
sorenThe packages should figure it out somehow. I have an idea for this for intrepid.00:00
_CitizenKane_Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a good tool to analyze things such as httpd access and error logs, php error log, etc. ?00:01
_CitizenKane_Ideally, it would also be web based00:02
zulivoks: when you are done can you send me your debdiff for bacula00:20
ivokszul: sure01:40
kgoetzright... sudo crashing is probably a bad thing02:45
sommerkgoetz: did you do a hardy apt-get upgrade?02:46
kgoetzsommer: yeah (i do expect it to be a known issue)02:46
kgoetzfew other things didnt work in the dist-upgrade itself, but i expect thats unrelated02:47
sommerI totally just ran into the same issue... :-)02:47
sommerI thought I'd be clever and reboot, now the darn thing won't come back :\02:48
kgoetz"interesting" *mentally notes he should be using apt-bugs*02:48
kgoetzi notice malloc's happening during the dist-upgrade02:49
sommerI didn't do a dist-upgrade... for that you should use do-release-upgrade02:49
ivokssommer: remote server? :)02:50
kgoetzi dist-upgraded hardy -> hardy.02:50
kgoetzgrr. do-release-upgrade, no man page02:51
kgoetzi cant open new terminals on the system in screen. interesting02:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:54
kgoetzFYI: the mallocs/failed update: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59440/02:55
kgoetzand an example explosion: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59441/02:55
Jeeves_root@unknown # zpool status  | grep ONLINE | grep -v raidz | grep -v state | grep -v pool | wc -l 4602:56
sommerkgoetz: I received the same sudo error02:57
kgoetzsommer: i ran sudo 3 tijmes, it errored slightly differently each time (probably just different memory addresses).02:58
ivokswow, this looks bad02:59
ivoksdon't reboot that machine03:00
sommerivoks: you could argue that it's not good :-)03:00
sommerI'm getting an invalid uuid error... probably because the apt-get upgrade process didn't finish03:01
ivoksdoes 'update-grub' works?03:01
* kgoetz doesnt have a root term open either :|03:01
sommerit's in a initramfs03:01
sommerI'll try recovery mode03:02
ScottK2I just had a build die on the buildd's on some kind of UUID error.  I wonder if it's related.03:02
ivoksScottK2: dovecot.conf is a conffile?03:05
ivoksScottK2: check out /var/lib/dpkg/info/dovecot-common.conffiles03:05
kgoetzsommer: has it come back yet?03:07
ScottK2ivoks: soren corrected me a bit on that.03:09
ScottK2ivoks: Since it's manufactured and not shipped, it's not.  I missed that subtlety.03:09
sommerkgoetz: nope... not finding partitions by uuid, even in recovery03:09
ScottK2ivoks: slangasek still thought it was poor form if actually legal.03:09
sommerkgoetz: trying boot disk (sigh)03:10
kgoetzsommer: gl03:10
ivoksi agree it's poor, but it is legal03:10
* kgoetz cant check the server, pschulz01 has unpluged it03:10
ivoksand it's the best way to do it; forcing custom changes on everybody sounds... well arogant03:11
ivoksdoing it trough ubuntu's mail-server task sounds like a product03:11
ScottK2ivoks: Won't current users get the diff thrown at them.03:11
ScottK2ivoks: Did you read slangesek and mathiaz's conversation on #ubuntu-devel?03:12
ivoksScottK2: no, when was it?03:12
* ScottK2 looks03:12
ScottK2ivoks: It starts with me asking slangesek about it at 22:31 UTC on Wed.03:13
ivoksok, i'll read it03:14
kgoetzsommer: pschulz01: says he hasnt unplugged it, so it must have disconnected for some other reason :| (i'm getting connection refused).03:17
kgoetzwe're turning it off and waiting for news03:18
ivoksmeh... metapackage was my first proposal :/03:19
sommerkgoetz: weird stuff...03:19
sommerI've mounted my root partition using a recovery cd, but I don't have a /sbin03:20
pschulz01sommer: This sound scary03:20
sommerdoh... nm it's target/sbin03:20
kgoetzsommer: uh... say what? thats ... bizzare?03:20
sommerkgoetz: did you have ebox installed?03:22
sommerI think mine blew up right after upgrading ebox03:22
kgoetzsommer: i didnt install it, so unless it was a dependancy/automagic no03:22
sommerkgoetz: ah... probably unrelated then03:22
sommersigh... the emails have started03:27
sommerthe libc error is only hardy right?03:27
kgoetzheh. get ready for a 5 day storm03:27
kgoetzmine was on hardy.03:27
* sommer updating an edgy test machine03:30
ajmitchheh, I see what you mean - that's an unhappy person on devel-discuss03:30
* kgoetz senses another 'owch' level of breakage hitting03:32
ajmitch"it's hardy, you get what you pay for"03:32
pschulz01ajmitch: "If you break it, you get to keep both bits"03:33
* ajmitch should look on the forums & see how many people have out out death threats already03:34
sommeredgy updated fine, trying feisty... fyi03:38
sommerfeisty fine as well03:58
sommerprobably only hardy was effected03:59
ivokszul: debdiff is in your inbox04:00
owhCan someone please remind me how I get the full path to an executable in a process list?04:14
sommerps -ef or ps aux04:19
owhsommer: Yeah, but there are processes in my hardy process list, like say: imap-login and [kthreadd], that have no path.04:21
owhI'm sure I'm missing something :)04:21
owhIn case you're wondering, I'm trying to map running processes to installed packages so I can find which of my init.d scripts belong to those packages, so I can add them to the list to figure out if they need a status option.04:23
owhI'd rather not manually map 68 processes, but I may have to.04:24
sommerah... I'd think there's a ps options somewhere, if not should be some info in /proc04:24
owhLemmie see what drops out the bottom if I omit the ones that obviously do have a path.04:25
owhThat halves it, that's a lot better :)04:27
owhOut of ignorance: Are the processes inside square brackets executables, or internal to the kernel or something else - rather, might they be associated with packages or not?04:28
owhExamples: [aio/0] [ata/0] [ata_aux] [kacpid] [kacpi_notify] [kblockd/0] [khelper] [kjournald] [kpsmoused] [kseriod]04:29
sommerI believe those are kernel processes04:30
owhSo for this exercise I can probably ignore them?04:30
sommerI would think so, but you may want to get a second opinion from someone more knowledgeable about packaging :-)04:34
owhChicken :)04:34
owhI'll start without and work my way down.04:35
sommerhheheh... I'd just hate for you to waste a bunch of time on my say so04:35
owhIt's ok, I'll find a way to 'help' you in return :)04:35
owhThanks for the disclaimer tho.04:35
sommernp, I do what I can... I do what I can04:39
sommeranyone know why on hardy I need to use sudo to create self signed cert?  without sudo I get: unable to write 'random state'. from openssl04:50
sommeraside from there being a permissions issue?04:59
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owhCrap, well that isn't going to work that well. Can someone please check my reasoning?05:12
owhI'm trying to map running processes to packages to init.d scripts to find if they implement status.05:12
owhExample, running process, apache205:12
owhObviously there is an init.d script.05:12
owhThe apache2 executable comes from apache2-mpm-prefork05:13
owhThe init.d script comes from apache2.2-common05:13
owhSo, there isn't a map between the apache2 process and the init.d script that controls it.05:14
owhOf course, I might just have chosen a really bad random example, but I'm thinking not.05:14
owhAnyone disagree with any of this?05:14
sommerowh: not exaclty sure what you mean by "map"?05:18
sommerbut your statements seem logical to me05:18
owhFind a relationship between, ownership.05:18
owhAs in, this process comes from this package which also has this init.d script.05:19
sommerthat's what I thought, I think it will depend package by package05:19
owhHence my utterance earlier :)05:19
sommermore so for applications that are split over more than one package... like apache205:19
sommerso ya, seems like you're on the right track to me :-)05:20
owhI suspect that it will be true for mysql, postgress, php, ldap, etc :(05:20
owhI didn't really want to get into rdeps :)05:20
owhPerhaps it won't be all bad, perhaps some/many of the processes come from the same package. It looks like I might have to do this manually.05:21
owhThat's not really something that we can run across all of the distro though at any time.05:21
sommerthere's always a silver lining... heh05:24
owhIs there any chance that a process that is running that comes from a package, in our case, /usr/sbin/apache2 comes from apache2-mpm-prefork, doesn't depend on a package that provides the init.d, or is that a big assumption that does not hold true?05:25
sommerI would hazard that if there is it's a bug05:27
sommershould be safe to assume05:27
owhSo, I should be able to map a process to it's package, then find the depends that have an init.d and make the link, at least identify the init.d (or more if there are others)05:28
owhI mean for most it might well be the same package, but for apache it obviously isn't.05:29
owhApache continues to be fun. It depends on apache2.2-common which provides /etc/init.d/apache2, but it also depends on libc6 which provides /etc/init.d/glibc.sh05:37
owhHmm, that didn't work either.05:39
owhI'll leave you all alone for a bit :|05:39
sommerowh: go ahead and update... what's the worst that could happen? :-)05:43
* sommer past bed time... sigh05:43
sommerhardy libc05:43
owhNah, I'm not game :)05:43
sommerheh... don't blame ya05:43
* owh saw the message to the list and the smack down :)05:43
* owh is writing lovely code: cut -b76- hardy.process.list | grep ^/ | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | while read process ; do dpkg -S $process ; done | grep -v 'diversion by' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq | while read05:44
sommerowh: party!05:45
owhIt's a Piiiiiiipppppppeeeee05:45
owhWhoot, I think I have some lift off: cut -b76- hardy.process.list  | grep ^/ | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | while read process ; do dpkg -S $process ; done | grep -v 'diversion by' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq | while read package ; do init=`dpkg -L $package|grep /etc/init.d` ; if test "$init" ; then echo $process -\> $package -\> $init ; fi; done05:47
owhI suppose it should be prefaced with ps -af |05:47
owhand the hardy.process.list removed05:48
owhMaking it:05:48
kgoetzyou should probably quite the grep05:49
owhps -Af | cut -b76- | grep ^/ | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | while read process ; do dpkg -S $process ; done | grep -v 'diversion by' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq | while read package ; do init=`dpkg -L $package|grep /etc/init.d` ; if test "$init" ; then echo $process -\> $package -\> $init ; fi; done05:49
owhThat's wrong05:49
kgoetzwhats it meant to do?05:50
owhHold on, I broke some logic.05:51
owhkgoetz: It's in the process of giving me the init.d scripts that belong to running processes :)05:52
owhI'm trying to make it too pretty :)05:53
kgoetzowh: i see... looking in /etc/init.d not complex enough? :P05:54
owhWell, there's 68 in there and we only really want the ones that have a daemon running.05:54
owhps -ealf | cut -b76- | grep ^/ | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq | while read process ; do dpkg -S $process ; done | grep -v 'diversion by' | sort | uniq | sed 's/://' | while read package process ; do init=`dpkg -L $package|grep /etc/init.d` ; if test "$init" ; then echo $process -\> $package -\> $init ; fi; done05:57
owhThat's better.05:57
owhI love machine readable output, especially the kind that isn't.06:09
owhIf you're wondering: apt-cache depends samba06:09
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owhScottK2 Well said on udd06:16
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henkjanhmm, today no dist-upgrading for me08:33
ivoksi just recovered from it08:34
mok0This mornings libc6 upgrade is corrupt!08:58
sorenIt is.08:59
mok0My friend just smashed his hardy system08:59
sorenAn update is in the works.09:00
sorenWe need to write up some instructions for recovering, though.09:00
owhJust as a matter of interest, what's the process of notification for such instructions?09:06
owhI mean, if I'm a sysadmin, buried in the bowels of a server that is borked because something like this happened, how would I go about finding a solution?09:06
owhIs there an RSS feed for stuff like this for example?09:07
owhOr a mailing list?09:07
henkjanhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 has some instructions for recovering09:10
owhAnother way to think of this might be to say: "Imagine this big organisation Ubuntu that has server farms scattered around the planet. (And workstations for that matter.) The people in this room are the back-line support for these devices. How would we notify our remote server teams (people whom we call system administrators) of outages or faults."09:11
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AnRkeyare there any nfs heros here?10:17
AnRkeyi can't mount my nfs share with write permissions for love nor pizza10:18
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_rubenAnRkey: sounds like a problem i had in the past .. cant remember if and if so, how, i fixed it tho :(10:19
AnRkey_ruben, common! i have to know :D10:19
AnRkeyit's driving me nutes10:20
AnRkey_ruben, how did you mount the share in your fstab?10:20
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mok0soren: on a live system: for f in ` dpkg -L`; do cp $f /media/blahblah; done10:42
mok0s/-L/-L libc6/10:42
sorenOr just dpkg --root /media/blahblah -i /tmp/dpkg*.deb10:43
sorenOr just dpkg --root /media/blahblah -i /tmp/libc6*.deb10:43
mok0soren: Ah, another dpkg switch I didn't know about :-)10:44
ProbeDoti need to connect to it via internet, i have 50 xp stations connected to a 2003 server using roaming profiles (desktop,my documents,registery,etc are stored on the server), the internet gateway is the centos server, so i have a local network with local ip's and the internet network with the internet ip,10:47
ProbeDot the problem is that i need a laptop using a internet conection to connect to the local area network via internet, i need all windows networking features available, somehow, that laptop must endup connected to the lan with a lan ip, i need to connect a laptop in austria to a local area network in france10:47
ProbeDotso that the laptop access al network resources of the lan in france, i want the laptop to act as a workstation in the lan, both laptop and lan have internet access, lan has one public ip, laptop same10:47
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_rubenAnRkey: wouldnt know .. my recent attempts involved manual mounting usingn `mount host:/exported/path /mounted/path` .. since i needed to move stuff between two servers i just copied from one to other .. and deleted on the first one afterwards :p10:53
AnRkeythis sounds crazy, but i need it running so i am using samba for now10:53
AnRkeyit works and well.... it works :D10:53
AnRkeyi will mess around with nfs again later10:53
AnRkey_ruben, thanks for the chat :D10:54
AnRkey_ruben, where are you? my sister in law wants to know10:54
=== ProbeDot is now known as ProbeDot_
_rubenAnRkey: at work .. netherlands .. ;)11:03
sureshothey anyone know where extensions(modules) for php is located?11:14
_rubenhrm .. wonder what would be the appropriate way to compile/install/etc kernel modules that are available as <whatever>-source package only .. iscsitarget-source to be specific12:04
_rubenah .. module-assistent12:07
_rubenbah .. iscsitarget-module doesnt wanna compile .. then again, im trying on desktop edition, not server (just as a test)12:16
_rubenmornin sommer12:24
* _ruben slaps Jeeves_ ... nl archive is b0rked :p12:26
_rubenresponds to ping and telnet on port 80 .. but doesnt return anything12:27
henkjan_ruben: we are investigating12:27
_rubenah ok :)12:27
henkjan_ruben: nl.arhive is working again12:32
zulhey sommer12:32
mok0is the libc6 thing fixed in the archives?12:32
_rubenhenkjan: lets test from here12:33
_rubenhenkjan: nice .. what was the prob?12:33
henkjan_ruben: no idea yet. Jeeves_ went down to the colo12:34
henkjanserver is rebooted12:35
henkjanMar 13 12:27:00 ftp kernel: [36632.422033] Out of socket memory12:37
henkjanMar 13 12:27:03 ftp kernel: [36635.853495] TCP: too many of orphaned sockets12:37
jdstrandhi faulkes-!12:39
jdstrandI was asked in the #ubuntu-server meeting yesterday to coordinate with you an requesting that people test the new mysql updates in -proposed12:40
jdstrandfaulkes-: this is mainly for dapper - feisty12:40
jdstrandfaulkes-: see bug #201009 for details12:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201009 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "[mysql-dfsg-5.0] fix for several open vulnerabilities in -proposed" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20100912:40
jdstrandfaulkes-: is there an appropriate place in the forums that this can be arranged?12:41
_rubenhenkjan: scary12:45
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Jeeves__ruben: Sorry about that12:50
Jeeves_It seems there were NFS issues12:50
Kamping_KaiserJeeves_, bugger.12:50
Kamping_KaiserJeeves_, i was going to ask how your going... buried in 'oh noes' atm probably12:51
Jeeves_Kamping_Kaiser: Yeah, I was rsyncing the iso's to the thumper12:51
Jeeves_But maybe I forgot a lockd  ...12:51
Kamping_Kaiseri almost did that badly today. set a server to an in use IP (read: conflict) then dist-upgraded my hardy and copped the glibc bug, then couldnt change the ip anymore12:52
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_rubenJeeves_: shit happens (to the best of us)13:04
_rubensweet .. my initial iscsi test succeeded .. win2k3r2 virtual server as initiator and ubuntu as target13:04
faulkes-on what hardware?13:07
_rubenfaulkes-: dell dimension 5150 .. as in: one of the workstations under my desk ;) .. more a proof of concept than an actual (read: usefull) test ;)13:09
_rubenthe target that is13:09
_rubenthe next iscsi experiment will be on a machine with 8 sata disks and a raidcore/broadcom raid controller (fakeraid from what ive read, so software raid it'll be)13:10
_rubentho that hardware isnt avail yet13:10
faulkes-just looking at iscsi stuff right now, have a promise iscsi box nobody here has ever touched I'm going to hook up to dell 1955 blades13:22
faulkes-should be interesting to play with13:23
_ruben1955s .. we're looking into those aswell .. for longer term plans as vmware esx hosts mainly13:28
_rubenwe'll be getting some dell san stuff (borrowed from dell) to play with in a month or so .. need to finish off some other projects first13:29
_rubenreally looking forward to dive into the virtualization and san stuff13:29
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zulmathiaz: I uploaded samba-3.0.28a this morning14:18
mathiazzul: awesome14:18
jdstrandmathiaz, soren, nijaba: just used ubuntu-vm-builder for a gutsy guest14:27
sorenamd64 or i386?14:27
jdstrandand got grub 'Error 15' on boot14:27
jdstrandwould you like to see the invocation?14:27
sorenYou need to pass --compontents main,restricted for the kernel install to function.14:27
jdstrandsudo ubuntu-vm-builder -a amd64 -d ./gutsy_server64 --domain strandboge.com --hostname gutsy-server64 --mirror --addpkg openssh-server -s gutsy --vm kvm --user james --part ./partfile --kernel-flavour server --components main,restricted,universe,multiverse --ip= --libvirt qemu:///system14:28
jdstrandI did14:28
sorenIs your mirror up-to-date?14:28
sorenI mean *really* up-to-date?14:28
faulkes-hrmm, that reminds me, I need to turn VT on in the bios's14:28
sorenOh, it's gutsy.14:28
sorenNever mind.14:28
jdstrandas of 07:00 UTC14:28
jdstrandthe host is hardy14:29
jdstrandthe guest is gutsy14:29
soren--ip= works? Wow. NEver tried that :)14:29
jdstrandsoren: I can't speak to that14:29
sorenI've always seperated them by spcaes.14:29
nijabasoren: I put that part in and I did test it ;)14:29
sorenWith '='? Ok, cool.14:30
nijabasoren: ah, no, always using space14:30
sorenjdstrand: I'd much rather see the output of the build process :)14:30
jdstrandlet me try without the '='-- I had some strange stuff that I was going to report separately14:31
jdstrandsoren: interesting--14:33
jdstrandSearching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub14:33
jdstrandfindfs: Unable to resolve 'UUID=3812df5a-550f-48e9-8046-12d584257ec2'14:33
jdstrandCannot determine root device.  Assuming /dev/hda114:33
jdstrandThis error is probably caused by an invalid /etc/fstab14:33
jdstrandbut I'll paste the whole thing momentarily14:34
sorenDon't worry about that one.14:34
jdstrandsoren: it's booting14:36
jdstrandguess it *really* didn't like the '='14:36
jdstrandsoren: had this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59478/ at the end, which was disconcerting14:38
jdstrandsoren: I am sure the openssh part was due to /dev/pts14:38
jdstrandwell, *sure* is strong14:38
jdstrandI bet it is because of it "Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)"14:39
mathiazjdstrand: I've seen that error too - it's because openssh cannot be started14:39
jdstrandmathiaz: yes14:39
jdstrandmathiaz: I was just saying it may not have been able to start bec of that14:40
jdstrandthe last two lines made me think something wet wrong too14:40
mathiazjdstrand: oh - I think it was not able to start because there is already an ssh daemon running on the host14:40
jdstrandjust fyi14:40
jdstrandmathiaz: oh-- that makes sense14:41
jdstrandmathiaz: I was thinking that it was virtualized already, but of course it wasn't yet14:41
mathiazjdstrand: I briefly mentionned it to soren in a meeting - apparently there is trick to make it work anyway14:41
mathiazjdstrand: You'd run in the same problem when installing apache2 which couldn't be started as it cannot bind to port 8014:42
jdstrandit more just a usability thing for others, it clearly works well :)14:42
jdstrandmathiaz: yes I understand now14:42
mathiazjdstrand: forget about the last comment - it could bind to port 80 as the install is run as root14:42
jdstrandmathiaz: not sure about that14:43
sorenmathiaz: Unless you have a web server running already..14:43
jdstrandmathiaz: when I did testing in chroots of server daemons, I could only do one at a time14:43
* jdstrand assumed mathiaz meant that it would be the same for any service that was already running on the guest14:44
Probedot_i need to configure apache to allow access to http:\\url.com\dummy\download , But to block access ,to http:\\url.com\dummy on port 80,can you do it?14:49
Probedot_ (i do need access to dummy on 443, i have a site where the root folder is a login to a console i need blocked,but a subfolder of that folder is open to clients to access files from,  I dont want people to access the console but still have access to the downloads, with Virt hosts,is that how i set up ports? like if i want it to work via 443,do i use *:44314:49
jdstrandsoren: where are the options for dnsmasq configured? I checked /etc/libvirt/* and /etc/default/libvirt-bin14:49
jdstrandsoren: I'd like to use a different address range14:49
jdstrandsoren: well, really just 'smaller'14:49
* Probedot_ waits14:50
jdstrandso I can have static addresses not get in the way14:50
sorenjdstrand: That's in your libvirt network xml.14:51
sorenjdstrand: Use virsh to dump/redefine.14:51
mathiazjdstrand: try a net-dumpxml from virsh to see how to set the range14:51
jdstrandah /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks14:52
jdstrandgot it14:52
* jdstrand didn't dig deep enough14:52
jdstrandsoren: sick of me and virtualization yet? ;)14:52
jdstrand(I know you are)14:53
mathiazsoren: re bug 194237 - why do you want to install usplash ?14:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194237 in ubuntu-vm-builder "don't install usplash by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19423714:53
mathiazsoren: it's not installed by default on a server14:53
sorenIt's shiny.14:55
sorenI thought I made that quite clear :)14:55
sorenjdstrand: Not at all!14:55
mathiazsoren: well... I'd expect a better argument thatn it's shiny.14:56
* jdstrand has *always* appreciated the shiny argument14:56
mathiazsoren: as I mentionned in the bug, there are some artifact left on the console when using vnc.14:56
mathiazsoren: that is the reason why I've filed the bug14:57
mathiazsoren: it's annoying to have orange pixels in the middle of the screen. it's not... shiny ;)14:57
jdstrandsoren: I'd also mention that whatever loads kvm_intel is not using log_action_ for its output. as a result, that line is not in alignment with the other boot messages14:58
jdstrandlog_action_ is usplash firendly14:58
jdstrandother log_ functions are not14:59
Probedot_i need to configure apache to allow access to http:\\url.com\dummy\download , But to block access ,to http:\\url.com\dummy on port 80,can you do it?14:59
Probedot_ (i do need access to dummy on 443, i have a site where the root folder is a login to a console i need blocked,but a subfolder of that folder is open to clients to access files from,  I dont want people to access the console but still have access to the downloads, with Virt hosts,is that how i set up ports? like if i want it to work via 443,do i use *:44314:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servergui - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:01
sorenmathiaz: Well, that's the bug we should be fixing then.15:07
Jeeves_Anyone from canonical here?15:17
Jeeves_If so. Can you gently push someone from the mirror-team towards #ubuntu-server? :)15:18
Jeeves_I'm not allowed to paste NSFW techpron here, right? :)15:34
Jeeves_Nobody here highlighting on NSFW? :)15:37
nijabasoren, mathiaz: any reco on how I should be implementing the templates in u-v-b?15:45
sorenJeeves_: What do you need mirror gusy for?15:47
Jeeves_soren: Already talking to elmo. Thanks though15:49
ubotuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.15:49
nealmcbmathiaz: there you go!15:49
jdstrandmathiaz: when automating vm creation, what tool are you using?15:50
mathiazjdstrand: custom scripts build around ubuntu-vm-builder :)15:54
mathiazjdstrand: These are just shell scripts that call ubuntu-vm-builder with the right paths15:55
jdstrandmathiaz: are you assigning ip addresses or just using dhcp?15:56
mathiazjdstrand: well - I'm hoping to use dhcp in fact15:57
mathiazjdstrand: dnsmasq has this wonderfull feature to provide dns names for served ips15:57
mathiazjdstrand: so I plan to integrate this in my environement so that I don't need to know which ip address I need to connect to15:58
mathiazjdstrand: I aim at the following workflow: ubuntu-vm-builder host1; wait for 5 minutes ; ssh host115:59
jdstrandmathiaz: where are the names exposed? (I am thinking of the traditional dynamic dns updates where you still end up having to know the hostname)15:59
jdstrandmathiaz: oh I see-- yes, that would rock15:59
jdstrandmathiaz: keep me posted :)15:59
mathiazjdstrand: I've already that setup with vmware-server15:59
mathiazjdstrand: I've modified vmware-server to use dnsmasq instead of dhcpd16:00
nealmcbScottK, soren - good straightforward thoughtful comments on the u-d-d list - thanks16:11
=== AnRkey_ is now known as AnRkey
* soren hugs ScottK216:22
AnRkeyi want to import about 140 users into ubuntu16:22
AnRkeydoes anyone have any idea's for an import solution?16:23
nealmcbwhat does "break=bottom" do on the kernel boot line, anyway?16:27
sorenIt breaks out of the initramfs at a specific point.16:29
sorenMost interestingly: after the root device has been mounted.16:30
* ScottK2 hugs back.16:30
nealmcbsoren: thanks.  I don't see it in Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt - is it grub-specific or ubuntu-specific or something?16:31
sorenNeither :)16:33
sorenIt's from Debian.16:33
sorenSee /usr/share/initramsf-tools/init16:33
sorenLook for "maybe_break bottom"16:33
sorenThat's where it'll bail out if you pass break=bottom.16:33
sommermathiaz: thanks for adding links to the roadmap doc review section... I should have thought about that16:38
* jdstrand -> lunch16:45
zulivoks: around?17:02
ivokszul: yes17:03
zulivoks: I had a go through it looks ok. I added some stuff to it, changelog is here. http://pastebin.ca/94132017:03
zulIm going to ask for a FFE exception and merge the version from debian as well17:03
ivoksi noticed one thing tough... and i don't have an idea how to resolve it17:04
ivoksif someone has bacula-dir-mysql|pgsql before and now updates this new version17:04
ivokspostinst will ask for setting up new database17:04
zulso if bacula-version is older than blah then exit fi or something like that?17:05
ivoksok, that was obvious :D17:05
sorenIn postinst: if [ "$1" = configure ]; then if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Ooh, a fresh install."; else echo "Oh, an upgade from $2"; fi; fi.17:05
zulsoren: that works :)17:06
sorenOr even better:17:07
ivokszul: s/contorl/control :)17:07
ivoksin changelog17:07
zulyeah havent uploaded it yet :)17:07
sorenIn postinst: if [ "$1" = configure ]; then if dpkg --compare-versions 1.2.3-4ubuntu5 -lt "$2"; then echo "We're upgrading past version 1.2.3-4ubuntu5. Let's do some cool stuff."; fi; fi17:08
zulif dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 2.2.8-5ubuntu1 \ then do your bits else what soren said fi17:08
sorenEr.. Yeah, I should have used -gt, probably.17:09
sorenEr.. "gt", not "-gt".17:09
zulsoren: great minds think alike17:09
sorenSo what zul said :)17:09
ivokshorrible debdiff17:11
zulivoks: yeah it was fun...I just split the files up to make it easier17:12
=== Theo__ is now known as sdrowkcab
=== sdrowkcab is now known as Theo__
Theo__how do i get libxerces26?17:12
Theo__I typed "apt-get install libxerces26" and it did not work17:12
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
ivoksTheo__: try 27 or 2817:13
Theo__Thank you17:14
Theo__it worked17:14
jdstrandoh that's fun17:14
jdstrandinstall dapper with ubuntu-vm-builder and boot it up and it goes into memtest8617:15
zuljdstrand: whhaaaa?17:15
jdstrandlooking at grub boot menu, there is no kernel entry17:15
mathiazjdstrand: you should check the build log and see which version of the kernel was asked to be installed17:16
jdstrandmathiaz: I was just now17:16
mathiazjdstrand: I ran into a similar problem when tryinb to install hardy on amd64 - it tried to install linux-virtual which doesn't exist on amd6417:17
jdstrandI was trying to remember if -server is on dapper17:17
ScottK2No.  It's not.17:17
mathiazjdstrand: I think so17:17
ScottK2OK.  Maybe I misremember, but I think not.17:17
ScottK2IIRC when I had dapper servers I just installed from the alternate ISO.17:18
sorenjdstrand: I fixed that, too.17:18
ScottK2Fair enough.17:18
sorenjdstrand: You can do:17:18
sorenjdstrand: --flavour amd64-server17:18
sorenjdstrand: if you're still on amd64, that is. If not, it's something else, which I haven't seen before.17:19
jdstrandsoren: this is for an amd64 vm17:19
mathiazjdstrand: well - linux-server on dapper exists only on i38617:19
jdstrandsoren: is it only dapper or all that I should redo?17:19
sorenjdstrand: Right. It's called amd64-server17:19
jdstrandok cool17:20
sorenjdstrand: dapper and edgy at least.17:20
ivoksis mail-server-task good name for binary meta package?17:20
sorenNot sure about feisty.17:20
sorenivoks: No.17:20
jdstrandedgy worked...17:20
sorenBecause it's not a task.17:20
ivoksthen just mail-server17:20
mathiazjdstrand: linux-server was added to edgy17:20
ivoksone could thnik that's just MTA17:20
mathiazivoks: if you're talking about sasl, I'd create a package named postfix-sasl-enable or something like that17:21
mathiazivoks: I'm still not sure how we should do this.17:21
ivoksmathiaz: that name would be misleading cause we include more that just sasl configuration17:21
mathiazivoks: actually no.17:22
mathiazivoks: the plan would be to move the dovecot stuff directly in the default dovecot configuration file17:22
mathiazivoks: which leaves only the postconf calls in the postinst script17:22
ivoksmathiaz: even the maildir and sasl setup in dovecot?17:23
mathiazivoks: we could enable sasl by default in dovecot17:23
ivoksmathiaz: the changes we propose are stricly for postfix17:23
Theo__Does anyone know how to setup a MTA server?17:23
ivoksso, if someone uses exim, dovecot wouldn't even start17:24
jdstrandok, that is much more fun-- it's booting :)17:24
ScottK2Theo__: Yes.17:24
Theo__I started the server but cannot connect17:24
mathiazivoks: why ?17:25
ivoksdovecot creates socket in /var/spool/postfix17:25
mathiazivoks: well - that's not so wrong17:25
mathiazivoks: I still wonder if we should move this to a different path17:26
mathiazivoks: and then set postfix to use this new path17:26
ivokspostfix is jailed17:26
ivoksso it must be inside /var/spool/postfix17:26
ivoksor... we can bind mount17:26
lamonthaving dovecot allow multiple paths to the file would fix things...17:26
ivokslamont: iirc, it actualy allows that17:27
mathiazI was more worried about the effect of having dovecot putting something in /var/spool/postfix17:27
mathiazif that works with lamont - it's all good17:27
* lamont has no objections to packages delivering things into the chroot to let them work. well, assuming that they aren't utter crack.17:28
lamontand if the admin installs dovecot onto a box with postfix, then he probably means to have it work.17:28
lamontso, yeah, +117:28
ScottK2Theo__: What did you install, what Ubuntu release are you using, and more exactly what's the trouble?17:28
ivoksno, dovecot doesn't support multiple SASL clients - so, only one socket17:29
Theo__I have ubuntu server edition, libxerces26 and libstdc++617:29
Theo__. When I start the server there are no errors. I cannot connect to it through lan from another computer17:29
ScottK2Personally I think it's quite reasonable to have the default dovecot configuration be the one that works with postfix.  It's our primary MTA.17:29
mathiazivoks: well - we could make sure that dovecot is integrated with the postfix17:30
mathiazivoks: I agree with ScottK2 ^^17:30
ivoksScottK2: then dovecot should depend on postfix and other way around17:30
mathiazivoks: not needed17:30
ivokscause postfix won't start if it can't connect to dovecot's socket17:30
mathiazivoks: postfix isn't configured by default to use sasl17:31
ivoksi see where you're heading17:31
ScottK2ivoks: I think depends postfix|mail-transport-agent is quite reasonable.17:31
mathiazivoks: that the role of the new package - postfix-sasl-configure17:31
ScottK2Dovecot does need an MTA, but the MTA doesn't necessarily need Dovecot.17:32
mathiazScottK2: dovecot really needs an MTA installed ?17:32
ScottK2mathiaz: Does it?17:32
ScottK2mathiaz: Sorry, speculating again.17:32
ivoksit does not17:32
ScottK2OK.  Nevermind about that bit then.17:33
Theo__MTA=Multi Theft Auto?17:33
ivoksok, so postfix by default doesn't support sasl17:33
mathiaz!mta | Theo__17:33
ubotuTheo__: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA17:33
ScottK2Theo__: Mail Transport Agent17:33
ivoksand dovecot by default provides sasl socket?17:33
mathiazivoks: yes.17:33
ivoksone important thing17:33
ivoksif we pre-setup dovecot for sasl socket for postfix (/var/spool/postfix)17:34
mathiazivoks: how would dovecot react if the path to the sasl socket doesn't exist ?17:34
ivoksand postfix isn't installed17:34
ivoksdovecot will fail to start17:34
ScottK2That would be bad.17:34
mathiazivoks: that means dovecot needs to create /var/spool/postfix or whatever.17:34
ivoksmathiaz: or that... right17:34
ivoksor... bind directories17:35
ivoksdovecot starts socket on /var/run/dovecot/auth17:35
mathiazthat's the bit I'm worried about17:35
ivoksand postfix init script binds it to /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-auth17:35
ivoksbut that's so... hacky :/17:35
ivoksit would be much easier if dovecot would start tcp socket :/17:36
mathiazivoks: so another option is to look into dovecot src code and make it exit properly if the path to the socket doesn't exists17:37
mathiazivoks: if /var/spool/postfix/private/ doesn't exits, don't start the sasl daemon17:38
ivoksit's stupid that it doesn't act like that already17:38
ivokscause it only exports auth socket17:38
ivoksit's not like it uses it17:38
ivoksis it wise to leave a unused socket which can be used for probing usernames?17:43
ubotuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.17:55
* jdstrand thinks it is just *awesome* that he can use multi-cpu in kvm18:00
AnRkeyi want to import about 140 users into ubuntu18:15
AnRkeydoes anyone have any idea's for an import solution?18:15
AnRkeyi want to make the username and passwords the same18:15
nealmcbAnRkey what about home directories and stuff - just make new ones, or migrate from somewhere?  uids?18:18
nealmcband what do you have for them now - passwd and shadow files from some other system?18:18
AnRkeymake new ones18:18
AnRkeyi was going to make a small script with adduser18:19
* nealmcb nods18:19
nealmcbso you know all their passwords?18:19
AnRkeycant figure out how to add the password to the adduser script18:19
AnRkeywell i want to make the login and password the same18:19
AnRkeyit's a small internal network18:19
AnRkeyit's just for a mail server18:20
nealmcbok - so not really an import, exported from somewhere else - you just want to make them up from scratch18:20
AnRkeywell i have the list from the old server18:26
AnRkeythe old server was setup in the same way18:26
AnRkeylogin and pass where also the same18:26
AnRkeywe want to make the migration to the new server seamless18:26
ivoksdon't use adduser then18:30
ivoksuse useradd and set up password with chpasswd18:31
AnRkeythanks ivoks, looking into that18:32
nealmcbivoks: cool - that is what I was searching for - chpasswd allows AnRkey to use the old passwords from the old shadow file also18:32
AnRkeynealmcb, use old shadow file?18:33
* nealmcb hates the idea of 140 users all knowing that their peers password is the same as the userid18:33
AnRkeynealmcb, that's just it, they don't know18:33
AnRkeymost of these people are farmers and have no idea what copy and paste is18:33
nealmcbthe -e and -m options of chpasswd look like they'll take the sort of stuff you can get out of /etc/shadow18:34
nealmcbso you can just say that their password hasn't changed18:34
AnRkeyshweet, thanks nealmcb ivoks18:34
AnRkeylooks like i might get some sleep tonight18:36
nealmcbhuh - I guess I misread the chpasswd man page on -m:  "Use MD5 encryption instead of DES when the supplied passwords are not encrypted"  - the "not" is surprising.   I guess it knows md5 vs des from the way it is encrypted?18:38
AnRkeyyeah that does not look like the correct switch18:45
AnRkeyi have the old shadow file so it looks like i'll be fine18:45
nealmcbsoren, sommer: I added the "break" option to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - the mysteries of initramfs are slowly unveiling themselves :-)19:06
sommernealmcb: that's good stuff, I know like 2.5 boot options :-)19:20
sommeranyone have a favorite sql reference or website?19:20
mathiazsommer: I've found the Mysql User Manual good at that usually19:25
kirklandsommer: not a website, but I bought this book in 1999, and learned everything I've needed to know about SQL from it.  I still pull it off the shelf occasioinally:  http://www.amazon.com/Special-Using-SQL/dp/0789719746/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1205436337&sr=8-319:26
sommermathiaz: yep, I've linked to that already, looking for more references for the database section19:27
sommerkirkland: cool, thanks I'll take a look19:27
mathiazsommer: and you can even find it in ubuntu - a simple apt-get install mysql-doc will make you happy19:27
sommeroooh, that's a good point19:27
kirklandsommer: also, i'm more of a postgres junkie, so i tend to use http://www.postgresql.org/docs/ for db specific questions19:28
sommerkirkland: ah, I'll link that as well19:28
mathiazsommer: and may be mention sqlite also19:28
kirklandsommer: you can go straight to the appropriate manual, if you want19:28
mathiazsommer: these are the main databases19:29
sommerya, I was thinking about an sqlite section... I'm a little hesitant to add a bunch of new content so close to SF19:30
ubotuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.19:30
sommerMatt East was worried about translation time19:30
sommerif not for hardy it'll definitely be there for ibex :-)19:31
jdstrandfaulkes-: ping re mysql testing19:38
nealmcbsommer: Is the virt section draft for the server guide somewhere where I can point folks at it?19:50
sommernealmcb: you bet: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/virtualization.html19:51
sommerI commited an update last night so that's out of date, until the update process runs19:51
sommernot sure when that is exaclty though19:52
nealmcbsommer: cool - I should have known that - got confused by the versions again....19:54
sommernp... mathiaz also added links to the roadmap :-)19:55
nealmcbsommer: is the vmware line in http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/jeos.html et al. still necessary, or is it running well in kvm also?  Or perhaps the following sections should be renamed to "vmware-xxx", since jeos seems a more generic concept?20:11
sommernealmcb: that's a good question... I like where your head's at!20:14
sommerpersonally I haven't tested jeos with kvm, but I believe from what others have said is that it works fine20:16
sommernijaba or soren can probably shed more light on that one20:16
sommermy plan is to do some testing this evening... so probably know more than :-)20:17
nijabasommer: I'm in a meeting right now.  should be avail in 30 min or so...20:17
* nealmcb is also on a phone call now - off in 40 minutes or so20:22
jdstrandmathiaz: I have theory about bug #10545720:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105457 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysqd_safe high cpu usage" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10545720:35
jdstrandI updated the bug accordingly, but don't really have time to look into it now20:35
jdstrandlet's go with hypothesis instead20:36
nijabasommer, nealmcb: I think we need to revisit the Jeos tutorial to a/include usage of ubuntu-vm-builder (even though it is universe) b/amend it for kvm usage as well21:14
nealmcbnijaba: right on!21:18
nealmcband I suppose libvirt builds are a third possibility21:18
nealmcbbut I haven't tried that stuff21:18
nijabanealmcb: ubuntu-vm-builder now include a libvirt option...21:20
nealmcbnijaba: great!21:21
* nealmcb is so out-of-it, but hoping to find time to get back up to speed....21:21
nijabaI am currently working on adding some templating to the xml file.21:22
nealmcbI'm talking with a guy who is having trouble with vmware and hardy - not in partner repo now?  missing headers when he tries it straight from vmware?21:24
nijabanealmcb: vmware-server for hard should be in the repo sometimes around GA21:25
nealmcbat some point, jeos descriptions for xen and perhaps even containerized solutions would be nice also, either on the wiki or in the server guide21:33
nijabanealmcb: as xen / openvz are community supported solutions, I'd vote for wiki21:35
* nealmcb nods21:35
nealmcbnijaba: so is canonical supporting vmware on ubuntu?21:36
* nealmcb wonders about vmware in the server guide for the same reason21:37
nijabanealmcb: no, we are working with vmware on having ubuntu (server, including Jeos) certified on ESX21:37
nijabanealmcb: in the same principle as another hw vendor in fact21:37
nealmcbso should that be on the wiki instead also?21:38
nijabanealmcb: I am not following you..  which "that"?21:38
nealmcbhave the server guide focus on supported open source solutions21:39
nijabanealmcb: vmware(-server) is not part of the official doc, only running Jeos on vmware is21:39
nijabaand it is not a "canonical" reasoning, more a "main" vs "universe" one21:40
kirklandmathiaz: are you here?21:42
kirklandmathiaz: owh and I have a few questions about the init script lsb work, and how best to document this in LP21:42
kirklandmathiaz: here's what I'm thinking....21:42
kirklandmathiaz: we create one LP bug for general initscript LSB compliance21:42
nealmcbI may be confused on just what is needed to run jeos on vmware - is the necessary stuff in main? universe? partner?21:42
kirklandmathiaz: target that bug for Intrepid, really21:43
kirklandmathiaz: and file individual bugs against each package with a non-LSB compliant init script21:43
nijabanealmcb: I think the necessary stuff is in main (and you can add open-vm-tools from universe if you want)21:43
kirklandmathiaz: ideally, the LSB tests would tell us which are and are not compliant, we still need to try their tests21:44
nealmcbso the partner stuff is just extra fancier stuff for building vms?21:44
kirklandmathiaz: as owh, and i, and anyone else wants, we chip away at those bugs, most are pretty simple fixes, great little work items for new developers21:44
nijabanealmcb: yep, that's how I would view it21:45
kirklandmathiaz: we will document in a wiki page exactly how to fix up an init script21:45
nealmcband it is vmware-server?21:45
kirklandmathiaz: it's fairly formulaic, actually21:45
mathiazkirkland:  I like the "great little work for new developers" :)21:45
kirklandmathiaz: i don't mean to trivialize it.....21:45
kirklandmathiaz: but it shouldn't be that scary21:45
mathiazkirkland: oh no - I really think it's difficult21:45
mathiazkirkland: heu... *not difficult*21:46
kirklandmathiaz: why so?21:46
nijabanealmcb: vmware-server is in partner repo, so that's really canonical's pmau21:46
kirklandmathiaz: oh :-)21:46
kirklandmathiaz: also, I think we throw FFe out the window entirely--the number of init scripts affected by this is tremendous21:46
owhnijaba: What keyboard are you typing on?21:46
* mathiaz remembers how an azerty keyboard looks like21:46
nijabaowh: frenglish21:46
kirklandmathiaz: so we (the community) just cips away at them over time21:47
kirklandmathiaz: perhaps some make it into Hardy21:47
kirklandmathiaz: hopefully more make it into hardy+updates21:47
kirklandmathiaz: and ideally we're lsb-compliant by intrepid21:47
kirklandmathiaz: (profit)21:47
kirklandmathiaz: owh: sound like a plan?21:47
owhkirkland: mathiaz: wfm21:48
mathiazkirkland: well - the init scripts changes won't make it in hardy-updates21:48
kirklandmathiaz: if so, this is what I'll write up in the roadmap, per meeting action yesterday21:48
kirklandmathiaz: no?  security issues only make it in there?21:48
mathiazkirkland: they won't qualify for a StableReleaseUpdate21:48
* kirkland goes look up StableReleaseUpdate guidelines21:48
ubotuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:49
mathiaz!sru | kirkland21:49
ubotukirkland: please see above21:49
mathiazkirkland: then rather than filing bugs about lsb-compliant scripts, I'd rather concentrate on "implement status action" for relevant scripts.21:50
mathiazLSB-compliant scripts requires more than just a status action21:50
kirklandmathiaz: really?  okay.  that's easier21:50
mathiazkirkland: you need the headers, the correct exit code21:50
owhmathiaz: Well, the init.d scripts that come with hardy tasksel full install all include the lsb_functions which indicates that the author is at least aspiring to compliance.21:51
nealmcbnijaba: I just sent you some mail - perhaps you can help us get to more clarity....21:52
kirklandmathiaz: just sourcing /lib/lsb/init-functions and using pidofproc gets the right exit code21:52
mathiazkirkland: right - but there are other places in the init script that may use the wrong exit code  - see apache2 init script21:53
kirklandmathiaz: right, agreed.21:53
mathiazowh: correct. But they may be not completly compliant.21:53
kirklandmathiaz: so what you're saying is concentrate on implementing the status section21:53
mathiazowh: and some of the changes are actually made by Ubuntu.21:54
mathiazowh: and we still carry the delta with debian.21:54
mathiazkirkland: yes - just the status action.21:54
kirklandmathiaz: what if we added a function to /lib/lsb/init-functions21:54
owhmathiaz: Yes, and changing the exit codes might break code that relies on the "faulty/non compliant" exit codes.21:54
nijabanealmcb: would you like me to reply here or by email?21:54
owhkirkland: That's what I wanted to talk about :)21:54
mathiazkirkland: it should be easier to implement, more targeted and easier to get a FFe for it.21:54
kirklandmathiaz: statusof $DAEMON $NAME21:55
owhNow we're talking :)21:55
kirklandmathiaz: I think most of them should look a lot like:21:55
kirkland+pidofproc /usr/sbin/cron >/dev/null21:55
kirkland+if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then21:55
kirkland+log_success_msg "Cron is running."21:55
kirkland+log_failure_msg "Cron is not running."21:55
kirkland+exit $status21:55
kirkland(Sorry for the code drop, it's small though)21:55
kirklandand status just becomes21:56
kirklanda call to statusof21:56
nealmcbnijaba: by mail is probably better, and I can forward to our colorado list as appropriate21:56
kirklandowh: mathiaz ?21:56
kirklandmathiaz: that might be FFe-able?21:56
mathiazkirkland: yes - that'd make sense.21:56
* nealmcb hopes he hasn't confused his buddies21:56
mathiazkirkland: I'd have a quick look at the existing init scripts that have a status action to see they would fit the pattern.21:57
nealmcbnijaba: thanks!!21:57
owhkirkland: Yup that's what I intended to get to :)21:57
kirklandowh: you da man21:57
kirklandowh: we're on the same page, i like that \o/21:57
owhkirkland: I can't get credit, I thought of it first, but you wrote it down first :)21:57
mathiazkirkland: that would bring more weight to the FFe21:57
kirklandowh: if you want the credit, you hack the patch to /lib/lsb/init-functions :-)21:58
mathiazkirkland: I'd also send an email to ubuntu-devel outlining the reason to do this21:58
owhROTFL - mine!21:58
mathiazkirkland: you'd get more input from all the other developers.21:58
kirklandmathiaz: sounds good, probably should be done ASAP, i assume?21:59
* owh is already downloading source :)21:59
* kirkland downloads from his local mirror at 1Gbps :-)21:59
mathiazkirkland: yes.22:00
kirkland:-P owh22:00
kirklandmathiaz: owh: give me a minute, let me draft something and pastebin it22:00
mathiazkirkland: try to come up of list of packages that you'd change, which one would benefit from it22:00
* owh has a vSat terminal with 1Mbit that can be setup anywhere, so there is no need to be indoors :)22:00
mathiazkirkland: once you've got a list of packages to fix, look at bug 199014 for a way to track the work done on it.22:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199014 in emesene "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19901422:01
kirklandmathiaz: cool22:02
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
nijabanealmcb: reply in our mail.  hope it is clear...22:10
skwashdhi, are server related hardy issues dealt with here or #ubuntu+1?22:12
skwashdi would prefer not to waste my time explaining it all here only to be told "go next door"22:12
nealmcbnijaba: great - many thanks.  so while ubuntu is focussed on kvm, as free software, canonical is also continuing to work with others to improve how other vm technologies work on the platform22:15
nijabanealmcb: exactly22:16
skwashdnealmcb: pity kvm is currently useless for real world stuff in hardy22:16
mathiazskwashd: could you be more explicit ?22:17
nijabaskwashd: you should talk about this with soren, I do not think he would agree. Me neither.  Now, it is clear that we have some work to do before release, but wait, and you'll see...22:17
mathiazskwashd: I use kvm on a daily basis and it works great.22:17
skwashdmathiaz: sure ... bridged networking has been broken for almost 2 weeks22:17
skwashdand trying to get any help to confirm the problem is like pulling teeth22:18
skwashdthis is on hardy22:18
nijabaskwashd: make sure the bug is reported (and this one is) and it will be fixed22:18
nijabaskwashd: hardy is alpha...22:18
skwashdnijaba: is it ... i can't find it on launchpad22:19
skwashdnijaba: i know the state of hardy22:19
skwashdsomeone on #kvm has suggested that tap io is going to the console ...  but no suggested fix22:19
nijabaskwashd: I think it is, but you should check and report if not22:19
skwashdnijaba: i am still trying to track down exactly where the problem is ... and report the bug against the right package22:20
nijabaskwashd: ok, thanks for the search then :)22:20
skwashdand i have given launchpad a good workout .... haven't seen anything relevant22:20
nijabaskwashd: you should maybe go talk about it on #ubuntu-virt.  I know kees and soren have been troubleshooting bridge networking together last week22:21
skwashdnijaba: ok ... will do22:22
skwashd#ubuntu* chans breed quicker than a couple without a tv22:22
nijabaskwashd: I like the metaphore :)22:22
skwashdnijaba: i took the religious part out - coc compliance :)22:23
nealmcbskwashd: lol - and thanks for helping make kvm better!22:28
skwashdnealmcb: np :)22:28
skwashdi love the idea of kvm22:28
nealmcbnijaba: thanks - I forwarded that on with refs to a few more things you mentioned, etc22:28
nijabanealmcb: I just saw that (along with the typos in my reply).22:29
nealmcbnijaba: oh - I didn't notice them.  just my own "expert advice from an expert" inexpertitude....22:30
nijabanealmcb: no worry, I should have taken the time to proofread, and I think it is still quite understandable ;)22:31
kirklandmathiaz: are you still around?23:03
kirklandScottK2: hi, are you around?23:11
kirklandScottK2: I was looking for some feedback on the init script stuff, and I thought you might have an opinion on a draft of an email i was about to send to ubuntu-devel23:11
kirklandall: this is an email I'm drafting to ubuntu-devel regarding the "status" action in init scripts.  I'd like any feedback from we-the-server-guys before I drop it on ubuntu-devel: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6eb6cdbd23:20
* ScottK2 looks23:27
ScottK2kirkland: My suggestion would be to discuss this with release management before you send the mail and get one big FFe for the project.  If they say no, make it a spec for Hardy +1.23:29
kirklandScottK2: okay, good idea.  That's what I was hoping for, one blanket FFe.23:30
kirklandScottK2: only for a list of defined, agreed-upon services for Hardy23:31
kirklandScottK2: and a full spec for Hardy+123:31
kirklandScottK2: very good, thank you for your input23:31
kirklandScottK2: I'll run that list of suggested packages to be affected by this too, if that's cool23:31
ScottK2I'd definitely have that list handy when you go talk to slangesek.23:32
steve176Hi. How do I get tomcat to start after reboot? sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat start works from the command line and I have S71tomcat symlinks in /etc/rc2.d -> /etc/rc5.d23:42
mathiazkirkland: re your email23:43
mathiazkirkland: I wouldn't mention "a great number of package"23:43
mathiazkirkland: I'd say that the target for hardy are just daemons that are shipped on the ubuntu-server isos.23:43
kirklandmathiaz: k23:44
kirklandmathiaz: i was trying to avoid defining the list in this email23:44
kirklandmathiaz: and do that in the launchpad bug instead23:44
mathiazkirkland: right - good idea.23:45
kirklandmathiaz: try to keep this mail focused on the functionality itself23:45
kirklandmathiaz: see if there are arguments with that23:45
mathiazkirkland: but mentionning a huge amount of potential packages can be scary at this stage of the release.23:45
mathiazkirkland: so the tactic would be to suggest what we try to aim for hardy ;)23:46
sommersteve176: sudo update-rc.d tomcat5.5 default23:46
kirklandmathiaz: perfect, agreed.23:46
mathiazsteve176: if you have a symlink in rc3.d it should start on boot.23:47
steve176sommer: usage error23:47
steve176sommer: do you mean defaults?23:47
sommersteve176: yep, sorry defaults23:47
steve176mathiaz: thats what I thought. One thing I thought of - maybe JAVA_HOME / CATALINA_HOME (exported by /etc/profile) aren't available that early during boot23:48
mathiazsteve176: you shouldn't need to setup for start at boot. This should be done when the package is installed.23:48
infinitymathiaz: rc2.d, even.  Our default runlevel is 2, unless someone mangled something very recently...23:48
steve176mathiaz: Not a package - downloaded and expanded the tar23:48
owhTsk Tsk23:48
infinitysteve176: /etc/profile is most likely not sourced on boot at all.23:49
infinitysteve176: I'd imagine your init script will want to set its environment.23:49
steve176So the only way is to hard code tomcat home in /init.d/tomcat23:49
mathiazsteve176: is there a reason why you're not using tomcat from the ubuntu repository ?23:50
steve176mathiaz: I didn't think to check there was one23:50
infinitysteve176: /etc/profile is only sourced for login shells.23:50
steve176infinity: thx, that's bound to be part of the problem23:50
mathiazsteve176: apt-get install tomcat5.5 will do all the work for you23:51
kirklandmathiaz: you can see a diff here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/pastebin.php?diff=m6820f91d23:51
owhsteve176: Specifically version: 5.5.25-5ubuntu123:51
kirklandmathiaz: see if that verbage is better23:51
steve176mathiaz: sometimes it's nice to do it by hand - that way I'll always have control of the version23:51
mathiazkirkland: wfm23:52
kirklandmathiaz: okay, so, i want to file the launchpad bug first, so that I can reference it in the email23:52
kirklandmathiaz: i was going to file against lsb-base, is that what you recommend?23:53
kirklandowh has a debdiff patch23:53
kirklandmathiaz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m3f24c00423:53
kirklandmathiaz: that's for the common function23:53
mathiazkirkland: I'd send the email first.23:54
kirklandmathiaz: okay23:54
mathiazkirkland: to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com23:54
steve176mathiaz, infinity, sommer: looks like that fixed it. cheers23:55
mathiazkirkland: your message may be moderated because you're not a developer yet.23:55

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