
leonelWOW !!  openjdk6 in hardy ...  00:27
leonelinstaller  openjdk6-jre  and there's no  java  only  javaws 01:23
leonelwhere is java ?01:24
leonelis a package for openjdk-6-bin  comming  ??  or in which package  is  java  I've only found  javac  javaws 16:47
leonelbut not java16:47
xhakerleonel: i believe i've used 'java' from openjdk yesterday20:02
leonelicedtea-7-bin has it 20:03
leoneland I've used it  20:03
leonelbut since i removed icedtea  no more java20:03
xhakerlet me try here20:06
xhakeryeah. it's there20:09
xhakeropenjdk-6-jre-headless: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java20:09
xhakerleonel: got it?20:17
leonelxhaker: I was looking for a  -bin package20:18
xhakeri jre-headless was pulled by -jre for me and it just worked20:19
leonelhere too 20:21
leonelbut .. for java showed me  a list of alternatives20:21
leonelthat's why I believed there was no java yet20:21
leoneludpate  alternatives and is working now 20:22
leonelTHANK you20:22
xhakerleonel: now that i check more closely, -bin should exist.20:30
leonelI was thinking that  headless was for server apps 20:31
xhakercheck the output of update-java-alternatives -s java-6-openjdk20:32
xhakerSolution: -jdk20:35
leonelswing apps are working 20:37
xhakeryou can't install ant though. ant depends on the other jvm's, ant needs to learn this one20:39

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