
=== mboman_ is now known as mboman
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dholbachgood morning09:13
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asacdavidm: i read in backlog that you will work a bit on po2xpi over weekend?10:55
asacdavidm: would be great it have it on monday, because the launchpad export side is ready and we want to start a more or large scale test before they cherry-pick it to production10:56
davidmasac, I'm going to have a look at it. See if I can get something working13:31
davidmasac, have you tested the mid-browser with the jave plugin?13:32
asacjave? java you mean?13:32
asacwhich java plugin is of concern here?13:33
asac(we have about 4 in the archive iirc)13:33
davidmYea Java sorry typo13:35
davidmUnless there is one you know to work correctly.13:35
asacdavidm: works here13:37
asacany special usecases/applets you are worried about?13:37
davidmJust heard about a possible issue from Intel, so I thought I'd ask if you knew of any issues before I start tracking this down.13:39
davidmNothing to get excited about yet. :-)13:39
asacexcept that its currently not installed automatically if you install the plugin package it works well here.13:39
asacit isn't installed by default because we thought we'd go for xulrunner 1.9. its a bit of tedious though. apparently we cannot use xulrunner-1.9 so we basically have two options now:13:40
asacspecial xulrunner 1.9 for mobile13:40
asacor providing the complete sdk out of the midbrowser build13:40
asacwe should file a beta milestone bug about icedtea not getting installed so this will be fixed next week13:41
davidmwhich would you recommend, because we do have to have this working very soon13:41
asacyes i know13:41
asaci think we should try to get midbrowser provide the sdk13:41
asaci will vouch for the code duplication we get here (which was a blocker for moving this to main imo)13:42
davidmOK, what are the correct next steps?13:44
asaci currently getting latest midbroser from git13:45
asacand see if the sdk builds fine13:45
davidmasac, thanks13:46
asacwill let you know in an hour or so13:47
asacdavidm: which mobile core applications do currently use a gecko rendering engine?13:48
asacthe home screen, right? anything else?13:48
davidmthe home screen, yes, the rest, lets ask Mithrandir 13:49
Mithrandirjust the home screen and midbrowser, I think.13:51
loolPerhaps liferea as well14:06
loolYeah, liferea is pulled by ubuntu-mobile and uses xulrunner14:07
loolasac: ^14:07
asacif the sdk provided by midbrowser we should be able to use that quite easily14:08
asacthe -dev package has to conflict the xul one of course to achieve this14:08
loolasac: I didn't understand why we can't use xulrunner for midbrowser/icedtea?14:10
asaci didn't say that we can't use xulrunner for building icedtea14:11
asacproblem is that intel is patching xulrunner to get quick fixes for features they need14:11
asaci have no strong argument against that given the pressure on this14:12
asacanyway ... we cannot use those patches and build firefox on top of it14:12
loolasac: Could we merge their patches?14:12
asac(trademark issues)14:12
loolasac: Otherwise, we could push xulrunner in the ppa14:12
asaclool: the patches are far tooo hacky14:12
asaclool: maintenance is too hard.14:12
asacwe don't even have patches ... its all just in the main dev tree14:12
loolWell that's not ok14:12
asaci tried to hold them back from doing that14:13
asacbut whatever i said, two weeks later they appear to get pressure from inside intel and just do it14:13
asacjust blind guessing. 14:13
loolI see14:13
asacimo its ok to use midbrowser as an sdk14:13
asacas long as we get to the point where the patches against midbrowser xulrunner are good enough to be included in the real xulrunner14:14
asacbut i just don't have the time to redo the fixes in a proper fashion14:15
asaclool: you use midbrowser 0.3 from ppa right?14:27
asaclool: is the reload toolbar icon smaller than the others14:27
asacor is that a regression in latest git?14:28
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asaclool: davidm: ok, looks like the sdk is properly build - except for the .pc files, which we would need to integrated into the browser/installer directory (if we want to do htis upstream) ... or just ship them from debian/15:20
asacso without testing it appears to be an option15:20
GrueMasterFYI:  Skye 2.0 with video chat released today.  15:50
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loolasac: Could you /c16:59
asaclool: ?17:02
asaci am about to leave17:02
dholbachwho should I assign bluetooth sponsorings bugs to?17:07
vignattihi guys18:20
vignattiI'm facing a strange noise here in my macbook18:20
vignattiit's kind a beep which certainly _doesn't_ comes from the speaker18:20
vignattieverty time I put a cd in its drive the noise disappears18:21
vignattiso I saw in apple forum that whenever some components will be turned off is normal to hear some noise18:22
vignattiunfortunately I'm hearing it all the time (when no cd in is the drive)18:22
vignattiso I remembered that I recently gutsy updated the kernel version18:23
vignattiso, it could be possible that ubuntu is doing something to turn some components off all the time that can be causing that crap noise?18:24
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GrueMastervignatti:  This forum is mainly for a special flavor of Ubuntu for mobile internet devices, like the Samsung Q1 Ultra.  You should ask on #ubuntu to see if someone there knows the answer, as you are probably running the desktop edition, not something designed for tablets and small systems.20:15
vignattiGrueMaster: okay. Thank you man.20:37
slytherinanyone working on updating bluez-* packages? I can take up bluez-gnome.21:55
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