
jribnikrud: the argument I have seen in the past is that developers give more love to apt-get00:11
LjLgive you a better argument00:11
LjLboth work00:11
LjLwho gives a darn00:11
nikrudjrib: That's probably very true, but pretty vague. Not much to base a position on. 00:12
nikrudLjL: not me particularly. I prefer aptitude, use the gui for most everything 00:13
LjLliking that (ugly) GUI is i guess a reason good enough to just use aptitude00:13
LjL(i mean, you deserve it :P)00:13
nikrudnothing like !~i~sgnome to see what's new ;)00:17
LjLnikrud: well but you can do that without the GUI00:17
LjLwhere did your C go by the way :P00:17
nikrudbut with the 'limit to' command, it shows them nicely in a scrollable screen, with shift+gg just waiting00:18
nikrudC ? It went out when K&R got superseded00:18
Jack_SparrowIs Karsyth ban evading ?01:58
Hobbseejpatrick: why, though?  he's not on the access list02:01
nixternalI need ubotu to spit out bug reports when queried in #ubuntu-chicago - we used to have the feature but it no longer works02:02
Hobbseeyou can't have it.02:02
nixternalsure I can02:02
Hobbseeyou'll need Seveas 02:03
nixternal@lart Seveas 02:03
* Seeker` wonders why someone hasn't chained Seveas to a computer yet, so he is available 24/702:03
nixternalthose were the days02:04
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:10
LjLnixternal: can get ubotwo there meanwhile02:18
nixternalLjL: I can wait, thanks02:18
naliothubot3 bug 435502:20
nixternalbug #435502:20
Hobbseenixternal: it doesn't work for vista-lovers.02:20
nalioththe ubotu seems to work here02:20
nixternalhardy har har02:21
Myrtti00:17 [MrUnagi] your guinea pigs are cute =)04:44
Myrtti00:17 @,- MrUnagi [n=mrunagi@c-67-167-170-117.hsd1.tn.comcast.net]04:44
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
jpatrickHobbsee: no, Sebasitan is not on it07:59
jpatrickHobbsee: and he's still getting ops on join07:59
jussi01jpatrick: join/part spam, tried to forward him, but failed :(08:03
jussi01does ##fixyourconnection not exist anymore?08:04
jpatrickjussi01: it's ##fix_your_connection08:05
* jussi01 hugs jpatrick 08:05
jussi01yep, noticed..08:05
* jpatrick hugs the auto_bleh08:05
jussi01seems my bad pc day is continuing...08:05
jpatrickit even knew what IP he had when he was cloaked...08:06
jussi01jpatrick: :D I have auto_bleh also :D08:06
jussi01can wait till they get scripting in quassel :)08:07
jussi01then I might be able to use it08:07
elkbuntuMyrtti, your guinea pigs?08:18
jussi01elkbuntu: havent you seen them?08:19
elkbuntujussi01, what worries me is that unagi has08:19
jussi01elkbuntu: they are on a public web page, findable by google08:20
elkbuntujussi01, that requires one to search rather specifically, i assume08:28
elkbuntu... which means unagi searched for myrtti :-/08:28
Myrttielkbuntu: my guinea pigs08:28
MyrttiI've given the url in -ot, but he hasn't been there for atleast a week, since I banned him08:29
Myrttiso... either way08:29
jussi01elkbuntu: true, although Myrtti has mentioned the link several times in several channels.... and i just asked myself a question, why am I even having this discussion...08:29
MyrttiNo sir, I don't like it08:29
ubotuArthurArchnix called the ops in #ubuntu (nordland-iv & smallfry)09:37
jpatrickand noone's around09:42
jpatrickhi ArthurArchnix 09:45
ArthurArchnixhi jpatrick ... 09:45
jpatrickArthurArchnix: all the #ubuntu ops appear to be sleeping/working09:46
ArthurArchnixjpatrick: That's what I came to find out. 09:46
ArthurArchnixjpatrick: Two guys have been offtopic in #ubuntu for about 15 minutes now, usually they'd have been warned and kicked by now.09:46
jpatrickArthurArchnix: yes, sorry, but I only have the ops in #kubuntu and some minor #ubuntu-* channels, you'll have to wait till there's some sign of life from the others...09:47
ArthurArchnixjpatrick: Ok... well, that's pretty unusual, but what can be done. Thanks anyway.09:47
ubotuArthurArchnix called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:19
jussi01jpatrick: perhaps you or I should talk to PriceChild about this situation, seems often there arent ops around/takes them a while to respond in the morining our time. (since we are often around at this time)10:25
jpatrickjussi01: #kubuntu ops >  *10:25
jussi01jpatrick:  thats the coolest factoid :P10:33
jpatrickjussi01: yep10:33
jussi01Daviey: ?10:34
Daviey#ubuntu -->10:34
* jpatrick just discovered Alt-A and loves it10:36
jussi01jpatrick: that rocks :D10:36
jpatrickjussi01: just got it from -motu10:37
elkbuntuwhat does alt-a do?10:55
jussi01elkbuntu: in irssi it takes you to where the action is10:56
Myrttiscreen has some nice features too10:57
MyrttiI used to split screen when I was opping #ubuntu more than now10:58
Myrttiallowed me to hack some php the same time I watched what was going on at #u10:58
Myrttinow I've just got another window in screen to hold my other irssi session on another server10:59
* jussi01 hasnt yet mastered screen10:59
jpatrickelkbuntu: or it takes you to where you were last hilighted11:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:10
jpatrick!ar is <reply> La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe11:16
ubotuI'll remember that, jpatrick11:16
jussi01oooh, did someone fix supybot?11:17
PriceChildHey jussi01 jpatrick.11:17
jussi01PriceChild: hello11:17
Myrttiwhat about arabic?11:17
Myrttiis there an arabic channel?11:17
jpatrickMyrtti: well #ubuntu-ar is Argentina11:17
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa11:17
Myrttijussi01: thanks11:17
jpatrickmorning PriceChild 11:18
MyrttiI'll remember that, jussi01 11:18
PriceChilddoes that factoid have an ending? I don't see it.11:19
PriceChildanyway... so who wants ops in #ubuntu?11:19
Myrttiwould it be silly to suggest a crossover way?11:19
jussi01PriceChild: We were thinking it would be good to have either myself or jpatrick as we are often up before you ;)11:20
jussi01ie. see this morning11:20
Myrttisorry, was sleeping :-(11:20
jpatrickPriceChild: some arab text11:20
Myrttibut anyways...'11:20
PriceChildjussi01: are you saying I'm lazy and sleep in all the time?11:21
jussi01PriceChild: hehehe, no. just "not around" in the mornings :)11:22
jussi01besides, Im 2 hours ahead of you11:22
* jussi01 hugs PriceChild 11:22
PriceChildOk, will pm the others, see what they say.11:23
PriceChildIf anyone thinks they'll go mad with power or just generally bad after seeing something I haven't, please tell :)11:24
jussi01PriceChild: ok.11:26
jpatrickPriceChild: right11:29
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary,  I could use a bit of your time :)12:23
naliothmez, did you get sorted?12:43
Meznalioth, not exactly. Was hoping for Floodbot* to be killed off so their grace period gets restarted.12:44
PiciMez: I kicked floodbot312:44
PiciThey're -J +J spam was getting to me.12:44
MezPici, yeah, it's the only one that needs restarting12:44
nalioth'grace period' ?12:45
naliothand how is the network staff supposed to restart them?12:45
Picifloodbot3 is stuck in emergency mode. 12:46
Meznalioth, a /kill will make it re-set its emergency state12:46
Mez(as it re-initialises the bot)12:46
MezI dont think that Floodbot3 has the new code for some reason12:47
Mezcause it's not responding to "forced normality"12:47
naliothso if it gets /killed ( if ) and doesn't have the 'new software', what's keeping it from doing whatever irks you when it rejoins?12:49
Meznalioth, the fact that it resets itself :D (so resets all the link information)12:52
Mezit's basically cause 2 servers dissapeared from the network and havent come back yet12:52
Mez#but /killing it makes it reset itself, and unless it's forced into an emergency mode (which it wont be unless the other bots are) then it's fine.12:53
MezPlus - I'm slapping LjL to update the code as soon as he's away12:53
Mezawake *12:53
Mezand now they've all gone into emergency mode again :(12:54
naliothso the bot is doing what it's supposed to be doing?12:54
nalioththey always do when one joins12:54
Mezyeah - except bot 3 is stuck in emergency12:55
Mezthe others are normal now12:55
Mezyay! they is all normal!12:58
ubotuGlad you made it! :-)12:58
naliothbot3 is stuck in emergency mode?12:59
PiciIt just fixed itself...13:00
* Mez fixed it13:01
* Mez told it to check that it was who it was, and it jumped into normal mode13:01
Mez(lil bug in the code that I noticed and exploited to make it reset the links)13:02
nalioththey all go into 'emergency mode' when they join13:03
PiciIt was in 'emergency mode' when I kicked it.13:03
naliothPici: i just quit it at the controlling terminal and restarted it13:03
Picinalioth: o13:04
naliothi'm not discussing it's past activities13:04
Meznalioth, oh... I didnt see you restart it :D13:04
naliothbut you guys seem to be on a witch hunt on it13:04
Meznalioth, are you the person who controls Floodbot3 then ?13:05
naliothi control one of them13:05
naliothnumbers are first-come-first-serve13:05
* Pici points Mez to floodbot3's cloak13:05
Picier, one of the cloaks then :p13:05
Mez [FloodBot3] (i=nalioth@ubuntu/bot/floodbot): #ubuntu guard bot13:06
Meznalioth, I dont think you have the latest code for some reason then...13:06
Meznalioth: last changelog on my copy is // 14/3/200813:07
szczurekhi, i change server to ubuntu.../8001 bat i have still problem ;)13:20
szczurekplease test me 13:20
jpatrickszczurek: /join #ubuntu-read-topic13:20
jpatrickszczurek: type "test me" there13:20
Mez<+FloodBot2> szczurek has requested an exploit test, but is not known as a victim13:21
jpatrickMez: whopps13:22
szczurekstill the same problem ;)13:22
Mezthere's a little issue szczurek - bear with us13:22
LjLdo it again13:22
Mezhe obviously didnt fix himself13:23
szczurekyesterday was oki 13:24
szczurekstill no succes ;)13:24
szczureksory for my english ;_13:24
Mezszczurek, change your Xchat settings so you connect to the server on port 8001 instead of 666713:24
szczurekon 6667 and 8001 is the same error13:27
szczurekMez: what i can do ? :(13:32
Mez!exploit | szczurek 13:32
ubotuszczurek: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit13:32
LjLszczurek: make sure that, if you have a "freenode" and an "ubuntu" account on the irc client, you change *both*, and also that you completely *restart* your client13:33
szczureki find the error, the nic szczurek is registred 13:37
szczurekbut yesterdey no 13:37
szczureki will registred my nic, when i can do this ??13:38
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.13:39
LjLbut that doesn't have anything to do with the connection problem13:39
szczurekthenx gays, nice day 13:41
szczureksory rof my english i am form poland 13:41
LjLerr, you still haven't typed "test me"13:41
szczurekLjL: yes, bacouse i am on szczurek 13:42
szczureki will join on szczurek_pl13:42
szczurekand is oki 13:42
LjLszczurek is *not* registered13:42
LjLyou can register it13:43
LjLwell whatever you want13:43
szczurek_pli am back and is oki 13:43
ompaulszczurek_pl, type >>          test me                    << please13:44
LjLit's fixed yeah13:44
ompaulin #ubuntu-readtopic13:44
szczurek_pltest me 13:44
LjLin #ubuntu-read-topic13:44
ompaulszczurek_pl, not here >>>>  in #ubuntu-readtopic13:45
LjLand "szczurek" is free to register anyway13:45
LjLompaul, watch your channel names :P13:45
szczurek_plszczurek_pl: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how).13:45
LjLompaul: anyway, he's fixed it13:45
LjLompaul, mind forwarding the channel you mentioned?13:46
jribugh, what is ubuntuzilla?13:46
szczurek_plbat i am on #ubuntu and i can write and read 13:46
LjLszczurek_pl: that's only because you changed your nickname...13:46
ompaulLjL, never joined it ;-)13:46
jribsounds like the second coming of automatix13:46
LjLompaul: it's registered by you however :)13:46
ompaulmaybe when we were startin g all this stuff13:47
LjLyeah tis old13:47
ompaulwhat was it again /cs mode fi or something13:47
szczurek_plmaybe tommorow a have to change too szczurek_pl1 ......13:47
LjL/cs set #ubuntu-readtopic mlock +stnmif #ubuntu-read-topic13:47
ompaulLjL, I think you will find you are on your own there now ;-)13:48
ompaul!register | szczurek_pl 13:48
ubotuszczurek_pl: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.13:48
LjLi think you will find i've parted :P13:48
ompaulI think you will find I was the only person ever to be removed from that channel13:49
ompaulalbeit by myself13:49
Amaranthheh, does the bot ever work?13:49
Amaranthit won't test me either13:49
LjLAmaranth, are you an exploit victim?13:49
LjLhave you read the message? :)13:50
jpatrickAmaranth: tested me fine last night13:50
LjLAmaranth, do you think the bot should happily test *and unban* anyone who joins and asks? ;P13:50
AmaranthLjL: The message tells me nothing13:50
LjLAmaranth, the message tells you that it doesn't recognize your nickname13:50
LjLAmaranth, join -monitor, type "victim amaranth", and try again13:51
LjL(or alternatively ban your nickname from #ubuntu....)13:51
ompaulI hereby declare your LjL I already set him as a victim after he complained13:52
ompaulI hereby declare ompaul an enemy of hardy - I got lots of ways not to get it to run 13:53
ubotuArthurArchnix called the ops in #ubuntu (bosanac)14:04
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (bosanac)14:04
Jack_Sparrowompaul, are you here...14:07
ompaulI am 14:08
Jack_SparrowMez, Can you tell what happened there...14:08
Jack_SparrowI just sat down and saw one guy retaliate against anther and banned the one but what about who started it.. was it in another language14:09
ompaulJack_Sparrow, the guy you banned needed it the other guy ot by pici will do14:10
ompaullet it go14:10
MezJack_Sparrow, no idea, just watching that guy who I muted... 14:10
Mezseems they just seem to be saying hi over and over again14:10
Jack_Sparrownp..  JUst wanted to make sure I didnt do something wrong14:10
ompauldon't worry about it14:11
ompauljust ask here for someone to look at it if you think you got it wrong they will and if it needs fixing they can - mistakes will happen14:11
ompauland didn't there14:11
MezJack_Sparrow, my opping was nothing to do with your ban :D14:11
Mezjust keeping an eye on someone who is a potential troll14:12
Jack_SparrowThat was my concern yes14:12
Mezsorry if I made you nervous :D14:12
Jack_SparrowA little.. 14:12
Mezhehe ... unrelated incident.14:12
MezI would have /msgd you if there was an issue14:13
Jack_Sparrowompaul, It was the timing of MEz that had nme rethink it..14:13
Jack_SparrowFor a sewc it felt like I just shot the hostage and not the bad guy14:14
ompaulJack_Sparrow, well you didn't your glasses do not have distortion ;-)14:15
* ompaul is wondering about a live cd and ubuntu hardy 14:15
ompaulhmm and a usbstick14:15
ompaulI think this is what I need ;-)14:15
ompaulnoapic tests 14:16
Jack_Sparrowompaul, Have you tried that script for iso2usb14:18
Jack_SparrowI hope to give that a shot today14:19
Jack_SparrowMake an iso on usb bootable http://jak-linux.org/tmp/iso2usb.sh14:19
* Mez sighs14:19
MezI'm glad I caught that one early14:20
Mezhttp://rafb.net/p/RLTp6v29.html <-- for anyone who is interested14:21
MezSeveas, can we have the bt parse enters in the comments as <br /> ? It makes it nicer when pasting logs from +x14:24
MezSeveas, can we have the bt parse enters in the comments as <br /> ? It makes it nicer when pasting logs from +z *14:24
SeveasMez, file a bugreport :)14:33
naliothfolks, the banlist isn't 'fire and forget'.  let's parse our bans daily, please14:36
* Pici agrees, goes to find his open bans14:37
naliothalso i've noticed some of you are banning full out when a simple /remove and !tell $nick about COC/offtopic/whtever would do14:37
naliothi'm beginning to have efnet flashbacks14:37
* Mez hands nalioth some prozac to help him through the flashbacks14:38
PiciMez: yikes thats a big comment14:40
* tonyyarusso notes that it helps when the bantracker actually works - has had more than one instance when it was unavailable14:40
MezPici, lol ... yeah - all the +z stuff14:40
Meztonyyarusso, for me it being available is the exception to the rule14:40
PiciSpeaking of the bantracker... Seveas: What plans do you have for the bantracker in the new bot?  Should I continue to work on my code fork for the current supybot based version? Or do we want to keep bantracking and factoids separate?14:42
SeveasPici, I want to look at your code and integrate it in the new bot14:47
Seveassupybot must die14:47
LjLubotwo: die14:48
naliothhi ikonia have a nice vacation?14:52
Piciikonia: hi! 14:53
jpatrickikonia: welcome back :)14:53
PiciWeird.  I was just asking yesterday if anyone had seen you around...14:53
jpatrick!seenserv | Pici 14:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seenserv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:53
Picijpatrick: I meant in #ubuntu channels...14:54
jpatrickPici: right14:54
ikoniathank you gents14:56
ikonianalioth vacation....no chance, it was a work trip14:56
ikoniasupposedly 4 days turned into just over 2 weeks around the world14:56
LjLhey ikonia14:57
ikoniahey LjL 14:57
ikoniaanything new with you guys ?14:58
Seeker`lo ikonia 15:00
ubotuMenZa called the ops in #ubuntu (Xherexade)15:04
jpatrickhe's in #defocus15:05
jpatrick...and just /quit15:06
LjL[16:05:59] <lasivian> uh, the spam was the result of my problem, totally unintentional :(15:06
jpatrickI was talking about Xherexade15:07
ikoniahello Seeker` 15:08
LjLjpatrick: unbanned the crazy mouse one15:08
jpatrickLjL: thing is: WHY don't these *.es guys go to #ubuntu-es? :(15:11
LjLno comments :)15:13
jpatrickhi mohbana, how can we help you?15:45
mohbanahello everyone, i think i was banned from #ubuntu how can i contact the admin15:45
mohbanai little cousin was writing pooo and stuff like that she is only 12 years old15:46
jpatrickone moment please15:46
jpatrickompaul: ping, your ban15:48
jpatrickmohbana: I see what you mean by the little cousin...15:49
jpatrickhey Jaymac, how may I help you today?15:49
mohbanayeh she kept insisting that i was talking to a machine and not actual people15:49
Jaymaci was forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topic...15:49
Jaymacjust wondering, does this message: FloodBot1> jaymac: Sorry, you'll have to wait a little longer still, we are experiencing problems... hold tight! You will be allowed back in shortly.15:49
Jaymacmean that i have got rid of any problem on my system, and that there is just a problem with #ubuntu?15:50
PriceChildJaymac: correct. I think you're allowed back in now.15:50
jpatrickJaymac: you are suffering from a router exploit and we are having trouble why the bots...15:50
jpatrickmohbana: aww..15:50
Jack_SparrowJaymac, You were just unbanned by the bot15:50
Jaymacok thanks :)15:51
jpatrickok, missed the unbanning..15:51
Jack_SparrowYou were typing15:51
Jaymacso do i type test me again, or just /j #ubuntu ?15:51
jpatrickJaymac: just /j yeah15:51
* jpatrick hugs Jack_Sparrow 15:51
Jaymacgreat, cheers15:51
LjLsorry am using hammer to try to fix those bots' pastebin function15:52
ompauljpatrick, back after a little drive15:53
jpatrickompaul: mohbana's case looks okay to me, no previous bans, etc15:53
jpatrickompaul: but, cya later!15:53
mohbanajpatrick, :) thanks15:54
ompaulmohbana, so ehh when you walk away from the keyboard please click on System Quit LockScreen and keep people from disrupting the channel please15:54
ompaulyou can also make a short cut to your desktop or use hotkeys15:55
ompaulI would ask you to ask your cousin to read this:15:56
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:56
ompaulmohbana, would you do that for me please?15:56
mohbanayep how do i create a shortcut on the desktop for lock screen/15:56
ompaulmohbana, back shortly ask in the chanenl your ban is removed15:57
ompauldinner is served15:57
jpatrickompaul: bon appetit15:58
jpatrickmohbana: you may now /join #ubunut15:58
jpatrickmohbana: have a great day!15:59
jpatrickmohbana: can we help you with something else?16:01
mohbanajpatrick, nope thanks16:01
jpatrickmohbana: then I'm afraid I have to point you at the /topic for this channel16:02
Seeker`Can anyone alter the topic in #ubuntu-meeting and #ubuntu-classroom?16:37
naliothalter it to what?16:39
nalioththe bot handles -metting16:39
Seeker`I want to tell people not to use mootbot, as you currently cant access the logs, so there isn't much point16:41
Seeker`The bot should have parted16:44
nikrudthe floodbots in #ubuntu seem to be acting up again16:53
Picinikrud: LjL and Mez are working on them.16:54
PiciSee #ubuntu-ops-monitor16:54
nikrudPici: thanks16:54
nikrudnot another channel ;(16:54
MezI think we fixed them Pici 16:55
jpatricknikrud: +116:56
MezMez++ LjL++ :D17:23
SeveasSeeker`, do you want me to kick mootbot?17:23
Seveasah, it left already :)17:23
kavikseveas, what's up17:25
Seveaskavik, the ceiling17:28
kaviksevas apparently you banned me from #ubuntu, right?17:53
naliothkavik: please be patient17:56
kaviknalioth i am, i just typed his name in wrong17:57
jpatrickkavik: Sending CTCPs or notices to a channel is very obnoxious17:58
jpatrickkavik: it's just something you shouldn't do as there is no need to..17:59
ompaulkavik, while you are waiting perhaps you would like to read this 18:00
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:00
jpatrickkavik: Seveas probably didn't know he did as he has a script which does the banning and kicking for them :)18:01
kaviki didn't know that it sent CTCPs.. i don't even know what that means18:04
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:05
LjLkavik, please ensure you don't do this again, and also worth checking out the guidelines, sure, but also the factoids listed in this18:05
LjL!etiquette > kavik    (kavik, see the private message from Ubotu)18:05
kaviksorry i didn't mean to18:06
kavikhow do i check out !guidelines18:06
Picikavik: ubotu just told you it.18:06
jpatrickkavik: open the link in the factoid18:06
kavik!etiquette > kavik18:11
ubotunosrednaekim called the ops in #kubuntu ()18:13
kavikcool, ubotu just tells you stuff? that's neat18:16
jpatrick!bot > kavik 18:16
kavikhello ubotu18:17
kavikaww.. :-(18:17
jpatrickkavik: see the pm18:17
kavikme friend made a bot that took whatever you said and mostly made complete sentences back to you. it was learning.. lol18:18
kavik!bot > kavik18:18
LjLkavik, you ALREADY had a PM from the bot right after jpatrick typed that18:18
kavikyeah, i read it then closed it18:18
jpatrick!msgthebot > kavik 18:19
ubotuIn ubotu, kavik said: what is lobotomy add18:24
kaviki don't get it18:24
jpatrickPici: +118:24
kavikthat sends a request?18:25
LjLthat is a command, that you can't use anyway18:25
Picikavik: What are you trying to do?18:25
PiciLobotomy add is an admin command for the bot.18:25
LjLwhere was that command listed?18:25
kaviknothing, i'm just exploring commands18:25
LjLuse commands that begin with ! or @, the others aren't accessible18:25
kaviki just typed in "list channel"18:25
kavikand it was in the list18:25
kaviki thought it would list the channels18:25
jpatrickBad Idea18:26
Picikavik: While I'm hoping your intentions were good, Ubotu is not chanserv.  If you want to list Freenode channels, /msg chanserv list *pattern*18:26
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:26
kavikoh yeah.. heh.. chanserv i forgot about that.18:26
kavikit's been a while since i've been on irc.. well. besides yesterday18:27
kavikso wait.. if i'm in another room, i can talk to ubotu and request an admin for something? (i don't think it'd ever be neccessary but.. )18:28
LjLrequest what?18:29
jpatrickkavik: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:29
kaviki don't know. like how ubotu said "nosrednaekim called the ops in #kubuntu ()"18:30
LjLah, the ops. only do that in cases of very serious channel disruption18:30
LjLand you need to do that in a channel to actually alert the ops, anyway18:30
kaviki don't think i'd ever need to use it, but what's the command?18:31
kavikor does it tell me on http:/wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntubots?18:31
* jpatrick headdesks - Sebastian still oped on /join in -motu18:32
Picijpatrick: do you have +o's on highlight? 18:33
jpatrickPici: no18:33
jpatrickPici: but he keeps doing it for some reason...18:34
Picijpatrick: Has anyone talked to him about it?18:34
jpatrickPici: don't think so, he's not on the access list either18:34
Seveashi kavik, my pc hung, dunno if you said something in the last hour18:37
kavikha ha18:37
Seveasvino-server made it hang18:37
Seveasand I was in a station an hour from home :)18:38
kaviki think it's cool now. i was banned from #ubuntu and just wanted to talk to you about it18:38
Seveashas it been taken care of?18:38
kavikI "/ping #ubuntu" and it sent like.. a million messages or something18:38
kaviksomeone said something about a CTCP or something18:38
Seveasyeah, I autoban for that18:38
kavika lot of them18:38
Seveasit's annoying18:38
ompaulkavik, you asked for the million messages18:39
kavikand i just wanted to say sorry i didn't mean to do it. i didn't know it sent messages in the public 18:39
kaviki thought it was just messages like if you typed /nickserv18:39
kavikso only you can see it, but apparently not18:39
kavikand apparently i'm unbanned so it's cool.18:39
SeveasI see you've been unbanned, so have fun in #ubuntu and don't ping again :)18:39
ompaulkavik, every person in the channel sees it18:39
kavikyeah i've learned :-)18:39
LjLand don't forget !etiquette18:39
ompaulkavik, is there anything else?18:40
kavikno that was all i came in here for.18:40
kavikompaul i asked for the million messages but i didn't know that everyone saw them18:41
kavikbut now i know18:41
ompaulok 18:41
Seveaskavik, if there's nothing else, this channel has a no-idling policy, see /topic :)18:41
kavikk later18:41
LjL[19:44:38] <__catron_> only 6 more people until there are 1337 people in this room18:44
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
nikrudme was the 1337th once18:50
LjLwell we're palyndrome right now18:51
nikrudLjL: and about the 'c', I was brain dead: it's so you have a chance on the stats ;-p18:51
LjLi resisted the urge18:51
LjLbut there was such an urge18:51
nikrudah, you are such a fine person :)18:51
PriceChildSeveas: I like your sig.19:01
Myrttiwhat the hell is my irssi doing19:07
SeveasPriceChild, :)19:07
Seveasgot it from ajaxxx19:08
Myrttiit keeps checking on #ubuntu19:08
jpatrickMyrtti: you got track.pl on?19:14
Myrttinot that I know of19:18
no0ticwhat's track.pl? :)19:21
jpatrickno0tic: it changes window on activity19:21
no0ticterrible :)19:21
naliothvery terrible19:23
jpatrickespecially with #ubuntu19:23
MyrttiOY LOL19:30
jpatrickah it's http://irssi.org/scripts/scripts/follow.pl19:32
Myrttibut the poem <319:32
Myrtti  Remember Poe, insane with longing19:32
Myrtti  For his tragically lost Lenore.19:32
Myrtti  Instead, you quest for files.19:32
Myrtti  Quoth the Raven, "404!"19:32
ompaulMyrtti, that should be in the topic of -offtopic19:34
ompaulwe need something clever19:34
jpatrickwb Pici 19:38
Picithanks... connection was doing some weird things there.20:00
LjLbad connection20:01
jpatrickPici: http://theinternet.isdeadtome.net/20:01
* LjL slaps connection20:01
PiciI kept losing my ssh connection before. I was just outside my apartment getting my email on my ipod and it was working, as soon as I sat down at my desk here, it went out again.20:03
LjLbad desk20:03
jpatrickPici: yeah, I have the same here20:05
jpatrickPici: I'm downstairs in my room, no internet, go upstairs everything works20:05
LjLsolar flares20:05
jpatrickMyrtti: going 404s?20:11
Myrttiyeah, a bit20:11
MyrttiI want something yummy20:12
* jpatrick eyes sudobash in #freenode20:14
ScottLijcan someone test my connection?20:15
ScottLijI can't join #ubuntu after I changed the port 20:15
jussio1ScottLij: did you follow the instructions in the topic there?20:16
jpatrickScottLij: "ScottLij has requested an exploit test, but is not known as a victim"20:16
naliothjussio1: can we help you?20:16
jpatricknalioth: jussi01 :)20:16
ScottLijyes, I changed the port and did "test me" but I still can't join #ubuntu20:16
jpatrickScottLij: but you are not a victim..20:17
ompaulScottLij, the bot said ScottLij: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how).20:17
ScottLijwhy can't I join #ubuntu?20:17
ompaulScottLij, is that your usual nick20:17
naliothjussio1: we have a no idle policy here, thx20:18
jussi01Thanks nalioth :P20:18
* nalioth likes to know who he's talking to20:19
ScottLijIt just let me in20:19
ScottLijthanks if someone did something 20:19
ompaulScottLij, ehh no you were banned20:19
ompaullets look at it20:20
jussi01nalioth: my apologies I was testing a new client. (quassel)20:20
ompaulyou were not forced to -read-topic from what I can see20:20
naliothjussi01: i don't need any apologies, just keeping the channel clear of unidentified folks20:20
jpatrickompaul: #ubuntu  ScottLij!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic   FloodBot1   Mar 16 2008 15:18:3020:21
naliothyou could have identified to services and kept it here, jussi01 20:21
ompauljpatrick, hmm 20:21
ompauljpatrick, make him a victim and get him tested then please20:21
ompaulScottLij, please to the test thing on jpatricks say so in a moment20:22
jpatrickScottLij: please do "test me" in -read-topic20:22
jussi01nalioth: yes, I just realised the client didnt auto identify :)20:22
ompauljussi01, it is a new client - I am saying nothing other than I am in the kind of form where avoiding me might be good :P20:23
* ompaul rusn20:23
* ompaul runs20:23
ompaulScottLij, sorry about the confustion20:23
jpatrickScottLij: scottlij has been removed from the exploit quarantine20:23
jpatrickScottLij: have a nice day20:24
ompaulScottLij, sorry about the confusion, you can leave here now20:24
ompaulI figure he is not looking20:25
* nalioth pats the jussi twins20:26
* jussio1 gives uncle nalioth a hug :P20:27
LjLjussio1: ah they've released? was time20:29
jpatrickLjL: ages ago20:29
jussio1LjL: yeah, its been out for a bit20:29
jpatrickLjL: http://quassel-irc.org/20:29
jussio1LjL: apachelogger has a ppa repo20:29
jpatrickLjL: https://edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive20:30
jussio1jpatrick: how many times can we ping LjL?20:31
jpatrickjussio1: why would you want to ping LjL?20:31
LjLbecause you like kicks evidently20:33
* Myrtti is confused20:33
* jussio1 hugs Myrtti... there there20:34
Seeker`Myrtti: is it unusual for you to be confused?20:34
Myrttilately no20:35
MyrttiI overslept today20:36
Myrttihad to take a nap at 11... ended up sleeping until four20:36
naliothnaps are wonderful20:37
Myrttinow I feel like I'm high on sugar20:38
Myrttino wait20:38
MyrttiI _AM_ high on sugar20:38
ubotuHardyOne called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:39
ompaulLjL, should all parties being banned from #ubuntu be given a quit message of here20:40
* ompaul shudders20:40
ompaulforget that20:40
ompaulDear Troll, now we don't like your trolling, do drop by and troll some more.20:41
ompaulRegards, 20:41
* Myrtti hugs ompaul20:41
ompaulyour friendly channel operator20:41
ompaulhi Myrtti  ;-)20:41
jussio1!lolops | ompaul20:42
ubotuompaul: Teh lolops r in ur chanelz, wotchin u mizbehav20:42
Myrttips. we've got bisquits and tea20:42
Myrttibiscuits, even20:42
* Seeker` wonders what a bisquit is20:42
ompaulSeeker`, a brand20:42
Myrttia satiric commentator on one of the yellow news papers here20:42
Myrttimy English writing has been going worse for a while now20:43
MyrttiI correct myself very often, I notice I start to write English as it were Finnish20:44
Myrttiwritten like its pronounced20:44
jussio1Ive seen that with more than one finn20:44
Myrttiand it's embarassing for me20:44
LjLdèn uòt sciud ai séi20:45
Myrttiai heit juu eljiiel20:46
Myrttijuu oll jast tiis mii20:46
* Myrtti gets a seizure20:46
ompaulMyrtti, I think we say it best with: ná boch20:47
ompaulgaelic - ignore - pay no attention 20:48
ompaulthat is the implication 20:48
Tm_Tompaul: =)20:48
ompaulasdf 20:48
ompaulwhere the hell is the spell checker for xchat20:48
Tm_Tmynd i oed20:49
* ompaul goes to kick it around20:49
Tm_Tompaul: ^^20:49
LjLMyrtti: ai tis evribòdi ìquali (en dèt is, e lòt)20:50
ompaulTm_T, I can but guess20:50
MyrttiLjL: ai nou. änd ai laav juu for tät.20:51
Tm_Tompaul: "I'm getting old"20:51
ubotuIf you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops20:51
Tm_Tompaul: or literally: "getting old"20:51
ompaulTm_T, ack20:51
LjLnau nau, chip iòr distansis20:51
mneptokSTAUP ET, YIW TIW!20:52
Tm_Tompaul: cymraeg <320:52
MyrttiLjL: :-<20:52
LjLmneptok: what is that armenian?20:52
mneptokLjL: Hmong20:53
Seeker`Seveas: is the new ubotu code in a viewable state?20:54
LjLi'mma goinna slowely go backa to normall english, itta willa justa taka soma timea20:54
SeveasSeeker`, it is20:54
Seveasryanakca has been looking at it ;)20:54
Seeker`Seveas: where?20:54
Seveasbzr branch http://blackbird.kaarsemaker.net/code/ubot20:55
ompaulSeveas, you have to do hawk.kaarsemaker.net20:55
Seveasompaul, I could20:56
jussio1Seveas: did you turn off file searching on the bot purposely?20:56
ompauldon't care what you alias it to but I feel every network should have one ;-)20:56
Tm_TSeveas: howbout singbird.20:56
LjLdonkey.kaarsemaker.net would suit him better20:56
Seveasjussio1, yes20:56
SeveasLjL, that forwards to you :p20:56
jussio1Seveas: ok. too intensive?20:57
ompaulLjL, it was that good20:57
Seveasapt-file is not the most efficient20:57
jussio1ok, fair enough20:57
LjLSeveas, ompaul would like to rent a domain at drunkenirish.kaarsemaker.net20:57
SeveasLjL, the 'irish' implies 'drunken'20:58
LjLSeveas: it's web 3.0, where everything is redundant20:58
ompaulLjL, but I am mad so I want sober.irish.kaarsemaker.net20:59
ompaulSeveas, you could make irish.kaarsemaker.net that is a static ip ;-)20:59
LjLanyway you should ask for his international domain at http://www.candlemaker.net21:01
LjLWat u nodig hebt, wanneer u het nodig hebt21:01
Seveasdomainsquatter crap21:01
ompaulLjL, thebutcherthebakerthecandlestickmaker.com21:02
LjLthat's his state's official motto21:03
LjLPici`: bad desk.21:19
LjLJack_Sparrow, you go with the hammer or i go with the hammer?21:23
Jack_SparrowOh my... 21:23
Jack_SparrowLjL, Should I let him back in now or let him wait a bit21:25
LjLJack_Sparrow, point to !coc and !guidelines and unmute21:27
Myrttignite yall22:03
jpatricknight Myrtti, sleep well22:05
Seveasmc44, is emma Ron Paul? :)22:11
mc44Seveas: nah, just the number 1 groupie :p22:11
Seveasthe entire top 10 it seems :)22:12
theunixgeekHi. I keep getting redirected to #ubuntu-read-topic. I've been accessing #ubuntu regularly; this started 2 days ago. I followed the instructions but it still doesn't work. Please help.22:31
Seveastheunixgeek, does the 'test me' thing disconnect you?22:32
theunixgeekSeveas: yes22:32
Seveastheunixgeek, then you didn't follow the instructions properly :)22:32
SeveasMake sure you connect via port 800122:33
theunixgeekSeveas: yes, I set it to be that.22:33
Seveastheunixgeek, on both 'freenode' and 'ubuntu servers'?22:33
Seveashmm, colloquy, don't know that one22:34
theunixgeekSeveas: OS X.22:34
theunixgeekSeveas: hmm... I'll try connecting with Pidgin.22:34
theunixgeekhold on.22:34
theunixgeekSeveas: still doesn't work :(22:37
Seveastheunixgeek, did you set pidgin to use port 8001?22:38
LjLtheunixgeek, err, you didn't ask for a test this time at all22:38
theunixgeekSeveas: yes22:38
theunixgeekLjL: oh. good point22:38
theunixgeekLjL: and I forgot to restart it22:38
theunixgeekIt works now!22:40
theunixgeekThanks, Seveas and LjL! :)22:40
LjLso we need to add instructions for... what? corollary? coronary? canary?22:41
LjL(/me guesses that's like the traditional greeting in dongland)22:50
mneptokken lee, e'leeba deeba dowchoo.22:53
naliothmocha or cream?23:00
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
ubotucrdlb called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:30
Amaranthjdong: i don't wanna clog up #upstart with stuff so i'm talking to you here :)23:46
Amaranthjdong: so how fast do you think this thing can get?23:46
LjLAmaranth, time perhaps to remove the moderation? it's been a quarter hour23:47
AmaranthLjL: what moderation?23:47
Amaranthoh, i didn't set that23:48
LjLah right23:48
LjLwell i'll remove it23:48
Amaranthi already did23:48
LjLright again, was still scrolled up :)23:51

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