deb? extract the files and just hope they go to the correct location?04:41
pwnguintgelter: they will go to the right place04:41
AmaranthNote: If you cannot figure out how to fix this problem, you are not ready to run hardy. :)04:42
pwnguintgelter: .debs are basically a small amount of control data scripts and a tar.gz extracted on /04:42
tgelterpwnguin: so I'd imagine that I just need to "cd / && tar x filename.deb"?04:42
Twigmandoes anyone have any idea about what program I can use to get files out of a .deb under windows?04:42
pwnguinnot quite04:42
dasKreechAmaranth: I'm guessing that there is no user docs for 7.3 yet?04:42
M__scizzo-, any other suggestions?04:42
AmaranthdasKreech: 7.3 xorg.conf is same as 7.204:42
telexiconTwigman, nope04:42
tgelterpwnguin: what am I missing?04:42
telexiconTwigman, oh perhaps you could use cygwin04:43
Amaranthexcept it can autoconfigure most stuff so if you use intel or ati driver you probably don't even need xorg.conf04:43
Twigmanoh! 7-zip for anyone else who wants to know..04:43
Amaranthfglrx and nvidia users still need an xorg.conf04:43
pwnguinyou need to seperate the control data from the .tar.gz that holds the real files, and you need to make sure you dont overwrite stuff with an empty directory04:43
Twigmantelexicon: hmmmm... that would probably work...04:43
RAOFOr users who want their synaptic touchpad to be useful.04:43
Twigmanbut I'm half way through 'fixing' this 'my way' ;)04:43
pwnguinor wacom04:43
AmaranthRAOF: this is a bug in the Ubuntu patch :)04:43
RAOFAmaranth: Heh.04:44
tgelterpwnguin: if that's the case, I have no idea what I need to do w/ tar and the deb, care to enlighten me?04:44
setuiddpkg -i seems to be working04:44
AmaranthRAOF: it looks specifically for the Identifier that old dpkg-reconfigure set for touchpads04:44
setuidand is downgrading from 2.7.9 to 2.7.504:44
setuidUsing my ipod as a trampoline04:44
pwnguintgelter: what do you have running right now?04:44
setuidRebooting now to test04:44
Twigmanman I hate using windows :-/04:44
RAOFAmaranth: Whoops :)04:44
setuidThis may be a better solution04:45
tgelterpwnguin: two instances of gnome-terminal, firefox, one tty that I'm logged into, pidgin, and xchat04:45
pwnguintgelter: i just used "sudo dpkg -x Desktop/libc6-i686_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb /mnt/sda3/04:45
setuidboot the alternate cd or a live cd and chroot to your root partition, then dpkg -i the older libc604:45
pwnguintgelter: so you have a live CD running04:46
tgelterpwnguin: "sudo" didn't work for me04:46
Amaranthsetuid: you are the only one i've seen that was able to chroot04:46
tgelterpwnguin: nope, I'm still in the normal environment (haven't rebooted since upgrade)04:46
RAOFsetuid: if you can chroot to your root partition, you don't have the broken libc, surely.04:46
Amaranthsetuid: because inside the chroot things are using the broken libc04:46
M__hey went to update to hardy and my laptop battery died part way through. I can't log in through the gui and I did dpkg --configure -a and now errors were encountered when processing: policykig, hal, gnome-mount, ubuntu-desktop, gnome-session, and more what should i do?04:46
setuidRAOF, I certainly do04:46
setuidgdm is confused and the X server isn't starting, but at least I'm booted now04:46
AmaranthM__: don't upgrade while on battery power04:46
cwilluM__, does it still boot to anything?04:47
cwilluM__, right now an important package is broken, so even if you finish the upgrade, you'll end up with a very broken machine04:47
pwnguintgelter: that situation is likely untenable04:48
pwnguintgelter: have you a working CD?04:48
M__cwillu, boots to gui login just nothing after sign in04:48
tgelterpwnguin: I have an iso on my drive,  but no cd to burn to, and I'm in a hotel room =(04:48
cwilluM__, are you on the same computer right now?04:48
telexicontime to reboot and fix stuff04:49
RAOFsetuid: Hm.  I remain perplexed, since if you chroot into the install with broken libc nothing should run :)04:49
setuidFixed mine with alternate cd + chroot + ipod + Windows machine04:49
pwnguintgelter: not an optimal time to be testing a development version of ubuntu04:49
setuidRAOF, I don't think that's how that works04:49
M__cwillu, no04:49
setuidRAOF, libc is the one thing that had to exist BEFORE chrooting04:49
cwilluM__, how impatient are you? :)04:49
tgelterpwnguin: it's not a mission-critical system. I only need it for my own entertainment while on the road04:49
setuidYou don't automatically "switch" libc6's after chroot04:49
M__cwillu, been waiting this long... ;)04:49
Amaranthsetuid: things running inside the chroot are using the broken libc6 though04:50
pwnguintgelter: still, you've just learned that devel can break on you, so always leave an "out" ;)04:50
setuidAmaranth, Then it's pixie dust, because it works nwo04:50
Amaranthsetuid: i've had a couple users say chroot gave the same error as running an app before they rebooted04:50
pwnguintgelter: basically, you need a working libc first.04:50
cwilluM__, a combination of dpkg-reconfigure -all and aptitude full-upgrade 's should fix it, but if you 'fix it' right now, you'll end up with the libc6 problem everyone else on this channel is talking about :)04:50
tgelterpwnguin: yeah, that's true. I'm determined that there's got to be a way though...I have the deb, I have a terminal, cp and tar work... =)04:50
RAOFsetuid: Yes, you do.  By chrooting, _everything_ you run in the chroot is linked against things in the chroot.04:50
RAOFsetuid: That being how, for example, i386 chroots on amd64 systems work :)04:51
pwnguintgelter: what about dpkg?04:51
setuidWell, it works... my nvidia drivers/opengl is screwed up, but at least I can boot04:51
M__cwillu, lol yay ok i'll wait04:51
M__I just did dpkg-reconfigure -all04:51
setuidSomething else came down with this update that broke xorg04:51
tgelterpwnguin: I think it's working, but I can't su =(04:51
cwilluM__, you could download a cd image, burn it, and upgrade against that04:51
setuidWhich package contains the restricted nvidia drivers for stock kernels?04:52
* cwillu 's Update Manager is taunting him to push the 'Install Updates' button, to prove himself a man :p04:52
* RAOF doesn't trust GUI apps with his development-system-upgrades. Aptitude FTW!04:52
pwnguintgelter: most hotels these days have a business center. i doubt they have a fast internet or cdrs though04:52
berbsddoes anyone know whether there is a way to fix network manager?04:52
Amaranthsetuid: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic04:52
cwilludefine fix?04:53
setuid I can't use -12, but I'll see if -11 is still up04:53
tgelterhttp://pastebin.com/m12b27a89   <---it says it downgraded!04:53
tgelterhow can I tell if it's actually fixed?04:53
Amaranthtgelter: downgrade means fixed :)04:54
pwnguinyour programs start working?04:54
DanaGAny way they could set the broken version "access denied" on servers?04:54
DanaGThat'd prevent people from upgrading to that one.04:54
AmaranthDanaG: i suspect so, when they wake up04:54
tgelterwow! it's fixed!04:54
cwilluDanaG, I think it's a good way to punish people who don't read motd's :)04:54
tgelterthank goodness for "su -c"04:54
tgelterThanks all!04:54
tgelterAmaranth: special thanks04:55
tgelterpwnguin: special thanks04:55
DanaGsu -c?04:55
pwnguinDanaG: like sudo04:55
DanaGI read changelogs, too.04:55
tgelterDanaG: it works like sudo, but sudo was broken04:55
pwnguinim not sure why su worked though04:55
DanaGI try to be almost obsessive-compulsive about not installing updates without reading changelogs.  However, that wouldn't have protected me from the Wine breakage or this thing.04:56
cwillupwnguin, statically linked maybe?04:56
setuidRAOF, Speaking of encrypted LVM... is the first field of /etc/crypttab something I can change/modify? I'd like to change the message displayed on usplash to something that is less inidicative of which partition is encrypted (sda2_crypt to 'encrypted_volume' or something)04:56
pwnguinldd shows it linked against plenty04:56
DanaGHere's something kinda' cool: an HP wallpaper with the Heron stuck on top:04:56
Amaranthmaybe it just doesn't hit the bug04:56
cwillumaybe it includes a statically linked copy in case of a link error?  is that even possible? :P04:56
Amaranthno, not really04:57
cwillushush :;p04:57
RAOFsetuid: I would suggest that messing with /etc/cryptab is very likely to result in being dropped ot a busybox prompt on reboot :)04:57
RAOFsetuid: I think it _is_ possible, but I think you need to change it there and a couple of other places (maybe).04:58
pwnguintgelter: in the future, if you're going to run testing versions like this, id have a backup partition to recover with or carry a CD around04:58
setuidRAOF, So the first field is actually parsed as a real device, not a string? They split on underscores or something?04:58
tgelterpwnguin: good point04:58
tgelterpwnguin: actually, I have a CD back at the training center where I'll go tomorrow morning, but it's all locked up tonight and I'm tired =)04:59
pwnguintgelter: the sad part is, there isn't a good way to have two ubuntu installs co manage grub.lst04:59
pwnguinmenu.lst whatever04:59
DanaGYou could also boot Windows and use ext2ifs, if need be.04:59
pwnguinthat reminds me to set that up05:00
DanaGJust make sure to fsck from within the initramfs, if fsck is there and runnable.05:00
pwnguinnow that ive changed away from reiserfs05:00
pwnguinreiserfs == terrible windows support05:00
cwilluterrible implies it exists?05:00
cwilludidn't know that05:00
pwnguintheres a few windows apps that will read reiserfs05:01
dasKreechAmaranth: ok I should be using ati driver so I can ignore that ther is nothing in my xorg.conf ?05:01
pwnguinbut they're slow and single threaded05:01
cwillumore than I thought there was05:01
DanaGAnd they're not filesystem drivers.05:01
setuidall of compiz is broken too, which breaks apt05:01
pwnguinright, they're not integrated05:01
DanaGHere's what I wish the ext2 one would do, though:05:01
setuidYou can't remove/reinstall any package once you have the broken compiz-gnome package half-installed05:02
RAOFsetuid: I'm not actually sure aof the details.  I don't _think_ it's parsed as a real device, I think things are UUID based.  You *do* need to make sure the UUIDs you have match up, though.05:02
berbsdis anyone still able to use network manager to connect to wireless ap? It seems to be broken for some time now?05:02
DanaGGO readonly when it needs to be fsck'd; don't ask me to format!05:02
DanaGNetworkManager works for me, though quite buggily.05:02
setuidAnd apparently I can't reinstall the linux-restricted-modules package either05:02
cwilluberbsd, works for me, updated 16 hours ago on my laptop05:03
pwnguinneed libc6-dv05:03
berbsddoes it work again or did you not run into issues?05:03
berbsdit stopped working for me about 4/5 days ago05:03
cwillunever ran into issues05:03
berbsdI have the latest hardy updates....05:03
M__cwillu, I tried it and I get dependency problems - leaving unconfigured/ Errors were encountered while processing: policykit/ hal/ gnome-mount/ gnome-volume-mount/ update-naotifier/ etc...05:04
berbsdwep and wpa at work05:04
berbsdboth with problems05:04
cwilluM__, just go back and forth between the two (granted that you don't want it to touch libc6 right now)05:04
DanaGFor me, it sucks at roaming between access points of the same SSID.05:04
DanaGOpen access points, by the way.05:04
Mfe1man, i need an rss feed of these topics05:06
Mfe1"DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6".. that would have been good to know 10 minutes ago05:06
setuidI wish the vesa driver would support 1920x120005:06
pwnguinMfe1: i think the solution is closer to 24/7 watch on the ftp05:07
pwnguinso we dont have to wait for someone to 403 the .debs05:07
Mfe1heh. . . "shouldn't these upgrades be thoroughly tested before releasing them?"  yeah dude, what do you think YOU are doing :P05:07
=== Mfe1 is now known as MFe1
setuidwhoa, what the hell05:07
berbsdevolution question now... is anyone successfully getting ldap lookups?05:07
tgelterthanks all, it's time to reboot and cross my fingers05:08
setuidNow the latest update wants to remove a ton of critical packages (apt-build, build-essential, libc6-dev, and 72 other packages)05:08
pwnguinbuild-essential isnt critical05:08
Amaranthnone of those look 'critical' and they are all because your libc6-dev is out of sync05:09
Amaranthdowngrade it too05:09
MFe1any way to run apt-get update/upgrade on a non-root filesystem?05:09
Twigmanwell that didn't work..05:10
Twigmanhalf the files from the archive were empty (0b)05:10
Twigmanis that correct? libc6-2.7-505:10
ionstormthat works fine05:11
Twigmanif they are not meant to be 0b then 7-zip is stuffing me around..05:11
Jordan_UMFe1, You can dpkg -x libc6 and chroot05:11
ionstormeanyone seen this bug before with update manager ? http://pastebin.com/m2df35905:11
MFe1Jordan_U: it's cool, i dug deeper into the thread in the topic and i'm working through it now05:13
MFe1i dunno how people deal with unstable operating systems who haven't been using linux for 15 years05:14
setuidHey, I've been using it for 13-14 years, I resemble that remark!05:14
Jordan_UMFe1, They shouldn't ( though 15 years is a bit much :)05:14
MFe1oh, damn.  "right click and unpack here".05:14
minghuaMFe1: Read the dpkg man page, you can specify --root option.  Doesn't quite work for me here though.05:15
MFe1yeah, that's not really gonna work on my macbook with no right mouse button05:15
Jordan_UMFe1, F1205:15
setuidI'm comfortable fixing some pretty serious breakage05:15
MFe1Jordan_U: well, 17 is the outer limit :)05:15
cwilluMFe1, get a better laptop :p05:15
* cwillu ducks05:15
Jordan_UMFe1, Or if you have set it up to a three finger tap :)05:15
MFe1i have middle and right mouse buttons when i'm not booted into the live cd05:16
MFe1hmm, maybe i can manually fix that though05:16
Jordan_UMFe1, F12 doesn't work?05:16
dasKreechAmaranth: Resolution as well?05:16
Jordan_UStrange, does for me (even on the LiveCD )05:17
AmaranthdasKreech: it'll autodetect it correctly on most LCDs05:17
Jordan_UMFe1, Try using the xorg.conf from your installed system05:18
dasKreechAmaranth: Ah I have a monitor and it's settign it wide screen05:18
AmaranthCRTs are hit and miss05:18
dasKreechAmaranth: so how do I direct the miss closer to a hit?05:18
MFe1sweet, xmodmap ftw05:18
AmaranthdasKreech: xorg.conf file05:19
dasKreechAmaranth: All the sections are one line. Just use them as if they were old xorg?05:19
* DanaG wonders: a 2-button touchpad makes sense (left+right → middle), but what benefit would a three-button one give?05:19
MFe1i object to the use of "bricked" to describe a mere libc6 meltdown05:20
MFe1they can call me when they have at least overwritten their partition table with a doom wad file accidentally.05:21
Black_Magiclol i got Hardy heron working with compiz ect..05:21
Black_Magicbut no freakin internet..05:21
AmaranthMFe1: it's a paperweight unless you have a live disc :)05:21
DanaGMFe1:  TestDisk to the rescue!05:21
Black_Magicits always something..05:21
MFe1DanaG: hecks yeah05:21
MFe1Amaranth: well, doesn't everyone? it has to get on there somehow05:21
AmaranthMFe1: my only live disc is gutsy beta05:22
DanaGWhat use IS a third button on a touchpad, when two will do?05:22
MFe1good enough05:22
setuid I rock05:22
setuidNow my GUI is back up05:22
Lilacornice thread05:22
setuidThat glibc breakage was nothing :D05:22
setuidGIve me a harder one to fix05:22
DanaGOh yeah, and here's an odd bug:  if I disable my TPM chip in my BIOS, Linux won't boot.05:22
AmaranthDanaG: ssh ;)05:23
igorguedamn it guys, you did broke Ubuntu now :D05:23
DanaGIt gets to what I assume is the "load initramfs" point, then just goes blank and gets a hard lockup.05:23
igorgueits hangs in starting the "system logger"05:23
igorguepretty uggly05:23
dasKreechsetuid: Fix my X05:23
setuiddasKreech, I accept PayPal05:23
dasKreechsetuid: it doesn't accept me05:24
dasKreechstupid country bias05:24
setuidI have an amazon wishlist too :D05:24
setuidI'm happy to help... what's the issue?05:24
DanaGOh, third button for SSH?05:24
dasKreechHmm never done stuff with amazon05:24
dasKreechhow does that work?05:24
ethana3colemak is bro---05:25
ethana3oh, by window got turned on?05:25
DanaGHmm, do you ever need left+middle or right+middle or left+right(but-not-middle)?  Or all three at once?05:25
dasKreechethana3: You are 3 now?05:25
AmaranthDanaG: 3 buttons means middle click is easier05:25
dasKreechsetuid: a) resolution is whack and b) I think I need ati driver for 3d gooeygoodness but it's ignoring05:25
ethana3something does that automatically05:26
ethana3it just.. increments it05:26
setuiddasKreech, what kind of machine?05:26
chowmeinedtime to fix things05:26
Lilacorwow, lots of woefully broken hardy boxen :(05:26
ethana3keyboard stuff?05:27
dasKreechsetuid: AMD with ATI vid card05:27
Lilacorthank goodness I'm using vmware workstation to test hardy. . .05:27
ethana3Is FF3b4 in repos /now/?05:27
chowmeinedfear not! i know how to fix things05:27
setuidAre you using r300? fglrx? ati?05:27
chowmeinedethana3, are we there yet?05:27
dasKreech9600 card no idea what driver05:27
dasKreechwait not true05:27
ethana3chowmeined: not unless FF3b4 is in repos ;)05:27
dasKreechOh wait no true no idea what driver05:28
ionstormhas anyone seen this bug before with update manager ? http://pastebin.com/m2df359 im getting massive errors with all updates, even before the glibc6 problem05:28
dasKreechonly driver listed is kbd05:28
dasKreechand my resolution appears to be 1152x86405:29
DanaGOh hey, if'n you wanna' make your keyboard unsticky, go download the last xserver-xorg-core 1.4 (not 1.4.1) package.05:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]05:30
dasKreechsetuid: I can pastebin the .conf file if you like05:30
* DanaG goes off to press left+middle+right05:30
DanaGand see what happens.05:30
DanaGOOpsie, I only have two buttons.  Silly me.05:30
dasKreechi really should figure out a way to do that from cli05:30
DanaG!info pastebinit05:31
dasKreechor there should be a script :)05:31
ubotupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB05:31
* dasKreech whistles as he apt-gets05:31
* DanaG says: aptitude aptitude aptitude.05:31
setuidI love being able to log into X and sudo with my fingerprint reader05:31
setuidthat so rocks05:31
DanaGMy next laptop will have one, I'm sure of it.05:31
chowmeinedyay fixed05:31
dasKreechsetuid: I'll take which ever one you want to tackle05:32
setuidThe ATI stuff is easy05:33
setuidMy T42p has ATI, and it rocks... full 3D + suspend and all the goodness05:33
dasKreechcool lets do the hard one then05:33
Jordan_Usetuid, AIGLX?05:34
DanaGT42p... what GPU?05:34
* DanaG wishes the Ubuntu kernel had the HP MDPS / 3D DriveGuard driver.05:34
tritiumsetuid: I have a T43p.  What do you use to get the fingerprint reader working?05:34
DanaGI'm pondering HP 8510p; hopefully it'll have a midrange 3-series by June or July.05:35
bazhangmy thinkpad can finally hibernate and suspend--first time ever ;]05:35
setuidtritium, thinkfinger05:35
setuidAnd related packages05:36
tritiumsetuid: ah, thanks.  I'll check it out :)05:36
* DanaG thinks toe instead.05:36
setuidSee thinkwiki for instructions05:36
igorguebazhang: same here with a hp pavilion :)05:36
tritiumsetuid: not in the repos?05:36
Jordan_UdasKreech, Going back to pastebin from the terminal, 'pastebinit'05:36
igorguebut the last update just broke my syste, :(05:36
DanaGHmm, 3-axis accelerometer?05:36
chowmeinedyes! i was able to fix my broken libc!05:36
bazhangigorgue: sweet ;]05:36
dasKreechjorgp: Just did an apt-get for it05:37
DanaGI think the HP has a 3-axis one, with a separate "fall detected" interrupt.05:37
igorguechowmeined: how?05:37
igorgueI have the same problem05:37
dasKreechSeveas: so resolution is ok?05:37
dasKreechsetuid: So resolution is ok?05:37
Jordan_Uigorgue, See the topic05:37
igorguethe libc upgrade broke my ubuntu05:37
ionstormdo /topic05:38
setuiddasKreech, Give me a sec... trying to fix my nvidia driver breakage after this libc6 mess05:38
chowmeinedigorgue, i booted off my arch linux rescue cd, extracted the older version of libc6 debs on my ubuntu machine, scp'd them over to the live machine, copied everything under lib onto the mounted ubuntu disk, chroot'd into ubuntu and reinstalled the old debs properly with dpkg05:38
dasKreechsetuid: groovy I'll get some water05:38
chowmeinedworks every time05:38
ethana3checking for updates...05:39
ethana3come on, firefox firefox firefox.......05:39
DanaGIs June considered "Second Quarter"?05:39
Mfe1still hosed05:41
AmaranthDanaG: yes05:41
setuidah-HA! Another user who used chroot successfully05:41
Amaranthethana3: no b405:41
Mfe1no chroot for me :(05:41
Mfe1i'm getting /bin/bash permission denied on my old filesystem now05:41
dasKreechok back05:41
Mfe1does libc have to be executable or something?05:41
dasKreechit's a lib so no05:42
Mfe1windows libs do, i never really paid much attention05:42
Mfe1but i don't understand the permission denid05:42
Jordan_UMfe1, dash too?05:43
Mfe1yes, dash too05:43
Mfe1ldd shows linux-gate.so.1 is missing (?)05:44
chowmeinedMfe1, the copy was unsuccessful?05:44
Mfe1don't think so05:44
Mfe1hmm, linux-gate.so.1 is missing for the livecd /bin/bash as well05:45
Mfe1so that's probably nothing05:45
DanaGhmm.  http://www.hexus.tv/show/2008/03/EXCLUSIVE_CONTENT_AMD_Puma_3x_quicker_than_Intel_integrated/05:46
ninjawhats the topic, it says read topic but, it dont say what it is05:47
dasKreechninja: try /topic05:47
ninjadont upgrade libc6? whats that?05:47
ninjadoes it have anything to do with my sound not working after the upgrade?05:48
RAOFninja: No.  It has something to do with the system being unbootable after upgrade.05:48
Mfe1maybe strace?05:48
ethana3...nnoooooooooo.......  firefox isn't in the updates.05:49
ninjaoh, any idea where i should go, i just got booted from ubuntu channel, and i was just sitting there, im having issues with sound after the upgrade05:49
ethana3i probably just don't understand the process of getting them ready...05:49
dasKreechethana3: relax they normally come out like a week after05:49
Mfe1of course no  suck luck..05:49
EruditeHermit hey, I just installed alpha 6 hardy, and I want to enable desktop effects with the ati open source driver but visual effects won't let me. It tries to install the fglrx closed driver if select the desktop effects. Is there a way around this? Also when I am typing the scim pops up and randomly changes the language.05:51
dasKreechsetuid: what's the issue with nvidia?05:51
ninjaanyone know where i can go to get some help? like what channel might be talking about sound going dead after upgrade?05:51
dasKreechninja: hardy?05:52
Mfe1some of the libs ARE supposed to be 75505:52
setuidIts weird... if I unload the module, reload it, I get the proper res (1920x1200), but if I log in, log out and try to log in again... gdm recycles back until it falls back to 640x480 mode, claiming that I'm in low-res mode.05:52
setuidninja, Use -1105:52
ninjaim not sure, its 8.0405:52
setuidSound is broken in -1205:52
setuidKnown issue05:52
Mfe1yep, that fixed it05:52
dasKreechWas in the /topic till libc broke everything else05:52
Mfe1actually, it's just ONE lib05:52
setuiddasKreech, So which driver is your xorg.conf using?05:53
DanaG-12 sound isn't broken for me.05:53
ninjathats fine, talk about libc6 all ya want, but if someone could point me in a decent direction that would be great05:53
dasKreechsetuid: none05:53
setuiddasKreech, Ok, so use fglrx, and make sure you have the restricted drivers package installed05:53
ninjacan i undo my upgrade?05:54
RAOFninja: So, there are a variety of options.  The latest kernel should have sound fixed.  Failing that, you might have luck with building upstream alsa sources by installing the "module-assistant" package and running "sudo module-assistant a-i alsa-source".05:54
chowmeinedso, this kind of seems like a silly question i guess, but are non-security related bugs still fixed after a release?05:54
Mfe1apparently when copied the libc6 packages i somehow clobbered all the permissions on those files05:55
chowmeinedid guess so, but some things ive read suggested otherwise05:55
dasKreechsetuid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59447/05:55
Mfe1i recommend cp -av --parents `...` /path/to/mounted/partition, rather than just cp05:55
nandemonaiEep! Ok I just tried a standard apt-get update and while grabbing a new version of the kernel it's gone all awry.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5650/05:56
ninjaim sorry, im not trying to sound like a smart butt, but....... i have no idea what you said raof, i dont have a phd in programming and im not a trained sysadmin, just would like to get my laptop going as i cant afford windows or i wouldnt be here05:56
setuidnandemonai, /topic05:56
setuidninja, Run Gutsy05:56
chowmeinedninja, run 7.1005:56
nandemonaiHadn't noticed the new topic. Thanks.05:56
RAOFninja: You *are* running Hardy, right?05:56
ninjai cant, ive tried the other ubuntus05:56
setuidI find that hard to believe05:56
dasKreechsetuid: That's normal I take it :)05:56
igorguebrb, gonna try the workaround :S05:57
ninjaim not sure what ubuntu version this is, its 8.04 that i know05:57
igorguewish me luck05:57
setuiddasKreech, Well, you lack a lot of crtical detail in there05:57
dasKreechsetuid: tell me about it05:57
setuidwtf is wrong with this damn nvidia driver05:57
nandemonaiOh great. :( Guess rebooting wont be an option for me as I've already run through the update=/05:57
setuidI have to rmmod it, depmod, insmod it... but when I log out of X, I have to repeat that same process again05:57
RAOFninja: You didn't see the big warning signs saying "don't install this on production machines", and such?05:57
dasKreechI was quite intriguied by it as well05:57
ninjaif it dont work with a default install i cant use it, i dont know how to install drivers and forget tarballs, i can not use those at all05:57
ninjayeah i know what alpha software is05:58
chowmeinedninja, then running hardy is also not an option05:58
setuiddasKreech, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:58
ninjawell it all did work, untill the update05:58
dasKreechsetuid: that's how I got that05:58
RaspberryI guess I should have come in here and read the topic before I just ran the upgrade05:58
RaspberryI am FUX0r'd05:58
chowmeinedninja, and thats exactly why it wont work05:58
RAOFninja: And further upgrades will _continue_ to break it.05:58
RAOFRaspberry: LiveCDs are your friend :)05:58
ninjaupdate is what broke it05:59
RAOF!ohmy > Raspberry05:59
chowmeinedninja, yes05:59
RaspberryI was all excited because the MESA library problem that has been around since 7.0.x is FIXED!05:59
Raspberryafter over 3 months05:59
ninjaso theres no way to unupdate?05:59
RAOFninja: That's right.05:59
nandemonaiRaspberry, Me too :(05:59
chowmeinedninja, not a way that would be feasible for your situation06:00
dasKreechsetuid: done that quite a few times with differnt parameters and it comes back like that everytime06:00
RaspberryI've upgraded and I just logged out :p06:00
ninjaok, i know this is a bad question but its my last hope, is there a distro that just has all known hardware drivers?06:00
RaspberryI shouldn'th ave :)06:00
dasKreechninja: What doesn't work for you?06:00
setuiddasKreech, Let me pull my copy of this file out of backup06:01
nandemonaiRaspberry, I'm still logged in but looks like this is a nasty one that won't be easily fixed..06:01
firephotoninja: the latest fedora seems to work for people that need hardy for their hardware to work.06:01
chowmeinedninja, do you have any friends who know linux well that can help set it up for you?06:01
ninjasound right now, but on other distros its the ethernet, or the touchpad or the mouse or .........06:01
RaspberryI could just reinstall off the alpha6 (?) live CD06:01
ninjano i have no geek freinds, im not even a geek, even tho i try, i just dont get it lol06:01
RaspberryI have separate partitions for /home and /root and I have my /etc backup to /home every night -- so I'd just take an hour or so06:01
ninjafedora didnt like my ithernet06:02
dasKreechninja: sound is a known issue it will be fixed soon06:02
chowmeinedthats strange06:02
ninjaopensuse, dint either06:02
chowmeinedethernet almost always works in every distro ive tried on all the computers ive tried them on06:02
ninjathen you dont own an acer aspire 5570z06:02
Raspberryah acer06:03
chowmeinedoh .. them06:03
Raspberrysame problem with asus crap06:03
* dasKreech likes asus06:03
Raspberrythey use proprietary broadcom and whatever else06:03
* chowmeined dislikes broadcom06:03
setuiddasKreech, lspci | grep ATI06:03
ninjai have a heck of a time just trying to find a distro that will install on this peice of.......06:03
DanaGI have an Intel wifi card and even that is buggy.06:03
RaspberrySpend the extra money and buy IBM / Lenovo or to a lesser degree Toshiba06:03
chowmeinedRaspberry, no funds available06:03
ninjaand ive never seen a distro that likes my wireless, atheros06:03
RaspberryLenovo / IBM has a very robust Open Source support network06:03
setuidninja, atheros works flawlessly with Ubuntu06:04
dasKreech01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600]06:04
dasKreech01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] (Secondary)06:04
setuidAlways has06:04
Raspberryand Toshiba has a site dedicated to all their drivers and explaining the hardware for linux users06:04
ninjaoh well, im just going to hang here till someone else pops up with this issue06:04
chowmeinedsetuid, not the new ones06:04
chowmeinedsetuid, the ones in macbooks and eeepcs06:04
ninjayour kidding right?06:04
setuidchowmeined, wrong06:04
Raspberryninja, this is going to be an issue that you have to fix -- it won't fix itself without manually doing it or reinstalling06:04
chowmeinedsetuid, wrong? uh.. i had to compile from cvs to get it going06:04
setuidchowmeined, I just ordered and received two new Thinkpads this week, T61p and X61s06:04
ninjano i dont supose yall joke much about this stuff06:04
setuidBoth work flawlessly from the 8.10 boot cd06:04
RaspberryI've run into a few libc6 upgrade problems in the past06:04
chowmeinedsetuid, your statements are completely unrelated to mine06:05
DanaGARgh, scim breaks virtualbox.06:05
setuidYou can build madwifi-ng if you want, but it's not necessary, Atheros works out of the box on Gutsy and Hardy06:05
DanaGQuite horribly.06:05
RaspberryWhat I really like is the fact that the IBM ThinkPad X61T series has almost identical hardware to the MacBook Pros ... So I really should get OS X running on it if Apple would ever license it for other hardware06:05
chowmeinedsetuid, you talk about atheros like its 1 static thing06:05
chowmeinedsetuid, there are countless atheros chipset versions06:05
ninjait recognises that i have atheros, but when i do stuff, it says something like no such device06:06
setuidI have 3 separate laptops, all with Atheros, all working fine06:06
chowmeinedsetuid, the particular revisions in 3rd generation macbooks and eeepcs dont work by default06:06
chowmeinedsetuid, my other laptop has an older atheros card that works fine out of the box06:06
Raspberrylook slike this is the fix... http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4505451&postcount=1906:06
ninjawhat could i be doing wrong, or am i just that stupid?06:07
chowmeinedninja, did you connect to your wireless network?06:07
dasKreechninja: Nope not stupid at all06:07
ninjai gota say that i have google and about 300 bucks worth of linux specific books, 2 on bsd and 3 on unix in general, i know nothing at all06:07
setuidRaspberry, I love the X61s... small screen, but light as fsck06:07
Raspberryi've got to do some more troubleshooting but I can't get VPN using the Network Manager working at all06:07
DanaGI couldn't type in Virtualbox, and I couldn't get it to LET GO OF MY KEYBOARD!06:08
setuidRaspberry, I tried that as well, NM sucks for vpn06:08
Raspberrysetuid, I've got the tablet edition with the 8-cell battery... 6+ hrs of battery life!  I can code for a full day at a customer06:08
ninjano it says something like (when i try and configure the card) device not found, after the restricted drivers icon says it sees it, actualy there are 2 for atheros when i click it06:08
chowmeinedninja, one is probably your ethernet06:08
Raspberrysetuid, and I'm using this mouse... kicks butt -- bluetooth connection and charges in your PCMCIA slot... so no more lugging around a real mouse.  http://www.newtonperipherals.com/mogo_mouseBT.html06:09
ninjashoot, i dont see the restricted drivers icon now06:09
setuidIt's a thinkpad, 2 mouses are built into the keyboard!06:09
setuidAnd you have a touchscreen!06:09
DanaGI just use touchpad always.06:09
Raspberrysetuid, no, I have the tablet edition -- just a nub, no touchpad :)06:10
DanaGNobody makes a tablet powerful enough for me.06:10
setuidNo touchscreen?06:10
setuidI thought all the x-series tablets were touchscreen06:10
RaspberryNo I went for the WXGA+ screen ... 1400x1050 instead of 1024x80006:10
Raspberrythe higher resolution screens are not touch06:10
chowmeinedwhere'd the restricted drivers manager go? its not under administration anymore06:10
setuidSure they are06:10
setuidI declined that one option (larger res + touchscreen), because I needed the extra pound less in weight06:11
Raspberrylook up the specs on 776298U model of the Thinkpad X61t06:11
l815anyone know how to enable 3d acceleration on intel gm965 gfx card?06:11
Raspberryl815, thjat's fixed in the latest MESA libraries that were just released tonight06:11
=== macd_ is now known as macd
Raspberryl815, except if you upgrade the libc6 breaks the entire system :)06:12
l815Raspberry, are those pre-released updateS?06:12
chowmeinedi have a solution06:12
Raspberryl815, could be06:12
DanaGI'd want nothing weaker than a GeForce Go 7600.06:12
l815Rasberry, must be I have them disabled atm and have no update announcement :)06:12
DanaGThus, no tablets work for me.06:12
setuiddasKreech, http://rafb.net/p/VBHMH952.html06:12
setuidadd/append that into your config06:12
RaspberryDanaG, I'd agree -- the Intel X3100 isn't as powerful as I'd like...   but I'd sacrifice gfx power for better battery life and I'm currently getting 6:30 hours typically on a charge06:13
chowmeinedshould i paste my apt preferences file?06:13
RaspberryDanaG, I had a toshiba m200 with a 32mb GForce Go 5200 and I was lucky if I could get 2 hrs out of the thing06:13
chowmeinedthat will block libc6 updates06:14
l815so every update is okay except libc6?06:14
l815okay thanks06:14
RaspberryDanaG, one of my customers has the ASUS G1S with the Nvidia 8600 Mobile... can't get 2 hrs of battery out of it06:14
DanaGIf I were looking for ultralight, I'd like HP's 12" business notebook.06:14
l815oh also, how can i get my gnome theme to also integrate with synaptic and some other root programs?06:14
RaspberryHP's make the worst tablet pen06:15
DanaGoh, I didn't know that.06:15
RaspberryI liked the Toshiba pen best... the IBM is ok, but the right click is very sensitive06:15
RaspberryDanaG, that ASUS G1S is a super fast machine... but it's overkill for a mobile station .. dual SATA drives, et al...  very awesome but the battery life is more for just unplugging it to walk across the room to another outlet :P06:16
DanaGI'd also pondered Asus V1S or V2S, but the battery-reporting bug is a blocker.06:16
DanaGNow I'm considering HP 8510p.06:16
DanaGAnd I'd get it with Intel AMT, just for the sake of experimenting with it.06:17
RaspberryI have a customer that flies all over the world and designs components for airliners  and medical companies ... so he needed a system that can render and calculate some really complex parts in Pro-Engineering and CATIA06:17
RaspberryDanaG, this thinkpad has AMT, but I haven't had a chance to play with it yet06:17
RaspberryI'm a bit concerned with the April release date06:19
Raspberrythere are a lot of big bugs that need to be stopped before then06:19
Raspberrythings that worked in Gutsy that have broken in Hardy06:20
telexiconyea, input auto-configuration doesnt work in hardy now06:21
Raspberrythat SCIM crap really pissees me off to06:22
Raspberryand Xournal doesn't work in Hardy06:22
Raspberrytzdata is all messed up now06:22
telexicontap to click, side scroll werent auto-configured06:22
Raspberrysomebody @ Ubuntu needs to look at how SuSE does their control panel06:22
RAOFRaspberry: The scim crap only exists if you installed that one particular update; fresh installs don't have it (and there's work being done to make another update remove it)06:22
RaspberryRAOF, well shortly I might have a fresh install :D06:23
RaspberryI might just do a clean Alpha6 install06:23
telexiconim going to wait for beta1 in 8 days06:23
telexiconand do a clean install06:23
RaspberrySuSE is painfully slow to update06:24
Raspberrybut the way they have a ton of options in the control panel and it's easy to navigate06:24
telexiconi wonder why gnome-control-center is not in the menu by default?06:24
telexiconRaspberry, have you looked at gnome-control-center?06:25
Raspberrywith Hardy we don't have the ability to configure a tablet interface through the GUI... the screen res and dual display stuff doesn't really work well (does on SuSE)06:25
Raspberrytelexicon, no06:25
RAOFRaspberry: Or you can just go to System->Administration->Lanugage Support and turn of support for entering complex scripts (or whatever it is).06:26
RaspberryI was griping about this earlier today, but it should also be much easier to mount network volumes / shares / et al with a few clicks and have them be persistant to the user  or to the session -- because there is a big disconnect in Nautilus where by you can get to a smb share if you open the file manager directly, but application open / save dialogs can't use SMB shares --  I see somebody has registered this as a bug06:26
RAOFRaspberry: Huzzah for gvfs!  This is _precisely_ one of the problems it's designed to solve.06:27
RaspberryI had a user who runs Vista and they love Ubuntu / Linux for configuring printers06:27
RAOFAs in, very nearly word-for-word.06:27
RaspberryRAOF, cool -- because that's why I stick with KDE apps for the most part ... because KIO is amazing... I can edit files via SSH in the text editor... I can drag files between a windows share and a ssh tunnel -- it's all no brainer, but it's still stuck in the instance of the file manager... there needs to be something @ the session / user / X / whatever level :)  Right now I'm using /etc/fstab with cifs shares against a creditionals fil06:29
Raspberrye... but that's not secure if my laptop was ever stolen06:29
RAOFRaspberry: You've listed things that _I_ can do with Gnome and gnome-vfs, too :)06:29
RaspberryRAOF, please tell me how :)06:30
RaspberryI really am just trying to take an open-minded perspective to things and say  ... this is frustration for somebody that is trying to use this system GUI only06:30
RaspberryI have my girlfriend use Linux on my spare laptop06:31
RAOFWell, for the first: sftp://chris@raof.local/home/chris/foo.txt is a valid URI for a Gnome app, and does the editing via SSH thing...06:31
Raspberryand she likes it... but she comes to me with a few frustrations06:31
RaspberryRAOF, yup06:31
RaspberryI tried having my user session mount ssh (sftp) shares -- and it works ... I'm prompted for a second password (to the ssh connection) on gdm login and then I get the mounted share on my desktop, but if I use it heavily it crashes06:32
Raspberrytry to stream music over it... or load a catalog of music into amarok and the share will crash06:32
RaspberryI haven't tried it in a week06:32
Raspberryso maybe it's fixed?06:32
RAOFI think that much of what KIO can do is already done with gnome-vfs (ftp, windows shares, ssh, etc).  The _cool_ new thing is gio/gvfs - it should be cross-desktop (and so be natively supported in KDE too), and it also supports a FUSE bridge, so that anything mounted with gvfs is _also_ available for use by non-gvfs apps.06:32
Raspberrythere needs to be a way for a user to say ... I should be able to do "this" and find a concise explaination somewhere ... launchpad and the forums do that -- but at some point we need to have some system that can flag entries / et al as the "offical" way to do things06:35
Raspberrykind of like Windows Online Help for Office 200706:35
Raspberryexcept better06:36
vega--soooo, libc6 upgraded06:36
Raspberryby better I mean less results and more accurate06:36
Raspberryvega--, get your live CD out :006:37
l815how do i find out if 3d acc. is enabled06:37
vega--hm, my system is still running though06:37
Black_Magici keep getting something talking about give the default password for keyrings..?06:37
Black_Magicso i put root pass there06:37
Black_Magicand it keeps popping up..06:37
gluerjust a question.. how do i prevent only libc6 from upgrading?06:50
vega--Raspberry: fixed already, didn't need a live cd, just wget old libc6 and install that06:51
RaspberryI can't get to a terminal06:51
nandemonaivega--, How did you manage that? I can't sudo and no root pass set..06:52
vega--i had a terminal open as root already06:52
CicalaMvtagluer: set libc6 on hold06:52
nandemonaiAh ok06:52
vega--so i guess i'm lucky this time :)06:53
nandemonaiMeh, I'm just going to install alpha6 from scratch. My sys is a little messy from upgrading from gutsy anyway.06:53
allyourrejectsnice :)  hard to check channel topic after the upgrade ;)06:53
nandemonaiSo I'm assuming once it's fixed updating will be a non issue right?06:54
EruditeHermithi can anyone tell me why when using the radeon driver and trying to enable desktop effects, it wants me to install the fglrx driver?06:54
vega--i also have a root passwd so probably would have been able to su root anyway06:55
AnAntHello, is anyone able to upgrade libc6 today ?06:55
RaspberryAnAnt, /topic06:56
vega--AnAnt: read the topic?06:56
* nandemonai points at the topic06:56
AnAntoh ok06:56
nandemonaiOh well time to reinstall. Seeya later peoples.06:56
AnAntah, so they intentionally disable permission to download libc606:56
vega--AnAnt: most likely, you are lucky if you didn't get the upgrade06:57
gluerthere it is in my 67 updates, libc606:58
Amaranthluckily no one can upgrade libc6 anymore06:59
Amaranthyou get a 403 error when you try06:59
RaspberryI just upgraded it 3hrs ago06:59
Amaranthright, this was 'fixed' about an hour ago06:59
gluerso its cool to upgrade everything else right?06:59
Amaranththe fix being to make it not possible to download the update06:59
Amaranthgluer: well, as cool as it can be, i guess07:00
gluerwell its alpha, things happen07:00
Amaranthoh wow07:02
Amaranthsome guy had a cron job setup to automatically update and upgrade every night07:02
Amaranthon hardy07:02
Amaranthstupidest thing i've ever heard07:02
jcs31Amaranth: i just came in here to see what was up about the access denied on libc...glad the "fix" happened before i had a chance to upgrade07:02
ethana3I need a .deb of firefox3 beta407:02
Amaranthethana3: you need patience07:02
ethana3b3 isn't stable enough for us, and i don't want to....07:02
Raspberryb4 runs much faster :)07:03
=== Amaranth changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: DO NOT UPGRADE LIBC6; Workaround: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 | package locked in archive, cannot be downloaded
AmaranthRaspberry: a lot of that is PGO which our builds won't have anyway07:03
RaspberryPGO?  Pretty Graphic Output?07:03
AmaranthProfile Guided Optimization07:04
Raspberrywell then ... we should have that :P07:04
Amaranththey build firefox once, run it through a series of tests while monitoring it, then that data is fed to gcc to build firefox again trying harder to optimize the hot spots from the tests07:04
jcs31anyone know of any updates to intel graphics and compiz problems...alpha6 had very sluggish compiz performance, yesterdays daily-live has no compiz support now...just looking for some news on the issue.07:04
Raspberryi'm going to call a congressional oversight commitee to review the lack of PGO in Ubuntu Firefox builds07:04
Amaranthour builds won't do that07:04
ethana3ohhhh, I see07:05
Amaranthjcs31: there was a bad release of the intel driver that disabled the bits we have setup to make compiz work07:05
Raspberryjcs31, I have the intel card (x3100) -- compiz works... the update yesterday was supposed to fix some things... OSD started working for me07:05
Amaranthit was since fixed07:06
ethana3Wait, exactly what is profile guided optimization?07:06
ethana3It sounds kind of...  vague07:06
Amaranthethana3: I just explained it07:06
Raspberrygoogle is your friend07:06
ethana3Like 'we make it fast if you fit our.....  profile'07:06
EruditeHermitAmaranth: do you know why the radeon driver is disabled now?07:06
ethana3well i saw what you typed..  i'll google07:06
AmaranthYou build your app, profile it to see where the most used bits are, then build it again with the compiler focusing on optimizing those bits07:07
Raspberryso does linux not fit the profile... or is it a ubuntu build thing?07:07
Amaranthubuntu build thing, the releases from mozilla will have it07:07
Amaranthafaik the profiling requires internet access which the build server does not allow07:07
Ngah good, it's topic'd :)07:08
Raspberrylet me know when you're tired of my questions07:08
Amarantheven then it would make the build take like 3x as long07:08
Raspberrybut ... does ubuntu build from source?  why not just package the binaries?07:08
Raspberryor doesn't that matter because it'd have to be compiled on every user's computer07:08
Amaranthwhat could be done is to add a command to debian/rules to generate the profile then include the prebuilt profile in the source package for the build server to run with07:08
Amaranthwe always build from source07:09
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages07:09
Amaranthwell, unless we can't07:09
Raspberrya hack gentoo kinda thating :P  offer two packages -- one firefox pre-build and one firefox-optimized07:09
Amaranthfor things like nvidia, fglrx, etc07:09
Raspberrythating --> thing07:09
Raspberryoptimized being built on the user's computer and pre-build being standard07:10
AmaranthRaspberry: a package made from the upstream binaries would most likely not be accepted into the archive07:10
Amaranthno need to build on the user's computer07:10
shirishdamn I think I've got the same issue, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72288607:10
Amaranththat's gentoo crack07:10
pengoummmmmmmmmmm in order to upgrade the package xserver-xorg-video-intel (from hardy, cause it includes overlay support finally), synaptic wants me to remove, ubuntu-desktop, xorg, and xserver-xorg ... is that as stupid an idea as it sounds?07:10
FujitsuAmaranth: s/not be.*/get the uploader shot/07:10
Amaranthpengo: those are metapackages07:10
Raspberrypengo,  hmm interesting...07:10
Raspberrypengo, yeah they're meta packages -- so you can force remove them and then re-add them installing intel07:10
Fujitsupengo: Are you suggesting you want to install Hardy's -intel on Gutsy?07:11
pengoAmaranth: ther'es a whole list of xserver-xorg packages listed too e,g. -core07:11
RaspberryFujitsu, good question :)  I couldn't get that to work :D07:11
pengoFujitsu: is that a bad idea? :)07:11
EruditeHermitpengo: es07:11
EruditeHermitpengo: yes07:11
Fujitsupengo: Very.07:11
FujitsuIt's trying to remove them all for a reason...07:11
EruditeHermitpengo: don't do it07:11
Raspberrypengo, that's why I'm running Hardy now -- I couldn't get that to work... there are some major changes to X between Gutsy and Hardy07:12
ethana3Amaranth: ...interesting.....07:12
Raspberrypengo, just upgrade to Hardy Alpha 6... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-6/07:12
AmaranthRaspberry: like a whole new X server release...07:12
pengoRaspberry: that answers my next question.. thanks07:12
Raspberrypengo, I've found it's been a lot less buggy than Gutsy was for me07:12
RaspberryAmaranth, yeah :)07:12
AmaranthRaspberry: except of course for today :)07:12
pungentis kubuntu kde4 as good as opensuses kde4 version?07:13
RaspberryI was running gutsy but I found lot sof bugs and the maintainers kept flagging everything "wont fix" with "will fix in hardy" or "fixed in hardy" and that really frustrated me07:13
Raspberrypungent, no07:13
pungentlast time I installed kubuntu kde4, i threw up a bit in my mouth07:13
Raspberrywell it doesn't work properly with dual monitors07:13
pengois it possible to just do a synaptic upgrade to get to hardy a6 ?07:13
nandemonaiAny idea how ling it will take to fix libc6? Just curious how to put off upgrades once I have Alpha 6 reinstalled.07:14
Fujitsunandemonai: The upgrade is now unavailable.07:14
Raspberrynandemonai, they're disabled upgrading libc6 so you should be able to continue to run updates07:14
nandemonaiAhh ok.07:14
pungenti borked my hardy install and was wondering if its worth it to upgrade to kubuntu kde407:14
AmaranthRaspberry: not quite, the upgrade will iirc bail out07:14
Raspberrykinda weird in here tonight... multiple people actually being helpful07:14
FujitsuYou won't be able to upgrade to Hardy until it's fixed, but you can't break your system.07:14
RaspberryAmaranth, that's what my update did 3 hrs ago and my system was still borked07:15
AmaranthRaspberry: unless you explicitly exclude libc6 from the list of packages to upgrade07:15
pengoor i should ask.. if i want to keep all my installed apps and settings.. can i still upgrade to hardy alpha?07:15
RaspberryAmaranth, said errors install libc6 and 3 other packages07:15
Amaranthno, i mean the upgrade will fail before it even tries to install anything07:15
Amaranthbecause it couldn't download everything07:15
Raspberrypengo, I'd just back things up and install fresh07:15
Fujitsupengo: Not right now, but otherwise yes.07:15
FujitsuRaspberry: Why?07:15
FujitsuThis isn't Windows.07:16
Raspberrythank god07:16
pengoFujitsu: ok.. i'll wait then.. thanks very much for your help (everyone)07:16
shirishAmaranth: can u look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652/ & tell me if I'm saved or I have the breakage as well :(07:16
Fujitsushirish: That's the fix you see there.07:16
FujitsuSo you're safe.07:16
Amaranthshirish: you're safe, you got caught by the fix07:16
Raspberryshirish, if you can't open apps ... and if you reboot and you can't log in  -- then you're broken :)07:16
Amaranththe fix was to make the package unavailable07:16
FujitsuIt's an utter hack of a fix, but it's effective.07:16
Amaranthfaster than a new upload07:17
Raspberrywell I'm going to play guitar while I burn a live cd07:17
shirishAmaranth: ah good, although one part of the package did slip through in safe-upgrade, it was a libc6 component though07:17
Raspberrythis libc6 issue reminds me of running Debian all over again :p07:17
pungenti've got my hardy install borked by and upgrade. is this what everyone else is referring to?07:17
Amaranthfunnily enough, the problem was caused by someone trying to resync our libc6 to debian :P07:17
Amaranthpungent: yes, /topic07:18
pungentha ha07:18
nandemonaiActually a thought occurs.. I'm updating from my isp mirror, will the 'hack' to make libc6 unavailable work there too?07:18
Amaranthhrm, i dunno how that works07:18
Amaranththis hack is usually used for post release updates that go bad07:19
Amaranthand afaik they all come from the main repo, not a mirror07:19
pungentnandemonai: the only way to find out is to try :-P07:19
Amaranthpungent: how about no :P07:19
pungenttry downloading it07:19
Amaranthnandemonai: when in doubt, do nothing :)07:19
nandemonaiI might just play it safe yes and hold on updates for a while :P07:19
Amaranthjust wait for the next version of libc6, i imagine we'll have it in less than 6 hours07:20
nandemonaiOh that soon? easy. Thanks again.07:20
pungentone could try to just download for the sake of science07:20
Amaranthwell, hopefully07:20
DanaG--download-only FTW!07:20
DanaG(for the win)07:20
DanaGGood night, must go to bed.07:21
pengowhat's the (estimated) release date for hardy?07:22
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu07:23
FujitsuBah, there's no release schedule in there :(07:23
Amaranthapril 24th07:23
pengodamn that's ages07:24
pengocan't the developers simply not sleep?07:24
[Hardy]TuTUXGpengo, good idea07:25
* Fujitsu decommissions his bed.07:25
pengoi'm glad everyone agrees07:26
nandemonailol poor devs. At least let them sleep in shifts :P07:30
savvas00bah, now they tell me07:30
EruditeHermitwhat does LP: #197135 mean?07:30
Fujitsusavvas00: Heh heh heh.07:30
EruditeHermitis that a bug number?07:30
savvas00bug 19713507:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197135 in compiz "need to blacklist xpress200m when using ati driver" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19713507:30
FujitsuEruditeHermit: It means the upload fixes Launchpad bug #19713507:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197135 in compiz "need to blacklist xpress200m when using ati driver" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19713507:30
savvas00Fujitsu: i'm talking about the libc6 problem :p07:31
Fujitsusavvas00: I guessed.07:31
pengosavvas00: you look at the topic? :)07:31
savvas00pengo: right now, after I upgraded :p07:32
Raspberryis there no fix for this horrible brightness issue with Laptops?07:32
nandemonaiLikewise savvas00. :)07:32
Raspberrynew as of kernel -1107:32
Raspberryand even persistant on the live cd07:32
savvas00um so ok, which package files should I use?07:33
EruditeHermitis there a repository to get packages that have been replaced in a repository?07:33
EruditeHermitold versions of a package?07:33
Raspberryreally the topic07:33
Raspberryit gives you a link07:33
Raspberryreally, READ07:33
Raspberrythat's for those of you motivated enough to install hardy but too lazy to read the topic or the link07:34
savvas00Raspberry: i really READ it, it doesn't say WHICH package files' version to manually copy over, the updated or the old working one07:34
Raspberrywhat does STEP 4 say?07:34
Raspberry4 through 807:34
qziois there an estiamte on when 2.7-10ubuntu1 or something will be realesed?07:35
savvas00didn't get to that :P07:35
teamcobrahrmmm, the libc6-i386_2.7-9ubuntu1_amd64 package seems broken (403 forbidden on the site, unless that means that the file hasn't been fully committed yet)07:35
Raspberryteamcobra, read the topic07:35
Raspberrylibc6 is broken07:35
Raspberrynot being able to download the broken libc6 saves you from having to mount a live CD and restore the old version of libc ... which I am doing right now07:36
Raspberryi'm not a big private msg person.. but maybe private msg everybody as they join :p07:36
teamcobrayeah, I didn't have any version installed, it seems07:36
teamcobrajust did a fresh amd64 install, was installing ia32-libs07:37
savvas00and to think some people were bashing fedora for using python based package manager :p07:39
Fujitsusavvas00: But you can't run Python without libc6 either...07:39
savvas00really? well, that sucks07:39
FujitsuThe reference Python interpreter is written in C, you might like to note.07:40
savvas00so they have two problem areas if something goes wrong heheh07:41
yeageri just hit the libc thing.. arghh07:41
Fujitsuyeager: This is a good reason to sit in here and watch mailing lists.07:42
yeagerliving on the edge :)07:43
AnAntHello, I am using vga= in boot, when I upgraded to kernel 2.6.24-12, I get blank tty07:44
Raspberryyou know what's odd07:44
Raspberrythe 64-bit packages are libc6-i386_amd6407:45
ionstormlibc fix0r?07:45
glueri feel like hooking up my projector and spinning the cube...07:46
FujitsuRaspberry: The normal amd64 libc6 is just libc6.07:46
nandemonaiHmm, the gui installer on the livecd is stuck after 'Migrate Documents and Settings' (I didn't check anything, XP install on another partition though)07:46
gluerq: is there anyway of getting a windows usb tv tuner working on hardy?07:49
Raspberryhmm -- it's mounting my root partition as read only07:49
savvas00  Installed: 2.7-5ubuntu207:51
savvas00  Candidate: 2.7-9ubuntu107:51
savvas00I'm off to boot :P07:51
telexiconoh good07:53
telexiconthey took the libc down?07:54
[Hardy]TuTUXGtelexicon, confirm07:54
Fujitsutelexicon: Pretty much.07:54
telexiconi pinned the old version in my apt preferences file for now07:55
allyourrejectsblocked download.  Which is keeping upgrade from working07:55
allyourrejectstelexicon: how do you do that?07:55
[Hardy]TuTUXGthe libxcb lock that breaks java got fixed?07:55
telexicon[Hardy]TuTUXG, ohh did it? good cause that was causing me issues07:55
telexiconallyourrejects, one sec07:55
[Hardy]TuTUXGtelexicon, not quit sure, it seems to be, need confirmation07:56
bmzdoes hardy automagically select the closest geographic apt mirror?07:57
telexiconthis will force apt to use the older working version of libc607:57
telexiconim only on 32bit so i dont know what else you want for 64bit07:57
allyourrejectsi see, great. thanks07:57
Raspberryhmm any suggestions for getting my root partition to mount rw instead of read-only07:57
Raspberryfrom a live Cd :)07:58
telexiconRaspberry, mount -o remount,rw /07:58
telexiconRaspberry, perhaps you need to run an fsck?07:58
AnAntHello, regarding bug #12991007:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129910 in linux "Blank ttys when using vesafb (vga=xxx)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12991007:58
AnAntI used to use the workaround, and it worked untill I upgraded to linux kernel 2.6.24-1207:58
bmzI am using hardy and the mirror selected for me is pretty much non responsive.07:58
AnAntthe workaround was commenting out the framebuffer modules in blacklist file07:59
bmzis http://au.archive.ubuntu.com slow for anyone else here?07:59
Fujitsubmz: It was down for me earlier.07:59
FujitsuSo it's quite plausible that it would be slow.07:59
allyourrejectsbmz: the mirrors also rotate. there are multiple au.archive.ubuntu.com07:59
AnAntand and adding vesafb, fbcon to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules07:59
Raspberrytelexicon, says the partition is fine :007:59
allyourrejectsi have the same problem with us.archive.ubuntu.com, sometimes I have to kill the download and rerun apt to get a faster mirror08:00
Fujitsuallyourrejects: WRong.08:00
FujitsuNot for au.08:00
bmzFujitsu: I wrestled with it last night as well, timeouts and general slowness.08:00
FujitsuNor most.08:00
allyourrejectsoh, nvrmind then. just thought that was normal setup08:00
Fujitsuallyourrejects: us.a.u.c points to a.u.c, which handles a lot of load, so has multiple hosts.08:01
bmzI like mirrors... but if they don't work what is the point08:01
Fujitsubmz: Blame Optus.08:02
bmzFujitsu: if they manage it or the network it is on then that explains a bit.08:02
Fujitsubmz: They manage both.08:03
FujitsuI'm on an Optus 'net connection, and it often sucks from here.08:03
ionstormsomeone marked https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/201685 as a duplicate of the libc bug and IT IS NOT A DUPLICATE08:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201685 in dpkg "[HARDY] update-manager spamming GLib-GObject-CRITICAL errors (dup-of: 201673)" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "Hardy: "invalid pointer: 0xb7ef4b70" no program will start." [Critical,Confirmed]08:04
bmzFujitsu: perceptions matter, I'd look at moving the mirror.08:04
RaspberryI can't just drop the files in from the old packages08:04
Raspberrybecause of all the symlinks to the lib64 directory08:04
Raspberryargh!@#!@ :P08:04
Fujitsubmz: It has been shuffled between various different people.08:04
Fujitsuionstorm: Mark it as not a duplicate, then.08:05
Fujitsu`Mark as duplicate', and empty the box.08:05
Fujitsuionstorm: Please refrain from nominating such things for Hardy.08:07
FujitsuOr any other release.08:07
FujitsuNominations serve a specific purpose, and that's not it.08:07
FujitsuIt's particularly ineffective when people nominate all of their bugs for every release.08:08
ionstormFujitsu, thanks for the advice08:09
Raspberrywith the amd64 libc6 break08:09
Fujitsuionstorm: Thankyou for listening and making our jobs easy.08:09
allyourrejectsRaspberry: it was 32bit also08:09
RaspberryI can only seem to run "cp --parents `dpkg -L libc6 | xargs` /path/to/root08:09
Raspberrythere is no other libc6-i386 or libc-i686 package that will work08:09
FujitsuRaspberry: You may not need the others, then.08:10
Raspberrybut there are two libc6 packages installed08:10
FujitsuWhat is the other?08:10
Raspberrythere's a libc6-amd64 and a libc6-i386 installed08:10
Raspberrybut when trying to do the cp it doesn't recogize either ... just straight libc608:10
RaspberryI can try to reboot and just see if it works08:11
allyourrejectsmine didn't08:11
RaspberryI mean , I can get to my data and if I need to reinstall, I will08:11
FujitsuI suggest that.08:11
allyourrejectsreinstalling now08:11
allyourrejectsbut many say that it did work on the forums08:11
FujitsuWhy reinstall when you can wait a few hours?08:11
RaspberryFujitsu, I can't even log in08:11
allyourrejectshow am i suppose to install the new .deb?08:11
FujitsuRaspberry: I'm aware.08:11
Fujitsuallyourrejects: Extract the deb manually, perhaps.08:12
RaspberryFujitsu, so I don't know how we could push to a new deb later like allyourrejects notes08:12
FujitsuOr just replace the broken files, then upgrade to the new package properly.08:12
Raspberryi tried replacing the files manually but there were lots of issues with the lib64 directory and all the symlinks08:12
allyourrejectsi suppose i could do that08:12
Fujitsu*properly after rebooting.08:12
allyourrejectsbut, i'm very.. clean. and i like my system to be 100% clean ;)08:13
Raspberryallyourrejects, you're running an alpha release08:13
allyourrejectsdoesn't mean its not clean08:13
FujitsuSo do I. I don't see how it compromises cleanness for more than a few hours.08:13
Raspberrythis brightness getting set to 0 thing is really annoying08:13
FujitsuRaspberry: Intel?08:13
RaspberryFujitsu, yeah08:13
FujitsuOr Thinkpad?08:13
Raspberrybroke after kernel -11  thinkpad x61t08:13
allyourrejectsFujitsu: even the idea that some crud could be left over from the copy, i'll just reinstall easy enough08:13
FujitsuAh yes, I saw some stuff about that.08:13
telexiconwhos bad idea was that08:13
FujitsuIt's known.08:14
telexiconubuntustats account doesnt match launchpad account?08:14
Raspberryall the brightness stuff worked up until alpha5 -- yeah, I chimed in on the bugs08:14
telexiconer.. ubuntu brainstorm*08:14
Fujitsutelexicon: It's being worked on.08:14
FujitsuIt requires some supporting functionality from Launchpad which isn't quite done yet.08:14
Raspberrythe libc6 issue seems to be fixed with the cp --parents libc6... still waiting for everything to start up08:14
telexiconRaspberry, you can test without rebooting by doing a chroot08:15
Raspberrytelexicon, yeah I saw that :)08:15
FujitsuRaspberry: If that doesn't work, there's something very, very wrong.08:16
Raspberryshould I purge the bad libc6 out of my archive cache or just wait a few hrs until it's skipped completely08:16
RaspberryI'd like to install the other 82 updates08:17
telexiconRaspberry, use apt preferences file08:17
FujitsuRaspberry: Safest to remove it from the cache, though you won't be able to upgrade automatically afterwards.08:17
FujitsuUnless you do as telexicon said.08:17
Raspberrytelexicon, I saw your apt prefs file08:17
RaspberryI think for amd64 I have to do libc6-i386 instead of i68608:19
XiXaQcan someone help me confirm my bug? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/gnome-screensaver/filelist refers to files in /usr/share/screensavers, but I have no such directory.. Do you?08:21
Raspberryso do I pull that stuff out of the preferences file tomorrow?  or is there something with the Pin-Priority that llows it to update again later?08:21
vega--XiXaQ: where do you see /usr/share/screensavers in that list?08:25
XiXaQhehe, thank you.. I guess I've been at it for too long.. :)08:26
XiXaQi forgot applications. :)08:26
mithrooh why does my fonts look like arse now? I can barely use my computer :(08:27
=== isaac_ is now known as isaac
YazzYhi guys08:28
YazzYi've some issues with hardy update from today08:28
YazzYi get lots of issues witrh free()08:28
YazzYlike when running sudo: *** glibc detected *** sudo: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7d84b70 ***08:28
YazzYapplications dont start08:28
YazzYI can't even su -08:29
oxigendang :/ i can't boot any more :(08:29
YazzYit just says:08:30
YazzYmalloc: unknown:0: assertion botched08:30
YazzYfree: called with unallocated block argument08:30
telexiconYazzY, yea dont update08:30
YazzYtelexicon: i need to know hwo to fix it now08:30
oxigeni saw warning too late :(08:30
telexiconYazzY, manually copy over the older version of libc608:30
telexiconYazzY, you'll have to use a livecd08:31
telexiconYazzY, or reinstall08:31
YazzYah, it's the libc608:31
henkjanhmm, lucky me08:31
henkjanmost days i first look at the topic in #ubuntu+1 before dist-upgrading :)08:31
ethana3oh joy08:33
gordonjcpcan't they test the packages before they release?08:34
ethana3you are the guinea pig.08:34
gordonjcpdevelopment != broken08:34
ethana3perhaps they should have one test machine08:35
ethana3ok, so if i screwed over my system with libc608:35
ethana3and do not have a recent livecd...08:35
ethana3is there a .deb i can install to override the updated one?08:35
YazzYethana3: can you even sudo ?08:36
YazzYi cant08:36
gordonjcpalthough I suppose if they haven't got a stable version of Gutsy yet, what chance has Hardy got?08:36
ethana3terminal won't open08:36
YazzYkonsole works here08:36
ethana3that's actually why i upgraded08:36
ethana3i do have kde4.....08:36
YazzYgordonjcp: stick to freebsd for stability then ;)08:37
ethana3by the way, hardy actually does have a chance08:37
ethana3back in gutsy08:38
ethana3GPU people hadn't started throwing specs at us yet08:38
Fujitsugordonjcp: Where is the instability in Gutsy? Hardy is allowed to be broken.08:38
ethana3Fujitsu: everywhere08:38
ethana3probably X08:38
Fujitsuethana3: `everywhere'.How very useful.08:38
YazzYxen doesnt work either08:39
ethana3...which is why i'm on Hardy now08:39
YazzYthats why i upgraded to hardy08:39
ethana3so basically08:39
YazzYFujitsu: everything coredumped with xen kernels08:39
ethana3we all upgraded because we saw no other way to get the latest working stable drivers for our stuff08:40
Raspberrywhich was my complaint against Gutsy too08:41
ethana3that's a good thing maybe kinda08:41
Raspberrylots of things didn't work and the devs said, we're not going to fix it ... it'll be fixed in Hardy08:41
savvas00Raspberry: did you manage to fix it?08:41
ethana3hardware support got so much better we all had to have the new thing08:41
Raspberrysavvas00, the libc6 thing?08:41
FujitsuYazzY: That's Xen. Xen is thpecial.08:42
Raspberryyes -- I booted from a livecd and did the cp --parents command that is listed in the topic's link08:42
FujitsuThough I'm using it fine on Gutsy.08:42
FujitsuWith insane load on 4 CPUs.08:42
Raspberryso I haven't used KVM08:42
ethana3userful won't let me do ctrl+alt+F2...08:42
FujitsuRaspberry: We only fix very nasty bugs in previous releases.08:42
zenmaeI just got an error from updating libc, --configure gives segmentation fault08:42
RaspberryFujitsu, last time I check Gutsy was the current release ;)08:43
FujitsuIf we fixed all bugs in previous releases, there'd be no point having a development release in the first place. And we don't have enough manpower.08:43
ethana3Get Google in on it08:43
FujitsuRaspberry: It's not the development release. Therefore it comes under my definition of previous.08:43
ethana3They'd love to help08:43
ethana3and they'd rock08:43
RaspberryFujitsu, I know :)  I appreciate the work ... but having it take 3 months to fix OpenGL / MESA is kinda ridiculous08:43
Raspberrythat is working now08:44
FujitsuRaspberry: What's broken about it?08:44
savvas00I get a vol_id problem now during bootup08:44
Raspberrywith the new Mesa packages from tonight08:44
ethana3Broken is to be expected08:44
FujitsuIs this Gutsy or Hardy?08:44
ethana3broken != my system is hosed08:44
Fujitsuethana3: Why not?08:44
RaspberryFujitsu, broken in both -- still broken in Gutsy ... but now fixed in Hardy as of todya08:44
FujitsuWhy can't it eat your hat?08:44
telexiconso bugs _arent_ fixed after a version is released08:44
ethana3because it's a matter of who fixes it08:44
FujitsuRaspberry: Not for all graphics adapters, though.08:44
telexiconsee i had a sneaking suspicion that that was the case08:44
ethana3i just update again if something's 'broken'08:44
Fujitsutelexicon: They are, but only important ones.08:45
RaspberryFujitsu, just graphic drivers using the MESA libraries08:45
telexiconthats lousy08:45
Raspberrywhich apparently doesn't effect nvidia since they bundle their own glx08:45
telexiconstupid annoying bugs are important too08:45
heanolwhere can i find a recent, working libc6 package to replace my broken with?08:45
ethana3Am I correct in saying that this libc6 thing /will/ require direct intervention on my part?08:45
FujitsuRaspberry: Uh, I use OpenGL on Intel-based Gutsy machines everywhere.08:45
Raspberryheanol, follow the link in the topic08:45
telexiconethana3, yes08:45
Fujitsutelexicon: But there is a risk of regressions, and a lack of manpower, etc.08:45
ethana3ok then, best be starting...08:45
telexiconFujitsu, well when it already crashes08:46
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:46
RaspberryFujitsu, really? try using an app like Return to Castle Wolfenstein that makes use of the 3d libraries and it will dump X08:46
ethana3i can't copy that link with pidgin08:46
RaspberryFujitsu, maybe it's only with the 945 thru 965 cards08:46
ethana3so if i close an app... it's not coming back.08:46
ethana3thank you08:46
telexiconhow many ubuntu developers are there?08:47
Raspberrythey weren't even going to fix it in Hardy until I personally had to make a big deal about the fix being released a month and a half ago08:47
Raspberrythen it was fixed in two weeks08:47
Fujitsutelexicon: A little over 100, but most are inactive.08:47
Raspberrythey set it to "won't fix..." with an explaination of "it's a bug in MESA... not our problem"08:47
telexiconhow many canonical employed developers are there?08:47
FujitsuOr only a little active (like me, though I do a fair bit of security stuff)08:47
Fujitsutelexicon: Good question. I'm not quite sure.08:48
FujitsuRaspberry: I doubt that.08:48
Raspberrythen I went and looked throug hthe MESA bugs on freedesktop and they had released a fix a month in January -- and it only took me 30 seconds to find... I posted the link and they changed the bug from "won't fix" to "alpha5" then "alpha6" then "beta1"08:48
RaspberryFujitsu, i'll pull up the bug for ya08:48
telexiconxnest is broken in hardy too08:49
Fujitsutelexicon: Have you filed a bug?08:49
oxigendang, i really dont like to spend 14 days again with all this installing... now i have additional problem because i'm on 64 bit and rt version, any solution for this?08:49
telexiconwell no  its the gdmflexiserver --xnest08:49
telexiconok ill go file a bug08:50
Raspberry!bug 17829208:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178292 in mesa "3D-Accelerated Games cause X to crash with Intel Driver" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17829208:50
Fujitsutelexicon: Thankyou. We can't fix things if we don't know they're broken.08:50
RaspberryI don't know if ou can look at the history of the status changes and Importance08:50
FujitsuRaspberry: /me looks. BRW, you don't need the ! at the start.08:50
telexiconFujitsu, should i file two bugs? because it seems there are two issues08:50
RaspberryFujitsu, k :)08:50
FujitsuYou can, to an extent, see the history of changes to a bug.08:50
Fujitsutelexicon: Sure, if there are actually two issues.08:51
telexiconFujitsu, one that key responses seem to be messed up, i notice it when typing my password, repeating some characters multiple times gets ignored every other time08:51
Fujitsutelexicon: When holding keys down, or also when pressing them each time?08:51
telexiconFujitsu, and then after logging in, it doesnt start gnome-session, it just goes back to the login prompt08:51
telexiconFujitsu, pressing them each time08:52
telexiconFujitsu, i have to press it 3 times to get the 2 characters08:52
savvas00hah, the new kernel wasn't installed correctly08:52
FujitsuRaspberry: Were you referring to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/178292/comments/5?08:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178292 in mesa "3D-Accelerated Games cause X to crash with Intel Driver" [Medium,Fix released]08:52
savvas00let's hope chroot fixes it08:52
telexiconFujitsu, so if that sounds like 2 bugs, then ill file 2 reports08:52
Fujitsutelexicon: Yep, file 2.08:52
RaspberryFujitsu, no.  this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/178292/comments/2208:53
Raspberrythat's my comment08:53
RaspberryI actually linked to the upstream bugfix08:53
Raspberryit is a real pain to compile MESA / Intel drivers from git08:54
FujitsuRaspberry: I meant the comment where they marked it as Won't Fix, and said it was MESA's problem.08:54
Raspberryah ... comment 5 was a it's not a wine issue08:54
GriswoldThere a Wine problem?08:55
Raspberrythey must have changed it to Won't Fix around the 28th or 29th of february... because that's when my "here's the fix" post was submitted :P08:55
malnilionHehe, looks like Gris has his client set to hilite on mention of wine :)08:55
GriswoldHeh :p08:55
GriswoldI do some Wine development08:55
GriswoldMainly trying to fix up out cursor code08:56
FujitsuRaspberry: I see it was set to Invalid at one point.08:56
malnilionGriswold, that sounds like a good thing :)08:56
Griswoldmalnilion, Yeah :)08:56
FujitsuBut that's only because it was a bug in the mesa package, rather than the -intel driver. That's not ignoring it, that's moving it to where the right Ubuntu developers will see it.08:56
GriswoldI am also implementing some stuff for YokoZar (the Ubuntu Wine packager)08:57
FujitsuYou would have probably got an `Also affects: mesa (Ubuntu)' at the bottom of the email changing it to Invalid.08:57
malnilionGriswold, will the cursor eventually not change to the ugly windows-esque cursor?08:57
Griswoldmalnilion, Eventually :)08:57
GriswoldBut that is a long ways off.  :\08:57
GriswoldNeed to move a bunch of code around and rewrite some of it before that happens08:57
RaspberryFujitsu, sorry look at this one... maybe this is the one that they flagged as "Won't Fix" :P  bug 12083408:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120834 in mesa "intel gm965 freezes with 3d applications" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12083408:58
RaspberryI think I might have made the initial bug I sent you a duplicate of this one08:58
FujitsuRaspberry: Can't see it there either.08:59
Griswoldmalnilion, Am working on fixing some other stuff first - namely animated cursors and out cursor/icon loading code08:59
Raspberrybasically the bug they linked to had a link to another bug that had the fix since early January ... and I know these were all set to won't fix because they said they were waiting for the upstream to fix it09:00
Raspberrybut it was already fixed upstream09:00
malnilionGriswold, that'll be good for the time being :D09:00
Raspberryapparently it was forked? or not commited to the stable trunk ... something like that09:00
RaspberryI just tested things though -- and 3d is now working09:00
GriswoldSometimes Wine gets confused with whether we have a cursor or an icon and gives a slightly wrong offset for the bitmap header, and then it crashes games like FEAR09:01
Raspberryalthough I still only get 2.2fps in Tux Racer :)09:01
FujitsuRaspberry: That's debateably a valid use of Won't Fix, but there's no one opinion on whether it's right.09:01
Griswold(Only program I have seen, actually, that *crashes* because of the failed cursor load)09:01
GriswoldDon't expect animated cursor support anytime soon, though.09:01
GriswoldI have to move a lot of code around before I can really write that09:01
FujitsuWon't Fix might mean it's intended behaviour, or it could really mean Won't Fix Here (ie. it's upstream's problem)...09:02
telexiconbut what do you do if it is the upstreams problem and they put the fix in a different release?09:02
GriswoldBasically, MS decided that applications can edit the cursor directly in memory for Win16, and then in Win32 they changed it.  For WinXP, we have animated cursors, which require a different structure.09:02
telexiconthe bug just stays around?09:02
Raspberrybut they flagged it as won't fix after the fix had already been released but there was no intention of adding the fixed code into the ubuntu package until the fixed code was pointed out to them... they were just going to "wait" for a fix09:02
telexiconthat doesnt seem like a reasonable solution09:02
ethana3wait, how long ago exactly was libc6 frozen?09:03
Fujitsutelexicon: Then you note that upstream say's it's fixed, and look at the bug again.09:03
FujitsuRaspberry: Hmmm, that sounds really wrong.09:03
telexiconFujitsu, will ubuntu devs pull patches from upstream to fix bugs in current versions?09:03
Fujitsuethana3: A couple of hours, but mirrors will take a while to update.09:03
GriswoldSo I have to 1) change the structure, 2) without changing the structure :P  Basically, the idea is to store the cursor somewhere else and have two cursors in memory and feed the application the right one09:03
Fujitsutelexicon: Current versions of what? Ubuntu, or upstream versions of packages?09:03
savvas00how do I check out the total size of a folder?09:03
ethana3a couple of hours.....  well my system seems bork, so i must have managed to get it /right/ before it was.09:03
Raspberrynotice how the freedesktop fix was released in early January... and they didn't "fix" this until today -- noting that they added in the fixed code after I pointed out the fix09:03
savvas00in a terminal of course09:04
Fujitsusavvas00: du -ch somedir09:04
telexiconFujitsu, use fixes from a newer upstream version to fix a bug in a current ubuntu package09:04
FujitsuHm, -sh, probably.09:04
Griswoldsavvas00, du -h09:04
savvas00ok :)09:04
* Adys confirms q broken libc6 is PAIN to fix09:04
Fujitsu-s for summary, -h for human-readable.09:04
Raspberryhere's the upstream bug... https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=930709:04
ubotuFreedesktop bug 9307 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "[965g]: Consistent crashes in any GL application with DRI enabled" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]09:04
malnilionGriswold, figures, MS makes things complicated that shouldn't be complicated09:04
Griswoldmalnilion, Yep yep.09:04
savvas00hm it'll fit09:05
GriswoldSo I have to go do a *bunch* of work to get animated cursors working properly.  :\09:05
GriswoldIt will happen, just not anytime soon.09:05
RaspberryFujitsu, oops -- that's not my bug :P09:05
ethana3i think i have one machine that updated /after/ the libc6 freeze, i'll check09:05
RaspberryTHIS bug... https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1349209:05
ubotuFreedesktop bug 13492 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "965GM wine Messa crash when using DRI. Google-earth is also dying with error related to the mesa package" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]09:05
FujitsuBug #178292, or bug #185423?09:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178292 in mesa "3D-Accelerated Games cause X to crash with Intel Driver" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17829209:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185423 in wine "Wine crashes and close my session went to login screen (dup-of: 178292)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18542309:06
RaspberryFujitsu, they're all caused by the same MESA library issue09:06
Raspberrydifferent issues, but the same MESA library :)09:07
FujitsuRight, the former is the one you referenced earlier.09:07
Raspberryand I marked 185423 as a dup of 178292 this week09:07
pwnguinwhat's the name of the program / applet / logout dialo that appears when you hit quit in GNOME?09:08
Fujitsupwnguin: It's part of gnome-session, I think.09:09
RaspberryI just think it would be a bad idea to have released hardy without this fixed and that is what was going to happen09:09
Raspberrybecause this problem exists in gutsy09:09
FujitsuRaspberry: It would be very bad to release it with that, you're right.09:09
Raspberryanyway -- on the positive side.. I've learned that we can make a difference alpha testing and I'm trying to register the bugs I find and find fixes for them upstream if I can and post that into the bugs09:10
YazzYi copied over the old libc6 and linked it to libc.so09:10
philip__for libc6 fix, should i do amaranth's "cp --parents `dpkg -L libc6 | xargs` /path/to/mounted/partition/" or should I follow eTM_'s solution of extracting the libc6 package over?09:10
YazzYubt i still get the same malloc errors09:10
FujitsuYazzY: What arch?09:10
RaspberryFujitsu, my next thing to get on the devs about is Xournal is unusable in Hardy, but worked fine in Gutsy09:10
YazzYFujitsu: x8609:11
FujitsuYazzY: Ensure you've done libc6-i686 as well.09:11
pwnguinRaspberry: what model of tablet have you?09:11
RaspberryFujitsu, I have a tablet and I used to take notes in Linux, but since I updated to Hardy, I can't ...09:11
Raspberrypwnguin, ThinkPad x61t09:11
pwnguinand whats unusable about it?09:11
h3sp4wnthat is a little annoying09:11
YazzYFujitsu: what do you mean by "Ive done" _09:11
FujitsuRaspberry: I see you've filed a bug.09:11
FujitsuWith a very nice number.09:11
h3sp4wnIt certainly wasn't locked in the archive 30 secs ago09:11
RaspberryFujitsu, I know I was thinking what else could I file to hit 200000 :P09:12
Fujitsuh3sp4wn: Depends on which mirror you're using.09:12
Raspberrypwnguin, see bug #19999909:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199999 in xournal "Cursor moves but does not show drawn line in real-time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19999909:12
YazzYFujitsu: /lib/libc.so.6 points now to /lib/libc/2.6.1.so, what else do ineed to do?09:12
h3sp4wnFujitsu: gb.a09:12
h3sp4wnor de.archive I forget on that box09:13
Raspberryit makes it unusable because you can't see what you're writing until you've released the pressure on the pen09:13
FujitsuYazzY: You probably need to extract the whole old libc6 and libc6-i686.09:13
RaspberryCellWriter works -- so it's something that Xournal is attached to ...a nd the Gnome "Journal" version doesn't seem to exist anymore09:13
pwnguinRaspberry: i cant duplicate it09:13
pwnguinit works fairly smoothly here09:13
Raspberryis there a working screen capture app in Hardy?  I'll screen capture some video here09:13
h3sp4wnyou can just use dpkg --root= (What that is designed for)09:13
isaacRaspberry: several ones09:14
isaacRaspberry: recordmydesktop09:14
isaacRaspberry: istanbul09:14
YazzYFujitsu: ive us keyboad now and i cant find the ' sign on mine which is norwegian, could you type it for me here?/09:14
pwnguin!info gournal09:14
Fujitsuh3sp4wn: Well, it was blocked on a.u.c a ocouple of hours back, so it might not have propgated.09:14
ubotugournal (source: gournal): Note taking application for non-windows platforms. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1 (hardy), package size 71 kB, installed size 332 kB09:14
FujitsuYazzY: Which? " ' `?09:14
Raspberrypwnguin, I've tried with the pen and with the cursor with a fresh copy of xorg.conf09:14
Raspberrypwnguin, cursor ... I mean mouse09:14
YazzYthe ` one , thanks ,Fujitsu09:14
FujitsuYazzY: It's a backtick, and is on the tilde key on most European keyboards.09:15
Raspberryisaac, thanks -- I was trying ScreenKast and that just crashed my desktop09:15
YazzYok, cp --parents `dpkg -L libc6| xargs` /mnt/ is done09:15
pwnguinRaspberry: is Use XInput enabled?09:15
YazzYFujitsu: you mean i should also run libc6-i686 as well?09:16
FujitsuYazzY: Probably.09:16
Raspberrypwnguin, no09:16
h3sp4wnFujitsu: what do you mean by "Blocked"09:16
Raspberrypwnguin, not in the xorg.conf09:16
h3sp4wnremoved ?09:16
YazzYFujitsu: when i run the command i typed in ebfore, it says something like cp: omitting directory `/.'09:16
Fujitsuh3sp4wn: chmod -r09:16
YazzYcp: omitting directory `/lib'09:16
pwnguinRaspberry: in xournal09:16
YazzYFujitsu: does it look correct ?09:17
ethana3emailed link to fix to myself... rebooting onto livecd09:17
FujitsuYazzY: COmmand is wrong. The second backtick goes before the pipe.09:17
Raspberrypwnguin, I see there's a bug here 18499609:17
Raspberrypwnguin, bug #18499609:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184996 in xournal "Annotation tools are broken in hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18499609:17
Raspberrypwnguin, yes it is enabled in Xournal09:18
YazzYFujitsu: now it says following:09:18
YazzYcp --parents `dpkg -L libc6`| xargs /mnt/09:18
YazzYcp: target `/lib/libutil.so.1' is not a directory09:18
YazzYxargs: /mnt/: Permission denied09:18
Raspberrypwnguin, if I uncheck it ... it works fine :p09:18
pwnguinwell then, problem solved!09:18
RaspberryI'll note that in my bug09:18
FujitsuWait, that command looks very wrong.09:18
RaspberryI guess I don't know what XInput does relative to the app and I've asked the question in here for a few weeks before posting the bug :P09:19
Adysto those who upgraded to libc6; were you able to get a root commandline after booting?09:19
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: type ls /mnt09:19
h3sp4wnAdys: No09:19
Adysright just checking09:19
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: its my root partition09:19
pwnguinX11 assumes a set of core input devices, a mouse, keyboard etc09:19
h3sp4wnAdys: actually I think I have sash09:19
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: i have only one more mounted as /home09:19
pwnguinXInput is a protocol to enable more advanced things like wacom pointers09:19
FujitsuYazzY: Apparently the backtick afterwards was correct, though that syntax is strange.09:20
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pwnguinit'll probably be discared in the future in favor of MPX, or merged, i donno09:20
DrUnKnMuNkYcommand should be cp --parents `dpkg -L libc6 | xargs` /mnt09:20
muszek__libc can be downloaded... at least I did it 10 minutes ago09:20
Fujitsumuszek__: From some mirrors.09:20
pwnguinthe MPX guy complained that there was only 1 app that used Xinput, GIMP09:20
pwnguinhe should complain that there's two09:20
YazzYmuszek__: and downgraded?09:20
FujitsuWe can't do anything to make mirrors update faster.09:20
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: just did it by self a few minutes ago unfortunately09:20
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: did what?09:21
muszek__YazzY: I haven't done anything yet... spent those 10 minutes trying to get here09:21
RaspberryFujitsu, not even if you rub them with Cheetah Blood?09:21
pwnguinRaspberry: what digitizer does that tablet use?09:21
YazzYthe comand09:21
Raspberrypwnguin, serial-based wacom09:21
YazzYmuszek__: where did you grab the package?09:21
Raspberrypwnguin, there are two models a lower res touch-screen model and a higher res (1400x1050) tablet only09:23
Raspberryand I have the higher res09:23
WelshDragonIs there any way to fix glibc without involving a restart or is that the only way?09:23
pwnguinRaspberry: mine's 1440x90009:23
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4506412&postcount=5709:23
pwnguinRaspberry: does your right click work right by default?09:24
Raspberrypwnguin, no... I have to setup all the buttons in the xorg.conf09:24
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: i had to run dpkg -i libc* twice to get the packages to install btw09:24
Raspberrypwnguin, otherwise the eraser tip and right click don't work09:24
Raspberrypwnguin, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Wacom_Serial_Tablet_PC_Stylus09:24
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: you had downloaded the packages and installed them then ?09:24
pwnguinright, but i have this problem where buttons 1 and 2 are switched09:25
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: i thought you fixed it with the cp command09:25
NineTeen67CometHi all .. I've got 2.6.12-generic running and attempting to fire up VirtualBox .. after setting it all up I click start and it tells me .. "Virtualbox kernel driver not installed" then tells me to modprobe the vboxdrv .. I try and it fails, telling my to look at dmesg, but I don't see anything erronious in dmesg .. help?09:25
sdh"package locked in archive, cannot be downloaded" <-- i just did09:25
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: all that allowed me to do was to chroot into the partition09:25
pwnguinRaspberry: yea, i know. handy resource, even for my toshiba tecra m709:25
FujitsuNineTeen67Comet: Do you have the appropriate virtualbox modules package installed?09:25
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: i still wasn't able to boot until i reinstalled those packages09:25
Raspberrypwnguin, the tablet is great though... much more sturdy than the Toshiba M200 tablet I had before ... and the screen is always clear... the M200 had that clear cover but had space between the screen and tablet so the longer you used it you got a lot of debris between the clear layers of the screen09:26
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: i may be doing something wrong, do i need to chroot to my partition after i booted livecd and ran the cp command?09:26
NineTeen67CometFujitsu: Um, I did vbox-ose ose-source and ose-module (it took with it 2.14.12 and i386 modules..)09:26
Raspberrypwnguin, and you couldn't remove the clear cover without unscrewing it and Toshiba said that'd void the warranty09:26
* NineTeen67Comet virtualbox-ose- etc etc09:26
WelshDragonHmmm, Is there a way to open the terminal from the liveCD, using the libc from the liveCD, while being booted into hardy?09:26
Raspberrypwnguin, so I'll clean it when the warranty expires in another year09:26
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: you should do it while you're still in the livecd09:26
h3sp4wnWelshDragon: Is your shell working ?09:26
WelshDragonive got a shell open09:27
malnilionRaspberry, that'd be really annoying, I bet09:27
Raspberrypwnguin, since I've already replaced the keyboard on the toshiba under warranty ...09:27
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: do what exactly?09:27
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: chroot?09:27
NineTeen67CometWelshDragon: Can you chroot into the live cd? .. I'm not sure how you'd do it, but it could get ugly .. lol09:27
h3sp4wnWelshDragon: Yeah but is it actually still working09:27
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Raspberrymalnilion, here's what you have to do to clean it... http://www.telusplanet.net/~mykl/one.jpg09:27
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: chroot and then dpkg -i the pacakges?09:27
h3sp4wn(I would guess it won't let you sudo)09:27
WelshDragonsome things are some things are h3sp4wn...like apt isn't...but cp is...09:27
WelshDragoni'll try a sudo now09:28
sdhyeah i can't su or sudo sadly and have no root console open09:28
pwnguinRaspberry: what i find silly though is that part at the end of the wiki where you bind button 1 to button 1, and so on09:28
WelshDragonok no sudo :(09:28
SlimGIs there a particular reason for why the hardy .iso filenames doesn't identify the content (gnome/kde and alpha version number) ?09:28
gordonjcpFujitsu: Gutsy ships a lot of frankly knackered audio packages09:28
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: yes. chroot then dpkg -i the packages. you're already root once you've chrooted so no need to sudo. you need to move the packages onto the hard drive before you can do that though09:28
Raspberrypwnguin, heh yeah -- I didn't have to bind button one... I only had to bind button 3 to button 2 and button 2 to button 3 :P09:28
h3sp4wnI need to find the alpha 4 live usb I had somewhere09:28
Raspberryh3sp4wn, I burned a new Alpha6 CD and that worked :)09:29
pwnguini have button2 bound to button 309:29
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: but the cp command you run without chrooting, right ?09:29
h3sp4wnRaspberry: No CD drive (without moving tons of stuff)09:29
pwnguinmaybe that other part will help with eraser tip identification09:29
[Hardy]TuTUXGvirtualbox is obtained by SUN09:29
DrUnKnMuNkYYazzY: correct. cp the files before you chroot. sorry if my instructions are a little confusing.. it's 5:30 am for me and i need to sleep09:29
YazzYDrUnKnMuNkY: ok, np, thanks09:30
pwnguinRaspberry: cellwriter's pretty neat. i should start a bounty to get it to dock correctly09:30
Raspberryvery interesting09:30
h3sp4wn[Hardy]TuTUXG: Do they support Solaris at the moment ?09:30
Raspberrypwnguin, I know the developer -- he lives in town here :)09:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGh3sp4wn, i think so09:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGh3sp4wn, check their home page09:30
pwnguini made sure it got into hardy ;)09:30
Raspberrypwnguin, there's a big Linux community in the Minneapolis / St Paul Minnesota area -- we've got Codeweavers here too :)09:30
malnilionRaspberry, yeah, at some point I'm going to have to replace the screen in my HP laptop09:31
Kejk_PLeh, I upgraded libc6 ;P09:31
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Raspberrymalnilion, the IBM are using a new technology... there's no space between the screens -- so you can't get dust in there09:31
Kejk_PLi'll try that workaaround :)09:31
Raspberrymalnilion, I've very impressed -- it gets lots of fingerprints on it though because of the antiglare coating, but when the backlight is on you can't see them09:32
pwnguinRaspberry: i imagine the space between the digitizer and the lcd prevents you from ruining the lcd09:32
pwnguinvia pressure09:32
pwnguinRaspberry: ultimately, I'd like to see about running ubuntu-mobile on tablets09:33
Raspberrypwnguin, yeah -- but there's something new with the ThinkPad X6109:33
Wobbois it only the libc6-i686 package that shouldn't be updated?09:34
malnilionNothing libc6 should be upgraded09:35
ethana2thank goodness for livecds09:35
malnilionWobbo, but you don't really have to worry since the dl has been blocked09:35
Wobbothat is the only libc package in my list09:35
Wobbomalnilion, strange i updated an half hour ago and it broke my comp, i fixed thanks to the posts in the forum09:36
pwnguinRaspberry: you'll like this09:36
ubotuSourceforge bug 1891727 "linuxwacom 0.7.9 + Xorg 7.3 XInput issues" [Pri: 5,Open]09:36
Fujitsumalnilion: Not all mirrors have updated yet.09:36
RaspberryI would have bought an IBM Tablet 2 years ago when I bought my Toshiba, but they didn't have them then :)09:36
malnilionFujitsu, my bad, noted :)09:37
malnilionWobbo, also you might have the bad deb still cached09:37
pwnguinthey did09:37
pwnguinthey were just massively outdated09:37
Wobbolol, i just pressed update again, and see "configuring libc6" i guess i have to fix my computer again =D09:37
Raspberryhey, there it is...09:37
Raspberry* Short fix without recompiling: uncheck the "Use XInput" box in the09:37
RaspberryOptions menu09:37
mikloops, now my bash is broken...09:39
miklis there a way to log in with another shell, bypassing bash?09:39
h3sp4wn(or busybox but you need them installed already)09:41
BUGabund1now I read the topic!!!09:41
BUGabund1getting core dumps and seg faults09:41
h3sp4wnIt won't work unless its statically linked09:42
miklBUGabund1: yeah, me too09:42
BUGabund1still no bug on LP?09:42
BUGabund1all there are there are old09:42
Raspberrypwnguin, thanks -- I made notes to the sf.net bug in my xournal bugs I'm watching -- I see both issues mentioned in the sf notes09:42
Raspberrypwnguin, might have to have these bugs associated with the wacom drivers instead of xournal09:43
savvasaaand we're back09:43
Raspberrypwnguin, interesting http://quill.sourceforge.net/09:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "Hardy: "invalid pointer: 0xb7ef4b70" no program will start." [Critical,Fix released]09:44
h3sp4wn(There is 15 duplicates as well should be fixed)09:44
BUGabund1thanks h3sp4wn09:44
pwnguinRaspberry: i'd call it an "also affects"09:44
Raspberrypwnguin, I'll ask Michael (cellwriter dev) about the docking issues next time I talk to him09:44
pwnguinRaspberry: ive already spoken with him a bit about it (please do ask if theres any progress); apparently the current theory is metacity allows only gnome-panel to create "struts"09:45
muszek__rebooting to live cd... wish me luck09:45
pwnguinRaspberry: not a fan of java or gestures09:48
Raspberrypwnguin, I don't see the bug registered against ubuntu anywhere... although there are a lot of wacom bugs open09:48
pwnguinRaspberry: vista added gestures and they're dumb09:48
pwnguinRaspberry: then add it ;)09:48
pwnguinit's already filed upstream thouhg09:49
pwnguinseems like duplicating work09:49
Raspberrypwnguin, interesting request bug #9045109:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90451 in hal "Add Tablet PC support (patch included)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9045109:49
Raspberryit was submitted a year ago ... so maybe this year :)09:49
astanhey. is it possible to make the root fs with XFS filesystem using alternate installer?09:50
pwnguinRaspberry: you think it enables automatic rotation support?09:51
RaspberryI've used OpenSuSE it does more than that09:51
Raspberrythe Pen just works by checking a box09:51
Raspberryand it knows everything about it ... and you can say this is eraser, this is right click... et al09:52
ethana2cp: omitting directory `lib'      ...why??09:52
Raspberrycheck out OpenSuSE 11 -- it's very cool... just updating packages is very slow09:52
ethana2i'm trying to un-bork my hardy install09:52
ethana2why does cp omit the directory?09:53
Raspberrypwnguin, I think providing better support for UMPCs, Tablets, Media Centers, et al is a good way for Linux / Ubuntu to gain marketshare... Tablets and things like that are all after-thoughts on Windows / Mac (not really supported at all) -- and so having it just work because of the modular design of linux would allow for a larger user base09:53
Q-FUNKah. I was gonna asked if fixed libc6 packages have been uploaded... :)09:53
cprovhi, I've installed the broken libc package and rebooted (!!!) I'm using a X61, so no CD whatsoever. I can boot into the initramfs. Would it be possible to mount a pen-drive ?09:53
Raspberrypwnguin, mythtv is great for the media center...  CellWriter Xournal and other apps are great for Tablets09:53
emgentit's broken only in i386...09:54
pwnguinRaspberry: if you havent heard, Intel contracted canonical to write a UPMC version of ubuntu09:54
Raspberrypwnguin, hadn't heard -- very cool09:54
Raspberrypwnguin,  I've been working with Adobe to port Lightroom or at least get it 100% functional in WINE09:54
LeerokTheLacertaThe only thing I have to complain about is that Ubuntu doesn't run well on computers with 350Mhz and 64MB of RAM09:55
Raspberrypwnguin,  oh ... yeah, I saw that :)  I just didn't want to play around ... since it's not a prime-time thing yet :)09:55
emgentsee  https://launchpad.net/bugs/20167309:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "Hardy: "invalid pointer: 0xb7ef4b70" no program will start." [Critical,Fix released]09:55
Raspberrypwnguin, I'd love to try Mobile out on a ASUS Eee PC09:55
Raspberrypwnguin, I'm waiting until the new Eee models are released next month09:55
pwnguinwhat's with the urgency=low on the new libc?09:55
BUGabund1is it fix released or not??09:56
pwnguindoes the new eee have a tablet?09:56
Raspberrypwnguin, says critical here (importance)09:56
Raspberrypwnguin, no :(09:56
pwnguinglibc (2.7-9ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low09:56
Raspberrythat's the new one09:56
RaspberryI thought09:56
Raspberrythat broke everything09:56
ethana2got it unborked by the guide... should work now..09:57
RaspberryI can't check, I purged my logs09:57
pwnguini think it was -ubuntu109:57
Raspberryer I mean my cache09:57
pwnguinlp knows09:57
pwnguinyea, this is -ubuntu209:57
pwnguinim just curious now what the urgency line means09:58
RaspberryI just ordered a new Dell XPS One for a customer today -- so we'll see how that loks09:58
Fujitsucprov: You might well be able to. Plug it in and see if the kernel tells you which device it is.09:58
naught101where do I find a java runtime environment in hardy? I have all of them installed (GCJ, sun5, and sun6)09:58
naught101I can find the GCJ one, but open office doesn't like it09:59
FujitsuIf not, you could make the USB flash drive bootable.09:59
Raspberrypwnguin, I've got some "load stations" on a rail guided manufacturing setup that currently run Windows CE with touch screens -- it'd be interesting to have them run Ubuntu Mobile instead because there's no support for CE anymore09:59
pwnguini doubt you can get it to run on them09:59
RaspberryI've got some custom apps that interface with the RS232 on these $750,000 machines -- it's all JAVA so it'd be nice if we could run it straight from the load stations10:00
pwnguinwince isnt quite the MID10:00
Raspberryall the WINCE stations use is IE to view a webpage hosted by the controller that displays the parts currently being machined10:01
pwnguinRaspberry: well, in the past i'd been trying it out via an second x server10:01
pwnguinyou can at least see how what you'd be starting from10:01
Raspberrypwnguin, have you used KVM yet?10:01
pwnguinto switch keyboards?10:01
pwnguinthen no10:01
pwnguinim not a big fan of virtualization10:02
RaspberryUbuntu has ditched Xen in 8.04 and is now support KVM10:02
pwnguinwhich apparently makes me a heretic10:02
RaspberryI was going to get XEN working, but Ubuntu's Wiki says No10:02
pwnguinwell, less kernel devs slaving on xen compatibility10:02
pwnguinhas to be a good thing10:02
heanolno xen at all in 8.04?10:03
Raspberryi'm sure it'll still be around10:03
FujitsuRaspberry: It hasn't been ditched, it is simply not going to be officially supported. Same as Gutsy.10:03
Yaccihelp! The hibernate-mode doesn't work on my laptop. It goes until a black screen but doesn't turn off power.10:03
heanoli hope it's not even more buggy than in gutsy10:03
heanolgutsy xen is buggy as hell..10:03
Fujitsuheanol: WOrks fine for me. What issues do you have?10:03
Raspberrywhich is why I couldn't use it :)10:03
cprovFujitsu, the kernel sees the new device connected on USB but doesn't list (lsusb) or attach it10:04
heanolFujitsu: I have to add extra='xencons=tty' to the config-file to even get the domU to boot for example10:04
muszek__there are like 5 different solutions to libc6 problem... any suggestion non which one to choose?10:04
RaspberryI wanted to run OpenSuSE because they've got all the XEN stuff nice and packaged with a GUI, but their day-to-day interface (X) usability is horrible..10:04
heanoland change some udev/rtc-stuff every time i create a new domU with xen-create-image10:04
Fujitsucprov: It won't automount, and lsusb probably wants some FS mounted that isn't... Does it mention sdb or something?10:04
heanoland i had to make some clock tweaks10:04
Raspberrymuszek__, the one that references cp --parents10:05
muszek__"sudo dpkg --root=/path/to/mount/point --admindir=/path/to/mountpoint/var/lib/dpkg -i libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb libc6-i686_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb" looks the prettiest...10:05
heanolecho "jiffies" > /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource10:05
heanolecho 1 > /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock10:05
heanollike that..10:05
Yaccihm. What can I do?10:05
Fujitsuheanol: Those are easy to script around, but you have a point.10:05
heanolor the domU would hang/time go crazy10:05
cprovFujitsu, no it just say someting was connected10:05
heanolhad to turn off transmit checksum also10:05
heanolFujitsu: indeed they are, once you figure all the tweaks out :)10:05
muszek__Raspberry: any reason why?  I'd guess that dpkg would solve things better than regular copying of files10:06
Raspberrymuszek__, yeah do that then10:06
henkjanheanol: patch xen-create-image to do that10:06
Fujitsucprov: Try mounting /dev/sdb1 somewhere, I guess. If that doesn't work, we'll have to poke further.10:06
Raspberrybasically when I was setting everything up in XEN it seemed like it was a house of cards -- way too much tweaking10:07
heanolhenkjan: sure10:07
gordonjcpI found Xen to be pretty easy to set up10:07
heanoli'm not saying it's a hard problem to work around once you _know_ what to work around10:07
heanolbut setting it up the first time was quite hard10:07
Raspberrygordonjcp, in Ubuntu?10:07
FujitsuRaspberry: It's very stable for me, and I only needed one change to get things working.10:07
heanolwho knows what new kind of tweaks are needed when i upgrade the server to hardy..10:08
henkjanheanol: i suffered the same issues with gutsy10:08
RaspberryFujitsu, interesting10:08
ethana2ok, i went in at it from a livecd10:08
gordonjcpI especially liked how once it was going, I could just create a new Xen machine and it would create appropriate LVM slices for the disk10:08
pwnguinRaspberry: it's been committed upstream10:08
secretlondonthanks for the libc note, so even -9 borked?10:08
pwnguin(the hal stuff)10:08
ethana2rebooted, and it still didn't like me10:08
cprovFujistsu, nah it doesn't work (tried several devices)10:08
FujitsuThe IO and CPU load on one system is very high, but it works fine.10:08
ethana2i replaced libc6 and libc6-i686 with safe files10:08
henkjanheanol: just stay with your dom0 at gutsy and only use hardy in your domU's10:09
ethana2merging and replacing all, from out of a two .deb files10:09
heanolhenkjan: that's a good idea actually10:09
heanolhow long will gutsy be supported?10:09
ethana2....it still wouldn't boot10:09
henkjanheanol: thats what i'm gonna do10:09
Fujitsucprov: Grumble.10:09
Fujitsucprov: Try modprobing usb_storage10:09
henkjani'm using my dom0 only to control domU's. No other services running on it (exept ssh ofcourse ;) )10:10
ethana2the guide said to check if it was okay by chroot /media/disk10:10
ethana2...it said it couldn't load /bin/bash because of permissions10:10
ethana2i rebooted anyway10:10
Fujitsuethana2: The live CD may have mounted the FS noexec for no particularly good reason.10:10
ethana2Fujitsu: oh, ok10:10
orvokkiCan't you just unmount and remount it then?10:11
FujitsuIn which case it should be fine.10:11
Fujitsuorvokki: Or without the unmounting step, yeah.10:11
ethana2i rebooted back onto the livecd...10:11
ethana2i'll try to mount it now10:11
magnetronhi! i tried to boot the haldy alpha 6 cd in Qemu, but it drops down to a Busybox Ash shell. is there any known workaround?10:11
orvokkiBtw, what's with that libc6 thing?10:11
Raspberryany suggestions on fixing this screen brightness problem with my Laptop LCD10:12
Fujitsuorvokki: Hardy's current libc6 is horribly broken.10:12
FujitsuRaspberry: Wait, as it's known.10:12
RaspberryFujitsu, k :P10:12
naught101Raspberry: does it work by clicking on the battery monitor?10:12
pwnguinit's a known bug; is anyone assigned to it?10:12
ethana2Fujitsu: it mounted it the same way i guess then10:13
muszek__sudo dpkg --root=/media/disk --admindir=/media/disk/var/lib/dpkg -i libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb libc6-i686_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb10:13
muszek__dpkg: syntax error: unknown user `mt-daapd' in statoverride file10:13
ethana2how do i allow it to execute?10:13
Raspberryit's brigher now10:13
RaspberryI moved the brightness applet all the way up to the top and then backlight shut off after 20 min while it was idle10:13
Raspberryand now when I wiggled the mouse to tweak it again the brightness is up10:13
muszek__any help?10:13
Raspberrybut I can't adjust it10:13
Raspberryi'll move it all the way back to the lowest setting and let it idle and see if it'll be dim in 20 min10:14
Fujitsumuszek__: Argh.10:14
Fujitsumuszek__: adduser mt-daapd10:14
FujitsuOn the live CD.10:14
FujitsuThat should fix it.10:14
FujitsuI hope.10:14
cprovFujitsu, slightly better, it attached to a block device, but no mounting yet10:14
muszek__Fujitsu: oko10:14
Fujitsucprov: It might not have a partition table, in which case you'll need to mount the raw device.10:15
ethana2Fujitsu: how do I allow binaries on the partition to be executed?10:15
Fujitsuethana2: Mount it without the noexec option.10:15
Fujitsumount -o remount /path/to/wherever10:15
ethana2oh, ok10:15
Fujitsuremount means you can change the options without unmounting first.10:15
RaspberryI've been keeping notes of everything I change from the standard Ubuntu Install to get the X61t / Tablet working so once Hardy is released I should have a pretty comprehensive document10:16
FujitsuRaspberry: That'd be great to have on the wiki.10:16
RaspberryI need to shoot an email over to a friend of mine @ IBM and find out how to get the WiFi light working...10:16
muszek__Fujitsu: http://pastebin.us/?show=m2ed9eb6e <-- could you  please help me?10:16
henkjan 6142 henkjan   20   0  511m 282m 5116 S  2.0 27.9   1:14.71 evolution-data-10:16
RaspberryFujitsu, I just made a bunch of changes to my notes as the 3d stuff was fixed10:16
henkjanwhy is evolution-data-server so memory hungry10:17
muszek__Fujitsu: should I force it somehow?10:17
henkjani'm not even using evolution10:17
Raspberryhenkjan, but you should be :P10:17
henkjanRaspberry: i'm happy with mutt :)10:17
orvokkiFujitsu: I think I personally like eTM_'s solution to that fixing that breakage. :)10:17
ethana2Fujitsu: didn't seem to work10:17
Raspberryouch ... since I updated to the latest X intel drivers now the system restarted into bulletproof :P10:18
Fujitsumuszek__: Try to use dpkg to remove libc6-i686 first.10:18
ethana2Fujitsu: mount -o remount /media/disk10:18
RaspberryI think I'll try a restart10:18
ethana2Fujitsu: permission is still denied to execut10:18
Fujitsuethana2: You'll probably need to specify /path/to/your/device as well.10:18
Fujitsuethana2: Ah, damn.10:18
FujitsuTry -o remount, exec10:18
ethana2Fujitsu: wow, it still doesn't like it10:19
cprovFujitsu, depite of being recognized as sdb1 it can't be mounted. Could it be because it's a vfat disk ?10:22
cprovFujitsu, do I need any extra k modules to mount vfat ?10:23
Fujitsucprov: Could be. There'll be a module for that, but it might not be in the initramfs :(10:23
Fujitsucprov: Try modprobing vfat, but it may well not be there.10:23
cprovvfat & fat are installed, though10:23
muszek__Fujitsu: ubuntu-minimal depends on libc6-i686. (can't remove)10:23
Fujitsucprov: Hummm.10:24
Fujitsumuszek__: Bah. Just copy the files over manually, I guess.10:24
muszek__Fujitsu: roger10:24
cprovFujitsu, `cfdisk /dev/sdb` fails ... it might indicate something10:25
Fujitsucprov: Is cfdisk actually in the initramfs, though?10:26
ethana3alright, on freenode on both machines now...10:26
ShoopufI have an install CD for Ubuntu 7.10... Can I download a minimal update package to upgrade it to 8.04 ALPHA? Or do I have to download the entire ALPHA install CD?10:26
cprovFujitsu, yes :)10:26
NgShoopuf: upgrading 7.10 or downloading the alpha install CD won't be hugely different in size, in terms of the downoad10:27
ethana3ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -o remount, exec /media/disk      ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /media/disk      chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied10:27
Fujitsucprov: You sure it's sdb?10:28
ethana2Fujitsu: what do you make of that?10:28
bazhangis there a minimal installer for Hardy; or will that only be after final release?10:28
Fujitsuethana2: You didn't manage to chmod -x /bin/bash at some point, did you?10:28
Fujitsubazhang: The alternate installer, you mean?10:28
ethana2I don't believe so....10:29
bazhangFujitsu: nah the 9MB or so minimal iso10:29
cprovFujitsu, the kernel message says so10:29
ethana3chmod +x /media/disk/bin/bash10:29
ethana3can't hurt anything, right?10:29
Fujitsucprov: Do you know if it is meant to have a prtition table?10:29
Fujitsuethana2: That can't kill anything, no.10:30
ethana3ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chmod +x /media/disk/bin/bash        ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /media/disk            chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied10:30
cprovFujitsu, it mounts fine in the mac I'm using right now10:30
Fujitsucprov: Right, but it would have determined that itself...10:31
FujitsuMounting neither sdb nor sdb1 gives useful errors?10:32
cprovFUjitsu, no, if it does they seem to be eaten by dash10:32
FujitsuNothing logged to the console (dmesg)?10:33
bazhangShoopuf: just checking if there is a minimal installer--is that what you wanted or did you want the whole thing: you can do update-manager -d for that via the net if you wish10:33
cprovyes, `dmesg` says it's sdb ... no errors10:34
cprovFUjitsu, am I missing futher usb modules ? `lsmod | grep usb` lists only usb_storage, libusual, scsi_mod and usbcore10:35
ethana3Fujitsu: ...how is this even possible?  Do you know?10:35
FujitsuI'm thoroughly confused, then. In this situation, I'd normally remove the harddisk and fix it on another system, but you likely don't have the hardware to do that for a laptop drive.10:35
Shoopufbazhang: It's alright, I've started downloading alpha although it will take a while. :P10:35
Fujitsucprov: If it can see it as sdb, I doubt you could need any more.10:35
bazhangShoopuf: ah okay; nice to see you join the club ;]10:36
ethana3Fujitsu: stumped?10:39
Shoopufbazhang: Thanks. :P Finally could afford a large stack of DVD-Rs, so backing everythin up then gonna nosedive back into Ubuntu.10:40
Fujitsuethana3: I've no idea, I'm afraid.10:40
FujitsuAnyhow, you don't really need to chroot. It's just for testing, AFAICS.10:41
ethana3Well when i booted it failed10:41
FujitsuFailed how?10:41
ethana3the orange bar stopped dead10:41
ethana3as did the rest of the machine10:41
FujitsuTake splash and quiet out of the GRUB commandline, and see what it does.10:41
ethana3...quite as if libc wasn't present and nothing could proceed10:41
ethana3uh, ok10:42
ethana3just a minute10:42
savvasI just posted my version of fixing the libc6 problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4506738&postcount=7510:43
denndaIs this SCIM-thing going to be included by default in final hardy?10:43
savvashopefully I'll help some poor chap :P10:43
Fujitsucprov: If you really can't get it to mount at all, you might have to either find a USB CD drive, or make your USB flash drive bootable, I'm afraid.10:43
orvokkisavvas: The solution on page two didn't work?10:43
Ngdennda: see bug 19903010:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199030 in scim "Can't close SCIM" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19903010:43
savvasorvokki: no, I had problems with udev/vol_id10:43
ethana2oh wow, kernel panic10:44
savvasand broken package installs10:44
orvokkisavvas: Imo there should be a minibootstrap script just for this use included with alpha and beta cd's.10:44
ethana2permission was denied to run-init for /sbin/init10:44
ethana2how the heck....10:44
Fujitsuethana2: What on *earth* did you do to your filesystem?10:45
orvokkisavvas: Which would use a prefixed apt and try to downgrade the system.10:45
ethana2*slaps forehead*10:45
ethana2manually installed libc6 .deb's from a livecd10:45
ethana2...merge all , replace all10:45
ethana2dumped the data parts from the debs into /10:46
orvokkisavvas: That way you could use the apt database on hard disk even though you are unable to chroot.10:46
denndathanks, Ng10:46
denndathis thing is *really* annoying10:46
ethana2...the .deb's are on the ubuntu forums thread...10:46
ethana2ok, well, the fix should be simple, right?10:46
ethana2chmod +x everything in $PATH10:47
ethana2rebooting back onto livecd10:47
savvasorvokki: i fixed it using chroot10:47
savvasorvokki: but you're probably right about the script10:47
orvokkisavvas: Well, I heard someone couldn't even chroot with the libc6 problems.10:49
orvokkiSo we need someething close to foolproof.10:49
orvokkiPrefixed apt-fix could be just that.10:49
Turskii got a "little" problem10:49
TurskiErrors were encountered while processing:10:49
Turskiwrong paste10:49
orvokkiRather use pastebin.10:49
orvokkiOh, you did. :)10:50
Turskiproblem is down there10:50
Turskiyeh ;)10:50
Joeliohey guys, just ran and upgrade and it's hosed my glibc10:50
TurskiJoelio: mee too10:51
orvokkiTurski: A guess: libc6 botching that's also in the topic?10:51
Turskilooks like that...10:51
Joeliois it going to be a case of live cd, chroot, make sure the package has been fixed, apt-get update again; upgrade10:52
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4506738&postcount=75 the fix10:52
bazhangJoelio: and Turski10:52
Turskibut why the hell that package is there?10:54
bazhangyoure welcome Turski10:55
Joeliobazhang: cheers10:56
bazhangno worries Joelio ;]10:56
ethana3Fujitsu: sudo chmod +x /sbin -R10:57
ethana3will that make all files within /sbin executable10:57
FujitsuWhy were they unexecutable in the first place?10:58
Fujitsuethana3: ^^10:58
ethana3I have no idea at all10:58
ethana3ok, i touched the machine10:59
ethana3i'm magical10:59
ethana3....so.  will that do it?10:59
FujitsuIt should.10:59
ethana3here I go, wish me luck11:00
=== secretlondo is now known as secretlondon
FujitsuGood luck!11:00
ethana3..someone else's luck I mean11:00
ethana3yeah, ok, that may work ;)11:00
ethana3ubuntu@ubuntu:/media/disk$ sudo chmod +x /media/disk/sbin -R11:01
ethana3It didn't complain.. onto the rest of $PATH11:01
YacciNow, I need help!11:03
YacciThe buttons on the upper Panel are very confused.11:03
ethana3*sigh* ...rebooting11:04
vistakilleri just update kubuntu11:04
vistakillerthe new tool desktop effects it seems is not working correct11:04
Yaccii tried strg+alt+backspace several times but it just went more and more chaotic11:04
savvasthey're building the new libc6 :)11:05
ethana2ok...  i hope this works....11:05
ethana2yeah, i know not to complain about /firefox/ anymore11:05
Yaccihm... restart11:05
vistakilleri have lost and my alt+f2 is not working now11:06
savvasI hope yacci knows how to panic during a kernel panic11:06
ethana2same exact kernel panic11:07
cprovFujitsu, no way to mount that... I'm really in serious trouble.11:07
ethana2good gosh, what /have/ i done?11:07
* ethana2 sobs11:08
ethana2that was my machine with the two seats!11:08
FujitsuTwo systems I can't fix :( Damn.11:08
ethana2...and pulseaudio set up to give each user one speaker11:08
rskis the new glibc just built, fixed ?11:08
secretlondonlibc6 has been released I think according to the bug anyway11:08
ethana2...time to grab conf files, where does userful keep it's xorg.conf?11:08
secretlondontakes time to get to the mirrors etc11:08
Fujitsucprov: How'd you install Ubuntu on it in the first place? We can hopefully abuse that method to fix it.11:08
savvasFujitsu: still the libc6 bug?11:08
Fujitsursk: It failed to build, unfortunately.11:08
Fujitsusavvas: Yes.11:09
savvasFujitsu: can't boot in 2.6.24-12 kernel ? :)11:09
secretlondonFujitsu: :(11:09
Fujitsusavvas: That's nothing to do with the glibc issue.11:09
cprovFujitsu, via a ubuntu-live pen-drive11:09
Fujitsucprov: That's what I suspected. That'd work, if you can obtain or create one.11:10
cprovFujitsu, when I use to have a machine running ubuntu :(11:10
unggnuhi all11:10
savvasFujitsu: what's the problem then? can't boot from a live cd?11:10
FujitsuI'm still entirely mystified as to why it's not mounting.11:10
unggnuSince some days I have problems with login11:10
Fujitsusavvas: They're not my machines. I speak of cprov's and ethana2's.11:10
unggnuLogin works but I can only see and move a mouse on a black screen11:10
unggnuthis happens with vesa driver too so it is no nvidia problem11:10
secretlondonunggnu we have a bug on that just now11:11
unggnubut my Hardy installaton with Intel driver works fine11:11
unggnusecretlondon, cool, could you post the link?11:11
ethana2Fujitsu: if there's anyone out there that's cocky, direct them to me11:11
savvasethana2: still there? suffering from the libc6 problem?11:11
secretlondonunggnu: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20174611:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201746 in ubuntu "Since last upgrade yesterday, after booting the sistem (everything normal including sound), I can't see the desktop. Amd64 Nvidia Gforce" [Undecided,New]11:11
ethana2that my predicament may humble them11:11
ethana2...actually, i'm suffering from, shall we say....11:11
ethana2a /severely compounded/ libc6 problem11:12
unggnusecretlondon, thanks11:12
savvasethana2: reboot the machine in live mode, let's try again together11:12
ethana2oh, ok11:12
secretlondonunngnu: needs more info etc etc11:12
ethana2booting off livecd...11:12
Fujitsuethana2: I'm very impressed at what you managed. I've never seen such a thing done before :P11:13
savvasethana2: connect it to irc again, run gnome terminal and: uname -a11:13
YazzYglibc issue fixed11:13
ethana2Fujitsu: thanks!11:13
YazzYfreakin morons shouldnt have commited broken libs11:13
secretlondonoi code of conduct11:13
ethana2YazzY: be nice.. ;)11:14
ethana2they were just doing such an awesome job we forgot this was alpha11:14
ethana2that's all11:14
savvasYazzY: the problem is that it's alpha, you're the tester :)11:14
YazzYthe problem is someone should have done some basic testing before commiting11:14
savvasyou did it11:15
YazzYthe commiter tests his work before spreading it11:15
FujitsuYazzY: They likely did. It may have a been built slightly differently on the developer's machine.11:15
YazzYthis is normal11:15
unggnusecretlondon, Do you have created the bug report?11:15
FujitsuIf they had LDFLAGS set (which is not at all inconceivable), the bug would not have appeared.11:15
YazzYwell, its fixed11:15
savvasI don't see a problem here, apart from sloppy fingers that apt-get upgrade without waiting a bit11:15
secretlondonunggnu: its not my bug, just saw it in -bugs-announce11:16
FujitsuAs the buildds don't have a custom LDFLAGS, the bug appears.11:16
unggnusecretlondon, ok, thx11:16
unggnumany information missing but I will try11:16
unggnuI am not sure which is the reason11:16
secretlondonif you have it too then it may be interesting11:17
r3bootOMGWTFBBQ, libc6 is hosed :X ;P (already fixed it, j/k ;)11:18
savvasethana3: uname -a11:18
ethana3ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ uname -a        Linux ubuntu 2.6.24-8-generic #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 20:40:45 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:19
savvasethana3: mkdir $HOME/aptfiles && cd $HOME/aptfiles11:19
secretlondonunggnu: if its a common bug then we may have a better report anyway, 1 para bug reports are pretty hard going..11:20
savvasethana3: wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11110565/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb11:20
savvasethana3: wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11110566/libc6-dev_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb11:20
ethana3it's working on them now...11:20
savvasethana3: wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11110569/libc6-i686_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb11:21
ethana3one down, working on two11:21
ethana3two down, working on three11:22
savvasethana3: while it's downloading: sudo mkdir /media/disk11:22
ethana3it's done...11:23
savvaswhat's your root partition?11:23
ethana3savvas: i have not mounted that partition yet; should I?11:23
ethana3oh, it's uh..11:23
savvasethana3: no, what's the /dev/ of your root partition?11:23
ethana3i only know it's size11:23
savvasethana3: gksu gparted11:23
ethana3170-something GB11:23
savvasethana3: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/disk11:25
ethana3mount: mount point /media/disk does not exist11:25
savvasyou're jumping off commands?11:25
savvas12:22:51 < savvas> ethana3: while it's downloading: sudo mkdir /media/disk11:25
ethana3ok, second..11:26
ethana3sorry, temporary confusion11:26
savvasethana3: ls /media/disk11:26
savvasyou see something like: bin    dev   initrd          lib    lost+found  opt   sbin  tmp  vmlinuz ?11:26
savvasok great11:27
savvasthe downloads are over?11:27
savvasmkdir $HOME/apttemp && cd $HOME/apttemp11:27
savvascp $HOME/aptfiles/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb ./11:28
savvasar vx libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb11:28
savvastar xzf data.tar.gz11:28
savvasrm data.tar.gz libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_amd64.deb debian-binary control.tar.gz11:29
savvasethana3: rm data.tar.gz libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb debian-binary control.tar.gz11:29
ethana3tar: data.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory11:29
savvas12:28:41 < savvas> ar vx libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb11:29
ethana3hold on..11:29
savvasok i'll wait for confirmation on each command11:29
ethana3yes please do11:30
savvasar done?11:30
ethana3i think so11:31
savvasdid it mention data.tar.gz in the output?11:31
ethana3ok, confused11:31
ethana3sorry for my incompetence, let me figure out what i did here11:31
savvasethana3: let's start over: cd $HOME && sudo rm -rf $HOME/apttemp11:32
savvasnow: mkdir $HOME/apttemp && cd $HOME/apttemp11:33
savvasand: cp $HOME/aptfiles/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb ./11:33
* kjetilkWork wishes he joined the channel before upgrading...11:33
savvasethana3: check if the libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb is there: ls ./11:33
ethana3it is.11:34
denndaWhich package contains the "splash" you see when starting up the desktop-cd? (The thing with the countdown. "Start Ubuntu without altering your Hardware"). I want to translate it11:34
savvasethana3: ar vx libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb11:34
savvasdennda: usplash maybe11:34
ethana3done, three files11:34
savvasdennda: ah sorry, don't know about that11:34
savvasethana3: tar xzf data.tar.gz11:35
denndame neither :)11:35
savvasethana3: rm data.tar.gz libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb debian-binary control.tar.gz11:35
savvasethana3: sudo cp -R ./* /media/disk/11:36
savvasethana3: sudo cp $HOME/aptfiles/*.deb /media/disk/11:36
unggnusecretlondon, Do you know a gdm bug which prevents gdm from login if the user directory is empty? :)11:37
savvasethana3: check if the 3 deb files are in: ls /media/disk/*.deb11:37
unggnusecretlondon, btw. I have added much data, maybe you know what could be interesting too?11:37
ethana33 deb files are there.11:37
savvasethana3: sudo -i11:37
secretlondonunggnu: I don't, I'll have a look11:37
savvasethana3: mount -o bind /dev /media/disk/dev11:38
savvasethana3: mount -o bind /proc /media/disk/proc11:38
ethana3hold up11:38
unggnusecretlondon, many thanks11:38
savvasok :)11:38
ethana3both done11:38
savvasethana3: cp /proc/mounts /media/disk/etc/mtab11:38
savvasethana3: chroot /media/disk/ /bin/bash11:38
* savvas crosses fingers11:39
ethana3chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied11:39
savvasethana3: ls -l /bin/bash11:39
ethana3-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 701776 Feb  9 03:55 /bin/bash11:40
savvasethana3: which live cd are you using?11:41
ethana3hardy alpha.. 511:41
savvasthat's the one i have11:41
savvasethana3: echo $USER11:42
savvasethana3: bash --version11:42
ethana3GNU bash, version 3.2.33(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)11:43
ethana3Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.11:43
savvasgive me a sec11:43
* ethana3 gets a drink, brb11:43
* ethana3 is back11:44
savvasethana3: exit11:44
savvasethana3: cd $HOME/aptfiles11:45
savvasethana3: apt-cache policy bash | grep Installed11:45
ethana3  Installed: 3.2-0ubuntu1411:46
savvasethana3: wget http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bash/bash_3.2-0ubuntu15_i386.deb11:46
savvasethana3: dpkg -i bash_3.2-0ubuntu15_i386.deb11:47
savvasethana3: sudo dpkg -i bash_3.2-0ubuntu15_i386.deb11:47
Picican I ask something silly? What exactly are you two trying to install/do?11:47
ethana3i just want out of hades11:47
savvasPici: fixing his bash so that i can make him chroot11:48
savvasshould we go privately?11:48
Picisavvas: okay, just curious11:48
unggnusecretlondon, I have found the solution/problem :(11:48
secretlondonunggnu: cool, but :(11:48
savvasok private it is :p11:48
secretlondonjust amd64?11:48
unggnusecretlondon, because it was easy. Through some dist-upgrade some gnome packages have been removed. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should fixes it11:49
savvasethana3: you got my private message?11:49
unggnuawkward :)11:50
darrendwhat's the issue with this "scim" keyboard switcher in the panel??  Why can I not get rid of it?11:50
hypatiaRe the topic, libc6 2.7-9ubuntu1 and libc6-i686 2.7-9ubuntu1 are still perfectly downloadable from mirrors, in particular au.archive.ubuntu.com.11:50
ethana3i responded also11:50
savvasethana3: ah you haven't registered?11:50
ethana3oh, my other machine has my 'real' nick11:51
Armored_Azrae1Hey, I have an Intel HDA card, and during some upgrade between when I installed hardy and now, sound stopped working11:51
ethana3this is my incremented one...  i'm logged in at two locations11:51
darrendand why does it appear to need 9 processes on my machine?11:51
savvasgive it a quick pass :P11:51
ethana3logging out on other machine11:51
Armored_Azrae1card still shows up and everything, and appears to be responding, but generates no sound11:51
darrendthis is almost microsoft-esque11:51
Armored_Azrae1Any known issues or information I should look for?11:51
unggnusecretlondon, What is the package association for upgrade problems?11:51
ethana3brb, k?11:51
secretlondonunggnu: update-manager11:52
secretlondonbut probs caused by dist-upgrades in alpha releases may not be bugs11:52
unggnusecretlondon, thx11:52
unggnusecretlondon, I know, just that it have a package associaton11:52
* secretlondon nods11:52
Armored_Azrae1Nevermind. Friend jammed a sawed off plug into it, and I didn't notice. Sorry bout that11:55
astanwhere can i find the kernel configuration file for the default kernel in hardy?12:00
Turskichroot didn't work when i tried to fix libc from livecd12:06
Turskibut i copied the files from package to my root partition12:06
Turskihowever now it's complaining something about malloc if i try to open terminal12:07
Turskiit complained something about malloc also when i tried chroot12:08
Turskiwhat i can do?12:09
* Dr_willis thinks hes going to wait a week befor updating... :)12:09
hypatiaTurski: Which package did you copy? I had to do dpkg -x from both libc and libc-i686.12:09
Turskii copied only libc12:10
Turskihm, i if fixed version would come soon into repos, it vould be possible to upgrade that with adeps...12:11
Turskior is there graphical way to install .debs?12:12
Turskisince i cant use command line :S12:12
Dr_willisIf you cant use the command line.. there may be deeper issues going on12:12
hypatiaIn the Live CD, you can use dpkg -x something.deb /mnt/whereeveryourmountedroot to unpack a .deb12:13
Turskithat's true, but i managed to start irssi with alt+f2 :)12:13
ConstyXIVdoes evolution in hardy have IMAP push?12:13
Dr_willistry alt-f3 and see if ya can get another terminal then perhaps.12:13
Dr_willisYou should be able to get to a terminal/login on alt-f1 through f612:14
Dr_willisalt-ctrl-f1 throug F6 if running X at the time. :)12:14
Turskii'm not thalkin about ctrl+alt+f*12:14
Turskithey are not working12:15
PiciTurski: Are you on the live cd?12:15
Dr_willisconsoles not working.,.. or are just graphicaly gibberish?12:15
Dr_willisi always disable the framebuffer  for my console-kung-fu-needs :)12:15
TurskiDr_willis: i said that it complains something about malloc and quits12:15
Dr_willisthats really weird that the console login isent working.. but the X login does.12:16
Dr_willisas in REALLY REALLY weird.12:16
JDahlI've been bitten by a weird keyboard layout error; I think it's been mentioned in here lately.  Is there a manual way to fix it?12:17
Turskimalloc: ../ash/subst.c:3472: assertion botched12:18
JDahlie,  how do I get an english alphabet again?12:18
Dr_willisTurski,   ash? Hmm thats a alternative shell i thought..12:18
Dr_willisdident even think it wqs installed by default on ubuntu12:18
TurskiDr_willis: there should be b12:19
Dr_willis!info ash12:20
ubotuash (source: dash): compatibility package for dash. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.4-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 21 kB, installed size 72 kB12:20
Turskijust typoed12:20
Dr_willisor i could be miss-reading that error.. Hmm12:20
Dr_willisash compatiablty package for dash.. interesting.12:20
Dr_willisso can you get to a terminal under X with xterm, or gnome-terminal or so forth?12:20
Turskinope, it says that malloc error too12:22
Turskibut when i opened irssi directly with alt+f2 to konsole it opened12:22
JDahlnoone else has a completely screwed up keyboard/language in gnome?12:25
Dr_willistry alt-f2  'xterm -e  bash'12:26
Dr_willisactually.. with irssi , you an run arbitary shell commands also. :)12:27
Dr_willisso in theory you could do a /exec sudo apt-get install somthing12:27
Turskiaha, if i run all commands from alt+f2, they work12:29
Turskijust sudo do thath and it does12:29
Dr_willisalt-f2 xterm dont work tho?12:29
Turskiactually i dont have xterm12:30
Dr_willis /exec sudo apt-get install xterm12:31
cprovhi, guys, I'm trying to recover from the libc disaster but I don't seem to be able to mount a pen-drive (with the old package) inside the initramfs. Can someone help me ?12:31
Dr_willisor rxvt.12:31
Turskiwhy i should install xterm12:31
Dr_willisxterm isent installed by default? thats.. weird12:31
Dr_willis!info xterm12:31
ubotuxterm (source: xterm): X terminal emulator. In component main, is optional. Version 229-1 (hardy), package size 444 kB, installed size 1092 kB12:31
Dr_willisThats almost... blasphmy!12:31
Turskii know that it's terminal emulator12:31
Dr_willis!info rxvt12:31
uboturxvt (source: rxvt): VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.6.4-12 (hardy), package size 196 kB, installed size 556 kB12:31
Turskiim not stupid, but i have zillion terminal emulators so wwhy xterm?12:31
cprovFujitsu already helped me to get the pen-drive recognized by the kernel, it's sdb1 but this node is missing from /dev/, how can I create it manually ?12:32
Dr_willis its much smaller memory wise then konsole or gnometerminal12:32
Dr_willisrxvt is smaller still12:32
Dr_willisa zillion? I can only think of 6 :)12:32
TurskiDr_willis: omg, i have only 2Gb of memory12:32
Fujitsucprov: Another solution has popped up, as it turns out.12:32
Turskiwill konsole eat all?12:32
Dr_willisTurski,  do whatever you want then.. i dont care.. i was helpong you troubleshoot..12:32
Dr_willisguess i wont try any more. :)12:32
TurskiDr_willis: i just cant understand what would xterm help12:32
Dr_willishow to you launch gnome-terminal to make it spawn a differnt shell from the command line?12:33
Turskiit doesnt matter what terminal emulator i use12:33
tamarindhas the libc6 bug been fixed? It still shows up on the update list?12:33
Dr_willisIm not sure it can. xterm -e will.12:33
Dr_willisactually that would be handy.. to spawn a gnome terminal with differnt programs in each shell..12:33
Fujitsucprov: Boot the kernel with break=bottom, so you get your root filesystem mounted. Then 'cp /lib/libc.so.6 /root/lib/libc-2.7.so'12:33
Turskiand i am using kde12:34
Picitamarind: I believe they are blocking it now.12:34
Fujitsucprov: That'll copy the (hopefully good) libc6 from the initramfs.12:34
Dr_willisim not sure konsole can do it either..  I need to look into that someday.12:34
tamarindPici: Ok.12:34
cprovFujitsu ...great, let me try12:34
Turskii ran sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade /libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb from alt+f212:34
Picitamarind: ah, and the /topic already says so too12:34
Dr_willisGotta love good topics.12:35
* Dr_willis goes back to reading the ubuntun brainstorms at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com12:36
Turskitrying to boot now12:36
Turskiah, not need to12:36
Turskiterminal works12:36
Turskithen just waiting for fixed package12:38
cprovFujitsu, looks like I also need s/ro/rw in the kernel cmdline12:39
Fujitsucprov: I thought breaking at bottom would do that, but you might need to do it manually.12:40
cprovFujitsu, I have a shell :)12:40
Fujitsucprov: A shell with a writable root?12:41
cvwHrm, I wonder if the topic has anything to do with my problem.  Last night I my usual aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade, then later I shutdown the computer and went to bed.  This morning it doesn't boot.  I can get into busybox but that's a whole new environment for me.  Is theer a FAQ, link, anything that can help get the computer working properly again?12:42
cprovFujitsu, slightly better, I shell in my account12:42
Fujitsucprov: Oh, good :)12:42
cprovFujitsu, the problem is that sudo is still broken, and I can't mount my pen-drive :(12:42
Fujitsucprov: bash runs OK, though?12:43
cprovyes, it does12:43
FujitsuThen recovery mode should work, so you can get a root shell.12:43
dbmoodbdo not upgrade it ?12:44
dbmoodbtoo late12:44
cprovsingle-user ?12:44
Fujitsucprov: init=/bin/bash would do.12:45
Dr_willisold-skool :) heh heh12:45
Dr_willisi did a  init=/bin/irssi once12:45
FujitsuDr_willis: What use was that without networking?12:45
Dr_willisFujitsu,  yep. :) it had issues...12:46
cvwSo, no ideas on my issue eh?12:47
cprovFujitsu, downgrade is done. Before I make any other mistake ... what's next ?12:48
dbmoodbso is there a working libc6 that i grab /12:48
Fujitsucprov: Downgrading libc6?12:49
dbmoodbcprov: where did you get it from --> just updated my self12:49
cprovFujitsu, yup, installed version 2.7.5ubuntu212:49
Fujitsucprov: I think you should be done.12:49
FujitsuWhat arch, though?12:49
FujitsuTry to sudo.12:50
FujitsuBefore rebooting.12:50
dbmoodb- is it ok to use synaptic to do it ? ... oh wait12:50
cprovuhm, I guess I can get the new one, the fix, no ?12:50
Fujitsucprov: If it has built yet.12:50
dbmoodbapparently not12:50
dbmoodbFujitsu: where can i get a working libc6 ?12:50
Fujitsudbmoodb: You've not rebooted yet?12:50
cprovFujitsu, sudo is working again12:50
dbmoodb--> version no number ...12:50
dbmoodbFujitsu: no12:50
Fujitsucprov: You're good then :)12:50
Fujitsudbmoodb: Watch the bug, official instructions for recovery should be posted shortly.12:51
dbmoodbah can  i start anything up...12:51
dbmoodbdoesn't look like it12:51
Fujitsucprov: When you're back, I've got a pastebin of the content of the i386 libc6 build that you probably want to look at. It seems to say that it was pending, building and finished, all at the same time.12:52
cprovFujitsu ... fantastic, I own you many, I mean *many*,  favours ... thank you.12:52
Fujitsucprov: No, you've fixed a lot of my bugs :)12:52
dbmoodbhow do i fix it then ?12:52
dbmoodbreboot to another os ?12:52
Fujitsudbmoodb: That's why there is the warning not to upgrade :P12:53
dbmoodbyeah but i updated before i saw that rofl12:53
Turskidbmoodb: just read the topic12:53
cprovnone of the bugs I've fixed for you were blocking your life, as this one is blocking mine ;)12:53
cprovFujitsu, sure, let me get back on track ... brb12:54
dbmoodbi am reading this stuff but...12:55
dbmoodbhow do i go about fixing this from my debian install ....12:55
Turskidbmoodb: jsut like from live cd?12:55
FujitsuTurski: No, Debian has a different libc6.12:56
ConstyXIVanyone running hardy on an eee?  what's the compatibility like?12:56
dbmoodblivecd ?12:56
TurskiFujitsu: ?12:56
dbmoodbapparently you can use ksh12:56
TurskiFujitsu: it tells to download right one?12:56
FujitsuTurski: Oh, not the solution on the forum that I saw.12:56
Fujitsudbmoodb: Or dash, or a few others.12:56
Turskiand copy the files by hand12:56
Turskidbmoodb: does your apt work?12:57
dbmoodbanyway to invoke them now ?12:57
dbmoodbi hope so12:57
Turskior dpkg12:57
Turskidownload old libc6 and install it with dpkg -i --force-downgrade ./package.deb12:58
dbmoodbusing debians ...12:59
dbmoodbusing debian dpkg ?12:59
Turskinot then12:59
dbmoodbchroot you mean13:00
Fujitsudbmoodb: OK, what you can do is... reboot, and edit the GRUB kernel directive to include init=/bin/dash13:00
Fujitsudbmoodb: chroot won't work.13:00
dbmoodbwill do13:00
dbmoodboh really...13:00
Fujitsudbmoodb: And break=bottom too, sorry.13:00
FujitsuOnce you've done that, you should get a nice dash prompt.13:01
Fujitsumount -o rw,remount /root13:01
FujitsuEr, not /root, /.13:01
dbmoodbnot ksh ?13:01
FujitsuProbably doesn't really matter; I just know that dash works.13:01
FujitsuThen dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_someworkingversion.deb13:02
Turskidbmoodb: don't you have live cd?13:02
FujitsuWhere someworkingversion is the latest one before the broken one that you have.13:02
Turskior actually u don't nee it...13:02
dbmoodblivecd of...13:03
dbmoodbgutsy yes13:03
Turskidbmoodb: is that debian on same machine u broke?13:03
Turskioh, good13:03
dbmoodbi keep etch as my production stuff13:03
dbmoodbi'm not crazy enough to run hardy alpha for production :)13:03
dbmoodbit is stable but... not...13:04
Turskithen just extract old ubuntu's libc6 and copy files by hand to ubuntu13:04
dbmoodboh ?13:04
Turskiyou can do that with dpkg -X i think...13:04
dbmoodbah..... where should i find libc in the pool ?13:04
dbmoodb--> trying to find it13:04
dbmoodboops my fault wrong dir13:05
Turskidpkg -X /dir/to/extract13:05
Turskidbmoodb: looks for forum... it's there13:05
dbmoodb--> looking at my isp13:05
Turskifound it13:05
h3sp4wnjust use dpkg --root=13:05
h3sp4wn(Its designed for exactly this issue)13:05
Turskih3sp4wn: good idea13:06
Turskidbmoodb: and if -12 kernel isn't working after that try to boot -1113:07
dbmoodblet me reboot13:07
dbmoodbbeat it13:08
dbmoodbyou go xterm dash13:08
dbmoodband you get a console up13:08
dbmoodbnevermind ... you cannot get to root by the looks of it13:08
ethana3savvas: hi13:08
savvasand there it goes:)13:09
dbmoodbok i have a dash screen up --> any ideas of how to get to root without sudo :)13:09
Turskioh, irssi wasn't in screen13:09
Turskidbmoodb: why didn't u do like i said?13:10
dbmoodbi will reboot in one second -- wanting to see how far i could get now13:10
Turskibut that extracting package from debian was the solution ;)13:10
ethana3starting up...13:10
ethana3-8 kernel13:10
dbmoodboh sure13:11
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dbmoodbbut .... i like trying this way13:11
ethana3same kernel panic13:11
dbmoodbrebooting is a real pain13:11
savvasethana3: try the recovery kernel images, see if that helps13:11
ethana3run-init: /sbin/init: Permission denied13:11
ethana3-8 recovery image13:11
ethana3a second...13:11
Turskiok :)13:12
ethana3same kernel panic13:13
ethana3would you like me to transcribe the whole screen into a pastebin?13:13
ethana3colemak typist..  i type fast13:13
ethana3..and don't get tired at all13:13
savvasneah that's ok, just the last 4-5 lines13:14
ethana3to pastebin?13:14
savvasthe only thing i can think of right now is to try and replace the kernel images13:14
ethana3a minute...13:14
dbmoodbso dpkg -X just extracts a package13:20
ethana3savvas: is there a log we should extract from the safety of a live session?13:21
cpro1Fujitsu: all good, thanks again.13:21
Fujitsucpro1: No problem, glad it worked out.13:21
savvasethana3: go on the live cd again13:21
ethana3got it.13:21
ethana3just a minute...13:21
savvasi'm reading something that might help13:21
cpro1err, except this "red stop traffic sign" my app bar ;)13:22
dbmoodbso Fujitsu just go dpkg -x ..... seems a bit simple13:22
FujitsuThat'll probably be libc6-dev or libc6-i686 complaining about the different version of libc6.13:22
Fujitsucpro1: As you probably saw in -devel, a proper fix will be around soon... though you can probably get it early with your superpowers.13:24
ethana3yarr, i always forget to set the keymap in the beginning with the livecd's13:24
ethana3oh well, just takes a second longer anyway13:25
=== cpro1 is now known as cprov
cprovFujitsu: ehe, I don't think I can speedup the builders, but let me check13:26
savvasethana3: it looks like of the libraries has a permission problem13:26
ethana3it's up..13:26
Fujitsucprov: They've all built, so it's just waiting on publishing, so there's probably nothing more to be done.13:26
ethana3just a sec, setting key layout and logging into freenode, etc13:26
bishoI have a bug problem with Hardy13:27
Picisee /topic13:28
bisholibc6 update seg-faulted13:28
bishoand now....13:28
bishoI going to try that and close my bug as dupped13:28
bishothx a lot!13:28
kjetilkWorkI've got my libc6 fixed now, but for some reason, I can't open anything, even from a terminal running as my own user, I get "cannot open display :0.0"13:30
kjetilkWorkif it is not on :0.0, how can I found out the name of the display?13:30
cprovFujitsu: yes, they i386 binaries will be in a.u.c within 25 minutes, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/libc6-i68613:31
jetsaredimwhat's going on with the latest libc and linux-image-generic packages?13:31
Picijetsaredim: /topic13:31
tgeltercprov: any news on x86_64?13:31
Fujitsujetsaredim: /topic13:31
cprovtgelter: amd64 binaries will be in the same batch ... so prepare to download in 30 minutes or so.13:33
tgeltercprov: I'm not overly anxious (ok, I lie) but have several people waiting on me to tell them when to update, so thanks13:34
cprovtgelter: I hope this download wave doesn't take a.u.c down ...13:35
Dat1Hi Guys, just one quick question: Does anyone know if/when Firefox 3 beta 4 will come to hardy?13:35
Fujitsutgelter: Watch out that they're not using mirrors, as they could take many hours to update.13:35
Dat1(If that's too much off topic now, just ignore my question...)13:35
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jetsaredimDat1: see #ubuntu-mozillateam13:35
tgelterFujitsu: noted. I assume the updates are going to us.archive.ubuntu.com first?13:36
Dat1jetsaredim: OK, thx!13:36
Fujitsutgelter: The central archive is archive.ubuntu.com. Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, us.archive.ubuntu.com points there, so in a way, yes.13:36
tgelterFujitsu: :) ok, thanks13:37
h3sp4wndpkg -i --force-depends --root=/mnt *.deb (with the 2 old deb's) works fine13:38
dbmoodbso how do i fix this from debian now  ? - just dpkg -x you say ?13:39
VidenSo what version of Evolution is in the next release?  2.22.0 ?13:39
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Videnanyone ?13:44
LeerokAnyone what?13:44
VidenSo what version of Evolution is in the next release?  2.22.0 ?13:45
h3sp4wndon't repeat look yourself13:45
Fujitsu!info evolution hardy13:45
ubotuevolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.0-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2519 kB, installed size 8236 kB13:45
Videnthanks for not being rude Fujitsu13:46
dbmoodbFujitsu: you say dpkg -x ... is that it ?13:46
Fujitsudbmoodb: I didn't say that. I forget who did.13:47
savvasPici & Fujitsu - ethana3 had a file permissions problem :) /lib/ld-2.7.so13:48
bishoThe libc6 problem has a bug # assigned?13:48
VidenIs it possible to install Evolution 2.22.0 on Ubuntu 7.10 ?13:48
savvasbisho: /topic13:48
* dbmoodb seemed to be an road to blahend13:48
bishoI want to close my reported bug13:48
savvasmark it invalid then13:48
Fujitsubisho: Because it's a duplicate?13:49
Fujitsubisho: If so, you want the `Mark as duplicate' option in the Actions portlet.13:49
PiciViden: I dont reccomend trying.13:49
Videnkk .. thanks pici13:49
bishoFujitsu, I was asking if you know the official bug id for this problem so I could mark mine as duplicated of that one13:51
bishobut someone else has alredy marked it duplicate... :)13:51
bmk789anyone using apt-mirror in hardy?13:52
Leerokapt-proxy for me.13:52
LeerokErr hardy/main libc6-dev 2.7-9ubuntu113:53
Leerok  500 Unknown status code: 40313:53
LeerokWhat is that?!13:53
bmk789same here13:53
LeerokOh, so it's not just me.13:53
bmk789i couldnt get those 3 packages either13:53
LeerokAlright, no panicking for me, then.13:54
bmk789libc6, libc6-dev and libc6-i38613:54
Pici /topic13:54
Picibmk789: Leerok: dunno if you caught my message see topic.13:56
lamalexso libc has been fixed?13:56
bmk789glad i didnt upgrade sooner13:56
`sam`when the libc is "fixed" you guys go ahead and install it and let me know how it goes :)13:58
PiciI'm trying now.13:58
PiciGuess if it doesnt work I'm not going to be happy because I'm ssh-ed in right now.13:58
astanhm. can i get the kernel .config for hardy online somewhere? i don't have access to a hardy machine atm.14:05
Turskihow do i see what version of libc6 is in repositories?14:07
* TheInfinity loves libc6 errors14:08
ccookeapt-cache show libc6 | less14:08
Turskiccooke: but doesn't that show what's installed?14:08
ccookeTurski: no, apt-cache operates on the downloaded cache of pakages available14:09
ccooketo see what's installed, use dpkg -l libc614:09
secretlondonmadison, but not sure of the syntax14:09
Turskiok... so 2.7-5ubuntu214:09
Turskiok... so 2.7-5ubuntu2 is vurrently in repos14:09
`sam`Turski, it was just updated in the repos a few minutes ago i think14:10
Turskibut i think that doesnt come in same minute to all mirrors...?14:10
secretlondonsecret@celery:~/cvs$ rmadison libc614:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 |        dapper | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.5 | dapper-updates | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.4-1ubuntu12 |          edgy | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.4-1ubuntu12.3 |  edgy-updates | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.5-0ubuntu14 |        feisty | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
dbmoodbwait so we now have a working libc6 ?14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.6.1-1ubuntu9 |         gutsy | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.6.1-1ubuntu10 | gutsy-updates | amd64, i386, powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.7-5ubuntu2 |         hardy | powerpc14:10
secretlondon     libc6 | 2.7-9ubuntu1 |         hardy | amd64, i38614:10
secretlondonTurksi: yeah, it takes time to get to all mirrors14:10
`sam`Turski, right, mirrors might take a while to get it14:11
jussi01!paste | secretlondon14:11
ubotusecretlondon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:11
dbmoodbso which one is working ?14:11
Skamanthere's a way to fix the kubuntu install through the cd?i even can't login in shell mode after the latest hardy install...14:12
bmk789so 2.7-9ubuntu2 is safe?14:12
TurskiSkaman: see topic14:12
motopluxyeah it's safe. I just upgraded14:13
secretlondonjussi01: point taken, but I was answering Turksi's problem14:13
Skamanlet me chack14:13
`sam`libc6_2.7-9ubuntu2 is the newest one i see, but i haven't tried installing it yet... don't have time today to fix it if it doesn't work14:13
* bmk789 is upgrading to it now14:13
dbmoodbi'm happy to try it14:13
bmk789ill let you know if its good, ill be back in about 10 minutes14:14
dbmoodb 2.7-5ubuntu2 is installed14:14
dbmoodbE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.14:14
Turskilibc6_2.7-9ubuntu2 not yet in finnish mirror14:14
dbmoodbah - no not on mine either14:14
oxigengee, someone locked forum thread befor it was published solution for 64 bit build :/ what now? what is the solution?14:16
Milos_SDare other update that we had yesterday OK to install?14:16
* ethana3 crosses fingers14:16
savvasdon't cross them, it will be ok14:16
ethana3heh, i hope so14:16
oxigenstupid forum admins14:16
ethana3logically, yes14:17
savvasoxigen: manners :)14:17
oxigenyea, yea14:17
ethana3oh no14:17
oxigengimme mannered solution then14:17
ipe64i just updated my alpha 6 hardy heron x64 using wubi on visat x64 it will not start up any more i have uninstalled removed unbuntu from the vista boot manager ok i think i will wait till april then give it anther go14:17
ethana3it got farther...14:17
ethana3it's throwing errors on all my usb devices14:17
ethana3...starting userful desktop multiplier...14:18
nandemonaiOk so the latest version of libc6 is ok or not as yet?14:18
`sam`oxigen, it says the thread will be updated when fixes are prepared14:18
ethana3savvas: got both seats working now14:18
dbmoodbnandemonai: wait it out for a bit14:18
ethana3logging into mine14:18
oxigen`sam`, huh, sorry then .. :)14:18
nandemonaiI might leave it till tomorrow then.14:18
savvasethana3: it's booting up though right? must be the new kernel upgrade, use the -8 if you need anything usb'ish :P14:18
ethana3oh, ok14:19
ethana3it works fine14:19
ethana3logging in both users just for the heck of it14:19
savvasoxigen: about the libc6 problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4506738#post450673814:20
oxigensavvas: thanks!14:21
ethana3now my sister's laptop... i don't know its status.....14:22
savvasoxigen: that's my mannered solution :P i hope it works for you too14:22
ethana3but i know i have two sane machines14:22
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ethana3and now i know what i'm doing14:22
savvasgo ahead14:23
savvasi'm off, got some tasks to do14:23
ethana3savvas: thank you very very much14:23
savvasenjoy your (fixed) o/s :D14:23
oxigensavvas: ok, sorry, i'm a bit nervous, you know, when 14 days of tweaking goes down the drain just like that...14:23
ethana3oh i will14:23
ethana3and i'll not be taking it for granted again soon14:23
savvasoxigen: footnote: if you get "/bin/bash: permission denied", sudo chmod 755 /media/disk/lib/ld-2.7.so14:24
bmk789libc6 is good14:25
oxigensavvas: thanks again!14:25
savvasno, libc6 ---> 2.7-9ubuntu2 <--- is good, not the ubuntu114:25
KrimZoni just updated and couldn't start applications - they'd just show the loading cursor and then the taskbar button for them would disappear14:30
KrimZonthen i rebooted and it hung on starting system log daemon14:30
dbmoodbyeah libc614:31
NgKrimZon: see the channel topic14:31
dbmoodbkrimzon i just went through this personally :)14:31
UB`KrimZon read the topic14:31
dbmoodbi think we need to warn people to check on irc if it is ok to update before doing so in alpha's14:31
* dbmoodb forgot to consider hardy like sid14:32
KrimZonthis is apparently going to be very tricky to fix14:32
Ngdbmoodb: it is worth remembering that hardy is a development version and you should expect this kind of thing will happen every day14:32
dbmoodbah ahm14:32
KrimZoni was already holding off the -12 kernel14:32
dbmoodbi just said i forgot too14:32
dbmoodbNg: but ubuntu makes it so easy to forget14:33
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lamalexsomeone should update topic that 2.7-9ubuntu2 is ok to install14:37
axisysthanks god I get a 403 forbidden while trying to download libc6 :-(14:38
axisysso my system is working fine14:38
darxwhats the fastest version of flash player for linux? I need something over version 814:41
darxthe latest one is a cpu pig14:41
LeeJunFanthey all are14:41
darxthe latest one is even more so14:41
tgelterlamalex: what's the broken version?14:43
Turskilamalex: it's not yet on all mirrors14:44
LeeJunFanif you download ubuntu2 you can just dpkg -i it14:44
tgelterah, still figuring out the versioning format14:44
lamalexTurski: I know, which is why they should say that that version number is ok to install14:44
bwlangjust read through the lib6 thread... i still have a shell running, but sudo segfaults... i don't have a root password set.  is there some alternative way to su so i can overwrite libc with the proper version?14:44
Turskieasier to say that do not upgrade :P14:44
bwlangmaybe gksudo?14:45
lamalexgksudo relies on sude14:45
Turskibwlang: it's broken now14:45
lamalexbut worth a try14:45
Turskiand it's not sudo's fault14:45
tgelterbwlan: what about using tar?14:45
LeeJunFanit's got to do with the password part of sudo. I have my sudo set to nopasswd so sudo works fine here.14:45
Turskiit's just that libc is borken14:45
UB`lamalex didi you try the libc6_2.7-9ubuntu2_i386.deb  ?14:47
tgelterbwlang: nevermind, I am distracted and not thinking clearly14:47
bwlangtgelter: i can extract the files... but i can't get the permission to overwrite them.14:47
bwlangso i'm headed for a livecd, no alternative method of getting root?14:47
tgelterbwlang: does init work?14:47
bwlangthat doesn't depend on libc ;)14:47
LeeJunFanbwlang: no, other than booting into single mode (if that would even work)14:47
tgelterinit 1...14:47
LeeJunFanI think it should.14:48
lamalexUB`: I just installed it14:48
lamalexI haven't rebooted yet, getting ready to14:48
bwlangi doubt init 1 will do it since it'll try to spawn a shell...  but i can fix it pretty easily from a live cd.14:48
lamalexif I'm not back in 5 minutes, you know don't upgrade :P14:49
LeeJunFanlamalex: it's working fine here.14:49
UB`lamalex we are waiting you ;)14:49
dbmoodbdibs on his boxed14:49
bwlanglesson learned: set a root password, even if you don't need it.14:50
UB`bwlang :)14:50
bwlangsure would be handy right about now.14:50
tgelterbwlang: I've heard that booting with init=/bin/sh works14:50
dbmoodblesson sudo is no sub. for su14:50
lamalexseems safe14:52
dbmoodbthe 2 version is safeish ?14:53
lamalexi upgraded fine a moment ago14:54
lamalexand that's the word on the street14:54
lamalexthis is testing! live on the edge!14:54
emefarrubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 on hp dc7100 sff with Broadcom nic (BCM95751).  Has been running gutsy for months.  Runs live cd w/no prob.  Installs alpha6, grabs first set of updates, reboot - no more nic available.  Suggestions?14:56
axisysanyone know of a tool that display the rss feed as a horizontal scroll on the top as a news bar?14:57
lamalexcan't conky do that?14:57
PiciIt may14:57
lamalexaxisys: look into conky, it does everything ever14:58
axisyslamalex: cool let me check it out14:58
axisyslamalex: this shows only system performance14:59
lamalexno, it does everything, that's just it's main job14:59
lamalexyou'll need to edit the conkyrc15:00
UB`emefarr do you use ndiswrapper?15:00
lamalexaxisys: ^^15:01
axisyslamalex: and it runs on ubuntu or kubuntu?15:01
e\ectro_i've been bitten by the libc615:01
lamalexit runs on any linux15:01
axisyslamalex: on15:01
axisyslamalex: ok15:01
KrimZonwhere does ubuntu download its debs from?15:01
dbmoodbwhere you set it too KrimZon15:01
darrendconky can be a bit of a performance drain when doing stuff like that though.  YMMV15:02
lamalexKrimZon: look in /etc/apt/sources.list15:02
KrimZoni'm browsing blinly around on gb.archive.ubuntu.com15:02
emefarrno.   new install15:02
KrimZonlooking for a good libc615:02
emefarrworked fine until I rebooted after first round of patches15:03
axisysdarrend: u have any other suggestion?15:03
UB`emefarr your card works with ndiswrapper?15:03
JUGGALO_BEAVISjel zna ko srpski15:03
emefarrI can try it.15:03
jjrojo Someone who uses hardy have problems with the nvidia drivers?15:03
UB`there's a problem with ndiswrapper and ssb15:03
UB`emefarr if your card needs ndiswrapper you need to load it before ssb15:04
darrendaxisys: could try adesklets/gdesklets..?15:04
emefarrsearched for "hardy alpha6 broadcom" before I posted  didn't find anything15:04
emefarrit did work under gutsy without ndiswrapper for months15:04
UB`try > sudo modprobe -r ohci_hcd && sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper15:05
UB`but only if your card works with ndiswrapper otherwise it'e another problem15:05
emefarrthanks!  will try that now  otherwise thinking about re-installing and checking logs and dmesg in between steps this time15:06
KrimZoni can't find it manually... does anyone have a url for the working libc6 package?15:06
articpenguin380is there a netinstall for hardy?15:06
axisysdarrend: let me look15:06
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | libc6 has been FIXED in versions >= 2.7.9-ubuntu2 | Old libc6 broke your install?: see workarounds: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 and https://launchpad.net/bugs/201673
frank_any chance flash will work in konqueror in hardy? something about the drawing method not being supported...15:13
dbmoodbpici where do we grab the latest version from15:13
dbmoodbnot in my mirror yet15:13
secretlondoncheck your mirror - getting reports that the broken version is unfrozen in some mirrors15:13
dbmoodbiinet ---> i think it was semi locked15:14
dbmoodbgot an error when isntalling it15:14
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | libc6 has been FIXED in versions >= 2.7.9-ubuntu2 , changes still propagating to mirros | Old libc6 broke your install?: see workarounds: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 and https://launchpad.net/bugs/201673
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | libc6 has been FIXED in versions >= 2.7.9-ubuntu2 , changes still propagating to mirrors | Old libc6 broke your install?: see workarounds: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 and https://launchpad.net/bugs/201673
Piciarg, spelling15:14
* secretlondon thanks pici15:15
secretlondonwe're still getting libc broke my install bugs this afternoon15:15
Picisecretlondon: now you can just do /topic when people come in and ask15:16
ccookeHow bad's the problem been?15:16
dbmoodbso Pici, i take it is on the main repo ?15:16
Picidbmoodb: I believe so15:17
jjrojonobody have problems with nvidia in hardy?15:17
emefarrUB': going for the re-install.   will try the modprobes you suggested when it's back up and let you know thanks again!15:17
Turskistill old ligc6 in my mirror...15:17
UB`you are welcome15:18
darxwhats the best font for LCDs?15:20
=== bwlang__ is now known as bwlang
PiciWhatever font you like15:20
LeeJunFanwhy does compiz suddenly complain about the ati driver which it runs perfectly fine on?15:21
PiciLeeJunFan: Because it doesnt run perfectly fine on other people's setups15:22
Picisee the changelog.15:22
leoneljust  reupdated  and  glibc error  gone !15:23
LeeJunFanPici: so now I can't run it at all because it doesn't run fine on someone elses system? lame.15:23
dbmoodbwow it hit my repo... wow that was fast15:24
nealmcbis there a mailing list for ubuntu+1?  I didn't see any mail on the ubuntu-devel list about the libc problem.15:25
PiciLeeJunFan: Not just one persons, many people.15:25
LeeJunFanstill shouldn't that be left up to each person? Now I can't run it because other people with ATI couldn't, even though it worked perfectly for me.15:26
dbmoodb? you still can15:26
PiciLeeJunFan: You'll just have to enable the SKIP_CHECKS workaround15:26
secretlondonnealmcb there was a fairly pointless thread on one of the dev lists15:26
* sn0 attempts upgrade today15:26
sn0gotta love snapshots :)15:27
dbmoodboh lovely it tried to grab +115:27
nealmcbsecretlondon: yeah - I just responded to that one - glad that someone finally posted a bug reference15:27
LeeJunFanPici: thanks, but SKIP_CHECKS would be buried in documentation or source code where? So I know how to use it?15:27
secretlondonthat was actually how I found out about it this morning utc15:28
nealmcbthat was ubuntu-devel-discuss - not the most authoritative list...15:28
bishoCan you help me with the libc issue?15:28
PiciLeeJunFan: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist15:28
fromportHi: more people bitten by update of hardy today ?15:28
Picifromport: /topic15:29
bishoI have booted from CD, mounted the filesystems, chrooted and issued a dpki -i of a working libc615:29
LeeJunFanPici: thanks, I love when stuff like that isn't in manpages.15:29
PiciLeeJunFan: If you need specific help on setting that, the folks in #compiz-fusion should be able to help15:29
bishoBut now I get run-init: /sbin/init: I/O error on boot15:29
PiciLeeJunFan: It was in the changelog for the most recent compiz update.15:29
bazhangfromport already a fix15:29
LeeJunFanPici: I found the ati blacklist in the changelog, but knowing about SKIP_CHECKS is another thing that should probably be in the man or README at least.15:30
PiciLeeJunFan: I agree, perhaps a bug should be logged for it?15:31
LeeJunFanPici: yeah, I'll get it.15:31
Turskilibc6 upgraded15:32
Turskistill not in finnish server so i changed repositories to swedish ones15:33
Turskiboot -->15:33
Turskiand nvidia kernel module building15:33
weedarHey guys, I'm afflicted by the libc6 bug - is there a workaround that works without reboot and a root-password set ?15:35
Adysweedar:  /topic15:35
Adysif you still havent reboot, there are some workarounds in the first pages15:36
weedarAdys: yeah I read the bug-report on launchpad and didn't find anything there, not in the thread either15:36
weedaroh, I must have missed it then15:36
muszekweedar: imho not... you need to be root to do anything.  sudo doesn't work, so you need to su to root...15:36
weedarmy bad :o)15:36
bwlang__that was an easy fix... not sure what the big hullabaloo is about...  anyway - in the process of fixing my libc - i see that i have libc6-amd64 installed ... but this is a a core duo system (not a core 2 duo) and only supports 32 bit. How could this have been installed?15:36
bwlang__should i file a bug on this?15:36
bwlang__or is it supposed to be there?15:36
fromportmy libc6 is fixed,i've got a working machine again ;-)15:38
LuitvDhmm, I guess my launchpad report was useless, judging from the channel topic?15:39
Turskiyeh, works fine15:39
=== bwlang___ is now known as bwlang
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bwlangso... any reason to have libc6-amd64 on a 32 bit system?15:40
bwlangsorry if i lost a response before... flaky irc connection15:40
UB`weedar start from a live cd15:42
weedarUB`: but my drive is encrypted, will the live CD support it?15:42
e\ectro_does anyone have a place for the i386 libc6 older version?15:42
UB`weedar wtf you are very unlucky :)15:43
UB`weedar learn a lesson: don't encrypt drives if you run alpha software ;)15:43
bishoe\ectro_, The old version is already: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_i386.deb15:43
UB`e\ectro_ the newer fixes the problem15:44
e\ectro_UB: I am doing it right now, thanks ;)15:46
e\ectro_UB`: following the instructions on launchpad.net15:47
bishoI still see "Version 2.7-9ubuntu1" on upgrade, even using the archive.ubuntu.com...15:50
bishoAny updated mirror you recommend?15:50
bishoOr that's the good version?15:51
UB`bisho no the good version is 2.7-9ubuntu215:51
UB`and they are on the offical repo15:52
bishoarchive.ubuntu.com is not the official?15:52
UB`run the update15:52
bishoSetting that server on sources I still see the same package...15:52
UB`di you run the update?15:52
UB`I just upgrade the packages from that repo15:53
bishook... it was a problem with a broken package... lib6-amd64 was requiring *-ubuntu1 and that's whay it was only appearing that on the update manager15:55
bishodoing apt-get in command line solved the problem and now I have ubuntu2 version installed.15:55
weedarIf I boot from the (k)ubuntu live-cd it will not support hard-drive encryption?16:03
flipstarguess yes, if not you can install crypt tools16:05
matthew__What's the schedule for release of hardy?16:06
secretlondoncolin watson has posted a detailed response to the glibc thing to -devel-announce and -devel16:08
matthew__where can i request that they put back support for my audio device?  Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)16:09
matthew__Or at least, give instructions on how to compile this kernel source.. it won't even do a make menuconfig16:09
secretlondonmatthew__ file a bug on linux pointing out the regression16:10
matthew__secretlondon: where can i file ubuntu bugs?16:10
* secretlondon thanks flipstar16:11
matthew__strange how that bug tracking system doesn't seem to mention ubuntu anywhere...16:14
secretlondonmatthew_ I think you've actually been given the wrong link16:16
Picior bugs.ubuntu.com16:16
secretlondonyou can file bugs on launchpad for anything that uses launchpad - its not just for ubuntu bugs16:17
matthew__i see...16:18
ConstyXIVjust wondering, is there a reason capslock isin't flat-out disabled on the login/lock screens?16:19
matthew__secretlondon: so, do you think i could grab the kernel+modules from ubuntu 7.04 and use it with 7.10 to get my sound working again?16:20
matthew__Or--is there a way to actually compile the kernel source so I can add the module back myself?16:20
secretlondonmatthew_ that sounds like it would break stuff badly16:20
=== AnRkey_ is now known as AnRkey
matthew__well.. the kernel source package doesn't make... and there is no /proc/config.gz16:21
Ayabarashould dark themes in firefox work well without a custom userContent.css on Hardy?16:22
matthew__I guess I should ask about that for 7.10 on the regular channel.. but I just you all make sure these things are done better in hardy.16:22
secretlondonmatthew_ this is on 7.10? please file the bug, but also testing in hardy would be cool16:23
matthew__I am weighing going to hardy early...  due to my sound card issue..  if i go back to 7.04, i'll have sound but not some other app versions I need.16:23
UB`matthew__ may be you have the old kernels installed did you try boot with those?16:23
zoli2kHi! How can I install the headers of an older kernel (2.6.24-5) ?16:24
matthew__UB`: I installed from scratch.. no old stuff..  I've never had any linux distribution ever upgrade without breaking the system to the point of unusability.. except for debian.16:25
UB`ah ok16:25
UB`matthew__ did you try to debug your sound problem?16:26
matthew__i did try the upgrade.. but scratch my head--has it ever worked for anyone?16:26
matthew__UB`: well yes.. the module doesn't seem to be there.16:26
matthew__pretty simple problem.16:26
UB`what module?16:26
matthew__I forget the module name right now, but the one for Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)16:26
UB`matthew__ what kernel?16:28
matthew__Linux matthew-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux16:28
UB`matthew__ try this workaround https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+question/2184716:30
mitch_Can someone help me getting susspend/ sleep to work on my mbp16:30
gilster32just logged in a little while ago. whats going today folks? 300+ updates>? have i missed something?16:32
mitch_2.22 maybe?16:34
UB`gilster32 yes you missed a broken libc6 upgrade that crash the entire system ;)16:36
gilster32UB: omg16:37
mitch_So i take it i shouldn't update today to test for sleep working?16:37
gilster32cant blink an eye here.16:37
matthew__UB`: I am trying... thanks16:39
UB`matthew__ you could test it without reboot: sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound stop16:40
UB`and then: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=3stack16:40
UB`keep an eye on the master mixer it should be mute (unmute it)16:41
zoli2kHi! anyone has the old linux-headers-2.6.24-5-generic ??16:43
matthew__UB`: there is no /etc/init.d/alsasound .... just an alsa-utils (the only thing with alsa in the name)16:43
UB`matthew__ feisty?16:44
UB`mmm strange16:44
matthew__my sound worked fine in feisty... (except no mic)16:44
UB`matthew__ the idea is remove the sound module and re-enable them with the model=3stack option16:45
zoli2kAnyone got working em28xx?16:46
matthew__maybe i am missing packages?  as per alsa, i seem to have only alsa-base and alsa-utils16:46
UB`matthew__ may be alsa-tools16:47
vallhalla81hi all16:51
Ayabarais it just me, or has hardy uninstalled some of my applications all by itself?16:52
UB`Ayabara what kind of applications?16:53
LattywareHey all, Running Hardy, and it won't boot. I don't get GDM, but and then it just gives me TTY1 killed, restarting or suchlike when I try and login.16:53
PokoLokohi there16:53
Lattywareany fix?16:53
AyabaraUB`: I could have sworn that truecrypt, amule and opera was installed, but they were nowhere to be found. had to reinstall16:53
PokoLokoI am trying to install Alpha 6 to my laptop but the installer freezes @ 15%16:54
PokoLokoi have successfully install it on a desktop pc16:54
PokoLoko 16:54
amx109Lattyware, details in topic16:55
PokoLokoso does anyone knows if there is any bug regarding the files systems?16:55
PokoLokoSo,which should i choose ReiserFS or ext2?16:55
amx109PokoLoko, which install cd are u using? desktop or alt?16:55
matthew__UB`: also-tools didn't give it.. i have to do some work now.. but will try rebooting...  maybe installing hardy a bit early.16:56
Lattywareamx109: Oh, didn't realise that applied to me.16:56
PokoLokodesktop i38616:56
amx109what is happening at that 15%?16:56
ccookePokoLoko: I generally recommend using ext3 for all general purposes. Resierfs is very nice for some special uses, but it's not as stable or recoverable.16:57
LeeJunFanno, and the speed you get from reiser you can get from ext3 if you turn off the stuff that makes ext3 safe.16:57
ccookeLeeJunFan: Not all of it. However, you can't make ext3 as risky as reiser...16:58
secretlondonthere are also issues about whether reiserfs is supported considering that the author is in court in a murder trial16:58
ccookesecretlondon: no, it's supported and will remain so.16:58
LeeJunFanccooke: true. I've had many times where I've ended up with reiser putting fragments of files in other files.16:59
ccookeLeeJunFan: One serious problem with it is filesystem recovery.16:59
ccookeA filesystem that says "Don't allow untrusted users if you want to recover your data"... Is not a fit choice for a general purpose.17:00
ccookeMail spool, news spool, disposable web server content fs... oh yes. Marked improvements, and if it decided to die you just mkfs the damned thing.17:00
PokoLokoi have been trying all the to install Alpha 6 on my laptop w/o luck17:02
PokoLokosorry alpha 517:02
PokoLokois there much differemce from Alpha 5 to Alpha 6?17:03
AyabaraUB`: I'm almost positive now. I _know_ I had fdupes installed, but now it's gone17:04
PokoLokoso what would be better ext2 or ext3?17:05
amx109PokoLoko, ext317:05
UB`ext3 is journaled ext2 not17:05
UB`so ext3 is better17:05
PokoLokoso,should i download the Alpha 6 and try it if it works17:05
UB`Ayabara may be depencies problem did you try to reinstall it?17:05
AyabaraUB`: yep. they reinstall fine17:06
amx109PokoLoko, yes17:06
UB`PokoLoko you could try the alternate cd too17:07
UB`Ayabara you could fill a bug17:07
PokoLokoalso there are some problems with the kernel,i was using the kernel 2.24.11 and no problems,then i made some update,it updated to kernel 2.24.12 and it destroy everything,i couldn't even boot17:07
AyabaraUB`: I'll examine my system a bit more to check that I'm not imagining things :-)17:08
UB`ahah ok :)17:08
tgelterwhen will the hardy artwork be coming down the pipes? with beta?17:10
PokoLokoso when is the beta out?17:12
tgeltertomorrow I believe17:12
tgelterI lied, not till the 20th17:12
secretlondonbeta freeze may be tomorrow?17:13
tgelterbeta freeze today (according to wiki)17:13
KrimZonargh, i think i forgot to set proper permissions on the files i copied manually17:14
PokoLokoso the same problem again.It keeps freezing on 15% of the install(Detecting file systems)17:17
Ayabarais it normal and ok that memory used by programs and as cache sum up to 100%?17:18
frank_Ayabara: yes17:20
tgelterare there any plans in place to switch to using delta patches for updates in the future? how about torrents for patches as well?17:26
LattywareHmm... The fix in the bug thread does not appear to work for17:39
Lattyware*for me17:39
Lattywareand my Herd 4 CD won't boot into graphical mode17:39
cbrhello.. i updated my kubuntu hardy today and it completely died on me17:39
cbrit doesnt boot17:39
Lattywaredownloading Herd 6 and hoping I can use that.17:39
cbrafter the update various apps failed and i couldnt login from VT17:39
Lattywarecbr: Check the topic.17:39
LattywareI'm presuming it's that17:40
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
Clustyi have just a gutsy live CD. can I copy the old libc over hardy?17:46
LattywareAnyone know what I can do, In Ubuntu Gutsy install I had lying around, and the chroot command gives me: chroot: cannot run command `dpkg': Exec format error17:48
mohbanahey guys i messed up my gusty installation ive got a 8800gts what i did was install the nvidia-glx-new then i installed the 169.09 drivers from their site17:53
secretlondonmohbana: this channel is for hardy17:55
Seeker`Which mirrors have the libc fix?17:55
Milos_SDSeeker`, main server17:56
mohbanaany ideas :(17:57
Seeker`Milos_SD: thanks17:57
Lattywareanyone know why i'd get this: chroot: cannot run command `dpkg': Exec format error while trying to fix the libc error.17:58
amx109Lattyware, you'll want the most recent hardy live cd, not the gutsy ver17:59
Lattywarejust means downloading it, since I had a gutsy install17:59
* Lattyware sighs.17:59
Lattywarethis is what I get for running a development version I guess.17:59
edoceoI updated my Hardy system yesterday and now vol_id segfaults on boot - I'm toast!17:59
Lattywarestill, such things are rare.17:59
amx109heh indeed. im guessing gutsy wont work due to differences in kernel/libc et al18:00
olegbedoceo: look at topic18:00
Lattywareyeah, I kinda guessed it.18:01
LattywareI also just realised this is 32-bit and my hardy install was 64bit, so that won't help either.18:01
edoceoolegb: yea - thats what I needed - thanks!18:03
amx109Lattyware, that would be a significant difference, yes18:04
Lattywareamx109: I was just hoping it'd be easier. Oh well, half way through the download now.18:05
amikropI would suggest to place wesnoth 1.4 to the repos, and rename the wesnoth-all package to wesnoth.18:07
amikropSo? Where could I express my suggestion?18:12
amx109amikrop, to the packager of wesnoth?18:12
Piciamikrop: you could file a bug18:13
amikropOK. I will. Thanks.18:13
melchDoes anyone have any idea how to get sleep working on a macbook pro?18:14
oxigenwhy i cant execute command: chroot /mnt dpkg -i /tmp/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_amd64.deb18:15
oxigencannot run command `dpkg': Exec format error18:16
amx109oxigen,  are u booting from a hardy live cd?18:17
oxigenfrom other hd18:17
amx109from another hardy install?18:17
oxigenno other ubuntu 6.1018:17
amx109ah, that could be why. the kernel/libc ver might be too different for it to work18:18
melchAnyone have any ideas of sleep on? I have no idea what could be wrong. I think it might be nvidia or the ath_pci(madwifi) modules18:18
amx109oxigen, d/l the hardy live cd and run the fix from there18:18
oxigenamx109: ok, thanks18:18
oxigenamx109: do you think that is alpha 5 ok too?18:19
amx109oxigen, you mean using the alpha 5 live cd? if so, then i think it should be fine18:20
oxigenamx109: ok, 10x again :)18:20
amx109melch, had any luck lookin in the forums for a fix?18:21
TheArthurcan i make 2 packages that both provide: package-foo and then install them both?18:21
secretlondonno - packages can't install the same file18:24
ccookesecretlondon: a provide isn't a file18:24
ccookeTheArthur: Yes, you can18:24
melchAnyone have any idea on why I can't suspend18:24
ccookeTheArthur: so long as they don't have any other conflicts or replaces or whatever18:24
TheArthurccooke, thanks18:24
ccookewhat do you want to provide?18:25
melchAre you talking to me?18:25
ccookebe aware that Debian provides a mechanism for multiple packages providing the same files - the alternatives system.18:25
ccookeTheArthur: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/9118:27
JDahlis it safe to update libc6 now?18:27
secretlondondepends, not on my mirror18:28
ccookeTheArthur: (This will only affect you if you want to provide the same file as another package, and it will only work if the other package also uses the alternatives system. The good part is, pretty much every package that provides something it's normal to use one of a set of *does* use it)18:28
secretlondonccooke: thanks :)18:28
melchccooke have any ideas on my sleep problem?18:30
savvasyeah, anti-depressants18:31
ccookemelch: none, I'm afraid. I've not used a MBP18:31
tgelterJDahl: it's ok on the us mirror18:33
secretlondonit's not on gb18:34
melchIs there a place I can go to find the common problems for sleep18:34
tgeltermelch: a sleep clinic =)18:34
savvasah just get it from packages.ubuntu.com and stop complaining :p18:34
secretlondonmelch: acpi?18:34
savvasmelch: have you tried the uwsusp ?18:35
melchsavvas what is that?18:35
melchyes acpi18:35
savvasa package for hibernation18:35
savvasapt-cache show uswsusp18:35
savvasyou could try the logs, such as /var/log/syslog /var/log/dmesg18:36
savvasthe dmesg command18:36
mrtimdogI've just updated and now compiz has stopped working with a message in .xsession-errors "There is no available graphics driver for your system which supports the composite extension.". It was working yeserday. Is this to do with the driver selection of xorg or gnome-appearance-preferences, or something else?18:36
bmk789is anyone else having trouble with hibernate?18:37
secretlondona change in the last 24 hours now makes my brightness applet work :)18:37
melchshould i run uswsusp18:37
bmk789melch: does it just not work or do you get an error on boot?18:37
melchjust doesn't work18:38
savvasmrtimdog: select it from system -> administration -> screens and graphics18:38
savvasmrtimdog: you probably didn't get the restricted modules for your kernel18:39
melchsavvas should i run it now that i've installed it18:39
bmk789does anyone know how hibernate works in ubuntu?18:39
coz_any idea if gimp-svg will be avaiable for hardy ?18:39
mrtimdogsavvas: I've the restricted mods installed. Just trying to manually select my driver now...18:39
savvasmelch: read their website on how to use it: http://suspend.sourceforge.net/18:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
Rudin_the default games have disappeared.  I'm using Ubuntu Hardy Heron.  How can I recover them?18:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
savvasmrtimdog: $ apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic18:41
savvaslinux-image-2.6.24-12-generic: Installed: 2.6.24-12.22 Candidate: 2.6.24-12.2218:41
savvaslinux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic: Installed: Candidate:
Yaccineed help.18:41
Rudin_how can I have a list of this room users at the right in this Xchat program?18:41
bmk789melch: can you help me see if were having the same hibernate problem?18:41
YacciI need to get the build-Directory in the ""-Directory18:41
mrtimdogsavvas: Yep, all match current.18:42
Yaccican anybody tell me how or where to get it?18:42
savvasRudin_: check the preferences/options, something about a nickname list18:42
mrtimdogsavvas: Also just noticed (in .xsession-errors): Found laptop using ati driver. \n aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity18:42
savvasmrtimdog: well ok, try and set it manually and log out / log in again, see if it works18:42
savvasah dunno about ati :)18:43
savvascould be a driver failure18:43
Rudin_savvas: I cannot find the option, I can show a floating window with the nicknames with CTL + U, but I can not make it fixed to the right18:45
emefarrUB`: Broadcom nic issue under alpha6 - nic was "disabled" after first round of updates.   Issued "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" && "sudo dhclient eth0" and back up and running.  Thanks again for your help!18:47
Yaccii really need help because on google i can not find anything about it!18:47
mitch_hey sorry this is melch18:50
mitch_who was i talking to18:50
bmk789could you help me see if were having the same problem?18:50
mitch_sure shoot18:51
bmk789if its the same, this command should give 0kb for all 318:51
bmk789run "cat /proc/meminfo|grep Swap"18:51
mrtimdogAnyone else using compiz with the ati driver on a laptop?18:51
clustyi managed to fix my libc issue but now the X does not work properly anymore:18:51
mitch_only 0 for the 1st18:52
clustymy nvidia card does not get recognized anymore18:52
mitch_then the amount of my swamp for the other 218:52
clustyany hints?18:52
mitch_clusty try envy18:52
clustymitch_, its supposed to be a no no as far as ubuntu goes?18:52
clustywas it not?18:52
bmk789ok, then its clearing your swap partition instead of using the hibernate data, it refuses to mount my swap at all18:52
clusty...or at least some guys scared me off18:52
mitch_sometime the kernel upgrade fucks with with the mod18:53
mitch_When that happens i use envysudo s2disk18:53
mitch_i'm assuming you tried the restricted drivers18:53
clustywell restricted dont get listed anymore18:54
edoceomrtimdog: ati+compiz = headache for me18:54
clustyi mean i have the nvidia-glx-new package18:54
clustybut nothing in the GUI thingy18:55
mrtimdogedoceo: Things have been fine until last compiz update. Just trying to work out which package a bug might belong to.18:55
clustydoing envy now18:56
edoceoI got hit with the libc6 bug, I tried the update listed at the top of this channel and I still get the segfaults - other ideas?18:56
Yaccino help, see you18:56
clustyedoceo, read the forum link18:57
clustysome dud tells you how to fix using a regular live CD18:57
clusty...no matter which kind18:57
h3sp4wndpkg --root=/mnt --force-depends -i *.deb18:58
h3sp4wn(have the old or fixed debs in that dir)18:58
clustyh3sp4wn, wont work18:59
melchsavvas that didn't work18:59
melchit would suspend but then freeze18:59
h3sp4wnclusty: That is exactly how I fixed it in 5 mins18:59
h3sp4wnat dinner time today18:59
clustymine choked18:59
h3sp4wn(using grml)18:59
bmk789melch: i mightve found the fix for hibernate, let me test it real quick18:59
h3sp4wnand the root partition on /mnt18:59
h3sp4wnthen reinstalled manually everything in dpkg -C18:59
clustylaunchpad link19:00
h3sp4wnand all is god19:00
clustyand follow second part19:00
clusty(not the ramdisk thing)19:00
WelshDragonAh, so it has been fixed :)19:00
* WelshDragon updates19:00
WelshDragonThere any way to tell if its propagated to my mirror yet?19:00
WelshDragonor should i wait 2 days?19:00
h3sp4wnapt-cache policy libc619:01
WelshDragonthank you19:01
h3sp4wnthe version number you want is in the topic19:01
melchuswsusp isn't working19:01
secretlondonstill 1 on gb mirror :(19:01
WelshDragon2.7-9ubuntu2 ...theres no dash after the 9...that matter?19:02
secretlondonI get Candidate: 2.7-9ubuntu1 :(19:02
WelshDragonYmgeisydd: 2.7-9ubuntu219:03
edoceoh3sp4wn: When you say *.deb there is that only for the libc package or did you have others?19:03
h3sp4wnedoceo: I used libc6 and libc6-i68619:04
h3sp4wnIt needs to be from a live cd so you have a working dpkg19:04
edoceoOhh - I didn't try the i686 one -19:04
edoceoI'm uing a Alphac6 live cd to try it now - thanks!19:04
edoceoDoes it matter that my CD is Ubuntu and my install is Kubuntu?  libc6 should be the same on both right?19:05
h3sp4wnThat won't be a problem19:05
desrtis anyone else experiencing weird random crashes in many different apps in hardy?19:10
YacciWhat does a program mean when it says "set KERNELPATH" ???19:11
mrtimdogAnyone know why the ati and radeon drivers has been blacklisted from laptops?19:11
h3sp4wnWhat do you mean ?19:11
rskmrtimdog: it dosen't woork so good19:11
rskwith mobility cards19:12
rsknot _all_ laptops are blacklisted mrtimdog19:12
mrtimdogI'm using a Radeon Mobility 7500 and it's been working ok?19:12
h3sp4wnCompiz can work find on my mobility19:12
rskfile a bug then19:12
h3sp4wnBut I have to use 16 bit color and some hacks somewhere broke xv in that colordepth19:13
h3sp4wn(clean Debian driver is alright but I am not bothered for compiz anyway)19:13
Picih3sp4wn: Thats not really working then, is it?19:13
Picih3sp4wn: er, wrong person, sorry.19:13
h3sp4wn(that xv thing is without compiz also)19:14
Picimrtimdog: If its working fine, file a bug for your card to be whitelisted, include the card's pci id19:14
Picih3sp4wn: I forgot who was saying what :x19:14
mrtimdogPici: Just reading another similar bug.19:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 201330 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:14
mitch_not working19:14
mitch_i am powned19:14
mitch_Anyone have any idea how to get sleep working19:15
secretlondonbug #20133019:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201330 in compiz "Need to whitelist multiple ATI cards, or remove blacklisting" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20133019:15
mrtimdogsecretlondon: doh! thanks.19:15
YacciWhat does a program mean when it says "set KERNELPATH" ?19:16
edoceoSo now that I've updated my libc6 files (libc6, libc6-i686,libc6-dev) how can I test before I reboot? Chroot into my system and run ls?19:18
edoceoyes - chroot was OK, able to run various commands, apt-get update, etc.  Policy shows 2.7.9 - 2 on US mirrors -19:21
edoceoI'm back baby!19:21
clustyX works now just fine with envy19:21
clustymy fav gnome widget crashes - hardware sensors19:22
clustyworth doing a bug report?19:22
Piciclusty: always19:22
secretlondonyes pls19:22
secretlondonnew libc6 finally arrived on my mirror :)19:23
flipstari still have Version: 2.7-5ubuntu2.. installed and availible..19:24
flipstarusing kde19:24
tamarindflipstar: hows good is kubuntu kde4?19:25
flipstarim still using kde3 with some kde4 apps :) kde4 desktop isnt really good for me19:26
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | libc6 has been FIXED in versions >= 2.7-9-ubuntu2 , changes still propagating to mirrors | Old libc6 broke your install?: see workarounds: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 and https://launchpad.net/bugs/201673
h3sp4wnedoceo: Some wierdness happened only in my initramfs so after its done then update-initramfs -k all -u would probably be a good idea19:26
amon__i have a problem with audio in hardy19:26
edoceoh3sp4wn: Yea - I had to do that too19:27
tamarindflipstar: opensuse's livecd seduced me into installing kde4 under ubuntu. it sucked :-(19:28
edoceoI'm also loving my KDE419:28
ConstyXIVi'm wondering, what does policykit do, and why should i care?19:28
h3sp4wnedoceo: Is the fonts issue fixed ?19:28
h3sp4wnlast time I tried it the fonts were stupidly big19:29
flipstartamarind: same on fedora9..works great there ..19:29
edoceoI'm not aware of any fonts issue - mine seem fine to me19:29
edoceoI also have a hacked-to-hell configuration for X and KDE so maybe I'm not loading some fonts you have19:30
tamarindflipstar: Hated fedora since core 4. Never looked since.19:30
flipstari just tried the new alpha19:30
flipstaras live cd19:30
amon__about my sound problem, can anybody help me?19:30
edoceoamon_: what sound device do you have (lcpci)19:30
tamarindamon__: just ask19:30
h3sp4wnI will probably try it again soon19:31
clustythis looks acceptable to you guys?19:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201923 in hardware-monitor "hardware sensors monitor applet crashing" [Undecided,New]19:31
amon__sound works, but not in xmms for example, and when i try and play mp3s through totem it skips19:32
clustyamon__, i heard some other guy was complaining about crackling sound in hardy19:32
secretlondonamon__ presumably you have the plugins to play mp3s?19:32
amon__i have them19:33
amon__it plays mp3s, but when i change windows it makes ugly noises19:33
clustyamon__, tried both alsa and oss?19:33
tamarindamon__: you could try starting xmms from the command line and see what it outputs.19:33
amon__my main problem is not xmms, it is that audio skips in all other applications whenever i change windows19:34
tamarindamon__: is your windows drawing without artifacts and stutters?19:35
tamarind*are your19:35
amon__when i activate compiz it's allright19:36
tamarindmaybe X is tying down the CPU for some reason19:36
tamarindare you on ati?19:36
amon__no radeon19:37
tamarindyou could try fglrx and see if it helps.19:37
tamarindsome cards don't work well with radeon19:37
amon__no, fglrx does not work with my card at all19:38
amon__it is a mobility radeon 9100igp19:38
tamarindthere is your problem me thinks19:39
amon__where, tamarind?19:39
tamarindthe 9100igp.19:40
clustycool stuff: new nvidia driver supports throttling down even for my crappy 760019:40
secretlondonclusty 'crappy'? I have a geforce 4mx here..19:41
wxPythoni have a question regarding hardy heron19:41
clustysecretlondon, well its crappy since I usually get 8800 GTX's at work :D19:41
flipstarthe 169.12 ?19:41
amon__tamarind: but it never was aproblem before19:41
frank_clusty: yeah... I upgraded 'to' a 7600gt recently. Don't crush my illusions!19:42
tamarindamon__: I'm not sure but could be because of the newer drivers.19:42
wxPythonwhen is the deadline of the .deb packages for hardy heron?19:42
clustywell i dont need mosters on my laptop19:42
clustythats why i got this one19:43
bmk789how do i create an encrypted partition?19:43
secretlondonwxPython: we are on feature freeze19:43
edoceobmk789: have you looked at encfs?  Its' not encrypted partition but gets the job done - need fuse19:43
flipstarbmk789: cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi -y -s 384 luksFormat /dev/partition19:43
amon__so what should i do now19:44
clustywxPython, check out:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule19:44
wxPythonclusty i already did19:44
ConstyXIVif firefox 3 doesn't make landfall until post-hardy, will the beta be frozen in, or will it be updated?19:44
bmk789edoceo: im currently using the encryption from the alt. cd installer but i need to recreate my swap partition encrypted19:44
bmk789flipstar: ty19:44
tamarindamon__: i'm not sure but i think the fglrx drivers in hardy run compiz over AIGLX19:44
tamarindyou might want to try xgl19:45
wxPythonwho makes the .deb packages of the gnome-panel package?19:45
amon__fglrx does not support my card at all and  btw what happened to xorg.conf19:45
frank_ConstyXIV: firefox is typically upgraded within a release instead of backporting security patches.19:46
edoceobmk789: oh, encfs won't do that - cryptsetup is they way19:46
flipstarbmk789: for swap you usally do something else..19:46
tamarindamon__: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MzU4 says otherwise19:46
clustyis there are good enough reason to use encrypted FS'?19:46
secretlondonwxPython: one of the core devs, it'll be on launchpad19:46
flipstarclusty: laptop for i.e.19:47
clustyflipstar, why is that?19:47
bmk789flipstar: what do i mkswap on after i reboot?19:48
flipstarclusty: is there a reason for not encrypt fs ?19:48
amon__tamarind: but only 2d support19:48
mrtimdogWahay! Got compiz back on my ati laptop with a little tweak to the /usr/bin/compiz script :)19:48
flipstarbmk789: you can encrypt swap in the fly19:48
clustyflipstar, it just seemed something very complicated to do :D19:48
clustyremounting through loopback and so forth19:48
flipstarclusty: no...its already pretty easy..19:49
flipstarjust the passwd thing..19:49
l815oh it's safe to update libc6 :D19:49
clustyflipstar, guess is should read some page from this age19:49
flipstarclusty: you can make a alias for that :)19:49
clustyflipstar, how is it on performance?>19:50
tamarindamon__: use top to see if something is eating up the cpu. you could also try sysprof19:50
tamarindat least you'll know what to blame :-)19:51
flipstarclusty: okay..performance is an issue..e.g 36.4MB/s non encrypted 15MB/s encrypted on my system (kind of antique)19:51
clustyflipstar, not worth it if you ask me. laptop drives are sucky anyways19:52
clustyand I don't carry any secret codes to nuclear bombs19:53
flipstarsome does19:53
clustywill be happy if some1 were to read my stinking thesis19:53
edoceoany one see unknown stanza in /etc/event.d/tty? line 16?19:53
bmk789thanks flipstar, swap is working again19:54
bmk789edoceo: everything looks normal here19:55
bmk789edoceo: line 16 is "exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1"19:55
edoceoReally? Not mine it says: /sbin/getty 38400 tty1exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty119:57
mooboo1brainstorm says "done" and launchpad says "fix released", yet i cant find firefox 3 beta 4 in repo, why?19:57
edoceoHmm, so I guess I can just manual fix those19:57
wxPythonmooboo1 are you on ubuntu?19:57
mooboo1wxPython, HARDY HERON19:58
mooboo1yeah, but i dont find beta4 :(19:58
wxPythoni have the answer for you19:59
wxPythonthe .deb package was not yet made19:59
wxPythonthat's the probable cause19:59
flipstari got it from http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0b4/linux-i686/ :P19:59
mooboo1but it said "Fix released" on launchpad, they tricked me! :(19:59
mooboo1and it said "Done" on brainstorm, they tricked me! :(19:59
wxPythonmooboo1 they did fix it, but it's not in the Ubuntu repos . yet! ;)19:59
flipstarmaybe it will uploaded soon ..19:59
secretlondonthere is always lag20:00
mooboo1secretlondon, i am using the official main repo20:00
mooboo1so i dont have to wait for mirrors to catch up20:00
wxPythonmooboo1 please wait a while20:00
mooboo1ps. mirrors should catch up faster20:00
mooboo1im impatient boy20:00
mooboo1i want new toy20:00
wxPythonthose mirrors are a heck sometimes yes ;)20:00
mooboo1they should add like what is 1+1 to brainstorm to prevent morons from posting lol20:01
mooboo1"hey i have idea, plz put AOL Browser and BonziBuddy in Ubuntu"20:02
wxPythoni have a question20:02
wxPythoni have applied a patch to the gnome-panel source... how can i make a .deb package from that now?20:02
wxPythona have altered the gnome-panel/button-widget.c file20:03
secretlondonwxPython which bug does it fix?20:03
wxPythonplease visit this link and see20:03
mooboo1wxPython, you would usually make a patch, then send it upstreams20:04
ubotuGnome bug 308632 in Panel "Last launcher/applets get highlighted/focused when opening the menu" [Minor,Assigned]20:04
wxPythonthis workaround was not made by me but i altered the source and added the "focus-on-click", FALSE,  line20:05
wxPythoni wanna make a .deb package of that20:05
wxPythonhow? :)20:05
wxPythonthis patch was not yet applied to the gnome panel20:05
wxPythonit hopefully will be20:06
wxPythonby vincent that is ;)20:06
flipstarcheckinstall ?20:06
wxPythonoh, and i'm on stupid Windows atm20:08
wxPythoncan't boot to linux, so...20:08
wxPythoncan't do that20:08
secretlondonwxPython: you can make a ppa deb following the packaging guide20:08
wxPythonplease provide a link ;)20:08
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:08
edoceoAny experience with Xorg and kernel framebuffer?  I currently use NVIDIA but have some issues with Hardy20:09
flipstarwhat kind of issues? no tty availible ?20:10
clustyedoceo, nvidia-glx-new?20:11
edoceoWell, on this machine now when I upgraded to KDE4 my nvidia with twinview stopped working and now I can't run KDE20:11
clustyX starts?20:11
clustyis it in crappy 800x600?20:11
clustydon't you even get the bulletproof X menu thing?20:12
clustyto ask to config cards20:12
edoceonope complains that my nvidia driver is not found20:12
flipstartry reinstall nvidia then20:12
clustyedoceo, try with envy20:12
clustyi had same issue20:13
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:13
edoceothen I was reading and saw kernel fb with xorg?20:13
clustyand fixed it 2h ago20:13
Dekanshello ll20:13
l815what's a good youtube video maker that i can also add music to which is available in the add/remove?20:13
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
edoceoshould I use nvida-glx-new or nvidia-glx-new-dev?20:14
clustyfirst i suppose20:14
motopluxhi guys20:15
edoceoactually - have that already20:15
motopluxdoed anyone have trouble with firefox after last upgrade?20:15
motopluxit cannot start it says : Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9b3 and 1.9b3.20:15
edoceoHmm - just rand the dpkg-reconfigure for xorg and now it complains: unable to find a validframebuffer device?20:16
mooboo1edoceo, never heard of nvidia-glx-new-dev20:16
mooboo1edoceo, if you want stability, you should use nvidia-glx-new20:16
pwnguinwhats the description for -dev?20:16
clustyedoceo, some weird stuff is happenenig20:16
clustywhats your card?20:16
wxPythonplease tell me something20:16
pwnguin!info nvidia-glx-new-dev20:16
edoceogeForce 7600 GS20:16
l815anyone know if they fixed the system slowdown with video + effects enabled with gm965 cards?20:16
ubotunvidia-glx-new-dev (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver development files. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 150 kB, installed size 776 kB20:16
dmbis hardy going to be using 2.6.25?20:17
pwnguinedoceo: i dont think you need -dev. im not even sure who does.20:17
mooboo1dmb, i hope so :D20:17
clustyedoceo, i suggest you try the envy20:17
edoceoI'm not using dev, thats for C coders - I only build web apps20:18
dmbmooboo1: lots of good stuff in it :D20:18
pwnguinthere's almost no way hardy will use 2.6.25, imho20:18
dmbpwnguin: why?20:18
mooboo1dmb, oh.. i thought only boring stuff like kgdb20:18
pwnguinthat would give a month for testing20:18
pwnguinand it takes a LOOOONG time to test a kernel20:18
pwnguinand fix it20:18
DekansIS it too late to propose a new package for ubuntu ??20:18
clustyDekans, :D20:18
pwnguinassuming .25 is released today20:18
dmbDekans: for hardy probably20:18
mooboo1Dekans, yes, its feature-freeze20:18
wxPythonwhen is the deadline of the .deb packages for hardy heron?20:18
mooboo1when will .25 be released?20:19
dmbdon't know20:19
pwnguinwell, .25 is on rc520:19
DekansI should think about it earlier :(20:19
DekansI would have proposed Grails20:20
pwnguinthe kernel freeze is on april 10th20:20
wxPythonpwnguin so they have already frozen the .deb packages for hard<y?20:20
* DanaG wants the HPMDPS driver.20:20
secretlondonexcept important bug fixes20:21
DanaGHP MDPS - Mobile Data Protection System.  Same idea as the Thinkpads' HDAPS.20:21
pwnguinbeta freeze20:21
pwnguinnew .debs must be approved manunally as of.. today20:21
mooboo1DanaG, uhm HPMDPS what?20:21
wxPythonpwnguin if (for example) the gnome-panel update is awailable... is it going to be present in the final version or after the update process?20:22
pwnguinwxPython: depends on what the update is20:22
DanaGIt's an accelerometer / position sensor.20:22
wxPythonjust a small fix20:22
pwnguinwxPython: how big is the diff?20:23
wxPythonone line of code20:23
mooboo1DanaG, oh like Mac Book when you drop it20:23
wxPython+1 line of code20:23
mooboo1DanaG, yeah, that would be cool, we need a driver like that... thought there already was one20:23
pwnguinwxPython: it's got a chance if you file the bug, attach the patch and subscribe the right exception team20:23
wxPythoncan we do it together?20:24
wxPythonpwnguin i am new at this you know20:24
wxPythonpwnguin this bug is nearly 3 years old20:24
pwnguinwxPython: is it already reported?20:24
wxPythonit has numerous reports20:24
tgelterDanaG: yeah, HDAPS would be nice...if only we could get the kernel built to support it...20:24
wxPythonlet me give you the link20:25
pwnguinplease do20:25
ubotuGnome bug 308632 in Panel "Last launcher/applets get highlighted/focused when opening the menu" [Minor,Assigned]20:25
wxPythonplease look at the diff file20:25
wxPythonit only adds one line of code20:25
wxPythonare you willing to subscribe the right exception team?20:26
wxPythonbut please note...20:26
wxPythonthis patch was not yet applied to the whole GNOME project20:27
wxPythonit's still pending20:27
wxPythoni have contacted Vincent Untz about this20:27
wxPythonthe GNOME panel guy ;)20:28
edoceoEnvy aint working - all kinds of issues - needs to be installed, can't find hostname, etc20:28
secretlondonthis is the ubuntu bug? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/1836120:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:28
niekieWhat version of libc is save to upgrade to? I see different versions for libc6 and libc6-dev20:28
wxPythonsecretlondon exactly right20:28
lamalexniekie: /topic20:28
secretlondonadd your patch to that20:28
niekielibc6-dev is -ubuntu220:29
niekielibc6 is -ubuntu120:29
niekieIn the upgrade screen20:29
* pwnguin wishes LP would monitor upstream bugs for patches20:29
wxPythonsecretlondon i am on stupid Windows ATM so i can't make a diff file...20:29
niekieI guess I shouldn't be upgrading yet then?20:29
savvasniekie: apt-cache policy libc6 | grep Candidate20:29
lamalexwxPython: there is deffinitely a diff program for windows20:30
niekiesavvas: Dutch Ubuntu here.20:30
niekieBut I get what you mean.20:30
niekie  Kandidaat: 2.7-9ubuntu220:30
savvasit's good to go20:30
niekiesavvas: the Ubuntu upgrade thing says -ubuntu1 though.20:30
savvasniekie: use check in the update-manager20:30
niekieAs where it will upgrade to.20:30
niekiesavvas: still the same after that.20:30
wxPythonplease make a diff file for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361 bug and post it20:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:31
niekiesavvas: I'll try an apt-get update20:31
savvasniekie: then use synaptic, or http://packages.ubuntu.com :)20:31
pwnguinthere already is a diff20:31
niekiesavvas: ah, after apt-get update20:31
niekieit works.20:31
wxPythoni provided the link20:31
niekieAny other issues with upgrading at the moment other than that?20:32
pwnguinjust need to attach that to the LP bug, because it's not smart enough to see it20:32
pwnguinplus, someone should probably review that it works as intended20:32
lamalexwxPython: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm20:32
pwnguinmaybe the submitter20:32
pwnguinim sure corey can handle it ;)20:32
savvasniekie: maybe the new kernel, some complain about usb problems, but I haven't noticed anything20:32
savvas$ apt-cache policy linux-generic20:33
savvaslinux-generic: Installed: Candidate:
wxPythonso please go here and make a diff file and then post it on launchpad for that odd selection/menu bug    DIFF: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=107229&action=diff        LAUNCHPAD BUG: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/1836120:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:33
niekiesavvas: you != Seveas, right?20:33
savvasniekie: nope :)20:33
niekiesavvas: so.. you == Seveas?20:33
tgelterwhen issuing a "aptitude safe-upgrade" is anyone else experiencing a ton of extra line feeds in the output?20:33
niekieOr you're confirming that you aren't? :P20:34
edoceonow my nvidia complains that kernel module and nvidia driver components have same version?  The current driver has 169.1220:34
savvasniekie: i hate sophisms :P20:34
clustyedoceo, did envy?20:34
wxPythonoh... i can as well copy this      http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=107229&action=diff&context=patch&collapsed=&headers=1&format=raw      and save it with the .diff extension right?20:35
mooboo1why people use envy? hardy heron takes care of it all with restricted device manager20:35
clustymooboo1, nbot for me20:35
savvasit's like telling me: "my dog's name is socrates. socrates was a philosopher. thus, my dog was a philosopher" :P20:35
mooboo1clusty, oh strange20:35
clustyafter screwing around for 1h i gave up20:35
savvasmooboo1: updated drivers probably20:35
wxPythonam i on the right track?20:35
clustythen again serves me right for usiong prebeta linux20:35
wxPythonplease advise20:35
mooboo1clusty, i have geforce 8600, when i install hardy, it ask "you need restrcited driver to take full advantage, you want enabled, yes plz?"20:36
pwnguinwxPython: that's fine20:36
mooboo1i have 169.12 too20:36
RAOFsavvas: Except that the drivers that envy downloads (at the moment) are exactly the same as nvidia-glx-new :)20:36
clustymooboo1, likewise20:36
savvaswxPython: you'd get more support in #ubuntu-bugs if you ask me20:36
wxPythonok great20:36
clustyjust that i upgraded to hardy20:36
mooboo1i upgraded in alpha 4 i think20:36
savvasRAOF: because we're alpha/development, after april, people will tend to use updated drivers to fix their bugs :P20:36
clustyand after the libc thing i could not get X with nvidia driver up20:36
savvasRAOF: is there a bug about this matter? to keep managed/updated drivers during a release cycle?20:37
mooboo1clusty, yeah my computer broke in libc, but i fixed it20:37
edoceoclutsy: envy is a no fly20:37
RAOFsavvas: No, because of the release policy.20:38
pwnguinsavvas: afaik, there's a continual "we should think about this" but not much happens20:38
clustyedoceo, why might that be?20:38
savvasi know but.. :\ something should be done to easen up a bit the policy20:38
savvasdrivers are important for desktops20:38
pwnguinsavvas: the policy's in place to avert disasters for those for whom nvidia does work20:38
RAOFThis is true, but regressions happen.20:38
edoceoshould I try linux-restricted-modules-???20:39
savvasedoceo: what's the problem?20:39
pwnguinsavvas: i think most people are hoping nouveau will be capable of replacing nv / nvidia for basic functionality20:39
RAOFsavvas: Basically, once Hardy is released it becomes much, much more important that things which previously worked *continue* to work than making things that don't work work :)20:39
edoceoclutsy: machine is in recovery mode, no network, no nothing.  have to move envy dependencies over by hand using usb disk20:39
edoceowhich is sux20:40
edoceoI'm looking for an easier way20:40
savvasRAOF: understood, but what about the not-lts releases?20:40
RAOFsavvas: Exactly the same.20:40
clustyedoceo, why no network?20:40
savvasthere should be a poll about this :P20:40
pwnguinRAOF: what about putting nvidia-glx in -proposed for a month?20:40
savvasrun it for 6 months and get results :)20:40
RAOFsavvas: Once a version is _released_, we've basically made a contract "If it works now, it will work in the future".20:40
RAOFpwnguin: Maybe.  But how many people run -proposed?  You'd want really extensive testing!20:41
pwnguinRAOF: indeed =(20:41
savvasRAOF: yeah, but what happens with the flashplugin-nonfree that constantly breaks after md5sum mismatch?20:41
edoceoclutsy: cause machine only has WiFi connection and it don't run in recovery, and I'm not savvy with wpa_supplicaant in terminal20:42
pwnguinthe severity of flashplugin isnt quite the same as an x video module20:42
ConstyXIVi'm assuming the "bird" is now the standard hardy wallpaper?20:42
RAOFsavvas: Well, that we put into foo-updates.  Because it's "flash worked, but now doesn't" :)20:42
savvasConstyXIV: heron :P and probably yes20:42
savvashehe, i like the name, foo :)20:42
savvasRAOF: ok how about deb packages of new drivers in backports?20:43
savvasunmaintained versions that can easily be caught in packages.ubuntu.com20:43
savvasand everyone's happy :P20:43
RAOFsavvas: That would _possibly_ fly, yes.20:44
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:44
savvaspwnguin: where did you say they said maybe? a bug report?20:44
pwnguini see it on UDS schedules from time to time20:44
pwnguini think even shuttleworth said he'd revisit the subject20:44
pwnguinit would be far easier if nvidia was open source20:45
pwnguinto just backport the listing of supported pci ids20:45
l815how do i turn off the activation of the keyboard language thing ?20:45
savvasyeah i discussed that with some friends in #ubuntu-rs :)20:45
l815i always hit shift+space and it's annoying when it always popsu p20:45
pwnguinbut ultimately i think its a failure of testing; however you do it, you need testing or you get irate users20:46
pwnguinand nvidia-glx supports a lot of hardware in a lot of varied configurations20:46
savvasl815: system - preferences - keybaord - layout - layout options ?20:47
savvaspwnguin: maybe they're embarassed of their way of programming drivers :P20:48
pwnguinunless you intend to make a hardy-nvidia-makes-you-qq repo somewhere out in multiverse20:48
l815savvas, thanks but i didnt see anything there to disable it.20:48
edoceoso - what's a generic xorg driver if I can't get nvidia to work?  what should I fall back to?20:48
pwnguinedoceo: nv?20:48
savvasor have hidden sexy stuff that make better use of a graphics card heheh20:48
edoceonv fails too20:48
flipstar vesa maybe20:48
pwnguinif that fails, you fail20:48
savvasl815: none of the shortcuts match yours?20:48
l815savvas, none of them are checked lol i'm talking abut that keyboard thing in the taskbar20:49
edoceovesa - works but looks like hell - thanks!20:49
pwnguinsavvas: unlikely. they're probably worried that a) they don't have the rights to the source b) the source is full of holes, both security and image quality, and c) patents they dont own20:50
l815actually if i cna figure out how to type korean with it i wont mind leaving it on20:50
savvasl815: the one that shows which keyboard layout you use?20:50
clustywell i had to run the upgrade20:50
savvasl815: ah, dunno then20:50
clustynow no more ffox320:50
clustyany way to downgrade xul?20:51
l815savvas, yeah the smart common input method. thanks anyway. It's not a big deal. If i can find out how to type korean with it i'll want it enabled anyhow lol20:51
savvaspwnguin: the joys of closed source heheh20:51
mooboo1anyone have pink shadows bug?20:52
mooboo1when will this get fixed?20:52
l815wow if i set my font to use slight hinting it looks like mac fonts lol20:53
edoceowhen I say dpkg -l I see lots of 'rc' entries - how can I remove those?20:54
* pwnguin uses synaptic20:55
pwnguinedoceo: how about "dpkg -l | grep -E ^rc"20:56
edoceopwnguin: well, yea but I want dpkg to forget all those rc items - is there a cleanup option?20:56
edoceoThis machine started as a Kubuntu edgy and upgraded throguh now to hardy20:57
edoceothen lots of added/removed packages and my list is confusing me20:57
pwnguinapt-get remove --purge foo20:58
Oli``The glibc bug has been fixed, right? I noticed it wasn't able to download the updates earlier and saw the topic then but I just did an update and they all installed - so I'm a little worried now...20:58
* Oli`` slaps Oli`` after reading the new topic20:58
pwnguinedoceo: i just use synaptic to select em all and mark for complete removal. donno if there's a option to dkpg to do quite that20:59
flipstarguess the libc6 thing is gnome related ?20:59
wxPythonpwnguin got a question for ya21:00
Oli``no it's very much at a lower level, flipstar21:00
RAOFflipstar: It's "program written in C, or depending on a program written in C" related :)21:00
wxPythonif in Launchpad says that a bug is Triaged... what does that mean?21:00
flipstarhm i have Version: 2.7-5ubuntu2 installed and availible...21:00
RAOFflipstar: IE: *everything* that isn't the kernel :)21:00
pwnguinwxPython: it means someone's looked at it and decided it's impoartance and given cursory aid21:01
Oli``flipstar: 2.7-9ubuntu1 is the bugged version21:01
flipstari dont even have that availible :)21:01
pwnguinwxPython: in a hospital for example, triage decides who's important enough to get a doctor immediately21:01
pwnguinnot a good word for people who aren't native speakers... of french21:02
pwnguinwxPython: whoever marked it triaged basically thinks what it needs now is a developer's attention21:03
wxPythonpwnguin i am not a native so i didn't quite understand the meaning21:03
wxPythonthanks for the enlightenment ;)21:04
pwnguinwxPython: i doubt many native english speakers know it either21:04
wxPythonso that basically means that this bug report should be.... what? :)21:04
wxPythonthere was no file attached21:05
wxPythonjust a comment21:05
wxPythonbut the devs will probably look at the code and alter it appropriately, right?21:06
wxPythonthe gnome panel devs that is21:06
pwnguini doubt gnome devs will look to hard at launchpad21:06
wxPythoni know21:07
ConstyXIVwhy does it seem like the latest python update is taking forever?21:08
wxPythoni have point Vincent Untz (the GNOME dev) to look at the patch of that bug on the launchpad comments21:08
wxPythonhopefully he'll look at the comment and look at the code and alter it21:08
ConstyXIVnever mind, there it goes21:09
wxPythonwhich update?21:09
wxPythonthe 2.6 version?21:09
wxPythonthe new alpha of Py3k?21:09
wxPythonwhat what? :)21:09
flipstaranyone already tried to get vmplayer running on 2.6.24-12 ?21:10
pwnguinwhat's the command to explain why a package will be removed?21:10
flipstaralways depencies21:11
flipstaris there an alternative for vmplayer ? to run vmx files ?21:11
savvasBug #20194821:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201948 in ubuntu "[wish] updated graphics drivers in backports (or proposed)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20194821:12
flipstardamn i just downloaded gnome-2.22.20080312-x86.vmware but cant play it on 2.6.24-12 :((21:13
flipstarcan someone help with that ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59528/ (building vmmon from vmplayer)21:16
mooboo1i installed some updates like XUL i think21:17
mooboo1and now my firefox wont start!21:17
Lilacorflipstar: KVM21:17
mooboo1oh please god save me!21:17
mooboo1i cannot surf porno21:17
mooboo1and i cannot google for a solution21:17
mooboo1i cannot post on launchpad21:17
flipstarLilacor: can Kvm player vmware files ?21:17
mooboo1im stuck21:17
Lilacorflipstar: KVM can use vmx files, yes21:17
mooboo1anyone else have this problem? they updated, and now firefox wont work?21:17
flipstarnice thx21:17
Lilacorflipstar: that is my understanding21:17
rskmooboo1: try links2 or lynx21:17
rskor opera21:18
UB`mooboo1 try run it from a console21:18
UB`watch the error21:18
flipstar"* Your system does not have the CPU extensions required to use KVM. Not doing anything." what the ..21:19
crimsunmooboo1: that's fairly obvious: firefox 3.0b4 hasn't rsynced out yet21:19
mooboo1crimsun, im using b3, and main repository, when b4 sync out?21:20
UB`mooboo1 I think this is your problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/20193821:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201938 in firefox "firefox cannot start after xulrunner upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:21
ccookeHmm. Seems like my home build *didn't* pick up the broken libc this morning. Yay.21:21
wxPythonwhat version of Firefox is going to be in the final version of Ubuntu 8.04?21:22
wxPythonis it announced yet?21:22
wxPythonwhat version of Firefox is going to be in Ubuntu 8.04 Final?21:23
UB`I hope for FF 3.0 released...21:23
mooboo1UB`, thanks for the link, I'LL TELNET INTO IT!!!21:23
ArtimusHow can I disable SCIM in Kubuntu?  I've got *TWO* of them running right now.  They won't die, and I don't want to remove the package (that'll remove my meta package, I believe)21:23
mooboo1wxPython, i think or 3.021:24
UB`mooboo1 aptitude install epiphany21:24
flipstarmooboo1: apt-cache search web browser | grep -i "web browser"21:24
DekanswxPython: Fx 321:24
tgelterok, so apparently I need to stop being so update-happy...I am now victim to a broken firefox21:25
DekansFx 3 beta 4 should be available in the coming hour on hardy repos21:25
Dekanstgelter: I'm to21:25
UB`tgelter https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/20193821:25
=== Gerry_ is now known as Gerry
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201938 in firefox "firefox cannot start after xulrunner upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:25
tgelterDekans: yeah, I loaded up links and googled it...saw that it was reported21:25
UB`wait for Firefox 3b421:25
mooboo1they should have put XUL in the the gutsy-proposed21:25
Dekanswe have to wait beta 4 :p21:25
UB`we can wait a couple of hours21:26
wxPythondo you guys think that Firefox is going to get out of Beta before Ubuntu 8.04 final gets out?21:26
DekanswxPython: not sure21:26
mooboo1thank god, i downloaded porno videos, so i dont have to use firefox, i can live without firefox for some hours21:26
rskwxPython: if it goes on schedule21:26
wxPythonhow many Betas are they planning to do?21:26
UB`wxPython i hope it but I don't believe it21:26
DekansFx 3 is planned for this summer if i remember well21:26
mooboo1wxPython, after beta, they will make release candiate (rc)21:27
wxPythonso no Firefox final in ubuntu 8.04 then21:27
wxPythona shame really21:27
DekansIs use Fx 3 since beta 2 and it's more stable than Fx 2 stable21:27
UB`more stable???21:27
DekansI find21:27
UB`you are lucky21:27
mooboo1well it used to crash alot on youtube21:27
wxPythonthen i would recommend that ubuntu has Firefox installed by default21:27
DekansI use it on vista at work21:28
wxPythonwhat do you think?21:28
Dekansand no problem on ubuntu neither21:28
mooboo1and instead just crash one tab, it crash whole browser21:28
EruditeHermitI've used it since alpha 2 or so and its worked well for my purposes21:28
mooboo1firefox 3 icons on windows are FUGGLY21:28
EruditeHermitI couldn't read anything in FF221:28
wxPythonwhy not?21:28
Dekansmooboo1: I like it on vista21:28
wxPythoni have FF installed on my Windows XP box21:28
wxPythonwhere can i gbet the latest FF 3 beta?21:28
wxPythonplease provide a link :)21:29
wxPythonoh please :P21:29
mooboo1Dekans, oh they look horrible21:29
Dekans /allbetas21:29
mooboo1ff2 icons are best21:29
wxPythondor a Windows box flipstar21:29
Dekansmooboo1: on vista it's nice but not on xp21:29
UB`I would like a Safari for Linux please give me a link ;)21:29
flipstarhttp://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0b4/ then21:29
wxPythonokay thanks21:29
clustyexperimental enough?21:30
pwnguinwhat's the command to explain why a package will be removed?21:30
DekansUB`: konqueror with webkit will be better21:30
UB`Dekans konqueror has a K I don't like ;)21:31
wxPythonokay let me see what the open source has to offer with FF 3.0 Beta 4 :P21:31
amon__does somebody else also have the problem where sound skips when hanging window focus21:31
wxPythonamon__ where exactly does that occur?21:31
tgelteranyone get gsynaptics to work?21:32
amon__in all gstreamer apps21:32
wxPythonnever heard of it21:32
wxPythona link to it? :)21:32
amon__totem, rhythmbox ...21:33
UB`ok battery is almost empty so it's time to sleep21:33
wxPythonimport time21:34
ConstyXIVi was in the middle of a big update, X died, but dpkg is still going.  Any way to watch it?21:34
wxPythonwatch what?21:35
wxPythonyou can't21:35
wxPythonrestart X... somehow21:35
KrimZoni think i broke my wubi even more now21:35
wxPythonor just wait for the download to finish21:35
KrimZonbut i got my home dir off it21:36
wxPythonConstyXIV but how can you be using an IRC client if X died?21:36
ConstyXIVi'm sitting in a console doing "ps au" every now and then to see when it quits21:36
ConstyXIVbecause im not on my ubuntu machine, how else?21:36
ConstyXIVbesides irssi or something21:36
wxPythoni see21:38
wxPythonwhen the update process finishes, do the reboot command in the console21:39
crimsunI've rejected bug 20193821:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201938 in firefox "firefox cannot start after xulrunner upgrade" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20193821:39
ConstyXIVthat's what i figured21:39
wxPythonhopefully X restores on normal state after reboot21:39
savvasConstyXIV: apt-get upgrade ?21:39
savvasConstyXIV: if you kill it and restart, apt will continue from where it's left21:40
crimsunthe binaries are already available via LP for all the supported arches21:40
Dekanscrimsun: and on the repos ?21:40
wxPythonyou have to get the PID of the X Window Mabager21:40
wxPythonand then do a   kill pid21:41
wxPythonor something like that21:41
crimsunDekans: no (please note that I said "via LP")21:41
wxPythonand then  restart x again21:41
Dekanscrimsun: it's now !21:41
DekansI'm downloading it21:41
Dekanscrimsun: on LP it's wrote that the packages were uploaded21:42
DekanswxPython: firefox 3 beta 421:42
crimsunDekans: yes, I'm referring specifically to the generated packages that are available via LP URLs21:42
crimsunthat is why I marked the bug Invalid21:42
Dekansstill can't launch Fx21:43
wxPythonoh i must install it too21:43
wxPythonlet me see...21:44
Dekansfirefox (3.0~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1)21:44
Dekans~$ firefox21:44
DekansCould not find compatible GRE between version 1.9b3 and 1.9b3.21:44
andy_i just loaded my os of 8.04, firefox 3 is beyond me, does anyone know how i can use regular firefox?21:49
clustyandy_, install firefox-221:49
andy_it's not in my packages21:49
crimsunDekans: it works fine here.21:50
clustyandy_,  sudo apt-get install firefox-221:50
clustyworked for me21:50
savvasandy_: after that run firefox-2 and not firefox21:50
clustyhow can I downgrade xulrunner?21:52
savvasthey didnt release the amd64 version21:52
clustyi kinda liked ffox321:52
andy_i have 412 upgrades, do you think i need them?21:52
crimsunclusty: err, why downgrade xulrunner?21:52
clustycause that bugger killed ffox321:52
andy_how DO YOU use firefox 3?21:52
clustyandy_, you click it?21:52
crimsunclusty: it works fine here.21:53