
=== asdfasdf is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== _RoAkSoAx is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== RoninX341 is now known as etank
=== etank is now known as [KY]etank
=== Palintheus is now known as [OK|LA]Palintheu
=== tritium is now known as [NM]tritium
=== [OK|LA]Palintheu is now known as [OK]Palintheus
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=== [NM]tritium is now known as tritium[NM]
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=== [OK]Palintheus is now known as Palintheus[OK]
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=== [KY]etank is now known as etank[KY]
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=== r2d2rogers[LA] is now known as r2d2rogers
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=== Palintheus[OK] is now known as Palintheus
* atoponce is curious who sent this:03:36
tritiumsent what, atoponce?03:37
atoponce09:25 -MemoServ(MemoServ@services.)- Hi! As #ubuntu-utah contact, I'd like to point you to http://tinyurl.com/2lzzj9 and  http://tinyurl.com/ynrkgw for tips on how to best set up channels. The channel should not be private (/CS HELP SET  PRIVATE). Remember that a '+s' mode prevents the channel from being listed! Please check the data at https://wiki.uuntu.com/IRC for accuracy. Please join #ubuntu-airc where we'll keep yo03:37
atoponceu updated on maintenance/operator  issues. Thanks!03:37
tritiumNo idea.03:38
atoponce#ubuntu-utah is secret, as it redirects to #ubuntu-us-ut. there is no need to list it in the chanserv listings03:38
* atoponce knows his irc guidelines03:39
tritiumatoponce: was it sent just to you?03:39
naliothis #ubuntu-utah listed on any wiki ?03:39
atoponcenot that i know of03:40
atoponcetritium, it was actually sent to the previous contact03:40
naliothit's not set +s03:40
atoponcewhich was then forwarded to me03:40
naliothproblem solved03:41
naliothljl sent the memos03:41
atoponceproblem solved meaning...03:41
naliothmeaning that since #ubuntu-utah is not +s, ljl went down the chanserv list and sent memos to all contacts03:42
naliothno conspiracies03:42
atoponcei see03:42
naliothno skull-and-dagger03:42
atoponcei never accused anyone of skull and dagger. i was just curious who sent it, is all03:42
naliothatoponce: your friend might with to make #ubuntu-utah +s if it's supposed to be03:42
naliothdarn it, i even lispth on text  . . .03:43
atoponce+s set03:48
=== RoAkSoAx is now known as floodbot-es
=== floodbot-es is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== ZarroBoogs is now known as Pici
=== _RoAkSoAx is now known as RoAkSoAx
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: plop11:06
TheDeadAngel666How're you?11:06
tritiumnalioth: we seem to have lost ubot3 in #ubuntu-us-nm.15:47
tritiumWe've also lost the locobot, but that's less of a concern right now.15:47
jpatricktritium: isn't ubotu back?15:48
jpatricktritium: so loco, poke smurf in -locoteams15:48
tritiumjpatrick: we've never had ubotu in our LoCo channel.  Thanks for the tip.15:48
LjLtritium: i'll get ubotwo in as soon as i get it unstuck15:50
jpatricktritium: prehaps asking LjL for ubotu might work...15:50
jpatrick(even if it is in 500 channels)15:51
LjLit might15:51
tritiumLjL: thanks!15:51
LjLespecially since (once again) i don't know what's going on with ubotwo15:52
tritiumjpatrick: thank you too.15:52
jpatrickLjL: no debug?15:52
jpatricktritium: no problem15:52
LjLjpatrick: no - too much debug :)15:53
RoAkSoAxLjL: hello, i have the flood bot working similar to your bots15:53
LjLRoAkSoAx: i've noticed it joining15:54
RoAkSoAxLjL: i'll start it brb15:54
jpatrickyay, more bots15:55
atoponcewhat was the final say on IRSEEK, or whatever it was?15:56
LjLatoponce, there was none, it's still being discussed, i suspect it'll be in the agenda of the next irc council meeting15:57
tritiumLjL: I appreciate it, LjL.15:57
RoAkSoAxLjL, it is up, every 5:10 shows warning message, in 6:10 mutes users, and removes mute after 30 secs15:58
LjLRoAkSoAx: 30 seconds after they started, or 30 seconds after it actually notices they've finished?15:59
RoAkSoAxLjL, 30 secs after it bans the user15:59
RoAkSoAxor mutes15:59
LjLRoAkSoAx, if they're pasting their whole xorg.conf, that might not be enough, though16:00
LjLRoAkSoAx: my floodbots set +z in order to actually know when the flood is finished16:00
RoAkSoAxLjL, after seeting +z, how does the bot recognizes the flood is over?? (sry but i just learned TCL to programme the function) xD16:02
jpatrickRoAkSoAx: +z shows ops what muted users say16:02
LjLRoAkSoAx, if the offender doesn't say anything for a certain number of seconds, you consider the flood over16:03
RoAkSoAxwhen i was trying it, i just put +b %nick!*@* and as OP i can see what the user is writting16:03
LjLRoAkSoAx: that's because +z is already set16:03
RoAkSoAxoh ok, i'll try to add that functionality16:04
jpatrickLjL: yay, someone did a fork bomb in -es16:04
jpatrickand botijo comes back by itself..16:06
RoAkSoAxLjL, so the bot should do this right? : MODE $chan +bz %$nick!*@*16:07
LjLRoAkSoAx: that will work, yes16:09
LjLor you could avoid the +z altogether and rely on it being already set (it's mlocked in -es)16:10
RoAkSoAxyeah well, that is just to add a +z while muting16:12
RoAkSoAxand -z when removing mute16:13
LjLRoAkSoAx: useless since +z is mlocked on16:16
LjLRoAkSoAx: just mute and unmute and rely on +z already being set16:16
RoAkSoAxLjL, yep, but that is just changing a +z or -z in the code, but, what im trying to do now is to unmute when flood is finished16:19
LjLRoAkSoAx: yes, that is the beefy part16:19
LjLRoAkSoAx: but i'm saying, don't set/unset +z, because that would just add spam to the channel. see16:19
LjLRoAkSoAx: this16:20
RoAkSoAxyep I'm not doing that16:21
RoAkSoAxLjL, other thing that i can do, is that after the 30 secs, if he still flooding, keep the mute, for another 30 seconds.16:23
LjLRoAkSoAx: if it's easier for you to code that, i suppose it should work16:25
RoAkSoAxok i'll try... as i said, this is my first time coding in TCL xDD16:26
no0ticI've written a simple irssi script that makes you search a pattern through channel bans and displays the results like /bans does, if anyone is interested16:46
atoponcesweet. i'd be interested16:46
no0ticI'll upload that on my server, wait a moment16:47
LjLno0tic: you mean like the search box in my konversation? :)16:48
* erUSUL sees a flamefest comming XD16:49
LjLhe knows irssi is inferior, and i know he won't admit it16:49
no0ticLjL, irssi is inferior to nothing16:51
atoponcekonversataiton. hah!16:51
no0ticatoponce, http://no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic/16:51
atoponcethat means two things, both of which show inferiority:16:51
* tritium high-fives no0tic 16:51
atoponce1: he's running KDE16:51
LjLno0tic: yeah, i guess you're right, it's a bit.. uncomparable16:52
atoponce2: he's not encrypting his irc16:52
LjLenc- what?16:52
* atoponce ducks16:52
LjLsince when does freenode offer encryption?16:52
tritiumaye, I'm curious about that too16:52
jpatrickLjL: via ssh I think16:52
LjLjpatrick: not really16:52
no0ticnot at all16:53
jpatrick^^ I win16:53
LjLfreenode doesn't support any form of encryption except via tor16:53
atoponcework ssh to home. work doesn't see my irc16:53
erUSULspeaking of what; how can you "search/grep" the conversation window in irssi?16:53
no0ticby the way, I run kde too16:53
LjLatoponce: that's your problem - i don't have a place called "work". i'm on my own connection, thankyou :P16:53
tritiumatoponce: I do the same thing16:53
LjLerUSUL: /lastlog?16:53
atoponcestill, the kde thing16:53
jpatrickatoponce: you just, _have_ to love ssh16:53
no0ticerUSUL, xchat too has /lastlog ;)16:53
jpatrickatoponce: I use KDE too16:54
PicierUSUL: Theres also a grep script for irssi to do real grepping16:54
atoponcejpatrick, ssh + screen + irssi + irssi proxy16:54
LjLatoponce: it's 3.5 though, not the new toy :P16:54
erUSULAll: thanks for the tips ;)16:54
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu-irc to: International Ubuntu IRC operators channel | The IRC Team: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | Support in #ubuntu etc. | The channel is multilingual, but English is preferred | Regardless of language, please write clearly (think "Babelfish") | #ubuntu-meta to report difficult support questions
tritiumatoponce: exactly!16:54
no0ticPici, what's its name?16:55
tritiumalthough I have some issues connecting xchat to my irssi-proxy16:55
tritiume.g., once I do that, I see little "+" in front of every nick16:55
Picino0tic: grep.pl16:55
LjLtritium: would you have CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG enabled?16:55
erUSULPici: my lastlog has -regexp switch so the script seems a little bit redundant?16:56
tritiumLjL: I don't know if connecting xchat to irrsi-proxy enables that or not16:56
jpatricktritium: look for format_identity.pl16:56
no0ticPici, why am I not so smart?16:56
no0tictritium, yes it does16:56
PicierUSUL: er... I dont know, I just saw it the other day whilst looking for a different irssi script.16:56
LjLtritium: xchat by default doesn't try to enable it (or know about it). i didn't think irssi-proxy would, either, but then who knows, do you have other freenode-specific scripts on irssi?16:56
tritiumLjL: just auto-bleh16:56
erUSULPici: ok thanks16:56
no0tictritium, if you have capab identify-msg enabled on your irssi-proxy, so it will be on any of your clients connecting to it16:57
tritiumLjL: I've not tried to enable it.  It just happens if I connect xchat to the proxy.16:57
LjLtritium: doesn't enable it as far as i know16:57
tritiumno0tic: actually it only shows up in irssi, not on the xchat side16:57
LjLbleh that is16:58
tritiumLjL: right16:58
no0tictritium, yes, I noticed that, time ago, but don't remember how I managed to get rid of that16:58
tritiumno0tic: if you remember, please let me know.16:58
tritiumOtherwise, I'm rather content just using ssh/screen/irssi, and not bothering with the xchat/proxy business16:59
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: salut17:32
TheDeadAngel666merci pour la semaine dernière17:32
TheDeadAngel666oups... Thank's for the last week ^^17:32
Martinp23de rien17:33
LjLtu peut parler francais ici17:33
TheDeadAngel666You speak french correctly now?17:33
LjLme? correctly would be a bit much17:34
TheDeadAngel666LjL: oui je sais... Mais on me comprenais pas17:34
TheDeadAngel666Not you LjL ... Martinp2317:34
LjLah ok17:34
Martinp23haha - j'essaye, mais non, je ne suis pas assez fort en francais17:35
TheDeadAngel666Martinp23: tu t'en sors pas mal17:35
TheDeadAngel666tu te debrouille bien quand meme17:35
Martinp23hehe merci :)  mais je dois pratiquer17:37
TheDeadAngel666de rien, en tout cas, si tu veux je te donne des cours17:38
TheDeadAngel666If you want I learn you it17:38
TheDeadAngel666je sais pas si on dis ça comme ça17:38
LjLif you want me to teach it to you17:38
TheDeadAngel666ljl thank's17:39
Martinp23:) (pm?)17:39
TheDeadAngel666LjL:  thank's17:39
TheDeadAngel666pm? ??17:39
LjLprivate message17:40
TheDeadAngel666LjL: Thank's...17:41
* P3L|C4N0 slds18:48

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