
pwnguinis the image creater still the best way to test on non lpia devices?03:37
nrpwas it ever the best way for that?03:41
pwnguinfrom my experiences, no03:42
pwnguinso how should i go about this then?03:42
pwnguinthe wiki page suggests that image builder is the preferred way03:43
nrpi've just been installing ubuntu server and the ubuntu-mobile package03:47
nrpi couldnt get the image builder to work03:50
pwnguinfor advanced uses, see qemu03:50
virtualdi take it that UWE isn't anywhere near ready to be used still06:22
pwnguinit wasn't very ready for gutsy, im setting up another chroot right now for hardy06:42
pwnguini guess it depends on how you define ready to be used06:44
virtualdwell, my goal is to keep it outside of the chroot, and use it in my carputer ... i was thinking of creating a set of touchscreen friendly apps06:44
virtualdbut then i found this :)06:44
pwnguinready to hack on06:44
pwnguinmaybe not ready to replace your daily activities06:44
virtualdno daily activities at this time 06:44
pwnguininteresting. im looking at this for my tablte06:44
virtualdyeah, i originally installed gentoo on it... but that got annoying06:45
virtualdits a mini-itx system, with a 7in touchscreen06:46
virtualdi've been hacking on xorg all week, fixing the stupid input hotplugging problems with it06:46
pwnguincardboard box06:46
virtualdyeah, that was Rev 0.106:46
pwnguinyou should try swapping the stereo head unit for it ;)06:47
virtualdyeah, i thought about that06:47
virtualdhowever, then i wouldn't have audio06:47
pwnguinno audio on the mobo?06:47
pwnguini see some colored jacks06:48
pwnguinwhat's the software it's using for maps06:48
virtualdtheres audio, no speakers06:48
virtualdit was using roadnav06:48
virtualdhowever, i haven't decided what this iteration is going to use06:49
pwnguindebian packages?06:49
virtualdno, it was in gentoo06:49
virtualdi've installed hardy on it now06:49
virtualdroadnav works pretty well though06:49
virtualdit has some interface issues though06:49
pwnguinsomeone else said just before you joined that they installed ubuntu-server and ubuntu-mobile06:49
pwnguininstead of the chroot approach06:50
virtualdyeah, i installed ubuntu-desktop.. then found this, so installed that too :)06:50
virtualddespite that they probably wont co-exist06:50
pwnguini was about to ask about that06:50
virtualdthe chroot approach makes more sense for a real mobile device06:50
virtualdthat has to be flashed or something06:51
pwnguinfor a real device, i think you'd build an image06:51
virtualdthats what i meant 06:51
pwnguinbut the image builder doesn't seem to work quite naturally06:51
virtualdbut for me... i've got a normal system, it just has a tiny touchscreen, so it makes more sense just to have it installed06:52
virtualdthe audio player crashes everything however06:52
virtualdits pretty sad06:52
pwnguinapparently roadnav has .debs06:52
virtualdamusingly enough, i was going to hack on that last summer, and create a branch that would be more touchscreen friendly.. but made one commit and then got distracted by school and never got around to it06:53
pwnguinopen source is a frequent casulty of life06:54
virtualdits not a particularly active project either06:54
virtualdyeah, it is06:54
pwnguinyou know06:55
virtualdis there a doc somewhere on how to integrate new apps into the hildan thing06:55
pwnguinits strange how many projects i find where there's a seperate debian dir06:55
pwnguinand no package in debian06:55
pwnguinin a sense, it's a failure of debian to continue absorbing upstream06:56
virtualdim still getting used to debs and such... been a gentoo user for quite awhile06:56
virtualdyeah, probably lack of maintainers for the obscure packages06:56
pwnguinit's quite handy to seperate the build system from the distribution06:56
pwnguinwell, not quite a lack of maintainers06:57
pwnguinsure, stuff gets orphaned, but there are quite a few debian developers06:57
pwnguinmy rough guess is at least a thousand06:58
virtualdlack of attention then perhaps06:59
virtualdi mean, theres thousands of packages06:59
pwnguin1049 DDs according to what im reading at the last vote06:59
pwnguini guess debian's actually moved to something akin to MOTU07:01
pwnguin"masters of the universe"07:02
pwnguintheres two main splits of ubuntu packages07:02
pwnguinmain and universe (also the closed source versions)07:02
pwnguinMOTU takes care of universe07:03
virtualdmakes sense i suppose07:03
virtualdthere is one nasty catch with roadnav07:03
virtualdit doesn't do one-way streets07:03
virtualdbecause of the map data it has doesn't denote them07:04
virtualdand i just moved to boston (tons of one-way tiny streets), so i've been looking into other options07:04
pwnguinyou can see garmin from my house07:05
pwnguini know tons of people who work for them07:05
pwnguinthey mostly buy someone elses map software07:05
virtualdgoogle earth can do GPS, but that version costs money07:07
virtualdso.. then ubuntu-mobile is (essentially) something that can be installed instead of ubuntu-desktop then?07:08
virtualdas opposed to just being a set of packages07:08
pwnguinlooks like it07:08
virtualddifferent kernel too?07:08
pwnguintechnically, i think they're working on a new arch07:09
pwnguinbut its x86 compatible07:09
virtualdk, i saw that somewhere, so i was wondering07:09
pwnguinso the idea behind the arch is that they recompile for efficiency07:09
virtualdi see07:11
pwnguinhrm. apparently the terminal application is installed, but ubuntu-mobile doesn't bring in xterm07:14
virtualdwell, hopefully the mobile stuff will work out nicely :)07:18
virtualdit looks like a great interface on the surface07:19
virtualdim out though, nite07:19
pwnguinis there any other repo for moblin packages besides the main ubuntu archive?07:53
pwnguini look at the webpage for mobile edition and the screenshots suggest more applications than im seeing currently07:54
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slytherinMithrandir: are you planning to update bluez-utils and bluez-gnome to latest version? They contain bug fixes.18:53
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