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=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: MOTU Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Mar 21:00 UTC: REVU Coordination | 19 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team
hellboy195hello everybody :)19:57
* pochu waves20:01
ScottKAre starting?20:02
ScottK.. we ..20:02
siretart_hi folks20:04
=== siretart_ is now known as siretart
hellboy195hoi :)20:04
ScottKIt'd be nice if someone who has it handy would throw in the link to the agenda.20:04
LaserJockanybody here?20:07
* siretart hides20:07
ScottKWe haven't started yet20:07
MootBotMeeting started at 20:07. The chair is hellboy195.20:07
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:07
hellboy195What have I done xD20:08
ScottKYou're in charge now.  Lead the discussion.20:08
siretarthellboy195: you volunteered to chair the meeting! thanks for that! :)20:08
ScottKWe aren't kidding.20:08
hellboy195I'll try20:08
hellboy195Welcome to the MOTU Meeting for 14th March 2008.  The agenda is available on the wiki.20:08
hellboy195Already kindly posted by pochu20:09
hellboy195[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings20:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings20:09
hellboy195so let's start20:09
hellboy195should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?20:09
hellboy195I'm no motu. so please talk ^^20:10
siretartquestion: is this question supposed to be decided here, or do we gather opinions from attendees?20:10
pochuThat's LaserJock's topic20:10
crimsunkeep in mind there are also edubuntu and kubuntu members  IIRC20:11
hellboy195siretart: I think it should at least discussed here20:11
LaserJockI thought it was already kinda settled20:11
ScottKI like the idea of MC being able to give out membership with becoming MOTU, but also before so that if someone meets the criteria for membership, but isn't ready to be MOTU yet.20:11
LaserJockthe idea is that Membership is a lower bar than MOTUship20:11
LaserJockso people should be becoming members before MOTUs20:12
LaserJockjust as a general rule of thumb20:12
ScottKI'd say it might be concurrent.20:12
LaserJockif somebody just hasn't gotten around to it then concurrent membership/MOTUship is fine20:12
ScottKBut right now MC can make a MOTU (which also makes them a member), but hasn't done just member.20:12
LaserJockbut this should be a way of recognizing good work in MOTU20:12
LaserJockwithout feeling like MOTUship needs to be granted20:12
LaserJockand it also allows the MC to see a candidate twice20:13
LaserJockgives them a better feel for the person before the MOTU application20:13
siretartThink of this case: A (more or less) known Debian Developer decides he wants to upload 'his' packages to ubuntu. so he hangs around on our mailing lists, helps out on IRC channels, does malone work etc. If he asks for upload priviledges, should we refer him to the CC first?20:13
ScottKsiretart: I think this is for a decision.20:13
LaserJocksiretart: he doesn't go to the CC, but to the MC20:13
ScottKsiretart: I think that what's on the table is MC also giving out the membership.  CC is trying to get out of the member business20:14
siretartLaserJock: that would imply the MC is able to grant ubuntu membership status, because that is a prequisite of ubuntu developer status, right?20:14
LaserJockwhich basically has been implied from the beginning of the MC20:14
ScottKI believer that the CC has explicitly said this.  It's not just an inferred ability20:15
siretartwell, I agree that this is a good idea. I don't know if the MC is already empowered to do that, but if not, I personally think if would be a good idea to empower the MC then20:15
LaserJockyes, it has recently been reaffirmed by the CC20:15
siretartok. great then!20:15
LaserJockit has alway had the power in that MOTUship automatically gains Membership20:16
LaserJockbut it has now been explicitly given I believe20:16
pochuhellboy195: I think you can [VOTE] it when the discussion is over ;)20:16
ScottKI think we ought to have a vote.  Do we need more disscussion?20:16
LaserJockone sec20:16
hellboy195pochu: thank you. I'm doing it the first time ^^20:16
LaserJocklet me find the email20:16
hellboy195pochu: I think I have to set the topic first? :)20:17
LaserJockthis is what was OK's by the CC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/GrantingMembership20:17
pochuhellboy195: I'm not sure, but you can set it anyway ;)20:18
hellboy195pochu: ^^ k. tell me if you need a vote :)20:18
LaserJockso I guess we can vote to affirm that?20:18
hellboy195[TOPIC] should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?20:19
MootBotNew Topic:  should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?20:19
hellboy195[VOTE] should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?20:19
MootBotPlease vote on:  should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?.20:19
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot20:19
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting20:19
MootBot+1 received from pochu. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 120:19
MootBot+1 received from LaserJock. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 220:19
MootBot+1 received from siretart. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 320:19
ScottKThat means that MC can grant membership separately, right?20:19
MootBot+1 received from ScottK. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 420:19
MootBot+1 received from DktrKranz. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 520:19
hellboy195who and how many can vote?20:20
pochuI was just wondering that, but if it doesn't we need another vote ;)20:20
pochuI guess any MOTUs, not sure about MOTU wannabes20:20
hellboy195PLEASE VOTE IF YOU HAVEN'T!20:21
LaserJockWe are making Membership a requirement of MOTUship and letting MC grant Membership before and up-to MOTUship20:21
ScottKVoting if for MOTUs, IIRC.  Anyone is welcome to be involved in the discussion.20:21
pochuLaserJock: alright. Looks like we have an agreement ;)20:22
ScottKcrimsun: I'm curious that you haven't voted?20:23
hellboy195LAST CHANCE20:23
hellboy195But I think it's clear20:23
* ScottK would prefer we wait a moment for crimsun20:23
MootBot+1 received from crimsun. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 620:24
crimsun(sorry, this window's not active)20:24
hellboy195[AGREED] Ubuntu Membership should be a general requirement for MOTUship. MC grant Membership before and up-to MOTUship.20:24
MootBotAGREED received:  Ubuntu Membership should be a general requirement for MOTUship. MC grant Membership before and up-to MOTUship.20:24
ScottKhellboy195: You need to ENDVOTE too.20:24
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 620:24
hellboy195ScottK: thx20:25
hellboy195Next Topic20:25
hellboy195[TOPIC] Should we establish some "u-u-s days" to clear u-u-s queue as much as possible before release day? LucaFalavigna20:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Should we establish some "u-u-s days" to clear u-u-s queue as much as possible before release day? LucaFalavigna20:25
hellboy195DktrKranz: maybe you want to say something20:25
DktrKranzI would like to propose a couple of days to review patches in ubuntu-universe-sponsors queue20:26
DktrKranzsimilar to what we do for REVU days20:26
LaserJockhow many "Days" do we have so far?20:26
pochuhellboy195: ^ can you link it?20:26
hellboy195pochu: sure20:26
pochuLaserJock: there's none afaik20:27
hellboy195[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors/20:27
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors/20:27
LaserJockwell, we have REVU Day20:27
pochuIt was every Monday for REVU days, we could do the same for u-u-s now that we are not doing REVU20:27
LaserJockHug Day20:27
DktrKranzLaserJock, hardy release is scheduled for april 24th, so we have 3 weeks at least20:27
ScottKWe aren't doing review days right now, so it doesn't conflict with that.  I think that's the only one we have20:27
pochuLaserJock: right, I mean there's none for u-u-s yet20:27
LaserJockI'm taking about general " * Day" programs20:27
ScottKYou can figure on being ablet to upload for Universe up to at least Sunday before the release.20:27
DktrKranzso, if we plan to have one a week, we can schedule three of them20:28
LaserJockan alternative would be to have more targeted days20:28
pochuOn the other hand, putting them on Mondays would mean it's just until Hardy is released... so a different day would be a good idea to get it continued in Intrepid20:29
LaserJockrather than "clear the queue" it's "Let's hit RC bugs closed in Debian" or "FTFBS" or some such important thing that needs to be done20:29
pochuwell, that would be a different topic, wouldn't it? ;)20:29
DktrKranzLaserJock, unluckily, we miss tools for that actually :(20:29
LaserJockright, I'm just saying20:29
pochuah, ok20:29
DktrKranzubuntuwire is down20:29
LaserJockthat that might be a better way to figure out days20:30
LaserJockwell then we need to find other hosting for it20:30
gesermy FTBFS list is now temporarily also on another host20:30
LaserJockthrow it in a wiki page, I don't care :-020:30
LaserJockjust get'er done!20:30
geserI've added the URL already to the wiki page20:31
LaserJockgeser: awesome20:31
LaserJockso if we had a general u-u-s clearing day to start with20:31
geserif I could also remember which page it was :)20:31
LaserJockthen a couple topic days20:32
geseryes, that was the page20:32
DktrKranzwe can restore RC bugs, we need ajmitch around for that20:32
LaserJockok so there's also "really-fix-it"20:33
hellboy195hoi sistpoty20:33
sistpotyhi hellboy19520:33
DktrKranzreally-fix-it: http://daniel.holba.ch/really-fix-it/20:33
LaserJocknot sure if the gfortran transition would be a candidate, but that's another idea20:33
hellboy195sistpoty: I'm chairman. funny isn't it ^^20:33
ScottKI just tried to call imbrandon and got no answer.20:33
geseris ajmitch still around? have seen him active lately20:33
sistpotyhellboy195: heh20:33
LaserJockgeser: he was around last night20:34
sistpoty(sorry, wanted to be here half an hour ago, but was on the phone, my ear is bleeding now *g*)20:34
DktrKranzit's a shame we missed several QA tools for Hardy :(20:34
LaserJockyes, but let's not let that stop us20:34
DktrKranzof course not20:35
LaserJockeven a wiki page that's gets update maybe once a day or something would work20:35
LaserJockso what needs to get done for Hardy?20:35
pochuso we could have a few days for u-u-s queue and some more for specific topics, such as FTBFS or uninstallable packages?20:35
ScottKWe have the box that Dell donated running.  I'd say we ought to start using it under some temporary DNS name and quit waiting20:35
hellboy195pochu: mind that too many are also not that good20:36
LaserJockpochu: I think it's maybe better to define days around a specific topic rather than a process20:36
LaserJockpochu: so we'll clear the queue as we're hitting a target20:36
pochuLaserJock: right, the topic is "clear the u-u-s queue" :)20:37
LaserJockbut 1 general queue day may be needed to start with20:37
LaserJockbut that's not a very interesting topic20:37
LaserJockwe do need to clear the queue, but the point of all of this is to get something done20:37
LaserJockFTBFS, or really-fix-it, or ...20:37
pochuwell IMHO 61 bugs in the queue mean 61 contributions we don't have in the archive20:38
geserScottK: isn't Fujitsu running a rebuildd already there?20:38
pochuthey be bug fixes, updates, merges, syncs or whatever20:38
LaserJockI know I know20:38
ScottKgeser: I'm not sure.20:38
LaserJockthat's why I said the first should be a general clear the queue day20:38
geserScottK: http://builder.ubuntuwire.qeuni.net:9998/20:38
LaserJockbut we should frame the efforts around a topic that needs to get done20:38
LaserJockbecause we have a lot to get done20:38
DktrKranzLaserJock, currently we have the queue, FTBFS, NBS available, we can arrange to add RC bugs and debcheck20:39
DktrKranzso, there will be chance to have a look at several aspects20:39
LaserJockI'd say having 2 days a week might be good/possible20:40
DktrKranzI think so20:40
LaserJocktry to get some focus around some problems before Hardy's out the door20:40
DktrKranzgeser, any chance to run piuparts/upgrade testing?20:40
LaserJockso things we need:20:41
LaserJock1) date20:41
LaserJock2) to do list20:41
LaserJock3) MOTUs around to clear the queue20:41
LaserJock4) promotion and energy20:41
geserDktrKranz: does piuparts work now in hardy? last I did a quick look at it (some months ago) I had problems get it running20:42
DktrKranzgeser, I merged it and it seemed functional20:42
hellboy195so folks. in generel. Introduce a u-u-s day?20:43
hellboy195or do we need a vote?20:43
ScottKTechnically we should vote.20:43
ScottKAnd are we voting on one or two per week?20:43
DktrKranzI'd say two, so we'll cover many bugs20:43
hellboy195ScottK: good question20:43
pochuone or two u-u-s days, or general days?20:43
pochuI guess the latter20:44
LaserJockpochu: I really think they are intertwined20:44
LaserJockmy fear would be that maybe calling it "u-u-s Day" would turn on non-MOTUs20:45
LaserJockI think getting things done in general means also clearing the queue20:45
pochuOk, I'm concentrating a bit in the current topic20:45
pochuwhich is "whether to schedule some days to clear the u-u-s queue"20:45
LaserJockright, but my point is that maybe that's not exactly the topic that we should be discussing20:46
siretartLaserJock: how can non-MOTUs help with processing the u-u-s queue?20:46
hellboy195siretart: fill it20:46
LaserJocksiretart: they can't really, hence my objection to just calling it u-u-s day20:46
LaserJocku-u-s is merely a process thing20:46
siretartwell, that's what we actually want to acheive, no?20:47
LaserJockI say no20:47
ScottKFix it day?20:47
LaserJockwe want to achieve is fixing things20:47
siretarthug dholbach day?20:47
LaserJocku-u-s is certainly a part of that20:47
hellboy195DktrKranz: any suggestion?20:48
LaserJockbut my concern is that if we focus too much on the process rather than the larger target20:48
LaserJockto start with it'd sure be nice to have a clean queue, so spending one day on just that seems worthwhile20:48
LaserJockbut more broadly, we need to figure out what things *need* to be done before Hardy is out the door and make sure they get done20:49
DktrKranz"MOTU Hug days", as we had in the past sounds good to me, but naming it is not high-prio, is what we can do that will count20:49
LaserJockpochu: so what about "Sponsorship Days"?20:50
LaserJockfirst one being general and then targeted ones thereafter?20:50
LaserJockdoes that address your specific concern?20:51
pochuI don't care for the name, but the first for u-u-s clean up sounds good, yes20:51
hellboy195pochu: Sonsorship Days?20:51
siretart'reviewing days'?20:52
hellboy195the name isn't important20:52
jussi01Ubuntu love days :)20:52
LaserJockI mean, most of the queue right now is python-xml20:52
LaserJockand there's not that many really20:52
gesersiretart: wouldn't that make people exect REVU reviews?20:52
* persia is catching up, but worried that special days may reduce daily effort20:52
LaserJockpersia: do you think that's bad?20:53
hellboy195persia: heya20:53
siretartgeser: well, we are in feature freeze, so u-u-s has clearly priority. and since chances are low to get it cleared, we won't really have time to look at REVU20:53
crimsunat this point in the release cycle, I'd be more concerned about getting stuff _into_ the queue.  Is there a plan for testing dist-upgrades from dapper and gutsy?20:53
hellboy195persia: I'm chairman. Would you mind helping me a little bit (First try ^^)20:53
siretartso just reusing REVU days seems natural to me20:53
* sistpoty isn't sure in general about if special days are good or bad, but sispoty must admit to never fit his ubuntu work to current days20:53
persiahellboy195: You're doing fine20:54
hellboy195persia: thanks20:54
persiaLaserJock: Yes, I think daily effort is important to keeping the queue mananagable20:54
LaserJockpersia: well, I guess that's maybe my point though about not focusing on the queue but rather the target20:54
hellboy195LaserJock: when did it start with python-xml remobals?20:55
LaserJockthe queue should pretty much work itself out if we're focusing on getting things done, right?20:55
persiaWell, except people need to look at it :)20:55
LaserJockwell, they have to have a *reason* to look at it20:55
LaserJockhence having targets20:56
crimsunwhy not roll the 5-a-day?  Your 5 daily could be u-u-s targets.20:56
LaserJockcrimsun: nice20:56
persiacrimsun: That already counts20:56
ScottKOne question I have is are we after more sponsorship or more stuff to sponsor?20:56
* persia wants both20:56
DktrKranzmy 5-a-day is filled mostly with u-u-s bugs :)20:56
LaserJockI want us sponsoring the stuff that matters20:57
LaserJockI don't really care to sponsor typo fixes and let FTBFS go20:57
hellboy195LaserJock: I suppose typo fixes aren't that hard to review and don't take a long time20:58
LaserJockno, but it's distraction and waste20:58
LaserJockand often can take just as long as a FTBFS20:58
hellboy195LaserJock: I agree with you to do only stuff that matters20:59
persiaLaserJock: Surely that decision can be made by an individual sponsor, no?20:59
LaserJockpersia: but if the quest is to "clear the queue"20:59
ScottKI'd say the quest is clear the queue of anything useful.21:00
persiaLaserJock: Sure.  I guess I'm advocating more quests, with "clear the queue" as a minor one.21:00
LaserJockpersia: I agree totally21:00
LaserJockhow many bugs are we looking at right now to clear the queue?21:00
LaserJock~30 or so?21:00
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: REVU Coordination Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team
ScottKSpeaking of which, I was talking with ajmitch in IRC today and he said he isn't running his RC tracker this release in part because he thinks it's redundant.  I'd appreciate a pointer on what it's redundant to so I can use that?21:01
DktrKranzScottK, I'm not aware of something similar than browsing at MoM or DaD for changelog entries21:01
persiaI found it immensely useful in determining which merges need focus post-feature freeze21:02
ScottKHis other reason was no static IP.21:02
LaserJockit's a difficult list to come by21:02
persiaLaserJock: Currently 62.  It starts being considered large after ~3021:02
LaserJockbut maybe an approximation21:02
ScottKMaybe someone could convince him to help set it up on our new box?21:02
siretartScottK: if the static IP was the problem, I think that could be arranged21:03
LaserJockpersia: but not all of those are in need of action? usually there's "cruft"21:03
DktrKranzScottK, if it's not so bandwith-consuming, I can have a static IP21:03
LaserJockit takes being a DD I believe21:03
persiaLaserJock: Quite possibly.21:03
pochuthose python-xml removal shouldn't be there for example21:03
pochuat least not all of them, perhaps one or two :)21:03
ScottKsiretart: Would you be willing to follow up with him?21:04
LaserJockif we can have him run the cron and scp the results somewhere that might work21:04
LaserJockso I think we're all agree we need a "clear the u-u-s queue" day21:05
siretartScottK: I haven't caught him for a while now, but I'll be happy to talk to him about that21:05
LaserJockshall we vote real quick to get that down?21:05
hellboy195I think so21:05
hellboy195LaserJock: so what do you want excatly to be voted?21:05
ScottKsiretart: Please do.21:06
LaserJockpochu: what do you think?21:06
LaserJockI was thinking we can just vote to have a single u-u-s day ASAP21:06
LaserJockand then deal with the other targets maybe on ubuntu-motu21:06
hellboy195LaserJock: single or two?21:06
persiaI'd be in favor of a one-off UUS day to chase things, and then going back to normal, but not a regular UUS day.21:07
LaserJockI think a single would clear the current queue21:07
LaserJockthen have targeted days for FTBFS, etc.21:07
hellboy195DktrKranz: can you live with only one day?21:07
LaserJockwhere I think we can emphasize that we need MOTUs to clear the queues on that day21:07
DktrKranzhellboy195, I think we can :)21:07
hellboy195[VOTE] Do we need a (single) "clear the u-u-s queue" day?21:08
MootBotPlease vote on:  Do we need a (single) "clear the u-u-s queue" day?.21:08
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:08
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting21:08
MootBot+1 received from LaserJock. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:08
MootBot+1 received from DktrKranz. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:08
MootBot+1 received from persia. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:09
MootBot+1 received from sistpoty. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:09
MootBot+1 received from geser. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 521:09
hellboy195crimsun: vote :)21:09
MootBot+1 received from pochu. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 621:10
MootBot+1 received from ScottK. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 721:10
hellboy195I don't think we need more?21:10
pochuwe are consuming persia's time as he has a REVU coordinator meeting right now :)21:11
persiahellboy195: Likely not, as there aren't any negative votes (and we ought start the next meeting)21:11
MootBotFinal result is 7 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 721:12
pochuso we schedule a u-u-s clean up day, then we have some bug days?21:12
hellboy195[AGREED] We need a single "clear the u-u-s queue" day.21:12
MootBotAGREED received:  We need a single "clear the u-u-s queue" day.21:12
DktrKranzFor other goals, we can send out a mail as persia did at the beginning of Hardy cycle21:12
hellboy195ok. what next?21:13
hellboy195define the day?21:13
persiaWe could even send separate mails for each goal.21:13
persiaDktrKranz: Would you be willing to schedule and announce the UUS day?21:13
DktrKranzpersia, I'll do21:14
LaserJockI think we could use an email to ubuntu-motu just kinda kicking around idea for targets21:15
LaserJock"what's important, do we have the lists we need, etc."21:16
* persia hears someone volunteering to send mail21:16
hellboy195[ACTION] DktrKranz to schedule and announce the UUS day21:16
MootBotACTION received:  DktrKranz to schedule and announce the UUS day21:16
LaserJockI'll volunteer if people think it's a good idea21:16
pochusounds good21:17
hellboy195[ACTION] LaserJock to send out an mail to ubuntu-motu.21:18
MootBotACTION received:  LaserJock to send out an mail to ubuntu-motu.21:18
LaserJockthat's kind of a general action21:18
pochuyou send it and we answer ;)21:18
persiaIt was a general proposal :)21:18
* LaserJock sends out a letter explaining the benefits of cavity ringdown spectroscopy as an effective means of determining rotational orientation in surface adsorbed molecular motors21:19
hellboy195ah ^^21:19
* sistpoty won't review your paper, LaserJock :P21:19
* pochu agrees whatever that means :P21:19
LaserJocksistpoty: dang21:19
hellboy195so. folks. what's next21:20
gesersistpoty: if you understand everything from it then LaserJock should redo it :)21:20
hellboy195are we finished with this topic?21:20
sistpotygeser: I understood "letter" and "explaining"21:20
LaserJockhellboy195: yes and we are out of time I believe21:20
hellboy195Agenda is empty. any new topic. FAST?21:21
LaserJocklet's kick some butt and make Hardy ROCK!!!21:21
hellboy195ok then21:21
* ScottK2 understood sends too.21:21
hellboy195[TOPIC] Next MOTU Meeting Date21:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Next MOTU Meeting Date21:21
persiaI thought we agreed on a rotation, making the next 12:00 UTC 28th March.21:21
sistpotytwo weeks from now, regular rotation?21:21
hellboy195persia: sry. Didn't know that21:22
sistpotyoh, did we have 4.00 utc last time, persia?21:22
sistpoty(or was this time dropped)21:22
persiaErr..  I always forget that one.  Sorry.  04:00 UTC21:22
* pochu out for dinner21:22
* RainCT is sorry for being late21:23
hellboy195[AGREED] Next meeting 04:00 UTC 28th March.21:23
MootBotAGREED received:  Next meeting 04:00 UTC 28th March.21:23
hellboy195Any last words?21:24
ScottK2Thanks to hellboy195 for chairing.21:24
* DktrKranz must leave now. I'll read backscroll21:24
hellboy195DktrKranz: bye21:25
hellboy195ScottK: hmm. I hope it wasn't that bad :\21:25
MootBotMeeting finished at 21:25.21:25
sistpotythanks hellboy195!21:25
persiathanks hellboy19521:25
hellboy195yeah np ^^21:26
LaserJockhellboy195: good job21:26
persiaOK.  On to the next meeting...21:26
MootBotMeeting started at 21:26. The chair is persia.21:26
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:26
persia[TOPIC] REVU Coordinator21:27
MootBotNew Topic:  REVU Coordinator21:27
persiaThere have yet to be any public applicants for the position: are there any last-minute applicants?21:27
LaserJockhmm, perhaps a quick overview of what the position entails?21:28
siretartstupid question: do we have a wiki page for this meeting?21:28
persiaLaserJock: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-February/003362.html21:28
persiasiretart: No.21:28
persia[LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-February/003362.html21:28
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-February/003362.html21:28
LaserJockwould this position perhaps be encompassed within REVU admins?21:29
* sistpoty would first like to announce, that revu-hackers have a new motivated member, RainCT, who has been fixing some stuff recently and will now help to keep the codebase clean and shiny :)21:29
LaserJockI'm wondering if we don't get a lot of interest21:29
persiaNot really.  The REVU admins tend to maintain the box, but don't necessarily have time to track the status of packages in REVU.21:29
LaserJockk, thanks21:29
* jpatrick hugs RainCT 21:30
* siretart hugs RainCT 21:30
* RainCT hugs jpatrick and siretart back :)21:30
persiaRainCT: Thanks for your help.  It's getting better with every update :)21:30
hellboy195RainCT: congratulations :)21:30
RainCThellboy195: thanks21:31
* RainCT is thinking about if the 3th point from that e-mail (archiving old stuff) could be done automatically21:33
persiaRainCT: certainly21:33
persiaLikely the fourth as well, perhaps with rmadison21:34
RainCTok, I'll look at that next week (tough removing them *completely* is afaik not possible with a script)21:35
persiaSo, with the job now expected to be easier, who wants it?21:36
LaserJockI would love to if I had time :(21:37
LaserJockstupid PhD21:37
persiaWould anyone like to help LaserJock, making this a team effort?21:38
sistpotyRainCT: 4 can't be done by the web-ui, but by a script run as root, I guess?21:38
sistpotypersia: hi PhD? :P21:39
sistpotyhis even21:39
persiasistpoty: No, REVU Coordination :p21:39
LaserJockme and my PhD rocking REVU21:39
LaserJockI could use some help on my PhD though21:40
* persia thinks that would be a different meeting21:40
LaserJockanybody good with laser spectroscopy? :-)21:40
RainCTsistpoty: yes, but this would need an additional cronjob then... well, cronjobs aren't evil, and it even makes more sense to have it in a separate script :) (I was first thinking about adding it to the script that processes uploads, but I see now this wasn't anyways a very good idea)21:41
sistpotyRainCT: either cronjob, or run manually21:42
RainCTsistpoty: anyway, we're spamming persia's meeting ;)21:42
persiaDoes nobody want to be REVU Coordinator?  If so, do we want one?21:45
LaserJockwell, considering the turnout, would it be better to ask when we fire REVU back up for Intrepid?21:45
LaserJockI'm wondering if people are focused enough on Hardy right now that there may be more interest then?21:46
sistpotyyes, I also assume that at the beginning of intreped might be a good time to discuss revu coordination again21:46
persiaLaserJock: Maybe, although it might be nice for whoever gets it to have a month or so to work with the REVU hackers to make sure REVU works for their plans.21:46
persiaSo, due to lack of volunteers, I'll be raising the option of not having a REVU Coordinator in the next MOTU Meeting.  Anyone reading backscroll who wishes to hold the position: please make yourself known before then.21:49
MootBotMeeting finished at 21:49.21:49
RainCTperhaps if the position had less responsabilities there would be more people (or rather, someone) interested21:51
persiaRainCT: True.21:52
persiaOn the other hand, the duties are mostly: talk to MOTU, talk to MOTU admins, review stuff, encourage other reviewers, and send a report of stuff that was approved.  Time consuming, but I'm not sure how to break it into smaller parts.21:53
persiaRainCT: Good points.  I'll include that in my mail reporting on the meeting.21:57
RainCT(spamming the meeting again, I'm planning to redesign the table in which the comments on REVU are shown, but I'm not sure how to do it yet. if someone has any idea, drafts are welcome :))21:59
RainCT(ok, I think I've an idea now :P)22:00
* RainCT needs the name of some small packages22:16
sistpotyRainCT: on revu?22:16
RainCTno, in hardy22:16
sistpotyRainCT: min12xxw is small (my usual test package)22:16
RainCTsistpoty: thanks22:16
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team
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