
mc-georgeHello, could anyone please tell me how to increase the number of lines the scroll wheel does, system wide or at least in firefox?00:00
xnoxHey everyone =D!00:00
=== Polishpaul is now known as polishpaul
sYn_0n3microwaver: disable it00:00
sYn_0n3put a # in front of the line00:00
combattechqbert, get a dailly build :D00:00
sYn_0n3and restart x00:00
microwaversYn_0n3, Ok, i'll comment it00:00
=== polishpaul is now known as Polishpaul
microwaversYn_0n3, restart GUI or whole pc :-)?00:00
iceswordmc-george, maybe your mouse is too old00:00
arteniusxobius: can I use Amarok in gnome? it says kde. I wasn't sure00:00
arteniusI assume so00:00
mc-georgeicesword: logitech mx500, not that old00:01
xobiusartenius, yes I use it in Gnome00:01
geirhaangusb: don't remember where I read about it. When you remove packages with amarok, it also remove packages it depended on that are no longer needed by any packages00:01
iceswordmc-george, middle button doesn't work?00:01
geirhaangusb: err, s/amarok/aptitude/00:01
sYn_0n3microwaver just gui00:01
=== Polishpaul is now known as Polishpaul_
freebird_Any ideas as to why I am getting 1 minute delay between selecting system > quit and the quit dialogue appearing?00:01
Emilianhi where can I find information on running multiple apache instances on ubuntu00:01
mc-georgeicesword: I want it to scroll more than 3 lines at once00:01
mindheavyi was using CLI to copy over some files to a usb flash drive, after finishing that, and exiting that terminal, gnome is still saying the device is busy, sudo umount also reports device is busy, any way to tell what is still accessing the device?00:01
microwaversYn_0n3, BrB00:01
iceswordmc-george, what about sys>admin>mouse00:02
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sYn_0n3microwaver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:02
kust3mzcan someone please tell me how to get Libs header installed?00:02
sYn_0n3good read might give u more insight00:02
angusbgeirha: where do I go since I closed down the instial setup in amarok to enter my mysql data?00:02
techqbertcombat: I would but I have too much work due for school.  I need 100% uptime00:02
arteniusxobius: thanks, I'll try that.00:02
microwaversYn_0n3, nothing changed :)00:02
sfearsanyone have an idea why i'd get an "irq: 10 nobody cared" error on boot?  It just keeps repeating & locks up boot.  Only on reboot, not on a turn off & back on.00:02
angusbI also see a "Postfix Configuration" and I am not sure what I do now00:02
xobiusartenius, I don't know if that plugin work00:03
sYn_0n3microwaver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:03
geirhaangusb: Settings -> Configure amarok -> collection00:03
mc-georgeicesword, no options there00:03
combattechqbert, if /home is located on another partition it would be no problem00:03
sYn_0n3with that said..sorry i couldnt help you figure out ur problem...im goin for a smoke00:03
iceswordmc-george, firefox config?00:03
geirhakust3mz: header files are installed by packages suffixed by -dev, so if you need the header files for a libfoo, install libfoo-dev00:04
mc-georgedidn't find an option00:04
microwaversYn_0n3, thanks, but did that one already :-) thanks for the help tho, going to get a nap before work.00:04
microwavertalk to you later people00:04
mc-georgeicesword ^^00:04
angusbgeirha: thanks, I typed sudo aptitude isntall mysql-server and now I am faced with a Postfix Configuration with a Blue, Grey screen. Not sure what I do00:04
marcelowhat is best? kde or gnome?00:05
polishpaulhey guys, i need help recovering my nick.. how can i get a hold of a nickserv admin?00:05
geirhaangusb: that's one of mysql's dependancies. Just choose a local configuration or something... don't remember what options it gives you00:05
angusball it says is <Ok>00:05
sfearspolishpaul, nickserv recover00:05
angusband I don't even know how to move on from there00:05
techqbertcombat: eh not the case here but I've taken up that practice on other machines00:05
Starnestommypolishpaul: either go to #freenode or do /stats p or do /who freenode/staff/* to find one00:05
polishpaulsfears: not working00:05
xnoxdoes anyone wants to help me by looking how defaults python init file looks on your ubuntu? =D00:05
geirhaangusb: then hit the TAB key till it's selected, then hit enter00:05
sfearspolishpaul, /msg nickserv release00:06
atlefsYn_0n3: what00:06
angusbgeirha, thanks noob mistake. Asks me for the type of configuration, should I pick local only?00:06
combattechqbert, you can even try to start "update-manager -c -d" to update to hardy00:06
mindheavyis there a way to force an unmount?00:06
Megaqwertyxnox: sure, I'll pastebin mine. What's the path? (I don't think I've modified it)00:06
polishpaulsfears: none of that worked..00:06
xnoxsYn_0n3: FIRE ALARM00:06
sfearsmabey your using the wrong password?00:06
kust3mzWill sudo apt-get install build-essential  get libc header files?00:06
geirhaangusb: yes, that's a good choice if you don't know what postfix is ;)00:06
polishpaulwhat would be a command to see what nic you are (like whoami)?00:07
spepshey guys if somebody has ever used nonXgl script please contact me!HELP!THANKS00:07
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sfearsmindheavy, sudo umount /mounted/folder00:07
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geirhakust3mz: yes00:07
techqbertcombat: never used c flag before just d when I went to update from feisty go gutsy before everybody slashdotted the repos00:07
polishpaul/who freenode/staff/*00:07
=== KwisatzHaderac1 is now known as Kwisatz
iceswordmc-george, i still think your should config your mouse00:07
kust3mzgeirha: Ok thanks00:07
MegaqwertyDoes anyone know how to get totem to output video to x11? Like in gmplayer, it would be gmplayer -vo x11 (or set it in the preferences dialog.00:07
mindheavysfears: its giving me a device busy error, but i cannot find anything i have open accessing the drive00:07
=== Kwisatz is now known as KwisatzH
combattechqbert, if it works without c flag, good, i thought that's necessery to force a distribution-upgrade00:07
mc-georgeicesword: I haven't found any options to adjust scroll lines number00:07
Cyclopshow can I get spell check to handle contractions?00:08
Jordan_UMegaqwerty, gstreamer-properties00:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scroll - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:08
MegaqwertyJordan_U: Thanks a ton!00:08
Jordan_UMegaqwerty, np00:08
crshmanhello all, i have an init.d script with "log_daemon_msg" where does that log output to?00:08
techqbertcombat: don't think so =0 but I'm not too familiar with debian/ubuntu00:08
MegaqwertyJordan_U: wait...what if I use xine?00:08
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto00:08
sfearsmindheavy, you could always log out to force the unmount.00:08
ScuniziI haven't done dual monitors since early Dapper days. How easy is it now with xRANDr? and is the desktop stretched across both monitors? or is it like xinerama use to be with two screens each having a the same "non-stretched" wallpaper?00:08
Jordan_UMegaqwerty, You're screwed :)00:08
MegaqwertyJordan_U: haha. Fair enough.00:09
geirhaangusb: when you have run mysql -uroot and ran those two queries, then in amarok's settings, you leave host and port to their default values, and database, username and password are all 'amarok'00:09
mindheavysfears: you know of a way to list what might be keeping this drive busy? all i did was copy a few files to it from a terminal, then closed that terminal and tried unmounting it from the desktop icon00:09
NilbusI'm considering buying a macbook pro to put ubuntu on it.  Anyone have hardware issues with the 4th gen macbook pros?00:09
sfearsno i don't mindheavy, but i'd like to00:10
mindheavythanks anyhow, i'll log out i suppose00:10
sfearsand i'd imagine there is someway to force the unmount.. but i'm not sure what that is either00:10
Scunizimindheavy, might be slocate if you use the locate command I think it automatically does a cron update00:10
PeloNilbus, consider doing a search for it in the forum and looking at this link  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport  www.ubuntuforums.org00:10
geirhaangusb: I need to leave so hopefully someone else can help you if you have any other questions. Good luck!00:10
sfearshold on mindheavy00:10
sfearslet me look something up00:10
frank23Nilbus: aren't you paying alot for the laptop if you want to put ubuntu on it?00:10
angusbgeirha thanks a lot man. see you around maybe00:11
CyclopsIsn't there any way to get Ubuntu to not mark contractions are mispselled?00:11
Nilbusfrank23, what good laptop would you suggest that has good linux hardware support?00:11
sfearsumount -f00:11
PeloCyclops,  you mean in openoffice ?00:11
frank23!hardware | Nilbus00:11
ubotuNilbus: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:11
sfears-f     Force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system).  (Requires kernel 2.1.116 or later.)00:11
ScuniziCyclops, it knows the "kings english" or president's as the case may be.00:11
steve__how do i update my programs list?00:12
steve__or portage...idk what ubuntu calls it..00:12
PeloScunizi, the president's english ? you mean is spell nucular ?00:12
Scunizi!xrandr > scunizi00:12
CyclopsPelo:  Open Office, the built in spell checking in gedit and here in X-Chat00:12
frank23Nilbus: dell sells a few ubuntu laptops and there is system76 too.00:12
frank23!system76 | Nilbus00:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about system76 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:12
sfearsdid that work mindheavy?00:12
CyclopsScunizi:  So any way to change this?00:12
mindheavysfears: that command is returning "umount: /media/64MB: device is busy:00:12
drakodehow install only gnome environment?00:12
azexianhello, I'm getting a kernel panic when booting, could be a driver issue, I just installed rtl8180 resontly, but it's a fresh install, so it could be anythin00:12
mindheavysfears: even with the force00:13
TaRDyis "Envy" any good/useful?00:13
ScuniziPelo :)00:13
PeloCyclops, check the language support , see if what english you have enabled, see if you can't change it to some other english,  contractions might be part of another dictionnary00:13
steve__does anybody know how to update packages?00:13
sfearsalright.. hold00:13
Odd-rationale!envy | TaRDy00:13
ubotuTaRDy: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:13
CyclopsPelo, thank you, trying00:13
rsksteve__: apt-get upgrade packagename00:13
atlefTaRDy: it was for me00:13
Al-KhouliHi guys, while trying to solve some problem i overwritten my /usr/lib/libz.so.1 file, and i am not able to start the GUI anymore . i need help !!00:13
azexianhello, I'm getting a kernel panic when booting, could be a driver issue, I just installed rtl8180 recently, but it's a fresh install, so it could be anything...00:14
steve__thanks you, rsk.00:14
Dr_Willis!find libz.so.100:14
ubotuNo packages matching 'libz.so.1' could be found00:14
Dr_Willis!find libz.so00:14
ubotuNo packages matching 'libz.so' could be found00:14
Peloazexian, instgalling with the alternate install cd is usualy more forgiving , you might consider trying that00:14
hybrid-kernel!find getlibs00:14
ubotuNo packages matching 'getlibs' could be found00:14
* Pelo wonders if Dr_Willis is trying to break the bot 00:14
Dr_WillisHmm.. ive used the bot befor to find files in packages.. oddness.00:15
Nilbusfrank23, the laptops that dell sells - they're known to work well hardware-wise with linux, I would hope?00:15
* Dr_Willis installs apt-file00:15
azexianPelo: it's already installed, now I'm just booting up, surely it makes no difference once it's installed? it is the alternative anyway, I'm using fluxbuntu00:15
hybrid-kernelget getlibs and it can install libs automatically00:15
xnoxhow often do upgrades propogade in repositories? Is there really point checking more than once a day?00:15
ader10how do I use nx session shadowing with freenx? I'm trying to connect to the server and resume my session00:15
PeloDr_Willis, there is a specail FF search for ubotu packages also00:15
heguruAl-Khouli: run.. sudo apt-get --reinstall install zlib1g00:15
drakodehow install only gnome environment?00:15
ghindoxnox:  even once a day is a bit excessive00:15
kust3mzgeirha: Im trying to load ubuntu with a nvidia video card and i am stuck on the 3ed bar any ideal why?00:15
ghindoxnox:  probably once a week would be good00:15
Peloxnox,  just leave it on auto , you'll get them when they come00:16
Jack_Sparrowxnox, I do mine weekly00:16
polishpaulI'm playing with compiz and i'm wondering, what is the difference (under general options -> desktop size) between virtual desktops and the horizontal/vertical sizing? The reason i ask is because if i use both some of the compiz features 'lock up' the desktop00:16
frank23Nilbus: I think so. but there are only a few models00:16
Odd-rationaledrakode: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop00:16
georgy_28tofind package or file in package :http://packages.ubuntu.com00:16
bazhangDr_Willis: think the bot is still not back to full capabilities yet00:16
drakodeOdd-rationale: thx00:16
Pelopolishpaul, a better place to ask would be #compiz-fusion00:16
Nilbusfrank23, I looked at them earlier00:16
polishpaulPelo: ty00:16
Nilbusfrank23, the system73 seems to have suspend problems, which is the reason I'm looking for a new laptop00:16
kust3mzgeirha: and when i load it with the onboard it loads up fine00:16
Al-Khouliheguru, couldn't find package00:17
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frank23Nilbus: Alot of computers have suspend problems AFAIK00:17
Dr_Willis!info zlib1g00:17
ubotuzlib1g (source: zlib): compression library - runtime. In component main, is required. Version 1: (gutsy), package size 71 kB, installed size 160 kB00:17
Jack_Sparrowkust3mz, DId you see anything in the docs about stopping gdm ?  as in  hit clt-alt-f2, login. run  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if needed00:17
heguruAl-Khouli: make sure you're typing the name right, its the number "1" in zlib1g00:17
frank23Nilbus: From what I've heard, system76's support is excellent. I don't know about suspend though00:18
Nilbusfrank23, I know.  I had one that was working though - a toshiba.  Do you know of others with working suspend?00:18
frank23Nilbus: no I don't know.00:18
sfearsmindheavy, try fuser -v /directory/mounted00:18
Jack_Sparrowfrank23, I think suspend depends mostly on the video card/drivers00:18
oboy03i have a fresh install of ubuntu and updated the important security updates and i want to burn it on aptoncd: question is if i update the recommended updates gutsy, can i just  burn it again on cd so all apts are there?00:18
Odd-rationaleNilbus: From what i read, system76's laptops are pretty much garunteed suspend/hibernate. Have you gone to support?00:18
heguruNilbus: I have LG with working suspend and hibernate00:19
NilbusOdd-rationale, oh, I was just going off of some review someone wrote00:19
NilbusOdd-rationale, perhaps out of date00:19
Jack_Sparrowoboy03, yes...  /var/cache/apt/archives has all the debs that are dl'd00:19
Jack_Sparrowoboy03, aptoncd has an overall size limit from what I rmemeber00:19
arteniusxobius: thanks, it works perfectly00:19
oboy03jack_sparrow: so apt on cd is simply copying these repos?00:20
mindheavysfears: ah! right after i copied those files, emerald went down, and from that same terminal, i ran 'emerald &'   'fuser' reported emerald when i ran it, maybe if i kill that PID (and possibly emerald again) it'll let me umount00:20
Jack_Sparrow!pm | kust3mz00:20
ubotukust3mz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:20
angusbhey guys I was being helped settin g up amarok with mysql and I installed mysql and ran "create database amarok" and " grant all on amarok.* to amarok@'localhost' identified by amarok".  I was then told to leave my hostname as localhost, the port on default, and the database|username|password all set to amarok.  It's not working and I am getting a mysql error rported in Amarok00:20
sfearstry it out00:20
sfearsi think that command tells you what process is using the specified directory00:20
angusbnot sure what I should fix00:20
Jack_Sparrowoboy03, no, aptpn cd does more, it creates the list of packages etc as if a full repo..00:20
mindheavysfears: yes, that worked hah, wonder why that command was keeping the drive busy, i thought 'emerald &' would run 'emerald' and exit00:20
kust3mzJack_Sparrow: I am trying to install my drivers right now and its says im in run level 1 and may cause prolbems how do i change to run level 300:20
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oboy03so i can burn now what i've downloaded onto a cd and burn the one's i will download after burning the cd?00:21
sfearsi wouldn't expect emerald to use that directory at all.. but who knows00:21
Jack_Sparrowkust3mz, I dont know where you are at with that..  all I can suggest is you rad the docs where you got the drivers you want to use00:21
Nilbuswow, system76 is for sure a whole lot cheaper00:22
oboy03on the same cd that is00:22
Nilbus(than a macbook)00:22
hegurumindheavy: you can use lsof to find out which files are open by which process00:22
mindheavyi'll have to remember that command, seems like it would come in handy00:22
Jack_Sparrowoboy03, Yes, then manually copy them to that same folder as needed.. see clone or automate below00:22
PeloNilbus, but but macs are chick magnets ....00:22
Jack_Sparrow!clone | oboy0300:22
ubotuoboy03: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:22
kust3mzJack_Sparrow: When i install all my drivers and stuff and get ready to boot ubuntu it hangs at 3 bars on the splash bar00:22
mindheavyheguru: yeah thats a good point, although i didnt know what process it was until i ran 'fuser'00:22
Dr_WillisMy wife hates macs :)00:22
oboy03ok thanks00:22
aboo0oodheguru, thanx alot, that was fast !!00:22
Jack_Sparrowkust3mz, my advice has not changed..00:22
heguruaboo0ood: welcome :)00:23
PeloDr_Willis, wives don'T count as chicks unless they're someone else's00:23
aboo0oodheguru, i am the one who had the libz.so problem btw00:23
sfearshow can i search a specific file format for a specific string of text?00:23
angusbWhat should I do if I have a usernamed and password reported as incorredct when trying to configure amarok00:23
cheeseknightIs there a way to change my resolution through the command line? I tried through the GUI, and it says the resolution changes, but it stays the same.00:23
jchagasDoes anyone know where I can download the Portuguese version of Ubuntu from?00:23
angusbfor mySQL00:23
hegurusfears: grep perhaps00:23
Dr_WillisPelo,  i got a 'Trophy wife'  - But it was for "last place'00:23
sfearsyeah.. but how do i tell it to search *.conf00:23
Pelosfears, I think you can do it with the search app, check the more options fields00:23
Mariushow i can run mugen linux in ubuntu00:23
PeloDr_Willis, lol00:23
hegurusfears: grep pattern *.conf00:24
Jack_Sparrowjchagas, You should be able to switch the language to pt.. see #ubuntu-pt00:24
Mariushow i can run mugen linux in ubuntu??????????00:24
akorncan anybody in here help me install desklets that i got from gnome look? only one of them seems to be installing!00:24
heguru!repeat | Marius00:24
ubotuMarius: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:24
* Dr_Willis wonders if anyone knows what mugen linux is.00:24
PeloMarius, look in the repos , use synaptic  menu > systm> admin > synaptic package manager00:24
Jack_SparrowMarius, please dont repeat like that00:24
PeloMarius,  if you can't find it in there,  google for the source and build it00:24
Mariusi have downloaded mugen for linux but it wont run00:25
polishpauljchagas: search google, i found a separate website for a polish version00:25
chafehow do i switch window managers / desktop environments once i have them installed? if they are not listed in the GDM startup list00:25
jchagasJack, is it an installation option?00:25
Jack_SparrowMarius, is it a *.deb file?00:25
PeloMarius,  check in the rpos first00:25
angusbhey guys I was being helped setting up amarok with mysql and I installed mysql and ran "create database amarok" and " grant all on amarok.* to amarok@'localhost' identified by amarok".  I was then told to leave my hostname as localhost, the port on default, and the database|username|password all set to amarok.  It's not working and I am getting a MySQL error reported in Amarok about username and password being incorrect00:25
sfearsheguru, syntax? "search *.conf | grep pattern *top_panel_screen*"00:25
Jack_Sparrowchafe, How did you install them and which ones are they00:25
Mariusno it's bz200:26
Mariusand a folder00:26
Pelochafe,  you need to change users, easietway is to restart X you'll get the login screen you can select the env from there , ctrl alt backspace00:26
hegurusfears: grep top_panel_screen *.conf00:26
sfearswill try00:26
jchagasPaul, but is it an installation option?00:26
Daisuke_Idomugen is probably not in the repos00:26
PeloMarius,  that's the source,  see here for how to install  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/00:26
Jack_SparrowMarius, then you need to look for a readme inside or docs on their site. Most likely you will need to build it from source00:26
chafePelo thats the GDM00:26
chafePelo ....besides using the GDM00:26
polishpauljchagas: i believe so - if you mean to say that the installer was in polish00:26
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Pelochafe,  that's the only way I know how00:27
chafeJack_Sparrow i want to try different oness. TWM does not list itself in the GDM00:27
sfears*.conf no such file or directory00:27
chafealso i just disabled the shit out of the GDM00:27
jchagasso, can I simply download the vanilla ISO from ubuntu.com and select the language?00:27
chafebecause i like having a text login00:27
Pelochafe, keep it clean and friendly please00:27
sfearsis there a way to specify subfolders?00:27
jchagashow did you do it for Polish?00:27
Jack_Sparrowchafe, Never heard of twm so I cant help..00:27
krammer_when playing a dvd i get a black screen any help would be appreciated00:27
hegurusfears: grep top_panel_screen *.conf -R00:27
Jack_Sparrowchafe, Please watch the language00:28
polishpauljchagas: like mentioned above, i googled and found a polish website that had a version there00:28
Pelojchagas,  you can select the language from the boot menu or the cd ,  f2 I think00:28
polishpaulmay help if you search by native language00:28
sfearsheguru, still get no such file00:29
Peloyjyjifesd, can we help you with someting ? you don'T seem to know wether you are comming or going00:29
krammer_when playing a dvd i get a black screen any help would be appreciated00:29
jchagasThanks... I will give it a try...00:29
polishpauljchagas: to be honest i dont' really remember if the installer was native language..00:29
hegurusfears: then there is no *.conf file in the folder or subfolders where you are running this command00:29
sfearsi'm in the / folder00:29
heguru!dvd | krammer_00:30
ubotukrammer_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:30
PeloFlummoxed`,  /quit00:30
sfearsmaybe it's not reading hidden files heguru?00:30
angusb!terminal | angusb00:31
Jack_Sparrowchafe, twm says the only real interest in it is for historical puproses and was left behind and no longer developed, probably why it would not integrate into gdm00:31
hegurusfears: it doesnt seem to be working in / for me too, working in /etc and other folders though00:32
ader10with freenx how do I use the "shadow" session? Please help00:32
BobSappis there a way to print out the resulting files that were created as a result of installing a package?00:34
sfearsthis is not working well.. grep: fuse.conf: Permission denied00:34
hegurusfears: run with sudo00:34
Pelosfears, sudo ....00:34
piranesiis anyone here who experienced X crashes when trying to change the personal picture in amsn?00:34
BobSappnvm i sorted it out00:34
sfearsduh.. i did and nothing happend.. i guess it just didn't find anything00:35
=== reconnect is now known as recon
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hegurusfears: no output means nothing found00:35
sfearsyeah yeah.. i'm not sure which directory to look in.. basically what i'm trying to do is find the .conf file that i'm editing in gconf-editor00:36
eXistenZis the config file of apache2 file httpd.conf or apache2.conf?00:36
PicieXistenZ: apache2.conf00:37
andguentsfears: It might not be the best way -- but the way i do it from command line is 'find /etc|grep conf$|xargs grep textExpectedInFile'00:37
eXistenZPici, although I create public_html folder, it doesn't work00:37
sfearswill try andguent00:37
PicieXistenZ: Did you enable and set UserDir?00:38
eXistenZPici, is it disabled by default?00:38
PicieXistenZ: By default everything is served out of /var/www00:38
PicieXistenZ: If you want to set up per-user serving you need to do it yourself00:39
eXistenZPici, is this new in 7.10?00:39
PicieXistenZ: I don't think so00:39
grizlo42i am trying to set up an apache 2 server00:39
grizlo42and localhost works00:39
grizlo42but when i go to my ip address00:39
eXistenZPici, in previous versions it wasn't this way00:39
grizlo42it doesn´t work00:39
grizlo42what do i need to do?00:40
angusbcan someone help me with amarok and mysql?00:40
PicieXistenZ: I don't remember how the previous versions were. :?00:40
belkinhelp2how do i connect to another network?00:41
eXistenZPici, where do I set UserDir?00:41
Dr_Willisbelkinhelp2,  irc network? /server whatevername.of.server00:41
loserhey i need help with my wireless it says the drivers there but its not seeing networks how do i make it work00:41
MegaqwertyJordan_U: I figured out the answer to my previous question (about changing xine to work with x11/xshm) it turns out that totem uses ~/.gnome2/Totem/xine_config. I just needed to change video.driver:auto to video.driver:xshm. Thanks again for the lead on gstreamer-properties, I never thought about gstreamer and xine having their own properties.00:41
PicieXistenZ: read: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/public_html.html  :)00:41
eXistenZPici, thanks a million!00:41
PicieXistenZ: Explains it better than I can since I'm just reading it out of there anyway :p00:41
SindaciousCould someone tell me how I would log in as root, trying to get ndiswrapper installed and its telling me I don't have proper permissions. Thanks :)00:43
trini8miami ppl did you know bill gate admits linux is the best os ever00:43
heguru!root | Sindacious00:43
ubotuSindacious: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:43
sYn_0n3sindiacious sudo ndiswrapper -i windows driver00:43
trini8miamicheck this out every body http://www.bbspot.com/News/2001/06/gates.html linux is the shit00:44
grizlo42how do i set up a server accessable from the internet on a ubuntu machine that already has os installed00:44
grizlo42i tried to install apache00:45
grizlo42and then i can get localhost00:45
sYn_0n3griz what are u trying to do ssh telnet ftp00:45
grizlo42but my ip address doesn´t return anything00:45
GrooveStixhey people, how can I submit my hardware configuration of my laptop to ubuntu dev team (?!?!!) so I (and other users) could get better drivers support ?00:45
eXistenZPici, How can it be that the base module is not included ? I get this error message :/ "Invalid command 'UserDir', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration httpd not running, trying to start"00:45
grizlo42and my ip address:80 doesn´t do anything either00:45
Jordan_Ugrizlo42, Have you setup port forewarding?00:45
monkeyBoxis there a 2.6.24 testing kernel available for ubuntu?00:45
grizlo42i want an http server00:45
grizlo42how do i do that?00:46
SindacioussYn_0n3: What is that o_o?00:46
grizlo42jordan_U: how?00:46
sYn_0n3sindacious: to use ndiswrapper you need windows driver files00:46
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SindacioussYn_0n3: Yeah, I've gathered that, I'm actually stuck on that point :/00:47
xTheGoat121xIs there a way to compare the contents of one folder to another folder?00:47
MegaqwertymonkeyBox: "Alpha 6 includes the 2.6.24-11.17"00:47
sYn_0n3sindacious ndiswrapper -i .inf file00:48
PicieXistenZ: Looks like you'll need to symlink the modules from /etc/apache2/mods-available/ into /etc/apache2/mods-available/ for the modules you want.  I think a2enmod userdir will do it automagically for you though.00:48
sYn_0n3then you ndiswrapper -m00:48
sYn_0n3all as sudo00:48
heguruxTheGoat121x: diff works with folders as well00:48
GrooveStixdoes anyone know, how can I submit my hardware configuration of my laptop to ubuntu dev team (?!?!!) so I (and other users) could get better drivers support ?00:48
heguruxTheGoat121x: diff folder1 folder200:48
xTheGoat121xheguru, awesome, thanks!00:48
atlefxTheGoat121x: type diff in synaptic or add/remove00:48
loseranyone know how to make it see your card as eth1 when i check it says device unsigned00:49
grizlo42do i have to have a static ip?00:49
xTheGoat121xheguru, can that be used with a device as well... I'm trying to compare an MP3 player to my music folder00:49
grizlo42even if i am always connected?00:49
polishpaulmy monitor is a 1400x1050 but if i set that resolution, the desktop does not fit into the screen (floats a little) the current res of 1280x1024 does 'fit' how can i run my native resolution (1400x1050) yet still have the desktop properly sized?00:49
ader10I need to install nxdesktop and nxviewer. How?00:49
sYn_0n3what is the command to list running network services...?00:49
ripper666hi everybody!!11100:49
losersyn_0n3: lhsw -C network00:50
SindacioussYn_0n3: how exactly do I go about getting the windows driver?00:50
Megaqwertygreetings ripper66600:50
mkmiken_21hello there00:50
mkmiken_21i have a problem with my ubuntu00:50
ader10I need to install nxdesktop and nxviewer. Would somebody please tell me what package or repository I can find it in?00:50
sYn_0n3sindacious download it00:51
TaRDydoes anybody know if there will be support for twinview on dual graphics cards?00:51
mkmiken_21could you please help me?00:51
EDinNYdoes rsync move files that start with a "." by default?00:51
MegaqwertySindacious: the driver is usually on a CD that came with your wireless interface00:51
Flash-xDHow can i add a new superuser by shell?00:51
Dr_Willismkmiken_21,  state the problem to the channel, be clear and concise. :)00:51
heguruader10: download them from www.nomachine.com, they have .deb packages00:51
MegaqwertySindacious: or on the company who made the device's website.00:51
loserAnyone know how to enable a network card>?00:51
mkmiken_21my screen turns off every 10 minutes00:51
sYn_0n3sudo etho up00:51
ripper666hey what do you guys think the best bitturrent client out there is for ubuntu00:51
Megaqwertysudo eth0 up00:51
andguentEdinNY: yes, rsync should grab basically everything, i recommend using 'rsync -va /source /destination'00:51
eXistenZPici, I just got it, did you have it by default?00:52
EDinNYDoes rsync copy files that begin with a "." by default?00:52
mkmiken_21and i can't change it00:52
SindaciousMegaqwerty: it's a wireless card in my laptop :/00:52
jordan_grizlo42, http://portforward.com/routers.htm00:52
Dr_Willisripper666,  depends on your needs. - I use ktorrent.00:52
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MegaqwertySindacious: what brand and model is it?00:52
Jack_Sparrowmkmiken_21, Laptop, desktop, what video card, which driver are you using etc?00:52
MegaqwertySindacious: (The laptop)00:52
loserAnyone know how to enable a network card?00:52
ripper666Dr_Willis, my need are music00:52
sp0roIs it possible to forward the default OpenSSH port on a server to a different port?00:53
Megaqwertyloser: that depends, is it a built-in ethernet port?00:53
mkmiken_21desktop ati radeon00:53
SindaciousMegaqwerty: dv500000:53
mkmiken_21i don't know much00:53
losermegaqwerty: yes00:53
Megaqwertyloser: sudo eth0 up00:53
andguentsp0ro: explain what you mean by forward -- do you want it on another port internally, or externally on the internet?00:53
mrgenixusI have used a2enmod userdir but it doesn't appear to configured correctly -- I can't access the directories on the server via hostname/~mrgenixus as I should00:53
MegaqwertySindacious: HP?00:53
andguentEDinNY: did you catch my rsync mention?00:54
mrgenixusunder ubuntu, do I need to move the mods-available/mod.conf file to ../conf.d00:54
Anderson!off topic00:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about off topic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:54
sp0roandguent: externally on the internet00:54
polishpaulmkmiken_21: did you check your power options?00:54
EDinNYandguent: missed it00:54
losermegaqwerty: its saying command not found00:54
ader10heguru: I can't find it there00:54
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete00:54
Megaqwertyloser: sorry00:54
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:54
Megaqwertyloser: sudo ifconfig eth0 up00:54
EDinNYgot it...thanks00:54
mkmiken_21yes from power management do you mean?00:54
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yes00:54
ader10heguru: would you mind helping me find the nxdesktop and nxviewer packages00:54
Dr_Willisripper666,   I mean what you NEED a torrent client to do.. not what files you want to grab.   What you want to download. dosent really matter. :)00:55
andguentsp0ro: the answer is then dependant on your router, but you should have the option to forward00:55
sp0roanguent: I am doing a side-project in my CCNA class and I would like to have ssh access to the servers I set up to configure them. The problem is on remote access to the public address, only port 3389 is allowed.00:55
losermegaqwert: whats it mean if it tells me no file / dir?00:55
MegaqwertySindacious: I'll try and figure out what card is in it. If I can't there's a command that will tell me.00:55
Dr_WillisWoo Hoo Alien arena2008 has been released. :)00:55
polishpaulmkmiken_21: yes, i was able to stop the monitor from going to sleep there00:55
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Thanks :)00:55
Megaqwertyloser: can you pastebin the output of just running: ifconfig ?00:55
sp0roandguent: I won't be allowed to change anything on the router for security purposes, I will only be allowed to forward SSH to port 338900:55
andguentEdinNY: the real answer is to test it yourself with junk files, make two directories in temp, use 'touch' to make empty files, and then rsync them around between one tmp subdirectory and another00:55
heguruader10: download the nxclient package http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=5700:55
mkmiken_21i have put the never option but still ....00:56
losermegaqwerty: what you mean post in here what its saying?00:56
polishpaulmkmiken_21: it sounds like the screensaver is on, check that00:56
Megaqwertyloser: no, pastebin00:56
Megaqwerty!pase | loser00:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pase - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:56
atlef!pastebin | loser00:56
ubotuloser: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:56
Megaqwerty!paste | loser00:56
andguentsp0ro: two ways to do that, depending on if you can control the router.... one is to play with the 'port' directive in /etc/ssh/sshd_config -- you can have multiple 'Port' lines00:56
sp0roandguent: This has to be done server side, unfortunately. If I had access to the router that has remote access permissions setup, it would be easy. :)00:56
losermegaqwerty: well i would but im on a seperate comp..00:57
dubehi, Please Help, Heres the Thing. I installed XP (FOR SHAME, i know) but now whats happened, is i cant access my whole ubuntu partition.. and i really want to a lot. how can i do this please??00:57
sp0roandguent: Ok, thanks I'll look at that. :)00:57
Hammer89what's the best way to temporarily deactivate compiz?00:57
dubeits a 170 gig partition00:57
dubeand i want to boot it00:57
TaRDyMegaqwerty, would you know how to use eth1 as a gateway and eth0 connects to the internet?00:57
mkmiken_21i don't think i have put in the option 2 hours00:57
dubebut i dont get a multiboot option at all00:57
dubeplease help?00:57
polishpauldube: you will have to reinstall grub. google it00:57
ltcabralhey someone... to install a gtk2 theme i must unpack it?? or i can load the .tar.gz file?00:57
dubeok polishpaul thank you i will do that00:57
Dr_WillisHammer89,  metacity --replace    is one way00:57
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Ah, it's a AirForce 51g.. I'm just not sure how to install the driver00:58
losermegaqwertyu: but i can just get the values you need to see00:58
Hammer89Dr_Willis: wouldn't that just restart it?00:58
Dr_Willisltcabral,  i open up the gnome theme manager tool and drag/drop the archive   to it00:58
MegaqwertyTaRDy: I believe you could set that up through Firestarter (sudo aptitude install firestarter) That's the only way I've configured bridges.00:58
Hammer89Dr_Willis: er.. wait... that would be compiz --replace00:58
Dr_WillisHammer89,  it replaces compiz with metacity. thus disabling compiz.00:58
TaRDythank you Megaqwerty00:58
polishpauldube: windows does not care about other OS's so XP overwrote GRUB..00:58
MegaqwertySindacious: I'll look it up, thanks00:58
losermegaqwerty: its not even seeing my eth1 what does that mean ?00:58
Dr_WillisHammer89,  :)00:58
Megaqwertyloser: is it seeing eth0?00:58
andguentsp0ro: i use port 22 and port XXXXX all the time, two lines, one right after the other, it should read them all when you restart sshd (and it shouldn't kill your connection if you leave the original port 22 active)00:58
SindaciousMegaqwerty: ok, thanks :)00:58
hegurudube: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:58
oboy03how can i remote desktop using the internet? is there like gotomypc.com feature in ubuntu, which is opend source by the way?00:58
losermegaqwerty: yes but the device im trying to configure is my wireless at eth100:59
Hammer89Dr_Willis: alright... and then compiz --replace to restart it? (or ctrl-alt-backspace)?00:59
ltcabralDr_Willis: ya but inside the tar.gz theres a bunch of folders with some .png and others... can u drag the .tar.gz?00:59
Odd-rationaleoboy03: use ssh00:59
polishpaulmkmiken_21: you should be able to disable the screensaver00:59
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/00:59
Megaqwertyloser: oh, do you see ath0 in there?00:59
Dr_Willisltcabral,  as i said.. Ive just take the archive file and drag/drop it onto the theme manager tool.. its installed dozens of theme parts for me that way00:59
mkmiken_21it is already disabled00:59
Odd-rationaleoboy03: or vnc00:59
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:00
mkmiken_21i have unchecked the box01:00
Dr_Willisltcabral,  ive never had to unpack the archives.01:00
MegaqwertySindacious: can you pastebin the output of lspci for me please?01:00
Hammer89I was just using VNC to manipulate my ubuntu desktop from my iPod :D01:00
=== humano is now known as g3qwsf
losermegaqwerty: no just eth0 and lo,, see the thing is i followed an ndistutorial and he said the value should be wlan0 but i knew that wasnt right cause its an onboard install and reads as eth101:00
ltcabralDr_Willis: well i cant make the theme works properly... its not changing the font, and some other things01:00
Jack_Sparrowltcabral, Drag and drop.. but note,  not all themes work as you expect, especially when you have effects running01:00
Megaqwertyloser: well, just out of curiosity, is wlan0 listed?01:01
SindaciousMegaqwerty: http://pastebin.com/f3292519e01:01
grizlo42jordan_:i tried that, i have a netgear WGR614, and i got this as an error message - ¨Server IP address must be a LAN IP address. ¨01:01
losermegaqwerty: no haha01:01
Dr_Willisltcabral,  could be its using fonts you dont have installed.01:01
losermegatqwerty: when i do the iwconfig i see it though01:01
polishpaulmy monitor is a 1400x1050 but if i set that resolution, the desktop does not fit into the screen (floats a little) the current res of 1280x1024 does 'fit' how can i run my native resolution (1400x1050) yet still have the desktop properly sized?01:01
ltcabralJack_Sparrow: oh... so if i disable all effects i can make them all work properly? :P01:01
=== g3qwsf is now known as humano
Jack_Sparrowltcabral, Many of the themes I have found do not match the pictures they show or are only partital themes.01:02
whiteygfordhey I am trying to run the ubuntu 7.10 install disc on my laptop and all that comes up after I select run ubuntu is BusyBox comes up01:02
prince_jammysbod_ hey01:02
sp0roandguent: Alright, sounds exactly what I am looking for. Thanks a lot :)01:02
Megaqwertyloser: then it's probably detected and active. (My wireless is detected as eth1 and I have an intel built in wireless so I didn't need to use ndiswrapper which might be the difference)01:02
andguentsp0ro:glad to help01:02
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
MegaqwertySindacious: found what I was looking for. Now I can get you install info. Give me a minute.01:03
Jack_Sparrowwhiteygford, at start or install press F6 and remove quiet and splash ans see if you can tell where it is hanging up..01:03
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Thanks :)!01:03
losermegatqwerty: under iwconfig its telling my acess point is invalid01:03
whiteygfordJack_Sparrow: ok, I'll let you know when its done01:03
scallI installed phpmyadmin via apt-get and it wasn't installed in my www directory as expected. What do I need to do to begin configuring phpmyadmin?01:03
ltcabralJack_Sparrow: ya i know, but im sure its missing something, cuz the menus should change and they arent... i already checked the source to make sure, and who made the theme made 2 color options for the menu01:04
polishpaulhow can i stop the messges of people entering and leaving, from appearing in this chat?01:04
sp0roandguent: Wow, this IS exactly what I was looking for. Can't thank you enough. Many, many, MANY thanks!01:04
histopolishpaul: you need to set up an ignore but it depends on the software you are using.01:04
Odd-rationalepolishpaul: using pidgin?01:04
polishpaulOdd-rationale: yes01:05
andguentscall: by www directory, i assume you mean /var/www? what happens when you do a 'updatedb;locate phpmyadmin' (don't paste it all here, but it might point you in the right direction)01:05
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, What irc client are you using01:05
matt___i am trying to convert a mp3 file to a mp4 file, hwo can i do this?01:05
polishpaulJack_Sparrow: pidgin01:05
MegaqwertySindacious: this is a really stupid question, but are you sure that it isn't working by default? (Like, have you checked the network-manager-gnome applet thing in the upper right hand corner for signals?) Then I'll feel good referring you to this guide. Otherwise it's just a waste ;)01:05
Odd-rationalepolishpaul: Go to Tools -> plugins01:05
histomatt___: there are many programs to do it.01:05
andguentsp0ro: i use it all the time, if you want to go really fancy you can use xinetd and configure sshd to launch through that on yet another port for redundancy if sshd crashes (very rare)01:05
histomatt___: perhaps search on the forums.01:05
Emilianwhy does ubuntu butcher the apache program? D:01:05
Odd-rationalepolishpaul: Then enable the Join/Part Hiding plugin01:06
=== ned- is now known as ned
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Well it has "Enable Wireless" on, but I'm not sure if that means anything really :/01:06
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, That is not one of the more popular ones.  check into xchat, knoversation or irissi01:06
MegaqwertySindacious: left-click it01:06
whiteygfordJack_Sparrow: ok, it says "Clocksource tsc unstable" never heard that one before...01:06
SindaciousMegaqwerty: And?01:06
Jack_Sparrowwhiteygford, neither have I01:06
TaRDyMegaqwerty, firestarter allowed me to "setup" this however it keeps having eth1 as not ready to start it01:07
whiteygfordJack_Sparrow: To google!01:07
Picimatt___: mencoder could probably do it, but I'm not really familiar with its syntax01:07
scallandguent: I found where all the files are. They are in //usr/share/phpmyadmin but I cannot execute those pages from a browser because they are not in the //var/www/ directory. Can I just move them?01:07
MegaqwertySindacious: does it have a field for "Wireless" in the box?01:07
losermegatqwerty: ok i just went through and udid some things someone in the forum had trouble simmilar im gonna see if it works01:07
MegaqwertySindacious: then your wireless is working.01:07
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yes01:07
andguentscall: a soft link is recommended.... let me see if i can get the syntax right....01:07
Megaqwertyloser: alright01:07
Jack_Sparrowwhiteygford, one sec01:08
MegaqwertyTaRDy: you need to have eth1 active before it will work.01:08
whiteygfordJack_Sparrow: I think I got something01:08
MegaqwertyTaRDy: sudo ifconfig eth1 up01:08
SindaciousMegaqwerty: :O01:08
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Oh, thanks for pointing that out :D! You know how I can dispose of all this ndiswrapper stuff I have installed :S?01:08
andguentscall: try this: sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin -- then do an 'ls -lah /var/www'01:09
Jack_Sparrowwhiteygford, noapic acpi=off     are the two command I use most often to  modify the command line...  I need to go get ready for dinner01:09
grizlo42i can´t get port forwarding to work01:09
MegaqwertySindacious: yeah, give me a minute, I have a phone call.01:09
grizlo42i have a dynamic ip01:09
grizlo42is that a problem?01:09
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Thanks01:09
engelberthzarragHola buenas noches saludos a todos01:10
Jack_Sparrowgrizlo42, No not the problem01:10
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:10
andguentgrizlo: dynamic IPs should not affect port forwarding at all.... as long as the computer connecting to you knows your IP address currently01:10
loseranyone fammiliar with use of the restricted hardware manager for bcm43xx?01:10
BigNixN00BJack_Sparrow:  installation of KDE seems to be completed .. how do i launch it ?01:10
Jack_Sparrowloser, I have always used fwcutter for the bcm43xx01:10
Megaqwertyloser: Well, with the manager, yes. Just put a check in the box.01:10
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:11
GamingXHello Everyone, I have a problem. Can someone help me?01:11
kestirhey...I'm seeing a strange message in /var/log/syslog...'Unable to connect to cluster infrastructure after x seconds'01:11
kestirhas anyone seen that?01:11
MegaqwertySindacious: yeah, it's basically just two things if I remember correctly that you need to remove01:11
loserjack_sparrow: could you walk me through oim having trouble and ive been having trouble here haha01:11
techqbertGamingX: there are 1236 people in this room, just state your problem! :D01:11
scallandguent: That seemed to work. Thank you. What does -lah do?01:11
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:11
Jack_Sparrowloser, I need a shower and dinner...01:11
grizlo42jack_sparrowL then what is?01:12
loserjack_sparrow: ok thank you anyway01:12
grizlo42jack_sparrow: then what is?01:12
andguentscall: try man ls --- it should tell you longFormat, All, HumanSizes...01:12
BigNixN00BJack_Sparrow: BoN ApPeTiTe !!01:12
Jack_Sparrowgoodnight all, play nice  will try to check back in later01:12
MegaqwertySindacious: first, do sudo aptitude purge ndiswrapper ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.901:12
whiteygfordsee ya01:12
scallThank you.01:12
Jack_SparrowBigNixN00B, You should just be able to reboot and have Kubuntu come up01:12
andguentscall: Glad to help01:13
acee1235i just installed a fresh comp of ubuntu but apt-get update isnt working it only shows about 1k packages shouldnt there be about 23k?01:13
GamingXok. I had Windows XP, Ubuntu 7 and Fedora 8. I wanted to a complete format of the harddisk so I started off by deleting both the Ubuntu and Fedora partitions from the DiskManagement facility in XP. Now when I boot up I get "Error 22" and am not able to log into Windows.01:13
scallandguet: It looks like we just linked the files to that directory instead of moving them, is that right? What is the benefit in doing that?01:13
WillieDaPimpanyone know of any good point of sale apps for ubuntu01:13
kust3mzCan someone tell me were to go to download themes for KED 3.5?01:13
Megaqwertykust3mz: kde-look.org01:14
acee1235reformat and install again?01:14
andguentscall: the installer will expect the files to be in the same place if you ever have to remove it later... a link makes the fewest changes possible and still have it work01:14
Megaqwertyacee1235: I'm checking something for you.01:14
kust3mzMegaqwerty: thanks01:14
acee1235Megaqwerty: ok thank you01:14
andguentscall: I'm surprised it didn't put a soft link there for you by default, it did for me last time I installed phpmyadmin01:14
Megaqwertykust3mz: np01:14
Ongakuhi i need gtk2 to use this program called nomad and im having the worst trouble compiling it, is there a deb for gtk2?01:15
sp0roDoes anyone have an easy to follow IPTables guide? I just want to learn how to add and remove open ports01:15
GamingXSo, now how do I bypass the Grub loader?01:15
GattonGamingX, any chance you still have your XP cd?01:15
SindaciousMegaqwerty: http://pastebin.com/m80391b001:16
kust3mzMegaqwerty: are these themes free?01:16
Megaqwertyacee1235: apt-get update caches the package lists, so on the second time it's run (sometime soon after the first update) it doesn't download as much.01:16
Megaqwertykust3mz: free as in money?01:16
kust3mzMegaqwerty: Yes01:16
DARKGuyhey, nobody knows a music player I can skin so it looks like mac os x's player?01:16
Megaqwertykust3mz: yep01:16
GamingXYeah, I do.01:16
Xcercai just installed ubuntu , and used the resticted drivers manager to install the nvidia driver,  how to i get to the nvidia driver settings?  my res now is 800x600 ...01:16
GamingXRight now I am using the Ubuntu live cd.01:16
MegaqwertySindacious: taking a look01:16
MegaqwertySindacious: my mistake01:17
GattonGamingX, I had to do this recently. You can boot to the XP cd and run a Repair. That will get you into the recovery console. You can try running FIXBOOT C:  or  FIXMBR to rewrite your master boot record01:17
Gattonthat should let you get back into windows. Worked for me01:17
MegaqwertySindacious: first, do sudo aptitude purge ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.901:17
GamingXGatton: What exactly does it do?01:17
acee1235Megaqwerty: that heped a bit and for some reason every repository was disabled01:17
Megaqwertyacee1235: probably not every one.01:18
DARKGuyGatton, GamingX: BIG CAREFUL WITH THAT ONE... seriously I lost my partition because I was careless, that was reporting my windows drive was E: (when it's always C:)... just make sure it's C instead of E :/01:18
GattonGamingX, it rewrites your MBR which is where grub is located. you can google fixmbr and fixboot. that should get you more info01:18
Megaqwertyacee1235: but everything but the main one I would understand.01:18
Xcercai just had done the apt-get nvidia-settings , but i didn't see anywhere to open the config ,  is there a command to enable the nvidia settings ?01:18
TaRDyMegaqwerty, eth1 is up, however the device isn't always connected to it01:18
grizlo42im annoyed, i can´t get my port forwarding to work, anyone know what to do for thw WGR614v6 netgear router?01:18
Megaqwertyacee1235: the restricted, multiverse, universe, etc. are optional, and you must enable them yourself.01:18
GattonDARKGuy, good point. Recovery console should show where your windows installation is for example C:\WINDOWS before it allows you to get into the recovery console01:18
acee1235Megaqwerty: even the main one was disabled01:19
DARKGuyGatton, yeah it does, I was careless :p01:19
GamingXAnd I get into recovery console?01:19
Megaqwertyacee1235: quite odd indeed01:19
Megaqwertyacee1235: well, at least you can fix it :)01:19
GattonGamingX, boot your XP cd and choose the R or Repair option. That will get you into recovery console...01:19
Gattonit will ask you for your admin password01:19
SindaciousMegaqwerty: http://pastebin.com/mc67582501:19
acee1235Megaqwerty: hope thats the extent of the quirks on this install01:19
Xcercawhats the difference between nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-settings ?  ,  whenever i install one it removed the other one01:19
GamingXOk. Thanks.01:19
Megaqwertyacee1235: I would certainly hope so as well01:19
GamingXI'll try this out.01:20
Gattonthen it puts you into a prompt. from there you can try running fixboot c: or fixmbr. again it's not a bad idea to google those to get more info before you try it01:20
Xcercaalso  /fdisk -r01:20
whiteygfordanyone know what to do with a clocksource tsc unstable error?01:20
jmesquitaGuys, where can I find help with a Huawei GSM modem?01:20
DARKGuyhey, nobody knows a music player I can skin so it looks like mac os x's player?01:20
Booh-What is the meta package I need for compiling ?01:20
rnartosanyone already used landscape??01:20
LjL!build-essential > Booh-    (Booh-, see the private message from Ubotu)01:21
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GattonDARKGuy, i've seen skins for Songbird that looks like itunes.01:21
GamingXI just hope it doesn't delete any data.01:21
Booh-DARKGuy, maybe xmms ?01:21
andguentsp0ro: did you find an IPtables guide? I'm trying to track down an easy to read one now, I recommend shorewall if you want to do any heavy firewalling via command line01:21
DARKGuyBooh-, I use Audacious which is the improved version, do you know of any skin for it that looks like os x? o_o01:21
DARKGuyGatton, really? I didn't know songbird was skinnable01:21
GattonDARKGuy, yea I think they call them 'feathers'01:22
DARKGuythough I consider it too bloated for just playing music XD01:22
DARKGuyGatton, lol, I missed that :p01:22
Tgifquestion? on my toshiba laptop l35. when i try booting with the battery inserted it wont boot, if i remove the battery everything is fine..01:22
GattonDARKGuy, agreed. I really hope it gets better. They are only at 0.4 though I guess :-)01:22
MegaqwertySindacious: hmm, it doesn't look like you even installed it. (At least from the ubuntu repository) but just to check, please pastebin the output of dpkg -l | grep -i ndiswrapper (note that the character after the '-' is an L and the thing after it is a pipe (above the enter key on most keyboards))01:22
Booh-LjL: that was the package I was looking for... I didn't remember the name... thanks01:22
DARKGuyGatton, I hope for the same XD but I want FF3 more :p01:22
whiteygfordTgif: ubuntu doesn't play nice with toshiba, but ill see what I can do01:22
grizlo42when i try to connect to my ip, i get a port timeout01:22
GattonDARKGuy, Firefox 3?01:22
grizlo42anyone know what i need to do?01:23
DARKGuyGatton, yeah :D01:23
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GattonDARKGuy, I think the last beta was released Monday (or they hope it's the last beta). So I guess it's pretty close to release now01:23
grizlo42for port 8001:23
grizlo42says timeout01:23
rnartosdoes  LANDSCAPE that useful for ubuntu server?01:23
DARKGuyGatton, hey that's sweet, thanks for the new! I'll wait for the RC tho ^^;01:23
andguentgrizlo42: are you connecting from inside your own network, and trying to access your external IP? or are you trying this from another location?01:24
sp0roandguent: problem is the said servers I was talking about don't actually have access to anything other than the port I specified earlier, so I can't even use aptitude or any other application to download anything from the internet :P01:24
sp0roandguent: just trying to figure out exactly what I am going to possibly have to configure tomorrow when I have physical access to the servers01:24
GattonFF3 is looking great. I'll wait to download it once all my extensions are updated to work with it once it's released. I can't live without some of them (like forecast fox)01:25
Booh-Each time I reboot, I have to "modeprobe ndiswrapper", how to make it load itself when I boot ?01:25
grizlo42inside network accessing own external01:25
andguentsp0ro: bah, thats what pen drives are for :) average looking iptables guide: http://oceanpark.com/notes/firewall_example.html01:25
Xcercadoes envy not work for install video card drivers with 7.10 ?01:25
sp0roandguent: LOL if you only knew how hard it was to get to the usb ports :D01:25
grizlo42andguent: own network accessing external01:25
sp0roandguent: would be easier to take a BFH to the damn things than try to plug in a pen drive :P01:25
Gattonsp0ro, BFH? Big Flipping Hammer? lol01:26
sp0roGatton: Yup :)01:26
Gattonsp0ro, or something similar? heh01:26
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kholerabbihey guys I've got a problem01:26
kust3mzMegaqwerty: how do i install my themes to KDE?01:26
GattonThis is a family channel! ;-)01:26
Ryuhowhat was that nVidia card company.. similar to BFH01:27
Ryuho3 letter word company.. starts with B01:27
Megaqwertykust3mz: interesting question. Not a KDE user myself, but I'll look into it.01:27
kholerabbiI just installed 7.10 on my laptop and the wired internet is not working, although it says it is you can't use it at all.01:27
andguentgrizlo42: when trying to go from inside your own network, to the outside facing connection of your router, that gets really weird, its unfortunately a poor test -- what you need is to test connecting to your external IP from somewhere else, grc.com has a shieldsUp scanner that will tell you what you have open01:27
kholerabbiSo I have reinstalled 7.04 so I can talk01:27
kust3mzMegaqwerty: allrighty thanks....01:27
albyyxyou cannot use wifi with 7.10?01:27
albyyxevening gere01:27
Booh-Each time I reboot, I have to "modeprobe ndiswrapper", how to make it load itself when I boot ?01:27
jacobhow do i change the color of my mouse pointer?01:28
Megaqwertykust3mz: turns out kde-look.org has a page dedicated to it! http://www.kde-look.org/help/index.php?type=40 have fun :-)01:28
rnartoshave anyone tried ubuntu-landscape? is it similar to webmin?01:28
sp0roandguent: Thanks for that website btw, I'm checking it out now01:28
kholerabbiI just installed 7.10 on my laptop and the wired internet is not working, although it says it is you can't use it at all.     help please :)01:28
Gattonjacob, System->Preferences-Appearance. Then click Customize button then click Pointer tab01:29
andguentsp0ro: i'm about ready to write yet another shorewall tutorial just because i cant find any good ones, but that doesn't help you much for that server.....01:29
Megaqwertykust3mz: btw, if kdm theme manager isn't installed, you can install it by doing: sudo aptitude install kdmtheme01:29
ingo__hallo! since yesterday i can't install out of my repositories. "apt" crashes with this output: "Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gstm/gstm_1.2-4_i386.deb  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)"01:29
SisyphusINCwhat is a good firewall for linux?01:29
Pici!firewall | SisyphusINC01:29
ubotuSisyphusINC: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:29
andguentsisyphusinc: or shorewall if you are a command line user01:30
drascus321Question: every now and then for seemingly no reason my screen flickers. It happens rarely but just enough to annoy me01:30
kust3mzMegaqwerty: ok will do01:30
Megaqwertykust3mz: and just in case this also isn't installed, you can install ubuntu's package of themes by doing: sudo aptitude install kde-kdm-themes01:30
sp0roandguent: hehe, if you ever do, make sure to post it on the ubuntu forums. I'm a frequent reader around there. I have my own home setup and wouldn't mind messing around with new things :)01:30
ingo__can someone help me please?01:30
SisyphusINCi think ill use the non command line route01:30
Megaqwertykust3mz: the latter just being since you're looking for new ones ;)01:30
andguentdrascus321: mine does the same, i just updated to latest ati proprietary drivers and was fiddling with acpi hibernate settings...... no clue though01:31
grizlo42andguent: 8001:31
grizlo42Stealth There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that a port (or even any computer) exists at this IP address!01:31
andguentsp0ro: if i post it, it will probably go to the ubuntu wiki01:31
albyyxkholerabbi i've read something about the broadcom chips and ubuntu but probably the guys here will be able to tell you more, i'm just a mess for this... i can try to find you the link i've been given for it, but i don't know how good may that be01:31
grizlo42that should show there is a port01:31
MegaqwertySindacious: are you still around?01:31
albyyxhence, i better shut it01:31
drascus321yeah I have a Zareason which is supposedly desiged for ubuntu so I don't know why01:31
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sp0roandguent: Sounds good01:32
andguentgrizlo42: i assume you were expecting the port to be open? what is your network config? basic home router, and an ubuntu server in the internal lan?01:32
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:32
ingo__please help: since yesterday i can't install out of my repositories. "apt" crashes with this output: "Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gstm/gstm_1.2-4_i386.deb  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)"01:33
andguentingo: do you have anything in /etc/apt/sources.list that mentions localhost?01:33
grizlo42andguent: yes, open i ahvea netgear, which my computer is pluged into ubuntu wasn´t originally a server, just home comp, that i installed apache2 on01:34
SisyphusINCok and what can i use to make images of my entire os/files etc ?01:34
andguentwhoever asked about silencing the join/leave messages, did you get an answer? anyone else answer the question? 50% of the screen is join/leave fyi junk01:34
quakky_guys, both video and sound seem to be not working....im kinda giving up again on using ubuntu..could someone help me?01:35
lastelement0hey all, i tried to install diablo II in cedega and i have no clue what i need to do. i put in the install disc and clicked install in cedega, then detect disc.  it loaded setup.exe and when i hit continue a diablo II folder is created, what do i do now?01:35
Gattoningo__, does it only affect apt? does web browsing work ok?01:35
maccam94lastelement0: /join #cedega01:35
Megaqwertyingo__: do you have a proxy?01:35
ingo__<andguent>: no nothing - just the standard-repos and some 3rd-party-stuff. no local thinks ...01:35
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:35
andguentgrizlo42: ok, that should be fine, i assume while on the internal lan, other computers can see the apache pages? -- also keep in mind that it can be a security breach if you don't have apache configured correctly01:35
zman_Fresh Ubuntu 7.10 install on my Toshiba Satellite laptop ... I'm missing /dev/hdc.  How can I get ahold of /dev/hdc?01:36
ingo__<Megaqwerty> i go to a proxy with tor - but tor wasn't enabled01:36
Megaqwertyingo__: could you pastebin ifconfig for me?01:36
andguentingo: try doing 'sudo apt-get remove gstm' and/or 'sudo apt-get install -f' and see if that fixes it01:36
ingo__<Gatton>: yes - html, mail, im is ok ...01:36
grizlo42andguent: um, yes, and i assume apache is configured correctly, how do i check that?01:37
ingo__<Megaqwerty>: sorry - how can i paste it - i don't want to paste in this communication chat01:38
Megaqwerty!pastebin | ingo__01:38
ubotuingo__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:38
Megaqwertyingo__: and thank you for your consideration01:38
andguentgrizlo42: got me -- apache is one big beast to get done right and have it ready for public internet, every interpreter (like php, perl) needs to be done right too, i don't pretend to know how to do this, i just know enough not to trust it :)01:38
lastelement0hey all, i tried to install diablo II in cedega and i have no clue what i need to do. i put in the install disc and clicked install in cedega, then detect disc.  it loaded setup.exe and when i hit continue a diablo II folder is created, what do i do now?01:39
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:39
ingo__<andguent>: nothing - gstm wasn't installed and "-f" runs through01:39
grizlo42ok, i think it is configured correctly01:39
andguentlastelement0: i had to try installing starcraft like 3-4 times before it took, just repeat a few times and see if you get a different result :)01:39
maccam94c0da: lsusb won't help in that situation01:39
kholerabbihey guys, have had a problem with getting the 7.10 wired connection working, if anyone could help I'd be really relieved01:40
maccam94c0da: you might try /dev/video0, but idk01:40
kholerabbiBut have to go in a sec..01:40
sYskkmay I ask what is the native filesystem of Ubuntu ?01:40
zman_How can I get /dev/hdc?  I'm missing it on my laptop, along with sdc so I have no way of mounting my cd drive :(01:40
lastelement0andguent: how do i klnow when i should put in the next disc?01:40
grizlo42andguent: but i still don´t understand why it shows 80 as stealth01:40
c0damaccam94: i tried that but it didn't work01:40
maccam94kholerabbi: what networking card?01:40
andguentingo: odd -- what happens when you do this: 'dpkg -l|grep gstm' (might return nothing)01:40
Xcercaalright guys,  i have the resolution that i want now but i can't see the panels at the top and bottom of the screen,  anyway to adjust that ?01:40
quakky_My sound doesnt work, my visual effects dont work...someone help me?01:40
kholerabbimaccam94: whatevers in my laptop01:41
FlynsarmyWould anyone be able to tell me why a 720p video lags so badly on ubuntu?01:41
maccam94kholerabbi: .............not helpful01:41
maccam94kholerabbi: are you new to ubuntu?01:41
andguentlastelement0: sorry if i misread, did the first disk install ok?01:41
kholerabbimaccam94: sorry :) I'm just checking01:41
maccam94haha ok01:41
lastelement0andguent: im not sure to be honest. a folder seems to have appeared in the cedega window01:41
andguentgrizlo42: if you are really sure you want to open port 80, you need to configure the port forwarding on your router, what model is that?01:41
david_HELP! i have an extra sound card that ubuntu didnt install by itself....its a creative live board and im not sure how to install it......HELP!01:42
maccam94lastelement0: it should ask for a second disk01:42
[T]ankwhere do i turn off the firewall in ubuntu?01:42
andguentlastelement0: did the diablo installer pop up at all?01:42
[T]anki checked iptables and there are no rules set up01:42
lastelement0andguent: no it did not01:42
maccam94[T]ank: ubuntu doesn't have a firewall by default, afaik01:42
foxraywhats this new pulse audio thing i've been hearing about thats going to be implemented into hardy?01:42
grizlo42andguent: Netgear WGR614v601:42
foxrayto replace alsa?01:42
maccam94foxray: a new audio subsystem to replace ESD01:42
grizlo42andguent: i already have it in portforwarding01:42
ingo__<Megaqwerty>: what do you want to know in ifconfig?01:42
maccam94foxray: alsa is a different layer in how sound output works01:42
Megaqwertyingo__:  if anything besides 'lo' is listed01:43
grizlo42andguent: HTTP 80 80
andguentlastelement0: i had to continually retry until it finally took, but starcraft installer displayed like normal01:43
foxraymaccam94: i hear they solve that sound sharing thing that alsa had problems with01:43
FlynsarmyAnyone know why 720p videos use up 100% cpu and chunk wildly in ubunut?01:43
maccam94foxray: well ESD also did that01:43
Megaqwertyingo__: alright, that kinda kills my idea :-P01:43
david_HELP! i have an extra sound card that ubuntu didnt install by itself....its a creative live board and im not sure how to install it......HELP!01:43
lastelement0andguent: hmm i never had the installer pop up at all01:43
maccam94foxray: except ESD had some issues01:43
maccam94idk what01:43
Megaqwertyingo__: somehow your system is trying to connect to localhost...Are you sure you've deconfigured tor?01:43
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Sorry, was washing dishes01:44
andguentgrizlo42: good ok, i didn't realize you already had that, i'm assuming you don't have any firewalling setup on the apache box?01:44
foxraymaccam94: i dunno the other gnome stuff looks promising too01:44
Megaqwertyingo__: if I remember correctly, you have to connect to yourself or "localhost" when you route through tor.01:44
MegaqwertySindacious: ah, that's alright, by all means continue.01:44
ingo__<Megaqwerty>:  i will check it @ the moment ..01:44
grizlo42andguent: nope none01:44
foxraymaccam94: nautilus's new transfer method01:44
maccam94foxray: yeah gvfs01:44
kholerabbimaccam94: I have an asus a3 series, no idea about the card01:45
grizlo42andguent: as far as i know, only whatever ubuntu comes with, which i THINK is none......01:45
maccam94kholerabbi: in the terminal, lspci | grep Network01:45
david_HELP! i have an extra sound card that ubuntu didnt install by itself....its a creative live board and im not sure how to install it......HELP!01:45
zerodamageAnyone familiar with setting up eggdrop on Ubuntu via the command line?  I am having a problem getting this to work01:45
maccam94foxray: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulseaudio01:46
andguentgrizlo42: from a computer other than the apache box, try this: 'telnet 80' -- if it says "Connected" and some other stuff, that is good -- hit Ctrl ] (right bracket) to cancel01:46
VulcanRidrI have a drive on my workstation that is failing. It contains the /boot and a LUKS-encrypted LVM. I have a replacement drive, but what is the best approach to replacing that drive?01:46
kholerabbimaccam94: not printing.01:46
ingo__<Megaqwerty>: have 2 restart system - thank you for so long - brb01:46
daijaraeis their a reason why the latest dillo (0.8.6) is not in the repositories?01:47
maccam94foxray: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Pulseaudio-diagram.png in particular01:47
Megaqwertyingo__: k01:47
maccam94kholerabbi: try just "lspci" and look for a Network Controller01:47
SisyphusINCwhat can i use to make images of my entire os/files etc ?01:47
foxraymaccam94: wow pretty nice01:47
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MegaqwertySindacious: so did you try the command I gave you earlier? (the dpkg -l one)01:47
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:48
kholerabbimaccam94: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01)01:48
damaltorhello everybody, im havin a problem with a parallel port. my notebook does have one, but it is not in /dev/ (think it ought to be /dev/parport0 or something like that). what can i do?01:48
Alex_Logan /msg ubotu etiquette01:49
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yeah01:49
SindaciousMegaqwerty: it showed nothing01:49
maccam94kholerabbi: so does the machine have internet access right now?01:49
zerodamageAnyone familiar with setting up an eggdrop on Ubuntu once it has been installed via apt-get?  There is no default config file and there is little to no documentation on it.01:49
andguentdamaltor: parallel ports should be /dev/lp0 and so on01:49
kholerabbimaccam94: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139 device 001c01:49
damaltorandguent: great, thx, its there =)01:50
maccam94kholerabbi: sudo update-pciids01:50
MegaqwertySindacious: Okay...so how did you install ndiswrapper?01:50
maccam94then give me that first one again01:50
kholerabbimaccam94: hey there are several other ethernet adapters listed.. No I had to reinstall 7.04 :(01:50
Ahmuckhi, what is the default cd ripper for ubuntu?01:50
Booh-I'm trying to compile alsa-driver to make it work on my laptop and I follow method J on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller  !! but I have errors at "make"01:50
Ahmucki want to save my cd's to disk01:50
zulerdongle Hello I seem to be having a problem with an external lg multidrive (Dvd drive). When I connect it through usb in ubuntu, it doesnt appear in my "Computer"01:51
maccam94Ahmuck: well rhythmbox should be able to import them01:51
andguentdamaltor: glad to help, its nice to know that most old style parallel printers will work just fine, stay away from lexmark if you can :)01:51
Y-Townwhen viewing mail in thunderbird, evolution or kmail it doesnt show the images.. what can I do to enable the graphics and images?01:51
oboy03how do i change the resolution of my login window?01:51
maccam94kholerabbi: is there a reason you're not using 7.10?01:51
grizlo42andguent: no, it said connection failed01:51
SindaciousMegaqwerty: I ran what it said to run in compile and install here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,installation/01:51
Alan_MAhmuck, its sound juicer01:51
zulerdonglewhat could the problem, be? is there anyway i can see if its detected but not mounted? THanks01:51
MegaqwertySindacious: Ouch01:51
kholerabbi maccam94: no internet - cach 2201:51
Orynethi people, I have install a persistant ubuntu 710 on my usb harddisk... And the problem now is.. I am asked to enter username and password to login... but my persistant ubuntu is typically a live cd, so I am not sure what is the password for root.... since i have never entered one so far. Anyone here know what is the password?01:51
maccam94kholerabbi: k01:51
MegaqwertySindacious: this might be a bit messy. I'll see how they installed it and see if I can safely remove it all.01:52
kholerabbimaccam94: sorry I haven't been that clear01:52
andguentgrizlo42: hmm, then something is going on within your internal lan, are you sure is your apache box? run ifconfig to confirm01:52
StarnestommyOrynet: there is no root password01:52
damaltorandguent: no printer... an lcd ;) the lcd is actually working at a friends computer, so it should be fine. but my parport does seem to make problems: ioctl(/dev/lp0, PPCLAIM) failed: 22 Invalid argument01:52
maccam94kholerabbi: so how are you pasting stuff right now?01:52
Alan_MTrying to guess the root password will give you a headache, its impossible :)01:52
lilg111111need help setting up evolution or thunderbird set up with yahoo01:52
MegaqwertySindacious: in the future, be sure to install stuff through either Synaptic or Add/Remove Programs.01:52
polishpaulmy monitor is a 1400x1050 but if i set that resolution, the desktop does not fit into the screen (floats a little) the current res of 1280x1024 does 'fit' how can i run my native resolution (1400x1050) yet still have the desktop properly sized?01:52
Y-TownOrynet: you'll put in the root once you load the system and stop running from the CD01:52
snowrichardjust installed Ubuntu on my laptop because it was one of the distros recommended for the acx wireless that I have.  It worked after manual configuration, but dhcpd doesn't seem to work.  I put the commands to set up the wireless with a static ip in /etc/rc.local so thats ok01:52
riot__how do i get beryl?01:53
grizlo42andguent: lol, no its 25501:53
MegaqwertySindacious: it's way easier to install for one, and it's really simple to uninstall as well.01:53
kholerabbimaccam94: ok I have updated the pciids and no it lists 2 ethernet adapters:  realtek and atheros01:53
riot__what the command for installing beryl?01:53
damaltorandguent: no printer... an lcd ;) the lcd is actually working at a friends computer, so it should be fine. but my parport does seem to make problems: ioctl(/dev/lp0, PPCLAIM) failed: 22 Invalid argument do you have any dea ehat that could mean?01:53
riot__what the command for installing beryl?01:53
SindaciousMegaqwerty: I didn't know you could install ndiswrapper through that01:53
Megaqwertyriot__: stop repeating please01:53
Starnestommyriot__: I think beryl's been replaced with compiz-fusion01:53
Odd-rationale!beryl | riot__01:53
uboturiot__: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz01:53
kholerabbiethernet controller*01:54
riot__how do i install it01:54
grizlo42andguent: no sry, its .201:54
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:54
MegaqwertySindacious: it's alright. I was just telling you for the future01:54
maccam94kholerabbi: right but can you paste the atheros line again?01:54
andguentgrizlo: hmmmm, That is a reserved address, you will always have connection problems if you use that address internally -- is any computer using --- oh, scratch all of that01:54
mneptokriot__: please read answers before repeating questions01:54
OrynetI do knot that it's suppose to boot without a login requirement, but things go weird.... during my bootup ubuntu is complaining that my GNOME is having problem, and cannot lock .ICEAuthority, so it blocks me from getting into desktop... Any a login screen comes up01:54
zulerdongle Hello I seem to be having a problem with an external lg multidrive (Dvd drive). When I connect it through usb in ubuntu, it doesnt appear in my "Computer". what could the problem, be? is there anyway i can see if its detected but not mounted? THanks01:54
AHAriot__, it comes with compiz fusion01:54
damaltor!compiz | riot__01:54
uboturiot__: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:54
kestir!repeat | riot__01:54
uboturiot__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:54
Piciriot__: if you're running Gutsy, its already installed01:54
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Alright, well thanks for all your help ^^01:54
polishpaulriot__: did you google it?01:54
MegaqwertySindacious: so you have the latest source from sourceforge?01:54
factotumwow, this channel has turned into a nightmare in the last few years... yikes!01:54
kholerabbimaccas: ok the atheros is wireless. so it must be the  Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)01:54
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:55
MegaqwertySindacious: 1.52.tar.gz01:55
andguentgrizlo42: your port forward destination IP on your router, and your IP on your apache box should be the same, change one...01:55
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yes01:55
kholerabbimaccas94: ok the atheros is wireless. so it must be the  Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)01:55
olskolircI just bought a book from ebookmall.com and its locked.  I read up on the locked pdf and it said its a DRM file.  How do I unlock my book or read my DRM pdf file please?01:55
MegaqwertySindacious: is it fair to assume you still have the uncompressed folder on your hard drive?01:55
Ahmuckthx guys01:55
DevourerCan Ubuntu format a flash drive?01:55
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:55
riot__is compiz fusion in 7.1?01:56
Alan_MDevourer, yep :)01:56
zulerdongle Hello I seem to be having a problem with an external lg multidrive (Dvd drive). When I connect it through usb in ubuntu, it doesnt appear in my "Computer". what could the problem, be? is there anyway i can see if its detected but not mounted? THanks01:56
Megaqwertyriot__: yes01:56
DevourerAlan_M, how? :D01:56
damaltorDevourer: yes. put it in, DONT mount it, and type mkdosfs /dev/[device]01:56
kholerabbiolskolirc: might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic or another channel, as that is not really directly ubuntu stuff01:56
Y-Townwhen viewing mail in thunderbird, evolution or kmail it doesnt show the images.. what can I do to enable the graphics and images?01:56
MegaqwertySindacious: if not, we can just redownload it.01:56
Devourerdamaltor, will that make it FAT32?01:56
damaltorDevourer: think fat1601:56
Devourerdamaltor, is that standard?01:57
olskolirczulerdongle, try lsusb01:57
potatowhy do i get this error? Error "Not on the same file system" while deleting "/media/disk...n/Examples".01:57
OrynetStarnestommy:Y-Town:I do know that it's suppose to boot without a login requirement, but things go weird.... during my 2nd bootup, ubuntu is complaining that my GNOME is having problem, and cannot lock .ICEAuthority, so it blocks me from getting into desktop... Any a login screen comes up01:57
Alan_Mfat 16 is standard for all usb flash drives, correct.01:57
hacked_kernelHow to disable directory browsing in apache?01:57
kholerabbiolskolirc: then again, you can always come back here and keep trying :P01:57
DevourerAlan_M, alright.01:57
damaltorDevourer: i think so, yes. you ought to try, if it doenst work in your camera/mp3 player/... you can do fat32 manually. but fat16 is standard01:57
kestirhacked_kernel: check the apache manual01:57
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yeah it's there01:57
kestirjoin #apache01:57
Devourerdamaltor, thanks.01:57
Xcercahey guys,   i did aptitude install xubuntu-desktop  to check out xfce, i don't like it so much and am trying to remove it, i tried aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop and that worked...  but all of it's dependencies are still there,  i tried aptitude remove xubuntu-* but that didn't work,  and other aptitude advice ?01:57
damaltorkholerabbi: put an index.htm into the folder =)01:58
Megaqwertycool. I need you to open up a terminal and navigate to that folder (I assume you know how to do this?)01:58
Alan_MEvery flash drive i have ever encountered was devourer :)01:58
damaltorXcerca: sudo apt-get autoremove01:58
kestirXcerca: read the output of apt-get to see how to remove packages that are no longer needed01:58
Alan_MDevourer, and thats close to 300+ heh01:58
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?01:58
set_outso much boy01:58
kholerabbidamaltor: sorry :)?01:58
grizlo42andguent: i changed the ip forwarding, and im testing it w/ telnet01:59
DevourerAlan_M, wow.01:59
Y-TownOrynet: You are running from the CD correct?01:59
kholerabbidamaltor: I am not understanding?01:59
Alan_MI have my whole pc backed up on one  devourer ;)01:59
andguentgrizlo42: telnet working? a web browser running internally, and pointed to that IP should be an accurate test too01:59
damaltorkholerabbi: if there is an index.htm in the folder, it will be displayed instead of the folder itself. so make a file named "index.htm" and put it into the directory01:59
Alan_MIs there anything else we can help you with Devourer?01:59
OrynetY-Town: nope running persistant ubuntu on USB Harddisk01:59
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:00
grizlo42andguent: IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:00
damaltorhello, can anybody tell me what the following means if i want to use the parallel port? ioctl(/dev/lp0, PPCLAIM) failed: 22 Invalid argument02:00
DevourerAlan_M, so I can't mount it to format it?02:00
Alan_Mright, dont mount it to format it.02:00
david_HELP! i have an extra sound card that ubuntu didnt install by itself....its a creative live board and im not sure how to install it......HELP!02:00
kholerabbidamaltor: sure, but what is this about, is it something to do with my wired connection not working?02:00
Alan_Mif you do, you get a whole bunch of errors.02:00
andguentgrizlo42: congratz, now what I would highly recommend is to turn it off when you aren't using it, just for safety sake :)02:00
sweffymocan you read me?02:01
damaltorkholerabbi: no i dont think so. if apache displays a folder, it doesnt have anything elso to display. thats all.02:01
grizlo42andguent: it still shows up as stealth.........but the telnet worked02:01
DevourerAlan_M, well, when I put it in Ubuntu automatically formats it.02:01
* Alan_M shrugs, i dunno..i just plug em in, they work, im happy.02:02
grizlo42andguent: it works now, thank you02:02
kholerabbidamaltor: hmmm.. right. interesting .. but I  haven't been talking about apache, maybe it was someone else :p02:02
zulerdongle Hello I seem to be having a problem with an external lg multidrive (Dvd drive). When I connect it through usb in ubuntu, it doesnt appear in my "Computer". what could the problem, be? is there anyway i can see if its detected but not mounted? THanks02:02
DevourerAlan_M, :(02:02
polishpauli have a laptop and connected an external monitor to it. How can i tell ubuntu to output on the external monitor?02:02
andguentgrizlo42: hmm, does it work from outside too? did you want that? if grc shows stealth, then you are fine for security02:02
damaltorkholerabbi: oh, sorry. must have been a mistake... so what was ypur problem then? ;)02:02
MegaqwertyWashing dishes again Sindacious? ;)02:02
andguentgrizlo42: if you only wanted to access it internally, you can turn the port forwarding off on the router02:02
Alan_MIs it formatting it every time devourer?02:02
riot__does anyone know a command to reverse lookup an ip address on a small network and resolve a computer name?02:02
polishpaulriot__: ping -a i believe02:03
DevourerAlan_M, no, it's mounting it. So when I unmount how do I know it's name?02:03
kholerabbidamaltor: haha nah, I'm having a problem with 7.10 not working with my wired internet connection (it just says it's connected but I can't us it) :(02:03
grizlo42andguentL it works from outside i think too, like i typed my ip address and i showed the page02:03
SindaciousMegaqwerty: lol sorry netadmins IRC on another server is glitching and he's flooding for an unknown reason, and were trying to contain it02:03
damaltorAlan_M, Devourer: i think you mean "mount automatically", not "format automatically", no?02:03
grizlo42andguent: it works from outside i think too, like i typed my ip address and i showed the page02:03
polishpaulwait.. it may be different with linux02:03
kestirriot__: #networking02:03
MegaqwertySindacious: ah, no problem02:03
Devourerdamaltor, correct.02:03
ingo__<Megaqwerty>: back. the sources.list is not the problem and i disabled tor-module with "sudo rcconf" - but apt still tries to connect as the case may be localhost.02:03
damaltorkholerabbi: type "route" and pastebin it, please02:03
Alan_Mdamaltor, im starting to think he's meaning that as well the more he talks :)02:03
Starnestommyriot__: resolveip?02:03
mneptokriot__: nslookup02:04
Devourerdamaltor, I was thinking that in my head.02:04
Alan_Mbecause format every time...would be a HUGE issue damaltor02:04
riot__thanks gusy02:04
damaltorooh... YES.02:04
damaltorhello, can anybody tell me what the following means if i want to use the parallel port? ioctl(/dev/lp0, PPCLAIM) failed: 22 Invalid argument02:04
andguentgrizlo42: just turn that port forwarding off whenever possible, enjoy your apache tinkering :)02:04
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Anyway, the uncompressed is on my hd02:04
DevourerFloodBot1, is silly.02:04
Megaqwertyingo__: huh. No idea then. Sorry.02:04
Alan_MFloodBot1, is a very helpful bot.02:05
kholerabbidamaltor: won't help, I'm not using 7.10 at the mo'02:05
DevourerAlan_M, so how do I keep it from mounting automatically?02:05
MegaqwertySindacious:  cool. I need you to open up a terminal and navigate to that folder (I assume you know how to do this?)02:05
david_HELP! i have an extra sound card that ubuntu didnt install by itself....its a creative live board and im not sure how to install it......HELP!02:05
ingo__<Megaqwerty>: thx02:05
damaltoroh. so where do you see that it is connected?02:05
damaltorkholerabbi: oh. so where do you see that it is connected?02:05
Alan_MDevourer, im not sure of that answer.02:05
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yes02:05
grizlo42andguent: thanks, im actually only using it for a few days, then i will turn it off, probably permanately02:05
MegaqwertySindacious: excellent. Now that you're there, run sudo make uninstall02:06
Frederickfolks any news concerning netbeans being broken on AMD64?02:06
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:06
DevourerAlan_M, well, when I unmount it how am I supposed to find the name under /dev?02:06
kholerabbidamaltor: well heres the story: I put in the 7.10 livecd, it says it connecting at the icon in the tray, then it is connected, but still not working in firefox or anything else -02:06
Alan_Mit should be something like /dev/sdb1 or something similar.02:06
mneptokDevourer: use "df -h" when it's mounted to learn its /dev entry02:06
Alan_Mbut, df -h will tell you for certain what it is.02:07
Devourermneptok, neato.02:07
kholerabbidamaltor: works fine in feisty02:07
Alan_MDevourer, type that in terminal.02:07
damaltorkholerabbi: nice. =) sometimes it helps, if you kill that nasty tray icon (didnt work for me either) and then type "dhclient eth0" on console.02:07
SindaciousMegaqwerty: NOTE: Not all installed files are removed, as different distributions install ndiswrapper files at different places.02:07
silas428how do i find my source tree?02:07
ingo__so ... my problem is that i can't install out of my gutsy- repositories, because apt tries to connect localhost -->Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release.gpg  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)02:07
ingo__anyone a idea???02:07
kholerabbidamaltor: really and that works?02:07
Alan_MI just learned the df -h trick today mneptok, gimme a few days and that ones gonna be implanted in my head :)02:08
MegaqwertySindacious: yes, it does indeed say that. It then states that you just have to run it multiple times so it works (not sure why it works like that though)02:08
=== CR_cwek_Toket_Gd is now known as coJKT_Maniac_SU2
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damaltorkholerabbi: well, it worked for me, and the tray icon didnt. so it is worth a try while you cannot brake anything in a live distro =)02:08
Devourerdamaltor, it spit this out at me. :( mkdosfs: Will not try to make filesystem on full-disk device '/dev/sdf' (use -I if wanted)02:08
SindaciousMegaqwerty: How would I know if it's off :P ?02:08
kholerabbidamaltor: haha true I have to go and I will try it cheers mate :)02:08
Karsythanyone know why my sound isnt working in Wolfenstein ET?02:09
damaltorkholerabbi: have fun =)02:09
zulerdongle Hello I seem to be having a problem with an external lg multidrive (Dvd drive). When I connect it through usb in ubuntu, it doesnt appear in my "Computer". what could the problem, be? is there anyway i can see if its detected but not mounted? THanks02:09
damaltorDevourer: thats funny. never seen that before, sorry... :/02:09
MegaqwertySindacious: as it states, you wait until it no longer says "removing"02:09
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:09
zulerdongleOr how could i mount my external dvd drive manually02:09
Devourerdamaltor, :'(02:09
Alan_MDevourer, maybe someone else has though so dont give up that quick!02:10
oboy03how come i can shutdown my laptop? my shutdown icon was gone?02:10
Devourerdamaltor, well, it is formatted as something else at the moment. It's has a vfat or fat12 file system right now I think.02:10
Karsythhas anyone ever had a problem with sound in enemy territory for linux?02:10
damaltorDevourer: so try what it says: use -I if wanted02:10
SindaciousMegaqwerty: http://pastebin.com/m74ec8e3 thats all I get when using that command02:10
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Now anyway02:11
MegaqwertySindacious: but it said things the first time?02:11
polishpaulingo__: check your PM02:11
quakky_guys I need help with my sound..it doesnt want to work02:11
cataldus3dsomeone has ubuntu 7.10 and uses nvidia geforce 7200GS????02:11
polishpaulquakky_: laptop or desktop?02:11
quakky_ubuntu 7.1002:12
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Yes02:12
grizlo42andguent: when i go on, i get the index page, (index.php) as a phtml that firefox can´t open02:12
Devourerdamaltor, it worked. :D02:12
Alan_M!sound | quakky_02:12
ubotuquakky_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:12
Alan_Mhave you tried this?02:12
damaltorDevourer: nice =) sometimes it helps to just follow =)02:12
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about landscape - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:12
Devourerdamaltor, I didn't want anything to blow upl02:12
ingo__<polishpaul>: i am not registered @ the moment ...02:13
mneptokrnartos: what do you want to know about Landscape?02:13
Frederickfolks I have aproblem with slocate slocate: fatal error: Could not find user database02:13
damaltorDevourer: but would have been funny too...02:13
quakky_The problem originated when i was trying to fix my video i think02:13
mneptokFrederick: sudo updatedb02:13
Alan_MDevourer, we wouldnt tell you stuff that would blow your system up, maybe a little smoke while its churning code but nothing blows up :)02:13
MegaqwertySindacious: excellent. It should be removed...let me just double check anything you did on the guide02:13
rnartosmneptok: is it worthy? or almost same as webmin02:13
Frederickmneptok: same problem02:13
Alan_MJust kidding devourer :)02:14
polishpaulingo__: can't get PMs? anyway, do you have network connectivity on the box?02:14
mneptokrnartos: it's not at all like Webmin. and it's only available to selected beta testers02:14
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:14
Fredericksudo slocate libmawt gives the same error02:14
mneptokFrederick: sudo updatedb02:14
MegaqwertySindacious: How far in the guide did you get?02:14
ingo__<polishpaul>  yes. email, im, chat, html - no problem02:14
rnartosmneptok: but as they describe it's a systemAdmn tool / web-based for ubuntu servers02:14
mneptokFrederick: that will not give a "database not found" error, as that is the command to create the (s)locate db02:14
edjujoin #kubuntu02:15
Karsythcan anyone help me figure out why my sound isnt working in wolfenstein enemy territory?02:15
Frederickmneptok: seems the database was created02:15
Frederickwhcich sould be the normal ownsershup to /usr/bin/slocate?02:15
ingo__ <polishpaul>: i don't know why apt tries to connect localhost - my sources.list is ok - no local entry02:15
oboy03how do i bring back the shutdown icon in quit icon?02:15
mneptokrnartos: it's a monitoring tool. it allows for some system work. but it's not meant to replace sysadmin knowledge.02:15
ingo__<polishpaul>:  i kicked the tor-module by rcconf - doesn't help ...02:15
SindaciousMegaqwerty: To where I was _looking_ for the driver, however I did run two commands that sYn_0n3 had mentioned02:15
DevourerAlan_M, I give up on what I'm trying to do with the USB thingy... I tried burning GParted to a CD but it would spin a bit and then the drive would just beep at me... :(02:15
angusbCan you install a different desktop environment like KDE onto ubuntu? or would that pretty much just be xubuntu?02:16
MegaqwertySindacious: what were they?02:16
rnartosmneptok: oh a monitoring tool...ok I'll try it then02:16
damaltoranybody ever worked with lcd4linux? PLEASE...02:16
Tu13eshm, I just installed gutsy on my Mac Mini but the gfx weren't recognized, how do i get the Intel gfx driver?02:16
david_HELP! i have an extra sound card that ubuntu didnt install by itself....its a creative live board and im not sure how to install it......HELP!02:17
SindaciousMegaqwerty: sudo ndiswrapper -i windows driver and sudo ndiswrapper -i .inf file02:17
edjucan't play dvds - says no dvd in drive.  they play under windows, so hardware is ok.  don't know where to look for solution.  any help appreciated.02:17
MegaqwertySindacious: alright, there's one last thing I have to check then02:17
Devourerubotu, help02:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:17
mneptokrnartos: you *can't* try it, unless you have been invited to the beta program.02:17
MegaqwertySindacious: check /etc/modules and make sure that ndiswrapper isn't listed there.02:17
BirkoffYo guys ... can anyone help me out with IPTABLES here ?02:18
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:18
Alan_M!patience | david_02:18
ubotudavid_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:18
cataldus3di cant get enable glx effects in ubuntu02:18
Frederickseems I dont have libmawt.so how can I get it?02:18
FFEMTcJCan a usb disconnect cause a reboot of ubuntu?02:18
cataldus3di tried, restricted drivers and envy, and apt-get install nvidia-glx-new02:19
SindaciousMegaqwerty: can't find a modules folder02:19
MegaqwertySindacious: as long as ndiswrapper isn't listed, you're fine. If it is, just open it as root "sudo nano /etc/modules" and delete it from the file. Just reboot, then you're all set!02:19
polishpaulingo__: are you trying via package manager in the GUI or via terminal (apt-get)?02:19
MegaqwertySindacious: it's a file, not a folder02:19
MegaqwertySindacious: I have to reboot my router, brb in like 5 mins.02:20
BirkoffDoes anyone know or a easy way to limit incoming/outgoing tcp/upd traffic via IPTABLES ?02:20
oboy03i can shutdown my laptop because the shutdown icon was gone how do i restore it?02:20
ingo__polishpaul: both - of course, the same problem ... what is the module festival?02:20
oboy03i cant*02:20
mneptokoboy03: try the "System" menu02:21
mneptokoboy03: i dunno. maybe that big "QUIT" icon?02:21
oboy03the quit is there but no shutdown option02:22
MegaqwertySindacious: sorry about that. Back02:22
oboy03it was there a while ago then poof02:22
mneptokoboy03: you might try clicking it, just to see what it does.02:22
oboy03no shutdown option02:22
MegaqwertySindacious: so, did you check the file?02:22
mneptokoboy03: yes, there is.02:23
SindaciousMegaqwerty: ok, and I checked the file, it's nothing about ndiswrapper02:23
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:23
MegaqwertySindacious: excellent. Then you're clena02:23
mneptokoboy03: the shutdown option is in the quit panel as always02:23
sp0roDoes anyone know the command I would run to open port 3389 on IPTables allowing any IP address to connect through it? Most of the guides I have read haven't really specified anything close to what I need to do.02:23
oboy03no its not02:23
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Okay, thanks a lot for your help ^^, one more question though, is there a place were you can look at Wireless networks in the area?02:24
david_Alan_M, i know that and i am aware of the great service the people here are doing to us...but im just hopeless cuz ive been trying to get this working for a while now and im just getting frustrated....02:24
polishpaulingo__: what happens when you apt-get update ?02:24
MegaqwertySindacious: that would be left clicking the Network-Manager-Applet and looking at the list02:24
Karsythvery stupid question, but i just CANNOT rememer the commands for installing a downloaded zip file?02:24
Karsythi wasn wondering if anyone could refresh me02:24
mneptoksp0ro: did you ever *close* 3389?02:24
Karsyththere are files inside it02:25
Karsythjust folders...02:25
basticonfigure make make install?02:25
Karsyth./configure ?02:25
mneptokKarsyth: "installing" a zip file? or extracting it?02:25
damaltoranybody ever worked with lcd4linux? PLEASE...02:25
TtechI found a kill command in Ubuntu. ><02:25
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Is that only possible if there are wireless networks in the area? I can't see a list selections :/02:25
sYn_0n3sindacious: have you  heard of wicd02:25
andguentsp0ro: iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT02:26
sp0romneptok: No, but when I added port 3389 to the list of SSH ports to use on a server, it won't allow me to connect even when the router is configured to allow it. So I figured it was something set in IPTables no allowing permission to connect from an outside host to the server via SSH through port 338902:26
mneptokKarsyth: what is this zip file?02:26
TtechPRess Controll+ alt + shipt + something else = restart02:26
warriorforgodWhere does gnome store themes?02:26
Karsythi keep trying to CD to the directory where it is and ./configuring it, but it says no directory found02:26
Karsythits the ETpatch02:26
ingo__<polishpaul> the same problem - it tries to connect to localhost. i installed some stuff && yet try to disable some modules, which may link apt to
SindacioussYn_0n3: Yeah, but last time I put it on it didn't work02:26
BirkoffAnyone can help me with limiting outgoind/incoming traffic on iptables ?02:26
MegaqwertySindacious: yes, it would show networks in the area. For example, in the beginning, you saw the network "test"02:26
mneptoksp0ro: iptables has no restrictions by default02:26
sYn_0n3sindacious are you using encrytion?02:26
jalsi used set compiz-fusion to use ctrl + left/right to move to different desktops then i realised that this conflicted with the function of control when navigating around text, where are the settings to change this back?02:26
mneptoksp0ro: check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config02:26
SindaciousMegaqwerty: Okay, thanks then :)02:26
SindacioussYn_0n3: I wouldn't know :/02:26
Turnomy machine is having trouble pulling an ip from my router... it did this before and I don't remember how i solved it... its using the 'tulip' driver... anyone have any idea?02:26
HorizonXPhey, what package do I install in Gutsy AMD64 to get the latest version of Sun's Java? I don't care about the plugin, I need to run programs seperately from Firefox.02:27
ingo__<polishpaul> is there a possibility to restart the modules without rebooting?02:27
mneptoksp0ro: and restart the sshd daemon after any changes to the configs02:27
MegaqwertySindacious: np02:27
Karsythmneptok, enemy territory 2.60b patch02:27
sp0roandguent: Thanks, I'll try that. mneptok: I added 3389 underneath "Port 22" in sshd_config, so I'm not sure what would be causing it. :/02:27
mneptoksp0ro: the daemon can listen only on one port. pick one.02:27
andguentHorizonXP: search for jre or jdk in your favorite package manager02:27
sYn_0n3sindacious.. so your just trying to scan?02:27
sfearsingo__, rmmod modulename & modprobe modulename ?02:28
sYn_0n3lsusb or lspci where is your wireless card02:28
andguentmneptok: I would respectfully dissagree, sshd can handle multiple port directives in its sshd_config02:28
polishpaulingo__: which modules? Try checking your proxy settings, also, 'cat /etc/hosts' and check for anything funny (see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/6719)02:28
SindacioussYn_0n3: Me ?02:28
ingo__<sfears>: no i just want to restart the boot modules02:28
sYn_0n3sindacious: yes02:28
polishpaulingo__: also cat /etc/resolf.conf02:28
mneptokandguent: but it's non-trivial, and trhe first thing to eliminate to fix connectivity issues.02:29
MegaqwertySindacious: you could also try iwlist wlan0 scan02:29
sp0romneptok, andguent: LOL, I feel so stupid. All it was, was I forgot to restart SSH. Big operator error there. ;)02:29
polishpaulingo__: do you have anon-proxy installed?02:29
polishpaulsome forums point to that as the problem02:30
andguentsp0ro: netstat -ntlp is your friend :)02:30
SindaciousMegaqwerty: In terminal?02:30
MegaqwertySindacious: yeah02:30
mneptoksp0ro: you should usually put multi-port directives on individual lines02:30
SindacioussYn_0n3: 06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) <--That?02:30
sp0romneptok: I did :)02:30
Painefriend of mine needs to know how he can figure out what type of ram he has from in ubuntu... anyone know?02:30
SindaciousMegaqwerty: wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning. :/02:30
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:30
ingo__<polishpaul>: yes, but not cognizant - what does anon-proxy make - is it in use with tor?02:31
MegaqwertySindacious: ah, well sorry I can't help further at this point as I must depart. I'd recommend trying to get kismet as well, "the king of wireless scanners" sudo apt-get install kismet. It's launched by sudo kismet -i wlan0. Good luck!02:31
Karsythhow do i install .zip files? whenever i try to ./configure it says there is no such file or directory, and ive triple checked and im not typing anything wrong02:32
amenadoKarsyth-> you dont install zip files directly02:32
SindaciousMegaqwerty: :) Thanks02:32
Karsythamenado, how should i do it then?02:33
sYn_0n3sindacious: what are u using as a network manager02:33
amenadoKarsyth first understand you must unzip02:33
orudieis it possible to run a process in a background , and then come back to it and see its output ?02:33
orudietrying to run a game server - srcds - but its not the only thing that i'm trying to host02:33
sp0roandguent: Thanks a lot for all the help tonight, I'm off to go make some dinner. Take it easy02:33
SindacioussYn_0n3: The default? I'm fairly new to linux02:33
polishpaulingo__: not familiar with anon-proxy, try removing that and see how it goes02:34
ingo__<polishpaul>: my system/prefs/network-proxy says, that i am directly connected with internet02:34
sYn_0n3sindacious: so you are using gnome network manager02:34
polishpaulok good, try removing the package (check for other proxy packages)02:34
sYn_0n3sindacious: i uninstalled it and used wicd02:34
ingo__<polishpaul> ok - i will try it - brb02:34
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JakeKonkerswhat package do I need to install in order to get the ffmpeg headers? I don't see a dev package, can someone help me?02:35
SindacioussYn_0n3: Hmm, I'll get wicd again and test it once I'm around a wireless network if the default doesn't work out, could you link me to where I could get it?02:35
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Karsythwhats the command for running a file?02:36
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:36
xb3rtHow do I fix this error     W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26302:36
polishpaulKarsyth: what kind of file?02:36
polishpaulKarsyth: what are you trying to do?02:36
Karsythpolishpaul im trying to run this .x86 file02:36
polishpaulKarsyth: more info? what are you trying to accomplish02:37
amenadoKarsyth-> is it already compiled?02:37
Karsythpolishpaul, the .x86 file i have is a patch for enemy territory, and im not sure02:37
polishpaultype 'file <filename'02:37
sYn_0n3sindacious: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52748802:38
polishpaulsorry "file <filename>" without the < ofcourse02:38
Karsythits saying that theres no such file or directory, and thats not ture02:39
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:39
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polishpaulKarsyth: use tab to autocomplete02:39
Karsythive typed in the correct destination, ive checked 3 times02:39
renatohow can i put two machines running under KVM on the same network?02:40
ubuntuI have a problem?¡?02:40
Karsythpolishpaul: how do i use autocomplete?02:40
polishpaulwhat if you jsut type in file by itself (to autocomplete, hit tab)02:40
|2-bits|For some reason I can't rename my USB drives in GNOME02:40
Karsythso just type in the file name then hit tab?02:41
jaredcan anyone help with an audio problem?02:41
amenado|2-bits|-> rename to what? from what to what?02:41
Jordan_U!anyone | jared02:41
ubotujared: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:41
sfearsturn up the volume jared02:42
karuna_bd1hi, does anyone know how to enable running games in fullscreen in ubuntu?02:42
|2-bits|amenado: For example, suppose I have a USB drive named ORANGE CONE, and I want to rename it to ARDVARK.02:42
jribkaruna_bd1: be more specific.  What game?02:42
Jordan_Ukaruna_bd1, That should be an option of the game, nothing should need to be 'enabled'02:42
TonyWongUbuntu 7.10 LiveCD boot up normally but cannot see anything on my laptop with Intel 815 chipset, anyone can help? It works on safe mode, or Ubuntu 7.04, 6.x....02:42
sfearsTonyWong, cannot see?02:43
|2-bits|amenado: I looked under the properties menu for the drive, and the option simply isn't there. I see no place where I can do this. In windows, it's a very simple matter.02:43
TonyWongYes, black screen. But I think it boots to the desktop already and idling for input....02:43
|2-bits|but I can't figure out how to do it GNOME :/02:43
Gatton|2-bits|, maybe it knows you're misspelling Aardvark ;-)  j/k!02:43
karuna_bd1jrib: airstrike, abuse all when i try to run FS just go back to being windowes02:43
amenado|2-bits|-> look around /dev/disk02:43
polishpaulKarsyth: do you have a website where you go the patch from? did you check the instructions on how to apply it?02:43
jaredI have no audio at all.  The volume is at max yet no sound.02:43
Karsythpolishpaul, i got it from filefront02:44
sfearshave you checked the volume levels in the mixer jared?02:44
magickHow can I fix pixelated fonts when using SSH-Forwarding?02:44
polishpauljared: if laptop, try hitting up volume button on the keyboard02:44
jribKarsyth: I don't know anything about the game.  I just meant you should be more specific when you ask the question because it will be an issue with the game02:44
polishpaulKarsyth: what's the URL?02:44
jrib karuna_bd1: I don't know anything about the game.  I just meant you should be more specific when you ask the question because it will be an issue with the game02:44
|2-bits|amenado: Alright, what do I do in /dev/disk02:45
Xcercafor the program xrandr ,  what is the extension/GUI called ?02:45
karuna_bd1how to run dosbox, abuse in fullscreen?02:45
jaredYes, the mixers are up, and I have no external volume control on my laptop.  I just installed ubuntu yesterday. Any ideas would be very helpful.02:45
sfearsTonyWong, this might work when it's at that black screen "ctrl+alt+f1" log in and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" pick vesa as the driver & 800x600 as the resolution.. hit enter for everything else.. restart the xserver & see what happens02:45
damaltoranybody ever worked with lcd4linux? PLEASE...02:45
Yuji_would anyone reccomend a gnome version of Kontact? I love that program -- should I just grab it?02:46
polishpauljared: what lappy do you have?02:46
albyyxjared have you tried to get an .ogg sound (think that was the extension) and try to play it?02:46
Karsythpolishpaul: http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/files/Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory/Official_Releases/Patches;266802:46
renatosome one can help-me with kvm?02:46
Karsythi downloaded the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.60b Patch (linux)02:46
TonyWongOkay, I had experienced that ctrl+alt+f1 will give me the command prompt, it will check it out see if it helps...02:46
c0dahey, i'm using this webcam program and it's asking me to input the serial port of the webcam. lsusb gives me : "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000". what is ther serial port?02:47
|2-bits|Strangely, The ability to edit the volume name is there whenever I try to change the properties of the drive through the "Computer" directory, but it complains that it can't rename it.02:47
dark-knightIs there an easiear way to configure a printer as a print server02:47
jaredIts a Gateway M342302:47
amenado|2-bits| are you referring to the mount point?02:47
orudieis it possible to run a process in a background , and then come back to it and see its live output ?02:48
jaredSorry if this is a dumb question but where do I check for an .ogg sound?02:48
amenado|2-bits|-> try to be root,02:48
jrib!screen > orudie (read the private message from ubotu)02:48
|2-bits|Not sure what you mean by mount point... if by that you mean something like /dev/sda (or however it goes) then no02:48
Karsythpolishpaul: any luck?02:48
sfearsjared, type alsamixer at a command prompt & make sure all the volume levels are turned up02:48
albyyxhmm jared any p2p... my question is something like, do you get any sound on starting ubuntu f.e and just cannot reproduce mp3 or...?02:49
|2-bits|amenado: I guess the correct terminology would be changing the name of the volume?02:49
baalsgatehi how do i make ntp start at startup ?02:49
Xcercai can play mp3's with totem movie player but not with rhythm box ,  any more packages i need ?02:49
karuna_bd1does anyone know how to run dosbox in fullscreen in ubuntu?02:49
amenado|2-bits|-> volume name is for vlm systems is yours a vlm ?02:49
sfearsmabey the volume name can be edited in your /etc/fstab file |2-bits|?02:50
jaredno sound on startup or any other program02:50
robilivehi to all02:50
Starnestommykaruna_bd1: does hitting alt+enter work?02:50
karuna_bd1robilive: hi02:50
sfearshello robilive02:50
albyyxthen jared i'm afraid i cannot really help try with alsamixer as sfears said...02:50
karuna_bd1Starnestommy: for a while then it goes back to a window02:51
jaredthanks anyway02:51
polishpaulKarsyth: ok.. try "sh [filename]"02:51
|2-bits|sorry, had some trouble with pidgin, did anyone have some suggestion for my problem that I missed?02:52
robilivesorry, I've a problem... I'm an idiot and I have changed the permission of /etc/sudoers... :'( Have I a way to reset it?02:52
xtknight|2-bits|, sorry could u repeat it02:52
amenado|2-bits|-> volume name is for vlm systems is yours a vlm ?02:52
sfearsjared, did you check alsamixer?02:52
karuna_bd1robilive:  sudo chmod (permission level) /etc/sudoers02:52
polishpaulrobilive: chmod ?02:53
|2-bits|I am trying to rename a usb pen drive02:53
Karsythpolishpaul: karsyth@K4:~/Desktop/et/linux$ sh et.x86      et.x86: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected02:53
baalsgatewhat sets the autostart for NTP ?02:53
magickHow can I fix pixelated fonts when using SSH-Forwarding?02:53
xtknight|2-bits|, a problem with pidgin?02:53
robilivepolishpaul, yes with chmod...02:53
xtknightKarsyth, try chmod +x et.x8602:53
xtknightKarsyth, ./et.x8602:53
robilivekaroshi, sudo don't work...02:53
|2-bits|xtknight: I was just briefly disconnected, I actually have another problem02:53
polishpaulKarsyth: which patch did you download exactly?02:53
xtknighti know what his problem is, i had exact same err msg with ET02:53
sfears|2-bits|, you can set a volume name for your usb drive in /etc/fstab02:53
polishpaulrobilive: are you root? sudo su - ?02:54
xtknight.x86 is an executable not an sh02:54
polishpaulor su02:54
|2-bits|amenado: I am not sure what you mean by vlm?02:54
karuna_bd1robilive: sudo dont work? how come?02:54
amenado|2-bits|-> when you mentioned volume name, i thought you were referring to vlm systems, not ext302:54
|2-bits|It's ext302:55
xtknight|2-bits|, you want to rename the label of an ext3 partition?02:55
robilivepolishpaul, karuna_bd1 every time I tipe "sudo" this is the error that I have "sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 0440"02:55
AstroDanulemy big brother gave the power of jesus to the people he went to highschool with02:55
sfears|2-bits|, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive02:55
amenado|2-bits|-> to rename a devime where it mounts on, you use the udev rules02:55
AstroDanulei am the second comming02:55
AstroDanulemy big brother gave the power of jesus to the people he went to highschool with02:55
eshaaseis it generally pretty safe to do a apt-get upgrade?02:55
|2-bits|xtknight: yes02:55
baalsgateNTP ?02:55
sfearsand what's on third.02:55
karuna_bd1robilive: owch02:55
xtknight|2-bits|, tune2fs i believe can set Volume name with proper parameters, but please read the manual before you jeopardize your system w/ it02:55
Karsythxtknight: and when its done?02:55
xtknightKarsyth, when ET is done installing?02:55
robilivekaruna_bd1, yes... owch :(02:55
Karsythxtknight: no, this is a patch. i just did the chmod command and it seemed to work. what do i do next02:56
xtknight|2-bits|, assuming gparted can not do it?02:56
xtknightKarsyth, now type ./et.x8602:56
cwillu_I have an apt problem02:56
cwillu_how do I tell apt or aptitude or whichever to remove every package it installed from a particular repository?02:56
baalsgatechconfig did it on fedora02:57
sfearswow.. good question02:57
cwillu_without having it remove packages localling installed, etc (i.e., setting ubuntu-updates priority to >1000 isn't the answer)02:57
baalsgatewhats the equivilant on ubuntu ?02:57
orudiejrib: there ?02:57
jriborudie: what's up?02:57
AstroDanulemy big brother gave the power of jesus to the people he went to highschool with02:57
AstroDanulei am the second comming02:57
AstroDanulemy big brother gave the power of jesus to the people he went to highschool with02:57
rsk!op AstroDanule02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about op astrodanule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:57
AstroDanulei am the second comming of christ!02:58
orudiejrib: installed screen successfully, not quite understand what they mean in the tutorial by typine C-a c;02:58
Turnoanyone have a good fix for admtek cards not pulling dhcp?02:58
polishpaulcan someone boot jesus.. ty02:58
amenado|2-bits| forget what i typed earlier, my keyboard was sticky...02:58
jriborudie: C-a means ctrl-a02:58
sfearsyou were typing and eating donuts again weren't you amenado?02:58
sfearsyou really gotta stop doing that02:59
orudiejrib: yeah thats what they said, i'm pressing CTRL+a, nothing happens02:59
robilivekaruna_bd1, no way to reset the permission on sudoers?02:59
splicerThis is probably a stupid question ... why does (my) 7.10 hang up whenever I click the [reload] button in response to ¨the list of available applications is out of date¨ ??02:59
eshaaseis it generally pretty safe to do a apt-get upgrade?02:59
polishpaulhey guys, my screen's native res is 1400x1050, however if i set it to that res, (from 1280x1024) the desktop is too large for the screen. How would i make the desktop fit the proper res?02:59
amenadomy only sustainence02:59
LectusHello! My friend wants to install linux on his PS3. Is Ubuntu recommended?02:59
Gattonrobilive, i am guessing you never set the root password right?02:59
jribeshaase: with official repositories, yes03:00
xtknightsplicer, try typing "sudo apt-get update" in the terminal and see where it's hanging03:00
cwillu_eshaase, it's recommended (presuming you're not doing anything fancy with backports or unreleased versions of ubuntu03:00
robiliveGatton, I haven't set the root passwd03:00
SindaciousLectus: I've heard Yellow Dog is good for a PS303:00
splicerthanks ... giving it a whirl ...03:00
Karsythxtknight: im getting this error now http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59442/03:00
orudiebazhang: there?03:01
sfearshello lwizardl03:01
xtknightKarsyth, you need to run et differently, i think.  you need to start it from the working directory03:01
NAManybody help me? got probs heh heh03:01
jrib!caps | baalsgate03:01
ubotubaalsgate: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:01
xtknightKarsyth, like cd /usr/share/games/et then ./et, or something03:01
jalshelp, how do i get back ctrl functionality so it moves the cursor one word when used with left/right arrow03:01
orudiejrib: really stuck here with C-a c03:01
xtknightKarsyth, i'm really not sure the best way to set it up03:01
sfears<~~~~ iffy on the lowercase03:01
bazhangorudie: hi!03:01
lwizardlwhere does ubuntu keep the USB image for icons on the default theme?03:02
xtknightKarsyth, actually there is supposed to be a script called "et" somewhere that does it all for you03:02
Gattonrobilive, i assume you might be able to boot with a live cd, mount your ubuntu file system and then change the permissions that way. but i'm not sure how you'd go about doing it sorry :-(03:02
jriborudie: press ctrl and the "a" button on your keyboard at the same time.  Then release.  Then press the "c" button03:02
Karsythxtknight, any idea on where to find it?03:02
orudiejrib: oooooh lol ok it worked03:02
robiliveGatton, if is possible to make it in this mode I "have the power" :P03:02
splicerOddly, the ´apt-get update´ worked without errors, but the gui will hang until I kill it ... days if I let it.03:02
xtknightsplicer, odd03:03
xtknightKarsyth, no but here's the contents of my et script03:03
polishpaulrobilive: you can single-user the box to set the root password03:03
baalsgatejrib  YES THEY ARE CAPS03:03
NAManyone know how to stop the XP bsod screen from going away so I can read it? Luckily I'm dual booting into Ubuntu!03:03
robilivepolishpaul, sorry, i don't understand...03:03
Karsythxtknight, i have no idea what to do with that. anyone willing to walk me through installing this ET patch?03:03
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xtknightNAM, disable "automatic reboot on system failure" (Or similar), in system properties03:04
NAMI cant boot into XP!03:04
heogenhow can I result this problem: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:04
TonyWongsfears: I have tried your suggestion. After reconfigure the Xserver, I type startx but seems the old session (showing black screen ctrl-alt-f7) still exist. How do I kill the old session of x?03:04
jribbaalsgate: stop, no one will help you that way.03:04
xtknightNAM, ask #windows03:04
|2-bits|baalsgate: Could you be a bit more specific?03:04
heogensomebody may help me03:04
baalsgatejrib , no one is helping me anyways03:04
NAMis it connect #windows?03:04
robilivepolishpaul, how do you mean with "can single-user the box"?03:04
StarnestommyNAM: actually, it's ##windows03:04
jribbaalsgate: you need to be patient and not annoy people03:05
splicerxp: my computer -> properties -> advanced -> startup and recovery settings -> toggle off automatically restart.03:05
heogenhow can I result this problem E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:05
orudiejrib: how would i close a window ?03:05
robilivesorry for my NOT english :D03:05
NAMconnect ##windows03:05
StarnestommyNAM: /join ##windows03:05
|2-bits|NAM: /join ##windows03:05
sfearsctrl+alt to log out when in the non existant f7 gui.. that will restart the xserver & ask you to log in again03:05
|2-bits|Also: Looks like that webpage helped! Thanks, whoever furnished it! Still you'd think that I'd be able to do this through the GUI...03:05
baalsgatejrib, yea i have tried that before and after a few hours of beeing ignored kinda over it ya know03:05
sfearsctrl+alt to log out when in the non existant f7 gui.. that will restart the xserver & ask you to log in again TonyWong03:05
ingo__<polishpaul> thank you for your help! my problem, that apt whould connect to localhost is solved. i disabled anon-proxy and privoxy modules and removed the programm completly. i installed it during my tests with security-software like tor ...03:05
jriborudie: ctrl-a k     also ctrl-a ?  gets you cheat sheet03:06
polishpaulrobilive: while booting, the grub menu should show you a selection of OS's to boot into. I believe if you hit E for edit, you can add parameters. (single or something like /bin/bash) which will let you in the box without authentication03:06
sfearstonywong.. ctrl+alt+backspace03:06
jribbaalsgate: do you have a question?03:06
polishpaulingo__: awesome! yw03:06
heogenhi somebody can help me please03:06
quakky_guys when i do the aplay -l command, it doesnt show my soundcard..... I can tell u that sound used to work, but for some reason it isnt working anymore03:06
Y-TownI notice in Firefox that many websites I visit dont look as good as they do in Internet Explorer...What can be done to make websites look better?03:06
heogenI have this problem E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:06
Gattonpolishpaul, can you also do something like  init 1  at a terminal to get to single user mode?03:07
baalsgatejrib, finding it hard to find the documentation to get the equivilant of chkconfig to start NTP03:07
xtknightheogen, your update manager or synaptic is open03:07
jribheogen: what were you trying to do?03:07
xtknightheogen, you can not have two programs using the software package system at once03:07
polishpaulrobilive: can you wait here for a minute while i test it out so i can give you exact instructions?03:07
KNYquick question: any idea when 7.10 will be getting gnome 2.22?03:07
polishpaulGatton: that's a good idea...03:07
[Neurotic]Heya, I have a USB headset pluged in, how can I work out what /dev point it hooks up to?03:07
robiliveok polishpaul ... then I have to edit the line in GRUB with a /bon/bash at the end?03:07
xtknight[Neurotic], well it should be detected by alsa.  is it?03:07
heogenjrib when a trying to install a program03:07
jribheogen: tell me the exact command03:08
robilivepolishpaul, if is possible, tank you so much :D03:08
polishpaulrobilive: yeah, something like that.. let me double check for you.03:08
TonyWongWhat is the default login password for root of Ubuntu LiveCD 7.10?03:08
sfears[Neurotic], lsusb?03:08
xtknight[Neurotic], at least as far as i know.  usb/pci shouldnt matter.  it should appear to alsa03:08
robilivetnak you polishpaul :D03:08
heogenjrib show dont let me do it03:08
polishpaulyou would then just use 'passwd' to change root's pass.. one moment plz03:08
TonyWongOh, it logs in by itself....03:08
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:08
heogenjrib dpkg03:08
kestirheogen: you can't have two open at the same time03:08
jribbaalsgate: you installed the ntp package?03:08
kestirheogen: just told you03:08
sfearsholy deep ubotu03:08
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)03:08
heogenkestir no03:08
[Neurotic]xtknight, it is, but I have some code that is recording on /dev/dsp and I need to change it so it records through the right /dev point03:08
baalsgatejrib, just want to set NTP service to start at startup , yes NTP is installed03:08
[Neurotic]it does show up on Alsa, yes03:08
jribheogen: yes of course "dpkg" doesn't do anything.  It will throw errors.03:08
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, Please dont suggest that03:08
Y-TownI notice in Firefox that many websites I visit dont look as good as they do in Internet Explorer...What can be done to make websites look better?03:09
xtknight[Neurotic], hmm maybe theres a /dev/dsp1 or something.  ls /dev/dsp*03:09
heogenjrib yeah03:09
ingo__<polishpaul> yw? - what does it mean? ^^03:09
Xcercais there any tool that i can use to adjust the size and orientation of my display with a gui ?03:09
jribbaalsgate: iirc, all you need to do is install the ntp package.  It will set itself up.  Have you found that not to be the case?03:09
xtknight[Neurotic],  or perhaps you can set /dev/dsp to the proper device, elsewhere?03:09
jribheogen: what are you trying to install?03:09
TonyWongLogin already, but it is not 1024x768 resolution....800x600? or 640x480 I think....03:09
heogenjrib and the system say me lock it03:09
polishpaulJack_Sparrow: suggest single user? why not? he does not have a root password03:09
sfearsXcerca, if your using nvidia drivers nvidia-settings03:09
jalshelp, how do i get back ctrl functionality so it moves the cursor one word when used with left/right arrow03:09
xtknightyw = you're welcome03:09
[Neurotic]xtknight, there is a /dev/dsp1 maybe that is it, I tried that, didn't seem to work.  Hmnn.. good point about moving the devide, I will give that a shot03:09
polishpaulingo__: yw = you're welcome03:09
heogenjrib jsut update03:10
heogenthe new program03:10
jribheogen: you want 'sudo apt-get update'03:10
xtknight[Neurotic], well i mean like in sound properties it says use this device for recording, use that, etc.. it might be saying "/dev/dsp is this device"03:10
polishpaulGatton: i just relized.. init 1 may not work if he's not root?03:10
ingo__ah, i see. :-)03:10
|2-bits|Y-Town: I don't think there is much you can do. Most of that has to do with bad web page design that causes rendering errors on standards-compliant browsers...03:10
[Neurotic]xtknight, I'm trying to get skype-rec to work on my setup  (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeRecordingHowto)03:10
jribheogen: and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' afterwards03:10
jrib!apt > heogen (read the private message from ubotu)03:10
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, Better to see what he want to do...that he needs root03:10
xtknight[Neurotic], does skype have options for selecting the device03:11
Y-Town|2-bits|: daqrn...03:11
Xcercasfears  yea i have that set up, but the panels stick way off the edge of the screen03:11
|2-bits|Y-Town: However!03:11
Y-Town|2-bits|: darn   :o)03:11
xtknight[Neurotic], oh, never mind i see what you're trying to do03:11
|2-bits|Y-town: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page03:11
heogenjrib and the another error is This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the03:11
heogenJ2SDK documentation.  You will need to go download one of the03:11
heogen    j2sdk-1_4_2-doc.zip j2sdk-1_4_0-doc-ja.zip j2sdk-1_4_2-doc-ja.zip03:11
heogen(choose the non-update version if this is the first installation).03:11
heogenPlease visit03:11
FloodBot1heogen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:11
polishpaulJack_Sparrow: ok, i just saw that someone didn't have their root pass so i suggested single usering and setting root. I don't see any harm in that.03:12
[Neurotic]xtknight, yes it does.. I'm going to try setting them all to default.. so in theory it goes through /edv/dsp and see if that works03:12
[Neurotic]xtknight, thanks03:12
sfearssounds like your resolution is bigger than your screen size or your using dual monitors you have one screen dragged ontop of the other Xcerca03:12
polishpaulrobilive: i found a tutorial that may help - http://www.debuntu.org/recover-root-password-single-user-mode-and-grub03:12
|2-bits|Y-town: That is a script that installs several versions of IE on linux03:12
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, We do not suggest people set root password.03:12
* sfears play jyparado song03:12
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)03:12
orudiejrib: once i close putty, the process that i was running terminated03:12
|2-bits|Y-town: but you need to install Wine first03:13
robiliveok polishpaul ... then I go to read the tutorial and if I have a problem come back :D03:13
tony_Is there a way to upgrade to Gnome 2.2203:13
heogenjrib thank you03:13
polishpaulJack_Sparrow: how come?03:13
mojoAnyone here good with mounting USB disks?  I have an SD card in a USB reader that I'd like to mount... it's on an ubuntu-server system, so hotplug is not running (?) or maybe just isn't picking it up.  But lsusb gives output, (Bus 005 Device 002: ID 55aa:2b12 OnSpec Electronic, Inc.)03:13
robilivetank you polishpaul :D03:13
Xcercasfears i've been playing with xrandr  ,  have you used it before03:13
jriborudie: no, type 'screen -r' to reattach your screen03:13
sfearsi have not Xcerca03:13
mojoHow do I manually mount that USB device as a disk?03:13
|2-bits|tony_: The next version of ubuntu should have Gnome 2.22. The ubuntu project is intentionally designed that GNOME and Ubuntu releases coincide03:13
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, It isnt necessary , it is the policy of the channel...03:13
Y-Town|2-bits|: Im trying to be anti Windows here  :o)03:13
|2-bits|!ies4linux | Y-town03:13
ubotuY-town: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!03:13
sfearsmojo, mount /dev/sda1,2,3... /home/user/Desktop/folder ?03:14
`Joey`I am using Firefox w/ Ubuntu, and there is a certain site that I cannot access, but I can using Firefox is Microsoft Windows03:14
|2-bits|Y-town: That may or may not fit your needs. Your millage may vary.03:14
`Joey`http://www.runevault.com/ takes me to http://s94703575.onlinehome.us/ in ubuntu firefox, but not in windows firefox.03:14
Jack_Sparrowjrib, Who made that factoid...  The people in wine feel that script is right on par with automatix and even their topic says they will not help you if you have used it03:14
baalsgatejrib , NTP is not starting on boot03:15
Y-Town|2-bits|: I think I would rather deal with slightly less in a web page   :o)03:15
angusbgeirha, hey you there?03:15
baddog144How do I install Firefox 3 Beta 4 once i have extracted the .tar.bz2 File?03:15
polishpaulJack_Sparrow: really? hmm ok ty03:15
baalsgatejrib , NTP is installed can run it manualy with sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start03:15
polishpaulJack_Sparrow: what would you suggest instead? for a user that cannot gain root?03:15
jribJack_Sparrow: no idea03:16
sfearsbaddog144, did you download firefox source files?03:16
jribbaalsgate: read 'man update-rc.d' or use sysv-rc-conf to make sure it is set to run on runlevel 203:16
Jack_Sparrowpolishpaul, this is not up for debate in this rrom, feel free to discuss in -offtopic .. sudo or gksudo will do what they need03:16
baddog144no, just err... alot of files and some shell scripts... no source files03:16
Stwangewhat's the torrent client that comes with ubuntu called? I'm trying to run it over SSH and can't remember the name of it03:17
TonyWongIt works, sfears. Thanks.03:17
macogwhey i got a i965, running Gutsy, I've got Compiz going (used SKIP_CHECKS="yes")...but gtk-window-decorator's not drawing window borders. any ideas?03:17
sfearswelcome TonyWong03:17
TonyWongNeed to reconfigure the Xserver.03:17
sfearsTonyWong, some kind of video driver issue, vesa is generic03:18
Jack_Sparrowmacogw, compiz --replace or metacity --replace03:18
thiebaudeHow do I fix broken dependencies in Synaptic?03:18
=== frailmage is now known as Havrek
macogwJack_Sparrow: compiz is running03:18
sfearsyou can slowly try to figure out how to get better graphics & resolution.. might need some restricted drivers TonyWong03:18
Jack_Sparrowmacogw, understood... I still suggest you try the command03:18
jalshow do i get back ctrl functionality so it moves the cursor one word when used with left/right arrow03:19
macogwJack_Sparrow: thats how i started compiz03:19
Jack_Sparrowthiebaude, WHat non-ubuntu repos have been added03:19
khylewhat program can i use to log in to yahoo messenger account03:19
orudiejrib: any more specifics on screen -r ?03:19
jalsi changed a setting to ctrl+left arrow in compiz now i can't get it back03:19
=== mgrant_ is now known as mamefan
Starnestommykhyle: pidgin?03:19
Jack_Sparrowmacogw, Feel free to ask in #Compiz03:19
macogwJack_Sparrow: kk03:19
baalsgatejrib , under fedora I would just run chkconfig ntp on , sysv-rc-conf is not installed btw03:20
jriborudie: did it work? what did it say?03:20
TonyWongokay, thanks for your suggestion.03:20
khylewhere bro03:20
sfearsjals, have you changed the compiz setting back to something that's not ctrl+arrow?03:20
jribbaalsgate: yes, it's  installed by default, but it makes it easier03:20
integrationpheww just finished setting up my Gutsy 802.11g driver that took a while hehehe03:20
jalssfears, yes03:20
ingo__<robilive>: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=2494#948103:20
jalsfirs thing i tried03:20
mamefanI'm trying to get tomcat to start on boot.  The startup.sh script included with tomcat55 works great but the init script doesn't.  Where can I get more info on how to get this working on boot?03:20
baalsgatejrib , ok i will have a look at that cheers03:20
robiliveok, I'm going to reboot and to try if it work :D see you later :D03:20
jared does anyone know if ubuntu is compatible with nvidia audio hardware? i have no sound on my laptop after installing ubuntu03:21
thiebaudeopenoffice.org-core, openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, openoffice.org-write, this is in 8.0403:21
jalshow the hell do i fix this03:21
jalsi don't even know what to search for to google it03:21
jriborudie: you detach from a screen session with C-a d  and then reattach later with the command 'screen -r'03:21
thiebaudeim testing 8.04, jack03:21
orudiejrib: you said screen -r03:21
sfearsjust an idea.. if you changed the compiz setting from ctrl+arrow to a setting that was already used in compiz it may have then replaced that one with ctrl+arrow.. make sure there's no settings in compiz using that jals03:21
Jack_Sparrowthiebaude, You need to ask in #Ubuntu+103:21
khylecan anyone help me how to log in to my yahoo id jus like yahoo messenger?03:21
jriborudie: it's a command you run in your shell03:21
thiebaudekewl, thanks03:21
orudiejrib: yeah i tried that, it returned output03:22
chiefwigmshey guys - anyway to get kubuntu to have desktop spanning (have windows between desktops) like ubuntu?03:22
jalssfears, i tried changing it once again to ctrl + arrow and it didn't tell me there were any conflicts so i don't think it's that03:22
jriborudie: tell me03:22
jalsi'll just try restarting x i guess03:22
sfearsjals, disable compiz & see if they come back.. if they do then it's a compiz issue.. if they don't then it's something else..03:22
jalshow do i do that sfears?03:22
sfearssystem/administration/appearance set it to none03:23
sfearsi think03:23
thiebaudejack, i'll try and reninstall openoffice03:23
Karsythwhats the command to see all processes running again?03:23
StarnestommyKarsyth: ps aux?03:23
sfearsjals, system/prefs/appearance03:23
jalsgot it03:23
jalsah yes03:23
jalsthat fixed it03:23
orudiejrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59443/03:23
jalsguess that is the problem03:23
mamefanI'm trying to get tomcat to start on boot.  The startup.sh script included with tomcat55 works great but the init script doesn't.  Where can I get more info on how to get this working on boot?03:24
sfearsok.. then it's definately with compiz jals there's a setting in there somewhere overriding03:24
jriborudie: do you see what it is telling you?03:24
tyler_c6what is going on03:24
orudiejrib: yes03:24
tyler_c6i like socks03:24
* sfears got a new job today tyler_c6 03:24
sfearsit's goin on03:24
tyler_c6i c03:25
chuy_maxhi, is there a command to know what shell am I using?03:25
orudiesrib: so say i would to resume the second one, what exactly would i type ?03:25
tyler_c6i gotta take a shit womeone wanna help with that03:25
Jack_Sparrowjals, Please watch the language03:25
sfearsi'm sure they do tyler_c6.. you should be a little more descriptive03:26
tritium!language | tyler_c603:26
ubotutyler_c6: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:26
M__hey went to update to hardy and my laptop battery died part way through. I can't log in through the gui and I did dpkg --configure -a and now errors were encountered when processing: policykig, hal, gnome-mount, ubuntu-desktop, gnome-session, and more what should i do?03:26
orudiejrib: so say i would to resume the second one, what exactly would i type ?03:26
|2-bits|Wow, who are all these charming people03:26
tyler_c6does poop work better for ya03:26
sfearsyes it does03:26
iobeliskhi guys, i have a pretty serious problem, i think. i was in the middle of a update (testy hardy alpha) and the update process showed an error because of missing dependencies. i had to manually restart the computer and now in normal boot mode the system sort of stalls (for loooooong) on 'staring system logs daemon', when i try recovery mode, it drops to bash, asks me for my username, i enter it, hit enter, and nothing, it fails. i restart a03:27
amenadochuy_max-> type shell --version  i think this will tell you03:27
jriborudie: screen -r 8924.pts-1.ubuntu03:27
bruenigiobelisk: this channel is for the current version of ubuntu03:27
amenadoiobelisk-> go see #ubuntu+103:27
chuy_maxamenado, command not found03:27
|2-bits|iobelisk: try ubuntu+103:27
bruenigchuy_max: replace "shell" withh whatever your shell is03:27
bruenigpresumably bash03:27
|2-bits|* #ubuntu+103:28
amenadochuy_max-> yes but it would have responded with a shell you currently have, most likely bash:..03:28
iobeliskbruenig, amenado, |2bits|, thanks03:28
orudiejrib: right, but how would i actually close putty without stopping the processes ?03:28
quakky_guys im getting this error when i try to test my playback ...audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.03:28
sfearsi hope dev gets better at resuming after shut down during update/install.. that's happened to me before03:28
chuy_maxbruenig, I have to know which shell I am currently using03:28
jriborudie: just click the x, screen will keep running03:28
bruenigchuy_max: echo "$SHELL"03:28
chuy_maxbruenig, that didn't work, suppose I use ksh, and do echo $SHELL, that gives me bash path03:29
stevendemorezi was wondering if anyone could give me a reason as to why particular processes folders show up in my loading of one kernel and not the other and as to how I could get these files to load up (I don't know why they didn't transfer over actually)03:29
bruenigchuy_max: well SHELL is the login shell03:29
rnartosanyone tried PloneFSS ?? is it good??03:29
bruenigchuy_max: what are you trying to do exactly?03:29
TrustNoOnevertically my desktop icons are spaced good, but horizontally they are too far apart, how can i change this?03:30
usserhello guys03:30
chuy_maxbruenig, know which shell I'm currently using03:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:30
bruenigchuy_max: why don't you already know?03:30
amenadostevendemorez-> what are you looking at?03:30
|2-bits|usser: Hello. Do you have a question03:30
usserchuy_max: echo $SHELL03:30
bruenigusser: that is for login shell03:30
usser|2-bits|: I have answers :)03:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:30
Y-TownLogMeIn does not work on Linux, Does anyone know a remote login program for linux that works similar to LogMeIn?03:32
usserbruenig: I see that's interesting how do you find out your current shell\03:32
pstvDoes anyone know a soundfont player for ubuntu?03:32
StarnestommyY-Town: vnc?03:32
tonyyarussoY-Town: uh, the VNC client of your choice?03:32
Gattonusser, echo $SHELL works for me03:33
chuy_maxGatton, that's the login shell, it has been said before ^^03:33
bruenigusser: you should just know03:33
mbomanIs there a alfa, beta or release candidate of the Mobile edition that I can download somewhere?03:33
bruenigI don't see why this would ever be useful03:33
Gattonchuy_max, well what shell do you suppose I'm in once I'm logged in?03:34
Y-TownStarnestommy: tonyyarusso  Does that work with a DHCP connection?  my web host doesnt give me static03:34
chuy_maxbruenig, that's a very interesting question, I was very curious if there was a way to know03:34
bruenigGatton: type dash right now in a terminal03:34
StarnestommyY-Town: it should as long as you remember the ip03:34
tonyyarussoY-Town: dyn-dns03:34
jriborudie: get it?03:34
Gattonbruenig, i get a dollar sign prompt03:34
bruenigGatton: echo "$SHELL"03:34
usserGatton: that's login shell03:34
Gattonbruenig, i get the same shell as before03:35
bruenigthat is not a login shell, that is the dash shell03:35
bruenigGatton: but the shell you are actually using is dash, not bash03:35
bruenighence, that method is fail03:35
Y-Towntonyyarusso: I think that might be the solution  :o)03:35
Gattonbruenig, you learn something everyday :-) thanks03:35
* usser well yea I mean you should know what shell you are running03:35
Y-TownStarnestommy: I dont have control of when I loose it  :O(03:36
usserbut still03:36
Gattonbruenig, so is dash supposed to be a compatible replacement for bash?03:36
bruenigbasically here is how I see it, if you haven't explicitly called another shell, you are using the login shell, which you can find out using echo $SHELL. If you have explicitly called another shell, then you know because you called it after all.03:36
bruenigGatton: they aren't compatible completely03:37
scottso how do I disable Xgl?03:37
scottI'm tired of compiz crashing on me, I want to switch back to pekwm03:38
nickrudbruenig: when I do dash (learning my daily thing here) env  reports _=/bin/dash, is that repeatable with other shells? I don't have another installed to test with at the moment03:38
scottbut I can't quite figure out what's starting xgl, and pekwm seems unable to grab the root window with it running03:38
bruenignickrud: when I do env, I get _=/usr/bin/env so...03:38
karuna_bd1does anyone know where to learn c++ (for really really beginner)03:39
bruenigkaruna_bd1: a book of course03:39
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karuna_bd1bruenig:  any good recommendations? books are really expensive in malaysia03:40
nickrudbruenig: I see that when I'm in my login shell, I guess I'll install a couple others to test. Hope I don't get lost in them :)03:40
bruenigkaruna_bd1: I don't know, you can probably piece it together from online stuff if you wanted to03:40
orudiejrib: thanx bro, this worked out perfect03:40
* usser zsh FTW03:40
bruenignickrud: oh I see that when I am in my login shell too03:40
bruenigzsh is a neat toy03:41
bruenigscripting in it is silly however03:41
orudienickrud: hey, i fixed my database by just simply reinstalling phpmyadmin03:41
nickrudorudie: heh. Nice03:42
nickrudI'm barely bash literate after all these years, I don't need to try another03:42
S82Anyone who can tell me what widgets people use to get full size'd icons on the bottom instead of the regular styled gnome look?03:42
Jack_SparrowS82, I use cairo-dock03:43
usserS82: you a mac style dock?03:43
S82sec ill show you what i mean03:43
usserS82: awn or kiba-dock if you have compiz03:43
Jack_SparrowI have compiz and cairo03:43
S82I guess thats cairo dock?03:44
amenadois having a program residing in ramdisk run any faster? or it only meant loading it is faster?03:44
usserS82: that's kiba-dock03:44
crdlbS82: that is avant-window-navigator03:44
Jack_SparrowS82, there are several themes... I use the cairo doc with osx theme03:44
ussercrdlb: is it? looks like kiba to me03:45
crdlbusser: yes :)03:45
roantrebhi all. Nice dock etc. S82 Anyone have an idea how to get texlive working03:45
S82crdlb, okay avant also known as awn yeh?03:46
roantrebgo on....crdlb......03:46
TrustNoOnecan u get linux for mobile phone03:46
jribroantreb: you just install it and it works :/03:46
crdlbS82: yup03:46
xtknightanyone notice KDE seems to be faster than gnome for large amounts of windows/movement?  just in general stuff redraws and feels faster, i dont know what it is03:46
amenadoTrustNoOne-> there are claims thats it has been done03:46
karuna_bd1TrustNoOne:  that would be cool03:47
S82cant find kiba nor awn under synaptic though, do i need to cvs it?03:47
chuy_maxxtknight, I actually feel gtk apps are faster than Qt apps03:47
roantreb......mmm..... From the distro site or is it meant to  be from a repository03:47
chuy_maxat least Qt < 4.003:47
xtknightchuy_max, really.  interesting.  i have the opposite experience03:48
zero88While in working on a file in Vim, how would i save and quit? I cant seem to be able to do it03:48
bruenigzero88: :wq :x ZZ03:48
bruenigpick one they all work03:48
xtknightyou have to press escape then type that03:48
bruenigyes be in command mode for sure03:48
Scunizibruenig, it's so easy.. how could we have not known that03:48
bruenigobviously in insert mode, it will just insert03:48
zero88bruenig,  ive tried that, and hit enter ,but nothing work03:48
scottwhat's a good way to tell what's got my root window locked?03:49
scotteven when I kill metacity, I can't start my other window manager03:49
bruenigzero88: what does it say at the bottom?03:49
zero88bruenig, insert03:49
bruenigzero88: you are in insert mode, see xtknight's message about how to get to command mode: esc03:49
xtknightzero88, press escape, type :wq the npress enter03:49
S82crdlb, or usser does it need to come from cvs or some other rep than the official?03:50
xtknightget in command mode, :wq (write+quit); enter (acknowledge command)03:50
zero88xtknight, bruenig there it is. thanks alot :)03:50
* bruenig uses :x most often03:50
xtknightzero88,  i like nano better personally.  nano's save is ctrl+W (write) i think and then ctrl+X exit if you find vim confusing.03:50
xtknighterr ctrl+O03:50
bruenigdepends on what you are doing with it, try programming in nano, not fun03:51
crdlbS82: it will be in the repos for hardy (the next release of ubuntu), but for gutsy you'll have to use some sort of 3rd party repository03:51
xtknighti just like gedit mostly, nice highlighting, etc03:51
`LePGeL[BoY]i miss this place03:51
S82crdlb, got any suggestions to any i can use perhaps? i dont wanna abandon gutsy for hardy :O03:51
* nickrud is itching to get his hands on a hardy rc03:51
zero88xtknight, ya vim is a little confusing i will try nano03:51
xtknightjust depends on what you're used to i guess03:52
bruenigjust run "vimtutor" you will figure it out03:52
Khisanthblock highlights can be very useful03:52
bruenigonce it does click in about 2 weeks, you will be good to go03:52
chuy_maxscott, why don't u logout and choose another wm03:52
`LePGeL[BoY]is hardy already out?03:52
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:52
usserS82: yea awn is not included you have to use third party repo03:52
adyhai cew03:52
scottchuy_max: I did, I've officially chosen no wm03:52
scottchuy_max: I log in, I have no window manager03:52
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:53
scottbut still, pekwm cannot grab the root window -- yet metacity has no problems.  I'm not quite sure what the deal is03:53
amenadois having a program residing in ramdisk run any faster? or it only meant loading it is faster?03:53
S82usser, ah well guessi ll just get the tarball03:53
chuy_maxScolo, how are you logging in, gdm?03:53
nickrudamenado: load faster, but it's kinda pointless, linux has pretty good caching03:54
BertoHi - I'm using brasero to burn my first DVD.  Do I need to include the VIDEO_TS directory on the DVD?  Is that the top level of the path?03:54
scottyeah I'm using gdm03:54
amenadonickrud i thought so too, i thought someone here mentioned about having a program in ramfs makes it faster, which  i doubted..anyhow...03:55
usserS82: there's a deb for it hang on03:55
xtknightkubuntu 7.10 is kde3 right?03:55
Starnestommyxtknight: it's still 3.503:55
chuy_maxscott, that's weird, let me see, I'm logging in pekwm, brb03:55
xtknightStarnestommy, is kde4 usable even?03:56
S82usser there is? some private repository or public one?03:56
xtknightout of alpha stage/etc03:56
Starnestommyxtknight: I've never tried it03:56
usserS82: here take a look here ignore all the stuff about ati drivers and just follow install tips for awn http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58162003:57
chuy_maxscott, I just logged out, select options-> session-> pekwm, I'm running it right now03:57
scottchuy_max: I should mention I'm trying to use pekwm with gnome, I had it working previously and have used a setup like that for eons.  But I'm trying to switch back from compiz-fusion to pekwm03:57
usserS82: I assume you have compiz installed and working?03:57
S82usser, aye ofcourse :) thanks alot :)03:57
usserS82: no problem03:58
scottchuy_max: I've always used pekwm with gnome, but with gutsy I thought I'd try compiz-fusion for a while...and I'm tired of Xgl freezing, so I'm moving back03:58
scottexcept I'm not having much bloody luck03:58
evilsensei wanted to install an irc server and services, which si the best combination03:58
scottbah fuck it, I'll just keep using compiz-fusion03:58
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:59
usserwhy didn't he just uninstall xgl04:00
SiegeMI'm with a problem with my internet connection04:01
SiegeMIt seems that it's okay, but the lookup takes a lot of time04:02
karuna_bd1anyone played alien arena?04:02
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usserkaruna_bd1: yea04:02
usserkaruna_bd1: its quake2 basically04:02
karuna_bd1usser: is it good? never played quake04:03
usserkaruna_bd1: yea its pretty fast paced and fun, openarena is better though as its based on quake3 engine04:04
karuna_bd1usser: ok cooll, im gonna install it04:05
Some_PersonIs there a way to play MIDI in XINE (possibly through TiMidity, which works great)?04:05
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ninjahello people, my question is this, how do i revert my system back to before it was updated? running ubuntu 8.0404:09
jribninja: reinstall04:09
jrib!downgrade | ninja04:10
ubotuninja: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.04:10
ninjaseriously thats my only hope huh?04:10
karuna_bd1ninja: kill and reinstall04:10
ninjai dont want to downgrade to an older ubuntu, i just want the updates off04:10
jribninja: then ask in #ubuntu+1.  This is support for stable versions only04:11
ninjathe updates killed my sound, so i figure that would fix it04:11
amenadoninja umm dont run updates ?04:11
ninjaum no shit but i already did04:11
cwillu_ninja, come to #ubuntu+1, nobody here cares04:11
Karsythis it possible to remove permissions entirely? its getting very tedious having to run commands as root and whatnot04:12
ninjalike i give a fuck if anyone cares lol, someone might04:12
Karsythim the ONLY one who is going to be using this PC04:12
jribKarsyth: what are you doing that requires sudo so much?04:12
Flannelninja: Hardy is alpha software.  #ubuntu+1 is the place for Hardy support, thanks.04:12
cwillu_ninja, nobody caring means nobody is going to help you here;  come to #ubuntu+1, stop the swearing, and I'll help you out04:12
Karsythjrib: i have to set permissions in my ET folder for each and every folder, and sometimes the permissions i change dont save. then i have to do it all over agin04:12
orudiedoes anyone here have or had any experience with srcds ? i have a rather simple question04:13
Karsythjrib: unless its extremely important, i would just rather not have permissions and have myself as the "root" or admin04:13
ninjai dont have clue one on how to switch channels04:13
cwillu_then say that :p04:13
cwillu_what program, xchat?04:13
cwillu_ /join #ubuntu+1 will usually do it04:13
jribKarsyth: explain your ET issue.  Running as root is dumb04:13
Damonfuck ubuntu04:13
ninjais there maybe a forum for noobs like me, i hit everything google spat out and ive got about 200 bucks worth of books that dont help at all04:14
Karsythjrib: in order for ET to save my cfg files i need the permissions to write and read04:14
Karsythjrib: that way it will save my profiles instead of having to make a new one each and every time i load04:14
Flannelninja: Why are you running Hardy?04:14
jribKarsyth: so explain what you are doing exactly.  What permissions are you setting?04:14
cwillu_ninja, hardy isn't ready for general use yet;  pretty much every place you would have downloaded it should have had warnings to that effect.  Things break on any given day, wireless, sound, x, etc04:15
ninjait DID work with my hardware, but not now, lost windows cant afford to buy windows again so i thought this linux thing would be cool, but its so broken04:15
Karsythjrib: i have to set permissions for my User (Karsyth) to write and read files, that way when i launch ET and make a profile i can SAVE it too. otherwise it doesnt save the profile04:15
Karsythjrib: i have to set the permissions for my ET folder and subfolders to be exact04:15
ninjaand ubuntu 7.** wouldnt even install04:15
jribKarsyth: type the exact commands you use04:15
Flannelninja: Right, but why not use the stable version? Ubuntu 7.10.  Hardy isn't fit for human consumption yet04:15
Karsythjrib: im just right clicking the folder04:16
cwillu_ninja, gutsy was the version to try.  Hardy breaks things that _were_ _working_, as thingsare developped04:16
Flannelninja: What wouldn't work with the install of 7.10?04:16
cwillu_ninja, however, join #ubuntu+1, or reinstall from 7.1004:16
ninjalike i said i dont know how to get to a dif channel, and i am runnin this ubuntu as the other ones didnt work, but im just looking for maybe a website that google hasnt sugested for a nob like me,04:17
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bazhangninja type /j #ubuntu+1 thanks04:18
Flannelninja: The most recent hardy updates broke (for pretty much everyone) : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72288604:18
ninjayour welcome, i guess bazhang04:18
scragardoes anyone have an acount for the ubuntu wiki? I have a tip on sound troubleshooting that's not listed, worked for me and another person when nothing else worked, so I think it should be listed04:18
* scragar cannot seem to find a register page for it....04:19
Flannelscragar: You can create an account.  Ah, let me grab it for you04:19
ninjasee scrager knows my pain, what did you do to fix it scragar?04:19
mkquistdid the new update break something?04:19
scragarsudo apt-get install asoundconf-gtk && asoundconf-gtk04:19
havenlessany way to make identd report another name?04:19
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cwillu_mkquist, motd :p04:19
scragarselect sound card in tiny box, close and suddenly it all worked04:19
bazhangninja if you need some help then so be it; there are people willing to help; if you wish to chat then /j #ubuntu-offtopic04:20
Flannelscragar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserPreferences04:21
bullgard4Why opens the MCVIEW(1) manpage if I instruct 'man view' in a Gnome terminal?04:22
ninjahow am i off topic, just want to know how to undo updates?04:23
Flannelninja: HARDY is offtopic in this channel.  We've explained how to get into the correct channel a number of times.04:23
JohnRoberthow can I restart alsa on ubuntu 7.10? It's gone funny but I don't want to restart my system04:23
jiggyI'm having some trouble with getting my geforce 8800gt to work on ubuntu04:23
ninjafuck the version im using, forget about hardy, what ever ubuntu im using wont the same thing work?04:23
jrib!guidelines > ninja (read the private message from ubotu)04:24
ninjaas far as undoing updates04:24
Flannelninja: No.  Because the issues thats wrong with hardy right now breaks everythign.04:24
bazhangninja oy with the language04:24
jribninja: you are using an alpha version.  Ask for help in #ubuntu+1, not here.04:24
ninjaput me on ignore if ya dont like it04:24
Flannelninja: We'd really like to see you install 7.10.  We can help you installing that if you'd like.04:24
jiggyI can't get a gui up, a driver issue I assume?04:24
gan i compiled a kernel , the aufs compiled for this not loaded perfectly with kernel why?04:24
jribninja: I don't want to ban you.  I want you to get help.  Please follow the rules04:24
gregbradyninja, oh my........not good04:24
bazhangninja please stop with the language04:25
ninjai repeat, 7.04 (all 4 burns) dont install, md5 checksum checks out04:25
ninjabut lets pretend that im using 7.0404:25
scragar:( just my luck, instant I register help.ubuntu stops responding...04:26
Flannelninja: What doesn't work about it?04:26
ninjathe install lol, im just sitting here now reading and hoping that someone with the same problem comes along, just ignore me, im done repeating myself04:27
Flannelninja: You broke your entire system with the update (on hardy) plain and simple.  Everyone who updated did.  There's not a whole lot we can do for you.04:27
ninjathats fine, ignore me now, maybe ill see some help come along04:27
jiggyAfter putting in a geforce 8800, I can't get the xserver to start, any ideas?04:27
Flannelninja: there are a whole bunch of people with the problem who are actually IN #ubuntu+1, and you may be able to get help there.04:27
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* Peng apt-get installs diffstat.04:28
PengUbuntu is weird.04:28
havenlessany way to make identd report another name? nobody knows?04:28
ninjaok well /j ubuntu+1 and /join ubuntu+1 did nothing, so if i could get there i would04:28
scragarninja: this that libc6 peoblem?04:28
Flannelninja: You need the # infront of it04:28
Flannelninja: /join #ubuntu+104:29
bazhangjust click the link04:29
ninjai dont know what that is scragar im sorry i suck, im only using linux to get email, about all its good for as far as i can tell04:29
Flannelninja: What doesn't work as far as the 7.04 (preferrably 7.10) install goes?04:29
Penggregbrady: That the base install (or at least the DVD) doesn't include random more technical utilities.04:29
gregbradyninja....www.microsoft.com.  Go nuts04:29
gregbradyPeng, such as?04:30
ninjathey giving away free copies gregbrady?04:30
alanbshepard70I'm trying to compile and install irxkeys for use with lirc but when I run make I get this error /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llirc_client Anyone know how to fix it?04:30
gregbradyninja, so you want free.....04:30
scragarninja: just asking, cos there's a thread about it in the forums, and some people found solutions there.04:30
gregbradyninja....and people to becon to your every need.  On your schedule....04:30
bazhanggregbrady: ease up okay?04:31
gregbradysorry....just annoying.04:31
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ninjayour annoying04:31
orudieirc beef !!!04:31
ouellettesrhello has anyone tried ubuntu mobile yet?04:32
jiggycan I get some help with my graphics card?04:32
jiggyxserver doesn't seem to like it04:32
scragarjiggy: what kind of graphics card is it?04:32
jribninja: I suggest you read the link I sent you earlier04:32
bazhangjiggy: what card and waht driver and how installed please04:32
jiggygeforce 880004:32
jiggyno drivers, to the best of my knowlege04:33
bazhangjiggy the 512MB one?04:33
macogwhow do i make sudo stop saying "password for $name:"?04:33
ninjayou sent me a link? dont bother, im just here to see if anyone shares my issue, not to chat04:33
macogwi want it to just say "password:"04:33
ouellettesrif anyone has tried ubuntu mobile yet i woul dlike to ask a couple questions04:33
Penggregbrady: Such as diffstat. And host, I think. whois?04:33
jiggylast time I put a new graphics card in everything just worked fine, then asked if I wanted to use a restricted driver04:33
jiggythis time around, I can't get a gui up04:33
EruditeHermithey, I just installed alpha 6 hardy, and I want to enable desktop effects with the ati open source driver but visual effects won't let me. It tries to install the fglrx closed driver if select the desktop effects. Is there a way around this? Also when I am typing the scim pops up and randomly changes the language.04:34
Flannelninja: We've told you.  Yes, lots of people do.  They're all in the proper channel talking about it, and working through it right now, without you.04:34
FlannelEruditeHermit: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks04:34
figuringouthi, i was trying to follow instructions to transfer files to my Nokia N72 using obexftp04:34
bazhangjiggy what resolution does your monitor support and what do you have it set at?04:34
figuringoutobexftp -u command fails, from the forums.04:34
jiggyfourteen by nine, I'm not sure what it's set at though04:34
jiggyI was using vga with onboard graphics when I switched04:35
gan i compiled a kernel , the aufs compiled for this not loaded perfectly with kernel why?04:35
jiggyI just noticed that in my xserv log file though, it says no screens were detected when it fails04:35
bazhangjiggy do you get a message like out of range or somesuch?04:35
jiggylemme take a look through my log04:35
condoranyone here do a net boot?04:35
bazhangcondor you mean the minimal install or something else04:36
ZimboHello... I've noticed that while this machine (Acer 4520 w/Ubuntu 7.1) works fine with regular sounds (I can play MP3's just fine and AlsaMixer runs), the regular "system beep" (such as when you hit backspace on an empty command line) doesn't sound (nor does the "beep" program work).  Any ideas why?04:36
gregbradyPeng, you can d/l diffstat04:37
condorno a network boot04:37
gregbradyPeng, from the Synaptic Package Manager04:37
PurpZeYCan someone help me out, I just built a brand new machine and I supplanted my old existing hard-drives, now I'm getting Grub Error 21 on boot up04:37
gregbradyPeng, it only takes a few moments04:38
condorgrub error means it wasnt set up properly04:38
jiggyok, a couple of times I get something like PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource04:38
Lovecatshi all does anyone know where i can get more visualizations for Totem?04:38
PurpZeYcondor: It was working 100% perfectly on my old box.04:38
jiggyalong with setting mode [resolution] failed04:38
Lovecatsor can u suggest an MP3 player that has better visualizations?04:39
jiggyI grabbed a driver from nvidia with lynx, but figured I should ask around here before trying to install it04:39
condordid you reinstall?04:39
usurpergoati need help...  i wasn't downloading anything and my harddrive filled up04:39
usurpergoati don't know how to figure out where the space went04:40
PurpZeYcondor: No, I had a dual boot on two hard-drives...I just built this new machine and moved the two hard-drives over instead of putting in new ones.04:40
gregbradyPeng, did you check it out?04:40
condoroh, well the harware is different so it sees a diff machine best bet is to reinstall04:40
PurpZeYcondor: but I don't want to lose my data....Isn't there a way to fix that?04:41
quakky_hey guys ubuntu isnt detecing my soundcard04:41
IcemanV9usurpergoat: you probably can find it by type in your terminal ... df -h04:41
quakky_I tried alot of "solutions" but it doesnt seem to work04:41
condoryea dont reformat04:41
quakky_the sound worked fine, but then i think i updated, and things hit the fan and spread all over the living room04:41
ninjaim having the same issue quakky04:42
PurpZeYcondor: So, just run the liveCD, hit install, but don't reformat? Will that mess with my dual-boot?04:42
condorno just do the guided install but no reformat04:42
quakky_by having, u mean u still didnt find a solution right?04:42
usurpergoatIcemanV9:  SDA2 100%   which is correct, i have a dual boot system04:42
quakky_what kinda soundcard do u have?04:42
condori mean yea to the livecd04:43
IcemanV9usurpergoat: what was filling up? /var? /usr? /?04:43
PurpZeYcondor: That will set up grub and everything as well?04:43
ninjanot sure, this is a laptop, but i m sure its an onboard intell soundcard04:43
condorand install all the new drivers04:43
usurpergoatit doesn't say04:43
quakky_i have a desktop...with intel chipset..but the soundcard i guess u can call it onboard04:44
PurpZeYcondor: I didn't think there was a necessity for that, but I will take care of that as well.04:44
techt0nixhow do i burn a ISO as a image file04:44
quakky_I have asus maximus motherboard, that comes with a pc-e x1 soundcard....04:44
cwillutechno_freak, right click on it04:44
IcemanV9??? it should show you the report file system disk space usage04:44
bazhangtecht0nix: right click open with cd/dvd creator04:45
M__hey went to update to hardy and my laptop battery died part way through. I can't log in through the gui and I did dpkg --configure -a and now errors were encountered when processing: policykig, hal, gnome-mount, ubuntu-desktop, gnome-session, and more what should i do?04:45
techt0nixbazhang, ty04:45
inssighthow do i take all rights away from a user except read04:45
FlannelM__: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks04:45
cwilluM__, -> #ubuntu+104:45
usurpergoatIcemanV9: /dev/sda2  37G  100% in use, mounted on /04:45
bazhangM__: #ubuntu+1 for that please ;]04:46
condoryea your new machine has diff components so it needs new drivers04:46
figuringoutany help with getting my nokia n72 working?04:46
usurpergoatIcemanV9: it doesn't give me any more detail04:46
figuringoutobexftp / wammu failed04:46
jiggyok, it looks like in the forums others have gotten the 8800 working with latest drivers04:46
jiggyI don't know why my xserver won't start though04:46
inssightand if possible, reading form only home dir and a specific directory on the system04:46
IcemanV9usurpergoat: in / directory ... wow. did you try to install or update when it happened?04:46
bazhangjiggy yeah the drivers are fine with that card; it is really nice apparently ;]04:47
bazhangjiggy likley you need to install them and reconfigure xorg before that will happen04:47
techno_freakinssight, chmod -wx+r foobar04:47
quakky_ninja: when u run 'alsamixer' do u get function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device04:48
gregbradyPeng, I hope you found what you were looking for!  If not, just ask here, a great bunch of people can help you out.04:48
usurpergoatIcemanV9: no, the only thing i was doing was listening to MP3 with Xmms and using Rdesktop.  then i got a pop up that said 100% full04:48
quakky_ninja: ?04:48
jiggyshould I tackle that from the command line, or unplug the card?04:48
ninjanot sure, ill try it and paste the results04:48
bazhangjiggy can you boot up in vesa?04:48
inssighttechno_freak,  so that takes away write, execute, and adds read?04:48
bazhangthe low res mode jiggy?04:48
techno_freakinssight, yes04:49
jiggyis that an option from grub?04:49
t-rexis it possible to update gnome to 2.2?04:49
inssightwould i create a group for the user where the group is only allowed in a certain directory?04:49
techno_freakinssight, use o-wx+r for others04:49
ninjaaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.04:49
IcemanV9usurpergoat: okay. /tmp might be filled up.04:49
quakky_ninja: ya im getting the same crap...04:50
ninjatime to go distrohoping again, maybe one will work, eventualy lol04:50
techno_freakinssight, you can create a group, make the file owned by the group and make something like g-wx+r o-rwx04:50
IcemanV9usurpergoat: in the terminal, type sudo aptitude autoclean04:50
stevendemorezhiya all I'm having problems with my v4l compatible webcam a program trying to grab from it is showing this error in the terminal VDIOCGCHAN: Invalid argument04:51
jribninja: use a stable ubuntu release...04:51
quakky_ninja: I think im giving up on ubuntu....thank god i duel boot..cuz i can go back to XP anytime04:51
stevendemorezif anyone can think of possible reasoning behind it04:51
ninjai thought hopefully someone would help you so id know how to fix my issue quakky, oh well, tried alot of forums, came up with nothing04:51
sCOTTohey can oneone tell me where to look to find out what would be blocking my SWAT from being viewable in the browser ?04:51
inssightwhat about making a whole directory for the group, is this step even necessary? can i just add a list of allowed dirs for the users prexisting group? ?04:51
bazhangheh and the wrong #channel04:51
ninjai wish i could, but i cant afford to04:51
IcemanV9usurpergoat: hopefully it will clean up/remove old stuff04:51
usurpergoatIcemanV9: lol, freed 0b of disk space04:51
quakky_jrib: u saying 7.10 is not "stable"?04:51
prince_jammystechno_freak: yeah, but if the user owns the file, can't he/she change the permissions?04:51
jribquakky_: ninja is not using 7.1004:52
jiggyhow do I boot in low res mode?04:52
bazhangquakky_: he's not using 7.10 ;]04:52
IcemanV9usurpergoat: how about this one ... sudo aptitude clean04:52
ninjabut we have the same issue, so the same fix will work04:52
bazhangnot so ninja04:52
quakky_jrib: well i guess that makes 7.10 unstable too..cuz im getting the same error even though sound worked find yesterday lol04:52
techno_freakprince_jammys, there should be some one able to change permissions, that's why i did not tell anything about user permissions, let him decide04:52
prince_jammysplus, if you change all files in the user's dir to read-only, the user might not even be able to log in04:53
bullgard4Why opens the MCVIEW(1) manpage, if I instruct 'man view' in a Gnome terminal?04:53
inssighttechno_freak, what about making a whole directory for the group, is this step even necessary? can i just add a list of allowed dirs for the users prexisting group? ?04:53
jribquakky_: "no sound" is caused by many different things04:53
usurpergoatIcemanV9:  there was no output referencing drive space..  when i type df -h i still got 100% full04:54
techno_freakinssight, i do not know the problem you are trying to solve04:54
petercoh7Can someone answer - what are some of the things that will prevent compiz "cube" from working ?04:54
bazhanginssight: could you specify a bit more please? which directory etc04:54
condoranyone here ever done a netboot with ubuntu?04:55
quakky_jrib: well for me, my ubuntu doesnt detect my soundcard..when i do that command to see the audio devices installed  i get this.."aplay: device_list:204: no soundcards found..."04:55
bazhangcondor how are you attempting this?04:55
jrib!sound > quakky_ (read the private message from ubotu)04:56
condorrunning a tftp server and then trying to get the laptop to see the server04:56
inssightok, well i have a directory on my computer i would like for my friend to be able to browse freely whenever he pleases, via ssh however i only want him to be able to access that directory, and his home dir04:56
jribquakky_: I don't know much about sound, but I can point you to the standard sound troubleshooting page04:56
IcemanV9usurpergoat: in the terminal, sudo du -sh /tmp04:56
olskolirchi hi04:56
jiggyhow do I boot in vesa?04:56
inssightand not be able to modify any files or execute anything unless it's in his home dir04:56
olskolircanyone know a good pdf reader where I can highlight my text in cool yellow and make notes within the reader?04:57
techno_freakinssight, and this other directory outside his home directory?04:57
inssightyes, correct04:57
=== cwe_1225 is now known as Fe_25
quakky_jrib: I have done everything but compile my own audio driver04:57
quakky_jrib: if that's what i gotta do then im reinstalling ubuntu04:57
usurpergoatIcemanV9: 728k04:57
gan i compiled a kernel , the aufs compiled for this not loaded perfectly with kernel why?04:58
condorbut when the laptop looks for the tftp it soesnt find the server04:58
olskolircreinstall quakky_ ?04:58
ninjahey quakky, did you download any software or just the updates?04:58
olskolircwhat's wrong quakky_ ?04:58
MeshezabeelI suddenly cannot see video in any video program (totem, mplayer, vlc, cinelerra, etc.) I can hear the audio, but cannot see the video, it doesn't matter on the video type, avi, mpeg, dv, etc. Any ideas what could be wrong?04:58
IcemanV9usurpergoat: use sudo du -sh each directory until you find one is so large, then go there and find the largest file04:58
condoryou dont have the codecs?04:58
olskolircsounds like you need the w32codecs Meshezabeel04:59
Meshezabeelcondor, I do have the codecs04:59
quakky_olskolirc: long story short..sound worked yesterday ..i did something..soundcard doesnt get detected today..followed all steps and searched the forums04:59
Meshezabeelthe videos were always working until just recently04:59
PurpZeYWhat's the exact command to reconfigure x, I changed gfx cards and x won't start?04:59
usurpergoatIcemanV9: ok,   thanks... youve put me on the right path04:59
ninjadido for me on that olsklirc04:59
smatt[matt@zeus iso]$ md5sum ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso05:00
smattd2334dbba7313e9abc8c7c072d2af09c  ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso05:00
smattis this correct?05:00
rabiddachshundI'm having a problem with vsftp. I can download but not upload. Any ideas?05:00
olskolircdid you try alsoconf quakky_ ?  you have to download it then just run alsaconf in the terminal05:00
Meshezabeelolskolirc, I do have the w32codecs05:00
condoretc/x11/x11.conf or soemthing05:00
IcemanV9usurpergoat: alright. good luck in finding it.05:00
jrib!md5sums > smatt (read the private message from ubotu)05:01
olskolircMeshezabeel when all else fails, I dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then reapply my nvidia restricted driver05:01
quakky_olskolirc: no I actually havnt..ill try to figure out how to download it and run it05:01
Meshezabeelcondor, my xorg.conf file has not been changed05:01
ninjashoot i just tried alsoconf, said command not found05:01
usurpergoatIcemanV9:  any ones i might wanna check first?05:01
olskolircthat happened to me before Meshezabeel05:01
condorno that was for PurpZeY05:01
Meshezabeelolskolirc, okay, thanks will give that a try05:01
PurpZeYcondor: but there is a command sudo dpkg recongfigure xserver xorg or something like that...b/c I need to use a different driver.05:01
condorsorry didnt spcify05:01
Meshezabeelcon-man, ah, sorry :)05:01
Meshezabeelcondor, lol05:02
olskolircquakky down load it like this: sudo apt-get install alsaconf05:02
inssightsorry guys but i have to run.. i'll post on the forums later05:02
smattseriously, can someone verify the md5's for me? I can't find them on the ubuntu.com website05:02
condoroh you mean to totally reconfigure the card05:02
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.05:02
jribsmatt: I just linked you to them.  Check your private messages05:02
smatti even searched "md5 sum" and it yielded no results05:02
pajamiansmatt: they are in the same place where you downloaded th eiso05:02
bullgard4How long takes Tracker to index all files (e-mail, /home and /usr/src)? Mine keeps working for hours. It seems to be broken.05:03
olskolircanyone know a good pdf reader where I can highlight my text in cool yellow and make notes within the reader?05:03
smattjrib: I didn't get a msg05:03
jrib!md5sums | smatt05:03
ubotusmatt: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.05:03
smattubotu: thanks05:03
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:03
pajamianolskolirc: the only program that I know of that lets you make notes on a pdf is flpsed, and it doesn't let you highlight.05:03
hennoLinux henno 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux05:03
hennobut only one core is shown05:03
tritiumbullgard4: it always runs, I believe05:03
hennoany ideas?05:03
PurpZeYCan someone please tell me the command for reconfiguring x. I just bought a new video card and I can't start x....I know it's sudo dpkg reconfigure, I think it's xserver xorg? Anyone?05:03
smattjrib: : thanks :)05:04
quakky_olskolirc: sudo apt-get install alsaconf doesnt work05:04
olskolirccool pajamian that's a start05:04
hennoq6600 processor05:04
tritiumPurpZeY: xserver-xorg05:04
jrib!xconfig > purpzey (read the private message from ubotu)05:04
prince_jammyssmatt: from the internet, i got d2334dbba7313e9abc8c7c072d2af09c05:04
olskolircit doesn't quakky_ ?  let me try05:04
ninjadidnt work for me either quakky05:04
olskolircwow they took out alsaconf05:04
PurpZeYHow do I know which driver to use for my new card?05:05
pajamianolskolirc: also, it actually works on .ps files, but it has an internal importer and exporter (which doesn't always work, I've had to manually convert with pdftops at times).05:05
usurpergoatIcemanV9:  /var   31G    i think i found it.. lol05:05
bullgard4tritium: No, this would be evil. Only the trackerd is a process that does not stop. But it usually sleeps.05:05
tritiumbullgard4: I'm not sure.  I don't use it.05:05
PurpZeYHow do I know if it's nv or nvidia?05:05
smattok so check this. i burned that iso using k3b with the verify data option checked. i pop it in the desktop to install (with a freshly dban'd hard drive) and i can't get the thing to run. it throws I/O and read errors out05:05
condornv is nvidia05:05
bullgard4tritium: Thank you for commenting.05:06
olskolircI was reading about ps files today.  I don't know if I'll ever have any use for them pajamian ?  what's it like?05:06
smattI've tried with the generic ide options05:06
tritiumPurpZeY: that depends on if you want the open-source or proprietary drivers.05:06
IcemanV9usurpergoat: mine is only 184M    /var05:06
tritiumbullgard4: sure05:06
smattstill same thing05:06
PurpZeYtritium: Whichever works....05:06
tritiumPurpZeY: try nv first, then.05:06
smattso can i burn this same iso to my flash drive instead, to rule out it's my cdrom?05:06
quakky_olskolirc: i cant see any point in spending over 3 hours trying to solve my sound issue..i could have reinstalled and updated ubuntu 3 times ...05:07
tritiumPurpZeY: i.e, they should both work, but if you don't specifically need nvidia, stick with nv05:07
crdlbPurpZeY: you need nvidia if you want 3d acceleration though05:07
pajamianolskolirc: the thing about PDF is it's designed to not be modifiable, it's a sort of "electronic paper" format...05:07
olskolircquakky_ why don't you try the update button on the update manager.  that usually fixes things05:08
pajamianolskolirc: so you will be hard pressed to find any program that can edit them.  flpsed does about as good of a job as I've seen, and it can only add text, it can't remove anything.05:08
hennocan anyone help me out?? q6600, SMP kernel, but only one core showing up05:08
ninjaolskolirc thats what screwed quakky and i up is the updateing thing05:08
IcemanV9usurpergoat: something was filling up by either playing the app or updating went wrong. keep looking in /var especially /var/tmp and /var/cache. depends on what du -sh tells ya05:08
CVD-PRHey there, its there  a way to know the last time i log-on?05:08
olskolircor even go into software sources and find out what broke05:08
smatti see the article on lifehacker, but it specifies ubuntu-live.05:09
usurpergoatIcemanV9: something in /var/backup   its at 31G also05:09
PurpZeYcrdlb: I have a larger issue though. X failed to start, I believe b/c I specified the card in the wrong location...It's in PCI Express...What would that location be called xserver-xorg ?05:09
blindhey, can an op PM me, my friend is banned and doesn't know why05:09
olskolircohhh ok ninja05:09
smatti figure the same could be done with the desktop?05:09
quakky_olskolirc: im pretty sure i have the most updated version of linux,...and like Ninja said I had sound yesterday..updated today (cuz i was having graphics issues) and i couldnt hear anything05:09
jribblind: join #ubuntu-ops05:09
blindk, thanks05:09
olskolircthen apt-get deselect-upgrade05:09
ninjayeah, and i think this holds true for quakky also, but it dosent even recognise that there is a sound card05:09
olskolircthere was no better release then fiesty fawn if you ask me05:10
IcemanV9usurpergoat: okay. you're getting there. did u use backup app? or script?05:10
ninjasorry quakky, dont mean to speak for ya, but we are having the exact same issue, i knew i wasnt alone lol05:10
pajamianolskolirc: and if you print from linux then you use ps files.05:10
olskolircohhh ok pajamian05:10
quakky_well apt-get deselect-upgrade doesnt work either05:10
bazhangninja yours was an update to hardy; different from quakky_'s issue05:10
olskolircoh wow05:10
stevendemorezcould anyone tell me how to access and manipulate my webcam so I don't get a chan error?05:11
quakky_i think im gonna go boot up windows xp...*sigh*05:11
olskolirchow is hardy?05:12
usurpergoatIcemanV9: apparently so.. lol there are backup files from 1 year ago..05:12
condorquakky_,  you are using sudo right?05:12
PurpZeYCan someone help me reconfigure x properly to start with my new video card. I am getting "Failed to initialize device" and Screens found, but none have usuable configuration05:13
quakky_im putting sudo apt-get deselect-upgrade ..thats how u do it right?05:13
dannycan anyone help me learn how to install programs05:13
PurpZeYdanny: You can install programs 3 different ways.05:13
PurpZeYdanny: 4 really.05:13
bazhangjiggy: could you hit ctrol alt f1 when you get the black screen and try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:13
Daisuke_Ido!repositories > danny read the message from ubotu05:14
IcemanV9usurpergoat: ok. you need to decide to remove it or not. or move it to another place such as external drive (if you have one).05:14
bazhangdanny: sudo apt-get install packagename after you have the repos enabled and refreshed/reloaded05:14
hennoanyone have a q6600 and can help a dude out?05:14
Daisuke_Idoi'm thinking synaptic would be a better way for someone that knows NOTHING about installing05:15
quakky_<condor> the only reason i probably going back to xp (for the 2nd time) is because xp doesnt require u to spend 2 days trying to get ur graphics card and sound card to work .... it's all about the drivers..05:15
condorive never had probs with grfx or sound cards05:15
usurpergoatIcemanV9: nah, i just want to delete them  im in the directory now as root...   whats the command to delete?05:15
quakky_well i probably do cuz the hardware i got is pretty new05:15
ninjawhat kind of equipment you using condor, or do you have a phd in programming05:16
condorive been hacking for 25 yrs...05:16
petercoh8hi, can someone help me with compiz ?  I have an onboard Intel graphics controller and I'm wondering if it will work at all05:16
ninjaah ok05:17
condorits not rocket science05:17
PurpZeYpetercoh8: It can work depending on the card and how much ram you have...it's sort of slow.05:17
thiefnesspetercoh8: i have an intel mobile graphics card and it works with compiz05:17
ninjano its more complex than that05:17
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot condor this might help; if not I have one other link for you05:17
condorbazhang, ill check that out05:17
ninjalike when installing from tar and the dependancies need dependencies05:17
petercoh8I've got 1GB Ram05:17
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet this is it condor05:17
petercoh8and it's an 82865G Intel Controller05:18
SisyphusINChow do you enable dvd playback in ubuntu?05:18
PurpZeYCan anyone help me get x started with dpkg-reconfigure...I just installed a new gfx card and I can't get any GUI at all...I think I gave dpkg the right settings so I don't know why it's failing05:18
jrib!dvd > SisyphusINC (read the private message from ubotu)05:18
IcemanV9usurpergoat: to play safe .. rm -i *.<filename extension>  (it'll ask you before remove)05:18
bazhangpetercoh8: the experts in #compiz-fusion can sort that in no time ;]05:18
condorok cool the first one i read not the second thanks bazhang05:18
petercoh8hey thanks05:18
ninjawhats this private message from ubotu?05:18
PurpZeYIt's secret.05:19
bazhangcondor sorry to keep you waiting05:19
quakky_it's when u do things like !sound05:19
condorno its cool05:19
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:19
usurpergoatIcemanV9: rm: cannot remove directory `2007-03-12_00.00.02.236818.supergoat-laptop.inc': Is a directory05:20
SisyphusINCwhy is the a diagonal break across my video playback?05:20
bazhangah ninja? the sound issue for hardy #ubuntu+1 is a bit different, okay? there are actual people in there right now troubleshooting it if you really want to get that fixed05:20
tritiumninja: wrong channel for Hardy.  You've been told before!05:20
IcemanV9usurpergoat: that's okay ... i will tell you how to remove that dir after you finished empty out /var/backup05:21
ninjawhat tritium? im not talking/typing05:21
PurpZeYThis is the last time I will repeat, so I am sorry...But, is there anyone who can please help me with a dpkg-reconfigure in order to get my new gfx card working...I am stuck in CLI and I don't know how to fix it.05:21
bazhangPurpZeY: you stuck with out X?05:22
tritiumPurpZeY: state the question05:22
olskolircPurpZeY dpkg-reconfigure <your X display05:23
PurpZeYtritium: I just installed a new graphics card. X will not start. I tried walking through reconfigure to no avail and I don't really know exactly what settings in reconfigure I need to make it work again05:23
bullgard4Is 'kill -9 15904' the proper syntax to stop Tracker from indexing?05:23
usurpergoatIcemanV9:  i got it now.  :D   rm -r  *.inc05:23
olskolircFliesLikeABrick: dpkg-reconfiger xerver-xorg05:23
tritiumPurpZeY: did you select nv, as I told you?05:23
stevendemorezI'm getting a vdiocgchan: invalid argument line after any v4l dov4l queries to my webcam... any ideas as to how to alleviate this?05:23
PurpZeYtritium: I tried both nv and nvidia05:23
nix_chix0rI think people should check this link out. http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=pbrcxtwqob if that doesn't simplify linux nothing will. imo05:23
tritiumPurpZeY: then what?05:23
IcemanV9usurpergoat: ok. you got it. :P05:23
olskolircmy irc just went ballistic on me05:23
olskolircok PurpZeY I have it05:24
usurpergoatIcemanV9:now i just have to turn off that backup..   thanks a million, i had no idea on how to figure out where all my disk space was going.05:24
PurpZeYtritium: Then I followed the the reconfigure and I got "Failed to initialize..." "Screens found but no configuration." I can tell you what other erros you need to know but I can't paste it b/c I have no way of doing so.05:24
IcemanV9usurpergoat: got lots of space back now?05:24
tritiumPurpZeY: understood05:24
olskolircPurpZeY do: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then reapply your nvidia driver in restricted drivers05:24
bazhangPurpZeY: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:24
usurpergoatIcemanV9: but i knew i wasn't crazy when my HD kept getting fuller and fuller...05:24
PurpZeYolskolirc: I am in feisty...05:25
olskolircit should still work PurpZeY but I don't know about reapplying the restriced nvidia driver part.  I don't remember05:25
usurpergoatIcemanV9: 239M in /var now05:26
IcemanV9usurpergoat: i have seen it quite often at work; sometimes i get paged when the disk is 100% full05:26
PurpZeYolskolirc: That should not be an issue for me b/c I am in fiesty. I don't have restricted drivers manager...I know the issue you speak of.05:26
IcemanV9usurpergoat: now that looks right.05:26
usurpergoatIcemanV9:  thanks again, time for bed.  cya05:27
olskolircI loved fiesty but I'm spoiled on Gutsy now.  ever think about upgrading PurpZeY ?05:27
quakky_alright guys im outta here..thanks for the help.. but 1 last question..should i post on the forums to try to get a solution?05:27
IcemanV9usurpergoat: terrific. have a good night.05:27
bazhangPurpZeY: indeed would be worth an upgrade05:27
PurpZeYolskolirc: I'd consider it, but I like my setup and I don't like risking things. That being said atm my priority is to get *something* working05:27
bazhangquakky_: for alsa?05:27
olskolircyes quakky_ post05:28
quakky_bazhang: ya05:28
quakky_olskolirc: ok05:28
bazhangquakky_: some really brilliant folks in #alsa05:28
PurpZeYbazhang: Like I said, it would be something I'd consider....if feisty was working...atm I have CLI...05:28
olskolircoh im sorry PurpZeY i forgot, what was broke again?05:28
bazhangPurpZeY: get the alternate cd that will do the trick; www.ubuntu.com05:29
quakky_bazhang: oh good idea..ill join that channel see if they can do something05:29
PurpZeYolskolirc: I just put a new gfx card into my machine...now I got no x. They are both nvidia cards this one is just much better.05:29
PurpZeYbazhang: While I appreciate the advice I would hope that the fix for the problem isn't, upgrade, that will fix it for sure.05:29
bazhangquakky_: a bit quiet at times, but they will get it sorted when they are awake ;]05:29
Karsythi cant figure out how to search a folder for all files it contains. can anyone help?05:30
olskolircoh yes, PurpZeY : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg you'll be fine05:30
PurpZeYolskolirc: I did that05:30
PurpZeYolskolirc: Perhaps I am missing a step in that process....which is sort of what I've been asking05:30
olskolircewwww bad05:30
prince_jammysPurpZeY: what card is it?05:30
olskolircI don't know PurpZeY05:30
olskolircdownload nvidia (new)05:31
PurpZeYprince_jammys: GEForce 8800 GT05:31
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
PurpZeYprince_jammys: That change the situation at all?05:32
olskolircI have an issue nobody can solve.  I have a projector for my monitor on an 80 inch hdtv wall hang.  I want it to spread out more.  Do I adjust the params in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?  I'm scared05:32
olskolircto make it wider to fit05:33
prince_jammysPurpZeY: no idea, i'm looking in google :)05:33
bmac2I have untunt and kubuntu installed on several machines, but I am having issues with my dell server05:33
quakky_bazhang: lol seems #alsa is kinda dead05:33
bmac2I can install every distro / OS on it except for ubuntu/kubuntu get a squashfs error05:33
bmac2part of the way through the install05:33
PurpZeYprince_jammys: Good idea. If I don't get a fix soon, I'll kick it around tomorrow I guess....But maybe you'll turn up something...Shoulda do it myself.05:33
bmac2anyone seen this before?05:34
bazhangquakky_: hehe well I warned you; but when they are awake they can fix most things in short order05:34
prince_jammysPurpZeY: you don't have envy installed right?05:34
PurpZeYprince_jammys: No.05:34
prince_jammysPurpZeY: ok good.05:34
bmac2I tried the aic7xxx.aic7xxx=no_probe switch05:34
quakky_bazhang: alright..well it wont hurt to post the problem on the ubuntu forums, and thats what im planning on doing. thanks05:34
bazhangquakky_: okay; sorry I stink at fixing sound problems05:35
olskolircwouldn't envy be a good thing prince_jammys ?05:36
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »05:36
olskolircohhh i see05:36
prince_jammysPurpZeY: is this what you get?:05:37
prince_jammys(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!05:37
prince_jammys (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration05:37
PurpZeYprince_jammys: YES!05:37
grizlo42i am having an apache crisis05:37
grizlo42i deleted a folder in var/www/05:37
grizlo42and then added a new folder05:37
prince_jammysPurpZeY: you know how to browse the web from CLI?05:37
grizlo42and when i go to local host, the new folder doesn´t appear05:38
quakky_btw guys when is the next big upgrade happening to ubuntu? i heard it was like less than a month05:38
prince_jammysPurpZeY: use www-browser or install "elinks" for nicer display05:38
prince_jammysPurpZeY: check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66501805:38
chuy_maxPriceChild, w3m?05:38
grizlo42and the folder i reset contents of came up with an error, saying index.php can´t be found05:38
grizlo42and i know it is in there05:38
PurpZeYOut of curiosity....Just to complicate the issue...I did more than update my gfx card. I actually rebuilt my machine completely and supplanted the harddrives....Might I be better off just installing over my current install?05:38
grizlo42anyone know what to do?05:38
grizlo42i reset cache05:38
chuy_maxprince_jammys, w3m?05:38
prince_jammyschuy_max: that too05:39
bazhangPurpZeY: that can be fixed as well most likely; just need to setup grub again05:39
TonyWongIs the wifi setup via CLI under Ubuntu and gOS same?05:39
prince_jammysPurpZeY: check out that thread.  you can do :  www-browser http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66501805:39
bazhangTonyWong: the ifconfig iwconfig sudo dhclient eth0 etc like that?05:40
PurpZeYprince_jammys, bazhang: grub is working fine. But it is literally a brand new computer....Maybe a fresh install would be better05:40
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 TonyWong this is the ubuntu cli way ;]05:40
grizlo42pls anyone?05:41
grizlo42i really need this by tomorrow05:41
bazhangPurpZeY: never reinstall when you can spend hours in here ;]05:41
chuy_maxgrizlo42, create an index.html in /var/www05:42
prince_jammysPurpZeY: if you want ... but you should be able to fix this problem without reinstalling. if looking online from CLI is annoying, boot from live CD05:42
bullgard4Is 'kill -9 15904' the proper syntax to stop Tracker from indexing?05:42
bazhanggrizlo42: have you tried #apache ?05:42
chuy_maxand type localhost grizlo42 in firefox05:42
PurpZeYbazhang: No, I'm serious....I am asking a real question....I built literally scrapped my entire machine except for my hard-drives....Now also Ubuntu isn't recognizing my network card....Is a new install a better way to go?05:42
chuy_maxgrizlo42, does it work?05:43
PurpZeYprince_jammys: Ubuntu is not recognizing my network card either.05:43
bazhangPurpZeY: I am serious too (except for the length of time); that should be fixable; one problem at a time though05:43
olskolircoh hell PurpZeY at that point scrap it all lol05:43
grizlo42the index.html thing works05:44
olskolircI was fooling around with kde4 the other day and messed my system up really bad05:44
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, thanks, I ran dpkg-reconfigure, and removed the nvidia proprietary drivers. Video playback now works fine, however, when I re-enable the nvidia drivers, I just get a black screen on videos again.05:44
chuy_maxgrizlo42, ok, rename it for index.php, what happens?05:44
olskolircI had to uninstall kde and reinstall kde and kubuntu to get it back05:44
grizlo42let me try05:44
olskolircthank god my files systems were still there and all my hard work05:44
PurpZeYDifferent question: If I install without formatting, will Ubuntu still have my files present?05:45
stevendemorezis there a v4l2 wrapper or something to make your device compatible to v4l programs05:45
bazhangPurpZeY: if it is a rather fresh install then just reinstalling would be a good choice, but if you have tons of data you want to save then you might want to try fixing it; just something to consider05:45
PurpZeYbazhang: I was under the impression that if I reinstalled without reformatting I wouldn't lose data.05:45
grizlo42it still works05:45
bazhangPurpZeY: seperate /home partition?05:45
grizlo42if rename it05:45
PurpZeYbazhang: That the only way....Otherwise if I install over I'm out of it?05:46
chuy_maxgrizlo42, ok, so problem solved, isn't it?05:46
TrustNoOnehow can i change the permission of /usr/share/azureus so that i can write to it, so that azureus can do updates without running as root?05:46
Meshezabeel1any more ideas olskolirc?05:47
bazhangPurpZeY: if you explicitly created a seperate home partition then a reinstall will leave your data alone; if not then no05:47
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, use chmod05:47
PurpZeYbazhang: I did not.05:47
olskolircsound issue right Meshezabeel1 ?05:47
grizlo42let me check05:47
grizlo42i don´t think so05:47
grizlo42cause if i delete index.html05:47
grizlo42then it shows the folders05:47
olskolircor video Meshezabeel105:47
TrustNoOnechuy_max, yeah i got that far but i dont know the entire command to use05:47
grizlo42and it doesn´t show all of the ones it should05:47
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, video, yes05:47
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, are you aware of permissions?, rwx?05:48
olskolirccan you pull the card?05:48
olskolircand reinstall it05:48
TrustNoOnechuy_max, would it be "sudo chmod +w /usr/share/azureus"05:48
j_Is there a command to revmove an synaptic package manager files?05:48
grizlo42problem still there05:48
olskolircoops, Meshezabeel1 pull the card and reinstall it05:48
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, give full permissions with sudo chmod 777 /usrblabla05:49
PurpZeYbazhang: I have one crucial partition that is NTFS that I would NEED to save. Otherwise, I'd be OK.05:49
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, it is my playback of avi, mpeg, dv, wmv videos that don't work when nvidia proprietary drivers are enabled, it used to work fine but suddenly stopped working last week05:49
bazhangj_: something you installed with synpatic you wish to remove with the cli? is that the thrust of your question?05:49
olskolircohhh ok Meshezabeel105:49
TrustNoOnechuy_max, i dont want full permission, just write so it can do updates, so would i use that command i previously mentioned?05:49
grizlo42what is the terminal command to remove all php, mysql, and apache stuff from my comp05:49
grizlo42so i can re install05:49
prince_jammysPurpZeY: you said you just updated everything ... do you have another hard drive lying around?05:49
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, yes, you can also do that05:49
j_bazhang yep05:49
olskolirclet me think a second Meshezabeel105:49
PurpZeYprince_jammys: No. But I imagine I could buy one.05:50
bazhangj_: sudo apt-get remove packagename05:50
j_bazhang for example i accidently install this game call abuse05:50
j_bazhang thanks05:50
olskolircMeshezabeel1: cat > /dev/video005:50
grizlo42but do you know which packages i need to remove?05:50
PurpZeYprince_jammys: Everything except my harddrives...The idea was to save my hard-drives and just supplant them over to the new machine.05:50
olskolircsmack it around a bit lol05:50
bazhangolskolirc: not very helpful05:50
prince_jammysPurpZeY: you could also try to copy your files to the ntfs partition and then copy back after reinstall ...05:50
olskolircsee if he gets scribble bazhang05:51
chuy_maxgrizlo42, what is the problem, I thought you couldn't open php scripts05:51
prince_jammysPurpZeY: or burn to cd, if they fit05:51
olskolircI'd kill to get my mythtv going05:51
TrustNoOnechuy_max, and so changing permission to write for /usr/share/azureus will only affect azureus folder, not the folders containing it right? so usr and share will not be +w?05:51
olskolircim using a pvr card and im running it through vlc05:51
bazhangolskolirc: mythbuntu?05:51
olskolircsay what bazhang ? /me mouth hanging open05:52
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, I think I just wiped out my /dev/video0 with the > in the line you gave me05:52
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, yes, if you want to include files and dirs under that directory, you want to add -R05:52
PurpZeYprince_jammys: I am not so terribly concerned about the files on my ubuntu drive....It's my other drive I want to try to save really.05:52
bazhangolskolirc: they have a channel for mythbuntu you know05:52
prince_jammysPurpZeY: the NTFS? that won't be affected05:52
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, chmod -R +w /blabla05:52
olskolircmy issue bazhang is that my config is full screen and my close doesn't close.  I have to restart X to get back05:53
olskolircwhat happened Meshezabeel1 ?05:53
PurpZeYprince_jammys: So, maybe I get a new install...if of course I can get my computer to recognize my SATA disc drive. If it did that, then I'd be reinstalling already.05:53
TrustNoOnechuy_max, ok that will only affect the folders azureus and the folders within it right? not the folders usr or share?05:53
prince_jammysTrustNoOne: right, the permissions will affect only the file you say (unless you do -R for recursive when changing permissions for a directory).  but the parent dirs will never be affected05:53
chuy_maxTrustNoOne, right05:53
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Meshezabeel1olskolirc, cat > /dev/video0 just hangs, when I try it without the > it says 'no such device', but when I ls, I see a /dev/video0 there05:53
prince_jammysTrustNoOne: still seems weird that you would need to do that with azureus, though05:54
bazhangolskolirc: the channel is #ubuntu-mythtv if you are interested05:54
olskolircoh its fine then Meshezabeel1 did you see scribble?05:54
kavikhow do i burn image to cd?05:54
olskolircthanks bazhang I'll write that down05:54
TrustNoOneprince_jammys, because it is the newest version which was a zip file that i just extracted to that location, it had no install script, it just has a run script05:55
bazhangkavik: right click open with cd/dvd creator05:55
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, scribble?05:55
olskolircerrr, its been a long time since I did that Meshezabeel1 did you hear static?05:55
chuy_maxkavik, you can easily do it with k3b/gnomebaker05:55
prince_jammysTrustNoOne: have you tried running it with sudo instead of changing permissions?05:55
kaviki'm on vista right now05:56
TrustNoOneprince_jammys, i do not want to run any program with sudo unless i have to05:56
prince_jammyskavik: go to places->cd burner and drag the image file into the window. then select "burn as image"05:56
bazhangisorecorder2 then should work kavik05:56
kavikI don't have anything to burn the image with05:56
PurpZeYTrustNoOne: I think the suggestion is you might have to in this scenario.05:56
chuy_maxkavik, download nero05:56
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, hear static from what? From the command you gave me? I didn't hear any static. When playing video I see a black screen, but can hear the audio fine.05:56
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kavikner, or isorecorder205:57
prince_jammyswhy? doesn't gnome already come with a cd burner?05:57
olskolircok Meshezabeel1 im crap out of clues, sorry05:57
bazhangwow prince_jammys knows #bash and vista--I'm impressed ;]05:57
chuy_maxkavik, nero is the most popular windows burning app05:57
prince_jammysbazhang: ?05:57
Meshezabeel1olskolirc, okay, no problem, thanks for your willingness to help :)05:57
prince_jammysbazhang: oh ... he's on vista?05:57
bazhangprince_jammys: sorry; just saw you in bash channel earlier05:58
prince_jammysbazhang: yeah, i'm always on that05:58
PurpZeYRight now I am just trying to get any operating system up and running. Apparently none of them like it when you replace the entire infrastructure of the machine and don't tell them05:58
bazhanghehe impressive05:58
PurpZeYI had a plan.05:59
PurpZeYIt just didn't work05:59
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bazhangPurpZeY: fixable in several ways that we have outlined here05:59
grizlo42my problem is that when i open localhost, it shows the file directories, which is ok, but they do not reflect the files/folders in /var/www/05:59
n2diy! i88005:59
grizlo42it has the contents from about an hour ago05:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i880 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:59
decaywhat does > in 'cat > something' do?06:00
j_Does PIDGEN music messaging plugin works? ? ? Its not working for me for some reasons06:00
PurpZeYbazhang: Realistically it seems like the Ubuntu fix is to reinstall, and I am OK with that...I don't think anything else is going to work...I see my boot screens...Ubuntu is looking for all sorts of hardware and failing to find it. That'd be the best fix.06:00
PurpZeYj_: Ask in #pidgin06:00
prince_jammysdecay: redirects the output to a file called "something"06:00
decayprince thanks06:00
chuy_maxgrizlo42, does it show /var/www/apache-default contents?06:00
Meshezabeel1PurpZeY, for windows, you could always try sysprep maybe06:00
kavikbazhang which bit do i want?06:00
kavikbazhang, 32 or 64?06:01
bazhangPurpZeY: that is more the windows way; really this can be worked on but not all of them at one go06:01
kavikbazhang, or should i get the command line cd burner?06:01
PurpZeYMeshezabeel1: I am currently running in safemode to recognize my new hardware...06:01
PurpZeYbazhang: I mean this in a non-degrading way. But so far, none of them can be worked on.06:01
grizlo42no, it shows the directory above that06:01
bazhangkavik what cpu do you have? core2 duo or amd 64bit?06:01
tgcondorhi, after a recent update, df -h shows 226G  225G 0 (Size  Used Avail) so my / is acting as full. Deleting files reduces "Used" but Avail remains at zero. Any idea why?06:01
kavikbazhang, i'm not sure, how do i check? system info?06:02
prince_jammysdecay: try : ls >myfiles  and then open the new file "myfiles"06:02
TrustNoOnehow can you view the permissions on a folder06:02
bazhangkavik: from vista?06:02
tgcondorTrustNoOne: ls -ld folder06:02
kavikbazhang, yeah06:02
draiconeHow can I upgrade some packages using the alternate ISO? I'm thinking I have to mount it and get synaptic to recognise it, but I can't work out how06:02
chuy_maxgrizlo42, weird, my apache reflects changes when refreshing, I don't have to clean cache06:02
bazhangkavik: do you know what make and model of your computer? there should be some sticker on it like intel inside or amd or somesuch06:03
kavikbazhang, it says processor: intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 440 @ 1.86GHz 1.87GHz06:03
bazhangkavik 32 bit then06:03
kavikbazhang, k thanks.06:03
tgcondordraicone: you mean update packages on your system but first booting from an alternate CD?06:03
decayprince_jammys: im following an exmaple in a shell scripting book that arrived today. (im 100% new to this). heres' the first example: http://slexy.org/view/s2049SEq6Q06:03
draiconetgcondor: no, like, instead of downloading the update packages, get them from the (mounted?) ISO06:04
CVD-PRHow to know the last time i lo-gon?06:04
tgcondorany help with the drive-full syndrom?06:04
kavikbazhang, lmao if i scroll down it says 32 bit operating system.. my bad...06:04
bazhangdraicone: just start up from the alternate cd and choose upgrade existing system or something along those lines06:04
decayI see the file gets created, and all the text after 'nurses' gets written to the file. but when i execute it, it says file too budy06:04
bazhangkavik haha06:04
draiconebazhang: Okay, great, thanks06:04
bazhangdraicone no worries ;]06:04
neo_how can i encrypt the data???    is there any preinstalled software????06:05
tgcondordraicone: you can also use dpkg -i with the path to your CD/ISO06:05
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draiconetgcondor: Okay, I'll try that too, thanks06:05
SkinnYPuppYDoes anyone remember an older linux version that had multiple logins available on multiple Fxx keys? Is there a way to have more than one session open in ubuntu?06:05
SkinnYPuppYI want to say it was redhat or mandrake.06:06
prince_jammysdecay: there's something wrong there06:06
bazhangSkinnYPuppY: what are you trying to accomplish?06:06
nix_chix0rsalut sauvin you are a stalker ;p06:06
kavikOn another note, what is the best IRC application? or.. which do you prefer? i'm using Leafchat, but i don't like it, it's too limited.06:06
neo_how can i encrypt the data???    is there any preinstalled software????06:06
tgcondorok, easier question. What keyword can I use in google or ubuntu forums to find info about my problem?06:06
tgcondorhi, after a recent update, df -h shows 226G  225G 0 (Size  Used Avail) so my / is acting as full. Deleting files reduces "Used" but Avail remains at zero. Any idea why?06:06
decayprince_jammys: do you know what?06:06
bazhangxchat is popluar kavik06:06
draiconeBy the way, are there any lightweight web browsers available that suit Ubuntu?06:06
tgcondori tried several searches but nothing relevant came up06:07
kavikdraicone firefox?06:07
neo_how can i encrypt the data???    is there any preinstalled software????06:07
draiconekavik: Way too bloated. I'm thinking k-meleon-like footprint.06:07
bazhangtgcondor: you might try an apt clean to get rid of the apt archives06:07
SkinnYPuppYThe ability to have two or more user logins with active sessions and ability to quickly switch b/t sessions06:07
mbrandtdraicone how lightweight?06:07
kavikdraicone ahh...06:07
bazhangneo_:  you can try truecrpyt06:07
draiconembrandt: Well, not exactly text based, but like a reasonably fast web browser06:07
chemicalHey room06:08
draiconeI need a spare one for internet banking and stuff (XSS/CSRF)06:08
neo_bazhang ::: can i encrypt the whole folder06:08
prince_jammysdecay: did you paste that code or is that part of the book?06:08
draiconeIs Epiphany reasonably lightweight?06:08
bazhangdraicone kazhezhase or something like that (forgot the spelling, sorry)06:08
chemicalHow can I participate into Skypecasts?06:08
chemicalvia my Ubuntu's skype06:08
chuy_maxneo_, gpg06:08
draiconebazhang, I'll have a look for it, thanks06:08
tgcondorbazhang: done that. I can delete big files, but it only reduces the "used" part of 'df' output, doesn't increase "available", and I still can't create files06:08
kavikIs it easy to have dual OS?06:09
SkinnYPuppYkavik: yes06:09
bazhangtgcondor: how big hard drive and how much remaining space06:09
tgcondorkavik: yes06:09
bazhangkavik si06:09
chuy_maxneo_, you could also create an encrypted file system, that might be what you want06:09
SkinnYPuppYI like running VMWare server so I have an XP machine running on my linux desktop06:09
kavikskinnypuppy, tgcondor, bazhang, ha ha, ok. thanks.06:10
chuy_maxneo_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto06:10
tgcondorbazhang: good question. something is fishy06:10
bazhanghttp://kazehakase.sourceforge.jp/ draicone06:10
chemicalHow can I participate into Skypecasts?06:10
neo_chuy_max:::::       will gpg encrypt a whole folder/..?????06:11
prince_jammysdecay: by the way, you can also get:  sudo apt-get install rutebook       (rutebook has a tutorial for the shell also) and you can view it in a web browser by pasting this in the address bar::  /usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html06:11
bazhangneo_: you mean folder or partition06:11
draiconebazhang: Cool, thanks!06:11
tgcondorbazhang: size 226G, used 225G, even though I deleted many gigs before rebooting06:11
neo_bazhang ::: a  folder06:11
prince_jammysdecay: another package you can get is abs-guide  (bash shell scripting guide, also viewable in a web browser)06:11
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bazhangneo_: then yes no problemo06:12
neo_bazhang ::: i need to transfer the data...06:12
dimitris82good morning06:12
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bazhangneo_: so transfer it ;]06:12
prince_jammysdecay: as far as the code in the site, it's messed up in several ways. would be nice if they had comments of what it's supposed to be doing06:12
neo_bazhang ::: how to use it???06:12
sauvinnix_chix0r, if you'll do a /whois on me, you'll see I join a bunch of channels. It's done by macro :D06:13
decayprince_jammys: thanks for the links. im installing. and they do have comments. ill post the entire thing hold on06:13
neo_bazhang ::: is there any gui program for this/???06:13
brysonmwhenever I boot, my computer loads my nic using the acx module...how do I tell it to instead use the ndiswrapper module?06:13
nix_chix0rsauvin, oui je sais06:13
bazhangquakky you still around? the #alsa folks just woke up ;]06:13
nix_chix0rit's still weird06:13
prince_jammysdecay: those two ebooks can be installed through apt (synaptic, apt-get, etc.)06:13
chemicaldimitris82 kalimera mipws ksereis na mpw se skypecast mesw Ubuntu?06:13
sauvinI'm no stalker, but... it does seem we have a number of interests in common :D06:13
SkinnYPuppYWhat are some common free webhosts now days?06:14
dimitris82I have ubuntu 5.10 server edition and i cannot update or install any program because is out of date... Can i upgrade to new version stable that i can install programs only and not change the kernel ? i have tried to upgrade to edgy but it changed my kernel and then i have on reboot kernel panic! any ideas ?06:14
nix_chix0rsauvin, yeah just linux and french crap06:14
neo_bazhang ::: is there any gui program for this/???06:14
bazhanghttp://www.truecrypt.org/faq.php neo_ best to read a bit first06:14
dimitris82chemical: kalimera den to exw psaksi pote kati tetio sorryz, sigoura sto google iparxei howto pos na to kanis06:14
decayprince_jammys: ya. i just installed rutebook06:14
nix_chix0rtrucrypt is fun06:14
sauvin(quelle langue est-ce que dimitris82 parle la-haut?06:15
dimitris82sorry sauvin06:15
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/02/truecrypt-v50-gui-released.html neo_06:15
chemicaldimitris82 afth ti stigmh to mono poy exw kataferei einai mono na akouw alla oxi na symetexw sta skypecasts06:15
l815how do i get root programs to use my gnome theme?06:15
nix_chix0rit's all greek to me;p06:16
sauvindimitris82, you don't need to be sorry to me, I was just being curious.06:16
prince_jammysdecay: rutebook has much more than shell scripting, but there's a shell section.  it also comes in pdf if you want to print (it's at /usr/share/doc/rutebook/rute.pdf.gz06:16
SuperQl815: how are you running them now?06:16
ubotu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes06:16
l815SuperQ, what do you mean?06:16
dimitris82sauvin: i couldnt understand you06:16
nix_chix0rsauvin,  check this link out, http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=pbrcxtwqob06:16
SuperQl815: what do you mean by root programs, and how are you running them?06:16
j_How do i install 'INSTALL' files  http://code.google.com/p/musictracker/06:16
l815SuperQ, my gnome theme seems to work with everything but root programs like Synaptic, which looks like 98 theme06:16
nix_chix0rdimitris82, well you're speaking greek, he's speaking french, so how about we just speak english06:17
neo_bazhang:can i hide all icons from my desktop including my own folders???06:17
l815SuperQ, it requires copying some files to some place but I don't remember lol06:17
dimitris82nix_chix0r:  I just nod with you sorry guys.. this was been rude06:17
bazhangneo_: did you even take a peek at those links? ;] if so you are a speed reader06:17
sauvinHe does this in front of an Apple laptop!?06:17
SuperQl815: hrm, gksudo should inherit06:17
j_How do i install 'INSTALL' files  http://code.google.com/p/musictracker/06:17
SuperQl815: let me run a test06:17
l815SuperQ, alright06:17
dimitris82I have ubuntu 5.10 server edition and i cannot update or install any program because is out of date... Can i upgrade to new version stable that i can install programs only and not change the kernel ? i have tried to upgrade to edgy but it changed my kernel and then i have on reboot kernel panic! Can anyone help me ?06:18
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TrustNoOnecan not update azureus even if chmod 777 because the new downloaded file does not take parent folder permissions, and so is unable to install. i am forced to run azureus as sudo when update is available :(06:18
l815SuperQ, only themes that I install do this, default gnome themes work fine06:18
tgcondordimitris82: do you care about programs or only data?06:18
bthorntonI'm trying to backup several gigs of data from an ext3 partition to a large FAT32 volume. I can't just copy the files because FAT32 won't preserve the permissions, and I can't just tar everything because FAT32 won't allow files larger than 2/4GB . Can someone help me with this?06:19
neo_bazhang: i just saved the pages   for future refrence...06:19
SuperQl815: Ohh, that makes sense06:19
dimitris82tgcondor: i have installed squid proxy, SambaShare (and i have many data there)06:19
SuperQl815: did you install themes by hand (command line?)06:19
bazhangTrustNoOne: why even bother with azureus? it is really a memory hog, and unstable as well--there are several other options such as deluge ktorrent, transmission; even utorrent under wine is better imo06:19
tgcondordimitris82: so you care about config files, basically06:19
dimitris82tgcondor: also i have backup my server with N.ghost ( i know this seems stupid , but worked for me)06:19
dimitris82tgcondor: yes i can say so06:19
tgcondordimitris82: I had a similar problem, it took a long time to make it stable,  but it can be done06:20
l815SuperQ, no i dragged and dropped in the appearance menu06:20
dimitris82tgcondor: is there any how to ? can you tell me i dont have a problem to do it06:20
SuperQl815: ok, so give me a min to figure out where gnome keeps these things06:20
tgcondordimitris82: what i did was put all the useful files in one place, e.g., /home06:20
sauvinnix_chix0r, why did you show me a link to a video explaining to tiny children how to install Wubi?06:20
l815SuperQ, alright thanks06:20
tgcondordimitris82: but i forgot the databases, so don't forget that!06:20
nix_chix0rsauvin, cause it's funny06:20
SuperQl815: I havn't played with non-default themse in a long time :)06:20
tgcondordimitris82: then i deleted all the program using rm /bin /sbin .. etc06:21
tgcondordimitris82: then I used the alternate CD to install a new system06:21
SuperQl815: where did you get the themes from?06:21
l815SuperQ, :P.. i'll brb though need to restart06:21
dimitris82tgcondor: on the same root right ?06:21
l815SuperQ, gnome-look.org06:21
SuperQl815: restart why?06:21
l815SuperQ, just installed some pre-released updates06:21
TrustNoOnebazhang, i do not have memory issues or unstable issues with azureus, i use it because its easy to configure port forwarding for it, and to disable DHT and decentralized tracking for my private sites, and it is one of the clients approved by my private tracker, i can not use anything not in the "approved list" and frankly transmission is not up-to-par with azureus, so i choose azureus over transmission which is one of their other06:21
TrustNoOne options for linux06:21
tgcondordimitris82: yes. i had additional requirement: i wanted to keep my raid volumes as is, and eventually it worked without loss of data except for databases because i did rm -r /var06:22
tgcondorbazhang: so it seems that I have a process that keeps filling up my drive. any idea how to find it?06:22
dimitris82tgcondor: it sounds to me a good option , but could just upgrade with aptitude only , without kernel ?06:23
tgcondorbazhang: humm .. i should 'man find'06:23
bazhangTrustNoOne: okay well one mans pleasure is another mans poison; transmission second to azureus--I just had some very bad experiences with that app and transmission has been superb--sorry not to help you out there06:23
dimitris82tgcondor: if i dont upgrade my kernel everything is fine06:23
j_How do i compile package???06:23
tgcondordimitris82: you could, my problem was a broken kernel06:23
bazhangtgcondor: open a terminal and type top06:24
prince_jammys!compile | j_06:24
ubotuj_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:24
tgcondordimitris82: i think aptitude keeps current kernel and ads new ones, you can then select which to boot from06:24
TrustNoOnebazhang, well of course, if you have a bad experience with something you deem it "crap", i mean i did that with xbox 360... so its understandable... but if it works for some, i guess thats good for them right? :)06:24
dimitris82tgcondor: ahh i see..06:24
quakky_hey guys, I just posted my problem ..if u think got the solution please reply to this ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4506013#post450601306:24
dimitris82tgcondor: yes i tried to old kernels but the problem is still goes on06:24
tgcondordimitris82: and even edit menu.lst to make the old kernel your default, after the upgrade06:24
TrustNoOneI HATE XBOX :@ *insert super angry flip off microsoft smiley face here*06:24
TrustNoOnek sorry... !offtopic... i know06:24
tgcondordimitris82: what's the problem?06:24
bazhangTrustNoOne: no doubt; and sorry to badmouth your favorite--no offense meant--I'm just sorry I cant help you out here06:24
dimitris82tgcondor: i know i tried that also .. i changed the key it uses on the menu list to my path of /dev/cciss/c0p0c106:25
tgcondordimitris82: try to do update-initramfs -c -k oldkernelversion06:25
dimitris82tgcondor: right i think it was this06:25
dimitris82i dont remember06:25
TrustNoOnebazhang, yeah thats ok06:25
bazhangTrustNoOne: okay cool06:26
dimitris82tgcondor: but how to do that that i cannot go to login06:26
dimitris82tgcondor: server is stacked with kernel panic06:26
bazhangI got to head out for a bit; be back later ;]06:26
dimitris82tgcondor: my problem was something like the devices couldnt loaded..06:26
tgcondordimitris82: boot from alternate CD, select "rescue", select root partition, chroot to root, mount /proc and /boot (if needed), then do the update-initramfs06:27
dimitris82tgcondor: and the stupid was my cd-rom has burned out and i cannot boot from a CD06:27
dimitris82tgcondor: with ghost i boot from usb lol06:27
tgcondordimitris82: can you boot altenrate CD from usb?06:28
l815SuperQ, i'm back06:28
dimitris82tgcondor: and my second dvd-rom it doesnt recognise it from -bios-boot06:28
tgcondordimitris82: i.e., put CD on USB06:28
TrustNoOneamateur porn week on MTV, gotta go :) cya l8er bazhang06:28
TrustNoOnewhoa, died in here06:29
SuperQl815: Hrm, themes seem to work for me06:29
dimitris82tgcondor: do you know i howto to try it ? because i search for fedora and few sites was completly wrong ... i need a good one that have tried someone else06:29
SuperQl815: can you point me to a specific theme that's not working?06:29
l815SuperQ, one sec06:29
dimitris82tgcondor: ok i have two tries now :D   do you believe if from 5.10 to dapper gonna work ?06:30
l815SuperQ, all the ones i downloaded do the same, but here is one of them http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LiNsta2?content=4305406:32
dimitris82tgcondor: you say just cp from CD to usb ? thats all ? or i need to do something else?06:32
tgcondordimitris82: should be all06:33
SuperQl815: ok, gimme a sec to look06:33
l815SuperQ, alright06:33
tgcondordimitris82: but i'm not 100%06:33
dimitris82tgcondor: ok i give a third try then06:33
tgcondordimitris82: gl :O)06:34
gan i compiled a kernel , the aufs compiled for this not loaded perfectly with kernel why?06:34
dimitris82tgcondor: would you be on ? maybe i give you the exactly problem06:34
dimitris82tgcondor: thnx m8 for helping me06:34
SuperQl815: ok, so you did copy the files to /usr/share/themes?06:35
dimitris82bb all06:36
l815SuperQ, no all i did was install via appearance06:36
dimitris82see ya later ;)06:36
l815SuperQ, so all i have to do is copy the themes to that folder?06:36
tgcondordimitris82: it's 3:30 am in Halifax. not sure how much longer i'll be here06:37
tgcondordimitris82: pm me and i'll check in the morning.06:37
brysonmhow can I define which kernel module should be loaded to handle a particular PCMCIA device?06:37
dimitris82tgcondor: oh okz man :)))) i was thought all have greek time :P06:37
dimitris82tgcondor: thnx again06:37
tgcondordimitris82: pleasure06:37
Frogzoobrysonm: blacklist the ones you don't want in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:37
tgcondorbazhang: found my problem. it's was backup cron that went bad. thanks!06:38
mrbroadbandguyhi all06:38
SuperQl815: yes, you need to follow the install instructions that came with the file06:39
SuperQl815: see http://ben.nerp.net/theme-test.png06:39
mrbroadbandguyany tablet pc user out there06:39
l815SuperQ, oh didn't know there was more to it06:39
SuperQl815: yea, there are a couple of things that need to get installed for full theme modifications06:40
l815SuperQ, do you know where the gnome themes are installed then? so i can copy them over06:40
SuperQl815: not sure, you should have the original downloaded files06:40
SuperQl815: open those up and the files should have instructions06:41
l815SuperQ, okay thanks06:41
SuperQl815: If you stick to Metacity themes that don't contain "gtk 2.x" code, you won't have to worry about them as much06:41
joseph_hi everyone06:41
l815SuperQ, aren't metacity themes just window borders?06:42
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SuperQl815: Hrm.. maybe you're right06:42
SuperQl815: I thought they could do a bit more06:42
mrbroadbandguyhi Joseph06:42
SuperQl815: the gnome theme thing allows a lot of customizations06:42
j_sudo make install06:43
joseph_how do i use 4 desktops instead of just 2 in ubuntu?06:43
joseph_like a cube06:43
j_im stuck on make files06:43
l815SuperQ, yeah it's crazy06:43
l815what's the command to copy a folder to another?06:44
bullgard4Why opens the MCVIEW(1) manpage if I instruct 'man view' in a Gnome terminal?06:44
willfrandhelp meeee06:45
bullgard4l815: Do you mean cp?06:46
joseph_what do you need help with06:46
l815bullgard4, i guess that's it thanks :)06:46
willfrandhi joseph06:46
redarrowl815: I guess cp -r /directory1 /directory206:46
willfrandi've various problems06:46
l815redarrow yeah that's it06:46
redarrowno problem l81506:47
willfrandmi natural langage is spanish, but to this hour, don't have nobody in the spanish room, then, please, i need a little of patience06:47
l815SuperQ, putting the themes in /usr/share/themes worked :D06:48
vikku_can some one help me walk through build process after downloadig a tar06:48
pajamianvikku_: what program?06:48
bullgard4willfrand: Que quieres?06:49
[dcr]How can I add AWN to the startup?06:49
Killeroidvikku_: tar -zxvf tarfile.tar  , then ./configure     then make  , then mak install06:49
willfrandsecond, i need install some programs, but the ubuntu, tell me (?) that i need configurate the roxen4, and no have help06:49
vikku_<pajamian> suppose binutils-older-versio and after doing ar xvzf do i need to get in some dir ?06:50
Killeroid[dcr]: http://wiki.awn-project.org/FAQ#How_can_I_make_AWN_run_when_my_desktop_starts_up.3F06:50
willfrandby example, now i am installing the googleearth, and the synaptic tell me configurate the roxen4, how is this?06:50
[dcr]ty Killeroid=]06:50
tgcondorKilleroid, vikku_ : -z to tar only for .tar.gz, otherwise just -xvf if it's just .tar06:50
Killeroidtgcondor: noted and thnx06:51
pajamianvikku_: yes, you need to change to the directory that was just created by the tar process.  So you mean you are trying to build binutils from source because you want an older version, do I understand correctly?06:51
bullgard4willfrand: Please use the program 'Synaptic' to install the two packages 'roxen4' and 'roxen4doc'.06:52
willfrandaja, and next?06:52
tgcondorvikku_: like pajamian said, 'cd binutils-older-versio'06:52
vikku_yes u r right pajamian06:52
willfrandthen, cancel this installation, and after install roxen4, and then, install at new?06:53
vikku_ok lemme try tha06:53
pajamianvikku_: ok, just out of curiosity, why do you want an older version?06:53
vikku_tryiing to do a LFS06:53
bullgard4willfrand: You said that you want to install the program 'roxen4'. Then you will have it installed. That is all.06:53
willfrandthanks bullgard, i go to probe06:53
willfrandto test06:53
pajamianvikku_: Linux From Scratch?06:54
vikku_thats y i need some older versions06:54
bullgard4willfrand: Much fuerte!06:54
bullgard4willfrand: Mucha fuerte!06:54
pajamianvikku_: that's a bit much to take on when you don't know how to build a program from source yet.06:54
willfrandwhat bullgard$, can do you spanish?06:54
vikku_yes thats y my questn was  to help me on buildg software06:54
bauer__Hey start up with xvnc , just have a grey screen ? Which comman should i put in startup ?06:54
bullgard4willfrand: Un poco.06:54
vikku_Dream big you c06:55
pajamianvikku_: ok, well before you attempt to build binutils you need to have all the libraries and development packages installed that are needed to build it.  building stuff from source requires extra dependancies that you don't need when you just install it from a package.06:55
viperhi my name is Darren and I have been using ubuntu for the last month, i am having some problems.. I have duel screens and a nvidia 8500 video card and when I run anything fullscreen (dosbox/zsnes/games) they stretch over both screens and i don't want that cause it makes then unplayable! any advice on how to fix this?06:56
willfrandand where do you from? bullgard?06:56
willfrandmy english is very bad06:56
willfrandthen, some times my question can to be some... different jejeje06:57
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vikku_hold on i did download some source tar so gimme a sec06:57
willfrandporque mi lengua nativa es español bullgard4, soy latino, de colombia, tu de done eres?06:58
pajamian!es | willfrand06:58
ubotuwillfrand: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:58
viperhi my name is Darren and I have been using ubuntu for the last month, i am having some problems.. I have duel screens and a nvidia 8500 video card and when I run anything fullscreen (dosbox/zsnes/games) they stretch over both screens and i don't want that cause it makes then unplayable! any advice on how to fix this?06:59
willfrandyes pajamian... only that, to this hour, this rooms are vacuumm, and by other side, only to give a little words to bullgard407:00
pajamian!repeat | viper07:00
ubotuviper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:00
bauer__Hey start up with xvnc , just have a grey screen ? Which command should i put in startup to start a gnome desktop ?07:00
bullgard4willfrand: Estoy de Alemania.07:00
musikgoatHi, I'm looking for a little help identifying a bug (i believe) with my intel 3945abg card...  occasionally,  after running the laptop for some time, then cold booting at any later time, the wireless doesn't get assigned an interface (i believe).   I'm able to see that the ipw3945 driver detects the card, but network manager doesn't load it,  any suggestions to identify the problem?07:01
pajamianwillfrand: ok, it was mainly a suggestion on where you can get help in your native language.  If you'd rather have help here and can communicate in english, that's fine by me.07:01
willfrandhey bullgard4, it's cool... and do you know the latinamerica?07:01
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PolishpaulI need to fix my monitor resolution - If i 'detect' my monitor in (system -> screens & graphics) it finds it as a Generic Plug n Play 640x480. I am normally running at 1280x1024 but the native resolution for the monitor is 1400x1050. How can i properly 'identify' my monitor? Should i set the resolution via xorg.conf?07:02
bullgard4willfrand: No. Yo no era en America del Sud.07:02
bullgard4willfrand: Pero en este canalo es necessario hablar en Engles.07:03
willfrandyes pajamian... no problem, only I call myself a little patience, by my littles aknowments in english07:03
musikgoatPolishpaul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:03
willfrandyes bullgard07:03
vikku_when  i untar it .........it says "number" of header files not found07:03
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vikku_are these dependencies we are talking of ?07:04
pajamianmusikgoat: any problem that sounds like, "after running for a long time then cold booting something doesn't work" is almost certainly a problem with your hardware.07:04
willfrandand, where do you learn spanish?07:04
phuzionI think I just activated some weird accessibility mode, all of my windows are reverse colors, help07:04
musikgoatpajamian: I could agree if the card wasn't being detected, and/or windows on another partition didn't work with it07:04
musikgoatpajamian: but thanks for the suggestion07:05
pajamianvikku_: you can install them all in one shot with this command: sudo apt-get build-dep binutils07:05
bullgard4willfrand: Estoy un radioafficionado. Era necessario hablar con operadores del America Central in Espanol.07:05
pengoummmmmmmmmmm in order to upgrade the package xserver-xorg-video-intel (from hardy, cause it includes overlay support finally), synaptic wants me to remove, amongst other things, ubuntu-desktop, xorg, and xserver-xorg ... is that as stupid an idea as it sounds?07:05
bullgard4willfrand: Estoy un radioafficionado. Era necessario hablar con operadores del America Central en Castillano.07:06
willfrandyes?? i want to learn over radio07:06
Mat-Toufoutuhi everyone07:07
willfrandi am a physical student, next to graduate07:07
willfrandand i was studing the antennas07:07
bullgard4willfrand: Vamos a terminar hablar en Espaniol a hora aqui.07:07
willfrandand after... this hobbie... is very interesting07:07
Mat-Toufoutui wanna install ubuntu on an external hard drive (i cant resize my windows partition), but my bios doesnt has any option to boot from usb, how can i make the computer boot on ubuntu?07:08
pajamianpengo: ubuntu-desktop isn't a problem, the others may be depending on if thier functionality is replaced by other packages that are installed.  You really should ask in #ubuntu+107:08
willfrandwell bullgard... can do we to tell in the messenger?07:09
pengo#/j ubuntu+107:09
viperhi my name is Darren and I have been using ubuntu for the last month, i am having some problems.. I have duel screens and a nvidia 8500 video card and when I run anything fullscreen (dosbox/zsnes/games) they stretch over both screens and i don't want that cause it makes then unplayable! any advice on how to fix this?07:09
pengopajamian: thanks07:09
stefano_is rsync a good idea for local backup on seperate hard disks?07:09
bullgard4willfrand: Do you mean Microsoft messenger? I do not have a Microsoft messenger. Or do you mean some other messenger program? Or do you mean the messaging service of the Freenode network?07:10
Mat-Toufoutucan anyone help me installing ubuntu on my external hard drive? (and make it be able to boot, even if the bios doesnt have any "boot from usb" option)07:11
willfrandbullgard4, i've the amsn, but my nick is in hotmail07:11
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:12
stefano_Mat-Toufoutu, i think you're out of luck there, sorry07:12
Alan_MYeah, Mat-Toufoutu, you are bud.07:12
phuzionUh, guys, you know its possible to put Grub onto a CD or floppy then boot off of that...07:13
bullgard4willfrand: I do not know what hotmail is. Is it a mail service?07:13
phuzionbullgard4, yes, a free email service provided by microsoft07:13
stefano_phuzion, yes there is a very convinient thing called the "super grub disk", just google it, it's very easy07:13
bullgard4phuzion: Thank you for informing. I did not know.07:13
phuzionbullgard4, no problem07:14
stefano_oh :O07:14
phuzionstefano_, I was replying to what you and Alan_M said about Mat-Toufoutu being out of luck07:14
willfrandyes bullgard is a mail service, what is your client service? and your nick in this client service?07:14
Alan_Mphuzion, I said that, then looked further...07:14
Alan_Moops :/07:14
stefano_phuzion, i don't think grub has a clue about filesystems and block devices, so i don't think it's able to boot off of usb, but i may be wrong.07:15
phuzionAhh, ok07:15
vikku_pajamian : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59449/ pls see for the error iam getting07:15
stefano_is anyone of you running Epiphany with webkit?07:15
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:15
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kavikI was running ubuntu, and i couldn't get wireless... any help?07:16
bullgard4stefano_: I am running Epiphany. May be with webkit. How can I check that?07:16
stefano_bullgard4, there should be a note about that in the "about" dialog, it should either say "using webkit" or gecko07:17
tgcondorphuzion: why put grub on CD?07:17
Alan_Mbecause hard drives crash tgcondor07:17
bullgard4stefano_: It says: "Using Gecko 1.8."07:18
phuziontgcondor, because the person who wanted an alternative cannot resize his windows partition, and wants to run ubuntu from an external drive, but can't boot directly from USB07:18
phuzionby the way, I figured out the problem with my system going into negative mode07:18
stefano_bullgard4, thought so, i was looking for a way to get it up and running, but i guess i have to wait a month. thanks07:18
stefano_so, is anyone here using rsync to any extend?07:18
tgcondorphuzion: ic, the alternative CD allows you too boot from HDD07:18
tgcondorphuzion: I think with a mod you can make it boot from external07:19
phuziontgcondor, the person's BIOS does not support direct boot from USB.07:19
phuzionI was suggesting a different way to do so07:19
vikku_the error i get installing binutils are : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59450/07:19
tgcondorphuzion: right, so the person would be booting from CD which then passes control to USB07:20
stefano_the concept of bios is outdated and i hope that we linux'ers can get our hands on efi soon :\07:20
stefano_without buying a mac that is :-)07:21
phuzionYou want to get our hands onto the Equestrian Federation of Ireland07:21
bauer__xvnc , just have a grey screen ? Which command should i put in startup to start a gnome desktop ?07:21
Alan_Mits an old OLD concept...but...it still works..so..i don't see it changing unless someone seriously seriously finds a better idea.07:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about efi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:22
tgcondorphuzion: i'm guessing the process would be as follows (automated through a script): boot into a minimal live CD that can access USB, then use linux loader to load the kernel from the USB etc07:22
Alan_Mheh, figures07:22
phuzionAlan_M, I know what EFI is, I was making a joke07:22
stefano_Alan_M, there is a better way to do it, and from my understanding it is pretty well documented. (efi) the big difference is that efi knows about devices and partitions whereas bios doesnt have a clue, all it's doing is running whatever is in the MBR07:22
Alan_Mphuzion......maybe I didn't ;)07:22
phuziontgcondor, yeah07:23
phuzionAlan_M, righto07:23
Alan_Mthanks stefano :)07:23
Alan_Mim only A+ certified..i really don't keep up with the futuristic technolgies out there :(07:24
stefano_Alan_M, i didnt mean to insult your knowledge07:24
Alan_Myou didn't, I promise :)07:24
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Alan_MI was just like "uh...what the heck are they talking about"07:25
Alan_M'till someone explained that is.07:25
tgcondorAlan_M: feel good. i'm still lost07:25
tgcondorAlan_M: but then, i don't have A+07:25
* Alan_M can't set up a Class in here or ill get fussed at by the op's07:26
Alan_Mim A+ certified...and..im using linux as my main dist.07:26
Alan_Mgo figure!07:26
stefano_it just seems that linux is approaching the mainstream so much, meaning that the 1 year lag that we were used to gets smaller and smaller, i think EFI should be one of the next steps. but i know it runs on macs, which use efi, but you need some proprietary blobs to get it up and running.07:26
tritium!enter | Alan_M07:26
ubotuAlan_M: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:26
* Alan_M sees punctuation besides enter all over the place on my comments.07:27
stefano_on the other hand, we can't just get rid of all legacy (best example is 95% of desktop users still running 32bit even though it's fair to call that legacy, from a hardware pespective)07:27
Alan_M!enter | tgcondor07:28
ubotutgcondor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:28
bluefoxxi was wondering...is there something similar to the "make available offline" feature of windows? i want to acess certain websites of information offline when my other computer is hogging my bandwidth07:28
stefano_bluefoxx, depends on your browser07:29
bluefoxxstefano_: is there a command i can use?07:29
stefano_bluefoxx, i think firefox should do it, but i can't say for sure as i'm using the beta versions of ff307:30
stefano_bluefoxx, just safe the page07:30
bluefoxxstefano_: how is it? the beta?07:30
d4rkmonkeyI have a bunch of .BUP, .IFO, and .VOB files and I was wondering how I properly burn this to a DVD07:30
tgcondor!askthebot | Alan_M07:31
ubotuAlan_M: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotwo Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.07:31
stefano_bluefoxx, it uber dramatically ROCKS! but i wouldnt recommend it yet since it crashes every once in a while which can be annoying. but omg it's so much better than 2 (which i gave up using)07:31
tgcondorAlan_M: :OP07:31
Alan_MI know how to use the bot and I know all the rules of this room..thanks though ;)07:32
n2diyanybody have experience formatting an SD card for a Motorola I880?07:32
bluefoxxstefano_: lol, i think ill give it a go, whats the command?[i can handle a crash now and then, so long as im not downloading]07:32
bluej774Does anyone know how to go frame by frame in totem?07:32
stefano_bluefoxx, i don't know if it is available in gutsy, i use hard (which i wouldnt recommend to you at all, but i submit bug reports and all that)07:33
tgcondornap time. l8rz all.07:33
stefano_bluefoxx, just wait until 8.04 comes, it will be brilliant07:33
Alan_MBye! :)07:33
souperstefano_ may i ask what you're talking about?07:33
stefano_souper, i was talking about firefox 307:34
souperyea its great07:34
souperi've been using rc3 for a couple weeks and haven't had a crash yet07:34
bluefoxxstefano_: will do that, until then, ill settel for printing to pdf lols07:35
stefano_souper, i have a lot of crashes espeially on youtube, but it's not tooo bad07:35
tritium#ubuntu+1 for hardy discussions, please07:36
souperit's in the gutsy repos: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.007:36
jaek_eeei have a usb "control module" i'm trying to use... this is what my /var/log/message looks like when i plug it in07:37
jaek_eeeanyone know what i have to do to make a new file in /dev/input/?07:37
stefano_the biggest change in FF3 is that pages are now rendered with usage of Cairo, which is absolutely awsome because it gives you nice looks (just like any app), good - hardware accellerated - anti aliasing and so on. i just love it, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to go back to epiphany when it has webkit07:37
stefano_jaek_eee, i don't think you would want to do that07:37
stefano_jaek_eee, doesn't seem to be a good idea. can you explain your problem further?07:38
* Alan_M erases the ot I had planned.07:38
jaek_eeestefano_, the program i'm using requires a device file something like /dev/input/event007:38
jaek_eeestefano_, but this "control module" doesnt seem to be a known device07:39
stefano_jaek_eee, what program is it?07:39
* stefano_ opens channel #private142 for arguing about technology07:39
Alan_MGood idea :)07:39
stefano_jaek_eee, what kind of device do you want to use to control empcd?07:40
jaek_eeeit is a usb control module from the early 2000s, it has a play/pause/stop/volume/next/prev buttons07:40
Alan_Mbrb, gonna go check out the ubuntu beginner team forum and see what I can help with..bodhi_zazen keeps griping because im on the team and im not really helping cut down the unanswered posts.07:41
jaek_eeestefano_, but google doesnt yield much help... the model number is pmd-c00107:41
stefano_jaek_eee, i think the program expects the device to be found and ready to use, if you just make a file this file won't point to any device. try and see if you can find out if your control thingy was recognised and what the device file for it is, if you know that, either tinker with the program configuration or create a simlink to the device, but if your device hasnt been recognised, it is much more complicated07:42
jaek_eeestefano_, yes.... i need to get the right udev "rule" it seems so it knows about this uhci device07:44
^A^kirahow do i turn on wireless on laptop troguh console?07:44
bmzis there an easy way to change the ubuntu apt repositories07:44
Alan_Msystem->administration->software sources might be helpful bmz07:45
bmzthe one it set when I installed is slow, when it works at all07:46
stefano_jaek_eee, oh wow, i'm not into udev but i do know that it's incredibly complex. and ubuntu goes a very special route with udev rules, i dont think i can help you ad hoc, you might want to post your problem at the ubuntu forums. be sure to include lots of information. i hope that helps you07:46
^A^kirahow do i turn on wireless on laptop troguh console?07:46
stefano_^A^kira, why would you want to do that?07:47
^A^kirabecouse i need internet on my laptop and i don't have any network managers installed... had fluxbuntu now installed kde without NM07:48
stefano_'sup CVD-PR07:49
bmzis it just me or is  http://au.archive.ubuntu.com really slow?07:49
Jaapjan-Work^A^kira: http://www.stoltenow.com/archives/2006/12/ubuntu_configur.html ?07:50
stefano_bmz, could very well be, try to find a mirror nerby, i have one just down the street (not literally...) and it's much faster07:50
souperok, i've been having this issue lately...07:51
Alan_Mstefano, same here :)07:51
Alan_Mim getting lightning speed07:52
CVD-PRstefano_, any way to know the last time i logon?07:52
souperi installed ubuntu into a single root partition and a swap partition and the swap was working fine and hibernating was working as well07:52
bmzstefano_: I am now using the main site. I just thought that if ubuntu selected that mirror for me and I am in Australia and it is not working reliably it might give people the wrong impression about ubuntu.07:52
Alan_MUbuntu is based in South africa I believe?07:53
Alan_MI know mark is from there..just not sure about where canonical actually is.07:53
stefano_bmz that may be true, but for the most part the official mirrors are fairly fast, if you want to have uber speed - if you care, which most of those who would be frightened as you point out wouldt not - select a mirror nearby07:53
stefano_oh my god07:53
souperlast week i resized and moved my root partition so i could have a separate home partition, this changed all the dev references for my partitions which caused some problems with grub but i managed to fix that07:53
^A^kiraJaapjan-Work> TNX!!! :)07:54
souperwell the other day i noticed the computer wasn't hibernating07:54
stefano_i suddenly have a very loud noise in my right ear i need to do something about it07:54
pppZerohow can i fake install a program so apt-get dosent try and install a conflicting dependancy? - i installed qmail by hand, now courier-imap wants to drag in postfix :|07:54
Alan_MPlease try not to use enter as punctuation.07:54
stefano_CVD-PR, hang on07:54
stefano_CVD-PR, open up a command and type "uptime"07:55
bmzau.archive.ubuntu.com is an official mirror and with me being in Australia it is the closest.07:55
stefano_CVD-PR, thats not exactly what you want i realise07:55
souperok it's kinda a long winded story but i'll smash it together07:55
CVD-PRstefano_,  nop07:55
Frogzoosouper: there is a file that mentions which partition to use for suspend, whose name escape me07:56
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souperwould it be in /etc07:57
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up_the_ironsI have gutsy on my thinkpad t61, i just installed the latest kernel.  Used same .config as in /boot (that came with the system).  Now that i'm running the latest kernel, I no longer have sound support (only PC speaker).  Any tips?07:57
stefano_up_the_irons, just boot the old kernel until it gets fixed, you don't need the new kernel of anything particular do you?07:57
up_the_ironsstefano_: i recompiled so i can get keyspan usb-to-serial support (which is not included w/ ubuntu).  I guess I could try a recompile with the older kernel07:58
up_the_ironsstefano_: better qemu/kvm support would be nice though, thought it might work better with newer kernel07:59
stefano_up_the_irons, oh i see, than it seems that you didnt include all the required modules for your sound chip.07:59
Alan_Mwell boys n girls..fellow ubuntu enthusiasts and new users..im out! Remember, the forums are your friend if you don't get an answer here, check the forums ;)07:59
stefano_bye Alan_M08:00
up_the_ironsstefano_: doesn't the config file included in /boot have the same config as the kernel that was running? (my older one)08:00
up_the_ironsstefano_: this new kernel has LOTS of modules compiled it, almost everything enabled (took forever to compile)08:00
stefano_up_the_irons, you have to include those modules when you're compiling the kernel, /boot doesnt have anything to do with that.08:00
up_the_ironsstefano_: i mean, not compiled into the kernel, but the modules are compiled08:00
stefano_up_the_irons, did you do all the configuration before compiling the kernel by hand?08:01
up_the_ironsstefano_: well, the /boot/config-`uname -r` does include a file that i can use as .config in  my kernel source tree08:01
pppZerohow can i stop apt-get from install unwanted dependencies?08:01
up_the_ironsstefano_: the only thing i did by hand was enable Keyspan support, every else was left as it was in .config08:02
up_the_ironsstefano_: all the other kernel modules seem to work08:03
bluej774Does anyone know of a program that can dump frames from video?  I can't find any that work.  I've already tried "dumpmpeg".08:03
stefano_up_the_irons, did you check your blacklists?08:03
stefano_bluej774, do you mean dump as in extract or as in remove?08:03
bluej774stefano_: I mean extract.08:04
bluej774Extract to a png or jpeg or bitmap format.08:04
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up_the_ironsstefano_: blacklists?08:04
stefano_bluej774, i think there is a program very similar to virtualdub for linux. but obviosly this wouldnt be so great if you want to exctract a lot and maybe script it08:04
bluej774stefano_: I just want to extract maybe 10 to 20 contiguous frames.08:05
stefano_up_the_irons, there is a blacklist for kernel modules that won't be loaded, i think it's /etc/blacklist or something like that, maybe your sound modules are listed there08:05
stefano_bluej774, allthough very gui-focused, maybe pitivi will do the job08:06
up_the_ironsstefano_: but if that was the case, wouldn't sound not work on the old kernel also?08:06
bluej774stefano_: I'll give it a try.08:07
pppZerobluej774, transcode will do it, see http://mightylegends.zapto.org/dvd/dvdauthor_howto_animenu.html for syntax to get yourself started :)08:07
stefano_up_the_irons, i don't know if it's integrated in any way with what kernel you boot.08:07
up_the_ironsstefano_: ok08:07
stefano_up_the_irons, can't you get just a driver (like a kernel module) for this usb to serial converter that you would just enable with modprobe? would be way easier than building a custom kernel08:08
bluej774pppZero: Thanks.08:08
souperwhy is it that when i set my swap in the fstab by the UUID blkid gives me swapon -a gives me an error about no such file or directory08:09
up_the_ironsstefano_: probably, but it's not available on keyspan's site, they say 'recompile the kernel'08:10
stefano_souper, you could have a problem with the swap partiton08:10
souperwell when i set it by /dev/sda6 it works fine08:10
up_the_ironsstefano_: they have kernel modules pre-built for other distros, but complain on their site that the debian/ubuntu distros didn't want to include their modules08:10
stefano_up_the_irons, thats too bad :( but you are not sure if you included all the right kernel bits and pieces for your sound are you?08:10
souperthe problem is the hibernate script suspends to the disk by uuid08:11
up_the_ironsstefano_: if you're interested: http://www.keyspan.com/downloads-files/developer/linux/08:11
stefano_hibernate is a pain :(08:11
up_the_ironsstefano_: i think i figured it out08:11
up_the_ironsstefano_: ubuntu includes it's own driver:08:11
souperand i'm not nearly experienced enough to understand shell scripts as complex as that08:12
up_the_ironsstefano_: and it disables it in the regular kernel.  I guess I just need to go ahead and enable it.  But i'm worried if there's anything special ubuntu did, i'll lose that08:12
stefano_up_the_irons, oh is this a binary only driver?08:12
stefano_up_the_irons, try to type "sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel" into a console and see if your sound suddenly works08:13
stefano_could be08:13
up_the_ironsstefano_: i don't think so, i see the option to enable it in 'make menuconfig'08:13
up_the_ironsstefano_: but ubuntu doesn't enable it, i guess in favor of it's own version08:13
stefano_up_the_irons, that's good, enable it and hope for the best08:13
stefano_up_the_irons, this kernel building business can really be a pain08:14
up_the_ironsstefano_: yeah i'm going to try08:14
up_the_ironsstefano_: for sure ;)08:14
souperup_the_irons: here's a shot in the dark but do you have a sound server like oss installed?08:14
stefano_up_the_irons, when i did it the first time, nothing would work. but it turned out that just waiting solved my issue (i needed some high-res tick stuff)08:15
cpk1__up_the_irons: you can use oldconfig when you recompile the kernel so you dont risk losing anything that was selected by ubuntu if thats what you are worried about08:15
stefano_thats a good tip08:15
soupersnd                    54660  11 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device08:15
souperi use the same sound driver08:16
[dcr]Is there anyway to increase graphics hardware accelleration in Ubuntu?08:16
souperthat's what lsmod gives me08:16
stefano_[dcr], what graphics card do you have?08:16
cpk1__and xconfig is pretty friendly for people new to kernel compiling08:16
souperand my sound has worked from the beginning08:16
=== cpk1__ is now known as cpk1
bluej774pppZero: How can I use those commands, but specify a start and end point on what to dump?08:16
[dcr]stefano_: its just a intel gms 970 chipset =[08:16
[dcr]but if theres a way to increase hardware acceleration i want to.08:17
techt0nixhow can i install drivers for nvidia 5500 video card08:17
stefano_[dcr], does the 3d stuff work in general? (eg can you enable desktop effects)08:17
CVD-PRhow to edit the classpath?08:17
up_the_ironscpk1: but this kernel was downloaded straight from kernel.org, it doesn't have a ubuntu specific 'oldconfig'08:17
[dcr]yes stefano_ i can08:17
pppZerobluej774, i honestly cant remember, its been a while since i played with videos :|08:17
stefano_techt0nix, open up the restricted drivers manager (or whatever it's called in the english i18n)08:18
Jaapjan-Worktecht0nix: Or use/install Envy.08:18
bluej774pppZero: I just don't want to wait for it to dump the whole movie and use all of my hard drive to do it.08:18
techt0nixstefano, i have did both and the video card still will not boot with ubuntu08:18
pppZerobluej774, haha i dont blame you :)08:18
up_the_ironssouper: i'm pretty sure the problem is my new kernel doesn't have Intel HD Audio module built08:19
stefano_[dcr], then there is not much you can do about it. i have the same graphics chip in my notebook and 3d accelleration is a little sluggish, thats just the way it is, i turned off desktop effects. (since then games are much faster)08:19
d4rkmonkeyHow do I mount an ISO in Ubuntu so that my computer will read it as if it were a disk?08:19
Jaapjan-Workd4rkmonkey: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html08:19
m1rd4rkmonkey: gmountiso08:19
stefano_d4rkmonkey, theres a program called something like gmount-iso (i'm not sure what the name is exactly) - but it will do the job without any command line hacking08:19
d4rkmonkeyThanks everyone08:20
stefano_youre welcome08:20
soupermount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/point08:20
[dcr]stefano_: ah because i have it on normal and i always have AWN turned off when i play urban terror but i only get about 15~45fps unstable in game =(08:20
cpk1up_the_irons: yeah i think its "make oldconfig" and it will tell the new kernel to use your old config and then you can go through and make more changes after importing your old config, its important to note though that the ubuntu kernel usually has support for most everything08:20
stefano_[dcr], thats normal. but here's a tip, set the resolution down as much as you can (without going nuts), that should increase framerate dramatically. but Urban Terror is a pretty demanding game08:21
souperoh yea that reminds me: how do i make my bash alias' permanent?08:21
YazzYhi guys08:21
[dcr]stefano_: you got any other recommendations on games for linux?08:21
stefano_hi YazzY08:21
YazzYi've some issues with hardy update from today08:21
YazzYi get lots of issues witrh free()08:22
YazzY*** glibc detected *** sudo: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7d84b70 ***08:22
Jaapjan-Work[dcr] Get/check Cedega?08:22
YazzYany ideas what that is ?08:22
up_the_ironscpk1: where does the new kernel get the 'oldconfig' from though?08:22
[dcr]Jaapjan-Work: games that require windows i just use virtualbox lol..08:22
stefano_[dcr], sure. i like warsow, openarena and brutalchess, oh and also foobillard.08:22
up_the_ironscpk1: isn't it just /boot/config-`uname -r`08:22
YazzYfsck, i cant even sudo08:23
YazzYor su -08:23
FrogzooYazzY: you tried booting recovery mode?08:23
stefano_[dcr], i just spent two weeks playing Peggle by popcap games, it costs about 20€ and runs well under linux (emulated with wine) - it's a lot of fun if you enjoy puzzle games, check it out at the popcap website08:24
YazzYFrogzoo: no, how would that help ?08:24
nuknghtcan someone please help me?08:24
stefano_[dcr], i tried to run Enemy Terretory, but it just doesnt run on intel graphics08:24
FrogzooYazzY: it's your first step - to see if you can boot single user08:24
stefano_nuknght, sure, just tell us your problem08:24
YazzYFrogzoo: why would i see if i can boot single user mode?08:25
YazzYit doesnt make any sense08:25
souperi've been trying my damndest to get civilization 4 running in cedega but it always freezes after clicking the play now button on the main menu08:25
tarelerulzany of you try to stream movie or other media to the xbox 360 ?08:25
nuknghtdell inspiron 7500, stuck at saving vesa state when trying to install any linux on new hdd08:25
up_the_ironscpk1: stefano_ : ok, sound now works, I loaded the newly built snd-hda-intel.ko08:25
stefano_tarelerulz, i thin some guys have got it running with VLC08:25
stefano_up_the_irons, thats great!08:25
up_the_ironsstefano_: however, my thinkpad volume up/down buttons don't work.  i'm thinking maybe i should stick with the old kernel...08:26
up_the_ironsstefano_: cuz this could turn into one little thing after another...08:26
stefano_up_the_irons, you can have both, if you have to use your converter, boot the custom kernel, otherwise boot  the old one08:26
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soupertry building a gentoo install08:26
stefano_don't ;)08:26
stefano_to install gentoo, you need a soldering iron and a very steady hand08:27
nuknghtstefano_: I've tried ubuntu, ubuntu studio, xubuntu and freespire and they all get stuck at the same spot...08:27
nuknghtleft it on for 8 hours today just to be sure08:27
d4rkmonkeyAlright, I can mount the ISOs fine, is there any way to make my computer think they're DVDs, because its looking at them like data CDs08:27
up_the_ironsstefano_: yeah, but that's kinda a pain08:27
nuknghtfreepire comes up with multiple errors as well08:27
stefano_what spot is that nuknght08:27
souperi spent a week trying to install gentoo and finally gave up because i couldn't get the kernel modules just right08:28
zingo Hi, How can I open/play an online "flash player"  streaming video , in my own video player like mplayer or vlc player , so that  I can watch it full screen etc. ??   I know that on some streaming content I can copy link and then paste that into my media player , but there is no "copy link" option in a flash streaming video content (for example this video: http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/videopod/default.aspx ). Thanks08:28
up_the_ironsstefano_: i might just have to go that route for now..08:28
nuknghtSaving vesa state08:28
stefano_up_the_irons, how often do you have to use the serial converter?08:28
bluej774pppZero: I figured it out, but the program still has to start at the beginning of the file, so that sucks.08:28
pppZerobluej774, worked out how i did it last time, install avidemux, set A and B points, set it to COPY, and hit save, it'll just save the litle bit of video you want. then use transcode to convert the video into jpeg files.08:28
up_the_ironsstefano_: not very often08:28
bluej774It just skips frames until it hits the ones you want.08:28
souperd4rkmonkey dvd's essentially are data cds08:29
stefano_up_the_irons, good, then booting your custom kernel every once in a while shouldnt be too bad08:29
up_the_ironsstefano_: yeah08:29
soupertry pointing your player to where its mounted08:29
stefano_nuknght, i don't think i fully understand it. what exactly do you mean by saving vesa state? is it somewhat like the standby mode?08:29
up_the_ironsstefano_: regarding the keyspan drivers though, i do 'sudo modprobe keyspan', all i well, but i don't know which /dev/* to use.  Is there a way i can find that out programatically?08:29
nuknghtno, its during the install after it mounts ?? (something) ....08:30
stefano_up_the_irons, run dmesg after you plugged it in, it will show you the information i think08:30
up_the_ironsstefano_: oh ok08:31
stefano_nuknght, i see, do you have any special hardware? (like a raid controller or something like that)08:31
up_the_ironsstefano_: let me try08:31
nuknghtwhen i put freespire on my drive with xp and ran the live cd it loaded after the whole vesa state thing.  i popped my new hdd in and darn thing freezes up08:31
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legend2440bluej774: avidemux also allows you to save the frame as jpg or bmp under File>Save08:31
d4rkmonkeysouper, tried that, doesn't work.08:31
Jaapjan-Workd4rkmonkey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3220308:31
nuknghtIts ati, came with the comp. tried to run in safe graphics mode and same thing happened08:32
ATGI'm having a bit of a weird issue with flash player08:32
souperwill your player play dvd movies that you physically put in a drive?08:32
up_the_ironsstefano_: ah, great, that worked: /dev/ttyUSB008:32
up_the_ironsstefano_: thanks for your help08:32
ATGwhenever I try to view a live webcam link on Stickam, I can get audio, but no video08:32
d4rkmonkeysouper, yup. I'll try what Jaapjan-Work sent08:32
ATGhas this happened to anyone else?08:32
stefano_up_the_irons, youre welcome08:32
stefano_nuknght, that problem seems a bit heavy for an irc discussion, have you tried posting on the ubuntu forums? try to provide lots of information oh your hardware and what you did exactly08:33
ATGi'll take that as a no08:34
nuknghtI just signed up but don't have enough permissions to post a bulletin in the forum yet......makes me want to go buy windows all over again08:34
stefano_ATG, what is Stickam?08:34
EruditeHermithi, how do I enable middle click paste?08:36
souperit's like myspace but with webcams08:36
stefano_ATG, maybe installing a codec package can help, but this package is illegal in a lot of countries, try to find out more about it on google, we here are not exactly supposed to talk about this kind of thing08:36
nuknghti've been researching this for 4 days now and still nothing08:37
stefano_EruditeHermit, it should already be enabled08:37
nuknghtany other channels you could lead me to would be helpful08:37
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: Have you tried booting with acpi=off noapic yet?08:37
stefano_nuknght, you should be allowed to post a new thread in the ubuntu forums, just select the right sub-forum and click "new thread" (or whatever it's called)08:38
nuknghtI will try that08:38
[dcr]stefano_: well i dont know if i would run the enemy territory game cause it does look pretty graphics intense, but urban territory is kinda demanding but isnt bad either, runs pretty good other from that unstableness in the fps, but i am pretty okay with it :) I love free mmo's, especially fps =308:38
nuknghtjaapjan_work: no, i tried live vga=771 noapic nolapic08:39
OsamaKHello! I'm trying to run Ubuntu 7.10 on a computer with Pentium D. It shows a black screen with a "loading mouse" for long time.. What to do?08:39
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: Do the live cd's work?08:39
nuknghtyeah, I ran the test on em.  they are good08:40
stefano_OsamaK, do you know what graphics card you have?08:40
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: I mean, can you boot with them? Or are you stuck even trying to run a live cd?08:40
OsamaKstefano_, At the moment I'm using Windows, Do you know how to know?08:40
nuknghtstuck trying to run live cd.  as my post said earlier, freespire worked on my hdd with xp on it but i need it on my new hdd. to avoid buying windows08:41
stefano_OsamaK, no, i don't sorry, but when you boot up the cd it should offer you to boot in "safe graphics" mode, try that08:41
OsamaKstefano_, I have tried "noapic"08:42
OsamaKstefano_, Is this what are you meaning?08:42
stefano_OsamaK, no08:42
stefano_OsamaK, wait a second i will look it up08:42
OsamaKstefano_, Is "Intel(R)  946GZ Express Chipset Family" a screen card name?08:43
OsamaKWindows shows that08:43
stefano_OsamaK, oh good, your card is well supported in ubuntu08:43
souperyea that shouldn't be the problem08:43
nuknghtjaapjan-Work: stuck trying to run live cd.  as my post said earlier, freespire worked on my hdd with xp on it but i need it on my new hdd. to avoid buying windows08:43
stefano_OsamaK, it is called "start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode" try that08:44
stefano_I'm going to make some coffee chaps, I'll be right back08:45
OsamaKstefano_, Look at me. When I insert the CD it shows a list of works, then I seletct F6 then type "noapic irqpoll"08:45
OsamaKstefano_, Before going08:45
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: I see a number of solutions but all of them already have linux installed. You have not yet, right?08:46
stefano_OsamaK, that's good, but instead of selecting the first item on the menu ("start or install ubuntu"), select the second one08:46
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OsamaKstefano_, Then it's booting.. And before shows the disktop it shows a black screen with loing moise08:46
stefano_OsamaK, try the safe graphics mode, if it doesent work, you can always come back here, hope that helps08:46
OsamaKstefano_, Thanks a lot, have a nice day08:47
OsamaKsee you all08:47
stefano_nice leave message08:47
souperyea i'm not entirely sure where the emphasis is supposed to be in that sentence08:48
nuknghtno, no liux installed08:49
souperAre you using Windows, the closed OS!?08:50
stefano_windows :( linux :D08:50
stefano_my coffee machine seems to be overclocked08:51
stefano_by the way, my TV runs linux on it, just found out08:51
soupermake sure you have enough cooling08:51
stefano_i'm starting to think that ATIs promise to open source their drivers was BS :(08:53
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: You never tried acpi=off ? Only noapic and nolapic? I found a page describing your problem.08:53
nuknghtcould you link me to that page?08:53
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: Sure. Some people report success with 'noacpi acpi=off apm=on' as kernel options because that/those dells do not have good acpi support. Anyway, link coming up...08:54
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: Read through this: http://www.linuxreality.com/forums/index.php?topic=2189.msg1665208:54
CVD-PRedit the classpath?, where is it?08:54
nuknghttesting noapic  do i type that in after the prelisted cli ?08:54
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: When you're in the live cd menu you press F6 to add boot options and add those three.08:55
nuknghtk be right back08:55
stefano_i'm sick of ads :(08:55
[dcr]lol stefano_ i thought you said "aids"08:56
stefano_i'm watching a video on software piracy and youtube displays "meet sexy arabs online" i am SICK of it :(08:56
stefano_[dcr], oh my word! :O08:56
stefano_hi tunsell08:57
dela1odo, rieccomi sul fisso08:58
dela1ho nuovamente schermata arancione sul portatile08:58
stefano_is anyone here using "pixel" (the image manipulation program)08:58
pfeinhow do i config postfix to send all of my mail to one address?08:59
stefano_dela1, what language is that?08:59
dela1quando ho fatto il comando suo/... init.d ... mi ha dato errore wireless (perhce scheda non presente, credo)08:59
stefano_it's not italian08:59
stefano_i want to recommend the proper irc channel to him but i don't know how :>09:00
stefano_and which09:00
dela1odo, ci sei ancora?09:00
ere4sidela1, in english pls09:00
citra_cutezwhere is ????09:00
Ododela1, please move in #ubuntu-it09:01
soupersomeone tracert his ip09:01
dela1ops sorry to everyone!09:01
stefano_i love swizerland09:03
stefano_lago maggiore, the finest spot on earth09:03
Extendwhat shall i write in my terminal to know which ubuntu version i'm running?09:03
stefano_Extend, nothing: just click "system" -> "about ubuntu"09:04
Extendfrom terminal09:04
Extendi'm sshing a server09:04
nuknghti got the progress bar but i don't know exactly what its doing...i will wait and see09:04
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: Then you indeed got further? Good.09:05
stefano_Extend, this is a bit dirty, but you could type "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" if it says gutsy, you've got 7.1009:05
TUplinkhi guys..... im having sound probs    i dont have /dev/dsp   where do i start   i have instaled alsa-base09:05
nuknghti hope, seriously 4 days of this ...first my dvd rom wouldn't work but i got that fixed09:05
Extendstefano_ : you r using the easiest ways09:06
Extendthanks u for urhelp09:06
stefano_Extend, hehe :> not exactly but it should work for you i guess09:06
Extendi don't need this too ;)09:06
Werdnahey. I'm trying to set up my laptop running gutsy to connect to my new wireless network (old one worked fine), which uses DHCP (old used just MAC filtering). I'm not able to get an IP address (not receiving any DHCPOFFERs). I think it might be to do with an error that I get, ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH] - Operation not supported. It's a laptop from c. 2003, so it may not support WPA. Where can I find out what the problem is?09:06
Extendyeah but i know there is a command line for it but i forgot it09:07
stefano_Extend, "uname -a" shows you the kernel version09:07
nuknghtwholy crap, its loading!!!!!!! thanks tons jaapjan-work!09:07
Extendi used other linux distros when u type uname -a it give u the os name version ..etc09:07
Extendand the krnel i know09:07
Jaapjan-Worknuknght: You're welcome. Best of luck!09:07
TUplinki have always had sound probs with linux in general09:08
stefano_Extend, think of the distribution more as a bunch of programs than a package, how should it know what version it is :>09:08
TUplinkmy sound card isnt even in lspci09:08
prince_jammysExtend: lsb_release -a09:08
Extendyou r realy a prince09:09
Extendthanks PriceChild  :)09:09
prince_jammysis that what you wanted? i just showed up09:09
OsamaKstefano_, There?09:09
stefano_sure OsamaK09:09
JohnuahNippon overwhelming.....09:09
TUplinkhaha might help if i had the audio controler enabled in the BIOS :P09:10
souperyea that would help09:10
stefano_TUplink, hehe :>09:10
TUplinki enabled the codec thinking it was the controler09:10
OsamaKstefano_, It takes long time, then it shows a brown backgrond and a normal mouse. Without any icons and anything else09:10
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souperwow... i like how the screen brightens itself fully when it would normally dim after i adjust the brightness manually09:11
stefano_OsamaK, if you havent got much RAM, the ubuntu live cd might not work. if you want to install ubuntu anyway, you can use the "alternate cd", thats fairly easy, but you have to prepare your hard drive09:11
stefano_OsamaK, do you know how much RAM you have?09:12
OsamaKstefano_, I'm using Ubuntu in my laptop, it's working very well. This Computer is higher RAM than my laptop (1GB)09:12
d0tk0mHi peeps, whats the safest way to install the latest kernel with the latest nvidia drivers?09:13
Johnuahhow long will EEEPC power on with out DC09:13
souperOsamak, you could try installing via the OEM text-based install09:13
OsamaKWhat's that?09:13
JohnuahAsus EEEpc09:14
stefano_OsamaK, well sorry, i don't know why it doesnt work then. but i would recommend that you download the "alternate cd" and use it to install ubuntu on that machine, that would work most certainly09:14
stefano_Johnuah, about two hours09:14
OsamaKstefano_, link?09:14
souperit's on the live cd one of the other boot options09:14
TUplinkstill no DSP tho09:14
Johnuahtks stefano09:14
OsamaKIs there a tornet file of it? stefano_09:14
stefano_OsamaK, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download there is a little checkbox below the green "start download" button, check this box to get the alternate cd09:15
stefano_OsamaK, yes there is, but i don't know where, you can just use a mirror near you that should be fairly fast09:15
OsamaKwell, sorry for that09:16
stefano_OsamaK, did you get the link?09:17
TUplinkanyways ALSA is sound drivers right?09:17
Linuxchix0rAlsa is sound yes09:17
stefano_TUplink, no, alsa is the advanced linux sound architecture09:17
OsamaKI'm going09:17
stefano_bye OsamaK09:17
OsamaKsee you later09:17
TUplinkok.... well how do i know what driver i need09:17
OsamaKBTW, stefano_. Is there a Tornet file?09:18
Johnuahcould anyone give me a guide link of mail server installation based ubuntu server 710 with not only web browser but also pop3 & smtp09:18
Linuxchix0rthe kernel should detect your sound card if its supported09:18
TUplinkits an old mobo so im sure it should have drivers09:18
stefano_OsamaK, i don't know, you can search for it with google, there should be one, it should be named ubuntu-7.10-alternate something like that09:18
OsamaKstefano_, Thanks a lot. let me see you again09:18
ugenk_hi room09:19
stefano_TUplink, try to find out what kind of sound chip you have on your mainboard, then put the name of it plus the word ubuntu into google, that should give you a good idea on how to install it09:19
stefano_hi ugenk_09:20
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JohnuahNeed Guidiance: Mail Server, with web\pop3\smtp, ubuntu server 710          ???09:20
Linuxchix0ryou might not need a driver so why try to install it09:20
Viktoriousi cant install firefox 309:20
Viktoriouscan someone help me09:20
Viktoriousi want to install beta 4 of it09:20
Linuxchix0rviktorius I don't know if thats in the repository so you have to download it from Mozilla probably09:21
stefano_Viktorious, you should wait for the next version of ubuntu (next month), currently it's not very stable09:21
stefano_no it's in the repositories09:21
Linuxchix0rI don't know09:21
Linuxchix0rit just came out couple days ago09:21
souperit is in the repo09:21
Viktoriousdsnt matter i still wanna use it now its hell fast09:21
stefano_Viktorious, open up synaptic and search for firefox and see if you can find the right packages there09:21
Viktoriousi tryed it ddnt work09:22
Viktoriousit wont update my version 2now09:22
JohnuahNeed Guidiance: mail merver package, with web\pop3\smtp, ubuntu server 71009:22
stefano_Viktorious, you should wait for ubuntu 8.0409:22
soupersudo apt-get install firefox-3.009:22
saqimtiazhey guys, I need some help with a Ubuntu 7.10 and Vista dual boot issue. I had an NTFS partition (X) that I was using in both, as of the last few days the partition is no longer accesible in vista, but works fine in Ubuntu. Vista always runs a chkdsk on it at startup and can see the files, but once booted cannot access the partition giving the error message: 'this drive or folder is corrupted and cannot be accessed'- Any ideas?09:22
Viktoriouswhen does ubuntu 8.04 come out and what will change09:22
Linuxchix0rit comes out in april09:23
soupersaqimtiaz i have the same exact problem09:23
d0tk0mwill 8.04 have latest nvidia drivers?09:23
stefano_Viktorious, it will come out in april (04) 2008 (8), and it will rock :>09:23
Viktoriouswhat will be so differnet about 8.0409:23
saqimtiazsouper: have you made any progress with figuring out what's going on?09:23
aingmaneh didieu jir?09:24
stefano_Viktorious, it will have all the latest version of all the upstream software, better hardware support, basically everything will be even better. and it will include firefox 3 by default09:24
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souperwell i've found people saying that when gparted resized the ntfs partition it corrupted it because of the way vista stores data09:24
souperbut i resized in vista first and i still have the problem09:24
stefano_souper, that sounds reasonable09:25
Linuxchix0rsouper it might be messed up09:25
stefano_resizing a partition is always dangerous09:25
ipe64stefano_: is that hardy heron09:25
stefano_especially with vista09:25
stefano_ipe64, yes09:25
Viktoriousok kool but i wanna use firefox 3 now lol the beta  4 i used it on windows and luve it09:25
saqimtiazsouper, stefano_  thing is that my partition was working in both Vista and Ubuntu and stopped without fiddling with the partitions09:25
stefano_saqimtiaz, vista could have messed it up09:25
souperi've also read something about vista not liking being loaded by grub and that if you install the bootloader from the windows recovery environment it may work09:25
stefano_vista tends to mess things up09:26
crshmananyone know a good socks5 server implementation for ubuntu?09:26
crshman(i know about ssh tunnels, but that's not what i want to do)09:26
stefano_crshman, isnt socks5 pretty insecure?09:26
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crshmanwell i'm not using it for security so i don't care09:27
kamisalamihi, how dow i find out what is using a certain module? want to unload it but it says it is in use. it is not in use by another module09:28
saqimtiazI've got another bizzare question. I was messing around with Virtualbox and on restarting X got a HAL failure. When I rebooted, the laptops LCD would not switch on though the external monitor works. Now I know that sounds like a hardware problem but the timing is very suspicious. Any ideas?09:29
stefano_saqimtiaz, try to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" it may help09:29
soupertry the function key and f509:29
stefano_saqimtiaz, do you have intel graphics?09:30
saqimtiazsouper: the fn key won't help.....09:30
saqimtiazstefano_: nvidia09:30
saqimtiazthing is the lcd won't turn on even for a second, not even to display the bios09:30
stefano_sounds tricky09:30
stefano_oh that does sound like a hardware problem indeed09:30
saqimtiazso.... not sure how it could be Ubuntu related.. but figured I would ask because of the timing09:30
souperer not f509:31
saqimtiazstefano_: one more question if I may09:31
saqimtiazsouper: f409:31
souperstrike that not f5... i just put myself to sleep09:31
stefano_saqimtiaz, ask as many questions as you want09:31
souperyea that's what i meant09:31
Viktoriousanyone some help with firefox 3 lol09:31
stefano_Viktorious, how does the problem show exactly?09:31
Viktoriousdoes that mean firefox 3 release for windows will be out in april09:31
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Viktoriousit installs something but i check firefox and still version 209:31
Linuxchix0rViktorious, check your shortcut09:32
stefano_Viktorious, no, ubuntu is going to integrade the beta version of firefox, because it is a long term release09:32
saqimtiazI'm trying to boot a live cd now, since I've royally broken my Ubuntu install. But right when it should start X the screen goes blank. Im guessing because it tries to use the internal lcd (which does not work) instead of the external monitor. Any ideas on how to get around that?09:32
legend2440Viktorious: System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager09:32
legend2440Settings - Repositories - Updates Tab09:32
legend2440Enable “Unsuportted Updates (gutsy-backports)“, close, and press RELOAD09:32
souperViktorious you have to change the default webbrowser09:32
techt0nixhow to find out what my video card driver is call?09:32
techt0nixthe one that im running right now09:32
Viktoriousto what09:32
stefano_saqimtiaz, even if the external monitor is not plugged in?09:32
souperrun firefox-3.0 from the command line and watch09:32
stefano_Viktorious, no you don't have to change your default browser09:33
tekknokrathi can someone tell me, where gdm/gnome looks for its language settings?09:33
stefano_yes Viktorious do what souper suggested09:33
legend2440Viktorious:  that will give you firefox 3 beta 3 in synaptics09:33
Viktoriousthen what do i do09:33
saqimtiazstefano_: remember that the external monitor is the only one that works so it has to be plugged in09:33
Linuxchix0rViktorious, check if you shortcut is pointing to the firefox beta and not firefox09:33
Viktoriousi already installed that09:33
souperthe firefox 3 doesn't install over the top of firefox 209:33
Linuxchix0rdoesn't install over but it could be pointing to firefox09:33
aurehman_hi.. how to check the video size in ffmpeg?09:34
techt0nixhow to find out what my video card driver is call? (the one im running right now)09:34
soupertype firefox-3.0 in the command line to run it09:34
Viktoriousi havt the firefox tar.bz2 on my desktop how do i nistall it09:34
stefano_tekknokrat, when you log in, there are two buttons, one is called session and the other one should be language or something like that, there you can select the language you want that session to be in, it also asks you if you want to make that language default. if your language doesnt apear in that list, you need to install the corresponding packages09:34
souperyou didn't do it via apt-get?09:34
stefano_Viktorious, don't use the tar.gz it tends to mess things up09:34
Viktoriousthats how it told me to do it coz i did the package one and said updates done and nuting09:35
stefano_Viktorious, if you installed it from synaptic, it should be in your menu (as a seperate entry) - it doesnt upgrade your firefox 2 but installed ff3 aditionally09:35
saqimtiazanyone else have any ideas on how to use a Live cd, when the internal LCD on a laptop is busted and the external monitor works?09:35
tekknokratstefano_: the problem ist that i tried that and other things too, but the language doesn't switch to german and keeps in english09:35
souperViktorious if you type firefox-3.0 in the command line does it open?09:35
stefano_saqimtiaz, i think you should contact your notebook manufacturers support hotline tbh09:35
saqimtiazstefano_: the laptop is going back for service but I want to data recovery first09:36
stefano_tekknokrat, do you have the german language packs installed?09:36
saqimtiazstefano_: hence the wish to boot off a live cd09:36
tekknokratstefano_: my goal is to have gnome applications in german language, again09:36
[dcr]g'bye stefano_09:36
Viktoriousgecko:6841): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "aurora",09:36
stefano_saqimtiaz, most laptop support comapnies will allow you to take the hard drive out09:36
Viktoriousthats what happen asnd the gran paradiso opens09:37
tekknokratstefano_: yes09:37
techt0nixcan someone tell me how to find out what my video card driver is call? (the one im running right now)09:37
saqimtiazstefano_: interesting. I might have to try that. thanks!09:37
tekknokratstefano_: gnome, kde language packs and language-support09:37
stefano_tekknokrat, you are using ubuntu 7.10 right?09:37
^A^kirai used fluxbuntu, now removed fluxbox and installed kdm and kde, when i turn on my pc i see only blue kde background....09:38
^A^kirahow to fix it?09:38
tekknokratstefano_: sry missed that, yes gutsy/amd6409:38
stefano_^A^kira, that doest soind wrong09:38
stefano_tekknokrat, wait a second, i look something up09:38
ere4sitecht0nix, in a terminal type   lspci   and it will be listed09:38
fjimeneznoticias diario sur09:38
tekknokratstefano_: ok09:39
saqimtiazbrb, rebooting09:39
stefano_tekknokrat, see if this article helps you: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Spracheinstellungen09:39
stefano_tekknokrat, especially the language-pack-gnome-de part09:40
techt0nixere4si, i take it its Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE right?09:40
ingocan anyone help me mount my externel usb-disk via fstab in gutsy - entry "/dev/sdg1/media/usb_disk ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,user=myuser 0 0" doesn't work09:40
^A^kirastefano_> what could be wrong?09:40
ere4sitecht0nix, maybe not - 1 min09:41
stefano_^A^kira, you said you installed kde, and now you have a kde background - that sounds pretty normal to me, don't you think?09:41
ingomount: only root can mount /dev/sdg1 on /media/usb_disk09:41
ere4sitecht0nix, it will have vga in the line09:41
souperingo type sudo before the command09:41
^A^kirayeah... but i have no kicker, no menu and nothing else except of kde bckground09:41
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techt0nixere4si, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)09:42
ingo<souper> but its an entry in my fstab09:42
stefano_^A^kira, oh! :O i see, try installing the package kubuntu-desktop09:42
ere4si^A^kira, fluxbuntu is based on ubuntu but is not an *buntu09:42
techt0nixere4si, can i PM you?09:42
stefano_^A^kira, maybe some bits are missing, this package should install _everything_ that kde needs09:42
ere4sitecht0nix, yep that's it09:42
tekknokratstefano_: I tried everything done in this article i also switched to gnome to see if it is a kde problem because i use kde mainly09:42
^A^kirastefano_> can't... it'll take too much time and... i did installed kde kore...09:43
souperingo, and you see that error message when exactly?09:43
^A^kirauntill i installed kdm it did work fine09:43
ere4sitecht0nix, in the channel others may benefit09:43
techt0nixere4si, just one more question im trying to add the driver to blacklist so do i put  Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device09:43
stefano_tekknokrat, did you tell kde to use german as your primary language? (at the " Land/Region & Sprache" panel)09:43
ere4sitecht0nix, why blacklist?09:44
stefano_^A^kira, thats not enough appearantly09:44
martin007hi ... I installed compiz-fusion from GIT, but then I don't run Opera : opera: xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.09:44
martin007please help me09:44
tekknokratstefano_: of course,  that was first thing i have done, i also installed qt-language-selector09:44
ingothe error message by double-click on "usb_disk"-icon is "Unable to mount the selected volume. mount: only root can mount /dev/sdg1 on /media/usb_disk"09:44
ipe64^A^kira: try a new user it sometimes works for me09:44
ere4sitecht0nix, that will be the i810 driver I think - that's what you will need to blacklist09:44
souperhave you restarted since adding the fstab entry?09:45
ingoi will mount the usb-disk via fstab09:45
techt0nixere4si, i think my linux is trying to load up 2 video cards and i can only boot with my onboard video card (i'm thinking this may help me get my nvidia 5500 to boot ubuntu)09:45
stefano_tekknokrat, that sounds very strange. i don't think it is too easy to fix. maybe you want to post a new thread in the ubuntuusers.de forums, thats generally a good idea if you have a compliated problem09:45
ere4sitecht0nix, you will need to disable the onboard video from the bios09:45
d0tk0mHow do I format a brand new SATA HD?09:45
techt0nixere4si, yes but many others told me to also blacklist it09:46
stefano_d0tk0m, use the program "gparted"09:46
alanbshepard70ubuntu won't recognize my PCI wireless adapter even though it's installed (properly). I know the card works and I've already installed ndiswrapper and the needed drivers for the card. ndisswrapper -l reports a proper driver and that the device is present but iwconfig and network manager don't show any type of wlan device.09:46
d0tk0mk, k3wl09:46
tekknokratstefano_: Hm, I have found an open thread there with similar problem, and the supporters gave up09:46
stefano_tekknokrat, wow that's very strange09:46
tekknokratstefano_: so my initial question is what env variable does gnome uses to check the language?09:47
techt0nixere4si, when i go to screens and graphics it shows 2 diff drivers my nvidia and my onboard on 2 diff monitors09:47
alanbshepard70Sorry, that was supposed to have a question, anyone know the fix?09:47
ere4sitecht0nix, did they mention the driver name - from what I know it is the i810 driver09:47
stefano_tekknokrat, i think it's called LANG and the appropreate value should be de_DE@euro09:47
ingocan anyone help me mount my externel usb-disk via fstab in gutsy - entry "/dev/sdg1/media/usb_disk ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,user=myuser 0 0" doesn't work09:47
stefano_tekknokrat, open up a terminal and type locale09:48
matthew_I just installed hardy alpha 6.  worked fine.  I updated and it killed my system...09:48
ere4sitecht0nix, have you done   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:48
stefano_tekknokrat, and see if the results match the ones on the wiki page09:48
techt0nixere4si, yes but i can only do that on my onboard video card09:48
tekknokratstefano_: my locale only looks LANG=de_DE09:48
matthew_can't log in on text console or anything... also rescue boot won't starta root shell.09:48
matthew_I think it is a libc thing09:48
souperi don't know why you would have to add that fstab entry09:48
stefano_tekknokrat, that looks fine09:48
ere4sitecht0nix, one min09:48
soupermy usb-disk mounts fine without it09:48
techt0nixere4si, when i try to boot with my nvidia card it just hangs and i have to do a cold shutdown09:48
souperthat's very strange09:48
stefano_tekknokrat, there is a section in the wiki page called "Systemweite Änderung", did you try to do all that stuff?09:49
techt0nixere4si, i have google.com my problem and tryed everything but this blacklist, so i figured why not try it..09:49
tekknokratstefano_: hm, yes i think this is the old way of doing locale thing result is de_DE.ISO-8859-15@euro... up-to-date09:50
stefano_tekknokrat, 8859 is not exactly up to date09:51
ere4sitecht0nix, I can only suggest that it is the driver you need to blacklist - am reading stuff on it09:51
^A^kirahow to add kicker to autorun at kde?09:51
stefano_could someone try this webpage for me: http://www.pokertube.com it just doesnt work on all my ubuntu computers09:51
ingocan anyone help me mount my externel usb-disk via fstab in gutsy, please ??09:51
^A^kira*where to add kick that it'll be autorun at kde?09:51
tekknokratstefano_: i just tried with only de_DE (without euro) and it generates 8859-109:52
souperls -a ~/.kde i forgot the actual name of the file but i'm pretty sure it's in there09:53
souperi haven't used kde in a while09:53
tekknokratstefano_: do you have ubuntu running and if can you look if locales shows LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 for yours?09:53
zod_is it any good dvd progs for Linux?09:53
stefano_tekknokrat, LANG=de_DE.UTF-809:54
CaBa|zod_: i use VLC from the medibuntu repository09:54
zod_some of my dvd (eks the simpsons sessong 7) dont work there09:55
ingo<souper>: i made the subdir "/media/usb_disk" as user root - my fstab-entry is "/dev/sdg1/media/usb_disk ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,user=ingo 0 0"09:55
stefano_tekknokrat, i',m sorry i don't have any more ideas :\09:55
CaBa|zod_: do you use the medibuntu version?09:55
CaBa|tekknokrat: what are you trying to do?09:55
techt0nixere4si, when adding i810 to blacklist do i just put it on the last line?09:55
tekknokratstefano_: ok i'll try to get de_DE.UTF-809:55
zod_yes, something about that i dont have the license to watch the dvd09:56
stefano_tekknokrat, hope it works :O09:56
zod_any one know if ogle works good?09:56
ere4sitecht0nix, yep09:56
tekknokratCaBa|: my gnomeapps are all in english but kde is german all langpacks installed09:56
techt0nixwhen adding something to black list to i just put it on the last line as (I.E blacklist i810)09:56
ingo<souper>: i don't know if sdg1 is the right device - how can i see it???09:56
CaBa|tekknokrat: and you want everything in german?09:57
techt0nixere4si, when adding something to black list to i just put it on the last line as (I.E blacklist i810)09:57
tekknokratCaBa|: goal is to have german for packages like gdm,gimp, tomboy again09:57
CaBa|tekknokrat: what ubuntu version?09:57
ingoevil evil09:57
tekknokratCaBa|: gutsy/amd6409:58
CaBa|tekknokrat: did you try to set the locales in /etc/environment? LANG and LC_ALL?09:58
tekknokratCaBa|: yes09:58
CaBa|tekknokrat: did you reboot?09:58
souperingo ls /media and see what's listed there09:59
tekknokratCaBa|: they look the same like /default/locale09:59
CaBa|tekknokrat: well did you reboot?09:59
tekknokratCaBa|: not today, but yesterday i also tried with several reboots09:59
stefano_tekknokrat, uh, are you using KDE4?09:59
tekknokratCaBa|: I tried  also language-env10:00
ingo<souper> this shows my device-folders - but i don't know if /dev/sdg1 is the right device ...10:00
set_out language-env10:00
tekknokratstefano_: no its still kde 3.510:01
CaBa|tekknokrat: when you open a terminal in gnome, does locale display DE or EN?10:01
stefano_tekknokrat, okay, because your forum post said kdm-4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2.210:01
ChevronXHey guys - When starting I am getting this error: Refusing to initialize GTK+.10:01
ChevronX/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...10:01
ChevronXtouch: cannot touch `/tmp/session-is-gnome': Permission denied10:01
ChevronXmkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied10:01
tekknokratstefano_: hm, which thread?10:02
ChevronXAnyone know how I can repair this?10:02
tekknokratstefano_: i tried kdm4 when it was released in january10:02
CaBa|ChevronX: is your harddisk full?10:02
stefano_tekknokrat, maybe your packages got mixed up.10:03
CaBa|ChevronX: did you mess anything with your /tmp folder? :P10:03
ChevronXYes :-(10:03
bazhangquakky_: you ever find any #alsa folks awake?10:03
ChevronXI deleted everything inside there10:03
ChevronXthinking it was safe too.. I was wrong10:04
CaBa|ChevronX: well in that case... did you try to reboot?10:04
try1Im experiencing extremely slow performance on a Dell PE1800 with e1000 - 3mbit on a 1000mbit network. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?10:04
tekknokratstefano_: na i am using kdm-4:3.5.8  which means version 3.5.810:04
ChevronXYes; I have restarted several times.10:04
CaBa|ChevronX: what does 'ls -ld /tmp/' say?10:05
ChevronXdrwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 2008-03-13 23:01 /tmp/10:05
CaBa|ChevronX: you even changed the permissions!!10:05
tekknokratstefano_: but you're right i will remove kde/gnome completely and try to reinstall stepbystep10:06
ChevronXArh didn't know that. I had copied a command in10:06
* ChevronX slaps myself10:06
stefano_tekknokrat, you could try to just install the package kubuntu-desktop without removing something beforehand10:06
prince_jammysdrwxrwxrwt 14 root root 4096 2008-03-13 04:47 /tmp10:07
ChevronX<CaBa|> Is there anything I can do to repair this?10:07
CaBa|ChevronX: yes, stand by... i dont know how to restore the tmp-bit at the moment10:07
prince_jammysmake it writable10:07
tekknokratstefano_: never done this :) do you think it will add something missing in my installation?10:07
prince_jammys+t i think10:07
CaBa|prince_jammys: yes, tmp is 777, but you need the t-bit as well10:07
stefano_tekknokrat, yes possibly10:07
ChevronXchown +t /tmp/?10:07
prince_jammyslet me check10:08
CaBa|ChevronX: yes10:08
CaBa|ChevronX: chmod 777 /tmp; chmod +t /tmp10:08
CaBa|ChevronX: that will do the job10:08
prince_jammysthere you go10:08
ChevronXIt worked10:08
ChevronXdrwxrwxrwt 10 root root 4096 2008-03-13 23:01 /tmp/10:08
CaBa|ChevronX: looks good again ;)10:09
ChevronXYou guy's are awesome10:09
ChevronXIm going to attempt to restart again.10:09
tekknokratstefano_: ok, i'll try that first10:09
ChevronXAnything else I need to do before I do do you think? or I should be ok?10:09
tekknokratstefano_: thank you for your help!10:09
CaBa|ChevronX: just reboot10:10
stefano_tekknokrat, youre welcome10:10
ChevronXThanks alot :-)10:10
waltterilepistofac yuo10:10
tekknokratstefano_: ok, see you later :)10:10
GoundyHeya all10:10
GoundyWhen you apt-get java where does it put the jre ?10:10
Goundyunable to find the path :/10:10
CaBa|Goundy: 'type java'10:10
waltterilepistohei iekö  teist mulkuis oo ketää suoma laine10:10
CaBa|Goundy: and then follow the symlinks10:11
CaBa|Goundy: on my gutsy system its /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/10:11
souperlocate java10:11
syntax_semanticsOnko totta, että suomalaisessa jouluperinteessä joulupukki oli lapsia syövä villisika?10:11
ere4siwaltterilepisto, in english pls10:11
GoundyCaBa|, thanks :D10:11
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi10:12
waltterilepistofuck you10:12
dnearyI have an Ubuntu on PPC problem - anyone around using 7.04 or 7.10 on a Mac?10:12
ArthurArchnix!ops | waltterilepisto10:12
dgjones!ops | waltterilepisto10:12
ubotuwaltterilepisto: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:12
CaBa|waltterilepisto: you dont have anything better to do?10:12
dnearyIn particular, it's a dual boot, and yaboot got over-written10:12
dnearyI'd like to know how to restore it the easiest way possible10:12
syntax_semanticsI'm using 7.04 on a Mac but mine is Intel10:13
tekknokratstefano_: ah do you mean this thread, http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/15750310:13
dnearyObviously, I don't want to overwrite the Ubuntu install that's there already10:13
dnearyIs an install CD the best solution?10:13
tekknokratstefano_: perhaps it is related with this problem, but i had it also running for a while with the affected line commented out...10:13
souper#ubuntu-cz right guys?10:15
techt0nixere4si, im guess that was not the driver because it is still blacklisted and im on my onboard video card10:15
dgjones!cz | rahuene10:15
Ergo^guys is there any gui that would be suitable to control bandwidth?10:15
uboturahuene: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.10:15
=== alfirin is now known as DruadanBot
ere4sitecht0nix, shouldn't be if it was disabled in the bios and you dpkg'd the xserver - asuming that was the correct driver10:18
techt0nixere4si, right im asuming its the wrong driver10:18
dnearyThe suggestion to hold Alt during startup to choose the boot disk worked like a charmù10:19
ere4sitecht0nix, if you dpkg the xserver it will tell you the driver it is using - so blacklist that one if you don't want it used10:19
techt0nixX server driver just says Intel10:20
techt0nixso just blacklist intel?10:21
ere4sitecht0nix, then the line   blacklist intel   goes in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist10:21
techt0nixere4si, ok i will try that10:21
Ezicchi all, i'm new but will try not to be noobish10:22
bazhangask away Ezicc ;]10:23
ShoopufCan I upgrade to PulseAudio if I install 7.10, or do I have to wait for the next version of Ubuntu?10:24
EziccI've dual booted a mac mini + ubuntu 7.1, installed fedora and got a wiki running so my internal network can view it and everything is good :)10:24
Ezicci'm struggling to get our main network shared drive to mount10:25
bazhangShoopuf: you mean pull some hardy into gutsy? like that?10:26
Eziccit's a windows network, with small business server, the network share is on the server, I've googled mounting network shares but can't find anything relevant to my situation10:26
Shoopufbazhang: Yah, my Internet is quite slow so downloading 8.04 would take a while, hoping to upgrade from 7.10 to ALPHA if possible. :P10:27
bazhangShoopuf: you want to meet me in #ubuntu+1 ? ;]10:27
=== Itaku-Sleep is now known as Itaku
ks3Ezicc: You're trying to mount a Windows share?10:30
ks3Ezicc: Okay. I just came in, so I might have missed some stuff.... have you tried mount.cifs?10:31
ichatGood morning all, - im looking for some really helpfull information about installing ubuntu - with either braille or Speech support- i was told that ubuntu is rather ahead of others about this,  and i would love to learn about about this (so i could start on learning howto help others -10:31
dgjonesichat, although I've not used it, there is this page about text to speech that may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech10:33
Joeliohey guys, getting a 403 Forbidden from archive.ubuntu.com when trying to do an upgrade (heron)10:33
Joelioany info?10:34
micadeyeyei get error because my program does write or read from /tmp dir.?10:34
micadeyeyehow can i fix this?10:34
zod_when is the new ubuntu verson released?10:34
dgjoneszod_, Its due towards the end of April10:34
bazhangnext month zod_ discussion in #ubuntu+110:34
micadeyeyeshould i use chmod 777 /tmp????10:35
dnearyichat: I am not sure that the installer is accessible right now - but I may be behind the times.10:35
ks3micadeyeye: /tmp should have 177710:35
zod_is it stable the new verson, or wait some days before install?10:35
micadeyeyebut i don't wanna screw things up10:35
Polishpaulhey fellas, i got my laptop setup with ubuntu, when i plug in my headphones, the sound does not come through - any thoughts?10:35
micadeyeyeks3 so i should use chmod 1777 /tmp???10:35
micadeyeyeks3: so i should use chmod 1777 /tmp???10:36
dgjonesJoelio, Could be that the repo is down at the minute, I'd suggest asking in #ubuntu+1 with you querying about the Alpha version of Hardy10:36
geirhamicadeyeye: that is correct10:36
zod_how to get all hardware devices drivers in ubuntu installed?10:36
ichatdgjones:  - ty for the link, - ill start reading it, -  - i have lots of people that are blind (or near to it), and who want to explore linux too,  yet its rather hard - to support it as im (sadly to say) not a real guru (yet),10:37
ks3micadeyeye: If it doesn't have that mode already, yes. If you do 'ls -dl /tmp', it should show as drwxrwxrwt10:37
micadeyeyethnaks, that reminds me, each time i hibernate my IBM R52 laptop AND RELOAD, I lose sound10:37
geirhazod_: 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon was realeased 2007, month 10. 8.04 Hardy Heron will be released 2008, month 0410:37
Joeliodgjones: I've just changed my sources to gb.archive.. (it was archive..). Working now.. presume they'll fix upstream10:37
zod_ah i see10:37
dgjonesichat, you're welcome, there are some other text to speech app's I've heard mention of, but I can't rememeber what they were called, somebody else may know the answer though10:38
ProbeDoti need to connect to it via internet, i have 50 xp stations connected to a 2003 server using roaming profiles (desktop,my documents,registery,etc are stored on the server), the internet gateway is the centos server, so i have a local network with local ip's and the internet network with the internet ip,10:41
ProbeDot the problem is that i need a laptop using a internet conection to connect to the local area network via internet, i need all windows networking features available, somehow, that laptop must endup connected to the lan with a lan ip10:41
geirhamicadeyeye: the sound drivers probably can't handle the suspend. It's usually fixed by telling acpi to unload the module before suspending, and reload it after the system is back10:41
geirhamicadeyeye: you do this by editing /etc/default/acpi-support, and add the sound driver module to the MODULES="" variable10:42
ere4siProbeDot, a windows server question here?10:44
geirhaProbeDot: sounds like you should read up on VPN10:44
micadeyeyeks3: can i use chmod 1777 /tmp/*?? cause i want all files to have xrw10:46
zod_what program do i use/ get to detect and fix bugs in ubuntu?10:46
ProbeDotgeirha i need to connect a laptop in austria to a local area network in france10:46
ProbeDotso that the laptop access al network resources of the lan in france, i want the laptop to act as a workstation in the lan, both laptop and lan have internet access, lan has one public ip, laptop same10:46
Joelioouch, maybe I shouldn't have done an upgrade... glibc is dead :'( - apt's now broken10:47
bazhangJoelio: in Hardy?10:47
micadeyeye can i use chmod 1777 /tmp/*?? cause i want all files to have xrw10:47
geirhaProbeDot: that's what VPN does.10:47
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for the workaround Joelio10:47
Joelioany ideas what I can do.. only the running processes are working..10:47
micadeyeye can i use chmod 1777 /tmp/*?? cause i want all files to have xrw10:48
ProbeDotgeirha i don't want to move the entire existing lan to vpn, that will take weeks10:48
geirhamicadeyeye: you shouldn't do that. The files in /tmp/ should be owned and only readable/writable by their creators10:48
hischild!repeat | micadeyeye10:48
ubotumicadeyeye: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:48
Joeliolive cd, chroot, rerun apt-get update and hope that they've fixed it?10:48
geirhaProbeDot: ok, but I don't know of any other way to do it10:49
Polishpauldo you have to somehow redirect audio output to the headphone jacks?10:49
ProbeDotgeirha ic.10:49
bazhangJoelio: this is the wrong channel for Hardy discussion10:49
Joeliobazhang: what is the correct one, ta10:49
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:49
Polishpaulouch.. i found the headphone switch...10:50
bazhangJoelio: you can scroll up a few lines?10:50
=== ProbeDot is now known as ProbeDot_
bastid_raZorwhere would i look to see a gnome error log?10:51
minimecJoelio: /join #ubunutu+1  ;)10:51
hischildProbeDot_, afaik VPN allows you to connect to your local network via internet and gain a local ip using it, thus granting you local access to your network10:51
Damiecan you download the html document and read them off line10:52
bazhangDamie: including all the links, or only that one page10:53
Damieall links10:53
zod_is it any mediacenter in Linux (ubuntu 7.10) simular to the microsoft mediacenter?10:53
=== ProbeDot is now known as ProbeDot_
ProbeDot_geirha i never used vpn before. need guidance10:55
jordi_ubuntuhi, my english is bad, any person speak spanish10:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:56
jordi_ubuntuthank you10:56
smokeydhey people. Which browser is still quite good on Ubuntu but a littlebit lighter than firefox?10:56
ere4siepiphany smokeyd10:57
smokeydok, thanks ere4si10:57
ProbeDot_geirha i never used vpn before. need guidance, i use centos10:57
ere4si!topic | ProbeDot_10:58
ubotuProbeDot_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:58
bazhangProbeDot_: how does ubuntu enter into this?10:58
dennis-hey folks10:59
geirhaProbeDot_: I don't have much experience with setting up vpn myself, mostly just from the client side. Have a read at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vpn11:00
ProbeDot_geirha ic.. ok11:00
ProbeDot_geirha thanks!:)11:00
sureshothey what is the paths to extensions dirfor the loadable extensions that one should use in php.ini11:00
cpk1anyone ever use ebox and know if the firewall tools with it are adequeate enough to run as a router or if it can be configured to work with shorewall?11:01
ProbeDot_geirha pm?11:01
sureshotwhere the php extensions(modules) reside?11:01
dennis-what is the easiest way to upgrade vom dapper to gutsy?11:01
dennis-do it the dapper->edgy->feisty->gutsy way, or just go from dapper to gutsy?11:02
sureshotthe etc is only for config files i think and in php dir there is just some config-files11:02
sureshotwhere is the programm folder?11:02
bazhangdennis-: wait a few weeks and do a straight shot from dapper to Hardy11:02
Frogzoodennis-: reinstall11:03
Frogzoook, bazhang's idea's better11:03
bazhangdennis-: LTS to LTS in one easy step ;]11:03
bastid_raZorbazhang; nice, glad to hear they got the LTS to LTS working11:03
bazhangbastid_raZor: I almost want to go back to dapper just to do it ;]11:03