
jjessehrm update didn't go very welll... must be a problem with my driver01:49
jjessefor windows01:49
seelewow. there are a lot of people in here02:01
seelenixternal: go to #ubuntu-us02:01
seeleUS Loco party!02:01
jjessetrying to figure out how to fix my kubuntu upgrade when i don't have access to a live cd :(02:02
* DaskreecH does the bumpNgrind02:03
DaskreecHjjesse: Single user boot?02:03
DaskreecHping nixternal02:05
jjesserebooting next to try that02:05
* DaskreecH waves at jjesse 02:05
DaskreecHNightrose: Nice pic02:05
=== seele is now known as [MD]seele
DaskreecH[MD]seele: Medical Doctor?02:07
=== DaskreecH is now known as [OA]daskreecH
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* [OA]daskreecH waits for [MD]seele to change02:16
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[OA]daskreecHOh not you too02:17
mornfallHm. Maybe if people would read instructions.02:20
mornfallNever mind.02:20
[OA]daskreecHmornfall: They do as long as they are not users. fun rule of thumb02:21
mornfall(But it's annoying that people know so much about how one should do things, yet they almost never do anything themselves.)02:21
mornfall(I was referring to Artimus who disappeared in the meantime, but got just to crashing adept (although instructions fairly clearly say to run update-apt-xapian-index... well, why...)02:22
=== [OA]daskreecH is now known as daskreecH
=== [MD]seele is now known as seele
mornfallNo matter, really. It was a great night and I should sleep instead of getting angry over silly things.02:23
daskreecHSee you when Morn falls02:24
daskreecHnixternal: Ha ha You can speel02:36
daskreecHJucato: How are you?02:36
JucatodaskreecH: tired02:42
daskreecHJucato: I'm with you brother02:44
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ScottK2Nothing like debugging code that needs root access to run (I may be close to teaching displayconfig to have at least minimal functionality if xorg.conf is missing).03:34
=== nivek is now known as Scotty
=== Scotty is now known as nivek
ScottK2More kde-guidance displaysonfig crack to test: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/04:18
ScottK2I just uploaded it, so it'll be a bit before it's built.04:18
ScottK2This is the "Don't die and maybe actually do something useful if there is no xorg.conf" upload.04:19
ScottK2Riddell: ^^^ - I'd appreciate your review on this.  Assuming it tests out OK I'd like to upload it before the beta.04:20
manchickenHowdy folks.05:02
ScottK2heya manchicken.05:03
Hobbseehi manchicken05:04
daskreecHhi manchicken05:04
manchickenMy kid got shots this morning, so sleep just isn't going to come tonight.05:05
ScottK2New kde-guidance is built in my ppa: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ - please test.05:05
daskreecHmanchicken: that trailing s is intentional05:05
manchickenWhat now?05:06
* manchicken looks for misspellings...05:06
* manchicken sees none....05:06
daskreecHmanchicken: ok cool :)05:07
manchickenWere you asking if he got multiple shots?05:07
=== [MA]yuriy is now known as yuriy
yuriyhmm looks like adept-notifier doesn't get an icon under kde406:10
=== _firephoto is now known as firephoto
=== ultracap_ is now known as ultracap
mornfallBtw, if anyone gets a crash with Adept 3.0 alpha 4, *do report it to me*. The fact it's alpha doesn't mean there are any expected crashes (other than not following the instructions, anyway).10:01
Tonio_hi there ;)10:22
jpatrickTonio_: jour10:22
Tonio_jpatrick: :)10:23
_StefanS_hey Tonio_10:25
Riddellmanchicken: your child was shot?!10:26
* Jucato went through the logs in a panic :)10:28
JucatoI presume so10:29
jpatrickI hope so10:29
* Jucato thinks manchicken should have said "got his shots" instead of "got shots" :P10:30
Riddellthose crazy Americanisms10:30
mornfallShot -- a .5dl of liquor? :-)10:31
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
seelethat's like how we say "The grass needs cut"11:18
seeleand omit the verb11:19
* seele tries to think of some other weird language stuff11:19
seelenot like i'm an authority, i'm a yinzer11:19
seeleoh wtf.. celeste@ubuntu.com got scraped from somewhere for spam.. i just got a pile of bounces11:22
seelefigures it is the email address i never use..11:22
ScottK3More kde-guidance displaysonfig crack to test: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/11:37
ScottK3This is the "Don't die and maybe actually do something useful if there is no xorg.conf" upload.11:38
ScottK3Riddell: ^^^ - I'd appreciate your review on this.  Assuming it tests out OK I'd like to upload it before the beta.11:38
Riddelllet me look11:40
RiddellScottK3: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'11:44
Riddelland without deleting xorg.conf11:49
RiddellAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getAvailableResolutions'11:49
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nixternalgood morning!12:40
Riddellhello richard12:45
Hobbseemorning nixternal12:45
nixternalI came home from class last night and fell asleep...exactly what the dr. ordered :)12:53
nixternalanyone over at PyCon today? I was thinking about heading over a little later, even if I didn't pay $200 to go...sneak in maybe :)12:55
manchicken"got shots" is not the same as "got shot" :)14:19
Jucatonixternal!!! :)14:52
nixternalyo yo14:52
JucatoI haven't replied to the 5 on 5 yet... mostly because I don't have 5 :)14:53
Jucatonixternal: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=785379 :D14:55
nixternalw00t, did you get addicted by doing all of that work or what?14:55
nixternalI am trying to figure out the best route on fixing bug 202110 right now14:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202110 in kpovmodeler-kde4 "package kpovmodeler-kde4 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/kpovmodeler-kde4.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/mimetypes/kpovmodeler_doc.png', which is also in package kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20211014:56
Jucatonixternal: I got mentored :)14:56
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
Jucato(read: some amount of hand-holding :P)14:56
nixternalhehe, we all need hand-holding14:56
jpatrick!yay | Jucato14:56
ubotuJucato: Glad you made it! :-)14:56
Jucatolol :)14:57
Jucatoit's a bittersweet victory :)14:57
Jucatobitter, but still sweet :)14:57
jpatrickJucato: now it's my turn to be jealous of you14:58
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Jucatodon't be. like I said, lots of hand holding. I wouldn't have been able to do the heaviest parts without Sho's mentoring14:59
Jucato(and patience.... lots and lots of it)14:59
* n8k99 needs some ham holding14:59
Jucaton8k99: hush! you'll get lots of holding + $$$ if you get accepted to GSoC :p15:00
Jucatoso that marks my 5th contrib (but 4th patch) to KDE. yay! :)15:00
Jucaton8k99: and $$$ to buy ham :P15:00
n8k99if is a great beginning to control functions15:01
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Riddelldu -h /usr/lib/kde4/share/wallpapers/15:15
Riddell25M! I think we need to split those out15:15
mhbhi folks15:21
Riddellhi Arby, going to join in the beta testing fun?15:21
jpatrickhappy birthday mhb!15:21
Riddelljpatrick: it's mhb's birthday?15:21
mhbit is15:22
ArbyRiddell: hi, I hope so15:22
jpatrickRiddell: yep15:22
Arbytrying to get back in the groove15:22
RiddellArby: today's Kubuntu desktop CDs need tested if so :)15:22
Nightrosehappy birthday mhb :)15:23
etretyakmhb: congrats!15:23
* Nightrose hands out cookies15:23
Arbyinstalling virtualbox as we speak15:23
Jucatohippy birthday mhb!!!15:23
Jucatoof course I meant "happy"15:23
Riddellhappy birthday mhb!15:24
mhbthanks guys and girls15:28
manchickenmhb: Happy birthday!15:28
mhbwill hardy boot when I update it?15:28
mhbnixternal wrote some scary blog posts15:29
Jucatomanchicken: better calm Riddell's worries. It turns out that "got shots" is an Americanism :P15:29
Nightrosemhb: that should be fixed15:29
mhbgroovy, let's update then15:29
* jpatrick checks /topic in #ubuntu+115:29
manchickenJucato: Americans invented English, didn't you know that?15:29
jpatrickno breakage for now15:30
Riddellanyone tried kdm-kde4 recently?15:38
n8k99i was rockin it earlier this week15:39
NightroseRiddell: in gutsy - yes15:39
n8k99before i built kde from source15:39
Riddellso might be worth putting on the kubuntu-kde4 CD?15:39
NightroseRiddell: according to apachelogger no IIRC15:39
Riddellapachelogger: poke poke15:39
=== allee_ is now known as allee
* manchicken puts Kubuntu with KDE4 on his desktop box...15:50
jussi01ryanakca: you around?15:50
Riddelln8k99: does khelpcentre work in your self compiled kde4?16:03
nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/test.debdiff  <- is that a good idea or a bad idea for fixing bug 202110 you think?16:07
nixternalkpovmodeler-kde4 supplies 3 kdepovmodeler_doc.png files and has the overwrite error during install if kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4 is installed16:08
Riddellnixternal: why not just remove it from kpovmodeler-kde4?16:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202110 in kpovmodeler-kde4 "package kpovmodeler-kde4 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/kpovmodeler-kde4.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/mimetypes/kpovmodeler_doc.png', which is also in package kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20211016:09
nixternalif they don't have the icon theme installed, then that icon will never get installed16:09
Riddellwell its not needed16:10
Riddellit won't be found in crystalsvg16:10
nixternalhrmm, good point16:10
Riddellso it should be removed from kpovmodeler-kde4, or if it is needed, moved to oxygen16:10
nixternalthen I will go the removal route from kpovmodeler then16:10
Nightrosehmmm kdegraphics-kde4 in gutsy has an unmet depends on gwenview-kde4 >= 4.0.216:11
Nightroseis this just not build yet?16:11
Riddellhmm, why does kdegraphics depend on gwenview?16:13
Riddellthat's fine16:14
Riddellit's not being built16:14
Nightroseok thx - will wait then16:14
Riddell"Disable the gwenview-kde4 package because we don't have exiv2"16:15
Riddellthat'll be it16:15
RiddellNightrose: want to fix it?16:16
stdinI must have forgotten to remove the dep16:16
Nightroseexiv2 needs to be packaged?16:16
nixternalexiv2 is already in the repos16:17
RiddellNightrose: it can't be packaged, not easily anyway16:17
Riddellnot a new enough version16:17
RiddellNightrose: so you'd need to just remove the dependency from the kdegraphics-kde4 metapackage16:17
Nightroseok I think I can try that :)16:17
manchickenWow.  Brazilians have very thick accents.16:17
nixternalwhere you at manchicken that you are hearing brazilian accents?16:18
manchickenI just interviewed someone over the phone who is a Brazilian immigrant to the US.16:18
manchickenHe didn't do very well at all.16:18
* \sh needs a beer 16:18
Riddellnixternal: I've moved that kpovmodeller icon to the oxygen namespace in svn16:19
Nightrose\sh: just wait another 2 hours :P16:19
manchickenThough he assured me that in a face-to-face interview he could knock my socks of... which is unfortunate because I don't do much work these days face-to-face.16:19
nixternalRiddell: rock on! thanks16:19
Riddellmanchicken: irc interviews :)16:19
manchickenRiddell: That sounds like a scary idea.16:19
manchickenAt least on the phone I can hear if folks are googling.16:19
\shNightrose: hell yeah :)16:21
manchickenOkay, I've gotta walk to the library.16:21
Jucatowebcam interview?16:21
RiddellArby: what news?16:25
manchickenWebcam interview wouldn't be too bad, except that I would rather assume that the guys are wearing suits and not know than have them on camera and be horrified when I'm wrong.16:25
manchickenI would prefer not to have that window into someone else's house.16:25
ArbyRiddell: kubuntu-kde4 desktop seems OK16:25
Arbyseems to be lots of applications missing from the menu but maybe that's known16:26
ArbyI'm still trying to catch up with the state of the game16:26
Arbyin the plus column it's very very shiny :)16:28
RiddellArby: got an example of what's missing?16:29
ArbyRiddell: konversation, amarok, openoffice apart from writer16:30
Riddellno konversation or amarok in kde 4, openoffice I've just fixed16:30
Arbyok so like I said, known issues16:30
Arbyif I install konversation or amarok from kde3 they don't appear in the menu16:31
Arbyis that expected?16:31
Riddellthey will if you kill plasma and start it again16:31
Riddellwhich isn't ideal16:31
Arbyhow do I do that without logging out?16:31
Arbyor do I have to log out16:32
Riddell`killall plasma`16:32
RiddellArby: able to test kubuntu (kde3) desktop CD sometime?  it wouldn't start for me this morning16:32
* Arby wgets16:33
Arbyhooray for having fun on company time :)16:35
Riddellthe "york.ac.uk" company?16:36
nixternalRiddell: should I just remove the icons with a binary-install rule in debian/rules?16:37
Riddellnixternal: if that works yes16:38
ArbyRiddell: not quite, it's a university spin out so we're on their network16:39
Arbyalso, kubuntu-kde3 totally dead16:39
ArbyI get to the cd menu and it's unresponsive16:40
* Artemis_Fowl releases KGRUBEditor 0.6...16:40
ArbyI can't change menu options or select anything16:40
RiddellArby: that's what I got16:41
RiddellArby: quite strange16:41
ArbyRiddell: any guesses as to the cause?16:42
Riddellnone at all16:42
blueyedArby: wouldn't running kbuildsycoca4 also show them up?16:48
Riddellblueyed: you would think so, but no16:48
blueyedRiddell: even not with --noincremental ?16:49
* Arby == neophyte16:49
ArbyI don't know what kbuildsycoca is sorry16:49
blueyedArby: it rebuilds the caches, but apparently not all/enough.16:49
blueyedArby: you can try running "kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental" (as user), and see if it helps. Unless you've restarted plasma already that is anyway.16:51
Arbyalready restarted plasma but thanks16:51
Arbyat least I've learned something16:51
blueyedIn which package are the defaults for "web shortcuts"? (I've looked in kubuntu-default-settings, but couldn't find it there)16:52
ArbyRiddell: the iso tracker says we are not currently testing, is it worth filing a report on those tests?16:53
RiddellArby: probably not, so long as I know16:55
Arbyfair enough16:55
yuriydoes that mean gwenview is not going to be included? or just 4.0.1?17:01
yuriynvm, i have 4.0.2 installed.. so i don't get it17:01
\shblueyed: which web shortcuts?17:03
n8k99Riddell: i'll check now17:04
blueyed\sh: "gg:", "wp:" and the like (can be used from krunner/konqueror)17:04
Riddellyuriy: only a problem in gutsy17:04
\shblueyed: could be in konqeuror itself...17:05
\shblueyed: if you mean the kubuntu ones, they are in kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts17:05
blueyed\sh: ah.. that sounds good, thanks!17:05
smarterblueyed: dpkg -S /usr/share/services/searchproviders17:06
smarterthe kubuntu ones are maintend in bazaar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts/trunk17:06
\shuh..doomed...I'm still the maintainer of this little package ;)17:06
blueyedsmarter: thanks.17:07
n8k99Riddell: the help option in kickoff does open the help window in my compiled kde417:07
Riddelln8k99: right but is there anything in there?17:08
n8k99Riddell: it depends upon what the topic is whether there is documentation or not17:09
Nightrosestdin: removed the depends - what do you need now?17:09
Riddelln8k99: right, in the kubuntu packages there's just no topics at all17:09
n8k99for instance, i have docs for controlcenter but not cervisisa17:09
n8k99i did build the api doc as well when i followed techbase instructions17:10
nixternald'oh, are we not supposed to uploading during this latest freeze?17:11
Riddellnixternal: you can17:12
n8k99Riddell: further digging, i've got topics but not all of the documentations17:12
Riddellit'll get stuck in unapproved17:12
nixternalahh, ya it comes through and says it is waiting for distro manager approval17:12
nixternalwhew..scared me for a sec...thought I broke the law17:12
n8k99nixternal: maybe you did...17:13
stdinNightrose: nothing, just pbuild and dput :)17:19
stdinNightrose: erm debuild :p17:20
Nightrosestdin: I did debuild - dput where now?17:20
stdinNightrose: you aren't in the -kde4 team are you?17:21
NightroseI am not17:21
stdinmaybe Riddell can add you17:21
RiddellI can17:22
NightroseRiddell: ~lydia-pintscher17:22
stdinNightrose: then you just need something like http://stdin.pastebin.com/d1c18f0ce in your ~/.dput.cf17:23
* Artemis_Fowl released version 0.6 of KGRUBEditor and starts studying...17:35
jpatrickapachelogger: ^17:35
Nightroseok small problem... - need to get ready for dinner - will fix and upload when I get back17:36
\shhmmm....basket is just cool...17:38
\shbut I would like to see the notes floating on my desktop, just as its done on the window area17:38
\shNightrose: hurry up...I'm hungry and thirsty ;)17:40
Nightrose\sh: *lol* so am I17:41
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for looking at the kde-guidance in my PPA.  Those errors I would have expected for ppa1, but I thought I had taken care of in ppa2.  If you would, would you please double check which you had installed?18:43
apacheloggerRiddell: not unless someone tested it18:44
=== emu_ is now known as emu
apacheloggerI will take a look at it ASAP18:44
apacheloggerIIRC there are some fixes that need to be uploaded18:45
apacheloggerafter that it should work pretty well18:45
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, it seems your iPod issue is caused by an overal problem with mediadevice list parsing in Amarok, caused by some change in the kded output18:47
apacheloggerat least I think this is the cause18:47
nixternal!info kphotoalbum18:48
ubotukphotoalbum (source: kphotoalbum): tool for indexing, searching and viewing images by keywords for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.2-1build1 (gutsy), package size 15180 kB, installed size 20372 kB18:48
Riddellapachelogger: good that its not just me18:48
Riddellapachelogger: any chance of a fix before release do you think?18:48
apacheloggerRiddell: before hardy for sure ;-)18:48
apacheloggerthe problem is our mediadevice stuff maintainer is currently quite busy with 1st life18:49
nixternalapachelogger: is that the issue with iPods locking up the system you are referring to?18:50
apacheloggerthe 'my-amarok-doesnt-detect-my-ipod' issue18:50
nixternalOK, there is a report on LP for that issue, however I just did an iPod sync a couple of months ago...and I went to test to see if I could reproduce their issue and now I can't find my iPod cable :/18:51
apacheloggerwell, it is a generic issue18:51
apacheloggeramarok will also be unable to detect an USBMS18:52
apacheloggeras the complete parsing fails for some reason18:52
=== ScottK3 is now known as ScottK2
nixternalshouldn't kphotoalbum also have a Recommends for KHelpCenter?18:55
Riddellgiven khelpcentre doesn't work..18:55
Riddell(for our packages)18:55
nixternalkhelpcenter kde318:55
nixternalthis is for the kde3 packages18:55
Riddellah, probably18:56
nixternalgnome people file bugs that khelpcenter isn't included in a K package, but as soon as it is included and installs, they complain about pulling in to many K dependencies18:56
nixternalit is a no win situation :/18:56
Riddellmm hmm18:59
* apachelogger demands a fd.o spec for helpcenter stuff18:59
apacheloggeror we could just hide the handbook menuitem if khelpcenter is not installed ;-)19:00
nixternalwell, fd.o spec calls for Project Mallard which has been vaporware now for close to 3 years19:06
* apachelogger has no idea what project mallard is and prolly shouldn't know due to that vaporware comment19:07
nixternalapachelogger: or better yet, instead of hiding the menuitem, make it popup and say "hey, you don't have KHelpCenter installed, so either install it or run meinproc on the .docbook file to create HTML"19:08
nixternalor better yet, Yelp devs could add support for .docbook files19:09
apacheloggerfor now19:09
apacheloggerwhy not use the amarok approach?19:09
apacheloggeri.e. popup - hey the necessary application for KDE handbooks isn't installed - do you want to automatically install it?19:09
nixternalthat would still need to be hardcoded in every k app though right?19:10
apacheloggerthat stuff should be in kdelibs19:11
nixternaldo people using gnome get the popup when they try to view the handbook of a kde app?19:11
apacheloggernixternal: well, anyone will get unless khelpcenter is installed19:13
nixternalthe person in this one report wants kipi-plugins and khelpcenter installed when kphotoalbum is installed19:13
nixternalhave kipi and khelp in recommends is good enough imho19:14
ScottK2nixternal: My suggestion would be wontfix - Rationale: "If you want KDE, use KDE."19:14
nixternalchecking to see what other distros do with their pkgs19:14
nixternalScottK2: hahahhahaa19:14
ScottK2Not particularly kidding.19:14
nixternalbut still, that was funny19:14
ScottK2Yeah, well that was a bonus.19:15
Riddellseele, apachelogger: think this is a good set to suggest on kde-core-devel? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDefaultSettings19:15
nixternalktip: don't run this. Just kill it. Kill it dead19:16
nixternalhahahahaha, nice Riddell19:16
nixternalI can't stand KTip, but I do know a lot of newbs use the heck out of it19:17
Riddellits horribly out of date, as well as being just evil19:17
apacheloggeris useful for approx 0.1% of users19:17
apacheloggerthose who have time to actually read that19:17
apacheloggerit's getting updated19:17
apacheloggerwith new design and stuff19:17
apacheloggerso, I wouldn't kill it19:17
Riddellisn't there a plasma applet to replace it?19:18
Riddell(I'll still hate it)19:18
apacheloggerRiddell: other stuff looks good though19:18
ScottK2So we aren't shipping the Konqueror simplification stuff anymore?19:18
apacheloggerwell, they started one19:18
apacheloggerbut eventually the development stopped19:18
apacheloggerand it is now rotting to death in playground19:18
nixternalcryptodefaults: don't warn when submitting forms to unencrypted sites,19:18
RiddellScottK2: most of the changes are in kde 4, although I still don't like profiles19:19
nixternal^^ I thought that was a standard implemented for every browser..don't know if it is a law thing or not, but I have read somewhere that browsers must warn by default19:19
apacheloggerprofiles are evil19:19
apacheloggerI don't think I understand them completely19:19
Riddellnixternal: sites might do, browsers don't19:20
ScottK2It's been long enough since I did a fresh install, I don't remember what it looks like.  I do remember undoing some of the Konqueror changes, but don't recall what.19:20
apacheloggerIMO are browser warnings super stupid19:20
apacheloggernone reads them19:20
apacheloggerthanks to crypto warnings in IE and netscape19:20
nixternalI love your ktip(evil) statements19:21
nixternaleverywhere you use ktip there is the (evil) not far from it :)19:21
nixternal...does anyone use window shading?  <-- actually, I see more people using this that ever before, no matter their DE...honestly it is freakin' annoying19:23
nixternaldouble clicking in kde4 maximizes the window...lovely19:23
nosrednaekimnixternal: you can change that of course19:23
nosrednaekimand yeah.. window shading is awesome19:23
nixternalwhy not just minimize it?19:24
ScottK2I've only ever used window shading by accident.19:24
nosrednaekimohh! thats kind of shading.... I thought you meant like (darkening or turning transparent)19:24
nixternalsame here19:24
nosrednaekimyeah, thats annoying19:24
apacheloggerusabilitywise I imagine the shade default is super bad19:25
nixternalI have seen screenshots on the gnome planet where someone has like 40 shaded bars on their desktop19:25
apacheloggernone would ever expect a window to roll in when double clicking on it19:25
apacheloggeror does a website roll in when you click a link?19:25
apacheloggermaybe the desktop should also shade when clicking the kmenu19:26
nixternalis -1ubuntu1 > -1build1?19:26
nixternalok..just wanted to make sure before I started building19:27
* nixternal goes to Debian first19:27
nixternalI can't believe my 'd' key on my keyboard is like physically broken...sometimes if I don't press it just right it won't activate19:29
nixternalI must use the heck out of the 'd' key19:29
Riddellnixternal: deleting too much spam?19:29
nosrednaekimnixternal: its all those "dd"'s in VIM19:29
nixternalI don't get much spam anymore to my client19:30
nixternalgoogle grabs most of it now19:30
* nosrednaekim <3 the google spam blocker19:30
smarter_[smarter@fenny ~]% grep "<nixternal>" .kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/ubuntu\ irc_\#kubuntu-devel.log|grep d|wc -l19:30
ScottK2Riddell: Did you have an opinion on cjwatson's proposed fix for Bug #4454819:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 44548 in kdebase "Problems with accentuated characters in man pages" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4454819:31
RiddellScottK2: hmm, I thought I'd included that patch19:32
nixternalnixternal@3LockBox:~/irclogs/Freenode$ grep '\[*nixternal*\]' \#kubuntu-devel.log | wc -l19:32
nixternalcome on smarter_, I talk way more than that19:33
nosrednaekimheh... you have to count his laternate personalities19:33
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
nixternalalternate personalities may take me up over the 30k mark19:34
ScottK2Riddell: I didn't check the source yet.  Maybe the bug just didn't get updated.19:36
smarternixternal: http://pastebin.ca/942840 (:19:41
smarterand I only have 30517 lines of logs19:42
RiddellScottK2: still getting "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'"19:48
Riddellsorry for the delay19:48
Riddellguidance-backends: Installed: 0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu6~ppa219:48
ScottK2Riddell: Thanks.  I'll look at it again.19:48
Riddellkde-guidance: Installed: 0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu6~ppa219:48
apacheloggerhum lovely -.-19:49
apacheloggerRiddell: I think I fixed the issue, though I have no iPod, so I can't test19:49
apacheloggeralso my USB stick is hiding :|19:49
ScottK2Riddell: According to LP - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/kdebase-kio-plugins/4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 - There's no dependency on man-db, so cjwatson's patch is not applied.19:51
Riddellapachelogger: ooh, I can test19:51
Riddellwell, actually I'm going out in 10 minutes19:51
apacheloggeryeah, me too :)19:51
RiddellScottK2: fancy making it sew?19:51
ScottK2Riddell: I don't think we need an upload for it during the beta freeze, but just after, we should upload it.19:52
RiddellScottK2: no reason to wait, it'll just sit in unapproved19:52
ScottK2Riddell: OK.  Fair enough.19:52
* ScottK2 --> TODO19:52
nixternalunless someone approves it of course...my one upload was approved from earlier already19:53
nixternalbut that is universe and not main of course19:53
Riddellyes, universe can go through19:53
smarternixternal: It looks like you don't use your 'd' key that much ;) http://pastebin.ca/94287220:05
LureRiddell: there is major bug in kmail: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15909320:06
ubotuKDE bug 159093 in GUI "KMail destroys attachments - makes them unusable" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:06
Lureproblem is major backport is required (as it looks to me)20:07
ScottKLure: Have you experienced this bug?  I have not (but I'm going to try right now).20:09
* hunger grumbles about this scim stuff getting installed yet *again*.20:11
LureScottK: not, but upstream notified packagers to backport the fix20:12
LureScottK: it may be that suse has more patched 3.5.9 and this is regression after 3.5.9 release20:12
ScottKI'm updating my hard test box right now and I'll try to see if I can cause it.20:13
=== santiago-php is now known as santiago-ve
RiddellLure: I don't believe that was actually in 3.5.9, the problem was added after20:14
LureScottK: suggested patch is in the files that do not exist in 3.5.9, but some files are missing there20:14
LureRiddell: most probably20:14
Lureonly problem with kdepim currenttly is some hangs on mail delete on threaded mails20:15
Lurebut I can live with that ;-)20:15
=== milian_ is now known as milian
ScottKRiddell: The good news is I can recreate your displayconfig failure now that I've updated my box.20:42
* ScottK now tries to figure out how it's possible for cdbs to NOT apply a patch that's in debian/patches. Urgh.20:58
crimsuncheck debian/rules21:02
* ScottK will21:05
jussi01hmmm, apart from removing the patch... dunno...21:06
smarteruse quilt21:08
smarteror change the suffix21:09
smarterDEB_PATCH_SUFFIX ?= .diff .diff.gz .diff.bz2 .diff.uu .patch .patch.gz .patch.bz2 .patch.uu21:09
smarterfrom /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk21:09
ScottKcrimsun: It's really weird.  Just one patch in the sequence gets skipped.21:10
ScottKsmarter: I'll check the suffix.  That might be it.  Thanks21:11
ScottKNo .patch on the end.  That's how ...21:11
* ScottK head desk.21:11
* jussi01 passes ScottK a paracetamol for his sore head :P21:12
* smarter is happy to have been able to help (:21:12
ScottKsmarter: Thanks for that.21:13
blueyedScottK: already solved? you have checked with DH_VERBOSE?21:43
blueyedbtw: Can we remove the "download manager" button from konqueror4?21:43
blueyedor is it possible to remove it for yourself at least?21:43
ScottK2blueyed: Yes.  Solved.21:43
ScottK2Riddell: new package in my ppa for kde-guidance.  Please try again.21:45
alleeHolevening _StefanS_22:06
_StefanS_anything happening?22:06
alleeHolppa builder does not like me :)22:08
_StefanS_it doesnt like me either22:13
alleeHol_StefanS_: good to know.      It's a pity as 3 othe pkgs can't be uploaded as they need the lib build first :(22:21
RiddellScottK2: that's fixed it22:52
ScottK2It helps when the patch is actually applied22:56
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
Riddellnixternal: congratulations on the new post23:41
Riddellwhat happened to rainct doing it?23:41
nixternalhe is doing the behind the scenes stuff23:41
nixternalrevu hacker! :)23:41
nixternalthanks btw (I think) :)23:42
nixternalOH NOS! The rugrats on their way...I don't feel like baby sitting this weekend :|23:46
Riddellso he does all the slog and you get all the glory, smart move :)23:46
nixternaltime to eat before they rush my fortress and tear it apart23:46
nixternalhahaha, exactly23:46
nixternalI will help him with it as well23:46
aibI installed the KDE 4 packages but there is a missing symbol in libQtDbus.so.4. Whoever packaged it linked against this library in /usr/lib, while the rest of the Qt libs are in /usr/local/lib. This has resulted in an inconsistency.23:46
aibkstart: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv23:46
Riddellaib: we don't package anything in /usr/local23:47
nixternalwas just gonna say, nothing should be in /usr/local23:47
JucatoI already told him that23:47
aibdo you know who created these packages? http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php23:47
apacheloggeraib: did you compile your own Qt maybe?23:47
nixternaleclipse  ocaml  perl  python2.4  python2.5  site_ruby23:47
nixternalthat's all that is in my /usr/local/lib/23:47
apacheloggeraib: we, as in, the team23:47
aibi do compile my own Qt, however, my own Qt goes to /usr/local/Trolltech (which is the default installation location, preferred by Trolltech)23:48
aibldd `which kstart`: http://pastebin.ca/94312423:48
nixternalevery distro I have used installs to /usr/lib23:48
Riddellaib: it's a bug in Qt which gets exposed by patch 0180-window-role.diff that we apply23:48
vorian^5 nixternal23:49
vorianso all is well then?23:49
nixternalnothing is well, I have 2 terrorists on their way to my house for the weekend23:49
apacheloggeraib: ldd will show the first shared lib it can find23:49
apacheloggerthat doesn't say anything about linking really23:49
nixternal2 terrorists == niece and nephew23:49
* apachelogger fires up his dapper23:49
vorianah, understood23:49
voriannixternal: have fun with that23:50
nixternalthey ruined my weekend, we were going to go out, and I still might, with Jorge Castro tomorrow night23:50
vorianshow em fancy pants man23:50
nixternalneed to pawn the rug rats off on someone though :p23:50
aibapachelogger, thanks for the tip. that fixed the problem.23:50
vorianoh yeah, pycon is going on23:50
nixternalvorian: I will show them sleeping medicine :p23:50
voriantylenolpm ftw23:51
nixternalforget PyCon...you can't even sneak into the place, and Python isn't worth $200+ of my money23:51
Riddellaib: it has been fixed in Qt 4.3.4 (meaning the symbol disappears)23:51
aibRiddell, I'm not sure that was the prob. I moved /usr/lib to the front of my LD_LIBRARY_PATH and it referenced Qt libs in /usr/lib instead of /usr/local/lib23:51
nixternalback in a bit :)23:51

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