
lxsuhmmm.. är detta en svensk kanal?10:42
cody-somervilleI'm having trouble getting the Xubuntu docs to build14:21
cody-somervilleIs this a known issue?14:22
cody-somerville"make -C xubuntu" seems to work...14:22
mdkecody-somerville: "make all" works alright. Xubuntu docs are done slightly oddly though. What seems to be the problem?14:30
cody-somervilleWell, it turns out I can build it just fine if I type "make -C xubuntu"14:31
cody-somervilleIt seems that the Makefile in the xubuntu branch needs updating14:31
cody-somervillemdke, Also, I've just regenerated the pot files. So I need to upload them to launchpad right?14:31
mdkeno, they will be imported fine if you do an upload14:33
cody-somervilleFor example, I'd visit https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xubuntu-docs/+pots/about-xubuntu/+upload and upload the pot for about-xubuntu14:33
mdkecody-somerville: so "make all" didn't work for you?14:33
cody-somervilleThere is no taget all :)14:33
mdkesure there is14:33
mdkeI just did it14:33
cody-somervilleI'm running this from the top directory14:33
cody-somervillenot in xubuntu/14:33
mdkeall: clean style index14:34
mdkeright, you need to do it from xubuntu/14:34
cody-somervilleOkay, so can I update the Makefile in the top directory to do just that?14:34
cody-somervilleOr will that break things?14:34
mdkeI doubt the Makefile in the top directory is used at all14:34
mdkewe can remove it14:34
cody-somervilleOkay, sounds good14:35
* cody-somerville does some tidy work14:36
cody-somervillemdke, Do the xubuntu-docs really need to depend on the ubuntu-docs? :)14:38
cody-somervillein the build-depends14:38
* cody-somerville will try building without it.14:39
mdkecody-somerville: no idea I haven't ever touched xubuntu-doc packaging. Can't think of a reason though14:40
mdkeis it including a document from /usr/share/ubuntu-docs maybe?14:40
* mdke leaves for a bit14:40
cody-somervilleOooOoo... it probably is14:41
cody-somervillethe serverguide doesn't seem to be in the bazaar branch14:48
cody-somervillemdke, Shouldn't xml2po be in the make all rule?14:50
cody-somervilleor atleast src-tarball?14:51
* cody-somerville assumes you want update pot files when you create the src-tarball14:53
* cody-somerville wonders if teamstuff needs to be in the xubuntu branch14:59
cody-somervillemdke, the dependency is:15:15
mdkecody-somerville: no, we don't update pot files when building the source16:49
cody-somervilleSo how goes launchpad get the pot files again?16:50
mdkeit imports them from the source package16:50
mdkecody-somerville: why did you remove build/ ?16:53
cody-somervillemdke, Because it isn't required16:53
cody-somervillemdke, When you tell it to build, it'll re-add it16:54
mdkebut having it at least shows people where stuff is building16:54
mdkeall the other branches use it...16:55
cody-somervilleIt is superfluous16:55
* mdke shrugs16:55
cody-somervilleI don't have a strong feeling about it16:56
cody-somervilleI was just cleaning things up16:56
cody-somervilleIt should be as close to what I would take to package as possible16:56
mdkewell, the branches *are* what you package16:57
mdkethey build straight out of the branch, that's the whole point16:57
mdkeI have no problem with cleaning up, but I'm just surprised you removed it while all the other branches use it16:57
cody-somervilleXubuntu continues to use it17:04
cody-somervilleIt just doesn't exist in the clean branch17:04
mdkecody-somerville: yes, I understand what you've done17:04
mdkedsas: thanks for the work on the browser homepage - works great17:04
cody-somervillemdke, Would you prefer that I put it back? :)17:05
mdkecody-somerville: I just think that having it there means that people will be aware of where they can find the html if they build it. It's not a big thing though17:07
cody-somervilleI'll put it back because the clean rule in debian/rules deletes it for me anyhow17:08
mdkecody-somerville: thanks17:10
cody-somervillePushed up to revision 3663.17:11
cody-somervillemdke, What do you think of my proposal to ubuntu-doc?17:14
mdkecody-somerville: I'm not sure about it18:21
cody-somervilleThe fact that I can't properly associate the package with a series is annoying18:28
mdkecody-somerville: does it prevent you from doing anything?18:28
mdkei think that launchpad eventually will support having more than one branch associated with a series18:29
cody-somervilleIt makes my life easier as a packager :)18:29
mdkecody-somerville: is there anything more than simply the lp: shortcut?#18:29
cody-somervilleWhen I'm in the source package pages, I can quickly jump to the appropriate bazaar branch18:30
mdkecody-somerville: can a source package page not be linked to a branch which isn't associated with a series?18:31
cody-somervilleSadly, no18:31
cody-somervilleIt has to do with bug reporting and stuff too18:31
cody-somervillelaunchpad is complicated18:31
cody-somervillebut neat18:31
mdkecody-somerville: yes. It is doable I suppose, but I'm a bit sceptical about whether it is likely to cause any further fragmentation between the various branches19:22
mdkecody-somerville: also I'm concerned that a project which doesn't really exist outside of Ubuntu should have so many separate projects and even an umbrella project19:23
mdkecody-somerville: I just wonder whether the correct solution isn't to get Launchpad to support more than one branch per series19:23
mdkeor open more series...19:23
cody-somervilleYou could get rid of the current model, yes.19:24
cody-somervilleinstead of by release, by derivative19:24
mdkeor by both19:24
cody-somervilleWhy not just have separate products then?19:26
mdkebecause different projects means different urls, different teams associated, and more maintenance19:26
cody-somervilleWhat maintenance do you have to do now?19:27
mdkecody-somerville: bug lists and release series, I guess19:29
cody-somervilleCurrently you can only manage the release series for Ubuntu's docs19:29
mdkethat's right19:30
cody-somervilleLaunchpad was not designed to work this way19:30
cody-somervilleXubuntu docs and Ubuntu docs are separate products19:30
cody-somervilleSo there should be two products19:31
cody-somervilleBranch ownership will remain the same, etc. etc.19:31
mdkethat's where we differ19:31
mdkeI think they aren't separate projects :)19:31
cody-somervilleBut we'll be able to take advantage of the launchpad infrastructure19:31
cody-somervilleI'm not saying they're separate projects, mdke :)19:31
cody-somervilleI'm saying they're separate products19:32
cody-somervilleAnd thats why launchpad offers the super-project19:32
mdkethat's just linguistics19:32
mdkeLaunchpad calls them projects though19:32
cody-somervilleThey have transitioned to that language, yes.19:32
cody-somervilleHow about I get some sleep before we discuss this further? :)19:33
cody-somervilleBecause I know what I want to say but I can't seem to get it out right19:33
mdkethat's fine, I haven't made my mind up either19:34
cody-somervillemdke, Did you see the Xubuntu meeting announcement on the ml?19:34
mdkeI don't think so19:34
cody-somervilleIt would be really cool if you could come19:35
mdkecody-somerville: I'll see, although i don't know much about xubuntu or its direction19:37
mdkewhat's the basic problem?19:38
cody-somervilleLack of direction19:38
mdkefrom your email it sounds like there are more than one competing directions19:39
mdkenot too sure about the grammar of that, but you get the idea19:40
cody-somervilleI would agree with that statement19:40
mdkeabout grammar?19:41
cody-somervilleWe have the "lets provide a lightweight desktop" crew and the "lets provide an xfce4 extremist desktop" crew19:41
cody-somervilleno, about the competing directions19:41
mdkei see. is an xfce4 extremist desktop lighter than the first type?19:41
mdkeor heavier?19:41
cody-somervillemuch lighter20:01
cody-somervilleAnd buggier :(20:01
mdkecody-somerville: i understand20:12
cody-somervilleI'd like Xubuntu to be useful20:13
cody-somervilleSo have community input (ie. not just xubuntu-specific people) would be a Good Idea (TM) IMHO20:13
mdkei'll see what I can do20:14
mdkesommer: what's the status of that new material for the serverguide?22:22
sommerworking on it... do you mean the bacula section?22:24
mdkesommer: yeah22:24
mdke far away?22:24
sommerya... haven't started converting the wiki article to docbook yet22:24
mdkeah ok22:24
mdkesommer: did you see my email to the list about the test wiki for wiki->docbook conversion?22:25
sommerya, haven't had much time to try it out though22:25
mdkethat should quicken things up, you just need to run it through tidy afterwards... and last time I looked there were some problems with whitespacing22:25
sommerI usually do the conversion by hand, because it also allows for proof reading :-)22:25
mdkefair enough22:26
sommerthe new section should be ready in a couple of hours at most22:26
mdkeI was going to request an ubuntu-docs upload tomorrow22:26
sommerif for whatever reason it's not I'll let you know... definitely by tomorrow morning22:26
mdkeno worries, if not possible we can upload the pot template manually to rosetta to start people working on it22:27
sommerthere's still a couple of updates... installation section, likewise-open, and jeos section as well22:27
mdkeI removed generic/server this evening22:27
sommerya, noticed the commit message, cool22:27
mdkesommer: by update do you mean new material?22:27
sommernope mostly corrrections/updates to commands22:28
mdkelooking pretty good for string freeze on thursday22:29
sommerthe jeos section update may be some significant content though... it was orginally written with vmware in mind, but now jeos supports kvm really well22:29
mdkeif only we can sort that dvd stuff out22:29
sommerya, I was thinking that when I'm done with the server stuff I could take a look at it22:29
mdkeisn't jeos a different flavour of Ubuntu to the server edition?22:29
mdkewhat's the relationship?22:29
sommeryes and no22:29
sommerjeos is a customized server edition flavour geared toward running as a virtualized guest os22:30
sommerbasically it's only the drivers and software needed to load into vmware, qemu, kvm, etc22:30
sommerit's pretty cool stuff22:30
mdkeand it is used as a server?22:30
sommerit can be no dooubt about it22:31
sommerdoubt even22:31
mdkeso it's like a virtual server :)22:31
sommerthe total install is like 300M, or there abouts it's pretty slick22:31
mdkedo you think it's better to be included in the serverguide, or as a separate document? is it something people running the server or desktop editions will use?22:32
sommerheh... I've wondered that myself22:32
sommerI think it can be either, but at this point I'd say mostly centered around server22:33
mdkeso you can use it from one of those two editions?22:34
mdkeor at least install it22:34
mdkethe serverguide is pretty enormous right now so I'm just concerned to ensure everything is appropriately placed in there22:35
sommersure, but the server edition has more virtualization optimizations then desktop, so it will probably run better using server22:35
mdkeit takes ages to load the doc in yelp :(22:36
mdkeshould the jeos section be inside the Virtualisation section?22:36
sommermaybe, but since there are so many subsections it's a little hard to navigate22:37
mdkeit's a little hard to tell what it is from the title unless you know already22:38
mdkestill, not a bit issue22:39
sommersince it's getting pretty late in the game for hardy, do you want to leave it as is for now, and if there's need we can move it for ibex?22:40
mdkeI guess it would be difficult to move it?22:41
mdkeyes, let's leave it, we have enough to do22:42
sommershouldn't be too bad, just changing sect1 > sect2; sect2 > sect322:43
mdkei hate that stuff :)22:44
sommersigh... bacula package is still borded23:08
sommerborked even23:08
sommermdke: when's the latest I can submit the new bacula section?23:08
sommeraside from the 20th :-)23:08
sommermdke: at this point I'm thinking bacula section will have to wait for ibex23:09
j1mcmdke: are you around?23:53

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