
SlartKarsyth: where are those gcf files stored? do you have the path?00:00
KarsythSlart: is it possible that my drive "thinks" that there is only 2gb of space?00:00
arrowcube: look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter?highlight=%28windows%29%7C%28printer%29%7C%28up%29%7C%28setting%2900:00
amenadoJuan see this nice tutorial http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm00:00
iceswordhi,good morning00:00
gbzgintu: ok well if all regular users have home directorys, maybe you can find them, eg /home/gintu means gintu is a user ?00:00
Juanamenado, ubuntu wrote the menu.lst and it must be because it boots when i go thru the menu00:00
KarsythSlart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59546/00:00
amenadoJuan modify it yourself then per your customization needs00:00
Juanamenado, but is that what causes xp to set itself as default?00:01
SlartKarsyth: that just means that find can't access the folder.. it doesn't mean there's a file named gcf there00:01
KarsythSlart: i tried running as root and it just went to a new line with no results00:02
Juanamenado, my temp fix is every time i go off xp, boot the gutsy live cd and remove the boot flag from the xp partition00:02
gintugbz: not all users have home directors ex /root, there should be a command to list the users and there doesn't appear to be :(00:02
amenadoJuan i gave you a link to read up..00:02
SlartKarsyth: "sudo find / | grep -i gfc" didn't work?00:02
amenadoJuan see this nice tutorial http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm00:02
PeloGIn, try with sudo apt-get install gnome-core ,I think thats wil install all the required  dependencies and get you a full desktop withouth the rest of the ubuntu stuff00:02
Juansorry, didnt catch that00:02
gbzgintu: well i am stumped ;)00:02
gintugbz: me too, back into windows land for me x_x00:03
cubearrow, so i use samba then right?00:03
KarsythSlart: it found 2 things, /usr/share/app-install/desktop/gfceu.desktop and /usr/share/app-install/icons/gfceu.png00:03
gintugbz: thanks for your time.00:03
SlartKarsyth: and those two aren't using up gigabytes of your space..00:03
gbzgintu: try google if you cannot find an answer here, must be possible00:03
KarsythSlart: let me double check00:04
amenadoJuan also  man update-grub00:04
SlartKarsyth: so.. we can do this.. "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoclean"00:04
gintugbz: i have a few hours into it already and nothing comes up, i want to know how "users settings" gui does it because that's what i want00:04
Pelogintu, what is it you are trying to do ?00:04
arrowcube, never done it myself, just knew that I've seen the page while searching on how to set up my printer.00:04
SlartKarsyth: and then you can do this "sudo find / | grep -i trash" see what kind of trash folders you can find.. these should be empty00:04
gintuPelo: list all the user accounts on a system just like Sys->Admin->Users and Groups00:05
gintuPelo: but from the command line00:05
Pelogintu, man users ,  you can probably do a users -l or soemting to list the available account00:05
KarsythSlart: holy shit, it found a ton in the trash00:05
KarsythSlart: but its not showing up in my trash bin00:06
SlartKarsyth: told you to empty your trash =)00:06
gintuPelo: i have looked at the man pages for all the user related commands... so man users "users currently logged in" -- i want users not logged in also00:06
mauro_rioivSlart: i download the .deb file ... and the same error apears ...00:06
KarsythSlart: its empty though, it doesnt let me clean it00:06
gintuPelo: do you know how to get it to display not logged in users ?00:06
SlartKarsyth: it doesn't always do that... the trashbin is.. well .. not entirely reliable00:06
KarsythSlart: alright, so how do i clean it out?00:06
Lawrence111Hello folks.. wrong server :)00:06
Slartmauro_rioiv: then the package is broken from the source.. you'll have to wait until they fix it..00:06
mauro_rioivok, tks00:07
Pelogintu, ask in ##linux , this can be done, I'M just not 1337 enough to tell you how00:07
GInthank you Pelo00:07
gintuPelo: apparently google isn't either :) i'll try in linux then, thanks.00:07
mixedis it possible to uninstall ttthe latest version  of kde3 and install an earlier version of KDE  3?00:07
SlartKarsyth: the easiest and safest way would be to use nautilus... I would run this in a terminal "gksudo nautilus".. but be very careful with that nautilus window.. you can kill your entire system if you drag and drop something by mistake.. or remove the wrong folder00:07
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Pelogintu, search along the line of user permission, or groups00:08
caseyzhas anyone successfully gotten webcams to work on stickam? i just saw a guyy do it00:08
SlartKarsyth: so keep any small children away.. lock up the dog and the cat.. etc etc00:08
Pelomixed, probably you should ask in #kde00:08
gintuPelo: what I found about groups / permissions only relates to those accounts logged in :(00:08
RichWCan data still be fed to stdin once the program has been started on linux?00:08
helpmeowhcan some teach me about partition ...00:08
mixedPelo, thank you, I will00:08
helpmeowhI'm new and wanted to install ubuntu00:08
Pelogintu, you just need to get the list of users ?   cd /home , ls00:09
KarsythSlart: um, i think i might have possibly put my trash in my trash "?"00:09
thiefnesshelpmeowh: follow the installer instructions?00:09
KarsythSlart: im seeing some files that look like they are associated with trash apps00:09
Pelohelpmeowh, what do you need to know00:09
seb962 just moved my HD to a new mobbo, it's an Asus m2n-mx, and now I'm getting a kernel panic: timer not connected to ioapic. I've tried booting with noapic as everyone suggest, but then my keyboard gets disabled... I'm trying to boot from the live cd, and it happens aswell! any thoughts?00:09
Pelocaseyz,  you are not being ignored this is just a busy channel , ask your question again periodicaly00:09
caseyzcan i switch from video4linuxv2 to v1?00:09
helpmeowhok i alraeady make a partition with ext3 .... how bout mount point00:09
SlartKarsyth: ok.. what kind of files?00:09
caseyzStickam finds my webcam, but it does not turn on, is there some sort of problem?00:10
thiefnesshelpmeowh: mount point for the linux partition should be /00:10
caseyzmsn and skype turn it on00:10
iceswordhelpmeowh, usually, you need a / partition and /swap partition00:10
Pelocaseyz, I can't answer your quesiton, try searching in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org , if noone else here can ehlp you00:10
geniiseb962: Perhaps try usb_handoff as an option along with noapic00:10
Odd-rationaleicesword: swap not /swap.00:10
caseyzthey guy i spoke with said he was on 6.10 and his webcam works perfectly00:10
seb962genii I'm going to do some research on that command. Thanks a lot00:10
p221072Question: I have Ubuntu on an external usb drive, now I changed laptop and the new one has an Intel Core 2 Duo Cpu, should I update the kernel to support the dual core?00:10
gintuPelo: so that works if they have a home directory in /home only -- User settings picks up the root account also00:11
KarsythSlart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59547/00:11
Pelohelpmeowh,  if you are using the manual partitionning step of the instaler, you will get asked for what partiton mounts to wath in the next step00:11
seb962Oh that's it, I'm so stupid.00:11
helpmeowhucesword .... do i need to make many partion for every /boot , /home and etc .... one partition for 1 mount point00:11
seb962The kernel is outdated... This one is a dualcore!00:11
Slartp221072: I think both use the same kernel.. unless you want to use a 64 bit kernel.. that doesn't really give you much of a performance boost00:11
Pelogintu, the /home for the root user is /root00:11
geniiseb962: dual core should not matter, the default kernel is smp enabled00:12
helpmeowhi already make 2 partition now , one is ext3 and one is swap ...00:12
p221072ok, but can I know if I'm actually taking advantage of it?00:12
gintuPelo: can't users have their home directory in other locations and then listing the home directory in this method would break?00:12
seb962genii: Good to know. I'm a big big green novice heh.00:12
Pelohelpmeowh,  we slightly above average users like to have our /home on a seperate partiton,00:12
SlartKarsyth: ah.. those aren't deleted files.. that's icons for the trashcan and such.. but check the folder /home/karsyth/.Trash  that should be empty00:13
seb962genii: Mind you both my mouse and keyboard are ps2... Wont that prejudice the solution?00:13
KarsythSlart: yes that folder is empty00:13
Pelogintu, not sure, on the one computer, all the home should be in one partiton under /home,  I don'T think different users can have their /home on differennt partitons,00:13
SlartKarsyth: it's more a problem when you have more than one hard drive.. then you get one .Trash on each drive00:13
helpmeowhso Pelo .... how many partition i should create right now ?00:13
Pelogintu,  actualy they probabaly can but they would need to be mounted under  /home00:14
helpmeowhis it 3 ??00:14
techt0nix!fixres | techt0nix00:14
gintuPelo: well that's good enough for now I guess, thanks :) I hope to find a better way soon.00:14
SlartKarsyth: so.. you're still missing about 8GB of free disk space, right?00:14
KarsythSlart: correct00:14
geniiseb962: That option usb_handoff works often on certain chipsets, even if the mouse or keyboard is ps2 and not usb00:14
KarsythSlart: i havent done anything since you told me to run Nautilus00:14
Pelohelpmeowh,  3 is what I have for basic work ,    5-10 gig for / in ext3,  2xRAM ( max 2gig) for swap , the rest for  /home in ext300:14
helpmeowhpelo owh occay00:15
helpmeowhthx ...00:15
helpmeowhso i will create 3 right00:15
seb962genii: Well, you gave me something new to try and revolve around. I really appreciate it, thanks!!!!00:15
Pelohelpmeowh,  you can always add more partitons later , you are not stuck with any of this00:15
KarsythSlart: i have Nautilus open, where should i go from here?00:15
laz0rhi #ubuntu, i have this problem -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/79101 but on ubuntu gutsy; is there by any chance a known solution for this?00:15
geniiseb962: Please report back results, either good or not00:15
seb962By the way, if I manage to boot the system I already had installed in my HD... Will I be able to run it? Or I'll need to reinstall ubuntu?00:15
helpmeowhso the remaining or the biggest size of the partition will go to /home00:16
seb962Genii: I sure will my friend :)00:16
Pelolaz0r, bugs listed in launchpad have fixes posted there as well when they become available00:16
SlartKarsyth: run this command in a terminal "du /* -sh" and pastebin the result..00:16
geniiseb962: If the old install works will depend greatly on the differences in hardware between the old and new system. So impossible to tell00:17
Pelohelpmeowh, that is where all your data and settings are saved,  and where you actualy work from , the rest is just executables and os stuff00:17
seb962genii: It'll be fun to try. brb00:17
KarsythSlart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59548/00:17
helpmeowhPelo is swap is needed ..... can i know is swap will maker processing process faster than windows ??00:18
gooseI need help getting my java to work in firefox00:18
Pelohelpmeowh,  swap is basicaly a memory extension to your hdd,  I don'T use much of it myself but it is used by most progs at some points, you don'T need a big one ,  2 gig max, if you have a lot of memory you can even go lower00:19
SlartKarsyth: you're not even close to using all of your 20GB hard drive.. what does df -hl output?00:19
gooseI can't get the "add photos" applet on facebook (which is a java applet) to work. does anyone know of a fix for this?00:19
Pelogoose, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin00:19
helpmeowhPelo ... What is Primary and logical .... which one i should use ??00:19
Pelohelpmeowh,  you can only get up to 4 primairy partitons on a hdd,  anymore and it must be 3 primaries and the rest in logical00:20
KarsythSlart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59549/00:20
goosePelo, sun-java5-plugin is already the newest version.00:20
* Pelo corrects helpmeowh 's spelling to okay00:20
SlartKarsyth: did you do the "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoclean" ?00:21
KarsythSlart: yes00:21
helpmeowhowh okay00:21
Pelogoose, check the firefox settings,  make sure javascript is enabled,  that is mroe likely your issue00:21
KarsythSlart: ill run them again real quickj00:21
goosePelo, that was the first thing I checked00:21
KarsythSlart: still using space00:22
Pelogoose, might try looking this up in the forum , maybe someone posted about it  www.ubuntuforums.org00:22
SlartKarsyth: then run this "du /usr/* -sh"00:22
* Pelo wonders if GIn managed to get gnome installed 00:22
goosePelo, I checked them out, but I was hoping I might get a more immediate response on IRC than I would on the forums.00:22
SlartKarsyth: to see what's in your /usr folder00:22
GInPelo, got an error when trying to run startx00:23
laz0rPelo, mmh, there doesn't seem to be any kind of fix on launchpad, so i guess there is none, thanks anyways00:23
KarsythSlart: a few GB in there. all i have installed in there is enemy territory which takes 900mb though00:23
helpmeowhowh okay .. i will go out first00:23
helpmeowhthx all00:23
GInit says no valid fontpath could be found00:23
Pelogoose, I meant searching, not posting,  you could also try asking in #firefox, maybe they know what needs to bedone00:23
KarsythSlart: anything else i didnt touch00:23
PeloGIn, what is the error ?00:23
GInPelo, it says no valid fontpath could be found00:23
SlartKarsyth: and "du /home/karsyth/* -sh" ?00:23
goosePelo, thanks for the suggestion00:23
caseyzthis webcam issue is making me mad00:24
KarsythSlart: around 500mvb00:24
PeloGIn, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ,  use the default answers provided unless you absolutely know better00:24
KarsythSlart: 500mb *00:24
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GInPelo, I done that already00:24
Chris|anyone know a good vnc server/viewer?00:24
Pelocaseyz, webcam in linux is a pain00:24
caseyzit sure it00:24
caseyzi just want it to work with stickam, my friend plugged his in and bam it works :/00:24
PeloGIn, hold on , let me see if I can't find a font pacakge related to gnome00:25
KarsythSlart: what do i do about those files i found in the bin eariler?00:25
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KarsythSlart: i think those might have been it.00:25
techt0nixwhat is the .conf file called that has my res that my video card trys to run?00:26
SlartKarsyth: those files weren't in the trash bin.. they were in /usr/lib and such..00:26
techt0nixi been there once i just cant remember00:26
GInPelo, I'm thiking to mount mu home dir over ssh through some program on WIndows so I can edit files in windows00:26
PeloGIn, if all you need is to edit txt files, why not just use nano ?00:26
KarsythSlart: well can i delete them anyways? they are associated with steam and wine00:26
KarsythSlart: which is what i was trying to do in the first place00:27
SlartKarsyth: what files are you talking about?00:27
KarsythSlart: ill show you00:27
GInPelo, not only edit files, not also transfer files00:27
GInwith a mountpoint in windows, I can drag and drop00:27
Cyr4xdoes anyoe use audacious on gutsy?00:27
Cyr4xi've got an annoying issue with equalizer00:27
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SlartCyr4x: sometimes.. yes00:28
PeloGIn do you mind having the full ubuntu destkop installed ?  you can always remove the extra stuff yuou don'T need ?    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:28
Cyr4xeverytime i start the program equalizer bars change00:28
snypzzjust wanted to say thank you for this channel 24 / 700:28
snypzzmuch appreciated !!!00:28
pelegIs there a way to control "encoding" or any other locale options in "writer"? I wrote a document in Hebrew, and exported it to .doc - I can read it well in openOffice, but my friend has Microsoft Word and she sees everything in Gibberish. Any ideas?00:29
* Pelo is now realy puzzles has to how to just install basic gnome from the repos 00:29
Cyr4xeven if i save my preset00:29
SlartCyr4x: I've never used the equalizer.. I just have it as a quick way of playing wav-files or a singe mp300:29
Cyr4xeverytime program stars equalizer is changed00:29
KarsythSlark: jesus it took me a long time to JUSt copy it00:29
Slartpeleg: does microsoft word support hewbrew?00:29
KarsythSlark: im pasting now00:29
GInPelo, I'll try that00:29
seb962Well, it seems that the usb_handoff worked, but now I'm having another concern consequent to the last one heh.00:30
pelegslart: yes, completely00:30
Cyr4xso what do you use as a main music/radio player?00:30
KarsythSlark: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59550/00:30
KarsythSlark: its a big one00:30
Slartpeleg: oh.. then I have no idea..00:30
pelegslart: thanks.00:31
GInneed to get 400MB :S00:31
KarsythSlark: thats what comes up when i run sudo find / | grep -i trash00:31
seb962Whenever I'm booting from the livecd using noapic and usb_jhandoff options, my monitor goes out of frequency (it jumps to 64mhx, my max is 60), so I can't see anything but I hear the system boot. Any ideas??00:31
pelegany other ideas buddies?00:31
* GIn goes get a coffee00:31
YashyI'm getting spontaneous reboots. If I do "last | grep reboot" they all end at 17:11. I've not created any root or user level cronjobs.00:31
Cyr4xi've tried also exaile. that's what i want, but the sound quality sux00:31
SlartKarsyth: ah.. those you can delete.. yes.. /root/.Trash is the trashbin for root..00:31
KarsythSlart: how do i delete them, through Nautilus?00:32
KarsythSlart: because they dont show up in my trash bin00:32
SlartKarsyth: use that nautilus window you opened using gksudo00:32
techt0nixcan noone tell me the conf file with my monitor res?00:32
Dr_willisDelete the trash and it puts the trash back in the trash. :)00:32
Dr_willisThis is when it pays to  learn the shell.00:32
Juanim on gutsy and after todays update i have no sound00:32
Dr_willistecht0nix,  all of X is confiogured by the xorg.conf file00:32
PeloGIn,  sudo apt-get install gnome is suppose to get you tthe full gnome desktop without the ubuntu extras,  I've gettiung this from the packages.ubuntu.com site00:32
SlartKarsyth: I think you can use.. shift+delete to "delete forever.. I never want it back.. just do it, trust me"00:32
Dr_willistecht0nix,  the moniotor modelines are either in there, or the video drivers get them from the monitor  when X starts00:32
Thurin1Can Ubuntu handle 2 mouse inputs at the same time? - when I try to run inputattach --mman /dev/ttyS0 I get the error "cannot set line discipline" (Yes I also have the extra mouse in my xorg.conf.. but still only one, the USB one, works. - any suggestions? Or is this not desirable under Ubuntu?00:33
Juani have no sound on alsa00:33
KarsythSlart: yep this is definitly it, it says its around 9GB00:33
KarsythSlart: funny how it doesnt show up anywhere else00:33
SlartDr_willis: the shell is nice.. but a typo can destroy so much...an extra space and here come mr reinstall for a surprise visit =)00:33
KarsythSlart: maybe because its under a fake C: drive?00:34
Dr_willisThurin1,  i have several machines with more then 1 mouse. I just got  /dev/input/mice for the main inpt00:34
techt0nixDr_willis, i was there before i just cant remember what it was it was not xorg.conf, it didnt have anything in the file but my monitor res if that helps00:34
Thurin1Dr_willis: Are they all USB/PS2 mice?00:34
SlartKarsyth: nope.. it's because it's in the root trashbin.. since you're never logged on as root.. you won't be able to empty it00:34
KarsythSlart: i think that fixed my problem00:34
KarsythSlart: man, you have no idea how much i appreciate your help00:34
Thurin1Dr_willis: One of mine is a Serial the other USB - the dual set works well in FreeBSD but ... not here for some reason00:34
Dr_willisSlart,  and with Nautulus running as root.. you have 2 BIGGER isues.. #1 - you may forget WHICH nautulus window is running as root. thus messing up things.. OR a miss-drag can  render the system totally messed up. I will stick with the shell.00:34
SlartKarsyth: yay.. you've got your 10 GB free now?00:34
KarsythSlart: i was about to format00:35
KarsythSlart: im almost positive i got it back00:35
SlartKarsyth: you're welcome00:35
KarsythSlart: thank you for being so patient with me and EVERYTHING :D00:35
Dr_willisSlart,  for root type file managment, i sticck with a bright red xterm, running mc. :)00:35
SlartDr_willis: indeed.. the cat jumping your mouse-arm.. and once again you're downloading ubuntu install disks =)00:35
SlartKarsyth: no worries.. nice to be able to help00:35
Dr_willisSlart,  this is why i often reccomend peoplke set up root's gnome themes to be BRIGHT RED> :)00:36
gr1ff1ncan anyone help me with that : "intltoolize: 'po/Makefile.in.in' is out of date: use '--force' to overwrite", don t know what to do anymore ? pls00:36
SlartDr_willis: that's not so bad.. never thought about that..00:36
Thurin1Dr_willis: A few distro's already do that00:36
KarsythDr_willis: how do i do that? lol00:36
Dr_willisThurin1,   a serial mouse would be /dev/input/psaux i belive. I dont even have a ps2 mouse any more.  all usb ones seem to use /dev/input/mice for me.00:36
Thurin1Well not a "few" but I know at least two that I have tried that were like that - I think one of them was Vector Linux00:36
Thurin1Dr_willis: Let me give that a shot..00:37
Pelogr1ff1n, use that same command that got you the error msg but put --force at the end00:37
Juansound on gutsy stopped working ofr me today, any help?00:37
Dr_willisI see people in here  complaining that the root users themes are not the same as the normal user.. :)  I feel they should default to a Huge Flashing RED theme. :)00:37
gr1ff1npelo: I tried it, but still the same00:37
Dr_willisI forget how to set the root users gnome themes however.. run some gnome theme tool as root and set it i guess. :)00:38
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PeloJuan, review what you have done before it stopped working ,  did you play with alsa settings ? did you play with permissions ? do you still hve a volume icon in your pannel ?00:38
Pelogr1ff1n,  what's the command ?00:38
Juanall i can think of is a vlc update00:38
Karsythgoing to reboot, brb00:38
Juanbtw oss IS working00:38
gr1ff1n./autogene.sh, trying to install awn-curve00:38
PeloJuan,  check the vlc setting make sure they use alsa00:38
Juanbut why did alsa stop working00:38
ninj1hey whats a good binary for burning mp3 music discs for my car?00:38
Juanits not just vlc, the system sound with alsa is gone00:39
Pelogr1ff1n, that would appear to be a problem with the makefile in the source you are buildign , not much I can do about it00:39
apecrosscan u help me i need to mont my zen mp3 player do u know how to???00:40
gr1ff1nPelo: thanks anyway00:40
PeloJuan, review the alsamixer settings make suer nothing is muted00:40
Peloapecross,  usb ? it should mount to the destkop automaticaly00:40
pelegcan someone explain me these shortcuts? - C-x means ctrl-x. M-x means what?00:40
Slartpeleg: Meta+X.. usually Alt I think00:41
Juanomg pcm was muted00:41
Pelopeleg, might also be window key00:41
apecrossPelo, it does not^^00:41
Juanthanks Pelo00:41
Starnestommyor escape00:41
ninj1what's a good burning software for linux so i can burn an mp3 disc for my car?00:41
Slartpeleg: you can change what key the meta key is.. it's in .. perhaps keyboard settings00:41
pelegPelo: probably not; it's on texinfo manual00:41
Juanmaybe someone h4x0r3d me00:41
Slartninj1: brasero is one00:41
Enronhi I added a file in /etc/cron.d/file with this: 0-55/5 *        * * *   root    /usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -update - config=blah.com >/dev/null00:41
Peloapecross, open a terminal and type   blkid see if you can tell if the comp sees your zen00:41
Enronwill this work?00:41
ninj1thanks slart00:41
pelegslart: but what *should* it be, by default?00:41
Peloapecross, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel00:42
EnronIf I want to run this command every 2 min how would I do it: /usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -update - config=blah.com >/dev/null00:42
apecrosspelo it show just my hd00:42
PeloEnron, I think you want to add taht line by editing   with sudo crontab -e ,  and you can change the time to some ting close to see if it works,00:43
apecross/dev/sda1: UUID="e13883ad-cfc6-47c7-9a53-5f227b1211a3" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"00:43
apecross/dev/sda5: UUID="bf41b9d4-a891-48c6-bd62-d1f00b21a5e3" TYPE="swap"00:43
Peloapecross, do you have other usb device you can use to test ?00:43
EnronPelo can you show me what it should look like00:43
Slartpeleg: difficult questions.. I've changed mine.. don't know what the default is00:43
apecrossu mean like an ipod??00:44
PeloEnron, it will look like what you typed but it will be a line in the crontab file for root, which your get with sudo crontab -e00:44
Peloapecross, or just your basic usb flash drive ,00:44
Peloapecross, just so you can test that it,s not the usb outlet that is defective00:44
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* Pelo feels like playing around with conky but he's not sure what else he could add 00:47
Thurin1Dr_willis: No psaux and I really do not feel like doing a makedev, not now anyways.. ah well00:47
PeloThurin1, conky is an applet that displays system info on your desktop , as part of the background00:47
Thurin1Pelo: I know what it is00:47
PeloThurin1, you do not like conky ?00:47
apecrosspelo my pen drive is working00:47
Thurin1No I do not00:48
Thurin1But to each his own I suppose00:48
Peloapecross, might be specific to that type of device then,  in other comps or on other oses, does it mount as a usb drive or does it need a special app ?00:48
PeloThurin1, I ust wanted someting with a little less resource consumptuion,  I made it look nice00:49
Slartpeleg: add the "keyboard indicator" to the gnome panel.. there you can right click on it.. select "show current layout".. that shows you where your meta keys are.. and super keys etc etc00:49
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basskozzNeed help getting hellanzb + SSL to work, anyone care to lend a hand?00:49
DrZaius55Is this an appropriate place to discuss hardy?00:49
StarnestommyDrZaius55: #ubuntu+1 is00:49
DrZaius55Fair enough.. thanks00:49
apecrosspelo it mount as an external hd00:49
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Slartwell.. I'm off.. good night everyone00:51
Pelog'night Slart00:51
PeloThurin1, http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturehe2.png00:51
* Pelo cheers at the arrival of nickrud 00:52
Dr_willisThurin1,  the makdev stuff has been outdated for ages i thought.  It may be some modiule aint getting loaded. I havent messed with ps2 devices in ages00:52
Dr_willisThurin1,  its /dev/psaux it seems . Not /dev/input/psaux - on this machine00:53
Thurin1Dr_willis: It's not PS2 :| It's serial that's why I said /dev/ttyS000:53
nontitlehi everyone00:53
Dr_willisThurin1,  crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 1 2008-03-03 13:19 /dev/psaux00:53
nontitleI've installed ubuntu onto a USB stick and I'm using a CD to boot off it, as I usually bring it to friend's houses. I've modified the gdm script in /etc/init.d to automatically reconfigure X each time ubuntu is run. But I've run into a problem.00:53
Dr_willisThurin1,  ahh.. egads man.. thats... WAY old. :)00:54
Thurin1PS2/USB has no problem it's the serial mouse that has a problem00:54
nontitleOne of my friends uses an ATI video card, and I use an nVidia video card at home. Whenever I go to install the ATI drivers, though, it wants to uninstall the nVidia drivers. Now I could probably get around that, but will this break anything if I have both drivers installed at once?00:54
damaltordid anyone here ever use lcd4linux? everything works fine, just want some hints =)00:54
Dr_willisThurin1,  I forget what  the serial devices are even called. :) been so long.00:54
Thurin1Dr_willis: Yes it is - but by tonight I will have no choice ;D - my USB optical is on it's last legs00:54
basskozzBesides the Ubuntu Forums, where is a good place to ask a question regarding: hellanzb+SSL ?00:54
Pelonontitle, set it to always use vese that should make it able to run on all cards00:54
damaltorDr_willis: /dev/ttyS# ? :)00:54
Pelonontitle, vesa00:54
Thurin1Dr_willis: How dare you forget - never forget! XD00:54
Thurin1Yes it is /dev/ttyS0 slack had it00:55
Dr_willisThurin1,   I actually had several serial terminals on my liniux machines years ago.00:55
nontitleyeah, I have that already working00:55
Pelobasskozz, hellanzb forums ?00:55
Dr_willisback when it was Cua## or somthing.00:55
Thurin1Dr_willis: Very cool00:55
nontitlebut I want the hardware acceleration with it00:55
Thurin1Dr_willis: It still is on MUlinux00:55
basskozzPelo, where can I find the hellanzb forums?00:55
basskozzPelo, where can I find the hellanzb forums?00:55
* nickrud finds it amuzing to have ttyS* without serial ports00:55
nontitleI just need a way to have nvidia-glx and xorg-driver-fglrx installed at the same time00:55
basskozzoops sorry for the double post, finger slipped00:55
xp_prganyone here?00:55
Dr_willisThurin1,  that new Logitech VX Nano Mouse is nice. :) a micro-usb dongle..00:55
xp_prganyone want to help me with creation of a vmware image of a small program I made for an opensource project?00:56
Pelonontitle, that's over my head I'm afraid  , there are limitations to live cd ,  you might want to dl the .deb for the restricted driver and hve it availalbe on your usb stick in the /apt/cache folder00:56
Dr_willisHmm.. I think i have some serial to ps2 adaptors somewhere in my big-box-o-old-adaptors somewhere. :)00:56
Pelobasskozz, check on their website00:56
xxxx443354Ctrl - Alt - delete.... on windows brings up that task thing.... how do i set it up to do the smae on ubuntu?00:56
nontitlePelo: I'm not using the live cd, I'm running ubuntu off a USB stick00:56
nickrudnontitle: the do conflict at the package level, you'd have to modify the packages themselves. But the nvidia is only an apt-get install away00:56
Pelonickrud, you have unusual amusements00:56
Dr_willisxp_prg,  a vmware image is normally for a whole OS. Not just a program.   There are premade ubuntu  and jeos vmware images at the vmware appliance web site.00:57
damaltorDr_willis: yeah, got one of theese boxes too... DEEP in cellar, but sometimes useful though00:57
nickrudPelo: you're not the first (today, even) to say that00:57
Pelonontitle, live enviromeent I mean,  such as a usb stick ,  put the deb for the restreicted drives in the /apt/cache folder or where ever the .deb files are kept that should allow you to isntall the restricted driver when you need it00:58
pelegSlart: still: I ask what the shortcut M-x means? what meta-key *should* it be?00:58
xxxx443354Ctrl - Alt - delete.... on windows brings up that task thing.... how do i set it up to do the smae on ubuntu?00:58
* Pelo is starting to think nickrud is a bit kinky00:58
nontitleokay, I'll try that00:58
Dr_willispeleg,  meta key = alt, or ctrl.. :)  alt key i think...00:58
sykenow that gcc-4.3 is released, will someone build a proper package for it and transfer gcc-snapshot to the gcc 4.4 trunk?00:58
apecrosspelo i found on google some problem with MTP player00:58
potatokinky lol\\00:58
Dr_willis^c = control C   M-C  = alt-c00:58
Peloxxxx443354, menu > systms> prefs > keyboard shortctus00:58
nontitlePelo, WHAT? keep 3 feet away from nickrud00:58
damaltorpeleg: try windows key... in some funny way it was called "master key" in some distros00:58
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damaltorpeleg: so type [windows]+x00:59
xp_prgDr_willis, I know that, my laptop does not have enough memory to make one though, I need your help00:59
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nontitleIn KDE I think it's called Super L00:59
Pelonontitle,  I prefer half-a-continent away :-)00:59
* nickrud sniffs00:59
damaltorxp_prg: if you want to only run a single program, you ought to think about wine00:59
* Pelo is getting confused by his own off topics00:59
basskozzPelo where can I find the hellanzb forums, I can't seem to find them on the hellanzb web site, all I find is bug tracker00:59
* Pelo pats nickrud on the back , with a ten foot pole 01:00
Lycadeok, now that I've been trying this for awhile, I'm tired of doing it on my own. 1) LiveCD boot fails. It gives a blank screen and locks up after loading all processes. For 32-bit and 64-bit. 2) I installed using the alternate CD. Trying to boot, both normal and recovery mode, and it fails. I get to a black screen and the laptop locks up.01:00
pelegdamaltor: tried, thanks... didn't work, though.01:00
Pelobasskozz, I 'm not saying there are hellanzb forums, but if you want help iwth that particular app you should see what they can offer01:00
YashyI'm getting spontaneous reboots. If I do "last | grep reboot" they all end at 17:11. I've not created any root or user level cronjobs.01:00
pelegDr_willis: tried alt as well. well, never mind - maybe the tutorial (for texinfo) is not so good... :-)01:01
damaltorpeleg: well, then you will have no more real chances... a virtual environment takes up MUCH more memory then a single wine-loaded application01:01
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damaltorLycade: when does that black screen come?01:01
pelegdamaltor: did you mean to talk to someone else there?01:01
PeloYashy, anyting that might be interfeering with the power to your computer causing it to restart ?01:01
Lycadedamaltor, it comes after all proccesses are loaded (on the liveCD) with an "ok" after them, which is usually a few after the gnome display driver.01:01
Dr_willispeleg,  with emacs the escape key - is also somehow the meta-key01:02
damaltorpeleg: yes, sry =)01:02
LycadeOn the installed version, it gets to the end of the Ubuntu with the loading bar.01:02
pelegDr_willis: thanks01:02
Dr_willispeleg,  whats it a tutorial/docs for anyway?01:02
Kironhi all who use proftp here?01:02
pelegthere are a lot of keys for emacs there, but I can't handle it; it looks so unfriendly... ;-)01:03
damaltorLycade: had that thing too. a very unusal solution worked for me: just wait a few secs and hit a key, the black screen came always right after boot and seemed to be kinda screensaver01:03
revilodrawhow can i tell how hot my cpu is?01:03
Pelorevilodraw, read the manual ?01:03
KarsythSlart: whats the command for searching files again?01:03
damaltorpeleg: i dont like emacs either... \o/ VI \o/01:03
Pelorevilodraw,  nvm I missread your qwuesitono01:03
Lycadedamaltor, I had thought it might be the same thing. However, my laptop gets locked up. I can't even turn caps lock on/off.01:03
ader10Is vnc over nx any faster than regular vnc?01:03
Dr_willis!info texinfo01:03
ubotutexinfo (source: texinfo): Documentation system for on-line information and printed output. In component main, is optional. Version 4.8.dfsg.1-6 (gutsy), package size 292 kB, installed size 2116 kB01:03
Pelorevilodraw, in the terminal type sensor , or sensors, I can'T remember which01:04
Dr_willisader10,  i would be very much spuprised if it was faster01:04
damaltorLycade: did you change anything in xorg.conf, or installed any drivers like display / nvidia / ati? or does this come directly after fresh install?01:04
ader10Dr_willis: thanks01:04
tsmith0hello, I recently started using ubuntu and i want to get all 3 of my monitors working. i have an ati 1900xt and a geforce 6100 on my motherboard; however i can only get one of them to work at a time. any suggestions?01:05
ader10Dr_willis: Have you ever won an award for sitting on irc helping people?01:05
Lycadedamaltor, I only installed Ubuntu. I haven't gotten it to load at all from there.01:05
Pelo!dualhead | tsmith001:05
ubotutsmith0: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:05
genii!helpersnack | Dr_willis01:05
ubotuDr_willis: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:05
Dr_willisader10,  ive gotten a lot of creative  words tossed at me - does that count?01:05
damaltorLycade: Uh Oh... try to choose "recovery mode" in GRUB startup menu. does that work?01:05
geniiader10: We feed him cookies01:05
Karsythanyone know why i still have wine files installed after removing them?01:05
PeloKarsyth, removing how ?01:06
Lycadedamaltor, No. That froze as well.01:06
Karsythadd / remove01:06
ader10Dr_willis: it doesn't count enough :P You should get canonical to award the most helpful people on #ubuntu somehow :P01:06
Dr_willispeleg, Im missing somthing here.. what does making a texinfo file. have to do with the meta keys? :) the text editors normally make use of those..01:06
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Dr_willisader10,  perferablay an award with a check, for my housepayment :)01:06
PeloKarsyth, that just gets rid of the application, not he settings files or the data01:06
damaltorLycade: that must be a very hard problem. did you try to use same cd in another computer? did you do the "check cd for errors" in cd startup menu?01:07
KarsythPelo: how do i clean my system of all wine / steam / anything else ive installed in wine related file?01:07
Lycadedamaltor, I've done both. The cd was free of errors, and it did load on another computer.01:07
pelegDr_willis: it's a part that explains about emacs, a well integrated editor with emacs01:07
PeloKarsyth, sudo rm -r ~/.wine01:07
damaltorKarsyth: 1. apt-get remove wine 2. apt-get autoremove 3. rm -rf ~/.wine01:07
PeloKarsyth, is steam a window app or a linux app ?01:07
Scunizianyone know how to get to the harddrive on a dell vostro? It suddenly thinks the hd doesn't exist so I want to make sure it's seated properly.01:07
Dr_willispeleg, Ok. Your emacs - settings/editor are proberly the issue then. It may be the window manager is grabbing the key sequence also.01:08
KarsythPelo: wine01:08
PeloKarsyth, that command I gave you ( as well as damaltor ) should take care of it01:08
ader10I love how I can ask the simplest questions and get an answer here... I can look like a complete fool and still have my problem solved :P01:08
Dr_willispeleg,  i got a book on emaca and they always use the 'esc-c' type  stuff instead of 'meta-c' in their docs.. which is annoying. :) but i perfer vi!01:08
damaltorLycade: ...what the... is there anything special about that computer? is it a notebook? is there any special hardware?01:08
PeloKarsyth, you might have to remvoe any menu entries manualy01:08
KarsythPelo: how do i do that?01:08
KarsythPelo: when i ran that command it just went to a new line, is that supposed to happen?01:09
GInPelo, still installing :\01:09
PeloKarsyth, right click applications > edit menu01:09
damaltorKarsyth: yes01:09
Dr_williswell bbl. :)01:09
PeloKarsyth, pretty much01:09
LycadeIt is a notebook. An Hp Pavillion dv9009nr Notebook with AMD Turion 64 x2 (dual core processors)...01:09
damaltorKarsyth: no output means no errors =)01:09
pelegDr_willis: well, I prefer SciTE... ;-)01:09
PeloKarsyth, what were you expecting to happen ?01:09
Lycadedamaltor,  Thats it. Just a standard HP notebook. =/01:09
KarsythPelo: not sure, im still new ish to linux01:09
damaltorLycade: ok... Linux on notebooks is a funny thing, but my 3 notebooks work fine with ubuntu. give me a sec01:10
PeloKarsyth, that's how decent OSes work,  no needless bells and wistles01:10
KarsythPelo: so wine and steam should now be removeed?01:10
Lycadedamaltor, I agree. I've had 3 that didn't have problems as well. This is the first one that did all of this to me. -_- I do know that I have an nVidia Geforce 6150 graphics card. I feel like it might be a display issue with that card.01:11
markrianProblem: when I hit Ctrl+Alt+F[123456], instead of taking me to the relevant virtual terminal, my monitor enters standby mode. Pressing (Ctrl+)Alt+F7 brings me back to X without any problems, but I like my VTs! Any help as to how to begin fixing this?01:11
PeloKarsyth, I do understand what you mean tho, there might hve been a > commnad cmplete , line or soemting01:11
KarsythPelo: yeah01:11
ironfoot_495I'm having a lot of trouble using sacreem is there something better than screem on gusty?01:11
LycadeAlso, damaltor, thank you for this assistance.01:11
PeloKarsyth, you removed the app with add /remove, you now removed the data folder with sudo rm -f  , and you got rid of any leftover menu entries,  yep, that's all of it01:11
damaltorLycade: think so too... but wait a sec, i maybe have found something01:11
damaltorLycade: give me a minute01:11
kindofabuzzany Gnome 2.22 debs out yet?01:11
Peloironfoot_495, what is screem ?01:12
Pelokindofabuzz, in #ubuntu+101:12
kindofabuzzk thanks01:12
ironfoot_495I'm having a lot of trouble using screem is there something better than screem on gusty?01:12
damaltorLycade: do you know a bit about HP notebooks? is there another model similar to yours?01:12
Peloironfoot_495, what is screem ?01:12
JimboDeLimbohaving some trouble with gparted01:12
KarsythPelo: ok so now im set to re-install wine and steam?01:12
KarsythPelo: ok, thank you :D01:12
GInpeleg, worked :)01:12
KarsythPelo: lag..01:13
GInPelo, worked01:13
ironfoot_495Pelo: html&php editor01:13
Lycadedamaltor, I do not have a model here that is similiar. The pavilion 9000 series are all about the same, I believe.01:13
Pelojimmygoon, what is the issue01:13
PeloGIn,  which one ubuntu-desktop or just gnome ?01:13
Peloironfoot_495, gedit01:13
GInbut it still got errors01:13
GInalthough X does start01:13
damaltorLycade: maybe this helps, did a good job for my old fujitsu notebook: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/hp.html01:13
ironfoot_495yeah I think you're right.01:13
PeloGIn, cause right after you left , I found the correct package to install just gnome,   sudo apt-get install gnome ,   I'd missed it01:14
Lycadedamaltor, I'll look though it. Thank you.01:14
PeloGIn, what errors ?01:14
damaltorLycade: if there is a similar one with same graphic adapter, maybe there is a hint about how to solve display problems01:14
Pelo!es | christopher01:14
ubotuchristopher: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:14
Jack_SparrowLycade, the 6000' nvidia should not have a problerm01:15
GInPelo, can't remeber01:15
Pelogeju, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:15
PenthI don't know if this is specific to ubuntu but can someone tell me how to stream the contents of a file to a script?01:15
PeloGIn,  well as long as you got what you wanted,  you can always deal with the errors later01:15
LycadeJack_Sparrow, something is causing problems with my laptop when I'm booting up linux, whether for an install or liveCD. It locks up when trying to display anything.01:16
Jack_SparrowLycade, Ok.. so you cant get to a desltop where it shows the install icon01:16
Jack_SparrowLycade, sorry for the typos..  hands are sore01:17
LycadeJack_Sparrow, correct. I had to use the alternate to install it. That also fails to load.01:17
Alan_MYouve been here all day jack, we expect typo's every now and then bud :)01:17
* Pelo doesn't want to know why Jack_Sparrow 's hands are sore01:17
LycadeJack_Sparrow, This is why damaltor  and myself believe it might be a display issue.01:17
Jack_SparrowLycade,  At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails repeat and add noapic acpi=off before the --01:18
LycadeJack_Sparrow, I'll try that.01:18
kindofabuzzis this a know bug?  virtual terminals not working with compiz running?01:19
Flummoxed`of you01:19
Pelokindofabuzz, maybe the ppl in #compiz know01:19
Jack_SparrowLycade, fyi  on option two.. you also remove quiet and splash when you add those oter commands01:19
pelegdoes anyone know about a graphical user interface for editing texinfo? (besides emacs); I need something that will know how to add, or at least highlight, @ commands.01:19
Pelopeleg, have you tried with gedit ?01:20
kindofabuzzhundreds probably01:20
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code01:20
kindofabuzznano ftw!01:20
Karsythcan anyone tell me what the most efficient way to install wine is?01:20
kindofabuzzthere is a deb for wine01:20
oloughlin75sudo apt-get install wine01:20
Karsythwhat i mean by that is without compiling and whatnot01:20
Jack_SparrowKarsyth, sudo apt-get install wine01:20
Karsythok, thanks01:20
PeloKarsyth, goto www.winehq.org and get the repos01:20
hybrid-k1rnelKarsyth, wine-doors01:20
ut0matakarsyth: sudo apt-get install wine01:20
PeloKarsyth, I stand corrected , .com01:21
Chris|does anyone know how to set the brightness on ubuntu?01:21
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kindofabuzzyeah don't at-get it until you add those repos to get the newest version01:21
LycadeJack_Sparrow, I'm looking at the install that GRUB is using. Do you want me to go ahead and edit that one? It tells me to hit "e" to edit. Should I hit "C" there to go to command line? If so, what do I type in command line? :D01:21
Chris|when i unplug my ubuntu laptop from my charger the brightness decreases and it sucks01:21
Pelo0.9.57 is very good01:21
pelegPelo: yes. it looks like it highlights everything..01:21
=== Gopher is now known as Gopher99
pelegeverything that starts with @01:21
kindofabuzzyeah 9.57 is very nice01:21
kindofabuzzwow works flawlessly with it =)01:22
Jack_SparrowLycade, Ok.. I think I see, you got it to install with the alt.. but will not come up.. right.. yes E to edit  etc01:22
CarenthalasChris|: I think it is released to the Power Management.01:22
Pelopeleg, I think you can change the type of highlight from the preference meneues for various type or scrypting01:22
Pelokindofabuzz, so do utorrent and progecad01:22
* Chris| checks01:22
Jack_SparrowLycade, going that way you do not get to start or install...  not a prob01:22
pelegPelo: I have done it; only after that it started to highlight @s...01:23
LycadeJack_Sparrow, On the edit area, it has the following: root (hd1,1) Kernal /boot/vmlinuz some other stuff, initrd /boot/initrd and some other stuff, and quiet. Should I hit "d" to remove quiet? :x01:23
* Pelo is so bored he's looking at random pick on icanhascheezburger.com01:23
ScuniziChris|, that's typical of a laptop.. usually "fn" and the corresponding fn key (blue) will increase it.. if that feature is working in01:23
CarenthalasChris|: You can change the screen brightness level for both conditions using AC or battery.01:23
Chris|thanks Carenthalas i got it01:23
Chris|i looked at it earlier01:23
Karsythok, so what exactly is cedega?01:23
Chris|but over looked it01:23
Chris|that helps a lot01:24
Karsyththe main purpose of wine for me is steam01:24
Chris|thanks :)01:24
PeloKarsyth, a commercial version of wine01:24
ScuniziKarsyth, wine commercially changed.. on steroids01:24
Jack_SparrowLycade, yes the line that has quiet and splash is the line to edit..  go ahead and add noapic acpi=off rith there before the "--"01:24
Karsythdo you guys recommend it for using steam?01:24
scarrHas anyone come across any weirdness with nm-applet and wireless connections?  Mine was working great, but now it won't stop spinning even though I'm connected fine.01:24
Gopher99is there a way to use wine to use the Steam already installed on another drive?  for instance my mounted windows drive?01:24
LycadeJack_Sparrow, I'm looking at the line that has quiet. It says grub edit> quiet01:24
PeloGopher99, no01:25
LycadeJack_Sparrow, do I just remove quiet?01:25
bazhangKarsyth: best to check the appdb to see how well steam works in wine01:25
CarenthalasHow many users will use laptop with linux comparing with desktop with linux here?01:25
kindofabuzzbecause you probly got it watching the wrong eth connection..like if you have wireless and a eth port you will have eth0 and eth101:25
Jack_SparrowLycade, One sec..01:25
Y-TownIn Gnome-rdp I get the following error:  Error during the connection to database.   I have reloaded the software and still get the error... ANy ideas?01:25
PeloGopher99, wine creates it's own filetree with libs and dlls in it to run apps on , it has it's own regedit with appropriate keys01:25
scarrCarenthalas: I've got both, but I wouldn't have any hesitations in using Ubuntu for my laptop exclusively.01:25
bazhangCarenthalas: probably a mix of the two; do you have a support question?01:25
PeloY-Town, what is gnome-rpd ?01:26
Jack_SparrowLycade, Here is the line I use to boot this system  kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=6c6e7857-4174-48b3-8711-463352173b5f ro quiet splash noapic apm=on01:26
CarenthalasSomeone suggests me to use Xbuntu instead of Ubuntu for my old Sony vaio laptop (P3-750/384MB RAM)....any idea?01:26
Y-TownPelo: Gnome-rdp    sorry01:26
Jack_SparrowCarenthalas, not a bad choice for that machine01:26
bazhangCarenthalas: perhaps how much ram what cpu; fluxbuntu might be a better choice if ram is minimal01:26
Dr_willisCarenthalas,  ive ran ubuntu on much LOWER end machines then that..01:26
scarrCarenthalas: I've got a Thinkpad e600 that has straight up Ubuntu and it runs ok, but I am also considering Xubuntu for obvious reasons (the e600 is like a 400mhz machine)01:27
Dr_willisCarenthalas,  it depends on what you want to do with the machine. xubuntu will proberly do all you need for most common tasks.01:27
PeloCarenthalas, xubuntu used xcfe as an envirounement, it uses less recources then gnome and should urn faster on older machines,  but you have enough machine t run ubuntu if you which to01:27
bazhangbut xubuntu is hardly lightweight01:27
Y-TownPelo: its remote desktop connection01:27
crxyemI think I may have found a bug, Not sure if it is only a problem when compiz is running or not yet, but if I open Firefox, thunderbird won't open and vise versa. they both seem to run " run-mozilla.sh" any ideas were I should report this01:27
CarenthalasI have both Thinkpad T42 and Vaio PCG-R505JL, seems only Ubuntu LiveCD can work on the sony. The T42 has primary XP and 2nd HDD with Mandriva 200801:27
Alan_Mits lightweight as in memory usage bazhang, not in size lol.01:27
PeloY-Town, ic, I can't help with that maybe one fo the other,  or you might want to run the error msg in the forum 's search ,  www.ubuntuforums.org01:28
bazhangAlan_M: with all the gtk stuff not so much01:28
Jack_SparrowCarenthalas, I do agree you have enough pc to run Ubuntu...  but your hardware is near the low end of that group01:28
Y-TownPelo: will try that01:28
Alan_Mi use xubuntu on all my stuff, but thats going offtopic so ill stop :)01:28
bazhangCarenthalas: with enough ram even ubuntu might be ok you can check thinkwiki for the T4201:28
UeBgood evening: I have the following problem: I recently upgraded from feisty to gusty and after that my 2 external usb drives seem to unmount them self after a while.01:29
gitpikcan any body help me with a video codec problem I'm having?01:29
Pelocrxyem, uninstall thundebird and then reinstall it , see if it gets better01:29
xenthrogitpik, specifically?01:29
Pelogitpik, what's the issue ?01:29
scarrAnyone have any experience unbreaking nm-applet?  How would I start from scratch with that (like how do I wipe any state files etc..)01:29
bazhanghttp://www.thinkwiki.org/ Carenthalas01:29
Alan_Mgitpik, sure if you tell us what the problem entails (is made of and erros your receiving)01:29
pisecxfind /var -name "*log" -a -type f -exec cp {} logs/01:29
pisecxwhat's wrong with this?01:29
CarenthalasYes, I have checked Thinkwiki before, and I am using Linux under T42 now in IRC. Just a consideration if the old sony would be a bit tough for it to run Ubuntu instad of Xubuntu.01:29
Peloscarr, did you just try reinstlling it ?01:29
bazhanghow much ram on the sony caren01:30
scarrHmm, haven't yet, via the package manager?01:30
Karsythcan anyone figure this out? im getting this when i try to install steam... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59552/01:30
Jack_SparrowCarenthalas, YOu can always install both on the same box01:30
pisecxit says that -exec has wrong arguments01:30
gitpikwell in vlc certain avi and at one mkv play with a weird color misalignment. Like a green bar across the top.01:30
Carenthalas128MB on board + 256MB extra (max. out already).01:30
Dr_willisCarenthalas,  ive ran ubuntu on a Pent 1 - 100mhz befor. :)01:30
pisecxno, that -exec does not have arguments at all01:30
PeloKarsyth, did you first run  winecfg ?01:30
crxyemPelo, why do you think that would work, the install is still going to put a file run-mozilla.sh in /usr/lib/thunderbird, and the same file exists in /usr/lib/firefox01:30
KarsythPelo: nope01:30
bazhangCarenthalas: that should run ubuntu or xubuntu okay01:30
LycadeJack_Sparrow, It has loaded. Thank you! Is there a place in the forums where I can thank both you and damaltor for the assistance you provided to me?01:31
xenthrogitpik, hit "a" repeatedly until it changes01:31
CarenthalasJack_Sparrow: I know, just want the simlified the future maintainence if there is any upgrade or reinstall of XP...01:31
Dr_willisCarenthalas,  install xubuntu, and install whatever gnome bits you like.. or install the ubuntu-desktop and try them out - see if gnome is slow or not. if so - use xfce,01:31
xenthrogitpik, there is also a vlc channel01:31
Pelocrxyem, let it , see what happnes01:31
Jack_SparrowLycade, thank you but not needed.. we should now edit grub to make that permenant01:31
UeBit is easy to get them back i just have to press the button on the right hand side next to the home folder butten in nautilus. But this does not help the programs that depend on the data from this drives when I am away01:31
damaltorLycade: i didnt listen, what was the problem? what did you change? congratulations"01:31
frank23xenthro: what does 'a' do in vlc?01:31
Jack_SparrowLycade, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:32
crxyemalrighty if that doesn't work were would you post the bug report01:32
PeloKarsyth, run that first and then , go ask in #winehq about installing steam , they will be able to help01:32
inertialhow can i suspend from the command line01:32
Lycadedamaltor, Jack_sparrow had me edit the config to load it properly by removing splash and stuff. Now he is still helping me.01:32
CarenthalasThe Ubuntu LiveCD on the old Sony is a bit slow due to slow CDROM docking....don't how fast will it run with the new 120GB HD that I just bought for it.01:32
LycadeJack_Sparrow, ok, I'll do that.01:32
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Jack_Sparrowdamaltor, I wanted to thank you for helping as well..01:32
Pelocrxyem, first I recommend you ask in #firefox and in #thunderbird if anyone has a fix for it01:32
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gitpikxenthro, doesn't work.01:32
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crxyemgood idea01:32
CarenthalasThe simplicity setup that I preferred would be similar to my T42.01:32
xenthrogitpik, yea sorry, i confused the command with something else01:32
damaltorLycade: great thing. note down what he says, you will be happy to have it on next installation ;)01:33
gitpikbut whats the address for the vlc channel01:33
damaltorJack_Sparrow, Lycade: no problem... this channel is great, i had a lot of helpers here when i was new to ubuntu01:33
Starnestommygitpik: #videolan01:33
PeloCarenthalas, is anyone actualy helping you ? please use their names in each line and don'T use the enter key for punctuation01:33
LycadeJack_Sparrow, I see a blank screen.01:33
CarenthalasPrimary HDD with XP and MBR untouch, 2nd HDD loaded with linux + GRUB (for choosing linux or XP). In case, I have future upgrade , or reformat, re-install OS. It will be much simple.01:33
gitpikI figured it had something to do with ubuntu cause the files work correctly in xp on vlc01:33
Jack_Sparrowdamaltor, We try01:33
xenthrogitpik, irc.videolan.org/videolan01:33
gitpikStarnestommy, tyvm :)01:34
Jack_SparrowLycade, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst      that is LST  if that helps01:34
LycadeJack_Sparrow, figures. I'll correct it.01:34
CarenthalasPelo: Oh, sorry, how should I do it?01:34
LycadeJack_Sparrow, it has loaded.01:34
Jack_SparrowLycade, YOu can add shift to ctrl-c or v to paste into a terminal01:34
gitpikand Xenthro too :)01:35
Jack_SparrowLycade, NOw you will make the same edit on that page that you did manually earlier01:35
mosibfuanyone knows if there is a hardy specific channel?01:35
PeloCarenthalas, right now you are just makeing statements and no one knows what you are talkinga bout,  if you have aproblem state it and wait for someone to answer back , if they don't be patient and ask again periocicaly,  ask in one line  don'T stretch it out, this is a busy channel and it makes it difficult to follow01:35
Starnestommymosibfu: #ubuntu+101:35
damaltorJack_Sparrow: .... i searched for a way to paste ito a terminal for AGES. always used middle mouse key... THX.01:35
LycadeJack_Sparrow, To the same area as before? I located it already.01:35
mosibfutyvm Starnestommy and Jack_Sparrow01:36
Jack_SparrowLycade, Yep01:36
CarenthalasPelo: Thanks, :-P01:36
LycadeJack_Sparrow, I will assume that now I would need to save?01:36
Jack_SparrowLycade, YEs01:36
sFEARsHow do i save a downloaded ndiswrapper package so that i can reinstall it while i'm not connected to the internet01:37
LycadeJack_Sparrow, Thank you. ^^; All I had to do was add noapic apm=on to the end of the current kernel line. :D Now I can get down to playing with Ubuntu. Thank you again for all of your help.01:37
PelosFEARs, it's on the live cd ,01:37
Jack_SparrowLycade, I have another favor to ask..   Paste this command into a terminal .. it will give you back a link.. so that I may verify your work..   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | pastebinit01:37
sFEARssay it's a package not on the live cd01:37
Jack_SparrowsFEARs, see if it is in /var/cache/apt/archives01:38
sFEARswill look01:38
LycadeJack_Sparrow, "Couldn't find package pastebinit"01:38
ConstyXIVhow do you disable the extension version check in firefox?01:38
* Pelo knows that ndiswrapper is on the dvd , can't be totaly sure about the cd but has a suspicon01:39
FFEMTcJdoes anyone have any experience with using a Cingular/AT&T Wireless internet card on ubuntu?01:39
MookieI try to play DVD using Totem. I already have GStreamer and followed the instructions to install libdvdcss2. But it will won't play a disc. Can anyone help me debug what is missing?01:39
Jack_SparrowLycade, not a problem...  One of the first things you will want to do is enable the extra repos..   system...admin...software sources.. enable everything.. disable the cdrom as a source01:39
sFEARsok.. there's a bunch of files in there.. so if i save that dir with all the deb files in it.. do i have to double click on every one of those files... or is there more of an automatic way to do it?01:39
PeloMookie, totem won'T play dvds,  you need ogm or something, xine will play dvds nicely enough01:40
sFEARsisn't there a way to export packages & dependecies?01:40
Jack_SparrowsFEARs, just look for the ndis/... that you wanted..01:40
manatatashow do i get 3gp files to have sound?01:40
LycadeJack_Sparrow, is there a link I could read up on tutorials for how do do all of that?01:40
MookiePelo: Okay.01:40
Pelolater folks01:40
lydgateis there an easy way to get a newer git than what's in the repos in ubuntu? doesn't seem to be in backports01:40
lydgateor should i just compile it?01:40
ubotuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training01:40
sFEARsif i just copy that onto a new install it won't work becuase the dependencies arn't resolved?01:40
LycadeJack_Sparrow, Thank you once more.01:40
Jordan_U!clone | sFEARs like this ?01:40
ubotusFEARs like this ?: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate01:40
Jack_SparrowLycade, there is also a wiki link let me look01:40
sFEARsyup.. that's the one.. thanks Jordan_U01:41
Jordan_Ulydgate, How about from git ;)01:41
Jack_SparrowPelo.. do you have the wiki guide link handy01:41
robby_can i ask a question01:41
Starnestommyrobby_: go ahead01:41
manatatashow do i get 3gp files to have sound?01:41
bazhangrobby_: sure01:41
Jordan_U!ask | robby_01:41
uboturobby_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:41
lydgateJordan_U: yeah, is that the best way?01:41
robby_im using wine01:41
robby_to play a game01:41
robby_the game conects to the internet to update01:41
bazhangis there a question in there robby_?01:42
robby_then my folder browser asks where to install the update01:42
robby_sence wine is a hiden folder01:42
robby_i cant go to the folder01:42
robby_how do i change ine01:42
Jack_SparrowLycade, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy   is probbly better for you01:42
robby_and the folder01:42
Jordan_Ulydgate, That's the way most people do it ( AFIK ) , there may be a repository for it though01:42
manatatashow do i get 3gp files to have sound01:42
robby_to not be hiden01:42
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:42
robby_sence makeing it wine insted of .wine messes it up01:42
LycadeJack_Sparrow, thank you once more.01:43
Jordan_UAwesome, one bot triggering another :)01:43
Jack_SparrowLycade, one more thing01:43
Xcercahey guys,  i have the regular nvidia driver installed, but in nvidia-settings  i can't see all of the posible resolutions for my monitor...  it worked fine in Dreamlinux,  and way to add resolutions to nvidia-settings ?01:43
robby_so how can i m,ake wine use a difrent folder01:43
robby_rather then its normal folder01:43
Starnestommyrobby_: I don't think you can01:43
Xcercaany way to add resolutions to nvidia-settings ?01:43
jimmygoonoh god, my #ubuntu log is 25mb01:44
bazhangrobby_: could you go easy on the enter key there?01:44
Jordan_Urobby_, You can, ask in #wine-hq01:44
Jack_SparrowLycade, write this down..   sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst        if your edit was wrong, go to recovery mode and use that to correct the problem01:44
robby_LOL 25mb isnt shit XD01:44
Starnestommyrobby_: you could try making the wine folder point to .wine01:44
robby_wait till it hts a gig01:44
LycadeJack_Sparrow, Thank you.01:44
Jack_Sparrownp.. have fun...01:44
bazhangrobby_: the experts in #winehq can help you ;]01:44
Jordan_Urobby_, #winehq that is :)01:44
robby_well see the problemm was not geting to the folder01:45
robby_its that01:45
robby_sence its hiden01:45
xb3rtDoes anyone use wifi-radar01:45
xb3rti cant get it setup right01:45
bazhang!enter | robby_01:45
robby_i cant naigate using the folder finder01:45
uboturobby_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:45
Frederickfolks how long should java rake to build from source in a athlon64 3 gb processor 4 gb ram in average?01:45
jimmygoonPelo, did you ask what my issue was? I think I was gone and #ubuntu said someone mentioned me but its past my scrollback... I don't think I needed help with anything :/01:45
Jordan_U!anyone | xb3rt01:45
ubotuxb3rt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:45
netdu1I want to buy (say) high end computer, how do I make sure I will work well with ubuntu? (wiki page)01:45
netdu1or something like that01:45
LycadeJack_Sparrow, Do you mind if I ask what the NANO represents? I assume that it is reinstalling it back to the default config for the file.01:46
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:46
xb3rtHow do i configure wifi-radar to pick up and connect to wireless routers nearby01:46
robby_u dont nead a high end computer for ubuntu less u using compiz01:46
Jack_SparrowLycade, nano is a text editor sudo gives it root user access01:46
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code01:46
s10482DCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:47
bastid_raZorwhat is the CLI to enter avant preferences menu?01:47
LycadeJack_Sparrow, Thanks again for all of the help.01:47
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/wifi-radar-simple-tool-to-manage-wireless-profiles.html xb3rt01:47
Jack_SparrowLycade, You would not have access to gksudo gedit   gui editor in recovery mode01:47
robby_i like how ubuntu can auto install stuff  anfter auto downloading with just one line of comands01:48
robby_wait u said there was a #winehq01:48
smatt(12:32:02 PM) smatt: i'm using a turtlebeach usb audio and just installed ubuntu 7.1 last night. I launch firefox and install the flash player inside firefox, but i get no sound. i checked the sound properties and selected "usb" for everything and clicked test to make sure i heard something. i drop to shell and apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and then install it again. still no sound.01:48
jerbear~/.zprofile does not get sourced with gdm, only ~/.profile... can anyone confirm this?01:49
LjL /join #winehq01:49
robby_how do i change channels01:49
smatti also can't seem to get ubuntu to mount my nfs shares01:50
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smatt(i switched from opensuse 10.3 to ubuntu 7.1)01:50
seamus7Hey what's the best way to connect with Twitter in Ubuntu? I'm using Pidgin and it's pretty good. Tried gTwitter but it was limited and buggy. Anyone else have recommendations?01:50
lydgateJordan_U: ok i just installed a debian backport, since ubuntu backports doesn't seem to have it01:50
lydgateand i don't want to build-dep it01:50
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning01:51
lydgatebecause this is a laptop without a lot of space01:51
JannitaIs there any way to deactivate the window effects on Hardy?01:51
Jack_Sparrowlydgate, downloading from the debian repos is risky01:51
naliothCrackerVILLE: please dont' do that01:51
scallI am having such a hard time getting my domain name to forward to the proper folder. I have created the necessary config files in sites-available and sites-enabled and restarted apache but my domain name still points to the www folder instead of www/mydomainname/. Any suggestions?01:51
lydgateJack_Sparrow: why?01:51
xb3rtHow come on wifi-radar i can get the configuration right but dhcp can't make an ip01:52
jerbear~/.zprofile does not get sourced with gdm, only ~/.profile... can anyone confirm this?01:52
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ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!01:52
smattscall: sounds like apache isn't configured to point to the folder you want it to01:52
smattnot a domain prob01:52
lydgateyeah, but i'm not using a repo, i'm using a .deb01:52
MegaqwertyDoes anyone know how to redirect a graphical application to the standard X? I'm trying to redirect a zenity box to the regular display on the computer, as opposed to it being forwarded to my display on the ssh client.01:52
Jack_Sparrowlydgate, where did you get the deb?01:53
scallsmatt: Yeah, I think so. Any suggestions?01:53
smattscall: have you checked httpd.conf?01:53
lydgateJack_Sparrow: debian backports. but git isn't like a system critical thing01:53
linossanyone of a software application that records a phone conversation utilizing the internal modem on a PC?  thanks in advance01:53
scallNo. The tutorials don't mention that.01:53
smattscall: screw tutorials. :)01:53
Jack_Sparrowlydgate, debian backport is a debian repo.01:53
lydgateJack_Sparrow: yeah. but explain to me how a git package could screw anything up01:54
scallsmatt: Well, the beginners like me need a little direction.01:54
scallsmatt: http.conf is blank.01:54
smattscall: httpd.conf should be located in /etc, or somewhere around there..01:54
boykillsworldanyone know anything about power management settings trying to set up ubuntu to hibernate and wake up according schedule01:54
scallsmatt: /etc/apache201:54
Jack_Sparrowlydgate, Just thought you should know..  I dont intend to debate every package and the differences.. but if it is not in our repos there is likely a reason for it01:54
smattscall: yup... that might be the prob then01:55
xDxDCC SEND 1092210481401:55
scallsmatt: What should be there?01:55
Jack_SparrowVonGuard, please dont do that01:55
xDxso bad01:55
geniiscall: Since version 2 httpd.conf is deprecated. Use instead /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default01:55
bazhangVonGuard: a question with that?01:55
xDxcan i ask01:55
xDxwhy does DCC send01:55
VonGuardit's ubuntu related01:56
lydgateJack_Sparrow: hehe, because git development is fast, and debian/ubuntu package updating is slow...01:56
ltcabralhey can someone help me with a theme in fluxbox? seems that i need something related to gtk to load the theme inside the windows too01:57
Peloare they just giving out ops with breakfeast cereals now ?01:57
lydgateand maybe not so many ubuntu users need git01:57
lydgatei dunno01:57
bazhangPelo: haha01:57
fdsjkalfweb pages take 3 to 4 seconds to load, then suddenly load at normal speed. is there anything i can do to fix this?01:57
madd0gDCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:57
madd0gDCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:57
madd0gDCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:57
madd0gDCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:57
madd0gDCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:57
Peloltcabral, you might do better to ask in #fluxbox01:57
Jack_Sparrowlydgate, Feel free to do what you want.. just needed to point out that it is ill advised..01:57
madd0gDCC SEND 752936793275932759075979325737525407501:57
wimpieswhen I press the 'right' arrow key in xine my movie does not skip 7 seconds as it should but but returns to the kind of like the last keyframe.01:58
LjLJack_Sparrow: useless, he's k-lined01:58
sz90wimpies: does that hapen for all files?01:58
ltcabralPelo: they said its not their problem that im having trouble with gtk... the fluxbox part of my theme is working :P01:58
flybackmaddog unless you want to really see what a denial of service attack looks like you won't do that agian01:58
wimpiesleft works , also ctrl-right works01:58
bazhangfdsjkalf: maybe an internet issue; have you considered that?01:58
wimpiesbut only right not01:58
smatt(12:32:02 PM) smatt: i'm using a turtlebeach usb audio and just installed ubuntu 7.1 last night. I launch firefox and install the flash player inside firefox, but i get no sound. i checked the sound properties and selected "usb" for everything and clicked test to make sure i heard something. i drop to shell and apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and then install it again. still no sound.01:58
Peloltcabral, do you know what file you need ?01:58
sz90did you try resetting the mapping within xine?01:59
fdsjkalfmy internet isnt working right, may it be an internet issue. yes i have considered that01:59
ltcabralPelo: i dled gtk-chtheme but didnt fix it01:59
bazhangfdsjkalf: adsl? when did the issue start?01:59
ltcabralPelo: this is how it looks like... http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/9866/screenshotpb4.jpg01:59
smatt1200 people and nobody has helped for the past 12 hours lol01:59
lydgateJack_Sparrow: all right thanks. i'd rather have a potentially unstable system with git, than a definitely outdated and annoying system with git
Peloltcabral, hld on , I think you need one of the gtk engines01:59
fdsjkalfcable, 10 down 1 up. started this morning01:59
fdsjkalflatency 14ms02:00
smatti'm lovin ubuntu support ;)02:00
Gneasmatt: have you already run through standard sound checking procedures?02:00
bazhangsmatt what does flash plugin have to do with sound?02:00
fdsjkalfhow would i go about changing dns settings in ubuntu02:00
smattGnea: yeah i just explained everything a sec ago02:00
Jack_Sparrowlydgate, Please discontinue the discussion and opinions or take it to offtopic02:00
Gneasmatt: those weren't standard.02:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:00
Gneasmatt: please check the URLs that ubotu just spit out02:01
smattbazhang: well, because it's flash that' should be playing the sound in firefox right?02:01
wimpiessz90 ; yes ?02:01
niko_i was wondering whether virtual box or wining games would be faster02:01
Peloltcabral, sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-xfce02:01
Gneasmatt: if the system itself can't play sounds, then none of the apps will.02:01
techqbertanybody have a data evolution dectop here?02:01
bazhangsmatt: sounds like a different issue; when did sound stop working? what did you do or add to your system02:02
Gneasmatt: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp    if it sounds like static, then perhaps the site is a flash without sound02:02
smattGnea: the system plays the test tones fine02:02
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:02
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:02
smatt(12:32:02 PM) smatt: i'm using a turtlebeach usb audio and just installed ubuntu 7.1 last night. I launch firefox and install the flash player inside firefox, but i get no sound. i checked the sound properties and selected "usb" for everything and clicked test to make sure i heard something. i drop to shell and apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and then install it again. still no sound.02:02
bazhangkes0: you can /msg ubotu for fun if you wish thanks02:02
ltcabralPelo: ok im dling... thx very much02:02
Gneasmatt: well, you want help, so i'm giving it now. if you're unwilling to follow through on it, then no one will want to help you.02:02
Peloltcabral, no promises02:03
kes0bazhang: sry02:03
f4rr4rI love ubuntu.02:03
fdsjkalfomg this is really making me upset02:03
niko_anyone here use a virtual machine or wine for games and which is better02:03
sz90wimpies, did you try resetting the mappings from withing xine?02:03
smattGnea: I was answering bazhang's question02:03
fdsjkalfhow do i reset my DNS??02:03
Peloltcabral, actualy I'M an idiot,  this has noting to do with fluxbox,  try jsut gtk2-engines  that might work02:03
Gneasmatt: oh, didn't see a direction or a direct answer to the direct question.02:04
smattGnea: but to answer your question, i'm using sites like youtube for testing02:04
Gneaniko_: it depends on the game. wine/cedega work pretty well.02:04
smattGnea: the system test sounds work properly02:04
bazhangsmatt indeed try to follow what Gnea is asking instead of just posting your original long question02:04
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
fdsjkalfwhats with all the ban removal?02:04
niko_i shall use that then. thank you02:05
Gneasmatt: but that wasn't my question. you assumed incorrectly. i can see why you haven't solved the problem yet. are you familiar with the lsof command?02:05
bazhangfdsjkalf: from the netsplit02:05
wimpiessz90 : i do not think it is a mapping problem.  I ran xine in verbose mode and notice propper 'skip' efforts (i.e. the keypress does what it is supposed to but the frames do not move)02:05
cryonixhey guys i have the java_ee_sdk-5_04-linux.bin how do i install it?02:05
smattGnea: not really, but i'm reading now02:05
fdsjkalfhow does a split cause people to get banned02:05
bazhangfdsjkalf: unregged people02:05
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
musashii have 3 HDs and each has a swap space. i want to make the primary swap file on a disk other than the one i'm using. is editing the /etc/fstab and adding pri=5 or something the best way or is something else better? what should the priorities be for the 3 drives?02:05
=== Yasumoto is now known as [CA]Yasumoto
fdsjkalfmy internet is freaking killing me02:06
Gneasmatt: sounds good, it's pretty cool02:06
fdsjkalfill br back02:06
scallgenii: I can't find anything in apache2.conf that needs to be changed. Can you point me in the right direction?02:06
smattGnea: list processes of the app right?02:06
smattGnea: want me to check processes of firefox?02:06
Gneasmatt: negative.02:06
sz90wimpies, are all the proper decoders installed?02:06
=== tritium is now known as [NM]tritium
cryonix<scall> genii: I can't find anything in apache2.conf that needs to be changed. Can you point me in the right direction?02:06
Gneasmatt: type this in a terminal:  man lsof02:07
geniiscall: Please say again what it is you wish to configure/do, I missed it previously02:07
smattreading the man now02:07
wimpiessz90 : yes I think so, the movie does all else perfectly (speed up slow down skip more than 7 seconds, go back etc)02:07
* genii slides cryonix a coffee02:07
smattGnea: list files open... but i'm not sure where you're going with ti02:08
=== chuckf is now known as [MD]chuckf
scallgenii: I want to set up virtual hosts. My domain name resolves to the IP Address of my server but in the browser I just get /var/www instead of /var/www/mydomainname.02:08
scallgenii: I have created the necessary config files in sites-available and sites-enabled but it is not working still.02:09
sz90what type of movie file is it?02:09
geniiscall: Did you reload/restart apache2 ?02:09
Gneasmatt: it really helps to have a basic knowledge of how the system works. lsof lists open files, not files open (there's a difference.) and how they're linked to each other beyond just a normal process list, in greater detail, with things that you never knew existed.  anyway, if you type this command:  lsof | grep libasound02:09
scallgenii: Yes and there were no errors.02:10
Gneasmatt: it will show you all of the processes that are running that have some sort of access to the soundcard currently.  btw, is that a half-duplex or full-duplex soundcard?02:10
geniiscall: I don't understand what you mean by seeing /var/www in the browser. If you point a web browser to the ip/name you should see all BELOW that directory02:10
smattGnea: only an output i believe, it's a usb soundcard02:10
smattthere are no inputs02:11
cryonixmost of the time my ubuntu freezes. could that be due to the o/s itself? or is it my computer?02:11
Gneasmatt: half-duplex means that only 1 application can use the soundcard at a time, full-duplex means that multiple applications can pump sound out of your speakers simultaneously. it has nothing to do with the jacks on the card.02:11
Jack_Sparrowcryonix, could be the configureation or your hardware or combination..02:12
gooseif someone gave me some perl code for an IRC bot, how do I compile it?02:12
scallgenii: Yes but I am trying to set it up so that domainone.com goes to one folder and domaintwo.com goes to another. They all go to /var/www instead of them each going to /var/www/domainone and /var/www/domaintwo02:12
Gneagoose: it should say in the README or INSTALL file02:12
sz90wimpies, have you tired using a different program?02:12
smattGnea: oh, in that case it's full. opensuse let me play multiple things at once02:12
Jack_Sparrowcryonix, how fresh is the install.. has it been upgraded, is it a laptop or desktop, what video card and how was the driver installed02:12
geniiscall: If you have an alias/virtual host entry in 000-default for example, there will not be a directory which is named /var/www/virtualname unless the alias/virtualhost dir is ALSO in /var/www02:12
gooseGnea, all I have is the bare code. I just need to know how to turn the code into the bot.02:12
Pelogoose, you don'T compile it , you  put it in the ~/.xchat floder and open in from xchat02:12
goosepelo, thanks02:13
smattGnea: i have the output of the lsof command, shall i pastebin for you?02:13
goosepelo, is there a specific file format I need to save it as in gedit?02:13
cryonixJack_Sparrow: freshly installed02:13
cryonixokay i have another problem02:13
Gneasmatt: there's another issue with that, though - if opensuse is using a software mixer of some kind to emulate that on a half-duplex card, you might be fooled into thinking that it's full-duplex. do you have some sort of mp3 player on your desktop?02:13
Pelogoose,  don't think so , it's been a while, let em have a look02:13
scallgenii: I am trying so hard to understand that sentence but it went over my head.02:13
cryonixwhen i create a user in the 'user & accounts manager' and when i try to connect to my computer via Putty. it says Authorization Failure02:13
cryonixbut im sure i've spelt the user/pass correctly02:14
leo_rockwhello everyone02:14
smattGnea: it's a fresh install, i should! just a sec.02:14
bazhangcryonix: could you give fuller info please?02:14
Gneasmatt: ok02:14
Pelogoose,  .pl I beleive,   and it's the  ~/.xchat2 folder02:14
steph_Can someone tell me how to get the same kind of menu in 7.10 like the one in 8.04?02:14
jgonicknewbie question,  What do you do if a program locks down (freezes) while on the gnome desktop?02:14
wimpiessz90 : it is a xine specific problem.  of course not all programs have the same features but skipping generally works (vlc, kmplayer )02:14
leo_rockwi'm using ssh and i wonder if there's any way to view images (png, jpeg) i tried zgv and fbi but neither works.02:14
redheathi everyone02:15
leo_rockwhey redheat02:15
Pelosteph_, what kind of menu aer you talking about ?02:15
ShakQhey redheat02:15
redheatsorry for bothering you all but I need some urgent help round here02:15
redheatof course, I hope you all in best of health02:15
cryonixbazhang: i went to system -> administration -> User & Groups. and I've added an account. but when i try to connect to that account via Putty (My Windows Box) it says Authorization Failure02:15
Gneajgonick: click on the 'x' a few times until a window pops up asking if you want to 'force quit' the app or not02:15
Jack_Sparrowsteph_, Since we are running 7.10 most of us do not know what that menu looks like.  Perhaps you should ask in #Ubuntu+1 about how to add hardy menu to 7.1002:15
redheatI have a Creative X-Fi Platinum Sound Card, and I was wondering if there's a 32 Linux Driver for it02:15
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[TX]Strongbowcryonix: did you give the account a password?02:15
sz90wimpies: do you have another program that uses xine's engine (like totem) to check if its the xine program or the engine?02:16
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Peloredheat, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:16
jgonickGnea:  Thanks..02:16
cryonix[TX]Strongbow: i'm sure i did02:16
geniiscall: What did you put for DocumentRoot    when you made alterations to the 000-default or apache2.conf file?02:16
goosePelo, where is the xchat folder?02:16
Pelogoose  /home/username/.xchat202:16
=== [TX]Strongbow is now known as Strongbow[TX]
Gnealeo_rockw: it won't do it remotely, zgv and fbi are reserved for the *actual* console of the system itself. there is no app that will do it remotely... you can use scp to copy the images to your system and use zgv locally02:16
Pelogoose, that,s assuming you are using xchat for an irc client02:16
steph_Pelo: in 8.04, there is only the application menu (I think it is name that way) while there is Application/Shortcuts/System in 7.1.02:17
=== Taggard is now known as bunny
Gnealeo_rockw: if it's a website or ftp site, you could use feh to do remote viewing locally02:17
foxrayubuntu was cool but i think i might go back to fedora, these nvidia drivers lock up my computer at random intervals02:17
Pelosteph_, right click the pannel ,  select add to pannel  , from the list select main menu I beleive ,02:17
goosepelo, I use xchat, but it's not there. I used apt-get to install it02:17
bazhangcryonix: ah sorry I meant answering Jack_Sparrow's original question in full--what card how driver was installed etc02:17
leo_rockwGnea: i thought feh needed X02:17
Gnealeo_rockw: it does. didn't know if you had X or not.02:18
leo_rockwGnea: i'm using dslinux, no X and no extra apps (ie, zgv).02:18
steph_Pelo: you're right. thanks02:18
Pelogoose, you do know that   a . before the name means it is hidden right ?  hit crtl_h do dislply hidden files02:18
Strongbow[TX]cronix: and a valid shell?02:18
leo_rockwGnea: i connect with ssh to my laptop. no biggie, just wanted to know if there was a way. thank you.02:18
goosepelo, I feel like an idiot right now02:18
redheatPelo, unfortunately, they don't have one for the X-Fi card, those geniuses over at Creative won't release the source code for their new cards02:19
Pelogoose, you should02:19
redheatanyhow..thank you so much for your help guys..02:19
cryonixstrong what do mean by a valid shell?02:19
redheatHey Jack Sparrow, how are you my friend, hope you're doing well02:19
Jack_Sparrowredheat, Much better thanks02:19
Peloredheat, you might also look up your model in the forum see if anyone else had issues and a solution  www.ubuntuforums.org02:19
Gnealeo_rockw: i have no idea if zgv works on the DS or not - all i know is that, for the console with zgv, the files need to be local, that's it. :)02:19
Strongbow[TX]The user has to have a shell. It has to be one listed in /etc/shells. If you used the gui tool, then one of the dropdowns / form fields would be for the shell...02:20
scallgenii: I searched for DocumentRoot in apache2.conf and found nothing.02:20
redheatok I wll, thank you so much Pelo, truly appreciate your help my friend..02:20
cryonixi see02:20
redheatI'll go there now.. thank you all, take care and have a nice day02:20
goosepelo, don't worry about it. :D I saved it to the xchat dir, do I need to restart xchat? and how do I load the bot?02:20
Strongbow[TX]it will only list valid shells and probably defaulted to Bash, but it's worth checking02:20
cryonixit says /bin/bash02:20
adorablepuppyIs there an alternative to gdesklets?02:20
qcjnHi, i've installed a hard disk with a pci serail ata host card. Ubuntu dosn't see it ??02:20
Strongbow[TX]Open a terminal window and do "finger user" where "user" is the user you added.02:20
Strongbow[TX]Look for "Shell:"02:21
cryonixok let me try02:21
leo_rockwGnea: with dslinux you can only use the apps that come by default (which is the basics... it's only like a 3mb image). thanks for your help. i just wanted to know if there was a way to do it, now that i know there isn't i won't keep trying lol02:21
Pelogoose, no need to restart xchat, look in hte xchat menu , in windows,  script and plugins02:21
oboy03what is LTS in layman's term?02:21
cryonixShell: bin/bash02:21
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, that card most likely requires special drivers.. even in windows that we dont have in ubuntu02:21
leo_rockwoboy03: long term service02:21
Jordan_Uleo_rockw, You can install other apps with DSL02:21
Strongbow[TX]oboy03: "Long Term Support". Support for 3 years for desktop versions, 5 for server versions.02:21
leo_rockwJordan_U: oh really? how so?02:21
ubotuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle02:22
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: "bin/bash" or "/bin/bash"?02:22
Jordan_Uleo_rockw, apt-get02:22
qcjnJack_Sparrow: so you think it won't work with that card ?02:22
leo_rockwJordan_U: i read the wiki, and didn't find anything about that.02:22
=== bunny is now known as Taggard
cryonixit says Shell: /bin/bash02:22
geniiscall: Perhaps take a look at the virtual host entry the person here made, it's the 7th greyish panel down the page, and compare it with whatever you put:  http://www.mjmwired.net/resources/mjm-apache-virtual-sites.html02:22
leo_rockwJordan_U: oh, it's not damn small linux, it's ds linux (for the nintendo DS)02:22
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, I have my doubts.. did it come with a driver for windows?02:22
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: OK, unless you've done somethign weird, the user has a valid shell.02:22
Jordan_Uleo_rockw, Oh :)02:23
cryonixleo_rockw: nintendo DS linux? NICE02:23
oboy03what would happen if the support to one ubuntu version expirse?02:23
cryonixstrongbow; i'm trying to login via Putty. it says Access Denied02:23
qcjnJack_Sparrow: yes02:23
leo_rockwcryonix: yup... i can use irssi, finch, links2... all with ssh, pretty cool huh?02:23
cryonixlleo_rockw thats crazy02:23
geniiscall: Adjust directories accordingly, of course02:23
goosepelo, does xchat already have the perl extensions? I got 'Unknown file type /home/goose/.xchat2/RokerBot. Maybe you need to install the Perl or Python plugin? Usage: LOAD [-e] <file>, loads a plugin or script'02:23
xb3rtCan someone help me setup my wireless on ubuntu 7.10 gutsy02:24
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: next thing to check is the home directory. Does it exist? Look for "Directory:" in the output above and see if you can do "cd directory" (replacing directory with what it says in the finger output)02:24
Jordan_Ucryonix, Do you have openssh-server installed?02:24
leo_rockwcryonix: yes, crazy, but awesome.02:24
EDinNYwhat deb contains Acrobat Reader?02:24
GneaEDinNY: it's part of the medibuntu archive02:24
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, It seems unlike;y to me that it will work if it is not autodetected02:24
Gnea!medibuntu | EDinNY02:24
ubotuEDinNY: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:24
Strongbow[TX]loe_rockw: that's a good question actually.02:24
cryonixJordan_U: no i dont02:24
EDinNYGnea: do you know the name of the deb?02:24
Pelogoose, it's been a while,  but I don'T think I needed to install any specific extension to run perl scripts in xchat ,not on linux anyway,  let me see what perl packages I have installed and make you a short list02:25
qcjnJack_Sparrow: well i had the same problem wiht an ide hrad drive02:25
=== [MD]chuckf is now known as chuckf
smattGnea: I'm getting the following errors when I run firefox in the console and watch output:02:25
smattALSA lib conf.c:3982:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such device02:25
smattALSA lib pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default02:25
smattALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1351:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card02:25
bazhangxb3rt: cli or gui?02:25
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, Is that with an onboard ide controller.. what mb?02:25
xb3rtChat check, 1.....2.....3................02:25
sz90wimpies, any luck with another program with the xine engine?02:25
cryonixJordan_U: but i can connect to the box via Putty.. but it just says Access Denied when i try to login02:25
xb3rtbazhang: gui, wifi-radar preferable02:26
GneaEDinNY: well if you add it and then do a search for acroread with apt-cache, it should show up02:26
qcjnyes onboard...what is mb?02:26
xb3rtbazhang: although either will work02:26
bazhangxb3rt: here is a great guide though cli http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118802:26
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, mb = motherboard make and model?02:26
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: have you looked at your logs to see what it says? Have a look at /var/log/messages and /var/log/secure02:26
xb3rtbazhang: what do you do it with02:26
bazhangxb3rt: take a look and come back with questions ;]02:26
Pelogoose, what is this script for anyway ? were you made an op to ?02:26
bazhangxb3rt: cli02:26
qcjnJack_Sparrow: I don't know ?02:27
smattGnea: it just scrolls over and over those 3 things02:27
Gneasmatt: anything more than 1 line should really be pastebin'd02:27
=== Waffles385 is now known as sigriror
xb3rtbazhang: does it scan the area02:27
crshmanhi all, my box spits out "Disabling IRQ #7" every now and then, from the boot i see that IRQ#7 belongs to a sata card in my system....when it disables IRQ#7 the drives connected to it go down02:27
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, did the livecd boot to a desktop?02:27
=== sigriror is now known as waffles385
Jordan_Ucryonix, You need openssh-server to connect via ssh, I don't know what putty is reporting as a 'connection' "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"02:27
crshmanany idea's why the system is doing this?02:27
goosePelo, it's for a bot that gives the weather to any city when you ask for it02:27
cryonixjordan_u let me try02:27
qcjnwhat live cd ?02:27
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, The ubuntu disk you were using to install the os02:28
Gneacryonix: your system sounds screwy - IRQ7 is usually parallel. could be a bad SATA cable though02:28
cryonixif i still openssh-server. would i be more vulnerable of attacks/02:28
bazhangqcjn: how did you install ubuntu?02:28
cryonixGnea: it is a bit screwy02:28
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: only slightly. The bigger danger is using weak passwords.02:28
Jack_SparrowGnea, agreed irq 7 is usually lpt102:28
Gneacryonix: do you have any other sata cables to test with? only time i've seen that is when there's a problem with it02:28
Pelogoose, I'm gonna dcc send you a perl script a freind made for me (I don't code) you can load it to see if it works and you can also check your own script against it  , how is that ?02:29
cryonixGnea: i dont run any SATA cables :(02:29
GneaJack_Sparrow: nod02:29
cryonixokay guys i've installed openssh-server02:29
one_matthiashi everybody, anyone have bluetooth experiance ...02:29
qcjnfrom a cd , and installed it directly. I've installed 6.02 and upgraded up to 7.1002:29
goosePelo, I don't code either, someone gave me this script, but I'll take anything I can get02:29
Gneacryonix: but you just said you've got a SATA card in the system. are you using IDE drives?02:29
cryonixGnea: i'm using IDE drives02:30
Strongbow[TX]Gnea: I think you have him confused with someone else. cryonix is talking about an ssh issue.02:30
Gneacryonix: then why is the SATA chip turned on?02:30
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, Ok.. we call those live cd's as you can boot up and test drive them.  Why do you say it had a problem with your ide02:30
cryonixJordan_U: ive installed openssh-server02:30
cryonixGnea: where did u see SATA?02:30
smattto hell with it, i'm going back to opensuse. thanks for (trying to) help Gnea02:30
Pelogoose, that script is to block ppl from pm ing you with /msg , let me know whjen you loaded it I'll give it a try02:30
hitme666any1 ever used a jetway MiniQ Twin + his Remote with ubuntu / linux ?02:30
Gneacrshman: sorry02:30
Jack_Sparrowcrshman,   Gnea02:30
goosepelo, I loaded it02:30
Gneacryonix: sorry about that :(02:30
cryonixGnea: no prob :P02:31
Jordan_Ucryonix, Is putty working now?02:31
goosePelo, it worked02:31
Gneacrshman: uhm, did you catch all of that? :)02:31
cryonixJordan_U: putty can connect to my computer via SSH. but when i put the login details ive added. it says Access Denied02:31
Pelogoose,  so that is working,  there must be a problem with your other script02:31
xb3rthow do i print a command to a txt file02:31
qcjnbecause i installed an ide before..When i installed it, Ubuntu didn't see it02:31
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: did you check the home directory for the user exists?02:31
goosehow do I deactive it?02:31
Jack_SparrowGnea, disable lpt1 in the bios for testing, leave it that way if he isnt using parallel printer02:31
Strongbow[TX]xb3rt: "command > filename.txt"02:32
goosePelo, how do I deactivate the script so people can PM me again?02:32
cryonixStrongbow[TX]: i can see the user folder there in /home/02:32
crshmanok got that02:32
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: ok, next, did you look at /var/log/messages and /var/log/secure?02:32
Pelogoose,  use the same menu you used to load the script to unload it02:32
crshmanirq7 is parallel, but i disabled it in bios because i don't use it02:32
xb3rtStrongbow[TX]: does that just put the .txt into the working directory02:32
cryonixstrongbow let me have a look02:32
Gopher99xb3rt, yes02:32
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, Ok..  but when did it not see it.. did you get to a gui desktop and the installer failed?02:32
Strongbow[TX]xb3rt: it dumps whatever would have gone to the screen in the given file instead...02:33
Gneacrshman: how many SATA drives do you have hooked up?02:33
goosePelo, XChat > Load Plugin Or Script02:33
Pelogoose, yes02:33
Gopher99xb3rt, if you want to put it somewhere, just list that explicit directory, like  (command) > /home/username/blah.txt02:33
crshman4 onboard and 3 on the card02:33
goosePelo, it doesn't give me an option to unload it02:33
tengulrewhich package contain dot command?02:33
Pelogoose,  no actualy ,  windows > pluggin and script02:33
Jack_Sparrowcrshman, I hope you verified you have enough power supply to run all of those02:33
crshmani do, it's a 700W02:34
Jack_Sparrowjust checking02:34
Gneacrshman: sounds like one of the SATA cables on the card could be bad. do you have any spares?02:34
Strongbow[TX]tengulre: what do you mean "dot command"?02:34
one_matthiasanyone with ati mobility radeon  installed in ubuntu ...02:34
crshmanyeah i do, sata cable eh....never had one of those go bad...02:34
crshmandidn't know they could =)02:34
xb3rtGopher99: thank you02:34
Gopher99anytime meng02:34
Jack_Sparrowbbl, I need to go eat dinner02:34
cryonixJordan_U: i've checked var/logs/messages. what am i suppose to be looking for?02:34
qcjnJack_Sparrow: first it was a used hd ide... so i ve tried to put it in ext3 with qparted and then with gparted, but it didn't see it ?02:34
goosePelo, thanks. Any idea where I can get some advice on programming a bot?02:34
Strongbow[TX]one_matthias: I had one in my work laptop. It worked great. Don't work at that job anymore though.02:34
Gneacrshman: heh, i have. it SUCKED! :) try switching the drives out one by one and see if it occurs again, if you can02:35
cryonixgoose: eggheads.org02:35
Pelogoose, techincaly those aren'T bots, they're just scripts ,  but you can always try and ask in #xchat02:35
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, gparted livecd or gparted from the ubuntu livecd02:35
crshmanwell i only have 1 drive running on it right now02:35
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: that was me actually. Anyway, look for anything about that user. More likely the message you want is going to be in /var/log/secure though.02:35
arrrghhhis there any way to vnc into a computer that's at the login screen?  i can ssh in, but x11vnc says it can't find a suitable display.02:35
crshmanand i've tested all 3 individually and it still shuts off02:35
Gneaall 3 drives or all 3 cables?02:35
crshmanbut i'll try the cable02:36
Xcercais there any way to keep the same resolution but change the display "size" maybe,  the panels are going way off the edge of my monitor,   is anyone familiar with xrandr ?02:36
Strongbow[TX]arrrghh: make sure you have DISPLAY environment variable set, and it's valid.02:36
cryonixStrongbow[TX]: i dont have /var/log/secure but i've got /var/logs/messages02:36
qcjnJack_Sparrow: not from a live cd..I've installed it apt-get...?02:36
Gneacrshman: if it's not the cables, it could be the way that linux is routing the IRQs.... have you tried pci=routeirq at boot?02:36
arrrghhhStrongbow[TX], can you explain that more in-depth?  i didn't do anything to configure x11vnc, it just worked...02:36
orion2012what's a glob that matches all hidden files that doesn't include '.' and '..'?02:36
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, we have a command line modifier for the livecd called    all_generic_ide  that sometimes helps.. but I need food, so see you later02:36
crshmanhave not (writing all these things down though!)02:37
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Gneaorion2012: *02:37
Strongbow[TX]arrrghhh: is X running on the server you're trying to connect to?02:37
orion2012Gnea: hidden files02:37
qcjnJack_Sparrow: ok, thanks ?02:37
Gneaorion2012: .[A-Za-z0-9]*  sorry02:37
arrrghhhStrongbow[TX], normally yes, but since i rebooted it's probably just sitting at the login screen.... so i'm guessing X hasn't started yet?02:37
orion2012Gnea: Thanks, I was afraid of that02:37
orion2012Gnea: hoping it'd be something easy to type02:37
Gneaorion2012: it is :)02:38
Strongbow[TX]arrrghhh: try "service gdm restart" (or if you don't have "service" installed, "/etc/init.d/gdm restart")02:38
Gneaorion2012: just remember: ever uppercase, lowercase and number02:38
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Gneacrshman: try the pci=routeirq thing first, could prevent stress :)02:39
Strongbow[TX]orion2012: is this something you need to do in a script?02:39
geniiarrrghhh: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC the part about gdm and vnc02:39
crshmanjust booted like that =)02:39
orion2012Strongbow[TX]: no, just on cmd line02:39
orion2012Strongbow[TX]: moving files arround02:39
Frederickfolks how long should java take to build from source in a athlon64 3 gb processor 4 gb ram in average?02:40
Frederick1 hour?02:40
arrrghhhgenii, thanks.  and Strongbow[TX] it didn't work.  i use kubuntu, so i did "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" and it restarted the window manager, gave me the messages that it did but x11vnc still doesn't run.02:40
Frederickjimmygoon: icedtea-java7-plugin icedtea-java7-bin icedtea-java7-jre icedtea-java7-jdk02:40
ToddEDMhey guys, im looking at getting a new PC, now im not really a newb to building, but just not uptodate ... last PC i built had a athlon 2200+ and some crappy ATI vid card..coulld someone in here help me, as im going to need to run linux on it, aswell as windows(just for Call of Duty 4)02:41
FrederickToddEDM: linuxwill run in pretty much every system02:41
ToddEDMi think i know that i should stay away from ATI.. is this true?02:41
Strongbow[TX]ToddEDM: kind of an all-encompassing question. Do you have something specific you need help with?02:41
FrederickToddEDM: for linux support grforce is much better imho02:42
Strongbow[TX]Frederick: Especialy Ubuntu.02:42
PeloToddEDM, if you donT' need any extra fancy graphics , get an asus board with all intel chipset,  saveyourself some pain02:42
FrederickPelo: he wants games he needs at leasts a geforce 8600 :p02:43
arrrghhhgenii, that's some good info that i've read thru, but the login screen stuff seems to only apply to ubuntu because they keep talking about gdm and not kdm.  will those instructions work for kde?02:43
rskToddEDM: cod4 has platinum rating in wine btw :)02:43
cryonixwhen i type: su and it asks for my password. i placed my password and it says incorrect password?02:43
PeloFrederick, which is what I meant abotu extrafancy graphics02:43
rskcryonix: ubuntu dosent use a root account02:43
cryonixbut i am the admin of this computer. i own it02:43
ToddEDMStrongbow[TX]: i just am not sure what what components to choose, kinda lost touch with the new technologies, anything that i should look for in a mobo that might keep this system upto-date02:43
rskcryonix: use sudo instead02:43
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: "su" will ask for the root password. "sudo" asks for your password.02:43
Frederickim happy with myne 8800 gts02:43
ToddEDMrsk: sweet02:43
cryonixi see02:44
geniiarrrghhh: The port 5901 yes, thats remote X login. the gdm.conf stuff you may need to look up kdm equivelent02:44
cryonixbecause when i try to install java runtime player. it says your not logged in as a root account02:44
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: sudo might not even ask. I think it doesn't on ubuntu.02:44
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: what rsk said.02:44
crshman*waits for a disabled irq message* haha02:44
Genius314I want to record video in DOSbox, but I need to press ctrl-alt-f5 to do so, which brings me to some terminal-type thing. Can I disable this shortcut in Ubuntu? It's not in the list in  System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortucts.02:44
cryonixi see02:44
GneaToddEDM: i've had better luck with nvidia than ati on the 3d end, a dual-core p4 3ghz or better or dual-core athlon64 should suffice02:44
Jordan_Ucryonix, Don't install it that way!02:44
Jordan_U!java | cryonix02:45
ubotucryonix: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)02:45
FrederickI want distcc to build this java package :p02:45
Strongbow[TX]bbl. dinner is ready.02:45
ToddEDMGnea:  thx ..3ghz or better...check02:45
cryonixok ill have a look02:45
GneaToddEDM: www.pricewatch.com02:46
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cryonixim so confused02:47
cryonixi downloaded java_ee_sdk-5_04-linux.bin which was 156mb02:47
Pelocryonix,  what are you trying to acheive ?02:47
cryonixtrying to watch youtube clips02:47
ToddEDMGnea:  thx02:47
joankican i send a message to someone who is on irc but i'm not in the same room as them?02:48
Gopher99joanki, if youre on the same server02:48
FFEMTcJdoes anyone have any experience with using a Cingular/AT&T Wireless internet card on ubuntu? I can't seem to get it to work following some of the tutorials I have found02:48
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joankiGopher99, how do i find out?02:48
Pelocryonix, turn on javascript in the firefox prefs and instaill flash non free02:48
Gopher99joanki, just /msg (username) (message)02:49
hitme666any1 ever used a jetway MiniQ Twin + his Remote with ubuntu / linux ? or just question .. is it possible thats a IR-Remote uses same event then a keyboard ?02:49
Gopher99if you get the wrong guy, heh02:49
RDProgHi all I am having trouble with an Ubuntu triple-boot02:50
RDProgIt is Windows XP, Vista and 7.1002:50
PeloRDProg, vista is the problme I take it ?02:50
RDProgand after Install GRUB wasn't installed so it just boots to Windows02:50
TheRedBaronRDProg: in which order did you install the Operating systems?02:51
RDProgI stalled XP, Vista, Ubuntu02:51
PeloRDProg, get the supergrub cd and you can use it to fix stage 1 and the grub menu02:51
RDProgbecause in the past it has just auto-configured Grub02:51
atlefRDProg:  this can be done with the live cd02:51
LycadeAnyone know how to access logs for xchat? I need to look at some advice that was given to me before. >.>02:51
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »02:52
iceswordLycade, ~/.xchat?02:52
atlefRDProg: no need for extra cd02:52
RDProgatlef, I have tried it, but cannot figure out how, any good tutorials online? or even better some sort of GUI grub editor?02:52
Gopher99Lycade, have you logged xchat in the options also/02:52
Peloicesword,  he means the channel logs02:52
Jack_SparrowRDProg, Windows overwrote the mbr...  very common..  ubuntu needs to be installed last or if windows was reinstalled, you need to see the page to follow02:52
atlefRDProg: 2sek02:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:52
Gopher99there's an option to do it so that you can access .txt02:52
Genius314Is it possible to change or disable the "ctrl-alt-F5" shortcut? I need those keys to record video in DOSbox... or is there a way to change the shortcut for DOSbox?02:52
LycadeChannel logs, correct.02:52
RDProgatlef - ok02:52
kestirI thought he meant the xchat logs02:52
LycadeThanks, Pelo02:52
iceswordPelo, that he can see his own logs,much easier02:52
kestirirc is not xchat02:52
RDProgjack_sparrow, I installed xp, then vista, then 7.1002:52
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RDProgI've never had this problem setting up dual boots02:53
Peloicesword, he might not be loging the channel,, probabaly isn'T , it's not on by default02:53
Jack_SparrowRDProg, see the link02:53
iceswordPelo, hmm02:53
FFEMTcJdoes anyone have any experience with using a Cingular/AT&T Wireless internet card on ubuntu? I can't seem to get it to work following some of the tutorials I have found02:53
atlefRDProg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435102:54
atlefthe method i prefer02:54
Alan_Mhere we go :(02:55
RDProgatlef: i followed that and am not rebooting02:56
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atlefRDProg: what is your disk setup02:57
PeloFFEMTcJ, not that I tink I can help but what part of the tutorial are yuou having issues with ?02:57
RDProgatlef: i have 3 HDDs, 2 for storage, on 80GB with 3 25GB partitions and the rest swap02:57
RDProgthe first partition is XP, then vista, then Ubuntu02:57
Genius314Is it possible to disable the shortcut "Ctrl-Alt-F5"?02:57
FFEMTcJpelo, can I send you a msg02:57
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:58
atlefRDProg: and what did find return02:58
PeloFFEMTcJ, no you can'T I don'T allow it , just talk to me in the chanel, so everyone can learn02:58
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icesword_plague_87, hi02:58
FFEMTcJWell.. I have found a couple of tutorials, none of which are with my particular card, or with ubuntu.. But they should be similar.. Basically I have followed the directions, and none of them have worked. So I wanted to see if anyone had any pointers.02:59
qcjnJack_Sparrow: since i have an other sata hard drive with an "usb 2.0 to ide/sata adaptor kit" sa i can plug directly in an hd, so i did it, an ubuntu sees it.02:59
RDProgatlef: I did as that forum post suggested now I have grub at restart but each option returns the error:02:59
_plague_87i em from serbia02:59
_plague_87my englis is.....02:59
_plague_87no good02:59
nixnoobiehello all02:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:59
Gopher99do you need help wih anything?03:00
RDProgatlef: error 22 no such partition (for the 3 ubuntu options)03:00
Jack_Sparrowqcjn, That does not surprise me..  glad you got it to see a drive03:00
bazhangFFEMTcJ: you are using a tutorial meant for a different linux distro?03:00
Lord_Nightmareanyone have any ideas for how to deal with the following: i have a failing ntfs hdd in a laptop, a usb external ntfs drive, and a xubuntu gutsy livecd03:00
iceswordRDProg, paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst03:00
_plague_87i have linux Ubuntu 7.1003:00
RDProgatlef: for vista it says error 13 invalid or unsupported executable format03:00
_plague_87i wont to03:00
Pelo_plague_87, what other language do you speak , mabe we can find a channel for you03:00
iceswordbazhang, hi03:00
Lord_Nightmarei'm using gddrescue to copy the data off the ntfs bad hdd03:00
_plague_87make home network03:00
FFEMTcJbazhang: there are none that I can find for ubuntu.. So that's the best I have to go off of03:00
_plague_87linux ubuntu server03:00
nixnoobieanybody know of a way to edit preferences for specific screensavers?03:00
Pelo!enter | _plague_8703:00
ubotu_plague_87: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:00
RDProgatlef: ok, gimme a sec, reboot takes a while03:00
Lord_Nightmarenormally this would work fine except for the problem with the hdd03:00
one_matthiasanyone using ati mobility radeon -?03:00
atlefRDProg: i would 1. reinstall xp mbr, then vista mbr then grub03:00
qcjnJack_Sparrow: so it looks like the problem is the card03:01
nobbyhi, anyone know how to deal when apt-get throws up the following message:  Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:01
Lord_Nightmareunlike most failing hdds, this drive does not hive data errors when it hits a bad sector03:01
RDProgatlef: what would suggest as the best way of going about that?03:01
bazhangFFEMTcJ: what is the exact issue please be precise; tell us what you are trying to achieve what you have done, and the exact errors you are receiving03:01
Lord_Nightmarethe whole drive firmware on the drive MCU on its i/o board hangs03:01
Lord_Nightmareand when it hangs, ubuntu freezes as well03:01
FFEMTcJI'm not recieving errors.. Just not connecting with cingular.03:01
atlefRDProg: id suggest you go searchin the forums a little, it is long and kinda complicated if you do not know what you are doing03:02
Genius314I want to disable the shortcut "Ctrl-Alt-F5," but I'm not sure where it can be changed...03:02
bazhangFFEMTcJ: sorry if you dont provide precise info no way to help you03:02
Pelo!sr | _plague_8703:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:02
one_matthiasnobby:  what do you mean ?03:02
Lord_Nightmarei was hoping there was some way to have ubuntu load hdparm into a ramdisk or by cron job or something so i can see if hdparm can reset the drive03:03
orangeyhey all.03:03
_plague_87who know to tallking serbian03:03
orangeyWhat do people recommend for an IMAP daemon on a server?03:03
Pelo_plague_87, what other language do you speak ?03:03
Lord_Nightmarebut ubuntu seems well and truly crashed once the drive hangs, switching console from X to vc1 makes the mouse disappear and thats it03:03
_plague_87only serbian03:04
nobbyone_matthias: I recently got some e17 updates through the package manager.  When I tried to update I got some error messages.  Now I can't install or update any packages.  And running apt-get install -f produces that error, along with others03:04
Lord_Nightmaremy next best idea is to hot-power-cycle the drive somehow03:04
_plague_87my englis is not very well03:04
Lord_Nightmarewhich has a good chance of totalling the already damaged drive and frying the mb03:04
Gopher99_plague_87, how can we help03:04
Pelo_plague_87, then you will have to speak in english, we do not hve a serbian channel03:04
Jack_Sparrow!msg ubotu cz03:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msg ubotu cz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:04
Lord_NightmareJack_Sparrow: try !cz03:04
ubotuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.03:05
PeloJack_Sparrow, that,s czeck , it's nothing like serbain03:05
bazhang#ubuntu-rs _plague_8703:05
RDProgatlef: i am back in the liveCD is there anything i can do from here before trying to repair the windows MBRs?03:05
Lord_NightmareRDProg: yes!03:05
bazhangserbia is rs folks03:05
Lord_Nightmaretry sudo apt-get install testdisk03:05
crshmanhey all, where do i put in the options for the kernels so that when i install a new one all my old options get carried over?03:05
bazhang_plague_87:  type /j #ubuntu-rs03:06
Genius314Can shortcuts such as "Ctrl-Alt-F5" be disabled or changed?03:06
Lord_Nightmaretry 'sudo apt-get install testdisk' once you get networking working and have enabled the two universe lines in /etc/apt/sources.lst03:06
RDProglord: then what?03:06
Lord_NightmareRDProg: but read the manual for testdisk first03:06
atlefRDProg: if previous mentioned thread did not work for you, im not sure how to help03:06
thechitowncubsGood evening everyone!03:07
Lord_Nightmaretestdisk is a very advanced program for recovering lost partitions, fixing mbrs etc03:07
thechitowncubsWhats the most user friendly video editing software for Gnome?03:07
jribthechitowncubs: try pitivi or kino03:07
thechitowncubsjrib: thank you03:07
FFEMTcJbazhang: this is where I have finally gotten to.. I am using gnomeppp... I guess I have all of the settings right (or close to right) because it finally was able to detect the carrier.. Then it says "Waiting for prompt". Then "Notice: Don't know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best."03:08
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat channel list here ;]03:09
FFEMTcJbazhang: it then starts pppd and gives a warning that it can't modify /etc/ppp/pap-secrets: permission denied.03:09
_plague_87any link about networc for ubuntu i wont to make home network03:09
FFEMTcJthen Pasward authentication protocol pay be flakey and then the same with chap-secrets and the challenge handshake may be flakey03:09
leo_rockwthechitowncubs: i like avidemux03:09
Lord_NightmareRDProg: private message me, i'll get you the link to the testdisk faq and instructions for use03:09
Lord_NightmareRDProg: using testdisk without knowing what you're doing is an easy way to make an already bad data recovery problem even worse03:10
OasisGamesQuick Q: Did someone break FF3 in Hardy? I'm getting a GRE error and I have someone else with the same error.03:10
bazhangFFEMTcJ: have you contacted the carrier? do they allow that sort of authentication? not sure how to advise as we have municipal wifi here03:10
Jack_Sparrow!hardy | OasisGames03:10
ubotuOasisGames: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:10
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OasisGamesI see... Didn't even know there was a +1 channel...03:11
FFEMTcJAll the info I have comes from guides of other Cingular/ATT customers and how they got it to work.. So yes, they do..03:11
bazhang_plague_87: what kind of home network? you mean a wireless network? you might have a better time if you /j #ubuntu-rs03:11
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, do you have a ttyS# for that modem/connection03:12
_plague_87i have pppo but i wont to shere03:12
bazhangFFEMTcJ: ah I see, well best of luck and sorry not to be able to help you at all03:12
_plague_87whit anather comp03:12
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: ttyUSB103:12
bazhang_plague_87: could you buy a router?03:12
FFEMTcJbazhang: ty03:13
_plague_87i have ruter03:13
RDProglord: i have sent you an IM03:13
GreenboxDoes anyone know an audio editor that can let me extract audio from flv to wav, mp3, etc?03:13
DevourerHow can I stop a program from using my sound card so I can allow another program to use the sound card?03:13
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ,  try this             sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB103:13
_plague_87bat i dont know how to connect 2 computers03:13
GreenboxI've tried ffmpeg, but for some reason, even when compiled with the proper library, this doesn't work03:13
_plague_87on linux03:14
bazhang_plague_87: plug them both into the router03:14
dsofiesfwhow long do bans last?03:14
Jack_Sparrowdsofiesfw, Depends on the infraction03:14
bazhangdsofiesfw: ask in #ubuntu-ops03:14
Lord_NightmareRDProg: i didn't recieve it, are you registered and identified with nickserv?03:14
Jack_Sparrowdsofiesfw, Join #Ubuntu-ops to diuscuss any particular03:15
_plague_87ok i have crosower cable03:15
Lord_Nightmarei believe private messages (sent with /msg or /notice) are disabled on freenode unless you are logged in with nickserv03:15
dsofiesfwJack_Sparrow, doing03:15
sFEARsso i have a fresh install of 7.10 and a wireless card that needs ndiswrapper.. i can load the ndiswrapper module so it obviously somewhat installed.. but when i try to load the windows drivers using "ndiswrapper -i" it says program not found. I have the cd loaded as a repository but it can't find an installation candidate to install ndiswrapper. What am i missing?03:15
Lord_NightmareRDProg: i'll post the link here03:15
Lord_Nightmaregive me a moment03:15
Jack_Sparrowdsofiesfw, You should now be in a Modem terminal window so type "ATZ" then return...  It should respond with OK03:16
GreenboxsFEARs, probably the fact that the cd has no installation candidate for ndiswrapper ;-p03:16
RDProglord: ok, thanks, idk what i did wrong, i'm not really an IRC user03:16
Greenboxyou need to connect to the internet for that03:16
Greenboxor transfer it's .deb file, and it's dependencies manually03:16
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: I don't understand?03:16
sFEARsi can't connect to the net untill i load the drivers03:16
GreenboxsFEARs, then you have to transfer the .deb for ndiswrapper, along with any dependencies you don't have manually03:17
Greenboxwith a usb drive or something03:17
bazhangsFEARs: are you not on the net now?03:17
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ,  try this in a terminal            sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB103:17
sFEARsunless i can figure out how to use my other laptop & a cross over cable.. i'm connected using a different computer03:17
TheRedBaronLord_Nightmare: by default - you cannot receive private messages from people who are not registered03:17
TheRedBaronbut you can change that03:17
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: it doesnt do anything03:17
Jack_Sparrowdsofiesfw, sorry mixed up for a sec03:17
Lord_NightmareTheRedBaron: ah. well i just realized *I* wasn't logged in03:17
Lord_Nightmareso no wonder i couldn't reciece private messages03:18
Jack_SparrowWhat do you see in the window03:18
Y-TownAnyone have a suggestion for a file syncronizing and back up application?  I am looking to back up my data regularly to my web host server and have the web host server updated not just replaced..03:18
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: a blank window03:18
Jack_Sparrowdsofiesfw, You should now be in a Modem terminal window so type "ATZ" then return...  It should respond with OK03:18
bruenigY-Town: rsync03:18
bazhangY-Town: rsync should do it03:18
GreenboxsFEARs, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20254603:18
Greenboxthat's a topic on creating a network bridge03:18
Greenbox(with a crossover of course)03:18
sFEARswill look03:18
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ,  You should now be in a Modem terminal window so type "ATZ" then return...  It should respond with OK03:18
Y-Townthanks guys   I will look into it03:18
Jack_Sparrowsorry guys03:18
Jack_Sparrowbehave... :)03:19
voicihi, i compiled and installed the newest version of v4l. after that my webcam stopped working. v4l must have replaced several of the original drivers in /lib/modules. is there a way to restore the original ones that came with gutsy? thanks03:19
manatatasI use ubuntu03:19
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: yes, it does03:19
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, I started my day in here about 15 hours ago03:19
bazhang!yay | manatatas03:19
ubotumanatatas: Glad you made it! :-)03:19
Greenboxvoici, you can revert back to the old packages and their files03:19
bazhangJack_Sparrow: get some rest ;]03:19
sFEARsi don't have linux installed on this machine so that option doesn't work03:20
PeloJack_Sparrow, get off the computer and goto bed, you're no use to anyone in this state03:20
sFEARsbut i'll try to find out how to do it in windows03:20
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, great...    so now you want to connect it to a dialer etc.. correct...03:20
RDProglord: did I miss the link?03:20
nobbyapt-get is giving the following message "trying to overwrite `.../module.so', which is also in package libevas0-engine-buffer".  Any suggestions how to fix this?03:20
manatatasyes, I'ts pretty cool with compiz+fusion.. my friends are amazed by it03:20
voiciGreenbox: how would i do that?03:20
GreenboxsFEARs, then it's even easier to create a bridge with windows03:20
bazhangJack_Sparrow: Pelo will answer all the questions ;]03:20
Greenboxif you search for how to do that, then you can figure it out pretty easily03:20
Greenboxwith google03:20
Greenboxvoici, use the synaptic package manager is the easiest way03:20
Waffleis there an anonymous surfing tool for ubuntu?03:21
Lord_NightmareRDProg: no03:21
voicii reinstalled the kernel-modules and the restricted-kernel modules but it didn't fix my problem03:21
bazhangWaffle: such as?03:21
RDProglord: ok03:21
Lord_Nightmarei'm still finding it, got distracted03:21
GreenboxWaffle, tor / privoxy03:21
* Pelo will try to fill Jack_Sparrow 's shoes, which shouldn't be so hard since they use to be his shoes, but Jack_Sparrow probably streched them 03:21
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, Use ctrl-A then K to kill the modem terminal... Now that we know the modem is working we need to make a symlink to connect ttyS5 to the modem... Again in terminal type sudo ln -s /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/modem   and enter your password when prompted...03:21
RDProglord: no problem03:21
Jack_SparrowPelo, np.. almost done,  not many of us around that actually used dialup..03:22
dsofiesfwman, been banned so long, going on like 3 months.03:22
Jack_SparrowPelo, correct that ttyS5 to ttyUSB103:22
manatatasanybody using 3gp files03:22
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: done.. $03:22
Lord_NightmareRDProg: the main site is http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk03:22
Hamledif I compile my own kernel, I will have to compile all of the restricted modules myself as well, right?03:22
PeloJack_Sparrow, erre, not sure how03:22
bazhangHamled: aye03:22
Jack_Sparrowdsofiesfw, Please do NOT discuss it in here03:22
dsofiesfwwhy not?03:23
Hamledalright, thanks03:23
bazhang!admin | dsofiesfw03:23
ubotudsofiesfw: Meddle not in the affairs of sysadmins for they are mysterious and quick to anger.03:23
Pelodsofiesfw, offtopic,  you'll get banned again03:23
Lord_NightmareRDProg: scroll down on that page and check the links under the 'using testdisk' bullet point03:23
dsofiesfwmore then one network in the world ;)03:23
RDProglord: ok03:23
minimecdsofiesfw: #ubuntu-ops ;) Maybe they will listen to you ...03:23
PeloWaffle, http://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en03:23
tritiumdsofiesfw: dsofiesfw s/then/than03:23
bbergwhat is the appropriate channel for asking a question about 8.04?03:23
Lord_NightmareRDProg: the 'recovery examples' section was very helpful03:24
tritiumbberg: #ubuntu+103:24
bazhang#ubuntu+1 bberg03:24
tritiumdsofiesfw: yes, a grammar correction03:24
bbergthank you03:24
dsofiesfwno such thing as grammar03:24
Strongbow[TX]cryonix: got ssh working?03:24
flybacktwo things, how do I shutdown X from ssh session in ubuntu and also is there any known issues with ubuntu and ati radeon 9500pro cards resulting in a blank screen03:24
flybackdid this in 32 and 64 bit ubuntu03:24
atlefRDProg: getting any nearer a solution?03:24
tritiumdsofiesfw: don't start03:24
flybackhave to run in graphics safe mode off the livecd03:24
dsofiesfwbut i'm sure they have a couple more ban slots reserved for me03:24
Lord_NightmareRDProg: i used testdisk on the laptop i'm having trouble with right now and found out the mbr, partition table and boot sector are all in fine shape, its just the hdd itself thats hosed when you access a bad sector03:24
DevourerHow do I check to see if a program is using my sound card?03:25
bazhang!ot | dsofiesfw03:25
ubotudsofiesfw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:25
manatatashow do i use kde as my desktop03:25
sFEARswhile trying to configure the static IP & subnet in the network connections i'm getting an invalid subnet mask error no matter what i do. it has to be somewhere in the /home folder because this is the second fresh install and i was getting this same error last time. any ideas?03:25
dsofiesfwban me now.03:25
bazhangmanatatas: install kubuntu-desktop03:25
Pelomanatatas, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:25
dsofiesfwban ubuntu03:25
minimecDevourer: What sotftware do you want to use?03:25
RDProgatlef: playing with tesdisk now03:25
nickrudtritium: you are quick03:25
tritiumnickrud: scripts help :)03:25
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: i did the symlink.. is that all?03:26
nickrudgot it, but still :)03:26
Devourerminimec, I'm trying to play Quake 3 but no sound comes from it. Sound is coming from FireFox, Pidgin, and VLC though.03:26
atlefRDProg: hope you get it up and running again03:26
RDProglord: this comp was doing fine, I jsut set it all up, had 3 partitions for the 3 OSes03:26
n8tusersFEARs--> what did you type as subnet? what is the ip address?03:26
RDProgran XP for a few days, then went to install ubuntu and grub didnt auto configue03:26
sohumhi all, i have a coupla quick questions. Firstly: does ubuntu come with iptables running? how would i check this for myself?03:26
RDProgso i tried to to the find thing and then grub through errors at the OS selection screen03:26
PeloRDProg, did you get the grub super cd as suggested ?03:26
Cpudan80sohum: Yes, you can use iptables, there is nothing in them by default03:27
Lord_NightmareRDProg: did you check the hdd to be sure its working ok other than the partition stuff?03:27
atlefI just rescued a borked hardy heron install, so i am pretty proud03:27
Cpudan80sohum: sudo iptables -L -v03:27
PeloRDProg, make that supergrub cd03:27
n8tusersohum--> sudo iptables -vL03:27
RDProgpelo, I have not yet, but i have the window open03:27
sFEARs192.168.1.131 & but i get the same error if i set it to auto.. or &
RDProgi will try it if a cnat figure testdisk out03:27
piedoggietrying to install cjson and it is complaining about no Pyhon.h  tried looking for Python.h on packages.ubuntu.com but no joy.  how can I find locate the right package?03:27
bazhangatlef tell the people in #ubuntu+1 ;]03:27
atlefi have03:27
PeloRDProg, dosn'T matter,  dl it , burn it , boot it , use it to fix the boot menu and grub stage 103:27
atlefjust needed to brag03:27
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, You got the symlink right03:28
Devourerminimec, yeah.03:28
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: yes03:28
Lord_NightmareRDProg: if you're dealing with a linux boot, the grub cd is likely a better idea03:28
Jack_SparrowDo you have a dialer program in place or a network manager03:28
FFEMTcJgnomeppp, but im willing to use whatever.. i have no preferences03:28
Lord_Nightmaretestdisk CAN work for linux stuff03:28
dsofiesfw1Greetings Channel, again.03:28
sohumcool, Cpudan80 and n8tuser, thanks.03:29
leo_rockwsohum: you can install firestarter (gtk) or guarddog (qt)03:29
dsofiesfw1sorry, is greeting also offtopic?03:29
minimecDevourer: Have a look at the settings of Quake. See if it uses 'alsa'03:29
Waffleis ubuntu "debian"03:29
leo_rockwsohum: frontends for iptables (in case you need them)03:29
Wrathtideis there anything offtopic?03:29
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, bring up gnomeppp03:29
FFEMTcJits up03:29
PeloWrathtide, anytinng not troubleshooting related,03:29
sohumsecond question: if I do any local routing, such as forcing all traffic to a particular domain to route through a particular interface, does NetworkManager interefere with that?03:29
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, I am not familiar with it.. but it should work now03:29
Waffleis ubuntu "debian"?03:29
PeloWrathtide, freindly banter is allowed as long as it doesn't interfere03:30
leo_rockwWaffle: no03:30
bazhangwaffle no03:30
GreenboxWaffle, ubuntu is debian based03:30
WrathtidePelo: lol, i was in the wrong channel, sorry03:30
Greenboxbut no, not the same as debian03:30
PeloWaffle, debian based03:30
RDProglord: pelo: ok, let me try the CD03:30
Devourerminimec, I'm not sure it has that capability to select... but I'll look.03:30
Wafflegreenbox: thats what i meant03:30
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: is there something else you'd suggest?03:30
xb3rtanyone know a good apt-get for the sound devices, including alsa03:31
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, One sec while I read up on gnomeppp03:31
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: it's still not working.. its using pppd, but not working03:31
Peloxb3rt, you mean a repos ?03:31
JoCoare there and good dock apps for linux?03:31
minimecDevourer: You  need the alsa-oss package I guess, as Quake 3 doesn't use alsa ;)03:31
n8tusersFEARs--> you type those in the boxes?03:31
xb3rtPelo: yea03:31
bazhangxb3rt: have you visited #alsa yet?03:31
xb3rtbazhang: sure havnt, but im going to03:31
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> where is it failing? what error?03:31
leo_rockwJoCo: i use ksmoothdock myself03:32
Peloxb3rt, main repos should have everythin you need,  menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager, easy way to search03:32
leo_rockwJoCo: but i guess you're looking for awn03:32
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.be/975403:32
Jack_SparrowOne more sec, then off to bed03:32
bazhangjoco avant-window-navigator seems to be the hot one right now03:32
JoColeoI dont see awn under synaptic though03:32
Wafflehow do i get privoxy and tor to work for me? are they always on, or do i need to type some sort of code to turn them on?03:32
bazhangjoco you need to add their repos03:32
leo_rockwJoCo: or kiba dock...03:33
bberghas anyone hit a problem with scim and getting package updates?03:33
leo_rockwJoCo: yeah, i don't think they are in the repos03:33
=== Pelo is now known as pi11ow
JoCobazhang: what are repos?03:33
sohumJoCo: there are some guides to awn on the forums. there's a particular repo for it.03:33
pi11owJack_Sparrow, come to me03:33
bberghas anyone hit a problem with scim and getting package updates?03:33
Lord_NightmareRDProg: if you're dealing with a dell, avoiding or intentionally blowing away the dell restore stuff may be advised... see http://www.goodells.net/dellrestore/03:33
=== pi11ow is now known as Pelo
leo_rockwJoCo: the place you get your "synaptic" apps from03:33
JoCoalright thanks guys ill look into it03:33
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: the log for the connect isn't getting an error.. but the is the "default" ip for the remote ip as far as i can tell03:33
Lord_Nightmareyes, goodells, ONE D03:33
bazhanghttp://awn.wetpaint.com/ JoCo03:33
sohumsecond question: if I do any local routing, such as forcing all traffic to a particular domain to route through a particular interface, does NetworkManager interefere with that?03:33
Devourerminimec, is that in the repos?03:33
minimecDevourer: Yep...03:33
JoCobazhang: Thanks!03:34
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> you got a handshake and ip addresses are assigned at both ends, so what is missing?03:34
Jack_SparrowFFEMTcJ, I must run wife is locked out of her car.. you are really close on that..03:34
atlefRDProg:  but as i said boot xp cd, repair console fixboot and fixmbr, reboot in to win xp insert vista dvd  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392 then boot the live cd to install grub03:34
FFEMTcJJack_Sparrow: ty.03:34
ViperHanyone have any exp with tor and privoxy?03:34
LiraNunaxteddy - a cuddly teddy bear (or other image) for your X desktop03:34
FFEMTcJn8tuser: well, for one i cant get online..03:35
PeloViperH, some , what do you need to know03:35
FFEMTcJn8tuser: no websites pull up03:35
RDProgatlef: will try that is the supergrub disc doesnt work03:35
tritiumViperH: yes, what's the problem?03:35
PeloViperH, http://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en03:35
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> check your route -n and paste it in pastebin03:35
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10825&highlight=torbutton a how to ViperH03:35
RDProglord: its not a dell, and yes, the restore stuff is crap03:35
FFEMTcJn8tuser: two, the window still says connecting03:36
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> i dont know if you have added default route in your ppp chat script03:36
PeloViperH, all the packages from the link i giave you are in the repos, no need to build the source , execpt for the torbutton which you get from the FF extension page03:36
AZI've run into a rather odd problem...  I installed a new video card, and now when I try to load any OS, it locks up completely.  I had Ubuntu & XP on the machine, and they both lock up, as do the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and OpenSUSE liveCDs, and the XP installer.  The only thing that does work is the Knoppix LiveCD, which worked perfectly fine for several hours03:36
atlefRDProg: and you need to do this in sequence, as explained03:36
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> check your route -n and paste it in pastebin <--- do this please03:36
atlefas far as i know03:36
Devourerminimec, the sound is still not working. :|03:36
bazhanghttp://www.fsckin.com/2008/02/13/browse-anonymously-in-thirty-seconds-and-three-easy-steps-in-ubuntu/ ViperH03:36
PeloAZ, boot the recovery mode , then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:36
Devourerminimec, I think there is a config file where I can change what sound device it uses, let me try that.03:37
ng0nhelp ! my sound goes bad when i send a line with Pigin.03:37
ViperHnow my question..  Its considered bad manners to download via bit-torrent via tor.  Now is there a way to block only the tracker of bit torrent and maintain anonyminity but still download the files not through tor/privoxy?03:37
minimecDevourer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1749003:37
Pelong0n, check the pidgin settings03:37
FFEMTcJn8tuser: http://pastebin.be/975503:37
bazhangViperH: not for this channel sorry03:37
ng0npelo. ok03:37
AZPelo, unfortunately, recovery mode hangs too.  I get to the desktop, just before the icons & taskbars appear, and then it locks up.  Can't even move the mouse03:37
Devourerminimec, that's what I'm reading. Lol.03:38
minimecDevourer: ;)03:38
PeloAZ, recovery mode you get from the grub menu, should be text mode03:38
ViperHRight on.. its for legit purposes,  Do you know what channel I need to go to?03:38
one_matthiasanyone with ati mobility radeon graphics card ...03:38
bazhangViperH: no idea sorry03:38
ViperHalright thanks for the links fellas.03:38
EnKanybody have a web-site suggestion on troubleshooting mysterious lock-ups with Ubuntu?03:38
PeloViperH, try on the p2p-irc network03:39
bazhangEnK: more info please03:39
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> you have not added a  default route on your ppp chat..thats why the result of your route -n  does not show a gateway..you can also add it manually03:39
PeloEnK, not realy what do you have running and when doess his happen ?03:39
FFEMTcJn8tuser: how might i do that03:39
EnKIt's a fresh install, and I've not installed anything outside the norm.03:40
* Pelo is starting to suspect that mystirious cronjobs might be responsible for system lockup on some comps, sendmail seems to take a lot of resources and starts for no apparent reasons 03:40
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> route add command if done manually03:40
EnKThe system freezes instantly and there doesn't seem to be any consistency (software, webpage open, etc.)03:40
ng0nok.. turned off sounds in Pigin.03:40
Pelo!enter | EnK03:41
ubotuEnK: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:41
Pelong0n, test and let us know03:41
GreenboxPelo there's a lot of programs that call sendmail directly03:41
ng0nsound test03:41
PeloGreenbox, but I wonder why03:41
ng0nok. GOOD. thanks PELO03:41
goosewhy is it when I try and compile a script and type "make" in terminal, I get "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."03:41
ng0nturning off sounds worked.03:41
LiraNunagoose, "compile a script" ?03:42
AZPelo, when I chose recovery mode, it tried to load a graphical interface.  Bit of a moot point now, I'm afraid, since I decided to nuke the whole drive and reinstall windows first, but I only got as far as deleting the partitions before the XP installer went splat03:42
ng0nthere are other choices.  ALSA, etc.  I'll mess with them some time.03:42
LiraNunagoose, scripts should be interpreted, not compiled03:42
bazhangEnK: if you give such sparse info it is really hard to diagnose the problem; what system are you running, what cpu how much ram etc03:42
LiraNunagoo, what language?03:42
GreenboxPelo, try replacing sendmail with a debug executable that just writes everything to output files03:42
Greenboxto see what calls it, and for what purpose03:42
LiraNunagoose, did you ./configure first?03:42
PeloAZ, consider that you might be having hdd trouble03:42
gooseLiraNuna, I guess the better way of putting it would be saying: I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just following a tutorial03:42
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> got it?03:42
FFEMTcJn8tuser: I'm sorry, but your going to have to give me more guidance on the route add. I am very new to ubunto/linux...03:42
LiraNunagoose, what are you trying to do03:42
LiraNunacompile something03:42
FFEMTcJI have absolutely no idea what to do.03:42
gooseinstall inspIRCd03:43
LiraNunadid you check if it's in the repos?03:43
gooselink: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/Installation_From_Tarball#Optional:_Add_Extra_Modules03:43
EnK500 Mg Ram, IBM compatible frankenstein - Radeo 9100 Drivers, generic CD player Intel CPU.03:43
ng0nalso.. i just noticed.  MP3 sound is bad.03:43
ng0nwav ok.03:43
Wrathtidewhat application which avaliable in the repos can open .chm files?03:43
gooseLiraNuna, no, I didn't03:43
LiraNunagoose, ngircd - Next generation IRC Server03:43
PeloGreenbox, I'm not that 1337,  it's not actualy crashing my system , I just started to notice it since I have conky displaying top cpu usage processs,  and it eat 20% + cpu when it starts,  I just got to wwondering if that might be causing other ppl problems03:44
LiraNunagoose, dancer-ircd - an IRC server designed for centrally maintained network03:44
bazhangEnK: how did you install the drivers? when does this generally happen? firefox with a bunch of flash tabs?03:44
gooseLiraNuna, I need an IRC bot that will auto kick/ban people for flooding the channel and typing in all caps03:44
PeloEnK, have you isntalled the restericted video drivers ? that mgiht help03:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:44
LiraNunagoose, irc BOT?03:44
LiraNunayou want an irc bot, not IRC server!03:44
PeloWrathtide, xchm is what you want03:44
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> route add -net gw
LiraNunawhat about eggdrop?03:44
leo_rockwWrathtide: apt-cache search chm03:44
gooseLiraNuna, I have no idea how to set it up03:44
gooseI'm just stabbing in the dark03:45
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> sudo route add -net gw
techqbertshould a NAND compact flash card last 5+ years as a relatively idle web-server?03:45
LiraNunagoose, eggdrop is easy03:45
leo_rockwWrathtide: well, that 's a long list, lemme grep it, lol03:45
EnKwhat's a "restericted video driver"?03:45
EnKIs that a spelling error?03:45
leo_rockwEnK: non free03:45
LiraNunaEnders, it's not open source03:45
leo_rockwEnK: ooo, lol03:45
majestichello,,I was wondering if someone can point me to the direction creating a raid 1 within the installation wizard?03:45
gooseLiraNuna, I looked at it, but I didn't understand it. Could you help me set it up?03:45
bazhangEnK: how did you installed the driver03:45
Pelogoose,  just google for xchat perl script , you'll probably get a butload of them free online03:45
tritiumgoose: supybot is what ubotu and the other ubuntu bots are based on03:45
EnKThe driver was isntalled when I installed the OS03:46
LiraNunagoose, don't have the time, really; but just get the example .conf file and replace stuff03:46
FFEMTcJn8, its complaining about the usage of the command and not taking it03:46
LiraNunait's easy if you have a brain03:46
ng0nif i only had a brain.03:46
AZPelo, I'm starting to think the same thing...  I've just started trying to install XP on an empty partition on the second HD, and so far it's going well.  Though I don't know why a bad HD would cause the LiveCDs to hang...03:46
PeloEnK, restricted driver for the video card,  in menu > system > admin > restricted driver03:46
gooseLiraNuna, thanks03:46
LiraNunagoose, np03:46
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> paste the error03:46
goosePelo, thanks for like, the 4th time today03:46
bazhangEnK: really need an answer to all the questions k thx03:46
PeloAZ, live cd does try to mount local hdd03:46
leo_rockwWrathtide: gnochm03:46
Pelogoose, I'm not counting,  but I'm pretty sure you're still in the red03:47
FFEMTcJn8tuser: http://pastebin.be/975603:47
leo_rockwWrathtide: xchm03:47
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> also paste your ppp chat script03:47
goosePelo, still in the red?03:47
FFEMTcJn8tuser: where's that03:47
EnKbazhang - I've answered your question.  Pelo - Restricted Driver Mnager says I have no hardware that needs restricted drivers03:47
brandonc503hey all i need help with my linksys router.. what channel should i use?03:47
leo_rockwWrathtide: kchmviewer (as you can see, there's more than one)03:47
leo_rockwbrandonc503: 6 sounds about right03:48
PeloEnK, ok , what have you instaled that is not part of the default ?03:48
EnKPelo - Nothing03:48
AZPelo, ok, that'd make sense...  Though I'm not sure why Knoppix didn't have any difficulties, unless it's the fact that it doesn't seem to mount the drives until the OS is completely loaded.  Although I'm baffled as to why it would work once the OS was loaded and  not before03:48
majestichello,,I was wondering if someone can point me to the direction creating a raid 1 within the installation wizard?03:48
bazhangEnK: when does this generally happen? using firefox with a bunch of tabs? running compiz? etc etc03:48
PeloEnK, desktop effects enalbled ?03:48
brandonc503leo_rockw i mean here in x chat.. unless you guys can help03:48
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> let me ask you, why are you using dial-up ppp? its a fairly complex config setup..03:48
EnKonly desktop effects (if that's what it's called) is multiple desktops.03:49
minimecbrandonc503: doesn't matter normally...03:49
RDProgpelo: are there any good walkthroughs for the supergrub disk?03:49
PeloAZ, bad hdd might mount sometimes and not others, that's why they are bad,  they are just plain unrelaiable03:49
FFEMTcJn8tuser: I have a cingular/AT&T wireless card that I want to run using linux so I don't have to use windows.. There is no software to run it "out of the box" like windows03:49
brandonc503minimec what dosent matter? the channel i chat in?03:49
leo_rockwbrandonc503: oh, i thought you meant router channel... ok lol03:49
bazhangEnK: disable that and perhaps try a lighter weight browser and see if that helps03:49
EnKbazhang - I answered that question already.  There's no consistency. Software running, applications open, etc.03:49
EnKa lighter weight browser than Mozilla?03:50
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> have you read up on ppp tutorial yet? ever? they fairly much similar, can you try that first?03:50
Roy_MHi, how do I remove the gui from my ubuntu 7.10 install?03:50
bazhangEnK: it probably is a ram issue when you get down to it--compiz, firefox, flash etc take up a lot of memory and you have only 512; you might consider fluxbuntu instead03:50
PeloRDProg,  the menues are pretty self explanatories, if you take the time to figure them out,  basicaly grub is in two parts, stage 1  in on the boot sector and direct to the menu onthe /boot foldr of the ubuntu partition if you are currently booting into vista you want to make fix stage 103:51
FFEMTcJn8tuser: I was following other tutorials that I found, none of which have included most of the stuff we've been doing...03:51
PeloRoy_M, google for sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop03:51
minimecbrandonc503: Misunderstood your question... sorry. Try to have a look in the forums of linksys, as there is probably no #chatroom03:51
=== reconnect is now known as recon
Roy_Mthanks Pelo03:51
AZPelo, makes sense.  Although I did load Knoppix quite a few times, and it worked every time without a hitch.  I suppose maybe whatever it uses to mount the drives is a little more tolerant of bad drives.  Or something...  I'm quite sure I'm talking out my behind at this point03:51
PeloAZ, you'll figure it out eventualy03:52
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> you have to understand the basics, and walking you through the steps is too costly, i'd like you to read up a lil bit how to setup ppp, then we can discuss03:52
FFEMTcJok.. do you have any particular reading you'd suggest?03:52
AZPelo, probably, though doubtless there'll be a few more head-shaped dents in my wall before I do03:53
bluefoxx__anyone ever hear of RAM that limits how much is in the system? i have a pair of 64 sticks that wont let the system have anymore than 128 mb...even though i have 4x 64 mb sticks in there...03:53
RDProgpelo: ok, thx, i'll let you know what happens03:53
Polishpauli'm trying to connect my laptop's external VGA to my monitor. When i enable the 2nd monitor in System > admin > screens & graphics, and manually look it up (model), it asks me for a driver?! Where do i get it? - - see, i don't wanna auto-detect my ext. monitor because it will eff-up my xorg.conf. I want to be able to have 2 monitors defined as clones. (poor man's docking station).03:53
PeloAZ, :-)03:53
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> not on top of my head, but i'd use google to search for setting up ppp link and also basics of tcp/ip03:53
Polishpaulbluefox__ what kind of mobo? mem? be specific03:53
PeloRDProg, best of luck,  grub isnt all taht difficult, it's just a little odd to figure out at first03:53
PeloPolishpaul, just use the generic one03:54
PolishpaulPelo: i'll try03:54
Polishpaulit still asks for a driver03:55
PeloPolishpaul, hmmm,03:55
asdfjklHey Everyone I am having some trouble with VLC, all of my videos that used to work before are... I can't really describe it, the frames are hopping around.03:55
n8tuserFFEMTcJ--> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html03:55
PeloPolishpaul, did you try the forum on this,  I don't mean post I mean search,  I'm pretty sure it is covered,  www.ubuntuforums.org03:55
bazhangasdfjkl: you have compiz running?03:55
PeloPolishpaul,  I'm not trying to get rid of you , I just don'T know03:55
EnKthanks all!03:56
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: its a asus 1997 slot one p2b-f, capable of up to 1 gig, it has usually 256 in it in a comination of two matching 64 mb sticks and two other 64 mb sticks, i tried to swap the mis-matched ones for a pair of 64 sticks that match, but they limit it to 128 for some reason...03:56
Peloenkbest of luk03:56
bazhangasdfjkl: before what? before an upgrade? when did this go south?03:56
RaystonHey everyone trying to install latest version on an older machine getting "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!"03:56
PeloRayston, the alternate install cd is often more forgiving03:57
bazhangRayston: what system specs please03:57
asdfjklThats very odd... I will tell you what happened.  But I just fixed it so you don't have to think of a fix.03:57
thechitowncubsIs there any way to output a message onto a logged in users screen using zenity?03:59
RDProgpelo: I cannot get to the menus03:59
asdfjklI have just installed 7.10, I do not have compiz, just gnome.  I had put Visual Effects settings at none, and all my videos frames would jump forward, I put the Effects at normal, and it works fine.03:59
PeloRDProg, on the supergrub cd ?03:59
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: what slocket/slot is it?03:59
RDProgpelo: it just goes the the first screen that tells me what tab would do03:59
RDProgpelo: yes03:59
rybotskyhey i need help03:59
n8tuserthechitowncubs--> what is zenity? in command line you can try write or wall04:00
PeloRDProg, the super grub cd is jsut a series of text menus, type enter or someting , try with the arrows and the tab key,  I don'T remember excatly how to get around in it , I haven't used it in a while , but it can be figured out04:00
Odd-rationalethechitowncubs: try reading in "man zenity"04:00
rybotskycan anyone help me with an error message04:00
rybotsky'E:Type 'echo' is not known on line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'04:01
PeloRDProg, you can also ask in #grub but it is not terribly busy04:01
Pelorybotsky, did you try and edit the /etc/apt/sources.lst file ?04:01
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: i'd need to look up documentation on it. I'd try running mem test first! that usually catches bum slots or ram04:01
rybotskyhow do i do that04:02
minimecrybotsky: You seem to have an error in line 60 of you /etc/apt/sources.list04:02
rybotskyya i do04:02
rybotskyhow do i fix it04:02
gooseok, I downloaded eggdrop via synaptic, where is it and how can I use it?04:02
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: slot 1, with a 450 mhz pentium3...i think its the ram i wanted to install though...i have 256 working in it now but two are mismatched...if i put even one of the 'new' sticks in with three other 64 m sticks it only showed 128 not 256...the ram in question seems to have a mitsubishi symbol on it. all the slots are good, and all my ram, except for the two 'new' sticks, which were salvaged from a old school computer...04:02
Pelorybotsky,  the idea is not to do it , go back and restore your back up , and use the gui instead,  menu > system > admin > sources list04:02
Cpudan80!eggdrop | goose04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eggdrop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:02
Pelorybotsky,  the idea is not to do it , go back and restore your back up , and use the gui instead,  menu > system > admin > software sources04:02
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: perhaps the memory is still mismatched? how about ECC? buffered ram? etc etc maybe one pair has a difference04:03
Pelook it's midnight here, I'm done for the night,  g'nigth folks, best of luck to all of you04:03
=== paradon_ is now known as paradon
minimecrybotsky: <Alt><F1>gksudo gedit /etc/aot/sources.list (jump to line 60 and do an '#' in front of the line)04:03
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: you'll want to find the numbers on the RAM stickers or chips and try googling for specs04:03
minimecrybotsky: <Alt><F2>gksudo gedit /etc/aot/sources.list (jump to line 60 and do an '#' in front of the line)04:03
gooseanyone know how to use eggdrop"04:04
minimecrybotsky: <Alt><F2>gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (jump to line 60 and do an '#' in front of the line)04:04
Karsythhey, i was wondering if anyone could help me install this? http://wine.getcontinuum.com/index.php -  im kind of linux retarded04:04
rybotskyhow do i restore the backup04:04
Karsythi do have wine installed though04:04
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: this will usually reveal info such as if the ram is buffered, ECC or any other special types04:04
Odd-rationalerybotsky: How did you backup?04:05
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: idk really, im trying to boot a ubunut gutsy cd to install and then i can test it all out from an installed OS...its not currently attatched to a dedicated screen or in a case, instead its running out of a cardboard box and hooked up to the mon on my grandfathers pc i made him[i also grabbed the pair of 128 sticks out of it to install ubuntu]04:05
bazhanghttp://bonlebon.blogspot.com/2006/10/writing-your-own-irc-bot-eggdrop.html goose04:05
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: arnt special types of ram usually keyed/notched differently?04:06
bazhangand here goose http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31207104:06
RaystonInstalling Latest version on an older machine AMD-K5-CPU, getting this error : "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!04:06
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: not all, i'd suggest referrencing the #'s on the memory sticks..04:06
Polishpauli've had same notch ram, but one buff'd one non, had issues04:06
Polishpaulmobo only worked with one type04:07
rybotskyi don't think i did04:07
RaystonAward Modular BIOS v4.51PG, memory test shows 16384K OK04:07
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: wull do, as soon as i find them again...i have so many parts scattered on the floor right now its not funyn...and strangely theyr nostly NICs...NICs and EDO ram >>04:07
minimecrybotsky: looks that line 60 of your sources.list starts with 'echo', but entries in /etc/apt/sources.list should start with 'deb' or deb-dev'04:07
rybotskyso how would i change it in the source list?04:08
minimecrybotsky: <Alt><F2>gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (jump to line 60 and do an '#' in front of the line)04:08
rybotskyim kinda new to linux04:08
rybotskyi tried that but it opened a blank document04:08
basyHi, I'm looking for text editor that can do this: i have 200 lines in file, each 20 chacters and i want to cut lines 101 to 200 and past them to end of lines 1 to 100, so result 100 lines each 40chars...04:08
bazhangrybotsky: you have no sources list?04:09
killowncan anyone help me? I am compiling an app and I get it error http://paste.la/35504:09
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: build a router out of all those nics :) i've been cleaning my mess as well so i know whatcha mean :)04:09
rybotskywell i typed in what u said and a blank document came up04:09
Hamledhow can I fix apt so it doesn't give this error every time I try to use it: "E: The package linux-image- needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."04:09
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:09
minimecrybotsky: ... so there is a typing error. You have a sources.list and it has an error in line 60.04:09
Karsythwhen a command has a ~ in it, for example "tar -jxvf ~/Continuum-wine.0.1.a.i686.tar.bz2" , am i supposed to replace the ~ with something? or just leave it be04:10
TrueNmesome how i have changed my /etc/apt/sources.list  file i have a back up called sources.list.saved  how can i replace it with the back up04:10
Odd-rationalebasy: Hmm. I would do some fancy stuff with a spreadsheet editor to do that...04:10
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: i actually am going to do that XD. the PC im building and trying to make work with this RAM is going to dual boot medibuntu and a custom build of linux im gonna make in the next two seeks[spring break w00t]04:10
bazhangmedibuntu? ;]04:11
minimecTrueNme: gksudo nautilus /etc/apt ; then rename the file04:11
basyOdd-rationale: spreadsheet editor can do that?04:11
rybotskywhere do i find the sources.list04:12
TrueNmeminimec can i do it in the file manager or do i have to rename it in the terminal04:12
dee_im trying to change permissions for "sshd_config" i typed: chmod +x sshd_config but it says YOu are not the owner so u cannot change permissions. But i am the owner04:12
atlefsorry for repeat, but cleared the window04:12
mitch_gnome 2.22 is my hero04:12
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:12
mitch_I love it04:12
minimecrybotsky: the file is in /etc/apt04:12
Odd-rationalebasy: Well. You could probably paste it all into a spreadsheet, cut row 101-200 and paste it into column 2. then combine the two columns and export everything back to a test file. Somthing like that.04:12
Karsythwhen a command has a ~ in it, for example "tar -jxvf ~/Continuum-wine.0.1.a.i686.tar.bz2" , am i supposed to replace the ~ with something? or just leave it be04:13
Odd-rationale*text file04:13
dee_"You dont have the correct permissions to change this file"04:13
dee_but im the owner of the whoel box04:13
minimecTrueNme: 'gksudo nautilus /etc/apt' means that you start your filemanager with sudo ;)04:13
RaystonHello guys! Installing Latest version on an older machine AMD-K5-CPU, getting this error : "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!04:13
leo_rockwKarsyth: ~ is your home04:14
leo_rockwKarsyth: like /home/karsyth (or w/e is your username)04:14
Karsythleo_rockw: so i dont have to change anything, just paste that code in?04:14
RDProgpelo: for the supergrub cd it jsut gives me a "grub>" but no munes04:14
TrueNmeminimec ok but do i have to end the sudo file manager ?04:14
RDProgpelo: any ideas? im fresh out04:14
leo_rockwKarsyth: yup04:14
dee_can anybody help?04:14
Karsythleo_rockw: well shit, i was hoping i was wrong. im getting this wierd error04:14
Odd-rationalebasy: Could you pastebin the file and let me give it a try? or is it confidential?04:15
leo_rockw!ohmy | Karsyth04:15
ubotuKarsyth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:15
bluefoxx__Polishpaul: found the ram! stickers both say MH8V7245AWZJ-6 and the pcboard says PC168AJA-*  BE3-0    94V-0 then in a little box below that one says 41 and the other says 35. chips all say M5M465805AJ    752DA1A-6....spaces indicate the equivilant of a "return" or "enter"04:15
rybotskyminimec   once im in the folder   what do i open sourses.list with04:15
TrueNme minimec where can i get a list of commands for ubuntu04:15
minimecTrueNme: Just close it after renaming the file04:15
dee_hi im trying to edit a txt file but it says i'm not the owner and i can't save the file. But i am the owner04:16
TrueNmeok thx minimec04:16
jribdee_: what file?04:16
bluefoxx__dee_: what file?04:16
instahey guys, i've got a webcam and want to send a stream to a single client also running ubuntu.  ideas / guides / howtos / keywords to google for?04:16
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=== floodbot-es is now known as RoAkSoAx
dee_i can't save the changes ive made to that file04:16
instait's a v4l1 cam04:16
jribdee_: you need to use sudo when you edit04:16
jrib!sudo > dee_ (read the private message from ubotu)04:16
dee_i did sudo vi sshd_config04:17
dee_same thing04:17
rybotskyminimec   once im in the folder   what do i open sourses.list with04:17
bluefoxx__dee_: are you root? try using sudo gedit <path to file> in terminal or gksu gedit <path to file> from alt f204:17
minimecrybotsky: gedit -> the text editor04:17
Raystonsorry for the repost guys, laptop powered down on me. any ideas for my problem?04:17
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jribdee_: paste the output of "groups"04:17
madrazrhii all, I have a small problem setting up an http server on my system, my ISP gives Dynamic IPs. I have installed all the necessary tools like LAMP, ddclient and also my IP is getting updated at DynDNS. But still when I type the URL it doesn't work. Please help04:17
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dee_IT WORKED04:17
basyOdd-rationale: yes, its confidential.. :(04:17
nickruddee_: anything outside of your home is not owned by your 'user', that's what they mean by not owned by you04:18
rybotskyok im there on line 60   and it says this echo 'deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/reacocard-awn/ubuntu gutsy main'    what do i remove/ add to the line04:18
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nickrudrybotsky: it should look like     deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/reacocard-awn/ubuntu gutsy main04:19
minimecrybotsky: it should be ... deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/reacocard-awn/ubuntu gutsy  main04:19
Kyro1 channel op :/04:19
Hamledmy sound is working, but the computer still uses the internal pc speaker for some things, like when I try to backspace on the console and there are no characters to remove, or I use tab completion and it doesn't find anything04:19
Odd-rationalebasy: OK. If you paste it all into a spreadsheet. do you get 200 rows?04:19
KyroHamled, same with me04:19
Hamledis there any way to make all the error sounds go through alsa?04:19
minimecrybotsky: as I said... the 'echo thing' ;)04:19
nickrudHamled: that's the system bell, you can turn it off at   edit->current profile04:20
Hamledok, well that helps with the console, but there are other applications, such as x-chat that do the same thing04:20
stikThis alpha is freaking nice04:20
rybotskyso just remove the echo and those apostrophe's and it should fix it04:20
TrueNmemy update manager is broke04:21
nickrudHamled:  for those, system->prefs->sound system-beep iirc04:21
Hamledthanks nickrud04:21
Odd-rationalebasy: /join #Odd-rationale And let's see if we can do this. I have an idea.04:21
dee_argh this is giving me a headache i don tknow why its not working04:22
atlefstik: alpha 604:22
atlefstik: *?04:22
atlefhere too04:22
TrueNmeorange box near clock says "this usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies"  any help ?04:22
madrazrhii all, I have a small problem setting up an http server on my system, my ISP gives Dynamic IPs. I have installed all the necessary tools like LAMP, ddclient and also my IP is getting updated at DynDNS. But still when I type the URL it doesn't work. Please help04:22
dee_i've created an account via User & Groups Manager. And I'm trying to connect to my computer via Putty on my Windows computer. I enter the details in Putty. and it always says Access Denied. But i'm absolutely sure i've typed it corectly.04:22
nickrud!gutsysources | TrueNme (try this first)04:23
ubotuTrueNme (try this first): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).04:23
rybotskyminimec  i did everything u said  and whenj i go to save it it tells me that i do not have the permissions necessary to save the file    please check that you have typed the location correctly and try again04:23
RaystonInstalling Latest version on an older machine AMD-K5-CPU, getting this error : "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!04:23
atlefstik: got borke by update earlyer today04:23
stikI been on slack the last 7 years... Still trying to figure out debians quirks04:23
jribdee_: does it work when you type "ssh USER@localhost" on the server machine?04:23
atlefstik: *borked04:23
jribRayston: latest version of what?04:23
stikThe libgc6 thing?04:23
nickrudmadrazr: are you sure your isp lets stuff in on port 80?04:23
atlefdang i got lost there04:24
stikI was lucky and missed that04:24
dee_jrib: i typed ssh cryonix@localhost and it says "The authenticity of host localhost can't be established.04:24
nickrudstik, atlef #ubuntu+1 please ;)04:24
jribdee_: does it ask you to answer a question?04:24
Polishpaulbluefoxx__: join #ubuntu-offtopic04:24
Raystonjrib : Ubuntu04:24
Ozymandias2what is the ubuntu equivilent of "chkconfig"?04:24
jribRayston: what version number exactly?04:24
minimecrybotsky: You have to start the file manager with 'sudo'. So... Open a Terminal and type 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'04:24
dee_jrib: yes it does. i answered Yes. entered the password. still doens't work04:24
butahello. i'm running ubuntu 5.10 and i need to burn files on a CD. which application could i use (and is one pre-installed?)04:24
nickrudOzymandias2: update-rc.d04:25
jribdee_: have you ever managed to ssh?04:25
minimecrybotsky: ... text editor ...04:25
stikThat another channel?04:25
Ozymandias2nickrud ty04:25
instahey guys, i've got a v4l webcam and want to send a stream to a single client also running ubuntu.  ideas?04:25
nickrudstik: place to discuss hardy04:25
atlef!#ubuntu+1 | stik:04:25
Raystonjrib : 7.1004:25
ubotustik:: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:25
dee_jrib; wait. now it works. its' logged in as cryonix@home04:25
jribRayston: haven't seen that before.  Does it happen with the alternate cd as well?04:25
stikor is that Ahhhhh lol04:25
madrazrnickrud: when one of my friend tries http://IP-adress it works for him04:26
TrueNme~~nickrud~~ still giving me error04:26
nickrudmadrazr: same provider?04:26
madrazrbut the even http://ip-address will also not work for me04:26
madrazrnickrud: ya same ISP04:26
jribdee_: ok.  Now pastebin the output of 'sudo iptables -L'04:26
dee_jrib how come i can login locally. but i can't remotely log in?04:26
madrazrnickrud: but different routers04:26
jribdee_: close that terminal first04:26
nickrudTrueNme: run   sudo apt-get update   in a terminal, and copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:26
nickrudmadrazr: could be your router, can you connect at ?04:27
jribRayston: and did you verify the integrity of your burn?04:27
Raystonjrib : havent tried the alternate CD04:27
TrueNme~~nickrud~~  this is my error "E: Type '<!DOCTYPE' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list04:27
TrueNmeE: Unable to lock the list directory"04:27
dee_jrib: http://pastebin.com/m4e794f6d04:27
madrazrnickrud: I have setup virtual hosts in my system, could that be a problem04:27
jribdee_: ok, now do you use a router?04:27
dee_jrib: yes i do04:28
nickrudTrueNme: put the contents of that file on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:28
TaRDyis there such a thing as triple booting? (i.e. having another distro, ubuntu, and windows?)04:28
jribdee_: you need to set it up to forward port 22 to that machine04:28
madrazrnickrud: also my localhost is pointing to a directory in home and not to /var/www04:28
atlefTaRDy: yes04:28
madrazrnickrud: when I type http://my ip adress in the browser it will redirect to my 192,168.1.1 page, i.e my modem setup page04:28
nickrudmadrazr: I'd suggest trying a really simple apache config , make sure that's not the issue. But I'm no apache whiz04:28
atlef!triple boot | TaRDy:04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about triple boot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:28
rybotskyok i did that and now it's saying the same thing as before except that it's line 61 this time04:29
madrazrnickrud: ok04:29
dee_jrib; via DMZ?04:29
nickrudmadrazr: you have set stuff up strangely then. should be localhost by definition04:29
madrazrya is localhost04:29
nickrudmadrazr: ah, nm misunderstood what you typed up above04:29
minimecmadrazr: type localhost <enter>04:29
TaRDythank you atlef04:29
rybotskyminimec gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:29
jribdee_: I don't know, I've never done it04:29
madrazrminimec: I get the the the contents of my htdocs04:30
TrueNme~~Nickrud~~ it gives me that error in the terminal after i type in the command you gave me04:30
rybotskyminimec ok i did that and now it's saying the same thing as before except that it's line 61 this time04:30
madrazrminimec: in the sense its /home/madhu/myweb04:30
madrazrI get the folders in this directory in my browser04:30
rybotskybut all i see on line 61 is sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list04:31
nickrudTrueNme: fine, but put up the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list04:31
minimecrybotsky: well.. all the lines in the sources.list have to start with 'deb' or' deb-src'. Otherwise put an '#' at the beginning of the line, as the  '#' lines are ignored.04:32
minimecmarve: How comes ... ?04:33
nickrudrybotsky: sounds like you put some lines into that file by mistake.   gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , put the contents on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:33
minimecmadrazr: How comes ... ?04:33
rybotskyminimec    thanx alott man   it';s all working good now04:35
rybotskyim outa here04:35
minimecrybotsky: np04:35
bluefoxxanyone esle got a asrock p4vm890 motherboard?i wish to purchase a compatable infrared module for mine but cannot find them listed anywear...04:36
madrazrminimec: what??/04:36
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minimecmadrazr: I don't have an answer to the fact, that your apache is not pointing to /var/www as it should by default...04:38
sCOTTohey guys - i am playing around between my ubuntu laptop right now and a windows 2003 server box... can someone help me get the server to see my ubuntu and the ubuntu to see the server - and access both ways?04:39
minimecmadrazr: ... 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2' could be a solution...04:41
madrazrminimec: no I want my apache that way04:41
madrazrthats not a problem now04:41
minimecmadrazr: ok04:42
madrazrminimec: the only problem is that when I type the DynDNS URL, its redirecting to my modem setup page04:42
madrazrinstead of pointing my localhost04:42
RoAkSoAxmadrazr, which modem are you using?04:43
hanthanacan we keep downloaded ubuntu updates for a time04:44
hanthanaI mean after finishing the update?04:44
madrazrRoAkSoAx: D-Link GLB-502T04:44
minimecmadrazr: redirect port 80 to your local machine04:45
madrazrminimec: how to do it?04:45
madrazrminimec: please help04:45
FaerrisHi folks, I'm running Ubuntu FF as a web server on my VPS and I'm looking to upgrade from PHP 5.2.3 to 5.2.5, any easy way for me to do this?04:46
minimecmadrazr: You have to configure your router/modem (probably 'firewall section' or 'routing')04:47
TrueNme~~nickrud~~ Sorry lost my connection what am i sending where for the error with my update manager ?04:47
bluefoxx_anyone know of a place for me to buy a cheap[ish] IR modual for my PC?04:47
nickrudTrueNme: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list , paste that at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:47
atlef!pastebin | TrueNme:04:47
ubotuTrueNme:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:47
EnKieworst person04:49
TrueNme~~Nickrud~~ you need this right ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59561/04:50
nickrudTrueNme: yup, a sec04:50
beatlesfanI have a question about text rendering in Firefox in Ubuntu 7.1004:50
beatlesfanthe pages in Firefox are not rendering quite as they should... text is not aligned.04:50
beatlesfananybody know how to fix ?04:50
TaRDymy windows partition files arent showing up under /media/sda104:51
nickrudTrueNme: well, you definitely put the wrong stuff in there :)    sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list , start the update manager again and hit the check button04:51
Jack_Sparrowbeatlesfan, What version of Ubuntu and version of Firefox04:51
beatlesfanubuntu "gutsy gibon" v7.10, Firefox came installed with it04:51
Jack_Sparrowbeatlesfan, Just checking04:52
nickrudTaRDy: is it mounted?  mount | sort , should be the first line if it is04:52
bluefoxx_whats the least amount of ram i can run a full install of ubuntu in, once installed?04:53
beatlesfanbluefoxx, I read on the forum that 256Mb is the least amount you should run04:53
TrueNme~~nickrud~~ is the package manager the only way to get software ?04:53
nickrudTrueNme: it's the best way by far.04:54
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx_, Using the minimal install you can get it way down but 256 or so .. what do you have?04:54
TaRDynickrud it is not mounted04:54
atlefTrueNme: getdeb04:54
chicoryDoes anyone have suggestions for mods for someone with ADD, or at least a problem with attention?04:54
nickrudTaRDy: sudo mount -a , check again to see if it's mounted.04:54
atlefTrueNme: http://www.getdeb.net/04:54
* chicory was unable to find, say, a #lifehacker channel04:54
TaRDynickrud, Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use.04:54
nickrudTrueNme: I personally use only a very few, cherry picked apps from outside the package manager.04:55
n2diychicory: what ADD issues are being faced?04:55
TrueNme~~nickrud~~i like most of the apps but it seems there are more avail. for kde04:55
nickrudTaRDy: ah. Well, I'd suggest booting back into windows, let windows fix the disk.04:55
chicoryn2diy: Primarily time management, but also visual cue problems.04:56
beatlesfanafter much fooling around I finally got dual boot with WinXP to work04:56
TaRDynickrud, alright, thank you for the help04:56
Jack_SparrowTrueNme, You can mix and match kde apps in ubuntu04:56
nickrudTrueNme: you can run kde apps in ubuntu no problem. I use amarok myself04:56
chicoryNamely, er, window sorting, flashing notifications, that sort of thing.04:56
bluefoxx_Jack_Sparrow: i have 384ish in it now, using 2x128 sticks and 2x64 sticks, but im gonna pull those to throw in another PC[they came from another one initially]. so then ill only have a few random 64 sticks im selling and a pair of 32 sticks...04:56
Jack_Sparrownickrud, goodnight04:56
nickrudJack_Sparrow: likewise04:56
chicoryJDarkroom for text editing is a good place to start, but in most situations I have to have multiple windows open in a workspace.04:56
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:56
TrueNmewell alot of the apps in the package manger wont install some thing about not for my machine or needs this and this cant be installed04:57
n2diychicory: I use korganizer for time managment, can't help with the visual cues.04:57
chicoryEven with the ADD Helper for compiz I'm having problems with task-switching.04:57
chicoryMmm.  Thanks, n2diy.04:57
bob42hey guys, I'd like to install this unstable package (http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pommed/pommed_1.16~dfsg-1_i386.deb), what line shoul I add in sources.list to be able to install it from apt-get ?04:57
n2diychicory: GL04:57
=== TrueNme is now known as TrueNme-AFK
Odd-rationalebob42: Nothing just click, download and double-click the .deb to install.04:58
nickrudTrueNme-AFK: if it's in the repo list, you should be able to install it. do that gutsy sources thing again. You have a misconfiguration04:58
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ that fixed my update manager04:59
TrueNme-AFK~~nickrud~~ what gutsy sorces thing04:59
bob42Odd-rationale: yea but it ask me for a dependance (libasound2) but is already installed04:59
nickrud!gutsysources | TrueNme-AFK (this will fix your package manager config, you should be able to install anything in the repos)04:59
ubotuTrueNme-AFK (this will fix your package manager config, you should be able to install anything in the repos): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).04:59
Odd-rationalebob42: It should notice that it is already installed. no?05:00
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ thats the settings i have05:00
nickrudTrueNme-AFK: what's not installing then?05:01
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ some codec for movieplayer05:01
nickrudTrueNme-AFK: ah. That's the medibuntu thing, most likely. The one so you can play dvd's?05:02
bob42Odd-rationale: yea I think too but it say: Error: Dependcy is not satisfiable: libasound205:03
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ nevermind i have a buch of new things now too  i think i set them last time you told me and they wernt set prior to that ill try to install them now05:03
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ thx for all the help05:03
chicoryOh, speaking of JDarkroom - for the life of me I can't remember how to change the default JRE.05:03
chicoryHow do I change the provider?05:03
minimecbob42: try to download the package and install it with 'sudo dpkg -i pommed_1.16~dfsg-1_i386.deb'. If you still have the dependency problem you could try to force the install (see man dpkg).05:04
Odd-rationalebob42: Hmm. Must be because that package is from a debian repo...05:04
nickrudTrueNme-AFK: ok. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#head-7486ed038a9becc1dff10a24cc07a38a00d70e9f , start there to set up medibuntu to get the  codecs and libdvdcss when you're ready05:04
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ ok whats a good antivirus ?05:04
xb3rtI get this error when i trying playing an mp3 in totem05:04
xb3rtThe playback of this movie requires a audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed.05:04
xb3rthow do i fix this05:04
* nickrud wonders if he should do the !don't install debian packages! warning05:04
TrueNme-AFK~~Nickrud~~ or do i even need one on here05:05
nickrudTrueNme-AFK: you don't need one in linux :)05:05
l815my back and forward buttons on my mouse don't work with epiphany05:05
bob42minimec: thanks, now I know that its because I need libasound2 >> 1.0.16, How can I get this version available in my package manager ?05:07
nickrud !don't install debian packages!05:08
nickrudxb3rt: that doesn't sound like an mp3 , try    file <thefileyou'retyingtoplay>05:09
n2diynickrud: why not install Debian packages?05:09
nickrudn2diy: because he's gonna need a bunch of other dependencies, right now the abi05:10
Khajavihelp: what is a different between ubuntu 64bit and 32bit? and I want to buy 4 core AMD? does ubuntu support it?05:10
jerbearis there a way to purge application data for packages that have already been removed?05:10
nickruds match but they won't at some time, some ubuntu stuff has patches that aren't in debian which create subtle bugs, etc05:11
n2diynickrud: ok, I thought Ubuntu might be getting exclusive!?05:11
minimecbob42: Well... Your are playing around with debian and Ubuntu packages ;) ... Be aware... You willprobably find your libasound2 >> 1.0.16 in debian 'lenny' -->> packages.deiban.org... ->I am not sure, if you should do this >-05:11
dee_i've set up user accounts and i'm trying to connect to this box via Putty (Windows Box) But i keep getting Access Denied when i enter the login details. I Can't find any help on google either.05:11
nickrudn2diy: lol, without debian ubuntu would be in deep doo doo05:11
Khajavi help: what is a different between ubuntu 64bit and 32bit? and I want to buy 4 core AMD? does ubuntu support it?05:11
n2diynickrud: roger that! :)05:12
chicoryHmm ...05:12
chicoryThis is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know much about syncing an iPod Touch or iPhone with Ubuntu?05:12
Daisuke_Idowithout debian, ubuntu wouldn't exist...05:12
prince_jammysbasy: http://paste.stgraber.org/151305:12
chicoryI've been looking for FAQ's, but it seems like everything is music- and video-centric.05:13
atlefchicory: http://www.gtkpod.org/about.html05:13
chicory... And requires jailbreaking.05:13
atleffor example05:13
dee_I dont think its a matter of port forwarding. because i can connect to this box via putty. But it keeps saying Access Denied. I'm sure ive spelt everything correctly05:13
atlefhave not tried it though05:13
Daisuke_IdoKhajavi: unless you're using more than 4gb ram and do a lot (and i mean a LOT) of high-impact realtime video editing, stuff like that, stick with 32 bit.05:13
=== leo_rockw is now known as leo_away
nickrudchicory: for the latest ones (like 3d gen nano) you need later software than is in ubuntu05:14
n2diyI'm helping a friend put audio files on is Motorola i880 cell phone. I can read and write to the card with no problems, once Dapper sees that card. The problem is, it takes hours for Dapper to find the card in my reader. It is a standard Sandisk SD 256m card, Ideas?05:14
chicorynickrud: If it requires subversion or building, I could do either.05:14
KhajaviDaisuke_ldo: You mean that people who have 64bit use ubuntu 32bit?05:15
chicoryAll I know is that (last I checked) many guides called for creating an OpenSSH server on the iPod/iPhone for direct filesystem access.05:15
StarnestommyKhajavi: they can, but not all do05:15
SmegzorI've been using onboard sound and just installed a Creative Audigy card.  Where do I tell Ubuntu to use the new card?  Its still using onboard sound.05:15
* TrustNoOne kisses the room and hugs everyone in it05:15
dee_any ideas guys?05:15
chicoryThat's great and all, but, er, it'd be nice to port my calendar and the like.05:15
nickrudchicory: http://www.gtkpod.org/libgpod.html , I used this and the gtkpod link on that page. Was able to sync music to my nano, art work didn't work right but I'm satisfied until hardy05:15
* Smegzor slips on the wet floor05:15
TrustNoOnewhen is hardy official release date ETA05:16
Daisuke_Idomost still use 32 bit because of compatibility, yes.05:16
Daisuke_Idoi do.05:16
Khajavistranestormmy: 64 package are less than 32? how many?05:16
StarnestommyI use the 64-bit version05:16
chicoryAnd I'm a little wary to jailbreak this close to "iPhone 2.0" firmware coming out.05:16
* nickrud uses a small stick on TrustNoOne 05:16
chicoryThanks, nickrud.05:16
saikorSmegzor, check system, prefs, sounds setup.05:16
n2diySmegzor: go into your Bios settings, and disable the onboard sound card,05:16
nickrudTrustNoOne: april 24, last I saw05:16
saikorSmegzor, and disabled the scard in the bios.05:16
TrustNoOnenickrud, k koo05:17
TrustNoOnenickrud, wait what? thats soon, beta isnt even out05:17
StarnestommyKhajavi: I think there were only a couple missing05:17
l815where are gnome themes saved when installed through appearance?05:17
Khajavianother question: which is better? intell or AMD?05:18
SmegzorI looked in the bios but couldn't find anywhere to disable onboard, just change it a bit.05:18
Khajavifor  linux?05:18
SmegzorI'll have another look05:18
TrustNoOnel815, they are in /home/user/.themes05:18
l815TrustNoOne, thanks :)05:18
n2diyKhajavi: Chevy. :)05:18
TrustNoOnel815, i do not know if default ubuntu themes are there, but that is where you install new GTK themes05:19
KhajaviChevy? what u mean?05:19
nickrudTrustNoOne: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule05:19
Werdnahi, is there a set of steps for troubleshooting wireless connections in kubuntu/ubuntu? I can connect to one wireless network, but not another one. I think the issue has to do with a multi-word WEP password, which is a problem because it sees the second part of the password as a new directive, not as part of the password. Putting it in quotes (wireless-passphrase s:"word1 word2") seems to connect Okay, and I can ping google, but I ...05:19
ahmedh724i can't setup ubuntu from the live cd it opens busybox initramfs screen05:19
Werdna... can't visit websites or ssh or anything (iwconfig's count of Rx crypt errors increases after I try)05:19
Smegzoryay!  I have sound :D05:19
HamledI compiled my own kernel, so I couldn't install the proprietary nvidia drivers through the restricted drivers manager application (says I need to have linux-restricted-modules-, which doesn't exist obviously), so I used envy to install the drivers, but now I can't select custom settings in the appearance configuration, to use compiz, is there any workaround?05:19
n2diyKhajavi: Chevy. or Ford, the question doesn't have an answer.05:20
TrustNoOnenickrud, so skipping beta?05:20
saikorHamled, can't select or doesn't appear?05:20
SmegzorWhere does Gnome keep system sounds?05:20
nickrudTrustNoOne: according to that, march 20 is the first beta release05:20
saikorSmegzor, system, prefs, sound05:21
Daisuke_Idon2diy: do you feel the same way about the gnome vs. kde debate?  either or?05:21
Smegzorwhere are the actual sound FILES?05:21
nickrudTrustNoOne: my last work about hardy in this channel: I'm installing then ;)05:21
TrustNoOnenickrud, oh hah i missed that05:21
individual_elevanyone knows how to configure wine?05:21
Smegzormine have gone missing during a recent update05:21
Hamledsaikor: I can select it, but it prompts me to enable the restricted drivers, and when I select yes, it overwrites the custom-compiled ones with stock ones for a different kernel (2.6.22-14) that don't work at all, and x falls back to vesa05:21
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: Yes.05:21
Daisuke_Idon2diy: i like you.05:22
TrustNoOneindividual_elev, dont need to configure wine, just know some programs not compatible with it, check winehq to see how compatible a windows program is with wine before installing05:22
Khajaviindi..: for what?05:22
TrustNoOne!wine | individual_elev05:22
ubotuindividual_elev: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:22
saikorsaikor, ah ok. Sorry no idea.05:22
ahmedh724 i can't setup ubuntu from the live cd it opens busybox initramfs screen05:22
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: Good! I think I like you too!05:22
TrustNoOne!AppDB | individual_elev05:22
ubotuindividual_elev: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org05:22
Hamledsaikor: thanks anyways :)05:22
individual_elevwell i was hoping hoping to run some windows games?05:22
Daisuke_Idothe debate just bugs me.  if there are apps from kde i like, i'll use them, even in gnome.  and vice versa.05:22
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: If it works, drive it!05:23
TrustNoOneindividual_elev, look at the appdb, it will tell you which ones are compatible, some programs do not install or work properly in wine, its just the way the world turns :p05:23
individual_elevi see..thanks!05:23
atlefDaisuke_Ido: agreed05:23
cerberushello i would like to install Nessus on my Ubuntu , when i open the synaptic i see "Nessus 2.9..." but there is more newer version on the Nessus website does synaptic have this new version also ?05:24
uncorqI have snort configured to start referencing the custom config file, but I can't seem to get the syntax correct when trying to get it to start as a system service after reboot: "snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf" - into what file to I need to put this command?05:24
|2-bits|Hello, I am wondering if someone can recommend some good torrent software for linux, preferably one that integrates well with GNOME. Currently I use Transmission, but find it a bit lackluster for my purposes05:24
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: Yes, Kde under Gnome is no big deal, just a little more overhead installing the Kde libraries.05:24
atlef|2-bits|: deluge05:25
saikor|2-bits| azeurus?05:25
atlefsome swear to ktorren05:25
TrustNoOne|2-bits|, i use azureus, it is very configurable and easy to disable DHT and decentralized tracking, it has VERY high speeds, and most private trackers allow that client05:25
Daisuke_Idon2diy: and is that overhead *really* any burden considering modern storage and ram capacity? no.05:25
rich1does anyone here use streamtuner?05:25
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atlefazureus is to big, to much, but if you need the extra option...05:26
|2-bits|Wow, lots of input. Thanks, I'll check them out. :)05:26
rich1how do i get categories back in the shoutcast tab in streamtuner?05:26
atlefso run utorrent under wine as well05:26
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: I'm sorry to say it is, here, but my  dual 333mhz cpus can deal with it. :)05:26
Daisuke_Idoif that can deal with it, then i really can't see a new-fangled system having problems05:27
TrustNoOnewell yeah i do need azureus, its either that or transmission for my choices in linux for my private tracker, plus its so easy to configure with all those options, and unless you comp really sucks it should bog you down, it doesnt do that to me05:27
|2-bits|I'll check out deluge and azureus, thanks.05:28
TrustNoOnei mean whatever works for you, most are personal preference, its like, some ppl like windows for some reasons, some like linux... both have advantages the other doesnt have05:29
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: Dual 333mhz CPUs, 256m of ram, 17" monitor, mouse and keyboard for $150? I can deal with it too.05:30
Delamortehello I was wondering if all the media package's for Ubuntu Studio are avalibale for Ubuntu 32bit and 64bit?05:31
Daisuke_Idon2diy: $200 everex gOS machine...  that thing is calling my name, saying "turn me into a media center...  please..."05:31
rich1does anyone know how to get categories back in shoutcast using streamtuner?05:31
n2diyDaisuke_Ido: umm, what is gOS?05:32
TrustNoOne!google | n2diy05:32
ubotun2diy: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux05:32
n2diyTrustNoOne: thanks, if I wanted to ask ubotu, I know how.05:33
nj786where can i change my icons? for my desktop?05:33
atlefpreferences apperence05:33
[chr0n0s]hi, anyone has idea what this means .. Note: in order to see www-data you may need to modify root's /apps/gnome-system-tools/users/showall GConf setting05:33
bullgard4TrustNoOne: Please tell me what is meant by'google-fu'?05:33
nickrudnj786: either change the theme, or right click an individual icon and click the picture in the dialog window05:33
[chr0n0s]what is supposed to be modified?05:34
=== Soal_Reap is now known as Soal_Away
blankthemuffin_Hey all, having a bit of trouble with my Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN wireless on Ubuntu 7.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1520.05:34
nj786nickrud: where can i change the theme? where is it under?05:34
TrustNoOnebullgard4, the ability to quickly answer any given question using internet resources, such as a search engine05:34
nickrud[chr0n0s]: sudo -i , run gconf-editor , you navigate to that key. But that's a pretty odd instruction, out of context ;)05:35
atlefnj786: sytem preferences apparance theme05:35
[chr0n0s]nickrud, it's in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion05:35
sixpenceIs there a CLI universal update command I can pass for apt?05:35
blankthemuffin_It seems to drop out with this error: "kernel: [ 3869.844000] wlan0: No ProbeResp from current AP 00:08:a1:a1:00:56 - assume out of range"05:35
blankthemuffin_every few minutes05:35
n2diysixpence: apt-get update?05:36
sixpencen2diy: Thanks.05:36
bullgard4TrustNoOne: I cannot see a link or connection between what you just told me and the term 'google-fu'. Please elaborate.05:36
n2diysixpence: GL05:36
TrustNoOnebullgard4, a measure of one's level of skill in using the Google search engine in order to find needed/required information quickly05:37
[chr0n0s]nickrud, thanks05:37
=== blankthemuffin_ is now known as blankthemuffin
sixpencen2diy: Does that just update my repositories?05:37
nickrudbullgard4: it's a play on the word kung-fu05:38
n2diysixpence: yes, there databases, I believe.05:38
atlefTrustNoOne: +105:38
nagbut the true master uses googlekata05:38
sixpencen2diy: And what about a command for the individual packages?05:38
bullgard4nickrud: Ah, thank you very much for explaining. --  I wish you a pleasant good morning from Berlin.05:38
sixpencebullgard4: Auf Wiedersein!05:38
nickrudbullgard4: to you also.05:38
TrustNoOnebullgard4, are you familiar with the term "kung-fu"? the mastering of a martial art? google-fu is wordplay on that, if you have good google-fu you are the master of google05:39
TrustNoOnehopefully that narrows it down enough for you05:39
bullgard4TrustNoOne: Thank you for explaining.05:39
TheNewAndyIs there a way to set the "from" address in evolution? (perhaps through a plugin)05:39
MagicMoonLightHi People05:40
nickrudbullgard4: it's about time you started regurgitating all this knowledge you've been sucking up :)05:40
tezzie23hey guys05:40
TrustNoOnelol @ nickrud05:40
* RedHeron is away: afk, 20 minutes, tops... or not05:40
blankthemuffinHey all, having a bit of trouble with my Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN wireless running Ubuntu 7.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1520. It seems to drop out with this error: "wlan0: No ProbeResp from current AP 00:08:a1:a1:00:56 - assume out of range" every few minutes, following which it reconnects.05:41
TrustNoOnenickrud, sponges don't "regurgitate" unless they are squeezed 0.o05:41
tezzie23brb eating05:41
tezzie23taco bell05:41
MagicMoonLightCan you Smell the Bell05:41
TrustNoOnetaco bell = night on the toilet05:41
l815my back and forward mouse buttons don't work in epiphany05:42
TrustNoOneuse firefox then05:42
nickrudTrustNoOne: that's no help at all05:42
l815well i'm already using ff but i prefer epiphany :/05:42
=== olegb_ is now known as olegb
l815and when I installed epiphany those buttons now don't work in ff either05:43
TrustNoOnenickrud, your right, i guess i am picking up bad habbits from some of the help i received from some people in here ^_^05:43
nixeaglehow would epiphany affect firefox?05:43
nickrudl815: have you tried enabling mouse gestures in epiphany? they work pretty well05:43
blindHow do I install a gnome theme? I open up the theme manager, click install theme, and pointed it at the archive, at each individual file... i can't figure it out05:43
manatatashow can i logout using command-line?05:43
bullgard4TheNewAndy: There is one, certainly. Either you have set it when you set up your Epiphany or Epiphany took it from another configuration file. A grep over all files for your entry will tell you.05:43
n2diysixpence: not sure, I play with Synaptic, check out man apt-get? GL.05:43
l815nickrud, no i haven't, but i'm so used to those buttons, that i find myself clicking them and nothing happens lol05:44
blindmanatatas: logout05:44
nickrudblind: try just dragging the tar ball you downloaded onto the window , that should install it05:44
sixpencen2diy: Alright.05:44
blindalright, i'll try it05:44
l815where do i enable mouse gestures?05:44
TrustNoOneblind, download the theme, extract contents to /home/user/.themes and go to System>Preferences>Appearance05:44
manatatasbind: bash: logout: not login shell: use `exit'05:44
blindThanks, nickrud05:44
blindmanatatas: type 'exit'05:44
voidmageI can't get amarok to have mp3 support. When I click the prompt to install mp3 support in amarok it doesn't do anything.05:45
TrustNoOnelol nickrud... such a simplistic answer vs mine05:45
manatatasblind: typing exit, just closes the command-line..05:45
MagicMoonLightGood Question how do we get different mouse themes05:45
blankthemuffinvoidmage, it should take a little while and then give you a password prompt.05:45
voidmageblankthemuffin: it doesn't do that. it instantly gives me a restart amarok message.05:46
l815nickrud, where is the option for mouse gestures? i don't see it05:46
blindmanatatas: are you trying to logout via a terminal emulator?05:46
manatatasblind: yes..05:46
TrustNoOneMagicMoonLight, extract mouse theme to /home/user/.icons and go to System>Preferences>Appearance and click on customize button and go to Pointer tab05:46
blindmanatatas: I'm not sure if you can do that.. If you can, I'm not sure how.05:46
nickrudl815: tools->extensions05:47
MagicMoonLightThat I know how to do I kust don't know where to get new themes05:47
MagicMoonLightfor the mouse05:47
l815nickrud, there's no tools menu! ;o05:47
voidmageblankthemuffin: oh, i found it05:48
nickrudl815: what version of ubuntu?  and, do you have the epiphany-extensions package installed?05:48
AndrewBmanatatas: /etc/init.d/gdm restart may do your job in a round about way05:48
TrustNoOneMagicMoonLight, http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=36&PHPSESSID=5ea53b57d81d34da6c6e7cb8e7c1ca5e05:48
Werdnahello. I can ping google/my router, until I try to do anything substantial on my wireless connection, at which point I can't even ping my router (MAC not in ARP cache). It works fine on another wireless network.05:48
voidmageblankthemuffin: it wasn't sudo'ing right but it thought it finished, or something05:48
l815nickrud, i don't have the extensions installed, and i'm using hardy05:48
voidmagefound the package i needed to install anyway05:48
MagicMoonLightThx TrustNoOne I will look over there05:48
manatatasblind, thanks for trying to help05:48
blankthemuffinvoidmage, cool, it's pretty touch and go.05:48
l815nickrud, thanks05:48
voidmageit looks like there's an open bug on this05:49
manatatasAndrewB: I'll try that, thanks..05:49
voidmageor it was fixed.05:49
voidmageand my install is acting up again, or something05:49
cerberus__hello,I need help please , how i can disable software from running on starting at startup ?05:50
blankthemuffinNah it's not fixed that's for sure, it took me ages too get it too work the other day.05:50
TrustNoOneWerdna, could be your router in that case, wireless signals can be disturbed with microwaves and wireless phones and cell phones etc... if you have problems try changing the type of encryption your wireless is using (IE: WPA instead of WEP) and change the wireless channel it is broadcasting on05:50
WerdnaTrustNoOne: Works for two other devices, but it is substantially further away. I'll try that, thanks.05:50
tezzie23k... back05:51
blankthemuffincerberus__, System > Preferences > Sessions05:51
manatatas * Stopping GNOME Display Manager...                                     [ OK ]05:52
manatatas * Starting GNOME Display Manager...05:52
tezzie23I got serious probs with my pc and ubuntu05:52
NETWizzI am installing linux-image-2/6/22-14 generic, linux-ubuntu-modules...-generic, linux-restricted-modules...-generic05:52
manatatasAndrewB: it doesn't work..05:52
NETWizzWill that work with a Dual Core?05:52
tezzie23I got the official disc and I still cant get a gui!!!05:52
AndrewBmanatatas: when you say log out do you mean out of gnome yeah?05:52
voidmagewhat a strange thing.05:52
blankthemuffintezzie23, Do you have a GeForce6800 GS perchance?05:53
manatatasAndrewB: yes, I'm on gnome.. I would like to know if i could logout and logbackin through command-line..05:53
NETWizzI need to reboot05:53
blankthemuffinmanatatas, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:54
blankthemuffinmanatatas, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:54
blindAre there any MPD controllers (play/pause/stop/etc buttons) that fit into gnome-panel? I don't even know what to search for.05:54
manatatasblankthemuffin: thanks, I'll try that..05:54
blindblankthemuffin: can't you just do 'restart' ?05:55
crdlbblind: sonata will put an icon in your system tray, and you could create a cluster of panel launchers which run 'mpc next', etc05:55
gr1ff1ncan anyone help me pls, I can t find anything on the internet. When I run module-assistant auto-install alsa, I get an error the CFLAGS was changed, what can I do ??05:55
blindoh, very true.05:55
xp_prghow do I make sendmail work on ubuntu?05:55
AndrewBtry the command gnome-panel-logout05:55
AndrewBoh he is gone05:55
blindcrdlb: would i be able to change the size of those launchers? or would they be as big as everything else?05:56
tezzie23blankthemuffin, I have geforce, but I dont know which one05:56
crdlbblind: are you using a really tall panel?05:56
tezzie23blankthemuffin, does dat matter, by any chance05:56
manatatasblankthemuffin: it worked, thanks..05:57
crdlbblind: if so, you could put them in a "Launchers List"05:57
manatatasAndrewB: i forgot sudo, thnaks05:57
AndrewBoh manatatas np05:57
blankthemuffinYeah it could tezzie23, I know for a fact that my 6800 GS only works with the restricted nvidia drivers or the vesa drivers.05:57
blankthemuffinI'm having a bit of trouble with my Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN wireless running Ubuntu 7.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1520. It seems to drop out with this error: "wlan0: No ProbeResp from current AP 00:08:a1:a1:00:56 - assume out of range" every few minutes, following which it reconnects.05:58
blindcrdlb: no, one line panel.05:58
urkkiI had my firest crash with XCHat05:58
blindfive extra icons takes up a bit more space.05:58
TheNewAndybullgard4: I'm not sure I follow. I'm asking about evolution, and I don't know what my "entry" is.05:58
urkkisorry, first05:58
tezzie23blankthemuffin, but I couldnt even install the older version...05:58
urkkiI added another server (reaper-chat), and next time I launched XChat it wouldn't launch05:59
crdlbblind: then use sonata's tray icon?05:59
blankthemuffintezzie23, it's nothing too do with what version, mine fails with all the linux distros I have tried until I get the Nvidia drivers on there.05:59
tezzie23blankthemuffin, so u just gottaa get the drivers?  not a whole-nother card?06:00
coolbhaviI have been trying to apply a acpi kernel patch for my system PD 3ghz06:00
blankthemuffintezzie23,  yeah, but it involves installing them via the command line.06:00
blankthemuffinThat is if it's the problem.06:01
tezzie23blankthemuffin, ubuntu's on it doesnt matter?06:01
coolbhavibut i get the error Could not find file to patch in line 306:01
WerdnaTrustNoOne: had a go at changing the channel, etc - but link quality is still 4/70 according to iwconfig.06:01
Werdnasignal -87dB, noise -9106:01
manatatas /join #coder06:01
blankthemuffintezzie23, not sure what you mean there, but mine has not worked on any version of ubuntu from 6.04 to 7.0406:02
coolbhaviI am doing this on /usr/src/linux-headers 2.6.22-14/drivers/acpi06:02
TrustNoOneWerdna, other than moving farther away (closer to the devices that work) i can only think that maybe its the driver not fully compatible with your card?06:03
tezzie23blankthemuffin, u said command line....  ubuntu's or windows?06:03
whitehathello,ubuntu people I have debian insalled and was wondering how to swich over without useing a live cd?06:03
whitehator a installation c06:03
TrustNoOnewhitehat, network installation?06:03
blankthemuffintezzie23, ubuntu's06:04
blankthemuffinyou have too put a driver exe from the nvidia site on a flash disk or similar, then run it from the command line, you also need too have the internet on the PC in question.06:04
blankthemuffinby exe I mean executable, not an actual .exe file :P06:04
whitehatok that works06:04
WerdnaTrustNoOne: well, perhaps there's a better driver for it?06:04
whitehatbut would it format my debian partian06:04
TrustNoOneWerdna, unfortunately i wouldnt be too sure06:05
WerdnaTrustNoOne: I'm using whatever came with ubuntu. It's a fairly old laptop06:05
tezzie23blankthemuffin, so, start the ubuntu disc and then install the driver from the (sudo) command line?06:05
whitehatapache is messing up so I thought It'd go with ubuntu06:05
whitehatwhat is the ubuntu website?06:06
Justin__Is an athlon x2 1.8Ghz, 512MB ram, and 7200GS good enough for HD? (front/backend)06:06
blankthemuffinyeah that should work tezzie2306:06
jmdcwhen my machine wakes up after hibernating, network manager needs my password to reconnect to my wireless network. This always happens, even though I check the box that says to remember the password.06:06
TrustNoOneWerdna, i know for a fact that some cards just dont like to work right, like i have an intel card, it works perfect, and i have a wireless N card and it doesnt work unless the network is unencrypted... (using ndiswrapper) since the manufacture doesnt support linux (only windows) so unfortunately there are some limitations06:06
Justin__trying to figure out if my HD firewire problems are firewire related, or my computer sucking06:06
cerberus__Hello, does it possible to compile package from i386 to amd64 ?06:06
blankthemuffinor it might be easier too test it by switching too the vesa driver on the live CD, and then if that fixes it, install ubuntu, and then install the nvidia driver.06:07
blankthemuffintezzie23, ^06:07
tezzie23blankthemuffin, how do I find da drivers, and how are your letters showin up in red when u talkin to me?06:07
WerdnaTrustNoOne: mmm.. I wanted to use WPA on this, but it's an old-school wireless card that doesn't support WPA.06:07
WerdnaIt worked perfectly fine for the other network, though..06:07
whitehathow do you make it do network install can't find option on website06:09
blankthemuffintezzie23, the letters show up in red because I had you name in the message that I sent.06:09
tezzie23blankthemuffin, is mine doin the same?06:09
TrustNoOneWerdna, yeah so if it works on the other network and it uses WPA, make sure its the same type of encryption (IE TKIP or TES) and using the same method of key IE passphrase or hex06:09
blankthemuffintezzie23, yeah.06:09
tezzie23blankthemuffin, cool06:10
TrustNoOneWerdna, because WPA TKIP might not work and WPA AES might work so06:10
whitehatfine, I guess I'm stuck with debian06:10
tezzie23blankthemuffin, can others see it?06:10
WerdnaTrustNoOne: It was unencrypted on the other one. Now I've been trying to use just WEP06:10
bladinhofelips shiuahsaiu06:10
felips[bladinho]: :o)06:10
TrustNoOneWerdna, if it was unencrypted on the other one, make yours unencrypted just to "test" it, if it works perfectly, you know its the encryption that is throwing you off06:10
jmdccerberus__: if you have a i386 package, you probably just have the binary. If you want to compile, you need to get the source package instead, but you probably just want to get the amd64 package that's already compiled06:11
WerdnaTrustNoOne: moment06:11
tezzie23blankthemuffin, brb... please still be here06:11
gan i am getting error , when i run the livecd through qemu " unable to find a medium containing live filesystem "06:11
blankthemuffintezzie23, http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=785996&postcount=2  < this is probably the best way for you too get it working.06:13
cerberus__jmdc: i have .deb file does it possible to convert the package from i386 to amd64 ?06:13
NETWizzI just upgraded to the SMP kernel06:14
anathema415_Hi all,06:16
anathema415_Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy)06:16
anathema415_AMD Athlon 64X2 3800+06:16
anathema415_1 gig of ram06:16
anathema415_Nvidia 6150 SE (integrated)06:16
anathema415_The other night I was trying to get the latest version of pan up and running and ended up having to install pcre 7.606:16
FloodBot1anathema415_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:16
gan i am getting error , when i run the livecd through qemu " unable to find a medium containing live filesystem "06:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:16
urkkiHow can I reset settings in CXhat?06:18
anathema415_Hi guys. Could you please take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59565/ and maybe help me please?06:18
TrustNoOneanathema415_, wish i could help but thats over my head06:19
anathema415_Thanks TrustNoOne.06:20
cerberus__please can someone help me ? does it possible to install (deb file) i386 package on amd64(Ubuntu gusty 7.10 desktop) ?06:20
helpfromucan squid do time usage based for the user? like i want his account can surf for only 3hours, can we do that? any suggestions?06:20
anathema415_I don't think so Cerebrus06:21
guessI have ubuntu patition and some debian based partitions in my machine. I installed windows above that. Now once again I want to install a debian based partition. But when I select manuall partitioning option it is showing any of my old partitions. How to solve it?06:21
guessIt's not showing any of my old partitions. But I can boot into debian based patitions.06:21
guessI have ubuntu patition and some debian based partitions in my machine. I installed windows above that. Now once again I want to install a debian based partition. But when I select manuall partitioning option it is not showing any of my old partitions. How to solve it?06:22
blankthemuffinYou don't need too ask the question over and over guerby06:22
blankthemuffinsorry, guess06:22
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:22
l815lol that was cool06:23
WerdnaTrustNoOne: Now it won't connect at all06:23
TrustNoOnenetsplit happen to me on xbox live once on halo 2 match online, so the game was split in two, and one game blue team won, the other game blue team lost... lol06:23
WerdnaTrustNoOne: I see a DHCPDISCOVER go out, but no DHCPOFFER06:24
crfdoes anyone know how you can change the order of the cities in the clock applet?06:24
TrustNoOneWerdna, if it wont connect at all with unencrypted, it definietly sounds like a router/card config issue rather than interference06:24
WerdnaI'm not sure whether I've correctly specified that it's unencrypted (I just commented out the wireless-key line in /etc/network/interfaces)06:24
rybotskyhelp   i am trying to install gtk 2.12 but when i  type ./configure in terminal   i get this No package 'atk' found06:25
rybotskyNo package 'pango' found06:25
rybotskyNo package 'cairo' found06:25
rybotskyConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you06:25
rybotskyinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.06:25
rybotskyAlternatively, you may set the environment variables BASE_DEPENDENCIES_CFLAGS06:25
rybotskyand BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.06:25
rybotskySee the pkg-config man page for more details.06:25
rybotskycan anyone help06:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:25
crfuboto needs to chill. 12 lines isn't very many06:26
bullgard4TheNewAndy: When you first called the program Evolution, the progam Evolution will ask you for some of your personal data. Evolution will need some of your personal data for example in order to send them in an e-mail. Either you entered this from data at that moment, or Evolution took that 'from:' data from a configuration file on your computer.06:26
NETWizzI just upgraded to the SMP kernel and a dual core06:26
blankthemuffinhah 3 FloodBot's06:26
TrustNoOneWerdna make sure router is unencrypted and you can delete all your associations with the wireless network by deleting all the keyrings for it, and by going into gconf-editor06:26
cerberus__please can someone help me .. does its possible to install i386 package (.deb file) on amd64 (Ubuntu 7.10 gusty desktop) ?06:26
WerdnaTrustNoOne: I'm using kubuntu.06:26
anathema415_cerebrus: no06:26
bullgard4TheNewAndy: So you will need to change either or the other data.06:27
TrustNoOneWerdna, oh... hmm... well honestly, im sort of a noob to linux so as far as the linux config, i cant help that much, but i am IT and technician for hardware/microsoft operating systems06:27
NETWizzI can run a DVD, email, FTP, Firefox, Pdigin, Skype, Compiz, Avant Navigator, Sync My MP3 Player, and play 10 DIVX at once06:27
WerdnaTrustNoOne: ah06:28
TrustNoOneWerdna, so unfortunately i can only help to a certain degree06:28
NETWizzThe SMP kernel rocks06:28
WerdnaTrustNoOne: btw, iwlist wlan0 scan gives nothing06:28
Werdnaso I suspect it's an interference thing06:28
TrustNoOneWerdna, i have seen very strange stuff, so this doesnt surprise me, that it works on some routers but not on yours..., and now its not working at all... it could very well be a network card driver issue06:28
rybotskycan anyone help  with gtk 2.12 install through terminal????06:29
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rybotskyi can't get passed ./ configure06:29
goaliecajust updated hardy and now i'm getting   firefox-3.006:29
goaliecaCould not find compatible GRE between version 1.9b3 and 1.9b3.06:29
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:30
rybotskycan anyone help with gtk 2.12 install06:30
prince_jammysgoalieca: #ubuntu+1 for hardy issues06:30
ere4sirybotsky, what happens at ./configure06:30
TrustNoOneWerdna, because even if the other networks are configured slightly different than yours (different channel etc) it might work on the other network and not yours if its not identical, because thats how it is sometimes when the hardware isnt fully supported, or is old... so i can only suggest finding the linux version the driver for your card or try ndiswrapper06:30
rybotskyi get this06:30
rybotskyNo package 'atk' found06:31
rybotskyNo package 'pango' found06:31
rybotskyNo package 'cairo' found06:31
rybotskyConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you06:31
rybotskyinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.06:31
rybotskyAlternatively, you may set the environment variables BASE_DEPENDENCIES_CFLAGS06:31
rybotskyand BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.06:31
rybotskySee the pkg-config man page for more details.06:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:31
l815debian has the simplest & coolest emblem :D06:31
TrustNoOneWerdna, because even if the other networks are configured slightly different than yours (different channel etc) it might work on the other network and not yours if its not identical, because thats how it is sometimes when the hardware isnt fully supported, or is old... so i can only suggest finding the linux version the driver for your card or try ndiswrapper06:31
TrustNoOneWerdna, i have to leave now (work time) but i hope you get it straightened out06:31
ere4sirybotsky, that means you don't have the dependencies - is there a readme file?06:32
rybotskyere4si yes there is06:33
onefunkhow do i record flash videos from the internet06:33
ere4sirybotsky, and does it mention dependendcies or an install method?06:34
rybotskyere4si it says see install06:34
rybotskyso ill check that right now06:34
WerdnaTrustNoOne: thanks, bye06:35
rybotskyere4si it says  GTK+ requires the following packages:06:36
rybotsky - The GLib, Pango, ATK and cairo libraries, available at the same06:36
rybotsky   location as GTK+. GTK+ 2.12.6 requires at least GLib 2.12,06:36
rybotsky   Pango 1.13, ATK 1.9 and cairo 1.2.06:36
rybotskyere4si  Simple install procedure06:36
rybotsky  % gzip -cd gtk+-2.12.6.tar.gz | tar xvf - # unpack the sources06:36
rybotsky  % cd gtk+-2.12.6   # change to the toplevel directory06:36
rybotsky  % ./configure   # run the `configure' script06:36
rybotsky  % make   # build GTK+06:36
=== J_- is now known as J-_
rybotsky  [ Become root if necessary ]06:36
rybotsky  % make install   # install GTK+06:36
ere4sirybotsky, there you go - it isn't a matter of just installing gtk06:36
ere4si!paste | rybotsky06:37
uboturybotsky: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:37
Amaranthrybotsky: do _not_ install gtk like that06:37
Amaranthrybotsky: if you're using ubuntu you already have gtk installed06:37
rybotskywhere is it06:37
onefunkany flash video recording software out there?06:37
rybotskyamaranth where is it06:38
Amaranthrybotsky: err, already installed06:38
AmaranthMaybe you should explain what your real problem is instead of this06:38
rybotskyhow to get my upper panel to match  my emerald themes     and i read somewhere that u have to use gtk06:39
Amaranthupper panel to match emerald themes...06:39
ere4sirybotsky, a .gtkrc-2.0 file in your /home?06:40
Amaranththey probably meant you need to use a gtk theme06:40
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:40
rybotskywell when you see a screenshot of a theme on gnome-look.org    the panel matches the theme06:40
Amaranth!netsplit | puhaha06:40
ubotupuhaha: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:40
Tezzie_blankthemuffin, u there?06:40
blankthemuffinyeah tezzie2306:41
blankthemuffintezzie23, http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=785996&postcount=2  < this is probably the best way for you too get it working.06:41
UbubeginAnyone has successfully managed to run OpenCV in ubuntu...06:41
rybotskyhow do i install a gtk theme06:42
Tezzie_blankthemuffin, ok, thank u for leading me the right way!!!06:42
x_dimitriI notice the PAM config file for ssh appears to be /etc/pam.d/ssh and /etc/pam.d/sshd on some ubuntu systems. Any ideas as to the reason  for the difference? Does PAM use either file that's present?06:42
prince_jammysrybotsky: Preferences->Appearance06:43
blankthemuffinnp tezzie23, if it does not help them out of ideas :P06:43
Tezzie_blankthemuffin, ok, have a blessed night!!!06:44
rybotskyprince jammys     what do i do next06:44
UbubeginAnyone knows what causes this error ......*"Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support)"*06:44
Ububeginpuhaha: wrong channel for chinese, buddy ... :D06:45
LycadeI'm having a problem with an external hard drive that was working a little bit ago. It is a myBook 500g external hard drive using USB.  It no longer reads the drive when it is plugged in. Also, the drive causes a GRUB error upon reboot if it is still plugged in. The external still operates well under windows.06:45
prince_jammysrybotsky: click on install and browse to the theme you downloaded06:45
crfUbubegin, a program you're using is using a function not available on your system06:45
Ububegincrf: how do i go about getting this Function :? ... thanks06:46
=== mboman_ is now known as mboman
crfprobably you should file a bug with the program that's causing this error message to appear/06:47
crfwhat program was it?06:47
Ububegincrf: OpenCV06:47
crfthen, there you go :-).06:47
Ububegincrf: Are u saying that OpenCV is not compatible with Ubuntu...06:48
crfI don't know. But you should file a bug with OpenCV06:48
Ububegincrf: Oh Ok, thanks... I seriously think the pple at OpenCV shld fix this man.. Ubuntu holds the biggest slice of the Linux world now....06:49
o0splitpaw0oVery Early Morning06:50
blankthemuffinI'm having a bit of trouble with my Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN wireless running Ubuntu 7.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1520. It seems to drop out with this error: "wlan0: No ProbeResp from current AP 00:08:a1:a1:00:56 - assume out of range" every few minutes, following which it reconnects.06:51
ArcorCan anyone help me out with a problem i have? I activated some NVidia drivers and now when i boot into Ubuntu, my monitor goes black and displays a message saying "Out of Range 68.6 / 85 hz"06:52
ere4siArcor, how did you install the drivers?06:53
dimitris82hi all06:54
LycadeMy usb devices quit working. Mouse, external hard drive, and flash drives. They don't supply any power to these devices.06:54
demenortcl to ubuntu, link please06:54
dimitris82i try from 5.10 to Edgy with aptitude update && aptitude upgrade06:55
blankthemuffinArcor, sounds like your using a res that's too high for your monitor, you'll have too edit your conf file I think, can you get too a tty/?06:55
jmdcI am looking for the info documentation for the command ls. Currently info ls gives exactly the same information as man ls06:55
=== demenor is now known as bladinho
dimitris82i found a message when was in config files .. Installing new version of config file /etc/evms.conf ...06:56
dimitris82/boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386 was been altered.  Cannot update.06:56
dimitris82Can anyone how to fix this problem ?06:56
dimitris82i need now to aptitude dist-upgrade ?06:56
dimitris82also i tried update-initramfs  -c -u  and i got the message : /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386 was been altered.  Cannot update.06:57
dimitris82any ideas please06:57
* Faerris throws a chair at Apache.06:58
GCTodayHello all06:59
LycadeIs there a way to turn my usb back on?06:59
sacamanoHi. I'm running Ubuntu, and I've got a question about my external HD. Occasionally, every few hours or so, my external hd will temporarily unmount. If I click on the volume, it remounts no problem. Is this a problem? I ask because I'm wary, my internal HD died this weekend and I'd rather not lose any more data.07:01
jga23how do I add something to the main menu?  where do I put the .desktop file?07:01
sacamanoMy internal hd had been locking up like after an hour previously for about a month and I just didn't realize it was the disc going, so I want to make sure it's not my external hd dying.07:01
Arcorsorry, went AFK,  Blank and eres4si. I installed them by trying to set up my desktop, and i clicked on the Desktop Effects, set it to Normal instead of none.07:02
ArcorIt asked if i wanted to enable them, and told me for it to take effect i'd need to reboot07:02
ArcorI rebooted, and it now just gives me that. My resolution is set to 1280x1024, could enabling those drivers change it to something my monitor couldn't handle?07:03
Arcormy graphics card is a Geforce 6200 LE, if that helps.07:04
cyberfinI wonder if anyone can help me with this: I'm installing Kino 1.3.0 on gutsy amd64 and I get this message when entering "sudo make install": make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cyberfin/Desktop/kino-1.3.0/ffmpeg'         make: *** [install-recursive] Error 107:04
ere4siArcor, the restricted drivers manager should set that up right07:04
rabiddachshundI'm having a problem with Apache, but ##apache is dead. Every time I try to upload something it changes the permission and won't let me view it in the browser. What permission should my files have?07:05
LimCorewhat do you use to check if the hardware you want to buy will work in linux?07:05
kraantsacamano: I think the external hardrive is going into sleep mode (which IIRC) unmounts the disk.07:05
k0hey guys i was wondering if any1 else is getting the same problem, it seems with gnome and xgl my box seems to freeze often with the mouse operational any1 else getting these? and can any1 point me to where i can see the logs to the crash's07:05
* GCToday puts his hand up for help when someone is available..;)07:06
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jmdc!ask | GCTday07:07
ubotuGCTday: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:07
=== tes1 is now known as manatatas
ere4si!hardware | LimCore07:07
ubotuLimCore: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:07
Arcorere4si, i'm not sure if that's what you mean, but all that i did was click Yes to activate the drivers, i didn't enter any sort of manager window to configure it.07:09
ere4siArcor, I'm talking about the restricted drivers manager from the menu - not from desktop effects07:10
cyberfinok here is a paste of my problem when installing Kino 1.3.0... help is appreciated: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59567/07:11
GCTodayI have seen the linux magazine with the ditro of DVD of ubuntu, I would like to install ubuntu but only have cd writer and a an older 500mhz celeron system which within the week will have 256mb of ram. Will I be able to install unbuntu on that system?07:12
FaerrisBit of an odd question for this room, but any mod_rewrite gurus around? I'm having a horrible time trying to redirect any instance of www to the non-www version of my site.07:13
UbubeginIn this file, /etc/ld.so.conf ..how do u comment out lines... Using a *#* or a *//*07:13
sacamanokraant so there's no problem, right?07:13
cyberfin<Ububegin> using a #07:13
kraantsacamano: Don't think so no...07:13
Ububegincyberfin : danke07:14
sacamanook, thanks a bunch07:14
jmdcGCToday: yes you should, but of course you will need to burn yourself a cd instead of using the DVD if you don't have a DVD reader07:14
JohnuahI got a boot problem,  when I installed Ubuntu 710 desktop successfully by live cd, it can't start up after choose the system in grub.. the screen is totally black07:14
raseelDoes anyone know of a working repo for E17 Desktop for gutsy ?07:14
raseelJohnuah: How much memory do you have ?07:15
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Johnuahmy laptop07:15
JohnuahCompaq X100007:15
raseelJohnuah : Hmm.... should work fine then.... did you try waiting for some time ?07:15
Johnuahgraphic is 9200. wait for too much time...07:15
raseelJohnuah : Or even pressing "Alt + F1" do go to the console ?07:15
kkathmangreetings!  Im about to get a monster system, core2duo, 3gb memory and the works, and wondered if anyone has had any problems with ubuntu on such a machine?07:16
Johnuahmy screen is 16:9 , does it matter07:16
GCTodayI have a cd burner on this machine but it has windows on it.  I have previously been unable to write a cd that will boot on the other machine as an iso. Why did that happen?07:16
phenomGuys, what is the name of the file you have to add a line to to get firestarters rules to initiate at boot, without running firestarter as a service?07:17
jmdcGCToday: you might have put the iso file itself on the cd07:17
cyberfinerhm... *bump* : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59567/ :) anyone? thanks (Kino 1.3.0 installation)07:17
JohnuahReseel, I did not press Alt+F107:19
ere4si!hardware | kkathman07:19
ubotukkathman: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:19
Johnuahubotu , you are such a bot07:20
ere4siGCToday, after you burn the disk there is a md5 check you can do - but first you should check that there is many files on the disk not the iso07:21
jmdcGCToday: Did you look at the Burning ISO howto page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:21
GCTodayLooking now07:24
warriorforgodCan anyone tell me the name of a progam that will tell me things like how long a hard drive has been powered on, serial, etc?07:28
hitme666good morning, i have a problem with an IR Device. seems thisone i got is not the normal way of infrared .. its the IR Unit from an Jetway MiniQ Twin. seems its works paralel ti mouse and keysboard .. any1 know this device by change and could help me to config it ?07:28
ere4siwarriorforgod, you might find conky can help with some of that07:30
warriorforgodere4si: thx. Figured out what I was looking for.  It was smartctl07:31
ere4sik :)07:31
BigLoveHi all. I'm trying to install KDE4 on 7.10 gutsy, and have followed every tutorial I can find (put the new source in my sources.list file, apt-get update, apt-get install), and have done an apt-get install of kde4-core, but it keeps saying unmet dependencies, and that they won't be installed :(07:34
BigLoveIs there something noobish I'm not doing?07:34
ere4siBigLove, did you install kde-desktop first?07:34
=== Karlprof_ is now known as Karlprof
BigLoveere4si: Yes07:35
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde407:36
BigLoveere4si: well, I installed kubuntu-desktop I think... I'm currently on KDE307:36
zod_hi all07:36
ere4siBigLove, try in #kubuntu-kde407:37
zod_i got this message when i try to play simpsons sessong 7 DVD: Totem cannot play this type media (DVD) does not have the appropirate plugins to be able to read from the disk07:38
ere4si!dvd | zod_07:39
ubotuzod_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:39
GCTodayI went to the given page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto - The programs contained within are refusing to download. Are there any other alternatives that might work?07:40
nautIf I wanted to download the source for the eclipse package for ubuntu 7.1007:40
nautwhere would I go07:40
MrMistQuick question: Is QTParted a part of the standard Ubuntu G. Gibbon LiveCD ?07:41
qziohow do i change dialog level in dpkg/apt/aptitude?07:41
ere4siMrMist, nope - gparted is07:41
ere4sinaut, in synaptic you can select to download the source07:42
nautere4si: thanks, I'm in kubuntu07:42
abdorezaI am irannian07:42
nautI thought I enabled source in adept, wait I'll check07:42
ere4sinaut, there's prob an option for that in adept07:42
MrMistere4si: aah07:43
MrMistere4si: I like gnome better anyway :P07:43
Flannel!ir | abdoreza07:43
ubotuabdoreza: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast.07:43
nautere4si: itr would be in repository management, yeah?07:43
ere4sinaut, I am not on my kubuntu box atm...07:43
ere4siand don't d/load source07:44
nautere4si: I have an eclipse-source package installed, but I think it;'s just some plugin07:44
rbdhey guys...anyone know of a command line utility to shorten mp3 files (e.g. I have alist of mp3s I'd like to shorten to a specific length)07:44
J-_naut: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/devel/ecj07:44
nautmaybe there's an ubuntu-dev chatroom or something07:45
ere4sinaut, or #eclipse...?07:45
earthlingany suggestions for a very small linux distro. all i need from it is to have all the networking capabilities. please07:45
nautJ-_: thanks07:45
nautearthling: DSL - damn small linux07:45
J-_naut: thank Google =P07:45
zod_e about that dvd in ubuntu, someone who know what plugins i need?07:45
Frogzoois DSL still supported then?07:45
ganthe created livecd is making problem if i boot through qemu but working fine if i boot from cd07:46
nautJ-_: actually I think that's just a compiler07:46
nautFrogzoo: last I heard07:46
ganthe created livecd is making problem if i boot through qemu but working fine if i boot from cd, why?07:46
earthlingnaut: will run it on vmware... 3 instances of the os. will work fine?07:47
Frogzoonaut: a release last december I see07:47
J-_naut: I thought you wanted the Eclipse compiler source? or whatever it was? ah well07:47
nautearthling: I've never tried, but it runs on a variety of old hardware.. it;'s a proper linux07:47
hitme666i need help with this Jetway MiniQ IR Device please ... seems the ir device there is "special" :( .. 10 pins from ir controler to the MB ... the only events i can catsh are event1 (for media buttons) witch is same to keyboard and mouse 2 (for trackball) with is same as normal mouse :( .. any1 got an idea how i could get this to work ? (trackball is working, just the media buttons now, showkey don'T show any codes when buttons on ir are pressed)07:47
earthlingnaut:k .thanks07:48
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
zod_please someone tell where to get dvd plugins for Totem in ubuntu 7.1007:53
zod_dvd player for Ubuntu 7.10 please?07:55
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smackyshould i install envy to get this card workin xfx Nvidia Geforce 8400 gs07:56
Cew27hey all i need help, how do i get codecs for rythm box07:59
ompaul!codecs | Cew2708:00
ubotuCew27: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:00
smackyis envy ant good for drivers08:00
smackyany *08:00
ompaul!envy | smacky08:00
ubotusmacky: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »08:00
ompaulsmacky, if it fails - you are on your own08:00
mbtA bit off topic, but is anyone having issues accessing Google?08:01
ompaul!offtopic | mbt (no)08:01
ubotumbt (no): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:01
ompaulthis traffic level for #ubuntu has to rate as tumbleweed08:02
arquebuswhats the name of that script that downloads all the common stuff people use like codecs and java and whatnot08:03
mbtThanks, ompaul.  I actually didn't know there was an -offtopic room to go to.  (Learn something new every day!)08:03
smacky</msg ubotu binarydrivers>08:04
smackyopps    lol08:04
Cew27ok now here is my next problem can someone help me edit my menu.lst to make it boot windows from the grub after the count down08:05
smacky< /msg ubotu binarydriver >08:05
Newbuntu2what does this mean: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready08:06
odderCew27: http://tinyurl.com/2vxcfr08:06
Newbuntu2in more detail: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59568/08:07
Cew27odder: they dont help my menu.lst seems to be dofferent08:08
odderCew27: show us it, then08:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:09
Cew27odder: ok !pastebin08:09
bod_guys, when i try to double click on my other drive in nautilus it says "Cannot mount volume"   it worked fine yesterday,.,. any ideas how to fix it?08:10
Cew27odder: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59569/08:10
monk12hello all trying to install ubuntu under vmware, having some problems...08:11
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odderCew27: afaik you should change "default 0" into "default 1" [line no. 14]08:12
monk12get alot of 'assuming drive cache write through' at first, then i get 'trying to enable framer server' then it goes to text install, keyboard install goes through, but then it cant find cdrom and asks for drivers and i dont wanna waste time looking for them if its something simple.08:13
Cew27line 14 from where08:13
bod_the menu.list08:14
odderCew27: yep, the file you've copied to pastebin08:14
odderCew27: /boot/grub/menu.lst08:14
Cew27odder: i cant see anywhere that says default 0 and neither fdoes the find option08:14
odderCew27: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59569/, line no. 14 says "default 0"08:15
bod_" 14:     default0"08:15
Cew27and what do i change that to08:16
odderCew27: change 0 to 108:16
bod_" 14:     default1"08:16
odderbod_: -.-08:16
Cew27odder: cheers for that, secondly i have the windows partion mounted on my desktop as sda3 or something can i change it to make it says windows08:17
monk12anyone get ubuntu to install in vmware successfully?08:18
nepbabuwhere should i ask loco related questions?08:18
odderCew27: hm. I've got my windows partition mounted as '/media/windows' and it says windows exactly08:18
oddernepbabu: #ubuntu-loco?08:18
nepbabuodder, nope08:18
Cew27odder: ok hold on before i sort that i downloaded thunderbird, how do i install it :S it isnt a deb08:18
nepbabuubotu, loco08:19
ubotuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams08:19
odder!info thunderbird | Cew2708:19
ubotucew27: thunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 10714 kB, installed size 32020 kB08:19
odderCew27: try apt-get installing it, it should be in the repos08:20
neo_is there any java ide that i can use on ubuntu???08:20
bod_odder, its not in there08:20
nepbabuneo_, install eclipse08:20
nepbabuwhere should i ask loco related questions?08:21
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:21
[chr0n0s]neo_, use eclipse08:21
odderbod_: doesn't ubuntu have thunderbird in its repos? debian has afais08:21
nepbabuodder, apt-cache search thunderbird08:21
bod_odder, no ive looked b4,.,.08:21
nepbabuwhere should i ask loco related questions?08:21
elmoboyi've setup user accounts for my box. i've tried connecting to my box via Putty (Windows Box). It connects, but it keeps saying the login details are incorrect. And i've made sure that it's spelt correctly. But it still says Access Denied.08:21
bod_Cew27, in the readme it says instal help can be found here -- http://getthunderbird.com/releases/08:22
neo_nepbabu :: using symentic packet manager???08:22
Cew27bod_: yes but there is no documenttation on it08:23
bod_Cew27, gimme a sec,.08:23
speedhunt3rHi, what could be the problem if Ubuntu loads unexpectedly slow and seems like it's just "idle" for like 5-10 seconds right after I login? It loads the desktop extremely slowly, and anything opened from the panels opens extremely slowly also... However, everything on the desktop opens as it suppose to08:24
[chr0n0s]speedhunt3r, what processor you have in your box?08:24
speedhunt3ramd 64 360008:25
odderelmoboy: mm... I had such problem some time ago, maybe you've got your PAM broken, as I had?08:25
bod_Cew27, perhaps try running the script that came in the tarball08:25
elmoboyodder how do i fix that up08:25
speedhunt3r[chr0n0s], i had this problem before also...it sort of "fixed" itself I don't remember how... one time i loged on and everything was okay from there on, and now it's back to slowing down.08:26
odderelmoboy: that's a hard question, dunno, maybe try dpkg -reconfigure?08:26
odderelmoboy: but first read your system logs08:27
bod_speedhunt3r, checked    top       to see if anything is eatcing cpu    maybe look at        dmesg     to see if anything failed to load correctly08:27
elmoboyodder i've read trhe logs. doesnt say anything about authentication failure or nothing like that08:27
elmoboythis is soo strange08:27
bod_elmoboy,   try logging in through single user mode,. to see detailed errors?08:28
Cew27bod_: what one08:28
bod_the only one08:28
elmoboywhich one08:28
Cew27i run it it does nothin!08:28
odderok, that's my turn now.. how come that debian *has* thunderbird in its repos and ubuntu hasn't?08:29
bod_Cew27, run-mozilla.sh08:29
Cew27i did it did nothing08:29
speedhunt3rbod_, my CPU's are alternatingly spiking constantly... to 80 - 90 percent usage08:29
bod_theres the prob,.,. perhaps it cant decide which cpu to use08:29
SuperQodder: mozilla-thunderbird08:29
bod_Cew27, strange,. this is the new thunderbird 2 yes?08:29
bod_oops,. my bad,. there is a thunderbird in repo's08:30
bod_Cew27, thunderbird 2 is in the repo's get it from there08:30
bod_odder, you were right,. my fault ;~)08:30
SuperQmozilla-thunderbird provides the thunderbird virtual package08:31
odderSuperQ: hah, thanks08:31
odderSuperQ: so apt-get installing thunderbird should work08:31
SuperQyea, silly naming trademark stuff08:31
SuperQodder: yes08:31
bod_so u need the old thunderbird first?08:31
SuperQodder: it may be in universe08:31
SuperQbod_: nope08:31
SuperQjust apt-get install thunderbird08:31
Cew27ahhhhhh my software indes is broken and when i run sudo apt-get install -f i get terminal with a java configuration read me and i cant get rid of it !08:32
bod_SuperQ, "Package to ease upgrading from older mozilla-thunderbird"08:32
bod_SuperQ, "This package can be purged at anytime once the thunderbird package has been installed.08:32
skillzhi, ive got my time in the menu bar, but i would like to move it inbetween icons..... is this possible and how? thanks08:33
Cew27bod_: i have a problem !08:33
SuperQAhh, I guess they did rename it08:33
odderskillz: right-click it08:33
SuperQnevermind, I'm not reading my dpkg -l correctly tonight08:34
skillzodder: i have right-clicked it and selected move.. it does move.. but not inbetween the icons on the right of my menue bar, which is where i want it08:34
dimitris82hi all08:34
bod_SuperQ, oopps,. no ur right,.,. thunderbird is thunderbird   mozilla-thunderbird is the upgrade08:35
bod_u can get it from repo's08:35
bod_!hi | dimitris8208:35
ubotudimitris82: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:35
odderskillz: mm.. maybe you want to move it beetween your tray icons? if so, I dunno how to help you08:35
skillzodder: yeh thats what i wana do08:36
dimitris82just i aptitude dist-upgrade and i get errors were encountered while processing : initramfs-tools libkdegames1 dirmngr kdemultimedia juk noatun-plugins noatun kwifimanager mpeglib kasteroids akregator libarts1-mpeglib artsbuilder kbugbuster kpilot gnupg-agent kdepim-kfile-plugins kaboodle08:36
skillzdoes anyone else know it was between my try icons to begin with, then i moved it, but now i cant move it back08:36
bod_skillz, remove it, then add it again,. you should be able to move it if you add it,.,. it seems the original default one is hard to move08:36
dimitris82any ideas?08:36
bod_skillz, make sure its not locked to panel08:36
dee_argh this is giving me a headache. i dont know wot could be wrong08:38
dee_i dont know why it keeps saying Access Denied08:38
skillzbod_ : its not locked to panel.. i have removed and re-aded it08:38
skillzbut i still can get it08:38
skillzin between08:38
skillzmy tray icons08:38
stefanoany anjuta users here?08:38
bod_skillz, tried movin the icons not the tima applet?08:38
odderskillz: are you sure it *is* possible?08:38
ere4sidimitris82, did you update the os first?08:39
skillzi tried moveing the icons, but the "move" button is not highlighted.. or not available on some icons08:39
odderI mean, to move the clock between your tray icons (it's one applet afaik)08:39
dimitris82ere4si, yes i did aptitude update then upgrade and now dist-upgrade08:39
skillzwhats that08:39
dimitris82ere4si, now i am trying with synaptic to fix broken is that ok ?08:39
odderskillz: afaik=as far as I know08:39
dimitris82i choose manually one-by-one to fix broken with reinstall them08:40
bod_odder, it has to be writtensomewhere in some file where it is on the bar,. so it has to be possible to move it08:40
dimitris82ere4si,  i think it removes the old ones and upgrade to new ver.08:40
dimitris82ere4si, also i dont have restart yet08:41
skillzbod_: yeh, i think u must be right.. do u know which or what or how to edit this?08:41
ere4sidimitris82, if you upgraded then the repos are changed08:41
odderbod_: never heard of that, dunno then08:41
bod_skillz, i no a way, but its messy08:41
bod_odder, well,. think about it,. it has to be specified somewhere,.,.no? ;~)08:41
skillzumm.. let me hear it.. if its realy messy08:41
dimitris82ere4si, i am trying to breezy to edgy.. because i cannot install any with apt-get08:41
skillzill just live with it08:42
bod_skillz, add loadsa usless icons to the bar, leaving a big space where u want the clock,. then add the clock and remove other icons08:42
ere4sidimitris82, you need to go one os at a time - breezy dapper edgy...08:42
dimitris82ere4si, you mean first to dapper then to edgy ?08:43
ere4sidimitris82, yep08:43
dimitris82ere4si, can i change now repos to dapper ?08:43
odderbod_: I mean, do you really can put the time applet into your tray, e.g. between amarok and pidgin icons (that's how I've understood skillz's problem)08:44
bod_odder, im gonna try to do it on my machine,.,.hang on08:44
ere4sidimitris82, worth a try but I have never done anything similar08:44
dimitris82ere4si, i have backup my server08:44
dimitris82ere4si, or try to edgy ?08:44
skillzodder: yes ur right.. thats my problem08:45
dimitris82ere4si, with reinstallation from synaptic ?08:45
ere4sidimitris82, one at a time - dapper then edgy08:45
dimitris82ere4si, ok i got it :)08:45
dimitris82ere4si, thnx for your help i will try now ;)08:45
skillzodder, and bod_ no worries - ill jsut get used to it.. its one of those things...08:46
bod_skillz, it appears i cant add anything to the right of where it displays my name08:46
skillzdunno y08:46
bod_il keep trying,. gimme a minute or 208:46
dimitris82ere4si, i am using -- >http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper any bettrer ? or just remove the unofficial repos ?08:46
khaloodI have windows xp (on drive C ) + other drives  + ubuntu .. I want to format drive C and re-install windows ... and remove ubuntu .. how to do it ?08:46
ere4sidimitris82, have never done anything similar - if there is a guide follow it08:47
bod_oh, bugger,.,. i accidently removed my name from the bar,.,.anyone no the name of the applet so i can put it back?08:47
skillzlol..... im new to this bod_08:48
skillzi dunno, im sorry08:48
skillzif its a lot of hassel08:48
skillzdont worry about it08:48
geirhaskillz, bod_: the applets are probably locked in place, right click them and unlock them, then you can move them with the middle-button08:48
bod_skillz, ive done it,.,. right click on everything and make sure nothing is locked to panel,. then u should be able to select move on the clock, then move it08:48
skillzgeirha, they are not locked08:48
bod_geirha, how do i et my username back on there?08:48
skillzbod_ YAY!!!!!!!08:49
skillzu GENIUOS!!!08:49
skillzthanks dude!08:49
bod_ah, its the user swithcher,. dw geirha  i got it08:49
bod_skillz, no probs ;~)08:49
dee_i just dont understand why its rejecting my credentials08:51
dee_keeps giving me the Access Denied08:51
dee_but its correct!!08:51
bazhangdee_: what is the issue please08:52
khaloodI have windows xp (on drive C ) + other drives  + ubuntu .. I want to format drive C and re-install windows ... and remove ubuntu .. how to do it ?08:52
khaloodcan anyone help me08:52
bazhangkhalood: are you going to reinstall ubuntu at some point?08:52
ere4sikhalood, a format is the easiest way to remove ubuntu08:52
khaloodbazhang:  yes after reinstalling window08:52
genuseris there a history of cat listed in ubuntu somewhere?08:53
khaloodere4si: how to do it from windows ?08:53
khaloodere4si:  and release the control of my MBR from grub08:53
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ere4sikhalood, the windows cd will format the partition08:53
genuseris there a history of cat listed in ubuntu somewhere?08:54
khaloodere4si: it will format C only08:54
ere4sikhalood, and rewrite the mbr08:54
tarelerulzIs there a way to put meta data on say  movies you rip from your own dvd.  The same why meta tags on songs that have artist and so on ?08:54
khaloodere4si:  because I have other drives with data08:54
ere4sikhalood, then you can use gparted from the live cd menu to format the ubuntu partition08:55
khaloodC: ( windows , (D:,E:,F:) << data ...Ext3(ubuntu)08:55
ere4sikhalood, check the partition label first08:55
khaloodere4si:  ok but this can be done later after reinstalling widnows08:55
ere4sikhalood, yep08:56
genuseris there a history of cat listed in ubuntu somewhere?08:56
khaloodere4si: ok , so , I can now format dirve C , reinstall windows in it ,, then remove ubuntu using live cd ?08:56
ere4sikhalood, reinstalling windows will overwrite the mbr08:56
ere4sikhalood, yep08:56
bazhanggenuser: what are you trying to do?08:56
khaloodere4si: ok i'll do it08:56
oddergenuser: do you mean cat, the programme?08:56
genuseri want to get my past list of cat back on my terminal.08:57
Ububeginhow do i run a *Makefile* ...08:57
ere4sikhalood, be careful and it will be ok08:57
odderubuntulog: try 'make'08:57
cyril__i've trouble connecting to the web08:57
oddergenuser: did you try to read your bash-history file?08:57
xgreenoughxHi i just installed the newest version of ubuntu and i ive goten all my drivers to work except my wireless NIC can anyone help? IM dual boooted with Windows XP.08:58
cyril__irc works but not the www, any idea?08:58
prince_jammysgenuser: history | grep cat  will show you some entries08:58
genuserodder, yeah but the command entered for cat isn't there.08:58
genuserodder,  sorry not the command but the list that cat brought from the text.08:58
xgreenoughxHi i just installed the newest version of ubuntu and i ive goten all my drivers to work except my wireless NIC can anyone help? IM dual boooted with Windows XP.08:58
bazhangxgreenoughx: what card please08:59
bod_hey gguys, got a slight issue,. i cant mount my ntfs hard drive because it says an external device was not safely removed when i shutdown windows,. how can i forcefully mount thid drive?08:59
xgreenoughxBroadcom WLAN08:59
bazhangxgreenoughx: the broadcom 43xx?08:59
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odderbod_: mount /your/drive /your/folder doesn't work?08:59
dee_this is such a noob question but09:00
genuserprince_jammys, if i opened a text from cat, i was just wondering if that text is ever recorded in the bash history or somewhere besides the file that it grabbed it from?09:00
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx here is a wiki for that card xgreenoughx09:00
bod_odder, dunno, i have only tried double clicking on it in nautilus,.,.09:00
dee_when ppl say 'comment out' does that mean remove the # infront of the word? or place # infront of the word?09:00
bazhangdee place in front of09:00
prince_jammysgenuser: i see. i don't know. i doubt it.09:00
dee_ok cool09:00
bod_odder, how can i find out the /my/drive    path name?09:01
genuserwould anybody else have an idea or is it never recorded in history?09:01
oddergenuser: as far as I can read from wikipedia, it's not recorder in your bash history09:01
oddergenuser: cat just prints you a file on your terminal, and that's all09:01
genuserodder, ok thanks.09:02
bazhangcat is nice together with pipe and pastebinit ;]09:02
sCOTTohey is there anyone here who could help me get my ubuntu box to see my windows server 2003 box?09:02
odderbod_: try 'mount' and 'fdisk -l'09:03
bod_kk,.hang on09:03
bod_odder, fdisk -l reports nothing,. and i dont see a ntfs type in mount either?09:04
Dotnetpchello, I need help please with a sound card problem09:04
ubotuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:04
mcystemshi all! Is there a possibility to install ubuntu 7.10 from console (X on live cd doesn't like my geforce 9600gt)?09:05
Dotnetpcthe problem is, I have no sound. I have a asrock AliveNF5sli MB09:05
dgjones!alternate | mcystems09:05
ubotumcystems: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal09:05
bod_mcystems, alternate installer09:05
odderbod_: you should probably run fdisk -l as a superuser, or using sudo, there's a great tutorial on the Web: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux09:05
bod_ty odder,.,. ;~)09:05
erpoBackground info: When I run the "Screen and Graphics" tool to change my screen resolution to 640x480, it allows me to select a refresh rate of 52 Hz or 56Hz. Both of these are bogus since I'm using the LCD panel in a laptop. When I select 56Hz, it works as expected. When I select 52Hz, the screen appears stretched vertically. The top edge of the screen is where it should be, but the bottom 1/4 of the desktop has been stretched off of the bott09:05
erpoom of the display panel.09:05
erpoThe problem: When I run StarCraft in wine, it resizes the display to 640x480 but it chooses the 52Hz option apparently, because the display appears stretched and I can't see the bottom of the game's interface.09:05
erpoHow can I force StarCraft to choose the proper video mode?09:06
Dotnetpcwhen I go to sytem/sound and click on the test button, I get this error = audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.09:06
bod_odder, ok,. its   /dev/hda109:06
odder!hi | _KAMI_09:06
ubotu_KAMI_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:06
mcystemsthank you ubotu, bod_09:06
Squawkerpo, have a look in xorg.conf and see if there is a section showing possible refresh rates. It may be that you can comment out the 52hz option09:06
neetoOn xfce, I made the mistake of re-organizing the menu myself, is there somewhere where I can get the default menu.xml file?09:06
_KAMI_I found that IcedTea 7 crashes when I want to surf to Java ebabled webpage09:07
erpoSquawk: There are no modelines in xorg.conf. It's all detected dynamically.09:07
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_KAMI_I am using 8.04 alpha / 64 bit09:07
Squawkerpo, ah ok, figured it might be in combo with resolution09:07
_KAMI_Do we have bugreport about it?09:07
odderbod_: great, then follow the tutorial from psychocats and enjoy the access to your ntfs partition ;>09:07
dgjones!hardy | _KAMI_09:07
ubotu_KAMI_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:07
DotnetpcI am completly new to ubuntu, I was a windows user but tired of vista carshing so I am trying to get ubuntu installed to start to leran using it. any help would be greatly appricitated please09:08
bod_odder, the tuto is for mounting an ext3 partition as data storage09:08
_KAMI_ubotu I know but I didn't know about +1 channel09:08
icesword__KAMI_, #ubuntu+109:08
bod_odder, will this work    sudo mount /dev/hda1       ?09:08
dgjones_KAMI_, ubotu is just a bot, its just an info message to let you know about the other channel09:09
bod__KAMI_, ubotu is abot09:09
Ububegincan u remote access one ubuntu pc from another09:09
odderbod_: you'd need to mkdir a folder and and write something like 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 /path/to/yourfolder'09:09
bod_Ububegin, yes09:09
Ububeginlike in windows , like that :?09:09
Ububeginbod_ : what is it called in Ubuntu09:09
odderUbubegin: yes, that's what's ssh designed for, for instance09:09
bod_odder, i dont understand,. why do i need to make a directory on my ntfs drive?09:10
bod_Ububegin, i believe a vnc client ,.,.but that might be something entirely different,,.,. there is one however pre installed on ubuntu 7.1009:10
Ububeginodder: but ssh allows GUI also.. or just the termimal09:10
odderbod_: not on your ntfs drive, on your / or /home, to have an access through nautilus, for example09:10
odderUbubegin: there *is* a possibility to use X through ssh connection. I haven't used it, though.09:11
erpoUbubegin: You almost certainly want vnc.09:11
fromnowherehey anybody has idea how to export the DISPLAY from an SSH server to ur comp09:11
bod_odder, would    ntfs-3g   be easier?09:11
sergevnWhere is the "/home/*/Desktop"09:12
erpofromnowhere: ssh -X destination.host09:12
erpofromnowhere: Then just run applications and they will show up on your local screen.09:12
legend2440Dotnetpc: if youopen system>preferences>sound>devices and select oss do you get sound?09:12
bod_sergevn, ??? /home/sergevn/Desktop09:12
Ububeginerpo: this one.. *krdc is an KDE graphical client for the rfb protocol, used by VNC*09:12
dee_ps -x09:12
sergevnbod_: yes09:13
erpoUbubegin: That's the one I use.09:13
bod_sergevn, i dont understand your question09:13
odderbod_: I have never used that, I always use mount to gain access to my windows partitions, and everything works great09:13
lancerockePlease help. I followed countless guides to install flash player plugin on firefox ubuntu x64 and nothing works09:13
sergevnbod_: in home folder, you have the Desktop folder. the mapping to Desktop is gone09:14
sergevnbod_: if i view my gnome desktop, i see contents of my home dir and not my Desktop09:14
odderlancerocke: there are huge problems with flash on 64-bit ubuntu, you'd need to install 32-bit firefox version afaik09:14
bod_odder, but im not understanding why i have to make a folder?? what command do you use?09:14
odderbod_: mkdir09:14
bod_sergevn, oh cool,.,. i dunno,. il have a uick look,. but if u find out, can u let me no plz? ;~)09:15
bod_odder,   mkdir what?09:15
lancerockeodder: how do i do that?09:15
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odderlancerocke: see http://tinyurl.com/ys6fod09:16
bod_odder, did you get my pm reply?09:16
bod_sergevn, i had a look but i have no idea im afraid09:17
Ububeginerpo: must the host computer also run this software.. *Connection failed. No server running at the given address and port.*09:17
fromnowhereerpo i don't have that permission i think ..it says permission denied .I think some setting have to be changed on my side09:18
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erpoUbubegin: The host server needs to run a VNC server. You need to run a VNC client. What operating system is the host computer running?09:19
erpofromnowhere: Read up on the -X option in the ssh man page. It will tell you about common pitfalls.09:19
blackjackwhat is running damon automount ?09:20
Ububeginerpo: actually i am trying to connect to my comp... to try out the software...09:20
blackjackexample usb,cd-codom09:20
blackjackwhat is name that running damon is automount ?09:20
blackjackwhat is name that running damon on automount ?09:20
chafeafter selecting ubuntu at the grub promt, i get a blank screen immeidately09:21
chafei can run in safe mode fine09:21
chafebut when slecting ubuntu i get a blank screen09:21
chafebefore xwindows loads or anything09:21
AdvoWorkHi there, im trying to make a connection from outside to inside my server on a certain port. I know the server is listening on that port but it wont connect, so i assume its a firewall issue. Any ideas how I can find out whats going on?09:22
oddaloti don't know09:23
erpoUbubegin: You probably should read up on how VNC works. If you're using Ubuntu, your VNC server is probably called vino.09:23
Ububeginerpo: thanks dude, sorry for the trouble.. Will read it up now...09:24
oboy03how do i install 3d window plugin for comipiz09:24
oddalotoboy it's already instaleld09:25
oddalotyou need to install compiz manager09:25
oboy03i didn't know that?09:25
oboy03where can i find it?09:25
bazhangchafe: what card and what driver and how installed please09:25
blackjackwhat is the name that damon run automount ?09:25
oboy03oddalot: ccsm?09:25
oddalotsystem-admin-synaptic package manager09:25
nighteagle_hi everyone09:25
chafebazhang, this is before the video card drivers load at all, and they load properly using safe mode. nvidia09:26
oboy03oddalot: i already ahve ccsm09:26
chafenvidia drivers09:26
makkanHi, I have an issue that I can't figure out. I'm currently trying to run a flavour of ubuntu from a CF-disk (CF>IDE bridge) and I keep getting problems with the disk, such as read/write errors. The odd thing is that I ran a similar system last weekend without any problems at all. The only difference between the two systems is that instead of using ext3 like the working system i now use ext2 (because it is supposed to save my CF-card from unecssary writes).09:26
bazhangchafe what exact card and how did you install driver and which one did you install please09:26
oddalotsystem-preferences-advanced desktop effects09:26
bazhangmakkan: what flavour are you trying to run09:27
chafebazhang, nvidia installed with ubuntu screen and graphics gui manager extravaganza09:27
oboy03oddalot: under desktop cube?09:27
bazhangchafe when did you start having this problem or has it always existed09:28
oddalotyou are trying to make what 3d?09:28
chafebazhang, its new, i made changes to grub with ubuntu? grub configurator gui program09:28
oboy03the windows09:28
oboy03not the desktop09:28
chafeall i did was change colors etc09:28
oddalotnormally, or only on the cube?09:28
oboy03only on cube09:28
martiinihas anyone samba working in kde4? windows network browsing is not enabled by default in kubuntu-kde4. Ive installed all samba packages but it stil doesnt work09:29
oddalotforgot how i did it09:29
oddalotit's in there somewhere09:29
oboy03i got the link but its dead09:29
bazhangchange colors and grub? after that it failed to work chafe?09:29
oddalotor you have to install another package09:29
oboy03well i read that its a separate package09:29
chafebazhang, yea, using ubuntu gui configurator09:29
bazhangchafe would you mind pastebinning your xorg.conf please?09:30
neo_i deleted my data from my usb hard disk ,.is there any way to recover it     fromat of partition was NTFS09:30
chafebazhang, this is before xorg loads at all09:31
chafei made changes to menu.lst brb09:31
makkanbazhang : fluxbuntu09:31
legend2440neo_: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk09:31
bazhangchafe what changes did you make to grub? and why?09:32
penperhi, I wonder if there's a desktop recording application similar to recordmydesktop, but don't encode the image data until the recording is over? I know it'll take a lot of temporary disk space but my computer is so slow and I'm about to record a realtime graphics application09:32
macsimil y a un chef en javascript ici ?09:33
macsimsalut à tous au fait09:33
bazhang!fr | macsim09:34
ubotumacsim: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:34
macsimsorry :/09:34
stefanois anyone here using anjuta (to any extend)?09:34
legend2440penper: http://www.linux.com/feature/50069 check out istanbul09:35
legend2440penper:  yw09:35
sergevnGot it, your Desktop env variable is set in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs09:36
bod_odder, it was a bad windows shutdown that caused the error,. anyway i have to do some coursework,.,. thanks for your time dude ;~)09:37
odderbod_: that was really no problem :)09:37
fotofloHey all, im doing a little survey about email security, I wonder if anyone here could spare 2 minutes to take it (literally, 2 minutes ¨C its just 4 questions!)09:41
makkanbazhang: I've been looking around for info on what filesystem to use with a CF-card but answers vary alot. Also I should mention that the PC I'm trying to install it to is an old 233 MHz Laptop09:41
bazhangmakkan the only comparable thing I can think of is the eeepc; they have a wiki on hot to get that going--not sure if that is helpful or not09:43
smokeydhey people. if I grep some text is there a way to only fetch the unique matches from the grep output?09:44
smokeyda command I can pipe the grep output to or something?09:44
Ububeginbye bye and i'm off for the weekend...09:45
atlefhappy easter09:45
Seveasatlef, you're 9 days early :)09:45
makkanbazhang : thanks I'll have a look there, funny thing since I'm prepping the laptop to act sort of like the eeePC (except it's really old)09:46
atlefwell been up for 26 hours straight so09:46
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bazhangmakkan: they have a channel #eeepc and the wiki and webpage is linked in the topic09:46
atlefcleaning upp the mess i made of the updates09:47
ArthurArchnixOn the alternate cd, when I press F6 to get other boot options, what do I type to get an expert install? Ala debian method?09:47
SeveasArthurArchnix, you need the alternate cd for that09:48
atlefArthurArchnix:  what happens if you select text mode http://ubuntulite.tuxfamily.org/files/pictures/alternateinstall.gif09:48
atlefor is that not lowtech enough09:49
ArthurArchnixSeveas: atlef Yea, got the alternate cd. I booted with the option 'expert', we'll see if it's any different. Supposedly there's a method to enable package selection09:50
atlefyes, i remember, but that is about it09:50
popeypenper: record my desktop does exactly that, it doesn't encode until after recording is finished09:51
smokeydok, found it myself.09:53
smokeydsort -u09:53
smokeydnice: grep -o -e "some[a-z]*patterm"|sort -u09:54
* [1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 OPp BUByeee cemuanya09:54
nighteagle_how can we do the upgrade of gnome? on an ubuntu 7.0409:55
dgjones!support | juuuu09:56
ubotujuuuu: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org09:56
Peddycan somebody please help me? I recieve this error when trying to install anything via apt-get: dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `google-desktop-linux' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.09:56
jacks0nPeddy, try uninstalling it with the '--purge' arguement, then re-install it.09:58
Peddyjacks0n: I will try that, thanks09:58
ArthurArchnixwell, it's installing the base system now, so I guess this is not the expert install09:58
morpheusmorning folks10:00
morpheuswhats the best server monitoring package for ubuntu? i need to monitor stuff like cpu load and used ram??10:00
morpheusfrom a remote server10:01
portamenteffHi folks10:03
portamenteffI have a little problem with my grapics.10:03
portamenteffwhat's up atlef?10:05
atlefnot much at the moment10:05
Seveasmorpheus, nagios10:05
portamenteffmy graphics act up when I enable compiz10:06
portamenteffwith ATI driver10:06
portamenteffanyone know a posible workaround or hack?10:07
menganitohey ç10:07
menganitosomeone nows about php ?10:07
dimitris82hi again10:07
portamenteffmenganito: a little.10:07
* Xp-Away (Q-Stats : on AHA () ... : hat 0 mal Op , 0 mal Voice , 0 mal BAN , 0 mal Master , 0 mal Owner und 0 mal Topic )10:07
portamenteffgot the manual right here.10:08
=== Verichip__ is now known as Verichip
menganitono need manual thx10:08
menganitosome issues or dudes10:08
portamenteffmanuals will help sometimes10:08
morpheusSeveas: is it part of the repo's? I'm running lamp server, some of the users PC's are hitting 100% CPU, which is strange because the page is PHP and I thought thats all server side proccessing so I need to see what the server is up to10:08
dimitris82i made it with apt-get update && upgrade && dist-upgrade ( i remove my running kernel i couldnt do it with other way), (from breezy to dapper) now i have a hp proliant ml370 which kernel to install ?10:08
dimitris82i show on synaptic linux-image=26-15-23-386 and a server edition10:09
portamenteffmenganito: got a URL for me?10:09
jacobian_why does evince take over the audio device?10:10
Seveasmorpheus, it is but it won't show you which php page is acting up10:10
jacobian_seems like a PDF viewer wouldn't even use the audio device...10:10
portamenteffI would try compiling and installing Apache W/PHP manually then run the same page in it.10:10
morpheusseveas: it's more to see if the server is maxxing out trying to deliver the pages or if I've got a network issue10:11
Seveasmorpheus, that it can help you with10:11
Seveasmorpheus, nagios is for monitoring/alerting, to keep an eye on trends you could use cacti10:11
portamenteffhttp://www.apache.org/  download the source.10:11
pumatertionneed help with mount. the documentation says, that ubuntu automounts an external harddrive. but if i plug it in during a running system i istn mounted. but if i boot with it its automounted. what do i have do to, that it automounts on "hotplug"?10:11
morpheusseveas: cheers, I'll give it a blasd10:12
Shockany idea when firefox 3.0b4 will hit gutsy backports?10:12
edgyHi, I have a laptop ( and a PC ( connected via a router to the internet but when I do nmap -sP, I get (6 hosts up), where are they came from!!!10:12
pumatertionno idea?10:14
smokeydhey people. mv "somedir" "someotherdir" does that remove a file inside somedir as soon as it is copied to someotherdir or does it only start removing somedir after everything has been copied to someotherdir?10:14
pajamiansmokeyd: if the two directories are on the same filesystem it simply changes the location of the directory entry and doesn't touch anything inside it.10:16
erUSULedgy: well 2 + router are 3 not 6 that's for sure...10:16
portamenteffno. pumatertion. "cut somedir somotherdir" will do what you say.10:16
smokeydpajamian: they are on different filesystems10:16
stefanosmokeyd, if the directories are on other filesystem the journaling of your file system kicks in i think10:17
edgyerUSUL: the point is it's from a different network! 0.0/24 not 1.0/2410:17
pumatertionportaenteff, i dont need a copy command. i need a mount help =)10:17
portamenteffthe other filesystem will be undr "media" of the one your system is in"10:18
stefanosmokeyd, if you want to know what happens if you have a power surge while copying a large file: if you have ext3 and journaling enabled your files are relatively safe10:18
smokeydstefano:  ok, but does mv give the remove command only after everything has been copied to the new filesystem or does it give the remove command as soon as a single file is copied to the new filesystem10:18
rybotskydoes anyone know how to install lucas deskoplet10:18
portamenteffext3 creates a tmp of all transfers10:18
pajamiansmokeyd: in that case I'm not sure.  I think it does one file at a time, but not sure.10:19
portamenteffyour ok.10:19
stefanosmokeyd, if you copy a folder with a number of files it does mv for every single file, that is called recursion and it means that every file is deleted as soon as the copying is finishend10:19
portamentefflook in tmp I think10:19
smokeydthe thing is, my mv command takes a long time (many files) and I want to know if the original dir still contains all files untill the mv command was completed or if gradually files start disappearing from the original dir10:19
smokeydok portamenteff10:20
stefanosmokeyd, just do cp instead of mv, that way you are certain that if anything goes wrong, no data will be lost10:20
smokeydstefano: :) that is the easy way indeed10:20
smokeydcould have though of that myself10:20
portamenteffoh you mean if a reboot uccurs, or a crash. try it out. look in "/tmp" it's usually where i find my lost files10:20
stefanosmokeyd, if anything goes wrong, have a look into the directory lost+found on the mount point directory of your drive. but normally that is not nessecarry10:20
rybotskydoes anyone have lukas deskoplet10:21
portamenteffrybotsky: no but it sounds cool. :)10:21
smokeydas far as I can see now, all files are kept in the original dir untill mv completed copying everything to the new dir10:22
smokeydso mv is also pretty safe10:22
pajamianit would be safe regardless10:22
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portamenteffi think mv -r removes them as they go if i remember. i could be wrong.10:23
rybotskydoes anyone know how to get the program bar across the bottom of the screen  like in mac os10:23
portamenteffrybotsky: i got that in Kubuntu but not gnome.10:24
kalleperssonHi, is the standard GNOME keyring called "login"10:24
portamenteffit may be possible though.10:24
rybotskywhat is it called10:24
kalleperssonI seem unable to access mine10:24
kalleperssoneven though I have logged in10:24
rybotskyportamenteff  what is it called10:25
portamenteff"panels" are you using gnome?10:26
rybotskyya  i think10:26
portamenteffyou can configure and shape and size the panels10:26
rybotskynot panels10:26
portamenteffis the button at the bottom right corner have a "K"?10:26
rybotskyu know the  thing at the bottom of the screen in mac os x10:26
portamenteffif not your using gnome10:27
Brass-Kazoorybotsky, there are a number of how-tos on the forum to get a macos-like toolbar10:27
rybotskythat has the program shortcuts on it10:27
portamenteffYes rybotsky.10:27
rybotskyhow do u get it10:27
portamentefflet me check the gui. i'll find it.10:28
rybotskyk thnx10:28
Brass-Kazoorybotsky, try right-clicking on the existing menubar/toolbar and looking at the toolbar properties10:29
setkehheya guys any one here know why my shout cast server wont start in ubuntu 7.10 server it keeps saying "no such file or directory" and yes i spellt the file name right10:29
Brass-Kazoo(i'm not using gnome so I'm going from memory)10:29
portamenteffrybotsky: i can't seem to find the panel manger. i'll get back on that. I KNOW you can change the shape and size of panels though.10:30
smokeydhey people. Another question. Is it not allowed to execute bash scripts in nfs mounted directories?10:30
smokeydportamenteff, rybotsky: right click on the panel and choose "properties"10:31
smokeydI think10:31
smokeydI am running Xubuntu now though, so I can't check10:31
portamenteffduh. lol10:32
portamenteffi should have known10:32
Brass-Kazoothats what I said!10:32
sebrockshould it be possible to restrict directories to UserAliases in proftpd? or does it have to be a system user?10:33
portamenteffit just worked in gnome too though.10:33
smokeydsebrock: not the answer you want, but i'll say it anyway: don't use ftp. it is unsafe. Rather use sftp (ssh file transfer). Abouth your question, I don't know, sorry10:34
pajamianftpd is also a PITA to get working properly behind a firewall or NAT10:35
michael__in my dmesg i get this text:10:36
michael__x88[0]: Your board isn't known (yet) to the driver.  You can10:36
portamenteffyour talking about transfering files between users on one system?10:36
michael__cx88[0]: try to pick one of the existing card configs vi10:36
michael__cx88[0]: card=<n> insmod option.  Updating to the latest10:36
michael__anyone know what insmod is?10:36
michael__or how to select it?10:36
michael__coz i see my card in the list10:36
portamenteffinsmod is to insert modules into the kernel. i don't know it well enough to help.10:39
sebrocksmokeyd: hehe, FTP is way faster than sftp and is a more common standard than sftp aswell. Also if set up correctly it is perfectly safe. Specially proFTPd.10:39
smokeydok you thought it through10:40
sahin_hI removed the following file:  rm -rf .gconfd/ .gnome2* .local/10:46
sahin_hBut gnome still remember for my wallpaper settings.10:46
sahin_hHow is it possible?10:46
portamenteffi just ran "man mv" the option "mv -b" will create a backup.10:47
ArthurArchnixon a new install, there's this repo in the sources.list, well a bunch of them, and the comments say these are major bugfixes after a release. Once you've updated after the initial install, can these repos be removed?10:47
sahin_hI can't find where gnome store some settings. Wallpaper, number of desktops...10:47
sahin_hI would like to reconfigure my gnome desktop from scratch.10:48
pajamianportamenteff: I think that -b creates a backup of a file in the target location before overwriting it.10:48
ArthurArchnixfor example: deb ...ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted   &  /gutsy-updates main restricted10:49
portamenteffsahin-h: click "preferences" then "appearance"10:49
portamenteffits a tab in there10:49
sahin_hportamenteff: I know that way. I would like to clean all of my settings.10:50
sahin_hportamenteff: I would like to use gnome as a newly created user.10:50
portamenteff"defaults" then10:51
portamenteffit comes out of the box that way10:51
snakeoil /etc/inittab disappead in hardy . WTH is it gone ? Is this related the new init system upstart ?10:51
geirhasahin_h: off the top of my head, ~/.gconf/ ~/.gnome/ and possibly ~/.gnome2/ are the directories gnome stores configuration10:51
pajamiansahin_h: did you rm -f those directories while in a gnome session that is logged into the user that you want to clear out?10:51
sahin_hgeirha: I took the same.10:51
sahin_hpajamian: Nope. I logget out first.10:52
portamenteffin terminal "sudo adduser"10:52
sahin_hpajamian: After from the console I erased these files.10:52
pajamiansahin_h: ok.10:52
pajamiansahin_h: I don't believe your list included .gnome10:52
sahin_hpajamian: I don't have .gnome direcory.10:53
geirhasahin_h: hm, then it's probably easiest to rename your homedir, remove your user with deluser, and recreate your user with adduser (using the same uid and gid), then selectively copying the files from your old home to your new one10:53
ShoopufIn Software Sources of the Administration menu I turned on ubuntu-security and ubuntu-recommended, is that ok?10:53
sahin_hgeirha: Yes, I think this is the only and painful way what is left for me.10:54
portamenteffwait- you gotto go "su" (root password) then adduser. sorry10:54
sahin_hportamenteff, pajamian, geirha! Thanks anyway!10:55
geirhaportamenteff: ubuntu doesn't give root a password by default, and it shouldn't have one, so sudo is the way to go10:55
RhodetremI'm having a problem with Mplayer hue/contrast: "having adjusted the hue/contrast previously, what's an easy way to set them all back to neutral?10:56
Rhodetremuse xvattr"10:56
RhodetremWhat values in xvattr do I use to reset?10:56
portamenteffi tried sudo adduser and got "only one or two names allowed"10:57
portamenteffi tried su (i am root) and it worked.10:57
geirhaportamenteff: works for me, you can get a root shell with sudo though, just use sudo -i or sudo -s10:58
portamenteffhmmm. didn't knwo that10:58
portamenteffits past my bedtime.10:59
ShoopufHi, I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and it comes with Pidgin 2.2.1, but I want to upgrade to 2.4.0... Is there something I can type, or can I just download and install from the Pidgin website?11:00
BubblegumTateyou should be able to get the updated installer from getdeb.net11:01
ShoopufBubblegumTate, Rhodetrem: Thanks, I'll bookmark that for future referencee.11:02
ShoopufBubblegumTate, Rhodetrem: So should I uninstall the old one first or just install the package I get from getdeb.net?11:02
BubblegumTatethe package should install over it11:03
BubblegumTateusing magics11:03
Rhodetremyeah you should be fine to install over, but when you upgrade again from getdeb I would uninstall/install "Note please remove your current version before installing the new version."11:04
Rhodetremyou might want to check the first comment here: http://www.getdeb.net/comment.php?rel_id=225911:05
ShoopufRhodetrem: Oh yah, just saw that. So I'll uninstall Pidgin... Oh man, it's in 3 different pieces, how confusing. >_<11:05
Rhodetremwelcome to Linux :P11:06
BubblegumTateI'm having a real fun time trying to install onto a compaq presario I just got second hand11:07
BubblegumTateit keeps ding at 40% while copying files11:07
BubblegumTateI've just written a third disk11:08
llama32i've tried downloading some torrents - i tried two completely different torrents with [completely legal, of course :)] mp3 content, and both times the mp3's i've opened have been a random mix of bits and pieces of the other ones.. this is just opening the files while the torrent is still downloading though - but i don't see why this would occur in any case... anyone know if this is just some strangeness of the half-downloaded files, or if the torrent program i11:08
BubblegumTateand I'm running hard drive diagnostics11:08
BubblegumTatethat's weird11:08
geirhaBubblegumTate: have you run the CD-check too?11:08
jimcooncatwhat package do I install to make with g++ ?11:09
BubblegumTateit came up with one file borked11:09
geirhajimcooncat: build-essential11:09
BubblegumTatethat's wh I burnt another11:09
Rhodetremis anyone familiar with this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-i810/+bug/32963/+index but with (S)MPlayer?11:10
|linderox|i have a problem with a network... ping to any site works well,but traceroute doesn't only to my local proxy server...11:12
geirhallama32: it's just how bittorrent work. It downloads random bits of the files, not sequentially. So the files are basically a big mess untill they're 100% complete11:12
Shoopufllama32: Uh, torrents are downloaded in slices and pieces. They aren't downloaded starting at the beginningof the song, so you are hearing the bits and pieces that have been downloaded so far... Just wait for it to finish. =_=11:12
llama32Shoopuf: but each file is bits from a different song.. i just don't see why the program would save them like that as it's downloading, is all :)11:14
BubblegumTatethis disk seems to have the same thing wrong! Checking the disk for defects came back with one file off again11:14
xgreenoughxI have Ubunto installed on my laptop and it goes crazy anyone know where i can find a driver for it?11:14
biabiaanyone know about wireless security settings? like here ssid is disabled. using wpa2-psk.     is that pretty good?11:15
xgreenoughxI have Ubunto installed on my laptop and my mouse goes crazy anyone know where i can find a driver for it?11:15
pygmymathxgreenoughx: what do you mean by crazy11:15
llama32thanks geirha & Shoopuf :)11:15
xgreenoughxmy mouse11:15
xgreenoughxim sorry forgot to add that lol11:15
pygmymathweird.. synaptics touhpad?11:15
dgjones!mouse | xgreenoughx11:15
ubotuxgreenoughx: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:15
Rhodetremmy synaptics touchpad stopped working for some reason11:15
xgreenoughxim not on my computer with linux11:16
pygmymathxgreenoughx: aye, but is it a touchpad or a mouse?11:16
dgjones!touchpad | xgreenoughx, This might help you diagnose the problem with the touchpad11:16
ubotuxgreenoughx, This might help you diagnose the problem with the touchpad: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:16
pygmymathwhat the botsaid11:16
BubblegumTateso, if I've burnt two copies of an iso and each has failed the disk check in the same way11:17
BubblegumTatewhat are the odds that the iso is faulty?11:17
ShoopufAnyone else's "Volume Slider" really sluggish when moving it up and down? It's reacting abnormally.11:17
biabiais there a md5sum for it11:17
geirhaBubblegumTate: check the md5sum11:18
geirha!md5sum | BubblegumTate11:18
ubotuBubblegumTate: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more11:18
dgjonesBubblegumTate, what speed are you burning at? if its the ubuntu install iso's its normally recommended to burn at a slower speed11:19
biabiaim picking up this linux stuff. very slowly. slow like the way sand accumulates on a snails butt as it crawls across a rock11:19
Furiattlhello there11:20
BubblegumTateI'm using the apple disk utility, I'm not really sure11:20
BubblegumTateis it relevant that I'm burning it onto dvds?11:20
FuriattlI've just installed ubuntu 48 hours ago11:20
FuriattlCan not get the LCD TV to work11:21
FuriattlUsing an S-Video cable11:21
BubblegumTategeirha... the md5 is totally different11:21
soundrayBubblegumTate: check the md5sum first. You need to open a terminal and run the command 'md5 file.iso' on Mac OS X11:22
BubblegumTateI just checked it11:22
tpfennighi all11:22
soundrayBubblegumTate: did you compare it with the published one?11:22
DigiI just installed gproftpd and i cant seem to get it to work any help for this11:22
Furiattlhi tpfennig11:22
BubblegumTate7194503820926a495163fec7646cb972  ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso11:22
soundrayBubblegumTate: then you should re-download11:23
BubblegumTatethat's why one11:23
tpfennigxchat-gnome doesnt have an icon?11:23
BubblegumTateyeah, I'm doing that now11:23
=== vix is now known as vix85
zod_does " sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" fix so i can see DVD????11:28
kennethranyone know anything about Atom/RSS feed generation?  I'd like to find a command-line tool that will manipulate an XML file11:28
BlinkizIt seems like one of my computer at home have changed IP address from my DHCP. I want to find out what the new IP number can be.11:28
BlinkizAm looking for a ping utility that can ping a subnet i specify. Please advice.11:28
ubuntuuHello. When I press ctrl-k in rhytmbox, where does the playlist go? =)11:28
kennethrBlinkiz: did you try ping?11:28
BubblegumTateadvice is a noun, you mean "please advise"11:29
Blinkizkennethr: Oh, can "normal" ping handle subnet as argument?11:29
soundrayBlinkiz: yes, with -b (broadcast)11:29
kennethrBlinkiz: use the -b11:29
Zvezdichkohello, I'd like to ask whether we will have an update for the gnome desktop11:29
kennethrBlinkiz: but a firewall might stop a system from responding11:30
ciphergothIs there a way for me to ssh into a remote machine and cause it to hibernate?11:30
kennethrciphergoth: an ubuntu machine?11:30
Jack_SparrowZvezdichko, Eventually yes, but the current focus is the next release11:30
RoadHazardthe new ati driver officially rocks11:31
BlinkizSooo, how do I use this -b argument? Should I write something like "ping -b"?11:31
BubblegumTatenew? how new?11:31
ciphergothkennethr: yews11:31
ZvezdichkoI know that some day I'll have to upgrade to hardy11:31
Zvezdichkobut it's even not in beta status11:31
ciphergothkennethr: an Ubuntu Gutsy laptop11:31
soundrayBlinkiz: man ping11:31
Jack_SparrowZvezdichko, Assuming you meant the new gnome and not ubuntu-desktop11:31
Blinkizsoundray: Already done that11:32
vircuserhi, does anyone know a command to search recursively through a directory for a file that contains a certain string?11:32
ciphergothvircuser: find11:32
tpfennigand grep11:32
kennethrBlinkiz: ping -b <broadcast address>11:33
Blinkizvircuser: You can always use the find command. Like "find mydir/ -iname *thestring*"11:33
ciphergothkennethr: never mind - turns out I haven't installed openssh-server on that machine anyway.11:33
vircuserdoes -iname mean it searches inside the file?11:33
ForsakenSoulcan someone please help me11:34
soundrayvircuser: no11:34
ForsakenSoulmy internet doesn't start in recovery mod11:34
soundrayvircuser: use grep11:34
Blinkizkennethr: I am on a different subnet that the computer I want to ping. Will it still work?11:34
BlinkizMaybe someone know a program that can ping a subnet instead?11:34
vircuserok will try with grep11:34
soundrayvircuser: grep -r to recurse through subdirectories11:34
kennethrBlinkiz: what are you really attempting to do?11:34
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:34
BlinkizIt seems like one of my computer at home have changed IP address from my DHCP. I want to find out what the new IP number can be.11:34
BlinkizAm tunneling in with VPN to my home network at the moment11:35
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:35
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages11:35
kennethrBlinkiz: do you administrate the DHCP server?11:35
soundrayBlinkiz: why don't you just go ahead and ping the broadcast address from the subnet, wherever you are11:35
ForsakenSoulcan someone please help me .... i've curently messed up my system and i'm trying to install the desktop file again but in text mode my pc has no net11:36
Blinkizsoundray: So will that be "ping -b" on my network? I am currently on the network
kennethrBlinkiz: ping!!!  see above11:36
Jack_SparrowForsakenSoul, messed up in what way11:36
soundrayBlinkiz: TRY!11:36
ForsakenSoulJack_sparrow doesn't want to load the gui11:36
Blinkizsoundray: Nothing answered when I did that11:36
ForsakenSoulit doesn't even want to load the GDM in the beggining11:37
kennethrBlinkiz: ping. see above11:37
ForsakenSoulso I deleted the desktop file and was trying to install it again but ... i have no net11:37
soundrayForsakenSoul: what is the "desktop file"?11:37
Blinkizkennethr: What do you mean? I have runned "ping -b" without any good result11:37
ForsakenSoulubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop11:38
ForsakenSoulthese files11:38
ForsakenSouli mean11:38
Jack_SparrowForsakenSoul, You mean something like this    rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity11:38
ForsakenSoulonly kubuntu-desktop because i'm using kubuntu but no one is actually answering there11:38
soundrayForsakenSoul: those are packages, and they aren't strictly necessary.11:38
kennethrBlinkiz: do you run the DHCP server?  Is the DHCP server a linux box or is it  your router?  or is it a DHCP server from your Internet Service PRovider?11:39
soundrayForsakenSoul: to reinstall a package, run 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename'. You don't have to be connected if the package is still in the cache.11:39
kennethrBlinkiz: what (physically) is the DHCP server?11:39
Jack_SparrowForsakenSoul, ah   But you can get to recovery mode cli?11:39
ForsakenSoulyeah i can get to recovery mode11:40
Jack_SparrowMorning Soundray11:40
Blinkizkennethr: Yes, I can login to the DHCP server and see what IP number that my stationary computer has. But I feel that writing a line in a prompt is far more faster.11:40
soundrayJack_Sparrow: Captain!11:40
rossan overeager admin deleted /etc/init.d/mysql;  i'm trying to reinstall it, but none of the mysql packages seem to reinstall it (for instance, mysql-server-5.0 claims to own it, but reinstalling it doesn't recover the file, nor purging, etc)11:40
ShoopufIs there a "Notepad++" or "EditPlus" equivelant for Ubuntu text editors?11:40
rossnevermind who the overeager admin was :p11:40
Jack_SparrowForsakenSoul, sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop  does nothing?11:40
ForsakenSoulsoundray i've already removed the package and can't installed it i tryed apt-get install pacakge11:41
kennethrBlinkiz: you can set the DHCP server to always assign the same address to your computer.  Just assign by MAC address11:41
ForsakenSoulJack_sparrow shows me that it can't fetch the repository11:41
soundrayForsakenSoul: read carefully! You need to use the --reinstall option11:41
Jack_Sparrowadd install to that line11:41
kennethrBlinkiz: does that make sense11:41
Jack_SparrowListen to soundray.. he is awake..11:41
Blinkizkennethr: I know, but that is NOT my question today!11:41
ForsakenSoulsoundray .. so if i already have autoremoved the package ?11:42
soundrayJack_Sparrow: only just11:42
vircusershoopuf - what's wrong with gedit?11:42
Jack_Sparrow4am here..brb  gonna grab my coffee11:42
soundrayForsakenSoul: it's still in the cache11:42
kennethrBlinkiz: OK, what is your objective and what is your question and what is your favorite color. ;)11:42
Blinkizkennethr: Whatever. Found the program "nmap" that will do what am looking for. "nmap -sP"11:42
vircuseri kinda like it ;) Got all those flashy colors in the code11:42
Blinkizkennethr: Blue is a nice color :-)11:43
isotropicspindoes anyone know where to get a driver for LG Widescreen L192WS ...... absolute beginner here........11:43
* ross isn't getting anyone's attention :p11:43
isotropicspintried googling.........11:44
vircuseriso does ubuntu install?11:44
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, no driver needed, just the right v/h settings put into the xorg11:44
vircuserthere is a change screen resolution utility11:44
isotropicspinyeah and everything makes it go crazy11:44
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin,   please type this in a term   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit11:45
Jack_SparrowAdd shift to the ctrl-v to paste into a term11:45
vircuserwhat pastbinit?11:46
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, It will give you a link to give to use so we can help you11:46
soundray!pastebin | vircuser11:46
ubotuvircuser: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:46
Jack_Sparrowvircuser, Automatic tool to help people upload to the pastebin without us telling them how to open editor and use the pastebin11:46
Jack_Sparrowvircuser, try it out11:47
soundrayJack_Sparrow: pastebinit, wow. Which site does it post to by default?11:47
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, the authors "Stacy"  but you can point it to others (NOt all) with -b option11:48
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.ca   I think os the format...11:49
soundrayJack_Sparrow: doesn't work with the ubuntu-nl one -- still neat11:49
isotropicspintyped it in what do you need from it?11:49
isotropicspinfat fingers sorry11:49
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, she had trouble with the java code on the site..  but I am trying to modify the canoe code and edit her source.. in my spare time  :)11:50
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, just the link it gives you  web address11:50
isotropicspinthe web address for????????..........11:52
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, I can follow you now while things are slow.. but when we are busy  type a few letters of my name then hit tab to complete it..11:52
BubblegumTateI just downloaded ANOTHER 7.10 iso and it's got yet another different md5 hash!11:52
BubblegumTateW TF?11:52
soundrayJack_Sparrow: that's great, keep it up :)11:52
isotropicspinJack... ok. The web address for what? To get drivers?11:52
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, that command I gave when typed in a term returns a number that we need in order to help you11:53
isotropicspinjack .... 151711:53
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, the entire thing please11:53
isotropicspinjack... paste.stgrabber.org/151711:54
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, Highlight in your terminal using the mouse then shift ctrl c to copy then ctrl-v to paste into your irc clientthank you11:54
Makdaamhow do I prevent some files in /usr/bin from updating or ever changing automagically?11:54
Makdaamto be more exact I mean symlinks like gcc g++ etc.11:55
mitch_hey my sudo doesn't work anymore11:55
mitch_i get .aliases: command not found11:55
mitch_any ideas?11:55
isotropicspinjack my IRC client doesn't let me paste !!!!!!!!!1 but the address is the same as soundray and I gave11:55
isotropicspinsee above11:55
soundraymitch_: what did you do to bring this about?11:56
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, np...  you can go there and see that your setup has no resolutions defined..11:56
mitch_sound ray nothing11:56
isotropicspinjack, ok what does that mean (Linux n00b here!!!!!!!!! )11:57
mitch_I had it yesterday and then I put my computer to sleep11:57
mitch_and today I was messing with themes11:57
lancerockeHi all. Where is the Firefox Bookmarks file? I backup it up a while back and forgot where it was11:57
shaarkhi all11:57
=== david_ is now known as djones
shaarki'm having problem seeing an ipod in linux what can i do?11:58
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soundraymitch_: did you quote the exact error message above?11:58
isotropicspindjones.... freaky man you have the same initial as me11:58
=== dave is now known as dtj
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, http://paste.stgraber.org/1518          is my edited version with my widescreen basic res included    SOundray.. double check that please11:58
Jack_Sparrowlancerocke, you can use the search, find or locate toold   to oddly enough   find or locate it  :)11:59
dtjwow found anick that is not owned11:59
dtjcan ipod work without iTunes?11:59
soundrayJack_Sparrow: they aren't widescreen modes. I'd have advised to use dpkg-reconfigure12:00
lancerockeJack_Sparrow: search never finds anything for me12:00
commansI create a launcher in desktop, but I need sudo to run the program. I don't know how to combine the password in the command line12:00
Adysis it possible to launch a scan on default config from bash with SANE?12:00
=== elmo__ is now known as dee_
=== dee_ is now known as _dee_
shaarkit should work without itunes12:00
isotropicspinjack, soundary, is it possible to solve this problem by installing a driver in "restricted drivers manager" thats there?12:00
Jack_Sparrowlancerocke, default is /home/yourusername12:00
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, 1280x960 is this systems default wide....12:01
_dee_i've created a user account on my ubuntu system. I've tried connecting to my ubuntu computer via my windows computer (using PuttY). When i enter the login details. it gives me Access Denied message. And i dont know why?12:01
lancerockeJack_Sparrow: ~/Bookmarks.html?12:01
Jack_Sparrowlancerocke, it could have been named anything12:02
soundrayJack_Sparrow: that's 4:3 though. Wide is either 16:9 or 16:1012:02
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, no a driver would not help this12:02
isotropicspinsoundary, jack, I have a feeling default for screen is 1440 X 90012:03
soundray_dee_: you need to 'sudo apt-get install ssh' on the ubuntu system12:03
_dee_i did sudo apt-get openssh-server12:03
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, This is a common resolution for a mid range widescreen display. A standard 4:3 LCD monitor will display a native resolution of 1280 x 102412:03
doknathi, is there a german support channel?12:03
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, we can add that one as well12:04
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:04
soundrayJack_Sparrow: no, 1280x1024 is 5:412:04
mitch_any ideas?12:05
isotropicspinjack, soundray, where do i post that file. do i edit xorg.conf?12:05
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, http://paste.stgraber.org/151912:05
_dee_soundray : it says Setting up ssh12:05
soundray_dee_: when it's done, you'll be able to connect through putty12:06
_dee_soundray : how do i know when its done?12:06
_dee_i'm sorry i'm a complete newb to linux12:06
soundray_dee_: the $ prompt comes back12:06
xuxa-olpcI made a new computer for my sister and Ubuntu now freezes very early in the boot process (right at the beginning of the task bar).  Is there any way to get more info about what's going on? Alt-F1 gives only, "Starting up... Loading, please wait..."12:06
_dee_yeah.. its done that12:06
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, there is also a 1280x80012:07
_dee_soundray : still doesnt work. When i use Putty. it connects to my computer. But refuses entry. Says access Denied12:07
soundrayJack_Sparrow: that's 16:10 (=wide)12:07
_dee_like i'm entering the incorrect username/password. But i'm not12:07
soundray_dee_: try if you can ssh from your ubuntu box to itself: 'ssh localhost'12:08
soundraymitch_: I haven't got any specific advice. Maybe boot in recovery mode and run 'apt-get --reinstall install sudo'12:08
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, Yes  use gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf      confirm soundray as he seems to trust you more12:08
_dee_soundray : it says: Linux Home 2.6 blah blah12:09
_dee_soundray : it looks like it works thru the shell12:09
soundray_dee_: can you ping your Ubuntu box from the Windows one?12:10
_dee_let me try12:10
soundrayisotropicspin: confirm :)12:10
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, write this down      sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max rex.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults12:10
hischildsoundray, i just dropped in ... what'd he do? break sudo?12:10
_dee_soundray : yep pings fine. its got to do something with the login . i just dnot understand12:10
shi all12:11
dtj_dee_, try    sudo iptables -L12:11
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, If you ever get locked out after editing that file, you can use that command to reset things and get back basic gui desktop12:11
shas anyone tried ffx 3 b4?12:11
soundrayhischild: it seems so, although he claims to not have done anything. The error was '.aliases: command not found'12:11
Jack_Sparrows One letter nicks will get old with highlighting12:12
_dee_dtj: this is what i get http://pastebin.com/m1dfe814b12:12
hischildsoundray, can he use sudo in general?12:12
si wanna know bt non-vistaish ffx3b4 in ubuntu????????12:12
dtj_dee_, its not that then12:12
Jack_Sparrows Yes people have used it.. some had problems but seemed minor12:12
_dee_dtj: i know :( its weird as.12:12
_dee_someone said it had to do with sshd_config12:13
soundrayhischild: no... [11:55] <mitch_> hey my sudo doesn't work anymore12:13
Shoopufwho doesnt ubotu know anything about netbeans :(12:13
FlynsarmyAnyone able to tell me what the 'power up in standby' jumper pins on the back of sata2 hdd's are used for? whether or not i should jumper them12:13
hischildsoundray, i c ....12:13
swoo hhooo12:13
lunaphyte_i just installed gutsy server, and whenever i run apt-get install, it demands i put in a cd.  i've fixed that in sources.list, but is that typical behavior?12:14
FlynsarmyOr the channel i SHOULD be using for this question? :$12:14
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, I never jumper any sata's12:14
kane77Shoopuf, what do you want to know about netbeans?12:14
elkbuntulunaphyte_, if you install without a network connection at the time, yes.12:14
SlartFlynsarmy: sounds like something that decides wether the drive keeps spinning in standby or not.. but I'm just guessing12:14
CaBa|lunaphyte_: if u installed from cd the cd remains as source in the sources.list12:14
CaBa|lunaphyte_: simply remove it (should be at the top of the file) and run "apt-get update"12:14
Shoopufkane77: Can I easily install and run the latest NetBeans version?12:14
_dee_should sshd normally work ?12:15
Shoopufthe wiki seems to be out of date, or doesnt work12:15
_dee_without much configuration?12:15
soundray_dee_: your sshd is working. You've proven that.12:15
kane77Shoopuf, it is not in the repository afaik, but it is not hard to install it...12:15
RoadHazardhmm sudo not working, did he get removed from the admin group, or did something happen with visudo?12:15
Slart_dee_: sshd normally works.. there's some stuff to configure.. but it's not that hard12:15
hischildsoundray, you probably already checked this ... but did he pastebin his sudo file?12:15
Jack_SparrowShoopuf, the "repos" will always be a bit behind.. but will be stable and tested12:15
lunaphyte_CaBa|: yeah i did, i was just curious.  how would someone not install from a cd?12:15
_dee_then i wonder why the login isnt working12:15
soundray_dee_: where did you get the output you pastebinned?12:15
CaBa|lunaphyte_: using debootstrap for example12:15
Slart_dee_: trying to login to another computer where sshd is running?12:16
Slart_dee_: any errors?12:16
_dee_soundray : by typing sudo iptables -L12:16
lunaphyte_CaBa|: hmm.12:16
s i wanna know bt non-vistaish ffx3b4 in ubuntu????????12:16
CaBa|lunaphyte_: i also dont know why the source remains in sources.list when you install the server from cd, but not if you install the workstation from cd12:16
kane77Shoopuf, you just need to download the archive, extract it and run the instalation file...12:16
_dee_Slart  i've only got 1 SSHD computer. (My Ubuntu system). and i've got a windows xp system12:16
isotropicspinJack, soundray...I trust you both equally!.... ok i did that.... what next?12:16
lunaphyte_CaBa|: yeah.  well, i guess you get what you pay or  ;)12:17
CaBa|lunaphyte_: maybe they considered that more useful for servers... whatever :P12:17
lunaphyte_*pay for.12:17
Slarts: you want to know what? bt? non-vistaish? ffx3b4 = firefox 3 beta 4?.. electrons are cheap.. use more of them12:17
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, cross fingers, log out and back in.. with that other command written down and handy12:17
RoadHazardlunaphyte_:  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list go down about 3 or 4 lines and put a # in front of the deb that says cdrom in it12:17
Slart_dee_: sounds like a normal setup...  what happens when you try to login?12:17
RoadHazardthen it will not annoy you anymore12:17
isotropicspinjack, ooooooo... i already did that command.... is that bad?12:17
soundray_dee_: you did remember that usernames are case-sensitive?12:17
CaBa|RoadHazard: we are beyond that since longer ;)12:18
CaBa|RoadHazard: he simply wants to complain that it _was_ there12:18
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, the sudo dpkg one ?12:18
Slarts: elaborate.. type more stuff.. explain more12:18
_dee_soundray : Yes12:18
_dee_Slart : Keeps giving me a Access Denied12:18
Slarts: I can hardly understand what you asked for12:18
_dee_and i promise you i'm typing it correctly. case sensetive12:18
Slart_dee_: are you using putty on the xp machine?12:18
_dee_Slart  Yes12:19
isotropicspinjack... yes12:19
sslart,i installed ffx3b4 but i cant see its vistaish icons on toolbar?12:19
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit      so I can look at it12:19
isotropicspinjack.... i am silly? did i only need to do the first one then log out?12:19
sbut in xp i see them12:19
dtj_dee_, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config is there PasswordAuthentication variable set to no?12:19
isotropicspinjack.... ok will do.12:19
Slart_dee_: and you've configured sshd to listen on an external interface.. I think it just listens to localhost by default12:19
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, That was a failsafe setting just in case...12:19
alanbshepard70Can anyone help me get an apple2 emulator working? I've installed apple][ and xapple2 neither work. I googled and found out about kegs but I can't even get that to make. Any ideas?12:20
sslart,u used ffx3b4?12:20
lunaphyte_so is grub 2 really grub version 1.95..?12:20
isotropicspinjack... ok well i will just redo what you first suggested and then log out12:20
soundray_dee_: does it really say 'access denied' or is it 'connection refused'?12:20
Slarts: ah.. I just tried the firefox beta.. I didn't get any vistaish icons either.. it might be a windows thing12:20
isotropicspinjack is that a good idea?12:20
hischildSlart, no, if you're talking about openssh-server, it also listens to internet connections if they're forwarded12:20
_dee_soundray : Access Denied12:20
sno offer now?12:20
GSF1200Sanyone know how to get usb devices to automatically mount at startup? they automount any other time just fine...12:21
Slarthischild: huh? you route the connection from the external interface to localhost? is that some kind of security thing?12:21
soundray_dee_: is that in the putty terminal, or does it come up as a dialog?12:21
tobiwan__dee_, Slart: i don't think sshd listens to localhost only by default. is there an 'AllowedUsers' directive in sshd_config, maybe?12:21
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, we need to make sure your xorg still looks like this http://paste.stgraber.org/151912:21
* Slart hasn't installed sshd in a long time.. hard to remember the defaults =)12:21
_dee_soundray : Putty terminal12:21
hischildSlart, no, sshd listens to both local and external connections by default (it did for me ... )12:21
soundray_dee_: ah.12:22
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, from term  gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:22
tobiwan_Slart: i opened up my freshly-installed config, too ;-)12:22
_dee_ok take a look at my sshd_config12:22
_dee_hold on12:22
soundray_dee_: I think you've used sudo to change something in your $HOME/.ssh -- do a 'sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME/.ssh' to fix that12:22
isotropicspinjack.... i can check12:22
isotropicspinjack... if its the same should i go ahead and then relogin and cross fingers?12:23
Slart_dee_: can you pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config  .. so we can stop worrying about what is default or not =)12:23
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, if it matches.. yes12:23
dee_take a look at this guys: http://pastebin.com/m1bb5408b12:24
isotropicspinjack.... ok thanks ALOT! if its the same I will probably not be back...... so if i am not THANKS!!!!!!!12:24
Jack_Sparrowdee_, Please dont post a link without a description of the problem12:24
suxxorwhat is the comand to rename file by terminal12:24
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, we will be here12:24
Slartsuxxor: mv12:24
soundrayJack_Sparrow: it's been discussed extensively12:24
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, ok.. missed it12:25
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:25
Jack_Sparrowdee sorry12:25
tobiwan_dee_: looks pretty OK. dumb question: the sshd is running, isn't it?12:25
richardI was just installing some updates - and my compiz froze on me, I had to hard reboot.. My question is, how do i continue those updates?.. I've disabled compiz for now12:25
Jack_Sparrowsoundray, I just saw the join and then the paste12:25
lesshastegnome power manager things my laptop is plugged into the mains when it isn't12:25
dtjtobiwan_,  he can connect from locahost12:25
lesshasteany idea how to fix that?12:25
RoadHazardrichard sudo dpkg --configure -a12:25
Drugon!gnash | drugon12:26
Slarttobiwan_: using the loopback interface? or the external ip?12:26
lunaphyte_i was also a bit surprised to see gutsy insisted on installing lilo as the bootloader.12:26
dee_tobiwan_  : the sshd is running yes12:26
tobiwan_Slart: sorry?12:26
richardRoadHazard: I had to install xchat to get here, but does the installation pick up - if I had any aborted ones, then install the application?12:26
GSF1200Sanyone have any idea how to get usb devices and cdroms to mount at startup? I have the cdrom drive in the fstab but no dice12:26
tobiwan_dee_: what does /var/log/auth.log say about the failed login?12:26
Slartdtj, tobiwan_, _dee_: "he can connect from localhost" ... using the loopback interface? or the external ip?12:26
hischildlunaphyte_, what file system did you specify for /boot?12:27
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, that gutsy was not our gutsy.. must be one of the variations12:27
ArthurArchnixSomeone mentioned once that there was a script that could be run to install libdvdcss support... after you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras that is. Does anyone know the name of the script to run? I'm aware of medibuntu, I want to try to find this script.12:27
isotropicspinjeff, Soundray.xactly the same........ ok cross fingers...... thanks ALOT!12:27
RoadHazardrichard: yes if you installed something after the crash it should pick up where it left off in dpkg12:27
erawfish!medibuntu | ArthurArchnix12:27
ubotuArthurArchnix: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:27
richardRoadHazard: ah, okey, thanks12:27
erawfish!css | ArthurArchnix12:27
ubotuArthurArchnix: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:27
soundraytobiwan_, Slart, hischild: let's summarize dee_'s problem: sshd is running (can connect from localhost), it's NOT refusing the connection from Windows (says 'access denied' in the terminal rather than Connection refused in a dialog). That to me points to a file ownership problem, probably in ~/.ssh12:27
lunaphyte_hischild: i did a single partition for / , on lvm, on md.12:28
RoadHazardsoundray: have we eliminated a firewall issue?12:28
hischildlunaphyte_, with what file system?12:28
Werdnadee_: is your home directory world-writeable?12:28
soundrayRoadHazard: yes12:28
erawfishsoundray: telnet to port 22, you should get some text12:28
Jack_SparrowArthurArchnix, Please avoid using a script to do that12:28
hischildsoundray, and have you also suggested to try and login via pub/priv key?12:28
ArthurArchnixthanks erawfish   this is the link I was looking for... sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh12:28
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lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: it was on official install disc from ubuntu.com12:29
erawfishArthurArchnix: afaik this won't work and will hose you. your call tho12:29
lunaphyte_hischild: oh, sorry - ext3.12:29
soundrayerawfish: suggest it to dee_ please12:29
hischildsoundray, and what program? putty? did he select ssh from the 4 radio buttons?12:29
soundrayhischild: no12:29
erawfishsoundray: was distracted by your summary12:29
ArthurArchnixReally? Why would this method be suggested by ubotu if it could hose my system?12:29
soundrayhischild: ah, good one. dee_, did you see that? ^^12:29
ArthurArchnixerawfish: ^^12:30
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, If you were surprised that it installed lilo then you obiviously did not specifically tell it to setup lilo.. was it the alternate cd?12:30
dee_Werdna: i'm not too sure12:30
tobiwan_soundray, dee_: well, strictly speaking you can use ssh without having a .ssh directory at the server....12:30
dee_yes i did select SSH from the 4 buttons12:30
lunaphyte_Jack_Sparrow: no, the regular one.  i'm looking at the iso file sitting on my computer - the file name is ubuntu-7.10-server-i386.12:31
hischildsoundray, a less elegant approach .... use nmap to scan his linux box to see if it is actually open12:31
skyravenhello, I just installed an ubuntu 7.10 + xmms + xmms-mp4 + faad etc but I can't get some aacplus streams to play..is there any workaround for this ? (I don't want another player); a stream example woudl be: http://deea.duras.ro:8000. Thanks12:31
dee_i just dont understand why this is happening12:31
erawfishdee_: did you try to telnet?12:31
dee_ill try telnet hold on12:31
simion314is this a corect command apt-file search libglib-2.0-0.dll? i am searching the package that contains this file12:31
RoadHazardsoundray: you might try having him change the "PasswordAuthentication" variable from no to yes then /etc/init.d/ssh restart12:31
Werdnadee_: have you checked the logs?12:31
Slartsimion314: sounds correct to me12:32
erawfishsimion314: there is no such package. linux has no "DLLs"12:32
Jack_Sparrowlunaphyte_, server is the key...   grub is the default for livecd desktop...  server has both available  last time I checked12:32
Slartsimion314: well.. apart from the dll thingy.. that is =)12:32
dee_erawfish : i did telnet. it connects. still says incorrect login12:32
hischildJack_Sparrow, you sure? i think that if you specify xfs as filesystem it'll go to lilo as boot loader ...12:32
erawfishdee_: it says "ssh <version>" ?12:32
* soundray stands back... too much help won't help12:33
erawfishhischild: grub can do xfs just fine12:33
simion314i need to find the package that contains that file, i belive that is in some package12:33
hischilderawfish, if you specify it on the alternate it'll give you a red screen saying it fails most of the time during install12:33
dee_erawfish it says "busybox on (none) login:"12:33
familiarHey guys - Ubuntu just choked on a package, it won't finish installing nor can I remove it. Dpkg -r won't get rid of it either, how do I force this thing to die?12:33
simion314is there a way to find out in which package a file is placed?12:33
rblsthey, i want to run a java application in 7.10, but it say: Engine "ubuntulooks" is unsupported, ignoring12:33
erawfishdee_: huh? on port 22?12:33
RoadHazardfamiliar sudo dpkg --configure -a12:33
erawfishhischild: I ran linux from XFS with debian myself before. was fine12:34
dee_erawfish : did u want me to telnet or ssh?12:34
erawfishtelnet to port 2212:34
soundrayfamiliar: try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' and 'sudo apt-get -f install'12:34
hischilderawfish, with /boot on xfs?12:34
Jack_Sparrowhischild, xfs ...  yes...12:34
erawfishand if you have in.telnetd running: stop it NOW!12:34
=== obvio171_ is now known as obvio
erawfishhischild: with / and /boot on xfs yes12:34
dee_ok let me try12:34
hischildJack_Sparrow, erawfish, last time i've tried to use xfs as / without a /boot, it would just fail for me during install ... though it might be different now12:35
familiarsoundray: thanks. I knew there was a way, I'm just really not used to apt. :)12:35
RoadHazardrblst: do you have the jre or jdk installed?12:35
erawfishsee  /boot/grub/xfs_stage1_512:35
dee_erawfish : SSH-2.0openSSH_3.6p112:35
dtj_dee_,  i think it is worth uncommenting PasswordAuthentication field in sshd_config and setting to yes12:35
rblstRoadHazard: yes, i guess so12:35
dee_dtj : okay let me try12:36
erawfishok, it'S the login. ssh files permissions are a likely cuplrit12:36
dtjdee_, u need to restart sshd after12:36
RoadHazardrblst: try this in terminal sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre12:36
dee_ok and to restart is: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart ?12:37
rblstRoadHazard: hmm, it seems java6 is not installed, thanks12:37
hischilderawfish, i'm not saying i don't believe you, it's just that from my experience it didn't work12:37
dee_sudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found12:37
familiarsoundray: wow, the package is still stuck.12:37
dtjdee_, sorry /etc/init.d/ssh12:37
* moses is back12:38
BubblegumTateI've just downloaded my third ubuntu iso12:38
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:38
BubblegumTateand had my third unique md5sum12:38
dee_ok let me try12:38
BubblegumTateand none of them are the same as on the md5 sum page12:38
soundrayfamiliar: please pastebin the output from 'sudo apt-get -f install' (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org)12:38
BubblegumTateI think that's a win for the rng12:38
vampiregirlHi, can I ask a horribly stupid and ridiculous question?12:38
Jack_SparrowBubblegumTate, Is comcast your provider.. :)12:38
dee_dtj erawfish : nope still says Access Denied12:38
lesshastegnome power manager things my laptop is plugged into the mains when it isn't12:38
hischildvampiregirl, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers12:38
lesshasteany idea how to fix that?12:39
BubblegumTateJack: no12:39
soundrayvampiregirl: we're waiting with bated breath12:39
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, There are no stupiid questions.. just ask12:39
BubblegumTateany ideas anyone?12:39
erawfishJack_Sparrow: don't tempt me!12:39
Jack_Sparrowerawfish, I'll smack you12:39
* hischild tempts erawfish 12:39
soundrayhischild, Jack_Sparrow: you've been here long enough to know that there are plenty of stupid questions :)12:39
dee_i just dont get it12:39
Jack_SparrowIt must be Friday.. we are all a bit punchy12:39
dee_maybe i should just reinstall ubuntu linux and start from scratch?12:40
SlartJack_Sparrow: stop telling people that.. every year I get students asking the most inane questions.. there are lots of stupid questions.. ;)12:40
hischildsoundray, well i'12:40
erawfishdee_: no. if anything purge and reinstall ssh server12:40
hischildsoundray, i'm still a bit in doubt whether there really are stupid question s.... :P12:40
soundraydee_: something went wrong in your install if busybox responds on port 2212:40
Jack_SparrowSlart, it is the polite response.. and yes there are some really dumb questions12:40
dee_i see12:40
vampiregirlI'm attempting to download ubuntu, but each time I do, after about five hours of download time, it gets to the end at it wants to do something with Sonic Record Now which doesn't work over here, so right now Sonic wants me to choose a path for something, which I have no idea what, and that was a huge run-on sentance.12:40
familiarsoundray: here's the paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59576/12:40
lesshasteseems to be after resuming from hibernate12:40
dee_so i should just sudo apt-get openssh-server again?12:40
PingFloydthere isn't stupid questions, but there are lazy questions12:40
SlartJack_Sparrow: =)12:41
hischildvampiregirl, aah i see .... you're trying to open the iso directly after you download it?12:41
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, You are on windows.. do you have the iso on your desktop12:41
erawfishdee_: busybox only runs if the system is in rescue mode basically12:41
isotropicspinjack..... now my screen is skewed and wide........ but at least its fitting the monitor now12:41
erawfishdee_: so something is fishy12:41
dee_yeah thats weird12:41
vampiregirlI don't think I have it on my desktop....12:41
isotropicspinjack....I think its in 1024x...12:41
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, welcome back..12:41
Slarthmm.. sonic record.. might be a iso burning program of some sort..12:41
dee_so what do u guys recommend me to do?12:41
erawfishvampiregirl: do you have the ISO file anywhere on your disk?12:41
hischildvampiregirl, if you try and download the iso, you want to click on save, and then select your desktop to save it to.12:41
isotropicspinjack.... is there anywhere i can read about this and I won't waste your time any longer.... its best to learn....12:41
hischildSlart, yes, that's a burning program12:41
Slartvampiregirl: when you download the file.. do you select "open this file" or "save this file"12:42
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, you are in vsea mode and your xorg did not match what we had..12:42
erawfishdee_: step one, purge and tehn reinstal openssh-server12:42
soundrayfamiliar: could you also pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/interchange-ui.postrm pls12:42
dee_how do i purge?12:42
vampiregirlI belive I did save.12:42
hischildvampiregirl, do you happen to remember where you put it?12:42
isotropicspinjack.... ok12:42
erawfishdee_: with apt-get12:42
vampiregirlI mean, no I did open. Sorry.12:42
Slarterawfish: if you select "open".. doesn't the file save to a temp folder somewhere?12:42
dee_i see12:42
vampiregirlSorry, I just got up.12:42
co_perhatian  goblog12:42
vampiregirlLike five miuntes ago. :)12:42
hischildvampiregirl, ok. Then you will have to download it again. No problem, i'm still very sleepy (thus wierd sentence constructions ... )_12:43
erawfishSlart: it does12:43
PingFloydvampiregirl: what you need to do is figure out where you downloaded it to and then burn it to a cd with whatever burning software you use12:43
vampiregirlSo this time I save it, right?12:43
hischildvampiregirl, but be sure to select save and not open this time. Yes12:43
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, Look at lines 64 and 65   in gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:43
erawfishdepending on internet browser12:43
lesshastegnome power manager thinks my laptop is plugged into the mains when it isn't. Any ideas how to deal with this?12:43
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, compare to the same lines in http://paste.stgraber.org/151912:44
vampiregirlOkay, I'll go download again, thanks. Does I need to burn something, or am I able to skip that bit?12:44
PingFloydvampiregirl: it also wouldn't be a bad idea to check it it with md5sum prior to burning12:44
dee_how do you add user accounts via terminal?12:44
hischildvampiregirl, you will need to burn it. That's something we'll do after you're finished downloading12:44
erawfishvampiregirl: you will need to burn it. cdburnerxp or such12:44
erawfishdee_: adduser12:44
rblstsimion314: dpkg --search <filename>12:44
familiarsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59577/12:44
vampiregirlOkay, thanks. I'll go attempt to redownload.12:44
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, and that was not a stupid question12:45
BubblegumTatefor all who are following my saga with great interest, I'm now wgetting the iso in the hope that it will result in a working iso with a correct md512:45
=== _Lokii- is now known as Lokii-
Wander_wThere are no stupid questions, just stupid people12:45
isotropicspinwander.... and never let school get in the way of a good education.....12:46
lunaphyte_hmm, i thought /boot couldn't be on lvm?12:46
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, How are you doing with that xorg12:46
isotropicspinjack..... in the section "Monitor" there is all this extra crap now..... is that what you were refering to?12:47
madrazrHi all12:48
dee_nope. i've purged, re-installed. still doesn't work. Access Denied12:48
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, no                  what lines did I mention..?12:48
dee_thats it12:48
dee_i give up12:48
madrazrI have setup a http server12:48
madrazrand its working fine12:48
Muhahello, is my Lenovo 8943-DJG Laptop FULLY compatible to ubuntu? where can i get such informations?12:48
madrazrbut its pointing to my /var/www how to do it?12:48
Wander_wMuha: try the live-CD12:48
Jack_SparrowDo they match the pastebin12:48
Muhai dont have the laptop12:48
madrazrHow can I change the location??12:48
Muhai would buy one if its compatible12:48
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, You wanted a resource...   http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy12:49
BubblegumTatetake a Live CD to the store12:49
hischildMuha, unless your laptop has some uberduperhightechnotreallyreleased hardware it's compatible 99% of the time in my opinion ... and do what BubblegumTate says12:49
Wander_wMuha: ah, I see.. what hardware are you worried about then?12:49
RoadHazardif it has broadcomm wireless, run12:49
soundrayfamiliar: I suggest you replace /var/lib/dpkg/info/interchange-ui.postrm with these contents: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59578/12:49
isotropicspinjack.... those lines are exactly the same except just below it there is an extra one that says Driver "nv"12:49
soundrayfamiliar: then re-run sudo apt-get -f install12:49
isotropicspinjack... thanks will look at soon12:49
Wander_wRoadHazard: Broadcom wireless works most of the time... at least for me it does12:49
familiarsoundray: cool, I'll give it a go and hopefully my package goes away. I don't even need it anymore.12:49
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, that is the one.. that is your video driver12:50
Wander_wBut Intel or Atheros based wireless would be better ofcourse :)12:50
isotropicspinjack..... ok what does that mean?12:50
rblstRoadHazard: i installed java6, but doesn't make any difference: /usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:71: Engine "ubuntulooks" is unsupported, ignoring12:50
hischildWander_w, my atheros 5007EG was a pain to install tbh ...12:50
madrazrsome one please help me, I have setup a http server on my PC, others are able to access it through my browser, But they can access only /var/www of my system. How can I change it to access other folders??12:50
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, add that line to your xorg12:50
Jack_Sparrowand remove one that says vesa if it is in there12:50
Wander_whischild: really? I thought they had fully opensource drivers? well, thanks for the tip, I'll put Intel card on the top of my list as of now12:51
familiaryay it removed! Thanks soundray!12:51
isotropicspinjack there is no vesa.... but under driver it says "wacom" alot12:51
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, please run this again and give me a link when you are done  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit12:52
Lamegomad_max02, an http server is not commonly used for system wide contents sharing, if you want to share a particular folder, you can create an alias for it12:52
Wander_wMazus: edit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/apache.conf12:52
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, dont worry abot wacom12:52
hischildWander_w, the 5007EG is sometimes recognized as the 5006 which doesn't work for it ... i had to recompile one specific version for it, and then it worked12:52
RoadHazardrblst: check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-149161.html12:52
Wander_whischild: Oh, so it's just one card? Let's put Atheros back on my list then :)12:53
hischildWander_w, it's the only card i've used so far, as well as a sitecom one ... so i can't say much for the others12:53
hischildWander_w, they do have a shitty range though ..12:53
isotropicspinjack.... paste.stgraber.org/152512:54
Wander_whischild: sitecom doesn't make their own chips now do they?12:54
rblstRoadHazard: i've read this before, it's from 2006 and it doesn't solve my problem :(12:54
hischildWander_w, i dunno ... the brand on it says sitecom, but if they have their own chips? ... i'm not sure ...12:54
hischildWander_w, easy way to check by any chance?12:54
RoadHazardok, I'm no more help, java aint really my forte, sorry12:54
soundrayfamiliar: good. What we did is to shortcut the clean-up process. I don't expect that it will cause any problems, but if you do find any remnants of the package, that will have been the reason.12:54
rblstRoadHazard: thanks anyway :)12:55
Wander_whischild: I've tested an Intel IPW2100 (good, good range) a Ralink2500 USB dongle (good, bad range) and a Broadcom BCM43xx (so-so, good range)12:55
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, not good...12:55
Wander_whischild: look at which driver Ubuntu is loading for it12:55
isotropicspinjack...... really?12:56
adac2which repository contains skype2.0 64 bit?12:56
isotropicspinjack..... thats poo!12:56
isotropicspinjack... why?12:56
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, http://paste.stgraber.org/1519             is what you want      copy and paste the entire thing from the web (without line numbers)   into gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:56
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:56
isotropicspinjack ok will do again!12:56
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, it does not have any of the resolutions we added earlier12:56
=== tyczek is now known as Tyczek
isotropicspinjack.... i don't know what happened maybe i didn't save12:57
isotropicspinjack will give it a go12:57
hischildWander_w, i'm currently on my laptop with the atheros card ... i'll check once my main box fully booted of my external drive ...12:57
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, copy the lower window not the upper one with line numbers12:57
familiarsoundray: thanks.12:57
isotropicspinjack... ok i thought i did12:57
isotropicspinlet me try again.12:57
isotropicspinjack thanks alot12:57
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, np12:58
zoli2kHi! Is there any C++ config parser on ubuntu? (except of boost dev. which has 30MB).12:58
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:58
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, after you save it.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit               and give me a link so I can double check it12:58
vampiregirlSo now that I've downloaded it, (and come back), I need to burn a CD of it?12:59
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, yes12:59
vampiregirlYay! Okay, cool. One problem solved!.12:59
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, google up a copy of isorecorder or one of the others mentioned.. and we can go from there13:00
Wander_wif it's a .iso file, you need to burn it as an image13:00
isotropicspinjack.... ok13:00
vampiregirlAs far as I know, I've found it.13:01
Jack_SparrowWander_w, That is why I tell people to use the free isorecorder or (2)   as that is all it does, not file vs image issues13:01
iboui just created a swap partition which works (after a mkswap and swapon) on the shut down when i chose hibernate. The problem is that my system boot normaly on reboot (do not resume). Can anyone help ?13:01
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, make sure you get the right one for your service pack13:01
khalidHi people, i would like to have a howto link for the freeradius server please !13:01
Wander_wJack_Sparrow: ah, great idea, I didn't know that was all it did13:01
Lamegozoli2k, you mean, a C/C++ library for config files parsing ? There are several libraries for that, don't ask me the names13:01
vampiregirland then download that too, right?13:01
Jack_SparrowWander_w, it adds a right click burn to cd just like we have in ubuntu13:02
isotropicspinjack........ paste.stgraber.org/152613:02
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, let me know when you have the link ready for me13:02
fvwmnetibou: did you edit /etc/fstab?13:02
Wander_wibou: you need to specify which partition to use as the resume partion on the kernel command line13:02
RoadHazardkhalid http://wiki.freeradius.org/SQL_HOWTO13:03
khalidthanks a lot.13:03
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, looks good13:03
Wander_wJack_Sparrow: wow, that sounds really easy, maybe windows is ready for mainstream use then ;-)13:03
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, time to test it  ....13:03
isotropicspinjack... this is going to come in use for the future by the way because I am actually going to try to use this box for VJing....13:03
isotropicspinjack..... thanks alot i will give it a go!!!!!!!!!!!13:04
marx2kso I am in PuTTY, SSHing to my home computer. I am using BitchX via screen. Is there any way for me to also run a gAIM client in the same session and kind of... halve the BitchX window to get both going or should I just open up another PuTTY session?13:04
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: budz gud am again i just some info what apps should i use to run a exe file on ubuntu13:04
khalidRoadHazard thanks a lot......13:04
RoadHazardquite welcome13:04
zoli2kLamego: I already found some, but I want to be sure that the library will be actively maintained in future distributions.13:04
vampiregirlOkay, I've now accomplished downloading the isorecorder.13:05
zoli2kLamego: in linux distributions.13:05
RoadHazardAudioSenseCD: as in a windows exe? wine13:05
soundraymarx2k: in screen: Ctrl-A S13:05
Lamegozoli2k, the best option it to use a library known to be used by other packages, that increases the changes that it will kept maintaned13:06
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, HI.. So you want to run windows apps.. which ones13:06
AudioSenseCDRoadHazard: yes sir can i run the game in wine13:06
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org13:06
RoadHazardAudioSenseCD: check their database here http://appdb.winehq.org/13:07
twoshadetodwhat is the package for dual core kernel? I have a dv6000 with core 2 duo13:07
zoli2kLamego: Sure13:07
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: like games windows flasher like (NSpro flasher, Griffin, Power Flasher... etc.)13:07
CombatjuanIs there a way to move a process from one part of the process tree to another?  For instance, I have apt-get running under a terminal in X but I want to restart X so I'd like to move the apt-get process so that instead, it is a child of init.  Is there a way to do this?13:07
Slarttwoshadetod: I think they use the same kernel for all modern processors13:07
soundraytwoshadetod: there is no such thing. Ubuntu will make use of both cores automatically13:07
Slart!smp | twoshadetod13:07
ubotutwoshadetod: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)13:07
Jack_SparrowAudioSenseCD, read the db13:07
vampiregirlJack_Sparrow: I've downloaded the isorecorder, but at this point I'm not totally sure what to do with it.13:07
Lamegotwoshadetod, the generic kernel supports dual core systems13:07
twoshadetodi reformatted and my computer is crawling now13:08
twoshadetodwhen i am in multiple tabs on my browser13:08
twoshadetodi waas hoping that was the reason :(13:08
AudioSenseCDJack_Sparrow: sure thx13:08
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, did you run the isorecorder download yet13:08
vampiregirlI think so; it's installed at any rate.13:08
twoshadetodis there a good diagnostic program ?13:08
Combatjuantwoshadetod: One possiblity is that DMA got turned off on your hard drive.  That happened to me once when I had similar symptoms.13:08
BubblegumTateI swear to god13:09
hischildwhat do the lba flags stand for in parted?13:09
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, right click the ubuntu iso and you should now have an option for burning the image13:09
twoshadetodCombatjuan: how would I check that? is that in bios or in the os?13:09
BubblegumTateI have yet to get two isos with the same md513:09
Combatjuantwoshadetod: hdparm -a I think13:09
BubblegumTateand I've downloaded 5 from 3 different mirrors13:09
isotropicspinjack..... back where i started.... the screen isn't filling up to widescreen13:09
hischildBubblegumTate, use the torrent, it has built-in hash checking, which would allow you to get a good iso13:09
Combatjuantwoshadetod: Sorry, hdparm /dev/xda -i13:10
isotropicspinjack.... could it have something to do with HorizSync?13:10
Combatjuantwoshadetod: (where "xda" is your device for example "sda1")13:10
Wander_whischild: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_block_addressing13:10
isotropicspinjack...... it seems to me 30 - 70 is wrong13:10
hischildWander_w, thank you13:10
BubblegumTategod, but the torrents take so LONG13:10
vampiregirlJack_Sparrow: Okay, I've done that and the nice blue window popped up, and I've selected the source, what do I put in the "recorder" box?13:10
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, go to system... pref..screen res.. and see what it shows now13:10
twoshadetodthank you I'm checking now to see which mine is listed as13:10
marx2kOk, I do Ctrl-a S in screen and it splits the window into two, but when I go into the second (new) screen window, I dont get a shell prompt or anything. it's a blank window13:10
BubblegumTateI guess I don't have much alternative13:10
twoshadetodwhat is that lspci?13:10
Wander_wtwoshadetod: lspci is a program that shows installed PCI devices on your system13:11
hischildBubblegumTate, in my opinion they are usually faster ... the normal mirrors i only get around 500, but the torrent reaches almost double that13:11
isotropicspinjack.... shows 1440X 900 which is manufacturers rec.13:11
BubblegumTateI get really bad times with torrents13:11
ReL1Kwhats the hardy heron channel?13:11
BubblegumTateI think it's my evil ISP13:11
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, it should be self explanatory... one sec13:11
ReL1Ksaw motd sorry13:11
RoadHazardReL1K: #ubuntu+113:11
twoshadetodhow do i find out what my hard drive is listed as?13:11
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, is that the current res?13:12
vampiregirlJack_Sparrow: There's only one option: e:/no media.13:12
twoshadetodok found it13:12
hischildvampiregirl, is there a cd in the drive?13:12
isotropicspinjack.... I assume not, although I can't measure every pixle there is a 2inch black band on the left hand side of my screen13:12
vampiregirlThere is now. I'm sorry, it's a bit early for me.13:12
vampiregirlBy like three hours.13:12
Wander_wBubblegumTate: for torrents to go fast, you need to make sure that your computer can be contacted directly, so not behind a firewall or router (you can (and should) keep those, but instruct them to forward the bittorrentports to your computer)13:12
DOOM_NXdoes anybody know if AMD HD3850 AGP works well with Ubuntu?13:13
vampiregirlOkay, that was stupid of me. Thanks.13:13
hischildvampiregirl, we all have those times :-)13:13
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, that should just be your drive letter and blank..writeable..useable13:13
faustoh je suis ici13:13
Wander_wet je suis ne pas ici13:14
Jack_Sparrowvampiregirl, Sorry.. I didnt think to ask if you had inserted a bland cd yet13:14
DOOM_NXgenerally speaking, how are ATI drivers working with ubuntu?13:14
Jack_Sparrowhischild, thanks13:14
vampiregirlSorry, it's a bit early. I'm really not this blonde as the day goes on.13:15
Wander_wDOOM_NX: usually they're ok13:15
vampiregirlThank you.13:15
Wander_wDOOM_NX: though not as good as NVidia ones13:15
hischildJack_Sparrow, you're welcome13:15
marx2kCan someone name a good ncurses-based client?13:15
isotropicspinjack.... so its like it was when I initially started up..... on some of the screen is being used.....13:15
hischildvampiregirl, you should see me when i'm sleepy ...13:15
isotropicspinlet me try logging in again13:15
Jack_Sparrowhischild, I just drew a blank...  but not as in blank cd..13:15
DOOM_NXWander_w, u mean i won't have 3D acceleration?13:15
RoadHazardDOOM_NX: which ati card do you have?13:16
twoshadetodCombatjuan: will you check out a pastebin for a sec?13:16
DOOM_NXhow about DVD acceleration, or Blu-Ray?13:16
DOOM_NXi want to buy 3850 AGP13:16
hischildDOOM_NX, the ati ones are capable of 3d acc, but they're not as good as the nvidia ones ... they have a general better support13:16
Wander_wDOOM_NX: No, you probably will have 3D acceleration, but it probably is slower a bit than in Windows, as opposed to NVidia card who are faster in Linux than they are in Windows13:16
erawfishDOOM_NX: there is no video acceleration for either ati or nvidia under linux unfortunately13:16
RoadHazardDOOM_NX: I'd say if youre going to run ubuntu and you havent bought it yet, go nvidia13:16
Wander_werawfish: sorry?13:17
hischildJack_Sparrow, hehe .. coffee helps a lot on this end ..13:17
Combatjuantwoshadetod: Sure.13:17
DOOM_NXi am running ubuntu with nvidia 6800 128MB13:17
erawfishWander_w: neither UVD nor purevideo work under linux13:17
DOOM_NXbut i was thinking of a small upgrade to play the new games but if linux is gonna stop working i won't buy it...13:17
isotropicspinjack.... yep back where i started....... ah!13:18
Wander_werawfish: oh that... you *can* use XVMC with NVIdia card13:18
erawfishDOOM_NX: you can get a newer nvidia card. PCI-E or AGP?13:18
erawfishWander_w: XVMC is?13:18
Wander_werawfish: X Video Motion Compensation, a MPEG2 hardware acceleration technique13:18
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, HAve you enabled the restricted drivers yet13:19
RoadHazardDOOM_NX: it appears the 8.42.3 driver supports that card with aiglx, so yes itll work13:19
DOOM_NXRoadHazard, thanks a lot13:19
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, Even if you are back at the same res.. you have learned alot13:19
isotropicspinjack.... i have now enabled the restricted drivers13:20
isotropicspinjack...... yep that is some of the point of the exercise13:20
Jack_Sparrowlog out and in again13:20
isotropicspinjack..... i have got a sense for how tweakable linux is, which is empowering..... and disempowering because I haven't got the tech knowledge yet13:21
terminalin my lapi  there r 2 os wista n ubuntu how i increase the size of disk of ubuntu13:21
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, but you do have us13:21
RoadHazardisotropicspin: itll come13:21
hischildisotropicspin, i think i've learned more here in just a few weeks, then in the past years13:21
Jack_Sparrowterminal, use livecd and gparted  as you cant resize a mounted partition13:22
madrazrhii all13:23
terminaljack sparrow , then i dont need to install ubuntu again13:24
madrazrI have apache running on my comp, and I have setup a DynDNS Domain and its working, but the domain is pointing to /var/www. I badly want to change it, how to do that??13:24
madrazrplease help me13:24
isotropicspinjack........ SW33t!!!!!!! its working!13:24
RoadHazardmadrazr apache or apache 2?13:24
Jack_SparrowUh oh hes back13:24
isotropicspinjack..... thanks alot!13:24
madrazrRoadHazard: Apache 213:24
Lamegomadrazr, dns does not point to a directory, it points to an IP address, you must configure the web server to poing to the expected directory13:24
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, now for the fun.. setup effects13:25
madrazrLamego: sorry13:25
vampiregirlI have one more question, hopefully not involving more black CDs: When I go into VMware and attempt to edit my vm settings, and get into that window, and then into the CD (here we go again) category, and then set it to use ISO image, and it wants me to browse, I see several ubuntu thingys, all with equally nice pictures. Which one should I select?13:25
RoadHazardmadrazr: one moment13:25
isotropicspinjack.... so it must have been graphics card right?13:25
madrazrLamego: I meant that13:25
madrazrRoadHazard: ok13:25
hischildJack_Sparrow, ... that sounded rather funny..13:25
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, combination13:25
madrazrRoAkSoAx: success13:25
isotropicspinjack... set up effect?13:25
madrazrRoAkSoAx: thanks for your help13:25
AngryElfhow do I get thunderbird to stop asking me if I Want to send in plaintext or html everytime I send an email?13:25
madrazrthis morning13:25
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, system  pref    appearance      far right tab13:25
hischildvampiregirl, you can also select a real drive, the one that you have the cd in, isntead of the iso. However, if you select the iso, you have to select the file that you downloaded before.13:25
madrazrRoAkSoAx: thanks a lot13:26
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, pick the bottom option13:26
vampiregirlIf I do use iso, which of the equally nice file names should I click?13:26
hischildvampiregirl, remember that file that you downloaded before? that file :-)13:27
isotropicspinjack..... ahh ok...... yum i just made the fonts less gross..... what do vis effects do?13:27
isotropicspinjack...... ahhhh i see! ooo!!13:27
Jack_Sparrowyoull see13:27
RoadHazardmadrazr: sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default then change DocumentRoot to your desired directory and Directory /var/www to your directory of choice13:28
hischildlol ...13:28
isotropicspinjack..... fuck vista has nothing on this ....... it can't even make the fonts look good13:28
vampiregirlIt wants me to choose between ubuntu.vmdk, ubuntu.vmsd, and ubuntu.vmx.13:28
Lamegoisotropicspin, language13:28
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, Do you have a wheel on your mouse.. point to the top bar of an open window and roll the wheel13:28
isotropicspinlamego.... sorry13:28
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, G rating in here thanks13:29
LBoHi all! Does someone know of gnome-volume-manager alternative for the commandline?13:29
hischildvampiregirl, those aren't the files you've downloaded before. The file that you burned to the cd, that is the one you need to select.13:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:29
thuxis it ok upgrade libc6 now?13:29
isotropicspinjack... that doesn't do anything maybe i should go back into xorg hey13:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:29
rskLBo: alsamixer13:29
marx2kthats the one13:29
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, now we are going to install ccsm13:29
rskalsaconf isnt packaged in ubuntu13:29
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion13:29
rskand it's a shame.13:29
isotropicspinjack.... wow! man i just pulled the window around! that rocks!!!13:29
vampiregirlhischild: Wow. That was totally obvious. I'm not really sure why I didn't realize that.....13:29
LBoI'm using ivman now, but you have to configure it for automatically mount known disks. I want something to do it automatically13:29
vampiregirlhischild: Thanks.13:29
RoadHazardmadrazr: that work for you?13:30
Wander_wisotropicspin: try Windows-tab13:30
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager13:30
LBorsk: not volume -> disks13:30
rskaha hm13:30
hischildvampiregirl, you're welcome13:30
sunglhi, all13:30
madrazrRoadHazard: 2 mins, checking13:30
SamuraiDiothe ubuntu installer is also a liveCD right? what could be wrong if it freezes after boot?13:30
RoadHazardmadrazr: you'll need to do sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart after that13:30
Jack_SparrowSamuraiDio, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails repeat and add noapic acpi=off before the --13:31
madrazrRoadHazard: Ya I have done that13:31
vampiregirlhischild: So on using our wonderful cd from before, I click physical drive for that, right?13:31
RoadHazardmadrazr: should work then13:31
Wander_wSamuraiDio: there's tons of stuff that can be wrong.. CD with errors (try the check option) dodgy hardware...13:31
hischildvampiregirl, that is correct. And then you select the drive that you put the cd in.13:32
Wander_wSamuraiDio: ACPI hangs (try noacpi)13:32
isotropicspinjack ok will do13:32
madrazrRoadHazard: Ya its working one more question,13:32
RoadHazardmadrazr: shoot13:32
madrazrRoadHazard: I want this localhost settins for my local development and setup another location to be accessible by others as we do in Virtual Servers for our local machine13:32
madrazrhow do we do that??13:32
vampiregirlhischild, I have an option of E: or auto detect? I'm thinking auto detect, since E: is blank...13:33
vampiregirlhischild, that makes me probably wrong, right?13:33
SamuraiDioWander_w, sure i haven't tested acpioff.13:33
RoadHazardmadrazr: I'm not real clear on what you wanna do there13:33
hischildvampiregirl, then select autoselect and see if it can find the drive :-) if not, we'll continue from there. If it does, then it's good :-)13:33
SamuraiDioi see that other liveCDs (other distros) dont work also13:33
madrazrRoadHazard: Say when setting up Virtual Server we create another copy of the default file with some other name say madrazr and then change the Document Root for this file, and enable this site also keeping the old one enabled13:34
SamuraiDioanother doubt... what partition editor does ubuntu installer uses? can it safely resize fat32 and ntfs partitions?13:34
Wander_wSamuraiDio: what kind of computer are you using it on? (Laptop? old/new?)13:34
madrazrRoadHazard: and in Network->Hosts we add one more entry with say and the new name say madrazr.com13:34
SamuraiDioLaptop, brand new13:35
madrazrso when I can use both madrazr.com and localhost on my browser13:35
vampiregirlhischild: And then for the location above that...? I have a choice between host and client...I'm assuming client because there's a picture of a computer with that one. :)13:35
madrazrRoadHazard: got it?13:35
Irwinganybody could help me? i dont know how to install my webcam driver13:35
isotropicspinjack ok i got that13:35
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin,  Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general settings up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom13:35
RoadHazardmadrazr: k what you'll need to do is an include in the apache2.conf for the new virtual server13:35
jrib!webcam > irwing (read the private message from ubotu)13:35
Wander_wSamuraiDio: what brand?13:35
hischildvampiregirl, can you make a screenshot of that? i don't have the screen in front of me13:36
kondor101is there a way to force a chkdisk ?13:36
SamuraiDioWander_w, its a laptop, very new, but i dont think ubuntu will have problems with modules, maybe with the cam and finger print device13:36
madrazrRoadHazard: Can you please tell me how to do it?? and where to include apache2.conf and what must be its content13:36
RoadHazardmadrazr: one moment13:36
madrazrRoadHazard: sure13:36
vampiregirlhischild: It would be really cool if I knew how to give it to you now.13:37
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:37
hischildvampiregirl, you can upload it on http://imageshack.us and give me the link :-)13:37
isotropicspinjack.... ok i did that13:37
Wander_wSamuraiDio: I'm afraid I can't help you any further, sorry13:37
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin,  Hold your breath and go for it..       ctrl-alt (Left Mouse Button) and move mouse13:37
kondor101Jack_Sparrow Ty!13:38
SamuraiDioWander_w, ok. tnx13:38
isotropicspinjack..... that.... is..... wicked13:38
isotropicspinjack those developers have design sense too man13:38
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, So much for ubuntu 10113:38
RoadHazardmadrazr: may I pm you?13:38
hischildisotropicspin, you can even make it walk if you have 2 desktops ....13:39
isotropicspinjack.... thanks13:39
hischildyeah, walk13:39
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, go play, we are here when you need us, or just hang and learn when you have time13:39
Wander_wisotropicspin: ok, now try this: hold the windows key, scroll up and down with you mouse13:39
hischildi'll make you a vid of it13:39
oboy03how can i configure my desktop cube to have 3d window?13:39
SamuraiDiois there some good guide on installing ubuntu on laptops?13:39
Jack_Sparrowisotropicspin, ctrl alt down arrow13:39
vampiregirlhischild: [URL=http://img337.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotim9.png][IMG]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1088/screenshotim9.th.png[/IMG][/URL]13:39
isotropicspinwander.... that is cool13:39
madrazrRoadHazard: sure13:39
vampiregirlhischild: Whoops. How'd all that crap get in there...oh well.13:40
Wander_wisotropicspin: yeah :D also try with alt and scroll :)13:40
madrazrRoadHazard: whats there to ask??13:40
s-h-a-k-aHow can I format a drive13:40
s-h-a-k-ain Ubuntu13:40
s-h-a-k-aits not the same drive that the os is running on13:40
Wander_ws-h-a-k-a: mkfs13:40
isotropicspinwander...... ahhhhhhhh! awesome!13:40
=== edgy__ is now known as edgy
Picis-h-a-k-a: Gparted would be the easiest way13:40
dgjoness-h-a-k-a, look into gparted13:40
Wander_wisotropicspin: lol... one more: try windows-key + tab13:41
hischildvampiregirl, aah that one ... uhm to be hones,t i'm not sure what's the difference between them ... but i think you can just leave it at default13:41
SamuraiDios-h-a-k-a, this is if ou want to change the fs, if just want to erase it, just delete13:41
vampiregirlhischild: Thank you. I'll come back and work on this later; I've gotta go somewhere.13:41
Jack_SparrowWander_w, I have 3d windows floating off the cube and fishies inside the cube.. way cool13:41
DoublenoobHello peoples of Ubuntu! I have a question. What is the system path and what is it for?13:41
isotropicspinahhh! god mode.... ctrl alt down arrow13:42
Wander_wJack_Sparrow: hey, how did you do THAT?13:42
arcticpenguin380is it possible to get my ufs partition to mount?13:42
Jack_SparrowWander_w, one sec13:42
Mim1... What's today's date? (USA eastern time)13:42
isotropicspinwindows key + tab = awesome13:42
bei18hey guys, this is going to sound weird, I have 2 LiveCDs, Kubuntu 7.04 and Ubuntu 7.10, when I run Kubuntu, I can connect to my router and have internet connection automatically, when I run Ubuntu, I can connect to router but I cant get interner conection at all... does anyone know how to get internet connection on Ubuntu? I tried everything, including WICD... same result always, connected to network, no internet.....13:42
* Wander_w wants fishies in his cube too!!13:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ufs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:42
oboy03!3d window13:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d window - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:43
zasfhi all, does anybody have problems with evolution and ipv6?13:43
Wander_warcticpenguin380: it should just be a point-and-click thing13:43
isotropicspinoooo! alt + tab13:44
Mim1bei18:  This is going to sound silly too, but did you notice how the internet taskbar applets look and behave diferently? Did you try pressing left click instead of right, (or vice versa) to see if it shows you the available connections? (Is this wireless btw?)13:44
arcticpenguin380my bad its zfs13:44
Jack_SparrowWander_w, http://aycu18.webshots.com/image/49177/2006389838261953518_rs.jpg13:44
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:44
Wander_warcticpenguin380: oh, for that you probably have to patch your kernel and compile it yourself13:44
DoublenoobI have a question, what is the system path and what is it for? Just to get some attention i have added useless garble _________________________))*)Y(*(Y&Y*(*UYTFDYUHBKVVXZFSRTDYRUGKJHBMNVCXGFDTYUI(U(*&^EW$E£$T%Y&^U*^%$^&I*YUGJHKNLKUGIOLK:@K:POHIUGYFTDRDFGHJGHFTDRDYIUHLKJNGYU(*&^%$£%&^(*)*&^%$RTFGHJKL?><MNBVCXZ13:45
Wander_wJack_Sparrow: sweet! now how did you do that?13:45
mcquaidi have to go to a friends and restore his grub after a windows install.  have done it a few times over the years, but I was just looking up the grub commands again13:45
Dmoleanyone willing to help me resolve a DNS issue?13:45
jribDoublenoob: don't do that again, that's just annoying...13:45
ubotuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS13:45
Mim1garble ftw? :p im sure people jsut didnt know the answer Doublenoob13:45
mcquaidhere: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_restore_GRUB_menu_after_Windows_installation it doesn't mention needing to chroot13:45
mcquaidis that an omission or is it no longer needed?13:45
Mim1!ask > Dmole13:45
DissentorI need some help installing the madwifi driver. When I try to run the scripts, I get "FATAL: Module wlan is in use."13:45
dgjones!grub | mcquaid13:45
ubotumcquaid: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:45
NetUser_1hi to the room13:46
arcticpenguin380its not in the kernel?13:46
Mim1hi to NetUser_113:46
Wander_warcticpenguin380: not yet, no13:46
DissentorHi NetUser_1.13:46
DoublenoobUgh! garble means stuff that makes no sense, i put it there to get my question some attention!13:46
jribDoublenoob: you get the wrong kind of attention13:46
hischildJack_Sparrow, i want fishies 2 :p13:47
isotropicspinman........... i didn't think anything could beat a mac visually....... wait untill my father who is a graphic designer and used macs since the 80's sees this!13:47
isotropicspinof course he will probably be disappointed you can't run adobe stuff on there13:47
geniiDoublenoob: Comprehensive explanations of what directories are for what can be found here: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html13:47
Jack_Sparrowhischild, http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530313:47
RadarIs there a way that I can assign a key on my keyboard to be able to type out a phrase for me?13:47
Lamegoarcticpenguin380, , ZFS uses a GPL imcompatible license, it will never get in, unless Sun changes it13:47
* Wander_w wants to sleep with the fishes!13:47
Jack_SparrowWander_w, http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=5303             I compiled all of them   weeeee13:48
Jack_SparrowWander_w, that screenshot was 3d windows that float off the cube and aquarium13:48
NetUser_1i cannot login/change the passwd with passwd(after editing the kernel as i saw on the web...) says aythentication lock busy what should i do?13:49
DoublenoobOk, the question without the garble, it is really important to me, what is the system path and what is it for (what does it contain)?13:49
jribDoublenoob: type "echo $PATH" is that what you are asking about?13:49
Vdoublenoob:  someone already answered you too ... read13:49
hischildJack_Sparrow, sweeeet thanks13:49
Jack_SparrowWander_w, correction atlantis13:49
hischildJack_Sparrow, gonna make a (failed) attempt at doing that later :p13:49
hischildfood first13:49
LamegoDoublenoob, it contains the list of directories that should be looked for when you execute a command13:50
vigneshcan i install both kubuntu and ubuntu on same pc?? will there be any problem in configuring grub for that?13:50
DoublenoobI'm asking what is the directory of the system path and what does it contain.13:50
Jack_SparrowDoublenoob, roadmap so commands can find files you want to run13:50
dgjonesDoublenoob, there's a reference to system path in this link for Dapper, not sure if its still valid though (its under the heading "Under the hood") http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/releasenotes/60613:51
jribDoublenoob: it's not a single directory.  It is the directories the command I gave you before outputs13:51
Dmoleok :) I have some working boxes and one that is not finding my DNS13:51
Lamegovignesh, you just need to install one of them, the other part can be installed via a meta package, like ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop13:51
vigneshLamego, but i want both in existence simultaneously..13:52
elenchoswhy isn't IPTV viable yet13:52
jrib!offtopic | elenchos13:52
ubotuelenchos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:52
vigneshLamego, or in that case i ll install debian or sme other linux distro.. i jus wanna know if there ll be any problem in configuring grub when i install 2 linux distros in same pc..??13:52
audioJack_Sparrow: hey amigo i install qemu where do i find it13:52
Lamegovignesh, they will exist simultaneous, ubuntu or kubuntu are just different set of packages, they are not different systems13:52
Dmoleso where do i look to find out why? (ifconfig info is the same)13:53
Lamegothere will not be 2 entries on grub, you will select the windows manager on the login screen13:53
vigneshLamego, can u plz tel abt that in detail?? i dont get u..13:53
vigneshLamego, oh fine fine..13:53
Lamegowhen logging in, you will be able to selec either gnome or kde13:53
vigneshLamego, oh okay ty.. wat abt installin another linux distro like debian or fedora..?? i jus wanna try out smethin in linux..13:54
geniiDmole: Compare also the /etc/resolv.conf files, that is where the nameserver info is at13:54
Lamegovignesh, well, if use different partitions, depending on their installers they may setup multilple grub entries, or not...13:54
amenadovignesh-> no problem having two linux distro with grub13:54
vigneshwhere will the menu.lst reside in that case??13:55
amenadovignesh-> same place /boot/grub/menu.lst13:55
vigneshamenado, is that a common partition??13:55
Lamegovignesh, it will be the one from your last grub install13:55
minimecvignesh: For testing i normally use VirtualBox and a viartual installation. Works great but without 3d acceleration.13:55
StuehG'day all! =)13:55
Lamegoit will use the partition has setup on your last grub-install, regardless of the partition you choose to boot from13:56
StuehErm, I got a we question, if perhaps someone could help me out?13:56
amenadovignesh when are you going to take the plunge and stop asking questions?13:56
Jack_Sparrowvignesh, Whatever you install last will have the grub and control.. it may differ from what it would be if you instll ubuntu last13:56
Mim3!ask > Stueh13:57
StuehOr not =\13:57
Lamegoamenado, could you please not interfere if you are not willing to help ?13:57
vigneshJack_Sparrow, ty13:57
Dmolegenii you are my hero !13:57
vigneshLamego, ty13:57
audioJack_Sparrow: hey amigo i install qemu where do i find it13:57
StuehWell, (new to Ubunutu here, tried it out and currently installing a few things)13:57
Jack_Sparrowaudio, No idea.. is it not in the menus.. I dont do wine or any of that stuff13:58
amenadoLamego-> sometimes a user need to be nudge, or else they never take it..13:58
StuehI'm trying to install flash (for firefox)13:58
Tenguhello world13:58
Jack_SparrowStueh, How did you install things13:58
amenadoLamego-> have you been around much?13:58
DoublenoobOk, i'll make the question more specific as it was a bit vague, what is the purpose of the "system path" and what is the directory of it in the file-system. I am a "Doublenoob" so i may not understand but i greatly appreciate all answers as i'm trying to sort out a problem with Realplayer in Firefox.13:58
audioJack_Sparrow:  he he he thx13:58
Jack_Sparrow!flash | Stueh13:58
ubotuStueh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:58
Stuehusing apt-get, not a problem, it's installed, but on a page in the forums they said I had to do sudo update-flashplayer13:58
TenguI'm trying to boot Hardy on PXE.... is there any documentation about it ? "gutsy" method just fails...13:58
hischildDoublenoob, have you considered showing the problem in general to us, so we may be able to help with that?13:59
amenadoTengu-> !hardy13:59
dgjonesTengu, try asking ini #ubuntu+1, thats where the support for hardy is13:59
Jack_SparrowStueh,  I take everything in the forums with a grain of salt13:59
Tengudgjones: thanks :)13:59
StuehWhen I try to do that, I get a message "automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes"13:59
StuehJack_Sparrow, ah, my bad =\13:59
Jack_SparrowStueh, any yahoo can add to the forum, we try to flush out the really bad advice14:00
andy_can anyone here answer a question?14:00
DoublenoobThat is what I'm doing on this chatroom, hischild.14:01
hischild!anyone | andy_14:01
ubotuandy_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:01
andy_about how to mount my hdb hard drive?14:01
amenadoandy_-> internal?14:01
andy_what is the terminal coding for that?14:01
hischildDoublenoob, have you explained what the problem is you are having with firefox and realplaer?14:01
StuehJack_Sparrow,  So, any suggestions?14:01
Lamegomount device path14:01
Doublenoobandy_:, I agree with you.14:01
DissentorI need some help installing the madwifi driver. When I try to run the scripts, I get "FATAL: Module wlan is in use." Anyone know how I might go about resolving this?14:01
amenadoandy_-> it was not detected at boot?14:01
Jack_SparrowStueh, Does flash currently work?14:01
vigneshhow do i change my boot splash screen??14:01
jribDoublenoob: type "echo $PATH" in a shell.  That is your path.  I'll explain it to you after you do that14:01
andy_not on ubuntu7.114:02
StuehJack_Sparrow, nope =(14:02
amenadoandy usually its mount -t type /dev/sdb1 /mountpoint14:02
DoublenoobThanks jrid!14:02
StuehI get the feeling breaking down in the corner and crying might work, but I could be wrong14:02
hischildDissentor, what command gives you that error?14:02
Jack_SparrowStueh, open synaptic  and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree14:02
DoublenoobJRIB - Ok, typed the command.14:03
JonathanDis there a way to create links to terminal profiles?14:03
Jack_SparrowStueh, I need to ask if you are using Firefox or something else14:03
DissentorI've already typed in "sudo ifconfig ath0 down" same with wifi0.14:03
hischildDissentor, is your wireless currently connected?14:03
jribDoublenoob: you got a list of directories, correct?14:03
DissentorNo. I'm currently on my desktop running XP.14:03
StuehJack_Sparrow, just Firefox14:03
StuehGot addicted to it while on XP:)14:04
Signilhas any1 tried hotwire?14:04
hischildDissentor, i mean, at the time that you tried to run that command?14:04
Jack_SparrowStueh, have you already installed java14:04
andy_andy@andy-desktop:~$ echo $PATH14:04
DoublenoobJRIB - Yes.14:04
minimecDissentor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45112514:04
Signilhas any1 tried hotwire?14:04
DissentorI read that, but none of the suggestions worked. I'll read it again though.14:05
hischildDissentor, it probably tried to unload a module. The problem lies in that there is another module that is currently using it ...14:05
StuehJack_Sparrow, you're having me on, I need Java to run flash? =\14:05
* Stueh installs it14:05
andy_can anyone tell me a forum that has step by step directions?  to mount my hdb harddrive?14:06
Jack_SparrowStueh, No, but most people wanting flash also are installing java14:06
andy_since, i don't know how14:06
StuehJack_Sparrow, Ooooh, righto. I tend to avoid java at all costs, unless it's needed =\14:06
Jack_SparrowStueh, did it show up as installed already in synaptic?14:06
jribDoublenoob: when you type any command into your shell.  For example the program "gedit", your shell searches in those directories for a file called gedit to execute.  That's how the system path works.  It probably has nothing to do with getting realplayer to work.  See ubotu's link on how to install realplayer:14:06
jrib!realplayer > doublenoob (read the private message from ubotu)14:07
StuehJack_Sparrow, ja, so I did a reinstall14:07
Wander_wStueh: Hey! I'm a Java developer, you must use java more!14:07
dgjonesSignil, its available in the Hardy repo's, might be worth you asking in #ubuntu+1 where the testing/development queries for Hardy are being asked14:07
StuehWander_w, you're crazy! =P14:07
Jack_SparrowStueh, give it a shot.. I dont think you need to log out and in to get that14:07
Signilhmm k14:07
Wander_wStueh: I'm not crazy, my salary is :P14:07
jtmitchumI have a FAT32 harddrive that's acting super goofy... what's the best way to thoroughly check the drive?14:07
Jack_SparrowWander_w, Now I know where to direct complaints14:07
StuehWhat's the bash.org quote? Java language is a good example of programing, but a horrible example of applications? :P14:08
Mim3Sounds about right14:08
Signilits supposed to work on gutsy too rite..14:08
StuehWander_w,  Aow, I'm just a lonely school it admin, not much pay there14:08
mcquaidregarding restoring grub, on the very first instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:08
StuehJack_Sparrow, righto! Installed, let's test...14:08
Signilsrry feisty*14:08
mcquaidit says boot off live cd and run grub.  does one not have to mount and then do chroot first anymore?  it makes no mention of that14:08
Wander_wStueh: But anyway, what makes you hate Java so much?14:09
Jack_SparrowWander_w, OT14:09
Lamegomcquaid, you should chroot to the directory, so that grub uses your existing menu14:09
andy_anyone have a moment to msg outside this chatroom to help me load a 2nd hard drive?14:09
dgjonesSignil, I don't know, its not in the repo's, so you'd have to be compiling it yourself or finding an unofficial package14:09
DoublenoobAh! The garble is all starting to make sense! THNX!14:09
mcquaidLamego, yes that's what i thought, but the guide doesn't mention that14:09
jtmitchumandy_:  load a second harddrive?14:09
jribandy_: what filesystem?14:10
Signilyes i knw..14:10
andy_yes please14:10
StuehWander_w, I don't really HATE it as such... I tend to just avoid it. As far as I've seen, most applications that run on Java are slower than others14:10
mcquaidLamego, i don't see how the instructions as is, could work14:10
StuehAs an example14:10
jribandy_: ext3, vfat, ntfs, etc...14:10
jtmitchumWhat's the best way to check a harddisk with a FAT32 partition on it? and I mean sector by sector14:10
andy_ext 314:10
jrib!fstab > andy_ (read the private message from ubotu)14:10
jtmitchumandy_:  by load do you mount?14:10
StuehAt work, my boos INSISTS on having a proxy that uses Java, and it'll take around 30seconds to connect etc. to get you login box and then another 30seconds to be redirected =\14:10
jribandy_: create a mount point and then set up a line in fstab for it14:11
Jack_SparrowStueh, Wander_w    Offtopic....  :)14:11
andy_yes, mount14:11
Wander_wStueh: Java is indeed slow on startup, but I've seen java program's beat the living crap out of C programs (easily 10 times as fast)14:11
JgonickAnother newbie question, in the past writing to an ntfs partition was risky.  Is it still that way?  (I'm using a dual boot Ubuntu/WinXP)  --no fat3214:11
Jack_SparrowJgonick, No works fine now14:12
vigneshhow do i change my boot splash screen??14:12
LamegoWander_w, just if they are very poorly coded, per the tecnhnical nature, a Java program is expected to be slower than a C compiled program14:12
rblsti want to run a java application in 7.10, but it says: /usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:70: Engine "ubuntulooks" is unsupported, ignoring14:12
rblst/usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:240: Priority specification is unsupported, ignoring14:12
Wander_wStueh: hmm.. I why not just use squid?14:12
StuehWander_w, Can't say I've used a program written in C, or that I've known to be written in C =\ For the record, just came off WindowsXP (Giving Ubunut a FAIR go) and I think Jack_Sparrow doesn't like our discussion, do you Jack? =P14:12
LamegoJgonick, it is safe now, the latest drive has been widely tested14:12
Jack_SparrowWander_w, Stueh dont make me get out my stick14:13
StuehJack_Sparrow,  =) I'll be good!14:13
JgonickJack_Sparrow:  Just to clarify,  I can edit any documents while under Linux and XP will still be happy..14:13
Wander_wLamego: well.... in theory Java CAN be faster than C, because Java uses JIT, which can apply optimisations depending on changing runtime conditions. Something which C cannot14:13
StuehJack_Sparrow, back on subject, no luck with the flash, just realised I have an older version of firefox, reckon it would be worthwhile to upgrade that while I'm at it? (Crrently doing Java now =\)14:13
Jack_Sparrow!pm | faijoh14:14
ubotufaijoh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.14:14
steph_is there someone who knows about ubuntu and LTSP (I know, there is a ltsp channel, but nobody can answer my question)?14:14
Jack_SparrowStueh, cant hurt14:14
LamegoWander_w, there are some theories which don't have much use in practice :P14:14
Wander_wStueh: The Linux kernel (that Ubuntu uses (so this IS ontopic)) is coded in C14:14
rblsti want to run a java application in 7.10, but it says:  Engine "ubuntulooks" is unsupported, ignoriing14:14
RoadHazardsteph_: which version?14:15
jtmitchumCan i run fsck on an unmounted storage device without using single user mode?14:15
Lamegorblst, what java app is it ?14:15
Lamegojtmitchum, yes you can14:15
amenadojtmitchum-> yes14:15
rblstLamego: it's IBM RSA installer14:15
StuehWander_w, pushing the line are we?  GUESS it's ontopic. I didn't know that it was written in C. Granted, I didn't know what it was written in in the first place14:15
steph_RoaHazard: LTSP 5 , ubuntu 8.0414:15
jtmitchumLamego: and it's relatively safe?14:15
Lamegojtmitchum, it is safe, that is the standard way you are expected to use fsck14:16
StuehNow, time to update firefox >.<14:16
RoadHazardsteph_: thats #ubuntu+1 turf14:16
amenadosteph_-> hardy support is on #ubuntu+114:16
lunaphyte_hmm, i thought /boot couldn't be on lvm?14:16
Lamegosingle user mode, is not a regular use :)14:16
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steph_ok, thans14:16
hischildJack_Sparrow, just made a quick vid of a walking compiz-fusion ... since i'm kind of bored :p14:16
Jack_Sparrowhischild, go compile those addons14:17
Jack_Sparrow3d and atlantis14:17
hischildJack_Sparrow, yeah ... i know i should ... but i've got so many other things to do ...14:17
hischildbut i hat eto do those14:17
hischildso i'm bored14:17
Wander_wStueh: The kernel that Ubuntu uses, is written mostly in C, then some assembly, C++, Makefiles and shellscripts, but mostly C14:17
Jack_Sparrowhischild, Write me a page with all of those cool keyboard shortcuts..14:17
StuehAow firefox is 8MB. Wish we could go back to the 90's with 150kB programs that would (nowadays) download instantaniously14:18
hischildJack_Sparrow, shortcuts from compiz? sure14:18
StuehWander_w, may I ask why it's written in several different languages?14:18
karavoskylohello from greece14:18
StuehWander_w, wouldn't it make more sense to have it all in one?14:18
Jack_SparrowWander_w, Stueh that has nothing to do with support...  Ubuntu yes, support no...   /join #Ubuntu-offtopic14:18
rblstLamego: this was a bug in 6.10, but i do hope it's eliminated by now14:18
Wander_wStueh: No, there are just some things that can't be done, or not effiiently in C14:19
FFighterI need a good regexp editor for gnome14:19
FFighterany hints14:19
amenadoFFighter-> you edit with vim or any text editor14:19
* Stueh goes to offtopic channel14:20
karavoskylocan anybody connect pidgin to msn???? i have major trouble on that one...14:20
FFighteramenado, Eclipse14:20
Jack_SparrowThank you14:20
Wander_wkaravoskylo: I have14:20
Doublenoobvignesh - this is how you change the login screen! open the terminal and type sudo gmsetup, enter your password, and drag the login screen archive onto login tab of  the window that pops up then drag and drop the archive to where all those pictures are. Then select the little radio button next to the appropriate login window - TADA, done!14:20
Lamegokaravoskylo, yes, wihtout any problems14:20
LetsGo67Is there a way that, when I press a button on a joystick, it can emulate a keypress?14:20
StuehOH OH OH14:20
LjLFFighter, sorry, i'm not aware of any, only KRegExpEditor14:20
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StuehIt's working!14:20
Jack_SparrowStueh, good14:20
karavoskylothanks a tone man!!!14:21
vigneshDoublenoob, ty14:21
StuehJack_Sparrow, cheers heaps for that :)14:21
jtmitchumhow do I tell fsck to check only one drive(filesystem) instead of them all?14:21
amenadoFFighter-> Eclipse? does it not have an editor?14:21
Jack_SparrowStueh, Now go away....        Just kidding14:21
StuehJack_Sparrow, so, question, is it generally better to install things through Synaptic rather then apt-get?14:21
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rblstis there a way to set an argument for java to use it every time java runs something? like: java <preset_argument> <file_to_run>14:21
RoadHazardStueh: synAPTic is pretty apt-get14:22
Wander_wamenado: yes, eclipse has several editors, FFighter seems to be gone though14:22
chelzStueh: writes/uses the same db so it really doesn't matter. use what works for you14:22
PiciStueh: They're the same thing.14:22
Jack_SparrowStueh, Synaptic or aptitude over apt-get   many apt-get vs aptitude discussions on the web  has to do with dependencies14:22
amenadorblst-> you can set an env variable and then use it on your java program14:22
LjLrblst, i don't think so... couldn't you make an alias?14:22
DoublenoobNo prob! What does ty mean, it will help me understand this chatroom speak i keep coming across, help a brother!14:22
RoadHazardDoublenoob: thank you14:23
karavoskyloit connects ok but says something about some reading problems so i cannot send or receive any messages14:23
Jack_SparrowDoublenoob, ThankYs14:23
StuehOh wow, three replies! :P14:23
LjLJack_Sparrow, rblst, mostly moot since APT in Ubuntu has implemented unused dependency tracking. apt-get and Synaptic should use the exact same system, while aptitude may still possibly yield different results14:23
LjLsorry, Stueh not rblst14:23
StuehJack_Sparrow, so Synaptic etc. uses the same DP as apt-get, but informs you if you don't have the correct dependencies to go with the program you're installing?14:24
Jack_Sparrow:) Morning LjL  and Pici14:24
* Pici waves14:24
rblstLjL: what alias do you mean?14:24
Jack_SparrowStueh, It has more to do with uninstalling14:24
amenadorblst something like alias ll='ls -la'14:25
hischildJack_Sparrow, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yzAz1QHlQ8 ... it can walk!14:25
jtmitchumis there a way to see system temperatures over ssh?14:25
Jack_Sparrowhischild, If I only bothered to install flash..14:25
LjLrblst, your shell supports aliases, that is fictious commands that are really other commands. you could type « alias java="java -option" », and then everytime you (note, *you*, from the shell, not other programs) call java, really "java -option" will be invoked14:25
rblstamenad, okay, i'll try this14:25
StuehJack_Sparrow, lol14:25
LjLjtmitchum, install lm-sensors and then call it over an ssh shell14:25
amenadojtmitchum-> does the system you are monitoring have the tools to monitor temp?14:26
hischildJack_Sparrow, lol ... i do hope you have an ogg reader thingy?14:26
Jack_SparrowLjL, Thanks for the info on  Ubuntu has implemented unused dependency tracking....14:26
DoublenoobCan i have a good link to an article about chatroom language. it will be a big help.14:26
Jack_Sparrowhischild, yes14:26
jtmitchumI think LjL  answered that one.. thanks!14:26
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hischildJack_Sparrow, if you want i'll upload it at fileden then14:26
ShoopufHow do I get the Trash to show up on my Desktop?14:26
Jack_Sparrowhischild, sure or just stick it in a pastebin as text14:26
LjL!icons | Shoopuf14:26
ubotuShoopuf: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)14:26
hischildJack_Sparrow, uhhh pastebin? ogg?14:27
LjL!icons =~ s/Gnome/GNOME/14:27
ubotuI'll remember that LjL14:27
Jack_Sparrowhischild, "as text" :)14:27
hischildJack_Sparrow, uhm i'm kind of lost?14:27
RoadHazardDoublenoob: http://ad.moller.tripod.com/irc_lingo.htm14:27
Jack_Sparrowhischild, I wil take it in any format from whereever you post it14:27
hischildJack_Sparrow, huh? i'm sorry ... that sounds ... wierd?14:28
Jack_Sparrowhischild, out of context.. yes14:28
Jgonickhischild:  looks like its under the influence.. not not really thats pretty neat..14:29
hischildJack_Sparrow, oh wait ... now i get it ... lol14:30
ShoopufLjL: Thanks14:30
noelferreirahow can i play rmvb files with subtitles on a amd64?14:30
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s-h-a-k-aHow can I get it so when I try to get a net stream with firefox it will open amarok instead of totem14:30
richardif i want to configure compiz smoothly to decide what plugins it runs, where can i edit that?14:31
Jack_Sparrowhischild, good, I was about to call for an intervention14:31
louishHi Everyone.   I deleted my top panel, and now that I have readded it, the network applet doesn't work the way it did upon setup.  How can I get this back.14:31
hischildJack_Sparrow, lol ... no need for that now ...14:31
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geirha!ccsm | richard14:31
uboturichard: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:31
richardi run ccsm.. but - i was thinking for script support14:31
richardlike i want to automate the configuration, if i install on other computers, so i dont have to reconfigure it14:32
Jack_Sparrowrichard, /join #Compiz14:32
louishwhat I'm missing is the functionality of the nm-applet, which show's the wireless part, of which I now do not have....14:32
brobostigongood afternoon14:33
Jack_Sparrowbrobostigon, time is relative.. goodmorning14:34
Picilouish: make sure that you added the 'notification area' applet to your panel14:34
wizocrap how do i swap windows using this terminal in irssi14:34
louishPici, I had to add a "new" panel, and it doesn't have a notification area.  It's just one long panel!   Can I add a notification area?14:35
hischildJack_Sparrow, http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/7/17/1272738/out.ogg14:35
wizohey, how do i swap windows in irssi using the terminal provided by ubuntu? i remember it used to be alt <number> or esc <number>14:35
hischildJack_Sparrow, it walks =)14:35
Picilouish: right click, add to panel, pick notification area14:35
louishPici, Awesome.  I'll try that right now..  Ty Much.14:36
rblstLjL: thanks, now i remember, i never used this feature before14:36
wizohey, should i compile drqueue from source (version 6.3) or should i use the one in teh repository?14:36
wizowhich is version 6.014:36
louishPici, Thanks.  It worked.   DOH for me...  :)14:37
Piciwizo: depends if you *need* features from 6.3 or not14:37
Jack_Sparrowwizo, always best to stick with ours14:37
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Piciwizo: but we always suggest using the repository packages if you can.14:37
wizoPici, Jack_Sparrow, i see i see, just wondering if it was safe to compile it from source you know, since I had two options14:37
wizothanks, Pici and Jack_Sparrow14:37
Jack_Sparrowwizo, As safe as the source itself...14:38
wizoJack_Sparrow: i was wondering if the source was as safe as the one in the repository14:38
wizobut thanks for the tip14:38
Jack_Sparrowwizo, Unless the newer version has something you must have..  easier and safer to stick with our tested repo stuff14:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ampache - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:39
wizoJack_Sparrow, ahh ok, i'm sure the one in the repo is good enough, thanks!14:39
frojnddoes anyone know how can I configure mysql ? I'm trying to install ampache
wizowill do, now i gotta personalize this windwos14:40
wizocheers again14:40
Jack_Sparrowhasta la bye bye14:40
Picifrojnd: sudo apt-get install mysql-server14:41
richardhow do ia14:41
richardhow do i access the gui for gconftool?14:41
Picirichard: gconf-editor14:41
frojndPici: thanx14:43
hacked_kernelI 'm creating a new user that while join the "wheel" group, should I create a group with the name of that user or wheel is enough?14:43
psilocydehi folks, I need help with my audio.I did a fresh install of kubuntu gutsy and  was treated to verry low audio volume. I asked around and did some googling and i discovered it was a known bug with my on-board intel based sound hardware. I found this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and stumbled through recompiling my alsa drivers and rebooted. still no sopund. Thats as far as my limited linux knowhowedness ha14:44
psilocydes gotten me.14:44
FlynsarmyIs it possible to mount hdd's on ubuntu live dvd?14:44
hischildJack_Sparrow, ... you seen that vid?14:44
LamegoFlynsarmy, yes14:45
Flynsarmyi need to back up some data on a pc without an OS but i can't mount the hdd's14:45
StuehI'm out, thanks for the help Jack_Sparrow14:45
Pici!intelhda | psilocyde14:45
ubotupsilocyde: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:45
noelferreirahow can i play rmvb files with subtitles on a amd64?14:45
LamegoFlynsarmy, you should be able to mount them unless the filesystems are corrupted14:45
Picipsilocyde: oops, i didn't really read your question14:45
FlynsarmyLamego: they're NTFS drives14:45
wizobtw, how do i link vi to vim?14:46
psilocydelol thats ok14:46
wizoi'm used to typing vi last time, and it automatically calls vim, but now when i type vi, it's just vi, not vi,14:46
LamegoFlynsarmy, what error do you get when you try to mount them ?14:46
richardwizo: try alias vi="vim" :)14:46
arttiAnybody knows about pytube?14:46
FlynsarmyLamego: Unable to mount the volume 'M:'14:46
wizorichard: will give that a shot now14:46
Wander_wwizo: update-alternatives --config vi14:47
FlynsarmyLamego: I double clicked on the drive maked 'M:' in 'Computer'14:47
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wizoWander_w: update alternatives?14:47
LamegoFlynsarmy, try manually on the terminal, mount partition mount_point14:47
Wander_w"update-alternatives --config vi"14:47
psilocydeim just so n00b with all this linux stuff im scared of breaking the install even further by messing with stuff i have verry little understanding of14:47
Wander_wwizo: It's a Ubuntu (or Debian) command14:48
FlynsarmyLamego: Mount M: /     <- like htat?14:48
wizoWander_w: ahh , never heard of that before, will look that up, thanks14:48
brobostigonpsilocyde: you just use some common sense,14:48
Lamegosudo fdisk -l14:48
Wander_wpsilocyde: why? what do you have to lose?14:48
Lamegoto list your partitions14:48
psilocydelil sanity i guess14:48
Lamegothen sudo mkdir /tmp/ntfs14:48
Wander_wpsilocyde: can't lose what you don't have ;P14:49
Lamegosudo mount /dev/part /tmp/ntfs14:49
Wander_wsorry, was just to easy14:49
frojndPici: Your webserver has read access to the /sql/ampache.sql file and the /config/ampache.cfg.php.dist file   What can I do here? where is this /sql/ampache directory :S14:49
FlynsarmyLamego: Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. It isn't in use though14:50
brobostigonpsilocyde: even being new, just common sense wiil get you far,and common sense will stop you from doing something stupid.14:50
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, Windows may have it locked down14:50
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FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow: There is no windows. It's a brand new pc i just put together. i took the drive out of an old comp and put it in this new one14:51
Toshiodoes anyone have any experience getting a Canyon CNR-WCAM43 webcam to work in Ubuntu (or can point me to a good online article about it)?14:51
seisenFlynsarmy did you do a clean shutdown of Windows?14:51
Flynsarmyseisen: No it wasn't. The PSU died in the windows pc14:51
psilocydemy common sens tels me "psilocyde, stop messing befor you break it more).14:51
brobostigon!hcl | Toshio14:51
ubotuToshio: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:51
mad_max02When hardy gets released will it be ok to update the system to hardy from gutsy ??? Whats the complication about that if any ??14:52
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/895856.html14:52
LjLmad_max02, if you didn't enable third-party repositories or installed packages/drivers from the web, there shouldn't be complications14:52
Wander_wpsilocyde: ok, so then you have a broken linux distro; so what?14:52
frojndAnyone else. I'm trying to configure ampache and looks like I don't have Ampache.cfg.php configured yet. I get this message:  Your webserver has read access to the /sql/ampache.sql file and the /config/ampache.cfg.php.dist file   What can I do here? where is this /sql/ampache dorectory ??14:52
mad_max02LjL, well I did enable repos and installed some programs from source14:53
mad_max02is that going to be a problem ?14:53
LjLmad_max02: programs from source won't do any harm as long as they were installed in the proper places (/usr/local or /opt). repos, it well depends.14:53
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow: thanks for your help :)14:53
psilocydeso ive been trying to get kubuntu running well on this machine for over a month14:53
ToshioThanks guys, I'll do some research and come back if I have any questions14:53
brobostigonToshio: youre welcome14:54
Wander_wSo make a backup14:54
n00bl0r14nwhat command should i use to check the ports in use?14:54
mad_max02LjL, then what should I do ?? Install Hardy fresh when I have time or just stick to updates and that it14:54
FlynsarmyOK my new problem. I have a hdd. how can i format it to NTFS from the ubuntu live dvd?14:54
Picifrojnd: sorry, busy here, you may want to check out the ampache support for that, I have not set it up myself :/14:54
LjLmad_max02, you can always *try* upgrading - if it fails, you'll just have wasted a dozen of minutes, and can always reinstall fresh14:55
Toshion00b: try "netstat -ant" without the quotes14:55
mad_max02Flynsarmy, why would you format it to NTFS ??14:55
n00bl0r14nthx! forgot14:55
LjLn00bl0r14n: internet ports?14:55
Flynsarmymad_max02: Because i want to be able to access it from windows when i install windows14:55
psilocydeso far the things that have been giving me problems are the sound and the svid out14:55
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php/t-211958.html   last entry14:55
mad_max02LjL, you say that upgrade can fail because of the repos and installed programs ?14:55
Wander_wn00bl0r14n: nmap14:55
LjLn00bl0r14n: "netstat", with options depending on what exactly you want to see14:55
mad_max02Flynsarmy, format it to ext3 and dont use windows14:55
LjLmad_max02, it can, although it entirely depends on how well-behaved the repos are14:56
Lamegoor, System -> Admin -> Network Tools -> Netstat14:56
psilocydewich is a problem because media/entertainment/vide/music is the primary purpose of this machine14:56
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow: Yes i've got it mounted. Now i'm trying to partition a new HDD to NTFS14:56
Lamegomad_max02, a fresh install is preferable14:56
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy, glad you got it14:57
n00bl0r14ntrying to run a cs srv and im configuring the firestarter to allow those ports14:57
mad_max02Lamego, okay that I'll install fresh when I have free time for installation and all the setup14:57
psilocydeim really trying to kick windows but i feel i may instead be booting it instead14:57
psilocydesomeone talk me down14:58
VSpikeDoes anyone know what process or daemon watches for apport crash reports and pops up the crash report notifier in GNOME?14:58
TtechI am having issues With Picasa, and cannot get it to start14:58
mad_max02psilocyde, I use media/music/entertainment/videos/work on this computer and I'm happier with linux14:58
TtechVSpike,  log?14:58
psilocydemad_max02: right on14:58
mad_max02psilocyde, it was hard to fully format HDDs to ext3 but now when I've done it I'm never going back to windows14:58
Wander_wpsilocyde: I don't need to talk you down, the Windows  crashes will do it for me14:59
frojndAnyone else. I'm trying to configure ampache and looks like I don't have Ampache.cfg.php configured yet. I get this message:  Your webserver has read access to the /sql/ampache.sql file and the /config/ampache.cfg.php.dist file   What can I do here? where is this /sql/ampache dorectory ??  Anyone? or I just have to make a new direcotry: /config/... but I still can't find /sql/ampache.sql. Here is the screenshot: http://shrani.si/f/2T/Y14:59
brobostigonpsilocyde: even some windows progs run better and faster in linux using wine,14:59
mohamed_hello all , can i compile kernel on ubuntu and use it in debian lenny on another machine, because ubuntu machine is faster ?14:59
mad_max02psilocyde, and I sure aint gonna reformat 2TB of HDDs to ntfs again14:59
albyyxi agree with mad_max02 ... no more windows :P14:59
TtechSomeone explain then if it works better why Piciasaq all of a sudden fails14:59
Ttechit makes my cpu to go 100%14:59
Jack_Sparrowmohamed_, Wrong place to ask..14:59
VSpikeTtech: suggest you start it from a console and see if you get any useful output14:59
n00bl0r14nnwm. i see it in firestarter thx for the help anyway14:59
LjLmohamed_, probably, but you should probably get yourself the *debian* kernel source package to compile14:59
TtechVSpike,  its usingits own version of wine.15:00
Flynsarmymad_max02: That's exactloy what i'm trying to do atm :P15:00
mad_max02psilocyde, dude I watch HD movies, listen to mp3, work and play some games on this pc and it has been more fun than ever15:00
TtechThats the issue15:00
Jack_Sparrowmohamed_, Try asking in #Debian15:00
mad_max02Flynsarmy, what ? move to linux ?15:00
Daisuke_IdoTtech: some things.  and really, why use picasa when there's fspot and a bunch of others?15:00
mohamed_thx Jack_Sparrow  LjL15:00
Flynsarmymad_max02: No, format 2 1TB drives to NTFS from linux15:00
TtechDaisuke_Ido,  because Picasa is better then FSPot15:00
TidusBladeHello, I have an apt-get problem if anyoone is willing to help ^^15:00
TtechTidusBlade,  whats hte problem15:00
TtechTidusBlade, don't ask to ask15:00
biebI just installed Ubuntu Server 7.10, it never asked for a "root" password, and the user I created was not added to the sudoer list... how do I fix this?15:00
LjL!caps | mad_max0215:00
ubotumad_max02: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:01
VSpikeTtech, Daisuke_Ido: yeah fspot is nasty15:01
LjL!root > bieb    (bieb, see the private message from Ubotu)15:01
ygorHey Guys..How can i update to gnome 2.20.1 to 2.22 release?15:01
TtechVSpike,  finally someone who agrees15:01
Flynsarmymad_max02: So i can dual boot windows and linux and have my files readable in both OS's15:01
Jack_SparrowI feel so evil and dirty right now   sorry for the OT15:01
LjLbieb: i don't know why it wasn't added to sudoers, but you can fix that by booting into recovery mode15:01
noodlesgc check this out, cnn report yesterday, http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/03/13/factory.installed.virus.ap/index.html?eref=rss_topstories15:01
Lamegoygor, you can't :)15:01
mad_max02Flynsarmy, why do you need windows ?15:01
jribbieb: is your user in the "admin" group?  Paste the output of "groups"15:01
RoadHazardBieb: restart in recovery mode15:01
psilocydei love the power i get with linux and kde as its window manager but im starting to rethink/regret the kubuntu change. everything seemed to work under the gnome  ubuntu setup15:01
VSpikeTtech: they had a big article in linux format mag recently about album managers, and picasa seemed to come out best15:01
Flynsarmymad_max02: cause it's better than linux *initiate flame war here*15:01
Lamegoyou will need to upgrade to the next Ubuntu release when it becomes available15:01
TtechVSpike, its one of the best15:01
kondor101having trouble with my file system, i am thinking of reinstalling everything but have no CD. Is it possible to force ubuntu to reinstall everything on itself simular to an upgrade?15:01
Jack_Sparrowpsilocyde, I had issues with KDE myself15:02
TtechBut I isntalled Wine, and now Picias does not work, But I also isntalled the beta, so it maybe an issue15:02
mad_max02Flynsarmy, well if that is what you think then go ahead and do it15:02
psilocydei just really dig the configuration freedom that kde seems to have15:02
biebLjL: I didnt get the private message from Ubotu15:02
Flynsarmymad_max02: Heh, the reaosn is because i'm a Windows user converting to linux. I'm still not confident enough to use it 100% of the time15:02
TtechVSpike,  got a link by chance?15:02
mad_max02Flynsarmy, but I can tell you I've been using PCs for about 19 years now and this has been the best move I ever made15:02
Lamegocan we stop this win vs lin debate ?15:03
TidusBladeapt-get -f install dosent work, returns this: E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true returned an error code (100) E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true15:03
Jack_SparrowI was about to do so15:03
mad_max02Flynsarmy, thats the problem. you dont want to learn :D15:03
LjLbieb: well anyway, it doesn't matter since you seem to be aware that root is not *supposed* to exist. follow the advice of checking "groups", and if you aren't admin, "adduser youruser admin" from recovery mode. if admin isn't listed at all in sudoers, add it. in any case you need recovery mode15:03
DanC_I'd like to install ubuntu using something smaller than a 500MB dowload; is there something like the debian netinstall?15:03
Jack_Sparrowpsilocyde, and friends.. can we move the discussion to the offtopic rom15:03
mad_max02Lamego, this isnt the winVlin debate. :D its about something totally diff :D15:03
TtechVSpike,  got a link?15:03
Jack_Sparrow!Minimal |  DanC_15:03
ubotuDanC_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:03
psilocydesorry jack15:04
mad_max02Jack_Sparrow, sorry dude. I want talk about this :D15:04
DanC_thanks, Jack_Sparrow !15:04
lunaphyte_how do i start md devices once i'm in a shell on the recovery cd?15:04
mad_max02psilocyde, good luck with whatever you choose to do15:04
biebLjL: thanks... my user is not in the admin group.15:04
Jack_Sparrowpsilocyde, appreciate it...15:04
Some_PersonI'm trying to set up ipv6. I have a tunnel configured, but it won't work.15:04
kondor101Jack_Sparrow, any idea if it is possible to reinstall everything from a term command without a CD?15:05
VSpikeTtech: sorry, it's not online I don't think15:05
TtechVSpike,  no problem. ;)15:05
TtechI think I may have a hack / solution15:05
VSpikeTtech: I have picasa installed and I also have the latest wine from budgetdedicated repo installed15:05
Lamegokondor101, reinstalling packages does not resolve "filesystem" problems, whatever that means15:05
VSpikeTtech: it seems to work15:05
jribbieb: personally, I'd reinstall and verify the cd.  You don't know what other parts of the install did not complete successfully15:05
stefanohow can i change the shell of a user?15:05
TtechVSpike,  how ddi you setup that did you use the beta15:05
jribstefano: chsh15:05
biebI did re-install15:05
Jack_Sparrowkondor101, Dont think so...  parts of it sure..  what all has been done to mess it up15:05
Lamegostefano, chsh15:05
* DanC_ wanders off, very happy with freenode support....15:05
TtechVSpike,  Offical wine or UBntu repo wine?15:06
jribbieb: and did you verify the cd was burned correctly?15:06
VSpikeTtech: official wine15:06
TtechVSpike,  hmm15:06
TtechVSpike,  did you intstall the beta?15:06
stefanoLamego, jrib no i mean when he logs in, normally he gets presented bash or something, i want a special user to execure some program instead of presenting a shell15:06
kondor101Jack_Sparrow, im not sure what caused it, had a file system problem that fsck thinks is now fixed, but it seems it isn't15:06
noelferreirawhy can't i use mplayer in fullscreen? any idea?15:06
jribstefano: why?15:06
VSpikeTtech: I have this repo deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt gutsy main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon"15:07
LamegoVSpike, what about checking #wine :) ?15:07
FlynsarmyGParted is just hanging on 'scanning all devices' :(15:07
stefanojrib, special purposes :-)15:07
biebjrib: running that test now on the cd15:07
jribnoelferreira: try passing '-vo xv' to mplayer15:07
Jack_Sparrowkondor101, do you get to cli or desktop messed up .. need more details15:07
TtechVSpike,  same15:07
TtechVSpike,  beta for Picasa?15:07
noelferreirathanks, jrib15:07
stefanojrib, i am writing my own shell, just for fun15:07
jribstefano: why won't chsh do what you asked?15:07
VSpikeTtech: Wine 0.9.57~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-1 Picasa 2.7.3736-1115:08
TtechVSpike,  did you install the picasa installer or the deb installer?15:08
TtechI mean the .exe installer for windows15:08
VSpikeTtech: yikes, now you're asking15:08
kondor101Jack_Sparrow, I am getting system hangs, and some software i tried to install tells me that there is a disk error (this is pokerstars on wine) maybe i will reinstall wine15:08
stefanojrib, i want users that log in via ssh be able to see my shell in action without ever seeing a bash15:08
TtechVSpike,  I'm trying to solve this15:08
Jack_Sparrowkondor101, good place to start15:09
jribstefano: chsh changes your login shell15:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:09
LetsGo67Dude who recommended me joy2key, THANK YOU!15:09
VSpikeTtech: i used the google testing repository15:09
jribstefano: ie if I use chsh to set my shell to zsh, I never see bash15:09
stefanojrib, sounds good, is it permanently as well?15:10
Vecnahhello there , it is possible to skip a test on startup in case of emergency startup need? like when you didn't check the volume for X days and you shutdown your workstation?15:10
TtechVSpike, thats what I used and it failed. :/15:10
jribstefano: yes15:10
DoublenoobAnother problem, but a simple one for you Ubuntuers. I am installing Realplayer and it has just said this in the terminal - Copying RealPlayer files...configure system-wide symbolic links? [Y/n]: ...y.15:10
Doublenoobenter the prefix for symbolic links [/usr]: ...........................15:10
stefanojrib, thank you very much15:10
TtechVSpike,  ubuntu 7.10?15:10
VSpikeTtech: yep15:10
DoublenoobOOPS'! accidentally pressed enter!15:10
TtechVSpike,  intersting15:10
Vecnah!obutu skip fsck15:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about obutu skip fsck - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:11
FlannelVecnah: It's 30 reboots, but creating the /fastboot file will do it15:11
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:11
jribDoublenoob: you ignored the link I sent you about realplayer...15:11
FlannelVecnah: before you shut down, sudo touch /fastboot15:11
VecnahFlannel maybe I should create it each shutdown then?15:11
FlannelVecnah: If you've already shut down, you can boot a liveCD.  But again, its 30 reboots, not any particular length of time15:11
Vecnahwhat about a key combination to skip the test?15:12
FlannelVecnah: If you're bent on not doing it automatically, you can edit your fstab to get rid of i15:12
Jack_SparrowFlannel, It will when it detects a problem15:12
VecnahI may just need it in the morning while making my coffea I don't care , but this afternoon I did shutdown and had to reach my agenda real quick15:12
Jack_SparrowFlannel, This filesystem will be automatically checked every 23 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.15:13
Vecnahand it was doing fsck , so maybe I guess there was a key combo to make it skip :-/15:13
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Vecnahthanks for the advices , I didn't know about /fastboot15:13
VecnahI ll lookup that when I get some time15:13
kondor101Jack_Sparrow pokerstars is one of the few (ahem windows) software companies that goes out of its way to fix conflicts with wine.  But maybe they are using a newer version than ubuntu repos15:13
FlannelVecnah: check out tune2fs too.  Just remember to do it manually every once in a while (that's sudo touch /forcefsck)15:14
biebjrib: the cd check passed. Is there a real reason to install ubuntu-server instead of regular ubuntu?15:14
DoublenoobAnother question, but a simple one for you Ubuntuers. I am installing Realplayer and it has just said this in the terminal - "Copying RealPlayer files...configure system-wide symbolic links? [Y/n]: ..." - what are "symbolic links"?15:14
stefanojrib, chsh complains that /bin/myprogram is not a valid shell15:14
Jack_Sparrowkondor101, You will only find out by asking them15:14
stefanojrib, i got it working before when i was setting up a MUD though15:14
Vecnahis there a task sheduler Gui for cron in gnome?15:14
VSpikeDoes anyone know what process or daemon watches for apport crash reports and pops up the crash report notifier in GNOME?15:14
stefanojrib, but i don't remember how i did it :>15:14
Vecnahthanks Flannel15:14
hischildJack_Sparrow, you seen the vid?15:14
Jack_SparrowDoublenoob, Did you read the link jrib  sent you15:15
jribbieb: -server won't install things you don't need on a server (like a desktop environment)15:15
Jack_Sparrowhischild, No.. I terminated it.. I didnt need 16 megs of video15:15
jribstefano: /etc/shells lists acceptable shells15:15
LamegoDoublenoob, symbolic links are pointers, on this case, they will be used to make the applications available fronm the standard path15:15
DoublenoobI accidentally exited the chatroom and lost everything, just my luck!15:15
jrib!realplayer > Doublenoob (read the private message from ubotu)15:16
joost__Can I get ubuntu-ps3 support here ?15:16
stefanojrib, thanks, i just read it in the manpage, sorry for the stupid question15:16
biebjrib: thanks15:16
LjLjoost__: not really supported. try #ubuntu-ps315:16
mikromakrohey, I tried to install ubuntu on my laptop, but when I booted the cd, I got a message that said that there is no access to the tty, and that the job controll is off. . . .anyone know anything about that?15:17
mikromakroIt happenned before ubuntu was able to boot into X15:18
ToshioWell guys, I'm back. I did check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport and there is no support in Ubuntu for my webcam model, which is Canyon CNR-WCAM43. The closest thing which is supported is Canyon CN-WCAM23. Should I just go ahead and install that driver and hope for the best?15:18
kiraCan somebody tell me how to install newest Kernel (not stable) for ubuntu studio??? where to find respositorys15:18
Jack_Sparrowmikromakro, It may be a bug which would turn up under a google search for your hardware and ubuntu or tyr this..   At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails repeat and add noapic acpi=off before the "--"15:18
Flannelkira: the only kernels in the repositories are the stable ones15:19
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mikromakrojack_sparrow, ok, ill do that :) thnx!15:20
kirafuck that sucks cause wit my kernel i have always problems to boot my PC i always must use GRUB with manual ENTER15:20
Jack_Sparrowkira, Support for Studio.. is in their chanel15:20
LjL!language | kira15:20
ubotukira: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:20
brobostigonkira: dont install unstable kernel, there  no point, youre system will be very instble if you do.15:20
Vecnahubotu canonical15:20
ubotuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/15:20
FlannelJack_Sparrow: thats not a -studio specific question15:20
kirawith this kernel i cant boot normaly 2.6.22-14-15:20
DoublenoobJRIB - I'll check out the link.15:21
frojndanyone in the name here uses ampacje ? :)15:21
Jack_SparrowFlannel, She is having serious issues with Studio... It would be her best bet .. or just install the REAL Ubuntu and add what she wants to that15:22
Chewy_Solocan i have some help15:23
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:23
wizoack, why can't i enable the desktop effects15:24
Jack_Sparrowwizo, What video card and or drivers is it using15:24
Juppwizo, do you have restricted drives enabled?15:24
Chewy_Solowhen i open firefox it closes before even opening thehome page, i opened it in terminal and it said "bus error" i have flash installed from the flash website, how can i fix this issue?15:25
wizo_ack sorry i got DC-ed15:25
Jack_SparrowChewy_Solo, Start by using synaptic to completely replace flashplugin-nonfree15:25
Jack_Sparrowwizo, What video card and or drivers is it using15:26
wizo_it as in?15:26
wizo_my graphics card?15:26
Chewy_Solojack, i dont know how to do that, im very new to Ubuntu15:26
samuel16Hello everybody15:26
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LamegoChewy_Solo, using synaptic is something you need to learn from the beginning15:27
eXistenZhas anyone installed dbdesigner on ubuntu?15:27
Chewy_Solowhere should i start?15:27
Jack_Sparrowwizo_, In a terminal type     sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit15:27
samuel16I want to now how I can get graphic grub in place of text mode15:27
samuel16How can I do this?15:27
LamegoChewy_Solo, Systems -> Administration -> Synaptic15:27
samuel16I have read it somewhere but don´t know the website15:27
kingrayraywhat is the name of the restricted drivers applet?15:28
Chewy_Solook and then what would i do15:28
Keulehi there15:28
Jack_SparrowChewy_Solo, try it and see if it works15:28
geniikingrayray: restricted-manager15:28
Keulehow can i get konqueror the standard-filemanager under gnome?15:28
gaE4anyone can tell me, how to change, the date at the clock? my week starts at sunday, but iw ant it to start at monday!15:28
Chewy_Solois synaptic pretty much an uninstall manager?15:28
Keulei have galternatives installed - but i cant find an entry15:29
kingrayraygenii, apparently not.. :/15:29
Jack_Sparrowwizo_, I dont have much time.. post the link you get after using that command and someone will look over your xorg15:29
LamegoChewy_Solo, it is an applications manager, install/uninstall15:29
Chewy_Solook thanks15:29
wizo_Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/m501d31ae15:29
Chewy_Soloill be back15:29
Chewy_Soloim on a dif PC atm15:29
geniikingrayray: Works here with alt-f2 to run it. Perhaps you need to install it15:29
samuel16I have found it15:29
Jack_Sparrowwizo_, Did you try to enable restricted drivers under system... admin... restricted drivers manager15:30
wizo_Jack_Sparrow: i will try now15:31
wizo_it says my hardware doesnt need any restricted drivers15:31
Jack_Sparrowwizo_, /join #Compiz      I got to go15:32
wizo_Jack_Sparrow: alright, thanks for trying anyway15:32
ChamunksAnyone have any experience with the eeepc and ubuntu?15:32
Chamunksor any like cannonical distro's?15:32
msinghis there an ubuntu lite but not xubuntu which i am using now and unsatisfied with because it isn't really lite15:33
hischildmsingh, look for fluxbuntu15:34
msinghhischild, thanks15:34
Chamunkshischild, yay for fluxbox!15:34
wizo_there is fluxbuntu?15:34
Slartmsingh: there's the .. what's it called.. the vm version of ubuntu..15:34
geniimsingh: http://fluxbuntu.org/15:34
Keulecould someone help me with update-alternatives?15:34
hischildwizo_, yes,15:34
brontosgood day all,  How would I make ubuntu start mysql at boot?15:34
wizo_i used to install the server edition then install fluxbox :s15:34
ChamunksFluxbuntu sounds like the winner for my brand spankin eeepc :D15:35
brontosFrom the command line?15:35
msinghsite does not work?15:35
Chamunksmsingh, http://fluxbuntu.org/js.html15:35
Lamegobrontos, it is started by default, assuming it was installed from the repositories15:35
hischildChamunks, there's a special eeepc version of ubuntu if i remember correctly ...15:35
Slartmsingh: JeOS I think it's called15:35
Chamunkshischild, searching...15:35
QuickGoldhow do I install flash on Ubuntu 7.10 running Firefox3 (beta 4)?15:35
brontosLamego: it isn't starting though15:35
Lamegobrontos, check the logs :)15:35
mikromakroJack_Sparrow: I tried the F6 approach. I didnt find much on "Ubuntu on an aspire2920". I didnt quite get how to turn off the splash and the quiet options...15:36
brontosLamego: I think I turned it off in services.  then I removed the gui15:36
Chamunkshischild, i see some eeeXubuntu link on digg...15:36
* msingh wonders if fluxbuntu will support his wireless like xubuntu does.. and whether it will do suspend too :P15:36
Chew1the flash plugin is not appearing in synaptic15:37
brontosLamego: I think there is something to do with rc.d and init.d to start it but I cannot remember15:37
Chew1lamego, the flash plugin isnt in synaptic15:37
Chew1only a version not installed15:37
LamegoChew1, yes it is, make suer you have universe enabled15:37
mikromakrodoes anyone know anything about what I can do if when I boot the install disk for Ubuntu, and it says: "Cant access tty; job control off" ?15:37
Lamegonot installed means, it is not installed, available to be installed15:38
QuickGoldhow do I install flash on Ubuntu 7.10 running Firefox3 (beta 4)?15:38
Keuleupdate-alternatives does someone knows how to change nautilus to konqueror?15:38
Chew1how do i enable universe?15:38
ninjaquickgold, have you tried installing the stadalone package from the adobe website itself?15:38
ToshioWhat good MS Word alternatives are there for Ubuntu besides OpenOffice Writer, Abiword and Kword?15:38
seisen!universe | Chew115:38
QuickGoldninja: Let me try again with that....15:38
ubotuChew1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:38
LamegoChew1, go the the System -> Admin -> Software Properties15:38
Chew1unfortunately i cant access internet, because thats my issue15:39
Lamegowhat does flash have to do with the internet access ?15:39
Lamegowhat do you need flash for if you don't have internet :) ?15:39
Chew1i dont know15:39
DoublenoobThe links are about opensource formats, common tasks - which won't go in depth enough and restricted formats which i know can suffocate the opensource developers community but at the moment i have to use the restricted codecs to open most multimedia files. Anyway, you already gave me an answer to my first question.The people that create the files need to switch to opensource formats but will they? Are there any "financial agr15:39
Chew1well i do have internet15:39
Chew1it wont open it just closes down firefox automaticly15:40
legend2440mikromakro: do you have a floppy drive?15:40
Chew1everythinng in installation media is checked15:40
LamegoChew1, since you installed the flash plugin using the manual process ?15:40
Chew1i dont know if it was manual, i just downloaded it from the adobe website and installed it (linux version)15:41
Lamegook, it was manual15:41
SlartToshio: don't forget the latex based stuff... if you're into that. =)15:41
FreezeilHello everyone15:42
FreezeilHow are we today?15:42
msinghhischild, Chamunks this will take a week to download.. they need some mirrors :-/15:42
Chew1so if it was manual how do i remove it?15:42
hischildmsingh, it went quite fast for me ...15:42
msingh15 Kb/s here15:42
LamegoChew1, I believe the installer tells you where it is installing, into the mozilla/firefox plugins directory15:42
Chamunksmsingh, ill take a look at it.  you may find better seeds via the torrent networks...15:43
ToshioSlart: AFAIK latex is for scientists :-??15:43
Lamegothere should be a libflash* something15:43
Lamegoyou need to delete it15:43
Chamunksmsingh, http://youtorrent.com15:43
Chew1so i just go in there and delete the files?15:43
SlartToshio: well.. scientists and anyone caring about proper typesetting..15:43
neverbluehow do I find which app is holding my sound device?15:43
msinghChamunks, i doubt it, i just tried a torrent and it wouldnt even get off the mark, heh15:43
mikromakrolegend2440: no i dont have a floppy :/15:43
LamegoChew1, yes15:43
Slart /help format15:43
Chew1ok i will check15:43
norman_normalHelp, I have in the past been able to alter iso images by -o loop mounting them but gutsy is giving me only read only access any Ideas?15:43
Chamunksmsingh, torrents usually take some time... you torrent will help you find the best seeded too imo15:43
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter15:44
Chew1god where is firefox located... in the file browser...15:44
Chew1sorry im just used to Windows...15:44
SlartChew1: whereis firefox and which firefox15:44
Chew1thanks toshio15:45
DoublenoobLEMEGO - Ok, so a symbolic links is the equivalent of a shortcut in Windows but what is the "standard path" and what's contained in it?15:45
Chamunksmsingh, im getting a good solid 588kBps15:45
Chamunksmsingh, from this mirror http://modzer0.cs.uaf.edu/~hardwarehank/fluxbuntu/7.10/rc/fluxbuntu-7.10-installer-i386.iso15:45
legend2440mikromakro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=517004 read last entry bottom of page15:45
Chew1i dont see it in the bin folder...15:46
msinghChamunks, must be something wrong with my connectionn then.. they're both slow15:46
muryneed some help installing my ati radeon 920015:46
mikromakrolegend2440: thnx :)15:46
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legend2440mikromakro: good luck15:46
msinghis there a canonical multimedia ubuntu flavour?15:47
Chew1so where exactly is the Firefox directory15:47
DmoleI'm having trouble starting oracle ... where can i find error logs?15:47
PurpZeYCan anyone help me out, I am trying to boot to the LiveCD just so I can back up files before a complete reinstall....And I am getting "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" I hit OK...Then it hangs on local.rc and the boot totally freezes...Any ideas?15:47
LamegoDmole, oracle's logs ?15:47
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Chamunksmsingh, must be, you could allways try a speedtest so you can call and gripe to your isp... http://speedtest.cogeco.net/15:47
Chew1anyone know where the firefox directory is located15:47
DmoleLamego: yep :)15:47
ToshioDmole: look for a file called alert.log15:48
mikromakroLegend2440: just one thing. Could it have something to do with my prosesser being a 64bit prosesser and that I have the 7.04 32bit ubuntu?15:48
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=== HappyGuy is now known as Nikyo-the-1st
SlartChew1: what are you looking for.. firefox uses several directories15:48
prince_jammysChew1: your personal firefox settings?15:48
Chamunksmsingh, i did and without hassle my isp bumped me up no hassle.  But my isp rocks so they throttle nothing and cap nothing and openly admit that so im happy all around :)15:48
Chew1the plugins15:48
Lamegomikromakro, there is no problem on using a 32bits kernel on a 64bits capable system15:48
Chew1so i can delete the flash plugin15:48
Pici!nickspam > Nikyo-the-1st (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)15:48
DoublenoobWhat is the standard directory and what kinds of files are contained in it?15:48
mikromakroLegend2440: ok :)15:49
msinghChamunks, haha nice :)15:49
Chew1do you know where that is?15:49
Chamunksmsingh, but the name of said isp is only worth something to you if your in canada... :S15:49
SlartChew1: have you checked in /usr/lib/firefox ?15:50
DmoleLamego: find / -name alert.log  comes back with nothing15:50
Chew1nope i shall15:50
Chew1hmm, im in plugins and i do not see flash player15:50
ricoi'm on borrowed time.  just restarted the computer, so right now i have a clear picture, but in a few mins my screen is going to go all buggy.  it looks like interference on a tv screen.  is there some known issue associated with this someone might know about?15:50
Chew1i only have printer plugin15:50
ToshioDmole: it may be called alertSID.log, I don't remember exactly, but look for alert without the .log part15:51
FreezeilWhere can I find out if my system is compatibile with unbuntu 7.10?15:51
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ricoFreezeil: what do you have?15:51
dundeldoes anybody have experience with rsync, so when i plug in my external hard drive, rsync automaticly sync15:51
Chew1so what can i do15:51
hacked_kernelwhen I run cmd screen it say "Directory '/var/run/screen' must have mode 777", do I really need to chmod ?15:51
smokeydrico: is it an Ubuntu specific problem?>15:52
smokeydSounds like hardware problem to me15:52
SlartFreezeil: try running the live cd.. see if that works15:52
christopher¿Como uso este canal?15:52
ricosmokeyd: i assume so, i changed monitors and same/same15:52
Freezeilan ASUS P5B Deluxe motherboard and an ASUS 8800GTS 640MB graphics card15:52
msinghis 7.10 the latest release?15:52
sysop_Hello, anyone have time to help met set up ubuntu as a router?15:52
Chew1so can anyone help with my firefox not working?15:52
Slart!es | christopher15:52
ubotuchristopher: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:52
DoublenoobWhat is the standard path and what's contained in it?15:53
ricocristhopher: vaya al #ubuntu-es para ayuda en espanol15:53
PurpZeYCan anyone help me out, I can't boot into the LiveCD it hangs up on "running rc.local" and I can't get past that?15:53
smokeydrico, could also be video card problem15:53
BitmessI installed Mediawiki but when I try to browse to localhost/mediawiki my browser ask if I would like to download a file instead of loading my config page. I  think this is a Php configuration issue. Can antone help?15:53
fdsjkalfyay for ubuntu15:53
SlartChew1: explain the problem.. tell us what you've tried.. what error messages appeared.. what did you expect would happen.. what happened.. etc etc.. if someone knows the answer they will tell you15:53
ricosmokeyd: have you ever seen or heard of this b4?15:53
DmoleToshio: thanks for the help, found it under $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<SID>/bdump/alert*15:54
Chew1can anyone help, i cant start up firefox, becasue immediately it closes, i opened in terminal and it said bus error what can i do15:54
ToshioYou're welcome15:54
smokeydrico, no, just my first impression15:54
dgjonesmsingh, Yes, the next version is due out towards the end of April15:54
Chew1i havent tried much except for looking for the flash plugin but it can not be found15:54
sysop_is it all pages Chew1?15:54
ninjaanyone ever edited the /etc/host file?15:54
ninjait's a hilarious prank....15:54
ricosmokeyd: the more i think of it, the more i think you're on to something... maybe i does it when it gets warmed up or something15:55
Chew1it happens before it even loads my home page, and sys op do you happen to be namarkan?15:55
msinghdgjones, thanks.15:55
sysop_no, Joe.  sorry.15:55
smokeydrico, yeah, something like that15:55
smokeydTry another video card15:55
smokeydor try another operating system, just to check if that is the problem15:55
skillzi understand there is a paste dump.. can anyone give me the URL please15:55
ninjai said it was a funny prank... i didn't say do it to your own system15:56
dgjones!paste | skillz15:56
ubotuskillz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:56
smokeydmaybe a windows live cd (they do exist)  or another linux live cd15:56
Slartninja: don't you mean /etc/hosts ? and whats so funny about it?15:56
ninjayeah i meant hosts15:56
ninjaeh, it's like an internal dns15:56
Slartninja: yes. I know what it's for..15:56
Chew1sys op you thre?15:56
ricosmokeyd: no more in my hat right now, i'll have to live w it a little while.  sometimes it happens quik sometimes i can work for hours no prob; it's like the weather15:56
ninjait's actually helpful too, i know spybot utilizes it to redirect known ad-aware and spy-ware to so you never visit it15:57
sysop_ninja:  host file is just where you add custom name entries.  how is it a prank?15:57
ninjakind of utilizes it like a access list15:57
armia-Revandoes anyone know how to install intel video drivers im totally lost15:57
ninjawell because you can redirect everything to google15:57
smokeydrico, then it definately sounds like a hardware problem15:57
ricosmokeyd: thanks for the clue, talk to you laters15:57
Slartninja: is this going somewhere? is there a point somewhere at the end of this?15:57
Picininja: This is a support channel, do you have anything constructive to contribute?15:57
squarebracketwhat's the package for mp3 support?15:57
smokeydrico: np15:57
Chew1well so can i have help with firefox, it closes before it even loads home page with bus error.15:57
PurpZeYI am trying to do a brand new install of Ubuntu, but the LiveCD catches up when it reaches the step "running /etc/rc.local" and I can't do anything from there....I am getting ready to format my drive and do a new install but I can't even get into the liveCD.15:57
xserverealy need help ... somebody knows how to run autocad on ubuntu15:57
ninjawell i'm saying15:57
Slart!mp3 | squarebracket15:57
ubotusquarebracket: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:57
krimarmia-Revan: Aren't they already included?15:57
wizo_hey, is there a shortcut key to swap between desktops?15:57
ninjaif you can find a list of known bad sites15:57
ninjayou can redirect them to localhost15:57
ichatubuntu as main os and i need both a  windows xp and a win serv 2003  virtual machine running at the same time, with a lan conection between them... -15:58
squarebracketSlart, thanks15:58
wizo_fluxbox used to have alt f1, alt f215:58
ninjaso you build yourself a access list15:58
wizo_but sure about this default install of ubuntu though15:58
krimwizo_: ctrl-alt-right15:58
armia-Revanno they arent im trying to play counter strike source and i went to winespport and they said i didnt have video drivers installed15:58
wizo_krim: thank you!15:58
ninjaa "generic" access list, but nevertheless an access list15:58
dgjonesPurpZeY, have you considered using the alternate install cd? that works with a wider range of hardware and can get past some installation problems that you can have with the livecd15:58
ninjayou can even find some text host files that people have already written15:58
legend2440Chew1: what happens if you try Epiphany browser?15:59
PurpZeYdgjones: I am trying to avoid it. What I am trying to accomplish right now is to get into the live CD so that I might pop in my flash drive and backup hardware.15:59
Chew1i tried another browser and it loaded google but that was it15:59
PurpZeYScratch that. Software***15:59
Picininja: The /etc/hosts file in Linux also holds some important settings that would remove your ability to use sudo properly, I suggest not touching it.15:59
Chew1i tried galeon web broswer15:59
ninjathat's not right pici... what settings are there?15:59
AudioSenseCDpeeps need help with my router16:00
ninjaall i see is internal dns settings for the local machine16:00
v3ctorChew1: did you try renaming your ~/.mozilla directory and try starting it?16:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about router - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:00
DoublenoobPurpZey - your CD has errors - burn a new one and make sure the drive buffer doesn't reach zero as when this happens your drive goes into buffer under-run which causes the laser to shut off uncleanly and causes errors! I was plagued with this problem, some tips are to run as little applications as possible and set the run priority in task manager to high but not realtime! (search for buffer under-run in wikipedia and click th16:00
Picininja: your hostname settings16:00
Chew1no i havent, where is the directory that i should rename locatd?16:00
Pici!hostname | ninja16:00
ubotuninja: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab16:00
sysop_yeah, i'm back.  sorry that was weird.  it lagged my converstation for a min16:00
v3ctorChew1: your home directory16:00
armia-Revani need help installing the video drivers for my intel 945gm16:01
armia-Revancan anyone help?16:01
Chew1my home directory only has desktop and examples in it16:01
ninjawhat would it do to the sudo? i didn't think it was that buggy... that also confuses me about ubuntu distro16:01
v3ctorChew1: you can call it whatever you want, like .mozilla-test16:01
ninjahow do you change it so you don't have a sudo group16:01
v3ctorChew1: it is a hidden file16:01
ninjayou just have root and your users16:02
ninjalike typical linux per se16:02
sysop_Anywho, I have a iptables question.  I'm trying to set up a ubuntu 7.10 machine to act as a router.  Currently the machine has one physical interface and uses vlan's to create 2 ppoe adsl connections.   eth0 (LAN) is  Eth0.10 (vlan10) has ppp0 on it.  Eth0.11 (vlan11) has ppp1 on it.  Basicly my first goal is so another computer can use as its gateway and go out one of the ppp's.  the main goal is to do a load16:02
sysop_balance/fail over.16:02
Pici!sudo | ninja16:02
ubotuninja: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.16:02
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)16:02
Chew1ok im testing it now v3ctor16:02
armia-Revani need help installing the video drivers for my intel 945gm16:02
ninjawell i mean... i set up my root password, i was just curious as to why ubuntu makes it so you have to sudo everything16:02
armia-Revancan anyone help?16:02
ninjai'm sketchy on the security behind sudo16:03
sysop_ninja' its a secuirty issue16:03
Picininja: the information in ubotu's first link explains it16:03
mohamed_is there any method to back ubuntu to its origional stat if some file corrupted or alot software installed ?16:03
ninjabut why is sudo affected by hostname?16:03
Toshiosysop_: have you considered using Firestarter as a frontend to iptables?16:03
skillzhi guys, i was wondering if anyone could help me - i have a text file with this kind of data in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59587/    - how could i write a script of some sort to make the file look something like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59588/16:03
ninjaand root isn't?16:03
Chew1v3ctor :D it fixed it thanks, but now how would i go about getting flash installed?16:03
DoublenoobWhat is the terminal asking me to do?16:04
DoublenoobWhat is the terminal asking me to do?16:04
sysop_toshio:  I did some looking at firestarter and pfsense.  I tried pfsense and it seemed to be in the right direction, except it didn't allow multiple wan PPPOes16:04
v3ctorChew1: if you don't mind the manual process, you could get the linux version from adaobe and use their install instructions16:04
Chew1i did that last time, it seemed to mess it up16:05
DoublenoobSorry! i'm used to pressing the enter key for carriage return!16:05
skillzis anyone able to help me?16:05
armia-Revani need help installing the video drivers for my intel 945gm16:05
armia-Revancan anyone help?16:05
skillzhi guys, i was wondering if anyone could help me - i have a text file with this kind of data in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59587/    - how could i write a script of some sort to make the file look something like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59588/16:05
Toshioskillz: awk is your best friend16:06
v3ctorskillz: you could do that with awk16:06
skillzim new tolinux and have no idea of awk...16:06
skillzhow would i do that?16:06
DoublenoobWhat is the terminal asking me to do? It says "Copying RealPlayer files...configure system-wide symbolic links? [Y/n]: ...y.16:06
Doublenoobenter the prefix for symbolic links [/usr]: ...........................    "16:06
Toshioskillz: man awk16:06
Chew1v3ctor: whats another source o get flash?16:06
v3ctorskillz: http://www.softpanorama.org/Tools/awk.shtml16:06
sysop_toshio: iptables -t nat -a postrouting -s -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE  should work for basic routing right? <i was going to msg you but it didn't want me to>16:07
TrueNmeA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.16:07
legend2440Chew1:  go to adobe sight and see if flash is working http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/16:07
v3ctorChew1: check the ubuntu forums, i use the adobe method16:07
damjanDoes anyone know how does the LiveCD find the /casper/filesystem.squashfs file to mount on booting??16:07
skillzthanks, but i was hoping for a little more help then jsut links to man pages for awk...16:07
TrueNmewhen you add packages in the package manager where do the apps go ?16:07
armia-Revani need help installing the video drivers for my intel 945gm16:07
Piciskillz: Check out #awk and #bash as well, they're usually quite helpful16:07
skillzwhat does the # mean?16:08
sysop_do /join #awk16:08
Piciskillz: They are irc channels, type: /join #awk16:08
Chew1yea, flash player inst installed16:08
Chew1should i tell firefox to install missing plugins?16:09
cdealerhow can I activate remote assistance (vnc) using the cli ?16:09
OpenTech /join #awk16:09
armia-Revandoes anyone know how to install intel video drivers im totally lost16:09
sysop_chew1, yeah16:09
wizo_aw man, there are no man pages for drqueue after i installed it16:09
legend2440Chew1: it is probably for shockwave but linux doesn't support shockwave so it will say plugin not found16:10
tritiumarmia-Revan: they're already installed.  You just need to configure xserver-xorg to use them.  Although, the installer should have done that for you.16:10
armia-Revanhow would i do that16:10
Chew1yea plugin not found16:10
Toshiocdealer: try x11vnc16:10
Chew1so what do i do then?16:10
spowersanyone ever have evince start locking up on them real bad?16:11
legend2440Chew1: you can google test flash and you can try flash on other pages to make sure its working16:11
ianoshortyany1 have any ideas why i cant get ccsm to work (as far as i can tell). Im going for getting the cube to work, but when i attempt to switch windows all that comes up is the manual switcher16:11
legend2440Chew1:  or try youtube16:11
wxPythonif i do wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX  i strip the default frame style and took one style out of the default style...  the ^ is a bitwise XOR operator... since that is equvivalent to !=  can i use that operator as well?16:12
Chew1nope youtube wont work16:13
Chew1'so it isnt instaled16:13
BilleniumI have vista now, and im trying to dual boot Ubuntu and Vista. So here is the situation. I put in the CD, and Click "Install Ubuntu". Then my Cd drive starts making loud annoying rinning sound.16:13
sysop_bad cd rom?16:13
wizo_Billenium: i didnt have a problem isntalling with vista16:13
skillzBillenium: hve u set ur bios to boot from CD?16:13
wizo_i just put the CD in, and just let it run16:13
Chew1so how should i go about installing flash?16:13
legend2440!flash | Chew116:13
Chew1ubotu no like flash i guess16:14
Billeniumskillz: im pretty sure i did, since it ran the CD... (ex: i clicked the "install" option)16:14
BilleniumShould i try unetbootin or something?16:14
bowwowanyone use eclipse16:14
skillzBillenium: so what happens when the CD kicks in, jsut makes a loud noise.. then what?16:14
psilocydeNeed help with my intel based sound "card", and I can't seem to get alsa mixer to start up after recompile of the intel HD audio drivers and such. I'm running Kubuntu Gutsy, 7.10. I ran some commands as suggested here and elsewhere. The results are in the following pastbin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59591/16:14
marx2kbowwow I do16:14
legend2440Chew1:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash16:14
=== bipolar is now known as bipolar_
BilleniumI pop it in. It louds the option screen. I click install. It shows the loading screen. Then starts ringing loudly.16:14
Chew1k ill look at that real quick16:15
skillzBillenium: so what happens when the CD kicks in, jsut makes a loud noise.. then what?16:15
armia-Revandoes anyone know how to install intel video drivers im totally lost16:15
skillzBillenium: hmm16:15
bowwowthreexk do use it for PHP16:15
sysop_billenium, it sounds like the cd just gets unbalanced.  try reburning?16:15
skillznot so sure, sorry - maybe dodgy CD brun16:15
sysop_or maybe try another computer just to see if livecd boots16:15
marx2kbowwow I use it for enterprise Java dev16:15
Chew1also, legend how can i change my defualt web browser16:15
Billeniumi used Nero @ 16x16:15
ianoshortyAnyone available to help with compiz?16:15
sysop_it may be the actually physical media16:15
Billeniumshould i try unetbootin? I really dont want to burn again...16:16
sysop_find another computer, boot from the cd and see if it does the same issue16:16
tritiumChew1: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications16:16
armia-Revandoes anyone know how to install intel video drivers im totally lost16:16
bowwowI am trying to update it to the PDT and not working16:16
tritiumarmia-Revan: you disregarded my reply?16:16
Jimmi_jonesmorning all, I need a little help updating GTK+ to 2.8 or higher and glib to 2.3 or higher please, I have never compiled anything before and I am having trouble finding instructions on how to update these two packages16:16
armia-Revani said how would i do that and u neve awnsered16:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuguide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:17
marx2kSorry, cant help you with that. I use MyEclipse for Java dev16:18
bowwowI got it to work on my winblows machine16:18
tritiumarmia-Revan: you need to use my nick so I see your response16:18
Billeniumit seems to work on the XP computer upstairs...16:19
bowwowit works realy well for editing for Drupal16:19
armia-Revani messaged you16:19
wizo_hey, i'm following instructions from http://drqueue.org/project/wiki/ImpatientsIntro, and near the bottom he says he edited the .bashrc in /etc, when i went into /etc i can't find the .bashrc, does anyone knwo where i can find the file?16:19
legend2440Chew1: on top panel click system>preferences>preferred aplications and choose web browser to use16:19
tritiumarmia-Revan: no, you didn't16:19
tritium!who | armia-Revan16:19
ubotuarmia-Revan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:19
TrueNmeAfter using the package manager and selecting a package i want  what do i do16:20
armia-Revandang i need to reister first16:20
Lamegowizo_, its /etc/bashrc16:20
Chew1thanks legend, im installing flash now16:20
Lamego,bashrc its in your home dir, not on etc, /etc is system wide16:20
highrelyguyHi - trying to connect a 3TB drive to ubuntu 6.10  lshw sees it, fdisk does not.  How do I bring it online?16:20
armia-Revan!tab tritium like this?16:20
tritiumarmia-Revan: no, use tab-completion to make spelling out nicks easier16:20
ToshioTrueNme: mark for installation and hit apply16:21
wizo_Lamego:  i only have bash.bashrc16:21
mohamed_armia-Revan, write the first letter then click tab16:21
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:21
_Scooter_highrelyguy: does it show up as a drive in dmesg?16:21
BilleniumOkay this CD got a little further on loading... But then the screen turned all red blue and black and colors and started blinking... *sigh*16:21
Jimmi_jonesmorning all, I need a little help updating GTK+ to 2.8 or higher and glib to 2.3 or higher please, I have never compiled anything before and I am having trouble finding instructions on how to update these two packages16:21
BilleniumCan unetbootin partition my system?16:21
armia-Revanim so confused16:21
highrelyguy_Scooter_ let me check.16:22
psilocydeDid my post regarding my sound problems seem to wordy? pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59591/16:22
sysop_Billenium: sounds like hardware issues?16:22
Chew1thanks guys :D it all works now :D16:22
tritiumarmia-Revan: e.g., when I use your nick, I type "ar", and then hit the tab key, and the rest is automatically completed for me.16:22
TrueNme~~Toshio~~ thats done but i dont know where to find the app or if its installed ?16:22
Billeniumwell if it didnt work on two different computers, i guess i should use a different CD?16:22
alex12hi guys im having a problem with ssh shared keys, on server 1) ive setup the dsa keys, and copied the pub key to server 2 .. on server 2) i cat this pub file into my root authorized keys file, and a user called alex's authorized keys file, both with correct permissions ..... logging into server 2 FROM server 1 with root works fine, and i login immedatly, but loggin in with user alex prompt me with password, debug shows nothing helpful, w16:22
alex12hat is wrong!! this has been driving me nuts for hours16:22
armia-Revantritium: so like this?16:22
sysop_Billenium: yeah, sounds like a physical CD issue16:22
tritiumarmia-Revan: exactly, that way I get a nick highlight16:23
BilleniumI just built this computer, and i really dont want to use Vista...16:23
sysop_Billenium: just reburn the CD and try it again16:23
Billeniumno more CDs...16:23
Chew1legend thanks :D16:23
Chew1its fixed16:23
armia-Revantritium: ah ok so how would i go about installing these drivers i want to pla counter strike source but the #winehq said i didnt have drivers installed16:23
sysop_Billenium: well, i suggest you buy some more :D16:23
wizo_is /etc/bash.bashrc the /etc/.bashrc ?16:23
Billeniumsysop_: is wubi/lubi/unetbootin a possibility?16:23
DoublenoobWhat is the standard path? is it the same as the system path?16:24
tritiumarmia-Revan: which drivers?16:24
sysop_Billenium: I have no clue, you can try it.16:24
Billeniumif anything goes wrong, ill reinstall vista16:24
armia-Revantritium: the ones for the Intel 945gm16:24
sysop_Billenium: worse case, it doesn't work16:24
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:24
sysop_Billenium: why not just go bum a blank CD from someone?16:24
tritiumarmia-Revan: you're likely already using them.  Do you have a graphical desktop right now?16:24
Billeniumand i dont have much time16:24
EconaelI'm using Ubuntu 7.10 and everytime I try to get a server.met, amule crashes (window just closes, no error messages)16:24
cdealerwhat the default vncserver used by ubuntu ??16:24
Toshioalso - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:25
armia-Revantritium: no i cant even use compiz it says desktop effects could not be enabled16:25
sysop_Billenium: your call.16:25
LamegoEconael, launching amule from the terminal may provide you some aditional info on the crash16:25
Billeniumits not like if i do it wrong my computer will explode/be destroyed16:25
tritiumarmia-Revan: please cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep intel, and tell me what it returns16:25
EconaelLamego, thx, I'll try that16:25
Lamegoarmia-Revan, have you checked the restricted drivers application, you may need a restricted driver for your graphics card16:26
tritiumLamego: there are no Intel restricted drivers.16:26
TrueNmeafter using package manager to select and apply  and they install where do i go to use the app ?16:26
Lamegotritium, i didn't read the intel part, sorry :P16:26
tritiumLamego: no problem :)16:26
ToshioTrueNme: The Applications menu16:27
highrelyguy_Scooter_ dmesg does show it.16:27
armia-Revantritium: wait im confused what do i put in terminal?16:27
RoadHazardwhat model intel, I have some knowledge there16:27
tritiumarmia-Revan: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep intel16:27
RoCUnrealI need a Program that i can write compile & run C++ code that has a GUI16:27
_Scooter_highrelyguy: make sure you're using sudo to fdisk it16:27
LjL!code | RoCUnreal16:27
ubotuRoCUnreal: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida16:27
tritiumRoCUnreal: anjuta is the official gnome ie16:27
highrelyguy_Scooter_ I was root.16:27
armia-Revantritium: nothing happens it just goes to a new commandline16:27
TrueNme~~Toshio~~ its not in that list16:27
DoublenoobLAMEGO - my problem is solved but i must, must, must know what the purpose of the standard path is.16:28
Ax-AxHow do i change system locale? (Preferably by cli)16:28
_Scooter_highrelyguy: baffling. is it showing up as a scsi?16:28
LamegoDoublenoob, standard path ? on which context ?16:28
tritiumarmia-Revan: hmm, can you please inspect your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and tell me what Driver is being used?16:28
Jimmi_jonesmorning all, I need a little help updating GTK+ to 2.8 or higher and glib to 2.3 or higher please, I have never compiled anything before and I am having trouble finding instructions on how to update these two packages16:28
Toshioarmia-Revan, try iy with grep -i intel16:28
highrelyguy_Scooter_ how would I tell that?16:28
SlartRoCUnreal: you won't find one program that does all that.. but you can find a good editor..and a good compiler.16:28
tritiumAx-Ax: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales16:29
armia-RevanToshio: it says cat invalid operation16:29
ToshioTrueNme, what is the technical name of the package you just installed?16:29
Fosizhi to all16:29
RoCUnrealthis anjuta program has a GUI?16:29
=== root is now known as cegian
tritiumRoCUnreal: yes16:29
RoCUnrealits not command line junk16:29
_Scooter_highrelyguy: the device itself would be /dev/sda instead of /dev/hda... i'm guessing that it is, since 3TB sounds like a raid array of some sort16:29
Ax-Axtritium, :D16:29
armia-Revantritium: im sorry what was i supposed to do16:29
SlartRoCUnreal: anjuta is an editor..16:29
tritiumRoCUnreal: but note that command line is not junk16:29
LamegoRoconda, anjunta is a gui app16:29
Fosizis it normal ? lauching gconf there is nothing16:29
_Scooter_highrelyguy: or /dev/sd[a-z]16:30
TrueNme~~Toshio~~ BitchX16:30
marx2kI cringe any time someone says "command line junk"16:30
highrelyguy_Scooter_ duh - sorry - yes it's shows as /dev/sdb16:30
DoublenoobThe context of symbolic links, which i gather from your answer are basically the Linux equivalents of shortcuts16:30
RoCUnrealtritium, im a windows guy16:30
phil66I am using Pidgin to access this chat board. Everytime I login I have to go to account and disable and then enable the buddies and chat accounts. What is my problem16:30
RoCUnrealtritium, command lines some times confuse me :(16:30
LamegoRoconda, and some of use are terminal guys16:30
SlartRoCUnreal: it's ok.. we won't hold it against you ;)16:30
_Scooter_highrelyguy: any result from this? sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb16:30
tritiumRoCUnreal: that's fine, but the cli is definitely useful and powerful16:30
Fosizlauching gconf there is nothing, gconf is empty16:30
tritiumarmia-Revan: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i intel16:30
Fosizis it normal ?16:30
wizo_hey, i used slocate, and drqman came up with 2 results for drqman, /var/lib/drqueue/bin/drqman and /usr/bin/drqman, what's the difference? i need to specify the export DRQUEUE_ROOT = <something>16:30
CreationistDoes anyone know how to use the Live CD to determine a Windows XP password?16:30
ToshioTrueNme, open up a terminal window and type "bitchx &" without the quotes16:30
Creationist...or even just remove the password.16:31
LamegoCreationist, that is not possible, and you would be on the wrong channel for that16:31
SlartRoCUnreal: I think anjuta is as close to visual-<whateverlanguage> you'll find on linux..16:31
armia-Revantritium:  "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller"16:31
CreationistLamego: Okay... say you have no idea, not that it isn't possible, because it is.16:31
SlartCreationist: I don't think you'll be retrieving it.. but reseting it16:31
RoCUnrealWhat should i use has the Compiler?16:31
tritiumarmia-Revan: is that it?16:31
j77 /leave16:32
highrelyguy_Scooter_ shows nothing.16:32
CreationistSlart: That's acceptable too.  I'm going to be wiping the hard drive anyway, but need to back up some stuff first.16:32
_Scooter_Creationist: have you tried microsoft's website?16:32
tritium!b-e | RoCUnreal16:32
ubotuRoCUnreal: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:32
Michael__hey is anybody here dula booting16:32
EconaelLamego, the crashed aMule now gives me a fatal error and a dump, I guess I should post that at the amule forums?16:32
SlartRoCUnreal: the compiler is the gnu compiler.. the same one almost all apps in ubuntu use..16:32
ToshioCreationist, I have had good results with a boot CD from sysinternals16:32
armia-Revantritium: Identifier      "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller"16:32
armia-Revan        Device          "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller"16:32
LamegoCreationist, no it is not, not with the livecd, but again, it is not on topic16:32
brrybndsMichael__: : many I assume16:32
CreationistLamego: It is Ubuntu support - it's on topic, thanks.16:32
RoCUnrealslart, im confused how do i use it?16:32
armia-Revantritium: thats all it says16:32
_Scooter_highrelyguy: can you find any info in /proc/scsi/ about it?16:32
Ax-Axtritium, how do i change the locale to english?16:32
RoCUnrealslart, do i tell it where the .text file is with the C++ code?16:32
CreationistToshio: Thanks, I'll look into that.16:33
LamegoCreationist, ubuntu support is not related to windows xp password reset, thanks16:33
RoCUnrealslart, then it compiles the code?16:33
* Creationist slaps Lamego with a trout.16:33
_Scooter_Creationist: it's the purpose you wish to use it for that is not on topic.16:33
tritiumarmia-Revan: can you please pastebin your xorg.conf?16:33
Michael__is there anyway to put the ubuntu download on a jump drive instead of a cd16:33
RoCUnrealslart, what commands do i use?16:33
SlartRoCUnreal: there has to be a simple tutorial with this somewhere.. it will be a lot of typing otherwise.. hang on.. I'll see what I can find16:33
armia-Revantritium: yes one second16:33
Creationist_Scooter_: Well, I'll be installing Ubuntu on the system once I recover the data I'm after... so :)16:33
Michael__is there anyway to put the ubuntu download on a jump drive instead of a cd16:33
RoCUnrealslart, alright, thanks man for helping out a windows noob like my self16:34
_Scooter_Creationist: so good luck with that, you'll need it.16:34
highrelyguy_Scooter_ yes16:34
LamegoCreationist, you dont need any password reset to get the windows data, you can simply access the ntfs partition from the live cd16:34
armia-Revantritium: http://pastebin.ca/942555p16:34
_Scooter_highrelyguy: cat /proc/scsi/scsi does it give any info, and if so, can you pastebin it?16:34
wizo_hey, after i update my /etc/bash.bashrc file, do i have to reboot my computer?16:34
ToshioMichael__, google "pendrivelinux"16:35
marade onde eres16:35
SlartRoCUnreal: look here.. http://anjuta.sourceforge.net/resources . I can't help you much further with anjuta.. you might want to read up on the gnu compiler stuff too16:35
tritium!es | mara16:35
ubotumara: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:35
marano la necesito16:35
_Scooter_wizo_: no, just type this:  . /etc/bash.bashrc  and subsequent logins will catch it too16:35
RoCUnrealight thanks16:35
erUSULwizo_: no; new shell instances should use the new settings16:35
wizo__Scooter_: thanks!16:35
DoublenoobLAMEGO: The context of symbolic links, which i gather are the Linux Equivalents of shortcuts.16:35
_Scooter_wizo_: you may need to logout of X and restart it with ctrl-alt-backspace too16:35
armia-Revantritium: does that look normal?16:36
highrelyguy_Scooter_ scsi1 channel 0 ID 0 Lun 0Vednor ATA Model HRS-RC200 Rev 0.03 Type Direct-Access Ansi SCSI Rev 0516:36
maxakiHi, I have some problems, I can't install anything... I can't install binfmt-support or libaudio2.... Anyone knows how I fix this?16:36
LamegoDoublenoob, ok, several applications place symbolic links, so that you can use just the "command" to execute the application, instead of using the full path16:36
wizo_maybe i'll try if the new shells can catch it first16:36
RoadHazardmaxaki: define cant install16:36
tritiumarmia-Revan: yes, it's using the i810 driver, which is what you want.16:36
_Scooter_highrelyguy: can you pastebin your dmesg please?16:36
tritiumarmia-Revan: man i810 for details on the driver you're using16:36
Lamegomaxaki, you need to be more specifici, like the error message16:36
maxakiIt says that "Couldn't find the package" RoadHazard, Lamego16:36
wizo_ah it works, thanks guys16:36
armia-Revantritium: do what now?16:36
tritiumarmia-Revan: "man i810" if you want to read about that driver16:37
highrelyguy_Scooter I just typed it - did you see it earlier?  I can't pastebin - not on a machine on the net.16:37
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:37
Ax-AxI want my program's interfaces to be in english16:37
RoCUnrealslart, ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Options via Evolutionary Algorithm)16:37
RoCUnrealimplements a genetic algorithm to find the "best" options for16:37
RoCUnrealcompiling programs with the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) C and C++16:37
RoCUnrealcompilers.  "Best," in this context, is defined as those options that16:37
RoCUnrealproduce the fastest executable program from a given source code.16:37
FloodBot3RoCUnreal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:37
Ax-AxNot swedish16:37
tritiumRoCUnreal: please don't spam the channel like that16:38
RoadHazardmaxaki: did you sudo apt-get update16:38
maxakiIt says that "Couldn't find the package" RoadHazard, Lamego16:38
SlartRoCUnreal: don't paste more than one line in the channel, please.. it gets messy16:38
RoCUnrealsorry ^^16:38
highrelyguy_Scooter_ I just typed it - did you see it earlier?  I can't pastebin - not on a machine on the net.16:38
armia-Revantritium: so why cant i play counter strike source and why are ppl telling me i dont have video drivers installed16:38
RoCUnrealdoes that sound like what i need th slart?16:38
=== tyczek is now known as Tyczek
SlartRoCUnreal: no worries.. what about acovea ?16:38
adamthow do i make ubuntu rewrite a sane xorg config? (not X -configure..)16:39
tritiumarmia-Revan: I don't play games, so I don't know about your first question.16:39
RoCUnrealslart, think that will do what i need ?16:39
_Scooter_highrelyguy: oh, ok. yes, i see it - what sort of card are you using to make the disk with?16:39
tritiumadamt: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:39
SpookyETThis looks really good http://banshee-project.org/Releases/0.98.116:39
RoCUnrealslart, so i can compile my Hello world C++ program16:39
Ax-AxI want my program's interfaces to be in english by deafault. I don't like the swedish retarded translations. How do I change that?16:39
RoadHazardarmia-Revan: is it complaining about directx?16:39
tritiumSpookyET: banshee is in the repos16:39
highrelyguy_Scooter_ Silicon Image16:39
adamtTrioTorus: thanks16:39
SlartRoCUnreal: nah.. start without all the fancy stuff.. start off by creating a small "Hello World" program..with the text editor.. compile it and see if you can get it to work16:39
highrelyguy_Scooter_ - it's an eSATA device.16:39
SpookyETtritium: not that one16:39
_Scooter_highrelyguy: hrm... firmware version?16:40
RoadHazardmaxaki: did you update?16:40
armia-RevanRoadHazard: no the menu is all messed up and destroyed and the game crashes to desktop after i load most of the files on connecting to a sever16:40
SlartRoCUnreal: you've got a lot to learn if you've only used visual studio before16:40
RoCUnrealslart, but idk how to compile16:40
maxakiRoadHazard, Yes, I did, but it don't work...16:40
tritiumarmia-Revan: is it a native linux game?16:40
RoCUnrealslart, at least in ubuntu i dont know how16:40
highrelyguy_Scooter_ are you asking me the firmware version of the card?16:40
armia-Revantritium: no but ppl are playing it on linux and its working16:40
SlartRoCUnreal: do you know how to write a simple c/c++ program?16:40
RoCUnrealslart, yea16:40
RoadHazardmaxaki: try apt-cache search binfmt16:40
RoCUnrealslart, i know a few data types and junkk16:40
RoCUnrealslart, if statements junk like that16:41
RoCUnrealslart, loops also16:41
maxakiRoadHazard, Didn't happen anything16:41
tritiumarmia-Revan: so it's a Windows game?  I definitely can't help you.  I don't play games, and I don't run any Windows software.16:41
bazhangRoCUnreal: easy on the enter key okay?16:41
DoublenoobI see that you are highly active in this chatroom! The system path, aka the standard path, is a collection of paths that hold commands and symbolic links to commands in other paths. Is this correct?16:41
_Scooter_highrelyguy: yes, i'm trying to determine if there's some sort of interrupt conflict/sharing going on or if it's a known issue or not16:41
marx2ktritium: hah you sound ver boring :)16:41
SlartRoCUnreal: hang on. I'll see if I can find a short compiling tutorial for ubuntu16:41
RoCUnrealbazhang, sorry16:41
martowhat is the state of Blue Ray movie playback?16:41
RoadHazardmaxaki: sudo /etc/apt/sources.list and see if all the debs are #'d out16:42
highrelyguy_Scooter_ Oh, I know the card works, if I plug it into another SATA device it will show up.16:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about path - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:42
tritiummarx2k: wrong16:42
ToshioDoublenoob, try echo $PATH16:42
Econaelusing ubuntu 7.10, how can I see how well the WLAN connection is?16:42
RoadHazardmaxaki: make that sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:42
maxakiRoadHazard, ALL is with #16:42
marx2ktritium: :D16:42
Trubadurixhey any body here that could tell me what panel this is the one in buttom  http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/72621-2.jpg16:42
_Scooter_Econael: click on the network applet on the upper-right of the desktop, should give you a list16:42
maxakiNot the first line, but the rest is16:42
tritiummarx2k: there's nothing boring about not using windows.  Games themselves bore me.16:43
maxakiRoadHazard, All lines is with #16:43
RoadHazardmaxaki: remove the # from all debs except the ones that say cdrom in them16:43
DoublenoobLAMEGO - I see that you are highly active in this chatroom! The system path, aka the standard path, is a collection of paths that hold commands and symbolic links to commands in other paths Is this correct?16:43
gigomkfs -t fat32 /dev/sdb1 <-- is this incorrect?16:43
SlartRoCUnreal: read this.. it should explain some things.. http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/gccintro/16:43
tobiwanTrubadurix: that looks like a screenlet to me16:44
Trubadurixtobiwan: oki thx16:44
LamegoDoublenoob, kind off :P16:44
simplyubuntuhey can anyone tell me how to mount a usb flash drive (/dev/sdb1) using the command line?16:44
marx2ktritium: Games have been boring me lately as well, but that doesnt mean I dont enjoy hames in and of themselves. We are human16:44
geniisimplyubuntu: What file system is on it?16:44
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter16:44
highrelyguy_Scooter_ I thoughht the problem might be because it was over 2TB, do you see any issue there?16:44
tobiwanTrubadurix: yep, seems to be the 'Windowlist' screenlet16:44
simplyubuntugenii, what do you mean?16:44
simplyubuntuim not sure...16:45
tritiummarx2k: offtopic, but nothing says we have to enjoy video games16:45
Slartsimplyubuntu: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1     you might have to create the /media/sdb1 folder first16:45
RoadHazardmaxaki: did ya get that?16:45
sinboxDoublenoob I think yes16:45
geniiSlart: You assume he has ext fs on it :)16:45
marx2ktritium agree16:45
simplyubuntuthanks slart16:45
negativeradI'm using Hardy 2.6.24-12-386, my sound was working on 2.6.24-11-generic but now its not.16:45
tritium!caps | Doublenoob16:45
ubotuDoublenoob: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:45
LamegoDoublenoob, kind off means you shoulw lower your CAPS16:45
Slartgenius: I think mount recognizes manyu formats automagically.. at least it does for me16:45
sleepy554does ubuntu gutsy have full support for core 2 duo? does it utilize its full potential as far as speed is concerned?16:46
Trubadurixtobiwan: is there a good site for screenlet or something?16:46
maxakiRoadHazard, yea.... w816:46
sinboxDoublenoob, I understand , as an aside capslock usually define dumbness you'll be glad to know16:46
tritiumDoublenoob: don't treat people in this channel that way, or I'll remove you.16:46
maxakiRoadHazard w816:46
tobiwanTrubadurix: i only saw them on gnome-look up to now, but the one i mentioned is shipped with gutsy, even16:46
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware RoCUnreal this may give you some pointers16:46
Lamegosleepy554, yes it does16:46
RoadHazardmaxaki: when youve done that ctrl-x y enter16:47
RoCUnrealslart, it talks about compiling a C program but not a C++ program16:47
_Scooter_highrelyguy: can you tune it down to 2TB and try again?16:47
tritiumRoCUnreal: only difference is that you invoke g++, rather than gcc16:47
RoCUnreal^ ^16:47
SlartRoCUnreal: it's not that different16:48
Slartgenius: If  no  -t  option  is  given, or if the auto type is specified, mount will try to guess the desired type.16:48
highrelyguy_Scooter_ No, it's a RAIDPac (single standalone unit) looks like a hard drive.16:48
_Scooter_highrelyguy: you might be able to obtain full 3TB by making a 2TB and a 1TB, then using the LVM16:48
Slartbah.. meant for genii.. and I'm sorry for the two line paste.. I'm a bad person.. I know16:48
RoCUnrealslart, im downloading the C++ compiler from the synapic16:48
tritiumRoCUnreal: you really should install build-essential, as I had ubotu explain to you16:49
highrelyguy_Scooter_ OK, but don't I need fdisk to be able to see it first?16:49
_Scooter_highrelyguy: but no one makes a 3TB single drive itself - can you take it apart?16:49
Trubadurixtobiwan: okey but screenlet is a program rigth? so i need to install that first?16:49
SlartRoCUnreal: you might want to run this in a terminal "sudo apt-get build-essential"... it gets the compiler, linker and sets some stuff up for you16:49
* genii hands Slart a coffee16:49
tritium!b-e | RoCUnreal (second notice)16:49
ubotuRoCUnreal (second notice): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:49
DoublenoobLAMEGO - Sorry, you are a helpful, nice guy. I wasn't trying to offend you, i just thought you were insulting my intelligence by saying kind of.16:49
RoCUnrealtritium, what is the build essential, all this stuff sounds so confusing im almost thinking about firing up windows XP16:49
tritiumRoCUnreal: see the URL above from ubotu16:50
_Scooter_highrelyguy: is the system already installed or are you trying to install to it?16:50
tritiumRoCUnreal: patience.  It's worth the time to learn.16:50
SlartRoCUnreal: build-essential is ajust a meta package for downloading and setting up the regular compiling stuff you'll need16:50
adamthow do i force networkmanager not to change resolv.conf when connecting to vpn?16:50
_Scooter_highrelyguy: if it's already installed, fdisk isn't going to see it one way or another, but if you can get the LVM manager to work in either case, it might work..16:51
highrelyguy_Scooter_ I'm trying to install it.  It presents itself like an eSATA drive to the host even though internally it's a RAID - looks like a 5.25" full height hard drive.16:51
RoadHazardmaxaki: how you doin?16:51
maxakiRoadHazard, i'm noob... how do i save it?16:51
maxakictrl + o16:51
maxakii didn't work16:51
FloodBot3maxaki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:51
tritium!enter | maxaki16:51
ubotumaxaki: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:51
RoadHazardmaxaki ctrl-x then y then enter16:51
_Scooter_highrelyguy: do you have a URL for this thing?16:51
tobiwanTrubadurix: yes, that is correct16:51
highrelyguy_Scooter_ www.tapesucks.com - we make them.16:52
RoadHazardmaxaki: that work?16:52
negativeradi just read 2.6.24-12 has sound problems?16:52
highrelyguy_Scooter_ I'm probably ignorant here but isn't the process for bringing a drive online fdisk then mkfs?16:52
bazhangnegativerad: that would be in Hardy correct?16:53
RoadHazardmaxaki: well?16:53
Picinegativerad: hardy questions in #ubuntu+1 please16:53
_Scooter_highrelyguy: no, you're right - once the hardware requirements have been met16:53
maxakiRoadHazard, check message16:53
highrelyguy_Scooter_ so where would I use LVM after fdisk?16:53
ToshioHow do I disable "has joined" and "has left" messages in my xchat? Nothing in the preferences strikes me as the obvious option to do that ...16:54
white_eagleToshio you need to find a script16:54
RoCUnrealsudo apt-get install build-essential <-- Command requires the CD and my cd-rom drive aint working...16:54
white_eagleToshio search google,16:54
DoublenoobLamego: Sorry, you are a helpful, nice guy. I wasn't trying to offend you, i just thought you were insulting my intelligence by saying kind of, I guess i am too sensitive to that kind of thing.16:54
_Scooter_highrelyguy: when it's partitioned - d'oh!16:54
bazhangToshio: what about rightclicking on the nick list16:54
white_eagleRoadHazard go to software sources and disable the CD16:54
Toshiook, I'll do that16:54
* _Scooter_ needs another cup of coffee16:54
LamegoDoublenoob, let's skip it16:54
minimecToshio: /ignore joins parts quits16:54
highrelyguy_Scooter_ :)16:54
white_eagleToshio for more help join #xchat16:54
negativeradwhen i try, sudo modprobe snd-inted8x0, i get FATAL: Module snd_inted8x0 not found.16:55
bazhangdoesnt the right click do it?16:55
simui want to setup ldap client, ldapsearch works fine, but 'id user' does not resolve?16:55
Picinegativerad: What version of Ubuntu are you running?16:55
phil66For two days I have been trying to get answer for Pidgin problem. Am on on the wrong chat16:55
bluefox83Toshio, settings->Advanced->text events  scroll down to the actions you want to remove and remove their definition16:55
RoadHazardwhite_eagle: I just had him do that manually16:55
bazhang#ubuntu+1 negativerad16:55
negativeradPici:  2.6.24-12-38616:55
white_eagleRoadHazard: I don't get you16:55
_Scooter_highrelyguy: so is this a firstraid?16:55
Picinegativerad: please join #ubuntu+116:55
RoCUnrealcouldn't i run a C++ compiler using wine?16:55
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:56
^A^kiraplease help me with that http://paste.org.ru/?zgitng16:56
negativeradPici: k16:56
^A^kiraplease help me with that http://paste.org.ru/?zgitng16:56
highrelyguy_Scooter_ so if dmes and lshw see the device and /proc/scsi show it - does that mean it might be a driver problem?16:56
DoublenoobSo, with that out of the way, is the standard path the same system path?16:56
white_eaglewait, I'll rejoin16:56
DRebellionRoCUnreal, why would you want to do that?16:56
highrelyguy_Scooter_ no, it's the RAIDFrame.16:56
RoCUnrealdrebellion, cause i hate windows16:56
RoadHazardwhite_eagle: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list remove all #'s on debs not containing the word cdrom16:56
RoCUnrealdrebellion, and im just a novice linux user16:56
bluefox83RoCUnreal, why would you want to?16:56
DRebellionRoCUnreal, just install g++ it really simple16:56
Pici!compile |  RoCUnreal16:56
RoCUnreali already have g++ installed16:56
ubotuRoCUnreal: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:56
RoadHazardmaxaki: if youre sending me pm's I aint getting them16:57
bazhangRoCUnreal: even some of us newer users have compiled stuff ;]16:57
_Scooter_highrelyguy: it's a possibility, but i wouldn't bet any serious cash on it until i determined that the number of drives in the bay are at 2TB or less and tested that out first.16:57
RoCUnreali tried that link but my Cd-rom drive aint working so i cant run thse commands16:57
RoCUnrealit will take hours16:57
astancan i install everything, including the root file system and /boot onto XFS?16:57
maxakiRoadHazard, Thanks allot! Now it works16:57
DRebellionRoCUnreal, system -> administration -> software sources and disable the cd16:57
bazhangRoCUnreal: the fun thing about linux is you can come here if you have questions ;]16:58
RoadHazardmaxaki: might wanna do a sudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get upgrade16:58
highrelyguy_Scooter_ oh, well I just hooked this RAIDPac up to a Windows 2003 Server and it saw the whole thing - on the same hardware - I have a test machine with multple boot drives.16:58
ahorriblemesshi everyone...16:58
KhajaviHal and Hald service dont start automatically when booting and every time I login to gutsy I must start them manualy? what do I do?16:58
BilleniumI just installed ubuntu. I have two problems. 1) My keyboard is set incorrectly, so the only keys that work are the alphanumerical ones. (123,ABC)... Also i dont have a Desktop Enviroment (it is just a command line). thanks :)16:59
ahorriblemessI'm getting a blank, white screen when I try to switch users (some times) Gutsy on HP dv6704nr16:59
wizoBillenium: what CD did you use to install? :s16:59
bazhangBillenium: you are using screen now? or are you on a different computer?16:59
_Scooter_highrelyguy: i figured as much - yeah, driver issue then :)16:59
Khajavihelp.  Khajavi: Hal and Hald service dont start automatically when booting and every time I login to gutsy I must start them manualy? what do I do?17:00
highrelyguy_Scooter_ thank you for your help - you guys are what makes LINUX work!17:00
Econaelwhich channel should I consult for network issues with ubuntu 7.10 (WLAN seems very slow)17:00
DoublenoobLamego: So, with that out of the way, is the standard path the same system path? (if you are wondering why i double up my questions it's because I'm new to IRC and i forget to address my IMs to people by using the colon next to the screen name)17:00
_Scooter_highrelyguy: you're welcome! good luck with that, i'd be interested to know when it works... :)17:00
bazhangEconael: which card and what is the problem? when did it start etc17:00
^A^kiraplease help me with that http://paste.org.ru/?zgitng17:00
Billeniumsorry for late response: i used unetbootin to install. And im using a different computer.17:01
=== r00t_ is now known as DaemonLee
RoCUnrealsweet its downloading the sudo apt-get install build-essential17:01
DaemonLeeOkay, anyone got a minute to assist?17:01
bazhang^A^kira: could you give a synopsis of your issue please?17:01
RoadHazardDaemonLee: whats the issue?17:01
Billeniumi cant use the (-) key so i cant do sudo apt-get install... it looks like sudo aptuget install (a weird u character replaced -)17:01
RoCUnrealDaomonlee, dont ask to ask just ask your question ^^17:01
KhajaviAnyone know how to configure hal service to start automatically when booting gutsy?17:02
bazhangBillenium: you want gnome or kde or xfce or other?17:02
DaemonLeeRoadHazard, I've got a Belkin N1 ExpressCard that has a Atheros Chipset, and it's recongized in lspci but not in iwconfig or listed as a Wireless Card or eth device.17:02
^A^kirabazhang > cannot apt-get remove fluxbox-default-settings dunno why17:02
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:02
Econaelbazhang, it's a HAMA pci card, the OS is freshly installed and it was that way from the beginning, the problem is that the speed isn't constant. It has maximum speed sometimes but drops to several bytes/s constantly17:02
Billenium I dont think i can install GNOME though without the other keys17:02
RoadHazard!wifi | DaemonLee17:03
ubotuDaemonLee: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:03
RoadHazardDaemonLee: check that out17:03
DaemonLeeI'm reading.17:03
JuppKhajavi, do you want to do it for everybody or just for a specific user?17:03
frojndhello there, I try to make a username that have read write access to sql and I get this error: sudo mysql --user=test --password=12317:03
frojndERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)17:03
frojndhpw can I fix this?17:03
Billeniumfrojnd: this may be a #mysql question17:03
bazhang^A^kira: what about sudo apt-get remove instead of dpkg-divert17:03
RoadHazardfrojnd: first you'll need to enter mysql as root then CREATE USER foo17:04
Billeniumbazhang: any ideas?17:04
DIL_mysqld start17:04
DaemonLeeOne minute.17:04
DRebellionBillenium, if we can get openssh-server installed then you can at least have a terminal with all characters...17:04
RoadHazardBillenium: I got the mysql question I think17:04
^A^kirabazhang exactly what i do./17:04
bazhangBillenium: use aptitude17:04
RoadHazardBillenium: type aptitude enter17:05
bazhangsudo aptitude install etc Billenium17:05
Billeniumsudo aptitude install GNOME?17:05
Econaelbazhang, it's a HAMA pci card, the OS is freshly installed and it was that way from the beginning, the problem is that the speed isn't constant. It has maximum speed sometimes but drops to several bytes/s constantly17:05
tritiumBillenium: no, ubuntu-desktop17:05
frojndRoadHazard: sudo mysql17:05
frojndERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)17:05
Fujooranybody who could help me set up bitlbee on my server? no matter how i try i cant connect to it with irssi17:06
Billeniumi cant use the - button17:06
frojndRoadHazard: is there anything else that blocks access17:06
RoadHazardfrojnd: mysql -u root -p17:06
Fujoori think its up and running but i dont know where to go from there, anybody who knows?17:06
arun_kspls help.. how to block outgoing ACK packets from a port..?17:06
Billeniumso i would not be able to type ubuntu-desktop17:06
bazhanguh sorry Billenium for gnome desktop that would be tritium's command; for kde would be kubuntu-desktop17:06
DRebellionBillenium, just type sudo aptitude17:06
RoadHazardfrojnd: then enter the password for the root mysql account, if there isnt one, leave blank17:06
RoCUnreali got this sudo make command working17:06
tritiumRoCUnreal: you don't need to use sudo with make17:07
bimbleHaving searched google... I have a *weird* problem. trying to run HandBrakeCLI  on ubuntu, but when I try to run it, I get a 'No such file or directory' message17:07
NutzebahnHello. Could someone please recommend a firewall which enables me to control which applications can access the internet from which ones can't? (it must have this feature, I already heard of Firestarter and Guarddog, not those)17:07
RoCUnrealtritium, well make comman but17:07
arun_kshow to edit iptables in ubuntu..?17:07
bimblehas anyone got any clue what the heck I might be doing wrong?  (the path is set properly, which shows the correct file location, and I get the same problem even if I run the full path of the app)17:07
RoCUnrealtritium, well make comman  i just link it the text file?17:07
SpookyETI'm having a hard time finding, but does MPD have a last.fm radio streaming plugin?17:07
RoadHazardNutzebahn: iptables17:07
archmanguys i need rar password cracker, please help!17:07
frojndRoadHazard: that's weired: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)17:07
tritiumRoCUnreal: huh?17:07
DIL_mysqld start17:07
RoCUnrealtritium, well make command*17:07
DIL_mysqld start17:07
DIL_mysqld start17:07
DRebellionarchman, this is not the place17:07
frojndRoadHazard: I've tryed blank but nothing17:07
bazhang^A^kira: how about sudo apt-get remove packagename ? does that not work?17:07
RoCUnrealtritium, make the make command link to the text file?17:07
RoadHazardfrojnd: sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start17:07
frojndRoadHazard: ok..17:08
archmanDRebellion: where should i post the question?17:08
tritiumRoadHazard, frojnd: sudo invoke-rc.d mysqld start17:08
RoCUnrealtritium, to the text file that has C++ code writen in it?17:08
^A^kirabazhang nein17:08
DRebellionarchman, this is ubuntu support only. Anywhere but here17:08
RoadHazardtritium: or that17:08
bazhangEconael: just a sec please17:08
lirakisdoes anyone know what package provides manpages for C standard library functions ?17:08
tritiumlirakis: manpages-dev17:08
^A^kirabazhang i can't remove it not by apt-get nor by dpkg17:08
bazhang^A^kira: how did you install that package?17:09
lirakistritium: thanks17:09
NutzebahnHello. Could someone please recommend a firewall which enables me to control which applications can access the internet from which ones can't? (it must have this feature, I already heard of Firestarter and Guarddog, and iptables, not those)17:09
RoadHazardfrojnd:  did it say starting mysql?17:09
tritiumRoCUnreal: please clarify what you're asking17:09
=== r00t_ is now known as DaemonLee
RoCUnrealtritium, im trying to compile a C++ text file17:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:09
^A^kirabazhang i used fluxbuntu17:09
minimec^A^kira: Didn't read your question. What exactly is your problem?17:09
bazhangEconael: could you tell me the chipset of that card?17:09
RoCUnrealtritium, do i got like sudo make C:\text.txt17:09
tritiumRoCUnreal: you've read the URL from ubotu about build-essential, and installed that?17:10
frojndRoadHazard: yes, but when I try: mysql -u root -p I get ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)17:10
RoCUnrealtritium, do i go*17:10
^A^kiraplease help me with that http://paste.org.ru/?zgitng17:10
BilleniumWhats the GNOME Desktop under in Sudo Aptitude?17:10
RoCUnrealtritium, yea i installed the first half of it17:10
^A^kirabazhang > cannot apt-get remove fluxbox-default-settings dunno why17:10
bazhang^A^kira: right; and apt does not work in fluxbuntu?17:10
tritiumRoCUnreal: C: is a DOS notion17:10
tritiumRoCUnreal: first half?17:10
bazhang^A^kira: did you put sudo in front of that17:10
RoCUnrealtritium, 2 lines of text17:10
AndrewB^A^kira: are you using sudo17:10
RoCUnrealsudo apt-get install build-essential17:10
RoCUnrealsudo apt-get install cvs subversion17:11
RoadHazardfrojnd: then enter it as mysql -u root -p PASSWORD with PASSWORD being the one you gave it on install of mysql17:11
RoCUnrealthose are what i installed17:11
DRebellionRoCUnreal, you don't need cvs or subversion17:11
Econaelbazhang: how can I find out the chipset of the pci wlan card?17:11
^A^kirai installed kde now and trying to install some progs but can't cuz apt trying to remove fluxbuntu-*17:11
Billeniumahh forget ubuntu/linux... to hard to isntall17:11
user8877дарова Народ17:11
DRebellionRoCUnreal, type: g++ file.cpp -o outputfilename17:11
tritiumRoCUnreal: unless you created a Makefile for your program, you don't need to use make17:11
^A^kiraAndrewB yeah17:11
frojndRoadHazard: well when I've installed mysql I haven't entered any password. I've installed it with a package17:11
^A^kirauser8877 go #ubuntu-ru17:11
bazhangEconael: for pci type lspci in the terminal; for usb type lsusb; dont paste the whole output but just the chipset like realtek or broadcom here17:12
RoCUnrealdrebellin, that line of code confuses me lol :(17:12
RoCUnrealdrebellin, im gonna give it a try but17:12
RoCUnrealdrebellin, i predict i will fail :(17:12
user8877^A^kira и тут хорошо = )17:12
Econaelbazhang:  RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI17:12
frojndRoadHazard: looks like I had. Sry!!17:12
AndrewB!ru > user8877 (please see pm)17:12
minimec^A^kira: Did you try the force-options of dpkg (dpkg --force-help)?17:12
wizohey anyone managed to run drqueue in ubuntu 7.10?17:12
frojndRoadHazard: I'm in sql now, how can I set the username that have write read access ?17:13
RoadHazardfrojnd: ok now that youre in, CREATE USER username;17:13
bazhangEconael: you use the cli sometimes? comfortable with it?17:13
DRebellionwizo, if you have a problem, best just to ask about it17:13
^A^kiraminimec no, i'll try17:13
EconaelI just saw in sysinfo that the cpu is running on 1600mhz instead of 2100, how can I fix this?17:13
^A^kirauser8877 а зря17:13
Econaelbazhang: you mean the shell?17:13
erUSULEconael: those cards are supported in ubuntu afaik (althoughti heard problems of link stability with rt61)17:13
RoadHazardfrojnd: now CREATE DATABASE databasename;17:13
bazhangEconael: aye ;]17:13
erUSULEconael: that's cpufreq scaling17:13
wizoi use dthe package manager to install the DrQueue, and now i don't quite know where it is being installed to17:13
Econaelbazhang: arr, it's already long ago, but I think I'll manage17:14
EconaelerUSL: that old cpu doesn't support speedstepping17:14
RoadHazardfrojnd: now SELECT PASSWORD('yourpassword');17:14
bazhangEconael: what is the encryption on your router?17:14
erUSULEconael: which cpu?17:14
DaemonLeeRoadHazard, It isn't listed under supported so am I SOL?17:14
frojndRoadHazard: when I type in: username; I get -> ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'username' at line 117:14
EconaelerUSUL: it's an old CPU, "Athlon XP", it doesn't support speedstepping17:14
erUSULEconael: 2100+ ??17:14
DIL_no ;17:14
RoCUnrealDRebellion, is there something wrong with this code josh@ubuntu:~$ G++ '/home/josh/Thiscode'17:14
RoCUnrealbash: G++: command not found17:14
white_eagleI love emacs17:15
Econaelbazhang: wpa shared key tkip17:15
DRebellionRoCUnreal, lowercase!17:15
DRebellionRoCUnreal, g++ NOT G++17:15
RoadHazardfrojnd: CREATE USER username; thats a semicolon17:15
erUSULwhite_eagle: ssh!! do not say it aloud vim users can be hearing ;P17:15
EconaelerUSUL: sysinfo says AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1900+ but it's a 2600+17:15
tmbg_g++ not G++17:15
RoCUnrealDRebellion, ohh i c17:15
white_eagleerUSUL: hehe, so?17:15
RoCUnrealDrebellion, /home/josh/Thiscode: file not recognized: File format not recognized17:15
RoCUnrealcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status17:15
erUSULEconael: you know that the number is no nominal speed; don't you?17:16
draeathWhenever I try to set a 'vga' boot option, I get blank TTYs - no cursor or anything. I've made an equivs package to let me remove usplash without messing up all the metapackages, that did nothing I could see.17:16
EconaelerUSUL: yes17:16
wizowhere do i put the path for drqueue_root = line?17:16
EconaelerUSUL: it should be 2100mhz17:16
erUSULwhite_eagle: ah you want to start a flamefest...17:16
draeathany ideas? It's a laptop, I don't want the console to use 1/2 the screen like normal (I use the console a LOT)17:16
EconaelerUSUL: it's an old CPU I've head for years in other computers17:16
RoadHazardfrojnd: did it say something to the order of blah lines changed?17:16
DRebellionRoCUnreal, 0_o17:16
donusa_1Hellllllllllloooooooooo this is Don from USA michigan anyone around?17:16
erUSULEconael: install and run as root x86info17:16
white_eagleerUSUL: I'm just kidding17:16
white_eagleerUSUL: to see the reactions17:17
skillzloads of ppl here!17:17
bazhangEconael: I have found network-manager to be problematic at times; using the cli bypasses that--here is a complete how to on setting up wireless via cli--> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118817:17
Billeniumbazhang: which file in aptitude do i have to install?17:17
DIL_no one here17:17
DRebellionRoCUnreal, you sure that's a plain text file?17:17
RoCUnrealDRebellion, i dont know how to save has a .cpp extension :(17:17
Econaelbazhang, thank you17:17
RoCUnrealDRebellion, idk it opens with gedit17:17
white_eagleerUSUL: I'm not that exper of computers, nor a newb, but I just cant understand vim17:17
white_eagleerUSUL: I find it very hard to use17:17
DRebellionRoCUnreal, doesn't have to have .cpp extension17:17
micadeyeyehey, i get this error in var/log/apache2/error.log "sh: mkfifo: Permission denied". the php script has this code "@system("mkfifo -m 666 ".$config->reply_fifo_path );" how can i fix this? i think my apache doesn't have the permission to run that code. seems i need to do something like chown www-data somewhere??????17:17
bazhangBillenium: if you want gnome then ubuntu-desktop; for kde kubuntu-desktop; for xfce xubuntu-desktop17:17
RoadHazardBillenium: with your keyboard issue you might try running aptitude by itself and using the pseudogui17:17
erUSULwhite_eagle: XP yes17:18
frojnd18:19 < RoadHazard> frojnd: did it say something to the order of blah lines changed?17:18
DIL_vim =insert to edit17:18
frojndRoadHazard:  just another line..17:18
Billeniumwell i cant find just ubuntu-desktop in any of the drop down menus17:18
RoCUnrealDRebellion, o17:18
user8877в #ubuntu-ru не зайти  что за  ??17:18
frojndRoadHazard: I've set username password and database name... that's it ?17:18
Pici!ru | user887717:18
ubotuuser8877: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:18
bazhangEconael: if that seems confusing please ask any questions you might have ;]17:18
DIL_w=write q=quit wq=write and exit17:18
=== noodlesgc_ is now known as noodlesgc
white_eagleerUSUL: emacs is very much more comfortable to use for me than vim17:18
RoadHazardfrojnd: no, one more statement, when you did SELECT PASSWORD it gave you a 40ish digit number, copy that including the *17:19
bazhanguser8877: type /j #ubuntu-ru17:19
Billeniumopps sorry bazhang for disconnecting. but, like i said, i cant find it in the aptitude17:19
EconaelerUSUL: x86info says  Family: 6 Model: 8 Stepping: 1 CPU Model : Athlon XP (Thoroughbred)[B0]17:19
gallardoque te  cagas17:19
draeathanyone know what might cause ubuntu (and no others that i've tried (of many)) to give me a blank console when I try 'vga=791'17:19
erUSULwhite_eagle: yes; specially becouse it comes with a tutorial ;P17:19
RoadHazardfrojnd: black it in and right click copy17:19
erUSUL!es | gallardo17:19
ubotugallardo: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:19
RoCUnrealDRebellion, i have such bad luck with linux :(17:19
_Scooter_draeath: a video card or monitor that can't handle it17:19
gallardohi sup sup17:20
DRebellionRoCUnreal, seriously, there must be something wrong with the file. open it with gedit and save it again as something else17:20
draeath_Scooter_: debian slackware suse LFS etc all work fine. its not the hardware...17:20
bazhangBillenium: can you apt-cache search ubuntu and see if it is in there? you  have a net connection on this box and no x server right?17:20
white_eagleerUSUL: meh, yeah, thats one of the reasons17:20
RoCUnrealDRebellion, ok17:20
EconaelerUSUL: maybe I should check the bios setting, could have turned the frequency down after a power shortage or hard shutdown17:20
Billeniumi cannot use the (-) key17:20
erUSULEconael: yep17:20
RoadHazardfrojnd: now GRANT ALL ON databasename.* TO username IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'that 40 digit number with the *';17:20
micadeyeyeany any any help!!!!17:20
_Scooter_draeath: i don't know your setup so it's difficult to say why17:20
RoCUnreal/home/josh/Newcode: file not recognized: File format not recognized17:21
RoCUnrealcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status17:21
GpalcoDear Friends, Is there a way to boot off the Ubuntu LiveCD without stating X ??? I would like to boot without GUI first. Is there a boot parameter or something to do it????17:21
skillzmicadeyeye what help u want?17:21
_Scooter_!ask | micadeyeye17:21
ubotumicadeyeye: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:21
draeath_Scooter_: I tried removing usplash (had to make an equivs package so ubuntu-desktop didn't throw-up) and also passed 'nosplash' - no change.17:21
^A^kiraminimec> it doesn't work.... or i doing something wrong17:21
bazhangBillenium: sorry aptitude search ubuntu17:21
draeath_Scooter_: laptop with an ati radeon IGP17:21
RoCUnrealDRebellion, /home/josh/Newcode: file not recognized: File format not recognized17:21
RoCUnrealcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status17:21
=== LinuxKid is now known as N3bunel
micadeyeyeskillz: hey, i get this error in var/log/apache2/error.log "sh: mkfifo: Permission denied". the php script has this code "@system("mkfifo -m 666 ".$config->reply_fifo_path );" how can i fix this? i think my apache doesn't have the permission to run that code. seems i need to do something like chown www-data somewhere??????17:21
draeath_Scooter_: ali chipset, if that helps at all17:21
Billeniumhold on17:21
frojndRoadHazard: I typed like this: SELECT PASSWORD mypassword17:21
Billeniumi have to (find a way) to get out of aptitude17:21
_Scooter_draeath: oh, ati.... yeeeeah.... hrm..17:21
DRebellionRoCUnreal, you wrote this file yourself?17:21
draeath_Scooter_: yea... i agree with you on that one :)17:21
palpateplease i need help with ps3 ubuntu17:22
skillzmicadeyeye: sorry apache isnt my strongest.. ask someone else on this channel17:22
LjLpalpate: try #ubuntu-ps317:22
RoadHazardfrojnd: nope, its SELECT PASSWORD('mypassword');17:22
palpateLjL : ty17:22
richardif i want to add .Xmodmap at startup, how do i do that?17:22
RoCUnrealDRebellion, i used Gedit17:22
RoCUnrealDRebellion, and created a hello world program17:22
GpalcoIs there a way to boot off the Ubuntu LiveCD without stating X ??? I would like to boot without GUI first. Is there a boot parameter or something for it???17:22
_Scooter_draeath: is it listed anywhere on www.linux-laptop.net ?17:22
micadeyeyei think i need to do something like chmod but don't where17:23
white_eaglebye guys17:23
wizocan soemone help me out with my configuratoin of drqueue?17:23
bazhangGpalco: why not just go for the 9MB minimal iso? then you have almost nothing but x ;]17:23
draeath_Scooter_: don't know. I think its something with the kernel config, no kernels I've built (and no other distros Ive tried) have had this issue. Also, ubuntu is the only one I've seen with mangled color pallettes on the consoles also17:23
RoCUnrealDRebellion, dangit still doesn't work17:23
minimec^A^kira: one moment please... (phone call)17:24
draeath_Scooter_: any ideas on where I should look at17:24
RoadHazardfrojnd: did that give you a 40 digit # with a * at the beginning?17:24
bazhangerr nothing not even x Gpalco17:24
Billeniumwell there most be a way to reset the keyboard layout... IS there?17:24
erUSULwizo: you'd better asking on a drqueue specific channel or looking for a how to on google. That software is pretty exotic17:24
_Scooter_draeath: weird - just follow the white rabbit on that site.  have you tried all fiesty/gutsy/hardy?17:24
richardhow do i add my usb, for other users? it doesn't showup for them?17:24
frojndRoadHazard: than I have problem even with creating a usre: CREATE USER joze; I get an error: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE USER joze' at line 217:25
palpateevry1 is idling on ubuntu-ps317:25
frojndRoadHazard: But if I type CREATE USER joze    it goes to the next line17:25
draeath_Scooter_: this is new to 7.10 (not sure what name) - all previous were fine17:25
bazhangGpalco: there is also the alternate cd that is text based (ncurses)17:25
RoadHazardok put a ; on the next line and hit enter17:25
Billeniumhmm no one knows...17:26
draeath_Scooter_: linux-generic if that helps (amd64 at home)17:26
Gpalcobazhang, that wasn't 100% serious, was it ??? =)17:26
_Scooter_draeath: 7.10 is gutsy gibbon, and 8.04 is hardy herring (the new beta)17:26
frojndRoadHazard: that's better :=)17:26
Gpalcobazhang, my graphics card is not supported out of the box17:26
_Scooter_draeath: i'd give 8.04 a shot and see what happens17:26
Gpalcobazhang, and I need to install a driver before starting x17:26
bazhangGpalco: depends on how light you want your system; some like the install only what you need effect--the alternate cd is nice for the graphically challenged live cd cards17:27
RoadHazardfrojnd: ok what have you gotten accomplished so far?17:27
RoCUnrealDRebellion, i just used a compiler with wine to create a .cp file17:27
Digi_how do I* get gproftpd to work in ubuntu17:27
palpateanyone who know about ubuntu on a ps3, i just want to know if ther's a way to run emulator for snes genesis mame or the game Mugen on a ps3 running ubuntu ?17:27
Billeniumbazang: there are a lot of things that start with ubuntu; and all i could see was xubuntu, and even knowing where is was did not help me at all...17:27
Gpalcobazhang, I like the Live17:27
frojndRoadHazard:  user, databasename and password.. I have that code incuding *...17:27
wizoerUSUL: yea i know, i think it'll be better if i compiled from source, i have no idea to what the package manager did17:27
RoCUnrealDRebellion, the g++ created a file called a.out17:27
RoCUnrealDRebellion, and i dont know how to open this file17:27
Gpalcobazhang, I only cannot boot off it and the driver is not there17:27
MasterShrakpalpate search the repositories for emulators17:28
bazhangGpalco: well try adding acpi=off to the boot parameters17:28
RoadHazardfrojnd: ok GRANT ALL ON databasename.* TO username IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*THAT40DIGITNUMBER';17:28
_Scooter_palpate: i'm pretty sure there is - your best bet is to try it out and provide much patience to #ubuntu-ps317:28
erUSULwizo: you can see easily where the files went... «dpkg -L packagename» list the installed files17:28
draeath_Scooter_: Don't know... I can try it. Oh! Debian Sid works too... that's what makes me think it might be an ubuntu-specific patch or something? (i remember them breaking AT keyboards completely to 'optimize' USB keyboards at boot)17:28
Gpalcobazhang, what is it going to do?17:28
draeath_Scooter_: thanks for the assist though17:28
erUSULwizo: configuration is usually on /etc/17:28
Gpalcobazhang, any other effects of that parameter?17:28
RoCUnreali give up17:29
_Scooter_draeath: yeah, ubuntu is geared more toward newer equipment, so that doesn't surprise me too much.  yw and good luck17:29
wizoerUSUL: hmm, maybe i'll give it ago later, i just uninstalled it. I'm trying to follow the documents in the site, and it's kinda messy17:29
bazhangBillenium: sorry I missed your comment; tab completion (first three letters or so then tab key gives correct spelling) sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop17:29
RoCUnreal<--- left with no choice but to boot into windows and do his c++ programming there... =(17:29
RoadHazardfrojnd: that work?17:30
Gpalcobazhang, I greatly enjoyed your replys =)17:30
bazhangGpalco: well you can reset it once you have the good drivers; nothing to worry about short term17:30
Brandon_okay maybe I'm thinking of this totally wrong. If you guys had to execute a command on another ubuntu server like in PHP to retrieve some data how would you handle that. I've tried to using ssh keys but they seem to be session specific or something and won't allow me to just execute a command like, "ssh foo@example.com lpstats -o" I figure it's asking for the passphrase and I don't want to put a random passphrase in the php file. Any ideas?17:30
RoCUnrealwhy is it so hard to compile a C++ ( hello world program in ubuntu )17:31
_Scooter_Brandon_: have you tried shared ssh keys?17:31
Gpalcobazhang, know I can do apt-get install, than run: startx . How do I turn acpi on ??? Will I need to?17:31
Digi_- IPv6 getaddrinfo 'led-desktop' error: No address associated with hostname  < this is what i get in the terminal after i try to activate the proftpd17:31
Brandon__Scooter_, never heard of them. One moment17:31
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DRebellionRoCUnreal, ./a.out17:31
frojndRoadHazard: I did it like this  GRANT ALL ON muzika.* TO joze IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*01440B0.....' and than ; and says: query ok, 0 rows affected...17:31
kitcheRoCUnreal: umm it's not17:32
DRebellionRoCUnreal, its dead easy17:32
kitche!b-e > RoCUnreal17:32
_Scooter_Brandon_: basically it allows passwordless connections securely17:32
RoadHazardfrojnd: beautiful, now \q17:32
bazhangGpalco: you can do so once the drivers are installed by removing the boot parameter17:32
frojndRoadHazard: I assume now I have to restart mysql ?17:32
RoadHazardfrojnd: nope17:32
micadeyeyeBrandon_: can you help with that apache/php question?17:32
RoadHazardfrojnd: you are ready to use your new database17:32
skillzthis is completely off toppic, but does anyone know of an electronics channel?17:33
skillzfor help with analogue circuit designs17:33
Brandon__Scooter_, omg. I am going to kill some of the people in this channel. I asked, "is it possible to securely connect to a trusted server for ssh without a password" and I was told it's not possible. Thanks I found another tutorial. I'm gonna follow it17:33
frojndRoadHazard: ok.. I'm doing this so I can complete installation of ampache17:33
BilleniumI STILL CANT FIDN IT17:33
DRebellionskillz, ##electronics17:33
_Scooter_Brandon_: there are a lot of noobs here :)17:33
RoCUnrealholy cow i did it17:33
bazhangskillz: you can /msg ubotu irc for a link to channel list17:33
Brandon_micadeyeye, what question. I haven't been watchign the channel17:34
frojndRoadHazard: so now this is accomplished: A MySQL Server with a username and password that can create/modify databases I now have to do: Your webserver has read access to the /sql/ampache.sql file and the /config/ampache.cfg.php.dist file  Can u help me with this one too ?17:34
RoCUnrealDRebellion, holy cow i did it man... only thing is that i cheated17:34
skillzbazhang how do i msd?17:34
nicolahI've got a friend who's trying to install ubuntu 7.10. he's using the desktop version and told me that after loading the kernel the screen goes back to the first page again (where he chose the run live or install ubuntu)17:34
micadeyeyeBrandon_:  i get this error in var/log/apache2/error.log "sh: mkfifo: Permission denied". the php script has this code "@system("mkfifo -m 666 ".$config->reply_fifo_path );" how can i fix this? i think my apache doesn't have the permission to run that code. seems i need to do something like chown www-data somewhere??????17:34
DIL_richard: did you get uoy answer17:34
bazhangskillz: just type /msg ubotu keyword and get in a private convo with the bot ;]17:34
Billeniumis there anything i can install on ubuntu to help me that doesnt need the dash key?17:34
RoCUnrealDRebellion, i used this dev C++ program Win32 ^^ using wine then saved has .cp and then put that file into my linux folder then did the g++ thing and popped the output file into my command line17:35
RoCUnrealthen it said Hello world XD17:35
RoadHazardfrojnd: you'll need to chown those directories to www-data17:35
frojndRoadHazard: I have ampache conf in /etc/ampache/ampache.conf17:36
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MasterShrakampache? you mean apache right?17:36
DRebellionRoCUnreal, you are crazy. Just use a normal plain text editor (like gedit), save the file with any name, and run g++ file -o outputfile17:36
DIL_Billenium: find something with the dash in it copy and paste it as needed17:36
micadeyeyeBrandon_: got an idea17:37
frojndRoadHazard: http://pastebin.ca/942621 this is the output of ampache.conf17:37
erUSULRoCUnreal: or install one of the dozen ides out there like Anjuta17:37
DerDracleFor what reasons might a USB2.0 HD be detected as a USB1.1 device in Gutsy?17:37
erUSUL!info anjuta | RoCUnreal17:37
uboturocunreal: anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.2.0-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1782 kB, installed size 4324 kB17:37
Brandon_micadeyeye, I have no idea. try locating mkfifo. hmm maybe php isn't running as root. Look at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and look at the permissions maybe I'm not sure I don't use ubuntu much.17:37
bazhangBillenium: yea great idea DIL_! just copy and paste this: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop17:37
RoadHazardfrojnd: I am sorry I have never worked with that software17:37
_Scooter_DerDracle: if it's plugged into a 1.1 port or it's using a 1.1 cable17:37
RoCUnrealIts Alight Guys i got it working with gedit :)17:37
DRebellionerUSUL, RoCUnreal, why the hell would you need anjuta do create hello world?17:37
BilleniumDIL_: Thats a great idea actually, but i dont have the ability to use the mouse...17:37
Econaelbazhang: I'm reading the guide and I have to choose a driver for my wlan card, how do I find out which driver it is currently using?17:38
Econaelbazhang: I'm reading the guide and I have to choose a driver for my wlan card, how do I find out which driver it is currently using?17:38
Sansjoanyone wanna earn $10 paypal/moneybookers pm me.17:38
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RoCUnrealDrebellion, idk but i know how to compile stuff now XD17:38
DRebellionSansjo, do NOT advertise in here17:38
erUSULDRebellion: i thought it was a more serious c++ work. just jumped into te conversation17:38
Sansjojust a question ffs.17:38
DIL_ctrl c =copy ctrl v=paste no?17:38
RoCUnrealDrebellion, now ima  use some if statements and junk17:38
RoadHazardfrojnd: try this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42810917:38
bazhangSansjo: this is #ubuntu; not #ubuntu-paypal thanks17:38
dryrotis using Ubuntu Gutsy Server for serving xen environments, or should i stick with Debian etch ?17:39
Gpalc1bazhang, missed your last reply to (19:34:07) Gpalco: bazhang, will I need to reboot to remove the parameter, or I will be able to do it during the same boot session ???17:39
frojndRoadHazard: ok.. thanx for your help. But I don't know what mean with that statement: Your webserver has read access to the /sql/ampache.sql file and the /config/ampache.cfg.php.dist file  I mean I have this ampache.cfg.php  But I don't know how to save it in /sql/...17:39
BilleniumDIL_: but how do i select it?17:39
dryroti mean 'is it a good idea'17:39
_Scooter_dryrot: either will get the job done just fine17:39
Billeniumi mean highlight it17:39
^A^kiraсannot apt-get remove fluxbox-default-settings dunno why17:39
bazhangGpalc1: sure remove it once you have the correct drivers in17:39
DIL_Billenium: shift right arrow key?17:39
erUSULdryrot: i do not think you will find revelant differences between the two17:40
Billeniumlet me try17:40
RoadHazardfrojnd: is it supposed to have read access to it, or not?17:40
maxakiI've got some problems with wine, I'm noob, Question: I have installed wine, And I want to install Steaminstall.exe, when I open it with wine it says: C:\windows\temp\GLC8293.tmp Path not found... What's wrong?17:40
_Scooter_maxaki: have you run wine-setup?17:40
jimmygoonDoes anyone have a decent repo with the latest versions of compiz + all the plugins, etc17:40
maxaki_Scooter_, hmm... how?17:40
_Scooter_maxaki: open a terminal window and type wine-setup17:40
BilleniumDLI_: that doesnt work :\17:41
Cew27hi all i need help desperately i cant update it says my software index is broken and when i run the recomended command it takes me to a java setup thing in term17:41
RoadHazardjimmygoon: gutsy has all the compiz goodies17:41
jimmygoonRoadHazard, yeah but its oooold17:41
DIL_Billenium: i tried17:41
maxaki_Scooter_: bash: wine-setup command not found17:41
frojndRoadHazard: yes it should have.. but funny thing is I don't have /sql/ directory.. :S17:41
MasterShrakCew27: sudo apt-get update         then try again?17:41
frojndRoadHazard: or I don't know where it is located..17:41
_Scooter_maxaki: sec, i might've misspelled...17:41
RoadHazardfrojnd: just guessing but maybe /usr/ampache/www/sql?17:41
BilleniumDLI_: i dont have a desktop interface, and i cant find it in aptitude... i dont know what to do....17:42
RoadHazardfrojnd: or /usr/share/ampache/www/sql17:42
MasterShrak_Scooter_ maxaki, its winecfg        iirc17:42
DRebellionBillenium, install openssh-server from aptitude17:42
BilleniumWhere is openssh-server?17:42
BilleniumLike what is it under?17:42
RoadHazardbillenium: type aptitude by itself then navigate around in there and find ubuntu-desktop17:42
_Scooter_maxaki: yeah, he's right - winecfg17:42
erUSUL!software > Billenium17:42
_Scooter_MasterShrak: :)17:42
maxakiMasterShrak; The specified Winodws directory L"C:\\Windows" is not accesible..17:42
Cew27MasterShrak: i love you17:42
BilleniumRoadHazard: i tried, and i had no luck in finding it17:42
Billeniumtheres sooo many folders and files and things17:43
MasterShrakCew27 :)17:43
bazhangerUSUL: he has no dash key and wants to install ubuntu-desktop; any ideas17:43
frojndRoadHazard: great, it's in  /usr/share/ampache/www/sql17:43
DRebellionBillenium, under 'net'17:43
RoadHazardBillenium: did you aptitude update17:43
DIL_no desktop? startx maybe?17:43
Picibazhang: copy and paste?17:43
DIL_Billenium: no desktop? startx maybe?17:43
Picibazhang: tab complete?17:43
erUSULbazhang: tab completion ??17:43
RoadHazardfrojnd: ok now does ampache WANT your webserver to have write access to that or not?17:43
frojndRoadHazard: It has to had this access rights.. if it wan'ts I don't know..17:44
erUSULbazhang: at least in ksh you will be able to type «sudo apt-get install ubuntu» hit tab and select from a list of packages17:44
minimec^A^kira: Sorry... Try sudo dpkg remove --force-all fluxbox-default-settings17:44
bazhangPici: erUSUL he cant seem to get ( Billenium ) copy and paste working17:45
RoadHazardfrojnd: here, read this http://www.ninjasown.com/wordpress/?p=617:45
erUSULbazhang: not even with select + middle click ?17:45
Billeniumokay i updated it...17:45
frojndRoadHazard: ok.. how can I delete databasename ?17:46
Billeniumbut i dont know which catagory it will be under17:46
_Scooter_erUSUL: the same thing works in bash as long as completion is turned on in .bashrc17:46
Billeniumand then there are more categories inside those categories17:46
Billeniumand so on17:46
frojndRoadHazard: looks like ampache needs to create databasename itselgf It only needs uername,,17:46
lunaphyte_how do i add a disk back into an raid array it's supposed to be part of?17:46
bazhangBillenium: you tried erUSUL's suggestion? select and middle click for the copy paste?17:47
^A^kiraminimec dpkg: need an action option17:47
DRebellionBillenium, under the 'net' category install openssh-server then you can ssh to your computer from another and get a fully working shell17:47
erUSUL_Scooter_: i just trried and yes it presents you with the list of posible completions but yopu can not navigate that list and choose an option like in ksh17:47
Billeniumwell i cant copy and paste17:47
maxakiCan someone help me with Wine in private?17:47
DIL_lunaphyte_: what type of raid?17:47
Billeniumsince i dont have a desktop enviroment17:47
_Scooter_erUSUL: hrmm... imma check that out now :)17:47
minimec^A^kira: Sorry... Try sudo dpkg -r --force-all fluxbox-default-settings17:48
Billeniumi dont even have anything to copy17:48
erUSULbazhang: and aptitude curses gui ?? / to search17:48
^A^kiraminimec dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove fluxbox-default-settings which isn't installed.17:48
^A^kiraminimec something wierd17:48
DRebellionerUSUL, bazhang, apparently only alphanumeric works (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)17:49
lunaphyte_DIL_: raid1 : http://rafb.net/p/WMy3Q659.html  - for some reason disk sde was left out, even though the disk shows in /dev/17:49
bazhangBillenium: what about sudo aptitude curses gui ? from erUSUL (thanks!) suggestion17:49
Billeniumill try17:49
minimec^A^kira: oups...?17:49
zoomboot8Billenium: you CAN copy and paste with the mouse in text mode. just type "sudo apt-get install gpm" ... gpm is a CLI mouse thing17:50
RoadHazardcd /etc/environment17:50
MasamuneXGPTotal newbie here, I'm trying to set up jumbo frames on a gigabit network and failing horribly.  "ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000" gives "Invalid argument."  Help?17:50
^A^kiraminimec ?17:50
nacerthere is a channel for discuss about hardy ?17:50
minimec^A^kira: WHat does synaptic say about that package. IS it really installed?17:50
kitchenacer: #ubuntu+117:51
lunaphyte_DIL_: ah, found it - mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sde117:51
Billeniumi did 'sudo aptitude curses gui' and it just gave me a list of stuff like -i isntall17:51
gretti1hello all, could some one help me with setting up wireless internet please?17:51
steph_Did someone knows how to change the default background when I wanted to add a new user. ( I would like to use the same for everybody)17:51
^A^kiraminimec i'll check17:52
kitchesteph_: look at /etc/skel maybe17:52
steph_It looks like it use a generic desktop17:52
DRebellionBillenium, you don't need to install curses gui!17:52
DIL_lunaphyte_: glad to help :-)17:52
erUSULBillenium: run «sudo aptitude» then hit «/» to search enter «ubuntu desktop» on search box hit enter. Mark ubuntu-desktop for installing hittin +17:52
LollinopiLcan i program in C++ with Ubuntu ?17:52
steph_kitche: it's empty?17:53
LollinopiLwhat must i use ?17:53
minimec^A^kira: here I am...17:53
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bazhangerUSUL: nice call17:53
steph_kitche: sorry: hidden files17:53
zoomboot8LollinopiL: the packages "g++" and "build-essential"17:53
DRebellionLollinopiL, g++ and your favourite text editor17:53
zoomboot8LollinopiL: the compiler is g++17:53
gretti1or could some people look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=724144 please?17:53
lunaphyte_DIL_: ;)17:53
LollinopiLuh okz17:54
maxakiCan someone help me with Wine in private?17:54
erUSULbazhang: :)17:55
Raditjoin #vbox17:55
tholmehey, im having some problems with upgrading and installing new apps. There is an error that pops up about some demand problems conecerned with openoffice.org-core openoffice.org-common python-uno + some other ones17:55
Billenium ( / does not work17:55
Billeniumremember, only alphanumerical17:55
wizogah this is confusing17:55
bazhangmaxaki: what is the question please? best to do it in channel17:55
RoCUnrealC++    ( i use int 1; to create a information holder but how do i display what the 1 actually holds ?17:55
Billeniumso i cannot search i 'aptitude'17:56
RoCUnrealbecause the user inputs what number he wants to store in 117:56
erUSULBillenium: hit F10 and use the menus to search17:56
kitcheRoCUnreal: if your asking that question then you sort of need ot learn C++17:56
maxakibazhang, I can't open Steaminstall.exe it says: Could not intialize installation. C:\windows\temp/GLC8041.tmp Path not found.17:57
bazhangmaxaki: did you wineconfig first?17:57
RoCUnrealkitche, this complier aint working...17:57
DRebellionRoCUnreal, printf("%d", 1);  //if i remember correctly17:57
RoCUnrealkitche, it only works with ccount statements17:57
kitcheRoCUnreal: but cout << mystring17:58
RoCUnrealkitche, it only works with cout*17:58
Billeniumokay im in search17:58
age6racerhi all, how do I start a single application in an X session with no window manager?17:58
RichWI am using gutsy, I need a way to download hardy packages with apt-get to get the latest version and I don't want to upgrade to hardy. Downloading the deb manually in not practical.17:58
Billeniumwhat do i search17:58
kitcheDRebellion: umm that's C17:58
tritiumRoCUnreal: the C++ tutorial is offtopic17:58
erUSULBillenium: ubuntu desktop17:58
erUSUL!who | Billenium17:58
ubotuBillenium: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:58
micadeyeyehey, my apache can't write in /tmp. why????17:58
RoCUnrealIts not a tutorial im just saying this program aint working17:58
kitcheRoCUnreal: well coun is how you output information :)17:58
micadeyeyeusing ubuntu os17:58
DRebellionRoCUnreal, you should learn c before delving into c++ (c is much more widespread)17:58
RoCUnrealkitche, i know but i can go like int 1, 2, 3, 4;17:59
RoCUnrealkitche, it gives me errors17:59
jimmygoonDRebellion, I disagree with that statement 100%17:59
tritiumRoCUnreal: then quit talking offtopic17:59
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micadeyeyehey,am using feisty, my apache can't write in /tmp. why????17:59
wizohey so let's say i used the package manager and marked something and clicked apply17:59
DRebellionjimmygoon, fair enough but lets not turn #ubuntu into a battleground, ey ;)17:59
wizohwo do i make sure it's installed?17:59
jimmygoonDRebellion, not today ;)18:00
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:00
maxakibazhang what u mean with wineconfig first?18:00
micadeyeyemicadeyeye@asmicom:/etc/init.d$ ls -dl /tmp/18:00
micadeyeyedrwxrwxrwt 13 root root 4096 2008-03-14 19:38 /tmp/18:00
RoCUnrealDrebellion, i know some C++ and i know enough to know that this thing aint working for me18:00
MasamuneXGPI'm trying to set up jumbo frames on a gigabit network and failing horribly.  "ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000" gives "Invalid argument."  Help appreciated!18:00
bazhangmaxaki: you need to run that command first when using wine18:00
bod_how can i make /dev/hda1   automount?18:00
DRebellionRoCUnreal, i can assure you there is nothing wrong with g++18:00
maxakibazhang, I'm only rightclicking and "run with wine"18:01
theblogg1can someone help me please18:01
DIL_wizo: how about running the app18:01
theblogg1with this18:01
FloodBot3theblogg1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:01
RoCUnrealDrebellion, but everytime i try an create a program where it asks the user to input their age then i have the computer try an output the age it gives me 30lines of errors18:01
wizoDIL_: it's nto properly configured yet, so i wanna see where it is installed to18:01
wizobefore trying to configure it18:01
bazhangmaxaki: you really should check out #winehq they can sort you in no time18:01
tritiumRoCUnreal: offtopic warning #218:01
bod_RoCUnreal, what language?18:01
jimmygoon Ubuntu is killing me; either I have it shutdown when the battery dies (which is acutally 15 minutes before the battery actually runs out, or I let it literally die and then I have to set through a 15 minute disk check). What should I do?18:01
RoCUnrealtritium, sorry wont happen again18:02
zoomboot8age6racer: what program, for example?18:02
tritiumRoCUnreal: thanks18:02
RichW I am using gutsy, I need a way to download hardy packages with apt-get to get the latest version and I don't want to upgrade to hardy. Downloading the deb manually in not practical.18:02
erUSULBillenium: any luck ?18:02
DIL_wizo: locate "app name"18:02
VRichW:  what are you looking to do specifically ?18:02
RichWI want to upgrade spe18:02
RoadHazardBillenium: got your install cd handy?18:02
erUSULRichW: mixing repos is unsupported and dangerous18:03
RichWit has hardy dependecies18:03
VRichW:  are those dependancies supported in 710 ?18:03
jimcooncatRichW backports, or if not in there, use prevu18:03
age6racerzoomboot8: Firefox18:03
erUSULRichW: if you want new versions of some packages try backports18:03
erUSUL!backports | RichW18:03
ubotuRichW: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:03
^A^kiraminimec synaptic marked for full removal but E: fluxbuntu-default-settings: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 218:03
RichWil check backports18:03
Vyou can turn on backports ... but no idea if that package is there18:03
LollinopiLguys when i open the browser i see this message18:03
RoadHazardtritium: is there a way to run the installer from bash to change the keyboard layout?18:03
LollinopiLhttp://www.bernardotti.it/libri.html wants to load an applet.18:03
LollinopiLGNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete.18:03
FloodBot3LollinopiL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
wizoDIL_: why do i have it in /var/lib/drqueue/bin/drqman and in /usr/bin/drqman, what's the difference?18:04
tritiumRoadHazard: one minute, please18:04
kitcheLollinopiL: so don't use GNU classpaths then :)18:04
LollinopiLwhat does it mean ?18:04
erUSULwizo: maybe the later is just a link to the former18:04
v3ctorwizo: /usr/bin/drqman may be a sym link to /var/lib/drqueue/bin/drqman18:04
LollinopiLso how can i install it ?18:04
wizoah i see..18:04
LollinopiLare them safe ?18:04
erUSUL!java | LollinopiL18:04
ubotuLollinopiL: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)18:04
gretti1my wireless card can see my router but can't connect. anyone have any ideas?18:04
minimec^A^kira: It looks that there is a bug in the fluxbox-default-settings.deb18:04
DIL_wizo: system and user access18:05
zoomboot8age6racer: hmm, ive done it before, i'm just trying something ok?18:05
age6racerok, thanks18:05
tritiumRoadHazard: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup18:05
RoadHazardtritium: will that help with billenium's plight?18:05
^A^kiraminimec what could i do to remove it? i can not install neither remove anything else becouse of it18:05
minimec^A^kira: May you should post that bug to the fluxbuntu crew a search the internet for it.18:05
RoCUnrealtritium, when i run code found on a site it works so i guess your right, it was my fault and off topic due to my lack of C++ know how.18:05
RichWIs it hard to get a application backported?18:06
kitcheRichW: umm ask for it or wait for it to be backported but what app is it?18:06
^A^kiraminimec ok, tnx18:06
minimec^A^kira: Does aptitude give you the same error?18:06
RichWpython editor18:07
tritiumRoadHazard: I'm not following that.  I was just answering your question.18:07
kitcheRichW: hmm that ost likely will not be backported18:07
RoadHazardtritium: ahh18:07
tritiumRoCUnreal: no problem :)18:07
RoCUnrealthe compiler works perfect thanks for the help guys, i have another question im not sure if this is the correct channel to ask it in i need to open a    .msi   file how would i go by doing that?18:07
LollinopiLis it possible that some suspect programs disabled java ? ? ? ?18:07
wizoonemore question, is there a command to refresh teh terminal so that when i change an enviroment variable i dont have to close and reopen another terminal18:08
VRichW:  I also doubt you will be seeing that in a backport.18:08
richardDIL_: no i did not18:08
^A^kiraminimec yes18:08
Brandon__Scooter_, maybe you know this. When I try to use ssh from one of my servers to another I get this warning possible DNS spoofing thing and "Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:5" do you know what key I need to add? Or to get it to add the key?18:08
richardif i want to add .Xmodmap at startup, how do i do that?18:09
titusgwhen I try to use ogg123 I get "can't create mcop directory" -- how do I fix this?18:09
v3ctorRichW: is there a specific version of it you want?18:09
minimec^A^kira: I also had some similar problems with some .debs all the years... Let me think a moment.18:09
RoCUnrealI need to run a .msi file how should i go by doing that?18:09
DIL_richard: i saw a ? relative to adding a device so users could access18:09
VRoCUnreal:  what are you trying to do ?18:10
RoCUnrealv, im trying to run a .msi file18:10
richardDIL_: asked two question :)... my second question was, how to get usb access fo rother users, i get disk to popup as my main user but not others18:10
Vis there an exe installer option ?18:10
RoCUnrealv, msi is the extension its a windows based file, and if i can get to install i can throw away my Windows Drive XD18:10
DIL_richard: did you resolve that18:11
richardDIL_: no..18:11
kitcheRoCUnreal: wine might install it msi can be a pain sometimes18:11
VYeah .. i know all about MSI, I just am pretty sure without some manual effort you are going to get Wine to run it18:11
^u^RoCUnreal, .msi = microsoft installer - it's windows only18:11
RichWv3ctor: spe 0.8.4.c18:11
RoCUnrealkiche, ive tried wine but ive had problems18:11
RoCUnrealis there a wine channel?18:11
v3ctor0.8.2a is in universe18:11
tritiumRoCUnreal: unix/linux doesn't rely on file extensions for identifying file types.  It uses "magic numbers".  "man magic" will tell you more.18:12
RoCUnrealthat would be a  better place t ask this question right?18:12
PiciRoCUnreal: the folks in #winehq can help you with msi files, I forget exactly what their syntax is18:12
biebwhat is the program that you are trying to install via .msi?18:12
bazhang#winehq RoCUnreal18:12
minimec^A^kira: First question: Why do you wnated to remove the package. 2nd: If you leave this package installed, can you use synaptic normally?18:12
SpudDoggRoCUnreal:  #winehq18:12
RichWv3ctor: I know that, the latest version has new features.18:12
RoCUnrealalright thanks guys, i hope i wont be using Microsoft OS's if i can get this to work18:12
DIL_richard: well edit fstab to see who has access and change accordingly to auto18:12
^A^kiraminimec synaptik want's to remove this pckg, i don't care `bout it18:12
Vrocunreal:  i doubt very highly though you will get a .msi to run in wine.  Most of the libs it needs wont be there18:12
NutzebahnHello. Could someone please recommend a firewall which enables me to control which applications can access the internet from which ones can't? (it must have this feature, I already heard of Firestarter, iptables and Guarddog, not those)18:12
gretti1no one got any idea's about http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=724144 ? Even a 'no, never gonna happen' will do :(18:13
richardDIL_: edit fstab? i've looked at '/etc/groups' and i added same privledges as my mian user had, adn still didnt work18:13
kitcheV: wine understands msi now very well at least the latest wine :)18:13
minimec^A^kira: OK. When did this happen? Did you remove some fluxbox things?18:13
zoomboot8age6racer: darn, I know the command is "xinit" , im just having a  tough time getting it to do firefox ... im still trying though18:13
^A^kiraminimec yeah... i removed the whole fluxbox18:13
Scunizino.. the closest thing is s.m.a.r.t. short self test18:13
DIL_richard: well edit fstab look at device18:14
Vgretti1:  did you install the WPA supplicant package ?18:14
gretti1V yes18:14
minimec^A^kira: For what reason? Would it harm you to reinstall fluxbox again?18:14
age6racerok, thanks so much for the effort18:14
^A^kiraminimec if i trying to unmark it synaptic want's to install fluxbox back18:14
titusgah, the fix for my problem is mkdir -p $HOME/.kde/socket-$HOSTNAME18:14
richardis there a paste tool for ubuntu? ( come from gentoo and used wgetpaste, but dont see it as a package)18:15
^A^kiraminimec cuz' becouse of slim kde didn't work18:15
DIL_richard: ensure rw is enabled18:15
Vrichard:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:15
SpudDogggretti1:  i know it is possible to connect to a WPA network, but i have never done it.  there shouldn't be too many problems with that atheros based card.  get rid of ndiswrapper and check and recheck all your settings18:16
Vif you mean pastebin18:16
richardV: same thing :)18:16
minimec^A^kira: ^A^kira Do you want to install another version or another WM like Openbox? - I would reinstall fluxbox (to be able to administrate my system) and file a bug to the fluxbuntu crew.18:17
richardDIL_: http://paste.stgraber.org/1555 thats my fstab18:17
wizohow can i check my processor speed adn stuff?18:17
Brandon_will erasing the known_hosts file for ssh get rid of the "Warning Possible DNS spoofing" thing where the key has changed?18:18
gretti1SpudDog do i do ndiswrapper -r wn6201 or remove ndiswrapper completely?18:18
^A^kiraminimec reinstallin fluxbox now... will try to do with that something18:18
albechwizo: cat /proc/cpuinfo18:18
minimec^A^kira: Looks like Openbox could be an alternative for you...18:18
Marbughi, I have installed K3b but I can't use mp3 to burn on a disc, I have the same problem with Serpentine, what do I need to install so I can burn music CDs?18:18
ganuis there any software to hide the folders and files?18:18
SpudDogggretti1:  i would completely remove ndiswrapper.  im pretty sure the only reason you would need that is for some broadcom cards, but atheros is VERY well supported in linux18:18
v3ctorBrandon_: you could edit it and remove the ine for the host that is getting the message18:19
wizook.. this is where im confused18:19
Jack_SparrowMarbug, k3b has mp3 addon check in synaptic18:19
Brandon_v3ctor, the line isn't even in the file... that's what's odd18:19
wizoin vista it says 1.6 on both cores (dual core), but in here it says cpu Mhz is 80018:19
MarbugI'll check again Jack_Sparrow18:19
Xorothalganu: put a "." before the filename and it will show as hidden18:19
v3ctorBrandon_: rename the file and see if you still get the message18:19
Brandon_v3ctor, good point18:19
gretti1SpudDogg good to know, ok just gonna get rid, it's on the laptop.18:20
JasonWoofhow do I install tcpserver?18:20
wizoam i right to presume that each core is 800 and 2 cores make it 1.6GHz or is it 1.6GHz for each core?18:20
Marbugthx Jack_Sparrow  I saw over it :)18:20
Jeruvywizo: each core18:20
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Brandon_v3ctor, fixed the problem. Hmm must have been the rsa key. meh18:21
wizoJeruvy: each core is 1.6 or 800mhz?18:21
Xorothalwizo: each is 1.618:21
Jeruvywizo: each core is what it's rated18:21
LollinopiLis icedtea necessary for java's installation ?18:22
wizoXorothal, Jeruvy, i get this line "cpu MHz         : 800.000" but i thought each core was meant to be 1.6GHz, or could cpuinfo be misreading something18:22
JDogHermancan someone help me with a ubuntu issue?18:23
Jeruvywizo you could be referring to the FSB speed18:23
Threepwoodquick question, if i buy an uber laptop with the quad core and the dual GForce graphics cards, will ubuntu take advantage or would it be better to get a cheaper laptop with just the dual core and single GPU?18:23
Scunizi!ask | JDogHerman18:23
ubotuJDogHerman: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:23
wizoJeruvy: so the variable "cpu MHz" could be the FBS?18:24
LollinopiLis icedtea necessary for java's installation ?18:24
zoomboot8age6racer: are you in text mode right now?18:24
Jeruvywizo: I have no idea what your looking at.  have you checked the BIOS to make sure it's reporting what you're supposed to have?18:24
zoomboot8Threepwood: OMG are you that bastard estvir from digg?18:24
JDogHerman!ask What can casue the issue with not being able to ping interal address but still able to ping outside?18:24
blagshould I update eclipse from eclipse.org?18:25
Threepwoodcan't say i am, i just want to make sure the hardware of my next pc works great with ubuntu18:25
Xorothalwizo: evil gnomes have stolen your processor and replaced it with one half the speed18:25
=== beautifulsnow is now known as Mimi
Xorothalthey're called dell18:25
wizoJeruvy: i did a cat /proc/cpuinfo18:25
ScuniziJDogHerman, maybe using the wrong address inside for the machine.. or the machine is firewalled18:25
Jeruvywizo: that's not what I asked.18:26
JDogHermanthings were hunky dory a few days ago18:26
burning-shortsJDogHerman: maybe incorrect subnet masks18:26
wizoJeruvy: you said you had no idea what i was looking at, so i told you that's what i was looking at =/18:26
Jeruvywizo: lets move forward ;)18:26
JDogHermanit looks good18:27
wizoyea alright18:27
wizoi'll check it the next time i reboot then18:27
burning-shortsJDogHerman: can you clarify what you mean by "internal" addresses?18:27
ScuniziJDogHerman, maybe you're on a DHCP server and the machine you're trying to ping has changed IP address's18:27
wizothanks anyway, Jeruvy Xorothal18:27
buliois there a way to prevent Ubutnu from overwriting my /etc/motd upon every kernel update?18:27
wizobed time now18:27
nickrudblag: yeah, using the eclipse from eclipse.org works better than the ubuntu repo18:27
JDogHermanlike my router or fellow computers in the house18:27
sjaakHello, I lost my Grub boot loader so now i cant get on my ubuntu only on my windows anyone know how to repair this // im on the ubuntu live cd now18:27
gretti1SpudDogg if your still there, I removed ndiswrapper now should i try to connect using network or should i edit  /etc/network/interfaces18:28
ScuniziJDogHerman, use our nicks so we can "see" when you're talking to us.18:28
burning-shortsJDogHerman: and all the computers are connected to the same router?  so are on the same IP subnet?18:28
noodlesgcis it possible to actively redirect all traffic from eth1 to lo?18:28
niketasHi all! Who knows, how to disable groups dividing in Pidgin?18:28
mrpocketsI need something that'll let me easily put music onto my ipod18:29
JDogHermanburning-shorts: all the subnet masks are
blagnickrud: thanks, brah18:29
noodlesgcmrpockets try gtkpod18:29
burning-shortsJDogHerman: that is good to know.. but mysubnet mask is  that doesnt mean I am on your same IP subnet18:29
mrpocketsah thats it18:30
Juppsjaak, you need to find the "grub" executable on you linux partition18:30
sjaakJupp, do you know where i can find it?18:30
Juppsjaak, let me know when you do and I can walk you through the rest18:30
zoomboot8age6racer: are you in text mode, or already in the grpahical interface when you want to do it?18:30
bthorntonAs of 7.10, does Ubuntu run the same kernel for the 32-bit distros as the x86_64/AMD64 distros?18:30
JDogHermanburning-shorts: the router is, the ubuntu-box is and the other computer is
sjaakJupp, found the grubb map in my boot directory18:31
ThreepwoodI want this one.  http://www.sagernotebook.com/product_customed.php?pid=29175  Any ideas?18:31
komodowow, is unbuntu-gnome dumbed down?18:31
geniibthornton: 2.6.22-14 yes18:31
Juppsjaak, your live cd will have access to your linux parition so the grub executable will be (wherever you live cd mounted your partition)/usr/sbin/grub18:31
psycosei'm getting so much trouble to prompt the user some info in a Makefile using read any tips ? thanks18:31
burnerxis there a blueprint software under ubuntu??18:31
sjaakJupp, is it on the live cd or in the partition of my installed ubuntu?18:32
burning-shortsJDogHerman: and are you trying to connect to them by IP address or by name?  (sorry for simple questions but we shoudl start somewhere)18:32
Juppsjaak, in your partition18:32
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bthorntonhmm... I have 4GB of RAM in my Pentium D system but Linux is only seeing 3.2GB of it. Is that a limitation of my OS or a limitation of my hardware?18:32
JDogHermanburning-shorts: i type... justin@blackbox:~$ ping
JDogHermanPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.18:32
JDogHermanFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable18:32
sjaakJupp, ok found it18:33
Jack_Sparrowbthornton, that is well documented on the web..18:33
skarfacebthornton: is some of it set aside for graphics?18:33
^u^bthornton, it is a limitation of all 32bit oss18:33
Juppsjaak, run it and you'll get a prompt18:33
Juppsjaak, remember to run it as sudo18:34
bthorntonskarface: I'm not sure--but when I only had 2GB, none was set aside because the OS saw the full 2GB.18:34
Jack_Sparrowbthornton, From what I understand if you want all 4 meg available to programs you can install the server kernel but it usually inst an issue18:34
sjaakJupp, ok 3secs18:34
burning-shortsJDogHerman:can you connect to the router on a different protocol?  do you use a web browser or telnet to view/modify the configuration?18:34
JDogHermanburning-shorts: nope18:35
LollinopiLguys i've installed ( reinstalled ) java and i always se this message in the browser http://www.bernardotti.it/libri.html wants to load an applet.18:35
LollinopiLGNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete.18:35
LollinopiLHOSTILE APPLETS WILL STEAL AND/OR DESTROY YOUR DATA! .... i don't know what to do18:35
burning-shortsJDogHerman: in other words, is it just ping, or other traffic as well18:35
psycosei got a problem using shell read command in a Makefile as explain here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59608/ any tips ? thanks18:35
burning-shortsJDogHerman: I am presuming you got your DHCP address from that router though, right?18:35
LjLLollinopiL: are you sure it's Sun's Java that you're using?18:36
JDogHermanburning-shorts: I tried connecting to my router and I am unable to do so with any protocol18:36
Slue_GnifferWhat's a good LiveCD distro?18:36
LjL!ot | Slue_Gniffer18:36
DIL_richard: you can add your device to fstab so that when it is added added users can access18:36
ubotuSlue_Gniffer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:36
LollinopiLLjL well i've installed it from the ubuntu's how to ...18:36
JuppSlue_Gniffer, for what?18:36
Slue_GnifferJust general use, for when I don't want to deal with Windblows.18:36
JDogHermanburning-shorts: but i can make a solid connection to the internt (google, and have ssh and vnc going without issues)18:36
Jack_SparrowJupp, Please dont contiunue     Slue_Gniffer  you are offtpoic..18:37
LjLLollinopiL: what does « sudo update-alternatives --display java » say on the first line?18:37
burning-shortsJDogHerman: and you can connect to IRC as well!18:37
LollinopiLLjL java status auto18:38
LjLLollinopiL: well, no sorry - second line18:38
LollinopiLand i've the last version18:38
burning-shortsJDogHerman: did did problem jsut start then?  you used to be able to connect to the router?18:38
LollinopiLare u sure that the problem's connected with java ?18:38
JDogHermanburning-shorts: yeah recently18:38
burning-shortsJDogHerman: or does it persist after a reboot?18:38
LjLLollinopiL: ...? the error message says so!18:38
LollinopiL il link currently aim to a /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-icedtea/jre/bin/java18:39
JDogHermanburning-shorts: Ived tried rebooting and suck18:39
LollinopiLoh ok hehe18:39
LjLLollinopiL: then you're not using sun's java18:39
ScuniziJDogHerman, try
LollinopiLuhm arrg18:39
richardDIL_: thanks, ill look into it, gtg18:39
LollinopiLif i remove it and install the right one ?18:39
JDogHermanscunizi: do i want to ping broadcase?18:40
JDogHermanscunizi: do i want to ping broadcast?18:40
LjLLollinopiL: you're using the open source version, which is not yet complete, and uses parts from the GNU Classpath for things that cannot be released as open-source. if you'd rather use the still closed-source version, « sudo update-alternatives --configure java » and select /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java18:40
ScuniziJDogHerman, I may be wrong.. but I thought you were trying to ping your router..  some routers are on and others on
sjaakJupp, i can enter the drive on my gui but in the terminal i cant get in there really wierd:S18:41
micadeyeyein another sense, how can i make my apache user have access to /tmp/ directory????18:41
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micadeyeye how can i make my apache user have access to /tmp/ directory????18:41
sjaakJupp, and i cant execute it from the gui:S18:41
burning-shortsJDogHerman: can you go to a terminal window and type :   " arp -a"  without the quotes.  and tell me how many entries you get18:41
JDogHermanscunizi: mine is
Juppsjaak, try mounting it18:41
v3ctormicadeyeye: it should be able to access /tmp without your help18:41
LollinopiLLjL but do you think that it's necessary?18:41
LjLmicadeyeye, every user has access to the /tmp directory18:41
ScuniziIf you have a gui have you tried ping from system/admin/networking tools?18:41
Juppsjaak, eg. sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt18:41
LollinopiLand that message ? ALL DATA DESTROYED .... am i safe ? ?18:42
JDogHermanscunizi: 218:42
Juppsjaak, then you'll have access through your terminal18:42
JDogHermanburning-shorts: 218:42
LjLLollinopiL: some applets might work better, and also i don't find that message particularly reassuring (of course, it depends which sites you visit, but still)18:42
sjaakJupp, mount: you must specify the filesystem type18:42
LollinopiLwell ok, in fact ... it looks strange that from a java applic  all data could be destroyed ...18:43
Juppsjaak, it should autodetect the filesystem, are you sure you're mounting the right partition?18:43
micadeyeyev3ctor: hey, i get this error in var/log/apache2/error.log "sh: mkfifo: Permission denied".18:43
JasonWoofJupp, sjaak probably have to specify the partition18:43
LollinopiLhowever, i type sudo update-alternatives --configure java  as u said18:43
micadeyeyeLjL: hey, i get this error in var/log/apache2/error.log "sh: mkfifo: Permission denied".18:43
JasonWoof /dev/sda1 or some such18:43
Juppsjaak, do a sudo fdisk -l and post your results in pastebin18:43
burning-shortsJDogHerman: there is only one router on the network right?  the other entry is your other computer?  so you have an entry for and
Juppsjaak, JasonWoof is right18:44
sjaakJupp, ok wait18:44
LjLmicadeyeye: ls -l -d /tmp18:44
Juppsjaak, but try pasting the result anyway18:44
MrObviousI was thinking of doing the following: dual booting Vista and Ubuntu and using Truecrypt to encrypt my whole laptop drive. I know it's possible. Any advice? I've seen where it's possible to move the Grub boot loader to another part of the hard drive and it looks fairly easy for me to handle.18:44
JasonWoofsjaak: a good guess is the highest numbered file starting with /dev/sda18:44
sjaakJupp, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5694/18:44
sjaakJupp, its on my sda3 the linux18:44
Juppsjaak, sda3 is your swap18:45
sjaakJupp, sorry:P18:45
Juppsjaak, try sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt18:45
earthlingif i write /var/cache/apt/archives/*  onto a cd, how can i use it to install those pkgs on a sys reinstall?18:45
sjaaki did18:45
micadeyeyeLjL: drwxrwxrwt 13 root root 4096 2008-03-14 20:36 /tmp18:45
Jack_Sparrowearthling, copy them back to the hd or look into aptoncd18:46
sjaakbut it still isnt in the media dir18:46
Juppsjaak, try "sudo /mnt/usr/sbin/grub"18:46
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers18:46
Scuniziearthling, you might want to install aptoncd to create a repo on the cd.18:46
burning-shortsJDogHerman: and a "netstat -rn" shows a destination of
sjaakim in it18:46
Juppsjaak, use my name so I know when your typing ;)18:47
TehSnarfHow would I remove a logical volume from an lvm group? I'm trying to delete the lvm group and "start over" on installing it18:47
micadeyeyeLjL: is everything alright?18:47
earthlingJack_Sparrow, Scunizi: thanks18:47
sjaakJupp, sorry forgot18:47
LjLmicadeyeye: yes, it is. i don't know why apache wouldn't be able to write to it18:47
sjaakJupp, ok whats next18:47
Juppsjaak, now type "setup (hd0) (hd0,2)"18:47
JDogHermanburning-shorts: what do you want to know form netstat -rn?18:48
v3ctormicadeyeye: did you try asking in #apache ?18:48
micadeyeyev3ctor: yes18:48
micadeyeyecan i use shell_exec in place of system()18:48
sjaakJupp, error: cannot mount selected partition18:48
Juppsjaak, uhm, try "setup (hd0) (hd0,1)"18:49
JDogHermanburning-shorts: ?18:49
burning-shortsJDogHerman: does it show a "destination" for in teh table? with the right interface listed18:49
sjaakJupp, ok it worked18:49
Juppsjaak, uhm, what did it say? can you pastebin the output?18:49
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete18:50
JDogHermanburning-shorts: the listing of goes to the interface og eth0 and eth118:50
sjaakJupp. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5695/18:50
sjaakJupp, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5695/18:50
xc_legendHaving some trouble getting wifi working on an eeepc18:50
burning-shortsJDogHerman: and what interface does the destination have?18:50
JDogHermanburning-shorts: both eth1 and eth018:50
Juppsjaak, sound really good, try rebooting and please let me know how it goes, I'm very curious now18:50
sjaakJupp, ^^ ok i will18:51
burning-shortsJDogHerman: are you using 2 interfaces?  for one network?18:51
clintvhey all, i got a HDTV related questions =0)18:51
JDogHermanonly one is used18:52
RoadHazardxc_legend: check out the wireless section here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC18:52
JDogHermanburning-shorts: only one is used18:52
jcg42join #windows18:52
zedster__anyone running urban terror?18:53
xc_legendthanks i did that on my first install ....did not work18:53
burning-shortsJDogHerman: can you go into netowrk settings then and disable the other interface?  I am presuming eth1 is the extra one but you would know that better than me.  but disable the interface you are not using. I think it is using the wrong interface for local traffic18:53
Rudin_I have a text file in a Windows partition, how can I make a link to it in my Ubuntu desktop such that when I double click it, it readily opens instead of asking me if i want to run it or display it?18:53
clintvi have a lcd proj (sony) model kdf60wf655 actually... its native 1368x768 and overscans to about 720p(1280x768)  i am having troubles forcing resolutions that i know fit in windows xp with the nvidia drivers18:53
xc_legendsecond fresh install tried script to add wifi madwifi18:54
xc_legendseems to have installed but still shows no wifi option on network manager18:54
clintvrudin i think ln is the symbolic link command18:54
burning-shortsJDogHerman: do you know how to do that?  under System -> Administration -> Network18:54
burning-shortsclick on properties of the non-used interface and uncheck the box to disable it18:55
ArmedKingIs it possible to have a Shutdown message apear in gnome if i remote shutdown say "shutdown -h +5 "Shutting down"18:55
Rudin_clintv: I'll try that18:55
JDogHermanburning-shorts: so i should have it on roaming?18:55
RoadHazardxc_legend: try the ndiswrapper thing then, madwifi worked on mine18:55
LollinopiLwhen's the date of ubuntu 8.04 ?18:56
xc_legendok thanks that is the answer i am getting on all the forums18:56
askandAnyone managed to get external screen working in a different resolution then the primary screen with an aticard?18:56
xc_legendcool thanks for your help18:56
clintvi got to say ubuntu wireless is rocking ... i have a linksys WMP54G and xp cant get the driver installed for the life of it18:56
mitch_Does anyone have a recomindation for network config tool18:56
burning-shortsJDogHerman: hmm, I am not sure.. I have another PC with 2 interfaces and I was sure there was a disable box.18:57
clintvand it was automatic in ubuntu18:57
bazhangmitch_: the terminal18:57
tucciI'm on a wireless network and all of a sudden words that I am typing have started to appear on one of the other computers on the network. I'm using Ubuntu, the other computer is on OSX18:57
burning-shortsJDogHerman: there is nothing connected to that ethernet port, right?18:57
JDogHermanburning-shorts: i dont think so18:57
LollinopiLwhen's the date of ubuntu 8.04 ?18:57
mitch_bazhang how would i join my wireless network via the terminal18:57
xc_legendfor sale now is my three month old eeepc 4g galaxy18:57
DeeppactJupp, Ok it worked first got error that my partition was not good unmounted it restarted and worked18:57
xc_legendok thanks18:57
DeeppactJupp, So Thank you very very much18:58
bazhangmitch_: how is it encrypted?18:58
clintviwconfig is for wireless in terminal18:58
mitch_bazhang it is wep18:58
burning-shortsJDogHerman: if you go to a terminal and type "ifconfig -a" does the IP address show up on eth0 or eth1?18:58
rama_8086how to manage mysql connections over multiple clients using php+mysql18:58
zedster__I was running a linux game, urban terror, every time after about 10 minutes the window resizes and I can't do anything but ttyl sudo killall it18:58
zedster__any ideas?18:58
JuppDeeppact, thank the people at "Linux Format" magazine, they happened to have an article on how to fix grub, I was basically walking you through it ;)18:58
DeeppactJupp, ^^18:59
DeeppactJupp, But im going to eat now so cya and gl18:59
JuppDeeppact, c ya18:59
zedster__bazhang: sorry to bug but did you find that article on the wii we talked about?18:59
JDogHermanburning-shorts: eth018:59
XXiXwhat does a guy have to do around here to get a very light-weight/graphic/standards-compliant browser which is so definitely !(firefox)19:00
bazhangmitch_: well that is fairly simple with network manager (the gui tool) I can give a link to a comprehensive cli how to if you want to learn more about networking in cli though19:00
zedster__XXiX: try opera19:00
gretti1bazhang i'd like to see that19:00
burning-shortsJDogHerman: ok, I am not an expert in the network configurator program (but am an expert in networking)... but if I were you I would experiment with unchecking the roaming box to disable that interface... somehow we need to get eth1 out of your routing table19:01
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 gretti1 mitch_19:01
bazhangzedster__: just a second19:01
gretti1bazhang ty19:01
mitch_thanks i'll try that19:01
zedster__bazhang: no prob19:01
FreezeilI've just installed Ubuntu (7.10) for the first time. I also have Vista installed (first, mind you), and when I reboot I don't get the option to load Ubuntu instead of Vista... What can I do?19:02
annaGood evening, I have a question. I am having trouble with compiz as a window manager, how do I pick metacity in Gnome?19:02
XXiXzedster__, no good. i've tried this [ http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/download.php ] on windows.19:02
clintvbrb going to try kill edid19:02
annaI am on Hardy btw19:02
XXiXbeats both opera and firefox by a mile.19:02
zedster__XXiX: either way don't all of them use the same engine?19:02
XXiXzedster__, kmeleon does- which is why it surprises me- the performance gains.19:03
burning-shortsJDogHerman: after making changes... do the netstat again and see if the "eth1" goes away19:03
XXiXwith 10-15 tabs firefox takes up about 80GB+ k-meleon takes half.19:03
JDogHermanburning-shorts: i have tried taking it down but i cant19:03
JDogHermanburning-shorts: sudo ifconfig eth1 down19:04
zedster__XXiX: look up hacks for about:config in firefox that can change the foot print19:04
FreezeilAnyone? How can I install the dual-boot?19:04
Juhaz80GB? that'd be quite something.19:04
jimmygoonwhat is the best way of backing up ~ and ensuring that I get EVERYTHING because copying it in nautlus leaves out certain .directories19:05
zedster__Freezeil: dualboot which OSs?19:05
XXiXtypo- sorry MB19:05
FreezeilVista and Ubuntu19:05
zedster__use a program called winbcd19:05
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=578747 zedster there and here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70733919:05
FreezeilJust installed Ubuntu but I don't have the option to load Ubuntu. Instead, it just loads Vista19:05
zedster__bazhang: thanks19:05
Freezeilgoogled winbcd, and every site it finds is in french... :S19:06
JDogHermanburning-shorts: any idea?19:07
richard__why can't i find apache2 and php in add/remove applications?19:08
zedster__Freezeil: my bad http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=119:09
burning-shortsJDogHerman: I think we may need to modify the route with the "route" command to only point to eth0 with something like19:09
burning-shortsroute add -net netmask dev eth019:09
=== ravenous is now known as agape93
burning-shortsI dont knwo if that will remove the eth1.. we may need to remove it, then add in back in with that command19:09
=== agape93 is now known as holme93
richard__why can apt-get find my packages.. but not synaptec add/remove graphical thing ?19:10
bazhangrichard__: the add/remove is for gui apps iirc19:10
JDogHermanburning-shorts: how can i kill eth119:11
jtmitchumI can't alter a partition table using fdisk - it always returns to a FAT32 bootable partition no matter what I do19:11
Freezeilzedster__ thanks mate19:11
richard__bazhang: that sounds weird :).. so if i want to search the whole database of applications, i could use apt-get ?19:11
zedster__Freezeil: no problem had the same issue19:11
JDogHermanburning-shorts: I only have 1 ethernet port but something is brining eth1 up19:11
bazhangrichard__: apt-cache search related word19:11
RoCUnrealHow would i fix an error like this ?? http://pastebin.com/m4e0212f419:12
richard__bazhang: thanks19:12
RoCUnrealDoes Anyone Know how i would fix an error like this?    >  http://pastebin.com/m4e0212f4 <19:12
zedster__JDogHerman: how many interfaces do you have ie. modem, wifi, eth?19:12
Jack_SparrowRoCUnreal, Please provide basics of the issue and not just a random link19:13
JDogHermanburning-shorts: 319:13
RoCUnrealI am trying to get maya 8.5.msi to work on Linux Ubuntu19:13
JDogHermanburning-shorts: but only 1 is phisacally connected19:13
jtmitchumit's a 300 gig seagate drive IDE, and I can't get fdisk to write the table and have it stick19:13
=== ze__ is now known as Zeddie
RoCUnrealThe Link explains exactly how i go by trying t get it to work and what error i get19:14
Freezeilzedster__: is GRUB installed automatically with Ubuntu 7.10?19:14
burning-shortsJDogHerman: I dont know the steps to fix that.. but we definately need to only see eth0 in the netstat output.  are you using gutsy?19:14
JDogHermanburning-shorts: is gusty 7.10>?19:14
damaltordid anyone work with lcd4linux here? need some short hints... thx19:14
JDogHermanburning-shorts: yes19:14
zedster__Freezeil:  yes if you don't change the setting during set up19:14
Jack_SparrowRoCUnreal, http://appdb.winehq.org/search_results.php?cx=013271970634691685804%3Abc-56dvxydi&cof=FORID%3A11&q=maya&sa=Search#110119:15
Nookie^hi. i have .htaccess enabled and its working when i have entered domain www.domain.com but its not working with domain.com only.. what should i add or change and where?19:15
zedster__Freezeil: the vista boot program BCD is the devil so it over rights any other boot sector it sees19:15
burning-shortsJDogHerman: I think you need help from someone more familiar with linux interface config than myself19:16
Jack_SparrowRoCUnreal, /join #Winehq is a better place for answers about apps under wine19:16
Freezeilzedster__: cool. so now I just reboot my system and I can load Linux instead of Vista?19:16
JDogHermanburning-shorts: do you know anyone?19:16
RoCUnrealJack_sparrow, i have but its hard to find an Expert19:16
burning-shortsJDogHerman: but I am confident that the root of your problem is the fact that eth1 is showing up in the netstat output19:16
RoCUnrealJack_sparrow, solving this error is a task for a Expert :(19:16
Jack_SparrowRoCUnreal, Expert with WINE19:17
zedster__Freezeil: wait? you want to dual boot right? so this program makes it you boot into the vista bcd than choose linux boot into grub than ubuntu its not pretty but it works19:17
RoCUnrealJack_sparrow, yea19:17
burning-shortsJDogHerman; I was hoping someone in this channel would be able to help  ;)19:17
Jack_SparrowRoCUnreal, Did you read any of the links for maya and wine that I linked19:17
RoCUnrealJack_sparrow, yea i have19:17
VadiHow can I change my name in Ubuntu temporarily?19:17
RoCUnrealJack_sparrow, i dont have the PLE version19:17
JDogHermanburning-shorts: same here19:17
FreezeilHow do I change the boot order from Linux, then?19:17
RoCUnrealJack_sparrow, i have the full version of it19:17
JDogHermanburning-shorts: I really dont want to install it all over19:17
zedster__Freezeil: it works just follow the guides on line19:18
Freezeilcool, thanks19:18
VadiFreezeil: Get StartUp manager, you can easily change it there. Moment, I'll get you the link19:18
Nookie^Freezeil: you change it in /boot/grub in file called menu.lst19:18
burning-shortsdoes anyone know how to turn off an interface that Ubuntu keep adding to the routing table?  JDogHerman has multiple ethernet ports and only is using one (eth0) but I think Ubuntu is trying to use eth1 to connect to the local network19:18
jimcooncatRoCUnreal: you're trying to run Maya in Wine?19:18
VadiFreezil: http://getdeb.net/app/Startup+Manager. It's a graphical program.19:18
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, yea19:19
FreezeilVadi and Nookie^: thanks19:19
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, its  a .msi file tho19:19
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, it gives me that error http://pastebin.com/m4e0212f4 when i try an run it19:19
Nookie^anyone with apache experience.. i need help plz19:19
CaBa|Nookie^: nobody will answer that question19:20
Nookie^i see19:20
ouellettesrdoes anyone know if it is safe to mount my linux partition from vmware under windows?19:20
CaBa|Nookie^: state your problem or dont expect an answer19:20
jimcooncatRoCUnreal: that's really pushing the limits on what you could hope Wine can do. You should be looking at Virtualbox if it can handle the graphics, or Blender if you're not tied to Maya.19:20
Nookie^CaBa| did that already and 1330 people inside and no answer =(19:20
magnetronouellettesr: it's not safe.19:20
ouellettesrmagnetron why not?19:21
VadiMaya runs in Linux natively though..19:21
zedster__Nookie^: just say it, and irc is good but its 2nd to google19:21
CaBa|Nookie^: well your only chance is to try again19:21
hofmannHello @ll, I have a problem with my Partitions and mounting on the current Alpha 6 on Ubuntu19:21
burning-shortsdoes anyone know how to turn off an interface that Ubuntu keep adding to the routing table?  JDogHerman has multiple ethernet ports and only is using one (eth0) but I think Ubuntu is trying to use eth1 to connect to the local network19:21
Vadihofmann: #ubuntu+1 is for that19:21
Jack_Sparrowhofmann, as in HArdy Alpha 619:21
Nookie^zedster___ i have .htaccess enabled and its working when i have entered domain www.domain.com but its not working with domain.com only.. what should i add or change and where?19:21
dlmnjlglxgears keeps crashing ubuntu edgy, even with compiz turned off.19:21
dlmnjlhelp please.19:22
Nookie^zedster__: googled aready for a quite time now with no success =)19:22
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, Virtualbox? is it hard to setup?19:22
zedster__Nookie^: not my area, are you running webmin?19:22
qzioi have a strange problem, i can't delete a file that i own...19:22
CaBa|Nookie^: that depends how you arranged that both hosts are reachable19:22
qziopermission denied..19:22
Nookie^CaBa| they are reachable19:23
jimcooncatRoCUnreal: No, as long as you have a Windows CD handy. I'm guessing you have a fairly modern machine with 1 GB or more of RAM.19:23
dlmnjlqzio use gksudo nautilus type your password and try to delete it that way.19:23
CaBa|Nookie^: most likely they are both vhosts and (a) point to the same directory or (b) one redirects to the other19:23
Nookie^they work like a charm without .htaccess19:23
qziodlmnjl: yeah,, sudo rm file worked..19:23
Nookie^CaBa|: ahh posible.. let me look more around19:23
Jack_Sparrowdlmnjl, What video card and what driver is it using and HOW was the driver installed19:23
qziobut its -rw-r-r qzio:qzio ... shouldnt i be able to delete it?19:23
CaBa|Nookie^: if you do _not_ redirect but point the at the same directoryroot you need to adjust the AllowOverride directive for _both_ virtual hosts19:23
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, yea i have my windows XP cd19:24
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, 2GB DDR2 80019:24
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, 4ghz CPU19:24
qzioah! ii didnt have write at the directory19:24
dlmnjlI used envy to install the ati driver. The problem is when I do a fglrxinfo it shows a mesa driver. The card is an ati hd2600xt.19:24
RoCUnrealjimcooncat, any links to the best virtual box?19:24
dlmnjlI believe the driver was 8.42119:24
Jack_Sparrowdlmnjl, Envy was your first mistake..  that said.. let me look at my notes on getting that fixed19:25
equippedhello ubuntu legends19:25
jimcooncatRoCUnreal: I believe it's available with apt-get, let me check if there's any tips.19:25
akan01nhi, sorry to bother, i have already search a lot of things inside the forum with no answer, everything here is configured ok, wifi+wpa+ndiswrapper and i have the file /etc/network/interfaces configured too but it seems its not working, i do /etc/init.d/networking restart and the eth1 (which is the wifi) does not set a static ip, some can explain whats happening? thanks19:25
bastid_raZorJack_Sparrow; can i have a peek at your notes too?19:25
jimcooncat!virtualbox | RoCUnreal19:26
ubotuRoCUnreal: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:26
dlmnjlI had compiz working for a brief moment, then I restarted the machine, and can't get anything working right again.19:26
ouellettesrmagnetron any idea why its not safe, someone else told me it was safe19:26
CVD-PRPLease, the command to edit the sorucelist19:27
CVD-PRsource list19:27
CaBa|CVD-PR: use any editor you like?!19:27
magnetronakan01n: ndiswrapper is only to be used in those cases where there's no linux driver available, and it will only work for some cards.19:27
CaBa|CVD-PR: the file is /etc/apt/sources.list19:27
geniiCVD-PR: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:28
Jack_Sparrowdlmnjl, are you getting seg faults?19:28
CVD-PRWhy gksudo and not just sudo?19:28
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:28
dlmnjlit just crashes, back to the login screen.19:28
minimecRoCUnreal: There are two versions of VirtualBox. The one in the repos is the OpenSource Version... If you want full USB support, you better visit www.virtualbox.org for the according package.19:28
magnetronCVD-PR: why not?19:28
CVD-PRwhy yes?19:28
magnetronCVD-PR: see ubotu's answer19:28
geniiCVD-PR: If you're interested in why not visit the link the bot provided19:28
M_Fatihhas ubuntu server cd X gnome or kde ?19:28
geniiM_Fatih: None of those19:29
tritiumM_Fatih: no, the server installs no graphical desktop by default19:29
geniiM_Fatih: The server install is command line only, no gui19:29
CVD-PRo ok19:29
ouellettesrcan anyone tell me if it is safe or not to mount ubuntu from windows under vmware and why?19:29
jimcooncatRoCUnreal: I've been using the free edition for a couple months now with good results. You'll probably want to d/l the user manual too, at
akan01nmagnetron: what do you mean? i have everything working perfect, the only problem is that my wifi here uses static ip, i dont know whats is happening, eth1 has no ip set, but inside /etc/network/interfaces it is.19:29
CaBa|ouellettesr: who is guest and who is host?19:29
CVD-PRgksu ==gksudo19:30
magnetronakan01n: i'm saying that ndiswrapper will not work for many types of cards.19:30
tritiumM_Fatih: that doesn't mean you can't install one if you want one, though.19:30
Odd-rationaleCVD-PR: Yes.19:30
magnetron!hardware > akan01n   (see private message from ubotu)19:30
Odd-rationaleCVD-PR: Unless you make it not so.19:30
ouellettesrCaBa|, I will boot vista, load vmware, and point it to my ubuntu partition, Ubuntu and vista are on the same hard drive19:30
M_Fatihi'm using ubuntu 6.* in my server (for one web based project host). and i'm thinking to reinstall a new thing. what do you suggest? ubuntu server dvd or desktop dvd. i want to use some GUI tools in desktop.19:31
CaBa|ouellettesr: uh, i didnt even know that was possible19:31
CaBa|ouellettesr: but why shouldnt it be save?19:31
ouellettesrCaBa|, yes there is an option to use a physical disk, it says for advanced users though, thats why im trying to get some info before i do it19:32
tritiumM_Fatih: either way, you can have a graphical desktop if you want one.  It's up to you.19:32
Juulhi. i can't figure out how to set the shortcuts for switching backwards between applications. like what alt-tab does per default, but backwards19:32
magnetronM_Fatih: if you want something graphical, don't install the server edition.19:32
ouellettesrCaBa|, i dont know19:32
akan01nmagnetron: sorry, i didnt get it, ndiswrapper is working here, you are saying that ndiswrapper is causing the problem with the interfaces configuration?19:32
tritiummagnetron: he can install one of the *buntu-desktop metapackages on top of it.19:32
dlmnjlany news, Captain?19:32
M_Fatihno my question is : will ubuntu desktop installation be a good server choice?19:32
iwksehi all, anybody knows how i can run the installation inside the busybox?19:33
geniiM_Fatih: Or you can install the server and have all the LAMP stuff preconfigured then install desktop gui by ubuntu-desktop19:33
magnetronJuul: alt+shift+tab19:33
CVD-PRaway to restore the original sourcelist i dont see the backports19:33
CaBa|ouellettesr: well i dont know about the feature. might even be that you cannot use harddrives that are in use19:33
magnetronakan01n: i'm saying that ndiswrapper will not work for many types of cards.19:33
tritiumM_Fatih: no, if you want a server, install the serve,r and then install one of the *buntu-desktop meta-packages.  Which desktop do you prefer?19:33
FlannelM_Fatih: usually servers don't run GUIs due to the overhead.  But sure.19:33
M_Fatihis there any port, security differences between desktop or server package?19:34
perpetualsharonwhat web authoring software will work with ubuntu 5.10?  I have looked at Nvu  but not sure that is compatible with my os19:34
iwksei got an usb driver and it load the root before the cd is recognized so i can mount it only in the busybox19:34
poppeIm having trouble installing ubuntu, i reach the installation menu when booting with the cd, but when chooising Start/Install ubuntu my screen turns black after "loading linux kernel" window pops up, same thing happends with safe-graphic, and ive tried switching resolution in the install menu19:34
iwksei tried rootdelay as a kernel parameter but does not work19:34
tritiumM_Fatih: no, neither have open ports by default.19:34
Flannelpoppe: Grab the alternate CD and install that way.19:35
zedster__poppe: check the disk make sure you burnt it at under 4x and yes try the alt dick19:35
poppeWhats the alternate cd and where do i find that?19:35
M_Fatihactually i'm wondering what difference have between desktop package and server package. there is no information on ubuntu server page19:35
tritiumpoppe: text-mode installer19:35
Jack_Sparrowpoppe, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"19:35
victoradcan anyone recom a software that does file synchronization over ftp?19:35
tritiumpoppe: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download, check the box that indicates you want the alternate CD19:36
FlannelM_Fatih: once installed, the server CD and desktop CD only differ in what packages are selected.  You are free to change between the two of them (or add/subtract/whatever) at will19:36
perpetualsharonvictorad - filezilla is what I use.19:36
dlmnjlI'm baffled by this driver, compiz, glxgears issue. I don't know how it could work from one moment, and then stop working.19:36
poppewhat program do you recommend me burning with? ive tried dvddecrypter and nero19:36
poppeand 2cds at 8x19:36
FlannelM_Fatih: Desktop has the Ubuntu Desktop, which is gnome and associated programs.19:36
tritiumFlannel, M_Fatih: they do, however, use different kernels19:36
geniiM_Fatih: server version has preconfigured Apache MySQL and PHP as well as kernel optimisations for multithreading and large memory addressing.19:36
Jack_SparrowM_Fatih, servers dont normally need or use gnome / ubuntu-desktop19:36
CVD-PRthis all the things i have in the sourcelist  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5696/19:36
sFEARshoping someone can help me with this issue.. even though it requires a little bit of windows config. I have an ubuntu laptop w/ an ether net card hooked up thru crossover to a windows laptop that is connected thru wireless. I can ping back & forth when i have static IP's hardcoded, but i'm not sure what to set to pump the xp wireless thru the crossover to ubuntu. any ideas?19:36
Flanneltritium: Again, only be default19:36
jimcooncatM_Fatih: A lot of what you do with a server you do as root. So many running servers don't install a desktop environment, as that's not very safe to run as root. Running the DE as a regular user is fine on a server, though.19:37
victoradperpetualsharon: oh ok last time i checked filezilla, it didnt support sync19:37
tritiumFlannel: eh?19:37
M_Fatihhmm. it seems i will install server cd, after that i need to install gnome or kde19:37
Flanneltritium: You can switch between the kernels at will.19:37
age6raceris there a way to launch a program in a way so that if/when it quits it will automatically restart?19:37
tritiumM_Fatih: correct, either ubuntu-desktop (gnome), or kubuntu-desktop (kde)19:37
tritiumFlannel: aye19:37
Jack_SparrowM_Fatih, That will work19:37
tritiumFlannel: ah, s/be/by in your previous comment19:37
Jack_SparrowM_Fatih, FYI you can install both kde and gnome19:38
Lamegoage6racer, you could create a script with an infinite loop calling the program19:38
FlannelM_Fatih: If you're planning on using it as a desktop, you do want the non server specific kernel.  As you'll get less choppiness.19:38
M_Fatihjimcooncat: no i'm not running desktop managers by default. when i need to touch server on server's room, i'm opening gmd, kdm etc.19:38
age6racerLamego: wouldn't that create infinite instances?19:38
M_Fatihand i'm not using root user. generally sudo over my user19:38
FlannelM_Fatih: why not just ssh in?19:38
dlmnjlAny one else have any ideas as to why glxgears crashes, whether compiz is enabled or not.19:39
M_Fatihsometimes i need to solve problems fast. i don't have that knowledge to solve everything on terminal, ssh19:39
WhitorHi, I just installed Ubunto Studio ... and it replaced my kernel with the RT kernel... Besided lower audio latency... is there -any- other benefit to running the RT kernel ?19:39
Lamegoage6racer, no, a single instance, beeing executed sequently for infinite iterations19:39
FlannelWhitor: No.  And its only lower latency for the active application (the others obviously suffer because of it)19:39
Whitorflannel... thank you19:40
age6racerLamego: so if there is an instance running then a second wont be started each time? I dont understand how that works?19:40
Whitortime to reboot into the generic kernel19:40
FlannelWhitor: but the guys in #ubuntustudio can answer any more specific questions about it, if you've got them19:40
WhitorFlannel, ok, tyvm !19:40
M_Fatihthanks guys Flannel  jimcooncat Jack_Sparrow tritium genii19:41
M_Fatihi need to go :) good night (from Turkey)19:41
Lamegoage6racer, unless your program runs on background by default, that is the regular way programs are executed on a script, sequentially19:41
perpetualsharonvictorad - you are right... it doesn't support sync19:41
cyziehow do i configure 3d acceleration for my onboard intel vga?19:41
perpetualsharondoes anyone have any web authoring recommendations for ubuntu 5.10??19:42
lunaphyte_nano!   :D19:43
dlmnjlperpetualsharon, do you mean a good text editor with syntax highlighting or a dreamweaver gui?19:43
magnetronperpetualsharon: that version of ubuntu is not supported anymore, sorry.19:43
perpetualsharonboth   can be two different apps19:43
tritiumperpetualsharon: you might consider upgrading, as 5.10 is no longer supported as of 4/0719:43
esphamanyone who knows about a video driver for Thinkpad R51?19:44
age6racerlamego: heres the plan... I have a small bash script that execute Firefox, then uses wmctrl to give it focus (just in case) then uses xnee to trigger fullscreen mode (F11)19:44
humboltoDoes a HDMI and/or DVI signal normally contain information about the transmitted resolution? What is wrong if an LCD can not display a HDMI signal?19:44
Flannelperpetualsharon: nvu would be the favorite for that version though.  But yes, you ought to upgrade to dapper.19:44
age6racerFirefox is the only app that I want to run on thsi machine and I want it to run always. so if the user closes it I need it to restart19:44
dlmnjlI like the version of komodo for ubuntu, but I don't think it supports 5.10. Nvu is always a staple of course.19:44
dlmnjlScribes is also excellent.19:44
perpetualsharonyeah I know it isn't supported, but it is all I can get to run on my laptop at the moment without wiping out my entire windows os as well....  that would be this weekend19:44
age6racerwill your idea work for that scenario?19:44
perpetualsharonk thanks for the nvu19:44
geniiage6racer: You might want to look into kiosk version then19:44
dlmnjltry komodo.19:44
poppeShould i have a unformatted partition ready when i run the text-based installation or is it easy to resize and make a new one during the installation?å19:45
age6racerI don't really want a full kiosk OS, as I might want to expand the uses of it later19:45
jimcooncatperpetualsharon: nvu is now kompozer if you can't find it as nvu19:45
perpetualsharonI saw it on the nvu site but couldn't decide which linux version to download... that was my biggest issue.19:46
tritiumperpetualsharon: get it from the repos19:46
dlmnjlgoodbye everyone. Thank you.19:46
magnetronpoppe: you can easily resize and create partitions with the tekt-based installer.19:47
jimcooncatperpetualsharon: you should also get firebug for your firefox; it's especially good for seeing what works well at other peoples websites.19:47
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:48
poppemagnetron ok thanks19:48
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.19:48
magnetronpoppe: and if you prefer support in Swedish, #ubuntu-se is ready  :)19:48
lastelement0hello all, i am having a serious problem. i shut down my computer about 2 hours ago and when i went to reboot, i get stuck on running local boot scripts. any help would be appreciated!!!19:48
Nubaehi, whats the command t find out what version of ubuntu is installed on the command line?19:49
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Anything in ctrl+alt+f2 ?19:49
age6racerlamego: So how would I go about scripting this?19:49
JowiNubae, lsb_release -a19:49
lastelement0odd-rationale: what does that do?19:49
Nubaedoesnt' work o debian I guess19:49
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Switched terminals.19:50
Lamegoage6racer, check a bash scripting manual, read the loops section19:50
lastelement0odd-rationale: one moment, going to try that19:50
age6racerok cheers19:50
lastelement0odd-rationale: i got no response doing ctrl+alt+f219:51
NubaeI guess the server I'm on is pure debian, any way to confirm that? ie a commnad that would work on debian as well as ubuntu?19:51
Odd-rationalelastelement0: anything in ctrl+alt+f8 ?19:52
Jack_SparrowNubae, uname -a19:52
magnetronNubae: did you run lsb_release -a ?19:52
FlannelNubae: lsb_release -a19:52
=== ConstyXIV_ is now known as ConstyXIV
Jack_SparrowHe said lsb_release -a did not work19:52
lastelement0odd-rationale: i get blank screen with cursor top left19:52
Nubaeuname -a just gives gnu/linux19:52
Nubaelsb_release command not found19:52
Odd-rationalelastelement0: OK. How about ctrl+alt+f7 ?19:53
lastelement0odd-rationale: same as ctrl+alt+f819:53
FlannelNubae: Assuming correctly installed, it's not Ubuntu then.19:53
FlannelNubae: or at least, unless the server admins yanked the file19:53
Jack_Sparrow!info lsb19:54
ubotulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 3.1 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 3.1-23.1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB19:54
prince_jammysNubae: cat /etc/issue19:54
Odd-rationalelastelement0: OK. Do you have any login prompts in any of the ctrl+alt+f1-f6 ?19:54
CVD-PRwhere can i find all the gutsy soruce list19:54
lastelement0ctrl+alt+f1 gives me a login prompt19:54
Nubaeah, thanks, that worked, Debian Gnu Linux 4.019:54
FlannelNubae: apt-cache policy [some package]19:55
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Try logging in19:55
Nubaeis that etch?19:55
lastelement0odd-rationale: ok im logged in19:55
FlannelNubae: 4.0 is etch, yes19:55
Nubaethanks, not ubuntu related, but thought it was ubuntu19:55
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start?19:55
geniiCVD-PR: /etc/apt/sources.list19:55
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Without the ? . typo19:56
Nubaeso will that cat /etc/issue work on any distro, or just debian based?19:56
CVD-PRgenii, i dont know why but i dont have the backports etc....19:56
lastelement0odd-rationale: i get Starting GNOME Display Manager [OK] but nothing happens19:56
bruenigNubae: most distros follow the standard19:56
Nubaecool, ok19:56
geniiCVD-PR: Ah. You can add them etc. If you like I will pastebin my sources.list (although I have Canada-centric sites in it) for an example.19:57
Odd-rationalelastelement0: hmm. Check ctrl+alt+f719:57
lastelement0odd-rationale: nothing just black screen cursor top left19:57
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max rex.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults            ???19:57
ehirdthe bzr you guys have is too old to use any launchpad repositories19:57
ehirddo you see the irony?19:57
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: You think that's the problem?19:58
Piciehird: What version of Ubuntu?19:58
ubuntuanyone here?19:58
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, Worth checking out it it looks to start and goes black19:58
Odd-rationalelastelement0: OK. Go back to f1 and try startx19:58
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: If startx fails, we'll try that.19:58
ehirdPici: i forgot19:58
_Scooter_ubuntu: yup19:59
lastelement0odd-rationale: i get a fatal server error:   no screens found  XIO: fatal IO error 10419:59
ubuntui got this problem, i updated my kubuntu yesterday and then today is start it and it crashes at boot time(missing file, problme 15 it seems...) also my windows install has missing file hal.ddl problem too.. probobly derived from that.19:59
ubuntui had to use  sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /media/repair to be able to mount my hds when i ran the live dvd today20:00
ubuntueverything has gone mad...20:00
SubOn1what is a "*.run" file? its a driver from ati and i'd like to install it, can i? figured id ask first, its like 50mb20:00
Odd-rationalelastelement0: OK. Then try to reconfigure your xserver with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:00
Odd-rationaleSelect vesa as you video driver just to be safe as Jack_Sparrow Suggested20:00
ubuntuall i did was install kubuntu and update it20:00
_Scooter_ubuntu: ouch. is it still crashing?20:00
lastelement0odd-rationale: should that work with ATI card?20:01
_Scooter_SubOn1: if you use this command:  file somefile.run  it will tell you :)20:01
SgeoSubOn1, if you trust it, you run it directly20:01
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Yes.20:01
Jack_Sparrowlastelement0, vesa works with virtually any card20:01
SubOn1its from ATI should i trust it?20:01
Sgeochmod u+x somefile.run20:01
SubOn1thats a serious question btw20:01
poamjI am using hardy. Every time i try to open this URL (http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu) firefox 3 beta crashes. I have also tryed to open with Firefox 2, and it still crashes. I managed to open it with Opera browser. Should i report it as a ubuntu bug or as a firefox bug ? could anybody using hardy test this, please ?his20:02
Jack_Sparrow!hardy | poamj20:02
ubotupoamj: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:02
_Scooter_SubOn1: if it's directly from ati's site, then yes, it's fine. if you want to check it out for sure, install clamav and run clamscan on it.20:02
geniiCVD-PR: Most of my sources.list (removed some I had for installing AccessGrid and some other apps) replace the debian.yorku.ca with something near you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59613/20:02
lastelement0odd-rationale: ok i finished with configuring20:02
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Try startx again20:03
SubOn1well i just didnt know if the ATI driver was unreliable or something because my buddy didnt install it and its his laptop im borrowing :p20:03
_Scooter_SubOn1: the only way to check if it's going to work with his card is to check compatibility and/or install it :)20:03
SubOn1well ATI says it is specifically for this video card20:04
SubOn1i just wantged to check :p20:04
_Scooter_then go for it20:04
lastelement0odd-rationale: thank you so much. i now have my desktop20:04
lastelement0much thanks20:04
SubOn1im only at 1/4 downloaded lol20:04
sander_mHello. There are two video cards in my system. A built-in one and a PCIe card. To make it more confising, they're bot an ATI X1300 (one a simple, one a Pro). Both are configured in xorg.conf. How can I tell which one is running my screen? One is PCI bus 3:0:0 and the other on PCI bus 3:0:1. I need toknow which one I'm looking at.20:04
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, still should rest the right video driver20:04
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, take care...  I'll check in later20:05
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Try to reconfigure X again. This time select your video driver.20:05
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: OK see ya!20:05
geniisander_m: By the bus description that looks more like a multi head adapter, not 2 separate ones20:05
tukuIs there some program to display heat and fan speeds?20:05
ubuntuno one knows anything about ym problem?20:06
_Scooter_SubOn1: .run files are *usually* just shell scripts. that's what the file command will tell you. if you open it in a pager (such as more or less) then you should see what it's really about.  IIRC, ATI will put their own brand on it and will provide an md5sum to check back against.  md5sum somefile.run  <-- that will tell you the sum of the file in question.20:06
_Scooter_SubOn1: sometimes they're something else, so yeah, it's best to check20:06
sander_mgenii: How can I tell? It does have one of these DVS(/) outputs which I can split in dual VGA or dual DVI.20:06
bod_hey guys, everytime windows does not shut down properly (which is really often) ubuntu wont mount my ntfs hard drive, how can i forcefully mount it?20:06
Odd-rationaleHey bod_ ! Someone wrote about you in the ubuntu blogs...20:06
SubOn1hmmm there is also a webcam and there are drivers on the laptop manufacturers website but they are for winxp and there are no specs or model # for the cam...20:07
bod_Odd-rationale, hey,. cool,,.,.can you link me plz ;~)20:07
_Scooter_ubuntu: you should be able to reinitialize grub from there in order to solve the missing file problem20:07
_Scooter_ubuntu: 'from there' i mean from the live cd20:07
_Scooter_SubOn1: does it show up in lsusb?20:08
Odd-rationalebod_: http://www.sourceguru.net/archives/11920:08
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geniisander_m: The one you are using will usually be the one in the Default Screen part of the xorg.conf20:08
_Scooter_SubOn1: you might also want to check www.linux-laptop.net and see if someone's posted an ubuntu-howto for the specific model of laptop20:08
sander_mgenii: Thanks20:08
SubOn1i tried easycam but it just said to send that output to his email, i guess it wasnt recognized... and easycam2... i dont read french20:09
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
SubOn1_Scooter_: i think this is a custom gaming laptop20:09
Goosemy BCM4306 wireless card will only connect to G only networks, not B/G networks20:09
minimecsander_m: lspci in a terminal should give you the info you want.20:09
majikinsHi is there some kind of application that mounts a remote file share by just putting in a username and password?20:09
bod_Odd-rationale, cheers dude,.,. could take a while, my internet is lagging like a lagging thing rolling up a hill ;~)20:09
geniisander_m: Look for section "Screen" or such near bottom20:09
Hadenbod_: it's funny :)20:09
SubOn1but ill look20:09
majikinsnfs file systems for instance?20:09
_Scooter_SubOn1: should have a make/model on the bottom somewhere20:09
Odd-rationalebod_: np :)20:09
Goosemy BCM4306 wireless card will only connect to G only networks, not B/G networks. I'm booted in windows right now to try and fix this. Anyone know how to?20:09
sander_mminimec: It doesn't. It just returns two X1300 entries20:09
SubOn1nope its not on that site20:09
sander_mgenii: Found it. It's indeed the dual-head.20:10
_Scooter_Goose: not yet, i've got the same problem with my system at home.20:10
SubOn1lsusb returned: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0402:5603 ALi Corp. USB 2.0 Q-tec Webcam 30020:10
_Scooter_Goose: works great in the G-mode though, that's for sure20:10
Goose_Scooter_, did you install aircrack-ng?20:10
minimecsander_m: no difference for the 'pro' card?20:10
GooseI think that's what screwed it up for me20:10
_Scooter_Goose: nah, i use WPA :)20:11
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sander_mgenii: It also just hit me that the internal card is disabled in the BIOS when there's another video card installed20:11
bod_Haden, Odd-rationale, that was after i went to the ops channel to find out how many ops had a p in their name,.,. then i got shouted at,.,. haha,.,. wow, cheers for lettin me no about that ;~)20:11
Goose_Scooter_, mine worked great on both until I installed aircrack. now it will ONLY connect to G-ONLY networks. it's driving me crazy. I hate booting in windows to connect to B/G networks20:11
minimecsander_m: verify the (rev x) entries20:11
Odd-rationalebod_: I hope that made you day! :)20:11
_Scooter_Goose: weird... have you tried uninstalling aircrack-ng?20:11
_Scooter_majikins: smbfs/cifs20:12
sander_mminimec: No. But they do have a slightly different description. One says "VGA controller" and the other "display controller"20:12
Goose_Scooter_, even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do anything without hardwiring my laptop in. I modified my driver for packet injection. Or I should say I followed a tutorial on how to modify my driver to packet injection.20:12
majikinsdoes that mean I need to run samba?20:12
_Scooter_majikins: yes20:13
minimecsander_m: are they both 'PCI bridge'?20:13
majikinswhat i want to do is allow a user just to put in his username and password on any workstation and it automatically mounts his file system from a predefined remote host20:13
_Scooter_majikins: i've had pretty good luck with it20:13
majikinsbut after login20:14
majikinsto local account20:14
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sander_mminimec: They don't say. But I found the answer already :-)20:14
bod_Odd-rationale, absolutely,.,. i was a bit annoyed though,,. Pici never told me if/how to 'grep' or narrow that search to names with just p20:14
minimecsander_m: ok ;)20:14
_Scooter_majikins: you can add a post-up to the interfaces file for that, or script it in .bashrc20:14
majikins_Scooter_: howto's I can go to?20:15
SubOn1looks like the manufacturer for this cam only offers windows drivers20:16
mkanany clue where the configuration of gnome's "Applications" menu lies? i did something stupid and it's kinda broken now :P20:16
Itakuhow do i use firefox to save a flash file source code from a website?20:16
jimmygoonHow do I determine the size of a folder on the command line?20:17
Starnestommyjimmygoon: du -h directory20:17
erUSULjimmygoon: du -hs folder/20:17
Itakuand dont listen to me...20:17
Sonderbladewhy doesn't ubuntu enable firefox general.smoothScroll?20:17
bod_oh i have a question,.,. you no the desktop button thingy on the bottom left corner of the bottom panel, the one that minimizes all the windows,.,. is it possible to have that button in awn? if so how?20:17
Itaku* DeathLy has quit IRC (D-lined) <--- is D-Line a type of ban?20:18
StarnestommyItaku: it's an ip-based ban from conencting to an irc server or network20:18
Odd-rationalebod_: Yes. Open awn preferences and add the show desktop20:18
SubOn1is it very hard to write a driver for something like this cam?20:19
SubOn1ive never written a driver20:19
Itakuhow do i use firefox to save a flash file source code from a website?20:20
_Scooter_majikins: there's an extremely lengthy discussion about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28853420:21
bod_Odd-rationale, i dont know the name of the command or where in the system its located?20:21
bod_Odd-rationale, sorry,. internet laggggggggggggggggggggg20:21
SubOn1Itaku: http://www.browsertools.net/Flash-Saving-Plugin/firefox.html20:22
majikinsthank you - I'll have a look20:22
AboSamoori want to make a new keyboard for arabic keyboard , how can i do that ?20:22
own1xhello, I installed ubunut6.06 server and after installing lighttpd, when i try to reload it I get: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 162 pos: 15 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL) [fail]20:22
mkanwhat's the Application menu called? it displays nothing when I click it and i want to find its configuration20:22
own1xanyone have any ideas?20:22
TybaltAnyone care to help a complete linux newbie?20:23
SubOn1Tybalt: ask20:23
Odd-rationale!anyone | Tybalt20:23
ubotuTybalt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:23
Sgeo!anyone | Sgeo20:24
own1xI also installed the exact same packages on a second machine, and that one reloads just fine20:24
mkanAboSamoor: have you tried from System> Keyboard in the tab Layouts to [Add] Arabic?20:24
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jimcooncatown1x, you might try looking at line 162 in that file and see if anything looks funny.20:24
Na-FiannHi, I have a sweex 6-in-1 usb cardreader. If I connect it to the pc in windows, a light will go on signalling that it has power and another one if a card is inserted. If I connect it under ubuntu however, nothing happens... any ideas?20:25
Na-Fiannother usb devices do work btw20:25
jimmygoonHow do I backup everything in my home directory?20:25
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:25
own1xI have, I also tried just about every other config on goole, I still get an error - not the exact same one but along the same things20:25
AboSamoormkan, i want to create a new one20:25
TybaltI installed ubuntu with the "Alternate CD" because the GUI version wouldn't work, but on the website it says you get a nice looking GNOME based desktop and things.  It starts me out in command prompt, my question is, how do i get from this command prompt to the desktop, or did I install the wrong version of ubuntu to get this desktop software?20:25
SubOn1Tybalt: try startx20:25
own1xboth machines have php5/mysql5/proftpd/lighttpd20:26
TybaltI will go try that!  Thanks Subon1!20:26
peter542354_Help! My school's IP has been blocked and I cannot upload even when logged with my own username!20:27
Itakupeter542354_: we cant help with that here... sorry20:28
clemyeatspeter542354_: ok, 1st don't panic :)20:28
peter542354_Sorry, I did sound a bit panicky.20:28
clemyeatspeter542354_: what are you trying to do, upload from your home to your school?20:29
pherseudoes anybody know a animated icon bar to kde ?20:29
pherseulike adesklets ...but more animated.20:29
peter542354_My school's IP has been blocked from uploading to wikicommons20:29
peter542354_When I log in using my account, I get an error : The block was made by [[User:|]]. The reason given is Auto-added for persistent vandalism; possible open proxy..20:30
ionstormthats lame20:30
lunaphyte_tor is your friend.20:30
StarnestommyRenegade__: try asking in #wikipedia20:30
Starnestommypeter542354_: try asking in #wikipedia20:30
peter542354_ah! wrong room20:30
banjihi people, i´m portuguese and i don´t write good english, but i try to explain.20:30
Itakuhow do i rip swf files?20:31
allorderpeter542354_: or try http://www.surf-anon.com/20:31
SubOn1how do i check my xorg version?20:32
[[thufir]]when booting from the live cd, after the kernel loads, it just hangs indefinitely.  I can hear the cdrom spinning up, slowing, spinning up.  I checked the disc already.  fedora runs fine.  my hardware isn't being recognized?  what else could it be?20:32
StarnestommySubOn1: try Xorg -version20:32
EszHi! can anyone help me how to get working wlan on a laptop (chipset: Realtek8197)20:33
vigneshhow do i install kubuntu with existing ubuntu?20:33
banjii have one laptop clevo M72SR processor T7250 4Gb ram and graphic card is sis 351 mirage, i try to install de ubuntu 7.04 , 7.10 and de version beta og the 8.04 and all this versions blocked "crash" my pc in installation20:33
^u^what's the name of the app to take a screenshot of the desktop pls20:33
* Kavosh Hello everyone!20:33
banjiplease help me i try everything20:33
Na-Fiannsorry, gotta ask again:P20:34
Na-FiannHi, I have a sweex 6-in-1 usb cardreader. If I connect it to the pc in windows, a light will go on signalling that it has power and another one if a card is inserted. If I connect it under ubuntu however, nothing happens... any ideas20:34
Scunizi^u^, use the "Print Screen" key20:34
sander_mQuestion: Why is the "Module" section in my xorg.conf empty? I'm used to seeing all kinds of things in there. DRI, GLX, etcetera. Is this normal under 7.10?20:34
SubOn1is this it? X Window System Version 1.3.020:34
Eszinstalled the driver with ndiswrapper but still not works wlan20:34
[[thufir]]if my hardware works fine from fedora, should the live ubuntu cd work fine as well?20:34
Jack_Sparrowvignesh, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:34
^u^Scunizi, that does nothing20:34
vigneshJack_Sparrow,  is that all? if i do that will i get kde in sessions list while logging in??20:34
banjihelp-me please20:35
SubOn1or is it the protocol, because this ATI driver says "Install Driver 8.471 on X.Org 7.1 and later releases"20:35
banjii have one laptop clevo M72SR processor T7250 4Gb ram and graphic card is sis 351 mirage, i try to install de ubuntu 7.04 , 7.10 and de version beta og the 8.04 and all this versions blocked "crash" my pc in installation20:35
Jack_Sparrowvignesh, yes20:35
vigneshJack_Sparrow, ty20:35
jimcooncat[[thufir]]: it should, and it's not hard to find out with a LiveCD.20:35
Scunizi^u^, works for me.. opens a dialogue to save and give the screen shot a name..20:35
^u^what is the name of the app that takes a screenshot of the desktop pls20:35
Eszanyone who knows sthing about rtl8187b wlan chip20:36
Jack_Sparrow!find xorg20:36
ubotuFound: libglu1-xorg-dev, xorg, xorg-dev, xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-input-all (and 89 others)20:36
Jack_Sparrow!info xorg20:36
ubotuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB20:36
Jack_SparrowSubOn1, see above20:36
Itakuis there a way i can set firefox to not automatically go to index.html when i go to blabla.com?20:37
Itakunot a real site20:37
Renegade__I am partitioning a hard drive 160GB and it has xp on it. I want to dual boot ubuntu with xp. Now, I have already created the free space for it and started the install with livecd but, my problem is when choosing "Manual" I find it troublesome in creating the20:37
Itakujust made random words20:37
[[thufir]]jimcooncat: the live cd just hangs and hangs after loading the kernel20:37
Renegade__Root/swap/and home20:37
sloloemI have an ubuntu workstation setup and authenticating with active directory, configured to create user's home directories when they login if it needs it...what I'd like to do is have some default desktop icons or application entries and disable fast-user-switch panel applet...but I dunno where the heck default profile would be.  I tried to use the /etc/skel directory but then instead of creating the Documents and Templated and so20:38
sloloem on directories in $HOME when the user first logged in it made them on the Desktop.  Where are the default desktop, applications, panel setup stored?20:38
geniiItaku: No, thats all done server side20:38
Jack_Sparrow[[thufir]], At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"20:38
jimcooncat[[thufir]]: what Jack_Sparrow said (thanks Jack)20:38
Jack_SparrowRenegade__, there is a limit of 4 primary partitions on a drive, to go more, you need 3 primary one extended and then create logicals inside the extended20:39
pwnies_Having some problems with my wirelss in ubuntu20:39
pwnies_I have an intel 3945abgn card20:39
pwnies_on a thinkpad x61 tablet20:39
pwnies_Works on the live CD20:40
Eszme too, but with rtl8187b20:40
pwnies_but after the install20:40
pwnies_it detects no wireless20:40
pwnies_lspci lists the device as "unknown intel device"20:40
Na-Fiannmy usb cardreader is not recognised (even the power light is not on)20:40
pwnies_iwconfig lists no wireless devices found20:40
pwnies_can anyone offer any help?20:40
Renegade__okay, so i choose my file system and then create the extended in order to create the swap and root and home directory's?20:40
Oli``how do I check the status of mdraid? I think one of my disks might have crashed and died but I'm not sure...20:41
sander_mCan anyone tell me why the Module section in xorg.conf is empty in Gutsy? How can I see what X modules are loaded?20:41
tukuIs it so that there is no way te get java 6 applets work in ubuntu x64?20:41
[[thufir]]Jack_Sparrow: thanks20:42
Jack_SparrowSorry I keep popping in and out20:42
minimecsander_m: xorg takes the opensource driver by default. If you activate the restricted driver, you get your entry in /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:43
bastid_raZorsander_m; check your xorg logs in /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:43
sander_mminimec: When I activated te restricted driver, all I got was a blank screen. I've now been trying for four days to get the latest ATO driver working20:43
cyziewhen we do ctrl + alt + f1, f2 and until f6 , we should get a console but not anymore. any idea where to start looking ?20:44
sander_mbastid_raZor: Does that logfile only contain the messages from the latest Xorg start (like bootlog) or does it contain all previous Xorg starts as well?20:44
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, after activating the restricted driver...  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:44
[[thufir]]before the "--" add:  no apci acpi=off or:  no apic acpi=off ?  spellink errur?20:45
minimecsander_m: Do you use envy? What is your experience with envy? - Envy didn't like my ati 9600 mobile ...20:45
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, MAny people dotn get their monitors setup as well as their video card20:45
sander_mminimec: I've been warned not to use Envy20:45
minimecsander_m: Good advice!20:45
bastid_raZorsander_m; there more than just one log in /var/log go to that directory and you'll see more than one log of Xorg ... and that Xorg file i posted is the most recent.20:45
robephhow can I install sox + mp3 decode/encode support?20:46
sander_mJack_Sparrow: I've managed to load the ATI driver from their website (lsmod says it's there) but fglrxinfo still says I use the MESA library for 3D20:46
robephmy gentoo box has it but doesn't seem to have mp3 s'port in ubuntu20:46
richardI have a question reguarding LAMP, what would best way to organize user rights, could i create a group for /var/www that webusers get access too then add them to the group ?20:47
sander_mbastid_raZor: I understand, but does that log get rotated every Xorg restart or just every week, like most logfiles?20:47
_Scooter_robeph: for commandline playback? xmms should already be installed.20:47
bastid_raZorsander_m; every restart20:47
Jack_Sparrow<[[thufir]]> before the "--" add:  no apci acpi=off or:  no apic acpi=off ?  spellink errur?  noapic acpi=off20:47
^u^what is the name of the app that takes a screenshot of the desktop pls20:48
Itakuis it possible to download the source code of a php page?20:48
Jack_Sparrow^u^, gnome-screenshot --interactive20:49
robeph_Scooter_: no sox,   for converting audio files / modifying,  I need command line support to up the gain on mp3s for a PBX IVR20:49
^u^thnx Jack_Sparrow20:49
robephdon't care to hear them via cmd line. :p20:49
TybaltI installed ubuntu with the "Alternate CD" because the GUI version wouldn't work, but on the website it says you get a nice looking GNOME based desktop and things.  It starts me out in command prompt, my question is, how do i get from this command prompt to the desktop, or did I install the wrong version of ubuntu to get this desktop software?20:49
Jack_SparrowTybalt, Did you install server and NOT the alternate20:49
_Scooter_robeph: well, apt-get install sox mpg32120:49
crackintoshI am trying to tar a directory while excluding one of the folders included in it. I am also trying to preserve permissions, gzip and verbose. However I cannot get this command to work! tar -cf site_backup_03_14_08.tar.gz ../mywebsite.com/ --exclude=/etc/ -z -v -p20:50
TybaltI'll pretty sure I installed desktop alternate.20:50
_Scooter_robeph: sorry, sudo apt-get install sox mpg32120:50
sander_mbastid_raZor: Thanks. All: Well, my Xorg log shows no errors. fglrx loads fine. All I get are a few warnings from AIGLX: 3D driver claims not to support XXX.20:50
richardif i want to add /var/www to the group webusers, what could i type? :(.. i know its chown something and chmod20:50
minimecsander_m: Do you have 'Driver "fglrx"' in your 'Section "Device"' in /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:50
Jack_SparrowTybalt, You can get there from cli with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:50
CVD-PRapt-get or aptitude?20:50
c0dahey guys, where is ".profile"????20:50
sander_mminimec: See ^^^. Driver loads. Just not 3D20:50
bastid_raZorsander_m; another useful logfile is in ~/.xsessions-errors20:50
sander_mbastid_raZor: Thanks20:51
_Scooter_richard: chgrp -R webusers /var/www  (that will change /var/www and everything, recursively in /var/www, to the webusers group only)20:51
c0dawhere is .profile?20:51
AboSamoori want to create a new keyboard  layout how can i do that ?20:51
_Scooter_c0da: ~/20:51
jimcooncatc0da: it's in there, but because it starts with a dot it's hidden20:51
c0daok thanks20:51
crackintoshrichard:  doesnt ubuntu use www-data as the user/group for apache?20:51
nahcyzie: type when you are in your cli type startx so that you can come back to your graphical interface20:52
louishHi all.  I'm running 7.10 and I'm trying to get some output from a traceroute command.  All that show's up is the 1st and 15th (end) hops.  I have a windows box and a tracert show's every hop?   And I missing a switch or something?20:52
richard_Scooter_: is this a wise idea to do this? my first apache install20:52
richardcrackintosh: my first apache install..20:52
sander_mbastid_raZor: Nothing useful in there. Just some GTK errors.20:52
_Scooter_richard: is it personal or production?20:52
richardcrackintosh: could i just add my user to www-data ?20:52
richard_Scooter_: personal for now20:52
richard_Scooter_: but i want it done properly :D20:53
bastid_raZorsander_m; right it shows errors if you have any.. and i assume you have the same Gtk+ Warnings i have.. setuid20:53
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cyzienah, what do you mean ?20:53
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, Did you ever do this   sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx20:53
_Scooter_richard: well you could either addusers to the www-data or make the new webusers group and do that - honestly, webusers is probably the best way to go - you'll learn the system better that way :)20:53
sander_mbastid_raZor: Yes. That's what's in there20:54
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richard_Scooter_: thanks20:54
sander_mJack_Sparrow: Not manually. When I first installed the system I did click on the restricted drivers popup and enabled the proprietary driver. I imagine that may have run that command in the background20:54
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, fglrxinfo still shows mesa20:55
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, Please verify which video card?20:55
BallenaHow do I unmount a cd in Ubuntu? The command "unmount" does not exist...20:56
StarnestommyBallena: use umount20:56
sander_mJack_Sparrow:  ATI X1300 Pro (256 Mb)20:56
aldaektwo questions. 7.10 in use. when i set wired connection to use static ip, all settings correct, its not saving it... whats going on on that side... the other. on bootup/shutdown, how do i see the detection/actions routines? simply turning off the bootloader pic/progress screen does not give all info20:56
sander_mJack_Sparrow:  Yes, it still shows Mesa20:56
xybreI'm having a real problem with locales, I've been googling for a while and I tried to fix it months ago, and I still can't get it to work.20:56
Jack_Sparrowsander_m,  I dont have much time but this looks like what you need  to do...  sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx   ...  apt-get install xserver-xgl  #not needed for aiglx but is for fglrx in Ubuntu followed by... sudo depmod -a20:57
BallenaStarnestommy: aha I must have miss red on the tut :)20:57
xybreWhen I do locales -a, it only shows C and POSIX and no other locales available20:57
sander_mJack_Sparrow:  Does that complement or replace the ATI drivers I installed from ATI's website?20:57
xybreHow can I install the en_US.utf8 locale?20:57
khoakhoa day20:58
khoaji the khong biet nua20:58
aldaekoh... a reboot is required for manual configuration... lovely20:58
sander_mJack_Sparrow:  Both were already installed. ANd I did the depmod -a trick already today with no effect20:58
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, that should not change the driver you have20:59
sander_mI've also make the symlink in /usr/X1R6/lib/modules/dri/ to the driver20:59
khoano nhieu20:59
CVD-PRxchat command to view all my posts20:59
khoakhong biet lam ji nua20:59
=== Devel is now known as DevelCorp
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, you loged out and back after that right...20:59
sander_mJack_Sparrow: I take no chances. I reboot everytime21:00
StarnestommyCVD-PR: I don't think there is one21:00
Jack_Sparrowsander_m, Ok.. I need to run.. wish you luck21:00
richard_Scooter_: is this correct to give read, write, execute for the whole group recursivly? chmod -R g+rwx ?21:00
sander_mJack_Sparrow: Thanks :-/21:00
kharlosshi there. there is a way to  remove software  installed today ? something to restore to a previous state ( without any backup ofcourse - something like ... apt-get autoclean& remove ... I`m a linux noob  so sorry for my stupi question but i`m just asking if there is any way doing this ...21:01
CVD-PRStarnestommy,  one day someone show me a command that do it but i forgat21:01
aldaekwhile you guys are on the subject for graphics... wheres the file to edit to remove resolutions higher than 1024x768/?21:01
foldartCVD-PR: /lastlog CVD-PR21:01
CVD-PRsomething la /mylogs etc..21:01
nahcyzie: why you try ctrl-alt F2->F6 it's because you have problem with your mouse or your  graphic card or else, so when you're in the console you type startx so that you can reboot your X layer in linux21:01
Ward1983if i want to install grub on only one partition, and i click advanced to do that at the isntallation, what is the correct syntax to tell on what disk and partition i want grub? (sdc in my case)21:02
kharlossif vrms  can do this  i hope there is any way to do my task ..21:02
Ward1983i did this allready once, but i forgot the syntax... :(21:02
CVD-PRfoldart,  nothing happend with thatn command21:02
foldartCVD-PR: hm, might not work in xchat then (I use irssi)21:03
CVD-PRo ok21:03
xybreI keep getting errors like "locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory" because, well, it's right, there are no locale directories except C and POSIX.21:03
AboSamoorcan anyone help me, in the steps in creating a new keyboard layout ?21:04
CVD-PRAboSamoor, system,preference21:05
AboSamoorCVD-PR, i want to make a new keyboard layout21:06
_Scooter_richard: not sure... i always use the numbers: find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \;21:06
CVD-PRAboSamoor, layouit add?21:06
richardokey... now i have problem: I am member of group webusers, I changed the /var/www to group webusers with: "chgrp -R webusers /var/www" I chmod "chmod -R /var/www g+rwx".. why can't i create directories as my user now, I added my user too webusers21:06
Starnestommyrichard: you may need to log out then back in21:07
_polto_hi all21:07
_Scooter_richard: you have to remember to differentiate between files and directories, that's the key problem to most new users - you don't want to execute a text file, for instance :)21:07
richard_Scooter_: huh?21:08
_Scooter_richard: of course, that's what rm is for ;)21:08
AboSamoorCVD-PR, i want to create new layout so i can add it using  system -> preferences->layout--> add21:08
richard_Scooter_: i dont want execute on it all?21:08
PBJManHey, can anyone help me? I've been having some troubles running screenlets-manager- the error is here: http://pastebin.com/d81c8747 . I've googled and all, tried it all, nothing worked. Any ideas?21:08
_Scooter_richard: only on directories.21:08
_polto_who is in charge of liblivemedia ? it was not updated on ubuntu for a while. I posted a question on Launchpad, but did not have a replay.21:08
richard_Scooter_: ugh, i have to handpick that?21:08
_Scooter_richard: the command i gave you will take care of it :)  if you read the manpage for 'find', it will tell you how to select only files21:09
richard_Scooter_: oh ok21:09
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CVD-PRAboSamoor,  yes21:09
Ward1983if i want to install grub on only one partition, and i click advanced to do that at the isntallation, what is the correct syntax to tell on what disk and partition i want grub? (sdc in my case)21:09
_Scooter_richard: oh, i spent my fair share of time beating my head on the keyboard trying to figure it out rofl21:09
justatheoryCan anyone tell me how to disable the prompt interface when I `apt-get install slapd`?21:10
BittarmanWhat would be the best way to add AMD64 kernel to my boot menu.21:10
justatheoryI see a call to `db_get slapd/no_configuration` in slapd.preinst, but how no idea how to set it to "true"21:10
justatheory*have* no idea21:10
AboSamoorCVD-PR, what yes ?21:10
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richard_Scooter_: heh... question, is there a way to update the permissions without logging in and out ?21:10
Vermuxhow do I manually upgrade to kubuntu 7.10? I cant do that through adept_manager21:11
nicolahGuys I'd like to use ascii passphrase with iwconfig, is it possible ?21:11
tritium!upgrade | Vermux21:11
ubotuVermux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:11
PBJManNo one knows which libraries I'm missing? :S21:11
PBJManOr what i'm doing wrong21:11
_Scooter_richard: good question. no, it's a security issue. but you CAN set users default permissions for when they create files/dirs.21:11
CVD-PRAboSamoor,  yes that you are correct21:12
richard_Scooter_: uh.. default permission? o.O21:12
AyabaraI'm trying to remove the kde-apps I have installed. How can I check which ones remain? Some package I can check the dependency on maybe?21:12
nicolah"you can also enter the key as an SCII string by using the s: prefix, Passphrase is currently not suppoted" what's the difference between passphrase and ascii key ?21:13
CVD-PRaway to know what keyboard type i have 101,-104 105?21:13
CVD-PRwith counting21:13
richard_Scooter_: is it chmod g+s ?21:13
slenentinenicolah: sudo chmod 700 /sbin/iwconfig    then you'll have to launch it with sudo21:13
nicolahslenentine: I launch it with sudo even now, it's not a problem21:14
CVD-PRany way to know why i cant go suspende?21:14
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slenentinenicolah: well then it's password protected. so what's your aim?21:14
baddog144hi all, i type: "sudo cp boost /usr/local/include/boost" but it just says: "omitting directory: boost" and it doesn't work... why? :S21:15
nicolahslenentine: I'm trying to understand how to connect to my wireless network with the wep passphrase21:15
Jowianyone's got a feisty deb for awesome wm?21:15
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_Scooter_richard: nope! umask21:16
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:16
PBJManbaddog144: try adding a -r flag21:16
slenentinenicolah: sorry i misunderstood the initial question21:16
_Scooter_richard: it's set for each user, so if you set your umask for you, it's only for you and only for that session unless you save it to ~/.bashrc21:16
baddog144ty PBJMan :D21:16
xybreI figured it out..21:17
albatross27where chanel vietnamese?21:17
xybreI installed language-support-en21:17
ttt--hi, this program says it needs java 5 or higher, i got java 1.4 installed. is that higher?21:17
xybreIt put in a bunch of other crap, like languages for openoffice and stuf, but meh, good enough.21:17
napoleonHow can I use VOIP phone, please ?21:17
_Scooter_richard: i have to go. you may want to consider http://www.linuxnewbieguide.org/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/ as excellent resources for some basic questions to get answered. good luck :)21:18
RoAkSoAxttt--, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre (can chande jre with jdk and so on)21:18
napoleonUSB phone21:18
maxakiI've got some problems with wine... I got some error messages when i open an .exe file21:18
richard_Scooter_: thx21:18
slenentinenicolah: try http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-use-wep-encryption-with-ubuntu-linux/21:18
ttt--thanks, RoAkSoAx21:18
Itakuis it possible to download the source code of a php page in firefox?21:18
kane77Itaku, no it's not possible21:19
maxakiI've got some problems with wine... I got some error messages when i open an .exe file21:19
PBJManGuys- no one can help me with this? Has no one else gotten the same error with screenlets?21:19
RoAkSoAxttt--, you can see all packages by doing these: apt-cache search sun-java6 | grep sun-java21:19
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kane77Itaku, if you mean the script, it's only possible to see the generated *html21:19
xb3rtcan someone help me with a lag problem my ubuntu windows are having when they maximize and minimize21:20
PBJManxb3rt: Are you running compiz?21:21
todd_xb3rt, are you using compiz?21:21
BallenaYou can eject a Cd-rom with "eject /dev/cdrom" But is there a command that closes the CD-again?21:21
Ward1983how to isntall without grub?21:21
xb3rtPBJMan: todd_: yes21:21
todd_Ward1983, do you have another boot loader?21:21
johannaHi. I have a trouble with Hardy Alfa. I've upgraded yesterday to the alfa hardy version and everything was going just fine 'till tomorrow morning. I've just booted ubuntu, I logged in on GDM and when tries to show me the gnome desktop just frizzes.21:22
Ward1983todd_ well i plan on doing grub-install /dev/sdc and then add grub in the vista bootloader21:22
ar0nichi guys21:23
Ward1983todd_ one can also do that in the ubuntu setup, its clicking advanced in some screen, and then one needs to fill in what partition and disk to install grub on, only i dunno the syntax for that...21:23
grettinHi, can someone help me setup wpa encryption on my laptop please? got it working unencrypted so i know it works just need a little help please.21:23
baddog144what is the linux equivalent of a Windows Enviroment variable?21:23
xb3rtPBJMan: todd_: what do you recommend21:23
theaaghaazI'm having an error installing Rhythmbox. I'm compiling it from the development source, and I've got it "built", and I see it in my "Applications" drop-down menu. However, whenever I click the Rhythmbox icon, it shows a "Starting Rhthymbox Music Player" sign on the bottom task bar thing, but the sign just disappears after that. I tried starting it with the terminal, but it gave me this error: rhythmbox: error while loading shared 21:23
nicolahiwconfig isn't suitable for WPA encryption, isn't it ?21:23
PBJManxb3rt: Try typing glxinfo in a terminal, and see if it lags within the next 10 seconds or so21:24
slenentineBallena: try     eject -t /dev/cdrom21:24
johannaI'm on a tty right now using irssi. I don't know if it's useful but yesterday some packages like gnome-desktop-enviroment and gnome-keyring-manager were autoremoved. I tried to reinstall them again but the keyring manager was "deprecated".21:24
JowiPBJMan, running feisty myself, I installed it from 3rd party repo http://compiz.org/Desktop_Screenlets (available for gutsy as well on that page). is that the version you are using?21:24
Ward1983theaaghaaz most likely its missing shared files, or doesnt find them, dunno how to solve, sorry21:24
todd_xb3rt: how much video memory?21:24
^u^theaaghaaz, why not install it from the repos?21:24
ar0nicive had a load of problems, im a bit of a novice noob, i google and i do my homework, ive had some crazy issues with my video playback on my lappy with kubuntu..after a few formats and reinstalls ive decided to go with ubuntu and start here, first things first i need to properly get my vid card driver installed, although it recognizes my card as what it is that doesnt nessicarly mean that the drivers are installed and its working properly21:24
Ward1983todd_ did you read my replys?21:24
theaaghaaz^u^: Because I'm hip. :P21:25
PBJManJowi: It might be- I used apt-get to install it... I just uninstalled it, so i'll try installing that.21:25
xb3rttodd_: how do i check, also i had ubuntu gutsy on this comp and it ran smooth as could be, then i reinstalled it and now its all studdery acting21:25
todd_Ward1983:  so do you just want to install GRUB to the partition of your choice, or not at all?21:25
maxakiI've got some problems with wine... I got some error messages when i open an .exe file21:25
^u^theaaghaaz, didn't know it was hip to do it the hard way - apologies :)21:25
JowiPBJMan, I found the repo listed on that page to be quite stable.21:25
ar0nicmy problem in kubuntu was video playback, i had all proper codecs installed and players as well and only got sound21:26
ar0nicno vid playback21:26
Ward1983todd_ the goals is indeed just the partition that i choose (the one with ubuntu on it)21:26
theaaghaaz^u^: Ok, the real reason is that I want the unstable version.21:26
JowiPBJMan, 0.0.10-3 is the version I have installed.21:26
^u^theaaghaaz, prob some dependency issue21:26
Zyonxhola, necesito k alguien me solucione un problema21:26
ar0nici just booted ubuntu and am installing the updates that popped up21:26
theaaghaaz^u^: Huh. Okay.21:27
CVD-PRwhy the hell wine is never updated?21:27
ar0nicthen where should i go from there...the restricted packages?21:27
theaaghaaz^u^: Am I allowed to repost my question?21:27
xb3rttodd_: any ideas?21:27
Black_Magiccan someone tell me how to make a Bootable Grub CD?21:27
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todd_when I installed, I chose to install to the root partition, which for me was (hd0,0).  First partition on first hard drive.21:27
^u^theaaghaaz, that's the issue with source installs - dependencies aren't automatically met21:27
^u^theaaghaaz, sure21:27
ar0nicBlack_Magic download the .iso from their website, use whatever burner you'd like and burn the image21:27
theaaghaazI'm having an error installing Rhythmbox. I'm compiling it from the development source, and I've got it "built", and I see it in my "Applications" drop-down menu. However, whenever I click the Rhythmbox icon, it shows a "Starting Rhthymbox Music Player" sign on the bottom task bar thing, but the sign just disappears after that. I tried starting it with the terminal, but it gave me this error: rhythmbox: error while loading shared 21:28
todd_Ward1983: when I installed, I chose to install to the root partition, which for me was (hd0,0).  First partition on first hard drive.21:28
Ward1983todd_ but does a fakeraid raid0 array count as 2 or 1 drives? :s21:28
theaaghaaz^u^: I know, source installing sometimes gives me a headache.21:28
Black_Magicgrub website...?21:28
Ward1983todd_ vista is installed on a partition on the fakeraid raid0 array21:28
ObinooobieI want to install wine, but i'm not very good at this, could anyone give me some guiding or a guide?21:28
PBJManJowi: I actually think I downloaded the package from that site using the download link, not with apt-get...21:28
^u^theaaghaaz, r/box new might use a later gtk or alsa or...21:29
JowiPBJMan, use the apt repo. that makes sure you get all the dependencies installed.21:29
PBJManObinooobie: in a terminal, "type sudo apt-get install wine"  (Without the "")21:29
todd_Ward1983:  I'm sorry, I don't know about raid arrays...21:29
theaaghaaz^u^, Maybe I should download a snapshot of the svn for both GTK and ALSA?21:29
ar0nicif anyone feels like stroking their expertise on a tough issue plz let me know21:29
PBJManJowi, I tried, but it looks as though the repository is offline or something- Failed to fetch http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/screenlets/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found21:30
ar0nicthanks for all help guys21:30
ar0nicplease PM tho21:30
ar0nicas this channel is moving much fast.21:30
Ward1983todd_ is it for sure that sdc is (hd2,1)? (that drive only has one partition)21:30
^u^theaaghaaz, they were just guesses - could be lots of other things as well - who knows21:30
ar0nicive already googled to death and tried all options out there that i could figure out21:30
Ward1983todd_ if it is sure then i know enough :)21:30
JowiPBJMan, you seem to be right. I get the same error. :-/21:31
PBJManJowi: :S Fail...21:31
maxakiuseradd: unable to lock password file21:31
grettincould someone point me to or paste a wpa_supplicant.conf using an atheros card please21:32
Black_Magicar0nic, What .iso..21:32
theaaghaazI'm having an error installing Rhythmbox. I'm compiling it from the development source, and I've got it "built", and I see it in my "Applications" drop-down menu. However, whenever I click the Rhythmbox icon, it shows a "Starting Rhthymbox Music Player" sign on the bottom task bar thing, but the sign just disappears after that. I tried starting it with the terminal, but it gave me this error: rhythmbox: error while loading shared 21:32
Starnestommytheaaghaaz: what was the error?21:32
theaaghaazStarnestommy, rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: librhythmbox-core.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:33
Starnestommytheaaghaaz: what happens when you run "locate librhythmbox-core.so.0" ?21:33
PBJManJowi: I'm not too familiar with linux, but I'm getting around- there's no way around using his site for this, is there? Well, for a repo- there's no backups...?21:33
todd_Ward1983, the numbering starts with 0, so it sounds like in your case, hd2,1 would be third hard drive, second partition21:34
rathelHow do I turn off Snapping to the screen edges?21:34
theaaghaazStarnestommy: Nothing.21:34
JowiPBJMan, gutsy?21:34
Starnestommytheaaghaaz: does the version in the repositories work?21:34
Ward1983todd_ so (hd2.0) should be sdc, right?21:34
ObinooobiePBJMan: When i write type "sudo apt-get install wine" it say21:34
Obinooobie"sudo is hashed (/usr/bin/sudo)21:35
Obinooobieapt-get is /usr/bin/apt-get21:35
theaaghaazStarnestommy: Yes.21:35
Obinooobieinstall is /usr/bin/install21:35
Obinooobiebash: type: wine: could not be found"21:35
ObinooobieRoughly translated from swedish21:35
FloodBot3Obinooobie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:35
FreezeilI installed Ubuntu for the first time today, and I was told to install EasyBCD to have a normal dual-boot (between Ubuntu and Vista). However, I ran into a problem even google can't solve...21:35
akan01nhi, when i do /etc/init.d/networking restart, if i modifiy anything using the command 'route' the information is restored, where do i change it?21:35
FreezeilCannot load from harddisk.21:35
FreezeilInsert Systemdisk and press any key.21:35
armenbhow does a compiler decide what symbols to export and which not to?21:35
PBJManJowi: Yes.21:35
FreezeilWhat should I do?21:35
armenbi didn't explicitly say, and "nm" is showing "T" and "t" by several functions21:35
JowiPBJMan, I haven't tried this version. might work for you: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Screenlets21:35
PBJManObinooobie: Next time, use www.pastebin.com21:35
PBJManJowi: Alright, i'll try.21:36
armenbwrong channel.21:36
Ward1983Freezeil normally it sohuld be enough to install ubuntu, normally grub takes care of this (im not entirely sure as i got raid so i cant use grub)21:36
Ward1983but thats the way its with XP21:36
FreezeilWith Vista I had to install EasyBCD21:36
FreezeilAnd it still won't load :(21:37
aldaekis there a way to disable bootup splash screen and see what the computer is doing on bootup? not just erros, but all processes it does?21:37
rathellol How do I turn off Snapping to the screen edges?21:37
slenentineFreezeil: check out ntfsfix21:37
Starnestommyaldaek: change the boot options for "quiet splash" in /boot/grub/menu.lst to "nosplash"21:37
ObinooobiePBJMan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59622/21:37
Ward1983Freezeil do you have RAID?21:38
Itakuhow do i connect to a mysql server?21:38
aldaekwill that show everything, not just errors, right?21:38
proprietarysucksanyone in here know why ubuntu 7.10 64-bit cannot install over pxe?21:38
FreezeilNope, no raid21:38
Freezeilslenentine: what does ntfsfix does?21:38
Starnestommyaldaek: anything that shows output21:38
FreezeilWill it ruin my vista? :)21:38
m3gach33zyHello ubuntu guys I need some help installing ubuntu on my 64 bit pc that has to use a dvi converter.  The problem is that i'm trying to install ubuntu and I can select install ubuntu on the pc.  Afterwards the screen flashes something really fast and then no more video... but I can hear the disc running and trying to install nevertheless...21:38
Ward1983Freezeil then it should be sufficient to just install ubuntu after vista, on another disk and/or partition21:38
FreezeilWard1983, I did21:39
PBJManObinooobie: I don't know, honestly- if you can't find the answer here, try the forums... I've never seen that before.21:39
Ward1983Freezeil then what did you do with EasyBCD?21:39
slenentineFreezeil: read http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=398122  i used it once in that situation and it worked21:40
m3gach33zyDoes anyone know how I can get video while using a dvi converter?21:40
Obinooobieah, too bad..21:40
Obinooobiewell, ill try the forums21:40
PBJManJowi: Ah, it works! Thanks :D21:40
FreezeilWard1983: I used it to get to the bootload page-thingy21:40
SubOnewell i just installed the ati video drives and then compiz wasnt running so i changed it to on in the xorg.conf and not compiz is running but it is really really slow, any ideas what i can try?21:40
Trubadurixanyone know how i make my menuline in terminal window to hide permernent? if i press dont show it will be showen next time i open a terminal and i cant edit it in the terminal profil any know?21:41
Ward1983Freezeil, normally grub is the only bootloader you need (unless you got fakeraid like me, then an easy way out can be the vista bootloader)21:41
Freezeilslenentine: thanks, will follow it right away with the livecd21:41
Ward1983Freezeil maybe the easyest to try is jsut reinstall on the same location as the previous ubuntu installation, that usualle fixes grub too21:42
JimpsEdmv -f still exceptions when there are directories how can I force overwrite even for dirs?21:42
FreezeilWard1983, I did...21:42
proprietarysucksgetting really tiring installing ubuntu 7.10 64-bit from cd21:42
proprietarysucksanyone in here know why ubuntu 7.10 64-bit cannot install over pxe?21:42
Ward1983Freezeil ah ok try the link, i didnt notice untill now21:42
theaaghaazI'm having an error installing Rhythmbox. I'm compiling it from the development source, and I've got it "built", and I see it in my "Applications" drop-down menu. However, whenever I click the Rhythmbox icon, it shows a "Starting Rhthymbox Music Player" sign on the bottom task bar thing, but the sign just disappears after that. I tried starting it with the terminal, but it gave me this error: rhythmbox: error while loading shared 21:43
slenentineFreezeil: ntfsprogs is in the repos, so you shouldn't even have to compile it21:43
Freezeilexcellent, the easier, the better21:44
xb3rtso in regards to my ubuntu gutsy window lag problem with compiz is their a solution21:45
=== baddog144 is now known as baddog144|bbl
FreezeilSee you soon, I hope :)21:45
ompaul!compile | theaaghaaz21:46
ubotutheaaghaaz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:46
proprietarysucksany more advanced ubuntu channels?21:46
proprietarysucksor, developers channel21:47
^u^!install | proprietarysucks21:47
ubotuproprietarysucks: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:47
m3gach33zycan anyone help me install ubuntu on my desktop??21:47
elisboam3gach33zy: where did you get stuck?21:48
larryzlianyone here who can help me with a sound problem?21:48
ompaul!sound | larryzli21:48
ubotularryzli: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:48
elisboalarryzli: where did you get stuck?21:48
m3gach33zyelisboa: i boot the cd and hit enter on install and then after that it says loading kernel 100% after that the screen goes blank21:48
larryzlielisboa: my sound does not work at all in linux21:49
elisboam3gach33zy: maybe you need to select "vga safe graphic installation" option21:49
m3gach33zyelisboa: I'm also having to use a dvi converter and i've been told that doesnt help21:49
m3gach33zyelisboa: i've tried the safe graphics mode as well and that doesnt do it21:49
elisboam3gach33zy: and text mode installation?21:50
m3gach33zyelisboa: idk how to do that21:50
elisboam3gach33zy: it's an option, just like the others21:50
louishHi all.  I'm running 7.10 and I'm trying to get some output from a traceroute command.  All that show's up is the 1st and 15th (end) hops.  I have a windows box and a tracert show's every hop?   And I missing a switch or something?21:50
m3gach33zyelisboa: i'll reboot the desktop and search for that option21:51
Itakuwhats a program to make flash objects?21:51
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edfromballaratquick question if anybody is free to help21:51
proprietarysucksanyone ever been able to install ubuntu 7.10 64-bit over pxe?21:52
larryzliI have a toshiba tecra A8 and have already tried the fix on the ubuntu forums, but still do not have any sound, anyone know the problem?21:52
proprietarysuckseven once21:52
=== CyberScript30_ is now known as Banji_dk1
nrpproprietarysucks: yea21:52
m3gach33zyelisboa: i dont see a text based install21:52
nrpproprietarysucks: yes.21:52
proprietarysucksbecause it doesn't work here21:52
Banji_dk1hi people, i´m portuguese and i don´t write good english, but i try to explain.21:52
edfromballaratif i have a program that runs from a .sh, where should I put it so that I can run it from anywhere in the shell, if that makes sense?21:52
Banji_dk1i have one laptop clevo M72SR processor T7250 4Gb ram and graphic card is sis 351 mirage, i try to install de ubuntu 7.04 , 7.10 and de version beta og the 8.04 and all this versions blocked "crash" my pc in installation21:52
proprietarysuckson any system we try it on21:52
BallenaShould I have "auto" or "noauto" for /dev/cdrom0 in FSTAB?21:53
proprietarysucksand has never worked, ever, even once on any variation of systems we have tried21:53
proprietarysucksubuntu 7.10 32-bit does, 64-bit doesn't21:53
slenentineedfromballarat: /usr/bin21:53
grettinit seems like everytime i use /etc/network/interfaces to set the card up it doesn't work so is there a way to setup via iwconfig for wpa?21:53
proprietarysucksit just immediately kernel panics21:53
xb3rtcan someone pleeeaaasse, help me figure out why my windows are so laggy, im also using compiz21:53
edfromballaratcheers, thanks guys21:53
NitrorayHello all.. I want to play Habbo.21:53
NitroraySo what to do? I already tried sudo apt-get install flashplayer9 , but did not work :(21:53
nrpproprietarysucks: it has worked fine when ive used it, try a different image.  or try hardy21:54
Banji_dk1proprietarysucks i try the 64 bits and the 32 bits21:54
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:54
proprietarysucksthere is only one image that I know of21:54
Banji_dk1i try the version hardy i don´s cant install21:54
Banji_dk1please help me21:54
proprietarysucksalso, I can't change the OS required21:54
m3gach33zyanyone else have any other ideas on how I can install ubuntu on my desktop??21:54
nrpproprietarysucks: try an older netboot. maybe there was a regression21:55
sander_mQuestion: Does Mesa support Direct rendering? When I type `glxinfo` it says "Direct rendering: no". But my Xorg log says DRI is loaded...21:55
slenentine xb3rt: run "glxgears" for like 30 seconds and tell me what the average fps is21:55
larryzliQuestion: I have no sound in linux. I'm running on a toshiba tecra A8 and have already tried the alsa-base fix. What else can I do?21:55
Jowisander_m, yes. which video card do you have?21:55
Banji_dk1Question:i have one laptop clevo M72SR processor T7250 4Gb ram and graphic card is sis 351 mirage, i try to install de ubuntu 7.04 , 7.10 and de version beta og the 8.04 and all this versions blocked "crash" my pc in installation21:55
proprietarysuckswe have 606,610,704,710 both 32 and 64 bit and out of all of those systems only 64-bit 710 doesn't work21:55
Dex-Freudiiwhat is the UUID of a hard disk partition?21:56
sander_mJowi: ATI X1300. I've been trying for four days to get it working now. fglrxinfo keeps saying "Mesa" for the 3D driver.21:56
=== brett is now known as xb3rt
xb3rtglxgears logged me out21:56
Banji_dk1plese help-me i desesperated21:56
Jowisander_m, you're probably not using the correct driver for your card.21:56
Jowi!ati | sander_m21:57
ubotusander_m: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:57
Dex-Freudiiif I change a partition size will its UUID change also?21:57
Banji_dk1i nedd the linux in my laptop and i can't install21:57
^u^Banji_dk1, did you do the md5 check on the disks?21:57
minimeclarryzli: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57990621:57
sander_mJowi: Did that. Tried that. The binary driver loads fine. It just doesn't give me 3D21:57
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: why can't you install it? what's the error message?21:58
sander_mJowi: Want to see my Xorg log?21:58
larryzliminimec: ive already tried those21:58
m3gach33zycan someone.. anyone help me install ubuntu on my desktop?21:58
Dex-Freudiim3gach33zy: yep21:58
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: okay well i'm having a problem with video21:58
Jowisander_m, won't help me I'm afraid. I have no experience with that card and drivers21:58
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: don´t have error message, the installation is crash when the screen say UBUNTU and have one bar21:58
minimeclarryzli: So I can't help you ... sorry21:58
akan01nhi, Ubuntu 7.10 is gutsy, right?21:59
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: which hardware do you have? which ubuntu version?21:59
sander_mJowi: Okay, but do you know DRI?21:59
larryzliQuestion: how do I upgrade my ALSA drivers?21:59
Dex-Freudiim3gach33zy: what problem?21:59
tekteenakan01n: that is the newest21:59
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: i can hit enter on the start or install ubuntu and then it says loading kernel 100% then after that the video cuts off21:59
akan01ntekteen: ok21:59
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: the pc is still running and i can hear that the disc is running21:59
Jowisander_m, for intel and via chipsets I can help. not for ati. I know too little of their drivers.22:00
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m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: I am also using a dvi converter which i guess makes giant problems22:00
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: i try the versions 7.04, 7.10 and 8.04, my hardware is core 2 duo T7250,4 gb ram, harddisk sata, board sis m671,graphic card is sis 351 mirage 322:00
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Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: my laptop is a Clevo M72SR22:00
sander_mJowi: Okay. I didn't know DRI was closely tied to the driver. Thanks anyway.22:01
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: hold on a sec22:01
novato_brhow can I make to work utf-8 on line "/dev/sdb1 /media/winxp defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1" ?22:01
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: ok22:01
Dex-Freudiim3gach33zy: are you installing?22:01
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: well right now i'm paused at the ubuntu install screen waiting for some directions lol22:01
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: I can't install any further because I dont have video22:01
Dex-Freudiitry this: when the screen goes black hit ctrl+alt+F122:02
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: okay lemme try really quick22:02
novato_brhow can I make to work ntfs on ubuntu just setting fstab  ?22:03
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: have you checked on google if someone could fix that problem?22:03
tekteen!ntfs | novato_br22:03
ubotunovato_br: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE22:03
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: i did ctrl alt f1 and nothing happened22:03
Banji_dk1yes i cheked in google and don´t fin anything22:03
Jowisander_m, I found this though: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide22:03
johaanHaving issues getting Java stuff to run in Firefox,   Anyone have a good help doc for getting it install properly?22:03
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: hold on22:04
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: yes i cheked in google and don´t find anything22:04
tekteenjohaan: when you install java (via the repo) it should work22:04
tekteen!java | johaan22:04
ubotujohaan: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)22:04
Banji_dk1i try to solve this problem, 1 month every days i try22:04
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: right now i can see that the cd is running and flashing its little light but i have no video22:04
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: i try to solve this problem, 1 month every days i try22:04
johaanOkay cool,  thanks22:04
novato_brtekteen, i don't want to use ntfs-3g22:05
sander_mJowi: Thanks. I'll see if there's anything in there that wasn't mentioned in the other umpteen guides I read over the past few days22:05
tekteennovato_br: why not22:05
novato_bri want to mount manually on fstab22:05
tekteennovato_br: ntfs-3g is the backend for ntfs in fstab22:05
grettinI've got unencrypted wireless working but only via iwconfig using   /etc/network/interfaces does not work. how can i a, setup encryptian? and b, have it connect on boot? is there a way?22:06
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: http://eriksdatadump.blogspot.com/2007/10/review-of-clevo-m720r.html22:06
novato_brtekteen, i want learn more, if one day I can't get the ntfs-3g i will might to install without them22:06
Dex-Freudiitry to contact these people22:06
tekteennovato_br: you can not work without it22:06
tekteennovato_br: ntfs-3g is the only program (just about) to use ntfs22:07
m3gach33zyDex-Freudii: well something interesting kinda happend.. I let the cd run for a little while longer this time and my screen flashed the ubuntu loading cursor then screen went black again... not sure if i should just wait it out for a few hrs?22:07
tekteennovato_br: have you read the guide?22:07
novato_brsend me, tekteen22:07
tekteen!ntfs > novato_br22:07
|DuReX|I'm trying to get my wifi card working as AP, I see a device wlan0 & wmaster0, what is that wmaster0 ??22:07
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: yes but in my laptop this ubuntu 7.10 don´t work, in installation "crash"22:08
BallenaHow do I get the UUID for a disk in my system?22:08
tekteen!uuid > Ballena22:08
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: I know... Ijust tell you to contact them since they have the same hardware than yoyu22:09
`DaveHi everyone. I have a quick question. I have an init.d script I want to run on a headless server at boot time. I want to be able to run it as a specific user though. I had a quick google but can't find anything so I thought I would ask here. Maybe it is quite simple.22:09
fredrinHow do i solv this unmet dependencies problems:22:09
fredrinThe following packages have unmet dependencies: compiz-gnome: Depends: compiz-core (= 1:0.6.2+git20071119-0ubuntu1~gutsy1) but 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 is installed compiz-plugins: Depends: compiz-core (= 1:0.6.2+git20071119-0ubuntu1~gutsy1) but 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 is installed22:09
`DaveI'm running ubuntu 7.1022:09
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: explain me in detail what happens during installation22:09
Slart`Dave: I thin sudo can run stuff as any user.. sudo -u22:09
Dex-FreudiiI need help::: if I change a disk partition's size, will its UUID change as well?22:09
damaltorcan somebody tell me a few things about smartcard readers? i have built-in one in my computer, but have no idea how to use it.22:10
`Daveexcellent. so if I bung that in my init script with the proper user as a parameter it should just work? I'll give that a try.22:10
tekteenDave: the program su USERNAME22:10
`Davethank you.22:10
`Davejust testing.22:10
Ssam`where can i learn ubuntu package creating and all22:11
Ssam`to make repos22:11
|DuReX|somebody ?22:12
Ssam`intresting nick22:12
tekteenSsam`: there is a debian packaging guide22:12
jpatrick!packguide | Ssam`22:12
ubotuSsam`: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:12
Ssam`yes where is it22:12
tekteenjpatrick: thanks :-)22:12
Ssam`which should i read first22:12
tekteenbeet me to it22:12
tekteenthe first22:12
Banji_dk1Dex-Freudii:i start with cd of the linux, selected to install, the kernel charge , and then in screen have the Ubuntu and have one bar this bar to stop and my pc crash, i try to boot to put this "noapic nolapic nosmp pnpbios=off" and the the dvd run and i have acesse to live cd and i select install bu when to go to step of the partition of the disk they have a error"can´t write in disk"22:13
Itakuwhats a program to make flash objects?????????????????????22:13
tekteenSsam`: and the 3rd22:13
joankican anyone tell me a really great open-source flash-card program for learning?22:13
SlartItaku: apt-cache search flash .... there are a few.. and you only need one ?22:13
joankii want to use them for class22:13
Banji_dk1Dex-Freudii:do you understand, i dont wirte fine english :s22:13
kestirwhat is the keyboard shortcut to magnify the screen?22:13
Banji_dk1Dex-Freudii:do you understand, i dont write fine english :s22:13
aldaekhow do i determine if teamspeak pkg installed both client and server... wehre do i find that server?22:13
Ssam`they are all complete guides right?22:13
Dennisnueljoin #drupal22:14
Ssam`i mean id be able to create a package if i practice them?22:14
tekteenSsam`: I think the first one is22:14
m3gach33zycan anyone tell me if its possible to install windows games on ubuntu?  like COD4 for instance?22:14
Ssam`lol.....okay and i am very very very new22:14
FlannelSsam`: yeah.  You'll probably get more help in #ubuntu-motu22:14
aldaekcod4 is way too new.. but you can check it out online.22:14
Slartm3gach33zy: some games.. go to www.winehq.org and read up.. check the appdb for your favourite game22:15
aldaekthere's also a method to install windows directx dlls if you have a license to use them22:15
Itakuhow do i run swftools22:15
Slartaldaek: huh? do you have more info on this?22:15
SlartItaku: isn't there a man page?22:16
grettini can't get   /etc/network/interfaces to work but i can set up with iwconfig. help please22:16
SlartItaku: and google doesn't give you any good links?22:17
lordleemom3gach33zy: yes it is m8 i use play on linux http://www.playonlinux.com/en/ but you can also use wine  http://www.winehq.org/22:17
SlartItaku: oh.. and I checked.. there are man-pages..22:17
Banji_dk1Dex-Freudii:are you there?22:18
SlartItaku: man swfcombine is one example..22:18
m3gach33zylordleemo: i actually have wine installed on this computer but how do you know what programs/games work on it?22:18
maxakiGAMEMy wine doesn't work, it says: Warning: the specified Windows directory L"C:\\windows" is not accessible22:19
Slartm3gach33zy: either you try them and see if they work or you check the application database.. appdb.winehq.org22:19
fr33d0mthe best way to do it is through a copy of cedega22:19
m3gach33zySlart: thanks22:19
Banji_dk1Dex-Freudii:are you there?????????????22:19
Itakuwhats a program to make flash objects??????????????22:20
fr33d0mthat or get enough developers to make linux versions! :P22:20
lordleemom3gach33zy: try em m8 best bet  there is a site that list them hang on ill have a look22:20
fr33d0mitaku...  adobe flash22:20
maxakiGAMEMy wine doesn't work, it says: Warning: the specified Windows directory L"C:\\windows" is not accessible22:21
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: sorry I took it so long... I was busy22:21
fr33d0madobe doesnt offer flash for nix though.. you will have to run it with wine22:21
Ward1983i got a grub error, could'nt find hd2,0 while ubuntu shoudl surely be installed on it :s how can i fix this?22:21
fr33d0mdid you get it from the repos?22:21
Dex-FreudiiBanji_dk1: I really don't know that is happening sorry. Try to write in the ubuntu forums to ask that question22:21
akan01nhelp, my touch screen is working upside down, i drag bottom-up the cursor goes up-bottom... hehehehe..22:21
tekteenfr33d0m: flash is in linux22:21
SlartmaxakiGAME: you might get better answers if you ask that question in #winehq .. that's the official wine support channel22:21
Banji_dk1[Dex-Freudii]: don´t have problem, sorry of my insistence22:21
amenadoWard1983-> how many hard disk do you have?22:21
Lumbagoi was kinda wondering... how many ways can you try to install Catalyst without getting it to work?22:22
grettinseriously guy's i've been in an out of here for like the last 4 hours, I thought this was where you were supposed to go if you needed help. I mean is it that you guy's don't know? ya know that would be fine just say sorry man don't know but to get completely ignored for so long is so frustrating. sorry for havin a go, i know its not your job or anythin. I was just hopin for help if you fancy lookin at http://ubuntuforums.org/showth22:22
Ward1983amenado, 4, the first 2 in fakeraid raid0 for vista, so i installed grub only on hd2,022:22
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lordleemom3gach33zy: http://appdb.winehq.org/  there you go m822:22
m3gach33zylordleemo: yeah i'm checking it out now thanks22:22
Slartgrettin: most people don't answer if they don't know.. it's just the way it is.. don't take it personally22:23
Ward1983amenado, now i can choose in the vista bootloader between vista and ubuntu, and if chosen for ubuntu grub loads, but it cant boot apperantly22:23
fr33d0mtekteen.. he wants to know how to make flash objects not just view them and as far as ive seen..  adobe hasnt made a nix version22:23
madman91good day to everyone22:23
tekteenfr33d0m: nm22:23
Ward1983amenado, so ubuntu is on the third disk, to make it short :)22:23
Itakuwhats a program to make flash objects??????????????22:23
Ward1983Itaku, qdobe flash...22:24
m3gach33zyDoes anyone know how long resizing a partition should take.... I'm installing ubuntu on my desktop right now and the most i can hear right now is that the cd is running and the display says please wait resizing partition and its at 0% for the past like 15 minutes22:24
madman91IS there a way to read why a linux box crashed? Or froze (due to heavy processes) for that matter?22:24
fr33d0mitaku...  use adobe flash but you will have to run it with wine or on a osx or winblows box22:24
Slartmadman91: well.. there are logs.. syslogs.. kernel logs.. look in /var/log22:24
Itakuwhats one for linux?22:25
Imagineer66Just joining but I had a similar question about adobe reader22:25
amenadoWard1983-> i dont know of how ntldr allows ubuntu to boot..and am not sure fake raid is supported at boot time22:25
Imagineer66what about using Automatix2 for ubuntu22:25
Ward1983Itaku, this is the windows one: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/ qdobe doesnt provide a linux version22:25
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SlartImagineer66: looking for a linux alternative to adobe reader?22:25
FlannelImagineer66: don't use Automatix.22:26
Imagineer66oh, sorry, wrong program22:26
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »22:26
Itaku699 DOLLARS?22:26
Ward1983amenado, i allready did this once, fakeraid is not supported, but the vista bootloader fixes that22:26
Itakuscrew that...22:26
Imagineer66Why not Automatix?22:26
Ongakuhow do I uninstall atk-1.9.1...i compiled it yesterday to get something else to work and now its freaking out all my programs22:26
SlartImagineer66: it has been known to break things.. break them so you have to reinstall ubuntu even22:26
FlannelImagineer66: because it breaks systems22:26
Ward1983amenado, it happens like this: PC starts, vista bootloader shows, 2 options, vista and ubuntu, if i select ubuntu then grub starts22:26
|DuReX|is it possible to update to newer kernel version in ubuntu ? need some drivers from 2.6.2322:26
madman91Slart: Hm... thanks :) but any idea how I can see which process causes very high cpu useage (before hanging the computer)22:27
amenadoWard1983-> where is grub pointed? if grub starts can you interrupt it?22:27
Ongakui compiled it, i just need to know how to uninstall it now22:27
fr33d0myou can update your kernel through the repos22:27
Slartmadman91: hmm... if it isn't in the logs.. then I don't think so22:27
Imagineer66hmmm.. I guess I'll find out.  Unfortunately, I installed Automatix this afternoon.22:27
|DuReX|fr33d0m: but latest in repo is 2.6.22-11 ..22:27
SlartImagineer66: you have my sympathy..22:27
Itakuwhats a program to make flash objects?????????????? THAT IS FREE...22:28
Ward1983amenado, i get the menu and everything, where can i check the details again for grub? ill pastebin the config file22:28
Al-KhouliHi guys, i am trying to install my HP-1215 printer, but i can't get it detected here, can any help ?22:28
Imagineer66Live and learn.  Sometimes that's the price of computing.22:28
tekteenOngaku: use sudo make uninstall in the directory you compiled it in22:28
Imagineer66I haven't used IRC in a LOOONGGG time.  How do I turn off the enters and lefts?22:28
fr33d0mhmmmm..  then you have to manually compile it and then youre just looking at work :/22:28
madman91Is there some universal system logger that logs processes/network-usage/etc.. in one readable way? .. like a hierarchy of folders22:28
thesaint4444hi guys, can anyone tell me how I change my keyboard layout in kde on fiesty? I go into the regional and language settings from system but the keyboard setting options are greyed out.... thanks.22:28
amenadoWard1983-> look at your boot.ini where it points grub22:29
Ongakutekteen ok but where is it install default?22:29
madman91To log which processes run when and by which users22:29
SlartImagineer66: depends on the client.. in irssi you do /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS22:29
Ward1983Imagineer66, thats what my teacher probably thought earlyer today when he repeaditely asked me to explain (crappy windows) stuff22:29
tekteenthesaint4444: in systemsettings22:29
Ongakutekteen: /usr/ something something??22:29
Ward1983amenado, will pqstebin it22:29
tekteenOngaku: it will know22:29
Slartmadman91: there's cacti.. takes some setting up.. but then it's shiny with nice diagrams and such22:29
tekteenthesaint4444: under region and language22:29
Ongakutekteen: ok so i just type sudo make uninstall <theprogram>22:29
Imagineer66Thanks' Slart.22:30
tekteenOngaku: no22:30
madman91Slart: is that for networking only?22:30
thesaint4444tekteen: no, it is there but greyed out.....22:30
Imagineer66Thanks slart... much more readable.22:30
tekteenOngaku: you go to the folder where you did make install22:30
Slartmadman91: all kinds of stuff.. processes.. free disk space.. ping times to servers.. network load.... lots of stuff22:30
tekteenOngaku: then type sudo make uninstall22:30
SlartImagineer66: indeed.. this channel can get kind of busy22:30
Al-Khoulican anyone help my with my HP-1215 printer setup ?22:30
ianoshortyhey all, im having a bit of trouble executing from tarballs. when i ./configure i get an error saying "checking for GLIB - version >= 2.8.0.... no and configure fails22:30
ianoshortyany ideas?22:30
Ongakutekteen: yeah but where is that?? does it default to a certain folder?22:31
tekteenOngaku: no22:31
Slartianoshorty: you probably need a dev package.. hang on a minute.. I'll check22:31
Ongakutekteen: i downloaded it and compiled it in the documents folder22:31
thesaint4444tekteen: there are no options available... any ideas? it is a real pain not having the correcty layout...22:31
Imagineer66I'm using Pidgin just because it was here.  What is a better IRC.  Back in the Win days, I would have used MIRC.22:31
tekteenOngaku: then go there22:31
drewb1Hello, what a good editor if I need something to go through and redo all the indents in my program?22:31
ianoshortyok slart thanks22:31
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Ongakutekteen: ok with cd and all that??22:31
madman91MMk, thanks Slart :)22:31
tekteenOngaku: yes22:31
Ongakutekteen: ok one sec22:31
Ward1983amenado, where to find it? never needed it before22:32
fr33d0mdrewb1: gedit or personally i prefer nano22:32
chelzdrewb1: to do it by hand, nano. to do it with amazingless, sed/awk22:32
Imagineer66drweb1  look at sed and awk.  They are not WYSIWIG but the perfect tool for what you want.22:32
tekteenthesaint4444: are you able to get to the region & language page?22:32
thesaint4444Imagineer: I use Konversation in kde...22:32
drewb1fr33d0m: gedit won't redo all the indents, will it?22:32
thesaint4444tekteen: yes...22:32
amenadoWard1983-> what are you looking for?22:32
Imagineer66Looking for a Gnome IRC.22:32
tekteenthesaint4444: then you went to keyboard layout?22:32
Ward1983amenado, boot.ini like u qsked22:33
Slart!info libglib2.0-dev | this might be the one, ianoshorty22:33
Ongakutekteen: thank you :) i´ll have to remember that lol22:33
ubotuthis might be the one, ianoshorty: libglib2.0-dev (source: glib2.0): Development files for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.1-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 619 kB, installed size 2328 kB22:33
thesaint4444tekteen: but I cant make any changes....22:33
thesaint4444tekteen: nothing there to change...22:33
tekteenthesaint4444: click the checkbox at the top22:33
Slartianoshorty: to install it run "sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev" in a terminal22:33
amenadoWard1983-> you have to tell vista boot loader to use grub, which file was that that you modified to add the line for grub?22:33
thesaint4444tekteen: yip did that... nothing..22:33
ianoshortyso if i do sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev22:33
Ongakutekteen: haha it fixed everything too :) thank you very very much22:33
Ward1983amenado, lol thats all done, i can use grub and everything22:34
ianoshortywow im actually making progress with linux :P22:34
amenadoWard1983-> i would think it is boot.ini but am not familiar with vista22:34
tekteenOngaku: np22:34
Itakuwhats a program to make flash objects??????????????????????????????????????????????????22:34
drewb1Imagineer66: I will look at sed and awk22:34
Ward1983amenado, grub jsut doesnt want to boot ubuntu22:34
ianoshortythanks a lot, il let you know if that sorts it22:34
tekteenthesaint4444: ask for help in #kubuntu22:34
SlartItaku: adding question marks won't make people help you..22:34
fr33d0mdrewb1: you will have to go through and manually indent,...  maybe i misunderstood you22:34
Ward1983amenado, jsut forget vista, that part works22:34
fr33d0mItaku: Adobe Flash22:34
thesaint4444tekteen: thanks... will do.22:34
drewb1fr33d0m: mm'kay thanks22:34
amenadoWard1983-> grub can boot ubuntu do not forget that.. its how you use vista boot loader to chain to grub22:34
Itakufr33d0m i want it free22:34
Slartianoshorty: this is a common thing to do.. run ./configure.. get an error.. find the dev package.. run ./configure.. rinse, repeat =)22:34
ianoshortywhile im waiting - im new to irc, how to i target my message at someone?22:34
Y-TownImagineer66: BitchX22:34
Slartianoshorty: just type their nick first.. use tab to autocomplete22:35
fr33d0mItaku: if you had been paying attention earlier..  we have told you 3 times22:35
Ward1983amenado, will check to be sure but that should be ok since grub worked... only it didnt boot ubuntu22:35
amenadoWard1983-> where did you install the grub? which partition, because thats where you point the vista boot loader to find  it22:35
LjLianoshorty: simply type their names, like i'm doing. you can use the TAB key to autocomplete nicknames22:35
GunnItaku: too bad22:35
Ward1983amenado, hd2.0 (dev/sdc)22:35
ianoshortySlart, thanks :)22:35
Ward1983first partition22:35
Itakufr33d0m: im not paying a fricking 700 dollars for it22:35
Imagineer66Thanks for the help22:35
richarddoes someone know any tutorials for Zend Framework that guides you from the very basics of getting started with it?22:35
fr33d0mItaku: can't help you there..  im sure you can figure it out though :P22:35
Slartianoshorty: you're welcome22:35
ianoshortyright lets see if that fixed it, brb sec22:36
Itakuyou guys are helpless22:36
amenadoWard1983-> are you sure?..oh heck,, be back in a few...22:36
GunnItaku: we are not here to direct people towards pirated software22:36
GunnItaku: we are here to help and get help from others for ubuntu22:36
Ward1983amenado, perfect timing i was just about to say the same :) going for a smoke, see you in a few minutes22:36
Daisuke-Ido!piracy | Itaku22:36
ubotuItaku: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:36
Daisuke-Idothere's the final word.  if you don't like it, go elsewhere.22:36
fr33d0mItaku: there is no free alternative to adobe flash and i will not assist you in piracy,,,  especially on ubuntu irc22:37
ianoshortySlart, right furthern, now i get checking for AWN.... configure: error: Package requirements were not met22:37
LjLok, i think he's got the concept22:37
Reenencan evolution read news?22:37
Slartianoshorty: AWN??.. compiling avant?22:38
ReenenI installed newsx, but I still can't access the news at news://forums.talkto.net/glscene.general22:38
Slartianoshorty: there is a libawn-dev22:38
Ward1983Itaku, what would you use flash for?22:38
Slart!info libawn-dev22:38
ubotuPackage libawn-dev does not exist in gutsy22:38
ianoshortySlart, yeh, or at least trying to :P22:38
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Ward1983Itaku, animation?22:38
ianoshortySlart, ahh right il give that a go, sec :)22:38
Slartianoshorty: hmm.. I was wrong.. no such package..22:39
bjarkiHow do I edit a system file in Ubuntu? Is there something like SU that works from terminal (su does not work).22:39
LjL!sudo > bjarki    (bjarki, see the private message from Ubotu)22:39
soneilReenen, yes it can.   Just like adding a mail account, but pick Usenet instead of imap/pop3/etc for the receiving server22:39
Slartbjarki: sudo22:39
Ward1983should you use it for animations, try out synfig (google it, its free)22:39
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Toshio!info cacti22:40
ubotucacti (source: cacti): Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6j-1.1ubuntu0.2 (gutsy), package size 937 kB, installed size 3612 kB22:40
ianoshortySlart, indeed, not coming up22:40
Slartianoshorty: can you paste the output from ./configure ?22:40
ianoshortySlart, wish i knew more about linux, this is my first go with it22:40
Slart!paste | ianoshorty22:40
ubotuianoshorty: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:40
Slartianoshorty: we've all been there... in a year you won't be able to go back to windows... =)22:41
xb3rtcan someone help me get vmware setup on my laptop, i just download the .tar and tried installing it but got a few errors22:41
Peloianoshorty, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty22:41
Peloxb3rt, just use the vmware server in the repos22:41
__mikemWhen ever I use the nvidia drivers (which is all the time because no open source drivers work with my video card) my applications randomly hang when ever I am doing anything involving video playback22:41
MadroxprimeHey quick question, any one know why gutsy won't detect all my ram? i got 1.5 gigs and it's telling me i got 51222:42
s-h-a-k-aI also want a registration key22:42
LjLMadroxprime: where does it say that?22:42
Pelo__mikem, turn off desktop effects22:42
LjLs-h-a-k-a: excuse me?22:42
laptoplad2232!package pidgin22:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package pidgin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
SlartMadroxprime: oh.. never seen anyone with that problem before..22:42
s-h-a-k-alol, j/k22:42
__mikems-h-a-k-a, you don't need a registration key, thats what make slinux so great22:42
laptoplad2232!info pidgin22:42
ubotupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB22:42
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete22:42
Madroxprimeit doesn't say anything it just lags, when i checked the sysinfo it says i only got 512 physical22:42
__mikemPelo, but I like the efects :(22:42
LjL!fishing | laptoplad223222:43
ubotulaptoplad2232: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:43
Madroxprimei checked my box ot make sure no one jacked any and it's all there22:43
Pelo__mikem, turn off the effects , see if you still have the problem, that will help you figure out the problem22:43
SlartMadroxprime: do you have three sticks of 512 Mb? does all the memory work in windows?22:43
bjarkiIf I am as name-desktop in VIM. can I expect to find files out in the "root"? (I can't find the file I want to edit).22:43
__mikemPelo, oh22:43
m3gach33zydamit can anyone tell me why the resizing partition is taking so long? its been about 40 minutes and i'm still at 0%22:43
Slartm3gach33zy: well.. it has to do a lot of things.. move files around.. etc.. how large is the partition?22:44
MadroxprimeI got two one gig and a 512, it all works in Windows ...is it a ram pairing issue?22:44
Pelom3gach33zy, ntfs partiton ? did you defrag it frist ? stuff needs to me moved around, it might take a while22:44
m3gach33zySlart: well i did 78.8 gb partition22:44
ianoshortySlart, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59628/22:44
__mikemPelo, okay, they are off, now, if the Desktop efects are the problem, how do I fix it?22:44
ianoshortyis that right?22:44
m3gach33zySlart: lol now that i open my big mouth its done xD22:45
SlartMadroxprime: so.. 2.5 GB total =).. I thought memory was a BIOS thing... unrelated to what OS you run..22:45
Madroxprimeerk, sorry makes no sense...i got two stick: one gig and a 51222:45
Pelo__mikem, you ask in #compiz , possibly it's just one of the pluggin that causes the problem you can turn that one off and go about your business22:45
Slartm3gach33zy: ah.. sometimes it helps to talk about scrapping the old computer... makes it scared =)22:46
ianoshortySlart, and yes, I would love not to have to revert to windows just to say i managed it, but its just gettin used to linux and the finding information etc.22:46
PeloMadroxprime, 1 gig in bank 0 and 512 in bank 1 ?22:46
__mikemPelo, the desktop effects don't have any configuration options. YOu can turn them on or off, but thats about all the control you have over them by default in ubuntu 7.1022:46
m3gach33zySlart: lol22:46
ianoshortySlart, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59628/ <my paste22:46
SlartMadroxprime: if you boot the memtester thingy.. does it find all the memory?22:46
m3gach33zydoes anyone know what migrate documents and settings part of the install means?22:46
Pelo__mikem, in advance or custom , you might need to install an extra package22:46
MadroxprimePelo: I can honestly say I don't remember what bank each is in, looked in the case then hit the irc,22:46
Pelom3gach33zy, it's checking yor windows partitons for email and bookmarks22:46
Illbiteyournosehi i was wondering if backupPC was a good tool to backup a single computer?22:47
way2go4meomg i'll never handle linux ubuntu :(22:47
m3gach33zyPelo: i see thanks22:47
Karsythanyone heard of anything called podsleuth? im trying to install this package and its telling me that i need it but when i apt-get install it it says it cannot be found. its not in synaptic or add / remove either. i also cannot find anything in google on it22:47
way2go4meand btw does anyone speak dutch here?22:47
PeloMadroxprime, turn off comp, make sure biggest first22:47
Toshiojaaaaaa hoor22:47
way2go4meow toshio :)22:47
Peloway2go4me, there might be a dutch channel but I don't know the 2 letter code22:47
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way2go4methx pelo22:47
gidnawhy can't I listen to mp3s and playing tuxguitar?22:47
Madroxprimemkay, Well I'm going to let wow finish installing then I'll do a physical check...22:48
way2go4meenglish isn't really the problem, it's linux!22:48
Slartianoshorty: ok.. you see the names of the stuff it is missing... gtk2.0 = libgtk2.0-dev   etc22:48
Peloway2go4me, state your issue , we'll do our best , durring commercial breaks22:48
ianoshortySlart, ye :P22:48
Afwasway2go4me, #unbuntu-nl22:49
way2go4mepelo thx, trying to install wine22:49
way2go4methx dishes :D22:49
ianoshortySlart, are they all things i have to "sudo apt get"?22:49
way2go4meafwas dus22:49
Slartianoshorty: also install libwnck-dev and libgconf2-dev22:49
Karsythanyone heard of anything called podsleuth? im trying to install this package and its telling me that i need it but when i apt-get install it it says it cannot be found. its not in synaptic or add / remove either. i also cannot find anything in google on it22:49
Slartianoshorty: indeed.. do "sudo apt-get install <packagename>" at a terminal22:49
Peloway2go4me, www.winehq.com  floolow the links to the dl ubuntu section , add the extra repos, and keys, then type sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get install wine22:50
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PeloKarsyth, not all linux apps are in the ubuntu repos,  find the source online and build it22:50
way2go4meanyway, i'm a brandnew linux user coming from windows and this all looks like chinese to me :s22:50
ianoshortySlart, ok, il try that and get back to you, thanks for your help and patience - really appreciate it :)22:50
ompaul!alterantives | way2go4me22:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alterantives - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:51
^u^Karsyth, http://banshee-project.org/PodSleuth22:51
Madroxprimeway2go4me- you learn fast...22:51
Slartianoshorty: and you might try libgdk-pixbuf-dev for the gdk2.0 dependency.. not sure about that one though22:51
Slartianoshorty: you're welcome22:51
Karsyththanks pelo and ^u^22:51
^u^Karsyth, first google response22:51
way2go4mei hope so ompaul and madroxprime...22:51
ompaul!alternatives | way2go4me22:51
ubotuway2go4me: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.22:51
Peloway2go4me, in menu > systEM >admin > software sources,    check all the boxes on the first tab and the backport one on the 3rd tab,  then reload,  then have a look at  the applications menu > add /remove22:51
ompaulway2go4me, forget that - not the answer I expected22:51
Peloompaul, I think you are trying to scare him with that thing22:52
way2go4mecan't help it, too tired already22:52
MadroxprimeAny one in here use Dvorak keymap?22:52
way2go4methx anyway22:52
ompaulPelo, no - I was hoping for some other factoid22:52
way2go4metry it later22:52
Peloompaul, you mean a windows/linux app comparison table ?22:52
way2go4meand hey! i'm just a poor old helpless woman, so have pity on me :p22:53
ompaulPelo, yes22:53
Peloway2go4me,  just look in the application menu under add/remove22:53
way2go4mepelo i already did22:53
Peloompaul, http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html22:53
way2go4mewine is installes22:53
Peloway2go4me, so what do you need now ?22:53
way2go4mewith a v22:53
way2go4mehow you call that22:54
Pelocheck mark22:54
way2go4mewhat do i need22:54
way2go4menormally i should find a program files22:54
way2go4mewith /bin22:54
MadroxprimeWhat are you trying to do exactly way2go4me?22:54
way2go4mebut i don't find that22:54
BorizGood morning or evening to U'll. I'm sort of a MS windows user that realized with time and after trying Vista that I realy need to change my ways so i just done a XP and Ubuntu ints22:54
Peloway2go4me, what program are you trying to install that you need wine for ?22:54
way2go4meeum trying to chat wit chat united22:54
way2go4meunder windows that is22:55
SlartBoriz: welcome.. hope it is working alright for you?22:55
Borizintsallation on my amilo but i cant seem to get my wireless to work in ubuntu22:55
arrow_how do I find out what version of firefox I have/22:55
Slart!wifi | boriz22:55
ubotuboriz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:55
Peloway2go4me, my not just use xchat ?22:55
SlartBoriz: can't help you with wireless.. don't have any =).. but check the link ubotu sent you22:55
way2go4medunno, i was used also to chat with mirc22:55
way2go4methis is sth different22:55
Peloarrow_, in the ff menu , under help, the about option22:55
Slartway2go4me: if you really want to.. you can use mIRC in wine22:56
Peloway2go4me, right now you are using xchatgnome probably which noone realy likes,  try regular xchat, look in add/remove , it's nicer22:56
arrow_thx Pelo22:56
BorizSlart: I'm allready on it :D22:56
Dex-FreudiiI'm running Heron alpha-6 on LiveCD and it is as fast as my 7.10 on harddisk22:56
PeloDex-Freudii, nice22:57
Ward1983Itaku, are you back? (i just got back myself)22:57
way2go4mei know i could use several progr under wine22:57
way2go4mebut i can't activate them22:57
way2go4meit's hopeless22:57
SlartBoriz: great.. you'll find that a lot of the common questions here are answered with just a short command to the bot that gives out a link.. saves us from typing the same stuff over and over =)22:57
bastid_raZorwhat program would i use to view .ICEauthority?22:57
Afwasway2go4me, simply click the exe installer of a program and ir will install under wine22:57
Dex-FreudiiICEauthority?? go to Alaska :P22:58
Peloway2go4me, you won't be using the progs that are installed in your windows partitons, you will need to install them on wine, put the cds in or what ever you used to install these progs in windows, find the installer fileson then and right click , open with wine22:58
Slartway2go4me: what kind of programs do you miss? what are you looking for?22:58
Ward1983Itaku, im gonna go and boot in vista to see whats in the vista bootloader (with some prog whose name i dont recall atm)22:58
Peloway2go4me, but you are better off looking for linux alternatives to the windows progams you are used to22:58
way2go4medon't run away, i look it up22:58
* Pelo hides22:58
Illbiteyournosedoes anybody know a program to backup my computer?22:58
snypzz_how do I set VLC as my fault media player22:59
Pelo!backup | Illbiteyournose22:59
ubotuIllbiteyournose: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:59
snypzz_default media player22:59
ompaulway2go4me, and to be honest you should try to use the ones that are native to the platform you are on - it makes more sense you are taking toyota parts and sticking them into a renault22:59
snypzz_default media player?22:59
Pelosnypzz_, right click each file type you wnat to open with vlc and go to properties > open with22:59
BertoHi - Is there a good GUI app for managing cron?22:59
arteniusCan anyone tell me how to keep ubuntu from overwriting my motd file. I went to the trouble of making a custom one earlier and now it's gone. hehe22:59
Illbiteyournosethank you ubotu and Pelo22:59
way2go4meeg i got a program nppgwrap.exe22:59
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:59
BertoIn all my years of linux, I never learned crontab nor do I want to... but I'd like to see what keeps waking me up at 730am22:59
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Slartartenius: I doubt ubuntu killed your motd file.. probably some kind of ftp-server..23:00
way2go4mepaul it makes sense...23:00
PeloBerto, what happens at 730 &23:00
SlartBerto: crontab -L23:00
arteniusSlart: I'm not running any servers, let alone FTP. All I did was reboot.23:00
Dex-FreudiiI need some help with gParted23:00
BertoPelo, my hard drive starts going bonkers :)23:00
snypzz_I want to open BBC and other media web sites with VLC23:00
Dex-Freudiiif I resize a partition, will the UUID change as well???23:00
snypzz_not working...23:00
Slartartenius: what kind of motd do you have?23:00
ianoshortySlart, well that got me a lot further after those two packages installed, the thing configures, now i get an error when i try and make it, should i pastebin the error?23:00
PeloBerto, at about 730 my own comps checks for updates23:00
Slartianoshorty: why not.. go ahead23:01
Jack_SparrowDex-Freudii, yes23:01
BertoPelo, hmm where is the update checker at?23:01
bastid_raZorsnypzz; do you use Firefox?23:01
snypzz_not working...yes23:01
PeloBerto, crontab -l and sudo crontab -l will list cronjobs for both current user and root23:01
SlartBerto: I think it's in software sources.. in system, administration I think23:01
__mikemWhich is better recomended at this moment based only on how well it works, adobe-flash, or Gnash?23:01
arteniusSlart: well, I deleted everything in the motd except the top line, then I added an ascii text image and a warning menu system below that, with commands I made in bash23:01
Dex-Freudiisnypzz_ System-Preferences- Preferred Apps (I don't know if it is like this in english)23:01
way2go4meCannot open /home/oxfam/Desktop/nppgwrap.exe: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file.23:01
BertoSlart, Pelo, yeah crontab -l gives nothing.  I'll check out the timing on updates23:01
PeloBerto, menu > system > admin > sorfware sourcs, 4th tab I think , but you cna'T set the time23:01
Scunizi__mikem, gnash works fine..23:02
Dex-FreudiiJack_Sparrow: and how can I know the new UUID in order to update fstab?23:02
Slart__mikem: abode flash.. gnash is  a nice initiative.. but it's got a long way to go23:02
Illbiteyournoseone more question, i have an external hard drive but everytime i want to use it i have to mount it manually, is there a way to have it automount when my computer starts?23:02
stefanois there a Q&A channel for ubuntu development?23:02
PeloDex-Freudii, blkid in the terminal23:02
arteniusSlart: the commands are still working, but the motd was overwritten when I rebooted23:02
BertoPelo, interesting.. i wonder where that's set to check23:02
FlyerfyeHow do I format a hard drive that wont mount ( I assume it wont mount because it is NTFS or something )23:02
ScuniziSlart, __mikem isn't flash still broken in Gutsy?23:02
PeloIllbiteyournose,  list it in fstab23:02
ianoshortySlart, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59631/ is the link23:02
snypzz_found it got it thanks23:02
Dex-FreudiiPelo: thnx23:02
way2go4mehey, thx all23:02
Illbiteyournosepelo, will tha tmake it mount when it starts or when i log in?23:02
Slartartenius: what motd are you talking about? I've never seen a motd exept for a ftp server..23:02
FlyerfyeIts an external hard drive btw23:02
way2go4mei'll rejoin you later23:03
__mikemScunizi, it seems to work fine when Desktop Effects are disabled23:03
Slartianoshorty: looking...23:03
way2go4megotta go to sleep now23:03
ianoshortySlart, Cheers23:03
PeloIllbiteyournose, check the lines for the cdroms , you can probabaly make it an automated event23:03
arteniusSlart: I'm talking about /etc/motd23:03
Scunizi__mikem, I know the installer was having issues a while back.. they've probably fixed it.23:03
BertoPelo, awesome, i think it was installing security updates too, which was making noise.  i'm a light sleeper but want to sleep til 8 :)23:03
PeloBerto, set it to check for 1 a week or someting23:03
Illbiteyournosepelo, k thank you very much, btw where is fstab?23:03
PeloIllbiteyournose, /etc/fastab23:04
PeloIllbiteyournose, /etc/fstab23:04
IllbiteyournosePelo, thank you very much23:04
Dex-FreudiiPelo: blkid /dev/sda123:04
Dex-Freudiibut It won't print anything23:04
PeloDex-Freudii,  just blkid23:04
Slartartenius: ahhhh.. that motd.. now I understand.. or.. well.. I don't understand why ubuntu kills your own version.. perhaps it was updated.23:04
snypzz_Just type VLC in custom???23:04
FlyerfyeCan I get help with my hard drive problem above23:04
Pelosnypzz_, in smallcaps23:05
Slartianoshorty: odd error.. have you done this "sudo apt-get install build-essential" ?23:05
Pelosnypzz_, smallcase I mean , vlc , VLC23:05
ianoshortySlart, indeed23:05
Dex-FreudiiPelo: either23:05
ianoshortySlart, yes i have23:05
Slartianoshorty: and the ./configure worked without any errors?23:05
Dex-FreudiiPelo: doesn't work23:05
PeloDex-Freudii,  linux is case sensitive,  blkid23:05
arteniusSlart: oh well, I'll just made a new one and back it up as motd2 and overwrite ubuntu's everytime it overwrites mine.. hehe like a motd war!23:05
PeloBLKID but in smallcase23:05
ianoshortySlart, yeh, as far as i can tell - if i did it again, would it make any difference?23:05
Dex-FreudiiPelo: I know... blkid does exist but it won't print anything23:06
Slartianoshorty: I don't think so.. but give it another go23:06
PeloDex-Freudii,  there is something very wrong then,  that would me you hve no partitons on your computer what so ever23:06
ianoshortySlart, yeh definately configures fine :)23:06
ianoshortySlart, still no difference to make23:07
Dex-FreudiiPelo: oh... I understand... I'm using LiveCD... I want to resize a partition in order to install Heron without deleting Feisty... so I have to update my Feisty /etc/fstab file23:07
PeloDex-Freudii, that sould not keep blkid from displaying partitons as far as I know23:08
Slart ianoshorty: ah.. found the error.. you have to install gettext "sudo apt-get install gettext"23:08
PeloSlart, what is ianoshorty compiling ?23:09
Dex-FreudiiPelo: why is the fstab using UUID in stead of using just /dev/sda123:09
ianoshortySlart, ok doing that - out of curiousity how do you know how to solve this problem? i honestly dont have a clue where to go - thats the biggest problem im having :P23:09
sYn_0n3sup room23:09
foxrayhi can i install xubuntu and ubuntu on different paritions? xubuntu seems to be crashing on me and I'm wondering if its just gutsy gibbon23:09
sYn_0n3how are my fellow ubuntuers doing today23:10
sYn_0n3ITS FRIDAY!!!23:10
PeloDex-Freudii, it can use either or both,  uuid will keep partitions identified properly even if you add or remove hdds from your comp23:10
Slartianoshorty: I googled the error-message =)  I googled for <  "/bin/sh: -o: not found" awn ubuntu  >23:10
Dex-FreudiiPelo, ok23:10
Pelo!uuid | Dex-Freudii23:10
ubotuDex-Freudii: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)23:10
Dex-FreudiiPelo, so if I change fstab to use /dev/sda1 instead of UUID it will work properly right?23:10
the_darkside_986where is the gnome-screensaver SDK? I need to make screen savers in Gnome. i know C++, SDL, and opengl. does anyone have links, i can't find them anywhere?23:10
SubOnei tried to install the drivers for my ati card from and then unsinstalled and every which way from sunday i tried combinations and compiz runs very slowly. i still cant get compiz to speed up any, im not sure what im doing wrong. can someone assist?23:10
PeloDex-Freudii, sudo blkid apparently23:11
PeloDex-Freudii, it will23:11
Dex-FreudiiPelo: thank you very much23:11
DrIPI need a ubuntu server solution that would have no inet but i need DHCP for my wireless internet ANY IDEAS??23:11
ianoshortyhaha, your having more luck than i am! :P i love how linux works, but its gonna take me a while to deal with errors when i come accross them23:11
Dex-FreudiiPelo: sudo blkid works23:11
DrIPmy wireless card is a WMP11 v423:11
PeloDrIP, maybe in #networking23:11
ianoshortyPelo, im installing avant-window-navigator (or trying:P)23:12
Peloianoshorty, ther are repos for awn and you can then instal it from synaptic , you don'T need to compilie it23:12
Peloianoshorty, just google awn ubuntu23:12
inxaneDrIP: are you trying to enable DHCP serving?23:12
Slartianoshorty: that's whay #ubuntu is for..  =)23:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:12
DrIPinxane: no, i need the card to work :P23:13
* Pelo curses ubotu 23:13
inxaneDrIP:  what card is it?23:13
DrIPinxane: WMP11 v423:13
Slartstrange that noone has made an avant factoid.. it's not an uncommon question23:13
ianoshortySlart, same error im afraid :(23:13
Slartianoshorty: hmm.. that's for trusting google...23:14
Peloianoshorty, I'm still wondering whhy you are building it23:14
ianoshortyPelo, well, i couldnt find them, but regardless, id kinda like to work this out so that i know for the future how to get stuff like this working23:14
inxaneDrIP:  have you looked into ndiswrapper?23:14
ianoshortySlart, haha :P23:14
Slartianoshorty: did you run configure too?23:14
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DrIPinxane: yes...23:14
gregbradyIs there a way to filter internet access for kids in Ubuntu?23:14
Peloianoshorty,  there are simpler things to start larning to compile with23:14
inxaneDrIP:  and it didn't work?23:15
ianoshortySlart, no, didnt realise i needed to :P23:15
m3gach33zycan anyone help me with my ubuntu install?23:15
DrIPbut how can I put that onto my server? lol n00b question... i know...23:15
ianoshortySlart, sec, recompiling23:15
DrIPinxane: but how can I put that onto my server? lol n00b question... i know...23:15
s-h-a-k-aDrIP: What card is your card?23:15
ianoshortyPelo, no doubt :P23:15
s-h-a-k-aWhat chipset?23:15
Slartianoshorty: neither did I.. but according to another page I found on google.. it does make a difference23:15
DrIPs-h-a-k-a: linksys WMP11 v423:15
Peloianoshorty, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598123:15
inxaneDrIP:  you need to compile the source, and download the windows drivers for your card from linksys23:15
sYn_0n3hey guys everytime i login to gnome i get a message about the X keyboard configuration settings 2 choices either to use X or gnome settings..it happens everytime i login help23:15
inxaneDrIP:  the ndiswrapper install doc explains how to do it23:16
* Pelo likes to teach ppl how to compile using grisbi , only 2 dependencies 23:16
* nickrud thinks pelo is lazy23:16
inxaneDrIP:  also, check with synaptic, you should be able to download the binary direct23:16
DrIPinxane: ok, but how should i physically put it on my server... the source...23:16
DrIP(no inet)23:16
the_darkside_986how to screensavers work in Ubuntu? I need to learn how to write clones of popular malware-infested Windows screensavers so my "support customers" won't be trying to run them in Wine :P23:16
s-h-a-k-aDrIP: I need to know what chipset your card has23:16
inxaneDrIP:  flash drive, burned disc, ext HD23:16
* Pelo is shamed by nickrud and consider leaving the channel forever 23:16
m3gach33zyI just finnished installing ubuntu on my desktop.  Now when i select ubuntu it loads it up but than the screen gets blank23:16
s-h-a-k-acause there is an easy way of doing it, if its a broadcom 43xx23:17
ianoshortyPelo, Cheers :) il take a read over, though i may have just got it working - i think the make just worked without any errors - we see :)23:17
inxanes-h-a-k-a:  it isn't23:17
Slartthe_darkside_986: well.. afaik there's a screensaver daemon that runs all the screensavers.. not sure if it works the same way as in windows23:17
DrIPinxane: is there an 'auto mount' because my USB controller is kinda weird on my server...23:17
ianoshortySlart, right maked, we see, sec23:17
Pelom3gach33zy, what video card ?23:17
m3gach33zyxfx 860023:17
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:17
inxaneDrIP:  plug in your usb drive, and type dmesg.23:17
Pelom3gach33zy, waht company is that ?23:17
s-h-a-k-ainxane: What chipset?23:17
DrIPinxane: ok i'll do that23:17
inxaneDrIP:  it should tell you the device node23:17
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
inxanes-h-a-k-a:  ndiswrapper is his solution, but he has another problem than just drivers23:18
m3gach33zyPelo: nvidia23:18
s-h-a-k-ainxane: Why not just fwcutter?23:18
DrIPinxane: :D thanks! i know what to do after that thanks again :)23:18
s-h-a-k-aIts a lot easier23:18
inxaneDrIP:  no problem... good luck23:18
ianoshortySlart, haha still no luck, time to give up me thinks :P but thanks for all the help, il try and find some other way :)23:18
inxanes-h-a-k-a:  not really23:18
the_darkside_986So are Ubuntu screensavers simply executables that get killed when the daemon detects user input? If so, then I think I can easily write those.23:18
Pelom3gach33zy, ok yuou will boot the recovery mode, and the type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , select the vesa driver when asked and leave everyting else on default unless you know better,   that will at least get yuou the desktp we can fix the driver from there23:18
sander_mQuestion: The aticonfig command generated a new ServerLayout section in my xorg.conf. The Screen line reads: `Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0`. What's with the extra 0's on that line?23:18
s-h-a-k-aHows that?23:19
Slartianoshorty: ah.. well well.. you can always try to find a repository that has it.. it's much easier23:19
inxanes-h-a-k-a:  with ndiswrapper, you download the binary from synaptic, then the driver from linksys, unzip and type ndiswrapper -i <inf file>23:19
m3gach33zyPelo: okay but how do i boot in recovery mode?23:19
inxanes-h-a-k-a:  then, ndiswrapper -m23:19
Pelom3gach33zy, from the boot menu , second option23:19
s-h-a-k-afwcutter isn't any harder tbh23:19
inxanes-h-a-k-a:  but it's the same number of steps ;) never said either one was easier23:20
ianoshortySlart, thank you very much, much apprectiated23:20
m3gach33zyPelo: okay its doing a bunch of stuff righ now23:20
ianoshortyPelo, you too :)23:20
Slartianoshorty: you're welcome23:20
Peloianoshorty, yw23:20
Freonhello atg23:21
m3gach33zyPelo: i'm assuming i want to say yes to the autodetect video hardware?23:21
Ward1983how can i find out why i get a error 17?23:22
sander_mAnother question: Quite a few programs (glxinfo, xdriinfo) give out a "display" variable. E.g, :0.0 or :1.0. What is that? And how does it relate to the stuff in my xorg,.conf file?23:22
Pelom3gach33zy, you can try but I recommend you select the vesa driver for now23:22
Ward1983i have no clue what i did wrong its pointed to the right partition23:22
inxaneWard1983:  in grub?23:22
Ward1983inxane, yes sorry forgot to mention that23:22
Freon @ sander its you actual display23:22
PeloWard1983, what is the dev of the partion ubuntu is on , and what is the (hd#'#) in grub %?23:22
m3gach33zyPelo: okay i have a multi head set up... and it says here that for useres of multi head setups this option will configure only one of the heads.  further configuration will have to be done manually in the x server configureation file, /etc/x11/xorg.conf.23:23
Ward1983Pelo, just a sec im looking, livecd is slow :)23:23
nickrudsander_m: you can have more than one display running on the machine, or be connected to xservers on another machine. It's a way to identify them. Try apps->system->new login , and compare each23:24
Pelom3gach33zy, that is correct , lets just get the one screen going for now23:24
PeloWard1983, you'll need to look in the /boot/grub/menu.lst on your hdd, not in the live cd one23:25
Ward1983Pelo, i know :)23:25
joankican anyone recommend a good flash card program?23:25
PeloWard1983, I can'T tell from here ;-)23:25
Ward1983Pelo, lol im working on itm the CD makes me wait a lot23:26
estethIs there a console app/command i can use that will simply tell me how many new emails there are in a pop or imap account?23:26
m3gach33zyPelo: okay well there were a bunch of options and I just said yes to them all23:26
Pelom3gach33zy, pretty much23:27
Pelom3gach33zy, now restart the comp23:27
Ward1983Pelo, huh :s no grub dir23:27
PeloWard1983, /boot/grub23:27
Ward1983Pelo, i suspect grub is installed on the wrong disk...23:27
m3gach33zyPelo: and right now it says xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly customised configuration file; backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.20080314162633 root@marc-desktop:~#23:28
Ward1983Pelo, i know but its not there lol23:28
PeloWard1983, that might be the case,  I recommend you get the supergrub cd and use that to fix the problem it will clreate a new /boot/grub/menu.lst file for you23:28
Gunnhey this is kinda off topic but does anyone know why when I boot vista it hangs at the screen before you log in, where the lil bar fills up23:28
Ward1983Pelo, ok never mind its there... i was on the damn CD again23:28
Ward1983the CD is giving me a hard time23:28
Gunnand it wont go past that, but the lil animation just keeps going and going even after its full23:29
m3gach33zyPelo: so i guess i need a sudo command to keep going?23:29
Pelom3gach33zy, yes let it , your currrent file is buggered that»'s why we are makeing a new one23:29
KarlprofGunn, yes, that's /quite/ offtopic for #ubuntu =P23:29
KarlprofGunn, maybe someone in ##windows would know?23:29
GunnYeah Karlprof I appologize but im just dumb found as to what to do23:29
nickrudesteth: mailcheck may do the trick for you23:29
m3gach33zyPelo: well it wont let me continue until i get passed this postinst warning23:29
tsmith0hi, I'm new to ubuntu and not to linux. In other distributions, I could set the refresh rate using the file xorg.conf and setting appropriate VertRefresh and HorizSync ranges. Ubuntu completely ignores these and forces the monitor to use 60hz. the GUI screen resolution tool just reports false values...help?23:30
Ward1983Pelo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59633/23:30
Pelom3gach33zy, I'm not sure I understand the question, that whole process was about making a new xorg.conf file, just let it tell it yes or not or whatever it needs23:30
PeloWard1983, wthat is that ?23:30
Ward1983Pelo, root(hd2,0)23:30
estethnickrud: thanks, i'll take a look at that23:30
PeloWard1983, what is the devtree of the ubuntu partitons ?23:30
Ward1983Pelo, thats my menu.lst23:30
Ward1983Pelo, what is devtree?23:31
PeloWard1983, /dev/sda123:31
m3gach33zyPelo: okay well i was at a part to select the color depth in bits i said 24 and hit okay and then it said the whole postinst warning.  Now it says root@marc-desktop:~#23:31
Ward1983Pelo, how to check?23:31
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m3gach33zyPelo: it seems as though its waiting for a command23:31
PeloWard1983, how many hdd on your computer ?23:31
Ward1983Pelo, 4, ubuntu is on the 3rd23:32
Pelom3gach33zy, restart the computer, you are done23:32
noelferreiracan i put my computer starting ubuntu at a predefined hour?23:32
m3gach33zyPelo:  oh xD lol23:32
PeloWard1983, what partiton on the 3rd hdd is ubuntu installed on ?23:32
Ward1983Pelo, that disk only has 2 partitions, a etx3 for ubuntu (the first) and a swap23:32
Pelonoelferreira, not sure I understand your question , you want your comp to restart and boot ubuntu ?23:33
m3gach33zyPelo: i tried to start ubuntu and now nothing23:33
ianoshortySlart, just to say, managed to get it working from the repos :)23:33
ianoshortySlart, once again, thanks for the help :)23:33
m3gach33zyPelo: i still have no display23:33
PeloWard1983, then that grub command should be correct , I donT' knwo thwat the issue might be23:33
noelferreirastart automatically Pelo. i mean turn on23:33
Slartianoshorty: ah.. good.. that's always easier23:33
PeloWard1983,  hold on I'll pull up the grub manual23:33
Pelonoelferreira,  not if it is turned off23:33
Slartianoshorty: and you're welcome =)23:33
sarthorHi, i am using shaper for on ubuntu for limiting my user bandwidth. what change i will need to make in my conf file to restrict my user for maximum 30kb uplink?? my conf file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59634/23:34
noelferreiraPelo, has to be how?23:34
Ward1983Pelo, ok thqnx, that thing (the manual) is a bit over my head so much appreciated for helping23:34
Pelonoelferreira, you can' t program your cmpute to turn on it if is turned off,23:34
Ward1983noelferreira, that might be possible in your bios23:35
Ward1983Pelo, some bioses allow it23:35
PeloWard1983, might be that the partition is damaged23:35
Ward1983Pelo, small chance its a clean ubuntu install without errors23:35
uberpsyxhey guys, just built new rig and got an 8800GT, problem is i install the drivers and it starts into safe graphics mode and wont leave vesa, any idea how to sort it?23:35
PeloWard1983, might want to reorder your hdds to make second or first23:35
Pelogotta go guys,  take care23:36
Ward1983Pelo, i used the "use full disk" option with the installer so surely the etx3 partition is located at the beginning of the disk and grub should be in the bootsector23:36
alexmanhow do you change the permissions, ownership, of a file?23:36
th89how can i disable NMI watchdog?23:36
noelferreiraPelo, how can i make that it restarts at a given hour?23:36
alexmanor a folder?23:36
th89does anyone know how to disable the NMI_watchdog?23:37
RoadHazardalexman: sudo chmod owner filename23:37
alexmankk ty23:37
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RoadHazardalexman: errr chown23:37
RoadHazardalexman my bad, sudo chown owner filename23:38
Ward1983anyone else up for some !@#!# grub problems? i have no clue how to get it fixed23:38
Coolguy64537i got a question23:38
anteayawhat command do I use to have a file display its content in the terminal rather than via an editor?23:38
wilberfanGuy, ever seen this before?:  http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa82/wilberfan/systray_prob.png23:38
dryrotim trying to start a xen environment.   what am i doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/m6a70158223:38
wilberfanit started a day or so ago...23:38
Scunizianteaya, nano is the easiest23:39
anteayaScunizi: thank you23:39
Scunizianteaya, np23:39
Coolguy64537when i try to boot my laptop with ubuntu to dual boot, it does the load screen then goes to greyish pixilated coler23:39
th89anyone know on the NMI_watchdog issue?23:39
wilberfanthe system tray icons are showing up in SEPARATE WINDOWS in the upper-left corner of my screen...!23:39
wilberfan(see http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa82/wilberfan/systray_prob.png)23:39
pac1Is it just me or has the number of updates per week dropped recently?23:40
juice__having trouble mounting ipod in amarok. anyone?23:40
Coolguy64537anyone know whats wrong23:40
Scuniziwilberfan, cool.. can you drag them back to the bar.. or "add" them back to the bar?23:40
anteayaScunizi: sorry i don't want an editor, just display contents in the terminal23:40
wilberfanScunizi: I don't think so...23:40
Scunizianteaya, cat23:40
anteayaScunizi: ah , thanks23:41
Odd-rationaleanteaya: less23:41
pac1Coolguy64537, xorg.conf  may not be setup properly for your laptop.23:41
Cew27hey is there anyway to re-configure my menu.lst23:41
Scunizianteaya, or less, or more.. or............23:41
Coolguy64537ok so how can i fix it23:41
Scunizianteaya, or cat <file> | less23:41
steve176Hi. Anyone know how to get electricsheep to run fullscreen on gutsy? I've tried --zoom 1 --root 1 and xscreensaver with no luck. thx23:42
Ward1983Cew27, open it in a text editor, edit it and save it?23:42
ScuniziCew27, yep.. open it and you'll see notated an area that you shouldn't touch.. but if you're dual booting you can move the windows portion to the top of the list.23:42
anteayaScunizi and Odd-ratioinale: thank you23:42
pac1Coolguy64537, Its a black art... Seriously, you need to check out stuff with google.  Try xorg.conf and the name of your laptop for starters.  Then just xorg.conf laptop.  Were you able to boot the live cd?23:42
Ward1983Coolguy64537, what GPU?23:43
^u^Coolguy64537, what is the brand and model?23:43
Slartpac1: I think the developers are getting ready for hardy23:43
Coolguy64537i think i found something but its a cheap compaq presario f 55823:44
pac1Slart, I kinda figured that.  I tried to move to that but had problems so I backed off.23:44
Slartpac1: mm.. better wait until it's ready..23:45
Coolguy645376600 go i think23:45
Coolguy64537mabe 610023:45
c0d1hey guys, i have a logitech quickcam pro 5000. video works perfectly. how do i get it's microphone to work?23:46
ronandiwhen I download the ubuntu iso, do I have to burn it, or can I just mount it?23:46
Coolguy64537so do i have to edit the xorg.conf23:46
Ward1983Coolguy64537, try adding "Option ' DisplayDevice" "dfp" ' to your xorg.conf23:46
Slartronandi: well.. depends on what you want to do with it.. if you want to boot from it you'll ahve to burn it..23:46
Slartronandi: if you just want a file or two from it.. mount it23:47
sarthorHi, i am using shaper for on ubuntu for limiting my user bandwidth. what change i will need to make in my conf file to restrict my user for maximum 30kb uplink?? my conf file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59634/23:47
Ward1983Coolguy64537, thats probably not the solution but you never know, its the only thing that gets my laptop going :)23:47
ronandi(Slart): and if I just want to install it onto a second hdd?23:47
Coolguy64537so i have to edit and burn again23:47
Ward1983Coolguy64537, aaaah you cant boot from the CD ?23:48
Slartsarthor: are you running shaperd ? or shaper?23:48
kosnickdown anyone know which part of /proc provides info about the files that a process uses?23:48
Slartronandi: then you'll have to burn it.. and boot from it23:48
pac1I've got this old HP 800ct laptop I'm thinking of trying to boot.  Its in the closet somewhere....23:48
Ward1983Coolguy64537, you can also install textbased, i believe with the alternate install cd but im not sure i never did that myself23:48
Slartkosnick: take a look at lsof23:48
Ward1983Coolguy64537, first try booting in graphics safe mode offcourse23:49
ronandiSlart: kthx23:49
Ward1983Coolguy64537, that's in the bootmenu of the CD23:49
Ward1983Coolguy64537, gotta reboot to see if my crap works yet, see you later23:49
Coolguy64537have allready23:49
c0d1how can i get the mic on a logitech quickcam working?23:49
wolfriccan someone help me with installing apache ? im new to to linux23:50
Scuniziwolfric, sudo apt-get install apache223:50
Slartwolfric: installing is as easy as typing "sudo apt-get install apache" in a terminal.. configuring is a bit more work though23:50
Slartwolfric: well.. use apache2 for apache 2.X.. apache for the old v1.X apache23:51
wolfricat this stage ive got both but tried to search for apache to try find it in my file system and cant...  im sorry but where does linux put programs?23:51
wolfricdoesnt show up in my applications drop down list so wasnt sure if i had installed it right or not23:51
Scuniziwolfric, you'll find the www directory in /var/www or /var/apache2/www23:52
Afwaswolfric see /opt/23:52
Slartwolfric: a little bit here.. a little bit there.. apache is probably run in the background.. start it using "sudo /etc/init.d/apache start"23:52
ar0nicguys im using an ati card and having no luck playing videos properly23:52
wolfriccool ty bud life saver... does the server start up in the background as a service or automaticly?23:52
Scuniziwolfric, there is no gui for apache.. you have to manually configure it.. unless I don't know about an available gui frontend.23:53
Llewxamhey guys. anyone know how to work with the ricoh media card reader? it's recognized but it won't load anything.23:53
ar0nicive tried a multitude of options and im even trying to download the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver23:53
ar0nicany ati familiar peeps here?23:53
ScuniziLlewxam, try putting your medium in the adapter first then plugging it into the usb hub23:53
ronandiwhat irc client do you guys use?23:53
Slartwolfric: I'm not really sure.. I think it starts automagically...23:53
LlewxamScunizi: it's integrated23:54
Afwaswolfric, there is an additional program called XAMPP control panel capable of starting Apache23:54
Slart!ati | ar0nic23:54
ubotuar0nic: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:54
ScuniziLlewxam, aah.  that would make it a little tough then.. sorry I don't have an answer.23:54
Slartar0nic: that's all I can do to help you.. I use nvidia myself... try to stay away from ati for now23:54
wolfricsudo apt-get xampp right?23:54
LlewxamScunizi, yea it's proven a bit tough. tried almost anything i can find and nothing seems to work -.-'23:55
ar0nicSlart been all over that23:55
Slartwolfric: probably going to have to throw in an install there.. "sudo apt-get install xampp"23:55
ar0nicive got all proper codecs installed but i get no video only sound23:55
wolfricyup tried it couldnt find the package23:55
Slartar0nic: what are you trying to play?23:55
Afwaswolfric, it's in the repo's you can install through Synaptic23:55
brandonc503where in ubuntu gg can i find the amount of ram in computer?23:56
Slartbrandonc503: free is one command.. don't know how useful it is..23:57
Slartbrandonc503: you might get some info from running "top" too..23:57
TUplinkhi guys and gals,,, i have an onboard soundcard.... but i cant seem to get it to work.... i have no /dev/dsp    where should i start?23:57
quaalanyone use ktorrent and know what the 'loaded folder' means in the scan folder plugin ?23:57
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Xamuskhi, I'm looking for an opensource alternative to MS Groove that runs in Ubuntu and Windows. Does anyone have any suggestions?23:57
sarixehi, in network manager, how do i prevent it from connecting to a certain wireless network?  on boot, it always selects my neighbor's network, and i would like that to stop happening.23:58
Afwasbrandonc503, system -> preferences -> Hardware information or similar23:58
lilg111111i need help installing w32 codecs23:58
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages23:58
ar0nichave those as well23:58
sme^will Ubuntu detect an unassigned drive on puter restsrt and instal there. Drive is new and unformatted and not partitioned. Puter is q6600 with xp pro on other drive ?23:58
ar0nicits a vid card issue i believe23:58
Slartar0nic: well.. there are people using ati cards.. they might be sleeping now though =)23:59
sarixesme^ : it should detect that if you install, and tell it to use all empty space on hard drive23:59

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