
greg-gwho is ken paulsen/valyander??00:35
greg-gand why is he subscribed to every bug?00:36
bdmurrayBeats me00:38
bdmurrayThere's a mailing list if you want to read every bug.00:38
greg-gI feel like emailing him saying "you know there is mailing list.... yeah00:39
thekorn./hugday close 95478 96290 155915 --day 20080221 --category KDE00:46
thekornupps, wrong window00:46
bdmurraythekorn: so that edits the wiki page?00:48
thekornbdmurray, yes this marks the related rows and adds your name00:49
bdmurraythekorn: I looked at doing something like that with editmoin but had issues with it respecting locks00:49
thekornbdmurray, yes locks and different revisions of a page is still a problem00:51
thekornand editing wiki-pages is sooo slow00:51
bdmurrayyeah, I get bored waiting for editmoin to write00:51
bdmurrayThis would be exciting though00:51
thekorni will write a email to the list tomorrow and describe my ideas with this tool and the current workflow00:53
tjaaltonogasawara: hey :) the bug is confirmed _not_ being fixed unless the commit is reverted00:57
greg-ganyone speak french?04:17
greg-gor read it decently, it is mainly the error message that I am interested in, it looks like it is saying it ran out of harddrive space (but I might be way off)04:17
greg-gbug 20235204:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202352 in update-manager "problem updating ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20235204:17
greg-gnevermind, google translated for me04:18
keehi room.05:59
keecan anyone help me with a Ubuntu networking problem?  I cant get on to the internet since installing vmware06:00
keevmware guest get to internet fine.  Host machine no luck.06:01
pwnguinso i have a kernel patch from mandriva (i know...) that i think will fix a bug06:20
pwnguinits a one liner06:20
pwnguinwhat's the best way to get the kernel devs to look at it?06:20
calcdoes anyone know if openoffice base is still on the live cd's?06:29
elmargolI think the iwl3945 driver is seriously broken... somehow 11b is faster than 11g here08:44
IulianHey afflux10:21
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
NightroseI wanted to have a look at bughelper to see if it is useful for me - doesn't work for me - I get this: http://pastebin.com/m161fdfb315:12
Nightrosecan someone tell me what is wrong?15:12
james_wNightrose: what version of python-launchpad-bugs do you have installed?15:38
Nightrosejames_w: 0.2.2115:40
james_wthere are newer version, so it might be fixed in them.15:40
james_wThe other alternative is that the launchpad page changed.15:40
Nightrosethere is? I don't have any updates here in gutsy15:41
james_wI know that doesn't help you much though :-)15:41
Nightrosehehe yea15:41
james_woh, in hardy sorry.15:41
james_wwhat were you trying when you got the error? I'll see if it is fixed in Hardy.15:41
Nightrosebughhelper -p vino15:42
Nightrosefor example15:42
Nightrosethe simple example in the wiki15:42
NightroseI also tried it for amarok15:42
Nightrosesame thing15:42
james_wNightrose: vino works in Hardy for me.15:46
Nightroseok thanks - will wait then15:47
james_wNightrose: or upgrade to hardy :)15:48
Nightrosehehe not yet on my only usable system15:49
Nightrosenot for bughelper15:49
greg-gI'm having a hard time with bug 20239317:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202393 in ubuntu "[Firefox 3.0b4 in Hardy alpha 6] some png pictures are not displayed on web pages after a zoom in" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20239317:30
Iuliangreg-g: Here is working fine. I don't have any ideas what is causing that. Sometimes I can't see the images, let's take hattory's blog for now.17:50
Iuliangreg-g: Do you see the image from "GNOME 2.22 is out!" ?17:50
greg-gIulian: I do yes17:56
greg-gI can not confirm that bug at all17:57
IulianUh... that's weird.18:02
greg-gI have asked 3 people personally with no one being able to reproduce18:04
greg-gso, do you have any idea of what package it _should_ be assigned to? since both FF and epiphany are affected in his case18:05
Iuliangreg-g: No idea.18:09
secretlondonsomething that does pngs18:10
greg-gyeah, I found libpng-12 or something, but, not sure18:16
secretlondonI actually get a blank image when loading in epiphany18:16
secretlondondoes we think its just pngs?18:19
secretlondonI have an error in .xsession-errors that could be connected18:20
secretlondon"Error showing url: There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location."18:20
greg-gsecretlondon: which page?18:25
secretlondonthe blog with the gnome image18:25
greg-gso you were able to reproduce, in effect?18:28
secretlondonwith epiphany (which doesn't have zoom)18:28
greg-gright, and it works fine in FF for you?18:29
secretlondonnot tested in FF18:29
secretlondonI will do so18:29
greg-gcool, thanks secretlondon18:29
secretlondonright clicking on the image ijn ephiphany does load it in a new window18:30
secretlondonarrgh firefox is taking 100% cpu - on the welcome to ubuntu page :(18:32
greg-glook what this bug has started, me being lost on where to go next, secretlondon's machine is going to blow up, I mean jeez18:33
secretlondonthis is why I've been using epiphany since b418:33
greg-goh, I haven't had problems with FF3.0b418:33
secretlondonnot connected to this bug, thought it might be flash (as flash block extention doesn't work) but on the welcome to Ubuntu page??18:33
greg-gwhich is just a file on your harddrive at that18:34
secretlondonI suppose I could file a bug on it, and then triage 2 to make up for it ;)18:34
secretlondonooh epiphany just crashed even though I'd closed it18:34
greg-gwtf is going on here18:35
greg-gthere went secretlondon's machine18:35
secretlondonanyway - no image on that page in firefox either18:35
secretlondonand apport is doing it's thing re: epiphany18:35
greg-gok, so, I wonder what is different between our machines18:35
secretlondonI think this must be graphics rendering lib18:36
* secretlondon shrugs18:36
secretlondonBUT if you right click on the image it loads!18:36
greg-gyeah, that is what is confusing me18:36
secretlondonomg 23 meg core dump18:36
secretlondonboth epiphany and firefox use gecko I suppose18:37
greg-gany new ideas on what package to assign?  gecko?18:40
secretlondonnot a clue18:42
greg-gme neither18:42
greg-gcalling backup18:43
greg-goh, hey, there's wolfger18:43
secretlondonyeah. maybe my 23 meg core dump will provide clues ;)18:43
greg-gwolfger: bug 20239318:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202393 in ubuntu "[Firefox 3.0b4 in Hardy alpha 6] some png pictures are not displayed on web pages after a zoom in" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20239318:43
secretlondononce it's uploaded and apport has poked it18:43
wolfgerwhassup greg-g?18:43
greg-gneeding backup assitance18:43
wolfgerHeeeeere I come, to save the daaaaay18:44
greg-gmighty mouse!18:44
* secretlondon cheers!18:44
wolfgergreg-g gets it in one guess.18:44
* secretlondon doesn't know what mighty mouse is, even18:44
greg-goh, I watched SNL18:44
wolfgerold cartoon18:45
* secretlondon gaves away her tv..18:45
greg-gyeah, the cartoon was on for a few years when I was young, then saw the andy kaufman version on SNL18:45
secretlondonanyways - bug problem18:46
* greg-g likes to get offtopic easily18:46
secretlondonwonder if bug #182038 is related as I had that too18:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182038 in xorg-server "Black rectangle instead of image in FF3 [Hardy]" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18203818:48
greg-gok, well, unfortunately I have to go do some other work now, good luck all, I'll check back in on this bug... probably tomorrow (eastern us time)18:48
greg-glater all18:48
secretlondonsee ya18:48
wolfgerI'm in Gutsy right now, and I see no problem18:48
wolfgerhmm. what is meant by "zoom in"? Is this a new FF3 thing? I haven't done much with FF3 yet.18:50
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
wolfgerbut the ticket text simply says "when visiting some sites", and doesn't mention zooming18:51
secretlondonI get the same on epiphany which doesn't do zoom18:51
wolfgerwell, the bug says Hardy, so I can't effectively troubleshoot at the moment. I'll try later, or tomorrow.18:52
secretlondonok - i've found it upstream from looking at the black squares bug18:59
secretlondonit's dependent on your graphics driver18:59
secretlondoni've duped it as the upstream bug covers both - xulrunner apparently19:04
secretlondonhmm. apport has removed the "need retrace" tag from my bug without retracing it19:20
=== albert24 is now known as albert23
manchickenAnybody know anything about bug #134118?21:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134118 in dsc "Rewrite modules to use different name space" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13411821:03
manchickenThat one looks... incomplete...21:03
secretlondonwho set it as critical?21:05
manchickenI'll look21:07
manchickenLooks like Michael Zedeler.21:09
manchickenI'm just having a hard time imagining what an officially approved Perl namespace would be...21:10
secretlondonnot sure who that is, i'll look21:10
manchickenDoesn't look like there's been much done on that project lately either.21:11
manchickenI'm just trying to find some Perl stuff I can take care of.  Kinda bored, don't have time, and my client isn't forthcoming with tasks so I figured I'd help squish a few bugs.21:11
secretlondonits not actually in ubuntu tho21:12
secretlondonits in a different project, his own21:12
* manchicken keeps forgetting that Ubuntu's not the only project on LP21:13
=== calc_ is now known as calc
danagemy ath0 wifi is broken in kernel -12 hardy. is there a problem with wifi/wpa supplicant/dhclient in this release? anybody know how to fix it23:47

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