
sugaryetiGood evening, Xubuntu IRC00:21
sugaryetiI'm having problems installing Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 5000e. It loads off cd and I get to the desktop. When I double-click on the "Install" icon, the entire computer freezes (desktop, mouse, jumping over to a console, etc...)00:24
maxamillionsugaryeti: try passing noapic and noacpi as a boot parameter .... which i think is done by default in the "safe graphics mode", see if that helps00:32
sugaryetiI have been going through the "safe graphics mode" install mode, one moment, I have the computer next to me00:33
sugaryetithanks for responding, maxamillion!00:33
sugaryetiboot options: orceevesa initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash --00:34
maxamillionsugaryeti: yeah, at the end of that add "noapic noapci" (without the quotes)00:35
maxamillionsugaryeti: anytime :) ... we are a smaller channel, but when people are around we are willing to help :D00:35
sugaryetishould i leave the "--" after "quiet splash"?00:36
maxamillionsugaryeti: i don't think it shoudl matter, but i would delete it just to be safe00:36
sugaryetia little more chill compared to the #ubuntu channel, which is nice00:36
maxamillionyeah, #ubuntu is chaotic00:36
sugaryetialright, here we go!00:37
* maxamillion crosses his fingers00:37
sugaryetithe desktop looks beautiful, i wish I could see more of it before it crashes!00:37
sugaryetiUgh, I racking up geek points: chatting on IRC while installing IRC while one laptop is being held up on a copy of "Dune" as I watch "MST3K"00:38
sugaryeti*installing Linux, IRC's already here :-)00:38
sugaryetistill loading, this laptop I think was dug up from Pompei00:39
sugaryetiold Inspiron 500e with a PIII and 128meg ram and probably a solid 8 years on continuous use00:39
maxamillionsugaryeti: if that doesn't work you will probably need to download and use the alternate installation image because it sounds like what is happening is that X11 is crashing and when that happens sometimes it won't accept keyboard input00:40
sugaryetii was wondering about that00:40
maxamillionsugaryeti: oh ... 128mb of ram? ... i think you will need the alternate installation image, i *think* (not sure, but i think) that the graphicall installer requires 192mb of ram00:40
sugaryetiI've installed Ubuntu that method, my worry is that this laptop does not have a nic and I've been trying to find out if the PCICard NIC works under Linux00:41
sugaryetiYou're probably right, I was hoping that 128 would suffice and just be a bit (really) slow00:41
maxamillionsugaryeti: a lot of them do, i have an old laptop that uses a dlink pcmcia nic and it worked without any extra drivers00:41
maxamillionsugaryeti: ah00:41
maxamillionwell i'm very sorry but i have to go00:41
sugaryetivery cool, good to read00:41
maxamillioni will be back later though, good luck!!!00:41
sugaryetiHere goes the install...00:42
sugaryeti*groan* death :-(00:43
gaurdrodoes anyone know of a good place to find out what model my laptop's monitor is?00:52
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The-Kernelgaurdro who made your laptop?01:17
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pc-illiterategood evening everyone03:13
pc-illiteratehows we all doing ?03:14
gaurdronot bad.03:15
gaurdroand yourself?03:15
pc-illiterateim doing good. glad to hear you are too03:15
pc-illiteratewheres the-kernel at ? he out n about getting drunk in his canyon ? riding donkeys ?03:16
gaurdroI dunno,  he was here earlier,  but apparently left before i replied to his question.03:17
pc-illiteratehe had a question ?03:17
pc-illiteratethats funny03:18
pc-illiteratehe tried helping me and it didnt work03:18
gaurdroit was a question for clarification on a question i had asked.03:19
pc-illiteratehe usually leaves and takes his name with him03:19
pc-illiterateif you read this kernel, talk to me darn it03:28
Hadenin xfce, after adding a few things to one of my panels, everything is aligned to the left (i.e. the lock/shut down button is too far to the left, when I want it all the way to the right edge of the screen)... is there a way to seperate things I want aligned to the right and the applications button/program launchers aligned to the left?03:32
pc-illiteratedid you try the desktop settings ?03:33
pc-illiteratedumb question but i thought id give it a shot03:33
HadenYea I looked through panel settings and desktop settings and a few others that I thought may contain such an option, to no avail03:34
HadenI know on a fresh install the logout button is all the way to the right, so there has to be some way to do it03:35
Hadenright now I'm just continually adjusting the size of my verve command line to make things look good, but that's kind of tedious O_o03:36
pc-illiteratewell ive been playing with this for a few days and im more confused now than when i first installed. like i didnt do anything the first time and i reinstalled again to fix whatever i screwed up and it isnt the same. i didnt change anything the first time but its different now03:36
Hadenoh snap, I figured it out actually03:37
Hadenif you add a seperator it has a standalone option called "expand", which pushes things out to the edges03:38
pc-illiteratewow. grats. now if my problems was so easy to fix03:39
gaurdrowhat's your problem pc-illiterate?03:40
Hadenoy, I'm certainly not qualified in any respect03:40
pc-illiterateomfg. first you said oy. my girl says that. second, im still trying to get my ancient gfx card to work03:41
gaurdrohow ancient?03:41
pc-illiterategeforce4 mx440se03:42
pc-illiterateits like what....6 ?03:42
pc-illiteratesorry im trying to talk to 5 people and fix dinner03:43
gaurdrono worries.  I used to have that card.  I never got it to work right so i'm prolly not much help.03:44
HACKhalo2got the newest drivers for it?03:45
pc-illiteratenewest drivers ? i went to nividia site and dl them once. dont know what to do after i have them03:48
HACKhalo2is it in .exe?03:49
pc-illiterateactually, its ....03:50
HACKhalo2did you open terminal and cd to the directory?03:51
pc-illiteratehuh ?03:51
HACKhalo2open the folder that has the drivers you mentioned03:51
pc-illiterateit goes straight to desktop03:52
pc-illiteratei had to reinstall xubuntu today03:52
HACKhalo2right-click on the desktop and click 'open terminal here'03:52
pc-illiteratesomeone thought i could reconfig ...boy were they foolin themselves03:52
HACKhalo2and try this command: ./nvidia-linux-x86-96.43.05-pkg1.run03:53
pc-illiterateno sh ?03:53
pc-illiterateand put the    ./ there ?03:54
pc-illiterateok. but no sh... got ya03:54
pc-illiterateanything else ? i have to pull my card to boot into xubuntu. if i dont i get a black screen03:55
kebyou might have to "sudo -s"  first03:55
HACKhalo2well, i try to not sudo first03:55
HACKhalo2sudo is last ditch03:55
HACKhalo2and if i want to install something for Firefox03:55
pc-illiteratei want to show you something first. can you go to links i post in here ?04:00
HACKhalo2sure, im on winderz atm04:00
pc-illiterateok .. gimmeee a sec04:02
jwickievening all04:03
jwickiis anybody familiar with setting up slimserver in xubuntu?04:03
pc-illiteratethis is what nvidia.com says04:03
pc-illiterateype "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.05-pkg1.run" to install the driver04:03
jwickianybody there?04:05
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HACKhalo2then type that04:06
HACKhalo2if you get access denied, then type sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.05-pkg1.run to run it04:06
pc-illiteratealrighty then04:08
pc-illiterate i wanted to show you something else but i cant find it again04:08
HACKhalo2it's ok04:09
Awakeatnighthalo - you ever setup slimserver?04:09
Awakeatnightspecifically - I install the package fine - can run it on local host even after changing IP - make sure the service is running but when doing a netstat -a | grep port the port isn't opening04:10
Awakeatnightit's not listed at all04:10
AwakeatnightI tried installing firestarter and opening the port I wanted and it still didn't open04:10
HACKhalo2this is on the server itself or on the computer accessing the server?04:11
Awakeatnightit's on the server04:11
Awakeatnightyou know - with netstat -a  I should see any open or listening connections04:11
AwakeatnightI know the ip is good because I can ssh over to it but I just can't get this one port to open or listen04:12
AwakeatnightI read somewhere something weird about xubuntu and/or ubuntu and port security04:13
kebAwakeatnight : depends what firewall software you are running04:14
keber, nvm04:15
* keb scrolls up04:15
Awakeatnightlet me explain this software a bit so you can understand what I need to do04:15
kebAwakeatnight did you start sshd ? it won't show in netstat if nothing is listening there04:15
Awakeatnightit's basically a remote mp3 streaming radio station04:15
AwakeatnightI'm ssh'd into the box now04:16
Awakeatnightthis program runs a webservice on the server machine (xubuntu) and you should be able to connect to it via http over the internet04:16
Awakeatnightif the ports open04:16
AwakeatnightI can connect to it from http://localhost:port04:17
Awakeatnightbut even when opening the port on firestarter and my router I cannot get to it from a remote machine04:17
Awakeatnightbut I can ssh and smb to the same IP from the remote machine04:17
kebmaybe the webserver config isnt set to allow remote ip addresses access04:17
Awakeatnightyar I checked that04:17
Awakeatnightit's weird though because the xubuntu install puts stuff in totally different places than a ubuntu or deb install04:18
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kebdo you have a /etc/hosts.deny file setup?04:18
AwakeatnightI do04:18
Awakeatnightgood thinking04:18
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Awakeatnightit's default - I was thinking denyhosts04:20
Awakeatnightfor ssh04:20
kebwhat says  iptables -L -v04:21
kebi could never get firestarter to fully do what i wanted04:22
Awakeatnightyeah it's not very robust04:22
Awakeatnightseemed VERY generic04:22
Awakeatnightnetwork security is only as strong as a password most of the times anyways :*(04:23
Awakeatnightit's in iptables04:23
Awakeatnightlisted as accept both anywhere destination04:24
kebare you sure that you forwarded the port on your router?04:25
Awakeatnightif local host is using the port for http it's gotta be in iptables04:25
Awakeatnightyeah - maybe I need to add a small range04:25
Beardy_can someone explain to me, briefly, how to install an xfce theme from xfce-look.org in xubuntu 7.10?04:37
viddhere is a simple howto04:38
viddjust change Vista to the theme you want04:39
viddBeardy_, did that help?04:39
witepaHi, I am trying to install Xubuntu 7.10 onto a PowerBook G3 that has a broken CD Drive... I figure the best way to do this is through target disk mode. However, when I launch from the boot cd, the PowerBook's hard drive does not show up (Target Disk Mode essentially makes the target computer act like an external firewire drive). What should I do to make this work?04:40
Beardy_not really04:40
viddBeardy_, sudo cp /path/to/YourTheme /usr/share/themes04:40
Beardy_gotcha. and presumably it'll then just show up in ui settings as one of the options?04:41
Beardy_nice one. thankyou.04:41
viddmind you i never did this04:41
viddim not a "themes" kind of person04:42
* vidd uses whatever shows up04:42
viddwitepa, sorry...id like to help, but i have no ideas =\04:42
witepadamn, no idea how to mount an external firewire drive during installation?04:43
viddwitepa, but why not use the mini.iso on a usb drive and boot from usb?04:43
witepavidd: I have considered trying that... but for some reason I am doubtful of a mac's ability to boot from a flash drive04:44
* vidd is doubtful of a mount firewire during install04:44
witepavidd: in oder to try that, do I just have to copy the files that are on the cd to the flash drive?04:44
viddyou would need to "burn" the image onto the usb just as if the usb was a cd04:45
witepawould it be bootable off the get go?04:45
viddshould be....04:45
viddthere is a howto somewhere about making a usb boot install disk04:46
witepaso if I were to merely copy the files, it will work04:46
witepaI did find a howto... and it included SYSLINUX or something to make it bootable04:46
viddno...the ISO is disk image....04:46
witepathe files that have already been burned onto a cd I am referring to04:47
viddoh! yeah...i would imagine04:47
viddnow...how is your cd broken?04:48
witepaWell, it has been broken for a few years... it is an old laptop... I believe the lens is broken, but I am not entirely sure04:48
vidddo you by chance have a firewire cd drive?04:49
witepaunfortunately not04:49
witepaI am going over to a friend's tomorrow to try that option04:49
Beardy_sounds like that'd be your best option04:49
viddyou could also do the "no cd" install option (install from hard drive)04:50
Beardy_btw thanks again vidd, got a sexy new theme now :)04:50
viddits ALOT harder then the "boot from usb"04:50
witepayeah, I figure04:50
viddplus its a pain to reclaim that HD space04:51
witepaI have over 200 gigs free04:51
witepaHD space on which computer04:51
witepathe target or the installer04:51
viddso? you want to waste almot a gig for nothing?04:51
witepadamn, the powerbook didn't recognize the USB as bootable04:52
vidddid you make the usb bootable?04:52
witepano... I found the guide for it though04:52
witepaonly problem is...04:53
witepaI am running a mac right now, and do not have access to a linux or decent windows04:53
witepaand I need to make it bootable with SYSLINUX04:53
viddget yourself DamnSmallLinux desktop edition.....04:54
viddit boots ONTOP of your current OS04:54
viddlike a program04:54
viddyou boot into osx, click the icon for DSL and you have linux running ontop of osx04:55
witepaeasy to set up?04:55
viddthis way you can get your syslinux and make your usbstick04:56
The-KernelI'm here04:56
witepawill dsl have easy access to my usb drive?04:56
vidd*wave* The-Kernel04:56
viddyeah...dont see why not04:56
witepahmm, where do I find the desktop edition?04:57
witepaand for mac04:57
The-Kernelif it can see the networking card, it'll work04:57
viddwitepa, ftp://ftp.oss.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/current/dsl-3.x/dsl-3.4.11-embedded.zip05:00
witepasweet, thanks05:00
witepanow, is it possible to run this on a mac?05:03
witepaI don't see how to run it...05:03
witepaand there is nothing in the readme about macs05:03
viddosx runs on top of bsd...you sure you dont already have syslinux?05:08
witepawhen I try to run syslinux in the terminal the command is not found05:08
witepaI am pretty sure you have to download syslinux05:08
witepaInstall syslinux:05:08
witepasudo aptitude install syslinux05:08
witepaon mac, I can say "sudo port install syslinux" but it cannot find syslinux in the repository05:09
viddi have another solutiuon!05:10
viddrun qemu on osx....05:10
witepapart of DSL?05:11
witepaooh, sudo port install qemu worked05:12
witepayeah, basically did that step05:12
viddgreat...you have 95% of the battle done05:12
viddnow just throw dsl on it and use it to make your usb stick work!05:13
witepaslight issue05:14
witepaI have no idea what gcc is...05:15
viddso run it with --disable-gcc-check05:16
viddwhat did you type to get that result?05:17
witepasudo port install qemu05:17
witepaafter downloading macports from macports.org05:17
witepaso how do I run it with --disable-gcc-check?05:18
viddso then sudo port install qemu --disable-gcc-check05:18
witepahmm, it gave me the same error by typing in "sudo port install qemu --disable-gcc-check"05:21
viddthen im out of ideas05:26
witepahmm, I found an alternate GUI qemu to use05:26
viddthen try that05:26
witepado you, by any chance, know what syslinux does exactly?05:33
viddit is the bootloader that makes your machine load the media05:34
witepabut what does it do to the drive05:34
viddmakes it bootable05:35
witepahow so?05:35
viddby putting a boot-loader on it05:35
witepaso would it be possible to put that boot loader on it without syslinux?05:35
viddsyslinux IS the bootloader05:35
witepawhat I am getting at... is it possible to merely have one person from linux or windows to prepare a drive using syslinux and send the exact contents of that drive to me?05:37
viddno...you need syslinux to make a bootable syslinux on the media you are going to use05:38
viddif you just copy it to the usb, it wont be bootable05:38
witepacould I do all of this from an xubuntu live cd?05:40
viddi dont see why not05:41
witepalol, I am printing out the usb instructions05:43
witepasince I doubt that my internet will be configured correctly from the live cd05:44
witepaalright, I am off to reboot into Xubuntu05:48
witepathank you very much for help, I wish there were more people like you vidd...05:48
witepaI may be back... so thanks!05:48
pc-illiteratecan ya give me a hand also with understanding something vidd ?05:49
viddill try anyway05:49
zoredachehas anyone else had firefox crash a lot lately?05:51
pc-illiterateok. my vid card. geforce mx44ose. the supported products page at nvidia.  http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_18897.html05:51
zoredacheevery since I applied some updates a few days back firefox seems to crash every 10-15 minutes...05:51
pc-illiterateit isnt listed as supported but this driver is what it tells me to dl05:52
pc-illiterateive had firefox open for at least an hour and a half. no crash05:53
viddpc-illiterate, so what is your question?05:55
pc-illiteratei also read that ...what the hell was it... something wasnt supporting the drivers anymore but it was all legacy that was... i think it was ubuntu05:55
viddif you cant get supported drivers of the nvidia site, use the nvidia drive built into xorg05:56
pc-illiteratewill this driver do me no good or any ideas what im supposed to do. i have to pull my gfx card from my pci everytime i want to switch from xp to xubuntu05:56
zoredachehrm... :|05:56
pc-illiteratenvidia driver ? and that would be ?05:56
pc-illiteratei installed 1 set before. i had to reinstall xubuntu because i had no display05:57
viddwas the card installed at the time you installed?05:57
pc-illiteratei cant05:57
pc-illiteratei get a black screen05:57
pc-illiterate xubuntu doesnt like my vid card05:57
pc-illiteratei get everything up to the before the login screen05:58
viddoh yeah....i remember....05:58
pc-illiteratei hit ctrl+alt+f3 then ctrl+alt+f8 and watch everything roll right by like clock work. when it hits login.... my screen flips to a black screen05:59
vidddid you ever get any error message or boot message?05:59
viddwhat was the last thing you saw befor black?05:59
pc-illiterateno. my card isnt supported by xubuntu default install05:59
pc-illiteratethe progress bar from loading05:59
pc-illiteratelet me try to find the page again... its here somewhere i just have to find it06:00
viddctl+alt+F8 should show you the stuff that progress bar is doing06:00
pc-illiterateyes. and i make it to the login....poof, black screen.06:01
viddbut you need to be on a tty first06:01
viddso what is the last thing it says?06:01
pc-illiteratei watch the login roll right up, when it gets there the screen goes black06:01
pc-illiteratelol. arent you paying attention ?06:01
pc-illiteratei never make it to the login screen. when it gets to that point it goes black. it flips to a black screen06:02
viddyes...and you have yet to tell me the last line of text displayed before the login screen crashes your system06:02
pc-illiteratewhat comes after login when you hit alt+ctrl+f8 ?06:02
viddthe login screen....06:03
viddwhat is the last line you see on the F8 screen?06:03
vidd"laoding default drivers"?06:03
vidd"loading network drivers"?06:04
pc-illiteratethere ya go. i dont see the login screen. i watch it say login. do you know how fast it rolls past ? i didnt even know thats what it said til i watched it with the onboard graphics06:04
viddwell...it practically crawls on my system =\06:04
pc-illiteratewow. you must be running an old pong console06:05
pc-illiterateim on an intel celeron 1ghz. 256 ram06:05
viddhrm...im on a 2.64 ghz intel 64 with 1gig ram =\06:06
pc-illiteratethe only thing this is good for is watching blood fly at 5 fps on UT2k306:06
pc-illiteratebut seriously, i never make it to the login screen. it will not display it on my card06:07
viddi dont know what to tell ya06:08
viddmy cards always just work06:09
pc-illiteratewell im going to find it on the site. it said something about legacy support but i dont remember what else06:09
viddhave you tried booting into recovery mode and doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:10
viddand when the screen goes black, can you get to ctrl+alt+F1?06:11
pc-illiterateyes. that cause me to reinstall xubuntu last night. i knew i had no idea what i was doing. it wouldnt even recognize my installed card06:11
pc-illiteratewhen the screen goes black my option is rebootctrl+alt+del or watch a black screen06:12
pc-illiteratedpkg.....it only saw my intel onboard.06:12
viddthis issue is beyond me....i dont like to use add-in display cards...they dont play well without some bios-tweeking06:14
pc-illiterateif you would be so kind as tell me how to remove grub from my master hdd, i'll just reformat my slave and forget about linux again. i have yet to do something besides use pidgin06:15
viddand i dont like messing around with bios settings06:15
pc-illiteratei have no bios settings. buy an emachine p.o.s.06:15
viddthrow in your windows disk, get a command prompt and type fixmbr06:16
viddor is it mbrfix?06:16
viddthats it06:16
pc-illiterateim just tired of messing with it. i installed tuesday evening and spent the last 5 nights now just trying to get my vid card to work.06:17
pc-illiteratembrfix will leave my xp install alone ?06:17
viddyeah...it just "fixes" the master boot record06:18
viddgives windows back its illusion that its the only thing there06:18
pc-illiteratei just assumed since i wouldnt have to run 100 processes just to connect to the net i could actually use my broadband to play games06:19
viddlet me dig up some info about your card, and we can try again....06:19
viddbtw....does the live cd work with your card installed?06:20
pc-illiteratewell im on nvidia forums but its a huge site06:20
pc-illiteratelive cd wont run. i dont have enough mem or it doesnt like my card either06:20
viddmx44ose is the right card?06:24
DissentorWhen I try and install madwifi, does it matter where the madwifi folder is stored?06:26
viddpc-illiterate, no wonder i cant find info....your card is a MX440 se06:30
pc-illiteratemy bad. a typo. i see that now06:31
viddalright...give me a bit...ill get ya hooked up right quick06:32
viddpc-illiterate, check out this : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1582106:33
pc-illiteratealrighty then. im game.06:34
viddor, boot into recovery mode and run  apt-get install nvidia-glx06:34
vidd(recovery mode is a root console)06:35
pc-illiterateno no no. no more nvidia-glx06:35
viddwhy not>'06:36
pc-illiterate i did that along with nvidia-glx-dev and i got the sharp end06:36
pc-illiteratei remeber something about legacy and i will not  do something until i find it06:36
pc-illiteratei got absolutely nowhere but someone telling me to dpkg-blah blah and i had nothing but intel gfx.06:37
viddi can tell you somnething about "legacy" DONT USE PROP{RIETARY WHEN THERE IS PERFECTLY FINE OPEN SOURCE AVAILABLE06:37
pc-illiterateit will not recognize my card. the page said something about only support from legacy06:38
viddthe nvidia driver from nvidia's site will NOT work06:38
viddyes....lagacy driver = nvidia-glx06:38
viddits in the repos06:39
viddand its there for a reason...it works....the driver from nvidia's site doesnt06:39
pc-illiteratei believe you. i have legacy drivers here from my install. im wondering if they will work. my card is not supported by ubuntu because i guess they feel if i dont have to pay for an os i should spend that money on a graphics card06:39
pc-illiterateno...lemme show you something06:40
vidd"you shouldn't generally use the nvidia driver provided at the nvidia website, ubuntu provides its own version of the nvidia driver in the repositorys. the problem here is that your card is old enough that the 'new' nvidia drivers do not support it at all"06:40
viddnot support = does not work06:41
pc-illiterateyes. and its old enough ubuntu doesnt support it either06:41
viddyour kidding right?06:42
pc-illiterateno im not06:42
viddyour issue is you have 2 cards....06:42
pc-illiteratei have it here in my package manager06:42
viddone has a driver installed, the other doesnt06:42
viddonce the driver for the second card is installed, your login screen stops crashing your system06:43
pc-illiterateand even if the card is installed in my mobo, it is not recognized by the install06:43
viddbecause it is in universe, not main06:43
pc-illiterateyou understand that correct ? if it was supported it would get at least a piece of crap driver to at least get you by right ?06:44
viddno...you dont understand...it loaded a driver....for your main card06:44
pc-illiteratemy bios is set for pci06:45
pc-illiteratei was plugged into my second card, not my onboard06:45
viddthe second card needs to have the driver installed so that the os recognizes it as the proper card....then you need to configure x to use that driver06:45
pc-illiteratein package manager... what does the little ubuntu logo mean before the name of a driver ?06:46
viddthat it is in main06:46
pc-illiteratei need to configure x ......that will never happen06:46
viddyour afraid of a wizard?06:46
pc-illiterateso i wasted time, energy and time of other people who helped me06:46
viddheh....if i could ssh into your box with sudo rights, i could have you up and running in like 3 minutes06:47
pc-illiteratea wizard ? i went thru that on my intel when i thought it was supposed to be a piece of cake the first time around. i had to reinstall . i dont do well with trying to find out what does what how much this that06:47
viddthen do this,,,,06:48
viddset the jumpers on you mobo to completely disable the onboard graphics card, so the xubuntu install wont even see the card06:49
vidddo a fresh install06:49
viddit will load06:50
viddor...better yet....run the live cd06:50
viddso yoiu dont have to "waste your time" to see that it will install to a graphical desktop06:50
pc-illiteratenow you tell me to figure out what jumpers disable my onboard graphics ?06:50
pc-illiterateim so glad someone can get as far as they did with you before you got frustrated enough to say that06:51
viddcrack the case, get the large numbers off the mobo, tell it to me, and ill get you a schematic that shows you where to set the jumper06:52
pc-illiterateyoure a good guy. now imagine how frustrated i am for trying this for 5 days. the last time i tried to reconfig, i screwed it up horribly06:52
viddyour the one who is frustrated....=]06:52
pc-illiteratebetter yet. disconnect my router and set you up with getting in here and doing it because im such a dingbat and youre not06:53
viddim not saying that at all06:53
pc-illiterateno you arent. i did06:53
pc-illiterateyou told me too bad you cant get in06:54
viddyour not stupid...just not as experienced06:54
pc-illiterateif i knew what to do with the reconfig, id do this06:54
viddcan you get on chat with a different pc and i can walk you through it?06:54
pc-illiteratenope. i borrowed my bros pc but his power supply is junk06:55
pc-illiterateno phone either. dont ask06:55
viddi do enough phone support at work=]06:56
pc-illiteratelet me ask a few questions and i should be ok. im tired and cranky but im not dumb06:56
pc-illiteratelol. sorry for the phone comment then06:56
viddno worries06:56
pc-illiterateok so....legacy... i have drivers here that actually say legacy on them.06:57
vidddrivers where?06:57
pc-illiteratein package manager06:58
pc-illiterateno ubuntu logo06:58
pc-illiterateyes there06:58
viddwell...there ARE 4 different package managers available in *buntu!06:58
pc-illiterateand i know i saw something about my card only being supported by legacy now06:59
pc-illiteratesorry but i didnt know that :P06:59
viddthe one you want is nvidia-glx07:00
pc-illiteratei did that before dude07:00
pc-illiterate i got no where.07:00
pc-illiteratethats different07:00
pc-illiteratemine didnt say legacy when i did them before. kernel tried to help me but it didnt work07:01
pc-illiteratelegacy and legacy-dev ?07:01
viddbut the discription says that it is for TNT,TNT2, TNT Ultra, GeForce, and GeForce2 chipsets. AGP, TV-out and flat panel displays are also supported07:02
viddno....NOT the -dev07:02
viddthat may have been an issue with the non -legacy07:02
pc-illiterateok... what about the legacy kernel source ?07:03
viddbut you might want to grab nvidia-settings07:05
viddgrab nvidia-xconfig07:06
viddlooks like that by itself will fix up your driver issue07:07
viddbut i never ran it, so i cant be 100%07:07
pc-illiteratei was sitting here reading and figuring if i screwed anything up, i could just reinstall again again. it kills an hour and i havent done anything yet that i cant redo in 2 seconds07:08
viddid rather we didnt screw anything up07:09
viddso....lets go thru reconfiguring xserver-xorg07:11
pc-illiterateok.i have to write this down as we go. im tired07:11
viddfirst screen is "kernel frame buffer" choose "yes"07:11
vidd"auto detect keyboard" no07:11
viddkeyboard layout....most ppl use "US" enter your country code (fr=france, etc)07:13
pc-illiterateor us ;)07:13
vidd"XKB" xorg07:13
vidddiscription of "xorg" rules options----nothing to do here07:14
vidd"keyboard model" depends on your keyboard the default should be fine07:14
vidd"keyboard variant" I leave this blank07:15
vidd"keyboard option" also blank for me07:15
vidd"emulate 3 button mouse" yes or no...depends on your mouse07:16
viddnext should bring you to your display options07:18
pc-illiteratei think they ran first before but no mat ;)ter07:18
viddyou want to choose the nvidia driver07:19
viddyour right...they do run first07:20
pc-illiteratei remember it asking for mem to use for graphics or something like that. does that mean i can actually tell it more ?07:21
viddthere should already be a "nv" on your list07:21
viddchoose THAT one07:21
pc-illiteratemy card is 64 meg. does that mean i tell it is a 32 and allow it to use whatever of system mem ?07:21
viddi dont enter anything in there07:22
pc-illiterateso i want nv not nvidia from the list ?07:25
viddoh...first you want to tell it to NOT auto-detect your harware07:25
pc-illiterateok. no auto detect. i told it to before07:25
viddyes...use the nv the first time around....07:25
viddif that fails, use nvidia07:26
viddif that fails, use nvidia-legacy07:26
viddthe rest is pretty self explanitory....07:27
pc-illiterateok. since it doesnt like my graphicis card, i can install it after everything runs right ? or do i install drivers, shut down and install card for the restart ?07:28
viddif your card is NOT listed in the "Identifyer" line, juyst accept whats there07:28
viddinstall drivers now....07:28
viddshut down07:29
viddinstall card07:29
viddboot into recovery mode (root cli07:29
viddrun dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:29
pc-illiteraterun dpkg07:29
viddbut let me finish with the instuctions....07:30
pc-illiterateok sorry07:30
viddonce you pick the driver, you want to stay with the defaults....07:30
pc-illiteratei can reconfig back in here07:31
pc-illiterateright ?07:31
vidduntill you get to video modes07:31
viddonly select the modes you want to display07:32
viddfor "monitor characteristics...choose "simple"07:32
viddand select your monitor size from the list07:33
pc-illiterate17" right ?07:33
viddchoose "yes for "write monitor sync"07:33
vidddepends on what size monitor you have07:33
viddchoose you color depth07:34
viddand your done07:34
viddreboot and cross your fingers07:34
pc-illiterateok. drivers i want are glx-legacy and nvid xconfig or nvid settings ?07:35
viddso is it less scary now?07:35
pc-illiterateyes it is. i got scared when it asked about memory and that stuff.07:35
viddnvid xconfig and nvid settings are tools...not drivers07:36
pc-illiterateoh. so sue me07:36
pc-illiterateso which tool do i want for now or can i have both ?07:36
viddyou want nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-legacy07:36
pc-illiterateboth of those i want.. ok07:36
viddyes...i think the nv (default) will be fine, but it wont hurt to have those two for backup07:37
pc-illiterateok so both of those then. i can only pick glx or glx-legacy. wont let me pick both07:38
viddwell...i'd wait until you got the card to work before adding tools for it07:38
viddtake the glx for now07:39
pc-illiterateim going for legacy first. im stubborn and cranky07:39
pc-illiteratethe card is about 6 or 7 years old07:39
viddi think the legacy is too old for your card07:39
pc-illiterateits at least 507:39
viddits intended for the 10-12 year old cards07:40
viddthe FIRST round of nvidia cards07:40
pc-illiterateoh. ok then. if it doesnt work.. then im shafted or can i get back by pulling the card and doing the intel setup ?07:41
viddno...dont pull the card....07:41
pc-illiteratebut i couldnt see anything with the card in before07:42
viddreboot into root terminal, apt-get remove --purge [first pick] && apt-get install [second pick]07:42
viddbut ill bet you dollars to donuts that the nv driver will work from jump street07:43
pc-illiteratepurge nv......install nvidia-glx07:43
viddno...the nv is built into the kernel...its not a package07:44
viddits either --purge nvidia-glx or -glx-legacy (which ever you chose)07:44
pc-illiterateok so purge would be glx and install glx-legacy if all is a no go07:45
viddthat depends.....07:45
viddif the reconfig shows nv AND nvidia, choose nv first....07:45
viddif that fails, choose nvidia07:46
pc-illiterateand it is apt-get --purge nvidia-glx&&install nvidia-glx-legacy07:46
viddif THAT fails too, then apt-get --purge nvidia-glx && apt-get install ....yeah07:46
viddremeber the spaces though07:47
pc-illiteratereconfig is where they list every card known correct ?07:47
pc-illiterateok. i got it.07:47
viddgood luck07:47
pc-illiteratethank you and i was too dumb to install while we talked...doh07:48
viddnow i have to go to bed before the old lady puts me out07:48
pc-illiteratelol. thank you so much. i relly do appreciate your time and help07:48
viddanything to rescue a wine-blows user07:49
pc-illiterateyep. hurray for independence07:49
viddheh...i say "one less malware magnet"!07:50
pc-illiterateviruses and spyware and hackers is why i want out07:51
viddgood luck and peace-out07:51
TaggardHey, I installed xubuntu recently (After uninstalling ubuntu) but now I have no image viewer07:58
TaggardCan anyone tell me what tp install?07:58
pc-illiterateive got a question for someone if they think they can help09:55
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:17
pc-illiterateim so glad people do that lol10:17
pc-illiterate its more or less to find out if someone is actually awake in here10:17
pc-illiteratei have 3 pci slots. i have 2 nic cards and 1 gfx card installed. will dpkg-reconfig automatically find the correct slot ?10:18
gabkdllyI think dpkg-reconfigure only reconfigures individual packages (or a whole list, but you have to list all the packages you want to reconfigure). I would bet that Xubuntu is smart enough though to detect newly attached devices and load the necessary modules automatically10:22
gabkdllyhowever, reconfiguring certainly does not hurt, it pretty much does the same thing that was done when you first installed the package10:24
pc-illiteratei just installed drivers for my vid card.  its an nvidia antique10:25
pc-illiterateidd walked me through but i have never done this before. in reconfigure my pci comes up as PCI:0:1:010:26
pc-illiteratedoes that mean its detecting the second slot as my gfx card ?10:26
gabkdllyyou can see a bit of info what is detected with lsmod10:27
gabkdllysorry, I meant lspci10:27
pc-illiteratewell im stuck back in windows right now. i cant get anything but the terminal in xubuntu and i need help for everything. im newer than fresh baked bread10:28
gabkdllyso, you just installed an old graphics card, after you already had Xubuntu installed, and there upon your graphical interface (the X-server) stopped working?10:34
gabkdllydid you try booting a live CD?10:34
pc-illiterateactually, i installed xubuntu using the old card. it didnt detect it during the install. i had/have to pull the card out and plug into my onboard gfx to see anything besides a terminal10:35
gabkdllybut it sounds like you really want to get this old card to work ;)10:36
pc-illiteratethis old card is better than 4meg of onboard10:36
gabkdllydid you search for your graphics card?10:37
pc-illiterate ive done everything i could think10:37
pc-illiterateyou said search...tell me what exactly you mean10:37
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:37
gabkdllythat is a good place to start10:38
gabkdllytoo see if other people have gotten your card to work10:38
gabkdllysometimes you get lucky and someone has written up a friendly how-to10:39
gabkdllysometimes people document their experiences in the forums, you might search there as well10:39
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.10:39
gabkdllygoogle offers a search specific to linux http://www.google.com/linux10:40
pc-illiteratei saw my card is only supported under legacy drivers now.10:41
gabkdllyhmm, got a link to where you read that?10:42
pc-illiteratei tried nv...nividia-glx....nvidia-glx-legacy..... i cant get it to do anything other than show me a terminal10:42
pc-illiterateand thats quite a tep up from a black screen from install10:42
gabkdllywow, you have been at it for a while then, I guess10:43
pc-illiterateive been looking for it all night. i found it before the 5 install10:43
pc-illiteratelol. the 5th install of xubuntu10:43
pc-illiteratesomewhere about nvidia drivers on ubuntu i think10:45
pc-illiterate im still checking10:45
gabkdllyso you ran "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" already, picked each of the drivers you mentioned in turn, and after each reconfigure, you tried starting Xorg again?10:46
pc-illiteratei rebooted10:47
gabkdllyyou might check what is going on in the logs /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:52
pc-illiteratei think it would be just as easy to wait and find someone to tell me what im doing wrong10:54
pc-illiterate the logs arent going to do any good if no one can help me figure out the problem will they ?10:54
gabkdllyyeah, I guess they might be confusing, but they might have some error messages that hint at what is going on10:56
gabkdllythe video driver usually documents what it does (or what it has tried to do) in that log10:57
gabkdllyby the way, you can start Xorg manually with startx , without rebooting10:57
gabkdllyor startxfce410:58
gabkdllywhat card is it?10:59
pc-illiteratei tried startx...didnt work. its a gforce4 mx440se11:00
pc-illiteratei did find this just now. thanks to you .....Most nVidia-cards will work if you just install the nvidia-glx ("nvidia-glx-legacy" for older cards) package, and run this command: "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"11:04
pc-illiteratei wonder if id still have to run reconfig first...11:04
gabkdllydepending on what your Xorg configuration is right now, you might have to reconfigure, yes11:09
gabkdllyI don't think it matters which order you do them in, running "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" basically writes a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for you, and I don't think much else11:10
pc-illiterateimma have to go check this all11:10
pc-illiterateok. im going to go try some stuff again11:11
pc-illiteratethanks again11:11
mikedep333hello, my one friend is looking to do a complicated install of Xubuntu on his asus eee PC15:13
mikedep333where does xfce get installed too?15:13
mikedep333for its libraries and executables?15:13
TheSheepmikedep333: can you rephrase your question?15:24
TheSheepmikedep333: my English is not very good15:24
gabkdllymikedep333: you can use "dpkg -L xfwm4" or similar to see what files are installed from which packages15:26
gabkdllymy example shows you where the files for the window manager are installed15:27
MyNameIsmikedep333, the cd has a partitioner that will want you to make a partition for / - which is where the os is installed and a partition for swap - which is hard disk space used as memory sometimes - there is also an option to let the partitioner automatically format the partitions15:28
mikedep333I mean15:31
mikedep333is it under /opt/xfce15:31
mikedep333is it under /usr/bin and /usr/lib15:31
mikedep333I did some google searches, I think it is /opt/xfce15:31
mikedep333I'll go ssh my ubuntu box to see where it goes15:32
gabkdllydifferent stuff gets put in different places15:32
mikedep333but we just want to know where the main libraries and executables go15:33
mikedep333because here's the deal15:33
mikedep333his asus eee15:33
mikedep333only has a 2GB solid state drive15:33
mikedep333and he has a 8GB SDHC card15:33
mikedep333we were thinking of putting / on the SSD15:33
mikedep333swap /home, and /usr on the SDHC15:34
mikedep333since the SDHC card is slow as hell15:34
mikedep333and dpkg -L doesn't show where it goes unless you install it15:35
mikedep333my friend has yet to install it15:35
mikedep333and my only ubuntu box that is up at the moment is a server so I do not want to install extra packages15:36
TheSheepmikedep333: binaries go to /usr/bin, libraries to /usr/lib and additional files to /usr/share15:37
TheSheepmikedep333: configuration goes to /etc15:37
TheSheepmikedep333: mostly /etc/xdg15:37
mikedep333ok, thank you15:38
pc-illiteratedpkg asks for my vid cards pci id . how do i find that ?15:51
gabkdllyhi again pc-illiterate :) use lspci15:52
pc-illiteratei did that but i dont think i understand it15:54
pc-illiterateit gives me 0:01e or something like that. at reconfig it shows 0:1:015:55
pc-illiterateif it shows the 0:01e , do i input that for its address ?15:55
gabkdllyhere is something I dug up just for you www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QsP8GDTpno15:58
gabkdllyit has some extra stuff that you don't need, because it was made for Mepis, but it might make you more comfortable with the whole thing15:59
pc-illiteratecool. thanks. i hope youre not trying to scare me16:01
gabkdllyyou can ignore that whole part about the memtest at the beginning16:03
gabkdllyand don't forget to type sudo before dpkg-reconfig...16:04
gabkdllyI figured a picture is worth a thousand words ;)16:04
pc-illiteratelol. i dont login. i dont have to type sudo16:05
gabkdllyhuh ?16:06
pc-illiterateif im not logged-in i dont have to type sudo16:06
gabkdllyyou are not logged into the command line as the user you created during the install?16:08
The-Kernelpc-illiterate you have to type sudo.16:08
The-Kernelunless you're root16:08
pc-illiterateno i dont kernel16:08
pc-illiterateim auto root when i boot up in recovery16:08
gabkdllyah, ok16:09
The-KernelOh well that makes sense16:09
pc-illiterateif not auto root, call it what you may. if i dont log in, i dont have to type sudo16:09
pc-illiteratecool i said something that isnt garbage16:09
gabkdllydon't have any experience with recovery mode myself16:09
pc-illiteratei have more with recovery than 8 years of xp experience :))16:10
gabkdllyare you booting from the live CD?16:11
gabkdllyseems kind of bizarre to me that gaining root access to a system should be as simple as rebooting into recovery mode16:12
TheSheepgabkdlly: yeah, on windows you have to also insert a cd with linux :016:12
pc-illiteratemy pc wont run it, my vid card wasnt recognized and i dont have enough mem. the cd itself told me that16:12
TheSheepgabkdlly: the truth is, you cannot secure a computer if the users have physical access to it16:13
gabkdllyI have heard stories of people booby trapping their computers, or encrypting their entire hard drives with a password, but it would be impractical for Xubuntu to make that standard :)16:16
TheSheepgabkdlly: encryption does work, but then you need password to use it16:17
pc-illiteratewell that wasnt right16:45
pc-illiteratewooo. found something on ubuntu forum16:47
gabkdllygreat :)16:47
pc-illiteratewow. great thread. first poster had same card16:50
pc-illiterateand guy who tried to help first was no help at all. i have ran into the exact same thing. but, the first "helper" told them to do exactly what they had been doing. so much to understand. so few to know16:51
gabkdllythe forum does get a lot of traffic, some of what gets said there has to be taken with a grain of salt16:53
pc-illiteratei understand that but if some people would actually read the post, it would save so much time and headache16:54
pc-illiteratekernel. can you tell me how to get my pci slot id? please dont say lspci. its the wrong format. i need something like  0:1:017:12
TheSheeppc-illiterate: lspci -D17:16
pc-illiterate-D ?17:18
pc-illiteratethat will give me the correct format ?17:18
TheSheeppc-illiterate: correct for what?17:18
* TheSheep sighs and reads the scrollback of several hours ago17:19
TheSheeppc-illiterate: if you need it for xorg.conf, then just replace the dot with a colon17:21
pc-illiterateyou mean from  -D ?17:21
TheSheepfor exmaple, for my xorg.conf entry:17:21
TheSheep        Busid           "PCI:0:2:0"17:21
TheSheeplspci (without -D) shows:17:21
The-KernelAh crap17:21
The-KernelI can't seem to get into my server.17:21
TheSheep00:02.0 VGA compatible controller...17:22
pc-illiteratesee i have a letter with mine.17:22
pc-illiterateso i wanted to be sure. i have been trying to get my gfx card going for 5 days17:22
* pc-illiterate is at least as tired as everyone else17:23
TheSheeppc-illiterate: just convert it to decimal17:23
TheSheepbtw, if it's the only card, you don't have to specify a busid17:24
pc-illiterate2 net cards17:24
TheSheepthe only graphics card17:24
TheSheepthen Xorg will find it17:25
pc-illiterateam i to count onboard as 1 also ?17:25
gabkdllyTheSheep: pc-illiterate has a built in graphics card, plus one in the pci slot17:25
pc-illiteratexorg is finding squat but my onboard17:25
gabkdllypc-illiterate: both cards should show up in lspci17:26
pc-illiteratei have a thread for you. both people had same gfx card17:26
pc-illiterateyes they do gab, but i need a 0:1:0 number not a hex number17:26
pc-illiteratehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=388712       for any confusion while im gone in case i cant get this working17:28
gabkdllyb (hex) = 11 (dec)17:31
gabkdllyso you might try PCI:0:11:017:31
pc-illiterateso it would be too bad mine comes up 01:0e.017:32
pc-illiteratei will use the lspci -d17:32
pc-illiterateso i shall return17:33
TheSheep01:0e.0 is 01:14:017:40
TheSheepin decimal...17:40
gabkdllyyes, pc is busy rebooting at the moment17:41
gabkdllyhe will be back though17:41
ynniwhat's the name of the bin for wicd?17:44
dma315Hey, my friend is working on installing Xubuntu on a Powerbook G3 and he is wondering how to boot the Live CD from an external USB CD drive. Can anybody help?18:07
gabkdllydma315: what drive can be booted from depends on the BIOS configuration. This can usually be accessed by pushing ESC or DEL when the BIOS are initializing, before the actual operating system kicks in18:15
dma315Thank you18:15
gabkdllybut, I have never done this on a Mac18:15
dma315Alright I'll have him try that18:15
gabkdllynot to get you hopes up, it is possible that the BIOS do not support booting from USB at all18:16
dma315when it boots it recognizes the drive and all but goes to open firmware18:17
gabkdllythe Powerbook's firmware, or for the drive?18:22
zoredachedma315: at least on intel apple hardware you have to hold down the 'c' key or the 'left-alt' key to get it to boot of a cdrom18:24
zoredacheoh, and just to double check, you have the ppc version of xubuntu right?  You know you can't use the i386 version18:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdplayback - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:49
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:50
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:51
DrIP-hi all18:56
DrIP-i'm having MAJOR problems building ndiswrapper from source18:56
DrIP-i was wondering if anyone could help me out...18:57
TheSheepDrIP-: why not use the version from repositories?18:58
DrIP-appearently someone got it working...18:59
DrIP-on ndiswrapper version 1.48 :318:59
DrIP-and i just tried the one from the repos. it didn't work...19:00
witepadma315, hi once again19:20
witepaAlright, so I need some help here. I am trying to install Xubuntu 7.10 onto a PowerBook G3 with a broken internal CD/DVD drive. I have gotten my hands on an external USB CD drive, and it is recognized by the mac's bios. However, when I try to boot from it, I am taken to the mac's Open Firmware screen. What command should I use to make this work?19:22
DrIP-hold down option key19:24
DrIP-while rebooting19:24
dma315hey Jordy19:24
witepaDrIP-: I did, and after I select the Xubuntu live cd, it takes me to open firmware19:25
DrIP-hummm, very intresting...19:25
witepathe same thing happened when I tried to use another mac's cd drive through target disk mode19:27
DrIP-check that page19:28
DrIP-witepa: here i can step you through it...19:30
DrIP-witepa: type 'devalias' without quotes19:30
witepain open firmware?19:30
DrIP-now, look for ud, usually below where you see hd19:31
DrIP- If found, it will usually have beside it /pci@f2000000/usb@1/disk1, or similar19:31
witepahmm, I see no ud, but I see a cd and usb0 and usb119:31
DrIP-what's next to usb019:32
DrIP-does it have a '/disk1' at the end?19:32
witepano disk 1 at the end19:32
witepa /pci@f2000000/usb@1819:32
witepa /pci@f2000000/usb@1919:33
witepais usb119:33
DrIP-just type in mac-boot and load up diskutility19:34
DrIP-it's much easier to do it this way then...19:34
witepai do not have mac osx on this system...19:34
DrIP-we can wing it then..19:35
witepalol, alright19:35
DrIP-type: 'printenv boot-device' without quotes19:35
witepait gave me19:36
DrIP-what does it have19:36
witepa"boot-decive mac-io/ata-4@1f000/@0:9,\\tbxi hd:,\\:tbxi19:36
witepaPartition: common     Signature: 0x70 is above it19:37
DrIP-'setenv boot-device usb0:1,\\:tbxi'19:37
DrIP-'setenv boot-device usb1:1,\\:tbxi'19:37
witepait just said ok twice19:39
DrIP-yes... then do: printenv boot-device and see if usb0:1,\\:tbxi and usb0:1,\\:tbxi are in the list19:39
witepajust usb1:1,\\tbxi     hd:,\\:tbxi19:39
witepaI did usb1:1 second19:40
DrIP-ok... now, type in mac-boot19:40
DrIP-is it working?19:41
witepa"DEFAULT CATCH!,  code=fffffff6 at    %SRR0: ff80cddc    %SRR1: 0000b030"19:41
DrIP-maybe i should pull out my g3...19:42
DrIP-go bak into open firmware...19:42
witepathank you very much by the way19:42
DrIPsourry about that19:43
witepastill there19:43
DrIPlets se here19:44
DrIPoh god19:47
DrIPno ram?19:47
witepano ram?19:47
DrIPhold on witepa :p19:47
witepalol, alright19:47
DrIPlet me pull up disk util.19:51
DrIPok, disk1s119:52
DrIPsetenv boot-device usb0:1,\\:tbxi19:53
DrIPthe mac-boot19:53
witepasame default catch19:54
witepaI could try putting the cd drive into a firewire IDE enclosure19:57
witepasee if that works better19:57
DrIPwitepa: you there?19:59
pc-illiterateeveryone involved, i got my vid card working ! yay for me and knowledgeable people !!20:13
DrIPyou need to get a updated firmware20:14
DrIPi just tried to boot off of an external dvd drive20:14
DrIPit wasnt working...20:15
DrIPeven if i held down the c key and the option20:15
DrIPit wasnt showing up20:15
witepawas it recognizing it at all?20:15
DrIPbut i can boot off the nternal fine...20:15
witepawhen I hold option it does recognize it20:15
DrIP*internal cd drive20:15
DrIPthen it just threw it to open firmware?20:16
DrIPthis is what you can do.20:17
DrIPit's not a perminant fix, but it will get you to where you want to be20:17
witepayeah, all I need to do is install Xubuntu20:17
DrIPtaget firewire your lappy20:17
DrIPand get another mac and install on to that20:17
witepaI have tried to do that actually20:18
DrIPreally? what happened?20:18
witepathe Xubuntu partition manager doesn't recognize the firewire drive20:18
DrIPi see...20:18
witepait did, however, recognize a flash drive20:18
DrIPhave you tried to swap out the drives?20:18
witepawhich drives20:18
witepathe hard drive?20:19
DrIPthe hdds20:19
witepais it just a sata drive?20:19
DrIPit's special :p20:19
witepalol, damn20:19
DrIPyou can open the case of your laptop, there are two little tabs on the top of your keyboard20:19
DrIPby f1 and the eject button20:20
witepaI have opened it before20:20
witepaand just did so20:20
witepaI have never removed the hdd though20:20
DrIPthere are apple docs on that20:20
DrIPjust swap out the drives and install20:20
witepawhere would I swap the drive to?20:21
witepaI have a PowerMac G520:21
witepawith sata connections20:21
DrIPdo you have a friend with a lappy?20:21
witepahmm, not a PowerBook20:21
DrIPor maybe like a work/school computer you can do that on?20:21
witepaI have a Dell Inspiron20:22
witepaI wonder...  is there any way to make the Xubuntu live cd recognize the mac as a firewire drive in target disk mode?20:23
DrIPit should recognize the drive as a typical fw drive20:23
DrIPbut idk...20:23
witepawhen I hook it up to a pc, it shows up as just a typical fw drive20:24
DrIPi need to change those smoke alarm batteries -_-20:25
witepaanother thing I tried20:25
witepaI put the Xubuntu live CD into the PowerMac G5 and but the G5 into target disk mode20:25
DrIPdows the cd work on your g5?20:25
witepaand tried to boot the PowerBook G3 using the g5's optical drive20:26
witepait works fine20:26
DrIPright... but does it?20:26
witepabut it sent me to open firmware as well20:26
DrIPbecause youmay have gotten the wrong cd...20:26
witepaoh, the Xubuntu CD?20:26
witepait boots fine20:26
DrIPintel /=/ ppc20:26
witepaI made two of them20:26
witepayeah yeah, they are ppc20:26
witepaone desktop edition, one alternate install20:26
witepaboth ppc20:26
witepaboth work when I boot on the g520:27
DrIPdamn wireless20:27
DrIPahh yes...20:27
DrIPintel /=/ ppc20:28
witepaeverything I have is ppc20:28
DrIPThe G5 is intel...20:28
witepano, it is before the switch20:28
witepaG5 is ppc architecture20:28
DrIPwell, i hate to break it to you, but you need a dif, laptop to get it woking for you...20:29
witepais there any way to update the firmware?20:29
DrIPyea, through osx20:30
witepaI can install OS X through target disk mode20:30
witepathat works20:30
witepaI had problems doign that with tiger though, haven't tried with leopard yet20:30
DrIPthen update firmware... that /should/ work20:30
DrIPleo should be a brease20:31
witepahow exactly do I update the firmware?20:31
witepawell, the Tiger install just hung at a certain point20:31
DrIPgrab it from apple update or the support section of apple's site20:31
witepait did recognize it and everything though20:31
DrIPeithor way... should work20:31
DrIPthen install via external, and have fun :)20:32
witepathink there is any way to install the firmware through target disk mode?20:32
DrIPnope... sourry20:32
DrIPthe firmware has to be updated on the computer its run on...20:33
witepathe firmware runs on the ROM, right?20:33
DrIPyes and no...20:33
DrIPpartly in ROM but also in another section20:33
witepaon the hdd?20:33
witepaalright, good20:34
DrIPi forget where it is... it's in PRAM?20:34
DrIPor a similar BIOS chip20:34
DrIPit can be flashed ans whatnot...20:35
witepahmm, is there a chance that there is no firmware update for the powerbook g3?20:35
DrIPgo check now20:35
DrIPi need lunch lol20:35
DrIPbrb (again)20:35
witepabrb, gonna install leopard on the powerbook via target disk mode20:41
witepaDrIP: well, the leopard install hung just like the Tiger install did21:19
witepaI guess I'll put the project on hold for a bit... I think my only option is figuring out how to get the live cd to recognize the firewire drive21:20
DrIPwhere did it hang?21:22
witepaearly in the install21:23
witepaa similar place time-wise as tiger did21:23
DrIPabout where, essentials?21:23
witepacould it be something like a crashed hard drive?21:23
witepaAll I chose to install were essentials21:23
witepathe disk is fine, I used it to install leopard on this computer several weeks ago21:24
DrIPwell if it was crashed... then you can't even read the disk...21:24
DrIPbut it shows up as a fw drive21:24
DrIPtry this: grab a drive off of ebay...21:25
DrIPgrab a cheap one that works21:25
witepabut I have tried to install tiger maybe 5 or 6 times in the past few years on there, and every time it hung in a similar place21:25
witepaI don't like spending money, lol21:25
witepaI may have to resort to ti though21:25
DrIPlol same here....21:25
DrIPbut, i say that if something doesn't work, just replace it... stop fidgiting with it...21:26
DrIPsourry i just can't type today21:26
witepaI just thought it would be nice to have another computer around, and just install Xubuntu21:26
witepato have maybe as a seedbox or something21:26
DrIPwell i'm sure you can grab a combo drive off of e-bay for < $2021:27
witepathe one I have now seems to not even be getting power though21:28
witepaso I am worried that there might be something wrong with the connections as well21:28
witepaoh wait, never mind21:28
witepait got power21:28
DrIPso, that's something to think about21:28
witepaa powerbook combo drive21:29
DrIPhackintosh f12 key also servs as the eject button21:36
DrIPit's k00l lol21:37
DrIPnow if i can oly get ndiswrapper working on my server...21:38
witepawhy do you have to use ndiswrapper?21:38
HACKhalo2because it emulates the Windows wireless router drivers21:40
witepayeah, I know that... but I usually only go to it as a last resort21:41
=== DrIP- is now known as DrIP
pc-illiteratehey vidd... you listening ?22:50
pc-illiteratei got my card up and and running :))22:51
viddhow did it go?22:51
pc-illiteratenot what you thought lol22:51
pc-illiterateit was the glx drivers though22:51
pc-illiterate had to enable a config.22:51
viddso the nv did not work but the nvidia did?22:52
pc-illiteratepull out a net card and put vid card in its place so i could find pci slot. real pain but it works22:52
pc-illiteratei tried but nothing worked. found the site for info again22:53
viddi have to go take my kid home to his mother....22:53
pc-illiteratetell ya what. i dont have the refresh rates i had with xp,, but i definitely have more resolutions22:53
viddill be back in about an hour22:54
pc-illiteratewell safe trip man22:54
DrIPi need a bit of help22:57
DrIPi need ndiswrapper to work with my linksys wmp11v422:57

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