
mario_limonciellevand, glancing through a pruned diff on the logs, i'm baffled at how ubiquity.components.apt_setup.AptSetup doesn't get called in noninteractive00:49
mario_limonciellmy gut would say that some type of error isn't being caught.  have you narrowed it down to a particular call that fails or anything?00:50
mario_limonciellby dropping in debugging print statements etc around that configure_apt() function as it drops down into the ubiquity component?00:51
evandsuperm1: it's not getting called for you?  It's getting call for me.03:13
superm1evand, well if its being called, it's not indicating it in syslog04:01
superm1i didnt add any debug code in or anything04:01
superm1just compared basic logs04:01
superm1is yours indicated in syslog?04:08
evandAre you referring to the starting up messages?04:12
superm1there is a message when the apt-setup shell script gets called04:13
superm1that is logged to syslog04:13
superm1that message is not present when launched with noninteractive04:14
superm1you know - come to think of it - this exact issue plagued the mythbuntu frontend too during gutsy04:18
superm1never identified it completely04:18
superm1well actually no it wasn't identical, it was just cdrom sources that didnt work04:19
superm1but ended up adding an extra manual call to apt-cdrom04:19
superm1but it might be one in the same, because network sources may not be available in noninteractive04:19
superm1have you tried to run dhclient in parallel at all as soon as ubiquity/noninteractive starts?04:20
evandthe starting up messages aren't there because I disable debug logging in noninteractive (re-enabling it doesn't help, I just tried).  As far as network sources go, I have an active network connection (I'm testing from the desktop), but during that part of the install (for all frontends) network sources are commented out.  I'll try re-enabling them later.04:28
evandoh hrm, I still don't get that message for AptSetup though.  I'll look into that as well.04:29
evandI know it runs though.04:30
superm1well when you try to re-enable them, just remember since you don't have NM running, you may not have an address and manually need to run dhclient and/or set something static04:32
evandbut I do have n-m running.04:36
evandI'm running ubiquity from the desktop04:36
evandby typing ubiquity noninteractive in gnome-terminal04:37
superm1oh running noninteractive from the desktop04:37
superm1for some reason i didn't think of doing it that way :)04:37
superm1that's probably a heck of a lot easier to debug from04:37
tjaaltonhmm, d-i consoles become useless (no characters visible) after a VT change09:13
tjaaltonrestarting the console works, until the next VT change09:14
xivulonare today's dailys/upgrades good?09:35
xivulonTheMuso, any insight in the mounting thing?10:45
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
evandxivulon: bug 202169 .  Can you provide links to the discussion you had with the artwork team and send a heads up email to ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com and ubuntu-translators@lists.ubuntu.com ?14:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202169 in ubuntu "Freeze exception: wubi and umenu string and artwork changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20216914:43
xivulonevand added a comment to that, see if it is enough14:58
xivulonat the end I did not change the logos anyway, since I asked the artwork team several times to provide url/path for svg and they didn't14:59
xivulonI only "zoomed" the vertical image as instructed by kwwii and generated proper windows icons (with multiple layers).14:59
evandah, ok14:59
xivulonwindows "icons" means the .ico file used in taskbar and windows explorer15:00
superm1evand, if the solution for noninteractive isn't in place yet, do you think just adding a script into our late scripts would be an adequate solution for now?15:01
superm1we need to test some of our stuff destined that won't run without noninteractive and see if locale support works out properly and such15:01
evandyes, I think that's perfectly reasonable15:05
superm1oem-config-gtk, languages, and what else get installed typically then?15:05
evandoem-config, oem-config-gtk, localechooser-data15:10
xivulonevand bean123 just release the new grub4dos code with the bugfixes15:10
xivulonI will test and upload any changes tonight15:11
evandxivulon: fantastic, thanks!15:11
xivulonI also plan to merge in the available translations15:11
cr3is there a way to install xorg-driver-fglrx automatically from the alternate image? instead, people would have to reboot from the console on some machines with ATI graphics controllers, run apt-get, then modify xorg.conf. I'm trying to improve the user experience in these situations.15:11
xivulonevand can you have a quick look at bug #201750 ?15:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201750 in wubi "Cannot remount loopfiles inside of vfat" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20175015:12
superm1cr3, you can handle it in a late command if you are preseeding15:13
xivulonmy take on 201750 is: unless you know about some ways to remount the loopdevices the workaround should be applied before beta15:14
cr3superm1: might there be a way to edit the preseed when installing from the cdrom?15:14
superm1cr3, you'd have to provide the seed in an external means15:15
superm1or remaster the disk in some sense to include it15:15
cjwatsoncr3: user experience> our preferred solution is that it installs vesa, vesa copes (or is fixed to cope), and jockey displays a message saying "we can't drive your hardware very well, but this restricted driver can"15:15
cjwatsonyou can just pass pkgsel/include on the kernel command line from the CD though15:15
cr3cjwatson: if vesa can't handle the graphics controller, is that worth reporting a bug?15:16
cr3cjwatson: will do, thanks15:16
superm1cjwatson, unfortunately some of the RadeonHD cards won't handle at this point even in vesa15:16
cr3superm1: good call! that's exactly what I'm working on :)15:16
cjwatsonor indeed, in general if X can't autoconfigure something in the default install without free drivers, that's a bug15:16
evandxivulon: remounting NTFS ro works for me.15:16
superm13450 and 3650 particularly15:16
cjwatsoner, without non-free drivers15:16
cr3I think mine is a X120015:16
xivulonevand might be the new ntfs-3g15:16
cjwatsonsuperm1: right, but I gather that's something AMD care about and it ought not to be rocket science to fix15:16
xivulondid not test ntfs, only vfat lately15:17
superm1but yeah, cr3 yeah please file a bug15:17
superm1i'll add some feedback to it on the cards i've got as well that dont go15:17
evandntfs-3g 1.221615:17
evandbut indeed15:17
xivulonevand there are 2 separate issues: remounting ntfs-3g, remounting loopfiles (whether on vfat or other fs)15:17
xivulon#201750 involves the second issue15:17
xivulonI seemed to remember that splitting mount -o loop in losetip + mount /dev/loop# would do the trick15:18
evandah, ok15:18
xivulonbut for some reason it does not work in my tests (see bug)15:18
xivulonstrange thing is that TheMuso mentione that he gets a rw root using explicit losetup!15:18
xivulonI cannot reproduce that15:19
xivulonwill try again tonight15:19
evandif we do end up supporting fat32, I'd like to see it get more testing than it is currently.  Unless I am mistaken, the code path for separate partitions in Wubi isn't nearly as well tested as a root and swap disk.15:23
xivulonwell if that go sour I can always restrict everything to a single 4GB root...15:23
xivulonbut we used that since 7.04 and nobody complained so far, also we had a separate /home for a long time15:24
xivuloncjwatson, iirc we went through some loopdevice remounting issues also in 7.10, and you suggested to try some command which was not losetup...15:26
cjwatsonI don't remember - maybe try irclogs.ubuntu.com?15:26
xivulonwill have a look15:27
mario_limonciellevand, looking at the manifest for today's live disk, ubiquity 1.7.18 isn't included, is this correct?  The image was mastered today but that manifest is two days old15:35
evandmario_limonciell: when you see a manifest that's behind the rest of the CD, that means that something isn't installable in the livefs build15:36
evandone second15:36
mario_limonciell(we hit that need for the signal import testing another locale)15:36
xivuloncjwatson: I think the command I you mentioned was blockdev --setrw  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/08/30/%23ubuntu-installer.txt15:37
mario_limoncielloh so it looks like hwdb-client-gnome is in universe not main.15:38
cjwatsonxivulon: mm, that fiddles with the kernel's idea of the writability of the underlying block device, which isn't the same as the read-only-ness of the mount15:38
cjwatsonmario_limonciell: replaced with hwtest; I think ubuntu-meta's since been uploaded15:38
cjwatsonyep, it has15:38
mario_limonciellcjwatson, could you guys remaster the daily with that in today when it clears the archive?15:39
cjwatsonyeah, should be doable15:40
mario_limonciellgreat thanks15:40
evandit has already cleared the archive, no?15:40
mario_limonciellwell my mirror here is always out of sync by a few hours, so i'm not sure if its on a.u.c yet15:44
xivulonI think I have a theory on the remount thing:15:45
xivulonmount -o remount,rw /host && losetup /dev/loop5 /host/loop_file && mount -o ro /dev/loop5 /root15:45
xivulonnow /root should be remountable15:45
xivulonI was missing the first command...15:45
xivulonthe catch though is that I do not think you can now remount /host ro...15:46
xivulonunless you delete the loop device...15:46
xivulonwhich we should do in umountroot15:46
xivulonhmm better not15:46
xivulonthe issue is that you cannot change the ro/rw status of the loop device itself...15:47
xivulonthat is where blockdev --setrw might help15:48
cjwatsonevand: go ahead and rebuild it if you've checked15:56
evandcjwatson: will do15:56
cjwatsonah, yes, it's in15:56
xivuloncjwatson do you think that applying blockdev --setrw in the context above would make sense?15:59
cjwatsonit's worth a try16:00
cjwatsonbut I don't magically know whether it'll work - you will have to try it :-)16:00
xivuloncannot do it now16:00
xivulonthe test is: mount -o loop loop_file_with_ext3 /mnt16:00
xivulonherm mount -o ro,loop loop_file_with_ext3 /mnt16:01
xivulonthen blockdev --setrw16:01
xivulonthen mount -o remount,rw /mnt16:01
xivulonand the other way around for ro, so that the host device can also be remounted ro (required by umountroot)16:02
xivulonevand, if ntfs can be remounted you should merge in the patch in bug #18611416:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186114 in wubi "umountroot cannot handle fuse host mounts" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18611416:23
xivulon...and merge new lupin code (that fixes mounthost).16:23
evandwill do16:26
xivulonof course we will also need to patch umountroot to use blockdev --setro when appropriate (assuming the above holds)16:27
xivulonhave added a comment as reminder16:32
xivulonsomething along the lines of: for d in /dev/loop*; do blockdev --setro "$d" || true; done16:35
xivulonah it looks like the blockdev trick works! thanks cjwatson for the (last year) tip!16:49
cjwatsonyou're welcome16:49
xivulonwith that we can close several bugs!16:49
xivulongood thing I listen carefully to what you say... :P16:50
xivulonevand forget about lupin and umountroot for the time being, I will need to edit a few things to make good use of blockedv17:19
evandok, fair enough17:20
evandmario_limonciell: forgot to mention, new CDs are up.  Sorry about that.20:12
mario_limonciellevand, yeah i just saw by checking here myself.  our factory guy just left a few minutes ago, so i'll just be able to experiment with a local install on it20:18
CIA-24ubiquity: evand * r2568 ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs):20:26
CIA-24ubiquity: * Change --no-continue option to a more general --only option for use20:26
CIA-24ubiquity:  in only-ubiquity and automatic-ubiquity modes.20:26
CIA-24ubiquity: * Disable the minimize button when using --only (LP: #200034).20:26
xivulonTheMuso, will upload soon a new mounthost script, would appreciate if you could test it21:46
TheMusoxivulon: Sure, likely not this weekend, but I can certainly have a look first thing Monday morning.21:46
xivulongreat, not sure if you read the logs of today discussion21:48
TheMusoxivulon: I scanned voer them, but I'll read them more thoroughly later.21:49

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