
Ahmuckhi.  i want to rip my cd to disk.  what program should i use.  does xubuntu have one by default?01:49
j1mchi Ahmuck you can use "sound juicer."01:50
j1mcit's not installed by default, but is easy to install.01:50
pc-illiterateto tech404 and j1mc, thanks for your help guys02:13
pc-illiterate if i missed someone...sorry and thanks :D02:13
tech404your welcome...this is a community of good people... as long as you try to figure it out on your own first people will help02:14
j1mcpc-illiterate: i remember helping you, but don't remember how i helped... you're still welcome, though.  :)02:14
pc-illiterateit was tech who finally did but, you tried02:14
tech404if you really want to get into it you could try finding a local ubuntu group02:14
pc-illiteratedo you happen to run a gforce card ?02:14
pc-illiteratemy bios is set-up for pci....it just doesnt like it02:15
tech404yes i do02:15
tech404but mines a 8800gt02:15
tech4042 of them actually02:15
tech404what options did it show there?02:16
pc-illiteratewell it tells me to disable all opengl but im lost there and thats where i get stuck and dont want to read further til i figure it out02:16
tech404usually it says something like on board only, both, and video card only02:16
pc-illiteratei dl the driver already02:16
tech404in bios02:16
pc-illiterateoh in the bios ?02:17
pc-illiteratepci and agp..i have it set for pci...always has been02:17
tech404are you sure your card is pci?02:17
tech404what was its name again02:17
pc-illiteratelmao...yes i am02:17
tech404that is a old card02:17
pc-illiterateyes it is02:17
pc-illiterateworks great though02:18
pc-illiterateonly a 200watt ps so im limited02:18
tech404yeah those emachine ps are tiny02:18
pc-illiteratei doubt its 200 even. i think they say its a 150 or 17502:19
tech404but i think you could tep up to a low power current day card if you wanted to02:19
tech404and you have 2 hd's as well02:19
tech404ohh well02:19
pc-illiteratelimited on funds right now. im just going to build a new 102:19
pc-illiterateor find a cheap 1 i can hop up02:20
tech404well i always say build but i will say system 76 makes a good machine if you just want to buy the whole thing02:21
pc-illiterateive never built 1 but it cant be too hard02:22
tech404anyways... when i type in your card name the results say agp... you seem to know what you are talking about but if I was you I would double check that02:22
pc-illiteratei dont have an agp slot02:22
Turnomy machine is having trouble pulling an ip from my router... it did this before and I don't remember how i solved it... its using the 'tulip' driver... anyone have any idea?02:23
Turno... my router shows it in its dhcp clients table though.... but ifconfig never gets an ip02:25
tech404have your tried 'sudo ifup -a'02:29
Turnoi've tried ifconfig eth0 up/down02:30
Turnoany reboots02:30
Turnoeven when i specify an ip address, it isn't reachable02:30
Turnoits my old ass network card, i'm sure02:31
tech404what does it say about eth0 in your /etc/network/interfaces file?02:31
Turnoafter it gets it once, it sticks02:31
Turnoauto lo02:32
Turnoiface lo inet loopback02:32
Turnothats the only lines not commented out02:32
tech404well there is your problem02:32
Turnoeven though ifconfig shows an eth0?02:33
Turnoif i run that without any arguments02:33
Turnoit shows packest received, not many sent02:33
Turnoi may need to set the linkspeed02:33
Turnosudo ethtool eth0 says02:34
Turnosettings for eth002:34
Turnono data available02:34
ThingusDo we have a newer version of Audacious for Feisty?02:35
ThingusThe one in the repos is kinda oldish.02:35
Turnosomething is apparently seriously wrong with my adapter, even though it was working before i restored this backup... and it was working when the backup was made02:35
Turnolspci reports its an ADMtek nc10002:37
tech404is it a laptop?02:38
Turnoi found a thread on ubuntuforums02:39
Turnoi'm reading that now02:39
Turnoit has worked before02:39
tech404can I suggest that you use a manual ip02:39
Turnoit worked earlier today, but xfce wasn't loading, so i restored a backup from 1/2002:39
Turnoi'll try that again02:39
Turnobut it doesn't seem to affect it02:39
pc-illiterateok im going to try to figure this out. you guys have a good time02:41
=== distrotubux is now known as codenamekt
StrykHi, could someone help me with the process of installing Xubuntu?03:57
pc-illiterateanyone alive in here ?06:27
pc-illiterateoh thank god06:30
The-KernelWhat can i do for you good sir.....or ma'am06:30
pc-illiterateim a guy but not a sir yet ;)06:31
pc-illiteratei want to install my nvidia card and its an older 1. im having more problems than i can handle06:31
pc-illiterateim totally new to linux and im lost06:31
The-KernelOK, so, what nVidia is it?06:32
The-Kernelnewer or older then 5200?06:32
pc-illiterategf4 440mx06:32
The-Kernelsorry dude06:32
pc-illiteratelol i know06:32
The-KernelLinux support for that is pretty much minimal06:32
pc-illiterateive tried reading the pages at ubuntu help and im feeling like a 1 year old06:33
The-Kernelsame as with Windows, if you notices on like half of the game today, it shows "Geforce 4 series not supported"06:33
The-KernelDude, its not you06:33
The-Kernelits the card06:33
pc-illiteratewell nvidia has a driver06:33
pc-illiterate i dl it already. i just dont know what to do now06:33
The-KernelThey so, but it doesn't really work anymore06:34
The-Kernelso is it a .sh or a .bin?06:34
pc-illiteratei guess a sh06:34
The-Kernelif its .sh they type this in on the command line in the dir that the file is06:34
The-Kernelsudo nvidiafilenamehere.sh06:35
The-Kernelsudo ./nvidiafilenamehere.sh06:35
pc-illiterateit says sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.05-pkg1.run06:35
The-Kerneltry this, sudo NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.05-pkg1.run06:35
The-Kernelin the dir that the file is in06:36
The-Kernelpc-illiterate, before we install that, run this command and see if it makes the card work06:36
pc-illiteratenow even dumber...how do i enter the command line ?06:36
The-Kernelsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:36
The-KernelMenu -> Accessories -> Terminal06:37
pc-illiterateok... that leaves my desltop. how do i get back to it ?06:37
The-Kernelleaves your desktop?!06:37
The-Kerneltry this key combo06:38
pc-illiteratethe terminal makes me leave my desktop. i dont know how to get back to it06:38
pc-illiterateto get back ?06:38
The-Kerneldid that do it?06:38
pc-illiteratei dont know. im on the 1 and only pc here06:38
pc-illiterateok...lemme try. be patient. im a pure noob06:39
The-Kerneldo you have a command line right now?06:39
The-KernelWhat do you have?06:39
pc-illiteratemy desktop. ?06:40
The-Kernelok um, what screen do you see?06:40
pc-illiterateseriously dude, i was a windows point n clicker06:40
The-KernelSeriously dude, you're doing much better then most06:40
The-Kernelso, hit this key combo: alt+F206:41
The-Kernela run box should pop up06:41
The-Kerneldoes it?06:41
The-Kerneltype in bash, and check the "Run In Terminal" box06:42
The-Kernelthen hit "Run"06:42
The-Kernelsomethings not right....06:42
The-Kernelis there a bug I don't know about?06:42
pc-illiteratelol. you didnt say to hit enter06:43
The-Kernelhaha, hey what happened?06:43
pc-illiteratehey. im laughin anyway06:43
pc-illiterateok...bash and clicked06:44
The-Kernelits a sad thing that you're connected to a router06:44
pc-illiteratewhy you wanna help ?06:44
The-Kernelso do you have the terminal open now?06:44
pc-illiteratei can be walked thru this. im not real bad with windows06:44
The-Kerneltype in:06:45
The-Kernelsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:45
pc-illiterateno bash right ?06:45
* Stryk needs help installing Xubuntu please.06:45
The-KernelStryk OK06:45
The-Kernelsomethings not right....06:46
StrykI seem to be getting this: http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07444/01-11-07_1531.jpg06:46
StrykBut I don't know if that's a problem, or what to do next.06:46
Stryk[This is my first attempt at using Linux.]06:46
pc-illiteratewell that sucked06:47
The-Kernelpc-illiterate, we'll stay away from the command line06:47
pc-illiteratei just hit run after the apt-get06:47
The-Kerneltry opening synaptic06:47
pc-illiterateits open. package manager...........06:48
The-Kerneltell me if that comes up06:48
The-KernelStryk did you receive any errors when installing Xubuntu?06:50
StrykUh, I originally received: Buffer I/O error on device fd006:50
StrykBut then I think I pressed alt ctrl f4 and it went to looking like: http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07444/01-11-07_1531.jpg06:51
Strykbusybox v1.1.3 (debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7)"06:51
The-Kernelweird, OK06:51
The-KernelI'm in CLI, I can't see images :P06:51
StrykOh. :P06:51
The-Kernelpc-illiterate did it open?06:51
The-Kernelsearch for nvidia-glx and install it06:52
The-KernelStryk so when you're install it, it freezes or something? Or is this AFTER you installed it?06:54
pc-illiteratei see a glx...glx-dev...glx-leg....glx-leg-dev....glx-new....glx-new-dev06:54
The-Kernelglx and glx-dec06:55
The-Kernelinstall those two06:55
Stryk(02:54:30) <The-Kernel> Stryk so when you're install it, it freezes or something? Or is this AFTER you installed it? << I haven't installed it. It's weird. Would you have the time to walk me through it from the beginning? (I can wait if you don't currently.)06:55
The-KernelStryk, sure06:55
The-Kernelso put the CD in, boot into installation(if its live CD or Alternate thats fine)06:56
StrykLet's say I burned the iso onto a bootable DVD, would that work?06:56
The-KernelDVD, CD, same difference06:56
StrykOkay, I'm going to be using alternate because the laptop I'm trying to install it on is pretty old.06:57
The-KernelGreat, I liked Alt anyways06:58
StrykInserted the DVD, restarting laptop.06:58
pc-illiteratei used the alt today....i loved it. only took an hour to install :))06:58
StrykI've been trying to install this thing all day. :P06:59
pc-illiterateit took me all day yesterday and today to find out xubuntu didnt like my vid card07:00
StrykHmm. I expect that'll happen to me too if I'm able to install this.07:00
StrykHuh, my laptop booted from the hard drive.07:00
The-Kernelpc-illiterate, Stryk, what are your systems specs?07:00
pc-illiteratewell it turns out it wasnt supported in this release07:01
pc-illiterate1ghz celeron 256 ram07:01
StrykDell Latitude CPx running Windows XP, Pentium III, 498 MHz, and 128 MB of ram.07:01
The-Kernelboth should work07:02
The-Kernelbut not from the Live cd install07:02
pc-illiteratenope. not enough ram07:02
pc-illiteratewebpage lies07:02
StrykHmm, doh.07:02
StrykWell, it did say 192 to install, right?07:02
StrykOr maybe I'm remember it wrong.07:02
pc-illiterateyep...it needs over 30007:02
The-KernelXubuntu will install on that07:03
* Stryk bangs head into desk.07:03
pc-illiteratealt cd says 36 if i remember right07:03
The-Kernel368 for live cd07:04
The-Kernelsomething like 96 for Alt07:04
StrykSo 128 mb is enough?07:04
Stryk(for alt)07:04
The-KernelI've install Xubuntu on a 64 mb system07:04
The-Kerneland recently07:05
pc-illiterateeverytime im doing something...now i got this girl wanting to show me her boobs lol07:05
The-Kernelpc-illiterate, for statements like that, lets move it to xubuntu-offtopic07:05
StrykHeh. :P07:05
The-Kernelthis is supposed to be a "family friendly" channel07:06
pc-illiteratethats why i said it decently but sorry07:06
StrykBIOS says that my laptop is supposed to try to boot from CD/DVD first, but it isn't.07:06
The-Kernel"boobs" technically is an unacceptable word...pfft.07:06
StrykI'd show you pictures, but you can't view them. :P07:07
The-KernelStryk I can now07:07
pc-illiteratei guess i would use the word chest ?07:07
StrykAh. Okay, I'll imageshack some pictures of what files are in the alt dvd.07:07
The-KernelStryk find the key combo that makes the boot menu come up, its something like "Esc, Del, F1, or F2:"07:07
The-Kernelmaybe ctrl even07:08
StrykI think mine's F2.07:08
The-KernelStryk, try to make the smaller(in byte size that is)07:08
The-Kernelthe images07:08
StrykOh okay. Any particular format preference?07:08
The-Kernelyour last one was 300k, it takes a while to download on dial uo07:08
pc-illiteratelol. dial up ?07:09
The-Kernelor low quality jpeg07:09
StrykSure. The other one I got from a website lol.07:09
The-KernelYeah its funny, I work at an ISP, but I'm still stuck with dialup07:10
pc-illiterateok kernel...says to restart... and lol.07:10
The-Kernelrestart X07:11
The-Kernelnot your computer07:11
pc-illiterateso i can shut down. install my card and boot. correct ?07:11
The-Kernelyour card isn't installed?!07:11
pc-illiterateit says system restart07:11
pc-illiteratenope. monitor wouldnt start with card installed07:11
pc-illiterateim on on-board07:12
The-KernelYeah, go ahead and do that, make sure you disable the current card in there right now. Or you'll have some problems07:12
The-Kerneldiable the onboard from the BIOS07:12
pc-illiteratedisable ? my bios are set for pci video07:12
Stryk(03:10:36) <The-Kernel> Yeah its funny, I work at an ISP, but I'm still stuck with dialup << Oh the irony. Ever thought about switching to cable or DSL?07:12
pc-illiterateok...bios has agp and pci options only07:13
The-KernelGo ahead and do that.07:13
StrykI remember dialup. Never... again...07:13
The-KernelStryk, I'm 120,000 feet from the closest CO07:13
pc-illiterateyea....toss dial up. if i have to go back to dial up, im net-less07:13
* Stryk is unsure what CO is.07:13
The-KernelI'm in a Canyon, which doesn't give me a view of the sky for sat07:13
The-KernelCO is where the internet comes from07:14
StrykI see.07:14
The-Kernelyou need to be within 18,000 feet07:14
The-Kerneland cable is even shorter07:14
StrykThat's unfortunate.07:14
The-KernelDon't worry, I'm moving07:14
StrykFile not found!?07:14
The-Kernelto where I'll have 10 meg07:14
pc-illiterateman kernel. i got a gun you can borrow. not as clean as a rope but ....07:15
pc-illiterateok...i shall retun07:15
The-KernelI multiplexed 4 phone lines each running 40k dialup07:15
The-Kernel40k * 4 = 160k internet connection!07:15
* Stryk stares blankly.07:16
The-Kernelyou probably have something around 6 meg07:16
The-Kerneldon't you...07:17
StrykFrankly, I don't even remember my internet speed anymore.07:17
StrykYeah, close enough to six mb.07:21
Strykhttp://img176.imageshack.us/img176/9625/xubuntutt1.png << There, that's what my alt dvd looks like.07:22
The-Kernellloks fine07:24
StrykWon't boot on startup for some reason from the CD/DVD, even though bios is set to do so first before going to the HD.07:25
StrykI think it might be pausing momentarily on a black screen before booting Windows XP (as normal), but that might just be my imagination.07:25
The-KernelStryk did you run a checksum on the ISO07:31
* Stryk blanks out again.07:33
* Stryk runs to Wikipedia.07:34
StrykSo... *blush* how do I run a checksum on the iso?07:36
The-Kernelin windows, no idea07:40
StrykRunning checksum now.07:44
slafkoI'm using english as default language, but I need croatian locale setting (date) in thunderbird08:04
slafkohow to manage that?08:04
ArmyMan007hello? can anyone help me out here?12:55
Odd-rationale!ask | ArmyMan00712:56
ArmyMan007hi. I need some help with my wireless card/antana see12:56
ArmyMan007hi. I need some help with my wireless card/antana12:56
ArmyMan007on Xubuntu12:57
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Wireless is not my expertise. What chipset?12:57
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> meaning?12:57
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: What brand/type of wireless card you got?12:58
ArmyMan007I don't know. can the Xubuntu tell me?12:59
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Try: lspci | grep Network12:59
ArmyMan007you just type lspci and look under the grep network?13:00
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Try typing the whole command: lspci | grep Network13:00
ArmyMan007what do you type on the middle part?13:01
Odd-rationaleYou mean this | ?13:01
ArmyMan007how to you type it?13:01
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Horizontal bar. Shift forward slash13:02
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Or just copy and paste from here...13:02
Odd-rationale*vertical. sorry :(13:02
ArmyMan007i can't copy and paste... it dosn't have internet... I'll just find it...13:02
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: On most keybaords, it is above the enter key...13:03
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> nothing comes up, but i've typed the lspci command13:04
ArmyMan007 !test13:04
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> will that work too?13:04
Odd-rationalehmm. what is wrong with ubotu today...13:04
Odd-rationaleno !test is something else.13:04
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: OK. just type in lspci and look for the "network" line13:05
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I know i've got ethernet13:06
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> allow me to tell you what's this all about13:06
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> it seems that the Xubuntu detects the network, but won't let me connect it until I type the network key13:06
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I know what is the network key, but I don't know where to type it at13:07
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> do you happen to know where do I type it?13:07
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Do you have a network applet in the system tray. (top right)?13:07
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I've got a network symbol13:08
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> (top right)13:08
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Can you click it? does it look like bars?13:08
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I can acssase the network manager if that's what you're asking...13:08
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: That is different. There should be something in the top right called a network applet. find it?13:09
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I don't think I do...13:10
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> There is "manual network configuration" on the top right...13:11
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: That is it.13:11
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> That's what I ment... T__T13:11
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> OK. what's next?13:11
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Try this. Click it and go to manual configuration.13:12
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> And?13:12
Odd-rationaleDo you have a "wireless connection" settings?13:12
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> No. I have "wired connection"13:12
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> No "wireless connection13:13
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> No "wireless connection" at all..13:13
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale ->13:13
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Open a terminal a try: iwconfig13:13
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: How many devices come up?13:14
ArmyMan007"no wireless extantions"13:14
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> "no wireless extantions"13:14
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> :-(13:14
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: how many devices? 2? 3?13:14
Odd-rationalee.g. I have lo, eth0, and eth113:15
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> 2 devices: lo and eth013:16
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> both saying "no wireless extantions""13:16
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: and you do have a wireless card plugged in. Right/13:16
ArmyMan007yes. It has an antana sticking out of the computer...13:17
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: OK. lets try to find what wireless card you got. Try the "lspci | grep Network" command again.13:17
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> the command was invalid last time i've typed it...13:18
Odd-rationalee.g. I get: 03:05.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection (rev 05)13:18
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> The command won't show a thing...13:19
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: OK. Just pastebin the entire output of lspci13:19
ArmyMan007I can't paste... I'm using another computer (it has XP)13:19
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: oh. sorry.13:19
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I'll just look up and type it13:20
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Does lspci spits out any info?13:20
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> yes. which info you want me to type you?13:21
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Does any any line have the word "Network controller" in it?13:21
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> I've got "ethernet controller" and "comunication controller", no "network controller"13:22
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Hmm. looks like your computer is not detecting your wireless card. Are you sure it is on?13:23
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> pretty sure. how can I verify that it is?13:23
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Does it have a light?13:24
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> No. Then again, this OLD computer dosn't even have a led... The win98 found it and it worked13:25
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: I'm running out of ideas here... Try going to Applications -> administration -> Retricted drivers. anything in there?13:27
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> Won't even go in. Gives me a message that there is nothing restriced that needs to be configured...13:29
* ArmyMan007 slaps ArmyMan007 around a bit with a large trout13:29
* ArmyMan007 slaps Odd-rationale around a bit with a large trout13:29
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: OK. Try the ubuntuforums.org for tier 2 support :)13:30
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> Your'e out of options?13:30
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Be sure to describe your situtaion as detailed as possible. Let them know that you hvae no Network controller interface in the lspci options and that iwconfig does not show your wireless device.13:31
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Yes. That is all I can do. Sorry :(13:31
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: Good luck!13:31
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> Well then, I guess I should go to the forums... Thanks a bunch though... :D13:32
Odd-rationaleArmyMan007: np. got to head off to school now.... :'(13:32
ArmyMan007Odd-rationale -> Enjoy! :P13:34
evHi all15:36
exehi guys i have kubuntu and i search for the xubuntu reference?16:58
exegerman channel?16:59
viddthis is ubuntu on xfce (like kubuntu is on KDE)17:00
exei know17:00
viddok...then what is your question?17:01
exebut i want the refernce for xubuntu17:01
viddyou want to install xubuntu?17:01
viddor the web site?17:01
zoredacheif you are asking how to install onto of kubuntu then 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'17:01
zoredacheor please tell us what you mean by 'reference'17:02
xivuloncan someone please provide me with the SVG for the logo to be used in umenu/wubi17:11
zoredachexivulon: I don't know what you are talking about, but did you try and look for the source package related to those things?17:25
xivulonwhich one?17:26
TheSheepxivulon: you want the xubuntu logo?17:39
TheSheepxivulon: or the icon based on it?17:39
paolo_first time for me...18:01
HadenHow do I disable mouse scroll flipping through my desktops?18:02
TheSheepHaden: settings->window manager tweaks18:07
TheSheepHaden: the workspaces tab18:07
HadenTheSheep: fantastic.  That's really annoying on a touchpad ^.^ ty18:09
TheSheepHaden: you might want to disable the touchpad while typing18:10
TheSheepHaden: there is a daemon for that18:10
=== jusama14 is now known as jusama14_
HadenTheSheep: I'll keep that in mind, although it hasn't been an issue thus far18:13
=== jusama14_ is now known as jusama14
ere4si!info dillo19:03
ubotudillo (source: dillo): Small and fast web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.5-4.1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 354 kB, installed size 956 kB19:03
ere4sihmmm - 0.8.6 was released in 2/06...19:04
TheSheepit's not continued, I'm afraid19:05
TheSheepere4si: you can take a look at midori if you want some actively developed lightweight web browser19:05
ere4sibut the last version isn't the one in the repos TheSheep  is what I was looking at19:06
ere4sifrom 0619:07
viddso package it and submit it for approval!19:07
zoredacheso where DO you submit packages you create?19:38
viddto the MOTU19:39
TheSheepask at ubuntu-motu maybe19:39
xivulonTheSheep, need the logo and the icon, but I can generate an icon from an svg19:41
TheSheepxivulon: the logo is available from wikipedia entry about xubuntu, the icon is on the wiki, in the artwork for.. edgy, I think19:43
xivulonTheSheep: ok that's the logo I am already using, so nothing to change19:44
xivulonTheSheep shall I use the more flashy logo here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Proposed/AllImages19:47
TheSheepxivulon: there is an icon I made (based on the ubuntu icon): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Feisty?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=xubuntu-logo.svg19:47
TheSheepbut not sure how useful it is19:48
TheSheepxivulon: jmak is the "art director" for xubuntu, maybe you should contact him19:48
xivulonwhere would I normally find him?19:49
xivulonTheSheep do you know how to generate proper windows .ico files from svg19:49
TheSheepxivulon: I think he's rarely on irc19:49
xivulonI believe those use different layers for different resolutions/color depth19:50
TheSheepxivulon: yes, you would generate several renderings and then merge them together somehow into an ico file, ImageMagick can probably do it19:50
xivulonI mean I know I can use save as in gimp but that will create a single layer .ico19:50
xivulonTheSheep do you know of any script to do that?20:02
TheSheepxivulon: no20:08
xivulonTheSheep thanks anyway20:17
Seeebwhat will happen when i uninstall all the xfce-stuff over synaptic while using the xfce environment? (i want to update the xfce to 4.4.2)21:26
TheSheepSeeeb: nothing21:27
TheSheepSeeeb: some things will stop working21:27
TheSheepSeeeb: but the programs that rae running will still be running21:27
Seeebbut how can it still run when i deinstalled it OR how can it be deinstlaled while its still running? :D21:27
TheSheepSeeeb: they are loaded into memory21:28
Seeebbut if i'd restart, i couldnt startx right ?21:28
TheSheepyou could, but then nothing will come up21:28
Seeebbig thx 2 u [-:21:28
TheSheepso it is a little risky21:28
TheSheepthings that require starting new programs, like alt+f2 will stop working too21:29
Seeebbut do u think that i'd still be able to run the installer of the xfce ?21:31
Seeeb.run file21:31
TheSheepif you have a terminal open before that21:36
TheSheepto run it from21:36
Seeebhaha ok :)21:36
Seeebthis is a very important advice i think21:37
jdk1976hi all. anybody know why opening a terminal in xubuntu would crash graphics?22:05
jdk1976sorry, that's xfce xubuntu22:05
zoredacheAssuming you have an nvidia graphic card... There is a known bug22:10
jdk1976this is an onboard intel 181022:11
zoredachesee bug 9184922:12
jdk1976when I try to open a terminal thescreen goes to this colorfull striated array22:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 91849 in xorg-server "i810 + xorg = xfce crashes when opening terminal" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9184922:12
jdk1976muchos gracias22:12
zoredachethere are a few other bugs also realted to starting xfce4-terminal resulting in a crash.  Some of them have suggested fixes/tweaks that can improve things.22:14
Ein2015can somebody help me setup vncserver via SSH on a server running xubuntu?22:20
zoredacheEin2015: sudo apt-get install x11vnc then22:21
Ein2015if i already installed vncserver, is that necessary?22:21
zoredachedo you want to see your console?22:21
zoredacheor do you just want to see another x11 instance22:21
zoredacheanyway, the method I use is with x11vnc22:23
Ein2015i need to be able to interact with the x11 instance that shows up on the monitor of the server (which right now is a very crappy CRT TV and so it's impossible to read small txt on the damn thing, hence why i'm setting up VNC)22:23
zoredacheso install x11vnc, and then us a command like this to start your tunnel forward a port, then have x11vnc start and connect to your current console22:24
zoredachessh -L9999:localhost:5900 -t username@host sudo x11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loopssh -L9999:localhost:5900 -t username@host sudo x11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop22:24
zoredacheack... sorry one more time, but corrected ssh -L9999:localhost:5900 -t username@host sudo x11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop22:24
zoredachethen on the client you simply vnc to localhost:999922:25
Ein2015now that's way different than i'm used to22:26
Ein2015where's the "easy-to-setup, edit a configuration file or two, and then connect to the IP:1 using a vncviewer" type of solution?22:27
Ein2015because i sure as hell wont remember that long string when i want to connect each time.22:27
zoredacheEin2015: It wouldn't supprise me... I have been accused of doing things weird frequently.  But is the way I know to make it work22:27
zoredacheEin2015: well after the first time, you write a script and just run the script22:27
Ein2015i shall try this... http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/12/xubuntu-remote-desktop-with-vnc4server.html22:29
zoredacheso really I have a script called ssh-vnc.sh that basically has that line, but replaces username@host with $1.  Then I just do ssh-vnc user@host22:29
Ein2015yeah i havent had the time to do much shell scripting :(22:29
zoredacheEin2015: did you read the comments on that page22:31
zoredacheIt doesn't connect you to the 'desktop session'22:31
zoredacheRead The second comment by Warren22:31
x9xare there any parameter that I can use (in the livecd menu) to start xubuntu with less memory? (like don't load any backgroundimage, screensaver or update-manager or something?)23:33
x9xI have 128MB memory (or little less since the graphic card is stealing 16Mb or so)... are there anything I can do to make Xubuntu livecd start?23:34
x9xthe only other alternative is to change the xubuntu-cd with UCK to make it load less things or? (so it can start correctly with 112MB memory)23:46
zoredachex9x: you are probably out of luck... I doubt there is any way to make a livecd with a full gui do anything useful in 128MB of ram these days.23:47
zoredacheare you trying to install xubuntu, or just play around with the livecd... If you are trying to install then you would have better luck with the alternate cd23:48
x9xhmm.. I guess xorg, and xfce itself (even with as little things as possible loaded more than the menu) eats lots of memory....23:49
zoredachea livecd by itself with a cli-only system eats lots of memory23:50
zoredacheyou have to have ram-disks that eat up tons of the memory because most programs don't like running on read-only media23:50
x9xwell... first thing is too boot with the livecd so I can dump the content on the harddisk to a usb memory, (after that I thought of installing xbuntu somehow, perhaps in textmode?)23:51
x9xlater when it is installed, then there would be be a swap-partiton so it would at least work..23:52
zoredacheoh, I see... well you don't really need to boot to the livecd to backup your data... doing the backup from a command line will be more difficult23:52
x9xaha ok it is the xubuntu-livecds ramdisk-somthing that eats up the system?23:53
x9x*the memory23:53
zoredacheit is a combination of everything... the ramddisk + the applications23:54
zoredacheif you are needing to make a backup you might try working with something like dsl23:54
x9xhow do I copy all files from the harddisk (it is an old win98-installation) to my usb-memory from the command line?  is is just  cp -r /somethingsomething/cpartition/ /somethingsomething/usbdisk ?23:56
zoredachethat looks like a command that could work, yes23:57
x9xI have been able to get to xubuntu commandline (after some 45 minutes or so when I gived up on getting more than the mousepointer) with ctrl-alt-f1, so I guess I can run commandline-thing from there23:58
zoredachefrom the alternate installer you can go into 'rescue' mode.  That should allow you to mount and copy your files23:59

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