
blueyedRiddell: can you add me to kubuntu-members, please?00:19
Riddellblueyed: come along to the meeting on wednesday https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NewMemberHowto00:21
Riddella formality for you of course, but I think still useful00:21
blueyedRiddell: ok. It wasn't clear from the "Membership Approval through other Teams", if I should do so.00:22
RiddellHobbsee: please give back kdemultimedia-kde4 when you can00:25
* Riddell snoozes00:26
Jucatosweet dreams Riddell00:26
nixternalvorian: uploaded keurocalc01:07
nixternalRiddell: you rockin' the archive admin stuff or what?01:07
Jucatonixternal: I think he's rockin in bed :)01:11
nixternalhrmm, I guess so01:11
nixternalnah, it is 1am on a Saturday morning there01:12
nixternalhe hasn't had enough irn to pass out yet01:12
Jucatohehe :)01:12
* Jucato had some white wine last night...01:12
ScottK2Did Riddell say anything more about my kde-guidance patch after ScottK2 vanished an hour an a half ago?01:14
nixternalI had some Dr. Pepper01:14
nixternalScottK2: he said it destroyed Jupiter01:14
ScottK2The planet or is that a computer?01:14
nixternalthe planet01:14
nixternaland you may have damaged one of Saturns moons01:14
nixternalI don't see anything about01:15
nixternalthe last thing he said you were still here it seems01:15
ScottK2I knew Python was powerful, but I no idea ...01:15
nixternalit is so powerful they charge you over $200 to go to their conference01:15
* ScottK2 never really felt a need for the conference - just codes...01:16
nixternalI was thinking about going to a sprint or 2 next week, as those are free01:16
ScottK2When are you moving?01:16
nixternalI really want to meet up with jcastro tomorrow night, but pawning off these rugrats is proving difficult right now01:16
nixternalone of these days01:16
ScottK2nixternal: I have two words for you ... Duct Tape.01:17
nixternalduct tape and nyquil!01:17
nixternaland not the child's nyquil01:17
ScottK2Anisette and tell them it a licorice drink.01:18
ScottK2or however you spell those words01:18
nixternalthey look right to me01:18
nixternalhey, as long as you can spell vector<T>::const_iterator all is good01:19
nixternalI probably spelled that wrong01:19
nixternalbeen a while since I used a const iterator01:19
Jucatoit's correct01:19
nixternalI actually remembered something01:19
* Jucato had to use one this week...01:19
nixternalin Konvi?01:20
Jucatobut I forgot which Konvi class I used it on :)01:20
nixternalstd::vector or Qt vector01:20
JucatoQt of course :P01:20
Jucatoah Qt class. QStringList :)01:20
nixternalI think we tested Qt vs. STD with vectors in one of our C++ classes and the STD version won01:20
Jucatowon in what category?01:21
nixternalwe would try and blow them01:22
nixternalcreate fake queues with them and what not01:22
nixternalI have created an all-in-one conversion app that is plain STD, but I have been thinking about converting it to Qt and giving it a gui01:23
* Jucato is still undecided about the whole STD containers/iterators/templates/algorithms vs Qt thing... but is brainwashed to think Qt is better :P01:24
Jucatobtw nixternal, do you have flash there?01:25
nixternalof course I do, I am a YouTube junky dude01:28
Jucatoyou might be intersted in http://youtube.com/watch?v=FQt-h753jHI01:28
nixternalYouTube is to me what MySpace is to you, HEAVEN :p01:28
JucatoMySpace to me (and in this country) is ALIEN01:28
* Jucato is going to try out facebook though... gotta be waaay better than friendster :)01:29
nixternalJucato: dude, that took me a while to catch it01:30
nixternalI thought she was just trying to Mariah's song in another language01:30
nixternalto *sing* Mariah's song...01:30
* nixternal watches that again01:31
Jucatoshe did say it was English :P01:31
Jucatoright.. breakfast :D01:31
nixternalmy god, it is funnier the second time01:32
Jucatoand it doesn't grow old :)01:37
nixternalQuote of the Day in response of "how to get rid of these rugrats":01:49
nixternal20:48:27 [  ScottK2] Play hide and seek.  Declare yourself it.  Don't look for them.01:49
ScottK2Now you're giving away my secrets.01:50
nixternalthat is classic01:51
nixternalI messaged my mom that one on the cell phone01:51
nixternalright now, my dad and brother are on the phone, they call me 3-way just to listen to them talk about golf01:51
Jucatoken lee! tulibu dibu douchoo!02:12
nixternalI seriously thought she was doing a parody in another language02:13
nixternaland I was like "damn, she is doing pretty decent"02:13
nixternalthen I realized she had no clue what she was saying02:13
Jucatohehe :)02:13
nixternalw00t, back in a few, I think one of the tranquilizer darts took effect on the 4 year old02:13
Jucatowhoa! tranquilizer darts for kids!!02:15
Jucatogotta get me one of those02:15
ScottK2One is not enough02:18
ScottK2Riddell: I updated my displayconfig patch so it will not crash if not root and there is no xorg.conf.  From the testing I've done here, the only bad thing is some bogus config entries the first time you use displayconfig.02:35
ScottK2So I think (assuming other's testing bears this out) that this is up to definitely better than crashing.02:36
ScottK2So some guy's first bug he files, he files with a patch, and I get to tell him.  "Thank you for playing, already fixed by upstream in Hardy.  Please try again."02:37
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
nixternal!info koffice04:09
ubotukoffice (source: koffice): KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-0ubuntu5.1 (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 76 kB04:09
manchickenIf I have the choice between installing Kubuntu Hardy w/KDE4 on 32 or 64 bit, which should I choose?04:11
manchickenAddressable memory, of course, not an issue.04:11
manchickenI'm thinking I should go for 32-bit just for simplicity.04:12
nixternalI have had no issues with the 32bit version, my 64bit version I have, however that could be related to my ATI video card04:12
manchickenTrue that.  And this machine does have an nvidia... so 32-bit good.04:12
nixternalI have tested Foresight 64, Debian 64, openSUSE 64, Kubuntu 64, and trunk/ build on 64, and they all freeze at one point or another04:12
manchickenWell since my laptop has been more reliable lately, I'm going to just use my old desktop for KDE4 testing.04:14
Nightroseok /me uploaded a fixed kdegraphics-kde4 to the kde4 ppa and hopes she didn´t screw up anything04:21
Nightroseoff to bed - nini :)04:21
manchickenIs all KDE4 development going onto the PPA?04:29
tomcatrock and roll is a way of life! join #nixternal_is_a_rock_god now!04:32
tomcatnow don't ban me sillies04:32
tomcatI am bug hunting in konversation04:32
nixternalhow do you accept a dcc chat?04:33
nixternalin irssi04:33
manchickenYou stop using irssi?04:33
nixternalI don't have it enabled04:34
nixternalheck no I didn't stop using irssi04:34
nixternalI am bug hunting in konvi right now04:34
manchickenNo, I mean that's the solution to your problems :)04:35
tomcatno doubt right04:35
Hobbseenixternal: "you poor bastard"04:36
tomcatI went into #ubuntu-chicago and asked if anyone wanted to cyber :p04:37
tomcatthey called !ops04:37
=== tomcat is now known as nixternal_
nixternalyup, it still crashes04:39
manchickenIs cups stable in hardy?04:44
nixternalbeen stable for me, then again I use nothing but HP products05:01
nixternal!info ktorrent05:02
ubotuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.1-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 2698 kB, installed size 9932 kB05:02
manchickennixternal: Okay, me too.  This box I just put hardy KDE4 onto only needs a stable kernel and cups.05:13
manchickenI don't really use it as a desktop much.05:13
nixternalmanchicken: you have a second to help me with a perl problem?05:44
manchickenAnything for you ;)05:45
nixternaldie "Could not determine MP3 version, aborting" if ($fileinfo->{VERSION}=="");05:45
nixternalinstead of just dying out05:45
manchickenDo you know who wrote that?05:46
nixternalhow difficult would it be to add a prompt for the user to either (S)kip or (A)bort05:46
manchickenThey're horrible people.  That's bad perl.05:46
nixternalyou want to take a look at the mp32ogg app and see if you can make it better?05:46
manchickenAnd the answer is yes, that'd be simple... but that looks like something that they should die on.05:47
nixternalit does seem that nobody is maintaining it05:47
nixternalwell, if they do 'mp32ogg *.mp3' it would be nice if it hits a bad version, that it allows the user to Skip that bad mp3 and move on to the next one05:47
manchickenGood point.05:47
manchickenWhat package is this in?05:47
nixternalbug 79259 has more details05:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 79259 in mp32ogg "several bugs with filename" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7925905:48
manchickenI'm not a huge fan of the KDE4 just yet.... sigh.05:48
manchickenHow many common Perl apps do folks use in Ubuntu?05:48
manchickenHell, I can do Perl all day long.05:48
nixternalthere is a patch attached to fix the cases on the extension that needs to be added, and then the possibility to skip on a bad mp305:48
nixternalI guess there are quite a bit of perl code some of the devs use05:49
nixternalincluding Kubuntu docs if you ever want to take a look at that mess of a script05:49
manchickenthe problem is people writing quick & dirties adding on and adding on and adding on.05:49
manchickenBut that's a common problem... so I'm just crying because the sky is blue now.05:50
nixternalfor my ogg conversions I use pacpl, it is a great cli conversion utility05:50
n8k99the sky is blue!?! oh dear god05:53
manchickenIs there a bzr repo for mp32ogg?05:53
nixternaldon't think so...seems development on it has been dead for a bit05:54
manchickenI don't know much about the audio formats, but fixing the problem you mentioned should be simple.05:54
manchickenOkay, I'll just source it then.05:54
manchickenWow, lots of nasty code in there.05:56
nixternalthat was perl I could understand though...almost seems as if he chose perl with a bash mentality05:57
manchickenI'd be afraid to run perlcritic on this application.05:57
manchickenUnfortunately many folks do that.05:57
manchickenThat's why you see so many people complain that it's unreadable.05:58
* manchicken submits a patch for mp32ogg06:12
* nixternal goes to grab patch and upload06:13
manchickenYou might want to test it.06:14
nixternalI can't make a bad mp3 file to test that portion...I have tried06:14
manchickenIt compiles cleanly, but I don't have any files to test it with.06:14
manchickenYeah, I don't know how to do that.06:14
manchickenWe might have to ask the user to supply one.06:14
manchickenI actually don't think anybody's run into this case by looking at the report... it just looks like they're critiquing code without being considerate enough to fix it :)06:15
manchickenAs I'm sure you'll see in my patch, this is a very simple problem to solve.06:15
manchickenI'm trying to decide betwen gOS, foresight, or edubuntu to put on this machine now.06:16
manchickenI just use this machine as a glorified jukebox and print server anymore.06:17
nixternalI just asked the users to test it06:18
manchickenI'm leaning towards edubuntu since it's got some neat games that my kiddo might dig.06:18
manchickenRighto.  Thanks.06:18
nixternalKubuntu with KDE Edu06:18
manchickenFeel free to hit me up with Perl questions.06:18
nixternalall Edubuntu is is Gnome with KDE Edu06:18
nixternalwhat's a good perl book for me to grab?06:18
manchickenBut it's got neat artwork :)06:18
nixternalheh, it has the same artwork for the past 2 years now06:18
manchickenWell, that depends, do you want a book you'll read through, or do you want a reference?06:18
nixternalhave you ever checked out the KDE Kids artwork theme?06:19
manchickennixternal: And KDE hasn't? :P06:19
nixternalI haven't, but I just noticed the kids icon packages in svn06:19
manchickenI'm also thinking about gOS.06:19
nixternalgOS is going down the tubes quick I hear06:19
manchickenI've checked it out.  IT's just cartooney icons.06:19
manchickenI doubt it.06:19
nixternalthat xjdriver69 (Aaron) used it06:19
manchickenThey're a funded venture.06:19
nixternalwouldn't work woth a dookey for him..we put it on a Gateway machine at the uni and it actually worked06:20
manchickenThey just got started, and they're selling craploads of machines on walmart.com06:20
nixternalwhich Kubuntu and Ubuntu were the only systems we have seen work on this one Gateway machine06:20
manchickengOS is just Ubuntu with e17 and fancy themeing going on.06:20
nixternalthey are also receiving a bunch in return06:20
nixternal60% or more of the ones they sold in the store were returned06:21
nixternalthat is why they dropped the stores06:21
manchickenWhere'd you read that?06:21
nixternalyou can't go into outhouse country with a computer and expect it to do well06:21
nixternalWalmart announced it last week06:21
nixternalthey are only sticking with .com sales now06:21
manchickenI heard about the store drops, but not about the returns.06:21
manchickenThey didn't mention that in their press release.06:21
nixternalI had a hell of a time returning mine because I bought it online..but the store manager finally allowed it06:22
nixternalI ended up buying that developer board they had listed on the gOS website06:22
nixternalthat thing is killer for $6006:22
nixternalI am going to get one of those KPCs for $19906:23
nixternalbetter hardware06:23
nixternalif you like Gnome, then the OS is much better as well, but I would quickly replace that with the K :)06:23
manchickenWhy did you return it?06:24
nixternaldidn't work06:24
manchickenHow so?06:24
nixternalwouldn't post06:25
nixternalsmell of something cooking06:25
nixternalI would have just traded it, but wallyworld.com said I had to pay for shipping it back to them06:25
nixternalno go homeskillets, you aren't sticking me twice with that06:25
manchickenBut have you used gOS?06:26
manchickenDo you think it's as neat as I do?06:26
nixternalit is cool no doubt06:26
nixternalI think they just targeted it all wrong06:27
manchickenI think it's bound to be the distro that works because of live CDs.06:27
manchickenHow do you figure?06:27
manchickenI think their target market is folks who don't want to learn computers.06:27
nixternalfor one, the stores they did place them in (ie. the Walmart outside of Pocahontas, AR) only has dial-up for a majority of their internet connections06:27
manchickenFolks who don't know the difference between a web app and a desktop app, and have no interest in learning.06:28
nixternalonly reason I know that is because my sisters are from Pocahontas, and it is super sticks06:28
manchickenI'm talking about gOS, not greenpc06:28
nixternalmost of those people steal more from walmart than they purchase06:28
nixternalI was talking about the greenpc, sorry06:28
nixternalif you read the comments on walmart.com, you can see pretty much everyone replaced gOS with Ubuntu06:29
manchickenThat's because they're geeks :)06:29
nixternalthe whole Google Apps thing I guess was a turnoff for most06:29
manchickenI don't think geeks were the target of gOS.06:29
nixternalI was going to use the little guy out in the garage or the kitchen area06:29
manchickenI think my father in law was the target of gOS.06:29
nixternalI will say this though, their initial release on the greenpc, was garbage06:30
nixternalit had no less than 100 showstopping bugs06:30
nixternalthe version that is out now is much more stable06:30
nixternaldamn, the KPC, I am going to get those for the LUG06:31
nixternalwhy build our own when we can get a decent rig for $20006:31
nixternaland maybe KPC will cut us a break06:31
nixternalor Shuttle rather06:31
manchickenYeah, another case of rush-to-market.06:31
manchickenI just hope it lasts long enough to give e17 a fighting chance.06:31
nixternalevery distro on store shelves has been a rush to market06:31
nixternalonly one that did decent was Lindows/Linspire06:32
manchickenI remember when enlightenment was all folks talked about.06:32
nixternaloh ya, I used it for a bit back in the day06:32
nixternalI play with e17 every now and then06:32
manchickenBest Buy needs to sell Dellbuntu machines.06:32
manchickenThough I'm still buying System76.06:32
nixternalya they do...only reason I say so, is my buddy is the store manager for 5 of the DuPage area stores, and he says people either come in asking for it, or bring in an Ubuntu live cd to test their machines06:33
nixternalhe lets me put Ubuntu CDs in his stores too :)06:33
nixternalFrys was supposed to sell BSD boxes but it never happened06:34
manchickenPretty much anybody will.06:36
nixternalMicrocenter still sells Linspire boxes...we had a guy show up to the lug last month with one06:36
manchickenYou just have to explain what you're doing.06:36
manchickenI love oswd06:36
nixternalfree templates?06:37
nixternalhehe, I used them a couple of times back in 2002/2003 for cheap clients06:37
manchickenI'm making a simple MV CMS system for libraries.06:37
manchickenIt's outstanding.06:37
nixternalI am listening to Yael Naim, French singer...great voice06:38
nixternalshe is the person who sings that Macbook Air song06:38
manchickenYou got her CD?06:39
nixternalwell, I got it while testing a KTorrent bug :p06:40
nixternalbut I will purchase it no doubt06:40
nixternaldamn, I hope my nephew doesn't wet my bed!06:42
nixternalI forgot to toss the plastic on06:42
nixternalthanks manchicken for looking at that mp32ogg pkg06:44
nixternalhopefully someone will respond and say it works06:44
manchickenWhy do installers always congratulate you when you've completed an install?08:20
manchickenIt's like, "no, congratulations to you.  You're the one who did all the work."08:20
manchickenHobbsee: How goes it?08:37
Hobbseeassignmenting :)08:38
manchickenGood fun.08:40
Nightrosemorning :)08:45
manchickenHowdy :)08:48
manchickenI'm about to go to bed.08:48
manchickenI haven't gone to bed yet.  I've got 0348 staring me down on the clock.08:48
Nightrosehehe - well I had about 4 hours of sleep tonight - I should probably go to bed again as well08:48
Nightrosebut today is amarok bughug day - and sleep is for the week08:49
CheGuevarahows it going08:51
CheGuevaraapachelogger, you around?08:51
* Nightrose doubts he is awake yet ;-)08:52
CheGuevaraheh yeah08:52
CheGuevaranew kubuntu-meta pulls in oxygencursors which don't install because of a missing depends08:52
CheGuevarafun :P08:53
manchickenIt's all Jucato's fault.09:06
CheGuevarawhy :P09:07
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
jpatrickUndertaker: hi10:29
jpatrickNightrose2: guten morgen10:30
Nightrose2heya jpatrick :)10:31
* Nightrose2 curses at her ISP10:31
jpatrickUndertaker: yes?10:32
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
jpatrickNightrose: what client do you use?10:34
Nightroseirc client? konversation10:34
Nightroseand irssi at night10:34
Undertakerjpatrick: it's some kind of hello :) just nick, without words10:34
jpatrickah, because I've found a way to configure irssi to do all the /ghost, /nick, /identify things automatically10:35
Undertakerare there adept developers here?10:35
jpatrickmornfall: you're wanted^10:35
Nightrosejpatrick: ah cool - but well... - when I use irssi this is not a problem for me usually as the server I use for it is very reliable10:37
Undertakerwhat uses adept to determine what packages to show? (exept Desktop environment and repository switches)11:04
mornfalljpatrick: Yes?11:09
mornfallUndertaker: Yes?11:09
mornfallI don't understand.11:09
Undertakermornfall: are you adept developer?11:10
RiddellUndertaker: adept-installer uses app-install-data11:13
UndertakerRiddell: thanks11:13
=== kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek
=== marseillai_ is now known as marseillai
Artemis_Fowldo KDE4 apps have performance issues in Hardy?12:52
Jucatowhat did I do? what did I do?!?!?!13:05
jpatrickJucato: do where?13:21
yao_ziyuani want to ask about the procedure to activate scim in kubuntu 8.0415:03
yao_ziyuanthe key question is: does it require setting system locale to chinese/japanese/korean?15:03
yao_ziyuanand if it does, i think "installed languages", "default language", "system language/locale" are confusing concepts15:03
yao_ziyuanmaybe we should automatically enable scim when at least one of the "installed languages" is chinese/japanese/korean15:04
yao_ziyuanin my early kubuntu days, i didn't know i should "Set System Language: Chinese" before i can use scim15:04
yao_ziyuani thought just installing Chinese Language will do the job15:05
yao_ziyuanideally, i want skim to run by default for any locale15:14
yao_ziyuan\but disable its keybindings until the user uses his mouse to choose a CJK language from skim's popup menu15:15
=== kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek
ArtimusHas any thought gone into using a modified version of the Heron Wallpaper in KDE?  Here's a nice blue one, for example.  http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Hardy+Heron+Blue?content=7630015:30
yao_ziyuananother small problem:15:55
yao_ziyuanrecently i changed my KDE taskbar's transparency value (tint value)15:55
yao_ziyuanand i wanted to revert to the default value but i couldn't15:55
yao_ziyuani lost the original tint now...15:55
yao_ziyuanso i'm downloading kubuntu hardy alpha 6 to check the default value in vbox...15:56
yao_ziyuanand by the way to check its way to enable chinese input15:56
ScottK2Riddell: Last night I updated my displayconfig patch so that it works if you don't have admin rights.16:24
ScottK2Riddell: It appears that this at least generally works now.  As it stands, if you have no xorg.conf it isn't going to show you a proper config until the 2nd time you login with admin rights, but I think that's definitely better than crashing.16:25
ScottK2Riddell: I think it's possible that I might be able to make it work the first try, but the patch would be much more invasive (this patch is all in one file).16:26
ScottK2Not sure that's a great idea at this point in the cycle.16:26
yao_ziyuanrunning hardy 6 in vbox now16:33
RiddellScottK2: whatever works :)16:37
nixternalyay, I am bow legged!16:37
nixternalwe went horse back riding this morning16:38
Jucatowith the rugrats?16:39
nixternalthat was kind of fun16:39
* Jucato missed riding on a horse16:40
nixternalI think that was the first time I have ridden one in about 25 years16:40
* Jucato has ridden only once16:41
nixternalwell now I have ridden twice :p16:41
ScottK2Riddell: OK.  Let me do a little more testing on this and then I'll talk to slangesek about getting it in for the beta.  After that I'll work on the more invasive approach and if it works, we can decide if it's for Hardy or Ibex.16:41
nixternalhow come I just now found the oxygen cursors? jeesh these things are gorgeous16:43
ScottK2Is there anyone here running Hardy KDE3 that has a system that does not have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?16:43
nixternalthey don't work on Konqueror/KDE3 though16:43
RiddellScottK2: if he's not around this weekend I can just let it through16:51
ScottK2Riddell: OK.  I forgot you're release management too.16:51
* claydoh has some keyboard time finally16:56
jpatrickapachelogger, smarter: moinjour17:55
smarter¡hola jpatrick!17:56
jpatricksmarter: hey, que tal hombre, como va todo por ahi?17:57
* jpatrick wins17:57
smartermuy bien y tu?17:57
jpatrickbastante bien17:57
* Artemis_Fowl has just finished his exams :)18:23
* nareshov too ;p18:25
jpatrickScottK2: did my cmake suggestion for Scribis .desktop work?19:33
ScottK2jpatrick: I don't remember.  I remember getting it sorted out with the Debian maintainer, but I don't recall exactly how.19:54
_StefanS_hey jpatrick, ScottK19:54
jpatrickhey _StefanS_19:55
ScottK2jpatrick: IIRC once I pointed out that there was an upstream one he started using that one and stopped shipping his own.19:55
ScottK2heya _StefanS_19:55
jpatrickScottK2: heh :)19:55
_StefanS_hey manchicken20:05
seregahey, Riddell20:10
_StefanS_what version is the nvidia glx-new currently in hardy?20:23
jpatrick!info nvidia-glx hardy20:23
nosrednaekim!info nvidia-glx-new (hardy)20:23
ubotunvidia-glx (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:96.43.05+ (hardy), package size 3761 kB, installed size 11992 kB20:23
ubotunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5125 kB, installed size 15228 kB20:24
* nosrednaekim booooos jpatrick20:24
_StefanS_nosrednaekim: thanks20:24
* jpatrick hugs nosrednaekim 20:24
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
apacheloggerRiddell: do you think we should get taglib 1.5 in hardy?23:01
Riddellapachelogger: seems a bit late for library transitions23:27
Riddellapachelogger: what's the advantage?23:27
apacheloggerRiddell: we can backport Amarok 2 more easily ;-)23:27
apacheloggeralso we currently consider bumping the 1.4.9 taglib dependency to 1.523:28
Riddellapachelogger: if you want to handle all the rdepends and test them it should be do-able23:29
apacheloggerhm, quite some rdeps23:31
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll try to find some people for testing23:32

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