
bdmurraybug 20117000:02
keescookbdmurray: did ubotu vanish?00:04
secretlondonits not here, certainly00:05
bdmurrayI quieted him because there was a second one for a while, he seems to have quit now.00:05
secretlondonneither are here00:05
secretlondonubotu has been very lagged recently - can be 10 mins or so00:06
secretlondonbut has just spoken to me ;)00:06
secretlondon"<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)"00:13
secretlondonso presumably it is here somewhere00:13
secretlondonbug #20117000:14
savvasusb problems, http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/201643 - does anyone know which package i should add?00:15
secretlondonprob kernel without looking at the bug. we have a debugging removal devices page00:16
yuriyblueyed: yes, it probably should mention the channel, though the ubuntu page doesn't mention it either00:17
yuriyoh, now i get what your second comment meant00:17
bdmurraysavvas: The kernel is correct.  I think those errors usually indicate bad cables or a device.00:18
savvasbdmurray: i didn't get them in previous kernels, the device is kingston datatraveller and just 2 months old, i take care of it pretty well, but i suppose it could break..00:23
bdmurrayI might be wrong about the cable.00:24
savvasthere's no cable :\00:25
savvasit's a flash disk00:25
savvasbah i'll have to go00:26
savvasbdmurray: do you think i need to send any other logs?00:26
savvasi've sent the ones that i thought important00:26
bdmurrayThat's normally what the kernel team looks for so it should be good to go.00:27
savvasok thanks00:27
bdmurrayI've updated the package for you too.00:27
savvashave a joyful night and don't let the ubuntu bugs bite :)00:28
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* techno_freak looks for the dupe-hunter05:39
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LhademmorI'm confirming one of the rhythmbox-bugs marked incomplete on the list. My first semi-bug contribution :D08:50
techno_freakwelcome ;)08:53
Lhademmorthank you.08:55
LhademmorUntil I learn some more programming, I probably wont be of much help, thougj08:55
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secretlondonbug #201673 looks like 'fun', glad I was asleep and missed it10:21
hggdhsecretlondon: indeed it was fun...10:27
secretlondonit looks like it ;)10:28
techno_freaksecretlondon, missed you to hunt dupes :p10:30
hggdh:-) part of being in the cutting, razor-sharp edge10:30
secretlondontechno_freak :)10:30
Nightrosewhat do I do with a bug that needs to be fixed by upstream and is in their bugtracker already?10:40
Nightroselink the bugs and set it to...?10:41
Nightrosehmm rather a wish than a bug10:41
secretlondonlink our bug to theirs10:41
secretlondonalso affects project10:41
Nightroseok thx10:41
Nightrosethat's all?10:42
hggdhalso set the LP bug to "Triaged"10:42
hggdhNightrose: ^^10:42
secretlondonyeah - launchpad will get the status from the bug automatically10:42
hggdhyou may also add a note to the upstream bug with the LP bug URL10:43
hggdhgood for cross-referencing10:43
Nightrosehggdh: I don´t think I can do that - I am in the Amarok team and can work on amarok bugs - but can´t seem to set them as triaged10:43
hggdhNightrose: give me the bug #, and I will do it10:43
Nightroseok sec10:43
hggdh(after setting the "also affects project")10:44
Nightrosehggdh: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/amarok/+bug/13652010:44
hggdhNightrose: it is always good to add a comment on why you set the upstream bug -- this allows for the reporter, and others, to easily see why it was done. I am setting as triaged, and adding a small comment on that10:47
Nightrosecomment already added ;-)10:47
hggdhoh, you already had...10:47
hggdhI am sorry10:47
Nightrosehehe no prob10:48
hggdhNightrose: thanks for helping, BTW :-)10:48
Nightroseno prob - a lot of the Amarok devs are Kubuntu users - so we are interested in triaging these bugs10:49
secretlondoncool :)10:49
Nightroseand since today is hug day...10:49
hggdhgood... I personally use Amarok, but under Gnome10:49
Nightrosehehe we are fine with that10:49
* hggdh hugs Nightrose10:49
* Nightrose rehugs hggdh10:49
* secretlondon hugs amarok10:50
* secretlondon also uses some kde apps under gnome10:50
Nightrosenixternal: damn you for taking all my nice bugs in the wiki ;-)10:52
hggdhNightrose: (I forgot to tell you that) setting bugs to Triaged requires one to be a member of the bug-control team. You can apply for it after some time (usually a month) of bug triaging. You are welcome to, if you so want10:56
Nightroseok thanks - will do10:56
=== secretlondo is now known as secretlondon
Nightrosenixternal: sorry - I was talking crap - forget what I said :P11:44
* secretlondon laughs at Nightrose11:49
secretlondonHe's a big boy, I'm sure he can take it!11:49
Nightrosehaha yea11:49
Nightrosenixternal: btw I applied for eV membership on monday - now is your turn *g*11:50
pedro_folks!, today is the rhythmbox & totem hug day https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2008031311:54
pedro_and if you're using KDE and amarok you may want to look to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080313/KDE11:54
Nightrosepedro_: I am already on the amarok bugs ;-)11:55
pedro_lets keep this hug days rocking!11:55
pedro_Nightrose: rock on!11:55
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pedro_hello Iulian, how are you today?12:56
pedro_ready to squash some bugs? ;-)12:56
IulianI'm doing fine, thanks.12:59
IulianI am ready!12:59
IulianBy the way - Happy Hug Day everyone!13:00
IulianHi secretlondon :)13:04
secretlondonHi Iulian :)13:04
ryanakcahurra, bugday ;)13:05
pedro_is you're running GNOME https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2008031313:06
pedro_or KDE https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080313/KDE13:06
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Nightrosecan someone close https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/165036 please?13:37
NightroseI think the poster got p*issed at me enough by now ;-)13:37
Gninepackage fetching failed with "403 forbidden" on a few packages13:38
pedro_Gnine: libc ones?13:39
pedro_it should be fixed shortly13:39
Gnineyes.. and a couple others.. cool. roger that13:40
sourcercitoNightrose, did you report the issue upstream or just talk with the upstream developers by im or irc?13:41
Nightrosesourcercito: I am upstream13:41
Gnineon x86_64 the issue was a little more drastic13:41
sourcercitoi'm asking in case there's any reference to that upstream13:41
sourcercitook, closing it then ;)13:41
Nightrosethank you ;-)13:41
hggdhNightrose: ugh... bad experience...13:43
thekornhappy hug day!13:44
Nightrosehggdh: well I have to deal with a lot of this so I don´t really care - sometimes people just don´t understand ;-)13:44
sourcercitothekorn, happy hug day back to you ;)13:46
* pedro_ hugs the whole bugsquad 13:49
pedro_how nice is the ubuntu pulse http://pulseofubuntu.tweetpeek.com/13:49
pedro_there's plenty of people in just a few days13:50
* sourcercito peeking13:56
Nightrosehmm what to do with bugs like https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/182359 ?14:27
pedro_Nightrose: it's ok to close it as invalid14:29
pedro_you're welcome14:30
QbixAwayraise the sails!15:09
secretlondonmorning afflux15:14
affluxhi secretlondon15:14
apachelogger_Nightrose: replyto:"bugs.launchpad.net"15:18
Nightrosethx ;-)15:18
* yuriy hugs Nightrose and apachelogger_ 15:18
* apachelogger_ hugs yuriy and Nightrose15:18
Nightrosehey yuriy :)15:18
affluxhi yuriy15:18
yuriyhi afflux15:19
affluxuuh, I've fallen back in 5-a-day.15:19
affluxI'll catch up today, I promise :P15:20
nixternalNightrose: I thought you had to be selected or something for the eV, I didn't know you could just apply15:20
Nightrosenixternal: you just have to ask someone to recommend you - I asked danimo15:21
* yuriy would hug parthan/techno_freak too but doesn't see him15:21
Nightroseor rather danimo asked me15:21
nixternalahh, nobody will recommend me :(15:21
secretlondonnixternal :(15:21
Nightrosenixternal: I am sure Riddell would - as would I once I am in ;-)15:21
apachelogger_nixternal: just ask one of the amarokers, they do everything for money15:22
apachelogger_really _everything_15:22
nixternalhahahaha, I bet15:22
secretlondonapachelogger_ photos?15:22
santiago-veguys https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/120791 <-- i think it should be marked as invalid15:23
santiago-vei made a comment there tho15:24
apachelogger_secretlondon: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/viewPhoto?uname=apachelogger&aid=5129629037405096673&iid=512962916625411557015:24
affluxnooo, firefox can't just crash when I'm going for bugs :(15:24
secretlondonapachelogger_, that doesn't show amarok devs doing anything for money ;)15:25
apachelogger_hm, apparently firefox has a bug which is preventing the triage of bugs15:25
secretlondonwell my firefox is okay15:25
apachelogger_secretlondon: I am getting makeup there :P15:25
secretlondonah okay15:25
Nightrosesantiago-ve: marked as invalid - thx15:27
santiago-vehttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/181293 this one can be marked as confirmed, i've experienced the same on kubuntu feisty 7.0415:28
yuriysantiago-ve: why don't you do it?15:28
santiago-veyuriy, done then :p15:29
yuriysantiago-ve: don't forget to mark it off on the wiki : )15:30
santiago-vesince im new on this i dont want to do things bad xD!15:30
apachelogger_doing things wronger than me is pretty much impossible15:31
yuriysantiago-ve: on that one it would help to have some more circumstances under which the crash happens15:31
yuriysantiago-ve: also changing the title to something descriptive like "amarok crashes when doing xxx with error yyy" would be helpful15:32
hggdhsantiago-ve: it might be also nice to have a backtrace with symbol resolution (i.e., without ?? in the function names)... I am not sure we can open upstream with the current BT15:33
santiago-vegimmi a sec... i dont remember my wikilogin xD! (different machine)15:33
Nightrosewell you got two people from upstream here - you can just ask ;-)15:34
hggdhNightrose: is the stacktrace good for upstream?15:35
Nightrosewould be better to have more ;-)15:35
* hggdh bows for Nightrose15:35
santiago-vedone, got in... so now how i mark "#181293" on the wiki?... i marked it as confirmed on LP~15:36
Nightrosesantiago-ve: see the first paragraph in the wikipage15:36
affluxdo we have people from rhythmbox upstream here too?15:43
affluxforwarded bug 199319 to gnome-bugs 52224715:44
apachelogger_Nightrose: bug 14761615:44
pedro_afflux: no we don't have rhythmbox/totem (they're the same) upstream this time15:45
apachelogger_Nightrose: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/14761615:45
apachelogger_stupid bots15:45
yuriywe're spoiled :P15:45
affluxpedro_: right, it's not urgent ;)15:45
pedro_bots aren't working pretty nice ATM :-(15:46
pedro_yeah i know :-)15:46
bdmurraypedro_: I could unquiet ubotu15:47
pedro_no no!15:47
affluxwhat did he do?15:47
bdmurrayIt won't announce that just happens u-b-a15:47
SeveasPici, where else is it muted?15:47
yuriyi thought it just wasn't supposed to be making announcements, but still respond to people mentioning bugs15:47
bdmurraySeveas: just here because of the lag15:47
pedro_ubuntulog is our new bot?15:48
pedro_ubuntulog: wake up!15:48
Seveasubuntulog is only for logging...15:48
bdmurraypedro_: that's the logger that goes to irclogs.ubuntu.com15:48
pedro_damn it!15:48
bdmurraybug 17805815:48
LjLSeveas: not anywhere else that i remember. i'll check it from a script15:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178058 in ubuntu "[Hardy] Desktop Screen extends too far" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17805815:48
pedro_tick tack tick tack15:49
yuriysomebody on kde3 try bug 121071? should be easy to test15:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121071 in amarok "With Kicker Media Control Applet, Amarok tooltip misbehaves" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12107115:49
pedro_ubotu: i love you15:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i love you - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:49
pedro_you don't?15:49
Seveaspedro_, if launchpad is slow, ubotu is slow15:49
Seveasit fetches info from launchpad15:49
bdmurraypedro_: you could teach ubotu about love15:49
Seveasbdmurray, no robo-X-rated scenes here please ;)15:49
Nightroseapachelogger_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/17818915:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178189 in amarok "amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV trying to play a WMA file" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:49
bdmurraySeveas: ubotu was having connectivity issues I thought, leaving due to flooding?15:50
Seveasbdmurray, all fixed when I came back from holiday15:50
bdmurrayAh, well great!15:50
pedro_it's working nicely on u-b-announce15:50
Seveasthough you might see some odd-ish behaviour and an extra bot soon15:51
SeveasI'm rewriting the bugger15:51
santiago-vei think 144132, 155586 and 144132 are duplicates of 181293, or may be different crashes... tho i still think they're duplicates15:51
Seveasbug 144132, 155586 and 14413215:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144132 in amarok "1.4.7 [___stripped][validity: 0.53][frames:  97][xine]" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14413215:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155586 in amarok "1.4.7 [___stripped][validity: 0.70][frames: 151][xine]" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15558615:52
bdmurraySeveas: Are the factoids kept in the source code?15:52
Seveasbdmurray, no15:52
Seveasbdmurray, http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/15:52
Seveasthey're currently kept in an sqlite database, but will move to mysql15:52
bdmurrayHmm, I was trying to think an easier way to update them rather than going through them one by one.15:53
Seveaswhat do you want?15:53
SeveasI can run SQL foo :)15:53
santiago-veWell gotta be away for a while~...15:55
hggdhthanks for the help, santiago-ve15:55
bdmurrayIt was more an idea rather than a specific need.  I'm concerned about how current some of the replies / links given are, I think I'll just review them starting from the most popular.15:57
Seveasbdmurray, the most popular tend to be accurate :)15:57
apachelogger_Nightrose: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/15982115:58
Seveasbdmurray, please don't do a review now, I'll be doing that in about a weeks time anyway15:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159821 in amarok "Installing MP3 support crashes Amarok" [Undecided,New]15:58
bdmurraySeveas: okay, thanks!15:59
* secretlondon thanks seb128 for filing the python-gdata bug with debian as she was just about to15:59
seb128secretlondon: you are welcome ;-)16:00
bdmurrayIs that something you do regularly?16:00
secretlondonBug #201845 is our bug on that packaging issue :)16:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201845 in python-gdata "python-gdata needs build-dependencies fixing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20184516:00
secretlondonlink to seb's deb bug16:00
Seveasno, but it needs to be done for the migration :)16:00
seb128secretlondon: you can close this one, I've uploaded the change to hardy before filling the debian bug16:00
secretlondonah okay16:00
seb128secretlondon: I was looking at getting the totem youtube thing working out of the box16:00
seb128but it doesn't work correctly so I'm not sure now16:01
seb128maybe I'll do a totem-plugins-universe and move it there16:01
secretlondonah - thanks16:01
secretlondonI've closed the bug as fix released as you've uploaded it :)16:04
apachelogger_Nightrose: 18273616:14
apachelogger_Nightrose: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/19147516:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191475 in rhythmbox "[hardy] media tab in file management preferences missing applications" [Low,Fix released]16:14
apachelogger_yuriy: can you take a look at this bug?16:16
apachelogger_IMHO this shouldn't be implemented anywhere until x-content/* is part of freedesktop.org stuff16:16
Nightroseapachelogger_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/8800516:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 88005 in amarok "MASTER [apport] amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV - malloc_consolidate ()" [High,Incomplete]16:17
affluxrhythmbox not respecting read-only files when editing tags seems like a "medium" bug to be, what do you think?16:17
afflux(bug 181742)16:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181742 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox does not respect file permissions" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18174216:17
Nightroseapachelogger_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/94447 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/10756216:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 94447 in amarok "Can't erase Cover used by various artists" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:24
Nightroseapachelogger_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/9544116:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95441 in amarok "Can't retrieve lyrics with amarok when behind a proxy" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:25
Nightroseapachelogger_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/10728916:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107289 in amarok "wrong transfer sizes with transkode" [Wishlist,Incomplete]16:27
Nightroseapachelogger_: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/13652216:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136522 in amarok "No automatic iPod sync" [Wishlist,Incomplete]16:35
affluxtime for coffee!16:41
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apachelogger_Nightrose: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/12735216:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127352 in amarok "Amarok mixes album names while renaming" [Undecided,New]16:41
=== dxdx is now known as pochu
apachelogger_afflux: good idea16:41
* apachelogger_ just finishes the current bug16:42
apachelogger_Nightrose: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15681916:43
ubotuKDE bug 156819 in general "No automatic iPod sync" [Wishlist,Resolved: invalid]16:43
* apachelogger_ takes Nightrose for a coffee16:47
sbarjolahi, this is my first day,.. how can I help?17:13
james_whi sbarjola17:15
james_wsbarjola: this is the page for coordination of today's work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2008031317:16
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sbarjolaok, then I select a bug and begin.. how can I know that no other is working on it?17:18
yuriyapachelogger_: take a look at which bug?17:18
hggdhsbarjola: you can assign it to yourself temporarily17:18
hggdhif a bug has an assignee, it should be left alone. Just make sure you unassign yourself/assign to the correct group when you are done working with it17:19
apachelogger_yuriy: the one a couple of lines above, before I highlighted you ;-)17:21
yuriyin rhythmbox?17:21
yuriyoh it's both, i see17:22
yuriyapachelogger_: i don't have gnome installed, what am i looking at here?17:27
sbarjolawhere I should test the bug.. hardy or that is in the bug?17:31
pedro_ideally they should be tested on hardy17:32
apachelogger_yuriy: the gnome file manager has introduce a special mimetype class (x-content) for various device types like cds and stuff17:34
apachelogger_yuriy: to be available as application for these types the application needs to list the x-content/foobar mimetype in it's desktop file17:34
apachelogger_the only problem I have with that ... is that x-content is not yet part of the freedesktop mimetype concept17:35
yuriyapachelogger_: ask Riddell about it?17:45
apachelogger_yuriy: good point17:48
yuriytrue though, searching fd.o for x-content turns up nothing17:48
apachelogger_yuriy: according to the related gnome bug reports, they are planing to suggest it for the next revision of the mime stuff17:50
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secretlondonhi qense18:46
wraundguys i need some serious and big help18:46
wraundubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /media/disk/18:46
wraundmalloc: unknown:0: assertion botched18:46
wraundfree: called with unallocated block argument18:46
wraundlast command: (null)18:46
wraundAborting...Aborted (core dumped)18:46
wraundi am having to use the live disc as my main desktop went down18:47
secretlondonwraund it'll prob be the libc bug18:47
bdmurraywraund: you'll want to look at the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list for help18:47
wraundbdmurray: cant :P18:47
wraundthe machine doesnt work :P18:47
wraundsecretlondon: so.... how can i fix this?18:47
Nightrosewraund: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing18:47
wraundi doubt i can get updates as root or sudo isnt working18:47
Nightrosemeh sorry wrong link18:48
secretlondonthe mailing list has a workround, as does the bug afaik18:48
bdmurraywraund: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-March/000401.html18:48
Nightrosehttps://launchpad.net/bugs/201673 this one18:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "REGRESSION: glibc 2.7-9ubuntu1 NSS module broken due to toolchain changes" [Critical,Fix released]18:48
wraundlemme see..18:48
wraundfirefox isnt working on the live cd atm18:48
wraundsomethign about :0 xserver18:48
wraundanyway how will i be able to get and install a patch considering root and sudo dont work18:49
bdmurraywraund: "The quickest workaround is to copy an older version of the C library18:50
bdmurrayfrom the initramfs"18:50
wraundplease explain18:50
bdmurrayIt's quite lengthy18:50
wraundcan you pm me step by step18:51
wraundi would be forever grateful18:51
wraundor paste a guide18:51
yuriyhmm bug 181289 sounds icky, don't really know what could be added to it either19:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181289 in amarok "Amarok Crashes Entire System" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18128919:00
Nightroseyuriy: it is nasty yea - maybe check the amarok bug tracker? or xine bug tracker?19:02
Nightrosethough I have never heard someone complaining about this19:02
amon__hi guys19:07
amon__is this the place for hardy bugs19:08
bdmurrayThis is the place for Hardy bug triage and fixing of bugs.19:08
bdmurrayWhat are you looking for?19:09
amon__sorry, i have talked too much on skype, so im not used to irc anymore, but i will try and give my best to not generate unecessary lines19:09
secretlondonhardy support is better at ubuntu+1 though19:09
amon__audio skips on my hardy setup, xmms does not work19:10
amon__at all19:10
bdmurrayThat sounds more like a configuration issue than a bug.19:15
ubotuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org19:16
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:16
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wxPythongot a patch for a bug20:36
wxPythoni wanna post the diff file on launchpad for the approproate bug20:37
wxPythoni just wanna know one little thingy20:37
wxPythonoh before i go on, please visit this link20:37
wxPythonthis is the diff file20:38
wxPythonthe bug is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/1836120:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:38
wxPythoni am not so familiar with Launchpad20:39
jeromegwxPython: this patch has already been proposed in gnome bugzilla where you found it20:40
wxPythoni know20:40
jeromegas the dev who wrote it commented, it's only a workaround20:40
wxPythonis the action pending now?20:41
jeromegwxPython: I think it's better to wait for a proper fix which will be integrated upstream20:41
wxPythonwill the final version of Ubuntu include the gnome-panel package with that bug fixed?20:41
wxPythonthat's all i wanna know20:42
jeromegwxPython: if it get fixed upstream yes20:42
jeromegif no, I guess it won't :(20:42
wxPythoncan i beg to be fixed?20:42
jeromegwxPython: but this patch has only been committed (a few hours ago)20:42
jeromegso I would say20:43
wxPythonwas it not tested yet?20:43
jeromegwait and see :)20:43
jeromegwxPython: i guess the person who worte it tested it20:43
wxPythoni sure hope he finally solved the bug20:43
wxPythoncause it's nearly 3 years old20:43
wxPythonand it's a visual annoyance20:44
jeromegwxPython: :)20:44
wxPythonwhat? :)20:44
jeromegjust smiling to the "3 year old bug"20:44
wxPythonit IS20:45
jeromegsome bug get forgotten, unfortunately20:45
jeromegwxPython: yes, yes, I know20:45
jeromegi can only acknowledge20:45
wxPythonthis bug is present since Ubuntu Gutsy Alpha 420:45
wxPythonso it's reeealy old20:45
jeromegwxPython: i think it has been here for much longer20:46
wxPythonit was?20:46
wxPythonsomeone said he had never seen this bug before until I installed Ubuntu Gutsy Alpha 420:46
jeromegi think it would be great if you could test the patch20:46
wxPythonbut it was reported waaay back then in the good old days :D20:46
jeromegwxPython: yep :)20:46
wxPythonokay, so after this patch is applied to the gnome-panel, the ubuntu team will update hardy with that package and we will live happily ever after without that nasty, visualy annoying bug? :)20:48
jeromegwxPython: if it solves the bug without any regression and if the packager of gnome-panel agress, yes20:48
jeromegwxPython: but as I said, if the patch is ok, it should be fixed upstream soon, just wait a couple of hours/days to see how the devs react20:49
wxPythonjeromeg okay i will try to stay patient ;)20:51
wxPythonplease think positive with me ;)20:52
wxPythoni hope it will be acknowledged20:52
wxPythonsince i don't see any other solution :)20:52
jeromegno problem, bugs are always frustrating20:53
jeromegsorry I got to go20:54
wxPythonone more sec20:54
jeromeggot some homework :(20:54
wxPythoni have notified Vincent Untz about that patch20:54
wxPythonbut is GNOME Panel related with the gnome-panel package for Ubuntu?20:54
wxPythonare those two things realted in any way?20:55
wxPythonhow come?20:55
jeromeggnome-panel available in ubuntu is only a package to install easily GNOME Panel20:55
wxPythonwhen you said "just wait a couple of hours/days to see how the devs react"... did you ment how would Vincent react?20:56
jeromegVincent and others20:56
wxPythonbut how fast would they fix the gnome panel?20:56
jeromegwxPython: dunno :) depends on a lot of things20:57
wxPythonwould they alter the CVS of the gnome panel or how is this going to be done?20:57
wxPythoni really don't know how this works20:58
jeromegwxPython: i'm sorry but i really got to go, in 2 sec, if the patch is accepted, it will be commited to their SVN, and available in the next release of gnome-panel20:58
jeromegbut we can grab the patch for ubuntu, if the package maintainer wants to20:58
wxPythonthanks for everything20:58
jeromegno problem20:58
jeromegsee yoou20:58
wxPythonbye now ;)20:58
wxPythonbe good and learn ma boy ;P20:59
wxPythonoh he wait to early to see this20:59
Nightroseyuriy: no you are not @ https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/181289 - I did already :P21:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181289 in amarok "Amarok Crashes Entire System" [Undecided,Invalid]21:02
yuriyNightrose: yeah i saw. ninja'd by 20 seconds21:04
* yuriy isn't always a fan of launchpad's concurrency handling21:04
wxPythonwhich system does it crash?21:07
* yuriy is hating planet's reading of wordpress feed even more now21:07
NightrosewxPython: yes - but it is not an amarok problem21:10
wxPythonso the title is not appropriate21:10
Nightrosewell it is marked invalit now21:10
wxPythonit should be System crashes Amarok ;)21:10
Nightroseso who cares21:10
wxPythonmeaning what?21:11
Nightroseno meaning not valid since it is not amaroks fault21:11
yuriywxPython: meaning not a bug in amarok, he already filed another bug against the right package21:11
wxPythoncan you please give me the link to that bug?21:13
wxPythonnot the invalid one21:13
Nightroseit is linked in the invalid one21:13
wxPythoni wanna read what happens21:13
Nightrosein a comment21:13
wxPythonoh okay21:13
wxPythonTotal system freeze caused by SATA drive21:14
wxPythonso there was a hardware bug in the SATA drive that caused that bug21:14
wxPythoni mean a driver bug for the SATA drive, there21:15
wxPythonso a software bug :)21:15
wxPythonwhat the hell is this thing? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12424626/hdparminfo.txt21:17
wxPythonit is attatched to the Total system freeze caused by SATA drive  bug report21:18
wxPythonis that the patch for the bug or what?21:18
wxPythondidn't read the whole bug report lol21:19
wxPythonhis SATA drive sucks then21:20
wxPythonthere's no cause for an alarm for other people21:20
wxPythonhe should buy a better SATA drive then ;)21:20
wxPythonor ehat?21:20
wxPythonor what?21:20
wxPythonhe can't even produce the debug data21:21
wxPythonso this is a shame21:21
wraundis it now safe for hardy users to upgrade to libc6?21:32
wxPythonyou can try and see21:33
bdmurrayat least from archive.ubuntu.com - it depends on your mirror21:33
wxPythonyou probably won't get the latest version yet21:33
wxPythongotta wait some more21:33
wxPythonmirrors are hell :)21:33
wxPythonwraund yup ;)21:34
wraundill check my mirror21:34
pochuwraund: apt-cache madison libc6 to make sure21:34
wraundwraund@morpheus World of Warcraft % apt-cache madison libc6 libc6 | 2.7-9ubuntu2 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages glibc | 2.7-9ubuntu2 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Sources21:35
wraundwraund@morpheus World of Warcraft %21:35
wraundsorry about the paste my firefox is bugged21:35
wraundalso ignore the folder ^^21:36
wraundoh hey pochu :)21:36
pochuhey hey :)21:36
wraundis my mirror updated then?21:37
wraundfrom that output21:37
pochuyes, ubuntu2 is the fixed package21:38
wraundwahay my machine is stable again :)21:41
wxPythonwraund nice to hear that ;)21:42
wxPythonmine is not21:42
wxPythonreason: using Windows XP :D21:43
wxPythoncan't WAIT for ubuntu 8.04 final!21:43
affluxI'm going to bed now. Good night!21:48
sbarjolawhere can i find the moin id?21:54
bdmurraysbarjola: in your cookies file21:56
sbarjolathanks,.. what's name has the cookie?22:03
bdmurrayin my cookies.txt file I found wiki.ubuntu.com and a MOIN ID22:07
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