
Spreadsheetcan i get unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic?00:49
Spreadsheetwhen i said gfy, i meant good for you, not what what was interpreted by some people00:51
LjLSpreadsheet: let me see00:52
Spreadsheetit was a long time ago00:52
mneptokwhat does the "wdc" part mean?00:59
Spreadsheetwe dont care01:00
Spreadsheetit means we dont care01:00
mneptokach so01:00
mneptokso "good for you" and "good for you, we don't care" have rather different snetiments behind them, don't you think?01:00
Spreadsheeti guess01:01
mneptokSpreadsheet: "good for you, we don't care" strikes me as somewhat unfriednly and dismissive.01:01
mneptokexcept with "unfriendly" spelled correctly01:02
Spreadsheetthe person was saying random facts, if i remember correctly01:02
mneptokwhich is sorta not at all the spirit or tone we want in #ubuntu channels01:02
mneptokit's OK to ignore them :)01:03
LjLyou beat me01:03
mneptokwhich is a better idea, IMO01:03
LjLSpreadsheet, funnily enough, saying random facts is OK, while being disrespectful is not01:03
Spreadsheetignore them01:03
LjLin -offtopic that is01:03
mneptokSpreadsheet: 'zackly. good lad.01:03
LjLanyway, please have a look at our IRC guidelines and the other bot triggers i'll give you please01:03
LjL!etiquette > Spreadsheet    (Spreadsheet, see the private message from Ubotu)01:03
mneptokSpreadsheet: and if you think they're going WAAAAY offtopic, come let an op know about it01:04
Seeker`!etiquette > Seeker` 01:04
mneptok!sno-cones > mneptok01:04
mneptokSpreadsheet: ennyhoo, that's why you were banned.01:05
LjLSpreadsheet, i'll let you back in, but please do make sure you familirize yourself with the code of conduct, guidelines and the rest of the factoids, if you don't want to incur in another ban01:07
Spreadsheetthank you01:07
LjLrelevant for -offtopic is also !o4o01:09
Seeker`Spreadsheet: is there anything else we can help you with?01:15
LjLSpreadsheet: then i should point you at this channel's topic01:18
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:47
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:47
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:47
Seeker`Do the bots report that to staff, or do they have their own checks in place for DCC abuse?01:49
LjLSeeker`, i'd figure the staff have highlights01:50
Seeker`fair enough01:50
Dave2Highlights, and AntiSpamMeta also pokes us01:50
Seeker`how are you?01:50
Seeker`Dave2: fair enough01:51
maddog39someone just did a dcc send thing and a bunch of us are now unable to join #ubuntu01:53
maddog39i have a vuln. router and I know that, but im not flashing a firmware01:53
Seeker`maddog39: Read the topic in the channel you are forwarded to01:53
Seeker`maddog39: You need to reconnect on port 800101:53
LjLmaddog39, please read the *whole* page01:53
maddog39this is rediculous01:53
LjLmaddog39: no it's not.01:53
maddog39you guys have any idea what you are doing01:54
maddog39your making an already bad denial of service01:54
LjLstopping people from being disconnected.01:54
maddog39and magnifying it01:54
LjLno not really.01:54
LjLwe're effectively informing victims of the problem, and offering a practical solution.01:55
maddog39your giving hackers more incentive to go in their from a server or something and do it so people like me get screwed over01:55
Seeker`maddog39: how do you get screwed over?01:55
LjLour rationale is exactly opposite, as the wiki page explains.01:55
maddog39because i have to jump through hoops to get back on the channel01:55
Seeker`maddog39: There is a simple solution, which is reconnect on port 8001. It means that if they attack again, you wont be affected01:55
LjLchanging port is jumping through hoops? not01:55
LjLand we won't have 150 people quitting01:55
LjLand the others crying "OMG what happened"01:55
naliothmaddog39: we've been doing this for over a year now.  other channels are doing it, too01:56
naliothoh well01:56
jdonghe could've changed the port 10 times in the time he spent arguing that01:57
Seeker`someone just tried another DCC in #ubuntu01:57
Seeker`jdong: yeah. But complaining is obviously more satisfying01:57
jdongSeeker`: it always is.01:57
LjLwhat's with Pelo now01:57
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:57
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:57
Seeker`what an idiot01:58
naliothJack_Sparrow: klined01:58
LjLwhat about xDx01:58
LjLi have some doubts that was innocent01:58
LjLJack_Sparrow, did he talk while banned?01:58
naliothxdx klined01:58
naliothnot innocent at all01:59
LjLah, missed that01:59
naliothtriggers re-engaged01:59
Jack_SparrowI wasnt sure if innocent..  01:59
LjLJack_Sparrow: the hostname hints he might not be01:59
Jack_SparrowDidnt want to let him keep trying01:59
Seeker`maddog39 still in -read-topic01:59
maddog39ok i reconnected on port 8001 and i still cannot get back in the channel01:59
naliothJack_Sparrow: you may remove any bans you've set in the past few minutes on exploiters  ( xdx and madd0g )01:59
naliothmaddog39: it's not automatic02:00
LjLmaddog39, *read* those instructions...02:00
Jack_Sparrowk one sec02:00
LjLfixed huh02:00
Seeker`was it the same maddog that did the DCC?02:00
LjLSeeker`, who would know02:01
LjLmaddog39: not fixed02:01
maddog39well xchat is set to connect on port 800102:01
maddog39im not flashing firmware on my router02:01
LjLmaddog39, restart xchat02:02
maddog39i did02:02
maddog39the first time02:02
LjLmaddog39, please check again. in all cases we've seen, connecting to 8001 fixes it.02:02
maddog39ill try once more02:02
Jack_Sparrownalioth, done..  the bot's k-line those for us02:03
naliothJack_Sparrow: no02:03
naliothirritated staff kline them02:03
Seeker`Jack_Sparrow: I think the bots just mute, but staff pick up on it happening and k-line02:03
LjLwho are those you unbanned, jack?02:03
Jack_SparrowOny three bans I had in there.. no one of importance02:04
naliothLjL: the exploiters ( klined )02:04
LjLwere they? i don't see the bans02:04
Jack_SparrowLet me know if you need me to do anything.. 02:06
=== tritium is now known as [NM]tritium
LjLsomeone with access in -r-t tell maddog39 he can rejoin02:07
LjLi invited but he ignored02:07
LjLthe bots won't let him because we're still split02:07
jjrosstest me02:08
LjLjjross, in #ubuntu-read-topic02:08
LjLjjross, say it there - after fixing your connection02:09
Seeker`jjross: you need to type "test me" in #ubuntu-read-topic 02:09
naliothjjross: type /j #ubuntu-read-topic and then say "test me" in that channel02:09
Seeker`nalioth: he is there already02:09
jjrossi have already done that, do you need me to do it again?02:09
LjLjjross: yes, because it failed the first time.02:10
LjLyou were disconnected02:10
Seeker`jjross: Have you either fixed the firmware on your router, or joined on port 8001?02:10
LjLSeeker`: no02:10
Seeker`jjross: What port are you connected on?02:10
Seeker`jjross: what client are you using?02:11
naliothjjross: you'll need to completely restart the client02:12
jjrossok restarting02:12
Seeker`LjL: The bot in -read-topic is still messaging maddog, even though he has parted02:12
LjLSeeker`: that's normal, it'll keep doing it until we're back from the split02:13
LjLtwo servers are still split, and one is not quite synced02:13
Seeker`ah, fair enough02:14
Seeker`just thought you might want to know :)02:14
LjLSeeker`: after the split, the bots will unban him again, and that will help to make sure the unban actually propagates to all servers02:15
* Seeker` nods02:15
=== [NM]tritium is now known as tritium[NM]
Seeker`jjross: have you typed "test me" in #ubuntu-read-topic 02:16
LjL!nickspam > tritium[NM]    (tritium[NM], see the private message from Ubotu)02:16
tritium[NM]Yeah, I know.  Sorry, LjL.02:16
jjrossok, I have restarted the client and did "test me" in #ubuntu-read-topic02:17
LjLno you didn't do the "test me" yet this time02:17
jjrosshmmm, I did the test me and it disconnected and reconnected02:18
LjLwell then you're still vulnerable, are you *sure* your *current* connection is on port 8001?02:18
Seeker`jjross: try it again02:18
LjLhe's not sure02:19
Seeker`heh. He hadn't tried it again since his last reconnect02:19
Seeker`jjross: are you 100% sure you are connected on port 8001?02:19
LjLjjross, have you changed the port for both "freenode" and "ubuntu irc", if you have both?02:19
jjrossok let me try that, ill be back02:20
LjLjjross: good, it worked.02:22
LjLjjross: you can rejoin, regardless of what the bots say02:23
jjrossok, thanks for the help02:23
Seeker`jjross: you cna also leave #ubuntu-read-topic 02:23
Seeker`I can't believe the amount of hassle from someone typing 1 line into a channel02:24
naliothSeeker`: small actions can create massive results02:26
jdongwelcome to #ubuntu-relationship-advice.....02:27
Seeker`jdong: huh?02:28
jdongnever mind :)02:28
LjLnothing, just another of jdong's line that i'm adding to the blackmail list02:29
Seeker`you have a blackmail list?02:29
jdongSeeker`: it's not hard to make one of me :)02:29
LjLwell, it depends02:29
LjLjdong makes it easy02:29
LjLfor others i do not bother02:29
* Seeker` cnat think of anything he has said that is blackmailable :P02:29
Seeker`% typos02:29
jdongSeeker`: you're not going deep enough then02:31
Seeker`"going deep enough"?02:31
Seeker`I meant on IRC - I've probably said plenty IRL02:31
Seeker`thankfully, my fingers act as a bit of a filter02:32
jdong^^ innuendo above.02:32
* Seeker` ignored it :P02:33
jdongok now I'm just feeding you guys freebies.02:33
* Seeker` is sure he could make a comment about swallowing, but wont bother02:33
jdongSeeker`: it's probably safer not to, given the kind of people you're interfacing with :)02:34
mneptokInnuendo. The suppository Italians trust.02:35
Seeker`mneptok. the killer of conversations.02:41
mneptokheeeey-aaaay-aaaay, la! see saw! heeeeey-aaaaay-aaaay, la! hee haw!02:43
* mneptok bops around to some Dandy Warhols02:44
Seeker`hmm, I reckon my housemates boyfriend is using bittorrent02:47
Seeker`he arrived at around 10pm, and since then there has been a constant upload of 20kb/s02:48
mneptokturn off DHCP, expire all leases.02:49
mneptokyou'll get some face time!02:49
Seeker`I could just block the traffic on the port he is using02:49
mneptokbe sure to change yor last name to "Comcast"02:50
Seeker`I reckon the speed isn't very high because he is behind NAT02:58
ubotuIn #kubuntu, kgoetz said: ubotu: no, cedega is cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega or ask the irc channel #cedega03:02
dsofiesfwhow long does a ban last?03:14
dsofiesfweveryone zzzing?03:15
naliothdsofiesfw: patience is a virture03:15
naliothvirtue, even03:15
dsofiesfwi'm at 3 so far.03:15
naliothwe've had some going on 2 years03:15
dsofiesfwtime to change mac address.03:16
naliothdsofiesfw: taht is not the right attitude  :(03:16
dsofiesfwwhat's the time on range?03:17
naliothi'm looking it up now03:17
naliothbut threats of evasion are not welcome03:17
dsofiesfwevasion? 03:18
dsofiesfware my nicks flagged as spam?03:18
naliothwaht were you banned for?03:19
dsofiesfwhonestly don't remember03:19
dsofiesfwlong time ago03:19
dsofiesfwi don't think it was me either, someone using a box on my network.03:19
naliothyou'll need to wait for the banning operator03:19
dsofiesfwthe banning operator.03:19
nalioththe op who banned you03:20
dsofiesfwi'll just continue using my local wifi networks, this seems like alot of work.03:20
naliothno work at all, just a bit of patience03:21
dsofiesfwyeah, it's annoying having to switch stuff over, but, i'll work with it.03:21
nickrud dsofiesfw see the topic for this channel03:26
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, pppoe_dude said: ubotu without lart is like cheesecake without a topping03:55
=== ZarroBoogs is now known as Pici
PriceChildLjL: Floodbot1 having trouble in -read-topic?11:30
* jpatrick eyes chalcedony 13:22
jpatrickthis guy/lady keeps "Excess Flood"ing13:27
jpatrickhi KIAaze, how may I help you?13:47
KIAazewhen did I join ubuntu-ops?13:48
jpatrickKIAaze: were you prehaps ban forward in a channel to here?13:48
KIAazemaybe, I don't know13:48
jpatrickone moment please13:49
jpatrickKIAaze: ah, you were banned from #ubuntuforums by jdong 13:51
KIAazefor what reason?13:52
jpatrick"*** KIAaze has quit IRC (":(){ :|:&};:")" maybe13:53
KIAazecompletely forgot that13:53
KIAazebut is it bcause of how I quit last time?13:53
KIAazeI'll change the message13:54
jpatrickKIAaze: if you want the ban lifted you'll have to wait till he comes back13:54
KIAazeit's allright, I barely use those channels13:54
KIAazeI just idle in them13:54
jpatrickKIAaze: in that case, I'll have to point you at the /topic of this channel13:55
KIAazewhat does that mean?13:55
KIAazeah ok13:55
ubotuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.13:55
KIAazeI meant I was idling in the ubuntuforums and ubuntu channels13:56
KIAazenot here13:56
KIAazeI just got here because somebody banned me ^^13:56
jpatrickKIAaze: yes, but you do not wish to have the ban lifted tho, so no need to be here :)13:56
KIAazeyes, maybe lifting the ban would still be a good idea ;)13:57
PiciKIAaze: heh, welcome back.13:58
KIAazeotherwise I'll have to remove those channels from my default set13:58
Picihold on, let me grab someone who has power in there.13:58
PiciPriceChild: ping ^13:58
KIAazeeverytime I launch xchat I get in automatically13:58
* jpatrick doesn't quite understand what was wrong with the quit message13:58
KIAazeI removed my quit message, so it should be allright now13:59
Picijpatrick: its a fork bomb13:59
PriceChildKIAaze: its removed and won't happen again?13:59
jpatrickPici: aha, right13:59
KIAazeI can test now if you want13:59
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotwo Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:04
jpatrickmentions ubotwo ^^14:04
Pici!msgthebot =~ s/ubotwo/ubotu/14:06
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, Pici said: !msgthebot =~ s/ubotwo/ubotu/14:06
Pici!msgthebot =~ s/ubotwo/ubotu/14:06
ubotuNothing changed there14:06
jpatrickubotu lies14:08
ubotuMostly just statistics, but yeah.14:08
Pici!botabuse =~ s/ubotwo/ubotu/14:08
ubotuI'll remember that Pici14:08
Picisadfwe: Greetings, how can we help you today?15:32
sadfwei'm still banned, wondering how long it will last.15:32
PiciLet me look, one moment15:32
* jpatrick read the nick as 'sabdfl'15:32
sadfwealso banned as 2 other networks as well.15:33
sadfweyou need the ranges?15:36
Picisadfwe: You were here yesterday under a differnt name, were you not?15:36
sadfwei can check my logs to pull the nick?15:36
sadfweif you need?15:37
LjLyes, please15:37
sadfwesorry, it's been overwritten15:38
LjLok - why were you banned?15:38
sadfwedon't remember been months ago.15:38
sadfwediscussing wifi i think15:39
sadfweor wifi bridging.15:39
LjLsadfwe, well, it was february15:39
sadfwemonth ago.15:39
sadfwewifi bridging i beleieve.15:39
LjLsadfwe: the nickname was dsofiesfw is that correct?15:40
LjLsadfwe: wait, or dsoffs?15:40
sadfwehonestly, i hit up random nicks everytime i fire up my irc client.15:40
LjLsadfwe: well, why don't you register a unique freenode identity instead? that lets you send private messages as well as build up a reputation15:41
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.15:41
sadfwei have one, but, that's for openbsd.15:41
sadfwebecause it requires it, when ubuntu chan requires it, then ill start.15:41
LjLbut sadfwe, you can use it no matter what channel you're on15:41
sadfwei undestand that, but it's not required.15:42
LjLsadfwe: no, but it's encouraged, and i definitely don't see why you'd only use your registered identify on channels that actively require it15:42
sadfwei said, because they require it is why i use it, when needed.15:43
LjLsadfwe: in order to be able to troll?15:43
sadfwesadfwe is registered. 15:43
sadfweanything else?15:44
LjLsadfwe: yes, grow up and stop harrassing channels15:44
sadfweanything else?15:44
LjLyes, please leave this channel unless you have any further questions15:45
sadfwei'm still banned though?15:45
sadfwei'm still banned though?15:45
sadfweoops, didn't mean that one.15:45
LjLyes, because you seem to be clearly changing identities in order to keep trolling, as you have done at least twice in #ubuntu, and probably numerous other times in other channels15:45
sadfwebah, fine, i'll hit up another wifi network and log in with another name and blah blah, ask my question, and still get what i need. jesus.15:46
sadfweeithe way i still win15:46
LjLsadfwe: have a good day15:46
sadfwei will.15:46
* jpatrick sighs15:47
Mezkeep an eye out for nicks that look like people randomly hitting the keyboard (which all of those do)15:56
PiciMez: and his realname & ident, which he has not changed15:57
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
LjLPici: *you* highlight "mirc"15:58
PiciLjL: I did, no hits yet15:58
MezPici, then why not Realname ban him?16:04
PiciMez: because its set to mirc_16:05
jussi01oh no!16:05
LjLhave no phear16:05
PiciLjL is here?16:05
jussi01hai ubotu  :P16:07
Mezubotu: hi16:07
jussi01Mez: give it a moment, it has 76 channels to join...16:08
* Amaranth hugs ubotu16:08
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops!16:09
Mezjussi01, only 76 ?16:31
* Mez is on 81 here, 14 elsewhere16:33
jpatrickMez: you... are... insane16:45
* jpatrick hides16:45
Mezjpatrick, thankyou16:46
* jpatrick just manages 4316:46
Mezjpatrick, #katapult ? :P16:47
* jussi01 is on like, ummm about 15... you maniacs17:03
Amaranthi'm only on 1617:04
Amaranthi cut way back17:04
jussi01I try to keep it manageable...17:04
Amaranthi used to be in ~30, iirc17:04
Amaranthi've got 2 or 3 more i'll probably drop soon, then #ubuntu+1 will go away soon too17:05
jpatrickjussi01: I'm monitoring a ton of loco-channels tho17:06
jussi01ahh, yes of course17:06
jpatrick-es, -fr, -de, -cat, ... and then there's all the Debian channels..17:07
PiciI'm in ~20, can't pay attention to any more than that.17:09
jussi01Pici: yeah, same here17:09
PiciAnd I rarely say anything in some, like #ubuntu-devel and -motu.17:10
LjLPici: thank you for your contribution17:11
Amaranth7 (or 8 if you include #upstart) of my 16 channels are ubuntu stuff :P17:12
jussi01ok, I have 15 channels, and all bar 1 are ubuntu stuff17:12
PiciLjL: anytime17:16
Piciack, they're multiplying 17:20
LjLPici: well that's easy, it's just a sum of additions. what's conceptually trickier is making them turing complete, mostly involves branching.17:21
ubotuIn ubotu, wastrel said: wtf is wrong with you17:35
jpatrick!bot > wastrel17:35
jpatrick"< ~Sansjo> anyone wanna earn $10 paypal/moneybookers pm me."17:38
Picivorian already got it :)17:38
jpatrickvorian's on it17:39
Seveasall hail vorian :)17:39
vorianhe was spamming in #freenode17:40
jpatrickhey Myrtti 17:49
jussi01LjL: clearing old bans?18:20
ubotuemilsedgh called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()18:59
jpatrickwhat is ubotu doing in -ir?19:04
naliothsame thing he does everywhere else19:06
Picinalioth: try to take over the world?19:10
naliothPici: yeup19:11
jussi01nalioth: I thought that was last week? :P19:12
naliothyou know about b u g   o n e 19:12
naliothan everpresent duty19:13
Amaranthbug 119:13
Amaranthmost spammed bug ever19:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119:13
LjLwell you can't really say Windows-based platforms dominate the IRC bot market19:13
jussi01hahahah true19:14
ubotumohi called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()20:06
mohiMez: ping20:07
mohiI want help in ubuntu-ir! 20:13
ubotumohi called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()20:13
PiciLjL: ^?20:15
Picinalioth: ^?20:15
ompaulmohi, what kind of help?20:16
Picimohi: getting people with access to do that20:16
ompaulmohi, you already have operator status20:16
mohiok, ty20:16
ompaulPici, pm20:17
Piciompaul: sure20:17
mohinalioth: Pici, we have an insulter there in #ubuntu-ir20:17
ompaulmohi, so do you want them removed?20:18
ompaulmohi, and need help doing this?20:18
mohiI do this! allways! kikban20:18
mohibut he comes from another IP soon!20:18
ompaulmohi, ahh ban a avoider20:18
ompaulmohi, so you can ban several ways20:19
jpatrickmohi: you speak english in -ir?20:19
ompaulip real name and so forth20:19
mohijpatrick: normally no! Persian. or may be Persian in English letters20:20
ompaulmohi, if you are willing to accept my help I will issue a ban on them that should keep them busy for a few minutes or a day or two depending on how go they are20:20
ompaulgood they are that is20:20
Myrttiagain, I fully understand if you feel like kicking me from #ubuntu-offtopic today20:21
mohiompaul: :S kam3ron in ubuntu-ir. please look20:21
ompaulI am looking20:21
ompaulMyrtti, please kiddie crimes :)20:21
Myrttiirc while being piss drunk is no kiddie crime20:22
Myrttialthough, I still do write English quite well after consuming 2,5 liters of cider20:22
Myrttino, don't tempt me. I might get silly ideas to go to the nearby pub to have more20:23
jussi01Myrtti: bed + lots of water to stave off the hangover20:24
Myrtticheers jussi01 20:24
Myrttijussi01: you think? I've got prescription strength ketoprofen in my closet you know20:24
Jack_SparrowI found something on the web that is scary (Ubuntu Related)  http://www.crexor.net/~crexor/ubuntu/20:24
nickrudI always thought the hangover was part of the charm20:24
Jack_Sparrownickrud, Check out that link20:25
nickrudJack_Sparrow: finally, I'm not at the top of the lists!20:25
* jpatrick wonders what happened to "unagi"20:30
jpatrickyes, but he helped out loads in #k iirc20:30
Myrtti22:30 @,- 62 - #ubuntu-offtopic: ban *!*n=mrunagi@*.hsd1.tn.comcast.net [by  ballard.freenode.net, 916105 secs ago]20:31
ompauljpatrick, he is not welcome20:31
ompaul.    <---- full stop20:31
jpatrickompaul: ack20:31
ompaulmneptok, kvm woes20:31
ompaulmneptok, kvm I can't get a good week this week ;-)20:31
ompaulmaybe next week will be good20:32
Seeker`Myrtti: which cider?20:34
Myrttithe one with the most alcholic content one can sell in a shop not being the licenced state owned monopoly20:35
jussi01alko sucks20:35
Myrttiie. "anything that is labeled 'light' and contains 4.7% alcohol"20:35
Myrttiie. the cheapest junk one can buy, ie. Lidl junk20:36
Seeker`jussi01: why?20:36
* Myrtti takes a sip20:36
Myrttihooray for alcohol induced oblivion20:37
jussi01Seeker`: you can only buy strong alkohol in one place= high prices crap opening hours20:37
* Seeker` has some strongbow20:38
Myrttithey sell that in the grocerystores here too20:38
MyrttiI didn't like strawford press20:39
Myrttiand Old Rosie is awful20:39
Seeker`the hobgoblin cider is good20:39
MyrttiI like La Cidraé though20:39
Seeker`as is westons vintage (8% woo!)20:39
MyrttiI've not seen that here20:39
* Seeker` has visited a "cyder farm"20:40
Seeker`you got to see where they make everything20:40
Seeker`and try all the stuff they make20:40
MyrttiI think I've been spoilt with my mom's apple juice20:43
Myrttithat's why I love La Cidraé20:44
Myrttior whatever20:44
ompauljpatrick, say nothing .20:57
jpatrickompaul: that host is starting to bug me20:58
ompauljpatrick, hmm20:58
ompaullets see20:58
mneptokhmmm ... looks liek i'm going to Prague22:06
Seeker`mneptok: oh?22:07
Seeker`Its right in the middle of my exams :'(22:09
MyrttiI liek milk22:09
Seeker`Myrtti: +122:10
jpatrickmneptok: see ya there then22:11
Seeker`Do you reckon they would put it back a few weeeks for me?22:12
mneptokSeeker`: call Mark and ask. he's on a ski vacation. he'll be really happy to get a phone call. ;)22:12
LjLwasn't excel unbanned?22:32
ompaulLjL, that should be easy to calculate22:40
Seeker`as long as it doesn't result in 65,53522:41
LjLha, ha.22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
Seeker`pi = 422:42
ompaulSeeker`, only for large values of pi22:44
Seeker`no, for small values of 422:44
elkbuntumneptok, they invite _you_ but not _me_? seriously wtf!22:55
Seeker`elkbuntu: Even worse, they didn't invite *me*22:55
mneptokelkbuntu: i don't get invitations. i get marching orders.23:01
* Seveas orders mneptok to march to elkbuntu 23:10
* mneptok dons his Aquaman costume23:11
mneptoknot because i need it for the walk, but because elky says it makes me look "aqualicious"23:11
mc44you look aquafresh23:13
ompaulFresh 23:13
ompaulthis joke is a bit wet23:14
ompaulI am hopping mad - not just mad23:18
ompaulthere ya go 23:18
ompaulI want to squash something23:18
* nickrud hands ompaul a squash23:19
* ompaul squashes squash23:19
nickrudnow, don't you feel better?23:21
* nickrud walks away, whistling23:22
Seeker`ompaul: why are you hopping mad?23:28
ompaulSeeker`, cos I can be :)23:29
Seeker`fair enough23:29
ompaulSeeker`, you have not had my week23:29
ompaulbe happy23:29
Seeker`ompaul: cider makes things better :)23:30
ompaulSeeker`, if I could I would23:30
ompaulSeeker`, btw random drink driving tests on the road this evening23:30
ompaulI don't drink (99.99999%) of the time23:30
ompaulor something like that23:30
ompaul4 if not 5 nines23:31
ompaulcopper was laughing by the time I was finished23:31
Seeker`no alcohol through choice? or other reasons?23:32
ompaulit disagrees with me23:32
ompaulas a food stuff23:32
ompauland please don't do the X and Y and so forth23:32
ompaulI have in my youth drank stuff you never heard of ;-)23:33
mneptoklike the "sweet wine of American freedoms"23:35

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