[00:31] hey guys/girls, I have a bash script which starts a firefox I want the firefox process to respawn if it dies. I think i need to use upstart for this. What do I need to do? [13:19] Since this box is unable to boot the Ubuntu live-CD with its 64 MiB of RAM, and as for burning the alternative CD, this drive is unable to read CD-RWs and i don't have empty CD-Rs available, i booted from the live-CD, stopped the boot sequence at an appropriate time, and now i'm doing a manual install a la Gentoo. :-) [14:29] ion_: mount /mnt/bla ; mount -t proc none /mnt/bla/proc ... chroot etc etc etc. I love doing it [14:33] ion_: I have such a device http://www.norhtec.com/ and I installed debian on it using a usb-stick , I am quit happy with it (the ubuntu usb install did not work ) [14:34] that is not fully true, I first installed ubuntu under qemu (with more ram) and copied it over [14:35] keesj: Yeah, i'm already running the installation. [14:37] some guy on the maemo mailing list posted about einit http://einit.org . I did no hear of that before [17:32] hi [17:44] ‰hello === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth