
Ubuletteat least it works fine :)00:00
asacdoes babelfish translate that? :)00:00
Ubulettethe 2nd yes, the 1st no, i don't speak tamil00:00
asacyay, tomboy notes crashed again00:00
asacgnome bug 51966700:07
ubotuGnome bug 519667 in General "ctrl+w, close on file menu, close button on tab don't work." [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51966700:07
Ubulettegood, i've fixed seamonkey 2, at last00:07
asacthats reported against b4pre 280200:08
asacUbulette: was it broken?00:08
Ubulettei still have weird message in the console but now, it's usable again00:09
Ubuletteit was unable to display anything00:09
Ubulettejust blank pages00:09
asacupstream bug?00:10
Ubulettelike the one rejected by thunderbird00:11
asacyou have bug id?00:11
Ubulette<Ubulette> asac, thunderbird guys recommend us to build everything with --enable-static, incl ff3, xul00:11
Ubulette<Ubulette> see mozilla bug 42039100:11
ubotuMozilla bug 420391 in Build Config "unix/packages-static for thunderbird (trunk)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42039100:11
Ubulette<Ubulette> i will rename my file to unix/packages and keep it in my branch as they seems reluctant to accept it00:11
Ubulette<Ubulette> it works for me (tm)00:11
Ubulettedamn xchat can't copy timestamps00:12
asacif am not mistaken 18 feb 2300 utc works as well00:12
asacno lets see 19 :)00:13
asaci just hope that i didn't mess up anything when testing the 20th feb00:14
=== Greenery_ is now known as Greenery
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
jtvcarlos: I want to cancel that export request that keeps failing.  See anything wrong with this SQL (apart from it returning the same value again and again for each requested file)?08:44
carlosjtv: wrong channel...08:44
jtvcarlos: whoopsie08:46
jtv(damn rearranging tabs)08:46
asac[reed]: its strange. if i use nsILocaleService g10:07
asacto GetLocaleComponentForUserAgent10:07
asacits not the same value that is in user agent10:07
asacfor instance: install de.xpi10:07
asacexport LANG=de_DE10:07
asacyou will see that the user-agent has _just_ de10:08
asacbut the function about returns de-DE10:08
asacthis is confusing10:09
asacbug 20175311:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201753 in mozilla-devscripts "[MIR] please promote mozilla-devscripts to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20175311:23
asacUbulette: ^^^11:23
asac!package mozilla-devscripts12:00
asac!info mozilla-devscripts12:01
ubotuPackage mozilla-devscripts does not exist in gutsy12:01
asac!info mozilla-devscripts/hardy12:01
ubotuPackage mozilla-devscriptshardy does not exist in gutsy12:01
asac!info hardy mozilla-devscripts12:01
ubotuPackage hardy does not exist in gutsy12:01
asac!info mozilla-devscripts hardy12:01
ubotumozilla-devscripts (source: mozilla-devscripts): Collection of dev scripts used by Ubuntu Mozilla packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.05 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 108 kB12:01
asaci made it ;)12:01
asacbug 20175312:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201753 in mozilla-devscripts "[MIR] please promote mozilla-devscripts to main" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20175312:02
asacUbulette: ^^^12:02
asacok ... so there are no constraints anymore12:02
asaceverything can use it12:02
Dat1Hi Guys, I have a quick question: Will firefox 3 beta 4 come to hardy? If yes, when?13:39
Dat1Also, what is the firefox 3 inclusion process for hardy? Is Firefox final version going to be released before the release of hardy? If not, will it be included via an SRU? I am just asking out of curiosity...13:41
Dat1hmm, nobody there...13:58
asacDat1: as soon as we have sorted a regression14:22
asaccaused in epiphany by it14:22
asacthe package is ready (on its own)14:22
Dat1asac: Thx a lot for the info!14:33
asacDat1: not sure about the final release14:33
asacbut most likely we will release with an RC14:34
asacof course we will update that through security once final becomes available14:34
asacafaik there is also a hardy update scheduled a few month after release.14:34
asace.t. 8.04.114:34
asacthat will include latest as well14:34
Dat1Ah, great. I am new to the ubuntu community and it is always great to get further information on the developing process!14:37
Dat1As far as I am informed, you are the one responsible for the mozilla stuff in ubuntu, right?14:37
Dat1You're doing a great job!14:37
armin76i am!14:56
armin76not for ubuntu, though *g*14:56
asacDat1: yes15:12
asacDat1: thank the whole team15:12
xhakerasac: you forgot to update the version of the ubufox extension, it still shows up as beta1 in firefox15:27
xhakerasac: also, i'm interested in this latest change that directs the user to google when connected.15:28
* xhaker built it here.15:31
xhakerinstall.rdf states beta2 :S15:34
* xhaker looking into bzr commits15:37
asacxhaker: he?15:38
asacyou sure you don't have a local install ?15:39
asacif you can uninstall in addons manager, you have a local version15:39
xhakeri've built the package myself and installed. I've just removed the .mozilla folder and will check. orig.tar.gz contained the correct version string in the .rdf15:40
asacxhaker: most likely you had a ubufox install in your profile15:40
xhaker^and will check if it works now15:40
asac(which will always win)15:40
xhakerahh, bummer. firefox doesn't pick it up. now ubufox is not in the list15:42
asacxhaker: firefox 2?15:42
asacis it in /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/ ?15:43
* xhaker dpkg -L15:43
xhakerheh. doesn't seem to be15:43
asacyou sure you built the right package?15:44
asacxhaker: is the package already built in launchpad?15:45
asaccan you try to install that .deb?15:45
asacits installed15:45
xhakerstrange.. it doesn't show up on the list. The startpage is even the firefox branded one.15:48
xhakeron a new progfile15:48
asacwell if its not used you get the upstream behaviour15:49
asacso that is expected15:49
asactry to remove all extension.* files in your profile15:49
asacand start firefox again15:49
xhakeri've removed .mozilla/15:49
xhakerasac: i think i'll test again with the package from the buildd but i've built this in pbuilder. don't think it will be diferent :D15:51
asacsounds strange15:51
xhakershould ubufox@ubuntu.com be a folder?15:52
asacno  a link to a folder15:52
xhakeroh.. then that's it!15:52
asacis that a folder?15:53
xhakerls -l says so :) and it got nothing inside15:53
xhakershould it link to /usr/share/ubufox ?15:54
xhakergreat! testing before it hit the repositories15:56
asacwell its a bug15:56
asaci should remove those dirs in preinst15:56
xhakerasac: this was a project idea from GSoC, that I wrote15:56
asaci thought i did that already15:56
asacoh cool15:56
xhakerglad to see it implemented. i though of doing some integration with n-m though. but the effect is the same15:57
xhakerfrom where did you get this idea?15:57
asacits not my efford. its been discussed with google. no idea how it started16:01
asaci just implemented it on firefox side16:01
xhakerasac: no related blueprint ?16:02
asacno idea ... sorry ;)16:02
asacxhaker: can you purge the ubufox package16:04
asacthen install the previous one16:05
asacand test the latest from bzr in a minute please?16:05
asacxhaker: bzr is updaed16:07
asacxhaker: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubufox/ubuntu16:08
asacxhaker: ?16:14
asacUbulette: so what is about reporter.jar? is that build by accident?16:26
[reed]heh, who broke Hardy? :)16:28
asac[reed]: how?16:28
asacstill works for me16:28
[reed]I see this mail to ubuntu-devel-announce16:29
asacno time to read mails right now :)16:29
asaccan you summarize?16:29
[reed]lp bug 20167316:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "REGRESSION: glibc 2.7-9ubuntu1 NSS module broken due to toolchain changes" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20167316:29
asacappears to be fix released ;)16:29
asacluckily i aborted the upgrade because i needed to install something else16:32
* asac sport18:07
armin76Ubulette: btw, the dialog thing got fixed with b418:49
armin76the ssl stuff18:49
armin76didn't try with an snapshot yet18:49
Ubuletteb5pre, no, no time those days... and my .head branches are/were stuck with b418:51
xhakerasac: i'm testing the upgrade from ubufox. ubuntu2 -> ubuntu3. sorry to have disappeared earlier, some business partner showed up at my house19:14
* xhaker has to fake the situation.19:18
xhakerasac: the new ubufox preinst fixes the upgrade :) thanks19:21
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
Ubuletteasac, <asac> sport <= what kind of sport do you do ?19:51
Ubulette[reed], http://glandium.org/blog/?p=18319:52
[reed]he's been much more helpful lately19:52
[reed]used to be a pain to deal with19:52
[reed]but he's actually been pretty responsive19:53
[reed]which makes it much easier for me to help him out19:53
[reed]Ubulette: Thanks for letting me know about that.19:53
Ubulettehe also updated one of my patches that you committed afterwards19:54
arno_I'd like to package a firefox extension for ubuntu. But I don't use ubuntu myself. So, I'd like to known if some of you have the experience of packaging for ubuntu while using debian, and if so, what are the main differences and the main things to care about ?20:00
Ubulettewe have our own way to package extensions20:01
Ubuletteasac, your email is parsed, mine isn't: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/3.0~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu120:06
arno_Ubulette: ok20:06
arno_that seems to work fine, I could build an extension package20:25
Ubulettearno_, why would you want to do that if you don't even use ubuntu ? (just curious)20:30
arno_Ubulette: because I usually make personal packages of extensions I use (mainly to get them easily when I create a new profile)20:34
arno_and I discovered ubunt mozilla-devscripts, and now, I want to package my extensions that way20:34
arno_Then, I feel it would not be much effoter to make at least one them a real ubuntu package20:35
arno_much *effort*20:35
Ubuletteasac, please push your last changes to ff3.head21:20
asacoh didn't i?21:22
asaclet me first repair my system21:22
asacwhich is busted due to a bad upgrade21:22
asaci cannot sign ... cannot start desktop applications21:22
asaclets hope21:28
asacsystem was completely trashed21:29
arno_how do I generate source package with XPI.TEMPLATE ?21:30
asaccreate an upstream branch21:30
asacbranch from that an ubuntu branch21:31
asaccopy the debian/ directory from XPI....21:31
asacand adapt the debian/rules debian/control debian/copyright21:31
asacarno_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/Packaging21:31
arno_I mean: I've followed that tutorial except I don't use a version control. I can run debuild -b, but debuild fails21:32
asacarno_: if you want to upload that extension to ubuntu, please consider to use bzr21:33
asacarno_: hard to say without a message321:33
asac(error message)21:33
asacarno_: we have the firefox-extensions project in launchpad and it would be beneficial to have all packaged extensions in there21:34
asacarno_: anyway ... if you show me the error i can probably tell whats going on21:35
arno_I just want to check the feasability first, but I've found the solution anyway:21:35
arno_ create a orig.tar.gz with just the .xpi in it21:35
asacarno_: ?21:48
asacUbulette: ok let me look21:48
arno_asac: when using debuild, I could not produce a source package because there was no orig.tar.gz file21:49
asacUbulette: can you merge  back from .dev? we have a missing changelog entry on .head (vs .dev)21:49
asacif you want i can do that21:49
Ubuletteif dev is in sync, i can do it21:50
asacUbulette: ffox head pushed21:50
asaclet me see whats up with xul21:50
Ubulettexul is ok i guess21:50
asacrev 19721:50
asacno xul has diverged21:50
asaci probably uncommitted21:50
asacmost likely just the release changelog entry21:51
Ubuletteoh, then trash my b5, i'll redo it21:51
asacUbulette: ok thanks21:51
asacsorry. there was something that needed a fix ...  ah right bumping of build requirements21:51
asacok xul.head is now rev 18721:52
Ubulettemozilla bug 42253821:53
ubotuMozilla bug 422538 in DOM: HTML "Ogg Theora backend for HTML5 video element" [Enhancement,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42253821:53
asacUbulette: ok i intentionalls didn't fix the upstream version of nspr21:54
asacUbulette: is everything sorted for you now?21:54
asac(e.g. versioning) ... or do we need discussion21:54
asacarno_: you most likely have glitch in the file name of the orig.tar.gz you produced21:55
asacit has to be PACKAGENAME_UPSTREAMVERSION.orig.tar.gz21:55
Ubuletteasac, we need more discussion. I can't tie the xul version within nss/nspr versions using mozclient as it's not taggued that way at all21:56
asacthe xul version was mikes idea afafik21:59
asacwe could use the ffox version21:59
asac(which is used to tag )22:00
Ubulettewe can't. no file in the nss/nspr trees are taggued with this22:04
Ubuletteonly client.mk22:04
Ubulettei mean, if you fetch the tip of nss or nspr, there's no way to find a FF tag22:05
Ubuletteyou can't just pick up a random tag22:07
Ubulettebug 20196122:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201961 in firefox-3.0 "firefox-3.0 dependency on xulrunner-1.9 isn’t strict enough" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20196122:08
arno_bad luck: the extension I'm working on not compatible with firefox 3b :)22:12
armin76eh? ff- again? sigh22:18
armin76you guys know if it contains security fixes?22:18
armin76[reed]: ?22:18
asacarno_: did you try to force compatibililty?22:22
asacarno_: btw, if you work on an extension, please add that to the firefox3extension wiki page22:23
asaceven if the outcome is that its not compatible ... we have a table for that as well there22:23
asacand adding it there helps others to not look at it again22:23
asacarno_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions22:24
asacarno_: on that page is a trick to force compatibility (so you can test if it works without coding)22:25
arno_asac: no, it does not work by bumping maxversion, if I have time in the next few days, I'll try to investigate more22:25
asacarno_: what do you mean?22:25
asacaeh sorry22:25
arno_I'll add it to the list on the wiki22:25
asacthat was armin76 ^^^^22:25
asacarno_: thanks22:25
asacarno_: yes. but most likely its a good idea to ahead and package anothe rextension22:26
asacthere should be plenty available that are compatible already22:26
asacarno_: for instance: all-in-one-sidebar22:26
asacarmin76: write a mail to dveditz@cruzio.com ... and ask to be added to the security-announce list (tell him that you are the gentoo mozilla maintainer)22:27
asacUbulette: you sure?22:27
asacafaik they tag nspr/nss for release with the FIREFOX version22:28
asac(and use that tag in client.mk to checkout)22:28
Ubuletteyou don't get what I mean22:28
asacsorry, maybe rephrase22:29
UbuletteI want to package nss~cvs so I don't have access to any other sources22:29
asacthats true22:29
Ubuletteso to extract the nss version, I need it to be somewhere in that source tree22:29
Ubuletteand 1.9bx is nowhere22:30
Ubuletteit's taggued with that at the last minute22:30
asacyes. but can't we assume that current head is going to be tagged like the next release?22:31
Ubuletteand the tag is not on HEAD but at some older point in time22:31
asacyes. but it would be conservative approach to use the _next_ beta /rc release?22:32
asaci mean its either that or a ahead22:32
asacso choosing the next beta should safe because users can still be upgraded (which is effectively downgrading)22:33
asacanyway ... all this is what i ment when i questioned the feasibility of nss/nspr HEADs22:33
asac(for packaging)22:34
asacas long as we don't need to patch xul for changes in nss we are safe22:34
asacbut once that happen putting that change in xulrunner.head might be wrong22:34
Ubuletteit was often needed, ie when nss is bumped in trunk between two releases, you can no longer build xul with system xul if you don't bump nss too22:35
asacUbulette: yes. but why not just track the TAG in client.mk22:35
asacinstead of the HEAD22:35
asacat least if the purpose to track nss is xulrunner/firefox (and not nss) itself ... it would be a compromise22:36
Ubulettebecause it's not possible either22:36
asacyou could checkout HEAD of client.mk. look at the tag in there and use that?22:36
Ubulettesure but you'll get that:22:37
UbuletteNSPR_CO_TAG          = NSPR_4_7_1_BETA122:37
UbuletteNSS_CO_TAG           = NSS_3_12_BETA222:37
asacwe could say that our nspr.head and hss.head branch will always package the tags in client.mk22:38
Ubulettethat's no longer head22:38
asacits a compromise :)22:39
Ubulettei have another idea22:39
asacnss realhead is something that might just not be usable in combination of our xul.head branc22:39
Ubulettefetch head nss + mozilla/config/milestone.txt head22:39
Ubulettemozilla/config/milestone.txt gives me the gecko version in trunk22:40
asacyes ... thats how we could guess a conservative version22:40
asachowever we still don't know if we are ahead of release22:41
asacas long as you don't need to change xul for that its fine imo22:41
asacbut once that happens we have a problem22:41
Ubulettetoday, it will give me 1.9b5pre so I could do 4.7.1~beta~1.9b5~cvsXXXXXXXX22:41
asacbut what would you do if xul doesn't build anymore with that?22:42
asacwill you stop and wait till xul upstream catches up?22:42
Ubuletteso far, it happened only once and i fixed xul22:43
asacwell .. but then we cannot use that xul branch for next release anymore22:43
asac(at least if we are out of luck)22:43
Ubulettewe did22:43
asacmost likely we had luck and xul catched up _before_ release?22:43
Ubuletteyou even took the patch in ff222:43
asacff2 is something different22:44
asacUbulette: my whole point is: as long as we don't run ahead of the _final_ release i am fine with everything22:45
asaci just want to preven that we end up in final hardy with nss/nspr that isn't ment to be shipped with ffoc 322:45
Ubulettewhy would we run ahead? we don't push random versions to hardy22:46
asacwe would run aheade on the .head branch22:46
Ubuletteno, I will, you wont22:46
asacso the model we currently use for xul and ffox doesn't work ...22:46
asace.g. develop towards next release ... then merge down and release22:46
asacthats all ok. it just means that .head and .dev branch will diverge and most likely won't be really usable to merge down22:47
asac(its just that we have to remember when doing that)22:47
Ubuletteit will ftbfs anyway22:48
asaccan we figure which cvs version was used to tag?22:50
Ubulettewe just have a revision, but it's often reassigned22:51
arno_bad news again: I don't think there would be an easy fix to make chromatabs work with firefox 3b :(22:52
arno_asac: I don't use all in one sidebar. I prefer to package an extension I use22:56
Ubuletteasac, nspr_4.7.1~beta~1.9b5~cvs20080310t1054.orig.tar.gz23:11
Ubulette      nspr_4.7.1~beta~1.9b4.orig.tar.gz23:14
asacarno_: sure23:14
asacarno_: can you contact the devs of chromatabs?23:15
asacarno_: maybe they have a cvs or svn and already have it fixed there?23:15
arno_asac: ok. Otherwise, I think, I'll package console2, it works fine with checkCompatibility to false23:16
asacremember to check licensing if possible23:17
arno_yes, chromatabs and console2 are trilicensed23:19
asacis there even a license file in source/xpi?23:19
arno_console2: there is a licence file23:20
arno_chromatabs: there is a licence file with only mpl, but source files contain tri-licence headers23:20
arno_hmm, may be something to ask them when I write them ...23:20
arno_just to clarify: is it trilicence or mpl23:21
asacin worst case mpl is ok as well23:21
asactrilicense is of course preferred23:21
asacas MPL is a somewhat crappy license ;)23:21
asacarno_: please remember to add that info to the wiki page (even if you don't package it)23:22
asachelps a lot if someone wants to check in future23:22
asacand package it23:22
arno_should I put my name as ubuntu qa contact ?23:22
arno_or someone else ?23:23
UbuletteBug 20199323:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201993 in firefox-3.0 "search function in firefox 3 does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20199323:48
Ubuletteanyone seeing this ? I can't reproduce here23:48
asacis that b4?23:52
asacno i can't23:52
asacalmost certainly an extension issue23:53
asache should try to start in -safe-mode23:53
asacand see if its fixed23:53
asacthen disable extensions one by one ... and so on23:53
asaci have a script for such kind of bugs23:53
asacUbulette: ^^23:55
UbuletteBug 20199723:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201997 in firefox-3.0 "Source code window is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20199723:56
Ubuletteprobably the same23:56
asacyes. if its unreproducible then almost certainly23:56
asac90% of the bugs firefox sees are extension related23:56
asacits somewhat important to get the info which extension caused it23:56
asacmaybe we should create a list about extensions and known symptoms23:57
asaci was pretty bad aobut that for firefox 223:57
asace.g. setting up a list23:57
asaconly the most nasty ones i have in mind23:57
asacUbulette: finally i added the apport hook py script in this upload23:58
Ubuletteyes, i've seen it23:58
asacso if you see bug reports without ExtensionSummary.txt attached ... closing bugs23:58
asacand asking to resubmit through Help -> Report a Problem is the way t got23:58

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