
bdmurrayNightrose: If you try the bzr version of bughelper it will be fine.03:24
int_mainthat's strange03:25
int_mainor should i say... BIZARRE!03:25
=== [CA]Yasumoto is now known as Yasumoto
ompaulwhich package is the logon screen / theme attached to07:38
IulianThe static image before login screen?08:04
ompaulIulian not usplash - that image on the gnome login screen08:07
ompaulin fact the xml for the spacing of it and its error message on an 800*600 screen the "bad password message" is obscured by the input box08:08
IulianOhh, no idea.08:09
ompaulmaybe it is called the gnome login window08:09
* ompaul goes to search lp08:09
ompaulhmm yeap08:09
ompaulthat would be more right08:09
ompaulit is only 8am08:10
ompauland usually I don't get passwords wrong08:10
Iulian8:10 AM here08:10
ompaullet me switch to it08:10
ompaulwell yeah that is the right time08:10
* Iulian is afk for 10min08:10
ompaulahh found something08:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202505 in gdm ""Incorrect password" message obscured by input widget" [Low,Invalid]08:17
ompaulmy issue is that this will occur at 800*60008:17
ompaulshould I ask what it is a dupe of08:18
ompaulthere is no room at that resolution to put the message between the logo and the dialog box even if the other part is fixed08:19
* ompaul will be afk for a bit use my nick to highlight please08:19
Iulianompaul: I think that bug is not the same as yours and AFAIK it's not a bug in GDM. Maybe it's something about the Graphics Card.08:30
Iulianompaul: To be honest I really don't know, never encoutered that problem before.08:31
ompaulwhat is the first character in your nick - can't seem to tab08:31
Iulian'i' from invisible :)08:32
ompaulok I will report it as a seperate bug then08:38
stgraberompaul: if you are looking for the ubuntu gdm theme, the package is ubuntu-gdm-theme. Did you try to reproduce your bug with one of the original themes from Gnome ?08:45
ompaulstgraber, no a default hardy08:48
ompaulstgraber, you would like that I guess08:48
stgraberompaul: well, I'm trying to understand if your issue is related to the Ubuntu GDM theme or gdm itself08:49
ompaulahh so08:50
ompaulstgraber, let me move though the magic of the kvm to that box08:50
ompaulstgraber, you are going to love this - terminal does not work and X is so broken I can't test - when I say broken I can't launch the widget to configure the login screen08:53
ompaulstgraber, I'll come back to it in a couple of hours - I'll file the first version if you want to mark it as needs info - try native gnome then I will come back to it in a few hours08:54
ompaulbug 20277008:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202770 in gdm "gdm insufficent password space for 800*600 resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20277008:55
ompaulanyone else that wants to have a pop at that it would be good08:56
* ompaul is now frustrated that bug can take a running jump over the position I am now in :-( X ain't starting at all12:48
ompaulstgraber, you may wish to kill off the bug (which works) sorry X is starting but gnome is not12:48
ompaulstgraber, actually forget that - I now can log in using xdmcp on a box which can do 1280x1024 to that box, guess I need to think12:51
alex-weejare there any tools for automatically forwarding bugs upstream, to e.g. gnome bugzilla?13:27
hggdhalex-weej: no, not for bugzilla. You have to open it upstream, and then link it to the LP bug (via "also affects project")13:32
alex-weejsuch a pain in the arse13:32
hggdhsuch is life...13:32
alex-weejmaybe we could talk with bkor about getting a gateway access?13:33
hggdhas far as I remember, there is a bit of a problem making the interface in LP... perhaps bkor might help... I would not hold my breath, though: LP is closed source13:34
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greg-gsecretlondon: thanks for figuring out that bug yesterday!14:17
secretlondongreg_g no problem :)14:18
highvoltagehey bugsquashers16:29
highvoltageI have a question. If you look at this bug:16:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 4113 in human-cursors-theme "default xcursor (Human, Jimmac) files missing" [Medium,Fix released]16:29
highvoltageit mentions the main package name, a baltix release and ubuntu release16:30
highvoltageI just closed it in the ubuntu section, but I suppose it can be closed in all of them?16:30
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highvoltagewould this bug still be fixed, considering that PPC isn't a supported platform anymore? bug 44265.16:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 44265 in usplash "dapper flight 7 PPC fails to install (more infos)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4426516:50
Gninei have a folder Debian in my Applications menu.. anybody else?17:24
NafalloGnine: no, I don't have 'menu' installed.17:29
Gninei heard it is hidden by default but now it is showing17:31
NafalloGnine: you probably have 'menu' installed.17:31
blueyedGnine: it's not there on Kubuntu Hardy.. are you using Gnome?17:38
NafalloI'm telling you... you have the package menu installed :-)17:42
Nafallocheck yourself17:42
Gninefound package menu. installed. advisable to remove?18:05
Gnineusing default window manager here18:06
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NafalloGnine: do you need the Debian menu? cause that what that package does.18:33
sbarjolahi, have a question18:52
sbarjolaif a bug is complete but I can reproduce myself under same conditions, should be change to confirmed?18:53
andrea-bssbarjola: no, a bug is confirmed when is reproducible18:56
sbarjolasorry my english (..cannot reproduce it for myself..)18:58
sbarjolabut who has send the report can reproduce it19:00
andrea-bssbarjola: probably he has something uncommon (such as nvidia drivers or a particular configuration)19:02
sbarjolathen may set to incomplete until someone else can confirm?19:06
andrea-bsif you mark it Incomplete you should ask the submitter some questions19:07
andrea-bsif you don't know what to ask you should mark it New19:08
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Stroganoffi filed a bug19:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202959 in base-installer "[hardy] generating locales stalls on 64mb ram" [Undecided,New]19:50
=== ZarroBoogs is now known as Pici

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