
flipstarso the problem is with gedit..did you tried reinstall or so ?00:02
oxigenis there some irc client on live cd?00:07
flipstaryes probably00:08
flipstaron the gnome2.22 vm is xchat ..00:09
maccam94ff3 appears to be broken00:09
maccam94er, firefox00:09
KrimZondoes anyone know whats wrong with this: i'm trying to do the libc6 fix on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886&page=12 except i get the error: "chroot: cannot run command `dpkg': Input/output error"00:10
oxigendang, i hate this libc bug00:11
flipstarlibc6 is already fixed00:11
KrimZonmine isnt, i have the old version on my system and it won't boot00:11
flipstari didnt even had it ..00:11
oxigenyea, but doesnt fix all problems00:11
matjan_workhi, my desktop install is broken... the libc update of this morning... where can i find to solve this?00:14
matjan_worki cannot not even get into the root shell prompt after booting into recovery mode00:14
matjan_workKrimZon, is that link for me?00:14
tux__matjan_work, that happened to me00:14
tux__tried everything, nothing worked00:14
KrimZonyep, sorry00:14
tux__so i re-installed00:14
KrimZonmeant to say00:15
matjan_workok... i will check00:15
KrimZonis it possible to install files from cd over the top of an existing wubi installation?00:15
oxigeni doubt00:16
flipstarfiles=os ? then yes00:16
KrimZonoh well... i'm trying one last thing, then reinstalling tomorrow00:17
_dan_nvidia seems broken for me in -12 kernel, is this issue known and/or a workaround for it?00:17
flipstardid you reinstalled nvidia drivers ?00:18
_dan_nvidia-glx-new i reinstalled00:18
flipstarwhats the error message ?00:18
KrimZoncyas later00:19
_dan_modprobe says install error00:19
KrimZonwow, i fixed it00:26
KrimZonit's always the last thing you try :p00:26
laz0rhi, erm... i am looking for some help with a problem installing the kde-devel on ubuntu gutsy00:30
laz0rthe symptoms are pretty much the same as in this old bug: -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/7910100:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 79101 in meta-kde "kde-devel package broken" [Undecided,Invalid]00:30
ader10How do I remove a user from freenx?00:32
felipe_is the scim package broken?00:36
felipe_I get the following error: E: scim: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 200:36
felipe_after a clean installation and attempting to apply upgrades00:36
matjan_workgood! that fix seems to have worked (libc break)00:36
Dr_willisit seems scim has been an issue for weeks now with people.00:38
felipe_I had a Ubuntu installation about 2 days ago00:39
felipe_(Hardy), wiped it out by mistake. There were no problems with it00:39
felipe_Just wondering whether it was a recent issue00:39
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malnilionGood, libc6 is fixed :)00:41
Dr_willisDoes that mean somthing else will break now?00:45
crimsunof course00:45
mrignsI've been getting random system freezes for a couple of days now and I still could not figure out what exactly is causing it00:48
mrignsbut I guess it has something to do with networking00:48
mrignswhen I stop all network related services nothing bad happens00:49
mohbana__where can i find the log of boot i am trying to investigate why i cant get my 8800gts to work00:49
mohbana__well its works directly after i installed it but after i reboot it seems to go back to safe gfx mode00:50
maccam94mohbana__: try running dmesg?00:50
DrZaius55Howdy.. Having a dependency problem on Hardy with gnome-keyring-manager.  Apprently its replaced by seahorse, but gnome-desktop-environment still depends on it00:51
mohbana__anymore suggestions before i reboot?00:51
maccam94mohbana__: dmesg?00:51
mohbana__maccam94, o didn't try that00:52
mohbana__the card is working fine in fedora00:52
sykenow that gcc-4.3 is released, will someone build a proper package for it and transfer gcc-snapshot to the gcc 4.4 trunk?00:56
gotgnuI am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59551/ any ideas00:57
Dr_willisgotgnu,  summarize the problem a little bit. Dont expect people to go to every web site posted in the channel.00:57
Dr_willismany in here cant.. due to useing irssi, or so forth. :)00:57
gotgnuDr_willis: ok it is an error when updating00:58
gotgnuErrors were encountered while processing:00:58
gotgnu scim00:58
gotgnu scim-gtk2-immodule00:58
gotgnuthat is the end of the error00:58
scizzo-gotgnu: seems to be wrong in the package00:58
maccam94gotgnu: yeah i was just getting some scim errors00:59
Dr_willisIm betting its a known bug. Seems several people are having that issue.00:59
maccam94apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade00:59
maccam94scim fails to finish installing for me00:59
scizzo-there is errors in --configure for the package00:59
gotgnuok so just wait it out00:59
scizzo- /var/lib/dpkg/info/scim.postinst: 85: Syntax error: end of file unexpected00:59
GuyFromHellanyone else have an unusable firefox browser since firefox-3.0b4? Mine random empty GTK boxes when i try to go to a website00:59
scizzo-gotgnu: this seems to be a package error01:00
gotgnuis it something i can fix or should wait01:00
scizzo-well the suggested fix is to get the old version01:01
tech0007hi...got an error while doing latest update...something about the package scim...any ideas?01:01
Dr_willisIve gotten where i wait and only update once a week. :) after checking in here to see if anything is majorly messed up.. Looks like i am waiting a few more days this time.01:01
DrZaius55So trying to do "apt-get install gnome" and it says it can't find gnome-keyring-manager01:01
Dr_willisWe need this scim thing in the topic it seems?01:01
flipstartech0007: see one line above your post01:01
tech0007flipstar: sorry I jst joined the channel, how do i get to see the earlier posts?01:02
scizzo-Dr_willis: its a broken package not a package that is being broken after install01:02
maccam94scizzo-: i just added a fi line to /var/lib/dpkg/info/scim.postinst before the last line of text01:02
maccam94apt-get dist-upgrade then finished01:02
Dr_willisscizzo-,  ok.. let me reread that a few more times.. I havent had my coffee yet. :)01:02
scizzo-maccam94: yes sounds like the file itself is broken01:03
Dr_willisThe actual .deb on the repos. is 'broken' ?  is what we are saying?01:03
flipstartech0007: its just one line above your first post..saying install an older version :)01:03
tech0007are we all talking about scim?01:03
scizzo-maccam94: you can send this fix to the forums or bug report it to launchpad01:03
maccam94tech0007: yup01:03
ader10Is vnc over nx any faster than regular vnc?01:03
maccam94ader10: i think nx and vnc are different, and i think nx is more efficient01:03
ader10maccam94: you can run vnc from nx01:04
flipstarnx has compression as far as i know01:04
tech0007so shld i do apt-get install scim?01:04
ader10maccam94: in nxclient in windows, at least :)01:04
maccam94tech0007: ?01:04
maccam94tech0007: why?01:04
tech0007to get the older version?01:05
tech0007somethin like that01:05
scizzo-tech0007: /var/lib/dpkg/info/scim.postinst: 85: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "fi")01:05
scizzo-tech0007: this is the error you get?01:06
tech0007scizzo-: yup yup01:06
scizzo-tech0007: in that case you can try to do what maccam94 did before....adding a fi to the end of that file01:06
scizzo-tech0007: and then try to install it again01:06
tech0007scizzo-: is it better to do a workaround or wait for a fix?01:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202019 in scim "package scim 1.4.7-3ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Low,Triaged]01:07
maccam94it's already been fixed01:07
maccam94i think we just have to wait for the new package to come out01:07
Dr_willisTriaged - they make it sound like a war on bugs!01:07
maccam94i wouldn't worry about it01:07
maccam94it's not a showstopper01:07
tech0007maccam94: so i shld wait for the new package instead ryt?01:07
* ader10 stops the show01:07
maccam94Dr_willis: sounds more like a hospital actually :-P01:07
maccam94tech0007: yeah it'll probably be fixed in a couple hours01:08
tech0007maccam94: thanks dude01:08
maccam94no problem01:08
tech0007hardy is awesome!01:08
scizzo-that libc6 bug is still a bit ummm scary01:08
Dr_willismaccam94,  MASH has been on tv all day. :)01:08
tech0007scizzo-: glad i didnt get that01:08
clintonI'm not broken anymore! :)01:11
clintonwell, not with libc6 anyhow, is the nvidia module failure to load related?01:11
ader10Is there a way to enable composite in freenx01:11
kindofabuzzare there any Gnome 2.22 debs out yet?01:13
scizzo-kindofabuzz: yes01:14
kindofabuzzgot a link? =)01:14
scizzo-kindofabuzz: some are in the repos01:14
savvaskindofabuzz: packages.ubuntu.com01:15
kindofabuzzwell i meant Gnome itself01:15
scizzo-kindofabuzz: what?01:16
flipstarnot yet i think >http://torrent.gnome.org/01:16
gotgnuscizzo-: just uninstall it01:16
Milos_SDHow can I use debdiff file, I downloaded debdiff for scim - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim/+bug/202019 but I don't know how to use it01:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202019 in scim "package scim 1.4.7-3ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Low,Triaged]01:17
gotgnuscizzo-: is it an important package?01:17
kindofabuzzi'm sure someone has compiled it themselves and made a dep somewhere01:17
scizzo-gotgnu: ?01:17
gotgnuscizz0-: can I just remove that package ?01:18
scizzo-gotgnu: which one?01:18
scizzo-gotgnu: I would wait01:19
scizzo-gotgnu: until the fix is up on the repos01:19
gewcan any of you guys post your /etc/apt/source.list please01:19
gewi am trying to upgrade to hardy01:19
gewi know some need to be commented01:19
gewthank you01:20
Milos_SDgew, you just need to start update-manager -d01:20
Milos_SDand it will give you an option to do the upgrade to Hardy01:21
gewk , thank you  ... will do01:21
kindofabuzzi'm still iffy on trying hardy01:23
bazhangbest to wait then kindofabuzz01:23
kindofabuzzyeah i'm gonna hold up01:25
kindofabuzzi like gutsy, just want the new gnome01:26
kindofabuzzi know how to compile but have never tried anything that big01:26
flipstaryou can try the vm from http://torrent.gnome.org/01:26
flipstarit has gnome2.22 ..01:27
savvaswhat's the home page of ff3 beta 4?01:28
savvasthey said there's a new home page but can't see it01:29
flipstargoogle is default..01:30
savvasyeah but they were saying about a new slick home page01:30
flipstarmaybe the first start page..?01:31
savvaswell.. that's a shame :\01:32
savvasfound it :)01:34
silent_anyone else have FF break?01:34
silent_wont launch, using seamonkey now01:34
mohbanahey guys i am having problems with the 8800gts why does x fail to start up after ive installed nvidia drivers?01:35
savvassilent run it in terminal01:36
silent_savvas: Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9b3 and 1.9b3.01:36
savvasapt-cache policy firefox-3.001:37
savvasyou should have: 3.0~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu101:37
savvasotherwise change your archive mirrors to main server01:37
mosibfugood eavening, well ill start it off. i had an update couple of hours ago, including libc6, it gave a segmentation fault on libc6. 10 minutes ago i tried to reboot, i think the problem is the libc6 update, dpkg.log says: 2008-03-13 17:59:28 status half-configured libc6 2.7-9ubuntu101:38
silent_savvas:   Installed: 3.0~b3+nobinonly-0ubuntu401:38
savvassilent_: and candidate?01:38
mosibfuerm, rebooting didnt work as you might understand :) stopped at starting system log (sorry tried to put all in 1 line)01:38
silent_  Candidate: 3.0~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu101:38
bazhangmosibfu: read the /topic ?01:39
mohbanai isntall the nvidia drivers but after i restart the x fails to load please help01:39
mosibfuohh, i need a wide screen ^^ didnt see it01:39
savvassilent_: sudo apt-get autoclean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade01:39
silent_k, ill try it01:39
savvassilent_: wait01:39
savvassilent_: if there's a scim upgrade, don't do it01:39
savvasnot that it matters much, but that package is broken01:40
silent_savvas: no scim01:40
savvassilent_: upgrade then :)01:41
silent_did, ff working now01:41
silent_thanks savvas01:41
savvasyay banana split01:43
mohbanaanyone here?01:44
mohbanai isntall the nvidia drivers but after i restart the x fails to load please help01:46
flipstarmohbana: whats the error message ?01:47
mohbanaflipstar, none it simply fails to load and it tells me going into safe gfx mode. even after i i do 'nvidia-xconfig' and then reboot01:48
flipstarmaybe you should try an newer driver01:50
mohbanai intalled 169.1201:50
bazhangmohbana: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:51
mohbanabazhang, ive tried that aswell01:51
savvasdon't forget -phigh :)01:51
bazhangmohbana: make sure the nvidia driver is there; you may want to pastebin your xorg.conf for us to look at01:51
savvasi think i know what it is01:52
savvasi had that yesterday01:52
mohbanaany idea where the log is?01:52
savvasif it's the same problem as mine, he had duplicates of device, monitor and screen section01:53
bazhangah right01:53
mesilliac /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:53
savvasmohbana: upload this first: /etc/X11/xorg.conf here: http://www.pastebin.ca/upload.php01:55
flipstaryour card isnt detected01:56
mohbanaflipstar, how did you arrive o that01:58
savvaspastebin.com doesn't load here01:59
savvas02:55:10 < savvas> mohbana: upload this first: /etc/X11/xorg.conf here: http://www.pastebin.ca/upload.php01:59
flipstarit says "Generic Video Card" instead of your card specification02:02
flipstarhow did you created that config ?02:02
axisysis libc6 ready for update on the mirror http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ?02:02
mohbanaflipstar, nvidia-xconfig02:03
bmk789axisys: just make sure when it downloads that it ends in ubuntu2 not ubuntu102:03
axisysbmk789: ok.. thnx02:03
axisysbmk789: checked 2.7-9ubuntu2 for all three including dev6 and i68602:04
bmk789good, its safe then02:04
axisysbmk789: hmm..02:05
axisysbmk789: i am still getting forbidden like this http://rafb.net/p/6yAW6H42.html02:05
dareiihi everyone02:06
axisysbmk789: hmm that one says libc6-i686_2.7-9ubuntu1_i386.deb even though descripton said ubuntu202:06
dareiii did upgrades last night now my computer won't boot up - help02:06
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axisysdareii: do u atleast see the grub?02:07
dareiigets to "starting system log daemon" then just sits there02:07
DaskreecH[NM]tritium, [PA]lamalex: What the heck ?02:08
[NM]tritiumDaskreecH: #ubuntu-us meet and greet, so we're identifying states02:08
teethdoodgosh I understand hardy is still alpha and we're supposed to withstand breakage and all, but broken beyond bootable?02:08
DaskreecHha ha02:08
=== DaskreecH is now known as [OA]daskreecH
[PA]lamalex:) join the fun in #ubuntu-us02:08
dareiiyep worked perfectly till last nights upgrade02:09
axisysbmk789: i run the `check'02:09
axisysbmk789: i guess i had the older version02:09
axisysbmk789: will post it here of the outcome02:09
teethdoodall I'm saying is whoever committed the upgrade should at least test run it once before the commit02:10
spiderfirelove the new ubuntu home page...on the take over nice02:10
axisysdareii: do u see the grub today?02:10
axisysu could do a escape when u see grub02:10
axisysand pick the recover menu or pick a older kernel .. the default one is failing for u..02:11
ionstormwhere can I find a changelog for updated packages02:11
axisysdareii: assuming u can see the grub02:11
ionstormis there a rss feed?02:11
dareiiyes - grub working - but not booting all the way through to the login screen02:11
flipstarionstorm: theres a mailing list02:11
axisysdareii: so dont pick the default02:11
axisysdareii: your default one is corrupted some home02:11
ionstormflipstar, whats the name/url of it02:11
axisysdareii: just power cycle the system and when u see the GRUB word hit escape02:12
flipstarubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com try google it or so02:12
axisysdareii: then pick another one from the menu02:12
axisysdareii: usually the top one in the menu is the default choice02:12
dareiii tried both the 11 and 12 kernel both not working02:12
axisysdareii: again u dont want the default choice since it sounds broken02:12
axisysdareii: even the recover mode?02:13
axisysdareii: also u may want to look at the http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=722886 as shown in /topic02:13
dareiiwhat do i type for recover mode. i don't have it showing in grub02:13
axisysdareii: u could pick one from menu02:14
axisysdareii: then hit e to edit02:14
axisysthen get rid of the `quiet splash' and replace that with `single'02:15
axisyswhich is essentially what recover mode does02:15
axisysand then hit `b' to boot02:15
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dareiiok i'll try that. i gotta reboot, will report back - so far all of hardy has worked great - only distro that works on my laptop02:16
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derekshello. i am trying to go to a page with a java applet in FireFox on hardy. It gives me the "install missing plugins" thing on top. I tell it to install the JavaSE6 plugin (even though i know its already installed) and it tells me it is already installed. how do i get java to work?02:21
[OA]daskreecHHi Hobbsee02:21
ethana2UB`: konqueror and webkit epiphany02:21
tgelterany reason why I wouldn't want to install the newest updates (apt and apt-utils)?02:22
=== [OA]daskreecH is now known as daskreecH
Hobbseetgelter: no02:23
* Hobbsee runs an update02:23
axisysdereks: ps -ef | grep firefox02:23
tgelterHobbsee: thanks. after what happened w/ libc6 and firefox the last couple of days, I'm wanting to be careful02:23
axisysand get the exact path for firefox02:23
ethana2is it there yet?02:24
dereksaxisys: yeah?02:24
Hobbseeoh wait, yes.02:24
ethana2so is there the ubuntu2 libc6 in repos now?02:24
* ethana2 checks for updates02:25
daskreecHethana2: in topic02:25
Hobbseeoh, crud.02:25
* Hobbsee doesn't want to do an upload for firefox02:25
ethana2oh, sorry02:25
Hobbseeoh wait.  it's all good02:26
supersakoif i get Hardy ALPHA now, when it is released would i need to install it again or can i upgrade to the final version?02:26
axisysok u could follow this as well Setting up scim (1.4.7-3ubuntu3) ...02:26
axisys/var/lib/dpkg/info/scim.postinst: 85: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "fi")02:26
axisysoops wrong screen02:26
axisysdereks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java02:27
Hobbseeaxisys: latest hardy?02:27
supersakoso would i need to reinstall when the final release is out for hardy or can i get the alpha now and keep upgrading to the final version?02:29
wastrelthe latter02:29
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Hobbseeaxisys: already fixed.02:30
spiderfireanyone find flash streams load slow?02:31
Hobbseetgelter: anyway, what was the problem with firefox?02:32
ethana2Hobbsee: just that it was much anticipated but much delayed, i think02:33
Hobbseeoh, meh02:33
Hobbseei thought it was something important, like it breaking or something.02:33
ethana2ff3b3 had problems02:34
atlefoh, man the libc bug was kind of nasty02:36
atlefbut i think i recovered02:36
Toma-I have the daily build of ubuntustudio for 13/03 and I cant get past the 'Detect network card' part. Doesnt even give me an error in dmesg.02:39
Toma-syslog claims its found lo and stops at 0%02:39
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HobbseeToma-: dailies probably aren't supposed to work02:43
Mark_MillimanIs anyone experiencing any FF3b4 connectivity problems?02:43
thumperany X magicians around?02:44
Toma-well _MMA_ asked me to do some tests of the 64bit builds for him. works perfectly for him... what id really like to know is how to debug it a little further. or is syslog the end of the line?02:44
DanaGArgh. I hate when compiz greys out Firefox and then LEAVES it greyed out.02:45
RAOFI know that people are somewhat perplexed by that behaviour.02:48
RAOFThe problem is, Firefox stops responding to PING messages, so what Compiz does is (kinda) correct.02:48
daskreecHthe wm pings the apps?02:49
RAOFThat's how you can get "Foo is not responding" messages.02:49
daskreecHSo why doens't firefox respond?02:49
RAOFBecause it's broken.02:49
RAOF(If we knew that, we'd fix it)02:50
daskreecHcause of beta or casue of design?02:50
crdlbfirefox 2 does it too02:50
RAOFBecause of bug.  Firefox _should_ respond to pings (and, indeed, most of the time does).02:50
DanaGWell, what makes it START greying out?02:50
DanaGThat's really odd that it stops and then doesn't resume.02:50
ViakenAnyone else having problems with flash crashing firefox?02:51
RAOFDanaG: When it's non-multithreaded rendering engine bogs down the GUI main loop?02:51
DanaGIs the a way to tell Compiz to just never grey out Firefox?02:51
RAOFIt might be possible in workarounds?02:52
crdlbit's the one thing in compiz that's _not_ an option :P02:52
supersakoso if i install alpha 6 and upgrade to the final version will there be anything different than reinstalling the final version when its released?02:53
DanaGWindows sticking to screen rather than cube is another thing that's not available.02:55
DanaGOh, and window menu hides "move to workspace {left,right}" when on the {first,last} sides of a cube.02:55
daskreecHsupersako: Other than bandwidth bill and the issue of doing that everytime you want to install for others nope02:56
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supersakodask you mean for future distros?02:57
supersakowhen you say others?02:57
RAOFDanaG: Actually, windows sticking to screen is available, but not in the Ubuntu packages.02:57
RAOFDanaG: For example, I've got my panels stuck to the screen, which is kinda nice :)02:58
Toma-Well thanks for trying to help.02:59
spiderfireViaken: yes flash loads slow and crashes sometimes03:01
Viakenspiderfire: It's crashing reliably now.03:02
DanaGHere's my impression of Flash:03:02
spiderfireViaken: im trying the install from the browser...not the repo03:02
DanaGbrowse a few YouTube pages:  *segfault*.  Resume session; *segfault*03:02
DanaGOr rather, resume session, hit "back", and THEN segfault.03:03
daskreecHsupersako: no I mean carrying your alpha 6 install disc over to friends house to install for them :)03:03
teethdoodfirefox searchbox is broken03:03
spiderfiremy flash works its just very slow...sometimes it crashes though03:03
ViakenIt's segfaulting on every flash embed, for me. Thank God for NoScript.03:04
spiderfireshould i get that?03:04
ViakenIt's handy. Set it up to "apply these restrictions to trusted sites, too" and block all plugins...lets you click to activate what you want, when you want.03:05
DanaGHow about FlashBlock ?03:05
ViakenFlashblock does something similar, but is less powerful.03:05
DanaGLess of a PITA (pain in the ...) than NoScript.03:05
teethdoodin other words, don't build websites with any kind of flash?03:06
ViakenI set it up to automatically "temporarily" allow the URL of the site I'm on, so I rarely have trouble with it. Yahoo Mail is the only thing I can think of that causes problems.03:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197135 in compiz "need to blacklist xpress200m when using ati driver" [High,Fix released]03:06
ViakenHad to allow something.yimg.com03:06
DanaGOh great, now blacklisting ALL 'ati' driver cards?03:06
DanaGThat's lame;  it should blacklist the bad ones; perhaps by name instead of by PCI ID.03:06
Viakenteethdood: Search box works for me.03:07
teethdoodI guess I should restart firefox...might have been upgraded03:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201330 in compiz "Need to whitelist multiple ATI cards, or remove blacklisting" [Medium,Triaged]03:09
OasisGamesDid someone/something break FF3 in the recent update?03:11
ViakenOasisGames: Mine seems to be crashing any time flash activates...03:14
OasisGamesMine doesn't even start, but I'm running another upgrade, saw that there was another new release (are we on beta 4 yet?)03:15
ViakenAppear to be03:15
OasisGamesGod, SCIM has been giving me problems all day... First it's activating some weird input method every time I go to use my keyboard, now it's giving me package errors...03:18
spiderfireOasisGames: ya i just got a package error03:19
OasisGamesSomeone didn't close an if block...03:19
spiderfiredid you report it?03:19
OasisGamesPersonally, I hate scim too much after the complications I had today to take the time to report a problem on such a slow computer...03:22
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alteregolagain a ton of actual packets03:33
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bberghas anyone hit a bug with updated packages and scim?03:35
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atlefi got hit by the libc5_ bug. haven't heard of this one03:37
atleftried all guides in the forums, none worked for me, so i installed over my ubuntu03:38
atlefas i have seperate partitions for /boot / /home /usr /var swap, it is more or less a breeze to get it up and running again03:39
atlefbut still have to say that i do not like how ff3 takes over controll, borked my ff2 profile as well. Nice to have backup03:40
bberghas anyone had an issue with software updater and scim?03:46
walterRAOF: My other system is up and running again thanks to your pointer to the /topic in this channel. Many thanks for saving me hours of work!03:49
* DanaG wants a laptop with an accelerometer next time.03:54
DanaGThen I'll be able to bump my laptop to flip the cube.03:54
Lilacorhmmmmmm.....safe to upgrade now?03:54
ethana2Lilacor: think so03:56
ethana2bberg: i did03:56
Lilacorwelp, if it isn't, I'll just do another VM. . .03:56
jerbearanyone using kubuntu hardy yet? how is it?03:59
alteregolscim error during configure errorcode 203:59
Hobbseealteregol: already fixed03:59
Lilacorscim bugs the hell out of me03:59
Lilacor뭐야뭐야? ㄱ.ㄱ;;;03:59
Lilacorit freezes up my input...very often04:00
alteregolmaybe in the us version04:01
RAOFwalter: No problem :)04:05
alteregoli have to build up the new scumm engine04:05
alteregolbecause zakk is not moving anymore04:06
DanaGI ♥ SCIM, once you disable the stupid shift-space and ctrl-shift and shift-ctrl bindings.04:07
coz_hey guys, andy solutions for this firefox 3 oversized  problem.. I have been reading about it and I know I can go into about:config and chane the layout.css but that messes up many we pages as well04:07
DanaGCombined with the AltGr-Deadkeys layout, it makes it nice and easy to type things like this:  λ²04:08
mitch_i love gnoime 2.2204:12
mitch_anyone else having weird feedback problems?04:13
DanaGSCIM is pretty cool once you unbraindeadify (yes, new word) the bindings.04:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200719 in scim "scim default trigger "shift+space" is retarded" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:17
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DanaGArgh, damn nvidia!04:20
atlefwhat, what04:21
atleftell, tell04:21
virtualddamn them to heck04:21
DanaGI just got another one of those hard lockups, and had to magic-sysrq 'k' to kill Xorg.04:21
atlefand we never notice the warning "beta"04:21
DanaGDamnit:  usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Could not acquire compositing manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"04:23
conformerhas anyone else's emerald theme manager stopped working recently?04:24
coz_conformer, no  I never have problems with that    are you on gnome or kde04:24
conformeryeah i didn't either untill the last time i did the update manager04:25
coz_conformer, oh it could be hardy related then04:25
conformeryeah probably04:25
conformeri guess its not that big of a deal. it'll probably be fixed pretty soon04:26
DanaGArgh, I had to manually call compiz.real.04:26
DanaGAnd I had to do it about 3 times before it worked.04:27
atlefstik: spent most of today fixing this libc6 thingy, and i got it running again after extensive trials and errors as none of the tips worked for me04:28
stikThat musta sucked04:28
atlefnah, live and learn04:29
* DanaG is using xserver-xorg-core 1.4 instead of
DanaG...since the latter has the key stickage.04:29
atlefas i said up and running 99% ok i think04:29
stikOnly annoying thing I found was the boot splash thingy dieing half way through cause of some stupid missing file04:29
RAOFDanaG: And git-head Xserver is _annoying_ to build :(04:29
RAOFDanaG: As in: I'm yet to successfully build it.04:30
stikremoved the stupid callout for it and rebuilt the image and it works now04:30
stikyeah... running alpha is looking for troubles lol04:30
virtualdim building it right now actually04:30
DanaGOh yeah, look at the actual detailed changelogs between the versions there.04:30
virtualdtheres a really easy way to do it04:30
atlefalthough i have not rebooted yet, so im not to certain, but04:31
DanaGI am quite sick and tired of nvidia.04:31
virtualdusing jhbuild, its pretty automated04:31
stikscared to reboot?04:32
virtualdRAOF: the biggest problem is the lack of -dev libraries installed on ubuntu, so you need to play with it til you get all the libraries.04:32
atlefstik: no not really, every thing should be ok04:32
atlefbut never know04:33
stiksuprised it got as far as it did..04:33
atlefbut who needs to reboot, this is linux04:33
stikI turn mine off every night04:34
RAOFvirtuald: Well, the -dev library problem is easy... until you try for git head, which needs newer versions of everything :)04:34
atlefit all depends04:34
stikConserve energy :P04:34
atlefim norwegian04:34
stikAny clue what that log_end_msg is anyhow?04:35
virtualdRAOF: true. i haven't had a problem *yet*, but its still building the last piece... using the jhbuild setup they have makes it a piece of cake04:35
atlefwe buy co2 Quota's after gore suggested this04:35
RAOFvirtuald: Yeah... but that's not going to build me a nice .deb at the end now, is it? :)04:35
atlefso i do not worry04:35
stikco2 quotas?04:36
virtualdRAOF: true. :)04:36
J-_Does Hardy automagically detect external drives? It seems mine isn't detected...04:36
coz_J-_, it does here04:36
coz_J-_, actually let me test it hold on04:37
J-_How can I see if they're mounted?04:37
coz_J-_, yes it is working here  gnome or kde?04:37
coz_J-_, places/computer    see if the driver shows up there04:38
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J-_Hmm, yeah not there... I would have figured that one out =P04:38
J-_Maybe I have to make an entry in fstab04:39
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:39
coz_J-_, is this external driver formatted in ntfs    fat   or04:39
coz_drive not driver04:40
stikI see the banshee 1.0 alpha has been released04:40
J-_I hope I didn't dry it. lol04:42
atlefstik: http://pastebin.ca/94202604:42
J-_I can't find anything in /media/ either.04:42
atlefso you see, i do not need to worry about the enviroment any mor04:43
atlefAl Gore took care of that04:43
stikStill gotta pay for electricity :D04:43
atlefhaha, hydro electricity, and lots of it, clean04:44
atlefbut enough boasting. Id better shut up now.04:44
atlefor well end up with a lot of enviromental refugees04:45
atlefand who wants that04:45
atlefsorry for OT04:46
atlefstik: did you like ff 304:47
atlefor have you installed ff204:47
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stik3 is very nice04:48
stikI might stick with ubuntu now...04:48
atlefyes, but lacks support for most extensions04:49
atlefatleast those i use04:49
stikYeah I can't imagine that most the extensions will be updated till ff3 is officially released..04:49
atlefneither do i, but here's for hoping04:50
stikUsed ubuntu long?04:51
atlefwell, on and of since ohh,,, the hedgehog or maybe even before, do not remember04:52
atlefno guru though04:52
atlefbut get around with the help of google and irc and patience04:53
stikBeen using slackware for like 7 years... decided to try this out...04:54
stikBuilding packages against slackware can be trying at times...04:54
atlefahh, then you are a little better traveled in this world04:55
atlefi enjoy gui04:55
atlefbut do not fear the command line04:55
stikI also prefer gui but couldn't live without console04:56
atlefwell, i more or less am getting to the same conclusion, but the road is kinda slow04:56
alteregoastrange in supertux2 the sound appears for a few seconds, then no more04:57
atlefmaybe a mixer setting?04:57
stikI remember the first time I tried linux... was redhat 4 I think... took me almost a month to get my modem to connect to the internet..04:57
atlefalteregoa: maybe it gets muted04:58
atlefstik: hehe, and wireless connections, lest ye forget04:58
stikWell by the time I got any wireless most of the bugs worked out already lol04:59
Belboz99anyone know what xorg modules are needed to get 3D accel working?05:00
atlefi think my first encounter was with linux was mandrake 9.1 or pclos05:00
Belboz99I've got an ATI HD3650 on Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 6 + the latest updates05:00
stikCan't say I ever seen anything in slackware-current bust a whole system though... Suppose glibc would but it's best to bust down to telinit1 to upgrade that stuff05:01
Belboz99atlef: my first linux experience was Mandrake 7.2 :-P05:01
atlefrestricted drivers manager? or envy?05:01
stikWhat is mandrake now?05:01
alteregoano, the program hang up after the sound has gone05:01
coz_no envy05:01
alteregoamandrake is mandriva or something05:01
stikThats right..05:01
stikI think I tried mandrake 7.x05:02
stikI used redhat for 5 years then switched to slackware... used that till just recently05:02
Belboz99anyway, I'm only getting 6,500FPS in glxgears, I'm suspicious because it's eating 100% of my CPU core005:02
ubotuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.05:03
DanaGokay, not what I had intended.05:03
DanaGglxgears is not a real benchmark.05:03
Belboz99right, but wine games  have issues too, like really really sluggish problems05:03
Belboz99and they crash :(05:03
atlefBelboz99:  this is what i get in synaptic http://pastebin.ca/94204105:03
atlefsearching for xorg05:04
atlefbut nvidia though on my end05:04
Belboz99atlef: thanks, but I was more wondering if I should be using the dri, glx, etc modules in xorg.conf05:04
atlefoh, right05:05
stikI have no clue about ati stuff05:05
strabesIn firefox 3 beta 4, anyone know anything about "Show My Windows and Tabs from Last Time" not working?05:05
atlefbetter pay attention05:05
Belboz99btw, anyone have troubles with updates tonight?05:06
stikThat was one thing nice about ubuntu... not having to tweak out my xorg file05:06
Belboz99I had a problem with scim05:06
stikI removed scim05:06
Belboz99someone did a poor job of scripting that one05:06
Belboz99well, all it needed was putting a fi in the right place05:07
stikwth is it for anyhow... kept interupting me when playing wow05:07
Belboz99the done was in the wrong place too, but that was more coder's eddiquitte than anything else05:07
Belboz99have no idea05:07
atlefstik: so do i05:07
Belboz99you guys using Wine without issue?05:08
stikI haven't had any issues but I play a well supported game...05:08
atlefjust tried it with fulltilt poker client, runs great for me05:08
DanaGHmm, there is a benchmark called "glest"05:09
ethana2the keyboard code is so messed up...05:09
DanaGoopsie, that's a game, not a benchmark.05:09
atlefsaw that05:10
atlefdang, a fried just recommended last.fm to me and, man it rock05:10
atlefi know im late to the whole thing, but it is great05:11
ethana2ok, good, it switched layouts05:11
atlefwrong charset?05:12
stikWelp Nite folks... And Devs... keep up the good work...05:13
atlefwell actualli it is 6.15 am but what the hell good night :-)05:14
atlefas you all can se from my dyslectic writing05:15
atlefman, coffee coming up05:15
DanaGI am damn sick and tired of nvidia lockups.05:17
atlefduring games?05:17
atlefwhat does the hdparm under services actually do?05:19
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DanaGI'm not in a game; I'm just on the desktop.05:25
atlefnot good05:26
atlefexatly what happens05:27
atlefman, i need spellchecking05:27
atlefreally bad05:27
DanaGAAaaaaaaaargh, it just happened again!05:29
DanaGThe desktop just hard locks and stops responding to anything; the mouse still moves but can't click anything, and the keyboard is dead.05:29
atlefcompiz on)05:31
atlefmaybe turn off or down effects05:32
atlefsee if it does not make it a bit more stable05:33
DanaG!info amoeba05:37
ubotuamoeba (source: amoeba): fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1-19 (hardy), package size 91 kB, installed size 276 kB05:37
AmaranthTurning off compiz is almost certainly going to 'fix' your problem05:38
AmaranthUntil you run a really intense 3D game or something and have it happen there too05:38
Amaranthnvidia is t3h suck05:38
DanaGIt's probably due to me using XOrg 1.4.05:38
Amaranthno, we're all using that05:39
DanaGor rather, xserver-xorg-core.05:39
DanaG1.4.1 is current.05:39
Amaranthoh, you built something newer than what is in hardy?05:39
DanaGThe 1.4 base is the last one to not have the keyboard stuckage; however, which is worse: stuck keys, or locked up?05:39
DanaG!info xserver-xorg-core05:39
ubotuxserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1~git20080131-1ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 3980 kB, installed size 10880 kB05:39
Amaranthah, not 1.5.105:40
Amarantherr 1.4.105:40
Amaranthbut we all have that one :)05:40
AmaranthI get completely random lockups05:40
AmaranthSometimes 3 an hour, sometimes one every 3 weeks05:40
DanaGwtf?  openoffice doesn't minimize from its taskbar icon.05:40
AmaranthI haven't seen one in almost a month but that doesn't mean they're gone although I am hopeful05:41
casais it safe to update hardy now?05:43
* DanaG wonders how ATI (closed or open) will compare by June.05:43
atlefdepends on your definition of "safe" but i think so05:44
mesilliaccasa: probably as safe as it ever is...05:44
DanaGStupid openoffice doesn't minimize.05:45
casaI heard there was a problem with the upgrade in the afternoon05:45
atlefim still up and running after a rather strenous borked install that i had to fix05:45
casahey and what about the audio, I just installed hardy and the audio is not working05:46
atlefbut some bugs get fixed and others appear05:46
atlefchecked mixer settings that nothing is muted05:46
DanaGArgfh, openoffice doesn't focus the document on task-switch.05:48
DanaGOr maybe it's Metacity doing that.  Or rather, NOT doing it.05:49
atlefDanaG: what whould we do without bugs to iron out, get out and about. No thx05:50
atlefi have started to enjoy things chrashing, in kind of a s/m way, kinky i know05:51
Amaranthcasa: update and see if your audio is fixed05:54
Amaranththere was a kernel that broke audio completely at one point05:54
Amaranthit should be 'safe' to update now05:54
Amaranthor at least as safe as the rest of the hardy dev cycle has been, no known major system killers :)05:55
l815why don't my back and forward buttons work with epiphany (mouse)?05:55
casauhm, what that installation that is possible to do when windows is runnig?05:56
Amaranthsame reason they don't work in firefox05:56
Amaranthcasa: wubi?05:56
casaAmaranth, yes, whats that?05:56
l815they did work in firefox until i installed epiphany!05:56
atlefhas xorg.conf changed?05:56
Amaranthl815: no, they just broke in firefox 3 b405:57
Amaranthcasa: it installs to a file on the windows partition05:57
l815Amaranth, you mean from recent updates?05:57
Amaranthl815: yes05:57
l815Amaranth, ok thanks05:57
J-_what gstreamer plugin do I need to play mp3's in exaile with?05:59
atlefhave you installed ubuntu restricted extras or do you only want the mp3 one06:00
atlefJ-_: ?06:01
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AmaranthJ-_: just install them all :)06:06
J-_I think I found out what I did. I installed the xubuntu restricted extras instead of Ubuntu restricted extras06:07
* J-_ curses06:07
Amaranthyeah, i think that just pulls in xine and junk06:08
gani am getting error , when i run the livecd through qemu " unable to find a medium containing live filesystem "06:11
atlefif i want to change theme in gnome, i just go to gnome-look.org, download gdm-theme or what?06:14
manatatasI wish they incorporated awn in the final release06:15
atlefand i wish they excluded ff3 but thats me06:15
J-_atlef: yes06:15
atlefto the theme thingy06:15
atlefJ-_: ?06:16
gani am getting error , when i run the livecd through qemu " unable to find a medium containing live filesystem "06:16
manatatasatlef: download the theme, right click on the desktop, select "change desktop backround", then select the theme tab..06:16
J-_atlef: about the gnome theme question. go to system > preferences > appearance in the menu06:17
manatataschose the install button, then select your file..06:17
atlefbut gdm theme or06:17
atleffor gnome i mean06:17
J-_hold on06:17
J-_I haven't did that in a long time06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:17
J-_figured there would have been a factoid. =P06:18
Amaranthmanatatas: awn is crack06:18
Amaranththe apple dock is not a good design, why do you think copying it will be a good design?06:18
atlefscratch bold spot06:18
Amaranthatlef: System->Administration->Login Window06:19
atlefso what is the desktop theme06:19
Amaranththat's the widgets and such06:20
Amaranthmetacity is the compiz and metacity window borders06:20
l815atlef, you will have to add the same theme folder to /usr/share/themes or else root programs won't use the theme06:20
J-_go to system > admin > login window(I think it is) but it's not showing up for some reason. atlef06:20
Amaranthl815: or just stick it in /root/.themes06:20
Amaranthi actually symlink /root/.themes to my ~/.themes :)06:20
atlefyes, so there are som to chose from here but ill give it a go06:21
J-_atlef: previous versions of ubuntu you could just drag and drop the gdm themes. Not sure about now.06:21
atlefi wanted to change the desktop theme06:22
* J-_ facepalms06:22
Amaranthatlef: define "desktop"06:23
Amaranthatlef: there are several components you can theme separately06:23
Amaranththe main three for the desktop are gtk2, icon, and metacity06:23
atlefwhat i look at now06:23
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:23
J-_that should take care of it =)06:23
atlefi am logged in and want to change theme06:24
virtualdquestion: anyone know what formath the diff.gz files are on launchpad for packages?06:24
crdlbgzipped diff?06:24
atlefim not sure i get it06:25
virtualdcrdlb: yeah, but using patch on the files doesn't work06:25
virtualdcrdlb: yes, after gunzipping06:25
virtualdtheres headers indicating the filenames, similar to an SVN patch06:26
virtualdfor example: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-input-evtouch/0.8.7-3ubuntu106:28
Amaranthvirtuald: that's a diff to turn the upstream source into something you can build as a debian package06:29
Amaranthbasically it's all the packaging06:29
Amaranthand it does apply using patch06:30
virtualdwhat flags?06:30
Amaranthbetter to snag the orig.tar.gz and .dsc files too06:30
atlefok got it06:30
Amaranththen run dpkg-source -x foo.dsc and it'll do the work for you06:30
atlefthe theme thing06:30
virtualdAmaranth: awesome, thx06:31
atlefwill a metacity theme work under compiz or will you need a compiz theme06:32
crdlbatlef: gtk-window-decorator will use your metacity theme06:32
atlefim sorry, im slow and do not get it, will try some searching06:33
Amaranthatlef: you want a metacity theme06:33
Amaranthcompiz uses metacity themes06:33
Amaranthcrdlb: don't explain the details or exceptions :P06:34
atlefthere are to many choices when you are free06:34
atlefnever used it, even thoug i have used linux for some time06:34
atlefnever saw the point, but now im thinking of gtkrecordmydesktop and present it to my family06:35
dankeehello, does anyone know if there is a problem with hardy heron and intel 810/850 graphics chipsets?06:35
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cwilludankee, there's stuff going on there afaik, not sure that anything is actually broken06:42
cwilluanybody know if ivtv is working again?06:42
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cwillu!info ivtv06:47
ubotuPackage ivtv does not exist in hardy06:47
cwillu!info firefox06:48
ubotufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0~b3+nobinonly-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 61 kB, installed size 128 kB06:48
Nghas anyone else updated in the last few hours and had the scim package fail to install?07:17
cwilluNg, I updated two machines about 6 hours ago, no problems, I've got another one updating right now, I'll let you know when it finishes07:17
NgI just did my laptop and the postinst is missing a fi07:17
cwilluNg, didn't disable it previously did you?07:18
cwilluIs gvfs supposed to be stable for most operations?  (i.e., sftp?()07:18
Ngcwillu: nothing to do with the disabling, it's just a syntax error in the postinst script07:19
cwilluah, neat07:19
RAOFcwillu: Yes.  You should be able to use sftp, ftp, samba etc fine.07:19
cwilluI'm still getting hangs during pretty much any large transfer07:19
cwillulocal -> sftp07:20
cwillunetwork doesn't drop out as far as I can tell, eventually I get a dbus timeout07:20
cwilluhaven't been able to find a better way to reproduce other than 'copy a bunch of stuff around'07:24
cwillu_subsequently, no sftp transfers work at all (opening the remote host causes nautilus to hang)07:25
cwillu_just trying it again (failed at about 800mb of 12gb, couple thousand files)07:27
cwillu_Ng, almost done the update07:28
Ngcwillu_: it's ok, I found there's a bug in launchpad already, it only happens with specific versions07:28
Ngthanks though :)07:29
AmaranthNg: already fixed :)07:31
Ngyeah :)07:31
* Ng tsks at slangasek ;)07:31
J-_cwillu_: try opening nautilus, Go menu > location > type in the ssh location. It worked for me07:32
J-_that was a few days ago though, something might have changed since then07:33
ganthe created livecd is making problem if i boot through qemu but working fine if i boot from cd, why?07:46
oxigenmy libc bug look larger than just libc, so how can i find other latest deb's here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net07:49
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oxigenhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/11109997/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2_amd64.deb <- isn't enough07:49
* oxigen just don't want to resign yet..07:53
oxigeni wonder if i can use also commands like: sudo chroot /mnt apt-get ...08:00
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unduok, so what repo do I need to change and to what in sources.list to get xubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 instead of xubuntu 7.10 when using apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:09
unduor is it named differently08:10
qziolibc6 fixed - hurray08:15
qzioto bad something in the new upgrade forced me to restart my ssystem08:16
qzioit works now, but after the update, before the restart, nothing worked, firefox died silently etc08:16
J-_qzio: at least you could restart, and it worked.. I had to format, I didn't know how to update wit hthe livecd, and it wouldn't let me do anything in a tty08:17
oxigenok, i have more interesting libc question :) can i use commands like; mount -o bind /proc /media/disk/proc; cp /proc/mounts /media/disk/etc/mtab; with ubuntu 6.10 or i need to execute it with live cd?08:19
oxigenlive cd = 8.0408:20
RAOFoxigen: That seems like a strange thing to try to do.08:20
RAOFWhat are you actually trying to do? :)08:20
oxigenrescue my system! :)08:21
RAOFAnd /topic doesn't work?08:21
oxigennow i read : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4506738#post450673808:21
oxigenand try to follow08:21
oxigenbut i'm afraid that i will broke it even more :/08:22
RAOFhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-March/000401.html is a better idea.  Also, there was a better fix for it on the 1st page of that thread.08:22
* RAOF doesn't quite understand why so many people duplicated a fix in, like, the 3rd post of that thread.08:23
oxigenRAOF: thanks ... i tried that already yes, but still missing some steps, i guess something like: apt-get -f install08:28
RAOFThe libc bug meant that nothing _at all_ worked; the fix was to manually copy a working version of the library to your hardy partition.08:30
oxigenbut in my case apt reported some other errors too (plz dont ask me what :)08:32
oxigenso now i have new libc on hardy but i still can't boot08:33
oxigenso what to do in my case (which is probably a bit different)?08:34
oxigenso why you are against apt-get -f install?08:35
RAOFOh, I'm not.08:35
RAOFBut it wouldn't work if you had the libc problem :)08:35
oxigenaham, ok :)08:35
RAOFBecause apt-get would segfault :)08:35
oxigenaa, ok! :)08:35
oxigenyou know my main q now is if i can run all this commands from 6.10 or do i need to run live cd?08:36
RAOFFrom 6.10 should be OK, as long as you chroot into your Hardy system.08:37
RAOF(because then it'll be using all the Hardy stuff anyway)08:37
oxigenprobably i need to use live cd, because i could do: chroot /mnt dpkg --configure -a08:37
oxigenwith 6.1008:37
oxigen*couldn't :)08:38
oxigenanyway, i'll try now..08:38
oxigenthanks RAOF!08:39
oxigenyea, in 6.10 i get: chroot: cannot run command `dpkg': Exec format error08:40
oxigenplease guys put in live cd xchat instead of, let's say pidgin, irc is more useful!08:41
RAOFOh, it isn't already?  Just install it :)08:41
RAOFoxigen: How about "chroot /mnt"?08:41
oxigencannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error08:42
RAOFoxigen: Right, something's heavily crazy.08:42
RAOFYou don't have a 32bit 6.10 and a 64bit Hardy, do you?08:42
oxigenyea :)08:42
RAOFOh.  That's never going to work.08:43
RAOFYou can't run 64bit code under a 32bit kernel :)08:43
oxigenyes, i c now..08:43
RAOFLiveCD for you!08:44
oxigenLiveCD dont have IRC! so, i can't say, see you from LiveCD :(08:46
RAOFJust apt-get install xchat08:47
orvokkiirssi ftw!08:47
RAOFWell, that too :)08:47
oxigenirssi? what's that?08:48
* orvokki gives an aplaud for the libc6 fixage08:48
orvokkioxigen: Ncurses powered IRC client that's very possibly the most common used one.08:49
* oxigen didn't know that08:49
* DanaG uses finch when needing console IRC.08:49
orvokkiNeeding? I just leave it running on a server and use ssh when in need it. ;>08:50
DanaGOh, how I hate nvidia.09:03
DanaGThat's approximately the 5th lockup today.09:03
atlefnot getting anywhere09:06
atlefwhat about turning of compiz or did you try09:07
DanaGEeh, somehow it's more openoffice PLUS compiz, perhaps.09:08
atlefthat probably makes it harder to figure out, or09:09
AdysAnyone else getting only 404s on update fetching since this morning?09:11
AdysIm on the french mirrors09:12
_KAMI_ I found that IcedTea 7 crashes when I want to surf to Java ebabled webpage09:12
tonyyarussoWhat on earth is 'scrollkeeper-update'?09:12
_KAMI_ I am using 8.04 alpha / 64 b09:12
_KAMI_Is this bug is known?09:12
atlefno problems here09:13
atlef32bit though09:13
_KAMI_atlef: Nice to hear that09:14
_KAMI_so it might be 64 depended09:14
atlefmaybe, or busy09:14
atlefbut now i'm scared to install the 12 updates that show upp after yesterdays bug, libc6_09:15
atlefi said patience09:16
savvasatlef: apt-cache policy libc609:16
atlefsettle down boy, do not update,,,  nooooo...09:16
savvasif it's equal or greater to that in /topic, it's ok :P09:16
_KAMI_What was the problem09:17
atlefgotta love alpha09:17
atlefsee topic09:17
atlefanyone used remastersys?09:18
amon__hi guys, i jst woke up and now i'm doing my updates, wish me luck09:33
Ngwho needs luck?09:34
Ngyou just need some skill and non-production hardware :)09:34
amon__hehe, got that09:35
amon__in the end i'm quite productive on it09:35
atlefwork work all day09:36
atlefdoing a remastersys backup now.09:37
amon__and even in alpha i don't have to reboot as often as i would with winxp09:37
oxigenwoohoo, i'm back!! \o/09:37
* oxigen feel much better now!09:38
atlefjust booted vista after ubuntu chrashed, updated 4 updates and had to reboot twice i think09:38
savvasatlef: the updates are ok by the way :P09:38
savvas$ apt-cache policy scim09:38
savvasscim: Installed: 1.4.7-3ubuntu4 Candidate: 1.4.7-3ubuntu409:38
atlefmaybe for you09:38
atlefnow the only thing missing is to go over to 64bit as i have upgrade to 4gb ram09:40
savvaswhat's scim for? to type and read weird characters?09:40
AnAntsavvas: just to type09:41
atlefi think the japanese and chinese need it09:41
AnAntatlef: I heard that it is mainly for them09:41
_KAMI_savvas: I have exactly same problem09:41
_KAMI_Now I configured it the int is ok09:41
_KAMI_select english istead of RAW CODE09:42
atlefwow, remastersys draws alot of your power09:42
atlef2*100% cpu usage09:42
atlefgetting warmer09:42
DanaGI like using the Latex method.09:51
DanaGInstead of saying "xoxoxo", you can say "♡♥♡♥♡♥ ".09:51
Johan-_after the last upgrade I'm not able to login, some error about malloc, it that the same error as the one in the topic?09:51
Johan-_good good .)09:52
DanaGSCIM is cool once you disable the stupid default keybindings.09:53
atlefif it ticles your fancy, then go ahead09:54
atlefsorry not trying to be rude09:56
atlefso remastersys done, im ready to boldly go where a few of you have allready been, sudo apt-get update09:59
atlefwish me luck09:59
atlefso if im still talking to you, should i consider it a success? or do i have to venture into unknown territory and reboot?10:04
amon__<DanaG> SCIM is cool once you disable the stupid default keybindings., -- you forget to hide that stupid bar10:10
atlefok a dreaded restart is required, see you on the other side10:11
oxigenfrom now on, i'll first read topic posted here before any apt-get upgrade10:14
oxigenbut, ok, this time was happy end :)10:16
oxigenfrom #ubuntustudio : does anybody know if gnome 2.22 will get integrated in hardy? Guess it's a bit late for that, but I thought that ubuntu is somewhat in sync with the gnome release cycle and always uses the latest10:18
oxigeni guess not10:18
oxigenoh, it is already! :)10:18
RAOFoxigen: Yes, Hardy will have Gnome 2.2210:18
RAOFoxigen: Indeed.10:19
UB`Hardy HAS gnome 2.22 :)10:20
FreezeShey guys10:21
FreezeSmy last update broke gnome10:21
FreezeSnow I can't install the keyring manager10:21
savvasUB`: i think we don't have all the 2.22 apps10:22
UB`not all but a lot10:22
UB`FreezeS what's the problem?10:22
=== freeman__ is now known as freeman
FreezeSUB`: Package gnome-keyring-manager is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:23
FreezeSand because of that I can't install the gnome-desktop-environment10:23
UB`FreezeS sorry but what are you trying to do ?10:23
FreezeSUB`: well, the last update removed some packages and now gnome doesn't start (I'm on KDE right now). When trying to install it, I'm getting that problem10:24
UB`strange I just update and I havent' any problem10:25
UB`I'm on Gnome10:25
FreezeSoh, I'm on 64 bit (forgot to mention that)10:25
savvas$ apt-cache policy gnome-keyring-manager10:25
savvasgnome-keyring-manager: Installed: (none) Candidate: (none)10:25
savvasdon't have such an app? :\10:25
savvasFreezeS: you might want to try seahorse?10:26
UB`FreezeS do you use the offical repo or a mirror?10:26
FreezeSsavvas: seahorse is installed and updated10:26
UB`may be the mirrors aren't synced yet10:27
FreezeSmy problem is that the installation of gnome-desktop-environment fails10:27
savvasFreezeS: then you probably have a keyring manager10:27
FreezeSand this is since 3 days already10:27
FreezeSgnome-desktop-environment: Depends: gnome-keyring-manager (>= 2.20.0) but it is not installable10:27
savvastry ubuntu-desktop10:27
savvaswait, you're using kubuntu or ubuntu?10:28
FreezeSsavvas: that seems to be working10:28
KrimZoni cant seem to install or remove any packages now - some error about cupsys, and hplip and some other thing10:28
FreezeSI'm using a hibrid10:28
FreezeSstarted with ubuntu, but after the upgrate gnome failed to start and I was thrown on the command line10:28
FreezeSthere I installed kde10:28
savvasFreezeS: hum, ok, then do this: sudo apt-get -f install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop10:29
FreezeSsavvas: ubuntu-desktop is installing right now10:29
savvasvery well, then install the other two afterwards :)10:29
FreezeSthanks :)10:30
savvaslet's just hope it does the trick10:30
FreezeSby the number of installed packages, it looks like it will work10:30
savvasi'm surprised you removed it10:31
FreezeSyes, I wasn't very carefull, but as I remember only about 3 packets were initially removed10:31
savvaswhen you're removing packages, check what other packages are removed, if you see ubuntu-something, then you shouldn't10:31
FreezeSthen while I was trying to fix it, some others were removed10:32
FreezeSnow let's see10:32
oxigeni also use gnome/kde hybrid, because no one can beat konqueror!10:33
savvasKrimZon: i have 1.3.6-1ubuntu2 installed with no problems10:33
savvasKrimZon: try this: sudo apt-get autoclean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install --reinstall cupsys10:34
KrimZonsame error10:35
KrimZoni think i'm not properly fixed after getting the system to boot after the libc6 problem10:36
KrimZoni tried manually copying the package files at one point10:38
savvasKrimZon: did you reinstall the libc6 afterwards?10:39
KrimZonyeah, i updated10:39
savvasthere shouldn't be a problem :\10:39
KrimZonwhen i saw that it was the ubuntu2 version rather than ubuntu110:40
KrimZonmaybe it wants me to reboot10:40
FreezeSsavvas: it worked, thanks :)10:40
FreezeSI'm back on gnome10:40
savvasgreat :)10:40
savvasKrimZon: amd64 or i386 ?10:40
KrimZoni think i get the cupsys error trying to upgrade libc610:41
oxigenKrimZon: reboot usually help after such a drastic upgrades, you have new kernel too, right?10:41
KrimZonit could be because i copied the fixed libc6 files over manually, then when that didnt work, reverted to older ones with the initramd boot thing10:41
KrimZoni dont know if i updated the kernel or not10:42
savvasKrimZon: check out the /var/log/dpkg.log10:42
KrimZonwhat should i look for?10:43
savvashow about this: grep -i "status installed libc6" /var/log/dpkg.log10:44
savvascheck the last lines for errors10:45
savvas*also, check the last lines for errors10:45
savvasit usually says which packages failed and why10:46
KrimZonapparently i've installed it lots10:48
savvasneah, libc6 is triggered everytime you install something10:48
savvasKrimZon: can you upload this? cat /var/log/dpkg.log | tail10:50
KrimZonis tail the last 30 or so lines?10:50
savvascat /var/log/dpkg.log | tail -n 3010:51
KrimZoni had it in gedit already, so i copied from there10:52
=== daubers is now known as daubafk
user5someone using xvidcap on kubuntu 804?10:56
user5I have some problem in configuration testing zero10:57
savvasKrimZon: wget http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys_1.3.6-1ubuntu2_i386.deb; sudo dpkg -i cupsys_1.3.6-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:05
Johan--after rebooting my computer fails on "setting sensors limits" and "starting firestater firewall" and then stopes on "starting system log daemon..." for a couple of minutes. Then it starts to print alot of error messages about network something. After that it hangs on a black screen with a grafical thinking mouse. Any ideas?11:05
savvasJohan--: have you tried to remove firestarter?11:06
savvaswell remove it, see if that's what's causing your problems11:06
Johan--I hade the problem with libc before, but it seems to be fixed since I can login without gui11:06
Johan--I cant use apt11:07
savvasdid you upgrade to the working version of libc6 after that?11:07
savvassudo aptitude purge firestarter11:07
Johan--savvas: just replaced it with the one from init and now here I am11:07
Johan--have I missed something?11:08
savvasJohan--: 32-bit or 64-bit?11:08
KrimZonsavvas: still get the error11:08
KrimZoni'll paste that too11:08
Johan--savvas: any ideas on whats wrong?11:09
savvasJohan--: wget http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.7-9ubuntu2_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i libc6_2.7-9ubuntu2_amd64.deb11:09
savvasKrimZon: try remove it: dpkg -r cupsys11:10
savvasJohan--: tell me when you do that11:11
KrimZondependency problems...11:11
Johan--savvas: trying to type the url correct :)11:12
savvasKrimZon: okay, this is not recommended, but if you'd like to try it: sudo dpkg -P --force-depends cupsys; sudo dpkg -i cupsys_1.3.6-1ubuntu2_i386.deb11:13
KrimZonaha, i uninstalled it with package manager, and i'm just reinstalling it11:14
KrimZonit uninstalled the dependencies, which i was worried about before11:15
savvaswe can fix that: sudo apt-get -f install :)11:15
Johan--savvas: one more problem, internet doesn't work11:16
KrimZonone was ubuntu-desktop, but it turned out to only be a meta package11:16
savvasJohan--: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:16
KrimZonso i just reinstalled that and it included cups in it11:16
KrimZonbut cupsys still doesnt reinstall11:17
savvasKrimZon: so now..11:17
Johan--savvas: don't think it workes. Get a lot of Backtrace errors from /lib/libc.so.611:17
KrimZonit gives the same error message11:17
savvasJohan--: you'll have to load a live cd, mount your root partition, and download the package file http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.7-9ubuntu2_amd64.deb11:20
Johan--savvas: I''ll try with a usb-stick first :)11:21
savvaswanted to recommend that, but didn't know if you're up to it :P11:21
savvasKrimZon: apt-cache policy sysv-rc11:22
savvassysv-rc: Installed: 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu40 Candidate: 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu4011:22
savvasis it the same?11:22
KrimZonit mentions different versions11:24
savvasKrimZon: wget http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sysvinit/sysv-rc_2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu40_all.deb; dpkg -i sysv-rc_2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu40_all.deb11:25
savvasKrimZon: sudo dpkg -i sysv-rc_2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu40_all.deb11:25
Johan--savvas: but I dont have the rights to mount and I cant use sudo11:25
Johan--that couses an error11:26
FreezeSis there a way to make SHIFT+SPACE work properly ?11:26
KrimZonsavvas: that works :)11:26
savvasJohan--: then... live cd :) I have a guide on how to chroot and fix it if you want11:26
savvasKrimZon: ok, now sudo apt-get -f install11:27
FreezeSjust found the solution (SCIM)11:27
Johan--savvas: yes please :)11:27
KrimZoni reinstalled unbuntu-desktop and all the dependencies worked11:28
savvasJohan--: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4506738#post450673811:28
KrimZonsavvas: thanks :)11:28
savvasJohan--: it's for the libc6 problem, i think it'll help you a lot11:29
savvasn/p <all> :P11:29
FreezeSI have a problem on my home server, I upgraded from gutsy to hardy (32 bit) and now I can't unlock the user manager, the icon is grayed11:29
savvasI should ask from the ubuntu to be paid for this superior-quality and yet down-to-earth support heheh11:30
FreezeSsavvas: you're not getting paid ?11:30
savvaswhy should i? :)11:30
FreezeSdunno, my first impresion was that you're from the dev team :)11:30
savvasi get favours, when i'm in a bad position, someone always helps out11:30
HobbseeFreezeS: a lot of hte dev team isn't paid either..11:31
savvasI'm not that leet :P11:31
savvasand here's the hobbs legend :)11:31
savvasshe's a dev and a motu if i'm not mistaken11:31
FreezeSat least the employees of Canonical I assume are getting paid11:32
vistakillerhi anyone with kubuntu hardy?11:32
FreezeS(what's a motu?)11:32
vistakillermaster of the universe11:33
savvas(they maintain packages in universe, masters of the universe)11:33
FreezeSinteresting choice of words11:33
savvasi know, i loved it the first time i heard about it too :)11:34
FreezeSanyway, master of the universe sounds a lot cooler than "Master of unstable-testing"11:34
vistakilleranyone with kubuntu here?11:34
FreezeSI have it, but as a backup only11:34
FreezeSdon't really like it11:35
Hobbseehi savvas.  you're correct.  i'm core dev, motu, and a few other bits and pieces11:36
HobbseeFreezeS: the canonical people are, yes.11:36
vistakillerin kubuntu the new tool desktop effects is not working correct if you have check the option to remember the system the last season11:38
savvasFreezeS: about the greyed problem.. try this: sudo echo test11:38
vistakillerthe compiz is running first at the login screen11:39
FreezeSsavvas: unfortunately the server is shut down at the moment, but if you can give me some pointers on what to search for it would be great11:39
vistakillerand then is try to running again and is crash11:39
savvasFreezeS: well i thought maybe your user is not in the admin group: cat /etc/group | grep admin11:40
FreezeSsavvas: I can run sudo su11:41
FreezeSand can do administrative tasks from the command line11:42
FreezeSdoes the fact that I can run sudo have any connection to the admin group ?11:42
savvasFreezeS: ok then try: gksu users-admin11:42
savvasyes, it means you are in the admin group :P11:42
FreezeSfunny thing, I tried that on the local computer11:43
FreezeSI was in # and ran users-admin11:43
FreezeSand the unlock button was grayed11:43
FreezeSand I couldn't do anything except viewing the properties11:44
FreezeShowever, when I ran it from $ (without gksudo) the unlock button was active11:44
FreezeSand if I run it with gksudo, the button is grayed11:44
savvasFreezeS: ok then just run: users-admin11:45
savvasin a terminal11:45
savvasif you get any errors, file a bug11:45
FreezeSI'll try it on the server later today11:45
savvasit's weird the gksu users-admin isn't working though11:46
savvasdoesn't work here either11:46
savvasi tried running users-admin as root: ** (users-admin:9405): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '9405'11:46
savvassomeone must've noticed it that, search for it on launchpad, http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu11:49
savvassee ya later aligators11:50
mitch_my sudo doesn't work anymore I get .aliases: command not found11:55
typhoxi think there is a bug with a panel11:55
mitch_has anyone else lost sudo power11:56
typhoxthe second time that this has happened11:56
typhoxI clicked on the calender and the panel freezes11:57
typhoxi pressed control+alt+backspace and login.11:57
typhoxbut the panels stay away11:58
typhoxhow do i get them back?11:58
Hobbseetyphox: run gnome-panel from the command line11:58
Hobbseemitch_: i'd say you did something bad to break it.11:59
mitch_install wine?11:59
mitch_mess with themes?11:59
typhoxHobbsee: that doesn't work12:00
Hobbseemitch_: i'm fairly sure that if multiple people managed to break sudo like that, there'd be a beta-targetted bug about it.  therefore, it's probably a local problem.12:01
Hobbsee!doesn't work | typhox12:01
ubotutyphox: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:01
mitch_I know I was asking what i did wrong?12:01
mitch_cause i feel i did normal stuff12:02
typhoxIt saiys "cannot open display:"12:02
Hobbseemitch_: i've got no idea, tbh.12:03
Hobbseetyphox: strange12:03
mitch_so what can i possibly do12:04
typhoxi'll restart12:08
zen_hello everyone12:08
mitch_anyone any ideas12:08
zen_im considering up grading to hardy heron should i do it?12:09
zen_just because im bored...12:09
asdrubalis 2.6.24-12 the kernel version that has broken sound?12:09
vistakillerthey have fix it asdrubal12:13
asdrubalvistakiller, what do you mean?12:14
moyogoalien is rendered useless due to bug 120057, could someone look into it?12:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120057 in alien "alien 8.68 cannot create deb from rpm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12005712:14
vistakillerthey have fix the problem with the sound12:14
asdrubalvistakiller, why didn't they change the kernel version then?12:14
asdrubalit should be -13, right?12:14
Hobbseethey didn't need to do an abi bump12:14
asdrubaloh ok12:15
Hobbseemoyogo: fairly sure tha'ts a feature...12:15
vistakillerwhy my side buttons is not working in firefox 3?12:15
Rudin_how can I make Java Applets work in Firefox in Hardy Heron Alpha 6?12:16
moyogoHobbsee: ok, how do i make .deb from .rpm with that feature?12:16
Hobbseeyou don't. :)12:17
Rudin_how can I make Java Applets work in Firefox in Hardy Heron Alpha 6    --->  HH64 bits  <----?12:17
Hobbseemoyogo: you build from source instead.12:17
vistakilleranyone have problem with firefox 3 and side mouse buttons?12:18
moyogoyeah can do that, but there’s still a bug in alien12:18
vistakillerin firefox 2 it work12:18
moyogomight as well stop packaging it12:18
Hobbseemoyogo: check for a debian equivalent - ours is coming from there12:20
moyogoHobbsee: good point12:21
=== daubafk is now known as daubers
AdysI keep getting "The composite extension is not available" when trying to get compiz back - tried to force enable it in xorg.conf but didnt work12:31
amx109what graphics card do you have?12:32
Adysnvidia 860012:32
amon__btw, what happened to xorg.conf, it looks so different12:32
amx109Adys, try envyng12:32
Adysits recent12:32
amx109amon__, new xorg aims to reduce amount of config. most of it is autoconfig'd now12:33
Adysamx109:  already tried12:34
amon__ok, so where can i tweak it if autoconfig fails?12:34
amx109amon__, what problem are you coming accross?12:34
amx109Adys, is there any useful info avail when u run it from a terminal? eg compiz --replace12:36
Adysnope, everything installs and sets up fine, but its disabled12:36
amon__amx109: no problem at all, i just wanted to know12:37
amx109amon__, i think im correct in saying you can still add/change xorg config by editing the xorg.conf file12:38
amx109Adys, and when you enable it via preferences->appearance it generates this error?12:38
amon__kk thx12:38
Adysyup amx10912:38
Adysrebooting compiz, brb12:39
amx109Adys, would you try running compiz from a terminal? the output may give more specific info on what the error is12:39
Adysyeah what Im doing right now12:40
Adysno more info than that :/12:40
amx109Adys, could you pastebin your /etc/xorg.conf?12:44
amx109eep, sorry /etc/X11/Xorg.conf12:44
amx109see the line near the bottom12:46
amx109Option         "Composite" "1"12:46
amx109try changing to12:46
amx109 Option          "Composite"     "Enable"12:46
Adysi already tried :)12:46
zniavre"True"   ?12:47
Adysboth enable and 1 are supposed to work according to google results12:47
=== daubers is now known as daubafk
Adysso i dont think it's that12:47
amx109have you checked you xorg logs for any errors related to loading the composite extension?12:48
Adys(where are xorg logs?)12:48
amx109Adys, could you pastebin that too?12:51
Adysyeah, the newest is from two days ago but i already had that problem i think12:52
Adysnvm, was blind12:53
amx109if you logout that should restart X and generate a new log12:53
Adysthat one's from today, was looking in the wrong place12:53
amx109ah k12:53
amx109well. it /looks/ like its enabling compiz (line 471)12:55
amx109Adys, do you have two video cards?12:55
FreezeSis there a way to make sudo to always remember my password until I log out ?12:55
UB`it's nice the new gdm login screen12:56
Adysamx109: Nope12:56
Adysone 8600 gts on two displays12:57
amx109Adys, from my limited knowledge, it seems that its setting up your X server for ure card+2 displays twice. first one gets compiz enabled, second doesnt12:57
amx109Adys, and if you look in your xconf i think ti defines ure card twice?12:58
amx109yea. videocard0 and videocard112:58
LamegoFreezeS, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18341812:58
amx109Adys, have you modified the config yourself?13:00
Adysnot recently13:00
Adysapart from keyboard layouts but i doubt its that :P13:00
amx109Adys, perhaps running dpkg-reconfigure would sort the conf13:00
Adysill try that, brb13:01
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Adysamx109: that worked13:08
amx109Adys, wahoo!13:08
Adysnow to figure out if getting my second screen back is going to make it whine13:08
amx109Adys, when i had a dual monitor setup i used the twinview options in the nvidia driver rather than xinerama13:09
amx109Adys, worked a treat with compiz. im sure you could get it working with xinerama though13:09
AdysTwinview doesnt let me manage my screens separately :/13:09
amx109Adys, in what way?13:09
Adysmaximizing in a single screen, having the panels on only one screen, etc13:10
amx109Adys, that all worked fine for me13:10
Adystwinview treats both screen as if they were one giant screen no?13:11
ctwHi! I'm getting an error message when I try to run apt-get update or apt-get (dist-)upgrade: It says Reading package lists ... Error! E: Problem parsing dependency Suggests, E: Error occured while processng debconf (NewVersion1), E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status, E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.13:11
ctwAny idea what's wrong and how I can fix it?13:11
amx109Adys, erm. not sure. i remember compiz treated both screens as one 'desktop' on the cube. but maximising windows/mplayer were restricted to one screen13:12
Adysenabling twinview gets me a 3160x1050 screen13:13
AdysWhen I maximize a window for example it'll stretch on both screens13:13
Adys(rebooting x brb)13:13
UB`great news for skypers: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Skype_2_0_Final_for_Linux_is_out13:13
lingoNLGuys, thanks for setting the topic link to the libc6 problem, fixed now :)13:14
Adyshmm.. looks like enabling xinerama does make it whine13:14
amx109Adys, winning?13:15
* Adys tries merging some stuff13:15
Adyser complain sorry13:15
Adysamx109: Looks like the screens have to be configured as being on two different virtual videocards13:20
amx109Adys, sorry to come back to the twinview stuff. just checked my old xorg conf. were you using the metamodes option for twinview settings?13:23
AdysNot sure13:23
amx109Adys, http://pastebin.com/d187c15ab - my section for configuring twinview with my old 2x21" monitors13:25
amx109Adys, and that gave me correct behaviour ref windows management on dual display13:25
Adyslemme try it13:26
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jandemcan we expect to see pavucontrol in hardy by default?13:29
AdysThe XRandR X extension was not found.  This extension must be supported by the X server and enabled for display configuration settings to be dynamically applicable.13:29
Adysamx109:  see above13:30
jandemHobbsee, just curious, what's the reason? not ready or not useful for most users?13:30
Hobbseejandem: no idea prior to feature freeze, but it wouldn't be in now as it wasn't before feature freeze, and doesn't have a freeze exception13:31
amx109Adys, Option          "RandRRotation" "True" - add this line in ure 'configured videro device' or equiv13:31
amx109oh actually13:31
amx109ignore that13:31
amx109i didnt read your repsone preoperly13:31
jandemHobbsee: ok thanks, i like it a lot but it's very easy to install13:32
ShackJackHi  -just wondering are a lot of folks having issues with the GNOME settings daemon and/or wireless (not sure if they're related)13:35
amx109Adys, erm. head, brick wall?13:35
amx109Adys, have you tried via nvidia-settings or via administration->screen adn graphics?13:36
Adysyup its where I am right now13:37
Adysamx109: Woot, think I got it working13:38
Adystwinview was the way to go indeed, weird13:38
amx109Adys, by which method?13:38
Adysmy last xorg.conf13:39
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coz_does anyone know the fate of gimp-svg? it is not available in the repos13:46
ctwI'm still having problems with the libc6 fallout13:48
ctwwhen trying to update I'm getting the following message: A non-dpkg owned copy of the libc6-i686 package was found13:48
ctwit tells me that it's not save to upgrade13:49
fromporthello, anyone here with xen experience? after installing ubuntu-xen-server and configuring a guest, the guest can't find their "hard drive" and drop into busybox on boot13:49
ctwand to remeove that copy of the C library and try again13:49
ctwany ideas?13:49
fromportctw: dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archive/libc6_2.7-5ubuntu2*.deb ?13:51
ctwfromport: same error!13:52
DrZaius55I've got a big dependency problem.  When trying to install gnome its looking for gnome-keyring-manager > 2.20 which doesn't exist13:53
DrZaius55Anyway to get around this?13:53
fromportctw: i think you need to download the .deb , boot with a live cd , chroot in to the old disk environment and install the .deb13:55
fromportctw: look here for more info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=450642713:55
nemesis545hello all!13:56
nemesis545who can helpme!, whit a nvidia in hardy heron,13:57
nemesis545the module dont load13:57
ShackJackHi  -just wondering are a lot of folks having issues with the GNOME settings daemon and/or wireless (not sure if they're related)13:57
ctwfromport: sweet, thanks so much13:58
fromportshackjack: had a lot of problems with gnome settings daemon, not with wireless. did a fresh install with alpha6 and <knock wood> no problems on my laptop.13:59
nemesis545someone speak spanish?13:59
nemesis545alguien habla español?13:59
fromportdo have some probs with xen though ;-(13:59
Pici!es | nemesis54513:59
ubotunemesis545: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:59
Tenguhello world13:59
wxPythonhello :)14:00
DrZaius55actually "apt-get install gnome"yields..14:00
DrZaius55gnome: Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (= 1:
TenguI'm trying to boot hardy on PXE, but "gutsy method" doesn't work. is there any doc ?14:00
Tenguor is it too early for this kind of things ?14:00
nemesis545ok ubotu pero es sobre hardy crei que aqui podia...14:01
frank_nemesis545: ubotu is a bot14:01
fromporttengu: i think it's too early. the netboot packages still contain gutsy stuff (last time i checked)14:01
Tengufromport: ok :)14:02
=== lamalex_2 is now known as lamalex
ctwfromport: arghh, I'm getting the same error from chroot14:08
Tenguand is a kickstart from gutsy ok for an auto-install of hardy? :->14:09
Tengu[ks=....  on "append" line]14:09
ShackJackfromport: Thanks for the feedback (re gnome-settings)... I may try a fresh install though fsck *claims* there's something wrong with my HD, so that may not be an option until I get a new one. It funny, because it seems everytime I try a beta Ubuntu it has those same issues (gnome settings and wireless) :)14:17
steph_is there someone who knows about ubuntu and LTSP (I know, there is a ltsp channel, but nobody can answer my question)?14:17
steph_LTSP 5 / Hardy 8.0414:19
steph_I would like to know how to change ldm's default language on the client's side. I'm looking on the internet without succcess too.14:19
spiderfire                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             14:30
arpuhi all14:32
arpui have to killall pulseaudio to have sound in firefox flash and totem why ?14:32
arpui can not find any bug report14:32
Piciarpu: Then log one14:33
arpuPici, hi log on ?14:33
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:33
arpui need some more information why i need to kill pulseaudio14:34
arpuand i will know what pulseaudio is14:34
Piciarpu: If you can't find a bug report, perhaps you need to submit one.14:35
arpuok thanks14:36
Tengufromport: in fact, we CAN do PXE boot as far as I can see :)14:38
Tengufromport: we have to take server cd!14:39
damjanarpu: there's a flash support library on the pulseaudio site14:39
damjanarpu: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup14:40
Picidamjan: But if its not working properly in Hardy, it would be good if a bug was filed for it14:41
damjanPici: well I don't have it installed :)14:41
damjanI'm actually looking to make the LiveCD boot from USB14:50
damjanNow I made it boot the kernel and load the initramfs, but it didn't find and mount the squash filesystem14:51
titillationi wish i were a livecd14:51
titillationon the topic of livecds, what's the best web resource for livecd creation?14:51
damjantitillation: what kind of LiveCD do you want to create?14:52
titillationdamjan, one where i may throw any package from ubuntu on it14:53
titillationdamjan, without having to use my mind much to meddle with scripts14:53
damjantitillation: on the ubuntu liveCD's there's a squash.filesystem file14:53
damjanyou can unpack it, add some files to it.. then create the FS again14:54
titillationdamjan, should i go with reconstructor?14:54
titillationdamjan, i've heard of that and one other tool14:54
titillationdamjan, oh? that simple?14:54
kingrayrayi just updated hardy and now X won't detect my video card properly, do I need to reinstall the nvidia driver or something?15:14
amx109kingrayray, possibly. try using easyng15:15
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:19
amx109ta frank_15:19
kingrayraywhat envy does would be pretty easy to do manually anyway15:21
kingrayraywhat im' more concerned about is why did my graphics break after a kernel update15:21
frank_kingrayray: apparently envyng (supports only hardy) does thing in a more ubuntu-y way. it is supposed to work after a kernel upgrade15:23
kingrayrayoook. so, what is the name of the restricted drivers applet?15:26
Picikingrayray: it should show up in your notification applet15:29
kingrayraywell, i'm trying to disable then re-enable it or something15:30
kingrayraysince my last hardy update i am in "low graphics mode"15:30
Picikingrayray: Its also in System>Adminstration somewhere15:30
kingrayrayweird. nothing shows up in it15:31
kingrayray"no drivers in use" shouldn't it show me which drivers i *could* use?15:31
kingrayrayoh interesting.15:32
kingrayraythe update didn't install the restricted drivers for this kernel version or something, apparently15:33
kingrayraywe'll see :p15:33
kingrayraywhat cards is "nvidia-glx-new" for? like 8000 series?15:34
kingrayraymine's only a 6200 lol15:34
kingrayrayohwell. i'm gonna reboot and see if this worked15:34
kingrayrayyay i did it15:37
frank_kingrayray: nvidia-glx-new is geforce 5xxx and above15:41
RaspberryI make a backup of my Maildir directory nightly -- is there a good way to  view that Maildir w/o using the Mail server?  I deleted an email that I want to recover from my backed up Maildir15:45
RaspberryI thought maybe I'd just create a second user account and drop it in as their Maildir15:45
h3sp4wnRaspberry: You can just use maildir's directly with mutt15:47
h3sp4wn(No need for the mailserver)15:47
Raspberryah cool -- I wasn't sure and googling doesn't provide  a direct answer to this question15:48
h3sp4wnrsync it to another box and view it with mutt if you need to15:48
kingrayrayfrank23, oh word. so i need that one then :)15:48
Raspberryduh -- I used to directly access Maildir with Mutt :P  then I changed it to use IMAP locally :P15:48
fromportrasp: mutt -f [subdir]15:50
Gninewhy cant workaround be to just run aptitude upgrade from root15:51
jimmygoonHm, I love that anyone can test the next version of ubuntu but is anyone else... suprised by people's inability to work things out with the libc6 problem and begging for a script or step by step tutorial?15:52
savvasGnine: a) there is not root account and b) if libc6 is broken, you can't login... you practically can't do anything15:53
h3sp4wnjimmygoon: I am not surprised15:53
Gninerecovery mode logs you as root15:53
savvasGnine: you cannot log in if the glibc/libc6 is broken, it uses a library upon logging in15:54
h3sp4wnBut its one of the things I made sure I knew how to do before running sid a while ago15:54
savvasGnine: also, apt* and dpkg* use libc15:54
h3sp4wn(In the days before live cd's without a static shell like sash etc could have been much more of an issue)15:55
Gninei ran aptitude from root on recovery mode. system was unable to fetch updates from us.archive.ubuntu.com15:55
jimmygoonh3sp4wn, well, its not that testers should know that its libc breaking but once thats established and its reported that copying the old libc over the hardy's corrupt libc and a fairly straightforward command is given and there is STILL people needing more step-by-step... I just don't understand why there are bleeding edge...15:55
mooboo1wow, my aunt was here with her friend, and her friend is probably like 70+, and she starts talking to me about Linux and firewalls15:56
mooboo1talk about getting surprised lol15:56
mooboo1then i stand there, wondering how the hell she knows what Linux is15:56
h3sp4wnjimmygoon: That thread on ubuntu forums sucked (dpkg --root= is for exactly that issue)15:57
frank_mooboo1: did you ask her?15:57
mooboo1frank_, nope15:57
TheInfinityjimmygoon: but alphas are sooooo cool! ;)15:58
h3sp4wnjimmygoon: broken perl can be worse15:58
Raspberryjimmygoon: I needed info on how to do it15:58
mooboo1yeah and "alpha" sound cool too15:58
Raspberryjimmygoon: are you calling me an idiot or what?15:59
jimmygoonThat happened during feisty or gutsy betas I think... I remember that15:59
Gninejimmygoon, i wasnt asking for your stepbystep manual either.. i read the forums . apparently you need to cut the coffee comsumption there15:59
mooboo1like "yo man dun mess with me yo, i got the alpha, bittttch"15:59
h3sp4wnDon't read the forums15:59
jimmygoonHeh, I'm not referring to either of you, gheezsh15:59
h3sp4wnread the manpage for dpkg15:59
mooboo1dpkg --help15:59
TheInfinityjimmygoon: sometimes i think its just for cleaning up15:59
TheInfinityone libc6 break = much less stupid "bug" on launchpad16:00
h3sp4wn --root=<directory>         Install on a different root directory.16:00
h3sp4wnThats not clear like the manpage is though16:00
h3sp4wnyou wouldn't know whether you needed --admindir= / --instdir= also16:01
RaspberryAs I undestand it the point of the forums is to provide some real-time dialog about these issues...   If something breaks or is broken it should be documented...  once it's documented people should be referred to it for resolution -- but I think it also serves in the best interest of Ubuntu to provide step-by-step instructions and context them as doing step 1, 2, 3, 4,5 is called "using dpkg to restore a previous version of a16:01
Raspberrypackage" so that way some one is provided education in the terminology used to define a multi-step process16:01
Gnineonly 64bit version broke for me16:01
Gnineby the way16:02
Gninewell exposed, Raspberry16:03
jimmygoonRaspberry, I dunna. I'm not trying to call anyone out but I guess I just don't understand how someone that doesn't know how to mount a device should be using alpha....16:03
Gnineyour a goon ..16:04
McAbreb43-fwcutter cut my range in third of what it used to be with bmc43xx....16:04
Raspberryjimmygoon: I agree :)16:04
h3sp4wnMcAbre: What do you mean all that does is extract the firmware16:05
Gninemounting a device is a very much standard procedure in linux terms .. you mean something else along the lines of 'am the master of the universe'16:05
jimmygoonGnine, actually I don't. Please stop putting words in my mouth. I'm not calling you out yet you're making this personal and being rude16:06
McAbreh3sp4wn, I'm not 100% sure but after the change the range was reduced, whatever the actual culprit... =)16:06
Gninethen stop targetting users you dont know about like you have statistics in front of you16:07
jimmygoonGnine, You mean like the forum topic that literally has people asking how to mount devices?16:07
orangeyhey all!16:07
h3sp4wnMcAbre: There is all sorts of stuff it could be16:08
damjanDoes anyone know how does the LiveCD find the /casper/filesystem.squashfs file to mount on booting??16:08
orangeyquick q.. What on earth has replaced /etc/default/acpi-support ?16:08
h3sp4wnMcAbre: What does iwlist wlan0 tx say16:08
steph_How can I customize client's desktop for LTSP 5 / Hardy 8.04?16:09
McAbreh3sp4wn, Current Tx-Power=27 dBm  (501 mW)16:10
orangeyWhere I can put my blacklisted modules to be taken out before suspends happen in hardy?16:10
Amaranthorangey: /etc/default/acpi-support has a list of modules to unload/reload, iirc16:11
h3sp4wnMcAbre: Same as my intel is set for (maybe thats just when its not working)16:11
orangeyAmaranth: not in hardy any longer.16:11
orangeyit's been replaced by something.16:11
Amaranthorangey: put them in MODULES separated by spaces16:11
Amaranthi don't think so16:11
Amaranthi've got that file16:11
orangeyAmaranth: I can virtually guarantee you : )16:11
h3sp4wnMcAbre: Infact thinking about it doesn't even make sense as that would be illegal in alot of places16:12
Amaranthand /etc/acpi/sleep.sh still imports /etc/default/acpi-support16:12
orangeyAmaranth: true, but it seems that something else is being triggered by dbus.16:12
Amaranthah, but nothing uses MODULES16:12
Amaranthorangey: nah, it all still goes through acpi-support, afaik16:13
Amaranthin the end16:13
Amaranthbut nothing deals with MODULES16:13
orangeyfair enough.16:13
orangeyat least that really helps me figure out where to look : )16:13
Amaranthyou could write your own acpi scripts for sleep and resume to unload and reload the modules, respectively16:13
Amaranthjust stick them in /etc/acpi/suspend.d and /etc/acpi/resume.d16:14
wxPythonif i do wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX  i strip the default frame style and took one style out of the default style...  the ^ is a bitwise XOR operator... since that is equvivalent to !=  can i use that operator as well?16:14
Amaranthcopy the format of the other files in there (numbered file name to determine order, etc)16:14
orangeyAmaranth: I'll go back to my position that it disregards /etc/defaults/acpi-support16:14
orangeycheck this out.16:14
orangeysleep.sh calls prepare.sh16:14
orangeyprepare.sh runs /etc/acpi/suspend.d16:14
=== bipolar is now known as bipolar_
Amaranthand prepare.sh runs all the scripts in suspend.d, like i said16:15
orangey/etc/acpi/suspend.d/ contains 70-modules-unload.sh16:15
orangeywhich references MODULES16:15
Amaranthbut doesn't load /etc/acpi-support16:15
Amarantherr, /etc/default/acpi-support16:15
Amaranthbut i think it doesn't have to, MODULES is already in the environment16:16
orangeywell, /etc/default/acpi-support is called from the original sh16:16
Amaranthbecause 70-modules-unload.sh never sets it16:16
Amaranthjust filters stuff out of it16:16
frank_orangey: powermanagement is handled by pm-utils now I think16:16
orangeyfrank_ This is what I thought.16:16
orangeyfrank_ So, what configuration file does it use now?16:17
orangeyfrank_ you mean powermanagement-interface, I assume.16:17
frank_orangey: no idea... I just remember from reading feature specs16:17
orangeyfrank_: the /usr/share/pmi/blacklist-modules.sh was broken16:17
Amaranthin that case it uses fdi quirks16:17
frank_orangey: I don't run hardy often16:19
orangeyAmaranth: that's fascinating.16:19
savvasHardware Testing woohoo! :)16:20
savvasgksu hwtest-gtk16:20
orangeyfrankly, I can usually trace files, but once it hits DBUS, I am *lost*16:21
Amaranthorangey: found it16:21
AmaranthAdd 'SUSPEND_MODULES="kvm_intel kvm"' to /etc/pm/config.d/unload_modules!16:21
Amaranthobviously you probably don't want kvm_intel kvm but yeah16:22
orangeyfascinating. I don't have that file..16:22
orangeyalright. Gonna try it. Wish me luck : )16:22
AmaranthCRITICAL ERROR: Using nvidia binary driver. This is not supported!16:22
h3sp4wnWhat does that do just forcibly remove the modules ?16:23
Amaranthh3sp4wn: unloads them before suspend and reloads them after16:23
Amaranthsome modules don't survive suspend16:23
h3sp4wnAnd kvm doesn't mind that happening if its running16:23
Amaranthwell the kvm thing was a bug in 2.6.2116:23
Amaranthit was just an example from the website16:23
mooboo1if i ever make an operating system, i will call it TacOS or TACOS16:24
h3sp4wn(and if you are not using it then why not just blacklist it anyway)16:24
Amaranthoh, 2.6.22 and older16:24
mooboo1gdm looks newer in udpate16:24
mooboo1it looks hardy16:24
jimmygoonI'm dying to see the new visual themes but my HD is too full for an additional ubuntu install16:25
orangey_nope : )16:27
orangey_that didn't work.16:27
fromportanyone here succeeded in getting xen-3.2 to run from packaged in hardy ? my dom-U's cant find a harddisk and are being dumped into busybox16:28
savvasfromport: did they sudo apt-get install linux-xen ?16:29
savvasfromport: you have a separate kernel image for xen16:30
Johan--savvas: I fixed my problems with libc6 thanks to your guide. Thanks :)16:32
Johan--but now when I login all I get is a blue screen16:32
fromportsavvas: yep , that all went perfect (aptitude install ubuntu-xen-server)16:32
savvasJohan--: try: sudo apt-get -f install16:33
savvaswhat does the blue screen say by the way? :P16:33
Johan--nothing :)16:33
savvasfromport: ah then i've no idea16:33
Johan--apt-get didn't do anything16:34
savvasan empty blue screen?16:34
h3sp4wnfromport: I am running hardy under xen but the dom0 is opensolaris16:34
fromportsavvas: hypervisor etc boots, xend is running when i try and start a "guest" it never boots16:34
Johan--and the resolution seems to be 640x480 or something16:34
Johan--instead of 1400x90016:34
savvasJohan--: apt-cache policy libc6 | grep "Installed\|Candidate"16:35
h3sp4wnfromport: Did you try e.g Centos (very easy to start a netinstall from virt-install)16:35
Johan--gives nothing16:35
savvasJohan--: apt-cache policy libc616:35
savvasJohan--: you were the one with the not-english install right? :\16:36
fromportsavvas: that is : it boots but keeps hanging at "Begin: Waiting for root file system" and eventually is dropped in busybox.16:36
Johan--strange. All my settings seems to have disapeard. The graphiccard, resolution etc16:37
savvasJohan--: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:37
fromporth3sp4wn: as a matter of fact: yes i just installed 5.1 on my laptop to try it out ;-). but i'm a big debian/ubuntu fan and feel loyal to them. Only i want/need hardy *now* and not in april ;-)16:37
h3sp4wnfromport: I ment as the domU16:38
h3sp4wn(I don't use the ubuntu xen packaged kernel as it was borked when I set this up a few months ago)16:38
fromporth3sp4n: i tried etch32&64 bits, gutsy 32 and a hardy64 via debootstrap.16:39
h3sp4wnTry netbsd thats another 5 second one to try16:40
h3sp4wnOr try the centos kernel16:41
fromporth3sp4wn: i've not tried libvirt/virt-manager yet. i'll certainly look into it..16:41
h3sp4wn(Otherwise its not narrowed down at all)16:41
Johan--savvas: I tried to remove firestarter that gave errors before and rebooted. Now I get a black screen with the mouse instead :)16:41
fromportyep, you're right16:41
orangey_might I say WOW! to the new compiz!16:42
Johan--the xfce session works however16:42
orangey_This "shelf" plugin is exactly what I've wanted my whole life without knowing it.16:42
savvasJohan--: did you do this? sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:42
Johan--will trie it, but the resolution works now. But no gnome16:43
savvasJohan--: go for it, it'll fix up your xorg.conf16:43
Johan--don't thing its xserver now. Gnome seems to be broken16:44
savvasJohan--: i see, can you do this: sudo apt-get -f install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop16:44
Johan--well, dont have any more time right now.16:44
Johan--but thanks for the help :) This channel is priceless :D16:44
savvasnote it and try it later, /memoserv send savvas a message :)16:44
savvasor was it /msg memoserv? oh well :P16:45
Johan--started it in a screen session so I can check if it worked later16:45
jimmygoonorangey_, what does it do?16:48
tgelterwhy do I suddenly need the simple-ccsm package installed to have the "custom" tab under Appearance-->Visual Effects? Why isn't it enough anymore to just have CompizConfig Settings Manager installed?16:56
negativeradohhh this is my new home16:56
Picinegativerad: Try using the generic kernel, not -i38616:57
smagoun'apt-get source finger=0.17-11' doesn't work (source not found), but 'apt-get source finger' does - and it pulls down the source for finger 0.17-11. I only have this problem with packages where the binary name != the source name, so I'm thinking it's http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=163015 . Anyone have a fix?16:58
ubotuDebian bug 163015 in apt "[apt-get] want binary->source mapping when requesting a specific version" [Wishlist,Open]16:58
negativeradPici: 2.6.24-12-generic ??16:58
negativerador -11-generic16:58
Picinegativerad: 12 generic16:59
negativeradPici: K i will try it now, thank you.16:59
orangey_jimmygoon: check it out..17:01
jimmygoonorangey_, I did :)17:01
orangey_jimmygoon: http://imagebin.ca/view/Luwgwn1.html17:01
orangey_and http://imagebin.ca/view/MoOW4ms.html17:01
orangey_jimmygoon: it's awesome!17:01
orangey_Most plugin since Scale : )17:01
jimmygoonI'm assuming that the window is still interactive?17:01
orangey_HECK YES!17:02
Milos_SDCan someone else report one bug for me ? :D17:02
jimmygoonbecause thats awesome. I would like it if when you hover over it to interact it zooms in a bit and then when it looses focus it zooms back out, etc17:02
orangey_maybe if this plugin was around in 2006 it wouldn't have been. But we're apparently in 2008!17:02
Milos_SDit is a bug in Firefox 3 Beta 417:02
orangey_jimmygoon: woah there. That's like 2008.5 at least : )17:02
orangey_but you're right, that would be AWESOME!17:02
Milos_SDWhen I do right click on some link in Pidgin/Evolution/Xchat -> Open in Browser, it does not open Firefox at all...17:03
jimmygoonI just can't wait until I get my new PC that can run compiz without making it impossible to scroll in firefox :D17:03
orangey_jimmygoon: what are you running now?17:04
negativeradPici, works great thanks again :D17:04
jimmygoonI _can_ run compiz but scrolling in firefox becomes annoyingly choppy17:04
oxigenMilos_SD: i have line in xchat for this: !firefox -remote 'openURL(%s,new-tab)'17:05
jimmygoonoh (gutsy)17:05
wastrelthat may be what is making my ffox so sucky17:05
oxigenMilos_SD: in URL handlers17:05
wastrelbut it's not scrolling so much as just being slow loading/rendering.17:05
wastreland crashy17:05
secretlondoni've finally had to install epiphany17:05
secretlondonlaptop not locked up since17:06
jimmygoonholy crap. I just saw freewins. is that in hardy also? :O17:07
orangey_jimmygoon: I don't think so17:08
Picismagoun: I can re-create that error here.  I suggest logging a bug under apt in launchpad and using the "also affects distribution/package" button to put the original bug in.17:08
jimmygoonorangey_, oh well. its easy enough to compile... which is what I'm going to go do. Its awesome! You can rotate in x and z dimensions17:09
MasterShrakis hardy in beta yet?17:09
MasterShrakcool thx17:09
oxigenyou know more now, huh?! :)17:10
smagounPici: thanks, I'll do that. That debian bug's only 7 years old, guess I'll try to fix it myself...17:10
=== afflux_ is now known as afflux
orangey_jimmygoon: while I'm a fan of the concept, I just can't see it helping me in life.17:16
jimmygoonyeah, I know17:17
orangey_p.s., found a limitation to that shelf plugin.. as of now, you can't do drag operations with the mouse17:17
Gninehardy seems to be way more responsive without emerald running17:21
Gnineon 32bit17:22
Gnineeven wine is working again17:23
SebastianIs there any information I could provide on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/191733 to faciliate the resolving of this issue? Because of this, Hardy is atm pretty much unusable for me.17:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191733 in ubuntu "Screen randomly turns black with Ati Xpress 1100 graphics card" [Undecided,New]17:25
SebastianFor starters, I am not even sure if I am experiencing the same issue as the original reporter.17:26
TheInfinitySebastian: try to get an xorg log when screen is black17:27
jimmygoonhaha the freewins is fun though buggy and largely useless. I want to try anaglyph but my pc is too lame17:27
SebastianTheInfinity: Will try to do that when I am back home where I can actually ssh into my notebook from another machine.17:28
* cyphase likes the new GDM theme17:28
TheInfinitySebastian: or change to a console17:28
TheInfinityalt strg F1 helps :p17:28
cyphasewasn't the new new default gdm theme going to have the list of users?17:28
jimmygooncyphase, is there a picture of it somewhere. several people have commented on it17:29
cyphasejimmygoon: 1 second, i'll post one17:29
jimmygooncyphase, thanks!17:30
SebastianTheInfinity: Changing to a console doesn't work.17:30
TheInfinityoh ;)17:30
SebastianTheInfinity: ALT+F1 etc. has no effect when this happens.17:31
cyphasejimmygoon: http://www.cyphase.com/NewHardyGDMTheme.png17:32
jimmygoonthanks cyphase17:32
cyphasejimmygoon: np17:32
damjansame as the old one :)17:34
Gninemine is better17:34
tgeltercyphase: is that the new gdm theme I just installed?17:35
Gnineactually.. i just got a cooler bg image .. i do use that theme tho17:35
cyphasetgelter: i don't know if you installed it, but it is the new GDM theme.. :)17:35
tgeltercyphase: was there a name change of the theme?17:36
cyphasetgelter: not that i know of17:36
tgelterok, so I still haven't received an answer from anyone about this, but has anyone been having extra line-feeds printed when doing an "aptitude safe-upgrade" ? just a bunch of extra white space when stuff is sent to STOUT ?17:39
secretlondonI don't use aptitude, sorry17:41
tgelterthat's what's happening when I hit enter (no, I don't hold down the enter key)17:43
tgeltercan anyone else confirm that this is a bug? otherwise I'll investigate it as a local issue17:44
Gninei use update-manager.17:46
Gninethe new human theme is nice too17:47
LimCoretgelter: same thing here17:47
LimCoretgelter: its common for most console basic i/o apps17:48
LimCorejust dont press the enter =)17:48
tgelterLimCore: thanks for responding! I've asked that same question several times in here already17:48
LimCoretgelter: no problem17:48
tgelterLimcore: this is an actual issue though, it's not like I'm holding down the key17:48
tgelterLimCore: what do you mean that it's common? injecting extra white space onto the terminal is not something common...17:49
LimCoreif you dont hold the enter, then something is wrong, report a bug17:49
secretlondontgelter I presume it's because most people are running gnome and hence don't know anything about aptitude17:49
LimCoreif you DO hold, then it is ok.  if you do NOT hold enter, then its wrong17:49
tgeltersecretlondon: what do you mean? I run gnome...17:49
* Gnine uninstalls emerald17:49
tgelterLimCore: yeah, I totally understand that...I work on the command line almost exclusively17:50
secretlondontgelter: I thought aptitude was the kubuntu version of synaptic17:50
secretlondonI use apt-get from the cli, and synaptic as a gui17:50
zniavrecompiz does not want to start is it normal?17:50
tgeltersecretlondon: aptitude is a lot like apt-get17:50
* Gnine nods 17:51
tgelterone benefit to aptitude is that it also has a text user interface (ncurses?)17:51
Gninebut apt-get feels more ubuntuish17:51
tgelterit used to be that apt-get didn't auto-remove deps when you uninstalled a package as well, but now, with apt-get autoremove, that functionality is built into apt-get17:52
nacerso like some other people i have sound probleme after upgrade from gusty to hardy17:52
secretlondontgelter: okay. I use apt-get when i want more control, and synaptic when I wan't to see versions (as I can't work out how to get that from apt-get)17:53
=== marko-_-__ is now known as marko-_-
secretlondonnacer: there was a prob with a kernel but it's fixed now17:53
tgelternacer: I had sound problems a few days ago, but updates fixed them later that same day17:53
naceri have made the upgrade today17:53
nacerand i have it17:53
secretlondonnacer: please file a bug then, on linux17:54
tgeltersecretlondon: I have this lovely/nasty habit of wanting to do everything from the CLI17:54
nacerthere is a command to submit a bug ?17:54
naceror i have to go on launchpad17:54
secretlondongo to launchpad, if you submit using ubuntu it'll probably file it against the wrong thing17:54
secretlondontgelter: I'm getting better at using the cli, I used to be a total noob17:55
tgeltersecretlondon: we're all noobs when we get started! =)17:55
secretlondonnacer: the submit a bug thing from ubuntu files the bug against the application you've used17:55
secretlondonnacer: for sound issues you want them against the kernel17:55
nacersecretlondon, i think too17:56
nacersecretlondon, because i have .ko file but he does load it17:56
secretlondonthe kernel in hardy is called linux, no numbers afterwards17:56
jimmygoonless than a week till beta :O17:56
nacersecretlondon, ok17:56
Gnineyou have a driver issue.. not a kernel one17:56
nacerGnine, the dirver worked well on gusty17:57
secretlondonwell bug triagers are being told that most audio stuff should be filed against the kernel17:58
jimmygoonrestricted-modules - make sure its installed!17:58
damjannacer: a .ko file depends on the kernel version17:58
Gnineyou need a new driver to work with the new kernel .. sounds like..17:58
damjanyou can't have one for Gutsy's kernel to run on Hardy's kernel17:58
damjanit needs to be recompiled17:58
nacerdamjan, i dont have a gusty kernel17:59
damjannacer: you said 'the dirver worked well on gusty'17:59
nacerLinux PtiPanda 2.6.24-12-386 #1 Wed Mar 12 22:30:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux17:59
nacerdamjan, yup before i was on gusty18:00
damjanwhat driver is the problem?18:00
Gnineexactly.. get a hardy version of the driver or compile it yourself18:01
jimmygoonHas hardy made advances with battery management. Ubuntu is killing me; either I have it shutdown when the battery dies (which is acutally 15 minutes before the battery actually runs out, or I let it literally die and then I have to set through a 15 minute disk check)18:01
nacer00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)18:01
damjannacer: snd-intel8x0 is not the driver you need18:02
damjannacer: you need snd-hda-intel18:02
nacermodprobe snd-hda-intel18:02
nacerFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.18:02
nacersame problem18:02
damjanno.. that's a whole another problm18:03
nacerdamjan, lsmod | grep snd18:03
nacerhe dont load the driver18:03
damjannacer: like it says: "not found"18:04
nacerrw-r--r--  1 root root 450156 2008-03-11 14:02 snd-hda-intel.ko18:04
nacerhe s here :)18:04
damjandepmod -ae18:04
nacerand ?18:05
nacermodprobe again ?18:05
nacernot found18:05
naceri have some logs18:05
nacer[ 3486.824351] snd_hda_intel: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module18:05
nacer[ 3555.232137] snd_hda_intel: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module18:05
damjanwait.. did you upgrade something recently?18:06
naceryep gusty to hardy 2 hours ago18:07
damjandid you reboot?18:07
nacera lot18:07
* Gnine gives thumbs up to new gnome human theme18:07
Picinacer: make sure you are using the -generic kernel, not -i38618:07
nacerPici, ok18:08
damjanPici: oh right he is using 2.6.24-12-38618:08
naceraptitude remove --purge linux-image-2.6.24-12-38618:08
nacerreboot times18:08
tgelteronce I've created a bug, am I automatically subscribed to it? (will I be mailed status changes, etc.?)18:08
Picinacer: make sure you installed -generic first :18:09
Picitgelter: yes18:09
Gnineyes, tgelter18:09
tgelterGnine: thanks18:10
GninePici beat me to it though  ;-)18:11
tgelterPici: thanks, I just realized that you messaged too18:11
tgelter(with Gnine's help)18:12
tgelteractually, question first: is there a way to quickly apply all the artwork defaults?18:13
tgelterI want to see what the artwork will be like, but I don't want to have to go back and go clicking around in the appearance gui18:13
tgelter(I want the GDM theme set to default, icons, metacity theme, etc. to go back to normal)18:14
Picitgelter: you could create a new user.. I think that should work.  Or just go clicking in appearance18:14
tgelterPici: yeah, the new user idea would be easiest. thanks!18:14
tgelterok, bbl18:14
Rudin_I have Hardy Heron installed, 64 bit version, how can I see Java Applets in Firefox with this configuration?18:16
Rudin_I can see only a grey box instead of the applet18:17
nemoRudin_: ... oh. you do see a grey box at least eh18:17
nemoRudin_: so it isn't the usual plugins installed to wrong dir thing18:17
nemoRudin_: maybe just hasn't loaded yet?18:18
nemootherwise no clue 'bout 64b18:18
Rudin_nope, the applet loads almost instantaneously in other OS18:18
fromportrudin: it's one of the things which isn't perfect (yet)18:28
hackelWhen I run compiz from my current user account, I'm only getting a white screen.  When I run it from a new account, however, it works fine.  Any idea what the cause might be?18:28
h3sp4wnRudin_: Thinking its ever going to be perfect prior to release is probably a bad idea18:29
h3sp4wn(Java7 is not even in Solaris Express yet because it actually is alpha software)18:29
Rudin_well, I had the same problem with Gutsy18:30
fromporthackel: i had that behaviour (white screen on ati fglrx driver) on _all_ accounts. I did a fresh install with alpha6 and it's working fine (at my hardware)18:30
h3sp4wnI just use 32 bit java + firefox + flash18:31
h3sp4wn(equivs to satisfy the dependancy on ubuntu-desktop18:31
Rudin_h3sp4wn: so, you think they will mend this 64 bit problem with the release of Hardy Heron? or Java 7?18:31
h3sp4wnWith java7 it should be working properly18:31
hackelfromport: Yes, obviously the issue is a setting in my user account.  But I'm not willing to recreate all my settings just for compiz.18:31
h3sp4wn(even when its a beta probably be mostly ok)18:32
Rudin_h3sp4wn: "32 bit java + firefox + flash"  in Hardy 64? or Hardy 32?18:32
Rudin_flash works in Hardy 6418:32
fromporthackel: i agree, but again: i had it with _all_ my accounts when it hit me18:32
Rudin_quite well18:32
h3sp4wnRudin_: hardy 6418:33
h3sp4wnI don't like nspluginwrapper18:33
h3sp4wn(and I don't need any of the benefits of 64 bit for running a browser)18:34
Rudin_h3sp4wn: I don't matter to use Java 32 if I can see Java applets in Firefox with it18:34
h3sp4wnuse the mozilla.com binaries in /opt is what I do18:35
Rudin_you can? How have you configured it?18:35
h3sp4wnYou cannot have a 32 bit java with a 64 bit firefox18:35
Rudin_I think I have 32 bit Firefox18:35
hackelWhen I run "gconftool -u --recursive-unset /apps/compiz" nothing seems to happen...  I've also removed ~/.gconf/apps/compiz, I just can't get the settings to go away!18:36
fromporthackel: aptitude purge compiz-gnome18:37
hackelfromport:  That won't touch the settings in my user profile.18:40
nacerhehe i am back18:41
nacernew bug with sur generic kernel18:41
nacerclocksource tsc unstable18:41
nacerso i have re install the 386 kernel18:41
* jimmygoon is going to install alpha 618:41
* nacer go smoke18:41
beavishey are there any mirrors for cdimage.ubuntu.com? cdimage.ubuntu.com is extremly slow atm18:43
TheInfinitybeavis: bittorrent18:44
TheInfinity-> always fast :)18:44
beavisthere are only jigdo links on cdimage, no torrents18:44
Gninealso preffered18:44
nastasproblem on Firefox 3.0b4. whenever i choose to see the add-ons, asks me to restart firefox any idea?18:45
TheInfinitybeavis: for ubuntu hardy alpha6?18:45
TheInfinitythere are .torrent files :p18:45
beavisTheInfinity, I'd prefer a nightly build18:45
jimmygoondoes anyone really use jigdo?18:48
beavisTheInfinity, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-6/ can you try to open this URL? it takes hours here18:48
jimmygoonhmm... it is... not loading18:49
jimmygoonI was wanting to use it today too18:49
beavisyes, me too :(18:49
TheInfinitybeavis: thats why i use torrent files ...18:49
beavissince the upgrade to  hardy broke lots of things here yesterday :/18:49
TheInfinitybeavis: hardy is alpha ;)18:50
jimmygoonTheInfinity, do you happen to have a torrent for ubuntu alpha 6 laying aorund?18:50
* Gnine will search for torrent file as soon as 92 updates are finished 18:50
TheInfinitysite has been loaded18:50
TheInfinityhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-6/hardy-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent <-- for example18:50
jimmygoonyeah it loaded finally18:50
TheInfinityjust wait a while18:50
jimmygoonrelatively... how stable is the inplace gutsy->hardy upgrade?18:51
* jimmygoon prays that the intel driver problems are fixed18:52
beaviswell I have no sound now, it always sets the default language to EN and some more minor issues18:53
beavisso I'd say the upgrade is "almost" stable18:53
jimmygoonwell, my internet appears to be "fast" today so the iso is comign down fast enough18:55
beavisalpha-6 or the nightly build?18:56
beavisIt'll take another 26 hours to download the nightly :)18:56
savvasbeavis: alpha-6 is a safer bet18:57
jetsaredimis there a new livecd with gnome 2.22 on it?18:57
beaviswell the nightly build18:57
savvasjetsaredim: http://torrent.gnome.org/18:59
qziois there any known problem with NetworkManager? I have latest upgrade and it doesn't work, seems like it cant connect to the AP if i use wpa_supplicant it works...19:00
jetsaredimsavvas: but no ubuntu livecd with new gnome?19:01
savvasjetsaredim: why? you could try the beta when it's out19:02
annaHello, I would like to use metacity and compositing instead of compiz, how to achieve that?19:03
jetsaredimsavvas: i'm going to be reinstalling my system tonight19:03
ddurhamkwin has a memory leak in kubuntu hardy, right?19:03
h3sp4wnanna: There is a gconf key19:03
lamalexanna: http://lamalex2.blogspot.com/2008/03/enabling-composite-with-metacity-in.html19:03
secretlondonanna in the appearance tab I think19:04
jetsaredimand I haven't decided if i'm going to switch from my comfy kde setup or try gnome19:04
savvasjetsaredim: http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.22/ - there are some screenshots to check out19:04
ddurhamI see shared memory for the kwin process steadily growing19:05
annaThanks, I am reading it19:05
mooboo1Does Ubuntu/Canonical have any legal-contact?19:06
annaWait, if I say "no effects", is that compiz or metacity normally?19:06
mooboo1It is called "hwtest" (hardware test), all questions are related to the computer hardware. So you would think it collect only hardware information, but it secretly collects what packages you have installed. That is spyware! It is an intrusion on users privacy! I don't tolerate this kind of !@#$19:06
annaCause I am under impression, Ubuntu is using compiz in any case.19:06
RotlausI just installed Alpha6, made an upgrade and restarted. Now my sound isn't working anymore. Did fine befor restart. How can i check what went wrong?19:06
maccam94anna: metacity19:06
maccam94Rotlaus: dmesg?19:06
annaah great, so setting that gconf key will do the trick with the no effect setting.19:07
maccam94Rotlaus: an update probably just broke something19:07
annathanks for helping19:07
maccam94anna: no problem19:07
secretlondonmooboo1: how did you find out what it collected?19:07
mooboo1secretlondon, someone posted it on launchpad, i assume he used a packetsniffer19:07
maccam94mooboo1: ...? maybe it's checking what drivers you might have installed?19:07
mooboo1secretlondon, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hwtest/+bug/20133619:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201336 in hwtest "report contains package information" [Undecided,New]19:08
mooboo1maccam94, by sending all my packages to them?19:08
lamalexanna: that's compiz19:08
maccam94lamalex: i'm pretty sure no effects is metacity19:08
mooboo1not first time ubuntu dont respect users privacy, up until i reported it, apport would send peoples usernames in bugreports19:08
maccam94compiz requires compositing19:08
lamalexmaccam94: the no effects in appearance turns of compiz19:08
lamalexmaccam94: has no effect on metacity19:09
secretlondonif it is, no effects is saner than changing gconf keys19:09
lamalexmaccam94: to turn on metacity compisiting, you need to edit gconf19:09
savvasmooboo1: I believe we're still in alpha, it's a testing period, file a bug to fix it.19:09
unduHmmm, how do I get xubuntu 8.04 alpha 6 through apt-get ? xubuntu-desktop got me 7.10, do I need to change /etc/apt/sources.list or is the latest alpha named differently?19:09
Rotlaus@maccam94, My dmesg: http://pastebin.org/2367619:09
mooboo1savvas, oh i did19:09
h3sp4wnChanging gconf keys is alot saner than trying to find where they didn't put options for hours19:09
h3sp4wn(network manager is nicer to deal with just through gconf)19:09
mooboo1also, x-chat dont open links anymore? firefox anymore?19:10
lamalexyou don't want the metacity key checked and compiz on at the same time, I don't really know what happens then but I imaging compiz ignores it19:10
lamalexand takes over19:10
savvasmooboo1: no offense then, but who asked you to run it? :P19:10
h3sp4wnYou only have metacity or compiz19:10
mooboo1savvas, it was on my system!19:10
secretlondonmooboo1 not for me but I presumed because I was using epiphany for an experiment19:10
mooboo1i should be able to run software on my system without it spy on me19:10
mooboo1secretlondon, i dont use epiphany19:11
mooboo1i use firefox beta419:11
h3sp4wnYou can choose to run it or not run it19:11
savvasmooboo1: then remove it, i believe the term spyware is used when it's collecting without your knowledge, it states what it is and what it does, you were actually approving it to send data, whatever that may be19:11
h3sp4wnmooboo1: Use Openbsd if you have such extreme paranoia19:11
secretlondonbut its installed automatically19:11
oxigenmy new gnome workspace switcher doesn't update new settings, is this known problem?19:11
Picimooboo1: It asks you before it submits the bug reports, and lets you look at them before you submit them19:11
mooboo1"Greetings dear user, we are sorry that you are upset about spyware. But please remember, you can choose whether to run it or not, you don't have to if you don't want. Good luck and take care"19:11
secretlondonthe new hw tool doesn't actually tell you what it submits19:12
savvasplus, the bug reports are marked as "private" most of the times, a bug triager checks if it's ok to make it public19:12
maccam94lamalex: i'm not talking about enabling compositing, anna wanted to know about disabling effects and whether or not it switched from compiz to metacity when you do that19:12
mooboo1Pici, yeah but up until recently, before i reported it, it would send usernames and hostnames19:12
h3sp4wnIts totally useless anyway19:12
h3sp4wn(For the user)19:12
lamalexmaccam94: I though she was trying to enable metacity compositing19:12
mooboo1Pici, thanks to my vigilant eye that spotted this privacy intrustion and my swift bugreport, we can all enjoy freedom and privacy!19:12
annamaccam94: actually i wanted to know how to enable metacity :)19:12
Picimooboo1: Okay.19:13
Picimooboo1: no need to harp on it now though.19:13
annai was good enough to read the announcement and find the gconf stuff19:13
annai understand it's not yet part of the gui to enable it, I just thought Gnome was always with Compiz on Ubuntu19:13
maccam94anna: what do you mean by "enable metacity"19:13
mooboo1but now that i hear that a HARDWARE test sent all my SOFTWARE packages without my consent, I am pissed! My fist shake! I want to blow up things!19:13
h3sp4wnanna: Its not known how stable it is yet I think19:13
annamaccam94: That I didn't know that metacity was running by default19:13
secretlondonmooboo1 looks like one of the core devs19:13
Amaranthmooboo1: bug #?19:14
annah3sp4wn: Well, Compiz fails badly on some old app we use19:14
mooboo1Amaranth, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hwtest/+bug/20133619:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201336 in hwtest "report contains package information" [Undecided,New]19:14
secretlondonbug #20133619:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201336 in hwtest "report contains package information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20133619:14
lamalexanna: did that blog post answer your question?19:14
maccam94anna: compiz runs by default if graphics drivers support it. if you set No Effects in the Appearance window, you would be running metacity19:14
annavery much so19:14
secretlondonbug #20255919:14
h3sp4wnanna: It makes my apps significantly slower also19:14
secretlondonbug #20225919:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202259 in hwtest "hwtest does not say what it sends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20225919:14
mooboo1when it comes to privacy, anonymity and security, i don't let shit fly, i put my foot down!19:15
annaUbuntu does hide that switching of window managers so fine, great work19:15
Pici!language | mooboo119:15
ubotumooboo1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:15
Amaranthright, mvo (a core dev) filed the bug19:15
mooboo1oh sorry, i just get so upset about this privacy violation19:15
Amaranthand it is useful to have at least a subset of your installed packaged reported19:15
oxigenh3sp4wn: what makes your apps significantly slower?19:15
annawhich one anyway, mooboo1 ?19:15
Amaranthnvidia-glx, xorg-driver-fglrx, etc19:15
* secretlondon nods at Amaranth19:15
Amaranthdriver packages19:16
savvasmooboo1: you should restrict your apt to several users and to some extent then :)19:16
mooboo1anna, bug id 20133619:16
maccam94mooboo1: does hwtest run automatically?19:16
Amaranthno you have to run it19:16
mooboo1maccam94, no19:16
secretlondonbut its 'official'19:16
mooboo1maccam94, not that i am aware of19:16
mooboo1secretlondon, indeed19:16
h3sp4wnoxigen: Makes Opengl stuff more painful and slow19:16
secretlondoninstalled automatically and has ubuntu logo as icon19:16
h3sp4wnoxigen: (Simvision recently)19:16
mooboo1Amaranth, yes it could be useful to send my nvidia version, but then it should ask me first, and present me with all information that it will send, before it sends it19:16
* oxigen checks19:17
secretlondonanyway if it was really evil it'd be closed source ;)19:17
Amaranthh3sp4wn: latest compiz git makes it so fullscreen windows that change your resolution (like games) are still unredirected so compiz has zero impact on their performance19:17
maccam94mooboo1: what would you say the purpose of hwtest is?19:17
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Who said anything about full screen19:18
Amaranthh3sp4wn: in that case run it fullscreen or get a better video card :P19:18
thewhitepelicanany idea why hardy would just die in the middle of a dist-upgrade?19:18
h3sp4wnAmaranth: ? My apps open multiple windows19:18
annafull disk is a candidate?19:19
Amaranthchoice 2 then :P19:19
Amaranthrunning an OpenGL app under compiz should not be a significant slowdown, the app should only be updating 60 times a second19:19
h3sp4wnIf you need the absolute best quadro to use compiz and my apps its not worth it19:19
Amaranthif it is a significant slowdown then your video card can barely run the stuff anyway or you have an unoptimized driver19:20
Amaranthh3sp4wn: nonsense, my 7400 go works just fine19:20
Amaranthand it is very slow19:20
annamooboo1: Did you ever consider that Ubuntu has better means to track what packages you have installed than that package? In the end, you download them all from one place, don't you?19:20
Amaranthprobably still 5x faster than the intel 965 but still19:20
* Gnine runs 8.04 on 2ghz celeron and nvidia mx4000 19:20
Amaranthin this case the intel driver is probably the problem19:21
oxigenmy 7600 run nice too19:21
mooboo1anna, hmm yes true.. i didnt consider that, but still19:21
secretlondonanna actually no, the mirrors are often independently run19:21
thewhitepelicanany idea why hardy would just die in the middle of a dist-upgrade?19:21
Amaranthwhat kind of performance hit do you think updating the screen 60 times a second should cause?19:21
mooboo1anna, i sure hope that apt-get doesn't use an unique identifier when it requests packages19:21
maccam94the main ubuntu mirrors aren't tho19:21
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Its texture memory that I need19:21
maccam94and those are the ones used by default19:21
Amaranthh3sp4wn: oh, in that case you're boned19:21
mooboo1i hope its like "GET package.deb" not "USERID=12343858395349 GET package.deb"19:21
Amaranthcompiz uses basically all of it :P19:21
annasecretlondon: Allow independents of Ubuntu to track you? :)19:21
h3sp4wnI have 512MB19:21
mooboo1and now compiz made my xchat gray? why? :(19:22
Amaranthh3sp4wn: and? :)19:22
maccam94mooboo1: no, there is not per machine tracking afaik. there is separate, OPTIONAL, package reporting19:22
Amaranthmooboo1: your xchat stopped responding to pings19:22
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Can I just say use a bit of it19:22
maccam94but mooboo1, so what if they know what software is installed? it's all free OSS anyway19:22
Amaranthh3sp4wn: sure, whatever compiz is not using19:22
mooboo1Amaranth, well my xchat works now, i can read what you say, and chat19:22
oxigenbut i have no idea why is java still such a pain?! isn't open source now?19:22
annamooboo1: With Redhat you have to have one, consider yourself lucky it's Ubuntu and to my knowledge, they don't have such a key19:22
h3sp4wnAmaranth: I mean make compiz use 128MB or whatever19:22
hofmannHello @ll! I have a right problem when I mount a partition on ubuntu.19:22
Amaranthmooboo1: i didn't say it died, i said it stopped responding to pings19:23
Amaranthh3sp4wn: that is not possible19:23
oxigenazureus just crashing :/19:23
Amaranthh3sp4wn: we have to have a texture in memory for every single window currently open on every viewport19:23
hofmannIs somebody here with some knowledge in this area and some interesst to help me?19:23
secretlondonas both me and canonical are in the uk they probably have to comply with the data protection act19:23
mooboo1h3sp4wn, h3ll0 2 u!! 0k wh47 15 y0ur pr0bl3m?19:23
tgelterok, so submitting bugs *does* give me the warm-fuzzies19:23
maccam94secretlondon: canonical is based on the isle of man19:23
oxigendo i need to install blackdown java to have useful java?19:24
mooboo1h3sp4wn, oops sorry wrong msg19:24
Amaranthmaccam94: for tax purposes, their main office is in london19:24
secretlondonthe servers and office are in the uk19:24
mooboo1hofmann, ll0 2 u!! 0k wh47 15 y0ur pr0bl3m?19:24
hofmannThx ok19:24
hofmannI installed Alpha six with the following partition layout19:24
secretlondonisle of man is a tax haven19:24
mooboo1oxigen, what is blackdown java?19:24
hofmann40 GB, ext3, /19:24
hofmann20 GB, ext3, /home19:24
hofmann70 GB, ext3, /media/data19:25
hofmannand some swap19:25
oxigenmooboo1: it looks it's down atm.. :)19:25
mooboo1Windows CE + ME + NT = CEMENT, also known as Ubuntu19:25
hofmannNow my problem is that / and /home are working perfekt but i can not write on / media/data19:25
oxigenmooboo1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackdown_Java19:25
maccam94mooboo1: that's vista...19:26
annathat /media thing is suspicious19:26
mooboo1i would click on the link but xhcat dont open links, cuz its buggy!19:26
hofmannBut i want only some kind of data partition for mp3s and some kind thinks ...19:26
maccam94mooboo1: right click, copy link19:26
mooboo1maccam94, ya ill do that19:26
mooboo1oh my firefox wont start, its buggy, its just crashed19:26
maccam94mooboo1: and it's probably just trying to use the wrong browser19:26
nemomaccam94: what's your prob with java?19:26
maccam94mooboo1: keep in mind, this is ALPHA SOFTWARE19:26
annahofmann: when you type mount in a terminal, what does it give about that partition?19:26
maccam94nemo: i have no problem with java19:27
nemooh. that was oxigen asking19:27
maccam94anna: /media?19:27
hofmann/dev/sda2 on /home type ext3 (rw)19:27
hofmann/dev/sda3 on /media/data type ext3 (rw)19:27
hofmannSame like home ...19:27
maccam94mooboo1 was staring to annoy me :-\19:28
oxigennemo: i cant install plugin for FF and azureus crashing..19:28
* maccam94 sighs19:28
annahofman: do you check the permissions and ownership of /media/data19:28
siouxhi :-)19:28
annamaccam94: well yeah, like where automatic mounts are put19:28
siouxbut how can i install java plugin for firefox on herdy?19:29
oxigenmooboo1 have paranoia19:29
maccam94anna: yeah i was just wondering what was suspicious about that19:29
annahofmann: I would expect /media/data to be owned by root or something like that.19:29
beavishow can I change the system wide language setting after the upgrade?19:29
siouxsudo apt-get install xxxx   what?19:29
maccam94anna: i think stuff in /media is user-writable/mountable/ejectable19:30
annamaccam94: Like it could be a Windows partition, then read only mount would make some sort of sense... but that's not19:30
Parsec300I've just installed 7.10 on a laptop and the wifi works fine after installing a restricted driver (broadcom chip). But it does not work in Hardy. It keeps asking for firmware. Can I just copy the firmware from 7.10 and paste in Hardy?19:30
oxigennemo: i talking about 64 bit thing..19:30
maccam94anna: except i think that it uses ntfs-3g by default now, so it would be rw :-P19:30
maccam94maybe cd's would be ro19:30
hofmannthx, the right from the folder was only root so now i changed that and all is fine.19:30
siouxone more why in network settings አንd19:31
annamaccam94: Yes, true... I recently installed Alpha 5 at a friend and was very positively surprised he could just go about and use his old data without changes19:31
h3sp4wnAmaranth: Yeah but it can run on alot less video ram (Makes it useless for the electronic engineering applications I need to use and I guess others) but this is an area where even universities like mine (who like Microsoft) use *NIX still - they try and fail with Windows every so often(Centos or RHEL) - it cannot do the "just work" thing for me with compiz19:31
annahofmann: Good... :)19:31
maccam94anna: yeah when i installed alpha 6 i was surprised how great everything wroked19:31
h3sp4wnI wouldn't have bought a quadro 1600m to run compiz that would be pointless19:31
Amaranthh3sp4wn: the solution is a smarter driver that migrates textures out automatically if they are not currently being used19:32
annaAnd forget that Alpha part, the Kubuntu part has been so stable, I got bored today and switched to Gnome :p19:32
siouxሀይ ውሃት"ስ jjjkkkkkk19:32
Amaranthh3sp4wn: in compiz itself we have no way of doing this but the driver could migrate out textures that aren't visible19:32
oxigeni didn't know for gksudo, very useful thing!19:32
siouxnot ok19:32
Amaranthsioux: stop hitting shift-space19:32
Amaranthsioux: System->Administration->Language Support, untick the checkbox19:32
siouxAmaranth: yes now is ok19:32
siouxwhy in network setting I can unlock set a static ip address but than it doesn't work?19:33
siouxnetwork settings is ok only with roaming option enabled19:34
siouxi can surf the net only if network setting has enabled roaming... feisty is ok with static ip address19:35
* oxigen is actually impressed with ubuntu! \o/19:37
savvasthat mooboo1 was surely not welcome as an alpha tester19:38
oxigenhaha, yea19:38
maccam94oh yeah that shift-space combo better get disabled before release19:38
oxigenagree maccam9419:39
maccam94i tried to file a bug against SCIM, but it's not handled by launchpad >_<19:39
savvascan someone tell me what's scim? :\19:39
savvasi still don't get what i can do with it19:39
h3sp4wnSwitch keyboard layouts19:40
oxigensavvas: system > preferences19:40
maccam94oh wait i found it19:40
secretlondonmaccam94 scim in ubuntu19:40
h3sp4wnIt doesn't work for the one non standard keyboard I actually have19:40
maccam94yeah i just found it again19:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200719 in scim "scim default trigger "shift+space" is retarded" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:42
tumianyone here using the x86_64 version and experiencing a rather unresponsive desktop?19:42
savvash3sp4wn: i thought that was done using alt+shift or alt+alt19:42
oxigentumi: probably you have driver issue..19:42
oxigengraphics that is..19:43
h3sp4wnsavvas: Its a little different to that19:43
tumioxigen: could be... I'm using the fglrx driver without compiz but the composite extension is not disabled19:43
savvash3sp4wn: is it for language such japanese and chinese?19:44
tumiare there any known complications?19:44
oxigentumi: which card do you have?19:44
h3sp4wnsavvas: yep19:44
tumioxigen: Radeon 9800 XT19:44
savvasah then i don't need it :)19:44
oxigenaw, ati..19:44
h3sp4wnI don't need it either19:44
tumioxigen: hehe, yeah19:44
oxigensorry i use nvidia..19:44
tumii'm going to try to disable fglrx19:45
fromporttumi: have you tried : system -> preferences -> appearance  -> visual effects -> none ?19:47
* Gnine dl hardy-desktop-amd64 via transmission19:49
Gninetime remaining19:50
Gnineabout 22 minutes19:50
savvastime estimated19:50
savvasnot requested19:50
oxigen##gnome channel is weird..19:51
savvaswhy? they kicked you because you were advertising your blazing speeds? :P19:51
oxigenthey are to high or something :)19:51
oxigenhi again, my new workspace switcher doesn't update new settings, is this known problem?19:53
oxigen##gnome ^19:53
ConstyXIVis it normal for network-manager to not work after suspend?19:53
fromportoxigen: i removed it from the bar, added it again (right mouse button ) and than it worked (again) as expected19:54
oxigenfromport: thanks, i'll try!19:54
oxigenfromport: hmm, no luck here :(19:56
oxigenreboot :P19:56
oxigennah, disabling compiz helps!19:57
fromportoxigen: i wanted to 2 rows of virtual desktops and wouldn't show. When i did what i described it worked again (for me)20:02
poamjI am using hardy. Every time i try to open this URL (http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu) firefox 3 beta crashes. I have also tryed to open with Firefox 2, and it still crashes. I managed to open it with Opera browser. Should i report it as a ubuntu bug or as a firefox bug ? could anybody using hardy test this, please ?20:03
oxigenyea, first we need to disable compiz and set it that way, after switching it on again it work as it should.20:03
h3sp4wnpoamj: crashed for me straight away20:03
poamjit should be reported as a hardy bug ?20:04
oxigenha, new gnome is kinda cool, i have desktop switcher set as blenders layer system! 10 columns & 2 rows \o/ :)20:04
crimsunpoamj: yes20:05
poamjok.. i will check if there is no registry for this bug yet, and add a new one20:05
h3sp4wnpoamj: With my firefox 2.0.12 from mozilla (I use 32 bit browser on other box) its fine20:06
h3sp4wnpoamj: But even if you can read it - setting a password for root is not the ubuntu way afaik20:07
h3sp4wn(and its more the Debian way than the Ubuntu way) - There is a wiki page about the new ubuntu way of building kernels20:07
amon__i just tried to install tightvncserver20:08
amon__The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:08
amon__  tightvncserver: Depends: vnc-common (>= 3.3.6-1)20:08
amon__E: Broken packages20:08
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
poamjI tried it with  firefox 2.0.12 (latest hardy package) right now, and it crashed too..20:09
poamjh3sp4wn: thanks for the advice..20:09
h3sp4wnpoamj: Yeah I think the mozilla one might be statically linked20:10
h3sp4wnso it could be a bug somewhere else20:10
poamjh3sp4wn: probably20:10
h3sp4wnpoamj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (probably you don't need the ubuntu way)20:12
h3sp4wnpoamj: see the bit about the older alternative Debian way20:12
poamjh3sp4wn: thanks.. i will take a look.20:13
tumioxigen: I'm starting to think this sluggishness is not connected to graphics drivers20:16
oxigentumi: no?20:16
askandNow I am using hardy heron daily live cd and everything works ok..but I dont have compiz activated.. In alpha 6 I had compiz by default but not now..drivers managers tells me that no proprietary drivers is needed for my system.. I use ati mobility radeon x600.. should I file a bug?20:16
tumioxigen: simply closing one terminal for example, made the music from rhythmbox crackle a bit20:17
h3sp4wnaskand: Yes if you don't need fglrx20:17
h3sp4wnthen making people think they need it is not something that really should happen20:18
askandThe progressbars is animated with the default theme but not if I change theme to example clearlooks, is that a bug?20:19
h3sp4wnI don't know about that20:20
oxigentumi: you know i found that is very important what hardware do you choose for linux20:23
oxigen& the latest doesnt mean the best20:23
oxigenon some hardware it works, but somehow ugly20:25
oxigenespecially sound20:25
h3sp4wnoxigen: same with Solaris the difference is its supported really damn well or doesnt work at all with Solaris (excluding 3rd party stuff)20:25
h3sp4wnDunno which approach is best20:25
oxigenyeah h3sp4wn20:25
h3sp4wnThere is some Linux drivers that barely work and I dunno whether having them at all is of much benefit20:27
h3sp4wn(especially if you just scan beforehand to see if something is supported by Linux)20:27
tumioxigen: I know the fglrx drivers are a bit crappy but I've been using linux on this machine since the early 2.6 kernels20:28
Black_MagicErr, i cannot  use wireless in Ubuntu..20:29
miloszDoes the no-sound bug still persist in current Hardy packages?20:29
miloszalso the libc issue, is it still relevant?20:30
h3sp4wnmilosz: Its not relevant unless you installed the borked packages20:30
h3sp4wnor your mirror is very out of sync20:30
h3sp4wnuse apt-cache policy libc6 first though and check against the /topic20:31
h3sp4wn(after aptitude / apt-get update)20:31
miloszh3sp4wn, ok thanks.. and do you know the status with current kernel and the sound issue?20:31
miloszit was supposedly broken in .24-1220:31
h3sp4wnyeah but there has been loads of revisions of that since20:32
h3sp4wn(at least 2/3)20:32
h3sp4wnThat was before the libc6 break20:32
miloszah ok20:32
miloszok thanks!20:32
crimsun"no sound"?20:33
gewi upgraded yesterday from gutsy sound worked just fine , today after whatever updates i lost my sound20:33
crimsunthere's a lot of stuff broken in -11 and -1220:33
gewcrimsun: it looks like i am not the only one20:33
h3sp4wncrimsun: Its fixed that issue20:33
crimsunh3sp4wn: to what does "that" refer?20:34
miloszcrimsun, well someone mentioned it in #ubuntu20:34
h3sp4wncrimsun: the missing symbols for all soundcards20:34
miloszi don't know what was meant exactly20:34
crimsunoh, yeah, that's fixed in linux and l-u-m20:34
TomaszDhi, I'm having this recurring problem that flash videos in firefox just don't play. There's no sound and when I hit play they usually play for 3 seconds and then stop20:35
TomaszDit's like something is hogging the sound device, but it isn't20:36
TomaszDI had this before, it went away and now it's back20:36
gewTomaszD: it looks like we all have sound issues20:36
oliver_g2any idea why apport doesn't pick up crashed of gnome-panel?20:36
gewi got no sound either20:36
crimsunTomaszD: dpkg -l libflashsupport|grep ^ii20:36
gewand it worked20:36
TomaszDgew, well sound is one thing, it's just that the playback doesn't work20:37
askandhttp://svt.se/content/1/c8/01/08/07/11/080311BECKMAN_ERT43TY.asx can someone of you play this file in firefox?20:37
crimsungew: you need to be more verbose20:37
gewTomaszD: do what crimsun told ya20:37
oliver_g2dmesg even says "gnome-panel[5238]: segfault at 00000044 eip b5b3fac9 esp bf88f480 error" yet there's no entry in /var/crash/ nor a message box :-/20:37
oliver_g2and the new clock seems prone to crash...20:37
TomaszDii  libflashsupport                            1.9-0ubuntu1                 Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio20:37
crimsunTomaszD: what changes have you made to the sound configs?20:38
TomaszDyeah the clock is crashy for me too, every second time I click it the whole panel goes down20:38
TomaszDcrimsun, umm oh blimey, I did make a change today20:38
crimsunclock works fine for me.  I also do not use compiz.20:38
TomaszDno compiz here either20:38
oxigenm-audio 1010lt work ok here20:39
oxigenbut not on pulseaudio :(20:39
TomaszDok I added this to .asoundrc to make skype and gizmo work without problems20:39
TomaszDprepare for a very short flood20:39
TomaszDpcm.pulse {20:39
TomaszD    type pulse20:39
TomaszDctl.pulse {20:39
TomaszD    type pulse20:39
oxigengood tip!20:39
TomaszDno it isn't20:40
TomaszDapparently now flash doesn't work20:40
oxigenno? :)20:40
oliver_g2clock crashes the panel every once in a while when clicking on the panel entry to close the clock...20:40
TomaszDwell gizmo and skype work fine with this20:40
TomaszDbut flash is broken now20:40
TomaszDI'll check if this is the cause, one moment20:40
burning-shortsI downloaded the Hardy alpha 6 DVD and when I put it in, it asked me if I wanted to upgrade (I am using Gutsy).  It failed the upgrade because it could not download 3 packages.  It got a HTTP 403 (forbidden) error when trying to get them.  Is that a known issue?  if so, what is the workaround?20:40
burning-shortsthe first time I said "yes" when it asked if I wanted to check for updated packages from the internet.  The second time it failed as well when I said "no" to that question20:41
oliver_g2burning-shorts: do you know which packages it failed to download?20:42
burning-shortsi didnt have them saved but can run the upgrade again and record it.  It seems to be consistent20:42
TomaszDoxigen, crimsun, gew, yes indeed, my fix broke flash20:43
gewk it looks like i was wrong , sound works just fine , only when u do youtube i get no sound20:43
crimsunTomaszD: it's not a fix20:43
TomaszDno fix and flash works great20:43
oliver_g2burning-shorts: ok... in what state is your system now? Does it work as expected, except for the the failed packages?20:43
crimsunTomaszD: you need to understand how libflashsupport works20:44
gewTomaszD: i have the same problem20:44
crimsunTomaszD: if you, in fact, have an asoundrc, it's honoured /before/ pulseaudio.20:44
burning-shortsoliver_g2:it backed out of the upgrade and I am still running Gutsy.  I will re-run it again and find out what packages they were20:44
oliver_g2that would probably be interesting20:44
crimsunTomaszD: unfortunately the real fix means fixing the non-Free binary-only Flash plugin20:45
crimsunand well, we all know how easily we have access to that source.20:45
TomaszDcrimsun, my "fix" creates a pulse device that incompatible apps can go through, such as skype or gizmo. Everything else worked fine as well with this "fix".20:45
crimsunTomaszD: I'm referring specifically to your Flash interaction20:45
crimsunTomaszD: and no, I am explicitly against using that for the desktop component.  There's a reason it only ships with edubuntu.20:46
TomaszDcrimsun, so there's no workaround to make gizmo skype and flash work at the same time without any of these getting the sound device for exclusive use?20:46
crimsunTomaszD: there is, but not easily and certainly not one that will go into Ubuntu Hardy.20:46
TomaszDcrimsun, I'm not interested in industry-grade well tested fixes, just a workaround20:46
Ayabaramy trash icon says no items in trash, but when I open it, there's trash there :-)20:47
crimsunTomaszD: there is no reliable workaround.  I just explained it.20:47
crimsunTomaszD: until the entire audio stack is overhauled, it will unfortunately be that way.20:47
crimsunTomaszD: that said, you could drop ALSA in favour of OSSv4.1, and things will generally be happy.20:48
crimsunI am /not/ about to sic that on unsuspecting people, however.20:48
gewcrimsun: i installed libflashsupport now i get sound in firefox20:48
gewthank you20:48
crimsungew: that's a FAQ, really.20:49
oxigenheh, i use wikipedia as pastebin, it's kinda cool! :)20:49
gewcrimsun: thanx :X20:49
TomaszDalsa, oss... I thought pa was supposed to fix the audio jumble crimsun20:49
oliver_g2Ayabara: yes, I've seen that as well... Maybe it's the same as this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/72468 ?20:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 72468 in gnome-applets "Trash looks empty, isn't" [Medium,Confirmed]20:49
TomaszDnow that I see it's just a plugin for alsa...20:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:50
crimsunTomaszD: whoever put forth that theory is misleading people20:51
oxigen!ubotu OperationalError :)20:51
crimsunthe audio stack historically has been a wormpile, and it looks to remain that way for quite some time20:51
TomaszDthat doesn't sound very optimistic20:53
TomaszDbut it's just those few proprietary apps that make this a horrible experience20:53
Ayabaraoliver_g2: ok, so it's in the system then :-)20:54
TomaszDskype could actually make use of alsa *properly*20:54
TomaszDflash as well20:54
crimsunTomaszD: it doesn't sound optimistic, but I guarantee it's probably more optimistic for you than for me.20:55
oxigenwha? buy normal card and play ardour! :)20:56
TomaszDcrimsun, as you're the one who will be/is trying to fix this? I'm just a user, I know. Well, also the Polish translation team admin :]20:56
oliver_g2!search ntfs > me20:57
ubotuFound: fawn, adeptcrash, usetab, music players, prefix, grubrepair, debchroot, lgpl, swat, ttys20:57
burning-shortsoliver_g2: regarding the dist upgrade I am having with Hardy...   I am trying it again to duplicate the "403" errors and it seems to be working now.. I expect to go offline shortly if all goes well20:59
oliver_g2burning-shorts: good luck :-)20:59
burning-shortsoliver_g2: I had to compile a few drivers for my laptop in Gutsy... will I have to recompile them after upgrading to Hardy?  or will it retain my drivers?21:00
oliver_g2most probably you will have to recompile them21:01
oliver_g2what drivers were that?21:01
burning-shortsoliver_g2: Syntek usb driver for my integrated web cam is the only one I cna think of... but I think there was one or two others I will undoubtedly be reminded of shortly!21:02
oliver_g2well if you're lucky these drivers will already be included in Hardy21:03
burning-shortsis there any advantage of dist upgrading my Gutsy to HArdy vs just doing a clean, fresh install?21:03
oliver_g2you keep your settings if you do an upgrade...21:04
oliver_g2but if you think you can re-do your settings without much hassle, I would recommend a reinstall21:04
burning-shortsok, thx.  I am anxious to try the new version out.  Shhhh, don't tell my boss I am doing this during the work day!  :)21:06
oliver_g2pff... as long as you don't trash your work machine ;)21:07
burning-shortsnah, this is my personal laptop21:07
gewhow do i find out what package has libncurses21:07
gewso i can install it21:08
gewfound it21:08
tritiumgew: apt-cache search is your friend21:08
fredrintrying do delete some files that got no rights, how do i do that?21:08
gewtritium: thanx21:09
fredrinlooks like this: ---------- 1 root root      0 2008-03-14 22:07 compiz.mo.dpkg-new21:09
fredrincan't move that file, cant overwrite that file... wtf21:11
oliver_g2fredrin: maybe you can set write permissions first: sudo chmo a+rw compiz.mo.dpkg-new21:11
oxigen<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:11
oxigenhahah cool21:11
oliver_g2fredrin: err... that is "chmod", not "chmo"...21:12
fredrinoliver_g2: don't work chmod: changing permissions of `compiz.mo.dpkg-new': Operation not permitted21:12
typhoxi need help21:12
fredrin ttried that21:12
fredrin whoami21:12
typhoxmy gnome-panel crashes21:12
fredrinand I'm rooot21:12
fredrinvery strange21:12
fredrinmaking me go nuts21:12
oliver_g2why do you need that file deleted? :)21:13
burning-shortsfredrin: you get that error in a "root" terminal?21:13
burning-shortsfredrin: and you can't "rm" the file?21:14
burning-shortsfredrin: is it possible the file is in use somehow?   <--- just guessing21:15
fredrinburning-shorts: maybe ho do i check that? lsof?21:15
DanaG  * Tweaking wallpaper to have less contrast as well as fixing the bleeding neck syndrome21:17
burning-shortsfredrin: not sure.  does that outptu show the file being 0 bytes?21:18
oliver_g2you could check if the file is being open ("lsof -n | grep compiz.mo.dpkg-new" might work), but afaik Linux allows you to remove a file even if it is opened...21:20
savvasfredrin: where's that file?21:21
burning-shortsabout to reboot after dist upgrade to Hardy... yippie.  wish me luck!!!21:23
fredrinsavvas: /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES21:23
savvasfredrin: chattr -uia file21:24
savvasthen do what you want with it :P21:25
fredrinsavvas: hey it worked21:25
fredrinwhat did that command do?21:25
savvas       The letters ‘acdijsuADST’ select the  new  attributes  for  the  files:21:26
savvas       append only (a), compressed (c), no dump (d), immutable (i), data jour‐21:26
savvas       nalling (j), secure deletion (s), no tail-merging (t), undeletable (u),21:26
savvasman chattr21:26
savvas       no  atime  updates  (A), synchronous directory updates (D), synchronous21:26
savvas       updates (S), and top of directory hierarchy (T).21:26
oliver_g2savvas: that's a nice trick21:26
savvasty :P21:26
oliver_g2but... how did the file get into that state?21:27
savvasnah, i just know how to search21:27
savvasmaybe it came in a package and the script didn't bother changing permissions/attributes21:28
fredrinsomething apt-get did21:28
savvasyou broke it!21:29
savvasquick, to the ER21:29
oliver_g2wow... chattr +i myfile indeed makes it non-removable, yet ls doesn't show it (lsattr does)... that borders on 1337-like magic indeed :-D21:29
savvasthe gnu/linux manuals are a good way to start your leet-day :P21:29
fredrinI'm just helping a friend over ssh from Argentian in Norway with this problem, ah the wonder of linux, ssh, and friendsly people on irc21:30
savvaswell you never know when you'll need a favour back21:30
oliver_g2savvas: did you read through all manuals...?21:30
savvasfredrin: i expect that million dollars.. :P21:31
savvaserm.. no21:31
oliver_g2see :-)21:31
savvasbut every time i need something i search21:31
oliver_g2well I think I will stay with that strategy as well, and also keep hanging out in 1337 channels like #ubuntu+1 ;) to learn such tricks...21:32
oliver_g2eh, right21:32
h3sp4wnperhaps l337 changed its meaning recently21:33
savvasyeah h3sp4wn it's not numbers in nicks :P21:33
savvasno offense :)21:33
savvaslearning your system prevents you from having to format it every time you bump on to something21:33
h3sp4wnI have had this nick for 10 years21:33
oliver_g2no, afaik 1337 is still the answer to the universe and everything21:33
h3sp4wnI should change it to something else but never got around to it21:34
savvasi should use my launchpad nick :p21:34
oliver_g2no, 42 was the number of the Illuminati - duh21:34
=== savvas is now known as medigeek
medigeekhello world :)21:34
h3sp4wnnah - e^(pi * i) + 1 = 021:34
h3sp4wnthats the answer to everything21:35
felipe_The number keys of my keyboard are messed up21:35
medigeekmaths aren't everything21:35
medigeekyou have physics too, so e=mc^2 :p21:35
felipe_I press 8, for example, and my mouse cursor moves up instead21:35
h3sp4wnmedigeek: physics is applied maths21:35
felipe_(on the "numpad" of a desktop keyboard)21:36
h3sp4wnas is everything else21:36
oliver_g2nah... e^pi - pi = 20 (if your cpu isn't broken)21:36
medigeekh3sp4wn: medicine is not applied maths :)21:36
medigeekyou don't add 1+1 and always get 221:36
felipe_oh man, math people21:36
=== medigeek is now known as savvas
felipe_tomorrow mit decisions are released!21:36
oliver_g2hmm... doesn't gnome calculator have pi stored?21:37
* savvas reconnecting21:37
h3sp4wnoliver_g2: what do you mean ? pi * i21:37
h3sp4wn(i being sqrt -1)21:37
oliver_g2(have found pi... it's under "Kon" button here)21:38
savvas1/0 equals what then? :p21:39
oliver_g2interestingly, calculating e^pi in kcalc (kde) makes kcalc crash...21:39
oliver_g2err... krash I meant21:39
h3sp4wngoogle has it correctly21:39
oliver_g2which one?21:39
h3sp4wne^(pi * i) + 121:39
h3sp4wn(put it in exactly like that) gives you the answer21:40
oliver_g2someone hardwired that at google :-)21:40
RAOFGoogle does complex arithmetic?21:40
h3sp4wnSeems so21:40
Flanneloliver_g2: no, http://www.google.com/search?q=e%5E%282*pi*i%2921:41
oliver_g2hm ok, it's not hardwired...21:41
oliver_g21 + (e^(i * pi * 10)) = 2 - 1.22460635 × 10-15 i21:41
oliver_g2does it also solve equations?21:41
Flanneloliver_g2: It uses Eulers formula21:41
savvaseh, they can evaluate pi, but not π :(21:41
oliver_g2Flannel: I must admit to not really know about the concept of i (apart from for (int = 0; and so on) so everything after h3sp4wns formula is above my head :-)21:43
savvasi + 1 = 1 + i21:43
savvashaha :)21:43
oliver_g2sounds good; go on21:43
h3sp4wni^2 = -121:44
Flanneloliver_g2: e^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x)21:44
savvashm.. so i is the square root of -121:44
savvasis that solvable?21:44
Flannelsavvas: what do you mean solvable?21:44
savvassqrt(-1) = ?21:45
savvasand don't tell me i21:45
Flannelthats what it is.21:45
savvasso there's not a number21:45
Flanneli is a number21:45
oliver_g2so whats sqrt(-2)?21:45
savvasi is a letter :P21:45
h3sp4wnso is pi and e21:45
Flanneloliver_g2: i*sqrt(2)21:45
Flanneloliver_g2: since sqrt(-2) = sqrt(2*-1) = sqrt(2) * sqrt(-1)21:46
savvasi never heard about i heh21:46
oliver_g2ugh... math lessons have been soooo long ago for me :-/21:46
oliver_g2maybe too long :-(21:46
savvasunless i forgot my gce a level maths after 5 years21:46
h3sp4wnIf there is an answer to everything I think that will feature somewhere in it21:47
savvasi * sqrt(-1) + 121:48
Flannelsavvas: = 021:48
h3sp4wnsavvas: would have been in further maths if you did that21:50
fredringah, back to the problem that caused the problems in the first place, apt dependencies...21:52
MegaIRCWhy is there an option for "Try Ubuntu" and one for "Install Ubuntu" on the desktop iso?22:00
=== MegaIRC is now known as jimmyg00n
Ngthe install ubuntu one skips the desktop and just launches straight into the installer afair22:01
jimmyg00nhow does it "skip" the desktop? it doesn't load all of the gnome stuff?22:01
jimmyg00n(it has to load parts at the very least)22:01
jimmyg00nthe wallpaper is beautiful22:01
DanaGI don't like how the background is now solid.22:02
DanaGAnd it's still "baby puke" color, as my mom described it.22:02
jimmyg00nThe one I've got is very creative with lots of swirls and a bird and all kinds of stuff22:02
jimmyg00nunfortunately, I can't say the installer works so great. It just a huge grey box that covers 98% of the wallpaper22:02
jimmyg00n... and its done...?22:02
jimmyg00nGR, its the intel driver that is still screwed up giving people the wrong sized windows/fonts22:03
amx109is anyone else getting the 'removable drives' bit of gnome trying to control 'extra' partitions (even though theyre specified in fstab)22:03
mrignscan someone provide me the link of the hardy roadmap?22:05
jimmyg00nDoes anyone else here use the intel driver? It used to be the i810 driver but they "switched" to intel for my graphics card and it "seems" to work fine but the fonts are REALLY huge some times and are always that way on the gdm screen (for the text input boxes) -- the only solution is to hope they aren't that way on next login or to switch to the i810 driver22:05
jimmyg00nthis is a show stopper for the installer... except for the fact that I know how to switch to a tty and then edit xorg.conf and specify a different driver22:05
jimmyg00nand the map thing for choosing the timezone is one of the more annoying things I've ever experienced22:06
jimmyg00nAnyone else suffering some similar results or am I all alone in this22:09
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: I used the "install ubuntu" option as well for my current test install and it worked (in virtualbox, that is)22:09
oliver_g2I don't remember the installer to be a shing jewel :-) but it got the job done...22:10
jimmyg00nwell, for my graphics card and the intel driver, the last few versions of ubuntu have all had the problem. same symptoms... same solution22:10
jimmyg00nits not a problem with the installer... it a problem with the intel driver and or the driver selection22:10
oliver_g2hmm... I had also installed Gutsy on a laptop with intel graphics, and it worked well (by booting the live cd desktop and starting installer from there)22:10
jimmyg00nbut which driver is it using "intel" or "i810" there are minor difference with like how it treats the vga22:11
jimmyg00nlike I think the intel driver always has it outputting for ext monitors and then this bug in the intel driver and not in the i81022:11
oliver_g2afaik Gutsy installs the newer intel driver by default ("intel" that is)22:12
h3sp4wnI think I would prefer my radeon to use the external monitor as PRIMARY if its plugged in22:12
zzatsjimmyg00n: it's propably a problm with your xorg.conf not defining your monitor's physical size22:12
askandThe reason I didnt get compizeffects with my ati x600 with todays daily cd is because it is blacklisted, and I should not file a bug? Is that right?22:12
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: are you on a laptop at the moment?22:12
jimmyg00noliver_g2, I'm installing hardy on it now with my modified xorg.conf...  I'm on my desktop pc talking to y'all22:13
h3sp4wnaskand: Do file a bug if it worked well and then they gave you fglrx22:13
h3sp4wn"worked well" being never crashed22:13
jimmyg00nugh, the screenshot utility doesn't default to Screenshot.png22:14
h3sp4wnuse skrot22:14
secretlondonmine does22:15
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: for me it defaults to Bildschirmfoto.png which is german for screenshot...22:15
jimmyg00nWell, this is a problem with ubiquity... http://i28.tinypic.com/n6hqt.jpg  Should I just proceed?22:15
jimmyg00noliver_g2, maybe it just doesn't on the live disc22:15
oliver_g2but: it has that _really_ nice trick to use the window title if you screenshot a window!22:15
jimmyg00nIt seems to want a 2 terrabyte partition for the root drive?22:16
Black_MagicAnyone want to help me With Internet in hardy?22:16
Black_MagicAtheros AR5006EG22:16
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: now that's an unfortunate situation :-)22:17
h3sp4wnBlack_Magic: Has it never worked ?22:18
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: I think you should go with installation22:18
jimmyg00nI dont' think I could make this crap up... everything I click it deletes...22:18
h3sp4wnThats not an answer it could be interpretted both ways22:19
oxigendid anyone tried 'sugar' on new ubuntu?22:19
oliver_g2i meant: "Continue"22:19
jimmyg00nI literally clicked on a folder and it said "too big to move to trash" and then I clicked the screenshot on the desktop and it moved it to the trash22:19
Black_Magicit stopped working in Ubuntu 7.10...then it started working for a couple days so i upgraded to Hardy heron22:19
Black_Magicit hasnt worked since..22:19
Black_Magiclike i could boot inot Backtrack22:19
jimmyg00nrestricted_modules for your kernel22:19
Black_Magicand be on the internet in the same exact space22:20
h3sp4wnNot sure whether gutsy has a trunk madwifi22:20
Black_Magicthat i was with Ubuntu..22:20
oliver_g2as I interpret the message box, it "just" complains that there's not enough space, and asks you if you want to continue anyway22:20
Black_MagicI installed Madwifi from the site even22:20
h3sp4wn(With the right hal for that)22:20
Black_MagicMadwifi 0.9.4 Stable?22:21
jimmyg00noliver_g2, well I'm redoing hte partitions in the partition editor and then I'll see what it thinks... the deleting thing must have just been a stuck-key xorg has always done that to me.... the intel/i810 is more concerning because this has to affect more people than just me22:21
h3sp4wnBlack_Magic: It looks like hardy doesn't have that to me22:22
h3sp4wn(But I am not 100% certain)22:22
nemoI sure hope vbox 1.5.6 makes it into Hardy22:22
nemothere were quite a few fixes in that release22:23
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: generally I don't think ubuntu is ready to be installed by "normal" people - using ubuntu is fine, but installation and configuration has too many quirks22:23
h3sp4wnCan you not just get binaries from them22:23
nemoright now, hardy is still on 1.5.4 :-/22:23
jimmyg00nIs ext2 or 3 the default?22:23
h3sp4wn(With better features than the oss ones)22:23
oliver_g2ext3 it seems22:23
jimmyg00nvmware workstation worked much better for me than vbox-- you just have to pay up or get your hands "dirty" persay22:24
Black_Magich3sp4wn, Have what?22:25
h3sp4wnBlack_Magic: I am not certain whether or not hardy has 0.9.422:25
jimmyg00nBlack_Magic do you have the restricted_modules installed for your kernel?22:25
h3sp4wnBlack_Magic: Or whether the updated hal you need went into 0.9.422:25
Black_Magici used the source..22:26
Black_Magicyou mean from Restriced Manager thing?22:26
jimmyg00nno, there is a package that has "restricted-modules" in it that (for me) includes my atheros driverse22:27
h3sp4wnfind out fronm #madwifi if you need 0.9.4 or trunk22:27
jimmyg00nthe installer was okay after I restarted and used the partition manager first which is probably what people ought to do...22:28
Black_Magic#madwifi doesnt respond..22:29
jimmyg00nwell... it was until it just stalled after the migration assistant...22:29
Black_Magicjimmyg00n, I tried that still didnt work22:29
Black_Magicjimmyg00n, That was what it was before i tried the madwifi souce after the original didnt work22:29
jimmyg00nBlack_Magic, had it been installed? you would have to reboot to let ubuntu load the drivers22:29
h3sp4wnhttp://paste.debian.net/51205 - that is what hardy provides (if that is 0.9.3 I am certain it won't work)22:30
jimmyg00nblack_magic, oh ok22:30
burning-shortswell I just upgraded to Hardy... took a little coaxing but it is done now.22:30
h3sp4wn#madwifi responds to me when I ask specific direct questions22:30
Black_Magicjimmyg00n, im not even in Ubuntu and it was automaticly loaded and i did try rebooting im in another os because this is only computer and i need internet22:30
jimmyg00nDo I have to run ubiquity as root? I need some debug info.. it is freezing on me22:30
Black_Magicthis sound  specific and direct?22:31
Black_MagicIf i used Ubuntu Hardy Heron and have Atheros AR5006EG Card would i need Madwifi 0.9.4 Stable Drivers or the Madwifi Trunk?22:31
burning-shortsman, this new gnome is gonna take some getting used to22:32
Black_Magici didnt notice anything besides new mounted HD or Partion icons..22:33
jimmyg00nI think he means the new human theme22:33
burning-shortsI just upgraded adn now my gnome is all different.  I dont have the bar on top of the screen anymore.. just on the bottom22:33
Black_Magicand my pixmap file is all lil white paper..22:33
Black_Magicso no firefox..22:33
h3sp4wnBlack_Magic: Is the - Atheros AR5006EG supported by madwifi at the moment ? (With 0.9.4 or only trunk)22:33
jimmyg00nits using the murrina engine I believe22:33
Black_MagicAtheros5006EG is Supported22:33
Black_Magicgetting page one second22:33
oliver_g2burning-shorts: afaik there should be a top bar...22:33
h3sp4wnThats the question I would ask them22:33
burning-shortsI used ubuntu-studio and used  have ubuntu-desktop so maybe that is the difference22:34
h3sp4wnI would personally probably compile madwifi-dfs22:34
jimmyg00nwhere does ubiquity log to?22:34
burning-shortsthe dist-upgrade didnt work for me.  it looked like it worked until I rebooted.  then it wouldnt boot up22:35
burning-shortsI had to do a fresh install22:35
Black_Magicgo down22:35
jimmyg00nburning-shorts when did you do this? It may have been when libc6 was allll messed up22:35
oliver_g2jimmyg00n: /var/log/installer/ maybe22:36
burning-shorts jimmyg00n: about 45 mins ago22:36
burning-shorts jimmyg00n: but I used a DVD I burned a couple days ago22:36
Ayabaradoes kubuntu hardy and compiz fusion work well together?22:37
jimmyg00noh you dist-upgraded from disc? never mind. the alpha6 press was fine22:37
burning-shortsyeah, I had alpha 622:37
jimmyg00nBlack_Magic the release date for the compatible madwifi package is Feb 2007 so you should be fine unless you have an ancient version22:37
jimmyg00nburning-shorts I thought maybe you had dist-upgraded from the repos or something22:37
burning-shortswhen it first came up after the upgrade I couldnt enable the network interface and it was disabled by default.  I "unlocked" it and it let me enable it, but said system configuration not allowed.  I had to go into the "authorization" tool and allow me to make system configuration changes.  even then I had to log out and back in22:39
jimmyg00noliver_g2, yep. when it says its gonna create a debug log it means it! its logging it updating the status bar :D22:40
burning-shortscan I globally disable the system authorizations in gnome? I dont like them22:40
oliver_g2how did you get the installer to make a debug log?22:41
jimmyg00noliver_g2  sudo ubiquity -d22:42
oliver_g2ah nice22:43
jimmyg00nthe first time through after I fixed the partitions it froze after hte migration assistant was done and when I did the log it went through a-ok...22:43
ffmI can boot, but I get errors from dpkg on hal and hwdb, and network-man, and update-note ,a nd ubuntu-desktop22:43
jimmyg00nI have to say I like a LOT of the changes to ubuntu human. the fixed icons rock, murrine engine rocks... I still don't like that the menu items are so tall... I prefer the themes with the short menu items... but I can probably tweak that somewhere (in a file instead of in a gui... grrr)22:46
jimmyg00nwhy aren't apt-get and dpkg linked statically against libc6 to prevent dependency problems like when libc6 went all out of wack22:48
fredrinwow, this is just getting more crazy22:49
RAOFjimmyg00n: Partially because you can't actually statically link to libc.22:49
jimmyg00nRAOF, oh22:49
burning-shortsis the granular authorization of every little system component a part of gnome 2.2 or an Ubuntu thing?  is there a way to disable it?22:49
RAOFjimmyg00n: (Or, rather, that no matter what you do you'll likely be dynamically loading some code, so you still suffer the breakage)22:49
jimmyg00nRAOF, ah. I see.22:50
fredrinapt-get creates files under /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ that has zero rights. using chattr to make them modifiable, don't help22:50
fredrin-rw------- 1 root root      0 2008-03-14 23:32 vlc.mo.dpkg-new22:50
fredrin------------------ ./iso_639.mo22:51
fredrin------dA--ZX---t-- ./vlc.mo.dpkg-new22:51
fredrinlsattri gives me this22:51
fredrinand it's nothing wrong with the filesystem ether, fsck works fine22:51
fredrini can't remove the ZX attributes either22:52
oliver_g2well did you try to remove all attrs from vlc.mo.dpkg-new so its lsattr output looks like the one for iso_639.mo ?22:52
fredrincan't remove ZX22:53
oliver_g2did you look in man chattr?22:54
fredrinZX is some experimental compression shit22:54
jetsaredimhow do I force my nic to 100mbit?22:54
oliver_g2I think it shouldn't be set :-)22:54
oliver_g2but it shouldnt matter either22:54
fredrinyeah, but i can't delete that file and i can't remove the ZX attribute!?22:55
oliver_g2jetsaredim: maybe mii-tool and/or ethtool can help22:56
fredrin-rwsrwsrwt 1 root root      0 2008-03-14 23:32 vlc.mo.dpkg-new22:56
fredrinroot@ozirms:/usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES# rm -rf vlc.mo.dpkg-new22:56
fredrinrm: cannot remove `vlc.mo.dpkg-new': Operation not permitted22:56
oliver_g2fredrin: how come you have so many strange files on your system?22:57
jetsaredimoliver_g2: thanks22:57
fredrinit's apt-get that makes them22:58
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
fredrinmust be some thing wroing with the matrix today23:00
fredrinso many strangs things that hav ehappend23:00
oliver_g2what does lsattr /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/* give you? how many files with weird attributes?23:00
fredrinjust the one------dA--ZX---t-- ./libpq5.mo.dpkg-new23:01
fredrinthis file i've removed tha 'a' attribute23:01
fredrinother files look like this23:02
fredrin------------------ ./libapt-inst1.1.mo23:02
oliver_g2yes, same here...23:02
fredrinthe file i'm fighting with now looks like this:23:02
fredrin----------ZX------ ./vlc.mo.dpkg-new23:02
fredrini've tried to remove all attributes23:02
fredrinbut can't remvoe ZX23:02
fredrinso apt-get is not working since it  tries to delete those files , but can't23:04
oliver_g2is this on "weird" hardware?23:04
fredrinext3 filesystem23:05
fredrini know, very23:07
oliver_g2you could try booting from cd and remove it from there?23:08
fredrinnope, i'm trying to fix things over ssh, helping a friend23:11
fredrinoliver_g2: do you know what the /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ is god for anyway?23:13
oliver_g2afaik it's translation data23:13
oliver_g2ko would be the country code23:14
fredrinoliver_g2: hum, when i copy the files lsattr is empty --------------------------------23:16
fredrinbut i can't delete the orginal LC_MESSAGES23:17
oliver_g2fsck gives no error?23:17
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
fredrinoliver_g2: fsck run i rescue mode says everythinig is fine23:18
fredrinmaybe you can run fsck with some exttra options that i don't know aobut23:18
oliver_g2I don't know any special fsck options either23:19
oliver_g2well... you should use fsck -f at least23:19
oliver_g2so it really checks (afaik otherwise it immediately sees that nothing really bad is "recorded" and thats it)23:20
oliver_g2only, apparently it's not good to run fsck on a mounted filesystem (it warns)23:20
fredrinboot into rescue mode23:20
fredrini will tell him23:21
fredrinoliver_g2: anyway , thanks for htehelp23:21
fredrinthe help ;)23:22
oliver_g2good luck :-)23:22
oliver_g2(time to go, anyway)23:23
h3sp4wnAt least mount it read only23:25
h3sp4wnif you *have* to fsck a mounted filesystem23:25
savvaswill tcl8.5 make it in hardy?23:35
savvashm.. it is here, but the tcl package is bound to tcl8.423:36
savvascrimsun: think I should file a bug about it, or was this already mentioned and declined?23:37
crimsunsavvas: former: up to you; latter: don't know.23:38
savvasaye i'll give it a quick search23:38
crimsunI will say (having served on past MOTU UVF/FF team/s) that it's unlikely that such a delta will be introduced at this stage23:38
crimsunparticularly for this release, it's imperative that we don't introduce any further regressions23:39
savvasi'll wait for the next release then :)23:40
maccam94so is there anything majorly broken in hardy right now23:42
maccam94on the level of libc6 or something23:42
savvasI'm upgrading right now, i'll let you know23:42
savvas  app-install-data bzip2 gnome-panel-data gnome-user-guide human-theme23:43
savvas  initramfs-tools libbz2-1.0 locales xserver-xorg-video-intel23:43
savvasi'm not an intel graphics user, can't guarantee you for that :)23:43
savvaswow they added greek ancient in the languages hehehe23:44
h3sp4wnIs there any defined set of criteria that have to be met for an LTS release23:44
maccam94h3sp4wn: stability methinks23:45
savvasprobably stability :)23:45
h3sp4wnAs in we will not release if ....23:45
savvasmost of them should be in blueprints in launchpad23:45
ethana2I think there should be quarterly maintenance releases23:45
h3sp4wn(i.e dapper was released 2 months later and was quite a bit better than usual)23:45
ethana2with new drivers23:45
ethana2i think many are on hardy just because they have intel gpu's23:45
h3sp4wnRHEL maintains its kernels really well23:45
h3sp4wn(But that costs $)23:46
amx109hi, im having issues with hardy mounting partitions when theyve been explicitly defined in /etc/fstab. if i umount then mount the appropriate dir everything is ok, but at first boot its showing the partition mounted but dir listing is empty. anyone have any suggestions?23:46
savvasethana2: there's a proposal in http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com about drivers23:46
ethana2then i've probably seen it23:46
ethana2oh hey, thanks for saving my life by the way, savvas23:46
h3sp4wni.e you can get stuff like a full stable backport of the libata stuff to the stable kernel etc23:46
h3sp4wn(In a point release)23:46
savvasamx109: check your permissions and owner if root/normal user, dir -l /media/directory23:47
maccam94ethana2: what's special about intel gpu's on hardy?23:47
savvasn/p ethana2 :)23:47
maccam94h3sp4wn: they already do LTS updated releases23:47
h3sp4wnmaccam94: Not like RedHat doexs23:48
maccam94they just don't upgrade core applications to newer versions (like the kernel from 2.6.17 to 2.6.22, xorg 7.1 to xorg 7.3, etc)23:48
savvascross fingers, 10 seconds23:48
h3sp4wnmaccam94: They don't provide backported drivers/subsystems to the old kernel23:48
maccam94h3sp4wn: you're saying the backports repository doesn't have that stuff?23:49
amx109savvas, permissions/owner are set correctly23:49
h3sp4wnmaccam94: Thats not in the stable release23:49
h3sp4wnYou would be crazy to use backports on a production sytem23:49
ethana2maccam94: gutsy drivers for intel gpu's are horrible23:49
maccam94ethana2: you mean the Xv in compiz issue?23:50
ethana2maccam94: we have 3 machines with intel gpu's.  None of them worked right on gutsy so I upped to Hardy on all23:50
ethana2maccam94: much, much more23:50
savvasamx109: does this show you anything? sudo dir -l /directory23:50
* maccam94 has an intel x3100 graphics card with gutsy...23:50
* ethana2 has one machine with an x3100 on hardy23:50
amx109savvas, nope. same thing. empty listing23:50
ethana2mine can hibernate23:50
savvasmaccam94: everything went well here23:50
maccam94savvas: schweet23:51
amx109savvas, only appears to affect vfat and ntfs partitions. the ext3 ones auto-mount fine23:51
savvasamx109: what's the directory that it is mounted and what's the device in /dev/ ?23:51
maccam94does hardy have any sort of prefetching by default?23:52
amx109savvas, from mtab /dev/sda1 /home/amran/places/ntfs/c fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096 0 023:53
savvasamx109: apt-cache policy ntfs-3g | grep Installed23:55
amx109savvas, Installed: 1:1.2216-1ubuntu123:55
savvasgive me a sec, i have an ntfs here23:55
amx109savvas, not sure if this is relavant but gnome 'removable drives' seems to want to manage these partitions too23:56
savvasamx109: this isn't connected through usb right?23:57
amx109savvas, no, good ol' PATA23:57
savvaswell.. mine works :\23:58
savvastry open nautilus23:58
l815what did the new xorg for intel fix?23:58
savvasamx109: right click on the side menu on your device, unmount, and right click mount it again23:58
maccam94it would be sweet if someone could make a deb of the new driver for gutsy :-\23:59
maccam94(intel driver) i tried manually installing it once23:59
amx109savvas, that gives me an error saying only root can unmount23:59

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