
benzobye and thanks for your patiente00:00
benzoLarstiQ, are you still there?00:00
benzoone last question00:00
benzoI made already a repository on the server but at the wrong place.00:01
benzocan I simply move the folder?00:01
LarstiQhow did you create it?00:02
benzoon the server: $bzr whoami00:02
LarstiQie, did you make a standalone branch and are you calling that a repository, or did you actually create a shared repository with branches underneath?00:02
LarstiQsince you seem to come from svn you might be conflating some terms there00:03
benzoseems so00:03
LarstiQbenzo: was all you did 'bzr init foo'?00:03
benzo i went to the 5-min tut http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html#viewing-the-revision-log00:03
LarstiQor have you done a 'bzr init-repo bla' too?00:03
benzojust $ bzr init00:04
benzothen $ bzr add00:04
LarstiQok, you can just mv that around as you wish00:04
LarstiQif you had branches in a repository, you would need to move around the entire repository00:04
benzook thanks - and good night now00:04
LarstiQsince branches store their actual revisions there, and if you move them out of their repository they won't be able to find any00:05
LarstiQok, thanks00:05
* LarstiQ detaches00:05
ubotuNew bug: #202374 in bzr "pull and update should accept --show-base" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20237400:21
benzoi try to checkout, but it dont work00:38
benzosomething is wrong with my auth. config.00:38
benzo... i guess ...00:38
=== mw is now known as mw|out
nekohayohey there folks, is there a way for me to know if one of my folders is a "branch" vs a "checkout"?15:35
Pengbzr info?15:35
PengIf it's a checkout, "bzr pull" would probably fail.15:35
nekohayoPeng: I think that's it! thank you :)15:36
nekohayoso Standalone tree (format: dirstate) means it's a branch, and that it's independent right?15:36
dsargeanthi, I'm using bzr 1.2 candidate 1 from Hardy. A file was renamed outside of bzr during a refacgtoring. How do I tell bzr that a file was renamed, not removed and another added?  In previous versions of bzr I could use bzr mv, but now that fails.15:36
schierbeckdsargeant: have you made changes to the file?15:37
schierbeckit should figure it out by itself...15:37
Pengnekohayo: I dunno. I think so.15:38
dsargeantschierbeck: yes, some variables in the file were renamed15:38
spivnekohayo: right15:38
schierbecktry moving it back manually, then redo the move with bzr mv15:38
Pengdsargeant: Well, bzr mv isn't supposed to fail. Got a testcase?15:38
spivdsargeant: try "bzr mv --after ..."?15:39
schierbeckPeng: i think it's because the source of the move doesn't exist any more15:39
Pengschierbeck: That's the point of "bzr mv --after"...15:39
schierbeckspiv: oh, didn't know that one! cool!15:39
PengOh, ok.15:39
schierbeckwell, you learn new stuff every day, huh?15:40
dsargeantPeng: the reason it fails is that it says the source of the mv is unversioned.  When I do a bzr st, the src is listed as removed.15:40
dsargeantspiv: --after produced the same result15:40
james_whi jam. Hows the conference?15:42
spivdsargeant: can you pastebin the error?15:42
dsargeantPeng: what's the best way of giving you a test case?15:42
spivjames_w: the connectivity seems better today.15:42
james_wah, you're there as well :)15:42
* spiv -> snacks15:43
dsargeantspiv: the error is: bzr: ERROR: Could not rename Graph.java => TouchGraph.java: src/main/java/Graph.java is not versioned.15:43
james_wdsargeant: are you trying this in src/main/java?15:43
james_wdsargeant: if so try it in the root and use the full paths.15:44
james_wdsargeant: I don't know if it will help, but it is worth a try.15:44
dsargeantjames_w: I'm trying it from the root of the project that contains .bzr15:44
dsargeantjames_w: Very sorry, I rechecked my paths and was missing a directory. src/main/java/Graph.java, should have been src/main/java/graph/Graph.java.  Thanks for your help guys.15:46
nekohayohm, is there a way to merge things properly when two branches have no common ancestor? well actually they do codewise, but the 2nd is lacking the history of the 1st one and I'm trying to fix that x_x15:46
james_wdsargeant: no problem.15:48
james_wnekohayo: yes, bzr merge -r0..-1 ../other-branch15:49
james_wnekohayo: however it will give you lots of conflicts, and may not be very useful at all.15:49
nekohayojames_w: I still get an "ERROR: Revision {('wout@wout-laptop-20071012201326-65ijzopxe5uj94tq',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0x8c6cbcc>".15:51
nekohayoany idea what that means?15:51
nekohayothis happens whether I use  -r0..-1 or not15:51
james_woooh, interesting.15:52
james_wnekohayo: hmm, works on a quick test that I did.15:53
james_wnekohayo: what version of bzr are you using?15:53
nekohayojames_w: 1.2.0.candidate.115:54
james_wnekohayo: I'm not sure then.15:54
nekohayojames_w: would you like me to provide the two branches that I'm trying to merge as a sample for you?15:54
james_wnekohayo: can you try to run with -Derror and paste the traceback?15:55
james_wnekohayo: that may be necessary, but we'll try this first.15:55
nekohayojames_w: http://pastebin.ca/94376715:56
james_wnekohayo: and you get the exact same error with -r0..-1?15:58
nekohayojames_w: need the debug output for that one too?15:59
james_wnekohayo: sorry, went to grab some lunch16:01
james_wnekohayo: I don't need to output if it is the same.16:01
james_wnekohayo: so, let's look a bit deeper.16:01
james_ware these branches sharing a shared repository?16:02
nekohayohow do I know?16:03
nekohayoboth are Standalone tree (format: dirstate)16:03
james_wls .bzr/repository in one of them.16:04
nekohayoformatinventory.knitlockrevisions.knit signatures.knit inventory.kndxknitsrevisions.kndxsignatures.kndx16:05
james_wok, so there's no shared repo involved16:05
nekohayothe other branch has only "format  indices  lock  obsolete_packs  pack-names  packs  upload"16:06
spiv(bzr info output is a good way to determine that too)16:06
james_wspiv: yeah, I'm not always sure how to interpret that now.16:06
james_wnekohayo: so that means one is packs and one is knits, that may be significant.16:06
james_wnekohayo: which one was which in the above output (i.e. was it the first or second that you ran the merge command in)?16:08
nekohayo "format  indices  lock  obsolete_packs  pack-names  packs  upload" comes from "specto-jeff-new", which is the branch that contains the older history, into which I am trying to merge specto-jeff which contains newer stuff but no backwards history16:09
james_wnekohayo: cool, let me try that16:12
nekohayojames_w: you need my samples?16:12
james_wnekohayo: ok. so without -r0..-1 you should get "bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified."16:12
james_wso something seems to be broken in the branch "specto-jeff-new".16:13
nekohayojames_w: nay, when I do it without -r0..-1 I get the same errer16:13
james_wcan you try "bzr log -r revid:wout@wout-laptop-20071012201326-65ijzopxe5uj94tq" in that branch.16:13
nekohayothat is ERROR: Revision {('wout@wout-laptop-20071012201326-65ijzopxe5uj94tq',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0x8c3eb8c>"16:13
spivMaybe also worth trying "bzr check"?16:14
james_wnekohayo: I understand that you do, but you should get the above more sane error, and as you don't it indicates that something is a bit broken.16:14
james_walso what spiv suggests make sense.16:14
nekohayojames_w: bzr log works in specto-jeff (obviously not in specto-jeff-new)16:14
spivAlthough it seems fairly likely that that branch is referring to a revision that doesn't exist in its repository.16:14
james_wnekohayo: why doesn't it work in -new?16:15
nekohayojames_w: because -new contains older code (remember, I'm trying to merge specto-jeff into it :)16:15
spivWhich would mean specto-jeff-new is broken.  I'd be interested to know how that happened.16:15
nekohayospiv: the whole affair is that specto-jeff was started without the version history16:16
nekohayoand I'm trying to rectify that16:16
nekohayospiv, james_w: http://pastebin.ca/94378016:17
nekohayoalso, see: ecchi.ca:8000/1.png16:20
james_wnekohayo: I'm a bit lost now.16:20
nekohayothat screenshot *might* help you16:20
nekohayoon the left is the "full history" specto-jeff-new16:20
nekohayoon the right is the newer but broken specto-jeff from which I'm trying to merge16:21
james_wand 'wout@wout-laptop-20071012201326-65ijzopxe5uj94tq' is the last revision in that branch?16:21
james_w-jeff I mean?16:21
nekohayohmm, I doubt so16:23
james_wI guess not, it's not the first is it?16:23
james_wI'm just wondering why it is that revision in particular that it is choking on.16:23
nekohayoit's not the first either16:24
james_wnekohayo: ah, ok, that is a random revision from a set() of missing.16:24
james_wCan you please run the command again with BZR_PDB=1 set?16:25
james_wthat will drop you in to a debugger as the error is raised.16:25
james_wyou can then "p missing"16:25
james_wI am guessing it will print a large number of revisions.16:25
nekohayo"bzr merge ../specto-jeff BZR_PDB=1" ?16:26
james_wBZR_PDB=1 at the start please.16:26
james_wIt's an environment variable, so it goes before the command, in this case "bzr"16:26
nekohayo(Pdb) p missing16:27
nekohayoand I'm back at the debugger prompt16:27
james_wweird, so it is just that one revision.16:27
spivThat revision does exist, but not in -new.16:28
spivIt's odd wcurious that it's apparently trying to find it in -new.16:28
nekohayoneed my branches :) ?16:30
james_wnekohayo: can you type "up" in the debugger 12 times please?16:30
james_wthen "p source"16:31
james_w"p self"16:31
nekohayothat's all?16:31
spivHmm, I wish looms had a "rename-thread" command.16:31
nekohayojames_w: http://pastebin.ca/94379516:32
james_wspiv: you can probably edit something.16:32
james_wspiv: though I don't know if would be handled by merging.16:32
james_wI think eventually it will be supported though.16:32
james_wnekohayo: thanks, can you also "p inter" please?16:34
nekohayojames_w: <bzrlib.repository.InterModel1and2 object at 0x8750e2c>16:39
james_wnekohayo: thanks, one minute16:41
nekohayoit fascinates me that some humans can understand that one line of letters and numbers :) awesome16:43
james_wnekohayo: ok, I think I'll need the branches.16:48
james_wMy current guesses are that it there is discrepancy between what it thinks it needs to fetch and what it then requires to be fetched.16:49
james_wOr there is corruption that is not being detected by check.16:49
nekohayojames_w: you should be able to pull them from ecchi.ca:8000/trunks/ normally16:52
nekohayooops, doesn't work16:52
nekohayoah ok, yeah branching works16:53
nekohayojames_w: were you able to branch from there correctly?=16:58
james_wnekohayo: yep, thanks I can reproduce the error, so I'll look in to it.17:00
nekohayook, so should hang around in this channel today I guess :)17:01
james_wnekohayo: try it, you might like it :)17:04
james_wnekohayo: sorry, I'm not familiar enough with the code that it is having trouble with to debug it.17:10
james_wnekohayo: would you like to post to the list about it?17:10
james_wnekohayo: or I can do it if you like.17:10
nekohayojames_w: if you could do it for me, it would be very nice :)17:10
james_wnekohayo: sure, want a cc?17:11
nekohayoespecially because I think you know better than me what needs to be asked and what info needs be provided17:11
nekohayoyes, nekohayo at gmail17:11
james_wwell I don't know much more.17:11
james_wnekohayo: are those branches going to stay there, or should I mirror them?17:14
nekohayojames_w: that's on my desktop computer which is on pretty often, but not 100%, so you might want to mirror them, or tarball+attach them?17:16
james_wnekohayo: I'll mirror them, it's no trouble.17:16
nekohayoI'll leave IRC on, but I have to go out for a few hours today so I may not reply fast17:17
james_wnekohayo: sure.17:17
james_wnekohayo: if you ever hit such an ugly error message again it's a bug, even if you think that you may be doing something silly.17:18
james_wnekohayo: so please feel free to report them anyway.17:18
nekohayowell I the hexadecimal stuff made me think so, that's why I came here immediately :)17:18
james_wnekohayo: aha, just found something more. It appears as though there is corruption in specto-jeff.17:24
mamatohi, how can i completely remove files from bzr? i used 'remove' but my .bzr is still huge...17:25
james_wmamato: it's not currently possible to remove files from the history.17:25
james_wmamato: if you were to do that you would have to rewrite history anyway.17:26
james_wwell, rewrite the history of your branch at least. You might be able to leave the rest of the universe alone.17:27
mamatothat sounds crazy to me... basically i should just throw away my .bzr and restart one...17:30
mamatosounds like i might as well seriously consider remplacing it with different versionning soft then... :S17:30
james_wmamato: if you are allowed to change the contents of a previous revision then any distributed system will break.17:33
james_wmamato: you can remove old stuff in all of them by rewriting their histories, but you then break any branches that you have made from the one that you rewrite.17:34
mamatoi dont really care about braking other branches, i'm the only one using my branch17:35
mamatowhat does rewriting history entail?17:39
james_wfor each revision in your branch removing the stuff that you don't want, and then recording the revision again.17:42
mamatocan i delete revisions?17:48
mamatohow can i how can i commit that modified old revision to its old revision number and not to new one?17:51
james_wmamato: you need to do something like rebase.17:59
james_wI don't know a tool already written to do what you want.17:59
mamatoi have no rebase command18:00
mamatofound plugin18:00
mamatohmm, looks complicated18:04
alexreghi... is there any way to change log messages of previous commits?18:44
LeoNerdNot really... You could uncommit then recommit it.. but that'll only work for the most recent commit18:45
LeoNerd(I've done that occasionally, to fix up typoes or files I didn't mean to commit)18:45
alexregahh...that's what i was thinking18:45
PengYeah, you can do that.18:45
PengBut if you've already pushed the revision and other people have pulled it, it wouldn't work so well.18:46
LeoNerdFailing that, you could take a new branch, then somehow do some clever merging and rebasing.. but I wouldn't like to suggest chances of success18:46
alexregyeah. it works fine for most of the time, but if you realise one of you're log messages before that is bad...18:46
LeoNerdDon't Rewrite History, is my advice18:46
alexregfair enough18:46
PengThere are lots of typos in bzr.dev's history. :)18:46
LeoNerdA little fudging of something you did two minutes ago is fair enough if nobody's noticed.. Two months is just asking for trouble18:46
alexregpossibly. but just correcting typos or an inaccurate log message couldn't really hurt ?18:47
PengIt would be difficult to manage.18:47
alexregare there any plans to add log message editting in a future release?18:47
PengI doubt it.18:47
LeoNerdIn theory, just changing the log message shouldn't be a problem.... there's no real data change, no possibility of conflicts with future patches18:48
alexregthat's what i thought18:48
LeoNerdHowever, in practice it doesn't work like that. The log message is part of the commit18:48
alexregi see...18:48
LeoNerdThe entire commit gets MD5ed or whatever, and becomes part of its hash.. its ID18:48
LeoNerdChanging the log would change the MD5sum, and thus change the identity of the commit18:48
alexreginteresting...why is the log message used to compute the hash?18:49
LeoNerdSo anything built on top if it would need changing.. which changes its own hash. all the way down18:49
alexregit need to be used, i'd think...18:49
Peng(Bzr uses pseudorandom revision IDs...)18:49
LeoNerdThe hash is used to avoid sequencing problems a.la. tla18:49
LeoNerdOne of tla's problems is that within a branch, the only identity of a patch is its sequence number.. 1, 2, 3,...18:49
alexregyeah: but shouldn't a hash of the file contents (or even modified date/time) suffice?18:49
LeoNerdThis means you can't split offline, and work independently, to merge again later. You'll both take 418:49
alexregah, maybe i misunderstood "sequencing problems"...18:51
alexregthanks for the explanations LeoNerd  and Peng18:51
alexregperhaps i'll submit this as a feature request, but it's not a straight-forward matter18:52
PengEven if bzr wasn't so strict about history being immutable, mutable log messages would be a pain.18:52
PengWhat if you pull, and a message has changed. What should it do? Silently overwrite your copy of the message? Prompt you, showing a diff or whatever?18:53
alexregi don't see any problems if it just overwrites and notifies you18:53
PengWhat if someone malicious changes it?18:53
alexregmalicious people wouldn't change things. if they have access to the repo anyway, they can include bad commits18:54
Pengalexreg: Yeah, but they couldn't silently change history.18:55
alexregwhat if only the original commiter could edit their log messages? using their PGP key, that could be verified.18:57
alexregadmittedly, this is turning into a slightly complicated process, but i would still appreciate it existing.18:57
PengThat's an idea.18:57
alexregso that could be worthwhile request for me to submit. i will need to write out the specifics, of course19:01
alexregi appreciate the discussion...19:01
alexreggot to go now. bye19:02
Pengalexreg: Bye. :)19:02
ubotuNew bug: #202613 in bzr "'bzr update' probes the master branch >=3 times" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20261319:06
spivjelmer: your 0.4.8 branch needs this patch to make initial branching work: http://rafb.net/p/f4Qt8T85.html19:44
jelmerspiv: Any chance you can "bzr send" it?19:51
AfCIf you haven't seen it yet today, Elijah has written another missive.20:00
AfCWhile it's mostly a rant against Git, I'd encourage the Bazaar hackers to consider these points in relation to their own documentation.20:01
=== Toksyuryel` is now known as Toksyuryel
spivjelmer: sure.  what's the preferred forum for that? bazaar@?20:05
spivjelmer: or just direct to you?20:05
spivAfC: yeah, I read that earlier today.  It's a good post.  He compliments bzr's documentation briefly, which is nice :)20:06
jelmerspiv: Either would be fine. "bzr send" defaults to me20:08
spivOh, nice.20:10
spiv("bzr info" really ought to report that...)20:10
AfCI should probably note that despite all this Elijah seems to be strongly leaning towards sticking with Git.20:17
AfCWhich is largely due to his having become enamoured of capabilities that Bazaar does not, unfortunately, accomodate.20:18
jelmerspiv: Thanks20:22
jelmerAfC: What sort of capabilities?20:22
jelmerAfC: The usual (speed, easier to switch branches, group copying) or other things as well?20:22
jelmers/switch/switch in place/20:22
AfCjelmer: {shrug} the usual list, I'm sure. I can't remember his specific ones, but they were all on the board in London20:24
ubotuNew bug: #91931 in bzr-gtk "Should support showing signatures" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9193120:52
jelmerschierbeck: Hi20:55
schierbeckhi jelmer20:56
schierbeckjelmer: i'm having another look at the signature ui bits20:56
schierbeckhmm, can't seem to push to launchpad right now...20:58
schierbeckoh, there we go21:00
schierbeckjelmer: if i want to install icons, should i add them to $(prefix)/share/bzr-gtk/icons ?21:02
schierbeckcurrently we only add the olive icons to share/olive/icons21:02
=== schierbeck is now known as __schierbeck__
chewywhen's the BoF for pycon?21:20
nekohayojames_w: corruption? in my branch? LIES!!21:57
nekohayonow, how come? :)21:57
nekohayohow can corruption happen?21:57
schierbecknekohayo: lack of government control?22:07
nekohayoschierbeck: any other explanation why corruption could happen in a bzr branch though?22:19
schierbecknope :)22:20
james_wnekohayo: I'm not sure, maybe it's not corruption, but bzr confusing itself.22:20
james_wsomething sure is funky though.22:20
nekohayojames_w: as you can guess, code.launchpad.net/~specto is an ugly mess and I'm trying to merge the old history with the new one :|22:24
NfNitLoopHmm.   I'm using bzr-svn to check out a rather large svn repo, and the memory seems to be steadily climbing.   I've run into this problem before, but now I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 which supposed has patches that fix the python-subversion binding memory leak.23:09
NfNitLoopis this a new issue?  Something related?23:10
NfNitLoopAnd, in the meantime, is there a good workaround?  (maybe a way to incrementally pull in a few separate runs instead of trying to do it all at once?)23:11
james_wNfNitLoop: that's the workaround yes.23:12
NfNitLoophow do I do that?23:12
NfNitLoopI tried interrupting the process...23:12
NfNitLoopbut if I try to resume, it seems to start all over again.23:13
james_wI don't know if gutsy has the patches, I think it does, but I think that it can still have memory issues on large repos.23:13
james_wyou need to use -r23:13
james_wbzr init trunk23:13
james_wcd trunk23:13
james_wbzr pull -r 1000 url23:13
james_wbzr pull -r 200023:13
james_wI think that's it.23:13
james_wyou can obviously script it.23:13
james_wno problem.23:21
NfNitLoopHmm... does bzr-svn not work with bzr 1.2?23:29
NfNitLoopTypeError: create_workingtree() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hardlink'23:29
jelmerNfNitLoop: it should work with 1.223:30
jelmerthe hardlink stuff was introduced in 1.3 I think23:30
jelmerspiv just sent me a patch to fix that but I haven't gotten round to applying it yet23:30
NfNitLoopso I need to upgrade to bzr 1.3?23:31
james_whi jelmer23:31
jelmerNfNitLoop: you're already on 1.3 I think23:31
NfNitLoopBazaar (bzr) 1.2.023:31
NfNitLoopbzrsvn 0.4.9dev023:32
jelmerNfNitLoop: ah, you either need to use the 0.4.8 branch (which is compatible with 1.2) or use bzr 1.323:32
NfNitLoopaaah, ok.  I'll get 0.4.823:32
NfNitLoopI just grabbed the 0.4 branch, I guess that's not always in-sync w/ bzr stable?23:33
jelmerNfNitLoop: the 0.4 branch is in sync with bzr.dev23:36
jelmerNfNitLoop: Ubuntu 7.10 does not have the memory leak fixes, btw23:36
jelmeronly 8.04 has23:37
NfNitLoopThat would explain the memory leak, then.23:37
NfNitLoopI thought the wiki said they had been applied to previous ubuntu releases.23:37
NfNitLoopso I assumed they were in 7.10 too.23:37
jelmernope, those are other fixes (the fixes required to run bzr-svn at all)23:39
james_wwoo, sort-of-log emitting the first revision in about 5 seconds on emacs.23:39
jelmerjames_w: nice! Any consequences for the overall performance of log?23:40
james_wjelmer: well it's about 10 seconds quicker to do the whole thing.23:40
jelmerI remember some of the other fixes that were posted to the list made a full "bzr log" run slower23:40
jelmerah, nice23:40
james_whowever it's not doing bzr log, it's doing git log.23:41
james_wbut if you limit it to less than the 87000 revisions then it's pretty damn quick, e.g. 5s to emit 10000 revs23:41
james_wI know it's doing something different, but having a topo-sorted log option would help on this big projects.23:42
james_wit seems like around 5s is the minimum on the full history just due to extracting all the necessary data from the repo to topo-sort it.23:43
jelmerahh, ok23:47
jelmerwell, having that as an option would certainly not be a bad thing23:47
james_wyeah, speeding up the others is obviously important, but I wanted to see what the costs were of other things we were doing, so I just stripped it down to the minimum.23:50
james_wit took me a long while to beat the default log on overall time though, even though I quickly beat it too emit the first revision.23:50
AfCBeen really interesting sitting with Carl Worth, Behdad Esfahbod, Rob Taylor, etc this week. They're all using Git (ie for Cairo) but Carl in particular is really open minded.23:50
james_wI missed on the batching of revision fetching it was doing.23:51
james_wOne thing i noticed is that we seem to grab every revision twice, which might be something to look at.23:51
AfC... and walking him through using Bazaar to do a few things on projects of mine that he was bringing up was a positive experience leading to much sharing of state.23:51
james_wAfC: yeah, Carl spent a long time in here some time ago talking to us about the similarities and differences between the two. He took a while to see the reasons behind some of the differences, but he definitely seemed open minded.23:52
james_wI can't remember if that was the trigger for the bzr/git thread or the result of it.23:52
james_wand I know he is one of the main reasons that the git UI has improved so much.23:53
james_wAfC: is the hackfest over now?23:53
AfCI was reflecting that as we are working on "git features" (ie, in-place-switching [which is very close to being sorted], managing-a-collection-of-branches and/or multiple-heads, etc) that it would be really useful to demonstrate [as he just did for me] his usage patterns and the things that are useful to him.23:54
AfCjames_w: getting there. 50% are on their way home now, and most of the rest are out tomorrow.23:54
james_wAfC: was it successful?23:55
james_wI think there is plenty we can bring in from git, I do think it is a good system.23:55
AfCI actually plan to write a blog about the Bazaar sprint and the GTK hackfest (compare and contrast, as your year 8 English teacher would have told you to do)23:56
james_wAfC: are you sticking around Europe for a while, or are you jetting off elsewhere?23:56
james_wAfC: :-). That would be pretty cool actually.23:56
AfCjames_w: nah, time to be on my way. I'm here until Monday morning, then Toronto next. We *really* need some new business.23:57
james_wI was just wondering why there was a naming difference, and whether this had any effect on the content or atmosphere.23:57
AfCjames_w: I have a theory :)23:57
james_wAfC: too much time hacking I guess.23:57
AfCjames_w: which I related to the crowd here. It was funny, because half of them had been in hacking mode, and half of them had been in what you would relate to as sprinting mode23:57
AfCand the two halves were looking at each other funny when I related my explanation of the difference23:57
james_wI thought sprints were more about hacking, is it just the bzr one that is more discussion, or is that pretty standard?23:58

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