[00:01] cody-somerville: I think the changelog entry you have now is fine. [00:03] ScottK2, there was one more package that we realized needed to come back with that whole MythTV 0.21 suite backport. mythstream needed to be rebuilt against the new libmyth-dev. Since it was already backported once before, can a sourceful upload to gutsy-backports do the trick? [00:05] superm1_: So it's already in guty-backports? [00:06] ScottK2, yes from a few months back [00:06] superm1_: And there's no new version to be backported, just updating the one that's there? [00:06] well there is a patch to let it build against the new libmyth, but no new upstream version on it [00:07] superm1_: OK. File a gutsy-backports bug with the debdiff and subscribe me to it. [00:08] bug 202988 was already filed for it just building the newer version. i was just looking to avoid pulling a backporter and an archive admin into the loop if not necessary. [00:08] Launchpad bug 202988 in gutsy-backports "Please backport mythstream 0.18.1 from hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202988 [00:08] i'll subscribe you to that [00:17] Are upgraded packages (universe) accepted during a beta freeze? [00:25] universe is on manual during beta freeze, i.e. an archive admins needs to push the upload through the queue [00:26] geser: thanks. [00:26] geser, what's the reasoning on that i'm curious? Universe doesn't go into the live disks [00:28] superm1_: a limitation in soyuz. it's not possible to freeze uploads to main but accept those for universe [00:28] geser, ah okay that makes more sense then [00:28] geser: In that case, are you up for taking a look at a package and potentially sponsoring an upload? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glom/+bug/201385 [00:28] Launchpad bug 201385 in glom "Hardy: Please update glom to latest version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [00:30] protonchris: I'm about to go to bed right now [00:30] geser: No problem. Thanks anyway. [00:33] superm1_: I now have 2 packages that I build, one depends on the other. [00:33] superm1_: Thanks again!! [00:34] One question, how difficult is it to prompt the for 2 pieces of information when installing a package? (and when dpkg-reconfigure is used) [00:34] I've seen postfix do this. [00:35] debconf is the tool that's used [00:39] ScottK2: the email is still waiting for moderator approval on motu-council [00:40] YokoZar: OK. Just making sure. [00:41] YokoZar: You might consider subscribing to the list and then resending. [00:41] ScottK2: Maybe, though I was under the impression that all council members had moderator status, so it didn't really matter [00:41] Dunno. [00:42] It's also good for if they don't CC you on a reply. [00:45] PMantis, i do that it my package as well [00:45] you can look at it's postinst to see what i do [00:50] superm1_: Oh, looking again [00:55] superm1_: Ahhh, config file. runs db_input [01:10] Heya gang [01:10] hey bddebian [01:10] Hello protonchris [01:11] bddebian: Are you up for taking a look at a package and potentially sponsoring an upload? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glom/+bug/201385 [01:11] Launchpad bug 201385 in glom "Hardy: Please update glom to latest version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [01:24] oh. [01:24] F****. [01:24] remount root rw first, then start lrm [01:25] and for that matter udev dislikes starting without a writeable filesystem too [01:25] * jdong grumlbes and pulls out a LiveCD [01:25] and THIS is why you don't arrogantly assume that your upstart rules are right the first time :D [01:28] superm1_: Can you please explain the "upgrade" section of the preinst file? It does a dpkg --compare-versions, db_inputs again. [01:37] ok, breaking upstart really hurts. [02:06] lsmod [02:06] ups, wrong window [02:35] I need a little light set on this. I created a config file with db_input lines, but it's not asking for input upon package install. What did I miss? [02:36] Does your postinst include the debconf confmodule? [02:41] hello there [02:52] StevenK: Yes it does. [02:52] PMantis: Okay, so it should at least run your config script. [02:52] PMantis: Does dpkg -I mention it? [02:54] StevenK: I don't know what I'm looking for. I see the output though. [02:54] It shows: ii packagename [02:55] 3rd is blank [02:55] dpkg -I [02:55] Capital eye, as it were [02:55] Heh, got it. :) [02:56] That takes a .deb argument, though [02:56] Yeah, got the output... [02:56] It lists that files that I'd expect. post/pre/config/remplates... [02:56] err templates [02:57] Okay, can you pastebin your postinst? [02:57] Oh, do you call dh_installdebconf in your rules file? [02:58] StevenK: Only one line in rules: [02:58] include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk [02:58] besides the she-bang, of course [02:59] It will probably run dh_installdebconf [03:01] StevenK: Output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5755/ [03:01] I hacked it to avoud placing me email addr there. [03:02] PMantis: Oh, I wanted your postinst, not the output of dpkg -I [03:02] heh, ok [03:02] StevenK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5756/ [03:03] I stole much of this from superm1_ :-) [03:05] Oh crap [03:06] StevenK: I have 2 "configure" ... created from testing. I'll try again. [03:07] StevenK: Still unknown template field errors... but it works, and dpkg-reconfigure works, too. [03:07] PMantis: Sourceing the confmodule should be done the line after #!/bin/sh [03:08] ciao [03:08] Ok, rebuilding. [03:08] That didn't fix it, but glad to be more compliant. :) [03:11] Is it supposed to be _Description: ? [03:12] StevenK: Ahhhhhh, I removed the underscore, and ti's working righ. [03:12] right [03:13] StevenK: Thanks for your help [03:13] PMantis, that underscore is for translation support [03:14] For some reason my computer doesn't like it [03:15] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [03:15] not-using-po-debconf [03:15] That's for translations [03:23] Hmm [03:23] Dunno if that's related, or correct [03:24] lintian showing: E: sbs-uts: section-is-dh_make-template [04:19] debchange -i causes a 0ubuntu1 entry. I'm not part of ubuntu. How do I change the default behavior? [04:19] wasnt debchange written for ubuntu? [04:21] debchange was written for Debian, quite a while ago [04:21] PMantis: Just edit the entry in debian/changelog to what you want then. [04:22] PMantis: If you aren't doing this for Ubuntu, what are you doing it for? [04:22] Myself [04:22] ahk. never seen it [04:22] OK. You can use whatever version numbering you want then. [04:23] but it does help signify it being built for Ubuntu if that matters [04:23] kgoetz: aka, "dch"? [04:23] when I use a -0ubuntu1 type of versioning, debuild complains that it ubuntu names, but maintainer isn't @ubuntu.com [04:23] slangasek: oh, i have used dch :$ [04:23] PMantis: should be just a warning though [04:23] PMantis: try dch -i -U [04:24] or possibly just dch -U, I don't remember [04:24] There's always man dch [04:24] Ahh, yes. [04:25] -i to increment, -U seems to keep the ubuntu out of the version. [04:57] heya [07:03] jamesh: [07:04] dholbach: good morning to you to :-) [07:04] hey LaserJock [07:04] how are you doing? [07:05] doing OK I guess [07:05] staying up working on some research programming [07:05] and discussing C/Fortran/Python with nixternal [07:06] dholbach: had a chance to look at the ubuntu-motu mail? Emmet sent an email about a project we did this weekend :-) [07:07] the MOTU Leaders email [07:07] ? [07:07] yeah [07:07] I like it a lot :) [07:07] great work on it [07:09] dholbach: I think it's significant that we have about 16 out of 83 MOTUs in leadership roles [07:10] yeah, that's awesome - we could do with some more in the sponsoring team and probably add some roles to it, but other than that it's brilliant [07:10] now all I have to do is become a MOTU, then we can bump that to 17 [07:10] muhehe [07:11] * LaserJock slaps nixternal [07:11] * nixternal runs off crying [07:11] * superm1_ gives nixternal a cookie [07:12] dholbach: the goal was to get everybody in the "MOTU Leader" positions to provide an item to the MOTU monthly report [07:12] see, Mario showin' that Chitown mob boss type love [07:12] a cookie today, a dead fish tomorrow [07:12] haha [07:12] dholbach: as a way to show off what all is going on in MOTU Land [07:12] superm1_: we were talking about you today at the LUG meeting...about Myth [07:12] good things i'd hope :)? [07:12] I need to put this guy D in touch with you, super cool guy that is interested in Myth [07:13] LaserJock: did anybody update MOTU/ReportingPage about it? :) [07:13] we mostly need more folks interested in helping with misc coding here and there at this point [07:13] dholbach: hmm, I don't think so [07:13] but yeah have him drop by one of our #ubuntu-mythtv* channels [07:16] I shall do that [07:17] nixternal, and don't worry about any dead fish if you don't. its too much trouble to coordinate [07:19] hehe [07:20] dholbach: perhaps somebody should write an email to ubuntu-motu saying that the monthly report is coming up so MOTU leaders should add their items? :-) [07:21] LaserJock: good idea :) [07:21] * Fujitsu adds his security one now: `We suck and need more people' [07:21] nixternal->sleep(); [07:21] kdebug() << "good night!"; [07:21] Undefined method 'sleep' [07:21] nixternal: sleep tight :) [07:22] Fujitsu: you've done good work in the team and held a bunch of meetings [07:22] StevenK: Your domain name is finally explained. [07:22] Haha [07:27] alright, I gotta get to bed [07:27] dholbach: either you can write said email while I'm asleep or I could do it when I get up === RAOF_ is now known as Kaln === RAOF_ is now known as Kal [09:30] good morning jono our mighty manager [09:30] hey hellboy195 :) [09:31] DktrKranz: how are you today? [09:31] jono: and of course you too? [09:31] hellboy195, at home. But better. [09:32] my boss has to figure out how to live without me for today :) [09:32] DktrKranz: hrhr. Then the stage is yours :P [09:33] morning everyone [09:34] morning huats :) [09:34] huats: ahoi :) [09:34] hey DktrKranz hellboy195 [09:39] hellboy195, so I guess beagle should be reviewed now :P [09:39] DktrKranz: xD , why do you think that :P [09:40] "Then the stage is yours :P" let me think about something similar [09:40] DktrKranz: btw, that's from Uri Geller if you know him [09:41] probably [09:41] name is not new to me [09:42] There was a show in the german tv [09:42] Uri Geller looks for the *new* Uri Geller [09:42] xD [09:44] Surely I haven't seen it :) [09:45] It's hard to me to watch tv, while I can crack Sky anytime :P [09:45] And I didn't watch it because it was *stupid*, it sucked :P [09:56] <_ruben> on dutch tv that show ended last weekend :p [09:57] _ruben: ^^ === gary4gar is now known as cool [10:05] mrben: /win 211 [10:05] err [10:05] Ng: /win 211? [10:05] I hope that was one 1 too many [10:06] nope ;) [10:06] irssi's been running for months [10:06] [10:06] Irssi uptime: 138d 18h 57m 13s [10:07] /window close is your friend :) [10:07] meh :) [10:08] even if I am in 43 channels right now.. [10:08] this is the thing - once you blow past the point where alt-key switching is useful, it doesn't really matter how many there are [10:09] +1 [10:12] have three monitors, then :) [10:14] DktrKranz: nice mail :) [10:14] flu is speaking :) [10:14] hellboy195: what the fast internet of yours one? [10:14] jpatrick: +1 [10:15] DktrKranz: but 2 days. short ... [10:15] but I'm off now [10:15] :P [10:15] jpatrick: just ping me if you need something [10:16] hellboy195: I was refering to yesterday's joke of the internet through mail thing :) [10:29] Ng: Agreed. Besides, Alt-A usually brings me to the right place. [10:29] soren: but no when you're in a 100 places.. [10:30] jpatrick: Er... Yes. I have 232 window here, so I have empirical data to back me up :) [10:31] soren: ah, I see it cycles through the windows with action in them in order, useful, thanks [10:32] jpatrick: Yes, where "in order" mean that it brings you first to the channels where you were hilighted, and second to the channel with traffic that you were most recently in. [10:32] cf. the channel with most recent traffic, which would not be very useful. [10:33] soren: long live #ubuntu (err?) [10:34] jpatrick: Precisely. [10:38] soren: do you have moderator access on motu-council? [10:38] I sent out an email ~ my motu app but it hasn't shown up, and I'm wondering if I didn't actually sent it or if it's stuck in the queue [10:39] soren: oh, nevermind, looks like it went through in the past few minutes [10:39] YokoZar: are you Scott Ritchie? [10:39] jpatrick: Yeah :) Sorry to bug for no reason, heh [10:40] YokoZar: it's there [10:40] Yeah I had to refresh my firefox window again, heh [10:42] jpatrick, hello [10:42] hi cool [10:42] so anything new? [10:42] nop [10:43] kinda sometimes life is boring [10:43] jpatrick, can you teach me some packaging ? [10:43] cool: can't right now [10:43] k [10:44] !packguide > cool (maybe this can help) [10:44] lol nothing comes up jpatrick [10:44] ubotu is MIA [10:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about is mia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [10:44] !packguide [10:44] The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [10:45] hmmm [10:46] sounds like lot of learning [10:46] jpatrick: I'm not aware of jokes, especially not in english :) [10:46] cool: just like everything else :) [10:46] hellboy195: :) [10:51] YokoZar: I do have moderator access, but so does dholbach, and I don't know how he does it, but he seems to moderate that list in almost real time. [10:52] soren: heh, I think he was gone for the weekend ;) [10:53] Also I've apparently appended heh to the past 4 lines of chat I've made. It's late here. [10:55] YokoZar: Yeah, I get a bit goofy in the wee hours myself :) [11:30] hello [11:31] is anybody here I could talk about changing openal in Ubuntu [11:31] more exactly, about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openal/+bug/194919 [11:31] ? [11:31] Morning [11:31] Launchpad bug 194919 in openal "libopenal needs replacement" [Undecided,New] [11:34] yup [11:34] the thing is [11:34] the current openal creates choppy sound in many games [11:34] and I would really like to see this new openal in Hardy [11:35] even if it's only meant as an alternative to the current libopenal0a [11:35] rather than replacing it [11:41] cristi: the current package is in main, so the MOTU team can't really replace it. [11:41] the new one could be uploaded to universe, but then anything in main can't depend on it, and presumably something there does. [11:42] thanks [11:42] who do you think I should contact for this one? [11:43] main is the responsibility of core dev. There is #ubuntu-devel. There is also ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com [11:44] cristi: however main is now in Beta freeze, so a replacement of a package with a rewrite is unlikely to happen I think [11:44] okey [11:44] i would rather have wanted a decoupling [11:44] so that users could choose between the two [11:44] thanks [11:45] cristi: if they install the same library then that is very difficult to do. [11:45] as in the same library name. [11:52] not really [11:52] what if there would be a meta-package called libopenal [11:52] which depends on either the old or the new openal [11:53] and all applications would depend on libopenal, instead of a particular version of openal [11:53] ? [11:56] i'm going to see what main developers think of this [12:03] * pochu waves [12:04] * hellboy195 waves back :) [12:04] hey hellboy195 [12:04] pochu: ahoi ^^ [12:10] does svn-bzr work for you? [12:10] bzr-svn sorry [12:11] ember: what about bug #201055 ? [12:11] Launchpad bug 201055 in pidgin "FFe for Pidgin 2.4.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201055 [12:16] elmargol: are you having a problem with it? [12:16] just a warning "bzr-svn is not up to date with installed bzr version 1.2.0.candidate.1. [12:16] " [12:17] elmargol: how do you have bzr + bzr-svn installed? [12:17] sudo apt-get install bzr bzr-svn [12:20] that's slightly odd. [12:20] I think the problem is that there was no release of bzr-svn that was compatible with bzr 1.2 [12:20] hopefully we'll have that all sorted pretty soon. [12:21] maybe there should be something for hardy though. I'll look in to a solution later. Thanks for the reminder. [12:21] I'm on hardy [12:22] yeah, but I don't know if bzr 1.3 will get in to hardy, even though it should be in sid soon. [12:23] so we may have to use a different solution than we are for Debian. [12:23] hi, is anyone working on updating elisa? [12:32] Hi guys, if this is the wrong place to ask, just tell me. I setup an apt repository, and all seemed well until apt started complaining that it "failed to fetch" my /apt-repo/binary/Release. Apache logs show a 304 error, bit Release.gpg is grabbed fine. 'touch'ing the files does not seem to help. [12:35] PMantis: weird [12:36] james_w: Heh, I heard that last night regarding another issue. :) [12:36] if you add a new package does it work? [12:36] Hmmmm [12:37] Gotta find a new package. :) === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [12:37] Ahhhhhhhhhh, ghost! [12:39] james_w: Hmm, added a packaed to the repo, updated, signed Release.gpg client still erroring. [12:40] ah, sorry, Release, not Packages. [12:40] Release is rarely modified, so that's normal I guess. [12:40] though I don't know why apache is giving that. Is it some apache config you have set? [12:41] Any way to tell Apache to stop checking the date of the file? Is there a standard list of directives that I need? [12:41] Failed to fetch http://apt-server/apt-repo/binary/Release [12:41] E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead [12:42] Apt shouldn't be complaining then.. [12:42] * PMantis assumed that pasting 2 lines is no crime [12:43] Hey [12:43] I don't know apache well enough to say if there is something, sorry. [12:44] Thanks for looking... [12:51] hi, is anyone working on updating elisa? [12:53] slytherin: updating to what? [12:54] james_w: latest bgfix version 0.3.5 [12:54] I don't know of anyone, but if it's a bugfix version then it is probably appropriate for hardy. [12:55] james_w: yes it is bugfix only. Let me see I will try to work on it in night. But working on elisa also means I have to update at least 3 other packages i.e. pigment and plugins [13:08] dholbach: ping [13:16] what are the packages I need to install to setup a development environment to do packaging? [13:18] jetsaredim: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/GettingStarted [13:18] jetsaredim: bare minimum are build-essential, dpkg-dev, devscripts, ubuntu-dev-tools I would say. [13:19] pbuilder, cowdancer, or one of the virtualisation tools can be useful [13:19] and things like cdbs, quilt, dpatch etc. can be required for looking at other people's packages. === \sh_away is now known as \sh [13:25] <\sh> moins === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [13:45] protonchris: pong [13:50] dholbach: I saw your comment on bug 190744. Sorry about that. Should I submit a fixed package or would you prefer we sync with the new debian one? [13:50] Launchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190744 [13:51] protonchris: that depends if we can just sync it - I didn't look at the changes that would introduce - also the replaces/conflicts from debian might need adjusting for our case [13:54] dholbach: Well I can have a fixed package in the u-u-s queue tonight and then we can decide from there. Thanks for you time. [13:55] if I'm fixing a package, do I need to change anything other than the changelog at minimum? [13:55] protonchris: ROCK - thanks [13:55] jetsaredim: what ever you need to fix plus the changelog [13:56] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff [13:56] jetsaredim: You may want to add XSBC-Original-Maintainer field in control file if it is not there already [13:56] dholbach: again, sorry for my mistake. [13:57] protonchris: no problem - it happened to me too -- you're responsive and you're fixing it - that's great [13:57] guys, can you look at this please https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/figlet/+bug/133367, and tell me should I make a debdiff that removes unexisting package from Suggests filed or leave it as is? tnx [13:57] Launchpad bug 133367 in figlet "Package Figlet suggests figfonts which is unavailable" [Undecided,New] [13:58] civija: That isn't a high priority bug is it? 'Suggests' is harmless [13:58] slytherin: no it isn't [13:58] i just ment to close it somehow [13:59] civija: Ok, then remove (or replace) the suggests entry, add changelog entry and attach debdiff [13:59] slytherin: ok, tnx [14:00] and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors? [14:00] protonchris: FYI, at least from my view we all make mistakes. The difference between the good MOTUs and the bad ones are the ones that make sure to clean up their own mess. [14:00] civija: of course [14:01] protonchris: And of course learn from the mess. :-) [14:02] dholbach: I was trying to fix evolution-scalix package. I fixed the configure script. But I can not solve compilation problems. What do you suggest I do? [14:04] slytherin: best to get in touch with gicmo in #ubuntu-desktop - he wrote big parts evo-scalix [14:05] civija: you'll also have to change the Maintainer field (just run update-maintainer inside the source if you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed) [14:08] RainCT: yes i know, tnx [14:11] ScottK: thanks. [14:12] slytherin: I am learning a ton from this package. Thanks. [14:26] <\sh> guys, anyone knows how easy it can be, to export/import moinmoin stuff to push into another moinmoin wiki? [14:27] \sh, I guess you only need to copy the data dir [14:27] <\sh> Lamego: hmmm [14:27] <\sh> Lamego: worth a try :) [14:27] well, and the customizations that yoy may have made, to the theme, etc [14:27] <\sh> Lamego: it's more a daily sync from one moin to another moin [14:28] rsync it :) === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [14:51] Heya gang [14:51] ahoi bddebian [14:51] Hello hellboy195 [14:53] heya [14:54] Hey bddebian [14:58] Hi emgent, Iulian [14:58] :) [15:00] how do I build/change a package that is derived from another package? [15:01] * hellboy195 calls for a vote. I need a new nicname. serious suggestions are welcomed :) sry for being offtopic [15:03] <_ruben> heavengirl195? [15:04] _ruben: serious!"!! ^^ [15:09] <_ruben> hellboy195: sorry, couldnt resist [15:09] _ruben: yeah ^^ [15:19] how can I get attention of some MOTU to this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/beagle/+bug/193715/comments/3 ? [15:19] Launchpad bug 193715 in beagle "Merge beagle 0.3.3-2 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:19] dBera: I filed the bug and it will be approved today [15:20] cool [15:20] dBera: sry for the delay but there were some problems :P [15:21] ok. i have no problem but a lot of users are facing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/beagle/+bug/194608 with the current version [15:21] Launchpad bug 194608 in beagle "beagled dependency not met" [Undecided,New] [15:21] dBera: personal interest? Because there aren't any new features [15:22] dBera: ah I see === _czessi is now known as Czessi [15:38] where can I go to get packaging help? [15:40] you can write your question here, assuming you have read the packaging guide relady :P [15:41] Lamego: I did write the question about 10 min ago [15:41] I'll repeat it tho [15:41] how do I build/change a package that is derived from another package? [15:41] The MOTU Session is about FTBFS. What is FTBFS? [15:42] you use the debian rules from the original package ? [15:42] in the control file is package: X source: Y [15:42] but when I run debuild -b it builds Y [15:42] not X [15:42] rockstar_: Packages not building (== Fails To Build From Source) [15:42] rockstar_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTBFS [15:42] Ah, thanks guys. [15:43] Lamego: the specific package I'm looking at is mozilla-mplayer [15:43] which has mplayerplug-in listed as the source in the debian/control file [15:46] I made my changes then debuild -b/debuild -S -sa and get mplayerplug-in source.changes, not mozilla-mplayer [15:50] Lamego: any thoughts? [15:55] nope [15:55] heh - awesome [15:56] where else can one go for packaging help? [15:56] I believe there is a forum section for it [15:58] jetsaredim, I believe there is a forum section for it [15:59] * jetsaredim is already looking around ubuntuforums, thanks :) [15:59] Hi everyone === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [15:59] Is this the place to ask about repository opdates? [16:00] eragon: what do you mean? [16:01] Nexuiz is still at 2.3 [16:01] sauerbraten was ancient last time I checked [16:01] why [16:02] do the original creators have to update those packages [16:02] sorry, there was an error in the connection [16:03] it just needs someone to upgrade the package to the new version. [16:03] yes, but who does that kind of thing? [16:03] because getdeb doesn;t [16:03] do big packages anymore [16:04] I think in general with games we wait for Debian to do it [16:05] as contributors interested in packaging games have moved to join the games team there to reduce duplication of work [16:05] in the case of nexuiz we have the latest version in Debian. [16:06] and it's too late to have the new version for hardy now probably. [16:06] <\sh> james_w: why? === bmk789_ is now known as bmk789 [16:07] 2.3->2.4, I assumed it wasn't bug fix. [16:07] this version was released before feisty [16:07] james_w: In the case of games, I tend to be pretty lenient about FFe. [16:07] this [16:07] ScottK: ah, ok, I didn't know that. [16:07] you what? [16:07] FFe? [16:07] Feature Freeze exception [16:07] <\sh> james_w: nexuiz is not "essential" and normally breaks something else...so I tend to upgrade the package and file an FFe [16:08] breaks something else? [16:08] Another game? [16:08] james_w: Games are unlikely to hurt anything else and people generally really want the latest. [16:08] <\sh> eragon: "doesn't break" sry [16:09] i see [16:09] another error [16:09] nexuiz 2.4 is sitting in pkg-games' svn. [16:09] Back again -:( [16:09] I can't install it through sunsptic [16:09] synaptic [16:10] james_w: Is it uploaded to Debian yet? [16:10] ScottK: nope. [16:11] Must a package first be uploaded to debian [16:11] james_w: You could grab their packaging from svn, give it a -0ubuntu1 version, make a new diff.gz and attach it to an upgrade bug here with FFe. [16:11] tand why> [16:11] eragon: No, but it's easier if it is. [16:11] Aren't Ubuntu and debian two separate projects [16:12] eragon: Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian. [16:12] ScottK: I'm not that interested myself. [16:13] !debian > eragon [16:13] james_w: OK. [16:13] Someone who cares about having it updated and knows a little about packaging could do that then. [16:13] arg.. [16:16] <\sh> who is able to let through the last upload of lighttpd ? [16:17] \sh: Ask slangasek. [16:17] <\sh> thought so :) [16:37] ScottK: I took skencil. Then I discovered I can easily merge from the debian. the problem is because of the python-xml removal skencil no longer can handle .svg files. I contacted alreday debian maintainer but no answer yet. I don't have the python knowledge to hack into it [16:37] did you try if it works with one of the other xml libraries mentioned in the bug? [16:38] ScottK: yes. I think we have to hack into svgloader.py of skencil [16:39] Then the trick is to transplant some python-xml bits into skencil. [16:39] ScottK: Yeah, as I already said I'm maybe not the right one [16:39] In that case, just leave it. [16:40] It might be a good chance to learn some python. [16:40] well we are in beta freeze [16:41] ScottK: and it might be better if I learn now stuff for school ;) [16:41] hellboy195: Maybe. OTOH we've got weeks to fix it. Universe uploads happen up until a few days before release. [16:42] ScottK: Let's wait some days and see if debian maintainer responses [16:43] Sure. === Spec[x] is now known as Spec [16:49] jdong: you're the firefox lover right? [16:51] <\sh> ScottK: can you write an reminder for me for nexuiz? I'll add tonight a bunch of FFe for all stuff I have still on my todo list... [16:52] \sh: Email or bug? [16:52] <\sh> ScottK: I think bug is a good way :) [16:53] <\sh> ScottK: just assign it to me [16:53] Will do [16:54] \sh: I thought nexuiz 2.4 won't make it into hardy? [16:55] <\sh> hellboy195: I'll take a look on the debian svn and eventually push it [16:55] * hellboy195 hugs \sh [16:56] \sh: What's your LP id? [16:56] * hellboy195 is addicted to nexuiz [16:58] <\sh> ScottK: shermann [16:59] \sh: Done [17:00] <\sh> ScottK: cool thx a lot [17:00] <\sh> lighty is down to one open bug...(when 0ubuntu2 is approved) [17:00] <\sh> and I think this last bug is not even a lighttpd problem [17:02] Cool. [17:04] \sh: I just asked someone who's using it on Gutsy if they had any complaints (so you wouldn't be bored). [17:05] \sh: His comment was "Frickin' fix the hashed load balancing is all..." [17:05] How's that look in Hardy? [17:06] <\sh> ScottK: you mean lighty? [17:06] Yes [17:06] <\sh> ScottK: I didn't use LB since today... [17:06] ScottK: Actually, I'm using it on FreeBSD... ;-) [17:06] <\sh> ScottK: and I think it's more a problem upstrea [17:06] <\sh> +, [17:06] <\sh> +m [17:06] \sh meet milli. milli meet \ah [17:06] <\sh> hi milli [17:06] \sh even [17:07] \sh: yes, it's a problem upstream [17:07] Only proxy method that works well is "fair", but that doesn't work for many apps that do session tracking. [17:09] <\sh> milli: does upstream know about it? [17:09] yes, it's a well-known problem. [17:10] * milli peruses the changelogs... perhaps it has been fixed since i last looked [17:13] jetsaredim: what do you want to do with mozilla-mplayer - I did not understand [17:13] jetsaredim: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide is the general packaging guide [17:14] \sh: Ah, it was round-robin balancing that was broken, and it's claimed to be fixed in 1.4.19, which was released March 10th 2008. [17:14] dholbach: do you have time for me. later? ~1 hour? [17:14] <\sh> milli: and is in hardy ;) [17:14] dholbach: *in* 1 houer [17:14] <\sh> milli: would be cool if you can test it :) [17:14] is discussing ubuntu qa issues OT here? [17:14] hellboy195: no, I'll meet somebody in 1h, sorry [17:14] dholbach: I wanted to add support for xulrunner so that the plugin will actually work in FF3 [17:15] tuxmaniac: just ask and we'll find out [17:15] dholbach: np [17:15] \sh: I can do that, but on FreeBSD, if that's good enough. [17:15] jetsaredim: cool - so what's the problem? [17:15] that's the only place where I'm using it in a semi-prod environment... [17:15] when I apt-get source mozilla-mplayer it gets mplayerplug-in [17:15] because that is the source package for mozilla-mplayer [17:16] the debian/control file for mozilla-mplayer lists mplayerplug-in as the source [17:16] so the issues is - how the heck do I build mozilla-mplayer [17:16] <\sh> milli: well, hopefully there is not much diff between linux and bsd for lighty ,-) [17:16] jetsaredim: just run debuild [17:17] \sh: I haven't looked... are there any patches in the debian tree for lighty? [17:17] Recently I have been recieving mails with respect to no proper QC with Ubuntu security patches. Especially this has increased after atleast three regressions we had in the recent times. Things are mecoming more questionable now after the mailman issue. Are we doing something about it? We all love Ubuntu and we dont want people who have been using Ubuntu for sometime start doubting the quality. [17:17] i tried debuild -b or debuild -S -sa I get .deb and .changes files that are mplayerplug-in not mozilla-mplayer [17:17] \sh: significant ones? [17:17] or build it in pbuilder: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto [17:17] * milli watches "portsnap fetch" do it's thing... [17:17] dholbach: it just seems that only you and sistpoty have knowledge in making symbol diffs ^^ [17:18] One example of that is here http://www.mail-archive.com/ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org/msg20527.html [17:18] hellboy195: ask in #ubuntu-devel - seb128, keescook, slangasek and lots of others will know too [17:18] dholbach: wow - that's ... involved [17:19] dholbach: cool, because I already asked several motus here and nobody could help me ^^ [17:19] Hope I am not considered a troll. Is there something we can do about this? [17:19] jetsaredim: I'm not sure what your problem is.... mplayerplug-in is the source package, mozilla-mplayer the binary package - that's fine [17:19] so - how do I get a deb file for mozilla-mplayer [17:19] jetsaredim: just run debuild [17:19] or changes file so I can upload to my ppa [17:20] I did run debuild [17:20] jetsaredim: update the changelog and run debuild -S -sa to get a source package you can upload to PPA [17:20] I did that [17:20] but its only generating the packages for mplayerplug-in [17:20] then use dput to upload the source package [17:21] mplayerplug-in is the source package, which builds the mozilla-mplayer binary package [17:21] the maintainer chose to have different binary and source packages name [17:21] right - I tried doing the debuild -b and it only generated the mplayerplug-in deb [17:21] s [17:21] there is a binary package mplayerplug-in [17:22] jetsaredim: not according to my apt-cache [17:22] <\sh> milli: no not the underlaying systems...I meant lighty [17:23] hmm [17:23] so its built fine then? [17:24] yeah [17:24] so -even though its listed as mplayerplug-in in my PPA its really mozilla-mplayer? [17:25] there's no "really is" - one is the source package (which is uploaded to the buildd hosts) one is the binary package my mom will install [17:25] in this case they have different names [17:25] that's really damned confusing [17:26] it could be worse :) [17:26] ok - sorry for the run around - just didn't get the point [17:26] check out apt-cache showsrc mono [17:26] * jetsaredim is afraid [17:26] there's one mono source package and meeeellions of binary packages [17:26] yea - i understand that [17:26] ok [17:26] but for there to be a 1 to 1 [17:27] and be named differently [17:27] that seems counter-intuitive [17:27] what I could imagine the rationale is: the upstream authors called their project mplayerplug-in and the naming convention for mozilla-plugins is mozilla- [17:27] i actually work on another distro and one the packages I maintain there has one source and two binary [17:28] a good example of that is python-sexy: [17:28] daniel@lovegood:~$ apt-cache showsrc sexy-python | head -n 2 [17:28] Package: sexy-python [17:28] Binary: python-sexy [17:28] daniel@lovegood:~$ [17:28] oy [17:28] ok [17:28] well thanks for the explanation [17:28] upstream calls it sexy-python, we call it python-sexy to make it make sense to our users [17:28] yea [17:28] hope that helps [17:29] immensely [17:29] rock on [17:29] * dholbach calls it a day - see you tomorrow [17:29] dholbach: hf [17:29] gracias [17:29] dholbach: thanks again [17:29] np [17:42] * \sh goes home... [17:42] <\sh> cu later === \sh is now known as \sh_away [17:51] nxvl: are you still looking for the FTBFS list? [18:00] LucidFox: it FTBFS now. So you can help to make it build. It wouldn't FTBFS if somebody sponsored it before [18:35] ;whois Sebastian [18:35] er [18:46] Hi! Is anybody working on bug #54776? [18:46] Launchpad bug 54776 in openoffice.org "[Ubuntu] [hardy] font hinting does not work with libfreetype6 v. 2.2.1" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54776 [18:47] It is "in progress" but not assigned to anyone... === ogra_cmpc_ is now known as ogra_cmpc === asac_ is now known as asac [19:26] slomo, have you had a look at mscore? [19:35] heya [19:35] ember: around? [19:35] emgent: hoi :) [19:38] slomo: you rock :) [19:43] another packaging question... I built another package that has one source and a bunch of binaries - got all of the .deb files fine [19:45] then I uploaded the source.changes file to lp.n and only get the one binary [19:46] jetsaredim: Is this for a PPA upload? [19:47] yea [19:48] o [19:48] nm [19:48] just took a while to finish uploading all of the sub-packages [19:48] OK. Generally #launchpad is the best place for PPA specific questions. [19:48] yea [19:48] thanks [19:51] hellboy195: why? [19:51] ScottK: any idea how to fix wxwidgets2.6? I'd try XS-Python-Version: current, >= 2.4 [19:51] tsmithe: nope, not yet... sorry [19:51] slomo: gtk-sharp :) Would you also mind pushing it into hardy? Otherwise I would file the bug/merge it [19:52] Adri2000: I haven't looked at it, so not really. What was it before? [19:52] hellboy195: if you could care for the freeze exception bug and main inclusion report for gnome-desktop-sharp that would be nice :) [19:52] hellboy195: merging it is trivial, but if you want prepare a patch for that too ;) [19:53] sladen: ehm .. patch? wth? [19:53] -XS-Python-Version: all [19:53] +XS-Python-Version: >= 2.4 [19:53] ScottK: ^ [19:54] that changed the Depends: python2.5 to python2.4 [19:55] slomo, don't worry :) whenever you have time ;) [19:55] oh [19:55] hi slomo [19:55] hi Nafallo [19:55] slomo: will you visit me soon? [19:58] slomo: nvm. how can I help you now [20:00] Nafallo: we'll see :) [20:00] Adri2000: What happens if you change it back to all and then make the python build dep >= 2.4? [20:00] hellboy195: well, we need bugs for freeze exceptions (these new versions have new features) and a main inclusion report for gnome-desktop-sharp2 (f-spot needs gtkhtml-sharp)... and merged packages :) [20:02] slomo: well, in fact it's better (for me ^^) to start slowly. I'll file a FFe Merge bug for gtk-sharp2 and attach the necessary things like pbuilder.log , diffstat and debdiff. alright? [20:03] hellboy195: yes... and the same thing for gnome-desktop-sharp2 and gnome-sharp2... and then we're almost done ;) [20:03] geser: yep [20:04] slomo: buh. ok. I'll try :) I don't suppose it's on DaD yet? so I can't use grab-merge ^^ (the only changes will be in debian/control and debian/rules right?) [20:05] hellboy195: Don't forget to retain the history in debian/changelog too. [20:05] hellboy195: http://patches.ubuntu.com/g/gtk-sharp2/gtk-sharp2_2.10.4-2ubuntu1.patch http://patches.ubuntu.com/g/gnome-sharp2/gnome-sharp2_2.16.1-2ubuntu1.patch [20:05] hellboy195: these are the current ubuntu changes... can simply be applied to the new packages from debian and things are ready :) [20:05] ScottK: yeah. I did quite a lot merges by hand [20:05] slomo: cool thank you [20:05] * hellboy195 is on the way [20:07] slomo: London you know ;-) [20:09] nxvl: http://members.ping.de/~mb/buildstatus_hardy/ (it's also linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO) [20:12] slomo: any upstream changelog? [20:12] geser: thnx :D [20:13] hellboy195: yes... ChangeLog [20:13] hellboy195: or what do you mean? [20:14] slomo: from upstream. not debian. motu-release folks want to see the changes ,.. === \sh_away is now known as \sh [20:15] hellboy195: yes, ChangeLog in the top of the source directory in the tarball :) [20:15] slomo: ah ^^. k .thx [20:20] <\sh> re [20:22] ScottK: the python build-dep is already >= 2.4, so now I'm rebuilding with XS-P-V set back to all [20:22] Adri2000: OK. I suspect that will work. [20:22] I hope :) [20:23] then I will fix wx2.8 the same way and finally upload it, as I got a confirmation that the patch from upstream works [20:25] Cool. [20:25] ScottK, [20:25] Heh [20:26] :P [20:26] cool: Sorry. Didn't realize there was such a nick in the channel. [20:26] ScottK, no problem most people tend to make this mistake, i am quite used to of it now [20:36] <\sh> damn..this is really annoying to have two different extension dirs for i386 and amd64 (php5) [20:40] <\sh> ScottK: what needs to be done to inject NEW packages? ;) [20:40] <\sh> ScottK: at this time of the release? [20:43] \sh: FFe with a good reason and agreement from the release manager that it's worth the distraction for the archive admins. [20:44] <\sh> ScottK: I'm thinking about pushing php-amfext into hardy...so we can please adobe ;) [20:45] I'd suggest discuss it with slangesek and if he's in favor, then file the FFe. [20:45] <\sh> ScottK: and asking them nicely to distribute a Flash Media Server which works on ubuntu too [20:46] <\sh> grmpf..who do I escape easily / chars inside an sed call [20:47] \sh: \/ :P [20:47] \sh: probably with something that looks like smashing the fsck spinner with a hammer [20:48] <\sh> RainCT: *eg* but for sed "s/#tobesubstituted#/$(FOOBAR)/ and $(FOOBAR) gives a path name with / ;) [20:50] oh [20:52] dunno then :P [20:52] \sh: echo $HOME | sed -e "s,/,_,g" [20:53] instead of , you can use any other char as delimiter [20:53] <\sh> geser: that's it..man how can I forget this [20:55] anybody seen blueyed today? [20:56] LaserJock: Great timing ^^^ [20:56] heah, there he is :-) [20:56] LaserJock: dholbach ACK mpqc :) [20:56] blueyed: your virtualbox-ose upload doesn't install [20:57] lol [20:57] hellboy195: I noticed that, I had some issues and didn't get to it [20:57] LaserJock: yes, I know. There are packages in NEW waiting (deps). Also FTBFS for amd64, currently fixing. [20:58] <\sh> blueyed: do you fix virtualbox to install hardy cleanly ? ;) [20:58] LaserJock: np [20:58] blueyed: k, just thought I'd let you know :-) [20:58] \sh: yes, I hope so.. :) [20:58] LaserJock: of course, thanks :) [20:58] <\sh> blueyed: good man :) so I can get rid of vmware on my local station [21:00] <\sh> and if I succeed now I have a cool workaround to our php5 problems [21:01] <\sh> strike [21:01] <\sh> another bug's fixed [21:01] \sh: you have PHP 5 problems? big surprise :) [21:01] <\sh> ajmitch: difference extension dir between i386 and amd64 [21:02] * ajmitch has TZ issues [21:02] <\sh> ajmitch: so a hardcoded .ini file doesn't work out of the box [21:02] <\sh> i386 has +lfs and amd64 has only ... *grmpf [21:02] <\sh> ajmitch: and what about your TZ issues? [21:03] php 5 is special & has its own timezone data [21:04] <\sh> ajmitch: i know...we ran into that, too :) [21:04] NZ changed its daylight saving time last year [21:04] <\sh> ajmitch: let me guess, and php didn't honour it [21:04] correct [21:04] Whoa it's ajmitch! [21:05] now I haven't got the time showing on the gutsy box here, but on etch it fails [21:05] no it's not [21:05] \sh: re php5, there should be a better memory_limit, too! (there's a bug for it) [21:05] * ajmitch won't file a bug on php 5 until it's confirmed to break on ubuntu [21:06] \sh: I had talked with soren and we came to the wrong solution to use 16mb on the server. [21:06] <\sh> blueyed: and what is the correct solution? ,) [21:07] \sh: more.. at least 32.. see bug 196806 [21:07] Launchpad bug 196806 in php5 "Increase default memory_limit for php" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196806 [21:07] PHP recommends 128M, Debian uses 128, too. [21:08] <\sh> blueyed: yes, which is default even in zendcore package [21:08] While 128M is quite a lot, 16M is not future proof (LTS) [21:08] soren: what's your opinion? ^^ [21:09] <\sh> blueyed: imho 128MB on nowdays server is not much [21:10] <\sh> regarding the memoryfootprint for php apps running with libapache2-mod-php5 ;) [21:11] <\sh> I made some memory profiling for apache2+mod_php5 and lighty+fcgi+php5 .. lighty wins...I'll blog about it during the next weeks when I finalized my profiling suite [21:12] heya \sh :) [21:12] Does lighty do .htaccess? [21:13] <\sh> tonyyarusso: there is a module for that...which I still have to test [21:13] slomo: would you mind giving me the actual gnome-sharp .dsc . can't find it on debian server ... [21:13] \sh: ah. If it could, I might be able to try it out. My CMS relies on it. (along with mysql support, which I'm just going to assume is already there) [21:14] <\sh> tonyyarusso: mysql support comes from php5 , the .htaccess is something which is very expensive (normally you have rewrite rules in it, thinking about drupal, mamboo, joomla etc.) [21:15] <\sh> tonyyarusso: what cms are you running? [21:15] \sh: yeah, Drupal is what I was referring to. [21:15] <\sh> tonyyarusso: there is a howto for drupal on lighty..you just need to tweak the rewriting rules inside lighttpd.conf... [21:15] <\sh> tonyyarusso: I'M working on a testsetup for it [21:16] slomo: ah. updated. nvm [21:16] \sh: interesting [21:18] <\sh> tonyyarusso: http://www.morphir.com/Lighttpd-Install-and-configuration-for-Drupal-with-clean-url [21:19] * \sh is brb... === jetsaredim is now known as _jgreenwa [21:28] <\sh> back [21:33] ScottK2: ping [21:37] pong [21:37] I assume you don't care which screen I'm looking at? [21:38] protonchris: ^^^ [21:38] Hi all! [21:38] Does someone familiar with mono ever seen something similar to debian 470328 ? [21:38] Debian bug 470328 in beagle "beagle: FTBFS: GConfThreadHelper.cs(30,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `GLib' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/470328 [21:40] ScottK: no I don't. I am thinking about BUG 190744 . My previous version didn't have the appropriate conflicts/replaces for the -dev and -doc packages. I'll planning on adding that to the control file. Do I also need to include transitional packages for the -dev/-doc since there was a binary package name change? [21:40] Launchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190744 [21:41] Off the top of my head, yes, but I'm short on brain cycles to really consider the question right now. [21:43] ScottK: no problem. Thanks. [21:45] ScottK: I only ask because the main binary package (a library with a soname change) in the source package didn't. [21:46] slomo: still around? [21:52] <\sh> ScottK: bug #203332 (claws-mail 3.3.1) [21:52] Launchpad bug 203332 in claws-mail "[FFe] claws-mail 3.3.1-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203332 [21:54] <\sh> I'll add claws-mail-extra-plugins to it... [21:59] <\sh> grmpf..brb === \sh is now known as \sh_away [22:37] slomo: would you mind helping DktrKranz with beagle? thx and good night :) [22:37] \sh_away: uploaded new virtualbox-ose-modules [22:37] good night folks :) [22:38] There's still bug 188579 it seems.. now also for installing virtualbox-ose-utils.. [22:38] Launchpad bug 188579 in apt "Installing virtualbox-ose-modules pulls in 386 kernel (on -generic)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188579 [22:38] Night, hellboy195 [22:38] g'night hefe_bia_ [22:38] erm... hellboy195 [22:52] blueyed: I'm very strongly against 128MB as the default memory_limit if that's the question. [22:53] soren: 64? [22:53] blueyed: Why? [22:54] Why increase it from the value that has served us well for years? [22:54] (save for the time when build process borked it) [22:55] soren: the memory management changed.. it reports now more.. the default has been 8M in PHP before, now it's 128M. [22:55] blueyed: No. [22:55] Wrong. [22:55] The default used to be infinite. [22:55] memory_limit was not enforced by default up until quite recently. [22:56] soren: ? there was a configure option, but I know from supporting a php app that 8M is the default.. do you mean we had disabled that option in configure? [22:56] No. [22:56] We *enabled* it. [22:57] *upstream* had it disabled by default. === \sh_away is now known as \sh [22:57] So then they chose 128MB as their default it was to try to make reasonably sure that nothing broke because memory_limit was suddenly enforced by default. [22:58] True. [22:58] We've had the limit at 8MB for years and years. [22:58] soren: with the old memory managemen, pre 5.2. [22:58] <\sh> soren: 8MB is not enough anymore regarding some php apps :( [22:59] uhm, i'll just briefly mention PHP is not *only* used for web pages, and then fade away [22:59] I don't know the details, but I doubt the new way to calculate it means that what used to be considered 8 MB is now suddenly 128MB. [22:59] ! [22:59] right. [22:59] of course. it's more like 16/32M now. [22:59] <\sh> ScottK: I added extra-plughins to the very same FFe request [22:59] I'd be quite surprised if the worst case scenario was ~double. [23:00] \sh: That has always been the case. [23:00] \sh: Gallery has been famously memory hungry. [23:00] \sh: That doesn't mean we should change an otherwise sane default. [23:00] <\sh> soren: yeah...drupal wants also 16 to 32mb...on dapper I have a default of 32m and it's ok for most of the apps [23:01] <\sh> so I think 16M could be a sane default [23:01] where is that i request for givin-backs [23:01] nxvl: as a developer of the component (MOTU or core-dev) [23:02] LaserJock: a universe package [23:02] <\sh> Fujitsu: dude, who can someone remove silly CVEs from a sec bug report? ;) [23:02] <\sh> s/who/how/ [23:02] nxvl: pitti on -devel [23:02] nxvl: what package? [23:02] pochu: thnx [23:03] LaserJock: mysql-gui-tools [23:03] pochu: generally it's preferable to have a dev ask for a give-back [23:03] LaserJock: ah, that too [23:03] just so we don't have random people asking for give-backs [23:03] though nxvl is far from a random person :-) [23:04] :) [23:04] what are give-backs? :P [23:04] heh [23:04] an he's a MOTU [23:04] :P [23:04] RainCT: is a request for a rebuild [23:05] nxvl: so libgconf2 was the problem? [23:05] RainCT: there are some package FTBFS that have fail due a dependecy failure or a random error [23:05] LaserJock: yep, it seemd to be [23:05] Ah. Thanks :P [23:05] RainCT: If a build fails, we can just retry the build. That's called a give-back. [23:05] LaserJock: pbuilder build it fine, with some warnings but fine [23:06] why not call it just "rebuild"? :P [23:06] <\sh> RainCT: because we have two types of rebuild [23:07] so, rebuild is if it gets "buildX" into the version number and give-back if it is rebuilded without uploading it again? [23:07] <\sh> RainCT: one with re-uploading (e.g. to catch up with changed libs) and one without....e.g. it FTBFS because of certain things, but it's a simple archive todo to give it back to the buildds [23:07] nxvl: but is gconf2 fixed? [23:07] nxvl: I don't see a newer upload of gconf2 since the build failure [23:08] LaserJock: i don't see gconf2 on the FTBFS list [23:08] it's not [23:08] it built [23:08] but the problem in the mysql-gui-tools build is gconf2 failing to install [23:08] my guess is it's perhaps do to the libc problem [23:09] LaserJock: not on pbuilder [23:09] the error in the postinst is malloc: ../../bash/builtins/../../bash/builtins/printf.def:379: assertion botched [23:09] LaserJock: also i have gconf2 installed on my system and it works fine [23:09] nxvl: but we don't care about pbuilder, we care about the buildd [23:09] the question is why it died on the buildd [23:09] LaserJock: yep, thats true, but i don't have a buildd jus pbuilder :D [23:10] sure [23:10] let me check [23:11] np, I'm guessing it was either the libc problem or a random thing so I already asked for a give-back ;-) [23:11] well, good night :) === anthony is now known as tonyyarusso [23:12] <\sh> nxvl: switch from pbuilder to sbuild ;) will give you a very near copy of our buildds ;) [23:13] I don't think it would have made any difference in this case [23:13] \sh: thnx [23:14] LaserJock: yep, but is nice to know some other tools [23:14] yep [23:14] LaserJock: so i can test the packages further [23:15] <\sh> LaserJock: well, it gave me the opportunity to see glibc crashing like hell and recreating my schroots afterwards ;) [23:15] hah [23:15] <\sh> but good news: it just takes one minute to get rid of the brokenb one and rebuilding a new one ;) [23:16] <\sh> I think we should enforce motu hopefuls to use sbuild + lvm ;) [23:17] uggg, please no [23:17] sbuild is handy and nice, but I think there are a number of people who would rather not use it [23:18] <\sh> LaserJock: yeah...people with still 14k4 modems ;) [23:18] I've yet to get it going [23:18] mostly because until recently I've not used LVM [23:19] <\sh> LaserJock: if you want to use sbuild, think about using LVM + snapshotting and setting up a local mirror... [23:19] right, which I mostly don't want to do [23:19] it's great if you want to do that stuff, no doubt [23:19] but I don't see any huge benefits if you don't [23:20] LaserJock: i don't see anything wrong on gconf2.postinst :S [23:20] <\sh> LaserJock: for normale builds pbuilder is really enough...to know how the buildds are sometimes reacting it's quite nice to know about sbuild and it's behaviour... [23:20] nxvl: I doubt there is, there would most likely have been another upload since then [23:20] \sh: sure [23:21] mmm [23:21] i looking at the exact same version of gconf [23:21] s/i/i'm/g [23:21] <\sh> ok..bedtime..cu tomorrow morning === \sh is now known as \sh_away [23:21] nxvl: what are you looking for? I already said it's probably not gconf's fault :-) [23:23] heh [23:23] i didn't saw that [23:23] sorry [23:24] \sh_away: Then you have one ack from me for your FFe. [23:24] nxvl: np, just didn't want you to bang your head against it :-) [23:25] :D [23:25] nxvl: you need to ask a buildd admin to give it back, the usual suspects are pitti and lamont. [23:25] well i need to go to the dentist [23:25] see you later! [23:25] cya [23:25] have fun :/ [23:26] LaserJock: i won't! but thnx anyway :D [23:26] actually s/lamont/infinity/ [23:28] * tonyyarusso looks to see if there's been any progress on the possibility of a conduit ffe [23:30] Looks like some, but not enough :( [23:41] man the new System Monitor is sweet [23:52] hi. good evening [23:52] what is the name of the PyGTK package? [23:52] python-gtk2 ? [23:54] I'm trying to build a package that keeps telling me that it needs PyGTK. I've already included in the debian/control build-dep: python-gnome2-dev, python-gnome2-extras-dev, python-gtk2-dev, python-gtk2, python-gtk-1.2 and it still getting the same error [23:55] Legendario: does it use autotools? [23:55] usually I grep for the error I get and see what it's actually using to check [23:58] LaserJock, it has to use a Makefile to use autotools, right? [23:59] not necessarily, but likely