
infinityseb128: I'm with vorlon.00:00
infinityAnd this is why openjdk is evil.  Run a few test builds in the background, and I have nothing better to do than have OPINIONS in #-devel...00:00
seb128ok, gst reuploaded00:02
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slangasekwell, that's nice; I try to reproduce bug #149791 using the 'test' button in gstreamer-properties, and X crashes00:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 149791 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Black & White Video Output (Gutsy)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14979100:51
slangasekmoral: only try to reproduce milestoned bugs of >= high importance00:52
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Hobbseeanyone fixing scim yet?02:29
TheMusoHobbsee: There was an upload for it not long ago.02:29
HobbseeTheMuso: ubuntu3, or?02:30
Hobbseeah, yes, i see02:30
slangasek"fixing" is such a subjective thing02:32
superm1glancing over https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim , I don't suspect what Hobbsee meant was resolved, that being that it lives in the tray and won't die?02:47
slangasekshe may mean that ubuntu3 failed to install at all because I'm a putz02:48
Hobbseesuperm1: i meant the latter02:48
Hobbseefor the former, i've purged scim off the face of the planet, so i don't care.02:48
superm1Hobbsee, ah okay.02:48
Amaranthhrm, apport removed the need-i386-retrace tag from bug 202021 but didn't do the retrace03:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202021 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in updateWindowAttributes()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20202103:34
Amaranthoh, that core dump looks bad, only 11kb03:35
StevenKShouldn't compiz core dumps be full of 3D textures and bling? :-P03:36
Amaranthmy worry is that a patch i wrote changed one call to updateWindowAttributes and added another one and now i've got my first ever crash report in updateWindowAttributes03:36
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pittiGood morning07:22
Mithrandirhm, I wonder if we should move the gzip level in initramfs from -9 to -6.  On my initramfs here, the size then changes from 8763263 to 8847664 bytes which is an increase of almost 1%, but the time to create it goes from ~15s to ~2.5s.07:53
nepbabuwhere should i ask loco related questions?08:17
nepbabuwhere should i ask loco related questions?08:19
seb128slangasek: any reason you didn't accept the g-s-t changes?08:29
slangasekseb128: mental backlog08:29
seb128ok, that's a good reason ;-)08:30
pittiseb128: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12662959/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.gtk%2B2.0_2.12.9-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz looks weird08:44
pittiseb128: looks like a pkgstriptranslations bug08:44
pittibut it seems something in gtk+2.0 changed recently08:45
seb128pitti: give it a retry?08:45
pittiseb128: I already did08:45
pittiit failed again08:45
seb128pitti: -1 and -2 have only extra includes to avoid an implicit definition change08:45
pittithe .mo files seem to be dangling symlinks or something like that08:46
seb128pitti: doesn't make sense, did you change pkgstriptranslations recently?08:46
pittiseb128: on Feb 28, but only the conffile (not strip restricted any more)08:47
pittithe last pkgstriptranslations script change was on 27 Mar 200708:47
seb128pitti: weird, gtk built 3 days ago08:47
seb128and as said that's only an implicit declaration fix in the new revision08:48
pittiright, I believe you08:48
pittiseb128: certainly new glibc :)08:48
seb128I've no idea about the issue08:48
seb128yeah ;-)08:48
pittiseb128: anyway, I'm not sure whether I already gave back that one08:48
pittiI'll try it again08:48
pittiand if it fails again, I'll build it locally with pkgbinarymangler08:48
pittibut need to do some archive admin first08:48
seb128the build 3 days ago failed and I asked you to try I think08:49
seb128and that worked08:49
pittianyone attached to aptitude? needs libcwidget0 -> libcwidget3 transition08:49
* pitti pokes that one08:50
slangasekit needs a new upstream version to be buildable against libcwidget3 :/08:51
slangasek(or a backport of some sort)08:51
slangasekI tried to pin it on doko since he did the cwidget merge, but he's fled to Texas :)08:52
seb128slomo: ^ discussion just before about gtk08:53
slomooh, good ;)08:54
pittiso mono-tools still b-deps on libxul-dev, although the changelog says "build against firefox"08:57
pittigeser ^08:57
pittioh, not online08:58
slomopitti: do you want to get rid of gtkhtml3.8 from main for hardy (iirc libgtkhtml2.0-cil was the last rdepend)? requires new upstream versions, a NEW package and getting that NEW package to main ;) oh, and a patch for f-spot (and another universe package)08:59
pittioh, tempting08:59
pittislomo: new source? or just new binary of libgtkhtml2.0-cil?08:59
pittisounds pretty intrusive, though09:00
pittiso maybe at least not for beta09:00
slomopitti: new source... gnome-desktop-sharp2 + new binary packages from that one (it's in debian/experimental atm)09:00
slomopitti: for beta of course not, the changes are not exactly small... if it wasn't for getting an old package removed it wouldn't even ask you for hardy ;)09:00
* pitti hugs slomo09:01
pittiwe should definitively look at it at least09:01
slomopitti: well, i can only say that things work fine for me ;)09:01
* pitti looks at rpm, which was uploaded with a broken patch09:02
slangaseknot a broken patch... a completely absent patch \o/09:03
pittislangasek: permission to upload that? it just more or less restores ubuntu409:04
slangasekpitti: yes, you don't need to ask permission for those kinds of fixes09:04
pittiok, thanks09:04
dholbachgood morning09:13
seb128hey hey dholbach09:17
dholbachheya seb12809:17
pittiseb128: so, a good deal of the gnome related FTBFS on sparc are due to xulrunner-1.9 not building on sparc09:21
Mithrandiris it just for me that firefox is failing to load any pages?09:24
Mithrandirah, no09:25
Mithrandirfirefox suddenly picks up the gnome proxy settings.. that's.. unfortunate.09:25
Mithrandiroh, it can be turned off09:26
cjwatsonMithrandir: I like that idea; it's a very noticeable part of the install process09:27
cjwatsonMithrandir: (update-initramfs and gzip -6)09:27
cjwatsonneeds a comment though :)09:27
pittislangasek: shall I update ubuntu-meta or are you on it?09:27
Mithrandircjwatson: should I just fix it?  It looks harmless enough and the impact is tiny.09:28
cjwatsonMithrandir: the drop from me is only from 15 to 10 seconds rather than 15 to 2.5, but still09:30
cjwatsonand an increase of 37KB09:30
Mithrandirmy test was on amd6409:31
cjwatsonMithrandir: I think so. Just drop the -9 (since -6 is the default) rather than explicitly selecting?09:31
Mithrandiryeah, might make sense.09:31
tkamppeterhi pitti09:35
pittihi tkamppeter09:35
pittiMithrandir: btw, bug 195305 is waiting for a comment from you09:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195305 in stardict "Please sync stardict 3.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19530509:35
Mithrandirpitti: I asked lool to pick that up.09:36
tkamppeterpitti, it seems that Saivann and me have hit a real bug in the Launchpad upload mechanism.09:36
pittitkamppeter: --verbose ?09:36
tkamppeterpitti, it is about bug 202072, the upload of the Brother drivers.09:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202072 in ubuntu "FreezeException for brother-lpr-drivers-* packages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20207209:37
Mithrandircjwatson: the full update-initramfs time goes from 17.6s to 11.1s for me, so that's in line with what you're seeing.09:37
pittitkamppeter: right, I see the packages in the queue; I'll get to them09:38
tkamppeterFor the packages brother-lpr-drivers-laser, brother-lpr-drivers-laser1, brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn, and brother-lpr-drivers-common I get a reject with "MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive" twice.09:39
cjwatsontkamppeter: they look like duplicate uploads09:39
cjwatsonbrother-lpr-drivers-laser1 was already in the archive, and then an upload arrived for the same version; brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn was already in the archive, and then an upload arrived for a lower version09:40
tkamppeterSaivann got also the same error when uploading to his PPA. So I rebuilt the source package files with "debuild -S -sa" and signed again to regenerate all checksums.09:40
cjwatsonthe others are already in the archive too09:41
cjwatsonwhy is Saivann trying to upload them again09:41
sorenOk, I'm getting confused trying to answer this myself... When exactly is grub's device.map used and for what?09:41
pittitkamppeter: right; you need to reuse the current orig.tar.gz, or (if you really need to change it), rename it09:42
tkamppetercjwatson, Saivann has done corrections on them, and probably he did not really know about that some of them were approved and so he still worked on the versioning concept for them.09:42
pittitkamppeter: e. g. 2.0.1-2 or 2.0.1-1+1 or so09:42
sorenIt maps between the devices as seen by the BIOS and what the OS calls it. I get that, but when is that needed, exactly?09:42
pittitkamppeter: (btw, unusual that upstream versions have -1 in them)09:43
seb128slangasek: tracker uploaded which desactive indexing and watching by default as decided by the technical board09:43
tkamppeterpitti, so I think you should answer to Saivanns mail from 03/13/2008 09:25 PM CET telling him about the correct versioning, file naming, and also giving him a list of what is already in the archives, so that he can recreate his packages to get a working update of what is already there.09:46
pittitkamppeter: can you do this, please? I'm really busy ATM09:46
pittitkamppeter: apt-cache showsrc tells you which are already in the archive; or rmadison09:47
pittiapt-cache search/show for the binary packages09:47
tkamppeterpitti, no problem, I will lead him through all the Debian concept stuff for his packages getting in, or I will simply overtake packaging for now, as all brother-printer-specific is in, I only need to put the Debian layer over it.09:48
pittitkamppeter: ok, thanks09:48
tkamppeterpitti, all will be ready today in the afternoon or during the next week. Saivann has done well for now and the next step of the MOTU course for him will follow later.09:50
zdzichuBGouch, no LTS for SPARC? sad.09:50
tkamppeterSaivannn is already very close to getting MOTU ...09:50
pittislangasek: bug 200785 looks reasonable to me09:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200785 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "please sync from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20078509:55
tjaaltonpitti, slangasek: I have a fix for bug 201596, the textured video was not turned off by default like it should've been10:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201596 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "xv is not working on intel when using compiz" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20159610:03
tkamppeterpitti, MOTU lesson to Saivann is on its way (you are CCed) ...10:12
tkamppeterAnyone knows how to proceed if spam comments are added to bugs?10:27
tkamppeterLike the last comment in bug 43824?10:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 43824 in foo2zjs "HP Laserjet 1000 doesn't work with cups2 (dup-of: 65618)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4382410:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 65618 in foo2zjs "Firmware upload to LJ 1000/1005/1008/1020 broken (fix to be proposed as Edgy update)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6561810:28
tkamppeterCan I subscribe this bug to a special admin team or so?10:28
elmotkamppeter: ask in #launchpad - or ask a question on answers.launchpad.net on the launchpad product itself10:30
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tjaaltonpitti, slangasek: I uploaded the new -intel, the change was a oneliner10:55
tjaaltonand tested10:55
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asacpitti: is saivann your motu student?10:58
asactkamppeter: or your?10:58
pittiATM, rather tkamppeter's11:00
pittibut I occasionally chime in with some hints11:01
PecisDarbscrap, newest updates for fglrx makes my Radeon Mobility go black blank11:01
pittiogra_cmpc: python-ltsp wants to go to universe, is that ok?11:02
ogra_cmpcits only used by tools that are not even uploaded11:02
ogra_cmpcthin-client-manager should be in the demotion list as well though11:03
pittiogra_cmpc: hm, it's not11:04
pitti-- hardy/main i386 deps on thin-client-manager-gnome:11:04
pitti-- hardy/main amd64 deps on thin-client-manager-backend:11:04
ogra_cmpcjust saw that (thus the ugh)11:04
ogra_cmpci was aware about the backend ...11:05
ogra_cmpcbut not that -kde depends on -gnome :P11:05
* ogra_cmpc fixes seeds11:06
pittiogra_cmpc: while you are at it, italc wants to go to universe, too11:06
pittiogra_cmpc: I assume that needs to be seeded as well?11:06
pittilool, seb128: gnome-vfs-obexftp wants to go to universe; seed or demote?11:06
pitti(or should it be a dependency?)11:07
ogra_cmpci wonder if i keep tcm in ship ... hmm11:07
pittiRiddell: kde-style-polyester and ksplash-engine-moodin want to go to universe; is that ok?11:08
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jdstrand_hi mvo!11:13
jdstrand_mvo: I know that apt-get dist-upgrade is not officially supported-- is aptitude full-upgrade, or should we always use do-release-upgrade?11:14
loolpitti: Hmm I wonder whether the gvfs version is pulled11:14
loolI think it is11:14
jdstrand_mvo: (this is from release-release, eg gutsy-hardy)11:14
pittilool: ?11:14
loolpitti: This package has been requested for a long long time to allow people to browse phones or other bluetooth devices from the bluetooth applet11:15
pittilool: right, I dimly remember the MIR11:15
pittilool: so I assume it should become a dependency of something, or be seeded into desktop?11:15
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loolpitti: What I'd like to check is whether we could get the new obex gvfs backend pulled and used by default instead11:16
loolThere's /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-obexftp11:16
pittiright, gnome-vfs -> old11:16
* lool removes gnome-vfs-obexftp11:17
Mithrandirpitti: gnome-vfs-obexftp can go, it's old.11:17
Mithrandirpitti: new gvfs has obex support built in11:17
pittiok, great11:17
pittidemoted then11:17
sorenI haven't followed the discussion, so I'm not sure what you mean by "remove"?11:18
sorenOh, good.11:18
loolMithrandir: It works for you?11:18
sorenremove == demote. Then I'm fine. :)11:18
loolMithrandir: I just tried from the bluetooth applet and it errored in an ugly way11:18
Mithrandirlool: iirc, it worked last time I tested, yes.11:19
MithrandirI don't have an obexftp capable cell phone here now.11:19
mvojdstrand_: for dapper->hardy apt-get/aptitude will not be able to do a work dist-upgrade, we need the do-release-upgrade. for gutsy->hardy do-release-upgrade is recommended, but apt-get/aptitude will work (also you need to do the hand-holding manually and read the release notes to e.g. change slocate to mlocate etc)11:20
* mvo -> lunch11:20
loolAll my attempts to gvfs-ls failed11:20
pittigosh, is that fam thing *still* in Debian11:25
pittioh, we actually modified glib2.0 in Ubuntu; we should swap the libfam-dev alternatives11:25
dholbachsometimes it's hard to let go :)11:25
sjoerdpitti: fam is still usefull for nfs mounts apparently11:26
Riddellpitti: that's fine, they can go to universe11:26
pittiRiddell: thanks11:26
pittiTheMuso, Riddell: you actually use festival in Kubuntu? it's still seeded, but in universe11:27
pittiand AFAIR it was obsolete (by espeak?)11:28
loolpitti, Mithrandir: so it works *only* if you gvfs-mount manually11:28
loolBut in all cases gnome-vfs-obexftp should be demoted11:28
loolsjoerd: I think it's useless on linux systems even if you have nfs11:29
loolsjoerd: I understand that inotify is selected no matter what if it's available on the system11:29
sjoerdlool: how would you get notifications for directories/files on nfs mounts in linux without fam ?11:29
loolInstead of looking whether this is specific to the mount point / directory11:29
loolsjoerd: You don't...11:30
loolsjoerd: We were discussing this with Np237 yesterday or so11:30
sjoerdah, and?11:30
sjoerdconclusion was, just don't get events and live with it ?11:30
loolsjoerd: Well the gnome-vfs patch should be ported to gvfs, but slomo and I told Joss to talk to upstream11:31
Riddellpitti: not any more, I'll remove it from the seeds11:31
pittiRiddell: thanks11:31
loolsjoerd: Conclusion was let upstream now11:31
* lool got to run for lunch now11:31
slomolool: did he already talk with upstream?11:36
seb128pitti: I think gnome-vfs-obexftp can go to universe since we use gvfs now, confirm with the mobile team though11:39
pittiseb128: right, done above; demoted, thank you11:39
seb128you are welcome11:40
jdstrand_mvo: ok thanks.  I asked because I had a gutsy vm and tried to upgrade to hardy, and only do-release-upgrade would work. Internal error couldn't configure tzdata (or some such)11:46
jdstrand_mvo: if you're interested, I could recreate the gutsy vm and get the exact error (I since used do-release-upgrade and lost the exact message)11:51
pitticjwatson: clock-setup started to depend on rdate-udeb; is that deliberate, or should it actually use ntpdate?12:16
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cjwatsonit's deliberate actually, I've been meaning to ask for a MIR for it12:16
cjwatsonthere was a long discussion which did include ntpdate, though I don't recall why they chose rdate12:18
* cjwatson tries to find out12:18
pitticjwatson: ok, thanks; if it's deliberate, I'll look at it12:19
pitticjwatson: heh, bug 19122412:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191224 in rdate "Rdate-udeb not installed during installation per clock-setup's dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19122412:19
cjwatsonit uses it in SNTP mode12:20
cjwatsonnot trad rdate (rfc868)12:20
loolslomo: No idea12:21
pitticjwatson: looks harmless enough to me, and Debian maintenance is adequate12:23
cjwatsonwe'd only need the udeb; you could leave the deb in universe12:24
pitticjwatson: I closed the bug for MIR promotion; does it need a d-i rebuild? (in that case I shuold reopen it)12:24
cjwatsonoh, no, that isn't true, clock-setup would want rdate (deb) when used in ubiquity12:24
pittiok, I promoted the entire source for now12:25
cjwatsonclock-setup isn't in the initrd so it doesn't need a d-i rebuild12:25
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cody-somervilleCan someone please push gnumerics?12:30
pitticody-somerville: it's a new upstream version, and doesn't mention any bug report in the changelog12:33
cody-somervillepitti, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnumeric/+bug/19987412:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199874 in gnumeric "[FFe] Please merge gnumeric 1.8.2-1 from debian unstable" [Medium,In progress]12:33
cody-somervillepitti, Sorry about forgetting the bug number.12:34
pittiok; it doesn't affect the CDs, so it's safe enough for the beta freeze12:34
ogra_cmpcjust dont break it ... i use it on the classmate image12:35
cody-somervilleIf it breaks, you can slap me around a bit in Prague.12:36
* Hobbsee slaps cody-somerville around a bit regardless.12:37
tkamppeterpitti, I have a question to you, for both Saivanns MOTU course and my core-dev course ...12:48
Hobbseethere are courses now?12:49
twi_pitti hi, is there anything that I could do to help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/elisa/+bug/186647 ?13:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186647 in pigment "promote to main" [Undecided,New]13:20
mvoRiddell: do you know about this file overwrite error in koffice: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5677/14:05
Riddellmvo: I do not14:07
Riddellmvo: thanks, will fix14:08
Riddellmvo: packages on today's CDs seem all good14:08
mvoRiddell: thanks14:08
mvoRiddell: great!14:08
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* lamont has a spousal-support issue...14:40
Hobbseeoh dear14:40
lamontso we upgraded her machine from feisty to gutsy finally, and now clicking on links in evo fails to bring up firefox14:41
lamontof course, when she had feisty on the machine, it brought up mozilla...14:41
lamontso... what do I whack where to teach evo that it should use firefox instead of mozilla.14:41
Hobbseesystem, preferences, preferred apps14:42
Hobbseelamont: works?14:42
lamontand I misspoke.  she had 'custom: mozilla-firefox %s' configured for the web browser14:44
Hobbseeyep, that'll do it14:44
Hobbsee(open in new tab, in same window, iirc)14:44
* lamont has no idea which release originally got installed on that machine, but it's been dist-upgraded ever sense14:44
lamontsince, even14:44
lamontroot@mitzi:~# which mozilla-firefox14:45
lamontactually, it does nothing.14:45
Hobbseeit's a transitional package14:45
lamontand it's grey'ed out on the screen14:45
asaclamont: is that in hardy?14:50
asac(aka ffox 3)14:50
lamontasac: that's on a $ancient install, dist-upgraded through feisty to gutsy14:51
lamontso ffox 214:51
lamontwe just finally ran into it being broken.14:51
lamont(so, sorry for the support questions for ancient releases (e.g., gutsy) in this channel.... my bad and all that..)14:52
lamontOTOH, I married an irish redhead.14:53
thomasac: is it know that ff3 occasionally gets bored and starts in offline mode?14:53
lamontthom: wtf???14:53
ogra_cmpcsounds like a nm problem14:53
asacthom: what does networkmanager show you14:54
asacthom: how are you online?14:54
ogra_cmpcff queries that now, no?14:54
asacyes it does14:54
asacthom: there is a known issue that nm doesn't say its "online" if you are using ppp14:54
asacthom: if you have such a setup i would be happy to work with you to get it resolved14:55
thomasac: wired14:55
ogra_cmpcwell, you migh proabbly get races if the system is under heavy load and nm doesnt answer in time14:55
thomhrm, nm applet claims not to have any network devices14:55
thomi guess that would probably do it14:56
ogra_cmpcthom, it wont if you defined them in /e/n/i14:56
asacthom: please paste your /etc/network/interfaces14:56
thomasac: http://pastie.caboo.se/16568814:58
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asacthom: how does the nm applet icon look like?14:59
asacjust two black screens?14:59
asacor is there a red cross?14:59
thomtwo black screens, triangle with an exclamation mark14:59
asaccan you please restart network manager and see if it still looks the same?15:02
asacyou say that its randomly? so sometimes network manager doesn't think its offline?15:02
wasabiIt seems odd that Ubuntu gives me the option of launching software off of a Windows CD15:03
wasabiWhich of course does not work.15:03
thomit seems like about 90% of the time i get offline mode15:03
asacthom: please try to restart network manager to see if the triangle really goes away sometimes15:03
asacand file a bug posting your /var/log/syslog ... and your /etc/network/interfaces above15:04
asacmight be a bug in our eni parser15:04
thomi'll play around a bit15:05
asacwould be wired if its really random15:05
asacbut you never know15:05
superm1any particular reason that the manifest is old on http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ , but the image isn't?15:06
thomclobbering all of /e/n/i means that it sees my wired network at least15:06
superm1does this mean the live stuff was generated 2 days ago but just used again in today's image?15:07
asacthom: looking at your eni i don't think you really want that15:07
asacnetwork manager should do what you attempt to do imo15:07
thomi think so too15:08
thombut i figured i'd try15:09
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* Mithrandir sighs over the back/forward buttons on the mouse being broken in latest firefox.15:23
dholbachhum.... does anybody with an x40 have no working volume-up / volume-down display in hardy?15:24
sorendholbach: Works for me.15:25
dholbachhow do I do the "grab keycode" thing again?15:25
sorendholbach: Running metacity, though.15:25
sorenWon't work.15:26
Mithrandirdholbach: xev?15:26
sorenIt doesn't emit keycodes, afair.15:26
dholbachyou'Re right, it doesn't15:26
dholbachthanks Mithrandir15:26
sorenIt just changes the volume which "something" notices.15:26
dholbachsomehow I don't get the fancy onscreen dialog anymore15:26
dholbachahhhh ok15:26
ogra_cmpcdbus-monitor might help15:26
ogra_cmpcbut you need some sane filtering i guess15:27
ogra_cmpc(wherever the event comes from, it will go through dbus)15:27
\shcjwatson: I replied on your mail to u-d-d about the ldflags story...to claim it here, no I didn't press anyone to investigate in this, because I thought those settings were tested at least with our toolchain/libc chain..15:31
* \sh always thinks it's just him who stumble upon those probs...15:31
cjwatson\sh: we had done a test rebuild of glibc, but as it turns out the test rebuild didn't build anything else *against* that glibc build15:33
cjwatson\sh: the next test rebuild will use its own output where it can, I'm told, to increase the chance of catching these problems15:34
dholbachok... at least the sound works again15:35
dholbach(skype doesn't but that's probably unrelated :))15:36
pittitkamppeter: re15:38
pittitwi_: right, I'll look at those today15:38
twi_pitti great15:39
\shcjwatson: well, all this can happen...if I had known what were the flags I would have searched earlier on in wines bugzilla for this damn bug with strange LDFLAGs ;) anyways...the next time we know what to do :)15:39
cjwatson\sh: I wasn't trying to interrogate you, FWIW; I just want to gather as much information as I can about the events leading up to this15:40
cjwatsonalthough if you ask "why didn't somebody else notice this", your own actions are relevant too :-)15:42
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KeybukI noticed it when libc broke :)15:43
Keybukwhich is, after all, the whole point of open development releases15:43
sistpoty|workto break libc? *g*15:43
\shcjwatson: yeah...but even reading the changelogs of all important uploads (dpkg, gcc etc.) after wine 0.9.54 wasn't giving me any clue about the real bugger...and TBH we were walking in the dark...(actually I never watched closely to the output of LDFLAGS setting during builds)15:43
Keybuksistpoty|work: to have lots of people testing them, so when things inevitably break, we know about them15:44
sistpoty|workKeybuk: sure, was just kidding... sorry if inappropriate15:44
LamegoKeybuk, the point is to keep it working, not breaking, breaking in an unexpected event :P15:44
KeybukLamego: ish, the point is to release something that's working15:44
\shKeybuk: I think it would be cool to have a PPA for changes to dpkg, e.g. for testing sane flags, as it was introduced, because those little flags can make a real difference ;)15:45
Keybuk\sh: they were discussed for ages before introduction15:45
Keybukwith some of the foremost experts debating it15:45
Keybukwe didn't know of anything that would break15:46
Keybuknow we know what does :)15:46
\shKeybuk: do you have a pointer of the discussion or actually the flags being discussed, because reading the wiki page about it wasn't enough for me to get the changes15:46
Keybuknot off-hand, I only briefly took part in it15:47
cjwatsonit was discussed at UDS15:47
Keybukin fact, I think my entire contribution was "is that like -Bsymbolic, but just for functions?  neat"15:47
Amaranththat reminds me, anyone ever figure out why icedtea is broken on amd64 when built by the buildds?15:47
Amaranthhas been since gutsy15:47
Keybuktbh, I don't see why the libc problem has as much attention as it does15:49
Keybukto me, it was a perfectly ordinary "development event"15:50
xhakerAmaranth: isn't the current plan to get openjdk-6 replace icedtea?15:50
\shcjwatson: yes, I would have guessed, as it's written on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistCompilerFlags but not "what will change, what are the real flags etc." and people knowing about stuff which was discussed at UDS without attending (even remotely) is somehow not possible ;)15:50
\shKeybuk: well, it was fun for people not prepared for those things ;)15:50
Keybuk\sh: the discussions at UDS are streamed on both VoIP and icecast15:50
Keybuk\sh: if you're running a development release, you *should* be prepared15:51
KeybukI know that I've personally rendered past development releases unupgradeable (I broke dpkg) and unbootable15:51
Amaranthxhaker: I imagine it'll have the same problem15:51
\shKeybuk: not everyone can sit at work and listening to voip / icecast streams...so I wonder if it's feasable to document the outcome of those discussions after those changes are settled15:51
AmaranthKeybuk: Yeah, thanks for that, by the way :P15:52
xhakerAmaranth: what kind of broken are you experiencing?15:52
Amaranthxhaker: bug 15236215:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152362 in icedtea-java7 "icedtea-java7-plugin always crashes firefox" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15236215:52
\shKeybuk: and actually I was amused about the borked glibc...because I was waiting for this all the time during hardy cycle ;)15:53
cjwatson\sh: indeed, that spec says that LDFLAGS will be empty by default and so is actively wrong15:54
cjwatsonI'll edit it now to reflect reality15:54
cjwatsonKeybuk: this was interesting because it was simultaneously unupgradeable and unbootable15:55
dholbachthekorn, bdmurray: could it be that the text interface's milestone filtering is broken?15:55
Keybuk\sh: isn't that exactly what the specification attempts to do?15:55
Keybuk(note - attempts)15:56
dholbachthekorn, bdmurray: you can try bug 95168 (which is milestoned as 'later')15:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95168 in update-manager "please make distro-specific strings a build-time parameter" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9516815:56
Keybukspecifications can only ever accurately represent the precise way in which we're *not* going to do it15:56
jeromegI would love to be able to have my local bash as a contact in pidgin. That’d be awesome ^_^15:57
jeromeg…just randomly thought of that.15:57
jeromegOh yeah, we’ll get that after we dismantle the window paradigm; nevermind. That may be a while….15:57
jeromegwrong window15:57
\shKeybuk: it should do, yes, actually, as cjwatson correctly stated, the spec says something else...and I wonder if anyone else saw the change in those settings directly when building the packages ;) even with buildlogs mailed to my inbox I'm only interested in other things then LDFLAGS flowing down the screen ;)15:57
thekorndholbach, let me check this15:58
\shkeybuk: I'm trusting my toolchain providers too much instead of questioning them :)15:59
\shanyways problem solved...solution found :)15:59
dholbachthekorn: hum, it doesn't seem to work in html either15:59
thekorndholbach, hmm, looking16:00
* dholbach hugs thekorn16:00
pitticjwatson: what was the way again to 'unrescue' a package from component-mismatches? g77-doc pulls in the entire gcc-3.4, so I demoted it, but britney still wants both back16:06
pitti(we want gfortran-doc in main only, and it's just a metapackage anyway)16:06
pittiah, thanks16:06
cjwatsonin supported16:06
cjwatsonyou'll need it in all supported seeds though :-/16:06
thekorndholbach, can you please file a bug, I will add a fix for the text interface soonish16:08
* dholbach hugs thekorn - will do! :)16:09
* thekorn hugs dholbach bach, thanks16:09
thekornback, even16:10
dholbachthekorn: instead of using True/False in task.remote would it make sense to assign it the URL of the watch?16:24
dholbach"if not task.watch:" would still work :)16:24
thekorndholbach, you are right, that makes sense as this information is available in both interfaces16:25
dholbachROCK :)16:25
tkamppeterpitti, are you still there?16:28
pittitkamppeter: yes16:28
tkamppeterpitti, Is there a possibility to directly pass over packages from a user's PPA to multiverse or universe? Or do I always need to download the files to my local box?16:29
pittitkamppeter: if they have the correct version number, we can copy them16:30
cjwatsonlast I checked, we couldn't copy binaries from a PPA16:30
cjwatsonjust the source16:30
cjwatson(but that might be OK16:30
pittiright, but I think that's sufficien tfor tkamppeter16:30
pitticjwatson: that's still true, BTW16:30
tkamppeterpitti, I have now downloaded the Brother drivers from Saivanns private site, signed, and then dput them to multiverse.16:31
tkamppeterpitti, as dput has the possibility to supply the URL pf a source.changes file, one should be able to transfer packages directly from server to server with it.16:32
tkamppeterAre the source.changes files of the uploaders available in PPAs?16:32
sistpoty|worktkamppeter: they have been, but that was a nasty security bug (I could grab your changes file and source package and upload that to ubuntu then)16:34
cjwatsonyou don't need them; we have other ways to copy source packages from PPAs to the main archive16:34
tkamppetercjwatson, have I as a MOTU access to them?16:35
cjwatsonno, it's an archive admin operation16:36
cjwatsonyou can request it though, like you would a sync16:36
cjwatson(and it's really just a different kind of sync)16:36
tkamppeterpitti, all the four packages were accepted by the system and are now in "Waiting for approval" state.16:37
cjwatsonin future we hope that Launchpad will offer a UI for it, since there's no intrinsic reason for it to be a restricted operation other than the current implementation being a shell command from a privileged account16:37
ogra_cmpcpitti, http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/squeak-vm_3.9.12+svn1820.dfsg-1.html :D16:39
ogra_cmpclooks like debian solved our license prob :)16:39
pittioh, that's an awesome web view of Debian NEW16:40
ogra_cmpcthat as well16:41
* ogra_cmpc was a bit to much intrested in the content to notice :)16:41
cody-somervillemdz, Can you think of a less awkward solution?16:42
cody-somervillemdz: (re xubuntu seeds)16:42
mdzcody-somerville: not really.  the way launchpad does access control for branches makes this awkward16:43
mdzcody-somerville: I emailed the relevant developers and pointed to this as something which is awkward in Launchpad today16:44
mdzI believe there is a plan for separate ACLs at some point16:44
* cody-somerville nods.16:45
pittiRiddell: can you please commit your casper 1.121 to bzr and re-merge my 1.121 upload/commit to be 1.122?17:00
pittiI just got a rejection message about 1.121 already existing17:00
Riddellerm, I didn't commit?17:01
pittimaybe you forgot to push?17:01
pittiseb128: I'm test-building gtk here now, to track down this FTBFS17:02
Riddellpitti: pushed17:03
pittiRiddell: hm, I'll fix the version number in bzr; your upload was 1.121, not 1.1.2217:05
pittiRiddell: oh, or didn't you upload 1.122 yet? ("Fix paths in About Kubuntu links")17:05
Riddellpitti: it's in unapproved17:05
pittiRiddell: ah, I see; ok, thanks17:05
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annoiaIs glibc still broken?17:11
jpatrickannoia: fixed, see #ubuntu+117:11
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Beta freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | glibc was broken, now fixed: https://launchpad.net/bugs/201673
pittigeser: I tried to quick-fix mono-tools, but a simple s/libxul-dev/firefox-dev/ isn't sufficient; it FTBFSes; any idea?17:12
pittipochu: ^ or you?17:12
pochupitti: do you have a log handy?17:14
pittipochu: (current hardy package dep-waits on libxul-dev which is in universe)17:15
pochuisn't firefox-dev in universe as well?17:15
pittiit's a metapackge for firefox-3.0-dev now17:15
pittiogra_cmpc: edubuntu-addon-light is supposed to be universe?17:15
ogra_cmpcits xfce17:16
ogra_cmpcso yes17:16
pittiseb128: I think it's an error that libglib2.0-data isn't depended on by anything? in particular not by libglib2.0-0?17:17
pittiogra_cmpc: ok, I'll demote it then17:17
ogra_cmpcactually i think i can rip it out completely17:17
pochupitti: then it likely needs some changes to the build system so that it detects gecko 1.9 properly. perhaps asac has already a patch for it, as he has been transitioning the firefox-dev rdepends17:19
pittipochu: it's now one of the three remaining packages in http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/hardy_outdate.txt17:19
pitti(I already fixed human-theme)17:19
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slangasekpitti: you're welcome to do the ubuntu-meta update if you haven't already, thankfully I was not on it at 2:30 am :)17:32
pittislangasek: done this morning17:32
slangasekok :)17:32
pittiseb128: gtk+2.0 builds fine locally, with pkgstriptranslations enabled. WTH???17:38
pittianyway, /me -> off17:38
\shpitti: have a nice weekend :)17:39
pittiand you!17:39
\shpitti: going out for dinner with Mrs. Amarok Community Manager ;)17:39
pittioh, heh17:39
\shwhile my wife is in cameroon visiting her parents (without me)17:39
ogra_cmpchow mean17:40
\shogra_cmpc: I had to decide...new job or cameroon ;)17:40
ogra_cmpcwell, would have been clear for me ... but then ... i love my current job anyway :)17:41
geserpitti: a s/libxul-dev/xulrunner-1.9-dev/ worked last time I build it but from the last comment on bug 183895 it might be not enough17:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183895 in mono-tools "[hardy] Replace build-dependency on libxul-dev with xulrunner-1.9-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18389517:41
\shogra_cmpc: hehehe...I love my current job too..pushing all software which we use into ubuntu is fun..and pushing ubuntu on our servers is more fun :)17:42
emgenthi \sh :)17:43
\shhey emgent17:43
ogra_cmpc\sh, do you remember ingo draheim ?17:43
\shogra_cmpc: hmm...doesn't ring a bell17:44
\shogra_cmpc: from ish?17:44
ogra_cmpcright hand of the ish CTO back then17:44
ogra_cmpcanyway, i just heard he and one of my former team colleagues founded a company, selling ubuntu servers and support :)17:45
\shogra_cmpc: which company?17:46
\shogra_cmpc: somewhere around cologne?17:46
\shogra_cmpc: so this guy http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/583/776 ;)17:48
sistpoty|worktkamppeter: you uploaded quite strange versioned packages there17:49
sistpoty|work(as in new upstream version, but I assume that it should just have been a new ubuntu revision)17:50
\shogra_cmpc: looks very windows to me ;)17:50
ogra_cmpc\sh, grin, i just see he sells the SW he wrote at ish .... (he was never hired as a programmer there)17:50
ogra_cmpcyeah all the frontend stuff is VB with office ... but they seem to use ubuntu for infrastucture and server17:51
\shogra_cmpc: hehe...which is good :)17:52
ogra_cmpcyeah, indeed17:53
ogra_cmpc\sh, i'm not registered with this account17:56
\shogra_cmpc: ah :)17:57
\shogra_cmpc: fire up xmpp ;)17:58
\shs/xmpp/jabber/ :)17:58
ogra_cmpci dont even know my login data anymore17:59
\shogra_cmpc: forget it, i'm leaving in a few...17:59
=== ogra_cmpc is now known as ogra
\shogra_cmpc: btw..let's talk again via phone...send me your home phone via email or so...or sms me on the number on my imprint on www.sourcecode.de17:59
ograif i only wouldnt be that lazy :P18:00
vignattihi there18:05
vignattiis there a channel only for ubuntu mobile?18:05
\sh#ubuntu-mobile ?18:06
vignatti\sh: ohh, of course :) tkx18:07
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Riddelldoes ubuntu include a "File manager as root" menu entry still?18:44
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slangasekAmaranth: hi, do you know about the xaos merge in the beta freeze queue?  it appears to have dropped the changes from your last upload with no explanation; I'd rather not approve it without your confirmation18:48
ograslangasek, thats mine18:49
slangasekogra: did you know you dropped Amaranth's changes?18:49
ograoh, there were additional changes18:49
ograthat was me then18:50
ogracan you reject ? i'll add that18:50
slangasekwill do, thanks18:50
ograthankls for the heads up18:50
=== ScottK3 is now known as ScottK2
Amaranthslangasek: afaik it was fixed another way19:00
Amaranthslangasek: there was another patch to make it skip over visuals with alpha when iterating through them looking for one, it got applied upstream for the next release too19:00
ograAmaranth, you said it was not19:00
ograwe discussed that19:00
Amaranthi dunno if that is in this package19:00
Amaranthwe did?19:00
Amaranthi don't remember this19:01
ograman, youre ten years younger than me ...19:01
ograor even more19:01
slangasekAmaranth: I didn't see anything more in the upstream diff that would show this was fixed another way19:01
Amaranththe other guy (i'm bad with names) did a one line change to change a 32 to a 31 or something19:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192882 in xaos "Xaos display problem with compiz" [Low,Fix committed]19:02
Amaranththat is the patch we should use19:02
slangasekok - that wasn't applied in what ogra uploaded, so a new upload is warranted in any case19:02
Amaranthtormod said he included it in the debdiff for the merge :/19:02
ogra+  * src/ui/ui-drv/x11/ui_x11.c: added window-id option (LP: #189475)19:03
ogra+  * src/ui/ui-drv/x11/ui_x11.c: turn off root/fullscreen if windowid19:03
ogra+  * src/ui/ui-drv/x11/xlib.c: fix -root and -fullscreen crashers19:03
ograthats the three non packaging related fixes19:03
cody-somervilleCan an archive admin push xubuntu-default-settings?19:13
slytherinHi all, I am having strange problem with all xulrunner dependent apps. FF, yelp, debhelp, liferea. The menu in firefox are so bug vertically that I can not use it. And in rest of the apps fonts are too big. I can not read anything. Can anyone tell me where should I look for the reason?19:15
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cody-somervilleDo we now install recommends by default?19:38
ograat least from the cd installs19:40
ograoh sigh19:46
ograslangasek, sorry to be a pain in the ass, can you reject xaos again ? seems joey included stuff from us in 3.2-9 and there is an updated patch as well19:48
slangasekogra: why does that need rejected, though, instead of accepted now and accepted again later?19:51
ograwell, indeed19:51
jdstrandlamont: sent patch for bug #201954 to lp19:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201954 in bind9 "bind9 apparmor profile does not allow access to /var/lib/bind" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20195419:52
jdstrandlamont: hi btw :)19:52
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slangasekmdke: hrm, how is it that the bug closed in this gnome-user-docs upload is a private bug?20:15
slangasekmdke: this package also has a horribly broken clean target, this makes for unpleasant debdiff reviews20:17
xhakerraphink: maybe you should remove the revu-tools dep on linda20:18
AlinuxOSHello all, I've filed a bug against Ubiquity. There is no Georgian entry when choosing language: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/202291.20:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202291 in ubiquity "Georgian (ka) ქართული language isn't present on installation menu. " [Undecided,New]20:29
vignattihi huys20:38
vignattiI'm facing a strange noise here in my macbook20:38
vignattiit's kind a beep which certainly _doesn't_ comes from the speaker20:38
vignattievery time I put a cd in its drive the noise disappears20:38
vignattiso I saw in apple forum that whenever some components will be turned off is normal to hear some noise20:38
vignattiunfortunately I'm hearing it all the time (when no cd in is20:39
vignattithe drive20:39
vignattiso I remembered that gutsy (my SO) recently updated the kernel20:40
vignattiso, it could be possible that ubuntu is doing something to turn some components off all the time that can be causing that crap noise?20:40
slangasektkamppeter: why is brother-lpr-drivers-laser split into 23 different binary packages?20:53
slangasek... and half of them are empty except for documentation20:54
sistpotyslangasek: after some considerations, we're going to do the gfortran transition for universe (bug #201962)... any vetoes from your side for that, as it will involve a few library name changes?21:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201962 in arpack "gfortran transition" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20196221:25
LaserJocksistpoty: as well as a blanket FFe for that, correct?21:26
slangaseksistpoty: hrm?  I thought that transition was well under way?21:26
sistpotyLaserJock: right21:26
LaserJockslangasek: well under way in Debian for sure21:27
sistpotyslangasek: it was started, but only a few packages have done it so far, leaving us in an inconsistent state atm21:27
sistpoty(almost finished in unstable, if the wiki can be trusted)21:27
slangasekwell, no vetoes from me anyway21:27
sistpotyslangasek: ok, thanks21:27
ScottK2sistpoty: I vote for blanket FFe for version increases needed for the transition.21:29
sistpotyScottK2: so do I21:29
sistpoty(better to stay as close to unstable in this case, I guess)21:30
ScottK2sistpoty: Then mark it approved and add it to the standing FFe list.21:30
sistpotyScottK2: mark what as approved? (there are quite some bugs in the gfortran transition bug... would take some time)21:30
ScottK2sistpoty: The global FFe21:31
ScottK2I'd just comment it in that bug and add it to our list21:31
sistpotyScottK2: oh, we have a list? (damn, I'm a louse motu-release member, I guess)21:31
ScottK2It's linked off the FFe page.21:32
TheMusopitti, Riddell, what package? I'd be happy to look into it, and get it to use espeak instead.21:32
ScottK2Just for the standing ones21:32
sistpotyScottK2: almost done, thanks!21:34
ScottK2Is it by design or by accident that ufw cannot be removed without taking ubuntu-standard with it?21:37
* ion_ packaged compcache and made an init script that handles its initialization nicely. I guess the package won’t make it to hardy, though.21:38
slangasekit's probably an accident that it's a depends instead of a recommends; but surely ufw is trivial enough to leave it installed when you're not using it?21:38
ScottK2slangasek: I have not investigated what knobs it has, what it does by default, or how to turn those knobs.  I've got iptables scripts I'm statisfied with where I feel I need them.21:40
seb128slangasek: I"ve sponsored ted gnome-power-manager update to hardy21:40
jdstrandScottK2: it does nothing by default21:40
ScottK2jdstrand: OK.21:40
jdstrandScottK2: you have to run 'sudo ufw enable' to turn it on21:40
ScottK2jdstrand: Thanks.  I'll mark the bug low then.21:41
jdstrandScottK2: try running '/etc/init.d/ufw start' on your system21:41
jdstrandit should say Skipping firewall: ufw (not enabled)21:41
seb128slangasek: the new version should be alright and ted did some changes which have been tested and would be better to have in beta to make sure they are working correctly so it would be nice to accept it there21:42
ScottK2K.  I will.21:42
mdkeslangasek: (gnome-user-docs) the bug shouldn't be private, are you sure? As for the clean target, I saw that last night, it's bug 144498 - daniel suggested we fix it in intrepid21:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144498 in gnome-user-docs "autopkgtest gutsy gnome-user-docs: erroneous package!" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14449821:47
slangasekmdke: when I tried to go to the LP bug listed in the changelog, I got permission denied21:47
mdkeslangasek: maybe a typo in the changelog, lemme check21:48
mdkeslangasek: gah, you're right, it is 201955, not 201995.21:49
slangasekI probably wouldn't mind seeing the clean target fixed before hardy, but it's also not urgent21:49
mdkeslangasek: I don't know how to fix it myself, but I'm happy to pass that onto daniel if he has the time21:49
mdkeslangasek: do you need the bug number fixed?21:51
slangasekmdke: *I* don't, no - it's already been accepted, so it's up to you whether you fix that for the next upload21:52
slangasekmdke: in any case, I suppose you need to close the bug by hand :)21:52
mdkeslangasek: ok, thanks a lot. I will amend it in bzr for the next upload21:52
blueyedIs there a replacement for /proc/bus/usb/devices, which has been removed in Gutsy already? bug 15608522:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156085 in qemu "Could not open /proc/bus/usb/devices" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15608522:01
blueyedWell, especially a replacement for /dev/bus/usb/devices seems to be required.22:02
geserblueyed: what did it contain?22:03
blueyedThe best thing apparently might be to enable the commented code, documented as "Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work" in /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh22:03
geserthere is /sys/bus/usb/devices/22:03
blueyedgeser: a list of devices I'd say, see e.g. the upstream report at http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/74722:03
proprietarysucksanyone in here know why ubuntu 7.10 64-bit cannot install over pxe?22:04
proprietarysuckswe have 606,610,704,710 both 32 and 64 bit and out of all of those systems only 64-bit 710 doesn't work22:04
mdkeis there any way to find out what Dell do to configure DVD support? It'd be nice to include identical instructions in the system docs and we don't have 100% accurate dvd-enabling documentation right now. is there a way to find out?22:05
proprietarysucksI've verified with checksum that it is not corrupted, and in fact re-downloaded and re-checked it22:05
blueyedgeser: there's a lot more info in /dev/bus/usb/devices - I don't know if you can get that from /sys/bus/usb/devices/22:06
blueyedI've re-opened the bug (156085)22:26
blueyed(for sysvinit)22:26
sistpotyslangasek: I'm still trying to find the right answer to murrayc for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgdamm3.0/+bug/190744/comments/22 ...22:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [Undecided,Fix released]22:39
sistpotymaybe using -version-info and -release (of libtool) for unstable versions and only -release for stable ones?22:40
RiddellTheMuso: no package uses festival, we put it in universe22:49
TheMusoRiddell: Yeah but pitti was saying something to do with kubuntu and festival...22:50
RiddellTheMuso: yes, he wanted to know if anything used it.  nothing does, so it has been demoted22:51
stefanois there a Q&A channel for ubuntu development?22:57
bdmurrayRiddell: bug 175597 is Fix Released for dolpin but the kdebase affects is still Confirmed is that correct?23:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175597 in kdebase "KDE: Error - KIOExec: error messages when opening links from system menu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17559723:12
Riddellbdmurray: it's actually a fix in kdebase-kde4.  kdebase and dolphin source packages have nothing to do with it23:14
bdmurraySo the kdebase bit should be Invalid then?23:15
Riddellbdmurray: yes23:16
Riddelland the dolphin bit23:16
bdmurrayOkay, thanks.23:18
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proprietarysucksno one has any idea?23:30
proprietarysucksis there some difference to 710 64-bit ?23:30
lamontjdstrand: cool23:31
lamontjdstrand: does that want to be in for beta?23:31
Amaranthmdke: Doesn't Dell just install lindvd?23:31
emgenthi cody :)23:42
cody-somervilleheya emgent :)23:51

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