
calci found at least one of the major reasons of OOo layout screw ups03:56
* calc points at fontconfig03:56
calcfc-match -s Times03:57
calcn021003l.pfb: "Nimbus Roman No9 L" "Regular"03:57
calcTimesNewRomanPSMT.ttf: "Times New Roman" "Normal"03:57
calcit considers Nimbus (which doesn't have matching metrics aiui) to be a better match than Times New Roman03:57
calci'm not sure if other fonts are similiarly messed up or not03:58
dholbachgood morning07:13
Amaranthmorning dholbach07:14
dholbachhey Amaranth07:14
kwwiipitti, dholbach: here are my last packages before freeze07:46
dholbachkwwii: are the changes in bzr?08:22
dholbachhey seb12808:22
seb128hello dholbach08:23
dholbachkwwii: do you still have the script I wrote for you during allhands? (get-uploaded or something like that)08:24
dholbachI'd somehow prefer if those updates went through the normal sponsoring process so whoever has spare cycles for doing an upload can do them08:26
dholbachit'd be great if I could take a look at the script again - bdmurray would need it for python-launchpad-bugs and bughelper too08:26
mvohrm, nautilus-share FTBFS09:07
mvomalloc: ../../bash/builtins/../../bash/builtins/printf.def:379: assertion botched09:08
mvofree: called with unallocated block argument09:08
huatsmorning dear desktop teamers :)09:19
crevettehi huats09:20
huatshi crevette09:20
seb128lut crevette huats09:20
crevettesalut seb12809:21
crevettehello all others09:21
mvohuats: good morning :) gnome-commander (based on your diff) is in debian now, so a sync should be enough09:22
huatsplop seb12809:22
huatshello mvo09:22
huatsyeah i have seen your email :)09:23
huatsthanks :)09:23
huatsdo you want me to ask for a sync ?09:23
huatsor do you take care of it ?09:23
huatsalready ?09:25
* mvo hugs seb12809:25
* seb128 hugs mvo back09:25
mvohuats: maybe we should mention in the bugreport that its a bugfix release so that everybody is happy09:25
* huats hugs seb128 and mvo (advantages of long arm :)09:25
* mvo hugs huats09:25
* ember hugs glibc09:25
huatsember: LOL09:26
huatsmvo: good idea09:26
dholbachkwwii: you still there?09:41
dholbachkwwii: can you take a look at my questions?09:41
kwwiidholbach: they are all in bzr09:43
kwwiidholbach: sorry, sick kid at home09:43
dholbachOK.. no problem09:45
kwwiierm, I screwed up gdm anyway .-(09:51
dholbachkwwii: the other two are OK?09:51
kwwiiand now gdm is fixed in bzr09:53
dholbachkwwii: I can't find the script I wrote for your during allhands - I'll rewrite it because bdmurray needs it too - what it'll do is file a sponsoring bug for you (you'll just have to do something like        please-upload http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-wallpapers/ubuntu      )09:55
mvolool, seb128: is someone working on brassero? there is a typo in the desktop.in.in file and I will fix it now if noone is already taking care of it10:00
seb128mvo: there was a sponsor request for it but the patch was not building so I put it to incomplete10:01
dholbachkwwii: all three uploaded10:01
seb128mvo: bug #20002410:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200024 in brasero "typo in desktop file" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20002410:01
loolmvo: Tell me, I'll fix it in pkg-gnome (upstream) as well10:01
lool(we're in sync ATM)10:01
seb128lool: the bug is in the bts too10:01
loolActually we're lagging by a debian upload10:01
loolseb128: ah missed it10:02
seb128lool: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46477210:02
ubotuDebian bug 464772 in brasero "Invalid MIME type in brasero.desktop" [Minor,Open]10:02
pittikwwii, dholbach: I finished mail and currently sponsor some of Till's packages anyway; while I'm in the mood, I can do your's as well now10:03
dholbachpitti: already done10:04
mvoseb128: the patch from daniel works for me (in pbuilder) - no idea what went wrong for you10:05
seb128mvo: dunno, I just apt-get source, applied and debuild10:06
loolmvo, seb128 building10:06
seb128mvo: but let's sync on debian10:06
* mvo nods10:06
seb128mvo: out of interest how come you are looking at fixing this bug now? ;-)10:06
loolApplication de 007-fix-desktop-file-mime-typo.patch10:06
loolpatching file data/brasero.desktop.in.in10:06
lool(Worked for me too)10:06
loolseb128, mvo: brasero uploaded; NB: also drops the bonfire transitional package which is desirable for hardy10:15
lool(desirable to drop that is)10:15
KeybukOh Fuck You Epiphany10:16
seb128Keybuk: still the avahi crasher?10:17
seb128Keybuk: there is a candidate patch on the upstream bug now if you want to try it10:17
Keybukooh, ref? (to save me attempting to get into lp without it crashing)10:18
seb128Keybuk: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51600810:19
ubotuGnome bug 516008 in Bookmarks "crash in Epiphany Web Browser: Seems to be avahi bookma..." [Critical,New]10:19
Keybukdon't suppose you have the url to the patch I can just wget? :p10:21
Keybukgot it that time10:21
mvolool: thanks!10:25
seb128git bisec is really cool10:34
seb128does bzr has something equivalent?10:35
Keybukthere's a bzr bisect plugin10:39
Keybukmvo: I'm having strange compiz problems today10:40
seb128should try that10:40
dholbachwhat does it do?10:40
seb128I'm debugging cairo with upstream and I've to say it's cool10:40
seb128dholbach: I bisec on changes10:41
mvoKeybuk: tell me more10:41
seb128like you told it that 1.5.8 was good and current is bad10:41
Keybukmvo: when moving between workspaces, it seems to get stuck10:41
seb128it gives you 110 revisions to try10:41
seb128go to the middle10:41
seb128and you say good or bad10:41
Keybukmvo: about a quarter of the way through the transition, and locks there10:41
seb128it split the revisions again10:41
Keybukmvo: hitting other random keys like wall can unstick it10:41
Keybukmvo: but then all my workspaces are randomly rearranged10:41
mvoKeybuk: interessting, let me try to reproduce10:41
seb128and just by saying good and bad and in a few makes, tries you get the buggy revisions in the 11010:41
seb128dholbach: ^10:42
Keybukmvo: It may be me making multiple moves, ie left-left-left in rapid sequence?10:42
dholbachI've been fairly happy with  bzr blame  :)10:42
mvoKeybuk: ok, I will try to reproduce, the recent changes were quite small so that should be not too hard to find10:42
seb128dholbach: what does it do?10:43
dholbachgive you revision numbers next to lines of the code10:43
seb128well, in this case it's not a crasher10:43
dholbachso you can see which commit was responsible for a certain change of the current code10:43
seb128and it could have been any of those 110 commits10:44
seb128so doing a bunch of quick iterations is neat10:44
dholbachsomething like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bughelper-dev/python-launchpad-bugs/main/annotate/kees.cook%40canonical.com-20080311201757-a690phtpj2v03u9t?file_id=testing.sh-20070705124215-dzmxjtip0qklqu67-110:45
seb128that's cool too10:45
dholbachthat's what bzr blame gives you10:45
Keybukdholbach: bzr bisect helps you find the crasher in the first place10:45
Keybukit's when you have a known good revision, and a known bad revision10:46
Keybukand it's not obvious from the code what broke it10:46
Keybukso you do a binary search over the revision set to find the one that broke it10:46
seb128on this cairo case and 110 revision with no idea on where the bug is in the code it gives you the broken commit in a few minutes10:46
seb128$ git bisect good10:47
seb1286f9d71c10bf3e38c88378950037d1c81a2413617 is first bad commit10:47
seb128commit 6f9d71c10bf3e38c88378950037d1c81a241361710:47
seb128Author: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@redneon.com>10:47
seb128Date:   Thu Feb 7 00:28:19 2008 +103010:47
seb128    Make PS backend use cairo-pdf-operators.c10:47
Keybukbisect and test cases is *love*10:50
mvoKeybuk: I can not reproduce it yet, this is one intel for you?10:54
Keybukyeah, i94510:54
Keybukit just happened then10:54
KeybukI did down-right and it stuck about the point it stopped going down and starting heading down-right10:54
seb128Keybuk: let me know if the epiphany patch works for you, I can backport it to hardy10:55
Keybukit seems to be working so far10:55
Keybukit's been nearly five minutes without a crash10:55
* mvo tries it on a -intel system10:57
loolKeybuk: Dunno whether you received my invitation to try out elisa again11:03
Keybuklool: errr, mayyybe11:03
Keybukit uninstalled itself because it was broken11:03
loolKeybuk: ISTR you had issues with the initial try11:03
loolKeybuk: Some packages it needed were held in NEW; try installing it now, it should be available11:04
denndaseb128: a word11:04
loolThere's a recommended elisa-plugins-ugly package which you probably want as well; it might not be pulled as it's a recommends:11:04
Keybukmvo: definitely seems to be combinations of movements11:04
seb128dennda: which one?11:05
denndaseb128: I found that the evolution window is way too big. This bugreport indicates that other people have the very same problem (the evolution-startup-wizard doesn't fit into my 1280x800): https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution/+bug/2381011:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 23810 in evolution "Size of preference dialog too big" [Unknown,Confirmed]11:05
seb128dennda: yeah, known issue11:05
denndaseb128: If I would like to try to fix it, where would I start?11:05
dennda(I'd like to try fixing very-easy-to-solve-bugs to get started with bugfixing. This looks like one.)11:06
Keybuklool: just a black window this time11:07
Keybukand it hid all my other windows11:08
seb128dennda: I doubt it's an easy to fix one11:08
seb128dennda: it's likely involve reworking all the dialog layout11:08
mvocan we disable the start animation in the panel? the one were the icon blurs and gets bigger?11:12
loolKeybuk: With compiz I guess?11:12
Keybuklool: right11:13
denndaBy the way, compiz works way better now (hardy with intel gma 965. even with videos)11:13
asacpitti: oh ... can we still promote mozilla-devscripts to main today? i just saw that i updated ubufox packaging to make use of the new xpi.mk in there (which unifies how we package extensions)?11:13
loolKeybuk: What's your driver?11:13
Keybuklool: i94511:13
Keybukseb128: no crash yet11:13
asacpitti: i can also backout that change if its too late. if you want a MIR let me know.11:14
pittiasac: yes,  please file an MIR bug; m-devscripts sounds harmless enough11:14
asacok great11:14
denndaWho's responsible for the content of the "Examples"-folder each user has in his home-directory?11:14
pittiasac: if it's a trivial package, don't bother about a wiki page11:14
seb128Keybuk: how often was it crashing before?11:14
pittibut we need a bug report11:14
loolKeybuk: Ok, I'll tell upstream; I guess you would be able to play with elisa without compiz11:14
asacpitti: its a trivial thing ... just a build-depends that includes a cdbs like helper11:14
asacnothing that will get on cd11:14
pittiasac: yes, let's get that in11:14
asacpitti: subscribe ubuntu-mir?11:18
pittiasac: yes, please11:18
asacbug 20175311:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201753 in mozilla-devscripts "[MIR] please promote mozilla-devscripts to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20175311:19
asacpitti: let me know when its done so i can upload ubufox. thanks11:24
pittiasac: you can upload it already, it'll just depwait11:24
asacoh ok11:25
loolKeybuk: Oh you're safe!11:32
lool12:19 < Saviq> lool: it's only usable when you don't have any other windows on  the viewport you want elisa to run11:32
loolKeybuk: Just don't run anything else!  :-P11:32
Keybukseb128: every few minutes11:42
seb128Keybuk: still no crash?11:43
seb128Keybuk: do you want to upload the patched version or should I do it?11:43
Keybukseb128: be my guest11:43
dholbachkwwii: I just sent you a script that will file sponsoring bugs for you11:47
dholbachkwwii: please let me know how it works out for you11:48
pittiasac: promoted, right in time for the next publisher11:57
asacpitti: rock12:00
asacseb128: i read that you still have avahi crashes for ephy?12:09
seb128asac: I'm going to uploaded a patched version12:09
seb128asac: that's http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51600812:09
ubotuGnome bug 516008 in Bookmarks "crash in Epiphany Web Browser: Seems to be avahi bookma..." [Critical,New]12:10
* asac looking12:10
kwwiidholbach: killer, thanks12:53
kwwiierm dholbach, just trying this out...should I follow the instructions in the sript (somewhere towards the middle)?12:58
dholbachkwwii: no..... just commit your stuff, then call      please-upload-branch http://bazaar.....12:59
dholbachit will file a sponsoring bug for you12:59
dholbachwith those instructions in the bug description, so sponsors who don't know bzr and bzr-builddeb well will get instructions how to do it13:00
kwwiihrm, I ran it (did a please-upload-branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-wallpapers/ubuntu ) and it took forever and made a screenshot on my desktop, etc13:01
dholbachno error message nothing?13:01
dholbacha screenshot?13:01
kwwiiI tried to stop it after a while (and it did not want to stop)13:02
kwwiilet me try it again13:02
huatshello pochu13:03
dholbachkwwii: I'll look into it later again - out for a dogwalk now13:04
kwwiilol, that wierd output is what you get if you "source" it13:11
pochuhi huats13:27
=== belou_ is now known as belou
kwwiidholbach: when you come back, here is the error message:13:36
kwwiiin the meantime, if anyone can sponsor the last wallpaper change, I'd be happy :-)13:38
kwwiipitti: there is an extra wallpaper in there with a file size of 465.3KB. I was asked/told to include it and so I shall :-)13:41
pittikwwii: slangasek will kill you :)13:49
kwwiipitti: he can start by killing Jane13:55
dholbachkwwii: it seems your cookie file is not alright14:02
dholbachpitti: what is the current agreed procedure for setting up the cookie file?14:03
pittidholbach: for what?14:03
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59476/ looks like kwwii's cookie file is wrong14:04
pittidholbach: right14:05
pittidholbach: if plpbugs now gets along with the ffox 3 cookies.db, then we should probably extend the heuristics to check for ~/.mozilla/*/*/cookies.sqlite first? and then fall back to s/sqlite/txt/?14:06
dholbachpitti: asking thekorn that on #ubuntu-devel14:07
seb128pochu: around?14:10
Keybukthat epiphany patch is definietly a good one14:20
seb128Keybuk: I told that to chpe who commited to svn, and the patched package has been uploaded to hardy too14:20
loolKeybuk: Which elisa version did you try out?  0.3.4?14:24
loolKeybuk: Upstream is puzzled as they have removed the compiz check in 0.3.414:24
loolKeybuk: Or perhaps you can hop by in #elisa and we can sort that out?14:24
KeybukVersion: 0.3.4-214:26
seb128Keybuk: gvfs and gnome-vfs is an issue of not having the world ported to gvfs yet, not easy to fix14:28
seb128wrong chan14:28
loolKeybuk: 15:31 < philn> lool: does he get a "Compiz detected, trying to hide all other  windows." warning if he launches elisa from the terminal?14:32
loolKeybuk: Can I throw philn at you in /query to look into this?  Or should he join here?14:32
Keybuklool: I don't really have much chance to debug it today14:34
KeybukThursday is meeting hell :)14:34
loolKeybuk: Here too :)14:34
loolBut now I have Monday as meeting hell as well14:34
loolKeybuk: Ok; let's discuss it at another time then, thanks14:34
loolKeybuk: Ok, I told upstream we should look at this another day; upstream insists that you have local older plugins, perhaps in ~/.elisa/plugins and suggested you wipe them; upstream can then take some needed holidays with a more peaceful mind :)14:41
* lool &14:41
seb128who was speaking about iso icons some time ago?14:47
seb128andreasn: was that you or lapo?14:47
andreasnlapo I thinl14:47
seb128ok, thanks14:47
Keybuklool: ah, that did stop it hiding my windows14:50
loolseb128: I didn't see any complaints from pango1.014:50
loolKeybuk: Cool14:51
loolseb128: Did you?14:51
Keybukand I got a fullscreen elisa now14:51
loolKeybuk: But still black screen I guess14:51
Keybukwhihc did seem to work14:51
loolOh cool14:51
loolKeybuk: Nice nice14:51
seb128lool: no14:52
loolseb128: Excellent14:52
seb128that's good ;-)14:52
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mvoseb128: is 30s good enough for the startup delay?15:07
seb128mvo: make it 60 seconds rather15:07
seb128people with slow disk like pitti or Keybuk have around one minute of login time15:07
pochuseb128: yeah, I'm now15:08
seb128pochu: still no machine to do updates?15:09
seb128pochu: but maybe you want to writte some mir requests? ;-)15:09
pittiyeah, I used 60 s for jockey, too15:09
pittiseb128: StartupDelay> does that already exist?15:09
pochuseb128: heh, I guess ephy is enough for that ;)15:09
pochuseb128: which ones do we need?15:09
pittiseb128: it would save me from starting python immediately just to sleep 60 seconds15:10
seb128pitti: where?15:10
pittiseb128: in .desktop autostart files15:10
pittiyou mentioned it in the meeting15:10
seb128pochu: python-gdata for the youtube totem plugin, and maybe some python-louie or similar to do upnp too15:10
seb128pitti: no, I mentionned that was need to patch gnome-session to support something similar15:11
pochuoh, the youtube plugin is so cool! I'll surely do that ;)15:11
pochuseb128: ok, I'll have a look at them this evening and let you know15:11
seb128pochu: thanks15:11
loolseb128: BTW do we want the new coherence for the RB upnp plugin?15:12
seb128pochu: bah, somebody already did apparently15:12
seb128pochu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportPythonGdata15:12
loolseb128: https://coherence.beebits.net/wiki/RhythmBox15:12
seb128lool: I don't know a lot about that but having whatever is required to get the plugin working correctly would be nice ;-)15:13
pochuseb128: that was me, I'm the fastest! :P15:13
loolseb128: Then please sync coherence from unstable :)15:13
loolAfter the freeze perhaps15:13
seb128pochu: did you do the required change?15:13
loolAnd we need to promote it if we want it by defualt15:13
seb128lool: before the freeze rather15:13
loolOh we're not in freeze yet?15:13
seb128pochu: maybe another mir ^15:14
seb128lool: I got no uploaded blocked yet15:14
* lool goes doing uploads15:14
mvobzr commit -m '* src/update-notifier.c:15:14
mvo  - delay statup checks for updates etc for 60s to avoid15:14
mvo    slowing down the desktop startup (for Seb128)'15:14
seb128lool: I guess steve is still sleeping ;-)15:14
seb128mvo: danke!15:14
* seb128 hugs mvo15:14
loolseb128: haha15:14
loolseb128: He'll kill us when he awakes!15:14
pochulool: what's coherence?15:15
loolpochu: It's a python upnp framework15:15
loolIt can help you access mediarenderers and implement media controllers15:15
pochuseb128: no I haven't done it, but it's as trivial as Depends on "python (>= 2.5) | python-elementtree"15:15
seb128pochu: will do the change now15:15
loolFor example you can play music from RB on your PS315:15
seb128pitti: out of that, was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportPythonGdata ok with you?15:16
loolOr make RB remotely play music as driven by the media player in N81015:16
pochulool: I don't have a PS3 :(15:16
pochulool: would you send me one, I'd be happy to test it and file a MIR :P15:16
loolpochu: upnp is a standard, it's like apple's daap, but it's more open15:16
loolpochu: Sure; hold on let me see if I have one15:16
loolpochu: Ah, turns out I don't have any PS3 yet15:16
* lool is soon buying one to act as a bluray player15:16
pochulet's ask jono, I read on his blog he bought one ;)15:17
pittiseb128: still needs to be fixed15:17
pittiseb128: right, I saw it above; let me look at the package for other things15:17
pittiseb128: yes, looks alright; I'd appreciate if someone clueful could test it and verify that the communication with the google service DTRT15:19
seb128pitti: what do you call right thing?15:20
seb128pitti: that it works is enough? or rather that it do it in a good citizen way?15:20
pittiseb128: it apparently talks to some google server?15:20
pittiseb128: the MIR does not explain at all what exactly it is doing15:21
seb128The Google data Python Client Library provides a library and source15:21
seb128 code that make it easy to access data through Google data APIs.15:21
seb128pitti: ^15:21
seb128pitti: it uses a google public api to access their services apparently15:22
pittiwell, that's still blurry :)15:25
pitti'search music in some shops and buy it' or 'display information about artists' or something such would make the purpose clear, and would allow us to test it15:25
seb128pitti: not sure, totem uses it to search videos matching a name on youtube15:28
seb128pitti: anyway I did the python-gdata change15:28
seb128that's not a priority for beta, I'll have a look later when I've free slot15:28
mvoseb128: what do we currently do in glib/gtk on Gdk-CRITICAL messages?16:10
seb128mvo: nothing16:11
seb128mvo: why?16:11
Amaranthyou get a nice messages in .xsession-errors that everyone ignores :P16:12
mvoseb128: I got some crashed-with-signal 5 bugreports that seems to be triggered by it16:12
seb128mvo: are those new?16:13
Amaranththere is an env variable to turn them into crashes16:13
seb128mvo: we had gnome-session setting G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals for a day some weeks ago16:13
mvoseb128: aha, that would explain it16:14
seb128mvo: upstream does that during unstable cycle to catch those bugs, otherwise nobody care16:14
seb128usually we disable it16:14
seb128and I forgot when doing the first 2.21 upload for this one16:14
seb128that has been quickly reverted because quite some applications were crashing16:14
mvoyeah, I just found one in update-notifier and fixed it16:18
Amaranthhrm, i wish there was some way to tell if you had an r200 or an r300 without going through pciids16:26
Amaranthi'm going to end up with just as many cards to whitelist as i would to blacklist for ati laptops16:27
Amaranthbut people won't tell me their stuff is broken, they'll only tell if it was working (and demand i make it work again)16:27
=== pochu is now known as dxdx
=== dxdx is now known as pochu
asacseb128: i sometimes get crashes in ephy file save17:24
asacjust try multiple times17:24
asac(for the log. this happens for me even before the xul update i just did ... )17:24
seb128asac: is your hardy uptodate?17:24
asacappears to be a gio issue17:24
asacseb128: how up to date?17:24
asaci updated glib manually17:24
seb128what libgnomeui-0 version do you have?17:24
seb128the gio fileselector is in libgnomeui17:25
seb128and quite some issues have been fixed there17:25
asacnot updated yet ... still 2.2117:25
asacok ... i will upgrade everything17:25
seb128you want to update this one17:25
seb128let me know if that still happens using 2.2217:25
seb128several crashers have been fixed in since .9217:25
asacyes ... upgrading just libgnomeui* now17:25
johanbrAmaranth: As far as I know, only the Xpress chips are broken with the radeon/ati driver (not counting the newer cards).17:26
asacok ... couldn't trigger it easily17:26
asaci will keep my eyes open17:27
seb128asac: ok17:27
Amaranthjohanbr: all the X series ones are broken17:27
AmaranthX300 Mobility, X600 Mobility, etc17:27
Amaranthbasically anything newer than the 9000 Mobility17:27
Amaranthjohanbr: the problem here seem to be that basically if fglrx supports it the ati driver is broken with it17:28
asacok all looks fine here17:28
Amaranthif fglrx doesn't support it the ati driver probably works with it but we've just blocked it17:28
* asac upgrades its complete system and takes a break17:28
Amaranthhow do you separate them without a massive list of pciids on either side17:29
johanbrAmaranth: Not easily doable I think.17:29
AmaranthAnd I'd rather have you get blocked when it should work than not get blocked and have it lock your system up17:30
AmaranthOr make the LiveCD unusable because X restarts when compiz starts17:30
johanbrAre you sure the X300 Mobility is broken? Before, I'd only heard reports of problems with PCI id's starting with 595.17:32
AmaranthPretty sure I've seen a report with an X30017:33
Amaranthsay, the r300 cards all have fragment shaders, right?17:33
Amaranthand the r200 only has fragment programs17:33
johanbrThe Xpress 200 I think is basically an r300 without shaders.17:34
johanbrReport of working X300: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63045717:34
Amaranthright, and some people have X600 Mobility chips that work just fine too17:36
Amaranththat doesn't say much17:36
pochuwill anyone send minutes from the DesktopTeam meeting to the list? :)17:49
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pittikwwii: doing wallpapers now18:57
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=== ember_ is now known as ember
emberseb128 can you confirm that seahorse doesn't have keyserver.ubuntu as default?21:11
seb128ember: the config changes might only apply to new user21:13
seb128I'll try when doing CD testing21:14
emberwell in here i can confirm21:15
emberi've refreshed the patch and installed a new rev and works21:15
emberdinner, brb21:15
seb128pochu: ah, you have a working computer again? ;-)23:33
emberguess pidgin and liferea won't get into hardy23:43
pochuseb128: no, but I'm crazy o.O23:59
pochuseb128: I've built pygtk in a 400mhz computer with 256mb of ram ;)23:59
pochuI had to close ephy and mail :/23:59

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