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* jdong smacks $world for randomly setting In Progress on backports bugs02:17
jdongI wish Launchpad had an ACL02:18
Fujitsujdong: Bug #12651602:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126516 in malone "would like limited access control for status field changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12651602:20
jdongah, there's always a launchpad bug.02:23
tonyyarussoOkay, I demand answers.  Who uploaded the changes to Gnome Solitaire that made it infinitely harder?  ;)02:32
jdongvi debian/patches/99-make-it-harder-for-tonyyarusso.dpatch..... :D02:41
tonyyarussoyeah, that's the one!02:42
* tonyyarusso wonders if jdong took that 9 minutes to look up which patch system gnome-games uses02:42
jdongtonyyarusso: LOL I pulled that out of thin air02:42
jdongtonyyarusso: I have a feeling though the GNOME folks like dpatch02:42
tonyyarussolikely enough02:43
cyberixAre man pages UTF-803:36
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persiacyberix: Ideally.04:17
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jdongwow gnome-system-monitor 2.22 actually builds on gutsy05:06
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IulianDktrKranz: Good morning. Do you have few minutes to take a look at a debdiff? .desktop file related10:07
DktrKranzIulian, sure10:08
DktrKranzbtw, good morning :)10:08
IulianActually it's a merge from Debian.10:09
Iulian... with some small changes.10:09
IulianOhh, it's bug #20272810:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202728 in pipewalker "Pipewalker does not appear in GNOME menu" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20272810:11
DktrKranzIulian, personally I wouldn't merge it because our deltas are limited to deprecated field in .desktop file. Bart seems quite responsive, so you may want him to adjust .desktop to be freedesktop compliant and sync it later.10:15
IulianDktrKranz: Great, thanks a lot :)10:16
DktrKranzIf you think he won't prepare another upload for this cosmetic change, you may want to sync current version, so we have a menu entry at least.10:17
IulianDktrKranz: Yea, that's what I thought in the first time, I'm not so sure he will upload soon with this change.10:21
IulianDktrKranz: So, I think I will sync it.10:22
DktrKranzGood :)10:23
IulianLet me take a look at the wiki page to see what's the easiest way to sync a pkg.10:25
* Iulian is afk - breakfast!10:25
IulianDktrKranz: Should I file a bug in LP?10:39
DktrKranzIulian, you can edit current one to reflect a sync10:39
IulianDktrKranz: Right10:40
IulianDktrKranz: Done10:54
IulianDktrKranz: I've edited the current bug and subscribed u-u-s.10:57
DktrKranzI see10:57
DktrKranzI need to re-enable my VM before10:58
DktrKranzu-u-s is very populated these days :)10:58
IulianOhh, that's awesome!10:58
DktrKranzUnapproved too :P10:58
DktrKranz1  → 20  of 421 results10:59
IulianWhoah ;-)11:00
Hobbseehah.  you would have thought that people would have learned by now that a package that has been fakesynced numerous times 8probably8 can't be synced.11:20
crimsuninteresting.  Is "probably" emphasised there?  It appears as "8probably8" in hotwire-shell.11:21
IulianHere too. :)11:23
jpatrickHobbsee: 8?11:24
Hobbseejpatrick: enoshift.11:25
Hobbseecrimsun: my metakeys are broken11:25
Hobbseei was going for star11:25
hashHi, when is the Hardy Universe repo frozen and Debian syncs disallowed?11:31
cody-somervilleScottK, What in particular did you find confusing about the changelog for gdesklets?11:50
ftaslangasek, what was the problem with prism target ?12:12
slicerI'm not sure how to mark bug 202766. What the user requests has already been included in the upstream SVN, but as it's a feature change it will not make it into hardy. Should I set the bug as "Confirmed" and leave it like that until Intrepid  development starts?12:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202766 in mumble "mumble-server uses weird directories to store its information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20276612:22
james_wslicer: sounds sensible to me. Add a comment explaining the situation as well.12:42
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protonchrisAny u-u-s around?15:12
jdongScottK: I'm blessing the Firefox 3.0b4 backport (bug 191796); I subscribed you to it, let me know if there's anything you need (I know it's a huge one)15:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191796 in gutsy-backports "Please backport firefox-3.0 3.0~b3 final" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19179615:35
ftajdong, why b3 final when b4 final is already out ? it will confuse users.15:41
jdongfta: the title has not been changed15:42
jdongfta: the packages indeed are of the latest b4 finals in Hardy15:43
ftacould you please update the title ?15:43
jdongand spam 25 people? Sure :)15:44
ftais it a full backport or did you revert some of the changes ?15:44
jdongfta: see attached debdiff. Several changes had to be reverted15:44
jdongprimarily the ones that set firefox-3.0 as the default firefox15:44
hellboy195jdong: is it worth it to backport it? why not wait until the next beta or final?15:45
jdonghellboy195: I think so15:46
ftajdong, oh, ok, my changes are back in :)15:46
jdongfta: :)15:46
jdonghellboy195: ff3b4 is already a huge improvement over the ff3b3~ backport15:46
jdonghellboy195: people are already getdebbing for these packages15:47
hellboy195jdong: ah if there already exist a b3 backport than you are right ;) Did it start with the b3 backport?15:48
ftajdong, that means no system cairo (hence no subpixel lcd filter) and no system nss/nspr. Should be ok15:48
ftaoh, i would advice to drop system-jpeg too15:49
jdongfta: system nss/nspr is too old on gutsy, I was told by asac to do that15:49
jdongfta: what does dropping system-jpeg do?15:49
ftasystem libjpeg is causing the infamous black rectangle15:49
ftamozilla patched it quite heavily :P15:50
ftaasac tried to sort this out in hardy but it's not done yet15:51
jdong   --with-system-jpeg=/usr \15:51
jdongdrop that? and the build-dep on libjpeg?15:52
ftayes, or better s,--with-system-jpeg=/usr,--without-system-jpeg, so we remember it's wanted15:53
ftalike in about:buildconfig15:53
ftait's as you want. you can also keep it and handle the black rectangles bugs15:54
jdongLOL I'll take your word for it that I shouldn't use system jpeg :)15:55
cody-somervillejdong, Want to do me a favour? ;]15:57
jdongcody-somerville: whoa I don't swing that way bro...15:58
jdongcody-somerville: but more seriously, what? :)15:58
cody-somervillejdong, pfft. :P15:58
cody-somervillejdong, I think a lot of people would give you cookies if you were to sponsor bug #197650 ;]15:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197650 in gdesklets "gdesklets in hardy unusable due to an unhandled error" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19765015:58
jdongcody-somerville: cool I'll go take a shower while xulrunner and firefox are building, then I'll take a look at that for you15:59
cody-somervillejdong, thanks15:59
hellboy195LucidFox: last change to do the beagle merge ;)16:23
jdongLOL that's enticing16:25
jdongjust like "Hey Scott last chance to do a 120MB backport!!"16:25
hellboy195jdong: well, if you have somone other that wants to do it ;)16:25
jdong:) I've got my hands full16:26
hellboy195jdong: ^^16:26
jdong               swig,16:34
jdong               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.10.0)16:34
jdong               libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.10.0),16:34
jdongthe Debian sid package ships with a defective control16:34
* jdong regenerates it?16:34
cody-somervilleWhat package is that for?16:35
jdongcody-somerville: that's your gdesklets package16:35
jdongit's the same way in control.in too16:36
* jdong scratches head16:36
cody-somervilleYou're right.16:36
jdongwould you like to fix that and resubmit the debdiff? :)16:36
cody-somervillejdong, I would love to16:36
cody-somervillejdong, oink :)16:40
jdongcody-somerville: ok, lemme try this one out :)16:41
jdongcody-somerville: while I'm playing with this, would you mind submitting this to Debian?16:42
cody-somervilleIf I can figure out how, sure :)16:42
jdongit just gives your e-mail client a workout :)16:43
jdongcody-somerville: also, I don't like how the package seems to have two glib build-deps too16:44
jdong+               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.4.1-2),16:44
jdong+               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.10.0)16:44
jdongI am guessing the former should be removed.16:44
jdong(is it just me, or is Debian QA really subpar on this package?)16:45
cody-somervilleshould I go with the higher versioned libglib2.0-dev?16:45
jdongthat's what I would do16:46
cody-somervillenew debdiff uploaded16:49
protonchrisjdong: Are you up for looking at another package and potentially sponsoring an upload?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glom/+bug/20138516:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201385 in glom "Hardy: Please update glom to latest version" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:54
cody-somervillejdong, Okay. I filed two bugs in debian (I hope)17:04
jdongcody-somerville: awesome. I'm just awaiting a build test before uploading17:06
* jdong updates his pbuilder17:08
jdongurgh xulrunner builds take way too much RAM :)17:15
jdongurgh I need some server-class SCSI drives too17:20
ftajdong, I know what you mean, i'm building nspr/nss/xul1.9/ff3/sm2/tb3 chained17:20
* jdong writes Dear Santa letter...17:20
jdongfta: yeah there's one link step for xul that evicts 80% of my desktop into swap17:20
jdongthat hurts.17:20
ftawhen it links libxul.so17:21
ftaand also libxpcom.so17:21
ftahuge monsters17:21
jdongbut it looks like it's over17:22
jdongI'm into dh_install phase17:22
jdongwhich XFS still doesn't like....17:22
jdongcody-somerville: gdesklets uploaded17:30
cody-somervillejdong, Thanks :)17:30
cody-somervillejdong, Do you want to take a quick look at gdesklets-data too? <g>17:31
cody-somervillebug #20228117:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202281 in gdesklets-data "Sponsor gdesklets-data 0.35.6-2ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20228117:31
croSmileyhi all17:32
croSmileyisis there any application that can close other programs if they are inactive for some time: this is the thread => http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72562417:33
jdongcroSmiley: off topic for this channel17:33
croSmileysry, can you direct me to right place pls17:34
jdongcroSmiley: #ubuntu is the general support channel17:34
jdongcroSmiley: the kind of behavior you want to implement probably belongs in a plugin to your window manager though17:34
protonchrisjdong: sorry for bugging you earlier.  I was mistaken when I thought you were on the universe sponsors team.17:35
jdongprotonchris: oh, no problems, I'm always glad to help out. Currently I have way too many builds going though :D17:35
croSmileywell, thanks anyway, my search for solution continues somewhere else...17:37
jdongcody-somerville: -data uploaded17:37
cody-somervillejdong, thanks :)17:37
cody-somervillejdong, did gdesklets-data get rejected?17:40
cody-somervillejdong, oh, nvm17:40
cody-somervilleThere it is17:40
jdongcody-somerville: both are queued17:42
* cody-somerville nods.17:42
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YokoZarWho moderates the motu-council mailing list?18:03
YokoZarI've had an email response to my application queued up there for a couple of days18:04
jpatrickYokoZar: I believe dholbach does, but he's not here18:04
YokoZarjpatrick: thanks18:05
emgentheya people18:05
geserYokoZar: usually dholbach does the moderation but every MC member can do it18:06
tuxmaniacdoes anybody know whether the dynamic tick is enabled by default in the Ubuntu kernel?18:07
slytherintuxmaniac: you mean the one that reduces power consumption?18:13
tuxmaniacsladen, yes18:13
slytherintuxmaniac: I think it is enabled by default18:13
james_wIs there a FTBFS list?18:24
albert23james_w: Yes there is: http://members.ping.de/~mb/buildstatus_hardy/18:28
james_walbert23: thanks.18:28
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slytherinHi. I have fixed the configure script of evolution-scalix package. But I am unable to fix compilation errors. Anyone wants to take it further?18:52
zulwhat happened to ubuntuwire?19:13
jpatrickzul: I believe we're waiting on imbrandon or something...19:13
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C10uDi'm figuring out how i can set some environment var that makes dpkg-buildpackage not asking for my gpg passphrase every time i build a package19:37
james_wC10uD: do you mean debuild rather than dpkg-buildpackage?19:37
C10uDerm, yes (?)19:38
james_wC10uD: you can build with -uc -us19:39
james_wDEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-uc -us" may be what you want19:40
C10uDaren't that options removing the signature thing?19:40
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james_wC10uD: pardon?19:43
C10uDdisclaimer: i'm a packaging ñoob19:44
james_wC10uD: that's not a problem. I just didn't understand your question, could you rephrase it please?19:44
C10uDoh ok, well19:45
slangasekfta: the milestone is how we track things that are blockers for the beta; prism really isn't...19:45
C10uDi'm asking if those parameters actually remove the gpg signature from the dpkg created files19:45
slangasekfta: so I've marked the bugs as release-critical for hardy instead19:45
james_wC10uD: they will stop it from trying to create one and so asking for your key.19:46
james_wC10uD: if you want to add one after you can use debsign19:46
C10uD..that doesn't ask for a passphrase?19:46
ftaslangasek, oh, ok. i've posted a debdiff now waiting for a sponsor19:46
james_wC10uD: debsign will, you can't create a signature without a passphrase.19:47
james_wyou only need to sign your packages for some uses though, for instance uploading.19:47
C10uDwell i asked if it's possible to set it up as an environment variable19:48
james_wC10uD: your passphrase?19:48
james_wthat's not a good idea.19:48
C10uDwell i don't care about security _that_ much19:48
james_wwell no tool will support you doing that.19:48
james_wC10uD: well if you don't care about security don't sign the package.19:49
jpatrickC10uD: maybe gpg-agent?19:49
james_wif you want to do something like upload it to some Ubuntu infrastructure then you have to care enough to sign the package.19:49
james_wand as jpatrick suggest gpg-agent is a much better solution.19:50
C10uDwell, i'll take a look at that then19:50
RainCTC10uD: if you use seahorse you can also tell it to remember the password19:52
C10uDuhm.. apt-getting right now then19:53
C10uDthanks RainCT it worked20:13
C10uDnow a minor thing: how can i split in two lines a long link in the debian/changelog file20:13
RainCTC10uD: np. you could use tinyurl.com (I don't really like this idea, though)20:16
C10uDwell i'm focusing on building my package automagically:P i wanted to know if there's a way to split the link and make it still usable :p20:17
C10uDif there's not, well np20:17
RainCTC10uD: not that I know about.. but there shouldn't be any problem leaving it on a single line, the 75 characters limit is not a hard requirement20:19
C10uDsadly, it is for this link :P20:19
C10uDwell, doesn't matter20:19
C10uDgod bless sourceforge that allows his name to be cut in sf20:21
PMantisDoes anyone have a *simple* .deb packaging guide? I need to package a bash shell script - so no need for make, ./configure, etc. Google, Ubuntu Wiki, etc = no success yet.20:29
superm1_PMantis, if its a simple shell script, you might consider just modeling it around a package that has such things.  one i wrote is like that, ipod-convenience20:34
PMantisI'm not sure what you mean there... find a package for a shell script and modify it?20:35
superm1_PMantis, well i wrote the ipod-convenience package, and it is a package that includes a shell script, some symlinks and debconf magic20:35
superm1_its very straightforward20:35
superm1_so its a good example to supplement the packaging guide20:36
superm1_and something to give you a stepping stone20:36
PMantisSo I'd need to reverse-engineer the package to figure it out?20:37
IulianDktrKranz: ping20:37
RainCTDktrKranz: Hey, is there any reason why you haven't ACK'd the pipewalker sync?20:37
DktrKranzIulian, pong20:38
IulianDktrKranz: See RainCT's question :)20:38
DktrKranzRainCT, I'm ill to the bones :)20:38
IulianThat's what I wanted to ask you.20:38
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DktrKranzthis flu is killing me20:39
RainCTDktrKranz: oh, that's bad :(20:39
RainCTIulian: well, ack'd20:39
PMantisDktrKranz: Ick, hope you feel better20:39
* DktrKranz too20:40
PMantisWhoever you are :-)20:40
DktrKranzI have to go in office anyway, hoping not harming business :P20:40
DktrKranzat least, I didn't harm Hardy :P20:40
IulianAre you sure? :)20:41
PMantisIs debuild needed for non binary packages?20:41
RainCTPMantis: yes20:41
superm1_PMantis, if you grab the source package (dsc, diff.tar.gz, orig.tar.gz)20:42
superm1_you can extract it20:42
superm1_and you can then make your changes there20:42
DktrKranzIulian, I'm not sure when I'm healty, should I now? :)20:42
RainCTPMantis: it will create (or update, if they already exist) the .dsc, .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz files20:42
PMantisI have no source package... I have a single bash shell script, and want to package it.20:42
superm1_PMantis, right - i'm saying you grab my source package, and then you put your script in place20:42
superm1_and make the appropriate changes to the rest of the source package to match your script20:43
IulianDktrKranz: Of course you should. :P20:43
* PMantis doesn't understand why he needs 100 files in a package to distribute a single script20:45
superm1_PMantis, that's why the packaging guide and debian new maintainers guides exist :)20:46
RainCTPMantis: packaging is complex and misterious ;P20:46
PMantisMan, I just found a .orig.tar.gz file - must have been made by dh_make.. but it's empty21:09
hellboy195RainCT: connection problems?21:17
jpatrickhellboy195: he's on a modem the poor guy21:19
hellboy195damn it21:19
* hellboy195 is happy to have 16 Mbit ^^21:19
DktrKranzhellboy195, mind give some to me?21:21
hellboy195DktrKranz: hmm over the mountains? ^^21:22
DktrKranzby mail :)21:22
PMantisI think I'm figuring some things out about this packaging thing. heh21:32
PMantisShould I place my scrips in /usr/local/sbin or /usr/sbin  ?21:33
PMantisI want to adhere to standards as much as possible21:33
superm1_emgent, i dont have a my password with me so i can't PM.21:45
superm1_what'd you need?21:45
emgentsuperm1_: np, solved21:46
PMantisIf the first line of a changelog is:21:57
PMantishello (2.1.1-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low21:57
PMantisWill it work on debian? *I* know the package will work, but will it install?21:57
PMantisI mean, will it work on dapper21:57
superm1_that is used for controlling which version its built against21:58
superm1_you can still manually build it in a dapper pbuilder or similar21:59
superm1_and run it there21:59
* PMantis tilts his head like a dog21:59
superm1_so in short, 'yes' it will install22:00
sorenPMantis: If the binary package is built on hardy, it'll most likely state a dependency on a more recent libc version that is available in Dapper.22:00
superm1_soren, it is a script that likely won't be depending on libc22:00
superm1_from what i've understood from what he said so far22:01
sorensuperm1_: hello is a script?22:01
sorenSince when?22:01
PMantissoren: You're a little out of the loop from my "odd" non-compiled package. :)22:01
PMantissoren: No, that was a copy/paste from the example I'm looking at.22:01
PMantismy package is(will be) of a bash script22:01
sorenRight, and for that example, my answer is correct :)22:01
sorenPMantis: For a bash script, you won't have any problems of that kind.22:02
PMantisOooooh, debuild got much further this time...22:03
PMantisI think my rules file needs tweaking:22:03
PMantismake[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.22:03
superm1_PMantis, that example rules file that was in my package doesn't use a Makefile at all.22:08
PMantisYeah, there's no Makefile... but debuilder still want to run make22:08
PMantisI commented that out in rules - got further.22:09
superm1_PMantis, i'm saying in ipod-convenience's debian/rules, there were no calls to such thing though22:09
superm1_it literally just includes the script in the place that you tell it to22:10
PMantisI don't see a debian dir in ipod-convenience_0.8.orig.tar.gz22:10
superm1_PMantis, its in the .diff.tar.gz22:11
PMantisI untarred your orig, deleted etc, other dirs, placed my own scripts in it, removed *.1, tarred it back up under my own name, and use dh_make -f ../filename22:12
PMantisAll is ok, except for that... I'l look for your diff22:12
superm1_PMantis, what you will want to do is "dget FILE.dsc"22:12
superm1_that will grab the whole package22:12
superm1_and then dpkg-source -x *dsc22:12
superm1_which will extract it and put the debian directory in place22:13
superm1_the debian/ directory is never supposed to be included in the .orig.tar.gz22:13
PMantisI didn't expect it to be, since that's packaging instructions22:13
PMantishmm, I usually use wget22:14
superm1_PMantis, yeah dget is a nifty little tool22:15
PMantisI think when I'm done with this, I need to make a howto22:15
superm1_PMantis, well just improve the packaging guide for pitfalls that you missed22:15
PMantispacking up one file shouldn't be this hard...22:15
superm1_by following it22:15
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PMantissuperm1_: Google is not helping me... I can't find your diff.tar.gz22:18
superm1_PMantis, when you dget from the web url22:18
superm1_it pulls it for you22:18
superm1_eg dget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/i/ipod-convenience/ipod-convenience_0.8-0ubuntu1.dsc22:19
superm1_that will pull it22:19
PMantisok, thanks... couldn't figure out the url22:19
superm1_it also lives in bzr here if you wanted to see it https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ipod-touch/ipod-convenience/trunk22:20
PMantissuperm1_: I have it now, thanks! Your rules file looks like it pulls an upstream file...22:22
PMantisam I reading that right?22:22
superm1_i am upstream :)22:24
superm1_PMantis, that get-orig-source target is only for rebuilding the package source22:25
superm1_if you only had the debian/ directory22:25
superm1_its for grabbing new upstream versions22:25
superm1_your rules file can be just those first 2 lines22:25
PMantisok, I can handle that.22:25
superm1_PMantis, and then choosing where things get installed is handled by debian/install22:26
superm1_in my case22:26
PMantishmmm, it built a _i386.deb22:28
PMantisme looks a the files again22:28
PMantisChanging Architecture to all22:29
* PMantis installs fakeroot and tries again22:32
LaserJockhellboy195: ping22:38
PMantisHmmm, low traffic here. OK to paste 4 lines? I have a gpg error from debuild now.22:40
hellboy195LaserJock: pong22:40
LaserJockhellboy195: I had mpqc in the gfortran bug assigned to myself :-)22:41
hellboy195damn it22:41
hellboy195didn't notice that22:41
LaserJockhellboy195: I hadn't gotten to filing the bug yet but you might want to ping in case somebody has already working on it22:41
LaserJockno worries22:41
LaserJockI hadn't done it yet so no harm done for sure22:42
hellboy195LaserJock: what did my mentor (Andrea) always say to me. FIRST OF ALL: Files a Bug ^^22:42
PMantisHmmm, debuild is creating a new dir, adding usr/share. etc.. but none of my files are being placed there. I missed something.22:45
hellboy195LaserJock: maybe I can change my sync (again) to a merge !?22:47
LaserJockhellboy195: I reassigned the the gfortran mpqc task to you22:48
LaserJockhellboy195: nah, a sync looked good22:48
hellboy195first sync22:48
hellboy195than transition?22:48
LaserJockwhat do you mean?22:48
PMantisdebuild causes debsign to fail... but if I run debsign myself, it works.22:49
LaserJockPMantis: sometimes you have to give it -k<gpg key id>22:49
LaserJockPMantis: and are you installing files to debian/<packagename>/usr/share/ ?22:49
hellboy195LaserJock: ah sry, Debian folks already did it ^^22:49
PMantisLaserJock: it finds the key, asks for password?22:49
PMantisThat was supposed to be a statement22:50
LaserJockhellboy195: yeah, I'm part of the Debian team that works on those packages, that's why I picked them up22:50
hellboy195LaserJock: hmm I don't want to steal you work. maybe you can ACK my sync? ^^22:50
PMantisLaserJock: debian/<packagename>/usr/share/  ? I'm not sure how to answer. I'm barely limping along with howtos, thanks to help in this channel.22:51
LaserJockPMantis: well, the .deb is actually created form a temporary directory made in debian/22:51
LaserJockusually it's called debian/<package name>/22:51
PMantisLaserJock: This is a two file package. a bash script, and a config file in /etc22:52
LaserJockso to put a file in /usr/share/ on the user's system you actually want to install the files to debian/<packagename>/usr/share/22:52
LaserJockPMantis: can you pastebin the debian/rules file you're using?22:53
PMantisLaserJock: I think I'm beyond the stage of needing that info right now. The package is being created, but it can't sign it.22:54
PMantisLaserJock: Sure, but pastebin is overkill22:54
hellboy195LaserJock: btw, What I saw at many transitions. Why not wait until debian has and merge/sync?22:54
PMantisBesides the she-bang with make, I have:22:54
PMantisinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk22:54
LaserJockhellboy195: well, that's what we are trying to do22:55
hellboy195LaserJock: hmm, really?22:55
LaserJockhellboy195: for packages where Debian has done the transition we sync/merge from them22:55
PMantisLaserJock: I can paste the results. (4 lines) May I paste here, or should I pastebin?22:55
LaserJockhellboy195: if they  haven't transitioned yet (there shouldn't be many) then we'd need to do it ourselves22:56
LaserJockPMantis: hmm, not yet22:56
hellboy195LaserJock: why not wait if we are sure they will do22:56
LaserJockhellboy195: because we have no time22:56
LaserJockwe are at Beta!22:56
hellboy195LaserJock: true but 1-2 days we could wait ^^22:56
LaserJockthis is a last-minute transition22:56
LaserJockif we *know* Debian will have it in 1-2 days sure22:57
hellboy195LaserJock: so also python-xml22:57
LaserJockbut most of the time we don't know22:57
PMantisLaserJock: OK, NP. Let me know what to do. :)22:57
LaserJockPMantis: let's fix the signing problem first :-)22:57
PMantisThat's what I meant. :)22:57
LaserJockdid you try debuild with -k ?22:58
PMantisTrying... (it finds the key anyhow, BTW)22:58
PMantisNo change when using -k22:59
LaserJockbut it doesn't take the passphrase?22:59
PMantisIt asks for my passphrase to unlock the key, and crashes.22:59
LaserJockthat's unusual22:59
PMantisYeah, if I type the wrong pw on purpose, it tells me so properly.23:00
PMantisBut if I give it the right pw, I get a fatal error23:00
LaserJockbut when you use debsign it works?23:00
PMantiseven contacts the agent for a GUI prompt23:00
PMantisdebuild: fatal error at line 1155:23:00
LaserJockhmm, I guess you could look at debuild and see what's on line 1155 :-)23:02
LaserJockit must have some issue with your key23:02
PMantisLaserJock: system('debsign', @debsign_opts, $changes) == 023:02
PMantisI just wonder what's in @debsign_opts23:02
LaserJockI don't see a bug in Debian that seems relevant23:05
LaserJockPMantis: have you tried it on a different package by chance?23:06
PMantisrunning debchange first23:10
PMantisNope, failed then, too23:10
PMantison superm1_'s package23:10
superm1_PMantis, you need to make sure to put your own gpg key in the changelog23:11
superm1_er name/email23:11
superm1_not key itself23:11
PMantissuperm1_: Yes, I realize that.23:11
PMantisI asked for my key passphrase, crashes.23:11
PMantissuperm1_, LaserJock, I'm running debuild with no parameters, BTW>23:13
superm1_PMantis, there may be something you need to change in /etc/devscripts.conf23:13
LaserJockI don't know why it'd crash though23:14
superm1_well nvm i didnt change it on mine anymore23:14
superm1_i used to change something23:14
StevenHarperUkHi, My package has been built by the PPA server and the python-central (>= 0.5.6) dependancy has been changed to python-central (>= 0.6) : this has broken my PPA  as python-central (>= 0.6) doesnt exist... can anyone help?23:14
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: what package?23:15
StevenHarperUkhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~stevenharperuk/+archive : easycrypt
PMantisLaserJock, superm1_: Here's the end of the debuild output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5749/23:16
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: can you describe the problem a little more23:18
LaserJockyou're trying to do a backport or similar??23:18
StevenHarperUkOK : my source has the dependancy in the file debian/control -- Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-gtk2, python-gnome2-extras23:19
PMantissuperm1_, LaserJock: This happens with just debsign: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5750/23:19
StevenHarperUkThis on my machine is 0.5.623:19
StevenHarperUkon the ppa is >0.623:19
PMantisOf course, my domain isn't blah-blah.com for real. :)23:19
StevenHarperUkHas the PPA used a Hardy version?23:19
superm1_PMantis, you aren't using this via ssh are you?23:19
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: if you uploaded it for Hardy, yes23:20
PMantisno, direct on my laptop.23:20
StevenHarperUkah right : should I hard code my PPA one?23:20
StevenHarperUkwhat's a better value : I want ti to work on Gutsy also23:20
superm1_PMantis, i've run into that before too though23:20
superm1_are you on hardy?23:20
superm1_PMantis, it's fixed on hardy...23:20
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: I'm afraid I'm still not getting it all the way23:21
StevenHarperUkchange   ${python:Depends}     to    python, python-central (>= 0.5.6)   ???23:21
LaserJockwhy do you want to do that?23:21
StevenHarperUkBecause I use the parameter : ${python:depends} it's making a package that has bad dependancys for Gutsy machines23:22
LaserJock*if* you build it on Hardy23:22
LaserJockif you upload it to Gutsy it should work fine23:22
StevenHarperUkYeh but you cant make to builds with the same version number23:22
StevenHarperUkI am trying to keep my PPA the same as the Hardy build23:22
superm1_hm so how do you get sbuild to build and keep the binaries that are arch any when building on amd64?23:22
StevenHarperUkPeople are using it before they upgrade to hardy23:23
LaserJockStevenHarperUk:  ah, well, good luck with that :-)23:23
StevenHarperUkif I make the PPA for gutsy will that be enough?23:23
LaserJockyeah, I would just upload it to gutsy with a different version23:23
PMantissuperm1_: No, I'm on 7.0423:24
StevenHarperUkJust that people have My PPA in the source.list They would all have to change it....23:24
superm1_PMantis, then you do need to modify something in /etc/devscripts.conf23:24
LaserJockthey shouldn't have to change a thing23:24
superm1_to let it keep the DISPLAY variable23:24
StevenHarperUkBut there current soucre is : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/stevenharperuk/ubuntu hardy main universe23:24
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: your PPA works for all available Ubuntu releases, dapper - hardy23:24
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: why would Gutsy users use that23:24
PMantissuperm1_: Ahh,  ok. I'll look but don't know what to change yet. :-)23:25
StevenHarperUkcause I have been using that23:25
StevenHarperUkIts my fault I know23:25
LaserJockwell, that's kinda missing the point of having a cool PPA :-)23:25
StevenHarperUkI have learned a lot since starting it23:25
LaserJockare you telling people to use that particular line somewhere external to LP?23:26
StevenHarperUkYes : its my fault23:26
LaserJockcould you change it you think?23:26
StevenHarperUkI hate the way I have to change the verion number between distros23:26
PMantissuperm1_: Ahh, foud it via Google23:27
StevenHarperUkI have many Users (hundreds23:27
LaserJockwell, it allows you to do this exact thing though23:27
LaserJockthis is why the system was created23:27
StevenHarperUkYes Its a great system23:27
LaserJockwell, you can try manually changing the python-central dep23:28
StevenHarperUkhmm Im not sure if I should just Hack the python-central line in23:28
StevenHarperUkDo you know if my last uplaod could be cleared23:28
StevenHarperUkor do I have to change the Number - I really dont want ot23:28
PMantissuperm1_: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, worked... all the way through.23:28
LaserJockbut I personally would get people to use the right repository23:28
LaserJockthere could be a lot more problems than just python-central23:29
PMantissuperm1_, LaserJock: Thank you both!23:29
StevenHarperUkYeh but that means for every release I ave to use 2 numbers23:29
LaserJockbut that's trivial23:29
LaserJocka lot better for your users23:29
LaserJockyou are giving Gutsy users packages built on Hardy23:29
StevenHarperUkYes thats a very good point23:30
LaserJockyou have the potential to have more problems in the future23:30
LaserJockI know what you mean though, it's difficult if you've already got it "out there"23:30
StevenHarperUkOk you seem to have cleared it all up for me now : I will start using to reps..23:30
StevenHarperUkgunna make my source controla nightmare..23:30
LaserJockbut if it's possible to let people know they should switch I think it'll be less of a headache for you and them long-term23:31
PMantisThe package looks good to my untrained eyes.23:32
* PMantis tries to install it on his own system.23:32
ScottK2cody-somerville: I couldn't tell if what you were adding and what you were removing and why.23:32
superm1_okay well here's a more direct question i guess.  how do you tell sbuild what architecture builds the arch 'any' package?23:35
superm1_er arch all23:36
superm1_looks like its just the -A switch..23:36
superm1_but how is that saved to ~/.sbuildrc23:36
StevenHarperUkLaserJock: Ok thanks for the info : I have posted to my users to expect a new PPA link for gutsy machines soon : thanks for all the help23:40
LaserJockStevenHarperUk: no problem23:41
LaserJockwhat's the default gcc version in Hardy23:41
ScottK24.2 AFAIK.23:43
ScottK24.3 isn't actually released yet, is it?23:43
LaserJockI wasn't sure23:44
LaserJockI just saw a bug in Debian fixed for a FTBFS with 4.3 so I wondered if that's what we're using23:44
ScottK2Building with 4.3 is a release goal for both Debian and Ubuntu, but we aren't actually using it.23:45
ScottK2Since 4.3 is more picky in some regards it makes sense to work on it early.23:45
LaserJockyeah, I think that's what this bug was about23:45
LaserJocksomething about the #includes23:45
ScottK2The one I've had to deal with was missing includes.23:46
ftagcc 4.3.0 has been released nearly two weeks ago23:46

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