
savvasamx109: it doesn't ask for password?00:00
maccam94after lots of frustration and compiling, i just ended up with a borked ubuntu installation :-(00:00
amx109savvas, nope00:00
l815after these past 2 or 3 days of hardy releases my laptop doesn't really get warm anymore :O00:00
l815it's amazing00:00
felipe_is synaptic broken?00:03
h3sp4wnmaccam94: Its not so simple as that you would probably need at least a new mesa as well (probably loads of other stuff like libdrm)00:03
maccam94h3sp4wn: oh no it wasn't simple. i had to pull mesa, libdrm, and the driver from git00:03
maccam94and follow a rather complicated guide00:03
maccam94in the end idk if the problem was that git was unstable or if i screwed up compiling or installing something00:03
savvasamx109: grep -i "fuse\|adm\|plugdev" /etc/group00:04
amx109savvas, my username is a member of all those groups00:04
savvasamx109: did any of recent upgrades involve gvfs or something that would require a reboot of the machine?00:05
amx109savvas, erm no. ive had this problem since i installed hardy (alpha 5, using alt cd)00:06
savvasamx109: menu system -> administration -> authorizations -> freedesktop -> hal -> storage -> mount ... internal drives00:08
savvasdo you see your login in the explicit authorizations?00:09
amx109savvas, nope!00:09
savvasand it shouldn't :P00:10
savvasbut i think it's a policy authentication problem00:10
savvasamx109: press grant00:10
savvaschoose your login00:10
savvasnone constraints (just for testing)00:11
savvasand grant00:11
amx109savvas, nothing happens when i click grant00:12
jimmygoonI can't select custom settings for compiz in appearance manager? I had this happen a few times in gutsy00:12
savvasamx109: it doesn't ask for a password?00:12
amx109savvas, nope00:13
savvasamx109: ok close authorizations window, run terminal and do this: gksu polkit-gnome-authorization00:14
savvasthis should reveal the error00:14
h3sp4wnjimmygoon: I think for that to appear you need something installed00:14
savvasamx109: do the same thing as before00:14
h3sp4wn(I have it on one box but not the other)00:14
amx109savvas, worked this time00:15
jimmygoonh3sp4wn, no its there. its ccsm but I can't select it... well I can but the fact that I select it doesn't matter. if I close the apperacne dialog and reopne it forgets!00:15
savvasamx109: ok, revoke that and close authorizations again, now run terminal this: polkit-gnome-authorization00:15
savvaswithout gksu00:15
savvasdo the same thing00:16
amx109** (polkit-gnome-authorization:20792): WARNING **: Caught error: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)00:16
jimmygoonh3sp4wn, even when I select None. Then come back and choose custom... compiz comes up... it still isn't using MY settings and then it forgets when I close/reopen00:16
savvasamx109: hold that thought00:17
amx109again, doesnt do anything. above from term output00:17
* amx109 holds00:17
* jimmygoon sorry... SCIM keeps popping up thinking I need to swith to Arabic When I use the Shift Key in Cerታኢን ፕላቸs00:17
jimmygoonah, its shift+space which apparently I do alot00:17
savvasamx109: cat /var/log/auth.log | grep -i polkit00:18
savvasMar 15 01:11:11 ubuntu polkit-grant-helper[12282]: granted authorization for org.freedesktop.policykit.grant to uid 1000 [auth=youruser]00:18
savvaslook for something like that00:19
amx109savvas, hmm. i have a "granted authorization for org.freedesktop.systemtoolsbackends.set" but not the policykit.grant bit00:21
savvasamx109: sudo apt-get install --reinstall policykit adduser dbus libpolkit-dbus2 libpolkit-grant2 libpolkit2 policykit-gnome consolekit00:21
amx109savvas, also, polkit-grant-helper-pam is spewing a few error lines00:21
savvasamx109: you should probably reboot your machine after that00:22
amx109savvas, ok, ill brb00:22
savvasMar 15 01:09:35 ubuntu polkit-grant-helper-pam[12277]: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/pam_foreground.so)00:23
savvashe's right00:23
savvasMar 15 01:09:35 ubuntu polkit-grant-helper-pam[12277]: PAM [error: /lib/security/pam_foreground.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]00:23
savvasweird error00:23
crimsunreinstall that package.00:24
crimsunlibpam-foreground: /lib/security/pam_foreground.so00:24
crimsunalthough it's not necessary anymore, so I wonder why polkit ...00:24
savvasamx109: ok try now00:26
amx109savvas, no luck im afraid00:27
savvascrimsun: here's a bit more thorough log: http://pastebin.ca/raw/94315100:28
savvasamx109: sudo apt-get install --reinstall hal00:30
amx109savvas, heh was abt to suggest the very same thing...00:30
feierfoxwill hardy contain OOo 2.4?00:30
savvasamx109: i think you'll need another reboot, sorry about that :)00:30
savvasamx109: also: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpam-foreground00:30
amx109savvas, s'ok. the new gdm sceen is pretty enough to offset that00:30
slackernfeierfox: openoffice.org-core package is 2.4.0~rc2 so i guess it will00:32
savvaswhat's in 2.4?00:32
slackernfeierfox: But i don't know really so don't take my word for it :)00:33
amx109savvas, no change00:34
savvasamx109: gksu polkit-gnome-authorization00:34
amx109savvas, same as before?00:35
savvasfirst go to unmount ... by other users00:35
savvastwo options above00:35
savvasamx109: anyone no, console no, active console: admin auth (indefinitely) right?00:36
amx109savvas, correct00:36
savvasafter that, mount ... removable drives00:36
savvasno, no, and yes right?00:37
savvasthen mount .. internal drives, no no, admin auth indefinitely00:37
amx109savvas, head, brick wall etc?00:40
savvasamx109: you tried to mount it through nautilus again?00:40
coz_hey guys do any of the current updates break anything?00:41
amx109savvas, trying to unmount via nautilus gives me a 'cannot unnount volume' dialog box. with the details tab expanded it reports that 'only riit can unmount...'00:41
savvas01:16:37 < amx109> ** (polkit-gnome-authorization:20792): WARNING **: Caught error: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)00:42
savvastry file a bug about it at bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu00:42
amx109savvas, ok. thanks for the all help00:42
savvasi guess the package would be policykit-gnome00:43
savvasamx109: in the meantime, gksu polkit-gnome-authorization and grant an authorization for the local console to your login, maybe that will fix it temporarily00:43
amx109savvas, seems i cant reproduce that bug. still no action on the click of grant but no error message this time00:45
savvasamx109: there shouldn't be a problem with gksu, you can't grant even when using gksu ??00:46
amx109savvas, i can grant with gksu. the error u pasted above came from me attempting to do it without superuser privs00:47
savvasamx109: well.. hm.. check if you can mount it now that you granted it00:48
jimmygoonI can definetly say, without a doubt that the "intel" driver is most definetly not fixed yet: http://i29.tinypic.com/9vjoe0.png00:48
amx109savvas, also do you know why all my mounted partitions (from internal drives) would show up under gnomes 'removable drives' section?00:48
savvasamx109: where do you see that removable drives?00:49
amx109savvas, the applet on the panel..the drives also appear on my desktop and are listed on the left hand pane of nautilus00:50
savvasthe disk mounter?00:50
amx109sorry, yes.00:51
savvaswell it does say "mount local disks and devices" :)00:51
savvasi hate that too actually00:51
amx109heh yea, but this wasnt the behaviour present in gutsy00:51
savvasmy sata drive pops up on desktop00:52
savvasi know i can disable it, why on earth should there be an icon for an internal drive00:52
amx109how do you disable it?00:52
savvasapps > nautilus > desktop00:53
savvasuncheck volumes_visible00:53
amx109thanks. is there nothing more granular? i have about 9 partitions visible that are mounted under / anyway..00:55
savvaswell.. now that you reminded me of the disk mounter.. i can turn it off ;)00:55
savvasamx109: the only way if by filing bugs00:55
savvasi can confirm on this one00:55
Jordan_UI am not getting direct rendering with fglrx00:55
amx109thanks again00:56
savvasamx109: highlight me with a bug link if you file one :)00:56
amx109savvas, will do00:56
savvascrimsun: is stopped complaining about that /lib/security/pam_foreground.so, thanks :)00:57
jimmygoonAny thoughts: http://i29.tinypic.com/9vjoe0.png00:59
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, DPI set *really* high?00:59
jimmygoonJordan_U, not manually. not intentionally01:00
jimmygoonthe only thing I changed to fix was switching from intel to i81001:00
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, Why did you do that? i810 is the older driver01:01
jimmygoon... it works :)01:01
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, File a bug report, then change your DPI settings manually for something that is a least closer to a proper fix :)01:02
jimmygoonJordan_U, any suggestions on what it should be?01:02
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, Whatever it is set to while you are using i81001:03
jimmygoonAnd the value in Appearance->Font->Details is accurate?01:03
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, AFIK it is :)01:03
jimmygoonthe question then becomes how on earth do I change that value when its all messed up. I literally can't do anything to save my life, let alone change my DPI01:03
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, You can set it manually in your xorg.conf ( can't remember exactly how though )01:04
jimmygoondo I Option "DPI" "96" for my device or my monitor?01:05
Ngthere's also /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/dpi in gconf, which is also 96 by default01:06
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, I would guess monitor ( or possibly "screen" ? )01:06
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, The nice thing about when X actually needed an xorg.conf was that you had examples of all of the sections :)01:07
Ngyou can make X generate a config if you want01:07
jimmygoonI have a xorg.conf01:08
Jordan_UNg, Does it create a less minimal one than debxconfig ?01:08
jimmygoonjust doesn't specifiy dpi01:08
jimmygoonJordan_U, what is your result of : xdpyinfo | grep -B1 dot01:08
NgJordan_U: not sure, probably01:08
Jordan_Uto a proper fix :)01:08
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> Jordan_U, any suggestions on what it should be?01:08
Jordan_U<Jordan_U> jimmygoon, Whatever it is set to while you are using i81001:08
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> And the value in Appearance->Font->Details is accurate?01:08
Jordan_U<Jordan_U> jimmygoon, AFIK it is :)01:09
Jordan_U* stik (n=stik@c-76-104-165-154.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #Ubuntu+101:09
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> the question then becomes how on earth do I change that value when its all messed up. I literally can't do anything to save my life, let alone change my DPI01:09
Jordan_U<Jordan_U> jimmygoon, You can set it manually in your xorg.conf ( can't remember exactly how though )01:09
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> do I Option "DPI" "96" for my device or my monitor?01:09
Jordan_U* MasterShrek has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))01:09
Jordan_U<Ng> there's also /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/dpi in gconf, which is also 96 by default01:09
Jordan_U<Jordan_U> jimmygoon, I would guess monitor ( or possibly "screen" ? )01:09
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> heh01:09
Jordan_U<Jordan_U> jimmygoon, The nice thing about when X actually needed an xorg.conf was that you had examples of all of the sections :)01:09
Jordan_U<Ng> you can make X generate a config if you want01:09
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> I have a xorg.conf01:09
Jordan_U<Jordan_U> Ng, Does it create a less minimal one than debxconfig ?01:09
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> just doesn't specifiy dpi01:09
Jordan_U<jimmygoon> Jordan_U, what is y01:09
jimmygoonwhat was that01:09
Jordan_Ujimmygoon, Thought I had copied from the terminal, apparently I had middle clicked ( copy ) in xchat afterwards :)01:10
jimmygoonWell, I was just wondering what your physical screen size was reported as01:11
Jordan_Ujimmygoon,   dimensions:    1680x1050 pixels (367x230 millimeters)  resolution:    116x116 dots per inch01:11
jimmygoonok. I wanted to check the mm sizes to see if mine seemed reasonable01:11
jimmygoonIt says my resolution is 98x96 so I guess I'll try putting that in my xorg.conf01:12
jimmyg00nsorry, I'm on my other pc while I log in and out to check the dpi stuff01:13
jimmyg00nnoope. didn't work. The text is still huuuge... and switching to tty killed my pc01:14
jimmyg00nheh, Alt+PrinScr REISUB doesn't even work01:15
jimmyg00nalright. I'm connected ssh. I just going to keep changing xorg.conf stuff and see if i can get any decent results.01:18
jimmyg00nwhat the hell. this is getting really old. after alt+ctrl+backspacing a few times it just crashes01:20
jimmyg00nmy ssh connection just crashed also. what gives?01:20
maccam94why is compiz disabled on laptops using the ati driver?!?01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
maccam94what's with all the flooding?!?!?01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:24
maccam94why is compiz disabled on laptops using the ati driver?!?01:25
RAOFmaccam94: Because it's crash-happy.01:26
jimmyg00nhahaha, the intel driver doesn't support the option dpi01:26
maccam94RAOF: it seemed to work great when alpha 6 was released...01:27
maccam94does video do it or something?01:27
maccam94jimmyg00n: we got it the first like, 25 times01:27
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
jimmyg00nmaccam94, sorry. This crappy client I'm using was being unresponsive. I didn't know what was going on01:29
maccam94well only send things once, they show up ;-)01:29
jimmyg00nhow many times did it send? just twice or lots?01:37
RAOFjimmyg00n: *lots*.  At least 10 times.01:38
maccam94jimmyg00n: 14 or 15 times01:39
jimmyg00nmaccam94, heh, I didn't know that. It became unresponsive and I kept hitting the reconnect button to no avail... I ended up killing the process and then reopening the client. heh. sorry about that01:45
maccam94i'm surprised you didn't get autokicked01:46
jimmyg00nwhoa. some sort of success. it failed to load xorg the first time. told me it couldn't detect my settings (probably loaded vesa, damn) but the text size was right01:47
jimmyg00nsorry, did it spam it again?01:48
jimmyg00nhopefully you didn't already get this: whoa. some sort of success. it failed to load xorg the first time. told me it couldn't detect my settings (probably loaded vesa, damn) but the text size was right01:49
jimmyg00nthe physical size was being set correctly, (only because I specified it manually though)01:52
nomasteryodawonder if hardy fixed the mouse freeze bug on intel gm chips01:53
nomasteryodawith synaptics01:53
nomasteryodai'm back in my dual-booted gutsy... sidux is supplanted hardy01:53
emet!info gnash01:54
ubotugnash (source: gnash): free SWF movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 328 kB, installed size 1000 kB01:54
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:55
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
Megaqwertywhat version of gnome does hardy use?01:58
MegaqwertyRAOF: thanks.01:59
RAOFWe _always_ have the latest Gnome release :)01:59
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate01:59
MegaqwertyRAOF: Most excellent :)01:59
AmaranthChevronX: Compiz is installed and enabled by default in hardy02:02
AmaranthIf your hardware is supported, that is02:02
ChevronXI was wondering. What happened to all the Beryl controls such as the cube and the beaming windows?02:02
coz_ChevronX, still there02:02
l815ChevronX, that is compiz manager02:03
Amaranthinstall compizconfig-settings-manager the go to System->Preferences->Advanced Desktop Effects Settings02:03
ChevronXIt worked02:04
l815my video laggs my system when I use effects, is there a workaround?02:04
coz_l815, which video card02:04
coz_wait aminute   l815 the best place to take this is #compiz-fusion02:05
maccam94coz_: ehhh it might be a hardy issue02:05
l815coz_, alright thanks02:05
coz_maccam94, sure it could be  but thats why I asked about the video card02:06
coz_l815, still which video card02:06
l815well on gusty video + effects didnt even work, but that is fixed with hardy02:06
l815intel gm96502:06
nomasteryodal815, is that a new install of hardy?02:06
nomasteryodaall updated and such?02:06
l815nomasteryoda, i installed it about 3 days ago02:06
l815yes all updated to date pre-released updates02:07
maccam94l815: oh ok i've got the same card02:07
nomasteryodagm915 here02:07
coz_l815, ok go to #compiz-fusion and talk with crdlb about intel  with compiz fusion02:07
l815maccam94, do you ahve the same problem?02:07
nomasteryodamouse frozen with some update02:07
l815coz_, will do02:07
maccam94......except i'm in gutsy, with a hacked compiz executable02:07
maccam94my other junky laptop is the one running hardy02:07
DavidW2I had adept_updater running last week and something got updated that broke networking and firefox. Does anyone happen to know what the problem is or if there are fixed packages I can manually copy over from another computer?02:07
coz_I dont know it that intel is blacklisted either02:07
nomasteryodamy intel with compiz works perfect .. just be sure to have bios set to max ram for the video card02:08
nomasteryodaif it can be setup that way02:08
maccam94coz_: the 965 chipset was blacklisted in gutsy because it has Xv issues02:08
ChevronXI find it good that Ubuntu Hardy Heron picked up my 2900XT drivers and installed them without any intervention02:08
DavidW2I get a permission denied error resolvconf line 77 when it's trying to mv the device files02:08
nomasteryodaDavidW2, you mean a wired network?02:08
l815nomasteryoda, even when you maximize video?02:08
DavidW2nomasteryoda: It applies to both wired (eth0) and wireless (ath0)02:09
l815oh ok i'll have to take a look02:09
nomasteryodaubuntu is fine... now my sidux is another story02:09
coz_maccam94, ah ok  yeah  so then it is not in hardy?02:09
nomasteryodahave to turn on the video filter in advanced compiz settings manager02:09
maccam94coz_: there's a new intel driver in hardy02:09
maccam94idk how well it works02:09
DavidW2nomasteryoda: I can't get either up, the dhcp user (I think) gets permission denied in the resolvconf script so I think dns is not being set up02:09
nomasteryodaand then use smplayer02:09
coz_maccam94, ah ok thats cool02:09
maccam94coz_: it technically worked the whole time, except video players would crash02:09
maccam94coz_: they're redoing the blacklists in hardy i think, so it may be blacklisted in the future02:10
coz_maccam94, ok yeah I know there is a work around for intel02:10
nomasteryodaDavidW2, if you need it up and online, try sudo ifconfig eth0 up and then sudo dhclient02:10
coz_maccam94, ooo  ok02:10
maccam94i haven't actually tested how it works on hardy yet, because this laptop is my work machine02:10
coz_maccam94, mm it will be interesting to know though so that we can have a factoid in #compiz-fusion for it  but generally we send people here  when they use hardy:)02:11
DavidW2nomasteryoda: Those commands call the same scripts, so the error is the same if I do it manually or use /etc/init.d/networking02:12
coz_so far no issues here with compiz fusion on hardy    there are hardy specific issues but seem unrelated to compizfusion02:12
maccam94coz_: there's currently some good stuff going on in the git intel driver for EXA rendering, but idk if that's going to make it into hardy02:12
coz_maccam94, ok cool02:13
Mark_MillimanAnyone know of any RSS screensavers for GNOME?  I can't believe that the GNOME screensaver-manager is soooo lame!02:13
maccam94but yeah i'm curious why compiz blacklists laptop ati cards... it was working beautifully for me when alpha 6 came out >_< of course i didn't actually run much with it, but stuff like 3D desktop and wobbly windows worked fine02:14
nomasteryodaDavidW2, you could setup dns manually02:14
nomasteryodauntil the update fixes ...02:14
l815lol i didn't know people still used screensaves :P02:14
ChevronXHmm Paint Fire on screen wonder what use that us02:14
maccam94Mark_Milliman: you might install xscreensaver-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extra02:14
nomasteryodathey are cool... l815 the compiz one looks awesome02:14
nomasteryodacube or flying windows02:14
nomasteryodalike a whirlwind02:14
nomasteryodaChevronX, burning up WIndows virtual machines for fun and profit02:15
l815lol i was just joking, since lcds there's no real need for "screensavers" :P02:15
Mark_Millimanmaccam94, there is a HOWTO on using xcreensavers with the GNOME screensavers02:15
maccam94Mark_Milliman: er rather, install the xscreensaver-* packages, but not xscreensaver itself02:15
maccam94i didn't need to follow a howto, gnome-screensaver just picked them up02:16
Mark_Millimanmaccam94, okay, I'll give it a whirl and see if the lame GNOME screensaver-manager can deal with them02:16
jscinozwhats the current breakage in hardy?02:16
slackernStupid question maybe but where does X get the list of drivers from nowadays? Does it just check /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers ?02:17
coz_jscinoz, I just did the most recent updates and other than the general stuff broken nothing else broke :)02:17
ChevronXBecause its running Compiz. Would it be the metacity themes I need to change?02:17
jscinozhmm, see i'm needing a clean reinstall and i02:17
jscinozi'm torn between clean install to current hardy alpha, then just update to release, or wait until release and clean reinstall02:18
jscinoz>_< ' is too close to enter :P02:18
ChevronXI just installed a new copy and dist upgraded02:18
ChevronXNo problems02:18
Mark_MillimanI tried to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy but I had a real HW failure during the upgrade so I had to rebuild the system.  I am glad that I got a clean install.  Things are working great!02:19
* jscinoz is glad he kept /home on its own partition02:19
ChevronXIs there a AWN channel here?02:20
jimmygoonHow do I check what video driver is being used? I think I got it working! Despite the fact that I burnt out gnome-settings-daemon in the process and now it doesn't work02:20
coz_jimmygoon, whichi video card?02:20
jimmygooncoz_, intel02:21
coz_glxinfo|grep OpenGL\ version02:21
DavidW2nomasteryoda: I just wanted to know if anyone else reported the bug here, or maybe I can get a list of all packages updated in the past week?02:21
jimmygooncoz_, what should it say if its using the "intel" driver versus "vesa"02:21
jscinozthe release date is april 21 right? or was it april 27?02:22
jimmygoonthe screen is acting like its using vesa :( its slow02:22
coz_jscinoz, not sure since I know nearly nothing about intel02:22
Mark_MillimanDavidW2, update manager will tell you all of the current updates you need to apply02:22
ChevronX<jscinoz> I couldn't personally wait to upgrade. It is awesome02:22
jscinozcoz_ i think you mean to adress that to jimmygoon02:22
jscinozchevronx, thanks02:22
jimmygoonwhere has my auto tab complete gone for terminal commands?02:23
jimmygoonI'm gonna cry. Now gnome-settings-daemon is dumping its core every time it runs02:23
cmorganare there any extensions required for kde4 to support its full set of effects?02:30
ethana2probably xrender and xgl or whatever02:34
cmorganethana2: so i should install xserver-xgl and use that?02:34
ethana2i don't really know02:34
cmorgani'm trying to find some info online about it but there isn't much02:34
ethana2i had compiz installed before i installed kde402:34
cmorganyeah i had compiz before and it was crashing with vmware i think02:35
Picixgl is not needed for the ATI drivers in Hardy.02:35
cmorganusing nvidia here02:36
cmorganproprietary drivers02:36
RAOFcmorgan: kde4 requires exactly what compiz requires.02:38
cmorganRAOF: oh ok. i'll look for that then since i couldnt' find any info about kde4 requirements02:39
RAOFcmorgan: Basically, it should just work.02:39
cmorganRAOF: doesn't need xserver-xgl?02:39
RAOFWhat it needs is Composite and GL_EXT_texture_from_pixmap02:40
cmorganRAOF: is composite something i need to turn on via an extension in xorg.conf?02:40
RAOF* For sufficiently non-crazy drivers.02:41
RAOFThese being everything !nvidia-glx-legacy or old fglrx.02:41
cmorgani don't see composite listed in the output of glxinfo02:41
cmorganbut i do see GL_EXT_texture_from_pixmap listed02:42
RAOFThat's because it's not a glx extension :)02:42
cmorgannot sure how to query for it02:42
RAOFYou'll have it.02:42
RAOFxdpyinfo, I think, will confirm.02:42
cmorgani mean graphics are snappy02:42
cmorganRAOF: yep,listed in the output of xdpyinfo02:43
jimmygoonI gave up. The only time I think I got it working it was rendering so slowly I could see it scanning from top to bottom... that and "the right config" kept causing gnome-settings-daemon to crash.02:43
jimmygoonThis is a really frustrating problem02:43
cmorganRAOF: like i turn on the 'fps' indicator but i don't see fps anywhere02:43
cmorganRAOF: you know the one under desktop effects.02:45
cmorganRAOF: since i can't get that to work i'm also thinking the other effects aren't working, but i'm not sure why02:45
RAOFIf you're thinking about "benchmark", then you need to activate it, too.  (There's a keyboard shortcut).02:45
cmorganRAOF: its listed as "Show FPS"02:46
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
telexiconawesome its fixed yay03:04
telexiconnow i can update blindly again03:04
IOUdoes anyone find the 2.6.24-12 kernel slower than the 2.6.24-11 ?03:13
jimmygoonyes :)03:14
IOUlol apart from you :p03:14
cwillutelexicon, obviously the lesson wasn't learned :p03:16
savvascurse the discoverer of coffee, I can't sleep03:17
savvasIOU: a tad bit slower, but a lot better when it comes to managing network download/upload03:18
IOUi find it to be alot more than a tad bit slower, Cant even play Frets on Fire in this kernel. the 24-11 kernel didnt affect it03:19
savvaswell, I'll sacrifice speed to have a working network. Imagine that I was getting disconnected while talking in IRC, because my response time/ping lag got too high03:20
IOUi never had that proble,03:20
savvasnot all of us get drunk either03:20
IOUlol good point03:21
burneranyone try an eee on hardy yet?03:21
savvasWhat I mean is it's probably a linux driver for my ethernet03:21
IOUexcuse my thickness, but what is eee ?03:21
jimmygoonasus eee pc - ultraportable laptop03:21
burnerteh asus eee pc03:21
jimmygoon(over rated) cough cough03:21
IOUooh, in that case, no lol03:22
* burner likes it and it was cheap03:22
IOUi know my DV1717tu hates it03:22
burnermy desktop is lovin it03:22
burnerin fact, i have 2 desktops lovin it03:22
burneri'm scare to upgrade my eee03:23
burneri like wireless networking03:23
IOUthis seems to run it just peachy. Although  few initial hiccups with fglrx03:23
jimmygoonI'm trying really hard to love it...03:23
savvasburner: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=451517203:23
savvasnot much03:23
savvasi think the next release will target wireless networking and laptops03:24
savvasstep by step.. :)03:24
DanaGeee would be even  MORE ultraportable if it supported SpeedStep.03:24
DanaGBut nope, Asus seemed to want cheapness over everything.03:24
jimmygoonjeez, my window redraw time is so noticable in hardy/new kernel...03:25
IOUrefresh my memory, feisty had a big emphasis on wireless networking didnt it?03:25
jimmygoonand firefox is lacking a home button03:25
IOUit is?03:25
IOUit is too03:25
DanaGIt's on the bookmarks toolbar.03:25
IOUah so it is03:25
jimmygoonI disable that. because it is annoying03:25
DanaGI usually have that toolbar hidden, so I had to go to Customize to get it back.03:25
burnersavvas: cool, thanks, the wireless card was my suspicion.  i don't feel like recompiling throughout hardy development though03:26
jimmygoonThanks. :)03:26
jimmygoonhas anyone else testing hardy noticed fx3's weird font rendering03:27
IOUi havent noticed anything out of the ordinary03:27
savvashm.. I'd love an eee lappy, I'll add it to my amazon wishlist, maybe someone will (not) buy it for me hehehe03:27
DanaGIf I were looking for ultralight, I'd rather get a 12" with something like 9 hours of battery life.03:28
[Hardy]TuTUXGmbp caught on fire!!03:28
jimmygoonmy custom setting is gone from gnome-appearance-properties too03:28
savvasjimmygoon: you can add it by customizing the toolbars03:28
jimmygoonsavvas, add what?03:29
savvasthe home button03:29
jimmygoonsavvas, the home button in firefox? DanaG got me fixed up already03:29
jimmygoonnow its just the custom compiz option that I'm missing03:29
savvasah sowwy03:29
IOUnote to self, dont activate xgl, Everything turns white03:29
DanaGOne thing I miss from the git compiz: snow.03:30
DanaGAnd snowglobe, too.03:30
savvasIOU: at least you get a leet cool snow-white lean mean killing machine :)03:30
IOUhaha yeah03:30
jimmygoongrr. here's a bug. If you install simple-ccsm and full ccsm compizconfig-settings-manager and REMOVE simple-ccsm and leave the other... the option still disappears03:30
jimmygoonthat and it still won't let me actually select custom effects. it just reverts my change and ignores it03:31
IOUhrm. i bet when i get my new motherboard and CPU i will have to reinstall -.-03:32
DanaG sudo btrace /dev/sda03:32
DanaGBLKTRACESETUP: No such file or directory03:32
DanaGFailed to start trace on /dev/sda03:32
jimmygoonEven better bug. It says it isn't using custom settings... but it IS!03:33
jimmygoonhahah the ultimate mind-screw03:33
IOUDMA doesnt work again03:34
Asa_AHow do I get tab completion back in my terminal like I had in Gutsy? "sudo apti<tab>" doesn't work anymore03:34
frank23Asa_A: install bash-completion03:36
savvasi have a bug about that :)03:36
frank23Asa_A: I think that's the package name03:36
savvascorrect frank2303:36
Asa_Athanks, do you know why it was removed from the default install?03:36
frank23Asa_A: it has been removed from bash upstream03:37
savvasnope but I can give you the link to confirm it03:37
savvasBug #19516303:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195163 in ubuntu-meta "hardy - need bash-completion" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19516303:38
jimmygoonYAY! that was my other question03:38
jimmygoonI hate having to remember the full names of packages03:38
frank23savvas: I think it was removed because it's not being maintained03:39
savvasfrank23: I had an update a while back03:39
savvas  Installed: 20060301-303:40
DanaGcompiz.real (core) - Error: Could not acquire compositing manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"03:40
DanaGcompiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.003:40
savvasor maybe not03:40
savvasDanaG: you're hard *core* now :)03:40
savvasbut even if not maintained, the bash-completion provides completion for enough command lines and their arguments03:42
jimmygoonAny chance of the human theme ever having shorter menu items since there are .... soooo many preferences menu items03:43
alex_mayorgahi, so I'm still stranded at bug 201673 any counseling channel or something?03:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201673 in glibc "REGRESSION: glibc 2.7-9ubuntu1 NSS module broken due to toolchain changes" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20167303:48
xserver-sglanyone know if you can get back the notification area "information is available" popups after you dismiss them? I got one, read it, ignored it and I need to reference what it said now (8.04 a6)03:48
alex_mayorgait is worsened because I seem to have X borked on that desktop, any helping hands? thanks in advance03:49
xserver-sglor... does anyone know what I have to do to resolve the  conflict between X and Xserver-xgl on startup w/ the script?03:50
xserver-sglooh system log maybe... would 8.04 a6 log notification area popups?03:51
xserver-sgland if so, where?03:51
jimmygoonSystem->Administration -> System Logs03:52
jimmygoonor are you not at the gui now?03:52
jimmygoonI suppose /var/log somewhere03:52
xserver-sglI have gui open... default gnome since settings-daemon won't start so it's kind of ugly03:53
alex_mayorgaxserver-sgl, it should work if you use safe gnome03:54
alex_mayorgaI mean fail safe gnome03:54
xserver-sglyeah failsafe gnome works03:54
jimmygoonnautilus is actually transferring files faster now isn't it?03:54
alex_mayorgadon-t know, my destokp is still borked :(03:54
macogwis everything frozen now?03:55
macogwor are bugfix patches still being taken?03:55
macogwthere's an upstream patch i'd like to see included in hardy03:55
alex_mayorgamacogw, is there a bug filed already?03:56
xserver-sglI think features are frozen but bugfixes are still accepted03:56
xserver-sglbut dont quote me03:56
jimmygoonI hope bugfixes are still accepted... this stupid xorg/intel business hopefully will be fixed :(03:56
DanaGWow, it just took 6 tries to start Compiz.03:58
DanaGThat's really annoying.03:58
alex_mayorgacan any one help me out of the libc6 problem, please?03:58
xserver-sglyou think if I purge the package that triggered the "information is available" popup it would bring it back on reinstall?03:59
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, boot from a live disc. use dpkg --root= whatever to reinstall libc603:59
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, and check /topic because there are links with full solutions there04:00
alex_mayorgajimmygoon, problem at hand is my xserver-xorg is also acting up, how do I fix that from the Live CD?04:00
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, I dunna. Fix libc6 first. It will possibly/probably fix your xserver probs04:01
alex_mayorgajimmygoon, I've checked those but everyone seemed to have working X04:01
macogwalex_mayorga: i just filed one on launchpad04:01
pwnguinso X isnt working on the live CD04:01
macogwthere was a bug filed and fixed on gnome's bugzilla04:02
macogwbug #20240504:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202405 in rhythmbox "[Hardy] Rhythmbox loads songs before checking which directories to load from" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20240504:02
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, does X work from your livedisc? if so then you can fix it...???04:02
macogwjimmygoon: does your X keep crashing too?04:02
alex_mayorgaI'm still torrenting the Live CD anyway, so please bear with me and thanks on the tips and pointers04:02
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, your xserver problems will not stop you from being able to fix the problem04:02
jimmygoonmacogw, well, kinda. What driver are you on?04:03
macogwjimmygoon: intel04:03
pwnguinalex_mayorga: if the live CD works, then you dont need to worry about the installed x server working or not to fix libc04:03
alex_mayorgaOK, thanks on the encouraging words :)04:04
jimmygoonmacogw, :O yes! I finally got it configured properly and implemented a ton of workarounds from a lenthyl launchpad thread (that still is NOT resolved mind you) and when X was working "properly" it was causing gnome-settings-daemon to crash and had HORRIBLE refresh qualirt...I was waiting for the screen to render04:04
xserver-sglHA! GOT IT04:04
pwnguinit might still be broke when you're done fixing libc, but you'll have no luck trying until libc is solved ;)04:04
jimmygoonmacogw, of course, I just ended up switching bakc to "i810" since it worked04:04
xserver-sgland sorry for all caps I couldn't resist04:04
alex_mayorgais it me or video has been quirkier on this release?04:05
xserver-sgljust for reference if you're looking for info given to you during package install look in synaptic, right-click on that package and go to installed files and check out all the stuff there to see if you can find it04:05
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, amen04:06
pwnguini know they're trying to pull in intel's new drivers for compiz etc04:06
pwnguinand a transition between accelleration systems04:07
macogwjimmygoon: oh my whole X just dies04:07
pwnguini forget the acronyms04:07
macogwjimmygoon: alt+SysRq+t gets me to a terminal, but if i try to restart gdm...no luck...still a black screen04:07
pwnguinanyone know an alternative to google browser sync?04:07
pwnguinone that works with both ff3 and ff2?04:08
jimmygoonmacogw, ugh. I don't even know. I spent forever screwing with it this afternoon. I decided I'd wait till tomorrow and see what launchpad has to say04:08
alex_mayorgamacogw, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh usually takes me out of X misery04:08
alex_mayorgapwnguin, weave or something like that from mozilla labs04:09
macogwalex_mayorga: except that since gutsy that command does *nothing*04:10
jimmygoonpwnguin, I sync my bookmarks to del.icio.us04:10
pwnguinalex_mayorga: only supports 3.0 and up =(04:10
macogwall it does is backup the file and exit04:10
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, what does -phigh do?04:10
macogwpriority high04:10
pwnguinjimmygoon: i kinda also like the history sync04:10
macogwjust the GUI stuff04:10
Black_MagicI found internet problem /ect/network/interfaces wasnt configuring ath0 (my interface) instead it was using ath104:10
macogwjimmygoon: ^04:10
Black_Magicso ath0 wasnt getting configured04:10
Black_Magic= seemingly connected04:10
Black_Magicbut no internet04:10
Black_Magicrebooted after change and it worked ;)04:10
Black_MagicHopefully it keeps working04:11
macogwalex_mayorga: besides, hardy doesnt put anything in xorg.conf04:11
Black_MagicWell just wanted to say that04:11
macogwit just says "configured" for everything04:11
macogwugh touchpads still not fixed04:11
ionstormis it just me or does hardy have extreme memory consumption04:12
pwnguinionstorm: as measured by?04:13
ionstormthis is the first rls that im swapping to disk04:13
macogwi think except between 1/3 and 1/2 of my in-use memory is cached04:13
macogwso im thinking it's just pre-fetching04:13
pwnguinSwap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,04:13
pwnguinthats not good04:13
ionstormhow much ram?04:13
ionstormSwap:         2933        535       239804:14
alex_mayorgadon-t know, but that command usually gives me my GUI back04:14
pwnguinMem:   1034952k total,   994800k used,    40152k free,   120104k buffers04:14
macogw$ free -m total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached04:14
macogwMem:          1001        888        113          0         25        23104:14
ionstormi have a gig of ram04:14
ionstormmy box shouldnt run slower than vista04:14
macogwi have a gig too04:14
ionstorm             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached04:14
ionstormMem:          1009        970         38          0         49        36704:14
ionstorm-/+ buffers/cache:        554        45504:14
ionstormwhat are u running04:15
ionstormim running thunderbird/ettercap,updatemanager and xchat04:15
ionstormand pidgin04:15
pwnguinthose numbers are strange04:15
pwnguinthey're very small04:16
ionstormive experimented between 0-10004:16
IcemanV9hmm ... dapper > hardy upgrade doesn't work well04:16
macogwirssi, firefox, tomboy, sunbird, and pidgin04:16
ionstormhow r they small?04:16
macogwpwnguin: free -m = in megabytes04:17
corevettebanshee vs. rhythmbox....and why?04:17
tritiumIcemanV9: you didn't expect it to, did you?04:17
jimmygoonMem:       1521968    1450516      7145204:17
macogwcorevette: rhythmbox because banshee doesnt watch directories well at all04:17
jimmygoonused 1.4 gig?04:17
pwnguinused includes buffers and cache04:17
IcemanV9tritium: no ... i was hoping it would be close to beta phase (less bugs) :-/04:17
tritiumIcemanV9: :)04:17
ionstormwell linux naturally uses more ram *but* why am i getting shit swapped to disk?04:18
pwnguinbasically, a lot of your memory is used to cache disk, instead of sitting idle04:18
pwnguinand having stuff in swap isnt nessecarily bad04:18
corevettemacogw: how come rhythmbox is never updated? and is there anything better than rhythmbox?04:18
pwnguinwhats bad is having lots of stuff moving in and out of sawp04:18
IcemanV9tritium: at least, i got an extra laptop (for my kids to play with) to see if it works ...04:18
pwnguinswap = a great place to put stuff you never use04:18
pwnguini dont know offhand a way to measure swap hit rates04:19
IcemanV9which version that have guided partitioning with /home partition?? hoary or dapper?? how come we don't see them anymore?04:19
IcemanV9i see hardy doesn't have one04:20
jimmygoonis it prelink or preload that speeds things up?04:21
ionstormi have preload installed, dont run it anymore, i was getting more swapped04:21
ionstormpreload works for some ppl04:21
tritiumjimmygoon: preload is the newer method04:21
strabesi feel very dumb. I wanted to remove some of the options in my grub list, give the frequent kernel updates, so i removed several of the old linux-images (the ones before 12). It removed some other packages like linux-restricted-modules etc and now it will not recognize my intel sound card! What should I do? Is there a way to see which packages aptitude removed?04:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGIcemanV9, separate /home is not necessary to be default, esp when the hd is small04:23
strabesit's related to this bug but this was fixed awhile back - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/20033804:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released]04:23
pwnguin/var/log/dpkg.log might be a good start04:24
IcemanV9[Hardy]TuTUXG: i remembered when i installed ubuntu (hoary or dapper) it gave me a few choices including a separate /home partition ... and i never seen them again in later versions. i am just curious why it just disappeared. i thought a separate /home partition would be beneficial for serious ubuntu users like us. :-)04:27
[Hardy]TuTUXGIcemanV9, u could still manually set a separate /home partition04:29
Gumbyallo all.  I am trying to setup the cube effect and Im not sure what is the current proper way to do this.  Does anyone have a URL one may read to figure this out?04:29
macogwrhythmbox is never updated? news to me. it sucked in dapper and is fully-featured in gutsy and hardy04:29
[Hardy]TuTUXGrhythmbox is much nicer now04:30
hydrogenyea, it found a few more things to copy from amarok04:30
alex_mayorgaGumby> !compiz04:30
Gumbyalex_mayorga: do I need to be identified or something for that to work?  I got no message?04:31
[Hardy]TuTUXGhydrogen, thanks for mention that04:31
IcemanV9[Hardy]TuTUXG: yea ... alright. time to install hardy over dapper so my kids can play with newer stuffs04:31
Gumbyoh sorry, you wanted me to do !compiz.  I thought you were getting the bot to say it to me :)04:32
alex_mayorgaGumby, I probably messed the message up04:32
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:32
Gumbyalex_mayorga: probably something like !compiz > gumby04:32
J-_Woah, when did this channel get so popular? =D04:32
tritiumJ-_: long ago04:32
ethana2It's the Year of the Linux desktop04:32
alex_mayorgaabout 2 years ago :)04:32
macogwalex_mayorga: pass it to him, do it as "!compiz | gumby"04:33
pwnguinwhat happens the year after the year of the linux desktop?04:33
macogw> makes it PM them04:33
macogwand | does it in channel with a ping04:33
ethana2total annihilation of windows04:33
alex_mayorgamacogw, thanks, would try to remember04:33
macogwalex_mayorga: you know the pipe command?04:33
pwnguinin that case, it is not the year of the desktop, and wont be for five years or more04:33
ethana2pwnguin: this year is the year people are aware we exist, and the year we become better in every way04:34
ethana2.../after that/, windows market share will go into freefall04:34
alex_mayorgamacogw, I'm supposed to know a bunch of things :(04:34
pwnguinethana2: we didnt get better last year?04:34
ethana2ethana2: not in /every/ way04:34
ethana2WINE 1.004:34
virtualdethana2: especially since vista is crappy and slow04:34
ethana2compat with XP programs04:35
ethana2...hardware we just got04:35
pwnguinwine's great and all, but its nothing like the value of native programs04:35
[Hardy]TuTUXGwine is native afaik04:35
virtualdwine is not an emulator ;)04:36
* IcemanV9 says dapper is good ol' stable system in a long time (problem-free)... will miss it. come on, hardy. let see if it beats dapper. (hardy is installing)04:38
* alex_mayorga goes install dapper04:39
telexiconIcemanV9, not yet04:42
Black_MagicSmall problem with All Pixmap images turning to small pages with crease at top instead of regular icon pictures..04:50
Black_Magiclike Firefox 3.0 not having a desktop icon ect..04:50
Black_Magicjust a page.04:50
jimmygoonwhere at? with compiz window thumbs?04:52
pwnguinpeople running hardy on laptops: is the power button bringing up a logout menu?04:53
pwnguini have my power switch bring up a hibernate/suspend/etc menu, but it fails04:53
* jimmygoon is afraid to push it now04:53
pwnguinit does nothing when configured to bring up that menu04:54
jimmygoonlawl. mine says "Music Player has stopped the policy action from taking place: Playing"04:54
alex_mayorgapwnguin, confirmed here04:54
pwnguinit does turn the system off if i set it up that way04:54
jimmygoonfrom hitting hte POWER button04:54
pwnguinbug 5767204:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57672 in baltix "linux-image-2.6.15-26-amd64-generic_2.6.15-26.46_amd64 crash" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5767204:55
pwnguinbug 5787204:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 57872 in gnome-power-manager "regression: pressing power button no longer brings up logout dialog" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787204:55
Amaranthah, damn that inhibit support :P05:00
pwnguinshould that bug really reuse the existing report?05:01
Amaranthdoesn't really matter at this point, it's already Fix committed05:02
J-_Amaranth ftw! =)05:03
pwnguinbut it does make the bug hard to read05:03
AmaranthJ-_: what'd i do now? :)05:04
J-_told me to get this rockin laptop nonetheless.05:04
Amaranthah :)05:05
AmaranthI'm going to get the dell05:05
Amaranthm1330 or whatever05:05
* burner rocks an eee and loves it05:05
burnerbut i can see the appeal in the xps05:05
AmaranthJ-_: what did you get, i forgot05:05
J-_I've never had a Dell before05:05
J-_Thinkpad R61e05:06
* burner bought the first dell dimension desktop with ubuntu... 05:06
AmaranthThe only reason I'm not looking to get a Thinkpad is because I want a 13.3" screen05:06
Amaranthand the dell has an LED backlight05:06
burnerxps has a 13"05:06
[Hardy]TuTUXG"cough" thinkpad "cough"05:06
burnerand linux support05:06
Amaranthfor 13.3" your choices are xps 1330, thinkpad x300, and macbook air05:06
tritiumAmaranth: I think that LED backlit screen has a lower resolution than the standard screen05:07
Amaranthtritium: that's probably a good thing, i'm blind05:07
Amaranthwell, almost05:07
voidmagewas it a conscious decision to have a "live desktop" and an "installer" mode for the livecd?05:07
J-_hrm, Amaranth ohh lappy like the macbook air, just with a cd(or dvd) rom?05:07
voidmageon hardy?05:07
burneri have nothing but good things to say about dell & ubuntu.  I even updated a BIOS in ubuntu05:07
J-_13.3" must be really expensive. =|05:07
tritiumAmaranth: ah, okay.  And I'm not sure if it comes with the integrated webcam or not.05:07
voidmagebecause i found it a hassle to check on things like mountpoints while running the livecd in "installer mode"05:07
Amaranthit does05:07
Amaranthand it doesn't mention a lower screen resolution05:07
voidmagehad to switch to a tty to check on those since i found no way to get a terminal in the installer05:08
Amaranthvoidmage: the installer mode is for low memory computers05:08
burnervoidmage: next time use the livecd and install from it :)05:08
tritiumAmaranth: really?  I'll check again.05:08
Amaranthvoidmage: the regular mode still has the installer05:08
voidmagemaybe that needs a better description05:08
IcemanV9fwiw, ubuntu ran superb on thinkpad (i have tp z60m)05:08
voidmagebtw, hardy is shaping up to be awesome05:09
tritiumAmaranth: ah, the webcam is the difference: 2.0 Megapixel vs. VGA05:09
Amaranthso i can have 2 megapixels of crappy image or VGA resolution of crappy image05:09
tritiumAmaranth: heh, I guess so :)05:10
burnerdoes the thinkpad come with ubuntu?05:10
tritiumburner: no05:10
Amaranthsame thing as a cell phone camera05:10
macogwmy bf just got a little thinkpad x6105:10
voidmagealso are the oddities with "connect to server" known, such as saving the servers in your "places" favorites instead of with the server favorites, and the "unable to mount" errors?05:10
macogwhe put ubuntu on it and called me for help05:10
IcemanV9alternative hardy install stopped at glibc detected *** parted_devices: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7e48ba805:10
[Hardy]TuTUXGburner, no05:10
Amarantha 2 megapixel regular camera will take a better photo than a 5 megapixel cell phone camera05:10
macogwhe has about 14 more years of linux experience than i do05:10
* burner knows what company he would support05:10
[Hardy]TuTUXGburner, u can choose suse on some models05:10
alex_mayorgawhen would IBM join the party?05:11
tritiumAmaranth: I also intend to get a Dell, likely after they start shipping with 8.0405:11
Amaranthvoidmage: putting them in places is deliberate, they are just bookmarks now same as the other things in places05:11
* tritium has a T43p work laptop05:11
IcemanV9burner: no, but other linux dist (I don't recall its name)05:11
jimmygoonI'm getting a t61p soon hopefully :)05:11
Amaranthas for the other one i used connect to server to setup sftp and smb connections without problems05:11
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, t61p 14' here05:11
alex_mayorgaDell is finally selling ubuntu over here in latin america05:12
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, what res are you at? I'm trying to decide what size/res to get. I want to go all out full wuxga but I'm afraid that will be too small for even m05:12
* pwnguin is just happy that he can browse smb with nautilus and launch mplayer on files found therein05:12
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, and a 14" would be nice compared to a 15.4" even though thats what Ihaven ow05:12
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, 1400x105005:12
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, is it... adequate without being too big/small?05:13
voidmageAmaranth: oh. i kind of liked it in its own category05:13
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, the graphic card sucks compare to 15.4', but it's cheaper05:13
alex_mayorgawhould the eeePC owner send me a PM, please?05:13
gluerim trying to play any music CD an it just wont play in any apps? any ideas?05:13
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, yeah... thats the other things (though the MBP which I don't really like much... have 512mb graphics cards :O)05:14
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, i like the res, good enough for me05:14
IcemanV9my hp (dapper) runs in 1400x1050; it looks so beautiful and sharp05:14
gluerand yes...i checked the volume05:14
macogwgluer: have you used flash in firefox lately?05:14
* IcemanV9 restarted the hardy install05:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, and the 14' use ddr2 ram for graphic card, compare ddr3 for the 15.405:15
jimmygoonWell, my dad has a t60 and its 1400x1050 and its pretty much right on... so on a 15.4 its either go up a bit to wuxga or go down to 1440x1050 (on a bigger screen)05:15
macogwim going on vacation tomorrow and my net access will be in the form of a Verizon EVDO USB dongle....anyone know if I can use that in Ubuntu?  it's for my dad's windows computer05:15
gluerwhy cant i just open the cd.. right click the wav and select Play? where is that option?05:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, i prefer to a widescreen 14.1 screen too, but they only offer those for t6105:16
IcemanV9macogw: try it while you're home05:16
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, yeah and the graphics cards for those is similar to the integrated intel junko Ive got now05:17
alex_mayorgawhy don-t order a Raven X1 or whatever they call the linux enabled lenovo tablets nowadays05:17
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, cause those lack power compared to the t61p :) and because the t61p has decent linux support ... ibm was pretty good about that05:17
IcemanV9man, alternative hardy is taking a long to detect network hardware ...05:18
* pwnguin has a widescreen 14.105:18
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, for t61? i think it's a quadro 140m, much better than intel afaik, similar to a gforce 8400m gs05:18
IcemanV9s/long/long time05:18
pwnguinfrom toshiba05:18
pwnguinits a tablet though ;)05:18
pwnguinit took me a long time to find a tablet with quality 3d05:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, in other hand, t61p has a quadro fx 570m which is similar to a gforce 8600m gt05:19
jimmygoon( I don't know what any of those mean :P )05:19
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, gforce 8600m gt is what mbp has05:20
alex_mayorgapwnguin, what model is that?05:20
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, mk05:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, what i mean is that the regular t61 is good enough on graphic side, much better than integrated intel cards05:21
macogwIcemanV9: i dont have it at home05:21
[Hardy]TuTUXGjimmygoon, the t61p just offers some more extra05:21
jimmygoon[Hardy]TuTUXG, yeah. I probably need to rethink just how much of a graphics card I REALLY need...05:22
macogwIcemanV9: it's my dad's wireless card. we live 250 miles apart and are meeting up in florida for spring break, then going our separate ways again.05:22
pwnguinalex_mayorga: tecra m7. i had to custom order the quadro nvs 110m, and i think they redid the model05:22
macogwgluer: if you double click it should open in nautilus and let you do that05:23
pwnguinok, since there's so many laptop users here, anyone have an sd card and a  Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)05:23
alex_mayorgatoshiba really dropped the ball on killing that series05:23
macogwpwnguin: yes05:23
IcemanV9macogw: ah. oh well. i'm sure you can test it and find out. and, research on it before you go. good luck and have fun.05:23
pwnguinin gutsy it would never work. now it's only a 50 / 50 chance05:23
macogwIcemanV9: no idea of the model number...so no idea how to research that05:24
[Hardy]TuTUXGpwnguin, i have a ext 6-1 card reader but i dont use it a lot05:24
macogwon we have a different model then05:24
macogwthere are a few different TI 5-in-1 blah blah blah's05:24
macogwmine has worked consistently since a week after feisty's release05:24
macogwand worked in edgy if i listed the modules in the /etc/modules05:25
gluerlast nite i used an old usb tv tuner through kaffeine ran it into stereo - tv - and projector on wall, through hardy didnt miss a beat05:25
macogwpcixx12? where do you get that?05:25
macogwlspci doesnt say anything like that for me05:25
IcemanV9cool, gluer05:25
pwnguinTexas Instruments PCIxx12 SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller05:25
gluerice! very very cool05:26
macogwis that lscpi -v?05:26
macogwmine sats exactly what you posted before....how did it change in 2 minutes?05:26
pwnguindifferent line05:26
macogw04:09.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD) <-- mine05:26
gluerice: on projector the cube and the wobbly BS windows looks amazing05:27
IcemanV9gluer: ha. i am sure. :)05:27
macogwok mine says: 04:09.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Cardbus Controller05:27
pwnguintry lsmod | grep tifm05:28
macogwthey're all loaded, as they should be05:29
macogwaren't yours?05:29
pwnguinjust two05:29
pwnguincore and 7xx105:29
macogwmodprobe the sd one?05:29
macogwmmc_core should be calling tifm_sd05:29
macogwwait wrong05:30
macogwtifm_sd calls mmc_core05:30
pwnguinthey loaded05:30
pwnguinbut nothing changed in dmesg or the device itself05:30
macogwprobably to do with yours being an SD Host Controller and mine being CardBus05:31
pwnguini have cardbus listed as well05:32
pwnguinbut thats the interconnect i think05:32
pwnguinbut if you dont have the sd host then who knows05:32
macogwnope...lspci | grep Texas gets the 5-in-1 line, the CardBus line, and one about FireWire05:33
pwnguinanyways, ive seen bug reports about it in the past, but mine seemed extra broke.05:34
pwnguinguess i'll reboot and hope the magic coin lands head up this time05:34
macogwthat line could be the explanation05:34
gluerare avail WAP's supposed to give some kind of notification? i dont get any05:35
pwnguingluer: god i hope not. theres like 20 here05:37
gluerive got 2 cisco N1 cards in..im trying to get both running so i can get 600meg05:38
gluerand two n1 waps05:38
gluerpwnguin: lol mcdonalds is 250 metres from my house i could get free internet of their McWapCrap05:40
[Hardy]TuTUXGfuck adobe, seriously05:40
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:41
glueri agree.. i need wine to give me CS3 support05:41
jimmygoonsee yall thanks for the hearty hardy help05:45
gluercan i bridge two n1 cards with two n1 waps?05:46
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Fjodor_Hmmm, any ideas about emerald-theme-manager not showing buttons to download themes even though subversion _is_ installed?05:55
crdlbFjodor_: that feature was removed since those repos no longer exist05:58
Fjodor_crdlb: Ah, ok. That seems reasonable then ;-) But where and how do I get themes then?05:59
crdlbFjodor_: there are themes on various websites like gnome-look.org06:00
pwnguinmacogw: going through the bugs, i seem to have found a script that eventually brings up the sd card by adding/removing the module06:00
pwnguinmacogw: i see you used to have problems with sd too ;)06:00
crdlb(they're usually incorrectly labeled as "beryl themes")06:00
Fjodor_crdlb: Ok, thanks again :-)06:00
LynoureKDE3.5.9 and KDE4.0 kubuntus seem to have different install images, is it easy to install both versions of kde on a single instance of the OS in hardy?06:01
macogwpwnguin: yes in edgy it required manually loading the modules and in feisty devel it was broken, then fixed, then they dropped the driver version number backwards (doh!) and then a week or two after feisty's release they brought back the working driver06:06
pwnguinmacogw: i noticed it worked in like dapper or edgy for the first time and was happy06:07
pwnguinthen it stopped working; even the scripts to try a billion times would fail06:07
pwnguinapparently mandriva patched this by updating the timeout for sd06:08
pwnguinfrom 2 to 1006:08
pwnguinlooking what it's set to currently06:08
pwnguinyea, it's still set to 206:12
macogwubuntu devs say rhythmbox came from gnome in feb, after the patch for my issue was committed, so it's in hardy06:12
macogwgnome devs say this means the problem is hal's not theirs06:12
macogwhal reports correct info, so rhythmbox has to be doing it wrong06:12
pwnguinrhythmbox didnt come from gnome06:13
pwnguinit came from debian06:13
LynoureI wonder if my question was too stupid or too difficult... I'd expect someone to know.06:13
pwnguinLynoure: it SHOULD be trivial, but i dont use kde06:14
pwnguinmaybe they make it hard?06:14
gluerin my opinion i dont think any question is stupid06:14
pwnguinLynoure: you've excluded the possibility that nobody is using kubuntu ;)06:14
Lynourepwnguin: was not hard in gutsy, but kind of hoping to get certain answer from someone before choosing which image to install06:15
Lynourepwnguin: someone is, maybe not just awake06:15
Lynourepwnguin: which image to install from...06:15
pwnguinyou should be able to set up whatever if you're clever enough06:16
pwnguinit's all the same repos and apt06:16
Lynourepwnguin: Not a native speaker. Not interested in being 'clever' at this point, just wanting to test things as-is.06:16
pwnguinwell, i havent done what you're looking for. anyone else is welcome to chime in here.06:17
Lynourepwnguin: one of the things that get too little testing on Kubuntu side is the doing things by the book, the way reasonably new user would. So that's my hobby =)06:17
pwnguinLynoure: knock yourself out. i just try to get all my hardware working ;06:18
gluerlynoure: is the an edubuntu?06:18
Lynouregluer: Sorry, I did not understand your question... I don't use edubuntu.06:19
glueri have over 800 pcs just waiting for novell to produce a deb login client and i will swap to ubuntu06:19
macogwpwnguin: well i'm compiling gnome's svn now, so we'll see06:21
Lynouregluer: I hope it will happen soon. Or that a compatible open source client will be developed.06:23
gluerdamn: i really hope so too, ive been on this channel for ages trying to figure out a way to have that happen...06:23
gluerfriggin novell06:24
gluerin australia majority of colleges are still using novell06:24
Lynouregluer: you could try to scare them into it with an impatient letter, maybe co-signed with someone else06:27
gluerive done all that! many times...with different products they drop..06:28
glueranyway wrong channel to discuss hehehe06:28
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gluerany chance ubuntu can create a novell login client? i mean a proper one06:30
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macogwpwnguin: ah ha! youre right.  it was synced from debian in feb, but debian sync'd before dec06:32
Lynouregluer: I messaged you a bit on this...06:34
clskIf I install the alpha version will I be able to upgrade to the beta and then to the final release without having to reinstall?06:36
Lynoureclsk: that's how it is supposed to go, yes.06:37
gluerlynoure: apologies was just servicing the hardware on my wife06:38
pwnguinmacogw: well, i am amazing06:40
macogwpwnguin: at least given that the SVN works, that's what i assume happened06:40
awalton__macogw, I checked the rb source myself, that patch is definitely in ubuntu's sync.06:44
awalton__it's possible a newer patched fixed the issue though.06:44
macogwheyy you're the same person06:44
awalton__indeed. I am a.walton06:44
* macogw is slow06:44
macogwok so then i guess the request on the bug should be to sync to upstream rhythmbox?06:45
awalton__if gnome were awesome and used git, I'd tell you to git-bisect and find the commit so we could backport it.06:45
awalton__but yeah, you can see if the powers that be will backport it from svn06:46
macogwis there any way to figure out *which* patch to rhythmbox fixed it? aside from doing checkouts from different time periods to see when it suddenly works correctly?06:46
awalton__that's pretty much what git-bisect does.06:46
macogwwhere would i find these Powers That Be?06:46
awalton__I'm not sure, which master of the universe is responsible for gnome, or specifically, rhythmbox?06:47
macogwit wouldnt be MOTU06:47
macogwthat's all in main06:47
awalton__it's probably seb128, but Im not 100% on that.06:47
awalton__if he's in nautilus in the next couple of days I'll ping him about it06:47
macogwwell he should be getting emails from launchpad about it06:52
macogwhe's listed as subscribed...i guess cuz he got auto-subscribed06:52
DanaGI like the toned-down wallpaper, but it seems a bit ugly color to me.06:59
DanaGMy mom described the old one, at least, as looking like "baby puke".06:59
macogwthe old one looked like the outside of a soymilk bottle07:05
macogwwell, chocolate soymilk07:05
macogwmy cousin called it chocolate mousse and asked for a spoon07:05
macogwthis is the soymilk i mean: http://www.iateapie.net/images/brands/silkchocolatemilk.jpg07:06
DanaGOh, good point there; however, the brown would need a bit of tweaking.07:07
gluermy couches are a very nice chocolate color07:07
DanaGHmm,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=715530&page=707:08
glueri think the hardy wallpaper looks terrible07:09
DanaGTake a look at my tweaked heron linked in there.07:09
DanaGYeah, the current gross brown-orange looks bad to me.07:10
glueryeh ok but its 'tweaked' pls dont release this one07:10
awalton__macogw, I really can't find that bug in that plugin, it hasn't even changed since that patch was introduced in december.. it had to have been fixed elsewhere.07:10
DanaGHave you ever seen the Red HP laptop in Best Buy?  Try setting it to the 'woodgrain' wallpaper -- it looks really really nice.07:10
ethana2approved to run updates now?07:10
ethana2everyone liking them today?  no explosions?07:11
ethana2...here i go07:11
DanaGSpecifically, look at the wallpaper with the tree-ish thingy:  http://h50146.www5.hp.com/products/portables/personal/zen_wallpaper/07:12
DanaGSome of these textures can also be inspiration:  http://h50146.www5.hp.com/products/portables/personal/zen_design.html07:13
macogwethana2: its all working fine07:15
macogwawalton__: weird07:16
awalton__it is :-/07:16
macogwwell, all i know is that svn version works and ubuntu version doesnt07:16
macogwwell....ubuntu version works for many values of works, but not this wone07:16
awalton__well, at least that gives you a well defined start and end point for git-bisect.07:17
pwnguinmacogw: you're funny. "rhythmbox maintainer"07:17
pwnguinthere are no owners in ubuntu07:17
gluerDanaG: i can tell you that just like i did with xp a few years the first thing i did was mod my desktop to suite me, i feel the wallpaper looks crappy, I could open my freezer right now, and open my tub of half eaten choc and caramel swirl icecream and take a high res pic and it would look better07:17
pwnguinthere's just "last guy who touched this"07:17
macogwbut there are maintainers listed in the packaging stuff...07:18
Arelisis the BETA released?07:18
DanaGWhen in Windows, I use the Eminence theme.07:18
macogwArelis: no07:18
ethana2Arelis: last time i checked the release07:18
gluerDG: first impressions really do count07:18
ethana2Arelis: there was no beta planned07:18
Arelishttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta <-- this page exists. But the HardyHeron page only has alpha 1 to 607:18
gluerespecially with the students07:18
DanaGcool idea there.07:18
pwnguinmacogw: there's an original maintainer, but that's from debian.07:19
awalton__macogw, there have only been about 300 commits between then and now, should only take 8-10 git-bisect steps to find the bug.07:19
DanaGThis thing here will also likely need some sort of bisect:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/19421407:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]07:19
macogwArelis: beta freeze has happened, but not beta release07:19
ethana2DanaG: very nice07:19
pwnguinmacogw: ubuntu desktop team is the maintainer of rhythmbox07:19
DanaGThat's one of HP's business-laptop wallpapers.07:19
DanaGWith the heron on top.07:19
Arelismacogw: alright. And is there new artwork yet?07:19
macogwyou mean different from gutsy? yes07:20
Areliscan you show me a screenshot of the whole package and the GTK+ theme?07:20
DanaGSpecifically, it's Wallpapers/Third/Portrait07:20
macogwi also dont think Rhythmbox should report that there are whatever-hundred files missing because you unplugged the PMP07:21
macogwand ooo weird07:21
macogwawalton__: here's one better07:21
macogwnow that ive compiled the svn one, the original works07:21
macogwwell, compiled and used07:21
macogw:-/ that could just have to do with dynamically linked libraries & plugins and path order though07:22
awalton__that's just plain weird.07:22
DanaGAnyway, I'm going to go to bed in about 8 minutes.07:22
macogwso specific07:23
ArelisGuys, is this message true?: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/02/04/new-theme-for-ubuntu-804-deferred/07:23
awalton__could be HAL magic voodoo though.07:23
awalton__I've seen some really really weird things come out of HAL.07:23
DanaGThat heron on HP wallpaper is pretty snazzy.  Picture that with Ubuntu colors, and not as much of an obvious copy of HP's design.07:24
DanaGOh hey, if you check out the Second wallpaper, and invert the screen, that looks cool, too.07:25
macogwawalton__: i reproduced it 3x with the old one :-/07:25
macogwthen i compiled svn and it worked07:25
macogwthen i tried old one after compiling svn and it worked too07:25
macogwwhich is freaky07:25
awalton__that it is.07:25
awalton__did you upgrade that machine from gutsy to hardy?07:26
awalton__there goes that theory.07:26
macogwi installed hardy fresh to kill the virus (Windows) that the repair place installed on it07:27
macogwthat was only 2...maybe 3...weeks ago07:27
awalton__sounds like fun07:27
awalton__it's probably some little thing that we're missing, like a gconf key schema that wasn't installed or something07:28
awalton__but I really have no idea, it's just plain bizarre07:28
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oxigenoh, there are some new upgrades in the repository, any major problems with it?07:30
macogwtheyre fine07:30
oxigencool! :)07:30
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brianskihow's hardy looking for those who are using it?08:21
wxPythonbrianski as i've read a hardy review, it is already a very promising thing as it stated08:21
wxPythonand that was said for hardy alpha 6! ;)08:22
wxPythonwait till the final version arrives08:22
wxPythonwhen more bugs are fixed and stuff like that08:22
wxPythonthen it'll be even better as it already is ;)08:23
wxPythonubuntu is better than every linux distro08:23
wxPythonif you ask me ;)08:23
wxPythoncan't wait for the beta08:24
wxPythonto test it08:24
wxPythonand the final version of course :)08:25
brianskiwxPython: well i like ubuntu plenty too, my hopes are up for hardy08:26
cwillubrianski, it's looking to be a fairly amazing release08:27
cwillutechnically at least08:27
brianskibut they were high for gutsy, and i was let down. i'm hoping the fact that it's a LTS release, and that various risks were taken in gutsy will mean a nice, featureful yet relatively bug-free release08:27
brianskimaybe like the rule for apple, aovid the .0 releases, ubuntu's rule will be avoid the .-1 releases ;-)08:28
cwillub43 for the broadcom wireless cards, cfs scheduler, ff3, pulse audio, etc08:28
brianskiyeah i'm looking forward to pulse audio and tickless on amd6408:28
wxPythonbrianski yes, the LTS thing does promise a stable distro but nothing is bug-free, only bug-less :)08:28
brianskicwillu: ff3?08:29
cwilludefault browser is ff308:29
brianskiwhat's that?08:29
cwillufirefox 308:29
cwilluextremely improved memory usage, big performance increases across the board08:29
brianskiffox3 is kind of disappointing to me, but that's another story08:29
wxPythonbut they'll include the beta in the final release08:29
brianskicwillu: i'm waiting with baited breath for ff4 already, heh08:29
wxPythonff3 will be beta08:29
brianskitamarin, better threading support, etc.08:30
wxPythonwell, unless the mozilla group releases the final version fast ;)08:30
cwilluyep, that'll be nice08:30
brianskiisn't cfs scheduler already on gutsy?08:30
wxPythonwhat is that?08:31
brianskihuh it looks like it isn't08:31
brianskicompletely fair scheduler08:31
brianskia better scheduler for desktops and laptops08:31
wxPythonis rhythmbox going to be replaced with some other app?08:32
brianski? what's wrong with rhythmbox?08:32
wxPythonbecause rhythmbox sux08:32
brianskihmm, i rather like it08:32
brianskiyou can always install k3b or somesuch08:33
wxPythonamarok rox08:33
brianskierr s/k3b/amarok/08:33
[Hardy]TuTUXGbrianski, cfs is not in gusty afaik08:33
wodenwhat's the name of the package to install libc header files onto my system?08:33
brianski[Hardy]TuTUXG: yeah it looks like it isn't08:33
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brianskior maybe linux-libc-dev08:34
sigp239brianski:  Is that it?08:34
brianski(but i'm running gutsy so it might have changed)08:34
brianskisigp239: not sure, i always just install build-essential and don't worry about the particulars08:34
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wxPythonHow to make Amarok my default music player on gnome?08:39
wxPythonsudo ln -s /usr/bin/amarok /usr/local/bin/rhythmbox08:39
pwnguinthats a terrible way08:39
pwnguinright click on a .ogg (or .mp3)08:40
pwnguingo to properties08:40
pwnguin"open with"08:40
wxPythonJust go to System -> Preferred Applications -> Multimedia08:40
wxPythonThen chose Custom Player option and type amarok in Command field.08:40
wxPythonor is there another way?08:40
pwnguinthat'd probably be the best08:40
wxPythonbecause i want to make amarok the system default media player08:41
wxPythonso when music button on my multimedia keyboard is pressed, amarok should start08:41
wxPythonand also when i plug in my iPod or my mp3 player, amarok should start08:42
wxPythonthis is the answer...08:44
wxPythoni'll post the answer anyway08:46
wxPythonHow to make Amarok the default software for your iPod08:46
wxPython   1. Select System -> Preferences -> Removable Drives and Media.08:46
wxPython2. Select the Multimedia tab and then click the Browse… button in the Portable Music Players section.08:46
oxigenhmm, i just noticed that i dont have games (hmm, except Dreamchess) any more in the menu? am i alone with this?08:46
wxPython3. Assuming you installed Amarok in the default location, select File System from the Places column, then the usr folder and finally the bin folder. Scroll down to amarok, select it and then click the Open button.08:46
wxPython4. Back at the Removable Devices and Media Preferences window, click the Close button.08:47
wxPython5. The next time you plug in your iPod, Amarok will launch.08:47
wxPythonsay i have a SanDisk Sansa e260 mp3 player... is it also possible to configure Amarok for it?08:48
wxPythondo i have to choose the MTP Media Device in Amarok configuration and set my player's USMmode to MTP?08:49
wxPython*USB mode to MTP08:50
wxPythonmaybe i need to install the plugin for that?08:51
wxPythonmaybe i need to install the sansa plugin or something so that it's available in the Media Devices plugin combobox...?08:52
wxPythonare you all dead or what08:52
oxigenwxPython: maybe you should ask this @ #amarok or something..08:52
wxPythonokay i will08:52
KEB1hello, i want to use  firefox 2, how can i make that  its german?09:02
KEB1under gusty i have only to type "mozilla-firefox-locale-de-de"09:03
KEBA(10:02:32) KEBA: hello, i want to use  firefox 2, how can i make that  its german?09:10
KEBA(10:03:08) KEBA: under gusty i have only to type "mozilla-firefox-locale-de-de"09:10
=== [Hardy]TuTUXG is now known as [Hardy]TuTUX
kristian42It seems like i'm getting a generic video driver on a64 and the included nvidia driver does not work. Any suggestions ?10:03
jimqodeNew time zone selector is a pain in the neck10:26
jimqodeAre the going to change it back? I think they should.10:26
kyklonemay you make a screenshot?10:26
jimqodekyklone, was it at me?10:27
jimqodeit is an interactivity problem, not a visual one10:27
jimqodescreenshot wouldn't tell anything10:28
jimqodein gutsy, first click zoomed the map10:28
jimqodethen you selected a city10:28
jimqodein hardy map zoom when you put you pointer in the map10:28
jimqodethen moving the pointer pans the map and also moves the pointer10:28
kykloneah this timezone selector... i dont think it is even work since time is UTC anyway10:28
kyklonei expected UTC/localtime switcher or something10:29
jimqodehmm i'm still not sure we're talking about the same issue :)10:29
jimqodei'm talking about the timezone selector in the ubuntu installer10:30
kykloneyeah i know10:30
|DuReX|It would be cool if dmraid devices would get a /dev/disk/by-uuid symlink etc .. :s10:30
kyklone<jimqode> no matter what you select in ubuntu installer, time will be UTC10:31
jimqodekyklone, but that's a separate problem altogether. Never mind I found the bug report for this one.10:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199728 in ubiquity "hardy alpha6 install timezone map" [Medium,Confirmed]10:34
kyklonejimqode: well this probably not a bug but usability problem... i mean i think it is intended10:36
jimqodewell it's not a very good idea then. I had to struggle for minutes on that screen. There is no option for Istanbul on the dropdown10:50
Hobbseewonder why evand hasn't responded to that yet10:53
gebeleizis[help] ubuntu hardy, thunderbird gets the ugliest fonts (this is because they are so small, but if I change the size then all the other applications get to big fonts). Why is this happening?10:53
Hobbseegebeleizis: change it in thunderbird preferences, not the entire gnome10:54
gebeleizishow? I am playing with fonts in thunderbird and nothing10:54
gebeleizisit only changes the fonts inside the mails, but the menus and stuff nothing10:55
kykloneand openoffice in kubuntu not obey system font settings...10:55
kykloneand i found no way to fix it inside openoffice10:55
Hobbseegebeleizis: hmm, strange.  i don't know.10:57
Hobbseekyklone: no, you'll need to change that in the open office settings10:57
Hobbseeor the gtk apps module in system settings, come to think of it10:58
kyklonefrom what i remember openoffice not have setting to make fonts antialiased (appear not thick), dunno about gtk module10:59
kykloneor this is not work10:59
nacerhey hey11:00
kykloneis openoffice gtk app?11:00
nacerdo you know the bug waiting for root file system11:00
nacerwith the generic kernel11:00
nacerwith the 386 one he s booting11:01
kykloneHobbsee, from what i reading on internet, openoffice is not gtk, it can use gtk, or can use QT11:10
kykloneuses own toolkit internally11:11
affluxubotu: mp311:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:23
gebeleizisI just reinstalled thunderbird with ubuntuzilla and everything is good11:29
|DuReX|I upgraded to Hardy :) works perfect, but still I can't get my wireless card into Master mode, i get: after iwconfig wlan0 mode Master, 'SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument'11:37
kyklone<gebeleizis> isnt backports must be a better way than this? to install latest software...11:38
cwillu|DuReX|, just want to make sure you know what you're into, 'works perfect' doesn't mean it'll still work perfect tomorrow, you know that right? :p11:41
|DuReX|ofc :) not a linux noob :)11:42
cwilluokay, just making sure (the libc debacle, et al :p)11:42
cwilluwhat chipset?11:42
|DuReX|RTL 818711:43
cwillubah, no experience with that set, sorry11:43
gebeleizisI hae no ideaa, but the fact that is working...I don't care11:44
|DuReX|it uses a real linux driver at least11:46
|DuReX|no ndiswrapper11:46
cwilluwhy must gvfs be such an unreliable piece of !#!@#!@?11:48
cwilluI have yet to be able to use it for a solid day without it hanging nautilus11:48
kykloneubuntu have drop-down menu for grub installation but kubuntu not11:51
kyklonemm i just tested openoffice fonts in kubuntu once again, and KDE font settings are applied this time, no configuration required... but this is openoffice 2.4.0... i probably tested 2.3.1 last time12:12
kykloneif its not related to video driver... cuz now i run this in virtual machine12:14
wxPythonthere is one question that i have regarding to hardy heron13:14
wxPythonis there going to be an internet connection wizard in Ubuntu 8.04?13:15
wxPythonas a newbie, i had to do  sudo pppoeconf13:15
secretlondonI doubt it as there isn't one yet13:15
wxPythonand i wasn't very keen on this13:16
secretlondonthere does seem to be issues with ppp currently13:16
secretlondonas network manager doesn't seem to deal well with dial up connections13:16
wxPythonin ubuntu hardy?13:16
secretlondoneg firefox thinks i'm offline until I tell it otherwise13:17
secretlondonyes in hardy13:17
secretlondonI use wvdial to get my connection13:17
wxPythonso you don't do  sudo pppoeconf in the console?13:17
wxPythonbut i am refering to pppoe13:18
wxPythonnot ppp13:18
kyklone<wxPython> network manager now includes simple GUI for pppoe connections13:18
kyklonealso GPRS13:18
KEBAhello, i cant choose my nvidia driver, what can i do?13:18
secretlondonkyklone the gprs doesn't work for me (or didn't)13:19
wxPythonkyklone where is it located?13:19
wxPythonSystem > .... ?13:19
kyklone<secretlondon> did you initialized gprs modem with wvdialconf ?13:19
kykloneafter that i think it should work13:19
KEBAmy xorg.conf is really really broken, but i cant configurate "it"13:19
secretlondonkyklone its set up in wvdial.conf13:19
wxPythonwhat's the label of the that GUI for pppoe connections?13:20
wxPythoni am not on hardy now so i can't look13:20
kyklone<secretlondon> well maybe it is just old mess, that network manager dont write "auto interface" in config file currently, maybe it is not work cuz of it, but i think it should be fixed13:21
wxPythonin Windows XP, there is New Connection Wizard13:21
wxPythonbut in Hardy it is what?13:21
kyklonepppoe work for me if i fix "interfaces" file after network manager made its changes13:21
kyklonewxPython i click in tray, manual config13:22
wxPythonkyklone please report that as a bug then ;)13:22
kykloneits called network applet in administration probably13:22
secretlondonnetwork settings13:22
wxPythonFedora has a nice GUI to set an internet connection13:23
savvaspff.. imagine that a person evan in launchpad marked my older bug report as a duplicate of a newer one, which didn't provide any more info than the one I reported13:23
wxPythonubuntu never had one of those things13:23
secretlondonit doesn't have a phone number to dial for gprs, I need that for my 3g/hsdpa connection13:23
kyklone<secretlondon> now i see, you completely right13:23
kyklonei need to set up phone number too13:24
wxPythoni would like to have a list of available choices whether i want to create a modem connection or a token ring connection or a xDSL connection...13:25
wxPythonis that present now in hardy?13:25
wxPythonbecause i hate to open the console and do  sudo pppoeconf13:26
wxPythonFedora has a nice GUI to set an internet connection13:26
kyklonebut fedora have no gprs support and no MS vpn support13:26
wxPython*has no ;)13:26
savvasanyone using firefox beta 4 ?:) try download a pdf, what's the default "open with" application there?13:26
wxPythonsavvas i'll test13:27
savvaslike http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_3166-3_newsletter_i-5.pdf13:27
wxPythondoes it matter if i'm on Windows and not on Linux?13:27
kyklonewxPython: what you mean? i tested fedora 9 alpha13:27
savvasi don't think so wxPython, but give it a swirl13:27
wxPythonthe pdf just opened13:28
wxPythonno choice dialog whatsoever13:28
savvasit's probably an ubuntu issue13:28
savvasthe applications tab in the preferences is empty13:28
kyklonewell what network manager version now in hardy? 0.6.5? cuz i heard it should be released with 0.6.6 or something, and _may be_ 0.7. so some things should be changed13:29
wxPythoni have Adobe Reader installed which handled the pdf file opening by default13:29
savvas  Installed: 0.6.6-0ubuntu113:29
wxPythonthere's a nasty thing in ff 3.0b4 you know...13:29
AntonChigurhis this to be in hardy? http://wicd.sourceforge.net13:31
wxPythonif i view a page and press the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard, that does not open a new www.google.com site in a new tab13:31
wxPythonnew pages should be opened in new tabs is my setting13:31
pax``Hello, are there any known bugs/somewhere I could look for them regarding language switch applet? I have english and russian in the layouts, alt-shift for switching - for some reason it won't work - no switching happens, can't type anything in russian13:32
wxPythonif i view www.ubuntu.com and i press the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard, then this page (ubuntu.ccm) is changed to www.google.com    i HATE that13:33
kyklonesavvas: must be a very recent update cuz alpha 6 shipped with 0.6.513:33
=== joerlend__ is now known as XiXaQ
wxPythonit should open a new instance of firefox (if set so in the preferences) or it should open the new page in the new tab (if, again, set so in the preferences)13:34
wxPythoncan i report this bug?13:34
kyklone<pax``> same here, have this sine alpha 4 or something, work if you re-check alt+shift switching option13:35
pax``kyklone, hmm... indeed, thanks, didn't know about the workaround, was stuck with X's transliterated cyrillic method >.<13:36
wxPythonthere's a nasty thing in ff 3.0b4 you know...13:36
wxPythonif i view a page and press the WWW button on my multimedia keyboard, that does not open a new www.google.com site in a new tab13:37
wxPythonit should open a new instance of firefox (if set so in the preferences) or it should open the new page in the new tab (if, again, set so in the preferences)13:37
wxPythonnew pages should be opened in new tabs is my setting13:37
wxPythonso why the hell does this stupid thing occur?13:37
wxPythona bug?13:37
lime4x4heres an odd problem running hardy mythbuntu as long as i have the wired ethernet connected my wireless works13:41
Seveas!hardy | lime4x413:44
ubotulime4x4: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:44
secretlondonsetting my 3g modem up as a serial modem does seem to work13:46
=== mohbana_ is now known as mohbana
rodHey the daily images report for the last few days that openoffice wont build. Well I dont need openoffice, but will the daily image still succesfully complete the install process?13:54
Balaams_MiracleQuestion: How risky is it for a not completely unexperienced user to upgrade to the first beta of any new Ubuntu release when it comes out?13:54
savvasit's not recommended to use the daily images rod13:55
sn0Balaams_Miracle very risky :)13:55
sn0generally if you have to ask, its not recommended13:55
Balaams_Miraclesn0: I mean, i am quite adventurous, but at the same time i wouldn't want to get stuck with broken system-critical stuff which wouldn't be fixed for weeks.13:56
rodsavvas, i tried the latest alpha but then i have to download 200mb....13:56
Balaams_Miraclesn0: days would still be acceptable though :-)13:56
savvasrod: it's much safer to wait for the beta then13:56
KrimZonmine was broken for 9 hours on thursday :)13:56
kyklonegenerally... system critical stuff can be succesfuly broken for a weeks in released OS too13:57
KEBAK(14:19:45) KEBA: my xorg.conf is really really broken, but i cant configurate "it"13:57
savvasBalaams_Miracle: here's a suggestion, if you want to really contribute, when the beta is out download the desktop live cd and give it a swirl, report bugs about your hardware or if you notice anything not working13:57
rodyeah well.... I just want to know if the installation will fail if there is a non-essential package broken... thats all13:57
rodill fix it afterwards13:57
KrimZonbut i installed hardy because it was the only ubuntu that would install with wubi and supported my graphics card properly13:57
savvasrod: I think openoffice is "hardwired" to the ubuntu-desktop package, maybe it will, maybe it won't, if you're ready to take your chances, give it a go :)13:58
Balaams_Miraclesavvas: I have been running hardy in a VM since before the first alpha without any real breakage so far. I'm just curious as to how big the risk at breakage is in comparison to the alphas. My guess is that the risk is lower, though still present, but am i right?14:02
Balaams_Miraclewith "real" i meant "permanent"14:03
cwilluBalaams_Miracle, libc14:04
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: What about libc?14:04
cwilluthat's the risk.14:04
cwilluthat's what breaks, that's the worst that could happen really14:05
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: Are you saying that it _will_ break, that is _is_ broken, or that it _might_ break?14:05
cwilluthe only way your vm install didn't break multiple times in many different ways over the last months is if you didn't update it14:06
kyklone<Balaams_Miracle> i guess you need a real analysis of risks, i will be interested to look at it too, it may be real costly... and not a "chat" matter... you always have risks of failures, and most weak part of linux is X, i think.14:06
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: True, i'm not running the VM every day...14:06
cwilluI've been running hardy on my desktops since alpha1, but I never update them all at the same time14:07
cwillucurrently things seem stable14:07
cwilluI wouldn't run it on a remote machine though14:08
kykloneBalaams_Miracle: are you running nuclear reactor on linux?14:08
Balaams_Miraclekyklone: Heh, no. But i am running a shoutcast server which i want to keep up 24/7 (or the nearest to that)14:09
cwilluI guess that's probably a good way of putting it, actually:  hardy is still in 'physical access' mode, don't run it if you can't fix the box from scratch :p14:09
cwilluBalaams_Miracle, well, that's a no brainer then, don't even think about running it.  You need to be able to apply updates in case of security issues, etc, but you can't trust that the updates won't break everything :p14:09
kykloneBalaams_Miracle: why you want to upgrade to hardy?14:10
kykloneeven beta14:10
LynoureBalaams_Miracle: actually even wait a bit after the official release... to be safer.14:10
Balaams_Miraclekyklone: Because i'm involved in translating Ubuntu to Dutch (working on the docs right now). It helps a lot if you can compare the actual menu items with what the docs say.14:11
nomasteryodabecause hardy has lots of new stuff would be my answer14:11
nomasteryodaeven if its still bit buggy14:11
kyklonenomasteryoda: yes but does it matter for shoutcast server?14:12
Balaams_Miraclenomasteryoda: That too, and that stuff will need to be translated too14:12
Balaams_Miraclekyklone: That shoutcast server is my workstation at the same time :-)14:12
cwilluwell, now you're just being silly :)14:12
kykloneBalaams_Miracle: you may just run VM14:13
cwilluor buy a cheap used machines14:13
Balaams_MiracleShoutcast doesn't require a lot of resources, so there's plenty of room for it being a workstation.14:13
cwilluyes, but if you need reliability, then running it on a workstation isn't conducive to the type of things people do on workstations14:13
sotoWhat happens between beta freeze and beta release?14:13
cwillubug fixes and testing14:14
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:14
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: If i could afford to buy anything, i would have. I wouldn't have run Hardy in a VM either. Not that you had any way of knowing that, but still.14:15
sotocwillu: Is there an unofficial beta release candidate (post alpha-6, pre-beta)?14:15
sotoBesides just pulling the packages.14:16
Balaams_Miraclesoto: Wait 5 more days until the first beta14:16
cwillusoto, apply every update that shows up in update-manager (+proposed repos) :p14:16
sotoBalaams_Miracle: When is the beta release 'frozen'? The day before the official release?14:16
Balaams_Miraclesoto: IIRC, the beta freeze is already in effect...14:17
cwilluBalaams_Miracle, honestly, if you can't afford to lose the machine, then don't.  As nice as it is to have lots of people testing, I don't think anybody would want to see you stranded because of a test install gone south14:18
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: It's not just testing, it's primarily translating.14:19
cwilluyes, but if the install stops booting for whatever reason, are you pooched, or do you have something else you can boot?14:19
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: As long as i can get into a terminal, either from a LiveCD or on my harddisk, then i believe i can keep my machine up and keep working.14:21
cwilluokay, then it's just a matter of pain tolerance;  you could run ibex if you really wanted to :)14:21
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: Also, i make frequent backups of my home, and i would make a full system backup if i were preparing to install the beta. (BTW: what's ibex?)14:23
ubotuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex14:23
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: Ah! I wasn't aware that it already had a name.14:24
wxPythonin Firefox 3.0 Beta 4, the page is reloaded if the homepage button is pressed in multimedia keyboard, and it doesn't matter whether the setting is set to 'New pages should be opened in:   a new tab'   or   'New pages should be opened in:   a new window'14:25
cwilluit'll probably work fine then, as long as you take precautions14:25
cwilluI just want to point out the conflict between 'something I kinda want to be up 24/7' and 'need to do work on a development version' :p14:27
cwillubut if you're okay with that, then go ahead :)14:27
Balaams_Miraclecwillu: Thanks for all the info. I realize that there seems to be a contradiction in what i said, but the 24/7 uptime is something that i would like to happen. The translations though, are what need to happen. In other words, to me, the translations have priority over uptime.14:29
Balaams_MiracleBut if i can have my cake and eat it too, then that would be even better :-))14:30
cwilluIf you have no choice but to have your cake, then the eating of it is left to fate.  You'll probably be able to eat it though :p14:31
cwilluanyways, I'm going to bed :p14:37
secretlondonpersonally I don't see much point in having cake if you can't eat it15:00
savvaswhat cake?15:04
Exilanti'm just wondering, isn't hardy LTS?15:16
virtualdit will be15:17
bob__hi guys, I just upgraded to alpha 6, and I'm having major problems15:17
virtualdsounds like an enjoyable experience ;)15:18
Exilantalso for kubuntu? the wikipedia page says differernt15:18
spiderfireis compiz etc not needed now with the kde4 desktop?15:18
kalatianGnome Hardy is LTS15:18
Exilantspiderfire: no15:19
kalatianKubuntu is not because of KDE4, IIRC15:19
Exilantah, i see15:19
kalatianKDE4 is (apparently) not stable enough to base an LTS on15:19
spiderfireso i can uninstall my compiz stuff?15:19
kalatianspiderfire: if you uninstall it and it doesn't work, reinstall it15:19
kalatianbut I think KDE4 has a built in compositor, so you should be fine15:20
spiderfireplasma eh?15:20
Exilantno, it in fact isn't15:20
* kalatian doesn't use KDE415:20
Exilantme too15:20
Exilanti installed it, but it really isn't that usable15:21
kalatianI installed it and it looked awesome, missing some key features, so I'm waiting for the 4.1 release :)15:21
bob__can some one please help me15:21
bob__i upgraded to heron last night and now every time i reboot my resolution goes back to being tiny15:22
bob__and my xorg.conf file is messed, I tried to edit it but it changes back on reboot15:22
spiderfirebob__: do you use an nvidia card?15:22
Exilantsomehow the xorg.conf is widely ignored anyway15:22
bob__spiderfire: intel gma x15:23
spiderfirebob__: does that load as a module?15:23
bob__spiderfire: i'm not sure what you mean15:23
kalatiansomeone correct me if I'm wrong -- newer versions of Xorg don't use xorg.conf as much as older versions15:24
spiderfirewhen the kernel boots it looks for modules you need and loads them15:24
kalatianI'd like to say they don't use it at all, but I think that's pushing it15:24
BUGabundono they don't, kalatian15:24
spiderfirekalatian: it is used15:24
jpbotelhohi.. the last firefox upgrade lost all my bookmarks. any1 know how i fix it??15:24
BUGabundoone is created only for certain things15:24
BUGabundofor compatibility15:24
kalatianBUGabundo: no they aren't used, or no, they are used?15:25
bob__what should I do, because its setting my resolution to tiny so I can barely see every time i reboot?15:25
BUGabundowell, kalatian, when you install it, it doesn't create one imeaditly15:25
spiderfirebob__: well first look and see if you video card is loaded15:25
BUGabundobut I seem to have one...15:25
kalatianBUGabundo: got ya :D15:25
BUGabundoof course I did a dist-upgrade15:25
bob__spiderfire: how?15:25
kalatian(I hate English :P)15:25
spiderfirebob__: type lsmod in a terminal15:26
BUGabundobut have removed mine in the past15:26
kalatianI should probably update my Hardy computer in the morning since they've fixed the libc6 bugs15:26
bob__spiderfire: whole bunch of stuff poped up15:26
BUGabundoeheh haven't you yet, kalatian?15:26
BUGabundoI do mine 2-3 times a day15:26
spiderfirebob__:  you dont see your card mentioned there15:27
BUGabundoof course I was it by libc6 bug.....15:27
kalatianI have to get the thing out and plug it in, it's kind of a pain15:27
BUGabundodamn screen went to sleep, and I couldn't login.15:27
kalatianI wasn't hit by the libc6 bug :P15:27
jpbotelhohi.. in the last firefox upgrade i lost all my bookmarks. any1 know how i fix it??15:27
bob__spiderfire: I wouldn't really know what to look for, I'm a linux noob15:27
spiderfirebob__: ok jus sec15:27
BUGabundojpbotelho: there should be a folder with backups15:27
bob__spiderfire: pastebin?15:27
dashua+OK QIwod.TuV7s/15:28
BUGabundolook in .mozilla/firefox/PROFILE/bookmarks-backup15:28
bob__spiderfire: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59680/15:28
spiderfirebob__: whatever you got ill look at15:28
jpbotelhoi have this bkp.. but i need use it in firefox15:28
bob__spiderfire: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59680/15:29
BUGabundosure jpbotelho15:29
BUGabundojust rename it15:29
BUGabundoor copy it to the original file15:29
BUGabundothere should be an bookmarks.html in the folder15:30
BUGabundoand then again, since FF3 uses sqlite, that won't do it15:30
BUGabundobut you can try importing them15:30
burnerff3 doesn't use bookmarks.html?!?!?15:30
WartornWhen i have an Intel X3100 graphics chip, what driver should i use? when im looking at "Screens and graphics preferences" it shows "Driver: none" and the second says driver: vesa - generic.15:31
Wartornwhich seems odd15:31
kalatianWartorn: there should be an intel driver of some sort15:31
wxPythonplease tell me something15:31
burnerdriver is "intel" I think15:31
Wartornalso, when i press "test" with that setting, it says it failed15:31
BUGabundoI don't think so burner15:32
wxPythonplease visit this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/1836115:32
jpbotelhoi have alot of problens with navigation and bookmarks toolbar..15:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress]15:32
burnerBUGabundo: guess i dont' know the newer instel things... i use nvidia here15:32
BUGabundoyeah that new bar sucks, jpbotelho15:32
wxPythondoes In Progress mean that the bug is in the progress of being fixed?15:32
BUGabundoand it is case-insencitive!!!!15:32
wxPythondoes In Progress means that the bug is in the progress of being fixed?15:32
wxPythonplease visit this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/1836115:32
spiderfirebob__: just thinking15:32
spiderfirebob__: well it looks like your card is there15:33
bob__spiderfire: why would the settings be resetting uppon reboot then?15:33
spiderfireso i would try reconfiguring the xorg.conf file with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:33
jpbotelhoBUGabundo, i lost all sites of my bookmarks toolbar and the navigation toolbar dont have action when i press enter or i click in arrow to go15:34
bob__spiderfire: says command not found15:34
BUGabundothere isn't a click arrow on FF3 jpbotelho15:35
BUGabundoare you sure you are on FF3?15:35
jpbotelhoFF3 beta 415:35
BUGabundoI still use my swiftfox 2.015:35
BUGabundoFF3 breaks all my addons15:35
secretlondonI miss the click arrow15:35
spiderfirebob__: that command should be there15:35
BUGabundoand the url bar is case-insesitive15:35
secretlondonthe beta 4 breaks flash block15:35
BUGabundome too secretlondon15:35
jpbotelhobut when o press enter.. the site dont open15:35
bob__spiderfire: I pasted sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:35
sudobashswiftfox is ok but not for flash media15:36
spiderfirebob__: ttry sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg --reinstall15:36
secretlondonBUGabundo: I'm currently using epiphany, can't cope without click arrow and especially not without flash block15:36
sudobashactually on a slow machine the default firefox works just as well15:36
bob__spiderfire: done15:37
spiderfirenow try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:37
_dan_nvidia driver doenst work for me since -12 kernel, modprobe always say error running install cmd with 386 and generic kernel15:37
_dan_any solution to that?15:37
bob__spiderfire: brings up a picture asking me if I want to reconfigure15:38
spiderfirebob__: ok so do that as best you can15:38
Wartornwhen i select the intel driver, it keeps reverting back to "vesa", any solution to that?15:38
bob__spiderfire: it didn't give me any graphics cards options15:39
wxPythonif the GNOME Panel bug   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel bug also be fixed?15:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress]15:39
spiderfirebob__: maybe try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver15:41
spiderfireif you have web atm15:41
bob__I do15:41
bob__I have the intel gma x3100 card15:42
bob__not sure if that matters15:42
Wartornbob__: are you experiencing agonizingly slow 3d with that card? mine runs like molasses15:43
bob__what do you mean by slow 3d?15:43
bob__I have turned all desktop effects off15:43
Wartornlike, extremely bad framerates (even in some 3d screensavers), weird rendering etc15:43
bob__not really, nothing unusual, although I've only been using linux for a few days15:44
WartornAh, okay15:44
bob__I just don't know why my settings are messing up every time I reboot15:44
spiderfirebob__: your card is part of the i915 family which is what is shown when you type lsmod15:45
bob__spiderfire: what does that mean, I need to get that driver?15:45
spiderfirebob__: not necessarily. Since the driver is there and loaded, you should only have to configure the xorg.conf15:46
bob__what should I do?15:46
bob__in screen and graphics options, under the graphics card tab, nothing is listed15:47
bob__it says no graphics card15:47
spiderfiretry following the link i showed you...sudo apt-get install 915resolution15:47
=== george is now known as Raspberry
bob__spiderfire: now what?15:49
spiderfireInstall the 915resolution package. This package is in the universe repository.15:51
bob__spiderfire: in the /etc/X11/ directory, I have a whole bunch of xorg.conf files, with xorg.conf1 to 615:51
bob__and several backups15:52
bob__I thought I just installed it15:52
spiderfirebob__: your server only uses xorg.conf15:52
spiderfireMake xorg use the i810 driver. I did this by executing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:52
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bob__says command not found15:53
bob__spiderfire: should I try and reboot to see what happens?15:55
spiderfireno i dont think do15:55
spiderfiredo you need to get your xconfigured15:55
spiderfiretry sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg --reinstall15:56
spiderfireand select 810 driver like it says in the link maybe15:56
spiderfireok now pastebin me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:57
spiderfireto see if the device section mentions the i810 driver15:57
bob__spiderfire: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59682/16:00
spiderfirebob__: i dont know bob__, try restarting the xserver16:00
bob__spiderfire: how?16:00
spiderfiresee if it works ctrl+alt+backspace16:00
spiderfireoops i made bob go away...hope he can make it back16:02
bob__ok, now its at 800*60016:03
spiderfirewhat happen?16:03
bob__it restarted the comp or something16:03
bob__now it won't let me change the resolution to 1024*76816:04
bob__could it be my monitot's fault?16:04
spiderfirewhat was the resolution before?16:04
bob__before 1024*768?16:04
bob__thats the highest mine can go16:05
spiderfireno i mean before 800x60016:05
bob__its a 4 year old acer 15 inch16:05
bob__1024*768 is my max res16:05
bob__I've been told it could be because my monitor is crap that I have all these problems16:05
=== joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ
spiderfirewell maybe...but you have 800x600 now but before you have 640x480?16:06
bob__no, before every time I would boot up it would be 600*400, but I could change it to 1024*768 ( my current max settings), not its stuck at 800*60016:07
bob__and thats only since upgrading to heron16:07
BUGabundowhat's up with python minimal ?16:09
BUGabundoLiveCD is complaining about it!16:09
bob__any ideas?16:09
spiderfirebob__: other then following the instructions here i have no idea. http://www.geocities.com/stomljen/16:09
flipstarBUGabundo: the daily or alpha6 ?16:09
bob__spiderfire: so basically its a problem with heron and I shouldn't have upgraded16:10
flipstarbob__: which tool you have used to change res ?16:10
spiderfirebob__: sorry i dont mean that sie16:10
zniavreyou should modiy your xorg modes for display16:10
bob__I use system screen and graphics16:11
zniavrehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59683/   check your xorg i did the tricks16:11
BUGabundoflipstar: alpha6 dist-upgrade to today while running LiveCD16:11
BUGabundois it still being built?16:11
spiderfirebob__: try there...its more simple16:11
bob__I have a backup of my xorg.conf that worked in 7.10, any way to replace that?16:12
BUGabundodon't do that bob__16:13
BUGabundoit will break your X1116:13
flipstarBUGabundo: there were no changes to python-minimal ..16:13
BUGabundowhy isn't it installing then!?16:13
bmk789anyone using apt-mirror in hardy?16:13
BUGabundohumm no virtual disk available?16:13
bderrlyhow do i configure my printer with hardy? there is no printer link in the system -> administration menu anymore16:14
BUGabundoI just use apt-chache and deb-torrent, bmk78916:14
bmk789how well does debtorrent work?16:14
BUGabundobderrly: alt-f3 and type printer16:14
BUGabundoI've one only used it twice16:14
BUGabundoboth from inside a LAN16:14
BUGabundodid the job quite well16:14
BUGabundonot sure if it was any faster the regular download16:15
bderrlyBUGabundo, alt+f3 doesn't do anything16:15
bob__it says Login as root (you must be logged in as root to create the startup script)16:15
AntonChigurhis this to be in hardy? http://wicd.sourceforge.net16:15
BUGabundobut since we were under heavy QoS it was a bit faster16:15
bob__how do I log in as root in the terminal16:15
bderrlybob__, sudo -s16:15
BUGabundobob sudo -I or plain su (if you have a pass on root)16:15
BUGabundobob__:  sudo -I or plain su (if you have a pass on root)16:16
BUGabundobderrly: humm did you remove deskbar applet?16:16
bob__what bits pixel do I want?16:17
BUGabundobderrly: alt-f2 and type system-config-printer16:17
bob__8 16 or 3216:17
bob__why 8?16:17
BUGabundois more then enough to use on the shell16:17
bob__Mode 34 : 1024x768, 8 bits/pixel16:17
BUGabundowhy would you use 32 on a black shell spiderfire?16:17
bob__so i type 34?16:17
bob__what do I chose?16:18
BUGabundoI would go with 816:18
spiderfire8 bit color?16:18
BUGabundobut you're the MAN16:18
bderrlyi give up16:18
BUGabundodidn't work bderrly?16:18
spiderfire8 bit color for console mayeb but this is his x sever16:18
BUGabundothen GO 32...16:19
savvashm... I can't select the java in openoffice.org :( tools -> options -> openoffice.org -> java is empty but I have java installed! :\16:19
BUGabundoor even 48 bits lol16:19
bob__spiderfire: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59684/16:19
spiderfirebob__: you want 1024x768 at 32bit color16:19
flipstarnot 24bit ?16:19
bob__so mode 54?16:19
bob__doesn't give me 24 option 8, 16 or 3216:20
bob__spiderfire: mode 54 right?16:21
spiderfireso you want 5416:21
bob__What's your monitor's maximum color depth? (Please enter 8, 16, 24 or 32)16:21
bob__If you are no sure, 24 should work with most new monitors:16:21
bob__I have no idea16:21
bob__24 then?16:22
bob__but its not new16:22
bob__4 years old16:22
TyphoxI think there is a critical problem with the gnome-panel16:22
spiderfire24 is 3216:22
Artimusbob__: Every monitor I own can handle 32bit color (which is called 24 in Linux)16:22
flipstarwired thing16:22
bob__tells me to restart16:23
bob__spiderfire: brb16:23
bob__have to reboot16:23
TyphoxVery often when i click on the time to show the calender the panel freezes and it isn't possible to restart it with "gnome-panel"...16:23
wxPythonif the GNOME Panel bug   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel bug also be fixed?16:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress]16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
wxPythonif the GNOME Panel bug   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel bug also be fixed?16:25
wxPythonplease tell16:25
Typhoxhm? I don't understand16:26
bob__spiderfire: didn't work, still at 800*60016:26
jpatrickwxPython: ...16:26
spiderfirebob__: maybe you can recoinfigure your xserver again with the same driver and choose a lower refresh rate16:27
spiderfirei dont know16:28
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel bug also be fixed?16:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress]16:28
spiderfireim out of ideas16:28
wxPythonplease tell16:28
savvashm... openoffice.org wasn't installed correctly, I had to sudo apt-get install openoffice.org16:28
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel bug also be fixed?16:28
wxPythonplease tell16:28
bob__spiderfire: ok, thanks anyways16:28
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:28
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:28
flipstarwxPython: whats wrong dude ?16:28
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:28
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:28
wxPythonplease tell16:28
BUGabundospiderfire: any ideas on what went wrong with my python-minimal?16:28
BUGabundoshould I report on LP?16:29
wxPythonflipstar please answer me16:29
savvaswxPython: ?16:29
wxPythontell me please16:29
flipstarfirst stop spamming16:29
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress]16:29
BUGabundonot many ppl will be doing alpha 6 LiveCDs updates16:29
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:29
wxPythontell me please16:29
flipstarcould someone kick him ?16:29
jimmygoonwxPython, chill out. STOP spamming. We all see it16:29
wxPythonanswer it god damn it!!16:29
Typhoxwho? Me?16:30
jimmygoonI don't know. And no one wants to help you when you spam and demand answers.16:30
spiderfireBUGabundo: sure report it16:30
wxPythonTyphox please tell16:30
wxPythontell me you stupid fucks!!16:30
wxPythonif the bug in the GNOME Panel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18361    gets fixed... would the gnome-panel package bug also be fixed?16:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress]16:31
wxPythontell me you stupid fucks!!16:31
Typhoxhm...^^ I clicked on the calender and sometimes gnome-panel crashes16:31
jester7are you still in here worried about that stupid box around the icons?16:31
spiderfirewxPython: thats not nice behaviour. freenode is a very valuable place. If you behave badly and get removed it would be a disadvantage to you16:32
TyphoxwxPython: i didn't understand your question16:32
TyphoxBut i think my problem has nothing to do with the bug 1836116:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18361 in gnome-panel "Odd selection launchers/menu" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1836116:33
wxPythonjester7 fucking YES!!16:33
hydrogenwatch your moth16:34
jester7ocd much?16:34
hydrogenmouth even16:34
wxPythonTyphox please report your bug!16:34
hydrogenI'll watch my spelling :/16:34
wxPythonjester7 my ass is all over your face16:34
Typhoxaha, sorry, i have no experience with reporting bugs on launchpad^^16:35
jimmygoonIt's easy. You just need an account. It fairly painless to register16:35
jester7wxPython: i see, i didn't realize you were a kid16:35
wxPythonTyphox you MUST report that bug16:36
wxPythonreally must16:36
wxPythonjust register16:36
jimmygoonwxPython, it seems to be bothering you more....16:36
AntonChigurhwxPython, there is a channel for those types of comments ##ubuntu-uncensored16:36
wxPythoni fucking hate bugs!!16:36
wxPythonhate 'em16:36
hydrogenthats pretty creative16:37
wxPythonthere's no Op so you can suck my ass16:37
jester7especially ones that are cosmetic only!  who cares if ubuntu works, wxPython wants it pretty!16:37
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!16:37
hydrogenpew pew pew16:37
jester7that was awesome16:37
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AntonChigurhis this to be in hardy? http://wicd.sourceforge.net16:41
jester7is there a ubuntu-on-dell channel anywhere?16:48
AntonChigurhubuntu on dell? sounds kinky16:49
jester7i just want to know if they are going to support hardy upgrades16:50
crimsunthey have a web-based forum16:51
crimsunit's likely more responsive [timely] than their dev channel16:51
BadRobothi there16:53
BadRobotis the epiphany 2.22 on hardy shipped with Gecko 1.9 or WebKit?16:53
tumilooks like the weather report in the international clock is using the "feels like" attribute instead of actual temperature16:54
GuyFromHellBadRobot, apt-cache show epiphany-browser says it uses Gecko by default16:54
GuyFromHellBadRobot, so if that's what you installed...16:54
sotoIs there a list somewhere of what packages are queued to be included in the repositories? I'm interested in the status of Xmonad-contrib in particular.16:55
crimsunsoto: not really.  There're queues of things that have been uploaded, rejected, accepted.16:56
sotocrimsun: So what will be the process to determine if a package makes it into hardy?16:57
crimsunsoto: if it's approved by the appropriate feature freeze exception team.16:58
sotocrimsun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20149416:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201494 in ubuntu "[FFe] Please sync xmonad-contrib (0.6-4) from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:59
crimsunnote that we are now in Beta Freeze additionally, so not only does the source package have to be approved by the appropriate feature freeze exception team, but a release manager must also approve.16:59
sotocrimsun: Are the last two comments there members of the freeze exception team?16:59
BadRoboti have installed the one with gecko16:59
BadRobotit works really nicely17:00
crimsunsoto: from MOTU FFe, yes.17:00
BadRobotwhen will the beta's be on the servers?17:00
sotocrimsun: So those comments indicate that an exception will be made for that package?17:01
BadRobotor when will the iso(beta) be released to download?17:01
danag1does -12 break the atheros HAL?`i get ethernet, not wifi17:02
sotoBadRobot: 20th17:02
crimsunsoto: it appears so.17:02
sotocrimsun: THanks17:02
jimmygoon_Is there something special I need to do to get java working with firefox 3 beta 4?17:03
sotoCan anyone using LVM on Hardy confirm that they have experienced no issues on upgrade to Hardy?17:03
danag1jimmygoon_ i have bad problems with java apps up to freezing of the whole x dektop17:03
jimmygoon_well I need to do a java based speed test - im on the phone with the tech complaining about only getting 3.5 mb and instead I did a test and got 12mb :P17:04
spiderfirehows the 64bit ubuntu?17:05
jimmygoon_It won't even recognize the plugin and when I choose to install it In firefox it says its alerady installed17:05
flipstar64bit in general is .. ... complicated in some apps17:05
danag1does -12 break the atheros HAL?`i get ethernet, not wifi17:05
tumisoto, I can17:05
tumisoto, although my root filesystem is not an lvm logical volume17:06
danag1it seems to be more of a dhcp problem. does kernel -12 break the dhcp?17:06
crimsundanag1: lsmod|awk '/^ssb/'17:07
danag1crimsun: wow, that is somewhat cryptic17:08
danag1is that a command?17:08
jetsaredimany reason that my gnome panel seems to have disappeared?17:08
crimsundanag1: yes, it's a command.17:08
danag1alright i'll bash it17:08
jetsaredimI just installed alpha6 and did all of the updates, logout/login and poof no panel17:08
danag1i ran it as sudo17:09
danag1and it didnt output anything17:09
crimsundanag1: no need for sudo, but ok.17:09
danag1ok, let me check it our real quick17:10
spiderfirethe flash has to do with the initializing of the plugin. Its like you have to have 1 flash vid already loaded for other ones to load instantly17:20
danagecrimsun: thanks, but no workie17:21
danagewhat is it supposed to fix?17:21
sototumi: Thanks for the info.17:22
spiderfireanyone have like youtube videos take 10 seconds to load?17:24
danageanybody know how to get networking working on -12?17:25
user5I'm in k -12 going good17:26
user5wath problem?17:26
danageno dhcp or no atheros hal, i am not sure17:26
danagethe wireless seems to be up and iwconfig says associated17:26
danagebut i get no ip with dhclient17:26
sudobashman iwconfig17:28
user5ip for dns are ok?17:28
danagedns? i get no ip by dhcp server thus no ip for dns by dhcp server17:29
danagesudobash: ?17:29
sudobashrestart machine17:29
sudobashand make sure the wireless is set to DHCP17:29
nemointeresting. Tales of Pirates works under wine now17:29
danagei did17:29
nemoI'll have to tell my little brother17:29
nemohe was really into that17:29
nemo(he destroyed the windows install that was on his machine less than a week after I gave it to him with some crap off a warez site)17:29
nemo... he never was able to figure out the downloading of the nvidia network/sound/graphics drivers that was necessary.  Only thing he could figure out to install was ubuntu :)17:29
sudobashrouter or access pint17:30
danagei use network manager17:30
danageit is set to dhcp17:30
danagei changed nothing in the config between -11 and -1217:30
sudobashiwconfig eth0 ap any17:31
sudobashwhere eth0 is your NIC17:31
danageap address = ESSID?17:32
sudobashMAC address17:32
sudobashjust use any17:32
sudobashiwconfig eth0 ap 00:60:1D:01:23:4517:33
sudobashor iwconfig eth0 ap any17:33
sudobashiwconfig eth0 mode auto17:33
sudobashiwconfig eth0 essid "My Network"17:34
danageaccess point invalid17:35
danageah, now17:35
sudobashreplace "My Network" with your ESSID17:35
danageinteresting... does not associate17:35
sudobashiwconfig eth0 channel auto17:35
danageinvalid argument17:36
sudobashmaybe you need to run sudo apt-get update  and sudo apt-get upgrade17:36
sudobashall that stuff i said came out of "man iwconfig"17:36
danagesudobash: i appreciate your help17:38
danagesudobash: it is associated now17:38
danagedhclient -----> doesnt get address17:39
sudobashit doesnt get IP?17:40
danageNo DHCPOFFERS received.17:41
danageit worked on -1117:41
danageeth0 works, by the way. just ath017:41
danagecrimsun: could you help me?17:44
nemodanage: hey. this is perhaps totally unhelpful, but have you tried wifi-radar?17:45
skroopsI'm trying to install via pxeboot and it's stuck at 6% of the ubuntu-desktop install17:45
nemodanage: sounds like your issues are lower level, but anyway, that's what I use with my mad-wifi/atheros17:45
danagenemo: thanks. i use network manager. it all worked until i did the distro-upgrade, there must be something in the update that broke it17:46
savvasdanage: apt-cache policy network-manager | grep Installed17:46
danageInstalled: 0.6.6-0ubuntu117:47
nemodanage: ah. that has happened to me with madwifi17:47
nemonot getting updated when kernel does...17:47
danageit should come through with update-manager?17:48
nemotheoretically :)17:48
savvasum.. danage nevertheless, you should try and play around with wifi-radar17:49
danagesavvas: might do, might do17:49
danagecrimsun seemed to have a fix earlier, that didn't work, but he might know17:50
nemosay. um. does anyone know if vbox 1.5.6 might make it in before the freeze?17:52
nemoI was browsing the package page, but wasn't clear who I should ask about that17:52
nemoit'd be really helpful - 1.5.4 has some annoying crashes17:52
DanaGAargh, rsvg-convert just randomly started devouring 70% of my memory, including swap.17:52
nemorandomly :)17:53
DanaG....So I had to alt-sysrq-k to kill Xorg, and then use htop to kill rsvg-convert.17:53
DanaGThen when I went to log in again, I got a kernel panic.17:53
nemohow about when logging in with older kernel? :-/17:54
savvashm.. there's a weird AlphaBravoCharlie wifi nearby.. I wonder what it is :P17:56
tumihow are people playing video files in hardy? Xv does'nt work for me unless I disable compiz, but I really want to unless necessary17:56
danagetumi: are you on radeon?17:57
danagethere is a fix17:57
danageit doesnt work for me17:57
danagebut you can try17:57
danageare you on 16bpp or 24bpp17:57
nemotumi: mplayer lets you pick between like a dozen video outs and you can't find one that works? :)17:57
nemonot even opengl? :)17:58
jimmygoondoes anyone have firefox3 b4 w/ java working?17:58
nemojimmygoon: they still haven't fixed that plugin thing? :-/17:58
savvasnot me17:58
jimmygoongr, firefox won't recognize the fact that the java plugin is installed :(17:58
nemojimmygoon: I said !@#$ it and symlinked the dozen Gecko plugin dirs all together17:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 150519 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "radeon driver can not do xv with AIGLX enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:58
savvasthey have a plugin, but it doesn't work on most sites17:58
nemofriggen ubuntu :)17:58
jimmygoonI really really need it17:58
jimmygoonnemo haha17:59
nemosavvas: wasn't your problem on 64bit or something?17:59
tuminemo, I'm really looking for a compizimagesink in gstreamer17:59
jimmygoonwhat do you mean it doesn't work on most sites?17:59
J-_are the newest updates safe to install?17:59
jimmygoonthe official sun java 6 plugin :S17:59
nemojimmygoon: ok. either you are on 64bit (in which case savvas prob)17:59
savvasnemo: i'm really thinking about going over to 32bit17:59
jimmygoonnemo, I'm not on 64bit. plain ole 32 bit18:00
nemojimmygoon: or you have my prob from a couple of weeks ago where I discovered there are waaaay too many gecko plugin dirs18:00
nemojimmygoon: odds are you have my prob :)18:00
danagetumi: i think this fix aint work for gstramer18:00
danagebut read the bug report18:00
danageare you on 16bpp or 24bpp18:00
nemojimmygoon: go to about:plugins  - note down the plugins that *did* install.  find out which of the dozen gecko dirs that is, and symlink the java6 sun plugin to the right dir :(18:00
jimmygoonnemo, I'm just trying to recall the correct plugin dir for firefox on linux18:00
nemojimmygoon: is insane under ubuntu18:00
nemojimmygoon: ls -ld /usr/lib/*/plugins   <- :)18:01
nemojimmygoon: and yes those aren't *all* gecko18:01
jimmygoonoh god18:01
jimmygoon/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins$ ls18:01
jimmygoonflashplugin-alternative.so  libgcjwebplugin.so  libjavaplugin.so18:01
jimmygoonits there!!! :(18:01
nemojimmygoon: yeah. I just symlinked 'em all together18:01
nemofirefox-addons, iceweasel, iceape...18:01
nemojimmygoon: until some dev can give me a good reason for why they are broken up by default...18:02
jimmygoonnemo, well I don't want to hurt my system for later18:02
nemoyeah. that bugged me too, but no one would get back to me on it :-/18:02
jimmygoonI'm really contemplating just booting windows ;( (yes, I know its alpha)18:03
nemojimmygoon: you could always save the ls prior to symlinking :)18:03
* nemo doesn't have a Windows to boot18:03
nemowell, except from inside VirtualBox18:03
nemoor wine18:03
jimmygoonIt appears that /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox is ONLY created by webgcjplugin not by the official sun plugin18:03
nemobug time? :)18:03
jimmygoonnemo, I do but its speed testing I'm doing so I don't want to run it through a vm18:03
jimmygoonI can't file it now, I have to figure out this speed problem before they call me on it18:04
LynoureWhere could I find the current Kubuntu end-user upgrade instructions from 7.10 to Hardy?18:04
LynoureI would love to test the upgrade now that there is still time.18:04
nemojimmygoon: ah. for dev, at work, I use synergy2 and a seperate windows box as guest18:04
danageLynoure: i would wait until release18:05
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jimmygoondear god... /usr/lib$ ls | grep firefox18:05
Lynouredanage: I'm not an enduser...18:05
jimmygoonwhat in christ's name...18:05
Lynouredanage: and last time I tested them in late beta, they did not work. So better sooner this time18:05
nemojimmygoon: um. try that ls -ld /usr/lib/*/plugins  :)  there are more than just those18:05
Lynouredanage: seems most devs do a fresh install or cli upgrade, and thus the final way gets less testing than one could hope18:06
jimmygoonhow do i use find to find libflashplayer.so that would give me a starting point18:06
nemofind /usr/lib -name libflashplayer.so18:06
nemofind /usr/lib -name libflashplayer.so -ls18:06
nemoor locate I suppose18:06
nemodepending on when you updated the locate cache and when you installed flash :)18:06
jimmygooner, it only has one instance and it isn't even in a firefox plugin area18:07
jimmygoonwould that find sym/hard links as well?18:07
jimmygoonit must be in the firefox config to load from  /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so here then.... since that is the only appearance of that file18:07
nemomaybe they rename it when symlinking18:07
nemowouldn't shock me18:07
wastrelis dvd playing working in hardy?18:07
wastrelor is it just this disk i'm having trouble with?18:07
nemojimmygoon: ls -l /etc/alternatives/*flash*18:08
nemook. I'm sure they have a good reason for this18:08
nemobut seriously18:08
jimmygoonnemo, yep. you're right and seriously is the exact sentiment :P18:08
nemohow many of us want to use a different flash for each Gecko product?18:08
nemothey should default to just one plugin dir with one symlink, and override as the user chooses or a package finds necessary18:09
jimmygoonso now what?18:09
nemojimmygoon: find /usr/lib -name "*flashplugin*"18:09
nemoI guess, to see where all those /etc/alternatives go18:09
jimmygooner, ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/18:10
jimmygoonflashplugin-alternative.so  libjavaplugin.so18:10
jimmygoonso it should be being loaded!!18:10
nemoum. I guess.18:10
nemoso you have flash, but not java18:10
flipstarwastrel: no trouble with dvds here..18:10
nemoand you refreshed about:plugins18:10
jimmygooner, maybe I should be dealing with icedtea and openjdk?18:10
jimmygoonnemo, er, by refreshed if you mean I closed firefox and reopened it18:11
nemothat works too :-p18:11
nemojimmygoon: suppose you could launch ff from cli to see if there was an error on plugin load18:11
nemoreboot time. brb.18:11
jimmygoonso what is this: icedtea-java7-bin - Java runtime based on OpenJDK18:11
bwlangi have a method that returns an IList<Instrument>... i need to pass that collection to a method that expects  and IEnumerable<IXmlSerializable>... Instruments implement that IXmlSerializable interface.  I get a compiler error if i try to pass it directly... if i try to do a cast (IEnumerable<IXmlSerializable>)... i get a runtime erorr saying that it can't access a non-static member of the...18:12
bwlang...outer type... the method is static.  Why doesn't this work?18:12
jimmygoonwrong room?18:13
bwlangi'll try that in the next tab over ;)18:13
nemojimmygoon: aaand back18:15
jimmygoonnemo, icedtea fixed it18:15
nemojimmygoon: you know sun opened java for 7 right?18:15
nemogood times18:15
jimmygoonit calls it the gcj java plugin though18:15
nemoah. *shrug*18:16
jimmygoonIn my recollection gcj was always arse-slow18:16
nemowell, maybe this is using the new sun code :)18:16
jimmygoonI hope so18:16
jimmygoonwell, the package manager is icedtea-java7-jre etc but about:plugins says gcj so w/e .. my speed test works. thanks for the feedback, thoughts and help18:16
jimmygoonnow I must disconnect to test :)18:17
skroopshas anyone got hardy installed from netboot? is it possibe?18:21
skroopsI keep getting hung up18:21
flipstari installed via debootstrap18:21
skroopsflipstar, i don't really know the difference18:22
skroopswait nvm it seems to have started going again18:23
Lunkscutey login screen ;x18:27
* J-_ installs the Hardy updates, hopefully it doesn't bork18:28
LunksJ-_: it may. ;)18:30
Lunksjust updated my hardy setup, compiz broke18:31
Lunksnot big deal, but a pain hehe18:31
Lunkswastrel: 'makefusion' compiz, but still broke. :P18:33
Lunksdownloading it again and compiling to see if it gets back. :)18:33
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lime4x4hardy 64 bit all updates installed firefoxe very slow to load pages18:56
jimmygoonThere is no codec for ogg vorbis by defautl :O :O not possible!!19:06
jester7that seems odd19:09
jimmygoonwell I purge totem from my system... its the first thing I do...19:10
jimmygoonand I just installed vlc and its extension and the ogg sounds... jesus... my speakers are gonna explode19:10
jimmygoonthe oggs sound fine in rhythmbox though19:11
Picisudobash: ?19:11
jimmygoonhmm, maybe its time I gave ... no I can't use totem... I simply can't19:11
lamalexDoes anyone know how to associate an icon with a filetype?19:12
lamalex.iso files don't have icons with tangerine icons19:12
matjanhmmm... my install is unable to make icons for avi files... is there a way to fix that19:13
matjanalso... gnome panel keeps on segfaulting19:13
tgelterok, cool. looks like to problems reported for today's updates19:14
tgelter(in topic)19:14
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 802.11n - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:15
emet_Home of the  Hardy Heron?19:16
emet_can I get fries with that?19:16
sudobashso operators can you tell me why you watch those who are banned and log what they say?19:16
lamalexI don't think herons are legal to eat19:16
Gumby"WPA configuration is handled seamlessly by the "just works" WifiDocs/NetworkManager and should be installed with recent versions of Ubuntu."  <--- lol, except for the fact that networkmaanger doesnt even offer wpa in hardy it seems only wep19:17
flipstarsudobash: for misbehaving in general19:17
lamalexgreat blue one's aren't at least, and I'd imagine an orange heron is more rare than that19:17
sudobashwell i take offense to that because i tend to help a lot of people on freenode and it kind of upsets me to think that you are monitoring everyone so intently...19:18
flipstarsudobash: see this bot 'ubuntulog' ? seems they log everything19:19
Lynouresudobash: more suited for #ubuntu-ops, maybe?19:19
sudobashwhy pinpoint questions though?19:20
stdinsudobash: spamming is not helpful19:20
Gumbydoes anyone know why wpa isnt listed in network manager when you connect to a wifi network that has been found but when you setup a connection manually you can then choose wpa?19:20
lamalexGumby: that's not my experience at all19:21
Gumbylamalex: its my experience here with a fresh install.  If I select one of the "Wireless Networks"  in the list I can only choose WEP or... I forget the other on (if I try to see it I will get knocked off of IRC)19:21
Gumbyif I choose to "connect to other wireless network"  I then have the option of wpa19:22
lamalexGumby: on mine when I connect, if it's a WPA network WPA is already selected19:22
Gumbylamalex: fresh install or upgrade from gutsy?19:22
lamalexGumby: fresh as of alpha419:23
lamalexbut it's always done that for me since edgy19:23
GumbyI wonder if I add one wpa if it will then give me the option.19:24
Gumbybbiaf if I get knocked offline here19:24
jimmygoonmy least favorite ubuntu feature: http://i31.tinypic.com/23iwjfk.jpg19:34
Gumby`well now, its tough to connect to a wpa encrypted network with wpa when its only a wep encrypted network  :D19:34
Unksiyea, imo it should expand another menu there instead of scrolling it, that is annoying19:48
Unksidunno if that can be changed tho, but considering its gnome, i wouldnt be suprised if thats not possible19:49
sudobashok so i dont have a case19:52
jpatricksudobash: please /join #ubuntu-ops19:53
donspauldingis easy_install broken for everyone, or just me?20:07
donspauldingsudo apt-get --purge remove python-setuptools && sudo apt-get install python-setuptools20:09
donspauldingit removes and installs fine, then when I try to easy_install anything it complains of a VersionConflict20:10
donspauldingpkg_resources.VersionConflict: (setuptools 0.6a0 (/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/setuptools-0.6a0-py2.5.egg), Requirement.parse('setuptools==0.6c8'))20:11
bbbhi, everyone, i just install hardy alpha 6and i have a problem20:21
vistakillerwhat prob?20:22
bbbthe netconfig tool doesn't work20:23
bbbi use ifconfig but when i reboot the config dissapear20:23
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bbband sudo doesn't work20:26
IcemanV9man, what's up with scrollkeeper-update?! it took over CPU to itself! sheesh!20:27
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ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions20:32
sotoCan anyone troubleshoot this error on upgrade to Hardy (dist-upgrade): trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/testrb', which is also in package libtest-unit-ruby20:34
sotoIn package ruby_4.1_all.deb20:34
bbbsudo: unable to resolve host xxxx?20:36
danagemy atheros wifi does not work on kernel -12, can anybody help? it associates with the ap, but gets no ip. could it be wpa-supplicant? i use network manager20:42
jimmygoonhow does pulseaudio affect alsa?20:43
IcemanV9bbb: you're not connected to the Internet, aren't u?20:46
_dan_hello, nvidia driver seems to be not working with -12 kernel, modprobe reports error running install command for nvidia, is there a workaround available?20:49
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vistakillerdan what card you have?20:51
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AncientRelicI updated my laptop to Hardy from Gutsy, and just about everything works. However, the sound quality went to heck. Any ideas?20:53
_dan_vistakiller geforce 620:53
_dan_GO version in laptop, works fine wiht -11 kernel20:53
vistakilleri dont know but i install them with envyng20:54
vistakillerthe driver manager is not working correct in kubuntu20:54
_dan_yeah i wanted to avoid envy20:54
_dan_booting -11 kernel atm20:54
vistakillerme to dan but i cant do anything20:54
_dan_tried reinstalling restriced modules and nvidia-glx no effect20:54
vistakilleri have install restricted modules before update20:55
vistakillerand driver manager can see my card20:55
vistakillerafter the update nothing again :P20:55
_dan_btw funny thing  your nick is vistakiller      vista killed my desktop pc lately due to faulty flsh of bios ;)20:55
anonymous111Hi. I'm currently running Gutsy, and would like to try KDE4. I installed it manually, but didn't like the mixture of desktops (i.e. the menu still contained all the gnome configuration items and other gnome-related items). Is it possible  to install the development version of Kubuntu alongside my Gutsy installation (i.e. hardy's kubuntu-desktop package)? Do I just switch to Hardy's repos in my sources.list and install kubuntu-desktop?20:55
vistakilleri have and strange problem in kubuntu when i run compiz-fusion20:56
vistakillersome programmes looks confused20:56
bbbsudo doesn't work and i have to config the net in every reboot20:56
vistakillertake a look here20:57
thegvehello... I am following the rescue steps for the libc problem. It is mentioned that it is normal that there are 'some errors' . Is this one meant?   *** glibc detected *** dpkg: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0xb7e33ed0 ***20:57
thegveBecause I have the idea dpkg did not really do anything20:57
AncientRelicanyone have any idea how to fix sound issues?20:59
thegveCurrently running the breezy live cd :) Nice to see the old breezy again :)20:59
LunksWhere does "Clock" gets its weather info?21:00
LunksIt looks inaccurate.21:00
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AncientRelicyou set the info yourself21:02
AncientRelicI just set mine to my hometown and its reasonably accurate21:02
bbbnet config problem21:04
thegveI just extracted the deb file using dpkg -x and copied some files over to my hardy root, fingers crossed, brb hopefully :)21:08
danagemy atheros wifi does not work on kernel -12, can anybody help? it associates with the ap, but gets no ip. could it be wpa-supplicant? i use network manager21:09
lamalexhas anyone had a problem loading the livecd where X just continuously restarts?21:12
julian_hey does any one know why hardy heron uses the kernel instead of the new stable kernel21:17
lamalexjulian_: the -12 on the end is an ubuntu added extension21:17
lamalexit's the 12th version released for hardy21:17
lamalexeverytime the kernel is updated in hardy that number gets bumped21:18
julian_ok i thought so because it was a - instead of a .21:18
julian_ok so i cant really compare that to the generic ones out their i assume its probably the most up to date one out their21:19
lamalex-12 is the current kernel21:19
julian_well thanks i was curious abotthat lamex21:19
julian_i was curious also i am doing computer science as a major and i have become very interested int he development of linux but just recently started using it and dont know much. but where can i learn more about it because eventually i want to work up to try to do some development.21:21
julian_when it comes down to doing development work for linux what kind of work are they looking for.  and what do i need to learn to do21:22
pwnguinstep 1 in learning how to program linux: don't drop irc connections after 10 seconds21:23
gag72i have just installed hardy heron of the cd to hd: all went well on reboot i could not access the cdrom from witch i installled?21:23
julian_sorry i got disconnected21:24
cwilluwouldn't that be step 0?21:24
cwillu(in learning to program linux)21:25
pwnguinonly if you count from 0 like stupid c coders21:25
cwillu(for those who weren't here) :p21:25
cwillupwnguin, I meant in the sense of prerequisite, not in the zero based counter21:25
cwillubut zero based counters are far more natural for most things, and don't you dare call me a c coder :p21:25
julian_hi so can any one explain to me what i need to learn about to become a developer for ubuntu? what kind of work can you do for ubuntu? i am new to linux but i am very interested. i am majoring in compsci so i know  a lot but i am just learning this21:26
pwnguinone time in an office, the electrical and mechanical engineers made perfectly fine coffee, but the software engineer's was always bitter21:27
ethana2julian_: what's your programming language of choice?21:27
pwnguinthey confronted him about this. his defense? "i always follow the directions! it says add two cups. see? zero, one, two!"21:27
cwillupwnguin:  http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD08xx/EWD831.html21:28
cwillube enlightened :p21:28
julian_right now i am working on java stuff but i like C++21:28
ethana2julian_: What's your desktop environment of choice?21:28
ethana2...or do you prefer the CLI?21:28
pwnguincwillu: i disagree with the premise that there are only 4 options21:28
pwnguincwillu: how about "from x = 2 to 12 do"21:29
julian_ethana2: what do you mean desktop environment do you mean what os i use?  that is ubuntu21:29
cwilluhow is that a different option?21:29
cwilludid you even read the first line? :p21:29
ethana2julian: that'd be gnome21:29
julian_oh yea21:29
ethana2julian_: do you know how to use gtk and gnome libraries with C++?21:30
cwillunot instilling much confidence in your option julian_ :)21:30
julian_ethana2: well i also know c++ java, haskel, c,21:30
sotoWhat does "No GRUB directory found" signify when trying to install the -12 kernel during an upgrade to Hardy?21:30
ethana2Julian_: fine, fine..  but have you combined any of them in practice with gtk and gnomelibs?21:30
cwillujulian_, the gtk libs are c libraries21:31
julian_cwillu, ethana2: i have never done any development in gnome yet.21:31
ethana2cwillu: they have bindings for everything though, right?21:31
cwilluglade a is prefererd manner of doing gui layouts though, there's support for it21:31
pwnguinjulian_: what interests you? how a distribution is made? fixing bugs? writing entirely new applications?21:31
julian_ok so i can install that and use that t develope21:31
cwilluethana2, everything in the world can use a c libraries, but most mainstream languages have good bindings21:32
ethana2cwillu: ok, that's what i thought21:32
julian_ethana2, cwillu: um right now to get started fixing bugs to get used to things and then when school ends i will work my way up to some applications some of me and my friends want to develope.21:33
pwnguinjulian_: i'd recommend fixing bugs as a first step into linux programming. it's a lot of code reading, a bit of thinking, and a small bit of new code writing. precisely the hirearchy needed for someone new. it seems you agree ;)21:33
cwillujulian_, apt-get source <package> will load up the source to make a package from anything in the repository21:33
thegvewhiehoo, my hardy machine just started to live again :)21:33
julian_yea thats the way i have learned all my languages problem solving then build bigger projects with less direction21:34
ethana2cwillu: where does it put the source?21:34
cwillucurrent folder21:34
cwillujulian_, it's not ideal for anything really involved, but for just poking around its great21:34
ethana2i get so disorganized doing stuff like that21:34
julian_cool i am loading that right now21:34
cwillujulian_, do yourself a favour, and investigate git :)21:34
ethana2how do git and bzr differ?21:35
julian_ok what is git21:35
cwilludistributed version control system21:35
pwnguinethana2: git is fast, bzr is older21:35
cwilluit's like cvs or svn, except not fundamentally broken (which actually makes things simpler by far)21:35
pwnguinbzr is also what canonical is pushing21:35
julian_where do i find assignments on bugs needing to be solved21:35
ethana2pwnguin: that's what confused me21:35
ethana2julian_: launchpad, perhaps21:36
julian_ok thats great21:36
heanoli prefer mercurial21:36
julian_okay i will make my self a launchpad21:36
ethana2julian_: yes.  judging by the channel you're in21:36
ethana2julian_: that's a very good idea anyway21:36
julian_i have done a lot of work with cvs so i think getting a grasp with git should be easy21:37
alesanwhith kernel will hardy provide?21:38
ethana2the latest at kernel freeze21:38
alesanand, will it have the tickless feature?21:38
heanoli come from a cvs background and found mercurial alot easier21:38
ethana2of course it will21:38
ethana2...it does already, i think21:38
ethana2it has for some time21:38
alesanethana2: not on my 64bit gutsy...21:38
ethana2that's more recent21:39
ethana2but it's there too21:39
ethana2dynticks first was made to work on i686 i think21:39
ethana2...AMD64 took a while longer21:39
julian_okay i got most of it installed now i am going to set up my launchpad and i will see you all later. (:21:39
sotoDid Gutsy have a /boot/grub directory?21:40
alesanethana2: well... the two archs are now merged, so it's only a matter of configuration21:40
ethana2alesan: probably21:40
ethana2alesan: my first 64 bit cpu may be PPC21:41
savvassoto: yes21:42
sotosavvas: Is there some reason it would get deleted in an upgrade to Hardy?21:43
ethana2soto: encrypted /?21:43
alesanethana2: tickless in powerpc was added a bit later, I think in .2421:44
sotoethana2: No21:44
sotoethana2: LVM21:44
ethana2soto: ..hmm... yeah, i don't know21:44
alesanethana2: I think it's onlt in Powerpc, not ppc (which is 32only anyway)21:44
sotoAny suggestions on what I should do?21:44
alesanI don't know which one is used in ubuntu...21:44
ethana2alesan: CBE in the PS321:44
ethana2alesan: whether i buy a ps3 depends directly on the success of the ubuntu port21:45
ethana2Cell Broadband Engine21:45
ethana2alesan: never bought a console game in my life, never will21:45
alesanyes I know the CELL... mh is the General Purpose Unit in the PS3 version 64bit or not?21:46
ethana2alesan: it's 64bit21:46
ethana2no wait what?21:46
ethana2the CPU is one 64bit Power core with 6 usable SPU's21:46
alesanah ok21:46
secretlondonmy last console was an atari 2600 ;)21:46
ethana232 bit, ppc isa subset, but heavier on vector instructions and such21:46
* pwnguin ran linux on his wii last night21:47
alesana somewhat reduced version of the CELL21:47
ethana2pwnguin: *hi five*21:47
sotoIs there some way to view if grub is installed on my MBR?21:47
ethana2soto: does the MBR have anywhere near enough room for full blown GRUB?21:47
ethana2I didn't think it did...  is it fixed size?21:48
pwnguinit's rather simple, but the drivers aren't quite there for most purposes. can't use a usb keyboard or anything21:48
ethana2pwnguin: i'd expect that to all be fixed soon.  What distro?21:48
alesanwhat is the current kernel version in hardy as of now?21:48
pwnguinethana2: i wouldn21:48
ethana2hold on, i'll check21:48
pwnguinethana2: gc-linux21:48
sotoethana2: I'm not sure. Whatever grub installs on the MBR, the stub loader or whatever. I need to check if my bootloader is sane before I try to reboot.21:48
ethana2oh, it just says 2.6.24-1221:48
smallfoot-strange day, no updates21:49
jdh6403hello folks21:50
ethana2jdh: hello, person21:50
Exilanthuh, none?21:50
jdh6403just installed hardy  running updates now21:50
alesanbye, thank you21:50
ethana2alesan: bye21:50
Exilanti thought it were the usual number21:50
ethana2sudo apt-get update21:50
LunksDo I have to expect this part of Ubuntu's development (one to release) lots and lots of kernel updates? =P21:50
ethana2update-manager isn't the best on up-to-the-minute type stuff21:51
Lunksone month*21:51
ethana2Lunks: kinda...21:51
jdh6403ill run it next21:51
sliptteesjdh6403: welcome21:51
jdh6403ty slipttees21:51
pwnguinLunks: they dont release kernel updates all that often, in my opinion21:51
jdh6403is compiz working?21:51
jdh6403thats my next thing to get21:51
ethana2jdh: i think so21:52
LunksI make some changes to a module, so I kinda have to compile the kernel myself21:52
ethana2jdh: i'm running both instances of X on one gpu21:52
cwilluLunks, module?21:52
ethana2jdh: so i don't have working 3d right now21:52
cwilluno you don't, you can just build the module21:52
sliptteeshey, WavePlus WP1200 wireless work in hardy ?21:52
cwilludownload the kernel headers and compile the module against that21:52
Lunkscwillu: with make drivers/net...?21:52
jdh6403well i am running hardy 64 bit   so am i gonna have flash probs?21:52
_dan_flesh is fine aslong as u dont use latest version21:52
Lunkscwillu: how can I do it? it's bcm43xx module, which I patch.21:53
jdh6403someone might need to point me to a backport later then21:53
Lunkscwillu: So it's inside the kernel21:53
cwilluLunks, sure you need it?  b43 is the standard module now21:53
Lunkscwillu: I know, I just do it. ;P21:53
sliptteesWavePlus WP1200 wireless pci-card work in hardy  ?21:53
cwilluand a module isn't compiled into the kernel (or at least, the bcm43xx isn't)21:53
cwilluLunks, google :p21:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:54
Lunkscwillu: But I'm interested learning how to compile a single module against kernel headers21:54
cwilluthere's a list there of what cards are known to work21:54
cwilluLunks, ... google will answer faster than I will21:54
LunksI've tried. ;P21:54
Lunkssomeone told me I just have to go on the kernel source and make <module_dir>21:55
sliptteescwillu: man, waveplus wireless pci card work ?21:55
LunksBut didn't know about compiling against kernel headers.21:55
soneilIs there any way to stop ff3 from trying to use NetworkManager?  I don't use NM, so firefox always starts offline21:56
jdh6403so what do i need to know about hardy...thats different from 7.1021:56
jdh6403do i need to go hunt for codecs?21:56
cwillusee the 'changed in hardy' page?21:56
Lunkscwillu: I don't get it, as Makefile on module is completely different from the model21:57
LunksI mean, no KDIR at all. :P21:57
matjanhi, my hardy install is not able to generate thumbnails for avi files... is there a way to solve this?21:58
Exilanthm, never seen that, i sthat supposed to work in kde?22:00
strabesHow do I make this command run on lid close? sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force22:00
cwillustrabes, I think /etc/acpi/lid/sh22:03
cwillulid.sh rather22:03
strabescwillu: Thanks. I know about that file, but I am not too skilled in bash programming. Where in the file should I put it?22:04
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
cwillu/etc/acpi/local/lid.sh.pre is referenced actually, try making _that_ folder and file, and just dump your command into it22:04
annoiaWhich package provides /etc/bash_completion?22:09
aldaekis this the development version channel?22:11
Belboz99Hey all22:11
ethana2anyone know how i switch the menu key from <alt>F1 to <super>?22:12
Belboz99I have a /dev/nvidia0 when I took out the nvidia card over a month ago22:12
ethana2gconf-editor isn't working22:12
ethana2Belboz99: might you ever put it back in?22:12
Belboz99and I have no /dev/ati0 even though I've got the fglrx module loaded22:12
aldaekif you switch the repositories you are using to the development version and when they change from 8.04 alphas to 8.10 alphas.. does it auto-upgrade or do you have to tell it to upgrade each time?22:12
ethana2aldaek: hardy will still be hardy22:12
ethana2..i think...22:13
aldaekso its not like debian's development version, they just have a it continue to update rather than forcing a repos change?22:13
ethana2debian sid is the perpetual bleeding edge22:14
Belboz99aldaek: if you change your /etc/apt/sources.list to hardy, you will stay with hardy22:14
ethana2hardy is stabilizing now22:14
aldaekoh, ok. guess i should be on debian for that availability22:14
annoiaCome on, how do I get autocompletion on everything? It's horrible without it!22:14
ethana2annoia: what?22:14
Belboz99so, how do I get rid of /dev/nvidia0?22:14
ethana2oh i see, bash completion22:14
annoiaethana2 - /etc/bash_completion is missing from my install, so I can't get autocompletion on apt-get and so on.22:14
ethana2isn't that like...  a different shell?22:14
Belboz99I've tried rmmod nvidia, but it says nvidia doesn't exist22:15
ethana2i don't have it22:15
ethana2zsh or something?22:15
Lunksannoia: i've got the same issue22:15
ethana2i don't mind; i love to type22:15
ethana2what bugs me is that i have to apply pressure to push these keys down22:15
annoiaI don't love to type apt-cache search flaf, when I can just hit tab in apt-get install...22:15
ethana2i'd rather just tap them lightly and have them register22:16
Lunksannoia: yeah =P22:16
ethana2i just use the up arrow22:16
sotoWho in here was having trouble with their NVidia Go graphics card?22:17
Belboz99soto: that's me22:17
annoiaAlso, apt-file doesn't work :(22:18
Belboz99opps, that's not nvidia go, it's just nvidia and ati22:18
sotoBelboz99: It's an Nvidia laptop card?22:19
Belboz99sorry soto, I've got an ATI card that isn't loading because /dev/nvidia0 still exists, or so I figure22:20
Belboz99I think I might have jumped the gun on your question earlier :-P22:20
sotoDoes anyone know where I can set the screen resolution in a text file?22:23
pwnguinsoto: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?22:25
sotopwnguin: Does that list potential resolutions or does it actually select the settings?22:25
sotoEvery single upgrade my resolution gets screwed up.22:26
sotoOr failing that, what is the name of the gnome executable that selects resolution?22:27
heanolannoia: apt-get install bash-completion22:30
heanoli've noticed in hardy it doesn't come pre-installed anymore22:30
annoiaheanol - Oh... Great! Thanks!22:30
annoialunks - Over to you too! :)22:30
pwnguinsoto: that should set the configuration as you desire. it's not always easy, but it certainly does more than list things22:33
x-ipits awsome Hardy Heron ... good work =)22:40
mcquaidi want to make sure i'm reading the releases right, regarding fglrx is that the latest version already in hardy? version 8.322:40
mcquaidi was hoping they'd make it in but thought the freeze already occurred.22:41
Black_MagicOk this is getting annoying22:41
Black_Magici had internet for like 24hrs22:41
x-ipou ... i'd the freeze problem with the ati card too22:41
Black_Magicthen i needed to reboot..22:41
Black_Magicand guess what i cannot connect anymore well WICD says im connected22:41
Black_Magicbut i cannot ping any kind of IP or use Firefox Opera Frostwire or anything else that depends on internet..22:41
Black_Magicits the same AP22:42
Black_MagicSame exact spot i was before reboot and cant connect..22:42
smo__how do we chnage driver for command line now on hardy?22:42
smo__no Driver entry in xorg.conf22:42
x-ipBlack_Magic: you see something unusual at dmesg or logs ?22:42
Black_MagicWell atm i had to switch to my kinda backup OS22:43
Black_Magicto get to the internet only computer22:43
Black_Magicwell i have another but all its good for is to connect to a router..22:43
Black_Magicis there a way to get those logs from here i can access ubuntu Partion22:43
smo__no link on how worg work in hard now? i dont understand22:43
x-ipsmo__: have you tryed to boot in safe mode ?22:43
smo__i can boot no problems22:44
smo__but i builded the ati driver22:44
smo__dkms ok build ok22:44
Black_Magicthen it should be called22:44
smo__but in xorg.conf?22:44
Black_Magicin xorg.conf22:44
x-ipsmo__: you installed propietary drivers right ?22:44
smo__no Driver line in it22:44
Black_Magictry booting into Terminal thing and it should stop and ask to continue or fixxserver something like that22:45
x-ipsmo__: so ... you have an utility called aticonfig22:45
smo__just search to understand how xorg/xorg.conf work now on hardy22:45
x-ipsmo__: hmm ... i understand what you mean22:45
x-ipi checked the xorg.conf and its 'modularized'22:45
Black_MagicOk i found dmseg in /var/log pasting it in a few seconds22:46
smo__in just ask where do he store others informations we had before in gutsy22:46
smo__in the xorg.conf22:46
x-ipwell .. smo__ have you tried something like ... aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf ?22:46
x-ipok Black_Magic22:46
smo__i know all of this no problem22:46
x-ipsmo__: where is the other information ? i want to know that too22:46
smo__i can fixe my problem just i dont understand why i have to add it by myself... supposed to be easier no?22:47
smo__like  a big mystery for me now...22:47
Black_MagicIll look too22:47
x-ipsmo__: maybe in the final release it'll be automatic22:47
x-ipok Black_Magic ... checking ...22:47
Black_Magicif i log out unexpectibly its because of this OS22:47
smo__but boot right from my usb stick :)22:48
x-ipBlack_Magic: so you have an atheros card ...  wifi0: Atheros 5424/2424 ...22:51
x-ipand using ndiswrapper22:51
Black_Magicim not using ndiswrapper22:52
Dean-hi. i cant seem to connect to my wifi access point in gnome. its using WEP, im putting in the correct passphrase but no joy. does anyone know how to get a more detailed error diagnosis, or alt the cli command to do this?22:52
Black_Magici have an extra USB Card22:52
Black_Magicthats what ndiswrapper is for22:52
Black_Magicmy atheros card is supported by default22:52
Black_Magicwell the drivers are there automaticly in most Linux installs and live cds22:52
x-ipgreat ... so the problem is you cant connect again to the same ap with your atheros card ?22:53
Black_MagicI was connected yesturday for all day untill i chose to reboot..22:54
Black_Magicthen not connected22:54
Black_Magicits like it only connects when it wants to..22:54
Black_Magicit was 2-3 weeks since ive connected before that instance..22:54
x-ipDean-: if you watch dmesg while you try to connect ... it'll bring important information22:54
Black_Magici think it has something to do with encryption..22:55
Black_Magicwell i have 2 APs comming out of my house22:55
Black_MagicOne WEP and the other unsecured22:55
RAOFHeh.  So two unsecured APs ;)22:55
Black_Magicif i just set Wicd to auto connect to  the unsecured "somtimes" itl connect and i can use it22:55
x-ipso Black_Magic ... how could i help you ?22:55
Black_Magiclol yea if i really wanted security22:55
Black_Magicid get WPA2 with RAID or something else forget..22:56
Black_MagicWell i just need to be able to use wireless..22:56
x-ipok ...22:56
Dean-hi. i cant seem to connect to my wifi access point in gnome. its using WEP, im putting in the correct passphrase but no joy. does anyone know how to get a more detailed error diagnosis, or alt the cli command to do this?22:56
x-ipBlack_Magic: you usually use the terminal ?22:56
Black_Magicx-ip, dont understand what you mean...?22:56
x-ipDean-: i said you ... please read before ...22:57
Dean-x-ip: apologies.i missed your message22:57
x-ipBlack_Magic: to try to fix you problem ... we'll need to use a terminal22:57
Black_Magici have one22:57
Black_Magicim in Backtrack..22:57
x-ipperfect ... :)22:57
x-ipifconfig -a ... shows your atheros card ?22:58
x-ipthe one that not connect22:58
Black_Magicas you can understand its hard having one OS that your dependant on because you removed windos and Ubuntu is my main OS and without internet im basicly duped...22:58
x-ipou ... sorry, you said that it connects to the ap but cant navigate ...22:58
Black_MagicIt shows Ath022:58
Black_Magiceth0, lo and wifi022:59
x-ipperfect ...22:59
x-ipifconfig wifi0 essid your_ap_essid key your_wep_ap_key22:59
x-ipcould you please do that ?22:59
Black_Magicwell im connected to my AP right now..22:59
x-ipsorry the command is iwconfig23:00
x-ipnow ... can you ping some ip ?23:00
x-ipbeing connected you your ap ?23:00
x-ipdns resolution works ?23:00
x-ipping google.com ?23:00
Black_Magicin ubuntu if i try and ping23:00
Black_Magicit says23:00
Black_Magicoperation not permitted23:00
x-ipwell ... thats right23:00
x-ipat ubuntu you need to do that with administrative privileges23:01
Black_Magicill brb hopefully23:01
Black_Magici tried23:01
Black_Magicdidnt work23:01
=== freeman_ is now known as freeman
Exilantping shouldn't need admin privileges23:09
Dean-x-ip: not sure if you can help. in dmesg the error shown is 'ASSECONF(NETDEV_UP): ath0: link is not ready'23:10
x-ipDean-: maybe ... as my knowledge let me i'll try to help you23:12
x-ipDean-: go to a terminal ... get root and ... ifconfig ath0 down23:13
x-ipifconfig ath0 up23:13
x-ipthen look up dmesg again ... i'll have to get some errors23:13
Dean-x-ip: same error23:14
Exilantdoes iwconfig say sth. about being not associated?23:15
x-ipDean-: ok ... it has to give more errors that only this line23:17
x-ipcould  you please pastebin the lines that correspond to ath0 errors ?23:18
Dean-no net access on the laptop :(. but i can type them?23:18
Dean-x-ip: nevermind. ive decided to give up for today. go relax. thanks for the help23:21
sotoI don't see a 'hardware drivers' selection in the administration menu. Where is it?23:25
=== calc_ is now known as calc
Black_MagicIm back23:35
Black_Magicsorry KDE Crashed and X was going..23:35
savvasmm no more updates :)23:37
savvasthat's nice for a change :P23:38
Black_MagicOk who every was helping me please continue23:39
danagedoes anybody know how to fix my atheros wifi with -12 kernel? it broke... is it wpa? my ath0 doesn't get ip address from dhcp23:44
savvasfile a bug :)23:44
danagehaha there is probably one already23:45
danagedont know which package its in23:45
savvaswell um..23:45
savvastry #ubuntu-bugs - they know this stuff much better23:45
soneilwhere would I look for logs/cores for crashes?  dumped a lot of noise on the terminal, but I can't find anything matching in /var/log/23:52
giorgoscan anyone help with ypdate problem?23:56
giorgosi update and the system crashes23:57

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