
AfCThere are a bunch of people here running "Hardy" who have bzr-1.2-candidate.1 as their Bazaar version.00:06
james_wthe package name, or as reported by --version?00:07
james_wif it's the latter I think that is expected. I think there were no code changes between the rc and release, so dato didn't bother making a no change upload to fix the version number.00:07
rodgeevenin urself :)00:28
james_whi Odd_Bloke. Glad to see you back to having your times of day the wrong way round.00:32
* Odd_Bloke is going to bed as soon as his pizza arrives (and is NOM NOM NOM'd).00:33
james_whi poolie00:37
rodgehey, quick question. if i wanna publish a branch to a server with ssh, does it have to have bzr installed?00:38
james_wrodge: no, but it is more efficient if it is.00:39
james_wif it isn't use sftp:// urls, if it is use bzr+ssh:// urls00:40
rodgeok, thanks heh. i would install it there if i could, but, school server =P00:40
james_wrodge: you can install it by downloading it if it's just a question of permissions.00:41
james_wuse BZR_REMOTE_PATH if you do that.00:41
james_wobviously don't if just downloading it will get you in trouble :)00:42
rodgeheheh, nah, and they have python 2.4 at least, so i'll try that00:42
rodgethanks alot00:43
james_wno problem00:44
ubotuNew bug: #202710 in bzr "bzr-svn crashes with traceback when cloning a local svn file repo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20271001:01
nekohayojames_w: any news/insight on what might have happened with the weirdness in specto-jeff yet?01:16
pooliethanks for your post about log,james_w01:16
james_wnekohayo: no, sorry, I haven't tried again, and the best people probably wont be around over the weekend.01:16
james_wpoolie: thanks, which one?01:17
james_wnekohayo: I'm just guessing, but I don't think it's corruption in terms of disk problems or anything, as it seems too specific for that.01:18
nekohayojames_w: a bug in the merge logic?01:19
james_wIt's something like the wrong revision was recorded in a knit or something.01:19
james_wnekohayo: I don't think so, as upgrade fails as well01:19
james_wbut only for -subtree, not just packs.01:20
nekohayojames_w: well the tree history data is corrupt though, right?01:20
nekohayonot corruption in terms of "the hard drive is dying" but..01:20
james_wI think check should be catching the problem anyway.01:20
nekohayois there a chance of fixing this?01:20
nekohayois such a merge "expected" to work to begin with?01:21
james_wyeah, I think that's right, but as I said it's in an area of the code that I first looked at while debugging your issue, so I have no idea what is going wrong.01:21
nekohayo(as I'm very much a bzr beginner)01:21
james_wI think it should definitely be fixable, it may require a little bit of surgery.01:21
james_wwell, it is expected to work. It won't work with no arguments to stop people from doing such a thing by accident.01:22
nekohayoyou mean it should work with -r0..-1 but not without that, right?01:22
james_whowever if you specify a "merge base", i.e. a revision to use as the common ancestor, which is what you are doing with -r0..1 then it will do what you want.01:22
awmcclainHi all. I'm trying to debug bzr email notification. Anyone have experience with it? I've set an environment variable POST_COMMIT_TO for every user on the system. Are there any debug logs?01:22
james_wbut as I said the resulting merge could well be quite suboptimal, as the file-ids are different.01:23
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
james_wawmcclain: I've never used it I'm afraid.01:23
* awmcclain cries01:23
james_wawmcclain: bzr-hookless-email may be useful to you, it's a slightly different approach, and it's a bit experimental, but it suits some projects better than having everyone set up bzr-email.01:24
james_wawmcclain: ~/.bzr.log is the best bet for a log.01:24
awmcclainmmm, gotcah01:24
awmcclainWe have a small team, really I'm just looking for global notification on commits.01:25
james_wawmcclain: if there is anything that looks relevant stick it in a pastebin and I'll take a gander.01:25
james_wthe hookless thing monitors a central repo and emails when that repo is changed, by pushing or whatever.01:26
awmcclainoooh, sounds promising01:26
james_wbut, as I said, it's a bit fragile, as it runs outside of bzr.01:26
awmcclaindoes it live in launchpad?01:26
james_wwe use it on one project I'm a member of, and sometimes it needs a poke if you notice that you didn't receive an email after a push.01:27
james_wI tink so01:27
awmcclainFrom the bzr-email help: To have bzr send an email you need to configure an address to send mail01:30
awmcclainto for that branch. To do this set the configuration option ``post_commit_to``01:30
awmcclainWhat does "set the configuration option" mean?01:30
awmcclainPerhaps an ENV var isn't cutting it01:30
james_wah, no, env var is wrong.01:32
awmcclainwell, there you go.01:32
james_wit means a bzr configuration variable.01:32
awmcclainis there a way to globally set those across all branches?01:32
james_wif you want it user wide then ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf01:32
awmcclainI want across all branches and users01:33
james_wor ~/.bazaar/locations.conf can be used to set it for all branches under a specific path01:33
james_wthere's no /etc/bazaar.conf unfortunately,01:33
awmcclainok, so for each user, i need to set that up01:33
nekohayojames_w: file-ids? delicious?01:33
james_wyeah, sorry.01:33
james_wnekohayo: sorry?01:34
nekohayowhat is that file id thing? :)01:34
james_wawmcclain: you could send a message to list about supporting /etc/bazaar.conf if you like.01:34
nekohayowhy would they be diffrent?01:34
awmcclainAnd I'm guessing that if I didn't set it for a specific user, then when that user commited, it wouldn't email.01:34
james_wnekohayo: bzr uses file-ids to identify paths, rather than paths.01:34
james_wnekohayo: so when you do bzr mv it keeps the file id. This is how renames are tracked.01:35
awmcclainAre there any conf files stored by branch, rather than user?01:35
nekohayothat sounds like it will breakalot, no?01:35
james_wnekohayo: however they are generated anew on add without any more specific action.01:35
james_wawmcclain: .bzr/branch/branch.conf, but I doubt that setting is propogated.01:36
awmcclainhow do you mean "propogated"?01:36
james_wawmcclain: i.e. it is not copied across when branching, which is obviously not what you want.01:36
james_wawmcclain: you could have a quick test to be sure.01:36
james_wnekohayo: it has its downsides, yes.01:37
awmcclainWell, not a huge problem, since I'm only doing this for our mainline01:37
awmcclainOk, great. Thank you!01:37
james_wnekohayo: it should possible to write a plugin to do what you want and merge based on path.01:37
nekohayojames_w: does that mean surgery ?01:37
james_wawmcclain: no problem.01:37
james_wnekohayo: what do you mean.01:37
nekohayoyeah, I doubt I could write such a plugin though :)01:37
nekohayowell does that mean that it will refuse to merge, conflict everywhere and/or duplicate files/eat files?01:38
james_wawmcclain: if you find yourself doing something suboptimal please email the list to ask for something that would suit you better.01:38
awmcclainjames_w: Will do.01:38
james_wawmcclain: I think we have a few downsides to out config file handling, shown by your use case.01:38
awmcclainI <3 bzr01:39
james_wnekohayo: conflict everywhere at a guess, so that is obviously the worst outcome in your case.01:39
james_was it doesn't really help you merge the contents of the files.01:39
awmcclainAs shown by http://www.fluther.com/disc/7307/can-i-import-my-git-repository-into-subversion/01:39
james_wawmcclain: nice :)01:42
nekohayoso I will have to wait a few work days and see if the mailing list folks have an idea what happened01:42
james_wawmcclain: when you write that blog post please swing by here and drop us a pointer.01:43
james_wit's always good to read about people's experiences and the features that they like the best.01:43
awmcclainSure thing!01:43
james_wnekohayo: I'm afraid so, as I said it's way over my head.01:43
james_wnekohayo: unfortunately some of the team is at pycon, so that may slow things down a bit in the next week.01:44
nekohayono problem, your comments were quite insightful :)01:44
james_wnekohayo: I'm glad you thought so :)01:45
AfCHey, I just did `bzr commit --fixes 459940` and it bailed with01:49
AfCbzr: ERROR: Invalid bug 459940. Must be in the form of 'tag:id'. Commit refused.01:49
nekohayothat makes me think... can commit --fixes have multiple numbers? (multiple bugs fixed)?01:49
AfCWhat does that mean?01:49
james_wAfC: In which bug tracker is the bug filed?01:49
james_wnekohayo: you can give --fixes multiple times.01:49
AfC{shrug} GNOME, although I don't see how that's any affair of Bazaar's01:50
james_wAfC: you have to tell it the URL and give it a tag, then it would be bzr commit --fixes gnome:45994001:50
AfCjames_w: bzr: ERROR: Unrecognized bug gnome:459940. Commit refused.01:50
james_wAfC: yeah, you have to set it up first.01:51
* AfC is befuddled01:51
james_wAfC: see bzr help bugs.01:51
AfCjames_w: ok01:51
james_wAfC: I'm not a fan of the --fixes implementation.01:51
james_wAfC: If you want to tell me the settings you use for gnome I'll submit a patch to make it available by default.01:52
james_wAfC: and I'll send one now to link that error message to the help topic.01:52
AfCjames_w: Will do01:59
AfCjames_w: where does that fixes information get used? Anywhere in Bazaar itself? (ie, I was about to give you the URL I used, except that I wanted to check it first)02:06
AfCjames_w: anyway, I used02:06
AfCbugzilla_gnome_url = http://bugzilla.gnome.org/02:06
james_wAfC: no it is just recorded in a revision property.02:06
AfCcaveat emptor, baby02:07
james_wit's not going to start sending mails to anywhere or anything.02:07
AfCjames_w: I was thinking as I was reading that, by the way, that rather than bugzilla_gnome_url = URL02:07
AfCMaybe it could be in a section of its own,02:07
AfCgnome = http://bugzilla.gnome.org/02:07
AfCAnyway, it being 03:08 I should be abed02:08
schierbeckjelmer: ping02:34
LeoNerdI think I'll have to write my über-revisioncontrolsystem program sometime03:59
LeoNerdOne that just looks at -d CVS or -d .bzr or -d .svn or -d {arch} or .... and reruns the command I typed with the right tool03:59
LeoNerdI'm forver trying to cvs di in bzr checkouts, or vice versa03:59
LeoNerdHmm.. On second thoughts... bzr mv foo bar   in a CVS checkout might go horribly wrong :)04:00
unenoughhow is darcs next to bzr?08:02
poolieunenough: well, the ui is somewhat similar; bzr keeps a record of history whereas darcs does not; bzr typically scales better08:12
unenoughis there something that admittedly darcs does better?08:14
poolieyes, darcs is better at letting you arbitrarily combine patches in different orders08:18
pooliethough with the caveat that it tends to give confusing merge conflicts, sometimes surprisingly so08:19
poolieunderstand that i have used darcs but am not an expert08:19
daviAre the bzr developers already getting the feedback exposed at the emacs email list?08:21
poolieyes, though i have not read all of the messages from the weekend yet08:22
poolieanything in particular, or just checking?08:22
davi"Speed of bzr, how to use it, etc."08:23
daviRMS was asking for somebody "to volunteer to work with the Bzr developers"08:24
pooliethat'd be welcome08:24
pooliethe report about log has already got a couple of patches from someone08:25
daviRMS:   http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2008-03/msg01761.html08:25
daviIt is great how bzr is improving08:26
unenoughwhat's the M for?08:28
unenoughwhoa his royal majesty stallman himself...08:28
poolie'matthew', fwiw08:29
daviyep, Richard Matthew Stallman, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman08:30
unenoughi didn't know he is so actively involved in specific projects...that's good to see08:31
daviI had to look for it. Wikipedia rocks.08:31
daviunenough, He is trying to reduce his involvement in the emacs project. He is overloaded.08:32
daviI have read some of the emacs-devel email list. I can be mistaken, but it seems he has designed two emacs maintainers.08:33
unenoughdesigned maintainers? :)08:35
daviChong Yidong and Stefan Monnier08:36
RAOFNo, designed.  He also builds humanoid robots to infiltrate society.08:36
daviHe is infiltrating our minds. That is very dangerous.08:38
davi  (ironic)08:38
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | Bazaar 1.3rc1 available for testing | https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.3/1.3rc1
ubotuNew bug: #202778 in bzr "false test failure when run in a directory containing the version name" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20277809:40
Pengbzr-svn is fun!09:58
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PengUh-oh, bzr-svn is only half done importing this branch, and it's already using 300 MB of RAM.10:59
daviSpeed of bzr11:14
daviit needs improvement11:16
daviat least that is said by some emacs developers11:16
daviI do not know myself. Unfortunately I have not tried it yet. I am busy with gnuherds.org11:17
james_wdavi: we are well aware, and it is being worked on.11:18
james_wwhen you do try it, if you have a particular performance issue then come and talk to us.11:18
Pengdavi: That's an interesting-looking project.11:18
daviIt is very good to know james_w.  It is great see how bzr is improving!11:18
Pengjames_w: Think I should send a patch for a one-character typo in NEWS? :)11:19
davijames_w, Sure james_w11:19
james_wPeng: go for it.11:21
james_wPeng: have you submitted a patch before?11:22
Pengjames_w: Oh, yeah.11:22
james_wcool, you know how to do it then.11:22
Pengjames_w: Nothing major, but never anything quite as trivial as this, I think.11:22
james_wPeng: if you put (trivial) in the subject, or maybe [MERGE][trivial] it will get picked up quicker.11:24
james_wah, you're well on top of it I see11:24
Peng75% through, 500 MB of RAM.11:34
PengI'm getting nervous.11:34
james_wPeng: you can do an incremental pull if it doesn't make it.11:39
james_wPeng: are you using the python-subversion bindings with the memory leak fixed?11:39
Pengjames_w: In my experience, "doesn't make it" is "swap to death", so that doesn't help much.11:39
Pengjames_w: I'm using Ubuntu, so they should have at least some of the leaks fixed.11:39
james_wPeng: well it starts again, but it will cap the memory usage.11:40
james_wonly hardy has the leaks fixed.11:40
PengOh. Shoot.11:40
PengI'm on Gutsy.11:41
PengOh. Maybe Gutsy just had those compatibility patches. No memory leak fixes?11:41
james_wyeah, it was just patches to make it work in gutsy.11:41
PengOnly 4k revisions on this branch. :\11:42
PengHey, it's done!12:02
nekohayoum, how come when merging foo into bar, 7 conflicts are generated, but when resolving those conflicts (or just comparing the folders in meld) there is stuff that was never merged?12:53
james_wnekohayo: can you explain what you mean by never merged?12:59
nekohayojames_w: hmm... well... maybe I should screencast it13:00
ubotuNew bug: #202827 in bzr "bzr deadlock itself on commit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20282713:05
ubotuNew bug: #202830 in bzr "bzr status slow when pending merges" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20283013:10
nekohayojames_w: could you take a look? wget http://ecchi.ca:8000/strange%20merge.ogv13:15
nekohayoam I doing things wrong?13:16
james_whey, I've never done debugging via screencast before :)13:20
nekohayowell it's a first :) but is that behavior normal?13:22
nekohayomakes me want to go back to the simplicity of centralized repos13:22
james_wstill downloading....13:23
nekohayoyeah, it's about 5mb in size13:25
james_wnekohayo: good question.13:32
james_wnekohayo: can you annotate that file in the branch in your right hand window and find out what revision it comes from.13:33
james_wThen see if that revision is in your left hand branch before the merge.13:33
james_wHave you merged these branches before?13:34
nekohayouhm, I don't quite know how to do that13:34
nekohayoyeah, multiple times13:34
nekohayobut now, it makes me think that they might *not* have merged properly for this very reason13:35
james_wok bzr gannotate the file in the right window before the merge.13:35
james_wand find the line that you want. Then read it's revision id from the window.13:35
james_wI mean from the bottom, sorry.13:36
james_wThen fire up bzr viz in the right hand window, and find that revision.13:36
james_wyou could also use bzr graph-ancestry and show me that and the revision id.13:36
james_wif that line was introduced in a revision that has already been merged it may affect the resulting merge.13:38
james_wThe other option is to give me pointers to the branches and let me have a look.13:38
james_wI'm just going to grab some lunch.13:38
nekohayojames_w: sorry I got lost here... could you try merging http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~woutc/specto/specto-woutc into your +junk/specto-jeff ?13:38
james_wnekohayo: so, why do you expect those lines to show up in -woutc?13:48
james_wit appears as though -jeff added the lines since they diverged, is that right?13:48
nekohayojames_w: ?14:06
nekohayonot sure about that14:07
james_wnekohayo: at the end of your screencast you bring up meld with -woutc on the left and -jeff on the right.14:08
james_wwhat were you expecting to happen to the lines that you highlighted there?14:08
nekohayowell normally when merging, after resolving the conflict, there should not have been any difference left I presume14:09
james_wyou have merged -woutc in to -jeff, which means that -jeff no incorporates the changes made by -woutc since they diverged.14:10
james_wHowever it's not going to go changing the files in the -woutc branch.14:10
nekohayohm, but the thing is I never intentionally diverged from -woutc14:11
nekohayoI think pretty much the only option left is to blow up my branch and start anew since it's so messed up14:12
PengIf you do, save a copy.14:14
james_wnekohayo: hey, that's interesting, the lines do come from an old version of the -woutc branch.14:15
nekohayoI'm totally confused14:16
james_wah, I think I see what has happened.14:17
nekohayodo tell :)14:17
james_wok, so in -jeff rev 17 you merged -woutc. In that merge you kept the lines in question, when they had been removed in woutc14:20
james_wah, no that's not quite right.14:21
james_wIn that revision you removed the lines.14:22
james_wHowever in the next merge at 18 they were readded.14:22
james_wthis means when you merge now bzr thinks that you want them, as you added them.14:22
nekohayolog for rev 18: "re-merge wout's changes and all that. Seems I lack competence at merging!"14:23
nekohayothis means that at rev 17, these were *unintentionally* removed14:23
nekohayoas in, "I never even noticed they were gone and was wondering why I was full of bugs!"14:23
nekohayowhich might have been caused by something similar to the current situation?14:25
james_wwell it seems rev 18 merges and earlier revision than 17, so that may well confuse things.14:29
nekohayoI wonder how I managed to weirden things that much14:32
james_wyeah, the second merge is of a revision before the lines were removed, so your resolution to take them was not so strange.14:32
james_wHowever bzr will still take the later one as a merge base, and so consider that you wanted the changes.14:33
james_weither because you added them, or you merged an earlier version that still had them. It considers that an intentional act, and so doesn't argue with you.14:33
james_wI think that is the correct behaviour.14:34
nekohayook. so, for some reason, lines were lost between 16 and 17, then I pulled them back from 17 to put them in 18, and now it's using 18 as the base, but it adds them all the time ?_?14:36
nekohayoactually now I realize that the history graph is quite bizarre in Olive too.14:38
nekohayough, I'll just move that specto-jeff to specto-jeff-borked and start fresh, I only had 2 minor commits by me14:43
nekohayo  parent branch: specto-0.3      submit branch: specto-jeff14:47
nekohayowhat is a "submit branch"?14:47
nekohayoI've never seen that term before14:47
james_wit's what it assumes you want to submit your changes back to.14:50
james_wIt is what it will use to compare against for bzr send.14:51
james_wIt is probably used elsewhere, but for I can't remember which is which.14:51
nekohayoany way to remove that?14:51
james_wedit locations.conf I think is the way.14:51
james_wthat's ~/.bzr/locations.conf14:51
james_w.bazaar I mean14:51
james_wweird, the emacs repo is smaller in bzr than git, I wonder what they've got in theirs that is different.14:52
datoseveral (smallish) repos of mine are smaller in bzr than in git14:53
dato(after `bzr upgrade && pack` and `git gc --prune`)14:53
james_wI knew packs were good, but not that they were better than git.14:54
james_wI thought they were generally smaller than hg, but larger than git.14:54
james_wmaybe the sample size is too small though.14:54
james_whi dato14:54
datohello james_w14:54
jelmerhey james, dato14:55
james_whi jelmer14:56
PengAnd a new delta format or whatever would greatly reduce the size of packs...15:05
luksnot that greatly15:06
PengI don't get how it would be a massive improvement, but that's what's been said.15:19
ubotuNew bug: #202884 in bzr "can't merge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20288415:46
nekohayoyeah, that was me :)15:46
j1mchi all - i have a quick question about bzr resolve.  if i'm working on documentation and have a conflict when merging in some changes, can i do a "bzr resolve --all" and then still commit my "conflicts" as a later revision?16:14
PengWhy not resolve them?16:16
PengThat makes for kinda sucky history.16:17
PengAlso, I'm not sure which file "bzr resolve" would keep. It might not do what you want.16:17
j1mcPeng: the conflicts are updates that i've made to my own branch, while someone else has made changes to the repository.16:17
j1mci know that i can copy my changes out to another directory, do a 'bzr revert" on the changes i've made, and then merge things in...16:18
j1mcand then re-copy my changes and commit them.16:18
Pengj1mc: Wait, have you committed your changes?16:18
j1mcno, not yet.16:19
PengYou shouldn't merge with uncommitted changes..16:19
j1mcif i commit my changes, and then merge... what will happen if their are differences between the repositories and my branch?16:20
j1mc(when i go to push my changes back up)16:20
PengD'oh, I just wanted to say something to nekohayo.16:26
j1mcPeng: what would you recommend in this situation.  i'm sure others have run into this before.16:27
Pengj1mc: I'd recommend committing (or shelving your changes) before merging, and resolving the conflicts immediately. Doing other things would pollute the history.16:27
j1mcso - bzr commit -m "whatever"... then bzr merge (which is likely to indicate conflicts)... then bzr resolve... then bzr push?16:29
spivj1mc: you'd need to commit after the merge16:29
spivj1mc: a merge is a change to the tree just like any other, so it isn't recorded until you commit it.16:30
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j1mcspiv: thanks.  yes.  so in my example above, the second commit would come after i completed the merge (with all conflicts resolved), but before the push.16:31
spivj1mc: so you'd commit your work, then do bzr merge + resolve conflicts (if any) + bzr commit -m "Merged branch X.".16:31
j1mcthanks, spiv and Peng16:31
spivSo you're keeping your changes in separate revisions to the changes you're merging in.16:32
j1mcwill pushing back up my changes after doing the above show the previous person's revisions as (1) reverted changes done by me, and then (2) changes committed by me (even though they were the one who made the updates the to the repository?16:37
spivj1mc: pushing will make the remote branch be the same as your local branch16:39
spivj1mc: are you and the other person both pushing to the same branch?16:40
j1mcspiv: yes16:40
spivj1mc: it'll probably be less confusing if you both use a checkout of that branch, rather than independent branches that you then push over the top of the central branch.16:42
spivj1mc: you can reconfigure your current branch to be a checkout by using "bzr reconfigure --checkout"16:43
j1mcspiv: so do bzr checkout instead of bzr merge?16:43
spivj1mc: then when you do "bzr commit" the new revision will be added directly to the master branch.16:43
spivj1mc: you'd generally then both use "bzr update" + "bzr commit" rather than "bzr merge" + "bzr commit".16:44
j1mcok.  thanks for your help.  i feel a bit like i'm a total noob, but i just don't want to keep making the same mistakes.16:44
spivj1mc: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#team-collaboration-central-style describes the workflow I'm talking about.16:45
j1mcthanks.  i had committed my changes, bringing me from revision 3657 to 3658, and then merged in the updates from the server, but have not yet committed them.16:46
j1mci did a bzr revert, which "unmerged" the merges, and have copied my changes to a different dir.  how can i do a bzr revert to get back to 3657?16:47
j1mci think i got it...16:47
j1mcbzr revert -r 365716:48
spivj1mc: that will give you a copy of the files at 3657, but it doesn't uncommit the last revision16:49
spivj1mc: so e.g. "bzr revno" will still say 3658, and "bzr status" will report that there are changes (because the files in the tree aren't identical to 3658).16:49
spivj1mc: so depending on what you want, you may want to use "bzr uncommit" as well.16:50
j1mcspiv: thanks so much.16:51
spivj1mc: not a problem.16:51
j1mcdoing the bzr reconfigure --checkout was a big help, and will prevent embarrasing "uncommits/recommits" of other people's work going forward.  so thanks for taking the time to understand my problem.  have a good day!16:54
Odd_Blokejames_w: _Now_ I'm sleeping and waking at the wrong times. :p17:36
schierbeckhi guys17:43
schierbecki've been thinking -- why are bugfix markers revision properties?17:43
schierbecki mean, only one revision can actually fix a bug17:43
schierbeckso wouldn't it make sense to have it be a branch property?17:44
schierbeckunless you count in regressions...17:44
nekohayoPeng: the specto-main branch comes from having branched a svn tree17:44
nekohayois it what made it a  rich-root-pack?17:45
Odd_Blokeschierbeck: If only one revision can actually fix a bug, then surely having it as a property of that revision makes sense?17:45
nekohayodo I need to fix it in some way?17:45
lwnjakeanyone know about fast-import errors when trying to convert a git repo?17:45
Odd_BlokeIf, however, a series of revisions are needed to fix the bug, _then_ I think having it as a branch property would make sense.17:45
james_wOdd_Bloke: :-)17:45
lwnjakeor should i use tailor instead?17:46
schierbeckOdd_Bloke: but many revisions can then  mark the same bug as fixed17:46
Odd_BlokeWhere I take 'need' to mean 'need to pull/merge into your branch to fix the bug'.17:46
Odd_Blokeschierbeck: I don't know, I wasn't disagreeing with you per se. :p17:46
Odd_BlokeAnyhow, I need to grab some breakfast^Wdinner.17:46
schierbecki was thinking more of a mapping from bug id to revision id in the branch itself17:47
james_wlwnjake: hi.17:47
james_wlwnjake: the importer is still pretty rusty.17:47
lwnjakejames_w: howdy17:47
james_wlwnjake: if you want to paste your error I can see if it's something obvious.17:47
lwnjakeso is tailor the right way to go?17:47
lwnjakebzr: ERROR: Revision {('jake@lwn.net-20080127054407-u8wwscgv6ze5vumc',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0xcaaa42c>".17:48
james_wlwnjake: you probably stand more of a chance with tailor.17:48
james_wbut I've heard it's a bit of a pain.17:48
lwnjakeheh, thanks! :)17:48
Odd_Blokeschierbeck: Well, my thinking is that I often don't fix a bug in one cherry-pickable revision, so setting a bug-fix property on that revision makes the assumption that all of its history comes with it.17:48
james_wlwnjake: that's odd. Do you get a traceback?17:48
lwnjakenope, just that ...17:49
Odd_BlokeOf course, I may simply not understand how cherry-picking revisions works. :)17:49
james_wlwnjake: did it take a long time to get there?17:49
lwnjakeno, it is a pretty small repo and it did put out: 10:57:47 1000 commits processed (:3937)17:49
lwnjakebefore failing17:49
lwnjakeless than a minute for sure17:50
lwnjakei tried exporting --all from git and just master from git with more or less the same results17:50
james_wok, would you mind running again under "bzr -Derror" so that we get some more information? I can file a bug from that then.17:50
james_wor if the project is public could we just have the dump file?17:50
lwnjakeshould rm .bzr and reinit?17:50
lwnjakeunfortunately not public17:51
james_wyou should just be able to run again.17:51
datojames_w: tailor will work just fine if there are no merges17:51
james_wlwnjake: you can use --checkpoint to make it save state more often, it will then resume from their next time.17:51
lwnjakewhat repo on earth has no merges?17:51
james_wthough it's not much use if you're just going to use tailor.17:52
james_wdato: ah, thanks.17:52
lwnjakegit-fast-export master | bzr -Derror -fast-import -bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.BzrCommandError: unknown command "-fast-import"\17:52
lwnjakedoes the -Derror need to be somewhere else on the command line?17:52
james_w"bzr -Derror fast-import"17:52
lwnjakeoh, duh!  thanks17:53
james_wwe have a set of global debugging flags all named -Dsomething.17:53
james_w-Derror just ensures you get a traceback from all exceptions.17:53
james_wwe inhibit exceptions for things that are user errors.17:53
lwnjakewant me to email it to you?  it is rather long ...17:53
james_wHowever I don't think this one should be classed as a user error.17:53
james_wlwnjake: yeah, that's fine.17:54
lwnjakeon its way ...17:55
ubotuNew bug: #202928 in bzr "bzr diff slow against ancestor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20292817:55
james_wlwnjake: thanks.17:56
lwnjakejames_w: no prob, now i'll try tailor and see how that goes ... thanks!17:57
james_wnekohayo: it looks like your issue may be reproducible against bzr.dev itself. That should certainly speed things up if it is the same bug.17:57
james_wlwnjake: no problem. Pop back if tailor doesn't do the job, and we can try and fix up fast-import17:58
nekohayojames_w: great!17:58
james_wlwnjake: oh, and there is also some support in bzr-git for pulling, so we could try that too.17:58
nekohayojames_w: so does that thing boil down to having dirstate not working with format rich-root-pack?17:59
james_wPeng: (of course) <- :-)17:59
james_wnekohayo: I have no idea I'm afraid.17:59
james_wnekohayo: though they do work together.17:59
james_wnekohayo: dirstate here refers to a knit based repo format. dirstate itself is the fast working tree format that was introduced a few releases ago, and hence gave it's name to the whole format.18:00
james_wIt appears something is wrong with some knit based repos where the data is inconsistent.18:00
PengWait, two people with missing indexes thanks to conversions?18:22
PengErr, missing revisions in knit indexes, or whatever.18:22
james_wlwnjake: I can't immediately see what's wrong I'm afraid.18:31
lwnjakejames_w: too bad, tailor seems to be annoying ... so far i haven't got it to work, but i am off on other things now18:32
james_wlwnjake: fair enough. Give us a shout if you have another go.18:33
spivIan will probably be finished lunch shortly.18:35
spivHe might be alble to help.18:35
RyanRyan52is there an apache module for bazaar like there is for subversion?18:48
PengRyanRyan52: No.18:48
RyanRyan52Is there any way to do something like that?18:49
PengRyanRyan52: You can serve over regular dumb HTTP, or use the faster smart server with CGI, FastCGI, mod_wsgi or something like that.18:49
RyanRyan52but then you still have to have bzr to use it, right?18:49
PengRyanRyan52: What? Oh, that's what you want?18:49
PengRyanRyan52: Well, you could set up a web viewer. Loggerhead, bzr-webserve, bzrweb..18:50
RyanRyan52I want to also be able to look at my code through a web browser18:50
PengRyanRyan52: If you have your branch hosted or mirrored on Launchpad, it has a Loggerhead installation.18:52
RyanRyan52I can't do that...18:58
RyanRyan52Its not my project. I have to host it on the owners server.18:58
RyanRyan52but he will let me switch it to bzr if I get all of the things working as well or better as they did with subversion18:59
jelmerhey Ian19:07
jelmerHow's Pycon?19:07
PengThere's a couple messages in comp.lang.python saying it sucks. That it went all commercialized.19:08
jelmerradix: :)19:08
jelmerspiv: It's a pity the pyrex stuff wasn't ready before pycon, it really rocks19:09
PengWhat Pyrex stuff?19:09
jelmerPeng: bzr-svn using pyrex19:09
PengOh, cool.19:09
PengSignificant benefit?19:09
PengWait, would you use svn's C API then?19:10
jelmeryes, pyrex around svn's C API19:10
jelmerinstead of the SWIG-generated bindings by the subversion folks19:10
jelmerall memory usage problems have gone away19:10
jelmercloning samba4 now gives me a bzr process that uses less than 30Mb of RAM19:11
jelmerwhere it would previously be at least 30019:11
jelmerI haven't completed a clone successfully yet though, but it's looking very good19:12
PengY'know, there's Cython now...19:12
jelmercython generates larger files than pyrex unfortunately19:13
PengIt's supposed to be Better and Faster and Stronger though, right?19:15
PengHmph, bzr-svn causes constant repacking.19:20
jelmerPeng: yeah, hopefully that'll change when RevisionLoader from bzr-fastimport gets merged into core19:21
spivjelmer: should I try using your pyrex branch here?19:25
spivjelmer: or is it still too raw? :)19:25
igcjelmer: I'd suggest including revisionloader.py in bzr-svn rather than waiting for it to merge into core19:27
igcat least we can speed up bzr-svn a fair amount that way19:27
spivjelmer: nice19:30
spivjelmer: I really like the sound of your pyrex stuff19:30
igcjames_w: I started tracking down that 'unknown revision' bug in fastimport19:31
james_wigc: the one that lwnjake was having?19:31
igcI think so19:31
igcthere's a bug registered already for ...19:31
james_wcool, do you have an idea what it is yet?19:31
igcimports from hg-fast-import19:31
igcthe bug looks generic though19:32
igcit's related to per-file-graph tracking19:32
igcline 111 of revisionloader.py19:32
igcI'm yet to get some uninterrupted time to really think it though19:32
james_wigc: I was looking at that, but it looked pretty sane to me.19:33
james_wIt seemed as if you would only pass parents that you had already generated.19:33
igcjames_w: abentley explained what the code does in London19:33
james_wI'm sure I will have missed something.19:33
igche did find a buglet but ...19:34
igcthis problem is something different19:34
james_wlwnjake: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport/+bug/201116 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport/+bug/197755 might be of interest if you want to track progress19:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201116 in bzr-fastimport "ERROR: revision not present" [Undecided,New]19:35
james_wigc: is pycon over with?19:35
igcin the last set of lightning talks19:36
igcthere the sprint tutorials kick off19:36
igcjam is doing the sprint leaders roundtable real soon now19:37
igcspiv and I will do the tutorials after that19:37
james_wAs there is an export stream in the later of those two bugs I can have a look some time this week if you don't get to it first.19:37
igcit's reproducable using libmemcached's export19:37
Pengjelmer: You said Pyrex bzr-svn really improved memory usage, but what about speed?19:45
james_wPeng: the revisionloader should improve that for initial import and subsequent pulls.19:47
awmcclainUg... this is so frustrating. What's the easiest way to see all the diffs in a particular revision?19:55
datoawmcclain: as in `bzr diff -c $revspec` ?19:55
awmcclainyay! yes.19:56
PengHuh. I'm running bzr-svn, with the constant repacking, and it seems one is kept just about every half hour.20:07
thumperlifeless: morning20:49
thumperwhat's the quickest way to get the set of revision ids in a branch's ancestry?21:45
thumperin bzrlib (obviously)21:45
datothumper: mainline or all?21:46
thumperdato: all21:46
thumperwell, even an iterable would probably do21:46
datothen I don't know :)21:46
thumperI'm thinking of an optimisation for 'missing --mine-only' that I use a lot21:47
thumperbasically I want to know if my branch has been merged fully or not21:47
thumperdato: branch.repository.get_ancestry(rev_id)21:49
thumperbut I'm not sure if that is the fastest21:49
=== brunomelo is now known as bruno_melo
mwhudsoni guess branch.repository.get_revision_graph(rev_id).keys() might be faster21:57
mwhudsonas it doesn't order the results21:57
mwhudsonoh er get_ancestry(rev_id, toposorted=False)21:58
mxpxpodI noticed that bzr-svn 0.4.8 came out... are there any plans to package it for gutsy?22:06
* eikeon having hard time getting bzr split to work using bzr 1.2.0. I'm trying to split off a subtree into its own branch. I'd love it if someone could point me in the right direction?22:11
james_wmxpxpod: hopefully we will22:14
AfCjelmer: tinsy bug report: when you have the bzr-svn plugin misnamed in ~/.bazaar/plugins,22:14
AfC`bzr plugins` says something about "try renaming it to bzr_svn"22:15
AfCwhereas the correct name appears to be "svn"22:15
mxpxpodjames_w: thanks22:15
pooliegood morning22:15
james_wAfC: that's bzr's fault22:17
james_whi poolie22:17
james_wAfC: the problem is that if it is misnamed the plugin gets no say in what its name should be.22:17
james_wperhaps splitting "bzr_" would be sane22:18
pooliejml: are you coming here today?22:18
AfCseems a pretty common misconfiguration22:18
james_wAfC: indeed especially if you bzr branch lp:bzr-svn22:19
jmlpoolie: yep22:19
jmlpoolie: I'm getting a haircut first22:19
AfCjames_w: I'm about to drop off for a bit. If you think it worthy, can you file something?22:19
james_wAfC: a patch is probably easiest, so I might go with that. I'll take care of it though.22:20
AfCjames_w: you rock22:20
james_wrarely, I prefer a nice sit down and a cup of tea.22:21
pooliejml, ok, great22:22
* eikeon wonders what format I should have my repo and branch in such that I can use bzr split?22:25
* eikeon currently trying rich-root22:25
james_weikeon: rich-root might work. subtree definitely will.22:28
james_wHowever split is still experimental, so it may not even work for you.22:29
eikeonAh... good to know. /me doesn't see subtree listed in bzr help formats22:29
james_wbzr upgrade --pack-with-subtree might be it.22:30
james_wit's hidden as having your repo as subtree can enable behaviour that can be entirely the wrong thing for some people.22:30
james_wrich-root stores the data needed, but without giving the extra functionality.22:30
eikeonI'm ultimately trying to break up one branch I've been working on into two. In svn land I used to like putting several projects under a common root. So started doing that in bzr land before I realized the difference :|22:33
lifelessthumper: getting the entire set is a bad idea; its extremely likely to be a pessimisation22:36
Odd_Blokeeikeon: In the cases where that's been the case for me, I've explicitly removed one project from two branches.  They did start as related, however.22:36
thumperlifeless: how would I get an interable then?22:36
eikeonOdd_Bloke: That might work well for me too. Thank you. /me thinks how to shuffle things around to get rid of extra level of directory in that case.22:40
lifelessthumper: repository.get_graph()._make_breadth_first_searcher([branch.last_revision()])22:41
lifelessthumper: which I think missing already does22:41
lifelessin .dev22:41
thumperlifeless: ok22:41
lifelessthumper: My suggestion is as a first step to file a bug tagged performance22:42
thumperlifeless: I was also curious for my own playing with bzrlib22:42
Odd_BlokeDoes anyone know what the status of getting either the 1.2 release or 1.3rc1 into unstable is?22:55
datoI'm planning on uploading 1.3rc1 tomorrow morning22:56
Odd_BlokeOK, cool. :)22:56
lifelessthumper: oh sure22:58
lifelessthumper: and I'm happy to keep answering questions22:58
pooliegood morning lifeless22:59
lifelesshi poolie23:06
mxpxpodis there a way to get a bzr log with svn revision numbers using bzr-svn?23:14
kkubasik_afternoon all :)23:18
pooliemxpxpod: i don't know, ask on the list23:37
pooliehello pycon23:37
jelmermxpxpod: not yet23:38
jelmermxpxpod: there's an open bug about it23:38
mxpxpodjelmer: ok, thanks23:38
PengYou could tag every single revision. How well does bzr do with 60,000 tags?23:39
poolieprobably ok, but it's not a great solution23:39
moebius_hello, I have a weird error using bzr 1.223:43
moebius_AttributeError: 'HttpTransport_urllib' object has no attribute '_remote_is_at_least_1_2'23:43
pooliehello lamont, moebius23:44
lifelesspoolie: I don't think we'd do well on 60K tags23:45
lifelesspoolie: because we'd download the entire tags file on push and pull; its not versions and does not have an incremental transfer format23:45
cavanauganybody know where i can find a bzr-svn for cygwin??   I tried last night to compile everything but failed miserably...23:55
moebius_I have a weird error with bzr 1.223:58
moebius_  File "/home/acastro/Desktop/bzr-1.2/bzrlib/remote.py", line 821, in _get_parent_map23:58
moebius_    if not medium._remote_is_at_least_1_2:23:58
moebius_AttributeError: 'HttpTransport_urllib' object has no attribute '_remote_is_at_least_1_2'23:58
moebius_is this known? i haven't seen any bug reports on this23:58

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