
seb128I didn't notice the pycairo changes had been done00:00
seb128I would have uploaded the pygtk changes otherwise00:00
pochuember: why?00:00
seb128they can be accepted after beta if those are stable updates00:03
pochuliferea is, and has a bug fix for 1.0 -> 1.4 cache updates, which is interesting for dapper->hardy upgrades00:05
pochuI think I'll call to Dell tomorrow to make sure everything's going fine ;)00:06
linossanyone of a software application that records a phone conversation utilizing the internal modem on a PC?01:50
linossI hope this is the correct channel to post this question01:50
seb128hey hey mvo08:24
mvohwy seb12808:26
mvo(that was a bavarian hey)08:27
slomoseb128: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12662959/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.gtk%2B2.0_2.12.9-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  <--- something is unhappy... known problem? :)08:52
pittikwwii: did human-theme build for you locally? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12625757/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.human-theme_0.13_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:53
pittikwwii: "error: can't copy 'build/share/themes/Human/index.theme': doesn't exist or not a regular file08:54
mvoAmaranth: can you reproduce bug #99508 ?09:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99508 in compiz "Window titlebar displayed not right with compiz enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9950809:11
XiXaQhmm. I was sure I registered a bug regarding the new clock applets "Adjust date and time" menu item not using the default dialog for doing so in Hardy, but I can't find it..09:12
XiXaQis the old clock applet still available in hardy, does anyone know?09:13
dholbachgood morning09:13
mvohey dholbach09:14
dholbachhey mvo09:15
mvoAmaranth: meh, I can not reproduce #150702 either09:16
seb128lool, slomo: do you know if public modules using python-support are available during upgrade now?09:46
slomoseb128: no, i know nothing about the new python policy and everything related to it... i'm trying to not touch packaging of such stuff and if i have to i'm looking at other packages ;)09:47
loolseb128: I don't know09:49
seb128I got complain from pygtk upstream than pygtk is broken during upgrades09:50
seb128and I think the new pycentral fixes this issue and pysupport is still buggy09:50
seb128I'm pondering if we should switch to pycentral for hardy09:50
loolseb128: I would think not as I see update-python-modules -c in prerm09:50
seb128lool: not what?09:50
loolseb128: But then python-support is a bit special09:50
loolseb128: I would think it's not available09:51
loolWould it be available, it would be in postrm09:51
loolseb128: I see libglib-perl has been uploaded in Debian10:17
seb128lool: a new version you mean? something we want to use?10:18
loolI guess so10:20
loolseb128:  libglib-perl (1:1.180-1) unstable; urgency=low10:21
lool .10:21
lool   * New upstream release10:21
loolThat's all10:21
seb128will be for after beta then10:21
seb128slomo: btw you might want to use the shared-mime-info change I did yesterday for debian10:22
slomoseb128: will do, thanks10:25
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
mvoasac: the firefox restart required informatio is displayed for me unconditionally even if ff is not running. is that a knwon issue?11:05
asacmvo: can you see whats wrong?11:07
asac(no its not known)11:07
mvoasac: I think the firefox-3.0-restart-required is lacking the "DisplaIf" line AFAICS11:07
asacstrange. i took it from the old package11:08
asacmvo: how should it read?11:09
mvoI can have a look after lunch11:09
asacDisplayIf: $STARTUPWMCLASS ?11:09
asaci thnk i found it: DisplayIf: ps -C firefox-bin11:09
mvoasac: yes, thats it11:10
mvoasac: probably with a ps -C firefox-bin >/dev/null to avoid spittng stuff to ~/.xsession-errors11:10
mvothank you !11:11
asacmvo: is there a pattern that also takes into account that firefox is running for the current user?11:12
mvoasac: update-notifier runs with the same uid as the logged in user, so we need to limited the ps to the users processes and we are good11:13
asacmvo: you have an expression at hand (its friday and i feel botty :))11:14
asacok fixed with the above in bzr11:14
mvoasac: give me a sec (friday for me too ;)11:14
mvoasac: pgrep firefox-bin -u $USER11:15
asacthat works11:16
mvoor pgrep firefox-bin -U $(id -u)11:16
asacyeah the last one looks good11:17
asacfixed in bzr11:19
asacmvo: i would like to discuss if its possible to make firefox/xulrunner upgrades safe in intrepid and if we think it might be possible discuss this at UDS.11:30
asacmvo: you think we can do a pre-call to discuss some ideas i have .... lets say next week?11:31
Hobbseeasac: "safe"?11:37
slomoseb128: can sync shared-mime-info from debian now11:42
seb128slomo: ok, will do after the beta freeze11:42
asacHobbsee: yes its not safe atm :)11:47
Hobbseeasac: i'm trying to figure out what you're defining as "safe", though11:49
asacno crashes ... no unexpected behaviour and so on11:57
asac(that do eventually happen - in case you had been lucky and never experienced that :))11:57
Hobbseeah right11:59
Hobbseeyeah, true11:59
asacnot a trivial thing to fix though11:59
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
dholbachI wished somebody killed scrollkeeper for good12:40
seb128dholbach: why?12:53
dholbachthe update runs take ages on my laptop :)12:53
seb128dholbach: I think rarian compat thing is slower12:53
seb128I did try by then and that's one of the reason why I didn't do the switch12:54
seb128yes, the compat is not optimized, the goal is to ride of it12:54
seb128to get rather12:54
dholbachthat'd be the best thing since sliced bread12:55
mvoasac: sounds great12:58
mvoasac: (sorry, lunch took longer)12:58
dholbachhmmmm lunch12:58
seb128pitti: do you do freeze exception or that's only steve now?13:01
Hobbseeseb128: afaik, anyone can do them13:03
seb128Hobbsee: anyone?13:03
Hobbseeseb128: well, anyone in -release13:03
seb128Hobbsee: that includes you? ;-)13:04
Hobbseeseb128: in some mutant sense, yes.13:04
* seb128 hugs Hobbsee13:04
* Hobbsee hugs seb128 bakc, and waves her antlers around13:05
Hobbseeseb128: it's the kind of mutant-cant-do-much-due-to-no-drescher-access, so....13:06
* Hobbsee may or may not be therefore useful.13:06
seb128Hobbsee: that's alright, I'm just going to do some bug fix upload and I was wondering if they were likely to be accepted today13:08
Hobbseeseb128: tbh, i'm not overly comfortable doing high-impact accepts, as i'm aware that a lot of the release decisions get taken in private areas, which i don't have access to.13:08
Hobbseeseb128: i had proof of that after UDS, and, afaik, it still happens, so13:09
seb128I don't think that's a true statement13:09
Hobbseeseb128: it's safer not to work with obsolete info.13:09
seb128anyway I've no high impact uploads13:17
seb128I've just uploaded a one liner fix to gvfs which is waiting13:17
seb128and the patch is from the upstream svn13:17
Hobbseeseb128: in unapproved?13:18
seb128seb128: dunno, in wherever things we upload during a freeze land ;-)13:18
Hobbseeseb128: approved.13:19
* Hobbsee waits to see if this all still works13:19
* Hobbsee grumbles at this bug, just as she did last cycle.13:20
seb128Hobbsee: thanks13:21
Hobbseeseb128: you're welcome13:21
Hobbseeand a timeout.13:21
dholbachthe workspace switcher applet thing is still broken in hardy13:26
dholbachso no compiz for me on my laptop13:27
seb128dholbach: how is it broken now?13:41
dholbachthe same as before13:42
dholbachhang on, I'll post a screenshot13:42
Hobbseedholbach: iz undocumented feature.13:45
Hobbseedholbach: it's now up to you what you would like to see in that bottom box :)13:45
dholbachHobbsee: ahhhh nice :)13:45
seb128dholbach: reset your compiz config13:45
dholbach(MacSlow), mvo, seb128: ^13:45
seb128dholbach: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz13:46
dholbachOK... here we go again13:46
seb128dholbach: not the first time you do that? ;-)13:47
dholbachseb128, mvo: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/compiz-b0rk2.png13:48
dholbachnew variation :)13:48
seb128dholbach: cat .config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini13:48
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$  cat .config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini13:48
dholbachcat: .config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini: No such file or directory13:48
seb128dholbach: what do you have in .compiz and .config/compiz?13:48
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ find .config/compiz/13:50
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ find .compiz/13:50
dholbachfind: .compiz/: No such file or directory13:50
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ cat .config/compiz/compizconfig/config13:50
dholbachprofile =13:50
dholbachplugin_list_autosort = true13:50
mvodholbach: my, bugger, can you please run ccsm13:51
mvoand go to general options13:51
mvodesktop size13:51
mvoand check the "number of desktops" property there?13:51
seb128mvo: where should that be written?13:51
mvoin gconf13:51
seb128mvo: and I though that is was not possible to have a different setting that 1 workspace now?13:51
dholbachand it deactivated my Ctrl-< key for open terminal13:51
mvoseb128: yes, I want to make sure that dholbach has it too13:52
seb128mvo: what key is the corresponding one?13:52
mvoseb128: it should not be possible anymore, but the screenshot suggests that it is still for some reason :/13:52
seb128mvo: I suspect something like your issue this week, wrong gconf default to etc or something13:52
dholbachhorizontal 3, vertical 2, number of desktops 6?13:52
dholbachdoes that make sense?13:52
dholbachit was at 2, 1, 113:53
dholbachoh, I can't change number of desktops13:53
mvodholbach: but it is still 6 even though you can not change it?13:53
dholbachno, it's 113:53
seb128mvo: what is the gconf key involved?13:53
seb128dholbach: grep compiz /etc/gconf/* -r13:54
dholbachseb128: nothing13:54
seb128bah, ok, I'll let mvo debug it13:54
mvoseb128: it should be "number_of_desktops" in /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options13:54
dholbachalso ccsm gives me GConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_edge. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.13:55
dholbachGConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_edge. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.13:55
mvodholbach: thanks! the vnumber_of_desktops 6 is the culprit, it should no longer be possible, but apparently it is, it looks like a bug in compiz to me13:55
mvodholbach: you have restarted or loged in loged out?13:55
dholbachmvo: I'll remove all the settings again, then re-login, then switch to compiz again13:56
dholbachlet's see what happens13:56
mvodholbach: I had hoped the limited the number of desktops would fix it. oh well13:57
seb128mvo: you should remove this if [ $user == "dholbach" ] joke now ;-)13:57
dholbachmvo: no dice14:00
dholbachsame as in b0rk2.png14:01
dholbachanyway... I'm going out for lunch now :)14:01
seb128dholbach: does it happen with an another user?14:03
seb128dholbach: enjoy your lunch14:03
kwwiidholbach: did you ever figure out the problem with the cookie stuff?14:42
Amaranthbug 15070214:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 150702 in compiz "alt shift tab stopped navigating windows (gutsy)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15070214:53
Amaranthmvo: i can preproduce the titlebar thing, sometimes14:53
Amaranthhaven't tested recently but a bunch of other people have :P14:53
Amaranthonly happens to maximized windows and only happens with clearlooks-based themes14:54
Amaranthand i think it doesn't happen to the new clearlooks so only human, unless human has been updated as well14:54
dholbach_seb128: I'll try later on14:58
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
_MMA_seb128: Has the little GDM drum sound vanished for you on Hardy? Has here and On Ubuntu Studio. I'm still looking into it but I figured Id ask if its known or just me.15:04
pochugood afternoon slomo15:10
Amaranthpitti: say, does jockey have a list of pciids that fglrx works with?15:13
=== onestone_ is now known as onestone
Amaranth_MMA_: before you got your CDs made 'officially' how were you making them? UCK?15:23
_MMA_Amaranth: The old fashion way. You would have to talk to joejaxx for exact details. But is wasnt with any app.15:25
Amaranth_MMA_: did it involve modifying an existing disc or did you make one from scratch?15:26
_MMA_An Alt disk from scratch.15:26
Amaranthah, alt disc15:26
Amaranthyeah, those are easy :P15:26
_MMA_Suuurre. :)15:27
pittiseb128: I can help out for easier cases15:38
pittiAmaranth: no, jockey itself does not have such lists; they are shipped by l-r-m15:38
Amaranthyeah, i found that out15:38
Amaranthbut they don't look like something i can use15:39
Amaranthif you're using a laptop with a chip supported by fglrx i want to block compiz loading if you're using ati15:39
pittiAmaranth: I don't quite understand why you would do this?15:40
Amaranthpitti: because those chips have problems with compiz and the ati driver15:41
pittiAmaranth: shouldn't you rather test for models where compiz works with the free ati driver? (independent of fglrx)?15:41
Amaranthrandom lockups15:41
Amaranththe only ones that seem to work right are the ones old enough that fglrx no longer supports them15:41
Amaranthright now i've just got all laptops using the ati driver blocked15:42
pittibut shouldn't this be a pretty static set?15:42
Amaranthit's a pretty large set too :P15:42
Amaranthand i don't know what all of them are15:42
Amaranthso i need to blacklist a bazillion pciids or whitelist a bazillion pciids15:43
Amaranthi'd like to have one of those lists autogenerated, if i can15:43
pittiright; however the autogeneration needs to have a solid criterium as well15:48
Amaranthwhat do you mean?15:48
pittiso at one point you have to input external knowledge15:48
pitti(like testing results, or feature tests, etc.)15:48
AmaranthIf you're on a laptop and fglrx supports your chip I want to block compiz from starting if you're using ati15:48
Amaranthuntil fglrx drops support for more cards this should work fine15:49
AmaranthI thought about doing a feature check to see what series of chip you had but the xpress 200 is one of the broken ones and it doesn't have shaders15:49
Amaranthso I ran out of things to chck15:49
pittiAmaranth: so, for that you could check whether /usr/share/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.24-12-generic/modules.alias.override/fglrx has the graphics card15:50
pittibut that's a very ubuntu specific hack15:50
pittinot an upstream solution15:50
AmaranthYeah, but so was my last hack :P15:50
Amaranththe only problem is i don't know how to turn that file into something i can use :P15:51
Amaranthwhat do i read to compare to it? our current system is based on pciids as reported by lspci -n15:51
pittigrep -q 'pci:0000$VID:0000$PID' /usr/share/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.24-12-generic/modules.alias.override/fglrx15:52
pittisomehting like that15:52
pittithe better way is of course something like printf("%08X", vid)15:53
Amaranthoh, duh15:53
pittiAmaranth: those are modaliases, and for pci they are composed from vendor ID (v), product ID (p), subvendor (sv), subdevice (sd)15:53
pittiand device class, subclass, and interface15:53
pittiAmaranth: this entire hack is only necessary because both the fglrx and the nvidia kernel module do not have proper modaliases15:54
Amaranththey just always try to load, don't they?15:54
pittiAmaranth: e. g. if you look at "modinfo b43", it has15:54
pittibut modinfo nvidia ist just a catch-all15:55
pittimodinfo fglrx -> that actually looks sensible with the latest version15:55
pittibefore it didn't have any15:55
Amaranthhey, that looks like your list :P15:55
pittiyay, so we can remove the list frim l-r-m15:55
pittiAmaranth: right, except that the nvidia and fglrx lists from l-r-m are created by some hackish parsing of the shared libraries :)15:56
pittiAmaranth: modinfo fglrx | grep -q is at least a hack which is not distro dependent15:56
Amaranthyeah, i remember when you first wrote this it didn't detect my chip and i got a different list when i ran the script than you15:57
pittiright, that's why we now have per-arch lists15:57
pitti(in gutsy, too)15:57
Amaranthpitti: except in can't guarantee fglrx (or l-r-m) will be installed so i'll probably just turn this into something i stuff in the compiz package15:57
pittiAmaranth: true that15:58
pittiAmaranth: but at least it's a script which you could run when you wrap a release15:58
Amaranthjust run a bit of regex magic over it to turn it into a regular pciid list so i don't have to write more code :)15:58
pittiit's just a handwavy heuristics anyway15:58
Amaranthoh, but i need separate arch versions15:58
pittiright, that should be easy15:58
Amaranthsure, except seb128 thinks we already call too many things in this shell script :)15:59
pittimodinfo fglrx | perl -ne 'if (/^alias:.*pci:v(\d+)d(\d+)/) { print "$1 $2\n" }'16:00
pittierm, not \d16:01
pitti[0-9A-F] of course16:02
pittianyway, you get the idea16:02
pittiAmaranth: per-arch> well, as you said it's only a handwavy hack, not a precise whitelist anyway16:02
Amaranthmodinfo fglrx | perl -ne 'if (/^alias:.*pci:v0000([0-9A-F]+)d0000([0-9A-F]+)/) { print "$1:$2\n" }'16:04
pittiAmaranth: anyway: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5687/  <= amd64 list, for your comparison with i38616:04
Amaranththat should get me a list of pciids in the format lspci returns, right?16:04
pittilspci -n | grep -w 0300:16:04
pitti^ graphics cards only16:04
Amaranthah, they are the same thing16:06
Amaranthsame list on i386 and amd64 for fglrx16:07
emberisn't gpm to request password after suspend?16:37
Amaranthember: no, gnome-screensaver locks the screen on resume16:56
Amaranthor should16:56
=== Ubulette_ is now known as fta
crevettewtf, gnome-screensaver was not installed anymore17:33
Amaranthput it out of its misery17:35
seb128pitti: sorry I was away, you were looking for work to do? ;-) I guess it'll be for next week now17:49
soulcanyone have an idea of how to fix compiz when it stops working?18:04
Amaranth203 bugs in compiz18:19
Amaranthso close18:19
Amaranthgoal was under 200 by the end of today18:19
cody-somervilleAmaranth, You can do it! :)18:20
AmaranthI can get one of them into "Fix Committed" state18:21
Amaranthbut I dunno how to get rid of 3 others18:21
seb128Amaranth: randomly reassign to libwnck as you do usually? ;-)18:24
Amaranthhey, i _fixed_ all the bugs i assigned to libwnck :P18:24
seb128Amaranth: btw do you think you could look at bug #118936 before hardy?18:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118936 in alacarte "Alacarte does not recover deleted menu items" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11893618:25
seb128Amaranth: right, thanks for that ;-)18:25
Amaranthseb128: that's a tricky problem18:25
Amaranthgnome-menus offers no way to get items are are Hidden18:25
Amaranthand I mark things as Hidden to "delete" them18:25
seb128isn't the menu reset just a rm .config/something?18:25
seb128or wouldn't that work rather18:26
Amaranthwell no in this case i've changed the .desktop file18:26
Amaranthand you might have .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications that alacarte didn't put there18:26
seb128nautilus uses that too ;-)18:26
Amaranthfor mime stuff, yes18:26
Amaranthand WINE uses it18:26
seb128ok, so not as trivial as I though$18:27
Amaranthalthough i think all the files i put there are called "alacarte-madeX.desktop"18:27
Amaranthi'll have to look again, i know that was the idea18:27
seb128in which case that's easy to delete those18:27
Amaranthto work around a couple bugs18:27
Amaranthin gnome-menus :P18:27
seb128I don't think the menu editor is that important18:28
seb128but I was trying to figure bugs that would be nice to fix for hardy18:28
Amaranthi could just remove all alacarte-made items18:28
seb128and that's the only alacarte one which seemed to be annoying18:28
Amaranthit might not recover everything but it should work 99% of the time18:28
seb128better than current ;-)18:28
Amaranthi think the rest of the alacarte bugs are it not responding well to your .menu files being broken18:31
Amaranthwhich means you're in trouble anyway18:31
crevetteseb128: can you tell to your big chief to buy laucnhpad.net and all approximative domains around launchpad;18:34
Amaranthah, no, that won't work18:34
crevettemy fingers thanks you18:34
Amaranthto "delete" something I have to have it be named the same as the original18:34
Amaranthso no easy fix18:35
seb128crevette: ;-)18:36
seb128Amaranth: alright18:37
mvoseb128: are you aware of http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693/ ? (and/or the right person to talk to :) ?18:37
Amaranthprobably requires an ABI breaking patch to gnome-menus18:37
* seb128 teachs crevette how to use bookmarks18:37
Amaranthdown to 202, wonder who closed another bug18:38
* Amaranth guesses pedro_18:38
mvojust koffice-dev and libgphoto2-2-dev file overwrite problem for most of hardy, that is pretty impressive18:38
Amaranthmvo: i've got a better fix for ati laptops18:38
Amaranthwell, i have all the stuff i need to code the better fix, just need to do it :)18:38
Amaranthalso, are you going to wait until after beta to update to git?18:39
seb128mvo: no, I'm not but I'm happy to fix it, pitti does update this package usually18:39
lapouhm, it's just me or there are problems with compiz+nvidia and the notification area?18:42
mvoseb128: I'm happy to do it, but I need to leave now for the evening so I can do it either tonight (late) or monday18:43
Amaranthlapo: just you?18:43
seb128mvo: ok, I can do it if you want18:43
Amaranthplease don't file a bug, i'll never get below 200 :P18:43
lapoeheh, ok, it's a known bug :-)18:43
Amaranthseb128: also, i know how you feel about libwnck, calc sends me all OOo bugs that he can't reproduce when the reporter is using compiz :P18:43
seb128Amaranth: ;-)18:44
Amaranthone of them got upstreamed twice18:44
seb128I used to do that too with libwnck bugs18:44
seb128but you kicked all those back :-p18:44
Amaranthi sent the bug to compiz-fusion and they send it to OOo18:44
AmaranthOOo is really cool, it requests 200x200 windows for dialogs much larger than 200x20018:45
Amaranthand requests that they are not resizeable18:45
mvoseb128: yeah, go ahead if you have time for it, if not, no problem, just let me know18:47
seb128mvo: ok, I'll go for dinner soon but might look at it after that18:49
pedro_Amaranth: 200 ;-)18:52
Amaranthpedro_: yay19:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
LaserJockpedro_: ping19:27
pedro_Amaranth: just below the 200 now woohoo19:35
pedro_LaserJock: hello19:35
Amaranthyep :)19:35
* Amaranth hugs pedro_19:35
* pedro_ hugs Amaranth back19:35
Amaranthnow it can't go back up, don't let anyone file new bugs19:35
LaserJockpedro_: I just wondered why you marked bug #183060 as Invalid19:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183060 in gnumeric "gnumeric crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18306019:35
pedro_LaserJock: looking19:35
pedro_i've doing a lot of clean up lately19:36
LaserJockpedro_: I would think the LP Janitor would take care of it after 60 days19:36
pedro_LaserJock: more than a month in a incomplete state without a response from the reporter19:37
LaserJockand that's enough to get it marked "Invalid"?19:37
pedro_as i said i was doing some clean up lately, so that's why19:37
pedro_yes it is19:37
LaserJockok then19:37
Amaranthi'm trying to make compiz bugs look less depressing19:38
Amaranthso i'm not waiting 60 days for the janitor :P19:38
LaserJockalright, so we make it look like we dont' have bugs by just closing them?19:38
Amaranth30 days without a response for a bug i can't reproduce means no one is ever going to help me figure out how to fix it19:39
Amaranthwith compiz a driver point release or new compiz snapshot can cause and/or fix a million different problems19:39
pochudoes the janitor already close bugs? or is still disabled?19:40
Amaranthit claims it will19:40
Amaranthi haven't seen it do so19:40
pedro_haven't seen the janitor lately either19:40
LaserJockwell, in this case though, somebody just asked for a backtrace19:40
LaserJockbut shouldn't apport be providing those?19:41
Amaranthah, sometimes apport does a bad job19:41
Amaranthor the coredump is bad19:41
LaserJockright, so we're just gonna ignore it?19:41
Amaranthif you can't get a good backtrace how can you fix it?19:42
LaserJockand as far as I can see nobody has *not* confirmed the bug19:42
LaserJockthat's of course what needs to be worked on19:43
LaserJockbut marking it "Invalid" basically is saying "We're not gonna look at it"19:43
AmaranthRight, it means "we're ignoring this unless you give us more info"19:45
LaserJockand why should we require the reporter to necessarily do that?19:46
AmaranthIf it just sits there open someone might think they don't have to do anything19:46
AmaranthBecause if they want the bug fixed they need to give the info needed to fix it19:46
LaserJockbut we're not gonna do anything in the mean time?19:46
LaserJockI don't see anybody trying to confirm or not confirm the bug19:46
LaserJockit's just "give us a backtrace or we close the bug"19:47
AmaranthSo someone should explicitly say "I cannot reproduce this" before starting the countdown to closing it?19:48
LaserJockI think so yes19:48
LaserJockand ask if other people have experience it19:48
AmaranthI know in compiz I try my best to reproduce the bugs whether I mention that or not19:48
LaserJockI guess the theory is if it's really a problem we'll get dups19:49
Amaranththat too19:50

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