[00:04] quick question: are there more packages for 32bit than 64bit ? [00:05] X3N: Not by any significant margin. [00:05] :) [00:05] thanks [00:05] Daviey, ^ [00:10] :) [00:11] * Fujitsu is reminded of Dust Puppy. [00:13] what's the bash equivalent of realname to get the full path of a file? [00:14] 2. there is no /etc/X11/xorg.d or similar, is there? For packages to add conf settings. [00:15] do we have anybody running MOTU School? [00:17] LaserJock: hi [00:17] james_w: ah, I wondered if it was you [00:17] I was gonna dig through emails [00:18] LaserJock: what are you after? [00:18] james_w: you wanna be MOTU School Coordinator? [00:18] I'm a but stuck for what to do this month. [00:18] LaserJock: what does that mean? [00:18] the person to contact for ideas and who sets up the sessions [00:19] basically what you've been doing [00:19] I thought I already was :) [00:19] well, more official like [00:19] I'm making a list, checking it twice [00:19] seeing who's been naughty or nice [00:20] I know it's been far from official, and I've only been doing it for a couple of months so no-one knows if I'm serious and whether I plan to stick around. [00:20] I've definitely been somewhere between naughty and nice, so do I get on your list? [00:20] yep [00:20] great, I'd be happy to be listed. [00:21] Do I make this list? :) [00:21] you might, ya never know [00:21] and if anyone wants to help me with this month's that would be great ;-) [00:22] what's the most critical thing for release at this point? [00:22] getting patches in? fixing FTBFS? [00:23] I notice there are a ton of merges on merges.ubuntu.com for universe [00:23] Where the ubuntu delta is just a rebuild [00:23] FTBFS is pretty big I think [00:23] making sure anything we're in the middle of gets done [00:23] like the gfortran transition going on right now [00:24] cody-somerville: those are better handled in Intrepid I think [00:24] * Fujitsu notes that an archive rebuild will finish in less than an hour. [00:24] LaserJock, but the debian stuff usually has good stuff [00:24] cody-somerville: I thought you were saying the ubuntu delta was just a rebuild [00:25] I'd be happy to run a FTBFS session, only I don't even know where the FTBFS list is :) [00:25] you mean that there's new stuff we should be syncing? [00:25] cody-somerville: you don't mean a -build1? [00:25] james_w, Yes, I do [00:25] LaserJock, The ubuntu delta is just a rebuild [00:25] Why did the archive have to freeze right before we do a lot of uploads for the gfortran transition? [00:26] cody-somerville: ah, ok. Does that need a session, it's just a sync isn't it? [00:26] Right [00:26] I filed several sync requests today [00:26] But there are still more that should be synced [00:26] is MoM still running? [00:26] I think so, yes. [00:27] LaserJock: last I looked, yes [00:27] that's where the "RC bugs fixed in Debian but not in Ubuntu" list is good [00:27] we need to be able to prioritize which stuff to grab [00:27] that's a list worth looking at. [00:27] * cody-somerville nods. [00:27] but qa.ubuntuwire.com is down :( [00:29] LaserJock, cody-somerville: I don't believe that was ever being updated for Hardy, anyway. [00:30] Fujitsu, It had good enough regardless [00:31] so it's the list of out of date packages in Ubuntu where the debian uploads since the last included version fixed an RC bug? [00:31] Indeed. We really need to track down imbrandon. [00:32] james_w: That's correct. [00:32] nixternal: please ping an archive admin, once the new package has been uploaded (bug #196123) [00:32] Launchpad bug 196123 in ubuntu "[FFe] keurocalc port to kde4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196123 [00:32] Unfortunately, it relies on someone rsyncing from the BTS, which means it needs a DD. [00:32] is the SOAP or ldap interface not good enough? Or is the problem DOSing the BTS? [00:33] I believe it needs to check every bug, so it'd be a fairly effective DoS. [00:34] superm1: ping [00:34] fair enough. [00:34] I think ajmitch actually downloaded a local copy of bts or something to do it [00:35] LaserJock: That's right. [00:36] LaserJock: have you approached any of the other DDs to do it? [00:37] no [00:37] maybe lucas would have some idea/some script? [00:37] we've just kinda been throwing it around today [00:39] hi sistpoty [00:39] hi james_w [00:46] nn [01:04] * sistpoty is off to bed... gn8 [01:05] Heya gang [01:06] hiya bddebian [01:06] boo [01:07] Hi LaserJock, nixternal [01:07] wasabi homeskillet [01:07] Heh, not much. You folks? [01:09] dput'in' crack into the repos :) [01:09] heh, that's always good :) [01:10] I uploaded one of your patches the other day, and I can't remember which one it was now [01:10] yesterday actually [01:10] My patches? I don't patch anything.. :-) [01:10] it was a super old patch, like 2006 old [01:12] It's just so funny to see the stark differences between the Ubuntu IRC channels and the Debian ones. :-) [01:13] bddebian: Yeah. They're required to care about their users, but we're free to ignore them. [01:13] Uhm, that would be the anti-thesis of my experiences :-) [01:14] It's in the Debian social contract, so it must be true? [01:16] hehe [01:20] I'm not dissing Debian as a distro, it's just funny. Almost any time of day in almost any Ubuntu channel, I can solicite a hello. In the Debian channels, it's dead air.. :-) [01:24] bddebian: hang out in the debian-qt-kde chan, it is hardly ever dead air [01:24] * nixternal kicks ajmitch in the shin [01:25] * porthose wave to all [01:25] Hello porthose [01:35] what will be the name of the next release, after hardy? [01:35] Intrepid [01:36] sound cool, I like :) [01:36] thx [01:37] NO. BAD FIREFOX-3.0 PACKAGING. *SMACK*. [01:38] the world's out to get me. Everytime I turn around, the world tries to symlink firefox-3.0 to firefox and mess up my backports :) [01:38] I broke Breaks: :) [01:38] do I get a trophy for that? [01:39] :) [01:44] It should've been Intrepid _Iguana_. Iguanas are awesome, more so than cool mountain goats. [01:45] +1 [01:48] heya people [01:48] Howdie emgent. [01:50] how die? [01:50] hi LaserJock [01:50] what's up? [01:50] emgent: I could spell it "howdy", if you like :) [01:54] i dont understand howdy :P [01:59] It's "hello", but distorted through years of separation from reality. [02:00] It's derived from How do you do? [02:00] Yup [02:01] RAOF: lol ok :P [02:01] RAOF: like much of the english language? :-) [02:02] LaserJock: Heh. We're just talking a crazy mixture of Old Norse, German, and French :) === emgent is now known as vodka === vodka is now known as emgent [02:15] i'm making a downloader package that uses zenity to display progress, i was instructed to use ssft instead as it could use alternate methods if an xserver was not present, i have the output of wget mangled around to display % and download speed, however i cant get ssft_progress_bar to take this output, heres a paste of the script so far http://pastebin.com/m8f444a9 what am i doing wrong? === dmb_ is now known as dmb === _czessi is now known as Czessi [03:45] I'm making a downloader package that uses ssft to display progress, i'm using wget to download a file and using sed to mangle it into "0% \n Downloading at $downloadspeed" ssft is updating the speed but not hte bar from the percentage, what am i doign wrong [04:52] this is so strange [04:53] it gives a lintian error "bad-distribution-in-changes-file gutsy" how is gutsy a bad distribution? [04:54] jscinoz: which release are you on/ [04:54] as in what release am i building on? [04:54] ye [04:54] s [04:55] gutsy [04:55] strange [04:55] it would usually be because the system displaying that is feisty or below [04:57] >_< [04:57] changlog line: urbanterror-data (4.1~getdeb0) gutsy; urgency=low [04:58] and yes it's supposed to be native :P [04:58] i'd say because it doesn't have ubuntu1 at the end. it's ignorable, anyway [04:59] ...and why are you packaging for getdeb/' [05:00] i missed the freeze for hardy, so i'm packaging for debian so it'll get pulled downstream for ibex, and while i wait for a sponsor i may as well put in on getdeb so at least some people can get it [05:02] heya people [05:02] rawr [05:19] has anybody tried dist-upgrading from like Gutsy to Debian testing/unstable? [06:11] some motu up ? [06:12] Hobbsee: ping :) [06:12] You sent me a contentless ping. This is a contentless pong. Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around. [06:13] heheh it's true [06:13] bug #202422 [06:13] Launchpad bug 202422 in smarty "CVE-2008-1066 smarty allows attackers to call arbitrary PHP functions via templates" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202422 [06:13] please open task and upload for hardy [06:14] s/task/tasks/ [06:14] Isn't that how smarty works? [06:16] Fujitsu: it'snt critical bug, smarty work but it's vulnerable [06:17] emgent: the sponsorship queue was overrated? === stefano_ is now known as stefano-gone [06:18] Hobbsee: i prefer used IRC for security sponsor in hardy, because the rest of upload are by security team. [06:19] argh my english sux === Frogzoo_ is now known as frogzoo [06:42] fooey === Allan_ is now known as Hit3k [07:58] ls [07:59] ups, worng window === olegb_ is now known as olegb [08:40] G'morning. [10:06] DktrKranz: Thanks for uploading nxtvepg. [10:06] Hello btw :) [10:12] Hello, I have a quick question on naming conventions for back-ports. [10:12] jdong: ^ [10:13] vik_3278: would help if you say your question [10:13] I'm trying to backport libestools1.2_1.2.96~beta from Hardy to Gutsy [10:13] Iulian, hey. Thank *you* [10:14] Hobbsee: yeah I already posted on jdong's thread, but I thought I'd do a little bit of digging myself :) [10:14] sorry the package is called libestools1.2_1.2.96~beta-2 [10:15] if I'm not mistaken, I should name it something like libestools1.2_1.2.96~beta-2~7.10backport1 [10:15] or atleast that's what jdong's prevu utility does [10:16] but apt doesn't seem to like the 2 ~'s in the name [10:16] hellboy195, ! [10:16] So my question is, what is the correct way to name this package? [10:17] vik_3278: ~gutsy1 [10:17] DktrKranz: sry? [10:17] drop the ~beta-2 all together? [10:17] hellboy195, hi :P [10:17] xD xD xD [10:17] DktrKranz: good morning [10:18] persia: around? [10:22] Damn. We are in betafreeze and they now release audacious 1.5 -.- [10:24] jpatrick: Ok since it's going to be a local package, I can name it simply ~gutsy1, but does that mean that any packages with "~something" already is potentially not backportable without breaking the name? [10:25] vik_3278: I don't see why apt wouldn't like two "~"s in the version, we use it all the time for KDE4 packages [10:26] jpatrick:hmm is that right? My problem might be elsewhere then... [10:26] vik_3278: all KDE4 packages are ~gutsy1~ppa1 when backported [10:27] jpatrick: Interesting. So it should work huh... [10:28] jpatrick:actually the problem is when I try to install a backported version of festival which depends on this. [10:29] betafreeze affects only main, is that correct? [10:29] jpatrick: apt-get install tells me "festival: Depends: libestools1.2 (>= 1:1.2.96~beta-2) but 1:1.2.96~beta-2~7.10prevu1 is to be installed" despite the debian/control file saying "libestools1.2-dev (>= 1:1.2.96~beta-2~7.10prevu1)" === Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose [10:37] vik_3278: you need to fix the festival, then [10:37] vik_3278: ~ means "less than" [10:40] Hobbsee: That's what I thought I did: debian/control [10:40] Build-Depends: [...] libestools1.2-dev (>= 1:1.2.96~beta-2~7.10prevu1) [...] [10:40] [...] [10:40] Package: festival [10:40] [...] [10:40] Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} [...] [10:40] oops sorry about that ^^; [10:44] AHA! found it!!!! [10:44] silly me! [10:44] shlibs:Depends [10:49] got it. Thank you guys! I hadn't edited debian/shlibs.local with the ~7.10prevu1 added in. [10:51] :) [11:15] betafreeze affects only main, is that correct? [11:16] afflux: It's hard freeze for main, soft freeze for universe. Be careful what you upload. [11:16] I can't upload anyway [11:16] afflux: In that case, be careful what you request to be uploaded :) [11:16] I added two bugs to the universe sponsoring queue, that's why I'm asking ;) [11:17] It's bug 195462 and bug 139877, both are not important to get them in before beta release [11:17] Launchpad bug 195462 in pymsn "telepathy-butterfly crashed with NameError in _on_blob_received()" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195462 [11:17] Launchpad bug 139877 in emerald "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_gc_new_with_values()" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139877 [11:17] Just for the record ;) [12:00] hey [12:03] RainCT: heya [12:09] Hi RainCT [12:40] ScottK, I've updated bug 197650 [12:40] Launchpad bug 197650 in gdesklets "gdesklets in hardy unusable due to an unhandled error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197650 [13:28] hi guys, need little help to upload my package to REVU using dput [13:29] i have my launchpad account, signed Key upload, etc [13:29] the instructions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU look very difficult in the DPUT part [13:29] I have the .deb of my package, how to upload now? [13:30] yen: you've to upload the .changes file with dget (and doing this it will also upload the .dsc, the .diff.gz and the .orig.tar.gz) [13:31] yen: dput revu package_version_source.changes is the important part [13:31] so go to the folder whith the *.changes file [13:31] yen: but first, have you joined the universe contributors team and if so, when have you joined it (or if you added the key to LP later, when was that)? [13:34] i joined and added the key around 10min ago [13:34] i read u may need to reload the keyring or something [13:35] yen: okay, so REVU won't have it yet (the last keyring re-sync was yesterday). Give me the link to your LP profile and I'll add your key [13:35] here, https://launchpad.net/~capiscuas/, thks a lot [13:39] yen: ok, done [13:40] yen: you can dput the .changes file now [13:40] superb [13:51] * RainCT would like to know wheter others think the patch proposed in bug #201509 is sane or not [13:51] (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gweled/+bug/201509) [13:51] Launchpad bug 201509 in gweled "Get rid of .gweled file and follow fd.o specifications" [Undecided,In progress] [13:53] deleting the .gweled file is necessary for the patch on bug #90499 to work, but I'm not sure if that's OK [13:53] Launchpad bug 90499 in gweled "gweled plays annoying sound which can't be switched off" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90499 [14:27] RainCT: i've finished uploading using dput [14:27] subdownloader_1.2.9-ubuntu1.dsc: done. [14:27] subdownloader_1.2.9-ubuntu1.tar.gz: done. [14:27] subdownloader_1.2.9-ubuntu1_source.changes: done. [14:28] what will happen now to see the .deb in the repositories? [14:31] yen: where did you upload to? [14:32] oh, revu [14:32] Hobbsee: REVU [14:32] yen: ok, the uploads is now at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=subdownloader [14:33] yen: but we are in Feature Freeze right now, so it probably won't get much attention [14:34] yen: new packages aren't accepted into Ubuntu (Hardy) anymore, unless there's a really good reason for that, so you'll have to wait until the repositories for Intrepid are created [14:35] intrepid? [14:35] the next release: intrepid ibex [14:35] hardy +1 [14:36] ah... i hadnt heard the new name yet [14:36] yen: (ie, just after Hardy's release). once Intrepid development started people will look at it (if they don't, ask here on Mondays -Monday = REVU Day-) and if you get 2 advocated (2 MOTUs state that they are happy with it) it will be uploaded to Intrepid [14:41] !ibex | kgoetz [14:41] kgoetz: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex [14:53] RainCT, pitty I cannot get into Hardy repos, my GOOD reason could be that the program has 700.000 downloads, is that enought? [14:57] yen: I don't know... You can try filling a Feature Freeze Exception, but I don't think "a lot of downloads" is a good reason [14:57] ScottK? [14:57] yen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess [14:57] thks [15:07] anybody has any idea, what might cause this error while building? [15:07] dh_md5sums -a [15:07] md5sum: invalid option -- d [15:36] Anyone in here interested at taking a look at a upgraded package and maybe sponsoring an upload? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glom/+bug/201385 [15:36] Launchpad bug 201385 in glom "Hardy: Please update glom to latest version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] === spacey_ is now known as spacey === fta is now known as fta_ === fta_ is now known as fta [16:22] Is anyone here on Hardy using the latest emerald version (from the repos)? [16:23] people still use emerald? [16:23] * jdong hugs asac infinitely [16:23] asac: firefox 3.0 beta4 has really made my day. and weekend. [16:23] * RainCT does, and he knows other people who use it to [16:24] jdong: jeromeg was on last night and asked me to to upload a pigdin backport. I'd like to get verification from you first that it's a good backport. [16:24] jdong: what's new? [16:24] RainCT: speed. RAM usage. Beyond all belief. [16:25] RainCT: i was using LP last night, opened up all confirmed backports bugs in tabs, RAM usage slightly below 100MB [16:25] jdong: from b3->b4, or with Firefox 3 in general? [16:25] ScottK2: yeah, I looked over his debdiff and it looked quite reasonable, and the amount of testing he's done well exceeds my expectations. +1 from me. [16:26] OK. [16:26] RainCT: b3->b4 is like the ff2->b3 jump. all over again. [16:26] !seen [16:26] The seen function has not been operational for a long time. Use /msg seenserv seen nickname instead. [16:27] great :) [16:27] FF3 b4 doesnt work here :\ [16:28] but im on hardy [16:28] bmk789: aww :(. Up to date? [16:29] ya, i think its some library that needs updated, im using swiftweasel 3 b3 for the time being, about to try SW b4 [16:30] what's wrong with b4 ? [16:30] of course i try it now and it works [16:31] LucidFox: beagle? ^^ [16:32] and it is VERY fast [16:32] most people complaining about that had a mix of xul1.9 b4 and ff3 b3 [16:33] jdong: Is there any reason not to make rosegarden build-dep libfftw3-dev | fftw3-dev so source backports aren't needed in the future? [16:33] ScottK2: that sounds like a better idea [16:34] jdong: I'll go ahead and do this one, but please fix it in Hardy so we don't need to next time. [16:34] jdong: Would you do me a favor and look at what would be needed for a WINE backport. [16:34] ScottK2: well do you think it's okay to put transisional build deps like that into Hardy? [16:35] I don't see a downside risk. Do you? Maybe ask a few others. [16:38] ScottK2: I don't see any risk, I'm just not sure if anyone will cry and whine about build-dep bloat to support backports packages [16:38] ScottK2: I don't mind doing it, just there's something about uploading to Hardy to fix a -backports problem... doesn't sound right [16:38] ScottK2: and yes, I will look into a WINE backport [16:44] jdong: rosegarden FTBFS in my pbuilder for Gutsy due to no libjack-dev [16:46] jdong: IIRC, you've done some work on Audacious. Assuming that's correct, I'd be interested in your opinion of Bug 202518? [16:46] Launchpad bug 202518 in audacious "[FFe] Merge audacious 1.5.0-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202518 [16:47] Previously, I have done FFEs for upgrading packages to upstream releases that just fix bugs. I found a package where the version is over 2 years old. So an upgrade would most likely include new features. What are the chances of a FFE being granted? [16:49] protonchris: It really depends a lot on the package. [16:49] protonchris: If you're interested in the package, I'd suggest do the FFe and see. [16:49] ok. Here is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/galculator/+bug/201909 [16:49] Launchpad bug 201909 in galculator "please upgrade to new upstream release (1.3.1)" [Wishlist,New] [16:51] protonchris: Knowing if the new version fixed Bug 126841 would also be relevant. [16:51] Launchpad bug 126841 in galculator "galculator: constants don't work, decimals get cropped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126841 [16:53] ScottK2: thanks. [16:56] libjack-dev | 0.103.0-6ubuntu1 | gutsy/universe | amd64, i386, powerpc [16:57] ScottK2: ^^ :-/. And I haven't done any work on Audacious so I don't have any useful comments for that [16:57] jdong: OK. Thanks. [17:47] jdong: Looks like rosegarden was some kind of subtle pbuilder problem. When I use --debug on the pbuilder it finds libjack-dev. [17:49] Still plenty to do on Bug #199014 if anyone needs work ... [17:49] Launchpad bug 199014 in emesene "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199014 [17:51] seems like something is wrong with emerald 0.7.2 or a dependency is missing/not high enough.. [18:30] ScottK2: wine builds fine from hardy without source changes... now excuse me as I use this as a reason to play starcraft for 4 hours [18:30] because.... you know... WINE regressions don't immediately show up.... ;-) [18:30] jdong: xD hf [18:31] jdong: You going to file the backports bug and ask the archive then? [18:32] ScottK2: yeah, I'll do so [18:33] * jdong jumps up and down... Firefox after 24hrs still only uses 65.9MB RAM!!! [18:48] jdong: wow, true. 59MB here.. b3 used around 150 [18:48] RainCT: yeah, the difference is quite amazing [18:48] :D [18:48] RainCT: try using alt-1,2,3 to switch between tabs. Often times it's instantenous, at most 0.5s delay [18:49] that's a first for me === Seveaz is now known as Seveas [18:50] awesome! === dijital1_ is now known as dijital1 [19:23] * bmk789_ needs a mentor [19:27] jdong: rosegarden uploaded [19:27] ScottK2: yup just saw the e-mail; thanks :) === FlareFlare is now known as Flare183 [19:29] * ScottK2 scribbles some notes about remembering to turn universe back on in his pbuilder after he turns it off... [19:35] Hi bmk789_ [19:35] bmk789_: why do you think that you need one? [19:36] id really like to get into packaging and patching and stuff so i could contribute to development [19:37] ive read the wiki pages and stuff but think having a mentor to explain the process would make it understandable [19:44] RainCT: ^ [19:45] bmk789_: okay, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring then [19:46] RainCT: thanks [19:46] or rather https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring/Contributor [19:46] you're welcome :) [19:55] bmk789_: Alternatively you can dive in, get to work, and ask questions as you have them. [20:00] I'll probably read up some more and do that [20:03] nxvl: hi [20:03] effie_jayx: hi [20:11] Any chance of getting a new community package into hardy still? [20:11] Rotund: hardly. Is it *very* important` [20:11] ? [20:12] Updating OpenAL... the one there is awful [20:12] hardly used by anything actually. [20:13] Rotund: you can try but I don't think it will get into hardy [20:13] Rotund: openal is hardy used by anything? huh? [20:13] Rotund: It is unlikely that a library update will occur this late in the cycle (espically before a beta freeze) unless is fixes a critical bug [20:14] Rotund: there are quite some packages using openal. I'm not even sure we should switch to openal soft for lenny [20:14] That would require a rebuild of all packages that depend on it [20:14] that was the suggestion [20:14] (going to openal soft) [20:15] Perhaps I'll just set up a PPA w/ it. [20:16] siretart, is there already a PPA for OpenAL Soft [20:17] Rotund: oh, there is? where? [20:17] Rotund: perhaps you could reupload all reverse deps there? [20:19] nxvl: I uploaded tinyerp-server after some additional changes. Once it's published, please have a look and see if you have questions about the changes. [20:19] siretart, I was asking if there WAS one. You sounded like you knew what I was talking about and had looked into it. [20:19] siretart, I'll just make a new one. [20:20] nxvl: estas? [20:20] Rotund: oh, no. not that I knew of. [20:21] Rotund: I just happen to know the issue with openal soft because I did the last uploads of it to debian [20:21] AFAIUI, openal soft drops some optional extensions that the openal si provided. [20:22] so I'd expect to break on games like scorched3d, etc. [20:22] ScottK2: I think there is a bug in wx2.6's debian/rules. the target which creates debian/control from debian/control.in doesn't work. that's probably why you/mok0 only modified debian/control and didn't realize there was a control.in [20:23] I'll check, but they claim it's just the Loki ones. [20:23] siretart, All the Loki games included their own OpenAL anyways. [20:25] Adri2000: You want to fix it up. Also it needs the python versions set to 2.4- in debian control (mok has a patch for that in the xml removal bug) [20:26] ScottK2: oh, and you uploaded wx2.8 also. I had a patch for bug #193340 to apply to it [20:26] Launchpad bug 193340 in wxwidgets2.8 "Filezilla goes inactive if not interacted with" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193340 [20:27] Adri2000: I wish you'd said something. [20:27] I'll ask to have it rejected and we can do it again. [20:28] Actually we don't need it rejected, it'll just get over-written. [20:28] Adri2000: make a debdiff to mok0's version and attach it to your bug. [20:29] ScottK2: still it'd be good to have it rejected, as I'd like some testing of the patch for #193340, it'll probably not be ready to upload right now [20:30] RainCT: around? [20:30] Adri2000: It won't hurt if it's uploaded. We can do another one later. [20:30] No rush. [20:30] hellboy195: yeh [20:31] RainCT: thx for looking at my stuff. for ckermit I'm not sure if a merge is now worth it ,.. [20:32] hellboy195: bug number please [20:32] Rotund: that's nice and dandy for loki, but we *do* ship software that uses the system openal [20:32] ScottK2: I'd like not to have to do another upload to fix the previous. so being sure the patch (that I honestly don't understand) fixes the issue and doesn't cause any regression is a good idea imho [20:32] RainCT: bug #201088 [20:32] Launchpad bug 201088 in ckermit "Please sync ckermit 211-10 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201088 [20:33] Adri2000: The upload I did is just for python-xml removal. Are you saying there's a problem with that? [20:34] ScottK2: except for that one you also only modified debian/control, no. but to not waste buildd time, it'd be better to have only one upload for python-xml and my patch [20:34] Adri2000: Are talking 2.8 or 2.6? [20:34] s/except for/except if for/ [20:34] 2.8 [20:34] OK. [20:35] hellboy195: true, I don't think those changes are necessary for Hardy [20:35] siretart, I know, but I'd doubt ANY uses the crappy Loki extensions (they really were bad) [20:36] ScottK2: so can I ask to reject this one? and I'll include the python-xml fix in my upload [20:36] I asked. [20:36] RainCT: Setting to "Invalid" ? [20:36] No need for you to. [20:36] ScottK2: ok [20:36] hellboy195: yes [20:37] RainCT: k, thx [20:37] ScottK2: I'll also fix wx2.6 [20:40] K [20:44] ScottK2: in the bug report you say to build-dep on python (>= 2.4). does XS-Python-Version: >= 2.4 actually do that? or are both needed? [20:47] Adri2000: Both can't hurt. XB-Python-Version should be sufficient for the binary since any 2.4 will do. [20:47] I don't actually remember what that will do for the build-deps. [20:47] It might be interesting to set XS-Python-Version: >= 2.6 on a package and see if it builds [20:48] Tranquilizers 1, neice & nephew 0 [20:49] Shouldn't that be Tranquilizers 2 then? [20:49] true [20:49] cuz I didn't share the same dart on them === albert24 is now known as albert23 [20:53] ScottK2: it builds in my pbuilder with XS-Python-Version: >= 2.6. so I guess adding a versioned build-dep is better [20:54] Yes. [21:00] Adri2000: It's rejected === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [21:01] ok [21:06] Hi all, I was wondering if somebody could possibly take a moment of their time and look at the patch I've attached to bug 196861? [21:06] Launchpad bug 196861 in prism "desktop icons created by prism don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196861 [21:08] thenewme91, i packaged prism initially [21:10] what's wrong with the lauchers ? [21:10] they work here [21:11] oh, i see. === schierbeck is now known as __schierbeck__ [21:17] thenewme91, I'll fix it with a few other bugs in my todo list [21:19] okay, thanks [21:23] np, i wanted to package prism 0.9 but i'm stuck with icon licenses now that the webapps are no longer redistributed by mozilla. [21:24] so until I find a solution, i'll stick with this 0.8 svn snapshot [21:29] k [22:07] ScottK2: ok, thnx, i will take a look [22:46] I have a postinst script which needs to reload the dbus configuration. I currently do this as "invoke-rc.d --quiet dbus reload". However, if dbus is not present, this fails with exit code 100, which breaks the script (it's 'set -e'). What's the recommended way to query if dbus is installed? Just [ -f /etc/init.d/dbus ] ? === Flare183 is now known as Flare === Flare is now known as Flare183 [22:50] slicer: What happens then if dbus is installed, but not running? [22:51] ScottK2: That works fine, the dbus init script handles 'reload' in the right way. [22:51] OK [22:51] ScottK2: The problem comes when it's not installed at all. [22:52] I see there's now a bug report for this as well: bug 202672 [22:52] Launchpad bug 202672 in mumble "installing mumble-server requires dbus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202672 [22:56] That's a pretty amazing coincidence that coming in right while you were working on it. [22:56] ScottK2: No, they were talking to me on IRC :) [22:56] Can you confirm what they guy says in the bug about it still working without dbus. [22:56] OK. That makes more sense [22:58] It works, it will just have reduced functionality. [22:58] [ -f /etc/init.d/dbus ] isn't the most reliable way to tell you if it's installed, but it is a good way to tell you if the init is present (which is what you really want to know). [22:58] Kind of like xmms without mp3 and ogg support. [22:59] ScottK2: Ok, I'll try that then and have the user test it. [23:05] heya === calc_ is now known as calc === Flare183 is now known as FlareBot === FlareBot is now known as Flare183 === Flare183 is now known as FlareBot === FlareBot is now known as Flare183 [23:57] heya