
kwwii_MMA_: the hardest part of gdm is making the screenshot00:17
kwwiifor some reason the themetester won't run on my system00:17
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/Human.tar.bz2 is the dir directly out of my system00:20
kwwiibut I am really tired and need to sleep so I can get up with my kid in 5 hours00:21
kwwiiso for tonight, goodbye00:21
wasikevin talk>08:36
bod_14,,. i wonder if anyone is active,,. hello guys,.,.13:32
bod_any one alive yet?16:01
xivulonkwwii, last time you mentioned to use /usr/share/pixmaps/ubuntu.svg for umenu/wubi icons and artwork16:19
xivulonbut there is no such file for hardy (it is there for gutsy)16:20
xivulonnot to mention that I am not sure where to get kubuntu.svg and xubuntu.svg (assuming the current ones are not ok)16:21
bod_can u take a look at these and lemme no what u think plz -- http://s258.photobucket.com/albums/hh275/Bodsda/ -- ;~)16:31
kwwiixivulon: there is no artwork for each release16:39
kwwiixivulon: and I was saying that you should look into that stuff16:39
xivulonkwwii: is there one place where to get such svg? how do I know at all which to use? Now I am using graphics from the logs http://canonical.com/logos16:43
xivulonyet the ubuntu one is quite different from the svg in /usr/share/pixmaps/ubuntu.svg under gutsy16:43
xivulonby the way would such artwork changes be subjects to UI freeze?16:52
xivulonI'd assume that if I upload something today I will be fine with artwork freeze (also because kwwii that's up to you as I understand ;)16:53
kwwiixivulon: look in a running system16:57
kwwiiit has an svg which can, and is, used as an icon16:58
kwwiithat was kinda my whole point16:58
kwwiiotherwise you can just use the real logos and be done with it16:58
kwwiibut using existing icons is less work than the other way around I thought16:58
xivulonkwwii: isn't there a local file path or a url for such things?17:06
xivulonI did look for a ubuntu svg/icon within a hardy installation without much luck17:06

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