
Ubulettei'm not very good at bug triaging00:00
Ubulettei just pick up some bugs mostly at random intervals so i'm not reliable for that job00:01
asacits not ment to be a job assignment00:01
asacjust wanted to give you helper scripts so you don't need to write things that are common00:01
Ubulette[reed], what is sisyphus ?00:01
asac(in case you look at bugs)00:01
Ubuletteok, thx00:02
asacwould be good if you could listen a bit more after updates for serious regressions00:02
asacyou don'Ät need to process them.00:02
asacin the long run i hope to push the bug triaging to te QA team00:03
asacisn't really a good investment to waste developers times on processing bugs imo.00:05
asacdevelopers should fix them ... but not triage them00:05
Ubulette<asac> Ubulette: so what is about reporter.jar? is that build by accident? <= no idea, it's built everywhere, i never looked into this.00:06
Ubulettedoes it hurt ?00:06
asacyes it wastes pricious CD space00:06
asacits identical so if it cannot go we should at least link it00:06
asacwe have someone that regularly looks for wasted space on CD ... and reporter.jar showed up :)00:07
asaci can take a look if you don't know00:08
asacjust thought you might know whats this aboute00:08
asacUbulette: btw we are now in beta freeze00:15
Ubuletteyep, got the announce00:15
Ubulettetoo bad for prism00:15
asacah ... cool so you are finally subscribed :)00:15
asacits in universe00:15
asacit just needs a manual push through the queue00:15
asacno approval (well. except ff)00:15
Ubulettethat small window usually occurs when you don't restart ff after an upgrade00:22
asacyes right00:25
asaci have seen that too now that i think about it00:25
asacmaybe we should have a session at UDS about how we can make ffox/xul upgrades more graceful00:26
asacin fact we would need to force a restart ... somehow00:26
asacfeel free to add ideas ;)00:30
asacis intrepid actually the right spelling?00:30
asacok appears to be right00:30
asacUbulette: ^^00:32
asac[reed]: wasn't the "home button only in bookmarks menu" fixed in beta4?00:55
Ubulettei think it's moved only if it's visible or something like that00:58
asacmove only if its visible?01:04
asaci have the bookmarks toolbar removed and still there is no home :/01:04
asacwhy can't this be at least added to customize ... :)01:05
asacor is it fixed in b5pre?01:05
Ubuletteyou need to make the toolbar visible, customize it, move the home, then hide the toolbar again01:06
Ubulettethere's a long discussion in the bug about that01:06
asacmmm ... thats far from intuitive01:07
asacafter all you cannot even select "customize ..." on bookmarks toolbar01:07
asac(if you manager to find a place to hit the right mouse button at all)01:08
asac(i had to remove a bookmark to try this)01:08
asacah ok01:08
asacyou can select right below01:08
asacbut thats most likely 1 point :)01:08
asacanyway, as i cannot claim to be a usability guy, i will just let this o01:09
asacgood to know how to do it though :)01:09
asacs/this o/this go/01:09
Ubuletteb5pre crashed shortly after startup01:16
asacUbulette: old game ... missing files?01:17
asacUbulette: does your system work at all :)01:18
asaci just ask because libc was broken :)01:18
asacor was it stdc++ ?01:18
asacno idea ;)01:18
Ubulettei missed that update (it was early this morning)01:18
asacme too ;)01:18
asacbut the upgrade i ran on my main system 4 hours ago was pretty tough01:19
asaci had to reboot in order to be able to anything01:19
asaccouldn't sign gpg (with agent) ... apparently because i couldn't even start X apps anymore01:20
Ubulettei retry without gdb01:20
asacmaybe install -dbg packages for libstdc++ libc01:20
asacand libglib01:20
asacand libgtk01:20
asac(just in case)01:21
asacthere should be -dbg packages for those in the normal archive01:21
UbuletteI have the dbgsym for ff and xul installed01:21
Ubulettemy session has 70 tabs so it's not easy to debug01:22
asacyes. but most steps appear to somewhere else01:22
asacinstalling the other -dbg packages might improve that backtrace a lot01:22
Ubuletteno crash this time01:22
asacso just a first timer?01:23
Ubulettemaybe, or gdb01:23
Ubulettei crashed after about a third of my 70 tabs were loaded01:24
asacsounds like a race01:24
asacdo you still have 70 tabs open so you can retry?01:24
Ubulettehm, ff is taking 100% cpu01:24
asac_progname appears to be just a symbol in the signal handler01:25
asacso installing -dbg packages might really be helpful here01:25
asacor submit a core dump to launchpad :)01:25
Ubuletteit's rejected, not a native package01:26
asacin log?01:27
asacdid you try to merge changes from .dev to .head back?01:28
asac(i think its just a changelog entry and a resolved .patch conflict)01:28
UbuletteI've resynced my .head an hour ago, thought you said you fixed them01:29
asacno i pushed them01:29
asacdoesn't matter when we merge them01:29
asaci merged .head to .dev ... and pushed .head ... and .dev .... i just found that we had a changelog entry in .dev that wasn't on head (most likely because i uploaded firefox after .head had moved ahead)01:30
Ubulettei should be ok then01:31
ubotudbgsym is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash01:31
asacok i merged xul.dev -> xul.head01:34
asacit was just changelog and series01:34
asaclook at the commit01:35
asacwe had a 0ubuntu3 release01:35
asacwhen .head was already ahead01:35
asacapparently the patches from .dev were manually added to .head ... i resolved that conflict during merge of .head -> .dev01:36
asacstill there was the changelog entry in .dev ... so i now merged that up01:36
asacfirefox 3 is ok01:36
asaconly xulrunner was somehow out of sync01:36
asace.g. firefox-3.0.head$ bzr merge ../firefox-3.0.dev/01:36
asacAll changes applied successfully01:36
asacgood to know that bzr is smart enough for this kind of bi-directional branch relationship01:38
asaci remember that in earlier bzr versions this would have gone nuts01:38
Ubuletteit's slow in gdb01:43
asactry in valgrind to experience a really painful user experience :)01:43
Ubuletteok, i've disabled an extension and cpu is back to normal01:47
asacwhich one?01:47
asaccan you fill in there?01:50
Ubulettehm, my bm tools bar is broken01:50
Ubuletteall folders appear empty (small square) like the bug of that guy above01:51
Ubuletteno, same if i move out my .mozilla01:54
asacwhat is bm toolbar?01:54
asacah bookmark01:54
asaci have the feeling that something is wrong with your build01:54
Ubuletteit's just a new snapshot01:55
Ubulettei'll see tomorrow01:55
asacgood night01:56
asacmaybe just an intermediate issue01:56
Ubulettei will just open a page with flash and it will die during the night01:57
asacflash is most likely a risk in itself01:57
asacindependent from beta5pre :)01:57
Ubulettewell, it was okay up to last month01:58
asaci guess we have about 300 bugs reported for such kind of crashes ... even against firefox 201:58
asacah ok01:58
Ubulettedamn, all my bookmarks are in folders that I can no longer open01:59
asaci know how you feel01:59
asacthats how i felt for about a month at alpha801:59
asacor was it a701:59
asaccannot remember01:59
asac[reed]: is there any good document about mozilla 2?02:00
Ubulettethe wiki02:01
asacwhat will happen ... how will xpcom be replaced ... how do you make upgrade paths reasonable for xul apps02:01
asacand extensions :)02:01
asacall these tiny questions ;)02:01
Ubulettei haven't seen anything about that02:02
Ubulettejust how moz2 is being automatically rewritten02:02
asac[reed]: do you (personally) expect mozilla 2 to happen like it is envisioned atm at all?02:02
Ubuletteplus the mercurial debate02:02
asac[reed]: i know how things go and without knowning any details (judging from rumours) i feel pretty much that this pitch is much too far to do in a single major release upgrade02:03
asacUbulette: do they question mercurial?02:03
asacand what? stick with cvs?02:04
Ubulettethere was a flood a couple of days ago02:04
asac[reed]: my point is: does it make sense to motivate epiphany developers again (which started to write a xul app instead of a gecko embed, but dropped it because of FUD) to resurrect their effords02:05
asac[reed]: i can understand that developers don't want to do a major shift if its all gone in two years or so02:06
asac[reed]: no idea if you are the right one to ask all these questions though ;) ... i hope that you can give me at least some initial inside02:07
* [reed] reads above02:07
[reed]moz2 is happening, but they've cut back a lot on what they were originally saying02:08
asachmm ... i am subscribed to that afaik. why didn't i get that?02:08
[reed]like XPCOM isn't getting replaced until after moz202:08
Ubulette[reed], is the bookmarks toolbar folder bug known ?02:09
[reed]Ubulette: what bug is that?02:09
[reed]describe it02:10
UbuletteI can no longer open any folder in my bookmarks toolbar02:10
Ubulettesame with a fresh profile02:10
[reed]I can... :)02:10
asac(4) I've found it pretty easy to get a corrupt repository.  Hitting02:11
asaccontrol-C during or having a hook return an error during operations02:11
asacinvolving pushing or popping mq patches or stripping revisions seems02:11
asacpretty likely to lead to repository corruption.02:11
asacuse bzr i guess02:11
[reed]or git02:11
asacgit is too complicated02:12
asacthe user interface of bzr is much more comprehensible (i think everyone will agree)02:12
[reed]bzr fails02:12
[reed]at parsing our repo02:12
asacand preformance issues are sorted atm02:12
asaci guess this can be fixed if mozilla calls for a new pitch round02:12
asacimporting mozilla repo drives anything to its outer limits i guess02:13
asacyeah thats true02:13
asacthe main reason for not taking bzr was the performance02:13
asacand it indeed sucked. but todays branch format is almost as good as git02:14
asac(from my limited personal experience)02:14
asacanyway. i doubt that its really a considered option to reconsider the DVCS used02:15
Ubuletteno missing file, so it's something else02:16
Ubulettearmin76, do you see this ?02:16
Ubuletteasac, if you could try, it's in my ppa.02:16
asacUbulette: do you maintain a debug build tree to look closer?02:17
Ubuletteno, regular builds02:17
asaci mean if you have one on your disc that you eventually build ;)02:17
asaci'll try02:17
asactomorrow ... or...l02:17
asachmm unfortunately i am in berlin this weekend02:18
asacmaybe sunday then02:18
asacbut as you said. lets wait till tomorrow. maybe its just an intermediate issue02:19
Ubulettenight all02:20
[reed]asac: what do you mean? rethinking which VCS?02:21
[reed]we're not all-about-Hg02:21
[reed]open for change02:21
[reed]if something is obviously better02:21
[reed]asac: so, do you have b4 out yet?02:27
asac[reed]: yes b4 slipped in before b4 :)02:30
asacaeh ... i am tired i guess02:30
asacbefore beta freeze i mean02:30
[reed]hopefully, we'll at least be to RC stage or later02:31
[reed]by hardy rc02:31
asacyeah :)02:31
asaci hope that too02:31
asaci can justify a RC02:31
asacbut a beta02:31
[reed]our betas are awesome betas, though02:32
asaci don't want to think about that ;)02:32
saivannasac : I added fr-FR and fr-CA translations to ubufox in bazaar branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubufox/+branches02:32
saivannasac : If you have time to look at it, is it correct?02:32
asac[reed]: yes ... maybe i need to rename to firefoxb final :)02:32
asacsaivann: great. that was quick02:32
saivannasac : There was few string to translate :) and that's the first time I use bzr, awesome02:33
saivannasac : Txs :)02:33
asac[reed]: see ... how easy it is to use bzr ;)02:33
* asac in marketing mode :)02:33
asacof course this is all fake02:34
asacsaivann: let me merge them to main branch02:34
saivannasac : Great thanks! :)02:35
* saivann hope that he did not do a big mistake with bzr02:35
asaclets see02:36
asaccurrently branching your branch02:36
saivannThat should be correct I think02:36
asacsaivann: you should name the files added/changed/deleted in your commit message02:37
asacotherwise it looks technically good (from bzr pov)02:37
asaclet me look at the actual changes02:37
saivannasac : Ha, I knew that It was not possible that no mistakes exist :)02:37
asacsaivann: we usually do like this:02:38
asac* comment on what has changed02:38
asac  - update path/to/file/1/for/that/change02:38
asac  - add path/to/file/2/for/that/change02:38
asac  - delete path/to/file/2/for/that/change02:38
asacanyway ... just a minor thing02:38
saivannasac : Thanks, this is instructive, should I change this or you will fix it by yourself?02:39
asacsaivann: ok. merged02:40
asaccan you mark that branch as "merged" ... so it doesn't appear on the active launchpad page?02:41
asacsaivann: thats ok for now... just for the future ;)02:41
asacsaivann: how did you propose the branch for merging ... funky02:42
asacah i see that feature now02:42
asacthats decent02:42
asacnow i would just need confirmation about that02:42
asacsaivann: ah ... you should name LP bugs fixed in the commit as well02:43
asac(if there are any) :)02:43
saivannasac : Hum... wait..02:43
asacsaivann: if there are bugs just set them to fix committed and link to my main branch02:44
asaci will see them if i prepare the next package update02:44
saivannasac : No bugs are associated and no blueprint, I set the status as merged... weird, am-I missing something?02:44
asacthat doesn't sound wierd to me02:44
asacwhat do you find wierd?02:44
saivannasac : the branch still appears in the main page02:44
asacno for me02:45
asactry to reload02:45
asaceither launchpad detected that i merged it02:45
asacor its because you changed the status02:45
asacno idea02:45
saivannasac : You don't see my branch here ? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubufox/+branches02:45
asacsaivann: it is still "New"02:46
asaci don't see any "Merged" branch there02:46
asacsaivann: you can change the state by "edit branch details" iirc02:46
saivannasac : Ok I just didn't found the good option, thanks02:47
asacsaivann: do you want to call for translations? and integrate them in the same way as you did with fr?02:47
saivannasac : bug 139380 still exist but it's about multiples translations, I suggest to let the bug as Triaged02:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139380 in ubufox "Untranslated strings in ubufox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13938002:47
asacsaivann: you would have my blessing for that ;)02:47
saivannasac : Oh great, yes I can certainly do that, should I ask for this on the bug report? Or somewhere else?02:48
asacsaivann: well ... i feel tempted to close that. we should have a bug per translation missing02:48
asacotherwise this bug will stay open forever02:48
asacsaivann: no idea where to ask. i think there is a translators list02:48
asacsaivann: maybe ask on -motu. if you cannot figure out, i can ask more :)02:49
saivannasac : There is probably a translator mailing list in launchpad since rosetta exist.. I will search for this02:49
asacgood ... take a look at lists.ubuntu.com02:49
asacmaybe the list is called i10n or something02:49
saivannGood, useful link :)02:50
asacsaivann: thanks for doing this02:50
saivannasac : You're welcome, I'm glad to help on this02:50
saivannasac : Do you think that Firefox RC will be ready for the RC for Hardy?02:51
asacno i can't forsee that02:51
asacthough i hope that it will02:52
saivannasac : I hope that it will since FF3 is really great02:52
saivannthe beta 3 and 4 are awesome :)02:52
asacsaivann: right. we are already shipping ff3 by default. i am almost certain that we won't change that decision02:53
saivannasac : Firefox beta are really stable, indeed02:54
asacmeasured by means of firefox 1.5/2, firefox 3 beta is definitly of high quality02:54
asaci think we are all excited about it02:55
saivannasac : I share your point of view, Firefox 3 really impress me02:55
saivannasac : I will sent a message with instructions to all localization list of ubuntu to get ubufox translations in a short time. I will invite them to open bug reports containing translated files and to subscribe me.02:58
asacsaivann: if you mean all lists on lists.ubuntu.com then thats great02:59
saivannasac : Yes that's what I mean :)02:59
asacthanks. keep me updated03:00
saivannasac : I will, anyway I will need to when I will have new branches to merge (with correct commit messages :) )03:01
asacyeah :) ... in a perfect world i would automatically see your "suggestions for merging" in launchpad03:02
asacbut given that i am usually overloaded an irc ping is highly appreciated03:03
asacand most likely the only way to ensure that i don't miss them03:03
asac(which would be a shame)03:03
saivannhaha :) np03:03
saivannI go now, thanks for your great work and for your guidance03:04
asacok off as well03:04
saivannnight too03:04
[reed]you've got be kidding me04:18
[reed]"Remote Desktop" allows an 8 char password max?04:18
asac[reed]: did you try grdesktop?09:18
* armin76 wonders10:28
armin76what would happen if i browse a page with an image hosted on a self-signed https?10:29
* armin76 tires10:29
* armin76 tries10:29
armin76hah, okay, it doesn't get displayed :P10:30
armin76asac: implement!10:30
asacno idea if thats a bug10:37
asacis it displayed in ffox 2?10:37
asacarmin76: ?10:37
asaccarlos: how is the export going?10:39
armin76asac: well, on firefox2 you get the dialog stuff10:40
armin76so you can accept it, or reject it10:41
armin76if you accept, it gets displayed10:41
asacdoes it work if you say "view image" ?10:41
armin76well, i don't see the image, so i can't click on it :P10:42
asacnot even broken?10:42
asacbut i guess its been a long time ago when i say a "broken image" placeholder in a browser10:43
asacso i assume that isn't done anymore noawadays10:43
armin76nope, not broken10:43
armin76have ff2 around to test?10:44
armin76just look for Tobias' post10:44
carlosasac: deferred until today...10:46
asacyep i see no image :)10:46
asacff2 not around10:47
asacand it will corrupt my profile somehow10:47
asac[reed]: was the gconf backend fixed?10:49
asac(someone claims that gnome proxy settings are now used)10:49
asacor does it honour environment settings now?10:50
asac[reed]: e.g. how does "use system proxy settigs" work?10:51
asacok appears to be not gconf10:52
asaccarlos: ok thanks for the info10:54
asaccarlos: thats ok ... davidm and agoliviera are late on their part too. i think they promissed to have something over the weekend. so if we have translations today we can directly do a large scalet test10:55
asaccarlos: just reminded them that its urgent.11:00
asacso should work11:00
carlosok :-)11:01
asacon the auto export things look good. i have to catch a few more corner cases (which don't matter that much for us right now) ... but otherwise i will start to upload auto export packages for firefox and xulrunner right after beta11:02
asacthen we fix the package mangler to upload those11:02
asacand finally ... once .po files get into the translation tarball ... work on the integration of those in the langpack11:03
Mirvasac: hi. not only Polish .desktop translation, but you should import all the .desktop translations simply from the Firefox 2 packages so that people don't need to file bug report for each language that was translated before.. there has been bug 192333 about it for a month12:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192333 in firefox "Firefox 3 misses .desktop translations, should be copied from Firefox 2 debian/ directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19233312:14
Mirv(polish was added in the beta4 upload, but it's the only oen)12:15
asacMirv: ok. milestoning12:27
asacthanks for the reminder12:27
Mirvgreat, thanks12:28
Ubuletteasac, I've tried an hourly build close to my snapshot, it's broken too13:05
Ubuletteand it's fixed in the newest hourly13:09
asacok fine13:19
Ubulettestrange those hourly don't match our mozclient ones13:25
Ubulette!info mozilla-devscripts hardy13:30
ubotumozilla-devscripts (source: mozilla-devscripts): Collection of dev scripts used by Ubuntu Mozilla packages. In component main, is optional. Version 0.05 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 108 kB13:30
Ubulettemain, good. So I can add it to depends, right ?13:31
Ubulettebuilddeps i mean13:31
asacwell ... you don't need to do that for "just" get-orig-source13:31
asacit will happen soonish because of translations anyway. so i don't mind13:31
Ubulettei wanted to run compare at the end of each build13:31
asacgo ahead then13:31
asacmakes sense13:32
Ubulettethe list tab button is not very effective with 70+ tabs :P13:39
asacany idea how to improve this?13:51
asacjimmy_: there?13:52
asacjimmy_: where did you move the packaging to?13:52
asacjimmy_: ok found it13:53
asacjimmy_: good to see that you moved the packaging to a separate branch. thanks13:54
Ubulette'Policy checker linda removed from testing/unstable'14:00
xhakeris it?14:00
xhakersomebody should remove revu-tools depends on it then14:02
asacinteresting that they still switch to svn14:02
xhakerasac: Preferred application here shows Browser as Custom: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b3/firefox "%s"14:04
asacxhaker: how did that happen?14:05
xhakeri'm not sure what happened14:05
xhakerexactly.. i'm not sure14:05
xhakerbut i have an idea14:05
asacso this happened after the upgrade?14:05
asacUbulette: do "major version" upgrades always make the preferred applications dialog go to custom for you?14:06
asace.g when going from b3 to b4 ... brom b4 to b514:06
asacand so on14:06
Ubuletteit's unrelated14:06
xhakeri think that after having removed .mozilla/ yesterday, firefox asked me if i wanted to make firefox the default browser14:06
asacxhaker: how long are you using ffox 3?14:06
asacxhaker: ok. that was beta3?14:06
xhakerasac: yes14:07
asachmm ok.14:07
asaci think there is a bug open for this14:07
xhakerwhen I was testing ubufox14:07
asaccan you try to find this so i can milestone it?14:07
Ubuletteoh, should disable that14:07
asacwe should force to use /usr/bin/firefox as the custom browser command14:07
asacUbulette: not sure if we want to disable the complete feature14:07
asacif it does the right thing then it can be beneficial i guess14:08
Ubulettemozilla bug 38011514:09
ubotuMozilla bug 380115 in GFX: Thebes "Linux 16-bit widget size issues (black rectangle at bottom of long page)" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38011514:09
Ubulettefixed today14:09
xhakeralso, i need someone that can confirm if sun-java6-plugin works on ff314:09
xhakerasac: this might help for the preferred applications bug14:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185622 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 doesn't act as the default browser" [Medium,Incomplete]14:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78202 in firefox "firefox should use "firefox %s" for gconf browser key" [Low,Confirmed]14:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196933 in firefox-3.0 "firefox keeps asking to be default browser when it should not" [Undecided,New]14:13
xhakerthey're all related afaict14:13
xhakersee you later.. about sun-java-6-plugin http://pastebin.com/m10c73038 , doko might need to a new upload if anyone can confirm it doesn't work :D14:14
asacxhaker: thanks14:18
Ubuletteasac, have a look at #ubuntu-devel14:47
Ubulettesame with 'custom: mozilla-firefox %s'14:48
asacUbulette: where`14:48
asacwhat time14:48
Ubulettemost recent14:48
asaci only see lamont and hobsee14:49
Ubuletteyes, that's it14:49
asacah :)14:49
Ubulettejust read it14:49
Ubulettedh_link -pfirefox-3.015:06
Ubulettetouch debian/usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5pre/.autoreg15:06
Ubulettetouch: cannot touch `debian/usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5pre/.autoreg': No such file or directory15:06
Ubulettemake: *** [binary-install/firefox-3.0] Error 115:06
Ubuletteasac, ^^15:07
asacoh damn ... its too early15:07
asacjust move it down a few lines should work15:08
asacif the path is not completely wrong of course15:08
Ubulettei'll fix it properly to avoid the "*"15:08
carlosasac: that testing will need to wait until Monday, I need to leave and the testing server was down until recently...15:09
Ubuletteit's damn too hazardous15:09
carlosasac: also, I'm on vacations next week, so either Danilo or Jeroen will do it, ok?15:09
asacUbulette: whatever you prefer15:09
asaccarlos: yeah. not perfect, but still in line with the timeline i have in my head :)15:10
asaccarlos: have a nice holiday!15:10
carlosenjoy your weekend!15:10
asaccarlos: just at home or really doing recreational travel?15:10
* carlos -> out15:10
carlosat home, with my family15:11
asacyeah ... we should either use more strict dependencies or add a Breaks: to xulrunner15:21
asacUbulette: isn't the dependency issue fixed by firefox? or was it just build-depends that got an upper bound?15:22
Ubuletteit's fixed in .head15:22
Ubulettei did it yesterday15:22
asacbug 14593115:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145931 in moblin-browser "Browser crashes when accepting a certificate" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14593115:39
Ubuletteasac, any idea why I need the last rule ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5686/15:44
UbuletteRules 7 doesn't apply for debian/firefox.sh, why ?15:45
asacUbulette: well, most likely it doesn't match DOTs15:51
asacso maybe %.sh would help15:52
Ubuletteindeed, git is far less intuitive than bzr16:07
Ubulette[reed], will the video html5 patch make it before final ?16:09
[reed]Ubulette: not in Fx3 for sure16:16
Ubulettetoo bad16:17
Ubulettethat would be a killer16:17
[reed]it's still not done16:17
[reed]and Firefox 3 is already "killer"16:17
[reed]so... ;)16:17
UbuletteI agree but it depends to whom you ask.. corrupted rendering, black pictures, unsupported addons, bogus zoom, etc16:19
Ubuletteforgot crashes with flash16:19
armin76not being able to browse images hosted on https self-signed certs :P16:20
armin76but probably for windows will work, so... :P16:20
Ubuletteasac, did you find the ephi/xul regression ?16:28
asacUbulette: yes it was a build tree only regression17:01
asaconce i have applied the api fix to the real package it worked17:01
asac2.5 days wasted :(17:01
asacmy svn build tree was busted17:01
Ubuletteephi ?17:01
asaci thought that i had enough experience to not run into such kind of time wasters anymore ... but here we go17:01
Ubuletteor xul ?17:01
asacUbulette: black pictures is us17:03
asacits our libjpeg17:04
asaci could reproduce that it doesn't happen with hacked libjpeg from moz17:04
asaci have targetted it for release17:04
asacif we don't find a good cherry-pick we will switch to in source jpeg before release17:04
Ubulettehow come i've never seen this ?17:06
asacUbulette: didn't we talk about the cherry-pick?17:07
asacor was that someone else ?17:08
Ubulettewe talked about moz patched jpeg but I don't remember the end17:08
asacbug 18203817:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182038 in xorg-server "Black rectangle instead of image in FF3 [Hardy]" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18203817:08
asacmilestoned for final (xul target)17:08
asacok i have to go and pick up a friend from the main station ... then we will go to berlin.17:09
asacwill be back on sunday17:09
asacanything pressing right now?17:09
asacok thanks. nice weekend all!17:10
* asac out of town17:11
=== Ubulette_ is now known as fta
ftalet's wait for a nick collision to see if it's still used17:31
=== asac_ is now known as asac
fta[reed], mozilla bug 42299121:30
ubotuMozilla bug 422991 in Build Config "'make distclean' misses some files" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42299121:30
[reed]ubotu: yeah, I saw22:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yeah, i saw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:27
ftaBug 20233622:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202336 in firefox-3.0 "[hardy] Firefox sets wrong inputfocus when starting with opened sidebar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20233622:36

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